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Author Topic: PRAYER REQUESTS - Please list here  (Read 1994418 times)
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Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #1400 on: October 27, 2007, 03:21:19 PM »

Remembering Shell in prayer and all the people in California who have lost their homes and everything they owned.  I am especially praying for those who had to leave pets behind that the pets some how made it and they are OK and will be reunited.


All posts reflect my opinion only and are not shared by all forum members nor intended as statement of facts.  I am doing the best I can with the information available.

Murder & Crime on Aruba Summary
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« Reply #1401 on: October 27, 2007, 03:32:23 PM »

Please remember my mother in prayer.  She has been the victim of a scam artist who has emptied her bank accounts and taken just about anything of value that she has.  She "loaned" him and his mother huge amounts of money.  We don't know if they stole or she even then gave them things to pawn but even her wedding rings are missing.  Arrests have been made for theft by deception but nothing found and local pawn shops said they were coming in twice a week with a load of things to pawn.

My mother is 89 years old and we thought she was completely lucid mentally but it seems that she wasn't and now she is fighting coming to live with either me or my sister.  If she goes home, these people are out on bail and they may take more.  She asked my brother in law if he thought the bank would loan her money.   Shocked  Had to be to give to them as she doesn't have any bills except utilities, etc.

She was in charge of trust fund for me and my sisters which we only get after her demise and she emptied that as well, told trust officers she had to pay for recent heart pace maker when insurance did that and wrote these people checks for amounts like $20,000 at a pop.

We are stunned.  My stepfathers coin collections, everything is just gone and we don't know where except these people have been seen in every pawn shop in the region with stuff.

Please pray that she will voluntarily stay with one of us as no telling what she could do if left on her own.  The people made bail and their trial is not until March.  I am sure they will be long gone by then.  The elderly are so vulnerable and while they may appear to be doing just fine, sometimes they are not thinking clearly.  We don't want to have to have her declared incompetent or something like that.  Please pray she will cooperate and stop doing this.



All posts reflect my opinion only and are not shared by all forum members nor intended as statement of facts.  I am doing the best I can with the information available.

Murder & Crime on Aruba Summary
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1402 on: October 27, 2007, 03:48:21 PM »

If you would continue to lift my sister-in-law Tommie up in your prayers I'd sure appreciate it.  I just found out a few hours ago that she is in the hospital.  She had a heart attack early Friday morning.  My brother forgot that he didn't call anybody.  He thought he called my sister.   He's so distraught.  Tommie is having a stint (spelling) put in Tuesday afternoon.  And possibly something to her only kidney because it's failing.  She's in bad shape.  Her age and health makes this a dangerous procedure, but the doctors say it must be done.   I just keep praying that she'll be here for Kristens wedding.  I'm just not ready to lose her yet.  Maybe a few prayers for me too would be nice.  My heart is just so heavy right now.   Thank ya'll so much.

Please remember my friend Carol as she is having a masectomy Monday.

Angie It is so sweet of you to take the time to pay your respects.  I truly never understood how important that was until my daddy died.  Then my mom.  Then my sister this past December.  It doesn't matter how large the crowd was they'll never forget who took the time to come.  Or something so kind as a card.  Or a meal.  It's amazing how such a small act of kindness can mean so much.  You're a good gal Angie.
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1403 on: October 27, 2007, 03:59:19 PM »

Oh Anna I am so sorry.  Damn people who prey on the elderly.  I hope your mom will listen to you, but do what you must to protect her.  She's at a time in her life where you prolly know better what is best for her. 
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« Reply #1404 on: October 27, 2007, 08:33:31 PM »

To my prayers I've added:

Shell, who I hope will have the strength to rebuild and I give prayers of thanks she and her pets got out.
Anna's Mom ~ I pray there will be a solution to what has happened and that those responsible will be held accountable.
Tommie, Snoopy's sister-in-law and her husband and family I pray for her health so that she may return to her family and make the wedding.  I pray for her husband to have strength during this difficult time.
Carol, Snoopy's sister~  I pray her surgery goes well and is returned to health.
Chrissy and Jake ~  I pray you will be well soon.
Clark~  I pray God will help guide you to find work and keep you strong for your family.

Prayers to all those in need, and I will give thanks for all we have been given. 

  " Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not his own facts."  - Daniel Moynihan
Jerry from Ohio
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« Reply #1405 on: October 28, 2007, 12:53:48 AM »

  Oh my Lord Anna  all of my deepest  sad feelings go out to you,  A friend just had something similar happen to her elderly Aunt  but it was the caregivers that stole her money and antiques  she died in a week but still that is a low thing to do to the elderly .
  My prayers also go out to all the SM  friends that are in need  remember that God does answer prayer .
           Jerry from Ohio

Please remember my mother in prayer.  She has been the victim of a scam artist who has emptied her bank accounts and taken just about anything of value that she has.  She "loaned" him and his mother huge amounts of money.  We don't know if they stole or she even then gave them things to pawn but even her wedding rings are missing.  Arrests have been made for theft by deception but nothing found and local pawn shops said they were coming in twice a week with a load of things to pawn.

My mother is 89 years old and we thought she was completely lucid mentally but it seems that she wasn't and now she is fighting coming to live with either me or my sister.  If she goes home, these people are out on bail and they may take more.  She asked my brother in law if he thought the bank would loan her money.   Shocked  Had to be to give to them as she doesn't have any bills except utilities, etc.

She was in charge of trust fund for me and my sisters which we only get after her demise and she emptied that as well, told trust officers she had to pay for recent heart pace maker when insurance did that and wrote these people checks for amounts like $20,000 at a pop.

We are stunned.  My stepfathers coin collections, everything is just gone and we don't know where except these people have been seen in every pawn shop in the region with stuff.

Please pray that she will voluntarily stay with one of us as no telling what she could do if left on her own.  The people made bail and their trial is not until March.  I am sure they will be long gone by then.  The elderly are so vulnerable and while they may appear to be doing just fine, sometimes they are not thinking clearly.  We don't want to have to have her declared incompetent or something like that.  Please pray she will cooperate and stop doing this.


Old Jer from Ohio
" I'm wild and a little crazy too ! 
 Some Girls don't  like boys like me  ,AWE, But some girls do  !

Monkey All Star
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« Reply #1406 on: October 28, 2007, 06:32:40 PM »

Ty everyone.

 Keeping you all in my prayers..

Anna, Snoopdawgs SIL and friend Carolyn.. Shell and her hubby and animals,Clark,  everyone.

Anna.. very sorry to hear whats happened with your mom.   Sad I HATE when people take advantage of elderly folks. Its a SIN.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #1407 on: October 29, 2007, 12:00:57 AM »

I read here, but don't post much.  I do keep you all in my prayers.  My heart aches for some of your trials.

I have a request for prayer that I have held on to, as it just doesn't seem as bad as others.  I thank God I have my health, and family.  But as some of you know I've had 3 surgeries in the past 5 mos. on my vocal chords for polyps and one for a minor compliction with the 2nd.  My voice is finally coming back and now has become the least of my concerns.  I was off work for those 5 mos., fortunatley covered financially with Short Term Disability, so didn't lose anything.  Well at the same time my company has been downsizing, due to a spin off.  The day I was scheduled to go back to work, they informed me, my job was gone.  The scariest part, is at age 43, I have been there for 22 yrs.  It's all I've ever known and I as I put my faith in God to take care of me, I still fear what will happen know.  I obviously have years of experience and BS degree, but have always suffered low self esteem.  I truly fear I will not find that job out there and don't even know if I want to do the same thing, or work for a major corp. anymore.   I guess it's the not knowing that I fear.  However, I was fortunate enough they provided me with a decent severance pay to get by for a little while until I find it.  Please pray, I have my eyes wide open to see the doors God opens for me in the mean time, I do the right thing with the money I get, to get us by, and my family fares ok.  I've always been the main and stable wage earner in our family, because of my proffesion compared to my husbands.  We've lost that stability and comfort now.   22 yrs. of loyalty to a company, and feeling like I've been kicked while I was down has been devastating to me, as I fight the depression and losing the motivation I need to move on.  It's so hard not to feel bitter!

Thank you all!  With Love and God Bless!

God has FINAL Judgement!<br />
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #1408 on: October 29, 2007, 12:09:20 AM »


Wishing you the best and will add you to the prayer chain.


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Scared Monkey
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« Reply #1409 on: October 29, 2007, 02:21:36 AM »

My heart breaks for you, Shell, in considering all you have lost.  That your focus is on the positive is inspiring.  You ask for prayers for all in your area, and we are praying!!! 

Anna, the situation with your mother is heartbreaking, too.  Unfortunately, it is not likely that she will voluntarily cooperate at this point.  It sounds like she believes she has done the right thing for these people, and, sadly, will continue to feel obligated to them.  They apparently have their claws sunk in that deep Sad  If she owns her home, you may want to be sure your mother hasn’t taken any new mortgages on it, and you also may want to see if she has re-written her will to include them in it.  Vultures like this tend to go after long-term things, too, in a big way.  I’ve seen it too often, for I regularly work with older people. From what you have written, I know you respect your mother’s need for autonomy, but I fear she has passed the point where she can stay alone or even make her own decision about that.  I will pray for you and your sister and mother as you do whatever needs to be done. 

Snoopy, Tommie and Carol are in my prayers.

Angie, I will continue to pray for you as you support your friend who has lost her husband. 

Di, unemployment and looking for a new job are extremely stressful.  I pray you will feel courage and hope—as well as the peace and strength of God’s love—as you begin your job search. 
Monkey All Star
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« Reply #1410 on: October 29, 2007, 11:14:16 AM »

I, too, read here, but do not always acknowledge the prayer requests.  Most often I can relate to them, however, and do add them to my prayers, as life hands us illness, loss of loved ones, jobs, homes, etc. and we all don't ask for spiritual support. 

Anna, we thought our father was handling things on his own, but found in 2006 that he had fooled us all and had been struggling with dementia and memory loss for some time.  I pray that you and your sister will be able to work out something to keep her safe moving forward. 

Dihannah, you will find something, and you can talk about your feelings in Musings if you desire.  You may find that many of us have been in your position, or have a loved one who has been.  Don't let them get you down.  Truth be told, I'm still bitter over the loss of my job last year, and it's not a healthy attitude to wake up with each day.  Financially, we have walked a tight rope but we are okay.  I pray you will be, too.

Snoopy, Angie and those I'm forgetting...remembering you, as well.

R.I.P Dear 2NJ - say hi to Peaches for us!

I expect a miracle _Peaches ~ ~ May She Rest In Peace.


None of us here just fell off the turnip truck. - Magnolia
« Reply #1411 on: October 29, 2007, 05:14:27 PM »


It is a terrible thing to go through, but I know God will carry you.  You have my prayers as well.
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« Reply #1412 on: October 29, 2007, 07:37:43 PM »

I read here, but don't post much.  I do keep you all in my prayers.  My heart aches for some of your trials.

I have a request for prayer that I have held on to, as it just doesn't seem as bad as others.  I thank God I have my health, and family.  But as some of you know I've had 3 surgeries in the past 5 mos. on my vocal chords for polyps and one for a minor compliction with the 2nd.  My voice is finally coming back and now has become the least of my concerns.  I was off work for those 5 mos., fortunatley covered financially with Short Term Disability, so didn't lose anything.  Well at the same time my company has been downsizing, due to a spin off.  The day I was scheduled to go back to work, they informed me, my job was gone.  The scariest part, is at age 43, I have been there for 22 yrs.  It's all I've ever known and I as I put my faith in God to take care of me, I still fear what will happen know.  I obviously have years of experience and BS degree, but have always suffered low self esteem.  I truly fear I will not find that job out there and don't even know if I want to do the same thing, or work for a major corp. anymore.   I guess it's the not knowing that I fear.  However, I was fortunate enough they provided me with a decent severance pay to get by for a little while until I find it.  Please pray, I have my eyes wide open to see the doors God opens for me in the mean time, I do the right thing with the money I get, to get us by, and my family fares ok.  I've always been the main and stable wage earner in our family, because of my proffesion compared to my husbands.  We've lost that stability and comfort now.   22 yrs. of loyalty to a company, and feeling like I've been kicked while I was down has been devastating to me, as I fight the depression and losing the motivation I need to move on.  It's so hard not to feel bitter!

Thank you all!  With Love and God Bless!

Dihannah, you will get through this.  I know exactly how you are feeling and it is the unknown that is scary.  I believe you are eligible for unemployement also so look into that.

I will keep you in my prayers.
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1413 on: October 29, 2007, 07:40:15 PM »

Dihannah  I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your job.  As an employer for over 19 years I can tell you that you have 3 things going for you.  1.  Your age.  2.  Your dedication to the job having been with your employer for 22 years. 3.  Your BS degree.  Honestly if I were looking to hire someone in your field I'd hire you in a heartbeat.  I've hired a lot of people over the years.  Your age I would consider a plus.  And how many people can say that they've been with one employer for so many years.  That's dedication.

I'll keep you in my prayers that you will find a good job where an employer  recognizes your qualitys.   Good luck to you.  You're gonna be fine.  Keep us posted.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #1414 on: October 29, 2007, 09:49:36 PM »

Thank you so much for that encouragement Peaches! You truly are an inspiration to all of us and such a blessing you are!  God Bless you!

I tried to start a resume and have know idea where to begin?  How do you put down 22 yrs. of work, including many different positions and job functions on one page?  What do employers really want to see besides what you mentioned?  Heck I don't even know what I want to do (when I grow up)  Wink

I feel this is petty promlem I have now, compared to others situations and wish more than anything I could help you each in some way. I won't even try to mention all the names right now,  as there are so many here in need.  I pray for answers and comfort no matter what your situation is.  God knows them and has the answers for all of us. 

I felt a true comfort come over me during my prayer times when we did the 24 hr prayer vigil and know he heard us all.  Sadly, he may not answer the way we 'want', but HE knows best and the future outcome.  As the biggest offender here, it's easier say to others, than to take as fact for ourselves.  (just like advice)

God Bless and comfort you all!

God has FINAL Judgement!<br />
mrs. red
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« Reply #1415 on: October 29, 2007, 10:18:58 PM »

Snoopy is right... your age is a positive... many many companies are wanting women our age right now... I know that there a lot of execeptions but they say we are the last generation that knows how to work... if you want to email me your resume I will be happy to help  - or there are probalby others that are even better at that than me.. maybe Nonesuch?

Everyone, you are all in my prayers everyday even when I don't acknowledge that I have seen the request, I do add it.. because even if I lurk, I read this thread every day...

ANNA, SNoopy, DiHannah, Shell, Roo's friend, Ang and her friends/kids... everyone of them -
God bless everyone..

To accomplish great things we must not only act but also dream, not only plan but also believe.
Author: Anatole
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« Reply #1416 on: October 30, 2007, 05:25:56 PM »

I'm having a hard time posting and even opening up pages in SM.I wanted to give you all an update.
My son is doing much better,off the respirator and should be coming home by next monday.Thank you all for your good thoughts and prayers.
I have 4 cysts,3 are simple cysts(fluid filled),the 1 cm cyst is a complex cyst...fluid filled with some suspicious matter in it.That's the one they aspirated last friday.Got my results is benign,no cancer.SUCH relief!
I have you all in my prayers and good thoughts.What an amazing group of caring people,you are truly beautiful Angel's here on earth.Thank you again and thank you God.
I am truly blessed.

Karma Is Coming

Justice for Natalee Holloway!

Rest In Peace Sweet Angels

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Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #1417 on: October 30, 2007, 05:39:45 PM »

I'm having a hard time posting and even opening up pages in SM.I wanted to give you all an update.
My son is doing much better,off the respirator and should be coming home by next monday.Thank you all for your good thoughts and prayers.
I have 4 cysts,3 are simple cysts(fluid filled),the 1 cm cyst is a complex cyst...fluid filled with some suspicious matter in it.That's the one they aspirated last friday.Got my results is benign,no cancer.SUCH relief!
I have you all in my prayers and good thoughts.What an amazing group of caring people,you are truly beautiful Angel's here on earth.Thank you again and thank you God.
I am truly blessed.

Karma - great news!

If you are having problems maybe Dugga can give you some pointers.  Try emailing him at

{{HUGS}}  So glad the cysts turned out benign!
Monkey Junky
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Angels Are True

« Reply #1418 on: October 30, 2007, 05:45:23 PM »

I'm having a hard time posting and even opening up pages in SM.I wanted to give you all an update.
My son is doing much better,off the respirator and should be coming home by next monday.Thank you all for your good thoughts and prayers.
I have 4 cysts,3 are simple cysts(fluid filled),the 1 cm cyst is a complex cyst...fluid filled with some suspicious matter in it.That's the one they aspirated last friday.Got my results is benign,no cancer.SUCH relief!
I have you all in my prayers and good thoughts.What an amazing group of caring people,you are truly beautiful Angel's here on earth.Thank you again and thank you God.
I am truly blessed.

Karma - great news!

If you are having problems maybe Dugga can give you some pointers.  Try emailing him at

{{HUGS}}  So glad the cysts turned out benign!
Thank you sweety.
I will email Dugga,it may have something to do with a pop up blocker recently installed on my puter.
God bless you all.

Karma Is Coming

Justice for Natalee Holloway!

Rest In Peace Sweet Angels

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Monkey Junky
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« Reply #1419 on: October 30, 2007, 06:40:58 PM »

Kartma  wonderful news!!  Thanks for keeping us updated.
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