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Author Topic: Haleigh Marie Cummings #31 2/20/10 - 4/13/10  (Read 506726 times)
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no rose colored glasses
Monkey Mega Star
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Zoe you will always be in my heart and soul

« Reply #340 on: February 23, 2010, 03:56:42 PM »

Thanks seahorse 
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 1934

Grandson in Ireland

« Reply #341 on: February 23, 2010, 04:10:29 PM »

I'm also glad they have Misty on video tape telling her Mama & Papa that she has information on Haleigh that will make the cops look like fools.    Okay, I just saw this statement on InSessions, what tape is this on, because I sure didn't hear that 

I have been searching for that video, someone on twitter just said it was on NG last nite, so should be on utube and the NG transcript.



Misty Croslin Demands Written Contract From Bounty Hunter Padilla

Aired February 22, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight. Satsuma, Florida, a 5- year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. The last person to see her alive, new stepmother Misty Croslin, who takes to the airwaves, claiming she`s innocent. But even in one brief interview, she can`t keep her story straight, including a 180 on a lie detector she flunked. Little Haleigh`s own father, Ronald Cummings, and baby-sitter- turned-stepmother Misty Croslin both handcuffed, arrested, booked. Charges, drug trafficking.

Bombshell tonight. We obtain the secret undercover surveillance video taken inside the police car by pinpoint secret camera. All on video, the sting, the repeat drug sales to undercover cops, the conversations, the lies, the sales, the takedown. And tonight, we obtain even more of those secretly recorded jailhouse tapes, hours of Misty Croslin yak, yak, yakking to Mommy, to Granddaddy, to Grandma, to Daddy, to brother. It`s all caught on video.

But now we see an angry Croslin, self-absorbed to the max, demanding her relatives, broke as they are, bail her out, insisting she`ll only talk about Haleigh once she gets a deal to get out from behind bars, Croslin concerned only about herself, whining over and over about conditions in lockup, her food, her jail cell, even insisting her family forget about the brother, just focus on her.

Croslin back in court on two more drug charges. Tonight, Misty Croslin`s house of cards falling in as her own mother also arrested. What we and the cops both want are answers. Where is 5-year-old Haleigh?


HANK CROSLIN, MISTY`S FATHER: Promise, man, that you didn`t have -- you didn`t -- never mind. Never mind. Never mind.

MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER: Daddy, I just want out of here. And I`m telling you, he will be happy if he gets me out. I`m telling you, I`m telling you, I`m telling you. He`ll make the cops look stupid.

HANK CROSLIN: Well, the cops ain`t stupid. They`re only going on like nobody, no one knows. Only one that knows is the people that was there.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m going to call you guys tonight, and so when you guys leave here tonight, when you`re done talking to me, you`re going to call him, Leonard, and let Mom tell him exactly what I told her.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, you want to hop in?

MISTY CROSLIN: Baby, get in. Get in. Who is that?

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: Someone unlock the door.


MISTY CROSLIN: I know that`s somebody. I know her. I just want to know who she is.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I got them. I`ve got them 10 in little (INAUDIBLE) baggies. If you want to count them out real quick and make sure they`re all (EXPLETIVE DELETED) there.

CUMMINGS: I`m positive they are, man

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There`s a hundred there. Should be a hundred there.

MISTY CROSLIN: ... 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 in there.

CUMMINGS: There`s 100 in here. They`re all in 10-packs. There`s 100.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There should be -- should be 10 in each one. So just whenever...

CUMMINGS: It`s going to take a couple days for you to get rid of 200 of them, now.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, I mean -- I mean, I`ve -- I mean, I`ve got - - I`ve got two weeks to play with so, I mean, you know, (EXPLETIVE DELETED) two weeks, whatever.

CUMMINGS: OK. I`ll get it for you. No problem. (EXPLETIVE DELETED) two weeks, I can make the money to pay for them and eat it myself.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Get on the ground! Get on down! Get on down! Get on down!


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Bombshell tonight. We obtain the secret undercover surveillance video taken in the cop car by pinpoint secret camera. It`s all caught on video, the sting, the repeat drug sales to undercover cops, the conversations back and forth, the sales, the takedown. And tonight, we obtain even more of those secretly recorded jailhouse tapes.


LISA CROSLIN, MISTY`S MOTHER: Nancy Grace is probably going to record all this, but I don`t care.

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t care, either. There`s nothing -- I`m not hiding anything, so...

LISA CROSLIN: I know. If you knew anything, you would have done told them -- I mean, why would you set there if you knew something?

MISTY CROSLIN: Exactly. Tell Leonard to get me out.

LISA CROSLIN: I will. I`m going to. Don`t worry.


MISTY CROSLIN: I wish I was out for tomorrow so I could be there.

LISA CROSLIN: I know, baby. It probably won`t be tomorrow, but you`ll be out soon.

MISTY CROSLIN: But by next week at least?

LISA CROSLIN: Hopefully.



CUMMINGS: I still got one pending, that`s assault with a deadly weapon charge pending, and I never even -- my guns were at home locked up in the gun cabinet. Just because I`ve been on TV and because I`ve said, you know, That`s my daughter that`s missing. So just because I said I`ll kill them (EXPLETIVE DELETED) if I find them before you all do, ever since then, people been calling and saying I`ve been (EXPLETIVE DELETED) threatening them with guns and everything else. And all it is, is because they know I got guns, because I love my daughter, you know? Everybody that`s ever seen anything about it knows about it. And please don`t never tell nobody that I`ve done this before.


CUMMINGS: Dude, man, people will go to assuming. Their first thing was that I was a dope boy and I must have ripped somebody off or pissed somebody off, and that`s what happened. That ain`t what (EXPLETIVE DELETED) happened, man. Dope boys don`t come get your kid like that. If you owed a dope boy that much money, they`d come in right here. They`d come in and they`d kill right here. They`d kill your (EXPLETIVE DELETED) daughter and your girlfriend and your son, and then when your (EXPLETIVE DELETED) come home, you`d be the one -- when you come home, you`d be the one that would see it, you know what I mean?


GRACE: Well, he`s right. That`s Cummings in part of secretly recorded video and audio taken inside the cop car. Take a look at Misty Croslin. She just can`t stop talking.

Out to Jean Casarez, legal correspondent, In Session. I understand Croslin has now answered up to two more charges. What are they?

JEAN CASAREZ, IN SESSION: That`s right. In court, formal arraignment, the two charges are trafficking prescription drugs. That makes a total of eight counts. Her bail remains at $1.35 million.

GRACE: Why does she keep talking about getting out of jail? What planet is she from?

CASAREZ: It`s her whole focus, Nancy. It`s the whole focus among almost every conversation. It started with, the income tax refund check could help get her out. Now she`s on to Leonard Padilla, a lot of the tapes now saying, Call Leonard, get Leonard, have him get me out. But she`s got her deal that she wants met. She wants a contract. She wants him to get her out. Then she`ll talk to him. And she definitely doesn`t want him to revoke her bond, as she says was done in the Casey Anthony case by Leonard Padilla.

GRACE: Wait a minute. Jean Casarez, what do you mean she wants a contract?

CASAREZ: She wants a contract. She wants in writing that he will pay the money, he will get her out, and there`s confidentiality, that he`ll never say anything to anybody. And then she says she`ll talk to him.

GRACE: OK. Joining us right now via Skype, Leonard Padilla, the man of the hour again, bounty hunter out of California, offered to bail Misty Croslin out of jail. This is act II for Padilla. He bonded out tot mom Casey Anthony, and her behavior when he got her out of jail was stunning. It was like she didn`t have a care in the world. She was more worried about, Am I having chili for dinner, than anything else. He was there, or his employees were there in the home, watching her.

Padilla, how did you get into this? And what do you think about Miss Misty`s terms for you to get her out of jail?

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: Well, I think we got into this back on the 11th of February of last year, when we actually went to Satsuma and talked to a lot of these people when we were back there on the Casey Anthony situation. And we spent about four or five days there. So we met all the players at that time. I even sat on a chair next to Ron Cummings while he was talking to the public on your show. And we talked about this thing. Some of the people that were with me talked to some of the other players in the whole situation, and we knew them from back there.

And I think what developed was when Bill Stout (ph) started talking about bailing her out, one thing and another. And the next thing is, I got a phone call from somebody asking if I was involved in bailing her out. And what I said is that I would pay for the bond, given certain stipulations. And then I gave up the situations to her attorney, and I`ve not heard anything back from him.

GRACE: Well, I`m looking at her right now. Out to you, Art Harris. She looks stoned out of her gourd. Does she always look like that? I mean, I`m just seeing video. Maybe she looks different in person.

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: I have never seen -- we have never seen a Misty like this, just obsessed with one thing. Really orchestrating...

GRACE: Herself?

HARRIS: ... not only -- yes -- not only the drug deals, she drives shotgun in every sale, Nancy. But in the jail telling her parents, ordering them to call Leonard Padilla. Do this now. Now. She is insistent.

GRACE: Well, wa-wait. I`ll tell you what took the cake for me, the final straw for me. You can`t tell me she was at home that night and does not know what happened to that girl, all right? That`s what this is all about. But then trying to get her mother to put a second mortgage or -- she was wanting the mother to lose her house payment to get her out of jail after I can see her with my own two eyes doing drug sales, OK?

HARRIS: And she doesn`t care about her brother, either. She said, To heck with Tommy, get me out first.

GRACE: Everybody, we are taking your calls. To Cindy in California. Hi, Cindy.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. I love your show.

GRACE: Thank you for calling in, dear. What is your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You know, I wanted to know why they just don`t put her in general population. And I have a comment to that.

GRACE: Go ahead.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My comment is, because then maybe she could get out there and she`ll find out what jail`s really about.

GRACE: Yes. I mean...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You know, she might become...

GRACE: ... did you see the most recent videos? Look at this. Look at this, Cindy in California. Do you see these cornrows? You know how many hours those things take? When she could have been working with police about finding Haleigh, she`s propped up somewhere in the jail getting her hair done.

What about it, Eleanor Odom, felony prosecutor? What about GP, general population?

ELEANOR ODOM, PROSECUTOR: I think it would be a fine idea, Nancy. Usually, she`s in solitary or somebody`s placed in solitary because they`re a danger to themselves or others. But I think in this case, she would be in danger if she was out in the general population.

GRACE: I want to go to Marlaina Schiavo, our producer on the story. But Marlaina, hold on just a moment. I want to show you some video first. Here we are with secretly recorded undercover tapes. These are taken by pinpoint camera inside an undercover police car.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, I mean -- I mean, I`ve -- I mean, I`ve got - - I`ve got two weeks to play with so, I mean, you know, (EXPLETIVE DELETED) two weeks, whatever.

CUMMINGS: OK. I`ll get it for you. No problem. (EXPLETIVE DELETED) two weeks, I can make the money to pay for them and eat it myself.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Get on the ground! Get on down! Get on down! Get on down!



MISTY CROSLIN: Just tell him to get me out. Like, start it tomorrow.

LISA CROSLIN: I will. I promise you. Don`t worry, Sis. I`m going to let him know everything, and I`m sure he`ll get busy.

MISTY CROSLIN: Like, I want, like, out. Please.



LISA CROSLIN: Don`t cry, please. You`re going to make me cry.


LISA CROSLIN: You`re so pretty.

MISTY CROSLIN: I just sit in this one cell, man. That`s bullcrap.

LISA CROSLIN: I know. I don`t understand it.




CUMMINGS: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 2, 4, 5 -- there ain`t but 25 there.



CUMMINGS: It`s 24. Damn, we got robbed.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (EXPLETIVE DELETED) him. (EXPLETIVE DELETED) him. We`ll go back if you want. (INAUDIBLE) You know we ain`t doing it, man, because...

MISTY CROSLIN: (INAUDIBLE) because he was dropping. You know, I was counting and I said, Dude, that`s only 24 right there.

CUMMINGS: Well, it`s a good thing you looked...


CUMMINGS: ... or otherwise, you`d only got 24. Damn good thing you looked.

MISTY CROSLIN: He was dropping them (INAUDIBLE) He`s so (EXPLETIVE DELETED) bad.

CUMMINGS: How many does he got left? That was it or what?

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t know.

CUMMINGS: Well we don`t want to (EXPLETIVE DELETED) with him no more anyway. He don`t do good business. That`s the end of that.



CUMMINGS: She`ll get them for you. I mean, so right now, you just got (EXPLETIVE DELETED) there for a minute. But she`ll get them.



HANK CROSLIN: What do you mean your lawyer ain`t -- what do you mean your lawyer ain`t...


HANK CROSLIN: He`s doing what he -- I mean, it takes time.



MISTY CROSLIN: Do what I -- do what I told Mom. Just tell her to tell him that, OK?

HANK CROSLIN: I will, baby. I want you out. I want both of you out.

MISTY CROSLIN: On the condition that I stay with you guys.

HANK CROSLIN: Right now, you couldn`t stay with us.

MISTY CROSLIN: Well, I would stay with you. I would stay there anyways.

HANK CROSLIN: They won`t let you.

MISTY CROSLIN: They won`t know.

HANK CROSLIN: It`s just a room. Yes, they would. But I don`t care. We`ll figure out something.

MISTY CROSLIN: Exactly. Leonard would figure out something for us.

HANK CROSLIN: I`ll tell him, baby.


GRACE: Well, she`s got it all worked out. The only problem is there`s the missing 5-year-old girl, likely dead, last known alive on her watch. And there are eight felony drug trafficking counts. Tonight, we get our mitts on secretly recorded video and audio taken inside the undercover car, the police car that catches them in conversations, dope sales, the takedown, the full sting by police, getting a taste of what a jury will see.

I want to go back out to Art Harris, investigative journalist at Art, I understand she was transported to another jail. Was that just to answer up in court?

HARRIS: That`s right. It was 6:00 AM Thursday. She was taken from St. Johns County jail to Putnam County jail, close to her ex-husband, but it was just for the hearing. Then it was back to her abode.

GRACE: Out to Dr. Bethany Marshall, psychoanalyst, author of "Deal Breakers." Look, I don`t make any bones about it. I see him with my own two eyes in the middle of a dope deal. From what I`m seeing, he looks like a fifth wheel. He looks like he`s along for the ride with Misty Croslin. But you know, Bethany, I still got a soft spot for Cummings because of the pain that was so evident at the time Haleigh went missing.

You know what? If an angel came down and told me that he had something to do with Haleigh`s disappearance, I`d believe we`d have a wrestling match. I just -- I just cannot believe it. Croslin -- on the other hand, her story has never made sense. When you look at these videos, these secretly recorded videos, this is them in their own natural habitat. What do you make of it, Dr. Bethany?

BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST: Well, of course you have a soft spot for Ron. He`s been very transparent with you, and he hurts over the loss of his little daughter. And you`re a crime victim, yourself. When I see Misty, she is so excited in these videos because she`s about to get drugs and money, and that is the center of excitement for her.


MISTY CROSLIN: Over where that guy`s walking. I`m going to have you stop a little bit back here, and I`m going to get out of the car and walk.


MISTY CROSLIN: Because he don`t like seeing new people.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don`t want to meet nobody new, either.

MISTY CROSLIN: Let us out right here, and we`ll walk up there. Come on, Hope.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right. You want us to just hang out right here?

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. Just go down and turn around.

CUMMINGS: We`ll go up here and turn around and come back, man. I`ll ride with you. Let me up front. (INAUDIBLE) We`ll walk up there. Slow down when you go past them. Let me just ask them where I`m going to meet them at.

Hey, hey, how far down you`ll got to go?


CUMMINGS: We`re going to pick you up right back right there.



MISTY CROSLIN: I mean, I want to get out of here.

LISA CROSLIN: I know. I`m going to let him know. He knows it. He says he knows you didn`t do something. He knows it. He says he can tell it through your eyes.



GRACE: Misty Croslin begging her family to get her out of jail, even complaining her lawyer`s not doing anything to help her. Croslin says she`s ready to be bailed out by bounty hunter Leonard Padilla and claims she`s not hiding anything. Padilla has said repeatedly he will bail Croslin out if and only if she reveals what she knows about Haleigh`s disappearance. But Misty Croslin is demanding it in writing that Padilla will not revoke her bond, no matter what.


MISTY CROSLIN: But please tell him try to get me out this week.

LISA CROSLIN: I am. Don`t worry.

MISTY CROSLIN: You have to start the process because they can`t bail me out until...

LISA CROSLIN: As soon as I get off the phone with you, with Dad, when we go out to the car, Dad will call and tell him that the only way that you`ll talk to him is if he bails you out and you write it in -- get it written down with your lawyer that nothing is to go on news.

MISTY CROSLIN: And that he cannot revoke my bond.

LISA CROSLIN: And he cannot revoke you.

MISTY CROSLIN: And I stay with you guys.

LISA CROSLIN: Yes. He already said you could stay with us if we got you out.

MISTY CROSLIN: And that he has to get it done soon, like, start the process because we have to go in front of the judge for me to even get bailed out.

LISA CROSLIN: I know. I know. He knows that. He said don`t worry about anything. He can do it.


LISA CROSLIN: He wants to get Tommy out, too.

MISTY CROSLIN: Well, tell him to please get me out.

LISA CROSLIN: I will, I promise. So just hang in there. Let me talk to him tonight, and I`ll tell him what you just told me. And we`ll get a contract written up. All right? You know what else he`s going to do?


LISA CROSLIN: He`s going to relocate us to California, all of us.

MISTY CROSLIN: Will you please tell him to please do something soon, like, tomorrow?

LISA CROSLIN: Yes, I will. I promise to God.


LISA CROSLIN: Chelsea said that you didn`t want me talking to him, Misty, but he`s not out to hurt you. He`s out to get you out of there.

MISTY CROSLIN: Well, tell him to get me out, and I can -- you know?

LISA CROSLIN: OK. He says he just wants you to talk to him.

MISTY CROSLIN: That`s fine.

LISA CROSLIN: That`s it. That`s what I told him. I`m like, I`m sure she will. He`s, like, All right.

MISTY CROSLIN: I will. It`s just get me out of here, like, ASAP.




HANK CROSLIN: What you doing, Sissy?

MISTY CROSLIN: Nothing. Mom just told me what Leonard said.

HANK CROSLIN: He wants you to call him.

MISTY CROSLIN: No, I can`t call him because your number is the last number I can call. You guys tell him I`ll talk to him, to get me out of here. And listen, I will talk to him, just to get me out. And if my lawyer doesn`t agree, to get me a new lawyer because my lawyer`s really not doing anything anyway. So get me a new lawyer. Just get me out of here and writing a thing saying that he`s going to get me out and not revoke my bond and let me stay with you guys.


GRACE: When we come back, more stunning undercover sting video and newly obtained secret video of Misty Croslin behind bars.


LISA CROSLIN: He said he can probably get rid of all these charges on you, too.

MISTY CROSLIN: OK. That`s fine.


MISTY CROSLIN: Do it. Just do it. Because Robert`s not doing anything for me anyways.

LISA CROSLIN: I know. That`s what I don`t understand. He won`t even call us.

MISTY CROSLIN: Because -- I know that. So tell him -- tell Leonard to get me out, get me a new lawyer. I can talk to him, and we`ll be good. Just get me out. Start it tomorrow.







L. CROSLIN: What`s wrong?

M. CROSLIN: I need to get out of here.

L. CROSLIN: I know, honey. I miss you so much. Who was that guard talking to you?

M. CROSLIN: It`s some girl that`s in here.

L. CROSLIN: Oh, have you talked to your lawyer?

M. CROSLIN: Yes. I talked to him a couple of days ago. I have a court date on March 8th at 1:30.

L. CROSLIN: March the 8th, in St. Johns?

M. CROSLIN: Yes, at 1:30.

M. CROSLIN: I`ll be here. I`ve got a car.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, you want to hop in?

M. CROSLIN: Baby, get in. Get in. Who is that?


M. CROSLIN: I know that somebody. I know her. I just don`t know who she is.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`ve got them. I`ve got them 10 in double baggies if you want to count them out to make sure they`re all (EXPLETIVE DELETED) there.

CUMMINGS: I`m positive they are, man.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There`s a hundred there, there should be hundred there.

M. CROSLIN: 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 in there.

CUMMINGS: Hundred in here. They`re all in 10 packs. There`s 100.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Should be 10 in each one.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So whenever. I mean --

CUMMINGS: It should be. It`s going to take a couple of days for you to get rid of 200 of them.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, I mean, I mean -- I mean, I`ve got two weeks to play with it, dude.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I mean, you know, (EXPLETIVE DELETED) two weeks whatever.

CUMMINGS: OK. I`ll get it for you, no problem. (EXPLETIVE DELETED). Two weeks I can make the money to pay for them and eat them myself.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Get on the ground. Get down.



NANCY GRACE, HOST: Liz, let me see the control room in New York. There you are.

There they are, Liz, Rosie, Brett. They chose to play video of Misty Croslin crying. That would be your decision, Liz.

Liz, your husband`s a cop. Why do you insist on showing her crying? I really think that you guys feel sorry for her because you picked that video over and over and over again.

And I want to go right now to Eleanor Odom.

Eleanor, I didn`t see her crying about Haleigh. A 5-year-old little girl with Turner syndrome who she was responsible for that night. No. She didn`t want to baby-sit. She tried to get out of it because she`d been on a three-day drunk and more. And then washed up at Ronald Cummings`.

She didn`t want to baby sit. And something happened in that home that night and that innocent child has never been found. So don`t show me her crying because she`s behind bars.

ELEANOR ODOM, PROSECUTOR: Oh, you`re right, Nancy. And we see her, I want to get out, I want to get out. In sharp contrast --

GRACE: Of course she wants to get out. That`s what jail is.

ODOM: And she`s laughing it up in the car, ha-ha, smoking her cigarette and counting all the pills and all the money. It`s all a big joke, it`s all a big game. Well, now she`s getting what she so richly deserves.

GRACE: Out to Sue in Wyoming. Hi, Sue. Oh, New York. Hi, Sue.

SUE, CALLER FROM NEW YORK: Hi, Nancy. How are you?

GRACE: I`m good, dear.

SUE: I want to say that I truly believe that the good Lord above was on your shoulder and the twins` shoulders and they -- he pulled you through for a reason. And I know that -- we know why he pulled you through because of the wonderful things you do for the people who don`t have a voice and we expect great things out of Lucy and John David.

GRACE: I do, too. I don`t want to put so much pressure on them, but when I look at them they just amaze me. And the thought that somebody could come into the house, which I have armed out the ying-yang, OK? Cameras, everything that I could possibly beg, borrow, or steal to protect them.

To think that somebody could come in and take them out of their crib the way this little girl was taken, and God only knows what has been done to her, and to see Croslin stonewalling about how she doesn`t know what happened? That`s a line of BS if I ever heard it.

SUE: Oh, she knows what happened because I`ll be the first one to tell you, I`m an ex-addict. And I heard Marc Klaas in one of the shows say that she was on, you know, when she comes out of her clouded stupor.

I have to tell you and I`ll admit it, I was up to 25 to 30 perks a day and I was walking around and working. This girl knows what happened.

GRACE: I was just going to ask you that, Sue. Taking that many Percocet, you could still function, right?

SUE: I drove, I worked, I held down a full-time job, too. You know - -

GRACE: Twenty-five Percocet in one day.

SUE: Yes.

GRACE: So what do you make of Misty Croslin`s claim she just went to sleep and didn`t hear a thing?

SUE: I don`t believe it.

GRACE: I don`t believe it either, Sue.

SUE: I don`t believe it for a minute because I held down a full-time job, nobody had a clue. Nobody had a clue that I went through rehab on my own and, you know, seven years later I`m still clean and, you know, I don`t believe it because this girl knows. This girl is aware --

GRACE: So, Sue, what is your question, dear?

SUE: My question is that -- first of all it`s twofold. Did -- where did they get these pills from? And I`m going to tell you why I`m asking. I`m asking because if these prescriptions were written for her, and I`ll be the first one to tell you, it`s very easy to doctor shop.

Go to one doctor, get them from one doctor, get them from another, get them from another, from another. Very easy. But if the -- I`m wondering if there`s a bigger drug dealer in this picture. Because I really wouldn`t -- these people are not the sharpest tools in the sheds.

They`re -- you know, they`re two clowns short of a circus really, the two of them. And I just could see this being a low-level drug deal gone wrong.

GRACE: OK. Let me go out to Art Harris. It`s my understanding they were getting it from either a doctor or a pharmacist in Virginia?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, ARTHARRIS.COM: Nancy, my sources are telling me one of the buys did come from doctors in Virginia from the confidant of Misty, Donna Brock.

Misty gave her her prescription. She filled that and her own. Turned the pills over to Misty to sell to the undercover cop at a truck stop at 4:30 a.m. one night.

The others came --

GRACE: This is the hardest working bunch I`ve seen. They`re out working at 4:30 a.m. at a truck stop?

HARRIS: They were on their way back to Satsuma. They also got the drugs from local doctors and they are looking into this doctor shopping.

GRACE: How do you get drugs when there`s nothing wrong with you?

HARRIS: Well, Ronald was actually in an accident. He had back pain. So he legitimately had access to a doctor for pain pills. Misty had something wrong with her. And she would give her pills allegedly to Ronald.

So now you have -- you know, an asset that down there, as she says in one of these tapes, you know, Ronald is working. He doesn`t have to worry about it, but this is helping me. And then she comments that hey -- Ronald comments to the undercover cop, hey, it`s our retirement plan.

GRACE: Out to Dr. Jennifer Shu, pediatrician and editor of "Baby and Child Health." I`ve got a lot of questions for you about little Haleigh. But I want to talk about Misty Croslin. She says to her father in some of these videotape jailhouse visits that she sleeps all day. What does that mean?

DR. JENNIFER SHU, PEDIATRICIAN, CO-AUTHOR OF "BABY AND CHILD HEALTH": So in jail I`m assuming that she`s been off any type of prescription meds for a while. So --

GRACE: She`s on antidepressants.

SHU: So she could be under the effect, it could be a side effect of her prescription antidepressants. She could be depressed. It could just be her way of reacting to stress or she may have some kind of chronic illness like a thyroid disorder, for example.

GRACE: To Marlaina Schiavo, our producer on the story.

Marlaina, throughout all of this we never hear them -- I`ve heard Cummings talk about little Haleigh. But never once do we hear about Misty Croslin except to say, I don`t know.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: Well, that`s true. It`s always somebody else bringing it up to her and she sort of deflects. Like we heard recently her father said to her, you know, they`re praying for Haleigh to come home. And she says she prays every night. And a reaction to that.

And he says, well, can she come home? And she just said, yes. I`m not 100 percent sure, but sure. I mean, God didn`t tell me, but I think so. And that`s about all we hear from Misty on Haleigh.


CUMMINGS: That guy in that blue truck is rolling a blunt and the guy that owns this place smoke crack. So you ain`t got to worry about nothing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right, all right.

CUMMINGS: That`s why I told her, I was like tell him don`t worry about nothing because the mother (EXPLETIVE DELETED) smokes crack.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I have just been stressed to no (EXPLETIVE DELETED) end all day long.

CUMMINGS: How many did you get?


CUMMINGS: Hell yes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And hopefully, hopefully should be able, if this works out, this works out good we should be able to do this, like, once a month. Once a month. (EXPLETIVE DELETED) retirement plan, you know what I`m saying?

CUMMINGS: Not a retirement plan but an extra kick right now.





M. CROSLIN: Doing all right.

H. CROSLIN: Why haven`t you been calling Annie?

M. CROSLIN: I slept today. I`m going to call her tomorrow morning.

H. CROSLIN: You slept all day?

M. CROSLIN: Yes. I`ve been sleeping all day. Tomorrow`s canteen so we get some good food tomorrow night.

H. CROSLIN: Yes, he put $100 on your account.

M. CROSLIN: All right.

H. CROSLIN: He said he Western Unioned it.

M. CROSLIN: Timmy was supposed to.


M. CROSLIN: Timmy was supposed to.

H. CROSLIN: Yes. Did you have money on it already?

M. CROSLIN: I had 60 bucks. I don`t know who put it there.


GRACE: Hours of brand new secret undercover video shot by law enforcement. Disturbing footage allegedly showing a group, including Misty Croslin and Ronald Cummings, selling drugs. This video, state`s exhibit number 1.


M. CROSLIN: Just going to ride right there by the school. Sorry. $190.


CUMMINGS: Yes. $7 a piece. It`s actually $189.

M. CROSLIN: Well, yes. $189.

CUMMINGS: For 27 of them.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: For 27 of them?



M. CROSLIN: You`re going have to probably give me your money right here. Hey, I`m turning by the school. All right. All right. Bye.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That`s $190 right there.

M. CROSLIN: All right.


M. CROSLIN: Yes. Go this way.


M. CROSLIN: Yes. Just go straight.

CUMMINGS: What you got? I hear you sniffling.


CUMMINGS: What you got? I hear you sniffling.


CUMMINGS: Roxies or something?


CUMMINGS: You got some good dope or something?

M. CROSLIN: (Laughs)


CUMMINGS: I like to get high, that`s why I was asking. If you had powder to let me know.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, I got to go talk to some people this afternoon. I`ve got to be straight.

CUMMINGS: Well, do whatever you got to do, man, because like I said them 50 percs, I told you it wasn`t a guarantee. It`s a guarantee he`s getting them. There`s no ifs, ands or buts. He gets them every month. He gets 100 of them but he won`t sell me but 50.


CUMMINGS: So I guarantee you there`s 50 Percocets right around the corner, I just don`t know.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, like I told her earlier, I`ll just give you a call when I`m done out there and start heading this way and we`ll see what`s up at that point.

M. CROSLIN: All right.

CUMMINGS: Yes. I can`t -- I mean, I don`t know if you do Roxies or whatever. I can get them, but they`re (EXPLETIVE DELETED) expensive.


M. CROSLIN: How you doing, bud?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What`s going on? What`s going on?

M. CROSLIN: You see my brother was just at the store? I said, please let him leave. No, he`s going to go in the store. I`m just going to do it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right. I want to ride down the road.

M. CROSLIN: You want to ride down?


M. CROSLIN: Hey, baby. Baby! Ronald, he don`t want to do it right here. You got to go Spinners?


M. CROSLIN: He don`t want to do it right here. Do you got to go to Spinners?


M. CROSLIN: All right. We`ll follow right behind you.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Where`s he going?

M. CROSLIN: The Spinner`s right down the road.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I was going to go where I just met a dude at because it`s off the road, ain`t nobody there, ain`t no houses, no nothing.

M. CROSLIN: See, I don`t think it`s set up, like --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I mean it`s like 10 minutes up the road.

M. CROSLIN: I don`t think we have time for 10 minutes up the road because we were going to stop here, go on and get his son and then he`s got to go shoot back to another job.


M. CROSLIN: Well, they`re already gone so you have to take me to them I guess. They`re already gone.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You want to -- let`s run up there real quick and then I`ll bring you back to them.

M. CROSLIN: I`m not going to be able to because he`s got to go pick his son up right now and got to go right back to that job. We told him we`d be gone 10 minutes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Where`s he got to pick his son up at?

M. CROSLIN: At Stay and Play right here. Yes, I would go down there with you but it`s just we have not enough time. We left one of the jobs to come meet you.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s just a lot of (EXPLETIVE DELETED) -- it`s a lot of pills.

M. CROSLIN: No, yes, I know. I know. But I wouldn`t, I don`t know, I don`t like going around people, you know what I mean, that I don`t know anyway. He`s scared. He doesn`t want to do it like right here. But I told him right here`s fine. I mean, there`s nobody here.

If you want to he said you can go into the store at Spinners. There`s a bathroom. And you go in there and do what you got to do and then come out and just, I`ll be by the door so you can just leave the pills right there and I`ll walk you to the bathroom.


M. CROSLIN: So it doesn`t look like anything, you know what I mean? You go into the bathroom, I`m waiting on you to use the bathroom. Because I`d rather not be riding around doing it anyway because I`m scared. I don`t want to get set up for nothing. Like, I cannot get in trouble for nothing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Not me. Especially not with as many pills as I have in here right now.



M. CROSLIN: Yes, but none of them have our names on them, huh?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, man. The (EXPLETIVE DELETED) not answering the phone.

M. CROSLIN: Are you sheer he`s not trying to set you up? I`m like, hell, no.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m trying not to go to jail.

M. CROSLIN: I said if he was going to set me up he`d set me up with 50 (EXPLETIVE DELETED) Roxies, OK? I said Roxies are more (EXPLETIVE DELETED) a charge than a (EXPLETIVE DELETED) Lortab or whatever, you know what I mean?

I was like, I trust the dude, OK? Not Ronald or anybody, but like my family is like are you sure they didn`t set you up?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Where`s this place at?

M. CROSLIN: Right here.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: On the left or right?

M. CROSLIN: On the left right here.


M. CROSLIN: Mm-hmm. And there`s a bathroom and you go in the bathroom. I`ll be right by the door. When you come out, I can get them. Do you have a bag?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, They`re already --

M. CROSLIN: They`re already in the bag?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They`re already in the bag.

M. CROSLIN: All right. So you don`t have to do nothing like that. You just got to go in there and come out.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (EXPLETIVE DELETED) It`s kind of like a big bag, though.

M. CROSLIN: It`s OK. I got my purse.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right. You`re going to come back over here?



M. CROSLIN: Are you going to do it in the store?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, I`m going to put it in your purse because I don`t want to carry this big ass bag in here. I`ve got no way to hide it.

M. CROSLIN: All right.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, you want to hop in?

M. CROSLIN: Baby, get in. Get in.

CUMMINGS: Who`s this?

M. CROSLIN: Who is that?

CUMMINGS: Unlock the door.

M. CROSLIN: I know that somebody. I know her. I just don`t know who she is.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I got them 10 in little double baggies if you want to count them out real quick and make sure they`re all there.

CUMMINGS: I`m positive they are, man.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There`s a hundred there. Should be hundred there.


M. CROSLIN: 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 in there.

CUMMINGS: 100 in here. They`re all in 10 packs. There`s 100.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Should be 10 in each one.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So just whenever. I mean --

CUMMINGS: It`s going to take a couple days for you to get rid of 200 of them now.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, I mean -- I mean, I`ve got two weeks to play with it, dude.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So I mean, (EXPLETIVE DELETED) two weeks whatever.

CUMMINGS: OK. I`ll get it for you, no problem. (EXPLETIVE DELETED) two weeks, I can make the money to pay for them and eat them myself.


M. CROSLIN: Uh-oh.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This mother (EXPLETIVE DELETED). Hey, do me a favor?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Get on the ground! Get on the ground! Get on down! Get on down!


GRACE: Next, more secret video in the Haleigh Cummings investigation. Will Misty Croslin, the baby-sitter turned stepmother, the last one with Haleigh before she disappeared, finally crack behind bars?


L. CROSLIN: I like your hair. It looks cool.



GRACE: Misty Croslin sobs behind bars, admitting to repeated drug sales, even ratting out her own brother on a felony. How will these tapes and will these tapes come into trial?


M. CROSLIN: What is Leonard saying?

L. CROSLIN: He`s not saying nothing. He just wants to help me and dad try to get up to the house. He didn`t say anything at all. He wants to talk to you. That`s all he says. But he can`t -- he won`t do it. The only way he`ll do it is if your lawyer will let him pay him. That way everything is confidential. It`s between your lawyer and him.

M. CROSLIN: But pay my lawyer to get me out of here.

L. CROSLIN: No, to pay to talk to you. That way it`s, like, confidentiality.

M. CROSLIN: OK. So if he wants to talk to me, so he`ll pay my lawyer enough money to bond me out.

L. CROSLIN: Well, listen. You`ve got $100 on your account today.


L. CROSLIN: And he got PayPal minutes, too, for you to call him.


L. CROSLIN: Leonard. So you can call him. What you do --


L. CROSLIN: I`ll tell him -- I don`t know what to tell him.

M. CROSLIN: The only way that I`ll talk to him is if he bonds me out on a condition that he does not revoke my bond.

L. CROSLIN: Listen, he told me that what everybody`s saying about Casey Anthony, him revoking his bond -- or her bond, that`s not what happened. She got out and got in trouble over stolen checks. And the courts revoked her bond.

M. CROSLIN: Well, the only way that we`ll do it if is, you know, he bonds me out.


M. CROSLIN: And --

L. CROSLIN: And he does not revoke you.

M. CROSLIN: Yes. And there`s something written out. He`s got to tell my lawyers, it`s got to be written out, that he does not revoke me, and that I`m coming to stay with you and dad. He`s got to make conditions where -- to my lawyer that he has to bail me out first. And it`s got to be written up in everything, and we will sit down and talk.



M. CROSLIN: You can`t go and put it on the news.

H. CROSLIN: I don`t want you saying nothing that will hurt you, Misty.

M. CROSLIN: I`m not, daddy. It`s nothing against me. I`m telling you.

H. CROSLIN: Your brother told me to tell you -- your brother told me to tell you he loves you.

M. CROSLIN: I love him, too.

H. CROSLIN: I wanted to get your brother out, too.

M. CROSLIN: Well, worry about me first, OK?

H. CROSLIN: I`m worried about both of you.

M. CROSLIN: I know that. But I`m saying, get me out first.


GRACE: Let`s stop and remember Army 1st Lieutenant Daniel Riordan, 24, St. Louis, Missouri, killed, Iraq. Awarded the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, a Southeast Missouri state grad. Loved the outdoors. Water sports. Country musk and horses.

Favorite accessories, his cowboy boots and his hat. Leaves behind grieving parents Rick and Janine. Sister Suzanne, twin brother, Rick. Fiancee and soul mate, Tiffany.

Daniel Riordan, American hero.

Thanks to our guests but especially you for being with us. I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.


Thank you so much, I have spent hours looking LOL


It's their lie they can tell it anyway they want.
Who, What, Where, When, How and Why
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #342 on: February 23, 2010, 04:21:03 PM »

I'm also glad they have Misty on video tape telling her Mama & Papa that she has information on Haleigh that will make the cops look like fools.    Okay, I just saw this statement on InSessions, what tape is this on, because I sure didn't hear that 

Good morning monkeys   

I was ready to start doing cartwheels in my living room last night when she said that!!!!

Please don't attack me here ~~  I can't hardly stand NG anymore but I do share her feeling about RC. We have watched all these videos and he is just a dirtbag criminal but yet I still don't believe he knew what happened to Haleigh at first (not sure if I think he knows now or not) I fell hard for believing all that was real pain and he was suffering the pain of not knowing where his child was or what happened to her. My husband and I both I think had tears rolling down our faces that first night the show aired with Haleigh. Maybe it is just because we could not even imaginge any pain greater that that. However I have to keep in mind that I have fallen for other parents that have been on TV pleading for the return of their child/ren only to find out they killed them. Maybe that will never register with me, that a parent could actually KILL/dispose of a child that they are suppose to love and protect NO MATTER WHAT! At the cost of my own life I could never be witness to someone harming my daughter. I am 38 years old and I know my mother would still throw herself under a bus for me. It has always been easier for me to see Misty as Guilty, she does not know what the feeling of loving your own child is like (adopted or natural, child meaning a person that soley depends on you for basic needs. I don't want to offend any adoptive parents here, we have alot of adoptees in our family and they are ours just the same) Sometimes I feel stupid saying I'm still not sure about RC, Everything about him screems GUILTY

I probably go to the opposite side of the spectrum, BryarRose. In my 30 plus years experience as a pediatric nurse I have seen unspeakable things that parents have done to their children. Most parents are like you. They would die for their children. There is, however, a segment of our society that will put themselves first in all situations. Children are important to them only to the extent that they help fulfill their selfish plans and desires.  A few years ago I was caring for a 6 month old who was the PICU. He had been beaten so badly that he had a lacerated spleen and liver.  The blows to his body were so severe that one of his tiny ureters had literally been torn from a kidney. His father stood weeping at his bedside that night until the front of his shirt was wet. He vowed to kill the person who did this, even suggesting that his 5 year old brother may have been "playing too rough" with the baby. Two days later after intense questioning the baby's mom admitted that the father had beaten the baby because he would not stop crying. Two days later the baby died while still on life support. The father's charges were upgraded from child abuse to murder. I have seen these cases and others like it until some days it breaks my heart. I have learned an important lesson. When in doubt, a person's actions speak louder than their words or tears. The behavior determines how much a parent loves a child. A loving father does not expose children to a life of drugs, guns and lawless behavior. God, give us parents who love their children in word and deed. So sorry for the long post but it has weighed heavily upon my heart.



I thank God for what I have and trust God for what I need.
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« Reply #343 on: February 23, 2010, 04:50:07 PM »

This  pic taken at MC & RC'S wedding reminded me of the plastic red rose at the location where MC and RC had TM and others search.


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« Reply #344 on: February 23, 2010, 04:52:54 PM »

BryarRose...there are a few of us who don't believe that Ron had any direct involvement in Haleigh's disappearance.....He is a jerk,immature, a druggie etc..but I honestly don't feel that he would harm Haleigh or protect anyone else who he thought had harmed her...jmo...
Now Misty is another story....

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« Reply #345 on: February 23, 2010, 04:54:44 PM »

Hi OS & Monkey's,

OS I typed in transcripts nancy grace feb. 22,2010 on google, clicked it came up, I think I was lucky.

I am now convinced Misty knows everything and more just by the jailhouse interviews. I haven't located MC's remark from

Twitter or  I.S. mentioned, surely, she will say something else sooner or later.

Wynton Marsalis~
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« Reply #346 on: February 23, 2010, 04:56:39 PM »

This  pic taken at MC & RC'S wedding reminded me of the plastic red rose at the location where MC and RC had TM and others search.

Well I guess it would be nice if I posted the pic, lol.

no rose colored glasses
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« Reply #347 on: February 23, 2010, 05:19:20 PM »

This  pic taken at MC & RC'S wedding reminded me of the plastic red rose at the location where MC and RC had TM and others search.

Well I guess it would be nice if I posted the pic, lol.

That could be Heart, I just thought that the flowers were real, but it is hard to tell from the pic.
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« Reply #348 on: February 23, 2010, 05:21:07 PM »

Rick Ryan, the chief of staff of the Putnam County Sheriff's Office

Ryan said that phone records show that Ronald Cummings made 20 attempts to reach Misty during the evening of Feb. 9. Hank Croslin, who lived down the street, told investigators that Cummings asked him to check on Misty, Haleigh and Cummings' 3-year-old son, Ronald Cummings Jr., who Cummings believed were all at the mobile home where they lived as a family.

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« Reply #349 on: February 23, 2010, 05:23:41 PM »

This  pic taken at MC & RC'S wedding reminded me of the plastic red rose at the location where MC and RC had TM and others search.

Well I guess it would be nice if I posted the pic, lol.

That could be Heart, I just thought that the flowers were real, but it is hard to tell from the pic.
Those flowers are real I believe NRCG, but the roses still reminds me of the search.

Monkey Junky
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« Reply #350 on: February 23, 2010, 05:24:49 PM »

I'm also glad they have Misty on video tape telling her Mama & Papa that she has information on Haleigh that will make the cops look like fools.    Okay, I just saw this statement on InSessions, what tape is this on, because I sure didn't hear that 

got to go, im going to keep looking for that statement, and anything close to
when i get back

goodmorn,goodnite, got to go, as always its been wonderful, talking with you, and most of all have a great day, and dont forget to smile
no rose colored glasses
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« Reply #351 on: February 23, 2010, 05:25:09 PM »

Has anyone really figured out what that flower business was really all about. All so odd too me.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #352 on: February 23, 2010, 05:27:20 PM »

Exclusive: Misty Croslin Letters Ban Padilla!

The Bald Truth has obtained the above letter Misty Croslin’s lawyer tells me he sent Monday via certified mail to Leonard Padilla, emanding the flamboyant California bounty hunter stay away from his client.

“Your attempts to involve yourself in Misty Croslin’s legal defense are unwarranted,” writes Palatka, Florida lawyer Robert Fields, adding that Padilla’s gift of a Ford Taurus, cell phone time and other items to her parents are “unwanted third party contact intended to convince her parents to influence her to work with you.”

And, despite what we’ve heard Misty demanding on tape–that her mother call Padilla and make a deal to bail her out — THAT just ain’t gonna happen, Fields tells me in an exclusive phone call, explaining Misty’s rant to her mother, Lisa, took place before he’d met with her last week to explain the insanity of jumping into the arms of bounty hunters like Padilla. Read the rest of this entry »

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« Reply #353 on: February 23, 2010, 05:29:45 PM »

Thanks Heart
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« Reply #354 on: February 23, 2010, 05:35:02 PM »

Thanks from me too! 

  ~241~ "The Longer You Love,The Longer You Live,The Stronger You Feel,The More You Can Give."
~ Peter Frampton
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #355 on: February 23, 2010, 05:42:57 PM »

So far AH has not answered the numerous questions on his site regarding the 90+ calls from RC to MC.

Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #356 on: February 23, 2010, 05:44:18 PM »

You are all welcome and thanks to you all for your links and input.

Now where is HaLeigh Ann Marie Cummings???

Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #357 on: February 23, 2010, 06:30:44 PM »

So far AH has not answered the numerous questions on his site regarding the 90+ calls from RC to MC.

was wondering about that one!

Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #358 on: February 23, 2010, 06:42:49 PM »

So far AH has not answered the numerous questions on his site regarding the 90+ calls from RC to MC.

was wondering about that one!

Yes because it was either TJ or AH that reported previously that it was 23 calls that RC had made to misty that night. And does Putnam LE really tell AH anything? Did RC use more than one phone that night?

Monkey Junky
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« Reply #359 on: February 23, 2010, 06:46:43 PM »

This  pic taken at MC & RC'S wedding reminded me of the plastic red rose at the location where MC and RC had TM and others search.

Well I guess it would be nice if I posted the pic, lol.

That could be Heart, I just thought that the flowers were real, but it is hard to tell from the pic.
Does anyone know what the green building in the back ground is? It looks like a porta potty maybe? Anyway it looks to have something written on the door of it?
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