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Author Topic: Kyron Horman, 7 years old, Portland OR #40 1/01/11 - 1/18/11  (Read 208143 times)
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Monkey Junky
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« Reply #400 on: January 04, 2011, 11:26:25 PM »

Today marks 7 months that Kyron has been missing.

yes it is....I was once away from my little boys for 3 weeks, I was a wreck without them. God be with Desiree today. My heart goes out to her. 7 months is too long to be away from her little boy, it is unimaginable to me.

(Bolded by me)
ITA, Tracygirl.  It's unimaginable to me too. very sad. 

It is very tragic. I also feel bad for Kaine, Kiara,Quinn,Tony and James as well. I know they all miss Kyron. Kaine probably grieves as much as Desiree.

What's done in the dark will always come to light.
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #401 on: January 04, 2011, 11:28:31 PM »

If the sexting was a setup by Kaine Horman and Michael Cook ... Terri fell for it hook, line and sinker.

Terri's words/images in those sexting records are disgusting at anytime but when the timing is considered ... a woman void of a conscience is revealed ... a woman who lacks common sense is revealed.



Terri withdraws request to see her daughter
Story Published: Dec 27, 2010 at 9:14 AM PST

Personal information at issue: "...Further, Petitioner chose to attach to his affidavit deeply personal text messages [WARNING: These texts contain explicit content] between Respondent and a mutual friend of the parties." As an aside, Terri's Nov. 2 filing of this document comes the same day that a site that looks into disappearance cases raised questions about the sender and recipient of those messages. This new court filing seems to confirm Kaine Horman's contentions.

Kyron Horman Case: Terri Horman Sexts Sent To Kaine Horman’s Phone…. WHAT?
Posted by Blink | Tuesday 2 November 2010 5:32 pm

Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway
Page 219: I have to make difficult choices every day.  I have to make a conscious decision every morning when I wake up not to be bitter, not to live in resentment and let anger control me.  It's not easy.  I ask God to help me.

“A person of integrity expects to be believed and when he’s not, he let’s time prove him right.” -unknown
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #402 on: January 04, 2011, 11:36:55 PM »


I am wondering how the sexting could be a setup?  In one million years I would never think of doing what TH did with that phone. 
Monkey Junky
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Where are you Kyron?

« Reply #403 on: January 04, 2011, 11:56:56 PM »

Yes, I came back before going to bed.

I don't believe for one moment that it was a set up. She did it because that's what she does. To look further into that theory is a waste of time, IMO.

Truly off to bed now. GN Monkeys.

"Our prime purpose in this life is to help others. And if you can't help them, at least don't hurt them." ~ Dalai Lama
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #404 on: January 05, 2011, 12:09:57 AM »

Yes, I came back before going to bed.

I don't believe for one moment that it was a set up. She did it because that's what she does. To look further into that theory is a waste of time, IMO.

Truly off to bed now. GN Monkeys.

The sexting, within one week of losing her baby girl, and only 1 month after Ky's going poof, is what finally shoved me right off the fence.  Any normal mother would have been beside herself, trying to put herself in the best possible light at that time, to convince the powers that be that she was an upright person.  Nobody in their right mind would have done something like that.  I don't care if she was drinking or not.  Just not acceptable.
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #405 on: January 05, 2011, 12:13:40 AM »

I am wondering how the sexting could be a setup?  In one million years I would never think of doing what TH did with that phone. 

Were the gym friends called to testify, men or women? Just curious because TH supposedly got with Eckard when her marriage to Tarver was failing, and got with Kaine when her marriage to Eckard was failing, so were any of the gym friends a potential husband to be found when her marriage to Kaine was failing?

One more thing that has bothered me about TH from the beginning, was her posting on fb to not listen to the media, they had it wrong. I know criminals, on the run, check the media first thing and often, for obvious reasons, tracking to see what LE knows, if they've been id'd, vehicle description known etc, but it seems like someone who is part of the *family* as in "identity pending *family* notification" that the media wouldn't be a priority, neither would signing into FB to tell the well wishers, don't listen, they have it all wrong. There's always exceptions but that behavior seems more like the actions of someone driven to find out who knows what and how much, so they can plan their moves around that info.   
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #406 on: January 05, 2011, 12:29:58 AM »


When TH posted not to listen to the media and it was wrong, I looked at the different media. I could not see what she was talking about that they had wrong.

About all it was that Kyron was missing.  Thats it. 

Does anyone have an idea what she was talking about?
Monkey All Star
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HaLeigh~you are loved and in God's loving arms

« Reply #407 on: January 05, 2011, 12:37:39 AM »

I still can't wrap my head around how TH could be so stupid to sext with a friend of KH when her computer and phones would be of interest to LE to find out what happened to Kyron.

Or to complain about Kyron and Kaine right before Kyron goes missing! Even if Terri is innocent, (which I highly doubt), the sexting sort of fits in with her personality. It is all about her and her needs. If she was really sick and tired of Kyron, his going missing may not have rocked her world. Therefore, the texting would not be a big deal for her. She wanted to nab Kitty out of daycare, so why not sexually manipulate Michael Cook to help her? What would be really ironic, is if Terri is not guilty of this and her horrible behavior and indifference to her step-son being missing is what lands her in jail. She certainly has not acted like a grieving parent of ANY kind. Maybe she just does not have it in her.

One thing about the texts is clear to me, Terri sounded so desperate for this man to like her. I mean she pulled out all of the stops to get to him. I wrote I felt almost embarrassed for her obvious lack of self worth. MC is no prize, no offense but he isn't. She knew it was Kaines friend so was she trying to get back at Kaine by going after his friend. Did she know that Kaine would learn of the sexts and that was a goal of hers? I would bet she was pretty pissed off at Kaine for taking the baby, by "causing" all of this trouble for her, was she trying to get back at him.

She wasn't thinking, which is what bothers me. I wonder if she is on and off some sort of medication? If she is so ingenius that she found a way to kidnap her step-son and get away with it so far, how come she was not smart enough to figure out that sexting to her husbands high school friend is not a good idea so shortly after her step-son disappeared?

She had said something about Dede just brought her a drink, maybe she was drunk...I will say though, they are going to have to prove the texts were written by Terri. I would gather from the pics, lol, they could prove parts of her where there, lol. OMG sorry but those texts were crazy! I think I am blushing right now!


LE knows Terri sent the texts. Her lawyers are not disputing that she sent them. That means it's pretty iron-clad evidence, especially with the photos, and LE can allow Kaine to use them in his divorce case because Terri can't dispute them being hers. What she didn't like was the fact that Kaine's divorce lawyer used them to show what Terri was doing while her daughter was taken away, her husband left her, and her stepson was missing.The real Terri was more ways than one.

She was after MC because she needed a replacement for Kaine's financial support. Terri wanted MC to continue to fund her lifestyle. She put him on the fast track plan.
WE know NONE of that as fact, it's supposition and speculation as to what Terri thinks and NOT one person here knows what that is. I do think (again speculating) that she did it knowing Kaine would find out, and I don't think she choose MC as a permanent replacement and can't recall what he even did for a living, but from the last affadavit we found K earned around 90m in 02 IIRC.......sadly in specific parts of the county that is not enough to live on, for instance San Diego vs podunk, Ohio.

I think Terri was pathetic and needy, and it was IMO like a cry for attn "someone pay attn to me", "someone love me, think I am attractive" etc., I have known ppl like that and their self worth and any self esteem is usually the lowest of the low.

Excuse me....but yes we do know for a FACT that Terri sent the texts. LE gave that info to Kaine. And that's all I was referring to. I never said anyone knew her motivations....I gave my opinion

BBM~That is what I was referring to, sorry but no where in that do I see this is my opinion, or speculation, you state everything as a fact and I know how you detest when others do the same and then someone take it and runs with it

I think everyone is entitled to their own opinions, but respect for them is a two way street IYKWIM

"If two theories explain the facts equally well then the simpler theory is to be preferred''
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #408 on: January 05, 2011, 12:37:52 AM »

About the sexting and what the public knows at this point (not saying that LE doesn't have additional information):

The phone records produced were not the records received from the "carrier", they were an account holder's records; the records produced by subpoena from the carrier look different than the account holder's records.
The records produced indicated the numbers used for the sending and receiving the texts.

One of those numbers was a phone owned by Kaine and the number is in Kaine's account.  That phone was the one the person "receiving" the texts was using.

The person receiving the texts was supposedly MC; therefore, if true, MC was using Kaine's phone and it raises the question to whether or not there was a set up.

The phone used to "send" the texts is a number that is not registered to any account; in other words, a pre-paid throw-away phone.  Since that phone is not registered to any account, anyone could have been using that phone. 

There has been no "proof" made public that Terri used that pre-paid phone; however, there's also no statements from Terri's attorneys stating that she was not the person using the phone.

At this point, publicly, it has not been proven as to who was using the phones on either side of the texting.

Also, the phone record document attached as an exhibit to the sworn affidavit filed in court is not the document that is produced by a "carrier" - which is officially required by the court.  Why wasn't the carrier copy of the phone records filed in court?

The document used for the filing was an account document - what the account owner would receive - in this case Kaine is the account owner.  If LE provided the account owner's copy to Kaine, then it stands to reason that they would have received it from the account owner to begin with. 

There are definate questions about the sexting records. 

Since it's not been refuted in any filing with the court from Terri's attorney that Terri didn't send the texts, I tend to think that Terri was on one side of the texting; however, it could be that Terri's attorney is just waiting to tell her side in the court room. 

I can certainly be wrong, but I don't believe we've heard the last of the "sexting" yet.  I don't mean because if Terri did it she's bad (you wouldn't do it, I wouldn't do it - but we hear often on the news that teens and young adults are sexting and sending nude pictures all the time - it IS being done in today's world), I mean because of the actual mechanics and reports of these text messages.

One more question all this raises:  Would the messages as produced on the "carrier's" copy read the exact same way as on the "account owner's" copy? 


Puzzler - that which puzzles or perplexes; anything that arouses curiosity or perplexes because it is unexplained, inexplicable or secret.
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 1967

« Reply #409 on: January 05, 2011, 12:38:52 AM »

Does anyone know if the sexts were put on online in its entirety? Some of them seem to be cut off from ones that are not shown. I thought for some reason that the texts were a one time thing. Apparently Terri was texting Mike over a period of time. Not once was Kyron mentioned. Not once. I also found it odd that Terri spoke of walking around in a thong with DeDe present, but maybe that was just for Mike's benefit. Guilty or not ( I think she is guilty) she is one cold person not to mention her missing step-son at all especially in light of the fact that Mike Cook supposedly re-entered Kaines life just to help find Kyron. Interesting that Mike never mentions Kyron either.
Monkey All Star
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HaLeigh~you are loved and in God's loving arms

« Reply #410 on: January 05, 2011, 12:40:21 AM »

God Bless You Kyron.... an angelic monkey

You deserved so much better.

Night Monkeys~5:30 comes too early 

"If two theories explain the facts equally well then the simpler theory is to be preferred''
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #411 on: January 05, 2011, 12:42:34 AM »

About the sexting and what the public knows at this point (not saying that LE doesn't have additional information):

The phone records produced were not the records received from the "carrier", they were an account holder's records; the records produced by subpoena from the carrier look different than the account holder's records.
The records produced indicated the numbers used for the sending and receiving the texts.

One of those numbers was a phone owned by Kaine and the number is in Kaine's account.  That phone was the one the person "receiving" the texts was using.

The person receiving the texts was supposedly MC; therefore, if true, MC was using Kaine's phone and it raises the question to whether or not there was a set up.
The phone used to "send" the texts is a number that is not registered to any account; in other words, a pre-paid throw-away phone.  Since that phone is not registered to any account, anyone could have been using that phone. 

There has been no "proof" made public that Terri used that pre-paid phone; however, there's also no statements from Terri's attorneys stating that she was not the person using the phone.

At this point, publicly, it has not been proven as to who was using the phones on either side of the texting.

Also, the phone record document attached as an exhibit to the sworn affidavit filed in court is not the document that is produced by a "carrier" - which is officially required by the court.  Why wasn't the carrier copy of the phone records filed in court?

The document used for the filing was an account document - what the account owner would receive - in this case Kaine is the account owner.  If LE provided the account owner's copy to Kaine, then it stands to reason that they would have received it from the account owner to begin with. 

There are definate questions about the sexting records. 

Since it's not been refuted in any filing with the court from Terri's attorney that Terri didn't send the texts, I tend to think that Terri was on one side of the texting; however, it could be that Terri's attorney is just waiting to tell her side in the court room. 

I can certainly be wrong, but I don't believe we've heard the last of the "sexting" yet.  I don't mean because if Terri did it she's bad (you wouldn't do it, I wouldn't do it - but we hear often on the news that teens and young adults are sexting and sending nude pictures all the time - it IS being done in today's world), I mean because of the actual mechanics and reports of these text messages.

One more question all this raises:  Would the messages as produced on the "carrier's" copy read the exact same way as on the "account owner's" copy? 

I thought that maybe Kaine and Mike had set Terri up with the sexts except that Terri and Mike both spoke about Terri going to his house one night. Remember, she did not want her attorney or DEDE to know about it? With all of the talk of sex, one could draw the conclusion that she went to Mike's house for one reason. I just don't feel too strongly one way or the other yet about a set-up.
Scared Monkey
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Posts: 71

« Reply #412 on: January 05, 2011, 12:47:18 AM »

About the sexting and what the public knows at this point (not saying that LE doesn't have additional information):

The phone records produced were not the records received from the "carrier", they were an account holder's records; the records produced by subpoena from the carrier look different than the account holder's records.
The records produced indicated the numbers used for the sending and receiving the texts.

One of those numbers was a phone owned by Kaine and the number is in Kaine's account.  That phone was the one the person "receiving" the texts was using.

The person receiving the texts was supposedly MC; therefore, if true, MC was using Kaine's phone and it raises the question to whether or not there was a set up.

The phone used to "send" the texts is a number that is not registered to any account; in other words, a pre-paid throw-away phone.  Since that phone is not registered to any account, anyone could have been using that phone. 

There has been no "proof" made public that Terri used that pre-paid phone; however, there's also no statements from Terri's attorneys stating that she was not the person using the phone.

At this point, publicly, it has not been proven as to who was using the phones on either side of the texting.

Also, the phone record document attached as an exhibit to the sworn affidavit filed in court is not the document that is produced by a "carrier" - which is officially required by the court.  Why wasn't the carrier copy of the phone records filed in court?

The document used for the filing was an account document - what the account owner would receive - in this case Kaine is the account owner.  If LE provided the account owner's copy to Kaine, then it stands to reason that they would have received it from the account owner to begin with. 

There are definate questions about the sexting records. 

Since it's not been refuted in any filing with the court from Terri's attorney that Terri didn't send the texts, I tend to think that Terri was on one side of the texting; however, it could be that Terri's attorney is just waiting to tell her side in the court room. 

I can certainly be wrong, but I don't believe we've heard the last of the "sexting" yet.  I don't mean because if Terri did it she's bad (you wouldn't do it, I wouldn't do it - but we hear often on the news that teens and young adults are sexting and sending nude pictures all the time - it IS being done in today's world), I mean because of the actual mechanics and reports of these text messages.

One more question all this raises:  Would the messages as produced on the "carrier's" copy read the exact same way as on the "account owner's" copy? 

Puzzler - as always, a thoughtful and well done post.  I appreciate much of what you say, always...and will say this:  IF it turns out that the sexting was a set-up and not really done by her, then I will immediately be perched right back up on that fence.  Because it was THAT, which brought me down in the first place.  Until then, although I wasn't necessarily supportive of TH's stance, I saw the lack of evidence against her and felt she was being railroaded.   It will certainly be interesting to see how this all turns out, and hopefully discovery, when the time comes, will answer all of our questions.  A part of me is dismayed, however, thinking that if it does turn out that nobody in the family (or friends) had anything to do with Ky's disappearance, will we ever know where he is?
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #413 on: January 05, 2011, 01:09:30 AM »

Does anyone know if the sexts were put on online in its entirety? Some of them seem to be cut off from ones that are not shown. I thought for some reason that the texts were a one time thing. Apparently Terri was texting Mike over a period of time. Not once was Kyron mentioned. Not once. I also found it odd that Terri spoke of walking around in a thong with DeDe present, but maybe that was just for Mike's benefit. Guilty or not ( I think she is guilty) she is one cold person not to mention her missing step-son at all especially in light of the fact that Mike Cook supposedly re-entered Kaines life just to help find Kyron. Interesting that Mike never mentions Kyron either.

No - not online in the entirety.  I believe the "filing" only included the portion about the sexting. 

We don't know what all the other texts said.  There could have been plenty of discussion about Kaine, Kyron and Kiara.  We don't know because those texts are not included.  Also, because those texts are not included, we don't know if Kaine, Kyron and Kiara were discussed at all.

I believe from the texts you can ascertain that Terri was in the bedroom and DeDe was somewhere else.

Puzzler - that which puzzles or perplexes; anything that arouses curiosity or perplexes because it is unexplained, inexplicable or secret.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 8044

« Reply #414 on: January 05, 2011, 01:18:04 AM »

About the sexting and what the public knows at this point (not saying that LE doesn't have additional information):

The phone records produced were not the records received from the "carrier", they were an account holder's records; the records produced by subpoena from the carrier look different than the account holder's records.
The records produced indicated the numbers used for the sending and receiving the texts.

One of those numbers was a phone owned by Kaine and the number is in Kaine's account.  That phone was the one the person "receiving" the texts was using.

The person receiving the texts was supposedly MC; therefore, if true, MC was using Kaine's phone and it raises the question to whether or not there was a set up.
The phone used to "send" the texts is a number that is not registered to any account; in other words, a pre-paid throw-away phone.  Since that phone is not registered to any account, anyone could have been using that phone. 

There has been no "proof" made public that Terri used that pre-paid phone; however, there's also no statements from Terri's attorneys stating that she was not the person using the phone.

At this point, publicly, it has not been proven as to who was using the phones on either side of the texting.

Also, the phone record document attached as an exhibit to the sworn affidavit filed in court is not the document that is produced by a "carrier" - which is officially required by the court.  Why wasn't the carrier copy of the phone records filed in court?

The document used for the filing was an account document - what the account owner would receive - in this case Kaine is the account owner.  If LE provided the account owner's copy to Kaine, then it stands to reason that they would have received it from the account owner to begin with. 

There are definate questions about the sexting records. 

Since it's not been refuted in any filing with the court from Terri's attorney that Terri didn't send the texts, I tend to think that Terri was on one side of the texting; however, it could be that Terri's attorney is just waiting to tell her side in the court room. 

I can certainly be wrong, but I don't believe we've heard the last of the "sexting" yet.  I don't mean because if Terri did it she's bad (you wouldn't do it, I wouldn't do it - but we hear often on the news that teens and young adults are sexting and sending nude pictures all the time - it IS being done in today's world), I mean because of the actual mechanics and reports of these text messages.

One more question all this raises:  Would the messages as produced on the "carrier's" copy read the exact same way as on the "account owner's" copy? 

I thought that maybe Kaine and Mike had set Terri up with the sexts except that Terri and Mike both spoke about Terri going to his house one night. Remember, she did not want her attorney or DEDE to know about it? With all of the talk of sex, one could draw the conclusion that she went to Mike's house for one reason. I just don't feel too strongly one way or the other yet about a set-up.

Well, I don't think "sex" happened when Terri went to see Mike - because Mike says they never had sex and in the text it was mentioned that they had a good talk and it seemed like what happend was innocuous from my take on reading the text. 

Puzzler - that which puzzles or perplexes; anything that arouses curiosity or perplexes because it is unexplained, inexplicable or secret.
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #415 on: January 05, 2011, 01:18:27 AM »

If the sexting was a setup by Kaine Horman and Michael Cook ... Terri fell for it hook, line and sinker.

Terri's words/images in those sexting records are disgusting at anytime but when the timing is considered ... a woman void of a conscience is revealed ... a woman who lacks common sense is revealed.



Terri withdraws request to see her daughter
Story Published: Dec 27, 2010 at 9:14 AM PST

Personal information at issue: "...Further, Petitioner chose to attach to his affidavit deeply personal text messages [WARNING: These texts contain explicit content] between Respondent and a mutual friend of the parties." As an aside, Terri's Nov. 2 filing of this document comes the same day that a site that looks into disappearance cases raised questions about the sender and recipient of those messages. This new court filing seems to confirm Kaine Horman's contentions.

Kyron Horman Case: Terri Horman Sexts Sent To Kaine Horman’s Phone…. WHAT?
Posted by Blink | Tuesday 2 November 2010 5:32 pm

Unless revealed otherwise ... I will not negate Blink's research.

Nevertheless ... I am still on the fence in regards to Terri's participation in the disappearance of Kyron.

There was a time I was not on the fence.  When Kaine was given custody of Kiara and ... when Terri was evicted from the family home ... I believed "reliable sources" that an arrest was imminent.  However ... six months later Terri has not been officially declared a person of interest.  What is wrong with this picture?



Kaine Horman asks judge to make Terri Moulton Horman move out of his house
Published: Thursday, July 08, 2010, 12:06 PM
Updated: Thursday, July 08, 2010, 6:43 PM

Multnomah County judge today unsealed the petition for the restraining order which Kaine Horman obtained on June 28, two days after investigators informed him that his wife had offered to pay a landscaper to kill him months before his son's disappearance.

"I believe respondent is involved in the disappearance of my son Kyron who has been missing since June 4, 2010. I also recently learned that respondent attempted to hire someone to murder me,'' Kaine Horman wrote in his petition. "The police have provided me with probable cause to believe the above two statements to be true."


Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway
Page 219: I have to make difficult choices every day.  I have to make a conscious decision every morning when I wake up not to be bitter, not to live in resentment and let anger control me.  It's not easy.  I ask God to help me.

“A person of integrity expects to be believed and when he’s not, he let’s time prove him right.” -unknown
Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 8044

« Reply #416 on: January 05, 2011, 01:22:41 AM »

I'm sorry about the double posting.

If a mod has an opportunity, would you please remove Reply #413.  TIA

Done.  MB

« Last Edit: January 05, 2011, 05:33:40 AM by MuffyBee » Logged

Puzzler - that which puzzles or perplexes; anything that arouses curiosity or perplexes because it is unexplained, inexplicable or secret.
Monkey King
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« Reply #417 on: January 05, 2011, 01:26:01 AM »

IF Terri was alienated early on by the family because of allegedly failing the polygraphs, was falsely accussed of a MFH plan and set up with a failed sting operation, had her friends falsely accussed, slapped with divorce papers and a restraining order, had her daughter taken from her, evicted from her home, accussed of sexting another man on a phone registered to her husband, publically accussed by Kaine and Desiree-I believe I would get the best of the best attorneys money could buy and I would totally shut down any communication to anyone. Period.

     ~Things aren't always what they appear to be~
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #418 on: January 05, 2011, 01:27:21 AM »

Yes, I came back before going to bed.

I don't believe for one moment that it was a set up. She did it because that's what she does. To look further into that theory is a waste of time, IMO.

Truly off to bed now. GN Monkeys.

I agree. TH has a history full of bad choices made for no other reason than she wants it and therefore thinks she's entitled. However that said, are her actions now because Kaine and Kyron serve no purpose in her life, so she's tossed them aside and wasnt to be done with it. So in her eyes, she thinks she's justified not cooperating or delaying the investigation.

OR are her actions because she's responsible.

That's why I'm still on the fence when it comes to Kyron. TH has a history of self centered, me first and only me-me-me and always justifying (making lame excuses) her selfish behavior.  Her excuses always seem to follow the same pattern, starting with who's to blame for why she has to act like this. When self proclaimed victims are asked questions like 'what if you get caught' their replies are usually to the effect of 'I could care less, HE should have thought about that before making me take it to this level!'  reinforcing they think they aren't to blame.

I am leaning towards thinking TH is responsible, but without an obvious starting point of her bad choice/poor behavior, it makes it hard to compare it, with when Kyron went missing and have a big red flag start waving.

Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #419 on: January 05, 2011, 01:27:30 AM »

Yes, I came back before going to bed.

I don't believe for one moment that it was a set up. She did it because that's what she does. To look further into that theory is a waste of time, IMO.

Truly off to bed now. GN Monkeys.

Curiosity questions:

Why do you think that MC would have been using Kaine's phone? 

Could that have been so there would be an easily accessible record of the texting? 

Is there a possibility that MC was not the one using the phone?

Is there a possiblity that MC was not alone on his end when the texting was being done? 

Puzzler - that which puzzles or perplexes; anything that arouses curiosity or perplexes because it is unexplained, inexplicable or secret.
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