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Author Topic: Natalee Case Discussion #742 3/10 - 3/14/08  (Read 312877 times)
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Monkey Junky
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unwatched kids will be given sugar + a free puppy

« Reply #480 on: March 12, 2008, 03:02:02 PM »

Could it be the beginning of a little civil unrest? Maybe Rudy will cough up part of the $65,000,000 he has made off the backs of the Arubian shoulders, or PVDS will cough up $1,000,000 to pay a small portion of the money he has forced Aruba to spend defending his guilty ass. Arubians, please note, your leaders and their pets are living the good life. Are you?

PE...this may sound very *dumb*..but it's been on my mind for about an, tossing it out there...

Can anyone who lives on/near Aruba, set up an internet chat board for the *poor disgruntled minions* to post/vent about the current unrest in Aruba?  I would be more than glad to help fund it!   Just imagine what kinds of things folks could/would post....especially if they are *mad as hell* and want to get back at *the powers that be*....yup...*hungry* folks will complain....

One heck of a great idea Destiny. If the blog/forum were US based there is jack the Arubans could do about it.

Well...I do have an open account with have 2 websites...with all the bells and whistles I'm not using...I just don't have the time to manage it with my Business...whatcha  I'll keep paying for the site...if someone *trustworthy* manages it...and it is *dedicated* to the issues mentioned above... we need tick out a domain name for the site...I'll procure it....just thinking here....

Also...need to find out how much Jossy would charge for a nice display ad to promote it in Aruba...hahahhaha...I'm a mean Monkey...NOT!

I Stand With The Girl *NATALEE HOLLOWAY*

Aruba Beware *AN ANGEL LIKE NO OTHER* has fallen amongst you....may you know the fury of HEAVEN!
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #481 on: March 12, 2008, 03:13:51 PM »

I ordered my Tote-bag yesterday and I can't wait to get it!! 

I LOVE tote bags.  I'll have to do some shopping.  Thanks for the reminder.

"I bring my better angels to every fight".
Expect a miracle.
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #482 on: March 12, 2008, 03:29:56 PM »

I ordered my Tote-bag yesterday and I can't wait to get it!! 

I LOVE tote bags.  I'll have to do some shopping.  Thanks for the reminder.

NOTE - looks like Cafepress has removed any items with Natalee's photo on them.  I'll see if Red can email them and straighten it out but WAIT to order.  If you have already ordered the Tote or Shirt with Natalee's photo you might get it but as on now they aren't available.
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #483 on: March 12, 2008, 03:34:25 PM »

I ordered my Tote-bag yesterday and I can't wait to get it!! 

I LOVE tote bags.  I'll have to do some shopping.  Thanks for the reminder.

NOTE - looks like Cafepress has removed any items with Natalee's photo on them.  I'll see if Red can email them and straighten it out but WAIT to order.  If you have already ordered the Tote or Shirt with Natalee's photo you might get it but as on now they aren't available.

Peaches - I'm so sorry.  Looks like Cafepress just removed them today.  Hopefully Red can get them to reconsider. 
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #484 on: March 12, 2008, 03:39:31 PM »


Those are similar to mine 


Better watch them shoes, that monkey shoe got eyes and can see up yo dress.  jack blue


The will of heaven be done in this and all things.
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #485 on: March 12, 2008, 03:41:42 PM »


Civil servants walked out for more salary

I got news for these people, Aruba ain't got no money.

They aren't worth a hoot even if they had money.  Money cannot buy Truth.
Money cannot buy integrity.  They have none, it seems and are a disgrace to the World.   Jack blue

Does the average Aruban not comprehend that he/she or his/her loved ones are at risk of false implication in a crime everytime the "Dutch elite" in Aruba" take it upon themselves to protect their own from accountability in regards to illegal activies.

In June, 2005 there was an obvious attempt to frame the security guards.  Their social/economic status dictated they could be the sacrifice lambs who would take the place of Joran and Paulus.  The tactic may have worked if it were not for a voice that refused to be silent ... the voice that demanded the truth ... the voice of Beth Holloway Twitty.



Beth Twitty
'Rita Cosby Live & Direct'
December 5, 2005

TWITTY: ... Remember, within the first 24 hours, we knew who the suspects were. We knew the persons that Natalee were taken from Carlos and Charlie‘s. We knew the license plate of the gray Honda they placed her in. We knew the condition that Natalee was in. We knew the behavior or the conduct in which they engaged in with Natalee.

And then not only that, Jane, within 72 hours, we knew that their first story was totally fabricated, that within the first 72 hours, I faced a room of 12 -- at least 12 detectives, Aruban and Dutch detectives, and a lead detective, Dennis Jacobs (ph), and they knew after we reviewed video footage from the Holiday Inn casino lobby that my daughter had never been brought back to the Holiday Inn. They knew that those suspects were fabricating a story from day one.


TWITTY: Well, Jane, something that the family knew—and we have to keep reminding everyone—after 72 hours -- 72 hours—we knew definitively that these suspects were not telling the truth. We knew that my daughter had never been brought back to the Holiday Inn. Of course we were becoming frustrated. Who wouldn‘t, at this point? You know, we—and what was so unbelievable about this, is they knew this information and still chose to pursue the two security guards on June the 5th.

Arubans Agree: Race Not an Issue
Tuesday, June 14, 2005,2933,159481,00.html

Some Arubans say that while race may not have played a role in the detentions, class could have. The Dutch man in police custody is the privileged son of a Justice Ministry official, and his two Surinamese friends are from a middle-class family.

The two blacks, meanwhile, live in a poor town of oil refinery workers.

First they came ....

"In Germany, they came first for the Communists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Communist;
And then they came for the trade unionists, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a trade unionist;
And then they came for the Jews, And I didn’t speak up because I wasn’t a Jew;

And then . . . they came for me . . . And by that time there was no one left to speak up."

Pastor Martin Niemöller (1892–1984)

Loving Natalee - Beth Holloway
Page 219: I have to make difficult choices every day.  I have to make a conscious decision every morning when I wake up not to be bitter, not to live in resentment and let anger control me.  It's not easy.  I ask God to help me.

“A person of integrity expects to be believed and when he’s not, he let’s time prove him right.” -unknown
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 4496

unwatched kids will be given sugar + a free puppy

« Reply #486 on: March 12, 2008, 03:41:58 PM »

I ordered my Tote-bag yesterday and I can't wait to get it!! 

I LOVE tote bags.  I'll have to do some shopping.  Thanks for the reminder.

NOTE - looks like Cafepress has removed any items with Natalee's photo on them.  I'll see if Red can email them and straighten it out but WAIT to order.  If you have already ordered the Tote or Shirt with Natalee's photo you might get it but as on now they aren't available.

Thanks Klaas...I went there early this AM to order some items...noticed there were NO pix...thought it was my computer....what a shame...wonder *who* gave them the heebie-jeebies.....

I Stand With The Girl *NATALEE HOLLOWAY*

Aruba Beware *AN ANGEL LIKE NO OTHER* has fallen amongst you....may you know the fury of HEAVEN!
Monkey Mega Star
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Posts: 74276

« Reply #487 on: March 12, 2008, 03:47:32 PM »

I ordered my Tote-bag yesterday and I can't wait to get it!! 

I LOVE tote bags.  I'll have to do some shopping.  Thanks for the reminder.

NOTE - looks like Cafepress has removed any items with Natalee's photo on them.  I'll see if Red can email them and straighten it out but WAIT to order.  If you have already ordered the Tote or Shirt with Natalee's photo you might get it but as on now they aren't available.

Thanks Klaas...I went there early this AM to order some items...noticed there were NO pix...thought it was my computer....what a shame...wonder *who* gave them the heebie-jeebies.....

Cafepress has done this to us before, even with recognizable cartoon images that are copywrited.  I'm hoping Red can get them to allow Natalee's pic.  I do believe Beth would send Cafepress an email and approve if necessary. 
« Last Edit: March 12, 2008, 03:49:49 PM by klaasend » Logged
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #488 on: March 12, 2008, 03:52:48 PM »

Hi Monkeys!
What's up with Cafepress? Why would they remove Natalee's pho   ::MonkeyEek::to?
Maine - USA
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RIP Grumpy Cat :( I will miss you.

« Reply #489 on: March 12, 2008, 03:56:15 PM »

Are there any leftover from the travel shows that Peaches could get one??

Brothers and Sisters, I bid you beware/Of giving your heart to a dog to tear  -- Rudyard Kipling

One who doesn't trust is never deceived...

'I remained too much inside my head and ended up losing my mind' -Edgar Allen Poe
Miss Scarlet
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« Reply #490 on: March 12, 2008, 05:01:58 PM »

Looks like Joran was wearing this or something very similar when he was at the Casino that night (I used this pic to test the size of his shoe to his forearm, lol )

I realize the shoe size has been over analyzed, but . . . if that is a folded up newspaper Joran is holding, it basically solves the riddle.  That would be a 10 1/2 ish, but could NEVER be construed as a 14!

CBB, Thank you for my beautiful Easter frock.   
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #491 on: March 12, 2008, 05:02:11 PM »

This was on  the Dutch Crimesite:

Joran vroeg Van der Eem om het zwijggeld

Daury, de man die volgens Joran van der Sloot het lichaam van Natalee Holloway heeft weggewerkt, wilde 2000 euro zwijggeld hebben. Joran vroeg dat geld, tijdens de vermaarde Range Rover-rit, aan Patrick van der Eem. ‘Maar die heeft dat nooit gegeven’, zegt Van der Eems woordvoerder.
In Revu van deze week gaat Van der Eems perschref Peter Schouten uitgebreid in op de opmerkelijke uitspraken die Patrick deed in het stiekem opgenomen Arubaanse tv-programma Un dia den Bida. Daarin liet Van der Eem zich tegenover de presentator Poentje Castro onder meer ontvallen dat hij ‘weet wie Natalee in zee heeft gegooid’. ‘Patrick zegt het op een wijze die duidelijk maakt dat het om een opinie gaat, geen wetenschap.’

Volgens Schouten is er geen sprake van dat presentator Poentje Castro door Van der Eem zou zijn bedreigd. Hij zegt dat Castro een slaatje wilde slaan uit de geheime opnamen. ‘Het was verbijsterend om te horen dat Castro deze banden aan Patrick wilde verkopen.’

In het gesprek had Van der Eem het over ‘minicamera’s’ in planten. ‘Dat was een idee van Patrick voordat hij in contact kwam met Peter R. de Vries, waarna het echte plan met de Range Rover ontstond.’

Stan de Jong & Koen Voskuil

This is what I read:

Joran asked v.d. Eem  hush-money.

Daury, the man which according to Joran v.d. S.  got rid of the body of Natalee Holloway, wanted 2000 euro hush-money.  Joran asked the money during the famous drive in the Range-Rover from Patrick v.d. Eem. “But he never gave the money” says the spokesman of Van der Eem.
In the Revu of this week, Peter Schouten, the spokesman of v.d. Eem, talks extensively about the remarkable pronunciations done by Patrick in the underhand recorded Aruban TV show Un dia den Bida. In this program v.d. Eem supposed to have told Poentje Castro that he “knows who Natalee dropped in the sea”. “Patrick told it in a way which makes clear this is an opinion, not a knowledge.
According to Schouten Poentje is not threatened by Van der Eem. He says Castro will make a profit by the secret recording. “It was bewildering to hear that Castro wanted to sell these tapes to Patrick”.
In the conversation v.d. Eem talked about minicamera’s in plants. That was an idea of Patrick before he contacted Peter R de Vries.  After the contact with Peter R de Vries the plan with the Range Rover was born.

Stan de Jong en Koen Voskuil.

interesting. well we saw patrick talk about getting some money for this guy, so i wonder when joran's request came...before or after patrick mentioned it and in what context. i'm wondering why no one is calling poentje out on this. did jossy have anything to add about this?

The state of the condition insults my intuition
Scared Monkey
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Posts: 33

« Reply #492 on: March 12, 2008, 05:29:25 PM »

Civil servants walked out for more salary

I got news for these people, Aruba ain't got no money.

Sounds like a VERY good time to remind Aruba's "common folk" about any uncollected Reward long as their feeling the pinch in their wallets from the lack of tourism....don't ya think?   

(signing off and going back to work!)

Life is not about waiting out the's about learning how to dance in the rain!
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 3539


« Reply #493 on: March 12, 2008, 05:34:36 PM »

I ordered my Tote-bag yesterday and I can't wait to get it!! 

I LOVE tote bags.  I'll have to do some shopping.  Thanks for the reminder.

NOTE - looks like Cafepress has removed any items with Natalee's photo on them.  I'll see if Red can email them and straighten it out but WAIT to order.  If you have already ordered the Tote or Shirt with Natalee's photo you might get it but as on now they aren't available.

You know that's what I was looking for, don't ya??

"I bring my better angels to every fight".
Expect a miracle.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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Posts: 9617

« Reply #494 on: March 12, 2008, 05:40:35 PM »

Two Suspects Charged in UNC Killing
HILLSBOROUGH, N.C. (March 12) - Authorities charged two suspects Wednesday with first-degree murder in the killing of the University of North Carolina's student body president.
Police charged two suspects Wednesday with first-degree murder in the killing of University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill student body president Eve Carson, above. Demario James Atwater, 21, of Durham, was arrested and held without bond. Police are still looking for 17-year-old Lawrence Alvin Lovett Jr.

Demario James Atwater, 21, of Durham, was arrested and ordered held without bond. Shackled at the ankle and waist and with a public defender at his side, Atwater whispered "yes" when asked whether he understood the charge against him. His next court appearance was scheduled for March 24.

Police said they are still searching for 17-year-old Lawrence Alvin Lovett Jr.

Chapel Hill Police Chief Brian Curran declined to say which of the suspects shot and killed Carson, a 22-year-old from Athens, Ga., found lying on a street a week ago about a mile from campus.

The biology and political science major had been shot several times, including once in the right temple. Her body was positively identified the next day, leading to an outpouring of grief at North Carolina.

"I hope the arrest can ease the minds of some in the community," District Attorney Jim Woodall said.

In the day after Carson's death, police focused their investigation on a suspect pictured in several surveillance photos using her ATM card.

The Board of Trustees at North Carolina offered a $25,000 reward for information leading to an arrest in her death, and police received hundreds of tips after the first two photos were released over the weekend.

Carson was a prestigious Morehead-Cain scholar at North Carolina, where she was remembered by thousands who gathered Thursday at two campus memorial services. Hundreds of mourners filled the First United Methodist Church in Athens on Sunday at a memorial service in her hometown.

The university said Wednesday a third memorial service will be held next week at the campus basketball arena.

Behind Every Lie is a Clue to the Truth
Maine - USA
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RIP Grumpy Cat :( I will miss you.

« Reply #495 on: March 12, 2008, 05:47:16 PM »

Well.....looks like things are at a standstill once again Sad
Will there ever be truth, justice and Natalee's remains given back to her family...


Brothers and Sisters, I bid you beware/Of giving your heart to a dog to tear  -- Rudyard Kipling

One who doesn't trust is never deceived...

'I remained too much inside my head and ended up losing my mind' -Edgar Allen Poe
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 2001

« Reply #496 on: March 12, 2008, 06:01:33 PM »

tabloid gossip magazine Privé reporting Joran is in a mental clinic near Dutch city of Utrecht.
also interview with Beth in their upcoming issue.

Scared Monkey
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Posts: 93

« Reply #497 on: March 12, 2008, 06:05:31 PM »

tabloid gossip magazine Privé reporting Joran is in a mental clinic near Dutch city of Utrecht.
also interview with Beth in their upcoming issue.

didn't svetlana or whatever her name was (joran's ghostwriter that he was MSM'ing with during the days of the devries brouhaha) write for that rag?

The state of the condition insults my intuition
Monkey Mega Star
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Posts: 74276

« Reply #498 on: March 12, 2008, 06:08:07 PM »

I ordered my Tote-bag yesterday and I can't wait to get it!! 

I LOVE tote bags.  I'll have to do some shopping.  Thanks for the reminder.

NOTE - looks like Cafepress has removed any items with Natalee's photo on them.  I'll see if Red can email them and straighten it out but WAIT to order.  If you have already ordered the Tote or Shirt with Natalee's photo you might get it but as on now they aren't available.

You know that's what I was looking for, don't ya??

Peaches - I was going to get one of those Tote bags too...hopefully we can get Natalee's pic back, if not I'll add a tote with "I Stand With The Girl" on both sides.
Monkey Junky
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Posts: 2001

« Reply #499 on: March 12, 2008, 06:10:19 PM »

tabloid gossip magazine Privé reporting Joran is in a mental clinic near Dutch city of Utrecht.
also interview with Beth in their upcoming issue.

didn't svetlana or whatever her name was (joran's ghostwriter that he was MSM'ing with during the days of the devries brouhaha) write for that rag?

no, Zvezdana Vukojevic writes for newspaper DAG.

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