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Author Topic: VA Tech Student Morgan Dana Harrington missing since 10/17/09#1 10/19/09-7/1/10  (Read 768688 times)
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« Reply #440 on: November 12, 2009, 02:31:42 AM »

Essay written by Morgan Harrington
(posted by Gil Harrington @ )


“Empty Nest Syndrome”

“Empty-nest syndrome is a term commonly used for a psychological or emotional condition that can affect a woman around the time that one or more of her children leave home” (Delvin and Webber 1). Although this is not a syndrome usually acknowledged by the medical community, it does affect plenty of parents (Delvin and Webber 4). The typical times that it hits the hardest are when a child leaves for college or when a child gets married (Delvin and Webber 3). “This condition is typically more common in women, who are more likely to have had the role of primary carer” (”Empty”18). Typical symptoms a mom might feel include being overwhelmed, deep depression, and wondering where her place is now that her focus is gone.

It makes sense that a mom would feel lost once all of her children leave home. After all, a mom does spend at least 18 years with her kids and it probably is very difficult to watch them turn into adults. Does this sound familiar: “I’m not your little girl anymore”? Such comments are easy for a young adult to say but difficult for a mom to grasp. Her whole world is shaken when her “baby” leaves the nest, hence the term “empty-nest syndrome.” “The grief of empty nest syndrome may be compounded by other life events happening at the same time, including: retirement, redundancy, menopause, and death of a spouse” (”Empty” 7). All of these stressful life factors along with empty nest syndrome can be overwhelming for a mom to experience.

Empty nest syndrome is more prone to women in unhappy marital relationships. Once the distraction of a child is gone, a mom is left to see what is truly there in her marriage (Delvin and Webber 27). One couple recalled that when their child left for college, “they sat opposite each other over exquisite candle-lit dinners every night, and could think of nothing to discuss” (Delvin and Webber 30). Sometimes, with a child moving on in his life, parents face difficulty in what to do with their own lives.

I think that having a child leave home would be extrememly difficult. Although it is the normal, expected thing to happen, that doesn’t make the transition any easier. I think that the severity of the syndrome would depend on the behavior of the child. For instance, a parent might be relieved if a bratty, argumentative child leaves; however, a mom might be heartbroken if her precious, sweet daughter goes to college. It is all relative to the quality of home life. I chose to write about empty nest syndrome because my brother just left for college and I’ll be going in a year and a half. The change wasn’t so hard when my brother left because I’m still here. I think that when I leave, though, the impact will be stronger. Still, my parents are happily married and probably are also looking forward to being on their own again even though they’ll miss me.
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« Reply #441 on: November 12, 2009, 02:33:11 AM »


“We’re becoming a family of skeletons. Morgan, are you becoming a skeleton too?” – Dr. Phil reading from the journal of Gil Harrington ...  "

I missed this sentence the first time I read the article Trimm posted.  With all due respect to Morgan's mother in her agony ... that sentence bugs me.  What a very strange phrase.  To me. 

  ITA with you Bud!!
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« Reply #442 on: November 12, 2009, 09:05:50 AM »


“We’re becoming a family of skeletons. Morgan, are you becoming a skeleton too?” – Dr. Phil reading from the journal of Gil Harrington ...  "

I missed this sentence the first time I read the article Trimm posted.  With all due respect to Morgan's mother in her agony ... that sentence bugs me.  What a very strange phrase.  To me. 

  ITA with you Bud!!

I agree.   

  ~241~ "The Longer You Love,The Longer You Live,The Stronger You Feel,The More You Can Give."
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« Reply #443 on: November 12, 2009, 09:18:43 AM »

Harrington parents appearing on ‘Dr. Phil’
By The Daily Progress Staff
Published: November 12, 2009
Updated: November 12, 2009

nowBuzz up!

Talk show advice expert Dr. Phil interviewed the parents of missing student Morgan D. Harrington in an episode set to air at 3 p.m. today on NBC.

Harrington disappeared from an Oct. 17 Metallica concert at John Paul Jones Arena.

Dr. Phil will read from the journal of Harrington’s mother, Gil Harrington.

According to a pre-show news release, the journal reads in part, “We’re becoming a family of skeletons. Morgan, are you becoming a skeleton too?”

In the episode, Dr. Phil also speaks with the mother of a girl who was abducted and killed last month.

During the program Dr. Phil urges viewers with any leads regarding the whereabouts of Morgan Harrington to call the Virginia State Police at 352-3467.

  ~241~ "The Longer You Love,The Longer You Live,The Stronger You Feel,The More You Can Give."
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« Reply #444 on: November 12, 2009, 09:21:38 AM »
Parents embrace Web in Harrington search
Social networking sites are helping maintain interest in the search.

By Rex Bowman
The message from Gil Harrington, the normally soft-spoken mother of missing Virginia Tech student Morgan Harrington, was precise, prickly, even a bit menacing: "I am starting to get angry. I am slow to anger, but once it takes hold I am relentless. I will tear apart this world to find Morgan and get this guy."

The statement, which captured the frustration Gil and Dan Harrington feel as the search for their daughter nears the end of its fourth week, did not come in the middle of a news conference or television interview: Gil Harrington posted it on her blog, the latest online tool the Roanoke County family has turned to in a cutting-edge effort to shape media coverage and assist investigators. In the process, the family is helping to rewrite the playbook for how American families respond to a child's disappearance.

If the Harringtons are any indication, gone are the days when families of missing children hunkered down in their homes while reporters beat on their doors, police officers quietly conducted their investigations and neighbors passed around fliers. The Harringtons have used an arsenal of online social networking tools to become a go-to source of information in the search for their 20-year-old daughter, largely taking it upon themselves to feed the public's appetite for news -- any news -- about Harrington. Wednesday's blog offered readers an essay Morgan Harrington wrote on "empty nest syndrome."
Gil Harrington's soul-baring blog is on the Web site,, which was created by a Roanoke webmaster but is now partly driven by a public relations firm working for the Harringtons. The Web site also features links to a Facebook page devoted to finding Morgan Harrington, a Flickr page where myriad photos of the 20-year-old are available, RSS and Twitter feeds, and YouTube videos related to the missing woman. Message boards associated with the sites have become lengthy scrolls of commentary from people around the nation.

"This is certainly state of the art -- if not groundbreaking," said Bob Smither, whose 12-year-old daughter, Laura, was abducted and killed in 1997, years before families could fully use the Internet to involve the wider community in searches. The group Smither co-founded, the Texas-based Laura Recovery Center for Missing Children, has participated in more than 90 searches for missing children in the past decade, he said, and he could think of no prior instance when a family used such an array of networking instruments. The recovery center led a search for Morgan Harrington over the weekend that involved nearly 1,700 volunteers, many of whom learned of the search effort from and Twitter messages, or tweets.

So many armchair detectives have used the Web pages to post their speculations and raise questions about Harrington's disappearance that the Virginia State Police has tasked two agents to constantly peruse the sites in search of useful information, spokeswoman Corinne Geller said. "We think, if it's out there and if it's surfaced, let's look into it."

Case in point: One woman wrote on Facebook that she had seen Morgan Harrington at a Sheetz gas station in Orange County; police checked it out but were unable to find any corroborating evidence.

Even so, the Harringtons social networking approach is influencing the investigation.
"We've found, over the past several years, that online digital media is the best, fastest and most efficient way to reach specific audiences, and it's especially important when you reach out to young people," said Gene Grabowski, senior vice president of the Washington-based Levik Strategic Communications, which is behind the sophisticated online effort. Levick has six of its 50 employees working to keep the Harringtons online presence up to date.

Harrington vanished Oct. 17 during a Metallica concert she was attending with friends at the John Paul Jones Arena in Charlottesville. She was last seen about 9:30 that night walking along the Copeley Road bridge just south of the arena. Her purse, with her ID inside, was found the next morning in a nearby grassy parking lot, along with her cellphone. The cellphone's battery was missing.

While the state police have set up a tip line (434-352-3467) and announced a $150,000 reward for information leading to the recovery of the missing woman, Gil and Dan Harrington have actively sought out reporters, taking a proactive approach to keeping their daughter's disappearance in the public eye. The Harringtons have appeared on the "Today" show, "Nancy Grace" and "America's Most Wanted" and are scheduled to appear today on the "Dr. Phil" show.

Three weeks ago, though, their efforts to grab media attention veered sharply to the Internet when the Harringtons contacted the Levick public relations firm, which, Grabowski said, agreed to help the Harringtons for free. "We're treating this as if it's our top client right now."

The agency immediately turned to social networking sites, which more than 55.6 million U.S. adults visit monthly, according to a report this year from Forrester Research.
Levick helped streamline and turn it into a polished, comprehensive site that offers original content while linking to news sources and social networking arenas. Levick integrated the site with Twitter and Facebook and launched YouTube and Flickr sites. Together, the interlinked sites include the latest news updates, notices of upcoming events and television appearances by the Harringtons, photos of their daughter, statements issued by the family and the comments from a large community of readers. is now the number one Internet source for information on Harrington, according to Grabowski; meanwhile, the Facebook page has more than 26,500 friends and is signing up 1,000 new friends daily, and the Twitter feed has doubled since Levick's arrival. The agency has also dealt directly with Google and enlisted the aid of bloggers to publicize the hunt for Harrington.

The Harringtons innovative use of online social networking sites is the right approach but may already be obsolete, given the rapidly changing nature of technology, said Joshua Fairfield, associate professor of law at Washington and Lee University. Fairfield said victimized families will soon be able to focus their efforts on getting information to the latest hand-held devices -- iPhones and Blackberries, for instance -- instead of computer screens. Amber Alerts are already a free iPhone application, he noted. "Push it out to the mobiles. The idea that we're going to use the typewriter is past."

Geller, of the state police, said the use of social networking tools is good for investigators overall because "you can never have too much information." However, she noted, statements posted on message boards and on Facebook are often repeated as facts, and misinformation has a way of proliferating rapidly on the Internet. She said reporters who monitor the sites call her in an effort to verify bits of information, "and I spend my time chasing down rumors."

Robert Lowery, executive director of the Missing Children's Division of the National Center for Missing & Exploited Children, said the Harringtons and Levick deserve credit for finding a way to reach people of Morgan Harrington's age, which could prove critical to finding her and serve as a template for families who find themselves in similar circumstances.
"I don't see a downside," he said. "We were used to being spoon-fed information, but now we have an overabundance of information. That's a good thing."

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« Reply #445 on: November 12, 2009, 09:23:42 AM »

Article above posted 
Thursday, November 12, 2009

  ~241~ "The Longer You Love,The Longer You Live,The Stronger You Feel,The More You Can Give."
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« Reply #446 on: November 12, 2009, 09:33:27 AM »


“We’re becoming a family of skeletons. Morgan, are you becoming a skeleton too?” – Dr. Phil reading from the journal of Gil Harrington ...  "

I missed this sentence the first time I read the article Trimm posted.  With all due respect to Morgan's mother in her agony ... that sentence bugs me.  What a very strange phrase.  To me. 

  ITA with you Bud!!
Me too, and I have been trying to figure out what exactly she may have meant by that, except for the obvious which struck me very odd.
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« Reply #447 on: November 12, 2009, 09:34:36 AM »

Article above posted 
Thursday, November 12, 2009
Thanks Trimm, and thank-you Jackie for posting the paper that Morgan wrote.
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« Reply #448 on: November 12, 2009, 10:01:08 AM »

Parents of missing Virginia Tech student plea for ground search volunteers
Published: November 5, 2009
The family of Morgan D. Harrington is seeking volunteers to redouble the efforts to locate the Virginia Tech student who disappeared Oct. 17 after leaving the John Paul Jones Arena.

Harrington’s parents were in town Wednesday along with the father of returned abductee Elizabeth Smart to announce a new ground search on Friday, Saturday and Sunday.

“It’s augmenting what [authorities] are doing,” the missing woman’s father, Dan Harrington of Roanoke, said.

The effort will be organized by the Laura Recovery Center for missing children, a Texas-based nonprofit.

Vest-clad volunteers will execute a grid search over ground the Virginia State Police and other law-enforcement agencies have already covered.

“Searchers can go over an area three times before they find something,” Ed Smart said.
Hundreds of tips, but few clues

Police have been following up on hundreds of tips, but so far have only managed to corroborate Morgan Harrington’s location as far as a bridge on Copeley Road, where she was at about 9:30 p.m.

On Wednesday evening, Virginia State Police officers, police dogs and search and rescue teams combed property near the State Farm Insurance Co. campus on Pantops, checking out a tip regarding Harrington.

They found nothing, but state police Lt. Ann Barber said investigators plan on checking every tip that comes in.

“At this point, this is our priority. We’re going back and relooking at tips,” she said. “We’re deploying all of our resources. If you get an idea, we’ll look at it.”

Officers from the state police, the University of Virginia Police Department, Albemarle County Police Department and Albemarle County Sheriff’s Office searched the area, Barber said.

The search began after a phone call that described a suspicious vehicle that was in the area around the time of Harrington’s disappearance. “A vehicle looked wrong to someone,” Barber said. “It looked out of place and that made someone suspicious, so we searched the area. We’re not taking anything for granted.”

Also Wednesday, Harrington’s mother, Gil, reached out to her daughter, asking her to hold on, and asked her captor to release her.

“You try to program your kids with enough wisdom and strength that when they are on the dark side of the moon and not receiving messages from you, that they know to come home,” she said after Wednesday’s news conference.
Police haven’t released any evidence pointing toward abduction, but Harrington’s family is convinced that it is the most likely scenario.

Dan Harrington said he thinks his daughter’s abductor is likely still in the Charlottesville area.

Her mother added that seeing young blonde women jogging in the area from which her daughter disappeared made her nervous for them.
‘Members of the club that no one wants to join’

Ed Smart came into the picture after Dan Harrington called him. Harrington said he admired the strength and dignity with which Smart’s family weathered Elizabeth’s abduction in Utah.

Elizabeth was 14 when she was taken at knifepoint on June 5, 2002, from her Salt Lake City home. She was found alive in March 2003.

Ed Smart and Dan Harrington have become “members of the club that no one wants to join,” they said.

Smart has been able to help the Harrington family cope with their ordeal, Dan Harrington said.

Smart said he now occasionally speaks with families of the abducted.

In preparation for the new search, there will be a meeting for volunteers at 7 p.m. today at the Cavalier Inn. Searches will take place near JPJ on Friday, Saturday and Sunday mornings, and volunteers unable to make the Thursday meeting are still welcome.

The reward for information leading to Harrington is now more than $150,000. That includes $50,000 from Metallica, the band that was playing the arena the night Harrington disappeared.
Harrington is 5-feet-6-inches tall, weighs about 120 pounds, is blonde with blue eyes and was last seen wearing a black T-shirt with “Pantera” written on the front in tan letters, a black miniskirt, black tights and boots.

Police are asking anyone with information to call 352-3435 or e-mail bci-ap .

Good morning!  Sorry for the long quote, I haven't figured out how to crop down to just what I need (*Hint for help).  Just began reading this thread last night.  No offense to anyone, but I'm finding the family's comments very strange.  Bolded above is a cryptic admission that Morgan was into something her parents didn't approve of, IMO.  Why don't the Harrington's talk normally?  As I said, I don't mean it offensively, but it's as if they have their own language.   Something is definitely "off" about this.  The parents paint this picture of perfect child Morgan, who is unusually close to her parents for a college student (parents have keys to her apartment and passwords to computer, calls daily, asks mom for fashion advice-rather than long term friends, Dad balances her checkbook and helps her study). Honestly, I don't like the way her parents are controlling the public perception of her (her Dad said of Metallica, "It wasn't necessarily her type of music....")-my perception. IMO, a lot is being made of Morgan's volunteer work with children of domestic violence.  VT isn't super easy to get into and by all indications, Morgan is intelligent, yet her mother says she has to call home to ask how to mac & cheese?  I get the feeling the Harringtons are waging a PR campaign...why?  Obviously, as many of you have pointed out already, she and her friends alrady had some kind of history with her striking out on her own and not coming home.  Otherwise, her alarmed friends would have contacted police upon arriving in either Harrisonburg (Sarah Snead's place) or at Morgan's apt. in Blacksburg and no Morgan.  If this were a first time event, they would have contacted police late Sunday morning when Morgan failed to show up...they didn't.  Life long friends as close as they're reported to be, "The Nine" would have been far more concerned about Morgan (if her behavior was abnormal) than about covering themselves over drug use, IMO.  VT, as well as UVA (where her brother attended and she no doubt would have visited), require students to sit through safety seminars (particularly VT).  It's not like Morgan was a first timer to the concert scene or large crowds, either.  Something doesn't feel right about this.  JMO         

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« Reply #449 on: November 12, 2009, 10:43:41 AM »

 I agree with you ISpy, something is terribly missing from all of this. And that part of the journal that Dr Phil read or will be reading on his show today, though it does sound very odd, I guess maybe what Morgan's mom is saying, is that the family is disintegrating from all the fear, shock and emotions surrounding their daughter's disappearance. Just her thoughts from her journal and how she is perceiving what is happening.
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« Reply #450 on: November 12, 2009, 10:53:11 AM »

About the family talking oddly, I think because the dad is a psychiatrist, and the religion they belong to, they perhaps look at things on a more spiritual level, to them this obviously isn't odd talking. Almost like they feel and know the worse, and they are realizing that they have to keep their sanity, but also that perhaps if their daughter is gone, she is in Heaven and they will see her again. It could boil down to nothing more then this is how they have to deal, or completely lose it. I'm probably not making sense, but anyway, my heart goes out to them, and I hope they find peace, with whatever outcome there will be  an angelic monkey
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« Reply #451 on: November 12, 2009, 10:57:51 AM »

This case has my own team split down the middle, that's a first. Frankly, I have always said opposing viewpoints helps critical thinking ( for me anyway) so I want to throw a few things to the Monkeys for consumption.

Half of Team Blinkoncrime thinks Morgan Harrington never made it to the JPJ Arena. The other half, thinks the theory and profile I posted early on, that this originates from an aquaintance of Morgan's from VT, security or VT cop, someone she knew.

To add to the "mire" I have had 2 verifiable sources confirm that Morgan was seen interacting briefly with some UVA basketball players while walking through the parking lot. No specifics on who they were, but there were a couple, not one individual.

I want to underscore- I have no idea if this is someone she spoke with or not, no idea if it is relative to Morgan Harrington in any way, but as a news item to UVA only, I found it odd that the week of first games in his Senior year with a team down 2 players, prior to prime scouting for scholarships, in it's first coaching year by Tony Bennett, who had the second most winningest starts for Washington in NCAA history prior to accepting the nod at UVA, would take an indefinite leave of absence to focus on "personal matters."  Again, could be nothing whatsoever, request we don't post his name unless it becomes pertinent.
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« Reply #452 on: November 12, 2009, 11:01:48 AM »

I agree with you ISpy, something is terribly missing from all of this. And that part of the journal that Dr Phil read or will be reading on his show today, though it does sound very odd, I guess maybe what Morgan's mom is saying, is that the family is disintegrating from all the fear, shock and emotions surrounding their daughter's disappearance. Just her thoughts from her journal and how she is perceiving what is happening.

Good Point No Rose- I also wonder if Mrs. Harrington is not somewhat speaking to someone they believe may know what happened to Morgan.
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« Reply #453 on: November 12, 2009, 11:03:59 AM »

This case has my own team split down the middle, that's a first. Frankly, I have always said opposing viewpoints helps critical thinking ( for me anyway) so I want to throw a few things to the Monkeys for consumption.

Half of Team Blinkoncrime thinks Morgan Harrington never made it to the JPJ Arena. The other half, thinks the theory and profile I posted early on, that this originates from an aquaintance of Morgan's from VT, security or VT cop, someone she knew.

To add to the "mire" I have had 2 verifiable sources confirm that Morgan was seen interacting briefly with some UVA basketball players while walking through the parking lot. No specifics on who they were, but there were a couple, not one individual.

I want to underscore- I have no idea if this is someone she spoke with or not, no idea if it is relative to Morgan Harrington in any way, but as a news item to UVA only, I found it odd that the week of first games in his Senior year with a team down 2 players, prior to prime scouting for scholarships, in it's first coaching year by Tony Bennett, who had the second most winningest starts for Washington in NCAA history prior to accepting the nod at UVA, would take an indefinite leave of absence to focus on "personal matters."  Again, could be nothing whatsoever, request we don't post his name unless it becomes pertinent.

Now that is interesting. After everything my thoughts are she never arrived at the concert. But I keep an open mind, I read about the interacting with some players, but do not know if this was verified by LE or discounted.
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« Reply #454 on: November 12, 2009, 11:06:57 AM »

I agree with you ISpy, something is terribly missing from all of this. And that part of the journal that Dr Phil read or will be reading on his show today, though it does sound very odd, I guess maybe what Morgan's mom is saying, is that the family is disintegrating from all the fear, shock and emotions surrounding their daughter's disappearance. Just her thoughts from her journal and how she is perceiving what is happening.

Good Point No Rose- I also wonder if Mrs. Harrington is not somewhat speaking to someone they believe may know what happened to Morgan.
That could be also, I know they are a religious family, but in their talking I sense a very strong spirituality, which is helping them through this.
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« Reply #455 on: November 12, 2009, 11:07:40 AM »

I agree with you ISpy, something is terribly missing from all of this. And that part of the journal that Dr Phil read or will be reading on his show today, though it does sound very odd, I guess maybe what Morgan's mom is saying, is that the family is disintegrating from all the fear, shock and emotions surrounding their daughter's disappearance. Just her thoughts from her journal and how she is perceiving what is happening.

I agree NRCG..her journal is the one place the Mom can write what she fears the most and doesn't want to put into spoken words..that the family no longer seems whole without Morgan and her fear that Morgan maybe dead.

I think they have been doing all the right things in trying to get the word out and showing great courage and opposed to the crazy Anthony's. 

It must be hard too if they know certain things that LE is withholding that can't be expressed because LE wants to keep their cards close to their vest.

I really wish LE would be more forthcoming with atleast a pic of Morgan from that night, photoshopping out anyone else they don't want us to see.  The description of the clothing and jewelry and items missing from her purse..yet they don't say what items are missing. The clothing and jewelry info has changed.  It is hard for people to look for clues when they aren't clear what the heck they are supposed to be looking for.

"Commit a crime and the world is made of glass."
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« Reply #456 on: November 12, 2009, 11:16:22 AM »

I agree with you ISpy, something is terribly missing from all of this. And that part of the journal that Dr Phil read or will be reading on his show today, though it does sound very odd, I guess maybe what Morgan's mom is saying, is that the family is disintegrating from all the fear, shock and emotions surrounding their daughter's disappearance. Just her thoughts from her journal and how she is perceiving what is happening.

I agree NRCG..her journal is the one place the Mom can write what she fears the most and doesn't want to put into spoken words..that the family no longer seems whole without Morgan and her fear that Morgan maybe dead.

I think they have been doing all the right things in trying to get the word out and showing great courage and opposed to the crazy Anthony's. 

It must be hard too if they know certain things that LE is withholding that can't be expressed because LE wants to keep their cards close to their vest.

I really wish LE would be more forthcoming with atleast a pic of Morgan from that night, photoshopping out anyone else they don't want us to see.  The description of the clothing and jewelry and items missing from her purse..yet they don't say what items are missing. The clothing and jewelry info has changed.  It is hard for people to look for clues when they aren't clear what the heck they are supposed to be looking for.
For the life of me, I don't understand why a drawing or anything hasn't been released of what she was wearing, her hairdo, her jewelry, right down to the colored rubber bands on her fingers. The families spirituality will help them through this horrific ordeal, at least they have that, many families don't even have that, but still I just can't imagine not knowing. I just always come back to her friends, I can't let go of her friends, for whatever the reason they are not being completely truthful, imo, and to me that is not a friend.
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« Reply #457 on: November 12, 2009, 11:21:30 AM »

This case has my own team split down the middle, that's a first. Frankly, I have always said opposing viewpoints helps critical thinking ( for me anyway) so I want to throw a few things to the Monkeys for consumption.

Half of Team Blinkoncrime thinks Morgan Harrington never made it to the JPJ Arena. The other half, thinks the theory and profile I posted early on, that this originates from an aquaintance of Morgan's from VT, security or VT cop, someone she knew.

To add to the "mire" I have had 2 verifiable sources confirm that Morgan was seen interacting briefly with some UVA basketball players while walking through the parking lot. No specifics on who they were, but there were a couple, not one individual.

I want to underscore- I have no idea if this is someone she spoke with or not, no idea if it is relative to Morgan Harrington in any way, but as a news item to UVA only, I found it odd that the week of first games in his Senior year with a team down 2 players, prior to prime scouting for scholarships, in it's first coaching year by Tony Bennett, who had the second most winningest starts for Washington in NCAA history prior to accepting the nod at UVA, would take an indefinite leave of absence to focus on "personal matters."  Again, could be nothing whatsoever, request we don't post his name unless it becomes pertinent.

That is very interesting.Thanks Blink.

  ~241~ "The Longer You Love,The Longer You Live,The Stronger You Feel,The More You Can Give."
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« Reply #458 on: November 12, 2009, 11:24:52 AM »

  I found this on

Internet Biggest Tool in Search for Missing Metallica Fan Morgan Harrington

According to police, the Web has led to leads and angles the police may not have thought of. People, sitting at their computers, discussing the case, and what may have happened. The Virginia State Police have two agents assigned to perusing various sites in search of useful information. One woman, police said, wrote on Facebook that she had seen Harrington at a gas station in Orange County, and police checked into it but found nothing to corroborate the tip.
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« Reply #459 on: November 12, 2009, 11:27:32 AM »

I found this on

Internet Biggest Tool in Search for Missing Metallica Fan Morgan Harrington

According to police, the Web has led to leads and angles the police may not have thought of. People, sitting at their computers, discussing the case, and what may have happened. The Virginia State Police have two agents assigned to perusing various sites in search of useful information. One woman, police said, wrote on Facebook that she had seen Harrington at a gas station in Orange County, and police checked into it but found nothing to corroborate the tip.

Thanks KCJackie.   

  ~241~ "The Longer You Love,The Longer You Live,The Stronger You Feel,The More You Can Give."
~ Peter Frampton
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