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Author Topic: Haleigh Cummings #5 3/08/09 - 3/11/09  (Read 309884 times)
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Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #1140 on: March 10, 2009, 08:38:16 PM »

AMW Ron & Misty passed poly’s per LE.

Police confirmed that both Ronald and Misty have taken polygraph tests and they are "satisfied" with the results.

IIRC on polys, they give you the general questions they will ask before hand than there is an intial test than a second.  Also IIRC Misty's first one was redone because she became to hysterical to continue.  Just what I remember.  Now if we can only get someone who cares to call AMW to confirm there source as LE and passed.  I personally think they both passed, Ron right away and Misty after 2nd one but this is jmo from the beginning questioning to what is going on to date. 

I mean if we can arrest Casey with no body and at the time no evidence I don't see what would be holding these guys up if we have failed poly's.  JMO

Has LE said specifically that Ron/Misty had 'passed' the poly with flying colors?  From what LE has said, 'they are "satisfied" with the results.'  What does that mean?     IMO <-- it's still not saying they passed.  I mean sure, it could mean that they passed.  And yet, it could also mean that LE suspects Ron/Misty and what they answered on the LDT could have proven out their suspicions, hence leaving LE 'satisfied' in their suspicions.   Does that make sense? 

That makes sense to me...That how I could of taken that both ways...

I agree; "Passed" seems much less ambiguous than "satisfied."


Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #1141 on: March 10, 2009, 08:41:13 PM »

AMW Ron & Misty passed poly’s per LE.

Police confirmed that both Ronald and Misty have taken polygraph tests and they are "satisfied" with the results.

IIRC on polys, they give you the general questions they will ask before hand than there is an intial test than a second.  Also IIRC Misty's first one was redone because she became to hysterical to continue.  Just what I remember.  Now if we can only get someone who cares to call AMW to confirm there source as LE and passed.  I personally think they both passed, Ron right away and Misty after 2nd one but this is jmo from the beginning questioning to what is going on to date. 

I mean if we can arrest Casey with no body and at the time no evidence I don't see what would be holding these guys up if we have failed poly's.  JMO

Has LE said specifically that Ron/Misty had 'passed' the poly with flying colors?  From what LE has said, 'they are "satisfied" with the results.'  What does that mean?     IMO <-- it's still not saying they passed.  I mean sure, it could mean that they passed.  And yet, it could also mean that LE suspects Ron/Misty and what they answered on the LDT could have proven out their suspicions, hence leaving LE 'satisfied' in their suspicions.   Does that make sense? 

That makes sense to me...That how I could of taken that both ways...

One of the talking heads on JVM said that the police are not going to release the results possibly that the parents have passed the lie detector tests  cause the person who may have taken Haleigh or is guilty of another crime tend to brag a lot and if they know that people in question are cleared, then they, the perp, are not as anxious to brag/talk....not the exact words and maybe not explained that well by me but it made sense on her show....the transcripts will explain it better....

Scared Monkey
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« Reply #1142 on: March 10, 2009, 08:43:11 PM »

This blogger gives some good pointers..
Blog is called Eyes for Lies

here is the video they are referring to.:

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Ronald Cummings, Misty Croslin and Little Haleigh
Many, many, many of you have asked me to review the case of missing Haleigh Cummings. She went missing last Monday night from her home, and hasn't been seen or found since. Haleigh's father, Ronald Cummings, and his girlfriend, Misty Croslin, tell us that Croslin put Haleigh to sleep, later went to sleep herself, and when she woke up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, she found the kitchen light on, Haleigh was gone, and the back door was wide open, propped by a brick.

When I watch Cummings and Croslin speak, many things jump out at me. They are so numerous, I don't have the space here to write them all out, but I will identify a few things I've noted:

   1. When I first saw Ronald Cummings crying in his first plea for his daughter, several things jumped out at me. His crying episode was eerily reminiscent of a child's cry. Most adults don't cry like children. He whined, and acted out of breath, yet he wasn't. It was notable and perplexing.

      Yet he did sound truly congested; however, no tears fell from his face. Later on, however, he did cry very genuine and sincere tears, and the pouting cry notably changes into a regular cry. I find his behavior inconsistent here, and I can't explain it. Is he under the influence of something? He seems really glassy-eyed.

   2. I am also immediately struck by how he portrays no composure of hope in this interview. He seems to have zero hope that his daughter could still be alive. Why isn't he hanging onto the fact that if he and others get out there, they can potentially find her? This disturbs me.

   3. Why isn't he talking to his daughter on camera? "Haleigh, I'm here for you, if you are watching this. I'm going to find you." Does he even think about her being out there, and watching the news? Why isn't he thinking about being strong for her?

      When I see this interview, it seems to be more about Cummings being devastated than finding Haleigh. It's like he is feeling sorry for himself. Why? This is odd. Haleigh's mom, ironically, does talk to her daughter on camera, as I would expect any parent would, if they feared their daughter was kidnapped. She says, "Everybody's here for you. If you're watching these, your momma misses you, daddy misses you ... your whole family misses you and we will bring you home" (source).

   4. At time marker 1:15, Cummings drops down to the ground crying. This is so unusual for an adult to do. Children do this, but how many adults have you seen do this? Especially when the news is not conclusively devastating yet? How come everyone else who loved Haleigh is so composed and acting "normally", but Cummings is not? Here his cry is very shallow. It's not believable for me. If I re-look at this with the angle that Cummings could befeeling sorry for himself, it makes more sense.

   5. He says, "I know somebody took my little girl...some sorry piece of trash that will be wasted when it's all over." This is baffling to me. Haleigh was once found floating in a nearby waterway and nearly drowned, so how could he so conclusively rule this out? How can he so confidently rule out that Haleigh didn't wander away, that he didn't lock the door as he thought he did, that when Croslin's relatives came to visit earlier that night, that they didn't unlock another door or open a window when he was away?

      Would you as a parent be so certain about this, especially since you know your daughter wandered away before? This bothers me.

   6. At one point, Cummings says, "All I want is my children…All I want is my child back.” I thought this was very unusual. Another day, he talks about how others are making this situation all about a custody issue. That was really strange, but if we pair that, with this statement above, you have to wonder, is he afraid he won't have either of his children, perhaps, due to something he has done here? Then this strange slip might actually make sense, wouldn't it?

   7. Then he says something that unnerved me in a huge way. Cummings says, "I’d give my life for my child’s life back.”

      What? Why is he saying this? It makes no sense. Is that why his cry is so confusing? Does he fake concern and worry, and then really cry over what he may know already happened to his daughter? You would think he would have said instead, "I'd give my life for my child back", but that is NOT what he says. Does this indicate that he believes his daughter is not alive? Is that why he thought earlier, "All I want is my children..." because he fears if the truth comes out, he will lose them, or at least his remaining son?

      It's troubling, to say the least.

   8. Notice how Cummings reiterates that he is trying to do the best he can, that someone stole his child while he was at work? Is he building an alibi? Setting a timeline? Why isn't he focusing his energy on getting Haleigh back instead of feeling sorry for himself? Most parents of missing children are focused on getting their children, and don't care at all about themselves, but Cummings is notably different. Most parents know they have to be strong for their children, and work to bring them home. Why not Cummings?

   9. The reporter then asks, "Can I ask when you noticed the back door was open, and if that was what kind of alerted you to something?" Just before the reporter asks Cummings this, he is crying, sobbing and somber. Then listen to Cummings' response to the question. His demeanor and voice change dramatically. It's very notable and very alarming for me. You don't stop crying and change your entire demeanor when you are deeply sobbing and in pain like Cummings wants us to believe he is. You just don't do it, yet oddly Cummings does. Cummings says in an angry, deep and controlled tone, "No. My girlfriend was awake at 3 o'clock in the morning when I got off of work." When he says this, there is a deep anger in Cummings' voice that appears out of nowhere. It's chilling. Clearly, this question got Cummings angry. Why would that be?

  10. Later in the interview, Cummings says very strangely and out of nowhere, when he deeply sobs, "I do plan to take the trash out when it is time." This blindsides you. It's not related to anything being said at the time. It's like Cummings is in his own world. I am sure like most people, at first you think, what is he talking about?? It's absolutely perplexing.

      But when I watch him say it and watch his emotions, he shows pure destitution in his face. Like someone sold his soul. It's absolutely haunting. I can't help but wonder, is this some type of warning he is contemplating suicide "when it is time"? Perhaps, if he were to get caught?

      What else could this statement mean? Is he warning us? Is he under the influence of drugs here and extra emotional? Also, just after he says it, and thinks about it, he also shows true distress and sadness on his face. It's alarming and notable. But when the reporter asks the next question, all of these genuine emotions fade away again.

  11. The reporter asks, what would you say to people who may have information out there? Notice Cummings doesn't even think to talk to his daughter again. Why?

  12. Both Cummings and Croslin's body language in all the videos I see displays a sense of defeat. They are hunched over. Their shoulders come forward. They physically look down, and act subdued. It appears they have no hope whatsoever, again and again, that Cummings' daughter will be returned to them. This strikes me as very odd. Why aren't they tense, nervous and anxious to find her? That would be normal. They should be on edge that things might not happen fast enough, yet there is no urgency with these two. Anyone can spot that? Why aren't these two on a mission to find Haleigh? Compare their behavior to that of George and Cindy Anthony. It's notably different.

  13. News reports say that on the 911 call, Cummings was in a rage, and really worried about his daughter. I don't hear that in the call at all. I don't hear any indication of fear, stress or true and genuine alarm. I hear feigned anger, by his threats and choice of words.

  14. Why did Croslin wait 30 minutes from waking up and finding Haleigh missing to alert someone of the possible abduction? Why didn't she summon for help earlier? Especially since she knows Haleigh once wandered off and nearly drowned before?

  15. What predator is going to go into a house late at night, and risk taking one child out of a room full of people? Let's say Haleigh wandered outside; there should have been some proof of a door unlocked or something, but Cummings and Croslin deny that. They, instead, tell us that the door where the predator went out, had to be forced closed, that Haleigh couldn't open it, and couldn't reach the deadbolt. This tells us that the door likely stuck when you opened or closed it. That would likely mean the door made a fair amount of noise to open and close it, and it took some effort to open it, right? What predator would use that door?

      What predator would turn on a light in the kitchen, risk announcing himself and make it possible to be clearly identified by someone in the house or outside? What predator would take the time to bring or find a cinder block, and take the time to prop the door open? How come there are no signs of forced entry into the home? To me, these are highly unlikely or implausible circumstances.

  16. I also haven't seen Cummings or Croslin participate in any searches reported by any news agencies. Have I missed this? I have looked for it several times. Has anyone seen them help in the search? Post fliers, or go look for her themselves? If they haven't, why aren't they?

  17. Cummings and Croslin have told two different stories of where Haleigh slept that night. This is interesting. You would think their stories would be the same. Cummings told Nancy Grace that Croslin slept in the same bed as the children on February 11. Then on February 12, Croslin says that Haleigh was in a different bed in the same room. Why aren't they getting their facts right?

      Worse, when they are both on Greta van Susteren's show, Greta asks, "How far was Haleigh physically from you, Misty?" Croslin says, "Probably, like, not three or four inches away." Look at Cummings' eyes when Croslin talks. They are plastered towards Croslin though he doesn't turn his head. It's very controlling behavior. He is fascinating to watch.

      Greta then asks Croslin how far they were apart a second time, and at that time, Cummings shakes his head in a side-to-side motion, indicating he is thinking "no". With that, Croslin backtracks and says, "No, um, I'm not sure. It wasn't that far away." Next, as Greta is talking again getting ready to ask another question, Cummings is trying to coach Croslin, and tell her what to say! I can't hear what he is saying, but why does he feel the need to do this? Cummings then says, "No, I know where the beds were at. They were about four feet apart from the edge of the bed she was in to the edge of the bed Haleigh was in."

      These two can't even agree where the beds were placed in this room! Forget about who slept in what bed. This is a huge inconsistency. Clearly, both are capable of describing how far two beds are apart, but if the facts aren't true, we wouldn't be surprised to see such a discrepancy, would we?

  18. Earlier on the Greta show, Greta asks Croslin who was closest to the back door: Haleigh or Croslin? Look how long it takes Croslin to answer that. She makes an "Hmmm...I don't know" expression. Why doesn't she know? She should spout the answer off without thought, but she doesn't. She finally answers and when she does, under his breath, Cummings says, "I'd like to comment." He doesn't say what is on his mind because Greta didn't hear him, but it shows he is controlling nonetheless, over and over.

  19. Also in the Greta interview, Cummings says to Croslin, "Look at the camera" at one point. He gives us every indication he has a temper, and is very controlling and manipulative. Cummings also nods his head when hears what Croslin says at points in the interview, as if he approves. He is scrutinizing her every word, and Croslin knows it.

  20. Croslin also keeps saying the same story over and over again. She says something to the effect that she got up, went to the bathroom, found the kitchen light on, and then she went back and found Haleigh was gone. She always finishes it with "That's all I know." I find her memory of that event is quite sparse and lacking. You would think she would remember more detail. When we recollect a story, oftentimes, we remember different details, or thoughts--things we were thinking at the time. Yet Croslin seems to have no "thinking memories" of her experience. It is more like she is talking from rote memory. She only repeats the same thing over and over again.

  21. The same is true for her 911 call. The details are sketchy at best. Her memories don't flow logically. It doesn't make sense.

          911: "911, what's your emergency"

          Misty Croslin: "Hi...umm...we just woke up...and our back door was wide open, and we can't find our daughter."

          We just woke up?

          911: "OK, when did you last see her?"

          Misty Croslin: "Um, we like was about 10 o'clock... we were...she was sleeping- I ...she?

          Why doesn't she have normal recollections here?

I so hope I am wrong for Haleigh's sake. It doesn't look good from where I am sitting now.

So    ---  Where is your 21 point breakdown of Crystal, and the Maternal Grandma' performance?  Just asking!!!

Monkey All Star
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« Reply #1143 on: March 10, 2009, 08:43:33 PM »

Can someone please explain as to why Caylee's picture is up in the back ground of this photo.....

Hmmmmm.. VERY good question!!  Caylee's body was found long before Haleigh went missing.. So even if Kidfinder's or the Anthony's left a calling card, so to speak, when they dropped by... why? 

Good eyes, Dolce! 

~ 'Things are not always what they seem' ~
Scared Monkey
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Posts: 96

« Reply #1144 on: March 10, 2009, 08:46:05 PM »

This blogger gives some good pointers..
Blog is called Eyes for Lies

here is the video they are referring to.:

Sunday, February 15, 2009

Ronald Cummings, Misty Croslin and Little Haleigh
Many, many, many of you have asked me to review the case of missing Haleigh Cummings. She went missing last Monday night from her home, and hasn't been seen or found since. Haleigh's father, Ronald Cummings, and his girlfriend, Misty Croslin, tell us that Croslin put Haleigh to sleep, later went to sleep herself, and when she woke up to use the bathroom in the middle of the night, she found the kitchen light on, Haleigh was gone, and the back door was wide open, propped by a brick.

When I watch Cummings and Croslin speak, many things jump out at me. They are so numerous, I don't have the space here to write them all out, but I will identify a few things I've noted:

   1. When I first saw Ronald Cummings crying in his first plea for his daughter, several things jumped out at me. His crying episode was eerily reminiscent of a child's cry. Most adults don't cry like children. He whined, and acted out of breath, yet he wasn't. It was notable and perplexing.

      Yet he did sound truly congested; however, no tears fell from his face. Later on, however, he did cry very genuine and sincere tears, and the pouting cry notably changes into a regular cry. I find his behavior inconsistent here, and I can't explain it. Is he under the influence of something? He seems really glassy-eyed.

   2. I am also immediately struck by how he portrays no composure of hope in this interview. He seems to have zero hope that his daughter could still be alive. Why isn't he hanging onto the fact that if he and others get out there, they can potentially find her? This disturbs me.

   3. Why isn't he talking to his daughter on camera? "Haleigh, I'm here for you, if you are watching this. I'm going to find you." Does he even think about her being out there, and watching the news? Why isn't he thinking about being strong for her?

      When I see this interview, it seems to be more about Cummings being devastated than finding Haleigh. It's like he is feeling sorry for himself. Why? This is odd. Haleigh's mom, ironically, does talk to her daughter on camera, as I would expect any parent would, if they feared their daughter was kidnapped. She says, "Everybody's here for you. If you're watching these, your momma misses you, daddy misses you ... your whole family misses you and we will bring you home" (source).

   4. At time marker 1:15, Cummings drops down to the ground crying. This is so unusual for an adult to do. Children do this, but how many adults have you seen do this? Especially when the news is not conclusively devastating yet? How come everyone else who loved Haleigh is so composed and acting "normally", but Cummings is not? Here his cry is very shallow. It's not believable for me. If I re-look at this with the angle that Cummings could befeeling sorry for himself, it makes more sense.

   5. He says, "I know somebody took my little girl...some sorry piece of trash that will be wasted when it's all over." This is baffling to me. Haleigh was once found floating in a nearby waterway and nearly drowned, so how could he so conclusively rule this out? How can he so confidently rule out that Haleigh didn't wander away, that he didn't lock the door as he thought he did, that when Croslin's relatives came to visit earlier that night, that they didn't unlock another door or open a window when he was away?

      Would you as a parent be so certain about this, especially since you know your daughter wandered away before? This bothers me.

   6. At one point, Cummings says, "All I want is my children…All I want is my child back.” I thought this was very unusual. Another day, he talks about how others are making this situation all about a custody issue. That was really strange, but if we pair that, with this statement above, you have to wonder, is he afraid he won't have either of his children, perhaps, due to something he has done here? Then this strange slip might actually make sense, wouldn't it?

   7. Then he says something that unnerved me in a huge way. Cummings says, "I’d give my life for my child’s life back.”

      What? Why is he saying this? It makes no sense. Is that why his cry is so confusing? Does he fake concern and worry, and then really cry over what he may know already happened to his daughter? You would think he would have said instead, "I'd give my life for my child back", but that is NOT what he says. Does this indicate that he believes his daughter is not alive? Is that why he thought earlier, "All I want is my children..." because he fears if the truth comes out, he will lose them, or at least his remaining son?

      It's troubling, to say the least.

   8. Notice how Cummings reiterates that he is trying to do the best he can, that someone stole his child while he was at work? Is he building an alibi? Setting a timeline? Why isn't he focusing his energy on getting Haleigh back instead of feeling sorry for himself? Most parents of missing children are focused on getting their children, and don't care at all about themselves, but Cummings is notably different. Most parents know they have to be strong for their children, and work to bring them home. Why not Cummings?

   9. The reporter then asks, "Can I ask when you noticed the back door was open, and if that was what kind of alerted you to something?" Just before the reporter asks Cummings this, he is crying, sobbing and somber. Then listen to Cummings' response to the question. His demeanor and voice change dramatically. It's very notable and very alarming for me. You don't stop crying and change your entire demeanor when you are deeply sobbing and in pain like Cummings wants us to believe he is. You just don't do it, yet oddly Cummings does. Cummings says in an angry, deep and controlled tone, "No. My girlfriend was awake at 3 o'clock in the morning when I got off of work." When he says this, there is a deep anger in Cummings' voice that appears out of nowhere. It's chilling. Clearly, this question got Cummings angry. Why would that be?

  10. Later in the interview, Cummings says very strangely and out of nowhere, when he deeply sobs, "I do plan to take the trash out when it is time." This blindsides you. It's not related to anything being said at the time. It's like Cummings is in his own world. I am sure like most people, at first you think, what is he talking about?? It's absolutely perplexing.

      But when I watch him say it and watch his emotions, he shows pure destitution in his face. Like someone sold his soul. It's absolutely haunting. I can't help but wonder, is this some type of warning he is contemplating suicide "when it is time"? Perhaps, if he were to get caught?

      What else could this statement mean? Is he warning us? Is he under the influence of drugs here and extra emotional? Also, just after he says it, and thinks about it, he also shows true distress and sadness on his face. It's alarming and notable. But when the reporter asks the next question, all of these genuine emotions fade away again.

  11. The reporter asks, what would you say to people who may have information out there? Notice Cummings doesn't even think to talk to his daughter again. Why?

  12. Both Cummings and Croslin's body language in all the videos I see displays a sense of defeat. They are hunched over. Their shoulders come forward. They physically look down, and act subdued. It appears they have no hope whatsoever, again and again, that Cummings' daughter will be returned to them. This strikes me as very odd. Why aren't they tense, nervous and anxious to find her? That would be normal. They should be on edge that things might not happen fast enough, yet there is no urgency with these two. Anyone can spot that? Why aren't these two on a mission to find Haleigh? Compare their behavior to that of George and Cindy Anthony. It's notably different.

  13. News reports say that on the 911 call, Cummings was in a rage, and really worried about his daughter. I don't hear that in the call at all. I don't hear any indication of fear, stress or true and genuine alarm. I hear feigned anger, by his threats and choice of words.

  14. Why did Croslin wait 30 minutes from waking up and finding Haleigh missing to alert someone of the possible abduction? Why didn't she summon for help earlier? Especially since she knows Haleigh once wandered off and nearly drowned before?

  15. What predator is going to go into a house late at night, and risk taking one child out of a room full of people? Let's say Haleigh wandered outside; there should have been some proof of a door unlocked or something, but Cummings and Croslin deny that. They, instead, tell us that the door where the predator went out, had to be forced closed, that Haleigh couldn't open it, and couldn't reach the deadbolt. This tells us that the door likely stuck when you opened or closed it. That would likely mean the door made a fair amount of noise to open and close it, and it took some effort to open it, right? What predator would use that door?

      What predator would turn on a light in the kitchen, risk announcing himself and make it possible to be clearly identified by someone in the house or outside? What predator would take the time to bring or find a cinder block, and take the time to prop the door open? How come there are no signs of forced entry into the home? To me, these are highly unlikely or implausible circumstances.

  16. I also haven't seen Cummings or Croslin participate in any searches reported by any news agencies. Have I missed this? I have looked for it several times. Has anyone seen them help in the search? Post fliers, or go look for her themselves? If they haven't, why aren't they?

  17. Cummings and Croslin have told two different stories of where Haleigh slept that night. This is interesting. You would think their stories would be the same. Cummings told Nancy Grace that Croslin slept in the same bed as the children on February 11. Then on February 12, Croslin says that Haleigh was in a different bed in the same room. Why aren't they getting their facts right?

      Worse, when they are both on Greta van Susteren's show, Greta asks, "How far was Haleigh physically from you, Misty?" Croslin says, "Probably, like, not three or four inches away." Look at Cummings' eyes when Croslin talks. They are plastered towards Croslin though he doesn't turn his head. It's very controlling behavior. He is fascinating to watch.

      Greta then asks Croslin how far they were apart a second time, and at that time, Cummings shakes his head in a side-to-side motion, indicating he is thinking "no". With that, Croslin backtracks and says, "No, um, I'm not sure. It wasn't that far away." Next, as Greta is talking again getting ready to ask another question, Cummings is trying to coach Croslin, and tell her what to say! I can't hear what he is saying, but why does he feel the need to do this? Cummings then says, "No, I know where the beds were at. They were about four feet apart from the edge of the bed she was in to the edge of the bed Haleigh was in."

      These two can't even agree where the beds were placed in this room! Forget about who slept in what bed. This is a huge inconsistency. Clearly, both are capable of describing how far two beds are apart, but if the facts aren't true, we wouldn't be surprised to see such a discrepancy, would we?

  18. Earlier on the Greta show, Greta asks Croslin who was closest to the back door: Haleigh or Croslin? Look how long it takes Croslin to answer that. She makes an "Hmmm...I don't know" expression. Why doesn't she know? She should spout the answer off without thought, but she doesn't. She finally answers and when she does, under his breath, Cummings says, "I'd like to comment." He doesn't say what is on his mind because Greta didn't hear him, but it shows he is controlling nonetheless, over and over.

  19. Also in the Greta interview, Cummings says to Croslin, "Look at the camera" at one point. He gives us every indication he has a temper, and is very controlling and manipulative. Cummings also nods his head when hears what Croslin says at points in the interview, as if he approves. He is scrutinizing her every word, and Croslin knows it.

  20. Croslin also keeps saying the same story over and over again. She says something to the effect that she got up, went to the bathroom, found the kitchen light on, and then she went back and found Haleigh was gone. She always finishes it with "That's all I know." I find her memory of that event is quite sparse and lacking. You would think she would remember more detail. When we recollect a story, oftentimes, we remember different details, or thoughts--things we were thinking at the time. Yet Croslin seems to have no "thinking memories" of her experience. It is more like she is talking from rote memory. She only repeats the same thing over and over again.

  21. The same is true for her 911 call. The details are sketchy at best. Her memories don't flow logically. It doesn't make sense.

          911: "911, what's your emergency"

          Misty Croslin: "Hi...umm...we just woke up...and our back door was wide open, and we can't find our daughter."

          We just woke up?

          911: "OK, when did you last see her?"

          Misty Croslin: "Um, we like was about 10 o'clock... we were...she was sleeping- I ...she?

          Why doesn't she have normal recollections here?

I so hope I am wrong for Haleigh's sake. It doesn't look good from where I am sitting now.

So    ---  Where is your 21 point breakdown of Crystal, and the Maternal Grandma' performance?  Just asking!!!

I would like to read that one also.
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #1145 on: March 10, 2009, 08:49:29 PM »

snip quotes from Minnie  So    ---  Where is your 21 point breakdown of Crystal, and the Maternal Grandma' performance?  Just asking!!!

and Lola:
I would like to read that one also.

Me too for $hits and giggles....

Monkey Junky Jr.
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Posts: 872

« Reply #1146 on: March 10, 2009, 08:49:45 PM »

OH LO.... my oh my... AGREED Wyks. Do me a favor and post your cute zippy when you come across one and I'll know to keep scrolling.

YIKES on a cracker.  MOO ----> (My Opinion Only)

That is all. Smile

All righty then!   

And... "yikes on a cracker"  BWAHAHAHA!  Love that expression!

Heh- I'm full of expressions.

(Well, you're full of something, rana)

Just filling in what some folks are likely thinkin' - heh


Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #1147 on: March 10, 2009, 08:50:38 PM »

NG is talking about them right now! tune in everyone..

Scared Monkey
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« Reply #1148 on: March 10, 2009, 08:53:10 PM »

snip quotes from Minnie  So    ---  Where is your 21 point breakdown of Crystal, and the Maternal Grandma' performance?  Just asking!!!

and Lola:
I would like to read that one also.

Me too for $hits and giggles....

for me it is a serious issue. A child is missing and we should look everywhere and at everyone. There has been lots of pointing fingers and giggling at the paternal side, and I just want to evaluate the not so perfect maternal side also. IMHO
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #1149 on: March 10, 2009, 08:54:14 PM »

snip quotes from Minnie  So    ---  Where is your 21 point breakdown of Crystal, and the Maternal Grandma' performance?  Just asking!!!

and Lola:
I would like to read that one also.

Me too for $hits and giggles....


"Oh, what a tangled web we weave, when first we practice to deceive."
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #1150 on: March 10, 2009, 08:54:39 PM »

If you think there should be a 21 point breakdown of Crystal, please write one for all of us.. I would be interested to read your analysis of her.. but.. she wasn't there when Haliegh went missing.. perhaps thats why one wasn't done?? And if I was Crystal, I would get a lawyer, even if I was innocent, so that there was someone in my corner looking out for my best interests due to the tense history between her and Ron, the media vultures etc......

If you can read this thank a teacher. If you're reading this in English thank a soldier..
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #1151 on: March 10, 2009, 08:56:10 PM »

snip quotes from Minnie  So    ---  Where is your 21 point breakdown of Crystal, and the Maternal Grandma' performance?  Just asking!!!

and Lola:
I would like to read that one also.

Me too for $hits and giggles....

Similar deception detection tools are used by the FBI; maybe the FBI is just $hits and giggles too? Not sure what's funny about it.

Scared Monkey
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« Reply #1152 on: March 10, 2009, 08:57:45 PM »

So    ---  Where is your 21 point breakdown of Crystal, and the Maternal Grandma' performance?  Just asking!!!
You might want to google it and see what you find, Minnie. Rana/myself and others take the time to look up and research interesting and factual "facts/opinions". 

Mark Twain:
Always tell the truth. That way, you don't have to remember what you said.
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #1153 on: March 10, 2009, 09:00:14 PM »

If you think there should be a 21 point breakdown of Crystal, please write one for all of us.. I would be interested to read your analysis of her.. but.. she wasn't there when Haliegh went missing.. perhaps thats why one wasn't done?? And if I was Crystal, I would get a lawyer, even if I was innocent, so that there was someone in my corner looking out for my best interests due to the tense history between her and Ron, the media vultures etc......

Ron wasn't there either!
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #1154 on: March 10, 2009, 09:01:08 PM »

Since this is a thread about HL/Ron/Misty, etc., I thought I would share this:

Tonight on LKL, Joy Behar, Denise Brown and Robin Givins are going to be talking about how to spot an abuser/signs of abuse, etc - focusing on Chris Brown. Just thought it might be interesting to watch since we have been discussing Ron and his "anger/verbal abuse/record".

Mark Twain:
Always tell the truth. That way, you don't have to remember what you said.
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #1155 on: March 10, 2009, 09:01:43 PM »

Thanks for the info Supersleuth99.

Has everyone welcomed you with open arms yet?

Welome to the cage!  Smile

Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #1156 on: March 10, 2009, 09:02:10 PM »

If you think there should be a 21 point breakdown of Crystal, please write one for all of us.. I would be interested to read your analysis of her.. but.. she wasn't there when Haliegh went missing.. perhaps thats why one wasn't done?? And if I was Crystal, I would get a lawyer, even if I was innocent, so that there was someone in my corner looking out for my best interests due to the tense history between her and Ron, the media vultures etc......

Ron wasn't there either!
And you know that.. how??? 
Crystal lives 100 miles away

If you can read this thank a teacher. If you're reading this in English thank a soldier..
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #1157 on: March 10, 2009, 09:02:40 PM »

snip quotes from Minnie  So    ---  Where is your 21 point breakdown of Crystal, and the Maternal Grandma' performance?  Just asking!!!

and Lola:
I would like to read that one also.

Me too for $hits and giggles....

for me it is a serious issue. A child is missing and we should look everywhere and at everyone. There has been lots of pointing fingers and giggling at the paternal side, and I just want to evaluate the not so perfect maternal side also. IMHO

shits and giggles is an expression....not meaning anything funny about hold on to your britches... don't shoot the messenger and on and on.....errr....have you not been reading the posts? I am also one that asks to keep it fair to both sides of the families....both sides of the family have plenty in their back grounds...does not mean that they did anything to Haleigh...does not make them bad people in my eyes...bad choices perhaps, but not capable of harming Haleigh,,,just my opinion....
I am interested in the breakdown of Crystal and her family as well....they don't come into this with clean hands either...but they are Haleigh's family and she loved them and they loved her, all of them in my opinion...


Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #1158 on: March 10, 2009, 09:03:19 PM »

Since this is a thread about HL/Ron/Misty, etc., I thought I would share this:

Tonight on LKL, Joy Behar, Denise Brown and Robin Givins are going to be talking about how to spot an abuser/signs of abuse, etc - focusing on Chris Brown. Just thought it might be interesting to watch since we have been discussing Ron and his "anger/verbal abuse/record".

Sounds interesting, Luckyday. Thanks.  Smile

Scared Monkey
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« Reply #1159 on: March 10, 2009, 09:03:42 PM »

If you think there should be a 21 point breakdown of Crystal, please write one for all of us.. I would be interested to read your analysis of her.. but.. she wasn't there when Haleigh went missing.. perhaps thats why one wasn't done?? And if I was Crystal, I would get a lawyer, even if I was innocent, so that there was someone in my corner looking out for my best interests due to the tense history between her and Ron, the media vultures etc......

That is true, but what I read is based primarily on events since the abduction.  I have not seen anything that makes me think any of the family is involved in Haleigh's disappearance.  I asked once before way back in the postings what is someone's theory of what happened but no one has told me.  All I hear is how everyone has a record and they live in a mobile home.  I agree it isn't perfect, but that does not make them guilty.

If they are guilty do you think he just decided to do his little girl in?  Did Misty sell her?  What is the theory?  I am curious as to what you all think the motive is.  Help me out here because I don't get those vibes.

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