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Author Topic: Natalee Case Discussion #765 7/15 - 7/22  (Read 288330 times)
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Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #580 on: July 20, 2008, 09:13:26 PM »

I think it's one of thoes things, you see it right away ,or you just don't it's OK

Thanks for understanding,,,I don't dismiss it...I just can't see it 

Rest in Peace Caylee
Natalee, We will never forget.
Zahra, run with the Angels

PUT ON YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND GET OVER IT!  It's not about you or me.....It's about the Missing and the Murdered
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« Reply #581 on: July 20, 2008, 09:14:59 PM »

I have always professed to not be able to recognize anything that resembles anything in the bag pics. But I do recall not that long ago someone saw a fish/shark in the same area of the bag as indicated by the arrow above. Does anyone recall that? I don't want to discourage......I just don't think it is likely.Look
BleachedBlack that is what my hubby said.Because I see a fish this way too I thought.

But then one night I fliped the picture look I'll show you.
 Now I flipped the picture and clicked Nagitive.
 I see her face does anyone else?

I have always seen Natalee's face in profile in that bottom right image.

Karma Is Coming

Justice for Natalee Holloway!

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« Reply #582 on: July 20, 2008, 09:17:04 PM »

This was posted by PearlinUSA on BFN. Very Interesting. Here's a snip of what's on the Home Page

Advanced Interviewing Concepts

Detecting Deception
Using Statement Analysis

Welcome to the Statement Analysis website. My name is Mark McClish and I have been in federal law enforcement for 24 years. From 1991 - 1999, I taught interviewing techniques to federal law enforcement officers at the Federal Law Enforcement Training Center (FLETC) in Glynco, Georgia. During my nine years at the FLETC, I conducted my own research on how people respond to certain questions. I studied hundreds of statements and found that people will lie in the same ways. Likewise, people will tell the truth in a similar fashion. I call my method for examining a person's words "Statement Analysis."

Through Statement Analysis you can determine if a person is being truthful or deceptive. You can also obtain additional information from a person's statement. This is possible because what a person does not want to tell you will influence what he tells you. People's words will betray them. Even though they may want to withhold information people will give us more information than what they realize. Unfortunately, they sometimes give us more information than what we realize. The key is to listen to what people are telling you and to know what to look for in a statement.

Natalee Holloway's Disappearance     
Statement Analysis
by Mark McClish
Joran Van der Sloot's Confession
Page One

In 2007, 34-year-old Patrick van der Eem befriended Joran Van der Sloot. After gaining Joran's trust, Patrick went to Holland's leading investigative reporter, Peter R. de Vries, and set up a 6 month sting operation to record Patrick's conversations with Joran. The taped recordings were made in a Range Rover that was driven by Patrick with Joran sitting in the passenger seat. Patrick played the role of a gangster and asked Joran if he was interested in starting a marijuana operation. Joran said he was interested and as the months went by Joran began to open up about what happened to Natalee Holloway.

In February 2008, the ABC News program "20/20" aired portions of Joran's taped conversations with Patrick. After the operation was exposed, Joran claimed he was lying to Patrick. He stated that he made up the information about Natalee's death in order to try and fit in with Patrick the alleged gangster. Here are some excerpts from their conversations.

Joran:    Even if they find that girl, dead with my sperm in her....
Patrick: Then they can’t do a thing anymore.
Joran:    Not a thing, no they just can’t do a thing.

In earlier interviews, Joran stated that he wanted to have sex with Natalee but did not because he did not have a condom. If they did not have sex, then why would he talk about his sperm being inside her? There is a very good chance that Joran was telling the truth when he said that he did not have a condom, but he was lying when he said they did not have sex.

Patrick: But where the f*** is she Joran?
Joran:   She’ll never be found. Where exactly, I don’t even know myself.
Patrick: How can that be that you don’t even know then?
Joran:    Well...
Patrick: A higher power?
Joran:    A higher power. Powers. No I’m done with it Patrick. It’s fine. It’s probably going to come out better than I’d hope.

If Natalee's body was buried on the island of Aruba, chances are Joran would know where she was buried. However, if her body was taken out to sea then we can see how Joran could make the statement that he does not know exactly where her body is. Later in their conversations he states that her body was dropped in the ocean.

Patrick suggests that Joran had help from a "higher power." Joran confirms this but then adds the plural word "powers" which indicates that more than one person helped him dispose of her body.

Joran:    Yeah it’s just...she’s never going to be found. I think.
Patrick: Because they dumped her in the sea?
Joran:    Yeah.
Patrick: Yes? Alone?
Joran:    Yeah.
Patrick: Did you swim out or something?
Joran:    No.
Patrick: How then? That’s weird, it’s impossible Joran.
Joran:    Look I know people in Aruba. At that age I used to go around with people...people who can help me. But still I’d rather not name those
         people because they’ve never, in all this time...never did anything wrong. They’ve always been good to me, and I’ve always been good to
         them. So yes I know who it is, but I’m not going to tell you his name. But it isn’t my parents or anything but someone who’s a really
         good friend of mine.
Patrick: With a boat?
Joran:    Yes.
Patrick: Then that’s it. If you took her out in a boat...for more that two miles, she’ll never come back you know.

Patrick asked a question using a plural pronoun; "Because they dumped her in the sea?" Joran confirms this by answering "yeah." Joran then talks about knowing "people" in Aruba and not wanting to name those people. This is another indication that more than one person was involved even though he switches back to the singular tense when he states, "I'm not going to tell you his name."

Joran:    Well ok so we’re on the beach over there suddenly she wasn’t moving anymore.
Patrick: Shit man!
Joran:    So I went and called the guy. I walked over to the pay phone and I called him, and I told him, “Well...this is what happened. Please
         come help me. Please don’t call the police.” He says, “No I won’t call the police. I’m coming to you now.” And he came here. His name.
         I’ll take his name to the grave with me because I just know that I can’t do that to him. That’s my obligation because of what he did for me.
Patrick: Of course.

Joran uses the pronoun "we" which indicates some type of partnership with Natalee. The pronoun "we" shows more closeness than stating "Natalee and I were on the beach." Joran tells us that he called someone for help and that he will not reveal his name.

Patrick: How far did you think he took her? This guy must have done a really good job. This guy really knows what he is doing. Did he weight her down to make her sink?
Joran:    No, I don’t think so.
Patrick: You don’t even know that?
Joran:    No.
Patrick: Didn’t he ever tell you how he did it?
Joran:    Of course he did.
Patrick: How did he do it then?
Joran:    He just went out in the sea further and then he just dumped her.

Patrick asks if Joran's friend weighed down Natalee's body. Most people would weigh down a body in an effort to make sure the body does not surface. Joran responds, "No, I don't think so." If Joran was playing along with Patrick in an effort to fit in and get Patrick to like him, one would think Joran would have answered this question with a "yes." If Joran is making up the story, why not make up weighing her body down? His answer appears to be truthful and is an indication that he is not lying about what happened that night.

When asked if he was told how Natalee's body was disposed of, Joran doesn't directly answer the question. By answering, "Of course he did" Joran wants Patrick to take it for granted that he knows. This is an indication that Joran does not know what happened to Natalee's body. However, we also find that he uses the phrase "of course" several times which could also indicate he has a habit of saying that phrase.

Patrick: What’s his name?
Joran:    Daury.
Patrick: Daury who? Dutch guy?
Joran:    Half Dutch, half Aruban.
Patrick: Aren’t you afraid that guy is going to talk at some point?
Joran:    Of course, of course I’m afraid of that but I have something on that guy Patrick. I got something on him too and he knows it very well.
Patrick: Relax Joran. You’ve got it off your chest. It’ll be all right man. I’m putting it away and for me it’s finished. Case closed. We won’t
         talk about it anymore. Yeah, that’s good man. Right? I’m glad the thing is over for you.
Joran:    I’m glad about it too. I’m being honest with you Patrick. The two people I most trust in this more than anyone...are that person and you.

Joran reveals the name of the person who helped him dispose of Natalee's body; Daury. Chances are Daury is not the person's name. Although people do change their minds, earlier Joran had told Patrick that he would take this person's name to the grave. That is a pretty strong statement. Also in the last sentence Joran states that the people he trusts the most are "that person" and Patrick. Joran just mentioned the name Daury but now he refers to him as "that person." Why not refer to him as Daury? If Daury is not the person's real name, then we can see why he referred to him as "that person." Reporters for "20/20" found a person by the name of Daury who knows Joran. Daury stated that he did not know of anyone else in Aruba who goes by the name Daury. He said that he does not own a boat and did not help in disposing of Natalee's body. He also stated that Joran aoplogized to him for mentioning his name and that Joran stated, "I didn't know what to say." This is further evidence Joran was lying about who helped him dispose of Natalee's body.

Joran: So I was with her and I said to the guys, “I want to go somewhere alone with her but she doesn’t want to go to her hotel.” I also kind
       of want to do what she wants, that’s how it is you know. I say, “Just drop us off at the beach. Then I’ll f*** her and take her to the
       hotel after.” So they dropped me off at the beach. I get out and walk with her to the beach. I’m kissing her and stuff but she doesn’t
       look so hot, you know. She was looking kind of pale too. But she wanted it. She really wanted it.

Here Joran is talking about leaving the bar Carlos'n Charlies with Natalee and the Kalpoe brothers Deepak and Satish. Joran tells the brothers “Just drop us off at the beach. Then I’ll f*** her and take her to the hotel after.” That is pretty bold and rude statement to make in front of Natalee. Chances are though Natalee did not know what Joran was saying. In his interview with Greta Van Susteren in 2006, Joran stated that while the four of them were in the car together he and Natalee were "speaking English to each other." I had mentioned this was an unusual statement and indicated that someone at some point was not speaking English. Now it all fits together. Chances are Joran told the Kalpoe brothers in Dutch what his plans were that night. If Natalee did not speak Dutch, then she did not know what he was saying. After Joran told the Kalpoe brothers of his plans, he then began to talk to Natalee in English.

Joran then says, "So they dropped me off at the beach. I get out and walk with her to the beach." The fact that he mentions himself and not Natalee being dropped off and getting out of the car could be an indication he is making up the story. Based on the entirety of his statement, this is probably an indication of his self-centeredness and indifference to Natalee.

Joran:    And she has her hand down my pants and stuff. And all of a sudden Patrick like a movie...
Patrick: Shaking.
Joran:    Yeah a lot. So I was like f*** what is all this?
Patrick: So what do you do then?
Joran:    Yeah. So I stay with her and there was nobody there Patrick.
Patrick: Of course there’s no one it’s night time Joran.
Joran:    So I’m talking to her and she says nothing. She says nothing. She says nothing. So I take her...
Patrick: How long was she shaking like that for? Do you know what that is?
Joran:    I don’t know Patrick.
Patrick: An epileptic attack or something, dude. She was shaking and foam too out of her mouth?
Joran:    No, no foam out of her mouth. Not that I saw. And then I’m panicking you know. I thought f*** no one even knows I left my house.
         I just left the house like that. So I’m thinking what do I do?

This sounds like a believable story. When Patrick asked if foam was coming out of Natalee's mouth, Joran says, "No." If Joran was making up the story and wanted to gain Patrick's trust, one would think he would agree with Patrick's suspicion that Natalee was foaming at the mouth. Stating that he was panicking is also an indication this is a truthful story. Why would he make himself look bad if he is making up the story?

Patrick: Did you try to resuscitate her?
Joran:    Of course I tried everything man. I tried to shake her, I was shaking the bitch. I was like, “What’s wrong with you man?” I almost
         wanted to cry. Why does this shit have to happen to me? I said to him (Daury), “This isn’t possible.”

The statements, "I almost wanted to cry. Why does this shit have to happen to me?" would indicate that this is a truthful statement.

Patrick: How were you so sure she was dead Joran? You can’t...You know people can also go into a coma.
Joran:    Yeah I wasn’t sure about that but it really scared me to death.
Patrick: No but I understand that I definitely understand that, that your were scared. Did you really prod her and stuff.
Joran:    No but it didn’t look good.
Patrick: How didn’t it look good then?
Joran:    Just you know she’d been shaking and stuff.

Again, mentioning that Natalee's condition scared him to death would indicate this is a truthful statement.


Joran says that he made up this story about Natalee because he wanted Patrick to like him. However, his language indicates that for the most part this is a truthful statement. Natalee probably did go into convulsions and someone probably did help him dispose of her body by dumping it in the ocean. Many medical professionals believe that alcohol poisoning alone would not cause Natalee to convulse. Based on Joran description of Natalee shaking and being unresponsive, she was probably given the date rape drug GHB.

Additional Reading:
Now this is very interesting,fasinating to me.Thank you mrskub.

I too thank you....this I understand and I have gone through this before...word by word and I came up with some of the same conclusions as this states....and I don't have any training ..just my OP

Rest in Peace Caylee
Natalee, We will never forget.
Zahra, run with the Angels

PUT ON YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND GET OVER IT!  It's not about you or me.....It's about the Missing and the Murdered
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« Reply #583 on: July 20, 2008, 09:18:38 PM »

I think it's one of thoes things, you see it right away ,or you just don't it's OK

Thanks for understanding,,,I don't dismiss it...I just can't see it 

I believe people see things and some don't.  Just like I believe there was a phone call and others don't and insist there wasn't.  Bottom line is I still believe there was a phone call no matter what people say.  So we all have different opinions and we all see things differently and it's fine.  If we all thought the same way then it would be one sided.  JMO.
carpe noctem
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« Reply #584 on: July 20, 2008, 09:19:24 PM »

SATISH KALPOE - 06/24/2005 Suspect Statement

On your question if someone else in the family could have seen us vacuuming,

I can explain to you the following:

Only my little sister was home and she was sleeping.

Perhaps the neighbors had seen, however, that we vacuumed the car.


For Natalee and Stephany, whatever it takes.

"Don't talk about what you have done or what you are going to do." Thomas Jefferson
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."Thomas Jeff
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« Reply #585 on: July 20, 2008, 09:20:35 PM »

I think it's one of thoes things, you see it right away ,or you just don't it's OK

Thanks for understanding,,,I don't dismiss it...I just can't see it 

I believe people see things and some don't.  Just like I believe there was a phone call and others don't and insist there wasn't.  Bottom line is I still believe there was a phone call no matter what people say.  So we all have different opinions and we all see things differently and it's fine.  If we all thought the same way then it would be one sided.  JMO.

san, what phone call are your referring to?  the one with the monkey in the background??

Rest in Peace Caylee
Natalee, We will never forget.
Zahra, run with the Angels

PUT ON YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND GET OVER IT!  It's not about you or me.....It's about the Missing and the Murdered
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« Reply #586 on: July 20, 2008, 09:22:32 PM »

I think it's one of thoes things, you see it right away ,or you just don't it's OK

Thanks for understanding,,,I don't dismiss it...I just can't see it 

I believe people see things and some don't.  Just like I believe there was a phone call and others don't and insist there wasn't.  Bottom line is I still believe there was a phone call no matter what people say.  So we all have different opinions and we all see things differently and it's fine.  If we all thought the same way then it would be one sided.  JMO.

san, what phone call are your referring to?  the one with the monkey in the background??

Yes, I believe that Natalee made a phone call that night.
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #587 on: July 20, 2008, 09:28:10 PM »

I believe people see things and some don't.  Just like I believe there was a phone call and others don't and insist there wasn't.  Bottom line is I still believe there was a phone call no matter what people say.  So we all have different opinions and we all see things differently and it's fine.  If we all thought the same way then it would be one sided.  JMO.

san, what phone call are your referring to?  the one with the monkey in the background??

Yes, I believe that Natalee made a phone call that night.
I did believe I am not so sure....there are so many things I am not sure of anymore....but one thing I am sure of...the FBI woke Beth and Jug up and told them that based on the blood in deepak's car they did not believe Natalee could be alive....the FBI didn't make that up.....

Rest in Peace Caylee
Natalee, We will never forget.
Zahra, run with the Angels

PUT ON YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND GET OVER IT!  It's not about you or me.....It's about the Missing and the Murdered
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« Reply #588 on: July 20, 2008, 09:33:06 PM »

I did believe I am not so sure....there are so many things I am not sure of anymore....but one thing I am sure of...the FBI woke Beth and Jug up and told them that based on the blood in deepak's car they did not believe Natalee could be alive....the FBI didn't make that up.....

I agree.
carpe noctem
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« Reply #589 on: July 20, 2008, 09:40:10 PM »


 I had told the police that we had dropped off the girl at the Holiday Inn Hotel and that the girl had been walking towards a security guard. That was not true. That was a made up story. I had asked Joran what had happened with the girl. Joran told me the same story every time. Joran must tell where the girl is because he had stayed with the girl last.

SATISH KALPOE 06/30/2005 Suspect Statement

So far I have only told the truth. I have already told to you everything.

For Natalee and Stephany, whatever it takes.

"Don't talk about what you have done or what you are going to do." Thomas Jefferson
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."Thomas Jeff
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« Reply #590 on: July 20, 2008, 09:44:47 PM »


 I had told the police that we had dropped off the girl at the Holiday Inn Hotel and that the girl had been walking towards a security guard. That was not true. That was a made up story. I had asked Joran what had happened with the girl. Joran told me the same story every time. Joran must tell where the girl is because he had stayed with the girl last.

SATISH KALPOE 06/30/2005 Suspect Statement

So far I have only told the truth. I have already told to you everything.

He stayed with the girl last at his house because after that Paulus sent the Kalpoes home to clean their car.
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« Reply #591 on: July 20, 2008, 09:49:18 PM »

I did believe I am not so sure....there are so many things I am not sure of anymore....but one thing I am sure of...the FBI woke Beth and Jug up and told them that based on the blood in deepak's car they did not believe Natalee could be alive....the FBI didn't make that up.....

I agree.

I just keep going back to those first few days.....and think it was a lot more simple than we think....and paulus is the ring leader.....he is the one who was able to pull the strings....I think Van der Stratten was also the one with the make others do what he wanted..either through intimidation or blackmail or down right threats...who knows what he and paulus 'have on people?' but when the PM makes a statement on national/world TV that one of the suspects has confessed to something bad happening and is leading the police to Natalee's body....there has to be, IMO, something SOLID....he didn't dream that up (even though he is an idiot)....when the attorney of one of the kalpoe brothers (sorry don't remember which brother's attorney said it...and too lazy to go find my book to look it up) says his client is involved and it's up to karin jannsen to prove it...he didn't pull that outta a hat....there is so much that happened in those first days/weeks and I believe the answers are there.....

Rest in Peace Caylee
Natalee, We will never forget.
Zahra, run with the Angels

PUT ON YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND GET OVER IT!  It's not about you or me.....It's about the Missing and the Murdered
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« Reply #592 on: July 20, 2008, 09:56:18 PM »

I did believe I am not so sure....there are so many things I am not sure of anymore....but one thing I am sure of...the FBI woke Beth and Jug up and told them that based on the blood in deepak's car they did not believe Natalee could be alive....the FBI didn't make that up.....

I agree.

I just keep going back to those first few days.....and think it was a lot more simple than we think....and paulus is the ring leader.....he is the one who was able to pull the strings....I think Van der Stratten was also the one with the make others do what he wanted..either through intimidation or blackmail or down right threats...who knows what he and paulus 'have on people?' but when the PM makes a statement on national/world TV that one of the suspects has confessed to something bad happening and is leading the police to Natalee's body....there has to be, IMO, something SOLID....he didn't dream that up (even though he is an idiot)....when the attorney of one of the kalpoe brothers (sorry don't remember which brother's attorney said it...and too lazy to go find my book to look it up) says his client is involved and it's up to karin jannsen to prove it...he didn't pull that outta a hat....there is so much that happened in those first days/weeks and I believe the answers are there.....

I believe it was Joran's attorney who said that and it was Peter DeVries who discovered it.  When questioned Antonio Carlo did not want to talk about it.
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« Reply #593 on: July 20, 2008, 10:00:02 PM »

Rene's Documentary
on youtube
The Unrevealed Time Lies - Rene Gielen
Transcribed from the trailer for Rene Gielen's documentary
Natalee, The Unrevealed Time Lies
After nearly three (3) years of extensive research and investigation, we have discovered that the Natalee Holloway story is much deeper than the one the world has been told. The actual facts have been carefully hidden.

The following trailer for the documentary Natalee, the Unrevealed Time Lies will show some of the highlights of an eye opening expose.

The same day Natalee disappears, Beth Holloway and a powerful group of friends arrive several hours after Beth got the call Natalee was missing.

(Unknown Male Speaker) "Beth has stated many a time that she arrived at 11 o'clock. That's not what time she got here. She got here on May 30, four (4) hours before. How was she able to do that? Because she was tipped off that Natalee was not coming home."

This new time of arrival indeed shows that Beth must have been tipped off before Natalee ever disappeared. Even more so because Beth arrived on Aruba with a pile of posters that must have been printed before she left Alabama. Beth has denied the posters she had with her on the plane ever existed and she claims the KIDNAPPED poster was the first to be published.

But facts don't lie. But that's not all. There is even more conclusive evidence to prove her exact time of arrival. We know for a fact that Beth arrived much earlier than we've all been told. Question is: when did she really plan her trip? When did she leave for Aruba? And why did she come to Aruba before Natalee was even reported missing.

The family collected a huge amount of money in the early days on Aruba for the search for Natalee.

Julia Renfro: "Just here in the first several weeks, thousands, hundreds of thousands of dollars were collected and then night after night this family continued to ask for more money as well as not pay for anything."

Steve Yuhas, a famous radio host in the US, having his doubts about this case as well, called the trust fund and was insulted and hung up on.

When we spoke to the taxi driver who drove the family search party around on the island, we came to a shocking conclusion when the taxi driver told us she had asked why she had to drive to a crack house at the time.

(Female Taxi driver) "He told me .. because Natalee left a rehab a short while ago in the United States."

A couple of days after Natalee disappeared, the Holloway family ordered a medical plane because they were told Natalee was alive, but in bad shape.

(Alberto G., former Manager of Private Airport) "Then he explained to me, yes that the purpose of this flight was to come over here, get Natalee out, get Natalee, wrapped her up that nobody knows that it's her, get her to the airport and get her out of here. That's what the flight team knew. I said, how could you do something like that? If she was supposedly kidnapped, you don't have her passport. Yeah, don't worry about that, that will be all handled"

(Angela D.) "After you find Natalee, cover her up and bring her to the MedJet. We'll take good care of you and they're already awaiting her at the airport."

Charles Croes, an ex inner circle friend, often spoke with Jug Twitty, Natalee's stepfather and discovered that the Holloways had another agenda.

(Charles Croes) "He said Charles, I want to get this resolved. I said, ok that's great. He says, what you don't know about me is I have very long fingers, and I took him literally and I looked at his hands and he goes, 'no, mine go right up to the White House'

(Gerold Dompig) "I had days, we had one day, we were at the police station, where we literally were threatened by the american consul and the head of the FBI here in the Caribbean. I can say it now because I'm not part of the police anymore. That I was asked by the FBI attache why I investigate the American side. I told him 'how dare you, the first thing you do in an ameircan investigation is you start with the family"

It's not about Natalee, unfortunately, it's not about Natalee. If it was all about Natalee, then it all should have turned out differently, but it's not about Natalee. It's almost about the White House; it's almost about the relationship between the United States and The Netherlands.

 From RU
Heli's transcript
« Last Edit: July 20, 2008, 10:02:01 PM by Blonde » Logged

Behind Every Lie is a Clue to the Truth
carpe noctem
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« Reply #594 on: July 20, 2008, 10:03:47 PM »

SATISH - 6/10/2005 STATEMENT #2

I had awoken at approximately 06.30 hours on Tuesday.

Was Deepak home at that time?

Deepak had just come home. I had asked Deepak where he had been. Deepak then told me he came from the police station. Deepak told me that he had to go to the police station because of the girl that had been with us on Sunday May 29th 2005.

What did you say to Deepak when he had informed/told you that the girl from Sunday went missing?

I had told my brother that this was impossible because we had dropped her off at the hotel.

Deepak said that he too did not know how the girl went/was missing.





On Tuesday May 31st 2005 at approximately 02.45 hours I was sleeping in bed. At that moment I was awakened by my brother Deepak. Deepak had called me on my mobile phone 568xxxx. Deepak had called me with his mobile phone 568xxxx. Deepak said to me that the girl that had been with us on Sunday had gone missing. Deepak then told me that we should not say that we dropped Joran and the girl off near the Marriot Hotel but that we left her at the Holiday Inn Hotel. My brother had also told me that we should say that we had dropped off Joran at his place.

When Deepak called me he was together with Joran. I heard Joran instruct my brother what we had to say. My brother had told me that the father of Joran had told Joran that the police had come to their house. Before the police could come and pick me up I was called by my brother to tell me what I had to say if the police came to my house. The police did not come to my house that night. After I had heard that message I could not sleep

For Natalee and Stephany, whatever it takes.

"Don't talk about what you have done or what you are going to do." Thomas Jefferson
"The two enemies of the people are criminals and government, so let us tie the second down with the chains of the Constitution so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."Thomas Jeff
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« Reply #595 on: July 20, 2008, 10:05:25 PM »

Carpe the video of this is at RU can you please post it here
« Last Edit: July 20, 2008, 10:10:51 PM by Blonde » Logged

Behind Every Lie is a Clue to the Truth
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« Reply #596 on: July 20, 2008, 10:10:50 PM »

I believe it was Joran's attorney who said that and it was Peter DeVries who discovered it.  When questioned Antonio Carlo did not want to talk about it.

OK...then I must be confused about that....I thought it was the attorney of one of the kalpoes....sorry for the mis-statement

Rest in Peace Caylee
Natalee, We will never forget.
Zahra, run with the Angels

PUT ON YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND GET OVER IT!  It's not about you or me.....It's about the Missing and the Murdered
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« Reply #597 on: July 20, 2008, 10:11:32 PM »

Carpe I need you to get the video it's at RU
I posted a link to the youtube and the transcript a few pages back.  Not sure if it's still there, I've been frying chicken for about the past hour.

I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
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« Reply #598 on: July 20, 2008, 10:12:56 PM »

I appologized for that Klaasend...I didn't realize the videos were any legitimate evidence to the case...I truly didn't ..... I just wish you could get past the fact that I post on a board with people you don't like...

I will refrain from posting for several more moons if that's what will make you happy....

LoRain...I for one *feel* you have some inside/important info to are testing the waters so to feel if You feel *safe* enough here to do so...becuz..once you do post what you *feel* here...You *know* someone else is going to feel betrayed...and it will stirr up a lot of shit for strong've been mulling over this for a long is the right time...if you feel more comfortable posting this in the *feelings* thread.....please do so...

Sending you Prayers for Clarity...



I'm me understand what you refer you think that I know inside/important info about the case?...if I did I wouldn't be too concerned about who I might betray...
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« Reply #599 on: July 20, 2008, 10:16:09 PM »

Carpe I need you to get the video it's at RU
I posted a link to the youtube and the transcript a few pages back.  Not sure if it's still there, I've been frying chicken for about the past hour.

texasmom...I am on my me a piece of white meat please

Rest in Peace Caylee
Natalee, We will never forget.
Zahra, run with the Angels

PUT ON YOUR BIG GIRL PANTIES AND GET OVER IT!  It's not about you or me.....It's about the Missing and the Murdered
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