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Author Topic: Natalee Case Discussion #829 2/14/10 - 2/25/10  (Read 565182 times)
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Monkey Junky
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« Reply #500 on: February 16, 2010, 09:21:37 AM »

Keep the candles burning for Justice for Natalee, and her family.

 an angelic monkey

Thank you TxMom
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #501 on: February 16, 2010, 09:24:55 AM »

Also look at those articles Klaas posted about Maiky Farro.

Maiky goes from "her" to "him" in the span of one article.  Then just "him" in the next article.

They print most things in the masculine in Aruba, I've noticed.

Still is confusing though. 
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #502 on: February 16, 2010, 09:25:42 AM »

Good Morning Monkeys.

It's a beautiful day in the cage today!!!!!! 
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #503 on: February 16, 2010, 09:30:29 AM »

Also look at those articles Klaas posted about Maiky Farro.

Maiky goes from "her" to "him" in the span of one article.  Then just "him" in the next article.

They print most things in the masculine in Aruba, I've noticed.

Still is confusing though. 

Makes sense when you look at THIS  Monkey Devil!

Monkey Junky
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« Reply #504 on: February 16, 2010, 09:33:33 AM »


Monkey Junky
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« Reply #505 on: February 16, 2010, 09:35:18 AM »

So autopsies are not an anomoly for Aruba to conduct.

Why none done on Paulus?

Autopsia riba curpa di Maiky Farro lo a trece resultadonan nobo

Publication: Diamars, 16 Februari 2010. Categoria: General

Palabra ta keda na Ministerio Publico pa desmenti
Lo a descubri substancia toxico cual ta lanta sospecho!
ORANJESTAD (AAN): Tin fuerte indicacion cu aparentemente a drenta informe na autoridad competente relaciona cu resultado cual lo tin di haber cu fayecimento inespera y misterioso di e detenido Maiky Farro. Manera ta conoci Maiky tabata worde sospecha di 7 miyon cu a disparce na Lands Laboratorio durante varios aña.
E caso a sosode durante di e periodo cu minister Booshi Wever tabata como minister y tambe responsabel pa e ministerio di Salubridad Publico.

Ta increibel cu bao di su maneho esaki lo por a tuma lugar y nunca e no a asumi su responsabilidad.

Na cualkier pais un minister encarga pa su cartera den e caso aki salubridad publico a tuma su retiro. Ta imposibel cu un suma asina gigante por a disparce y te ainda no tin un claridad completo, con y cu kendenan el a comparti esaki.

Durante cu Maiky lo tabata encarcela den KIA, direpiente el a sinti malo y hasta a suministre medicina, cu via telefoon aparentemente e dokter a notifica e broeder of esun encarga cu asina yama dokters kamber.

E condicion di e detenido a bira peor y cu urgencia a transporte pa hospital y den un tempo relativamente corto Maiky a fayece.

E morto repentino di Maiky a lanta basta stof den seno di su amigonan y conocirnan el a worde hopi comenta. Hasta bao di su coleganan di laboratorio.

E morto di Maiky ta keda un misterio awor cu aparentemente a drenta resultado di un que otro relaciona cu e autopsia no ta exclui lo bay start cu investigacion profundo.

Den pasado caba tabata tin un caso tambe di un homber hulandes cual segun su conocirnan e victima John Maas a worde venena. Esnan cu a plama e informe a haya despues di basta aña razon.

Hasta for di Hulanda autoridad local a haya asistencia y a saca e cadaver for di su graf y investigacion a confirma cu e victima a worde intoxica.

Sospecho a bay den direccion di su casa of ex casa y te dia di awe apesar e ta biba aparentemente na Canada y no a worde localiza pa duna cuenta na husticia. A duna di conoce cu Aruba no tin tratado cu e pais en cuestion.

Locual ta e caso Maiky si enberdad cu a descubri substancia toxico cual ta lanta e sospecho cu aki lo por ta trata di substancia cu a pone su curazon worde afecta of su sistema cu e consecuencia fatal.

Posiblemente e lo sa hopi cos y e lo tabata dispuesto pa divulga. Pa evita esaki no ta exclui cu a preveni pa e basha abao. Ya cu no ta trata di un suma considera como “chicken feed” pero uno gigantesco.

Palabra ta keda na Ministerio Publico pa desmenti e informe cu e ultimo dianan ta circula pa asina tambe trece claridad relaciona cu e rumornan persistente cu ta keda existi cu e morto repentino di Maiky.

Through translator (Pap,Spanish):

autopsy on Curpa of maiky farro will resultadonan
Owing to thirteen new publication: Tuesday, 16 Feburary 2010.
category: general

word is for stay at public ministry denied it will Owing to toxic substance which is discovered arise suspicion! Oranjestad (AAN): cu apparently have strong indication Owing to enter report at related authority which will have ea result of having cu fayecimento unexpected and mysterious of the arrested maiky farro. as is known maiky Worde was suspected of 7 Miyone cu Owing to disparce at lands laboratory during several year. Owing to the case of the period during sosode cu booshi wever minister was because; minister and also responsible for her ministry of public health. increibel is maneho cu bao of his dog did this will never take place and the not Asumi Owing to his responsibility. cualkier country at one minister responsible for his portfolio in the public health case here did take his retirement. is impossible sum cu so one can Owing to disparce giant and still not have one till complete clarity with and cu past kendenan Owing to this compartment. cu during maiky will was jailed in kia, all of a sudden past Owing to feel bad and even Owing to provide medicine, cu apparently via telefoon Owing to the doctor notifies the responsible isa cu broeder or so calling Dokters bedroom. the condition of the detainee Owing to become worse and urgent cu Owing to transportation for hospital and in one relatively short time maiky Owing to fayece. the sudden dead of maiky Owing to arise enough stof in breast of his past conocirnan amigona and much Owing to word says. even beam of his coleganan of laboratory. the dead of stay is one enigma maiky cu now apparently Owing to enter another result of one that relates cu do not excluded the autopsy bay will start deep research cu. in past cases have one end was also one man of his Dutch conocirnan which the victim according maas john Owing to word poison. Owing to esnan cu plama the report Owing to Achieve year after of enough reason. even for local authority of the netherlands Owing to Achieve Owing to assistance and takes the corpse of his cemetery and for research confirms cu Owing to the victim Owing to word intoxicated. Owing to suspicion bay in the direction of his home or former home and till day of today Despite the apparently live at canada and not Owing to word located at husticia for give account. Owing to give of known cu cu aruba not have treated the country provided that question. whichonly is the case if enberdad cu maiky Owing to discovery toxic substance which is arise the suspicion will cu here is deal of substance can cu Owing to place his Worde curazon cu affect the system or his fateful consequence. possibly know much cos the will and the will was prepared for reports. for preventing this do not excluded cu Owing to pour ABAO preventable for her. cu do not already deal of one sum considered because; "chicken feed" but one giant. word is for stay at public ministry denied it the report cu the late Diana is also circulating for so thirteen clearly relates the rumornan persistent cu cu cu is stay there the sudden dead of maiky.

Sounds like they suspect Maiky was killed

Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #506 on: February 16, 2010, 09:37:40 AM »

Do we know for SURE that none has or is being done on Paulus?
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #507 on: February 16, 2010, 09:44:45 AM »

Do we know for SURE that none has or is being done on Paulus?

We don't know diddly about Paulus.  They have kept it very quiet.

The will of heaven be done in this and all things.
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #508 on: February 16, 2010, 09:46:55 AM »

Do we know for SURE that none has or is being done on Paulus?

Well, they announced the death as a heart attack within hours of it occurring.  Which is odd in itself.
Anita was in the Netherlands (with the body) on Friday.
As others have posted, I cannot imagine any airline would allow for an unembalmed body to be aboard?    Could be wrong there, and they did the autopsy in the Netherlands?

Unless they conducted both an autopsy and an embalming in one day, Thursday?
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #509 on: February 16, 2010, 09:49:54 AM »

Do we know for SURE that none has or is being done on Paulus?

Well, they announced the death as a heart attack within hours of it occurring.  Which is odd in itself.
Anita was in the Netherlands (with the body) on Friday.
As others have posted, I cannot imagine any airline would allow for an unembalmed body to be aboard?    Could be wrong there, and they did the autopsy in the Netherlands?

Unless they conducted both an autopsy and an embalming in one day, Thursday?

Are we sure about Anita in the NL with his body on Friday?
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #510 on: February 16, 2010, 09:51:08 AM »

Do we know for SURE that none has or is being done on Paulus?

Well, they announced the death as a heart attack within hours of it occurring.  Which is odd in itself.
Anita was in the Netherlands (with the body) on Friday.
As others have posted, I cannot imagine any airline would allow for an unembalmed body to be aboard?    Could be wrong there, and they did the autopsy in the Netherlands?

Unless they conducted both an autopsy and an embalming in one day, Thursday?

My thought is that the report of Anita being in NL (with the body) was a false report, meant to confuse.

The will of heaven be done in this and all things.
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #511 on: February 16, 2010, 09:59:24 AM »

Do we know for SURE that none has or is being done on Paulus?

Well, they announced the death as a heart attack within hours of it occurring.  Which is odd in itself.
Anita was in the Netherlands (with the body) on Friday.
As others have posted, I cannot imagine any airline would allow for an unembalmed body to be aboard?    Could be wrong there, and they did the autopsy in the Netherlands?

Unless they conducted both an autopsy and an embalming in one day, Thursday?

My thought is that the report of Anita being in NL (with the body) was a false report, meant to confuse.

I really don't think so, Mag.  Joran had left Thailand as well, from all appearances.
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #512 on: February 16, 2010, 10:00:48 AM »

nanners klaas
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #513 on: February 16, 2010, 10:07:30 AM »

Do we know for SURE that none has or is being done on Paulus?

Well, they announced the death as a heart attack within hours of it occurring.  Which is odd in itself.
Anita was in the Netherlands (with the body) on Friday.
As others have posted, I cannot imagine any airline would allow for an unembalmed body to be aboard?    Could be wrong there, and they did the autopsy in the Netherlands?

Unless they conducted both an autopsy and an embalming in one day, Thursday?

My thought is that the report of Anita being in NL (with the body) was a false report, meant to confuse.

I really don't think so, Mag.  Joran had left Thailand as well, from all appearances.

It is a complicated process to transport a body.  I just can't believe that Anita could pull the strings
to get everything done that fast....autopsy, embalming, death certificate signed by a doctor, passport
and arranging transportation.

The will of heaven be done in this and all things.
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #514 on: February 16, 2010, 10:13:46 AM »

It is a complicated process to transport a body.  I just can't believe that Anita could pull the strings
to get everything done that fast....autopsy, embalming, death certificate signed by a doctor, passport
and arranging transportation.

I agree.  Something is odd.  That there are ZERO of their friends (except for Joran's, go figure) commenting on it makes it even more odd for me.

Why did she high tail it outta there and forego sympathies and support of her wundermus IFA friends?
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #515 on: February 16, 2010, 10:22:10 AM »

Something weird here, too.  Doesn't look like this is the witness?  Unless the age was purposefully reported incorrectly earlier?

Jenny Emanuel Geerman
birthday  January 7, 1965
48 year old witness
Is it possible that this is the break and the witness that the family of Natalee Holloway has been looking for the past 3+ years? Could this finally be the break that provided “Justice for Natalee”.

We just recieved a call from Tim Miller of Texas Equusearch. Tim is presently in Aruba and planning to meet with the Aruban prosecutor and the ALE. It appears that there is a new witness that has come forward that has placed Joran Van der Sloot in wet and muddy clothing out at 4:00am on 5/30/05. The 48 year old Aruban witness also places Paulus Van der Sloot at the scene picking up Joran in a red jeep.

Why is this witness potentially credible? The Aruban passed two polygraph tests in Houston, TX on August 5, 2008. The tests were performed by John Swartz of John Swartz & Associates, International Polygraph Examiners. The 48 year old Aruba, name withheld for obvious reasons, went to police early on in the investigation; however, was not taken seriously. He is also claimed to have spoke with Hans Mos. Whether an actual police report exists of the witness is unknown.
Why does Aruba after all this time and bad PR still not want to cooperate and find Natalee Holloway?

As was previously reported, Tim Miller of Texas Equusearch had traveled this past week to Aruba to meet with Aruban prosecutor Hans Mos to discuss some recent breaking events in the case of the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. Please note that Tim Miller will be a guest tonight, Hurricane IKE pending, to discuss his meeting with Hans and the new information in the Natalee Holloway case.

Tim Miller met with Aruban Prosecutor Hans Mos to discuss and show Mos in person the results of the polygraph exams conducted in Houston, TX.  Miller discussed with Mos the new witness who had come forward and the fact that the 48 year old witness had passed two polygraph exams. However, Hans Mos was quick to point out to Tim Miller that polygraph tests are not looked upon favorably or have much credibility in Aruba. Hans Mos also questioned why after all this time the witness came forward. Miller pointed out to Mos that this witness had previously come forward to the ALE; however, this point seems to be in question. According to our accounts this witness had previously come forward and was turned away. Interesting? Tim Miller and Texas EquuSearch want to search the pond are in question that suddenly is now going to be excavated by the Aruban government after word got out that an unidentified Aruban witness traveled to the US to potentially help in the Natalee Holloway case. These searches and digs would be at no cost to Aruba. So why won’t Aruba allow this pond to be searched?
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #516 on: February 16, 2010, 10:38:12 AM »

Mardi Gras tomorrow.....

Colors - Purple, Green and Gold


So the Carnival in Aruba is at the same time as Mardi Gras in LA and to celebrate the same I'm assuming?  Just like in Rio?
Yes, ................. "Fat Tuesday" is the last day BEFORE "Ash Wednesday" (the first day of Lent).

It's also known as Shrove Tuesday.

As Jimmy Buffett said when the Saints won the right to go to the Super Bowl it was like  "the end of a 43-year long Lent."     
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #517 on: February 16, 2010, 10:47:05 AM »

24.viet vet on February 15th, 2010 9:27 pm

Let us make Paulus no more in death than he was in life. We know what he was in life, a liar and a cheat. He died. Everyone dies, in time, it is just some die before their time,,,Natalee deserved more, Paulus did not.

Sums my feelings up perfectly.....

I think this is good too;   I am glad that the dynamic has changed-perhaps the truth will finally emerge and justice will prevail sooner rather than later.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #518 on: February 16, 2010, 10:55:35 AM »

Do we know for SURE that none has or is being done on Paulus?

Well, they announced the death as a heart attack within hours of it occurring.  Which is odd in itself.
Anita was in the Netherlands (with the body) on Friday.
As others have posted, I cannot imagine any airline would allow for an unembalmed body to be aboard?    Could be wrong there, and they did the autopsy in the Netherlands?

Unless they conducted both an autopsy and an embalming in one day, Thursday?

I think the whole thing is weird.
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #519 on: February 16, 2010, 11:10:06 AM »

Cancellation Of The Agreement Would Cost Aruba Millions Of Dollars

February 16th 2010, Aruba.

ORANJESTAD-The big boss of Marriott and Ritz Carlton hotels, Mr. Bill Marriott will arrive on the
island to officially announce the Ritz Carlton project on February 17th 2010. The
previous government has signed an agreement for the transfer of land and the eventual
contruction of Ritz Carlton Resort Casino & Spa in October 2009, a day before power was
transferred to the new government.

The proposed Ritz Carlton hotel has met with much opposition from local environmental
organizations, the public and the opposition parties (now present government) in the past. The
project will be constructed in one of the last lots of Palm Beach, north of the Marriott Surf Club
where the sport of windsurfing is practised.

Lawyers have studied the agreement thoroughly, and concluded that an eventual cancellation of
the contract with Ritz Carlton will cost the Aruban community millions of dollars. The above
mentioned reason has led the present government not to challenge the agreement with Ritz

The government would like to see some adaption done in the agreement, including expansion of
the beach and the cancellation of 750 temporary permits for foreign construction workers. Ritz
Carlton has agreed with the present government to have the beach expanded to allow access for

There are many people without jobs, and construction companies are in need of big projects says
the Minister of Tourism, Otmar Oduber. “There is no need to bring 750 foreign workers on the
island for the construction of a resort when there are enough Arubans and foreigners residing on
the island to do so.” The government is committed with the Aruban community to have that part
of the agreement annulled.
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