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Author Topic: Haleigh Cummings #2 2/20/09 - 2/26/09  (Read 338943 times)
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Monkey Junky Jr.
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To Boldly Go Where No MAN Has Gone Before!

« Reply #560 on: February 22, 2009, 07:38:10 PM »

Great post BabyBear

Ditto that. When A person admits they are wrong or mis-judged someone, It makes me smile and respect you all the more. I have NO problem with being wrong. I am a flawed individual trying to get along with out hurting another.

I am glad Geraldo is banned. He did not need to be there and cause more hurt. JMO

If you take care of God's creatures; He will take care of you.
Monkey Junky Jr.
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To Boldly Go Where No MAN Has Gone Before!

« Reply #561 on: February 22, 2009, 07:40:02 PM »

I am glad to see I am not the only one who thinks Geraldo is B-rated show at best. Ever notice that he never gets clips in the right place and sound is always off. His technical crew stinks. Probably a family member. LE should really get on HIS case if he comes back.

About the spanking thing. In trying to be to up-front can sink your ship, that is for sure. You can bet Ron has been under the microscope since winning custody. Social services follows up and makes home visits and make reports. At least in NY they do. I am sure he took parent classes.

 I have to tell you this. I spanked!! At about 10 my son told me to F myself. Without ANY thought at all I back-handed him across the lips hard. We do not speak that way and it threw me. I still feel guilty BUT....he has never spoke to me like that again. He is 27.
Wonder what Geraldo would say about that?

At the end and no rise from Ron, He pushes past Geraldo and gets to the camera and begins to beg for his child. This is very telling to me and I believe he does not know where she is and wants her home desperately.    Sorry Geraldo..He didn't snap and we all know that's what you wanted.

Scarrlett, I spanked too. I'm a single Mom and my kids, for the most part, were awesome. But once in a while they had to test the waters. A few years back my oldest, who was defense on the High School Football team, sassed me good. I flew off the couch and went after him! I had him crouched in the corner, covering his head. I'm a pretty lenient Mom, but I won't tolerate sass. I worked too damn hard to give them everything, while I did without, sometimes even forgoing eating so they could have more (they didn't know) and that was one thing that would put me over the edge. Never happened again, my other son and daughter never tried it after that incident. BTW I went to my room for a good cry and he came in and apologized all over the place. He's a good boy and has been respectful ever since. 

We need more parents like you - I remember when my brother was about 16 and thought he was bigger than mom. He sassed her and she chased him down and smacked him but good. He turned out to be a pretty good guy. My oldest never needs a spanking (of course since he is 16 and 6 inches taller than me it is a good thing!) but my 10 year old gets a smack on more than one occasion - he has some issues with listening. He listens much better with my hand on his behind!     Too many parents seem to be friends and not parents.

Thank you. How many boys do you have?  I think boys are easier than girls.

If you take care of God's creatures; He will take care of you.
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #562 on: February 22, 2009, 07:48:40 PM »

Yes, Islandmonkey, and it strikes me as significant  - in some way - that we haven't heard from AC man, Misty's visiting brother, coworkers, the boss at Ron's job, etc. I mean, everyone, their great granny, Amanda the generic neighbor, Aunty with the thing on her head bless her heart, and Adam's house cat have been heard from and questioned on the tube, but we've not gotten not word one - that I know of -  from these people (AC man, brother etc) who could possibly vouch for and support Misty and Ron's version of the story. (Of course they'd have to choose one from a myriad of versions of the story to support or refute, but still...) It seems these (IMO) very relevant folks' statements have been conspicuously absent from the media-fest. Must be a reason. I realize that someone posted that AC was cleared but still it's odd to me that he hasn't been HEARD from. (especially if he's been cleared) Jus sayin.

Great point, that along with the trailer not being release PLUS the Sheriff stating for the media that he's calling this an "abduction", because you draw more attention and get more bang for the buck .............that leads me to wnder if he truly believes it WAS an abduction because if he did, why would he even make that statement????????

I don't find it odd AC man has not put himself in spotlight for his 15 minutes of fame. He was checked out he was cleared what does he know anyhow? Now what I would like to hear from is Mistys brother. What I really want to know is how big of a lunch break did RC get and was it in the middle of his shift ( 9PM). If he lives 17 miles from job site is that expressway travel ( 15 minutes) or town 25 minutes? What kind of work was he doing besides a crane operator? Could he have carried a body back with him and dumped it in a hole that was going to be filled that night? OT that is what is rumored to have happened to a woman around here...she is under a dept store
Monkey All Star
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HaLeigh~you are loved and in God's loving arms

« Reply #563 on: February 22, 2009, 07:51:32 PM »

Yes, Islandmonkey, and it strikes me as significant  - in some way - that we haven't heard from AC man, Misty's visiting brother, coworkers, the boss at Ron's job, etc. I mean, everyone, their great granny, Amanda the generic neighbor, Aunty with the thing on her head bless her heart, and Adam's house cat have been heard from and questioned on the tube, but we've not gotten not word one - that I know of -  from these people (AC man, brother etc) who could possibly vouch for and support Misty and Ron's version of the story. (Of course they'd have to choose one from a myriad of versions of the story to support or refute, but still...) It seems these (IMO) very relevant folks' statements have been conspicuously absent from the media-fest. Must be a reason. I realize that someone posted that AC was cleared but still it's odd to me that he hasn't been HEARD from. (especially if he's been cleared) Jus sayin.

Great point, that along with the trailer not being release PLUS the Sheriff stating for the media that he's calling this an "abduction", because you draw more attention and get more bang for the buck .............that leads me to wnder if he truly believes it WAS an abduction because if he did, why would he even make that statement????????

I don't find it odd AC man has not put himself in spotlight for his 15 minutes of fame. He was checked out he was cleared what does he know anyhow? Now what I would like to hear from is Mistys brother. What I really want to know is how big of a lunch break did RC get and was it in the middle of his shift ( 9PM). If he lives 17 miles from job site is that expressway travel ( 15 minutes) or town 25 minutes? What kind of work was he doing besides a crane operator? Could he have carried a body back with him and dumped it in a hole that was going to be filled that night? OT that is what is rumored to have happened to a woman around here...she is under a dept store

Someone earlier in the thread mentioned that hypothesis......that she would be so easy to hide at a construction site, sadly I know of other cases where this has happened.

"If two theories explain the facts equally well then the simpler theory is to be preferred''
Monkey Junky Jr.
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Posts: 872

« Reply #564 on: February 22, 2009, 07:57:46 PM »

Neither family is perfect that's a fact.  Both Ronald and Crystal have both done drugs.  WHERE IS HALEIGH and do any of them, Ronald, Misty, Crystal have anything to do with Haleigh missing. 
Geraldo needs to go home.
Klaas~maybe you'd remember this, but wasn't RC on the search twith TES when he mentioned to either TM or someone with TES that he was afraid it was retribution or retaliation fromsomething he'd done. It's in these threads, I just wondered if you remeber where?
I don't remember, sorry.
I think when Ron throw out there about the idea of retaliation is nothing but hogwash.. Their throwing out alibies him and Misty to take the investagation away from them..Ron should of been sent to anger management a long time ago.. In my oppinion he should not have custody of the children and I be worried about the other child Jr. When the 911 call came in Ron in the background all ready started saying about who ever took her and hes got a gun and will kill him raised a red flag to me..

I think the 911 call was staged.. His fake cries and Misty's trying to make herself cry and all their inconsistencies.. It makes you wonder what really did happen that evening...I would like to know if Ron had a life insurance policy on Haleigh..
So.Much.Word. And if Misty is such a "dumb effing b**** " and as incompetent as Ron conends, then why is she assigned the important duty of making the 911 call as he huffs and spews and curses and threatens in the background as evidenced on the recording. Why isn't HE making the 911 call? (And FWIW, perps typically are not the ones to make the call. They generally prefer to have someone else do it. Sorry - don't have a link, so that is merely a generalization, but applicable IMO.)

I too would like to hear from AC man, Misty's brother who visited that Monday, Ron's co-workers, and to see Ron's time card; And I'd also like to hear a statement from ANYONE other than Misty and Ron as to when and where Haleigh was last seen.

Also, I  have to wonder if they're checking the plumbing or have already found something to warrant the taping off of that trailor for this long time frame. It's not a huge area to cover like, for example, the Ramsay home (Jon Benet)  so the size is not the issue. 

Geraldo chapped my rear many times in the past, but he did an excellent job this time IMO. He's redeemed himself.

The 911 call seemed contrived to me, one minute weepy and the next defiant and dropping f-bombs, cursing the gf, 911 operator etc.....I too wonder why the trailer hasn't been released, it just makes NO sense to me to hold it this long unless they have indeed found something and still I've never heard anything being held from the family this long.

I also would LOVE to hear from anyone other than Misty or Ron who actually saw Haleigh after school that day, otherwise the timeline is too broad

I wonder with all of Ron's verbally abusing young teenages girls as his GF's that he actually

hates women....I wonder if all his GF's were young teenagers easily control. He's not a man in

my book..I guess he can't get a girl his age... I am going to say this and dont throw any

nanners @ me its been bothering me...IMO...An child (teenagers)abuser or is he a closet

I know I'm the newb and all, but I can't help but keep repeating it. So.MuchWord.

I don't have a link, but isn't the other baby-mama 17 now? Which puts her at  or about age 16 at conception? Even if 16 were the age of consent, it speaks volumes, as they say, about Ron's target girlfriend age range. Very young, easier to control... Also, Misty just turned 17 in Dec, has been with Ron for 5 months, and has a history of sexual molestation.... again. Classic.

Crystal is text book abused woman, IMO - be it verbal, emotional, psychological, physical or all of the above. The difference is, with her, - compared to many - is she managed to get out. However she seems profoundly defeated, terrified, with low to no self-esteem, flat affect, hesitant, choosing her words,  skiddish, and to me that would speak to her inability to "fight" in court against her tormentor, Ron. Then there's Ron,  who by all estimations on camera and on the 911 recording - has a short fuse to say the least and an abusive, violent temper and demeanor at worst. Also, Ronnie has mama, aka the grand enabler, in his corner and an additional bonus is that she works in the sheriff's office. How con-VEEN-ient. (TM Dana Carvey's "The Church Lady.") Add mood and judgment altering drugs into the mix and you have a possible perfect storm for disaster.

Also, I can see Misty staying up with Ron after he gets home (or him demanding that she do so. ("Fix me dinner/breakfast- fill in the blank - b****; I just got home from working an honest job to care care of your a**") And there's the possibility of  Misty and/or Ron being exhausted and/or hung over and not getting up in time to get HL ready for kindergarten ("school.") HL's absent and she misses days. So she's home and not quiet enough to suit His Royal Highness, Ron, and she gets backhanded a little too hard (It doesn't take much. She is 5, tiny, and what? 49 pounds?) She could have landed wrong or  hit her head. Or he tells Misty to get out the Benadryl (or fill-in-the-blank sedating substance) to shut HL up so he can sleep in the day and HL doesn't wake up. Ron doesn't want to "get in trouble," nor go to jail,  lose custody of Jr, be seen as a "bad" parent... etc.

 I can see him wanting custody as a control tactic and not seeking custody b/c he  necessarily wants[i/] the kids with him; I can see it as a possibility that he just doesn't want Crystal to have them b/c he could possibly view that as a "win" for her; And he can't have that happen b/c he's large and in charge at all times. Also, he'd have to shell out child support. This way, with this setup, he doesn't pay support, and he gets Misty as free live in. He doesn't have to pay for child-care, housekeeping, cooking, cleaning, or sex.

All these possibilities speak to the environment in that home. It is not "stirring the pot" IMO. Geraldo did HL a service IMO which is more than Ron is doing in his lying and withholding of information. MOO. Your mileage may vary. 

Monkey Junky Jr.
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Posts: 872

« Reply #565 on: February 22, 2009, 08:05:29 PM »

Sorry; I said that  "Geraldo did HL a service." I meant Haleigh or HC.

Monkey All Star
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Posts: 10379

HaLeigh~you are loved and in God's loving arms

« Reply #566 on: February 22, 2009, 08:05:29 PM »

Neither family is perfect that's a fact.  Both Ronald and Crystal have both done drugs.  WHERE IS HALEIGH and do any of them, Ronald, Misty, Crystal have anything to do with Haleigh missing. 
Geraldo needs to go home.
Klaas~maybe you'd remember this, but wasn't RC on the search twith TES when he mentioned to either TM or someone with TES that he was afraid it was retribution or retaliation fromsomething he'd done. It's in these threads, I just wondered if you remeber where?
I don't remember, sorry.
I think when Ron throw out there about the idea of retaliation is nothing but hogwash.. Their throwing out alibies him and Misty to take the investagation away from them..Ron should of been sent to anger management a long time ago.. In my oppinion he should not have custody of the children and I be worried about the other child Jr. When the 911 call came in Ron in the background all ready started saying about who ever took her and hes got a gun and will kill him raised a red flag to me..

I think the 911 call was staged.. His fake cries and Misty's trying to make herself cry and all their inconsistencies.. It makes you wonder what really did happen that evening...I would like to know if Ron had a life insurance policy on Haleigh..
So.Much.Word. And if Misty is such a "dumb effing b**** " and as incompetent as Ron conends, then why is she assigned the important duty of making the 911 call as he huffs and spews and curses and threatens in the background as evidenced on the recording. Why isn't HE making the 911 call? (And FWIW, perps typically are not the ones to make the call. They generally prefer to have someone else do it. Sorry - don't have a link, so that is merely a generalization, but applicable IMO.)

I too would like to hear from AC man, Misty's brother who visited that Monday, Ron's co-workers, and to see Ron's time card; And I'd also like to hear a statement from ANYONE other than Misty and Ron as to when and where Haleigh was last seen.

Also, I  have to wonder if they're checking the plumbing or have already found something to warrant the taping off of that trailor for this long time frame. It's not a huge area to cover like, for example, the Ramsay home (Jon Benet)  so the size is not the issue. 

Geraldo chapped my rear many times in the past, but he did an excellent job this time IMO. He's redeemed himself.

The 911 call seemed contrived to me, one minute weepy and the next defiant and dropping f-bombs, cursing the gf, 911 operator etc.....I too wonder why the trailer hasn't been released, it just makes NO sense to me to hold it this long unless they have indeed found something and still I've never heard anything being held from the family this long.

I also would LOVE to hear from anyone other than Misty or Ron who actually saw Haleigh after school that day, otherwise the timeline is too broad

I wonder with all of Ron's verbally abusing young teenages girls as his GF's that he actually

hates women....I wonder if all his GF's were young teenagers easily control. He's not a man in

my book..I guess he can't get a girl his age... I am going to say this and dont throw any

nanners @ me its been bothering me...IMO...An child (teenagers)abuser or is he a closet

I know I'm the newb and all, but I can't help but keep repeating it. So.MuchWord.

I don't have a link, but isn't the other baby-mama 17 now? Which puts her at  or about age 16 at conception? Even if 16 were the age of consent, it speaks volumes, as they say, about Ron's target girlfriend age range. Very young, easier to control... Also, Misty just turned 17 in Dec, has been with Ron for 5 months, and has a history of sexual molestation.... again. Classic.

Crystal is text book abused woman, IMO - be it verbal, emotional, psychological, physical or all of the above. The difference is, with her, - compared to many - is she managed to get out. However she seems profoundly defeated, terrified, with low to no self-esteem, flat affect, hesitant, choosing her words,  skiddish, and to me that would speak to her inability to "fight" in court against her tormentor, Ron. Then there's Ron,  who by all estimations on camera and on the 911 recording - has a short fuse to say the least and an abusive, violent temper and demeanor at worst. Also, Ronnie has mama, aka the grand enabler, in his corner and an additional bonus is that she works in the sheriff's office. How con-VEEN-ient. (TM Dana Carvey's "The Church Lady.") Add mood and judgment altering drugs into the mix and you have a possible perfect storm for disaster.

Also, I can see Misty staying up with Ron after he gets home (or him demanding that she do so. ("Fix me dinner/breakfast- fill in the blank - b****; I just got home from working an honest job to care care of your a**") And there's the possibility of  Misty and/or Ron being exhausted and/or hung over and not getting up in time to get HL ready for kindergarten ("school.") HL's absent and she misses days. So she's home and not quiet enough to suit His Royal Highness, Ron, and she gets backhanded a little too hard (It doesn't take much. She is 5, tiny, and what? 49 pounds?) She could have landed wrong or  hit her head. Or he tells Misty to get out the Benadryl (or fill-in-the-blank sedating substance) to shut HL up so he can sleep in the day and HL doesn't wake up. Ron doesn't want to "get in trouble," nor go to jail,  lose custody of Jr, be seen as a "bad" parent... etc.

 I can see him wanting custody as a control tactic and not seeking custody b/c he  necessarily wants[i/] the kids with him; I can see it as a possibility that he just doesn't want Crystal to have them b/c he could possibly view that as a "win" for her; And he can't have that happen b/c he's large and in charge at all times. Also, he'd have to shell out child support. This way, with this setup, he doesn't pay support, and he gets Misty as free live in. He doesn't have to pay for child-care, housekeeping, cooking, cleaning, or sex.

All these possibilities speak to the environment in that home. It is not "stirring the pot" IMO. Geraldo did HL a service IMO which is more than Ron is doing in his lying and withholding of information. MOO. Your mileage may vary. 

BINGO~We have a winner!

I agree with you and especially can offer insight as to why he wanted custody, me ex did this to his prior wife, the kids were just pawns to him, a way to say "See, she must really be bad because I have custody", and sadly I've heard RC brag about custody in soooo many interviews. It was like a slap in the face to CS, frankly if I were her I'd have brought this out long ago.........enough is enough, everyone needs to come clean and let the chips fall where they may, this is not a popularity contest, it is a missing child!!!

"If two theories explain the facts equally well then the simpler theory is to be preferred''
Monkey Junky Jr.
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Posts: 765

« Reply #567 on: February 22, 2009, 08:08:29 PM »

Yes, Islandmonkey, and it strikes me as significant  - in some way - that we haven't heard from AC man, Misty's visiting brother, coworkers, the boss at Ron's job, etc. I mean, everyone, their great granny, Amanda the generic neighbor, Aunty with the thing on her head bless her heart, and Adam's house cat have been heard from and questioned on the tube, but we've not gotten not word one - that I know of -  from these people (AC man, brother etc) who could possibly vouch for and support Misty and Ron's version of the story. (Of course they'd have to choose one from a myriad of versions of the story to support or refute, but still...) It seems these (IMO) very relevant folks' statements have been conspicuously absent from the media-fest. Must be a reason. I realize that someone posted that AC was cleared but still it's odd to me that he hasn't been HEARD from. (especially if he's been cleared) Jus sayin.

Great point, that along with the trailer not being release PLUS the Sheriff stating for the media that he's calling this an "abduction", because you draw more attention and get more bang for the buck .............that leads me to wnder if he truly believes it WAS an abduction because if he did, why would he even make that statement????????

I don't find it odd AC man has not put himself in spotlight for his 15 minutes of fame. He was checked out he was cleared what does he know anyhow? Now what I would like to hear from is Mistys brother. What I really want to know is how big of a lunch break did RC get and was it in the middle of his shift ( 9PM). If he lives 17 miles from job site is that expressway travel ( 15 minutes) or town 25 minutes? What kind of work was he doing besides a crane operator? Could he have carried a body back with him and dumped it in a hole that was going to be filled that night? OT that is what is rumored to have happened to a woman around here...she is under a dept store

Someone earlier in the thread mentioned that hypothesis......that she would be so easy to hide at a construction site, sadly I know of other cases where this has happened.

Ok so I go to PDM Bridge website just to get a sense of what exactly they or RC would do.
beautiful bridges btw.... then it dawned on me as I see a crane on top of an unfinished bridge....BRIDGES GO OVER WATER  Am I the only one that was not thinking that?
Monkey All Star
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Posts: 10379

HaLeigh~you are loved and in God's loving arms

« Reply #568 on: February 22, 2009, 08:15:45 PM »

Yes, Islandmonkey, and it strikes me as significant  - in some way - that we haven't heard from AC man, Misty's visiting brother, coworkers, the boss at Ron's job, etc. I mean, everyone, their great granny, Amanda the generic neighbor, Aunty with the thing on her head bless her heart, and Adam's house cat have been heard from and questioned on the tube, but we've not gotten not word one - that I know of -  from these people (AC man, brother etc) who could possibly vouch for and support Misty and Ron's version of the story. (Of course they'd have to choose one from a myriad of versions of the story to support or refute, but still...) It seems these (IMO) very relevant folks' statements have been conspicuously absent from the media-fest. Must be a reason. I realize that someone posted that AC was cleared but still it's odd to me that he hasn't been HEARD from. (especially if he's been cleared) Jus sayin.

Great point, that along with the trailer not being release PLUS the Sheriff stating for the media that he's calling this an "abduction", because you draw more attention and get more bang for the buck .............that leads me to wnder if he truly believes it WAS an abduction because if he did, why would he even make that statement????????

I don't find it odd AC man has not put himself in spotlight for his 15 minutes of fame. He was checked out he was cleared what does he know anyhow? Now what I would like to hear from is Mistys brother. What I really want to know is how big of a lunch break did RC get and was it in the middle of his shift ( 9PM). If he lives 17 miles from job site is that expressway travel ( 15 minutes) or town 25 minutes? What kind of work was he doing besides a crane operator? Could he have carried a body back with him and dumped it in a hole that was going to be filled that night? OT that is what is rumored to have happened to a woman around here...she is under a dept store

Someone earlier in the thread mentioned that hypothesis......that she would be so easy to hide at a construction site, sadly I know of other cases where this has happened.

Ok so I go to PDM Bridge website just to get a sense of what exactly they or RC would do.
beautiful bridges btw.... then it dawned on me as I see a crane on top of an unfinished bridge....BRIDGES GO OVER WATER  Am I the only one that was not thinking that?

I had tried not to go there, thinking that he had any direct involvemnt, but now I am worried that he could have. If a man will beat his wife, he will beat his kids~sadly, it happens every day (accidents from abuse or just plain homicide)

"If two theories explain the facts equally well then the simpler theory is to be preferred''
Monkey Junky Jr.
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Posts: 872

« Reply #569 on: February 22, 2009, 08:19:14 PM »

Yes, Island Monkey; And I realize different folks have differnt ways of expressing themselves but so many things raise my hinky meter as y'all say.    (I'm a newb but long time lurker; Flove you guys!)

His over-insistance and repetitions of, " I was AT WORK!!!!" seemed like overkill to me. (read that as, "Hey *I* have an alibi.") I wish I had the links handy to cite, but I've seen them somewhere on here. In one he goes on and on about HIMSELF  when Haleigh first went missing. "I was just tryna work an honest job. I was AT WORK!!" And by God, he wants what he wants when he wants it. In the 911 call the operator had already dispatched officers on the way and she was asking the logical question of what was Haleigh  wearing. His response was, shouting, "I DON'T F****** KNOW! I WAS AT WORK!!!" Yikes. K..... Apparently, you really need us to know where you were for the umpteenth time. K.

And the, "I"m gonna kill um! You can record it! I don't care!!" was just.... so staged IMO. No words to describe the fakeness (is that a word?) of it all. He may be many things, but he's not an idiot. He knows it's recorded.

Yesterday there were reporters asking Ron various questions to keep Haleigh's name in the news and "out there" and fresh in people's minds; If she is indeed MISSING then that  would be HELPFUL, wouldn't it? Yet he seemed curt, put out, and almost rude to the reporters. I bet that mssing little boy, Audji's parents and others WISH they could get that kind of coverage for their missing child.

Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #570 on: February 22, 2009, 08:20:22 PM »

but we don't have any real proof that Ron did beat his wife or anyone police reports, only someone else's word for it... someone who doesn't much like him...and might have an axe to grind with him cause of the custody battle going on?
I don't even want to think about him harming Haleigh...
still holding out hope that she will be found alive...

Monkey Junky Jr.
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Posts: 765

« Reply #571 on: February 22, 2009, 08:23:21 PM »

Yes, Islandmonkey, and it strikes me as significant  - in some way - that we haven't heard from AC man, Misty's visiting brother, coworkers, the boss at Ron's job, etc. I mean, everyone, their great granny, Amanda the generic neighbor, Aunty with the thing on her head bless her heart, and Adam's house cat have been heard from and questioned on the tube, but we've not gotten not word one - that I know of -  from these people (AC man, brother etc) who could possibly vouch for and support Misty and Ron's version of the story. (Of course they'd have to choose one from a myriad of versions of the story to support or refute, but still...) It seems these (IMO) very relevant folks' statements have been conspicuously absent from the media-fest. Must be a reason. I realize that someone posted that AC was cleared but still it's odd to me that he hasn't been HEARD from. (especially if he's been cleared) Jus sayin.

Great point, that along with the trailer not being release PLUS the Sheriff stating for the media that he's calling this an "abduction", because you draw more attention and get more bang for the buck .............that leads me to wnder if he truly believes it WAS an abduction because if he did, why would he even make that statement????????

I don't find it odd AC man has not put himself in spotlight for his 15 minutes of fame. He was checked out he was cleared what does he know anyhow? Now what I would like to hear from is Mistys brother. What I really want to know is how big of a lunch break did RC get and was it in the middle of his shift ( 9PM). If he lives 17 miles from job site is that expressway travel ( 15 minutes) or town 25 minutes? What kind of work was he doing besides a crane operator? Could he have carried a body back with him and dumped it in a hole that was going to be filled that night? OT that is what is rumored to have happened to a woman around here...she is under a dept store

Someone earlier in the thread mentioned that hypothesis......that she would be so easy to hide at a construction site, sadly I know of other cases where this has happened.

Ok so I go to PDM Bridge website just to get a sense of what exactly they or RC would do.
beautiful bridges btw.... then it dawned on me as I see a crane on top of an unfinished bridge....BRIDGES GO OVER WATER  Am I the only one that was not thinking that?

I had tried not to go there, thinking that he had any direct involvemnt, but now I am worried that he could have. If a man will beat his wife, he will beat his kids~sadly, it happens every day (accidents from abuse or just plain homicide)

I know I have waivered myself on his involvement but from what I have seen and know about abusers he is a classic. Whats to say he didn't come home at 9PM for lunch got mad at Misty, Haleigh woke up and got in the way and he broke her neck or something on accident when he was trying to rage on misty...sadly it happens all the time I just don't know his initial reaction seemed contrived like a Susan Smith plea and then he makes those odd statements. I guess we will see, there has got to be a lot going on behind the scenes if LE hasn't given their home back to them yet.
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #572 on: February 22, 2009, 08:23:32 PM »

Also, didn't one  of you monkeys say that LE had flatout "cleared" the cousin and the AC man? Conversely, have Misty and Ron been overtly and unequivocally "cleared"?
Monkey All Star
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« Reply #573 on: February 22, 2009, 08:25:32 PM »

but we don't have any real proof that Ron did beat his wife or anyone police reports, only someone else's word for it... someone who doesn't much like him...and might have an axe to grind with him cause of the custody battle going on?
I don't even want to think about him harming Haleigh...
still holding out hope that she will be found alive...

I don't know of any custody battle going on~but I believe he is an abuser and a drug user, sometimes they go hand in hand.....I think it's a credible jump IMO to assume he's an abuser, CS's father issued an affadavit stating these facts, and all these women seem petrified of him~hell, the the look in his eyes and his anger issues scare me.

"If two theories explain the facts equally well then the simpler theory is to be preferred''
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #574 on: February 22, 2009, 08:26:21 PM »

I was hesitant to say any of this about Ron b/c a child is missing and a father would be devastated - whatever happened. Even if he is the one who made it happen, accidently or otherwise, I can see him feeling devasated and sickened by his actions.

Abusers usually are very very tearful and truly remorseful.... at the time.

 Before they do it again.

no rose colored glasses
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #575 on: February 22, 2009, 08:29:03 PM »

Rana and Islandmonkey, I'm on the same page as you are. Again I hope I'm wrong, and happy to say I am, but Ron is frightening to me and I don't believe anything he says.
Monkey All Star
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« Reply #576 on: February 22, 2009, 08:30:56 PM »

Also, didn't one  of you monkeys say that LE had flatout "cleared" the cousin and the AC man? Conversely, have Misty and Ron been overtly and unequivocally "cleared"?

I did hear the cousin as NOT a suspect, and that the A/C guy was in the clear - but LE refuses to state the outcome of any, that in addition to the trailer still being held leads me to believe RC and MC are at least POI's whether or not the LE will admit it or not.

"If two theories explain the facts equally well then the simpler theory is to be preferred''
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #577 on: February 22, 2009, 08:32:18 PM »

I was hesitant to say any of this about Ron b/c a child is missing and a father would be devastated - whatever happened. Even if he is the one who made it happen, accidently or otherwise, I can see him feeling devasated and sickened by his actions.

Abusers usually are very very tearful and truly remorseful.... at the time.

 Before they do it again.

Yes ain't that the truth? Florists are kept in business because of those flockers!
Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #578 on: February 22, 2009, 08:32:36 PM »

but we don't have any real proof that Ron did beat his wife or anyone police reports, only someone else's word for it... someone who doesn't much like him...and might have an axe to grind with him cause of the custody battle going on?
I don't even want to think about him harming Haleigh...
still holding out hope that she will be found alive...

I don't know of any custody battle going on~but I believe he is an abuser and a drug user, sometimes they go hand in hand.....I think it's a credible jump IMO to assume he's an abuser, CS's father issued an affadavit stating these facts, and all these women seem petrified of him~hell, the the look in his eyes and his anger issues scare me.
Yes, and I can't help but think if this is what is does in front of others, with the horrible name calling and threats of violence, etc, what on earth happens in private behind closed doors? OMG....

It's like what they say about restaurants. If this is what they let you see and (and if that's not good) imagine what's in the kitchen! . 

There's another adage that says, "When people show you who they are....... believe them."

Monkey All Star
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HaLeigh~you are loved and in God's loving arms

« Reply #579 on: February 22, 2009, 08:34:19 PM »

I was hesitant to say any of this about Ron b/c a child is missing and a father would be devastated - whatever happened. Even if he is the one who made it happen, accidently or otherwise, I can see him feeling devasated and sickened by his actions.

Abusers usually are very very tearful and truly remorseful.... at the time.

 Before they do it again.

So true.......I have had friends tha have stayed with abusers, but they promise "he loves me, and was crying, he will never do it again".....until he does.

My mom grew up with an alcoholic father and an abuser, she is almost 70 and still carries the scars from her childhood.

"If two theories explain the facts equally well then the simpler theory is to be preferred''
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