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Author Topic: Natalee Case Discussion #838 6/12/10 -6/14/10  (Read 871552 times)
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Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #700 on: June 13, 2010, 09:53:20 AM »

Good Morning, Monkeys.

So Joran  is now annuncing to the entire prison population that he has information of value that PLE and Mr. Flores would like to have.

This is the Aruban brain trust at work.  Doing the most stupid thing possible.  Maybe he should just announce he has huge sums of money on him and be done with it.  He's not going to make it to trial if he doesn't learn to stop babbling.  I guess he just can't believe that all of Aruba is not going to come to his rescue.  He has been there how long now?  At least a week and no one has come for him so it should be starting to dawn on him by now.

And as suggested, why not just tell him if he doesn't tell and it pan out to be truthful, out into the general population he goes.  After all, if he had committed these multiple murders in this country, he could well be facing the death penalty.

Announcing he has information of value is not very smart considering where he is.

People will say yeah right Joran tell me another one.

San, I'm not so sure about that.  Why not extract the information, if you are another prisoner, and try to gain favor? 

And sadly, I'm pretty sure Joran is just telling another one of his whoppers.

Sure hope someone told Joran that the President of Peru has spoken concerning Joran's delusions of extradition, too.  He seems to continue with that and the idea that some how, some way, he's going to get back to Aruba.



All posts reflect my opinion only and are not shared by all forum members nor intended as statement of facts.  I am doing the best I can with the information available.

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Monkey Junky Jr.
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« Reply #701 on: June 13, 2010, 10:00:12 AM »

Oh, good grief; is Glenda maligning a dead girl now?  What did she think--that Stephany was leaving drug wrappers in her car so that when they were found, after she was dead, that people wouldn't think she willingly went to a room with a stranger...I'll be back in a few minutes.

The suggestion was that going back to a man's room at that hour of the morning means there was something wrong with her character. That Stefany shared some responsibility for what happened.

We've seen this before, so she's right on cue for beginning to smear the victim.


“To tell you quite frankly, dressed like a slut, talked like one. Would go in a car with three strange guys and her mother claiming her to be the goody two shoes. Enough of the BS already.”

I can't believe that imbecile could say something so...well, imbecilic. In some countries if a female goes out with her face uncovered, she's considered a slut. So I guess that would make it okay to kill her?
From the pics I have seen, most of the women in Aruba dress like sluts.

You have to give Joran credit. He found a way to travel extensively without it costing him a dime.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #702 on: June 13, 2010, 10:04:14 AM »

Someone posted earlier that Anita and Julia Renfro posted comments on Joran's facebook page. Is that true? If so, can someone post a screenshot of the FB page with comments? Would be nice to share that with the media, if only to show that their 'source' for so much of the BS that's perpetuated is a biased 'journalist'.

I don't have a screenshot, but I copied the messages when Kermit reposted them the other day (yesterday?).


Joran van der Sloot enters Peru from Columbia

Anita and Renfro post to Joran on Facebook:
Anita Hugen
I hope the future will bring you, wisdom, trust,honesty, love and good friends.
May 14 at 10:26am
Julia Renfro
Be Grateful... for those who love you, for those who support you, for everything -- good and the bad. Be Grateful, life will come full circle even when the clouds are so dark, there is always a rainbow to come.
Sunday at 5:05pm

 Mar 02, 2010 8:16 am    Post subject:   
Joran Van Der Sloot:
When the devil shows up with a truckload of promises its harder to walk away then you think.
11 hours ago

Joran Van Der Sloot
LOL finally someone that gets it. It's blood test though not drug test
Yesterday at 5:31pm

whoever has the screenshots needs to send them to BOR and Geraldo. BOR is the most powerful person on FOX and I can guarantee you that his staff reads and responds to respectful emails with information.

I continue to stand with the girl.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #703 on: June 13, 2010, 10:05:50 AM »

Good Morning, Monkeys.

So Joran  is now annuncing to the entire prison population that he has information of value that PLE and Mr. Flores would like to have.

This is the Aruban brain trust at work.  Doing the most stupid thing possible.  Maybe he should just announce he has huge sums of money on him and be done with it.  He's not going to make it to trial if he doesn't learn to stop babbling.  I guess he just can't believe that all of Aruba is not going to come to his rescue.  He has been there how long now?  At least a week and no one has come for him so it should be starting to dawn on him by now.

And as suggested, why not just tell him if he doesn't tell and it pan out to be truthful, out into the general population he goes.  After all, if he had committed these multiple murders in this country, he could well be facing the death penalty.

Announcing he has information of value is not very smart considering where he is.

People will say yeah right Joran tell me another one.

San, I'm not so sure about that.  Why not extract the information, if you are another prisoner, and try to gain favor? 

And sadly, I'm pretty sure Joran is just telling another one of his whoppers.

Sure hope someone told Joran that the President of Peru has spoken concerning Joran's delusions of extradition, too.  He seems to continue with that and the idea that some how, some way, he's going to get back to Aruba.


Tantrums and Anita and Paulus' threats always worked on Aruba, heck even the Hague - it's all Joran knows. All of his life, toss a tantrum and he gets his way. At the core he's still three years old and his parents only reinforced it throughout.

I continue to stand with the girl.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #704 on: June 13, 2010, 10:07:39 AM »


Remember when you did the picture of Oduber with butter on his head? 
That expression does conjure up comical images.  I think it means they are cool and collected, calm, but not sure.  Maybe some of our Dutch posters could elaborate on what it does mean.

Could be.

A person 'with butter on his or her head' is a hypocrite; OBVIOUSLY guilty him- or herself.
And by saying that ('she's got butter on her head') you ridicule the person at the same time; calling him childish.

Mother asks her toddler: Did you lick butter from the jar?
Child: Noooooooooooooo.....
Mother: What's that on your head than?

Thanks for translating that into terms we can understand.

Anita has several pounds of butter on her head.

I continue to stand with the girl.
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #705 on: June 13, 2010, 10:07:43 AM »

Good morning, Nonesuche.  There is a screen capture somewhere of Dilma Arends saying it's time for Aruba to counter the bad PR, too.  Since she has been on his program, might be a good idea to send that to him as well.



All posts reflect my opinion only and are not shared by all forum members nor intended as statement of facts.  I am doing the best I can with the information available.

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« Reply #706 on: June 13, 2010, 10:08:45 AM »

I don't know how everybody else feels about it, but I know this.  IF strings get pulled that prevent Joran Van der Sloot from serving his sentence in PERU, where he belongs IMO; it will only FURTHER convince me that strings were being pulled all along for him in the HAGUE...and I'm going to be VERY EXTREMELY DISGUSTED!

I can't help but BELIEVE that he was tipped off in Aruba...AND HE RAN...WHY he chose Lima, Peru I do not know.  But he obviously didn't have money to establish himself there, if that would have even been allowed.  Yes, he should have had money...he'd just been paid $25,000 for another story...but HE KNEW THAT when he did it.  Did he think he was just going to laugh in the family's face again?  I think he had major gambling debts and/or drug debts that he had to pay and that took a good chunk of the money, JMO.  So what was the plan?  How long could he have stayed in Lima before he would have had to move on?  Did he plan to live off those he could drug and steal from to survive?  Surely he didn't think his "friends" could continue to Western Union funds to him to keep him on the lam forever? 

That's just some of the questions I have...that I'll probably never know the answer to. 

Texasmom this is exactly what I think is happening.  Stephany's father is sympathetic man and he wants Beth to find Natalee's remains and have closure.  He might be the one to say let him serve his time in Aruba.

If this happens it's a hugh mistake.

It is not Joran who knows where the remains are it is Aruba.  This is the exact reason they kept Natalee's remains.  It was to use as leverage against Paulus and Joran.  Paulus had his leverage but Aruba also had theirs.
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #707 on: June 13, 2010, 10:14:31 AM »

Good morning, Nonesuche.  There is a screen capture somewhere of Dilma Arends saying it's time for Aruba to counter the bad PR, too.  Since she has been on his program, might be a good idea to send that to him as well.

Good morning Anna - I hope you didn't have the horrible storms we did all night.

I think that's a good idea. Ideally whoever does this should compile everything into a cohesive document/attachment, instead of several emails. I would volunteer to do it but I don't have all of the source material but I can take a document and convert it to a PDF since I have full Adobe.

I continue to stand with the girl.
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #708 on: June 13, 2010, 10:16:30 AM »

Even if Joran tells all, I don't see any house of cards that is going to fall.  It's "reinforced" at every level not to do that.  Aruba will just say it's Joran lying again.

And also, back years ago it came out that Aruba has not enacted all the Dutch laws into "their system" and had 2-3 years worth of work to do that.  Someone from Aruba even attended a conference on anti-corruption laws along side developing countries in Africa so rudimentary were their laws in this regard.  Can't be by accident either.  When they assumed autonomy, they had to approve which Dutch laws to keep and which not to.  So seems those pushed the anti-corruptions one to the bottom of the list.  No surprise there.

Very calculated, I would say.  Didn't we just see people sentenced to 1 to 5 years for stealing $5 million from Valore Oil Company?  By most standard, that' s pretty good pay.  Steal five million and do a year in KIA?  Pertty good exchange for most Arubans.

So if someone is caught red-handed covering up for Joran, it's likely to be the ole 6 months for abuse of a corpse, probation only routine.  No one ever goes to jail for corruption there and I don't think they even understand the concept.



All posts reflect my opinion only and are not shared by all forum members nor intended as statement of facts.  I am doing the best I can with the information available.

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Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #709 on: June 13, 2010, 10:22:35 AM »

Even if Joran tells all, I don't see any house of cards that is going to fall.  It's "reinforced" at every level not to do that.  Aruba will just say it's Joran lying again.

And also, back years ago it came out that Aruba has not enacted all the Dutch laws into "their system" and had 2-3 years worth of work to do that.  Someone from Aruba even attended a conference on anti-corruption laws along side developing countries in Africa so rudimentary were their laws in this regard.  Can't be by accident either.  When they assumed autonomy, they had to approve which Dutch laws to keep and which not to.  So seems those pushed the anti-corruptions one to the bottom of the list.  No surprise there.

Very calculated, I would say.  Didn't we just see people sentenced to 1 to 5 years for stealing $5 million from Valore Oil Company?  By most standard, that' s pretty good pay.  Steal five million and do a year in KIA?  Pertty good exchange for most Arubans.

So if someone is caught red-handed covering up for Joran, it's likely to be the ole 6 months for abuse of a corpse, probation only routine.  No one ever goes to jail for corruption there and I don't think they even understand the concept.


I completely agree. I also think Richard Gere should go visit his Tibetan monks now, he needs a refresher course in human rights after embracing the Arubans.

I continue to stand with the girl.
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #710 on: June 13, 2010, 10:23:17 AM »

None, No storms but we are having heat indices of 105+/_ for the next week or so.  We will get some from that for sure. 

Yes, all we can do is EXPOSE who and what they did in the MSM as much as possible so the whole world will know what Aruba did.  They sure are not likely to punish any of their own for anything.  That's why we have to do it and why the "Mericano media" has to give them a thorough bashing.  People need to know what can happen to them there before they ever go as a tourist because then it's too late.



All posts reflect my opinion only and are not shared by all forum members nor intended as statement of facts.  I am doing the best I can with the information available.

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Monkey Mega Star
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #711 on: June 13, 2010, 10:24:40 AM »

Lower left corner of screen at 0:31 comes a woman I believe may  be Anita

I believe it is her. She also appears to the right at about 4:35-4:45, the same time Valentijn (sp) shows up on screen.

There is no 4:35-4:46 on the video link above, it's only 1:19 long?

Oops, sorry. Wrong clip. Here is the longer one that Northern Rose posted with a better view of what I think is Miss Piggy or Anita Huge as she now aptly calls herself.

Definately Val:

IMO definately NOT Anita:

Definately Anita

I agree, it's Valentijn.  It looks to me like he was recording video from about 3:30-3:40 mark...he steps forward with his back to us and films someone getting out of the vehicle then he turns around.  I'm thinking that yellow lanyard may have been a "press" pass of some kind.   Interesting.  Filmmaking is the line of work he's studying for, so I guess it's really not that surprising.  I came across this article last night from The Morning News.

6/12/2010 The Morning News Page 3


I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
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« Reply #712 on: June 13, 2010, 10:27:29 AM »

Even if Joran tells all, I don't see any house of cards that is going to fall.  It's "reinforced" at every level not to do that.  Aruba will just say it's Joran lying again.

And also, back years ago it came out that Aruba has not enacted all the Dutch laws into "their system" and had 2-3 years worth of work to do that.  Someone from Aruba even attended a conference on anti-corruption laws along side developing countries in Africa so rudimentary were their laws in this regard.  Can't be by accident either.  When they assumed autonomy, they had to approve which Dutch laws to keep and which not to.  So seems those pushed the anti-corruptions one to the bottom of the list.  No surprise there.

Very calculated, I would say.  Didn't we just see people sentenced to 1 to 5 years for stealing $5 million from Valore Oil Company?  By most standard, that' s pretty good pay.  Steal five million and do a year in KIA?  Pertty good exchange for most Arubans.

So if someone is caught red-handed covering up for Joran, it's likely to be the ole 6 months for abuse of a corpse, probation only routine.  No one ever goes to jail for corruption there and I don't think they even understand the concept.


I agree.  This is where Anita will enter the picture and try and pull some strings.  Anita isn't in Peru for a reason.  She is getting her ducks in line.

It was said Anita will be in Peru with a Media Rep or something like that.  Wouldn't you go there with a lawyer.  Something is up.

Peru has to stay the course and ignore what Aruba has to say at all costs.
Scared Monkey
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« Reply #713 on: June 13, 2010, 10:27:52 AM »

Tremble by the 'law of the donkey'

After living in comfortable hotels, Joran Van Der Sloot was annoyed when entering his one-man cell as it is close and has a concrete bed with a worn mattress and a smelly toilet. The stranger insists on being extradited to Aruba.

The Dutchman fears being transferred to a ward where other inmates could offend. It is protected because he might commit suicide and their food is monitored.

There's that darn law of the donkey again!
Monkey Mega Star
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #714 on: June 13, 2010, 10:30:42 AM »

I'm not sure if that was a movie camera Valentijn had, or just a big camera he was taking pictures with.  Maybe it was Julia's camera. 

I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
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« Reply #715 on: June 13, 2010, 10:30:45 AM »

I don't think Joran is facing 35 years maximum but the rare Peruvian life sentence.  This is just my opinion based on the choice of words from Peruvian officials and the attorney for the Flores family.

Maybe they could offer him the lesses sentence of the 35 years instead of life if he tells where Natalee's remains are?

Lots of possibilities can develop and I know we will all be watching closely.  Evidently Peru does release many court documents so maybe we can follow along the progress of Jorans trial and sentencing. 

And isn't it just too bad Joran got caught and is being branded a homicidal maniac the very week of their little film festival, lol.

Sort of took the red right off their candy on that one.  I don't think Cannes has a thing to worry about as they continue to destroy their own reputation daily.



All posts reflect my opinion only and are not shared by all forum members nor intended as statement of facts.  I am doing the best I can with the information available.

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Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #716 on: June 13, 2010, 10:31:22 AM »

None, No storms but we are having heat indices of 105+/_ for the next week or so.  We will get some from that for sure. 

Yes, all we can do is EXPOSE who and what they did in the MSM as much as possible so the whole world will know what Aruba did.  They sure are not likely to punish any of their own for anything.  That's why we have to do it and why the "Mericano media" has to give them a thorough bashing.  People need to know what can happen to them there before they ever go as a tourist because then it's too late.


105+ ??????? How awful! We've only been in the lower 90's but with oppressive humidity. I hope you can keep cool inside.

In one of the videos of Stephany's father's interview he talks about not having educated his daughter about the "evil" in the world. How can you truly educate a teen or a young adult about the evil of someone who could or would bash their skull in and still smother them with a shirt for several minutes, then cool as a cucumber start setting up alibi's such as asking hotel personnel to come to the room????

You can't prepare someone for that type of evil, or explain how a head full of butter like Anita & friends including leadership on Aruba, exists with no repercussions even when exposed to the world.

I continue to stand with the girl.
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« Reply #717 on: June 13, 2010, 10:33:46 AM »

I don't think Joran is facing 35 years maximum but the rare Peruvian life sentence.  This is just my opinion based on the choice of words from Peruvian officials and the attorney for the Flores family.

Maybe they could offer him the lesses sentence of the 35 years instead of life if he tells where Natalee's remains are?

Lots of possibilities can develop and I know we will all be watching closely.  Evidently Peru does release many court documents so maybe we can follow along the progress of Jorans trial and sentencing. 

And isn't it just too bad Joran got caught and is being branded a homicidal maniac the very week of their little film festival, lol.

Sort of took the red right off their candy on that one.  I don't think Cannes has a thing to worry about as they continue to destroy their own reputation daily.

Joran must be depressed he can't watch the World Cup.
Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #718 on: June 13, 2010, 10:34:54 AM »

I'm not sure if that was a movie camera Valentijn had, or just a big camera he was taking pictures with.  Maybe it was Julia's camera. 

Val was doing movies and stuff as one of his classes at school.  It could be his camera.
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« Reply #719 on: June 13, 2010, 10:35:28 AM »

Here Joran this is for you.  Maybe you can con Peru into letting you watch this match through your new bucket.

Netherlands vs. Denmark  - Jun 14 7:30am (ET) on ESPN
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