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Author Topic: Murder and Crime Rate In Aruba  (Read 4789130 times)
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« Reply #360 on: February 09, 2007, 06:21:41 PM »

You are correct that rape is not considered a crime against society or the state in Aruba.  That puts the pressure on the victim to press charges.  It is yet another ploy used to discourage the reporting of crime.

With all the rape shield laws we have in this country but it being a crime against society, the vast majority of sexual assaults remain unreported.  With none of these provisions, I guess they have hit on the perfect solution for keeping rape victims silenced.

Do any females really want to encourage this situation by going to such a place?  If raped, are they prepared to personally push for an investigation and pursue their attackers?  In just about every country, rape is a crime regardless of whether or not the victim presses charges.  Sexual predators must find this very encouraging that it is not a crime unless the victim is brave enough to file charges and hold out against whatever threats can be made before trial.  

So when the tourist go home with only reporting a rape, that's the end of it.  No investigation and no charges unless they hang around to press them.  Most will only want out of there!



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Monkey Junky
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« Reply #361 on: February 10, 2007, 06:35:47 AM »

(Waves to Anna!)

I think Aruba is about 50 years behind us in its attitude about rape and women in general.

I'm trying to catch up. There were a couple of articles in yesterday's Diario that might be something we want, although of course the translator is not very helpful. Hope that issue is still accessible.

First up, this from klaas, posted early Saturday 02/10/2007:

Breaking News: Armed Robbery!

Friday, 09 February 2007
A couple of hours ago there was a armed robbery that took place at a home in the district of Noord. After a rapid response of the authorities 4 people are being held, with 2 cars and all their firearms in the possession of the police department.
This goes without saying that Aruba has to be alert in these days of Carnival when leaving your property unattended. Be on the watch!

Why did they have to disappear her body?

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« Reply #362 on: February 10, 2007, 06:46:29 AM »

Diario 02/09/2007 issue:

Diahuebs mainta mester a tuma lugar e caso den cual Carlos Adrian Rodriguez a wordo acusa di a menaza su mama y tata cu morto.

Ademas di esaki el a wordo acusa di ta envolvi den un caso grandi di traficacion di droga. Den rapport di polis tin para entre otro cu Carlos lo a bisa su mama: “Dios a dunami mensahe pa mi mandabo fierno”.

E rapport ta menciona tambe cu e lo a menaza su tata y a pone machete na su garganta. Otro acusacion contra Calos R. ta cu el a tira un piedra y kibra bentana di atras di auto di su mayornan, mientras cu e lo a corta tire tambe di e auto aki.

Maybe Sandy can shed some light. "morto" and "machete" in the same article ...

Why did they have to disappear her body?

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« Reply #363 on: February 17, 2007, 01:23:11 PM »

Posted by Leslie on LCD 02/17/2007:

Diario: An 11 year old girl has disappeared in Aruba.

E no a bay school mas desde Diamars! MUCHA DI 11 AÑA A DESAPARECE
ORANJESTAD (AAN): Autoridad local ta na altura! Voogdijraad tambe a worde informa di esaki. Awor via di DIARIO, e mama ta manda pidi pueblo e cooperacion pa yuda localiza su yiu muher, Sarah Ferro-Marante.

Why did they have to disappear her body?

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Monkey Junky
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« Reply #364 on: February 18, 2007, 07:49:40 PM »

Re. the missing girl article above - Sandy posted on LCD 02/18/2007:

This article states the girl was living with dad a local musician who has custody. The girls mother was visiting the weekend and took her out of the hoome and dad was to pick her up at school on Monday after classes. when he arrrived she was not there and hadnt been to class. The mother is from Venezuela. they believe it to be parental abduction case at this point. The polis went to where the mother was staying and no one had been there for days.

Why did they have to disappear her body?

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« Reply #365 on: February 22, 2007, 12:08:23 AM »

Posted by klaas on LCD 02/21/2007, with an "odd" photo - the missing young man has a towel around his waist and an apparent dressing of some sort across his nose:

In todays Diario - a missing 17yr old boy:


ORANJESTAD (AAN): Abo por a mira Gabriel Bonifacio Margareta? E hoben di 17 aña a sali Diabierna anochi for di cas, cu intencion di subi caya y madruga acudi na Jouvert Morning.
Pero for di e atardi ey, e no a worde mira mas. E hoben ta biba na Pampunastraat na Tarabana.

E hoben ta den compania di un ‘amiga’. Gabriel tin “Gaby” como nomber di cariño, y su cabey color preto, y tin un tattoo na su nek banda drechi di e logo di abeha di “Dakota Tur Dia”.

Famianan a buske henter fin di siman. A yama tur amigonan, demas famia, y ningun hende sa di dje. El a djis desaparece. Mayornan ta haci un suplica pa Gaby regresa cas.

E tata cu mama a bay na Pos Chikito na e cas di amiga, pero no a haye tampoco. A check tambe na algun lugar na San Nicolas, pero envano. Tin sospecho cu un persona tine scondi, sea ta e amiga of otro hende.

Polis mientras tanto a worde notifica di e desaparicion aki. Cualkier persona cu por sa unda Gabriel ta, of si acaso bo a mire den fin di siman, bo ta ser pidi urgentemente pa yama 564-2260, y puntra pa e mayornan.

Why did they have to disappear her body?

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« Reply #366 on: February 23, 2007, 09:25:58 AM »

Yesterday's (02/22/2007) Diario had a story about the death of an 11-month-old baby. An autopsy was being performed and the polis were mentioned.

Today's paper has a lengthy article about this. As best as I can tell, the child's name is Shaidieën Hinkel. The parents are requesting the autopsy but the polis are considering charges against them. Here is today's article; maybe we can get a better summary from Sandy.

Diahuebs DIARIO a tene un entrevista exclusivo cu famia di mayornan di e baby Shaidieën Hinkel, cu a fayece algun tempo pasa. Manera DIARIO a publica ayera, mama y tata di Shaidieen a wordo deteni, como sospechoso den e caso di morto di nan yiu muher.

Famia di e pareha y e baby a tuma contacto cu DIARIO, pa expresa nan preocupacion riba henter e asunto aki. Nan no por compronde con fiscal por a duna orden di detene mama y tata di e criatura, siendo cu ambos mayor tabata stima nan yiu.

Segun e famia, polis a detene e pareha, a base di negligencia, pues cu nan no a hiba nan yiu dokter, ora cu nan a ripara cu e yiu tabata malo. Nan a splica cu e mucha a wordo entrega na e crash bon bon, despues di cual na crash el a bira malo.

E famia ta puntra dicon esnan di e crash no por a yama e famia pa bisa cu e mucha ta malo y cu el a saca. Ta te ora cu e mama a bay busca e baby, nan a bise cu henter dia e mucha a saca.

Segun e famia, si autoridadnan ta haya cu tabata tin negligencia di parti di e mayornan, esaki ta conta tambe pa e hendenan na e crash, kendenan tabata tin e carchi di AZV di e mucha y por a hibe e mucha dokter, of yama e mayornan.

Pregunta cu nan tin ta, dicon polis no ta detene personal di e crash tambe? DIARIO a puntra e famia, si nan a haya sa resultado di e autopsia. Nan a splica DIARIO cu ora cu nan yama recherche pa puntra tocante di e autopsia, recherche ta bisa cu nan no sa nada.

E famia a haya tende si, cu aparentemente cerebro di e mucha a hincha. Pregunta e ora ey ta, dicon e cerebro a hincha. Segun e famia, e recherche cu a papia cu nan a bisa cu e mucha no tin sla, pues dicon e ora ey autoridadnan ta papia di maltrato?

E famia tin entendi tambe cu nan a haya sanger na lomba di e baby y nan ta puntra nan mes dicon autoridadnan no ta informa e famia debidamente kico e resultado ta di e autopsia y kico e conclusion ta.

Nan a remarca tambe cu mainta ora cu wela di e mucha a hibe pa e crash, e baby tabata hopi bon ta hunga. DIARIO a puntra e famia si e personanan di e crash a tuma contacto cu nan y nan a splica cu no.

Segun e famia, e hendenan di e crash a ni tuma contacto cu nan pa duna condolencia. Pa loke ta e detencion, tabata mama Shaidieën kende a yama fiscal pa puntra ki ora curpa di su yiu por wordo laga bay, pa e por dere.

Recherche e ora ey a bise pa e bay warda, pasobra ainda tin algun pregunta cu nan kier a hasi. Ora cu e pareha a bay warda, nan a wordo deteni, alrededor di 3’or. Famia a busca un abogado awor, pa asina nan wordo representa debidamente, pasobra nan ta inocente, segun e famia.

E famia a trece dilanti cu ora cu famia di muchanan cu tabata keda na e crash ey a bay condoleer mama di e mucha, nan a conta famia di Shaidieën, cu nan a kita nan yiunan for di e crash ey, pasobra nan tabata haya mal trato eynan.

Un señora te hasta a conta e famia, cu un mucha a yega di fayece na e cash ey, despues cu nan a lage cai. E tempo ey ora cu autoridadnan a bay hasi pregunta na e crash, e donio a bisanan pa nan detene e leidster, pasobra e no ta responsabel pa loke e leidster a hasi.

Segun e famia, tabata tin un leidster ta traha na e crash ey, cu a yega di bay PAAZ tambe. Awor e famia ta puntra tambe si e hendenan na e crash tin e papelnan adecua pa traha cu mucha.

E famia a conta tambe cu gran parti di famia di tata di Shaidieën a bin Aruba for di Corsow y Hulanda pa entiero, pero awor probablemente nan lo bay bek sin dera nan ser queri, pasobra ainda no tin un fecha poni pa haya curpa di e baby bek.

Algo hopi lamentable den e caso aki segun e famia ta e echo cu algun tempo pasa, polis a bay school busca e yiu homber di 7 aña di e pareha, sin bisa e mayornan y a hasie varios pregunta na warda di polis, tocante di su ruman chikito cua fayece.

Segun e famia, no ta asina cu tabata e dokter kende a pidi pa hasi un autopsia. Tabata mayornan di Shaidieën mes kende a pidi pa autoridadnan hasi un autopsia, pa asina nan por haya sa kico a pasa cu nan baby stima.

Si e mayornan tabata culpable di maltrato di nan yiu, nan lo no a pidi un autopsia, segun e famia. Segun e famia, nan por a haya e baby caba pa bay dere, pero nan a pidi e autopsia y despues di e autopsia, autoridadnan a tuma curpa di e baby den beslag.

Si nan tabata culpable, nan lo a percura pa dera e baby caba. Famia a conta DIARIO tambe cu ora cu ruman di Shaidieën di dos aña, cu tambe ta keda na e mesun crash, a wak potret di su ruman chikito, el a bisa: “mama, Shei-Shei cai, Shei-Shei dal cabez”.

Otro dia e mucha di 2 aña a bisa tambe “Shei-Shei dolor, Shei-Shei dal cabez”. Tur e informacion a wordo duna na polis, pero nan ta detene e mayornan y no personal di e crash.
Famia a splica tambe cu tin muchanan cu ta bin na e crash di e asina yama “Na-schoolse Opvang y cu un di nan a bisa cu e mucha a cay.

Segun e famia, nan tin entendi tambe cu e muchanan di Na-schoolse Opvang tambe ta atende cu e muchanan. Si un fout a pasa, nan por a djis bisa famia di Shaidieën, pero nan no a hasi esaki.

Al final e famia a bisa DIARIO cu Dios ta grandi, nan ta hende di oracion y cu nan ta bay reza pa e culpable berdadero wordo haya.

Why did they have to disappear her body?

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Monkey Junky
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« Reply #367 on: February 28, 2007, 01:09:54 PM »

Today's Diario seems to be saying that the baby in the post above (last name starts with H) died from "Battered Child Syndrome" ... a few days ago Diario said that the family was being held for 8 days; this may be saying another 8 (remember that drill).

Despues cu recientemente detencion di e pareha di fam H. a wordo prolonga cu 8 dia, famia, amigo ta puntra nan mes ki indicacion por tin pa nan tene e pareha aki pa 8 dia mas.

Informacion cu DIARIO a obtene ta mustra cu tin indicacion cu autoridadnan por ta papiando di e asina yama “Battered Child Syndrome”.
Si autoridadnan ta papiando di esaki, esey kiermen cu por tin indicacion cu e baby a ricibi cierto golpi of slanan.

Problema pa e investigacion e ora ey ta, pa determina ta con e baby a haya e golpinan aki. E baby tabata biba na cas cu su mayornan, mientras cu su wela y tantanan grandi tambe tabata cuide, sin lubida e kresh na unda e tabata pasa varios ora tur dia.

Pues autoridadnan mester purba determina kico exactamente a sosode, prome cu cualkier caso por tuma lugar. DIARIO ta keda cerca di e caso aki y lo duna mas informacion, ora esaki ta disponibel.

Why did they have to disappear her body?

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« Reply #368 on: March 04, 2007, 05:10:53 PM »

Any update on the 11 months old baby?  

Also are you going to add the post about the tourists who were assaulted (no battery although the attacker did assume a "fighting" position at one point) and the chicken and rice being thrown all over the interior of the car?

While not a major crime, this surely is till illegal.  I certainly would not want chicken and rice all over the interior of my car and would not want to have ti fight to sit on a beach, either.

Assault is usually verbal with battery being the actual beating part.  Calling tourists "stupid Americans" may well constitute assault if not an hate crime of some sort by this country's standards.

Sometimes I can't get things on Front Page to copy.  We may have to ask Klaas to do this for us.




All posts reflect my opinion only and are not shared by all forum members nor intended as statement of facts.  I am doing the best I can with the information available.

Murder & Crime on Aruba Summary
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #369 on: March 04, 2007, 08:05:31 PM »

Anna - A followup on the 11-month-old baby is the post above yours. I *think* the gist is that the father has been held for that second eight-day period. "Shaking Baby Syndrome" is mentioned.

As for the "Stupid American" - I actually posted that on the LCD (before it was on the FP)  Wink . My thinking was that no charges are filed ... and there wasn't overt violence ?? That's why I didn't put it here.

Ya think so?

Haven't seen anything else about the 11-year-old girl (apparently a parental abduction), OR the 17-year-old boy (with the very odd photo - for a Missing Person photo, anyway - wrapped in a towel?).

Why did they have to disappear her body?

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« Reply #370 on: March 04, 2007, 11:38:51 PM »

I'd think a woman assuming  a fight stance, calling me a stupid American and dousing chicken and rice all over a car interior pretty violent myself.  Guess it's in the eye of the beholder.

Doesn't matter to me, but if the car had cloth interior, bet it has to all be replaced when that stuff spoils.  Note they go to the newspaper instead of police with this as well as witnesses in Natlaee's disappearance do.

Odd, that.  



All posts reflect my opinion only and are not shared by all forum members nor intended as statement of facts.  I am doing the best I can with the information available.

Murder & Crime on Aruba Summary
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #371 on: March 05, 2007, 10:34:39 AM »

OK, Anna, here you go - "Stupid American" article, as I posted it in LCD on 03/01/2007 (emphasis added, and may not quite match what I bolded originally):

Na DIARIO a presenta un pareha turista y tambe un persona americano cu ta residenciando na Aruba varios aña awor, denunciando un trato malo cu nan a ricibi na Baby Beach fin di siman.

E persona residencia na Aruba a declara cu e tabata na Baby Beach cu su dos nietonan y su yiu muher y manera custumber a presenta cu su propio stoelnan di beach y su pertenencianan pa pasa dia na lama.

El a bin haya un dama color scur ta prepara stoelnan di lama dilanti beach y cu a laga sa cu no tin lugar pe y cu e no mag pone stoel eynan. Ningun hende tabata usando e stoelnan di e dama y ademas tabata tin lugar habri y el a dicidi di pone su stoelnan.

Despues a presenta e turistanan di Rhode island cu dos mucha di 6 y 12 aña di edad y nan a ser cobra un suma exhorbitante pa huur stoel. “No mishi cu ningun di e stoelnan aki”, e dama lo a grita nan y e americano a dicidi di busca mas stoel di su pickup double cabin pa e hendenan.

Nan a haya un zundra di otro mundo di gritamento di e dama color scur y tambe insulta riba dje, cual segun e americano no ta manera pa trata turistanan, principalmente si nos ta rogando pa turistanan bishita nos isla. Como cu e ta biba aki varios aña caba y sa di e mentalidadnan, el a bisa e bishitantenan pa no preocupa y e lo atende cu nan y cu nan por usa su pertenencianan.

Na dado momento e muher a hasta pone posicion di bringa y a califica e turistanan di ta “Stupid Americans!”

“Esaki ta e tipo di hendenan cu Aruba no mester pa traha cu turistanan riba e isla aki”, e americano a laga sa. “Ta un verguenza cu e cosnan aki ta sosode cu bishitantenan y ami mes a sinti mi mes vergonza dilanti e hendenan aki como bishitantenan. Mi a bin aki, y mi ta denuncia e caso aki tambe na Ministro di Turismo y ministro di husticia, y na ATA pasobra no por permiti pa turismo di Aruba wordo perhudica pa hendenan cu e actitud anti-turista, y riba dje faltando respet pa hende”, el a laga sa.

E caso no a termina eynan tampoco ya cu ta despues el a bin haya su mes cu otro sorpresa. Despues di a calma su nietonan y e muchanan di e turistanan kendenan tabata yora pa e trato ricibi, nan a tuma rumbo pa nan vehiculo despues di basta rato cu nan a disfruta di beach.

Ora el a ricibi na e pickup, el a bin haya paden di su pickup yena cu aroz cu galiña, como si fuera ta henter un wea di aroz cu galiña a wordo tira den e pickup. Ora el a bay acerca e muher color scur, esaki na un manera masha arogante a para su dilanti bisando: “ bo ta mira aroz of galiña aki banda?” y a cuminza cu su palabranan menos netchi atrobe.

E cos aki no por keda asina, pasobra ta poco dia pasa caso similar a pasa eynan y bishitantenan a denuncia esaki na polis di San Nicolas. Mi ta bay tambe na polis di San Nicolas cu of sin e familia aki, pa polis cuminza pone atencion riba e asuntonan aki pasobra ta bira tempo pa tuma medida”, el a laga sa.

And for what it's worth, here's the Papiamentu translation:
at daily paper owing to present one pareha tourist y also one person americano cu is residenciando at aruba several year now, denunciando one trato bad cu they owing to ricibi at baby beach end of week.

the person residencia at aruba owing to declara cu the was at baby beach cu his two nietonan y his child muher y as custumber owing to present cu his own stoelnan of beach y his pertenencianan for happen day at lama.

past owing to come achieve one lady color dark is prepara stoelnan of lama fast beach y cu owing to let know cu not have lugar pe y cu the not mag place stoel eynan. none person was usando the stoelnan of the lady y besides was have lugar open y past owing to dicidi of place his stoelnan.

after owing to present the turistanan of rhode island cu two child of 6 y 12 year of edad y they owing to being cobra one suma exhorbitante for huur stoel. “no touch cu none of the stoelnan aki”, the lady will owing to bark they y the americano owing to dicidi of busca more stoel of his pickup double cabin for her hendenan.

they owing to achieve one zundra of another world of gritamento of the lady color dark y also insulta on dje, cual according the americano do not as for deal turistanan, principalmente if we is rogando for turistanan visit we island. because; cu the live here several year end y know of the mentalidadnan, past owing to tell the bishitantenan for not preocupa y the will atende cu they y cu they can using his pertenencianan.

at dado instant the muher owing to even place posicion of fight y owing to califica the turistanan of is “stupid americans!”

“esaki is the type of hendenan cu aruba not have to for work cu turistanan on the island aki”, the americano owing to let know. “ta one verguenza cu the cosnan here is sosode cu bishitantenan y i self owing to feel my self vergonza fast the hendenan here because; bishitantenan. i have come here, y i am denuncia the caso here also at ministro of turism y ministro of husticia, y at behold because not can permiti for turism of aruba wordo perhudica for hendenan cu the actitud anti-turista, y on dje faltando respet for hende”, past owing to let know.

the caso not owing to termina eynan niether already cu is after past owing to come achieve his self cu another surprise. after of owing to calma his nietonan y the children of the turistanan kendenan was cry for her trato ricibi, they did take direction for they vehiculo after of enough rato cu they owing to disfruta of beach.

hour past owing to ricibi at the pickup, past owing to come achieve inside of his pickup fill cu aroz cu hen, because; if fuera is all one wea of aroz cu hen owing to wordo throw in the pickup. hour past owing to bay acerca the muher color dark, this at one as very arrogant owing to stop his fast bisando: “ are you see aroz or hen here near?” y owing to cuminza cu his words less netchi again.

the cos here not can stay so, because is some day happen caso similar owing to happen eynan y bishitantenan owing to denuncia this at police of san nicolas. i am bay also at police of san nicolas cu or without the familia here, for police cuminza place atencion on the asuntonan here because is become time for take medida”, past owing to let know. come across

<end LCD post>

Basically, I *think* -

An American expat on Aruba, an American tourist from Rhode Island with 2 young children, and a local ("woman of color").

The expat is at Baby Beach. The RI tourists arrive. The local wants to rent chairs to the tourist ($12?). The expat, who is in a pickup truck, loans the tourist extra chairs that he has in his truck. The local is not pleased ("Stupid Americans"). On later returining to his truck the expat discovers that a pot of chicken and rice has been dumped into the truck bed.

The expat (and maybe the tourist as well) goes to Diario with this story. Apparently the polis (St Nichols) were not interested.

Part of the point he makes to Diario is the way the tourist was treated by the local woman - in view of Aruba's tourism economy.

I think the expat felt HE was making a hospitable gesture, while the local  clearly turned hostile. And, he believes she is the one who vandalized his vehicle.

The SM FP carried this article as well (on March 1 2007). More detail may be available there or in the comments. (And I may not have the exact story, but that's the gist of it.)

Anna - please add any details you think are important.

Why did they have to disappear her body?

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Monkey Junky
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« Reply #372 on: March 05, 2007, 11:04:59 AM »

Several articles today (and there are possibly others; I don't have much time today).

Alvaro D. Upegui Tabares naci na Colombia di 45 aña – a bartender; killed in a traffic accident. I can’t tell whether there is a criminal aspect.

H.T. and C.L.C. – apparently both landed in the hospital after an altercation. C.L.C. in more serious condition. I *think* H.T. used to live at C.L.C.’s home.

Below is the Papiamentu translation of an article. I don't know whether this is a case we already have or not. (The ages of the child(ren?) do not match (10? 11? yrs old. We already have the 10-yr-old; this says an 11-yr-old; born in 1994. The math is not working for me.) This seems to be saying that the accused requires some medical/Rx that is not available or possible at KIA (the jail).

diabierna at corte have to did take lugar the caso in cual rosendo henriquez owing to wordo acusa of owing to as relacion sexual cu one child muher of 10 year.

the caso sinembargo owing to come fast pro form. henriquez owing to wordo acusa of owing to as relacion sexual y comete actonan inmoral cu the child, for of 2004 till cu 2006.

the child self owing to nace at 1994. huez owing to pospone the caso, because the self was huez comisario for her acusado y for ley the do not permiti of is huez also.

advocate bryson representando the acusado, owing to ask huez if his cliente can wordo let in freedom pendiente the caso, debi at the achievement cu the is abide of curazon y cu in kia the do not achieve the tratamento necesario.

the acusado self owing to tell huez cu the have to drink one pildora all day for his condicion, but they're clip this in 4 piece y dune all day one piece.

fiscal not was of acuerdo for lage bay, but past owing to tell cu the is bay investiga con is stop cu the cuido medico for cu the acusado.

huez owing to ask the hour ey for fiscal lage know self hour con the situation is. according huez, if have indicacion cu the do not achieve the trato necesario, the will can take the decision for lage in freedom, pendiente the caso. the caso self owing to wordo posponi till cu day 23 of march.

Why did they have to disappear her body?

Murder & Crime on  Aruba Summary -

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« Reply #373 on: March 05, 2007, 03:45:26 PM »

Posted on LCD 03/05/2007 by klaas; thanks to dkpen.
From Awemainta 03/05/07.

940 kilos of cocaine, apparently on its way from Colombia to Holland.
940 Ks = 2,072.3 pounds or 1.0362 tons.


Why did they have to disappear her body?

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« Reply #374 on: March 06, 2007, 08:48:16 AM »

Gregory and Dylan - funeral est. 03/03/2007 - From, 03/06/2007:

ORANJESTAD – Nobody has answered yet to the appeal of the police for witnesses of the accident near Seroe Tijsji to report.  The police want witnesses to come forward and cast some light on the driving behaviour of the Ford Mustang with license plate number A-6387, or of other cars.    

A reconstruction took place on Thursday afternoon with witnesses that reported immediately after the accident.  According to reports, there is still no agreement on the facts.  Some witnesses declared that another vehicle hindered the Mustang to merge after an overtaking manoeuvre, while others say that the accident is blamed on inexperienced and reckless driving behaviour.  

The technical investigation, especially on the brakes of the Mustang and the bus is still going.  Based on the results of the investigation, the Public Prosecutor will decide whether the driver will be accused of murder.

Why did they have to disappear her body?

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« Reply #375 on: March 06, 2007, 09:30:50 AM »

Quote from: "msmarple"
Posted by Leslie on LCD 02/17/2007:

Diario: An 11 year old girl has disappeared in Aruba.

E no a bay school mas desde Diamars! MUCHA DI 11 AÑA A DESAPARECE
ORANJESTAD (AAN): Autoridad local ta na altura! Voogdijraad tambe a worde informa di esaki. Awor via di DIARIO, e mama ta manda pidi pueblo e cooperacion pa yuda localiza su yiu muher, Sarah Ferro-Marante.

Today's Diario has another story about this. Again, appears to be a parental abduction. I can't make out enough from the Pap translator to understand what's happening.

ORANJESTAD (AAN): Desde 11 di Februari, e no a tende nada mas di su yiu muher! Tabata Diasabra 18 di Februari, cu DIARIO den forma di exclusividad a publica potret di e mucha aki, kende misteriosamente no a acudi na School Basico Washington tampoco mas.

DIARIO a mustra cu autoridad ta na altura! Pero ningun hende sa unda e mucha muher Sarah Ferro-Marante ta, mucho menos su tata Ernesto Ferro, kende enberdad tin custodia legal di e mucha.

No obstante esey, sentencia di Huez ta pone cu e mama tin derecho pa por lo menos 2 biaha pa siman haya bishita di e mucha aki. Pero nada di esey ta socede! E tata hunto cu e mucha a desaparece. E publicacion di DIARIO a produci cantidad di yamada telefonico, pero nada concreto.

Te ora cu e siguiente siman, un relato a sali den un otro corant, unda e tata ta bin cu un storia cu e ta na Miami pa un oferta di trabao, y pesey el a haci e viahe urgente sin notifica e mama of cabezante di School Basico Washington.


E tata no tin chance ni sinta na e Gate di Aeropuerto di Aruba pa yama school y avisa cu e ta bandona e isla? Ni 30 seconde di chance pa yama e mama y bise kico ta pasando? Ya caba ta bay haci 1 luna. Ni sikiera un yamada telefonico e mama a haya di su yiu Sarah. Esey ta loke e mama a confirma Dialuna atardi na DIARIO.

E tata a relata den e otro corant, cu e ta na Miami. Pero tin hopi fuente ta mustrando cu probablemente esey no ta e caso. Pesey e tata no ta ni manda carta, of haci yamada telefonico directo na e mama. Ni e-mail e ta tribi di manda directo, pasobra via su IP-logging por haya sa mesora di unda e ta mandando esaki.

Kico ta pasando cu Sarah? E ta hayando les e momento aki? Cu kende e ta “viahando”? E hendenan ta di confia? Di con e asina yama “bon tata” manera e otro corant a describi e musico Venezolano, no ta ni laga e mucha haci un yamada telefonico? Di con e “bon tata” tin miedo di comunica cu DIARIO? E tata sa cu DIARIO si tin periodista cu tin e preguntanan cardinal pa haci!

E tata tin intencion di regresa Aruba? DIARIO a haya informe, cu e doño di su apartamento na Koyari a hasta saca tur cos di e homber Ernesto Ferro pafor riba caya. Mas cu claro, pago mensual no a drenta y e doño a keda ningun otro recurso sino di saca cosnan afo. E mama a confirma sinembargo, cu tur cos di e mucha muher a worde entrega na dje den un saco grandi, incluyendo e pushi cu ta pertenece na Sarah.


Ki sorto di tata esaki ta? Fuentenan a revela cu un siman despues cu e relato a sali den DIARIO, diripiente e school a haya aviso di un otro persona, cu e tata ta avisa cu e ta kita Sarah di school.

Ni esey e tata no a tribi di haci? E no por ni marca e numbernan di School Basico Washington, y via un yamada telefonico avisa esaki na e Cabezante? Of e no a tende nunca di telegram, fax, of e-mail directo. pa nan Ta un ‘tercera persona’ mester a bay haci esey pa e tata. Esaki Ernesto Ferro y e otro corant ta considera como “un bon tata”?

E otro corant ta considere como “un bon tata”. Pero di con e tata tin miedo di laga su yiu haci un yamada telefonico? Kizas e caller-Id lo revela cu e no ta na Miami, manera e corant kier pinta pa pueblo kere?

Autoridad na Aruba ta siguiendo e caso di cerca, y tin indicacion cu autoridadnan Venezolano tambe ta worde envolvi den e asunto aki. Mas detaye no por a ricibi encuanto esey.

E mama kende ta un persona cu hopi fe Catolico, ta pidi pueblo di Aruba pa mantene nan den nan oracion. Corda riba su yiu muher di kende ainda e no sa unda su paradero ta. Abo sa unda Sarah ta? E tin cabey bruin. Por fabor, yama Polis di Warda di Noord na 107, of check e mama directo na su numbernan 592-5541, of 592-5540.

Why did they have to disappear her body?

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« Reply #376 on: March 08, 2007, 08:22:52 AM »

More cocaine, but less heroine intercepted in Aruba  

American and Aruban authorities are working very close together on the control of drug related criminality.  The Coastguard for the Neth.Antilles and Aruba is also involved.

ORANJESTAD – In the first 11 months of 2006, 3000 kilo cocaine was intercepted in Aruba.  This is 9 percent more than in the entire year of 2005.  On the other hand, only 3 kilo heroine was intercepted versus 68 kilo in the year before.  That is stated in the International Narcotics Control Strategy Report for 2006 that the Bureau for International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Affairs of the American ministry of Foreign Affairs published last week.  

In the report for 2005, also 526 kilo marihuana and 38 XTC pills were mentioned, but nothing is mentioned about these in the 2006 report.  In 2006, the American immigration service and border patrol that reports to the Department of Homeland Security at the Reina Beatrix airport intercepted fewer narcotics with destination United States than they did in 2005.   The report states that drugs can easily be obtained at walking distance from the cruise terminal in Oranjestad, and is being offered to cruise tourists on a regular basis.  The cruise companies that have Aruba on their timetable have introduced strict measures to prevent crewmembers from establishing permanent drug routes to the United States.    


In the report, Aruba is still being considered as a transfer place for drugs via airplane and cruise ship to the US; not so much to Europe.  Besides, it is remarkable that heroine is being mentioned as number one and cocaine as number two, while considering the amounts that were intercepted, you would expect the contrary.  

According to the report, there are indications that organized drug-gangs are active on the island.  A few drug dealers were arrested and sentenced in 2006.  These drug dealers incite drug-couriers to the actual transportation.  There were 123 arrests in 2005, but the 2006 report does not mention a specific amount.

It does mention cooperation between Aruban and American authorities when it comes to arresting American citizens that try to smuggle substantial amount of drugs to the United States.  The two countries are also cooperating on information to students.  It specifically mentions the Police Corps of Aruba.  

In 2006, the Aruban government has also made space available to the aircrafts of the American air force and customs that try to hunt down drug transportation from the air.

Regarding the Forward Operation Location (FOL), the report only states that, the airport will be supplied with more facilities in the future.    


Employees of the anti-drugs institutions are encouraged to take the courses given by the Drugs Enforcement Agency (DEA) en Homeland Security and to use the facilities that are available.  The smuggling of drugs, money laundering and the related violence continue to be a threat for the islands of the Neth.Antilles and Aruba. The authorities will rigorously continue with actions against drug-smugglers and money launderers to prevent that the islands become a refuge for illegal activities.    

Why did they have to disappear her body?

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« Reply #377 on: March 08, 2007, 08:25:16 AM »

Sorry - forgot attribution for the above post:  03/08/2007

Why did they have to disappear her body?

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« Reply #378 on: March 09, 2007, 01:51:24 AM »

Humm. Just saw this at Blogs For Natalee, posted by Opus on 03/05/2007:

26 June 2006

ARUBA - The search for the boat with the brothers Panneflek is up till now unsuccessful. The Search And Rescue Foundation Aruba and the Coastguard have searched the seas around Aruba and have informed all the boats in the surrounding seas about the missing brothers.

The Guardia Naval (Coastguard) from Cartagena and the Venezuelan patrol boat Independencia are also searching for the boat and the two brothers. Also the American naval ship, the USS Monterey that was in the neighborhood of Aruba is searching. The Fokker of the Coastguard has meanwhile also searched the coasts of Colombia. The two brothers went fishing with their unsinkable last Saturday and didn't return. Also family members and other volunteers went out to sea to help look for the missing two.

Benny and Freddy Panneflek missing since April 8, 2006.

Why did they have to disappear her body?

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« Reply #379 on: March 10, 2007, 12:18:49 AM »

Wonder if anyone can help (Sandy??  ). I think is is familiar and relates to something already on M&C. There's a man they thought died of natural causes/suicide (you know how that goes) but later came to suspect otherwise. The widow lady meanwhile is safely esconsed in Canada and extradition is unlikely? Plus, Aruba maybe doesn't have the technical expertise or means to investigate?

I am not sure, but I think the deceased is John, widow Maria; possible last name Maas.

From today's Diario -


ORANJESTAD (AAN): Pa algun aña caba John ta morto te cu nan a cobe y sake for di su graf pa practica autopsia pa determina di kico e a fayece. Hasta autoridad local a ricibi yudo tecnico for di Hulanda pa yuda den e investigacion. John tabata doño hunto cu su casa Maria di un Petshop aki na Aruba.

Posiblemente problema familiar a hunga un rol cu direpiente John a bira malo y te cu el a bin fayece. E medio e tempo a duna di conoce cu John a fayece un morto natural y asina tambe nan a dere den Santana na Paradera.

Pero pa un motibo of otro a drenta informe na autoridadnan local cu tin fuerte sospechoso cu John a worde asesina sea cu slow of fast position. Autoridad local tumando na cuenta cu John tin basta tempo caba dera y nan tin mester di ayudo tecnico a pidi expertonan Hulandes pa ayudo tecnico. {technical help}

Mientras expertonan a yega algun tempo pasa a saca e curpa di John for di su graf y cierto partinan di e cadaver a worde transporta pa laboratorio tecnico na Hulanda pa investigacion.

Despues di algun tempo a termina cu investigacion y conclusion ta aparentemente John a worde intoxica y sospecho ta bay den direccion di Maria. {suspicion directed in the direction of Maria}

Pero Maria.... dia bieu a move pa Canada y aparentemente tin peticion pa mas cu un aña of no a puntra nunca cooperacion via di Hulanda pa Canada pa laga detene Maria naci 9 di maart 1959 Hulanda y extradite pa Aruba pa asina e bin duna cuenta.

Parce cu tur cos ta tranca no ta conoci si no por localiza Maria riba e planeta aki, sea e ta bon scondi of lo ta move di un pais pa otro asina lo por scapa for di husticia Arubano. Mientras tanto e caso di John Maas drumi den su graf den Santanan na Paradera ainda su famia no tin claridad di su morto, y ta keda un misterio tanten no interoga Maria pa sera e caso.

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Why did they have to disappear her body ? ?

Why did they have to disappear her body?

Murder & Crime on  Aruba Summary -

My usual avatar is an orchis simia (monkey orchid) plant.
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