Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

Current Events and Musings => Political Forum => Topic started by: WhiskeyGirl on June 23, 2011, 01:44:55 PM

Title: NO COST "WPA" - Ending Welfare and Unemployment
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on June 23, 2011, 01:44:55 PM
I keep hearing and reading about Nancy's new WPA...borrowing, spending, and wasting, trillions of dollars the nation doesn't have.  Why shouldn't the government invest in America?  Hire people to rebuild?

I think the TARP, Stimulus/Recovery Act, QE2 was wasted.  That money needs to be clawed back and used to pay back the debt.

Why aren't they focusing on a NO COST "WPA" for 2011?  Meet the needs of our nation today and building a better future for Americans?

Nation broke.  How do you do more with less?  Use it up, wear it out, make do, or do without?

Here are some humble ideas along with some logic, I'm sure there are more.

Data mining to find illegal aliens and initiate a 24 deportation.  Eric Holder's DOJ sanctioned Coca-Cola for 'statistical racism'.   Since Coke was a federal contractor they are required to provide data on hiring and the employment process.  Holder's DOJ used some data mining to find small periods of times that they felt showed evidence of 'statistical racism'.  Did any of these folks complain?  Know they were victims?  IIRC, the black victims  got guaranteed jobs, money for not being hired, in numbers that far exceed the openings Coke had available.  A million dollar industry...

Why can't these DOJ folks be reallocated to find and root out illegal aliens?  All those TARP/STIMULUS/RECOVERY/QEXXX fund that went to business?  Are they required to give hiring/employee data to the Feds?  Can't they use their data mining skill to find unregistered Social Security numbers?  Social Security numbers that appear to be used by multiple individuals? 

Think of how many jobs can be 'recovered' without spending more money?  DOJ already has the skilled bodies.  IRS hired hundreds, if not thousands of new accountants/agents for Obamacare.  Why can't those folks be redeployed to fight the illegal alien insurgency?

Millions of EXISTING jobs available for citizens and those here legally.  Expedited 24 hour deportations.  Jobs for the unemployed, welfare recipients, and if there are some left over, for 'new' legal work visas.

Imagine millions of welfare recipients that could find a career in construction, agriculture, and the private sector.

No need to build massive deportation centers.  Hire some buses or airplanes and send them within 24 hours.  If Mexico can do it, why can't the US?

Redeploy existing federal workers to root out illegal aliens and expedite their deportation, the NO COST WPA.

Just put the resources we already have to better use.

just my humble opinions

Title: Re: NO COST "WPA" - Ending Welfare and Unemployment
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on June 23, 2011, 01:53:56 PM
25 Year EPA/regulation Holiday for anything related to coal, oil, or other minerals. 

Imagine a 25 year EPA/regulation holiday for business?  Imagine how many jobs could be created in oil/gas drilling (water/land), mining, energy plants, and other basics for industry?

Cheaper/reliable energy for ALL families.  Lower energy costs for everyone including business.  Make the US open for business.

Green Energy Minerals/Production - Why does Obama's 'green energy' economy seem to provide more and more jobs for China?  Increasing American's costs as they are forced to buy rare earth minerals from China?  Why is Obama creating markets for Chinese prosperity?  Why doesn't he do something for Americans?  Create American jobs?

Food Stamp Oasis - Why isn't MO promoting a green oasis in the urban areas for moms?  Working families everywhere have vegetable gardens.  Instead of going to a market, why can't welfare and other Food Stamp families rely on their own garden?  Lots of vacant land for development, why can't they plow some and make a community garden? 

There are groups that give away free seeds, Freecycle/Craigslist for freed tools, compost/shredded bark made by many cities, and lots of highly educated and experienced folks to teach these folks how to feed themselves.

Instead of a food oasis for the needy, why not a green garden oasis?
  Teach people to feed themselves?  Build communities?  Free exercise? 

Peace begins in the garden...

Just my humble opinions.