Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

Natalee Holloway => Important Case Documents => Topic started by: klaasend on April 27, 2007, 12:16:05 AM

Title: Joran's book translations
Post by: klaasend on April 27, 2007, 12:16:05 AM
Posted by HannieC at RU

De Zaak Natalee Holloway
Mijn eigen verhaal over haar verdwijning op Aruba

The Natalee Holloway Case
My own story about her disappearance on Aruba

In mei 2005 verdwijnt op Aruba een Amerikaans meisje: Natalee Holloway (1Cool.
Na een nachtje stappen met Joran van der Sloot (17) en zijn twee vrienden lijkt zij van de aardbodem verdwenen.

Joran van der Sloot wordt al snel aangehouden. Hij vertelt de politie eerst dat hij Natalee 's nachts naar haar hotel heeft gebracht - maar in werkelijkheid heeft hij haar alleen op het strand achtergelaten.

In may 2005 an American girl disappears on Aruba: Natalee Holloway (1Cool After a night out with Joran van der Sloot and two of his friends, she seemed to have disappeared on the face of the earth.

Joran van der Sloot is been arrested pretty quick. First he tells the police that he brought Natalee back to her hotel that night- but in reality he left her alone on the beach.

De ouders van Natalee beginnen een enorm mediaoffensief om te achterhalen wat er met hun dochter is gebeurd. Tot op heden heeft noch de Arubaanse of Nederlandse politie, noch de fbi een spoor van haar gevonden.

The parents of Natalee are starting an enormous media offensive, to find out what happened to their daughter. Until now nor the Aruban, Dutch police, nor the FBI have found any trace of her.

In dit boek onthult Joran van der Sloot (Arnhem, 1987) alles over zijn leven en zijn ontmoeting met Natalee. Hij vertelt onder meer over de drie maanden in de Arubaanse gevangenis, de politieverhoren, de impact van de Amerikaanse media en geeft zijn visie op haar verdwijning.

In this book Joran van der Sloot ( Arnhem, 1987, place of birth) tells anything about his life and his meeting with Natalee. He tells about the three months he spent in the Aruban prison, the interrogations, the impact of the American media, and gives his vision about her disappearance.

Zvezdana Vukojevic (Amsterdam, 1978) studeerde aan de School voor Journalistiek in Utrecht en aan de San Francisco State University. Ze werkte voor HP/De Tijd, Algemeen Dagblad en het bbc 1 tv-programma Panorama; nu werkt ze voor Nieuwe Revu.

Zvezdana Vukojevic ( Amsterdam, 1978) studied at the School for Journalistics in Utrecht and at the San Francisco State University. She worked among others for HP/De Tijd, Algemeen Dagblad, and the BBC program Panorama; now she works for Nieuwe Revu.

De Zaak Natalee Holloway is het resultaat van een serie uitputtende interviews met Joran van der Sloot en het raadplegen van talloze schriftelijke bronnen, waaronder het strafdossier.

The Case of Natalee Holloway is the result of a serie of exhausting interviews with Joran van der Sloot and numerous written sources, among which the case files.


Woord vooraf 9
Forword 9

Inleiding 12
Introduction 12

1 Island boy 15
2 Een Amerikaanse school op Aruba 26 An American School on Aruba

3 Uitgaan in Carlos 'n Charlie's 35 Going out to Carlos and Charlie's

4 De pimps 45 The Pimps

5 Vriendinnen 50 Girlfriends

6 Gokken 58 Gambling

7 Natalee Holloway 63 Natalee Holloway

8 Joran ontmoet Natalee 76 Joran meets Natalee

9 De leugens 96 The Lies

10 Gearresteerd 137 Arrested

11 Doorbraak door beste vriend Freddy 152 Break ( in the case) because of best friend Freddy

12 Niet Deepak, maar Satish haalde Joran op 163 Not Deepak, but Satish picked up Joran

13 Jeugdafdeling van de KIA 174 Youth Department of KIA

14 Geslagen door de politie 194 Hit by the police

15 Rechercheurs uit Nederland 217 Detectives from Holland

16 Halsoverkop naar Nederland 239 In a hurry to Holland

17 Twee nieuwe verdachten 243 Two new suspects

18 In de val gelokt 257 Lured into a trap

19 Het ABC-interview 275 The ABC - Interview

20 Topadvocaat Joe Tacopina 287 Top Lawyer Joe Tacopina

21 De hetze van de Amerikaanse pers 294 The smear campaign of the American Press

22 De inbraak en Peter R. de Vries 310 The burglary and Peter R. de Vries

23 Theorieën 325 Theories

Title: Joran's book translations
Post by: klaasend on April 27, 2007, 12:16:31 AM
Posted by HannieC at RU

Forword by Joran in his book...
I tried the best I could, and translated Joran`s forword in his book;

The story about the mysterious disappearance of Natalee Holloway on may 30th 2005, has been published for the most by the American Media.

Beth Twitty's continious search for her daughter, was picked up by the tv and newspapers over there and changed in a still continued mediahype.

Attention by the press is of course not necessarily a bad thing, but the truth was often distorted, and more often there were complete stories of me and my involvement invented. That was detrimental for me and my family, and it didn`t help in any way to find Natalee Holloway.

I want to offer my excuses. First to my parents and brothers, for all the chaos and pain I caused. Second to my ex-girlfriends Flor and Elaine, because I lied to them and brought them in an terrible position. They didn`t deserve that.

Finally I want to apologize to Natalee`s parents, Dave Holloway and Beth Twitty, en both of their families, for the fact that I initially lied about my statements.  I can`t say that I`m agreeing with a lot of things they did, but the pain of not knowing where their daughter is and what has happened to her, must be unconceivable. I sympathise enormously with them. I hope everyday that Natalee will be found.

In the American Media, I was sometimes portrayed as a heartless sociopath without any compassion or feeling; that picture isn`t correct at all.  They have tried to make the tv viewers, listeners and readers, believe that I was a pathological liar, a monster, a grouprapist; I would conspire together with my corrupt father and of his contacts.

The tv-host Geraldo Rivera, called me a lowlife punk. Every night there were tv-programs with stories that I would beat up my mother and brothers. Different commentators and psychologists analyzed those comments and gave their opinions about my upbringing and my private life.

I could refute every absurd and painful lie, but the people who know me, know exactly who I am and what I`m capable of. I`m no angel, but I didn`t do anything illegal, and am definitely not a murderer.

I`m a normal 19 year old teenager, who was almost 2 years ago, at the wrong moment, at the wrong place, and took a wrong decision.  I`m an average guy, I have emotions and feelings like everybody else. I love my family and friends. I feel blessed I have such a close bond with my parents and my two younger brothers, and that I was brought up in such a loving and close family.

Unfortunately I`ve made mistakes, mistakes which I regret deeply, and for which I take full responsibility.

I`m guilty about the lies, and that`s something I can`t change anymore. What I can do however, is trying to explain why I lied.

I will analyze every lie, and hope that there are people who are realizing that this could have happened with their son.  And maybe will they because of this, learn from my mistakes, later on make the right decisions if they are in a comparable situation.

While I`m writing this, i`m still a suspect in The Natalee Holloway Case. I hope that someday it will be clear what happened to her, how terrible that maybe could be.

Just then I will be rehabilitated, and can go on with my life.

Joran van der Sloot
Arnhem, april 2007

Title: Joran's book translations
Post by: klaasend on April 27, 2007, 12:17:10 AM
Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 4:18 pm    Post subject:  

By translating bits and pieces for my further study of the case I magically obtain copyrights over the translations. Most of the original is copyright Joran van der Sloot, Zvezdana Vukojevic and publisher Luitingh~Sijthoff. They and I reserve their rights, please don't cause a shitstorm by republishing any of these outside the realm of the webboards, where me and my friends discuss this case to death, without express permission of all copyrightholders. Don't overload me with thank you's, It makes me blush and I do it for myself anyway. Kind regards, dugo.

v1 (I'll increment this number if I change anything for version control)

Page 339

On December 15 2006 Deepak and Satish Kalpoe sue talkshowhost Dr. Phil, tv-broadcaster CBS and distributer Paramount for slander, deception, violation of privacy, fraud and conspiracy by manipulation of the interview with Deepak on September 15 2005, to make it look like Deepak admits that the thre boys gave Natale a date rape drug, had sex with her and helped with the murder and the hiding of her body.
The next day Beth Twitty and Dave Holloway promptly file a suit as well. They want, in turn, that in a civil suit, filed in Los Angeles, the brothers will be convicted for their part in the death of their daughter.
The expectation is that the brothers have a big chance of winning against Dr. Phil. The Dutch forensic institute (NFI) already proofed that the tape was messed with.
On January 24 2007 polygraph expert Jamie Skeeters dies.
Since my release I have no contact with Depak and Satish.
Prosecutor Karin Janssen has left to the Netherlands by now. Her contract was not prolonged despite her indications that she wanted to stay longer to bring the Natale Holloway case to a good end.

Page 340
Chief of police Gerold Dompig filed for VUT[early retirement].
My father now became lawyer at the lawfirm of Anthony Carlo on Aruba.

The case Twitty vs. Kalpoe will most likely not go to trial. If the case goes to trial Depak and Satish will win because there is simply no evidence at all against any suspect.

Meanwhile Jug Twitty filed for divorce on December 29 2006 according to the Birmingham news on January 5 2007. The reason for the divorce:insuperable differences. In the paperwork JUg claims that `there are such differences in temperament that the partys can't live together any longer'.
Beth stopped teaching and founded a foundation, the INternational Safe Travels Foundation. A foundation with wich she gives information to American high schools to warn students in order to prevent them from suffering the same fate abroad as Natalee.

At the end of 2006 Aruba invests 4.3 million dollars in a campaign to get American tourists back to the vacation island. `This is Aruba. This is our home. And we want to share it with you.' The image of Aruba needs a cleanup after two years of negative publicity.

Father Dave Holoway founds the Natale Holoway Foundation to support Americans with a missing relative abroad with financial means neccecery for tickets, lodging and organising searches.

Page 341
In April 2007 Dave will go together with the search and resque team of non-proffit organisation Texas EquuSearch to look for his daughter one more time.

On August 29 2006 my lawyer Anthony Carlo filed a written request to end the investigation against me because I am living under the threat of prosecution for too long. That would also end the status of suspect. On November 30 2006 is the hearing. On December 7 2006 I receive a short e-mail from my father:

Hi Joran,
The request to end the case related to you has been denied, with as reason that the prosecutor has made it plauible that the case is being investigated in abundance. A pitty, but stay calm and keep concentrating on the good things like your school, friends and family and writing your book. Keep working on yourself to strenthen your positive sides.

In the decision my father attaches it states:

The investigation is ongoing since june 2005 and that period can not be considered unreasonably long, apart from the fact that this is undesireably long for the suspect personaly. Additionaly it has not been proven that there are such heavy weighing circumstances that the period, which for a complicated investigation as the presented into a more than probably committed indictable offence and the possible involvement - in any kind of way - of the suspect, should be shortened. The judge rejects the request.

Page 342
A pitty, but there is nothing to be done about it. By now I learned how to deal with disappointments.

In closing:
In May 207 the prosecution on Aruba wil decide wether to prosecute me and the other suspects, or that the case will be closed.

It is almost two years ago now that I left Natale alone on the beach. That is a mistake I will have to learn to live with for the rest of my life. I find that difficult.
I was seventeen but felt like a real man; so I should have acted like a real man. A man who would not leave a girl alone at night. I have thought about a milion times about what could have happened to Natalee. With all the media attention she can't live somewhere unnoticed right? Everybody knows how Natalee looks.

In this book there are many PVs from suspects and witnesses to base it on facts as much as possible. In the end only I know if I did something wrong. I do have a clean conscience. I hope and ask that if someone knows more he or she wil go to the police.
I once sayd that I would be angry if Natalee is still alive, but actualy I wil be very happy for her. The police, the American press and her family, who accused me falsely for two years, and determined me for rapist and murderer will have something to explain to me in that case.

Page 343
But I don't expect to receive apologys.
I gained a lot of life experience in the past two years. I found out that the world does not revolve around me in a very painfull way: my girlfriend here in the Netherlands broke up with me because I did not take her feelings into account. That broke my heart.
And I learned another thing: To lie does not help, the truth always comes out. I have lied often because it seemed the easy way to stay out of trouble and to avoid conversations I didn't feel like having. Lying is something I don't want to do anymore.

Somewhere out there is an answer to the question what happened to Natalee Holoway. I believe that the answer to that question will come out one day and that my and my family's name will be cleared.

Title: Joran's book translations
Post by: klaasend on April 27, 2007, 12:17:55 AM
Hannie translations from parts of the book ... pgs 1-17 Refugee site.. thanks Hannie

HannieC  Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 4:52 pm      
BTW, i started reading the book, i`m on chapter 9 now. He`s very honest and blunt about everything. And I saw some things I didn`t know for sure earlier. I will find them and will write them down here. Not shocking or something, but about Natalee went to the SBF with Ruth, that seems to be true. I think Zvezdana must have read the FBI statements. And how they all went to C&C`s who was going with a taxi and who was going with the bus. And who went away and how. And it was Natalee and not another girl, that seems obvious now i`ve read those chapters....      

Oh and Guido is "Marco" in the book
Jody Bearman was the one who was screaming she was the FBI and she was constantly callling the media that night on a cellphone...

"G" seems to be some guy from Amsterdam who was there on a vacation, and he also was in the casino that night. Natalee was constantly calling on a cell phone in the casino....
Hi, i`m back, and now at page 163!  

There was a bricklayer who gave a statement about that he supposedly had seen Joran raping Natalee and strangled with a scarf. The scarf and the condom supposedly were taken to Venezuela. Later it seemed that this guy made the story up, to get money from the one and only Uncle Jossy. Jossy payed that guy eventually 1700 Euro for his story!! De bricklayer payed some rent debt he had and told later to the police that he lied!!

These seem to come out of their own statements sarge. That`s why I said it seems that Zvezdana the writer has seen all those FBI statements as well...

Oh and another thing, he sure wasn`t a sweetiepie with all his lies, but he also knows and aknowledge this every time. If I would have been his age at that same time I would have considered him an asshole,  

But with all the lies initially, it only became worse and worse, that`s obvious also....

Yes, some people seem to forget that it is Zvezdana who is the writer of this book, and she did it based on interviews with Joran, statements, written transcripts and the police files....So sometimes it is Joran`s words you read, then things which happened with other people from their statements apparently, when and where, statements and declarations of witnesses and so on

Oh, another "juicy" thingy, when Joran was arrested he was also brought to Noord later on, another policestation. Abraham Jones was there, a woman who worked at the American customs, and the cousin of ..........Jossy, who was in one of those cells for involvement in a shooting....( we knew about the cousin and the shooting, but I didn`t knew that guy was in a cell near Joran.....)

I`m on page 275 now,   I really really wish this book would be also published in English! So that you all could read it. Whatever stance you have about this case.... Basically it`s all about what happened with Joran, the arrest, the incarceration, parts of his diary he wrote while in jail, he definitely doesn`t spare himself, so imo it isn`t a selfgrandizing book. I find it interesting to read what he went through, his parents, what all those lies accomplished, total chaos, all the people who have been arrested only because they know Joran, the pressure of the police, the interrogations, the "taped" conversations also of Deepak and Satish when they were together, ( what the f*** kind of language are the youth speaking these kind of days anyway, sheeshhhh, lmao, it`s abacadabra for me!) The way they were played against each other, the policeofficer who slapped him a "tough guy" named Boy Boezem, who was suspended for 3 weeks after this occured. There were multiple statements about that this indeed happened. The police seemed indeed to have wanted to "please" the US and tried to pressure him into a confession with all means..... I`m now into the Larry "sneaky" Garrison part, and his set up for Joran.. What he told about Natalee is basically what we already heard and read, I didn`t notice until now nothing "new". ETA; I mean the beach thingy and the dry sex part etc.... In the beginning it seemed that when Joran came into C&C`s, Natalee was dancing on the stage and her ex was also on the stage, Joran greeted Ruth and somehow she wanted Joran to go and dance with Natalee....but this was in the beginning of the book, so that one i`ll go and read again tomorrow and snip a piece of that and will post it, very strange...... And Beau Barron was the first one who ate/drink jelly out of Natalee`s belly earlier in C&C`s.....Last edited by HannieC on Wed Apr 25, 2007 8:14 pm; edited 1 time in total       li'l Shango's MommyJoined: 23 Mar 2006Posts: 8448Location: The Hague, The Netherlands

This is something that obviously came from a statement made by one of the MB students. Since Joran wasn`t there yet as I recall....

And again I read about a Dutch guy named "G" who was a tourist from Amsterdam who was on vacation and in the casino....So not Geoffrey

As how I read it, there were and that`s also known....

Natalee layed down on the bar for the jellyshots, and the barkeeper pulled her shirt up to put that jelly in, a bit to high so you could see a bit of her breasts, and it annoyed Natalee.

I will have to read that part again, since there`s something strange about Ruth wanted Joran right away to dance with Natalee when he arrived at C&C`s, while she was at the stage with her ex near her......

Oh speaking about drugdealers...

The little street next to Moomba, seems to be a "known" dealing place where you can get any drugs you want. So somewhere between Moomba and Natalee`s room.....
Is this where Boeti was camped out?

No it seems to be some guy named "Marlon" who is also known....

But there are atleast a couple of persons of interest who were in their presence, strangers.....But as Joran himself said in the book, if he hadn`t lied initially, maybe the police would have investigated other options earlier....

Anything about the scuffles?

I read a little bit on that, that it supposedly was Geoffrey, or atleast that he was "accused" of that, but that also didn`t really pan out iirc.

It wasn`t Joran.

is a funny excerpt;

Joe came to Aruba a couple of months after Joran was subpoenaed, with Rosemarie Arnold, Les levine and Chad Siegel.

Joe wanted to investigate the "accusation" that Joran supposedly date raped 3 girls. Joran quote;" They constantly talked about some "Jane Doe" who supposedly had told terrible things about me. I told Joe; But I don`t know anyone who is named Jane Doe!"...

They laughed their asses of when Joran said that, and they explained to him that someone was called "Jane Doe" if they want to keep someone anonymous........

The girls with whom Joe and Les had talked, told them that Jamie Skeeters wanted to pay them if they would tell that Joran had raped them".....

Karen a girl Joran had a fling with, was also approached by Jamie and other private detectives hired by the family, they had to find as much dirt as possible on Joran.....

refugee_lurker wrote:
Hi HannieC, Hasn't Ruth been claiming she didn't see Joran at CnC's? Didn't she say she went back to the hotel to sleep? It sounds like Joran and Ruth are contradicting each other.

Hey rf,

I am almost done with the whole book, but iirc Ruth was there when Joran arrived and greeted him. But to be sure I will finish the book first and I`ll go back to the first pages about that.

HannieC  Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2007 10:04 pm      
Excerpt; Natlaee discussed with her girlfriends ( that sunday) while they having diner, who she would hook up with that night. Madison thought that Natalee would go to bed with Kevin Broday, because Natalee flirted with him. Natalee also had more then a little interest in Jack Noble, the roomate of Trey Merril ( Madison`s bf), but he already had a girlfriend. After diner, Madison goes with BF Trey Merrill, Thornton, Natalee, Ruth and Lee, to the Holiday Inn Excelsior Casino... Ruth had lost money during the trip which she got from her father. Her friends would help her to win something back of it. They are going to sit at the BlackJack table.... Natalee doesn`t play blackjack, she walks around between her gf`s and is constantly calling with a cell phone. At 8.40 she takes a mix drink with vodka... At the blackjack table are sitting two men, one of them is white, about 45 years of age and has dark hair. Madison had seen this guy two days before already in the Holiday Inn Casino. Some people thought they recognized Joran`s father, but Paul was already gone. The other one, is a quiet white young guy. He has said, he came from the Netherlands and that he was 19 years old....       li'l Shango's MommyJoined: 23 Mar 2006Posts: 8448Location: The Hague, The Netherlands

Excerpt; Around 9.30 ( sunday night), i`m going to the blackjack table. A group of girls walks to me, and they asked in English if i`m good at blackjack... "I`m alright", I said..... The group of 4 or 5 girls introduced themselfs and are going to sit next to me at the table. They came from Alabama and are here on a graduation trip. One girl asked me how old I am, 19 I said, although i`m 17. According to me one of the girls was interested in me, her name is Ruth and she takes a seat on my left.... excerpt; Ruth and Natalee eating a portion of nacho's after the blackjack. They are going together to the concerts of Boyz II Men and Lauryn Hill, on Surfside Beach.........       li'l Shango's MommyJoined: 23 Mar 2006Posts: 8448Location: The Hague, The Netherlands


A little after ten, a large group of the American students are getting on the bus in the direction of Oranjestad, where Carlos and Charlies is.

Madison goes with other students with the bus, and arrived there around 10.30

Natalee, Ruth. Tracy Lazarus and John Henderson are taking a taxi.....

As the bus arrives at C&C`s, and unknown man with a dark colored skin gets out at the same time as the students. He stares at Lee and follows the group into the bar.....


The man tries to dance with the girls....

Around 10.45, the girls are starting to give bodyshots. Natalee is the first one of the group who let them took a bodyshot. Fellow student Beau Barron is the first who took a bodyshot of her belly....


The man out of the bus and an unknown white guy with brown hair are watching Natalee while she is giving bodyshots....Natalee didn`t talk to either one of them.

Ruth and Natalee are getting a conversation with a guy from Amsterdam who calls himself "G"..... He tells Ruth and Natalee that he`s on Aruba for the summer and has an appartment here


Lee and Natalee are dancing till about midnight on the stage at the side of the bar. Madison is also dancing on the stage, and suddenly sees the Dutch guy ( Joran) out of the casino walking in. She find that kind of strange because he earlier said that C&C`s sucks on sundays...


Jeremy Brown, the ex bf of Natalee is also dancing for awhile on the stage with Natalee....

Joran quote; At 12.20 I showed my VIP pas to the doormen and all three we don`t have to pay any entrance fee. Before I know it, I get a hug from Ruth, the girl from the casino for who I won back $ 100. I find her attractive and I asked her, how are you?

Ruth;"It`s better if you go dance with my gf, she answers"..I`m surprised..

Ruth pointed to the blond girl who is dancing at the stage, and with whom I didn`t even spoke two words with before

HannieC, does Joran mention giving his phone number to Ruth?

No Kat, i didn`t read that anywhere in the book....

HannieC  Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 4:37 am      
M***R wrote:
Thanks Hannie again - this is really interesting - although there are not great revelations it sure explains a few things about what really was going on with the MB gang. About time! You are the best Hannie!!
Jan!! You were named in the thankword in the book by Zvezdana!      

In love/not liking, doesn't matter.. she was dumped in the worst kind of way no girl deserves.

I don`t know Dugo, he aknowledged that numerous times through out the book, he said he indeed was an asshole to do that and that if he felt like a man, he should have acted like a man, and bring her back to her hotel, whether she wanted that or not,......

But i`m also sure, he isn`t by far the only teen guy who does and act like this at that age. Only difference is, this girl went missing after she was left by a guy..

I really find the book quite refreshing to read.

Jan!! You were named in the thankword in the book by Zvezdana!  

What?? you are kidding me Hannie!! what does it say??

where is this???

does it say Jan or Medley?? Lolol

At the end of the book there are thank words for a couple of people, among which are YOU, Jan!!!

HannieC  Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 5:04 am      
FOB is also named in the book, as being very helpful to get them a lot of info!      

M***R  Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 5:08 am      
    Well I was very glad to help Zvezdana becuz she is one special lady. and now a good friend.      

Well just think if it were not for my friend Hannie I would not even know!

that was a nice surprise today - thank you!!

blenchi  Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2007 7:36 am      
HannieC wrote:
FOB is also named in the book, as being very helpful to get them a lot of info!
Yes the info about the ""van der Spek"" contact. Wasn't that Victor/Lazlo who arranged the contact?      

Others posted:
There is also the F302 from Katherine "Madison" Whatley dated 07/12/2005 where she mentioned that "Joran was helping Ruth McVeigh trying to win $100 at the card table..."

Joran quote; At 12.20 I showed my VIP pas to the doormen and all three we don`t have to pay any entrance fee. Before I know it, I get a hug from Ruth, the girl from the casino for who I won back $ 100. I find her attractive and I asked her, how are you?

Ruth;"It`s better if you go dance with my gf, she answers"..I`m surprised..

Ruth pointed to the blond girl who is dancing at the stage, and with whom I didn`t even spoke two words with before.......

Was it ruth or Kathleen that he won the moeny for?

Title: Joran's book translations
Post by: klaasend on May 28, 2007, 10:45:59 PM
Dugo's translations:

By translating bits and pieces for my further study of the case I magically obtain copyrights over the translations. Most of the original is copyright Joran van der Sloot, Zvezdana Vukojevic and publisher Luitingh~Sijthoff. They and I reserve their rights, please don't cause a shitstorm by republishing any of these outside the realm of the webboards, where me and my friends discuss this case to death, without express permission of all copyrightholders. Don't overload me with thank you's, It makes me blush and I do it for myself anyway. Kind regards, dugo.

v10 (I'll increment this number if I change anything for version control)

Page 117 (partial, just Freddy)

During dinner Joran says in Papiamento 'Imagine the girl stood up from the beach and jumps into the ocean.' As Joran says that Deepak and Satish look at each other scared and dismayed. Joran says to them immediately that they don't have to worry, that he told me everything already. `No worry, mi a bise caba', he says. Don't worry, I have told him everything. Deepak, Satish and Joran speculate about what could have happened after she has been left behind. If she, maybe, went into the water or found by others? That afternoon I remain under the impression that they left her together. Not a single moment one of them said that Joran has been alone with her. But Joran hasn't told me any details, rather that he has left the girl behind on the beach. And that he left his shoes on the beach, which I found strange, but when he explained I understood; we often leave stuff behind on the beach.

Page 152
11 Breakthrough due to best friend Freddy.

The police even interrogates all my friends and acquaintances. On June 12 2005 they interrogate my best friend, Freddy Zedan. I find that annoying for him: because he is my friend, he becomes involved.

Declaration Freddy Zedan, June 12 2005:

I am Jorans best friend and neighbour. We got to know each other about two years ago. Joran and I practice sports together a lot, that is how we became good friends. Monday afternoon May 30 Joran came to my house. He told me that, the day before, sunday, in the Holiday Inn Casino, he met a girl and she had asked him to come to Carlos 'n Charlies in the evening. He went and they have danced there and have drunk. After that he has driven away with Deepak, Satish and the girl. Her friends saw that. They drove in the direction of the lighthouse; a white car drove behind them and probably wanted to race against Deepak. But Deepak would never do such a thing. Joran told that he had fingered and kissed the girl. He did not say he had sex with the girl. They drove towards the lighthouse, she wanted to se sharks. But Deepak only drove to the lighthouse, because his car was low and could not drive to the north side of Aruba. The girl

Page 153
said that if the Kalpoe brothers would have lived in her city, they would be slaves. After this they drove to the hotel. When the girl openend the door of the car she fell on the ground. Joran wanted to help he, but she pushed him away. [...]
The next day, tuesday May 31 2005 in the afternoon I was with Joran at the raquetclub. Joran looked worried. He asked me if I remembered what he told me about the girl the day before, I said yes. The girl appeared to be missing. The FBI was at his home at night, but he wasn't there. His father phoned as to where he was, Joran said in the Radisson Casino. He told that after the phone call he was called by Deepak and that Deepak picked him up a few minutes later. They drove to Jorans house. The FBI and family of the girl were at his home. After that Joran told me that Deepak, Satish and he didn't drop of the missing girl at the Holiday Inn Hotel, but that the four of them had driven to the beach north of the Mariott Hotel. The girl fell multiple times on the way to the beach. Joran told me that at some point the girl didn't recover anymore and that they had left her on the beach. He also told that he left his sport shoes on the beach. After Joran told me this I asked him why he had left her behind. He answered me that he didn't knew what to do at that moment. Joran told me that after that he was dropped off at home by Deepak and Satish. On friday evening June 3 I met Joran at his home. [...] He told me that during this period he could not remember if they bought food or did something else.

Page 339

On December 15 2006 Deepak and Satish Kalpoe sue talkshowhost Dr. Phil, tv-broadcaster CBS and distributer Paramount for slander, deception, violation of privacy, fraud and conspiracy by manipulation of the interview with Deepak on September 15 2005, to make it look like Deepak admits that the three boys gave Natale a date rape drug, had sex with her and helped with the murder and the hiding of her body.
The next day Beth Twitty and Dave Holloway promptly file a suit as well. They want, in turn, that in a civil suit, filed in Los Angeles, the brothers will be convicted for their part in the death of their daughter.
The expectation is that the brothers have a big chance of winning against Dr. Phil. The Dutch forensic institute (NFI) already proofed that the tape was messed with.
On January 24 2007 polygraph expert Jamie Skeeters dies.
Since my release I have no contact with Depak and Satish.
Prosecutor Karin Janssen has left to the Netherlands by now. Her contract was not prolonged despite her indications that she wanted to stay longer to bring the Natalee Holloway case to a good end.

Page 340
Chief of police Gerold Dompig filed for VUT[early retirement].
My father now became lawyer at the lawfirm of Anthony Carlo on Aruba.

The case Twitty vs. Kalpoe will most likely not go to trial. If the case goes to trial Deepak and Satish will win because there is simply no evidence at all against any suspect.

Meanwhile Jug Twitty filed for divorce on December 29 2006 according to the Birmingham news on January 5 2007. The reason for the divorce: insuperable differences. In the paperwork Jug claims that `there are such differences in temperament that the partys can't live together any longer'.
Beth stopped teaching and founded a foundation, the International Safe Travels Foundation. A foundation with wich she gives information to American high schools to warn students in order to prevent them from suffering the same fate abroad as Natalee.

At the end of 2006 Aruba invests 4.3 million dollars in a campaign to get American tourists back to the vacation island. `This is Aruba. This is our home. And we want to share it with you.' The image of Aruba needs a cleanup after two years of negative publicity.

Father Dave Holloway founds the Natale Holloway Foundation to support Americans with a missing relative abroad with financial means neccecery for tickets, lodging and organising searches.

Page 341
In April 2007 Dave will go together with the search and resque team of non-proffit organisation Texas EquuSearch to look for his daughter one more time.

On August 29 2006 my lawyer Anthony Carlo filed a written request to end the investigation against me because I am living under the threat of prosecution for too long. That would also end the status of suspect. On November 30 2006 is the hearing. On December 7 2006 I receive a short e-mail from my father:

Hi Joran,
The request to end the case related to you has been denied, with as reason that the prosecutor has made it plauible that the case is being investigated in abundance. A pitty, but stay calm and keep concentrating on the good things like your school, friends and family and writing your book. Keep working on yourself to strenthen your positive sides.

In the decision my father attaches it states:

The investigation is ongoing since june 2005 and that period can not be considered unreasonably long, apart from the fact that this is undesireably long for the suspect personaly. Additionaly it has not been proven that there are such heavy weighing circumstances that the period, which for a complicated investigation as the presented into a more than probably committed indictable offence and the possible involvement - in any kind of way - of the suspect, should be shortened. The judge rejects the request.

Page 342
A pitty, but there is nothing to be done about it. By now I learned how to deal with disappointments.

In closing:
In May 207 the prosecution on Aruba wil decide wether to prosecute me and the other suspects, or that the case will be closed.

It is almost two years ago now that I left Natale alone on the beach. That is a mistake I will have to learn to live with for the rest of my life. I find that difficult.
I was seventeen but felt like a real man; so I should have acted like a real man. A man who would not leave a girl alone at night. I have thought about a milion times about what could have happened to Natalee. With all the media attention she can't live somewhere unnoticed right? Everybody knows how Natalee looks.

In this book there are many PVs from suspects and witnesses to base it on facts as much as possible. In the end only I know if I did something wrong. I do have a clean conscience. I hope and ask that if someone knows more he or she wil go to the police.
I once said that I would be angry if Natalee is still alive, but actually I wil be very happy for her. The police, the American press and her family, who accused me falsely for two years, and determined me for rapist and murderer will have something to explain to me in that case.

Page 343
But I don't expect to receive apologys.
I gained a lot of life experience in the past two years. I found out that the world does not revolve around me in a very painfull way: my girlfriend here in the Netherlands broke up with me because I did not take her feelings into account. That broke my heart.
And I learned another thing: To lie does not help, the truth always comes out. I have lied often because it seemed the easy way to stay out of trouble and to avoid conversations I didn't feel like having. Lying is something I don't want to do anymore.

Somewhere out there is an answer to the question what happened to Natalee Holloway. I believe that the answer to that question will come out one day and that my and my family's name will be cleared.

Title: Joran's book translations
Post by: klaasend on May 28, 2007, 10:46:38 PM
Posted by Jon at Scrux (not sure who translated)

Translation- part of Joran's June 13 statement (page 160):

(police confronts me with Freddy's statement from yesterday).
I told Freddy the HI story on Wednesday June 1 at my house, Satish and Deepak were present.
I told Freddy the real story on June 1 in the afternoon at my house.
You are informing me that Freddy has stated that I told him the first story on May 30 2005 in the afternoon. In response to your question if that is true I answer you that this can be true.
You are informing me that Freddy is stating that I told him Natalee went unconscious several times on the way to the beach of the Marriott Hotel. That she at a certain moment did not recover and that we have left her on the beach. I don't know what to answer on this, because according to me I did not tell the story to Freddy this way.
That Freddy has stated that we did not knew what to do when she did not recovered and that we then left her on the beach and that I left my sport shoes behind, that is not correct. This did not happen this way.
I have left my sport shoes at the Marriott beach. I think Freddy did not understand well what I told him.

Joran about Freddy's last two statements (6th and 7th) on that same page:
After Freddy's second statement on June 13 at 6:30 pm, in which he keeps insisting that I told him the first story already on May 30, the police confronts us as best friends with eachother. Some statements follow.
In the end Freddy states in his 6th and 7th statement that I have told him that Natalee had went unconscious several times and did not recover anymore at a certain moment, that I tried to wake her up by shaking her but that that also did not have any result.

Part from Freddy's second (June 13) statement (page 161) :
During the entire conversation Joran mentioned "We" not "I", also when he said that "We" had left the girl behind.
Joran did not tell me the girl was dead. He never used the word "dead". He also did not say if he checked her wrists to see if she still had a wrist-beat (pulse-beat/heartbeat), and if she was still breathing.
I got the impression he was assuming he had left her behind alive. He also did not tell me that other people had come to him. Joran does not use drugs. Joran also did not tell me that he had given the girl drugs or that he saw her using drugs.

Book about Tuesday afternoon:

It is allready 4 pm in the afternoon when I sign my witness statement, and my father and I leave the interrogation room.
On the way out I see Deepak sitting in the waitingroom. I greet him and ask him to call me when he is finished. My head is spinning. I gave a false statement to the police. I never thought that I would have to go to the police.
We are walking out of the building and I hope that Deepak and Satish will tell the same story. I am getting all nervous from the idea that maybe truly something has happened to Natalee. But I have the feeling the police did believe us (us?).
They have no reason not to believe us. I tell my father that I am hungry and we go to eat something at Taco Bell in Noord. After we have eaten we directly go home.
Arrived home I am sitting on my bed thinking, all sort of things are going through my mind. Ik am very scared because we have lied, but I have the feeling that I cannpot go back anymore.
I tell my father that I want to talk to Freddy to talk about this whole thing.
Freddy practically lives next to me and is one of my best friends.
When I arrive there Freddy is not yet home, so I talk to his sister for a while.
After ten minutes Freddy is home, I tell him that I want to talk to him and we go to his room. I tell him first what really happened, that I have left the girl alone on the beach. After that I tell him that Satish Deepak and I have been at the police station and have given false statements***. I explain to him that I, when my father called me to tell me the family of a missing girl was in front of our door, I was flipping enormously and that Deepak and I then decided to lie.
Freddy is silent for a while. "I understand it a little" he then says.
I feel so relieved that I am able to at least talk about this with one person. I know that I can trust Freddy, but I am the most relieved that he could understand why I had lied.
Can you keep this a secret I ask him, If anyone asks you something you just have to say that I told you we have dropped Natalee at the HI, because we have already lied to the police and I truly do not want any problems.
Freddy says: No problem, you know you can trust me?
I tell Freddy nothing more and somewhat relieved I say goodbye to him and his family.

Title: Joran's book translations
Post by: klaasend on May 30, 2007, 05:09:04 PM
Posted by Ade69 (a new poster at RU and could be Joran for all I know  :wink: ) regarding the explaination in Joran's book about Freddy's statements:

The translation is alright, it is probably the source for the "going in and out of conscious"-myth.
Here are the two last paragraphs of chapter 11 with Joran's explanation:

Freddy has been put under enormous pressure by the police, he was even arrested. He was terrified and as a Venezuelan in Aruba very vulnerable due to fear of deportation. He became a string puppet for the police and he did everything to prevent being arrested again.
Freddy's family panicked too, and asked Freddy to do everything the police said. The police certainly put words in Freddy mouth.
All [PV's, processen-verbaal] are being typed out in Dutch after the interrogations are done in the language of the suspect, so in Freddy's case Papiamentu. Errors will be made in the PV's and frequently people don't get the time to read it carefully, or they can't read it because of poor Dutch language skills. Evenso, the police wants you too sign it right away.

Today [13 june 2005???] a mason also makes a declaration [to the police]. He says he saw me raping Natalee and strangling her with a scarf. The condom and the scarf would have been brought to Venezuela. Later it came out that the man made this story up to get money from Jossy Mansur, the editor of Diario. Mansur has paid the mason 1700 euro for his story. The mason used this to pay of his debt for rent payments and later admitted to the police that he had lied.

NOTE:  The 13 june 2005 date is incorrect, I'm sure it's 2005 (the condom witness guy)

Title: Joran's book translations
Post by: klaasend on June 02, 2007, 08:54:24 PM
Posted by Jon at Scrux:

Deepak June 15 statement (page 119)

Joran asked me what we had to do at the police. I had told him that both of us would have to drive the route. He then said that he also was called by the police and that he had to drive that route also.
We walked around in the garden of the Racquet Club. During the walk I asked him if he had done something to the girl. Joran said he had done nothing with the girl. He then said it would be better that we left "because if the police sees us together they are going to think that we are discussing something"
On that same day we went to Joran's home after he had called us and told us he was ready at the police. We went to his house around 9 pm. There we found Joran's father and mother in the room. Joran's mother said: Hello guys, come in", I have to "tap you on your fingers" because you are having problems again". With that she meant that a week prior we had had a fight at Carlos and Charlies. I had an argument with a guy and the police had come. Joran's mother said: "the last half year Joran is having problems all the time, a few months ago he pushed a guy through a vitrine of the cinema."
When that happened I did not knew Joran yet. His mother also said that Joran is always in the casinos and that they as parents had not raised him like that.
"And now you are in trouble again. Don't you see how serious this problem is? If something has happened to the girl, then you are in a lot of trouble" She looked at me and my brother and said: You also. You went out on a Sunday night. Does your mother know you went out?" I told her my mother did not know, because we had left before she had arrived home. She said to Joran:"You Joran have sneaked out, your father did not even know that you had went out". This is correct since when we had picked Joran up that day, he had told us that his father was asleep and his mother was in Holland.
His father said at a certain moment: "Yes Joran, I don't know when you have left and also not when you came back home".
After this his mother said to us: "Boys you will have to go home soon". She felt we should not be out on the streets untill late.
We also should not go in the neighbourhood of the Marriott, because the police would control for sure, and you never know what can happen. After that she said that Joran had to go to sleep. Joran asked if he could talk a little with us. His mother said: if you can keep it short".
After that his parents left. Joran said the situation was a little difficult. I told him that it was a serious matter.But we still decided to continue lying.

Deepak statement (page 123)

Thursday June 2 I went to wotk. At around eleven Joran called me. He said that there were people at his school who were putting up posters of the missing girl. He told me that on the posters it was mentioned the girl was kidnapped and that ppl should ask Joran how and what.(Joran): As it seems the situation is getting worse. My father has looked for a lawyer for me".
I told him we would talk later. I went that day around 4 pm to Joran's house, Freddy and his father Paulus were there also.
I sat down and his father asked if I had problems at my job. He told me that ppl had went to and put up posters at Joran's school.
He said that he had arranged for lawyer Anthony Carlo for Joran. He asked me if I had a lawyer, I told him no. He asked me if I knew a lawyer, I told him I did not knew any lawyers because I had no experience with lawyers.
I stayed for an hour, we listened to the radio and watched tv. That day there was a search for the girl.
After a while Joran's mother came into the room. When she was in the room I heard her talk to someone who was involved in the search. I heard Joran's mother say they were buisy searching at the lighthouse. On a certain moment Joran asked his father: Dad if they find the girl at the lighthouse we are in trouble.His father answerd: "Yes then you are in trouble because you have stated that you have been there with the girl".
Joran asked his father after that: And if they don't find a body? His father answered: No, if they don't find a body then you are not that much into trouble. I asked: Is it just like in the VS that if they do not have a body that they do not have a case against you? Joran said: It is just like in the VS. If they don't have a body, if they don't have a weapon, if they don't have clothes with blood on it, if they don't have fingerprints, then they cannot start a case. Before I left Joran;s father asked me if i could ask my mother to call him.

Joran June 13 statement (Page 158)

Around 3 am I call Deepak and ask him to pick me up. He asks where the girl is. I say that she is on the beach sleeping and does not want to listen to me.
He would come immediately. I wake her up and tell her that I am going to bring her back to her hotel. She refuses and goes back to sleep. I wonder if I better pick her up and take her. I am lying down for 10 minutes next to Natalee, while she is sleeping. I am not saying anything to her because her eyes are closed. When I hear Deepak's car arriving I wake her up once more, again she does not want to come with me to her hotel. I stand up and walk to the car.

Title: Joran's book translations
Post by: klaasend on June 14, 2007, 12:42:29 PM
Posted by Johanna at BFN:

Hello. I am new here, having come to help out Ramm who has been very busy. He has told me that many of you are anxious to read the statements from Joran's book.
They will follow in three parts. I am not very familiar with this so if they need to be transferred, please do so. Thank you.

Page 124 statement Jamie:
I have known Joran since August through Freddy. Mostly Joran, Freddy,
Koen, Sander and I go out together. Joran is a good friend. I have never
had problems with him. I do not know him as an aggressive person. When
Joran is drunk he is very cheerful. On a certain day, I do not remember
what day I was called by Joran on my cellphone. He asked me if I could
remember that on a day he had asked me to go out with American girls.
Joran told me that the American girl that went out with him was now
missing. Deepak, Satish and Joran had dropped the girl off at the Holiday
Inn. Joran told me that he would talk about it later. A few days later,
on Friday June 3 or Saturday June 4 I had bought a pizza at Domino's.
After that I went to Joran's apartment. Koen, Sander and Joran were
playing poker there. I told them I had brought them pizza and cola. I asked
Joran if the missing girl was found. Joran said no. Then Joran told me
that Deepak, Satish and he had driven to Carlos and Charlies wi
th the grey Honda Civic from Deepak. and that later that they had
driven around, the three of them and the girl.
According to Joran the girl was strange because she had said that her
mother was the sister of Hitler. Joran said that the girl wanted to see
sharks and that they had dropped her of at the Holiday Inn. When Joran
was telling me this Joran's father entered the room and after that the
event was no longer discussed. Around 11 pm I left to go pick up my
father from work.

Page 125 Deepak's June 13 statement (about Joran's father) :
Joran's father believed the story we had told him. He was always polite
to me and my parents. When the case of the girl became serious towards
the end of the week, he had asked me if my father had a lawyer. I said
to him that he didn't. He asked me if I knew a good lawyer. I told him
that I did not have much experience with lawyers. He told me not to
worry; he himself would find a lawyer for me and my brother. Paul told me
that he had arranged lawyer Anthony Carlo for Joran.
Around 4:30 am I had went with my brother (Friday June 3) Satish to the
house of Joran, my mother was there also. She came during her break
from work.
Our parents met for the first time and we went to sit on the porch. My
mother first wanted to hear Joran's story before she could believe our
story. Joran had told the HI story. Joran's father said the situation
could go better or worse. He asked my mother whether we had a lawyer and
she said no we never had problems.
Joran's father said: Wait let me look for one for you. He went to get
his bag. He opened his bag and took out a note with some names on it.
Then Joran asked if I wanted something to drink, I said yes. Joran and
Satish went to get drinks. Paul said that Rudy Oomen is a good lawyer and
called him straight away. He gave the phone to my mother and she spoke
a little with Oomen. We had a meeting together on Saturday at 11 am.

Page 126, Deepak's June 14 (?) statement.
On Friday June 3 I went to work again from 9 am till 4 pm.
Joran called me in the morning. He was at school. He asked me how I
felt and I said, ok, I am fighting with it.
He said he did not feel good. He said he was stressed. I asked why. He
said he did not feel good about the whole situation and if I could stop
by since his mother would not let him go out to any place.
In the mean time Steve Croes had come to my place of work. Steve had
told me that he had seen us at the Holiday In, I had told this to Joran
in one of our conversations.
My mother had called me to say that she would go talk to Joran's
father. Around 4 pm my brother picked me up. We went to Joran's house. I told
Joran's father that my mother would come soon as she had her break from
He told me he had learned from Joran that I had good news.
I told him about Steve. Joran's father said:" That indeed can be good
My mother pushed the horn in front of the house, Joran's father went
out to meet her. My mother, Joran's father, Joran, Satish and me went
sitting outside.
Joran's father said: we all know about the situation in which the boys
find themselves. They are in trouble, The situation can go better or
worse. He informed Oomen that he had Carlo as a lawyer for his son, and
asked Oomen if he would represent us. Oomen agreed. After that Joran's
father called Anthony Carlo and said that he had called Oomen for us and
if Carlo could also come the next day for the appointment.
He also had asked the mobile phone number of Oomen and gave that to my
My mother left, her break was over.
After that we went to sit in Joran's room, 3 girlfriends of ours were
there also but after a while Sander, Flor, Amanda and Guylaila left.
Joran's father was also in the room. At a certain moment Joran asked
his father what would be the worse thing that could happen to us. Joran's
father said that we could be arrested and that we had to wait a little
so he could show us the entire schedule.
After a while he came back with the law book and an overview, he told
us precisely what would happen; that we first would be arrested, we
would be handcuffed and someone would read us our rights. So why we would
be arrested and then they would take us to the police bureau.
After that he showed us the schedule, and that we would stay there for
the first two days. That after two days we would go to the
Rechtercommisaris, and that after that we would get eight days.
He said we would be interrogated. He told that people would point out
our rights to us. So that we would have a right to remain silent, and
have a right to an attorney.
He said we should use our right to remain silent until we had spoken to
a lawyer. We stayed there the entire afternoon.
A while later Freddy came with Joran's friend Carmen, her sis Celine
and a friend.
We stayed there till around 10 pm. When Satish and me went to the car
Joran and Freddy walked with us. We stayed and talked briefly. In this
conversation we had spoken again about the sport shoes of Joran, how we
would arrange that. Freddy had already proposed to buy Joran new ones.
He had asked Joran if he had arranged that. Joran then said: Imagine
someone has murdered and buried her, then they will never find her and
they will always be after us. After that we went home.

Page 128, Deepak's June 10 statement.
(Deepak about how it was possible that he and Satish had a lawyer so
soon) :
After the witness statement Joran's father said we had a chance to get
arrested and that we should prepare for that.
That " preparing" was looking for a lawyer. Both our families had an
appointment at the same time with the lawyers at their office.
Our lawyer asked us if our witness statements were true and said we
should stick with that story.

Page 128, Deepak statement about the appointment with Rudy Oomen.
At around 10:30 am (Saturday June 4) I got up. After that the entire
family except for my sister went to the office of Oomen. When we arrived
there Joran, his parents and lawyer were already there. We took place
at the table and Rudy Oomen introduced himself. After that he said that
we had to tell the story again.We had told him the made up story, so
the Holiday Inn story. The lawyer said this was a serious matter. He also
said we had a chance to get arrested, but that he did not know how much
evidence the police had.
He further said if that would happen, that we had his phone number and
could call him.
On a certain moment the mobile phone of Joran's mother ringed. She
stood up and went outside.
After a while she came back and said that she had heard from a friend
that they had found the girl.
She asked Joran's father to call Van Der Straaten and verify this.
Joran's father called Van Der Straaten, but he did not answer his phone.
Joran's father said he would continue trying and if something was up we
would hear about it.
I have to tell you that I heard the name Van Der Straaten mentioned
very often. I did not know who he was until I started following the case.
After the meeting I went to my work. Joran went home. I did not see
Joran again that day, but I did call him.
I called him around 8 pm. I had told him I would come to him to stay
the night, but my mother did not agree with that, so I cancelled Joran.

Page 130, Deepak statement about June 5.
On Sunday June 5 I got up around 2:30 pm. My mother had woken me up
with the message that two people were arrested in the case of the girl.
Joran had called me twice. He asked me if I had seen the news. I
answered that I had seen the news and asked him if he thought that these guys
had done it. With that I meant kidnapped or something.
Around 7:30 pm my brother and I went to Joran's house. When we arrived
there we started to talk that that day things were better.
I thought the two guards were the perpetrators and that we would be
free now.
After that Joran's parents came. The father said: Boys, I think you are
not under pressure anymore now.
The mother was sort of bothersome that day. She said we had to go home
because Joran had exams the next day. After that we went to watch tv
for a while in Joran's room.
After a while we got hungry, we walked to Freddy's home. Then the four
of us went to a restaurant close by to buy food.
After this we went back to Joran's house, watched tv, ate and talked a
little. After a while Joran's father came and said we had to go home
because Joran had exams the next day. We went home.

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Re: Remaining suspects statements (from book)
« Reply #1 on: Today at 11:19:07 AM »

Page 133, Deepak statement about June 6.
On Monday June 6 I went to work. That day I did not see Joran. That day
"Operation Natalee" was on tv.
I thought that I would not go on the street that day. I thought if
people would see my grey car they would ruin it and beat me up. I just was
afraid to go on the streets.
After my work I went home. Around 6 pm Joran called me. He asked how I
was doing and what I was doing.
I told him that I was just home and asked him what he was doing.
He answered he was not doing ok because many people from the press were
in front of his house.
He further said that he was in his room and that his parents were
talking to the people from the press.
I told him to remain calm and that I would call him later. I send him
an sms after that: 'If the people from the press don't leave you have to
call the police'.

Page 133, Deepak statement about June 7.
Tuesday around 7 pm Joran called. He told me he was on his way home and
if there was no press I could come.
Around 8 pm I was there. Joran gave me an invitation to his graduation.
He also said that he had to see a psychiatrist the next day.
He said that his mother had placed him under the treatment of a
psychiatrist because it all was to much to handle anymore.

Page 133, Deepak statement about June 8.
That Wednesday Satish and I stayed until 01:45 at Joran's watching tv.
My mother called angry and said that we had to come home. When I walked
outside Joran asked Satish if he would come the next day to cut Joran's
On the way to the car Joran said to me: Do you remember the way back
from the Holiday Inn? I said yes, we have dropped off the girl and we
have brought you to your home. He said: Come to my room for a while, I
will explain to you on a piece of paper, it is very important.
He told me that I should remember (what we had done) after we had
dropped the girl off, I had to say that we drove off from the hotel and had
driven into a North-East direction and not in a South-West direction,
this to prevent that police would go and check camera's of the other
hotels and would see that we had not driven to the HI.
After that I told him ok and we went home.
At home I went online. Joran reminded me again that Satish had to come
to cut his hair the next day.
I went to sleep.
Why I did not tell this the first time? If I knew I had the devil as a
friend then I would not have let this happen. I have put my entire
family under stress. I can give you a list of the problems that Joran has.
He himself has said he had stolen money from his mother. He also says
that if his brothers go into his room he beats them. Joran has
completely beaten up a guy at Bahia, because according to him the guy had told
something about him to the headmaster that was not true.
Joran has destroyed more car front windows then any drug dealer on the
island. Sometimes when we are out he says: Lets go! If we ask him what
is going on he says he has smashed in a front window of a car. He also
has admitted that he has stolen property from tourists several times.
He goes to the casino's since he was 16. Everywhere where he sees a fire
alarm he has to put it on. He has performed a lot of vandalism in
several hotels. That is what I know about Joran since I know him. By now I
also know he is a super liar.

Page 135, Koen June 17 statement about June 8.
At 4:30 pm I was with Sander at Joran's house. Flor, Amanda and
Guylaila were there also. We were sitting in Joran's apartment.
The Natalee case was discussed. At a certain moment Joran asked us if
we could leave his room, so that he could talk to Flor alone. Sander,
Amanda, Guylaila and me went outside. After about 45 minutes Joran called
us back in. We saw every day that the media were talking about the
Natalee case. We asked what the consequences would be when he would be
Joran said that if he would be arrested for a few days we should stand
behind him (back him up).

Page 138, PV from Joran's arrest.
On June 9 the man named Joran Andreas Petrus van der Sloot, born on
August 6 1987 in Holland, student in Aruba was arrested.
Also a search in the apartment of J.A.P. van der Sloot was performed.
During interrogations from the suspect Van der Sloot and his fellow
suspects they gave contradicting statements amongst other things about the
dropping off of the girl, which had led to a suspicion that the missing
girl very possibly could have stayed in the apartment of Joran van der
Sloot. Because of this there are grounds to start an investigation in
the apartment and to perform a technical investigation in the cars of
the parents.

Page 142, Joran's June 9 statement (partial).
We had driven around with Natalee, I had kissed her in the backseat. I
did not know how much she had drank because I only was there for an
hour. In the car she fell half asleep several times. We drove back to the
Holiday Inn, and parked on the left driveway, not the driveway that is
exactly in front of the lobby. Natalee got out and fell on the ground.
I got out of the car by the same door and helped her get up. After I
had done that Natalee told me not to touch her and she walked in the
direction of the lobby.
I saw she touched a pilar. We did not kiss eachother and I got back
into the car. After that we went home. Later when it became known that
Natalee was missing Deepak and Satish told me that they had seen a guard
in black when they drove away.
According to them he had a walkie talkie in his hands. Deepak and
Satish said that the guard walked into the direction of Natalee. After that
Deepak brought me to my house.

Page 148, Joran's June 10 statement (partial).
When Anthony came I told him that I had lied, that Deepak had dropped
me off at home and that he then had driven away with Natalee. I could
see Anthony was shocked. He said: "Then you have to tell that to the
police". So I went and gave a statement.
I told Jacobs that Deepak first had brought me home and that he by
himself had dropped off Natalee at the Holiday Inn. That Deepak had later
told me that it was better to say that the three of us had dropped the
girl off. And that it would be more credible if we said that the girl
upon arrival at the Holiday Inn had fallen on the ground. That Deepak
also had told me to say that the girl had fallen half asleep in the car
during the ride.

Page 154, Freddy after his June 12 statement:
(Joran) That night Freddy, per request of my mother, visited, to tell
Freddy's parents are coming along, because they do not find it a good
idea that Freddy goes alone. Besides my father Paul and my mother Anita
my lawyer Anthony Carlo is also present at our home per request of my
My mother asks Freddy to tell everything again.
Freddy: I could see on Anita's face that she did not know Joran had
left the girl on the beach and that he has lost his shoes. I also told
that Joran, Deepak, Satish and me had talked about it that I would buy new
shoes for Joran. Anita could not believe everything I was telling. (as
in amazed).
Carlo asks several times why Freddy thinks that Joran left his shoes
Freddy answers: Joran did not want to walk with his shoes on the beach
and probably left them behind because of that.
Freddy tells the beachstory again that I would have told him on Monday
May 30.
Carlo in between asks questions all the time.
Freddy: I felt he asked me those things because he thought that me as a
good friend of Joran could understand why he had done these things. I
do not believe he asked those questions because he thought Joran would
have told me, because he repeated every time: Why do you think that?
My father does not ask Freddy anything, but he does react on Freddy's
answers to my mother. He says: why does Joran lie, and why did he not
tell us that?
My mother had promised the conversation would last 10 minutes max, but
after half an hour Freddy's father gets up.
My parents did not agree with Joran's parents having invited me, Freddy
After Carlo had called the head officer for permission to visit me, he
confronts me with what Freddy had said. I immediately admitted I had
lied and that Freddy was telling the truth.
To be honest at that moment I did not care anymore. I was sick of lying
and I was sick of myself.
I never forget how I, after I had spoken to Carlo, looked through a
small window and saw my mother with her best friend standing and crying.
Only on such a moment you realise everything you have done, and
especially what huge impact it can have on other people.

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Posts: 3

Re: Remaining suspects statements (from book)
« Reply #2 on: Today at 11:20:26 AM »

Page 156, June 13 informal talk with Jan van der Straaten.
Jan van der Straaten, head commissar of the police, talked to me after
lunch around 1 pm, informally at the police station in Oranjestad. He
said: Joran, I have known your father for years. I only want to help
you. I am going to see to it that you can go to Holland. That you will not
have to go to jail, but that you will be committed in a mental
institution. You only will have to tell the truth.
In the PV from Jan van der Straaten of June 13 he writes about this:
On my question to Joran if he can tell what happened after the girl had
fallen asleep at the Fisherman's huts, he answers: I called Deepak and
he came with two dogs. I think he raped the girl and done something to
On my question where the girl then is buried, he answers: I think she
is buried next to the Fisherman's Huts, other then that I would not
I propose to Joran to answer the following question with just yes or
no. I ask Joran if the girl was thrown into the sea?
He answers: No, I mean, I don't know.
During the conversation Joran shows his emotions, they differed.
Sometimes he cries, sometimes he is very direct in his answers. Joran also
indicated he felt very sorry for his family, and that he is having the
best contact with his father.
I ask him why he then has lied to his father about the Holiday Inn.
Joran answers on that that he has disappointed his father by doing so.

Page 157 Joran June 13 statement.
At 2:40 pm I take back my earlier statement that Deepak has dropped off
Natalee by himself at the Holiday Inn.
I finally admit to the police that my earlier statements were lies.
My third statement is not entirely the truth. I am now willing to tell
the full truth.
That Deepak, Satish and Natalee early morning have driven to my house
is true.
Deepak drives, Satish sits besides him, and Natalee and I are on the
backseat. At around 1:40 pm we stop in front of my house. I ask her if
she want to come with me to my apartment, because I want to sleep with
her. I would after that call a cab for her that would bring her to the
hotel. Natalee does not want to enter, but she all of a sudden wants to
see sharks at North coast.
She speaks normal and her eyes are normal also, but she was a little
drunk and often fell half asleep.
Then we pass her hotel, but she does not want to go there. I tell
Deepak to drop us off at the Fisherman's huts. It is my intention to walk
back from there to the Holiday Inn and have sex on the way.
She leans on me after we got out of the car and while kissing we walk
into the direction of the Holiday Inn, but Natalee wants to walk into
the other direction. When we arrive at the Fisherman's huts we kiss. She
wants to stay sleeping on the beach, I want to go home, I have
try-exams the next day. I tell her I have to go home and that I am walking with
her into the direction of the hotel.
Natalee does not want to go back to her hotel, she wants me to to stay
with her looking at the stars and tells me again that she does not want
to go home. I lift her up and walk a while, but she wants me to put her
down. Around 3 am I call Deepak and ask him to pick me up. He asks
where the girl is. I say that she is sleeping on the beach and does not
want to listen to me. He would come immediately. I wake her up and tell
her that I am going to bring her to her hotel. She refuses and continues
to sleep. I think if it is not better to lift her up and take her with
me. I am lying next to Natalee thinking for 10 minutes, while she
I do not say anything to her because her eyes are closed.
When I hear Deepak's car arrive I wake her up again, and again she does
not want to come to with me to her hotel.
I get up and walk to the car. I tell Satish that Natalee is sleeping on
the beach. Satish answers: Don't f*** with that bitch, someone will
find her tomorrow.
Around 3:30 am Satish drops me off at my house. I have left my shoes on
the beach. Satish tells me he will go get them the next day. (note, on
page 171 Joran says that in his June 19 statement he first admitted it
was Satish who picked him up instead of Deepak).

Page 163, Paulus talks to Van der Straaten.
Van der Straaten: I pointed out that I was amazed about Joran's
different reactions. One moment crying, the other moment he is more cautious,
as if there are two Joran's.
Paul: It is true that Joran can lie. He has amongst other things been
in therapy for that by a psychiatrist. It was the intention he would
have his final appointment there today. We as parents have been there. We
thought it was going well with Joran, because the exit-meeting would
take place, but also the psychiatrist speaks her worries about that.
Van der Straaten: I ask Paul if he thinks it is respectful to leave a
girl of 18 years old alone on the beach after his son was satisfied.
Paul responds to this: No, for sure not. We as parents cannot agree with
I confront Paul with the proposition that he knows exactly what
happened that night.
Paulus reacts non-verbal surprised and says: It surprises me that you
think that. If I would know I for sure would have informed you. I am
shocked that that is what you think.
I tell Paulus that he must not react that way, since by the first lie
he was also active in calling together a meeting with the other
suspects. Paulus says: It is true that I fully trusted the story of the boys,
and I have been disappointed in that.
(Paulus is asked about the fact that he gave an explanation about the
juridical procedures)
It is true indeed that I explained to them how the procedures of the
Wetboek van Strafvordering is.
On your question if I have said that if there is no body there is no
case I can declare that I might have said something meaning that it is
difficult to suspect someone of a crime when no body is found.
Joran is under treatment of a psychiatrist because he stole money from
us and has lied about that.
If Joran had told me he had killed the girl I would have gone to
justice with him.

Page 166, Joran statement June 16.
June 16, at 8:50 pm I am asked to further clarify a remark I made to
the Judge-Commissaris. I had said earlier that I had done something wrong
and that I was willing to give a statement about that:
What I meant when I spoke with the Judge-Commissaris, is that I made a
mistake by leaving Natalee alone on the beach.
About what I spoke for 8 minutes with Deepak on May 30 2005 at 2:26 am
while using my mobile phone I tell you that I cannot remember.

Page 170, Joran statement.
(when confronted with Deepak's 2:46 sms)
I do not recall which message Deepak sent to me. I don't know why
Deepak has sent me a message. I don't know what Deepak means with that he
will wait till I get home. I don't think I gave Deepak a missed call,
because on May 30 2005 around 3:15 he picked me up at the Fisherman's
Huts. I don't know what Deepak means with that I had to give him a missed

Page 170, Joran statement.
(when confronted with the sms to Deepak at 3:13: Hey, thanks Swa, sleep
tight. I am home. Are you online?)
I do not recall if I send Deepak a message. I don't know why I had to
thank Deepak.

Page 171, Joran statement.
(recherche wants to know when first "no body no case" was discussed).
I do not recall the date when Deepak, Satish my father and me have
spoken about this.
-"Did you tell your father what happened to the missing girl Natalee
Holloway? When did you tell him the second story?"
I did not tell my father what happened to the girl. I told my father
only the first story.
I have never told my father that I left the girl at the Fisherman's

Page 171 Joran June 19 statement.
At 5:30 pm, in my 9th statement I state that not Deepak but Satish has
picked me up at the Fisherman's huts.
That explains according to me the sms's to Deepak. Deepak wanted to
keep Satish out of everything, and I did not want to change my statement.

Page 197 Joran July 3 statement (after he was taken to the beach).
I just went with you to the spot where Natalee and me were dropped off
in the night of May 29-May 30 by Deepak and Satish, with Deepak's car.
On your question how late that was on or about, I can tell you the
following, I think it was at 1:50 am. I have been picked up by Satish prior
to 2:50 am.
I just walked the route with you just like Natalee and me have walked
that night. Natalee and me have walked over the beach in the direction
of the Holiday Inn, and finally right in front of the Marriott have lied
down on the beach.
After that we walked in the direction of North, in the direction of the
Fisherman's Huts.
I had left my shoes at the Marriott beach. After that we walked into
the direction of the Fisherman's huts. I had left my shoes at the
Marriott. We laid down at the first from cement made hut. On your question if
we made out there I can state the following, yes masturbation and
fingering. After that I called Deepak from behind the hut. So I could call
out of the wind because Deepak could not hear me well. Natalee remained
lying on the beach, I could see her. It was 2:26 at that time, I know
that because I have been confronted with that. The call lasted for 8
minutes. After this phone call Satish picked me up. He came with Deepak's
car, I heard the car coming and walked to the asphalt road. At the car
it turned out to be Satish and not Deepak. In front of the Marriott
there were several couples. I am informed by you that 3 witnesses were
there, where I pointed out where Natalee and me were lying down, fishing
at the exact same time. I can state the following. Then you are lyi
ng again to me trying to trick me. I know better, from now on I am
going to take my right to remain silent.
-There are 3 statements from fisherman who claim to have been at the
Fisherman's huts at the exact same period that I was there with Natalee.
But they say they did not see us. That is impossible, they must be

Title: Joran's book translations
Post by: klaasend on June 16, 2007, 01:20:32 AM
Posted by Iquitos at RU:

joran's book, chapter 18 p 264

Joran signs an letter of intent with garrison for a book and movie deal, 50/50 (joran gets to keep royalties) before he finds out Larry already has a similar deal with Dave. Larry has also approached Deepak. Joran works with an intermediary, Aiken Brown of AL who joran wants to write his book, i wonder if these agreements are binding and prevent the publication of his dutch book in the us. very confusing chapter with lots of quotes of communications between joran and larry, juicy stuff. joran finally concludes larry us not trustworthy.

Title: Re: Joran's book translations
Post by: klaasend on August 04, 2007, 11:32:13 AM
CHAPTER 11 Breakthrough by Best Friend Freddy


The police began interviewing Joran's friends, including Fredy. This "annoyed" Joran because he felt that Freddy was only involved because he was Joran's friend.

Freddy's June 12th statement as set out in the book:

I am Joran’s best friend and neighbor. We got to know each other about
two years ago. Joran and I practice sports together a lot, that is how we
became good friends. Monday afternoon May 30th Joran came to my house. He told me that, the day before, Sunday, in the Holiday Inn Casino, he met a girl and she had asked him to come to Carlos 'n Charlies in the evening.

He went and they have danced there and have drunk. After that he has driven away with Deepak, Satish and the girl. Her friends saw that. They drove in the direction of the lighthouse; a white car drove behind them and probably wanted to race against Deepak. But Deepak would never do such a thing.

Joran told (me)that he had fingered and kissed the girl. He did not say he had sex with the girl. They drove towards the lighthouse, she wanted to see sharks. But Deepak only drove until the lighthouse, because his car was low and could not drive to the north side of Aruba.


The girl said that if the Kalpoe brothers would had lived in her city,
they would have been slaves. After this they drove to the hotel. When the
girl opened the door of the car she fell on the ground. Joran wanted to help her, but she pushed him away. [...]

The next day, Tuesday May 31st, 2005 in the afternoon I was with Joran
at the Racquet Club. Joran looked worried. He asked me if I remembered
what he told me about the girl the day before, I said yes. The girl appeared to be missing.

The FBI was at his home at night, but he wasn't there. His father phoned as to where he was, Joran said in the Radisson Casino. He told that after the phone call he was called by Deepak and that Deepak picked him
up a few minutes later. They drove to Jorans house. The FBI and family of
the girl were at his home.

After that Joran told me that Deepak, Satish and he didn't drop off the missing girl at the Holiday Inn Hotel, but that the four of them had driven to the beach north of the Mariott Hotel. The girl fell multiple times on the way to the beach. Joran told me that at some point the girl didn't recover anymore and that they had left her on the beach. He also told that he left his sport shoes on the beach. After Joran told me this I asked him why he had left her behind. He answered me that he didn't know
what to do at that moment.

Joran told me that after that he was dropped off at home by Deepak and Satish.

On Friday evening June 3rd, I met Joran at his house. [...] He told me that during this period he could not remember if they bought food or did something else.

P. 154

Joran characterizes Freddy's statement as remarkable, primarily because it was only in the night of May 30th May 31st that Joran concocted the HI drop off story as until he learned Natalee was missing, he had no reason to lie about his leaving Natalee on the beach.

Joran believes Freddy got the dates wrong and that he told Freddy the lie on May 31st. Joran denies having stated that the girl fell unconscious and that "we" left her on the beach. Joran does not consider the mistakes strange as witnesses often have problems concerning dates, events from almost two weeks earlier.

That night (presumably the 12th) Freddy and his parents visited the VDS parents and Freddy told them and Antonio Carlo what had happened.

Freddy (verbatim):

I could see on Anita's face that she did not know Joran had left the girl on the beach and that he has lost his shoes. I also told that Joran, Deepak, Satish and me had talked about it that I would buy new shoes for Joran. Anita couldn’t believe what I was telling her (as in amazed)."

Carlo quizzed Freddy about a number of details including Joran's abandoning his shoes. Freddy's explanation was that Joran "did not want to walk with his shoes on the beach and probably he left them behind because of that.

P. 155

Freddy again told his version of his and Joran's May 30th conversation. Carlo constantly asks Freddy why Freddy thought Joran said or did what Freddy was relating Joran said or did.

Paulus says nothing to Freddy but did ask Anita "Why does Joran lie, and why did he not tell us.

Carlo visits Joran at Jail and confronts him with Freddy's statement. At this point Joran admits that he had lied and that "Freddy was telling the truth."

Joran claims that he became heartsick after seeing his mother outside the jail crying.

On Monday June 13th, the police tried to turn Joran against the Kalpoes, tellling him that "Deepak says bad things about you. Jacobs also repeatedly said "Deepak and Satish tell us you did something bad, Joran don't forget that and concider this carefully."

P. 156

Jacobs also says that he does not believe the Kalpoes, but believes Joran. "Since they are brothers, brothers stick together. They'll turn against you when it's in their benefit. what do you think is more important family or friends."

Joran became confused. He didn't know what happened to Natalee. He was in jail and was lying and now the Kalpoes are lying about him, so the only possibility is that they did something to the girl. Why would the Kalpoes speak badly about Joran when they said they did nothig bad to the girl.

Van der Straaten arrives and tells Joran that he "has known your father for years. I only want to help you. I am going to see to it that you can go to Holland, that you will not have to go to jail, but that you will be committed to a mental institution. You only have to tell the truth."

Van Der Stratten's PV of June 13th, as excerpted in the book, reads as follows:

On my question to Joran if he can tell what happened after the girl had
fallen asleep at the Fisherman's huts, he answers: “I called Deepak and
he came with two dogs. I think he raped the girl and done something to


On my question where the girl then is buried, he answers: I think she’s
buried next to the Fisherman's Huts, other then that I wouldn’t know.

Joran says that this is an example of the way the police can put words
in your mouth and in a credibility contest, the police commissioner would prevail over Joran

Joran claims the police could manufacture statements and that the police would go pretty far afield. "We" even considered the possibilituy that the police would plant evidence to close the case given the pressure they were under.

I propose Joran to answer the following question with just yes or no. I ask Joran if the girl was thrown into the sea? He answers: “No, I mean, I don't know.” During the conversation Joran shows varying emotions. Sometimes he cries, sometimes he is very direct in his answers. Joran also indicated he felt very sorry for his family, and that he is having the best contact with his father. I ask him why he then has lied to his father about the Holiday Inn. Joran responds that he has disappointed his father by doing so.

On June 13th, Joran withdraws his previous statements that Deepak dropped Natalee off by himself at the Holiday Inn. Joran says that his third statement was not entirely the truth and that "I am now willing to tell the full truth" which is as follows:

P. 158.

That Deepak, Satish and Natalee early morning have driven to my
house is true. Deepak drives, Satish sits besides him, and Natalee and
I are on the backseat. Around 1:40AM we stop in front of my house. I ask her if she want to come with me to my apartment, because I want to sleep with her. I would after that call a cab for her that would bring her to the hotel. Natalee does not want to enter, but she all of a sudden wants to see sharks at North coast. She speaks normal and her eyes are normal also, but she was a little drunk and often fell half asleep.

Then we pass her hotel, but she does not want to go there. I tell
Deepak to drop us off at the Fisherman's huts. It is my intention to walk back from there to the Holiday Inn and have sex on the way. She leans on me after we got out of the car and while kissing we walk into the direction of the Holiday Inn, but Natalee wants to walk into the other direction.

When we arrive at the Fisherman's huts we kiss. She wants to stay sleeping on the beach, I want to go home, I have try-exams the next day. I tell her I have to go home and that I am walking with
her into the direction of the hotel. Natalee does not want to go back
to her hotel, she wants me to to stay
with her looking at the stars and tells me again that she does not want
to go home. I lift her up and walk a while, but she wants me to put her

Around 3:00 AM I call Deepak and ask him to pick me up. He asks where
the girl is. I say that she is sleeping on the beach and does not want to
listen to me. He would come immediately.


I wake her up and tell her that I am going to bring her to her hotel.
She refuses and continues to sleep. I think if it is not better to lift her
up and take her with me. I am lying next to Natalee thinking for 10
minutes, while she sleeps. I do not say anything to her, because her eyes are closed.

When I hear Deepak's car arrive I wake her up again, and still she
doesn’t want to come to with me to her hotel. I get up and walk to the car. I tell Satish that Natalee is sleeping on the beach. Satish answers: “Don't f*** with that bitch, someone will find her tomorrow.”

Around 3:30AM Satish drops me off at my house. I have left my shoes on the beach. Satish tells me he will go get them the next day.

To your question about what happened to Natalee, I answer you that I
don’t know. If Deepak and Satish don’t know what happened to Natalee, then I don’t know it either."

The police confront Joran with Freddy's statements. Joran insists that he first told Freddy the HI story on June 1st in the presence of Deepak and Satish. Freddy had stated that Joran told him the HI story on May 30th and the story that all three had left Natalee on the beach on May 31st.

The PV continues:

Page 160

You are informing me that Freddy has stated that I told him the first
story on May 30th 2005 in the afternoon. In response to your question if that is true I answer you that this could be true. You are informing me that
Freddy is stating that I told him Natalee went unconscious several times on the way to the beach of the Marriott Hotel. That she at a certain moment did not regain consciousness and that we have left her on the beach. I don't know what to answer to this, because according to me, I did not tell the story to Freddy this way.

That Freddy has stated that we did not know what to do when she did not
recover and that we then left her on the beach and that I left my sport
shoes behind, that is not correct. This did not happen this way. I have
left my sport shoes at the Marriott beach. I think Freddy did not correctly
understand what I told him.

In a second statement on June 13th, Freddy "keeps insisting" that Joran told him the HI story on May 30th. In his sixth and seventh statements Freddy repeated that Joran had unsuccesfully tried to revive an unconsious Natalee and that Joran thought that a black tourist couple on the beach would look after Natalee.

P. 161

The excerpt from Freddy's statement is as follows:

During the entire conversation Joran spoke of "we" not "I", also when
he said that "we" had left the girl behind. Joran did not tell me the girl was dead. He never used the word "dead".

He also did not say if he checked her wrists to see if she still had a
pulse, and if she was still breathing. I got the impression he was assuming
that he had left her behind alive. He also did not tell me that other people
had come to him. Joran does not use drugs. Joran also did not tell me that he had given the girl drugs or that he saw her using drugs.

Joran claims that Freddy was terrified because as a Venezuelan, he could have been deported from Aruba. He became a "puppet" and did everything he could to avoid arrest. Freddy's family was also concerned and panicked and in Joran's opinion, the police put words in Freddy's mouth.

In describing the PV's Joran explains that they are typed out in Dutch and the mother tongue of the person giving the statement (in Freddy's case Papiamento). This leads to some errors and the deponents are not given sufficient time to review the statements thoroughly or perhaps do not understand the statements if they are in Dutch.

Joran claims that bricklayer stated that he saw Joran rape Natalee and strangle her with a scarf, which along with a condom were now in Venezuela.

P 162

It turns out this man told this story to get some cash from Jossy Mansur and later admitted to the police that he lied.

Title: Re: Joran's book translations
Post by: klaasend on August 12, 2007, 01:35:19 PM

Chapter12 Not Deepak, but Satish picked me up


Tuesday June 14th, 2005

Paul speaks with with chief commissioner Jan van der Straaten, they know each other professionally but are not close friends.

Van der Straaten: I pointed out that I was amazed about Joran's different reactions. One moment crying, the other moment he is more cautious, as if there are two Joran's.

Paul: “It is true that Joran can lie. He has amongst other things been in therapy for that by a psychiatrist. It was the intention he would have his final appointment there today. We as parents have been there. We thought it was going well with Joran, because the exit-meeting would take place, but also the psychiatrist expresses her worries about that.”

Van der Straaten: “I ask Paul whether Joran is heavily into ‘girls’.” Paul: “He is very popular with the girls. We never received any signs of disrespectful behavior to girls by Joran”.

Van der Straaten: I ask Paul if he thinks it is respectful to leave a girl of 18 years old alone on the beach after his son was satisfied.

P 165

Paul responds to this: “No, surely not. We as parents cannot agree with that.”

I confront Paul with the proposition that he knows exactly what happened that night. Paulus reacts non-verbally surprised and says: “It surprises me that you even consider that. If I would know, I most certainly would have informed you. I am shocked that that is what you think.”
I tell Paulus that he must not react that way, since during the first (lied) story he had been active in calling together a meeting with the other suspects. Paulus says: “It is true that I fully trusted the story of the boys, and I have been disappointed in that.”

After that Paul is interrogated about having explained the legal procedures:

It is indeed true that I explained to them how the procedures of the ‘Wetboek van Strafvordering’ work. To your question if I have said that if there is ‘no body there is no case’, I can declare that I might have said something meaning that it is difficult to suspect someone of a crime when no body is found. Joran is under treatment of a psychiatrist because he stole money from us and has lied about that. If Joran had told me he had killed the girl, Id have gone to the police with him.

P 166

Wednesday Jun 15th, 2005

Joran learns that his house was searched. A good friend of his father, Ben King, was visiting at the time with his wife. His two younger brothers, Valentijn and Sebastian have left today to stay with friends in the States for a few weeks, to get away from the media.


Thursday June 16th, 2005

Joran’s friend Sander is interrogated by the police.

To your question how Joran behaved after what happened on May 30th, I can state the following. Joran behaved normally. With this I mean the he was active. He didn’t have anything to hide. I’ve seen him approx. 4 times after May 30th, 2005, however we didn’t discuss the missing girl each time. Joran hadn’t told anything new about it. He said that he couldn’t conceive of any reasonable explanation for what could have happened to the girl or where she could be. How Joran interacted with girls? I perceived him as being sweet with girls. To your question on what has happened to the girl I respond: I don’t know, however I’m 200% convinced that Joran didn’t do this. He would never do such a thing.

Joran is asked to clarify an earlier comment he made to the judge that he had done something wrong, he says it was a mistake to leave Natalee on the beach. He doesn't remember what he talked about in his 8 minute phone call to Deepak at 2:26 am on May 30. he doesn't sign the statement because he won’t sign anything that causes him more problems.

P 168

At around 8:00 pm. Joran's parents visit him for the first time since he was arrested.

Friday June 17th 2005.

Joran tells his story to judge Bob Wit. Prosecutor Karin Janssen is trying to extend his custody by another 8 days. Joran tells the Judge he is innocent of any crime but feels guilty about leaving the girl behind. After that he says that he sticks with his statements from 13th and 14th of June.

Sander is interrogated that day as well:

I had a phone conversation with Joran on Sunday May 29th around 11:00AM. I asked Joran whether he’d like to join me on the speedboat of my dad. However he was intending to play a poker tournament at the Holiday Inn.

P 169

Joran joins that tournament almost every week. I say again: it would ‘put my hands in the fire’ for Joran. He would never do such a thing. I would do the same for Deepak and Satish, although I haven’t known them for that long. To your question whether I didn’t consider that anything else has happened to the girl than what Joran told me, I can state the following: I believe what he has told me.

Saturday June 18th, 2005

Paul is interrogated today for 6 hours:

I’ve believed the story that Joran, Deepak and Satish told, until Joran changed his statement. After that Freddy came to us and told us a different story. Joran had gone to the beach with the girl. Freddy had told this story shortly after he was interviewed by the police. My wife and I were very angry with Joran for apparently not telling us the truth. My wife and the lawyer then confronted Joran with this. According to my wife Joran reacted calmly and said that he had always told Freddy the truth. I believed the boys and I hoped that the girl would re-appear soon. When this didn’t happen I had told them that if they were the last to have been seen with this girl, they could become suspects. That’s why I prepared them for this and told them what they could expect if they would be arrested. I repeatedly told them that they would not have any difficulty with this, because as said, they were telling the truth. I have repeatly told them in general terms, that if the girl wouldn’t be found, that this could create a problem for them, and added to that would come that it then remains unclear whether a crime and what crime had been committed.


On May 30th 2005, in the nightly hours, I did not pick up Joran from anywhere. I slept solidly through the night without waking up. On May 30th in morning hours, I didn’t notice anything special about Joran. According to me he got onto the bus with his brothers Sebastian and Valentijn, like he always does.

You tell me that in the past few days I have constantly been with the boys. I have indeed spoken to them regularly to give them support, support because the girl stayed missing and that was on their minds. The mother of Satish and Deepak called and we spoke with her at our home. We wanted to share our concerns. Joran did go to school like normal to do his exams and my wife dropped him off after school. If the girl wasn't found, there was a good chance that the boys would still be seen as suspects. I did find it a bit strange that the boys weren't asked to make more specific/more detailed statements and so I concluded for myself that there probably was information that the girl in fact had been seen after she had been dropped off by the boys. I daily called Jan van der Straaten to check whether they had seen the girl. He didn’t give me direct answers, however still I derived some hope out of this that the girl had been spotted after she was dropped off by the boys. I’ve always told him to speak the truth. I’ve already stated that if I would know that he was involved in the disappearance or murder of the girl, I would go to the police with him. You tell me again that judge Wit has denied me access to my son. I wasn’t at the meeting and I’m not aware of the judge’s motivation. It bothers me very much that people accuse me of frustrating the process of truth finding, whilst I’ve only tried to help the process of truth finding. It’s contemplated whether or not to go on appeal against this decision.


I spoke a lot with Joran and had the feeling we we had a good relationship. Leaving a drunk girl behind on the beach doesn’t fit with the image that I have from Joran and neither does it fit with the image of my spouse. As a father, I really hope that Joran’s last story is the truth.

Police tell Joran the SMS that Deepak sent him at 2:46AM (Wait till you get home. Misscall me) doesn’t match his statement that Deepak picked him up and gave him a ride home.

Joran tells the detectives he doesn't know why Deepak sent him that message or what Deepak meant.

They ask him how it's possible he sent a message to Deepak at 3:13 AM reading: “Hey, thanks swa, sleep tight. I am home. Are you online?”

P 172

The detectives doubt that Joran played tennis on Monday afternoon around 5:00. Joran can't remember well when he did or didn't play tennis.

Later Koen confirms that Joran didn't go on the tennis court but had been at the club.

Joran tells police he doesn't recall when Paul spoke with him and the kalpoes about “no body, no case”, and that he only told his father the first story, he never told him about the Fishermans Huts. Joran refuses to sign the statement.

Sunday June 19th, 2005

In Joran's 9th statement, he says that it was Satish who picked him up, not Deepak, and that explains the SMS messages to Deepak.

Joran says that before they were arrested, Deepak asked him to keep Satish out of it if police had evidence their story wasn't true. Joran asked him how, and Deepak suggested he say that he picked Joran up. Joran agreed.

Joran had developed an intense dislike for the detectives because they played the trio against each other in a dirty way.

At their first confrontation, Joran says to Satish that he picked him up.

Joran understands that Deepak and Satish don’t want to admit that Satish picked him up, since that would load more suspicion on themselves.


Joran says that he arrived home 30 minutes after his phone call to Deepak to pick him up, and asks how could he have gotten home in half an hour, if he had left his shoes behind at the beach near the Marriott?

Title: Re: Joran's book translations
Post by: klaasend on August 12, 2007, 01:36:04 PM

Chapter 13 Youth Department of the KIA (P174-193)


Chapter includes excerpts from prison diary.

On June 20th Joran is moved from Noord cell to KIA (Korrektie Instituut Aruba). Compared to Noord, KIA is "very clean and hyper modern."


Roomates are "Shota" and "Alex". Alex was a coast guard worker accused of transporting heroin, Shota found guilty of raping a police officer.


6am to 10am cells are open, Joran plays chess, ping-pong or domino in the big hall. 10am to 11am inmates can "air", Joran plays soccer. 11am -12 inmates are locked up for lunch. 12 to 3pm back in big hall, 4 to 5pm another hour of airing. An hour lock-up for guard change followed by 6 social hours in the big hall.


Anita speaks with vice-principal of St. Leos and is told Joran's scholarship ($40,000) has not been withdrawn, and he is equally welcome this year or next.


"Despite the fact that i stuck to the same statement for two and half months, i was interrogated many times per week."

Guards treated Joran very well but the interrogators did not. Every interrogation was recorded but sometimes they turned off the camera. One police officer hit him.


Wednesday June 22, 2005

While being transferred from police station to KIA, Deepak and Satish are secretly recorded in a 40min conversation:

D: I'm not going outside much (in prison), since they're asking too much
S: When you stay on your own, you'll start to think too much, so don't stay
on your own. Talk to people. Play domino.
D: I've told them that they should arrest Freddy as well.
S: The three of us have been arrested, but he just knows the truth.
D: I've told them to arrest Koen and Sander as well. f***ing all of them.
From me, they won't get any hint, as long as the truth keeps hanging. None
of them are friends, except for us. Do you get it? Do I get it? (<- this is
a Dutch saying when " something doesn't make sense")
S: I have nothing, there is nothing, nothing from me and I didn't do
D: I'm not afraid of that shit
S: I'm not afraid. I don't worry.
D: I want them to get ("find") the girl, so, but preferably alive. But
anyway, if they'll find her dead, yeh, then that's bad luck for the family.
But when they find her, they'll know exactly who did it. That's what I all
learned from (???). I want them to get her. I know (???)
S: I know where I am. I am close to the truth. I'm always close to the
D: I'm not afraid. I do miss mum and all those things. That bores me.
S: Yes.
D: Not that I'm afraid. The worst has already happened. I've already come to
the worst place, so nothing worse than this can happen, do you understand?
But I know, that when I get outside (be released) then they are going to pay
me very well.
D: I'm not afraid. It also depends on that f***ing statement. Yeh, since
there's one (or a) person who changes his story every time. That (person)
has made already six statements, I guess. But they are all pure shit (???)
and I'm still in it (here).
S: (???)
D: You push (???)
S: And by let give to let go (???)
D: It is impossible, swa. When you start that car the whole neighborhood
will hear it.
S: Anyway, he seems to know everything better.
D: He knows our rule, we trust him as a friend, like a brother to be close
with (???)
S: Anyway, bad luck.
D: And I also trusted Freddy like a brother.
S: Yes.
D: But he also talked shit, that's why we've been arrested.
S: What did he say?
D: He keeps information behind. You know that Van der Sloot trusts Freddy
with his life. Freddy knows what has happened. Freddy knows the truth.
S: I know he knows truth
D: Freddy knows, Freddy knows.
S: I've just said, Freddy also knows about the story of what happened, ask
D: Freddy knows
S: Yes, he knows that if that person maybe has told him some details (???)
that I don't know, but I also know what that person has told me. That is the
first and the story that we made up, that I know (???)
D: That boy is also arrested, no. Steve. He has been solved too, so then
it's solved too (???)
S: He didn't do a thing.
D: It has been solved.
D: Up till today, I haven't told any shit about him, whether he did
something with the girl or that the chick.
S: We've only told the truth
D: Yep, because he hasn't told me anything and I don't know it. I'm not
gonna lie about him. But the more he talks (??????) I would never never
never talk shit about him like: "he did do this or that to the girl",
because I don't know.
S: Must just declare the truth
D: I'll never do that. But let him talk shit. I'll never say something
against or about (???) him. Never, just tell the truth. And that's also what
I've always declared in my statements. His attorney will point that out to
himself. I'll never (falsely) accuse somebody.


Thursday June 23rd, 2005

Parents come to KIA for visit. Anita is allowed in, Paul is not.

"Near the police station Noord my father is arrested on the accusation of being an accomplice of murder, manslaughter and kidnapping with death as a consequence. My father dictates the police officers from 2:30 until 9:00pm and they note down:To your question what i can state about the accusation of being an accomplice of murder, manslaughter and kidnapping with death as a consequence, I can state i believe this is complete and utterly nonsense. I think that taking me in custody implies the highest degree of nonsense and absurdity.


Friday June 24th 2005

In the morning, Joran refuses to leave KIA for questioning until his father is released.

At 6:40pm that day Joran is taken from KIA to Orangestad for questioning. The detectives are particularly interested in his sex-life. Joran admits to having a sexual relationship with Karen, sometimes in the presence of his friends. He also admits kissing with a 12 year old girl but no sexual relationship.


Deepak and Satish are being questioned in Orangestad at the same time and are transported back to KIA along with Joran in a minivan. The following conversation is recorded:

Deepak: How does it feel Joran?
Joran: (with raised voice) You let my father be arrested, friend.
Deepak: (very calm) That's what I say. How does it feel?
Joran: You know no good that my father has nothing to do [with this}. I have
read your statements, friend. You two are lying shit. (then very calmly) You
know what happened with that girl. If you don't know it, then nothing
happened. (then angrily) So, f*** you. What do you say, that Freddy has to
be arrested?
Deepak: That Freddy has to tell the truth.
Joran: You know very well that Freddy has told the truth.
Satish: You will see, you will see.
Deepak: You could have prevented it from the beginning, this, of your
father. You know it. That he wasn't arrested.
Joran: How? How? (stretches "how" out) You declare shit against him. My
father only wanted to help you, friend. Only to help you was what my father
wanted. My father himself arranged your lawyers. And this is how you pay it
back. (now with an angry voice) I should hit you both once [een klap moeten
Deepak: Then try it. You can make it good again in one time.
Joran: About what? You can also make it good again.
Deepak: You just have to tell the truth. Tomorrow, I'll get my last 8 days
and then I'm going home.
Joran: That's what you think.
Deepak: I'm going home.
Joran: Wait until I'm going to tell stuff about you two. Then we'll see if
you two are going home.
Deepak: I guarantee you.
Joran: Don't you think that the police is interested in knowing that Satish
touched a girl with the car?
[the word 'geraakt' is being used, translated here literally, but you can
use the word 'hit' also in the context].

Satish: He heh one [?], you let me laugh boy, just laugh.

Deepak: (to Joran) You know dang well, you always try to put bullshit
between us.

Joran: (to Deepak) Then you're going to tell shit about the ChoHer
[choller]? I have helped you with that that shit of the choller friend.
Deepak: And, I also said that.
Joran: That I have not read. I have also read that statement.
Satish: That of the chollers was from me.
Deepak or Satish: I have already told that before. I have also said that in
my first statement.
Satish: I said it in my own interest.
Joran: That is what the police tells me now. Police says now to me, like, if
you two go against me, I'll go against you two.
Brothers: (laughing) Hehehehehehehe.
Satish: We don't put you in trouble. We just tell the truth.
Joran: That you two don't do. The half of what you two have said isn't the
f***ing truth. It will come forward. Just like they check me, they check you
two also.
Satish: With us, with us, can they get evidence, but with you not. [ a bit
unclear: It's: bij ons, bij ons. Kunnen zij bewijzen krijgen, maar bij jou
nief] With lies, you don't get evidence,
Joran: All that shit of "Karen," all of you two don't know of no shit. f***
you two.
Deepak: You think that the girl has nothing on, you will see who fucked who
(this sentence was not good to understand) [note of the police officer]
Joran: We will see. Hey, you know when I will laugh, when I slap you in the
face. I'll laugh when they find the girl alive, f*** you.
Joran: I know very well that you are afraid. That is if you two have done
something bad with that girl. En if they find the girl, then we shall see
Satish: I'm not afraid. Why must I be afraid?
Deepak: I want them to find the girl. You are going to tell shit about me
that I have buried the girl at Fisherman's Hut.
Joran: Who has said about burying? I didn't say anything about burying.
Deepak: That's what you have stated. Stop with that bullshit.
Joran: I have said nothing about burying. The only thing what I can think
of, is that you know people that it is the people of Automotive Enterprise.
Satish: Yeah, yeah,yeah, yeah,yeah,yeah, then I had a flat tire, right?
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah,yeah... I picked you up, right. And then I went back
to the beach for her.
Joran: Who has said that?
Satish: You said that.
Joran: I have never said that friend. I have never said that you went back,
friend. That's your problem. If they find that girl, then they will see that
Deepak: Eight more days and then I'm going home, I guarantee you that for a
1000 per cent.
Joran: We will see.
Deepak: (to Joran) You don't give a shit about your, the members of your own
Joran: The only thing that I can think of is my family. I do what my family
tells me to do. Right, +++++.
Deepak: Your own father, unbelievable.
Joran: What my father, it is your fault that he is arrested. I didn't
declare anything against my father, you two declared against my father
Satish: We didn't declare anything.
Joran: Or course, you did.
Satish: What did I tell against your father?
Joran: You are telling that he declared, that if there is no body [lijk =
dead body], there is no case or I don't what. All shit. That is totally not
true, the only thing is that he said is, if there is no body [lichaam =
body], then there isn't a case.
Deepak: Yes, that's true.
Joran: That's not true.
Deepak: I also said in my statement, that it wasn't meant like that.
Joran: Didn't read it in your statement. They use that now against my
Deepak: We suffered a lot because of you.
Joran: That's the price that you let my father pay. That you let him suffer
like that. f*** you. If you let me suffer, I say ok. It doesn't matter to
me. I can just sit here for 160 days. It doesn't make a f***ing difference
to me. I'm sitting good here.
Brothers: Me too. Me too.
Joran: And you Satish, they're telling me that you asshole, see ghosts in
the [jail]cell. They told me that you saw the girl in your cell and that you
were very scared.
Satish: Me seeing ghosts? Two other boys were seeing ghosts. You also
believe the people who are here in jail. That has nothing to do with ghosts
and that is just garbage shit what you say.
Joran: They talk good about me, but not good about you. And also the two
security guards, they have guaranteed me that they will kill you two, if you
go out of jail.
Deepak: Oh, yes.
Joran: Who has declared about the security guards, you no tme. Why? because
I don't want to put anyone in trouble who has nothing to do with the case.
Deepak or Satish:(screaming) That lie was for you.
Joran: You admitted that.
Deepak or Satish:(screaming) That lie was for you.
Joran: You two paid him off, right.
Brothers: ha ha ha ha ha ha
Joran: You said then via the telephone like, that I have the jackpot. You
said now [?] through the phone , I have the f***ing jackpot. You forget that
the phone is tapped, right?
Satish or Deepak: Shut your trap [hou je bek]
Joran: You forget that, right +++++? Then you arrive home and you say how
you arranged everything. You say "I have fixed it". Good for you [meaning
your own fault]. because of you he's now also in jail.
Deepak: Aaai (which means 'yes' in Surinam language)
Joran: (to brothers)Man, what can you go do? [illegible, what is typed is:
jucfc juflfe]
Deepak: (to Joran) What can you go do?
Joran: Make me, shut my mouth no.
Brothers: f*** you, we don't talk anymore with you.
Deepak: (to Joran) You talk until you get tired.
Satish: (to Deepak) Do you have clothes?
Deepak: What am I going to do with those? I'm leaving anyway in [illegible]
Joran: That's what you think.
Deepak: Shut your trap. Shut your trap, you bitch. f*** your father.
Joran: If my father doesn't leave tomorrow, then you'll see. Boy, shut your
mouth before I hit it shut.
Deepak: Do it then, you're already in jail.
Joran: Doesn't matter to me. They can even put me in the f***ing solitary
[cashot]. It doesn't matter to me.
Deepak: They're going to give you fifteen years if they find the girl.
Joran: For what? for what?
Deepak: That scholarship of yours. Byeeeeeeee. You can forget it.
Joran: Yeah, by who? By you, +++++. You know well that you did bad,
otherwise you wouldn't lie.
Brothers: aaiaaieaaieeaiee!
Joran: I should have killed you, +++++. Shut your trap.
Deepak: Won't be fun, if you are standing in front of the judge of
instructions tomorrow. Why not? Too much evidence?
Joran: Then they are also allowed to hit me. Do you think that it makes a
difference to me. One slap will be enough.
Satish: You think, you think.
Joran: What do you think, that you are going home to get your gun?
Satish: That I have a gun.
Joran: Satish, you, get gun at home, me shoot you two dead.
Satish: Look, the police already went to my house and already investigated
[searched] the house. Did they find a gun? What will she get? ["Wat zal zij
krijgen." The word 'zij' is for the word 'she' or for 'they', but they use
the singular verb for 'will', therefore'she']
Deepak: (to Joran) Sometimes, you talk bullshit, right?
Joran: (to Deepak) Why is that shit not true? Witnesses saw you.
Satish: In the end we will see, who gets out and who stays. You tell the
truth, we shall see.
Joran: I know that I'm getting out.
Brothers: We shall see. Yeah, yeah, yeah.


Joran is concerned for his mother now that Paul has been arrested and Valentijn and Sebastion are in the States.

Sunday June 26th 2005

"That evening my father's lawyer, Arie Swaen, calls my mother that the judge has ordered Paul's release, since there's not the least suspicion that he was involved in the disappearance of Natalee. Minister Rudy Croes apparently has said on TV that he was taken into custody for three days, only to put pressure on me."


Wednesday June 29th 2005

During a trip from KIA to the police cell, he officers record the following conversation: Around 11:30 during the transfer of suspect Joran van der Sloot he spontaneously declares, that his lawyer has told him not to go to the police station any longer to make a statement. He also tells us that the only truth that Deepak still needs to declare is that Deepak picked him up at the beach.

The police also question Joran on the subject of how he got to school on the Monday morning of Natalee's disappearance. Joran does not remember well but thinks he missed the bus and was dropped off by his father at a "spot near to the Drive-in theatre."

Joran is also questioned about drugs: You ask me whether i have smoked marihuana: I did once smoke a marihuana cigarette. You inform me that many people have stated that Deepak sells XTC pills. I've never seen Deepak sell XTC pills. I also have never heard that before.

Thursday June 30th 2005

At 3:15pm Joran is taken for another "location indication", driving along the route they took that evening. At 4:30pm during interrogation Joran indicates that his previous statement about the Drive-in cinema was wrong, and that his father dropped him off there on a Thursday, the day after Anita left for the Netherlands, not Monday.


"I've told earlier, that Deepak has told me that he wanted to rape a girl in the Internet Cafe he works. That is not true; he didn't anyway tell me that he wanted to rape her, or so. He was taking screenshots of a conversation between a girl and her friend. You can check that with his colleagues. He kept talking about this and when she left he told me that he would go after her. I got angry with him that day and walked outside. I would never do anything which would harm a girl and have never done anything bad to a girl. However, i did lie a lot to them."

Joran does not understand why Deepak and Satish continue asserting that they went to the lighthouse on the night in question.

On Thursday June 30th 2005, around 6:00pm Joran, Deepak and Satish are brought together in one car to the KIA and fight amoungst themselves:

Joran tells Deepak: "Why don't you say that you went away from home in the
night more often, without your mother noticing?"

Deepak looks down and responds: "Shut your face. Yeh, I've been away more
often without my mother noticing."

Joran: "Your car wasn't clean that Sunday (May 29th 2005)."

Deepak: "My car was clean."

Joran: "Why do you say that we drove to the lighthouse, whilst we didn't do
that at all?"

Deepak: "We did drive t the lighthouse."

Joran: "Do you know what I would like to do with you. Slam you with my

Deepak: "So, hit me."

Joran: "Do you remember what you told me about the girl you planned to rape
at the Internet café? You were taking screen shots from her conversations."

Deepak responds to Joran's accusations: "You should shut your face. Who's
gonna believe you? You lie so much."


"I really wanted to hit him, since now Satish didn't want to admit that he picked me up and he also persevered that we drove to the lighthouse, whilst that wasn't true. The guard of the lighthouse declared that he didn't see a grey Honda Civic the entire night. When the car of Deepak had been there, then 100% sure it would have been spotted, however Deepak still doesn't admit that he lied about this. Since then there would be another thing that doesn't match with his statement and he needs to find a way to explain why he didn't admit this."

Title: Re: Joran's book translations
Post by: klaasend on August 12, 2007, 01:36:43 PM

Chapter 14 Slapped by the police

p 195

Saturday July 2nd 2005

Joran writes in his diary about how he bought supplies at the prison canteen with money Anita gave him, how he has recently started smoking, and how his mail is screened.

p 196

He is not allowed to read anything in jail, although he secretly gets a newpaper each night from someone. Anita visits him every day, but when he turns 18 on August 6, she will only be able to visit him once a week.

Sunday July 3nd 2005

Joran writes in his diary that the police are assholes because they take him to the beach to indicate where he had been with Natalee, putting on a "show" for the tourists and TV cameras.


Some American tourists approach Joran on the beach and told him they supported him.

Police ask him if he will take a lie detector test, and he says he has no problem with that.

Around 12:40 Joran is interrogated again:

p 198

You inform me that you have a variety of questions for me and would like to hear an answer to them. I just use my right to remain silent.

The officers say that they would like to ask some supplementary questions about my earlier statements.

I’ve just joined you in visiting the location where Natalee and I have been dropped off by Deepak and Satish with Deepak’s car in the night from the 29th to the 30th of May. To your question at what time that occurred, I can answer the following:

I estimate that it was around 01:50AM. I’ve been picked up by Satish before 02:50AM.

I’ve also walked the same route with you, that Natalee and I walked that night. Natalee and I have walked on the beach in the direction of the Holiday Inn and we lied down exactly in front off the Marriott. Thereafter we walked north in the direction of the Fisherman’s huts. I had left my shoes near the Marriott. We lied down near the first hut build out of concrete. To your question whether we’ve made love there, I can state the following: yes, jerked off and fingered. After that I called Deepak from behind the hut. In that way I could stay out of the wind, since Deepak couldn’t here me very well. Natalee remained on the beach, but she was still in my line of sight. It was 02:26AM, I know this since I have been confronted with this information in front of the judge. It was a call of 8 minutes. After this conversation Satish picked me up. He came with Deepak’s car, I heard the car approaching and walked to the asphalted road. It appeared to be Satish and not Deepak sitting in the car. In front of the Marriott there were quite a few couples. I’m informed by you that three witnesses were out fishing at the same times and place where I pointed out I had been lying down with Natalee.


I can state the following: In that case you are lying again to trick me. I know better, from now on I’ll use my right to remain silent. There are also three statements from fishermen, who assert that they were at the Fisherman’s Huts in the same timeframe I was there with Natalee. But they say that they haven’t seen us. That’s impossible. They have to be mistaken.

As of July 3rd, 2005, Joran decided not to respond to questions. He feels that the police have used various techniques in order to trick him into trusting them.

In order to avoid answering the questions, Joran would concentrate on a spot on the wall, refuse to engage in social conversation and stick his fingers in his ears. In Joran’s opinion the police will use a “minor difference” between statements to justify further interrogation and incarceration.

Joran hopes Natalee didn’t go for a swim after he left her. He speculates that she may still be alive and ran away. He is heartened by a report that two employees of a Chinese restaurant saw Natalee with two men on May 31st as well as a report by a Holiday Inn employee that he saw Natalee in the lobby on May 31st.

P 200.

Joran misses his friends but is encouraged by the fact that his lawyers will be allowed to be present during investigation. Because of the duration and frequency of the questions, four different lawyers will take shifts being with Joran, although they are not permitted to participate, nor are they allowed to have eye contact with Joran.

Joran complains that the questioning sessions can last up to twelve hours without a break for food or water. He made fifteen statements and told his story ten times. He told the police he had no problem taking a lie detector test, but that his parents and lawyers do not want him to do so.

Page 201

On July 4, 2005, Joran is scheduled to appear before a judge. He complains that although there is no evidence against him or evidence of a crime, Karin Janssen still wants him detained. When he learns that Deepak and Satish were sent home, Joran feels “defeated and angry.” He believes that Deepak and Satish went home because they “stuck to” their second story.

Page 202

Joran hears of the murder of an American teenager in Trinidad. She was killed by her lover. Joran wonders if the U.S. media will descend on Trinidad like they did in Aruba. Joran is very upset that he was not released and the effect that his continued detention has on his mother. He felt the judge was sympathetic toward him. He cannot understand why no trace of Natalee (alive or dead) has been uncovered, although he believes that when she is found, he will be cleared.

Page 203

July 9th 2005

Joran is again interrogated by the police following a visit from family and friends. He refuses to answer their questions.

page 204

Joran reports that a cashier at the Valero gas station saw Natalee in her shop on May 31st. She was with a “light tinted” man who had a pale face, flat nose and black curly hair. The cashier reported that the fellow seemed to be watching over Natalee. Unfortunately there were no security tapes available of this incident as the recorder had accidentally not been set to record.

page 205

The cashier saw the fellow two weeks later with two other boys in the shop. He spoke fluent Spanish without an accent.

In the middle of June, the same man re-appeared in the shop and looked hard at the cashier and walked away without saying anything. It was as though he had heard that the cashier had discussed his being with Natalee and that his strange behaviour was a warning of sorts. The cashier was “absolutely certain” that the girl in the shop was Natalee and was unsure whether the police did anything with that information.

July 11th

Joran got to play soccer and also received a visit from his parents.

Page 206

It was very hot in the prison and Joran contracted some form of rash or acne. Later that day, the court heard the appeal against Joran’s detention being extended. There was another fight in the prison.

Joran heard that the police grabbed Freddy by the throat ad that Guido was “seriously” interrogated by the Dutch police. Joran believes the police still believe that Paulus had something to do with Natalee’s disappearance. The FBI also interviewed “David’s mother.”

Page 207

July 14th

Joran was left alone by the police in a small cold room, but the police did not interrogate him.

Joran was informed that the judge ordered him to remain in custody until September 3rd.

Page 208

He received a phone call informing him that Beth and Dave would like to speak with him. Although Joran says he had no problem with this, his lawyers strongly objected. Joran’s parents also did not want to speak with Beth and Dave since they felt Natalee’s parents would hear only what they wanted to hear. While Joran understands this, he would have liked the opportunity to look Dave in the eyes and tell him he did nothing wrong with Natalee.

Dave was outside the prison and a camera crew showed up. Joran was frustrated that he was not being allowed to speak with Dave. Dave was with a medium, Mary Ann Morgan. Joran’s parents insisted that this wasn’t the “right time” to speak with Dave, but another time might be appropriate.

Dave spoke with Joran’s parents. Dave showed the parents a picture and said “I know where one is, but where’s the other? You know more.”

Page 209.

Paulus calmed Dave down, but still did not trust him as they felt he would repeat anything said to the outside world. Dave and the Van der Sloots talked for 45 minutes and Paulus according to Dave’s book was quite affected by the conversation. He told Dave “I understand the position you’re in. However, you have to understand I have to protect Joran as a father, you’d do the same for your daughter.”

This statement has been misinterpreted to mean that Paulus was keeping something secret in order to protect Joran, but that was not what was meant.

In the end the VDS family decided that because Beth and Dave were so convinced of Joran’s guilty a conversation with them would lead nowhere.

July 16,

The police arrived for a further interview. They ask if Joran would give a DNA sample. Although he does not have a problem with it, his parents and lawyer’s oppose the idea.

Joran takes the police on another walk-through outside the Marriott.

The police asked if this “Location indication” was truthful, Joran refused to answer.

Upon his return to jail, Joran was interrogated by a police officer Boezem. Boezem turned off the camera and began shouting at Joran. He grabbed Joran by the shirt.

Boezem screamed that Joran was “a murderer.” “Everybody hates you” Boezem continued. “Your family hates you. Nobody believes you. Your whole family and your lawyers should be locked up since they all know the truth.”
At this point Joran tells Boezem to f*** off at which point, Boezem slaps Joran across the forehead with his bare hand, causing Joran to fall off the chair.

Page 210 -212.

The assault left a mark. Two guards reported the incident and a social worker called a doctor to visit Joran and make a report.

July 17th

More fights in prison. One inmate runs into Joran’s cell while Joran was reading. Another inmate pursued him and attempted to stab him through the cell bars.

Page 212

That evening, Joran was taken to the hospital for a DNA swab. Back at prison, Joran is given a “joint” by one of the inmates. The “weet” is brought in by visitors. (NB: It is unclear that Joran is referring to marijuana. It seems that this may be some form of roll your own cigarette made with “shag” or shredded tobacco.)

Page 213

July 20th

Joran’s parents arrived for an unscheduled visit that was provoked by Boezem’s assault. So far as Joran knew, Boezem was placed on three weeks sick leave, but no further action was taken.

Joran is bored and hot, but at least receives regular visitors and “piles” of mail.

Page 214

July 24th

There was a prison riot. The prisoners started burning toilet paper, books and began throwing batteries and ice cubes through the cell bars at the guards.

July 25th

As a result of the riot, television privileges were suspended and visits cancelled. Because Joran was a minor at the time, however, his parents were allowed to see him. He and the other inmates were also placed in “heavy detention.”

July 26th

Four interrogators from the Netherlands arrived to question Joran.

Page 215

July 27th

Joran went to court to appeal against the taking of the DNA sample.

Upon his return, Joran reads an article in Diario that has him quite upset, although he does not elaborate. According to Joran, Jossy Mansur publicizes “nonsense” and is only interested in obtaining an American visa.

Page 216

July 28th

Joran discusses ventilation in his jail cell.

July 29th

A lot of visitors came to see Joran as it was a Saturday. Joran also discovers that the DNA swab was disallowed and that, in any event, it was not his DNA on the Natalee’s toothpaste.

Title: Re: Joran's book translations
Post by: klaasend on August 12, 2007, 01:38:07 PM

Chapter 15 - Inspectors from the Netherlands

August 2nd 2005

Three new inspectors from the Netherlands arrive and two of them, Antoon de Ruiter and Hans Burgwal, interview Joran. Instead of the usual single camera in the room, there are now two cameras and a microphone installed.


Joran states that he will not cooperate, and will use his right to remain silent.

The inspectors say that the statements from Deepak, Satish and Joran seem to have been prepared in advance. They think that Joran has told too many different stories about what happened to Natalee that night, nag him about the K-Swiss shoes, and don't consider it logical that he left them on the beach and didn't search for them.


De Ruiter writes in a warrent: On Tuesday August 2nd, 2005 the suspect was questioned by me. He used his right to remain silent all day. After the interrogation the suspect was brought back to KIA around 16:30, in a neutral car. I sat on the back seat together with the suspect. I told the suspect that it wasn't my intention to discuss any matters with him outside the reach of the cameras and his lawyers and that nothing would be off-the-record, but that everything would be recorded in a warrent. The suspect told me without me asking, that he hadn't expected an interrogation like this. That he thought that the interrogators would play roles and that one would be friendly and the other would be nasty. He considered the media attention for this case as over the top. The metro attack in England he saw as real news, but that one day after the attacks Natalee was already on the front pages again. Joran told me that he consciously wouldn't run away from journalists and photographers, since that could do harm to the case. The lawyers had told him that wearing sunglasses during the transport hadn't been a very smart choice. Since he had been photographed smiling whilst wearing black sunglasses. Joran told me that i talked a lot. And that he now was wearing borrowed K-Swiss shoes from a cell-mate and that these were one size smaller than the ones he had lost at the beach. The shoes he lost had a size 14. Joran also told me about a small riot in the KIA, which caused everyone to have a more severe detention.


August 3rd 2005

Joran relates a story of how his parents were denied visitation on this morning by the KIA managing director per Karin Janssen. As he is being driven away from KIA to the police station his mother jumps in front of the police car to stop it, allowing his parents to see and embrace Joran.


Joran again does not talk to the investigators. There is a court hearing on material that has been sent to the FBI, on statement disclosure to the defense lawyers, and DNA testing. Joran says he does not want to provide his DNA, and also says that Karin Janssen was very rude and emotional.

Joran: "Afterwards back to the KIA. I lie down on my bed and wonder about how corrupt the legal system is at Aruba. Also my parents seem to have lost their trust in the constitutional state."


Joran says that friends of Natalee have confirmed that she wanted to see sharks and that she told them that her mother is family of Hitler. Also says that in a taxi she asked the cabdriver whether you could watch sharks near the lighthouse.


August 8th 2005

During interrogation Joran is asked to take off his shoes. "Why are you now wearing size 10.5, while you stated that on May 30th you were wearing size 14?", they asked him. Joran says, "that's because of the difference between English and American shoes sizes, but i don't tell them."


August 11th 2005

Joran is woken at 7:00am for a drug test. He says, "Cell mates quickly provide me with a little bag of urine from someone who had never 'blowed' before. In front of the guard i need to pull the little bag out of my zipper and deposit the content into a small container. I'm very nervous, but i manage to do it. Results are negative. Only two people in the youth department of KIA recieved severe detention for the use of marihuana, the rest all tested negatively since they used the urine of the boy who had never 'blowed'."


August 15th 2005

Today Joran, Deepak and Satish appear in court to hear the witness Carlos Ramos, the gardener of Eric Mansur. On July 22, 2005 Carlos stated that he had seen Joran, Deepak and Satish sitting in the silver grey Honda around 2:30am Monday morning in the vicinity of the Raquet Club.

He declares:

I don’t know Joran van der Sloot, Deepak Kalpoe nor Satish Kalpoe. I am nervous. I have stress from this case. I was afraid of the publicity. I didn’t want to appear on television. This is the first time that something like this happens to me. I was on holidays and not aware that the police were looking for me. You ask me why I didn’t appear the previous time. There are persons who wanted to put pressure on me to make a statement. I have discussed the case with my boss. For already 6 years I look after the maintenance of the house, the ranch and the yacht of Eric Mansur.


I had reserved my holidays and didn’t know about the search for me. I have been placed under pressure by someone from Bubali, two inspectors. They wanted me to make a statement. You ask me why I’ve waited with making a statement. First of all two guards had been arrested who proved to be innocent. The person that worked on the boat and who was a DJ (Steve Croes) also didn’t have anything to do with it(…)

When I passed the car, it was dark. The lights of my van lighted up the car entirely. I woke up at 02:30AM. Before 03.00AM I was at my work. I encountered the car in question at a dirt road. I had to brake and drive slowly to pass it. The lights of my van shined on the car. The person next to the driver, kept his hand in front of his head and face. I saw that the driver slid a bit to the back. I saw the car in the morning of May30th 2005 from Sunday to Monday.

The photo, which the police showed me, is the same photo as the one that appeared in the Diario. I cannot recall on which day I saw the photo of the suspects in the paper. You ask me how could whether I recognized the persons from the photo in the newspaper or that I had seen them that night. The first time I saw the photo in the Diario I was astonished and I told that to my colleagues. You explain me that I have recognized the persons from their body size and postures. You ask me how I could have looked inside the car from my van. In the curve I had pass over a sand hill which caused my van to tilt over a little bit. That’s why I could look inside the car. I have recognized the car from the rims, the color and the transparent screens. You ask me if I could identify the persons in the car. Yes.


Joran says that the judge believes Carlos' answers are inconsistent, and therefore the Kalpoes are not taken into custody again. And Joran states, " From research into the computer of Deepak and Satish it has become evident that they were home around 2:30 that particular night. Although there's still the possibility that only one of them was at home and had logged on under a different name and that the other could have been somewhere else. And i declared that i was still at the beach at that time."


August 16th 2005

At 2:15pm Carlos Ramos is again heard as a witness.

After the hearing: In the hallway he saw two young men sitting. He recognized the two young men as the ones from who, together with the Dutch boy who also was inside, pictures had appeared in the newspapers. He also had recognized one of these boys in the grey car near Salinja. The two boys had altered their appearance, however he still recognized them.

August 21st 2005

Anthony (Carlo) visits Joran. "We haven't heard anything more about the judge's decision on the security cam videos of the Holiday Inn. The video appears to be of a terribly poor quality, however the girl that appears on the camera footage wears the same colored clothes as Natalee did."


August 25th 2005

Deepak, Satish and Freddy are arrested. Joran feels sorry for Freddy.

August 28th 2005

Joran is confronted with a statement by inmate Jose, saying that he and Joran had been in a fight. Joran says it was not a fight, only that he had 'hooked back strongly' on Jose during a soccer match, causing him to fall to the ground.


August 31st 2005

Joran goes to court and speaks with a judge for a very long time. He feels that this goes well until the judge forces a confrontation between him, Deepak and Satish. The Kalpoes maintain that they did not pick up Joran from the beach.

Joran hears that Freddy will be held in custody for another 8 days.


September 1st 2005

Anthony visits again, has not heard back from the judge, only knows that Joran will be confronted with Deepak and Satish again on Saturday. Anthony leaves but returns ten minutes later and says, "Judge Williams has decided to release you on Saturday at 15:00." Joran jumps for joy.


Paul meets with Joran and tells him that he has found a school for him in Arnhem.

September 2nd 2005

Joran learns that Freddy was released yesterday, the Kalpoes released earlier.


September 3rd 2005

Title: Re: Joran's book translations
Post by: klaasend on August 12, 2007, 01:38:36 PM

Chapter 16: Back in a rush to the Netherlands

P 240

When Joran is released from KIA on Sept 4 he only has time to say goodbye to Freddy, Jaime, Sander and Koen, which bothers him. He doesn't want to go to the NL becase he has just been released. He wants to study in the US, but that was no longer an option because of all the media attention.

The next day he flies to the NL and enrolls at a school in Arnhem, where classes had already started two weeks before. Joran doesn't think that anyone at the school recognized him.

P 241

Joran talks about the difference in media coverage of the case in US and NL, implies the US coverage was to distract from the war in Iraq.

Joran introduces himself to the class and tells them he was in prison because of the NH case, he is surprised that nobody in the class really knew who he was. After class the other students invite him for a drink.

P 242

Joran is surprised near his school by a Current Affair reporter, and agrees to do an interview. When his father arrives he wants to see the interview, and the reporters rush away. One of them leaves his cell behind, Joran says the voice messages of a Dutch journalist were very interesting.

Joran lives with his aunt for a few weeks, then moves into a house in Arnhem with two other boys.


On the wall in his room Joran puts up posters of women, soccer players, and a dividivi tree from Aruba. Joran always needs to have a piece of Aruba close to him. When he's finished with his studies, he'll go back to Aruba, that is the best place to live.


Title: Re: Joran's book translations
Post by: klaasend on August 12, 2007, 01:39:06 PM

P 244-247

Joran talks about Opsporing Verzocht program, report of woman assaulted at Fisherman's Huts a few days before he left Natalee there, controversy about using a "black" actor to play Joran in the program.

P 247

A few weeks after the “Opsporing Verzocht” program, Joran goes to Aruba and is at a club when a group of Dutch female "interns" come up to him and ask “Are you Joran?” They had been involved with the broadcast of “Opsporing Verzocht”. Joran talks and dances with them, which he says was rather weird. Afterwards one of the girls drives him home alone, however not before she asks him if he wanted to go for a walk on the beach together. Joran thinks it was really sweet that she trusted him.

P 247-249

Joran talks about arrest of GVC, and media stories about GVC.

P 250

According to ABC, Geoffrey got connected to the case after a taxi driver had declared that he had Natalee in his car in an intoxicated state. In the car she was dialing with a cell phone and spoke about a “Dutch boy” with whom she’d fallen in love. That was confirmed by Natalee's friends in Alabama. They also provided the police with a matching description of GVC, and the initial of his first name.

Natalee indeed had met a "G" in CnCs, however this one came from Amsterdam. Beside the fact that Geoffrey didn’t come from Amsterdam, he also wasn’t at Aruba before the summer, like "G" had told Natalee and her friends.

P 251

Natalee’s parents say that Natalee was harassed by a boy while dancing on Friday May 27th in CnCs. A few of her classmates saw this and intervened. There was some pushing and pulling. According to Natalee’s father Dave Holloway, this person has potentially been identified by MBers as GVC. GVC's lawyer strongly contradicts this: “He has never been in contact with Natalee, nor did he dance with her or harass her.”

P 251-253

Joran talks about meeting Micheal Dompig while he was on Aruba after GVC's arrest. Micheal acts like he is Joran's best friend and takes Joran to his house where Joran has a picture taken of himself sitting on Gerald Dompig's Harley. That is his "little revenge". Micheal tells him GVC is a wannabe player who doesn't have many friends and he wouldn't be surprised if he raped Natalee. Joran takes Micheal to his house and introduces him to Paul.

Days later Joran and some friends see Micheal walking by the side of the road and offer him a ride. When Michael gets in the car, Joran asks him whether he was stupid and why he made so many nonsense statements about other people. “You have to think twice, since telling lies about people to show off is certainly not a cool thing to do.”

A short while Micheal does an interview on FOX about Geoffrey, for which his father later apologized. After that Joran never sees him again.

P 253-255

Joran talks some more about GVC stories in the media.

P 256

On Monday April 24th 2006, GVC is released. GVC had an alibi for the night that Natalee Holloway disappeared. Apparently GVC wasn’t the "G" from Amsterdam with whom Natalee was in love.

Joran is convinced it's correct that GVC has been released. They don’t have a single bit of evidence against GVC, just like they don’t have any evidence against him.

On Wednesday May 17th 2006, Marco (Guido) is arrested in the NL. Joran knew Marco since he was a kid. They played tennis together and Marco was a croupier at the HI casino.

Five colleagues have stated in February 2006 that Marco had some deep scratches on his face the day after Natalee disappeared. He also had suddenly returned to the NL. Aruba wants him to be delivered back.

His lawyer Gerard Spong says Marco had already bought a return ticket to the NL, long before Natalee disappeared. The deep scratches on his face were nonsense according to Spong. He doesn't believe it was very credible for witnesses to come up with this story after 8 months. Besides, Marco had already been heard three times by the police a few days after Natalee vanished, and they didn’t report any scratches.

Spong convinces the judge with his arguments. On May 23rd 2006 Marco is released based on lack of evidence.

Marco didn’t call Joran after his release and Joran also didn’t call him again.

The arrests of GVC and Marco show how far the Aruban police are prepared to go. Joran thinks it's insane to arrest so many people without any evidence.

The only positive thing about the arrests of GVC and Marco is the police are finally looking into other options.

Title: Re: Joran's book translations
Post by: klaasend on August 12, 2007, 01:40:23 PM


Chapter 23 Theories

Joran asks, what are the possible scenarios about what happened to Natalee after he left her by the Huts.

One theory is that she ran away. He mentions that Beth had a poster showing her and Natalee, with text from which it could be derived that she thought Natalee ran away.


This conflicts with Beth's later statements that she immediately thought Natalee had been kidnapped.

There are whisperings that Natalee and Beth had a poor relationship. Joran notes that Natalee's friends and Beth have contradicted this, but then asks why, in a drunk coneition, she said her mother was "Hitler's sister". She didn't just say that to him, her girlfriends confirm she said it to them also. Joran says this is a remark that someone "just doesn't make" about one's mother, and it makes one believe that Natalee thought Beth was too "authoritarian".

Joran briefly mentions Costa Rica runaway rumor, but says it is denied by her family and "regarded as total nonsense".

Joran asks if Natalee could have had troubles with Jug, and describes how on June 29 Aruban police ask Jug questions about his relationship with Natalee and her 'health condition". Joran wonders what they meant by "health condition".


Jug says ‘I’m not joining this game. “I have to be outside to search for Natalee. You, the police, also must be outside there to look for her.”

Jug says it's ridiculous that he was only now being asked to give a statement after having been on the island for 30 days, and that they were only taking a statement since he had visted the prosecutor. He says that Natalee was perfect, that he would publicly state that ALE had screwed up the case. Jug left the building after being interviewed for only 10 minutes.

Joran says this is remarkable because in a murder or missing person case family and friends are always investigated first, but in this case Natalee's family has hardly been investigated.

Charles Croes made a statement to the police on September 3rd, 2005.

About the first night when he came to Joran's house together with Beth, Jug, and others, Croes says that Joran told him Natalee gave him oral sex in the car, the same “boasted” story Joran told Deepak on the phone.

Croes further says that he had a conversation with Beth: “She told me extremely personal stuff. It’s so personal that I can’t tell you about it.”


A short while later Croes wants to say some more, however he doesn’t want the police officers to record this in a warrant with his name on it:

I don’t want you to record this in a statement. I have heard that Jug Twitty has abused his wife Beth Holloway. He’d also would have sexually harassed Natalee. Of course I don’t know if that true. You ask me where I heard this. I can’t tell you that. These are all rumors. When you still prepare a statement, I don’t want to sign it, since I don’t want to run the risk to have to explain the same in front of the judge.

Croes doesn’t sign the statement, the two officers who record the declaration do.

Joran notes that further questions about this are not being asked.

To show that Jug possesses an aggresive character, Joran describes an incident, where Jug shoved Aruba Today editor Julia Renfro while she had her baby in her arms, after Julia made some positive comments about Joran on Greta.

P 330

Jug shouted, cursed and ‘bullied’: f*** you! Get away from my wife! I never want to see you again!”

Renfro was so shocked by the event that she filed a complaint to the police.

Joran talks about two psychics Daniel Young and Kelly Castillo from Arkansas, who they say were asked to search for Natalee by Beth Twitty.

Young and Castillo notice that Beth Twitty is not really interested in what the two have discovered on Aruba, since it doesn’t support what she believes. They say that Natalee called her mother while she was on her way to Aruba in the private jet, and told her she didn't want to come back to Alabama.

The psychics say Natalee had tried to run away before, she was harassed by her stepfather Jug and pregnant. They say she met somebody called Carlo at the beach. They went to Beth and told her that they could recognize the man who had been last with Natalee, and Beth told them: I don’t care who my daughter was with last!”

Local reporters tell the psychics that that in the begining Beth made a direct appeal to Natalee on Aruban TV:


“Natalee please call me. We can talk about our problems.” Nobody in the States has ever seen this footage.

Police tell the psychics that Beth and her friends have an unpaid bar bill at the HI for 16,000 dollars. The hotel allowed them to stay 3 months for free. Other local bars confirm this story to them: Beth and her friends behaved like they were on holidays, statements about this have been made to the police, also that Beth gambled in the casino.

On August 17th, 2005 the ATV broadcasts an interview with a professional golf player who says he met beth Twitty at a golf course on Aruba and she was "totally pissed", he felt disgusted.

Joran says he's not a big believer in psychics and many of the things Young and Castillo said were already publicly available on the web.

Joran then discusses the possibility that Deepak and/or Satish returned that night to where Natalee was on the beach. Joran says that Deepak and Satish both told the police that they never had a girlfriend, which is pretty strange for boys of that age.

An anonymous ex-girlfriend of Deepak calls the FBI-Natalee tip-line on August 16th 2005. She says that Deepak sent her a text-message and asked her to tell the police that Deepak was with her the night that Natalee Holloway disappeared.


Also, an FBI "protected witness", an American called "Mr X", meets Deepak in July 2005 in the Internet café wehre Deepak works.

Deepak tells X: “I see what’s going on and I know much more. I’m certain that Natalee is no longer on the island.” He also says something that contradicts that: “When they find the duct-tape with Natalee’s hair on it, then I’ll go to jail", which is strange because they did find hair with duct tape but it wasn't Natalee's.

Joran says he doesn't know if either Kalpoe went back, he knows they could have without their mother noticing, but he doesn't want to accuse anyone without evidence.

Joran mentions the possibility that Natalee was in contact with another man, an ex-boyfriend, Dutch marine, "G" from Amsterdam who has never been identified, or a drug dealer.

They did find male DNA on Natalee’s toothbrush that wasn’t Joran's. Madison stated that no men slept in their room and she didn't see any male use Natalee’s toothbrush.


Howver, Lee says that Hunter Williams took a nap a few times in their room, and Hunter could have stayed with them one night, but he would not have used Natalee's toothbrush. Ruth says Natalee wasn't close enough to anybody, that she would lend them her toothbrush. Joran adds that Madison’s boyfriend Trey Merrill did use her toothbrush, since he had lost his, and Madison asked Natalee to throw it away.

Joran then talks about the possibility that Natalee went for a swim and drowned, and the dummy experiments performed by Ruben Croes, head of the rescue team. Each time he threw a dummy overboard it floated back to the beach, unless the boat was more than 2 miles from shore.

But Joran asks what if Natalee, as an experienced swimmer, swam a long distance away from the shore and was then surprised by a current that carried her out to sea? He says there are multiple recent cases of missing fishermen, who have never been found, for whom there wasn’t any large search operation and no F16’s.

Joran then asks what if Natalee bacame sick and died in the middle of the sea, due to a fatal combination of alcohol and cocaine?

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Joran says: "Natalee did use cocaine that week. She had it in her possession and offered it twice to a peer, which was shown in Peter R. de Vries’ broadcast about the case."

Also that week there were many boats close to shore because of the Soul Beach Music Festival. Maybe somebody saw from a boat that she was alone on the beach, took her on the boat, raped her, killed her and threw the body overboard at sea.

Joran says that it's also not impossible Natalee was kidnapped to be a sex slave in South America. But Joran says if that had happened he thinks she would have been murdered because all the publicity made her too much of a risk to her kidnappers.


Joran talks about Amy Bradley case, how she has been seen after she disappeared.


Joran mentions cases where people have disappeared for years before showing up again: Natascha Kampusch who was held in a basement for 10 years, and Shawn Hornbeck. This shows it can be a long time before the truth is revealed.

Joran says: "That Natalee was using cocaine on Aruba and daily consumed large quantities of rum with cola-light, is reported by multiple people."

MB student statements say that many of them were approached by dealers.

A chaperone was warned by a hotel guest, that a man on the beach wanted to sell drugs to the students.


When the chaperone asked the dealer to leave them alone, the dealer threatened the chaperone.

The MB kids were less than 200 meters away from an alley near Moomba Bar that was notorious for being a place where people came to buy drugs, but there is no mention of that in the MB kids' statements.

Beth told Greta on October 31th 2005, that she didn't want the MB kids to be interrogated by police again, Dompig should be satisfied with their statements to the FBI and focus on the real suspects.

In Dave Holloway’s book he says that each of the children was assisted by a lawyer during the interrogations.

Joran says he doesn't understand why the MB kids needed lawyers, but his feeling is that the press jumped on the kids aggressively and their parents probably just wanted to protect them. But it's weird that the parents don’t let their children speak freely with the FBI, maybe they know that they bought and used hard drugs like cocaine, and don't want to air their dirty laundry.

Joran mentions that Beth told Greta on Oct 31 2005, a Medjet stood by ready for Natalee for 2 days, costing $37,000. In the meantime they also searched for Natalee in the crack houses.


Joran suggests that perhaps Natalee went to visit one of the dealers for final sniff or party pill and ran into the wrong one. Or maybe she died of alcohol poisoning or a bad XTC pill.

Joran talks about how in the HI casino tape, Natalee is the only girl who doesn't talk to him, and visits the restrooms remarkably often in less than 2 hours.

Julia Renfro, after studying the tape carefully, is convinced that Natalee was using XTC and drank too much water with it, which could be fatal. According to Renfro that could explain why Natalee talked incoherently and was quite coaxing in CnC's.

Joran also wonders if Natalee could have been pregnant. Renfro noticed that Natalee seems to have gained some weight when she compares photos of Natalee from a few weeks earlier, with the famous photo of Natalee with her friends on the beach. That would also explain why she so frequently visited the restrooms. She also missed breakfast twice, altho that could have been from a hangover.

Joran then mentions that Natalee’s ex-friend Jeremy Brown, stayed behind in Aruba after Natalee’s disappearance.

And then there is the tall Dutch bloke with the blue eyes, a drug dealer and beach bum, according to the Security Supervisor at the HI.


And there is a guy who parks his car near Moomba baeach and takes girls back to his boat to have sex with them, supposedly two girls have filed a complaint against him.

Joran talks about surveillance tape from Monday May 30th, where Natalee is seen fighting with a boy in the jewelry shop at the Wyndham Hotel

And the HI tape that shows a girl in the same outfit as Natalee. Dave said it could be Natalee. Beth just said: “No that ain’t Natalee. Natalee doesn’t have breasts and has a larger nose.” Julia Jenfro was present at that time.

Joran says police didn't investigate the tape further, but his family is attempting to get permission to view it, because it could clear him.

Joran makes a plea to everybody who knows more about the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, to contact the Dutch police, the Aruban police or the FBI.