Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

Missing Persons - High Profile => Caylee Marie Anthony - Florida (BODY FOUND) => Topic started by: klaasend on July 05, 2011, 09:25:43 PM

Post by: klaasend on July 05, 2011, 09:25:43 PM
Post how the verdict has case has affected you in this thread.

Yes, we have all been praying for little Caylee for 3 years.  How did the not guilty verdict affect you?                             

Post by: IBE on July 05, 2011, 10:35:53 PM
IMO Lazy, dumb, not listening disgrace-to-the-American-justice-system jury. Good luck on your home life. I hope your friends and neighbors are your friends and neighbors still tomorrow. Happy summer and glad one of you could make your vacation July 7th! Watch out, IMO, for karma, cause and affect.

Judge Perry: How did an alternate know what the jury was thinking? Did they talk among themselves?

Who got to the jury? Did someone get to the guards? IMO Next time, I hope Judge's learn to pick from their own county.

Judge Perry: how about a mistrial for Baez receiving texts and send texts from an unknown-to-the-Court unilateral source while the prosecutor was questioning one of the science experts? Was it from Linda k. Baden giving him the science background in real time so he could cross examine? IMO    I have posted this before. Please look into it ASAP

This verdict and trial has taught, IMO, our children:   it is OK to lie in Court (is this Aruba?); it's OK to kill a child. It's OK to chloroform a child in a trunk so you can party, OK to put 3 pieces of duct tape over the child's nose and mouth and maybe one on her hands, OK to put her in 2 garbage bags, a laundry bag, put her in a swamp. OK to have your parents lie and you lie  OK to party 31 days. OK to be selfish. OK to lie to your parents, friends, boyfriend, Police, FBI OK to be an unprepared attorney.

IMO Casey is no better than a gang thug who kills

What did Caylee do to deserve this?

I am grieving all over the place.

The small print below tells the rest of the impact on me

Post by: Aurelia7 on July 05, 2011, 10:50:06 PM
Do you mean how did it make us feel?  Severe shock for about 6 hours.  I even snapped at a few people out of anger.  Now the horror and sadness is really sinking in.

And...I just cried a bit.  And I'm one who NEVER cries.  I don't know why, because I get plenty sad about things, but I rarely shed a tear.  Until today.  This is what brought on the tears:

I wrote this from sweet Caylee's perspective....

If Caylee could talk.....

Why did you leave me alone in the trunk?
While you partied and smoked and got horribly drunk?

Why did you kill me and stuff me in bags?
And duct tape my mouth while I coughed and I gagged?

Why did you lie and blame everyone?
You know that you did it so you could have fun.

Why did you throw me away like i'm trash?
You took me away.. I was gone in a flash.

I loved you and trusted you more every day..
Just so you  could drug me and throw me away.

This jury cant see through your lies and deceit..
But I have told God all that YOU did to me...

He told me He knew and that justice will come..
And I will be watching when you come undone.

God gave you a gift and you tossed it away...
You thought that at two, I just got in the way. 

You took me away because I got attention..
People loved me a lot and you never were mentioned.

How much are you loved and doted on now?
PLease tell me, mommy, I want to know how.

How could you do this to your little girl?
I no longer am yours... I belong to the world.

I'm still loved the most and It's plain to see...
You are loved by no one....especially me...

Today was so bizarre.  I had to go to school and I was afraid that the verdict would be read sometime this week and I'd be stuck in class.  I was bummed about that because I really, REALLY wanted to see Casey's face when a "guilty" verdict was read.  At 11:00 am PT, I was on my way home for a lunch break when I heard that the verdict would be read in 15 minutes.  Man, I put the pedal to the metal -- it's a wonder I didn't get a ticket or run someone over.  Then I watched and waited.  I wasn't too shocked about the first two "not guilty" counts, but when that third "not guilty" count came in, my jaw dropped into another zip code and I yelled "WTF" about a dozen times.  I couldn't even eat lunch...though I did eyeball a bottle of wine in the rack.  Went back to school and no one was talking about it.  I had talked about it a little bit earlier that morning to a lady next to me and she had said something like, "Well, it's not all that far-fetched that Caylee drowned."  Little did I know that was a harbinger of things to come.  She must be related to one of those jurors.

ONE LAST THING:  On the other thread, I read so many posts from so many saying that they've lost all faith and they're done with all this.  I really hope that no one loses faith over this.  Yeah, this verdict sucks horribly, but little precious and defenseless children like Caylee need people to keep fighting for them.

Post by: CasuallyCool on July 05, 2011, 11:03:06 PM
I'm done posting so that will make many of you feel better.

Post by: Blonde on July 06, 2011, 01:26:54 PM
I feel sick, I'm pissed, i can't sleep.
I'm going to start painting  in watercolors again to try to get me back

Post by: Blonde on July 06, 2011, 02:12:59 PM
I feel sick, I'm pissed, i can't sleep.
I'm going to start painting  in watercolors again to try to get me back

Also betrayed by our justice system.

Post by: califmom on July 07, 2011, 03:36:41 AM

I am not good with words but I will try to express how I feel...

I feel like I am in mourning.  I can't stop crying.  I can't eat or sleep.  This verdict really broke my heart.   ::MonkeyTears:: ::MonkeyTears::

Post by: Green Eyes on July 07, 2011, 04:31:34 AM
I still can't believe that they found Casey not guilty.  The video that was posted earlier today and taken off because of the foul language. Pretty much is how I felt and feel.  I feel our Justice system is totally broken.

It has broken my heart that Caylee was forgotten and her mother got away with killing her and will make money from her death is sick and disgusting.  Our children seem to mean nothing in today's society. How sad is that.  It makes me ill.  While in my head I know that nothing will bring Caylee back. I feel her killer should have been held accountable for her death. 

It's going to take time for my heart and soul to heal from this mis-justice that this jurors handed out this week. The deep down sorrow that Caylee died and she has gotten no justice is heart breaking.

I want to thank all my follow Monkeys and Red, Klaas and all the wonderful Mods. for all you have done and will continue to do for all the missing children and loved ones.  I am going to have to take a break for a little while from the missing children forum. And give myself time with my family and friends to bring love, laughter and joy back in my world.

Post by: kitkat53 on July 07, 2011, 04:23:46 PM
Do you mean how did it make us feel?  Severe shock for about 6 hours.  I even snapped at a few people out of anger.  Now the horror and sadness is really sinking in.

And...I just cried a bit.  And I'm one who NEVER cries.  I don't know why, because I get plenty sad about things, but I rarely shed a tear.  Until today.  This is what brought on the tears:

I wrote this from sweet Caylee's perspective....

If Caylee could talk.....

Why did you leave me alone in the trunk?
While you partied and smoked and got horribly drunk?

Why did you kill me and stuff me in bags?
And duct tape my mouth while I coughed and I gagged?

Why did you lie and blame everyone?
You know that you did it so you could have fun.

Why did you throw me away like i'm trash?
You took me away.. I was gone in a flash.

I loved you and trusted you more every day..
Just so you  could drug me and throw me away.

This jury cant see through your lies and deceit..
But I have told God all that YOU did to me...

He told me He knew and that justice will come..
And I will be watching when you come undone.

God gave you a gift and you tossed it away...
You thought that at two, I just got in the way. 

You took me away because I got attention..
People loved me a lot and you never were mentioned.

How much are you loved and doted on now?
PLease tell me, mommy, I want to know how.

How could you do this to your little girl?
I no longer am yours... I belong to the world.

I'm still loved the most and It's plain to see...
You are loved by no one....especially me...

Today was so bizarre.  I had to go to school and I was afraid that the verdict would be read sometime this week and I'd be stuck in class.  I was bummed about that because I really, REALLY wanted to see Casey's face when a "guilty" verdict was read.  At 11:00 am PT, I was on my way home for a lunch break when I heard that the verdict would be read in 15 minutes.  Man, I put the pedal to the metal -- it's a wonder I didn't get a ticket or run someone over.  Then I watched and waited.  I wasn't too shocked about the first two "not guilty" counts, but when that third "not guilty" count came in, my jaw dropped into another zip code and I yelled "WTF" about a dozen times.  I couldn't even eat lunch...though I did eyeball a bottle of wine in the rack.  Went back to school and no one was talking about it.  I had talked about it a little bit earlier that morning to a lady next to me and she had said something like, "Well, it's not all that far-fetched that Caylee drowned."  Little did I know that was a harbinger of things to come.  She must be related to one of those jurors.

ONE LAST THING:  On the other thread, I read so many posts from so many saying that they've lost all faith and they're done with all this.  I really hope that no one loses faith over this.  Yeah, this verdict sucks horribly, but little precious and defenseless children like Caylee need people to keep fighting for them.

Your poem is beautiful. Thank you for sharing that.