Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

Current Events and Musings => Political Forum => Topic started by: klaasend on October 18, 2011, 10:23:45 PM

Title: Record number of illegal immigrants deported
Post by: klaasend on October 18, 2011, 10:23:45 PM

Title: Re: Record number of illegal immigrants deported
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on October 19, 2011, 06:29:29 AM
I think some feel he has been deceptive...

" Obama: Deportation statistics ‘deceptive’ "

“The statistics are a little deceptive,” he said Wednesday in an online discussion aimed at Hispanic voters.

Obama explained that enhanced border security has led to Border Patrol agents arresting more people as they cross into the country illegally. Those people are quickly sent back to their countries, but are counted as deported illegal immigrants.

Perhaps they just return another day?

The president acknowledged that the chance of pushing comprehensive immigration reform through a Republican-controlled House is slim.

Obama had two years to push through 'immigration reform'...he had other priorities.  How long would immigration reform have taken when you control both houses of Congress?

Why did he fail?  Perhaps it was intentional?  The longer there is no 'reform' the more will come.  Ten million one year, twenty million the following year.  Free welfare, free food, free housing, work and it doesn't take away your benefits...don't have to obey the law...perpetual 'get out of jail free card' due to your illegal status. (

just my humble opinions

Title: Re: Record number of illegal immigrants deported
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on October 19, 2011, 06:33:51 AM
"CIS says illegal immigration deportation numbers over reported"

DC immigration think-tank, Center for Immigration Studies, released a new study today. The report concludes the current Department of Justice legal process used to query and deport illegal aliens or visa overstayers is ripe with flaws.

“Built to Fail: Deception and Disorder in America’s Immigration Courts,” details the inherent flaws immigration courts continue follow. Mark H. Metcalf, a former immigration judge, outlined the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) shortcomings in a 100-page report.

• U.S. immigration courts rule in favor of aliens 60 percent of the time. DOJ statistics suggest aliens win only 20 percent of the time.

• The Department of Justice tells Congress that aliens appeal deportation orders only 8 percent of the time. In fact, over the last 10 years aliens’ appealed deportation orders 98 percent of the time.

• Since 1990, immigration court budgets have increased 823 percent with taxpayers footing the entire bill. Aliens pay no more to file their cases today than they did in 1990.

read more here - (

If you were a senior citizen wanting free nursing home care, the state would likely seize your assets to pay for your care.  They'd look back 5-10 years to see if you disposed of them.

Why aren't the assets of illegal seized to pay for their care?

just my humble opinions

Title: Re: Record number of illegal immigrants deported
Post by: KittyMom on October 19, 2011, 09:47:00 AM
"CIS says illegal immigration deportation numbers over reported"

DC immigration think-tank, Center for Immigration Studies, released a new study today. The report concludes the current Department of Justice legal process used to query and deport illegal aliens or visa overstayers is ripe with flaws.

“Built to Fail: Deception and Disorder in America’s Immigration Courts,” details the inherent flaws immigration courts continue follow. Mark H. Metcalf, a former immigration judge, outlined the Department of Justice’s (DOJ) shortcomings in a 100-page report.

• U.S. immigration courts rule in favor of aliens 60 percent of the time. DOJ statistics suggest aliens win only 20 percent of the time.

• The Department of Justice tells Congress that aliens appeal deportation orders only 8 percent of the time. In fact, over the last 10 years aliens’ appealed deportation orders 98 percent of the time.

• Since 1990, immigration court budgets have increased 823 percent with taxpayers footing the entire bill. Aliens pay no more to file their cases today than they did in 1990.

read more here - (

If you were a senior citizen wanting free nursing home care, the state would likely seize your assets to pay for your care.  They'd look back 5-10 years to see if you disposed of them.

Why aren't the assets of illegal seized to pay for their care?

just my humble opinions
Wow, we just went through this with my m-i-l.  I'd never thought about the illegals and what happens to their assets. 

Title: Re: Record number of illegal immigrants deported
Post by: klaasend on October 19, 2011, 08:39:01 PM
I didn't realize there were illegal immigrants getting free room and board senior homes.  If there is, how do we know their assets aren't seized?   I'm not saying it isn't so, just saying it's hard for me to believe a report like that without some kind of proof.

Title: Re: Record number of illegal immigrants deported
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on October 20, 2011, 01:31:32 PM
I didn't realize there were illegal immigrants getting free room and board senior homes.  If there is, how do we know their assets aren't seized?   I'm not saying it isn't so, just saying it's hard for me to believe a report like that without some kind of proof.

I was making a comparison.  If you're a senior and you need Medicaid to pay for your nursing home, they go after your assets. 

Obama's Aunt Z. has been living in public housing for years, while being an illegal alien.  Where are her assets?

One of the arguments for NOT deporting illegals is that it would 'cost' too much.  Why not charge them for the cost of all their appeals if they lose?

Many illegal buy homes, start businesses, and salt money away in their country of origin.  Many are not poor.  If the state has to incur costs at their expense, I would imagine many have the assets to pay for the legal expenses and housing.

"Illegal, but Not Undocumented: Identity Theft, Document Fraud, and Illegal Employment" (

Here is an article that states costs at "$25 million; long-term nursing home care" (

How do you go after the assets of someone who uses bogus/fraud/stolen Social Security numbers?  Has a mortgage that didn't require identification or use of a Social Security number?

Title: Job Bills, Replacing Americans, and Standing Up For Main Street
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on October 20, 2011, 02:02:14 PM
Are illegal aliens replacing American's in the work place?

There used to be a time when it was a bad thing to replace striking workers with foreigners, immigrants, blacks, and others.  Unions caused violence, went to court, and laws were written to protect workers.

What happened in America?

For some reason, government seems to turn a blind eye to the replacement of American citizens and those here legally by illegal aliens.  There used to be a refrain "Won't nobody hire a black man for a job."  Today, one might say "Won't nobody hire a citizen or someone here legally for a job."

Americans are being replaced and nobody cares.  Americans just get financially raped, and politicians seem to get all power and votes.

Who stands up for American workers?  I don't think it's unions.  I've watched the videos of union reps saying they represent 'immigrants' which I believe is a general code word for those here illegally.  In rare instances he stated, yes we sometimes represent Americans.

Who stands with working men and women who are citizens and here legally?  It seems like our nation is being stolen, our wealth is being stolen, and nobody in Washington (and often the states) stands with the American people.

What is wrong when 40% of construction workers quit when tough immigration laws are implemented?  I know construction workers who have been under and unemployed for years.  Where are the jobs and bailouts for Main Street Americans?

An Obama Jobs bailout for a few union people and illegal aliens?  Where are the jobs for Main Street Americans?  How many are still waiting for relief from the first wasted stimulus/jobs/unemployment won't go over 8% bill?

Who stands with the American people?

Just my humble opinions.

Title: Re: Record number of illegal immigrants deported
Post by: KittyMom on October 20, 2011, 10:18:17 PM
My hubby has a good friend that works for the state of Alabama.  A couple of weeks ago, when there was a mass of folks leaving Ala due to the immigration law, his friend called to tell him to expect the state of GA to be overrun with illegals wanting services.  He said there were apts, homes, just left because the illegals got scared that they would be picked up and deported.  They left furnishings, food, clothing.  Kids just didn't come in to school again. 

I was surprised that apts and homes can be rented to individuals that can't prove they aren't here illegally.  I mean, what happens to the owners who might get left with damage to property or back rent if an illegal is sent home or just leaves the area?  Can that type of thing be claimed on rental insurance?

Title: Re: Record number of illegal immigrants deported
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on October 21, 2011, 08:40:12 PM
My hubby has a good friend that works for the state of Alabama.  A couple of weeks ago, when there was a mass of folks leaving Ala due to the immigration law, his friend called to tell him to expect the state of GA to be overrun with illegals wanting services.  He said there were apts, homes, just left because the illegals got scared that they would be picked up and deported.  They left furnishings, food, clothing.  Kids just didn't come in to school again. 

I was surprised that apts and homes can be rented to individuals that can't prove they aren't here illegally.  I mean, what happens to the owners who might get left with damage to property or back rent if an illegal is sent home or just leaves the area?  Can that type of thing be claimed on rental insurance?

I don't think they care if someone is here illegally.  Would they ask for a Social Security number to do a credit check?  Every day, I hear on the radio ads for mortgages "no Social Security number" needed. 

So, how do they manage a credit check?  Americans are asked to allow a credit check to be performed by prospective employers, for mortgages, and other loans.

How do you run a credit check on an illegal alien or fraudster?  Does the check come back with no data if the Social doesn't match the name?  Does the credit check verify the Social Security number is valid for the name and other data?

How do they run a credit check on an illegal alien?  More liar loans?  More NINJA loans?