Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

Current Events and Musings => Political Forum => Topic started by: WhiskeyGirl on November 03, 2011, 08:39:53 AM

Title: "The person who tries to get you fired is not your friend"
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on November 03, 2011, 08:39:53 AM
"The person who tries to get you fired is not your friend" - David R. Henderson

I watched a John Stossel show the other day and the topic was about buying American. 

How do Americans get jobs if people don't buy the goods and services they produce?  Factories don't locate to America? 

show link here - (

"Economist David Henderson argues that we should buy the cheapest goods available to free up capital for further spending."

Where do Americans get money to spend?  Obamacash?  With no job, who is paying the bills?  China?  Who's paying off all that debt?
  We have a president that is encouraging all countries to 'keep spending'...who's paying off all that debt?

The column that goes along with the show - "The Stupidity of "Buy American""  link here - (

"...consider "fair trade" coffee. It costs much more money, but we're told that if we buy it, we should have a warm feeling inside because somebody in a poor country will supposedly get paid more..."But a huge part of that premium is taken by the bureaucracy that organizes this. Most of it doesn't go to the farmer..."

Does it remind you of something?  No matter how much you make, how many jobs you have, politicians in Washington, regardless of party, seem to stay awake at night thinking up new ways to take the fruit of your labor.

How?  Regulation that is paid for by fees extracted from those being regulated.  Therefore we are told, the regulation is 'paid' for.   How many go out of business because they can't afford the effects of the new regulation?  Maybe the fees seem cheap, but how many can afford all the 'enhancements' government wants to make in your profession, trade, or business?  The cost of compliance? 

How much of our labor is confiscated by an ever increasing big government?

' "The person who tries to get you fired is not your friend," Henderson said. '

Let me think...didn't we have a president that wanted to give the little people in China some hope?  Give them a job?

"What if he had rephrased that like "We want to destroy manufacturing in America by moving the jobs to China, for the benefit of big global corporations..."

"We want open the borders to cheap illegal foreign labor and give their family a rich market basket of welfare benefits not available to American workers...the 'poor' in America will be the envy of the world and among the GLOBAL 1%...We'll just tax Americans of all income levels to pay for it...we'll give a few trinkets to our own too so they don't get wise to the influx..."

The person who wants to take your job is not your friend.  President Obama's job council is filled with people who want to take your job and send it to a foreign nation and workers.  As compensation, they gave us Obamacare and 'free' education for our children.  Who is paying for all those loans from China and other foreign countries?

Who are the friends of Main Street in Washington?    How many are creating sustainable jobs for Main Street?  Where are America's heroes?

"The conglomerates that hire people in poor countries usually pay more than local employers do. In Honduras, many sweatshops pay $3.10 per hour. That's low to us, but most Hondurans earn less than two dollars an hour. "

How many Americas can't find a job at any labor rate?  How many can't get a job currently taken by an illegal alien?

Sometimes, a sweatshop job is better than the alternative - starvation or the sex industry.

What alternatives do Americans have?  A sweatshop job?  Welfare, babies, and drug abuse?

Where is the opportunity for Americans?

Perhaps the conglomerates are to big to keep subsidizing with Obamacash?  Easy markets in America? Obamacash?

just my humble opinions

Title: Re: "The person who tries to get you fired is not your friend"
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on November 03, 2011, 09:03:06 AM
Ever hear of the 'anti-subsidy'?

We keep hearing in the news about how many foreign governments subsidize industries, companies, and other wealth creators.  Meanwhile, their own people make just $3.10 an hour, likely without benefits or perhaps government benefits.

There are never ending calls for Washington to make 'investments' (like Solyndra) and pour billions into America's infrastructure, all on borrowed money.  Washington is 'acting' like an investment banker, doing big deals.  When these investments fail after a year or so, we are told that we can't expect every venture to succeed. 

Is it ever possible for government to pick real winners?  Or, do they just shovel money out to family, friends, and political donors?

How well did the derivatives casino work out?  Somehow, taxpayers got stuck with the debt to keep those folks whole. 

If Washington didn't see all the problems with derivatives and investment banking, why are they doing the same stupid things?  Who's getting rich off on the taxpayer TRILLIONS?

Now we're bailing out students with $200,000 in loans.  Yesterday's students worked in the summer to pay for college, they worked through college, and didn't take out loans.  Those that took out loans, paid them back. 

Why aren't they protesting the schools that kept raising tuition at a rate much higher than the overall inflation rate?  Why aren't today's students work their way through school?  Work in the summer and make enough to pay for their tuition?

When yesterday's students graduated high school, college, or dropped out, the newspaper was filled with pages of companies looking for workers.  Cities were filled with neighborhoods and companies filled with workers.

Where did all the good jobs go?  Good companies? 

Moved to foreign countries with an inviting business climate?  Maybe they couldn't afford to stay in business?  Too many anti-subsidies in America?

What is the anti-subsidy?

Rising unemployment insurance rates?  Obamacare?  Social Security taxes?  Business taxes?

I heard the other day that Canada is lowering it's business tax rate to about 15%.  What does Obama want for America?  40-50%?  More?

Who can afford to start a business?  Stay in business?

What is wrong with politicians that create a negative business climate?  Promote anti-subsidies?   Instead of creating a good climate for business, it seems they just want to take everything people work for?  Business?  Wages?  Farms?

Where are the pro-Main Street/worker politicians?

just my humble opinions