Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

Current Events and Musings => Political Forum => Topic started by: WhiskeyGirl on October 02, 2012, 02:44:59 PM

Title: Barack "...that's slavery..."
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on October 02, 2012, 02:44:59 PM
"When a little girl is sold by her impoverished family, or girls my daughters' ages run away from home and are lured -- that's slavery," Obama said in an address to the Clinton Global Initiative. "It's barbaric, it's evil, and it has no place in a civilized world."

read more here - (

Generations ago in America, folks decided slavery was a bad thing.  Some didn't live slavery from the beginning and didn't allow slavery in their states.  Others fought for decades to rid the nation of a barbaric, evil, institution.  Some, after conversion and to their own financial detriment, freed their slaves.

Fast forward a few generations and many decades.  In the dark of night, and through some questionable maneuvers, Congress passes and the President signed an act creating a giant private bank to manage our money supply - The Federal Reserve. 

Why?  Why would anyone let a secret organization manage the money supply?  Wheel and deal outside public scrutiny?  Nobody ever knows if any loan hidden from public view is paid back?  Who got the loans?  Who got money they didn't earn?

Fast forward a few years...

Great grands, and grands generation faced poverty and their representatives in Washington and the President sold their descendants into slavery.  IIRC, for a 1% tax on the first $300 in income, the Federal government created a social/slave contract.  The government successfully ended elder poverty in the US!!!

Unfortunately, there was no internet, no blog, no FOIA request at the transparency.

Successive generations never had a chance to vote or reject the continuation of this tax monstrosity.  More and more is taken/stolen/confiscated every year.  The Social Security system is bankrupt!!!  Can't pay benefits as promised.  About 15% on income up to $110,100 for 2012.  A long way from a max of $3 a year (1% or $300). 

No maximum on the tax to support Medicare.

Why is it that progressives/liberals see the splinter in other people's eyes but not in their own?  They never look into the mirror and see the ugliness of a slave master staring back?

Share croppers.  History lessons talk about the evil of the sharecrop system.  Vile masters rented out land to poor working farmers, usually portrayed as black.  Every year the master raised the rent or wanted more.  Farmers never got ahead and often lost the 'farm' if they failed to pay the rent or share regardless of how many years they tilled the fields.

What of today's share crop system?  Doesn't seem to matter how long it takes to pay off the mortgage, the 'rent' is due every year to government.  Don't pay?  They take your land, they take your home, they take everything and sell it for pennies on the dollar.

Why is it that liberals/progressives never see the barbaric, evil, institution, they've created for other people?  Slavery is for everyone except the elite/educated/advantaged master class.

just my humble opinions