Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

Current Events and Musings => Political Forum => Topic started by: WhiskeyGirl on February 25, 2013, 09:13:56 AM

Title: QE 2, 3, etc. Propping UP?
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on February 25, 2013, 09:13:56 AM
"The US Federal Reserve bailout of Europe: Who knew?"

WASHINGTON, DC, February 13, 2013 ― Ben Bernanke announced in September that the Federal Reserve would buy $45 billion per month of mortgage backed securities. In December, he announced the Fed would be purchasing $40 billion per month in US treasuries.

Since then, bank holdings of mortgage backed securities have barely budged. What little change there has been, has been upward. The banks are buying, not selling the MBS.

So where is the money going?

Every Friday the federal reserve releases a report called the H.8. It is not an entertaining read. Line 25 on page 18, however, is very interesting. It indicates that the cash assets of foreign banks which have divisions within the US mysteriously jumped, between January second and this past Friday, by $228 billion.

This is nothing new, but it would certainly be new to most Americans. A second round of quantitative easing, QE2, was used in the summer of 2011 entirely to prop up failing European banks.

Cash to domestically-chartered banks has actually declined in the last month. This creates a more difficult lending atmosphere for Americans wanting to take out a loan, slowing any possible recovery efforts that may have otherwise occurred.


Privatizing profits, socializing losses onto the backs of Americans...

How do Americans compete in the global market with all the new fees, taxes, Obamacare expenses? 

Why isn't there an across the board tariff on imported goods to fund the welfare state?

Why not end the Fed, IRS, and return to the core values as founded in this country?

Why are Americans funding the welfare states of foreign nations?  Europe?  China?  India?

What is wrong with this picture?

All this easing doesn't seem to be making everyday people richer.  The more easing, the higher gas and food prices seem to be going...

just my humble opinions