Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

Current Events and Musings => Political Forum => Topic started by: WhiskeyGirl on December 23, 2013, 04:07:50 PM

Title: Has the 'Beast' arrived? When do we get our new numbers?
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on December 23, 2013, 04:07:50 PM
How much more can the average citizen handle? 

Your finances are compromised, almost daily.  How many stories don't make it to the media?

When was the last time Social Security notified you that your number was used for fraud and abuse?  Can you submit a for to see how much money was attributed to your number alone?  Your tax money was being used to provide welfare benefits for criminals and illegal aliens?  Fraud tax refunds and Medicaid/Medicare fraud?

Obamacare website hacks?  Identity theft?  Fraud?

I read years ago the goal was to replace the Social Security number with a national identity number.  Cover up all the past fraud, whitewash the past of illegal aliens, terrorists, gang members, drug lords, and politicians.  Everyone gets the same, no way for government to sort anything out...

Is it the beast?

Replace all the compromised numbers with a 'new' clean record for everyone?

How does anyone know an NSA connected person isn't ripping off businesses and consumers related to the recent Target event? 

How long before their is a consumer/business call to action?  Anyone think they'll find and prosecute criminals?  Hackers?

Clean records for the new citizen model being implemented by Obama?  Hispanics will millions in the lottery, they seemingly deport and target homeschool families and non-Hispanics.

What's wrong with this picture?  Has the beast arrived?

Title: Re: Has the 'Beast' arrived? When do we get our new numbers?
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on December 23, 2013, 04:15:37 PM
Why wasn't 'immigration reform' job 1 six years ago?

I imagine reform would mean people expected the rules to be followed.  By doing nothing 6 years ago, they must be getting millions of Obama newly minted citizens, creating millions of potential Obama discrimination millionaires...will they be paying taxes on the taxpayer  money they get in settlements? 

How many new illegal immigrant $$$ lottery citizens has Obama created in six years?

Title: Re: Has the 'Beast' arrived? When do we get our new numbers?
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on December 23, 2013, 04:32:58 PM
Why didn't they go after the SS number scammers for the past 40 years?  Deport those here illegally when they came in contact with welfare, education, healthcare, police?

What about the terrorists that seek asylum?  Obama's relatives?  Here almost 50 years and they didn't apply for citizenship under Reagan?

What's wrong with this picture?