Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

Natalee Discussions (2005 ARCHIVE) => Theory and Speculation => Topic started by: Elaine on June 21, 2005, 12:15:18 AM

Title: Joran has an "intermittant explosive disorder"
Post by: Elaine on June 21, 2005, 12:15:18 AM
Week three of the investigation into the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. I am still betting, that they already have the guilty party in this case, incarcerated.I dont want to say that Natalee was or was not a saint, I don't know that. (however, this should not happen to anyone, ANYONE, Good or Bad.) I believe they just need more concrete evidence, to assure a conviction. I believe that she befriended the 17 yr old Joran, and when she rejected his "advances.", he "exploded" and harmed her. Why? Because, he has a history of explosive behavior,...examp: he pushed a classmate through a glass window, he argued and almost got into a fistfight with boys from Natalees school, the day before they left for home( without Natalee of course.) I am a rehabilitative specialist, and work with people, who suffer from a disorder called "intermitant explosive disorder."People with this illness act a lot like Joran Van Der Sloot. They can be kind and caring, seem friendly etc., etc...... and then all of a sudden.....boom....something sets them off....and they react, usually in a rather violent matter. Some, progress to explode without provocation, some are treated with medication and improve. I am not a physician, so i cannot say that Joran has this disorder, however he suffers from something along this his temper tantrams with outburst, show us. I believe that people knew he had a problem, and that not "enough", was done about it. I also beleive that we would hear a LOT more about some of his behaviors had his Dad not been so "prominent". It is my opinion, that they have the right suspect, right where he belongs! Hopefully, they will find enough proof to hold him there, and to give Natalee's family closure. All the theories of, runaway, or slavery etc. are a nice alternative to what is probably the truth in this case. We all "know" what that is, unfortunately, now that three weeks have gone by. I HOPE and PRAY that they find this girl soon!..........Elaine

Title: hello
Post by: tennisnet2002 on June 22, 2005, 08:52:22 AM
Unfortunately the chances of finding a body will be slim. Unless the body is still on the island and was not thrown in the ocean... Hopefully the holloways will get peace by finding a body at least.....

Title: where on the island
Post by: Dutchlady on June 23, 2005, 04:53:15 AM
As I profiled on another site with my disciplines in environmental psychology - biolanguage the police use as a term for behaviours and language differences, I think where they are in my triangle is in the area of where Joran's home is as pond and deserted house fit the time and criteria more than the beach, and lighthouse. Both the distancing and time lines mean that in the dark a place to take  and not be seen is different than a guy taking a pretty girl on a date and it getting heavy.

No, there were three at the time of Natalee's timeline  who are involved and a parent of one that was not aware of the car pulling in  at the gates at the early hours of the morning even though dogs would bark and run the the gate. The flat of Jorans is private entrance and he did say he would email in a text message. Now why not text that message? The computer that time of the morning is not needed is it, and school in a few hours, so why this form of IM or email. It shows if correct the knowledge of Mobile transfer units and that picking up signals detects the location of the user to a specific grid point, text messages are also recorded.

Search teams are going into the pond area in the  region of Noord in Montana if that is the map I have got where there is a polluted stagnent mass of water and heavy particle concentration because of dumping vehicles and rubbish proliferously, there is also an abandoned house in the view. Both these  afford a situation of either containment, or a more sinister depositing that is familiar in predator disposal methods. The person who if disposing of something organic does so to  evade the biodegrading particles being detected. Hence a stagnent pool rather than a packed beach would be the most advantageous.

Dogs can scent the methane better than probes, and in summer the plant growth around such stagnent water is eutrophication made into algal blooms that show a brighter green fertilised foliage. Experience in time dependant plant growth should be in the trackers mindset if looking for a grave or depository place. However, it is still open that Natalee is contained by other than the four in custody and near to Joran's  house. I have read of the slave theory and feel some are tools of one or more of the four to move this off the centre area of suspicion.  I also from listening to the former police officer who says the arguement of whether Deepak or Satish drove Joran back from the beach is raised. No one drove in my view anyone back from any beach and this little scam is to make the beach fit. I do not see a person nearly 18 with two other males taking a girl who is leaving a night club and then deciding on sex when she is intoxicated, it does not make sense unless this is to have her incapacitated as not a romantic act. It does not compute.

Therefore, if one had a private flat at home with the parent/judge insitu or stated as such, would not any girl feel safer at this suggestion? Especially if there was a pool there, and trusted person.  I speculate as to credibility of taking a person to  a public place instead of a private place in a non date situation with three men when the 'victim' is incapacitated and most likely to vomit in the car or place as most taxi drivers know. I rest speculation and wait for the inner search in that 'hotspot' which is the most favourable as to empty house, pond and in the triangle of the words they said.

Lighthouse, north, beach, west, Holliday Inn South west. Missing is the East to Noord, or south to the international school which is where a ruined lighthouse is. Time says nearer to the house of Joran and where dogs do not go, or tourists.

Title: I AGREE
Post by: Elaine on June 23, 2005, 05:47:44 AM
This theory sounds to me to be right on! I believe when they start searching that spot, on Friday they will find something, i beleive that this IS AS CLOSE TO THE TRUTH, as I've seen so far, thank you so much for your input. : )....Praying for Natalee's family.....Elaine

Title: Natalee
Post by: Dutchlady on June 23, 2005, 01:24:38 PM
I believe that the situation was that the father was out, and did not see the dogs bark and the gate open and the car come to take Joran back to the nightclub as his mother states she is the disciplinarian. I have reason to think all three took Natalee back to his flat, and there was no lighthouse, beach, or other public location due to the cognitive reasoning shown by his behaviourisms which his mother puts into a very graphic constructive picture of her 'boy' and his traits. He does not rough it.

A profusely sweating husband who is used to hearing deviant behaviour charges and has knowledge of criminology and behaviours as one would expect of a judge in training is showing on camera extreme unease. The veins stand out on his forehead, he evades the cameras lens,  and takes the opportunity to escape to the phone. On coming back the sweat running down his face is gone,  he is composed again.  He is not in his wifes emotional circle as he was responsible for his son,  when his son went out to take this girl. a persons daughter,  in the middle of the night. His whole attitude from the start has been wrong in what he should have done listening the remarks from Natalees husband and his statements. Now that the island sees this the emotional card come in. It is too little to late.  

Joran and his friends I believe would take the easiest route as do not like to get themselves dirty on public beaches, there is no evidence they do this. I suggest that the rage pattern is abandonment rage, and remember his mother was away in Holland. If Joran took someone home to his flat and no one was there, the dogs, and cars would not be noticed. The excuse of the computer and call I put forward as to be is a red herrring, for he was there already I would say as the easiest thing that could be done at this time of the night. This is a lad that eats at fast food outlets, not gourmet restaurants and frequents casino's with someone elses money. Does he work???

Therefore in my research of predator disposal patterns I have found whether a living person is held hostage, or killed, it depends on the mind of the highest in the pack, and at present I do not have a fixed point of the  main decision maker. That is why I feel more arrests have to come. This is way to specialised for a 17 year old in that their is no sign of the girl or her belongings since he took her with him, not the other way round. A more advanced mind and some planning results in hiding evidence and a person, as some dispose in the open, or run away, none of these did this. They blamed a lower socio ecomic workers as escaping so they thought justice. They lied, and lied and lied and implicated others which is an offence. Perverting the course of justice, lying in a police statement, using up public funded resources, etc, etc.

The father knows something that is clear from his biological actions shown on camera with his wife, what that is he has divulge to his wife, the police, and his superiors. He is at risk of a stroke if this pressure keeps  up, and would worry more of his health than his deviant son and his friends. None of their family of those incarcerated is saying it is a nightmare, or coming forward and one must ask are they silenced in this for some reason??? I also think the Deepak email, at least one is in part genuine, but as the whole message heading is missing it could have been deleted by someone as the names are.

We must not let this be seen emotional blackmail as families as personality disorder specialists know are apt to be in denial because of its financial,social and communitiy implications.  Every consulting room sees such denials. Natalee I would be looking for at that house and around the estate that is off limits to the public. Reasonable assumption in all missing persons cases as starting point. Remember Fred West. No one was missing till a rumour started. Remember Jamie Bulger. Remember Amber Swartz, Nicky Campbell, the latter are still causing a cloud over one person even though he is in an elevated position. 'Stalemate'. is very apt.

Title: Joran has an "intermittant explosive disorder"
Post by: fnkmsta on June 23, 2005, 01:52:11 PM
The two posts here are the most well thought out and educated intelligent theories to date. Is there a way to share them with the authorities? Do the Aruba investigators have people like these at their disposal?

Title: Joran has an "intermittant explosive disorder"
Post by: Twelve Monkeys on June 23, 2005, 01:55:07 PM
Thanks Dutchlady. This is very insightful.

Title: Re: Natalee
Post by: veme on June 23, 2005, 02:50:01 PM
Quote from: "Dutchlady"
I also think the Deepak email, at least one is in part genuine,

I found the Deepak e-mail very convincing in regards to his father's high blood presure & his mother crying all the time.

Why do you think the authorities have had such a difficult time getting a confession out the 4 suspects? I can not understand this. I would be very interested in your opinion. Thank You.

Title: Joran has an "intermittant explosive disorder"
Post by: foxman on June 23, 2005, 04:34:24 PM
Thank you dutchlady for sharing your valuable insight.

Title: Joran has an "intermittant explosive disorder"
Post by: Rubby on June 23, 2005, 05:26:27 PM
Very insightful and down avenues I never thought of.

A creature of habit!

Title: Breaking news
Post by: Dutchlady on June 24, 2005, 05:25:17 AM
Father of Joran arrested after my posting, co-incidence, or mature mind seeing forensic evidence in behaviours????

Now my view after watching interviews one hour ago on Fox News. See my intuitive vision on the psychic thread, this was given to authorities from a contact over two weeks ago. Due to the above, I can now disclose what the psychic vision said which reluctantly I put with my  academic disciplines as a working private investigative scientist. The Texan team can contact me as geological profiler, I would need ordinance survey map asp  to be posted as image here so as to enlarge the area. That is a geological ordinance survey map, of the island. Can you at scared monkeys do that.

I listened to the mother of Deepak and Satish who one was supposed to come home after working at the internet café after No excuse was given that they were both out from or after collecting Joran and the time of  up to 3 am or more when they said they saw the security guards at 2 am. Critically, she said Natalee wanted to see the lighthouse, - at 2 am in the morning in pitch black?

 They said critically that they went to Jorans home after this.

Anita, Joran’s mother said her husband was in bed asleep and did not see Joran go out and come in. The other children then must have been with the mother in Holland, and at first said ‘weekend’, them amended to a ‘week’ as her being in Holland, and that Joran said if she had been there he would not have gone out.

What this shows is that Joran’s father was not at home, nor could he have been in the time the boys collected Joran from the home, if it was the home they collected him from, and not the fast food place.

The mother of the two brothers said they said ‘returned to Joran’s home after lighthouse. Now beach story  which would mean forensics of sand particles and tire tracks as trace evidence of a visit.

Take internet café and one of the brothers having the keys to lock up, the taking of  digital cameras by police, the fact mother worked till after midnight and the fact that the car was not there of one of the brothers.

Joran’s father does not have an alibi for the missing hours, then as said to be asleep. Neither do  any of those  in custody as well have an albi.

My reluctance all through to use my intuitive (psychic) side is now being shown as the walled   I drew 17 days ago of building   IS the Van Der Sloot home. Why? Because the view the camera gave me in the interview shows a similar window screen at the back of the picture beyond the dining table to Anita’s left. This is not the room shown by spirit guides. It is another room in that complex, and I have not been given that angle before in cameras. Is Fox panning for me, and reading, as  some of my theories and research are woven into the programme. I believe Aruban authorities and fbi are reading the messages, and or people here posting them to those authorities. I stand by my profile on Riels is it site and every academic aspect that can argued as none biased based on what my disciplines in behavioural science teach me in perception.

Today, I asked spirit guide for help, and like previous cases the message was the song  with a vision.
‘Matchstick and matchstick cats and dogs, on the street … with the marching clogs’
This without any prompting was repetitive with an image of like straw or hay, as in pickup sticks as a bundle covering the thing they wanted me to see. My spirit guide is strangely Anita 'Conswala' ( it is how they give it to    me as sound) who has not come in before. The place where Natalee is will be found by the Texan dog’s. The bundle of  sticks is near WATER,  that pond?, no it is  near the house. A bin is in the scene, it is red.

Before I had got with another case ‘jack and jill went up the hill and Jill came tumbling after and the stagnant weeds in water of where the Girls were in the Holly and Jessica case as recorded on the community website before they were found.

In sincere and ethical communication I am relaying as the experts did on Fox News my profile which has been published earlier and this one in reply to those academics who can peer review me and have done. The metaphysical I have no way of doing such a test for as authenticity till  and if this is over.  

I repeat, I do not see Natalee in this spiritual scene alive or dead. I do not do seances or profess to be a medium or working psychic. I am gifted in some way. My scientific disciplines and research in such cases has added to this specialism of verbal semiotic coded language.

One of you asked why the four suspects had not come up with anything. Now the keys fit. The Aruban people, and the authorties are showing they are in command of the situation and are making none biased judgements of who is responsible for what is looking like a homicide investigation. I say this as the lies as there is a lot of lying that would not occurr in an accident by a lot of people. Now local people who have been afraid to talk will. My heart goes out   to the family of  Natalee at this time. Closure is what they need now and yes a   miracle. Against all academic reasoning I hope that she is a prisoner in the corner of that triangle and will be found alive. I pray for that. Please pray with me.

Title: Re: Breaking news
Post by: Lausa on June 26, 2005, 01:11:55 PM
Quote from: "Dutchlady"
...I am gifted in some way. My scientific disciplines and research in such cases has added to this specialism of verbal semiotic coded language... Against all academic reasoning I hope that she is a prisoner in the corner of that triangle and will be found alive. I pray for that. Please pray with me.
  Dutchlady, your posts are incredible.  These gifts you have are amazing, and as you say, work side-by-side with your scientific training.  I think it would take a strong person to be able to cross the barriers between the spirtual and the material.  I appreciate your powerful insights.  And I will pray with you that Natalee is found...alive!

Title: Joran has an "intermittant explosive disorder"
Post by: MominTN on June 26, 2005, 05:20:47 PM
Quiet introverted types usually have another side.
Also, he may have assumed he was getting sex and did not consider that many American girls flirt or makeout and then say no.

Title: Joran has an "intermittant explosive disorder"
Post by: Michael22 on June 26, 2005, 09:24:46 PM
Quote from: "MominTN"
Quiet introverted types usually have another side.
Also, he may have assumed he was getting sex and did not consider that many American girls flirt or makeout and then say no.

maybe he got fed up with that
but from the feel of it
he acted soo non-chalante
when he met her
like he wasn't outgoing to meet anyone that night
he was just 'there'
reading the dutch ladys post
makes me think
did they ever search the yard of the van der sloots..?
jeezus hate to think they buried her in their own backyard
like a 'dog'
yikes would explain how they had the 'time' to do so
and be hidden in doing so.
well I myslef
am as always hoping for the best

Title: My language deficits
Post by: Dutchlady on June 27, 2005, 04:43:16 AM
I am not posting anymore on this site as biases on my language have led to cyber stalking in private messages saying I am no better than Joran as I  to have spelling mistakes and cannot name proper nouns, among others and I AM LAZY. I am not reading the others as it is too negative in what I do for no fee.

I am a disabled veteran who has in later life taken more than an an honours degre.  I had no schooling as a child of family who's peasant ancestors went to US. I left and served my country with exemplorary conduct, and continued in retiredment to do so. Against all the odds after my colleague was murdered in my early life, I have won awards for learning scientifically after a serious spinal injury, and raised over 1 million dollars for charity as a UK person who has lived in the Far East and Netherlands where my children were born.

I have researched and had my work peer reviewed as to finding the other persons missing, and again, it is not my role to find out who did it. It is geological profiling of which I shall be speaking as European case histories since 1832 as that history of predator disposal patterns. I shall be lecturing in LA and LV in December. 'The talking stone' is the title.  

My use of message boards is to make a difference not fill time, and with the time clock you will see we are 7 hours in front of you, my posts are in good faith and not as in journal work where I employ an editor, who can see better than my glasses some days, as touch type the message instead of word and paste. The time I have is spent on a moorland searching for a child of two serial killers and three in Scotland, also those in East US and West coast as advisory. Therefore, I am a practical person who as a scientist is not an orator in fine language.

In reply to posts on when I gave psychic vision I did so as early as the 7th to another person with the drawing as private email who keeps all my messages as confidential passed to LE so as not to  be a sensationalist, and that is why I do not do tv psychic interviews or media contracts.

Therefore, I wait and pray as  a follower of Billy Graham that those who are searching will find evidence of Natalee.  This is my last post to this site.

Title: Joran has an "intermittant explosive disorder"
Post by: Cerulean on June 27, 2005, 05:24:04 AM
Well, Dutchlady, I'm sorry if people are indeed cyberstalking you.  There's a lack of clarity, proof, or supporting evidence for many of your extragant claims.  I asked repeatedly for a simple link to a description of the Van Der Sloot home you said you gave before it appeared on Greta's show.  The links I was given all proved to be wrong, one after the other.  About five of them.  The last two were impossible to follow.  Now there is yet another source of confirmation for this is given, private emails, inaccessible, with a much sooner date than the other supposed confirmations.  I was taken hither and yon following these but the all turned out to be nothing.    

Can you give us some confirmation of your finding these serial killers, child killers and others?  Who did you find them for?  When did you find them?  Who can testify to this?  It sounds unlikely.  Exactly what degrees do you hold and from where?  As for your language, it contains a lot of what sounds like scientific terms but the sentences they inhabit are NOT coherent.  I've tried to decipher them.

Title: Reply
Post by: Dutchlady on June 27, 2005, 05:50:58 AM
You have dismissed my veteran status quite simply and as in rules of security to divulge my identity as challenged is one rule that is prominent in message boards. I have no need to define my case profiles that are with international police forces. If my clients as families have used my work and the predators found they do not as I do not expose these to media who shred them for tabloid editing. My research is in the bowels of the Welcome Trust and the Cambridge University, and archives as a post graduate mature student/researcher with my honours degree in environmental sciences and a post grad certs to Masters in medical specialisms, a cert in risk management, etc. I express what to Professors seems cognitive even in my tone used, so if they can respond ethically laymen should when I try to  use laymen language. As said I do not need to be subjected to a vigilante attack when it is against the status quo of what is the preferred attack on the Holloway family.

To understand the criminal mind you have to have been subjected to its deviance as a victim, you have had to live through it and to study objectively how other predators in different forms think. Therefore my work away from cancer medicine in hypoxia  as PhD thesis used by several Professors now as groundbreaking was taken to this study of environmental mapping when a family pleaded for my help.

I wil not give to an anonymous source the information as the fbi has it and me and my qualifications and that is ALL that matters, for I am part of an 'epistemic' community.

My work on marine cancer medicines  before I knew of Bryostatin as Professor Fenicals work was because I saw and commented to a university on instead of plants as Vincristine, Vinblastine and Taxol the use of bivalve hydrothermal vent species who have unique particles of  bacteria that seek oxygen same as a  cancer cell does as parasitic. My theory in the 1997 of  some underarm deodorants was discussed at Cambridge and viewed then by antagonists as laymen as not possible. Now in the Lancet Oncology it is found that a chemical in under arm  sweat products does predispose those to cancer. It is there to be read. However, my name is not credited with it as I am not the one dis-proving my theory. Those in universities internationally know of my reputation of which they as funded in this as they  ASK can they use it as intellectual copyright.

The answer to this in other disciplines is that this very morbid subject of finding predator disposal patterns as tools in understanding psycholinguistics is  one that can be reviewed in the American Journal of Forensic Psychology, which I read to try and find a child missing in contrast to media and message boards that hold only a dialogue that feeds advertising.

To be peer reviewed I expect my attackers to have some form of identity such as Larry King who I would if asked debate this with on tv live, as a person who can call in known experts to the table.

Title: Joran has an intermittent explosive disorder
Post by: wbvious on June 27, 2005, 06:30:07 AM
dutchlady is obvious to most of us(i hope) that you really are quite gifted and for the most part i think the great majority of viewers and posters here thoroughly enjoy reading your postings ...

by no means are people like the idiot above representative of the hundreds who admire what you can offer...
(yes, i'm referring to the person who keeps demanding that you provide "proof" of your success in past cases...who the hell are they?)

if you have insight, you have insight...period.

please just ignore the morons who live to cause problems for others...they are weak by nature (which is explanation enough for their actions)...and if anybody has to call you to task for your inaccuracies in grammar, well that's just sad...i feel extremely embarassed for them...

please continue posting...!

as for those who can't seem to find the proper link(s), it's rather simple ...
go to SEARCH, type in the poster's name that you're looking for and type in any keywords that you need...(oh and make sure the search is set to show 'posts' and not 'topics'...)

Title: Joran has an "intermittant explosive disorder"
Post by: Pete on June 27, 2005, 10:46:41 AM
Quote from: "Cerulean"
Well, Dutchlady, I'm sorry if people are indeed cyberstalking you.  There's a lack of clarity, proof, or supporting evidence for many of your extragant claims.  I asked repeatedly for a simple link to a description of the Van Der Sloot home you said you gave before it appeared on Greta's show.  The links I was given all proved to be wrong, one after the other.  About five of them.  The last two were impossible to follow.  Now there is yet another source of confirmation for this is given, private emails, inaccessible, with a much sooner date than the other supposed confirmations.  I was taken hither and yon following these but the all turned out to be nothing.    

Can you give us some confirmation of your finding these serial killers, child killers and others?  Who did you find them for?  When did you find them?  Who can testify to this?  It sounds unlikely.  Exactly what degrees do you hold and from where?  As for your language, it contains a lot of what sounds like scientific terms but the sentences they inhabit are NOT coherent.  I've tried to decipher them.

I'll be happy to respond to this for the THIRD TIME.

Cerulean, nobody has to prove anything to anybody on this board, me, you, or anyone else. We can all believe what we want to or not believe, whatever the case may be.

Title: Re: Natalee
Post by: Scott on June 27, 2005, 10:52:04 AM
Quote from: "Dutchlady"
I suggest that the rage pattern is abandonment rage.

I concur with this assessment based on the interview Greta van Susteren conducted with Anita and Paulus van der Sloot.

Here is the relevant excerpt:

VAN SUSTEREN: Girlfriends?

ANITA VAN DER SLOOT: Yes, of course. I mean, there were two girlfriends in his life that he had a longer relationship with. One was an American girl, who left, who was part of the school, and she just sent an e-mail totally upset because she finished the relationship and she thought that Joran was too sweet, she needed a stronger man.

Why would a mother say something in an interview aired worldwide, that would be most embarrassing and humiliating to her son?

Why say, in a defensive manner, 'Yes, of course', and then immediately proceed to correct herself by saying, 'I mean...' ?

In a homophopic society like Aruba, where any absence of masculinity amongst men is denigrated and frowned upon, it is reasonable to conclude that Joran, through societal pressure, overcompensated for his perceived lack of manhood by preying upon vulnerable women whom were either extremely intoxicated, drugged or not mature enough to recognize his motive, like the 13-year old 7th grade East Asian girl he dated this past year.

With Natalee, another American girl, he likely transferred that abandonment rage upon her.

There is also reason to believe this was not an isolated or first incident.

Why would Deepak, a friend of Joran's, say that "he should have never left the girl alone with the Dutch boy", unless Deepak has knowledge or reason to believe that Joran is dangerous or that Natalee wouldn't be safe with him because he has a violent past with women?

Title: Joran has intermittant explosive disorder; TO DUTCHLADY
Post by: Elaine on June 27, 2005, 01:47:05 PM
To Dutchlady.... i hope we haven't lost your intuitive postings here because of Cerulean.... Most of us appreciate your insight! I beleive in you !!

Title: Joran has an "intermittant explosive disorder"
Post by: Transient Healer on June 27, 2005, 02:13:05 PM
Elaine-I think it might be a bit early to whip out a DSM-IV diagnosis on this kid ;)  We'd need more information for an accurate case conceptualization.  Besides, I think his problem is more simple than that.  I think his parents clearly have him up on a pedastool and have a skewed and biased view of who he is.  His classmates describe him as a party goer and arrogant.  Yet his parents have this idealistic view of him, "He's so sweet with me, he's a good student...blah blah blah."  Clearly around different people he was someone else.  I think he was just an entitled adolescent which a narcissistic view of himself who probably had his ego crushed when a beautiful girl like Natalee rejected him.  I'm betting he couldn't take that rejection and decided to pursuade her using other methods, ie, drugs.  He's been handed everything to him on a silver platter his whole life and couldn't stand hearing no, so he took matters into his own hands.

Title: Joran has an "intermittant explosive disorder"
Post by: FeliX on June 29, 2005, 10:08:48 AM
dutchlady: Uh, is bs no matter how you convulute the words.

                My "psychic" take on you is that you are actually a man.

Title: Joran has an "intermittant explosive disorder"
Post by: CaveCricket on June 29, 2005, 10:46:04 AM
Dutchlady: You need not prove anything , you are very gifted. I look foward to each and every one of your posts.

Thanks again for your input


Title: Negative laymen
Post by: Dutchlady on June 29, 2005, 01:47:23 PM
To Felix, I would ask the serial killer Ian Brady if in fact I am male and if he thought you intelligent enough he would reply. Because I write, study and research as certain type of personality disorder, does not mean it is bs. My clients who are reading these posts are perhaps concerned that like the the media who is said to be a psychic has written a book of her clients for money. The dead cannot speak out at such profanity published.

I have prayed and stayed away, and have found solace in what is my own integrity. In knowing of child molesters, domestic abusers, rapists, sadists and paedophiles who are given access to websites and do post on websites as subversive, calculating and disruptive this is one they would have glee on. Why?

Because they get a 'high' on other persons misery.

To my clients who are reading, I will not respond to such cyber identities for that which you say to me is confidential and always will be. To the idiots out there who have not met or been contacted by war hero's who have presented honours such as Simon Weston, grow up. For I have a picture of him doing that on my presentation.

I am a scientist because I passed the courses and used them for good, not evil. I am gifted and not A  psychic but have some form of precognition which media says to my objection that ' ...P are psychic we have heard of you from others'.

In reply I am plagued with PTSD after an accident and more understand the mind of troups who I campaign for since having this disorder. Having a balance of such is how I go on in fragility of my own confidence.

A bully is someone who has nothing and is nothing, but thinks he/she can manipulate. Get something on the wall of merit before challenging me. My angels come because I have been a victim, and use me for good.

Title: thank you and bless you
Post by: nursebeeme on June 29, 2005, 02:53:05 PM
Thank you for your wonderful, insightful posts.  I especially loved when you said that your angels come because you too have suffered.  I survived cancer myself at age 15 and feel the same in terms of my angels helping me help others.  I have been an icu nurse for 14 years and have held many a hand while my patient passes over and had the strength to care for an entire room of loved ones and be the one that got them through a horrible time.  Please do not be discouraged from posting here.  Blogging is a way for your angels to do work that may just help in finding this poor girl.  

Also, I am fascinated on your chemo work!  I was treated with MOPP for hodgkins and also vincristine.  The deoderant thing is also fascinating.  

Please keep up the good posting here.  The right person will see it and act accordingly.....or your angels would not be driving you to post here.
Bless you,
from an american army wife/nurse also driven by good angels living in Germany.....

Title: Man, oh man....
Post by: FeliX on June 29, 2005, 07:24:02 PM
Dutchlady:  If you truly had something worthwhile to say; you would
                  say it with clarity.                

                 You claim not to be a psychic, and yet you are making  
                 visionary  premonitions....

                  Please, no verbose response needed.

Title: The Dutchlady
Post by: JackAMW on June 29, 2005, 10:01:35 PM
I happen to know who the Dutchlady is and know the background of this person. I have worked with them on several cases and have proved themselves in each as unique, real and gifted. Listen to what is said, for they do not tell lies and they have the background to prove their case.

How are you, Dutchlady?
your friend

Title: Re: Man, oh man....
Post by: Pete on June 29, 2005, 11:58:41 PM
Quote from: "FeliX"
Dutchlady:  If you truly had something worthwhile to say; you would
                  say it with clarity.                

                 You claim not to be a psychic, and yet you are making  
                 visionary  premonitions....

                  Please, no verbose response needed.

Fine, I'll keep it short for you, Felix. Dutchlady is not from this country, and English is not her first language. I think she is doing a terrific job communicating with us. Most of us understand her just fine. It's a shame you do not.

Perhaps you are unfamiliar with "gifts." Not all " gifted" people see past or present events and/or circumstances. Some "see" into the future and those things that are to come.

Title: Psychic or A psychic
Post by: Dutchlady on June 30, 2005, 04:20:28 AM
Thank you Jack. I read of again those who fear psychics like they did the late Peter Hurkos who gave the police the location from his home in  Holland of the missing boy John Kilbride who was one of the Moors missing children, and in doing so gave the location of a victim they did not know, but suspected was a possible victim. That is and was Keith Bennett.

In being gifted, it is a plague as Jack knows, and many skeptics have had the audacity to ask for the lottery numbers, and wealth predictions yet publicly they discount it. That is the type of people we have.

Ian Brady said and look for yourself in his book 'the gates of Janus' - that is a God that looks both ways, that he was going to send someone to dispatch - exterminate a psychic that had been right and was getting to close. That had to be Hurkos who in the trial book is credited by the authors and police in saying 'down a dip in a concrete room'. That indeed was correct.

If some think there is a similarity in being a musician, or musically talented then they are thick. A musician uses his or her talents as a paid professional, or someone who learned it and used it for a professional fee, as a career. A person who has a talent that prefers to not seek fame and fortune, and gets  images because of a near death experience is same as parapsychologists will tell you getting spirit guides who come in unsummoned for some reason.

I would quote that one call I had was to Dean Robin who set me on this path when precognition led me to have a vision so very strange that was alarming.

I was at the time in a charity and had the old record Yellow Brick Road.
Versace had just been killed and on the paper front were Elton John who I had sent this LP to to sign at his charity for a hospice. Also was Diana, Princess of Wales. I saw the paper and had some strange trance like dread and thought it was going to be Elton. Later the scene was this.

I am seeing a boat, it has 13 rails as the outer deck, and two people who I cannot see are in  it, this is floating and goes under water, I argue how can a boat go under water. Then there is the divided road, that looks like the church in Paris, and there I am some time later in green military uniform by the icecream cone structure for some reason waiting. It is the uniform of the French, as served with them at HQ. I see this so urgently that I ring the show of Paul McKenna and say I am not psychic but fear that something is going to happen to Elton. They put me in touch with the above who I state this to and I am asked to send it to Edinburgh who say from now on write everything down. This is recorded fact of what I did.

In the time later I was waiting for someone at the airport, and was up as there was a commotion across the way. I could not sleep and went to bed and felt I  wanted to die, this was not me, this was some very very strange feeling that decended on me at UK time. My chest is crushed and there is darkness. I get and had panic attacks after this. Next morning the papers are not around, everywhere in the hotel there is silence, it is learned that Diana, Princess of Wales died in the early morning.

Later, I had many strange things, but as this one is with the VATICAN and Mohammed Al Fayad I will relay it.

I was driving home in my Jaguar from town to home and on the route over the bridge entering the main highway at 6 pm all the electrics failed on my car. It stopped in the middle of the four lanes of traffic coming down a rise, and from the bend to the right. This car, a 3.6 had two fuel tanks full. It was getting dark as the winter of 1998. I had a hotel then, and staff and friends were waiting.

The darkness showed the lights to the left and a volley of car lights coming at me some one mile or so away from the town. I at first thought ' get out of the car and run'. Then I realised what would happen when the vehicles hit it as they could not avoid my very large car blocking all the lanes as this was UK, not the wide roads of America or Netherlands.

The steering wheel was locked there were no lights at all. No power and I sat trying to get it to work. Then a face, yes a face came in the side left window in like a glass etching, this face was of a nun in her headress, and this face I knew. It was Mother Theresa, it faded, and there in the girlish face was silhouetted, Diana, Princess of Wales. I remember thinking this is how she died. The image etched itself there and calmness was on the two faces.

Then as they turned I turned to the left, as they did. The cars coming down the rise were in suspended light, not moving, neither was the trees, birds or anything, yet I was.

Then the car started to move on its own. Was I dead and imagining it? No it rolled, must be on a sloping bit of road I thought. The car rolled and move back some 100 feet from the road BACKWARDS. It turned the wheel on its own and moved up a sharp bank and over to the rise of the bridge, and stopped.

This scared me somewhat, and I was in disbelief. I then saw all the cars come as zips of light past the spot where my car had been.

It took some time by that bridge and its rural trees to come and take the road again. I tried the engine and it started up on first turn. My fear was immense, but of some incredibility of what had just happened.

When I got home I recounted that to four people, who can vouch for that statement and my having that vehicle.

Later I sent this on request from Mother Theresa's charity to the Vatican as first signs of miracle from Mother Theresa. I also sent this to the father of Dodi that same time.

At the time I did not get any thoughts of being psychic, special or gifted, but had been 'sensitive' so they said from birth.

That is the truth and undisputable, as sources would testify, and noted psychics that are fully developed were told some 4 years ago, when embarking on finding out 'why me'.

Title: Joran has an "intermittant explosive disorder"
Post by: Cerulean on June 30, 2005, 05:08:22 AM
Hey now.  I don't appreciate being called an idiot, moron and bully just because I asked for some proof and credentials.   My questions were reasonable in view of the extravagant claims, and numerous false trails supplied to non-existent proof.  The pattern of larding her speech with scientific terms and the names of legitimate agencies but without really clear meanings or verifiable proof, is common to people with certain psychiatric problems.  

I was going to leave Dutchlady alone after I said my piece because I could see that she never would put up any proof or anything that could be checked out, and because people here do seem to want to hear from her.  But I came here only to find myself called names.  

It's a common avoidance tactic to overreact to requests for supporting evidence or by acting like the person asking for this is a monster.  It's also an indication of imbalance.  It's less than clear why I would need
to have credentials or proof of identity to ask some legitimate questions, unless of course this was a red herring.  As for putting something on the wall of merit, I've done plenty, thank you.  If Dutchlady is psychic she would have known that and that I'm not "afraid of psychics."  

Those who make extravagant claims should not be surprised to find that someone asks them for supporting information.  Fading away and pointing fingers at their questioners is not an adequate answer.  

I believe that psychic abilities exist.  I can't say that Dutchlady doesn't have them, just that my interaction with her predictions seemed to find them turning into smoke and mirrors.  It could have been that this was an anamoly.  Yes, I realize that there are special people that can't express themselves in a linear manner.   There are also more prosaic explanations for this inability.

I don't appreciate the name calling and no, Pete, the links that didn't work out before?  I'm not going there again.  Nice try.  

You can all grove on this stuff.  As I had planned to earlier, I'll refrain  from posting  in response to Dutchlady's posts, unless someone says something about me.      

Then I'll be back to defend myself.

Maybe whenever this is solved you'll all be good enough to come back  here and see what percentage of these predictions came true (as much as they can be understood.)  Then whoever was wrong could apologize to the other.

Title: Joran has an "intermittant explosive disorder"
Post by: Dutchlady on June 30, 2005, 06:48:56 AM
I am going to not get into who is the negative one here, as there are those that whatever you say they will overpower a debate when they have nothing to say. In reply to above, as aside from Natalee. I would quote that the use of 'parabens'  in underarm deodorants which were not known of when I caused a stir when Lady Linda McCartney died are now recorded as an investigation. J App. Toxicology. 2003. 23. 89-95.
Darbre. PD. Underarm cosmetics and breast cancer.

In request to my qualifications I cannot psychically tell a persons fortune, nor see their life as a thing that is random, like on tv shows that persons see as 'entertainment'. That is made clear in tv programmes. They are gifted persons who I would not condemn as do not have the Almighty who will argue back with me. So what I get in spirit from my guides I cannot make an arguement back, and say 'hey, hope you are right as some one with a cyber identity is saying I should be right'. It does not work that way. Anyway, you asked and here is the post if they will allow me to explain.

By the way, I believe the information posted is enough for the researchers to contact that person who will answer as to validity. However, that person does not take fools gladly - be warned.

 In my days of making vegetarian food I had contact during my Masters modules in cancer as thesis on antineoplastic drugs. I saw that chronic factors during my study of certain diseases correlated with environmental stimuli and wondered if we could give oysters cancer. That was in 1999 -2000. So great was the interest that CNN documentary maker ARTV came here and did an interview as research was going to go on with the MD of a pearl diving company who also found and sent them due to the reasoning he had.

If you can send me email, or those interested I would explain more. The company I would be working with was Aquatique of Manama. The funding could not be had, and Professors said that if a simple organism showed some potential if it did not make money for drug companies it would not be funded. Then we had the war. That is when our hopes left and I started on missing children after giving all my theories and work to the Universities which are using them in hypoxia and cancer. I am not saying a specific organism can cause or cure cancer, but that there are investigations that have to happen as in the parabens case.

In doing a picture for the international Lilley Oncology exhibition, of 'footprints through an invisible doorway to a rainbow', my creative side as aphasic  was used to show inspiration to breastcancer sufferers. So there you have it. I would not have blown my own academic trumpet if one had not been challenged. Nurse beeme would love to discuss this with you.

Now to credibility. I noted that when profiling btk this type of thing happened and is perhaps such as Silvia Browne stays to fee paying customers because they want to learn of some other metaphysical energy.

Now science cannot always be 'good science', it can be a changing dynamic thing as Bacon found when disputing the divine origins. Empirical science is bounded not on sociology, but on the understanding of like with like. That is the animal kingdom is likened to human behaviour as 'truths'.

In reply to those who seek Natalee, I do not know whether they will find her, find her alive, or some other. What comes in I am fair in saying is a vision, and differentiate from scientific processes taught at universities  which I have attended. But I do not come with a presumption I can get anything, it is what comes.

I do not argue with God, or an higher being, or talk to dead people. In saying what comes in I am exposed to the wrath of others. In the past this has been perpetrators disguised as concerned persons. I am not saying critics are such here, but be aware as Jack knows those who shout  out are hidden from view, and yes intimidation IS bullying is it not???

I think I have explained enough, and any positive energy, or request as Jack, Debbie, Win, Myst, Earl, Cassie, Chris, Jackie, .. know will be answered. However, I cannot summon up as those who think that is possible an image of who is sat in a room with what they purport they have or have not. Even if I could it would be a diversion from good energy.

The board here has allowed as has others the use of metaphysical and scientific, and laypersons who wish to share in what is the same emotion that strikes another family.

For over 40 years the media has taken internationally the case of the MOORS MURDERS, and the victims into their thirst for knowledge, or interest in the media. Not least because Myra herself courted it all her life as a celebrity. She led a dance as perpetrator of innocence which I campaigned against at the time and won. She later was condemned by her partner in crime Ian Brady who confessed to killing two others. One was found, the other is still on the Moor where a mother weeps to find her son before she dies.

That and other cases is what my colleagues in all disciplines have been doing in practical investigation out of media blaze for some time, and I continue to do behind the scenes. So ask me to name each victim and you destroy the anonimity when I am on location. Media and sightseeing tourists come, and that is not what any search team want.

Sat on a moorland peaty bog, I can share empathy with those who are in far off places as a working scientist thanks to many volunteers who use their skills for good. Instead of negative energy would those persons, of whom there is not just one, as there are those sending energy that is negative so Natalee will not be found behind the scenes, would those persons pray as I for the safe return, or closure for this family.

It will not be 'alright' as Mrs Van Der Sloot says as because of her son and others a mother is not getting her daughter back. The buck stops  with parental responsibility that caused that loss by its own selfish acts. Guilt is another matter legally. Therefore, morally Natalee matters when all this blows over.

One point to consider. If this had been the Queen of the Netherlands daughter missing and with Joran taking her into a confined space of entrapment - ie, a vehicle.  What do you think would have happened to the Van Der Sloots???

No more today, Keith is still missing, my time is with that goal of finding on hands and knees that which is the mark of a devious mind.