Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

Missing, Exploited and True Crime => Crimes Against Children, Elderly and the Disabled => Topic started by: MuffyBee on October 15, 2014, 08:13:21 AM

Title: 5 Ohio teens charged for dumping bucket of urine, tobacco, spit on autistic boy
Post by: MuffyBee on October 15, 2014, 08:13:21 AM
Five Students face Misconduct Charges for Urine-Bucket Prank
October 15, 2014

Cuyahoga County prosecutor has revealed that five Ohio teenagers were charged on Tuesday for unloading a bucket containing urine, tobacco and spit on an autistic boy. The victim thought that he was participating in the ALS 'Ice Bucket Challenge'.

The five unidentified high school students are carrying the charges of misconduct and three of them face additional charges of assault in juvenile court for the August 18 incident, revealed a statement by Cuyahoga County prosecutor Timothy McGinty.

Bay Village police said the group of students dumped the bucket containing the fouled water over the head of the 14-year-old boy in Bay Village, a suburb west of Cleveland. They also posted a video of the incident to Instagram. The victim's mother reported the attack on September 3.

The motive behind the Ice Bucket Challenge is to raise money for research into amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) by nominating people to get doused with cold water. The police said that the victim regularly socialized with the group and felt humiliated after the incident.

Cuyahoga County Assistant Prosecutor Duane Deskins said the act of the students culpable of the misconduct was way beyond the limits of morality and legality. The five alleged culprits also understand the severity of their action and are remorseful now.

If the juvenile court finds the teenagers delinquent in the case, they would face detention, community service or participation in a diversion program.

"The victim and the five charged juveniles were and are friends and classmates. They regularly associate with one another and, at times, engage in distasteful and sophomoric pranks. However, this incident is clearly different", said Assistant County Prosecutor Duane Deskins, who heads the office's Juvenile Division.

The video was also posted on YouTube and led celebrities, including Cleveland-born Drew Carey, Jenny McCarthy, Donnie Wahlberg and Montel Williams, to donate money in order to set up a reward fund to figure out who planned the caper.

Title: Re: 5 Ohio teens charged for dumping bucket of urine, tobacco, spit on autistic boy
Post by: MuffyBee on October 15, 2014, 08:16:43 AM

The five alleged culprits also understand the severity of their action and are remorseful now.

They're remorseful because they got caught out and a bit shamed imo.  They are facing some punishment. 

This was more than some prank that went too far. It was planned and set up and posted on the internet.  Sick!  Just one of the five could have stopped this.  Who else knew they were going to do this?  What's next, setting fire to puppies?   ::MonkeyNoNo:: 

Title: Re: 5 Ohio teens charged for dumping bucket of urine, tobacco, spit on autistic boy
Post by: MuffyBee on October 15, 2014, 08:25:44 AM
I wish they'd stop calling this a "prank". JMHO
5 teens charged in urine-laced 'Ice Bucket Challenge' prank on autistic boy: Justice?
October 15, 2014

According to the Associated Press, three of the teens face juvenile charges of delinquency, assault and disorderly conduct. They will be asked to go with their parents to the Bay Village police station to be booked. The other two teens were charged with disorderly conduct and will be sent summonses to appear in court, AP wrote.

All the teens, including the victim, are from Bay Village near Cleveland and attend Bay High School.

Background according to AP: The encounter occurred on Aug. 18 at the home of one of the suspects, authorities said. It was reported to police on Sept. 3 after the victim's mother found a video of it on her son's cellphone.

The woman urged the media to share the video widely, and celebrities including Cleveland native Drew Carey offered reward money to catch whoever was involved — although authorities said they knew who dumped the bucket on the teen.

Title: Re: 5 Ohio teens charged for dumping bucket of urine, tobacco, spit on autistic boy
Post by: Sister on October 15, 2014, 09:08:11 AM
I wish they'd stop calling this a "prank". JMHO
5 teens charged in urine-laced 'Ice Bucket Challenge' prank on autistic boy: Justice?
October 15, 2014

According to the Associated Press, three of the teens face juvenile charges of delinquency, assault and disorderly conduct. They will be asked to go with their parents to the Bay Village police station to be booked. The other two teens were charged with disorderly conduct and will be sent summonses to appear in court, AP wrote.

All the teens, including the victim, are from Bay Village near Cleveland and attend Bay High School.

Background according to AP: The encounter occurred on Aug. 18 at the home of one of the suspects, authorities said. It was reported to police on Sept. 3 after the victim's mother found a video of it on her son's cellphone.

The woman urged the media to share the video widely, and celebrities including Cleveland native Drew Carey offered reward money to catch whoever was involved — although authorities said they knew who dumped the bucket on the teen.

Muffy, I agree -- a prank?  I don't think so.
I don't like pranks, etc.  never have, never will.
But a prank would have been soda or juice or milk, something like that.  Bad enough IMO, but not urine, tobacco, and spit.  Shows lots of pre-meditation.