Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

The Monkey Lounge => The Monkey Lounge => Topic started by: Atlmetroguy on August 18, 2007, 10:17:11 AM

Title: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: Atlmetroguy on August 18, 2007, 10:17:11 AM read that right!!

Did the sports car thing..

Did smoke for 20 years..

Did eat just wrong foods my whole life..

I think I have now completed all those mid-life milestones with my first(and last!!) heart attack last Friday.

While I won't bore you with the details..suffice to say it was a small one and quite an eye opener.

I would implore each of you to have your cholesterol checked frequently, eat right - low fat, low cholesterol and low sodium diet and get 30 minutes of aerobic exercise daily..even if it is just walking briskly.

Live and Thrive people...errr...monkeys!!

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: yapperz1 on August 18, 2007, 10:29:57 AM
Metro, glad it was mild. Take care of yourself & be good to your body. We Monkeys need you to hang around for many years to come. (((((hugs)))))

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on August 18, 2007, 10:46:19 AM
I hear you, Atlmetroguy.  BP & cholesterol, here...taking meds since diet/exercise did not stablize either on.  Still working on the exercise..weight is not an issue, just need to move more.  AND, still smoking....I know, I younger sis had a mild heart attack in her 40' also has the cholesterol issue.  It runs in the family. 

I, too, am glad it was mild, and do hope that you will have good health moving forward.  It's always good to see you here and something like this makes you realize how we are not in control over what happens at any given time to ourselves or others. 

Guess your culinary routine will be a little different....(remember your descriptions of dinners you'd be cooking up) 

Enough said...I'm rambling...

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: CJ1 on August 18, 2007, 10:50:32 AM
Sorry to hear that Metro, but glad you heard the wake-up call.  Good health to you.  My cholesterol is under control but I have a tougher time with my weight.  I should try harder. 

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: Easywriter on August 18, 2007, 10:58:28 AM read that right!!

Did the sports car thing..

Did smoke for 20 years..

Did eat just wrong foods my whole life..

I think I have now completed all those mid-life milestones with my first(and last!!) heart attack last Friday.

While I won't bore you with the details..suffice to say it was a small one and quite an eye opener.

I would implore each of you to have your cholesterol checked frequently, eat right - low fat, low cholesterol and low sodium diet and get 30 minutes of aerobic exercise daily..even if it is just walking briskly.

Live and Thrive people...errr...monkeys!!

Heart Attack Survivor Here!

It only gets worse.  Slowly, the pump begins to hit on every other piston and the wheels automatically pull to the side.  Then you learn there is no spare tire.

The med’s make you sick and those you love turn away.  Certain death frightens people.

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: oldfart on August 18, 2007, 11:03:29 AM

Maybe you can take your own food vs eating airline food too

Just glad that you are Ok.

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: MuffyBee on August 18, 2007, 11:16:15 AM
I'm sorry to hear you had a heart attack Metro, but relived to see you are here posting to tell us about it.  I hope you do what you need to do to take better care of yourself.  I think many (including me) believe it will always be someone else these things happen to.  Please get well soon and keep us posted on your new nutrition and exercise plan.  You will have those, right?  Right?! {{{hugs}}}

Here's some cholesterol busters for you in meantime:  :smt067 :smt071 :smt070

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: Tylergal on August 18, 2007, 02:11:46 PM
Two of my siblings had heart attacks early, one in 40s and one was 39. Our mother had a heart attack in her early 50s.  Father had a good heart but his prostate was the problem.  They both lived to be 80 and my mother had a great life beyond her heart attack as have my siblings who had them early.  Brother (never smoked) now has lung cancer and seems to have gotten it early and it was not an oat cell, so he might have a few more years.  One sister seems totally healthy and has never even had so much as a cold.  I suppose she might have inherited our dad's genes.  Fortunately, she does not have a prostate.  Metro, not sure who your doctor is or where, but I hear they do fantastic work at St. Joseph.

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: BTgirl on August 18, 2007, 02:21:08 PM
Metro - I'm soooooo glad the heart attack was a mild one. I'm sure your doctors will get you back to normal soon and make you be good as new. It's wonderful too that you had already stopped smoking - one less habit to have to change now.

Take care and keep us informed of how you're doing.  :smt058

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on August 18, 2007, 05:16:25 PM
 :shock:  Metro. Holy Crap.  I am sorry this happend to you.. Yikes
I am SO HAPPY you are doing fine now. 
Maybe you shouldn't be driving that fancy car of yours.. :AHEM: need a chick choffuer perhaps?  :wink:

 Hugs to you and Hugs to you EASY ~!!  You guys take care of yourselves. We luv yah.

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: Mere on August 18, 2007, 08:49:03 PM
Metro....I was so surprised to hear about what has happened.  Thanks for the advice as it is so true.  Most people think they have to be my age to have health young people need to do what they can in their 30's and 40' be healthy in their 50's and 60's.
Thinking of you...keep talking...we want to know how you are doing.... :D

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: msmarple on August 18, 2007, 10:00:21 PM
Ah, Metro - Youth is wasted on the young, or ... oldth sucks.

Diet, exercise, smoking, etc. - but Metro, what about stress? I've often wondered, with all the travel you do ...

But sometimes these things just happen, as others have posted. In any case, taking a little better care of yourself can't hurt.

I am so glad this was a relatively minor one (what a thing to say! Hope you understand what I mean.)

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: justinsmama on August 19, 2007, 02:39:15 AM
 :shock: OMG, I am so glad that it was mild and you seem to be on the mend! My father was only 44 years old when he had his first (and sadly, fatal) heart attack 30 years ago this month.  :-|

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: Tibrogargan on August 19, 2007, 05:24:20 AM
Metro - I was sorry to read about your heart attack, but luckily a minor one and you can consider it a warning.
Your working life of jetting about the world waiting and stressing at airports with unhealthy airport food and a readily accessible bar or smokers lounge would certainly add to the pressures that could bring about stress which "they" say is the major cause of heart attacks.
I do hope you will heed this warning and use it to inspire you to a healthly and longer living life.
Take care my friend

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on August 20, 2007, 01:34:00 PM

I hope you keep us posted on your recovery.  We were used to not hearing from you due to your extensive traveling, but now the silence makes me wonder.

Best wishes & prayers that your life changes improve your health.

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: nonesuche on August 21, 2007, 02:20:22 PM
Metro I'm so relieved you are okay  :smt052

I remember my father's cardiologist asking him to not do so much air travel for it is hard on your heart - please try to listen, I am taking that into consideration currently with my own employment, ok?

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: Peaches on August 21, 2007, 07:23:58 PM
Metro, thank God you are here to tell the tale!  Clean up your act!  Getting old is not for weinies. 

And if you're reading this and over 50, please go have a colonoscopy.  Need everyone to stay on the daisy side of the dirt here.

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: Frijole on August 22, 2007, 08:20:35 AM

WOW I am so sorry.  It's hard to eat healthy on the road - so many temptations so I send my very best wishes!  Glad you are still a non smoker.  I'm at over 11 mos. now.

Thanks for the reminder - and keep us posted on how you are.


Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: Easywriter on August 22, 2007, 09:30:46 AM
There are certain benchmarks that are important to heart attack survivors.  Pay close attention to what your body tells you over the next 4-6 months.

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: Kimmy53 on August 22, 2007, 10:03:55 AM
Metro - gosh!  what a shock....Thank goodness it was mild and a wake up call for you.  Thank you for telling us, you never know who you will influence to make healthy changes in their lifestyles.

Prayers for your complete recovery and healthy future!  (((hugs)))

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: A's Fever on August 23, 2007, 05:51:41 PM

So sorry you had to go through such a scary experience.  Thank goodness you came through it okay.  Best wishes for your continued health and recovery. 

Thank you for sharing this eye-opening experience with us.  It is always good to be reminded that we must remain constantly vigilant with regard to our health and habits. I am certain you prolonged a few lives by sharing your story with us!

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: bleachedblack on August 23, 2007, 11:56:00 PM
Glad to hear you have made it OK. Medicine can do a wonder of things but you are the one to heed what your body is telling you and when. Take care......slow down, and may you enjoy the many long and happy years ahead.  :smt038

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: pdh3 on August 24, 2007, 01:24:03 AM
Good Grief Metro! I wondered where you were lately, but I never thought in a million years about a heart attack! No wonder you haven't weighed in on the sports thread.
Not that having a heart attack is a good thing, but at least you get a chance to make some changes, and now you can live a good long life and take better care of youself from this point on..
Thanks for warning us to take better are of ourselves. Everyone gets kind of complacent about their health at times. Let everyone know how you're coming along, and don't stress over the Braves!

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: Atlmetroguy on September 05, 2007, 01:46:05 AM
Hey Everybody...I wanted to take a moment to say thanks for all the kind words and well wishes!! I also wanted to give everybody an update on my progress...walking a lot and eating the right foods. Lowered my cholesterol from 280 to 141..gotta love those statin drugs!!

Anyway...thanks everybody!!

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: MuffyBee on September 05, 2007, 05:48:29 AM
Hey Everybody...I wanted to take a moment to say thanks for all the kind words and well wishes!! I also wanted to give everybody an update on my progress...walking a lot and eating the right foods. Lowered my cholesterol from 280 to 141..gotta love those statin drugs!!

Anyway...thanks everybody!!

Hey Metro!  It's good to hear from you again.  As you can see from our posts, we all hoped you have been taking good care of yourself and your health being restored.  I'm glad you've been walking and improving your diet.  Congrats on the lowering of your cholesterol from 280 to 141 :smt041.  I hear those statin drugs are good, but in the long run, exercise and diet will carry you through.   Take care and stop in again when you can.  We miss you! :smt052

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: CJ1 on September 05, 2007, 08:39:25 PM
That is great news.  Now don't you give in and have any food that isn't good for you.  You have made amazing progress. 

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: mrs. red on September 05, 2007, 11:04:13 PM
Oh Metro... I am so sorry to hear of your heartattack... and so happy to hear it was MILD>>>>

take very good care of you!! 

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: pdh3 on September 09, 2007, 07:47:42 PM
It's good to hear from you Metro, and that's great news about your cholesterol levels. It does sound like you've been taking better care of yourself.
Thanks for the update. We all were wondering how you've been. It sounds like you're much improved! Keep up the good work, and check in when you can!

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: GreatOwl on September 11, 2007, 08:53:44 AM
I am glad to hear you are doing well.  Please do change your life style.  I know what I am writing about since my first was when I was 49.  It was pretty much stress induced although my diet was not the best in the world.  I did change the diet but continued to work very long hours.  I was the person in my family who was always the one my children and relatives came to, to help solve problems.  I worked in a very high crisis driving atmosphere both at work and at home.  This did not change after the heart attack and I ended up in "by-pass" six years later. 

I found that it was necessary to let go of many many things.  I needed to change my life or die.  I am no longer the solution to the problems of others.  I often say no.  I retired because I could even though I could have waited for a higher benefit package that would have done me no good from the grave. 

I now enjoy traveling, my grandkids, and most of all my freedom from pressures of life.  I do a great deal of volunteer work, but only when I feel like it.  I do not work under deadlines.  I support my children as much as possible, but I now point them to where to find the solutions to their problems rather than take care of it myself. 

I suppose you could call me selfish and self centered, however, after decades of solving the problems and serving others I have decided to serve myself and enjoy what life I have left.  I divorced soon after my open heart surgery 10 years ago and I can not believe the change it has made in my life.  I don't believe I have lost my temper in over 8 years now.  I don't raise my voice and have dropped the competitive attitude.  If others wish to be "right" I let them.  I just walk away from arguments and confrontations.  Nothing is worth the price of dying.  We speak of that when we are younger, but as age progresses it becomes more than just a "saying."

I truly hope you will be able to get out the the pressure cooker of life.  There is a time when each person needs to let someone else worry about and handle the problems.

good luck.

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: Mere on September 11, 2007, 11:55:18 AM
Metro...listen to the owl....he is wise...!!! 


Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: bleachedblack on September 11, 2007, 03:35:54 PM
Great work Metro! Record setting improvement! Keep up the good work. Are you still on sabbatical? seems to be agreeing with you if so.  :D

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: Atlmetroguy on July 23, 2008, 01:11:55 AM
Hello Monkey's....

Salute from San Francisco..."The City by the Bay" as someone very dear to me refers to S.F.

Well the one year anniversary of my cardiac event (as my cardiologist calls it) fast approaches and I have logged onto to SM for the first time in a while I thought it would be good to update you all with my progress and what I have learned this past year.

What I have learned:

1. I'm not 20 anymore...dammit!!
2. I actually feel better when I eat fish or chicken and steamed vegetables as opposed to steak and potatoes.
3. Coronary Artery Disease is hereditary and you can manage it with diet, exercise and a some drug therapy.
4. I have not smoked a cigarette since April 2, 2007 and I am so glad I quit and have no desire to smoke again.
5. Tim Russert's passing scared the crap out of me, cholesterol built up in the walls of his artery's and then ruptured causing sudden blockage then death.
6. Life is damned short, don't waste any time and do all you can and love all you can.
7. Same as number 6 above but applied to family and friends.
8. I have a lot more grey hair than I id a year ago or 3 years ago when I stumbled onto SM looking for answers in the Natalee Holloway situation.
9. I have missed taking time to log in here and keep up with you all, of which I am trying to do a better job.
10. Sometimes when you eat certain foods, they will give you gas that feels like a cardiac event but it's just gas.
11. I moved of a Windows laptop to a Mac Powerbook and I'll never pay the "Bill Gates Tax" ever again!!

So, that's just a few observations tonight. My original advice stays they same, get your cholesterol checked, manage it, exercise, eat right and de-stress as often as possible. And NO SMOKING!!!!

Cheers Monkey's.....



Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: BTgirl on July 23, 2008, 10:13:46 PM

It's so darned good to see you!  ::MonkeyDance::

I was looking for an address in my email address book today, and saw your email addy there, and wondered how you were doing. I'm glad to know that you haven't had anymore health scares and that you're doing so well. Keep up the good work!

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: pdh3 on July 26, 2008, 07:00:27 PM
Metro! Hey there!

It's so good to see you here again! We're all glad to hear that you have regained your health, and that you quit smoking!  ::MonkeyDance::

I hope you'll also join us on the football thread again, especially when the season starts. We have so much fun! We'd love to have you post there too. But please just post now and again, anywhere, and let us know how you are.

Tim Russert's death was a real blow to this country, because he was one of the few trustworthy journalists we had left. I wish he'd taken better care of himself.

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: SunFreak2 on July 26, 2008, 09:57:40 PM
Metro, glad you are OK, now.  Let's get together neighbor, when you are in town again. javascript:void(0);

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: Lala'sMom on July 26, 2008, 10:01:41 PM
Hey Metro!  Good to see you again.  I am glad your are doing better and those observations of yours are rather interesting.  We should pay more attention to them ourselves. Stop in more often.

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: casa on July 26, 2008, 10:03:54 PM
Good to see you well metro!  Continued good health to you, and you have given us all good advice!

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: Tibrogargan on July 27, 2008, 03:26:51 AM
Hi Metro - great to see you are taking better care of yourself and I hope everyone reads and heeds your list.
We can all relate to item 1, and items 6 and 7 are worth remembering every day.
Keep up the good work and check back as often as you can.


Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: GreatOwl on July 29, 2008, 09:08:30 PM
Metro, good to hear from you again.  I am happy to hear you have found that life doesn't end.  It merely changes.  Medical science is such these days that we are fortunate to be able to live very comfortably with CAD.  We can not change what we did to ourselves in early life, but we certainly can live a happy and productive life when we manage it properly.

Keep up the good work.

Title: Re: Musings on Middle Age and My First Heart Attack
Post by: MuffyBee on August 03, 2008, 07:44:47 PM
Hi Metro  :smt039  It's good to "see" you again!   :smt045