Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

Natalee Holloway => Natalee Holloway => Topic started by: klaasend on August 28, 2006, 10:23:47 AM

Title: Wish Lists witnesses and questions for the new Dutch Team
Post by: klaasend on August 28, 2006, 10:23:47 AM
If the Dutch Team came to you and asked who they should re-interview and what questions should they ask, what would be your suggestions for them?

Please post your "wish list" here.

Title: Wish Lists witnesses and questions for the new Dutch Team
Post by: GabbyG on August 29, 2006, 01:30:40 PM
One thing that needs to be answered once and for all is were there any of the younger children home at the vds residence the night pvds said he had to leave the casino to go home to take care of him/them. Between pvds and jvds, one has said both were at home, the other has said one was at home, and it has been reported that records have confirmed that Anita bought three return airline tickets. So, I would question Anita and ask her where in fact were the younger siblings on the night in question, at home or with her.

Title: Wish Lists witnesses and questions for the new Dutch Team
Post by: oldfart on August 29, 2006, 08:08:23 PM
Questions for the Dutch Team :shock:
This thread may get to be very... very long

#1  ArubaGirl reported that someone she knew saw the K2 car at 2:00 am, Monday May 30th near Montanja.
Is this report in the files?
If it is ~~~ What are the details of who, what, when and where OR is just another general conversation?

#2  I would like to see this new Dutch team interview / interrogate the investigators.

#3  As far as "who should they re-interview"?   EVERYONE  
Provided it is more of an interrogation and not the same old CHIT  of
"Tell me your story & we promise NOT to ask any intelligent questions based upon what you tell us".

Title: Wish Lists witnesses and questions for the new Dutch Team
Post by: Hotshot on September 03, 2006, 07:03:29 PM
1.  Why hasn't all homes been searched, especially VDS's?

2.  Where is Koen, Jamie, and Lorenzo now?  Are they going to be requestioned?

3.  Have you seen the Arubay videos?  Will you look into the person who video'd it?

4.  There is a tarp/blanket on the cliff to the left of the Natural bridge, as you are looking at the water, why has no-one gotten it and DNA'd it when it was reported?  And it was reported by me, to Burke over the phone.

5.  There is a huge pond over by the golf course, on the NW side, has that been searched?  If not why?

6.  We had several stories as to what happened in the dunes, see the videos here  People painting the rocks with a thick substance "to pick up evidence" approx 11 days after Natalle went missing, and Dave saw something suspicious with a cop "Haily" and the VCB team was there also, have they been questioned again?  They took pictures of what was there, they know.  video #24 shows this  has anyone been questioned, and does anyone know where this bag is now?  Where did it go?  Name is Ed Smith and he works at the Radio Station, I have letters to back up that he was the person taking the videos.  He had to have been tipped off to be there at the right time.

7.  Has anyone actually traced the phone call made to William Morris's phone at 3am, or where the phone call to jug (that he slept through) in Alabama came from at the same time?  If we knew where it came from, case could be solved fairly easy IMO.

8.  Charles Croes heard the phone call, he knows more then what he's telling.  has he been requestioned?

9.  Why has many left the Island now?  Does this mean they are exempt now from being re-questioned, and re-searched?  

10.  koen Gottenbos house wasn't searched, and is up for sale, will this ever be searched?  and their other business at 13 Lucianitastraat also?

11.  why did Deepaks blood in the car turn out to be chocolate, when first tested it was definately blood.

12. Vocking (King) has been helped by Paulus with the Mathews case, and it was King who Paulus was with when the house was (not) searched correctly.  Vanderstratten is also a good friend of Paulus, they need to be looked into alot more too. Koens father is alos friends with paulus.

Title: Wish Lists witnesses and questions for the new Dutch Team
Post by: Hotshot on September 03, 2006, 07:35:58 PM
1.  Has posner handed over all the video footage of the night Natalee went missing from his Excelsior Casino?  Why did he leave Aruba?  Did you know he was a crook before Aruba?  

2.  What ever happend to the human bone found in Venezuela,  see here
 and the 2 that were found on the island of aruba by tourists?  

3.  Was Abromovich's yacht/yachts in aruba that night?  His helicopter?  
Ecstasea, Sussaro, La Grand Bleu, Palorus is the 4 he has.  His helicopter is an "P4-XTC"

4.  One of the Aruba reporters tells us the Gottenbos boat was inoperatable, but we see it went out that night, and Joran was invited, states Sander, has that been looked into?

Title: Wish Lists witnesses and questions for the new Dutch Team
Post by: Jacqueline on September 03, 2006, 10:58:28 PM
My list is short..

Do the Right Thing.........

Title: Wish Lists witnesses and questions for the new Dutch Team
Post by: dkpen on September 19, 2006, 04:31:28 PM
Lorenzo Van Rijn

1. Research his house and this time don't forget the secret tunnels below his basement that leads to the secret boat docks.

Steve Croes

2. Allow FBI to come in and interrogate him about Amy Bradley's kidnapping and the 5 witnesses that saw him taking Amy Bradley off her Cruise ship into Curacao. If it ties into Natalee missing or not.

Joran Van der Sloot

3. "I know more but not ready to talk about it yet".
May the little beech talk about it. He said it on public national tv. He knows MORE, well then, tell us MORE.

Kalpoe brothers

4. Ask them about all comments in the backseat of the car with Joran.

5. Bring in the hard drive copies from Skeeters and question Deepak on them again.

6. Where is the piece of fabric found on the rocks that match Natalee's top, have it checked to match her top.

7. Why would blood show up in Deepaks car once chemicals were sprayed to detect blood if there were no blood at all?

8. How could anyone disgard a female humerous forearm, hand intact with tissue connected to it without sending it off to a pathologist for testing first before determing it is a Holloween prop. Is it the ALE to determin what is real and what is not in these kinds of instances?

9. Where is the belt, has it been tested?

10. What was being used when the rocks were painted in the video's named Chicago_510? Was it lime to cover blood detection or scent from dogs?

11. How can someone determin that there was dog blood on a matress if it were not sent off to be tested? Unless Aruba has a pathologist who tested it on Aruba. And in that case, why would they have to send off any other test if they have a pathologist in Aruba? More lies and cover up on their part again?

12. Student witnesses at Jorans school to the fact Joran had scratches on his face the day after Natalee went missing. Why were they not questioned and have statements as witnesses? Same goes with the School Master.

Title: Wish Lists witnesses and questions for the new Dutch Team
Post by: AZLady on September 23, 2006, 08:44:57 PM
We know quite a bit about this case, but there are many details we do not know.  I would want a professional team to requestion everyone who has an association with the case, including all of the van der Sloots, the Kalpoe family, the police officers working the case at the time, the friends of Joran and the Kalpoe brothers, and anyone else peripherally involved like the C&C bartenders, the casino workers, the hotel workers, etc.  

Then, I would want the professional team to gather all the banking activity reports for the principles, all the computer records, all the phone records, and all the video recordings and pictures and put together a solid time line to the second of where everyone was that night and the early morning, into the next 24 hours.  Wherever a time or event or account doesn't fall into place -- to the second -- then I would hope they would focus in on this and pick it to death until they knew why it didn't mesh.  

I would want the professional investigators to zero in on the details of this case down to the seconds of where each person was and what everyone was doing, verified by eye witnesses or by records.  I think they will find a lot of holes to pick apart and reconcile.