Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

Current Events and Musings => Political Forum => Topic started by: WhiskeyGirl on September 03, 2008, 08:00:16 PM

Post by: WhiskeyGirl on September 03, 2008, 08:00:16 PM

Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin attempted to quietly have her daughter Bristol get married before news of her pregnancy leaked out, the NATIONAL ENQUIRER is reporting exclusively in its new issue.
Palin planned for the wedding to take place right after the Republican National Convention and then she was going to announce the pregnancy.

But Bristol, 17, refused to go along with the plan and that sparked a mother-daughter showdown over the failed coverup.
The ultra-conservative governor’s announcement about her daughter’s pregnancy came hours after The ENQUIRER informed her representatives and family members of Levi Johnston, the father of Bristol’s child, that we were aware of the pregnancy and were going to break the news.

In a preemptive strike Palin released the news, creating political shockwaves.

The ENQUIRER has also learned that Palin’s family is embroiled in a vicious war that is now exposing her darkest secrets, threatening to destroy her political career.

Palin’s ongoing war with her ex brother-in-law Mike Wooten, a state trooper, has caused multiple sources to come forward with shocking allegations about the governor.
 Details of those allegations, the family feud, and Palin’s attempt to cover up her teen daughter’s pregnancy are in the new issue of The ENQUIRER (

Sounds like real drama in that family.   ::MonkeyShocked::

Post by: Tamikosmom on September 04, 2008, 12:02:36 AM
Democratic and Republican parents alike warn their children against the dangers of drugs.  How many children disregard the heeding of their parents.  Should that be a reflection on parents who did their best to educate?

Hey ... I am sure that Barack Obama's mother warned him about the dangers of experimenting with drugs.  By his own admission he did just that ... experimented with drugs.  Fortunately ... he did not become an addict ... an addict with a lifetime struggle against an relentless enemy.

Parents can do just so much.  If a teen "chooses" to disregard parental advise ... then it is the teen who who will have to take personal responsibility for his/her own choices ... hopefully with the parental support.

I am sure Palin's daughter was taught that one of advantages of abstaining from pre-marital sex would be avoiding the consequences of an unplanned pregnancy ... an unplanned pregnancy which would imply that directions and goals in life would have to altered or put on hold.  Something akin to countless other teens in America ... Palin's beautiful daughter did not heed her parents' advise and ... is now in the process of taking personal responsibility for her choices while her loving parents walk beside her.


Post by: Tamikosmom on September 04, 2008, 12:56:19 AM
Raw Data: Sarah Palin Remarks at GOP Convention
by Sharon Kehnemui Liss,
Wednesday, September 3, 2008

You know, from the inside, no family ever seems typical, and that’s how it is with us. Our family has the same ups and downs as any other, the same challenges and the same joys.

Post by: GreatOwl on September 04, 2008, 01:04:37 AM
The pregnancy is a non issue.  It has nothing to do with the election. 

The issue with getting her brother in law fired is obviously something that will be worked out within the state.   I have no idea if it was abuse of power or not.  I am impressed with Sara Palin even though I am still undecided about how I will vote in a couple of months.

Post by: caesu on September 04, 2008, 02:12:25 AM
the pregnancy could be somewhat of an issue.
she doesn't want the press/public get involved about how she runs her family.

so now she should drop her political anti-abortion stance.
because else she would be interfering in personal choices of other families.

furthermore she is against sex-education at schools.
because it is the task of the parents to educate their kids?
apparently that doesn't work out everytime.
so additional sex-education at school won't hurt.

furthermore i am a wondering if it was responsible to get on a plane while about to give birth.
especially because it was a special needs child and her 5th and a month early...
that's her own choice if she want to take that risk.
but an emergency landing would bring the lifes of the other passengers in danger as well.
i even thought airlines won't allow passengers on while in the late stage of a pregnancy?
sounds a bit reckless...
Gov. Sarah Palin’s decision to make the eight-hour flight from Dallas to Anchorage has some people wondering about the possible safety hazards of flying while in the late stages of pregnancy.

The governor, eight months into her pregnancy, noticed amniotic fluid Thursday morning prior to giving a keynote luncheon address at the Republican Governor’s Energy Conference in Texas. After wrapping up the speech, Palin and her husband consulted with her physician about possibly flying home on an earlier flight. After being granted permission from her doctor, she and her husband proceeded with the trek home.

Post by: crazybabyborg on September 04, 2008, 04:29:57 AM
the pregnancy could be somewhat of an issue.
she doesn't want the press/public get involved about how she runs her family.

so now she should drop her political anti-abortion stance.
because else she would be interfering in personal choices of other families.

furthermore she is against sex-education at schools.
because it is the task of the parents to educate their kids?
apparently that doesn't work out everytime.
so additional sex-education at school won't hurt.

furthermore i am a wondering if it was responsible to get on a plane while about to give birth.
especially because it was a special needs child and her 5th and a month early...
that's her own choice if she want to take that risk.
but an emergency landing would bring the lifes of the other passengers in danger as well.
i even thought airlines won't allow passengers on while in the late stage of a pregnancy?
sounds a bit reckless...
Gov. Sarah Palin’s decision to make the eight-hour flight from Dallas to Anchorage has some people wondering about the possible safety hazards of flying while in the late stages of pregnancy.

The governor, eight months into her pregnancy, noticed amniotic fluid Thursday morning prior to giving a keynote luncheon address at the Republican Governor’s Energy Conference in Texas. After wrapping up the speech, Palin and her husband consulted with her physician about possibly flying home on an earlier flight. After being granted permission from her doctor, she and her husband proceeded with the trek home.

I heard no one, absolutely no one suggest that Teddy Kennedy not travel to the DNC to address the convention. No, that was RIGHTFULLY an issue between his physician, his family, and his own judgement. That's exactly the silence and non-issue this should be for the exact same reasons.

Whether you are pro-choice or pro-life, let me clearly explain something. It is patently false that Sarah Palin holds the pro-life view because she wishes to interfere with other family's choices. She holds that view because she believes that to terminate a pregnancy denies another human being the right to live, and that the procedure of ending a pregnancy in that way is murder. It's not about the family, it's about the baby, and it's about protecting a child. We do it all the time when a child shows up at school with a bruise that looks inflicted. We, through our government, step in and legally protect that child even from their families if that family is a threat to that child.

Discounting my own views, I hate that the choices around abortion are so few. The facts about late term/ partial birth  abortions are unacceptable to many, otherwise pro-choice, women. But if you accept a Democractic Candidate, that is something you have to swallow. If you vote Republican, you have 2 candidates that are pro-life with no exceptions. The Supreme Court would have to overturn Roe vs. Wade to stop abortions, and it is not going to happen with the current court. Even Roberts stated his personal view is pro-life, but would uphold the letter of the law and agreed with the decision made in Roe vs Wade based on that criteria. It might be possible if the court seated a couple of more social conservatives, that Roe vs Wade be restricted to early trimester, but abortions are here to stay regardless of who is in the White House.

Count me in as one who has a MAJOR problem with the programs being used as sex education in schools. I fought like Hell to keep my son's second grade teacher from presenting homosexuality to the class as part of sex ed. The issue wasn't prejudice; the issue, for me, was the fact that my second grader didn't know what sex was and I didn't want to answer questions he wasn't asking yet. I had this weird notion that his curiosity might be a better indicator of when it was best to address the issue, and when that time came, I had the audacity to feel that I would be the one to discuss it with him. Forgive me, but I felt that I could relate to my son better than his teacher!

I was right, and because Palin has children in school, she knows of what she speaks.

Post by: nonesuche on September 04, 2008, 09:39:00 AM
CBB, you said it all so well.

Sex education in our schools is geared toward kids who are already at risk, who have parents that don't provide any haven for them from early sexual activity. Ideally schools could identify those children early, then provide additional support for them as opposed to exposing all in the classroom but then that would be perceived as prejudice by some, right?

I once created and ran the implementation of a county-wide program with the Kid's Crisis Line for latch-key kids for 19 elementary schools. I can tell you that I attended more than one PTA meeting at each of those schools as a speaker/presenter, attendance by parents at some of those schools was less than 20%. No wonder when I visited the classrooms at those schools I was swarmed by those children hungry for affection and attention. I didn't mind either, I loved all of them and expressed that to them. I also made sure I placed a sticker on each of them to remind their parents to prepare their children for a crisis, with all the tools we were providing them.

In all likelihood only about 20% did.

If a child grows up hungry for affection then they will seek it however they can find it, sex being one avenue, however misguided and tragic that is.

Post by: nonesuche on September 04, 2008, 09:41:00 AM
To be fair I will post this too, my daughter was not sexually active in high school but I know that by my son's senior year, that he had at least one experience.

Rick took him to planned parenthood as a 'surprise' once we heard, just to make sure son was really very aware of the demands of birth control.

What happened to Palin's daughter could happen to any of our teens.

Post by: Tamikosmom on September 04, 2008, 10:31:02 AM

I heard no one, absolutely no one suggest that Teddy Kennedy not travel to the DNC to address the convention. No, that was RIGHTFULLY an issue between his physician, his family, and his own judgement. That's exactly the silence and non-issue this should be for the exact same reasons.

Whether you are pro-choice or pro-life, let me clearly explain something. It is patently false that Sarah Palin holds the pro-life view because she wishes to interfere with other family's choices. She holds that view because she believes that to terminate a pregnancy denies another human being the right to live, and that the procedure of ending a pregnancy in that way is murder. It's not about the family, it's about the baby, and it's about protecting a child. We do it all the time when a child shows up at school with a bruise that looks inflicted. We, through our government, step in and legally protect that child even from their families if that family is a threat to that child.

Discounting my own views, I hate that the choices around abortion are so few. The facts about late term/ partial birth  abortions are unacceptable to many, otherwise pro-choice, women. But if you accept a Democractic Candidate, that is something you have to swallow. If you vote Republican, you have 2 candidates that are pro-life with no exceptions. The Supreme Court would have to overturn Roe vs. Wade to stop abortions, and it is not going to happen with the current court. Even Roberts stated his personal view is pro-life, but would uphold the letter of the law and agreed with the decision made in Roe vs Wade based on that criteria. It might be possible if the court seated a couple of more social conservatives, that Roe vs Wade be restricted to early trimester, but abortions are here to stay regardless of who is in the White House.

Count me in as one who has a MAJOR problem with the programs being used as sex education in schools. I fought like Hell to keep my son's second grade teacher from presenting homosexuality to the class as part of sex ed. The issue wasn't prejudice; the issue, for me, was the fact that my second grader didn't know what sex was and I didn't want to answer questions he wasn't asking yet. I had this weird notion that his curiosity might be a better indicator of when it was best to address the issue, and when that time came, I had the audacity to feel that I would be the one to discuss it with him. Forgive me, but I felt that I could relate to my son better than his teacher!

I was right, and because Palin has children in school, she knows of what she speaks.

cbb ... Thank you.


Post by: Tamikosmom on September 04, 2008, 10:34:17 AM
Hi None



Post by: MsVada on September 04, 2008, 12:16:11 PM
To be fair I will post this too, my daughter was not sexually active in high school but I know that by my son's senior year, that he had at least one experience.

Rick took him to planned parenthood as a 'surprise' once we heard, just to make sure son was really very aware of the demands of birth control.

What happened to Palin's daughter could happen to any of our teens.

Absolutely 110% AGREE Nones.  It can happen to anyones daughter, even if they are using protection. 
I cannot speak for every school, but I know for a fact at our local HS,  the teens are quite relaxed about having sex.  Teen pregnancy isn't the norm here,  We had one teen pregnancy in the past 3 years that we know of,  can't say I know about the ones that took a morning after pill. 

Post by: GreatOwl on September 04, 2008, 11:39:57 PM
I have to agree with the majority here.  As a mother or politician she is entitled to her own opinion.  I am not sure I agree with it, but would defend the right to determine what she believes.  As a father of 3 teenage daughters all in High School and then college at the same time this was a constant concern.  I trusted my daughters, but having spent a lifetime around teens I know that mistakes are made.  I supported them no matter what.  It in no way implies I condoned all their behavior.  We dealt with it as a family.

I never had to face the pregnancy issue so I can not say for certain what my actions would have been.  Like many crisis situations, in close family, everyone just bans together and works things out.  Part of that is accepting responsibility for the mistake, but at least you have a family who still loves and supports you.

As a professional who has seen the good and bad of this issue too many times I can only say I am disappointed in how our government has supported the needs of the families.  This is not a one party issue.  My views trace their back to the Eisenhower administration and continue through today.  The Palin's are applauded because they elected to save the life of an obviously disabled child.  They will always have the means to care for and provide for the child throughout his entire lifetime.  Many are not so fortunate.  There are financial burdens, emotional burdens and even physical burdens placed upon individuals and families.  All too often this results in abandonment by necessity.  Now that I am retired I am one of many who volunteer to take on court appointed guardianships to ensure that the government and ultimately the tax payers provide for the health and well being of these individuals once their family is no longer in the picture.  We receive no compensation so we have no personal gain.  Our budgets are cut every year and it takes more and more donations and volunteerism to provide what is necessary.

As a society we base our opinions on that one short time period of the pregnancy, yet fail to commit ourselves to what becomes a lifetime of support for each and every one of those individuals.  It is a rare family who has the financial means to under take the burden without the assistance of the many social service programs that political parties rail against as wasteful spending.

Even with my experiencing this, I can not say whether I am pro life or pro choice because I have not been personally faced with the full impact of having to make that decision or choice.  I can enter the debate on either side and still not feel completely comfortable.

Post by: Auntiem on September 05, 2008, 05:41:27 PM
Sarah Palin is not running for mother of the year, she is seeking the office of Vice-President, and I do believe she is bright enough for the job, that she and McCain out qualify the Obama-Biden ticket. 

    As far as her parenting skills or most of all her priorities regarding her family,  she is not alone when it comes to candidates who have run and won.  They were men, but poor examples to their children and less than faithful to their wives....some did a good job....some did not.

     Getting on a plane while in labor was her decision, again, not a good one for mother of the year, but then again she is not running for that.

       I do believe that dragging that poor little infant, Downs-Syndrome or not, into a crowded RNC  is lacking in common sense, certainly not a good atmosphere for the health of any infant.

     I believe the McCain -Palin ticket is the better of the two, experience, dedication to the country(McCain) and job (Palin).....I believe that they are both Americans...Obama, his church, Michelle's remarks, his choice of clasping his hands, rather than placing his hand on his heart during the pledge to our Flag, are all telling staements of what this guy is all about, and like Palin he has the right, but certainly not material for our Country's highest office.

      Too bad Cindy is his wife, (LOL), now there is a woman who has done so much, with the focus, her priority, her family.

   One more thing that is really irking me as I feel it is totally in bad taste, Palin should get that boyfriend of her daughter OFF the stage......the cuddling and hand-holding is "out of place".

       Mama Palin will make a good VP,  I do believe that is her forte in this life.   
  Forget the marriage nonsense, the girl doesn't have an Education yet, and I doubt the boy does either. Keep Miss Teen at home til she has her baby, send her off to college, let them think about marriage when they become Adults and can support themselves!!

Post by: nonesuche on September 07, 2008, 10:12:30 AM
Hi None



Just saw this, Hi precious one  ::MonkeyWink::

Post by: Kermit on September 07, 2008, 11:49:50 AM
Palin’s ongoing war with her ex brother-in-law Mike Wooten, a state trooper

I watched his interview and Mike Wooten admitted to the journalist that he did tazer his step-son because he asked him about the tazer and wanted to be tazered. WHAT the hoot'n nanny kind of father would tazer his son! in my humble opinion. So if Palin is trying to stop the jerk from being involved with her family then so be it! He's proved he is unfit.

I stopped listening after that admission. It has been reported he shot a moose, against the law and for drinking while driving. I say his ex-wife had good reason to divorce him.

Post by: Kermit on September 07, 2008, 11:50:45 AM
Britney Spears sister was/is a teen pregnancy!

Post by: Kermit on September 07, 2008, 12:25:44 PM

Post by: Tamikosmom on September 07, 2008, 06:10:59 PM
Palin’s ongoing war with her ex brother-in-law Mike Wooten, a state trooper

I watched his interview and Mike Wooten admitted to the journalist that he did tazer his step-son because he asked him about the tazer and wanted to be tazered. WHAT the hoot'n nanny kind of father would tazer his son! in my humble opinion. So if Palin is trying to stop the jerk from being involved with her family then so be it! He's proved he is unfit.

I stopped listening after that admission. It has been reported he shot a moose, against the law and for drinking while driving. I say his ex-wife had good reason to divorce him.


In my opinion the police force was justified in firing this guy in regards to the taser gun incident.  Why would the union defend him?


State Probing Palin's Troopergate
Investigators Examine If Public Safety Firing Were Justified
WASILLA, Alaska, Sept. 3, 2008

John Cyr runs the Public Safety Employees Association that represents Wooten. Cyr’s organization is planning to file a new round of ethics complaints against the Palin administration related to the firing of Monegan. He says the national spotlight on the four-year-old issue is quite a change, "I don’t have a strategy, I am the executive of a little union at the fringe of the earth," Cyr told CBS News.

And Cyr notes that according to his records, Wooten has not had a formal complaint filed against him in his eight years as a trooper with the exception of the raft of complaints from the Palin family. He says his office handles about 40 serious trooper complaints each year.

According to The Associated Press, the Palin family accused Wooten of drinking a beer while in his patrol car, illegal hunting and taser-ing his 11-year-old stepson. They also claimed Wooten threatened to kill Sarah Palin's father.

“He is 6 foot 5 and goes 285 - which is not bad if you are an Alaska state trooper, but it doesn’t make you exactly sympathetic in the eyes of the public,” Cyr told CBS News.

But while Wooten has support of the union, one Alaska trooper who did not want to be named tells CBS News in his opinion the accusations against Wooten reflect negatively on all troopers, "Wooten had been making extremely poor decisions and I would never want to work with the guy.”

Post by: Tamikosmom on September 07, 2008, 06:18:35 PM

Kermit ... thank you.

Hey ... we may not understand God's perfect plan for each of our lives but ... think about it.  If we comprehended the mind of God ... we would be equating ourselfves to God.  Faith is where it is at.


Jeremiah 1

5.  Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart ...


Psalm 139

14. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

15. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.

16. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.

Post by: Kermit on September 07, 2008, 06:35:33 PM

Kermit ... thank you.

Hey ... we may not understand God's perfect plan for each of our lives but ... think about it.  If we comprehended the mind of God ... we would be equating ourselfves to God.  Faith is where it is at.


Jeremiah 1

5.  Before I formed you in the womb I knew you,
before you were born I set you apart ...


Psalm 139

14. I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well.

15. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth.

16. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.

If we comprehended the mind of God ... we would be equating ourselfves to God.  Faith is where it is at.

Probably one of the most intelligent things I have ever read. Put's it all into perspective. Thank you.

Post by: Kermit on September 07, 2008, 06:36:55 PM
Palin’s ongoing war with her ex brother-in-law Mike Wooten, a state trooper

I watched his interview and Mike Wooten admitted to the journalist that he did tazer his step-son because he asked him about the tazer and wanted to be tazered. WHAT the hoot'n nanny kind of father would tazer his son! in my humble opinion. So if Palin is trying to stop the jerk from being involved with her family then so be it! He's proved he is unfit.

I stopped listening after that admission. It has been reported he shot a moose, against the law and for drinking while driving. I say his ex-wife had good reason to divorce him.


In my opinion the police force was justified in firing this guy in regards to the taser gun incident.  Why would the union defend him?


State Probing Palin's Troopergate
Investigators Examine If Public Safety Firing Were Justified
WASILLA, Alaska, Sept. 3, 2008

John Cyr runs the Public Safety Employees Association that represents Wooten. Cyr’s organization is planning to file a new round of ethics complaints against the Palin administration related to the firing of Monegan. He says the national spotlight on the four-year-old issue is quite a change, "I don’t have a strategy, I am the executive of a little union at the fringe of the earth," Cyr told CBS News.

And Cyr notes that according to his records, Wooten has not had a formal complaint filed against him in his eight years as a trooper with the exception of the raft of complaints from the Palin family. He says his office handles about 40 serious trooper complaints each year.

According to The Associated Press, the Palin family accused Wooten of drinking a beer while in his patrol car, illegal hunting and taser-ing his 11-year-old stepson. They also claimed Wooten threatened to kill Sarah Palin's father.

“He is 6 foot 5 and goes 285 - which is not bad if you are an Alaska state trooper, but it doesn’t make you exactly sympathetic in the eyes of the public,” Cyr told CBS News.

But while Wooten has support of the union, one Alaska trooper who did not want to be named tells CBS News in his opinion the accusations against Wooten reflect negatively on all troopers, "Wooten had been making extremely poor decisions and I would never want to work with the guy.”

Good ol boys club maybe. But I agree with you, this guy should not be part of the force.

Post by: LouiseVargas on September 11, 2008, 10:17:43 PM
Since this topic is called PALIN WAR: TEEN PREGO CRISIS, I will post on that topic.

I was very disturbed about how Bristol's pregnancy was presented. She's 5 months pregnant and will marry the father later on. Hello? What about sex education and birth control pills? I think Sarah is out of touch. I read/heard that Alaska does not teach sex education in school.

This is my story:

When my daughter was 8 years old (3rd grade) in elementary school, I was called to the Principal's office because the teacher found notes sent between my daughter and a boy regarding blow jobs. It turned out she took the boy to my mother's apartment (when she knew my mother was away) and did the deed. I was astonished that 8 year olds were heavily into sex. I never told my mother about it and did not take the key away from my daughter. I lectured her. When she was 12 and was going to spend the summer with her irresponsible father in New York City, I took her to the OBGYN and got birth controls pills for her. To me, taking a pill is much more practical than getting pregnant. 

I know what I'm talking about. I got pregnant at 16 in 1961. I did not want to marry the boyfriend so I spent the summer months at home and then I was sent to a Salvation home for unwed mothers for the last three months. A social worker visited me every week. She was very nice but her goal was to get my baby. I wanted to keep him but my mother said, "You are 16 and still in high school. I have a job. Who would/could take care of the baby? If you quit high school to take care of the baby, you will be uneducated and no man will ever marry you. I had no choice. I had no money, no job, no nothing and I was under control of my mother.

I gave birth alone, in a labor room with several other girls who were screaming. No one told me what labor would feel like.

I gave birth and the baby was quickly taken down the hall. I developed an infection and the antibiotics put me to sleep. They would not let me hold my baby. I could look at my baby through a window. He was too young to remember me.  I cried for three years.

I believe sex education is a must! There are terrible consequences for unwed mothers who don't have loving families like the Palins. I experienced it.

Is understandable that my mother was clueless about sex education, but it is ridiculous for Sarah to not educate her children sexually.

Post by: Atlmetroguy on September 13, 2008, 07:51:16 AM
Since this topic is called PALIN WAR: TEEN PREGO CRISIS, I will post on that topic.

I was very disturbed about how Bristol's pregnancy was presented. She's 5 months pregnant and will marry the father later on. Hello? What about sex education and birth control pills? I think Sarah is out of touch. I read/heard that Alaska does not teach sex education in school.

This is my story:

When my daughter was 8 years old (3rd grade) in elementary school, I was called to the Principal's office because the teacher found notes sent between my daughter and a boy regarding blow jobs. It turned out she took the boy to my mother's apartment (when she knew my mother was away) and did the deed. I was astonished that 8 year olds were heavily into sex. I never told my mother about it and did not take the key away from my daughter. I lectured her. When she was 12 and was going to spend the summer with her irresponsible father in New York City, I took her to the OBGYN and got birth controls pills for her. To me, taking a pill is much more practical than getting pregnant. 

I know what I'm talking about. I got pregnant at 16 in 1961. I did not want to marry the boyfriend so I spent the summer months at home and then I was sent to a Salvation home for unwed mothers for the last three months. A social worker visited me every week. She was very nice but her goal was to get my baby. I wanted to keep him but my mother said, "You are 16 and still in high school. I have a job. Who would/could take care of the baby? If you quit high school to take care of the baby, you will be uneducated and no man will ever marry you. I had no choice. I had no money, no job, no nothing and I was under control of my mother.

I gave birth alone, in a labor room with several other girls who were screaming. No one told me what labor would feel like.

I gave birth and the baby was quickly taken down the hall. I developed an infection and the antibiotics put me to sleep. They would not let me hold my baby. I could look at my baby through a window. He was too young to remember me.  I cried for three years.

I believe sex education is a must! There are terrible consequences for unwed mothers who don't have loving families like the Palins. I experienced it.

Is understandable that my mother was clueless about sex education, but it is ridiculous for Sarah to not educate her children sexually.

Sorry Louise...I'm calling B.S. on your last statement. How do you know Palin did not instruct her daughter on either birth control or the fundamental teaching of abstinence? How do you know that Palin's daughter was not just being rebellious as most teens are?

Oh...but none of us have ever been rebellious teens so it must be that Palin screwed up right?

What you said was an assumption with no basis in fact.

I digress....


Post by: nonesuche on September 13, 2008, 08:47:55 AM
Direct quote from Palin on regarding sex education in schools:

"I'm pro-contraception, and I think kids who may not hear about it at home should hear about it in other avenues. So I am not anti-contraception. But, yeah, abstinence is another alternative that should be discussed with kids. I don't have a problem with that," Palin said.

Post by: GreatOwl on September 13, 2008, 08:57:25 AM
Teen pregnancy is a fact of life whether we like it or not.  We have created laws regarding the inclusion of these teens in our educational systems.  We have sex eduction in most school systems.  I do remember the years when a pregnant teen was not allowed to continue their in-school education.  Now they can not be excluded.

I am not sure we can call it a disease, however, it happens regardless of race or creed.  Families try to make the best out of an unfortunate mistake.  Society needs to face the fact that it is a mistake and that we all make different choices.  The only thing to do is to admit it and move on in a positive manner.

Post by: crazybabyborg on September 14, 2008, 12:32:10 AM
Just want to point out the obvious here. Many, many teens who find themselves pregnant choose abortion. Because of the way that the Palin's have raised their kids, another choice was made. We all impart our beliefs to our children and they either make them their own or reject them. Had Palin's daughter chosen abortion, had she been sexually active and not become pregnant, we wouldn't be discussing this. Palin's daughter is no "less" because she is pregnant, in fact, I think we have the opportunity to assess that she is "more" because she is pregnant. Her other choice would have been easier for her and her family, and it is a rarity to witness one so young walk the walk instead of just talking it. Her Mother would not have been the first to have a "philosophical" view that melted when faced with the application to her own child. She, too, walks in her commitments. I think that's a very valuable and tangible piece of information in this world of words.

Post by: caesu on January 12, 2009, 08:49:48 PM
Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston was born.  ::MonkeyDance::

Bristol Palin, the 18-year-old daughter of former Republican vice-presidential candidate Sarah Palin, gave birth on Saturday to a healthy 7 lb., 7 oz., baby boy in Palmer, Alaska.

"We think it's wonderful," said Colleen Jones, the sister of Bristol's grandmother Sally Heath, who confirmed the news. "The baby is fine and Bristol is doing well. Everyone is excited."

The baby's name is Tripp Easton Mitchell Johnston and he was born at 5:30 a.m., according to Jones.

Baby Tripp takes his surname from his dad, Levi Johnston, an apprentice electrician and former Wasilla High School hockey player who has been dating Bristol for three years.

Bristol Palin is currently residing in Wasilla and completing her high-school diploma through correspondence courses.

Johnston is studying to become an electrician. He told the Associated Press in October that he and fiancée Bristol plan to wed in 2009 and raise the child together.

Pregnancy Made News
Bristol, the eldest of Sarah and Todd Palin's three daughters (the couple also have two sons), made headlines with her pregnancy last summer, shortly after Republican presidential candidate John McCain picked the Alaska governor to be his running mate on his party's ticket.

In a statement at the time, Bristol’s parents said their daughter "came to us with news that we as parents knew would make her grow up faster than we had ever planned." They added, Bristol "has our unconditional love and support."

On Monday, Bill McAllister, a spokesman for Gov. Palin said, "This office will not be issuing any statements on [Bristol's baby]. We’re here to talk about state government and that matter falls outside of that.",,20245389,00.html?xid=rss-topheadlines

Bristol Palin could earn $300,000 for baby pics

According to one source, bidding for the baby photos began at $100,000. People won out in the end, but In Touch was the only other weekly to make serious bids, according to several sources involved in the process.

The price didn't soar immediately, according to the sources, because Sarah Palin stories just didn’t sell all that well for the weeklies on newsstands.

“Sarah was on the cover of People, Us Weekly, and OK! the same week, and really only People saw a bump in sales," says a source.

The drug-related arrest of Johnston's mother, however, caused the price tag for the photos to go up.

“The bidding started well before the baby was born, but once Levi’s mom was arrested — well, then you had a story,” says one editor.

Post by: caesu on March 11, 2009, 03:51:00 PM
Report: Palin's Daughter Dumps Baby's Father

Star Magazine Reports Bristol Palin Estranged From Levi Johnston
WASILLA, Alaska (CBS) ―
The rumormill continues to churn around the Palin family in Wasilla, Alaska. Star Magazine is reporting Bristol Palin, daughter of former Republican vice presidential nominee Sarah Palin, has broken off her engagement to her baby's father, Levi Johnston.

Post by: nonesuche on March 11, 2009, 08:42:27 PM
caesu I was wondering what the situation was currently with Bristol and Levi, I can't say I am surprised that they aren't together - if this is true.