Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

Missing Persons - High Profile => Caylee Marie Anthony - Florida (BODY FOUND) => Topic started by: 2NJSons_Mom on September 24, 2008, 02:12:43 PM

Title: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on September 24, 2008, 02:12:43 PM
Please use this thread for questions & answers for/from Tony L.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: SunnyinTX on September 24, 2008, 02:50:15 PM
Tony thanks for joining us. I have a couple questions

1. what was your impression of Casey BEFORE you found out anything about Caylee missing?

2. What do you think happened to Caylee and who is responsible?

3. Would YOU be a character witness for Casey if asked?

4. Have you been questioned by Mr. Baez and if so, what if anything can you share with us about that conversation?


Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: flossy on September 24, 2008, 03:03:50 PM
Hi, Tony.  Thanks for joining this place.   There are a lot of really great people here from all different walks of life, but brought together out of concern for missing people.   You'd be amazed by how much we have come to love Caylee and we are just wanting justice for her.

My question to you is this:

After reading the newly released documents yesterday, I got the feeling that Lee, who I don't trust one bit, might have been trying to point the detectives in your direction.   I'm really curious as to whether HE might have been the one to send you the text message we've all just heard about regarding the fact that someone will spend eternity in jail if they don't find Caylee.

Are you able to share your thoughts on this?  If not, we surely don't want you to.   (I hope having a Q&A with you here won't get you into any trouble with the investigators.)

Glad to have you here and I feel for all of you who are caught up in this mess.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: snoopy on September 24, 2008, 03:07:18 PM
Hi Tony.  Glad you're here.  Thank you for answering our questions.

Is was there any particular reason why Casey was not allowed at your apartment while you were gone to New York?


Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Riley on September 24, 2008, 03:57:12 PM
Welcome Tony ~
Here's the million dollar question...  what the heck was the call about from the jail?  Where she was so insistent in speaking to you and no one else?

It's ok if you can't answer that one, I'll give you a ten dollar question.  You said you had been to her parent's house a couple of times.  Did you go in and what were you there for?

Was the frozen food from her mom's house the day you picked her up after running out of gas still frozen?

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: 4th_kids on September 24, 2008, 04:06:33 PM
Hi Tony and thanks for joining us. The purse left in the car is driving me nuts. Did she ever say, "Oh I left my purse in the car or where did I leave my purse?" Do you recall her having a purse after that?

Also, did she smell of death when you picked her upfrom her car that morning? What are your thoughts on the Amscott lady saying the car was there at 7 am yet you didn't pick her up until 11 am and she had frozen chickenand popsicles, were the popsicles melted?

Thank you.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: O4Bull on September 24, 2008, 04:19:58 PM
Thanks for joining us.

I have a few questions for you.

1.  Do you have any brothers or sisters and if so, are they younger or older than you?
2.  Do any of them have children (don't be specific, I just want to know if you're familiar with behaviors of little kids)
3.  How many different words do you think Caylee was capable of saying?

thanks again

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: oldfart on September 24, 2008, 08:35:32 PM
Thank you for having what it takes to answer more questions.   I'm guessing that this has been one hell of a roller coaster from hell for you.

I only have 1 question ..   June 15-17 can you provide a timeline of when you saw Casey / Caylee.
Thank you

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: klaasend on September 24, 2008, 10:57:58 PM
Welcome Tony!

Tony has just registered and will hopefully be answering whatever questions he can as he has time.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Tamikosmom on September 24, 2008, 10:59:00 PM
Did Casey spend the night of June 15th at your apartment?

Thank you.


Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Tamikosmom on September 24, 2008, 11:01:34 PM
Transcript of Anthony Lazaro interview on July 22, 2008

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: nikkibnurse on September 24, 2008, 11:04:34 PM
Hi Tony! Thanks for doing this..
First of all, sorry you got messed up with all of this hoopla...

Secondly, I wanted to ask you, did you ever insinuate to Casey that you did not want children?

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Tamikosmom on September 24, 2008, 11:07:56 PM
Did you speak to Casey on June 16th at 4:19 PM.  If not ... where you out of town?

Thank you.


Posted August 12, 2008


3:03pm - George Anthony's Cell
4:10pm - Cindy Anthony's Work
4:11pm - Cindy Anthony's Cell
4:13pm - Cindy Anthony's Cell
4:14pm - Cindy Anthony's Work
4:19pm - Anthony Lazzaro
4:21pm - Jesse Grund
4:24pm - Cindy Anthony's Cell
6:32pm - The Anthony Home
6:33pm - Voicemail
7:06pm - The Anthony Home
7:20pm - Amy Huizenga

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: MSE on September 24, 2008, 11:09:49 PM
Hi Tony,
Sorry you had to get pulled into this mess.

I was  wondering if Casey has tried to contact you since she has been released from prison? 

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: littleone on September 24, 2008, 11:15:08 PM
Hey Tony
Thanks for answering our questions.  I would like to know what you think happened to Caylee. I would also like to know if Casey ever talked about physical violence or sexual abuse in her family? Also, did Casey always have lots of cash?

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: cubbeegirl on September 24, 2008, 11:19:47 PM
Hey Tony! Sorry that you had to be dragged into this mess..
I wanted to ask you, when Lee came to your appartment to pick up "Casey's things, did you see him messing around with the laptop or anything else that was in her bag? Also, he stated that the bag was packed neatly and that was not at all like Casey, I was wondering who packed that bag?
And do you have any theories as to what happened to Caylee?

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: cubbeegirl on September 24, 2008, 11:21:06 PM
OOOPS.... forgot , I wanted to ask you if you really received a text from Casey that said that if Caylee was never found, guess who will spend and eternity in jail?

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Rob on September 24, 2008, 11:26:27 PM
Hi Tony and welcome to SM... I don't really have any questions for you that others have not asked, just want to tell you to hang in there. I'm sure this is the most turbulent time of your young life and you're probably wondering just what's gonna happen next... just hang in there bro bro.

You'll have brighter days ahead.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Kristin on September 24, 2008, 11:27:35 PM
Ok earlier today I asked Tony If he was able to come over and answer a few questions. I also asked him a few questions that were posted on this thread.Here are his responses. I am hoping he will come on and answer a few more we will just have to wait and see, But in the meantime here are a few answers...


Today at 5:11pm
Welcome Tony ~
Here's the million dollar question... what the heck was the call about from the jail? Where she was so insistent in speaking to you and no one else?

It's ok if you can't answer that one, I'll give you a ten dollar question. You said you had been to her parent's house a couple of times. Did you go in and what were you there for?

Was the frozen food from her mom's house the day you picked her up after running out of gas still frozen?

What kind of truck do you have?

The purse left in the car is driving me nuts. Did she ever say, "Oh I left my purse in the car or where did I leave my purse?" Do you recall her having a purse after that?

Also, did she smell of death when you picked her upfrom her car that morning? What are your thoughts on the Amscott lady saying the car was there at 7 am yet you didn't pick her up until 11 am and she had frozen chickenand popsicles, were the popsicles melted?

Thank you.

Tony Lazzaro

Today at 6:08pm
Okay the jail call has me asking the same thing cuz she hasn't contacted me at all since she's been arrested so i would like to know why also.

I was there a couple times one where her and Caylee got changed then we went to the mall so i could promote and take them to dinner. Another time she had to get a gas can from her house for her car.

couple times she brought over frozen food to my house claiming she got it from her parents house and i never put it away or held it so i wouldn't know if it was still frozen or not.

I dont understand why my vehicle is important if you can tell me. Then maybe.

I didnt know she left her purse in the car i really dont remember her bringing up a purse at all to tell you the truth. obviously she had one like every woman does but i dont pay attention to purses.

Nope she didnt smell death cuz if she did I wouldve obviously said something right then and there. It would've raised a flag. I was in a hurry cuz i had to go to school to hand in my Music Business project. And honestly who knows bout the times when the car was there i just know i went to pick her up at 1130am cuz of my phone records. and once again i wouldnt know if the food was frozen or not cuz i never held it or put it away.

i hope these answered you and your bloggers questions but hey im just as curious about everything too if not more than anyone else. everything i knew of this girl was a lie and a little child that is awesome as hell is still missing.

oh and another thing i dont appreciate the people that speculate about me. You dont know me please dont talk about me when you know nothing about me and if have something say. say it to my face. Im sorry if that comes off strong. Its just annoying to see people talking about you that never met or talked to you. I never asked for any of this ive worked so hard and saved up money and taken out loans to pay almost a hundred grand in tuition and living expenses. So i could go to this school. ive only lived in orlando a year now and im only here for school im a dedicated full time student trying to get an education and to better my life.
i hope none of you never have to go through what im going through EVER...

thank you

happy blogging

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Tamikosmom on September 24, 2008, 11:28:41 PM
OOOPS.... forgot , I wanted to ask you if you really received a text from Casey that said that if Caylee was never found, guess who will spend and eternity in jail?

State Releases 600 Pages Of Documents In Casey Anthony Case
POSTED: 11:50 am EDT September 23, 2008
UPDATED: 6:36 pm EDT September 23, 2008


Then, just after Casey was arrested, Huizenga told investigators Casey's boyfriend read a text message from Casey that said, "If they never find her guess who spends eternity in jail?"

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: O4Bull on September 24, 2008, 11:59:40 PM
I've been out all evening, what happened to Tony?

I was hoping he'd answer my questions! ::MonkeyWaa::

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Riley on September 25, 2008, 07:55:00 AM
Tony, thank you for the answers.  It is all so hard to understand and my heart does go out to all the innocent people that have been ripped apart by this mess.

Can you tell us a little about Caylee and her personality?  Was she a happy, happy child or more the happy serious type?  What were her favorite games, food, things like that. Did she talk about other people in her life, like when you went to the house to change?  Was she a swimmer or a splasher?  Did she ever go anywhere without her doll? Just any little thing along those lines that you saw.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: TonyL on September 25, 2008, 08:45:03 AM
Hey riley yeah she is a happy child. She was very outgoing loved to say whats up dude to everybody she saw. Very bright little girl loved my drumsticks and drum pad alot. She liked watching her cartoons she had books where she would read well tried to at least her mother read them to her. The only she would say is nicknames for her grandparents. Cc for caseys mother cindy and i cant recall what she called her grandfather but i remember somthing along the lines of a shortened name. Well when we went down to the pool at my place she didnt have "swimmies"  its what ive called them since i was a kid. Anyway so casey was holding her in the pool and she would make some splashes with her legs. Then i started to hold her up in the pool and there some neighbors in the pool and the people that worked at the apartment complex and since i got a kick out of how she said whats up dude i had her go and say that to everybody. That was also tried to get to say yo whats up dude im a boss. just because i thought it would be humorous to see a little say that. Actually shortly after the pool i remember goin up to caylee and saying caylee im a boss and her saying right back to me no im a boss. it was great i was rolling on the floor laughing my ass off i wish i had a video camera. sorry went on a little bit of a tangent there but yeah i was holding her and we went up to everyone to say hello. Then i was teaching her how kick in the water which is the first thing you should teach when teaching someone how to swim having her hold the side of the pool i held her up from her belly and had her kick then we got out of the pool. Then they left shortly after. The only other time was that i got to see caylee for more than a few minutes would be was the day i had to promote for the hip hop showcase all three of us went to the mall they went shopping while i handed out flyers then we met up and i treated them both to cheesecake factory. And she acted like a normal 2 year old at the table when its time to eat but nothing bad. At that point caylee grew more fond of me so when casey was done helpin her eat. she came and sat on my side of the table so casey could eat. hope that answers your questions about caylee if you have more detailed questions get back to me.

Now i know theres a lot of questions for me on here and with my spare time i will answer them best to my knowledge. oh sorry for my grammar i started writing this as soon as i woke up and im lazy with out my breakfast and coffee.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: TonyL on September 25, 2008, 08:47:38 AM
Just thought i would start with this question since its really the FIRST time anyone has asked me about caylee and just caylee not her mother.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Blonde on September 25, 2008, 08:55:33 AM

Tony and Thank You

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Babybear on September 25, 2008, 10:32:54 AM
Tony, I'm so sorry you have been pulled into this.  It seems that everyone that girl has come in contact with has had their lives affected for the worse.  Especially Caylee.  I don't really have a question, just want to wish you good luck in your future life and hope you make better choices in girlfriends in the future.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: TonyL on September 25, 2008, 11:58:35 AM
Yeah i cant trust anybody anymore cuz she was completely normal to my knowledge all the way up until i found out everything in a couple hours the night july 15th. Thats what is so scary bout the whole thing.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Lisa39 on September 25, 2008, 12:44:04 PM
Tony may God bless and protect you I have felt sorry for you since the begginig of this.  It is so sad how another human being can use someone else's feelings and not give a second thought of it.  Thank you for all the information on little Caylee she is a lovely little girl thank's to you she had some happy times with you in the last of her days that we know of and you have to realize that.  Once again sorry you are going through this and even as hrd as it may seem God don't give you no more than you can handle and one way or the other you will get something out of this.  Please lok after yourself and always no us MONKEYS are always here!!!!

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: bleachedblack on September 25, 2008, 01:55:03 PM
Not Tony L. here, but just wanted to tell A_News_Junkie great post, good advice.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Sue on September 25, 2008, 01:59:00 PM
Please know I am very sorry for everything you are going through
I just cant imagine having to deal with all this and go to school and work
But Know there are many here and other blogs that totally support you
and are here for you not just for information but just for someone to talk to
I wish you all the best with the situation and in life
Good luck and God Bless you

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: MSE on September 25, 2008, 03:17:18 PM

Thanks for answering questions and letting use all know what a beautiful, smart child little Caylee was. 
A_News Junkey really said what I was thinking.  You have a bright future and I wish you all the best. 

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Blonde on September 25, 2008, 04:28:45 PM
Tony do you know who this is with Caylee ,Thanks

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: klaasend on September 25, 2008, 06:02:03 PM
Hey riley yeah she is a happy child. She was very outgoing loved to say whats up dude to everybody she saw. Very bright little girl loved my drumsticks and drum pad alot. She liked watching her cartoons she had books where she would read well tried to at least her mother read them to her. The only she would say is nicknames for her grandparents. Cc for caseys mother cindy and i cant recall what she called her grandfather but i remember somthing along the lines of a shortened name. Well when we went down to the pool at my place she didnt have "swimmies"  its what ive called them since i was a kid. Anyway so casey was holding her in the pool and she would make some splashes with her legs. Then i started to hold her up in the pool and there some neighbors in the pool and the people that worked at the apartment complex and since i got a kick out of how she said whats up dude i had her go and say that to everybody. That was also tried to get to say yo whats up dude im a boss. just because i thought it would be humorous to see a little say that. Actually shortly after the pool i remember goin up to caylee and saying caylee im a boss and her saying right back to me no im a boss. it was great i was rolling on the floor laughing my ass off i wish i had a video camera. sorry went on a little bit of a tangent there but yeah i was holding her and we went up to everyone to say hello. Then i was teaching her how kick in the water which is the first thing you should teach when teaching someone how to swim having her hold the side of the pool i held her up from her belly and had her kick then we got out of the pool. Then they left shortly after. The only other time was that i got to see caylee for more than a few minutes would be was the day i had to promote for the hip hop showcase all three of us went to the mall they went shopping while i handed out flyers then we met up and i treated them both to cheesecake factory. And she acted like a normal 2 year old at the table when its time to eat but nothing bad. At that point caylee grew more fond of me so when casey was done helpin her eat. she came and sat on my side of the table so casey could eat. hope that answers your questions about caylee if you have more detailed questions get back to me.

Now i know theres a lot of questions for me on here and with my spare time i will answer them best to my knowledge. oh sorry for my grammar i started writing this as soon as i woke up and im lazy with out my breakfast and coffee.

Tony - thanks for sharing.  Caylee seemed like such a cute little girl and full of personality. 

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: TonyL on September 25, 2008, 06:12:00 PM
i have no idea whos with caylee in that picture and i appreciate what everyone is saying thank you very much

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: TonyL on September 25, 2008, 06:13:26 PM
Remember i only knew and dated casey for a couple weeks

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Kristin on September 25, 2008, 06:29:02 PM

Aww your all alone!!

Everybody is in the general discussion thread if you would like to come over

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: akmom on September 25, 2008, 06:31:00 PM
Hi Tony, I too am sorry for all of this mess.  Can you tell me why Casey washed your car while you were gone?  Do you think there is any way that she could have used it for anything incriminating?

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: TonyL on September 25, 2008, 06:42:00 PM
i really dont know why i mean i didnt wash it at all for months so it was just dirty from not being washed but yeah i hope not cuz then i couldnt drive my car anymore thats just fucked up. Its fucked up enuff she was driving my jeep all around creation while was gone when she wasnt suppose to.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: akmom on September 25, 2008, 06:47:00 PM
Thanks for answering.  Did she clean the inside too?  Have LE checked it over and do you think they should?

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Blonde on September 25, 2008, 07:06:06 PM
Tony when you were in New York did Casey have your Jeep? I just read you said YES ::MonkeyShocked::

I just heard your tape. I'm so sorry your going through this crap.
 You sound very nice.I hope being here at Scared Monkeys helps you a little.
Thank You for all your help, were just trying to find Caylee.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: TonyL on September 25, 2008, 07:18:01 PM
It is helping and yes police checked it out so yeah theres nothing physically incriminating in there

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: akmom on September 25, 2008, 07:22:22 PM
Thank you so much, that was really worrying me.  Hope you are able to get past this all soon.  Good luck and I hope you are able to find a girl that will really love you.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Elaine on September 25, 2008, 07:28:35 PM
Hi Tony, I too am sorry that you are going through all this mess. You seem like a very nice person.

I find it very telling that Casey was driving all over in your jeep when you were away, even though she wasn't supposed to be. Thank God you did not have a check book or cash in there, it would be gone. Seems she took as much as she could from everyone around her.

Thank you for all your input here.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Elaine on September 25, 2008, 07:34:11 PM
I just thought of a qusetion i want to ask. The one thing that puzzles me the most is ,Where was casey when ever she said she was going to work. Since we now know she didn't have a job, where was she really going? Do you know? Thanks so much.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: TonyL on September 25, 2008, 07:42:16 PM
If i knew i think the investigation would be farther along than it is right now or anyone else for that matter

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Elaine on September 25, 2008, 08:02:10 PM
Thanks Tony. I guess that is the million dollar question. The only one who knows is Casey, which means we will never really know, because she lies so much.

I agree with you that it is scarey that someone can seem so normal and yet be so deceptive.
As previously stated by others here, I too hope that you can learn to trust again.

I am very sorry that you had to go through all this.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: A_News_Junkie_Monkey on September 25, 2008, 08:14:21 PM
Not Tony L. here, but just wanted to tell A_News_Junkie great post, good advice.

Bleachedblack - Thank you.  Writing that and exposing myself was hard - but I felt it necessary to share.  However, if we had a pm system it would have been sent that way. 
Tony - she owns it! 

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: TonyL on September 25, 2008, 09:09:34 PM
I really do appreciate you opening up and saying and sharing that

thank you

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: cubbeegirl on September 25, 2008, 09:17:03 PM
Hey Tony! I am so sorry you are in the middle of this mess. I know what it feels like to think you know someone and then to find out that you really didn't know them at all.You seem like a great guy! Thanks for answering our questions.

I was wondering what the interaction you witnessed between Casey and Caylee was like. Did Casey seem to truly enjoy being with Caylee ? Did she seem to be relieved and more care-free during the times she said Caylee was with the babysitter? Just wondering...

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: txlisa on September 25, 2008, 10:23:41 PM
Hi Tony!

I'm so sorry for what you have been through!  It's very kind of you to come here and answer our questions.  I truly hope you are able to find some peace.


Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Dolce on September 25, 2008, 10:40:16 PM
Tony thank you so much for coming and posting here to answer my fellow monkey's questions.  Sorry I do not have one of my own, but I do enjoy reading your responses.  You seem like a very bright guy with a good head on your shoulders.  Please remember that not every girl you meet is going to be a Casey.


Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: bellesmommy on September 25, 2008, 10:47:50 PM
Hi Tony L.
It is so good to have you here and I hope that just getting some off this crap off of your chest can help you.
You were unlucky enough to get caught in Casey's web of shit, and for that I am truely sorry.  You seem to be such an upstanding young man, just trying to get an education , living your life,  and making your way in this life.

I hope you find someone one day that is a good,  true and deserving woman...  Thank God that there are not many like Casey out there! God that would be scarey as hell!

I don't have any questions, I just want to wish you all the very best that life has to give you, because you really deserve something good in your life now!

God bless you always.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Rob on September 25, 2008, 10:49:12 PM
Hey Tony..

I read your post to Riley yesterday and just wanted to say you seem like a really nice young man with a terrific future ahead. Going to school and absorbing all that debt is stressful enough without all the other stuff Casey has created for you.

Ya know - God's plan is never laid out like a road map diagrammed on a GPS system. But some how and some way, this is part of God's plan for you. So don't stress it too much. You have cooperated with the police, answered questions from everyone under the sun, and tried your best to do the right thing . . . I don't think there is much more that could be asked of you.

Let's all just hope that there will be some closure for not only Caylee, but for you and the others who seem to care about Caylee so much.

btw - Clint thinks the world of you, and he said what a terrific person you are, publicly. I hope the future brings some resolution for both of you. I can understand the ins and outs of any relationship. Whether it be friends, husband and wife, or Girlfriend and Boyfriend. Just seems like you have a real friend in Clint. We should all be so lucky.

I wish you the best!

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: 4th_kids on September 25, 2008, 11:56:13 PM
Tony, thanks for being so patient and answering our questions for us. I have a couple more if you have the time. On the flurry of phone calls on June 16th, she called you at 4:19, 2 minutes later calls Jesse. Did she  actually reach you that day, if so how was she, same as always? Was this a normal time of day for her to call you?

Casey's making phone calls on her cell phone.
3:03 PM, she calls her dad on his cell phone.
 4:10, she calls her mom at work. 4:11, she calls her mom on her cell phone.
 4:13, she calls her mom on her cell phone.
4:14, she calls her mom at work.
4:19, she calls Tony Lazzaro (ph).
4:21, she calls Jesse Grund (ph).
4:24, mom on her cell.
 6:32, mom on home phone.
6:33, voice-mail. 7:06, mom home.
 And 7:20, she calls her friend, Amy.

 The computer that Lee picked up from your apt, he says it was plugged in andhad the death page on it, said "someone" had been deleting files, IMO, he was trying to pin that on you because from everything we've heard, Casey did not know her mother was coming, she did not know this day was the end of the road and she did not have time after her mother got there to do that, so my question is, if the computer was plugged in and open and deleting files, did Lee say hey, it got the death page? Because it's not something you would just ignore, you would make a comment about that. Oh, oh, Lee says he left his mother's around 12 am to come to your house, but didn't get back til 2:30 am, was he there that long? Do you have a general idea what time he left and how long from your apt to Casey's house.

Thanks again so much, alot of questions but they're related,lol. And good luck to you in the future.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: TonyL on September 26, 2008, 12:37:39 AM
yeah well she was on it when amy came to the door i was playing mlb 2k8 with nate and it  was plugged in cuz when the deputy that came to look at my place for caylee i told him that it was casey's laptop and we all tried turning it on thought it was dead so we plugged it in and found out then that computer wasnt working and im a smart man with MACs but not PCs so we (including the deputy) just closed it and i told lee about it and he said he would look at it when he got there.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Kristin on September 26, 2008, 12:49:20 AM
So lee's whole thing about Coming over and finding it on with the blue screen a death like somebody was deleting files was not true he had already knew about it before arriving? I am not sure if you answered that but did you get a text from Casey saying If they never find her guess who spends eternity in Jail?


Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: klaasend on September 26, 2008, 01:00:53 AM
Tony - you may have already answered this.

When you picked up Casey at Amscot on 6/27 at around 11:00am and she had that food with her, was the food like in ziplock freezer bags or something?  Why did it look to you like it was from home and not from the store?


Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: O4Bull on September 26, 2008, 01:10:47 AM
I listened to your interview and have to say I feel better knowing you're doing what you can to help little Caylee.  It was comforting to hear she was happy, she sure has a great little smile.  It's interesting to note that Casey did not have your permission to drive your Jeep yet she did. 

Did Lee give you any reason to think he suspected you of anything?  It did seem like in his interview he was trying to implicate you somehow? 

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: flossy on September 26, 2008, 01:45:51 AM
Tony, I don't have any more questions for you but wanted to comment that I agree with the other posters who have said what a good guy you seem to be.   It's pretty admirable that you are busting butt trying to better yourself and I'm sure this mess just added to your stress.

As crazy as it sounds, though, I think there's even a chance that some good will come out of this for you.   (Never underestimate the power of name recognition - but it can be a double edged sword, so be careful!)   

One good thing that already has is that you've proven your character to a lot of people who wouldn't have otherwise know you from Adam.  That may come in very handy someday........stranger things have happened!

All the luck in the world to you.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Sue on September 26, 2008, 01:46:25 AM
When Clint did the Greta interview he said that Casey stayed the night at your house
and Caylee wasnt there on June 15th fathers day, I never saw that is your statement
Did Casey spend teh night with you that night?

Thank you and God Bless


Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: 4th_kids on September 26, 2008, 08:09:20 AM
yeah well she was on it when amy came to the door i was playing mlb 2k8 with nate and it  was plugged in cuz when the deputy that came to look at my place for caylee i told him that it was casey's laptop and we all tried turning it on thought it was dead so we plugged it in and found out then that computer wasnt working and im a smart man with MACs but not PCs so we (including the deputy) just closed it and i told lee about it and he said he would look at it when he got there.

Thank you Tony, well that is a shame that the deputy got her phone but not her computer and other things because Lee was gone an awfully long time and now we'll never know what evidence he destroyed or disposed of.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: TonyL on September 26, 2008, 11:06:20 AM
I think when the deputy came to get the phone he had no idea what was going it wasnt until he came back did he realize the importance of the situation. See the thing with clint is hes a liar as well thats the problem he went on greta gave false info bout things he was kicked out of my apartment the 2nd to last week of june he was never a roommate he was a the guy on the couch cuz he got kicked out of his other appartments for not paying rent or other stupid shit and i always took him in and didnt have him pay a dime and that went on from october till june. Where i just couldnt anymore of him and my roommate Cam hated him. She didnt stay the 15th i have proof from phone records so do the police. They can ping your cell phone so they know she was at home the night of the 15th. just so you guys know where clints head is at. Is when this all happend the first thing he said to me was your gonnna get famous off of this you know that right. And he told me that he wasnt gonna go on the news out of respect for me and for caylee and then he did it. his explanation was they were bothering him which is bull cuz noone ever tried contacting him police media etc..why?? cuz his very little info that he knows is the same as mine nates cams we just were around more. he's doing what he did to be apart of this so he can show off.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Sue on September 26, 2008, 12:48:48 PM
I think when the deputy came to get the phone he had no idea what was going it wasnt until he came back did he realize the importance of the situation. See the thing with clint is hes a liar as well thats the problem he went on greta gave false info bout things he was kicked out of my apartment the 2nd to last week of june he was never a roommate he was a the guy on the couch cuz he got kicked out of his other appartments for not paying rent or other stupid shit and i always took him in and didnt have him pay a dime and that went on from october till june. Where i just couldnt anymore of him and my roommate Cam hated him. She didnt stay the 15th i have proof from phone records so do the police. They can ping your cell phone so they know she was at home the night of the 15th. just so you guys know where clints head is at. Is when this all happend the first thing he said to me was your gonnna get famous off of this you know that right. And he told me that he wasnt gonna go on the news out of respect for me and for caylee and then he did it. his explanation was they were bothering him which is bull cuz noone ever tried contacting him police media etc..why?? cuz his very little info that he knows is the same as mine nates cams we just were around more. he's doing what he did to be apart of this so he can show off.

thank you Tony For clearing that up.. So we now know that George did see Casey and Caylee Leave his home on june 16th together.. one more piece of time line cleared up   
thank you very much Tony..

So here is a easy question>>>   what are you studying in school?  what are you looking to be when you grow up?

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: TonyL on September 26, 2008, 12:51:30 PM
Full Sail University I just graduated from the Recording Arts program and now im starting Music Business.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: misitx5 on September 26, 2008, 12:54:10 PM
TONY I just want to say I am so sorry that you were put in this situation..I really hope things get better for you!

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: A_News_Junkie_Monkey on September 26, 2008, 12:58:09 PM
I have a question for you - not sure if you can answer or not, but did law enforcement do your interview or anyone you know of in segments?  I ask because on one of the interviews it sounded like they were doing snippets for the different aspects of the case.  IE: a statement for info pertaining to the theft/fraud, one for the neglect, and one for future possible charges.
Have they asked you not to discuss certain things - without of course  telling what those might be!!!!!!!
Oh, and remember - she owns it, not you!!!!!!!!!!!!  Have a great day.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Sue on September 26, 2008, 03:39:19 PM
Full Sail University I just graduated from the Recording Arts program and now im starting Music Business.

wow that is fantastic.. sounds like you are very motivated and will have great success in your life
I know this is very difficult for you but dont let all this hold you back
you go on and make wonderful things out of your life and move on
I wish you the most happienss in your life

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: justpicky on September 26, 2008, 03:53:37 PM
Did you ever thought Casey enjoy dragging everyone into this mess .
If she only told the truth , at the beginning , everyone wouldn't of
been in this mess .  Casey does this to get ATTENTION .  That's her drug , ATTENTION .

Best for everyone not to hang around her call , email , etcccc.

her day will come when she's in prison for not telling the truth .

IF CAylee is alive , then Anthony's need to get there butt up , and stop being
lazy and found her , stop having everyone else do there job . Once they found
Caylee , have her on TV "live " so that will be there PROOF.  Other than that
no one will believe the Anthony's .

Casey knows exactly where Caylee is .  Casey is holding out , she figures if she
doesn't talk , she can walk .  Casey will NOT amount to anything , except for
a TROUBLEMAKER . If she had it her way , she would love to see everyone else
go to jail . 

Caylee is the one and only victim .......

Anthony's you've a daughter who has a lot of mental problems .

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: 4th_kids on September 26, 2008, 06:04:21 PM
Well Tony, it sounds like you are a really nice guy, I know this experience is going to change you, no way around that, but don't let people like Casey dictate the rest of your life, meaning try to trust again.

Ack, sorry, keep thinking of things to ask, don't know how it was worded but the detective said to you that with your permission he was taking an avenue of investigation that he didn't want to put on record, now I'm not asking you to say what that was, but do you know if it was helpful in the end?


Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Blonde on September 26, 2008, 07:00:42 PM
I think when the deputy came to get the phone he had no idea what was going it wasnt until he came back did he realize the importance of the situation. See the thing with clint is hes a liar as well thats the problem he went on greta gave false info bout things he was kicked out of my apartment the 2nd to last week of june he was never a roommate he was a the guy on the couch cuz he got kicked out of his other appartments for not paying rent or other stupid shit and i always took him in and didnt have him pay a dime and that went on from october till june. Where i just couldnt anymore of him and my roommate Cam hated him. She didnt stay the 15th i have proof from phone records so do the police. They can ping your cell phone so they know she was at home the night of the 15th. just so you guys know where clints head is at. Is when this all happend the first thing he said to me was your gonnna get famous off of this you know that right. And he told me that he wasnt gonna go on the news out of respect for me and for caylee and then he did it. his explanation was they were bothering him which is bull cuz noone ever tried contacting him police media etc..why?? cuz his very little info that he knows is the same as mine nates cams we just were around more. he's doing what he did to be apart of this so he can show off.
 was Clint you bussiness partner?
Cam is your roommate
just trying not to get confused
Clint was the body on the couch
Gezz i wouldn't call this famous I would call this a pain in the ass.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Sundance on September 27, 2008, 03:19:26 AM
Yeah i cant trust anybody anymore cuz she was completely normal to my knowledge all the way up until i found out everything in a couple hours the night july 15th. Thats what is so scary bout the whole thing.

What I can offer you is that we are all here for a reason. We have lessons to learn.  So, when life allows you the time to reflect on what you can learn from this, do so quietly in your heart.  Take those lessons and weave them into the person you are - the one your friends and family love.  IE:  Don't let this experience have the power to change you into something new - only allow an improved you!  Go forward knowing you deserved better - you gave a gift of trust, don't let anyone degrade such a beautiful act. 

News Junkie, I think this is the most intelligent and useful post I have read in all these weeks. I applaud you.

:::walks to middle of room, claps hands together solidly:::

TonyL, take this advice from New Junkie to heart, for these are truly words of wisdom.

I wish you well in life, and please know that all of us monkeys here understand the way this whole situation must affect you.

Remember, what you go through in life isn't what makes you into who you are, it's your response and what you learn in the process.

We all will leave this world with nothing but the knowledge we acquire while we are here.

Thank you for your time in coming here to the cage.

Let me make this fast, with one more thing to News Junkie -

:::sweeps hat from head, bows deeply from waist:::

Good post!

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Sharon/Tx on September 27, 2008, 07:02:25 AM
Hey Tony, 
     I am sitting here with tears in my eyes after reading about how you played with Caylee in the pool and seemed to have such a great relationship with her.  My kids are your age and I love to watch how the guys interact with my grand baby and turn from this tough guy into a loving playful man around her.  It melts my heart and I bet that is how people saw you and Caylee when you played and taught her to say "what's up dude!"  You seem like the caregiver type guy that takes everyone in and has a good heart.  I sincerely wish you well and am sorry you got your heartstrings tangled in this sad web.  I hope you continue to do well in school and your business.  Have you tried to go over and see Casey?  God bless you and good luck.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Mary on September 27, 2008, 09:44:32 AM
Tony said that he does not know why Casey want to talk to him when she was
arrested, that he did not talk to her, nor has he talked to her since.

Clint said that Tony did receive a call from her after her arrest and he did talk to her.

                                        Check the above links

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: futonfraggle on September 27, 2008, 09:53:15 AM
Tony, I'm sure you're still trying to decipher fact from fiction while you look back on all of the stories Casey has told you in the past (stories that probably do not seem relevent to finding Caylee at all). My questions for you:

Did Casey ever tell you stories about "friends" that you never met that you now believe to be fictional (other than the Nanny)?

Did she ever mention anyone else (fictional or otherwise) losing a child (death, accident, kidnapped, etc.) or discuss any news stories about a missing children (either before or after Caylee went missing?)

Even if you don't respond, thanks for taking the time to read this!

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: A_News_Junkie_Monkey on September 27, 2008, 01:37:18 PM
Sundance - you touch my heart and I thank you for that. 
 :2redman: :2redman: :2redman: :smt049

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: TonyL on September 27, 2008, 01:48:30 PM
Again clint is a moron she did not contact me or did I after she was arrested

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Blonde on September 27, 2008, 03:09:51 PM
Tony was Casey working as a shot girl at Fusian?
Aso if yes was she in charge of the other girls?
Also why did a few of her friends think she was getting into smoking pot since going out with you.

Did you read this sighhhhhhhhh
Why would he give Disinformation like this to the cops, what did he have to back up his story about this , was it Just his opinion.
I myself being a Biker Babe thought he was OK with all of his tat's and Ed Hardy shirts, but now. 
 OK I'm done gezzz
Sean Daly;

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Sundance on September 27, 2008, 06:07:14 PM
Sundance - you touch my heart and I thank you for that. 
 :2redman: :2redman: :2redman: :smt049

News Junkie, it was like you were speaking the words that were in my mind. I so totally agree with what you said, and was moved to respond to you.

I have some banana pudding, I'll share it with you, wanna?


You have a good outlook News Junkie, and to me your post just shows your wisdom.

Now, let's go get that pudding!

:::prances merrily out of cage arm in arm with News Junkie:::

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: A_News_Junkie_Monkey on September 27, 2008, 08:52:52 PM
Sundance - you touch my heart and I thank you for that. 
 :2redman: :2redman: :2redman: :smt049

News Junkie, it was like you were speaking the words that were in my mind. I so totally agree with what you said, and was moved to respond to you.

I have some banana pudding, I'll share it with you, wanna?


You have a good outlook News Junkie, and to me your post just shows your wisdom.

Now, let's go get that pudding!

:::prances merrily out of cage arm in arm with News Junkie:::

 ::cartwheel:: ::cartwheel::  Kindred Soul - Love it!  ::cartwheel:: ::cartwheel::

And my answer to the nanner pudding......

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: jill on September 28, 2008, 10:50:58 AM

We're all really, really curious about so many things.

But I'm begging you:  please be careful!

There's a good chance that testimony from those closest to Casey will be the only thing that will determine a conviction or acquittal in this case.

We all ONLY want justice for Caylee.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: shelley62 on September 28, 2008, 05:08:51 PM
From Canada here and am very interested in this case(to say the least). Just want to say thanks for coming on here and sharing what you know. I would not want to be in your must be pretty mind-blowing to find out that someone that you think you know, is not who you think you know you probably can imagine, Casey has alot of people trying to figure her out, so to hear from someone who spent time with her and was intimate with her is much appreciated. thanks again Tony... keep your head up and chaulk this one up as a lesson learned

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Treehouse on September 28, 2008, 07:52:18 PM
Hey, Tony. Could you please answer a couple of questions for me? 

In your statement to the OCSO on July 22nd, you say that you met Casey’s friend Sean Daly for the first time on July 5th at Buffalo Wild Wings. In Sean’s statement on July 17th to OSCO, he says the same thing. He was Casey’s friend since about 1999 and he met you for the first time on July 5th at Buffalo Wild Wings. In fact, he referred to you as “that kid Tony, whoever the hell he is.” He said he did not know you and had only seen you the one time.

Yet, on July 16, in an interview with OCSO, you verified your dates for flying to New York by asking Sean if he had flown out the day before.

Also, when OSCO asked how much you and Casey talked, and you stated,
“I talked to her, I mean she…”.

Sean interrupted you and said, “Not really that much.”

You said, “Not really…I didn’t really…I mean I talk to..”.

Sean interrupted again, saying, “Tony, you didn’t want to talk to her.”

Question one:
Had you and Sean compared extensive flight itineraries while watching the fights on July 5th at Buffalo Wild Wings?

Question two:
Why was Casey’s friend, Sean, whom you had only met once before, telling you how much you did or did not talk, or want to talk, to Casey?


Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: EverySunset on September 28, 2008, 09:34:51 PM
Tony, I am sorry about Caylee.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: TonyL on September 29, 2008, 12:29:48 AM
Shawn that was there for my first interview is my friend shawn not sean daly...

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Treehouse on September 29, 2008, 08:04:06 PM
Shawn that was there for my first interview is my friend shawn not sean daly...

Whew! That's good to know.

You know, they didn't spell Shawn's name correctly in the records. They need to fix that.

Thanks for your answer, Tony. Actually, you just convinced me that you are really Tony L.

Hang in there; this will pass. 

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: pang223 on September 30, 2008, 10:27:32 AM

God Bless you for all you're going through and thank you so much for coming here to answer questions. 

Do you remember your phone conversations with Casey the night of the 15th and during the day on the 16th?  Had you established that night that she would be staying with you?  The reason I'm asking is because when Casey was leaving the house she told George she wouldn't be home that night and that she had already talked to Cindy about it.  This shows she wasn't planning on staying at home the night of the 16 and she wasn't planning on Caylee being home that night either.  She said they'd be at the nanny's.  And from the blockbuster surveillance photos and receipts from the 16th, we know she was with you that evening and without Caylee.

I know she told you she didn't' want to stay at home because of her parents fighting and she didn't want Caylee around it which is why Caylee was at Zanny's.

If Casey planned on coming over to your place with Caylee, I'd think whatever happened was an accident.  But if she was making plans for just herself to stay over...premeditation.

Thanks again!

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: ElaineG on September 30, 2008, 10:43:40 PM

Tony L, what a nightmare you must going thru, having been so intimate with casey during this time, my prayers are with you. Since casey did you use our vehicle without your permission or knowledge, can you tell us if cadaver dogs checked over your car and was there anything missing from your car like mats or rugs? Also based on what you know what does your gut tell you happened to little Caylee?

thanks for answering our questions, fact is way better than fiction.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: need more wine on October 02, 2008, 10:29:33 AM
Tony, could you tell me what time and where Casey ran out of gas th 1st time on June 20th?  Did you put gas in her car or just drop her off. etc.  Also did you ride in her car between June 15 and June 27th?  Not asking about the June 27th date that seems so important but the previous Friday that you briefly mentioned to LE. appreciate it.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: cubbeegirl on October 02, 2008, 09:04:33 PM
Tony, did Casey have bumper stickers on the trunk of her car? If so , do you remember what they said? Thanks!

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: jjayinthemorning on October 04, 2008, 05:45:32 AM
Hi Tony. I can't believe I didn't see this thread before.
Did Casey smell bad when you picked her up from Amscot? Where could she have showered before you got her? What personal belongings did she have with her?

I'm sure you have PTS from this incident, that's normal. Seek assistance for your wellbeing if it gets to you.

Did I hear that a patio was being repaired in your apartment complex around the week of the 25th?
Did you find it curious that Casey was all ready for Fusion and to help with your music business so eagarly?

Thanks for answering all the questions presented to you. You rock.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Sharon/Tx on October 09, 2008, 07:10:04 PM
Hiya Tony,  There's lots going down tomorrow and Tuesday.  It has to be surreal.  It just bums me out so bad to wonder and worry about baby Caylee.  It has to be devastating to you.  Do you think that you or anyone testifying Tuesday will be able to help in this case?  I know you cannot give details but could you give me some hope?

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Sharon/Tx on October 16, 2008, 06:41:43 AM
The silence on this thread is deafening.  I hope for the sake of baby Caylee, that someone comes forward with some information.  Every baby deserves to have at least one person fight for them because they are too little and innocent to fight for themselves. 

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: Sharon/Tx on November 15, 2008, 06:12:11 AM
     I had a dream last night that you visited Casey in jail and that she told you where Caylee was.  You are in a terrible spot but also in one that might help solve the case.  Do you ever stop and wonder how you ever got mixed up with this or why?  Do you still picture little Caylee playing in the pool this summer?  Is it fair that you wrapped your heart around this baby and her mom only to be betrayed?  No.  This is something you will never be able to forget.  Some day, you will be a daddy and will look into your baby girl's or boy's eyes and you will remember Caylee's big beautiful eyes looking back.  Will you be able to say you did everything you could to find baby Caylee?  Please, please Tony, dig deep into your heart and think.  I think you can get answers.  A guilty conscience can eat at you the rest of your life - meaning, "did I do everything I could to help".  Please Tony, if you can do anything or think of anything to stop this madness, do it for the sake of Caylee - she needs you.  We need you.

Title: Re: Questions for Tony L.
Post by: flossy on November 16, 2008, 01:52:15 PM
I'm sure Tony cannot say a word anymore since he will most likely be testifying when this all goes to trial. 

I don't expect to see Tony back here until after there is a verdict read, if at all.