Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

Current Events and Musings => Political Forum => Topic started by: Slogger on October 05, 2008, 12:49:51 PM

Post by: Slogger on October 05, 2008, 12:49:51 PM

Saying anything other than O is black could be turned into racial descrimination.  It's against the law to say demeaning things.


Is saying McCain is TOO OLD . . . AGE DESCRIMINATION?

 ::MonkeyDance:: ::MonkeyLaugh::

Post by: Slogger on October 05, 2008, 01:31:34 PM
I'm sorry for having a warped sense of humor, but I do think this is funny.  Why would the Obama campaign engage in this?

I'm really sorry for spelling discrimination incorrectly, too!  ::MonkeyLaugh::

Post by: Slogger on October 05, 2008, 01:55:03 PM
Age Discrimination against Ben Franklin . . . too old to work!

I think NOT!

Benjamin Franklin, 1706-1790 (

Age 70, Franklin was fully engaged:

From 1775 to 1776, Franklin was Postmaster General under the Continental Congress and from 1785 to 1788 was President of the Supreme Executive Council of Pennsylvania. Toward the end of his life, he became one of the most prominent abolitionists.

Age; experience; WISDOM. 

What would we have done without Ben Franklin!

Post by: caesu on October 05, 2008, 02:03:32 PM
i think age can have an effect on the ability to be president.
after all, chance of dying is higher at an higher age.
and McCain has had cancer issues.

race doesn't have these effects.

some say this makes the choice for Palin as VP more troubling.
i actually prefer Palin before McCain.
Palin is so inexperienced on national/international issues, she will likely redirect this to her cabinet.
these cabinet secretaries will have the experience i presume.

McCain wouldn't redirect this to his cabinet i think.
McCain as president will be very dangerous in my opinion.
he will choose to solve all problems with military force.
he is very weak on diplomacy. his erratic decisions in the last few weeks show this.
altough i don't think that has to do anything with his age.

Post by: WhiskeyGirl on October 05, 2008, 02:23:19 PM
i think age can have an effect on the ability to be president.
after all, chance of dying is higher at an higher age.
and McCain has had cancer issues.

race doesn't have these effects.

some say this makes the choice for Palin as VP more troubling.
i actually prefer Palin before McCain.
Palin is so inexperienced on national/international issues, she will likely redirect this to her cabinet.
these cabinet secretaries will have the experience i presume.

McCain wouldn't redirect this to his cabinet i think.
McCain as president will be very dangerous in my opinion.
he will choose to solve all problems with military force.
he is very weak on diplomacy. his erratic decisions in the last few weeks show this.
altough i don't think that has to do anything with his age.

I believe that discrimination is an ugly thing.  I cannot change the color of my skin (only in cartoons), I cannot turn back the clock, and I cannot change the genetic coding I received at birth.

Joe Biden is just a few years younger than McCain.  Does his age make him NOT a good choice for VP?  What if something happened to Obama?  Biden's chances of dying are up there with McCains.  Who is next in line as president? 

What of Obama?  Statistically, don't have any links handy, IIRC, African Americans are more likely to become disabled at a younger age due to serious health conditions.  As a result, they collect Social Security Disability at a young age, and not the S.S. for retirement at age 65.  Does this make Obama NOT a suitable candidate because of his age and race?

I'll look for some links.

I think Palin is the best choice.  She is an outsider, experienced chief executive (mayor and governor and soccer-mom and shares power well with others (husband-probably the most difficult job she has!)).

Post by: Slogger on October 05, 2008, 02:30:00 PM
Thomas Alva Edison, 1847-1931

By now, Edison was being hailed world-wide as The wizard of Menlo Park, The father of the electrical age," and The greatest inventor who ever lived." Naturally, when World War I began, he was asked by the U. S. Government to focus his genius upon creating defensive devices for submarines and ships. During this time, he also perfected a number of important inventions relating to the enhanced use of rubber, concrete, and ethanol.

(WWI, 1917--Edison, Age 70)


The Final Years
Edison was active in business right up to the end. Just months before his death in 1931, the Lackawanna Railroad implemented electric trains in suburban service from Hoboken to Gladstone, Montclair and Dover in New Jersey. Transmission was by means of an overhead catenary system, with the entire project under Edison's guidance. To the surprise of many, he was at the throttle of the very first MU (Multiple-Unit) train to depart Lackawanna Terminal in Hoboken, driving the train all the way to Dover. As another tribute to his lasting legacy, the same fleet of cars Edison deployed on the Lackawanna in 1931 served commuters until their retirement in 1984, when some of them were purchased by the Berkshire Scenic Railway Museum in Lenox, MA. A special plaque commemorating the joint achievement of both the railway and Edison, can be seen today in the waiting room of Lackawanna Terminal in Hoboken, presently operated by New Jersey Transit.[49]



At 83 years old, Thomas Edison obtained his last patent, which was his 1,093rd patent.

Post by: Slogger on October 05, 2008, 02:41:41 PM
i think age can have an effect on the ability to be president.
after all, chance of dying is higher at an higher age.
and McCain has had cancer issues.

race doesn't have these effects.

some say this makes the choice for Palin as VP more troubling.
i actually prefer Palin before McCain.
Palin is so inexperienced on national/international issues, she will likely redirect this to her cabinet.
these cabinet secretaries will have the experience i presume.

McCain wouldn't redirect this to his cabinet i think.
McCain as president will be very dangerous in my opinion.
he will choose to solve all problems with military force.
he is very weak on diplomacy. his erratic decisions in the last few weeks show this.
altough i don't think that has to do anything with his age.

When the Dem Doctors and Nurses are finished with us, we will be scared out of our skin about skin cancer.  Stay inside, go outside with sunscreen, don't use this . . . use that.

Skin cancer:  If you don't have it, you'll get it.

I've had it; both sons have had it; spouse has had it.  Grandson had it.  Doctors are not predicting doom and gloom for us.

We don't have the care that the President has.  You'd better believe that poor man's body has been checked.

That's what you are supposed to do:  Keep checking.
McCain is doing that.

I know personally those are SCARE TACTICS.

Post by: nonesuche on October 06, 2008, 10:45:37 PM
Thank you slogger, you are very correct.

I lost my husband to melanoma two years ago, his first bout with it was two years prior from one very tiny mole which appeared on his back.

caesu if McCain truly had the deathly type of skin cancer, i.e. melanoma, trust me - he would not be campaigning and likely would be dead. There is no cure, it is a silent killer and something called a PET scan is the only true way to track the insidious tiny tumors it creates. Do you really think McCain doesn't have state of the art healthcare??? come on......

McCain isn't dying of skin cancer, give it up, in fact try to be reasonable and fair for once.