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Current Events and Musings => Political Forum => Topic started by: WhiskeyGirl on January 13, 2009, 06:31:51 PM

Title: Where are the rice bowl jobs in America?
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on January 13, 2009, 06:31:51 PM
I've been reading about how China allowed 'private enterprise' in order to grow their economy.  They currently have a surplus of cash and make many investments.  China HAS money to invest.  Their people are able to save quite a bit of their take home pay.  IIRC, they do not have socialized medicine, people pay for medical care out of their PERSONAL funds.

Private enterprise has really grown in China.  It has allowed the average Chinese citizen to QUIT the state assigned job and take out for a private company.  The jobs in private companies pay better and are chosen.  There is some economic uncertainty, but the private job is considered better by some than the government "rice bowl" job assigned for what may be a lifetime of employment.  Does anyone quit, leave, or get fired from their "rice bowl" job and collect unemployment?  Does every one in China who wants a job have access to one?  Maybe an assigned one from the government?  The Chinese government, does it get something in return for investing in jobs?

It seems, at least to my simple brain, that the Chinese government (or the 'people') get something in return for investing in people who cannot find private employment.  Who buys all the goods made by people working these "rice bowl" jobs?  Americans?

How can American workers compete with "rice bowl" jobs?  Workers who make $5 a day or less?

What American student can compete with jobs of the future in Beijing?  Why aren't workers in Chicago competing for high paying jobs with workers in other American cities?  North America?  Where is diversity in the job market?

Why not focus on job creation?  Microloans to small business like is done in other countries? 

The US today reminds me of Easter Germany after WWII.  The Russians came.  They dismantled the factories, and shipped them further east.  The East Germans were left to rebuild a war torn nation with few resources.  The US business community dismantled factories and with the blessing of US government for generations shipped the factories and jobs offshore.  IIRC, the included the machinery as "exports" along with real goods produced in factories.  The US economy has been devastated.  All the new administration is offering is jobs that will create roads to nowhere.

Is it possible, that there are no more factories to export?  The nation has been left destroyed and without the resources to rebuild?  No will to rebuild the nation and create a sustainable future?  What future is there in temporary government "stimulus" jobs?  A rice bowl job has a continuing purpose - lifetime employment.  It seems like an investment in higher paying welfare or entitlement programs.  Where is the long term benefit to providing a sustainable economy?  Job market? 

Someone on TV yesterday said that all these public works jobs "shovel ready" would leave a tremendous debt, and that American's would "at least" have something in return for all this money.  Where is the return on existing welfare programs?

I wonder, where are the American rice bowl jobs?  For generations, Americans have been investing in various welfare programs, unemployment, healthcare, etc. and people remain unemployed.  Why not find government work for all these people?  Maybe part time while they look for a job?   Where did the rice bowl jobs in America go?

I remember when "workfare" came to my state.  A good number of people just disappeared form the welfare caseload rather than participate in education or job services. 

The US has lots of national debt, rising unemployment, fewer and fewer jobs, and little or no savings in comparison.  Does any taxpayers expect a return for all these investments?  When will taxes rise to pay for all these programs?  After Obama leaves office?

Where is truth in spending?  How much will taxes rise in four years to pay for all these programs?  200%?  500%?  Last I read, it's like every family will take on the burden of a government monkey for about $500,000.  The 'family' will have nothing to show for that money squandered by those on Capitol Hill. 

Americans used to be able to buy products made in America.  Americans in the past had their choice of many good paying jobs, at good companies, and with good benefits.  Jobs that supported a family and allowed for a good lifestyle and standard of living.  Where did these rice bowl jobs go?

Where are the American rice bowl jobs?

Just my humble opinions and conclusions.

Title: Re: Where are the rice bowl jobs in America?
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on January 13, 2009, 06:42:22 PM
But you think you’ve got trouble? What unemployed Americans don’t buy unemployed Chinese don’t make. A report at Bloomberg tells us that 10 million migrant workers in China lost their jobs in the first 11 months of 2008. By now, the figure is surely much higher.

“Poverty does cause violence,” says a professor at Columbia who studied the issue. The Chinese government has warned that it may be faced with “mass incidents” in which it has to use force to keep the mob under control. Next door, Russia has already called out troops to put down a tax revolt in Siberia.

“I’m getting a license to carry a handgun,” said an American friend, surprising us over dinner last week. “I don’t know... but I see people getting desperate.”

Elsewhere in the news is a report that shoplifting in the US is rising. More than 80% of stores surveyed said it was becoming a bigger problem.

And in Spain, people are so desperate for work they’re joining the army. When the market declines, politics – especially armed politics – increases. Like Ireland, Spain profited in a big way from the boom in credit. But now that the boom is over, it is suffering in a big way too. House prices are slumping and jobs are disappearing. Our team in Buenos Aires – which keeps an eye on the Spanish-speaking world – tells us that only 47,000 young men signed up for military service in 2007. In 2008, the total rose to 80,000. According to some experts, by 2010, one out of every five Spaniards in the work force will be out of a job.

The last major boom in world trade came with the Reagan Administration. The free-marketers in the ‘80s – both in England and America – lowered taxes and reduced barriers to commerce. Then, a remarkable thing happened – the Soviet Union collapsed, leaving its member states and client countries free to enter into trade with the West. China also realized that its rice bowl would be fuller if it too began selling to the West, rather than threatening it. (

Why not focus on a nation that trades with it's neighbors?  Small business that sells locally?  Make the nation more independent? 

If energy independence is a good thing, why not independence from other imports?

The US is large nation with many resources.  Why not find solutions within our borders, or those of our near neighbors for the things we need?

just my humble opinions