Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

Current Events and Musings => Political Forum => Topic started by: WhiskeyGirl on May 10, 2009, 10:36:56 AM

Title: Undocumented workers are "illegal aliens."
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on May 10, 2009, 10:36:56 AM
Like most immigration purists, Ron Mortensen sees few grays.

Undocumented workers are "illegal aliens." And compassion is for wusses and "media elites."

"These cases show the problems that come about when religious organizations and other business, civic, political and media elites support illegal immigration," Mortensen wrote in an e-mail. (He's doing humanitarian work in Senegal.)

"When these elites support illegal immigrants for their own purposes, they may feel good, they may benefit financially, and they may increase their membership numbers. But they are selling the illegal aliens false hope and, in many cases, heartbreak and despair."

Should people profit financially when they come to the U.S. illegally?  Or, come legally, and stay beyond what is allowed?  Should taxpayers support these folks?

"The perception that Mexico is inferior, that having a Mexican childhood is inferior, that Mexican culture is inferior are really common in this state," says Theresa Martinez, a University of Utah sociology professor and co-chairwoman of Utahns for the American Dream.

In the words of one tv star, would these be "Straight up racism"?

http://**/faith/ci_12328576 (http://**/faith/ci_12328576)

Why don't these estimated 10-20 million people apply and come here legally? 

Should they profit through any amnesty program?  Somehow, I imagine any program will make more than 30 million illegal immigrants 'legal'.  Add the families.  Legal to collect the benefits the Obama administration is now handing out to 'non-citizens' and legal residents.

How much will this cost in welfare?  10-30 million in Pell grants that working families may not qualify for?

Should illegal immigrants profit for breaking the law?

How long will it take to perform 30 million background checks?  Criminal checks using DNA and fingerprints?

How much of a burden will 30 million place on Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, and other programs.  IIRC, by comparison there are only about 50 million retired folks.  Folks who've paid into these programs their entire life.

What will the effect on the U.S. with all these dual voter be on our political landscape?  Will foreign countries get a controlling interest in U.S. politics?

How long before the U.S. is the new Banana Republic of the Americas?

How many Americans are struggling?  Will adding 30 million for benefits and jobs make things better?

Title: Re: Undocumented workers are "illegal aliens."
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on May 10, 2009, 10:38:39 AM
Italy, home of Fiat, sends illegal migrants home -

Official: Italy returned more migrants to Libya

The interior minister says Italian boats have brought back more migrants to Libya as the government continues to crack down on illegal immigration. (

Title: Re: Undocumented workers are "illegal aliens."
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on May 10, 2009, 10:43:17 AM
An opinion letter -

Before an official amnesty can get through Congress, the Obama administration is implementing a defacto amnesty by cancelling all worksite inspections by ICE. The Bellingham, Washington raid in February '09 that caught 27 illegal aliens is destined to be the last under Obama. The Obama administration has stopped reimbursement to states for the costs of jailing illegal aliens and has cut funding for the border security fence. Take a look at his radical "open borders" appointees. (

No jobs for you American citizen and those here legally.  What happened to E-Verify and The Real ID Act of 2005?

Title: Re: Undocumented workers are "illegal aliens."
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on May 10, 2009, 10:47:20 AM
Pelosi went on to reinforce the Obama administration's systematic dismantlement of existing worksite enforcement policies. Begun in late 2007 by the Bush administration, the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency's (ICE) stepped-up worksite enforcement strategy was creating effective deterrence to employing illegal aliens - too effective for the Obama administration and Speaker Pelosi. "We have to have a change in policy and practice and again ... I can't say it enough, the raids must end. The raids must end," she said.

After apologizing to the audience for not being able to speak to them in Spanish, she told them, "You are special people. You're here on a Saturday night to take responsibility for our country's future. That makes you very, very patriotic." (

When will government support citizens and those here legally? 

No jobs for anyone that doesn't speak Spanish?  Is that American?  The wave of the future?

American has become the newest province of Mexico?

Title: Re: Undocumented workers are "illegal aliens."
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on May 10, 2009, 10:57:50 AM
Issa said an internal memo written by the Department of Homeland Security outlining the administration's new policy explains that illegal immigrant workers can be arrested only when a criminal case is pending for the employer or special permission is granted by headquarters.

"While the administration touts plans for tougher enforcement against employers, they are hiding new restrictions that will abandon enforcing immigration law at work sites," Issa said in a written statement.

Illegal immigrants make up about 10 percent, or 1.8 million, of California's 18.8 million workers, according to the Pew Hispanic Center, a research organization that studies the Latino population in the U.S.

Illegal immigrants make up about 5 percent, or 8 million, of the nation's 154 million workers, immigration analysts say.

"The U.S. doesn't have the stomach for a sustained immigration enforcement effort," Hanson said.

Will future generations wonder why 'we' didn't do more to stop illegal immigration?  Why we didn't do more to keep those 11-30 million people out?

Too many industries, such as agriculture and construction, depend heavily on illegal immigrant workers, he said. Strong work-site enforcement in those fields would elicit strong opposition from industry leaders, Hanson said.

Moreover, about half of the illegal immigrant worker population is employed by individuals, rather than large companies, as nannies, landscapers and for other jobs. Going after them would require intrusive enforcement operations, Hanson said.

I saw something on TV that suggested that our agricultural industry and it's jobs are being outsourced foreign countries by the Obama administration to.  Will all these previously illegal people the Obama administration wants to 'legalize' now be  unemployed and on unemployment and welfare?  Going to school at taxpayer expense?  At a time when taxpayers can't afford to go? (

No jobs for you American citizens and other legal people in the U.S.

There are 30 million or more that need those jobs that jumped in line ahead of you.


Title: Re: Undocumented workers are "illegal aliens."
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on May 10, 2009, 11:11:32 AM
White House Cheat Sheet: Obama's Latino Courtship

Today's Spanish-language town hall meeting hosted by Labor Secretary Hilda Solis is the latest evidence of the White House's active courtship of Latinos -- the nation's largest minority group and a (still) sleeping giant in electoral politics.

The town hall, which will be anchored by Univision's Edna Schmidt and will focus on the swine flu outbreak, is being billed by the White House as "an unprecedented effort to engage our nation's largest minority group." (

What happened to the American dream for people who are citizens and here legally? 

People fill out forms, and wait patiently to be accepted to come to the U.S. 

11-30 million who are here illegally, get to jump in line and get all the things denied by those who wait patiently.

What about the American dream for those here legally? 

Tino Cuellar, Obama's special advisor for justice and regulatory policy, went even further, telling Hispanics that the White House was saying "no to discrimination."

"It is very important to remember that at this moment, despite the priority that we have to give to public health, it is also important to remember that civil rights do not stop, they move forward," Cuellar said.

"The truth that all the American public has to understand is that this virus respects no borders, respects no ethnic or racial lines, which means that it is not a Mexican-American, Latino, Asian or African-American virus. It is a challenge that we all have to face together."

Obama celebrated this as the first townhall meeting at the White House to be "conducted entirely in Spanish" and vowed that it would be "the first of many" ways to reach out to the American people.,obama-supports-us-latinos-were-all-in-this-together--feature.html (,obama-supports-us-latinos-were-all-in-this-together--feature.html)

When will America be for the citizens and those here legally? 

Is it a case of "it's not that we're against those that don't speak Spanish.  We're just that we're for those that are Spanish speaking.

We're not against jobs for Americans, we're just 'for' jobs for illegal immigrants.

We're not against welfare or education for Americans, we're jsut 'for' welfare and education for those that are non-citizens.

When does America work for citizens?  When do citizens move to the front of the line?  When they all speak Spanish?

Did someone decide the national language is officially Spanish and no one told those of us that speak only English?  (Our heritage language having been eliminated generations ago?)