Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

Current Events and Musings => Political Forum => Topic started by: WhiskeyGirl on May 22, 2009, 08:39:20 AM

Title: Red Herring? "$1.4 billion for ICE criminal alien enforcement" Illegals too?
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on May 22, 2009, 08:39:20 AM
What is a 'criminal alien'?  Can a 'criminal alien' be in this country legally or illegally?

“Secure Communities” allows local law enforcement access to FBI and ICE fingerprint (biometric) databases for use in determining inmates’ immigration status. Inmates who have not been fingerprinted by federal or state agencies will not be identified through the program.

If you haven't applied to come here legally, you came illegally, how can your immigration status be determined by fingerprint?  If you have no fingerprints in the database, are you considered to be a citizen?

Hmmm...FBI data base for criminals, suspects.  ICE for legal immigrants.  What database exists to identify all citizens?  Where is the database to identify the illegal aliens?

Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has said that deporting illegal aliens who have committed crimes would be a priority under her leadership.
“That sounds very simple, but it’s historically not been done,” Napolitano said to reporters and immigration officials on Jan. 29.

How do you identify illegal aliens?  Do they stop at the border for finger printing?  Are they likely to be in the FBI or ICE fingerprint databases?

From Oct. 27, 2008, to April 12, 2009, more than 2,000 “highest priority criminal aliens” were identified, and more than 2,500 criminal aliens were removed from the United States using biometric information, according to the Department of Homeland Security.

I may be wrong here, but is criminal alien the same as criminal illegal alienI'm inclined to believe they are different.  One started their life in the U.S. as a legal alien, the other started their life in the U.S. illegallyApples and oranges.

ICE estimates that the incarcerated illegal alien population is between 300,000 and 450,000... (

Why not stop the flow of illegal people into this country?  If there are almost half a million illegal aliens incarcerated, how many are the answer to unsolved crimes and mysteries?

This seems like a red herring.  An apples to oranges, a verbal shell game. 

Why not start using E-Verify?  Implement The Real ID Act of 2005? 

I don't think the U.S. is getting safer with these new programs from Homeland Security. 

What is the worst thing that would happen if you stopped the flow of millions of illegal people entering the country?

What is the worst thing that would happen if you started returning the illegals and their families to their country of origin?

I think there could be some exceptions, opportunities, but rare.  "Cap and trade" for immigration.   Cap the number, let them pay for their past use of services and tax them for their future use.  If it works for energy, why not for illegal immigrants?

Why should legal immigrants, those that apply and wait patiently, follow the law get the short end of the stick?  Why should citizens and those here legally get the short end of the stick, and have to pay for it?

Something is wrong in America.


Title: Re: Red Herring? "$1.4 billion for ICE criminal alien enforcement" Illegals too?
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on May 22, 2009, 08:47:04 AM
There is something wrong in America when politicians seem to avoid open and honest discussions about illegal aliens and immigration.

How many is too many?  12-20 million?  40-50 million?  IIRC, there are only 50 million retired people in the U.S. 

Past immigrants came expecting they would not get public aid, there were no roads paved with gold, just the opportunity to work hard, save some money, and provide for your family.  Some lucky (and hardworking) folks, made it rich.

How many welfare benefits are spent by illegal aliens?  How much in welfare benefits does the average family with an illegal alien parent receive?

There seems to be a lot of shell games from politicians, few attempts to give meaningful answers.

There is something wrong in America when politicians seem to avoid open and honest discussions about illegal aliens and immigration.


Title: Re: Red Herring? "$1.4 billion for ICE criminal alien enforcement" Illegals too?
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on May 22, 2009, 09:11:31 AM
Another story about the ICE enforcement - (

From the comments -

If I was living illegally in another country, I would do anything it took to keep from being detected. At the top of that list would be not to get arrested or get into trouble with law enforcement...

Does it really matter what these ILLEGAL immigrants are arrested for? They've been law breakers since the day they set foot on US soil, and it seems they have absolutely no reguard for our laws by further breaking the law. Any Illegal immigrant that is caught in any charge (this would include jay walking) should be deported immediately, no questions asked.

How do other countries treat legal and illegal people locked up in the penal system?  

I watched an episode of "Locked up abroad" the other day and it was horrible.  Twenty people locked in one cell...that was the best thing that could be seen...

Why not apply to come legally?  What's wrong with following the law?

Title: Re: Red Herring? "$1.4 billion for ICE criminal alien enforcement" Illegals too?
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on May 22, 2009, 10:56:12 AM
Why not fingerprint those without insurance in the ER?   Maybe fingerprinting and inclusion in a database will help recover some of the money expended for their care?

Fingerprint the parents of anchor babies? 

Fingerprints could also be taken when you buy a home, get a mortgage, or engage in financial wheeling and dealing, including internet gambling. 

Social spending only seems to work longterm if everyone contributes.  When people take more than they receive, it runs out of money.

The U.S. is broke and should be looking at ways to recover some of this money expended for healthcare and welfare.
