Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

Current Events and Musings => Political Forum => Topic started by: WhiskeyGirl on May 30, 2009, 11:16:15 PM

Title: Illegal Aliens, The U.S. Census, and One Man/One Vote - Allocation of House Seat
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on May 30, 2009, 11:16:15 PM
The decennial Census, which counts all people regardless of immigration status, is used to allocate federal funds for education, housing, healthcare, transportation and other local needs. By some estimates, every person counted results in $1,000 in federal funds.

The Census is also used to apportion the 435 seats in the U.S. House of Representatives, which are based on a state's population.

According to a study in 2003, California's sizable illegal immigrant population allowed it to gain three House seats it might otherwise not have received. The state's illegal immigrant population also caused Indiana, Michigan and Mississippi to each lose one of their seats and prevented Montana from gaining a seat.

...the illegal immigrant population skewed the "one man, one vote" principle in elections. In 2002, the study found, it took almost 100,000 votes to win the typical congressional race in the four states that lost or failed to gain a seat, compared with 35,000 votes to win in immigrant-rich districts in California.

"People who have no right to be in this country should not be counted," said federation President Dan Stein. "It's awfully hard to explain to U.S. citizens why they keep losing political representation to states like California because of people who broke immigration laws."

This is probably why some consider illegal 'immigration' an illegal invasion.,0,3637804.story (,0,3637804.story)

Title: Re: Illegal Aliens, The U.S. Census, and One Man/One Vote - Allocation of House Seat
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on May 30, 2009, 11:52:06 PM
New Boss Same as The Old Boss Chapter II: Economic Assault on Middle Class Continues
After promising "limited government,"and despite of receiving the majority of middle class votes, George W. Bush was one of the worst presidents for the middle class. Bush promoted free trade deals that sent our jobs overseas, promoted amnesty for illegal immigrants, and greater guest worker programs while our borders remain unsecured. Bush continued to spend to the point of breaking Lyndon Johnson's record by increasing the size of government. He borrowed from nations that are not the friendliest such as China, and Saudi Arabia contributing to the current financial crisis, while the federal reserve printed money out of thin air devaluing our currency. Bush passed massive tax cuts that favored the wealthy, and did nothing to address the budget deficit. (

Something seems familiar...sending UAW jobs to foreign countries, amnesty for illegal aliens, unsecured borders (violence, drugs, guns, and people), rising debt...

Change you can believe in!

jmho = just my humble opinions