Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

Natalee Holloway => Important Case Documents => Topic started by: klaasend on December 06, 2006, 10:41:04 AM

Title: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on December 06, 2006, 10:41:04 AM
This was posted at Aruba Dirty Police and also emailed to me by a group calling themselves "Natalee's Freebirds" (no connection to our SM poster freebird)

Aruba Pledged to Help the Family - Instead, They Did All They Could to Bury Them With Their Daughter
The apparent corruption and collusion within the Aruban government and tourism industry began very early in the case of missing Natalee Holloway. The following will show these forces at work a mere 6 days after Natalee fell victim to her perpetrators on the island of Aruba.

Post on Scared Monkeys front page by Tamara Waldron – an employee representing the Ministry of Transportation and Tourism - and a member of the Aruban Strategic Communications Task Force. Posted on June 5, 2005 - the day the two innocent, black, framed security guards were arrested in connection with the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.

THanks Gabriel! As an American citizen living in Aruba, and having lived in the U.S. for nearly 10 years I can assure you that most of us are looking at the big picture and we share the concerns of Natalee’s family and friends.
Howver, looking at the picture does not mean blaming the island or its people….we should keep looking at the big picture which does involve at looking at other possibilities, other than a crime, for the dissapearance of the 18 year old.
So far there has not been any indication of a murder, a kidnapping etc and we should all stick together and help in searching for his girl instead of assuming things and smearing Aruba on the news.
I do believe she will be found as there have been numerous sightings of Natalee, which indicate more that this is a runaway case than any other….of course we don’t know for sure, but we must leave the windows of numerous possibilities open.

Comment by Tamara Waldron | June 5, 2005, 7:13 pm

Tamara Waldron has posted and presented what was to become some of the biggest talking points that will be used by future "Anti family, pro Aruba" posters.

1. Looking at the picture does not mean blaming the island or its people….we should keep looking at the big picture which does involve looking at other possibilities, other than a crime, for the disappearance of the 18 year old

2. So far there has not been any indication of a murder, a kidnapping etc and we should all stick together and help in searching for his girl instead of assuming things and smearing Aruba on the news

3. I do believe she will be found as there have been numerous sightings of Natalee, which indicate more that this is a runaway case than any other….of course we don’t know for sure, but we must leave the windows of numerous possibilities open.

Ministry of Transportation AND TOURISM

The Strategic Communications Task Force is a working group established in Aruba to address the issues surrounding the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. The Task Force includes representatives from AHATA (Aruba Hotel and Tourism Association), ATA (Aruba Tourism Authority), business and government leaders. The Task Force continues to support the Holloway/Twitty families and will continue to offer support in their search for Natalee Holloway

Steering Committee of the Strategic Communications Task Force:
Myrna Jansen, chairperson Aruba Tourism Authority
Serge Mansur, chairperson Aruba Trade & Industry Association
Jorge Pesquera, chairperson Aruba Hotel and Tourism Association
Edwin Roos Chamber of Commerce
Jaap Beaujon Advisor
Agustin Vrolijk Department of Foreign Affairs
Frits Israel Aruba Tourism Authority
Gina Lopez-Gnecco Aruba Tourism Authority
Rob Smith Aruba Hospitality & Security Foundation

Additional members

Greg Peterson Aruba Trade & Industry Association
Olindo Koolman Former Governor of Aruba
Alfonso Riverol Aruba Hotel and Tourism Association
Andy Osbourne Aruba Timeshare Association
Jan van Nes Aruba Timeshare Association
Bill Carson Aruba Hotel and Tourism Association
Erik Brete Liaison to the office of the Prime Minister
Henry Baarh Minister Plenipotentiary Washington
John Merryweather Former Government Official
Tamara Waldron Ministry of Tourism and Transportation
Ruben Trappenberg Aruba Airport Authority

Contributing participants

Helen Bautista Fitzgerald and Co.
Kelly Marshal Fitzgerald and Co.
Florence Quinn Quinn and Co.

What we do

The Strategic Communications Task Force’s goal is to stay abreast of all developments in the Natalee Holloway disappearance, verify if information given is truthful and bring forward the correct facts when necessary. The Task Force also aims to inform the public and media whenever there is information that can be shared and monitor media coverage both locally and internationally in an effort to prevent and minimize any damage to the economic well being of Aruba. The Task Force believes that it is very important to keep the community at large well informed of the latest developments.

It seems Ms Waldron was doing the exact opposite of what her Task Force set as their first objective - "To verify if information given is truthful and bring forward the correct facts when necessary"

While at the same time, she proved to be highly successful with their second objective - which is contrary to their first objective, to "monitor media coverage both locally and internationally in an effort to prevent and minimize any damage to the economic wellbeing of Aruba."

Gabriel Leo, an airport employee, being overseen by the Ministry of Transportation and Tourism, played his part well with posts at Scared Monkeys like the following – again posted on June 5, 2005.

As an Arubian, I am very disappointed about the rumors that the international press is publishing about the happenings here on the island. CNN, Fox, NBC, ABC, CBS etc all are bringing the news to the world as it unfolds. It even surprises the locals that certain news is published on international media before it’s published on local media. The Aruban Government it’s giving 100% cooporation. The ministers of the island (Prime minister, Minister of Justice, Minister of tourism) Are giving their 100% support in the search for Natalee here on the Island. I as a Local am deeply schocked about the disappearing. We as Arubians are happy to live here on the island and we believe that we are truly blessed bij having a low criminality rate, we truly think we live in Paradise!
We all must be realistic about what is beeing said on the Media. We have crime here on the island, WHO DOESN”T!
We have tourist who have been coming to Aruba for over 20 to 30 years to the island. When they are asked whey they come to the Island the two reason which they give are the Hopitality of our people and the safety that one gets just by being on the Island!

So please! The media and those who follow the news from my Island must not believe everything that is said. CNN reported that Aruba has a dark side. It’s an Island which is ruled by drugs from Colombia and latin prostitutes which invade the island trying to go to Europe via Aruba. NOT TRUE! The media is just blowing the news out of proportion just to make the news more interesting. Sadly these wrong doing is just affecting our reputation and our tourism. Ask Any one you know! What they think about Aruba. I’M SURE that you will be told other!!!

We truly hope and pray that Natalee returns and the Aruban People believe she will return in good health. But we are not at all happy with the international press who are publishing News Without Verifying the story and making sure it’s true! I Guess that’s the only way they think they could get some attention!

Comment by Gabriel Leo | June 5, 2005, 5:23 pm

Jorge Pesquera, The President of the Aruban Hotel and Tourism Association (AHATA) put this Task Force together – with member selection help and input from Joran’s attorney Antonio Carlo, and Mark Purcell’s wife Marlene.

On June 30, 2005 Aruban Prime Minister Nelson Oduber makes this telling statement about the effectiveness of this hand picked Task Force.

Prime Minister Nelson Oduber presents “anti incorrect news” committee

“The committee has been working for some time behind the screens without too much publicity, and function on behalf of the people of Aruba in order to minimize the impact of the negative news that is being sent out” The basic mission of the committee is to bring correct information and counteract all publications that are not based on the truth and to explain the function of our judicial institutions and how they operate.”

This collusion and corruption needs to be exposed, stopped, and the participants brought forth to answer for their actions to their own citizens, their media, the US media, the US citizens, and most importantly – to Natalee Holloway’s family.

Title: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on December 06, 2006, 03:58:06 PM

Dompig: "They did ‘have sex’ with Natalee"

Eighteen months after the disappearance of Natalee Holloway on May 30, 2005 in Aruba , officials have failed to prosecute any of the suspects involved with the crimes committed against Natalee.

Against the backdrop of the prosecutor’s failure to charge any suspects in this case, a sordid tale of corruption, cover up, and collusion is revealed through altered statements going uncontested by the ALE , statements that appear to be missing from the case file, missing portions of suspect police statements, and missing, lost or destroyed evidence.

Recent reports of a meeting between former chief of police, Gerold Dompig and Diario Newspaper Editor, Jossy Mansur reveal startling information, and make us again question why these criminals have not been prosecuted.

JOSSY MANSUR TO DANA PRETZER: I have a video tape of Gerald Dompig that they do have sufficient material to bring these boys in on kidnapping and rape. Which would be 8 years imprisonment.

According to Gerold Dompig, the three boys admitted "that they did  ‘have sex with’ this girl when she was going in and out of consciousness”. This is a fact.

What happened to these missing statements? Where is the missing evidence?

Were these things intentionally removed from the case file in order to avoid going forward with a prosecution?

If their own Police Chief was saying there was sufficient material to charge and prosecute these criminals – why did the prosecutor fail to do so?  This list of missing items from the case file makes us come to the obvious conclusion that there has been a concerted effort to avoid such a prosecution.  Was this at the hands of law enforcement?  The prosecutor’s office?  The judges?  Or a combination of all three?




Deepak Kalpoe claims in his official statement of June 10, 2005 that he vacuumed his vehicle prior to picking up Joran Van der Sloot on Sunday May 29, 2005. He remembers telling interrogators that his vehicle was very clean because he had vacuumed his car the prior evening. This would imply Deepak spoke to authorities on May 30, 2005. Where is Deepak's official statement of May 30, 2005?

On July 12, 2005 Anita stated in a Joe Scarborough interview that Joran was picked up from school by police on Monday, May 30, 2005. Where is Joran's official statement of May 30, 2005?

On June 29, 2005 in a secretly recorded conversation in a police van, Satish Kalpoe tells Joran he told police about the ‘choller’ in his first police statement.  We’ve seen the statement from Satish given on 5/31/05 – this would indicate his first statement was given prior to that.  Where is Satish’s official statement of May 30, 2005?

02.  MAY 31, 2005 - JORAN VAN DER SLOOT

Paulus Van der Sloots's official statment of June 23, 2005 confirms that a statement was taken from Joran on May 31, 2005 and that statement was signed.


On June 10, 2005 two official Aruban representatives released statements to the media that one of the suspects admitted the "something bad happened" to Natalee Holloway, she was confirmed dead, the location of her body was known, and authorities/family were being led to the scene by the suspect who made the admission.


The June 18, 2005 Witness Statement of Paulus Van der Sloot is incomplete - at least one page is missing.


In October, 2005 Aruban authorities approached Dave Holloway and informed him that Koen Gottenbos could possibly be the key to solving the case.  Nevertheless, Koen was never interrogated again in spite of the promises of Gerold Dompig.  The assistant prosecutor, Amalin Flanegin, quit because she believed that Koen lied when he was interrogated in the initial stages of the investigation, and Dompig refused bring him in again.  A meeting that took place between Koen's father and the investigators could possibly reveal an explanation.


Steve Croes was detained for ten days under suspicion of "murder and kidnapping as well as being an accessory to murder".  Croes admitted he lied when he supported Joran, Deepak and Satish's fabricated declaration that Natalee was dropped off at the Holiday Inn.


Freddy was questioned as a witness in the initial stages of the investigation, after which Anita van der Sloot telephoned him to find out what he told police.  Freddy was later detained when Deepak and Satish were arrested for a second time.  Deepak and Satish implied in the leaked police vehicle recording that Freddy is aware of the truth regarding what happened to Natalee Holloway, and Jossy Mansur confirmed.  Reportedly, Freddy was told by Joran that Natalee was missing on May 30, 2005 – prior to her family arriving on the island and making contact with the suspects.


Michael Dompig, son of Gerold Dompig, was detained regarding information he claimed to have that pertained to Geoffrey van Cromvoirt involvement with Natalee Holloway.  Michael also made Dave Holloway aware of possible activity on the Gottenbos boat at the time Natalee disappeared.


Lorenzo van Rijn was questioned in the initial stages of the investigation in connection to the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.  Why?


Guido Wever was questioned three time by Aruban authorities and twice by Dutch investigators in the initial stages of the Natalee Holloway investigation.  At the end of May, 2006 he was detained for six days under suspicion of "murder, heavy battery and kidnapping".



It has been rumored since the initial stages of this investigation that Paulus Van der Sloot made two ATM withdrawals sometime between 3:00 AM and 4:00 AM on the morning that Natalee Holloway went missing.  Were these records ever obtained by Aruban officials?


Karin Janssen claimed that communication and internet records were allowing a clear picture to emerge surrounding the activities of the morning that Natalee Holloway went missing, and she was centering her case around these records.  These records clearly showed Joran in the vicinity of the high rise hotels when he made two calls to Deepak’s phone – thus refuting his claims of being home at the time of the second call.  Were these records ever presented to a judge?


Was the fabric which appeared to match Natalee Holloway's blouse sent to Holland for forensic testing?  Where is this fabric today?


In the area of his search Art Wood found a black belt which appears to be the same belt in Joran possession in an image on his website.  A forensic report has never been revealed and the belt was never returned to Art Wood despite his requests.


In Deepak Kalpoe's official statement of June 9, 2005 he admitted when confronted by interrogators, that he did indeed write a note to his friend, John Charles Croes, in which he claimed that Natalee Holloway had initiated sexually activity with him.  Where is this evidence of communication between John Charles Croes and Deepak Kalpoe?


(a) Excelsior Hotel

The security camera recordings of the Excelsior Casino would verify both Joran and Paulus movements as related to time as well as any interaction either of them may have had with Natalee Holloway on the evening of May 29, 2005.  

(b)  McDonald's Parking Lot

After leaving the Excelsior Casino on May 29, 2006 Joran states to Greta that his father picked him up at MacDonalds at 11:00 pm,  and Paulus confirms this pick up.  However, Beth and other witnesses present that first night claim Paulus originally stated that he pick up Joran at McDonald at 4:00 AM on the morning of May 30, 2005.  Beth requested on June 5, 2006 that authorities check security cameras at the McDonald parking lot.  Did Aruban authorities act on this information?

(c)  Carlos 'N Charlies'

The security cameras at Carlos 'N Charlies would reveal time frame, Natalee's condition as well as Joran, Deepak, Satish and Natalee's actions and interactions throughout the 45 minute interval.  If such cameras exist – did Aruban authorities view them to confirm or refute the suspects’ claims?

(d)  Holiday Inn Entrance/Lobby

The security guards were detained although it had already been revealed by Beth Twitty that Natalee had not return via the entrance/lobby which would imply that a security guard could not have approached her.  Was this footage kept from the judge of instruction who extended the detention of these innocent men?

(e)  Racquet Ball Club

Joran claims in his official statement that he played tennis prior to going to the Wyndham Casino on the afternoon of May 30, 2005 while have a friend back up this alibi.  Art Wood discovered that Joran never played tennis that afternoon.  Was video footage available for authorities to have disputed this claim made by Joran?

(f)  Wyndham Casino/Radisson Casino

Paulus Van der Sloot calls Joran from his cell and then announced to the Twitty group that Joran was gambling at the Wyndham, yet Joran claimed that he had just left the Radisson and was still in the parking lot when his father made that call.  Was this video footage ever viewed by authorities who could then have questioned Paulus on why he chose to lead them and the victim’s family on a wild goose chase that night?


The bloody mattress that was located in the Grapefield Beach area was found on June 5, 2005 and determined the same day that the blood was not human.  Why was the DNA determined so quickly, yet the fabric from Deepak Kalpoe's vehicle required forensic testing done in Holland to determine that the stains were not human?


The stained fabric from Deepak's vehicle was identified as human DNA by the Aruban Prime Minister, the prosecutor as well as the FBI prior to being sent away for testing. However, the findings of the forensic testing that was conducted in both Holland and the FBI laboratory in Quantico, Virginia revealed that the stains were cleaning fluid. How could human DNA tested in the field morph into cleaning fluid?  


Early in the investigation Beth Twitty was informed by Aruban police investigators that blood was found inside one of Joran's tennis shoes that he had worn on the morning of May 30, 2005.  Beth was assured by investigators that the blood would be forensically tested.  However, the findings have not been revealed.  


Early in the investigation a bone was found on the beach and then turned over to Aruban authorities.  When the finder later inquired about it, she was informed that the only person on the island who could determine the DNA was on vacation.  Eventually the ALE announced that the bone was not human, that it belonged to a donkey.  Reports conflict whether the bone was sent to Holland for forensic testing.


A tourist found a bone with flesh to the north of the Fisherman's Hut that appeared to be human.  It was turned it over to High Commissioner, Ronnie Bernadina.  Reports conflict whether the bone was then sent to the Rijks Laboratorium in Holland for forensic testing.  Nobody from the Aruban investigation into the disappearance of Natalee Holloway has responded to queries.


FBI obtained a declaration from a fisherman regarding a large fish trap and a knife that were stolen in a break-in at the Fisherman's Huts the morning that Natalee Holloway went missing.  Chief Dompig claims no knife was in the ‘official’ report made to Aruban authorities.  Why would Dompig claim an obvious falsehood?


At 2:30 AM on the morning of May 31, 2005 .... Alberto Groeneveld and Claudio Eldrige observed Deepak Kalpoe's vehicle inside the fence of the Van der Sloot property.  These men told Natalee’s family that they climbed the fence and recording the tag (license) number.  At this particular time Joran claim to be at the Radisson Casino - that he was gambling while Deepak waited.  As of June 23, 2005, investigators had not take official witness statements from Alberto Groeneveld and Caudio Elridge.  Have these witness statements ever been taken?


On the morning of May 30, 2005 Marriot Beach fishermen did not observed anyone near the Fisherman's Huts.  However, at approximately 3:00 AM they did observe a jeep-type vehicle in the area close to the beach.  Was this statement ever presented before a judge to refute Joran’s claims of having left Natalee at that beach?


In the area of the Holiday Inn on the morning of May 30, 2005 a hotel worker observed and reported three men placing a body in a white pickup truck.  A short time later authorities were overheard on a police frequency issuing a bulletin to stop a rented white Toyota pickup.  The hotel worker's report should be in the Natalee Holloway case file.


Shortly after 3:00 AM on the morning of May 31, 2005 Deepak Kalpoe was observed by a neighbor cleaning his vehicle.  "Ants" were the reason given by Deepak.  The neighbor retained an attorney.  Is this witness statement in the case file?


TJ Ward, a private investigator hired by Natalee's family, found a witness who claimed to have observed Deepak Kalpoe's vehicle driving around the pond near the Racquet Club for a few days following the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.  Was Deepak ever questioned about his activities?


The landfill witness, Junior, came forward to Aruban authorities on June 3, 2005 and claimed to have observed a body being placed in the landfill on June 1, 2005.  He also recorded the licence (tag) number of the white pickup vehicle involved.  ALE claims that the landfill was searched in the area specified to no avail.  Two months later Junior approached Natalee's family with the same story.  Are both of Junior's statements and the recorded tag number in the Natalee Holloway case file?  Whose white pickup truck was this?  Was it the same truck seen near the Holiday Inn?

This victim and her family have thus far been denied justice.  They deserve a competent investigation, and a just prosecution.

We will not let up until this is achieved.

Natalee’s Freebirds

Title: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on December 11, 2006, 01:09:50 AM

Department of Justice official and Dutch Judges drastically limited the search of the Van Der Sloot property as a favor to Joran van der Sloot’s father.

Despite what Aruban government officials led the U.S. media to believe, there was never a full search made of the Van Der Sloot property in order to find evidence in the case of missing Alabama teenager Natalee Holloway.

Dompig: That is correct. The fact is that we as a law enforcement agency always try to get the maximum. Meaning that we want to search as much places as possible. We were not granted by the judge a search warrant for the complete house, we only received the warrant for the apartment.

Reporter: But what about after Paul Van der Sloot was arrested, couldn’t you get a warrant to search the house then?

Dompig: It was also denied, we were a bit disappointed with that. The judge was coming from another island I must point out. He said we didn’t make a good enough case to get a warrant.

10-9-05 Big Story Dompig no search warrant

Although a warrant for a search was originally requested and granted to the prosecutor, officers were blocked from searching the main residence and grounds by Justice Department official Ben King (Voking) and Dutch Judge Bob Witt, who were waiting at the Van Der Sloot’s premises when the search team arrived.


VAN SUSTEREN: What about the search of the van der Sloot property? Was that ever done, and was, you know--including, sort of, the cabana area where Joran lives?

DE VRIES: Well, the search in the home address of the family van der Sloot was very strange because the search warrant was made by head prosecutor Karin Janssen, and contained an allowance to search the whole address, “Montanja nineteen.”
So, the gardens, the buildings--everything.

But, when the police was on the spot, another high-ranking employee of the Justice office--it was Mr. Bob Witt--reduced the search warrant to only the room of Joran--and that was very strange.

Robert Jensen show

PRdVries: Yes the police missed several changes to do things right: when they wanted to searche the house the door was opened by mr. Ben King, an assistent of the Procurements Gen. office.: the highest justice-office on the island and a friend of the family who wanted to support the VdSloots in these difficult times… So clearly the search of the house hadn’t been a surprise to the VdSloots. And the police had a warrant for the complete estate but a judge - Bob Wit - who was at the house as well said only Jorans room could be searched. These are things a Dutch crime-reporter is of course totaly astonnished about.

Justice Department official Ben King, who later admitted to the media that he was a close friend of Paulus Van der Sloot, claimed he was on vacation and therefore not acting on behalf of the Justice department. It was King who personally informed the search team they could only search the small apartment of Joran Van Der Sloot, located in the back yard of the property just behind the main residence, when they arrived.

Also present at the Van Der Sloot residence was Dutch Judge Bob Witt from Curacao, who was one judge presiding over the case. It should be noted that Paulus Van der Sloot was a Dutch judge-in-training at the time of Natalee Holloway’s disappearance.

Although Joran Van Der Sloot was arrested on June 9, 2005 the Aruba Prosecutor Karin Janssen did not execute a search of the Van Der Sloot residence until nearly a week later on June 15th with members of her office, the Aruba Police department, and Dutch forensics specialists from Holland in tow.

The search itself of the Van Der Sloot apartment looks now to be nothing more than a “mock raid” for media consumption purposes. The search lasted only four hours and was conducted in the middle of the day, quite a contrast to the early morning raid the same Prosecutor ordered on the residences of two black security guards on June 5th.

The two security guards were arrested at 6:30 am and “perp walked” for the mainstream media who also got to witness their residences being ransacked. It was later proven both guards had alibis for the night Ms. Holloway and no evidence was found at either of their homes which ultimately led to their release.

The fact that the Van Der Sloot residence and grounds were not searched was kept hidden from the media until mid-October when acting Police Chief Gerold Dompig revealed his department was denied a full search of the Van der Sloot property on not one, but two occasions. In addition to being denied a full search on June 15th, a second request to search the main residence was flatly denied by a Dutch judge when Paulus Van Der Sloot was arrested on June 23rd.

Judicial rulings in the Natalee Holloway case have been riddled with questionable decisions, leading many to believe Paulus Van der Sloot’s personal and professional connections to the Justice Department, Aruba Police Department, and the Dutch judges have deliberately tried to keep the case from being solved.

It now appears there has finally been a proper decision made in this case by Judge Rick Smid. The decision to retain three of Natalee's attackers as official suspects is the first positive step in a very long time.

Will Aruban officials take their cue from this Judge and finally do the right thing for Natalee Holloway?

We will not let up until this victim and her family receive justice.

Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on December 11, 2006, 01:12:06 PM
Justice Jacob “Bob” Wit
Jacob “Bob” Wit was the judge present at the van der Sloot property on June 15, 2005 who reduced the scope of that search to only the apartment occupied by Joran van der Sloot.  His actions that day lead us to wonder why he would risk his career by aiding his good friend, Paulus.   Why did Justice Wit wait for the prosecutor at the van der Sloot home to limit her search areas?  Why didn’t he simply make that ruling from the bench in the courtroom?  Why did he feel the need to do that from the van der Sloot home?
Justice Wit is a judge for the Caribbean Court of Justice.  As such, he has a stringent Code of Ethics he must follow at all times – both in and outside the courtroom, as you will read below.
What could his relationship with Paulus van der Sloot have provided this judge in order for him to put his career on the line?
This is a short list of the Code of Ethics Justice Wit obviously violated.  We wonder if the Caribbean Court of Justice is aware of Justice Wit’s actions?

This code was violated by Wit as seen by his presence at the van der Sloot home prior to the searchers arriving.  Both Ben (Voc)King and Paulus van der Sloot are members of the legal profession.

1.3 A judge shall avoid close personal association with individual members of the legal profession, particularly those who practice in the judge’s court, where such association might reasonably give rise to the suspicion or appearance of favoritism or partiality.

Justice Wit used not his home, but that of a suspect in a criminal investigation as a meeting place for himself, said suspect, and a prosecution official.

1.4 A judge shall avoid the use of the judge’s residence by a member of the legal profession to receive clients or other members of the legal profession in circumstances that might reasonably give rise to the suspicion or appearance of impropriety on the part of the judge.

Was there any official reason given, in writing, for Wit’s verbal order at the van der Sloot home for curbing the areas of the search?  Or did he merely do this to help his friend Paulus?

1.9 A judge shall not allow the judge’s family, social or other relationships improperly to influence the judge’s judicial conduct and judgment as a judge.

Was the mere presence of Justice Wit at the van der Sloot property enough to dissuade Karin Janssen from arguing the merits of her search warrant granted by the Joint Court?   Did Wit use the prestige of his office to intimidate the searchers?

1.10 A judge shall not use or lend the prestige of the judicial office to advance the private interests of the judge, a member of the judge’s family or of anyone else, nor shall a judge permit others to convey the impression that anyone is in a special position improperly to influence the judge in the performance of judicial duties.

Justice Wit’s conduct here was certainly not above reproach – as even the acting Chief of Police was distraught at the limits set by Wit on their search of the van der Sloot property.

3.1 A judge shall ensure that his or her conduct is above reproach in the view of reasonable, fair-minded and informed persons.

Wit’s actions assured that not only would justice not be done, but failed to even attempt to create the appearance of justice.

3.2 The bahaviour and conduct of a judge must reaffirm the people’s faith in the integrity of the judiciary. Justice must not merely be done but must also be seen to be done.

How could Justice Wit ever again require others to uphold this Code of Ethics, when he himself ignored them to aid his friend and colleague, Paulus van der Sloot?
3.3 A judge, in addition to observing personally the standards of this Code, shall encourage and support their observance by others.
By reducing the scope of the search of the property of his friend and colleague, Justice Wit blatantly disregarded all thoughts of bias, favour, and prejudice.

4.1 A judge shall perform his or her judicial duties without favour, bias or prejudice.
Not only did Justice Wit lose the confidence of the public with his curtailing of the search, he lost the confidence of the Aruban prosecutor, and law enforcement – as evidenced by the public statements made by Chief Dompig in October 2005.

4.2 A judge shall ensure that his or her conduct, both in and out of court, maintains and enhances the confidence of the public, the legal profession and litigants in the impartiality of the judge and of the judiciary.
Justice Wit should have disqualified and excused himself from making any rulings in this case, as his actions showed he was clearly unable to decide any matters in this case impartially.

4.5 A judge shall disqualify himself or herself from participating in any proceedings in which the judge is unable to decide the matter impartially or in which a reasonable, fair-minded and informed person might believe that the judge is unable to decide the matter impartially.
Paulus van der Sloot, being an attorney and a substitute Judge, continues to be a member of the same fraternal body as Justice Wit.  This fact alone should have caused Justice Wit to disqualify himself from making any decisions in this case.  They both served on the Joint Court at the same time.

4.5.1 A judge must be sensitive to the fact that fraternal bodies are shrouded in mystery and clothed with a perception of secrecy and of providing unconditional assistance to members in times of need, trouble and distress. Persons who are not members of such bodies are likely to conclude that a litigant, belonging to the same fraternal body as a judge, enjoys an unfair advantage. In such circumstances, it would be appropriate for a judge to disqualify himself or herself in any proceeding in which the impartiality of the judge might reasonably be questioned.
There has been no transparency regarding Justice Wit’s decision to limit the scope of the search.  Quite the contrary.  His actions even took the Prosecutor by surprise, as this decision by Wit was only made known to Janssen the day of the search, when she arrived to execute the warrant.

4.5.2 A judge should therefore recognize that transparency assists in combating corruption and suspicions, and he or she should encourage judicial colleagues and the court staff to assist in promoting the intrinsic merits of transparent conduct and infusing public confidence in the role, functions and operations of the court.

4.6 A judge shall disqualify himself or herself in any proceedings in which there might be a reasonable perception of a lack of impartiality of the judge including, but not limited to, instances where:

Did Justice Wit become aware that evidence could very well have been obtained through the forensic search of the van der Sloot home and property?  Is that the reason he tied the hands of the Prosecutor?

4.6.1 The judge has actual bias or prejudice concerning a party or personal knowledge of disputed evidentiary facts concerning the proceedings;
Did Justice Wit have discussions with Paulus van der Sloot, unbeknownst to the Prosecutor and law enforcement officials, that led him to understand the involvement of his friend in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway?

5.7 Without authority of law and notice to, and consent of, the parties and an opportunity to respond, a judge shall not engage independent, personal investigation of the facts of a case before him or her.

7.1 Institutions and procedures for the implementation of this Code shall provide a publicly credible means for considering and determining complaints against judges. This is to be pursued without prejudice or hindrance to the universally recognized and hallowed principle of judicial independence.

7.2 By the very nature of their judicial office, judges are not, except in accordance with the law, accountable for their decisions to any organ or entity within the jurisdiction of the Caribbean Court of Justice or elsewhere, but are accountable for their conduct to institutions that are specifically established to implement and administer this Code.

7.3 The implementation of this Code shall take into account the legitimate needs of a judge, by reason of the nature of the judicial office, to be afforded protection from vexatious or unsubstantiated accusations and due process of law in the resolution of complaints against the judge.
We can’t help but wonder what the Caribbean Court of Justice would have to say about Justice Wit’s actions in the Holloway case.
Has the institution charged with implementing this Code been made aware of Justice Wit’s conduct?
Perhaps they should be………………..
We will not let up until this victim and her family receive justice.
Natalee’s Freebirds

Title: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on January 03, 2007, 11:59:51 AM

If there is still any doubt about Aruba's predetermined decision not to prosecute these criminals, nor recover Natalee and return her to her family, this should erase those doubts.

Before Natalee's family ever arrived on Aruba, the word was already out to law enforcement about "No Body, No Case".  As evidenced by their failure to employ standard law enforcement procedures that first night, the 2 police officers who accompanied Natalee's family to the van der Sloot home must have already had their orders that Natalee Holloway would simply be swept under the rug.

What else could explain their apathetic attitudes, and complete failure to take the proper steps by securing witness statements from all parties that night?



TWITTY: I think, Joe, they need to go back to the beginning and question the people that were with me that night. We have already got conflicting stories now.

People have changed their statements from the very first night. Those people that were with me that night, had they taken our statements at least a week after it happened, we would have already had the answer. But when they take my statement 33 days later, and they take the other guys‘ statements that were with me and ladies that were with me, you know, like 19 days later, it‘s like they didn‘t want to find the truth.

01. Jug Twitty

The step-father of Natalee Holloway was privy to so much that was said and done on the evening of May 30, 2005 as well as the morning of May 31, 2005 at the VDS residence. However, he was not required to give a declaration to investigator until 33 days later. Why?

02. Beth Twitty

Hours following the encounter at the VDS residence on the morning of May 31, 2005, Beth Twitty was at the police station ready to provide a declaration regarding her observations and and everything she heard since she first set foot on Aruban soil. Her feelings were those of utter disbelieve as she stepped back outside the station. Her precious daughter was missing and "the powers that be" in Aruba did not want an immediate witness statement that may have the ability to provide investigators with assistance.

On June 1, 2005 Beth Twitty's provided a witness statement which she signed. Later that same day, upon the request of Dennis Jacobs, Beth signed a revised statement - prepared for her, and written in Dutch. Beth and Jug Twitty were told the need for this second statement was due to a date change being made. When Beth's copy of her statement was translated three weeks later she discovered that more than the date had been changed from her original statement. Are both of these statements from Beth still in the case file? Or did her first, original, correct statement disappear?

03. Claudio Eldrige

Beth and Jug Twitty maintain that on the morning of May 31, 2005 Paulus Van der Sloot stated that he picked up Joran at McDonald's parking lot at 4:00 AM on May 30, 2005 - mere hours after Natalee Holloway had gone missing. Beth recorded this time in her journal. However, by June 16/17, 2005 Paulus had changed the pickup time to 11:00 PM on May 29, 2005.

The Aruban Attorney representing Natalee's family stated in a letter to the prosector that Jug asserts Claudio Eldrige is aware of the time that Paulus stated and she inquires as to whether or not Claudio has been interrogated.

04. Alberto Groenveld and Claudio Eldridge

At 2:30 AM on the morning of May 31, 2005 .... Alberto Groeneveld and Claudio Eldrige observed Deepak Kalpoe's vehicle inside the fence of the Van der Sloot property. These men told Natalee’s family that they climbed the fence and recording the tag (license) number. At this particular time Joran claim to be at the Radisson Casino - that he was gambling while Deepak waited. As of June 23, 2005, investigators had not taken official witness statements from Alberto Groeneveld and Caudio Elridge. Have these witness statements ever been obtained?

05. Charles Croes

On June 29, 2005 Charles Croes, an owner of a cell phone company on Aruba, related to Greta the events, from his perspective, regarding what took place on the evening of May 30, 2005 and the early morning hours of May 31, 2005 at the VDS residence. At that point in time, Charles was very supportive of Natalee's mother and step-father in regards to their plight concerning Natalee Holloway's disappearance. His involvement began when Beth Twitty required a cell phone message traced - a message that appeared to be left by her daughter. However, following the Greta interview Charles' loyalties suddenly changed.

The Aruban Attorney who was representing Natalee's family queried in a letter to the prosecutor whether Charles had been interrogated by investigators. Jug claims that Charles "hold's the keys" regarding what happened and what was said in those initial first hours. Also, Dave Holloway has his suspicions that Charles was working with the ALE -monitoring his cell phones as well as those of his friends while they were on the Island. Nevertheless, an official witness statement given by Charles Croes has never been revealed.

06. Police Officers

The official declarations of two Aruban police officers who accompanied Jug and Beth Twitty and others to the Van der Sloot residence on the the morning of May 31, 2005 have not yet been revealed. Beth Twitty claims that she has read these declarations and there were "key elements" left out regarding what was done and said that morning.

07. DEA Officer

According to Jug and Beth Twitty, the DEA Officer, Eric Williams, who participated in the events, observed what was done and heard what was said on the evening of May 30, 2005 and the morning of May 31, 2005. Mr Williams has never been interrogated by by investigators. Athough Eric Williams was not acting in an official capacity, why was he not questioned as a witness?

08. Paul Lilly

Paul Lilly, a chaperone, stayed behind when the MB students and other chaperones left the Island. Paul informed the front desk clerk at the Holiday Inn that Natalee was missing on the morning of Monday, May 30 2005, and was instructed to speak to the Beach Patrol/Visibility Team.

The Beach Patrol must have immediately contacted the Aruban Law Enforcement because Jan Van Straaten stated that the ALE received the report of Natalee's disappearance on Monday morning. The missing person's report taken by the Beach Patrol as well as documented details regarding follow up action by the ALE has yet to be revealed.

09. Jug and Beth Twitty's Friends

Friends of Jug and Beth Twitty (P, B, and W) who accompanied them to the VDS residence on the morning of May 31, 2005 were on the island for several days following the encounter and, although their whereabouts were known to ALE, these witness statements were never requested by investigators. Over one month later, at the insistence of the family's Aruban lawyer, witness statements were provided to the FBI in the United Sates, followed by sworn statements to a federal judge.

According to Jug, Karin Janssen declined to provide specific questions that she required to be answered which could be included in these sworn statements. One can only hope that the witness statements provided to both the FBI and the federal judge can be found in the Natalee Holloway case file.

10. Joran Van der Sloot's Friend

Charles Croes claimed that a friend of Joran who they met at the beach in the early hours of May 30, 2005 while searching for Natalee Holloway recognized the description of Joran as well as Deepak's vehicle. This young man then climbed into Charles Croes vehicle and directed him to the VDS' residence. We assume that the statement of this witness that has yet to be released would confirm that Deepak's vehicle was parked inside the compound and the fact that Alberto Groenveld and Claudio Eldridge scaled the fence in their efforts to to see and record the tag (license number).

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it.

Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on January 04, 2007, 06:49:53 PM
Aruba’s Predators

Joran Van Der Sloot's own actions show his modus operandi for manipulating his victims by assuming the role of tourist himself. Deepak and Satish Kalpoe tell us how they've done this with tourist girls before. What exactly have they done 20 times with nothing going wrong before Natalee?

Considering the responses Satish and Deepak gave to authorities about prior activities with tourist girls - why was Joran never asked these same questions by his "interrogator"?

A frightening thought is wondering just how many victims these criminals have violated with this ruse? Using Joran as the front man, posing as a tourist from St Leo or Michigan University (or from Holland, as in Natalee's case)- coincidentally staying at their target's hotel, while the others wait for him to play out his role convincingly, and effectively snare their victim.

Just how many other unsuspecting and drugged US teens stepped into a silver Honda Civic thinking it was a taxi? 20 of them?,2933,186707,00.html

Joran Van Der Sloot: “It was a normal thing for us to do, you know, go to our friends, go to the beach, talk to American tourists, you know, then go out with them and have a good time and, you know, nothing — nothing ever bad has ever happened. I mean it's happened probably 20, 20 times nothing has ever gone wrong.”
Greta Van Susteren: Do you remember any conversation at all you had with him, like even if it was like' about chips, or anything at all?
Ruth McVey: Only that he said that he was 19 and played soccer at a school in Holland. Greta Van Susteren: So he didn't say that he was in high school?
Student: No



It wasn't the first time that I had girls in my car that were on vacation and dropped them off at hotels (DK- 06/09/05)

To your question whether or not we pick up girls when we go for example to "Carlos & Charlies", I can state the following. Yes, we from time to time pick up girls there. ( DK-6/10)

To your question whether these are local girls or tourists, I can state the following. They are tourists. (DK-6/10)

To your question as to who is the one who makes the first move towards the girls we are going to pick up, I can state the following. It usually is Joran or another friend with the name Freddy Zedan. ( DK-6/10)

To your question as to where we take the girls we pick up, I can state the following. Sometimes the girls stay at "Carlos & Charlies" or sometimes we take them to their hotel. ( DK-6/10)

To your question whether sexual intercourse has happened, I can state the following. Yes, it has happened.(DK-6/10)

To your question whether it ever happened that all of us, so in one room, had sexual intercourse, I can state the following. It has happened. ( DK-6/10)

This is not the first time that we have dropped young American girls off at their hotel. Generally after closing time of Carlos & C harlies, we drop young American girl at their hotels. (SK - 6/24)

To you question as to why Deepak and Satish don't pick up girls with their nice car, I answer you that I do not know why. You have to ask them. I have never seen Deepak or Satish in the company of a girl. I have never seen Deepak dance but I once saw Satish dance with "Carmen JACCOPUCHI". (JVDS-6/10)

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it.

Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on January 11, 2007, 12:01:31 PM

Does the Dutch aristocracy in Aruba protect their own from criminal prosecution as a matter of routine? Or is the Natalee Holloway case an exception? It is apparent Joran Van Der Sloot and his father received preferential treatment from the very beginning of the investigation and are still being afforded special status to this day.

It is a well-known fact that the Lead Investigator assigned to the case, Jan Van der Straten, is a close friend of Joran’s father, Paulus Van Der Sloot. Minister of Justice Rudy Croes reported many suspicious telephone calls between Jan Van der Straten and Paulus Van Der Sloot in the very early stages of the investigation.

Jan Van der Straten knew by the first day of Natalee’s reported disappearance that the three main suspects last seen with the teen, Joran Van Der Sloot and Deepak and Satish Kalpoe, had lied to police about dropping Natalee off at the Holiday Inn. A review of the hotel security tapes by Natalee’s mother revealed that fact. Yet Prosecutor Karin Janssen failed to arrest the three suspects and search their homes, moves she was afforded under Dutch law, as the world witnessed with the arrest of the two innocent, framed security guards. No such arrests were made for 10 more days, and then only the Kalpoe residence was searched – while the van der Sloot apartment wasn’t ordered to be searched for another six days.

Dutch law also states that lying as a witness is a punishable crime, and yet no such charges have ever been brought against these criminals.

Let us not forget that Paulus Van Der Sloot was a judge-in-training at the time his son was the last person seen with Natalee Holloway. It has recently come to light that a Dutch Judge, Jacob Robert Wit, and a high-ranking justice official, Ben (Voc)King were at the Van Der Sloot home the day Aruban authorities arrived to search the Van Der Sloot property. Although the original search warrant was granted for a full search of all the buildings and grounds, Judge Wit changed the order on the spot to limit the search to only Joran’s small apartment.

Those are just some examples of Joran Van der Sloot being given preferential treatment by the high-ranking officials of Aruba’s Justice Department and Police department. The interrogation of the suspects was, at best, a softball approach with no follow-up for answers to what is a very puzzling series of lies and contradictions. In some of the interrogations the interviewers were forced to have cameras present which may have been a tactic to limit their effectiveness. Such videotaping of interrogations is not common practice in Aruba, but Joran van der Sloot was afforded this privilege. Who ordered this done?

Listed below are many instances of preferential treatment given to prime suspect Joran Van Der Sloot during the investigation of the Natalee Holloway case:


Joran Van der Sloot was not arrested for 10 days despite the fact police and justice department officials knew he and the Kalpoe brothers lied about dropping her off at the Holiday Inn.

Prosecutor Karin Janssen and Lead Investigator Jan Van Der Straten knew within 24 hours that the three suspects had lied to them about dropping Natalee off at the Holiday Inn but chose not to treat them as suspects. Jan Van der Straten, according to Paulus Van Der Sloot, is a "close friend", a blatant conflict of interest by any stretch of the imagination.


Instead of arresting Joran and the Kalpoe brothers, the Prosecutor and Aruban police arrested two black security guards based on the lie the three suspects had told. The arrest of the two guards was executed with full knowledge the suspects had lied.

By arresting the two black guards they allowed Joran Van der Sloot and the Kalpoe`s five more days to destroy evidence and collaborate on their stories.


Dutch Judge Jacob "Bob" Wit was present at the Van Der Sloot home on June 16th for the specific purpose of denying a search of the Van Der Sloot main residence and grounds when in fact the original warrant called for a full search. A full search was denied by a Dutch Judge again when Paulus Van Der Sloot was arrested on June 23rd.

Paulus Van Der Sloot was a judge in training in the Dutch judicial system and no doubt had many friends who were judges in the system. Any judge who wanted to appear un-biased would have allowed the full property to be searched but Judge Bob Witt limited searching to only Joran's small apartment. It should also be noted that the search of the two black security guards' homes included the entire premises.


Paulus Van Der Sloot was allowed to be present when the Aruban police took Joran's first witness statement and was allowed to edit Joran's statement before it was entered into the public record. That statement is still missing.

Furthermore it was his close friend and Lead Investigator Jan van der Straten who was present for the statement and allowed Paulus Van Der Sloot to edit his son's statement.


Paulus Van Der Sloot was allowed to read the police records of the investigation by using his access to the Justice department files, allowing him to know exactly what the police and Prosecutor were doing in the case. The Prosecutor should have immediately blocked such access but chose not to.


Many of Joran Van Der Sloot’s statements were taken by officer Dennis Jacobs, a detective who showed no interest in solving the case as witnessed by his apathy toward Dave Holloway during their first meeting. Jacob's first comments to Dave Holloway on June 1st were, "Why would you want to do a search" and "Just go down to Carlos & Charlie's and have a beer, she'll show up."

It should be noted that Dennis Jacobs was a narcotics detective, not a homicide detective, and his choice to conduct interrogation is highly suspect. Jacob's apathy toward solving the case shows clearly in the "softball" manner in which his interviews with Joran were conducted and the lack of follow-up questions.


Judge Smid had originally ruled that Joran should be held another 30 days in detention but faxed in a reversal of his decision immediately after leaving the island and returning to the island of Curacao. Three weeks later a panel of Dutch judges ruled that Joran and the Kalpoe brothers would never have to give further testimony on the case unless it was on a "voluntary" basis despite the fact that the three suspects were telling conflicting stories.

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it.

Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on January 17, 2007, 12:16:01 PM
Did the Criminals Use Cleaning Fluid on Natalee Holloway?



Gammabutyrolactone (GBL)

A commonly found GHB precursor is gammabutyrolactone (GBL), also known as blue nitro, gamma-G, renewtrient, reviverent. GBL is an organic solvent used for cleaning circuit boards, stripping paint, or flavoring soy products. It acts like GHB but has a slower onset and a longer duration. Adverse effects include respiratory depression and cardiac dysrhythmia. It is metabolized in the liver into GHB but can also be made into GHB using home kits. .

Prior to forensic testing being conducted at the NFI laboratory in the Netherlands and the FBI laboratory in Quantico, Virginia, the Aruban Prime Minister and FBI confirmed that blood had been detected in Deepak Kalpoe's vehicle. The Aruban Prime Minister stated this finding publicly while the FBI informed Beth and Jug Twitty. It can be assumed that this confirmation was based on a Luminol test performed in Aruba.

However, such testing can provide a false DNA finding when there is the presence of certain ingredients in some cleaning fluids. The NFI and the FBI laboratories both concluded in their forensic testing of the fabric samples taken from Deepak‘s vehicle that cleaning fluid was present - not human DNA.

There appears to be a general consensus that the cleaning fluid identified through forensic testing by the NFI and the FBI, in all probability, resulted from Deepak cleaning his vehicle the morning that Natalee Holloway went missing - an incidence observed by a neighbour of the Kalpoes. Jug Twitty claims it could have resulted from ten days of cleaning.

However, could this “cleaning fluid” have been the common alternative date rape drug, gammabutyrolactone (GBL)? GBL is an organic solvent that is used for cleaning circuit boards and stripping paint.

The revealed witness/suspect statements of Joran, Deepak and Satish disclose that drinks were carried from Carlos 'N Charlies to Deepak's vehicle on the morning of May 30, 2005. Could one of the drinks containing GBL have been spilled/splattered - possibly during a scuffle? Could the GBL have been spilled/splattered while being mixed into a drink?

As GBL is a strong solvent used for cleaning circuit boards and stripping paint, it can be assumed that Deepak did not use this particular product to clean the fabric of his precious vehicle.

The report of the orginal Aruban tests as well as the FBI and NFI reports regarding findings pertaining to the samples of fabric taken from Deepak Kalpoe's vehicle should comprise part of the Natalee Holloway case file. Inquiring mind want to know if the “cleaning fluid” findings were determined to be gammabutyrolactone (GBL).

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it.

Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on January 25, 2007, 11:54:51 AM
Aruba – Surely You Know?


D. HOLLOWAY: They're the last -- those three boys were the last ones with Natalee. And they hold the answers.

JUG TWITTY: I've already faced him face to face that night. I faced his father face to face. And you can look at somebody, Nancy, and tell if they are lying or not. And he's just -- it's pathetic.

GEORGE "JUG" TWITTY, STEPFATHER OF NATALEE HOLLOWAY: From the beginning, Beth and I were there that very first night. And I still believe that, of course, Joran is involved, Deepak`s involved, and the father is involved.

BETH TWITTY: "we've known from day one that Deepak and Satish Kalpoe are way deeply involved in this crime with Natalee

1- Aruba, surely you know the United States of America was founded on justice for all. Yet you have denied justice to an American citizen and her family.

2- Aruba, surely you know the questionable tactics used in investigating the Natalee Holloway case would be easily recognized and exposed. Yet you did them anyway.

3- Aruba, surely you know Jan Van Straten is a close friend of main suspect Joran Van Der Sloot’s father, Paulus. Yet you allowed him to continue for months as Lead Investigator of the case.

4- Aruba, surely you know the Dutch judges’ decisions were highly suspect and biased in favor of the Van Der Sloots. Yet you allowed them to stand anyway.

5- Aruba, surely you know it is never good to blame a victim for their own death. Yet you have tried to blame Natalee for hers.

6- Aruba, surely you know it is never a good idea to trash the family of a victim of a crime on your soil. Yet you trashed the Holloway Twitty families constantly.

7 -Aruba, surely you know that Natalee was kidnapped - or do you actually believe that the other "twenty" went "willingly" too?

8 -Aruba, surely you know that killers who hide from justice will surely strike again.  Yet you’ve let them go free.

9 -Aruba, surely you know that Paulus held his "no body, no case" meeting on May 30, after Natalee was murdered by his son?  Yet you awarded him money for his obstruction in this case.

10 - Aruba, surely you know that all those missing files and statements made by the "Dutch Boy" didn't walk away from the file cabinet by themselves? Yet you’ve held no one accountable for that.

11 - Aruba, surely you know that dropping GHB into an innocent unknowing tourist's drink, doesn't turn the tourist into "willing" and "wanting" to be kidnapped, raped and killed?  Yet you’ve charged no one with these crimes.

12 - Aruba, surely you know that the rich Dutch elite in your society are the ones who benefited from this travesty of justice?  Yet the framed black security guards are still considered suspects.

13 - Aruba, surely you know that Dompig was fired and never "retired"?  Yet you continue to promote this falsehood.

14 -Aruba, surely you know that what goes around, comes around again? Yet you keep obfuscating the truth.

15 - Aruba, surely you don't buy Joran's story that he left Natalee "on the beach"? Your polis don’t believe that story – yet you’ve not re-detained him to try to get to the truth.

16 -Aruba, surely you know that Joran raped and murdered Natalee and his accomplices raped her too.  Yet they are all still walking free.

17 - Aruba, surely you know that allowing Paulus Van der Sloot to drive himself to jail in his own car when you arrested him would send a clear message of corruption and your intent to make a farce out of this investigation.  Yet you allowed him to do it.

18 -Aruba, surely you know that Natalee did not willingly go with three "Arubans" knowing that she would be kidnapped, raped and murdered.  Yet you allowed your polis to attack her character.

19 – Aruba, surely you know there are corrupt cops in your dept.  Yet they have faced no punishment.

20 – Aruba, surely you know the computers were tampered with.  Yet you failed to have them forensically analyzed.

21 – Aruba, surely you know the missing documents from Joran’s file were taken by Paulus van der Sloot.  Yet you failed to hold him accountable for that.

22 – Aruba, surely you know the Security Guards were set up.  Yet you have not charged those witnesses for lying.

23 - Aruba, surely you know that you cannot drug, rape and murder an American tourist and not pay a heavy price for it.

Aruba, Surely you know we will never give up until Natalee and her family receive justice!

Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on February 02, 2007, 02:29:27 PM

Was it Apathy? Was it Incompetence? Was it a lack of resources?

Or was it something more sinister and appalling? Was this case handled so poorly because everyone involved in this case - from ALE, the prosecutor's office, and the government - had already been given their marching orders from the powers that be?

Had they already been told that Natalee would remain "disappeared" because that result would be better on their tourism than a kidnapped, raped and murdered American tourist?

Or had they been told by the powers that be to sweep this victim under the rug in an attempt to avoid any close scrutiny that might reveal drug activity or money laundering on Aruba?

Or were they given the directive not to take this case seriously to cover up the involvement of one of the powers that be in Natalee's demise?


"The level of ineptness, the level of omissions of things, blatantly orchestrated errors... just was incredible," Holloway's mother, Beth Holloway Twitty, told CBS last week.


David Kock, Jossy Mansur and Gerold Dompig have all stated in press conferences and interviews that Joran Van der Sloot has made a declaration to investigators that he walked home. Where is this declaration/ProcesVerbaal?


On June 29, 2005 Mickey John, one of the security guards, claimed in an interview with Greta that he had a conversation with Deepak Kalpoe while they were both detained. Deepak apparently related that Paulus Van der Sloot was involved in the collaboration of the Holiday Inn fabrication. This fabrication implied that Deepak, Satish and Joran dropped Natalee Holloway off at the entrance/lobby of the hotel and she was then approached by a security guard. It is reasonable to assume, that following this revelation on the Greta interview, investigators would have been anxious to interrogate both Deepak Kalpoe and Mickey John. As of yet no official witness statement has been released that pertains to this alleged conversation.


The official witness statement of Boeti - a beach bum - a brother-in-law to Gerold Dompig - has yet to emerge. Boeti told police that he observed the security guards going in and out of Natalee's room at the Holiday Inn. The statement that Boeti gave to authorities which implicated the security guard should comprise part of the Natalee Holloway file.


Jug Twitty and some friends were told by Robert Werner, Joran's headmaster at the International School, that Joran did admit that Natalee fell and hurt her head while swimming. This account was never implied in any of the revealed statements of Joran, Deepak and Satish. Where is Robert Werner's official witness statement? The Aruban attorney representing Natalee's family questioned in a letter to the prosecutor as to why Robert Werner had not been interrogated. No official witness statement of Jug Twitty has emerged in regard to this conversation with Robert Werner. Where are the official statements of the friends who were with Jug and were privy to Werner's words?


In the middle of April, 2006 investigators released nineteen year old Geoffrey van Cromvoirt after more than a week in detention claiming the grounds of suspicion related to drug dealing and criminal offenses in connection to Natalee's dissappearance no longer existed. However, at the time of his release, Cromvoirt remained a suspect. Deputy police chief Gerold Dompig claimed that Cromvoirt was detained as a result of a false accusation by his son, Michael. Nevertheless, an official suspect statement by Cromvoirt has yet to emerge.


In March, 2006 Carlos, the Columbian, who was in Aruba illegally contacted Natalee's family through Art Wood with the claim that on the morning of May 30, 2005 he observed activity on the Mariott Beach that involved both Joran and Natalee. He claimed to have given the prosescutor forensic evidence (cloth) to back up his claim. This witness was detained for two months prior to being deported. Where is Carlos' official witness statement?


Joran states in his official witness statement of June 9, 2005 that it was Deepak and Satish who implicated a security guard. He implies that he played no role in regards to this aspect of the Holiday Inn fabrication. However, Joran stated to Greta that he supported Deepak and Satish regarding the security guard account and several official sources have confirmed that the reason the security guards were detained was because the "three" suspects implicated them. Joran's missing May 31, 2005 witness statement may clear up this confusion.


Nadira Ramirez, the mother of Deepak and Satish Kalpoe, claimed to Greta that she was told by her sons that during the drive back from the lighthouse an intoxicated Natalee expressed her desire to be taken back to the Holiday Inn. Also, the time Nadira claimed on the Dr. Phil show that her sons returned home on the morning of May 30, 2006 conflicted with their official witness and suspect statements. The yet to be revealed official witness statement of Nadira Ramirez would prove to be a very interesting read.

09. A.B.

On April 22, 2006, a twenty year old man with the initials A.B. was detained by Aruban police and interrogated for six hours prior to being released. An official statement of A.B. has yet to be revealed.


The official witness statement of Joran's friend, Maximillian Arends, which was taken on June 17, 2005 is not among the revealed witness/suspect statements. Max is also a student at the International School which Joran also attends. Should we give the ALE the benefits of the doubt that it can be found in the Natalee Holloway case file?


According to Dave Holloway, on Monday, May 30, 2005 Joran was allegedly dropped off at the main highway near Lorenzo's home where he was picked up by the school bus. Was the bus driver interrogated? Is there an official witness statement given by the bus driver included in the Natalee Holloway case file?


Girls came forward to Aruban authorities as well as the family's Aruban attorney and reported that they had been drugged/sexually assaulted by Joran Van der Sloot. What was done with these official declarations by these girls?


According to Beth, Deepak panicked when he heard the gardener's testimony to the judge. He contacted a friend and requested that she provide an alibi. The friend contacted the FBI. Standard procedures would dictate that the Aruban investigators took an official witness statement from this girl. This, in turn, would suggest that it would comprise part of the Natalee Holloway case file along with a copy of the FBI report.


The attorney of one of the security guards stated that she read the statement of the guard who was on duty at the Holiday Inn on the morning of May 30, 2005. This guard claims that Natalee Holloway never returned to the hotel. The statement of this guard should comprise part of the Natalee Holloway case file.


In Joran's official June 9, 2005 declaration to interrogators he states that he had contacted Flor Metz as well as Deepak Kalpoe on the evening of May 29, 2005 after making the decision that he would go to Carlos 'N Charlies'. A statement taken from Flor Metz by interrogators which confirms Joran's words surely must be a part of the Natalee Holloway file.


A cab driver made a statement to police that he overheard an intoxicated Natalee Holloway talking about a Dutch boy she was in love with. Aruban police state that Natalee's friends were interviewed and confirmed the cab driver's account as well as provided a description and details. Should it be assumed that that the statements of the cab driver and friends regarding this Dutch boy would be in the Natalee Holloway case file?


Gerald Dompig states that Julia Renfro and a worker at the Holiday Inn provided declarations that state that Beth Twitty told them that she had received a call from Natalee while in Aruba indicating that she had fallen in love with a blue-eyed Dutch Boy. Beth Twitty denies that she had any communication with Natalee while she was in Aruba. The statements of Julia Renfro, the Holiday Inn worker and Beth Twitty regarding this issue should certainly comprise part of the Natalee Holloway case file. Also the Twitty's communication records surely were requested by the Natalee Holloway investigative team?

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it.

Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on February 09, 2007, 10:23:12 AM


In media interviews Joran van Der Sloot maintains he never noticed Natalee Holloway until the night of her disappearance, yet witness statements by Mountain Brook students testify that he had been hanging around the group at the hotel during the week. Joran van Der Sloot would have no reason to lie about this, unless he had been stalking the teenager for a very specific purpose.

Joran van der Sloot also maintains he had no intention of going to Carlos & Charlies that night, yet his telephone conversations to friends indicate otherwise. Was Joran Van der Sloot planning to attend Carlos & Charlies' all along? Was the underlying plan to pick up a pretty girl from the MB group who would be leaving for the States the next morning, the one he had been stalking for several days prior?

Joran Van der Sloot - Greta Interview,2933,186581,00.html
March 1, 2005

VAN DER SLOOT: Interested? No, not really. I was more talking — the girl that was sitting next to me, I was — I thought she was pretty and I was talking to her. And when I went — what the point was for going to Carlos 'n Charlie's was I wanted to actually meet up with her.

VAN DER SLOOT: And I remember afterwards going into — right behind that casino is a little bar, and I remember watching — walking in there. And there was a baseball game on TV, and again, the group of girls was sitting there. And they said, Oh, yes, don't forget to come out tonight. And I told them that on Sunday, it wasn't a good night to go out. It wasn't fun. It wasn't — and — but they said, You know, if you want to come, come. And I ended up deciding that, yes, I might as well go and have fun.

Jamie Carrasquilla - Official Witness Statement - June 17, 2005

On May 29th 2005, between the hours of 16.00 and 19.00 (4:00 pm - 7:00 pm), I was called by Joran on my mobile phone with the phone number .

Joran had asked me whether I wanted to go out with him that night. He told me that a few American girls would go to "Carlos & Charlies" and whether I wanted to meet up with him there

Natalee and her family deserve justice - and we will not let up until they have it!

Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 04:33:36 PM


PART 2- Joran Van Der Sloot creates a false identity, and lies about when he met Natalee

In Part 1 we established the fact that Joran Van Der Sloot lied about his actions leading up to going to Carlos & Charlies the night Natalee Holloway disappeared. In an interview with Greta Van Susteren, Joran lied about having no intentions of going to the bar that night, but had actually called a friend earlier in the afternoon telling him the American girls were going to be there and asking him to join him.

In Part 2 we expose more lies. Joran told many media sources he had not met Natalee until that night, when in fact he had been hanging around the teen’s hotel during the week according to statements by Natalee's friends, and Aruban officials. In these days he had lied to the Mountain Brook teens, telling them he was a tourist on Aruba, was 19 years old, and plays soccer in Holland.

Why would Joran Van der Sloot make up a false identity? Why would Joran lie about himself and stalk Natalee for days prior to the night she disappeared?

Joran Van Der Sloot creates a false identy:
Ruth McVey - Mountain Brook Student:

Greta Van Susteren: Do you remember any conversation at all you had with him, like even if it was like about chips, or anything at all?

Ruth McVey: Only that he said that he was 19 and played soccer at a school in Holland.

On the Record w/ Greta - "Wall of Hope" Interview

Joran Van der Sloot claims he only met Natalee that night:

VAN DER SLOOT: I remember — I remember when I first saw her. I went there, I went to the casino, the Excelsior casino at the Holiday Inn, to play a free poker tournament. I remember walking in there and sitting at a — playing a — first playing a poker tournament, then afterwards, when I was done, going to a blackjack table and sitting down. And I remember her and her friends coming up to the table. They sat down. They wanted to play blackjack.

On the Record w/ Greta,2933,186581,00.html
March 1, 2006

When in fact he had been hanging around the teen’s hotel during the week:

NBC 13 Birmingham- June 27, 2005:

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. -- The Natalee Holloway case's main suspect, Joran van der Sloot, was no stranger to the Mountain Brook group. He'd been hanging out with them all week, according to one of Holloway's friends, NBC 13 reported.

Bill O'Reilly Fox news:

O'REILLY: Had you seen her with this guy before, before this night?

JORDAN: No, but he was in our casino a lot.

O'REILLY: Now, did you know Van Der Sloot? Did -- how did you know who he was?

KISSEL: I didn't know him, but I had seen -- he had been around the hotel and the casino with her and with her friends, her closer friends, just hanging out around the hotel for the last few days, two or three days.,2933,159764,00.html

FBI 302 of Lee Ashford Broughton:

While at the casino, Broughton and Holloway came across Joran Last Name Unknown (LNU). Holloway had met Joran LNU earlier in the day on the beach.

Bryan Reynolds, Mountain Brook student:

Reynolds said he saw the suspects hanging out at the Holiday Inn where the Mountain Brook High School graduates stayed in Oranjestad. When Holloway went missing, Reynolds said they were the first people he considered as potential suspects.

"That was the first people who came to mind," said Reynolds, who said Holloway is one of his best friends

On the Record- with Greta Van Susteren:

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN: But you weren't here, so how would you be in a position to even know who this young man was?

BETH TWITTY: Through some of her classmates. And this young man had spent time with these children. He had been with them for a couple of days. They knew this young man. They knew his first name. They had spent hours with him. So it wasn't a secret. It wasn't a secret who she left with.,2933,159779,00.html

Tyra Banks Show- May 3, 2006:

BETH TWITTY – Well the night that Natalee disappeared really was no different than any other night that the students had been on that island. It just happened to be that it was their last night and they had been around Joran Van Der Sloot now for a period of about two days and have spent many hours with him at the casino and just around the Holiday Inn and it was their last night I think there was some unique circumstances that were going on that night the established closed earlier than what it normally does.

Decatur Daily News:

Police say Joran met Holloway at a casino two days before her disappearance.

CNN Headline news:

Police Chief Jan Van der Straten says Joran had met Natalee before that day:

HARRIS: Police say Joran met Natalee at a Holiday Inn where she was staying.

JAN VAN DER STRATEN, ARUBA POLICE COMMISSIONER: They met each other in the casino...

QUESTION: That day? Or a previous day? Or...

VAN DER STRATEN: The day before.

CNN Headline News- June 10th 2005:

Deputy Police Chief Jan van der Straten said Holloway met Van Der Sloot in the casino attached to her hotel two days before she disappeared.

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!

Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on February 21, 2007, 01:34:36 PM


PART 3- The night Natalee Holloway disappears Joran Van Der Sloot portrays behavior common to sexual predators who drug their victims.

Joran Van Der SLoot told a bold faced lie about Natalee prior to the night she disappeared and it is documented that he had a pre-meditated plan to go to Carlos & Charlie’s that night, and he had used a false identity with the Mountain Brook students to further his web of deception.

It is well-documented that Joran van Der Sloot showed up at the bar 30 minutes before closing time. Is it typical of Predators to keep their exposure among others to a minimum prior to containing their target?

Joran and Kalpoe brothers coordinated their leaving Carlos & Charlie’s with Natalee by using their cell phones, as the Kalpoe brothers statements reveal. Why would they need to communicate by telephone just to all get in the car (which they knew was parked behind the building so no need to find the car) to leave Carlos & Charlie’s? Why didn't the three of them just meet in the bar, coordinate their exit with Natalee, and all four walk out together? This gives indication of a plan in which the predators single out a female and make the American tourist think she is going back to the same hotel as the other tourist, in this case Joran van der Sloot, sharing a taxi cab ride.

Even Deepak’s statement said it was not the first time he had taken tourists back to the Holiday Inn.

Joran van Der Sloot knew this would be Natalee's last night on the island. It is fairly common for sexual predators to administer date rape drugs to female victims on their last night of vacation because they will be confused the next morning and have to rush to catch their planes back home. Dave Holloway was told immediately to go down to Carlos n’ Charlie’s, have a beer and wait for his daughter to show back up, but to keep his drink covered, as the locals tend to drug drinks in that bar – which indicates even the cops in Aruba know of this taking place with the tourists on their island by locals.

Every indication demonstrates this was a pattern Joran had used many times before.

In one of his interviews Joran van Der Sloot told Greta Van Susteren he had done this with female tourists 20 times before.

Done what?

Drugged and raped young American tourists without consequences?

Joran van der Sloot said he and the Kalpoes rarely if ever went out two nights in a row. Satish Kalpoe indicated that Joran and Deepak were together three nights in a row: the night before Natalee went missing, the night Natalee went missing, and the night after she went missing.

Predator behavior is to plan, execute the plan, and when something bad happened this time – they covered-up what went terribly wrong to Natalee Holloway.

Joran Van der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers show up at Carlos & Charlies 30-45 minutes before closing time.

On the record with Greta Van Susteren, Fox news:

VAN SUSTEREN: When they picked you up, did you go straight from your home to Carlos and Charlie's?

VAN DER SLOOT: When they picked me up, we went straight there, straight to Carlos and Charlie's.

VAN SUSTEREN: When you arrived at Carlos 'n Charlie's, any idea about what time it is?

VAN DER SLOOT: It was probably, you know, 12:15, I think, 12:30 maybe.
VAN SUSTEREN: How late does it stay open?

VAN DER SLOOT: That night it was open until 1:00 AM.,2933,186581,00.html

Deepak Kalpoe June 9, 2005, police statement:

A little before 0.00 hours I drove to Joran's house. Joran lives on the address Montanja 19. He lives in his own apartment. We, Satish and me, entered Joran's because he wasn't ready yet. He was still printing a project/something for school. We were inside Joran's place for about fifteen minutes. After that we drove to "Carlos & Charlies". I had parked my car in the parking lot behind "Carlos & Charlies" with the front side of my car parked towards the wall of "Carlos & Charlies". We got out and walked towards "Carlos & Charlies". At that time it was approximately 00:30 (12:30am) hours.

Joran and the Kalpoe brothers do not associate while in Carlos & Charlies, allowing the three to distance themselves from each other in order to play out their exit strategy with a “taxi”:

ABRAMS: And let's be clear. You're talking about the chief suspect, Joran van der Sloot, and you've been looking for any sort of as you say, predatory past. So what happened? Someone just came up to you?

TWITTY: Well yes, I had a beautiful 18-year-old blond-headed girl from New Jersey and you know was able to recant an encounter that she had with Joran van der Sloot, Deepak Kalpoe and Satish Kalpoe during the month of April '05.

TWITTY: You know it's interesting how he is able to try to work his way in and connect and establish himself in that—in Carlos N' Charlie's, was walking her around and these other tourists and was able to point out Satish and Deepak Kalpoe. They were sitting ironically in the same corner, the same stools that they were seated at in the picture that's been all over international media, so that must be their spot that they wait while Joran is working.

Meanwhile, the Kalpoes were coordinating their plan to pose as taxi drivers for Joran and Natalee on their cell phones:

Satish June 11, 2005 police statement-

I saw that my brother had called me. I know that my brother didn't have any more credit on his mobile phone and had called him back. My brother answered his phone and asked where we were. I told him that we were still inside Carlos & Charlies. He had told me that he was already at his car. I told him that we would come to where he was. I said to Joran that my brother was already at the car and if we were leaving, because Carlos & Charlies was about to close. Joran said that it was OK that we would be leaving and that the girl would be coming with us.

Deepak June 11, 2005 police statement-

I walked to the parking lot where my car was parked. When I arrived at my car I sat on the ground next to my car, because my brother had the keys. I then called my brother on his mobile phone. I had almost no more minutes on my pre-paid phone so I called him in a way that produces what in English is called a “miss call”. After that my brother phoned me back, I asked him where they were and he said they were still inside and that he would come. After a while Satish came walking, I asked him where Joran was and he said that Joran was still inside.

Joran van der Sloot says he'd done this 20 times before and nothing ever went wrong:

On the Record, Greta Van Susteren- March 3rd, 2006

VAN DER SLOOT: And you're like, you know, what, you know what are you doing? Because it was — it was a normal — it was a normal thing for us to do, you know, go to our friends, go to the beach, talk to American tourists, you know, then go out with them and have a good time and, you know, nothing — nothing ever bad has ever happened. I mean it's happened probably 20, 20 times nothing has ever gone wrong.,2933,186707,00.html

Joran says it was highly unusual that he and the Kalpoes would ever go out two nights in a row. However, Satish Kalpoe's statement indicates Joran and Deepak were together three nights in a row:

VAN DER SLOOT: Two nights in a row? Never, really, because he works a lot and — yes.

VAN SUSTEREN: When you met up with him on the night of the 29th, the night going into Natalee's disappearance, when was the most recent time before that that you'd spent time with him?

VAN DER SLOOT: The most recent time before that?


VAN DER SLOOT: I don't remember exactly when it was.

VAN SUSTEREN: More than a week or two weeks? Any idea?

VAN DER SLOOT: No, it was probably a week.

Satish 2nd police statement on June 10, 2005:

Where had the three of you gone on the night from Saturday night to Sunday night on May 28th 2005?

We had gone to Carlos & Charlies.

Was it just the three of you who had gone to Carlos & Charlies on Saturday May 28th 2005?

Yes, it was just the three of us that went to Carlos & Charlies.

Natalee and her family deserve justice - and we won't let up until they have it!

Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on February 28, 2007, 07:51:58 PM


PART 4- Predators are known for telling lies. Look no farther than some of our other infamous killers. This predator, Joran, lied about not previously meeting Natalee, lied about his identity, and told numerous lies about how he got home the morning Natalee disappeared-- yet he says one day he will tell the truth.

Joran and the Kalpoe brothers initially told police investigators they dropped Holloway off at the Holiday Inn where she was staying, but ten days later after being arrested they all changed their stories.

Unfortunately, the investigation had been drastically compromised by the prosecutor and polis who had neglected to arrest these three - knowing these suspects had lied. The Polis knew the "witnesses" lied because within the first 24 hours the Holiday Inn security cameras showed no sign of the Alabama teen having been returned to the hotel.

After admitting he had lied about dropping Holloway off at the hotel, Joran said he left Natalee at the beach near the Marriot hotel, but he continued to lie about surrounding circumstances. Joran has told four different versions of how he got home that night:

1.The Kalpoes dropped him off at home and drove off with Natalee
2. He left her at the beach and walked home
3. Deepak picked him up from the beach near the Marriott
4. Satish picked him up from the beach.

The Kalpoe brothers deny they ever picked Joran up from the beach. In fact, they state they went home, got on the computer and Satish went to bed because he had school the next day.

Why create the first lie if you are innocent?

Why lie about your identity?

Why the lie about when you met Natalee Holloway?

Police chief Gerold Dompig stated: “Joran Van Der Sloot "lies a lot" and it would take days to recount them all.”

The ‘A Current Affair' interview with Jerry Wagschal, showed Joran stating he would tell the truth one day. We are still waiting for the truth about what these criminals did to Natalee Holloway.

Joran and his father know what they did to Natalee Holloway.


Joran Van Der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers originally told police they dropped Natalee Holloway off at the Holiday Inn into the custody of a black security guard:

They said they dropped her off at her hotel about 2 a.m. and last saw her being approached by a black man in a black security guard uniform before they drove off, a lawyer for the brothers has said.,2933,159327,00.html

VAN SUSTEREN: Did you actually say that to Deepak, or did you think that?

VAN DER SLOOT: And then that's when we — that's when we made up a story to say, you know, that we didn't — that we dropped her off at the Holiday Inn.
VAN SUSTEREN: Whose idea was it to make up the story, yours or Deepak's?

VAN DER SLOOT: It was — it was kind of both ours.,2933,186707,00.html

After the original Holiday Inn lie was debunked, Van Der Sloot said he left Holloway at the beach and told four different versions of how he got home.

1. Joran tells police he was dropped off at his house and the Kalpoe brothers, Deepak and Satish, drove off with Natalee Holloway:

One of the trio detained since June 9, the Dutch son of a judicial official, is now saying that his two Surinamese friends — who are brothers — dropped him off at his house after he exchanged e-mail addresses with Holloway and said goodnight, Lejuez said.,2933,159327,00.html

2. Joran tells police he left Natalee at the Marriot beach and walked home:

On the record, Greta Van Susteren Wednesday, August 24, 2005-

VAN SUSTEREN: What is it that the phone call at 2:40 in the morning between Joran and your client was about? What were they talking about?

KOCK: Of course, that was not with my client. But my client says that what he was saying was that he was walking home, that he left the girl on the beach and that he's walking home. And afterwards, the call after 3:00 o'clock was to actually call in and say that he got home. So you know, if you look at the distance that it would take you to walk, that also concurs a little bit with the elapsed time between the two phone calls.,2933,166635,00.html

Vanity Fair article, January 2, 2006

Under questioning, however, Joran did change his story. Instead of leaving Natalee at the Holiday Inn, he now said, the Kalpoes had dropped him and Natalee off at the beach beside the Marriott, a half-mile north of the Holiday Inn; the area is a lovers' lane of sorts. He said Natalee was so drunk she was drifting in and out of consciousness. Joran said he left her at the beach and walked home

3. Joran tells police Deepak Kalpoe picked him up at the beach near the Marriot:

Joran Van Der Sloot's June 14, 2005 statement to police investigators:

Deepak had said that I have left my shoes at the Marriott Hotel. Deepak told me not to worry, because he'd pick the shoes up tomorrow for me. I had left a pair of white with blue shoes of the brand "K-Swias" [sic], size "14" on the beach. These shoes I bought in the United States

What I also could mention is that during the drive Deepak told me that he was free the next morning that he didn't have to go to work. I told Deepak that I did have school and that I was tired.

I was left on May 30th, around 3:45 am at my house by Deepak. During exiting the car I asked him if he was going to go online. Deepak told me yes. Furthermore I had told him that I would call him the next day. I had asked Deepak if he could pick up the shoes that I had left on the beach. Deepak told me that he would pick up the shoes immediately. Then Deepak drove away.

4. Joran tells police Satish Kalpoe picked him up at the beach near the Marriot:

Joran van Der Sloot's June 29, 2005 statement to Aruban police:

When I was picked by Satish around quarter to three (02:45am) I was barefoot. I went to sit in front, next to Satish. I don't exclude the possibility that I had sand on my feet. Definitely did white sand from my feet stay behind on the floormat of the Honda. I had left my shoes (sneakers) on the beach. I had told Satish where I had left my shoes (sneakers).

Joran Van Der Sloot says he knows the truth and will tell it one day at his bidding:

Joran Van Der Sloot interview with Carl Wagschal, A Current Affair:

WAGSCHAL: Well, I think if you can explain to people what really happened and you were really forthcoming, the more forthcoming you are, the more chance there is of you to get on with your life.

VAN DER SLOOT: One day, I will explain exactly what happened. But right now, I don`t -- I don`t feel ready to do that.


At the same time, he told "Primetime" that his version of events is hard to believe. When asked why, after all the lying he's done, his word should be credible, he said, "There's absolutely no reason to believe me."

"I would probably not believe myself, no," he added.

Natalee and her family deserve justice - and we will not let up until they have it.

Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on March 14, 2007, 04:42:12 PM

01. PICKUP TIME - 11:00 PM or 4:00 AM?

01. PICKUP TIME - 11:00 PM or 4:00 AM?

John Kelly has stood firmly behind Beth Twitty's claim that approximately three weeks into the investigation Paulus Van der Sloot changed the story that he gave on May 31/05 regarding when he picked up Joran from McDonald’s. Paulus has said that Beth and Jug were mistaken when they insisted that he said 4:00 AM on the morning of May 30/05. He claimed that he had actually stated a pick up time of 11:00 PM on the evening of May 29/05. Investigator Roy Tromp confirmed that Paulus changed his story. Jug could not understand why statements were not immediately obtained from all witnesses who were present on that morning that would have all reflected the 4:00 am pickup time.

On June 5/05 Beth requested that security cameras from McDonalds be checked. As of Dec. 12/05 Aruban authorities had yet to comply with her request.

However, in the second week of Feb /07, it was revealed by the Aruban Justice Department that Paulus originally declared 4:00 AM on the morning of May 30/05 as the time he picked up Joran from McDonalds and they therefore, had justification for his detainment.

If this information was forwarded to the presiding judge by the prosecutor, why was Paulus released from detention; why was he declared no longer a suspect and why was he initially awarded compensation for wrongful arrest?

John Q. Kelly
'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' = Jan. 12/06

KELLY: ….. He also made contradictory statements about when he had picked up his son Joran that night.

Beth Twitty
On the Record w/ Greta - Oct. 2/05

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: I think I just saw specific little details that just have started eating me alive just, I mean, from details of that first night, when we met Joran and Paul and Deepak, you know, just little details that have been eating away at me on this pick-up time at McDonald's, you know, Paul van der Sloot stated specifically and emphatically he picked them up at 4 a.m. I have it documented in my journal too many times to know that...

Beth Twitty
On the Record w/ Greta - Oct. 2/05

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: Yes, 4 a.m. on May 31, he stated — I documented in my journal — that he stated to the police spokesperson that he picked Joran up at 4 a.m. Again, on June 17, I have it documented in my journal that they were going to question Paul that day about the 4 a.m. pick-up. And then it changed. That's why I was so shocked that day that you and I went to his home. That was the first time that he had changed to it 11 p.m., to the 29th. So that's just one example of many little details that are just driving me crazy now that I'm back home.

Beth Twitty
Nancy Grace - Aug. 12/05

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: Oh -- oh, it`s a very critical detail. And the night that we arrived on the island -- you know, Jug does not misinterpret a 4:00 AM time pickup to 11:00 PM. I mean, Paulus Van Der Sloot stated that he picked them up at 4:00 AM on May the 30th. Then -- we don`t know who they were, but then even as far as June 16 and June 17, Mr. Van Der Sloot was still stating this 4:00 AM pickup. Only until around -- maybe it was when he was picked up or arrested did he change it to 11:00 PM that I had knowledge of.

Beth Twitty
'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' - March 21/06

TWITTY: ...... He had initially told the witnesses that he himself had picked up Joran Van Der Sloot at 4:00 a.m. on the night of the 30th. But he later changed it about three weeks into the investigation that he did not pick up Joran at 4:00 a.m. on the 30th.

Beth Twitty
[ARUBAN BOYCOTT - Dec. 12/05

MICHELLE: "One of Joran's and PVDS's alibis was that Joran was picked up at the McDonald's. PVDS originally told you the first night you met him that he picked Joran up at 4:00 a.m., but he later gave a statement that he picked Joran up at 11:00 p.m. Do you know if there are security cameras in the McDonald's parking lot to prove this claim?"

BETH: "On June 5, we asked officials to check to see if there were security cameras, and to this day, nothing has ever been done. No one has looked into it."

Roy Tromp
48 Hours Interview - Aug. 5/05

Tromp, who declined to provide details about exactly what investigators believe happened to Holloway, said that Paul van der Sloot has also changed his account the night Holloway vanished.

"Why should you do that if you are telling the truth?" he said.

Jug Twitty
'Scarborough Country' - Aug. 11/05

TWITTY: … Those people that were with me that night, had they taken our statements at least a week after it happened, we would have already had the answer. But when they take my statement 33 days later, and they take the other guys‘ statements that were with me and ladies that were with me, you know, like 19 days later, it‘s like they didn‘t want to find the truth.

Claudio Eldridge
Letter from Benvinda de Souza to Karen Jansen - June 23/05

"Also understood by Claudio is that Mr. Van Der Sloot said that he picked up Joran around 4:00 am close to McDonald’s."
Translation Credit - Arubagirl

Paulus Van der Sloot
Official Witness Statement - June 18, 2005

On May 30th 2005, in the nightly hours, I did not pick up Joran from anywhere. I slept solidly through the night without waking up.

Paulus Van der Sloot
NOVA Interview - June 28/05

Paulus van der Sloot: ...... During the apprehension I was told that I was suspected of complicity to murder manslaughter and usurpatory freedom spoliation (kidnapping). During the session with the judge [5], it was told that the suspicion originated, because that Monday night, when so many people were standing there in front of the door, I allegedly declared that at four o'clock, I picked up Joran. And someone else, allegedly declared that I picked up Joran and Natalee, while my own declaration was, directed at police officers, that I picked up Joran at eleven o'clock at the McDonald's. That is, of course remarkable that the public prosecutor's office adds two witness statements of people who were standing somewhere in the back, and not the witness declaration from the police officers, where I direct myself to, and directed myself to, as much as possible.
Translation Credit - Dugo from Riehl Worldview

Department of Justice
ARUBA BOYCOTT - Feb. 15/07

The following is a literal translation (from Diario paper) as it appears in the sentencing of the Superior Court for Paulus Van der Sloot.

" ...... The taped information and his declaration that he picked up Joran and Natalee by the McDonalds Palm Beach and brought them to the Holiday Inn[/color], are clearly understood by the Dept. of Justice, and could in the judgment of this Superior Court, be considered as an indication of the involvement of Paulus in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway."
Translation Credit - MF at FOB


The leaked casino video recording appears to capture Paulus Van der Sloot conversing with Natalee Holloway at the Black Jack table. If it is revealed that the person is Paulus, the implication would be that both Joran and Paulus lied regarding Paulus leaving the Excelsior casino during the Poker Tournament. Another implication would be that Judge Rick Smid, who released Paulus from detention, declared he was no longer a suspect, and awarded him damages for wrongful detention was either uninformed or he gave one of his own preferential treatment.

Joran Van der Sloot
On the Record w/ Greta - Mar 1/06

VAN DER SLOOT: .... And yes, so my dad had come with me. And halfway through, he — because my mom at the time was in Holland, halfway through, he had to go back home to my little brother because he was home alone. And I took his place at the poker tournament because I had lost earlier. So I went in and I took his place and I played for him.

Paulus Van der Sloot
Official Witness Statement - June 18/05

On May 29th 2005, at approximately 16.00 hours, I went with Joran to the “Free Carribean Stud Tournament” in the Holiday Inn. During the break, at approximately 18.30 hours, I went back home. My youngest son Sebastian who was playing at a friends house was due to be dropped off at home around that time. Joran, with my permission, took over my seat because he had been eliminated earlier.

John Q. Kelly
'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' - April 4/06

COSBY … John, first of all, is there a possibility that Paulus might have been talking to Natalee the night that she disappeared?

JOHN Q. KELLY, HOLLOWAY FAMILY ATTORNEY: Well, if you look at the surveillance video footage, it appears that he’s the one sitting directly next to her and tries to engage her in conversation a couple of times. And it’s sort of ironic that it’s his father who brought his underage son to a casino and left him there after he left, with access to his line of credit, to put this unfortunate chain of events in process.

COSBY: And did he ever say that he had talked to Natalee or not before?

KELLY: No, it’s never even been addressed before whether or not that’s Paulus in the videotape there sitting next to her. And it certainly appears to be to me.

Kimberly Guilfoyle
THE LINEUP - June 9/06

Kimberly: It has been one year since the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. Unfortunately we are left now with more questions than answers. What we do know is that Joran and the Kalpoe brothers were the last people seen with Natalee Holloway, which is the reason why they still remain to this day the main suspects in the case. As for Paulus, sources say he is the person next to Natalie in the casino.

Jossy Mansur
Dana Pretzer Show - Dec. 14/06

DANA: When you look at this case, a question keeps coming up. I am looking at the picture on my PC. It is the alleged picture of a person in the casino with Natalee that looks a lot like Paul. Has there been any update on this issue?

JOSSY: There have not been any change of opinion. People, including people in the casino say that is Paul.
Transcript Credit: Heli from RU

Michael Posner
ABC7CHICAGO - Feb. 23/06

Posner says it was he who voluntarily turned over this casino surveillance tape to Aruban authorities and that he is furious they have allowed ABC News to broadcast it.

Katherine (Madison) Whatley
FBI Statement - July 12/05

After swimming at the hotel on Sunday, WHATLEY and other classmates, including HOLLOWAY, ate dinner at a restaurant next to the hotel. After dinner they went to the casino at the hotel. A few classmates were gambling at a card table along with an "older man" and YURON VAN DER SLOOT. (Whatley 302)

Beth Twitty
'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' - September 19/05

HOLLOWAY TWITTY: ..... I don‘t think there was ever a question that Joran and Paulus Van Der Sloot had been in that Excelsior Casino, and, particularly, on the night of the 29th where he and his father met Natalee.

Chris Cuomo
Prime Time Interview - Feb. 23/06

CHRIS: (Voiceover) He says he was interested in one of the other girls, and on surveillance tape, we see Natalee holding a drink and talking to a different man on her left. Nowhere do Natalee and Joran have an interaction.

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!

Natalee's Freebirds




On the morning of May 31/05 Beth and Jug Twitty were informed that Deepak's vehicle had been seen inside the fence of the Van der Sloot's property. As their group waited in the parking lot of the police station prior to going to the Van der Sloot's residence, Art Wood suspects that Paulus was forewarned that Natalee's parents were on the way to his place. His reasoning is based on the fact that Deepak's vehicle was no longer inside the fence when the group arrived half an hour later. If a call was placed from within the police station to the Van der Sloots residence, could this be considered preferential treatment?
Translation Credit: Arubagirl

Beth Twitty
Birmingham Meeting - Oct. 28/06

24. Was Deepak's car seen inside the VDS compound?
Beth: Yes, Alberto Groeneveld and Claudio Eldridge told me they had to climb the wall in order to write down the license number.

25. Where were Joran and Deepak when Paulus called on the cell phone?
Beth: I really do not know.

26. Were the Sloots tipped-off that the family group had landed in Aruba?
Beth: not at first.
Art Wood: The Sloots were probably tipped-off when the family group stopped at the Noord Police Station to wait for Charles Croes, Alberto Groeneveld and Claudio Eldridge to return from the VDS residence.
Transcript Credit - Debbie at Blogs for Natalee (BFN)

Benvida de Souza, Family Attorney
Letter from Benvinda de Souza to Karen Jansen - June 23/05

....... In the meantime Mr. Alberto Groeneveld had received information that the silver car where Natalee was last seen departing from Carlos & Charlie’s, had been spotted at a house in Montanja. After that the group went to the Noord police station, where two agents rode together with the group to the house in Montanja. This resulted to be the house of Mr. Paul van der Sloot and his family. The silver car apparently was not there anymore.


Since day one there has been a rumor circulating that on the morning when Natalee Holloway went missing there was a 6:30 AM cell call to the Santa Lucia area of the Island originating from a cell registered to the Van der Sloot's. Paulus Van der Sloot claims in his official witness statement that he slept throughout the night. Howver, on July 3/05 he conceded that he may have made a call. Karin Janssen claims that she was building a case around communication records and the picture was becoming clear. Could Paulus have been afforded preferential treatment from Rick Smid, the judge who released him from detainment; declared him no longer a suspect and awared him compensation for wrongful detainment?

Greta Van Susteren
On the Record w/ Greta - July 3/05

I am most anxious to find out if there was e-mail traffic or phone traffic among the three in custody in the early morning hours of May 30. I am also curious whether Paul van der Sloot used his phone between midnight and 7 a.m. on May 30. He told me no... he told the Dutch TV correspondent on camera no... but after the interview with the Dutch TV correspondent, he pulled him aside and said maybe he did make a call and that he was not sure. Honest mistake or does he fear to be in conflict with phone records now in custody of the police? These questions answered would be, in my mind, a huge jump forward in trying to sort out what did or did not happen.

Paulus Van der Sloot
Official Witness Statement - June 18/05

On May 30th 2005, in the nightly hours, I did not pick up Joran from anywhere. I slept solidly through the night without waking up.

Karin Janssen
USA TODAY - July 1/05

Janssen said the prosecution was centering its case around e-mail and cell phone text messages written between the suspects the night Holloway disappeared.

Karin Janssen
'The Abrams Report' - June 29/05

JANSSEN: We have much more information than only that. I can‘t tell you the details about that. I only can say there‘s telephone, e-mail, chat sessions, (UNINTELLIGIBLE) messages and that‘s the sort of communication that we are investigating now. And it gives us a clear picture of where they were and how they communicate and what they said to each other.


The security guard, Mickey John, claimed to Greta in a broadcasted interview that he had a conversation with Deepak Kalpoe while they both were detained as suspects in regards to the the Natalee Holloway case. According to John, in this conversation Deepak conceded that he was present at a meeting when the Holiday Inn account was fabricated and SO WAS PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT. Why would Judge Smid not take this revelation into consideration when he ruled that Paulus could be released from detention; declared him no longer a suspect and awarded him compensation? It can be assumed that the investigative team obtained a statement from Mickey John regarding this conversation with Deepak; forwarded this statement to the prosecutor who, in turn, presented it to Judge Smid. If this did not occur it can be concluded that Paulus Van der Sloot received preferential treatment.

Mickey John
On the Record w/ Greta - June 29/05

JOHN:....... He (Deepak) said a story being made up about dropping the girl of at a Holiday Inn, was all something being made up. He, and the Dutch guy, and the Dutch guy's father, they sit and made up the story.

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!

Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on March 15, 2007, 06:12:09 PM



It would be assumed that Paulus Van der Sloot's attorney, Arie Swaen, has an indepth knowledge of Dutch law and when he stated that a case for compensation as a result of wrongful detainment could be inititiated on behalf of his client when the Natalee Holloway case was closed he was drawing on that foundation of knowledge.

Why did the judge disregard Dutch law and award compensation to Paulus Van der Sloot prior the Natalee Holloway case being closed?

Arie Swaen - Paulus Van der Sloot's Attorney
DIARIO Aruba - Oct. 22/05

The judge indicated that he will give his decision on the 11th of November.

According to lawyer Swaen, if the judge decides that the case is closed for Paulus van der Sloot, they will then initiate a case of damage and prejudice, for the days he sat in the police station jail.

If the case is not closed, they will then keep looking for when this will be the case so they can follow up.
Translation Credit -

Paulus Van der Sloot awarded Compensation
Expatica News - Aug. 3/06

AMSTERDAM — Dutchman Paul van der Sloot, father of the chief suspect in the Natalee Holloway disappearance case, has been awarded financial damages

A court on the autonomous Dutch island of Aruba ruled that Paul van der Sloot was arrested and detained for four days without due cause last year as part of the investigation. He was awarded 50,000 Aruban Guilders in compensation. This is equal to EUR 21,800 or USD 27,900.

Paul van der Sloot, a judge in training on Aruba at the time, was arrested on 22 June 2005 on suspicion of conspiring on or after the fact with his son. He was released without charge four days later but still considered a suspect.

He won a civil action for unjust detention against the Aruban authorities in November of that year and has now been awarded damages. He is no longer a suspect. The judge in the civil case stressed his ruling related solely to Paul van der Sloot.

Mariaine Croes
FOX NEWS - Aug. 8/06

ORANJESTAD, Aruba — Aruban prosecutors said Tuesday they will appeal an order to compensate a man detained in the disappearance of U.S. teenager Natalee Holloway.

A judge on the Dutch Caribbean island ruled on July 28 that the prosecutor's office should pay $30,190 to Paulus van der Sloot, a former justice official in Aruba who was detained in the case for three days, for defamation and legal fees.

"The public prosecutor's office does not agree with the amount granted, since this is much higher than usual," spokeswoman Mariaine Croes said.


The conflicts of interest that abound in the Natalee Holloway case in regards to the working and personal relationships between Paulus Van der Sloot and those who held official positions encompassing the investigation were purposely overlooked. The provisions provided in Aruban law regarding this issue were obviously disregarded.

Paulus Van der Sloot

Reporter (Twan Huys): Which function do you have here at the island? Because many stories go around about that. What is your function?

Paulus van der Sloot: I am a replacing member of the joint court of justice of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba [1] and I am appointed for a period of three years, from January the first, 2003, until January the first, 2006.

Reporter (Twan Huys): So, you are replacement judge?

Paulus van der Sloot: Yes.

Reporter (Twan Huys): Do you know the people very well, for example, the people here from the public prosecutors' office that ordered your detention?

Paulus van der Sloot: Yes, for sure, because, before that, I have worked for eight years as chief of the cabinet of the prosecutor general [2].

Reporter (Twan Huys): So, you also know the current prosecutor general?

Paulus van der Sloot: Yes.

Reporter (Twan Huys): Mrs. Croes.

Paulus van der Sloot: Yes.

Reporter (Twan Huys): Yes, and what does that mean when your colleagues stop by to arrest you?

Paulus van der Sloot: That gives a feeling of absurdity. It is indeed almost unimaginable that by someone you actually know very well, where you worked together with for a long time, that that one comes to tell you that you are suspected of complicity to murder.

Reporter (Twan Huys): Who was that in your case?

Paulus van der Sloot: That was, in this case, that was the leader of the team of police commissioners.

Reporter (Twan Huys): Jan van der Straaten.

Paulus van der Sloot: That was Jan van der Straaten, yes.

Reporter (Twan Huys): And you know each other very well?

Paulus van der Sloot: Yes
Translation Credit - Dugo from Riehl Worldview

Paulus Vander Sloot
Official Suspect Statement - June 23, 2005

Jacobs and Kelly took down Joran's statement. Joran was speaking in Papiamentu and that was translated by the officers into Dutch. I was there when Joran made his statement. We made a few changes in the concept with regard to factualities instead of observations.

Rudy Croes - Justice Minister
FOX NEWS - June 27/05

..... Justice Minister Croes said Paul van der Sloot had recently visited him in his office after failing to become a judge, apparently seeking a position in Croes' department. Van der Sloot had also taught the justice minister's daughter.

Ben King
New Blaze - July 1/05

The minister of justice, the political party MEP and the Dutch judges are portraying their partiality by bringing in a judge from a different Island to rule over the case yet the officials that are preparing the investigation are all friends and family of the suspect. How partial is this? Those who are preparing the investigation/case have access to all declarations, forensic reports, suspects and suspects family. Several reports by the international press have proven that the van der Sloot family is very close to the investigating team (The Dutch prosecutors office).

Paul van der Sloot is a high ranking official in the judicial system and is close friends with Ben King, whom now works at the prosecution office. King was reportedly seen visiting Paul van der Sloot at his home when the Arubian police were performing a search of the van der Sloot residence.

Antonio Carlo
Expatica News - Feb., 17/06

Joran is represented by lawyer Antonio Carlo, who is also Paulus van der Sloot's boss on Aruba.

Paulus van der Sloot joined Carlo's legal firm as a lawyer in January this year.

Arie Swaen
FOX NEWS - Aug. 8/06

Van der Sloot now works for a law firm on the island that represented his son. His attorney, Arie Swaen, did not immediately return a phone call seeking comment.


John Kelly's logic rings loud with truth when he implies that the entire chain of events which lead to Natalee Holloways disappearance would never have happened if Paulus Van der Sloot had not been enabling Joran in an illegal activity. It can be assumed that Aruban Law must afford wannabe Judges the right to gamble with their underage sons. Otherwise, we contend that Paulus Van der Sloot received preferential treatment.

John Kelly
'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' - April 3/06

JOHN Q. KELLY, HOLLOWAY FAMILY ATTORNEY: .... And it’s sort of ironic that it’s his father who brought his underage son to a casino and left him there after he left, with access to his line of credit, to put this unfortunate chain of events in process.

You know, if Joran had never been there, not been allowed in there, because he’s underage and wasn’t accompanied by his father, the whole rest of the night wouldn’t have happened.

.... If you’re under 18, you’re not legally even allowed in casinos, so his son was breaking the law with him enabling it.

Andre Dos Santos
Official Witness Statement - June 20/05

On Sunday, May 29, 2005, around 16:30, I met Joran in the Excelsior casino of the Holiday Inn hotel. The moment I met Joran I was in the company of my father called "Montival SANTOS". Joran was in the company of father named “Paul” that is when my father and I met them in the “Excelsior Casino

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!

Natalee's Freebirds




Paulus Van der Sloot had been detained under suspicion of murder and kidnapping as well as being an accessory to murder in the Natalee Holloway case. Nevertheless, initially, he appears to have had the power to refuse a search of his residence. Then when an official warrant was obtained, Justice Bob Wit reduced the scope of the search at the scene. Jug and Beth Twitty's utter frustration which is revealed in the following quotes exemplifies the nightmare that Natalee's family has been experiencing for almost two years.

Karin Janssen

Aruban authorities have defended their handling of the case, saying meticulous police work takes time.

"You have to build up an investigation. You can't just go in there like a cowboy," Janssen said last week when asked why investigators waited more than two weeks to search the van der Sloot home.

Paul Reynolds
PAULA ZAHN NOW - July 14/05

ZAHN: I know you also have some strong feelings that this whole search effort has been compromised. What are you most concerned about here?

REYNOLDS: Well of course for the last two weeks I've been talking about the fact that the police would not allow EquuSearch access to the Van Der Sloot's property. Certainly...

ZAHN: And we should explain, Paul, before you go any further, this is the independent group that came in, a group that volunteered to do this work, an experienced group. And you say they've been denied access on key parts of the island?

REYNOLDS: Right, the Van Der Sloot's private property, which I think is a very important area to be searched.

Jug Twitty
NANCY GRACE - Oct. 4/05

JUG TWITTY: Absolutely. I mean I asked -- with a meeting with the prosecutor did you search Paulus` home and she said no. And I said why? And she said because he wouldn`t let us. I`m going I can`t -- he was a suspect. They brought him in for -- held him for two days. I just don`t understand it. That`s what I`m talking about. Nothing was done right in the beginning on this thing, otherwise we`d have an answer.

Beth Twitty
LIVE DESK w/Martha MacCallum - Nov. 28/06

BETH: Well I think they will always have to look at there were two personnel involved from the Aruban Justice Department and that is why we don’t have any evidence and that’s what Joran’s attorney will have to be reminded of. It’s because of Bob Witt and Ben King stopped the search warrants. It was made to initially search the entire area of Montanja 19 the garden, the buildings and everything but on the spot high ranking employee of the Justice Office Bob Witt reduced the search warrant to only the room of Joran so that’s why we don’t have any evidence because of involvement of the obstruction from the Aruban Justice Department personnel.


The Chief of Police stated that investigators suspect Paulus Van der Sloot played a crucial role in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. The investigator, Roy Tromp, stated that Paulus had changed his story regarding his knowledge of the events surrounding the morning Natalee Holloway went missing. Inquiring mind want to know why this man was released as a suspect.

Paulus Van der Sloot awarded Compensation
Expatica News - Aug. 3/06

He won a civil action for unjust detention against the Aruban authorities in November of that year and has now been awarded damages. He is no longer a suspect. The judge in the civil case stressed his ruling related solely to Paul van der Sloot.

Gerold Dompig
48 Hour Interview - Mar. 22/06

The Aruban authorities’ new theory is that someone, someone possibly very close to the young suspects, took the time to carefully hide the body, not once but maybe twice, literally re-burying her.

Gerold Dompig
48 Hours Interview - Mar. 22/06

Dompig says he believes Paulus Van der Sloot does know more than he has been telling about the circumstances surrounding Holloway's disappearance.

Gerold Dompig
'Abrams Report' - Oct. 12/05

ABRAMS: Let me ask you about the father of Joran. He was under arrest for a brief period of time before a judge released him. Do you think that he knows something?

DOMPIG: Well, he is, has been, and still is a person of interest. And I wouldn't like to say more than that at this time.

ABRAMS: But let's be clear. A person of interest in connection with Natalee's disappearance ... or in connection with something after the fact?


Roy Tromp
48 Hours Interview - Aug. 5/05

Tromp, who declined to provide details about exactly what investigators believe happened to Holloway, said that Paul van der Sloot has also changed his account the night Holloway vanished.

"Why should you do that if you are telling the truth?" he said.

Department of Justice
ARUBA BOYCOTT - Feb. 15/07

The following is a literal translation (from Diario paper) as it appears in the sentencing of the Superior Court for Paulus Van der Sloot.

" ...... The taped information and his declaration that he picked up Joran and Natalee by the McDonalds Palm Beach and brought them to the Holiday Inn, are clearly understood by the Dept. of Justice, and could in the judgment of this Superior Court, be considered as an indication of the involvement of Paulus in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway."
Translation Credit - MF at FOB


The prosecutor, Karin Janssen, concedes that Paulus Van der Sloot was guilty of obstructing the investigation. However, Aruban attorney Arlene Ellis-Schipper, claims that there are no consequences for Paulus as his relationship to Joran deems him exempt. Also, John Kelly claims to have read a delaration of a suspect who states that Paulus gave advice that the prosecutor concedes was not appropriate.

Karin Janssen
USA TODAY - June 30/05

Janssen said that the elder van der Sloot had obstructed the investigation by asking a friend of Joran, who had been interrogated by police, what he had told them.

Janssen told MSNBC that he was arrested because investigators believed he was also a suspect in the disappearance.

Karin Janssen
'The Abrams Report' - June 29/05

JANSSEN: The father has spoken with those three suspects and he said he gave them some legal advice, but I think the advices was going further than that. They spoke about the situation that when there is no body, you don‘t have a case and that was already in the first day after the disappearance. And secondly, the father and the mother have asked a friend of Joran, the suspect, the minor suspect, to come to their home to tell them what he has explained to the police. That is, well, I can say, was an obstruction of the investigation.

Arlene Ellis-Schipper
'The Abrams Report' - June 30/05

ARLENE ELLIS-SCHIPPER, ARUBAN ATTORNEY: Well basically obstruction of justice is a criminal offense in our criminal code. However, there is an exoneration for family members in the first degree. So in the case of Mr. Van der Sloot it would not apply.

John Kelly
'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' - January 12/06

KELLY: .... Paul Van Der Sloot is obviously a shameless individual. When Deepak Kalpoe gave one of his first statements to police, what he said was, “Paul Van Der Sloot advised us to get our stories straight, to not communicate by e-mail, not to use our cell phones, and to get lawyers.”

Beth Twitty
NANCY GRACE - Oct. 4/05

GRACE: ...... while you were out combing the island, they called a meeting, a meeting at the pool behind the judge`s house of lawyers, the Kalpoe family, Joran Van Der Sloot, his father, for what?

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: What he was doing was helping the boys get their stories straight, Nancy. He was instructing the boys how to get your story straight. If all stories match, in 10 days you will be free.

GRACE: And what about the hard drive?

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: Well he also told the guys once they got their stories straight to begin e-mailing this and then use your hard drive to nail an alibi.

GRACE: And not to use your cell phone.

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!

Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on March 19, 2007, 12:23:05 PM

What happened to the Dutch investigation into this crime?

Could this conflict of interest have played a part in the lack of action by the Dutch officials?

Interior Minister Johan Remkes was called upon by Rudy Croes to take over the Natalee Holloway investigation in August of last year.

Official Remkes is the individual who recommended Paulus van der Sloot be appointed to the bench of the Joint Court.

Aruba's Justice Minister Rudy Croes sent a letter last week to Netherlands' Internal Affairs Minister Johan Remkes and to another Dutch official asking the Dutch police to handle the case, saying little progress had been made, the Solo di Pueblo newspaper reported.

If Dutch police take over the investigation, they will have access to all case files and their own office, according to the newspaper, which didn't cite its source. Remkes will visit the Dutch Caribbean islands, including Aruba, next week, authorities said in the Netherlands.


The realm council of ministers has agreed on proposal of minister (Johan) Remkes of internal matter and kingdom relations with a pair of appointments. The lord Mr. G.E.M. Polkamp (52) are proposed for appointment to member of the common Court of Justice of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. At present Mr Polkamp deputy member of the court is. The appointment discusses 1 January 2003. the lord Mr. P.A.P.J. of of the ditch (Paulus Van Der Sloot) (50) is proposed for appointment to deputy member of the common Court of Justice of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. The lord of of the ditch is now operative as a principal private secretary at the Procurator-General of Aruba. The appointment discusses 1 January 2003 for a period of three years.
Full text in the .pdf file on that page. Translated by Babelfish, this is what you get:

Remkes being called upon to act in this position of authoritative leadership over the Dutch investigation into this case where a personal judicial appointee of his was a suspect, whose son is still considered the prime suspect, leads us to question if that is the reason the Dutch have not moved forward with this investigation?

We've all seen how the Aruban investigation was handled, does it appear the Hague failed to learn Aruba's lesson?

Will they now share the same shameful results Aruba is currently experiencing?

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!

Natalee’s Freebirds

Title: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on April 03, 2007, 11:49:28 AM


On June 25, 2005 Joran Van Der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers, Deepak and Satish, were being transported in an Aruba police van while their conversation was being secretly recorded. The statements made by the three suspects revealed unequivocally that they know pertinent and in-depth details about missing Mountain Brook student Natalee Holloway


Why did the Aruban investigators not follow up on such incriminating statements in their future interrogations of the three suspects? The gold mine of information included in that conversation was never tapped by law enforcement. It is interesting to note that segments of the conversation pointed to Joran’s father, Paulus Van Der Sloot, as having involvement in Natalee’s disappearance - yet questions about this suspect were ignored in all but the very earliest of police interviews. Could this be because Paulus Van Der Sloot was being protected by his close friend and lead investigator Jan van der Straten who just happened to be spearheading the case?


The Dutch judges from Curacao also share culpability in ignoring these statements by the three suspects. One in particular was Judge Robert “Bob” Smid who is reported to be a friend of Paulus Van Der Sloot, and had even stayed at his home while visiting the island. On August 30, 2005 Judge Smid issued a ruling that Joran should be held another 30 days, flew back to Curacao and immediately faxed in a reversal of his ruling. Two and a half weeks later Joran Van Der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers were all released from giving further testimony in the case.

On September 3, 2005 Joran Van der Sloot was released from police custody and fled to Holland. Drawing on an obscure Dutch judgement in another case, the judge ruled that Joran’s schoolwork was apparently more important than giving any further testimony in the Natalee Holloway case, even though he and the Kalpoe brothers disagree on key points about what happened the night Natalee disappeared.


Judging by their actions, neither the Aruban police or the Dutch judges cared enough about the victim, Natalee Holloway, to dig any further into the case. The three main suspects’ statements in the police van clearly indicate they have knowledge of what happened to the Alabama teenager, yet the law enforcement and judicial arms of Aruba’s government turned a blind eye to their criminality in the case.

In the early weeks of this case the Aruban government sent out media representatives such as Arlene Ellis-Schippers to explain that Dutch law is different from American law. Is it common in Dutch law to ignore incriminating statements made by key suspects? Is it common in Dutch law for judges to release key suspects to flee the country and never have to testify again? If so, you have to wonder if any visitor is safe on Dutch soil.


1- In this part of the conversation Deepak is urging Joran to tell the truth, saying he could straighten everything out by telling the truth. Note that Joran doesn't argue with this.

D says to J: You can straighten everything out in one shot, you know
J says to D: Why?
J says to D: You can straighten things out too
J says to D: Straighten things out how?
D says to J: You have to tell the truth.

2- Here the three suspects are pointing fingers at each other, threatening to expose each other’s involvement in the crime. Are they implying that Joran got himself into this trouble? Were they merely assisting him?

J says to S or D: Police told me about you now, if you go against me then that’s when I will go against you.
Brothers laugh: Heheheheheh
S says to J: We didn’t put you in this problem.

3- Here Joran says that he will laugh if they find Natalee alive. Does this imply that she is deceased, or will be by the time they find her?

J says to D: And I’ll laugh if they find the girl alive, f*** you.

4- In this portion the three suspects indicate that something bad happened to Natalee. Why wasn't this finger-pointing followed up on by the Aruban and Dutch interrogators?

J says to the brothers: I know very well that you’re scared.
J says to the brothers: If you did something bad to the girl, then we will see.
S says to J: I’m not scared.
S says to J: What do I have to be scared about?
D says to J: I want them to find the girl.

5- In this segment Deepak accuses Joran of telling the police that he (Deepak) buried Natalee at the Fisherman’s Huts. Joran denies telling the police this, despite the fact there is a police statement purporting this very accusation.

D says to J: You’re going to say shit about me in regards to the girl, that I buried the girl at the Fisherman’s Hut.
J says to D: Who said anything about a burial, I didn’t say anything about a burial.
D says to J: You declared that.
D says to J: Stop with the bullshit.
J says to D: I didn’t say anything about a burial.

6- In the part of the transcript Joran indicates that if the police find Natalee they will find something that will incriminate them. They will see what "sh*t"? Is this referring to some bad condition they left her in?

J says to the brothers: If they find the girl, then they will see the sh*t.

7- It has been well documented that Joran’s father Paulus Van der Sloot told the three suspects the day after Natalee disappeared that “if there is no corpse, there is no case.” Why would the elder van der Sloot give the three suspects this advice if they had no idea whether Natalee was alive or not?

J says to the brothers: You said that he (Joran’s father) said that if there’s no corpse there’s no case, or I don’t know what more sorts of shit.
J says to the brothers: That’s not true, the only thing he (Joran’s father) said that if there’s no body there don’t have a case.

8- And in this segment Deepak seems to indicate Paulus Van der Sloot is involved in the crime.

D to J: You don’t give a shit about your the members of your won family
J to D: The only thing that I can think of is my family I do what my family tells me to do
J to D: Right, +++++
D to J: Your own father, unbelievable
J to D: Wat my father,it is your [plural your] fault that he is arrested. I didn’t declare anything against my father, you [plural you] declared against my father

9- Here again the Kalpoe’s indicate that it was Joran’s fault that they were in the predicament they were in.

D says to J: We have suffered a lot because of you.

10- In this part of the conversation the Kalpoe’s say that the original lie of dropping Natalee off at the Holiday Inn was done for Joran’s benefit.

J says to the brothers: Who made the declaration about the guards; it was you and not me. Why?
Because I didn’t want to bring anyone into the problem who has nothing to do with this case.
D or S yells to J: The lie was for you.
J says to the brothers: It was you who admitted that.
D or S again yells to J: The lie was for you.

11- This final statement from Deepak to Joran unmistakably indicates that the three suspects know something bad happened to Natalee (drugs and rape?) and that Joran will go to prison if they find her.

D to J: The’re going to give you 15 years if they find the girl




(Thanks to Getagrip for the translation)

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!

Natalee’s Freebirds

Title: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on April 10, 2007, 02:39:44 PM

Lead Detective Roy Tromp - CBS NEWS

Tromp, who declined to provide details about exactly what investigators believe happened to Holloway, said that Paul van der Sloot has also changed his account the night Holloway vanished

"Why should you do that if you are telling the truth?" he said.


Beth has claimed from day one that Paulus Van der Sloot stated on the morning of May 31, 2005 in front of his residence that he had driven to McDonalds at 4:00 AM on the morning that Natalee went missing to pick up Joran and ?. This info was recorded in her journal, and witnessed by all others at the Van der Sloot residence that night. Within two and half weeks of that encounter, Paulus Van der Sloot denied Beth's claims and insisted that he had stated that he had picked up Joran at 11:00 PM on the evening of Mar 29, 2005.

Beth Twitty - NANCY GRACE (CNN)

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: Oh -- oh, it`s a very critical detail. And the night that we arrived on the island -- you know, Jug does not misinterpret a 4:00 AM time pickup to 11:00 PM. I mean, Paulus Van Der Sloot stated that he picked up at 4:00 AM on May the 30th. Then -- we don`t know who they were, but then even as far as June 16 and June 17, Mr. Van Der Sloot was still stating this 4:00 AM pickup. Only until around -- maybe it was when he was picked up or arrested did he change it to 11:00 PM that I had knowledge of.

Beth Twitty - 'Rita Cosby Live & Direct'

TWITTY: ...... And, you know, what Jug and I had discussed last night was that, you know, we go back to the very beginning. And that‘s the reason why Paulus Van Der Sloot was arrested in connection with Natalee‘s disappearance, because he had lied to the authorities by saying that he had changed his pickup time.

Paulus Van der Sloot - June 23, 2005 - Suspect Statement

To your question whether I picked up Joran on the 30th of May 2005, in the early morning hours, I can state the following. I have previously stated that I had picked up Joran on Sunday May 29th at approximately 23.00 hours near Mc Donalds. Subsequently I woke up at that Monday morning at approximately 05.45 hours. In the hours between I had gone to sleep and I did not hear Joran leaving or hear him return home.


On February 15, 2007 it was revealed that a Superior Court judge denied Paulus Van der Sloot's motion for further compensation. When "taped information and Paulus' declaration" were considered, the judge ruled that Paulus' detainment had been justified.

Superior Court - ARUBA BOYCOTT - Feb. 15/07

The following is a literal translation (from Diario paper) as it appears in the sentencing of the Superior Court for Paulus Van der Sloot.

"With attention to the lying declarations that the son of Paulus, Joran Andreas Petrus van der Sloot (hereafter Joran) gave about his last contact on the 30th of May 2005 with the disappeared Natalee Holloway, the suspicion is not unreasonable that he made himself guilty of a conduct that can be qualified as murder, manslaughter, or kidnapping that resulted in death.

The possible involvement of Paulus with that could then be deducted from the file with the official reports of witnesses, amongst which two people suggested a contact existed between Paulus and Natalee Holloway the night of her disappearance, and a taped report (that was given by the Prosecutor in her final note 1 to the Court).

The taped information and his declaration that he picked up Joran and Natalee by the McDonalds Palm Beach and brought them to the Holiday Inn, are clearly understood by the Dept. of Justice, and could in the judgment of this Superior Court, be considered as an indication of the involvement of Paulus in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway."


Why were the "taped information and declaration" pertaining to Paulus Van der Sloot previously disregarded by four separate rulings in favor of Paulus?

1. Paulus Van der Sloot - Scope of Search Warrant Reduced


TWITTY: Well I think they will always have to look at there were two personnel involved from the Aruban Justice Department and that is why we don’t have any evidence and that’s what Joran’s attorney will have to be reminded of. It’s because of Bob Witt and Ben King stopped the search warrants. It was made to initially search the entire area of Mon. 19 the garden, the buildings and everything but on the spot high ranking employee of the Justice Office Bob Witt reduced the search warrant to only the room of Joran so that’s why we don’t have any evidence because of involvement of the obstruction from the Aruban Justice Department personnel.

2. Paulus Van der Sloot - Released from Detention


ARUBA – ... Paul van der Sloot was detained from June 23rd up till the 26th in connection with the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. The examining-magistrate decided then that there was not sufficient evidence against Van der Sloot and released him.

3. Paulus Van der Sloot - No Longer a Suspect


ARUBA – The Common Court of the Neth.Antilles and Aruba decided that Paul van der Sloot is no longer a suspect in the Holloway case.

The court decided this in a lawsuit where Paul van der Sloot asks the National Government for compensation due to damages caused by his persecution in the Holloway-case.

4. Paulus Van der Sloot - Awarded Compensation

Expatica News

A court on the autonomous Dutch island of Aruba ruled that Paul van der Sloot was arrested and detained for four days without due cause last year as part of the investigation. He was awarded 50,000 Aruban Guilders in compensation. This is equal to EUR 21,800 or USD 27,900.

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!

Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on April 18, 2007, 10:37:07 AM
Controlling The Message ~ Corruption in Paradise

Nelson Oduber takes a cue from his friend Hugo Chavez

Was it not enough that Prime Minister Nelson Oduber controls cable television, land line telephones, cellular telephones, and the internet provider on the island?

Was it not enough that Oduber promoted his own agenda to protect Aruba’s reputation where tourism was concerned?

Was it not enough that Oduber had his own secret “task force” working behind the scenes to malign Natalee Holloway and her family?

Apparently not.

This Aruban newspaper and its’ editor choose to stand up for their fellow Aruban citizens, along with American tourists who come to their island and get victimized – again and again. By pointing out their government's wide-spread corruption, the citizens of Aruba are finally being given an avenue to change their own fate.

El Diario is now being thrown to the wolves by Prime Minister Nelson Oduber. El Diario tossed down the gauntlet of truth at the current government’s feet (MEP) and their response?

Boycott El Diario – control the message.

ORANJESTAD – In an open letter, staff and management of the morning paper Diario have asked the Queen’s attention for the commercial boycott called by the MEP and her leader, Prime Minister Nelson Oduber.

MEP demanded the owner and also director and chief editor Jossy Mansur to publicly apologize to MEP and premier Oduber for all the articles he has published with the intention to damage the reputation of the government and MEP. Mansur has till last Monday to do this, otherwise, the MEP will announce a boycott against Diario.

Since Mansur ignored MEP’s ultimatum, the party decided on a total boycott of the newspaper. No information must be given to Diario. MEP-member had to cancel their subscription as per immediate.. They are also not allowed to buy the paper separately. They cannot place ads in the Diario.

* Nelson Oduber is in charge of SETAR

October 12, 2006

Also the Board of Directors of Setar was dismissed last week. The Board and Setar director Roland Croes had problems for quiet some time already. We do not know yet what Prime Minister Oduber, who is in charge of the national company is going to do next.

* What is SETAR?

SETAR N.V., is the privatised full telecommunications service provider for the island of Aruba. The services provided by SETAR includes telephone, internet and GSM-related wireless services.

1. SETAR provides the fixed line, mobile, internet and data services to Aruba.

"SETAR N.V. Aruba's national telecommunication provider is the principal telecommunication company on the island. SETAR N.V. provides solutions for Fixed line, Mobile, Internet and Data.
The company's cellular communications infrastructure offers both GSM and TDMA services. SETAR has more than 70, 000 registered cellular subscribers giving the company a better than 70% penetration rate. Setar also offers trunking and paging."

2. SETAR takes over television on Aruba.

SETAR N.V. purchases Cable TV Aruba
by A.M. Digital
Feb 18, 2005 00:27 UTC

ORANJESTAD - At a press conference held on Tuesday, February 15, 1005, SETAR (Aruba Telephone Company) Management announced that the negotiations were completed and that Cable TV is now in the hands of the national telephone company.

On the other hand the Prime Minister also announced that in connection with the purchase of Cable TV Aruba by SETAR – owned for 100% by the Aruba Government – no permits for Cable TV will be issued by this Government. He is aware that some court cases may arise from this decision but they (Government) are prepared for that.

3. SETAR controls Internet Access

Setar, the government-owned telephone company, is the only ISP in Aruba. Setar now allows limited dial-up Internet access to nonresidents and visitors. Contact your resort for details and pricing.

With all the communication providers in his pocket, Nelson Oduber made this announcement the night Joran Van der Sloot made a confession in the Natalee Holloway case. Immediately after this hint from Oduber, the confession was being touted as a misinformation campaign by the MEP's Minister of Justice, Rudy Croes.

Prime Minister Nelson Oduber went on (Aruban) national radio Friday night to say if something happened to Holloway, it would hurt the island of 97,000, which depends on tourism and has a reputation as one of the safest spots in the Caribbean.
Friday, June 10, 2005

Prime Minister Oduber set out to control the message very early on in the case of Natalee Holloway. In our earliest of publications, we pointed out to you the persons from this committee involved with internet postings misdirecting the focus of this victim and her family's search for her.

A.M. Digital

Prime Minister Nelson Oduber presents “anti incorrect news” committee
by A.M. Digital

Posted: Jun 30, 2005 17:21 UTC

ORANJESTAD - At the weekly Government press conference Prime Minister Oduber officially presented a committee that was just appointed and with the task to minimize the effect of all the negative and incorrect information that is being disseminated on Aruba in connection with the disappearance of the American student Natalee Holloway.

“The committee has been working for some time behind the screens without too much publicity, and function on behalf of the people of Aruba in order to minimize the impact of the negative news that is being sent out” The basic mission of the committee is to bring correct information and counteract all publications that are not based on the truth and to explain the function of our judicial institutions and how they operate.

Crimes not Punished – It’s not just the tourists at risk

Diario editorial 4/16/07

The truth can hurt when it’s exposed without circumlocution! What could have led the mediocrity of the MEP party to lose their heads in such an ugly manner? Could it be the bribery of 1 million guilders?

The day I said that Nel Oduber’s government is anti American too, I came with the proofs to demonstrate it, but I left out a couple very painful for Nel, but since he again lost control over his tongue, here are more proofs: Natalee Holloway (American) and the American girl that his son mistreated and then wanted to rape in his own home!

What did Nel’s government do in the case of Natalee?

* Hide their heads in a hole like ostriches so as not to see the truth of what was happening,

* try to fire Jan and Karin because they did not belong to the group of political yes-men of his government;

* put the interest for American tourism money above the value of a human life;

* try to throw the blame on the family of the girl that disappeared, instead of going all-out against the three suspects who are responsible for the bad name Aruba got in other countries, and rightly so because those in power did not lift one finger to defend the victim, but went all out behind the curtain to make the family responsible for the negative image Aruba got, and not against the three suspects in whose company the girl disappeared. She too is an American!

Then his unbelievably stupid anti-American statements; the case of his own son who tried to rape an American girl in his own home! Now there is another American arrested because he pulled a gun against a person that attacked his wife, then committed destruction against her property. A government that has characterized itself as an Anti-American one with unquestionable concrete proofs.

The MEP party is a party of delinquents and promotes delinquency

* a Minister (Ramon Lee) who raped a woman, was accused by her to the Police, and was never even questioned!

* Another Minister (Rudy Croes)who brought in young girls from Santo Domingo and wanted to force them into prostitution with him and his friends;

* another Minister (Nilo Swaen) who was accused by his own department head of manipulating figures to make the government look good;

* another Minister (Rudy Croes again) whose departments sold permits to foreigners, and under whom driver's licenses were also being sold;

* another Minister (the Prime Minister Nelson Oduber) who is a habitual liar and will stop at nothing to carry out his Chavez-inclined plans for Aruba;

* members of Parliament of the MEP party who were caught by the police in drunken driving (Junior Arends) and hit and run (Robert Maduro);

And so much more delinquency and violations of our laws it would take an encyclopedia to hold them! They are a group of the most corrupt public figures ever to participate in Aruban politics. Just go over the Holloway case, and now the Michael Saladin case, and you immediately know the anti-American sentiments of those now in power in Aruba.

Ask the FBI to interrogate Richad Lacle, who will soon be serving a prison sentence in Florida, to find out who is behind this group that offered a big bribe to Nelson Odbuer's party and was never denounced to the police or the prosecutors in Aruba. My attention was brought to this case by the revelation of a letter containing a bribery of 1 million guilders to Nelson Oduber and his party.

Perhaps Oduber should be reminded of his own words to Fox news from June 10, 2005:

"We work together, we care for people ... Nobody stands above the law."

When the message a corrupt government is controlling gets dashed by the truth, provided by an honest voice striving for an Aruban government of integrity and honor, what is your next move?

To silence that voice. To silence that one method of communication that the corrupted government has no control over.

There is only so much dictatorial behavior an honorable society will tolerate - hopefully the door opened by El Diario will be utilized by the Aruban citizens in demanding transparency, honesty, and objectivity within their government.

Truth and Justice are not just the American way - they are the ways of true humanity.

The truth may hide at times, it may get distorted, but it will never be silenced.

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!

Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on May 07, 2007, 11:48:11 AM
Blood – Not Cleaning Fluid

The Perfection of the Misinformation Campaign

Is it any wonder the Holloway/Twitty families have been so frustrated since the beginning of this “investigation” by Aruba into their daughter’s disappearance?

On June 9, 2005 Joran van der Sloot, Deepak Kalpoe, and Satish Kalpoe were arrested for pre-trial detention as suspects in Natalee’s disappearance.

On that same day, Aruban officials impounded Deepak Kalpoe’s car.

At approximately 8:30 that night, a search for blood was conducted inside that vehicle. That same day, FBI officials compiled a report of blood sample comparisons from their findings in that car.

One week later, DNA lab results came back from the FBI’s forensic laboratory in Quantico.

Pure logic tells us that if there was not blood found in the car –a comparison could not have been made.

Neither could a DNA report have been generated by the FBI.

From the Aruban case file log:

Search for blood in Deepak Kalpoe's car
June 9, 2005
3 page report
Divisie Centrale Recherche, Aruba

Laboratory Report (blood sample)
June 9, 2005
Blood Samples COMPARISON
FBI – Quantico

The "Diario," a local daily newspaper, is reporting that a human blood sample found in a car at the residence of one of the teens in custody — the 17-year-old son of a high-ranking island judicuary official — is now being sent to the U.S. and will be tested for a possible match to Natalee, whose mother gave a blood sample to investigators.,2933,159252,00.html

The next day, June 10, 2005, DNA samples were taken from Beth Twitty and Dave Holloway in Aruba.

June 10, 2005 brought us another important occurrence in this case – a confession was made by one of the suspects arrested the previous day.

Chief of Police, Gerold Dompig

June 10, 2005

Holloway's family rushed late Friday to an old stone lighthouse beside Arisha beach after Deputy Police Commissioner Gerold Dompig told The Associated Press that one of three young men in custody admitted that "something bad happened" to Holloway and was leading police to the scene of the alleged crime.

Paul Reynolds - Natalee Holloway's Uncle

'Scarborough Country'
July 12, 2005

PAUL REYNOLDS, UNCLE OF NATALEE HOLLOWAY: I know that my sister had a meeting with the FBI June 10, Friday. And from that meeting, she became convinced that Natalee was no longer alive. She called her mother and told her that. And our family was—was—began the grieving process.

However, if Aruban spokespeople were to be believed, there was not blood, but rather cleaning fluid found inside Deepak’s car – and the confession was merely a “misinformation campaign.”

June 11, 2005,2933,159252,00.html

David Cruz, a spokesman for the Aruban Minister of Justice (search) told FOX News Natalee Holloway (search), who was on vacation with friends with a graduation trip when she disappeared, was confirmed dead and that authorities knew the location of her body.

However, Cruz later retracted the statement, saying he was a victim of a "misinformation campaign."

Jug Twitty
'Scarborough Country'
July 1, 2005

TWITTY: If they let them walk on this island after what Beth and I know, there's a lot of information that we have that we cannot share, because it would jeopardize the investigation. But if they let them walk, we can share it. And it would be devastating. The United States, the world will be amazed.

Amazing indeed!

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!

Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on May 23, 2007, 03:10:19 PM

In the first 23 days of the Natalee Holloway investigation Joran Van Der Sloot, who has admitted he was the last person to be seen with Natalee Holloway, told five different versions of how he got home that night. The first lie, told in conjunction with Deepak and Satish Kalpoe, was that the three dropped Natalee off at the front entrance lobby of the Holiday Inn, where she was staying. This lie was quickly debunked when the security camera footage was reviewed and there was no sign of Deepak Kaploe’s silver Honda ever coming near the front entrance of the hotel, nor any sign of Holloway near or entering the lobby on May 30, 2005.

What is particularly interesting in this lie is that all three suspects pointed to leaving Natalee in the hands of a black security guard, which, of course, never showed up on the security camera either. Despite this fact, the Aruban Authorities arrested two black security guards five days later fully knowing Joran and the Kalpoe brothers had lied to them.

These arrests allowed the three suspects another five days to roam free to cover any evidence of a crime against Holloway. The two security guards were later released when Aruban law enforcement admitted they could find no evidence they had anything to do with Natalee Holloway’s disappearance. Both the Aruban Prosecutor and the lead investigator, who happened to be a close friend of the Van Der Sloot family, have received harsh criticism for these actions, and rightfully so as they carry strong overtones of corruption.

When Joran Van Der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers were finally arrested on June 9, 2005 they were still touting the Holiday Inn story, but that quickly changed when their statements were taken as suspects instead of witnesses and it had been clearly proven their first story was a lie. What would follow was a variety of differing stories by Joran Van Der Sloot as to how he got home that night, none of which have been proven to be true. In fact, two of these “versions” of his story were told before he was arrested, more than likely to confuse the police investigation, which was slowly pointing towards his possible guilt.

On and around June 12-13 Joran tells a barrage of differing stories, more than likely reacting to what he is learning the Kalpoe brothers have claimed in their own police statements. Such leaks to the van der Sloots would not be unrealistic considering the close friendship between the lead investigator and the van der Sloot family.

First Joran says the Kalpoe`s dropped him off at his house and drove off with Natalee. Next he says he walked home after the Kalpoe`s dropped him off at the beach with Natalee. Then he states that Deepak Kalpoe picked him up and gave him a ride home, leaving a sleeping Natalee at the beach. Why the police interrogators never bothered to question such a broad collection of accounts is a mystery unless corruption is suspected.

On June 28, 2005 Joran van der Sloot changed his story again, this time saying Satish Kalpoe picked him up at the beach. This change may have been due to him finding out there were computer records that showed activity on Deepak's computer at the time he was supposed to be picking Joran up. Once again, Joran seems to be evolving his story by what he has learned through police discovery.

Both Kalpoe brothers deny ever picking Joran up at the beach. But Joran’s father Paulus has been caught in a lie that adds another layer to the story. In wire tap records revealed in a court appeal denying him compensation for the 3 days he was arrested, information was exhibited of a conversation in which PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT SAID HE PICKED UP JORAN AND NATALLEE AT 4:00 AM. Several people heard this very statement from him the night her family arrived on Aruba, but he changed his story several weeks later to say he picked Joran up at 11:00 pm.

The big question here is: Why would Joran van der Sloot change his story so many times if he were innocent of Natalee Holloway's disappearance? Innocent people have no reason to lie and are virtually always vindicated by the truth.




"I then suggested we say we dropped her off at the hotel and Deepak agreed saying there were no cameras in the lobby so no one would ever know the difference."

Joran Van der Sloot
Suspect Statement
June 9, 2005

We drove back to the Holiday Inn Hotel to drop Natalee off there. When we arrived there Deepak parked on the left lane and not on the right lane that lies in front of the Lobby. Natalee got out the back door on the right side and she fell to the floor. I got out of the same car door and helped her get up. After I did that Natalee said to me not to touch her and she walked into the direction/towards the lobby. I saw that she touched a pillar. We did not kiss and I got back into the car. Then we drove home.

And according to Mickey John in an interview with Greta Van Susteren Deepak told him Paulus Van der Sloot helped the three make up the Holiday Inn story:

ON THE RECORD- Wednesday, June 29, 2005

JOHN: He said a story being made up about dropping the girl of at a Holiday Inn, was all something being made up. He, and the Dutch guy, and the Dutch guy's father, they sit and made up the story.

VAN SUSTEREN: The father, too?

JOHN: All of them. They made up...

VAN SUSTEREN: Did he specifically say — Deepak specifically say to you the father was part of that?

JOHN: Deepak told me that he and the family sit down and they made up the story.

VAN SUSTEREN: So family and not father?

JOHN: Well, I don't know who the family consists of. But I know the father was involved, according to him. They made up the story, and they say that they didn't drop the girl off, because they said they would give the police something to (INAUDIBLE) when somebody is missing in Aruba, they would find them a few days later by a crack house or with some beach bum or something.

VAN SUSTEREN: How certain are you that that your memory is correct that the family or the father was involved in creating this cover-up story?

JOHN: Well, he (Deepak) told me — he, all of them, sit and make up the story. He, Dutch guy, and the family. He told me they made up a story that they said they dropped the girl off at the Holiday Inn. She was talking to a black guy, security guard specific, dressed in black pants, black top.

VAN SUSTEREN: So what percentage certain are you that he said family or father that was involved in this?

JOHN: He said family.

VAN SUSTEREN: So you're certain?

JOHN: I'm certain.,2933,161044,00.html


FOX NEWS- June 13, 2005

Fox News is now reporting that the three suspects' stories have changed now that they have been held in separate jail cells, according to the lawyer of one of the men.

Joran Van Der Sloot is now saying that his two Surinamese friends dropped him off at his home after he exchanged email addresses with Holloway. He is saying the two Kalpoe brothers were the last to see Natalee.

The two brothers, however, are now telling authorities that they left Van Der Sloot and Natalee at the beach on the northwest side of the island.

"They know these boys have been lying," Mickey Jones' attorney Chris Lejuez told FOX News.


UPDATE 20: TOP95 FM (Aruban radio station) reported on Monday that they have received information about the story that the suspect Joran van der Sloot gave to the police. The radio station got this information from the attorney that is representing the suspect Abraham Jones. Jones is being held at the same location as Joran and he has been hearing/getting information from within the institute. According to the attorney, Jones declared that Joran is convinced that he is being framed. Joran is saying that he did not go to the lighthouse with the group at all. He testified that after he left the club, he caught a ride home with his Surinamese friends, the brothers Kalpoe. At that time Natalee Holloway was in the car. Joran allegedly testified that the Kalpoes dropped him off at his home and drove off with Natalee in car. It was only afterwards (a few days later), around the swimming pool at his house, that the Kalpoes made plans to come out with one version of the events. But now it seems that they are trying to frame Joran. The attorney also told the radio station that his client has been hearing Joran van der Sloot sobbing a lot lately.


Karl Penhaul - Cnn Correspondent
July 14, 2005

PENHAUL: Not necessarily, Nancy. What we do know, and these from statements that were in the dossier that one of the defense attorneys from the Kalpoe brothers had and shared some of that with us, was that Joran Van Der Sloot was dropped off at the beach near the Marriott, according to statements, around 1:50 in the morning.

He then made a phone call to Deepak Kalpoe at about 2:30 or 2:40, so less than an hour later, saying, "I`m leaving Natalee at the beach, and I`m walking home."


Joran Van der Sloot
Suspect Statement
June 14, 2005

When Natalee and myself were dropped off at the Marriot Hotel by Satish and Deepak it was approximately 01.50 am.

I had called Deepak, on May 30th 2005 at approximately 03.00 am, on his mobile phone. I laid down next to her. At about 03.30 am Deepak came to Fisherman's Huts to pick me up.


Karl Penhaul - Cnn Correspondent:

"PENHAUL: Van der Sloot's attorneys, Antonio Carlo, declined to talk to us for this report, but Kock has seen van der Sloot's statements to investors and says he's changed his story several times since his arrest. Claiming first Deepak Kalpoe picked him up from the beach after he left Natalee. Then saying it was Satish Kalpoe. In another version of the story, Joran Van Der Sloot said he walked home.


1. Joran initially told police they all went to the lighthouse. Then he changed his story to just the opposite. The Kalpoe’s still say to this day they went to the lighthouse. Why the disagreement?



All police reports show that something smells in Matter of the Lighthouse in the case of Natalee.

At first, Joran van der Sloot himself declared that they went to the lighthouse and that he, himself, told the Kalpoe brothers to go in the direction of the lighthouse while Joran ‘supposedly’ was sitting in the backseat of the car with Natalee.

During other interrogations which continued, Joran van der Sloot himself radically changed his declaration in what concerns the matter of the lighthouse and it could even be observed that the way that Joran got to hear that the Kalpoe brothers did indeed declare and were firm on the matter of going to the lighthouse, Joran became like an angry bear.

Today DIARIO has reproduced a part of the controversial declarations that Joran first made on the matter of the lighthouse, which he accuses the Kalpoe brothers of lying about going there and today, everyone can read how Joran was changing his version every time.

In one declaration alone, he contradicted himself even on the matter of going to Noordkant [northern tip] with Natalee.

At first, Joran declared that Natalee herself asked to go to the North side of the island to see sharks (a very ridiculous proposition in the darkness of night; neither day nor night can one see sharks on the Aruban shores).

Afterwards, later in the same interrogation, Joran tells police: “At no time did Natalee ask to go to the north side of Aruba!”

Joran himself declared that the (supposed) idea of going to the lighthouse came from him!

2. Joran also radically modified his story about Natalee Holloway's condition that evening. He told the police and Natalee's family the night they arrived at his residence that Natalee was drunk and had been doing drugs. He repeated this in other interviews as did his U.S. attorney Joe Tacopina... until they found out that Joran could be charged with rape for the vaginal penetration he described doing to Natalee in the backseat of the Kalpoe car that night.

In his more current statements to U.S. media he changed his comments to say that Natalee was in good condition and only mildly drunk, even though he early statements to police describe Natalee as "going in and out of consciousness." Could it have been that Natalee was given a drug by van der Sloot or a paid bartender at Carlos & Charlie's and was disabled by its effects after leaving the bar?







Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!

Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on May 30, 2007, 03:09:57 PM

The Strategic Communications Task Force

Who We Are

“The Strategic Communications Task Force is a working group established in Aruba to address the issues surrounding the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. The Task Force includes representatives from AHATA (Aruba Hotel and Tourism Association), ATA (Aruba Tourism Authority), business and government leaders……”

"The Strategic Communications Task Force’s goal is to stay abreast of all developments in the Natalee Holloway disappearance, verify if information given is truthful and bring forward the correct facts when necessary. The Task Force also aims to inform the public and media whenever there is information that can be shared and monitor media coverage both locally and internationally in an effort to prevent and minimize any damage to the economic well being of Aruba."

Was Julia Renfro instructed to lie to the American citizens via the International media, thereby providing a completely incorrect view of the investigation as it progressed?


Julia Renfro attempts to distance Joran Van der Sloot from implication in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway as well as discrediting Beth Twitty when she stated that Beth told her that Natalee had phoned home and shared that she was in love with a tall Dutch boy with blue eyes. Gerold Dompig states that there are two declarations from Julia Renfro regarding this issue - declarations that have yet to be revealed.

Julia Renfro - The O'Reilly Factor - Dec. 7, 2005
O’REILLY: ... Now in the article, in the magazine, it states that you, Julia, had a conversation with Natalee’s mother Beth Holloway Twitty whereupon she told you that Natalee had mentioned another boy she was involved with on the island. Now Natalee’s mother denies that conversation. What say you?

RENFRO: ... What she told me on the 31st of May was that Natalee had met a tall Dutch boy with blue eyes. She’d met him. He spent some time with them, meaning the other Mountain Brook kids, as well, throughout their entire vacation.

O’REILLY: Another guy involved. You know, so you’re at odds with Natalee’s mother at this point, Julia?

RENFRO: Well, you know, we’ve — we’ve had a tough time. We’ve had a tough time, because I really went all out for her to help her and her family do everything possible to find their daughter Natalee.

O’REILLY: All right. So you’re standing by your story that she told you that Natalee told her there was a Dutch boy down on the island she liked with blue eyes. You’re standing by that?

RENFRO: Absolutely.

Gerold Dompig - VANITY FAIR - Jan. 2, 2006
According to Dompig, Beth Twitty had contact with her daughter while she was in Aruba. Dompig tells Burrough he has taken two statements from journalist Julia Renfro, as well as a worker at the Holiday Inn, and both claim Beth Twitty told them she had gotten a call from Natalee, who said she was in love with a tall, blue-eyed Dutch teenager. “We need to know the truth,” says Dompig. “Joran did not have blue eyes, so who was this boy?” Beth strenuously denies making any such statements, or having talked with Natalee while she was away.


According to Beth Twitty, there was no contact between mother and daughter throughout the Aruban holiday and Natalee did not have an international calling plan. Also, Mountain Brook students deny that Natalee had any relationship with a tall, blue-eyed Dutch teenager.

Clint Van Zandt - 'The Abrams Report' - April 25, 2005
CLINT VAN ZANDT, FORMER FBI PROFILER: Yes we would. You know, a number of things, Dan. Number one, we‘ve got at least three different stories that implicate this man. Number one, there‘s this female cab driver who says that Natalee and her friends talked about this blond-haired, blue-eyed Dutch kid who Natalee really liked, was really hitting on. Beth refutes that; Natalee‘s mother refutes the statements. The students in the United States refute the statements.

Beth Twitty - 'The Abrams Report' - April 19, 2006
ABRAMS: Beth, any truth to this, I don't know if it's rumor or report, et cetera, that Natalee had said something to you about having a crush on a blonde haired, blue eyed boy in Aruba?

TWITTY: Dan, there's just—there's no truth to that at all. You know Natalee had not called me. She didn't have international calling on her phone and no she never—her friends said that this never happened, it was never mentioned. And just simply it's just another rumor that had started and it's just not true, Dan.

Beth Twitty - On the Record w/ Greta - April 18, 2005
TWITTY: ... But you know, I think there were some rumors circulating earlier on, maybe in the fall, about Natalee had met someone — a blue-eyed Dutch national — and it's just simply not true. There just was no truth to the rumors that were coming out of Aruba that Natalee had met him.


Julia Renfro claims that as an editor she was privy to information that implied that Joran, Deepak and Satish were highly regarded on Aruba.

Julia Renfro - 'The Abrams Report' = June 17, 2005
ABRAMS: Bottom line, does everyone on the island, I mean is it small enough such that you know a little bit the three other men who are under arrest as well?

RENFRO: Well, it‘s a small enough island to know enough about everybody. Do I know them personally? No. But have I heard about them? Yes. And from my position in the newspaper, we‘re always covering all of the wonderful things that happen on Aruba and you know, they have good reputations.


Another Aruban editor voices a contrary opinion regarding the reputation of Joran Van der Sloot.

Jossy Mansur - NANCY GRACE - Aug. 2, 2005
MANSUR: ... At school, he`s been in problems many times. He`s been allowed to gamble at 17 years of age, to enter casinos, which is prohibited in Aruba. He`s been allowed to drink at all these nightclubs that we see him partying. He`s a party boy. And I don`t know how they can serve him drinks, being 17 years old


Why is the editor of an Aruban newspaper given direct inside information by those within the investigation regarding details relating to the Natalee Holloway case?

Julia Renfro - The O'Reilly Factor - Dec. 7, 2005
JULIA RENFRO, EDITOR, ARUBA TODAY: Well, it’s not really what I believe, but I did speak to the Commissioner Dompig earlier today, and I asked him, "What did you mean by they hurt the investigation?" And he said he’s not blaming them specifically for anything, but that their attacks via the U.S. media certainly changed the tide of the investigation, basically, pressuring the police to make what they felt, believe it or not, premature arrests of the suspect.

Julia Renfro - The O'Reilly Factor - Dec. 7, 2005
O’REILLY: OK. But Natalee’s mother denies the conversation totally. And what’s his name, Van Der Sloot, Joran Van Der Sloot doesn’t have blue eyes.

RENFRO: Right. That’s — that’s where there’s question.

O’REILLY: So the police are drawing a conclusion there was another man..
RENFRO: Right.

Julia Renfro - The O'Reilly Factor - June 9, 2005
Aruba newspaper editor Julia Renfro joined The Factor with the latest information on the case and the five men in custody. "The police told us that they have solid evidence against two of the men. The other three were considered as witnesses against those two men."

Julia Renfro - On the Record w/ Greta - April 5, 2006
RENFRO: Well, basically, Chief Dompig will remain in the position that he has always had and that commissioner of Oranjestad. Richardsonm on the other hand is the commissioner of the Noord district and the Noord residential area as well. Now, it is my understanding that while the Chief superintendant is abroad he will be replaced by Richardson, not Dompig.

VAN SUSTEREN: Why would Dompig want off this case? He has just gone on CBS 48 hours and said he was at a critical stage in this investigation. That is what they told 48 hours and he also said he believes it is alcohol and drugs. Making a rather profound announcement and then on Monday says he wants off.

RENFRO: Well, he actually said this last September. He was only suppose to be on the case for about six weeks. He was actually manhandling two positions by doing both the Noord district as well as the Oranjestad district. So, you know, this was a hefty handful here and Richardson who has been on the case since day one under Van der Straaten has continued on in Van der Straaten’s position. So it is really not as comical as people are making it out to be.

VAN SUSTEREN: I would not use the word comical. It’s more baffling. Why, if you got the deputy chief who’s been the person out front in what is perhaps the most important murder investigation going on in Aruba and who has just told CBS 48 hours that they were at a critical stage of the investigation suddenly says "Oh yeah, I wanted off last September. I want off again now and then leaves."

RENFRO: Well, I believe we are in a situation where Richardson is actually more qualified in this critical stage that we are in at this point.

VAN SUSTEREN: And more qualified than Dompig? Why was Dompig on this so long then?

RENFRO: Well, it’s my understanding that that is basically what Richardson was doing was he was doing the hard work, the behind the scenes work and it has just come to a point where Dompig has decided where he needs to move on.
Credit: Brandi (BFN)


Was Julia Renfro placed in a position by the "powers that be" in the investigation to assure that all pertinent information that had the ability to implicated Joran or Paulus could be directed accordingly? Could this explain why Julia Renfro's cell number was printed on the Natalee Holloway Missing posters?

Julia Renfro - 'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' - Dec. 5, 2005
VELEZ-MITCHELL: ... You are mentioned quite a bit in this article, and basically, what it says is you were friends with Beth, you initially championed her cause and helped searched for Natalee.

JULIA RENFRO, “ARUBA TODAY” NEWSPAPER: Yes, I did. Actually, you know, everything you just said is absolutely correct, in that I went all out to help Beth in every way, to help find her daughter.

Julia Renfro - The O'Reilly Factor - Dec. 7, 2005
RENFRO: Well, you know, we’ve — we’ve had a tough time. We’ve had a tough time, because I really went all out for her to help her and her family do everything possible to find their daughter Natalee.


We do believe that Julia Renfro is attempting to obscure the issue. It is not Natalee's parents who are creating chaos on the Island of Aruba. As Beth Twitty implies in her defense of the boycott, it is a corrupt investigation - a corrupt investigation that is distancing Paulus and Joran Van der Sloot from being implicated in the events of that fateful morning.

Julia Renfro - DANA PRETZER SHOW - Mar. 26, 2005
RENFRO: Large groups of people have been canceling their trips to Aruba.”

PRETZER: You are a parent and I am a parent. This is a parents worst nightmare.

RENFRO: … the parents had lost their child, but they created massive chaos on an innocent island of 100,000 people.


Beth Twitty - CBS NEWS - Mar. 25, 2006
Last fall, Twitty called for a boycott of Aruba. The island’s tourism industry has suffered: Travel bookings are off more than 4 percent from a year ago. Does she still support a boycott of Aruba? “The only leverage that we have in getting any traction in the investigation is when they feel the effects of a boycott,” says Twitty lost their child, but they created massive chaos on an innocent island of 100,000 people.


Julia Renfro claims that the detainment of the security guards was not a racial issue - that Aruba has no such distinctions.

Julia Renfro - CNN - June 15, 2005
She insisted the reasons behind the guards' arrest had nothing to do with race. "Locally there was never even a mention or a breath of concern that this was a racial issue nor a status issue," Renfro said.


Ann John claims that race definitely factored into the detainment of her son, and her son concurs.

Ann John - NANCY GRACE - June 9, 2005
GRACE: Miss John, your son (Mickey John) is one of the two security guards that were first arrested, not one of the three young men that were last seen with Natalee. It`s my understanding that there is some belief a racial bias is happening. Do you think that?

JOHN: I do think so.

Ann John - CNN - June 15, 2005
"The problem is, and I will say it plain, they have a color question in Aruba." Ann John said.

Mickey John - On the Record w/ Greta - June 29, 2005
JOHN: Well, I guess they wanted (INAUDIBLE) maybe the Dutch guy have some power on them, they all friends, and the family stick and talk and say, "We're going to stick to that, and that's it," you know? Trade in some black guy, scapegoat, lock him up, I guess so.


Julia Renfro claimed that there was an incident when an upset Jug Twitty used physical force against her.

Julia Renfro - 'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' - Dec. 5, 2005
JULIA RENFRO, “ARUBA TODAY” NEWSPAPER: ... And at some point, I believe it was early July, her husband, Jug, got very upset with me and actually physically pushed me and yelled and screamed at me in foul language in front of my children.


Beth Twitty concedes that the situation was tense but states Jug did not use physical force against Julia, and Beth implied that there were other witnesses present at the alleged incident who would concur.

Beth Twitty - 'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' - Dec. 5, 2005
BETH: Well, Jane, you know, tempers—you know, you are frustrated. We were searching for answers. But as far as Jug physically pushing Julie Renfro, no, that did not happen. I was there. There was another witness there with us, and also a cab driver was there. I‘m sorry that—if she felt that—misconstrued that situation. But there were senior several witnesses there, and no, he did not physically push her, but there was a heated moment, yes.


Julia Renfro claims that there was no reason to disbelieve Joran, Deepak and Satish when they implicated the security guards.

Julie Renfro - CNN - June 15, 2005
Renfro said police arrested the black guards "because the three boys pointed their fingers at these two security guards, and they couldn't leave that out of the loop. There was no reason to believe the boys were lying."


Beth Twitty had already revealed to Aruban officials that the Holiday Inn security cameras did not record Natalee returning to the hotel, nor meeting up with any security guard in the lobby.

Beth Twitty - 'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' - Dec. 5, 2005
TWITTY: ….. within 72 hours, we knew that their first story was totally fabricated, that within the first 72 hours, I faced a room of 12 -- at least 12 detectives, Aruban and Dutch detectives, and a lead detective, Dennis Jacobs (ph), and they knew after we reviewed video footage from the Holiday Inn casino lobby that my daughter had never been brought back to the Holiday Inn. They knew that those suspects were fabricating a story from day one.

You know, we—and what was so unbelievable about this, is they knew this information and still chose to pursue the two security guards on June the 5th.


Julia Renfro's inside information implies that there is "solid evidence" against the security guards.

Julia Renfro - The O'Reilly Factor - June 9, 2005
Aruba newspaper editor Julia Renfro joined The Factor with the latest information on the case and the five men in custody. "The police told us that they have solid evidence against two of the men. The other three were considered as witnesses against those two men."


Within four days a government spokesperson refuted Julia Renfro's words.

Ruben Trappenberg - Associated Press - June 13, 2005
Authorities had freed John and another former hotel security guard, Abraham Jones, 28, late Monday. Trappenberg said earlier their release "probably means they had nothing to do with this case and prosecutors were able to check out their alibis."


There were those who ridiculed Beth Twitty in regards to the "Hootie" reference that appeared on the Natalee Holloway Missing posters. At the Birmingham Meeting in October, 2006, Beth revealed when responding to a question from an attendee that Julia Renfro was the instigator.

Beth Twitty - Birmingham Meeting - Oct. 28, 2006
20. The "Call me Hootie" poster... what is the explanation of that?
TWITTY: This poster is the first that was distributed in Aruba. The Kidnapped posters that were made up to be put up were not allowed to be used. The Call me Hootie poster idea came from Julia Renfro.
Credit: Debbie (BFN)

This collusion and corruption needs to be exposed, stopped, and the participants brought forth to answer for their actions to their own citizens, the US media, the US citizens, and most importantly – to Natalee Holloway’s family.

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!

Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on June 13, 2007, 06:54:44 PM

Within days of Natalee Holloway’s disappearance the Aruban government was fast at work on phase one of covering up her crime by inserting government spokespeople onto media and internet outlets. These front men for the government immediately began a campaign of deception about the case and rumors against Natalee Holloway and her family. One most notable spokesperson is Arlene Ellis-Schippers, a relative of a suspect in this case.

The Aruban government and business leaders embarked on a disinformation campaign in the media and on the internet within days of Natalee Holloway going missing. This started by suggesting she was a runaway but soon elevated into a full blown effort to blame Natalee for her own deah and cast suspicion on her family and fellow Mountain Brook students in both the media and on the internet.

Unfortunately for Aruba their misinformation campaign backfired repeatedly, the more intense it became. Americans only became more suspicious that a cover-up was taking place for the obvious three suspects, in particular the judge's son, and were more outraged. This has resulted in the whole island of Aruba being blamed for the actions of a few.

The second phase of government corruption began when it became obvious Joran van der Sloot, the son of a judge-in-training, would be unable to avoid arrest. Both Aruban government officials and Dutch judges stepped in to block the investigation and deter evidence from being collected. Aruba public ministry official Ben Vocking and Dutch judge Bob Wit blocked a search of the van der Sloot main residence twice—once when Joran was arrested and a second time when his father was arrested. The van der Sloot residence was never fully searched for nearly TWO YEARS.

The third phase of corruption belongs to the Dutch judges from Curacao who ruled on the case. These judges, who worked with Paulus van der Sloot, used the judicial system to make sure Joran van der Sloot and the other two suspects, brothers Deepak and Satish the Kalpoe were freed from further testimony in the case. The last person to be seen with Natalee Holloway, Joran van der Sloot was freed from detention on September 3, 2005 and released unconditionally by the Dutch judge Rick Smid. Upon his release he immediately fled to Holland.

Listed below are Aruba’s key yes-men, and their role in obstructing justice in the Natalee Holloway case

1- Arlene Ellis-Schipper- media spokesperson for the tourism group AHATA and cousin of another suspect, Guido Wever

Arlene was one of the early spokespeople to appear on U.S. mainstream media. Her most famous comment, which she repeated on several occasions, was "There is no evidence!" She also made the comment "This case is thin, thin, thin..." on Fox News.

It was later discovered that Arlene Ellis-Schipper had a set of very disturbing conflicts of interest in the case: First, she is a cousin to one of the suspects arrested in the case, Guido Wever, a close personal acquaintance of Joran van der Sloot who was arrested for "heavy battery" against Natalee Holloway.

Secondly, Ms. Schippers was forced to reveal in a television interview that she was being paid by the AHATA, a tourism group that has been documented with spreading misinformation about Natalee Holloway and her family throughout the case.

Ms. Ellis-Schippers was later caught in a blatant lie, insisting Beth Twitty had met with Karin Janssen on a trip to Aruba, a fact that was later debunked by Twitty herself.

Arlene Ellis-Schippers should have been prevented from ever talking to the U.S. media as a legal analyst for Dutch law as her cousin, Guido, was brought in for questioning within the first few days of the case. Yet she was allowed to remain as a spokesperson for well over a year.

Guido Wever fled the island of Aruba to Holland just seven days after Natalee Holloway disappeared.

2- Jan van der Straten- lead investigator for the Aruba Police Department and close friend of Paulus van der Sloot

Jan van der Straten's role as lead investigator in the first two months of the Natalee Holloway case demonstrates the obvious conflicts of interest found in the Aruba investigation. Van der Straten was, by Paulus van der Sloot's own public admission, a "close friend" of Van der Sloot.

Van der Straten would have been very instrumental in the decision not to arrest the three main suspects in Natalee's disappearance until 10 days after she vanished, even though he knew almost immediately that they lied about dropping the Alabama teen off at the Holiday Inn.

Van der Straten would have also been involved in the decision to arrest two black security guards on June 5, 2005 which in effect prolonged the time given to the three suspects to cover their tracks and eliminate any evidence that should have been collected immediately upon the discovery of the Holiday Inn lie.

Van der Straten stated to Dutch media on June 12, 2005 that he believed Natalee was no longer alive and when asked by the reporter why he would make such a comment he responded, "Because I know the evidence and you don't." Interestingly, two years later the lead investigator has never explained what that evidence is.

He also made comment months after he retired and moved to the neighboring island of Bonaire that the case should have been solved early on but that there were "people who didn't want to cooperate." Since suspects rarely cooperate, Van der Straten had to have been talking about a corrupt Aruban government and Dutch judiciary.

Any high-ranking official with such a close relationship to a suspect's parent should have recused himself or alternately been forced off the case, but this is Aruba, a country in the grip of Mafia control who never saw a conflict of interest they didn't like.

3- Ben Vocking- Aruban public ministry official and close friend of Paulus van der Sloot who blocked the search of the Van der Sloot property

Ben Vocking, also known as Ben King, is an Aruba public ministry official who worked with the prosecutor's office and was the former head of KIA prison on the island.

Ben Vocking curiously took a leave of absence from his government job the day after Natalee Holloway disappeared to help his friend Paulus Van der Sloot as he dealt with his son's apparent participation in her disappearance. Joran Van der Sloot was arrested on suspicion of murder on June 9, 2005.

Vocking laid low for two weeks purportedly staying at the Van der Sloot residence. He surfaced on June 15, 2005 at the door of the Van der Sloot home with Dutch Judge Bob Wit to block the search of the Van der Sloot property when the police and prosecution authorities arrived with a full search warrant.

Vocking and Wit successfully limited the search of the Van der Sloot main residence and property to Joran's small apartment only. They would do so again two weeks later when the father, Paulus van der Sloot, was arrested on suspicion of murder.

Why would a government official and friend of two murder suspects be allowed to intermingle and co-conspire with a judge to block a search of their residence? This is just one more piece of evidence that strongly suggests widespread corruption in the case.

4- Judge Bob Wit- Judicial associate of Paulus van der Sloot who disallowed the search of the Van der Sloot residence

When a full search warrant was presented at the Van Der Sloot home on June 15, 2005, Dutch Judge Bob Wit of Curacao (along with public ministry official Ben Vocking) met law enforcement and prosecution authorities at the door to inform them their search would not include the main Van Der Sloot residence or the surrounding property. Wit had personally changed the order to include only Joran’s small apartment behind the home.

Judge Bob Wit intervened again eight days later when Joran’s father Paulus Van Der Sloot was arrested for reasonable suspicion in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, once again blocking a search of the Van Der Sloot home. Without question Bob Wit knew Paulus van der Sloot - they worked on cases together and appear to be very good friends judging from such an outrageous ruling.

Since when do arrested murder suspects get immunity from having their houses searched? Judge Bob Wit needs to answer this question in the open forum of the Caribbean Court of Justice, rather than hide behind the opaque wall of Dutch law.

5- Judge Rick Smid- Judicial associate of Paulus van der Sloot who granted Joran van der Sloot his freedom

Dutch Judge Rick Smid, also ruling from the bench in Curacao, is responsible for Joran van der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers being free today. It was Judge Rick Smid who released the three suspects and gave them an unconditional release granting them immunity from further questioning in the case. Police statements and secret recordings of the three suspects suggest intimate knowledge of "something bad" happening to Holloway. He was also aware that Joran van der Sloot had lied repeatedly in his police statements. Judge Rick Smid chose to ignore this and grant immunity instead. Upon his release, Joran van der Sloot fled the island of Aruba to Holland where he currently resides.

Why would a judge exempt a suspect from further questioning knowing he had lied numerous times in his statements and had given conflicting testimony regarding other suspects? Judge Rick Smid also worked with Paulus van der Sloot in the Dutch judiciary system and therein the answer may lie.

6- Police Chief Gerold Dompig- The man who took over the investigation and was fired for his actions

Police Chief Gerold Dompig took over the Natalee Holloway investigation after Jan van der Straten retired in July of 2005. Before getting his pink slip in March of 2006, Dompig was responsible for numerous blunders and outright conflicts of interest that no doubt sealed his fate.

It was Chief Gerold Dompig who announced in Vanity Fair magazine and in a CBS television interview that he had a witness who had seen Natalee Holloway with drugs during her trip to the island. It was later revealed that his witness was his cousin, Boeti Naar, a well-known local drug dealer who lives in a plywood box on the beach in Aruba. What was Dompig's motivation for using such a dubious witness to tag Ms. Holloway as a drug user?

It was also revealed that Dompig was a spokesman for the tourism group AHATA, a clear conflict of interest that undoubtedly skewed his perspective of the investigation. AHATA is comprised of business and government officials who formed a now defunct committee called the Strategic Communications Task Force. Their sole purpose, it is apparent, was to combat anything the Holloway and Twitty families tried to do to force an honest investigation into their daughter’s disappearance.

Dompig’s fate was ultimately sealed with his decision to conduct a highly visible search of the dunes near the California lighthouse on the north end of Aruba. The search, spurred by a worthless hearsay tip from a local bartender, was announced months in advance and even garnered a Dutch search team with special equipment flown in from Holland. Nothing was found and Dompig endured heavy criticism for his mishandling of the investigation by law enforcement experts and pundits in Holland. He was fired shortly thereafter.

The FBI offered to bring in boats that were capable of searching for Holloway’s remains in deep water. Aruba's fleet is not equipped to search in deep waters, yet Dompig refused. Why would a police chief refuse help from the FBI? The answer may lie with the corrupt Aruban officials and business leaders he represented during his stint as police chief.

7- Julia Renfro, Editor of Aruba Today- Responsible for spreading misinformation about the victim and her family through the media and internet

Julia Renfro has contributed the lion’s share of misinformation that has come out of Aruba since Natalee Holloway disappeared. Her personal attacks against Natalee and her family have appeared on both national media and internet blogs. It is clear she has a relationship with the Van der Sloots, in part through her association with the IFA, and has publicly stated she believes they are innocent.

Her most notorious lie is that Natalee was attracted to a blue-eyed Dutch boy during the days leading up to her disappearance, a story that has been debunked many times through statements from both Natalee’s family and her friends from Mountain Brook who accompanied her on the trip.

Although the Aruban police, prosecutor general, and most recently the Dutch authorities from Holland, have publicly stated that Joran van der Sloot is still the primary suspect in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, it seems Ms. Renfro hasn’t gotten the memo.

Renfro’s behavior has raised questions of whether her mission is a personal vendetta against the victim and her family or, even more troubling, that she is part of a larger plot to cover up the crime against Natalee Holloway.

8- Aruba's Internet Smear Campaign- The Aruban government enlisted government employees and outsiders to help cover up the case

Aruba's highest ranking officials, including Prime Minister Nelson Oduber, and government Tourism ministers Edward Breizen and Jorge Pesquera, mounted an internet campaign in the first week after Natalee Holloway disappeared to confuse the details and eventually denigrate the victim and her family. Government workers, tourism board members, and employees of local business owners have all been documented as using the internet for these purposes. Some of these are still very active today.

Prime Minister Nelson Oduber grabbed our interest with this announcement about his “anti incorrect news committee” on June 30, 2005:

At the weekly Government press conference Prime Minister Oduber officially presented a committee that was just appointed and with the task to minimize the effect of all the negative and incorrect information that is being disseminated on Aruba in connection with the disappearance of the American student Natalee Holloway.

“The committee has been working for some time behind the screens without too much publicity, and function on behalf of the people of Aruba in order to minimize the impact of the negative news that is being sent out.”

Jorge Pesquera is president and CEO of the tourism group AHATA and was instrumental in setting up the Strategic Communications Task Force, a group that would specialize in slandering Natalee's character and that of her family while creating smokescreens in the investigation. The SCTF worked mainly via the internet.

Tamara Waldron, an employee of the Ministry of Tourism and Transportation (headed by Eddie Breizen), made the following internet post at Scared Monkeys, falling in line with the government’s wishes:

"...looking at the picture does not mean blaming the island or its people….we should keep looking at the big picture which does involve at looking at other possibilities, other than a crime, for the dissapearance of the 18 year old.
So far there has not been any indication of a murder, a kidnapping etc and we should all stick together and help in searching for his girl instead of assuming things and smearing Aruba on the news.
I do believe she will be found as there have been numerous sightings of Natalee, which indicate more that this is a runaway case than any other….of course we don’t know for sure, but we must leave the windows of numerous possibilities open."

Comment by Tamara Waldron | June 5, 2005, 7:13 pm

Congressman Spencer Bachus said they knew immediately that Natalee's disappearance was not the case of a runaway teen, but the Arubans didn't listen and continued to float rumors rather than arrest the main suspects.

Prime Minister Nelson Oduber went on (Aruban) national radio Friday night (June 10, 2005) to say if something happened to Holloway, it would hurt the island of 97,000, which depends on tourism and has a reputation as one of the safest spots in the Caribbean.

Many examples such as those above beg the question: Was the thought of having a murdered American tourist on Aruba such a threat to their tourism economy that the government would become involved in covering up the crime and assist in disposing of the victim?

Apparently so.

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!

Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on June 22, 2007, 05:06:12 PM
Crimes Against Natalee Holloway

When did the Cover up Begin?

May 30, 2005


Police statements given by Joran van der Sloot and Deepak Kalpoe purport the Holiday Inn drop off lie was created in haste after receiving a phone call from Paulus van der Sloot in the early morning hours of May 31st, while on their way to the van der Sloot home. Yet movements of these suspects on May 30th, as well as communications records and statements from Aruban officials regarding these events that were taking place on May 30, 2005 imply that the cover-up had begun prior to Beth and Jug Twitty's setting foot on Aruban soil.


The following words of Freddy Zedan in his June 12, 2005 witness statement would imply that the Holiday Inn fabrication was collaborated on May 30, 2005 - many hours prior to Jug and Beth Twitty's arrival at the van der Sloot's residence on the morning of May 31, 2005.

(a) On Monday afternoon on the 30th, Joran came to my house. He told me that the previous day, Sunday, he had befriended a girl in the Holiday Inn casino and that she had invited him to come to Carlos and Charlies that evening.

...They drove to the Lighthouse, she wanted to see sharks. But Deepak only drove up to the Lighthouse because his car is very low to the ground and cannot drive up to the North side of Aruba. The girl had said to Joran that if Deepak and Satish would have lived in her town, they would be slaves. After that they drove to the hotel. When the girl had pushed open the door of the car, she fell to the ground. Joran wanted to help her but she shoved him away.

(b) The next day, Tuesday May 31st 2005 in the afternoon, I was with Joran at the raquet club.


Paulus Van der Sloot claims in his witness statement of June 18, 2005 that he went to bed after picking up his son at the McDonalds at 11:00 PM on the evening of May 29, 2005 and slept through the night. Paulus denies Beth Twitty's claim that he stated on the early morning of May 31, 2005 that he picked up Joran and Natalee at McDonalds at 4:30 AM on May 30, 2005. However, according to Greta Van Susteren, Paulus concedes to a Dutch TV correspondent that he may have used his phone throughout the night. Also, the Superior Court judgment in January, 2007 which denied compensation for wrongful detainment ruled that the Department of Justice acknowledges that Paulus own declaration states that he picked up Natalee and Joran. The court stated that this could be considered just cause for detainment in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.


According to Jan van Straten, a missing person's report was filed with the Aruban Law Enforcement by the beach patrol on behalf of the chaperone, Paul Lily on the morning of May 30, 2005. It could be assumed that this report would have included a description of the people who Natalee Holloway was last seen with as well as a description of the vehicle. It could be concluded that those within the ALE who had a personal and/or working connection to Paulus van der Sloot would have clued in regarding the identities of those described in the report. Is it possible that the van der Sloots were forewarned in regards to what info Natalee's friends had reported - information that could implicate Joran in the happenings of that fateful morning of May 30, 2005


Deepak Kalpoe conveys in his June 11, 2005 suspect statement that after dropping Joran and Natalee off at the beach on the morning of May 30, 2005 he and Satish returned home. He states that after Satish goes to bed he chatted on the internet with a friend named John Charles Croes. In his June 29, 2005 suspect statement Deepak convey that the purpose of his chatting "was to help the police and the Office of the DA with regard to the investigation so that they could see that I was indeed home in the night from Sunday to Monday." It can be assumed that Deepak Kalpoe’s attempt to create an alibi on the morning of May 30, 2005 prior to Natalee Holloway being reported missing would imply that Deepak knew that "something bad" had happened.


On June 30, 2005 Karin Jansen was being interviewed on the "Abrams Report" when she claimed that on May 30, 2005 Paulus van der Sloot assured Joran, Deepak and Satish that without a body there is no case. However, her words changed on subsequent days. Could Karin Janssen be part of the cover-up?

(a) “He confirmed to me that he told them that a few days after she disappeared."
July 1, 2005 - FOX NEWS

(b) "He also spoke about the case with his son and the two other suspects some days after Holloway's disappearance."
July 5, 2005 - CNN


Prior to Jug and Beth Twitty's arrival on the Island, certain happenings of May 30, 2005 would imply that someone within the ALE was assisting Joran, Deepak and Satish in getting their stories straight regarding their encounter with Natalee Holloway.

Joran van der Sloot
On July 12, 2005 Anita Van der Sloot stated in a Joe Scarborough interview that Joran was picked up from school by police on Monday, May 30, 2005.

Deepak Kalpoe
Deepak Kalpoe claims in his official statement of June 10, 2005 that he vacuumed his vehicle prior to picking up Joran Van der Sloot on Sunday May 29, 2005. He remembers telling interrogators at Bubali that his vehicle was very clean because he had vacuumed his car the prior evening. This would imply Deepak was questioned by police at Bubali station on May 30, 2005.

Satish Kalpoe
On June 29, 2005 in a secretly recorded conversation in a police van, Satish Kalpoe tells Joran he told police about the choller in his first police statement. Satish's witness statement of May 31, 2005 has been revealed and there is no mention of the choller. It can be assumed that the first statement must have been taken on May 30, 2005.


Art Wood's investigation revealed that Joran Van der Sloot lied in his June 14, 2005 suspect statement in regards to his tennis lesson on May 30, 2005 at 7:00 PM. Art revealed, "when I investigated the Racquet Club I found that Joran had never played tennis there that night." Inquiring minds want to know what Joran was doing at the Racquet Ball Club following his father dropping him off at 5:00 PM on May 30, 2005. According to revealed court testimony - sixteen hours prior Carlos Ramos, the gardener, had observed Joran and Deepak sitting in Deepak's vehicle near the Racquet Ball Club. It is even more curious when it is considered that Joran's June 14, 2005 suspect statement reveals that he was again dropped off at 5:00 PM at the Club by his father on the evening of May 31, 2005 to play a game of tennis which he concedes he never played.


Joran van der Sloot declares the following in his suspect statement of June 14, 2005 that after his tennis lesson at 7:15 PM on the evening of May 30, 2005:

"I walked over the beach to the Wyndham Hotel. On the way there I saw a lot of people. I did not go to Fisherman's Hut to see if Natalee was still lying there,"

Why would Joran entertain the thought that Natalee would be at the exact same place he had left her seventeen hours earlier?


While detained at the same time, Mickey John claimed that Deepak conveyed to him that Paulus van der Sloot was a participant in the fabrication of the Holiday Inn story. As this account was related to Natalee Holloway's mother and stepfather on the morning of May 31, 2005, the implication of Paulus' involvement is that the collaboration must have taken place on May 30, 2005.


In his June 11, 2005 suspect statement Deepak Kalpoe declares that after leaving his place of employment on the evening of May 30, 2005, he joined Joran at the Radisson casino at 12 o'clock midnight. He states in his declaration that two hours later Joran and him left the Radisson and were in the process of parking at the Wyndham when Paulus called to inform Joran that Natalee's mother and stepfather were at the home. Deepak then declares in his June 13, 2005 suspect statement that following Paulus call, he and Joran went directly to the van der Sloot's residence - arriving there at 2:40 AM.

Inquiring minds want to know how Deepak's time line is possible when it is taken into consideration that Beth and Jug did not arrive at the van der Sloot's residence until approximately 3:30 AM on the morning of May 31, 2005. According to Jug Twitty, he and Beth were still at the Holiday Inn at 3:00 AM viewing video footage. It was at that time that one of the employee's from Universal Air who were assisting them came rushing into the Holiday Inn to inform them that Deepak's vehicle had been observed within the gate at the van der Sloot's compound. The Twittys were driven to the police station and after waiting in the parking lot for a period of time, they were driven to the van der Sloot's residence.

These facts clearly show that the four main suspects not only had involvement in the crimes committed against Natalee Holloway, but also their intentions to cover up their crimes.

That none of these criminals have yet been prosecuted is appalling and disturbing.

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!

Natalee’s Freebirds

Title: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on July 06, 2007, 04:10:34 PM

May 31, 2005

What events were taking place under the cover of darkness in the early morning hours of May 31, 2005? Something important enough for the 3 main suspects in Natalee Holloway's disappearance to have contrived a false timeline.

Steve Cohen - Investigation Spokesperson

COHEN: This is a questioning procedure that Chief Dompig is going to go through with them because as they‘ve analyzed the timeline, they‘ve found some other discrepancies and they want to review these discrepancies with the three suspects.
COSBY: Steve, what are those discrepancies exactly?
COHEN: Well, I think it‘s mostly timeline discrepancies ...
'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' - 12-21-05

Roland/Roy Tromp - Interrogator/Lead Investigator

Roland Tromp, who declined to provide details about exactly what investigators believe happened to Holloway, said that Paul van der Sloot has also changed his account the night Holloway vanished. "Why should you do that if you are telling the truth?" he said.
CBS NEWS - 08-05-05


In December, 2005, it was the intentions of Gerold Dompig to bring Joran, Deepak and Satish in for questioning. Discrepancies within their declarations in regards to timelines required clarification. When all was said and done, the questioning of the main suspects never happened. Dompig failed to take into consideration that within days of the main suspects' release from detainment, the judge reversed the condition of the release which required Joran, Deepak and Satish to remain available for further questioning.

In November, 2005, it had been ruled in an Aruban court that Paulus Van der Sloot was no longer a suspect in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. The implication of that ruling was that further questioning by interrogators in regards to timeline discrepancies was never a consideration.


1. Paulus van der Sloot

2:00 AM - May 31, 2005
Paulus' delaration of June 23, 2005 states that he is awaken by the Twitty group's arrival.

2. Joran van der Sloot

2:30 AM - May 31, 2005
Joran's declaration of June 14, 2005 states that Paulus calls him in the Wyndham parking lot.

3. Deepak Kalpoe

2:40 AM - May 31, 2005
Deepak's declaration of June 13, 2005 states that he and Joran arrive at the van der sloot residence after receiving Paulus' call.



1. Witness log

2:50 AM - May 31, 2005
According to the official witness log that was obtained through disclosure by Phil McGraw, the Twitty group gives a statement to police prior to going to the van der Sloot residence.

Name: Holloway Group and MR Stamper
Date: 31 may 2005 / 02:50
Pages: 3
Writer/Initiator. Robert Kock / Lindo Pantophlet / Eric Ras
Description: witness statement

2. Jug Twitty

3:00 AM - May 31, 2005
Jug Twitty conveys to Nancy Grace to Nancy Grace on October 3, 2005 the time that that the group arrived at the van der Sloots Residence.

3. Charles Croes

3:00 AM - May 31, 2005
Charles Croes, who was part of the group, tells Greta Van Susteren on June 30, 2005 that he went straight to van der Sloot residence after leaving the police station.

4. Jug Twitty

3:15 AM - May 31, 2005
Jug Twitty conveys to Nancy Grace on October 3, 2005 that it took approximately fifteen minutes for Paulus to emerge from the house following the groups arrival.

5. Jug Twitty

3:30 AM - May 31, 2005
Jug Twitty states to Nancy Grace on October 3, 2005 that the group leaves for the Wyndham Casino after Paulus speaks to Joran on a cell phone.

In conclusion, a collaboration must have taken place when statements were taken by the Aruban Law Enforcement. Paulus, Joran and Deepak could not have pulled their respective timelines - outright lies - out of thin air and have them all syncronize perfectly.
Why was there a collaboration to change the actual timeline back one hour in regards to the events of the morning of May 31, 2005?

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!

Natalee’s Freebirds

Title: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on July 12, 2007, 10:04:56 AM
Aruba says the United States Government interfered with their investigation…………What is the Truth?


It was quickly discovered by the family of missing Alabama teen Natalee Holloway that Aruban officials had arrested two innocent men in the early days of their investigation.

That fact was just as quickly broadcast over American airwaves, and the American public was baffled at the news.

That was simply the first questionable action undertaken by Aruba that was brought to the public’s attention, but it certainly wasn’t the last.

Since then, we have learned about evidence that was mishandled, thrown away, or that has simply disappeared once in the hands of Aruban investigators.

We’ve also learned how Aruba soft-balled the interrogations of the actual suspects in this case, and of highly questionable rulings by the judiciary involved.

These instances, combined with several others, eventually brought many to believe there were some less than honest people handling this case on Aruba.

Recently, two Aruban spokespeople, Julia Renfro and Gerold Dompig, gave interviews to a local Aruban newspaper, openly, and we believe falsely, accusing the United States Government of causing the problems in the Aruban investigation – up to and including US Vice President Dick Cheney.

We have also learned that an Aruban delegation in Miami who met with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice the first week of June attempted to convince her they were making good progress in this case, right after they falsely arrested the two innocent men on June 5, 2005.

Was it not enough that Aruban spokespeople have denigrated Natalee and her family for the past two years?

Was it not enough that Aruban officials failed to conduct a proper investigation into this matter?

Apparently not.

Now for some unfathomable reason, they are casting the blame and attacking the integrity of the United States Government.

Is protecting their tourism really this important?

Or is there something bigger at stake for Aruba that they are desperately trying to keep hidden?

1. Aruba accuses Condoleezza Rice of interfering in their investigation

US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice met with an Aruban delegation the night of June 5, 2005.

That date is a notorious one within the case of missing Alabama teen Natalee Holloway. June 5, 2005 was the date Aruban officials arrested two innocent, framed, black security guards for the disappearance of Ms Holloway

June 9, 2005 - Associated Press
Authorities in the Dutch Caribbean island can hold 30-year-old Nick John and 28-year-old Abraham Jones without filing formal charges for up to 116 days
The pair were arrested Sunday on suspicion of first- and second-degree murder and capital kidnapping, the latter of which is invoked when kidnapping victim is killed.

Four days prior to that arrest, Aruban law enforcement and the prosecutor's office knew those two innocent men were nowhere near the Holiday Inn the night/morning of May 29/ they also knew neither was Natalee Holloway. Video surveillance footage viewed by them on June 1 2005 proved that tale to be false.

Yet by June 3, 2005 Aruban officials were setting up the security guards for a fraudulent arrest.


"SANCHEZ: I was monitoring a conversation not long ago with a lieutenant who is in charge of one of the investigations there in Aruba. And he said, and I’m going to quote him now, that he expected there could be arrests soon. And then he said that they expected to have some more news tomorrow."

Two days later, those arrests took place, and that same night Aruban Prime Minister Nelson Oduber proceeded to lead his delegation in Florida with this tall tale to our own United States Secretary of State – Condoleezza Rice.

June 6th - In spite of these fraudulent arrests with no evidence, Judy Hassell had a massive search re-directed to a part of the island these guards resided in, and Aruban government employees were let off for the day to help.

June 6, 2005
The initial search idea called for an island wide effort, but later changed to focus on the southeastern area of Seroe Colorado and part of San Nicolas, police commander Judy Hassell said. San Nicolas is where the two charged men were arrested.

Aruban spokesperson Julia Renfro stated on July 3, 2007 that Ms Rice interfered with the Aruban investigation to local Aruban newspaper Amigoe.

Did a US official interfere into Aruba’s “investigation”? Or was she deliberately deceived by the Aruban delegation in an effort to have her withdraw her support and concern from this case?


Interview With Juan Carlos Lopez of CNN Espanol

Secretary Condoleezza Rice
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
June 6, 2005

QUESTION: Have you received any update on the case of Natalee Holloway in Aruba?

SECRETARY RICE: We are in constant contact. And I was able to thank the Aruban delegation here last night for the very good efforts that they are making. It's obviously a case about which we're very concerned and we're all watching and working and also praying that this will come out all right.

What does this say about the knowledge of Aruban officals knowing the basis for these arrests was false? And yet they proceeded to expound this frame job? All the while lying to Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice – after having arrested these innocent men, they proceeded to tell her they were making progress.

2. Aruba accuses the United States FBI of interfering in the Aruban investigation

Aruban Prosecutor
Authorities on the Dutch Caribbean island requested a special FBI diving team to search waters with rough currents, Aruba Attorney General Caren Janssen said.,3566,158666,00.html

FBI Spokesperson
Seven FBI agents from Miami are in Aruba, including two divers and evidence collection and analysis experts, and one agent has come from Barbados, the spokesman said.

Senator Spencer Bachus
U.S. Rep. Spencer Bachus, R-Vestavia Hills, said Saturday there were circumstances surrounding Holloway's disappearance that warranted the FBI being heavily involved. He declined to give details.

"The circumstances were disturbing," said Bachus, who formally requested the FBI's involvement. "I can't get into it, but it's something the family is aware of. There was an immediate recognition that this was not simply a teen who wandered off."

The first week of June 2005 brought an FBI diving team from the USA to Aruba, as per what appeared to be a "welcome" given by Aruban authorities to allow the FBI to participate in the "search" that Aruban officials felt was key in their investigation.

FBI spokesperson Judy Orihuela lets us know that the invitations and welcome Aruban officials extended to our FBI dive and search teams were merely a charade, as once they arrived on the island they were sidelined by local officials to merely roles of observers and advisors.

FBI Spokesperson
Aruban authorities also appealed for the FBI to send expert divers. The U.S. agency sent two search-and-rescue divers, but they never got in the water.

"They never had any information like: she could be in this place or that area," FBI spokeswoman Judy Orihuela said. "That target would have come from the investigation of Aruban authorities because we can't investigate in a foreign country."

The decision not to dive was "bizarre," said Joe Huston, a rescue diver with Dickinson-based Texas EquuSearch. The volunteer group began a new search in Aruba on Saturday that included divers and sonar equipment.

"If her body was put in the ocean, there's a good chance now she'll never be found," Huston said.,2933,160701,00.html

June 9, 2005
FBI dive team has left the island,

Were our FBI personnel being strung along by Aruban officials as they were merely puppets in Aruba’s charade of cooperation and transparency for public consumption? It seems our FBI grew wise to the farce early on in this case.

Former Aruban Chief Gerold Dompig tells Aruban newspaper Amigoe on July 3, 2007 that not only were the FBI interfering in Aruba's investigation, but that they also issued threats to law enforcement and Aruba's prosecuting office.

"The American Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has systematically hindered the work of the police and the judiciary on Aruba in the investigation of the missing student Natalee Holloway.

“Myself and also the field officer of the justice department on Aruba (at that time the European-Dutch Karin Janssen ) not only had to deal with the enormous pressure from the FBI, who arrived on the island in no time, but we were also obstructed and even threatened.”

Did our government officials interfere in the Aruban investigation into the disappearance of Natalee Holloway?

Or is the United States government once again being used as pawns in what will no doubt become another failed attempt to detract from the facts of this case?


Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!

Natalee’s Freebirds


Title: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on July 17, 2007, 06:19:58 PM

Many of the judicial rulings by the Dutch judges in the Natalee Holloway case have been highly questionable, some so openly biased in favor of the Van der Sloot family they smack of corruption. For instance, when a search warrant was being executed on the Van Der Sloot home on June 15, 2005 investigators were surprised to find Curacao Judge Bob Wit open the door and inform them their search would not include the main Van Der Sloot residence or the surrounding property.

Eight days later when Joran’s father Paulus Van Der Sloot was arrested for "reasonable suspicion" in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway Judge Bob Wit intervened again, disallowing a search of the Van Der Sloot home. Ironically, no such limitations were ever placed on the search of the homes of two black security guards who were arrested on June 5, 2005. In fact, Aruban police ransacked their homes and perp walked them in front of the media, only later having to release them because there was no evidence that, unlike Joran Van Der Sloot and Deepak and Satish Kalpoe, they had ever been in contact with Natalee Holloway.

Since when do suspects in a murder investigation get a free pass from having their house searched? Prior to the disappearance of Natalee Holloway it is well known that Paulus Van Der Sloot had been a Dutch judge in training. Did his connections to the judiciary in Aruba and nearby Curacao have any influence on these rulings by Judge Bob Wit?

Judge Bob Wit's early decisions in the Natalee Holloway case would start a chain reaction of pro-Dutch, anti-victim rulings that would eventually free the Van Der Sloots from facing criminal charges.


“Aruba’s Dirtiest Judge” honor, however, goes to Dutch Judge Rick Smid for his extremely questionable rulings in the Natalee Holloway case. This one judge has caused as much damage to the Holloway case being solved as is humanly possible. IT WAS RICK SMID WHO SET THE STAGE FOR JORAN VAN DER SLOOT TO FLEE THE ISLAND OF ARUBA.

Police statements from Joran and the Kalpoe brothers—the last people to be seen with Natalee Holloway-- have revealed many disparities in their accounts of what happened that night she disappeared. In a secretly recorded conversation in a police van on June 25, 2005 the three suspects engaged in heated arguments about who was responsible for Nataleee’s demise, implicating not only each other but Joran’s father Paulus.

It is clear from these tapes and other statements the suspects gave to police, that the three suspects had detailed and intimate knowledge that something bad had happened to Miss Holloway. Joran even described the victim’s undergarments in great detail. Judge Rick Smid chose to completely ignore the fact that the main suspects were telling different accounts of what happened to Natalee that night. Why did judge Smid ignore such glaring and obvious contradictions in the stories of the three suspects? Even the simplest of minds would know that some of the parties were telling lies, indicating a clear measure of guilt.

Monday, November 21, 2005

No one has accused them of murder, but they themselves admitted to police during interrogations that something bad happened to Natalee while she was with them, without specifying what ‘something bad’ was! That they admitted to committing sexual abuse against her.

It is not extensive that the judge who presided over the case and decided that some things were inadmissible. He could be the best judge in the world, but in this case, he made light of and greatly neglected to pay attention to the three suspects’ admissions, since he didn’t even interrogate them about what was left hanging in the air, such as the declaration of Joran at the beach that he believes that Deepak raped and killed Natalee! How did this matter end there? How were the other accusations and counter-accusations among the three suspects not evaluated for their just content?


Judge Rick Smid was very aware of the discrepancies and inconsistencies in Joran Van der Sloot’s and the Kalpoe’s stories when he made several of his rulings in the case. Judge Smid was also aware Joran had lied about dropping off Natalee Holloway off at the Holiday Inn and had told four differing and contradictory stories as to how he got home that night. The Kalpoe brothers to this day disagree with Joran Van der Sloot on how he got home early that morning.

In an Aruban court on August 30, 2005 Judge Rick Smid ruled there was enough evidence that Joran Van Der Sloot should be held in police custody another 30 days. Then Judge Smid does something very unusual. He returns to his office in Curacao and faxes in a reversal of his ruling only hours later. Citing an obscure Dutch case dubbed the “Ponson Rule”, Judge Smid ruled that Joran’s schoolwork was more important than the case of a missing, and most likely, murdered, tourist. It should be noted the Ponson Rule was originally instituted for a baseball player who was involved in a case nowhere near as serious as murder.

As a direct result of Judge Rick Smid's ruling, Joran Van Der Sloot (to this day the main suspect in Natalee Holloway’s disappearance) was released from police custody on September 3, 2005 and immediately fled the island of Aruba to the safety of Holland three days later.

Less than two weeks later three Dutch Superior Court judges in Curacao delivered their final coup de grace. On September 14, 2005, in a ruling by three Dutch judges from Curacao, Joran Van Der Sloot and the Kalpoes brothers were all released unconditionally. This order prevented law enforcement from taking any further testimony from the three suspects in the Natalee Holloway case - despite the fact their accounts of what happened the night Natalee Holloway disappeared in their company are drastically different. Why would these three judges release the three main suspects from giving further testimony when those same judges knew full well the suspects lied to police, with conflicting stories from one suspect to the next?

Rogue Judge Rick Smid's rulings would be a devastating blow to the Natalee Holloway case. When Aruba spokesperson Steve Cohen promised the American public the three suspects would be brought back in for questioning in December 2005, it was revealed they would never have to testify again. All of this as a result of Judge Rick Smid's abuse of his position on the bench.

September 1, 2005

The judge in the case issued two rulings: In the first, he agreed with prosecutors' request to extend the period of van der Sloot's pretrial detention by 30 more days.

But later Thursday, the judge issued another ruling that sided with the defense — an order to immediately suspend the execution of his earlier pretrial detention order.

September 13, 2005

GRACE: What was the grounds? Why did they release them?

TWITTY: You know, Nancy, there was absolutely no -- no grounds for them to be released. And I spoke with the Dutch interrogators. And even as of September the 1st, things were really progressing well, and Joran and Deepak and Satish, they had -- these young men had divided, and they were not denying a crime anymore. They were merely implicating each other. And the list of inconsistencies was presented before Judge Smit. The reasonable doubt was there. I don`t have any idea why he fled the island and then faxed a reversal decision. It just is incredible.

Monday, October 1, 2005

Did the judge who came from Curacao probably plan take the decisions he took, spoiled the case? With all due respect for the position you have taken, have you seen what happened?

The case was resolved in phases the same judge planned: first release Paul v.d. Sloot , then he came back to release the Kalpoe brothers and the third phase he executed now when came to set Joran free because Joran expressed his wish to continue his studies.

I have similarly not made any accusations of any sort against the Kalpoe brothers; what I have repeated is what can be found in the Polis reports where they started pointing the fingers one against the other! It is in these three phases here that Americans see the corruption of our justice system.


The Aruban government and law enforcement are riddled with good ole boy friendships that usurp their ability to exact justice when one of their own is involved in a crime. It has been rumored that Judge Rick Smid was a close personal friend of Paulus Van Der Sloot and had stayed in his residence on occasion during his visits to Aruba. Judging by his rulings, this would seem to be the case.

Jossy Mansur points out that the Dutch judges were in collusion all along in an editorial that ran in his newspaper, El Diario Aruba. Given such a biased series of rulings in the Natalee Holloway case it is hard not to believe these judges all worked in unison to deny justice to the American victim in favor of saving their fellow Dutch nationalists' from facing their crimes in a court of law.

To this day Joran Van Der Sloot is considered the main suspect in the Natalee Holloway case, and his father Paulus was recently denied compensation when it was revealed through a wiretapped conversation he had met Natalee Holloway the same day she disappeared – not once, but twice. It is well known that Paulus Van Der Sloot is suspected of covering up his son's criminal acts against Natalee Holloway and some believe he had direct involvement in her demise. His lies in police statements concerning his whereabouts the night Holloway disappeared, in addition to stating he had never met Holloway, exposed in court, serve to reinforce such suspicions.

But yet the Dutch have chosen to do nothing in the case even though it is well proven all of the suspects lied as both witnesses and suspects, and thanks to the Dutch judges' orders they will not have to face questioning again.


October 4, 2005

GRACE: … Jossy, regarding the connection, what I perceived to be a close connection between the judge, Paulus Van Der Sloot and the retired chief of police who initially handled Natalee`s case, Van Der Stratten, were they friends?

MANSUR: Of course, they were friends. It stands to reason they were friends because Paul Van Der Sloot had many friends within the police department; he had many friends within the Department of Justice. And he had many friends with -- and he was friendly with all the judges in Aruba. He worked out of the same office as they did and did the same work.


Rick Smid refuses to have human traffickers and drug dealers arrested:

PHILIPSBURG - Two men considered to be the local organisers of what the Prosecutor’s Office believes to be a Chinese-led human smuggling operation are facing six- and eight-year prison sentences. They were also accused Thursday of involvement in the drug trade, mainly cocaine.

The Prosecutor further requested the immediate arrest of both suspects, who had been released from pre-trial detention in April, but this was turned down by Judge Rick Smid.
Posted: Jun 15, 2007 20:05 UTC

Rick Smid gives human trafficker 38 days in jail:

PHILIPSBURG--While investigations are ongoing into the alleged involvement of a police commissioner in human trafficking, a 28-year-old man was found guilty by the Court of First Instance on Wednesday of having tried to bribe Chief Immigration Officer Ademar Doran.

Judge Rick Smid sentenced Stephen Bruney to 180 days, 142 of which to be suspended, with three years’ probation and 200 hours of community service.


Had Hurricane Katrina not taken the spotlight off of Aruba, Judge Smid may have reconsidered his ruling. Instead it seems he found the catastrophe the perfect time to make such a bold and suspicious judgment. While American eyes were turned to the Gulf Coast of the U.S., Rick Smid took full advantage to free Joran van der Sloot and allow this suspect’s flight to Holland.

Smid takes advantage of a catastrophe to deal his own damage:

September 13, 2005

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY, NATALEE HOLLOWAY`S MOTHER: Well, you know, Nancy, I was thinking, I knew there was corruption and cover-up involved. But I certainly didn`t know they were cowards either, and to hide beneath the cloak of Hurricane Katrina is just reprehensible. And you know, I think -- I think of the Dutch government, and I want to keep the focus on this political party in place, NEP (ph). I think of this judge, Rick Smit. And I can`t imagine putting the suspects` rights or the suspects, you know, before the victim of Natalee, and that why should he choose to be concerned about Joran attending university in The Hague? It just is unbelievable.

GRACE: What was the grounds? Why did they release them?

TWITTY: You know, Nancy, there was absolutely no -- no grounds for them to be released. And I spoke with the Dutch interrogators. And even as of September the 1st, things were really progressing well, and Joran and Deepak and Satish, they had -- these young men had divided, and they were not denying a crime anymore. They were merely implicating each other. And the list of inconsistencies was presented before Judge Smit. The reasonable doubt was there. I don`t have any idea why he fled the island and then faxed a reversal decision. It just is incredible.


*Why would a judge block the search of the home belonging to a suspect in a murder investigation? Was this because Paulus Van Der Sloot was a Dutch judge in training? If not, why were the two black security guards not given the same consideration days earlier when their homes were ransacked by investigators and police?

*Why would Judge Rick Smid rule a suspect be held in custody for another 30 days and reverse his own ruling within hours after he had fled the island of Aruba to his office in Curacao? Was he afraid he might have to explain his ruling to the media while he was still on the island of Aruba? What was Judge Smid afraid of? Why the deception?

*Why did Judge Rick Smid overlook incriminating testimony by a suspect and release him by citing his “schoolwork” as being the more important factor in the case? Since when does a suspect’s "schoolwork" take precedence over finding justice for a murdered tourist? Is it because Joran Van der Sloot is Dutch and Natalee Holloway is merely a missing victim?

*What kind of judge can look at basic, rudimentary statements with conflicting testimonies from three suspects and release them from further questioning by the authorities?

*Why have all these Dutch judges made such favorable rulings in favor of Joran Van Der Sloot, shielding him from further legal action when, in fact, he is the main suspect in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway? Joran Van Der Sloot, who has been diagnosed by both Dutch and U.S. investigators as a "pathological liar", remains free today as a result of such obviously biased rulings.

*What kind of judicial system places favoritism over justice through the use of ambiguous rulings in favor of suspected criminals? The judges from Curacao, including Rick Smid, have given the Dutch judicial system a black eye worldwide.

"And he (Paulus Van der Sloot) was friendly with all the judges in Aruba. He worked out of the same office as they did and did the same work."

Jossy Mansur

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!

Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on July 27, 2007, 03:04:31 PM
Here is the latest from Natalee's Freebirds:


Within one week of Natalee Holloway's disappearance on Aruban soil under suspicious circumstance - there have been posts continually submitted to various internet message boards which depict an obvious agenda - an agenda to detract from the truth, and to obscure the real issue that a perceived corrupt investigation is distancing the main suspects from implication in the events encompassing the morning of May 30, 2005 while shifting the focus on the victim and her family. Recently, the same agenda has been mirrored in the Aruban, Dutch and American media.

The following sourced quotes will reveal the truth regarding the main suspects - Paulus, Joran, Deepak and Satish - through the words of those with a foundational inside knowledge of the Natalee Holloway investigation.


1. Gerold Dompig stated on American Television to Rita Cosby that based on Joran's lies he was convinced that Joran, Deepak and Satish were guilty of wrongdoing.

Gerold Dompig - 'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' - 11-08-05
DOMPIG: I still believe that these boys have been lying, they're still lying, and everybody knows that by now. So there's no doubt in my mind that they know something, they're guilty of something.

2. Gerold Dompig conceded to Rita Cosby on American Television that he had stated that it was his belief that Joran, Deepak and Satish were guilty - guilty as Hell. He also believed they were involved in her disappearance.

Gerold Dompig - 'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' - 11-02-05
COSBY: Do you believe, Chief—you said to me even before this interview that you believe the boys are guilty as hell. Do you believe they‘re involved in her disappearance?

3. Gerold Dompig stated on American Television to Rita Cosby that none of Joran's statements could be believed because his decarations kept changing in regards to the events of the morning of May 30, 2005 when Natalee Holloway went missing.

Gerold Dompig - 'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' - 10-17-05
DOMPIG: .... Joran went back and forth with his statements, and he withdrew two statements which he had already given to us. So basically, none of his statements were really trustworthy.

4. Gerold Dompig conveys to Dan Abrams on American Television that Joran cannot be believed as inconsistencies abound in his official declarations.

Gerold Dompig - THE ABRAMS REPORT - 10-12-05
DOMPIG: Well, it would take me, I think, a little over two days to go over all the inconsistencies. None of the stories match up, let me put it that way. So when it comes to believing this individual, we know in which category to place him.

5. The implications of Gerold Dompig's words to Dan Abrams on American Television are huge. He states that those within the investigation are of the opinion no other person than Joran, Deepak and Satish could be responsible for whatever happened to Natalee Holloway.

Gerold Dompig - THE ABRAMS REPORT - 10-12-05
DOMPIG: Exactly. And I go by the rule of thumb that, in the first 40 days -- as I said in a different program -- the first 40 days, law enforcement has probably also already spoken to the perpetrators. So we feel strongly that we have already spoken to them. And there's no one else outside this group that could be involved or responsible.

6. On American television Gerold Dompig tells Dan Abrams that every direction the Natalee Holloway investigation takes - the outcome implicates Joran, Deepak and Satish.

Gerold Dompig - THE ABRAMS REPORT - 10-12-05 DOMPIG: So sometimes people will ask us that, "Are you not tunnel-visioned? Maybe you should look at other possibilities." Of course. We did that. But we still feel that, every time you go on a path, a different path, that path leads back, comes back to these three boys.

7. In a released statement to the Associated Press - Gerold Dompig revealed that there was an admission by one of the suspects in regards to what happened to Natalee Holloway. Dompig stated that the suspect was leading authorities to the location where this happening occurred.

Gerold Dompig - Associated Press - 06-12-05
Deputy Police Commissioner, Gerold Dompig, told The Associated Press that one of three young men arrested in the case admitted "something bad Happened" to Holloway and was leading police to the scene. Prosecutors refused to comment on Dompig's statement, and Dompig himself refused to identify which of the three young men who took Holloway to the Northern beach the night she went missing made the statement.

8. In the 48 Hours' interview with correspondent Troy Roberts - Gerold Dompig revealed that the investigation team was of the opinion that Joran, Deepak and Satish were all lying in regards to the Marriot Beach account of what took place on the morning when Natalee Holloway went missing.

Gerold Dompig - 48 HOURS - 03-22-06
Dompig laid out the latest scenario of what happened after Natalee was last seen driving off with van der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers shortly after 1 a.m. He says investigators think the group did not go to the beach but that they possibly brought Natalie back to the van der Sloots' home.

9. Dompig stated in interview with Bryan Burrough (Vanity Fair) that there is a possibility that something unfortunate may have happened when Joran lost his temper when Natalee resisted his advances.

Gerold Dompig - VANITY FAIR ARTICLE - 01-02-06
"The F.B.I. profiled him as a person who never has been corrected by his parents. He's the boss of what happens in that house. He's the boss in the family. He is allowed to do anything.… If a person like that is in a position where a person says, 'No,' well, that person may change completely. Maybe he blew a fuse when she wouldn't have sex with him, and something happened."

10. Gerold Dompig stated to correspondent Troy Roberts in the 48 HOURS interview that Paulus was not being forthcoming regarding his knowledge of the morning that Natalee Holloway went missing.

Gerold Dompig - 48 HOURS - 03-22-06
Dompig says he believes Paulus Van der Sloot does know more than he has been telling about the circumstances surrounding Holloway's disappearance.

11. Gerold Dompig's words in the 48 HOURS interview with correspondent Troy Roberts imply that Paulus played an active role in concealing the remains of Natalee Holloway.

Gerold Dompig - 48 HOURS - 03-22-06
The Aruban authorities’ new theory is that someone, someone possibly very close to the young suspects, took the time to carefully hide the body, not once but maybe twice, literally re-burying her.

12. Gerold Dompig's official position within ALE implies that he must have derived his words to Rita Cosby from a foundation of knowledge - Dompig states that Joran's dispicable actions towards the person of Natalee Holloway consititues a felony under Dutch law.

Gerold Dompig - 'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' - 10-17-05
DOMPIG: They only went so far as to say that they fondled sexually. At least, Joran did that, and the others denied everything.
COSBY: Chief, you know, that Joran was claiming in some statement that she was gong in and out of consciousness. Have you seen that anywhere?
DOMPIG: Yes, that's definitely in the statements, and that‘s why we were kind of disappointed when the judge didn‘t accept that because that‘s basically a felony in Aruba.


1. Steve Cohen's function as spokesperson for the Aruban investigation into Natalee Holloway's disappearance was to proclaim the truth to the media - the truth that was derived from a foundation of knowledge.

Steve Cohen - The Strategic Communications Task Force - 12-7-05
Aruba Selects Spokesman For North America
A coalition of groups announced Friday the appointment of Steve Cohen to act as spokesperson to North American media, in regards to the Natalee Holloway disappearance case. AHATA and the ATA appointed Cohen to deal with all media relations concerning the case which still commands media coverage in the United States. Mr. Cohen has been part of the Strategic Communications Task Force since its creation in June. He has a full knowledge of the case and is an associate of the Strategic Message Design.

2. In his address the Caribbean Marketplace that was held in San Juan, Puerto Rico - Steve Cohen reveals that two of the main suspects in the Natalee Holloway investigation had sexual relations with the eighteen year old American citizen. This is the position that Natalee's mother - Beth Holloway - has stood by since the initial stages of the investigation.

Steve Cohen - Caribbean Voice - 01-18-06
Aruba stays afloat through Natalie Holloway's investigation
By Hazel Heyer
SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico ... Aruba believes it is most important to get a hold of her mental state and most importantly, Natalee's physical state at the time of disappearance. "Two of the boys said they had consensual sex with her. Whether consensual or not, depends on her ability to be conscious and make a choice," said Cohen.

3. Steve Cohen concedes to Phil McGraw that Joran, Deepak and Satish are guilty of wrongdoing and possess an indepth knowledge of events from the early morning hours of May 30, 2005.

Steve Cohen - Dr. Phil Show - 01-29-06
Steve explains, "Forensic materials continue to be collected. I think we've got our hands on some forensic material now that may actually open up the doors to the final results of this case." Dr. Phil asks him, "From your opinion, based on what you know, do you believe that these boys are guilty of wrongdoing here?" Steve says that he does. "Do the prosecutors believe they are guilty of wrongdoing?" Steve says that they do. "Do you believe that [the boys] have available, intimate knowledge of what happened to her that night?" Again, Steve confirms that he does.

4. In December, 2006 - Steve Cohen informed Rita Cosby on American Television that it was the intention of Aruban officials to bring Joran, Deepak and Satish in for questioning regarding timelines and other descrepancies in their official declarations. However, the planned interrogations never took place. Joran's attorney reminded those in the investigation that the conditions of the September 2005 release - which had dictated that the suspects were to remain available for questioning - had been lifted by an Aruban court.

Steve Cohen - 'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' - 12-21-05
COHEN: I do want to make the distinction for you and your audience between questioning and rearrest. This is a questioning procedure that Chief Dompig is going to go through with them because as they‘ve analyzed the timeline, they‘ve found some other discrepancies and they want to review these discrepancies with the three suspects.
COSBY: Hey, Steve, what are those discrepancies exactly?
COHEN: Well, I think it‘s mostly timeline discrepancies, Rita. As you look at their testimony and their interrogations of where they were at different times between 1:30-something in the morning and between 3:30 in the morning, these are very important two or three-hour blocks that the investigators want to review in detail.

5. Steve Cohen shared with Phil McGraw that he felt defeated while he escorted Joran, Deepak and Satish from jail following the ruling of the Aruban court.

Steve Cohen - Dr. Phil Show - 01-29-06
"I was the guy who had to let them out," says Steve. "I opened the jail door for all three of them. It was nobody else. It was me. And my feeling was that we had lost ..."


1. In a telephone interview - Karin Janssen stated that Paulus obstructed the investigation but that his detainment resulted from the suspicion that he was involved in Natalee's disappearance.

Karin Janssen - Associated Press - 07-01-2005
Janssen also alleged Paul van der Sloot, a 52-year-old judge in training in Aruba, obstructed authorities' investigation by asking one of his son's friends, who had been interrogated, what he told police. But Janssen said Paul van der Sloot was detained for being a suspect in the disappearance, not for obstructing the investigation.,2933,161294,00.html

2. The Prosecutor's office released a statement upon the rearrest of the Kalpoe brothers. The new "facts/circumstances/suspicions" that comprised that statement implied that dispicable acts were perpetuated by Deepak and Satish against the person of Natalee Holloway prior to her subsequent demise.

Also, Aruban Attorney and investigation spokesperson - Arlene Ellis-Schipper - publicly affirmed that the prosecutor must have "real, real evidence and new facts" to have arrested Deepak and Satish again.

Statement from Prosecutor's Office - CNN - 08-27-05
(CNN) -- After being detained and then released last month in Natalee Holloway's disappearance, two brothers were arrested again Friday in Aruba on suspicion they acted "together with other people" in raping and killing the Alabama teen, the prosecutor's office said. Without elaborating on the evidence, the office said in a statement that "new facts and circumstances" led them to re-arrest Satish Kalpoe, 18 and brother Deepak, 21. "They are suspected of the primary criminal act of together with other people committing premeditated murder, alternately together with other people murdering somebody, more alternately rob a person of her liberty with fatal consequences and even more alternately raping somebody," the statement said.

Arlene Ellis-Schipper -On the Record w/Greta - August 30, 2006
ELLIS-SCHIPPER: Well, I think it's a big moment, Greta. You know, the prosecution and the investigation is moving very carefully. They don't want to make more mistakes, and they are very careful. So they must have had some real, real evidence and new facts that they felt confident enough to haul them back in. ... the investigation is moving forward and there's hope that we might go towards a trial because, at first, I was doubting whether we were even facing a trial. It shows that the police have done some good work and apparently gathered evidence, new evidence enough for to bring them back in custody..,2933,167372,00.html

3. In a release to the Associated Press, Karin Janssen stated that various communication records were the foundation on which she was "centering" her case.

Karen Janssen - Associated Press - 07-02-05
Janssen said the prosecution was centering its case around e-mail and cell phone text messages written between the suspects the night Holloway disappeared. Janssen declined to offer further details about the messages, but said not having a body would make getting a murder conviction "more difficult but not impossible."

4. Under Aruban law there must be "serious" suspicion to warrant pre-trial detainment and suspect status. Inquiring minds would like to know what foundation the "serious" suspicions were drived from to warrant the pre-trial detainment of the suspects in the Natalee Holloway case.

Noraina Pietersz - Associated Press - 06-09-05
Under Aruban law, only serious suspicion from investigators — not solid evidence — is needed for a judge to rule that suspects can be held, Pietersz said.

Joran/Deepak/Satish/Steve/Croes/Paulus - FOX NEWS - 06/24/05
Joran van der Sloot (search) and his friends Deepak and Satish Kalpoe are being held under suspicion of murder and kidnapping as well as being an accessory to murder. A fourth man, party boat DJ Steve Croes, is being held under the same conditions. The fifth man, Paul van der Sloot (search) — the father of 17-year-old Joran — was being held on suspicion of complicity to pre-meditated murder, complicity to kidnapping and murder and kidnapping. Under the Aruban system, complicity is a lesser charge. None of the men have been charged with a crime, but all are in police custody. An Aruban government spokesman confirmed the allegations.,2933,160654,00.html


Roland Tromp - Paulus' interrogator - stated to the Associated press that those within the investigation believe Joran is the prime suspect in regards to what happened to Natalee Holloway. They also contend that Paulus assisted his son after something went tragically wrong that fateful morning.

Roy Tromp - CBS NEWS - 08-05-05
Tromp said investigators believe van der Sloot, who turns 18 on Saturday, is the prime suspect and that he had some assistance from his father, Paul, an apprentice judge on the island. "We believe something went wrong with the girl, and the first person you are going to call is your daddy," said Tromp. "In this case, daddy would know exactly what to do." Tromp, who declined to provide details about exactly what investigators believe happened to Holloway, said that Paul van der Sloot has also changed his account the night Holloway vanished.


An Aruban Ministry of Justice Spokesperson informed FOX NEWS that Natalee had been confirmed dead and the location of her body was known.

Aruban Ministry of Justice Spokesperson - FOX NEWS - 06-11-05
David Cruz, a spokesman for the Aruban Minister of Justice (search) told FOX News Natalee Holloway (search), who was on vacation with friends with a graduation trip when she disappeared, was confirmed dead and that authorities knew the location of her body.,2933,159252,00.html

Rick Leventhal - FOX NEWS - 06-15-05
The next day, another official spoke to one of our producers. Edward Croues, a spokesman for the minister of justice, told Craig Rivera he had "official information" that Natalee was "confirmed dead," and told Craig her father had asked police to take him to the body and to do it before the press found out where it was. We reconfirmed the information with Croues before going on-air with it.,2933,159664,00.html


When Karin Janssen appealed the compensation which was awarded to Paulus for wrongful detainment - the Superior Court's ruling sided with the proscutor. It ruled that - according to tapped information and Paulus' own declaration - Paulus' detention could be considered justified.

Superior Court - Diario - 02-14-2007
The whole case of the disappearance of Natalee Holloway gets a different twist now that the information has come out from no less than the Superior Court, and in which mention is made of the declarations of witnesses and a phone tap that show or give an indication that Paul van der Sloot had on two occasions personal contact with Natalee during the night that she disappeared. Mention is made that, according to one or more official reports of the phone tap and also the declaration of Paul van der Sloot himself, that Paul fetched Joran and Natalee at McDonald and took them to the Holiday Inn. Based on this information, the judicial authorities and the police had at that time a justified basis to arrest Paul van der Sloot based on different suspicions. (Translation Credit: Diario)


Diane Emerencia - Freddy Zedan-Arambatzis’ attorney - revealed that Joran, Deepak and Satish are under suspicion of involvement in a previous sexual assault which occurred prior to the disappearance of Natalee Hollowy.

Diana Emerencia - Associated Press - 08/31/05
Zedan-Arambatzis, 21, is also suspected of photographing the girl in "tempting poses" and showing the images to other people, Emerencia said. The Kalpoe brothers and van der Sloot are also suspected of involvement in the incidents, which allegedly occurred before Holloway disappeared, she said. Emerencia said Zedan-Arambatzis has denied having any physical contact with the girl or taking photos of her, but has admitted to being present when the photos were taken.


On June 10, 2005 one of the FBI agents who was on Aruba was informed that Natalee Holloway may no longer be alive and he passed that devasting news on to the family.

Doug Shipley - 'Scarborough Country' - 07-12-05
TWITTY: And that was the day that the FBI came in, Doug Shipley (ph) came in and said that the way the interrogations are unfolding, there‘s a strong possibility that Natalee may not be alive. That was huge. That was the day that—I think, Joe, everyone buried Natalee that day, on June 10.


What information was Spencer Bachus and the family privy to on June 5, 2005 that convinced them that the circumstances encompassing the disappearance of Natalee Holloway warranted FBI involvement?

Spencer Bachus - The Birmingham News - 06-05-05
U.S. Rep. Spencer Bachus, R-Vestavia Hills, said Saturday there were circumstances surrounding Holloway's disappearance that warranted the FBI being heavily involved. He declined to give details. "The circumstances were disturbing," said Bachus, who formally requested the FBI's involvement. "I can't get into it, but it's something the family is aware of. There was an immediate recognition that this was not simply a teen who wandered off."

In conclusion, the following statement from former Aruban police commissioner Stanley Zaandam lets us know there were questionable actions from within Aruban law enforcement that possibly began the wide spread collusion by Aruban officials to protect their own.

This collusion included public Aruban figures, such as those who recently gave interviews to an Aruban newspaper – once again denigrating the family of this victim, and utilizing a public platform in an attempt to shift the focus of blame in this case.

Ex-commissioner Stanley Zaandam
Bon Dia Aruba

Zaandam keeps on saying in his book, two days after 5/29, the body of Natalee H. may have already been found and Cvp [police commissioner] looked the other way to do a favour for Paul vd Sloot (ex of chief staff of Cabinet PG [prosecutor general] J. Zwinkels). To exculpate the son of Paul, the CvP and fiscal chief prosecutor Karen Jansen made the false arrest of two ex-security guards, Jones and John , called this a ‘tactical maneuver’ , and denied them their freedom for another 10 days.


Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!

Natalee’s Freebirds

Title: Re: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on August 02, 2007, 11:28:11 AM
Here is the latest from Natalee's Freebirds:

The Buddy System?  

A clear picture has emerged in regards to Paulus van der Sloot and his connection to the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. The image appears to reveal that professional and personal relationships within all levels of the Dutch/Aruban administrations, as well as the judiciary, have resulted in preferential treatment - preferential treament which implies that a friend and colleague will never be held accountable for his participation in the events that occurred on Aruban soil during the early hours of May 30, 2005.



FOX NEWS - 06-24-05  
The fifth man, Paul van der Sloot (search) — the father of 17-year-old Joran — was being held on suspicion of complicity to pre-meditated murder, complicity to kidnapping and murder and kidnapping. Under the Aruban system, complicity is a lesser charge.


Amigoe - 11-12-05
ARUBA – ... Paul van der Sloot was detained from June 23rd up till the 26th in connection with the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. The examining-magistrate decided then that there was not sufficient evidence against Van der Sloot and released him.
Translation Credit: Aruba Gretagrip


'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' - 11-14-05
COSBY: ... Late Friday, an Aruban judge said Paul Van Der Sloot is no longer a suspect in the search for the Alabama teen. In fact, Paul Van Der Sloot could even receive damages from the government of Aruba after being held for three days in an Aruban jail


Expatica News - 08-03-06
AMSTERDAM — Dutchman Paul van der Sloot, father of the chief suspect in the Natalee Holloway disappearance case, has been awarded financial damages. A court on the autonomous Dutch island of Aruba ruled that Paul van der Sloot was arrested and detained for four days without due cause last year as part of the investigation. He was awarded 50,000 Aruban Guilders in compensation. This is equal to EUR 21,800 or USD 27,900.


FOX NEWS - 08-08-06
ORANJESTAD, Aruba — Aruban prosecutors said Tuesday they will appeal an order to compensate a man detained in the disappearance of U.S. teenager Natalee Holloway. A judge on the Dutch Caribbean island ruled on July 28 that the prosecutor's office should pay $30,190 to Paulus van der Sloot, a former justice official in Aruba who was detained in the case for three days, for defamation and legal fees. "The public prosecutor's office does not agree with the amount granted, since this is much higher than usual," spokeswoman Mariaine Croes said.


Bon Dia Aruba - 01-06-06  
On the basis of this letter, the attorney told the judge that the prosecutor let it be known that the case against van der Sloot was over. The judge said in his decision that he is in agreement with the attorney. Given that the prosecutor herself said that Mr. van der Sloot is no longer a suspect, which according to the judge can be looked at as the prosecutor saying that the case is over, since the prosecutor will no longer pursue the case. This signifies that Paul van der Sloot will soon start working as a lawyer in Aruba and the case he brought forth against the Public Prosecutor will not go forward since he obtained his good conduct document, which is the document he was missing to be registered as a lawyer.
Translation Credit: Aruba Getagrip


Aruba Today - 01-18-06
Paul Van Der Sloot, once held in connection with the disappearance of an Alabama teenager was cleared on of suspicion in the case last November and has now been installed in the capacity of a lawyer on the island. Paul van der Sloot entered the courthouse yesterday to present his application to the “raad van toezict” (Supervisory Commission) and the members of the Aruban Lawyers Association. The commission, together with the lawyers association reviewed his application and attached documents, concluding that he satisfied the qualifications to be accepted as an active lawyer working on the island of Aruba.


Expatica News - 02-17-06
Joran is represented by lawyer Antonio Carlo, who is also Paulus van der Sloot's boss on Aruba. Paulus van der Sloot joined Carlo's legal firm as a lawyer in January this year.


Aruba Diario - 02-14-07  
The whole case of the disappearance of Natalee Holloway gets a different twist now that the information has come out from no less than the Superior Court, and in which mention is made of the declarations of witnesses and a phone tap that show or give an indication that Paul van der Sloot had on two occasions personal contact with Natalee during the night that she disappeared. Mention is made that, according to one or more official reports of the phone tap and also the declaration of Paul van der Sloot himself, that Paul fetched Joran and Natalee at McDonald and took them to the Holiday Inn. Based on this information, the judicial authorities and the police had at that time a justified basis to arrest Paul van der Sloot based on different suspicions.
Translation Credit: Diario Aruba


The implications encompassing the rulings of the Superior Court in January, 2007 are very far reaching, and many questions are left unanswered. The ruling which denied Paulus van der Sloot compensation and the ruling which deemed that his detention was justified were based on Paulus' own declaration as well as incriminating wiretaps.

1. Was the Judiciary protecting Paulus van der Sloot?

*Why was Paulus van der Sloot released after only three days of detention on suspicion of being involved in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway?

*Why was Paulus van der Sloot declared in a ruling by the Aruban court to no longer be a suspect in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway?

*Why was Paulus van der Sloot initially awarded compensation for wrongful detention by the Aruban court?

Inquiring minds want to know if the judge/s who ruled in these three court proceedings were unaware of the wiretap and declaration which were revealed by the Superior Court in January, 2007 or - was there preferential treatment involved? Also - was the judge/s unaware of interrogator Lt. Roland Tromp's contention that Paulus van der Sloot changed his declaration regarding his knowledge/participation in the events pertaining to the morning of May 31, 2005?

2. Was Karin Janssen part of the coverup?

Karin Janssen's professional capacity dictated that she was in a position of knowledge when she wrote the letter of recommendation on Paulus van der Sloot's behalf - the letter of recommendation which was required if Paulus was to receive his accredidation as a qualified attorney. As the prosecutor for the Natalee Holloway investigation - Janssen had to have been aware of the evidence revealed by the Superior Court in January, 2007 which denied Paulus compensation for wrongful detention and also deemed his detention as justified. Also - when the letter of recommendation was submitted - the prosecutor of the investigation had to have been aware of interrogator Lt. Roland Tromp's contention regarding Paulus' changing declarations concerning the morning of May 31, 2005. Inquiring minds want to know why Karin Janssen bowed to the threat of a lawsuit for non-compliance and thereby composed the letter of recommendation.

3. Why does Paulus van der Sloots' non-suspect status as well as his attorney status remain unchanged?

When the January, 2007 ruling of the Superior Court is considered - the rulings which deemed that Paulus' detention was justified based on his own declaration as well as incriminating wiretaps - inquiring minds want to know why the earlier court decision that ruled Paulus was no longer a suspect has not been reversed and ... why does this man continue to legally hold a position as a practicing attorney on the Island of Aruba?


Jossy Mansur - Aruban Editor - NANCY GRACE - 10-04-05

GRACE: … Jossy, regarding the connection, what I perceived to be a close connection between the judge, Paulus Van Der Sloot and the retired chief of police who initially handled Natalee`s case, Van Der Stratten, were they friends?

MANSUR: Of course, they were friends. It stands to reason they were friends because Paul Van Der Sloot had many friends within the police department; he had many friends within the Department of Justice. And he had many friends with -- and he was friendly with all the judges in Aruba. He worked out of the same office as they did and did the same work

Lt. Roland Tromp - Interrogator - CBS NEWS - 08-05-05  

Tromp, who declined to provide details about exactly what investigators believe happened to Holloway, said that Paul van der Sloot has also changed his account the night Holloway vanished.

"Why should you do that if you are telling the truth?" he said

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!

Natalee’s Freebirds

Title: Re: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on August 10, 2007, 02:20:26 PM
Here is the latest from Natalee's Freebirds:


Following what can only be considered a cover up by Aruban officals, Internet bloggers with an obvious agenda to shield the truth in the Natalee Holloway case refer to the confession of June 10, 2005 as an unfounded rumor. However, the Aruban Justice Ministery spokesperson and the Deputy Police Commissioner, respectively, released statements to Fox News and the Associated Press.

These statements confirmed that Natalee Holloway was dead, authorities knew the location of her body and Natalee's family was being taken to her remains. These official statements were based on an admission given by one of the suspects - one of the suspects who Gerold Dompig refused to identify.


On June 10, 2005, a spokesperson for the Aruban Justice Minister made a statement to Fox News that Natalee Holloway was confirmed dead and that authorities knew the location of her body. Fox News confirmed this statement prior to its public release. This statement was later retracted by the Justice Minister but it is logical to assume that the official Aruban spokesperson did not pull the contents of the statement made to Fox News out thin air.

Aruban Minister of Justice Spokesperson - FOX NEWS - 06-11-05  

ORANJESTAD, Aruba — Reports conflicted Saturday in developments of the Alabama honor student who has been missing in Aruba for almost two weeks.

David Cruz, a spokesman for the Aruban Minister of Justice (search) told FOX News Natalee Holloway (search), who was on vacation with friends with a graduation trip when she disappeared, was confirmed dead and that authorities knew the location of her body.

However, Cruz later retracted the statement, saying he was a victim of a "misinformation campaign.",2933,159252,00.html

Rick Leventhal - FOX NEWS - 06-15-05  

The next day, another official spoke to one of our producers. Edward Croues, a spokesman for the minister of justice, told Craig Rivera he had "official information" that Natalee was "confirmed dead," and told Craig her father had asked police to take him to the body and to do it before the press found out where it was. We reconfirmed the information with Croues before going on-air with it.,2933,159664,00.html


Members of Natalee Holloway's frantic family were were directed to the location where Natalee Holloways remains were to be found. Gerold Dompig's official position within the investigation would imply that he had a foundational knowledge to derived from when he stated to the Associated Pressing that one of the suspects admitted that "something bad happened".

Gerold Dompig - CBS NEWS - 06-20-05

Holloway's family rushed late Friday to an old stone lighthouse beside Arisha beach after Deputy Police Commissioner Gerold Dompig told The Associated Press that one of three young men in custody admitted that "something bad happened" to Holloway and was leading police to the scene of the alleged crime.


The Deputy Police Commissioner, Gerold Dompig, refused to identify to the Associated Press which of the suspects made the admission that "something bad happened" to Natalee Holloway. However, prosecutors acknowledged that the investigation was at a crucial point.

Gerold Dompig - Fox News - 06-11-05  

One of the young men detained admitted "something bad happened" to the woman after they took her to the beach, a police officer said, while prosecutors said the investigation was at a crucial point. But prosecutors refused to comment on the statement by Deputy Police Commissioner Gerold Dompig (search), who told The Associated Press that the man who made that admission was leading police to the scene. He refused to identify which of the three young men who took Holloway to a northern beach the night she went missing made the statement.,2933,159252,00.html


On June 10, 2005, the FBI informed Natalee' Holloways mother of the events taking place which implied that her dauther was deceased. Close relatives were notified. The grieving process had begun. It can be assumed that the FBI would not have contributed to Natalee's family ongoing nightmare by sharing information that had not been confirmed by Aruban authorities.

Dave Holloway - THE MERIDIAN STAR - 06-03-28

At some point into this investigation, as time goes on and you don’t find her, you start realizing that things are not looking good. We got that confirmation pretty much from the FBI on June 10. They came to us and said the investigation appears to be heading toward a homicide case.

Beth Twitty - 'Scarborough Country' - 07-12-05

HOLLOWAY TWITTY: And that was the day that the FBI came in, Doug Shipley (ph) came in and said that the way the interrogations are unfolding, there‘s a strong possibility that Natalee may not be alive. That was huge. That was the day that—I think, Joe, everyone buried Natalee that day, on June 10.

And then it just—from there, the night went on. There were body sightings, countless. They were knocking on my door. They thought they found her. Oh, no, they didn‘t. It went on from 2:00 a.m. to 3:00 a.m. to 4:00 a.m. It was horrific.

Paul Reynolds - 'Scarborough Country' - 07-12-05  

PAUL REYNOLDS, UNCLE OF NATALEE HOLLOWAY: I know that my sister had a meeting with the FBI June 10, Friday. And from that meeting, she became convinced that Natalee was no longer alive. She called her mother and told her that. And our family was—was—began the grieving process. You know, we were told the report would come out the next day. Later that night, we saw the reports that confessions had been made, that something bad had happened. Shortly thereafter, it was retracted. The next morning, there was a report that said Natalee was confirmed dead. And these reports came from the deputy commissioner. They came from the spokesperson from the Ministry of Justice. And then, all of a sudden, these statements and these confessions just disappeared.

SCARBOROUGH: And wait a second. I mean, these confessions were so rock solid that you actually had the FBI coming to you, coming to your family, Natalee's family, saying, we are sorry to tell you this, but there has been a confession. One of these boys has confessed, and Natalee is no longer alive. How do you pull something like that back off the table? Have you had or has your sister had or has anybody in the family had any explanation from Aruban officials whatever happened to this confession, where they buried it?

REYNOLDS: I am not aware of any follow-up information. You know, this seemed to disappear from sight, these confessions did. At the time, we thought that because the investigation is kept secret, we thought it was ongoing, and maybe they just didn't want to release it officially at that time. But, as we see that the appeals, the hearings are showing there's no evidence, but yet we have these confessions, it doesn't make any sense. It's as if they are being hidden or taken away.

SCARBOROUGH: You know, you said—talked about June the 10th. That's when you all were told that the confession had been made, and you said that the family actually started a grieving process. What did the family do?

REYNOLDS: You know, grieving is—it's a difficult process. We were all notified. We exchanged phone calls, making sure everyone in the family was notified. I even had to tell my children, very upsetting to them, very upsetting to all of us.

SCARBOROUGH: Wait, Paul. Are you telling me, back on June the 10th, you told your children, based on the confession of one of these—these punks that took Natalee away from the bar, that Natalee was dead? This was over a month ago. You had to break it to your family, the entire family, Natalee's entire family, because of the confessions, knew that she was dead, and yet here we are over a month later, and they are still claiming they don't have enough evidence to nail these guys?

REYNOLDS: That's absolutely correct. You know, the FBI had informed my sister based on the initial interrogations that that was their belief. That information was given to our family. And it's just—it's a very difficult thing to go through. Grieving should only be a process you have to go through one time.



Unfortunately, this was one of the many emotional struggles with baffling and unexplained results that an American family was forced to experience compliments of Aruban officals associated with the Natalee Holloway investigation.

Beth Twitty - DR. PHIL SHOW - 01-29-06  

BETH: "There are times when we're thinking that we need to continue, and of course we're still searching for answers, but it's this rollercoaster ride. And it makes me so angry, Dr. Phil, when I let myself fall for information coming out of an official who represents the island of Aruba. If somebody presents you with false hope and false information, it's devastating."

Karin Janssen/Vivian van der Biezen - DECATUR DAILY - 06-12-05

A statement from the office of Attorney General Caren Janssen late Saturday said, "Information given by non-official sources jeopardizes the ongoing investigation and creates expectations and situations that are not based on fact." Police refused to say Saturday whether they discovered anything that would lead to Holloway, who was last seen in the early hours of May 30.
Referring to Dompig's statement, prosecution spokeswoman Vivian van der Biezen said Saturday: "We neither confirm nor deny any information coming from other sources . . . (about) alleged statements of suspects in this case."

Rudy Croes - Associated Press - 06-10-05  

Then Justice Minister Rudy Croes told reporters early Saturday morning that the rumor that one of the students had confessed was a lie, throwing the media on the island into confusion and prompting conflicting news alerts from the Caribbean. Croes emphatically denied that any confession had been made.

Rudy Croes - FOX NEWS - 06-11-05  

The Minister of Justice confirmed that Natalee Holloway is dead, and police at this hour are taking her parents to the location where investigators found her body. Earlier in the day the Justice Minister flatly denied these reports, but now says it was not an issue of the facts of the case being wrong, but merely an issue of protocol. He says the police source initially talking to the AP had not conferred with his higher ups before, but it appears that the facts were correct all along.

Natalee Holloway and her family deserve justice. We will not let up until they have it!

Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Re: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on August 15, 2007, 05:48:17 PM
Here is the latest from Natalee's Freebirds:



In consideration of Dutch law and how Aruba chose to apply it, why were further serious suspicions gleaned from polis statements ignored? It seemed the more suspicious the circumstances surrounding this case became, and the multiple times these suspects changed their stories - the less aggressive Aruban law enforcement became in attempting to discover the truth about what happened to the victim, Natalee Holloway.

1. Aruban attorneys Arlene Ellis-Schipper and Noraina Pietersz who both have/had connections to the the Natalee Holloway case educate via the American media regarding the criteria for arrests under Dutch law - STRONG/SERIOUS suspicion.


NANCY GRACE - 07-20-2005  
ELLIS-SCHIPPER: There is no grand jury in Aruba. It`s a different system. You are arrested based on suspicion, on strong suspicion.


Associated Press - June 9, 2005
Under Aruban law, only serious suspicion from investigators — not solid evidence — is needed for a judge to rule that suspects can be held, Pietersz said.

2. When Dutch law is taken into consideration it can be assumed that the suspicions warranting the arrests of the suspects in the Natalee Holloway case could be defined as STRONG/SERIOUS.


FOX NEWS - 06-24-05  
Joran van der Sloot (search) and his friends Deepak and Satish Kalpoe are being held under suspicion of murder and kidnapping as well as being an accessory to murder.

A fourth man, party boat DJ Steve Croes, is being held under the same conditions.

The fifth man, Paul van der Sloot (search) — the father of 17-year-old Joran — was being held on suspicion of complicity to pre-meditated murder, complicity to kidnapping and murder and kidnapping Under the Aruban system, complicity is a lesser charge.,2933,160654,00.html


CNN - 08-26-05  
After being detained and then released last month in Natalee Holloway's disappearance, two brothers were arrested again Friday in Aruba on suspicion they acted "together with other people" in rapping and killing the Alabama teen, the prosecutor's office said. Without elaborating on the evidence, the office said in a statement that "new facts and circumstances" led them to re-arrest Satish Kalpoe, 18 and brother Deepak, 21.

"They are suspected of the primary criminal act of together with other people committing premeditated murder, alternately together with other people murdering somebody, more alternately rob a person of her liberty with fatal consequences and even more alternately raping somebody," the statement said. "Aside from these suspicions against the two brothers, there are new suspicions, which at this point the prosecutor is not commenting on."


ABC NEWS - 04-24-06  
Geoffrey van Cromvoirt, 19, has been released into the custody of his parents after spending more than a week in an Aruba jail on suspicion of "criminal offenses that may be related to the disappearance" of Natalee Holloway.


FOX NEWS - 05-22-06
Guido Wever, an Aruba national, is expected to face charges Tuesday in a Dutch courtroom connection with the disappearance of the high school senior. Wever's lawyer, Gerard Spong was expected to file a suit Monday to prevent his extradition to the Caribbean island on charges of "assisting in the murder, heavy battery and kidnapping" of the teen.,2933,196363,00.html


At Large w/ Geraldo Rivera - 08-27-05
BENVINDA DE SOUZA - ATTORNEY : ... The official charges on Freddy Zedan-Arambatzis are intentionally distribute and show sexual images of a minor; intercourse with someone he knows is unconscious and sexual acts with a girl younger than 16 years.


The basis for the January, 2007 Superior Court's ruling which denied Paulus van der Sloot compensation on behalf of his family and himself for his three day detainment in regards to his connection to the disappearance of Natalee Holloway was justified. The prosecutor had in her possession evidence of SERIOUS AND STRONG SUSPICIONS.


“With attention to the lying declarations that the son of Paulus, Joran Andreas Petrus van der Sloot (hereafter Joran) gave about his last contact on the 30th of May 2005 with the disappeared Natalee Holloway, the suspicion is not unreasonable that he made himself guilty of a conduct that can be qualified as murder, manslaughter, or kidnapping that resulted in death.

The possible involvement of Paulus with that could then be deducted from the file with the official reports of witnesses, amongst which two people suggested a contact existed between Paulus and Natalee Holloway the night of her disappearance, and a tapped report (that was given by the Prosecutor in her final note 1 to the Court). The tapped information and his declaration that he picked up Joran and Natalee by the McDonalds Palm Beach and brought them to the Holiday Inn, are clearly understood by the Dept. of Justice, and could in the judgement of this Superior Court, be considered as an indication of the involvement of Paulus in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.”

The obvious questions remain:

* Why did Aruban law enforcement and the prosecutor fail to properly follow up on these suspicions?

* Why did they softball interrogations that appear to be scripted?

* Why did they not follow up on the glaring discrepancies between the suspects' stories?

* Why did any of the judges ruling in this case release these suspects?

Natalee Holloway and her family deserve justice. We will not let up until they have it!

Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Re: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on August 23, 2007, 04:42:16 PM
KARIN JANSSEN – Woman of the Year or disgrace to her profession?  

When one looks over the pattern of her involvement in the Natalee Holloway case, we have to ask did Karin Janssen do a "friend a favor" or purposely buy time for the suspects to rehearse their lies, erase all evidence, change statements, allow some statements to become missing and therefore was she directly involved in a cover-up?

We remember it was Karin Janssen that asked the most unfathomable questions of Beth:

If she was related to Hitler
About life insurance policies

All the while maintaining a position of non-disclosure to the family that were so desperate to know what happened to the victim in this case, their daughter Natalee.

What did Karin Janssen know before she had the security guards arrested?

Early on, Karin Janssen knew that not only was Natalee never returned to her hotel, and that given this fact, the "black security guard" described by Joran, Deepak and Satish could not possibly have existed, since surveillance and hotel employee witnesses all indicated that no sign of Natalee was ever recorded, nor any of the other descriptions fabricated by the Kalpoes and Joran.

Beth Twitty - MSNBC  
TWITTY: ….. within 72 hours, we knew that their first story was totally fabricated, that within the first 72 hours, I faced a room of 12 -- at least 12 detectives, Aruban and Dutch detectives, and a lead detective, Dennis Jacobs (ph), and they knew after we reviewed video footage from the Holiday Inn casino lobby that my daughter had never been brought back to the Holiday Inn. They knew that those suspects were fabricating a story from day one.

Holiday Inn employees say security cameras did not record Holloway's return. A Holiday Inn guard who worked the overnight shift that day said he did not see her, said Pietersz, who said she reviewed the guard's statement to police.,2933,159252,00.html

This officer in the same fox article sent earlier, states that the investigation shows Natalee NEVER returned

Karin Janssen knew that neither John nor Jones were working as security guards during the time frame that Joran, Deepak and Satish claimed to have dropped Natalee off at the Holiday Inn hotel. She also knew that the descriptions given by Joran, Deepak and Satish of clothing they claimed the "dark skinned" guard wore was not anything remotely close to what Holiday Inn security guards wore. Yet, Karin Janssen ignored these discrepancies and had the security guards arrested claiming she had evidence.

June 9, 2005 (1 Guard in 2 boys statement)
PIETERSZ: And, the two guys now suspect, that they said they saw a security guard walking up to Natalee according to the statement of the two witnesses around, I assume, 2 o`clock. And that never could be my client because he wasn`t even working. So he was not wearing a uniform.

It can be concluded that given all the information Karin Janssen had available to her, the notion that there was good "cause for suspicion" was knowingly false, and the fact that the guards were still pursued, in light of ALE and prosecutors knowing that no drop off ever occurred, suggests collusion between the ALE and Karin Janssen for the sole purpose of denying Natalee's family the truth of what had been inflicted upon their child, and covering up for the real perpetrators: Joran van der Sloot, Deepak Kalpoe, Satish Kalpoe and Paulus van der Sloot.










Prior to their arrest, Karin Janssen did not investigate John and Jones, she knew the three last seen taking Natalee had lied, and yet went forward with their arrest. After which she took yet another curious step by requesting that the attorney representing both the Security Guards, Chris Lejuez, drop Mickey Johns as a client.

Lejuez dropped John as a client per a request from the prosecutor, who said “it's not ethical for him to represent both clients.",2933,159006,00.html

SPEAKS ABOUT HIS CLIENT and why he was asked by Prosecutor to drop one of the Security Guards,2933,159252,00.html

Two large double standards from this turn of events by Karin Janssen were Paulus van der Sloot being allowed to represent his son and the Kalpoe brothers, and both suspects Steve Croes and Geoffry van Cromvoirt were represented by the same attorney as well – neither scenario warranted the objection by Janssen that the security guards’ legal representation did.

“The father of one of the men is a local attorney on the island and is representing all three of them.”

VAN SUSTEREN: John, what I heard a little bit earlier today from someone I spoke to in Aruba is that the lawyer for "G.V.C." is also the lawyer — it's a woman — who represented Steve Croes, who is the man who came forward with the false alibi to the police which supported lie number one of Deepak, Satish and Joran. Do you know anything about the lawyer representing both Steve Croes and now "G.V.C."?

KELLY: I know that's the situation. It's a woman, and that is the person who represented Croes and would be representing this individual now. And actually, Ms. Janssen, when I talked to her today, she was just getting ready to turn over the dossier to "G.V.C.'s" attorney for review before they did go into court.

VAN SUSTEREN: Then it's bizarre that this lawyer would represent both Steve Croes and GVC because at least here in the United States, I think most lawyers would say that there is a potential for conflict of interest and a lawyer shouldn't be representing both.,2933,192309,00.html

Why did Karin Janssen withhold Joran van der Sloot’s statement from the security guards’ attorney claiming it to be irrelevant to his clients, while turning over the Kalpoe brother’s statements when reportedly Joran’s statement contained the same lie?

CHRIS LEJUEZ, ATTORNEY FOR ABRAHAM JONES: Nancy, I have seen only the statements of two of the three men. The evidence that I got, the documentation, the files that I received from the prosecutor’s office contained only two of the statements.

My colleague has asked the prosecutor why only the two, not the one of the Dutch boy? She was told by the prosecutor, at least by the prosecutor’s office, that that statement would not be relevant to the case of her suspect, her client.

LEJUEZ: Well, both the statement that I’ve read from two of this young boys state very clearly that they dropped her off at the hotel at approximately 2 o’clock in the morning. She got out of the car. She was under the influence of alcohol. And then they saw her walk through the front door of the hotel inside the lobby.

Why was a known drug dealer – Xavier “Boeti” Naar, brother to the lead investigator Dompig and cousin to the Kalpoe brothers – brought in to help implicate the falsely arrested security guards?

TWITTY: ….. First of all, it started out with Dennis Jacobs (ph), the lead narcotics agent on the island of Aruba, who was working with Boody to get him to implicate the two security guards.


In order for Joran and the Kalpoe brothers to continue to be detained, Janssen had to present evidence to the judge for each hearing to determine continued detainment.

Surveillance tapes of the Holiday Inn and Excelsior Casino
Signed statements from suspects

Joran and Deepak's computers, cell phone records, msn messages

Monday, May 30, 2005 - Gardner's testimony states he saw the three suspects in the car near the pond. The gardener places the three suspects at a location different from where they had stated.

June 5: Aruba Police Find Blood-Soaked Mattress

June 6, 2005: VCB Security Shirt and sunglasses found Colony area

June 11, Empty grave found

June 15, 2005 - Panties and condom found by Albert Vrojlek,2933,159601,00.html

July 6, 2005 Bone found by tourist

July 18, 2005: Duct tape with blonde hair found,2933,162966,00.html

July 24, 2005: Blue fabric found

August 2, 2005: Missing Shoes

ORANJESTAD, Aruba (CNN) — Aruban authorities investigating the disappearance of Alabama teenager Natalee Holloway are looking for a pair of size-14 tennis shoes that suspect Joran van der Sloot might have lost, a police official said."He says he might have lost a pair of sneakers on the beach the night Natalee disappeared," said lead police investigator Roy Tromp. "That's what he claims in one of his many statements

Beth Twitty: Natalee’s mother was provided a positive statement that there was blood on one of Joran’s tennis shoes.

August 15, 2005: Arm bone found in Venezula

August 26, 2005: Pornographic pictures which led to the arrest of Freddy and re-arrest of Kalpoes
"new facts and circumstances" led them to re-arrest Satish Kalpoe, 18 and brother Deepak, 21.


How was Karin Janssen able to complete the paperwork correctly for the search of the security guards’ residences, but not for the van der Sloot’s home?

Aruban police in unmarked cars accompanied by FBI agents made a pre-dawn raid at 5 a.m. Sunday, rousting two suspects aged 28 and 30 from their beds.

An AP photographer watched as the rumpled men — one from the De Vuiyst housing project for poorer islanders and another from an average home in southeast San Nicolas — emerged without resistance, hands cuffed behind their backs.

Police searched the homes and emerged with what looked like a metal safe deposit box and a garbage bag of clothing.,2933,158666,00.html

October 19, 2005
Dompig: That is correct. The fact is that we as a law enforcement agency always try to get the maximum. Meaning that we want to search as much places as possible. We were not granted by the judge a search warrant for the complete house, we only received the warrant for the apartment.

Reporter: But what about after Paul Van der Sloot was arrested, couldn’t you get a warrant to search the house then?

Dompig: It was also denied, we were a bit disappointed with that. The judge was coming from another island I must point out. He said we didn’t make a good enough case to get a warrant.


How was Karin Janssen able to complete the paperwork correctly for the search of the security guards’ residences but did not follow proper procedures for DNA testing of the Kalpoe brothers and Joran van der Sloot?

CANDIOTTI: Well, I have learned from -- we have learned from two sources that, in fact -- and law enforcement source confirmed to me that a toothbrush that was in her hotel room was found to have male DNA evidence on it.

July 27, 2005 - If you watched the show on Thursday night, you know we discussed the prosecutor's request for a DNA sample from Joran van der sloot...,3566,166978,00.html

In the case of van der Sloot's friend, the court said there isn't enough evidence to warrant using the tests."

A procedural mistake in taking the DNA samples may delay the case. <snip>as the prosecution could re-apply for the permission to take the DNA samples.




Why was this search conducted away from the area the victim, Natalee Holloway was last seen?

The initial search idea called for an island wide effort, but later changed to focus on the southeastern area of Seroe Colorado and part of San Nicolas, police commander Judy Hassell said. San Nicolas is where the two charged men were arrested.



we saw the reports that confessions had been made, that something bad had happened. Shortly thereafter, it was retracted. The next morning, there was a report that said Natalee was confirmed dead. And these reports came from the deputy commissioner. They came from the spokesperson from the Ministry of Justice. And then, all of a sudden, these statements and these confessions just disappeared.


BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: We found out about three weeks later that that statement that I signed on June 10 is not my statement. We were given that statement by an Aruban attorney sometime during the month of July and finally had it translated, and it is not my original statement.

GRACE: What was left out, Beth?

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: There were a lot of names that were left out, you know, just key elements as far as how Joran asked Jug and -- to leave the group before he admitted the sexual assaults that he committed against Natalee and -- and just a lot of things. You know, Paulus`s name -- I didn`t know
anyone`s name. I didn`t know Charles Croes`s name, which is just ludicrous.


TWITTY: Well, Rita, like I said, we‘ve been worried as early as June 1 when we saw torn statements at a police station. We‘ve had falsified documents. I mean, we‘ve seen key elements omitted from uniformed police officers‘ statements. We‘ve had a D.E.A. whose statement was never taken.


Paulus van der Sloot police statement
We then departed for the police station in Bubali where we
arrived at approximately 11.00 hours. Jacobs and Kelly took down Joran's
statement. Joran was speaking in Papiamentu and that was translated
by the officers into Dutch. I was there when Joran made his statement.
We made a few changes in the concept with regard to factualities instead
of observations. At approximately 14.00 hours Joran signed his statement ...


BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: Well that‘s kind of what I‘m leading up to. I‘m leading up to the reason why that could be. And number four would, you know, when you think of the DEA witness, Eric Williams, was not given—was not—did not give a statement regarding the incident that occurred May 31 where Joran is again, admitting these sexual assaults committed against Natalee.

And number five, you remember there were many witnesses there that night that were never asked to give a statement until 20 to 30 days later.

JUG TWITTY: I think, Joe, they need to go back to the beginning and question the people that were with me that night. We have already got conflicting stories now.

People have changed their statements from the very first night. Those people that were with me that night, had they taken our statements at least a week after it happened, we would have already had the answer. But when they take my statement 33 days later, and they take the other guys‘ statements that were with me and ladies that were with me, you know, like 19 days later, it‘s like they didn‘t want to find the truth.


DAVE:. One of the things I really had a concern with was the FBI was contacted and the FBI wanted to come to the island. The FBI wanted to get involved due to the fact that we had an American citizen missing on their island. I recently found out that decision was made by the prosecutor and the police department to not allow the FBI to become involved as they should. In fact they sent a dive team up approximately a week later and they ended up going home. They didn't even step foot in the ocean.

Ruben Trappenberg, said the agents haven't had access to case records.

the FBI was never given a single document, audio or visual, in this case. And now we`ve confirmed that
there was a Dutch official who flew from Holland all the way to Quantico to share information, but didn`t leave a single thing in the hands of the FBI.

With the USA and London Bombings dominating the news at one point, Aruba’s investigation began charging the news organizations networks as much as $1,500-a-day for freelance cameramen, $300 to $400 for hotel rooms for producers and crew, as well as $3,000 for satellite feeds.

Beth stated that the communications people in Aruba have raised the fee for satellite hookup from $800 to $4000 in order to broadcast live interviews

In further attempts to obstruct the truth of the crimes against Natalee Holloway, they threatened to jail Art Woods for not having a permit, created lies about TES disturbing turtle eggs, and statements from Dompig surfaced with unfounded ideas that Natalee died of an overdose.

Dompig then came to the Unites States to question the Mountain Brook teens with a questionnaire prepared by Janssen, and continued his attempts to slander Natalee and her family by undermining her credibility and her innocence with defamatory statements directed at Beth and Dave about insurance scam lies, and insinuating that funds they received to help them find their daughter were mishandled.

These were diversionary tactics utilized by the Aruban Justice Department along with Janssen's statement that "you can't barge in their like cowboys" which was meant to demean American standards while her actions and methodologies were corrupt attempts to protect the suspects by zeroing in on the innocent Security Guards who for 10 days were not in any line-up, only questioned one time, and their alibis ignored.

Karin Janssen and the other Aruban officials continue, even today, along with the bloggers on-line, in planting lies and disrupting forward progress in this case.

The fact that Prosecutor Karin Janssen and polis detectives Dennis Jacobs and Jan van der Straten, all in charge of the investigation, were not pursuing the facts, or the surveillance tapes that demonstrated Natalee never return to the hotel; while ignoring all the contradictions of the statements by Joran and Kalpoe brothers paints a very clear picture indeed. It would seem impossible for any competent professional to come up with the strategical course that Karin Janssen utilized and not realize she was involved in a collusion to cover up these crimes.

Common sense dictates that her swiftness to arrest the Security Guards based on known lies made by the criminals in this case, not obtaining a search warrant for the property of the van der Sloots and surrounding area, not following procedures for testing of DNA which caused that evidence to be rejected by a judge - all supports the cover-up that the world has watched unfold.

Karin Janssen has been a Prosecutor for 12 years and the Chief Prosecutor in Aruba for a year and one half, ,and she made the choices and procedural errors based upon her experience. Common sense says she knew exactly what she was doing to help cover-up a crime in Aruba.

* Aruba's justice department wants us to believe that blood can miraculously morph into cleaning fluid and chocolate.

* Aruba's justice department wants us to believe that our FBI was allowed to search, but we know that they went home without ever playing more than an advisory role.

* Aruba's justice department wants us to believe Natalee bought drugs and over-dosed.

* Aruba's justice department wants us to believe they turned over all documents and files to the FBI.

Natalee's Freebird's are not fooled by Aruba's cover-up  

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!

Natalee’s Freebirds

Title: Re: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on September 17, 2007, 11:15:08 AM

May 30th, 2005 - The Cover Up Had Begun  

The activities that were taking place on the Island of Aruba on May 30, 2005 involving Paulus, Joran, Deepak and Satish indicate that the cover up regarding crimes committed against Natalee Holloway were already in the implementation stages.

1. There are those who theorize that Joran van der Sloot was never at the beach with Natalee Holloway. Satish Kalpoe's attorney, Dave Kock, confirms that on the morning of May 30, 2005 cell phone records place Joran van der Sloot near the Marriot Hotel. Also, the gardener places Deepak and Joran across the street from the Marriot beach at 2:30 AM on the morning of May 30, 2005.

Dave Kock - On the Record w/ Greta - 08/26/05

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN: All right. So your client, 2 o'clock to 3 o'clock, is on the Internet at home. I've been in his room. I've seen the computer, or at least where it was. And he gets phone calls at 2:40 and 3 a.m. from Joran. Where do the cell records place the phone that Joran is using at 2:40 and 3 o'clock in the morning?

DAVID KOCK, SATISH KALPOE'S ATTORNEY:: Well, there's not an exact pinpoint indication, but the general area is the area here in north in Palm Beach of the hotel.

VAN SUSTEREN: So it looks like he's not home at that hour, but someplace near the Marriott, is that right?

KOCK: That is correct. He is in this neighborhood.

Carlos Ramos (Gardener) - Court Testimony - 08/15/05

On questions of the judge-commissar, the witness explains as follows:

I do not know Joran van der Sloot, Deepak Kalpoe and Satish Kalpoe.

1. Can you remind yourself the declaration, which you have taken off 22 July 2005 on around 19.25 compared with the police force?

2. Have you then spoken the truth?
RAMOS: I have explained what I have seen.

3. The witness is asked to make a situation drawing (make production 1). The witness gives to where the car of suspect stood and the route he took.

4. Did you see the face of the driver when you went past?

5. Did you recognize him with a photograph confrontation?
RAMOS: Yes, on the day that I gave a declaration at the police force they left me a photograph see from an illustrated magazine. That is the only photograph that they showed me.

6. Did you recognize the faces of the other persons in the car?
RAMOS: Yes, the face of the person who sat beside the driver. When I came past I saw, in the light of my car, that the person beside the driver had his head and face covered with his hands. I have recognized that person from his illustration (photo). You ask me how I recognized the driver who sat beside the man who screened its face? I have seen him in the light of my "in the light of" (van). He moved himself a bit to the back.

7. You have also recognized Deepak Kalpoe?
RAMOS: yes, on the same photograph which the police force showed me.

Beth Twitty - CNN LARRY KING LIVE - 02/23/06

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: ... Deepak panicked. He panicked when the gardener gave that testimony. That very afternoon, he called an Aruban girl to help him establish an alibi. She, in turn, panicked. She called FBI. She dialed the 1-877-NATALEE number and told them that she did not want to be involved in this.

2. On the morning of May 30, 2005 was Paulus Van der Sloot summoned to the Marriot Beach area after Natalee Holloway died in the course of wrongdoings which involved his son? Did Paulus van der Sloot, with the assistance of others, move Natalee's body on the morning of May 30, 2005 to an undisclosed location? Was some thus far unknown “white vehicle” involved?

Jossy Mansur - NANCY GRACE - 07/29/05

MANSUR: there`s another witness that, before that, told someone that works at the hotels that he saw a white pick-up over there by the Holiday Inn, in which three persons were also in, all of them male, carrying what looked like the body of a girl, putting it in the back of the white pick-up and driving away with it.

David Mattingly: Cnn Correspondent - PAULA ZAHN NOW - 07/05/05

MATTINGLY: Defense attorneys for the Kalpoe brothers tonight confirmed to CNN that testimony from fishermen telling investigators that they didn't see a couple matching the description of Natalee Holloway and Joran van der Sloot on that beach the night that Natalee turned up missing. What they are saying is that they saw a white Suzuki on that beach …

Karl Penhaul: CNN Correspondent - NANCY GRACE - 07/14/05

PENHAUL: What the fishermen do, interestingly, say, though, is that sometime in the timeframe when they were there, they`re assuming sometime around 3:00 AM, that they saw a Jeep-type vehicle pull up near the beach. That was the only vehicle that they saw close to the beach, a Jeep-type vehicle.

T.J. Ward: Private Investigation - 'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' - 11/14/05

WARD: We think he has played a role in the cover up of her disappearance.

COSBY: How strong do you also still believe that the three boys played a role too from everything that you are getting?

WARD: We believe the boys are directly involved. And again, our theory is that something happened to Natalee, either where she stopped breathing, had a heart attack or whatever. And in the course of that happening, we think Paul Van der Sloot played a part in the after effect of that in the removal and concealing of Natalee Holloway.

Art Wood: Private Investigation - Sun Herald - 03/17/07

Wood told the more than 50 people who attended the Merrill Lynch-sponsored presentation about his experience in Aruba, where he believed three young men -- Joran van der Sloot, Deepak Kalpoe and Satish Kalpoe -- attempted to rape Holloway. In the process, he believed they accidentally killed her, then sought the advice of van der Sloot's prominent father to dispose of the body in the open ocean. Wood believed van der Sloot's father also used his connections to control the investigation. The case remains unsolved.

Gerold Dompig - 48 HOURS MYSTERY - 03/22/06

Dompig says he believes Paulus Van der Sloot does know more than he has been telling about the circumstances surrounding Holloway's disappearance.

Gerold Dompig - 48 HOURS MYSTERY - 03/22/06

The Aruban authorities’ new theory is that someone, someone possibly very close to the young suspects, took the time to carefully hide the body, not once but maybe twice, literally re-burying her.

Riehl World View - Thursday, June 16, 2005 at 04:53 AM

On Natalee's Yahoo forum there is a report that a helicopter is searching Santa Lucia area because according to the cell phone records of one of the three suspects there was a call in the Santa Lucia area at 6:30 am the morning Natalee was to have met up with the group to leave for airport.

3. Jossy Mansur conveys to Greta that the caretaker of the Fishermen's Huts located on the Marriott Beach reported that there was a break in on the morning that Natalee Holloway went missing. The items stolen were very significant when the disposal of a body is considered. Tim Miller claims that Gerold Dompig told him he believes that Natalee Holloway could have been put in the stolen fish trap and taken out to sea.

Jossy Mansur - On the Record w/ Greta - October 21, 2005

VAN SUSTEREN: Now, how big is this cage?

MANSUR: It is a big cage, it is a fish trap made with chicken coop wire. You know the ones that have the round holes in them? That’s pretty big.

VAN SUSTEREN: Could you put a body in it? Could you put someone 5’4” or 5’6” in it?

MANSUR: Jossy: Yes, you can.

VAN SUSTEREN: Was this reported…she disappeared on the 30th. When was this first reported missing?

MANSUR: It was reported to the police that same morning by the caretaker. The man who looks after the fishermen’s huts.

VAN SUSTEREN: So, it wasn’t because he had heard there was a missing person? It was just coincidentally I have a missing cage and reported it? Jossy: That is correct. He just told them there were a knife missing and a big fish trap missing.

Tim Miller/Gerold Dompig - KPRC Local 2 - 01/11/06

On Friday, EquuSearch founder Tim Miller and a deepwater search team from Florida will travel back to Aruba to search an area three to five miles off the island's coast that is between 800 to 1,000 feet deep, Miller told KPRC Local 2 that Aruba’s police commissioner told him that he feels Holloway might be inside a fish trap dropped deep into the water.

4. In Deepak Kalpoe's suspect statement of June 29, 2005 he concedes that he was creating internet chatter with a friend, John Charles Croes, on the morning of May 30, 2005 to obstruct the investigation into the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. How did Deepak know that there was going to be an investigation? Natalee Holloway had yet to be reported missing.

Deepak Kalpoe - Suspect Statement - 06/11/05

To your question as to how late we got home, I can say the following. We arrived home approximately 02.20 hours.

When we got home Satish immediately went to bed. I had switched on the television. I had also turned on the computer in my room. I went and chatted with a friend of mine on “MSN”. His name is John Charles Croes. I had told the afore mentioned CROES during the chat that we had gone out and that I was waiting for a friend of mine because I had dropped him off on the street together with a girl.

After having chatted with John I went into the living room and watched TV.

Deepak Kalpoe - Suspect Statement - 06/29/05

You are telling me that John Charles CROES has stated that I wrote while I was chatting with him that I had written that the girl had put her hands in/down my pants, I can say the following. I did this to frustrate/mess up the investigation.

The purpose of the chat traffic was to help the police and the Office of the DA with regard to the investigation so that they could see that I was indeed home in the night from Sunday to Monday.

5. After claiming in his witness statement of June 18, 2005 that he had slept "solidly" through the night of May 30, 2005, Paulus van der Sloot concedes that he may have used his phone.  

Paulus van der Sloot - Witness Statement - 06/18/05

On May 30th 2005, in the nightly hours, I did not pick up Joran from anywhere. I slept solidly through the night without waking up. On May 30th in the hours of the morning, I did not notice anything different/out of the ordinary with Joran.

Greta Van Susteren - On the Record /w Greta - 07/03/05

VAN SUSTEREN: I am most anxious to find out if there was e-mail traffic or phone traffic among the three in custody in the early morning hours of May 30. I am also curious whether Paul van der Sloot used his phone between midnight and 7 a.m. on May 30. He told me no... he told the Dutch TV correspondent on camera no... but after the interview with the Dutch TV correspondent, he pulled him aside and said maybe he did make a call and that he was not sure. Honest mistake or does he fear to be in conflict with phone records now in custody of the police? These questions answered would be, in my mind, a huge jump forward in trying to sort out what did or did not happen.

6. In Rita Cosby and Nancy Grace interviews Beth Twitty claims that Paulus van der Sloot stated on the morning of May 31, 2005 that he had picked up Joran/them (?) at McDonalds at 4:00 AM on the morning of May 30, 2005. Paulus adamantly refutes Beth's words. However, Karin Janssen's official position within the investigation would indicate that she was deriving from a foundational knowledge when she stated that investigators suspected Paulus of being involved in Natalee's disappearance. Then in January 2007, the Superior Court ruled against compensation for Paulus van der Sloot in a wrongful detention lawsuit. The ruling stated that Paulus' detention was justified as his own declaration stated that he had picked up Joran and Natalee at McDonalds on the morning of May 30, 2005.

Beth Twitty - 'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' - 03/21/06

TWITTY: ... He had initially told the witnesses that he himself had picked up Joran Van Der Sloot at 4:00 a.m. on the night of the 30th. But he later changed it about three weeks into the investigation that he did not pick up Joran at 4:00 a.m. on the 30th.

Beth Twitty - NANCY GRACE - 08/12/05

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: And the night that we arrived on the island -- you know, Jug does not misinterpret a 4:00 AM time pickup to 11:00 PM. I mean, Paulus Van Der Sloot stated that he picked them up at 4:00 AM on May the 30th. Then -- we don`t know who they were, but then even as far as June 16 and June 17, Mr. Van Der Sloot was still stating this 4:00 AM pickup. Only until around -- maybe it was when he was picked up or arrested did he change it to 11:00 PM that I had knowledge of.

Karin Janssen - USA TODAY - 06/30/05

“They spoke about the situation that when there is no body you don’t have a case, and that was already in the first day after the disappearance,” Janssen said. Janssen said that the elder van der Sloot had obstructed the investigation by asking a friend of Joran, who had been interrogated by police, what he had told them. Janssen told MSNBC that he was arrested because investigators believed he was also a suspect in the disappearance.

Superior Court - January, 2007

" ... The tapped information and his declaration that he picked up Joran and Natalee by the McDonalds Palm Beach and brought them to the Holiday Inn, are clearly understood by the Dept. of Justice, and could in the judgment of this Superior Court, be considered as an indication of the involvement of Paulus in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway."

7. Is there a Steve Croes and Geoffrey Van Comvoirt connection in regards to the assistance that Paulus Van der Sloot may have received if he was instrumental in moving the body Natalee Holloway from the Marriot Beach area on the morning of May 30, 2005? Steve Croes involved himself in the Natalee Holloway case by providing a false alibi for Joran, Deepak and Satish. Geoffrey Van Comvoirt's association with the Visibility Police/Beach Patrol would afford him access to a "white pickup". Also, Steve Croes and Geoffrey Van Comvoirt representation by the same attorney was sanctioned by Karin Janssen while she considered a similar situation a conflict of interest in regards to the security guards.  

Beth Twitty - On the Record w/ Greta - 04/18/2006

TWITTY: .... And when I think of Joran van der Sloot and when I think of Steven Croes and I think of this new suspect (GVC) and the lies that were coming out early, very early, the moment we arrived on the island, if we find out that these three suspects are acquaintances or know each other — somebody needs to connect the dots. I mean, there certainly is a reason why Steven Croes came forward early on and stated, lied to the authorities that he had seen the two security guards taking Natalee. You know, people don't just do that for no reason, Greta. Somebody needs to connect the dots on those three, if they know each other.

Beth Twitty - NBC13 - 04/19/06

Natalee's mother, Beth Twitty, said she is hearing another story. " ... I'm hearing he (GVC) is also an acquaintance of Stephen Croes," Twitty said. Croes is a party boat disc jockey who was arrested early on in Natalee's case. He backed up van der Sloot's first story about dropping Natalee off at a Holiday Inn. "I have a feeling all of these suspects are tied together in some way," Twitty said.

John Kelly - On the Record w/ Greta - 04/19/06

KELLY: I know that's the situation. It's a woman, and that is the person who represented Croes and would be representing this individual now. And actually, Ms. Janssen, when I talked to her today, she was just getting ready to turn over the dossier to "G.V.C.'s" attorney for review before they did go into court.

VAN SUSTEREN: Then it's bizarre that this lawyer would represent both Steve Croes and GVC because at least here in the United States, I think most lawyers would say that there is a potential for conflict of interest and a lawyer shouldn't be representing both.

KELLY: I think that's right ......

Chris Lejez - ASSOCIATED PRESS - 06/11/05

Lejuez dropped John as a client per a request from the prosecutor, who said it's not ethical for him to represent both clients.

Chris Lejuez - NANCY GRACE - 06/07/05

LEJUEZ: I have been the defense attorney for both of them for the last two days. But as of tomorrow, I will be only for one of them, because apparently there will be a conflict of interest in defending them both. This has been told to me by the public prosecutor, so I will be resigning from one of the cases.

8. In Freddy's June 12, 2005 witness statement he reveals that Joran conveyed the Holiday Inn fabrication to him on the afternoon of May 30, 2005. This communication would imply that Joran was well aware that something had happened to Natalee Holloway, and this was hours before her family arrived to begin looking for her.

Freddy Zedan - Witness Statement - 06/12/05

Monday afternoon on the 30th, Joran came to my house. He told me that the previous day, Sunday, he had befriended a girl in the Holiday Inn casino and that she had invited him to come to Carlos and Charlies that evening.


After that they drove to the hotel. When the girl had pushed open the door of the car, she fell to the ground. Joran wanted to help her but she shoved him away. (....)

The next day, Tuesday May 31st 2005 in the afternoon, I was with Joran at the raquetclub.
Joran's Book - Translation Credit: Rammstein

9. One of the security guards, Mickey John, claims in the Greta interview of June 29, 2005 that while detained Deepak told him that Paulus was involved in the collaboration of the Holiday Inn fabrication. This would imply that the collaboration must have taken place on May 30, 2005.

Mickey John - On the Record /w Greta - 06/29/05

JOHN: He (Deepak) said a story being made up about dropping the girl of at a Holiday Inn, was all something being made up. He, and the Dutch guy, and the Dutch guy's father, they sit and made up the story.

10. Jan van der Straten concedes to Nancy Grace on June 2, 2005 that Natalee Holloway had been reported missing on the morning of May 30, 2005. It could be assumed that the report would have included descriptions of Joran, Deepak and Satish as well as Deepak's vehicle.

Jan Van Stratten - NANCY GRACE - 06/02/05

GRACE: Commissioner Jan Van Derstraten is with us from Aruba. Commissioner, when exactly was she reported missing?

VANDERSTRATEN: She was reported missing on Monday morning.

11. The implication of the prosecutor's words to Dan Abrams is that on May 30, 2005 Paulus van der Sloot was already giving Joran, Deepak and Satish legal advice.

Karin Janssen - ‘The Abrams Report’ - June 30, 2005

JANSSEN: The father has spoken with those three suspects, and he said he give them some legal advice, but I think the advices were going further than that. They spoke about the situation that when there is no body, you don‘t have a case. And that was already in the first day after the disappearance.

12. Prior to Jug and Beth Twitty's arrival on the Island of Aruba, certain happenings of May 30, 2005 would imply that someone within Aruban Law Enforcement was assisting Joran, Deepak and Satish in getting their stories straight regarding their encounter with Natalee Holloway.

On July 12, 2005 Anita Van der Sloot stated in a Joe Scarborough interview that Joran was picked up from school by police on Monday, May 30, 2005. Joran has never implied in interviews or declarations that he was ever picked up by police for questioning.

Anita Van der Sloot - 'Scarborough Country' - 07/12/05

ANITA VAN DER SLOOT: He hasn't told me anything, because, on the Monday, he went to school, like any normal boy. And he wasn't aware of—he was totally surprised when the police asked him to come to the—or picked him up for interrogation. He was totally surprised. He really thought that the girl would be safe in the hotel and there was no reason to talk about her at all.”

Deepak Kalpoe claims in his official statement of June 10, 2005 that he vacuumed his vehicle prior to picking up Joran Van der Sloot on Sunday May 29, 2005. He also states that he remembers telling interrogators at Bubali on May 31, 2005 that his vehicle was very clean because he had vacuumed his car the prior evening. This would imply Deepak was questioned by police at Bubali station on May 30, 2005.

Deepak Kalpoe - Suspect Statement - 06/09/05

He then asked me whether I wanted to go with to "Carlos & Charlies", because he had met a few girls and wanted to meet them again in "Carlos & Charlies". I agreed and told him that I would pick him up later. A little before 23.00 hours I drove home. I ate something at home together with my brother Satish and after that I vacuumed the carpet on the inside of my car. After I finished vacuuming I went and took a shower. A little before 0.00 hours I drove to Joran's house. Joran lives on the address Montanja 19.

Deepak Kalpoe - Suspect Statement - 06/10/05

To your question whether I can remember the day when I was summoned to the police station at Bubali, I can say the following. Yes I remember that day. You are telling to me that my car looked very clean on that day. About that I can state the following, I had vacuumed my car the previous day.

On June 29, 2005 in a secretly recorded conversation in a police van, Satish Kalpoe conveys to Joran that he told police about the choller in his first police statement. Satish's witness statement of May 31, 2005 has been revealed and there is no mention of the choller. It can be assumed that the first statement Satish is referring to must have been taken on May 30, 2005.

Satish Kalpoe - Leaked Police Vehicle Recording - 06/29/05

Joran: (to Deepak) Then you're going to tell shit about the choller. I have helped you with that that shit of the choller friend.

Deepak: And, I also said that.

Joran: That I have not read. I have also read that statement.

Satish: That of the chollers was from me. I have already told that before. I have also said that in my first statement.

13. Paul Reynolds implied that Paulus was implicated in Joran, Deepak and Satish's original statements. Considering that Deepak and Satish's May 31, 2005 witness statements do not implicate Paulus, it can be assumed that Natalee's uncle is referring to not yet revealed statements taken on May 30, 2005.

Paul Reynolds - 'Scarborough Country' - 08/26/05

REYNOLDS: Well, we certainly think they know more, but we think all three are involved. We think Joran and Deepak and Satish are all involved. And, you know, we still think the father was at least involved in the cover-up. And that‘s based on the statements that the boys gave in the beginning.

14. Joran claims in his suspect statement of June 14, 2005 that he played tennis on the evening of May 30, 2005. However, upon investigation, Art Wood discovered the contrary. Joran concedes in his book that he never did play tennis that day. Was the tennis game meant to be a cover regarding the real reason Joran was at the Racquet Ball club? Was there an arranged meeting with friends to discuss an American citizen named Natalee Holloway? Was there activity involving a boat?

Joran van der Sloot - Suspect Statement - 06/14/05

On Monday, May 30th 2005, I did not talk to anyone at school about having left behind Natalee. At approximately 17.00 pm, I was dropped off by my father at the Raquet Club. Between the hours of 17.00 pm and 18.00 pm I was in the gym. I was talking there with "Koen" nickname "Cul". We spoke that it was cowardly/weak and that no one was there. My tennis lesson was between the hours of 18.00 pm and 19.00 pm. According to me I was not called by anyone during that time. I had also made no calls myself. Approximately 19.00 pm, I was ready with playing tennis. I showered in the clubhouse

Art Wood - NATIONAL ENQUIRER - 01/06/06

The dramatic new line of investigation revolves around the timeline of May 30, starting about 18 hours after Natalee vanished. There are several unexplained missing hours during which authorities believe that her body was dumped at sea. Former U.S. Secret Service agent Art Wood, who spent months on the island investigating the case, told The National Enquirer: "Joran told police that he played tennis with a friend during the evening hours. And the pal backed up his alibi. But when I investigated the Racquet Club I found that Joran had never played tennis there that night."

Joran van der Sloot - Joran's Book

Paul drops Joran off at the RC at 6:15, but none of his friends are there so he doesn't feel like playing tennis. He gives his trainer an excuse and goes to the gym where he meets Koen. They talk a while and then they ask Andre, David, and Joran's tennis buddy "Marco" (Guido) if they want to play poker at the Wyndham. Marco says he has to work until 10:00 in the HI casino. Andre says his dad will join them in the game. Joran calls Paul and asks permission, saying Marco will bring him home after, Paul says OK. Joran takes off his tennis shoes and puts on flip flops. He walks from the RC past the Salinja to the beach, then via the beach he reaches the Wyndham at 6:45 (Note: book doesn't mention looking for his shoes).

Rick Segall/Dave Holloway - America's Most Wanted (AMW) - 04/11/06

Police have told Dave that the night after Natalee's disappearance, a boat was launched from an input just down the beach from the Holiday Inn where Natalee stayed.

15. Joran states in his June 14, 2005 suspect statement that on the evening of May 30, 2005, he did not walk past the Fisherman's Hut on his way to the Wyndham to check if Natalee was "still lying there". Why would Joran entertain the thought that Natalee may be "still lying there" eighteen hours after he left her? The implication is that Joran knew full well that Natalee was deceased.

Joran Van der Sloot - Suspect Statement - June 14, 2005

At approximately 19.15 pm I left on foot for the Wyndham Hotel. I was alone. My tennis gear I had left behind the bar at the Raquet club. I had also removed my tennis shoes and left them in the bag behind. I had taken from my tennis bag a pair of slippers and walked away on those. From the clubhouse I walked in the direction of Salinja to the Marriot Hotel. I walked along the same route that Deepak had taken to drop off me and Natalee. At the beach of the Marriot I tried for a little while to find my shoes. They were nowhere to be found. I looked for about two minutes. Then I walked over the beach to the Wyndham Hotel. On the way there I saw a lot of people. I did not go to Fisherman's Hut to see if Natalee was still lying there.

16. Following Jug and Beth Twitty's arrival on the Island on the evening of May 30, 2005, Charles Croes of Aruba Phones was contacted at 11:30 PM by a "major friend" who required assistance pertaining to cell phone information that related to a missing Natalee Holloway. On June 30, 2005 Charles Croes conveyed to Greta that following a 1:30 AM meeting with the Twittys he drove to the cabana area near the Holiday Inn to check whether Natalee was there. Byran Burrough states in the Vanity Fair article that Charles Croes claims he drove to the California lighthouse. Why would it cross Charles Croes mind that Natalee Holloway could possibly have connections to either of these areas – and why would Mr Croes change the location? Could it be that Charles Croes was conversing with Paulus and Joran at the VDS residence following the initial contact with a "major friend" and prior to the late night meeting with the Twittys?  

Charles Croes - On the Record w/Greta - 06/30/05

C. CROES: After that, we spoke a while. And then we left that location with the intention of going to the Holiday Inn to continue meeting. On the way there, a young man and I were sitting in my car. And on the way there, instinctively, I wanted to go to drive off, pull over to the cabana area, just to look to see if perhaps she was there.

Bryan Burrough - Vanity Fair: Nightmare in Paradise - 01/02/06

Croes, meanwhile, drove north up the beach road and, just below the lighthouse, found a group of teenagers drinking cheap wine.

Charles Croes - One Happy Island: Visit Aruba - 06/02/05

There are issues in this case that can go beyond the obvious in their implications.

It will take time for all the information regarding this lovely child to come out. Some of it will be hard to handle and some of it will be expected. With regards to the family of this missing child, my prayers are with you.

I was with them on the first night they arrived to ARuba (looking for their daughter) from midnight until 5:30 AM and have kept in touch. In my opinion, this issue has far reaching implications for all those involved.

I wish all of us strength


These facts beg the question of why Aruban authorities have yet to prosecute these four criminals in this case?

How can four suspects in a kidnapping, rape, and murder investigation go unchallenged when it is apparent they all knew something had happened to Ms Holloway, and were taking steps to hide that fact before they could have logically known she was missing?  

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!

Natalee’s Freebirds

Title: Re: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on October 05, 2007, 04:16:54 PM

Beth Holloway Twitty - 'Scarborough Country' - 10/21/05

HOLLOWAY TWITTY: They never—they never wanted to implicate these three young men.

They never wanted to implicate them from the beginning. And there is a list of reasons, you know, why we know that is true.



The chaperone, Paul Lilly, reported Natalee Holloway's disappearance to the Beach Patrol/Visibility Team on the morning of Monday, May 30, 2005. The chain of command implies that a copy of the Missing Person's Report was passed on to either the Bubali or Noord police station which are located equal distances from the offices of the the Beach Patrol/Visibility team.

It could be assumed that Paul Lilly included in his report a description of Joran as well as a description of Deepak's vehicle as conveyed by the MB students. This information contained within the Missing Person's Report had the ability to give way to speculation by either Jan van der Straaten or Dennis Jacobs and this speculation may have led to Paulus van der Sloot, a close friend and colleague, being contacted/forewarned.

Jan Van Der Straaten - NANCY GRACE - 06/02/05

GRACE: Commissioner Jan Van Der Straten is with us from Aruba. Commissioner, when exactly was she reported missing?

VAN DER STRATEN: She was reported missing on Monday morning

Beth Twitty - NANCY GRACE - 10/03/05

B. TWITTY: Yes, there was a DEA on island, Eric Williams (ph) -- that`s another story, Nancy. But, anyway, they met us there at the Holiday Inn lobby because Paul Lilly (ph) had had such a horrific time on that Monday, the 30th, just trying to get help. He had been speaking with the beach patrol, visibility team, no one seemed to know -- talk about the right hand and left hand -- no one knew how to guide him or help him begin.

Paulus van der Sloot - NOVA/TWAN HUYS - 06/28/05

Paulus van der Sloot: That gives a feeling of absurdity. It is indeed almost unimaginable that by someone you actually know very well, where you worked together with for a long time, that that one comes to tell you that you are suspected of complicity to murder.

HUYS: Who was that in your case?

VAN DER SLOOT: That was, in this case, that was the leader of the team of police commissioners.

HUYS: Jan van der Straaten.

VAN DER SLOOT: That was Jan van der Straaten, yes.

HUYS: And you know each other very well?


Eric Zaandam - President Police Union, Aruban television 8/28/06

Now, information are coming out that Jan v/d Straatten was indeed investigated and had telephone conversations with people about the case that he should not have contacts with, or even talk about the case.

Rudy Croes - Minister of Justice - Top 95 radio 8/28/06

Aruban Minister of Justice Mr. Rudy Croes, in relationship with the Natalee Holloway investigation, revealed a very serious information in direction of Van der Straaten.

Minister Croes revealed that he knows about various telephone calls of Van der Straaten and that he, the minister, knows with whom Van der Straaten was talking to...


Joran van der Sloot: On July 12, 2005 Anita Van der Sloot stated in a Joe Scarborough interview that Joran was picked up from school by police on Monday, May 30, 2005. Joran has never implied in interviews or declarations that he was ever picked up by police for questioning.  

Anita Van der Sloot - 'Scarborough Country' - 07/12/05

ANITA VAN DER SLOOT: He hasn't told me anything, because, on the Monday, he went to school, like any normal boy. And he wasn't aware of—he was totally surprised when the police asked him to come to the—or picked him up for interrogation. He was totally surprised. He really thought that the girl would be safe in the hotel and there was no reason to talk about her at all.

Deepak Kalpoe: In his official statement of June 10, 2005 Deepak Kalpoe claims that he vacuumed his vehicle prior to picking up Joran Van der Sloot on Sunday May 29, 2005. He also states that he remembers telling interrogators at Bubali that his vehicle was very clean because he had vacuumed his car the prior evening. This would imply Deepak was questioned by police at Bubali station on May 30, 2005.

Deepak Kalpoe - Suspect Statement - 06/09/05

He then asked me whether I wanted to go with to "Carlos & Charlies", because he had met a few girls and wanted to meet them again in "Carlos & Charlies". I agreed and told him that I would pick him up later. A little before 23.00 hours I drove home. I ate something at home together with my brother Satish and after that I vacuumed the carpet on the inside of my car. After I finished vacuuming I went and took a shower. A little before 0.00 hours I drove to Joran's house. Joran lives on the address Montanja 19.

Deepak Kalpoe - Suspect Statement - 06/10/05

To your question whether I can remember the day when I was summoned to the police station at Bubali, I can say the following. Yes I remember that day. You are telling to me that my car looked very clean on that day. About that I can state the following, I had vacuumed my car the previous day.

Satish Kalpoe: On June 29, 2005 in a secretly recorded conversation in a police van, Satish Kalpoe conveys to Joran that he told police about the choller in his first police statement. Satish's witness statement of May 31, 2005 has been revealed and there is no mention of the choller. It can be assumed that the first statement Satish is referring to must have been taken on May 30, 2005.

Satish Kalpoe - Leaked Police Vehicle Recording - 06/29/05

Joran: (to Deepak) Then you're going to tell shit about the choller. I have helped you with that that shit of the choller friend.
Deepak: And, I also said that.
Joran: That I have not read. I have also read that statement.
Satish: That of the chollers was from me. I have already told that before. I have also said that in my first statement.


On May 31, 2005 Joran, Deepak and Satish were officially interrogated as witnesses by Dennis Jacobs at the Bubali Police Station. On June 1, 2005 Beth gave a statement at the Bubali Police Station. However, Dave Holloway was directed to the Noord police station upon his arrival on the Island that same day.

Why was Dennis Jacobs who interrogated Joran, Deepak and Satish at Bubali on May 31, as well as Beth at Bubali on June 1, 2005 now officiating at the Noord Police Station later in the day of June 1, 2005?  

Beth Holloway - LOVING NATALEE - 06/01/05

Page 76
It's cold inside the Bubali police station Wednesday morning.

Jug, Jodi, and I wait, again, to give our statements. The time is ticking away. An hour passes. Then another one. ... And finally detective Jacobs comes out to the waiting area to get me.

Detective Jacobs says he will only take my statement, not the others.

Dave Holloway - Aruba: Corruption in Paradise - 06/02/05

When I arrived in Aruba with my family, we hit the island running. We rented a car and immediately headed out to find a police station. There were only four on the island and I was amazed to find that first two we entered knew nothing about Natalee's disappearance. We were then directed to a third one, the Noord Police Station. I walked in and said, "I'm Dave Holloway and I need to talk to you about my daughter who is missing." A man in the back stood up and said, "How much money do you have?". That was how I first met Detective Dennis Jacobs, the investigator who was assigned to handle Natalee's case after Beth made a report to him upon her arrival on the island.


Was the reasoning behind Beth and Jug Twitty giving their statements at the Bubali Police Station on June 1, 2005, while Dave Holloway was directed to the Noord station that same day to speak with Jacobs, because a plan to protect Joran and Paulus van der Sloot from implication was well under way - an agenda set into motion by the filing of a Missing Person's Report on the morning of May 30, 2005?

In pursuance of the agenda to protect Joran and Paulus van der Sloot from implication, could Paulus' friends and colleagues Dennis Jacobs and Jan van Straaten have assumed complete control of information gathering and manipulation pertaining to a missing American named Natalee Holloway almost immediately following the filing of the Missing Person's Report by the chaperone Paul Lilly?

Dave Holloway - ARUBA: Corruption in Paradise - 06/01/05

Pages 9/10
Jacobs painted a scenario that questioned all of the beliefs and values that we had instilled in Natalee. He insinuated that she had met someone and fallen in love. "This happens all the time. She will probably show up in a few days", he theorized. "She was just partying hard," he added. "Don't worry. Just go down to Carlos'n Charlie's and have a beer."

Jacobs also told us that the day before we arrived, he had interviewed the boys who eventually became the three main suspects in Natalee's disappearance ...... Jacobs considered the boys' statements to be consistent in that they had all said that they dropped Natalee off at the hotel. However, I did not realize at the time that Beth had already told him that the tapes did not show Natalee returning to the Holiday Inn that night.

Beth Holloway - LOVING NATALEE - 06/01/05

Page 78
The statement is printed out and I sign it. But I am not allowed a copy of it.

Jug comes back to the little office as I unwind my legs from my arms to get up from the chair, preparing to leave. Jacobs makes a febble attempt to comfort us by saying. "You know ... she'll show up. You should just go to Carlos 'n Charlie's and a crack addict will bring her back when she runs out of money."

Shocked, I reply. "Wait a minute. The two young men who were last seen with her told us they left her at the hotel. Remember? I just gave you all that information. ... Besides, I already told you she doesn't have a debit card with her, and I showed you all her cash. It was in her bag. Who-ever has her isn't keepinig her for the money."

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!

Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Re: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on October 08, 2007, 06:09:35 PM
Here is the latest from Natalee's Freebirds:


Beth reveals in her book, Loving Natalee, that Deepak's vehicle was observed behind the Bubali police station at 8:00 AM on the morning of May 31, 2005, and remained there for the next several hours.

Beth Holloway - LOVING NATALEE - 05/31/05

Page 59
Jug, Jodi and I arrive at Bubali at eight o'clock sharp. One of the first things I notice is Deepak Kalpoe's silver-gray car parked in the back. It's definitely his. I spent a lot of time staring at it last night. The tag. The details. Not sure what to make of this, I mentally prepare myself for an encounter with Joran van der Sloot and Deepak Kalpoe inside the police station. And maybe I'll also get a look at the other guy, Satish. We proceed through the gravel and dirt parking lot and enter the front of the small, sea-foam green stucco building.



1. Deepak Kalpoe

Deepak claims in his suspect statement of June 13, 2005 that after Paulus, Joran and he are dropped off at the VDS' by police in the early morning hours of May 31, 2005, there was a discussion with Paulus inside Joran's room. A short time later, he claims he drove straight home - arriving at approximately 6:45 AM.

Deepak Kalpoe - Suspect Statement - 06/13/05

The police officers drove from the Holiday Inn to Joran's house. The police had dropped us off at Joran's house.

We then went to Joran's room because Joran's dad wanted to talk to us so we sat down on the floor, because Joran's mattresses were on the floor in his room.

It was already about 06:10 hours, and I said that it really is late and that I had to go home. I got up and walked to the door.

I said my goodbyes and drove home. I went with my car and drove home via the road leading through Paradera. At approximately 06:45 hours, I got home.

2. Satish Kalpoe

Satish claims in his suspect statement of June 10, 2005 that when Deepak arrived home at 6:30 AM on the morning of May 31, 2005, Deepak conveyed that he had been at police station being questioned in regards to the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.

Satish Kalpoe - Suspect Statement - 06/10/05

How late did you wake up on Tuesday?

I had awoken at approximately 06.30 hours on Tuesday.

Was Deepak home at that time?

Deepak had just come home. I had asked Deepak where he had been. Deepak then told me he came from the police station. Deepak told me that he had to go to the police station because of the girl that had been with us on Sunday May 29th 2005.

3. Joran van der Sloot

Joran claims in his June 14, 2005 suspect statement that after the police dropped Paulus, Deepak and him off at home, the three had a discussion outside the residence and following the discussion Deepak went home. However, Deepak claims in his June 13, 2005 suspect statement that the discussion took place inside Joran's room.

Joran van der Sloot- Suspect Statement - 06/14/05

Deepak pointed out the spot were we dropped off Natalee.

At approximately 05.30 am, we went back to our house with the police.

When we arrived there I don't remember what was talked about outside. Deepak got into his car and drove off. My father and myself walked inside.

4. Paulus van der Sloot

Contrary to Joran and Deepak's claims, Paulus implies in his June 13, 2005 witness statement that only he and Joran were dropped off by the Police. Paulus fails to mention Deepak.  

Paulus van der Sloot - Witness Statement - 06/18/05

We decided to go to the “Holiday Inn” to go and look for the girl, but without any positive result.

It was morning already when Joran and myself were dropped off by the police at home. We did not go to bed anymore.


Could the agenda for the early morning meeting at the Bubali police station on May 31, 2005 have been an opportunity for getting stories straight in preparation for the afternoon interrogations? Could it have been a regroup session after all that had taken place since the "off the record" meetings of the previous day, May 30 2005?


When Beth's words in her book, Loving Natalee, are considered which claim Deepak's vehicle was observed behind the Bubali police station for several hours at 8:00 AM on the morning of Tuesday, May 31, 2005 as well as the contradicting statements of Joran, Deepak and Paulus - could the following chain of events reflect the movements of Paulus, Joran and Deepak immediately after the encounter with the Twitty group at the Holiday Inn?

1. Police drove Joran, Deepak and Paulus back to the VDS' residence from the Holiday Inn.

2. As his vehicle was parked at the VDS' residence, only Deepak would have gotten out of the police vehicle.

3. Police drove Joran and Paulus to the Bubali police station while Deepak drove his own vehicle.

4. Deepak, Joran and Paulus discussed the events of the preceding hours with Dennis Jacobs and/or Jan van der Straaten at the Bubali police station and attempted to get stories straight in preparation for the afternoon interrogations.

5. Deepak leaves his vehicle at the police station as a detailed cleaning of the interior is warranted.

6. Deepak is driven home by police following the meeting and informs Satish that he had been at the police station.

7. Joran and Paulus are then dropped off at home.

8. Beth leaves the Bubali station at approximately 12:30 pm, and notices Deepak's vehicle is still there.

* All suspects state they were not questioned until the afternoon hours of May 31, 2005, so what was Deepak's vehicle doing in the parking lot of the Bubali police station as early as 8:00 am?

* What logical reasons could there have been for Aruban law enforcement to have posession of Deepak's vehicle for several hours on May 31, 2005? Forensics were not done on the vehicle until June 9, 2005.

* At a minimum, Dennis jacobs and possibly Jan van der Straaten were doing something with Deepak's vehicle on May 31, 2005. Were they also conspiring with the four suspects on that morning?

* Exactly what was revealed by either Deepak's car, or the suspects themselves that forced Dennis Jacobs to turn Beth Holloway away that morning, without taking her statement?

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!

Natalee’s Freebirds

Title: Re: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on October 12, 2007, 11:11:18 AM
Here is the latest from Natalee's Freebirds - it's part one of six:

In The Face of Evil - May 30, 2005
Crimes Committed Against Natalee Holloway ~ Part 1
The disappearance of Natalee Holloway on the island of Aruba May 29, 2005 has raised far more questions than have been answered.

In this next series of documents, we will show what are most likely the actual events that transpired on Monday, May 30th 2005, based on subsequent statements given by the suspects and witnesses involved.

In studying all information available to the public at this point, we believe we have determined a very plausible chain of events engaged in by the four main suspects in this case - Deepak and Satish Kalpoe, and Joran and Paulus van der Sloot - on the day following Miss Holloway's disappearance.

With this much deliberate conflict in the statements, what was really happening the morning and afternoon of May 30th, 2005?

Was Paulus' confusion about Joran's school attendance, and his own lack of detail about the day an attempt to cover up a meeting of all four with police officials at the Bubali police station? Was the inconsistency in the time Satish was supposed to go to school that morning due to the same reason? Was all of this misdirection put into place to then also cover their meeting at the van der Sloot home around the pool for the purpose of creating/finalizing the Holiday Inn alibi, in an attempt to tell the same story by the time Natalee was reported missing?

Anita van der Sloot lets it slip that Joran spoke with police on Monday, May 30 2005  

ANITA VAN DER SLOOT: He hasn't told me anything, because, on the Monday, he went to school, like any normal boy. And he wasn't aware of—he was totally surprised when the police asked him to come to the—or picked him up for interrogation. He was totally surprised. He really thought that the girl would be safe in the hotel and there was no reason to talk about her at all.”

Deepak gives a clear indication of having spoken with police on May 30th  

He then asked me whether I wanted to go with to "Carlos & Charlies", because he had met a few girls and wanted to meet them again in "Carlos & Charlies". I agreed and told him that I would pick him up later. A little before 23.00 hours I drove home. I ate something at home together with my brother Satish and after that I vacuumed the carpet on the inside of my car.

To your question whether I can remember the day when I was summoned to the police station at Bubali, I can say the following. Yes I remember that day. About that I can state the following, I had vacuumed my car the previous day.

Satish makes reference to a choller he had spoken about in his first police statement. No such reference is included in Satish's 5/31 statement, thus telling us he spoke with police on May 30th.

Joran: (to Deepak) Then you're going to tell shit about the choller. I have helped you with that that shit of the choller friend.
Deepak: And, I also said that.
Joran: That I have not read. I have also read that statement.
Satish: That of the chollers was from me. I have already told that before. I have also said that in my first statement.
police van 6/29

Mickey John's information tells us the suspects made up the Holiday Inn story on May 30th  

VAN SUSTEREN: How certain are you that that your memory is correct that the family or the father was involved in creating this cover-up story?

JOHN: Well, he told me — he, all of them, sit and make up the story. He, Dutch guy, and the family. He told me they made up a story that they said they dropped the girl off at the Holiday Inn. She was talking to a black guy, security guard specific, dressed in black pants, black top.

VAN SUSTEREN: So what percentage certain are you that he said family or father that was involved in this?

JOHN: He said family.

VAN SUSTEREN: So you're certain?

JOHN: I'm certain.,2933,161044,00.html

Was Joran at school on May 30th or not?  


At approximately 06.30, I woke up. Between 03.45 am and 06.30 am I talked to no-one on my mobile phone. At approximately 06.45 am I got on the bus. Between 06.30 am and 06.45 am I did not talk to anyone on my mobile phone. At approximately 08.00 am, I arrived at school on the bus. I had slept the entire time the bus took to get to school. During the ride to school I don't think I called anyone with my mobile phone. I do think that I had received a message from "Flor". I did not loan my phone out to anyone to make a phone call. I am sure of that. My school starts at 08.00 am and ends at 14.45 pm.

JVDS 6-14

6:30 E-mail or Text message to Steve Croes by Joran or Deepak 6:30 am Records show call from one of the 3 boys cellphones in Santa Lucia area in Aruba. (confirmed by Aruba Today) Monday morning to another cell located in the cell site of Santa Lucia. This is north of Santa Cruz and that cellsite covers the middle northern part of the island. (this is also listed in the newsarticles that Julie Renfro reported as confirmed)
Aruba Today


On May 30th in the hours of the morning, I did not notice anything different/out of the ordinary with Joran. According to me he got onto the bus of the I.S.A. with his brothers Sebastian and Valentijn just like he alway s does. I am not absolutely sure about that because I didn't notice it and because Joran didn't have to be at school every day during that period. He was busy with his final exams and sometimes he stayed home.
PVDS 6-18


To your question whether Joran went to school on Monday May 30th 2005, I can state the following. I cannot precisely recollect whether Joran went to school that day. It is possible that he did not go to school that day.
PVDS 6-23


But I do not remember exactly which days he did not go with the bus. It could be that it was that Monday. Most likely I informed the bus driver that Joran would not be going with the bus. A clue to the fact that Joran did not go to school that Monday could be that on Tuesday I insisted that he went to school that day.
PVDS 6-23

The mother of the girl by that time had already left. At least I did not see her anymore. We were dropped off home by the officers. It was starting to get light.

I woke up Valentijn and Sebastian and I also said to Joran that he had to go to school even though he wasn't in the mood to go. I know that I insisted that he should go. A reason for that might be that he had already not gone to school on Monday. I then left for work.
PVDS 6/23

When did the Kalpoe brothers really wake up, and why did Satish lie to his mother about what time school started that day?


I had spoken to no-one until I woke up at approximately 14.00

On that Monday in question, I woke up around 13.30 hours. When I got out of my room, I saw that Satish had also come out of his room.

1:00 PM My brother woke up around 1 p.m. I asked him how Joran did get home during the night


My school would start at 10.30 on Monday May 30th 2005.
Did you go to school on Monday May 30th 2005?
No, I did not go to school on Monday May 30th 2005.
SATISH 6-10 second statement

In the morning, at 6.30 a.m. my mother woke me up so I had to go to school. I told her I would not have classes that early and that my classes would start at 11.00 a.m.

I woke up at 11.00 hours on Monday May 30th 2005.
SATISH 6-10 second statement

On May 30th 2005 I had awoken between 11.00 hours and 12.00 hours When I woke up I asked my brother if he knew how Joran had made it to his house

My mother was then going to wake me up at 10.30 a.m. She though overslept and did not wake me up. I woke up around 12.00 noon

Did Paulus go to work that day or not? What was the reason for claiming a poor memory about his activities that day?


On May 30th at approximately 08.00, I went to work. The precise time I do not know for sure because during that period I had different hours on different days that I started working. I cannot remember any more if I came home to eat in the middle of the day because that too was different on different days.
PVDS 6-18


To your question if I tell you all the things I did on that Monday the 30th of May 2005, I can state the following. I went to work. The exact time I cannot remember but I think it was approximately 08.00 hours.
PVDS 6-23

Were the 10:00 trip to the CMB Bank, lying to the Kalpoe brother's mom, and Joran's questionable attendance at school all attempts to cover a trip to the Bubali police station by the four suspects on Monday, May 30th which was followed by the meeting around the pool at the van der Sloot home?



I can also remember that around 10.00 hours I went to the C.M.B. bank. There were long cues at the bank so I left without having made any transaction and went back to work.
PVDS 6-23

We believe the meeting all four suspects had at the Bubali police station took place around 10:00 am on Monday, May 30th.

We also believe the meeting around the van der Sloot pool took place at approximately 11:00 am that morning.


I left my workplace at approximately 15.00 hours. I arrived at the bank at approximately 15.30. I had gone to the C.M.B. bank that is situated in Noord.
PVDS 6-23


At approximately 16.30, I got home and the kids were already home. Because my wife was in the Netherlands I wanted to be home when the kids came home from school.
PVDS 6-18

Paulus stated that long lines prevented him from making a deposit to the C.M. Bank during his 10:00 am visit to the bank. Paulus states he left work and arrived again at the bank at 3:30 PM, yet he claims that he didn’t get home until 4:30 PM that same day.

What type of banking transaction takes 40 - 50 minutes to complete?

Did Paulus go somewhere else after that visit to the bank, and before he went home?


To your question whether I went to the bank without stopping or going anywhere else, I can state the following. I at least cannot remember having been anywhere else. I think I went directly to the bank. At the bank I talked to Ruth DIJKHOFF. At the bank I deposited the money that Joran said that he had won in the “Free Tournament in the Holiday Inn” on the 29th of May 2005. It was approximately 500 Aruban guilders. Joran had given me 100 guilders because he had taken over my place in the tournament. After depositing the money I went home. I cannot exactly remember what time it was when I got home. I think it was 16.15 hours. According to me both Rita and Joran where at home. Whether Valentijn and Sebastian where also there that Monday I cannot remember anymore because Valentijn and Sebastian quite often went over to a friends house during that time-period. Whether I went with Joran to eat at a fast food restaurant that afternoon I cannot remember. I can only remember that while Anita was away I went and ate with him once. I don't think it is likely that we did that day because I left work at approximately 15.00 hours.

PVDS 6-23


Approximately 14.45 pm, I got back onto the school bus to be driven home. I arrived at home at approximately 16.00 pm. It is possible that I called someone or that someone called me. It is also possible that I sent or received messages. I am sure Satish didn't and Deepak it is possible. If I had talked to Deepak then I would have asked him what he had been doing that day or what he was going to do.
JORAN 6-14


At about 15.30 hours, my brother drove me to work with my car because I do not want to park my car in the parking lot/parking space. After that I started working.

Around 3.45 p.m. I brought my brother to his work at Sea Port Market Place. During the rest of the day I did not hear from Joran

Unbeknownst to the Kalpoe brothers, we believe Joran and Paulus had developed a plan for disposal of Miss Holloway's remains by this point in the day, and were making preparations.
Natalee and her family deserve justice - and we will not let up until they have it!
Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Re: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on October 15, 2007, 02:40:29 PM
Here is Part 2 from Natalee's Freebirds:

In The Face of Evil ~ May 30, 2005
Crimes Committed Against Natalee Holloway ~ Part 2
With a plan firmly in the minds of Joran and Paulus van der Sloot, they then made preparations to put that plan into action.

Were Paulus and Joran finalizing the details with Koen Gottenbos to take Miss Holloway's remains out to sea?


NO BODY, NO CASE ~ Paulus Van Der Sloot

TWITTY: Yes, there was a boat that Joran mentioned in one of his statements on June 9. It's actually a friend of his. It's Coon's (ph) father has a boat. And from what I'd understood, that there was some activity with that boat during the early morning hours of May 30, when these boys took Natalee. To what extent, we don't know. Whether forensics were done, whether the boat was searched, there's been a lot of speculation, but I really don't have any concrete follow-up information of what they actually did to the Coon's father's boat.

What was the true purpose Joran was dropped off by Paulus at the Racquet Club?

We believe there were two reasons for these actions:

1. To bring all other evidence to an area near the boat launch in his gym bag - Miss Holloway's clothing and personal effects she had on her person the previous night, and any/all soiled clothing of Joran's.

2. To coordinate with Koen Gottenbos the timing of his boat being at the boat launch for Joran and Paulus' use.


At approximately 17.00 pm, I was dropped off by my father at the Raquet Club. Between the hours of 16.00 pm and 17.00 pm, I had done my homework and also "chatted". I do not remember with who I chatted. It could be possible that I chatted to Deepak because he does that a lot from where he works. I am not sure about that
JVDS 6-14

Between the hours of 17.00 pm and 18.00 pm I was in the gym. I was talking there with "Koen" nickname "Cul". We spoke that it was cowardly/weak and that no one was there.
JVDS 6-14


To your question what I did after 16.15 hours, I can state the following. I think I dropped Joran off at the “Raquet Club” at approximately 17.00 hours. I could have been later though. I cannot exactly remember anymore.
To your question whether I saw Joran enter the “Raquet Club”, I can state the following. If I drop off Joran he normally walks inside. As far as I can remember he did do that at this occasion too but I do not know for sure
PVDS - 6/23


Between 17.00 hours and 18.30 hours, I dropped off Joran in front of the entrance of the Aruba Racquet Club with my Suzuki so that he could take tennis lessons and go to the gym. He probably had his carrying bag with tennis necessities with him. I saw him enter the building.
PVDS 6-18


My tennis lesson was between the hours of 18.00 pm and 19.00 pm. According to me I was not called by anyone during that time. I had also made no calls myself
JVDS 6-14


I had called Joran at approximately 18.00 hours. I just asked him how he was. Joran was at that moment in time together with a friend of us named Guido in the casino at “Wyndham”

At about 18.00 hours, I called Joran on his mobile phone. I had called him with the telephone from where I work. The phone number there is 588xxxx. I asked Joran, how he was doing and if he had gone to school. )
I forgot what he told me, but I asked him subsequently what he was doing now. Joran told me that he at that moment in time was in the casino of the Wyndham and that he was there together with our friend Guido

To your question as to when I called Joran on that Monday and asked him where he was and with whom Joran said that he was with in the casino, I can say the following. Joran told me that he and Guido were together at the "Wyndham" casino. That was about 18.00 hours


Approximately 19.00 pm, I was ready with playing tennis. I showered in the clubhouse. After I had finised showering I got dressed. I do not remember what I put on that day. I was wearing a short trousers and a T-shirt. It looked pretty nice/proper. I also wore slippers
JVDS 6-14


Former U.S. Secret Service agent Art Wood, who spent months on the island investigating the case, told The National Enquirer: "Joran told police that he played tennis with a friend during the evening hours. And the pal backed up his alibi.”
"But when I investigated the Racquet Club I found that Joran had never played tennis there that night."


Paul drops Joran off at the RC at 6:15, but none of his friends are there so he doesn't feel like playing tennis. He gives his trainer an excuse and goes to the gym where he meets Koen. They talk a while and then they ask Andre, David, and Joran's tennis buddy "Marco" (Guido) if they want to play poker at the Wyndham. Marco says he has to work until 10:00 in the HI casino. Andre says his dad will join them in the game. Joran calls Paul and asks permission, saying Marco will bring him home after, Paul says OK. Joran takes off his tennis shoes and puts on flip flops. He walks from the RC past the Salinja to the beach, then via the beach he reaches the Wyndham at 6:45 (Note: book doesn't mention looking for his shoes).
Joran van der Sloot - Joran's Book - PAGE 98


At approximately 19.15 pm I left on foot for the Wyndham Hotel. I wa s alone. My tennis gear I had left behind the bar at the Raquet club. I had also removed my tennis shoes and left them in the bag behind. I had taken from my tennis bag a pair of slippers and walked away on those
JVDS 6-14

7:02 PM = Sunset (the 48% illuminated moon has not risen, yet)

AOL Timeline

Was this phone call from Joran to Deepak made from the water?


From available information it has become clear that on May 30th 2005 around 19:25 from number 588-xxxx (Deepak Kalpoe’s work location) received a call to number 562-xxxx which is the cell phone number of Joran van der Sloot.

According to cell-id in the records this information was transmitted on mast 9181 (Casa del Mar/Eagle and after 2.28 minutes on the mast 9123 (Hadishibana – Lighthouse).

The Racquet Club is directly East of the Marriott, and the fisherman's huts. Fisherman's Huts are 300 yards NORTH of the boat launch, which is right by the Holiday Inn.

The Wyndham is at the South end of the high-rise hotels on Palm Beach - with only Divi Phoenix and the Mill Resort being further South of them..............all of which is still to the North of the Bird Sanctuary.

Now if we look at the map van der Straten drew, and a map of where the hotels sit, we have this:

Casa Del Mar mast id # 9181 is South of Hadishibana/Lighthouse mast id # 9123. That tells us that Joran's phone was traveling NORTH from the Holiday Inn/boat launch area - in the direction of the Lighthouse (or Mariott).

There are several more cell tower (masts) further South than the 9181 Casa Del Mar tower that covers the Holiday Inn.

Also - that cell tower (mast) covers ONLY the area around the HOLIDAY INN, doesn't even serve the area of the Marriott..............the Hadishibana/Lighthouse mast serves that area.

In fact - the ONLY hotels that mast (9181) serves are (starting with the Holiday Inn, and heading SOUTH):

Holiday Inn
*Playa Linda
*Hyatt Regency
*Brickell Bay Beach Club

* Denotes these hotels are served by additional cell towers (masts) in addition to 9181

We believe from this point forward, after the disposal of Miss Holloway's remains, Joran was attempting to create a very public alibi for his whereabouts that evening, via the casino surveillance cameras.
Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!
Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Re: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on October 17, 2007, 03:09:14 PM
Here is part 3 of the 6 part series from Natalee's Freebirds:

In The Face of Evil ~ May 30, 2005
Crimes Committed Against Natalee Holloway ~ Part 3
Paulus van der Sloot gave numerous conflicting statements about his activities between the hours of 4:00 pm and 8:00 pm the night of May 30th, 2005.

What was really transpiring during that time?

We surmise that Paulus had retrieved monies during his second trip to the CMB bank that afternoon - and the next few hours of his time were spent in such nefarious ways that he deliberately caused massive confusion about his own timeline.



According to Police the huts were broken into around the time of her disappearance; a large knife and a huge steel fishing cage were stolen

DOMPIG: What is officially reported as stolen, though, is a big knife, and out of one of the fisher—fisherman‘s huts or—yes, where they keep their stuff, you could say. And that‘s the basis for us to search in the ocean.



Coming from the holiday inn, continue straight for another hundred yards. turn left and head towards large construction mess at Marriott Surf.
then turn left and follow straight. parking will be on the right near the boat ramp and slips

Here's why: Just 300 yards away from the boat launch is a series of fishing huts that have become infamous on the island. In sworn statements, the three lead suspects in Natalee's disappearance -- Joran van der Sl oot, Satish and Deepak Kalpoe -- told Police that they left Natalee at those fishing huts the night of her disappearance.
11-5 “America’s Most Wanted” correspondent RICK SEGALL

Police have told Dave that the night after Natalee's disappearance [5-30/31], a boat was launched from an input just down the beach from the "Holiday Inn" where Natalee stayed.

HOLLOWAY: As far as Natalee's case, no. We did see a cross that somebody erected right there where the boat launch is and had her initials put up on the corner. We took pictures and that was the last day I stayed on the island.



I immediately went home, had dinner with the other boys and after that I went to bed.
PVDS 6-18


I cannot say because after I had dropped him off, I went home.
PVDS 6-23

Rita, the van der Sloot maid was at the home at 4:30 pm that day. Was she still there at this time, and could her knowledge have been a cause for Paulus to become so forgetful about his actions?


Between 17.00 hours and 18.30 hours, I dropped off Joran in front of the entrance of the Aruba Raquet Club with my Suzuki so that he could take tennis lessons and go to the gym. He probably had his carrying bag with tennis necessities with him. I saw him enter the building. He had told me that he would afterwards be going to the Wyndham Hotel because a “Free Carribean Stud Tournament” would be held. I immediately went home, had dinner with the other boys and after that I went to bed.
PVDS 6-18

Paulus must have been seen making his second trip to the Racquet Club to retrieve the bag Joran had left there for him, in readiness for the trip to sea with Miss Holloway's remains, and tries to explain away his actions.




To your question whether I subsequently went to the “Raquet Club”
to pick up his sports bag that he left behind there, I can state the following.
I cannot remember. To the best of my recollection I did not return to the
“Raquet Club” after I dropped off Joran.

I am not 100% sure of that. But if I had gone back to then it would
not have been to pick up the bag alone but also to bring Joran home.
At approximately 18.00 on Monday May 30th 2005 I would have been home.
I cannot remember anymore if I picked up Sebastian and Valentijn or whether they were dropped off at our home because during the time Anita was away there was not fixed structure to that. I think I did eat dinner with Valentijn
and Sebastian.
PVDS 6-23


We spoke last time about that Monday night when Joran was at the "Raquet Club", that I only took the bag with me. I am remembering that it was around 08:00pm when I took the bag to Joran at the “Raquet Club”, this was when Joran was walking in the direction of the Marriott and made the announcement that he was going to participate in the “Free Tournament” at the Wyndham that this came up. In my view I even grumbled (expressed concern) on Joran and then went on to pick up Sebastian at the ZEOLA family. Again I am not sure. This image comes in my head, but I had no reason at that moment to remember any of these things. I had done a lot on automatic pilot. Sure when it came to pickup and bring the kids back. I also don't know the relevance of this fact
PVDS 6-25

Remember Joran stated he asked for Paulus' permission to play in the tournament over the phone, not in person. What was the real reason for that phone call?


We spoke last time about that Monday night when Joran was at the "Racquet Club", that I only took the bag with me. I am remembering that it was around 08:00pm when I took the bag to Joran at the “Racquet Club”, this was when Joran was walking in the direction of the Marriott and made the announcement that he was going to participate in the “Free Tournament” at the Wyndham that this came up.
PVDS 6-25

By this time, the disposal of Miss Holloway's remains has been completed, and Paulus has moved on to problem number two. How to protect his son from having administered a date rape drug to his victim, by educating himself on the effects of those drugs.


According to an ARUBAN Police report (available here; Thank You and Hat Tip to “klaasend”) analyzing the computer hardrive records of the Suspects VAN DER SLOOT home computer that was found during the June 15, 2005 search and seizure to be physically located inside the Suspects VAN DER SLOOT main home, someone logged onto the computer as Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT, and logs into several Internet pages via separate Google image searches of the words “alcohol,” then “alcohol“ and “beer,” then “drugs.” Links clicked on to open were for alcohol and drugs, and an attorney’s site. Several computer-HTML images were also uploaded to the Suspects SLOOT’s computer hardrive into a file entitled, “alcohol.”
Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!
Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Re: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on October 19, 2007, 05:07:15 PM
Here is part 4 of "In the Face of Evil" from Natalee's Freebirds:

In The Face Of Evil ~ May 30, 2005
Crimes Committed Against Natalee Holloway ~ Part 4
What was going on between 7:00 pm and 8:30 pm?

We believe this is when Paulus and Joran took Miss Holloway's remains out to sea on the Gottenbos boat. Here Joran sets himself up to be highly visible that night after 8:00 pm  



Approximately 19.00 pm, I was ready with playing tennis. I showered in the clubhouse. After I had finised showering I got dressed. Then I called "Andre". We had agreed that we would meet at the Wyndham Hotel at approximately 20.00 pm to play poker.
JVDS 6-14



Approximately 19.00 pm, I was ready with playing tennis. I had then also called Guido. Guido had told me that he had to go to work. He would come later and try to enter the tournament for half time
JVDS 6-14

According to Paulus, this conversation took place in person, not over the phone. What then was the true nature of this phone call from Joran to Paulus at around 7:00 pm?
Giving confirmation that the boat was at the launch and ready to go?


Approximately 19.00 pm, I was ready with playing tennis. I showered in the clubhouse. After I had finised showering I got dressed. I had also called my father and asked if I could play poker at the Wyndham Casino. My father gave me permission.
JVDS 6-14

Then we have Joran claiming to have been bouncing from one casino to the next for the hour  of 7:00 - 8:00 pm


At approximately 19.15 pm I left on foot for the Wyndham Hotel. I was alone. My tennis gear I had left behind the bar at the Raquet club. I had also removed my tennis shoes and left them in the bag behind. I had taken from my tennis bag a pair of slippers and walked away on those
JVDS 6-14


From the clubhouse I walked in the direction of Salinja to the Marriot Hotel. I walked along the same route that Deepak had taken to drop off me and Natalee. At the beach of the Marriot I tried for a little while to find my shoes. They were nowhere to be found. I looked for about two minutes. Then I walked over the beach to the Wyndham Hotel. On the way there I saw a lot of people. I did not go to Fisherman's Hut to see if Natalee was still lying there. I at that moment was more worried about the shoes that I had left behind because I was unaware that Natalee had gone missing.
JVDS 6-14


At approximately 19.45 pm I arrived at the Aruba Grant Hotel & Casino. I know the time because I was watching at he big watch of the Wyndham Hotel. Via the pool I walked to the casino. I had gone there because I had U.S. 20,- on me. I played at the U.S. 5,- minimum black jack table. I wanted to play there so I could win some money so I that, after the tournament, I could play cash games with Guido. I played for about 15 minutes. At the end of the game I had U.S. 20,- again. In the casino I spoke with a woman that works there. She knows my face and had told me that she had watched me play poker and that she thought I played well/good. She had then told me that it was 20.00 pm
JVDS 6-14


She had then told me that it was 20.00 pm. I immediately walked to the Wyndham Hotel & Casino. At the Wyndham Hotel I walked in through the beach entrance and walked to the casino.

JVDS 6-13

Keep in mind what Paulus says he is doing at this time


We spoke last time about that Monday night when Joran was at the "Raquet Club", that I only took the bag with me. I am remembering that it was around 08:00pm when I took the bag to Joran at the “Raquet Club”, this was when Joran was walking in the direction of the Marriott and mad e the announcement that he was going to participate in the “Free Tournament” at the Wyndham that this came up. In my view I even grumbled (expressed concern) on Joran and then went on to pick up Sebastian at the ZEOLA family. Again I am not sure. This image comes in my head, but I had no reason at that moment to remember any of these things. I had done a lot on automatic pilot. Sure when it came to pickup and bring the kids back. I also don't know the relevance of this fact


On your question if I saw other friends of Joran at the "Raquet Club" on that Monday night of May 30 2005, I can explain to you the following:

I can't remember if I had seen Joran's friends.
PVDS 6-25

The intense need by Joran to place himself amongst many of his friends, and in front of surveillance cameras for the remainder of the night is evidenced in the following statements.



KELLY: For the life of me, I don't know, Greta. You know, this is someone who, the evening of the morning Natalee disappeared, he was with Joran the entire evening, you know, there at the Windham Hotel, the Aruba Grand, then over at the Radisson from, you know, 7:00 in the evening until 2:00 the next morning, they were out in his car and doing different things. And he certainly should have at least been a person of interest that they should have nailed down all the questions that they wanted to ask him back the beginning of June.,2933,196661,00.html


I asked Joran if he was on his way to the Wyndham hotel casino to play in the Texas Hold’m tournament. Joran told me he was on his way there. Around 20.30, Joran walked in to the Casa Blanca casino of the Wyndham hotel
June 20, 2005 - Andre Dos Santos


I met Andre and his dad at the Casino. Andre and myself stayed inside the casino and walked around until the tournament started. T he tournament started at 20.15 pm.
JVDS 6-14


I do remember that Joran walked in by himself. I walked up to Joran and I greeted him. I saw that Joran then registered to play Texas Hold’m poker. I must say that it lasted very long before the Tournament started

I saw that Joran played black-jack during this time. Three Card but I now no longer remember which of the two
June 20, 2005 - Andre Dos Santos

Meanwhile, Paulus is working on another portion of their problem, and learning about the timeliness of the effects on a person who has ingested drugs  


According to an ARUBAN Police report (available here; Thank You and Hat Tip to “klaasend”) analyzing the computer hardrive records of the Suspects VAN DER SLOOT home computer that was found during the June 15, 2005 search and seizure to be physically located inside the Suspects VAN DER SLOOT main home, someone logged onto the computer as Former Murder Suspect PAULUS VAN DER SLOOT, and logs into several Internet pages via separate Google image searches of the words “alcohol,” then “alcohol“ and “bear,” then “drugs.” Links clicked on to open were for alcohol and drugs, and an attorney’s site. Several computer-HTML images were also uploaded to the Suspects SLOOT’s computer hardrive into a file entitled, “alcohol.”

At this point Joran can simply relax. There is nothing more required of him that night, except to remain highly visible. The following is just simple corroboration of Joran making sure he was seen throughout the evening, and can be verified by friends and surveillance footage.


I was at a table with ten (10) people. At the beginning of the game everyone had to give their registration receipt to the "Dealer". Thirty (30) minutes later I had lost
JVDS 6-14


When I started Tournament I saw that Joran sat at another table to play poker. Joran did not play long because he was eliminated very early from this poker tournament
June 20, 2005 - Andre Dos Santos


I then went to play black jack for about 15 minutes. I had won U.S. 30...
JVDS 6-14


I went back to the poker game to play again. The second time I played poker I was in the game for about 1 hour. After an hour I had gone out
JVDS 6-14

Little did Joran know, his simple night of providing himself with an alibi was going to come to an abrupt halt with news that was forthcoming which would shock him into a panic...
Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!
Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Re: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on October 22, 2007, 04:21:13 PM
Here is part 5 of the series from Natalee's Freebirds:

In The Face of Evil ~ May 30, 2005
Crimes Committed Against Natalee Holloway ~ Part 5
Joran's only job the remainder of that night is keeping himself in the public eye, and that was brought to an abrupt halt by some unexpected news. The ensuing panic is evidenced in the actions of himself, Guido, and Deepak below.

The following actions by Joran, Deepak, and Guido indicate that 10:30 pm is when the van der Sloots were made aware of the Twitty's impending arrival on the island. This would be 1 hour before Charles Croes heard from his "major friend".

There is a person who could fit the bill of having notified the van der Sloots prior to the Twitty's arrival on Aruba, and that would be Mr Stamper, employee of Universal Aviation. The pilot of the plane the Twitty's were arriving on contacted some "handlers" working at the airport from the air, with a request for help, and giving them the information they knew at that point. That information included a description and the name "Joran".

Mr Stamper was one of those employees, and stuck with the Twitty's from their arrival time, up through the time a statement was taken from "The Holloway Group and Mr Stamper" by the authorities at the Noord police station at 2:50 am.  


I stayed and waited for Andre because he was also losing. In the meantime I had called Guido. Guido had told me that he was nearly finished. At approximately 22.30, Guido arrived at the Wyndham Casino.
JVDS 6-14


I saw that Joran walking around in the casino. I saw then that 'Guido WEAVER' came into the Casa Blanca casino of the Wyndham hotel and walked up to Joran. I no longer remember what time Guido WEAVER arrives at the casino.
June 20, 2005 - Andre Dos Santos

At this point, Joran is in a panic. He lets Guido in on what transpired with the missing Miss Holloway the prior night.


At approximately 22.30, Guido arrived at the Wyndham Casino. Guido and myself went for a circular walk.
JVDS 6-14


At approximately 22.30, Guido arrived at the Wyndham Casino. Guido and myself went for a circular walk. After that Guido and myself walked to his car. His car was in the parking lot of the Wyndham Hotel. After that we drove to the Aruba Grant so that I could cash in my chips at the cashier. These were the chips that I had won earlier. Because it had turned eight o'clock earlier I had been unable to ca sh my chips then.Guido and myself played black jack in the Aruba Grant Casino for about 45 minutes
JVDS 6-14

We surmise during this phone call, Joran made Deepak aware that the parents of Miss Holloway were approaching the island, and they agreed they needed to meet with each other to discuss it.


11:00 PM Before I finished working, I had called him again. He said that at that time he was in the casino of the “Radisson Hotel”. I said that I would come to where he was.

At about 23:00 hours, I called Joran again on his mobile phone using the telephone of my workplace. I asked him again how he was doing and what he was doing. Joran told me that he was in the Radisson casino together with Guido. I had told him that I would be coming to where he was. Joran asked me, are you going to come? I said to him, yes, I am going to come. After this I hung up the phone.

Later that night, when I called him around 23.00 hours he was in the "Radisson" casino.

Was this a slip of the tongue by Satish? Did Deepak really retrieve both Joran and Guido from the casino and either drive them around or sit in a parking lot someplace to talk things over?


I also picked him up at 23.00 hours.Yes, when we got home in the nightly hours of Monday May 30th 2005, Deepak told me that he would be going to the casino with Joran. Deepak left alone to pick up Joran to go to the casino. I went to sleep because I had to go to school the next day.
SATISH 6-10 second statement

and at 23.00 hours I had picked him up from work After I had picked him up from work, we drove home. When we had arrived at home my brother told me that Joran was waiting for him at the casino. My brother had not told me which casino. My brother then went to Joran in the casino.

Around 11 p.m. I picked my brother up from his work and we went home. When we arrived home my brother told me he was going to the casino because Joran was waiting there for him.


11:15 PM Satish came and picked me up from work at approximately 23:10 hours at my place of work. I had brought Satish home because he had school the following day and also because my mother had been angry because we had stayed out late that day and that Satish hadn't gone to school. I then went to the “Radisson Hotel”.
When I arrived there I met up with Joran, Guido and Andre. Joran was playing a poker tournament. I zat and watched. Joran was pretty inebriated that evening. We stayed there and played for about 2 hours after I arrived. I had arrived there at approximately 00;00 hours

Between 23:25 hours and 23:35 hours, we arrived home. Satish got out of the car and I got behind the steering wheel. After that I drove through town to the Raddison Casino.

Deepak has always expressed a concern with keeping his little brother out of the situation, and this tells us that concern began on the night of May 30th, after Deepak learned of the Twitty's impending arrival on the island.


Satish came and picked me up from work at approximately 23:10 hours at my place of work. I had brought Satish home because he had school the following day and also because my mother had been angry because we had stayed out late that day and that Satish hadn't gone to school. I then went to the “Radisson Hotel”.

At about 23:05 hours, my brother came and picked me up with my car. We then drove home. My brother was driving the car. We took the main road to our house. On the way home, I told Satish that Joran was at the casino and that i was going to meet him there. My brother wanted to come too. I told him he wasn't allowed to come, I also told him that he hadn't gone to school and that I didn't want any problems/trouble with my mother.



At the Aruba Grant I had won approximately U.S. 50,-. After that, at approximately 23.15 pm Guido and I arrived at the Radison Casino
JVDS 6-14

Joran, Guido and Deepak leave the area of the casinos and discuss this problem in Deepak's car - most likely with a phone call to Paulus.


Because Joran and Guido wanted to play a “live game”, they told me they went to Joran’s house to pick up money to gamble with
June 20, 2005 - Andre Dos Santos

Paulus, of course, had determined by the time he was arrested that all activities between 11:00 pm and 3:30 am that night would never reflect his actions.


Sebastian and Valentijn went to bed at their normal bedtime of approximately
21.00 hours. I myself turned in for the night at approximately 23.00 hours.
PVDS 6-23
Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!
Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Re: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on October 24, 2007, 05:03:33 PM
In The Face of Evil ~ May 30, 2005
Crimes Committed Against Natalee Holloway ~ Part 6
A telephone conversation by now, has taken place between Joran, Deepak, and Paulus to discuss their concerns about the swift arrival of the Twittys to Aruba, with Paulus reminding Joran and Deepak to stick with their Holiday Inn story they had devised earlier in the day.

Paulus tells the boys to go back into the casinos, stay in front of the video surveillance cameras, and make certain they are seen there.


Between 23:25 hours and 23:35 hours, we arrived home. Satish got out of the car and I got behind the steering wheel. After that I drove through town to the Raddison Casino.



I went to play poker. I was busy playing poker when I was called by Andre. He asked me where I was. I had told him that I was at the Radison Hotel. He told me he would come by there. Deepak had also asked me where I was. I told him that I was at the Radison Casino. Deepak told me that he would be there as soon as possible. At approximately 01.00 am Deepak came over to me. Andre was there too
JVDS 6-14


I saw that Joran and Guido then went outside. When Joran and Guido left I was still in the Texas Hold'm poker Tournament. I estimate that it was approximately 30 or 40 minutes after Joran and Guido left the Casa Blanca casino that I was eliminated from the poker tournament
June 20, 2005 - Andre Dos Santos

After I was eliminated, I called Guido and/or Joran on their mobile telephone. Guido has the mobile telephone with the number '5xxxxxx'. I asked to Joran and/or Guido where they were they told me they were at the casino at the Radisson hotel and would wait for me there. I told them that I would be there later. Approximately 30 minutes after I had spoken with Joran and/or Guido I left the casino at the Wyndham hotel and walked to the casino at the Radisson hotel. I estimate that the complete route lasted (10) minutes.
June 20, 2005 - Andre Dos Santos


I found Joran and Guido in the casino of the Radisson hotel and they were in a Texas Hold'm poker 'Live-Game'. I remained watching them gamble for a very long time. At some time I saw that 'Deepak' walk into the casino and came up to us
June 20, 2005 - Andre Dos Santos




I then went to the “Radisson Hotel”.

When I arrived there I met up with Joran, Guido and Andre. Joran was playing a poker tournament. I sat and watched. Joran was pretty inebriated that evening. We stayed there and played for about 2 hours after I arrived. I had arrived there at approximately 00;00 hours

At about 00:00 hours, I had arrived at the Raddison Hotel. I parked my car in the parking lot and walked to the casino. When I got inside, I saw that Joran was in the poker room and that he was playing at a table. I saw that Guido was seated at another poker table also playing poker, I had seen another friend Andre who was also in the poker room. I do not know the surname of Andre. Andre was not playing poker. At some moment in time Andre had come over to where I was and had greeted me. Andre asked me to come inside. I did go inside. I did not play, but did look at the cards of Joran and Guido.

Were these actions put into play deliberately by Joran? Did he follow Paulus' instructions very well and create this scene for the purpose of further solidifying an unbreakable alibi for the night?

At some given moment in time a tourist who was sitting at Joran's table got angry. The tourist thought that we were looking at the cards of other players and signaling/deciding for Joran when he should play or not. It lead to a disagreement between Joran and the tourist. The manager of the Radisson Casino came over and everything calmed down . I drank about four "whisky coke" gedronken in the Radisson Casino. I now that Joran drank more because the waiters were constantly bringing him drinks .I am not sure what he was drinking. His drinks were of a yellow colour. I think it was “whisky soda" or 'Whisky water".


After that, at approximately 23.15 pm Guido and I arrived at the Radison Casino. I went to play poker. I was busy playing poker when I was called by Andre. He asked me where I was. I had told him that I was at the Radison Hotel. He told me he would come by there. Deepak had also asked me where I was. I told him that I was at the Radison Casino. Deepak told me that he would be there as soon as possible. At approximately 01.00 am Deepak came over to me. Andre was there too. I was on a roll. I played for about another hour. At approximately 02.00 am I stopped playing.
JORAN 6-14

By this time Deepak and Joran were so anxious, they decided they needed to discuss the most recent events with Paulus. From the Radisson casino they drove to the van der Sloot home for a second meeting with Paulus that day.


At some time, I no longer remember the exact time, Guido, Joran and Deepak left the casino and I stayed behind. Approximately (1) one hour later, Guido returned because he had silver-plate US $100 =, chip. I no longer remember if Guido continued to gamble but I am certain that Joran did.
June 20, 2005 - Andre Dos Santos

This would have been right after the Universal Aviation employees had retrieved the license number from Deepak's car, while it was parked at the van der Sloot home.


At some time, I no longer remember the exact time, Guido, Joran and Deepak left the casino and I stayed behind. Approximately (1) one hour later, Guido returned because he had silver-plate US $100 =, chip. I no longer remember if Guido continued to gamble but I am certain that Joran did.
June 20, 2005 - Andre Dos Santos

This is most likely when Joran received the phone call from Paulus informing him the Twittys and law enforcement were at their home. Joran then invents an excuse to leave Andre, and he and Deepak travel to the van der Sloot home.

After Joran was done at the poker table he had won approximately US $400 = and cashed in the chips immediately. I walked to the bathroom and afterwards Joran also came into the bathroom but we spoke of nothing in particular. Then Joran and Deepak left because they wanted to play black-jack at a casino in Oranjestad.
June 20, 2005 - Andre Dos Santos


They did not tell me to which casino they would go. After Deepak and Joran were gone 'Guido WEAVER' and I went home (left).
June 20, 2005 - Andre Dos Santos

At approximately 02.30 am, Deepak and myself were walking to his car. He was there in his Honda Civic. The car was parked in the parking lot of the Radisson Hotel. Guido left to take Andre home.
We drove towards the Wyndham Casino
JVDS 6-14
This has simply been the best plausible sequence of events we have been able to generate, based on the suspects' words in police reports and media interviews, along with witness and investigator's statements.

Here is a brief recap of what the suspects own actions and words have led us to believe.

* 10:00 am - 4 suspects meet at Bubali police station, and meet at the van der Sloot pool thereafter

* 3:00 pm - Paulus makes a visit to the bank, and has 1 hour missing before arriving home

* 5:00 pm - Paulus takes Joran to the Racquet club wtih the gym bag containing evidence, and Joran meets with Koen to make arrangements for the boat - and they do not play tennis.

* 6:00 pm - Paulus makes his second trip to the Racquet Club to retrieve Joran and the gym bag, they then retrieve Miss Holloway's remains.

* 7:25 pm - Joran calls Deepak, triangulation of the cell phone records shows the location near the boat launch

* 8:15 - 8:30 pm - Paulus at home on the computer researching drugs, Joran at the Wyndham casino.

* 10:30 pm - The van der Sloots are aware the Twitty's are en route to Aruba on a privately chartered jet.

* 11:30 pm - Joran, Guido, and Deepak are in discussion in Deepak’s car in a casino parking lot.

* 2:00 am - Deepak, Joran and Guido leave the casino for one hour, Deepak's car is seen at 2:30 am at the van der sloot home .

As we close this series, we point out that others close to the investigation have also arrived at the exact same conclusion.


Joran had access to several boats, Mansur said, and could have used one of them to dispose of Natalee's body.

"Whatever happened to her, happened at Joran's apartment or at the beach to the north of the Marriott hotel," Mansur said. "The disposal of her body, we strongly believe, was masterminded by the father, who coached them by the pool at his home and drilled them in what they had to say and which story they had to cling to."


I just can't understand that three kids, you know, if they were involved in foul play, could have disposed of Natalee in such a way that we couldn't find her. So that leads me to believe that possibly there's other people involved in the case.


The dramatic new line of investigation revolves around the timeline of May 30, starting about 18 hours after Natalee vanished.

There are several unexplained missing hours during which authorities believe that her body was dumped at sea.

Former U.S. Secret Service agent Art Wood, who spent months on the island investigating the case, told The National Enquirer: "Joran told police that he played tennis with a friend during the evening hours. And the pal backed up his alibi.

"But when I investigated the Racquet Club I found that Joran had never played tennis there that night."


"The reason this case could still be solved is because there are so many people involved in Natalee's disappearance and in the disposal of her body. When somebody talks, they're going to all go down. This is like a house of cards."

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!
Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Re: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on November 09, 2007, 02:15:47 PM
Here is the latest from Natalee's Freebirds:

Dennis Jacobs ~ Lead Detective? Or Key Obstructionist?  

In the case of missing Alabama teen Natalee Holloway, the thought shared by her family and many others researching this case is that there was a collusion of the authorities on the island of Aruba to cover up this crime.

This thought was recently affirmed with the publishing of Beth Holloway’s book, in which she quoted the President of the Aruban Hotel and Tourism Association responding to a statement about a cover up having taken place:

Pesquera says to Beth stating there was a cover-up. "Yes...yes there was." (p. 194 Beth Holloway book Loving Natalee).

Over the past two and a half years, many have wondered how such a cover up could be so successful, and who were the key players in such collusion?

Dave Holloway tells us in his book about the manipulations that were done to his police statement regarding his hour-long meeting with Paulus van der Sloot.

I commented to Jacobs about how short my statement was.
He said that I could add anything I wanted to it. Also, I noticed that
Eric Soemers's name was on it, but that detective was not even present
during the interview. Now I wondered if Jacobs was making up everyone's
statement and getting Eric to sign on to them. If that were the case,
he could state anything he wanted, and it would look like an official
statement made in front of a witness.
Dave Holloway Aruba page 183

Beth Holloway tells us about her first statement given to Dennis Jacobs about her missing daughter, and the things she saw and heard the night she arrived on the island and met with the van der Sloots. She shares with us how Dennis Jacobs changed her statement to remove anything that could be harmful to the van der Sloots.

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: Correct. I was not needed on the 31st to give my statement. I went in June 1 approximately 10:00 AM and gave my statement. It was printed in Dutch. It was translated for me in English, and I signed it. The same day on June 1 at 10:00 PM, the same detective brought me two statements, one that I had signed...
GRACE: At 10:00 PM, an investigator finds you where?

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: In a restaurant.

GRACE: They come up to you in a restaurant and say?

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: I need you to sign this new statement. There was a change that had to have been made. Jug spoke with them. You know, Nancy, I was not able to make any type of decisions on what I was signing. I mean, something was presented before me. I`m looking for my daughter in a foreign country. What was I going to do?

GRACE: Was it in Dutch?

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: I had to go on good faith. Oh, yes. Absolutely.

GRACE: So after signing your statement once that afternoon, they seek you out at a restaurant...


GRACE: ... and ask you to re-sign a statement written totally in Dutch?


GRACE: And Jug quizzed them, saying?

GRACE: What are the changes? The changes were only supposed to have been a date.


BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: We found out about three weeks later that that statement that I signed on June 10 is not my statement. We were given that statement by an Aruban attorney sometime during the month of July and finally had it translated, and it is not my original statement.

GRACE: What was left out, Beth?

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: There were a lot of names that were left out, you know, just key elements as far as how Joran asked Jug and -- to leave the group before he admitted the sexual assaults that he committed against Natalee and -- and just a lot of things. You know, Paulus`s name -- I didn`t know anyone`s name. I didn`t know Charles Croes`s name, which is just ludicrous.

The steps Dennis Jacobs took to whittle down the content of Dave’s meeting with Paulus, and his addition of the not present Detective Soemer’s name to Dave’s statement, and the unbelievably bold steps he took to completely change Beth’s statement made us wonder.

What other statements did Dennis Jacobs manipulate?

What key elements could have been given by these various witnesses and suspects, that Dennis Jacobs may have tampered with?

Freddy Zedan
June 17, 2005
pages 6
writer: Dennis Jacobs/Eric Soemers
description: witness statement

Freddy Zedan Arrambatzis
July 20, 2005
pages 4
writer: Dennis Jacobs/Eric Soemers
description: witness statement

Freddy Alexander Arambatzis
February 10, 2006 17:15
pages 5
writer: Dennis Jacobs/Eric Soemers
description: interrogation of a suspect

Jaime Alberto Carrasquilla
August 30, 2005
pages 5
writer: Dennis Jacobs/Eric Soemers
description: witness statement

Stefany Mejia Cortes
August 23, 2005
pages 5 - attachments of photographs
writer: Dennis Jacobs/Eric Soemers
description: witness statement/complaint

Stefany Mejia Cortes
August 24, 2005
pages 3
writer: Dennis Jacobs/Eric Soemers
description: witness statement/complaint

Margaritha Dijkhoff - Van der Sloot maid - third statement
August 11, 2005
pages 3
writer: Dennis Jacobs/Eric Soemers
description: witness statement

Judith Geerman
July 29, 2005
page 1
writer: Dennis Jacobs/Eric Soemers
description: witness statement

Koen Gottenbos  
August 30, 2005 18:30
pages 3
writer: Dennis Jacobs/Eric Soemers
description: witness statement

Jose Anacleto Maduro
August 28, 2005
pages 5 - two photograph attachments
writer: Dennis Jacobs/Eric Soemers
description: witness statement by a prison inmate

Wilfred Benito Maduro
February 14, 2006 16:00
pages 3
writer: Dennis Jacobs/Eric Soemers
description: witness statement

Milangelo Jairo Ferdinand Marcano
September 10, 2005
pages 3
writer: Dennis Jacobs/Eric Soemers
description: witness statement

**Osman automotive Center employee statements

Osman Farouk Osman  
July 20, 2005
pages 4
writer: Dennis Jacobs/Eric Soemers
description: witness statement by an automotive Center employee

Osman Farouk Osman  
August 6, 2005
pages 2
writer: Dennis Jacobs/Eric Soemers
description: witness statement by an Automotive Center employee

Carmen Aurora Pacheco  
August 29, 2005
pages 3
writer: Dennis Jacobs/Eric Soemers
description: witness statement

Christopher Dangelo Peterson
September 10, 2005
pages 4
writer: Dennis Jacobs/Eric Soemers
description: witness statement

Amanda Portocarrero  
July 28, 2005
pages 2
writer: Dennis Jacobs/Eric Soemers
description: witness statement

Carlos Penata Ramos  
August 11, 2005
pages 1 - six attachments of boat crew list
writer: Dennis Jacobs/Eric Soemers
description: witness statement

Carlos Penata Ramos
August 16, 2005
pages 2
writer: Dennis Jacobs/Eric Soemers
description: witness statement

Franco S.P. Rivas  
August 24, 2005
pages 4
writer: Dennis Jacobs/Eric Soemers
description: witness statement

Leonardo Lopez Rivera - second statement
August 29, 2005
pages 3
writer: Dennis Jacobs/Eric Soemers
description: witness statement

***Dennis Jacobs same patsey that he used on Dave's statement is attached to this statement. Who really took this statement from Paulus and Anita van der Sloot?

Paul Van der Sloot and Anita Van der Sloot  
December 5, 2006
pages 1
writer: Eric Soemers  
description: witness statement

May 31 DEEPAK Dennis Dominico JACOBS and Shaniro Baldrik KELLY

May 31 SATISH Dennis Dominico JACOBS

June 16 SATISH,JORAN Dennis Dominico Jacobs, Juan Enrique Boezem, Luigi Angelo Giovanni Croes

June 30 SATISH  Dennis Dominico JACOBS and Haydee Azucena NADAL

July 03 SATISH Dennis Dominico JACOBS and Haydee Azucena NADAL

June 5 A.JONES Dennis Dominico JACOBS, Jonathan Patrick ORMAN

June 17 JAMIE Carrasquilla Luigi Angelo Giovanni CROES. Dennis Dominico JACOBS

June 20 ANDRE Dos Santos Dennis Dominico JACOBS and Luigi Angelo Giovanni CROES

July 08 Solvert Reneska (SG) Dennis Dominico JACOBS and Zoraida Megaly de CUBA

August 11 WERLEMAN Dennis Dominico JACOBS and Eric Louis SOEMERS

June 9 JORAN  Dennis Domenico JACOBS, Luigi Angelo Giovanni CROES
June 10 JORAN  Dennis Dominico Jacobs and Luigi Angelo Giovanni Croes
June 14 JORAN Dennis Domenico JACOBS and Luigi Angelo Giovanni CROES
June 16 SATISH,JORAN Dennis Dominico Jacobs, Juan Enrique Boezem and Luigi Angelo Giovanni Croes
June 24 JORAN (2nd statement) Dennis Domenico JACOBS and Luigi Angelo Giovanni CROES

*What answers could this victim’s family have received had someone other than Dennis Jacobs handled these key suspects and witnesses?

*What truths were hidden by Dennis Jacobs that could have helped this grieving family, and brought justice for the crimes against their beloved Natalee?

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!
Natalee’s Freebirds

Title: Re: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on November 13, 2007, 01:47:39 PM
Here is the latest from Natalee's Freebirds:


The Judicial Courts in Holland allowed conflicts of interest to run rampant through the Aruban courts in favor of Paulus and Joran van der Sloot.

Much has been said about the incompetence and corruption by the Aruban Prosecutor and Police Department in failing to bring justice in the Natalee Holloway case, but the Dutch Judicial system bears equal responsibility. The Dutch judges rulings in favor of the van der Sloot family reek of a good ole boy system that is hell bent on protecting their own nationality over foreigners who innocently get trapped in their criminal justice system.


The courts in all of the Netherland Antilles are managed and executed from Holland, where judges are sent to the islands to preside over the judicial proceedings of Aruba, Curacao, and Bonaire. Paulus van der Sloot, father of the prime suspect in Natalee Holloway’s disappearance, was a judge-in-training in this very judicial system, working alongside and making the acquaintance of the judges in the Dutch system. Indeed, it has been reported that some of these judges were very close friends outside the official duties of the courts.

NANCY GRACE October 4, 2005

GRACE: … Jossy, regarding the connection, what I perceived to be a close connection between the judge, Paulus Van Der Sloot and the retired chief of police who initially handled Natalee`s case, Van Der Stratten, were they friends?

MANSUR:Of course, they were friends. It stands to reason they were friends because Paul Van Der Sloot had many friends within the police department; he had many friends within the Department of Justice. And he had many friends with -- and he was friendly with all the judges in Aruba. He worked out of the same office as they did and did the same work.

Such a close working relationship with the Dutch judges during his training created an obvious conflict of interest when his son, and he himself, became implicated in the disappearance and very possible murder of Natalee Holloway. The Dutch Judicial system in Holland should have recognized such an obvious hazard to justice but chose to do nothing, allowing friends and acquaintances of van der Sloot to preside over the court hearings of both Paulus and his son.

The outcome of the judges’ rulings in the Natalee Holloway case have cast a dark shadow over the Dutch judicial system. It should be noted that Paulus van der Sloot was also arrested in the case for conspiracy to commit murder, and these same judges ruled on his case as well. The end result, as one might expect, is that both van der Sloots were freed from prosecution. It is apparent from all the rulings in the case that the Dutch cannot police their own, justice be damned.


Two weeks into the the court process in this case, the Arubans announce that they were going to use Dutch judges from Curacao to make all of the court rulings so as to avoid a conflict of interest. The judges would be flown into Aruba to court hearings concerning Paulus van der Sloot, Joran an der sloot, Deepak Kalpoe, Satish Kalpoe and any others the prosecutor and police arrested.

We now know this was nothing but a charade. Bringing in the Dutch judges from Curacao was no different than using Aruban judges. There aren't that many judges on the islands, and they all work closely together within the same judicial circlies. Paulus van der Sloot trained under the Curacao judges just as he did those in Aruba and it has been reported that at least one of them stayed at his home while visiting the island.

The islands are closely located geographically and all work under the same Dutch court system. Why the judicial authorities in Holland didn't recognize this and demand a team of un-attached judges rule on such a high profile case is highly questionable.


Joran van der Sloot was arrested on June 9, 2005 and a search warrant was issued for a complete search of the Van der Sloot residence and property five days later on June 14th. When the prosecution and police teams arrived to search the home they were met at the door by Dutch judge Robert Wit who summarily change the search warrant on the spot to exclude the Van der Sloot main residence and grounds, limiting the search only to Joran’s small apartment in the back of the house.

Judge Wit blocked the search of the van der Sloot residence even though he knew through Joran's police statements that he said he was in the main house in the early morning hours when he returned home after supposedly dropping Ms. Holloway off.
In other words, Judge Wit ignored testimony by a key suspect to obstruct the collection of evidence from the suspect's residence.  

Joran was arrested twice and his father was arrested once in the first month of the investigation. The main residence of the Van der Sloot home was never searched after either of these arrests.

Beth Twitty  
FOX NEWS LIVE DESK with Martha MacCallum - Nov. 28/06

BETH: Well I think they will always have to look at there were two personnel involved from the Aruban Justice Department and that is why we don’t have any evidence and that’s what Joran’s attorney will have to be reminded of. It’s because of Bob Witt and Ben King stopped the search warrants. It was made to initially search the entire area of Montanja 19 the garden, the buildings and everything but on the spot high ranking employee of the Justice Office Bob Witt reduced the search warrant to only the room of Joran so that’s why we don’t have any evidence because of involvement of the obstruction from the Aruban Justice Department personnel.

Judge Wit did this knowing that Joran had given statements that he was in the main house the night and morning Natalee Holloway went missing, and there may have been evidence to be obtained within. Judge Wit was assisted by Ben Vocking, a high ranking official in the Aruba Prosecutor’s office who had taken a leave of absence to take care of his friend Paulus van der Sloot during his “time of need.”


VAN SUSTEREN: What about the search of the van der Sloot property? Was that ever done, and was, you know--including, sort of, the cabana area where Joran lives?

DE VRIES: Well, the search in the home address of the family Van der Sloot was very strange because the search warrant was made by head prosecutor Karin Janssen, and contained an allowance to search the whole address, “Montanja nineteen.” So, the gardens, the buildings--everything. But, when the police was on the spot, another high-ranking employee of the Justice office--it was Mr. Bob Witt--reduced the search warrant to only the room of Joran--and that was very strange.


DEVRIES: Yes the police missed several changes to do things right: when they wanted to search the house the door was opened by Mr. Ben King, an assistant of the Procurements Gen. office, the highest justice-office on the island, and a friend of the family who wanted to support the VdSloots in these difficult times… So clearly the search of the house hadn’t been a surprise to the VdSloots. And the police had a warrant for the complete estate but a judge - Bob Wit - who was at the house as well said only Joran's room could be searched.

These are things a Dutch crime-reporter is of course totaly astonished about. Justice Department official Ben King, who later admitted to the media that he was a close friend of Paulus Van der Sloot, claimed he was on vacation and therefore not acting on behalf of the Justice department. It was King who personally informed the search team they could only search the small apartment of Joran Van Der Sloot, located in the back yard of the property just behind the main residence, when they arrived.

Also present at the Van Der Sloot residence was Dutch Judge Bob Witt from Curacao, who was one judge presiding over the case. It should be noted that Paulus Van der Sloot was a Dutch judge-in-training at the time of Natalee Holloway’s disappearance.

By limiting the search of the van der Sloot residence and property, Judge Wit obstructed justice by inhibiting the collecting of evidence and should be removed from the bench, and charged with this crime, before he causes even more damage within the Dutch judicial system.

We will also note here that two innocent black security guards were arrested for the crime four days before Joran was detained. The judge did not limit the search when they were paraded before the media while the Prosecutor and Police ransacked their full residences. The two guards were later released but not before the Dutch judge had made sure their lives were made miserable.

How ironic that the Dutch judges had no consideration for two black security guards who were arrested for a crime they had nothing to do with, and yet had time to block the search of a fellow white Dutch compatriot whose son, Joran van der Sloot, is still to this day the main suspect in the disappearance and murder of Natalee Holloway.


Under Dutch law it is optional for a judge to attend the search of a suspect's house. We found no evidence one had been present at the security guards' homes when they were raided. Yet, we find Judge Bob Wit not only attending the search of the van der sloot home but already in the house when the search team arrives, destroying any element of surprise the authorities may have gained.

At the van der Sloot residence with Judge Wit was a high ranking official of the Aruba Prosecutor's office, Ben Vocking, who served as the Head of the Department of Prosecutor Support. The Prosecutor, Karin Jannsen at the time, is the very person who called for a search warrant so it is safe to assume both Judge Bob Wit and Ben Vocking had inside information into the search and many other aspects of the case. Vocking had taken a leave of absence the day after Natalee Holloway disappeared to be with his friend Paulus van der Sloot in his time of need. Clearly this is yet another conflict of interest between the government and the suspect in the case, Joran van der Sloot.

But the fact that Judge Bob Wit was at the home with government official Ben Vocking when the search party arrived raises even deeper questions about collusion between the judiciary and goverment. Certainly a judge does not go to a home and greet the suspects and inform them of an impending search before the authorities arrive. This would go against the grain of any effective investigation and curry favor to the suspect. Should the judge have not been with the Prosecutor and Police when they arrived at the house? Why was Judge Bob Wit already in the house?

All of this suggests collusion between a Dutch judge and a high ranking official from the Aruba Prosecutor's office to obstruct justice in the Natalee Holloway case.


In a hearing on June 1, 2005 Dutch judge Rick Smid ruled there was sufficient evidence to keep Joran van der Sloot in detention for an additional 30 days. Then in a baffling move, he flies back to Curacao and faxes in a reversal of the ruling he’d made only a few hours earlier, freeing van der Sloot from jail. Within three days Joran van der Sloot was on an airplane for Holland, and to make sure van der Sloot would never face prosecution, the judges gave Joran and the Kalpoe brothers immunity from ever being questioned again about this case.

September 1, 2005

The judge in the case issued two rulings: In the first, he agreed with prosecutors' request to extend the period of van der Sloot's pretrial detention by 30 more days.

But later Thursday, the judge issued another ruling that sided with the defense — an order to immediately suspend the execution of his earlier pretrial detention order.

NANCY GRACE September 13, 2005

GRACE: What was the grounds? Why did they release them?

TWITTY: You know, Nancy, there was absolutely no -- no grounds for them to be released. And I spoke with the Dutch interrogators. And even as of September the 1st, things were really progressing well, and Joran and Deepak and Satish, they had -- these young men had divided, and they were not denying a crime anymore. They were merely implicating each other. And the list of inconsistencies was presented before Judge Smit. The reasonable doubt was there. I don`t have any idea why he fled the island and then faxed a reversal decision. It just is incredible.

Judge Rick Smid was well aware at the time of his ruling that in their police statements Joran and the Kalpoe brothers differed on key events that supposedly occurred that night. Joran had told five different stories about how he got home that night, none of them agreeing with the Kalpoes’ account. Joran had also said in one of his statements that Deepak murdered Natalee and buried her on the beach near the Fishermen’s Huts, a statment that Deepak vehemently denied. One of the suspects even admitted to police interrogators that "Something bad happened to Natalee." the night she disappeared.

Monday, November 21, 2005

They themselves admitted to police during interrogations that something bad happened to Natalee while she was with them, without specifying what ‘something bad’ was! That they admitted to committing sexual abuse against her. ??It is not extensive that the judge who presided over the case and decided that some things were inadmissible. He could be the best judge in the world, but in this case, he made light of and greatly neglected to pay attention to the three suspects’ admissions, since he didn’t even interrogate them about what was left hanging in the air, such as the declaration of Joran at the beach that he believes that Deepak raped and killed Natalee! How did this matter end there? How were the other accusations and counter-accusations among the three suspects not evaluated for their just content?

In essence, there were many differences in the three suspects’ stories which would indicate one or more of them were guilty of the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, but Judge Smid chose to ignore these discrepancies. He also used an obscure ruling from the Ponson case that stated Joran’s eduction was of utmost importance—moreso than the murder investigation—which allowed Joran to flee the island and opened the door for the judges from Curacao to land the final blow on the case by lifting all restrictions against the main suspects.

In another move on behalf of Paulus van der Sloot and his son Joran, at the end of July, 2005 Judge Rick Smid ordered the DNA taken from the three main suspects destroyed. Joran van der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers remain the three main suspects to this day, with Joran being considered the prime suspect.

Judge Rick Smid is a pox on the Dutch judicial system and should be removed from office. The damage he and Judge Bob Wit did to the Natalee Holloway case is unfathomable, and both of these judges should be punished for their actions.

Furthermore the top judicial officials in Holland should start an investigation as to why these judges who were friends and acquaintances of Paulus van der Sloot were allowed to rule on the court proceedings for both he and his son.


Three weeks after Judge Smid released Joran under the obscure Ponson rule (which originall applied to a baseball player's right to get an eductaion, a crime nowhere as serious as rape and murder) a panel of three judges released all restrictions on Joran van der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers. They were all free to leave the island and never had to return for questioning by the police interrogators again. These judges also knew of the conflicting stories between Joran Van der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers but totally ignored them in spite of the fact they suggest guilt.

Monday, October 1, 2005

Did the judge who came from Curacao probably plan take the decisions he took, spoiled the case? With all due respect for the position you have taken, have you seen what happened???The case was resolved in phases the same judge planned: first release Paul v.d. Sloot , then he came back to release the Kalpoe brothers and the third phase he executed now when came to set Joran free because Joran expressed his wish to continue his studies. ??I have similarly not made any accusations of any sort against the Kalpoe brothers; what I have repeated is what can be found in the Polis reports where they started pointing the fingers one against the other! It is in these three phases here that Americans see the corruption of our justice system.

With the ruling in Curacao, the Dutch judges had now accomplished their mission of denying justice to Natalee Holloway and her family. These biased rulings have de-railed the case the Holloway case and smack of corruption among all the Dutch juges in the Netherland Antilles.



*Why did Dutch officials in Holland not recognize such an obvious conflict of interest in their renegade judges’ ruling for one of their co-workers and friends?

*Why didn’t Dutch judicial officials in Holland immediately send in a team of unbiased judges who had no working or recreational relationship with Paulus van der Sloot?

*Why did the Dutch judiciary sit back and allow a limited search of the van der Sloot residence when they knew from his statements that Joran was in the main house that night?

* Why would a Dutch judge team up with a member of the Prosecutor's office to prevent a search if he did not have inside information into the case against one of his co-workers?

*Why did the Prosecutor's office allow Ben Vocking, a high ranking member of their own staff with inside information into the case, to take work leave in order to assist the suspects in the case?

*If Paulus and Joran van der Sloot were innocent of any crime as they claim, why would a Dutch judge and a high ranking member of the Prosecutor's office be needed to intervene in a search of their residence?

*Why did Judge Rick Smid release all three of the main suspects from further questioning when he knew very well their stories didn’t match up?

*When will the Dutch right the obvious wrongs that have taken place in the Natalee Holloway case and curb the damage they have done to their judiciary system in the world of public opinion?

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!
Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Re: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on January 11, 2008, 10:38:45 AM

When questioned about a cover up taking place, Jorge Pesquera, then President of Aruba's AHATA replied,

"Yes...yes there was." (p. 194 Beth Holloway book Loving Natalee).

Now that the criminal case against the 3 main suspects in Natalee Holloway's disappearance has been closed by Aruban officials, perhaps it is time for Prime Minister Nelson Oduber to make good on his intentions.

On November 9 of 2005, Nelson Oduber stated that he would like an "investigation into the investigation" conducted. He reiterated this intent in late January of 2006.

We agree it is high time for such an investigation.

With the numerous questionable and downright unethical activities of law enforcement, judiciary members, and government officials - Miss Holloway's fellow U.S. citizens request the documented facts that show who played key roles in "making mistakes" in this investigation.

From the detectives involved, to the initial prosecutor handling differing suspects and witnesses in different manners, to the judges ruling inconsistently and in a biased manner - we agree with Aruba's Prime Minister, in that there is definite cause for an in-depth look into these actions.

Greta Van Susteren - April 13
Professor from the Netherlands

“The investigation doesn't strike me as an example of professionalism. The investigation from the onset was somewhat bungled.”


ORANJESTAD(AAN): Dutch criminal law experts recently expressed big criticism about the Aruban police investigation into the disappearance of Natalee Holloway
They call the investigation methods strange and unprofessional.

“It is incomprehensible that police, after an important tip about the location of Natalee Holloway’s body, to not go search immediately.” ~ criminal law scholar of the University of Amsterdam, Menno Dolman

“This is very strange. Normally the area is closed off immediately, to dig and search for clues, but not in Aruba”. ~ legal psychologist, Peter van Koppen

“Total madness. “This is a total error” ~ criminal law expert of the University of Leiden, Hans Nijboer

“The media is the last option for investigators, you do not give out information that only the guilty could know.” ~ criminal law scholar of the University of Amsterdam, Menno Dolman

Aruba’s prime minister believes that authorities made mistakes at the start of the investigation of the Natalee Holloway case. ~ Ruben Trapenberg, Aruban Government Spokesperson


The Premier also made the promise that when the Holloway investigation ends, to bring an investigation into finding out what and how things went wrong.
posted by Getagrip @ 11/10/2005 12:45:00 AM

Jan 23, 2006

Oduber wants the discrepancies
in the Holloway-case be investigated

ARUBA -- After the Holloway-case is closed, Prime Minister Nelson Oduber (MEP) wants a thorough investigation be conducted on the course of everything that had to do with the investigation on the disappeared American teenager, especially the begin phase. He thinks that mistakes were made especially in this phase

*Will Prime Minister stand true to his own words?

*Will he finally authorize an unbiased agency to conduct an investigation into the persons and activities associated with this case?

*Will Aruba open their dossier to a competent investigative team for all the world to see what “mistakes” were made and by whom?

Prime Minister Nelson Oduber has made numerous differing statements about his true feelings about Natalee Holloway, her family, and his country’s investigation into her disappearance.

*Will the world finally be able to see if Aruba's Prime Minister is a man of his word?

*Does he finally realize that coming clean with the truth about this investigation will be the first step in repairing Aruba’s damaged tourism numbers?

"We've been working 50 years, day and night, to build up tourism," Oduber said last week.,2933,160064,00.html

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!
Natalee’s Freebirds

Title: Re: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on January 23, 2008, 02:33:08 PM
Here is the latest from Natalee's Freebirds:




1. Joran: "Totally Fiction"  

VAN SUSTEREN: … Never been an anger issue?
VAN DER SLOOT: No. Never. No.
VAN SUSTEREN: That's just all made up?
VAN SUSTEREN: Totally — totally fiction?
VAN DER SLOOT: Totally made up.
VAN DER SLOOT: Totally fiction.

2. Joran: "Nothing Further from the Truth"  

Page 4/5 - At the time I was under the guidance/treatment of a psychiatrist. According to statements in the media I had to go there because I supposedly had a violent temper problem, that I was beating up my mother and my brothers, but nothing could be further from the truth.


1. Joran cannot be challenged.

At the end of the Pauw & Witteman program, Van der Sloot and De Vries had a testy exchange in which Van der Sloot questioned whether De Vries would "be man enough" to apologize if evidence exonerating him came to light.
The live show ended with guests shaking each others' hands. Van der Sloot stood up, then abruptly grabbed a glass of wine and leaned across the table to toss the contents directly in De Vries' eyes at a moment when the reporter was looking down. That segment was broadcast Saturday night by a different news program, Nova.
Credit: Hotshot - Scared Monkeys

2. Joran demands attention.  

The suspect was asked to take off his shoes. The suspect looked for support from his lawyer, they did not look at him however and he starts to write. He once again made an urgent request, with a slap on table.

3. Joran must not be annoyed.

On your question if I was with Joran in the carnivals season when there was an incident, I will explain to you the following: Yes I was with him on that day. On that day there was a parade in Oranjestad. We stood on the bridge at the Wilhelmina Park. That moment a druggie came to us. Joran had given him . The druggie had thrown it on the ground and started annoying us. Joran had called the police force that stood near. The police force had removed the druggie. After a while the druggie returned and started annoying us. He had grabbed Satish at its hand and wanted with him fight. At that moment Joran grabbed him and threw him off the bridge into the water.

4. Joran is a disturbed/sick individual.  

If you want to find out what happened to the girl and where she is, you have to be with Joran van der SLOOT Joran van der SLOOT is a disturbed/sick person, he has admitted that he is in the care of a psychologist and that he hits his brother. If the police wants more information about Natalee, then you have to be with Joran. He was the last person with the girl, that I can guarantee.

5. Joran is an admitted thief and liar.  

Page 4/5 - I was undergoing treatment at the psychiatrist, once every five weeks I had to go there, because I had stolen money from my mother and father and had lied about that. I used to lie about a lot of things in those days and I talked to the psychiatrist about that too.

6. Anita van der Sloot: "Problems with Joran are ongoing."  

Page 120/121 - On that same day we went to Joran's home after he called us and told us he was ready at the police. We went to his house around 9 PM. There we found Joran's mother and father in the room. Joran's mother said: “Hello guys come in, I have to rap on your fingers because you are having problems again. With that she meant that a week prior we had a fight at Carlos and Charlies. I had an argument with a guy and the police had come. Joran's mother said: “The last half year Joran is having problems all the time, a few months ago he pushed a guy through a window of the cinema. When that happened i did not know Joran yet. His mother also said that Joran is always in the casinos and that they as parents had not raised him like that. "And now you are in trouble again.

7. Joran is aggressive and destructive.  

I can give you a list of the problems that Joran has. He himself has said he had stolen money from his mother. He also says that if his brothers go into his room he beats them. Joran has completely beaten up a guy at Bahia, because according to him the guy had told something about him to the headmaster that was not true. Joran has destroyed more car front windows then any drug dealer on the island. Sometimes when we are out he says: Lets go! If we ask him what is going on he says he has smashed in a front window of a car.

8. Joran is a vandal, thief, troublemaker and defies the law.  

Page 135 - He also has admitted that he has stolen property from tourists several
times. He goes to the casino's since he was 16. Everywhere where he sees a
fire alarm he has to put it on. He has performed a lot of vandalism in
several hotels

9. Joran obstructs justice.

Page 225 - Joran is woken at 7:00am for a drug test. He says, "Cell mates quickly provide me with a little bag of urine from someone who had never blowed before. In front of the guard i need to pull the little bag out of my zipper and deposit the content into a small container. I'm very nervous, but i manage to do it. Results are negative. Only two people in the youth department of KIA received severe detention for the use of marihuana, the rest all tested negatively since they used the urine of the boy who had never blowed“

10. I do not realize my own strength!  

Page 233 - Joran is confronted with a statement by inmate Jose, saying that he and Joran had been in a fight. Joran says it was not a fight, only that he had 'hooked back strongly' on Jose during a soccer match, causing him to fall to the ground.

11. Joran's thoughts turn to violence.

Deepak: That scholarship of yours. Byeeeeeeee. You can forget it.
Joran: Yeah, by who? By you, +++++. You know well that you did bad, otherwise you wouldn't lie.
Brothers: aaiaaieaaieeaiee!
Joran: I should have killed you, +++++. Shut your trap.

12. So There!  

Joran: And also the two guards (the two security guards who were detained the first time?_ guaranteed me that they will kill you when you get out of prison.

13. Joran steals, destroys and lashes out.

Before the girl went missing I was also under treatment of a psychologist. This was because I had taken 50 euro's from my dad and also took money from my mother and I used my brothers mobile phone without asking for permission and after that I had broken the chip from his mobile phone. I also once fought with my brother in Miami ...

14. Joran is forced to take Yoga classes. Why?

ANITA VAN DER SLOOT: ... And he's just, like, Well, Mom, it's not so bad in here, but if I'm not here, and I'm thinking about you all the time and I'm praying and I'm meditating, because that's something that he went to yoga classes for a while. Of course, he was 16 then, so for him, it was, like, Why do I have to go to yoga?

15. Joran is not a gracious loser.

He is known to be very aggressive at times.. Joran that is. At one time he would play domino at a golf course and suddenly start kicking cactus around..

16. Joran's angry nature goes way back.

KOSINSKI (voice-over): … The prison director, Fred Maduro, used to work with Van Der Sloot’s father and knew Joran as a boy. (on camera): Is it strange to see him in this environment?
MADURO: Yes, strange in a way, in another way, not, because of his temperament. When he doesn’t get his way, he gets very angry. I know that before, that already he was a very angry person.
KOSINSKI: And did you see some of his temper here in prison?
MADURO: In beginning, yes, with the policemen. But then, afterwards, the policemen really rough him up.
KOSINSKI: And he says Van Der Sloot got into a fight with another inmate.
MADURO: and he kicked a guy, and then he kept kicking in the same place. So, Joran’s pretty big. So, but the guy is small, but smaller than he is. But the guy (INAUDIBLE) hit him in the eye.

17. Joran's parents: "We have no control".

In the first half-hour, Beth listened as Joran's parents lavished praise on their son, though they eventually admitted they had been having trouble with him. According to Beth, the van der Sloots acknowledged that Joran had been seeing a psychiatrist. "Anita told me that," Beth says. "She was saying they were beginning to have trouble with Joran [for a] defiant attitude. The father acknowledged they could not control him. He would sneak out, go gambling, in the pre-dawn hours. They had no control over him."

18. FBI Profile: Joran controls his family.

Moreover, Dompig says, this summer F.B.I. profilers completed a detailed psychological evaluation. "He struck us, and the F.B.I., as a guy who can make you believe he's God's gift to mothers-in-law," Dompig says. "But if you look at his actions, he's anything but. The F.B.I. profiled him as a person who never has been corrected by his parents. He's the boss of what happens in that house. He's the boss in the family. He is allowed to do anything.… If a person like that is in a position where a person says, 'No,' well, that person may change completely. Maybe he blew a fuse when she wouldn't have sex with him, and something happened."

19. Joran's mother is not exempt from his temper.

MADURO: When he doesn‘t get his way, he gets—he gets very angry, and he even slap his mother—no, not really hit her, but used a lot of bad language.

20. FBI Profile: Joran has a sociopathic personality.

COURIC: So does Dompig think that these three individuals ... these three mena are guilty of the crime? Did he go that far because obviously it is one thing to have that belief and another thing to have sufficient evidence to prove it in a court of law.
BURROUGH: Not only are they the only suspects, but an FBI profile has led to a conclusion on Dompigs part and the FBI that the young man who is at the center of the case, Mr van der Sloot, has a sociopathic personality that would make him a prime suspect. So clearly they believe that's where the answers lie. It is just a question of finding evidence to back it up.

21. Proclivity: predisposition, tendency, proneness  

February 16, 2006
Summons and Complaint
Elizabeth Ann Twitty and Dave Edward Holloway
vs. Joran van der Sloot and Paulus van der Sloot.
14 Joran’s proclivities, at a young age, were known to both of his parents, Paulus Van der Sloot and wife, Anita.
15. As recently as May 2005, Joran was receiving psychological counselling for his problems.

22. Joran's way or else!  

CLINT VAN ZANDT, FORMER FBI INVESTIGATOR: Yes, I mean, Dan, the tape of Joran sitting there in boxer shorts, throw it away. Who cares? You know it‘s one more person in prison. What counts is what you just pointed out. Here is someone who comments on someone who has a significant anger management problem. When he doesn‘t get his way, he loses his temper. He gives his mother grief. He curses at her. He‘s had fights inside the jail. He‘s had arguments and fights with police officers. I mean, you know, does this make him guilty of anything? No, but it suggested this is someone who doesn‘t handle his anger well. He doesn‘t handle rejection well. He wants his way and if he doesn‘t get it, he perhaps goes physical.

23. Physical violence is Joran's first reaction to a contentious situation.  

VAN DER SLOOT: ... He knew that things were wrong, but — and the girl was missing. But he repeated, She will appear somewhere. And if she does, I'll kick her butt in front of her mom because she brought all of us in trouble. That's what he repeated several times.


"Your Honor, we believe the evidence speaks for itself. Given the history of Joran's past uncontrolled behavior, one needs only to imagine what might have happened to Natalee on the night she said no to Joran."  


You be the Judge!  

Natalee and her family deserve justice - and we will not let up until they have it!
Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Re: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on February 01, 2008, 05:58:33 PM
Here is the latest from Natalee's Freebirds:

The Deposit That Wasn't

What Was Paulus van der Sloot Really Doing at the Bank?

May 30th 2005 – Paulus van der Sloot stated he made two separate trips to the bank, for the purpose of depositing Joran’s gambling winnings from the night before.

How could Paulus have deposited Joran’s winnings from the night before?

Joran had not won any monies the previous night – he had lost.

Could Paulus have simply tried to use a “deposit” as his excuse for being gone from work on May 30 2005 at around 10:00 am?

Could he have read an official statement given to police by Andre Dos Santos about Joran’s winnings from May 30th, and tried to confuse the issue by saying Joran had won that money on May 29th instead – thus giving himself a plausible reason for going to the bank on May 30th at 3:30 pm?

Paulus was arrested 3 days after Andre gave his statement to authorities, and according to Aruban attorney David Kock, defense attorneys were receiving such statements within 3 or 4 days of them being given.

Did Paulus use information from Andre’s statement to then mislead investigators about his true reason for being at the bank and speaking with Ruth Dijkhoff at 3:30 pm on May 30th?



Joran Statement
June 9, 2005

On Sunday, I do not remember the date any more, I went at approximately 16.00 hours, to the "Excelsior Casino" at the Holiday Inn Hotel to play "Texas Hold'm poker". (with this the suspect is talking about May 29th 2005). I went with my father named "Paul van der SLOOT" to the casino. I went to play "Texas Hold'm Poker" with my father. It is a poker game in which you get 7 cards and you have to make a card combination with your best (5) cards. You get 500 U.S. $ of fake money and with this money you play. I was done sooner than my father and I went and hung around in the casino. When it was half time of the game my father wanted to go home to go and babysit my ten year old brother. At my father's request I sat in for him and played "Texas Hold'm poker. I am not sure as to when half time was but I think it was between 19.00 and 20.00 hours. I kept on gambling until I lost too.



Andre Statement
June 20, 2005

RADISSON HOTEL: Where Joran “won” on May 30th

I remained watching them gamble for a very long time. At some time I saw that "Deepak" walk into the casino and came up to us. At some time, I no longer remember the exact time, Guido, Joran and Deepak left the casino and I stayed behind. Approximately (1) one hour later, Guido returned because he had silver-plate US $100 =, chip. I no longer remember if Guido continued to gamble but I am certain that Joran did. After Joran was done at the poker table he had won approximately US $400 = and cashed in the chips


Paulus Statement
June 18, 2005

You are asking me whether I asked Joran for Guido's phone-number. I did indeed do that to verify with Guido if Joran had truly won third place at the Holiday Inn Tournament. Joran had told me he had won third place, he said he had won 150$ and had exchanged these into Aruban Florin. I had my doubts because he hadn't told me he had won the money immediately after winning it. I spoke with Guido at the “Raquet Club” and he told me Joran did indeed win third or fourth place.


Paulus Statement
June 23, 2005

To your question if I tell you all the things I did on that Monday the 30th of May 2005, I can state the following. I went to work. The exact time I cannot remember but I think it was approximately 08.00 hours. I can also remember that around 10.00 hours I went to the C.M.B. bank. There were long cues at the bank so I left without having made any transaction and went back to work.

I left my workplace at approximately 15.00 hours. I arrived at the bank at approximately 15.30. I had gone to the C.M.B. bank that is situated in Noord.

To your question whether I went to the bank without stopping or going anywhere else, I can state the following. I at least cannot remember having been anywhere else. I think I went directly to the bank. At the bank I talked to Ruth DIJKHOFF. At the bank I deposited the money that Joran said that he had won in the “Free Tournament in the Holiday Inn” on the 29th of May 2005. It was approximately 500 Aruban guilders. Joran had given me 100 guilders because he had taken over my place in the tournament.

These inaccuracies make us question the real reason Paulus was at the CMB Bank on Monday May 30th at 3:30 pm, for he certainly was not depositing any gambling winnings of Joran's.

*What, then, was the real transaction that occurred at that bank at 3:30 pm?
*Was a withdrawal made by Paulus?

*If it was an irrelevant transaction, why hide it from investigators?

Unfortunately Ruth Dijkhoff can't tell us what transaction she helped Paulus van der Sloot with at the bank that day, as she was dead two weeks later.

*Were any bank records subpoenaed by the Aruban prosecutor's office?

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!
Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Re: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on February 08, 2008, 03:57:51 PM
The latest from Natalee's Freebirds:

Joran: "Things seem to be going even better than I hoped."  



Peter de Vries program secretly videotaped Joran van der Sloot with
Patrick van der Eem who befriended Joran, and in the secret recordings Joran describes in detail the most horrific crime he committed against Natalee Ann Holloway in Aruba in the early morning hours of May 30, 2005.

Along with Joran's statements we see that he went out on the evening of May 29, 2005 with the intent to hook up with the Mountain Brook girls at a nightclub in Aruba named Carlos n' Charlie's. Even though Joran is underage he illegally enters Carlos n' Charlie's and has arranged for Deepak and Satish Kalpoe to go with him.

“I have a VIP pass. With my VIP pass Deepak and Satish were also allowed in.”
Source: Joran van der Sloot June 9, 2005 statement

Then Joran describes leaving Carlos n' Charlie's with Natalee in Deepak's car where Natalee becomes unconscious.

"Driving past the front of the Marriott Hotel Natalee half fell asleep/half dozed off. "
Source: Joran van der Sloot June 9, 2005 statement






Joran explains to Greta that he has picked up girls in the clubs in Aruba before:
VAN DER SLOOT: "I mean it's happened probably 20, 20 times nothing has ever gone wrong.",2933,186707,00.html

Holly Brown, a friend who accompanied Holloway to Aruba and was at Carlos ‘N Charlie’s the night she disappeared, said she found Van Der Sloot to be “very different.”

“We noticed he was in the casino all by himself,” she told CNN in Alabama. “He lied about his age, and when we went on the (Carlos ‘N Charlie’s) Web site, we found pictures of him there one week before at the same place, wearing the same clothes.”

"11. Joran van der Sloot is no stranger to sexual assault on young women"
"12. On at least three occasions prior to May 2005, young Aruban women" alleged that they were the victims of "date rape" perpetrated by Joran and his accomplices."
"13. Using Ecstasy as his "date rape" drug of choice, Joran prowled the island, seeking to prey upon young female tourists, especially blonds."
"20. ON the afternoon of May 29 in particular, Paulus van der Sloot personally delivered and accompanied his underage son Joran to one of Aruba's casinos in order that both of them could, as they had many times in the past, play in a poker tournament. It was at that casino
that Joran first met Natalee."

Source: New York Civil Suit filed by John Q. Kelly

Not only does Joran frequent the casino's, but so does his father and on the night of May 30, 2005, BOTH Joran and his father, Paulus van der Sloot met Natalee



“Beth said that one of the things that had gotten changed about her statements that was so upsetting to her was that she had given detailed descriptions of Paulus Van der Sloot  with his name included several times in her statement and when she got it translated, she found out that her description had been changed to read only “the man with the glasses”.  

HOLLOWAY TWITTY: "Well, there was a phone call made. And it was just really having me refer to—you know, I‘d only mentioned the fact I had gotten from prosecuting attorney as far as the open line of credit, and that Joran is in his casino gambling, and I don‘t think there was ever a question that Joran and Paulus Van Der Sloot had been in that Excelsior Casino, and, particularly, on the night of the 29th where he and his father met Natalee."


June 9, 2006
Kimberly Guilfoyle: "What we do know is that Joran and the Kalpoe brothers were the last people seen with Natalee Holloway, which is the reason why they still remain to this day the main suspects in the case. As for Paulus, sources say he is the person next to Natalie in the casino.",2933,198887,00.html


April 4, 2006
COSBY … "John, first of all, is there a possibility that Paulus might have been talking to Natalee the night that she disappeared?"

JOHN Q. KELLY, HOLLOWAY FAMILY ATTORNEY: "Well, if you look at the surveillance video footage, it appears that he’s the one sitting directly next to her and tries to engage her in conversation a couple of times. And it’s sort of ironic that it’s his father who brought his underage son to a casino and left him there after he left, with access to his line of credit, to put this unfortunate chain of events in process."


"32. At C&C, the trio [Joran,Deepak, Satish] met Natalee. After buying and serving Natalee with alcoholic beverages, Joran, Deepak and Satish induced her to leave with them."

Source: New York Civil Law Suit filed by John Q. Kelly and Chadbourne & Parke, February 16, 2006

Greta Van Susteren: "Do you remember any conversation at all you had with him, like even if it was like' about chips, or anything at all?"

Ruth McVey: "Only that he said that he was 19 and played soccer at a school in Holland."  

Greta Van Susteren: "So he didn't say that he was in high school?"

Ruth McVey: "No"

"33. At approximately 1:30 a.m, Natalee, in an intoxicated state, left C&C and entered a sliver Nissan sedan owned by Deepak. Deepak drove, with Satish in the front passenger seat and Joran and Natalee in the back seat. The car drove off."

Source: New York Civil Law Suit filed by John Q. Kelly and Chadbourne & Parke, February 16, 2006


DID JORAN RAPE NATALEE? – whom he knowingly and admittedly stated was unconscious and drunk

"I placed my left hand at that moment in time between the inside of her leg. I started stroking her breasts with my right hand. Natalee was wearing a bra. I did not put my hand into her bra. Natalee had normal size breasts. Beyond the Marriot Hotel and into the direction of Tierra del Sol I had fingered Natalee. With my fingers I pushed Natalee's panty to the side and fingered her with two fingers. According to me she was shaved because I did not feel any hair. I first stuck my middle finger inside and then I put my index finger inside. While I was doing this Natalee and I kept kissing. I fingered Natalee for about one to two minutes and then pulled my hand out of her panty and placed my hand on her hip."

source:Joran VDS Suspect Statement 06/09/05


"Natalee wore a dark blue panty. According to me they were embroidered panties and according to me these were flowers."

Source: Joran van der Sloot June 9, 2005 statement

"Natalee fell half asleep/dozed off again.
While we were driving in the direction/towards the hotel, she dozed off several times/fell half asleep several times and we didn't kiss anymore."  

source:Joran VDS Suspect Statement 06/09/05

Joran told me, “Natalee was totally wasted, and I was drunk. We had sex on the beach'."

Joran: "Even if they find her dead, with my semen in her"

Source: Peter deVries secret recordings


Deepak Kalpoe admits they all had sex with her:

11-23 FOX News

"When FOX News commented then asked “So Jamie can I ask you...the clip that we heard where Deepak it could be suggested says that the boys had sex with Natalee. Specifically, that he did and it was very easy to do. Is that authentic? Is that what he told you when you interviewed him?,”

SKEETERS said “Yes, the word was ‘you'd be surprised how simple it was."  

You are telling me that John Charles CROES has stated that I wrote while I was chatting with him that I had written that the girl had put her hands in/down my pants, I can say the following. I did this to frustrate/mess up the investigation. I wanted to direct the focus of the police on myself and Joran because we were afraid that Satish would get the details wrong with regard to the "Holiday Inn" story"

source 6/29/05 Deepak Statement

John Charles Croes/Deepak Kalpoe friend - chat traffic/6/19/05/Dennis Jacobs / Luigi Croes
source: Kalpoe vs. McGraw lawsuit


* May 29, 2005 - Paulus was sitting next to Natalee in the Casino at the blackjack table talking to her.

*1:40 AM - May 30th, 2005 - stopped in Deepak's car in front of my house, it was about 01.40 am. At that moment in time Deepak, Satish, Natalee and myself were in Deepak's car.

Source: Joran's statement 6/14/05

* "Some of this information we have, we are not going to expose right now. I can tell you that from the information we have, Paul Van der Sloot was directly involved with the disappearance of Natalee Holloway."  

Source: Court TV Interview with TJ Ward, David Wright from the National Enquirer and CATHERINE CRIER Sept 26, 2005

* Deepak Kalpoe to Joran: "Your own father, unbelievable"

Source: Secretly recorded Polis tapes June 2005

* MICKEY JOHN: "He said a story being made up about dropping the girl of at a Holiday Inn, was all something being made up. He, and the Dutch guy, and the Dutch guy's father, they sit and made up the story.  

VAN SUSTEREN: The father, too?

JOHN: All of them. They made up...

VAN SUSTEREN: Did he specifically say — Deepak specifically say to you the father was part of that?

JOHN: Deepak told me that he and the family sit down and they made up the story.",3566,161044,00.html

"No Body No Case"

Paulus did say no body, no case, just after Natalee disappeared, While discussing with the boys.


Superior Court Diario - 02-14-2007

The whole case of the disappearance of Natalee Holloway gets a different twist now that the information has come out from no less than the Superior Court, and in which mention is made of the declarations of witnesses and a phone tap that show or give an indication that Paul van der Sloot had on two occasions personal contact with Natalee during the night that she disappeared. Mention is made that, according to one or more official reports of the phone tap and also the declaration of Paul van der Sloot himself, that Paul fetched Joran and Natalee at McDonald and took them to the Holiday Inn. Based on this information, the judicial authorities and the police had at that time a justified basis to arrest Paul van der Sloot based on different suspicions. (Translation Credit: Diario)


Murder is a form of homicide committed with malice aforethought. Malice aforethought has various definitions, all of which relate to the state of mind of the person who commits murder. Those definitions are:

a.intention to cause grevious injury and death resulted;

b.conduct with a "depraved heart" showing lack of care for human life;

Under Dutch law, there ARE charges that apply here of obstruction of justice and obstruction of an investigation. Lying, such as when J. SLOOT, DEEPAK and SATISH lied about leaving NATALEE at the “Holiday Inn,” WOULD constitute an obstruction of one or the other kind depending on the lie.

Joran: “I knew she wanted to f*** (talks about Natalee)”
Joran: “I then gave her a bacardi 151 (75% alcohol). She asked for a chaser, I see shes so drunk, but I thought: Im gonna f*** her.”
Joran: “So I said to S&D, drop us on the beach, Ill f*** her”
Joran: “Then she started shaking like crazy... The beach was empty, I walked to her, no reaction, she just kept shaking, NO foam around her mouth”
Joran: “I picked Nat up and put her near the mangrove trees at the mariott. “

At this point Joran is aware that Natalee is in distress, but he does nothing to help her. He doesn't call 911, he doesn't yell for help, he doesn't run to the Marriott and call for anyone to help her.

Involuntary manslaughter exists when a person commits an unlawful killing but does not intend to kill and does not act with the conscious disregard for human life.

Joran: “I started thinking, no one know I even left the house. But I knew this guy I "had" something on, so I phoned him.

Joran: she is in the ocean.

Patrick: how did you know she died?

Joran: I just knew

P: did you try CPR?

Joran: I tried everything, I pulled her up

P: how did you know if she was dead? wasn't she in a coma?

J: I didnt know.

P: did you feel her'?

J; no, but it didn't look good...

Joran: I wasn't sure she was dead.

Joran: “I only spent 2 hours with her. I fingerfucked her, she jerked me off, I just wanted to ask her for a blowjob went she started shaking... I didn't lose a nights sleep, I have to look good"

He has her disposed of and doesn't even know whether she is dead or still alive.


Joran: "Even if they find her dead, with my semen in her"

Murder is a form of homicide committed with malice aforethought. Malice aforethought has various definitions, all of which relate to the state of mind of the person who commits murder.

a.intention to cause grevious injury and death resulted;
b.conduct with a "depraved heart" showing lack of care for human life;

* Joran knew Natalee was drunk

* Joran knew Natalee was unconscious and he "had sex with" her.

* Joran doesn't know if Natalee was dead when he disposed of her.

* Joran showed no concern for eighteen-year-old Natalee Holloway's life and had her disposed of in the ocean.

* Joran lied in order to cover up his crime

35. Kept against her will, Natalee was sexually assaulted, was fondled and was touched without her consent by Joran and his accomplices, over and over again, as she drifted in and out of consciousness.

Source: New York Civil Law Suit filed by John Q. Kelly and Chadbourne & Parke, February 16, 2006

"I think I am incredibly lucky that she's never been found because if she had been found I would be in deep shit"

Source: Peter deVries secret recordings:

From the secretly recorded police car conversations between Joran, Deepak and Satish:

Deepak: They’re going to give you fifteen years if they find the girl.

Citizens of the world want justice.

America wants justice.

Extradite Joran van der Sloot to the United States to stand trial.  

Gerard Spong, a prominent Dutch attorney, stated earlier today that there is a very real chance that van der Sloot may win the criminal case, but will be unable to win a civil suit brought by the surviving family members. Since there is an extradition treaty between the Netherlands and the United States, possible damages may be "..far more than he will ever be able to repay. The American system for awarding damages can have devastating results."

When the FBI Seeks Extradition

1. Murder; assault with intent to commit murder.

2. Manslaughter.

3. Malicious wounding; inflicting grievous bodily harm.

4. Arson.

5. Rape; indecent assault; incest; bigamy.

8. Kidnapping; abduction; false imprisonment.

21. Perjury; subornation of perjury; making a false statement to a government agency or official.

28. Offenses against the laws relating to the traffic in, or the possession, production or manufacture of narcotic drugs, cannabis, psychotropic drugs, cocaine and its derivatives, and other dangerous drugs and chemicals.

29. Offenses against laws relating to the poisonous chemicals or substances injurious to health.

32. Offenses against the laws relating to obstruction of justice.

Natalee Holloway and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!

Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Re: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on February 21, 2008, 10:58:31 AM
The lastest from Natalee's Freebirds:

What Does Freddie Know?  

Several references have been made by suspects in the disappearance of
Natalee Holloway about the knowledge of another suspect - Freddie Alexander Arambatzis.

There have been references made regarding Freddie about Joran's shoes,
Natalee remaining "passed out", a camera, and Freddie knowing "the truth".

Diario 12/6/2006

...the fact that Joran had already on the 30th of May
told Freddy the story about the Holliday Inn and that Joran told Freddy
also that “they” went into panic when Natalee remained “passed out”!

Freddy Zedan
June 12th 2005

The girl had fallen several times on the way to the beach. Joran told me that at some point she "no longer came around/no longer regained consciousness" and that they had left her on the beach.

He also told me that he had left his gym/sporting shoes on the beach. After Joran had told me this, I asked him why he had left her there. He answered me that at that moment he had not known what to do.

Freddie was brought to the van der Sloot home after he spoke with
Aruban authorities in the early days of this investigation.
He was grilled by Joran's parents as to what he told police regarding their son, and Natalee Holloway.

Freddie states that Joran told him they had left Natalee at the beach, while at the same time Joran was still telling authorities he and Deepak and Satish Kalpoe had left Natalee at the Holiday Inn

Paulus van der Sloot
Suspect Statement
June 18, 2005

“I believed the story that Joran, Deepak and Satish told, until Joran changed his statement. After that Freddy came to us and told us a different story. Joran had gone with the girl to the beach. (With Freddy is meant the witness Freddy ZEDAN; comment TROMP).

Freddy had told this story shortly after he was interviewed by the police.
He had called my wife and had said that he found it important to tell the truth. After that he came over to us and he first talked to my wife. After that he came back one time and and he spoke with Joran's lawyer, his parents, me and my wife were also present. My wife and myself were very crushed/saddened/injured and angry at Joran for apparently not telling us the truth. My wife and the lawyer then confronted Joran about this. According to my wife Joran reacted calmly and said that he had always told Freddy the truth.

Paulus van der Sloot
Suspect Statement
June 23, 2005

To your question whether Freddy ZEDAN came to our house out of his own accord or whether I had invited him, I can state the following. According to me Freddy phoned my wife after he had been questioned by the police. According to me he and his girlfriend came over to see my wife and he told what he had stated to the police. I was busy in the kitchen and did not hear everything Freddy was saying. Only at
the end of the conversation I joined them. My wife and I were angry at Joran, because he did not tell the truth from the beginning. My wife planned to confront Joran with Freddy's statements. That night we were going to have a meeting with Mr. A. CARLO, this was a previously planned meeting. My wife called Freddy again and asked him if he could tell his story again to Joran's lawyer. At first he didn't want to come because he had an exam the very next day but in the end he and his parents came over. He then told the story he knew to Joran's lawyer. I am convinced that Mr. CARLO did this with the best intentions possible

Page 154, Freddy after his June 12 statement:

(Joran) That night Freddy, per request of my mother, visited, to tell

Freddy's parents are coming along, because they do not find it a good idea that Freddy goes alone. Besides my father Paul and my mother Anita.
My lawyer Anthony Carlo is also present at our home per request of my mother.

My mother asks Freddy to tell everything again.

Freddy: I could see on Anita's face that she did not know Joran had left the girl on the beach and that he has lost his shoes.

I also told that Joran, Deepak, Satish and me had talked about it that I would buy new shoes for Joran.

Anita could not believe everything I was telling. (as in amazed).

Carlo asks several times why Freddy thinks that Joran left his shoes behind.

Freddy answers: Joran did not want to walk with his shoes on the beach and probably left them behind because of that.

Freddy tells the beach story again that I would have told him on Monday May 30.

Carlo in between asks questions all the time.

Freddy: I felt he asked me those things because he thought that me as a good friend of Joran could understand why he had done these things. I do not believe he asked those questions because he thought Joran would have told me, because he repeated every time: Why do you think that?

My father does not ask Freddy anything, but he does react on Freddy's answers to my mother. He says: why does Joran lie, and why did he not tell us that? My mother had promised the conversation would last 10 minutes max, but after half an hour Freddy's father gets up.

My parents did not agree with Joran's parents having invited me, Freddy says.

After Carlo had called the head officer for permission to visit me, he confronts me with what Freddy had said. I immediately admitted I had lied and that Freddy was telling the truth.

Deepak Kalpoe
Suspect Statement
June 11, 2005

I also have to tell you that Joran was wearing white sneakers/sport shoes that night. If you search/investigate his home then you will see that the shoes aren't there. He had told me that he had theft them on the beach.
To your question whether I of if Joran told the story to someone else,
than I can say the following. I know Joran told his story to his friend named Freddy ZEDAN. Freddy lives behind Joran. His mobile phone number is inside my mobile phone.

To your question whether Joran told me what he had told Freddy,
I can say the following. Joran told me that he had told Freddy the
truth and the story that was made up. I know that he trusts Freddy more because they have known each other for a long time. If you go and talk to Freddy, he will tell you the made up story and maybe also the truth.

Satish Kalpoe
Suspect Statement
June 30, 2005

On your question who can tell the truth to you, with the exception of Joran, Deepak and I, I can tell you the following:
Freddy is the person Joran confides in and he can tell you the truth.

Satish Kalpoe
Suspect Statement
June 24, 2005

On your question who Joran's best friend is:
Freddy Zedan is Joran’s best friend. Freddy knew about the invented Holiday Inn and the tale which my brother and I and Joran told and that the missing girl was dropped off at the beach at the Marriott. My brother Deepak had told me that he and Joran invented the tale but to Freddy the beach tale was told. I thought that stunk, because I was not aware Freddy was told the beach tale. (note: tale does not necessarily mean lie, could mean story).

I have met Freddy two times after it was confessed that the girl became missing.

...the second time was when Joran, my brother and I took the camera to Freddy’s house.
We delivered the camera to Freddy, and afterwards all four of us ate Chinese in the area of Freddy’s house. Freddy also lives in Montanja. I do not remember his house number. We had bought food and we then we went to Joran’s apartment afterwards. According to me Freddy
was informed then already about the missing girl. We may have spoken some about the missing girl, it is possible but I don’t remember.

You ask me if I was scared when we were talking with Freddy about the missing girl. It is possible that I don’t remember. I say that we, Deepak and I, did not know that Freddy knew the real story. The real story, which was on the beach. It do not understand why Freddy was told that, according to me he knew both stories already.

Wednesday June 22, 2005
While being transferred from police station to KIA, Deepak and Satish are secretly recorded in a 40min conversation:

D: And I also trusted Freddy like a brother.
S: Yes.
D: But he also talked shit, that's why we've been arrested.
S: What did he say?
D: He keeps information behind. You know that Van der Sloot trusts Freddy with his life. Freddy knows what has happened. Freddy knows the truth.
S: I know he knows truth
D: Freddy knows, Freddy knows.
S: I've just said, Freddy also knows about the story of what happened, ask him.
D: Freddy knows

Deepak and Satish are being questioned in Orangestad at the same time and are transported back to KIA along with Joran in a minivan. The following conversation is recorded:

Joran: You know no good that my father has nothing to do [with this}. I have read your statements, friend. You two are lying shit. (then very calmly) You know what happened with that girl. If you don't know it, then nothing happened. (then angrily) So, f*** you. What do you say, that Freddy has to be arrested?
Deepak: That Freddy has to tell the truth.
Joran: You know very well that Freddy has told the truth.
Satish: You will see, you will see.
Deepak: You could have prevented it from the beginning, this, of your
father. You know it. That he wasn't arrested.

Freddie himself was detained by authorities in this case - and then subsequently released. .

Diana Emerencia - Freddy's attorney
Decatur Daily News
August 31, 2005

Freddy Alexander Zedan-Arambatzis, a friend of van der Sloot and the Kalpoes, was arrested on suspicion of having unspecified "physical contact" with a female minor, said his lawyer, Diana Emerencia.

Zedan-Arambatzis, 21, is also suspected of photographing the girl in "tempting poses" and showing the images to other people, Emerencia said.

The Kalpoe brothers and van der Sloot are also suspected of involvement in the incidents, which allegedly occurred before Holloway disappeared, she said.

*Did Freddie have involvement in Natalee's disappearance?

* What "truth" does Freddie know that could shed light on the circumstances surrounding this tragic crime?

* Why did the Kalpoe brothers need to give a camera to Freddy?

* What sort of history regarding similar crimes do Freddie and Joran share?

* Why did Paulus and Anita need to find out what Freddy told police?

* Has Freddie told Aruban authorities all he knows about what happened to Natalee Holloway?

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!
Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Re: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: Blonde on February 21, 2008, 04:37:11 PM
The Public Ministry (Aruban prosecutor's office) affirmed that Ben King, head of the support division of the Attorney General, was present at the house of the Van der Sloot family when it was being searched Thursday last week.  
Spokesperson Marianne Croes, of the prosecutor's office: “King was and is on holiday. He was indeed not present on behalf of the PM (during the search of the van der Sloot estate)” The spokesperson doesn’t want to comment on the various observations that find it strange that a member of the PM was present at the house of the suspects family while the search took place.  Sources within the PM affirm however that the PM as a whole is not happy at all with the actions of Ben King, because this may raise doubts with regard to the impartiality of the ministry.

King himself says that he and his family have been good friends with the Van der Sloots for some years now. Paul van der Sloot also worked for the PM in the past. King: “A few years ago, when I was working at KIA (local prison), I was maltreated by a prisoner and went through a rough period during which the Van der Sloot family provided us with fantastic support. We want to do the same for them now. But I realize naturally that I cannot stand at both sides on the line.”

And because of this King took some time off from his job to be able to support his friends. King: “It is a small island where conclusions are drawn very fast.” Both Public Ministry and I realize that we have to remain cool-headed. At the same time I have my rights as private-citizen and I want to support my friends in this difficult period.” Ben King was formerly named Vocking, he changed his name a few months ago and his name is now officially King. Exclamation

There we, the reporting officers, were informed by the watch-commander on duty of the KIA that the suspect J.A.P. van der SLOOT refused to go with us.

The suspect J.A.P. van der SLOOT talked to us subsequently, and informed us that he did not want to go with us to the police station in Oranjestad to make a statement.

The suspect J.A.P. van der SLOOT gave us as a reason:

- he would only go with us, the reporting officers if is father was released;  
- that his mother and his lawyer had advised him on behalf of his father to not make any more statements and to invoke his right to not make statements;

- that he would receive a message from his father's lawyer when he should make statements;

- that according to his lawyer, if he would stop making statements, his father would be released in two days;  

- that he listens to his families advise;

- that the lawyers "Antonio CARLO" and "OOMEN" are good friends of his father  
- that these two lawyers out of friendship with is father would defend them

- that he know that if he would make a statement he could bring his father into trouble  

Title: Re: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on April 11, 2008, 03:36:53 PM
Just got this from Natalee's Freebirds:

Was Natalee Drugged?  


Joran van der Sloot shows the world in his recorded conversations with Patrick van der Eem the convulsions Natalee Holloway had while he was with her.

He then goes on to explain how he called for assistance - not to aid her - but to dispose of her at sea.

Taking it one step further - Joran van der Sloot admits to Patrick that Natalee may not have actually been deceased at the time she was taken out into the ocean.

Logical minds question the necessity Joran felt in assuring Natalee Holloway was never to be found.

What could have happened that would make Joran feel it was imperative to hide Miss Holloway from the world - either alive or deceased?

Reasonable conclusions lead us to believe there was evidence about her person that would have sealed the fate of Joran van der Sloot in a court of law - had she been found.

What could that evidence have been?

If there had been a consensual sexual encounter between Joran and Natalee, his biological presence found with her could have been explained as such - therefore nullifying any need to dispose of Natalee.

If, however, Natalee Holloway had been administered a drug rendering her unable to give consent - that evidence combined with a biological deposit from Joran would indicate rape.

As Joran claimed to have been studying criminal justice, naturally the consequences of what he had done would have been forefront in his mind, thus leading to a plan to dispose of Natalee.

Did Joran van der Sloot drug Natalee Holloway?


We have previously shown the actions that lead us to believe Joran had targeted Miss Holloway for the purpose of a sexual conquest. When his motives are considered, it makes the possibility of drugging Natalee even more prevalent.

Medical experts share their knowledge of possible results from ingesting a date rape drug.

ABC News Law & Justice Unit
Feb. 15, 2008

Medical experts tell ABC News that the description Joran van der Sloot gave of convulsions apparently experienced by Natalee Holloway on the night she disappeared could be consistent with the date rape drug GHB, and not simply alcohol intoxication.

Doctors and pharmacologists who spoke to ABC said that it's in general unlikely that alcohol poisoning alone could have caused the otherwise healthy Alabama teen to convulse the way Van der Sloot described it to a man who he believed was a friend but who was actually working undercover for a Dutch investigative journalist.

Convulsions 'Consistent' With Date Rape Drug
"If you gave me a choice based on [Van der Sloot's description of the convulsions], alcohol would be lowest on the list and GHB the highest," said Paul Doering, distinguished service professor of pharmacy practice at the University of Florida's College of Pharmacy.

"Chronic alcoholics who suddenly discontinue the use of alcohol can experience convulsions, but it's generally not part of the acute toxic phase of alcohol poisoning,'' Doering said. "When people die from alcohol alone, the levels [of alcohol] get so high that they essentially tell the body's respiratory center to stop. They just stop breathing."

"When GHB [gamma hydroxy butyrate] was at its peak use, 10 years ago, [convulsions] would be a commonly reported thing," Doering said, adding that witnesses to GHB overdoses described a person as "looking like he was dead, and then, scarily, he would start shaking like a mackerel on the deck of a fishing boat."

Paul Kolecki, of the emergency medicine department at Thomas Jefferson University's Jefferson Medical College, concurred that in general convulsions were more likely the result of a drug and alcohol combination.

"It doesn't happen with alcohol but with GHB it can happen, " he said. "GHB was used by anesthesiologists back in the '50s or '60s, and they had to stop because they were seeing these convulsions," he said. "To convulse and go limp, GHB is classic for that," he said, adding that other drugs like cocaine and ecstasy can also cause convulsions when mixed with too much alcohol.

Here we will explore the opportunity available to Joran for administering a drug to render Miss Holloway unconscious.

Jossy Mansur confirms that Joran van der Sloot has a history on the island of drinking, gambling, and most importantly SLIPPING PILLS INTO GIRLS’ DRINKS.

VAN DER SLOOT: "I mean it's happened probably 20, 20 times nothing has ever gone wrong.",2933,186707,00.html

David Kock
June 9, 2005
Satish Kalpoe's attorney, David Kock, said his client told him that van der Sloot asked the Kalpoe brothers to pick him up Sunday night so he could meet up with Holloway and her classmates at Carlos'n Charlie's, a popular watering hole in the capital, Oranjestad.

They said they left the bar around 1:30 a.m. with van der Sloot and an intoxicated Holloway in the back seat, then stopped briefly at another restaurant about a block away before heading out of town, Kock said.

Joran van der Sloot
Suspect Statement
June 9, 2005
Then Natalee said that she also wanted to drink a Jellyshot but the bartender told me that that bar was closed. After that Natalee and me walked to another bar that was still open at that time. I asked the bartender two shots of Bacardi 151. I still had the whisky coke in my hand. Natalee asked me if she should drink the Bacardi 151 in one go. I answered her affirmatively and she answered me that she would do it in two. Natalee said to me that she needed a "chaser" in order to drink the Bacardi. Natalee drank my whisky coke as a "chaser" and then she drank the Bacardi 151 in two goes

Dave Holloway
NBC/13 Birmingham (Paraphrased)

Believes that the confession is true.
Does not believe that Deepak and Satish are not involved.
He believes that their involvement will come forward very soon.
He is talking about what happened in Carlos and Charlie's the night that Natalee disappeared. Says that there is a back bar at C&Cs and that Natalee was steered to that bar at last call. He had a friend monitor that bar on several nights in succession. At last call guy would order two drinks bartender would pour two drinks normally and would then reach to a shelf over his head and pour a clear substance into one of
the drinks.

There is ample reason to think that not only Joran, but the Kalpoe brothers as well disposed of evidence that was the means of administering such a date rape drug to Natalee.

Joran van der Sloot
Suspect Statement
June 9, 2005
After that Natalee, Satish and myself walked outside because Carlos & Charlies was almost empty. Outside I met an American tourist and he asked me if he could get my cup for free. I threw out the little cola that was still left in the cup and then I gave it to the tourist.

Deepak Kalpoe
Suspect Statement
June 11 2005
As to your question how far I drove into the afore mentioned street, I can say the following, I think I drove about 55 yards into that street. Joran said that I should let him out there. After that I brought my car to a full stop. Joran got out first and then the girl. He said: Fine, I will see you tomorrow. I asked him how he would get home. He said that he would find a way to get home. I said, and the girl. He answered, I will drop her off at the “Holiday Inn Hotel”, we will walk along the beach and it is very close by. I had asked him, sure. He answered yes, I will see you tomorrow. I do remember that I saw them walking off hand in hand. I drove out of the street to get back onto the road and proceeded driving into the direction of my house. I do remember that in front of the “Marriot Hotel” Satish asked me to stop momentarily. I did what he asked me, Satish rolled down his window and threw out the two “Yards”. After that we drove until we got to the roundabout near “Texaco Sasakr”. At the roundabout I headed due east in the direction of my house at Hooiberg.

Although Joran van der Sloot claims to have been lying to Patrick van der Eem when he described Miss Holloway's physical condition the morning of May 30th 2005, along with her ultimate fate - there is evidence to support those admissions.

“I know several times when they interviewed me the polis down there they kept asking me about Natalee, different questions about her, if she was an epileptic, and just crazy things like that. So it very well could have been that they took her out, they put something in her drink, she flipped out and she died. But if that's the case I don't understand if they don't know anything about it why didn't they come help Beth and I look the next morning? Why did they tell us they dropped her at the Holiday Inn when they really dropped her at the beach. It just doesn't make sense.”

On The Record
February 4, 2008
Greta: Where did the police get that seizure bit if they didn't get it from Joran when they picked him up?

John: I can't imagine any other place, I mean this was right after they had originally interviewed Joran and both Jug and Beth recall at least four (4) investigators asking them whether Natalee had epileptic seizures in the past or any sort of seizure history at all. van der Straaten, Jacobs, Tromp and a female investigator all repeatedly asked both Jug and Beth "does Natalee have any history of this' and they didn't just make that up, they obviously got it from somewhere.

Beth Holloway
February 7, 2008

HOLLOWAY: I couldn't believe it because, I mean, it was so stunning, it was so stunning that I was hearing these words that Joran was saying because two- and-a-half years ago, gosh, Greta, within 48 hours of Natalee's disappearance — 48 hours — the lead detective, Dennis Jacobs, came to me in the Bubali (ph) police station and says, Does Natalee have a history of epilepsy or seizures? And I thought, No, why are you asking that? And he did it — they did it repeatedly to Jug. And when I was hearing that, it just — it just felt like it brought everything full circle of what we had been fighting for.

Satish Kalpoe
Suspect Statement
June 13, 2005
Then I asked my brother how the girl was doing.

Satish Kalpoe
Suspect Statement

June 11, 2005  
Joran told my brother that he had then tried to wake up the girl but that she had not awakened

Joran van der Sloot's book
Page 161
After Freddy's second statement on June 13th at 18:30, in which he keeps insisting that I told him the first story already on May 30th, the police confront us as best friends with each other. Some further statements follow after that. In the end Freddy states in his 6th and 7th statements that I have told him that Natalee went unconscious several times and did not regain consciousness at a certain moment, that I tried to wake her up by shaking her but that but this also did not work.

(Ranger Rover confession)
JORAN VAN DER SLOOT: All of a sudden, Patrick, like a movie, all the things she did.


VAN DER SLOOT: Yes, a lot. So I was, like, (DELETED), what's all this?

In conclusion, this document has demonstrated opportunity, motive and results consistent with the administration of a date rape drug.


On The Record
February 4, 2008
John (Q. Kelly): I think they thought this would go away; these are the classic signs from a date rape drug GHB, the foaming at the mouth, the seizure, the cardiac arrest and someone like Joran, when you're the last person with someone alive and you don't call for help and dispose of a body, make up stories in terms of what happened to her, there's a reason you do that and you either summon help because something went wrong or you cover it up because you did something wrong, that's what happened here.

There must have been something else that happened to her that he just wanted to dispose of her.

Satish Kalpoe
Suspect Statement
June 24, 2005
Joran said “if a body is found that we are in big trouble”

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!

Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Re: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on July 10, 2008, 10:49:25 AM
Here is the latest from Natalee's Freebirds:

Sanitizing the Vehicle ~ Too Little Too Late, Or Bait and Switch?  

Many questions have been raised about the vehicle Natalee Holloway was last seen in - the Silver Honda Civic owned by Deepak Kalpoe.

It seems there was a concerted effort made to possibly remove or dispose of evidence pertaining to Miss Holloway's demise from that car.

It had been reported that the vehicle in question was inspected in the early days of this investigation - wherein the FBI told Natalee's parents blood was present in the vehicle.

Considering these suspects could never have anticipated the timely arrival of Natalee's desperate family on the island of Aruba, their immediate efforts to cleanse this car don't appear to have been enough to remove this damaging evidence.

June 01 2005

A high school's senior trip to Aruba went terribly wrong for a local family. The trip ended without Natalie Holloway returning.

The 18-year-old went to a nightclub in Aruba with a man she befriended while on the trip. She was last seen in the man's car leaving the club at about 1 a.m. Monday.
The man, who lives in Aruba, has been interrogated and his car is in FBI custody.

8:00 am Tuesday, May 31, 2005 Beth arrives at Bulbai Police Station and Deepaks car is parked in the back.
p. 58 Loving Natalee

With this in mind, we then re-visited what has been made available about the disposition of this Honda Civic in the hours and days after Natalee disappeared.

It is highly unlikely Deepak Kalpoe cleaned his car in the middle of the night, and then dropped it at Automotive Enterprises the next night out of sheer coincidence.

A neighbor saw the vehicle being cleaned in the early morning hours of the same night Natalee went missing

“In the early morning hours of Monday morning (May 30th), Deepak methodically and uncharacteristically cleaned his sliver Nissan, claiming that it had “ants” in it..."
(source: CIVIL SUIT filed in New York)

In the night time hours of May 30th, Deepak's vehicle was deposited with Automotive Enterprises - a time during which Deepak told law enforcement he was at work.

Because I had worked in the past on the car of Deepak, he approached me to keep z/n its car for him in my garage in the "Automotive Enterprises established" at Wayaca for him. I must note that I in the past the car of Deepak had twice left his car in my garage when I worked on it. With the car of Deepak I mean the grey four door private car of the make "Honda Civic".

On your question if Deepak had told me how he knew that the missing American little girl Natalee Ann HOLLOWAY on Monday, 30 May 2005, in the night time hours, had only her identification document (drivers license) and an amount of US $50, =, in her possession, I answer you the following:

At absolutely no moment did Deepak tell me how he knew that missing little girl only had her identity card and US $50, =, in her possession. You must ask it to Deepak
(Witness Statement given by OF Osman August 6, 2005)

By 8:00 am the morning of May 31st, Deepak's vehicle was located at the Bubali Police Station  

Does the above activity tell us the following may have occurred with Deepak's vehicle?

Deepak attempts to clean his blood stained vehicle himself in the middle of the night, within mere hours of Natalee going missing?

That attempt did not remove the blood from the vehicle, and a second attempt at cleaning the vehicle was done by Automotive Enterprises when Deepak took his car there the night of May 30th?

When neither of those attempts at evidence removal worked, and the FBI had found blood in that vehicle during an inspection conducted by June 1, 2005, we then have to pose the question:

What vehicle was impounded and forensically tested on June 9, 2005?  

Below is a photo of the front of the Kalpoe home, taken on June 9 2005 after the two brothers Deepak and Satish had been taken in by Aruban law enforcement, and after Deepak's silver Honda Civic was purportedly siezed by authorities.



CBS News: Suspect Knew Natalee

Whose silver Honda Civic is that pictured outside the Kalpoe home after another Honda Civic was siezed by authorities?

The following are pictures of Deepak Kalpoe's Honda Civic - note the number of spokes in the wheels






Here now is the Honda Civic Aruban police siezed in the early morning hours when Deepak and Satish were arrested - note the difference in the number of spokes in the wheel from Deepak's Honda Civic




Was the car Natalee Holloway was last seen in the one siezed by authorities on June 9 2005?  


Or was another car taken in its place?  

Where did this second silver Honda Civic come from, and to whom did it belong?  

Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!
Natalee's Freebirds

Title: Re: Corruption and Collusion within the Aruban government 1&
Post by: klaasend on September 24, 2008, 12:03:17 PM
Here is the latest from Natalee's Freebirds:

Dutch Prosecutor Hans Mos rode into Aruba with his guns blazing, but like so many Dutch officials before him he has yet to prove his mettle.

Ever since Natalee Holloway disappeared from the island of Aruba, a long line of Dutch government officials and judicial officers have proven that there is no honor or justice in the Aruban legal and judicial system, beginning with former Aruban prosecutor Karin Janssen, Police Commissioner Jan van der Straten and Detective Dennis Jacobs, who made highly dubious decisions including the lack of a timely detention of prime suspects Joran van der Sloot and Deepak and Satish Kalpoe, which afforded them 10 days to dispose of all forensic evidence. Also, the supposed search of the van der Sloot residence – a search that was thwarted by another Dutch judicial, Judge Bob Wit, who limited the warrant on the spot to exclude the main residence and property surrounding the van der Sloot home. A few months later Dutch Judge Rick Smid would release the three suspects unconditionally despite the fact they each had radically different stories of what happened the night Miss Holloway disappeared and admittedly lied to Aruban police officials.

What has become painfully apparent throughout the case is that those Dutch officials seemingly have no integrity when it comes to policing their fellow countrymen on Aruba- no matter how dire the crime. Prosecutor Hans Mos seems to be simply the latest proof in this long line of deception with an apparent lack of moral compass and judicial prudence. Mos talked a good game, but failed to deliver and his statements and lack of action now look like just more lies.

The recorded statements made by Joran van der Sloot to an independent undercover agent in which he admitted he had Miss Holloway disposed of at sea - without knowing for certain if she was deceased at the time - seemed a sure fire nail in the coffin of this Prime Suspect.

Prosecutor Hans Mos went so far as to state that Joran's recorded statements support 80 percent of their investigative file.

Yet, to date, there have still been no formal charges filed against this self-proclaimed murderer.


Why hasn't Hans Mos filed a complaint against the Judges who gave preferential treatment to the suspects? Why has he simply rolled over for these judges who just happened to be friends and colleagues of Paulus van der Sloot? Is Hans Mos part of the conspiracy?

Jossy Mansur - NANCY GRACE - 10/04/05
GRACE: Jossy, regarding the connection, what I perceived to be a close connection between the judge, Paulus Van Der Sloot and the retired chief of police who initially handled Natalee`s case, Van Der Stratten, were they friends?

MANSUR: Of course, they were friends. It stands to reason they were friends because Paul Van Der Sloot had many friends within the police department; he had many friends within the Department of Justice. And he had many friends with -- and he was friendly with all the judges in Aruba. He worked out of the same office as they did and did the same work.

Paulus van der Sloot - Pauw & Witteman Show - 01/11/08  
Paulus:Well look uhhhh… Mister De Vries can’t hear that good… If he would have listened carefully he would have heard that Joran said that he didn’t have any confidence in the OM (public pros.)! That’s what Joran has said. Joran didn’t talk about the judicial authorities. What you see now.., what has happened is that luckily we have judicial authorities… And we sit here again! So in the end it’s because of the judicial authorities that all has ended well. Translation Credit: EURobert


Paulus van der Sloot was released on June 26, 2005 following four days in detention. A ruling by a judge in the Aruban court reversed his suspect status in regards to the Natalee Holloway case. Paulus then sued for compensation claiming he was wrongfully detained and he was subsequently awarded compensation by an Aruban court. However, the award was appealed by the prosecutor.

In January of last year, the Superior Court reversed the compensation that was awarded Paulus van der Sloot. The Superior Court ruled that there was taped evidence as well as a declaration by Paulus which implied, according to witnesses, that he had picked up Natalee and Joran at McDonalds on the morning of May 30, 2005. The ruling of the Superior Court was that Paulus van der Sloots detention was indeed justified.

Superior Court - 01/2007
The possible involvement of Paulus with that could then be deducted from the file with the official reports of witnesses, amongst which two people suggested a contact existed between Paulus and Natalee Holloway the night of her disappearance, and a taped report (that was given by the Prosecutor in her final note 1 to the Court). The taped information and his declaration that he picked up Joran and Natalee by the McDonalds Palm Beach and brought them to the Holiday Inn, are clearly understood by the Dept. of Justice, and could in the judgement of this Superior Court, be considered as an indication of the involvement of Paulus in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.



1.3 A judge shall avoid close personal association with individual members of the legal profession, particularly those who practice in the judge’s court, where such association might reasonably give rise to the suspicion or appearance of favouritism or partiality.

1.4 A judge shall avoid the use of the judge’s residence by a member of the legal profession to receive clients or other members of the legal profession in circumstances that might reasonably give rise to the suspicion or appearance of impropriety on the part of the judge.

1.9 A judge shall not allow the judge’s family, social or other relationships improperly to influence the judge’s judicial conduct and judgment as a judge.

1.10 A judge shall not use or lend the prestige of the judicial office to advance the private interests of the judge, a member of the judge’s family or of anyone else, nor shall a judge permit others to convey the impression that anyone is in a special position improperly to influence the judge in the performance of judicial duties.

Why hasn't Hans Mos charged the suspects and brought them to trial? Joran van der Sloot admitted to molesting Miss Holloway while she was unconscious, which is a felony under Aruban law. He also admitted to disposing of her body, not knowing whether she was alive or deceased. Under Aruban law, that is Manslaughter at the very least.

Why hasn't Hans Mos charged Joran van der Sloot?


Hans Mos ABC NEWS November 26, 2007

Hans Mos, Aruba's chief prosecutor, told ABC News he believes the the new evidence makes the case against the three men stronger than it was two years ago.

"We are convinced if we had had this evidence we have now they would not have been released by the court at that time," Mos said.


DIARIO Aruba 02/05/2008
What was very important in this case, according to Mos, is that Joran said that they threw the girl at sea, without being certain if the girl was truly already dead. Legally, this means that Joran could be accused of murder and all variants related to this.

Aside from this, Joran chose not to call police or an ambulance. The press brought forth that the supposed public phone that Joran would have used is one that uses credit cards and Mos said that they are investigating this.

[translated by Getagrip]
Posted by Getagrip at 2/06/2008 01:15:00 PM

Amigoe 1/31/08
OM Aruba investigates ‘Joran’s confession’
After having seen the recordings, Hans Mos said that ‘the truth is going to be revealed’ and that he ‘can actually close the case’. All the OM in Aruba said: This information can to a great extent contribute to the mystery around the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. Police and OM are currently investigating the trustworthiness and value of the information received.

Hans Mos On the Record with Greta November 27, 2007  
GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Breaking news from Aruba, Joran van der Sloot ordered to stay behind bars for at least eight more days. Now, the Kalpoe brothers already got the same news last week. Now, all three suspects were re-arrested. Why? The prosecutor has now charged all three with voluntary manslaughter of Natalee Holloway.

MOS: And this decision to re-arrest these three suspects was a decision taken by 10 lawyers, by 10 lawyers sitting around a table (INAUDIBLE) whole afternoon, being presented the new material.,2933,313168,00.html


ORANJESTAD, Aruba - Aruba's chief prosecutor says one of three suspects in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway wrote during an Internet chat session that the teenager was dead.

Prosecutor Hans Mos refused to identify the person who wrote the message.

But he told a news conference today that the discovery contributed to the decision to rearrest Joran van der Sloot and brothers Deepak and Satish Kalpoe last month.

The men were subsequently released after they refused to speak to authorities about newly uncovered evidence.

The Aruba Public Prosecutor's Office said Tuesday it would not charge any of the three unless new evidence surfaces.

Judge Approves Transfer for Suspect in Natalee Holloway Disappearance Case
Thursday, November 22, 2007

THE HAGUE, Netherlands — A Dutch judge on Thursday approved the transfer to Aruba of a student suspected in the 2005 disappearance of American teenager Natalee Holloway on the Caribbean resort island, a prosecutor said.

Joran van der Sloot, 20, was arrested Wednesday in the central city of Arnhem on suspicion of involvement in voluntary manslaughter and causing serious bodily harm that resulted in Holloway's death.,2933,312568,00.html

Aruba Officials Detail Holloway Evidence  
Dec 20, 1:41 PM (ET)

ORANJESTAD, Aruba (AP) - One of three top suspects in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway wrote during an Internet chat session that the teenager was dead, Aruba's chief prosecutor said Thursday.

Prosecutor Hans Mos refused to identify the person who wrote the message but said its discovery had contributed to the decision to re-arrest Joran van der Sloot and brothers Deepak and Satish Kalpoe last month.

The men were subsequently released after they refused to speak to authorities about newly uncovered evidence. The Aruba Public Prosecutor's Office said Tuesday it will not charge the three.

Prosecutors to detail evidence against Holloway suspects
Associated Press - December 20, 2007 2:23 PM ET

ORANJESTAD, Aruba (AP) - Prosecutors in Aruba are releasing evidence from the investigation into the disappearance of an American teen.

The country's chief prosecutor says the file includes an Internet chat session in which 1 of the three top suspects in the case said Natalee Holloway is dead.

The Alabama high school student vanished during a May 2005 vacation in Aruba with her graduating class. Her body has never been found.

The prosecutor didn't reveal the identity of the person who wrote the message. But he said its discovery helped lead to the recent decision to re-arrest the three suspects. All three have since been released. The Aruba Public Prosecutor's Office said this week it won't charge them.

Prosecutors say the re-arrests had been warranted by the circumstantial evidence. Those include witness statements saying the suspects had been behaving strangely in the hours after Holloway vanished.

They have said they still believe the trio was somehow involved in Holloway's disappearance, but can't prove it because no body has turned up.


Hans Mos is with his family in Holland, on a pre-planned holiday. The Press Prosecutor also confirmed that Van der Sloot has offered to meet with investigators in Holland, and that he will do so sometime in the future. She will not say when.


The Associated Press
Published: December 8, 2007
Prosecutor Hans Mos said he does not anticipate ever finding Holloway's remains. "It's very hard to try a case without a body," he said. "It's not impossible, but you need substantial evidence that somebody was killed."

John Q. Kelly On the Record w/ Greta December 4, 2007

KELLY: Well, in their press release and even in conversations. I had a long discussion with him Thanksgiving morning after the arrests, and you know, he indicated that they were very confident, this new evidence they had, this incriminating evidence. And it turns out, quite frankly, that it is nothing new ...

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. So you can say with 100 percent certainly there's nothing new, right?

KELLY: I can say it with 99 percent.,2933,314966,00.html


Joran VDS Suspect Statement 06/09/05  

It is possible that I called someone or that someone called me. It is also possible that I sent or received messages

Former suspect in Holloway disappearance regrets no trial
December 23, 2007
Public prosecutors on the island closed their investigation Dec. 18, saying they believed Holloway was dead but they did not have enough evidence to prosecute Van der Sloot or two other former suspected accomplices of a crime in her disappearance.

Prosecutor's Press Release December 18, 2007
Since the release of all three suspects the Public Prosecutor’s Office has diligently considered and weighed all available evidence. It came to the opinion that the investigation did not bring about sufficient evidence to convince a Court of law that a crime of violence against Natalee Holloway has been committed, nor that her death has been caused by involuntary actions by either of the suspects. Neither was sufficient evidence gathered for sexual abuse. The Public Prosecutor’s Office expects that if this case would be tried in court it would lead to an acquittal of all three suspects on these various charges. Given that expectation the Public Prosecutor could no longer press charges against all three. It is contrary to the professional conduct to prosecute someone if the prosecutor himself expects an acquittal.


Patrick van der Eem
Monday, April 14th, 2008
The ongoing boycot Aruba saga

April 16th, 2008 at 12:38 am
I do know that Hans Mos from the moment Peter R. de Vries has been showing him the tapes has been working incredibly hard to get the evidence on the table that Joran did not only dispose of a body (carries a maximum jail sentence of 6 months in Holland), but to find the evidence that Joran can be accused of “murder” or “manslaughter” because it became clear from his confession that he never checked if Natalee was really dead.


Superior Court El Diario - 02-14-2007  
The whole case of the disappearance of Natalee Holloway gets a different twist now that the information has come out from no less than the Superior Court, and in which mention is made of the declarations of witnesses and a phone tap that show or give an indication that Paul van der Sloot had on two occasions personal contact with Natalee during the night that she disappeared. Mention is made that, according to one or more official reports of the phone tap and also the declaration of Paul van der Sloot himself, that Paul fetched Joran and Natalee at McDonald and took them to the Holiday Inn. Based on this information, the judicial authorities and the police had at that time a justified basis to arrest Paul van der Sloot based on different suspicions.
(Translation Credit: Diario)

Jossy Mansur DANA PRETZER SHOW December 11, 2006

JOSSY: I have a video tape of Gerald Dompig that they do have sufficient material to bring these boys in on kidnapping and rape. Which would be 8 years imprisonment.


Diario Aruba, September 9, 2008:  
"Even though Prosecutor Mr. Mos and also the Van Der Sloot family,
want to or not, this gives a complete turnaround in the whole
investigation. Today DIARIO focuses on the first part of the
declaration of the witness. What is being published today is what the
local authority (e.o. Prosecutor Mos) know from him, since they have
his signed declaration."

"DIARIO again wants to put emphasis on the fact that Prosecutor Mos
has knowledge of this part, but doesn't know what he did with it. The
second part which will appear soon in the DIARIO contains information
that the Prosecution of Aruba has no knowledge of at this point,
simply because every time the witness gave his declaration he was
pushed into a corner of fear for reprisals."

"IN another article, DIARIO will show how Prosecutor Mos paid little
attention to this witness and on the contrary, tried to discredit him.
This makes you wonder: Is it true that they want to protect Van der
Sloot cost what it may?"

(Translation Credit: Diario)


In an A & E Mysteries "What Happened to Natalee Holloway?" television interview with news journalist Bill Kurtis ( air date September 19,2008) Hans Mos states that he has seen no evidence of a cover-up, thinks Aruba did all it could to solve the case, and blamed the U.S. media for disrupting the investigation.

After all the evidence that has come to light over the past three and a half years that shows otherwise, does this sound like a prosecutor trying to solve the Natalee Holloway case - or one who is looking to place blame on the FAILURE of the investigation at someone else's feet?

*Why has Aruban Prosecutor Hans Mos refused to prosecute the case when he clearly has Joran dead to rights on kidnapping and rape charges?

*Why has Aruban Prosecutor Hans Mos refused to prosecute Joran van der Sloot on Manslaughter charges?

*Why has Aruban Prosecutor Hans Mos refused to take on the friends of Paulus van der Sloot in the Dutch judicial system?

*Why has Aruban Prosecutor Hans Mos failed to tackle the corruption in his legal and judicial system?

*Is Aruban Prosecutor Hans Mos simply another pawn in the apparent corrupt legal system? Is he just stalling the case until he can return to Holland like so many before him?


Greta Van Susteren: "So it's physical evidence, something you can actually touch or feel  

John Q Kelly: Or see. Sure.

Greta: or some scientific thing

John: Absolutely

Natalee Holloway and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!

Natalee’s Freebirds