Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

Current Events and Musings => Political Forum => Topic started by: WhiskeyGirl on October 19, 2009, 05:07:34 PM

Title: Cap & Trade is Back!!! Let's work together.
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on October 19, 2009, 05:07:34 PM
Carbon tax: the bullet they won’t bite in Copenhagen

Under a cap and trade scheme each government is given a certain number of permits to distribute to companies that emit carbon. Each country will be given a different limit, which will gradually be reduced, according to the stage of their development and their current carbon emissions.

Sounds like an excuse for nepotism, cronyism, and favoritism.

Whatever you believe about climate change, cap and trade appears to be a practical, market-friendly way to curb carbon emissions. The former US vice president Al Gore, Nobel laureate and Oscar-winner for his film An Inconvenient Truth, has been one of its most enthusiastic proponents. But what happens when you start asking inconvenient questions about cap and trade?

Doesn't Al Gore stand to make a lot of money from the implementation of Cap & Trade?  Fees?  Royalties? 

If the market sets the price for carbon credits, the price will fluctuate wildly, particularly at its onset. How will companies budget and plan around this cost? How can they properly invest in cleaner energy production when the cost of emitting carbon will be so uncertain for decades to come?

How can consumers budget if the price of energy and goods fluctuates wildly in the years to come?  HOw can they invest in a family or home if they have lesser job security?

And who will decide who gets the permits to emit carbon? Far from being free, the initial market for these permits will be subject to the corruption and inefficiencies of each country’s political process.

The virtue of free markets is that they reward innovation. But those who own or have invested in depreciating assets – an oil rig, car factory, or mining equipment for example – often have the most entrenched lobbies in government to preserve their interests, not the innovators. And no matter how clean a government, they also have an incentive to cheat on carbon caps to favour their own domestic industries.

read more here - (

Wow.  Wisdom from outside the US.   ::MonkeyCheer2::

Title: Re: Cap & Trade is Back!!! Let's work together.
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on October 19, 2009, 05:13:28 PM
Cap-and-trade ignores nature

“Nature, not human activity, rules the climate.” This is the title of the summary report from the nongovernmental, international, panel on climate change (NIPCC) chaired by Dr. S. Fred Singer and published by the Heartland Institute. More than 600 international climate scientists participated in its development. The title aptly describes their conclusions.

...When coupled with other scientific studies presented by the Oregon Institute of Science and Medicine, a scientific (as opposed to political) consensus that carbon dioxide is a minor factor in global climate change is indicated.

Other scientists and economists (most notably Bjorn Lomberg) point out that it is much more cost-effective for human beings to adapt to climate change than it is to change the climate. The trillions of dollars it will cost to reduce manproduced carbon dioxide would be better spent providing good nutrition and potable water to those in need.

Approximately two billion people on our planet exist near the economic margin of survival. They have no hope of changing their lot in life without access to affordable energy. Many of these people live in China and India.

The governments of China and India have stated they will not participate in global carbon emission reduction programs. To do so would be an act of genocide against their own people...

read more of this letter here - (

Title: Re: Cap & Trade is Back!!! Let's work together.
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on October 19, 2009, 05:24:10 PM
Bill would 'cap' the economies of 2 states
Monday, October 19, 2009

MOST MEMBERS of the Alabama and Mississippi congressional delegations have correctly concluded that "cap and trade" environmental proposals in Congress would be a kick in the teeth for the two states.

If your state isn't on the 'no growth' list today, long long before it is?  Before it must go into decline to meet our declining national limit? 

How do you say corruption and energy earmarks? 

But the nation could pay a high price for this quixotic quest. Independent analysts agree the cap-and-trade bill passed by the House in June would slow national economic growth. The worst-case scenarios put the long-term cost at more than $9 trillion.

Alabama, Mississippi and other Southern states that rely on coal-generated electricity would pay a higher price than the nation as a whole.

...Alabama and Mississippi would have to import electricity from states with a greater capacity to generate wind and solar power.

red more here - (

Why isn't the goal to reduce the price of energy for everyone?  100% (or more) increase in the price of heat, electric, gas...  10-50% increase in the price of health insurance...  When will it stop?

Sorry, no jobs for you American worker.

Title: Re: Cap & Trade is Back!!! Let's work together.
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on October 19, 2009, 05:33:46 PM
When Environmental Activism Does More Harm Than Good
 Posted October 19th, 2009 at 1.22pm in Energy and Environment.

Last night Heritage hosted the world premiere of “Not Evil Just Wrong,” a feature-length documentary that reveals the true cost of global warming hysteria and the unintended consequences of radical environmental policies that have been going on for decades. The film was broadcast live on and screened at 6,000 different locations in 27 countries.

The Heritage Foundation’s Center for Data Analysis recently exposed what would be the unintended consequences of the Waxman-Markey cap and trade legislation. CDA found that far more jobs would be destroyed than green jobs created, households will lose income, and the economy as a whole will be operating $9.4 trillion under its potential from 2012-2035 – all because of cap and trade.

“Not Evil Just Wrong” puts a face on the story that Heritage economic modeling has been telling as it documents the story of working Americans who work for industries that rely on fossil fuels, which is a massive part of the nation’s economy. For instance, “Small towns in the heartland, like Vevay, Ind., will become bastions of unemployment and poverty. Breadwinners like Tim McElhany in Vevay will lose their jobs — and will have to start borrowing money again just to buy bread for their families.”

There is a general problem that these policies divert resources away that could be used for more efficient use, or that we’ll have $9.4 trillion less available resources to combat real catastrophes because of policies that will make negligible reductions in the global temperature - like cap and trade.

read more here - (

from the comments -

Freedom of Speech TX writes:
Make no mistake about it.

This “global warming BS” is nothing more than a means to money then power.

Taken in the context of the upcoming Copenhagen Treaty, this is “spreading American Citizens Wealth” on a global basis.

And, it will do nothing to reduce global warming. It will economically and financially emasculate us. It will bring our standard of living down.

Those that hate America, both within and overseas, will create the ultimate humility by making us disproportionately pay - forever.

Anyone that believes Al Gore and the liberal “big-hitters” will suffer is delusional. They will “feel good” about themselves and laugh all the way to the bank.

Watch the panel discussion here - (

Title: Re: Cap & Trade is Back!!! Let's work together.
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on October 19, 2009, 05:39:58 PM
Irish journalist Phelim McAleer, who is one of the film's producers and directors, calls it "the movie that Al Gore and Hollywood don't want you to see." Why? Because Not Evil Just Wrong directly challenges much of what Gore's Oscar-winning film An Inconvenient Truth presents as irrefutable evidence of climate change.

As McAleer sees it, the difference between Not Evil Just Wrong and Moore's films is "we tell the truth."

The makers of Not Evil Just Wrong have gone one step further delivering their movie into the hands of the people they believe will be most affected by the economic impact of environmental legislation.

"These are the people who work for a living and depend on cheap energy," says McAleer of the folks he hopes will be screening and viewing his film tonight.

read more here - (

Title: Re: Cap & Trade is Back!!! Let's work together.
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on October 19, 2009, 05:45:58 PM
Website here with blog -  (

You can see the twitter here - (

Youtube channel (

Title: Re: Cap & Trade is Back!!! Let's work together.
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on October 19, 2009, 09:30:52 PM
Is there global government and taxation in line for the US?

Will Barack sign/give away our nation in two weeks?  Was the Nobel prize a booby prize for the US?

from gretawire -
Glenn Beck Interviews Lord Monckton On Climate Treaty Part 1

Glenn Beck Interviews Lord Monckton On Climate Treaty Part 2

Title: Cap & Trade...a new derivatives casino funded by taxpayer money?
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on October 28, 2009, 03:31:57 PM
...cap and trade, a system that has already created a derivatives markets of the kind that brought the global financial system close to collapse. A scheme that looked like a stroke of genius in the 90s is falling out of fashion.

"We'll have a financial crisis in emissions at some point," Kenneth Rogoff tells Focus. "There'll be derivatives and all these unemployed investment bankers will then go work on carbon trading and come up with ... products which will lead to a crisis."


Indeed, the economists who addressed a global editors forum in Copenhagen last weekend were unanimous in their view that a cap and trade system was unlikely to reduce emissions, would be open to rent-seeking and, in many countries, corruption.


"We've seen the corruption and crony capitalism that has been evident in the advanced industrialised countries ... It makes you very worried," he said. "What we realised now is the allocation of emissions permits is a market that is a couple of trillion dollars a year. So we're giving away, allocating that amount of money, and that just attracts the worst kind of behaviour that you can imagine."

Former president of Mexico Ernesto Zedillo, who is professor of international economics at Yale University and director of the Yale Centre for the Study of Globalisation, told the forum trading in permits in developing countries would lead not just to businesses lobbying to get free permits, which amounted to receiving a lot of money, but to outright corruption.

read more here -,25197,26219911-17803,00.html (,25197,26219911-17803,00.html)

Did the money on Wall Street disappear overnight?  Didn't anyone notice a bad thing happening to their financial reports over time? 

Did the money really disappear overnight? 

Americans will be paying for generations for these 'losses'.  Freddie/Fannie/FHA are toxic.  Any chance of closing the global financial gambling casino?

Or, will America open a new branch devoted to Cap & Trade?