Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

Current Events and Musings => Political Forum => Topic started by: WhiskeyGirl on December 03, 2009, 10:36:13 AM

Title: Are the big banks part of the Climategate? Banks = New Global Government?
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on December 03, 2009, 10:36:13 AM
The videos at this site make some good points about Climategate. (

Who profits from all the cap & trade taxes and regulation?  Who regulates?

What is our Federal Reserve investing in?  Where does all the money and profit go?

Are the big banks like Goldman Sachs the New Global Government?

Title: Re: Are the big banks part of the Climategate? Banks = New Global Government?
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on December 03, 2009, 10:46:54 AM
" “Climategate”: Peer-Review System Was Hijacked By Warming Alarmists "

Dating back to 1996, the emails show that both U.S. and U.K. based scientists referred to any research offering alternate viewpoints as “disinformation”,“misinformation” or “crap” that needs to be kept out of the public domain.

The emails include deliberations amongst the scientists regarding efforts to make sure that reports from the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change include their own research and exclude that of dissenting scientists.

In one of the emails, Phil Jones, the director of the East Anglia climate center, suggested to climate scientist Michael Mann of Penn State University We “will keep them out somehow — even if we have to redefine what the peer-review literature is!”

“This is horrible,” said Pat Michaels, a climate scientist at the Cato Institute in Washington who is directly threatened with physical violence in the emails. “This is what everyone feared. Over the years, it has become increasingly difficult for anyone who does not view global warming as an end-of-the-world issue to publish papers. This isn’t questionable practice, this is unethical.”

John Christy, a scientist at the University of Alabama at Huntsville attacked in the emails for asking that an IPCC report include dissenting viewpoints, said, “It’s disconcerting to realize that legislative actions this nation is preparing to take, and which will cost trillions of dollars, are based upon a view of climate that has not been completely scientifically tested.”

read more here (

It seems like many things out of Obama's mouth mean just the opposite...

"Entering in a new era of respect for science."  Really means - a new era of fraud, deceit, intimidation, and disinformation.

Obama (global ruler) isn't the Mr. Spock of science, he's the Harry Mudd (intergalactic trader).


Title: Re: Are the big banks part of the Climategate? Banks = New Global Government?
Post by: Edward on December 03, 2009, 05:46:27 PM
Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., is calling the leaked e-mails from climate scientists at a British university research unit a "theft" and "crime" that should be investigated, despite calls from Republicans to investigate the contents of the e-mails themselves -- not the way they were leaked.

Title: Re: Are the big banks part of the Climategate? Banks = New Global Government?
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on December 07, 2009, 11:24:01 AM
Sen. Barbara Boxer, D-Calif., is calling the leaked e-mails from climate scientists at a British university research unit a "theft" and "crime" that should be investigated, despite calls from Republicans to investigate the contents of the e-mails themselves -- not the way they were leaked.


"Boxer claims climate bill could bring billions to the U.S. economy"

Sen. Barbara Boxer (D-Calif.), the chairwoman of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, said that if the climate bill she unveiled this past week were to become law, it would draw billions of private investments into the economy.

Moving forward with the climate bill, Boxer said, would "allow this economy to take off, because it would draw, not federal funds, but private funds." (

For some reason, the Obama administration blurs the line between taxing, theft, government legislated fees/appropriate, maniuplations, and seizures. 

Don't they understand that the money comes from hard working people?

Climategate, Healthcare all seem to cost people more and reduce quality at the same time.  Yet, Boxer and Pelosi seem to think they're 'paid for'. 

Government digging deeper and deeper and fewer pockets and adding no value.

A play on words 'it's paid for' and 'private funds' = government theft.

my opinions.

from the comments -

I read an article today about how Ca. became bankrupt. One of the biggest reasons were the crippling regulations on businesses due to "global warming" Thats all we need for our already hurting economy is MORE taxes and burdens on already struggling businesses. We need to show ALL of these lefties the freaking door OUT in 2010.
BY danceswithtrees on 10/04/2009 at 14:09

She is a liar. This Cap and Tax will benefit G.E. and Al Gore with billions. Apalling to know money in the stimulus, millions are going to Libya and $529 million going to Finland to a company backed by Al Gore to develop hybrid sportscars which will cost $89,000. These are vehicles most of us will never afford. Cap and Trade tax…Al Gore will be cashing in big remember him monthly when you see your energy bills.
BY bailedout on 10/04/2009 at 16:28

I wonder how many stimulus jobs were created in Finland?  South Korea?