Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

Current Events and Musings => Political Forum => Topic started by: WhiskeyGirl on February 09, 2010, 10:13:09 AM

Title: The Obama Conundrum - The $1 million dollar healthcare limit
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on February 09, 2010, 10:13:09 AM
I listened to Obama on TV this morning talking about healthcare reform ending the $1 million dollar limit on healthcare.  He went on about how 'families' shouldn't have to worry about bumping up against the limit when their loved ones were sick...

What about the families on Medicare?  IIRC, there is no limit on Medicare payments for Medicare recipients - it doesn't matter if they are disabled or elderly.  No limit.

Obama has publicly voiced the need to curb the growth of Medicare and Medicaid.  He has suggested that sometimes, hip replacement isn't the best, most cost friendly solution - some folks should take a blue pill. 

What if you want a red pill?  If the blue pill works as well as the red pill, perhaps you should take the blue taxpayers some money too. 

Why can't America write a blank check when it comes to Medicare and Medicaid recipients?  Why do Americans give Congress and the president a lifetime blank check?

Why does Mr. Obama think insurance companies, and businesses can write a blank check for their policyholders or workers?

 Can someone help me understand?

Title: Re: The Obama Conundrum - The $1 million dollar healthcare limit
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on February 09, 2010, 10:21:21 AM
What about those folks that currently bump up against the limit? 

How many folks actually meet that limit and lose coverage?  Are they pursuing other avenues for healthcare?  Maybe Medicaid?  Disability and Medicare?

How did they spend there healthcare dollars?  Did they look for good value?  Did they consider that success rate of treatment before they spent all that money?  Perhaps they didn't care about the cost, because someone else was paying the bills?

Did they go from one expensive experimental treatment to another?  Are they getting treatment after treatment to avoid some surgery?'s cheaper to cut off your child's finger than to continue on with $6 million in 'treatments' that haven't cured the hangnail.

How many patients can taxpayers afford to cover when everyone has no limit on the amount of care they receive?  Are those no limit plans working for Medicare and Medicaid?

Does it really matter if you have a limit, when government doesn't allow payment for anything?  Unless perhaps your local politician in Washington intervenes on your behalf?  Maybe writes in special exception and payments for unions?

Why would Obama want to limit Medicare and Medicaid payment if he is in favor of no limits on healthcare spending?

How can you reduce spending and debt, if you keep pushing no limits?

Is the no limit a backdoor to funding drug and hospital profits?