Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

Current Events and Musings => Political Forum => Topic started by: WhiskeyGirl on March 03, 2010, 07:48:26 AM

Title: Obama's Genocide? Urbanization? Ghetto? Obamacare?
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on March 03, 2010, 07:48:26 AM
What is Obama's ultimate goal?  Genocide?  An American free of non-minorities?

I can't help but wonder why some are predicting gas will soon be $9 a gallon.  $200 to fill your tank.  How many families in America can afford that?  All to help subsidize climate change fraud? 

Past generations of Americans left the big cities, the ghetto's, the city with corrupt machine politics, and urban gangs.  For many, suburbia offered a fresh start, a great place to raise a family.

Transportation so expensive it will send families to the poor house?  Homelessness?

For some reason, Warren Buffet bought a railroad.  Obama is building new 'high speed' rails all other the nation, in places where Warren's railroad doesn't go. 

How many folks will go from Milwaukee to Madison on a daily basis?  I'm guessing not to many.

What to do?  Obama's in favor of development and subsidy for jobs in the city.  What jobs?  There are already people in the cities to take those jobs.

Michelle is promoting fresh groceries in the food deserts of America.  They look beautiful.  Nazi style propaganda for Obama's ghettos?

Why doesn't she focus on the crime?  The gangs?  The violence?  Substandard schools?

We'll give you great stores to look at on TV, but we won't do anything to keep the gangs and violence from killing you.

BTW, you can't have a gun to defend yourself.  The only guns allowed are for gang members and Black Banters at the polls.

If you do defend yourself, you the victim will be the one going to jail.  We let criminals off, no one has the right to defend themselves or their families in the Obamaland ghetto.

my opinions.

Title: Re: Obama's Genocide? Urbanization? Ghetto? Obamacare?
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on March 03, 2010, 07:54:16 AM
I wonder how long before more Americans lose their homes.  How many have stories like the ones in foreclosure with Indymac?

How many families owe something trivial like $47,000?  From what I've read, OneWest Bank get hundreds of thousands of dollars from taxpayers if OneWest is successful in foreclosing on this woman, and the foreclosures add up.

Would it be cheaper to pay off her mortgage @ 47,000, or to pay OneWest and others say $200,000? 

If the home is worth say $350,000, OneWest will make over half a million dollars!

A family lost it's home because they owed $47,000!

Do the math. 

Where will this family go?  Obama's ghettos?  Those urban developments sponsored by large global players?    The same folks that foreclosed on her home?

It seems like Obamacash is only available to political cronys, special interests, and other's identified by the Obamacrats as disadvantaged.

To bad, so sad, no job or Obamacash for the family that owed $47,000.  The Obamacash must go to big banks and large global players. 

Taxpayers get stuck with the bill for Obama's Ghettoization of America.

Title: Re: Obama's Genocide? Urbanization? Ghetto? Obamacare?
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on March 03, 2010, 07:58:45 AM
BTW, Obama's friends want your farm too.

Obamacrats turned off the water to California's oasis in the desert.  The farms have dried up, families lost their jobs and income, and farmers are in danger of losing their land.

It's OK.  Obama's friends want your farm.  They want to give it away to people who really need it.

Past dictators just killed the farmers.  Modern dictators and global players/despots take your land through economic, ecologic, and legal manipulations. 

How long before the desert is green again?  After the families lose their farms?

Where will they go?  Obama's ghettos in Obama's urban communities?  Where we really care?  The Obama community will take care of you?

my opinions.  All my posts are my opinions.

Title: Re: Obama's Genocide? Urbanization? Ghetto? Obamacare?
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on March 03, 2010, 08:05:43 AM
The third pillar of Obama's genocide...Obamacare?

Obamacare with it's built in racial, ethnic, and political discrimination?  It's written into the House and Senate bills I've read.

Obama is big on fixing racial, ethnic, and political disparities.  Obama seems to see the world as minority or non-minority.  It's not that Obama is against the non-minority group, he's just for the minority group.

Where are the living victims that need to get reparations?  Only reparations I see Obama address are the one's from the minority group.  It doesn't matter how many generations have past, Obama and guilty liberals will make it 'right' for some...and punish others, who have no guilt and didn't do bad things. 

It's Obama's vision of 'social justice'.

To bad, so sad, no matter what horrible things someone in America did to the non-minority group - no reparations, no jobs, no homes, no reparations, no future for you.

No right to legally address the built in Obamacare discrimination.

Is Obamacare the third pillar in the Obama Genocide?

Maybe no jobs is a pillar too?

my opinions.