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Current Events and Musings => Political Forum => Topic started by: WhiskeyGirl on May 24, 2010, 04:40:44 PM

Title: Does Mexico really want to stop illegal immigration?
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on May 24, 2010, 04:40:44 PM
A message to Mexican President Felipe Calderon.

How would Mexicans react if a US president, or any other foreign leader, went to Los Pinos and criticized Article 33 of the Mexican Constitution?

What can I tell you about Article 33? Don't go marching on the Paseo de la Reforma with a US flag calling on Mexico to change!

Or what about a Central American leader who blasting Article 67 of the Ley General de Población?

This article highlights Mexican hypocrisy:

"At present, Article 67 of Mexico's Population Law says, 'Authorities, whether federal, state or municipal ... are required to demand that foreigners prove their legal presence in the country, before attending to any issues.'" (AP)

Am I missing something? Did the Arizona legislature write Article 67 of the "Ley General de Población"?

Again, how would most Mexicans feel if a foreign visitor trashed their laws?

My guess is that Mexicans would react the same way that most Americans are now reacting.

My second guess is that most Mexicans would be blasting their president for allowing a foreign visitor to attack their country's laws without consequence.

Question: Who is giving President Calderon advice?

What "expert" at the Mexico Embassy in Washington told Calderon that trashing the Arizona law would help those of us who are serious about fixing our immigration crisis?

It was indeed a bizarre moment at The White House.

And it was probably the moment that killed any chance of passing a rational immigration solution.

Once again, Presidents Obama and Calderon totally misrepresented the Arizona law.

They continued to promote the nonsense that Arizona will stop anyone who looks Mexican, whatever "looking Mexican" means!

We reiterate: 1 of 3 people in Arizona is of Hispanic origin.

We ask again: Does anyone really think that Arizona police have the time to stop 1 of 3 residents?

We repeat: Arizona's law makes it very clear that no one can be stopped based on race or ethnic origin.

Has anybody read the law?

Calderon's message is falling flat because he is confusing illegal with legal immigration.

Calderon is also blaming the US rather than accepting responsibility for the mess that Mexico's political class has made of our neighbor.

How can a country blessed with so many natural resources be so poor?

Don't you think that Mexicans would rather stay home and pursue their dreams in their own land?

Mexicans cross over because Mexico has failed them!

Blame the Mexican political class. Don't blame the people of Arizona under siege from ruthless cartels!

Again, it is sad to watch Calderon because he has to know, or should know, that he is misrepresenting the Arizona law on US soil.

Worse than that, Calderon's comments on the Arizona law will make it impossible for Democrats up for reelection in 2010 to support any kind of immigration reform.

We repeat: Most Americans support the Arizona law.

Most of the Democrats up for reelection represent districts where this law is very popular.

What Democrat is going to go against public opinion after the health care disaster?

Beyond the Arizona law, why is everyone avoiding the truth?

Mexico does not have an Arizona problem or any other US problem.

Instead, Mexico has a Mexico problem.

Unfortunately, Mexico's political class has not made the necessary reforms to its agricultural and energy sectors.

PEMEX may have been a "feel good" idea in 1938; however it is a disaster today.

Agrarian reform may have been a good idea back whenever, however it has +++++++ the agricultural sector and forced thousands to leave their unproductive "ranchitos" for better opportunities in the US.

Again, Mexico does not have an Arizona problem — Mexico has a Mexico problem!

Last but not least, Americans are more and more skeptical of Mexico's intentions: "67% say Mexico does not want to stop illegal immigration."

Can you blame Americans for feeling that way?

Here is my message to President Calderon and the Mexican political class:

Commit yourselves to improving your country (i.e. reforms) and you won't have to worry about Arizona or anybody else!

What about President Obama?

He has resisted any expansion of the guest worker program. How can we take Obama seriously when the Democrats will not support a guest worker provision to immigration reform?

Again, it was a bizarre moment at The White House.

On one hand, President Calderon trashed our laws and did not accept any responsibility for the mess south of the border.

On the other hand, President Obama can't get a Democrat majority to take up immigration reform because the labor unions oppose any kind of guest worker provisions.


Title: Re: Does Mexico really want to stop illegal immigration?
Post by: Edward on May 25, 2010, 01:30:02 AM
It is not in the best interest of South of the border nations to stop illegal immigration into the united states... Cuba and Venezuela pushes for it to create upheaval and chaos inside our nation..
 The idea is to populate us with a uneducated population which will have a vote
Then they can sway through Media propaganda.
Remember the richest man in the world owns all of the Mexican media.
God help you if you are from Guatemala or El Salvador and decide too cross into Mexico illegally, especially if you are Female.. Mexican police will rob rape and dismember them and throw there carcass in a canyon along side of the road.