Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

Natalee Holloway => LCD Archive => Topic started by: klaasend on February 10, 2007, 11:30:01 PM

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 10, 2007, 11:30:01 PM
Let's hope 2007 brings Justice for Natalee


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 11, 2007, 12:39:46 AM
Nite again San!

Angie - you may go to sleep now too if you wish, lol  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 11, 2007, 12:40:41 AM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Nite again San!

Angie - you may go to sleep now too if you wish, lol  :lol:

 LMAO  ..

 TY Klaas.. been a very long day for me!
Have a good night!!  :) :)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 11, 2007, 12:41:51 AM
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
Quote from: "klaasend"
Nite again San!

Angie - you may go to sleep now too if you wish, lol  :lol:

 LMAO  ..

 TY Klaas.. been a very long day for me!
Have a good night!!  :) :)

U2 Angie - nite!

I need to go put on my night time elastic waist clothing now..ha ha ha ha ha

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 11, 2007, 12:49:45 AM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
Quote from: "klaasend"
Nite again San!

Angie - you may go to sleep now too if you wish, lol  :lol:

 LMAO  ..

 TY Klaas.. been a very long day for me!
Have a good night!!  :) :)

U2 Angie - nite!

I need to go put on my night time elastic waist clothing now..ha ha ha ha ha


I got a sweat suit on.. its Burrr cold..
heading off ot bed.. will  read tomorrow again to catch back up! :)

Title: Party time, you all come!
Post by: IBE on February 11, 2007, 05:36:19 AM
WoW first time I've been on a first page in the cage!

Why don't we have a Valentine's Party in the Lounge on the 14th? all day and night!  Pot luck. Just log in, tell what we are bringing and we can all eat "digital food" and get fat on just the thoughts of the food? As the day goes on, we can bring more.... digital parties are so inexpensive and so little time in the kitchen! Maybe nonsuche will show us some more great pictures of cookies.

Have to start with grits and remind ourselves not to southern cuss, if we burn what we are bringing... like the guy did on the food channel tonight.

We need mermaid (do I remember the name correctly)  to be a coorindinator if we get too much fish or too many sweets she can let us know as we go along where we are going to be short.

As the say on the food channel... we then take it up a notch and
Oh, Lalasmom can start us in the Shango Tango and Jerry and Old Fart can continue with jitter bug, Texas 2 step. If there's lots of imbibing, I might take more steps just to get to the food table! Carnut can be the chosen driver to take us to our homes in one of the neat cars... I want  the firetruck!

Mrs. Red will be wearing her new pearls.. HINT HINT

I want to include all of you... I just have mental block on who is who.

When posting
Just found out by accident that ctrl with a letter like an "u" makes the html code for underline and hitting it the second time does a "no underline" code. Here I was always highlighting and then hitting the button above for  the codes or putting the html in by hand.        

Amazing what you find when typing in the dark. (will post in lounge why I have the lights off)... I did a scarey, stupid thing early this Sat AM but didn't get scared and think it was stupid 'till after I did it. I did leave a message memo on my answering machine telling what I was going to do, just in case something happened. By the time anyone knew I was missing woulld be days anyway... that's what happens if you don't socialize much, other than volunteering.

Saw the ex=neighbor who used to live 3 doors down who is rumored to be homeless. He said he wasn't the one out there at 4_30 AM.... then I really got thinking for I am not sure who it was.. even if you live in a gated community, there are still ways to get in

Klaas.. we have rain! I saw the Intl home buying a home show about the 3 homes in Aruba. I would have taken any of them... the man had a either Chicago accent or soft New Jersy or ??? what did you think?

4000 sq ft?? home.. my trailer is about 15 % pf that. over 2 million for one home!. I could see the lighthouse in some of the shots.

We Monkeys are getting so good at this, that many of you (me too) knew the Aruban TV commerical on HGTV and DIY makes the Island look more in the Carib than it is!!

Klaas...Can't get your .pdf file you linked to to work.. but tonight I can't get any of my browsers to work.. and I am using the latest versions of 2 out of 3. Will go downtown later in this day, If I can get alseep now, to the city's free wi-fi and download Firefox. The error says "server not available: or soemthing like that. Could it have been taken off?

Read the threads since I posted last and didn't see any ref. to the other version of the cartoon that I think is out there... one with the face in the hotel window??

Doesn't anyone else remember that?

Keep the Faith, Good Monkeys!                       IBE

PS.. see what happens when I am here all alone :lol:  :lol:  Good night and Good Morning all.

Title: PS
Post by: IBE on February 11, 2007, 05:40:07 AM
It will be a pretty party with all of us in our Valentine and regular avatars!

OK... I am going to bring big tenderloin port sandwiches like we had in the Midwest.

Oh, and lots of Pumpkin ale... as I only tried a few sips of one bottle.. and have 11 left.

Title: Celebration of Love for Natalee!
Post by: IBE on February 11, 2007, 06:20:05 AM
Valintine's Party A celebration of love for Natalee, her family, her friends and all our Monkey friends and family!

posted in the Lounge in time to "shop" for the pot luck and tell what you are bringing!

You guys, you all come! No cooking, no spending of money, just plain fun and digital food has no calories

It's 24 hrs long I guess starting on the east coast on the 14 (that's when we start eating??) :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Kat_Gram on February 11, 2007, 10:12:03 AM
Valentine's Day is not complete without Ms. Kat Baker's brownies.
Num Num.
I am going to do them today and freeze them for the little kiddo.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Kat_Gram on February 11, 2007, 10:15:14 AM
I said CHOCOLATE ! !
for breakfast . lunch and dinner...

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 11, 2007, 10:51:40 AM


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Cat on February 11, 2007, 11:03:13 AM
My cat gumbo is famous with Calico's all around.Now I will be a grinch and say you can take the 5 amendment in a civil case,but it is an admission a jury won't like.Judge may hold you in contempt. i will make some special punch that you can be the judge.I got my little sprout a suprise and she will never guess what.I will tell everyone later,because she does moniter my posts sometimes.HEHE  Cat   I looked at shoes and pearls for a virtual gift for several of you

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Cat on February 11, 2007, 11:04:29 AM
Oh my Brownies.How many Brownies do you put in each batch.CAT

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Kat_Gram on February 11, 2007, 11:26:29 AM
Quote from: "Cat"
Oh my Brownies.How many Brownies do you put in each batch.CAT

I make them in a 9 x 13 pan.
It's about 24.
I did the Valentine thing yesterday. My little princess got a special necklace. She is eight, but is very responsible with her things lately, so I gave her a Tiffany silver starfish pendant necklace. I bought it for her before, but it was a bit much for her at the time I bought it. She just loves it ! !

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on February 11, 2007, 11:34:06 AM

Some of us will be wearing the virtual shoes & pearls while shovelling snow on 2/14... :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: nonesuche on February 11, 2007, 11:40:40 AM

You are the cutest and sweetest monkey ever !

I left you some cookies and I think your menu sounds wonderful ( as they say PARTAY !!

here's a heart just for you (

oh....and an extra cookie  :wink:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: nonesuche on February 11, 2007, 11:41:20 AM
Quote from: "2NJSons_Mom"

Some of us will be wearing the virtual shoes & pearls while shovelling snow on 2/14... :lol:

 :lol:  :lol: how much snow do you have?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Lala'sMom on February 11, 2007, 11:43:18 AM
Did someone say party???  I attended the last one, but nobody noticed I was there...think it was my outfit or something.   :roll:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: nonesuche on February 11, 2007, 11:44:47 AM
Quote from: "Lala'sMom"
Did someone say party???  I attended the last one, but nobody noticed I was there...think it was my outfit or something.   :roll:

hey not true, you partied with me once  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Kat_Gram on February 11, 2007, 11:47:30 AM
This weather here is horrid. An Artic Vortex. It's bright and sunny but -24 celcius below.  And it isn't going away any time soon. I try not to be out in it except to go to work and getting the supplies. I have all the proper clothes, but it doesn't take too long to get cold to the bone. There is a big pool here with skylights / a sauna and I have become very popular for family swim times etc. They have a mural painted all around the pool of the beach and if you squint and use your imagination it isn't Siberia.
There is a big winter festival here for the next week and I refuse to go.
Went to a carnival at one of the clubs where they do the big toboggan slides.
I went on a sleigh ride where they had the big clydedales pulling the sleigh and it took me the rest of the day to recover from it.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: nonesuche on February 11, 2007, 11:48:48 AM
well Lala's I'd love to stay and I'd vote for you to be the princess of the party with IBE, but I have some late orders to work up and paperwork to do!

here is my image of SB with a special girl at the party  (


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: nonesuche on February 11, 2007, 11:50:32 AM

I love your descriptions, Siberia  :lol:

this is an emoticon just for you (

take care all, eat sweets and blueberries to offset the sweets, and have a great day !!!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Kat_Gram on February 11, 2007, 11:50:48 AM
When I was a kid this kind of weather did not phase me. Skating until they made me come in for bedtime. Now, different story.
Although this vortex here is a record breaker.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Lala'sMom on February 11, 2007, 11:50:49 AM
Quote from: "nonesuche"
Quote from: "Lala'sMom"
Did someone say party???  I attended the last one, but nobody noticed I was there...think it was my outfit or something.   :roll:

hey not true, you partied with me once  :lol:

So true.  How are you?  Still baking?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Lala'sMom on February 11, 2007, 11:52:48 AM
Well!  I show up. Nonesy leaves.  Nonesy shows up.  I am not here.  What's up with this picture?  Hey, I bet she's keeping all those cookies for herself.   :roll:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Lala'sMom on February 11, 2007, 12:21:49 PM
Heading off to do some work, you guys can talk about me now.  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: msmarple on February 11, 2007, 12:56:44 PM
Quote from: "Lala'sMom"
Did someone say party???  I attended the last one, but nobody noticed I was there...think it was my outfit or something.   :roll:

 :wink: Lalas - Some might think the monitor might be a party poop ...  :wink:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: nonesuche on February 11, 2007, 01:01:24 PM
Quote from: "Lala'sMom"
Well!  I show up. Nonesy leaves.  Nonesy shows up.  I am not here.  What's up with this picture?  Hey, I bet she's keeping all those cookies for herself.   :roll:

( silly you Lala's, yes still baking and wish you were here. I'd sit you down with a cappucino and some cookies !

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: msmarple on February 11, 2007, 01:04:28 PM
None - I think you DID get a web site up, but what/where is it? Potential customer here.

Although I have made a TON of cookies ... I don't get fancy any more! Lemon bars, my mother's choc chip, and peanut butter is what my family always wants. Sometimes I do thumbprints around Christmas - I'm in a couple of Cookie Exchanges.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 11, 2007, 01:08:08 PM
Quote from: "msmarple"
None - I think you DID get a web site up, but what/where is it? Potential customer here.

Although I have made a TON of cookies ... I don't get fancy any more! Lemon bars, my mother's choc chip, and peanut butter is what my family always wants. Sometimes I do thumbprints around Christmas - I'm in a couple of Cookie Exchanges.

Yeah! And I still wanna look into it for Justin's birthday party at school in early May!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: tcumom on February 11, 2007, 02:56:25 PM
Justins ~ Nones' cookie site is just beautiful!  

Any of the Monkeys ~ Have any of you seen Tylergal lately?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 11, 2007, 03:00:45 PM
Quote from: "tcumom"
Justins ~ Nones' cookie site is just beautiful!  

Any of the Monkeys ~ Have any of you seen Tylergal lately?

Hi tcumom - I haven't heard from her in a long time.  She last posted on January 28th.  I'm hoping she's not ill.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Leslie on February 11, 2007, 03:21:16 PM
Quote from: "Kat_Gram"
When I was a kid this kind of weather did not phase me. Skating until they made me come in for bedtime. Now, different story. Although this vortex here is a record breaker.

You sound like you are having our usual February weather!  We have had the mildest winter and the least amount of snow, in my memory, in Quebec.  No roof shoveling needed this year and I was able to get my septic tank pumped out because the ground wasn't frozen under the snow.   Plus, because of the lack of snowclouds, we have had the sunniest winter.  Remember, when we were kids the temperature was Fahrenheit and now we use Celcius.  Back then, whenever we heard it was minus anything, it was COLD.  The hair in your nose would freeze and you felt like you were slapped in the face as soon as you opened the front door.  Now, when it is minus 1 Celcius,  it feels like it is springtime.  Bring back fahrenheit!  Right now, it is 23 degrees F and I don't care what it is in Celcuis. And why don't they re-design skates? I used to love to skate but my feet would be frozen within minutes.  The female skates were so narrow you could not wear heavy socks in them.  I want a pair of UGH boots with skate blades and any other colour than white.  
Only 2 more months and winter will be over.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: tcumom on February 11, 2007, 03:21:30 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
I haven't heard from her in a long time.  She last posted on January 28th.  I'm hoping she's not ill.

Hi Klaas ~ thanks for answering ~ I'm worried about know, I just sit back and kind of keep an eye out for various monkeys MIA.  Will you please let me know if you hear anything?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: nonesuche on February 11, 2007, 03:45:50 PM
msmarples - I don't have your email address? If you can email Klaas then she can forward to me? thank you for your interest !

justins, you have mail !

tcumom - thank you !! I have been so busy I've not emailed tyler this week but San shared she's been busy with a new puppy and some further home renovations? Like you though, I'd love to see her back !

take care all, going to spend some quality time with family !

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 11, 2007, 03:50:54 PM
Quote from: "nonesuche"
msmarples - I don't have your email address? If you can email Klaas then she can forward to me? thank you for your interest !

justins, you have mail !

tcumom - thank you !! I have been so busy I've not emailed tyler this week but San shared she's been busy with a new puppy and some further home renovations? Like you though, I'd love to see her back !

take care all, going to spend some quality time with family !

Got it! Thanx! Pirate ships, eh? The boy loves Pirates of the Caribbean!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: msmarple on February 11, 2007, 03:57:50 PM
klaas - mail call!

I'm getting off to din dins; later.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 11, 2007, 04:05:10 PM
Quote from: "msmarple"
klaas - mail call!

I'm getting off to din dins; later.

Ok..will check it now

Edited to add:  No email yet

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Cat on February 11, 2007, 04:06:45 PM
My dil lives in Quebec,now.It is cold.I guess I am the only one who saw the Addams Family.(girl scout cookies)You all must try my gumbo and special brew.But you must use a glass,it eats through styrofoam and plastic.Cat

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Kat_Gram on February 11, 2007, 04:36:25 PM
Quote from: "Leslie"
Quote from: "Kat_Gram"
When I was a kid this kind of weather did not phase me. Skating until they made me come in for bedtime. Now, different story. Although this vortex here is a record breaker.

You sound like you are having our usual February weather!  We have had the mildest winter and the least amount of snow, in my memory, in Quebec.  No roof shoveling needed this year and I was able to get my septic tank pumped out because the ground wasn't frozen under the snow.   Plus, because of the lack of snowclouds, we have had the sunniest winter.  Remember, when we were kids the temperature was Fahrenheit and now we use Celcius.  Back then, whenever we heard it was minus anything, it was COLD.  The hair in your nose would freeze and you felt like you were slapped in the face as soon as you opened the front door.  Now, when it is minus 1 Celcius,  it feels like it is springtime.  Bring back fahrenheit!  Right now, it is 23 degrees F and I don't care what it is in Celcuis. And why don't they re-design skates? I used to love to skate but my feet would be frozen within minutes.  The female skates were so narrow you could not wear heavy socks in them.  I want a pair of UGH boots with skate blades and any other colour than white.  
Only 2 more months and winter will be over.

I think they make nicer skates now. Can't you get the shoemaker guy to dye them fuschia  ? I want to get a pair and give it a go in an indoor rink.
I used to spped skate one thousand years ago on the school team and I had a rink in my backyard every other year or so. If I was in the backyard, at least they knew where I was !  lol

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Cat on February 11, 2007, 04:37:01 PM
where all the Monkeys,hiding from me.I spent a nice 2 nights in weather that was -3 to got colder than they said,suprise.I still have all my paws and claws.Come monkeys,I have fed on fowl earlier,you are safe,now.CAT

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Kat_Gram on February 11, 2007, 04:48:18 PM
The kids have an outdoor hot tub in the backyard. But I get too cold coming home. And you have to wear a hat ! !  Strange idea of fun over there.  :lol:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Kat_Gram on February 11, 2007, 04:50:08 PM
I have not seen one new thing anout this case for a while and I do read around and look. Guess we just have to wait and see what happens with the lawsuit in CA.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: mishy on February 11, 2007, 06:54:50 PM
Quote from: "Cat"
My cat gumbo is famous with Calico's all around.Now I will be a grinch and say you can take the 5 amendment in a civil case,but it is an admission a jury won't like.Judge may hold you in contempt. i will make some special punch that you can be the judge.I got my little sprout a suprise and she will never guess what.I will tell everyone later,because she does moniter my posts sometimes.HEHE  Cat   I looked at shoes and pearls for a virtual gift for several of you

moi???  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: mishy on February 11, 2007, 06:59:14 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "tcumom"
Justins ~ Nones' cookie site is just beautiful!  

Any of the Monkeys ~ Have any of you seen Tylergal lately?

Hi tcumom - I haven't heard from her in a long time.  She last posted on January 28th.  I'm hoping she's not ill.

Tyler emailed me last week. She's getting the last of her renovations done and is feeling much better now...

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 11, 2007, 07:01:01 PM


Three Men and a Baby and a Sperm Donor … WTF

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Cat on February 11, 2007, 07:05:44 PM
Mishy,Klass, tyler and others,drop bye.I am a sucker for French.Cat the cool.I am watching Woodstock and trying to explain it to a 14 year old,and where the old musicans went

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Cat on February 11, 2007, 07:08:03 PM
Klass,you told about my secret love and now I am on the front page.If I win as a donor before SCOTUS,I will give all to Scared Monkeys,potlach .CAT

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 11, 2007, 07:10:21 PM
Quote from: "Cat"
Klass,you told about my secret love and now I am on the front page.If I win as a donor before SCOTUS,I will give all to Scared Monkeys,potlach .CAT

 :lol:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Sam on February 11, 2007, 07:13:21 PM
Quote from: "Cat"
where all the Monkeys,hiding from me.I spent a nice 2 nights in weather that was -3 to got colder than they said,suprise.I still have all my paws and claws.Come monkeys,I have fed on fowl earlier,you are safe,now.CAT

HI Monkeys,

well Cat when you mention you ate the green fairy that is scary. I am sure Cbb would not have given you the green fairy if she had known you would eat it.LOL

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Sam on February 11, 2007, 07:16:17 PM
Mishy thanks for the update on Tyler. Tell her she is missed.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: mrs. red on February 11, 2007, 07:16:34 PM
HI Monkeys...

I haven't been around in a while, except for the political thread.... and I am so lost with this thread.... some one please catch me up!!!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 11, 2007, 07:17:31 PM
Quote from: "mrs. red"
HI Monkeys...

I haven't been around in a while, except for the political thread.... and I am so lost with this thread.... some one please catch me up!!!

No news in the NH case. are caught up!  :wink:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: mishy on February 11, 2007, 07:18:17 PM
Quote from: "Sam"
Quote from: "Cat"
where all the Monkeys,hiding from me.I spent a nice 2 nights in weather that was -3 to got colder than they said,suprise.I still have all my paws and claws.Come monkeys,I have fed on fowl earlier,you are safe,now.CAT

HI Monkeys,

well Cat when you mention you ate the green fairy that is scary. I am sure Cbb would not have given you the green fairy if she had known you would eat it.LOL

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 11, 2007, 07:19:34 PM
The Dana Pretzer Show - 9 PM - Special Guest Ed Lozzi
Tonight, Sunday February 11th, 2007 at 9 PM Eastern Dana Pretzer will be broadcasting live.

Ed Lozzi from Lozzi Media

The price of fame- Anna Nicole Smith
Lana Clarkson- The Phil Spector case and trial.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Sam on February 11, 2007, 07:26:26 PM
Thanks Klaas for the Dana update.

I am wanting to post a stupid dream I had last night but since it is so long I am wanting to wait until we change pages. LOL

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on February 11, 2007, 07:33:50 PM
Sam, I thought the page changed after 20....length didn't matter???


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Sam on February 11, 2007, 07:35:25 PM

Ok looks like no one is going to help me get to the next page so I am going to post it now.

I had the strangest dream last night.I am not sure I rememeber every single detail.

In my dream we were all on SM. We were discussing the 302's.We were saying we wish we had access to all of them.

Anna said we could get them if we had enough money.She said she had asked her lawyer about them and he had said," how much money do you have?

She then said," does that mean we would be doing something illegal?" and he said" NO". He said," The information is available under the freedom of information act,
 But I would have to fill out the paperwork for each individual one.The cost of me doing that would be $50 for each one. How many do you want?"

After thinking about it for a few minutes Anna said" I guess just one." She told us she chose Elizabeth Lewis Cain because she was a distant cousin of hers.

( Now remember this was just a dream. I have no idea if Anna is related to any of the MB students)

So then Anna said if some of us were willing to get our lawyers to request them we could have more.

Dkpen said," I have heard you can get them from the FBI site online, no charge. You just fill out the form to request online and in a few minutes it comes back with the info.
A friend sent me a link to the form but when I click it I get a form that is already filled out. Not what we want."

He then post the completed form to show us.

Anna chimes in, "Oh I have used that kind of form before. You just select all, copy  and paste into a new document and then eliminate the things you do not want in it and fill it out again"

So Dkpen says," Let me try that" Then he/she says," Hey that works.OK , let me give it a try. Who should we ask for first."

It is decided to try Vivian Yeilding. So we all sit on pins and needles waiting for the results if any.

In a few minutes the results are back. We are all very excited.

Then Dkpen says," Hey why don't we all do one"

So we discuss that some  and those of us online at the time are assigned different names to check.It is at this point I wake up.

Strange Huh! Now I am off to search and see if there is some sort of link for this information

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Tibrogargan on February 11, 2007, 07:37:56 PM
Quote from: "mrs. red"
HI Monkeys...

I haven't been around in a while, except for the political thread.... and I am so lost with this thread.... some one please catch me up!!!

Hi Mrs Red.
I did a nice article for you on the Aussie thread.  All about pearls  :lol:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Sam on February 11, 2007, 07:40:24 PM
Quote from: "2NJSons_Mom"
Sam, I thought the page changed after 20....length didn't matter???


 Thanks, 2NJSons Mom, I know we are getting close, I was just trying to avoid doing it all by myself. LOL I think I will repost it on the next page too so it does not get missed.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Tibrogargan on February 11, 2007, 07:43:31 PM
Quote from: "Cat"
Mishy,Klass, tyler and others,drop bye.I am a sucker for French.Cat the cool.I am watching Woodstock and trying to explain it to a 14 year old,and where the old musicans went

Cat They all went up in a green haze  .. :lol:  :lol:
After your experience with the green fairy I think it might be a dangerous colour?  You had better stick to eating mice.  They are a nice safe brown colour.  :wink:  :wink:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Sam on February 11, 2007, 07:44:17 PM
Ok looks like no one is going to help me get to the next page so I am going to post it now.

I had the strangest dream last night.I am not sure I remember every single detail.

In my dream we were all on SM. We were discussing the 302's.We were saying we wish we had access to all of them.

Anna said we could get them if we had enough money.She said she had asked her lawyer about them and he had said," how much money do you have?

She then said," does that mean we would be doing something illegal?" and he said" NO". He said," The information is available under the freedom of information act,
But I would have to fill out the paperwork for each individual one.The cost of me doing that would be $50 for each one. How many do you want?"

After thinking about it for a few minutes Anna said" I guess just one." She told us she chose Elizabeth Lewis Cain because she was a distant cousin of hers.

( Now remember this was just a dream. I have no idea if Anna is related to any of the MB students)

So then Anna said if some of us were willing to get our lawyers to request them we could have more.

Dkpen said," I have heard you can get them from the FBI site online, no charge. You just fill out the form to request online and in a few minutes it comes back with the info.
A friend sent me a link to the form but when I click it I get a form that is already filled out. Not what we want."

He then post the completed form to show us.

Anna chimes in, "Oh I have used that kind of form before. You just select all, copy and paste into a new document and then eliminate the things you do not want in it and fill it out again"

So Dkpen says," Let me try that" Then he/she says," Hey that works.OK , let me give it a try. Who should we ask for first."

It is decided to try Vivian Yeilding. So we all sit on pins and needles waiting for the results if any.

In a few minutes the results are back. We are all very excited.

Then Dkpen says," Hey why don't we all do one"

So we discuss that some and those of us online at the time are assigned different names to check.It is at this point I wake up.

Strange Huh! Now I am off to search and see if there is some sort of link for this information

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on February 11, 2007, 07:44:45 PM
I read your dream....amazing how much detail you remember.  I'm lucky to remember bits and pieces.  'How much $' comment reminded me of Dave Holloway & the ALE comment....the rest, not sure, but you have been posting alot about the 302s...

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: mrs. red on February 11, 2007, 07:46:29 PM
Quote from: "Tibrogargan"
Quote from: "mrs. red"
HI Monkeys...

I haven't been around in a while, except for the political thread.... and I am so lost with this thread.... some one please catch me up!!!

Hi Mrs Red.
I did a nice article for you on the Aussie thread.  All about pearls  :lol:  :lol:

OHhhhhhhhhhh... going to read right now!!  Thank YOU!!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 11, 2007, 07:51:19 PM
Sam - that's quite a detailed dream  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Tibrogargan on February 11, 2007, 07:55:05 PM
Have to check out again now  :lol:  :lol:
BBL monkeys - keep warm.  Saw all the snow and ice on TV  Brrrrrr

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Kat_Gram on February 11, 2007, 07:58:58 PM
Think I will listen to Dana.
This Anna Nicole Smith has brought all of the crazies out from under their rocks.
Why can't the Baby.. DanniLynn have a court appointed guardian until this is all settled ? What and Who is Howard K Stern ? Does he have a source of income other than as a supplier of drugs  ? Gee, I wonder how and why everyone and their doggies on the crazy box with pictures in the living room thinks that Howard had " control" over Anna for the past ten years. Gee, do you think he supplied her with prescription drugs ?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: mrs. red on February 11, 2007, 07:59:23 PM
gonna bbl... y'all...

gotta do some chores.. :cry:  

has anyone heard how CBB is doing??

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Cat on February 11, 2007, 08:18:13 PM
Hey Mrs Red,Mishy,CBB,Etc.They say I have a one 1000 chance of being the father of Anna 's Baby,RIGHT.The green Fairy's are so crunchy,I need more.Mouse liver pate' is good,but a good green fairy.Hey Tib.Spartecus Cat I Promised not to rant about joran being guilty

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: AZSunny on February 11, 2007, 08:28:20 PM
Quote from: "2NJSons_Mom"
I read your dream....amazing how much detail you remember.  I'm lucky to remember bits and pieces.  'How much $' comment reminded me of Dave Holloway & the ALE comment....the rest, not sure, but you have been posting alot about the 302s...

You know, sometimes I dream I have to go to the bathroom, and then I wake up and I do!!  I wish I could remember dreams, just can't and I try.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 11, 2007, 08:45:38 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
The Dana Pretzer Show - 9 PM - Special Guest Ed Lozzi
Tonight, Sunday February 11th, 2007 at 9 PM Eastern Dana Pretzer will be broadcasting live.

Ed Lozzi from Lozzi Media

The price of fame- Anna Nicole Smith
Lana Clarkson- The Phil Spector case and trial.


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 11, 2007, 08:58:45 PM
Quote from: "mrs. red"
Quote from: "Tibrogargan"
Quote from: "mrs. red"
HI Monkeys...

I haven't been around in a while, except for the political thread.... and I am so lost with this thread.... some one please catch me up!!!

Hi Mrs Red.
I did a nice article for you on the Aussie thread.  All about pearls  :lol:  :lol:

OHhhhhhhhhhh... going to read right now!!  Thank YOU!!

Eh, what's that? You mean PEARLS?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 11, 2007, 08:59:39 PM
Quote from: "AZSunny"
Quote from: "2NJSons_Mom"
I read your dream....amazing how much detail you remember.  I'm lucky to remember bits and pieces.  'How much $' comment reminded me of Dave Holloway & the ALE comment....the rest, not sure, but you have been posting alot about the 302s...

You know, sometimes I dream I have to go to the bathroom, and then I wake up and I do!!  I wish I could remember dreams, just can't and I try.

LOL! You're killin' me here! I have the same dream sometimes!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 11, 2007, 09:03:49 PM
Looks like DANA is having some technical difficulties.  

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 11, 2007, 09:08:12 PM
DANA - you are still having sound problems - can barely hear your guest.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Kat_Gram on February 11, 2007, 09:09:03 PM
Can't hear a damn thing, except Dana .

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 11, 2007, 09:11:15 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
DANA - you are still having sound problems - can barely hear your guest.

Better now!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Kat_Gram on February 11, 2007, 09:30:23 PM
I really dislike Phil Specter. The times I have seen him on the TV, he just seems like a looney. He wasn't in the public eye much and maybe the jury will not be blinded by his " fame ". He is just an old ugly has been living in his own looney tune wolrd.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Sam on February 11, 2007, 09:39:14 PM
Quote from: "AZSunny"
Quote from: "2NJSons_Mom"
I read your dream....amazing how much detail you remember.  I'm lucky to remember bits and pieces.  'How much $' comment reminded me of Dave Holloway & the ALE comment....the rest, not sure, but you have been posting alot about the 302s...

You know, sometimes I dream I have to go to the bathroom, and then I wake up and I do!!  I wish I could remember dreams, just can't and I try.

I dream that bathroom dream alot AZ Sunny. LOL It must be a female thing.

I do not always remember all of my dreams. If I want to remember one I have to think about it for awhile as I wake from it.

I think you are right about this particular dream. The How mch money have you got phrase. Also reading the 302s that are available makes me want to read more. I keep thinking if we knew a little more maybe we could break this wide open.
We already know who the guilty are but we still need more info to find out what happened to Natalee. Sometimes it can be the smallest thing to break this open. JMHO

I did try to check online if the 302s were accessible but no luck so far.

I love Cats sense of humor.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Kat_Gram on February 11, 2007, 09:42:57 PM
Who is this guest ? Occupation ?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Sam on February 11, 2007, 09:44:53 PM
Hey Monkeys,
did you read my post in the missing forum that Steve Huff had posted on his truecrimeblog that BOR was not going to be the speaker for the fundraiser for missing and exploited children because of the email campaign against him about his rude comments about Shawn Hornbeck. John Walsh was going to speak instead.

Yeah! something good from the internet.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 11, 2007, 09:45:15 PM
Quote from: "Kat_Gram"
Who is this guest ? Occupation ?

Not sure.  I think it's just a frequent listener to Dana's show who lives in New Orleans.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Kat_Gram on February 11, 2007, 09:46:35 PM
TY Klaasend.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 11, 2007, 09:46:53 PM
Quote from: "Sam"
Hey Monkeys,
did you read my post in the missing forum that Steve Huff had posted on his truecrimeblog that BOR was not going to be the speaker for the fundraiser for missing and exploited children because of the email campaign against him about his rude comments about Shawn Hornbeck. John Walsh was going to speak instead.

Yeah! something good from the internet.

Yes Sam, saw that when it was happening.  Many emails sent from many different sites including Steve Huff's site, SM, Refugees, CTV, etc.  Was glad to see the email campaign work.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Kat_Gram on February 11, 2007, 09:53:14 PM
Oh No. Red rant Red rant !  :lol:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 11, 2007, 10:03:27 PM


Anna's Death Fridge -- Methadone and Slim-Fast
Posted Feb 11th 2007 12:46PM by TMZ Staff
Filed under: Anna Nicole Smith

TMZ has obtained a photo of the inside of Anna Nicole Smith's refrigerator taken after she died, and the contents are shocking on several levels. TMZ has 100% verified the authenticity of this photo.

The refrigerator, which was inside Anna Nicole's bedroom in the Bahamas, contained methadone (5 mg per 5 ml). The small refrigerator contained cans of Slim-Fast-- ironic, since Smith was TRIMSPA's spokesperson. Several bottles of TRIMSPA sat right next to the fridge.

The fridge also contained Miracle 2000 (marketed as a nutritional supplement for "today's active lifestyle"), French's Worcestershire Sauce, yogurt and spray butter. It also appears there are vials of injectable medicines.

The methadone is compelling, as Smith's son Daniel died from a combination of drugs that included methadone. Law enforcement sources in the Bahamas tell TMZ that at least one witness has come forward and said Howard K. Stern supplied Daniel with methadone just before he died, and flushed the remaining stash down the toilet. That witness is expected to testify next month at the coroner's inquest into Daniel's death.

Now Stern is placed in the same home with another stash of methadone -- the home he shared with Smith.

TMZ has confirmed that law enforcement in the Bahamas is aware of the contents of the refrigerator.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Cat on February 11, 2007, 10:05:22 PM
no rant here.trying to get white balls out the shells,and the chocky things.I found the shoes from the hills of Italy(ate the cow,saved the leather)>what more can I meow about,oh yes,Joran is guilty.CAT

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 11, 2007, 10:10:08 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"


Anna's Death Fridge -- Methadone and Slim-Fast
Posted Feb 11th 2007 12:46PM by TMZ Staff
Filed under: Anna Nicole Smith

TMZ has obtained a photo of the inside of Anna Nicole Smith's refrigerator taken after she died, and the contents are shocking on several levels. TMZ has 100% verified the authenticity of this photo.

The refrigerator, which was inside Anna Nicole's bedroom in the Bahamas, contained methadone (5 mg per 5 ml). The small refrigerator contained cans of Slim-Fast-- ironic, since Smith was TRIMSPA's spokesperson. Several bottles of TRIMSPA sat right next to the fridge.

The fridge also contained Miracle 2000 (marketed as a nutritional supplement for "today's active lifestyle"), French's Worcestershire Sauce, yogurt and spray butter. It also appears there are vials of injectable medicines.

The methadone is compelling, as Smith's son Daniel died from a combination of drugs that included methadone. Law enforcement sources in the Bahamas tell TMZ that at least one witness has come forward and said Howard K. Stern supplied Daniel with methadone just before he died, and flushed the remaining stash down the toilet. That witness is expected to testify next month at the coroner's inquest into Daniel's death.

Now Stern is placed in the same home with another stash of methadone -- the home he shared with Smith.

TMZ has confirmed that law enforcement in the Bahamas is aware of the contents of the refrigerator.

WOW.  That is all I can say.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 11, 2007, 10:13:09 PM
San - I'm worried about the safely of that baby

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 11, 2007, 10:13:26 PM
I've only heard of methadone being used for treating other drug addictions.  What else is it taken for?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 11, 2007, 10:16:26 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
San - I'm worried about the safely of that baby

So am I Klaas.  This guy cannot be trusted.  If he has his way that baby will never see the United States.  The Bahamas social services better step in fast.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Kat_Gram on February 11, 2007, 10:17:46 PM
According to Nancy Grace, my medical source on this, methadone is used for pain.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 11, 2007, 10:19:52 PM
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "klaasend"
San - I'm worried about the safely of that baby

So am I Klaas.  This guy cannot be trusted.  If he has his way that baby will never see the United States.  The Bahamas social services better step in fast.

Yes, they had. Unless they want a fate similar to Aruba's.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 11, 2007, 10:20:24 PM
Quote from: "Kat_Gram"
According to Nancy Grace, my medical source on this, methadone is used for pain.

It's intended use, anyway.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 11, 2007, 10:20:37 PM
Quote from: "Kat_Gram"
According to Nancy Grace, my medical source on this, methadone is used for pain.

Thank you.  Why was Anna supposedly taking it?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Kat_Gram on February 11, 2007, 10:20:43 PM
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "klaasend"
San - I'm worried about the safely of that baby

So am I Klaas.  This guy cannot be trusted.  If he has his way that baby will never see the United States.  The Bahamas social services better step in fast.

You're not kidding. Do they have like a Public Trustee like we do here ?
Stern was pretty smart getting himself on the birth certificate as the father as now according to law, he is the father unless someone else can prove otherwise. Very frightening for the Baby.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 11, 2007, 10:23:01 PM
If this guy is the father, he'd step up and give his DNA, the baby's DNA and end the drama.  No court order required, as far as I know.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 11, 2007, 10:29:34 PM
Quote from: "LilPuma"
I've only heard of methadone being used for treating other drug addictions.  What else is it taken for?

LilPuma this is what two of our posters said about methadone.

Quote from: "SteveDinMD"
Quote from: "darleenofalabama"
It is true that methadone is being prescribed, in some cases, for severe pain; severe arthritis, for instance.  As for the 105 degree fever--well, I would think that any moron would have known to get her to a hospital immediately.

It is true.  Methadone is increasingly being prescribed for chronic and severe pain.  It's principal benefit, according to a news special I watched some weeks ago, is that it is less expensive than alternative medications, yet no more or less effective.  Insurance companies are thus favorably disposed to its being prescribed.  On the downside, it's reportedly not as safe as other medications.  The dosage window between efficacy and toxicity is supposedly very narrow, making overdoses -- especially lethal overdoses -- much more likely than with alternatives.  Complex, harmful drug interactions are also problematic, according to the report.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 11, 2007, 10:31:19 PM
Quote from: "LilPuma"
Quote from: "Kat_Gram"
According to Nancy Grace, my medical source on this, methadone is used for pain.

Thank you.  Why was Anna supposedly taking it?

Because Howard was giving it to her.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Kat_Gram on February 11, 2007, 10:34:30 PM
I do not recall anyone saying that either Daniel or Anna was prescribed methadone. The other night, they said that her room in Florida was full of prescription drugs, none of them in her name, but in Howard's name.
I don't know if Methadone is used for recreational use / or to amuse yourself.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: mrs. red on February 11, 2007, 10:39:26 PM
well I would say that they really need to take a close at howard k stern... scum bag....

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 11, 2007, 10:39:31 PM
If they use methadone for drug addictions, I would imagine it could give you some kind of high.  I haven't heard anyone say that Anna had any medical condition for which she was taking methadone or any other prescription medication, although they keep talking about prescription drugs in the room.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 11, 2007, 10:42:17 PM
Manufacturer of THAT Methadone is:

Roxane Laboratories:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Cat on February 11, 2007, 10:43:37 PM
It is an opiate,even if some consider it safe.We need a GAL for the baby,

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Jacqueline on February 11, 2007, 10:43:56 PM
Doctors prescribing methadone for pain relief may inadvertently be the cause of an alarming rise in deaths related to the drug in the US.

In addition to Heroin users, Methadone is given as a pain killer for people in severe pain.  People who have chronic pain, cancer patients.

The euphoria one gets from methadone is comparable to the high one gets from heroin.

It is very very dangerous and taking just a little bit more than is prescribed can lead to death.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 11, 2007, 10:47:34 PM
Quote from: "mrs. red"
well I would say that they really need to take a close at howard k stern... scum bag....


This guy knows this baby isn't his.  By him not taking this test shows how guilty he is.  I regard this as Howard holding this baby hostage for his own monetary benefit.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 11, 2007, 10:50:53 PM
MSDS for that particular methadone found in the refridgerator:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Jacqueline on February 11, 2007, 10:55:12 PM
According to state and federal officials, the increase is a result of methadone being misused by recreational drug users.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 11, 2007, 10:56:36 PM
Quote from: "mrs. red"
well I would say that they really need to take a close at howard k stern... scum bag....

Gotta agree 100%.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on February 11, 2007, 10:58:49 PM
My sons lost a friend 4/29/06 to an OD on methadone, and a couple other meds.  Kid had been dx'd bipolar, on meds for that, oxicontin(sp?) for a back injury, etc.  Lethal cocktail...but he did have a problem & multiple docs had no idea...Reading all of this it makes me sick.  Brings me back...when he was here, he was like another son....still pains me to think about it.  

I would not doubt that HKStern is also a user of these drugs.  I may be wrong.  I read here or otherwise about drugs in the fridge....was there a fridge in the hospital room when AN gave birth?  WTH???  Talk about controlled substances...

I've also read that methadone shouldn't be taken with anything that can cause drowsiness like cold's a simple way to kill yourself.

Yes, the DNA test should be taken and that baby should be in a safe home...God help her.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 11, 2007, 11:03:15 PM
Quote from: "Jacqueline"
Doctors prescribing methadone for pain relief may inadvertently be the cause of an alarming rise in deaths related to the drug in the US.

In addition to Heroin users, Methadone is given as a pain killer for people in severe pain.  People who have chronic pain, cancer patients.

The euphoria one gets from methadone is comparable to the high one gets from heroin.

It is very very dangerous and taking just a little bit more than is prescribed can lead to death.


Code of Federal Regulations,
Title 21, Sec, 291.505




I'm not really sure what this means. Is it that only these clinics and doctors and pharmacies can order and give Methadone? Or only these for maintenance programs? Can any physician prescribe it in any form for pain?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 11, 2007, 11:03:38 PM
They say the only drugs were prescription drugs.  They need to check out the doctors prescribing it.  I'd think they've already done that, but no one is talking about what conditions HKS or Anna had for which these drugs were prescribed.  If HKS had an Rx for methadone and gave it to Anna, that could be manslaughter or something couldn't it?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on February 11, 2007, 11:04:14 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
MSDS for that particular methadone found in the refridgerator:

Those smaller bottles also look like injectable solutions...wonder about them, too.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 11, 2007, 11:05:35 PM
Quote from: "2NJSons_Mom"
My sons lost a friend 4/29/06 to an OD on methadone, and a couple other meds.  Kid had been dx'd bipolar, on meds for that, oxicontin(sp?) for a back injury, etc.  Lethal cocktail...but he did have a problem & multiple docs had no idea...Reading all of this it makes me sick.  Brings me back...when he was here, he was like another son....still pains me to think about it.  

I would not doubt that HKStern is also a user of these drugs.  I may be wrong.  I read here or otherwise about drugs in the fridge....was there a fridge in the hospital room when AN gave birth?  WTH???  Talk about controlled substances...

I've also read that methadone shouldn't be taken with anything that can cause drowsiness like cold's a simple way to kill yourself.

Yes, the DNA test should be taken and that baby should be in a safe home...God help her.

Substance abuse in individuals with psychiatric disorders is exceptionally high (no pun intended). Any provider should know this and respond accordingly. It is an abomination if not.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 11, 2007, 11:06:20 PM

What is the most important information I should know about methadone?

 •  Taking methadone improperly will increase your risk of serious side effects or death. Even if you have used other narcotic medications, you may still have serious side effects from methadone. Follow all dosing instructions carefully.

 •  Like other narcotic medicines, methadone can slow your breathing, even long after the pain-relieving effects of the medication wear off. Death may occur if breathing becomes too weak. Never use more methadone than your doctor has prescribed. Call your doctor if you think the medicine is not working.

 •  You may have withdrawal symptoms when you stop using methadone after using it over a long period of time. Do not stop using this medication suddenly without first talking to your doctor. You may need to use less and less before you stop the medication completely.

 •  Do not drink alcohol while you are taking methadone. It can increase your risk of a fatal overdose. Check the labels of any food or medicines you use to make sure they do not contain alcohol (also called ethanol).
 •  Avoid using drugs that make you sleepy (such as cold medicine, pain medication, muscle relaxants, and medicine for seizures, depression or anxiety). Methadone may increase the effects of these other drugs and could also result in a fatal overdose.
 •  Methadone can cause side effects that may impair your thinking or reactions. Be careful if you drive or do anything that requires you to be awake and alert.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 11, 2007, 11:06:38 PM
Does anyone remember very early on when Daniel died it was said that Anna screamed at Howard that it was all his fault and then we never heard anymore of it.

I'm begining to think this is true.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 11, 2007, 11:08:32 PM
Quote from: "San"
Does anyone remember very early on when Daniel died it was said that Anna screamed at Howard that it was all his fault and then we never heard anymore of it.

I'm begining to think this is true.

Yup. "Doctor" Stern he is not.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 11, 2007, 11:09:53 PM
Quote from: "justinsmama"

I'm not really sure what this means. Is it that only these clinics and doctors and pharmacies can order and give Methadone? Or only these for maintenance programs? Can any physician prescribe it in any form for pain?

Not sure, but not everyone who can prescribe drugs can prescribe narcotics.  They are in a drug classification all their own.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: cubbeegirl on February 11, 2007, 11:12:33 PM
Well.... I wanna know what Anna was doing with all of that Slim Fast....
what happened to Trim Spa Baby!!!!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Jacqueline on February 11, 2007, 11:13:40 PM
Quote from: "LilPuma"
Quote from: "justinsmama"

I'm not really sure what this means. Is it that only these clinics and doctors and pharmacies can order and give Methadone? Or only these for maintenance programs? Can any physician prescribe it in any form for pain?

Not sure, but not everyone who can prescribe drugs can prescribe narcotics.  They are in a drug classification all their own.

In most states and cities you must go to a pain clinic or a methadone maintenance clinic to be prescribed methadone. All physicians are allowed to prescribe methadone for pain. Click here to read about prescribing methadone.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 11, 2007, 11:13:41 PM
Quote from: "cubbeegirl"
Well.... I wanna know what Anna was doing with all of that Slim Fast....
what happened to Trim Spa Baby!!!!

There is trim spa in the refridgerator as well.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 11, 2007, 11:15:36 PM

Any clinician with a Schedule II DEA license can prescribe methadone for pain; a special license is only required to prescribe methadone for the treatment of addiction. In some jurisdictions, it is necessary to apply the words “for pain” on the prescription.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Jacqueline on February 11, 2007, 11:17:07 PM
Good night Monkeys...

Pleasure as always... :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: cubbeegirl on February 11, 2007, 11:17:37 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "cubbeegirl"
Well.... I wanna know what Anna was doing with all of that Slim Fast....
what happened to Trim Spa Baby!!!!

There is trim spa in the refridgerator as well.

ooopsie,,, sorry didnt see that, was paying so much attention to the slim fast I must have missed it LOL :oops:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 11, 2007, 11:18:24 PM
Quote from: "Jacqueline"
Good night Monkeys...

Pleasure as always... :lol:

Nite Jacqueline

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 11, 2007, 11:20:08 PM

TMZ has Pics of Anna Nicole Smith Refrigerator in Bahamas,Slim Fast & Methodone (UPDATE: Methodone was a Liquid Oral Solution)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 11, 2007, 11:20:35 PM
Quote from: "Jacqueline"
Good night Monkeys...

Pleasure as always... :lol:

Nite Jacqueline.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 11, 2007, 11:22:10 PM
Quote from: "cubbeegirl"
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "cubbeegirl"
Well.... I wanna know what Anna was doing with all of that Slim Fast....
what happened to Trim Spa Baby!!!!

There is trim spa in the refridgerator as well.

ooopsie,,, sorry didnt see that, was paying so much attention to the slim fast I must have missed it LOL :oops:

I wonder if this will bring any more lawsuits against Trim Spa.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 11, 2007, 11:27:53 PM
Trimspa products contain the following her.

From Cathy Wong,
Your Guide to Alternative Medicine.
FREE Newsletter. Sign Up Now!

What are the side effects of hoodia, if any? Most articles I've read about hoodia say it's a gentle and safe and I can't seem to find any information about side effects anywhere.

Hoodia gordonii is often touted as a herbal diet pill without side effects.

However, there have been no published studies on the safety of hoodia in humans.

Hoodia marketers often claim that hoodia has no side effects because the San Bushmen in the Kalahari desert of Africa have been using hoodia for thousands of years. But hoodia simply hasn't been around for long enough in North America or undergone safety testing to know the potential side effects, drug interactions, and safety concerns.

Jasjit S. Bindra, PhD, former researcher for hoodia at Pfizer (the pharmaceutical giant that licensed the rights to develop hoodia for $21 million but later returned the rights), stated in a letter to The New York Times that although hoodia did appear to suppress appetite, there were indications of unwanted effects on the liver caused by components other than the active ingredient p57 that could not easily be removed during processing.

Bindra added, "Clearly, hoodia has a long way to go before it can earn approval from the Food and Drug Administration.
Sponsored Links

Oprah Uses HoodiaYou should too. Find out why Oprah 20/20, and CBS all love

Lose 20 pounds in 6 WeeksAs Seen on 60 Minutes: Hoodia Diet Free One Week Supply. No

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Until safer formulations are developed, dieters should be wary of using it".

If hoodia does affect liver function, it may also interact with other medications a person is taking. The San Bushmen are a tribe of hunter-gatherers, and probably did not take pills for blood pressure, diabetes, cholesterol, depression, and other diseases, like we do, another reason why unconfirmed reports of safe use by the San should not be relied on.

People with diabetes should be cautious about using hoodia. One of the theories about how hoodia works is that it tricks the brain into thinking that it has enough blood sugar. Without proper feedback regulation, it's possible that a person's blood sugar could drop dangerously low while taking hoodia. And with the regular hunger mechanism turned off, the normal warning signs may be suppressed, until it's too late.

Hoodia is believed to suppress not only appetite but thirst. There have been unconfirmed reports of shepherds in Africa who took hoodia to take the edge off hunger pains, but died of dehydration because they didn't feel thirsty.

And as a general precaution, because the safety in pregnant or nursing women, children, or people with liver or kidney disease hasn’t been established, these people in particular should avoid hoodia.


    * Hoodia Gordonii Fact Sheet
    * How Do I Find Pure Hoodia?


Bindra, Jasjit. "A Popular Pill's Hidden Danger". New York Times. 26 Apr 2005. <>

Morris, Joan. "Little research behind claims that hoodia is safe, effective for losing weight". Seattle Times. 9 Mar 2006. <>
Updated: October 24, 2006

Important disclaimer information about this About site.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on February 11, 2007, 11:39:58 PM
Klaas, that was the same site I was reading, earlier.

San, I tend to agree about Howard K.

Jacquie, reading the site you posted, I figure I will never have to worry about falling into misuse....I can't take codeine because it makes me hyper...heart's some kind of syndrome.  Same with anit-histomines (sp? I know it's not right), which make most sleepy...not moi...not that I plan on having a prescription any day soon for methadone!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 11, 2007, 11:42:33 PM
I just heard that Howard K. Stern returned to the Bahamas in the house he now owns.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 11, 2007, 11:43:49 PM
Quote from: "San"
I just heard that Howard K. Stern returned to the Bahamas in the house he now owns.

Yes, I heard the same earlier today and that the baby was with him.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 11, 2007, 11:47:25 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "San"
I just heard that Howard K. Stern returned to the Bahamas in the house he now owns.

Yes, I heard the same earlier today and that the baby was with him.

OMG this is bad.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on February 11, 2007, 11:47:46 PM
Justinsmama, you are correct...but, when the patient doesn't provide all info, then that's another issue.  I think that is what happened with my sons' friend.

Also read about Trimspa that throat/breathing could be cut off if not enough fluid is used to take it, or something like stood out as a red flag with side effects....

Side effects
It may include swelling and blocking of the throat or esophagus and may cause choking if not taken with adequate fluid.
If you experience chest pain, vomiting, or difficulty in swallowing or breathing after taking this product, seek immediate medical attention.
If you are allergic to shellfish, are taking anticoagulant, and are sensitive to caffeine, then take lower doses or don't take the product at all.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 11, 2007, 11:48:36 PM
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "San"
I just heard that Howard K. Stern returned to the Bahamas in the house he now owns.

Yes, I heard the same earlier today and that the baby was with him.

OMG this is bad.

Yes, very bad.  That's why I'm so worried for the safety of the baby.  If he (Stern) knows his world is about to come crashing in on him, what will he do?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 11, 2007, 11:51:39 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "San"
I just heard that Howard K. Stern returned to the Bahamas in the house he now owns.

Yes, I heard the same earlier today and that the baby was with him.

OMG this is bad.

Yes, very bad.  That's why I'm so worried for the safety of the baby.  If he (Stern) knows his world is about to come crashing in on him, what will he do?

I don't put anything past this guy at this point he is desperate.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 11, 2007, 11:53:00 PM
I wonder if he has access to Anna's bank accounts :shock: .

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 11, 2007, 11:55:29 PM
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "San"
I just heard that Howard K. Stern returned to the Bahamas in the house he now owns.

Yes, I heard the same earlier today and that the baby was with him.

OMG this is bad.

Yes, very bad.  That's why I'm so worried for the safety of the baby.  If he (Stern) knows his world is about to come crashing in on him, what will he do?

I don't put anything past this guy at this point he is desperate.

What if:

1.  He is the one who supplied Daniel with the methadone
2.  He is the one who supplied Anna with the methadone
3.  He is NOT the babys father
4.  If he is not the babys father and not legally married to Anna then he gets nothing, IMO.
5.  If he was legally married to Anna he still gets something unless they can prove he provided the drugs that killed Anna, even if accidental.

I don't believe they were legally married, so if he's not the father he gets nothing and the baby gets it all.  Or the baby and the babys biological father.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 11, 2007, 11:56:23 PM
Quote from: "San"
I wonder if he has access to Anna's bank accounts :shock: .


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 11, 2007, 11:56:41 PM
I know what Stern should get~ a lengthy prison term for dispensing narcotics.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 11, 2007, 11:59:22 PM
OT~ Mother is progressing very well. She is regaining her strength and function, and continues to lose weight (which is needed). She is now 40 lbs. lighter than she was pre-op. She stops eating when she is full. I'm hoping for continued weight loss. We'll go wardrobe shopping for her birthday this summer!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on February 12, 2007, 12:01:21 AM
Great news, Justinsmama...glad to hear your mom is doing so well.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 12, 2007, 12:03:09 AM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "San"
I just heard that Howard K. Stern returned to the Bahamas in the house he now owns.

Yes, I heard the same earlier today and that the baby was with him.

OMG this is bad.

Yes, very bad.  That's why I'm so worried for the safety of the baby.  If he (Stern) knows his world is about to come crashing in on him, what will he do?

I don't put anything past this guy at this point he is desperate.

What if:

1.  He is the one who supplied Daniel with the methadone
2.  He is the one who supplied Anna with the methadone
3.  He is NOT the babys father
4.  If he is not the babys father and not legally married to Anna then he gets nothing, IMO.
5.  If he was legally married to Anna he still gets something unless they can prove he provided the drugs that killed Anna, even if accidental.

I don't believe they were legally married, so if he's not the father he gets nothing and the baby gets it all.  Or the baby and the babys biological father.

This is why he is planning.  See now we just heard he bought the home in the Bahamas.  That is so he will leave the baby there to be raised.  He will fly back and forth to the United States and leave the baby with a nanny.  He will say he is the father and as long as they can't get the baby to test her they can't prove it.

I wouldn't put it past this man to try to even switch this baby if he is ordered to take a DNA test.  This is why they wanted to preserve Anna's DNA.

If I were the judge I would order both men to take DNA tests not just Larry Birkhead.  If they find out that neither of them are the father then Anna's mother should get the baby and care for her.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on February 12, 2007, 12:04:30 AM
Goodnight, all.  Tired...will check in tomorrow.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 12, 2007, 12:05:01 AM
Quote from: "2NJSons_Mom"
Goodnight, all.  Tired...will check in tomorrow.

Nite 2NJSons.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 12, 2007, 12:05:03 AM
Quote from: "2NJSons_Mom"
Goodnight, all.  Tired...will check in tomorrow.

Nite 2NJ

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: jobie on February 12, 2007, 12:07:05 AM
Good evening, Monkeys.  Here is a thought I had concerning the drugs that were found in Anna's room after her death - don't you think anything incriminating would have been flushed/disposed of before any authorities were called?  Why didn't the boyguard's wife/nurse call 911 immediatly instead of calling the desk clerk.  I agree with having concern for the baby.  And why does Stern think the house in the Bahamas should be his when he was not legally married to Anna?  If Howard and Anna were so much in love why was she having an affair with the owner of the house while Howard was there on the island with her?  I guess Howard thinks any gift (whether real or not) given to Anna for favors, belong to him after her death.  Isn't that what they call a "pimp?  JMO

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 12, 2007, 12:08:27 AM
Quote from: "jobie"
Good evening, Monkeys.  Here is a thought I had concerning the drugs that were found in Anna's room after her death - don't you think anything incriminating would have been flushed/disposed of before any authorities were called?  Why didn't the boyguard's wife/nurse call 911 immediatly instead of calling the desk clerk.  I agree with having concern for the baby.  And why does Stern think the house in the Bahamas should be his when he was not legally married to Anna?  If Howard and Anna were so much in love why was she having an affair with the owner of the house while Howard was there on the island with her?  I guess Howard thinks any gift (whether real or not) given to Anna for favors, belong to him after her death.  Isn't that what they call a "pimp?  JMO

It won't matter what was flushed if they find Methadone in Anna's system from the toxicology tests.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: cubbeegirl on February 12, 2007, 12:08:28 AM
Quote from: "justinsmama"
OT~ Mother is progressing very well. She is regaining her strength and function, and continues to lose weight (which is needed). She is now 40 lbs. lighter than she was pre-op. She stops eating when she is full. I'm hoping for continued weight loss. We'll go wardrobe shopping for her birthday this summer!

That is wonderful news justins.... I am glad that things are going so well for her....

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Kat_Gram on February 12, 2007, 12:10:09 AM
You would think that the Bahamian government would step in. Isn't there an inquest there into Daniel's death ? Anna's mother was there but was denied even a look at the baby. The baby is not a citizen of the Bahamas just because the birth was there. Could the USA extradite Stern or what ?
This is so very sick. Most of the ppl that associated with Anna... I would not trust them with a dead parrot. They seem to be leeches and parasites. Seem / well they are.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: cubbeegirl on February 12, 2007, 12:12:30 AM
Nite Nite monkeys.... going to get some much needed sleep...

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 12, 2007, 12:12:49 AM
Quote from: "jobie"
Good evening, Monkeys.  Here is a thought I had concerning the drugs that were found in Anna's room after her death - don't you think anything incriminating would have been flushed/disposed of before any authorities were called?  Why didn't the boyguard's wife/nurse call 911 immediatly instead of calling the desk clerk.  I agree with having concern for the baby.  And why does Stern think the house in the Bahamas should be his when he was not legally married to Anna?  If Howard and Anna were so much in love why was she having an affair with the owner of the house while Howard was there on the island with her?  I guess Howard thinks any gift (whether real or not) given to Anna for favors, belong to him after her death.  Isn't that what they call a "pimp?  JMO

That's what I am wondering also.  As a nurse you call 911 not call Howard.  There is something strange about that.  The news was reporting she had a private nurse and then we hear that the nurse was the bodyguards wife.  Was this woman really Anna's nurse or was she accompanying her husband.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: jobie on February 12, 2007, 12:15:12 AM
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "jobie"
Good evening, Monkeys.  Here is a thought I had concerning the drugs that were found in Anna's room after her death - don't you think anything incriminating would have been flushed/disposed of before any authorities were called?  Why didn't the boyguard's wife/nurse call 911 immediatly instead of calling the desk clerk.  I agree with having concern for the baby.  And why does Stern think the house in the Bahamas should be his when he was not legally married to Anna?  If Howard and Anna were so much in love why was she having an affair with the owner of the house while Howard was there on the island with her?  I guess Howard thinks any gift (whether real or not) given to Anna for favors, belong to him after her death.  Isn't that what they call a "pimp?  JMO

That's what I am wondering also.  As a nurse you call 911 not call Howard.  There is something strange about that.  The news was reporting she had a private nurse and then we hear that the nurse was the bodyguards wife.  Was this woman really Anna's nurse or was she accompanying her husband.

San, my thoughts exactly.  This whole thing seems "hinky" to me.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 12, 2007, 12:17:28 AM
Quote from: "cubbeegirl"
Nite Nite monkeys.... going to get some much needed sleep...
Nite cubbee.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 12, 2007, 12:18:05 AM
Quote from: "jobie"
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "jobie"
Good evening, Monkeys.  Here is a thought I had concerning the drugs that were found in Anna's room after her death - don't you think anything incriminating would have been flushed/disposed of before any authorities were called?  Why didn't the boyguard's wife/nurse call 911 immediatly instead of calling the desk clerk.  I agree with having concern for the baby.  And why does Stern think the house in the Bahamas should be his when he was not legally married to Anna?  If Howard and Anna were so much in love why was she having an affair with the owner of the house while Howard was there on the island with her?  I guess Howard thinks any gift (whether real or not) given to Anna for favors, belong to him after her death.  Isn't that what they call a "pimp?  JMO

That's what I am wondering also.  As a nurse you call 911 not call Howard.  There is something strange about that.  The news was reporting she had a private nurse and then we hear that the nurse was the bodyguards wife.  Was this woman really Anna's nurse or was she accompanying her husband.

San, my thoughts exactly.  This whole thing seems "hinky" to me.

Yes I agree.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: sb on February 12, 2007, 01:37:40 AM
Just checking really quickly for tonight. I'll be in here later tomorrow.

But I have to say that I cannot imagine a bigger, more useless waste of time than trying to figure out Anna Nicole Smith.

I simply refuse to spend any of my time thinking about her and that mess that she created with her marital escapades. It is the most pointless exercise I can imagine.  :roll:

That child of hers is bound for a LIFETIME of hassles. Shuttled between homes, no mom, no REAL dad, constant media spotlight... how that child will survive it all I have no idea.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 12, 2007, 01:39:10 AM
I heard on the news today or yesterday that the house was back in the hands of the developer, who has always owned it.  Although Anna claimed it was a gift, he was just letting her stay there.  Someone here said that HKS bought it?  Is that correct?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 12, 2007, 01:41:51 AM
Quote from: "sb"
Just checking really quickly for tonight. I'll be in here later tomorrow.

But I have to say that I cannot imagine a bigger, more useless waste of time than trying to figure out Anna Nicole Smith.

I simply refuse to spend any of my time thinking about her and that mess that she created with her marital escapades. It is the most pointless exercise I can imagine.  :roll:

That child of hers is bound for a LIFETIME of hassles. Shuttled between homes, no mom, no REAL dad, constant media spotlight... how that child will survive it all I have no idea.

I don't think there's much to figure out about Anna Nicole Smith.  She was a beautiful woman looking for love most likely in all the wrong places.  The concern is for the daughter and HKS who may be using the baby to get the money from Anna's deceased husband.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Jacqueline on February 12, 2007, 06:16:00 AM
Quote from: "sb"
Just checking really quickly for tonight. I'll be in here later tomorrow.

But I have to say that I cannot imagine a bigger, more useless waste of time than trying to figure out Anna Nicole Smith.

I simply refuse to spend any of my time thinking about her and that mess that she created with her marital escapades. It is the most pointless exercise I can imagine.  :roll:

That child of hers is bound for a LIFETIME of hassles. Shuttled between homes, no mom, no REAL dad, constant media spotlight... how that child will survive it all I have no idea.

Anna certainly was a flawed individual.

No doubt, she contributed to her own demise.

As did the prostitutes in Atlantic City that have not too long ago found dead.

Anna derserves justice if it is found that she has in fact died because of foul play.  More importantly her innocent child needs a proper upbringing.

I can't see how that is a waste of time.

Some may feel that Natalee also contributed to her own demise by going off with 3 strangers and drinking too much.  Does that mean she does not dererve to have her killers put away?  

Of course not.

Very sad...No one is a throw away human being...Everyone matters.

Title: Valentine's Party for all of us!
Post by: IBE on February 12, 2007, 06:38:57 AM

In the Monkey Lounge... food and Monkey friends are starting to gather. Drop over and come to the party

Digital food carries no calories! but I sure am getting hungry over there!

See you there... take a break from all our worries

Let's celebrate love and the love we have for Natalee, her parents, family, friends and our Monkey family!

No one's mentioned flowers yet.. sometimes I can't always remember the Monkeys and their interests at the right time I wish.. wasn't Tylergal our one of our main ones into roses and other flowers?

Old Fart are you brining your famous roast? We have Monkeys who have provided beautiful pictures of the food they are bringing.. I am having trouble finding a picture of a midwestern pork tenderloin sandwich.

Some Valentine Days in our pasts may have been just like another day and some were real hoots... so let's take it up a notch and have a blast online!

See ya there :lol:  :lol:

Title: Firefox
Post by: IBE on February 12, 2007, 06:50:05 AM
Klaas am trying Firefox but still haven't seen the green sitemeter box.. did one time but think I was at the library computer. All I see is a dot.

Going online to see how to wire my inside phone line for I messed it up with a tele. splitter plastic thingie and everything came apart at the wall. so old the wires broke with no room left to work with. The outside box has two wires connected and the inside thingie has screws for 4 colors and none of the colors match the ones the telephone co used outside! Right now I am running a cord plugged in the  outside tele. box through the door directly to the phone.. this won't work for long and I have only 15 days left of my 30 day DSL trial. before the line came apart, the DSL wouldn't config anyway!

OH well, with a trailer I just need to drill a hole in the side :lol: like they did for DirectTV cable from the dish. It's never dull, but overwhelming at times.

Title: Good Morning
Post by: Leslie on February 12, 2007, 07:33:33 AM
Solo di Pueblo
Aruba Today

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Peaches on February 12, 2007, 11:17:23 AM
Good morning.  

Working and lurking.  The story of my life.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Cat on February 12, 2007, 12:58:31 PM
Anna's baby is safe,until money comes in,or is denied.Cat

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: mishy on February 12, 2007, 01:10:59 PM
Cat, can you elaborate on that or post a link? I'd like to know more and am very concerned about that baby...TIA

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Jacqueline on February 12, 2007, 01:50:57 PM
Quote from: "mishy"
Cat, can you elaborate on that or post a link? I'd like to know more and am very concerned about that baby...TIA

Baby right now is the meal ticket for Stern.
He would never let anything happen to her now.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: mrs. red on February 12, 2007, 01:53:46 PM
Quote from: "Jacqueline"
Quote from: "mishy"
Cat, can you elaborate on that or post a link? I'd like to know more and am very concerned about that baby...TIA

Baby right now is the meal ticket for Stern.
He would never let anything happen to her now.

SISTAH... oh! how we agree!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: mishy on February 12, 2007, 01:54:13 PM
Yes, I'm worried about that baby. Stern is desperate now...

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Sue on February 12, 2007, 02:27:15 PM
SO this was on the case file on Holloway/Kalpoe case

02/08/2007 at 03:45 pm in Department 1, Lee Smalley Edmon, Presiding
Order Re: Reassignment of Case - Transferred to different departmnt

Anyone know what this means???

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 12, 2007, 02:32:03 PM
Quote from: "Sue"
SO this was on the case file on Holloway/Kalpoe case

02/08/2007 at 03:45 pm in Department 1, Lee Smalley Edmon, Presiding
Order Re: Reassignment of Case - Transferred to different departmnt

Anyone know what this means???

No, I have no idea.  The only thing I can think of was the Twitty/Holloway attorneys request for a different judge in the case.  Maybe this is confirmation that the case will be heard by a different judge than Hess?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Sue on February 12, 2007, 02:38:37 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "Sue"
SO this was on the case file on Holloway/Kalpoe case

02/08/2007 at 03:45 pm in Department 1, Lee Smalley Edmon, Presiding
Order Re: Reassignment of Case - Transferred to different departmnt

Anyone know what this means???

No, I have no idea.  The only thing I can think of was the Twitty/Holloway attorneys request for a different judge in the case.  Maybe this is confirmation that the case will be heard by a different judge than Hess?

Well hopefully we will start seeing some action is this case, I certainly hope they we are not waiting for the Doc Phil case to end

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 12, 2007, 03:05:39 PM
Quote from: "Sue"
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "Sue"
SO this was on the case file on Holloway/Kalpoe case

02/08/2007 at 03:45 pm in Department 1, Lee Smalley Edmon, Presiding
Order Re: Reassignment of Case - Transferred to different departmnt

Anyone know what this means???

No, I have no idea.  The only thing I can think of was the Twitty/Holloway attorneys request for a different judge in the case.  Maybe this is confirmation that the case will be heard by a different judge than Hess?

Well hopefully we will start seeing some action is this case, I certainly hope they we are not waiting for the Doc Phil case to end

They shouldn't be since the court has already ruled that the 2 cases are unrelated.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: mrs. red on February 12, 2007, 03:06:14 PM
Quote from: "Sue"
SO this was on the case file on Holloway/Kalpoe case

02/08/2007 at 03:45 pm in Department 1, Lee Smalley Edmon, Presiding
Order Re: Reassignment of Case - Transferred to different departmnt

Anyone know what this means???

It can also mean that the judge is going on vacation....  :roll:  that happens for several reasons not just ones of a venue change request.  There would be a mention of recusal or some wording that says "I am not recusing myself, but in order to appear fair I won't hear the case".  at least that is what happens here.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: msmarple on February 12, 2007, 03:25:28 PM
klaas - Have you ever heard of Audacity? An audio recording application. Can use to (for example) record your LPs or tapes onto CDs.

It is being used in my work place to do separate audio recording for training visuals.

Best thing is it's FREE - still in BETA mode; no documentation, Help, etc. Supposedly it's fairly intuitive.

Just thought you might like to check it out.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 12, 2007, 03:26:42 PM
Quote from: "msmarple"
klaas - Have you ever heard of Audacity? An audio recording application. Can use to (for example) record your LPs or tapes onto CDs.

It is being used in my work place to do separate audio recording for training visuals.

Best thing is it's FREE - still in BETA mode; no documentation, Help, etc. Supposedly it's fairly intuitive.

Just thought you might like to check it out.

Thanks, no I hadn't heard of it.  I'll check it out today!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Dihannah1 on February 12, 2007, 03:35:33 PM
Quote from: "mishy"
Cat, can you elaborate on that or post a link? I'd like to know more and am very concerned about that baby...TIA

Alot of info. coming from TMZ, they keep it updated constantly.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: SunFreak2 on February 12, 2007, 03:48:05 PM
Just a drive by to let you know I am thinking about you.  I have been really busy with company this weekend, and redoing the house (moving rooms).

All is well for now, except my sister has me on a strict schedule.  She's a slave driver!  :wink:  :lol:

I hope to be back in the evenings.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 12, 2007, 03:51:07 PM
Quote from: "SunFreak2"
Just a drive by to let you know I am thinking about you.  I have been really busy with company this weekend, and redoing the house (moving rooms).

All is well for now, except my sister has me on a strict schedule.  She's a slave driver!  :wink:  :lol:

I hope to be back in the evenings.

SunFreak how are you feeling.  Did you get the OK from your doctor to do all this moving.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 12, 2007, 04:06:14 PM
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "SunFreak2"
Just a drive by to let you know I am thinking about you.  I have been really busy with company this weekend, and redoing the house (moving rooms).

All is well for now, except my sister has me on a strict schedule.  She's a slave driver!  :wink:  :lol:

I hope to be back in the evenings.

SunFreak how are you feeling.  Did you get the OK from your doctor to do all this moving.

Tell your sis that monkey time is part of your recovery! It MUST be in the schedule!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Cat on February 12, 2007, 04:06:27 PM
It is the Golden rule.Stern wants money,baby must alive to get money,after that I am scared sh,,,,s.Cat

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: msmarple on February 12, 2007, 04:09:36 PM
Quote from: "SunFreak2"
Just a drive by to let you know I am thinking about you.  I have been really busy with company this weekend, and redoing the house (moving rooms).

All is well for now, except my sister has me on a strict schedule.  She's a slave driver!  :wink:  :lol:

I hope to be back in the evenings.

Hi SunFreak - How's the incision?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 12, 2007, 04:14:08 PM
Quote from: "Cat"
It is the Golden rule.Stern wants money,baby must alive to get money,after that I am scared sh,,,,s.Cat

I agree Cat.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Jacqueline on February 12, 2007, 04:16:31 PM
Quote from: "mrs. red"
Quote from: "Jacqueline"
Quote from: "mishy"
Cat, can you elaborate on that or post a link? I'd like to know more and am very concerned about that baby...TIA

Baby right now is the meal ticket for Stern.
He would never let anything happen to her now.

SISTAH... oh! how we agree!

SISTAH..... :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: GreatOwl on February 12, 2007, 04:27:58 PM
I have posted the link in Missing Thread for the Halbach murder trial.

The defense is currently questioning Mike Halbach....

this is a streaming video of the trial.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 12, 2007, 04:29:30 PM
Quote from: "GreatOwl"
I have posted the link in Missing Thread for the Halbach murder trial.

The defense is currently questioning Mike Halbach....

this is a streaming video of the trial.

Thanks for the info Great Owl!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 12, 2007, 05:03:15 PM
I wish I had not mucked up my audio.

Off to the store in preparation for the storm that is being predicted.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Elaine on February 12, 2007, 05:05:16 PM
Quote from: "Dihannah1"
Quote from: "mishy"
Cat, can you elaborate on that or post a link? I'd like to know more and am very concerned about that baby...TIA

Alot of info. coming from TMZ, they keep it updated constantly.
THe picture of Anna's refrigerator, with the methadone and all those other injectable drugs is very telling. About her death and her son's. wow! Hi Monkeys, be back later.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Jacqueline on February 12, 2007, 08:51:01 PM
Quote from: "Elaine"
Quote from: "Dihannah1"
Quote from: "mishy"
Cat, can you elaborate on that or post a link? I'd like to know more and am very concerned about that baby...TIA

Alot of info. coming from TMZ, they keep it updated constantly.
THe picture of Anna's refrigerator, with the methadone and all those other injectable drugs is very telling. About her death and her son's. wow! Hi Monkeys, be back later.

Not exactly the makings for  Breakfast of Champions in there.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Kat_Gram on February 12, 2007, 09:06:53 PM
I did put this in the Panda thread, but it is so cute that I had to bring it here too ! ! I like the photo of the pandas drinking from thier botles. cute.

These are the ones in China !
A warm and furry moment or two ! !

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 12, 2007, 09:07:29 PM
been busy, i am way behind

stern gave the son drugs, Anna knew it, doesnt matter if the son took them willingly or not...Anna was going to go to the police

stern had to stop it

end of story

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 12, 2007, 09:18:34 PM
Quote from: "robots"
been busy, i am way behind

stern gave the son drugs, Anna knew it, doesnt matter if the son took them willingly or not...Anna was going to go to the police

stern had to stop it

end of story

Robots - good to see you.  You could be dead on!

P.S.  Aruba sucks

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 12, 2007, 09:19:50 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "robots"
been busy, i am way behind

stern gave the son drugs, Anna knew it, doesnt matter if the son took them willingly or not...Anna was going to go to the police

stern had to stop it

end of story

Robots - good to see you.  You could be dead on!

P.S.  Aruba sucks

 :lol:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 12, 2007, 09:44:03 PM
And we hate them!

Any idea when a deadline on any filing may be due on either civil suit?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 12, 2007, 09:44:27 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "robots"
been busy, i am way behind

stern gave the son drugs, Anna knew it, doesnt matter if the son took them willingly or not...Anna was going to go to the police

stern had to stop it

end of story

Robots - good to see you.  You could be dead on!

P.S.  Aruba sucks

hiya Klass, nice to see you also


i hate it

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: mishy on February 12, 2007, 09:46:04 PM
Quote from: "Elaine"
Quote from: "Dihannah1"
Quote from: "mishy"
Cat, can you elaborate on that or post a link? I'd like to know more and am very concerned about that baby...TIA

Alot of info. coming from TMZ, they keep it updated constantly.
THe picture of Anna's refrigerator, with the methadone and all those other injectable drugs is very telling. About her death and her son's. wow! Hi Monkeys, be back later.

I know it...I'm very curious as to what she was injecting...

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 12, 2007, 09:56:37 PM
Quote from: "mishy"
Quote from: "Elaine"
Quote from: "Dihannah1"
Quote from: "mishy"
Cat, can you elaborate on that or post a link? I'd like to know more and am very concerned about that baby...TIA

Alot of info. coming from TMZ, they keep it updated constantly.
THe picture of Anna's refrigerator, with the methadone and all those other injectable drugs is very telling. About her death and her son's. wow! Hi Monkeys, be back later.

I know it...I'm very curious as to what she was injecting...

Someone said some of the injectables were B-12.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: mishy on February 12, 2007, 10:05:19 PM
That would make sense that she'd have B-12, but why inject it? There are other forms!!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 12, 2007, 10:05:42 PM

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 12, 2007, 10:20:56 PM
Quote from: "Kat_Gram"
I did put this in the Panda thread, but it is so cute that I had to bring it here too ! ! I like the photo of the pandas drinking from thier botles. cute.

These are the ones in China !
A warm and furry moment or two ! !

I love the one where they're all lying back and drinking.  Like athletes after a big race or something.   :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 12, 2007, 10:25:00 PM
Quote from: "justinsmama"
And we hate them!

Any idea when a deadline on any filing may be due on either civil suit?

I went to that LA civil court website today and used the case #'s Klaas posted.  Nothing new has been filed.  The proof of service on the Kalpoes hasn't even been filed.  Don't know what that's about.  Only the lawyers know fer sher I guess.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: mrs. red on February 12, 2007, 10:29:08 PM
Quote from: "robots"
been busy, i am way behind

stern gave the son drugs, Anna knew it, doesnt matter if the son took them willingly or not...Anna was going to go to the police

stern had to stop it

end of story

I too think something like this happened, and he has to have control over the money... and I don't like the trim spa guy on greta either.... too many nice things to say about stern... and how anna controlled him :roll:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 12, 2007, 10:29:39 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"

yes, can we get Mrs. Red to spill anything ?? 8)


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: mrs. red on February 12, 2007, 10:30:32 PM
Quote from: "robots"
Quote from: "klaasend"

yes, can we get Mrs. Red to spill anything ?? 8)

unfortunately I don't have anything to spill.....  :oops:  

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 12, 2007, 10:31:22 PM
Quote from: "mrs. red"
Quote from: "robots"
been busy, i am way behind

stern gave the son drugs, Anna knew it, doesnt matter if the son took them willingly or not...Anna was going to go to the police

stern had to stop it

end of story

I too think something like this happened, and he has to have control over the money... and I don't like the trim spa guy on greta either.... too many nice things to say about stern... and how anna controlled him :roll:

im not watching Wretched GRETA.... 8)

but i trust you...

Stern is a JACKASS  8)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 12, 2007, 10:33:02 PM
Quote from: "mrs. red"
Quote from: "robots"
Quote from: "klaasend"

yes, can we get Mrs. Red to spill anything ?? 8)

unfortunately I don't have anything to spill.....  :oops:  

hmmm... can you Get Mr Red to spill something
i mean, we know you are the boss  8)  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: mrs. red on February 12, 2007, 10:34:00 PM
I didn't mean to watch Greta... but then I got pulled in....

and it was on while I scrubbed the bathrooms... :roll:  at least I have the cleanest scrubbiest bathrooms around .... LOL

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: mrs. red on February 12, 2007, 10:35:34 PM
Quote from: "robots"
Quote from: "mrs. red"
Quote from: "robots"
Quote from: "klaasend"

yes, can we get Mrs. Red to spill anything ?? 8)

unfortunately I don't have anything to spill.....  :oops:  

hmmm... can you Get Mr Red to spill something
i mean, we know you are the boss  8)  :lol:

Don't tell him though... I will ask him and see if there is anything, but honestly if there were, Klaasend would know too.... I just think for now it's a holding pattern... the CA lawsuit I guess is the last hope..

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 12, 2007, 10:36:01 PM
Quote from: "mrs. red"
I didn't mean to watch Greta... but then I got pulled in....

and it was on while I scrubbed the bathrooms... :roll:  at least I have the cleanest scrubbiest bathrooms around .... LOL

Greta is on my LIST of people to stay away from  8)

if she cant see the big picture of the JORAN the KILLER

then she is numb as a pounded thumb  8)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 12, 2007, 10:36:45 PM
Quote from: "mrs. red"
Quote from: "robots"
Quote from: "mrs. red"
Quote from: "robots"
Quote from: "klaasend"

yes, can we get Mrs. Red to spill anything ?? 8)

unfortunately I don't have anything to spill.....  :oops:  

hmmm... can you Get Mr Red to spill something
i mean, we know you are the boss  8)  :lol:

Don't tell him though... I will ask him and see if there is anything, but honestly if there were, Klaasend would know too.... I just think for now it's a holding pattern... the CA lawsuit I guess is the last hope..


i can sniff something.... i can sense it  8)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: mrs. red on February 12, 2007, 10:39:06 PM
robots, I hope so.... are you sure you aren't just sniffing that nor easter?? LOL....

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 12, 2007, 10:40:28 PM
Quote from: "mrs. red"
robots, I hope so.... are you sure you aren't just sniffing that nor easter?? LOL....

ummmm... you might be right

LOL  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 12, 2007, 10:41:09 PM
Robots and Mrs. Red - I bug Red all the time and he doesn't have anything to tell.  I told him last night we need to find out if anyone has Freddy's witness statement.  We know one exists.

That Trimspa guy on Greta was an ass, reminded me somehow of Joe T.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 12, 2007, 10:42:11 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Robots and Mrs. Red - I but Red all the time and he doesn't have anything to tell.  I told him last night we need to find out if anyone has Freddy's witness statement.  We know one exists.

That Trimspa guy on Greta was an ass, reminded me somehow of Joe T.

klass is good

Mrs red is good

Mr Red is good



robots is a robot  8)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: mrs. red on February 12, 2007, 10:43:22 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Robots and Mrs. Red - I bug Red all the time and he doesn't have anything to tell.  I told him last night we need to find out if anyone has Freddy's witness statement.  We know one exists.

That Trimspa guy on Greta was an ass, reminded me somehow of Joe T.

yes he did.... he was just like tacky joe....

I like this original manager ....

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 12, 2007, 10:44:03 PM
are we really going to get snow ??

cause, ummmmm

if we are... i need fuel for the snow thrower

either that or get some food ready for my son to have strength to shovel

 :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:

Title: Valentine Party Reminder
Post by: IBE on February 12, 2007, 10:44:49 PM
Valentine Party in the Lounge

Digital food has no calories :lol:  Please join the fun... open 24/7 until Feb. 15th!

Let's dedicate it to love---- for love of Natalee, her family, her friends and all our oun Monkeys,  friends and families!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 12, 2007, 10:46:35 PM
Quote from: "robots"
are we really going to get snow ??

cause, ummmmm

if we are... i need fuel for the snow thrower

either that or get some food ready for my son to have strength to shovel

 :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:

ROBOTS to son "its builds Character"

Son... "it does?"

ROBOTS ....."yes"

SON.... "really ?"

ROBOTS..."Ohhhhhhh SURE"

SON..."hmphhhh.. well youre a character pick up a shovel"

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: mrs. red on February 12, 2007, 10:46:57 PM
Quote from: "robots"
are we really going to get snow ??

cause, ummmmm

if we are... i need fuel for the snow thrower

either that or get some food ready for my son to have strength to shovel

 :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:

supposedly.... from what I heard...

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 12, 2007, 10:47:48 PM
Quote from: "mrs. red"
Quote from: "robots"
are we really going to get snow ??

cause, ummmmm

if we are... i need fuel for the snow thrower

either that or get some food ready for my son to have strength to shovel

 :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:  :twisted:

supposedly.... from what I heard...

i bet its rain  8)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: mrs. red on February 12, 2007, 10:48:50 PM
I hate to leave... but I need to run... I have had a headache since about 4 pm...and it won't leave... even after asprins, so I am going to get some sleep...

nite monkeys...

keep the faith!!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 12, 2007, 10:50:13 PM
Quote from: "mrs. red"
I hate to leave... but I need to run... I have had a headache since about 4 pm...and it won't leave... even after asprins, so I am going to get some sleep...

nite monkeys...

keep the faith!!

try some tylenol and ibuprofen together

works everytime for me  8)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 12, 2007, 10:52:36 PM
FYI - if anyone happens to notice, the newest registered member of SM is Seamonkey.  Seamonkey just happens to be Arcolley's daughter!  I don't think she's signed in yet under that name yet though  :wink:

When she does I created an avatar for her to use, if she wants:


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 12, 2007, 10:55:01 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
FYI - if anyone happens to notice, the newest registered member of SM is Seamonkey.  Seamonkey just happens to be Arcolley's daughter!  I don't think she's signed in yet under that name yet though  :wink:

When she does I created an avatar for her to use, if she wants:


That's nice Klaas.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 12, 2007, 10:57:21 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
FYI - if anyone happens to notice, the newest registered member of SM is Seamonkey.  Seamonkey just happens to be Arcolley's daughter!  I don't think she's signed in yet under that name yet though  :wink:

When she does I created an avatar for her to use, if she wants:


Klaas - that's perfect! I hope she likes it.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 12, 2007, 10:59:16 PM
Thanks..hope she likes it.  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Atlmetroguy on February 12, 2007, 10:59:37 PM
Heya Monkeys...whats shakin?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 12, 2007, 11:01:05 PM
Quote from: "Atlmetroguy"
Heya Monkeys...whats shakin?

Not much Metro - been too quiet in the case.  No news for a long time.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 12, 2007, 11:01:46 PM
Quote from: "Atlmetroguy"
Heya Monkeys...whats shakin?

Metro! (

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Atlmetroguy on February 12, 2007, 11:02:36 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "Atlmetroguy"
Heya Monkeys...whats shakin?

Not much Metro - been too quiet in the case.  No news for a long time.

Hey Klaas...nice to see you and all the Monkeys...the case is pretty quiet! I did a google news search a bit ago and got nothing new. Not that Google is a great source but it is efficient...

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Atlmetroguy on February 12, 2007, 11:03:29 PM
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Quote from: "Atlmetroguy"
Heya Monkeys...whats shakin?

Metro! (

Hey BT...I had dinner at The Cantley House in Wokingham week before was yum!!!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 12, 2007, 11:04:09 PM
Quote from: "Atlmetroguy"
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "Atlmetroguy"
Heya Monkeys...whats shakin?

Not much Metro - been too quiet in the case.  No news for a long time.

Hey Klaas...nice to see you and all the Monkeys...the case is pretty quiet! I did a google news search a bit ago and got nothing new. Not that Google is a great source but it is efficient...

Yeah, there's wasn't lying.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 12, 2007, 11:05:46 PM
Quote from: "Atlmetroguy"
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Quote from: "Atlmetroguy"
Heya Monkeys...whats shakin?

Metro! (

Hey BT...I had dinner at The Cantley House in Wokingham week before was yum!!!

Too cool, Metro! A lot of Simon's relatives couldn't come over for the wedding, so we had a big party there on our first anniversary. The party lasted from noon until midnight.  :shock:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Atlmetroguy on February 12, 2007, 11:08:48 PM
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Quote from: "Atlmetroguy"
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Quote from: "Atlmetroguy"
Heya Monkeys...whats shakin?

Metro! (

Hey BT...I had dinner at The Cantley House in Wokingham week before was yum!!!

Too cool, Metro! A lot of Simon's relatives couldn't come over for the wedding, so we had a big party there on our first anniversary. The party lasted from noon until midnight.  :shock:  :lol:

I really liked it!! Food was good and the service was good and when I was paying the check the 20something you lady that I handed my credit card to says "Brilliant...just a moment love..." in that British was too cool!!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 12, 2007, 11:10:39 PM
Quote from: "Atlmetroguy"
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Quote from: "Atlmetroguy"
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Quote from: "Atlmetroguy"
Heya Monkeys...whats shakin?

Metro! (

Hey BT...I had dinner at The Cantley House in Wokingham week before was yum!!!

Too cool, Metro! A lot of Simon's relatives couldn't come over for the wedding, so we had a big party there on our first anniversary. The party lasted from noon until midnight.  :shock:  :lol:

I really liked it!! Food was good and the service was good and when I was paying the check the 20something you lady that I handed my credit card to says "Brilliant...just a moment love..." in that British was too cool!!

It's a great place isn't it? By the way, Simon's aunt lives less than a mile from Cantley House and his mother lives about 6 miles away. Drop in and see the family next time you're over. :D

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 12, 2007, 11:11:16 PM


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 12, 2007, 11:13:11 PM
It's getting late here. Night monkeys. Let's hope for some news soon.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Atlmetroguy on February 12, 2007, 11:13:12 PM
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Quote from: "Atlmetroguy"
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Quote from: "Atlmetroguy"
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Quote from: "Atlmetroguy"
Heya Monkeys...whats shakin?

Metro! (

Hey BT...I had dinner at The Cantley House in Wokingham week before was yum!!!

Too cool, Metro! A lot of Simon's relatives couldn't come over for the wedding, so we had a big party there on our first anniversary. The party lasted from noon until midnight.  :shock:  :lol:

I really liked it!! Food was good and the service was good and when I was paying the check the 20something you lady that I handed my credit card to says "Brilliant...just a moment love..." in that British was too cool!!

It's a great place isn't it? By the way, Simon's aunt lives less than a mile from Cantley House and his mother lives about 6 miles away. Drop in and see the family next time you're over. :D

Sounds cool BT!! I'll shoot you an e-mail the next time I go over..propably in a month or so. Would that not be too cool??

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 12, 2007, 11:13:59 PM
Quote from: "Atlmetroguy"
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Quote from: "Atlmetroguy"
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Quote from: "Atlmetroguy"
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Quote from: "Atlmetroguy"
Heya Monkeys...whats shakin?

Metro! (

Hey BT...I had dinner at The Cantley House in Wokingham week before was yum!!!

Too cool, Metro! A lot of Simon's relatives couldn't come over for the wedding, so we had a big party there on our first anniversary. The party lasted from noon until midnight.  :shock:  :lol:

I really liked it!! Food was good and the service was good and when I was paying the check the 20something you lady that I handed my credit card to says "Brilliant...just a moment love..." in that British was too cool!!

It's a great place isn't it? By the way, Simon's aunt lives less than a mile from Cantley House and his mother lives about 6 miles away. Drop in and see the family next time you're over. :D

Sounds cool BT!! I'll shoot you an e-mail the next time I go over..propably in a month or so. Would that not be too cool??

It would be great! Please do.  :D

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: msmarple on February 12, 2007, 11:19:32 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
FYI - if anyone happens to notice, the newest registered member of SM is Seamonkey.  Seamonkey just happens to be Arcolley's daughter!  I don't think she's signed in yet under that name yet though  :wink:

When she does I created an avatar for her to use, if she wants:


Now, that is a way cool avatar. And a good username too.

Metro - Have you been following the Anna Nicole Smith melodrama? (If not, there's a thread in the lounge.) What's your take? Who's the daddy? (Please don't get in line ... )

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: IndyDan on February 12, 2007, 11:21:58 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"

TacoJoeBlowhard's, the new ArubaSteveCohen, plan for Aruba is to go completely silent.  I'm sure the Cowpie lawsuit was a blimp on the radar but for the most part, Joe's plan is for Aruba to go dark and weather out the storm.
In the meantime, give away the farm to the American tourist industry and maybe in a few years things will come back around.
That's the grand plan for Aruba, forego damage control, ignore the issue and eventually it will go away.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 12, 2007, 11:23:43 PM
Quote from: "IndyDan"
Quote from: "klaasend"

TacoJoeBlowhard's, the new ArubaSteveCohen, plan for Aruba is to go completely silent.  I'm sure the Cowpie lawsuit was a blimp on the radar but for the most part, Joe's plan is for Aruba to go dark and weather out the storm.
In the meantime, give away the farm to the American tourist industry and maybe in a few years things will come back around.
That's the grand plan for Aruba, forego damage control, ignore the issue and eventually it will go away.

Well that was always there plan.  That's why we can't let it happen  :evil:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Atlmetroguy on February 12, 2007, 11:24:15 PM
Quote from: "msmarple"
Quote from: "klaasend"
FYI - if anyone happens to notice, the newest registered member of SM is Seamonkey.  Seamonkey just happens to be Arcolley's daughter!  I don't think she's signed in yet under that name yet though  :wink:

When she does I created an avatar for her to use, if she wants:


Now, that is a way cool avatar. And a good username too.

Metro - Have you been following the Anna Nicole Smith melodrama? (If not, there's a thread in the lounge.) What's your take? Who's the daddy? (Please don't get in line ... )

Hi Mrs Marple....Honestly from a far distance....I have been traveling for almost a month now and have only caught headlines. I have really not looked into it all but will check out the thread in the lounge...

How's the weather at home?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 12, 2007, 11:24:36 PM
Klaasend or anyone please pass this on to SeaMonkey whe they start posting (

And I see Metro has BT  jumping for Joy  :shock:  :lol:  :wink:
Oh ... Hi Monkeys

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 12, 2007, 11:26:16 PM
Oldfart - will do.  Not sure when she'll see her email from Tom and start posting though.  She's had a stressfull few days herself!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Atlmetroguy on February 12, 2007, 11:26:32 PM
Quote from: "oldfart"
Klaasend or anyone please pass this on to SeaMonkey whe they start posting (

And I see Metro has BT  jumping for Joy  :shock:  :lol:  :wink:
Oh ... Hi Monkeys

OF...thats kinda scary!! Years ago I had a girlfriend named Joy...that girl definately made me jump!!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Atlmetroguy on February 12, 2007, 11:28:13 PM
Quote from: "Atlmetroguy"
Quote from: "oldfart"
Klaasend or anyone please pass this on to SeaMonkey whe they start posting (

And I see Metro has BT  jumping for Joy  :shock:  :lol:  :wink:
Oh ... Hi Monkeys

OF...thats kinda scary!! Years ago I had a girlfriend named Joy...that girl definately made me jump!!

Now that I go back and read that...what's really scary is that I am now actually old enought to use the phrase "years ago...." in proper context to my age....woooofffff

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: IndyDan on February 12, 2007, 11:29:45 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "IndyDan"
Quote from: "klaasend"

TacoJoeBlowhard's, the new ArubaSteveCohen, plan for Aruba is to go completely silent.  I'm sure the Cowpie lawsuit was a blimp on the radar but for the most part, Joe's plan is for Aruba to go dark and weather out the storm.
In the meantime, give away the farm to the American tourist industry and maybe in a few years things will come back around.
That's the grand plan for Aruba, forego damage control, ignore the issue and eventually it will go away.

Well that was always there plan.  That's why we can't let it happen  :evil:

I don't think that was always their plan, but it's their plan now.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 12, 2007, 11:35:58 PM
Quote from: "Atlmetroguy"
Quote from: "oldfart"
Klaasend or anyone please pass this on to SeaMonkey whe they start posting (

And I see Metro has BT  jumping for Joy  :shock:  :lol:  :wink:
Oh ... Hi Monkeys

OF...thats kinda scary!! Years ago I had a girlfriend named Joy...that girl definately made me jump!!

Metro  :lol:
Good to see ya.. hope you did not get caught in the snow delays in Alanta and I'm not touching that nope..not me..
I saw her updates on Mom... I know she knows why mom is here and I think she kinda the place.
You did a great job on the avatar... but she may show up on a boat, a pool floatie , scuba grear.. or none of the above  :shock:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Atlmetroguy on February 12, 2007, 11:38:14 PM
Quote from: "oldfart"
Quote from: "Atlmetroguy"
Quote from: "oldfart"
Klaasend or anyone please pass this on to SeaMonkey whe they start posting (

And I see Metro has BT  jumping for Joy  :shock:  :lol:  :wink:
Oh ... Hi Monkeys

OF...thats kinda scary!! Years ago I had a girlfriend named Joy...that girl definately made me jump!!

Metro  :lol:
Good to see ya.. hope you did not get caught in the snow delays in Alanta and I'm not touching that nope..not me..
I saw her updates on Mom... I know she knows why mom is here and I think she kinda the place.
You did a great job on the avatar... but she may show up on a boat, a pool floatie , scuba grear.. or none of the above  :shock:

Hey OF...nope no snow issue for me!! I have been out west for a couple of weeks now so I missed it completely!! It is always such a disaster when it snows in Atlanta. The last big snow we had was back in March 1993..14" and it was a mess the whole metro was shut down for 4 days!!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 12, 2007, 11:41:01 PM
Gotta go...

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: mishy on February 12, 2007, 11:46:51 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"

Don't we just, Klaas!! This case needs to be back in the media...

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: mishy on February 12, 2007, 11:50:58 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
FYI - if anyone happens to notice, the newest registered member of SM is Seamonkey.  Seamonkey just happens to be Arcolley's daughter!  I don't think she's signed in yet under that name yet though  :wink:

When she does I created an avatar for her to use, if she wants:


Aw, what a cute name and an adorable avatar!!!!!!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: mishy on February 12, 2007, 11:53:30 PM
Quote from: "IndyDan"
Quote from: "klaasend"

TacoJoeBlowhard's, the new ArubaSteveCohen, plan for Aruba is to go completely silent.  I'm sure the Cowpie lawsuit was a blimp on the radar but for the most part, Joe's plan is for Aruba to go dark and weather out the storm.
In the meantime, give away the farm to the American tourist industry and maybe in a few years things will come back around.
That's the grand plan for Aruba, forego damage control, ignore the issue and eventually it will go away.

IndyDan....maybe we need to stir things up in the media somehow...waddya think?

I love your siggy line, BTW  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 12, 2007, 11:53:34 PM
Quote from: "IndyDan"
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "IndyDan"
Quote from: "klaasend"

TacoJoeBlowhard's, the new ArubaSteveCohen, plan for Aruba is to go completely silent.  I'm sure the Cowpie lawsuit was a blimp on the radar but for the most part, Joe's plan is for Aruba to go dark and weather out the storm.
In the meantime, give away the farm to the American tourist industry and maybe in a few years things will come back around.
That's the grand plan for Aruba, forego damage control, ignore the issue and eventually it will go away.

Well that was always there plan.  That's why we can't let it happen  :evil:

I don't think that was always their plan, but it's their plan now.

You forgot the part about Joe threatening to sue people, especially stations like Fox who let Jossy talk on their show.  Didn't he say Jossy was senile or something?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: msmarple on February 12, 2007, 11:54:00 PM
Metro- Weather:

(Sounds just like the a.m. weather report lead-in!)

The last 2-3 days very pretty, not so cold, but rain predicted tomorrow (Tuesday), high of 60; low in mid 30s. (60 is higher than it's been, more like 50s.)

John Smoltz is getting a divorce  :shock: ; Braves are being sold to some other media conglomerate.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 13, 2007, 12:19:35 AM
Those of us willing to write BOYCOTT ARUBA and REMEMBER NATALEE HOLLOWAY/JUSTICE FOR NATALEE can continue to do so. It's one small way of getting and keeping the word out there.

Just looked outside. Only very light snowfall right now, yet Justin's school has already announced it will be closed tomorrow? If we only get a bit of snow, then everything will be closed for nothing. Guess he'll just have to go with me to work tomorrow. That's always fun. Not.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: SunFreak2 on February 13, 2007, 12:39:52 AM
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Those of us willing to write BOYCOTT ARUBA and REMEMBER NATALEE HOLLOWAY/JUSTICE FOR NATALEE can continue to do so. It's one small way of getting and keeping the word out there.

Just looked outside. Only very light snowfall right now, yet Justin's school has already announced it will be closed tomorrow? If we only get a bit of snow, then everything will be closed for nothing. Guess he'll just have to go with me to work tomorrow. That's always fun. Not.

I put stickers on my mail and still write on my paper money.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 13, 2007, 12:45:05 AM
Quote from: "SunFreak2"
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Those of us willing to write BOYCOTT ARUBA and REMEMBER NATALEE HOLLOWAY/JUSTICE FOR NATALEE can continue to do so. It's one small way of getting and keeping the word out there.

Just looked outside. Only very light snowfall right now, yet Justin's school has already announced it will be closed tomorrow? If we only get a bit of snow, then everything will be closed for nothing. Guess he'll just have to go with me to work tomorrow. That's always fun. Not.

I put stickers on my mail and still write on my paper money.

This is good news from   :

Defacing U.S. currency is a crime, but federal law defines "defacing" as altering a bill so much that it cannot be used.

Edward Sheehan, a spokesman for the U.S. Treasury Department's Bureau of Engraving and Printing, said that while it is legal to write on U.S. currency, "we discourage people from doing that. It is best to have the notes pristine."

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Tibrogargan on February 13, 2007, 01:11:39 AM
Quote from: "klaasend"
FYI - if anyone happens to notice, the newest registered member of SM is Seamonkey.  Seamonkey just happens to be Arcolley's daughter!  I don't think she's signed in yet under that name yet though  :wink:

When she does I created an avatar for her to use, if she wants:


Klaas - that is such a great avatar.  Has Mrs Red checked it out for pearls yet?
Looking forward to seeing Seamonkey posting.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 13, 2007, 01:22:46 AM
Quote from: "Tibrogargan"
Quote from: "klaasend"
FYI - if anyone happens to notice, the newest registered member of SM is Seamonkey.  Seamonkey just happens to be Arcolley's daughter!  I don't think she's signed in yet under that name yet though  :wink:

When she does I created an avatar for her to use, if she wants:


Klaas - that is such a great avatar.  Has Mrs Red checked it out for pearls yet?
Looking forward to seeing Seamonkey posting.

Forgot about pearls, I should have added some, lol  :lol:  Yes, I'm looking forward to seeing Seamonkey post too!

Title: Forecast was 18 degrees for today, it is -6 degrees
Post by: Leslie on February 13, 2007, 06:52:41 AM
Solo di Pueblo
Aruba Today

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Leslie on February 13, 2007, 07:06:42 AM
Solo di Pueblo - February 10, 2007  Page 4

Bendemento di Droga den Centro Turistico, un situacion alarmante

STA. CRUZ – Solo di Pueblo a conversa cu un bishitante cu a bay Mambo Jambo. E bishitante a bay pa come. Den e patio un rastaman a yega y gewoon ofrece e bishitante pa cumpra droga. E bishitante a keda den shock ya cu esaki nunca el’a experiencia na Aruba. Pa kaweta e ta puntr’e kico e tin! E ta bisa cu e tin marihuana y si e kier esey! E bishitante kier a test e guy aki y a puntr’e si e tin puiro blanco. E rastaman a contest’e: NO, pero e guy abao si tin! E bishitante cu su famia a bay cana rond y a bolbe bin un otro guy ofrece droga atrobe. Den esaki e bishitante a topa un security guard di Royal Plaza. E bishitante a puntr’e mustrando riba e guy si e sa cu e guy ey ta bende droga. E di cu si cu e sa! El’a conta e bishitante cu ya el’a cor’ e for di e sitio, pero e no por haci mucho, pasobra su persona no tin arma y e guy cu ta bende droga a menaz’e tambe. E security guard no por a haci nada, e no tin ni klop ni nada. Anto ta pakico e ta para eynan? Ta con e por preveni e situacion aki, cu ta hopi alarmante? Full e area di Carlos & Charlies rond, ta creciendo cada dia cu bendemento di droga. No por kita afor, cu e situacion ta cada dia mas alarmante. Si e security guardnan no tin poder pa haci algo, ni polis no ta haci nada, anto ta ken mester resolve e problema aki? Ta haya cu pueblo mester pone presion riba e guynan aki cu ta haciendo hopi dańo. E bishitante aki cu no ta security guard, e momento ey a trata pa pone ordo, riscando su bida y a bisa e ‘bendedor di droga’ pa move di e lugar, pero tanto bal. E bendedor di droga aki a responde agresivamente cu palabra menos bunita. Mira den ki situacion Aruba ta! Unda e cuerpo policial a keda?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 13, 2007, 07:31:03 AM
I am so glad that Seamonkey will be joining us! And that her mama has a new lease on life!

Went to bed late last night, shaking my head over all of the closings. After all, it had only begun to very lightly snow. I was sure that they would all be embarrassed for their chicken little responses over the forecast.  :roll: Get up this morning and all hades (if it had frozen over, anyhoo) has broken loose out there! Maybe it is worse out here in the boonies and better in town.... Drifting snow has my drive piled up, the wind is howling, and it does not look too friendly out there. Called my boss. I had awakened him. He said that clients are taken care of (I was home yesterday with Justin sick). Apparently, I do not know everything. Imagine my shock at realizing that!    :shock:  :P  :wink:  So y'all are stuck with me again today.  :D

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Leslie on February 13, 2007, 07:55:32 AM
I was wrong, it's -22 F/-30 C here this morning.   Brrrr.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 13, 2007, 08:10:53 AM
Quote from: "Leslie"
I was wrong, it's -22 F/-30 C here this morning.   Brrrr.

We are much warmer here, Leslie! I do not envy you!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 13, 2007, 08:19:07 AM
Geezo Pete! We now have a blizzard warning! Oh my. I am certainly glad that I went grocery shopping yesterday!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 13, 2007, 08:24:02 AM
The chicken littles were right.  :?  :cry:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: msmarple on February 13, 2007, 08:25:51 AM
Quote from: "Leslie"
Solo di Pueblo - February 10, 2007  Page 4

Bendemento di Droga den Centro Turistico, un situacion alarmante

STA. CRUZ – Solo di Pueblo a conversa cu un bishitante cu a bay Mambo Jambo. E bishitante a bay pa come. Den e patio un rastaman a yega y gewoon ofrece e bishitante pa cumpra droga. E bishitante a keda den shock ya cu esaki nunca el’a experiencia na Aruba. Pa kaweta e ta puntr’e kico e tin! E ta bisa cu e tin marihuana y si e kier esey! E bishitante kier a test e guy aki y a puntr’e si e tin puiro blanco. E rastaman a contest’e: NO, pero e guy abao si tin! E bishitante cu su famia a bay cana rond y a bolbe bin un otro guy ofrece droga atrobe. Den esaki e bishitante a topa un security guard di Royal Plaza. E bishitante a puntr’e mustrando riba e guy si e sa cu e guy ey ta bende droga. E di cu si cu e sa! El’a conta e bishitante cu ya el’a cor’ e for di e sitio, pero e no por haci mucho, pasobra su persona no tin arma y e guy cu ta bende droga a menaz’e tambe. E security guard no por a haci nada, e no tin ni klop ni nada. Anto ta pakico e ta para eynan? Ta con e por preveni e situacion aki, cu ta hopi alarmante? Full e area di Carlos & Charlies rond, ta creciendo cada dia cu bendemento di droga. No por kita afor, cu e situacion ta cada dia mas alarmante. Si e security guardnan no tin poder pa haci algo, ni polis no ta haci nada, anto ta ken mester resolve e problema aki? Ta haya cu pueblo mester pone presion riba e guynan aki cu ta haciendo hopi dańo. E bishitante aki cu no ta security guard, e momento ey a trata pa pone ordo, riscando su bida y a bisa e ‘bendedor di droga’ pa move di e lugar, pero tanto bal. E bendedor di droga aki a responde agresivamente cu palabra menos bunita. Mira den ki situacion Aruba ta! Unda e cuerpo policial a keda?

I would love to know what THAT'S all about ... Sandy!??

Thanks for papers Leslie.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 13, 2007, 09:25:10 AM
All I can figure out is that it is something about someone being questioned by a security guard as to whether that someone was selling drugs? And that not even the police have the power?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Cat on February 13, 2007, 10:26:17 AM
Welcome Seamonkey and Metro.It is nice meet (meat) new monkeys.CAT

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 13, 2007, 10:39:47 AM
Here's another article in Solo di Pueblo 2/10/2007:


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Sue on February 13, 2007, 10:50:52 AM

Isnt there suppose to be a ruling in Drip Dads hearing in aruba
on his money claims for false arrest??

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 13, 2007, 10:53:17 AM
Quote from: "Sue"

Isnt there suppose to be a ruling in Drip Dads hearing in aruba
on his money claims for false arrest??

Yep - that is supposed to be today.  I'll watch out for it!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Sue on February 13, 2007, 11:01:34 AM
there is suppose to be a small hearing this morning also in Kalpoe/Phill
case doesnt look like anything of importance but slowly moving forward

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Sue on February 13, 2007, 11:03:50 AM
Also If the Klapoes were served like we have heard or I have anyways
shouldnt there be a filing on there part soon?? dont they have 30 days to respond??? If so i think they have to file something on or before 19th
of this month

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 13, 2007, 11:05:26 AM
Quote from: "Leslie"
I was wrong, it's -22 F/-30 C here this morning.   Brrrr.

Good Day Monkeys
All the schools here are closed too.  Snow and 20-30 mph wind
But it nothing like 100+ inches part of New York state has gotten  

- 22   :shock: .. all I can say is Brrrrr  ... stay bundled up if you have to venture out (

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 13, 2007, 11:08:43 AM
OF~ Ohio, Indianer and Illinois are all under a blizzaed warning. Drat it all.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on February 13, 2007, 11:20:12 AM
That snow is expected here, later today.   :cry:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Cat on February 13, 2007, 12:02:36 PM
I will make an accurate statement few will understand.The problem with the case in aruba is we have at the wrong way.Viking culture(dutch) is built on family alliances.Bastard children were a part of society,a needed part.Beth arrival may have prevented Natalee's discovery,because there was not enough time to fix blame,let decomposition take place,find the body and put others in jail.We found out to much to early  to allow this to happen.I am not supporting aruba,but I thought late last night about van der stratten's remark.just a thought.Sherlock Cat

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 13, 2007, 12:26:53 PM
Spring Break Safety
Phillip Ohnemus
News42 WIAT
Monday, February 12, 2007

It's a right of passage.  Each year tens of thousands of college students flock to the international beach-front hot spots for spring break, such as Cancun, Daytona, Cozumel...all popular spots.  It's a vacation, a time to relax after months of grueling exams and classes and lectures.

What better way to release a little steam?

But there is a darker side: excessive partying, drinking, drugs and arrests.  And it can get worse.  There's always someone angling to turn a fun time into a predator's playground.

You need look no further than the case of Natalee Holloway.  The Mountain Brook High School student vanished on a senior trip to Aruba more than a year ago.  That one incident immediately launched safety concerns that are still having an impact on the travel industry.

Roger Hale, President of Adventure Travel, said, "Obviously when an event like that takes place, people immediately start thinking about their security in a foreign country."

It's also the cause that has kept Beth Holloway Twitty on a national tour preaching about the importance of responsibility.

Several high school seniors’ CBS 42 spoke with during last years spring break said they've got the message.

"Bottom line I don't think any girl should be walking around by themselves without the buddy system...a girl with a girl, a girl with a guy, don't be alone," said Michelle Kaster.

"It is scary because you never know what's going to happen.  We heard stories last night about how people had date rape drugs.  We didn't go but we heard stories.  It was really scary because that could have happened to us," said Tina Bouffard.

This year, millions of teens are planning to head for the islands and the beach and experts are preaching safety louder than ever.

"The biggest security issue in resort destinations is typically going to be pick pockets," said Hale.

And that's why there are a few things you should talk to your teen about doing before letting them go on spring break.

Clay Ingram with AAA Alabama said, "One important thing you can do if you’re taking valuables with you is take some photographs of your valuables, your jewelry anything of value before you go.  Write down your credit card numbers, drivers license number."

And make sure if you carry cash to keep the amount small and in front pocket.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: sirensong on February 13, 2007, 12:32:32 PM
From Amigo:

Dumping in the Moko dam continues  

ORANJESTAD – While the fire flared up again this morning, dump trucks of Atco continued to drive up and discharge their ‘cargo’ in the quarry at Moko.

According to neighbourhood residents, it is a coming and going of trucks with containers.  Around the 30 trucks per day are not unusual.  They now come via Jaburibari and take the road between Parke Curazon and the FCCA-houses to the illegal dump.  Some are covered with wire netting and most probably contain debris and demolition waste, but it is obvious that some of the containers contain combustible garbage, like coarse garden waste, and pallets.

The residents are collecting evident, so they can use them in their next lawsuit against the owners of the illegal dump and their biggest users.  They want to make them liable for all the damage to the environment and the lack of living pleasure.    

Week and a half after the first reporting, the Environmental Inspection has not received the report of the anti-pollution squad yet and a civil case will offer a solution faster

Thanks Leslie for bringing the links in everyday!  God I hate Aruba.  I don't know why anyone would want to go there.  Corrupt, dirty, unsafe.  When will He hear all of our prayers, and send an answer? I get so frustrated waiting to get answers, and it just kills me what Nat's family must feel.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 13, 2007, 12:35:49 PM
Quote from: "Cat"
I will make an accurate statement few will understand.The problem with the case in aruba is we have at the wrong way.Viking culture(dutch) is built on family alliances.Bastard children were a part of society,a needed part.Beth arrival may have prevented Natalee's discovery,because there was not enough time to fix blame,let decomposition take place,find the body and put others in jail.We found out to much to early  to allow this to happen.I am not supporting aruba,but I thought late last night about van der stratten's remark.just a thought.Sherlock Cat

CAT - I agree with everything above

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: sharon on February 13, 2007, 12:40:01 PM
Quote from: "Cat"
I will make an accurate statement few will understand.The problem with the case in aruba is we have at the wrong way.Viking culture(dutch) is built on family alliances.Bastard children were a part of society,a needed part.Beth arrival may have prevented Natalee's discovery,because there was not enough time to fix blame,let decomposition take place,find the body and put others in jail.We found out to much to early  to allow this to happen.I am not supporting aruba,but I thought late last night about van der stratten's remark.just a thought.Sherlock Cat


I have come to believe that your statement is accurate. Albeit incredibly sad.

I do believe the 'set up' of the security guards was in full swing until Beth arrived.  I believe that one -- or both -- would have taken the fall. Evidence was being planted and stories were being circulated to make one or both of the guards 'guilty'.

I also think that the body 'movement' may have taken a strange turn -- that there may have been an internal struggle between those 'in the know'. Different agendas. If that makes sense.

There certainly were a lot of games being played in the cover up.

I mean -- what are the chances that the ONLY footage of the casino that is released has a 'Paulus' twin in it?

And what a coincidence that an aerial photographer just happened to be in the vicinity as the furniture truck pulls up at the vds's?


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Mere on February 13, 2007, 12:48:17 PM
Quote from: "Cat"
I will make an accurate statement few will understand.The problem with the case in aruba is we have at the wrong way.Viking culture(dutch) is built on family alliances.Bastard children were a part of society,a needed part.Beth arrival may have prevented Natalee's discovery,because there was not enough time to fix blame,let decomposition take place,find the body and put others in jail.We found out to much to early  to allow this to happen.I am not supporting aruba,but I thought late last night about van der stratten's remark.just a thought.Sherlock Cat are right...Aruba did not count on Beth or the internet or the blogs or the travel sites that were on to them on day 1....thanks....Mere

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 12:50:27 PM
Quote from: "oldfart"
Quote from: "Leslie"
I was wrong, it's -22 F/-30 C here this morning.   Brrrr.

Good Day Monkeys
All the schools here are closed too.  Snow and 20-30 mph wind
But it nothing like 100+ inches part of New York state has gotten  

- 22   :shock: .. all I can say is Brrrrr  ... stay bundled up if you have to venture out (

Ours is supposed to arrive tonight..brrrrr
Got the old woodstove cranking and lanterns out in case we lose electricity.
HOWEVER...I LOVE a good blizzard as long as no one gets injured or worse!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: igsigs on February 13, 2007, 12:50:38 PM
Paulus predictions?

Gets his $$$ ?  Gets less $$$ ?  Gets no $$$ ?

Another flat tire at the Curacao airport?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 12:53:49 PM
Quote from: "MeMere"
Quote from: "Cat"
I will make an accurate statement few will understand.The problem with the case in aruba is we have at the wrong way.Viking culture(dutch) is built on family alliances.Bastard children were a part of society,a needed part.Beth arrival may have prevented Natalee's discovery,because there was not enough time to fix blame,let decomposition take place,find the body and put others in jail.We found out to much to early  to allow this to happen.I am not supporting aruba,but I thought late last night about van der stratten's remark.just a thought.Sherlock Cat are right...Aruba did not count on Beth or the internet or the blogs or the travel sites that were on to them on day 1....thanks....Mere

Hey, MeMere

I'll bet that thar VIking culture is amazed at our "stick-to-it-ness" too!!!! We are still there fighting for Natalee and will be for as long as it takes!!!!
We all do NOT have a short attention span problem, especially we Monkeys!!!!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 12:59:07 PM
Hope all our MOnkeys in the Tornado watch area are safe and sound!!!!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: nonesuche on February 13, 2007, 01:01:42 PM
How great to see you Art !!!  :D  {{ HUGS }} our miracle monkey !

So nice to sign in and see MeMere and igsigs and Sharon.......big smile  :D

I think Sharon's mention of different agendas is spot on also, warring factions even at times it appears with Janssen in the mix !

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 01:04:39 PM
Quote from: "nonesuche"
How great to see you Art !!!  :D  {{ HUGS }} our miracle monkey !

So nice to sign in and see MeMere and igsigs and Sharon.......big smile  :D

I think Sharon's mention of different agendas is spot on also, warring factions even at times it appears with Janssen in the mix !

AH, nice to see you too, NOne!!!!!
ANd all the other wonderful monkeys as well!!!!

I also agree with you, btw, that Sharons's mention of different agendas is correct.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Sue on February 13, 2007, 01:05:32 PM
Quote from: "igsigs"
Paulus predictions?

Gets his $$$ ?  Gets less $$$ ?  Gets no $$$ ?

Another flat tire at the Curacao airport?

That SCUM BAG shouldnt get squat

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: nonesuche on February 13, 2007, 01:09:38 PM

I try to remind myself that they already got the biggest prize ever, their son gets to live his life and walk free, while Natalee lost everything. Anything else pales in comparison, Aruba's collective heinous crime.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: igsigs on February 13, 2007, 01:15:22 PM
Quote from: "Sue"
That SCUM BAG shouldnt get squat

Agreed. In fact, if we are to believe what KJ said about Paulus being an impediment to the case, then he and the sporter have actually cost Aruba 100's of millions in revenue.

That Paulus is now in a position to be compensated for this is bizarre.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: nonesuche on February 13, 2007, 01:16:58 PM

so true, so with the losses Aruba has sustained in tourism, WHY haven't the VDS' been run off the island?

the answer to that is an answer we need.......

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: igsigs on February 13, 2007, 01:31:42 PM
Quote from: "nonesuche"
the answer to that is an answer we need.......

Very early in the case Bendex, someone familiar with the whole Aruba/Dutch sitiation, made a comment that stuck with me. He said that it would be very difficult to prosecute the son of a Dutch official on Aruba for a crime against an American tourist.

A simple statement...that has proved true.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 13, 2007, 01:48:44 PM

Monkeys - I know all prayer needs are special and important. However, Lala's and I have posted a prayer request in the Lounge for someone who is very special to us both, and who chooses not to be named.

At 8:00 EST tomorrow, this person will begin cancer treatment. Would everyone who can please pause and say a prayer at that time for successful treatment for this person?

Thank you a million, billion times.


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: msmarple on February 13, 2007, 01:53:58 PM
Anybody seeing anything about a tornado in New Orleans?  :cry:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Sam on February 13, 2007, 02:11:42 PM
Quote from: "msmarple"
Anybody seeing anything about a tornado in New Orleans?  :cry:

Yes , read it on the AOL news and then heard about it on the noon news.
I know we have a couple of Monkeys from that area but cant think who they are right now.

Yes, BT I will pray for yours and Lalas friend.

Oh also to San, thanks for bringing us that article about teens staying safe.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 13, 2007, 02:24:05 PM
Quote from: "nonesuche"

so true, so with the losses Aruba has sustained in tourism, WHY haven't the VDS' been run off the island?

the answer to that is an answer we need.......

Paulus needs to keep his eye on certain people and I often wonder what is he hiding on his property.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 13, 2007, 02:25:44 PM
Quote from: "Sam"
Quote from: "msmarple"
Anybody seeing anything about a tornado in New Orleans?  :cry:

Yes , read it on the AOL news and then heard about it on the noon news.
I know we have a couple of Monkeys from that area but cant think who they are right now.

Yes, BT I will pray for yours and Lalas friend.

Oh also to San, thanks for bringing us that article about teens staying safe.

Cubbee lives in LA...
BT and Lalas..  :(  Hope all goes well.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 13, 2007, 02:27:53 PM
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "nonesuche"

so true, so with the losses Aruba has sustained in tourism, WHY haven't the VDS' been run off the island?

the answer to that is an answer we need.......

Paulus needs to keep his eye on certain people and I often wonder what is he hiding on his property.

I agree SAN..


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 13, 2007, 02:56:13 PM
From someone who attended Jamie Skeeter's funeral:

Yesterday, I attended the funeral of a man that I had never met before. I went in honor of a friend and former co-worker of mine, who’s father suddenly passed away. I had heard a few stories about him and I always noticed the twinkle my friend's eye whenever she spoke of him. I knew my friend would be devastated by her father’s sudden passing, so my husband and I drove 2 hours in the pouring rain, to show our support and try to offer her some comfort.

During the funeral, numerous mourners stood up and talked about the man I had never met before. They spoke, one after another, about his generous nature, caring heart and sense of humor. For nearly 2 hours his friends and family sang his praise and reminisced about his incredible zest for life.

After only a few minutes, I found myself laughing, crying and grieving right alongside his closest friends and family. Throughout the service, I learned about the hundreds of lives he touched and his frequent altruistic acts while serving nearly 30 years of service to the Oxnard, California community. This once Marine Sergeant was also a police officer, a founding member of the Oxnard Police Department SWAT team, a member of the Ventura County Narcotics Task force, a founding member on the Governor’s Task Force against Sex Offenders and he later became a licensed polygraph examiner. This guy was busy. But never too busy to help a friend in need or call his daughter a couple of times a day, just to say, “I love you.”

By the time the service was over, I too, was grieving for the man that I had never met before.

And while he managed to touch so many lives while he was alive, even in his passing, he somehow touched a few more. I know my husband and I walked away from the service, inspired to become better people.

I think a good exercise in improving yourself... would be to simply think about what you would want your loved ones to say about you, at your funeral.

Dedicated to: Jamie Skeeters, the man I never met before: Thank you for making me want to be a better person.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 13, 2007, 02:56:26 PM
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "nonesuche"

so true, so with the losses Aruba has sustained in tourism, WHY haven't the VDS' been run off the island?

the answer to that is an answer we need.......

Paulus needs to keep his eye on certain people and I often wonder what is he hiding on his property.

I agree SAN..



Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 13, 2007, 02:57:31 PM
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Geezo Pete! We now have a blizzard warning! Oh my. I am certainly glad that I went grocery shopping yesterday!

The blizzard started here early this morning and is showing no signs of stopping.   Always goes east from here.  Look out, Indiana, Michigan and Ohio.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 13, 2007, 03:01:56 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
From someone who attended Jamie Skeeter's funeral:

Yesterday, I attended the funeral of a man that I had never met before. I went in honor of a friend and former co-worker of mine, who’s father suddenly passed away. I had heard a few stories about him and I always noticed the twinkle my friend's eye whenever she spoke of him. I knew my friend would be devastated by her father’s sudden passing, so my husband and I drove 2 hours in the pouring rain, to show our support and try to offer her some comfort.

During the funeral, numerous mourners stood up and talked about the man I had never met before. They spoke, one after another, about his generous nature, caring heart and sense of humor. For nearly 2 hours his friends and family sang his praise and reminisced about his incredible zest for life.

After only a few minutes, I found myself laughing, crying and grieving right alongside his closest friends and family. Throughout the service, I learned about the hundreds of lives he touched and his frequent altruistic acts while serving nearly 30 years of service to the Oxnard, California community. This once Marine Sergeant was also a police officer, a founding member of the Oxnard Police Department SWAT team, a member of the Ventura County Narcotics Task force, a founding member on the Governor’s Task Force against Sex Offenders and he later became a licensed polygraph examiner. This guy was busy. But never too busy to help a friend in need or call his daughter a couple of times a day, just to say, “I love you.”

By the time the service was over, I too, was grieving for the man that I had never met before.

And while he managed to touch so many lives while he was alive, even in his passing, he somehow touched a few more. I know my husband and I walked away from the service, inspired to become better people.

I think a good exercise in improving yourself... would be to simply think about what you would want your loved ones to say about you, at your funeral.

Dedicated to: Jamie Skeeters, the man I never met before: Thank you for making me want to be a better person.

Thank you Klaas.  After so much criticism and bad press about a man who didn't deserve it, it's very touching to read this.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 13, 2007, 03:15:14 PM
Quote from: "sharon"

There certainly were a lot of games being played in the cover up.

I mean -- what are the chances that the ONLY footage of the casino that is released has a 'Paulus' twin in it?

And what a coincidence that an aerial photographer just happened to be in the vicinity as the furniture truck pulls up at the vds's?


I agree with Cat also.  That's why the coverup was clumsy and unprofessional and obvious.  They had to change plans, make decisions and adjustments on the fly.  They didn't expect Beth, Jug, Jug's friends, a US DEA agent, Dave and his family, the FBI and a caravan of U.S. reporters with camera crews.  Sharon, those were not coincidences.  Like Shango, there are those who want the truth to be known.  Somehow, I feel like the FBI blew it.  "Tell the cowboys."  I know they don't have jurisdiction and have to watch their step in a foreign country, but they should have gotten a handle on the players and what they're up to.  The same cast of characters that hid the truth about Natalee are up to other things that hurt and probably kill more people.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 13, 2007, 03:18:10 PM
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Hope all our MOnkeys in the Tornado watch area are safe and sound!!!!

Hellooooooo!  Welcome back.   :)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 13, 2007, 03:23:16 PM
Quote from: "igsigs"
Paulus predictions?

Gets his $$$ ?  Gets less $$$ ?  Gets no $$$ ?

Another flat tire at the Curacao airport?

Depends on how closely The Netherlands is watching.  Those Dutch investigators have seen how the case of Holloway was handled.  Whatever their conclusions are, they know there was a coverup.  Also, Aruba owes The Netherlands lots of money and they may be keeping an eye on other things.  If the judges think someone is watching, they may do the right thing so no one tells the Queen they're corrupt.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 13, 2007, 03:29:56 PM
Quote from: "Sue"
Also If the Klapoes were served like we have heard or I have anyways
shouldnt there be a filing on there part soon?? dont they have 30 days to respond??? If so i think they have to file something on or before 19th
of this month

I posted yesterday that looking at the LA court website, there's no filing for the proof of service, so the 30 days may not even be in effect yet.  

I see I'm guilty of serial posting again.   :?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 13, 2007, 03:38:58 PM
Quote from: "nonesuche"

I think Sharon's mention of different agendas is spot on also, warring factions even at times it appears with Janssen in the mix !

What's disturbing is that this seems to be an accepted part of their way of doing things.  No cryong of foul by locals because it's standard procedure.  Just the way they do it.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 03:40:05 PM
Quote from: "LilPuma"
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Hope all our MOnkeys in the Tornado watch area are safe and sound!!!!

Hellooooooo!  Welcome back.   :)

Hey, there, LilPuma!

How are you doing?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 13, 2007, 03:47:03 PM
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "LilPuma"
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Hope all our MOnkeys in the Tornado watch area are safe and sound!!!!

Hellooooooo!  Welcome back.   :)

Hey, there, LilPuma!

How are you doing?

Looking at the snow coming down.  Staying warm.   Snow just keeps coming.  Hope you're taking it easy and giving yourself time to recuperate.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 13, 2007, 03:55:38 PM
Before I end my posting spree, I'll mention that Dana has an interesting show planned for Thursday. The man who's son was taken away from him and taken to Japan, and a doctor talking about animal hoarding/cruelty (as in first Joran killed his dog) --mental health issues.  

Geez, maybe us northern monkeys should build a snowman or two.  Or ten.   :?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 03:58:22 PM
Quote from: "LilPuma"
Before I end my posting spree, I'll mention that Dana has an interesting show planned for Thursday. The man who's son was taken away from him and taken to Japan, and a doctor talking about animal hoarding/cruelty (as in first Joran killed his dog) --mental health issues.  

Geez, maybe us northern monkeys should build a snowman or two.  Or ten.   :?

Oh, I would love to build a snowman. I can't go out and play yet, though, boo hoo!!!

Dana's show sounds interesting. I'll have to try and listen to this one. I ca'nt always get it...but can sure try!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 13, 2007, 04:13:36 PM
Cubbeegirl just called me ..  
She isnt in the area where the tornado hit.. approx 50 miles away.
She said right now the sun is shining.. and she just dropped off her boy and other for baseball practice. I said your kid is at baseball and my son is out shoveling snow.. (which is almost impossible to keep up with at this point here)..  
  She  was in her vehicle when we talked... and was then talking of all the pink ribbons in her area in honor of Kaitlin.  :(  
   It was great talking  to Cubbee.. and the pain in her voice.. is heartbreaking.  :( We continued to talk a bit.
 I asked her if she minded if I posted I had heard from her.. she  said go right ahead.  ((((((Hugs))) to Cubbee.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Kimmy53 on February 13, 2007, 04:14:20 PM
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "LilPuma"
Before I end my posting spree, I'll mention that Dana has an interesting show planned for Thursday. The man who's son was taken away from him and taken to Japan, and a doctor talking about animal hoarding/cruelty (as in first Joran killed his dog) --mental health issues.  

Geez, maybe us northern monkeys should build a snowman or two.  Or ten.   :?

Oh, I would love to build a snowman. I can't go out and play yet, though, boo hoo!!!

Dana's show sounds interesting. I'll have to try and listen to this one. I ca'nt always get it...but can sure try!

ART!  What a sight for sore eyes!!  Welcome back.  Great to see you.  (((hugs)))

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 13, 2007, 04:15:38 PM
  I am so happy to see you back posting chicky!!  :)  
Glad to hear some good news for a change!!
Your daughter is a howl and Bless her for keeping everyone posted!!
Glad she is now a member!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Cat on February 13, 2007, 04:16:33 PM
I know what area of the US Artcolley lives in.yes I saw the news on the Tornado in the Crescent City.It is moving my way,and I am watching.I have seen what twisters can do and I try avoid them.Ash Wed. is next week,so let the good times roll.I have cnc brewing,if anyone a cup.I have a little of uncle beaudreax's special brewing and it should be aged by Sat.Yes,we need to look at other cultures both ways,with our eyes and theirs.IMO,there will be a trial.Take care and watch the weather.Xxx Cat

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Kimmy53 on February 13, 2007, 04:18:09 PM
BT & Lala's - I will certainly keep your friend in my prayers.

Angie- Thanks for the update from cubbee....(((hugs))) for cubbee, Kaitlins family and the whole community -

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 13, 2007, 04:20:47 PM
Quote from: "Kimmy53"
BT & Lala's - I will certainly keep your friend in my prayers.

Angie- Thanks for the update from cubbee....(((hugs))) for cubbee, Kaitlins family and the whole community -

YW Kimmy...

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Mere on February 13, 2007, 04:24:25 PM
Quote from: "Sam"
Quote from: "msmarple"
Anybody seeing anything about a tornado in New Orleans?  :cry:

Yes , read it on the AOL news and then heard about it on the noon news.
I know we have a couple of Monkeys from that area but cant think who they are right now.

Yes, BT I will pray for yours and Lalas friend.

Oh also to San, thanks for bringing us that article about teens staying safe.

Thanks for thinking about the NO people....the tornado started on the westbank of the river....then traveled over the river to the carrollton section of the city and then on into Metairie....there was one death that I know of (I think in Gentilly) and much destruction where it hit....electricity also out in those parts of the city...

BT and Lala's....big prayers for your friend....Mere

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 04:39:43 PM
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
Cubbeegirl just called me ..  
She isnt in the area where the tornado hit.. approx 50 miles away.
She said right now the sun is shining.. and she just dropped off her boy and other for baseball practice. I said your kid is at baseball and my son is out shoveling snow.. (which is almost impossible to keep up with at this point here)..  
  She  was in her vehicle when we talked... and was then talking of all the pink ribbons in her area in honor of Kaitlin.  :(  
   It was great talking  to Cubbee.. and the pain in her voice.. is heartbreaking.  :( We continued to talk a bit.
 I asked her if she minded if I posted I had heard from her.. she  said go right ahead.  ((((((Hugs))) to Cubbee.

Cubbeegirl is such a sweetheart. My heart breaks for her. :cry:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 04:41:52 PM
Quote from: "Kimmy53"
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "LilPuma"
Before I end my posting spree, I'll mention that Dana has an interesting show planned for Thursday. The man who's son was taken away from him and taken to Japan, and a doctor talking about animal hoarding/cruelty (as in first Joran killed his dog) --mental health issues.  

Geez, maybe us northern monkeys should build a snowman or two.  Or ten.   :?

Oh, I would love to build a snowman. I can't go out and play yet, though, boo hoo!!!

Dana's show sounds interesting. I'll have to try and listen to this one. I ca'nt always get it...but can sure try!

ART!  What a sight for sore eyes!!  Welcome back.  Great to see you.  (((hugs)))

Kimmy, HUGS to you tooooooo!!!!!
I am trying to figger out how to get some snow in the house (on the sneak, of course) so I can build a snowman in my kitchen! :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 04:44:14 PM
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
  I am so happy to see you back posting chicky!!  :)  
Glad to hear some good news for a change!!
Your daughter is a howl and Bless her for keeping everyone posted!!
Glad she is now a member!

Hey, Angie..glad ;you enjoyed my daughter!!! She is my best buddy!!!! Just a truly lovely human being...even if she wasn't my daughter, I do think she'd be my best friend! :lol:

She loves all of you so much and will be participating more...I don't know if she told you but she has been quite ill herself while caring for everything here at myhouse.; She has a dastardly cold that is just knocking her out.  I would imagine she is sleeping right now, lol!!!!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 04:45:01 PM
Quote from: "Cat"
I know what area of the US Artcolley lives in.yes I saw the news on the Tornado in the Crescent City.It is moving my way,and I am watching.I have seen what twisters can do and I try avoid them.Ash Wed. is next week,so let the good times roll.I have cnc brewing,if anyone a cup.I have a little of uncle beaudreax's special brewing and it should be aged by Sat.Yes,we need to look at other cultures both ways,with our eyes and theirs.IMO,there will be a trial.Take care and watch the weather.Xxx Cat

WOOHOO...I"ll take a cuppa that!!!! :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 13, 2007, 05:01:17 PM
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
  I am so happy to see you back posting chicky!!  :)  
Glad to hear some good news for a change!!
Your daughter is a howl and Bless her for keeping everyone posted!!
Glad she is now a member!

Hey, Angie..glad ;you enjoyed my daughter!!! She is my best buddy!!!! Just a truly lovely human being...even if she wasn't my daughter, I do think she'd be my best friend! :lol:

She loves all of you so much and will be participating more...I don't know if she told you but she has been quite ill herself while caring for everything here at myhouse.; She has a dastardly cold that is just knocking her out.  I would imagine she is sleeping right now, lol!!!!

 I hope she feels better soon!! Hope she gets some rest now knowing mom is doing well!!  :) :)
Art.. you can have my snow if you want me to build a little snowman and take a pic for you?  I can build a little on on my picnic table thats covered and make a sign that says Hi ART~!  :)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 13, 2007, 05:07:42 PM
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
  I am so happy to see you back posting chicky!!  :)  
Glad to hear some good news for a change!!
Your daughter is a howl and Bless her for keeping everyone posted!!
Glad she is now a member!

Hey, Angie..glad ;you enjoyed my daughter!!! She is my best buddy!!!! Just a truly lovely human being...even if she wasn't my daughter, I do think she'd be my best friend! :lol:

She loves all of you so much and will be participating more...I don't know if she told you but she has been quite ill herself while caring for everything here at myhouse.; She has a dastardly cold that is just knocking her out.  I would imagine she is sleeping right now, lol!!!!

She was longing for that new bed of yours, Art! Is it comfy?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 13, 2007, 05:12:12 PM
Angie~ What's going on with the weather up there? My sister lives there too.
We are under a snow emergency. My family is snug and safe, fortunately. Cabin fever may setting in may be the worst for us.

If sweaty old Paulus has even a shred of humanity in him (which is doubtful), I hope he is viciously tormented by nightmares, every time he closes his beady little eyes, for the rest of his miserable little life.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Cat on February 13, 2007, 05:15:18 PM
Has to be in glass,it eats through styrofoam and plastic.Tornadoes are arriving in west Ala.Out of the trees monkeys.yes we make a good brew,a family tradtion and well sin. Oh Last night after a rant as I lay thinKing,I remembered what dr MEAD SAID ABOUT CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY.SINCE Oglethorpe got us here.We have had a tasting.Monkeys laying around napping,so Oh my I can't remember.Every man reaches a point in life when he knows,and I have several .Sorry,I am a little lost,oh yes.try to look at each culture from your mores and folkways and theirs.Do not apply your values,if you want understand.This is the problem in aruba.We will never know how many others died in the abc's,since that is hidden.We know joran is a guilty dog.CAT

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 05:17:01 PM
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
  I am so happy to see you back posting chicky!!  :)  
Glad to hear some good news for a change!!
Your daughter is a howl and Bless her for keeping everyone posted!!
Glad she is now a member!

Hey, Angie..glad ;you enjoyed my daughter!!! She is my best buddy!!!! Just a truly lovely human being...even if she wasn't my daughter, I do think she'd be my best friend! :lol:

She loves all of you so much and will be participating more...I don't know if she told you but she has been quite ill herself while caring for everything here at myhouse.; She has a dastardly cold that is just knocking her out.  I would imagine she is sleeping right now, lol!!!!

 I hope she feels better soon!! Hope she gets some rest now knowing mom is doing well!!  :) :)
Art.. you can have my snow if you want me to build a little snowman and take a pic for you?  I can build a little on on my picnic table thats covered and make a sign that says Hi ART~!  :)

ANgie, YES!!!!  A monkey snowman!!!

I think Seamonkey will rest now that all is well. I sure hope so. Its hard on me too, cause I'd like to be taking care of her now! :lol:
The good news is that she also has a daughter (my Grand Daughter) that is every bit as lovely as her and will take good care of her Momma!!! Although just a youngster, that little one is just as compassionate and wonderful as her Momma!!!!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 05:18:38 PM
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
  I am so happy to see you back posting chicky!!  :)  
Glad to hear some good news for a change!!
Your daughter is a howl and Bless her for keeping everyone posted!!
Glad she is now a member!

Hey, Angie..glad ;you enjoyed my daughter!!! She is my best buddy!!!! Just a truly lovely human being...even if she wasn't my daughter, I do think she'd be my best friend! :lol:

She loves all of you so much and will be participating more...I don't know if she told you but she has been quite ill herself while caring for everything here at myhouse.; She has a dastardly cold that is just knocking her out.  I would imagine she is sleeping right now, lol!!!!

She was longing for that new bed of yours, Art! Is it comfy?

OMG, Justins! I had the first decent night's sleep in over a year!!!!!
I'd better keep a close eye on that bed...put a padlock and chain on it! Between her and the cat, I don't know who will make off with it first! :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 13, 2007, 05:20:50 PM
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Angie~ What's going on with the weather up there? My sister lives there too.
We are under a snow emergency. My family is snug and safe, fortunately. Cabin fever may setting in may be the worst for us.

If sweaty old Paulus has even a shred of humanity in him (which is doubtful), I hope he is viciously tormented by nightmares, every time he closes his beady little eyes, for the rest of his miserable little life.

 Snow.. snow and mmore snow.. and now its sleeting.. Suppose to have ice over this crap. more snow.. more ice.
  Boss called me earlier today and said he was closing down all 5 of his stores and not to come in.  (THANK GOD!).. I do feel for the girls that were there this morning and had to drive in this to get home.
 Read our weather a bit ago online.. and possible power outages can occur due to the ice.   I knew we would get hammered sooner or later.
  Alot of accidents in the area.. and I am worried about my daughter. She called me earlier from work and and how afraid she will be to drive home
work.  :(
 Days like this.. Id love to be May look pretty and all.. but is depressing as hell too!
 Been looking to see if school is cancelled again for tomorow.

  IMO Justins. PVDS and JVDS and AVDS ot the other have no conscience at all.  earlier NONE made a post.. and I have to agee.. how those Mo Fos got what they wany, out walking free .  :(

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 05:21:12 PM
Quote from: "Cat"
Has to be in glass,it eats through styrofoam and plastic.Tornadoes are arriving in west Ala.Out of the trees monkeys.yes we make a good brew,a family tradtion and well sin. Oh Last night after a rant as I lay thinKing,I remembered what dr MEAD SAID ABOUT CULTURAL ANTHROPOLOGY.SINCE Oglethorpe got us here.We have had a tasting.Monkeys laying around napping,so Oh my I can't remember.Every man reaches a point in life when he knows,and I have several .Sorry,I am a little lost,oh yes.try to look at each culture from your mores and folkways and theirs.Do not apply your values,if you want understand.This is the problem in aruba.We will never know how many others died in the abc's,since that is hidden.We know joran is a guilty dog.CAT

Okay. glass it is. Sounds pretty potent, lol!!!! :lol:

Regarding other cultures, you are so right!   We must be able to put ourselves in others cultures to not only understand their ways, but to understand how they see us and our ways.
Not always easy to do, but must be done for true understanding, I think.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 05:23:00 PM
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Angie~ What's going on with the weather up there? My sister lives there too.
We are under a snow emergency. My family is snug and safe, fortunately. Cabin fever may setting in may be the worst for us.

If sweaty old Paulus has even a shred of humanity in him (which is doubtful), I hope he is viciously tormented by nightmares, every time he closes his beady little eyes, for the rest of his miserable little life.

 Snow.. snow and mmore snow.. and now its sleeting.. Suppose to have ice over this crap. more snow.. more ice.
  Boss called me earlier today and said he was closing down all 5 of his stores and not to come in.  (THANK GOD!).. I do feel for the girls that were there this morning and had to drive in this to get home.
 Read our weather a bit ago online.. and possible power outages can occur due to the ice.   I knew we would get hammered sooner or later.
  Alot of accidents in the area.. and I am worried about my daughter. She called me earlier from work and and how afraid she will be to drive home
work.  :(
 Days like this.. Id love to be May look pretty and all.. but is depressing as hell too!
 Been looking to see if school is cancelled again for tomorow.

  IMO Justins. PVDS and JVDS and AVDS ot the other have no conscience at all.  earlier NONE made a post.. and I have to agee.. how those Mo Fos got what they wany, out walking free .  :(

Jeesh, Angie. Hope your daughter arrives home safely. Will she call you when she arrives?
The ice worries me more than the snow. I HATE driving in this stuff, even with studs on all 4's, I have slipped.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 13, 2007, 05:23:24 PM
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
  I am so happy to see you back posting chicky!!  :)  
Glad to hear some good news for a change!!
Your daughter is a howl and Bless her for keeping everyone posted!!
Glad she is now a member!

Hey, Angie..glad ;you enjoyed my daughter!!! She is my best buddy!!!! Just a truly lovely human being...even if she wasn't my daughter, I do think she'd be my best friend! :lol:

She loves all of you so much and will be participating more...I don't know if she told you but she has been quite ill herself while caring for everything here at myhouse.; She has a dastardly cold that is just knocking her out.  I would imagine she is sleeping right now, lol!!!!

 I hope she feels better soon!! Hope she gets some rest now knowing mom is doing well!!  :) :)
Art.. you can have my snow if you want me to build a little snowman and take a pic for you?  I can build a little on on my picnic table thats covered and make a sign that says Hi ART~!  :)

ANgie, YES!!!!  A monkey snowman!!!

I think Seamonkey will rest now that all is well. I sure hope so. Its hard on me too, cause I'd like to be taking care of her now! :lol:
The good news is that she also has a daughter (my Grand Daughter) that is every bit as lovely as her and will take good care of her Momma!!! Although just a youngster, that little one is just as compassionate and wonderful as her Momma!!!!

LMAO~!  Cant promise it will look like a monkey snowman..LOL
OK.. I am gonna go get boots on and go play in the snow.. :)
May take me a bit to do and take photos. and post them!  :)
 I am happy uo are doig so well Art.. :)  Id be mor ethen happy to make you a snowman!    be back later!!  :)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 13, 2007, 05:24:57 PM
  I told her to call me ASAP.. snow is one thing to drive in . and it sucks. the ICE is bad. :(

 Gonna log off now and build you a snowman~!!  :)   post it when I am done!  lol  :)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 05:27:04 PM
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Angie~ What's going on with the weather up there? My sister lives there too.
We are under a snow emergency. My family is snug and safe, fortunately. Cabin fever may setting in may be the worst for us.

If sweaty old Paulus has even a shred of humanity in him (which is doubtful), I hope he is viciously tormented by nightmares, every time he closes his beady little eyes, for the rest of his miserable little life.

 Snow.. snow and mmore snow.. and now its sleeting.. Suppose to have ice over this crap. more snow.. more ice.
  Boss called me earlier today and said he was closing down all 5 of his stores and not to come in.  (THANK GOD!).. I do feel for the girls that were there this morning and had to drive in this to get home.
 Read our weather a bit ago online.. and possible power outages can occur due to the ice.   I knew we would get hammered sooner or later.
  Alot of accidents in the area.. and I am worried about my daughter. She called me earlier from work and and how afraid she will be to drive home
work.  :(
 Days like this.. Id love to be May look pretty and all.. but is depressing as hell too!
 Been looking to see if school is cancelled again for tomorow.

  IMO Justins. PVDS and JVDS and AVDS ot the other have no conscience at all.  earlier NONE made a post.. and I have to agee.. how those Mo Fos got what they wany, out walking free .  :(

Jeesh, Angie. Hope your daughter arrives home safely. Will she call you when she arrives?
The ice worries me more than the snow. I HATE driving in this stuff, even with studs on all 4's, I have slipped.

Let me amend this...Of COURSE she'll arrive home safely..I meant SOON!!!!! ARGHGHGGHGHGH'
BEar with me, ANgie, I am just getting my bearings back!!!!!! ARGHGHGHG

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 05:28:00 PM
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
  I told her to call me ASAP.. snow is one thing to drive in . and it sucks. the ICE is bad. :(

 Gonna log off now and build you a snowman~!!  :)   post it when I am done!  lol  :)

Oh, I can't wait to see it!!!!!! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 13, 2007, 05:53:30 PM
Justin is having a melt down over his school being closed yet again tomorrow. Valentine's Day party and all. sigh.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 05:58:01 PM
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Justin is having a melt down over his school being closed yet again tomorrow. Valentine's Day party and all. sigh.

Aw, poor little guy.
You are glad he likes school so much, though!!!!
(or is it the Valentine's party?????) :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 05:59:54 PM
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Justin is having a melt down over his school being closed yet again tomorrow. Valentine's Day party and all. sigh.

Aw, poor little guy.
You are glad he likes school so much, though!!!!
(or is it the Valentine's party?????) :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Okay, another amendment. I meant to say, you must be glad he likes school so much.
I think I'll read a bit. My thoughts are getting jumbled.
A by product of my surgery so they tell me.
That should wear off in a few days!!!! :lol:
I don't want to be sitting here gabbing and not making any sense! :shock:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 13, 2007, 06:01:44 PM
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Justin is having a melt down over his school being closed yet again tomorrow. Valentine's Day party and all. sigh.

Aw, poor little guy.
You are glad he likes school so much, though!!!!
(or is it the Valentine's party?????) :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Okay, another amendment. I meant to say, you must be glad he likes school so much.
I think I'll read a bit. My thoughts are getting jumbled.
A by product of my surgery so they tell me.
That should wear off in a few days!!!! :lol:
I don't want to be sitting here gabbing and not making any sense! :shock:

Hi ArtColley,

Good to see you posting and you are feeling better.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 06:03:03 PM
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Justin is having a melt down over his school being closed yet again tomorrow. Valentine's Day party and all. sigh.

Aw, poor little guy.
You are glad he likes school so much, though!!!!
(or is it the Valentine's party?????) :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Okay, another amendment. I meant to say, you must be glad he likes school so much.
I think I'll read a bit. My thoughts are getting jumbled.
A by product of my surgery so they tell me.
That should wear off in a few days!!!! :lol:
I don't want to be sitting here gabbing and not making any sense! :shock:

Hi ArtColley,

Good to see you posting and you are feeling better.

Thanks, San
I just hope I am making sense!  :roll:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Cat on February 13, 2007, 06:04:18 PM
i am sorry my paws are shaky.Had to sample the brew.I will be serving it for St valentines day.I am a member of the bear clan,so how did you get my picture.Yes we do go in the woods,so a little privacy.Remember sociopaths have no conscince.Cat

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 13, 2007, 06:05:59 PM
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Justin is having a melt down over his school being closed yet again tomorrow. Valentine's Day party and all. sigh.

Aw, poor little guy.
You are glad he likes school so much, though!!!!
(or is it the Valentine's party?????) :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Okay, another amendment. I meant to say, you must be glad he likes school so much.
I think I'll read a bit. My thoughts are getting jumbled.
A by product of my surgery so they tell me.
That should wear off in a few days!!!! :lol:
I don't want to be sitting here gabbing and not making any sense! :shock:

Hi ArtColley,

Good to see you posting and you are feeling better.

Thanks, San
I just hope I am making sense!  :roll:  :lol:

You are making sense.  I knew what you meant.  I makes those mistakes all the time.  My mind is thinking faster than my fingers type (Yeah, yeah that's the ticket :lol: ).

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 06:08:12 PM
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Justin is having a melt down over his school being closed yet again tomorrow. Valentine's Day party and all. sigh.

Aw, poor little guy.
You are glad he likes school so much, though!!!!
(or is it the Valentine's party?????) :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Okay, another amendment. I meant to say, you must be glad he likes school so much.
I think I'll read a bit. My thoughts are getting jumbled.
A by product of my surgery so they tell me.
That should wear off in a few days!!!! :lol:
I don't want to be sitting here gabbing and not making any sense! :shock:

Hi ArtColley,

Good to see you posting and you are feeling better.

Thanks, San
I just hope I am making sense!  :roll:  :lol:

You are making sense.  I knew what you meant.  I makes those mistakes all the time.  My mind is thinking faster than my fingers type (Yeah, yeah that's the ticket :lol: ).

Yeah...I like that explanation too!!!!!!   :wink:
I'm gonna use that one!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Tibrogargan on February 13, 2007, 06:12:50 PM
Good Morning Monkeys

I do hope all our monkeys that are affected by that incredible weather are safe and warm.  Ice is a big worry to drive in especially the black ice.  But it all looks very white on our TV news.

Artcolly  Lovely to see you posting again with us.  You sound very well and of course, happy to be home.  The anaesthetic is what upsets your thought processes for a while but it gets better soon Your daughter is such a delightful person.

Seamonkey Welcome to the Monkey cage.  We are going to enjoy talking with you.

Cat What is in the home brew you are making?  If it melts plastic what will it do to our insides?  Sounds like it will certainly keep the cold out and we will need some at IBE's party.  It is Valentines Day here now so I can get an early start on the party.  Have a busy day ahead but later in the day  . . . . . . . . . . .

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 13, 2007, 06:12:59 PM
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Justin is having a melt down over his school being closed yet again tomorrow. Valentine's Day party and all. sigh.

Aw, poor little guy.
You are glad he likes school so much, though!!!!
(or is it the Valentine's party?????) :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

It's both, luckily! And I knew what ya meant!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 06:19:25 PM
Quote from: "Tibrogargan"
Good Morning Monkeys

I do hope all our monkeys that are affected by that incredible weather are safe and warm.  Ice is a big worry to drive in especially the black ice.  But it all looks very white on our TV news.

Artcolly  Lovely to see you posting again with us.  You sound very well and of course, happy to be home.  The anaesthetic is what upsets your thought processes for a while but it gets better soon Your daughter is such a delightful person.

Seamonkey Welcome to the Monkey cage.  We are going to enjoy talking with you.

Cat What is in the home brew you are making?  If it melts plastic what will it do to our insides?  Sounds like it will certainly keep the cold out and we will need some at IBE's party.  It is Valentines Day here now so I can get an early start on the party.  Have a busy day ahead but later in the day  . . . . . . . . . . .

THank you!!!
And, you are right. When I get tired, I get sort of jumbled up.
Oh well, I am so hyper right now that I think I am serial posting, lol!!!!
Soon I will just go collapse in that comfy bed and knit a bit! :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 06:20:29 PM
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Justin is having a melt down over his school being closed yet again tomorrow. Valentine's Day party and all. sigh.

Aw, poor little guy.
You are glad he likes school so much, though!!!!
(or is it the Valentine's party?????) :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

It's both, luckily! And I knew what ya meant!

THanks, Justins!!!!! I figured you knew what I meant, but wanted to clarify it anyhoo! ((hugs)))

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: bleachedblack on February 13, 2007, 06:21:48 PM
Evening Monkeys, things seem nice and cozy in here. Snow hasn't started falling yet up my way yet, but school is already cancelled for tomorrow....

Read this article about a lady that was stealing rabbits  :twisted:
Sounds like a case for Dana....

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Tibrogargan on February 13, 2007, 06:22:24 PM
Quote from: Artcolley
Quote from: San
Quote from: Artcolley
Quote from: San
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "justinsmama"

Thanks, San
I just hope I am making sense!  :roll:  :lol:

You are making sense.  I knew what you meant.  I makes those mistakes all the time.  My mind is thinking faster than my fingers type (Yeah, yeah that's the ticket :lol: ).

Yeah...I like that explanation too!!!!!!   :wink:
I'm gonna use that one!

Gee and I thought I had a faulty keyboard all this time!  :lol:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Tibrogargan on February 13, 2007, 06:26:26 PM
Quote from: "bleachedblack"
Evening Monkeys, things seem nice and cozy in here. Snow hasn't started falling yet up my way yet, but school is already cancelled for tomorrow....

Read this article about a lady that was stealing rabbits  :twisted:
Sounds like a case for Dana....

Hi BB Are you ready for IBE's Valentines Day party?  Weather will not bother any of us then as  Cat is supply the home brew.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 06:27:48 PM
Quote from: "bleachedblack"
Evening Monkeys, things seem nice and cozy in here. Snow hasn't started falling yet up my way yet, but school is already cancelled for tomorrow....

Read this article about a lady that was stealing rabbits  :twisted:
Sounds like a case for Dana....

Jeesh, Wodda Nut!

ANd, yes, things are cozy..prelude to the blizzard, I guess. Lots of things cancelled around here also.
Most people around here are ready for this one, thankfully.
I got in extra animal food, water, lanterns and plenty of wood for the woodstove so I can cook and be warm.

Oh yes, I have the cocoa and marshmallow fluff on hand as well! :wink:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 13, 2007, 06:33:33 PM
Art.. you ready for your snowman?  lol  Took me sometime to find boots to wear out.. (grabbed a pair of ubbys hunting boots that are water proof)  Put one of his snowmobile type overalls on he wears to work. a baseball cap and gloves!  The snow wasnt  nice to work with. Its not sticking..  so I couldn't roll up a nice ball to make a nice looking snowman but did my best  ROFL  I put my Dale Jr cap on it.. (Nascar) and the only thing I could find for eyes and a nose were beer caps..  the arms were weeds I found buried in the snow! It was sleeting while I was out there..LOL
  Hes VERY comical looking.. and I made you a sign. hope you can see it and I hope I dont blow the margins!!   ENJOY!  LOL




  I couldnt find a marker here for crap!  LOL

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: bleachedblack on February 13, 2007, 06:37:54 PM
I am ready for the party Tib !  What do ya need me to bring? Yipeeee

Angie What a lovely snowman you gifted Artcolley with, how sweet.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 13, 2007, 06:40:14 PM
Quote from: "bleachedblack"
I am ready for the party Tib !  What do ya need me to bring? Yipeeee

Angie What a lovely snowman you gifted Artcolley with, how sweet.

BB  I havnt played in the snow since the kids were little here.. :)
 Funny lookin snowman..LOL  tryed rolling  a ball in the lawn too. Snow just isnt sticking.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: bleachedblack on February 13, 2007, 06:43:41 PM
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
Quote from: "bleachedblack"
I am ready for the party Tib !  What do ya need me to bring? Yipeeee

Angie What a lovely snowman you gifted Artcolley with, how sweet.

BB  I havnt played in the snow since the kids were little here.. :)
 Funny lookin snowman..LOL  tryed rolling  a ball in the lawn too. Snow just isnt sticking.

He's gotta big 'ol smile! That's what counts!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 13, 2007, 06:44:50 PM
  My hubby said thats one piss poor looking snowman.. !
I said you go try it then.. LMAO  Men.. Ughhhhhhh.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Tibrogargan on February 13, 2007, 06:45:09 PM
Quote from: "bleachedblack"
I am ready for the party Tib !  What do ya need me to bring? Yipeeee

Angie What a lovely snowman you gifted Artcolley with, how sweet.

BB  By the list and pics on the party thread of all the food everyone is bringing you might need to bring an army with you to eat it all  :lol:  :lol:

Angie I LOVE the snowman.  Hope he doesn't melt before Artcolley gets to see him  :lol:  :lol:

Must clock off now and do things .... drat.
Will check back later to catch up with the news.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: bleachedblack on February 13, 2007, 06:45:16 PM
What exactly are those bottle caps from? ....looks like Miller lite? No wonder the little fella's smiling! LOL  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 06:46:21 PM
Quote from: Tibrogargan
Quote from: Artcolley
Quote from: San
Quote from: Artcolley
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "justinsmama"

Thanks, San
I just hope I am making sense!  :roll:  :lol:

You are making sense.  I knew what you meant.  I makes those mistakes all the time.  My mind is thinking faster than my fingers type (Yeah, yeah that's the ticket :lol: ).

Yeah...I like that explanation too!!!!!!   :wink:
I'm gonna use that one!

Gee and I thought I had a faulty keyboard all this time!  :lol:  :lol:

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 13, 2007, 06:48:22 PM
:lol:  :lol:  Great Snowman  Angie  :lol:  :lol:

Make sure you point it to your Hubby... He might send you some place warm until you start feeling better (more normal)  :wink:

Hi Monkeys
Any monkeys wanting snow?   You pay the shipping and I 'll provide all you want (no warranty against melting in route though)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 13, 2007, 06:49:21 PM
Quote from: "bleachedblack"
What exactly are those bottle caps from? ....looks like Miller lite? No wonder the little fella's smiling! LOL  :lol:

LMAO  yep. Miller Lite  :)

Tibro.. LOL  I doubt he will melt.. :wink:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 06:50:08 PM
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
Art.. you ready for your snowman?  lol  Took me sometime to find boots to wear out.. (grabbed a pair of ubbys hunting boots that are water proof)  Put one of his snowmobile type overalls on he wears to work. a baseball cap and gloves!  The snow wasnt  nice to work with. Its not sticking..  so I couldn't roll up a nice ball to make a nice looking snowman but did my best  ROFL  I put my Dale Jr cap on it.. (Nascar) and the only thing I could find for eyes and a nose were beer caps..  the arms were weeds I found buried in the snow! It was sleeting while I was out there..LOL
  Hes VERY comical looking.. and I made you a sign. hope you can see it and I hope I dont blow the margins!!   ENJOY!  LOL




  I couldnt find a marker here for crap!  LOL

OMG< ANGIE!!!!!!
THat is the MOST ADORABLE SNowman I have ever seen!!!! I printed all 3 pics out and am putting them around my computer!!!!!!!
I LOVE it!!!!
Thank you, thank you , thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are tooo funny and this is just precious!!!!

((((:HUGE HUGS TO YOU))))))))

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 13, 2007, 06:54:57 PM
ROFL Art!!  Glad you got a chuckle from it.. !!
I was embarassed to even post it.. LOL
Snow right now isnt good for making a normal looking snowman!!
I am happy you are doing well., and makin a snowman for you was a pleasure!!  :)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 13, 2007, 06:55:31 PM
ROFLMAO  :lol:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 13, 2007, 06:57:03 PM
Quote from: "oldfart"
:lol:  :lol:  Great Snowman  Angie  :lol:  :lol:

Make sure you point it to your Hubby... He might send you some place warm until you start feeling better (more normal)  :wink:

Hi Monkeys
Any monkeys wanting snow?   You pay the shipping and I 'll provide all you want (no warranty against melting in route though)

 Hi Oldfart..  LOL  You stinker!
Did you see earlier I talked to Cubbee?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 13, 2007, 06:58:09 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
ROFLMAO  :lol:  :lol:

 You laughin at my pityful snowman?  ROFL  ?
I  tryed my best..LMAO    :)   :wink:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 13, 2007, 06:59:17 PM
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
Quote from: "klaasend"
ROFLMAO  :lol:  :lol:

 You laughin at my pityful snowman?  ROFL  ?
I  tryed my best..LMAO    :)   :wink:

Angie - I am in no position to laugh at your snowman since I've never made one in my life!  I just think he's funny!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 13, 2007, 07:01:57 PM
Angie your pictures came so clear :lol: .

I'm still waiting for the snow to hit here.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 13, 2007, 07:02:44 PM
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
Quote from: "klaasend"
ROFLMAO  :lol:  :lol:

 You laughin at my pityful snowman?  ROFL  ?
I  tryed my best..LMAO    :)   :wink:

Angie, your snowman is great! I'm sure Klaas isn't laughing at him, she's just smiling with him cause he looks so darned happy and cheerful!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 13, 2007, 07:05:06 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
Quote from: "klaasend"
ROFLMAO  :lol:  :lol:

 You laughin at my pityful snowman?  ROFL  ?
I  tryed my best..LMAO    :)   :wink:

Angie - I am in no position to laugh at your snowman since I've never made one in my life!  I just think he's funny!

 ROFL Klass.. I am howlin here. Looks more comical on here then it does in person!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 13, 2007, 07:06:22 PM
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
Quote from: "oldfart"
:lol:  :lol:  Great Snowman  Angie  :lol:  :lol:

Make sure you point it to your Hubby... He might send you some place warm until you start feeling better (more normal)  :wink:

Hi Monkeys
Any monkeys wanting snow?   You pay the shipping and I 'll provide all you want (no warranty against melting in route though)

 Hi Oldfart..  LOL  You stinker!
Did you see earlier I talked to Cubbee?

Me a "stinker"  :shock: ... Just moved too much to the white stuff today to even think about playing in it.

No I didn't...see where you had talked to Cubbee .. was there something in  Kaitlin thread or earlier here?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 13, 2007, 07:08:12 PM
Quote from: "San"
Angie your pictures came so clear :lol: .

I'm still waiting for the snow to hit here.

   Hope it misses yah Piezon!  Nasty here.  Snow I can dela with in small  amounts.. its the ICE.. and when I was out making the snowman for ART.. it was sleeting.. !  But honest. I had fun.. going out for that little bit of time .. LOL  Felt young again..  ha ha

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 13, 2007, 07:08:44 PM
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
Quote from: "klaasend"
ROFLMAO  :lol:  :lol:

 You laughin at my pityful snowman?  ROFL  ?
I  tryed my best..LMAO    :)   :wink:

Angie, your snowman is great! I'm sure Klaas isn't laughing at him, she's just smiling with him cause he looks so darned happy and cheerful!

Am I the only one that thought...
Gee that snowmans arms are kinda pointing up  like he is getting ready to do an Angie (avatar) smiley??

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 13, 2007, 07:11:00 PM
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
Quote from: "klaasend"
ROFLMAO  :lol:  :lol:

 You laughin at my pityful snowman?  ROFL  ?
I  tryed my best..LMAO    :)   :wink:

Angie, your snowman is great! I'm sure Klaas isn't laughing at him, she's just smiling with him cause he looks so darned happy and cheerful!

 I know BT.. LMAO..  I am laugin too. and God Love ArtColley.. she deserves for what shes been through.. what she wants!!
  I expected laughs.. ROFL   Heck I was laughin when i was making it!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: SunFreak2 on February 13, 2007, 07:12:57 PM
Good evening all you marvelous monkeys!

Art Colley - Good to see you posting so soon after your surgery.  I still have anesthesia fog.  Yeah, that's the ticket.  It certainly can't be me getting older or senile dementia.   :lol:

Angie - Great snowman, and I love your choice of caps.  I made one once and he didn't look any better that yours.  I was so proud of mine.  I once went sledding down this huge hill.  WHat a thrill.  I was so scared though. Hee hee!

Has anyone heard from CarNut?  I hope he didn't get snowed under in one of his old cars.  Maybe he is just taking a break from all us girls ragging on him.  :wink:

Yikes, Atlanta is going down to the 20's with highs in the 40's this week.  I love cold weather as long as we get no precipitation with it.

O/T - The high holy days of NASCAR are upon us!  Go Junior!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 13, 2007, 07:15:17 PM
Quote from: "oldfart"
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
Quote from: "oldfart"
:lol:  :lol:  Great Snowman  Angie  :lol:  :lol:

Make sure you point it to your Hubby... He might send you some place warm until you start feeling better (more normal)  :wink:

Hi Monkeys
Any monkeys wanting snow?   You pay the shipping and I 'll provide all you want (no warranty against melting in route though)

 Hi Oldfart..  LOL  You stinker!
Did you see earlier I talked to Cubbee?

Me a "stinker"  :shock: ... Just moved too much to the white stuff today to even think about playing in it.

No I didn't...see where you had talked to Cubbee .. was there something in  Kaitlin thread or earlier here?

 It was a few pages back..  I talked to her via phone.
I did the other day as well.. and let her know what you done in our names.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 13, 2007, 07:15:51 PM
LOL! Isn't cyber friendship wonderful?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 13, 2007, 07:16:18 PM
Quote from: "SunFreak2"
Good evening all you marvelous monkeys!

Art Colley - Good to see you posting so soon after your surgery.  I still have anesthesia fog.  Yeah, that's the ticket.  It certainly can't be me getting older or senile dementia.   :lol:

Angie - Great snowman, and I love your choice of caps.  I made one once and he didn't look any better that yours.  I was so proud of mine.  I once went sledding down this huge hill.  WHat a thrill.  I was so scared though. Hee hee!

Has anyone heard from CarNut?  I hope he didn't get snowed under in one of his old cars.  Maybe he is just taking a break from all us girls ragging on him.  :wink:

Yikes, Atlanta is going down to the 20's with highs in the 40's this week.  I love cold weather as long as we get no precipitation with it.

O/T - The high holy days of NASCAR are upon us!  Go Junior!

SunFreak - I had an email from Carnut yesterday, and he's fine. I think he is just taking a break because there's not really any news in the case.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 07:18:21 PM
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
ROFL Art!!  Glad you got a chuckle from it.. !!
I was embarassed to even post it.. LOL
Snow right now isnt good for making a normal looking snowman!!
I am happy you are doing well., and makin a snowman for you was a pleasure!!  :)

Oh, Angie, iit is perfect!  IN my eyes, this is the PERFECT snowman! :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 07:20:38 PM
Quote from: "SunFreak2"
Good evening all you marvelous monkeys!

Art Colley - Good to see you posting so soon after your surgery.  I still have anesthesia fog.  Yeah, that's the ticket.  It certainly can't be me getting older or senile dementia.   :lol:

Angie - Great snowman, and I love your choice of caps.  I made one once and he didn't look any better that yours.  I was so proud of mine.  I once went sledding down this huge hill.  WHat a thrill.  I was so scared though. Hee hee!

Has anyone heard from CarNut?  I hope he didn't get snowed under in one of his old cars.  Maybe he is just taking a break from all us girls ragging on him.  :wink:

Yikes, Atlanta is going down to the 20's with highs in the 40's this week.  I love cold weather as long as we get no precipitation with it.

O/T - The high holy days of NASCAR are upon us!  Go Junior!

SUNFREAK,  THanks! Boy, that anaesthesia fog lasts a LONG time,doens't it????
BTW, How are YOU feeling??????

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 13, 2007, 07:20:42 PM
Be Good Monkeys ... stay warm and out of NON WHITE Snow.. :wink:

Gotta go peel some vegies.


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 07:21:20 PM
Quote from: "justinsmama"
LOL! Isn't cyber friendship wonderful?

YES!!!!!!!!!! :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 07:22:21 PM
Quote from: "oldfart"
Be Good Monkeys ... stay warm and out of NON WHITE Snow.. :wink:

Gotta go peel some vegies.


Buh-bye, Old Fart!~ Stay WARM!!!!!!!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 13, 2007, 07:24:19 PM
Quote from: "SunFreak2"
Good evening all you marvelous monkeys!

Art Colley - Good to see you posting so soon after your surgery.  I still have anesthesia fog.  Yeah, that's the ticket.  It certainly can't be me getting older or senile dementia.   :lol:

Angie - Great snowman, and I love your choice of caps.  I made one once and he didn't look any better that yours.  I was so proud of mine.  I once went sledding down this huge hill.  WHat a thrill.  I was so scared though. Hee hee!

Has anyone heard from CarNut?  I hope he didn't get snowed under in one of his old cars.  Maybe he is just taking a break from all us girls ragging on him.  :wink:

Yikes, Atlanta is going down to the 20's with highs in the 40's this week.  I love cold weather as long as we get no precipitation with it.

O/T - The high holy days of NASCAR are upon us!  Go Junior!

  LOL SunFreak,  :) caps were all I could find that fast!! :)
YeP go Junior   OT .. I boiught that baseball cap at a Richmond race before.. :)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 13, 2007, 07:26:32 PM
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
ROFL Art!!  Glad you got a chuckle from it.. !!
I was embarassed to even post it.. LOL
Snow right now isnt good for making a normal looking snowman!!
I am happy you are doing well., and makin a snowman for you was a pleasure!!  :)

Oh, Angie, iit is perfect!  IN my eyes, this is the PERFECT snowman! :lol:

:)  For what you have endured,,  you deserve alot sweety!!  :)
If you laughed.. I am happy for you!!!   :) :)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 07:27:33 PM
Quote from: "oldfart"
Be Good Monkeys ... stay warm and out of NON WHITE Snow.. :wink:

Gotta go peel some vegies.


OH, I just caught that, lol!

I always used to tell the kids, "Don't eat the Yellow Snow",  :lol:  :lol:  :shock:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 07:28:39 PM
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
ROFL Art!!  Glad you got a chuckle from it.. !!
I was embarassed to even post it.. LOL
Snow right now isnt good for making a normal looking snowman!!
I am happy you are doing well., and makin a snowman for you was a pleasure!!  :)

Oh, Angie, iit is perfect!  IN my eyes, this is the PERFECT snowman! :lol:

:)  For what you have endured,,  you deserve alot sweety!!  :)
If you laughed.. I am happy for you!!!   :) :)

Aw, Angie!!! THank You!!!

BTW, did I tell you I was eating canollis in the ICU? ROFLMAO!!!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Lala'sMom on February 13, 2007, 07:29:25 PM
Hi monkeys!  I see we have started the party already.  I wish I had snow...never get any snow here.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: bleachedblack on February 13, 2007, 07:32:13 PM
Quote from: "Lala'sMom"
Hi monkeys!  I see we have started the party already.  I wish I had snow...never get any snow here.

Just tell Angie, she may send you some  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 07:32:27 PM
Quote from: "Lala'sMom"
Hi monkeys!  I see we have started the party already.  I wish I had snow...never get any snow here.

Hey, Lalas, well, we could send you some..but.....well, you know...

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 13, 2007, 07:33:54 PM
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
ROFL Art!!  Glad you got a chuckle from it.. !!
I was embarassed to even post it.. LOL
Snow right now isnt good for making a normal looking snowman!!
I am happy you are doing well., and makin a snowman for you was a pleasure!!  :)

Oh, Angie, iit is perfect!  IN my eyes, this is the PERFECT snowman! :lol:

:)  For what you have endured,,  you deserve alot sweety!!  :)
If you laughed.. I am happy for you!!!   :) :)

Aw, Angie!!! THank You!!!

BTW, did I tell you I was eating canollis in the ICU? ROFLMAO!!!

    Get out?  WOW!!   I love canollis ..!! Have a great little store here in my area that make YUMMY ones!!    Dang. When I can get out of the house. I am gonna have to go get me one when the weather breaks!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: bleachedblack on February 13, 2007, 07:34:00 PM
Hi SeaMonkey I see you peaking in....come and join the party!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Tibrogargan on February 13, 2007, 07:34:00 PM
Quote from: "SunFreak2"
Good evening all you marvelous monkeys!
Has anyone heard from CarNut?  I hope he didn't get snowed under in one of his old cars.  Maybe he is just taking a break from all us girls ragging on him.  :wink:

Hi SunFreak Just a quick "fly by" in the midst of chores ..  Carnut posted in IBEs Valentine's Day thread and he is bringing Chocolate Truffles to her party!

....Back to chores

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 13, 2007, 07:36:23 PM
Quote from: "Lala'sMom"
Hi monkeys!  I see we have started the party already.  I wish I had snow...never get any snow here.

  Come visit me Lalas.. I have 2 empty BR's.  :)
BTW..  sent a message back to you :)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 07:37:10 PM
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
ROFL Art!!  Glad you got a chuckle from it.. !!
I was embarassed to even post it.. LOL
Snow right now isnt good for making a normal looking snowman!!
I am happy you are doing well., and makin a snowman for you was a pleasure!!  :)

Oh, Angie, iit is perfect!  IN my eyes, this is the PERFECT snowman! :lol:

:)  For what you have endured,,  you deserve alot sweety!!  :)
If you laughed.. I am happy for you!!!   :) :)

Aw, Angie!!! THank You!!!

BTW, did I tell you I was eating canollis in the ICU? ROFLMAO!!!

    Get out?  WOW!!   I love canollis ..!! Have a great little store here in my area that make YUMMY ones!!    Dang. When I can get out of the house. I am gonna have to go get me one when the weather breaks!

AFter the last operation, I bought myself some canolli tubes and have been making them! They are fairly easy to make, actually. I was surprised. But the closest we can get them around here is in Boston, so I decided that since I Love them so much, I'd have to make them!!!
The nurses let me put my finger into the canolli shell and take out the cream! lol!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 07:38:45 PM
Quote from: "bleachedblack"
Hi SeaMonkey I see you peaking in....come and join the party!

Seammonkey has been trying to post and it keeps referring her to the sign in page.
I think she wrote to Klaas and hopefully can get it resolved!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 07:40:02 PM
Quote from: "Tibrogargan"
Quote from: "SunFreak2"
Good evening all you marvelous monkeys!
Has anyone heard from CarNut?  I hope he didn't get snowed under in one of his old cars.  Maybe he is just taking a break from all us girls ragging on him.  :wink:

Hi SunFreak Just a quick "fly by" in the midst of chores ..  Carnut posted in IBEs Valentine's Day thread and he is bringing Chocolate Truffles to her party!

....Back to chores

OH< WOOHOO...gotta check out the party thread!!!! :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Lala'sMom on February 13, 2007, 07:42:26 PM
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
Quote from: "Lala'sMom"
Hi monkeys!  I see we have started the party already.  I wish I had snow...never get any snow here.

  Come visit me Lalas.. I have 2 empty BR's.  :)
BTW..  sent a message back to you :)

On my way!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 13, 2007, 07:43:47 PM
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "bleachedblack"
Hi SeaMonkey I see you peaking in....come and join the party!

Seammonkey has been trying to post and it keeps referring her to the sign in page.
I think she wrote to Klaas and hopefully can get it resolved!

I was fixing dinner but just returned Seamonkeys email.  It's probably something really simple.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: bleachedblack on February 13, 2007, 07:44:54 PM
Okey Dokey

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 13, 2007, 07:45:36 PM
[quote="Artcolley  AFter the last operation, I bought myself some canolli tubes and have been making them! They are fairly easy to make, actually. I was surprised. But the closest we can get them around here is in Boston, so I decided that since I Love them so much, I'd have to make them!!!
The nurses let me put my finger into the canolli shell and take out the cream! lol![/quote]

YUMMY!   I dunno how to make them homeade.. !!
Got them from an  Italian store here in PA .. close to my house!

 Long article.. but check out the links on the page when you can!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 13, 2007, 07:47:02 PM
Quote from: "Lala'sMom"
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
Quote from: "Lala'sMom"
Hi monkeys!  I see we have started the party already.  I wish I had snow...never get any snow here.

  Come visit me Lalas.. I have 2 empty BR's.  :)
BTW..  sent a message back to you :)

On my way!


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 07:47:34 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "bleachedblack"
Hi SeaMonkey I see you peaking in....come and join the party!

Seammonkey has been trying to post and it keeps referring her to the sign in page.
I think she wrote to Klaas and hopefully can get it resolved!

I was fixing dinner but just returned Seamonkeys email.  It's probably something really simple.

THat's what I told her..I told her you were the miracle worker and could fix it for her :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 07:50:11 PM
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
[quote="Artcolley  AFter the last operation, I bought myself some canolli tubes and have been making them! They are fairly easy to make, actually. I was surprised. But the closest we can get them around here is in Boston, so I decided that since I Love them so much, I'd have to make them!!!
The nurses let me put my finger into the canolli shell and take out the cream! lol!

YUMMY!   I dunno how to make them homeade.. !!
Got them from an  Italian store here in PA .. close to my house!

 Long article.. but check out the links on the page when you can![/quote]

What a wonderful article!!!!  I love to read about things like this!  To become such a wonderful business and have such great success! Very inspiring, isn't it?
Lucky you to be right near!!!!! :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 13, 2007, 07:50:40 PM
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "bleachedblack"
Hi SeaMonkey I see you peaking in....come and join the party!

Seammonkey has been trying to post and it keeps referring her to the sign in page.
I think she wrote to Klaas and hopefully can get it resolved!

I was fixing dinner but just returned Seamonkeys email.  It's probably something really simple.

THat's what I told her..I told her you were the miracle worker and could fix it for her :lol:

SEAMKONKEY - since I can see that you are logged in I believe your problem is not checking the box under your password when you do sign in.  When that happens, when you post it logs you back out so you have to log back in again.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 07:52:03 PM
WEll, think I'll go lay down for a bit and will be back a bit later!!!!
I have FAR too much energy and need to get a handle on it for a bit! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 13, 2007, 07:53:00 PM
Quote from: "Artcolley"
WEll, think I'll go lay down for a bit and will be back a bit later!!!!
I have FAR too much energy and need to get a handle on it for a bit! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

I'm happy you are feeling so good but you are right to take it slow.  You don't want to overdue it.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 13, 2007, 07:53:54 PM
LOL Art~!!
  I spend tons of $$ in there. ! Cant go in hungry for sure!
Read when you can. and if you ever want anything there.. Let me know.
I have sent others. not on SM.. things from the store.. Friends that left our area. others we met at Nascar races..LOL

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 07:54:52 PM
Bonnie said she did that and it still throws her back.
Shje is on a veyr old computer..could this be it?
She is wondering.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 13, 2007, 07:55:23 PM
Quote from: "Artcolley"
WEll, think I'll go lay down for a bit and will be back a bit later!!!!
I have FAR too much energy and need to get a handle on it for a bit! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

 Have a good rest!!  :)
Im am glad you have energy!!  But PLEASE take it easy!!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 07:56:25 PM
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Bonnie said she did that and it still throws her back.
Shje is on a veyr old computer..could this be it?
She is wondering.

SHe is also rebooting right now to see if that helps.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 13, 2007, 07:57:41 PM
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Bonnie said she did that and it still throws her back.
Shje is on a veyr old computer..could this be it?
She is wondering.

Possible - could be that she needs to clear out her cookies too.  Tell her to try that.  I'll email her again.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 13, 2007, 08:00:18 PM

If you're out there, you have mail.  :)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 13, 2007, 08:01:38 PM
Quote from: "Artcolley"
WEll, think I'll go lay down for a bit and will be back a bit later!!!!
I have FAR too much energy and need to get a handle on it for a bit! :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

glad your OK !! 8)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 13, 2007, 08:02:45 PM
robots is a nut  8)  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Lala'sMom on February 13, 2007, 08:03:14 PM
Quote from: "BTgirl"

If you're out there, you have mail.  :)


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 13, 2007, 08:04:06 PM
Quote from: "robots"
robots is a nut  8)  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

What kind of a nut? Ronut? Botnut? Shelled or unshelled?  :lol:  :P

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 13, 2007, 08:04:29 PM
Quote from: "robots"
robots is a nut  8)  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:



Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 13, 2007, 08:05:15 PM
Quote from: "Lala'sMom"
Quote from: "BTgirl"

If you're out there, you have mail.  :)


You need to have a little chat with me.  :wink:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 13, 2007, 08:05:44 PM
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Quote from: "robots"
robots is a nut  8)  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

What kind of a nut? Ronut? Botnut? Shelled or unshelled?  :lol:  :P

hummmhh..... maybe a ROSHEW


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 13, 2007, 08:06:17 PM
Quote from: "robots"
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Quote from: "robots"
robots is a nut  8)  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

What kind of a nut? Ronut? Botnut? Shelled or unshelled?  :lol:  :P

hummmhh..... maybe a ROSHEW


 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 13, 2007, 08:06:30 PM
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
Quote from: "robots"
robots is a nut  8)  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:



maybe i am  8)  8)  :twisted:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 13, 2007, 08:07:11 PM
you have good nuts and bad nuts

im a good nut


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 13, 2007, 08:11:32 PM
Quote from: "robots"
you have good nuts and bad nuts

im a good nut


Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't.  :lol:

(Are you old enough to remember that jingle?)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 13, 2007, 08:12:31 PM
Quote from: "robots"
you have good nuts and bad nuts

im a good nut



 Honey.. I do belive you are a good   A funny one to boot!
Came across a few bad nuts.. too sad. :(

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 13, 2007, 08:14:59 PM
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Quote from: "robots"
you have good nuts and bad nuts

im a good nut


Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't.  :lol:

(Are you old enough to remember that jingle?)

Almond Joys got nuts.. Mounds don't   LOL
 TY BT..  bad enough to sing its a small world.. LOL  :wink:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 13, 2007, 08:16:47 PM
Quote from: "Angiex911dsptchr"
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Quote from: "robots"
you have good nuts and bad nuts

im a good nut


Sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't.  :lol:

(Are you old enough to remember that jingle?)

Almond Joys got nuts.. Mounds don't   LOL
 TY BT..  bad enough to sing its a small world.. LOL  :wink:

Hee Hee :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 13, 2007, 08:19:10 PM
:lol:   :lol:

too funny

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 13, 2007, 08:22:03 PM
Per MF at FOB:

Since, Karen left the island, it is not yet known who is the prosecutor in charge of the case. In the early day, E. Lugo was mentioned to have this position. Also Mariaine left the Prosecutor's Office as PR to work with the Valero Refinery Company and her job is meanwhile being handled by mrs. V/D Biezen, who has been sitting in her position every time Mariaine was not on the island, so an easy transition.

About the case, the only person to give official information or statements is Peter de Witte, the new Police Chief.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 13, 2007, 08:24:56 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Per MF at FOB:

Since, Karen left the island, it is not yet known who is the prosecutor in charge of the case. In the early day, E. Lugo was mentioned to have this position. Also Mariaine left the Prosecutor's Office as PR to work with the Valero Refinery Company and her job is meanwhile being handled by mrs. V/D Biezen, who has been sitting in her position every time Mariaine was not on the island, so an easy transition.

About the case, the only person to give official information or statements is Peter de Witte, the new Police Chief.

So, does that mean the Policy Chief is the only one who is allowed to give statements about the case?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 08:25:09 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Per MF at FOB:

Since, Karen left the island, it is not yet known who is the prosecutor in charge of the case. In the early day, E. Lugo was mentioned to have this position. Also Mariaine left the Prosecutor's Office as PR to work with the Valero Refinery Company and her job is meanwhile being handled by mrs. V/D Biezen, who has been sitting in her position every time Mariaine was not on the island, so an easy transition.

About the case, the only person to give official information or statements is Peter de Witte, the new Police Chief.

Why do I get the feeling NO ONE is doing a THING with this case?????
Cripes. :evil:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 13, 2007, 08:25:48 PM
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Quote from: "klaasend"
Per MF at FOB:

Since, Karen left the island, it is not yet known who is the prosecutor in charge of the case. In the early day, E. Lugo was mentioned to have this position. Also Mariaine left the Prosecutor's Office as PR to work with the Valero Refinery Company and her job is meanwhile being handled by mrs. V/D Biezen, who has been sitting in her position every time Mariaine was not on the island, so an easy transition.

About the case, the only person to give official information or statements is Peter de Witte, the new Police Chief.

So, does that mean the Policy Chief is the only one who is allowed to give statements about the case?

Edited to say I mean Police Chief. I've been in a Policy Council meeting at work all day. Pffftttt!!!!!! :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Lala'sMom on February 13, 2007, 08:26:02 PM
You have email, again.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 13, 2007, 08:27:32 PM
Quote from: "Lala'sMom"
You have email, again.

I'm waiting patiently on it. Yahoo can be so piggin' slow!  :roll:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 13, 2007, 08:27:59 PM
In todays Amigoe (Dutch):

Op zoek naar Natalee Holloway - Amerikaanse filmploeg met helderzienden op Aruba
13 Feb, 2007, 17:44 (GMT -04:00)

Een Amerikaanse televisieploeg maakt ten behoeve van een paranormaal misdaadprogramma opnames van de plaatsen waar Natalee Holloway is geweest, voordat ze spoorloos verdween.

ORANJESTAD — Een Amerikaanse televisieploeg van elf mensen verblijft sinds gisteren op Aruba om opnames te maken van de laatste plekken die Natalee Holloway heeft bezocht voordat ze spoorloos verdween. De opnames zijn voor het programma Haunting Evidence waarin drie paranormaal begaafden misdaden proberen op te lossen.

Aruba Tourism Authority (ATA) is op de hoogte. Een woordvoerder vertelt dat ze vorige jaar een e-mail hadden gekregen van de Amerikaanse producent. Daarin werd ATA om informatie gevraagd over lokale filmfaciliteiten en douanevoorschriften. Toen de producent zich eind december bekendmaakte, besloot ATA na intern overleg met de minister, dat ze geen medewerking meer zouden verlenen. “De reden is dat voor ons de kwestie niet meer speelt. Bovendien gaat het om een soort tabloid-tv, daar zitten we niet op te wachten”, aldus de woordvoerder. ATA heeft wel de eigenaren van Carlos ’N Charlies en andere uitbaters, waar de verdwenen tiener voor het laatst is gezien, op de hoogte gebracht van de televisieopnames.

ATA benadrukt dat alleen het Openbaar Ministerie om een officieel standpunt gevraagd kan worden over het verloop van de zaak. De nieuwe hoofdcommissaris Peter de Witte is aangewezen als officiële woordvoerder. “Iedereen is verder vrij om zijn mening te geven in het programma, maar dat is geen officieel commentaar, maar een persoonlijke mening”, aldus de ATA-woordvoerder.

Babel Fish tranlation:

An American television plough proves for a paranormal crime programme prerecordings of the places Natalee Holloway has been, before she disappeared without a trace.

ORANJESTAD - an American television plough of eleven people has stayed since yesterday on Aruba to make before prerecordings of the last spots which Natalee Holloway have visited she disappeared without a trace. The prerecordings are for the programme Haunting Evidence in which three paranormal begaafden try solve crime. Aruba Tourism Authority (ATA) is informed. A spokesman tells that they had got previous year a e-mail of the American producer. In this ATA were asked for information on local film facilities and customs authorities regulations. When the producer by the end of announced himself December, ATA decided after internal consultation with the minister that they would grant to no more collaboration. The reason is that for us the question no longer plays. Moreover it goes a type tabloid-tv, there we do not sit, thus wait for the spokesman. ATA have, however, the eigenaren of Carlos n Charlies and other managers, where the disappeared teenager for last has been seen, brought of the television prerecordings. ATA emphasise that the Public Prosecution Service can be only asked for an official point of view concerning course of the matter. The new head commissioner peter white has been designated as official spokesman. "everyone is further free its give opinion in the programme, but that is no official comment, but a personal opinion", thus Ata-woordvoerder.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Seamonkey on February 13, 2007, 08:28:01 PM
Whew!!! That was LONG trip to get here lol No I wanna go to bed lol
 I did clear my cookies, and everything else that was suggested.

 THANK YOU KLaas !! I hate to be a pain, but I just couldn't figure out the problem. I swear I am not totally comp illiterate, I do a heck of a lot on comps , yet I couldn't here lol Go figure..the new "kid on the block" would be the pain lol.

 Hello All and Thank you for the warm welcome.

 And ArtColley  you didn't buy those canolli forms they were a Xmas present lol I know I know we are still filling in the blanks here and there. Glad to see you among your fellow Monkeys.

 I love the snowman.

 I love my avatar, thank you klaas for putting it there, I couldn't do that either for some reason lol.

 I think you all are wonderful and can't wait to read more, I am still in the exploring phase. I find it all very fascinating and wonderful all the different topics with a very caring tone.

 Again, Thank you all for the very warm welcome :)


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 13, 2007, 08:28:38 PM
klass you have mail

robots mail   :wink:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 13, 2007, 08:31:13 PM
Seamonkey!! (

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 13, 2007, 08:32:13 PM
SEAMONKEY has entered the BUILDING


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Angiex911dsptchr on February 13, 2007, 08:34:38 PM
Seamonkey   Welcome!!  :) I dont get to post much due to work  :(

 I wonder  as well.. what BT asked?  New chief the only one allowed to give a statement???

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Seamonkey on February 13, 2007, 08:35:08 PM
LOl thank you Thank you *bowing* I think I have mastered the art of signing in now..hehehe

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 13, 2007, 08:35:50 PM
er..ahhhhhhhh i mean the Cage  8)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 08:36:15 PM
Quote from: "Seamonkey"
Whew!!! That was LONG trip to get here lol No I wanna go to bed lol
 I did clear my cookies, and everything else that was suggested.

 THANK YOU KLaas !! I hate to be a pain, but I just couldn't figure out the problem. I swear I am not totally comp illiterate, I do a heck of a lot on comps , yet I couldn't here lol Go figure..the new "kid on the block" would be the pain lol.

 Hello All and Thank you for the warm welcome.

 And ArtColley  you didn't buy those canolli forms they were a Xmas present lol I know I know we are still filling in the blanks here and there. Glad to see you among your fellow Monkeys.

 I love the snowman.

 I love my avatar, thank you klaas for putting it there, I couldn't do that either for some reason lol.

 I think you all are wonderful and can't wait to read more, I am still in the exploring phase. I find it all very fascinating and wonderful all the different topics with a very caring tone.

 Again, Thank you all for the very warm welcome :)


Hey, SeaMonkey, you made it! :lol:

Yup, filling in the gaps and brain fog! Yup!!!

Isn't that snowman just precious???? I LOVE him!!!!!  Angie really did a great job on that! :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 13, 2007, 08:39:28 PM
SeaMonkey (

I'm OldFart or just OldF
Nice to meet you

Now that you got past the some times pesky door (
You need to hang around ( for a bit

And no fighting with ArtColley  (please)


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: AZSunny on February 13, 2007, 08:40:12 PM
Quote from: "oldfart"
SeaMonkey (

I'm OldFart or just OldF
Nice to meet you

Now that you got past the some times pesky door (
You need to hang around ( for a bit

And no fighting with ArtColley  (please)


OF are you feeling better?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 13, 2007, 08:40:15 PM
Quote from: "oldfart"
SeaMonkey (

I'm OldFart or just OldF
Nice to meet you

Now that you got past the some times pesky door (
You need to hang around ( for a bit

And no fighting with ArtColley  (please)


 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Seamonkey on February 13, 2007, 08:42:40 PM
Yes it is precious and what fun it must have been for her to work on. Grown ups need play time too. I am a firm believer in that...(hmmm where did I put my new video game lol)

 Gee, ArtColley, if you have a brain fog still can you imagine all the things I could get you to believe? hehehe It's let's play with Mom's head time..hehehe Don't worry, it's no fun without sibling around. :)

 I am very happy you told me of this place and had me doing the updates for you. It is wonderful here, I see why you like it so much. :)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 13, 2007, 08:42:51 PM
Quote from: "AZSunny"

OF are you feeling better?

Much better .... thanks for asking

I did kinda get stuck   :oops: in the snow at the Dr. Office today

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Seamonkey on February 13, 2007, 08:45:56 PM
Thank you OldF and no fears..I won't fight with ArtColley lol
 She made me promise to behave here.   :?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 13, 2007, 08:46:03 PM
Klass, yes

you know im a Yankee Fan
RIght ??

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 13, 2007, 08:46:11 PM

I can confirm to you that Robots is not a NUT :lol:  :lol:

But I seriously doubt he's a Robot too!  :wink:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: snoopy on February 13, 2007, 08:46:30 PM
Welcome Seamonkey!!!!  :D

Angie   Awesome snowman!!!  :D

Howdy everyone!!  :D  :D


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 13, 2007, 08:47:46 PM
Quote from: "robots"
Klass, yes

you know im a Yankee Fan
RIght ??

Me too.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 13, 2007, 08:48:26 PM
Quote from: "snoopy"
Welcome Seamonkey!!!!  :D

Angie   Awesome snowman!!!  :D

Howdy everyone!!  :D  :D


Hi snoopy.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 13, 2007, 08:48:38 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"

I can confirm to you that Robots is not a NUT :lol:  :lol:

But I seriously doubt he's a Robot too!  :wink:  :lol:


see you all later tonight

snow coming

need fuel for the SNOW THROWER  :shock:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 13, 2007, 08:49:13 PM
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "robots"
Klass, yes

you know im a Yankee Fan
RIght ??

Me too.


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 13, 2007, 08:51:43 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"

I can confirm to you that Robots is not a NUT :lol:  :lol:

But I seriously doubt he's a Robot too!  :wink:  :lol:

Robot a NUT... don't think so... a loose bolt or two maybe  :roll:  :wink:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 13, 2007, 08:52:28 PM
Quote from: "oldfart"
Quote from: "klaasend"

I can confirm to you that Robots is not a NUT :lol:  :lol:

But I seriously doubt he's a Robot too!  :wink:  :lol:

Robot a NUT... don't think so... a loose bolt or two maybe  :roll:  :wink:

OMG   LOL :lol:

truck is warming up

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: bleachedblack on February 13, 2007, 08:53:01 PM
Hi SeaMonkey! Love your avatar, don't get your little monkey self caught in it

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 08:54:33 PM
Quote from: "Seamonkey"
Yes it is precious and what fun it must have been for her to work on. Grown ups need play time too. I am a firm believer in that...(hmmm where did I put my new video game lol)

 Gee, ArtColley, if you have a brain fog still can you imagine all the things I could get you to believe? hehehe It's let's play with Mom's head time..hehehe Don't worry, it's no fun without sibling around. :)

 I am very happy you told me of this place and had me doing the updates for you. It is wonderful here, I see why you like it so much. :)

I am glad you like it here, I thought you would!!!!

Oh, and NO HEAD games on Mommy....Jeesh. Kids these days.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 08:55:17 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"

I can confirm to you that Robots is not a NUT :lol:  :lol:

But I seriously doubt he's a Robot too!  :wink:  :lol:

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 13, 2007, 08:55:50 PM
Quote from: "snoopy"
Welcome Seamonkey!!!!  :D

Angie   Awesome snowman!!!  :D

Howdy everyone!!  :D  :D


Hey, Snoopy!!!!!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 13, 2007, 08:56:26 PM
I think I saw ya peeking in....  

How much Snow have you gotten...  
I'v cleared the drive of 10" twice  
Not as much as parts of New York State... but still significiant for here

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: bleachedblack on February 13, 2007, 08:59:16 PM
Quote from: "oldfart"
I think I saw ya peeking in....  

How much Snow have you gotten...  
I'v cleared the drive of 10" twice  
Not as much as parts of New York State... but still significiant for here

OMG OF 20" WOW ! Our snow just started to come down a few min. ago, but it's coming down heavy !

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Kat_Gram on February 13, 2007, 08:59:21 PM
Hello Sea Monkey
Keep yer eye on the Robot.
 :wink:  :wink:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 13, 2007, 08:59:40 PM
Quote from: "Kat_Gram"
Hello Sea Monkey
Keep yer eye on the Robot.
 :wink:  :wink:


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Sam on February 13, 2007, 09:01:25 PM
Quote from: "oldfart"
Quote from: "AZSunny"

OF are you feeling better?

Much better .... thanks for asking

I did kinda get stuck   :oops: in the snow at the Dr. Office today

Nice to see you OF. They told us to stay off the roads in my area. They probably told your area the same. HUH?!

sea Monkey glad you were finally able to join us. I do want to make a comment here. WE are a great group but we do sometimes get a little testy when things are going so slow with no news. All of our different personalities.

Yes Robots you are a nut. Or is that a bolt or a srew? Maybe a screw loose. :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 13, 2007, 09:01:53 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Per MF at FOB:

Since, Karen left the island, it is not yet known who is the prosecutor in charge of the case. In the early day, E. Lugo was mentioned to have this position. Also Mariaine left the Prosecutor's Office as PR to work with the Valero Refinery Company and her job is meanwhile being handled by mrs. V/D Biezen, who has been sitting in her position every time Mariaine was not on the island, so an easy transition.

About the case, the only person to give official information or statements is Peter de Witte, the new Police Chief.

So let's all write him and ask him for a statement.   :wink:  Then we'll see if he tells us all the same thing or changes his story 25 times.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 13, 2007, 09:06:16 PM
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "Seamonkey"
Yes it is precious and what fun it must have been for her to work on. Grown ups need play time too. I am a firm believer in that...(hmmm where did I put my new video game lol)

 Gee, ArtColley, if you have a brain fog still can you imagine all the things I could get you to believe? hehehe It's let's play with Mom's head time..hehehe Don't worry, it's no fun without sibling around. :)

 I am very happy you told me of this place and had me doing the updates for you. It is wonderful here, I see why you like it so much. :)

I am glad you like it here, I thought you would!!!!

Oh, and NO HEAD games on Mommy....Jeesh. Kids these days.

Just incase you need non-verbal communication with the Newbie


I do not think there ever will be a need but kids will be kids so this may come in handy sometime  (

JMO   of course :)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 13, 2007, 09:07:01 PM
Quote from: "Seamonkey"

 I love my avatar, thank you klaas for putting it there, I couldn't do that either for some reason lol.


I gave you full credit for doing that on the ArtColley update thread.  Now everyone knows Klaas did it.  She used to give out instructions but so many monkeys had trouble anyway that I guess she just decided to do it herself.  If we were all 12 years old we wouldn't have these problems.   :? I just figured out text messaging a few months ago.   :roll: Welcome to the cage, Seamonkey.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Tibrogargan on February 13, 2007, 09:08:59 PM

Glad to see you here.  Yes you will have to watch out as Mom will be checking up - but remember that can work both ways  :lol:  :lol:

There are some monkeys here with wicked senses of humour.  It all makes for a lot of fun even in the serious subjects.  Hope you enjoy your times with us.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Sam on February 13, 2007, 09:08:59 PM
Old Fart, Hubby blowed snow twice today . He said it was maybe 3 feet deep in front of the garage. The wind has been blowing it into huge drifts. Here in town it has some real deep drifts on some of the streets. Hubby says it is about 3 feet in our alley again.

The county crews can not keep up with the drifts. In this farm country it seems to blow across the fields into the street. It can get to be 10 feet in some areas real quick. You just have to pray there are no emergencys.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Cat on February 13, 2007, 09:09:09 PM
hey Tib,it is a family recipe.It won't bother your insides.hehe It goes with any food,you can cook with,or pickle with it.I only have 25 liters left.Well we are really moving on.I would ask about any news,but I think I know that answer.CAT

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Seamonkey on February 13, 2007, 09:14:05 PM
Hello Snoopy :)

Hello BleachedBlack -- I will try to stay clear of the clam shell..unless it has a pearl in it then my better judgement is out the window lol

Awww Sheesh Maww, you are no fun lol

Hello Kat Gram -- Ok I will watch the robot, but what am I looking for?  :lol:

Hello Sam - Don't worry I can handle testy.. I have two hormonal daughters and two sons, I have testy covered on a day to day basis  :wink:

OLDf lolol :)

 See what I found? at the bottom of the page I can scroll all the posts when I reply, now I don't have to feel like I left anyone out and look rude for ignoring...Woot!!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 13, 2007, 09:16:34 PM
Quote from: "Sam"
Old Fart, Hubby blowed snow twice today . He said it was maybe 3 feet deep in front of the garage. The wind has been blowing it into huge drifts. Here in town it has some real deep drifts on some of the streets. Hubby says it is about 3 feet in our alley again.

The county crews can not keep up with the drifts. In this farm country it seems to blow across the fields into the street. It can get to be 10 feet in some areas real quick. You just have to pray there are no emergencys.

Pretty much the same here.
With 20 mph winds ya just never know..
I can see some of the boards on my deck (dusting of snow) and had a 30 inch drift in front of the front porch storm door.  Was going to leave it alone... then thought what if I have to get out that door :shock:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 13, 2007, 09:16:43 PM
I like pecans, pistachios, macadamias, walnuts and my favorite, cashews.  Robots is quool.  That's Canadian for cool.   :) I prefer Mounds.  

The snow is still coming down here.   :cry: Four teenagers were killed in an accident (alcohol involved) earlier this week in one of our suburbs.  There was snow, but I don't know if that was a factor.  Remind your kids.  Put crazy glue on their back sides and keep 'em home if you have to.  The driver lived and they're going to arrest her when she's released from hospital.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: bleachedblack on February 13, 2007, 09:22:55 PM
Hello BleachedBlack -- I will try to stay clear of the clam shell..unless it has a pearl in it then my better judgement is out the window lol

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on February 13, 2007, 09:23:59 PM
Just joined in for a bit...

ArtColley, so happy you are well and back with us.

Seamonkey, (ArtColley offspring?? :lol:) Welcome to our do your mamma proud.

Robots, Yankees Rule!!!  (Rangers, too, after decades at a time...ummm 1994...when next?)

I'm behind....others have been on this PC...(snow covering sidewalks here)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Seamonkey on February 13, 2007, 09:24:01 PM
Hello Tibrogargan :) I always prefer a sense of humor faced with anything, makes things a bit easier to deal with. Yes, that can work both ways when it comes to who is watching who? lol

LilPuma- Oops, maybe I should have not said anything, I would like for people to have thought I did that on my know for a wee bit of an ego boost for a newbie to intimidate anyone who couldn't do it proving my unmatched  wiley charms with the computer lol. Thank you for the welcome.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Elaine on February 13, 2007, 09:24:16 PM
Hello Monkeys! Welcome back Art, and a Welcome to Seamonkey!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: mrs. red on February 13, 2007, 09:25:37 PM
Quote from: "Seamonkey"
Hello Snoopy :)

Hello BleachedBlack -- I will try to stay clear of the clam shell..unless it has a pearl in it then my better judgement is out the window lol

Awww Sheesh Maww, you are no fun lol

Hello Kat Gram -- Ok I will watch the robot, but what am I looking for?  :lol:

Hello Sam - Don't worry I can handle testy.. I have two hormonal daughters and two sons, I have testy covered on a day to day basis  :wink:

OLDf lolol :)

 See what I found? at the bottom of the page I can scroll all the posts when I reply, now I don't have to feel like I left anyone out and look rude for ignoring...Woot!!

HI SeaMonkey.... oh, a woman after my own heart... PEARLS !!!! :lol:  

I have been asking Red for the entire length of our marriage for some pearls....

and all of you know, if you think hard how long that has been!!!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Sam on February 13, 2007, 09:28:03 PM
When we lived in Maine, we lived on Route1. We had much more snow but by living on the highway the state kept it well plowed. We lived within 5 miles of the hospital I worked at . The operating room.

 Since I was so close I was often called even when not on call.Once they even sent the maintenance truck to come pick me up since my drive was snowed in. Of course I had to get my own way home. LOL

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 13, 2007, 09:28:27 PM
Quote from: "Seamonkey"
Hello Tibrogargan :) I always prefer a sense of humor faced with anything, makes things a bit easier to deal with. Yes, that can work both ways when it comes to who is watching who? lol

LilPuma- Oops, maybe I should have not said anything, I would like for people to have thought I did that on my know for a wee bit of an ego boost for a newbie to intimidate anyone who couldn't do it proving my unmatched  wiley charms with the computer lol. Thank you for the welcome.

Tibro is the Monkey from Down Under.  It's summer there and it's daylight and they drive on the wrong side of the road.  But she's a good monkey.  

It's probably just as well that you admitted your technical frailties, otherwise we'd start asking you how to do stuff and fix stuff.   :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: AZSunny on February 13, 2007, 09:32:41 PM
Quote from: "oldfart"
Quote from: "AZSunny"

OF are you feeling better?

Much better .... thanks for asking

I did kinda get stuck   :oops: in the snow at the Dr. Office today

 You know, you don't have to live like that!  :wink:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Elaine on February 13, 2007, 09:32:47 PM
Quote from: "mrs. red"
Quote from: "Seamonkey"
Hello Snoopy :)

Hello BleachedBlack -- I will try to stay clear of the clam shell..unless it has a pearl in it then my better judgement is out the window lol

Awww Sheesh Maww, you are no fun lol

Hello Kat Gram -- Ok I will watch the robot, but what am I looking for?  :lol:

Hello Sam - Don't worry I can handle testy.. I have two hormonal daughters and two sons, I have testy covered on a day to day basis  :wink:

OLDf lolol :)

 See what I found? at the bottom of the page I can scroll all the posts when I reply, now I don't have to feel like I left anyone out and look rude for ignoring...Woot!!

HI SeaMonkey.... oh, a woman after my own heart... PEARLS !!!! :lol:  

I have been asking Red for the entire length of our marriage for some pearls....

and all of you know, if you think hard how long that has been!!!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Tibrogargan on February 13, 2007, 09:32:53 PM
Quote from: "LilPuma"
Quote from: "klaasend"
Per MF at FOB:

Since, Karen left the island, it is not yet known who is the prosecutor in charge of the case. In the early day, E. Lugo was mentioned to have this position. Also Mariaine left the Prosecutor's Office as PR to work with the Valero Refinery Company and her job is meanwhile being handled by mrs. V/D Biezen, who has been sitting in her position every time Mariaine was not on the island, so an easy transition.

About the case, the only person to give official information or statements is Peter de Witte, the new Police Chief.

So let's all write him and ask him for a statement.   :wink:  Then we'll see if he tells us all the same thing or changes his story 25 times.

Hi LilPuma  I vote for the 25 different versions.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Elaine on February 13, 2007, 09:33:55 PM
That post was supposed to say "right on"! to Mrs Red  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 13, 2007, 09:35:44 PM
SeaMonkey - hold on to your seat, going to make a minor modification to something  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 13, 2007, 09:35:55 PM
Quote from: "Tibrogargan"
Quote from: "LilPuma"
Quote from: "klaasend"
Per MF at FOB:

Since, Karen left the island, it is not yet known who is the prosecutor in charge of the case. In the early day, E. Lugo was mentioned to have this position. Also Mariaine left the Prosecutor's Office as PR to work with the Valero Refinery Company and her job is meanwhile being handled by mrs. V/D Biezen, who has been sitting in her position every time Mariaine was not on the island, so an easy transition.

About the case, the only person to give official information or statements is Peter de Witte, the new Police Chief.

So let's all write him and ask him for a statement.   :wink:  Then we'll see if he tells us all the same thing or changes his story 25 times.

Hi LilPuma  I vote for the 25 different versions.

One of those cultural differences.   :x But then we can tear up the ones we know are pure bull and send the pieces to Dennis Jacobs.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: mrs. red on February 13, 2007, 09:36:14 PM
Quote from: "Elaine"
That post was supposed to say "right on"! to Mrs Red  :lol:

well it won't happen tomorrow... :roll:  but I can keep hoping...LOL..

I didn't mean to be rude...

how is everyone??

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Seamonkey on February 13, 2007, 09:36:16 PM
Hello Mrs. Red - OHHhh Pearls yes..I would love black ones, those are so pretty. Ever notice men are the only species that do not seem to get hints or out and out told what ya want, whereas even a pet dust bunny gets the hint what to do ? sheesh ..hehehe

 Oh well, can't kill them, there would be no one to go out in the snow for your favorite ice cream lol :wink: .

 BTW I am not a man hater or manbasher..I just kid a lot no offense to anyone intended. Thought I would make that clear since you all don't really know me yet and sometimes a comp screen is not the best place for first impressions. :)

 Thank you Elaine and Hello :)

2NJSons_Mom - Hello , yeppers Im her spawn. She does me proud too.  :wink:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Atlmetroguy on February 13, 2007, 09:37:31 PM
Hello Monkeys...another night...another hotel room!! Actually the same one for the last few days..but a hotel room none the less.

Welcome Seamonkey!!

Anybody know how to get back to Atlanta? Did they hid it?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on February 13, 2007, 09:37:49 PM
OT...if any of you have had that upper respiratory thing that we had here about a month cautious....I woke up this AM with new symptoms....3rd time in 6 weeks.  it's a sinus thing...congestion....guess I should see the doc this time...just a PITA.  Well, PITN.. :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Sam on February 13, 2007, 09:38:23 PM
Klaas, if you are around. That was a very nice post that you put in Jamie Skeeters thread. Thank you for bringing it to us.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 13, 2007, 09:39:20 PM
Quote from: "Sam"
Klaas, if you are around. That was a very nice post that you put in Jamie Skeeters thread. Thank you for bringing it to us.

Thanks Sam, I thought it was a wonderful post.  Tom even posted it on the front page of SM.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 13, 2007, 09:39:52 PM
SeaMonkey - notice anything different?  :wink:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on February 13, 2007, 09:40:06 PM
Metro, our travelin' man....don't know where they put your Atlanta....may be covered with powdered sugar bout now....always good to see you drop by.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Atlmetroguy on February 13, 2007, 09:42:56 PM
Quote from: "2NJSons_Mom"
Metro, our travelin' man....don't know where they put your Atlanta....may be covered with powdered sugar bout now....always good to see you drop by.

Thanks 2NJSons...this trip has been a long one!! I have been home 3 days in the last month!!

Having said that's always very comforting to log onto SM from where ever on the planet I may be and feel just like home when I read your posts!!

Thanks All!!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Seamonkey on February 13, 2007, 09:43:45 PM
*holding my seat for awhile* but very much wondering why.

 OHhhh there is an Aussie here?? Oh I LOVE vegemite (sp?) . I had a comp pal a few years ago and we traded things in snail mail which niether had ever tried.. Ohhh YUmmm I miss that. I also learned all kinds of cool phrases. My favorite was sticky beak lol Austrailia is a place I have always wanted to go to, ever since I was small in grade school and we learned about it I have been totally fascinated with it.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 13, 2007, 09:45:44 PM

I wonder if MRs Red wants to borrow SeaMonkeys  avartar for a bit and better hint for Red ..
 :lol:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Elaine on February 13, 2007, 09:45:56 PM
Quote from: "2NJSons_Mom"
OT...if any of you have had that upper respiratory thing that we had here about a month cautious....I woke up this AM with new symptoms....3rd time in 6 weeks.  it's a sinus thing...congestion....guess I should see the doc this time...just a PITA.  Well, PITN.. :lol:
Wow! I hope you shake it soon! I haven't had it and hope I don't see it, (catch it ) if it passes by this way! My sinuses are bad enough with out any of that extra stuff.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Seamonkey on February 13, 2007, 09:48:39 PM
OOooHhhh I have a pearl..Oh hold me back before I get trapped lol..then again My trusty fish will open it for me..I LOVE it..Thank YOU klass :) You are wonderful !

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 13, 2007, 09:48:40 PM
I think Atlanta is still there & without SNOW
You just got to find the time to get there !

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: mrs. red on February 13, 2007, 09:48:46 PM
Quote from: "oldfart"

I wonder if MRs Red wants to borrow SeaMonkeys  avartar for a bit and better hint for Red ..
 :lol:  :lol:

LOL... Red has heard that hint for a time now.... I am never shy about telling him how much I love pearls....LOL. but thanks OF....

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Tibrogargan on February 13, 2007, 09:48:55 PM
Quote from: "LilPuma"
Quote from: "Seamonkey"
Hello Tibrogargan :) I always prefer a sense of humor faced with anything, makes things a bit easier to deal with. Yes, that can work both ways when it comes to who is watching who? lol

LilPuma- Oops, maybe I should have not said anything, I would like for people to have thought I did that on my know for a wee bit of an ego boost for a newbie to intimidate anyone who couldn't do it proving my unmatched  wiley charms with the computer lol. Thank you for the welcome.

Tibro is the Monkey from Down Under.  It's summer there and it's daylight and they drive on the wrong side of the road. But she's a good monkey.  

It's probably just as well that you admitted your technical frailties, otherwise we'd start asking you how to do stuff and fix stuff.   :lol:

Talking about cultural differences as Cat commented earlier about the way we have to try to think like the other races, well just look at Americans and Australians.  Both basically from the same roots and similar countries and so on and we are quite different in lots of ways.
So how much more different are those who have dissimilar roots, environments and upbringing.  Like someone from another planet.

Well, Monkeys must away again ..... have to take DH for eye specialist appointment and he wont be able to see to drive afterwards so I have to sit in the waiting room for ages just to be a designated driver.  Will see all the monkeys at IBE's place later. With all the food, CHOCOLATE, drinks and storms we will all be hanging off the ceiling.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: mrs. red on February 13, 2007, 09:50:19 PM
it's good to see you....

sorry to do a quick drive by but I am headed back to bed.... I have that yucky very very bad cold... ugh... need sleep because I can't skip work tomorrow... :roll:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 13, 2007, 09:51:13 PM

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: bleachedblack on February 13, 2007, 09:51:38 PM
I found this National enquirer interesting reading. It has reminders of some often talked about points.......


National Enquirer

January 16,2006
Cops Closing In On Joran
By Davis Wright

          Cops probing the disappearance of Alabama teen Natalee Holloway believe they're finally closing in on prime suspect Joran van der Sloot-after an investigator blew a major hole in his alibi.
          The dramatic new line of investigation revolves around the timeline of May 30, starting about 18 hours after  Natalee vanished.
          There are several unexplained missing hours during which authorities believe that her body was dumped at sea.
          Former U.S. Secret Service agent Art Wood, who spent months on the island investigating the case, told the Enquirer:" Joran told police that he played tennis with a friend during the evening hours. And the pal backed up his alibi. But when I investigated the Racquet Club I found that Joran had never played tennis there that night."
         Wood reported his sensational discovery to the Aruban authorities.
And on October 26, nearly two months after Joran, 18, was freed from questioning, Wood and Natalee's dad Dave Holloway secretly met with Amalin Flanegin, who had served as assistant prosecutor on the case until abruptly quitting.
         " She told us that she'd spotted inconsistencies between the statements given by Joaran and his friend about playing tennis. She said she asked the police to re-interview the boy who'd given Joran the phony alibi-but they refused.
         "Flanegin told us that when she tried to insist on the police doing their job, her boss didn't back her up, so she resigned from the case."
         But Wood and Holloway wouldn't give up.
         Said Wood;"We became convinced that during the time Joran was supposed to be playing tennis, Natalee's body was being dumped at sea. Kids on the street told us that was what happened."
         Now the National Enquirer can reveal cops are set to question the boy who backed up Joran's alibi-and then confront Joran with his statement.
         Said Steve Cohen, a special adviser to the Aruban government: " It is expected that [Joran] will be re-questioned. They've analyzed the timeline and found..... discrepancies. They have specific questions to ask."
         Alabama congressman Spencer Bachus was briefed on the latest moves in the case during a behind-closed-doors meeting with Aruban investigators on December 16.
         In what could be an ominus sign to Joran, Bachus said: " They do not consider it a closed case, nor do they consider they have a dead end.
         Their intention is not to shut this case down, but to continue to pursue it vigorously."

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Atlmetroguy on February 13, 2007, 09:52:07 PM
Quote from: "oldfart"
I think Atlanta is still there & without SNOW
You just got to find the time to get there !

Thanks OF...I'll get there...I hope!! Actually I'm headed east on Friday night!!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 13, 2007, 09:52:41 PM

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Atlmetroguy on February 13, 2007, 09:52:45 PM
Quote from: "mrs. red"
it's good to see you....

sorry to do a quick drive by but I am headed back to bed.... I have that yucky very very bad cold... ugh... need sleep because I can't skip work tomorrow... :roll:

Hey Mrs. Red...good to see you too!! Hang in there and hope you get too feeling better!!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 13, 2007, 09:54:05 PM
Quote from: "mrs. red"
Quote from: "oldfart"

I wonder if MRs Red wants to borrow SeaMonkeys  avartar for a bit and better hint for Red ..
 :lol:  :lol:

LOL... Red has heard that hint for a time now.... I am never shy about telling him how much I love pearls....LOL. but thanks OF....

Would refrigerator magnets with pictures on them  help  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Seamonkey on February 13, 2007, 09:54:54 PM
Quote from: "2NJSons_Mom"
OT...if any of you have had that upper respiratory thing that we had here about a month cautious....I woke up this AM with new symptoms....3rd time in 6 weeks.  it's a sinus thing...congestion....guess I should see the doc this time...just a PITA.  Well, PITN.. :lol:

 Yes, my husband has it for about a month now. me and the kids just got it this week. My worse symptoms were while I was at my Mom's..sore throat, gurgling post nasal making it still difficult to sleep, fevers, chills, etc... in fact now that Mom is home I tried to stay in my own bed most the day today. It's awful..the cough and gooop ya cough up and have rattling around while ya try to sleep, scarey stuff to have going on.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: bleachedblack on February 13, 2007, 09:55:55 PM
Think this article from NE from january 2006 reminds us why Koen was sleeping with mom, and diving behind couches......he gave the false alibi for joran.  bClearly why his father wouldn't let him be interviewed again......wonder what ever happened to his statement?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 13, 2007, 09:56:04 PM
Quote from: "bleachedblack"
I found this National enquirer interesting reading. It has reminders of some often talked about points.......


National Enquirer

January 16,2006
Cops Closing In On Joran
By Davis Wright

          Cops probing the disappearance of Alabama teen Natalee Holloway believe they're finally closing in on prime suspect Joran van der Sloot-after an investigator blew a major hole in his alibi.
          The dramatic new line of investigation revolves around the timeline of May 30, starting about 18 hours after  Natalee vanished.
          There are several unexplained missing hours during which authorities believe that her body was dumped at sea.
          Former U.S. Secret Service agent Art Wood, who spent months on the island investigating the case, told the Enquirer:" Joran told police that he played tennis with a friend during the evening hours. And the pal backed up his alibi. But when I investigated the Racquet Club I found that Joran had never played tennis there that night."
        Wood reported his sensational discovery to the Aruban authorities.
And on October 26, nearly two months after Joran, 18, was freed from questioning, Wood and Natalee's dad Dave Holloway secretly met with Amalin Flanegin, who had served as assistant prosecutor on the case until abruptly quitting.
         " She told us that she'd spotted inconsistencies between the statements given by Joaran and his friend about playing tennis. She said she asked the police to re-interview the boy who'd given Joran the phony alibi-but they refused.
         "Flanegin told us that when she tried to insist on the police doing their job, her boss didn't back her up, so she resigned from the case."
         But Wood and Holloway wouldn't give up.
         Said Wood;"We became convinced that during the time Joran was supposed to be playing tennis, Natalee's body was being dumped at sea. Kids on the street told us that was what happened."
         Now the National Enquirer can reveal cops are set to question the boy who backed up Joran's alibi-and then confront Joran with his statement.
         Said Steve Cohen, a special adviser to the Aruban government: " It is expected that [Joran] will be re-questioned. They've analyzed the timeline and found..... discrepancies. They have specific questions to ask."
         Alabama congressman Spencer Bachus was briefed on the latest moves in the case during a behind-closed-doors meeting with Aruban investigators on December 16.
         In what could be an ominus sign to Joran, Bachus said: " They do not consider it a closed case, nor do they consider they have a dead end.
         Their intention is not to shut this case down, but to continue to pursue it vigorously."

It's just so maddening  :twisted:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 13, 2007, 09:59:10 PM
Quote from: "Tibrogargan"


Well, Monkeys must away again ..... have to take DH for eye specialist appointment and he wont be able to see to drive afterwards so I have to sit in the waiting room for ages just to be a designated driver.  Will see all the monkeys at IBE's place later. With all the food, CHOCOLATE, drinks and storms we will all be hanging off the ceiling.

Hope everything comes out good for your DH...

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Elaine on February 13, 2007, 09:59:49 PM
Quote from: "bleachedblack"
I found this National enquirer interesting reading. It has reminders of some often talked about points.......


National Enquirer

January 16,2006
Cops Closing In On Joran
By Davis Wright

          Cops probing the disappearance of Alabama teen Natalee Holloway believe they're finally closing in on prime suspect Joran van der Sloot-after an investigator blew a major hole in his alibi.
          The dramatic new line of investigation revolves around the timeline of May 30, starting about 18 hours after  Natalee vanished.
          There are several unexplained missing hours during which authorities believe that her body was dumped at sea.
          Former U.S. Secret Service agent Art Wood, who spent months on the island investigating the case, told the Enquirer:" Joran told police that he played tennis with a friend during the evening hours. And the pal backed up his alibi. But when I investigated the Racquet Club I found that Joran had never played tennis there that night."
         Wood reported his sensational discovery to the Aruban authorities.
And on October 26, nearly two months after Joran, 18, was freed from questioning, Wood and Natalee's dad Dave Holloway secretly met with Amalin Flanegin, who had served as assistant prosecutor on the case until abruptly quitting.
         " She told us that she'd spotted inconsistencies between the statements given by Joaran and his friend about playing tennis. She said she asked the police to re-interview the boy who'd given Joran the phony alibi-but they refused.
         "Flanegin told us that when she tried to insist on the police doing their job, her boss didn't back her up, so she resigned from the case."
         But Wood and Holloway wouldn't give up.
         Said Wood;"We became convinced that during the time Joran was supposed to be playing tennis, Natalee's body was being dumped at sea. Kids on the street told us that was what happened."
         Now the National Enquirer can reveal cops are set to question the boy who backed up Joran's alibi-and then confront Joran with his statement.
         Said Steve Cohen, a special adviser to the Aruban government: " It is expected that [Joran] will be re-questioned. They've analyzed the timeline and found..... discrepancies. They have specific questions to ask."
         Alabama congressman Spencer Bachus was briefed on the latest moves in the case during a behind-closed-doors meeting with Aruban investigators on December 16.
         In what could be an ominus sign to Joran, Bachus said: " They do not consider it a closed case, nor do they consider they have a dead end.
         Their intention is not to shut this case down, but to continue to pursue it vigorously."
I hadn't seen that, thanks BB! Very interesting, and I hope it is true!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 13, 2007, 09:59:58 PM
This just posted by Lazlo at RU.  What on earth took so long?  This does not make sense:

Lazlo Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 9:42 pm
Holloway case dossier has arrived in Rotterdam.

From a crime-newssite (I hope it is accurate)

Feb 7 2007.
A new team will be working on the Natalee Holloway case in Holland.
The complete dossier which weights 200 kilo's has arrived in Rotterdam.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: SunFreak2 on February 13, 2007, 10:00:48 PM
Quote from: "Seamonkey"
OHHhh Pearls yes..I would love black ones, those are so pretty.

Welcome to Seamonkey.  Are you a see monkey, do monkey?

BTW, I have a set of black pearl earings and a matching strand of black pearls I got overseas.  Very elegant, but I still prefer the ivory ones.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Elaine on February 13, 2007, 10:03:56 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
What a nice gesture Klaas! She looks lovely in those pearls!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Seamonkey on February 13, 2007, 10:05:13 PM
Quote from: "SunFreak2"
Quote from: "Seamonkey"
OHHhh Pearls yes..I would love black ones, those are so pretty.

Welcome to Seamonkey.  Are you a see monkey, do monkey?

BTW, I have a set of black pearl earings and a matching strand of black pearls I got overseas.  Very elegant, but I still prefer the ivory ones.

Hello Sunfreak :)
  Yes the ivory ones are so pretty too , I love them all..heck I would be happy with any lol
  Yes I am a Sea Monkey , Monkey Do hehehe

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 13, 2007, 10:07:17 PM
SeaMonkey - I almost set you up with this..ha ha ha  :lol:


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: SunFreak2 on February 13, 2007, 10:07:45 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
This just posted by Lazlo at RU.  What on earth took so long?  This does not make sense:

Lazlo Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 9:42 pm
Holloway case dossier has arrived in Rotterdam.

From a crime-newssite (I hope it is accurate)

Feb 7 2007.
A new team will be working on the Natalee Holloway case in Holland.
The complete dossier which weights 200 kilo's has arrived in Rotterdam.

They must have shipped by a slow boat to China, then transported it on stubborn mules backs to the Netherlands.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 13, 2007, 10:09:32 PM
Quote from: "Seamonkey"

 Oh well, can't kill them, there would be no one to go out in the snow for your favorite ice cream lol :wink: .

I'm going to use this as my next signature line.   :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: bleachedblack on February 13, 2007, 10:09:34 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
SeaMonkey - I almost set you up with this..ha ha ha  :lol:



Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Elaine on February 13, 2007, 10:11:43 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
SeaMonkey - I almost set you up with this..ha ha ha  :lol:

Oh my gosh, the memories that picture brings back to me. I grew sea monkeys, several times. Once, I even had siamese twin sea monkeys and they were so funny, one would try to swim left and the other tried to swim right and they ended up swirling around in circles due to this! LOL!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 13, 2007, 10:17:17 PM
thats on the lines I was thinking... :shock:

I read where CBB was in an accident I hope she  & John are doing well.

Why do I think you or she will have fun with SeaMonkey's avatar for St. Pat's day  :roll:   :lol:

Time for this one to start calling it a night...
Need to check in with daughter in Chicago... near the lake and Lake Shore Drive was shut down .

told her if she could not get home or parked without getting stuck find a hotel and have them call me for a credit card #
Later Gang


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Seamonkey on February 13, 2007, 10:17:48 PM
It is because of the tragedy of Natalee I have told my kids that they won't have any class trips unless we can afford for me to go too. There is NO way I will let my children go anywhere where I am not positive they are being looked out after. I know that natalee was older, but like I told my daughter I do not care how old she is. I also told them even in our own country I wouldn't trust it, goodness kids are snatched right off school buses now. I look at it this way..when a kid is out of your sight and you are counting on another to watch them for you as you should be able to count on in certain situations they still will NEVER watch your own kids the same as you would, they do not have all the bonding and love invested in thier charges.

 I think it is sickening all that went on with Natalee, still makes me terribly sad, but if she left any legacy to carry on I hope it is that parents will be a bit more careful with how fast they are willing to let little Johnny or Little Suzie go off for a school trip. Again, I do not care how old they are. Society has wiped the street smarts right out of our kids, and if you give them smarts, the schools try thier hardest to wipe it out again. So you take an average 20 year old these days you may as well say they have the street smarts of survival as a 3 year old. because they are taught now to trust because if you don't you will hurt someone's feelings and it is not socially PC to feel that person may be a bit creepy! So ignore your own instincts of survival, must not hurt Mr. Snatcha's feelings.

 Ummm I think I should stop..I get so worked up on this kind of stuff. :)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 13, 2007, 10:18:09 PM
Quote from: "SunFreak2"
Quote from: "klaasend"
This just posted by Lazlo at RU.  What on earth took so long?  This does not make sense:

Lazlo Posted: Tue Feb 13, 2007 9:42 pm
Holloway case dossier has arrived in Rotterdam.

From a crime-newssite (I hope it is accurate)

Feb 7 2007.
A new team will be working on the Natalee Holloway case in Holland.
The complete dossier which weights 200 kilo's has arrived in Rotterdam.

They must have shipped by a slow boat to China, then transported it on stubborn mules backs to the Netherlands.

Moses led the caravan and they were lost in the desert?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: SunFreak2 on February 13, 2007, 10:18:18 PM
I've had JSkeeters in my buddy list for a long time.  As I was getting ready to sign off, I noticed JSkeeters was online.  OMG.  If he could only send emails from heaven, we would know what happened to Natalee. They probably met right away.

Wow!  What a shock that was to me!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Elaine on February 13, 2007, 10:18:23 PM
Quote from: "oldfart"
thats on the lines I was thinking... :shock:

I read where CBB was in an accident I hope she  & John are doing well.

Why do I think you or she will have fun with SeaMonkey's avatar for St. Pat's day  :roll:   :lol:

Time for this one to start calling it a night...
Need to check in with daughter in Chicago... near the lake and Lake Shore Drive was shut down .

told her if she could not get home or parked without getting stuck find a hotel and have them call me for a credit card #
Later Gang

Good night OF, and be careful out in that snow!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 13, 2007, 10:19:48 PM
Quote from: "SunFreak2"
I've had JSkeeters in my buddy list for a long time.  As I was getting ready to sign off, I noticed JSkeeters was online.  OMG.  If he could only send emails from heaven, we would know what happened to Natalee. They probably met right away.

Wow!  What a shock that was to me!

I just checked.  He shows up on my buddy list too.   :lol: Jamie, if you're listening, send us a sign!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 13, 2007, 10:21:42 PM
Quote from: "oldfart"
thats on the lines I was thinking... :shock:

I read where CBB was in an accident I hope she  & John are doing well.

Why do I think you or she will have fun with SeaMonkey's avatar for St. Pat's day  :roll:   :lol:

Time for this one to start calling it a night...
Need to check in with daughter in Chicago... near the lake and Lake Shore Drive was shut down .

told her if she could not get home or parked without getting stuck find a hotel and have them call me for a credit card #
Later Gang


We've got a lot of snow here, but not really deep near the lake.  Problem is, the wind off the lake freezes Lake Shore Drive.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: SunFreak2 on February 13, 2007, 10:22:09 PM
Quote from: "LilPuma"

I just checked.  He shows up on my buddy list too.   :lol: Jamie, if you're listening, send us a sign!

I second that!!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Elaine on February 13, 2007, 10:23:39 PM
Quote from: "SunFreak2"
I've had JSkeeters in my buddy list for a long time.  As I was getting ready to sign off, I noticed JSkeeters was online.  OMG.  If he could only send emails from heaven, we would know what happened to Natalee. They probably met right away.

Wow!  What a shock that was to me!
I'll bet it was. His family probably has access to his account now that he is gone. I agree with you, he is with Natalee now, and she knows how he tried to help her.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Seamonkey on February 13, 2007, 10:23:59 PM
OOHhhh sea Monkeys!!!! I LOve sea Monkeys , I will never out grow them.
 Of course every seamonkey I ever had I ended up killing but least they were fun to watch, even if I did need those special bubbles on the wall of the thingy they grow in to even see them lol..but heck imagination is a wonderful thing to have because I swear mine use to joist on seahorses..ha! how many people have gotten to see that?? hehehe.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on February 13, 2007, 10:24:01 PM
Quote from: "Seamonkey"
Quote from: "2NJSons_Mom"
OT...if any of you have had that upper respiratory thing that we had here about a month cautious....I woke up this AM with new symptoms....3rd time in 6 weeks.  it's a sinus thing...congestion....guess I should see the doc this time...just a PITA.  Well, PITN.. :lol:

 Yes, my husband has it for about a month now. me and the kids just got it this week. My worse symptoms were while I was at my Mom's..sore throat, gurgling post nasal making it still difficult to sleep, fevers, chills, etc... in fact now that Mom is home I tried to stay in my own bed most the day today. It's awful..the cough and gooop ya cough up and have rattling around while ya try to sleep, scarey stuff to have going on.

Yep, sounds similar, but no fever nasal drip, stuffy head, cough....was just feeling good the past few days...and it's back.  Sore throat comes & goes...switches sides....the whole thing makes it hard to be productive & yourself.  ArtC mentioned you were not well....hope you, too, feel better soon.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 13, 2007, 10:25:53 PM
Quote from: "SunFreak2"
Quote from: "LilPuma"

I just checked.  He shows up on my buddy list too.   :lol: Jamie, if you're listening, send us a sign!

I second that!!

Look at your e-mail.   :D

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: SunFreak2 on February 13, 2007, 10:26:18 PM

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: bleachedblack on February 13, 2007, 10:27:09 PM
Quote from: "Seamonkey"
OOHhhh sea Monkeys!!!! I LOve sea Monkeys , I will never out grow them.
 Of course every seamonkey I ever had I ended up killing but least they were fun to watch, even if I did need those special bubbles on the wall of the thingy they grow in to even see them lol..but heck imagination is a wonderful thing to have because I swear mine use to joist on seahorses..ha! how many people have gotten to see that?? hehehe.

Sorry SeaMonkey, but I feed Seamonkey's to my don't go hatin on me for that, the fishes have to eat too...... :twisted:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: SunFreak2 on February 13, 2007, 10:28:36 PM
Quote from: "LilPuma"
Quote from: "SunFreak2"
Quote from: "LilPuma"

I just checked.  He shows up on my buddy list too.   :lol: Jamie, if you're listening, send us a sign!

I second that!!

Look at your e-mail.   :D

Wow! Spooky.  Are you going to join the chat room seance?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on February 13, 2007, 10:28:41 PM
My Dad went to war in WW2  via boat...I think he made it to England & France faster than those records from Aruba.  Makes me wonder if anything fell overboard on route...Yes, not a positive thought.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 13, 2007, 10:30:07 PM
Quote from: "SunFreak2"
Quote from: "LilPuma"
Quote from: "SunFreak2"
Quote from: "LilPuma"

I just checked.  He shows up on my buddy list too.   :lol: Jamie, if you're listening, send us a sign!

I second that!!

Look at your e-mail.   :D

Wow! Spooky.  Are you going to join the chat room seance?

I didn't even check the times, I just saw that it showed up in my inbox.  Maybe.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Seamonkey on February 13, 2007, 10:30:42 PM
2MJSons_Mom - I will feel better, my Mom felt awful I felt so sick during her away, but the way I look at it i didn't have brain surgery so it kind of kept me in prospective in those feeling sorry for myself moments, ya know like some people get when they are sick?? I am good for that when I have a fever..No One loves one cares..oh look even the dogs snub thier tails up at me..hehehe.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: SunFreak2 on February 13, 2007, 10:31:52 PM
Quote from: "LilPuma"
Quote from: "SunFreak2"
Quote from: "LilPuma"
Quote from: "SunFreak2"
Quote from: "LilPuma"

I just checked.  He shows up on my buddy list too.   :lol: Jamie, if you're listening, send us a sign!

I second that!!

Look at your e-mail.   :D

Wow! Spooky.  Are you going to join the chat room seance?

I didn't even check the times, I just saw that it showed up in my inbox.  Maybe.

Talk about a sign.  It would be cool if we could get all the Monkeys to go to the chatroom at the same time.  Maybe he could connect to Skeeter or Natalee.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 13, 2007, 10:31:52 PM
Seamonkey, Clint van Zandt has a FREE dvd that talks about teaching your kids when to NOT be polite to someone.  When to yell and scream and kick and bite.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Atlmetroguy on February 13, 2007, 10:33:51 PM
Hey Klaas....

Albertsons or Safeway?

I was just curious...

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: SunFreak2 on February 13, 2007, 10:34:58 PM
Well, I'm out for the night before I catch my second wind.

Happy Valentine's Day to me Monkey pals.  Smoochies.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 13, 2007, 10:35:30 PM
As I understand it, in a reading the people that are likely to come through are those whom you were close to.  The fact that this event is on a CBS website, there will probably be hundreds upon hundreds of people.   :(

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Seamonkey on February 13, 2007, 10:36:20 PM
BleachedBlack - Oh heck I am all for the power of the  food chain. :)

Awww adorable Yorkies!!

LilPuma-- Oh that sounds good. I tell them how they should act and what to do, I for one don't care about people's sensitivites when it comes to possible stalking of my kids. :)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: bleachedblack on February 13, 2007, 10:37:07 PM
Nite SF2 and anyone else turning out the lights..........I'm signing out too, see you tomorrow......I'll bring the chocolate covered strawberries  :P

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 13, 2007, 10:39:36 PM
Quote from: "Atlmetroguy"
Hey Klaas....

Albertsons or Safeway?

I was just curious...


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Elaine on February 13, 2007, 10:41:04 PM
Hope all you Monkeys that are sick, feel better soon! Atmetro, hope you get home soon :D  Goodnight Monkeys, Happy Valentine's day to all.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 13, 2007, 10:41:43 PM
Quote from: "Seamonkey"
BleachedBlack - Oh heck I am all for the power of the  food chain. :)

Awww adorable Yorkies!!

LilPuma-- Oh that sounds good. I tell them how they should act and what to do, I for one don't care about people's sensitivites when it comes to possible stalking of my kids. :)

He talked about it some on Dana Pretzer's show.  He was an FBI agent and he and his kids had a code word so that if anyone ever approached the kids saying "you're dad's been hurt, he wants you to come with us", if they didn't offer the code word, the kids would know to run.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 13, 2007, 10:42:59 PM
Quote from: "Atlmetroguy"
Hey Klaas....

Albertsons or Safeway?

I was just curious...

 :shock:  :shock: Is Metro going to the store with Klaasend   :shock:  :shock:

Bad OldFart Bad

thanks for the update... on the snow there...
time to leave & make the call (hate calling her when she might be driving)


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Atlmetroguy on February 13, 2007, 10:49:14 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "Atlmetroguy"
Hey Klaas....

Albertsons or Safeway?

I was just curious...


Heh..Heh..I like Albertson's prices but Safeway's rotiessierre (I know I spelled that wrong) kicks ass!!!

I do have an Albertson's card thing...

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 13, 2007, 10:52:20 PM
:shock:  :shock:
I just saw a commercial for Valero oil!  On Comcast Sports.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 13, 2007, 10:53:44 PM
Quote from: "Atlmetroguy"
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "Atlmetroguy"
Hey Klaas....

Albertsons or Safeway?

I was just curious...


Heh..Heh..I like Albertson's prices but Safeway's rotiessierre (I know I spelled that wrong) kicks ass!!!

I do have an Albertson's card thing...

I like the store closest to home  :wink:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Seamonkey on February 13, 2007, 10:54:35 PM
Lil Puma-- sounds like I should get that tape. We also have code words. I told them even if you know the person and they say ' Your Mom told me to give you a ride to my house or to home" do not accept it and ask what the word is.

 one day it was real snowy and a lady pulled up, we were waiting at the bus stop. She said Your son knows me I can give him a ride to school instead of waiting out here for the bus. I didn't say anything, my son who was only 7 at the time said, " But my Mom doesn't know you and I can not get in that car with you ." The lady looked at me and I was expecting an argument or a plea of everything will be fine. She said to me " you are raising him very well and I respect you for what you are teaching him."  Then she drove off. I was so proud of my son.

 That's another thing, never in all the years my kids have gone to school (my oldest is 23, my youngest is 11) have any of my kids got on a bus without me or my husband watching. I never cared how cold it was out or what the weather was, they were more important and I can always dry  or warm up.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 13, 2007, 10:57:37 PM
Another thing he said was that children may not know what's appropriate "touching".  So he said just tell your kids that no one should touch you, or ask you to touch them, by anything that's covered by a bathing suit.  Smart!  Kids get that.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Seamonkey on February 13, 2007, 11:02:40 PM
Oh Yes, that is a wonderful way to teach them that, using the bathingsuit analogy. I never thought of that one. I just told them NO one touches YOU anywheres EVER and if they do you tell me or dad, even if it is a family member that did it. I also always let them know they would never be in trouble or thought bad of. Somehow some kids think they will get in trouble and think the parents will think they were the ones being bad. Probably because many predators make kids think or feel that way.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 13, 2007, 11:06:08 PM
Nice pearl you've get there, Seamonkey!   :D

Nite everyone.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Seamonkey on February 13, 2007, 11:06:12 PM
Oh goodness so many Monkeys went to bed lol
 I am having fun with my new "toy" this site.

 Good night all Monkeys that went to bed, sleep well dream sweet. :)

 I am almost afraid to leave because I may not be able to log in again lol.

 I been watching for the snow to start.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Seamonkey on February 13, 2007, 11:07:24 PM
Thank you Puma.

 Sleep well :)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 13, 2007, 11:08:57 PM
Quote from: "Seamonkey"
Oh goodness so many Monkeys went to bed lol
 I am having fun with my new "toy" this site.

 Good night all Monkeys that went to bed, sleep well dream sweet. :)

 I am almost afraid to leave because I may not be able to log in again lol.

 I been watching for the snow to start.

Just email me if you have problems next time.  I'll get you back worries  :wink:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Cat on February 13, 2007, 11:09:07 PM
especially not family members,I like the little doggies they are so fun to play with.hehe We all know that joran is guilty and the Dutch on aruba know.I heard a joke today,but I will put in the jokes.The storms passed.Take care monkeys.I do not feel like oyerster hunting,as I am a man who takes a hint,even if he doesn't like it.Silly Cat

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Seamonkey on February 13, 2007, 11:12:33 PM
Thank you klaas :)

Cat lol You are a rare breed of cat then :)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 13, 2007, 11:22:30 PM
Need to do the back in a bit

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Seamonkey on February 13, 2007, 11:33:34 PM
I am still waiting for the snow to start..dunno why I am waiting, not like I can drive in it anyways lol But it is still exciting. I am sure the kids will be thrilled in the morning .
 I May however go to bed soon, I feel the wind starting the blow out of my sails.
  So in case I do go to bed..
 Night anyone who is still awake, sleep well. :)


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 13, 2007, 11:43:26 PM
Quote from: "LilPuma"
Seamonkey, Clint van Zandt has a FREE dvd that talks about teaching your kids when to NOT be polite to someone.  When to yell and scream and kick and bite.

Got a link to that?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 13, 2007, 11:43:27 PM
Quote from: "Seamonkey"
I am still waiting for the snow to start..dunno why I am waiting, not like I can drive in it anyways lol But it is still exciting. I am sure the kids will be thrilled in the morning .
 I May however go to bed soon, I feel the wind starting the blow out of my sails.
  So in case I do go to bed..
 Night anyone who is still awake, sleep well. :)


Nite SeaMonkey - hope you feel better tomorrow!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 14, 2007, 12:00:46 AM
Just looked outside again. Wind is blowing like crazy and it is still snowing (either that or the wind is just stirring it up) to beat the band. It's supposed to calm down tonight. I sure hope so. I want to be able to go out tomorrow and shovel some of that stuff out so I can leave if I need to do so. A guy plows my drive but I've not seen hide nor hair of him. Of course, plowing before the wind calms would be pretty useless.

Watcked an old movie: K-pax. Anyone else seen it?

I'm bored!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: A's Fever on February 14, 2007, 12:02:56 AM
Klaas - I received my mug today.  My slap-happy penguins are adorable.  Thanks for making it happen.  I like the large size too, great for a nice morning cup of coffee!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: lexie on February 14, 2007, 12:07:34 AM
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Quote from: "LilPuma"
Seamonkey, Clint van Zandt has a FREE dvd that talks about teaching your kids when to NOT be polite to someone.  When to yell and scream and kick and bite.

Got a link to that?

Don't know about the one Clint Van Zant has, but John Walsh has one out with Julia Clark, author of the baby Einstein series.  The address to purchase is:

The video is " The Safe Side" and teaches "appropriate/inappropriate" touching and attempts to teach children about "stranger danger" without making them fearful of everyone.    

Pardon my manners, Hello, all.  I have been reading but have not been able to post much.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: lexie on February 14, 2007, 12:11:49 AM
As I mentioned another time, my sister and niece teach "RAD" classes.  They have just started a weekly class at one of the elementary schools there... grades K-4, I think.

They also teach kids to scream and yell, put up a fuss and not to stop...draws attention to get help.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: sb on February 14, 2007, 12:31:53 AM
The storms were not quite as bad here in Birmingham as was expected but some people still lost power. I was driving and I had hail hit the roof of my car for about a minute or so, not real big though. I understand some places were hit pretty hard, New Orleans... wow, not again.

Hi to our newest member. Great avatar too.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 14, 2007, 12:36:13 AM
got the fuel for the snow thrower  8)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 14, 2007, 12:46:46 AM
Quote from: "robots"
got the fuel for the snow thrower  8)

Crossing Monkey digits that it will start... Been there done that..

Good luck Robots...


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 12:47:35 AM
Quote from: "A's Fever"
Klaas - I received my mug today.  My slap-happy penguins are adorable.  Thanks for making it happen.  I like the large size too, great for a nice morning cup of coffee!

You're very welcome A's Fever!

Sorry to take so long to respond but I was putting together tomorrow video  :wink:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: A's Fever on February 14, 2007, 12:55:56 AM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "A's Fever"
Klaas - I received my mug today.  My slap-happy penguins are adorable.  Thanks for making it happen.  I like the large size too, great for a nice morning cup of coffee!

You're very welcome A's Fever!

Sorry to take so long to respond but I was putting together tomorrow video  :wink:

Tomorrow's video??  Guess I have to read back . . .

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 12:58:06 AM
Quote from: "A's Fever"
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "A's Fever"
Klaas - I received my mug today.  My slap-happy penguins are adorable.  Thanks for making it happen.  I like the large size too, great for a nice morning cup of coffee!

You're very welcome A's Fever!

Sorry to take so long to respond but I was putting together tomorrow video  :wink:

Tomorrow's video??  Guess I have to read back . . .

I do videos to go with Dana's daily commentary and put them on YouTube.  It's something that's just kind of fun for me and I'm learning alot doing it.

Edited to add:  More like slide shows that go along with his daily commentary podcast.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 14, 2007, 01:01:01 AM
Quote from: "robots"
got the fuel for the snow thrower  8)

I'll be waitin' fer ya!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: A's Fever on February 14, 2007, 01:11:24 AM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "A's Fever"
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "A's Fever"
Klaas - I received my mug today.  My slap-happy penguins are adorable.  Thanks for making it happen.  I like the large size too, great for a nice morning cup of coffee!

You're very welcome A's Fever!

Sorry to take so long to respond but I was putting together tomorrow video  :wink:

Tomorrow's video??  Guess I have to read back . . .

I do videos to go with Dana's daily commentary and put them on YouTube.  It's something that's just kind of fun for me and I'm learning alot doing it.

Edited to add:  More like slide shows that go along with his daily commentary podcast.

Oh wow, I had no idea!  I thought you were doing something special for V-Day, a Monkey Shuffle or something!  Can we access these videos?  Is it very difficult to do?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 01:20:20 AM
A's Fever

If you go to and put Scared Monkeys in the search engine you pull up all the ones I've done so far except the one I'm working on now, it won't show up until tomorrow.  Actually, you can put in Scared Monkeys or scaredmonkeys...either one.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: A's Fever on February 14, 2007, 01:21:44 AM
Thank you Klaas, and goodnight!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 01:22:36 AM
Quote from: "A's Fever"
Thank you Klaas, and goodnight!


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Tibrogargan on February 14, 2007, 01:42:36 AM
Quote from: "oldfart"
Quote from: "Tibrogargan"


Well, Monkeys must away again ..... have to take DH for eye specialist appointment and he wont be able to see to drive afterwards so I have to sit in the waiting room for ages just to be a designated driver.  Will see all the monkeys at IBE's place later. With all the food, CHOCOLATE, drinks and storms we will all be hanging off the ceiling.

Hope everything comes out good for your DH...

Thanks OldF - got the Ok this time so no further deterioration since last visit.  Six months before he has to go again.  The brain aneurysms he had operated on 2 years ago were on arteries that fed both optic nerves which was the only way they found them by sudden eyesight problems.  Damaged his side vision but rest is not too bad now with specs. A lot better than all the alternatives they gave us before the ops.  He is another walking miracle.  Power of Prayer, as I did lots of that I can tell you.  Wish I had known the Monkeys then as I sure needed some friends.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Tibrogargan on February 14, 2007, 01:49:49 AM
Quote from: "Seamonkey"
*holding my seat for awhile* but very much wondering why.

 OHhhh there is an Aussie here?? Oh I LOVE vegemite (sp?) . I had a comp pal a few years ago and we traded things in snail mail which niether had ever tried.. Ohhh YUmmm I miss that. I also learned all kinds of cool phrases. My favorite was sticky beak lol Austrailia is a place I have always wanted to go to, ever since I was small in grade school and we learned about it I have been totally fascinated with it.

Yes, we are all brought up eating vegemite. On toast, in sandwiches, dissolved in hot water for a warming drink, etc.  Lettuce and vegemite make great sandwiches!  I know folk who travel to the US always take their vegemite with them as they cannot be without it.
You may be interested in the Aussie thread Klaas set up for me to put in items and pics about here.  Let me know if you are interested in anything in particular so I can follow up and post about it.  I love questions  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Sue on February 14, 2007, 01:54:29 AM

So did I read that right that Haunting Eveidence did do a show
in Aruba??

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Tibrogargan on February 14, 2007, 01:54:35 AM
Quote from: "oldfart"
Quote from: "mrs. red"
Quote from: "oldfart"

I wonder if MRs Red wants to borrow SeaMonkeys  avartar for a bit and better hint for Red ..
 :lol:  :lol:

LOL... Red has heard that hint for a time now.... I am never shy about telling him how much I love pearls....LOL. but thanks OF....

Would refrigerator magnets with pictures on them  help  :lol:

Or a coffee mug with Klaas' Mikimoto shop window picture?  :wink:  :wink:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Sue on February 14, 2007, 02:46:09 AM

Carla Barons My Space

Carla will be jetting off to the isle of Aruba next (2nd week of February) for a very special episode of Haunting Evidence ! "

Title: Valentine Party
Post by: IBE on February 14, 2007, 03:41:12 AM
Party is on!!

Remember, you don't even have to go out in the snow to come to the party! Do have to worry about black ice or food shortages, plenty of fund and good times in the Lounge

Happy Valentine's Day!

Am about 10 pages behind in reading... been cleaning the house for you guys, you all

Snowmen and SeaMonkeys, all Monkeys, cats and dogs, robots, everyone welcome!Please check in and say hello in the Monkey Lounge even if you can't stay for the food

Love, IBE  (Yippee, I am not cocooning! as usual) Party Party

Thanks for the music, Old Fart!

Of the 1 1/2 years here I have just recently really ventured into the Lounge... boy have I beem missing something!

Title: Carla Baron Valentine Party you all
Post by: IBE on February 14, 2007, 04:01:58 AM
Don't quite understand something:    I went to Carla Baron's site and down at the bottom righ it had a link "Feb 15 2007     12:00A   Carla on location - "Haunting Evidence" S2,EP7  @ Aruba

OK so this is season2 episode7.. when I click on that it asks me to sign into MySpace

OK good monkeys... why would I do that? Will I see the show or notes on the show or ??? or will I just create a MySpace site for me?

Not too outgoing about clicking there.. but if some of you have, please let me know it's OK and I'll jump right in

If this is S2EP7 and has the date Feb 15.. is this the date  of airing and if so, what station??

How's this for something to solve?

Happy Valentine's day to Natalee, her parents, her family, her friends and all Scared Monkeys!

See you at the party... have to go, the doorbell is ringing and seems like lots of Monkey thumbs at the door.. my cat is already looking for Cat. She's double-checked the Kitty litter (so it will be nice for a cat guest bathroom)

My dog is very happy and loves you all. I can hardly wait to laugh, and eat!

It's supposed to be warm here tomorrow so let me know to make extra room in the freezer for the snowmen to jump in and out of.

Don't forget to pray for our Monkeys who need help today

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: IBE on February 14, 2007, 04:04:44 AM
Opps was supposed to be Monkey "thumps" at the door, but "thumps" work out OK too.

Title: Our Party!
Post by: IBE on February 14, 2007, 04:19:59 AM
Oh Good Monkeys

Remember it's not 'my" party it's OUR PARTY, PARTY, PARTY
(Want this place to rock with all of us.. just not in earthquakes)

AFTER the funky, down week of Cubbie's Friend, Rob's news, other bad news, illnesses, snowstorms, rain, tornadoes, and no news from Aruba, we need a party break!

Who's starting one for (short term memory lapse).. oh St. Pat's day? Can't do it until Feb. 16 :lol:

PS.. I have some White Lightning (behind the cubboards)  :roll: Carnut will be our designated driver!  Oh, I live here.. I don't have to go anywhere! PS.. have no dishwasher, tho but love truffles. Used to make some long time ago (prehistoric days of cooking)

PS how do you spell cubboards? the right way? Isn't it a take off on cubbie holes?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 14, 2007, 05:05:37 AM
Quote from: "Tibrogargan"
Quote from: "oldfart"
Quote from: "Tibrogargan"


Well, Monkeys must away again ..... have to take DH for eye specialist appointment and he wont be able to see to drive afterwards so I have to sit in the waiting room for ages just to be a designated driver.  Will see all the monkeys at IBE's place later. With all the food, CHOCOLATE, drinks and storms we will all be hanging off the ceiling.

Hope everything comes out good for your DH...

Thanks OldF - got the Ok this time so no further deterioration since last visit.  Six months before he has to go again.  The brain aneurysms he had operated on 2 years ago were on arteries that fed both optic nerves which was the only way they found them by sudden eyesight problems.  Damaged his side vision but rest is not too bad now with specs. A lot better than all the alternatives they gave us before the ops.  He is another walking miracle.  Power of Prayer, as I did lots of that I can tell you.  Wish I had known the Monkeys then as I sure needed some friends.


Just got up for a few minutes to take meds and read your post re your hubby.
Please know your hubby and you are both in my prayers and thoughts.
May this doctor visit go very well!

Thinking of you both...(((( HUGS)))))))

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 14, 2007, 05:10:57 AM
Quote from: "sb"
The storms were not quite as bad here in Birmingham as was expected but some people still lost power. I was driving and I had hail hit the roof of my car for about a minute or so, not real big though. I understand some places were hit pretty hard, New Orleans... wow, not again.

Hi to our newest member. Great avatar too.

Glad to see you post, SB!
I was concerned about you and other Monkeys living in those areas!!!

Thankfully, you are safe and sound!!!! :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 14, 2007, 05:11:36 AM
Quote from: "robots"
got the fuel for the snow thrower  8)

Me too!!! Just got to get him outta bed :wink:

Title: Morning
Post by: Leslie on February 14, 2007, 05:51:39 AM
Solo di Pueblo
Aruba Today

Title: In Diario
Post by: Leslie on February 14, 2007, 05:58:32 AM
ORANJESTAD (AAN): Den corte ayera Paul van der Sloot tata di Joran van der Sloot a perde un caso pa dańo y perhuicio cu el a entama contra su detencion algun tempo pasa. E demanda tabata pa 40 mil Florin, pero despues di a gana e caso den prome instancia, diamars durante dia a resulta cu el a perde e caso aki.
E vonnis di huez a cay manera un bańo di awa frieu pasobra loke cu huez a pone den e vonnis a laga Paul van der Sloot y su abogado mr Arie Swaen tur babuca.
Huez a mustra den e vonnis cu Paul van der Sloot mes a declara cu el a duna su yiu Joran y Natalee Holloway un lift banda di Mc Donalds na Palm Beach.
Esaki segun e abogado di Paul van der Sloot ningun rato so tabata e caso y ningun caminda tampoco ta poni riba papel. Pesey mes nan no por compronde a base di kico huez a pone esaki den su vonnis.
Ta solamente dos persona Mericano cu tabata presente patras di e polisnan riba un distancia ora cu polis tabata papia cu e famia na e cas na Montańa a declara cu nan a tende esaki ora cu e declaracion aki tabata tuma lugar.
Algo cu e polisnan cu tabata tey e dia ey mes ta desmenti totalmente. Sinembargo huez ta haya cu e declaracionnan aki ta suficiente pa nos duna Paul van der Sloot dańo di perhuicio di 40 Mil Florin manera el a pidi.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Leslie on February 14, 2007, 06:01:24 AM
                      :D THEY LOST THEIR CASE :D

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: bleachedblack on February 14, 2007, 06:53:55 AM
Quote from: "Leslie"
                      :D THEY LOST THEIR CASE :D

That is an important sign IMO, maybe even giving me hope that Aruba is starting to catch on? ...could that be?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: igsigs on February 14, 2007, 07:24:19 AM

Per MF the judge based decision on 2 witnesses who said Paulus admitted to picking Joran up at 4AM.


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 14, 2007, 07:28:27 AM
Quote from: "Leslie"
                      :D THEY LOST THEIR CASE :D


Wonderful News!!!!!!!! :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 14, 2007, 07:29:46 AM
Quote from: "igsigs"

Per MF the judge based decision on 2 witnesses who said Paulus admitted to picking Joran up at 4AM.


Now, THIS is interesting...especially as regards this whole investigation.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Leslie on February 14, 2007, 07:33:23 AM
Where is Page 1 of the February 13, 2007 Solo di Pueblo?   I wonder if it was the news about the van der Sloot court case that they conveniently do not publish.  Hmmm.  Lots of murder and mayhem though.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: sharon on February 14, 2007, 07:54:40 AM
Quote from: "Leslie"
                      :D THEY LOST THEIR CASE :D

Oh, Happy Day  :lol:

Thanks Leslie

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 14, 2007, 08:06:07 AM
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Quote from: "robots"
got the fuel for the snow thrower  8)

I'll be waitin' fer ya!


you are not skeeeeeeeeered of robots ???


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 14, 2007, 08:07:09 AM
Quote from: "igsigs"

Per MF the judge based decision on 2 witnesses who said Paulus admitted to picking Joran up at 4AM.



i called it  8)

a couple weeks ago


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 14, 2007, 08:08:56 AM
stupid party poker DOT net

has a commercial running for a trip to aruba

 :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:

they will get bombarded with emails TODAY


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Frijole on February 14, 2007, 08:13:13 AM
Quote from: "Leslie"
                      :D THEY LOST THEIR CASE :D

Thanks Leslie!  That made my morning!  I needed a pick me up... getting ready to go out in 25 below weather.... and Happy Valentine's Day to all!

No money for the Sloots... how about an investigation of the first judge that ruled to pay them?   :wink:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Peaches on February 14, 2007, 08:21:42 AM
Quote from: "robots"
robots is a nut  8)  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Sometimes you feel like a nut.

Sometimes you don't.

Good morning.

LMAO @ Angie's snowman.  I don't miss snow for a moment!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 14, 2007, 08:22:20 AM
the VAN DER SLOOTS  might be a little upset today

thats a shame !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NOT  8)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 14, 2007, 08:23:40 AM
Quote from: "Peaches"
Quote from: "robots"
robots is a nut  8)  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Sometimes you feel like a nut.

Sometimes you don't.

Good morning.

LMAO @ Angie's snowman.  I don't miss snow for a moment!

hi peaches.... you smell nice today  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
klass will confirm im not a 100 percent total nut  8)  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 14, 2007, 08:24:33 AM

i hate his FAT GUTS

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 14, 2007, 08:25:29 AM
Quote from: "robots"

i hate his FAT GUTS

i think he is the EVILEST person

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 14, 2007, 08:31:14 AM
wonder if the aruba lovers will blow a gasket or two today  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:

 8)  :twisted:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 14, 2007, 08:31:50 AM
am i skerrrrrrrring everyone today ?? 8)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Kimmy53 on February 14, 2007, 08:42:03 AM
Quote from: "Leslie"
                      :D THEY LOST THEIR CASE :D


Maybe this decision is the start of the downfall of the POS Sloots.

Good morning Monkeys!!!  Happy Valentines Day!!!!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Kimmy53 on February 14, 2007, 08:43:22 AM
Quote from: "igsigs"

Per MF the judge based decision on 2 witnesses who said Paulus admitted to picking Joran up at 4AM.


That is just like admitting he was involved up to his beady eyeballs.  POS.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 14, 2007, 08:46:22 AM
PAULUS has done more damage to his family expecially the younger ones
than he realizes


let your son go out DRINKING - GAMBLING AND RAPING and dont do anything about it.


what a JERK OFF

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 14, 2007, 08:59:51 AM
Quote from: "igsigs"

Per MF the judge based decision on 2 witnesses who said Paulus admitted to picking Joran up at 4AM.


Don't shoot me for saying this but I think this was their intention all along.  They are trying to show that the judges aren't in Paulus' back pocket by ruling against him.  It's too bad they didn't make these decisions when it really counted.  The money Paulus is looking to be rewarded is really chump change.  It's a weeks worth of gambling money for Joran.

Beth always said Paulus said he picked Joran up at 4 am.  Now all of a sudden there are two witnesses who said Paulus admitted to picking Joran up at 4 am.  Who and where are the mystery witnesses.

They are all FOS on that island.  Remember what Rudy Croes said calling people a traitor if they talk about the Natalee Holloway case.  Why would a Justice Minister call his own people traitor when he is the biggest traitor on that POS Island.  It is because of his decisions that he let down that entire island.  Because of his personal involvement with the Paulus he betrayed the entire island.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 14, 2007, 09:11:15 AM
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "igsigs"

Per MF the judge based decision on 2 witnesses who said Paulus admitted to picking Joran up at 4AM.


Don't shoot me for saying this but I think this was their intention all along.  They are trying to show that the judges aren't in Paulus' back pocket by ruling against him.  It's too bad they didn't make these decisions when it really counted.  The money Paulus is looking to be rewarded is really chump change.  It's a weeks worth of gambling money for Joran.

Beth always said Paulus said he picked Joran up at 4 am.  Now all of a sudden there are two witnesses who said Paulus admitted to picking Joran up at 4 am.  Who and where are the mystery witnesses.

They are all FOS on that island.  Remember what Rudy Croes said calling people a traitor if they talk about the Natalee Holloway case.  Why would a Justice Minister call his own people traitor when he is the biggest traitor on that POS Island.  It is because of his decisions that he let down that entire island.  Because of his personal involvement with the Paulus he betrayed the entire island.



Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 14, 2007, 09:16:23 AM
Quote from: "robots"
PAULUS has done more damage to his family expecially the younger ones
than he realizes


let your son go out DRINKING - GAMBLING AND RAPING and dont do anything about it.


what a JERK OFF

REPEAT :lol:  8)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 14, 2007, 09:19:47 AM
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "robots"
PAULUS has done more damage to his family expecially the younger ones
than he realizes


let your son go out DRINKING - GAMBLING AND RAPING and dont do anything about it.


what a JERK OFF

REPEAT :lol:  8)

we are on a roll and its only 9 am  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 14, 2007, 09:22:29 AM
Quote from: "robots"
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "robots"
PAULUS has done more damage to his family expecially the younger ones
than he realizes


let your son go out DRINKING - GAMBLING AND RAPING and dont do anything about it.


what a JERK OFF

REPEAT :lol:  8)

we are on a roll and its only 9 am  :lol:

 :lol:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Cat on February 14, 2007, 10:11:21 AM
You do not have mince words about pvds,or jvds.My late father would have T.S.Yeah Yeah I will rowl it from the highest tree branches.Jubilant Cat

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: mrs. red on February 14, 2007, 10:16:00 AM
Quote from: "robots"
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "igsigs"

Per MF the judge based decision on 2 witnesses who said Paulus admitted to picking Joran up at 4AM.


Don't shoot me for saying this but I think this was their intention all along.  They are trying to show that the judges aren't in Paulus' back pocket by ruling against him.  It's too bad they didn't make these decisions when it really counted.  The money Paulus is looking to be rewarded is really chump change.  It's a weeks worth of gambling money for Joran.

Beth always said Paulus said he picked Joran up at 4 am.  Now all of a sudden there are two witnesses who said Paulus admitted to picking Joran up at 4 am.  Who and where are the mystery witnesses.

They are all FOS on that island.  Remember what Rudy Croes said calling people a traitor if they talk about the Natalee Holloway case.  Why would a Justice Minister call his own people traitor when he is the biggest traitor on that POS Island.  It is because of his decisions that he let down that entire island.  Because of his personal involvement with the Paulus he betrayed the entire island.



I agree with you San!

Morning Monkeys... I am home sick today... ugh.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 10:29:08 AM

Full post regarding PVDS being denied compensation from MF at FOB:

Contrary to the first decision in Court, the Supreme Court decided that the amount given to v/d Sloot was not deserved since there was a reason that he was arrested initially.

The Supreme Court based their decision on the fact that there were two people that from a distance (sitting in a car) heard that Paul v/d Sloot told the Police Officers at his house that he did pick-up Joran at McDonald at 4.00 a.m., even though these witnesses do not understand Papiamento nor Dutch and the two Police Officers on the scene and other multilingual witnesses that were talking to Paul v/d Sloot denied that he ever said that.

So on technicality, based on those statements that we now know that were lies, the Prosecutor acted and had mr. Paul v/d Sloot arrested and this was justified at that time and so, the damages awarded were not deserved, according to the Supreme Court decision.

Since the Supreme Court cannot be appealed, mr Swaen, lawyer for the defended that has been cleared in the case, is contemplating going to the European Court, since the Supreme Court based their decision on a lie.

FYI - I believe MF is translating this from an article in todays Diario

Also - The Florida Supreme Court just ruled in favor of Larry Burkhead in the Anna Nicole case and will hold her body there as the California court requested.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Mere on February 14, 2007, 10:40:25 AM
Breaking News from CNN...on Anna Nicole Smith case...

-- A judge has ruled Anna Nicole Smith’s body must stay at the medical examiner’s office until a dispute over her daughter’s paternity is resolved, but Smith’s body can be embalmed.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Mere on February 14, 2007, 10:43:12 AM
Quote from: "MeMere"
Breaking News from CNN...on Anna Nicole Smith case...

-- A judge has ruled Anna Nicole Smith’s body must stay at the medical examiner’s office until a dispute over her daughter’s paternity is resolved, but Smith’s body can be embalmed.

Good morning friends....put this in the wrong in the lounge....
Happy Valentine's Day to all..... :D

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Mere on February 14, 2007, 10:50:21 AM
Is the European Court a more open court...?  Would some aspects of the case be out there for all to see...?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 10:51:25 AM
Quote from: "MeMere"
Is the European Court a more open court...?  Would some aspects of the case be out there for all to see...?

Probably not and I doubt anything would be brought forward regarding the case except the 4am issue.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Mere on February 14, 2007, 10:59:50 AM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "MeMere"
Is the European Court a more open court...?  Would some aspects of the case be out there for all to see...?

Probably not and I doubt anything would be brought forward regarding the case except the 4am issue.

Who do you think the two people are that heard the 4 a.m. issue but could not speak Dutch or Papiamento... :shock:

This information re the European Court is in wikipedia....

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 11:03:05 AM
Quote from: "MeMere"
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "MeMere"
Is the European Court a more open court...?  Would some aspects of the case be out there for all to see...?

Probably not and I doubt anything would be brought forward regarding the case except the 4am issue.

Who do you think the two people are that heard the 4 a.m. issue but could not speak Dutch or Papiamento... :shock:

This information re the European Court is in wikipedia....

Also posted at FOB - I do not know the date of this interview but I think early on in the case:

TWITTY: No, I mean just things like, you know, one of the things when I left down there last time, we have another attorney, Helen, and Helen asked that three of the people that were with Beth and I that night we first arrived on the island, the FBI took their statements when they came back to the United States, but obviously, the Aruban police really didn’t use their statements because I believe that the people there the first night, like myself, could give you answers as to what Joran said, what his dad said, what happened, all this kind of stuff.

So my attorney asked that we come back to the United States, take these three people, go to a federal judge, have them sworn in, and we have a federal judge here that was kind enough to help us bring these three friends in that were there that night and take their sworn statements. And of course, my attorney in Birmingham is calling down there, asking Karin Janssen, What exactly do you want? She won’t even return his phone calls. I mean, it’s pitiful. It’s horrible.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: msmarple on February 14, 2007, 11:29:57 AM
I remember Beth said that "10 plus people heard PVDS say that he had picked JVDS up at 4:00 a.m." (or similiar wording.)

In the PVDS driveway that night.

The translation klaas posted flat says that two witnesses heard "4:00 a.m." and "we know they were lies." By saying those two witnesses were sitting in car(s), MF implies that it was Beth and some other liar from MB.

This goes back to WHEN ALE got around to interviewing those 10 plus people, and what they said. It was weeks later, if ever, for some of them, or that's what I've inferred.

There were 2 Aruba cops, the DEA guy (Eric Wiliams I think was the name), Charles Croes and the 2 kids with him, and the MB folks. (I have notes on this; I'll check later if it matters.)

Those are the statements I have always wanted to see - I want to know what those folks who LIVE there, had to say about the pickup time. They had not had time to get a story nailed down.

Maybe the PVDS suit is the reason those statements haven't been leaked.

It seems that Beth made sure that the MB witnesses made sworn statements here in the U.S.

But my point - we need to get a good translation of whatever is in Diario. Pretty sure it doesn't include "we know those witnesses lied" or similar.

I apologize - I should have quoted the post.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 11:31:36 AM
Quote from: "msmarple"
I remember Beth said that "10 plus people heard PVDS say that he had picked JVDS up at 4:00 a.m." (or similiar wording.)

In the PVDS driveway that night.

The translation klaas posted flat says that two witnesses heard "4:00 a.m." and "we know they were lies." By saying those two witnesses were sitting in car(s), MF implies that it was Beth and some other liar from MB.

This goes back to WHEN ALE got around to interviewing those 10 plus people, and what they said. It was weeks later, if ever, for some of them, or that's what I've inferred.

There were 2 Aruba cops, the DEA guy (Eric Wiliams I think was the name), Charles Croes and the 2 kids with him, and the MB folks. (I have notes on this; I'll check later if it matters.)

Those are the statements I have always wanted to see - I want to know what those folks who LIVE there, had to say about the pickup time. They had not had time to get a story nailed down.

Maybe the PVDS suit is the reason those statements haven't been leaked.

It seems that Beth made sure that the MB witnesses made sworn statements here in the U.S.

But my point - we need to get a good translation of whatever is in Diario. Pretty sure it doesn't include "we know those witnesses lied" or similar.

I apologize - I should have quoted the post.

I suspect the english version will be in Amigoe tomorrow.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Peaches on February 14, 2007, 11:39:37 AM
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "robots"
PAULUS has done more damage to his family expecially the younger ones
than he realizes


let your son go out DRINKING - GAMBLING AND RAPING and dont do anything about it.


what a JERK OFF

REPEAT :lol:  8)

And a big hand for great minds who think alike....WOOHOO!!!!!

No bucks for the sweating POS.  Made my day!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 11:43:50 AM
FYI - MF at FOB has posted what he is calling a threatening email from a known Monkey.  I will not post the email here.  

I want to point out the MF and many at FOB and RU call ANYONE that supports the family and believes the prime suspect JVDS is guilty a MONKEY.  I have seen numerous quotes attributed to MONKEYS that I know for a fact were said by non monkeys.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: msmarple on February 14, 2007, 11:46:13 AM
Pap translator; emphasis, embellishments mine:

caso natalee holloway in news atrobe… paul van der sloot owing to lose caso for damage y perhuicio in corte

 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- oranjestad (aan): in corte yesterday paul van der sloot father of joran van der sloot owing to lose one caso for damage y perhuicio cu past owing to entama contra his detencion some time happen. the demanda was for 40 thousand guilder, but after of owing to earn the caso in first instancia, tuesday during day owing to resulta cu past owing to lose the caso here. the vonnis of huez owing to cay as one bathroom of water frieu {???} because thing cu huez owing to place in the vonnis owing to let paul van der sloot y his advocate mr arie swaen all babuca. huez owing to show in the vonnis cu paul van der sloot self owing to declara cu past owing to give his child joran y natalee holloway one lift near of mc donalds at palm beach. this according the advocate of paul van der sloot none rato only was the caso y none caminda niether is poni on paper. pesey self they not can compronde owing to base of kico huez owing to place this in his vonnis. is only two person mericano cu was present behind the polisnan on one distancia hour cu police was talk cu the family at the cas at montańa owing to declara cu they owing to hear this hour cu the declaracion here was take lugar. algo cu the polisnan cu was tey the day ey self is desmenti totalmente. sinembargo huez is achieve cu the declaracionnan here is sufficient for we give paul van der sloot damage of perhuicio of 40 thousand guilder as past owing to ask.

From what I gather, the case was denied because two witnesses, both Americans, said in statements that PVDS said "4:00 a.m." pickup.

Suggests to me that there aren't any statements from the other witnesses, or if there are, they don't cover that particular point.

But I am very, very glad that the PVDS suit apparently turned on the time of the pickup that morning. Couldn't happen to a nicer guy.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 14, 2007, 11:51:53 AM
Quote from: "klaasend"
FYI - MF at FOB has posted what he is calling a threatening email from a known Monkey.  I will not post the email here.  

I want to point out the MF and many at FOB and RU call ANYONE that supports the family and believes the prime suspect JVDS is guilty a MONKEY.  I have seen numerous quotes attributed to MONKEYS that I know for a fact were said by non monkeys.

I don't normally read at that site, but I just went there and read what was posted. I have to say that it certainly doesn't sound like anyone I've ever seen posting at SM. Not, of course, that they would probably be allowed to post something like that here, but I mean the writing style doesn't look familiar at all.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 11:54:09 AM
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Quote from: "klaasend"
FYI - MF at FOB has posted what he is calling a threatening email from a known Monkey.  I will not post the email here.  

I want to point out the MF and many at FOB and RU call ANYONE that supports the family and believes the prime suspect JVDS is guilty a MONKEY.  I have seen numerous quotes attributed to MONKEYS that I know for a fact were said by non monkeys.

I don't normally read at that site, but I just went there and read what was posted. I have to say that it certainly doesn't sound like anyone I've ever seen posting at SM. Not, of course, that they would probably be allowed to post something like that here, but I mean the writing style doesn't look familiar at all.

To them (RU and FOB):

MONKEY = Anyone that doesn't worship the ground the Sloots walk on

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 14, 2007, 11:56:22 AM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Quote from: "klaasend"
FYI - MF at FOB has posted what he is calling a threatening email from a known Monkey.  I will not post the email here.  

I want to point out the MF and many at FOB and RU call ANYONE that supports the family and believes the prime suspect JVDS is guilty a MONKEY.  I have seen numerous quotes attributed to MONKEYS that I know for a fact were said by non monkeys.

I don't normally read at that site, but I just went there and read what was posted. I have to say that it certainly doesn't sound like anyone I've ever seen posting at SM. Not, of course, that they would probably be allowed to post something like that here, but I mean the writing style doesn't look familiar at all.

To them (RU and FOB):

MONKEY = Anyone that doesn't worship the ground the Sloots walk on

Well, I guess I'd better stock up on bananas then.  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 14, 2007, 12:19:45 PM
declara cu past owing to give his child joran y natalee holloway one lift near of mc donalds at palm beach.

Whoa! Is this saying that Paulus gave both Joran and Natalee a ride?!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 14, 2007, 12:20:21 PM
ROBOTS! Where the heck are you with that snow blower?!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Peaches on February 14, 2007, 12:26:26 PM
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Quote from: "klaasend"
FYI - MF at FOB has posted what he is calling a threatening email from a known Monkey.  I will not post the email here.  

I want to point out the MF and many at FOB and RU call ANYONE that supports the family and believes the prime suspect JVDS is guilty a MONKEY.  I have seen numerous quotes attributed to MONKEYS that I know for a fact were said by non monkeys.

I don't normally read at that site, but I just went there and read what was posted. I have to say that it certainly doesn't sound like anyone I've ever seen posting at SM. Not, of course, that they would probably be allowed to post something like that here, but I mean the writing style doesn't look familiar at all.

The grammar and sentence structure are much more reminiscent of those on FOB and RU.  Nobody here has THAT big of a potty mouth.  

And what do they think is going to happen to whoever this person is?  I don't think having a potty mouth is illegal.  I hope they sent all this hateful stuff straight to JoeT.  I'd hate to think Tacojoe would miss out!

I think those folks need to bite me.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Cat on February 14, 2007, 12:33:08 PM
IF YOU HAVE A POTTY MOUTH IN FRONT OF MINORS,THAT IS ILLEGAL.I THINK THE SUPREME COURT IN EUROPE IS IN THE HAGUE(NOT SURE,THE CIVIL COURT COULD ROTATE)IT IS A START.WELL,WE WILL SEE.I THINK PVds and jvds would look pretty in pink,yes I do.Robots,Are you a goober nut.I was a little wasted earlier on Beaudrex's brew,I can't remember.I am posting some food for the soul and colds on the Valentine place.CAT

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: bleachedblack on February 14, 2007, 12:37:09 PM
Quote from: "justinsmama"
declara cu past owing to give his child joran y natalee holloway one lift near of mc donalds at palm beach.

Whoa! Is this saying that Paulus gave both Joran and Natalee a ride?!

Afternoon Monkeys....Wow I'm reading backwards as usual....and just read this snip posted. Could this really be what it means?.....Did Paulus give them both a ride and if so it would have had to have been the 4am ride.........but to where? Just thinking out loud.....if Paulus were called by Joran for a ride at 4am my best guess is that it wasn't from McDonalds, and Natalee was likely unconscous already.......

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 12:41:15 PM
Quote from: "bleachedblack"
Quote from: "justinsmama"
declara cu past owing to give his child joran y natalee holloway one lift near of mc donalds at palm beach.

Whoa! Is this saying that Paulus gave both Joran and Natalee a ride?!

Afternoon Monkeys....Wow I'm reading backwards as usual....and just read this snip posted. Could this really be what it means?.....Did Paulus give them both a ride and if so it would have had to have been the 4am ride.........but to where? Just thinking out loud.....if Paulus were called by Joran for a ride at 4am my best guess is that it wasn't from McDonalds, and Natalee was likely unconscous already.......

According to poster Jonathan at BFN:

According to Vinda deSouza's letter, one of the two witnesses was Claudio Eldridge.  

If Claudio Eldridge is one of the witnesses that said PVDS said he gave a ride to Joran and possibly Natalee at 4am Claudio would understand Pap.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Sue on February 14, 2007, 12:44:15 PM

what is so stupid for the amount of money he would recieve
it is costing him more in legal fee's then the award would grant

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 12:45:19 PM
Quote from: "Sue"

what is so stupid for the amount of money he would recieve
it is costing him more in legal fee's then the award would grant

You really don't believe it's costing him do you?  I highly doubt it.  Afterall, he is an attorney now for the same firm who represents Joran.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 12:48:31 PM
Quote from: "Peaches"
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Quote from: "klaasend"
FYI - MF at FOB has posted what he is calling a threatening email from a known Monkey.  I will not post the email here.  

I want to point out the MF and many at FOB and RU call ANYONE that supports the family and believes the prime suspect JVDS is guilty a MONKEY.  I have seen numerous quotes attributed to MONKEYS that I know for a fact were said by non monkeys.

I don't normally read at that site, but I just went there and read what was posted. I have to say that it certainly doesn't sound like anyone I've ever seen posting at SM. Not, of course, that they would probably be allowed to post something like that here, but I mean the writing style doesn't look familiar at all.

The grammar and sentence structure are much more reminiscent of those on FOB and RU.  Nobody here has THAT big of a potty mouth.  

And what do they think is going to happen to whoever this person is?  I don't think having a potty mouth is illegal.  I hope they sent all this hateful stuff straight to JoeT.  I'd hate to think Tacojoe would miss out!

I think those folks need to bite me.

Sunmoonstars has posted the full email now at FOB.  Looking at the full email whoever wrote it never capitalizes.  I know of nobody posting on the front page of SM or in the forum that writes like that.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: bleachedblack on February 14, 2007, 12:49:29 PM
It never really made sense why they would have impounded 2 of the Sloots cars if Natalee had not been in 1 of them........they just didn't know which one, or possibly both....... :evil:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Peaches on February 14, 2007, 12:49:48 PM
It doesn't say much for their "detecting skills" over there when they always blame the monkeys.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 14, 2007, 12:54:09 PM
Quote from: "justinsmama"
ROBOTS! Where the heck are you with that snow blower?!

im  working on it

HELP is on the WAY  8)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Sue on February 14, 2007, 12:55:07 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "Sue"

what is so stupid for the amount of money he would recieve
it is costing him more in legal fee's then the award would grant

You really don't believe it's costing him do you?  I highly doubt it.  Afterall, he is an attorney now for the same firm who represents Joran.

Well Honestly i cant believe the way this is so stretched out that someone is doing all this and filing crap for free

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 14, 2007, 12:57:25 PM
Quote from: "bleachedblack"
It never really made sense why they would have impounded 2 of the Sloots cars if Natalee had not been in 1 of them........they just didn't know which one, or possibly both....... :evil:

They had to make it look like they were doing their job.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: SunnyinTX on February 14, 2007, 01:02:29 PM
Quote from: "Leslie"
                      :D THEY LOST THEIR CASE :D

HOT DAMN!!!   finally something good outta the cellpool island

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Peaches on February 14, 2007, 01:02:42 PM
Quote from: "Sue"
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "Sue"

what is so stupid for the amount of money he would recieve
it is costing him more in legal fee's then the award would grant

You really don't believe it's costing him do you?  I highly doubt it.  Afterall, he is an attorney now for the same firm who represents Joran.

Well Honestly i cant believe the way this is so stretched out that someone is doing all this and filing crap for free

Sue, there ya go trying to make "sense" of "their system".  

If I had your email, I'd tell you to check out the Daily Drool calendar.  Very cool. A basset a day and sometimes several...
I get one every year!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: SunnyinTX on February 14, 2007, 01:04:16 PM
Quote from: "igsigs"

Per MF the judge based decision on 2 witnesses who said Paulus admitted to picking Joran up at 4AM.


I hope these witnesses don't commit 'suicide' before JQK gets to them :shock:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: bleachedblack on February 14, 2007, 01:10:47 PM
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "bleachedblack"
It never really made sense why they would have impounded 2 of the Sloots cars if Natalee had not been in 1 of them........they just didn't know which one, or possibly both....... :evil:

They had to make it look like they were doing their job.

I think now that the possibility , that paulus may have picked up joran and Natalee  seems to have been mentioned....that is why they confiscated the cars. There was a real reason to do so........but, as expected, we never  learned of the findings.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: igsigs on February 14, 2007, 01:18:30 PM
Boo-freaking hoo for MF!  :arrow:

Threatening e-mails? From who? He can't say. Just a monkey...which is every fifth word out of his mouth anyway.

Coincidence that this e-mail is released on the same day that Sweatyrunningman gets hung out to dry by his court brethren? Not on your life! Remember when the Sloots *permitted* FOB to post the rumor that DeVries broke in to Joran's appartment? An hour before the show aired? That was a lie then and a lie now.

MF is just taking his cues from Renfro...who always posted garbage e-mails whenever the Sloots or Aruba's victim status was threatened. The PR campaign that has entwined the fates of J2K with Aruba is a disaster.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 01:19:16 PM

If you know who sent that email why not post their name or nicknames?  MF claims the ALE and FBI know who it is.  IF that person is a member of SM I will have then banned.

How do we know such an email even exists?  

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: bleachedblack on February 14, 2007, 01:24:59 PM
Quote from: "igsigs"
Boo-freaking hoo for MF!  :arrow:

Threatening e-mails? From who? He can't say. Just a monkey...which is every fifth word out of his mouth anyway.

Coincidence that this e-mail is released on the same day that Sweatyrunningman gets hung out to dry by his court brethren? Not on your life! Remember when the Sloots *permitted* FOB to post the rumor that DeVries broke in to Joran's appartment? An hour before the show aired? That was a lie then and a lie now.

MF is just taking his cues from Renfro...who always posted garbage e-mails whenever the Sloots or Aruba's victim status was threatened. The PR campaign that has entwined the fates of J2K with Aruba is a disaster.

Maybe alittle something they've drummed up to counter their feelings about PVDS being denied his claim?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Leslie on February 14, 2007, 01:36:10 PM
PVDS Case -  Bondia - Page 5

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: igsigs on February 14, 2007, 01:41:43 PM
Rant cont...

The particulars of the Paulus denial are not clear yet, IMO. Looks like all we have is an MF summation of an article based on the opinions of Swaen. A double-shot of spin.

Both Paulus and KJ have stated that the reasons for his arrest go beyond the 4 AM issue. But Swaen does not want to talk about the no corpse/no case meetings or Paulus interrogating suspects.

The 4 AM story pits Paulus v Natalee's easy PR victory on the informationally challenged isle.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: msmarple on February 14, 2007, 01:51:23 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"

According to poster Jonathan at BFN:

According to Vinda deSouza's letter, one of the two witnesses was Claudio Eldridge.  

If Claudio Eldridge is one of the witnesses that said PVDS said he gave a ride to Joran and possibly Natalee at 4am Claudio would understand Pap.

ALL RIGHT! This is HUGE news! Go Claudio!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Dihannah1 on February 14, 2007, 02:03:50 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"

If you know who sent that email why not post their name or nicknames?  MF claims the ALE and FBI know who it is.  IF that person is a member of SM I will have then banned.

How do we know such an email even exists?  

I was just getting ready to say that!  If they are so sure it's a monkey and 'feel' threatened, then send it to you, Red or Tom!  Oh, that's right, they would probably say you all would think it's ok since your Monkeys too!  Idiots!

Good afternoon all!  At home from work because of snowstorm..  Thrilled to see about Paulus not getting money!  Finally one bit of justice for a change.  AND new news about Paulus having Joran and Natalee in car?  Wow!  I agree with, hope nobody commits 'suicide' before JQK get's to them!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: msmarple on February 14, 2007, 02:06:29 PM
klaas - Am I too excited about this Claudio thing? Or am I missing something?

If I understand correctly, of the 10+ witnesses in the driveway, at least one person FROM ARUBA heard what Beth says she heard.

Do we know where Claudio is now?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 14, 2007, 02:06:58 PM
Quote from: "robots"
Quote from: "justinsmama"
ROBOTS! Where the heck are you with that snow blower?!

im  working on it

HELP is on the WAY  8)

I hope so! Just spent a grueling hour out there digging out the car (gotta get that garage cleaned out  :oops: )!

Title: This and that
Post by: Leslie on February 14, 2007, 02:19:13 PM
Klaas:   That Utah is such a pleasant person, isn't s/he?  Why doesn't FOB post the State the Monkey person is from if they know who it is.   I find the word "greeters" curious and remember reading it somewhere else and thinking it was a very European expression.
I remember an interview and Paul was asked about his "4 o'clock" remark and he said that he was speaking Dutch and said "fer elf"  (something like that) meaning at eleven and it was heard as "4" by non-Dutch speaking people.  
So, that is interesting that Shango or Simian says "you don't remember a 2 o'clock phone call?"  
I guess this info was in the missing pages of PVDS's statements.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Ono on February 14, 2007, 02:25:02 PM

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 02:29:40 PM
Quote from: "msmarple"
klaas - Am I too excited about this Claudio thing? Or am I missing something?

If I understand correctly, of the 10+ witnesses in the driveway, at least one person FROM ARUBA heard what Beth says she heard.

Do we know where Claudio is now?

In Vinda deSouza's letter included in Joe T.'s NY case filings - page 3 of the letter, page 117 of Joe T. doc :


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 14, 2007, 02:29:45 PM
Quote from: "msmarple"
Quote from: "klaasend"

According to poster Jonathan at BFN:

According to Vinda deSouza's letter, one of the two witnesses was Claudio Eldridge.  

If Claudio Eldridge is one of the witnesses that said PVDS said he gave a ride to Joran and possibly Natalee at 4am Claudio would understand Pap.

ALL RIGHT! This is HUGE news! Go Claudio!

And, should the statement in question actually mean that Paulus picked up both his moronic and evil spawn and Nat, then those clowns let a huge fact come into the light that implicates both of the tooty Sloots in Natalee's disappearance. Nice going, dark side!

Title: Re: This and that
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 02:31:28 PM
Quote from: "Leslie"
Klaas:   That Utah is such a pleasant person, isn't s/he?  Why doesn't FOB post the State the Monkey person is from if they know who it is.   I find the word "greeters" curious and remember reading it somewhere else and thinking it was a very European expression.
I remember an interview and Paul was asked about his "4 o'clock" remark and he said that he was speaking Dutch and said "fer elf"  (something like that) meaning at eleven and it was heard as "4" by non-Dutch speaking people.  
So, that is interesting that Shango or Simian says "you don't remember a 2 o'clock phone call?"  
I guess this info was in the missing pages of PVDS's statements.

Utah was banned from posting in the forum and the front page of SM over a year ago.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 14, 2007, 02:35:13 PM
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Quote from: "msmarple"
Quote from: "klaasend"

According to poster Jonathan at BFN:

According to Vinda deSouza's letter, one of the two witnesses was Claudio Eldridge.  

If Claudio Eldridge is one of the witnesses that said PVDS said he gave a ride to Joran and possibly Natalee at 4am Claudio would understand Pap.

ALL RIGHT! This is HUGE news! Go Claudio!

And, should the statement in question actually mean that Paulus picked up both his moronic and evil spawn and Nat, then those clowns let a huge fact come into the light that implicates both of the tooty Sloots in Natalee's disappearance. Nice going, dark side!

Oops, not Vinda's statement but the one in Bondia.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 02:36:59 PM
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Quote from: "msmarple"
Quote from: "klaasend"

According to poster Jonathan at BFN:

According to Vinda deSouza's letter, one of the two witnesses was Claudio Eldridge.  

If Claudio Eldridge is one of the witnesses that said PVDS said he gave a ride to Joran and possibly Natalee at 4am Claudio would understand Pap.

ALL RIGHT! This is HUGE news! Go Claudio!

And, should the statement in question actually mean that Paulus picked up both his moronic and evil spawn and Nat, then those clowns let a huge fact come into the light that implicates both of the tooty Sloots in Natalee's disappearance. Nice going, dark side!

Oops, not Vinda's statement but the one in Bondia.

There is an article in Diario and Bondia today regarding PVDS being denied his award.  We are still waiting on a translation from someone other than MF.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 14, 2007, 02:45:41 PM
Yes, Klaas, that is what I was referring to (though not very clearly).

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 14, 2007, 02:47:49 PM
Other than having been with the Twittys at the Sloot's that early morning, what else do we know about Claudio Eldridge? Age, occupation, his reason for being there and involved in the initial search for Joran?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 02:49:48 PM
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Other than having been with the Twittys at the Sloot's that early morning, what else do we know about Claudio Eldridge? Age, occupation, his reason for being there and involved in the initial search for Joran?

I'll have to do some research, but I believe Claudio worked at the airport and assisted Charles Croes and the family locate the VDS residence and Joran that night.  I could be wrong..will search now.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Leslie on February 14, 2007, 02:50:32 PM
If that evidence is good enough to deny PVDS financial compensation, why wasn't it good enough to keep Paul and Joran in jail?   The judges could have been looking for any excuse to deny PVDS his greedy moneygrab but they have also stated an opinion on the validity of these witnesses recollections.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 14, 2007, 02:52:56 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
FYI - MF at FOB has posted what he is calling a threatening email from a known Monkey.  I will not post the email here.  

I want to point out the MF and many at FOB and RU call ANYONE that supports the family and believes the prime suspect JVDS is guilty a MONKEY.  I have seen numerous quotes attributed to MONKEYS that I know for a fact were said by non monkeys.

I've seen that on the AOL--Holloway board also.  In fact, people who copy articles from the FP are insulted for bringing things over from the "Chimps" or "Chimp site" and various references to Monkeys.  I've read at RU, but never even clicked myself into FOB.  Don't think I'll start today.   :?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Leslie on February 14, 2007, 02:56:42 PM
I "borrowed" a copy of the translation of the article from RU.  I am sure they won't mind:

arubagirl Posted: Tue Apr 25, 2006 9:32 pm  
Translation of Benvinda de Souza's letter to Karen Jansen

Letter from Benvinda de Souza to Karen Jansen, regarding the families actions when they first came to Aruba"

Aruba, June 23 2005
Strictly Confidential
Subject: Elizabeth Twitty – Holloway c.a. [I do not know what this acronym means] – wronged party [I’m just translating, I don’t know if this is the correct legal term in English]

Your Honor,

In the abovementioned matter, I inform you, partyly referring to your telephone conversation of today, the following.

As discussed before, it is the concern of the family of the now missing girl Miss Nathalee (sic) Holloway, to remain informed as good as possible under the circumstances about the criminal procedure which is taking place in relation to the disappearance. We have been hired as attorneys, to represent and support the family as the wronged party, but also to facilitate the information stream from the Justice Department and also to bring over the answers to the questions as good as possible and in the correct context.

The family is convinced that the investigation apparatus under the leadership of the Justice Department is hard at work to bring the case to a solution. However, at this moment the family has questions about the events that took place inmediately after the disappearance of Nathalee Holloway and if some people were interrogated, either as a witness or informant. The following is relevant to this.

Mr and Mrs. Twitty – Holloway received Monday, May 30th last, around 12 pm local time a the first message that their daughter was missing. After placing a few calls, it seemed that this message was really serious, because Nathalee was indeed nowhere to be found.    

Page 2

They inmediate arranged everything to come to Aruba as fast as possible and arrived in Aruba around 11pm Aruban time. At the airport the parents were met with mr. Alberto Groeneveld and Claudio Eldridge of Universal Aviation Aruba N.V. a ? company for private jets.

The parents departed inmediately to the Holiday Inn Hotel. They were awaited there by mr. Paul Lilly, one of the chaperones of the travelgroup of Nathalee and by mr. Eric Williams, and American ex-DEA agent and a friend of the family.

Because the parents had the feeling that something serious must have happened to Nathalee, they began the search themselves. From the two cousins of Nathalee who were with her in Aruba, a discription was received of Joran van der Sloot, since it was heard from others of Nathalee’s group that he was seen leaving with her from Carlos & Charlie’s, the previous night. Next the parents travelled to Carlos & Charlie’s, to get a view of the situation in the hopes of getting any useful information. This must have been around 1:30 am on May 31st. From Carlos & Charlie’s the group went to Valero Boulevard. There mr. Charles Croes presented himself, who introduced himself as a clairvoyant. They returned to the Holiday Inn. From the night manager cooperation was received to view the casino tapes, because Joran would have gambled there before. Indeed he was recognized on one of the tapes.

Information was also searched for along the beach. In the meantime mr. Alberto Groeneveld had received information that the silver car where Nathalee was last seen departing from Carlos & Charlie’s, had been spotted at a house in Montanja. After that the group went to the Noord police station, where two agents rode together with the group to the house in Montanja. This resulted to be the house of mr. Paul van der Sloot and his family. The silver car apparantly was not there anymore. After the police had looked around and attracted attention, indeed mr. Paul van der Sloot came outside. He was told the reason for this midnight visit, whereupon he let it be known that his son, Joran was not at home at the moment. He called his son, who according to him was in the Wyndham Casino. According to that information they departed with the two police officers and mr Paul van der Sloot to the Wyndham. When arrived there, Joran was not to be found. It had been witnessed that mr. Van Der Sloot had a conversation on his cellular phone, that was could not be understood. When Joran was not to be found his father called him again and he seemed to be at home. According to him he went home because there was police at his house. The personnel of the casino informed, after he was shown a picture of Nathalee, Nathalee was seen just before in the casino. Afterwards the group went again to the house of mr. Van Der Sloot. When arrived there the silver car appeared to be there. The door at the driver’s side was open.

Joran approached the group, with Deepak Kalpoe at his side, and began talking to the police officer. Seeing the clothes that he had on at that moment, it did not appear that he had just before been in a casino. Afterwards Joran wanted to approach mrs. Holloway, but interestingly enough . . .  
 mr. Van Der Sloot informed him several times that he did not have to or should say anything, even that he should shut his mouth. Deepak also said that Joran shouldn’t say anything. According to Joran, he wanted to talk because he wanted to help find Nathalee. This last took place in front of the police officers, together with mr. Charles Croes, Alberto Groeneveld and his colleague Claudio Eldridge. Then, in any case, Joran began to tell that he that he indeed left Carlos & Charlie’s together with the brothers Kalpoe and Nathalee the night before. They had supposedly gone to the lighthouse on the western side of Aruba, and dropped Nathalee around 2:00 am at the Holiday Inn. Also understood by Claudio is that mr. Van Der Sloot said that he picked up Joran around 4:00 am close to McDonald’s. Afterwards Joran told what kind of sexual acts he did with Nathalee. The family noticed that Joran behaved in an arrogant and challenging way.

The previously named actions took place between 11pm on May 30th 2005 and 4 am the following morning.

What comes next is the questions that the family wanted answers to: (loosely translated)

1) Has Mr. Groeneveld been interrogated about the times

2) Has Mr. Eldridge been interrogated

3) Why hasn’t Jug Twitty been interrogated

4) Did the police notice that the clothes were unsuitable for somebody who had just been in the casino?

5) Has it been confirmed that Joran has been in the casino? This because a personnel of the casino had mentioned that he had seen Nathalee

6) Has Charles Croes been interrogated?

7) Is it true that Mr. Kalpoe owns a ‘koei’ [?! Maybe they mean a ‘kooi’, which is a cage?!]

 Has it been established that Joran told his father in the presence of the grou that he was first in the Wyndham and then in the Raddisson and afterwards he went home?

9) Has there been any forensic evidence and if so, where?

10) What does the Justice Department base their reasonable suspicion on, other than statements of the suspects?

11) Are there other people that are considered suspects or is the Justice Department only focusing on these suspects?

12) It seems that Joran’s Headmaster said to Jug Twitty that Joran said that Nathalee had drowned . Have these people been interrogated/

The last request is to inform the family when searches are going on, so that they can prepare themselves in case something is found.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 14, 2007, 02:57:26 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"

If you know who sent that email why not post their name or nicknames?  MF claims the ALE and FBI know who it is.  IF that person is a member of SM I will have then banned.

How do we know such an email even exists?  

Exactly.  Whoever posted a threat must be registered and their e-mail would be known by site admin.  They could forward that to Red and be done with it without the drama.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: igsigs on February 14, 2007, 02:59:33 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"

MF now appears to be saying that the offending post is from a member at Freebirds/J4N (not that i believe that).

It would have been appropriate, IMO, for MF or Sunmoonstars to correct the 20 posts blaming SM. I am surprised that Sun did not.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 03:03:58 PM
Leslie - too funny.  I just created a thread for the same translated article by Arubagirl.

Pages 3 and 4

… mr. Van Der Sloot informed him several times that he did not have to or should say anything, even that he should shut his mouth. Deepak also said that Joran shouldn’t say anything. According to Joran, he wanted to talk because he wanted to help find Nathalee. This last took place in front of the police officers, together with mr. Charles Croes, Alberto Groeneveld and his colleague Claudio Eldridge. Then, in any case, Joran began to tell that he that he indeed left Carlos & Charlie’s together with the brothers Kalpoe and Nathalee the night before. They had supposedly gone to the lighthouse on the western side of Aruba, and dropped Nathalee around 2:00 am at the Holiday Inn. Also understood by Claudio is that mr. Van Der Sloot said that he picked up Joran around 4:00 am close to McDonald’s. Afterwards Joran told what kind of sexual acts he did with Nathalee. The family noticed that Joran behaved in an arrogant and challenging way.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 14, 2007, 03:06:26 PM
"Greeter" is an odd term to use, too. Methinks someone whose primary language is not English (or at leat the Americanized version) penned this alleged email.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 14, 2007, 03:06:41 PM
Quote from: "SunnyinTX"
Quote from: "Leslie"
                      :D THEY LOST THEIR CASE :D

HOT DAMN!!!   finally something good outta the cellpool island

I'm stunned and happy by the news.  And Sunny, cellpool is where the younger Gottenbos's phone was disposed of.  Cesspool, the larger one, is Aruba.  The lyingpool is the pool around which J2K sat while deciding with Paulus whether or not to tell the truth and get the guards out of jail or continue lying.  Tablepool contains the 8-ball behind which Joran's head still sits.  I know it can be confusing.   :?  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 03:06:48 PM
Quote from: "igsigs"
Quote from: "klaasend"

MF now appears to be saying that the offending post is from a member at Freebirds/J4N (not that i believe that).

It would have been appropriate, IMO, for MF or Sunmoonstars to correct the 20 posts blaming SM. I am surprised that Sun did not.

MF, Utah, Charlierat and others have been using the term Monkey or Monkkkeys for months when referring to all groups that support the family of Natalee Holloway.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 14, 2007, 03:10:33 PM
Quote from: "Leslie"
If that evidence is good enough to deny PVDS financial compensation, why wasn't it good enough to keep Paul and Joran in jail?   The judges could have been looking for any excuse to deny PVDS his greedy moneygrab but they have also stated an opinion on the validity of these witnesses recollections.

It certainly would seem that way to me, Leslie.
It will be most interesting to see how this all shakes out, won't it?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Leslie on February 14, 2007, 03:10:38 PM
Klaas:  great minds think alike...
" together with mr. Charles Croes, Alberto Groeneveld and his colleague Claudio Eldridge."
So, do we have the identities of Shango, Simian and Checkme figured out yet?  

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Cat on February 14, 2007, 03:13:34 PM
I do not know who ru,fob,or mf is,but I am a cat

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 03:13:41 PM
Quote from: "Leslie"
Klaas:  great minds think alike...
" together with mr. Charles Croes, Alberto Groeneveld and his colleague Claudio Eldridge."
So, do we have the identities of Shango, Simian and Checkme figured out yet?  

Based upon my own research into posts made by Checkme I honestly do not believe we should be looking at those posts.  I think Checkme was someone just "playing" with us. I believe Checkme though he/she would have some fun.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: msmarple on February 14, 2007, 03:15:37 PM
Leslie - Thanks for posting that translation of the letter.

It is clear that the language thing has created quite a few problems in this case. I remember that we previously discussed the reference to Charles Croes as a "clairvoyant," which surely isn't correct in anyone's opinion.

Can't remember what we decided, but I think it's possible that the term "mediator" might have become "medium".

Okay - we know pretty much what the letter says about Claudio and the time.

But, have we now also heard that there is a statement from Claudio that refers to a 4:00 a.m. pickup? That is what I thought, and was so excited about.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 03:16:17 PM
Quote from: "Cat"
I do not know who ru,fob,or mf is,but I am a cat

RU = Refugees Unleashed
FOB = Freedom of Blog
MF = Media Freak (someone from Aruba)

All of the above stand firmly behind the Sloots.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 03:17:20 PM
Quote from: "msmarple"
Leslie - Thanks for posting that translation of the letter.

It is clear that the language thing has created quite a few problems in this case. I remember that we previously discussed the reference to Charles Croes as a "clairvoyant," which surely isn't correct in anyone's opinion.

Can't remember what we decided, but I think it's possible that the term "mediator" might have become "medium".

Okay - we know pretty much what the letter says about Claudio and the time.

But, have we now also heard that there is a statement from Claudio that refers to a 4:00 a.m. pickup? That is what I thought, and was so excited about.

I would say there most definately is a statement from Claudio even though we have not seen it.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Leslie on February 14, 2007, 03:19:49 PM
Checkme was the one with all the Lorenzo van Rijn info.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 14, 2007, 03:20:09 PM
Off for a bite of late lunch and then a nap before tackling the drive again. Yuk. Guess I should be grateful that I am physically able to shovel snow.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 14, 2007, 03:20:32 PM
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Quote from: "LilPuma"
Seamonkey, Clint van Zandt has a FREE dvd that talks about teaching your kids when to NOT be polite to someone.  When to yell and scream and kick and bite.

Got a link to that?

Sorry for the delay, but I logged off last night before you posted.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Leslie on February 14, 2007, 03:24:14 PM
Quote from: "Leslie"
Checkme was the one with all the Lorenzo van Rijn info.

I cannot CTRL COPY it but he says "the 27 year old, with the grafiti van is from Savaneta  and is a friend of the Kalpoe's not Joran".

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 03:29:59 PM
Quote from: "Leslie"
Checkme was the one with all the Lorenzo van Rijn info.

Leslie - as a Admin you can see email addys, IP's and nickname changes.  I really do not think Checkme knew anything.  I researched it thoroughly.  Just my own opinion based upon my own research into the poster.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Leslie on February 14, 2007, 03:47:51 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "Leslie"
Checkme was the one with all the Lorenzo van Rijn info.

Leslie - as a Admin you can see email addys, IP's and nickname changes.  I really do not think Checkme knew anything.  I researched it thoroughly.  Just my own opinion based upon my own research into the poster.

I accept that.  That's too bad because s/he seemed to have some really good info.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: bleachedblack on February 14, 2007, 03:48:22 PM
A short OT rant, so please be I ask everyone here who has animals and like the rest of us, live in areas where the temperatures have dropped below freezing and there is mixed amounts and types of precitation falling....Please be mindful of all pets and animals as many can not fend for themselves .

Kittens found frozen to SPCA parking lot

SYDNEY (CP) _ The SPCA is looking for homes for two kittens found frozen to the ground in the organization's Sydney parking lot Monday morning.

Manager Patsy Rose said the black-and-white kittens had apparently been thrown over the fence at the shelter overnight Sunday in freezing cold temperatures.

``I don't know how long they were there, but they were pretty cold,'' said Rose. ``If I had not been there early in the morning they could have frozen to death.''

Environment Canada said lows in the Sydney area dipped to -15 C overnight Sunday and Monday morning.

Rose said the kittens suffered only sore paws after they were taken into the shelter, warmed up and fed.

But the incident infuriated Rose.

``I was really angry that someone would do something like that,'' she said.

``I had a few words to say about it. No one was around to listen but they were said.''

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 03:50:43 PM
Quote from: "Leslie"
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "Leslie"
Checkme was the one with all the Lorenzo van Rijn info.

Leslie - as a Admin you can see email addys, IP's and nickname changes.  I really do not think Checkme knew anything.  I researched it thoroughly.  Just my own opinion based upon my own research into the poster.

I accept that.  That's too bad because s/he seemed to have some really good info.

Leslie - I think he/she was taking posts from inside the forum and putting his/her own "twist" on them.  There are alot of nuts in the internet world.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: A's Fever on February 14, 2007, 04:36:32 PM
Klaas, you have mail!  :D

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 14, 2007, 05:08:30 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "Leslie"
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "Leslie"
Checkme was the one with all the Lorenzo van Rijn info.

Leslie - as a Admin you can see email addys, IP's and nickname changes.  I really do not think Checkme knew anything.  I researched it thoroughly.  Just my own opinion based upon my own research into the poster.

I accept that.  That's too bad because s/he seemed to have some really good info.

Leslie - I think he/she was taking posts from inside the forum and putting his/her own "twist" on them.  There are alot of nuts in the internet world.

nuts  :lol:

Title: Valentine Party in Lounge
Post by: IBE on February 14, 2007, 05:42:22 PM
Took a break from our Valentine Party in the Lounge

We are celebrating our love for Natalee and for our Monkey friends adding the good news from Aruba today.

This a 24 hr party and could go on for days. Designated driver, tums, et al plus really good food, drinks needed for a party are being provided. Come over to the Lounge and let's us know you are here!

Who's going to do the St Pat's party?

Monkeys, keep up the Good Work!

PS I posted earlier today that the medium had a link on her site of the episode maybe on TV Feb 15??? Haven't found an answer here. Anyone know if the show will be on TV tomorrow??? time??? channel???

Sure wouldn't want to miss her insights re: Natalee's last hours and different vibs from sites around there!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 14, 2007, 05:42:38 PM
Quote from: "bleachedblack"
A short OT rant, so please be I ask everyone here who has animals and like the rest of us, live in areas where the temperatures have dropped below freezing and there is mixed amounts and types of precitation falling....Please be mindful of all pets and animals as many can not fend for themselves .

Kittens found frozen to SPCA parking lot

SYDNEY (CP) _ The SPCA is looking for homes for two kittens found frozen to the ground in the organization's Sydney parking lot Monday morning.

Manager Patsy Rose said the black-and-white kittens had apparently been thrown over the fence at the shelter overnight Sunday in freezing cold temperatures.

``I don't know how long they were there, but they were pretty cold,'' said Rose. ``If I had not been there early in the morning they could have frozen to death.''

Environment Canada said lows in the Sydney area dipped to -15 C overnight Sunday and Monday morning.

Rose said the kittens suffered only sore paws after they were taken into the shelter, warmed up and fed.

But the incident infuriated Rose.

``I was really angry that someone would do something like that,'' she said.

``I had a few words to say about it. No one was around to listen but they were said.''

Good reminder especially in this kind of weather.  BB, Dana's show tomorrow night will include:  

Mary Lou Randour, Ph.D.
Professional Outreach Coordinator        
(Topic Cat Hording, a growing mental helath problem)
Animal Fighting/Cruelty Campaign

Title: Re: Valentine Party in Lounge
Post by: LilPuma on February 14, 2007, 05:45:32 PM
Quote from: "IBE"

PS I posted earlier today that the medium had a link on her site of the episode maybe on TV Feb 15??? Haven't found an answer here. Anyone know if the show will be on TV tomorrow??? time??? channel???

Sure wouldn't want to miss her insights re: Natalee's last hours and different vibs from sites around there!

 :(  I don't get Court TV.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Tibrogargan on February 14, 2007, 05:47:25 PM
Good morning monkeys..and Happy Valentines Day to all.

Some good news to start my day with..I am sure we will raise a toast to the decision in Aruba at the party today.  Wonder how much the campaign against Aruba and their pathetic legal setup affected this decision.  Gives me the impression : " we must be seen to be doing the right thing".  But for whatever reason it is good to see some small measure of sanity from that island at long last.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: IBE on February 14, 2007, 05:48:56 PM

Thanks, is she just on Court TV.. I'll try to find it in the channel line up and hope it will tell me the shows for tomorrow.  Thanks

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 05:50:52 PM
Quote from: "IBE"

Thanks, is she just on Court TV.. I'll try to find it in the channel line up and hope it will tell me the shows for tomorrow.  Thanks

Looks to me like their new season starts on March 3rd.  I don't see anything on the website about Aruba or the NH case yet.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Cat on February 14, 2007, 06:01:43 PM
We must be doing something right,at least Red,Mrs Red,Klassend,Anna ,and so many others.You be judged by the enemies you make and the friends,and we have both.let hope for a criminal trial,soon.CAT

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: bleachedblack on February 14, 2007, 06:02:57 PM
Quote from: "Tibrogargan"
Good morning monkeys..and Happy Valentines Day to all.

Some good news to start my day with..I am sure we will raise a toast to the decision in Aruba at the party today.  Wonder how much the campaign against Aruba and their pathetic legal setup affected this decision.  Gives me the impression : " we must be seen to be doing the right thing".  But for whatever reason it is good to see some small measure of sanity from that island at long last.

Hi Tib , evening here in my neck of the woods. You look splendid in your red hair for Valentines day .  :D

How's the party going?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 06:13:18 PM
Quote from: "Cat"
We must be doing something right,at least Red,Mrs Red,Klassend,Anna ,and so many others.You be judged by the enemies you make and the friends,and we have both.let hope for a criminal trial,soon.CAT

Amen to that!

Title: Carla Baron's show
Post by: IBE on February 14, 2007, 06:17:14 PM

Hi, Happy warm Valentine's Day; love SeaMonkey's avatar.

There is a link toward the bottom on the right on Carla Baron's page re: her show. Here's what I posted early AM:
link 'Feb 15 2007 12:00A Carla on location - "Haunting Evidence" S2,EP7 @ Aruba'      OK so this is season2 episode7..
when I click on that it asks me to sign into MySpace
OK good monkeys... why would I do that? Will I see the show or notes on the show or ??? or will I just create a MySpace site for me?

Not too outgoing about clicking there.. but if some of you have, please let me know it's OK and I'll jump right in
I really don't want to sign into MySpace if I don't have to.

Klaas have you or any other Good Monkeys followed into that link?

If the second season starts March 3 then the 7th show, not being pre-empted would be on April 14?? Is my math correct?

This show is good... the advertising of the show and the show itself, will keep the case in the news some more.

isn't the DeVries having a follow up show that month?

Title: Re: Carla Baron's show
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 06:28:46 PM
Quote from: "IBE"

Hi, Happy warm Valentine's Day; love SeaMonkey's avatar.

There is a link toward the bottom on the right on Carla Baron's page re: her show. Here's what I posted early AM:
link 'Feb 15 2007 12:00A Carla on location - "Haunting Evidence" S2,EP7 @ Aruba'      OK so this is season2 episode7..
when I click on that it asks me to sign into MySpace
OK good monkeys... why would I do that? Will I see the show or notes on the show or ??? or will I just create a MySpace site for me?

Not too outgoing about clicking there.. but if some of you have, please let me know it's OK and I'll jump right in
I really don't want to sign into MySpace if I don't have to.

Klaas have you or any other Good Monkeys followed into that link?

If the second season starts March 3 then the 7th show, not being pre-empted would be on April 14?? Is my math correct?

This show is good... the advertising of the show and the show itself, will keep the case in the news some more.

isn't the DeVries having a follow up show that month?

IBE - I went to that site and I still didn't see anything about Aruba.  Maybe I went to the wrong link.  Can you paste the link here again please?  TIA

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 06:46:55 PM
Here is the link to her myspace site.  All it says is that she's jetting off to Aruba the second week of February for a special episode of Haunting Evidence.  I'm sure she been and gone now and that's the article that was posted yesterday.

It does not say when the Aruba episode will air (or at least not that I could find).

Title: Party Undate
Post by: IBE on February 14, 2007, 06:53:53 PM
I'll try Klaas, I picked it up here about 2 AM this AM.

Breaking news: re: Valentine's party in Lounge  Had to move more plants off front porch and stuff off back door stoop.. for all the Monkeys arriving. Management gave OK to close off the lane! for a block party and move to Rec room if needed; local American Legion Post with a ballroom, kitchen, banquet room and full bar is on alert for a possible move there for free (I have pull, I am Pres. of the Auxiliary and nothing is going on there now anyway :lol: ) The police say they will give us a full escort for all our Good Work with Natalee.

Crew doing our underground utilities are providing the signs to close the lane and are coming to the party.. bringing steaks, outdoor BBQ grills. They have to live here for the year of construction. Good looking hunk of guys. Their families visit and are very nice. A few live here now for the year.

Local police will join us after work (I always try to have at least one white hat at a party.. even if no one knows about the white hat) :lol:

PS.. I think some of the Monkeys wear "white hats" too :roll: Keep up the good work

Have to go back into the party now... dishes are piling up and the music is great. Yum Yum food too. Ice truck is arriving... a prop guy arranged it.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Sleuth on February 14, 2007, 06:59:28 PM
Quote from: "LilPuma"
 Dana's show tomorrow night will include:  

Mary Lou Randour, Ph.D.
Professional Outreach Coordinator        
(Topic Cat Hording, a growing mental helath problem)
Animal Fighting/Cruelty Campaign

I think hoarding our SM Jazz Cat is a good thing.  If that is unhealthy, so be it... :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: IBE on February 14, 2007, 06:59:53 PM
Hi Klaas

On that link go over to the right and down almost to the end of the page there's a link there that ref: to the Aruban location shooting Feb. 15 12 AM but when I click there it puts me into my space. Just wondered if anyone has ventured there and is it worth it?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: IBE on February 14, 2007, 07:03:37 PM
Haven't seen CBB post lately, but I may have missed the postings. Is she OK

Which reminds me:  Don't forget we are to pray for a Monkey today who is going through a not so good time, health wise.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 07:08:13 PM
Quote from: "IBE"
Hi Klaas

On that link go over to the right and down almost to the end of the page there's a link there that ref: to the Aruban location shooting Feb. 15 12 AM but when I click there it puts me into my space. Just wondered if anyone has ventured there and is it worth it?

When you click on it you go to her calendar.  It says she's on location in Alabama 2/10-2/12 then in Aruba from 2/13-2/17.  


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 07:10:18 PM
Quote from: "IBE"
Haven't seen CBB post lately, but I may have missed the postings. Is she OK

Which reminds me:  Don't forget we are to pray for a Monkey today who is going through a not so good time, health wise.

She and a friend were in a car accident.  I believe she broke her tailbone and maybe fractured some vertaba.  She was posting afterwards and was more concerned about her friend that had his knee shattered and needed surgery.  I do worry we haven't heard from her though.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 14, 2007, 07:14:04 PM
Quote from: "Sleuth"
Quote from: "LilPuma"
 Dana's show tomorrow night will include:  

Mary Lou Randour, Ph.D.
Professional Outreach Coordinator        
(Topic Cat Hording, a growing mental helath problem)
Animal Fighting/Cruelty Campaign

I think hoarding our SM Jazz Cat is a good thing.  If that is unhealthy, so be it... :lol:

I had a dream about you, or your clone.  It's in the lounge in the party thread.  I was beginning to worry when you didn't show up.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Cat on February 14, 2007, 07:26:50 PM
She already been here.Please Lady monkeys,feel free to hoard can be cruel.CAT

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: carpe noctem on February 14, 2007, 07:29:06 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Here is the link to her myspace site.  All it says is that she's jetting off to Aruba the second week of February for a special episode of Haunting Evidence.  I'm sure she been and gone now and that's the article that was posted yesterday.

It does not say when the Aruba episode will air (or at least not that I could find).

... Yayyyyy!

Now please tell me THIS,

Who is gonna perform

the crime reenactment

of Joran's character on this show...

an Amish guy or a Puerto Rican?  


Last crime show, Joran looked kinda like Don Ho!

a-mooki likki, oom una hooka likki


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 07:30:38 PM
Quote from: "carpe noctem"
Quote from: "klaasend"
Here is the link to her myspace site.  All it says is that she's jetting off to Aruba the second week of February for a special episode of Haunting Evidence.  I'm sure she been and gone now and that's the article that was posted yesterday.

It does not say when the Aruba episode will air (or at least not that I could find).

... Yayyyyy!

Now please tell me THIS,

Who is gonna perform

the crime reenactment

of Joran's character on this show...

an Amish guy or a Puerto Rican?  


Last crime show, Joran looked kinda like Don Ho!

a-mooki likki, oom una hooka likki


Hiya Carpe - long time no see in cage!

Maybe they'll get Valentijn to play Joran?  :wink:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 07:35:49 PM
Posted by Lazlo at RU - confirmation by Lazlo that the article regarding PVDS being denied compensation says the witnesses said PVDS picked up Joran and Natalee at 4am.

Lazlo Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 6:59 pm
(page 5)

Btw in both articles acc. to these "witnesses" Paulus went to pick up both Joran ánd Natalee.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: carpe noctem on February 14, 2007, 07:54:03 PM
Hey, thanks klaas... good to be here!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Kat_Gram on February 14, 2007, 07:54:41 PM
Quote from: "Sleuth"
Quote from: "LilPuma"
 Dana's show tomorrow night will include:  

Mary Lou Randour, Ph.D.
Professional Outreach Coordinator        
(Topic Cat Hording, a growing mental helath problem)
Animal Fighting/Cruelty Campaign

I think hoarding our SM Jazz Cat is a good thing.  If that is unhealthy, so be it... :lol:

KAT HORDING ? That should be hmmm  :lol: interesting.
If a lady has two badd badd kats ( and I mean BAD of the highest order of BADDNESS ) is that Kat Hording ?
My kats want to know ? What is wrong with this ?
Maybe we could listen and find out ! !

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: bleachedblack on February 14, 2007, 07:55:17 PM
This information IMO seems huge. I don't know how more questioning of ,if not detention  of suspects was not accomplished given this fact?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Cat on February 14, 2007, 07:59:40 PM
Picked up Natalee at 4.Hmm,was she walking,carried or what?cat_

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 08:07:51 PM
Quote from: "Cat"
Picked up Natalee at 4.Hmm,was she walking,carried or what?cat_

I don't think she was alive at 4am on 5/30

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: bleachedblack on February 14, 2007, 08:20:52 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "Cat"
Picked up Natalee at 4.Hmm,was she walking,carried or what?cat_

I don't think she was alive at 4am on 5/30

She was possibly in severe distress at that time, though I am not certain she was dead.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 14, 2007, 08:27:03 PM
Does anyone remember at what time PVDS was supposed to be on the computer checking info on drug overdoses, etc?


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Kat_Gram on February 14, 2007, 08:29:41 PM
He was on the computer at 7pm Monday evening.
I just read that letter. So, there must be other witnesses who heard what Jug heard in regards to the time. WTF Aruba acted like they made it all up.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 14, 2007, 08:46:20 PM
Easy wanted me to post a question for him that he's curious about. He wanted to know why Lazlo is posting jpegs from lousw's photobucket?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 08:47:29 PM
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Easy wanted me to post a question for him that he's curious about. He wanted to know why Lazlo is posting jpegs from lousw's photobucket?

My guess is Lazlo copied the link from BFN.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 08:48:13 PM
FYI - Medleyrelay and Moonshadows are not happy at all with todays ruling. :wink:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 14, 2007, 08:52:34 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
FYI - Medleyrelay and Moonshadows are not happy at all with todays ruling. :wink:

That's heartbreaking, isn't it?  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 08:53:14 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Easy wanted me to post a question for him that he's curious about. He wanted to know why Lazlo is posting jpegs from lousw's photobucket?

My guess is Lazlo copied the link from BFN.

YEP - just checked..he copied it from there.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 14, 2007, 08:53:54 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Easy wanted me to post a question for him that he's curious about. He wanted to know why Lazlo is posting jpegs from lousw's photobucket?

My guess is Lazlo copied the link from BFN.

YEP - just checked..he copied it from there.

Thanks, Klaas.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: bleachedblack on February 14, 2007, 08:58:08 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
FYI - Medleyrelay and Moonshadows are not happy at all with todays ruling. :wink:

OOOHHH I am sorry they had to be disappointed.  :twisted:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: bleachedblack on February 14, 2007, 09:00:05 PM
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Easy wanted me to post a question for him that he's curious about. He wanted to know why Lazlo is posting jpegs from lousw's photobucket?

Lousw was not known to post many pics, as was the case with myself, so likely he copied them from somewhere else. Can't be certain, if I see him I'll ask, just out of investigative curiosity. :wink:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: bleachedblack on February 14, 2007, 09:05:37 PM
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Easy wanted me to post a question for him that he's curious about. He wanted to know why Lazlo is posting jpegs from lousw's photobucket?

BT if it isn't terrible of me to come Easy doesn't post here anymore? I like his writing and his way of wording posts.......

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Sam on February 14, 2007, 09:07:32 PM
Hi Monkeys,

I have been reading all of your post trying to catch up. Such good news about PVDS being denied money. Also very interesting about the 4 am pickup being verified.

Now I need to hurry over to IBE's party before everyone is to smashed to recognise me or before the CHOCOLATE is all gone. LOL

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Sam on February 14, 2007, 09:12:19 PM
Quote from: "bleachedblack"
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Easy wanted me to post a question for him that he's curious about. He wanted to know why Lazlo is posting jpegs from lousw's photobucket?

BT if it isn't terrible of me to come Easy doesn't post here anymore? I like his writing and his way of wording posts.......

Bleached, I am not BT but do not know if she is still in the room. I am not positive but this may be a question that Klaas can answer.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 14, 2007, 09:13:08 PM
Quote from: "bleachedblack"
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Easy wanted me to post a question for him that he's curious about. He wanted to know why Lazlo is posting jpegs from lousw's photobucket?

BT if it isn't terrible of me to come Easy doesn't post here anymore? I like his writing and his way of wording posts.......

It's not terrible of you to ask, but I'm not sure I have the answer.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 14, 2007, 09:19:29 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "IBE"
Haven't seen CBB post lately, but I may have missed the postings. Is she OK

Which reminds me:  Don't forget we are to pray for a Monkey today who is going through a not so good time, health wise.

She and a friend were in a car accident.  I believe she broke her tailbone and maybe fractured some vertaba.  She was posting afterwards and was more concerned about her friend that had his knee shattered and needed surgery.  I do worry we haven't heard from her though.

OMG! Poor CBB, I hope she is okay.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 14, 2007, 09:21:16 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Posted by Lazlo at RU - confirmation by Lazlo that the article regarding PVDS being denied compensation says the witnesses said PVDS picked up Joran and Natalee at 4am.

Lazlo Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 6:59 pm
(page 5)

Btw in both articles acc. to these "witnesses" Paulus went to pick up both Joran ánd Natalee.

That son of a bitch(Paulus, not Lazlo)! That just makes my blood boil!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 14, 2007, 09:25:26 PM
BB - I just got some information from Easy that will help me answer your question.
Mike was overwhelmed with health problems and very serious behavior problems with his youngest son.  He had fallen into serious melancholy and snapped one night when he felt provoked.  He just happened to be on SM at the time.  Basically, the welcome mat was pulled from beneath his feet.  However, he has no hard feelings toward anyone.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Sam on February 14, 2007, 09:26:55 PM
Sorry BT I did not know you were still here.

Yes Justinsmama , we finally find out that Natalee may have been in Paulus car after all.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 14, 2007, 09:29:03 PM
Quote from: "Sam"
Sorry BT I did not know you were still here.

Yes Justinsmama , we finally find out that Natalee may have been in Paulus car after all.

No problem, Sam. I'm sort of in and out.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Sam on February 14, 2007, 09:31:14 PM
Quote from: "BTgirl"
BB - I just got some information from Easy that will help me answer your question.
Mike was overwhelmed with health problems and very serious behavior problems with his youngest son.  He had fallen into serious melancholy and snapped one night when he felt provoked.  He just happened to be on SM at the time.  Basically, the welcome mat was pulled from beneath his feet.  However, he has no hard feelings toward anyone.

I should have known Easy would be able to answer more diplomatically.
Tell him we still love him. LOL I have been reading the link you posted to his blog.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Lala'sMom on February 14, 2007, 09:31:26 PM
Evening monkeys.  Is BT still here?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 14, 2007, 09:33:22 PM
Quote from: "Lala'sMom"
Evening monkeys.  Is BT still here?

Hi lalas. I'm here.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Lala'sMom on February 14, 2007, 09:34:32 PM
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Quote from: "Lala'sMom"
Evening monkeys.  Is BT still here?

Hi lalas. I'm here.

Email. :wink:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 14, 2007, 09:38:40 PM
I'm ready for 80 degree weather in Central Indiana. Not forever, just a week or so to melt all the junk out there....

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 09:40:08 PM
Quote from: "justinsmama"
I'm ready for 80 degree weather in Central Indiana. Not forever, just a week or so to melt all the junk out there....

We're supposed to hit 80 tomorrow or the next day  :wink:  Then drop down into the 70's again.  Was 59 most of the day today.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 14, 2007, 09:42:26 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "justinsmama"
I'm ready for 80 degree weather in Central Indiana. Not forever, just a week or so to melt all the junk out there....

We're supposed to hit 80 tomorrow or the next day  :wink:  Then drop down into the 70's again.  Was 59 most of the day today.


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 14, 2007, 09:43:58 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "justinsmama"
I'm ready for 80 degree weather in Central Indiana. Not forever, just a week or so to melt all the junk out there....

We're supposed to hit 80 tomorrow or the next day  :wink:  Then drop down into the 70's again.  Was 59 most of the day today.

Sure Klaas rub it in.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Lala'sMom on February 14, 2007, 09:45:22 PM
So, would someone catch me up with anything I may have missed or should I just read back for myself?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 09:47:19 PM
Quote from: "Lala'sMom"
So, would someone catch me up with anything I may have missed or should I just read back for myself?

Mostly just the stuff about PVDS being denied compensation.  Also that 2 witnesses claim PVDS said he picked up Joran AND Natalee at 4am on 5/30.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 14, 2007, 09:47:31 PM
Quote from: "Lala'sMom"
So, would someone catch me up with anything I may have missed or should I just read back for myself?

Paulus was not rewarded the money and there are a lot of pissed off RU and FOB people.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 14, 2007, 09:47:58 PM
Easy wanted me to post one more thing for him.

He says he has been under the weather for the past week, but he will be getting back to his blog soon and there are several things he has in the works.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 14, 2007, 09:50:11 PM
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Easy wanted me to post one more thing for him.

He says he has been under the weather for the past week, but he will be getting back to his blog soon and there are several things he has in the works.

Tell Easy I hope he feels better.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 14, 2007, 09:51:20 PM
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Easy wanted me to post one more thing for him.

He says he has been under the weather for the past week, but he will be getting back to his blog soon and there are several things he has in the works.

Tell Easy I hope he feels better.

I think he's reading here tonight, so just wave to him.   :wink:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 09:54:06 PM
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Easy wanted me to post one more thing for him.

He says he has been under the weather for the past week, but he will be getting back to his blog soon and there are several things he has in the works.

Hi EASY!!  Hope you feel better soon!!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: tcumom on February 14, 2007, 09:58:33 PM
Hi, Klaas!
If it's okay with you and BT and Easy, could BT post Easy's website address here?  I can't find it in my favorites ~ I thought I had saved it  :cry:

And hey everyone ~ Happy Valentine Day ~ the 8th graders were just whacko at school today . . .  :shock:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 14, 2007, 10:00:07 PM
Quote from: "tcumom"
Hi, Klaas!
If it's okay with you and BT and Easy, could BT post Easy's website address here?  I can't find it in my favorites ~ I thought I had saved it  :cry:

And hey everyone ~ Happy Valentine Day ~ the 8th graders were just whacko at school today . . .  :shock:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: robots on February 14, 2007, 10:06:15 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
FYI - Medleyrelay and Moonshadows are not happy at all with todays ruling. :wink:

cause they wont be getting their shill money???  8)  8)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Lala'sMom on February 14, 2007, 10:08:31 PM
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "Lala'sMom"
So, would someone catch me up with anything I may have missed or should I just read back for myself?

Paulus was not rewarded the money and there are a lot of pissed off RU and FOB people.

Yes!!  I am happy now.  Too bad, so sad...NOT!!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Lala'sMom on February 14, 2007, 10:11:01 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "Lala'sMom"
So, would someone catch me up with anything I may have missed or should I just read back for myself?

Mostly just the stuff about PVDS being denied compensation.  Also that 2 witnesses claim PVDS said he picked up Joran AND Natalee at 4am on 5/30.

So Natalee could have been alive at 4 am?  Wonder from where?  Guido's party?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 10:12:51 PM
Quote from: "Lala'sMom"
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "Lala'sMom"
So, would someone catch me up with anything I may have missed or should I just read back for myself?

Mostly just the stuff about PVDS being denied compensation.  Also that 2 witnesses claim PVDS said he picked up Joran AND Natalee at 4am on 5/30.

So Natalee could have been alive at 4 am?  Wonder from where?  Guido's party?

Personally, just because witnesses overheard PVDS saying he picked up Joran and Natalee at 4am does not mean it was an alive Natalee, IMO.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 14, 2007, 10:30:28 PM
Hi Monkeys( (
I'm so glad that the court finally told Pualis to (
I feel kinda like BT's Jumping Jack Smiley (

Klaaend If you think the Monkey's is not appropriate for a Monkey please remove the link (At least I did not post the Monkey B. Pic  :wink: )

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: IndyDan on February 14, 2007, 10:36:03 PM
Quote from: "justinsmama"
I'm ready for 80 degree weather in Central Indiana. Not forever, just a week or so to melt all the junk out there....

Happy Valentines Day all!
I'm sure you already know this mama, we do usually get a 60 -70 couple of days in mid-Feb right before the High School Basketball tourneys.  Then one more big snow then Spring.
It's a Hoosier ritual.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Lala'sMom on February 14, 2007, 10:39:18 PM
But this could lend some credence to that illusive 3 AM phone call from Natalee. It also opens a whole new can of worms.  Such as Paulus saying he picked Joran up at 4 AM, then changed it to 11 AM.  I am talking to myself again, aren't I? :roll:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 10:41:23 PM
Posted by Lazlo at RU:

Glenda answered this one on FOB:

there were two Mountain Brook kids who told Beth and Jug that they saw Natalee in a Jeep with Paul and Joran at the ATM machine near the Mc Donald’s at 4 am.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 14, 2007, 10:41:58 PM
Quote from: "Lala'sMom"
But this could lend some credence to that illusive 3 AM phone call from Natalee. It also opens a whole new can of worms.  Such as Paulus saying he picked Joran up at 4 AM, then changed it to 11 AM.  I am talking to myself again, aren't I? :roll:

Not yet, Lalas, but speaking for myself, it's toothbrush time here.  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: the big hammer on February 14, 2007, 10:44:01 PM
Sweating Paulus Denied

HA !!


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 14, 2007, 10:46:19 PM
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Quote from: "Lala'sMom"
But this could lend some credence to that illusive 3 AM phone call from Natalee. It also opens a whole new can of worms.  Such as Paulus saying he picked Joran up at 4 AM, then changed it to 11 AM.  I am talking to myself again, aren't I? :roll:

Not yet, Lalas, but speaking for myself, it's toothbrush time here.  :lol:

(   :wink:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: tcumom on February 14, 2007, 10:47:02 PM
Big Hammer! What a great treat to see you posting!  Yea!  :D  :D

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Lala'sMom on February 14, 2007, 10:48:36 PM
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Quote from: "Lala'sMom"
But this could lend some credence to that illusive 3 AM phone call from Natalee. It also opens a whole new can of worms.  Such as Paulus saying he picked Joran up at 4 AM, then changed it to 11 AM.  I am talking to myself again, aren't I? :roll:

Not yet, Lalas, but speaking for myself, it's toothbrush time here.  :lol:

Night BT. Took care of that email.  Catch you tomorrow. :wink:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 14, 2007, 10:50:29 PM
Quote from: "Lala'sMom"
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Quote from: "Lala'sMom"
But this could lend some credence to that illusive 3 AM phone call from Natalee. It also opens a whole new can of worms.  Such as Paulus saying he picked Joran up at 4 AM, then changed it to 11 AM.  I am talking to myself again, aren't I? :roll:

Not yet, Lalas, but speaking for myself, it's toothbrush time here.  :lol:

Night BT. Took care of that email.  Catch you tomorrow. :wink:

Night Lala's and all monkeys. I enjoyed the party in the lounge. We must do it again sometime.  :wink:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Lala'sMom on February 14, 2007, 10:50:31 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Posted by Lazlo at RU:

Glenda answered this one on FOB:

there were two Mountain Brook kids who told Beth and Jug that they saw Natalee in a Jeep with Paul and Joran at the ATM machine near the Mc Donald’s at 4 am.

So that gives credence to the ATM story.  Those jerks!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: IndyDan on February 14, 2007, 10:50:43 PM
OT- sorry. Just wanted to share this pic looking out my backdoor tonight:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: BTgirl on February 14, 2007, 10:51:16 PM
Quote from: "oldfart"
Quote from: "BTgirl"
Quote from: "Lala'sMom"
But this could lend some credence to that illusive 3 AM phone call from Natalee. It also opens a whole new can of worms.  Such as Paulus saying he picked Joran up at 4 AM, then changed it to 11 AM.  I am talking to myself again, aren't I? :roll:

Not yet, Lalas, but speaking for myself, it's toothbrush time here.  :lol:

(   :wink:

Too funny, Oldfart.  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: IndyDan on February 14, 2007, 10:57:05 PM
Quote from: klaasend
Posted by Lazlo at RU:

Glenda answered this one on FOB:

Just a comment about Glenda at FOB, something I've smirked about for a long time but kept to myself. Wonder if she chose that name seeing herself as the good witch?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Lala'sMom on February 14, 2007, 11:02:03 PM
You guys know I can't resist...

Simian Says:June 25th, 2005 at 6:47 pm
There are 3 vehicles.  Kalpoe car and now the jeep, just add another car and there you have it.

Simian Says: June 25th, 2005 at 6:57 pm
The phone call made in the small hours. 4 AM phone call?

Simian Says: June 25th, 2005 at 7:00 pm
The boy is biting his tongue. It is all chewed up, bloody and sore. Daddy was involved.

Simian Says: June 25th, 2005 at 7:28 pm
The father is trapped in a legal check mate. He can't say he picked Joran up at 4 AM, it would ruin his own alibi.

The boy is mutilating his own tongue. He doesn’t want to let the old man down.  PVDS was the one that disposed of her.

Simian Says: June 25th, 2005 at 7:36 pm
In the other car. Who was in the other car?  Guido?  Freddy? Did they take Joran and Natalee to a party?

Simian Says: June 25th, 2005 at 7:41 pm
Kalpoes went home. Joran stayed behind. Somebody had to come get him.  Now, we have a report that it was Paulus.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 11:03:04 PM
Quote from: "the big hammer"
Sweating Paulus Denied

HA !!


HAMMER!  Great to see you!  YES, finally some good news!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Lala'sMom on February 14, 2007, 11:03:42 PM
Hey Old Fart,
Do you know who's cleaning up the lounge tonight?  That party is way too wild in's gonna be a real mess.  Better get out the extra brooms and mops.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: lexie on February 14, 2007, 11:06:30 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "the big hammer"
Sweating Paulus Denied

HA !!


HAMMER!  Great to see you!  YES, finally some good news!

Is this final, or is there another appeal level they can try?  If there is  another level, does anyone think Paulus will file another appeal?

Good evening, Monkeys.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 14, 2007, 11:07:21 PM
Quote from: "IndyDan"
Quote from: "justinsmama"
I'm ready for 80 degree weather in Central Indiana. Not forever, just a week or so to melt all the junk out there....

Happy Valentines Day all!
I'm sure you already know this mama, we do usually get a 60 -70 couple of days in mid-Feb right before the High School Basketball tourneys.  Then one more big snow then Spring.
It's a Hoosier ritual.

Yes, now that you mention it, I do recall that! I first noticed it when my allergies would start to act up during those brief, warm periods. It cannot come a moment too soon!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 11:08:43 PM
Quote from: "lexie"
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "the big hammer"
Sweating Paulus Denied

HA !!


HAMMER!  Great to see you!  YES, finally some good news!

Is this final, or is there another appeal level they can try?  If there is  another level, does anyone think Paulus will file another appeal?

Good evening, Monkeys.

It's the final in Aruba.  To appeal it now they would have to take it to the European Court (or something like that).

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Tibrogargan on February 14, 2007, 11:12:10 PM
Quote from: "Lala'sMom"
Hey Old Fart,
Do you know who's cleaning up the lounge tonight?  That party is way too wild in's gonna be a real mess.  Better get out the extra brooms and mops.

Judy the Chimp from the Zoo is coming over later.  Will clean up for us as long as we leave her a plate of leftovers, but must include chocky cake.  Glad you brought one with you.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 14, 2007, 11:13:06 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Posted by Lazlo at RU:

Glenda answered this one on FOB:

there were two Mountain Brook kids who told Beth and Jug that they saw Natalee in a Jeep with Paul and Joran at the ATM machine near the Mc Donald’s at 4 am.

Ok... I know ( ( is a liar  out to promote her self (mirror - mirror on the wall type thing) and A umm.. (

#1 She either Just let a BIG Ole Cat out of the bag
#2 Is saying that 2 MB kids were Lying
#3 Or blowing as much as she is Snorting

I want to see these statements..  Put up or Shut-up

My vote is for #3

JMO of course

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Lala'sMom on February 14, 2007, 11:14:10 PM
Quote from: "Tibrogargan"
Quote from: "Lala'sMom"
Hey Old Fart,
Do you know who's cleaning up the lounge tonight?  That party is way too wild in's gonna be a real mess.  Better get out the extra brooms and mops.

Judy the Chimp from the Zoo is coming over later.  Will clean up for us as long as we leave her a plate of leftovers, but must include chocky cake.  Glad you brought one with you.

WHEW!  I was beginning to worry.  I actually brought 2 cakes, so don't tell anyone and we can save it for Judy.  I'll hide it in the fridge in the very back.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Yellow Ribbon on February 14, 2007, 11:14:43 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Posted by Lazlo at RU:

Glenda answered this one on FOB:

there were two Mountain Brook kids who told Beth and Jug that they saw Natalee in a Jeep with Paul and Joran at the ATM machine near the Mc Donald’s at 4 am.

Hi Monkeys. Long time, no post.

Is that recent news about the two MB kids seeing Natalee at the ATM or was that information out there when the case began?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 11:17:39 PM
Quote from: "Yellow Ribbon"
Quote from: "klaasend"
Posted by Lazlo at RU:

Glenda answered this one on FOB:

there were two Mountain Brook kids who told Beth and Jug that they saw Natalee in a Jeep with Paul and Joran at the ATM machine near the Mc Donald’s at 4 am.

Hi Monkeys. Long time, no post.

Is that recent news about the two MB kids seeing Natalee at the ATM or was that information out there when the case began?

It's probably BS posted by Glenda aka Julia Renfro.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: lexie on February 14, 2007, 11:17:41 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"

Is this final, or is there another appeal level they can try?  If there is  another level, does anyone think Paulus will file another appeal?

Good evening, Monkeys.[/quote]
It's the final in Aruba.  To appeal it now they would have to take it to the European Court (or something like that).[/quote]

Thanks.  I would hope he would not pursue it, but who knows?  Anyone with the guts to bring in a moving truck and remodel during a murder investigation would probably be arrogant enough to appeal.

Klaas, no pics of Joran out partying lately?  Looks like DeVries might have scared some sense into him.... LOL  :lol: Or scared something OUT of him!! :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 11:18:44 PM
Lexie  - I find it hard to believe that Joran isn't out partying, but I haven't found the photos.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: lexie on February 14, 2007, 11:21:34 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Lexie  - I find it hard to believe that Joran isn't out partying, but I haven't found the photos.

Yeah, he is not known for keeping a low profile...even when his attorney was out there trying to make us believe he was studying hard and working!  That bum never worked... unless it was as a "street corner pharmacist".   :wink: Do we even know if he is in Aruba or Netherlands?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Yellow Ribbon on February 14, 2007, 11:22:12 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "Yellow Ribbon"
Quote from: "klaasend"
Posted by Lazlo at RU:

Glenda answered this one on FOB:

there were two Mountain Brook kids who told Beth and Jug that they saw Natalee in a Jeep with Paul and Joran at the ATM machine near the Mc Donald’s at 4 am.

Hi Monkeys. Long time, no post.

Is that recent news about the two MB kids seeing Natalee at the ATM or was that information out there when the case began?

It's probably BS posted by Glenda aka Julia Renfro.

I forget that in this story Glenda is not the good witch.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Lala'sMom on February 14, 2007, 11:29:34 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "Yellow Ribbon"
Quote from: "klaasend"
Posted by Lazlo at RU:

Glenda answered this one on FOB:

there were two Mountain Brook kids who told Beth and Jug that they saw Natalee in a Jeep with Paul and Joran at the ATM machine near the Mc Donald’s at 4 am.

Hi Monkeys. Long time, no post.

Is that recent news about the two MB kids seeing Natalee at the ATM or was that information out there when the case began?

It's probably BS posted by Glenda aka Julia Renfro.

Well, I hope Glenda realizes that all she did was make the Sloots look even more guilty by posting that info if it's incorrect.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 11:32:29 PM
Posted by GLENDA (the bad witch) at RU regarding the Haunting Evidence program.  She is so FOS:

Glenda Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 11:01 pm    

This show can not be made without the request of a family member. No one, producer, outsider, etc. can authorize a show performed by a psychic without the written request of an immediate member of the family.

This show will air in June.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 14, 2007, 11:33:29 PM
Quote from: "Lala'sMom"
Hey Old Fart,
Do you know who's cleaning up the lounge tonight?  That party is way too wild in's gonna be a real mess.  Better get out the extra brooms and mops.

LaLa's Here is the broom...( a mop ( and some new
(  and a (

Get back in there...Take names & ( if you have too  :wink:

I'm NOT the Hall Monitor !!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Yellow Ribbon on February 14, 2007, 11:36:56 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Posted by GLENDA (the bad witch) at RU regarding the Haunting Evidence program.  She is so FOS:

Glenda Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 11:01 pm    

This show can not be made without the request of a family member. No one, producer, outsider, etc. can authorize a show performed by a psychic without the written request of an immediate member of the family.

This show will air in June.

Klass, I'm way behind. What is Glenda talking about? What show? Which family?


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Lala'sMom on February 14, 2007, 11:38:02 PM
Thanks Old Fart.  I am heading there now.  Time for me to hug Nemo.  

Hi CP405!!  If you see this, send me some new pics of Nemo.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: jobie on February 14, 2007, 11:38:48 PM
Quote from: "IndyDan"
OT- sorry. Just wanted to share this pic looking out my backdoor tonight:

Evening Monkeys.  Indy that is buteeefullll!!!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 14, 2007, 11:40:56 PM
Quote from: "Yellow Ribbon"
Quote from: "klaasend"
Posted by GLENDA (the bad witch) at RU regarding the Haunting Evidence program.  She is so FOS:

Glenda Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 11:01 pm    

This show can not be made without the request of a family member. No one, producer, outsider, etc. can authorize a show performed by a psychic without the written request of an immediate member of the family.

This show will air in June.

Klass, I'm way behind. What is Glenda talking about? What show? Which family?


CourtTV has a program called Haunting Evidence.  The psychic who is the star of the show is doing the Natalee Holloway case and is currently in Aruba filming.  It should air around June.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 14, 2007, 11:42:20 PM

Good to See You..
Drop in to the Lounge Valentine party and see if you can get more to join in


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 14, 2007, 11:45:13 PM
Quote from: "oldfart"

Good to See You..
Drop in to the Lounge Valentine party and see if you can get more to join in


 :oops:  :oops:   Sorry  YellowRibbon  that last post was for you  :oops:  :oops:

Maybe it is time I leave here and the party thread .     :oops:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Yellow Ribbon on February 14, 2007, 11:48:16 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"

CourtTV has a program called Haunting Evidence.  The psychic who is the star of the show is doing the Natalee Holloway case and is currently in Aruba filming.  It should air around June.

Court TV has a show done by a psychic.  :roll:  Is that network now owned by the Weekly World News?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Yellow Ribbon on February 14, 2007, 11:53:41 PM
Quote from: "oldfart"
Quote from: "oldfart"

Good to See You..
Drop in to the Lounge Valentine party and see if you can get more to join in


 :oops:  :oops:   Sorry  YellowRibbon  that last post was for you  :oops:  :oops:

Maybe it is time I leave here and the party thread .     :oops:

Thanks Oldfart. That's one hell of an avatar.

Title: Last few minutes for the East Coast
Post by: IBE on February 15, 2007, 12:00:13 AM
Last few minutes of Valentine's party for the Monkeys on the East Coast.
Lots of dishes but lots of Monkey hands helping. Still loads of food left.

This org. idea I had/have for this party was a celebration in love for Natalee, her parents, her family, her friends and for all our Monkeys, family and friends.

Boy, there's lots of chocolate there too.  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: msmarple on February 15, 2007, 12:28:09 AM
IBE - I just posted an amazing Valentine Smooch at the party.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: bleachedblack on February 15, 2007, 12:37:58 AM
This was posted by Debbie at BFN . It is an example of PVDS  being caught if a huge lie....which he is admitting he told, and trying to change it as soon as he has spoken. I am sure Joran has gleened his sociopathic  habitual liar status from Daddydearest..

Personal Message (Online)
Re: Superior Court decided that there was a reason to have PVDS arrested
« Reply #75 on: Today at 11:22:30 PM »
   Reply with quote
Posted at Scrux - PVDS interview with NOVA TV

Reporter (Twan Huys): On the day you were arrested, this past Thursday, with which communication were you told?  What was told to you as to why you were taken into custody?

Paul van der Sloot: That was not told to me when I was apprehended.  During the apprehension I was told that I was suspected of complicity to murder manslaughter and usurpatory freedom spoliation (kidnapping).  During the session with the judge [5], it was told that the suspicion originated, because that Monday night, when so many people were standing there in front of the door, I allegedly declared that at four o'clock, I picked up Joran.  And someone else, allegedly declared that I picked up Joran and Natalee, while my own declaration was, directed at police officers, that I picked up Joran at eleven o'clock at the McDonald's. That is, of course remarkable that the public prosecutor's office adds two witness statements of people who were standing somewhere in the back, and not the witness declaration from the police officers, where I direct myself to, and directed myself to, as much as possible.

Reporter (Twan Huys):  And these declarations were the base for your arrest and incarceration?

Paul van der Sloot: Together with the fact that I allegedly instructed the boys, Deepak, Satish and Joran what they should do, say or do, in case of a possible apprehension. And indeed, I have, when I foresaw that they could go from witness to suspect, explained them the procedure, with the intention that they will not panic. But, also that was enough for the prosecutor's office to suspect me of complicity.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: IBE on February 15, 2007, 01:30:36 AM
Klaas OT I am stuck. Am in Photobucket and have the jpgs loaded in. Now I need to resize them for here.. do I choose links for a blog, for email or what?? Thanks IBE (they are pictures of Sees chocolates)

Still food left in the Lounge and I am going out for more Chocky

I wish Natalee were here to enjoy our "let's pretend" party!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 15, 2007, 01:39:36 AM
Quote from: "IBE"
Klaas OT I am stuck. Am in Photobucket and have the jpgs loaded in. Now I need to resize them for here.. do I choose links for a blog, for email or what?? Thanks IBE (they are pictures of Sees chocolates)

Still food left in the Lounge and I am going out for more Chocky

I wish Natalee were here to enjoy our "let's pretend" party!

Website/email is the best size but the next size up isn't too bad either.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: IBE on February 15, 2007, 01:40:11 AM
Hi Easy [[[hugs]]] we are still partying in the lounge for the Valentine Party. Come join us.. it's still Valentine's Day where I live! Hope you feel better. Lots of nasty stuff going around.

Our TV station just told how you can gain weight from a virus.. will try to see if they have posted this on their site and post it in the Lounge.

Title: Pizza
Post by: IBE on February 15, 2007, 01:48:47 AM
Thanks Klaas.. with all this "let's pretend" partying, food, drink, I am hungry in real life so order on of the new Domino's garlic, cheesy bread pizza and you get a medium one for 5.99 more!

Title: Still a party
Post by: IBE on February 15, 2007, 02:03:58 AM
OK you guys (aka as you all)

One more hour to party (my time zone). Klaas, I posted my first image in a post!!! Thanks to you! and I didn't blow the margins.

Guests at the party have left really neat pictures of food, drink, links to good songs, pictures of pets and great humor.

Will post the going away gifts for all those who attended and may attend in the next few days.. here's the first choice (at See's Candies)

Have to get off line so the pizza man can get into the complex. Be back soon. IBE

Title: Re: Still a party
Post by: klaasend on February 15, 2007, 02:07:39 AM
Quote from: "IBE"
OK you guys (aka as you all)

One more hour to party (my time zone). Klaas, I posted my first image in a post!!! Thanks to you! and I didn't blow the margins.

Guests at the party have left really neat pictures of food, drink, links to good songs, pictures of pets and great humor.

Will post the going away gifts for all those who attended and may attend in the next few days.. here's the first choice (at See's Candies)

Have to get off line so the pizza man can get into the complex. Be back soon. IBE

Good job IBE!

I'm going to call it a night now!  GOODNIGHT ALL!

Title: Thank you
Post by: IBE on February 15, 2007, 04:53:33 AM
All you Great Monkeys Thank you for our digital Valentine party! We ate and ate and never gained a pound!

We all had a Valentine's blast! Please check in the lounge at the Valentine's party site for all your going home gifts... lots of chocky. And even if you didn't make it on Valentine's day, check in anyway.. it's the thought that counts.

My children liked the cats that came as the clean up crew. The food, drinks, entertainment and humor was fantastic. (

Here's a start for the Monkey who will host the St. Patrick Day's Party. Don't forget we have President's day before then.:lol:
St. Patrick's Day Potatoes
You say Potato, we say Mmmmm. You'll be the hit of the party, office, neighborhood or wherever you decide to share this incredibly unique (and tasty!) treat. The center is See's famous light and airy divinity, full of white chocolate and loads of California-grown walnuts. Hand shaped and enrobed in See's delicate milk chocolate, this spud is then rolled in a special blend of cinnamon and cocoa powder. Finally, for authenticity, the 'eyes' of the potato are applied using pine nuts. Six 2.5 oz. boxes.

from me: GREAT this beats the breakfast donut!
I made an error on one of the posts.. See's are in many states and International. I listed them in the Valentine thread. *but not in Indiana, darn*

Natalee {{{hugs}}} we miss you and we will be here as long as you and your family need us!  :lol:

Title: gads, I don't believe this BS
Post by: IBE on February 15, 2007, 05:36:19 AM
Klaas posted"
Posted by GLENDA (the bad witch) at RU regarding the Haunting Evidence program. She is so FOS:

Glenda Posted: Wed Feb 14, 2007 11:01 pm

This show can not be made without the request of a family member. No one, producer, outsider, etc. can authorize a show performed by a psychic without the written request of an immediate member of the family.

This show will air in June.

I was in the Industry for over 30 yrs spending 14 yrs. on one series.
This is a bunch of BS! Oh, I forgot... maybe it isn't ..:evil: for Freedom of speech is not always a freedom in Aruba and oh, yes I don't understand "their system" of layered cover ups and would never, ever accept it, even if I "understood" it!  :roll:

And if it is episode # 7 and they begin the new second season on March 3.. it will show April 14 if not pre-empted!

If Mrs. Baron does the show as a medium via Natalee per se, yes there is an area of permission from the immediate family, I would think,  but just walking around Aruba getting "vibs" doesn't require permission except for permits to film, etc. from the government and local establishments if you use their property. Close ups, use of homes, land, shutting off streets, interviews need permissions. Alot deals with the type of camera angle, and distance in which it is done.

Aruba should be glad they are getting a crew there. ie: tourists. A crew can be, for this type of show from 5 (real bare, bare bones, ie: hiring locals for drivers, gaffers, dolly grips, cameramen, electrician, grips, trucks, make-up, hair, honeywagon, generator, location scout) to 60 if a TV series or film on a more involved shooting location. And if they take a CA child there will be the parent(s), the Teacher and place for school.

This type of shoot could be done with just a few if it's mostly walking and feeling the vibs.

I, personally, can hardly wait to see the show!

PS with all the publicity that Aruba has brought on itself and some of the principals involved have brought on themselves, a court might rule that more can be filmed without permission based on previous exposure. (US court re: things) Who knows what the Court would rule in Aruba IMO It looks as if rulings depend on elitism and the favors system or opps "where did it go" system IMO

If you want your likeness to be as private as possible, just don't put your mug and laundry out there if it can be prevented. IMO for it's much harder to take it back, ever.

Title: Good Morning
Post by: Leslie on February 15, 2007, 06:29:20 AM
Solo di Pueblo
Aruba Today

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Leslie on February 15, 2007, 06:35:21 AM
From Diario:

ORANJESTAD (AAN) --- Riba 13 di Februari 2007 Corte Superior a dicta sentencia contra Paul van der Sloot den e caso cu el a apela relaciona cu e dańo y perhuicio cu tanto su persona a pidi, como tambe su famia y di cual nan tabata haya cu esaki no tabata suficiente, mirando cu corte den prome instancia na Aruba a duna Paul van der Sloot so (no su otro miembronan di famia) 40 mil florin di dańo y perhuicio y 1500 florin pa cubri gastonan huridico (abogado, corte, etc).
E sentencia di Corte Superior, esta Hof a cay manera un bom cerca Paul van der Sloot y su abogado defensor pasobra segun e abogado, Hof a haci uzo di informacionnan cu no ta cuadra cu berdad.
Hof a dicta cu Paul van der Sloot a busca Joran van der Sloot y Natalee na Mc Donald Palm Beach y hiba nan dos Holiday Inn, segun declaracion di testigonan y tambe informacion haya for di un Tap (den e caso aki lo ta wordo referi na scuchamento di un of kizas mas yamada telefonico di Paul van der Sloot, door di autoridadnan policial).
Te cu recien e informacion clave aki no tabata conoci cerca prensa y aparentemente solamente cerca polis y Ministerio Publico. Henter e caso di desaparicion di Natalee Holloway ta haya un buelta diferente awor cu informacion ta sali for di nada menos cu Corte Superior, unda mencion ta wordo haci di declaracion di testigonan y tambe informacion di tapmento di telefoon, cu ta mustra of ta duna indicacion cu Paul van der Sloot lo tabata tin dos biaha contacto personal cu Natalee durante e anochi di desaparicion di Natalee!!
Mencion ta wordo haci, cu segun un of mas procesverbaal riba e tapmento di telefoon y tambe declaracion di Paul van der Sloot mes, cu Paul a busca Joran y Natalee na Mc Donald y hiba nan Holiday Inn.
Basa riba e informacionnan menciona, autoridadnan hudicial y policial tabata tin e tempo ey un base hustifica pa detene Paul van der Sloot riba diferente sospecho.
Segun Hof, Paul van der Sloot mes ta culpable, a percura of a causa (depende con cada ken interpreta esaki gramatical for di e sentencia di Hof) cu el a wordo deteni y cu no por tene pais Aruba responsabel pa e dańonan sufri y pa cual e tabata exigi un dańo y perhuicio cu pa colmo el a gana den prome instancia, pero a apela pa haya mas y awor a bin perde saco cu cangreu y tur.
Den e sentencia tin varios punto y aspecto cu a trece un bista diferente riba e caso di Natalee Holloway y cu durante dianan venidero lo bay wordo analisa, pero e informacion mas impactante ta e asunto di buscamento di Natalee y Joran na Mc Donald, Palm Beach y tambe cu Paul lo tabata tin dos biaha contacto personal cu Natalee riba e anochi di desaparicion.
Pregunta cardinal awor ta; kico autoridadnan policial a scucha di yamada telefonico cu nan a tap di Paul van der Sloot y e pregunta mas cayente ta; ki ora, bao ki circunstancia y unda Paul van der Sloot como tata di Joran van der Sloot tabata tin contacto personal cu Natalee Holloway e anochi cu Natalee a desaparece.
Si Hof ta bisa cu den un procesverbaal mencion ta wordo haci cu Paul van der Sloot a busca Joran y Natalee e anochi menciona na Mc Donald, Palm Beach, esey ta un contacto y na cua ocasion tabata e di dos contacto?
Riba e anochi di desaparicion di Natalee Holloway, Paul van der Sloot a bolbe topa cu Natalee despues di a baha Joran hunto cu Natalee na Holliday Inn? Si esey ta e caso anto ta unda nan lo a topa otro y ki ora durante e anochi cu Natalee a desaparece?
Den declaracionnan di Joran y e rumannan Kalpoe tabata tin un pleitamento y nengamento formal entre e trio aki, si nan a bay cu Natalee na cas di Paul van der Sloot riba e anochi di desaparicion.
Ta pesey tambe ta importante pa haya claridad riba e dos biahanan cu Paul van der Sloot lo tabata tin contacto personal cu Natalee riba e anochi cuestionable y unda y bao ki circunstancia.
Abogado di Paul van der Sloot ta nenga cu Paul a declara cu el a busca Joran y Natalee na Mc Donald palm Beach y cu e tabata tin contacto cu Natalee riba e anochi di desaparicion, pero Corte Superior ta basa su sentencia riba informacionnan presenta door di Procurador General interino di Aruba. Awor ta ken ta gańa of ken ta papia e berdad?
Let's hope this "evidence" causes things to happen in Aruba.  It would be poetic justice for Paul's greed to be his and Joran's undoing.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Leslie on February 15, 2007, 06:44:00 AM
Solo di Pueblo   February 13, 2007 - Page 14
A nice picture of Natalee and the story about "Haunting Evidence"

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Tibrogargan on February 15, 2007, 06:56:28 AM
One of the clean up crew in action after IBEs party :


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Tibrogargan on February 15, 2007, 07:02:41 AM
Leslie It is indeed poetic justice for Paulus the Pervert to be the one to bring himself undone by his greed and arrogance.  My mother used to say "It takes a liar to have a good memory".  Well the coverup could well be coming unravelled and we will all be there to enjoy the moment for Natalee and her family and friends.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Leslie on February 15, 2007, 07:18:12 AM
I ran the Diario story through the Pap translator and saw this section:
"where mencion is wordo haci of declaracion of testigonan y also informacion of tapmento of telefoon, cu is show or is give indicacion cu paul van der sloot will was have two trip contacto personal cu natalee during the night of desaparicion of natalee!!
I read it as Paul had two contacts with Natalee the night she disappeared with evidence obtained from sworn testimony and telephone wiretaping.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 15, 2007, 07:41:42 AM
Quote from: "Leslie"
I ran the Diario story through the Pap translator and saw this section:
"where mencion is wordo haci of declaracion of testigonan y also informacion of tapmento of telefoon, cu is show or is give indicacion cu paul van der sloot will was have two trip contacto personal cu natalee during the night of desaparicion of natalee!!
I read it as Paul had two contacts with Natalee the night she disappeared with evidence obtained from sworn testimony and telephone wiretaping.

We have never seen Paulus cell phone or house phone records.  I always said if we saw who he called that night this case would be over.

Tyler mentioned one night while we were discussing the telephone call that Natalee made that night that the voice in the background could have been Paulus.  This is why Beth was so sure Natalee was at the house.  Maybe Beth needed to hear Paulus' voice to make sure she could recognized the voice and the more she heard Paulus talk she knew it was him.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 15, 2007, 07:44:40 AM
Quote from: "Leslie"
I ran the Diario story through the Pap translator and saw this section:
"where mencion is wordo haci of declaracion of testigonan y also informacion of tapmento of telefoon, cu is show or is give indicacion cu paul van der sloot will was have two trip contacto personal cu natalee during the night of desaparicion of natalee!!
I read it as Paul had two contacts with Natalee the night she disappeared with evidence obtained from sworn testimony and telephone wiretaping.

Again, that son of a bitch! As Deepak stated "You're own father"!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 15, 2007, 07:46:35 AM
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Quote from: "Leslie"
I ran the Diario story through the Pap translator and saw this section:
"where mencion is wordo haci of declaracion of testigonan y also informacion of tapmento of telefoon, cu is show or is give indicacion cu paul van der sloot will was have two trip contacto personal cu natalee during the night of desaparicion of natalee!!
I read it as Paul had two contacts with Natalee the night she disappeared with evidence obtained from sworn testimony and telephone wiretaping.

Again, that son of a bitch! As Deepak stated "You're own father"!

Yep.  Deepak few words are haunting.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 15, 2007, 07:52:47 AM
Quite frankly Anita portrays Paulus as this soft spoken man and if you see him in interviews he lays the accent on pretty thick.  Now compare Anita and Paulus' accent.  Anita speaks really well and Paulus pretends he doesn't.  I think it is done by design.  Paulus knows someone has him on tape and he will claim that it is not him my English is not that good.

Paulus is not soft spoken and Tim Miller witnessed that first hand when he blew a gasket in front of his house.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 15, 2007, 07:56:23 AM
The more recent revelations demonstrate that at least part of the reason for the cover up was Paulus being directly involved in what happened to Natalee that night/morning. Aruba is done, as far as I am concerned.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 15, 2007, 08:19:31 AM
From the very beginning I thought that Paulus was up to his eyeballs in this tragedy.
One reason is because these so called "Kids" are not bright enough to have thought of all it took to pull this thing together.
The other thing is that I believed the Old Man is/was a pervert and wanted that young girl for himself.
I also believe as this thing unravels, more and more will come out that will prove most of the info here on the monkeys to be true.

ANd, yes. Anita knows exactly what happened and should have been hauled in and questioned.  Perhaps at some point she well.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 15, 2007, 08:20:37 AM
Quote from: "San"
Quite frankly Anita portrays Paulus as this soft spoken man and if you see him in interviews he lays the accent on pretty thick.  Now compare Anita and Paulus' accent.  Anita speaks really well and Paulus pretends he doesn't.  I think it is done by design.  Paulus knows someone has him on tape and he will claim that it is not him my English is not that good.

Paulus is not soft spoken and Tim Miller witnessed that first hand when he blew a gasket in front of his house.

You're right, San, its all part of the act.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 15, 2007, 08:24:32 AM
Quote from: "Artcolley"
From the very beginning I thought that Paulus was up to his eyeballs in this tragedy.
One reason is because these so called "Kids" are not bright enough to have thought of all it took to pull this thing together.
The other thing is that I believed the Old Man is/was a pervert and wanted that young girl for himself.
I also believe as this thing unravels, more and more will come out that will prove most of the info here on the monkeys to be true.

ANd, yes. Anita knows exactly what happened and should have been hauled in and questioned.  Perhaps at some point she well.

Art~ I was suspicious of Paulus' level of involvement, though had nothing concrete until this came out. Now that it has, I have to wonder just how complicit was Anita? Was Natalee kept at the Sloot's while Anita was there?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 15, 2007, 08:26:41 AM
Taking it one step further, was Renfro directly involved? Is that the motivation behind her sick campaign?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: MsVada on February 15, 2007, 08:27:11 AM
of course Anita acted as she has.  She is an obedient wife, she's a powerless Mother/Wife.  Her husband and son run the show and she spends her time trying to hide their double lives and make them look good in the public eye.  

O/T  we got 17" of SNOW and a 2nd day of no school.  Can't wait to get on the snowmobiles.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 15, 2007, 08:31:00 AM
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Quote from: "Artcolley"
From the very beginning I thought that Paulus was up to his eyeballs in this tragedy.
One reason is because these so called "Kids" are not bright enough to have thought of all it took to pull this thing together.
The other thing is that I believed the Old Man is/was a pervert and wanted that young girl for himself.
I also believe as this thing unravels, more and more will come out that will prove most of the info here on the monkeys to be true.

ANd, yes. Anita knows exactly what happened and should have been hauled in and questioned.  Perhaps at some point she well.

Art~ I was suspicious of Paulus' level of involvement, though had nothing concrete until this came out. Now that it has, I have to wonder just how complicit was Anita? Was Natalee kept at the Sloot's while Anita was there?

Justins, You know, I think Natalee WAS there when Anita came home. In fact, I have toyed with the idea that Anita was instrumental in the disposal aspect of this. Of course, this is all my opionion...but things sure seem that way to me.
If you live in a home you know what goes on in that home. Anita was the woman of that house..she knew. You don't go hiding things like that in that tiny house they live in.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Leslie on February 15, 2007, 08:32:33 AM
Let's hope the Aruban public start to ask some questions after they read their newspapers.  This is the first time that I can recall where Paul was brought into the case directly.  I wonder if the public knows that Anita was out of town and that Paul was with Natalee at the casino.  I wish Jossy would print that casino picture.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 15, 2007, 08:33:22 AM
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Taking it one step further, was Renfro directly involved? Is that the motivation behind her sick campaign?

WEll, recalling her "involvement" in was long ago discussed, she could well have been involved. She sure took great pains to inject herself at every opportunity to throw people off the track, didn't she?
She HAD a motive. Now...what was that motive?
You could be very right on this one, Justins.

Title: Indiana Cats Sun Hydoponics Endless Pool Popcorn
Post by: IBE on February 15, 2007, 08:37:11 AM
Tibrogargan Glad you missed the wait for planes at LAX going to snow cities.

Well, the clean up crew was a class act and sexy too. Thanks My cat and dog didn't want them to finish so they could be around more and perhaps play afterwards. Have you gone to the Party sight to see the going home gifts?
About Oct of last year, someone posted a monkey massage gif.. we all could use one... with the party, shoveling snow and all.

IndyDan your beautiful picture of MVille IN made me homesick! Looks like the 1/2 acre we had; lots of grass to cut in the summer.

If the sun would shine more during the winter in Indiana, as I understand it does in Colo, even tho cold I could hack it. It was the dark, gray days that got to me after living in CA... the cold I think I could have adjusted to again with hydroponic tomatoes in the basement and an indoor endless pool/sauna. When retired and limited family you sometimes don't have that many places to go. Actually if I were in love there, it would all be brighter anyway!

Is Easter early or late this year... there always seemed to be a snow during Spring Vacation that shocked the daffadills. One school I taught at never had a Spring Vacation so they could get out early in May for the crops (popcorn=all around Lafayette area) One second grade teacher's whole year's salary went to just buying 1 tractor. We made $300 a month then.

To me snow days meant more days of school in June UGH when it was too nice to be in school.

Sorry, after such a nice party among friends last night, I am alittle down this morning.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Peaches on February 15, 2007, 08:42:35 AM
Quote from: "klaasend"
FYI - Medleyrelay and Moonshadows are not happy at all with todays ruling. :wink:


Good morning.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Kimmy53 on February 15, 2007, 08:47:20 AM
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Quote from: "Artcolley"
From the very beginning I thought that Paulus was up to his eyeballs in this tragedy.
One reason is because these so called "Kids" are not bright enough to have thought of all it took to pull this thing together.
The other thing is that I believed the Old Man is/was a pervert and wanted that young girl for himself.
I also believe as this thing unravels, more and more will come out that will prove most of the info here on the monkeys to be true.

ANd, yes. Anita knows exactly what happened and should have been hauled in and questioned.  Perhaps at some point she well.

Art~ I was suspicious of Paulus' level of involvement, though had nothing concrete until this came out. Now that it has, I have to wonder just how complicit was Anita? Was Natalee kept at the Sloot's while Anita was there?

Justins, You know, I think Natalee WAS there when Anita came home. In fact, I have toyed with the idea that Anita was instrumental in the disposal aspect of this. Of course, this is all my opionion...but things sure seem that way to me.
If you live in a home you know what goes on in that home. Anita was the woman of that house..she knew. You don't go hiding things like that in that tiny house they live in.

I agree with you guys - Anita in the very least knew what went on.  I can't forget sweaty Paulus, and Anita speaking for them.  He was sweating for a reason and it wasn't because he has some kind of condition - he was scared.  He is in it up to his beady eyeballs.  

Leslie - I hope they do start to ask questions...I hope they are sick of the Van der Sloots and the ruin they have brought to their island.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Peaches on February 15, 2007, 08:51:59 AM
Quote from: "IndyDan"
OT- sorry. Just wanted to share this pic looking out my backdoor tonight:

It's so beautiful.

But I still don't miss shoveling or driving in it.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 15, 2007, 08:53:31 AM
Quote from: "Peaches"
Quote from: "klaasend"
FYI - Medleyrelay and Moonshadows are not happy at all with todays ruling. :wink:


Good morning.

Mornin' Peaches!   :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Kimmy53 on February 15, 2007, 08:58:30 AM
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Quote from: "Leslie"
I ran the Diario story through the Pap translator and saw this section:
"where mencion is wordo haci of declaracion of testigonan y also informacion of tapmento of telefoon, cu is show or is give indicacion cu paul van der sloot will was have two trip contacto personal cu natalee during the night of desaparicion of natalee!!
I read it as Paul had two contacts with Natalee the night she disappeared with evidence obtained from sworn testimony and telephone wiretaping.

Again, that son of a bitch! As Deepak stated "You're own father"!

Yep.  Deepak few words are haunting.

I have thought about those words.  Do you think Deepak was trying to shift more attention towards Paulus?

Deepak is placing Paulus right in the middle.  Did Deepak mean that it was unbelievable that Paulus would let Joran take all the blame while he knew full well that Paulus was involved?  What ever it was, it was bad enough for Deepak to think badly of it.  That tells alot, because I am sure his level of morality is pretty low.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 15, 2007, 08:59:23 AM
Quote from: "Ms.DarthVada"
of course Anita acted as she has.  She is an obedient wife, she's a powerless Mother/Wife.  Her husband and son run the show and she spends her time trying to hide their double lives and make them look good in the public eye.  

O/T  we got 17" of SNOW and a 2nd day of no school.  Can't wait to get on the snowmobiles.

We got lots of snow here too!!! It Is Gorgeous!!!
The roads are still pretty "iffy" though. Lots of sideways gliders! :shock:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Peaches on February 15, 2007, 09:10:32 AM
AC!!!!   How are ya?

It's fabulous to see you and know you must be feeling better and better every day.  God is good all the time.  I am so happy for you and your family.  Your ACDC..aka Seamonkey is delightful.  So nice of her to keep us advised following surgery.  I know we were all worried sick.   And now we can sit back and thank God for a terrific outcome.  

Morning, Kimmie, Leslie, and anyone else my brain is keeping me from mentioning.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 15, 2007, 09:12:23 AM
Quote from: "Kimmy53"
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Quote from: "Artcolley"
From the very beginning I thought that Paulus was up to his eyeballs in this tragedy.
One reason is because these so called "Kids" are not bright enough to have thought of all it took to pull this thing together.
The other thing is that I believed the Old Man is/was a pervert and wanted that young girl for himself.
I also believe as this thing unravels, more and more will come out that will prove most of the info here on the monkeys to be true.

ANd, yes. Anita knows exactly what happened and should have been hauled in and questioned.  Perhaps at some point she well.

Art~ I was suspicious of Paulus' level of involvement, though had nothing concrete until this came out. Now that it has, I have to wonder just how complicit was Anita? Was Natalee kept at the Sloot's while Anita was there?

Justins, You know, I think Natalee WAS there when Anita came home. In fact, I have toyed with the idea that Anita was instrumental in the disposal aspect of this. Of course, this is all my opionion...but things sure seem that way to me.
If you live in a home you know what goes on in that home. Anita was the woman of that house..she knew. You don't go hiding things like that in that tiny house they live in.

I agree with you guys - Anita in the very least knew what went on.  I can't forget sweaty Paulus, and Anita speaking for them.  He was sweating for a reason and it wasn't because he has some kind of condition - he was scared.  He is in it up to his beady eyeballs.  

Leslie - I hope they do start to ask questions...I hope they are sick of the Van der Sloots and the ruin they have brought to their island.

Kimmy, yes, old Paulus was sweating up a storm just from fear alone.
What a sickening piece of excrement he truly is.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 15, 2007, 09:13:18 AM
Quote from: "Kimmy53"
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Quote from: "Leslie"
I ran the Diario story through the Pap translator and saw this section:
"where mencion is wordo haci of declaracion of testigonan y also informacion of tapmento of telefoon, cu is show or is give indicacion cu paul van der sloot will was have two trip contacto personal cu natalee during the night of desaparicion of natalee!!
I read it as Paul had two contacts with Natalee the night she disappeared with evidence obtained from sworn testimony and telephone wiretaping.

Again, that son of a bitch! As Deepak stated "You're own father"!

Yep.  Deepak few words are haunting.

I have thought about those words.  Do you think Deepak was trying to shift more attention towards Paulus?

Deepak is placing Paulus right in the middle.  Did Deepak mean that it was unbelievable that Paulus would let Joran take all the blame while he knew full well that Paulus was involved?  What ever it was, it was bad enough for Deepak to think badly of it.  That tells alot, because I am sure his level of morality is pretty low.

I have wondered about those words myself..they could mean a couple of things.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 15, 2007, 09:15:22 AM
Quote from: "Peaches"
AC!!!!   How are ya?

It's fabulous to see you and know you must be feeling better and better every day.  God is good all the time.  I am so happy for you and your family.  Your ACDC..aka Seamonkey is delightful.  So nice of her to keep us advised following surgery.  I know we were all worried sick.   And now we can sit back and thank God for a terrific outcome.  

Morning, Kimmie, Leslie, and anyone else my brain is keeping me from mentioning.

Peaches, its so nice to be back here as well!
My little SeaMonkey is truly a special person and has always been such a comfort and joy to me, even as a tiny child!
ANd, you monkeys, and all your prayers and good thoughts helped more than you'll ever know!!!! :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Kimmy53 on February 15, 2007, 09:28:20 AM
Quote from: "Peaches"
AC!!!!   How are ya?

It's fabulous to see you and know you must be feeling better and better every day.  God is good all the time.  I am so happy for you and your family.  Your ACDC..aka Seamonkey is delightful.  So nice of her to keep us advised following surgery.  I know we were all worried sick.   And now we can sit back and thank God for a terrific outcome.  

Morning, Kimmie, Leslie, and anyone else my brain is keeping me from mentioning.

Good Morning Peaches!  I am going thru a huge pile of filing.... Gakkkk I hate to file

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 15, 2007, 09:43:50 AM
Quote from: "Artcolley"
From the very beginning I thought that Paulus was up to his eyeballs in this tragedy.
One reason is because these so called "Kids" are not bright enough to have thought of all it took to pull this thing together.
The other thing is that I believed the Old Man is/was a pervert and wanted that young girl for himself.
I also believe as this thing unravels, more and more will come out that will prove most of the info here on the monkeys to be true.

ANd, yes. Anita knows exactly what happened and should have been hauled in and questioned.  Perhaps at some point she well.

Anita's fat ass should be in jail right now along with the rest of her family.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: MsVada on February 15, 2007, 09:44:43 AM
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "Ms.DarthVada"
of course Anita acted as she has.  She is an obedient wife, she's a powerless Mother/Wife.  Her husband and son run the show and she spends her time trying to hide their double lives and make them look good in the public eye.  

O/T  we got 17" of SNOW and a 2nd day of no school.  Can't wait to get on the snowmobiles.

We got lots of snow here too!!! It Is Gorgeous!!!
The roads are still pretty "iffy" though. Lots of sideways gliders! :shock:

Haha,  I'm still trying to get INTO the car!  I had to shovel a path and got tired when I hit the snowdrift that goes over the entire door.  It wouldn't be too bad but its so cold and the wind is whipping.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 15, 2007, 09:46:37 AM
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Quote from: "Artcolley"
From the very beginning I thought that Paulus was up to his eyeballs in this tragedy.
One reason is because these so called "Kids" are not bright enough to have thought of all it took to pull this thing together.
The other thing is that I believed the Old Man is/was a pervert and wanted that young girl for himself.
I also believe as this thing unravels, more and more will come out that will prove most of the info here on the monkeys to be true.

ANd, yes. Anita knows exactly what happened and should have been hauled in and questioned.  Perhaps at some point she well.

Art~ I was suspicious of Paulus' level of involvement, though had nothing concrete until this came out. Now that it has, I have to wonder just how complicit was Anita? Was Natalee kept at the Sloot's while Anita was there?

Justins, You know, I think Natalee WAS there when Anita came home. In fact, I have toyed with the idea that Anita was instrumental in the disposal aspect of this. Of course, this is all my opionion...but things sure seem that way to me.
If you live in a home you know what goes on in that home. Anita was the woman of that house..she knew. You don't go hiding things like that in that tiny house they live in.

I agree Art.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 15, 2007, 09:55:31 AM
In his television interview Joran said he went into the kitchen for something to eat after he got home and went on the computer.

At some point Natalee was in the main part of the house and this is why he was in the kitchen.  Was a severely injured Natalee in the area where they eat dinner.  If you look at the photo was Natalee on the bed in the background.

Once again we go back to why the main part of the house wasn't searched.


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: snoopy on February 15, 2007, 09:56:53 AM
Quote from: "Peaches"
Quote from: "klaasend"
FYI - Medleyrelay and Moonshadows are not happy at all with todays ruling. :wink:


Good morning.

You always say it so well Peaches.    :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

I can remember when I would set here at my puuter trying to figure out what in the world BFD, POS, FOS, OMG, etc. was.  Just too darn funny.  And the whole cookies in the puuter thing just put me over the edge.

Pauls arrogance and greed will be his undoing.  Anita knows everything IMO.   This ain't over.

IBE.....awesome party last night.  I was the quiet one in the corner.  8)

Good Morning Everybody!!  :D

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 15, 2007, 10:01:10 AM
Quote from: "snoopy"
Quote from: "Peaches"
Quote from: "klaasend"
FYI - Medleyrelay and Moonshadows are not happy at all with todays ruling. :wink:


Good morning.

You always say it so well Peaches.    :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

I can remember when I would set here at my puuter trying to figure out what in the world BFD, POS, FOS, OMG, etc. was.  Just too darn funny.  And the whole cookies in the puuter thing just put me over the edge.

Pauls arrogance and greed will be his undoing.  Anita knows everything IMO.   This ain't over.

IBE.....awesome party last night.  I was the quiet one in the corner.  8)

Good Morning Everybody!!  :D

Good Morning Snoopy.

I too would sit at the computer and say to myself what does that mean :lol: .

I was recently on IM with my sister and I used OMG and she IM'd me back and said what is OMG  :lol: .

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 15, 2007, 10:02:05 AM
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "snoopy"
Quote from: "Peaches"
Quote from: "klaasend"
FYI - Medleyrelay and Moonshadows are not happy at all with todays ruling. :wink:


Good morning.

You always say it so well Peaches.    :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

I can remember when I would set here at my puuter trying to figure out what in the world BFD, POS, FOS, OMG, etc. was.  Just too darn funny.  And the whole cookies in the puuter thing just put me over the edge.

Pauls arrogance and greed will be his undoing.  Anita knows everything IMO.   This ain't over.

IBE.....awesome party last night.  I was the quiet one in the corner.  8)

Good Morning Everybody!!  :D

Good Morning Snoopy.

I too would sit at the computer and say to myself what does that mean :lol: .

I was recently on IM with my sister and I used OMG and she IM'd me back and said what is OMG  :lol: .

 :lol:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Peaches on February 15, 2007, 10:05:18 AM
Snoopy, my friend.  How are ya!

Speaking of acronyms, when I used to work in tech support (10 years ago), sometimes there was no explanation for things.  Sometimes I could make things work over the phone (provided the other person was listening and paying attention and not worrying about what a good idea that  "cupholder" is on the front of the computer).

Something are accomplished by PFM.

Other times you need to use tools...... a BFH works well (sometimes).

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Peaches on February 15, 2007, 10:07:11 AM
Sometimes having a teenager is helpful.  Mine seems to know all the acronyms.. perhaps too well.

I know one of her favorites is POS.... parents over shoulder.

I like TTFN.... ta ta for now.

When I IM with Little Peach, we always say LYMI....  love you mean it.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 15, 2007, 10:09:31 AM
Quote from: "Peaches"
Sometimes having a teenager is helpful.  Mine seems to know all the acronyms.. perhaps too well.

I know one of her favorites is POS.... parents over shoulder.

I like TTFN.... ta ta for now.

When I IM with Little Peach, we always say LYMI....  love you mean it.

Peaches, I'm still stuck on PFM and BFH.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: snoopy on February 15, 2007, 10:12:03 AM
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "snoopy"
Quote from: "Peaches"
Quote from: "klaasend"
FYI - Medleyrelay and Moonshadows are not happy at all with todays ruling. :wink:


Good morning.

You always say it so well Peaches.    :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

I can remember when I would set here at my puuter trying to figure out what in the world BFD, POS, FOS, OMG, etc. was.  Just too darn funny.  And the whole cookies in the puuter thing just put me over the edge.

Pauls arrogance and greed will be his undoing.  Anita knows everything IMO.   This ain't over.

IBE.....awesome party last night.  I was the quiet one in the corner.  8)

Good Morning Everybody!!  :D

Good Morning Snoopy.

I too would sit at the computer and say to myself what does that mean :lol: .

I was recently on IM with my sister and I used OMG and she IM'd me back and said what is OMG  :lol: .

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

My brother who just turned 65 decided it was time for a puuter.  Now we're talkin about a wood cutting truck driver here ya'll.  :lol:  :lol:
So I went and got him one.....set it internet.......and  :shock:  he's a wild man.  Looking up tractors and such on Google.  This week I shall atempt to teach him email. :lol:   LMAO  He's so funny.  I got all these cheat cards made up for him...........::seriusly shaking my head::

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: igsigs on February 15, 2007, 10:13:31 AM
Quote from: "Leslie"
I read it as Paul had two contacts with Natalee the night she disappeared with evidence obtained from sworn testimony and telephone wiretaping.

Phone tapping of the VDSs led ALE to believe that Paulus had 2 contacts with Natalee? And the judge denied Paulus compensation based on this? Wow!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: snoopy on February 15, 2007, 10:14:57 AM
Quote from: "Peaches"
Snoopy, my friend.  How are ya!

Speaking of acronyms, when I used to work in tech support (10 years ago), sometimes there was no explanation for things.  Sometimes I could make things work over the phone (provided the other person was listening and paying attention and not worrying about what a good idea that  "cupholder" is on the front of the computer).

Something are accomplished by PFM.

Other times you need to use tools...... a BFH works well (sometimes).

I'm good.  How are you buddy?    PFM?  BFH?  hhhmmmm.   No clue.  Don't worry though......I figure it out in a couple of weeks.  :lol:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: snoopy on February 15, 2007, 10:19:03 AM
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "Peaches"
Sometimes having a teenager is helpful.  Mine seems to know all the acronyms.. perhaps too well.

I know one of her favorites is POS.... parents over shoulder.

I like TTFN.... ta ta for now.

When I IM with Little Peach, we always say LYMI....  love you mean it.

Peaches, I'm still stuck on PFM and BFH.

You to huh?  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Rock On!!  8)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: sharon on February 15, 2007, 10:20:25 AM
Assuming the 'f' means the same in both  :D ......

pure magic AND big hammer are my guesses  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: snoopy on February 15, 2007, 10:20:36 AM
Quote from: "igsigs"
Quote from: "Leslie"
I read it as Paul had two contacts with Natalee the night she disappeared with evidence obtained from sworn testimony and telephone wiretaping.

Phone tapping of the VDSs led ALE to believe that Paulus had 2 contacts with Natalee? And the judge denied Paulus compensation based on this? Wow!

I hate them all.  POS

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 15, 2007, 10:22:20 AM
DA looses case against Diario again  

Theresa Croes-Fernandes Pedra

ORANJESTAD – The District Attorney (DA) has also lost the case against morning paper Diario in the court of appeals.  She brought charges against Diario and two AVP-politicians, Arthur Dowers and Mike Eman, for defamation.  

The Court gave verdict in an appeal that DA Theresa Croes-Fernandes Pedra had filed against the acquittal of Diario.  The articles that Diario had placed rephrased the opinion of the two politicians, about the OM and the DA not being able to supervise the public administration, because they have insufficient independency and distance.    

The DA wanted the Court of First Instance to sentence that she pertinently felt offended by the statements in Diario and that the newspaper will have to rectify.  She lost that case and also the appeal; the politicians were already acquitted in January, because the judge decided that the politicians’ opinions were political.

With regard to Diario, the judge decided that reporting political opinion is part of the press-freedom.  In the appeal case against Diario, the Court decided to maintain the verdict in the lawsuit.  The DA lost the appeal and has to pay for the legal costs of the defendants.  

‘Relieved’ DA retires

ORANJESTAD – After a decision in her benefit on a dispute about her pension scheme, District Attorney (DA) Theresa Croes-Fernandes Pedra will retire on January 1st, 2008.

Attorney General Nico Jörg will temporarily take her place till September 2008, when a new DA is appointed.  In an interview with Amigoe, the DA said that she is relieved.  

Two years ago she mentioned already that she wanted to stop working, but she stayed on to avoid a break in pension contributions.  Before she became a DA five years ago, she was a judge in the Joint Court of Justice.  During those years, she was required to take part in the Antillean pension fund; much against her will, because she wanted to stay with the Aruban pension fund, where she has been saving for her pension when she was still working for the Aruban government.  “The legal position of the members of the Public Prosecution (OM) is linked to that of the judges.  Some people do not want the Aruban judges to get a better position than the judges from Curacao, due to the fact that our judges can take part in the Aruban pension fund.”  She ultimately received her own scheme, whereby she can retire after 13 years of ‘obstacles’

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Peaches on February 15, 2007, 10:22:47 AM
Quote from: "sharon"
Assuming the 'f' means the same in both  :D ......

pure magic AND big hammer are my guesses  :lol:


Have a great day!  I'll be working and lurking and leaving early for a meeting at school.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: snoopy on February 15, 2007, 10:24:15 AM
Quote from: "sharon"
Assuming the 'f' means the same in both  :D ......

pure magic AND big hammer are my guesses  :lol:

Oh.....yea.........slapping hand on forehead here.   Big F Hammer......yep....been there done that.   Thenof course used duck tape, dry wall screws.  Ok gotta tell ya'll sumpin.  It's so funny when I type words with r's in them cause in real life this is how I would say it.  dwy wall scwews.  Have a little trouble with r words.  K. my bad.   :oops:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: igsigs on February 15, 2007, 10:24:53 AM
Would be interesting to know if by *phone tap* ALE means phone records of the night in question or blabbing after the fact. I will keep an eye out for a full trans of the article...should be most interesting.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: snoopy on February 15, 2007, 10:28:05 AM
Quote from: "igsigs"
Would be interesting to know if by *phone tap* ALE means phone records of the night in question or blabbing after the fact. I will keep an eye out for a full trans of the article...should be most interesting.

I'd like to know that too, igs.  Bet they know exactly who called who, from where, and when.  They know.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 15, 2007, 10:28:49 AM
From MF at FOB - partial translation of the rest:

Yes, in the decision that the Court made, it was also mentioned that there were a couple of witnesses that saw Paulus in company of Joran and Natalee (in the jeep).

Yes, those witnesses told the ALE and Prosecutor's Office that Paulus van der Sloot was seen picking up Joran (around 11:00p.m.) and Natalee at Mc Donald's and giving them a ride to Holiday Inn, a few hundred feets down the road.

The telephone information was in relation to a tap that was done on the family in which the ALE and prosecutor concluded that it might have been possible that PvdS had contacts with Natalee before she disappeared, maybe even twice... but that was when he was detained and could not substantiate that. They only had the statements.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 15, 2007, 10:33:41 AM

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: igsigs on February 15, 2007, 10:35:40 AM
Quote from: "snoopy"
Quote from: "igsigs"
Would be interesting to know if by *phone tap* ALE means phone records of the night in question or blabbing after the fact. I will keep an eye out for a full trans of the article...should be most interesting.

I'd like to know that too, igs.  Bet they know exactly who called who, from where, and when.  They know.

Hey snoop...Paulus wavering in that Nova interview concerning his phone activities on the night in question was very suspicious. Betcha his phone records would be an eye-opener.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: friend of monkeys on February 15, 2007, 10:37:37 AM


WHAT HAVE I MISSED!!!! :shock:

the library computer has a 30 min limit but I am gonna try to spped read :oops:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 15, 2007, 10:38:37 AM
Quote from: "friend of monkeys"


WHAT HAVE I MISSED!!!! :shock:

the library computer has a 30 min limit but I am gonna try to spped read :oops:

Paulus was denied his award.  Witnesses said PVDS said he picked up Joran and possibly Natalee at 4am on 5/30.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: friend of monkeys on February 15, 2007, 10:38:44 AM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "mrs. red"
HI Monkeys...

I haven't been around in a while, except for the political thread.... and I am so lost with this thread.... some one please catch me up!!!

No news in the NH case. are caught up!  :wink:

k........i am caught up?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: msmarple on February 15, 2007, 10:39:43 AM
Quote from: "klaasend"
From MF at FOB - partial translation of the rest:

Yes, in the decision that the Court made, it was also mentioned that there were a couple of witnesses that saw Paulus in company of Joran and Natalee (in the jeep).

Yes, those witnesses told the ALE and Prosecutor's Office that Paulus van der Sloot was seen picking up Joran (around 11:00p.m.) and Natalee at Mc Donald's and giving them a ride to Holiday Inn, a few hundred feets down the road.

The telephone information was in relation to a tap that was done on the family in which the ALE and prosecutor concluded that it might have been possible that PvdS had contacts with Natalee before she disappeared, maybe even twice... but that was when he was detained and could not substantiate that. They only had the statements.

Well, that doesn't make a bit of sense.

Good morning monkeys.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: igsigs on February 15, 2007, 10:40:00 AM
Quote from: "klaasend"

The telephone information was in relation to a tap that was done on the family in which the ALE and prosecutor concluded that it might have been possible that PvdS had contacts with Natalee before she disappeared, maybe even twice... but that was when he was detained and could not substantiate that. They only had the statements.

Thanks Klaas.

"They only had the statements....".  Yeah, maybe a statement by Paulus incriminating himself.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 15, 2007, 10:40:39 AM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "friend of monkeys"


WHAT HAVE I MISSED!!!! :shock:

the library computer has a 30 min limit but I am gonna try to spped read :oops:

Paulus was denied his award.  Witnesses said PVDS said he picked up Joran and possibly Natalee at 4am on 5/30.

FOM - Read this!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 15, 2007, 10:42:19 AM
Posted by FOB_Lurker at FOB:  :wink:

But MF above said that the two who say Natalee, Paulus and Joran together at 4am gave statements to ALE and the prosecutor. I didn't think many of the MB kids stayed in Aruba. Was this over the phone? Or were the two actually Arubans who came forward in the early days?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: igsigs on February 15, 2007, 10:42:28 AM
Quote from: "friend of monkeys"


Greeting FOM! Are you back on-line yet?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: friend of monkeys on February 15, 2007, 10:44:39 AM
Quote from: "Artcolley"
Quote from: "Kimmy53"
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Quote from: "Leslie"
I ran the Diario story through the Pap translator and saw this section:
"where mencion is wordo haci of declaracion of testigonan y also informacion of tapmento of telefoon, cu is show or is give indicacion cu paul van der sloot will was have two trip contacto personal cu natalee during the night of desaparicion of natalee!!
I read it as Paul had two contacts with Natalee the night she disappeared with evidence obtained from sworn testimony and telephone wiretaping.

Again, that son of a bitch! As Deepak stated "You're own father"!

Yep.  Deepak few words are haunting.

I have thought about those words.  Do you think Deepak was trying to shift more attention towards Paulus?

Deepak is placing Paulus right in the middle.  Did Deepak mean that it was unbelievable that Paulus would let Joran take all the blame while he knew full well that Paulus was involved?  What ever it was, it was bad enough for Deepak to think badly of it.  That tells alot, because I am sure his level of morality is pretty low.

I have wondered about those words myself..they could mean a couple of things.

could mean Paulus saw her when she could have been assisted medically and he chose to let her die....or let her be moved to a crackhouse  (lorenzoes?)  until she was well enuf to be returned.....but then things got "too hot"  when Beth and co. arrived so quickly......

just throwing out scrambled monkey brains.......

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: friend of monkeys on February 15, 2007, 10:45:56 AM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "friend of monkeys"


WHAT HAVE I MISSED!!!! :shock:

the library computer has a 30 min limit but I am gonna try to spped read :oops:

Paulus was denied his award.  Witnesses said PVDS said he picked up Joran and possibly Natalee at 4am on 5/30.

WOW....denied his award......because of the witness statement?

ty KLASS......i think i have 15 min

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 15, 2007, 10:49:36 AM
FOM - We are still trying to get accurate translations.  We aren't sure of all the reasons he was denied his compensation yet.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: friend of monkeys on February 15, 2007, 10:50:55 AM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Posted by FOB_Lurker at FOB:  :wink:

But MF above said that the two who say Natalee, Paulus and Joran together at 4am gave statements to ALE and the prosecutor. I didn't think many of the MB kids stayed in Aruba. Was this over the phone? Or were the two actually Arubans who came forward in the early days? the info/statements are...they were impressive enuf to get PVDS denied his award.....

wonder how MJ is doing with his case against govt...have not heard from him in  a while w/ computer down......

IPS-----motherboard for a new DEll

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: friend of monkeys on February 15, 2007, 10:53:00 AM
Quote from: "klaasend"
FOM - We are still trying to get accurate translations.  We aren't sure of all the reasons he was denied his compensation yet.

it is enuf for me that he has been denied......can't wait to see where this goes...

Hi to Mr. and Mrs Red....
and all the monkeys

will check in later.....

thanks u guys :wink:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Cat on February 15, 2007, 10:56:51 AM
I know that I have have an opinion.!+based on experience in this area,Anita is an enabler.Her statements about boys will be boys is a typical statement.The fact many people are mentioned as his bastards shows she knew.2-I think NAH was not walking at 4am.3-I think pvds was involved and lastly I think jvds is a killer.So Joe,you may sue if you want.Klass,would you send me an email,I have a questionThanks CAT

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: friend of monkeys on February 15, 2007, 11:02:24 AM

hope your lucky 4 leaf clover brings some luck to Natalees family...

gosh i haven't even gotten rid of my new years decorations

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: snoopy on February 15, 2007, 11:14:17 AM
Quote from: "Cat"
I know that I have have an opinion.!+based on experience in this area,Anita is an enabler.Her statements about boys will be boys is a typical statement.The fact many people are mentioned as his bastards shows she knew.2-I think NAH was not walking at 4am.3-I think pvds was involved and lastly I think jvds is a killer.So Joe,you may sue if you want.Klass,would you send me an email,I have a questionThanks CAT


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: AnnieMW1 on February 15, 2007, 11:16:01 AM
Did everyone hear about the planeful of people held up on the runway yesterday for 8-9 hours?  BOUND FOR ARUBA!!!  That'll teach 'em...

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 15, 2007, 11:19:51 AM
Quote from: "AnnieMW1"
Did everyone hear about the planeful of people held up on the runway yesterday for 8-9 hours?  BOUND FOR ARUBA!!!  That'll teach 'em...

Hi Annie - good to see you.  Heard something about it but haven't read the entire story.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 15, 2007, 11:21:05 AM
FOM - changed your avatar for you

CAT - check your email

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Mere on February 15, 2007, 11:42:00 AM
Quote from: "AnnieMW1"
Did everyone hear about the planeful of people held up on the runway yesterday for 8-9 hours?  BOUND FOR ARUBA!!!  That'll teach 'em...

Hi CNN site says Cancun....but no one should be held on the tarmac like about no food or water and no air.... :shock:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 15, 2007, 11:46:06 AM
Quote from: "MeMere"
Quote from: "AnnieMW1"
Did everyone hear about the planeful of people held up on the runway yesterday for 8-9 hours?  BOUND FOR ARUBA!!!  That'll teach 'em...

Hi CNN site says Cancun....but no one should be held on the tarmac like about no food or water and no air.... :shock:,2933,252122,00.html

To Cheryl Chesner, 26, "unacceptable" was hardly the word for the 11 hours she said she and her husband, Seth, 27, spent trying to take a JetBlue flight to Aruba for their honeymoon

Seems yesterday was a bad KARMA day for Aruba all the way around  :wink:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Mere on February 15, 2007, 11:47:25 AM
Annie...realized that if one plane was stranded, multiple planes were probably stranded....and here is Aruba...!,2933,252122,00.html

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: msmarple on February 15, 2007, 11:57:25 AM
Quote from: "MeMere"
Annie...realized that if one plane was stranded, multiple planes were probably stranded....and here is Aruba...!,2933,252122,00.html

Ahhh, yes, but only JetBlue failed to "rescue" passengers from the stranded planes.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Mere on February 15, 2007, 12:32:25 PM
Quote from: "msmarple"
Quote from: "MeMere"
Annie...realized that if one plane was stranded, multiple planes were probably stranded....and here is Aruba...!,2933,252122,00.html

Ahhh, yes, but only JetBlue failed to "rescue" passengers from the stranded planes.

Aren't they the ones with a TV at each seat....?  Wonder if they worked...!
I hate to fly for long periods due to the cramped conditions.  Seems by now the authorities would designate a time period that a plane could be held on the maybe one hour (and even that seems long to me)....then everyone has to be rescued or brought back to the gate.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 15, 2007, 12:35:03 PM
Quote from: "MeMere"
Quote from: "msmarple"
Quote from: "MeMere"
Annie...realized that if one plane was stranded, multiple planes were probably stranded....and here is Aruba...!,2933,252122,00.html

Ahhh, yes, but only JetBlue failed to "rescue" passengers from the stranded planes.

Aren't they the ones with a TV at each seat....?  Wonder if they worked...!
I hate to fly for long periods due to the cramped conditions.  Seems by now the authorities would designate a time period that a plane could be held on the maybe one hour (and even that seems long to me)....then everyone has to be rescued or brought back to the gate.

Sounds good to me :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: mrs. red on February 15, 2007, 12:36:15 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "AnnieMW1"
Did everyone hear about the planeful of people held up on the runway yesterday for 8-9 hours?  BOUND FOR ARUBA!!!  That'll teach 'em...

Hi Annie - good to see you.  Heard something about it but haven't read the entire story.

the shame.... it's on the front page...

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: JuJu on February 15, 2007, 12:43:25 PM
Hi Monkeys!  Paulus the Pig wasn't sweating his ass off for no reason.....and they never searched that house did they?????

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 15, 2007, 12:46:55 PM
Quote from: "JuJu"
Hi Monkeys!  Paulus the Pig wasn't sweating his ass off for no reason.....and they never searched that house did they?????

Of course not!  PVDS said he would do ANYTHING to protect his son.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: JuJu on February 15, 2007, 12:49:35 PM
sounds like he was protecting his own ass.......and Mama Pig is just as guilty because she knows what happened..

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: JuJu on February 15, 2007, 12:52:40 PM
I have always wondered if they had stored her in a freezer at the house until they could decide what to do.....there was something in that house....

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: JuJu on February 15, 2007, 12:53:22 PM
did I run everybody off???

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 15, 2007, 12:55:40 PM
Quote from: "JuJu"
sounds like he was protecting his own ass.......and Mama Pig is just as guilty because she knows what happened..

Hi JuJu, our Special Monkey.  What was that recent quote about him not telling all he knows because it would hurt a lot of people?  Which people Paulus?  And since when did Paulus care about hurting a lot of people?  He and his son already did that!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 15, 2007, 12:56:26 PM
Klaas I like your St. Pat's avatar.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 15, 2007, 12:59:55 PM
Quote from: "San"
Klaas I like your St. Pat's avatar.

Thanks San!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: JuJu on February 15, 2007, 12:59:57 PM
the only people he was worrying about hurting is him and his family...the site of him makes me sick to my stomach....I have also wondered about his arrest and what caused the police to charge him with Pre-meditated murder

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: JuJu on February 15, 2007, 01:02:44 PM
oops, sorry I forgot about the pics of him at the casino with Nat

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Mere on February 15, 2007, 01:32:46 PM
OT...Peter Pan Peanut Butter recall for salmonella...product number starts with 2111....

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 15, 2007, 01:35:41 PM
Need to run to the grocery store real quick.  Please don't RUSH to page 50! :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Cat on February 15, 2007, 01:51:37 PM
no,the peanut butter was recalled for E.Coli,much worse.The newleyweds would have had their marridge consumed in aruba.State Farm is pulling out of Miss.I like your avatar Juju,thank you Klass,and I have been trying catch your little jumper.Are leprecans meat,just checking?  cat

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: lexie on February 15, 2007, 01:52:25 PM
Quote from: "MeMere"
OT...Peter Pan Peanut Butter recall for salmonella...product number starts with 2111....

YIKES!  I have two jars with this product number.  One is open, and I have been feeding it to my 5 yr old granddaughter!  Thanks for the notice!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: JuJu on February 15, 2007, 01:58:00 PM
Thank you Cat, Klaas did it for me a long time ago

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Mere on February 15, 2007, 02:13:42 PM
Hi cat...this is what I have....what did you read...?

OMAHA, Nebraska (AP) -- ConAgra Foods Inc. told consumers to discard certain jars of Peter Pan and Great Value peanut butter after the spread was linked to a salmonella outbreak that has sickened almost 300 people nationwide.

Lids of jars with a product code beginning "2111" can be returned to ConAgra for a refund, the company said.

The salmonella outbreak, which federal health officials said Wednesday has sickened 288 people in 39 states since August, was linked to tainted peanut butter produced by ConAgra at a plant in Sylvester, Georgia. How salmonella got into peanut butter is still under investigation, said Dr. Mike Lynch, an epidemiologist at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

CDC officials believe the salmonella outbreak to be the nation's first stemming from peanut butter. The most cases were reported in New York, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Tennessee and Missouri.

....there is more to the article....see link above

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Peaches on February 15, 2007, 03:13:46 PM
Quote from: "JuJu"
I have always wondered if they had stored her in a freezer at the house until they could decide what to do.....there was something in that house....

A big hand for a Special Monkey!

Never forget the furniture truck.  Picking up?? Dropping off?  Both??

Please note the NEW Peter Pan Peanut Butter problem.  Salmonella.  Check your jar.. top of the lid.  If it starts with 2111, better Google it and get your bucks back.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Peaches on February 15, 2007, 03:15:33 PM
I usually buy Jif.  Naturally yesterday at the grocery, it was buy one, get one free on Peter freaking Pan!!!!! :roll:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: JuJu on February 15, 2007, 03:15:51 PM
I must have missed the whole thing about the furniture truck.....please fill me in!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 15, 2007, 03:28:27 PM
Quote from: "lexie"
Quote from: "MeMere"
OT...Peter Pan Peanut Butter recall for salmonella...product number starts with 2111....

YIKES!  I have two jars with this product number.  One is open, and I have been feeding it to my 5 yr old granddaughter!  Thanks for the notice!

Oughto! Better have the parents call the doctor to inform and advise. Save that jar for testing.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 15, 2007, 03:31:42 PM

Paulus Van der Sloot in Natalee Holloway Disappearance … No Soup for You in Aruba, Part II (Witnesses & Taped info)

This includes a translation of the Diario article by JOSSY

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: JuJu on February 15, 2007, 03:37:09 PM
Is a little bit of truth now seeping out of Aruba?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Cat on February 15, 2007, 03:55:47 PM
seeping and creeping sounds right.if they arrest jvds,can they send the dog to bring him

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 15, 2007, 04:11:41 PM
From the front page post of SM, Jossy's literal translation of part of the court decision yestereday:

“With attention to the lying declarations that the son of Paulus, Joran Andreas Petrus van der Sloot (hereafter Joran) gave about his last contact on the 30th of May 2005 with the disappeared Natalee Holloway, the suspicion is not unreasonable that he made himself guilty of a conduct that can be qualified as murder, manslaughter, or kidnapping that resulted in death.
The possible involvement of Paulus with that could then be deducted from the file with the official reports of witnesses, amongst which two people suggested a contact existed between Paulus and Natalee Holloway the night of her disappearance, and a taped report (that was given by the Prosecutor in her final note 1 to the Court). The taped information and his declaration that he picked up Joran and Natalee by the McDonalds Palm Beach and brought them to the Holiday Inn, are clearly understood by the Dept. of Justice, and could in the judgement of this Superior Court, be considered as an indication of the involvement of Paulus in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.”

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Mere on February 15, 2007, 04:13:32 PM
Someone has decided that enough is enough....!

Is this the first time we are seeing that testimony that Paulus picked up Joran and Natalee and brought them to the Holiday Inn...???

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 15, 2007, 04:18:34 PM
My question is that if Karin Janssen and the judges HAD this information regarding Paulus  being in the company of Natalee, WHY wasn't he brought to trial??????

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: dkpen on February 15, 2007, 04:24:59 PM
Hi everyone!



I am so happy to hear that PVDS lost his suit. The pig!
In Robots words.... "I hate them all".

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: dkpen on February 15, 2007, 04:26:52 PM

Thank you for giving my monkey a mardi gras mask. I think it's too cute. Mardi Gras is a fun time of the year for us here in the South.

God bless~

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Kimmy53 on February 15, 2007, 04:27:38 PM
I am wondering why this information about the 2 witnesses is coming to light now.  And why the information saying that Paulus picked up both JOran and Natalee is now coming out.  Was there ever anything like this hinted at before?  I don't remember it ever being mentioned.  Could this be a boo-boo in letting this info out?  Could it be intentional?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: dkpen on February 15, 2007, 04:28:58 PM
Quote from: "Artcolley"
My question is that if Karin Janssen and the judges HAD this information regarding Paulus  being in the company of Natalee, WHY wasn't he brought to trial??????

Because Aruba is corrupted and they started the cover-up before Beth and Dave even entered Aruba territory.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: SunFreak2 on February 15, 2007, 04:31:25 PM
Quote from: "Cat"
I know that I have have an opinion.!+based on experience in this area,Anita is an enabler

I totally agree!!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: dkpen on February 15, 2007, 04:34:42 PM
Quote from: "Kimmy53"
I am wondering why this information about the 2 witnesses is coming to light now.  And why the information saying that Paulus picked up both JOran and Natalee is now coming out.  Was there ever anything like this hinted at before?  I don't remember it ever being mentioned.  Could this be a boo-boo in letting this info out?  Could it be intentional?

It's been mentioned by bloggers that it could of been a possibility of PVDS picking both of them up. Beth stated PVDS said he picked up Joran from Micky-Ds at 4am and at that time others speculated possibly Natalee as well. But, that speculation did not hold credence so it basically wasn't spoke about much. More like a rumor, but now we see it may of well be true.

It upsets me to know that Natalees life was in the hands of that pig PVDS. No wonder why Joran is like he is. The fruit doesn't drop far from the tree.

God bless you Natalee!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 15, 2007, 04:35:23 PM
DKPen - hope you don't mind, fixed your beads so they wouldn't blow the margins.  Wow, you look like you are really ready to party!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: SunFreak2 on February 15, 2007, 04:38:28 PM
Quote from: "Peaches"

Please note the NEW Peter Pan Peanut Butter problem.  Salmonella.  Check your jar.. top of the lid.  If it starts with 2111, better Google it and get your bucks back.

Holy Crappola. I've got a jar of Great Value paenut butter that starts with 2111.  I just opened it last night and made a sandwich.  No side effects yet.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 15, 2007, 04:39:30 PM
Quote from: "Artcolley"
My question is that if Karin Janssen and the judges HAD this information regarding Paulus  being in the company of Natalee, WHY wasn't he brought to trial??????

This is just my opinion but I would think it was because he was friends with the Judges and they weren't going to let that happen.

Remember what Van der Straaten said "how can I do this to my best friends son".  He not only didn't arrest him he helped him cover it up.

So we have the Chief of Police and a Judge who changed a search warrant while present at the search of the VDS property.

Art Wood said "This was a professional coverup".

Van der Straaten and the Judge should be arrested.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Kimmy53 on February 15, 2007, 04:41:15 PM
Quote from: "SunFreak2"
Quote from: "Peaches"

Please note the NEW Peter Pan Peanut Butter problem.  Salmonella.  Check your jar.. top of the lid.  If it starts with 2111, better Google it and get your bucks back.

Holy Crappola. I've got a jar of Great Value paenut butter that starts with 2111.  I just opened it last night and made a sandwich.  No side effects yet.

Sunfreak - I am thinking they said the Great Value peanut butter is okay - you might want to double check -

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: dkpen on February 15, 2007, 04:46:54 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
DKPen - hope you don't mind, fixed your beads so they wouldn't blow the margins.  Wow, you look like you are really ready to party!


I don't mind. I don't want to blow the margins and Lala put me on her list.  :D
I love Mardi Gras. My Grandparents were heavily involved in Mardi Gras as I grew up until they were very old and could no longer participate riding the floats. Was one of my best memories as a child. And to this day I still love Mardi Gras and go to the parades and after parties. My daughter loves Mardi Gras too. We took her to all the Mardi Gras events we could. Part of my heritage passed on to her. Not to mention, I love all the colors. Fun Times!

I am in hopes this could bring new arrest on PVDS. Wouldn't it be a miracle if finally the truth came out and those all involved prosecuted. I continue to pray daily for this to happen.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Dana on February 15, 2007, 04:47:03 PM
Reminder For Tonight

The Dana Pretzer Show - 9 PM Est - CDR Paul Toland, Dr Mary Lou Randour and Tim Miller
CDR Paul Toland, MSC, USN , Resource Programming Manager, Medical Readiness Platforms, Chief of Naval Operations
(Topic His daughter kidnapped and taken to Japan)
Mary Lou Randour, Ph.D. , Professional Outreach Coordinator, Animal Fighting/Cruelty Campaign Humane Society Of The United States
(Topic Cat Hording, a growing mental health problem)
Also Tim Miller From Texas Equu Search To Listen Live or Podcast
AMC 3 (7) DC2 Audio W3-957
Trust Cable Channel 46 (Alabama)

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 15, 2007, 04:48:17 PM
"OMAHA, Nebraska (AP) -- ConAgra Foods Inc. told consumers to discard certain jars of Peter Pan and Great Value peanut butter after the spread was linked to a salmonella outbreak that has sickened almost 300 people nationwide.

Lids of jars with a product code beginning "2111" can be returned to ConAgra for a refund, the company said."

Take it back...

Hi Gang

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: dkpen on February 15, 2007, 04:49:29 PM
Oops, gotta run. Hubby has something planned for us. I will return later on if I can.  I've been so busy lately, I miss you all.

God bless~

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: SunFreak2 on February 15, 2007, 04:49:34 PM
Quote from: "Kimmy53"

Sunfreak - I am thinking they said the Great Value peanut butter is okay - you might want to double check -

I just read the article. Great Value is tainted.  :roll:   :x

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 15, 2007, 04:50:41 PM
Quote from: "dkpen"
Quote from: "Artcolley"
My question is that if Karin Janssen and the judges HAD this information regarding Paulus  being in the company of Natalee, WHY wasn't he brought to trial??????

Because Aruba is corrupted and they started the cover-up before Beth and Dave even entered Aruba territory.

Sounds about right!

Love the costume! :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Artcolley on February 15, 2007, 04:53:18 PM
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "Artcolley"
My question is that if Karin Janssen and the judges HAD this information regarding Paulus  being in the company of Natalee, WHY wasn't he brought to trial??????

This is just my opinion but I would think it was because he was friends with the Judges and they weren't going to let that happen.

Remember what Van der Straaten said "how can I do this to my best friends son".  He not only didn't arrest him he helped him cover it up.

So we have the Chief of Police and a Judge who changed a search warrant while present at the search of the VDS property.

Art Wood said "This was a professional coverup".

Van der Straaten and the Judge should be arrested.

I would LOVE to see Van der Straaten and the judge arrested.

I do remember that comment that was made regarding the "best friend's son"....grrrrr

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 15, 2007, 04:54:31 PM
Quote from: "Dana"
Reminder For Tonight

The Dana Pretzer Show - 9 PM Est - CDR Paul Toland, Dr Mary Lou Randour and Tim Miller
CDR Paul Toland, MSC, USN , Resource Programming Manager, Medical Readiness Platforms, Chief of Naval Operations
(Topic His daughter kidnapped and taken to Japan)
Mary Lou Randour, Ph.D. , Professional Outreach Coordinator, Animal Fighting/Cruelty Campaign Humane Society Of The United States
(Topic Cat Hording, a growing mental health problem)
Also Tim Miller From Texas Equu Search To Listen Live or Podcast
AMC 3 (7) DC2 Audio W3-957
Trust Cable Channel 46 (Alabama)

Thanks for the reminder DANA - sounds like another great show!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 15, 2007, 04:58:16 PM
Quote from: "Artcolley"
My question is that if Karin Janssen and the judges HAD this information regarding Paulus  being in the company of Natalee, WHY wasn't he brought to trial??????

Just got back in from more shoveling...

WTF?! She had this info and who knows what else and did not take anyone to trial?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: San on February 15, 2007, 05:04:56 PM
O/T - -- The leader of al Qaeda in Iraq has been wounded and his top aide killed in a clash with police, the Iraqi Interior Ministry says.

Watch CNN or log on to

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 15, 2007, 05:05:54 PM
Quote from: "dkpen"
Quote from: "Kimmy53"
I am wondering why this information about the 2 witnesses is coming to light now.  And why the information saying that Paulus picked up both JOran and Natalee is now coming out.  Was there ever anything like this hinted at before?  I don't remember it ever being mentioned.  Could this be a boo-boo in letting this info out?  Could it be intentional?

It's been mentioned by bloggers that it could of been a possibility of PVDS picking both of them up. Beth stated PVDS said he picked up Joran from Micky-Ds at 4am and at that time others speculated possibly Natalee as well. But, that speculation did not hold credence so it basically wasn't spoke about much. More like a rumor, but now we see it may of well be true.

It upsets me to know that Natalees life was in the hands of that pig PVDS. No wonder why Joran is like he is. The fruit doesn't drop far from the tree.

God bless you Natalee!

DKPen, you are looking good!  
So now we have something more that indicates Paulus's involvement.  Also, it once again opens up a topic we dropped before due to lack of evidence.  
- If Paulus did NOT pick up Joran at McDonalds at 11:00, and
- if Melody is correct that the day after her party on the 28th she saw Joran leaning against a post before midnight, and
- if my recollection of the 302 from one of the MB kids that disappeared off the Internet is correct that he said he saw J2K in the pimpmobile that evening before C&C,
we once again have an unexplained timeframe.  10:00pm when Satish picked up Deepak from work to 12:30 when they showed up at C&C.  

What did they do that they'd lie about vacuuming the car, eating dinner, doing homework.  Who did they meet with, were they setting something up?  We KNOW Joran was looking for friends to go out with him before he met Natalee and her friends.  Was Guido the dealer at his table?  Was the table being kept clear hoping some MB girls would sit there?  Were they paying off a bartender, planning the "after party"?  I also seem to remember Nadira, in her first interview with Greta, telling her that Satish went to pick up Deepak and then went to get Joran who needed a lift.  No going home and going out later.  They're lying about this time period.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: LilPuma on February 15, 2007, 05:18:53 PM
Quote from: "Dana"
Reminder For Tonight

The Dana Pretzer Show - 9 PM Est - CDR Paul Toland, Dr Mary Lou Randour and Tim Miller
CDR Paul Toland, MSC, USN , Resource Programming Manager, Medical Readiness Platforms, Chief of Naval Operations
(Topic His daughter kidnapped and taken to Japan)
Mary Lou Randour, Ph.D. , Professional Outreach Coordinator, Animal Fighting/Cruelty Campaign Humane Society Of The United States
(Topic Cat Hording, a growing mental health problem)
Also Tim Miller From Texas Equu Search To Listen Live or Podcast
AMC 3 (7) DC2 Audio W3-957
Trust Cable Channel 46 (Alabama)

Sounds like a good show.  I would like to know who we should write to about the US doing nothing about Mr. Toland's daughter.  Would a letter to the State Department (Condi) have the most impact?  I hope Dana will ask him this.  

Looking forward to Dr. Randour's commentary.  Not only is animal cruelty heartbreaking, but there is a solid connection between this and crimes against humans.  It's a huge red flag that there's a problem, whether it's crime, mental illness or both.  

Hope Tim Miller is in good health.  Always enjoy hearing what he has to say.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: igsigs on February 15, 2007, 05:19:40 PM

Given by the prosecuter on her final note 1?

Is this what KJ did not want Paulus to have access to? Was she holding this info important enough to sacrifice Paulus' suspect status due to a *technicality*?

Who said what to whom and when was it said and why are we finding now?  :arrow:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 15, 2007, 05:29:51 PM
Quote from: "igsigs"

Given by the prosecuter on her final note 1?

Is this what KJ did not want Paulus to have access to? Was she holding this info important enough to sacrifice Paulus' suspect status due to a *technicality*?

Who said what to whom and when was it said and why are we finding now?  :arrow:

The only reason we are finding out now is because PVDS's case went to the higher court in Aruba because KJ appealed the lower courts ruling on the compensation.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: igsigs on February 15, 2007, 05:42:56 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
The taped information and his declaration that he picked up Joran and Natalee by the McDonalds Palm Beach and brought them to the Holiday Inn...


The taped information has not been released. But this passage appears to be saying that the tape supports his declaration that he picked up Joran and Natalee. His declaration could be what was witnessed by Beth and Claudio. Or whoever the 2 witnesses are.

Anybody reading it this way?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 15, 2007, 05:48:15 PM
Quote from: "igsigs"
Quote from: "klaasend"
The taped information and his declaration that he picked up Joran and Natalee by the McDonalds Palm Beach and brought them to the Holiday Inn...


The taped information has not been released. But this passage appears to be saying that the tape supports his declaration that he picked up Joran and Natalee. His declaration could be what was witnessed by Beth and Claudio. Or whoever the 2 witnesses are.

Anybody reading it this way?

Yes I read it the same way but really want verification on WHO gave the taped testimony.  Yes, it could have been Claudio which was implied in Vinda deSouza's letter.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 15, 2007, 05:50:03 PM
Page 3 of Vinda de Sousa's letter from Joe T NY filing:


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: igsigs on February 15, 2007, 05:50:48 PM
I thought tape = phone tap.  No?

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 15, 2007, 05:51:51 PM
Quote from: "igsigs"
I thought tape = phone tap.  No?

Not sure, I think Red is trying to get clarification.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 15, 2007, 05:57:00 PM
Okay, now I believe that I know what Beth and Jug meant about "it would shock the world".


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: justinsmama on February 15, 2007, 05:58:56 PM
We need to go over the lies/alibis that were given and changed.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: igsigs on February 15, 2007, 06:01:17 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "igsigs"
I thought tape = phone tap.  No?

Not sure, I think Red is trying to get clarification.

Thanks Klaas. And Red. And Jossy.

This has been a very confusing event. Thank God Jossy had a source inside the courtroom.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: Buckeye on February 15, 2007, 06:03:08 PM
Someone, somewhere thought the tape was one that KJ left for the court (thinking that the original items were not copied to Paulus).
Who knows...
RU and FOB
One of the witnesses is probably Aruban.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 15, 2007, 06:03:24 PM
Quote from: "igsigs"
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "igsigs"
I thought tape = phone tap.  No?

Not sure, I think Red is trying to get clarification.

Thanks Klaas. And Red. And Jossy.

This has been a very confusing event. Thank God Jossy had a source inside the courtroom.

Part of the problem is relying of the partial translations MF gives.  There appear to be difference in the articles posted in Bondia and Diario. MF only gives us what he/she wants us to read.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 15, 2007, 06:06:02 PM
Am I the only one saying WTF  

"The taped information and his declaration that he picked up Joran and Natalee by the McDonalds Palm Beach and brought them to the  Holiday Inn"
This would put Paulis in with the 1st lie.. (not surprised) be we are just now hearing of this.

Thanks for posting that Mask

Hi Gang

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 15, 2007, 06:08:18 PM

 ~~~~~~~~~~~~  (


Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 15, 2007, 06:08:41 PM
Quote from: "oldfart"
Am I the only one saying WTF  

"The taped information and his declaration that he picked up Joran and Natalee by the McDonalds Palm Beach and brought them to the  Holiday Inn"
This would put Paulis in with the 1st lie.. (not surprised) be we are just now hearing of this.

Thanks for posting that Mask

Hi Gang

ROFLMAO - between that yellow bow tie and the mask you really look "funny".  :wink:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: igsigs on February 15, 2007, 06:09:11 PM
Quote from: "oldfart"
Am I the only one saying WTF?

No, you are not alone OF.

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: SunFreak2 on February 15, 2007, 06:09:22 PM




Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 15, 2007, 06:11:38 PM
Quote from: "klaasend"
Quote from: "oldfart"
Am I the only one saying WTF  

"The taped information and his declaration that he picked up Joran and Natalee by the McDonalds Palm Beach and brought them to the  Holiday Inn"
This would put Paulis in with the 1st lie.. (not surprised) be we are just now hearing of this.

Thanks for posting that Mask

Hi Gang

ROFLMAO - between that yellow bow tie and the mask you really look "funny".  :wink:

I thought with the other color's the tie looked "Golden"

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 15, 2007, 06:12:16 PM
Quote from: "oldfart"

 ~~~~~~~~~~~~  (


One more time ???

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: SunFreak2 on February 15, 2007, 06:13:23 PM




Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 15, 2007, 06:13:54 PM
I guess FUNNY  Looking is Better than SCREERY Looking   :roll:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 15, 2007, 06:14:17 PM
Quote from: "oldfart"
I guess FUNNY  Looking is Better than SCREERY Looking   :roll:

Ha Ha..very true!

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: SunFreak2 on February 15, 2007, 06:14:53 PM
Quote from: "oldfart"
I guess FUNNY  Looking is Better than SCREERY Looking   :roll:

You look adorable, OF.   :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 15, 2007, 06:15:56 PM
Name this PIG

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: snoopy on February 15, 2007, 06:17:11 PM
Quote from: "Peaches"
I usually buy Jif.  Naturally yesterday at the grocery, it was buy one, get one free on Peter freaking Pan!!!!! :roll:

 :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Peaches I just wub ya to pieces.  You remind me so much of my sister.  Man she was funny.  Never a dull minute.  I had just opened a jar of Peter freakin Pan.  It's all I buy.  Is nothing sacred anymore?  Geez leave the p-nut butter alone.  :lol:  :lol:

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: oldfart on February 15, 2007, 06:17:13 PM
Quote from: "SunFreak2"
Quote from: "oldfart"
I guess FUNNY  Looking is Better than SCREERY Looking   :roll:

You look adorable, OF.   :lol:  :lol:  :lol:

Thank You and So do you SunFreak2...

Title: Lively Case Discussion #582 2/10 - 2/15/2007
Post by: klaasend on February 15, 2007, 06:17:46 PM

Please move to LCD# 583