Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

Current Events and Musings => Music => Topic started by: Jacqueline on February 18, 2007, 01:27:12 PM

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on February 18, 2007, 01:27:12 PM

This child, and I do mean child needs help.

Lets hope she does not turn out like Anna Nicole has.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: justinsmama on February 18, 2007, 01:56:31 PM
What the article describes is alarming and disturbing. I do hope that her family and friends will assist her in getting treatment rather than any one of them enabling her.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Dihannah1 on February 18, 2007, 02:29:11 PM
I had started a thread about celebrities yesterday after this Britney ordeal and how much younger and worse they are becoming.  You have Lindsey Lohan in rehab before she is legally able to drink, then there is Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie and on and on.  Somebody needs to stop these girls!  These are our children's role models.... how sad since the aftermath of AN.
Britney is obviously screaming for help.

Now the salon is selling her hair on Ebay, supposedly will go to charity.  $200 a lock.....

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on February 18, 2007, 02:59:33 PM
You are so right D, it is getting to be an epidemic.

And I think it all stems from the home life they come from.

Countless young stars have grown up to be successful adults ie
Melissa Gilbert
Brook Shields
Jodi Foster
Elijah Wood
Toby McGuire...just are a few who pop into my mind.

These "kids" such as Drew Barrymore, Britney, etc are given carte blance and they need their families to keep them grounded.

It's very sad.

And I can't help but think that by Britney shaving her head is a form of self mutilation much like people who cut themselves.

I hope she gets help.  She  is in a very dangerous situation.  Not to mention her two children.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Dihannah1 on February 18, 2007, 03:10:23 PM
Here is something else that disturbs me.  I read on an entertainment blog, where a young girl thinks it's 'cool' and may shave her's too.  Lordy, we are going to have a bunch bald young girls running around!

These celebrities HAVE to learn they are role models for young girls and need to be made responsible.   Lynn needs to get to LA and kick her butt like she used to.  

Then leave it to the media yesterday to bring out the fact Britneys father is a recovering alcoholic.   At least he is recovering,  is that an excuse for Britney!  Geesh!

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on February 18, 2007, 03:40:01 PM
Quote from: "Dihannah1"
Here is something else that disturbs me.  I read on an entertainment blog, where a young girl thinks it's 'cool' and may shave her's too.  Lordy, we are going to have a bunch bald young girls running around!

These celebrities HAVE to learn they are role models for young girls and need to be made responsible.   Lynn needs to get to LA and kick her butt like she used to.  

Then leave it to the media yesterday to bring out the fact Britneys father is a recovering alcoholic.   At least he is recovering,  is that an excuse for Britney!  Geesh!

Yes I don't care what her age is, she needs her mother. Pronto.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: San on February 18, 2007, 03:46:06 PM
Quote from: "Jacqueline"
Quote from: "Dihannah1"
Here is something else that disturbs me.  I read on an entertainment blog, where a young girl thinks it's 'cool' and may shave her's too.  Lordy, we are going to have a bunch bald young girls running around!

These celebrities HAVE to learn they are role models for young girls and need to be made responsible.   Lynn needs to get to LA and kick her butt like she used to.  

Then leave it to the media yesterday to bring out the fact Britneys father is a recovering alcoholic.   At least he is recovering,  is that an excuse for Britney!  Geesh!

Yes I don't care what her age is, she needs her mother. Pronto.

I agree that her mom needs to step in fast.  I am surprised she hasn't already.  Before Britney married KFed her mom is the one who stepped in and made her draw up a prenup.  Britney was against signing it but mom won in this case.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Cat on February 18, 2007, 05:42:31 PM
She needs to be locked as a child in need of protection.Cat

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on February 18, 2007, 10:12:18 PM
Someone should also remind her if these whacky incidents keep's very possible K Fed could go for full custody of his children.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: San on February 18, 2007, 10:35:15 PM
Quote from: "Jacqueline"
Someone should also remind her if these whacky incidents keep's very possible K Fed could go for full custody of his children.

And I am sure he is planning as we speak.  What I do think is that if she does go to rehab he will seek custody anyway.  Either way she needs to go to rehab before she hurts herself.  She can seek custody back when she has finished her rehab.

By the way I hate K Fed.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: mishy on February 18, 2007, 10:37:02 PM
Britney's recent behavior is alarming, to say the least...I read that her mom is now in LA to be with Brit and I hope she can convince her that she needs help. I agree with jacqui about the self mutilation possibility. Also she got new tattoos. I know she already had some tattoos, but head shaving and two tattoos in the same day, and there are reports that she was acting really strange at the salon the tattoo parlor. All this on the heels of coming back from Antigua to check out the rehab facility...

The thing about Britney is, since she was very young, she was all about singing, dancing, auditioning, trying to do everything she could to get a career going. Then she became very successful at a young age and spent all her time touring and making records. When did she have time to be a kid, a teenager, a young woman? Have normal schooling? Normal interactions with kids her age? Normal time with her family? She has missed out on the basis that most people need in order for stability to exist in ones life...

I really feel for the girl. She's only 25 and she's had a helluva couple of years...getting married to that gnat, having back-to-back pregnancies and gaining a ton o'weight, and then her divorce, which according to a guy she just quit dating, she still wasn't over. Actually still had her wedding dress in a glass case on her bedroom wall! There are also numerous reports of her alcohol binges, taking strippers she meets at strip clubs back to her hotel or house for the night, and rumors of numerous trips to the bathroom everywhere she goes (cocaine anyone?).

And to think that everyone was so proud and encouraging of her when she dumped Kfed...Now Kfed's looking pretty good in comparison...

She's literally screaming out for help in a very big way. I sure hope she gets it and doesn't end up a casualty. These people think if they don't have their success, they don't have anything...It would sure be a hard life to live....I'm saying prayers for her...

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: mrs. red on February 18, 2007, 11:08:36 PM
Mishy... you stated that so well. I agree and I hope she gets help.

San, I also agree.. I hate Kfed.... and now she has to see all the magazine covers talking about how kfed and justin timberlake have bonded together in making fun of her... who the hell are they, btw.???

I fear that girls are losing lots of ground by allowing themselves to become sex objects again.  It is so hard to find women that one wants their little girl to emmulate anymore.  I could only think of Condi Rice, who is accomplished on so many levels and did it all on her own.  Where are the women role models?  Boys are being failed too, but in different ways.

How do we stop this?  The only thing that talks is money, and we should all demand more from our advertisers but that takes effort, and so many people aren't going to be bothered by something that takes effort.

Anyway, I do hope she gets help and cleans up her act... she is still so very young.

Jacq... you are so right when you say she needs her mom pronto!!

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: mishy on February 18, 2007, 11:51:39 PM
Mrs. Red, you are right on so many levels. I have a friend whose 14 yo daughter has been emulating the wrong "role models." He says it's all MTV's fault. I agree and will take it a step further to add that the tabloids and the newsmagazine shows contribute dangerously to this epidemic. I agree that Condi is an excellent role model...

If I am going to hate anyone, KFed would be high on the list. He sure was getting stomped on by all those tabloids. He was the joke of 2005-06. And now Britney is surpassing him beyond everyone's wildest imagination. It really must sting that Justin and KFed get together and make fun of her. I bet it actually hurts more that Justin does it, though I do believe she isn't over KFed in the slightest...I'm glad her mom is with her now, but for how long? And what will she do? What can she do? Britney is an adult, to put it loosely...

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Lala'sMom on February 19, 2007, 12:27:47 AM
Brittany Spears is what we as a society have created in the world of pop star icons.  Aren't we proud?  Such a good example for our youth.  Now, let's all run out and shave our heads.  :roll:  :roll:

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: pdh3 on February 19, 2007, 01:37:19 PM
It's really sad that K-Fed is looking like the better parent. That kinda says it all. :(

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: San on February 19, 2007, 04:16:38 PM

February 19, 2007 --
As the train-wreck pop tart does more to draw attention to herself, we want to know what you think about her latest act of stupidity. Click 'Discussion Board' to tell us.

Britney Spears may have shaved off her hair in an act of rebellion against her mom, but it hasn’t stopped the pop-tart’s hard-partying ways.

The day after she shaved her head, Britney showed up sans bodyguards to sunbathe at the Sky Bar at the Mondrian Hotel around 10 a.m. Ordering pitchers of mojitos and appearing “as if she’d been up all night,” according to a Page Six spy, she wore cowboy boots, a band-aid over the new tattoo on her hip and first an electric blue then blonde wig.

Britney didn’t seem to like her bikini and was overheard trying to borrow one from a fellow sun-worshipper as well as requesting the music be turned up. It was at 1:30 p.m., our spy reports, that she asked for her car and rushed off in a panic – possibly upset over the impending arrival of her mother, Lynne.

Another source, with the Los Angeles-based X17 photo agency that uncovered Britney's shear session at a Los Angeles hair salon Friday night, said Spears and Lynne, 50, had been feuding over the mother's demand that her 25-year-old daughter clean up her act and settle into motherhood herself.

The source said Lynne and Britney, who is estranged from dancer hubby Kevin Federline, had been fighting about rehab since she returned to Los Angeles - and the photo agency has pictures to prove it.

So Spears shockingly shaved off her long locks to rebel against her mom, the source said.

Lynne, who lives in Kentwood, La., flew to Tinseltown last week to be with her daughter - and help take care of Britney's kids, Sean Preston, 18 months, and Jayden James, 5 months.

"Yes, Lynne took a flight to see her a few days ago," Britney's cousin Ernest Spears told The Post yesterday.

And on Friday, a paparazzo caught up with Lynne as she walked into a kids dance store and asked how Britney was doing.

"We are worrying about her, we just want to make sure everything is fine," the shutterbug told the mother.

Lynne gave a thumbs-up and nodded yes.

In a never-to-be-forgotten act of letting her hair down, Britney waltzed into Esther's Haircutting Studio in the Tarzana section of Los Angeles on Friday and asked owner Esther Tognozzi to shave her head.

When Tognozzi refused, Britney grabbed electric clippers and gave herself a buzz cut.

When she finished, she declared: "Oh, my God, I shaved it all off. My mom is going to be upset with me."

Then as TV cameras rolled, shutterbugs snapped and onlookers cheered and jeered, Britney put a hood over her hairless head, got into her black SUV and was driven to the Body and Soul Tattoo parlor.

There, she had red-and-pink lips tattooed on her wrist and a black, white and pink cross inked on her lower hip.

Then she got into her SUV and drove off into the night.

A Las Vegas gossip Web site offers another possible reason for Britney "Shears" becoming a bald bimbo.

Three weeks ago, it says, she went to a salon in the Palms hotel and casino in Las Vegas. There, staffers found her hair was so badly damaged from repeated dyeings, bleachings and extensions that it had broken off and thinned to the point "where bald spots had begun to appear," the site reported.

So she clipped it off to start over.

Meanwhile, OK! magazine reports that Spears is selling the six-bedroom Beverly Hills mansion she bought two months ago for $7.2 million.

The singer hopes to make a tidy $300,000 profit by flipping the exquisite, 7,553-square-foot Tuscan villa, which has park-like grounds.

Paula Froelich contributed to this report.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: nonesuche on February 19, 2007, 04:19:45 PM
geez ! grow up Brittany !

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Seamonkey on February 19, 2007, 07:10:32 PM
In my mind this is the recap -- She was at the rehab..left...shaved off her hair..hmm..could it just be a case of her sobering up enough to realize she can't do anything more to her hair from all the damage..freaked out and chopped it all off to start anew (as the above post indicates)? She still can't be original, it's been done..she pulled a sinead oconnor. Difference is, sinaed (sp?) had a pretty head.

 It's agreed she has some major "issues" but I wonder how much is sesationalism for ratings?

 I think they have given Ms. Spears way more air time than she deserves.

Move on tabloids and news circus, nothing to see with that one bad old news and an aging WAYYyy before her time wannabe.

 I have no sympathy, but I guess you all couldn't tell lol  :wink:

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on February 20, 2007, 09:28:45 AM
I think this is more a case of a young woman on the verge of a nervous breakdown then someone who is going for ratings.

Obviously being caught by paparazzi without underwear....with vomit stains on your pants....shaving your head....and other outrageous behavior is a sign that this girl is cracking, or on the verge of it.

I honestly feel sorry for her...

She needs help.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: mishy on February 20, 2007, 10:47:38 AM
I do too, Jacqui. Anybody who does these things/acts like this is clearly flipping out...I'm worried for her too, and those 2 precious children!!

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on February 20, 2007, 10:52:14 AM

^ Britney could absolutely be going through PPD....^

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: mishy on February 20, 2007, 02:49:28 PM
Jacqui, she's now in rehab (again). I think she's overwhelmed/scared about her new responsibilities of being a mom, a single mom at that...She's in denial and isn't even equipped to be a mom mentally or emotionally. Developmentally, she's still a child herself...

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on February 20, 2007, 03:29:48 PM
Quote from: "mishy"
Jacqui, she's now in rehab (again). I think she's overwhelmed/scared about her new responsibilities of being a mom, a single mom at that...She's in denial and isn't even equipped to be a mom mentally or emotionally. Developmentally, she's still a child herself...

Yep I just found this...

She never really got a chance to be a kid herself...

i hope she makes out ok.

Britney Spears checks herself into rehab
Spears' manager confirms, form of treatment is undisclosed
  Updated: 2 minutes ago
LOS ANGELES - Britney Spears entered rehab Tuesday after a bizarre weekend that including shaving her head.

Spears’ manager, Larry Rudolph, told People magazine’s Web site that Spears, 25, had voluntarily checked herself into an undisclosed treatment facility.

“We ask that the media respect her privacy as well as those of her family and friends at this time,” Rudolph was quoted as saying.

© 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: San on February 20, 2007, 04:10:31 PM
Quote from: "Jacqueline"
Quote from: "mishy"
Jacqui, she's now in rehab (again). I think she's overwhelmed/scared about her new responsibilities of being a mom, a single mom at that...She's in denial and isn't even equipped to be a mom mentally or emotionally. Developmentally, she's still a child herself...

Yep I just found this...

She never really got a chance to be a kid herself...

i hope she makes out ok.

Britney Spears checks herself into rehab
Spears' manager confirms, form of treatment is undisclosed
  Updated: 2 minutes ago
LOS ANGELES - Britney Spears entered rehab Tuesday after a bizarre weekend that including shaving her head.

Spears’ manager, Larry Rudolph, told People magazine’s Web site that Spears, 25, had voluntarily checked herself into an undisclosed treatment facility.

“We ask that the media respect her privacy as well as those of her family and friends at this time,” Rudolph was quoted as saying.

© 2007 The Associated Press. All rights reserved

Mishy I agree she is under a lot of stress and could be going through PPD at the same time.  Remember Marie Osmond went through it.

I am glad she is getting the help she needs.  As far as being a single mom she will be fine.  At least she doesn't have to worry about her financial situation like a lot of single moms out there and she could provide for her children.

I always say take one step at a time and this is one big step for her.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: mishy on February 20, 2007, 04:16:31 PM
It's a big step IF she wants the help and wants to examine herself to see why she does this stuff so that she can curb that behavior and perhaps replace it with healthier behavior. She has to admit she's got a problem first (easy as that sounds and as obvious as it seems, the ones that need the most help are usually in denial and can't "see" their world spiraling out of control--they want to keep doing the stuff they are doing, without the negative consequences).  The single mom thing isn't a big deal, but I know she's still reeling from her divorce and seems to be more insecure since it happened...Sounds like she probably was insecure all along, though you'd have never known it from her well-executed dance moves and swagger onstage...

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on February 21, 2007, 03:11:59 PM
Britney checks out of rehab after 24 hours.

Ooops...she did it again.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: pdh3 on February 21, 2007, 05:17:12 PM
And once again, she has 2 babies who are suffering the consequences of her behavior. They need a healthy mother.

K-Fed will end up with these kids, and a huge amount of child support. Britney may end up broke.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on February 21, 2007, 05:50:23 PM
Quote from: "pdh3"
And once again, she has 2 babies who are suffering the consequences of her behavior. They need a healthy mother.

K-Fed will end up with these kids, and a huge amount of child support. Britney may end up broke.

I have never been much of a K Fed fan however...

Right now I think he is the better parent.
His ex girlfriend , the mother of two of his children has always stressed that he is a good father to their children, I believe.

Britney, go back to rehab...

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: justinsmama on February 21, 2007, 06:41:21 PM
If my family member or a client of mine were behaving in this manner, I would be looking very seriously at intitiating a commitment to inpatient treatment. I have no idea what the laws for that are in California. Britney is in trouble, and it's not going to get better without someone else taking control.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: mishy on February 21, 2007, 09:19:57 PM
Now they're saying K-Fed wants a custody hearing STAT, and that Brit tried to commit suicide this past weekend after the head shaving incident. I don't know if either of these is true, but I wouldn't doubt it for a second if she was suicidal...She's been used to calling the shots for so long, though stil a child emotionally, and now she won't listen to good reason from anybody. She's in a world of $hit...Even Courtney Love is looking pretty good right now!! :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:  :shock:

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on February 21, 2007, 09:40:18 PM
2007-02-22 01:01:56 - Britney's wild behavior and attention-seeking stunts may have backfired.

Everybody's worried about Britney's kids! The Los Angeles County Department of Children and Family Services (DCFS) has received numerous phone calls to their hotline from people concerned about the welfare of Spears's children in light of her recent bizarre behavior over the course of a week.

In case you're wondering what type of behavior would prompt this reaction, consider
the following. Britney Spears checked in and out of rehab within 24 hours. She did this twice at two different facilities. Ironically, the second rehab facility is named Promises, which Britney Spears obviously does not grasp the concept of.

Between rehab visits, Britney stopped by a hair salon and shaved off all of her hair. The most normal thing that she did that night was get a few tattoos. According to reports, after checking out of the second rehab facility, she attempted to do the same thing-not shave off her peach fuzz. No, she wanted to get another tattoo, but the shop she went to was closed.

I think the first warning sign was when Britney had the quickie marriage to an old high school chum.

She has already had an intervention sparked by her family...

What is it going to take for this girl to get the help she needs so badly.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: mishy on February 21, 2007, 09:48:35 PM
I don't know, Jacqui...I was discussing this with a coworker at lunch and we agreed that Britney started going downhill after that quickie divorce in Las Vegas...and even more when she married K-Fed, and even worse since she divorced him. I've heard she's staying in some hotel and they have told her she can only stay one night. I'm sure they're in fear that she will do something to herself and that they will be held responsible somehow...or they just don't want the drama that she brings with her...At this point, I don't know why the papparazzi even cares about her...and in fact aren't doing everything in their power to help bring her to her breaking point...I mean, if someone has that bad a problem, then why hound them when they are in rehab, trying to get help? That's just plain SICK!!

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on February 21, 2007, 10:23:00 PM
Quote from: "mishy"
I don't know, Jacqui...I was discussing this with a coworker at lunch and we agreed that Britney started going downhill after that quickie divorce in Las Vegas...and even more when she married K-Fed, and even worse since she divorced him. I've heard she's staying in some hotel and they have told her she can only stay one night. I'm sure they're in fear that she will do something to herself and that they will be held responsible somehow...or they just don't want the drama that she brings with her...At this point, I don't know why the papparazzi even cares about her...and in fact aren't doing everything in their power to help bring her to her breaking point...I mean, if someone has that bad a problem, then why hound them when they are in rehab, trying to get help? That's just plain SICK!!

I hear you....

Papparazzi only care about getting the get the big money.


Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: cubbeegirl on February 22, 2007, 06:52:43 AM
I agree with the monkeys who feel sorry for Britney.... she is a very sick "little girl" playing at being a grown woman and mother.....
I fear that Britney is in self-destruct mode and am with justins... someone needs to intervene and pronto......there are more kinds of illness than just physical illness and the consequences can be just as devastating... jmo

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: GreatOwl on February 22, 2007, 08:34:43 AM
I really do not try to be controversial all that often.  I have worked in a profession during which time I have seen it all.

My question is:  Why when someone has fame and fortune are they cuddled and given so much sympathy.  I have empathy for those children.  If this were about any average person the children would have been taken away long ago.  

Years ago we had a name for such children and young adults such as Brittany and others in that same circle.  "Spoiled Brat"!!!!!!    Again we prove that money is all important.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on February 22, 2007, 08:50:44 AM
Quote from: "GreatOwl"
I really do not try to be controversial all that often.  I have worked in a profession during which time I have seen it all.

My question is:  Why when someone has fame and fortune are they cuddled and given so much sympathy.  I have empathy for those children.  If this were about any average person the children would have been taken away long ago.  

Years ago we had a name for such children and young adults such as Brittany and others in that same circle.  "Spoiled Brat"!!!!!!    Again we prove that money is all important.

I see your point .

But there is the other side of the coin too.

Yes she has wealth, and fame .  Boo hoo Britney.  But that does not make her exempt from suffering.  She is human too.

It has been said that the paparazzi will not stop following her, even at the rehab.  If she went out for a walk on the grounds there were helicopters flying overhead and photographers in the bushes.  Some may say that when you are famous you have to take the good with the bad.  But I say they are crossing the line.  

She may be a spoiled brat as you say...but this is no princess like paris Hilton whose mommy and daddy gave her tons of money.  This is a young woman who from the age of 5 has been working and made her own money.

Before all of this, I was not and still really am not  a Britney Fan...

But I see suffering in her and i do feel badly for her.

I just hope she gets the help she needs because her children deserve a healthy stable mother.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: GreatOwl on February 22, 2007, 09:20:37 AM
That is just my point Jacqueline.  There should be no other side of the coin.  My point of interest is the small children.  They should not be allowed to be exposed to such dangers regardless of whether the money was inherited or earned.

Two different issues here.  You can have all the empathy or not for Brit, but her children are an entirely different story.  Get them to a safe place where all this nonsense will not cause permanent damage in personality development.

Brit. has a choice on how she will or will not live her life.  The children do not.


Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on February 22, 2007, 09:26:16 AM
Quote from: "GreatOwl"
That is just my point Jacqueline.  There should be no other side of the coin.  My point of interest is the small children.  They should not be allowed to be exposed to such dangers regardless of whether the money was inherited or earned.
Two different issues here.  You can have all the empathy or not for Brit, but her children are an entirely different story.  Get them to a safe place where all this nonsense will not cause permanent damage in personality development.

Brit. has a choice on how she will or will not live her life.  The children do not.


I see your point more clearly now.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on February 22, 2007, 10:15:57 AM
Britney Spears Leaves Rehab, Headed to Court

Feb 22, 2007 08:20 AM EST

  Britney Spears' estranged husband is heading to court for an emergency hearing. It's not know what issue Kevin Federline plans to raise. Los Angeles Superior Court spokesman Allan Parachini says their "best information" is that Federline will appear in court but Spears will not, but "anything is possible."

Federline is seeking custody of their two children after Spears filed for divorce in November. His emergency court request comes just days after Spears checked herself into rehab and then checked herself out a day later. She had done the same thing last week.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: GreatOwl on February 22, 2007, 01:48:23 PM
Ooopppss!!!  hearing cancelled and Brit in Rehab for 3rd time.  Perhaps this time she found one with full maid service and hourly massages.    :(

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: pdh3 on February 22, 2007, 02:15:18 PM
Children do better when they have a healthy, caring and involved mother. Britney needs to pull herself together for her babies. The best way for her to do that is to have long term therapy, but I can't see her sticking to that.
She is like the majority of children who grow up in the entertainment world.....she is missing something essential to maturity and personal accountability. The majority of children who grow up onstage end up with substance abuse problems, money troubles, and often a failed life. Many have serious legal issues as well.
Very few of them turn out like Ron Howard.
K-Fed is no better than Britney. He left one family to start another with Britney, so he can be selfish and irresponsible too. He's a user.

I feel terrible for those little boys. I'm hoping that Lynne can step in, although I can't say she did an outstanding job with Britney and Jamie.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: mishy on February 22, 2007, 02:23:55 PM
Quote from: "pdh3"
Children do better when they have a healthy, caring and involved mother. Britney needs to pull herself together for her babies. The best way for her to do that is to have long term therapy, but I can't see her sticking to that.
She is like the majority of children who grow up in the entertainment world.....she is missing something essential to maturity and personal accountability. The majority of children who grow up onstage end up with substance abuse problems, money troubles, and often a failed life. Many have serious legal issues as well.
Very few of them turn out like Ron Howard.
K-Fed is no better than Britney. He left one family to start another with Britney, so he can be selfish and irresponsible too. He's a user.

I feel terrible for those little boys. I'm hoping that Lynne can step in, although I can't say she did an outstanding job with Britney and Jamie.

And 30-45 days is in no way considered long-term therapy in my book!! I don't know much about Jamie she headed down the same path as her big sis? And yeah, KFed really is a good example...leaving one breadwinner for a bigger, more famous breadwinner when breadwinner #1 was carrying his second child!!! What did Britney expect from that joker anyway? She's so Anna Nicole...never knowing who really loves you or who is using you for your money and fame  :cry:

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: mishy on February 22, 2007, 02:25:15 PM
Quote from: "GreatOwl"
Ooopppss!!!  hearing cancelled and Brit in Rehab for 3rd time.  Perhaps this time she found one with full maid service and hourly massages.    :(

Well, I should hope so, Oh Great One~~ :P  :arrow:  :wink:

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: pdh3 on February 22, 2007, 04:40:53 PM
mishy - At Britney's birthday party, when Jamie was about 10, Lynne hired a male stripper, and she allowed Jamie to watch. There was a minor scandal about Jamie being present, and the inappropriate nature of hiring a male stripper for your daughter. You have to wonder about Lynne, just from that incident alone. I would never consider such a thing for either of my girls, let alone allowing a 10 year old to witness it. I have to question whether she protected her children enough, and if she was using Britney for financial support to the detriment of her daughter. At some level, Britney was not given the tools she needed to become a stable person. It's the parents' responsibility to make sure a child is given those tools. I also wonder where Mr. Spears is in all of this.

The worst part of all of this latest mess is that Britney is passing on her instability to her babies. The infant is especially vulnerable, because Britney has been a mess during his entire first months of life.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: justinsmama on February 22, 2007, 06:01:54 PM
That is a prosecutable sex offense! And was Britney even of age at the age?

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on February 22, 2007, 07:01:03 PM
Parents pushing their kids in showbusiness to be the breadwinner?

Ya think? :lol:

patty duke
jessica simpson
gary coleman
jay north of Dennis the menace
Dana Plato
Todd Bridges
Johnny Whitaker
Alyssia Jones
mary kate and ashley
mc cauley culkin

and I am sure you can fit Britney in that group as well......

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: mishy on February 22, 2007, 09:29:12 PM
Quote from: "justinsmama"
That is a prosecutable sex offense! And was Britney even of age at the age?

I agree Justins...that's pretty sick!!!

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Cat on February 22, 2007, 11:37:35 PM
I could even begin to say what I think,so I will revert to what BOR said about parenting yesterday.CAT

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on February 24, 2007, 02:59:11 PM
K-fed visits Britney Spears in rehab
February 24, 2007, 09:39 PM
Entertainment, World
MALIBU, Calif. (UPI) — Britney Spears's estranged husband, Kevin Federline, visited her at the Promises rehab center in Malibu, Calif., People magazine reported Saturday.

Federline spent an hour and a half with Spears at the substance abuse rehabilitation center, said People.

A source that is reportedly familiar with Spears's situation said that Federline has been involved in her stay there.

He cares a lot about her, the unnamed source said.

Spears's father, Jamie, told FOX News on Thursday that his daughter is a sick little girl. Adding that, We're just trying to take care of her.

He said that Britney's problems are not about what other people think and that he and his wife are concerned about our daughter.

Spears's manager, Larry Rudolph, dispelled rumors that the pop star was on suicide watch during an interview with Extra Friday.

The story is absolutely untrue. She is in rehab, and it is very disappointing that various media outlets are running these false stories about her, as Britney tries to get better, Rudolph said.

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Title: Britney wants wing to herself In Rehab.
Post by: Jacqueline on February 26, 2007, 10:03:04 AM

Eventually hope she realizes her money will be gone...

Think Britney.  Think.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: San on February 26, 2007, 11:49:46 AM
This was an article that was in todays Daily News:

The snorting life for Brit
Monday, February 26th, 2007

Britney Spears abused cocaine and prescription drugs and nearly had a fatal overdose of pure ecstasy, her first husband claims in an interview.
Childhood pal Jason Alexander, who was married to Spears for 55 hours in 2004, claims he's breaking his silence about the plummeting pop princess' drug use because he doesn't want her to end up dead like Anna Nicole Smith.

"It freaked me out when I saw she had shaved off her hair; that was clearly a cry for help," Alexander, 25, told the Sunday Mirror of London. "She needs help."

Spears, 25, remained at the Promises rehabilitation clinic in Malibu, Calif., yesterday after a number of fits and starts at getting counseling.

Alexander, who claims he once had a drug-fueled threesome with Spears and a female dancer, said that in their short relationship he had trouble keeping up with her drug use.

"We used ecstasy at night to party and cocaine during the day to stay awake," Alexander said. "Then we would take downers like Valium or Vicodin to come down and rest.

"She definitely had a problem with drugs when we were together and that was three years ago."

He claims Spears almost had a fatal overdose on "MDMA," or pure ecstasy, while they partied in a Las Vegas club. He said he sneaked her up to their hotel suite and she was sweating and having problems breathing.

"I took her into the bathroom and threw her in the shower," Alexander said. "She was unconscious. She tripped and fell. I was trying to hold her up and speak to her. She wasn't moving.

"I remember looking down at her all crumpled in the tub with the water coming down. She looked so white and lifeless. I thought she was dead. I thought, 'This bitch is going to f--king die right here in front of me.'"

Spears' latest check-in to the luxurious Promises rehab center occurred last week after she attacked a paparazzo's car with an umbrella outside the home of her soon-to-be ex-husband, Kevin Federline.

On Saturday, Federline visited Spears with their two sons, Sean Preston, 17 months, and Jayden James, 5 months, People magazine reported yesterday on its Web site.

"Just a few days ago there was no love lost between the two of them, but it's taken Britney's breakdown to make Kevin realize that he still loves her," a source close to Federline told London's News of the World.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: mishy on February 26, 2007, 07:31:13 PM
Wow, this is actually worse than I'd imagined...and if those reports of her checking her room for listening devices are true, she is one paranoid beyotch...Sounds like she is definitely losing her mind...

I wonder if she got a bad dose of something? That can take years to recover from, if you ever do. Once I went to camp with a guy who'd been dosed with PCP...the high school kids had sprinkled some on his food in the lunchroom. Apparently he ingested quite a bit and he went stark raving mad. About one year later is when I met him at camp and he was there to slowly get integrated back into society. He was very slow and not quite right  :cry:

I don't know if that is true or not, nor do I tend to believe the story about her booking the entire wing of the rehab center...surely the rehab center wouldn't allow something like that...It just doesn't sound like the recovery mentality to me. One thing is for sure though...drugs will make you crazy and kill you if you do enough of them. Sometimes it happens quickly; in others, it takes its time...

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: mishy on February 26, 2007, 07:32:59 PM
Sorry, didn't clarify. I'm not sure if it's true she feels like her room is being bugged...The story about the guy at camp is 100% true...

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on February 27, 2007, 09:36:36 AM
Quote from: "mishy"

I don't know if that is true or not, nor do I tend to believe the story about her booking the entire wing of the rehab center...surely the rehab center wouldn't allow something like that...It just doesn't sound like the recovery mentality to me. One thing is for sure though...drugs will make you crazy and kill you if you do enough of them. Sometimes it happens quickly; in others, it takes its time...

By Jeannette Walls
Updated: 2:48 a.m. ET Feb 27, 2007
Britney Spears is rehabbing in style — and privacy.

The “Toxic singer” reportedly booked an entire wing for herself at Promises, the Malibu clinic where she’s hoping to detox.“She wants all the rooms on her wing,” a source told the London Sun. “It will cost her hundreds of thousands.”

The singer wants to avoid mixing with other patients, according to the paper, but another source says she’s equally concerned about stories being leaked to the media.

Says the source, “If that’s what she needs to get well, good for her.”

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on February 27, 2007, 09:36:52 AM
Quote from: "mishy"
Wow, this is actually worse than I'd imagined...and if those reports of her checking her room for listening devices are true, she is one paranoid beyotch...Sounds like she is definitely losing her mind...

I wonder if she got a bad dose of something? That can take years to recover from, if you ever do. Once I went to camp with a guy who'd been dosed with PCP...the high school kids had sprinkled some on his food in the lunchroom. Apparently he ingested quite a bit and he went stark raving mad. About one year later is when I met him at camp and he was there to slowly get integrated back into society. He was very slow and not quite right  :cry:

I don't know if that is true or not, nor do I tend to believe the story about her booking the entire wing of the rehab center...surely the rehab center wouldn't allow something like that...It just doesn't sound like the recovery mentality to me. One thing is for sure though...drugs will make you crazy and kill you if you do enough of them. Sometimes it happens quickly; in others, it takes its time...

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: mishy on February 27, 2007, 02:01:31 PM
Jacquie, I saw this today...the article I read says that she's interested in keeping people from leaking info to the tabloids about what she's doing and they are also considering the possibility that she's got PTST more so than an addiction to drugs or alcohol and is currently reading Brooke Shield's book...

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on February 27, 2007, 03:37:00 PM
Quote from: "mishy"
Jacquie, I saw this today...the article I read says that she's interested in keeping people from leaking info to the tabloids about what she's doing and they are also considering the possibility that she's got PTST more so than an addiction to drugs or alcohol and is currently reading Brooke Shield's book...

I can only imagine this is costing a bundle.  It's 45K just to enter this rehab.  MAMA LUCIA....

Now that guy she married a few years ago, the old high school chum is coming out with all the drugs she did...

Post partum stress is hard enough with out all the drugs she probably has been taking...

I just hope she gets diagnosed properly and rids her body of all the drugs and can start over.  25 years old and what a mess she is.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: pdh3 on February 28, 2007, 01:27:06 PM
I just hope she gets diagnosed properly and rids her body of all the drugs and can start over. 25 years old and what a mess she is.
That's the problem with all these child stars. They have experienced it all at such an early age that by the time they are in their teens, they have to keep upping the ante by using drugs and acting out. Marriage and babies did not help this young woman find fulfillment. It only made her problems worse, and drew in 2 innocent lives.
Celebrities in America, in general, are a mess. Most of them are fragile, self-destructive, and self-absorbed. They lead dysfunctional lives, but get all the money and attention for doing just that. I find it kind of disappointing.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on March 01, 2007, 08:02:00 AM
Quote from: "pdh3"
I just hope she gets diagnosed properly and rids her body of all the drugs and can start over. 25 years old and what a mess she is.
That's the problem with all these child stars. They have experienced it all at such an early age that by the time they are in their teens, they have to keep upping the ante by using drugs and acting out. Marriage and babies did not help this young woman find fulfillment. It only made her problems worse, and drew in 2 innocent lives.
Celebrities in America, in general, are a mess. Most of them are fragile, self-destructive, and self-absorbed. They lead dysfunctional lives, but get all the money and attention for doing just that. I find it kind of disappointing.

Yes, it's very sad.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: San on March 01, 2007, 08:09:20 AM
I was watching a talk show with some Dr. and he will be having K Fed's ex and the guy Britney was married to for 48 hours and it looks like they will be talking crap about both of them.

I was going to watch it but decided that I'm not going to give them my time.  That first husband is a loser and is looking to capitalize on Britney's situation.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: mishy on March 01, 2007, 10:55:02 AM
San, I've actually seen interviews with Char Jackson and she has always been very complementary about him and his fathering abilities, etc, despite the fact that he left her for Brit while she was pregnant with their second child.

But I don't trust that childhood friend/first hubby of Brit's. He says he loves her :shock: but he ain't doing nothing but capitalizing on her latest fiasco...That ain't love or friendship to me...

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on March 01, 2007, 10:56:00 AM
Quote from: "San"
I was watching a talk show with some Dr. and he will be having K Fed's ex and the guy Britney was married to for 48 hours and it looks like they will be talking crap about both of them.

I was going to watch it but decided that I'm not going to give them my time.  That first husband is a loser and is looking to capitalize on Britney's situation.

Everyone now looking for their 15 minutes and a piece of the pie.

Title: Britney leaves Promises, But just to attend AA Meeting
Post by: Jacqueline on March 01, 2007, 02:08:11 PM
Britney Spears Leaves Rehab--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
By Tina Sims
Mar 1, 2007  

Britney Spears has again left the rehabilitation center 'Promises' in the coastal village of Malibu, California.  The young mom sparked quite the buzz with her first two rehab absences but don't expect it this time.  It appears that her absence was excused by the center, and the young mother of two had a legitimate reason for stepping out. According to celebrity website TMZ.Com Spears took a break from rehab last night, for more rehab.  

Britney Spears Leaves Rehab

The website has a picture of the troubled twenty-something sporting a wig underneath a brown hat.  The report claims that Britney was reportedly heading to an AA meeting in Santa Monica last night, smiling all the way. They report that Britney, who was escorted into the support group by her assistant, returned to Promises treatment center right after the meeting, the report reads.


Another report online gives the credit for getting Britney back in for the 'third times a charm' shot to three people.  Britney's mom, Lynne Spears, has been frustrated but undaunted in trying to convince her daughter that she had a problem and needed help.

The report also claims that high powered attorney Laura Wasser stuck with her client as Britney appeared to self-destruct. Many lawyers are notoriously impatient and even intolerant with clients who defy orders and reason.

And then there is K-Fed.  TMZ.Com reports here that Kevin Federline has also been a staunch supporter of his estranged wife. According to several sources, K-Fed has "stepped up to the plate" in Brit's time of need, taking care of the kids and offering Britney and her family support. He has also shown the pop princess tough love; denying her access to their young boys, even when she begged him for it.


Sources tell the website that was excruciatingly painful for Kevin, but he knew it was the best thing for his wife and his children. We're also told he is being "extremely reasonable" in the divorce.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on March 02, 2007, 12:42:15 PM
Larry Rudolph, manager for Britney Spears, publicly denied the most recent rumors surrounding the rehabbing tart, insisting that stories of Spears being on a suicide watch are false.

Spears is at the Promises clinic following what has been considered by most to be a complete mental breakdown. The issues seemingly began with the break up of her marriage to Kevin Federline.

In recent weeks, photos of Spears with her shaved head have cropped up all over the Internet and appeared in newspapers. In additions, photos of her attacking a car with an umbrella have also appeared everywhere.

Twice during that period, Spears reportedly sought treatment at a rehabilitation centers. The first time in the Caribbean, the second at the Promises Centre in Malibu. The first rehab stay lasted one day, the second, only a few hours.

The lawyer for Spears' husband Kevin Federline reportedly cancelled an emergency hearing in a family court set for Thursday. Speculation has that hearing part of the custody dispute the two are having regarding their children.

Spears and Federline were married for two years. The couple currently got joint custody of their two children, five-month-old Jayden James and Sean Preston, now 17 months.
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Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on March 03, 2007, 08:30:38 AM
Mar 3, 2007, 12:00 GMT

Britney Spears' mom reportedly pleaded with her to leave Los Angeles and return home to Louisiana before she entered rehab.

Lynne Spears was desperate for Britney to seek help long before she entered Malibu's Promises rehab clinic.

A source revealed to Britain's Closer magazine: "Lynne has been begging Britney for months to leave Los Angeles and stay with her in Louisiana. It's been heartbreaking for Lynne to watch her talented, beautiful daughter unravel into such a mess.

"Now she's doing everything in her power to save Britney from self-destruction."

The source added Lynne has been urging Britney to let her adopt her sons, Jayden James, five months, and Sean Preston, one.

Britney left rehab for a second time last week after reports her estranged husband Kevin Federline had visited a lawyer to seek custody of their children. Britney returned to the centre after Kevin allegedly issued a custody ultimatum.

The source said: "Lynne's desperate for Britney to let her adopt the boys, but Britney refuses to listen to her. Giving up the boys now could be Britney's only hope of keeping them in the long-term."

(C) BANG Media International

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: cubbeegirl on March 04, 2007, 06:55:22 PM
Quote from: "Jacqueline"
Mar 3, 2007, 12:00 GMT

Britney Spears' mom reportedly pleaded with her to leave Los Angeles and return home to Louisiana before she entered rehab.

Lynne Spears was desperate for Britney to seek help long before she entered Malibu's Promises rehab clinic.

A source revealed to Britain's Closer magazine: "Lynne has been begging Britney for months to leave Los Angeles and stay with her in Louisiana. It's been heartbreaking for Lynne to watch her talented, beautiful daughter unravel into such a mess.

"Now she's doing everything in her power to save Britney from self-destruction."

The source added Lynne has been urging Britney to let her adopt her sons, Jayden James, five months, and Sean Preston, one.

Britney left rehab for a second time last week after reports her estranged husband Kevin Federline had visited a lawyer to seek custody of their children. Britney returned to the centre after Kevin allegedly issued a custody ultimatum.

The source said: "Lynne's desperate for Britney to let her adopt the boys, but Britney refuses to listen to her. Giving up the boys now could be Britney's only hope of keeping them in the long-term."

(C) BANG Media International

Ummmm..... Note to Lynn, Kevin Federline would have to agree to terminate his parental rights before you could adopt those two boys....

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on March 05, 2007, 09:30:47 AM
Britney tries to hang herself at rehab!  
 London, Mar 05: Staff at the Promises clinic, where Britney Spears checked herself into last month, has been put on a ‘suicide watch’, after the singer reportedly tried to hang herself with a bed sheet.

Britney had friends and family worried sick when paramedics were rushed to the clinic recently, and now a friend has revealed that medics were called because she tried to commit suicide.

Just before she tried to hang herself, the pal said, Britney wrote 666 on her shaved head, and ran around the clinic screaming "I am the Antichrist!"

"She is still very vulnerable. Last Saturday she said she had the number 666 written onto her bald head. She was crying, and shouting, ‘I am the Antichrist!` The clinic people just didn`t know what to do. Then she started screaming, ‘I`m a fake! I`m a fake!` It must have been really frightening," the News of the World quoted the pal, as saying.

"Later that night she tried to kill herself. She attached a sheet to a light and tied it around her neck. Paramedics were called, but luckily she was unhurt," the pal added.

A source at the clinic also revealed to the paper that Britney had realised what a ‘rock’ her estranged hubby was, and that she not only wanted them to get back together, but also to have another baby.

"Britney has realised what a rock Kevin has been to her, and how out of control she has acted recently. She has been talking to Kevin every night for hours on the phone, telling him she still loves him. She just wants to be with him again, and thinks having another baby will seal their marriage," the source said.

The source insisted that the singer was also much happier and calmer than she was at the time she checked herself into the clinic.

"Britney seems much happier and has calmed down a lot. She`s a completely different Britney from the beginning of the week," the source said.

Another source close to Britney said that the singer was now thinking about renewing her vows with K-Fed.

"Kevin has been a real tower of strength for her and she has finally decided to give their marriage another shot. She thought things were over between her and Kevin after his wild partying and gambling," the source said.

"She felt he had deserted her and left her to bring up their two children on her own. She never even dreamed she would take him back. But Kevin`s like a different man now. He`s never been so caring before, and is really worried about Britney.

"He`s been Britney`s rock during her difficult time, and she wants to give him another chance. This week she even asked if she could have a night away from the Promises Clinic with Kevin. She`s still waiting to hear if they will give her a pass so that they can go out for a romantic meal together.

"Kevin has also taken their two little boys to see their mum in rehab," the source added.

Much to the dismay of her family, friends and fans, the singer’s life has been spiralling out of control ever since she dumped Federline last year.

Since then, she has been indulging in wild and boozy parties, been snapped without panties, and the latest shaving of her head and getting tattooed.

The singer also hopped in and out of rehab before seeking help for a third time when Federline threatened to take away their sons if she didn’t get professional help.

Bureau Report with ANI inputs

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Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on March 05, 2007, 10:46:52 AM
Anything I have known, heard and read about rehab did not include a pass for a romantic meal with a friend or family member.  In fact, visitation is limited during the initial period and sometimes a halfway house stay is mandated following the 30 day stay.  Having another child would certainly not be advisable.

If she's suicidal and manic, it seems she's far from rehabilitated, imo. :pale:

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on March 05, 2007, 11:13:29 AM
Quote from: "2NJSons_Mom"
Anything I have known, heard and read about rehab did not include a pass for a romantic meal with a friend or family member.  In fact, visitation is limited during the initial period and sometimes a halfway house stay is mandated following the 30 day stay.  Having another child would certainly not be advisable.

If she's suicidal and manic, it seems she's far from rehabilitated, imo. :pale:

I will tell you what I found troubling also.
The statement  that when Britney started to act out the clinic did not know what to do????

What kind of a place is this?  That is why she is there, to be with professionals equipped to handle this type of behavior..

i think a rehab change maybe in order....

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on March 05, 2007, 11:35:39 AM
Quote from: "Jacqueline"
Quote from: "2NJSons_Mom"
Anything I have known, heard and read about rehab did not include a pass for a romantic meal with a friend or family member.  In fact, visitation is limited during the initial period and sometimes a halfway house stay is mandated following the 30 day stay.  Having another child would certainly not be advisable.

If she's suicidal and manic, it seems she's far from rehabilitated, imo. :pale:

I will tell you what I found troubling also.
The statement  that when Britney started to act out the clinic did not know what to do????

What kind of a place is this?  That is why she is there, to be with professionals equipped to handle this type of behavior..

i think a rehab change maybe in order....

That is what I was getting at, but didn't say.  If there is an ounce of truth in the article, then this facility is not in control.  I read that her mother wanted her in a facility near her....seems the child custody issue is entwined in this scenario.  The sad part is that Britney can sign herself out of any rehab...this one seems too soft and not equiped for her illness.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: San on March 05, 2007, 11:39:34 AM
I agree this is very scary.  You go to these places and they charge you thousands of dollars and they don't know what to do.  She needs her rehab help and I also think she needs additional professional help that the clinic cannot provide.  She needs to be monitored around the clock. :shock:

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: San on March 05, 2007, 11:45:06 AM
Quote from: "2NJSons_Mom"
Quote from: "Jacqueline"
Quote from: "2NJSons_Mom"
Anything I have known, heard and read about rehab did not include a pass for a romantic meal with a friend or family member.  In fact, visitation is limited during the initial period and sometimes a halfway house stay is mandated following the 30 day stay.  Having another child would certainly not be advisable.

If she's suicidal and manic, it seems she's far from rehabilitated, imo. :pale:

I will tell you what I found troubling also.
The statement  that when Britney started to act out the clinic did not know what to do????

What kind of a place is this?  That is why she is there, to be with professionals equipped to handle this type of behavior..

i think a rehab change maybe in order....

That is what I was getting at, but didn't say.  If there is an ounce of truth in the article, then this facility is not in control.  I read that her mother wanted her in a facility near her....seems the child custody issue is entwined in this scenario.  The sad part is that Britney can sign herself out of any rehab...this one seems too soft and not equiped for her illness.

I agree 2NJSon.  She needs to be put in a better place.  As for the child custody issue if K Fed really cared as much as they say he does he needs to put his differences aside until she is OK.

This will sound cruel but I still think K Fed is a loser and I don't believe he will change is ways.  Britney is his meal ticket and he knows that and what better way to wiggle his way back in than a time like this when she is weak.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on March 05, 2007, 11:52:15 AM
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "2NJSons_Mom"
Quote from: "Jacqueline"
Quote from: "2NJSons_Mom"
Anything I have known, heard and read about rehab did not include a pass for a romantic meal with a friend or family member.  In fact, visitation is limited during the initial period and sometimes a halfway house stay is mandated following the 30 day stay.  Having another child would certainly not be advisable.

If she's suicidal and manic, it seems she's far from rehabilitated, imo. :pale:

I will tell you what I found troubling also.
The statement  that when Britney started to act out the clinic did not know what to do????

What kind of a place is this?  That is why she is there, to be with professionals equipped to handle this type of behavior..

i think a rehab change maybe in order....

That is what I was getting at, but didn't say.  If there is an ounce of truth in the article, then this facility is not in control.  I read that her mother wanted her in a facility near her....seems the child custody issue is entwined in this scenario.  The sad part is that Britney can sign herself out of any rehab...this one seems too soft and not equiped for her illness.

I agree 2NJSon.  She needs to be put in a better place.  As for the child custody issue if K Fed really cared as much as they say he does he needs to put his differences aside until she is OK.

This will sound cruel but I still think K Fed is a loser and I don't believe he will change is ways.  Britney is his meal ticket and he knows that and what better way to wiggle his way back in than a time like this when she is weak.

This is true, and I feel the same way.  If this place was treating her, K Fed would have limited access.  Not a nice thought, but I wonder how many more children he'll father before this is all said and done...

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: San on March 05, 2007, 11:54:38 AM
Quote from: "2NJSons_Mom"
Quote from: "San"
Quote from: "2NJSons_Mom"
Quote from: "Jacqueline"
Quote from: "2NJSons_Mom"
Anything I have known, heard and read about rehab did not include a pass for a romantic meal with a friend or family member.  In fact, visitation is limited during the initial period and sometimes a halfway house stay is mandated following the 30 day stay.  Having another child would certainly not be advisable.

If she's suicidal and manic, it seems she's far from rehabilitated, imo. :pale:

I will tell you what I found troubling also.
The statement  that when Britney started to act out the clinic did not know what to do????

What kind of a place is this?  That is why she is there, to be with professionals equipped to handle this type of behavior..

i think a rehab change maybe in order....

That is what I was getting at, but didn't say.  If there is an ounce of truth in the article, then this facility is not in control.  I read that her mother wanted her in a facility near her....seems the child custody issue is entwined in this scenario.  The sad part is that Britney can sign herself out of any rehab...this one seems too soft and not equiped for her illness.

I agree 2NJSon.  She needs to be put in a better place.  As for the child custody issue if K Fed really cared as much as they say he does he needs to put his differences aside until she is OK.

This will sound cruel but I still think K Fed is a loser and I don't believe he will change is ways.  Britney is his meal ticket and he knows that and what better way to wiggle his way back in than a time like this when she is weak.

This is true, and I feel the same way.  If this place was treating her, K Fed would have limited access.  Not a nice thought, but I wonder how many more children he'll father before this is all said and done...

I agree.

He probably will father about another 4 kids :wink: .

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: MsVada on March 05, 2007, 01:57:02 PM
I read that the story of Britney trying to hang herself in rehab was not true and her publicist is denying the rumor.    I haven't found anything in searching to substantiate the story either.

I cant imagine tha this whole fiasco is true.  I'll hold my opinions a little longer to see if anything more develops on that one.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: justinsmama on March 05, 2007, 05:18:23 PM
Good Lord, this woman needs to be under psychiatric care!

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: mishy on March 07, 2007, 08:30:07 PM
I don't know if we'll ever know if it's true she tried to commit suicide, but it truly sounds like she's having a nervous breakdown...if she was indeed running around yelling I'm the antichrist and I'm a fake with 666 painted on her forehead, sounds like she needs to be in a psych ward. I hate to see Kevin get to her while she's so vulnerable, but I am glad he's there for her. I read today that Justin is going to try to help her, but only if she's serious...her "rehab" sounds more like a spa!

When I heard she was divorcing Kevin, I thought that was a sign of her strength...never entered my mind it was a sign of an upcoming breakdown or something similar...

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: mishy on March 08, 2007, 09:23:00 PM

Britney's Pre-Rehab Retail Romp

g into rehab the first time, the turbulent pop diva appeared "out of it" while shopping at a local BeBe clothing store.

A source tells TMZ that Brit handed over her kids to the store's salespeople so she could peruse the racks of clothes. The gal's got priorities! When it came time to try the items on, Spears didn't bother with a pesky dressing room -- and stripped down right in the middle of the store -- in front of staff and other customers! We're told the "Toxic" singer even tried out some new dance moves for her shocked audience.

Not long after Britney's impromptu boutique performance, the mother of two checked into rehab three times and shaved her head. You may have heard about it.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: pdh3 on March 09, 2007, 03:03:11 PM
Britney is truly in deep trouble.

I hope those babies are protected from here on out.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on March 09, 2007, 03:42:31 PM
Quote from: "justinsmama"
Good Lord, this woman needs to be under psychiatric care!

Promises treats depression as well.
They have a staff which includes mental health workers, nurses, physcologists, etc....

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on March 10, 2007, 09:58:53 PM
Britney Spears having withdrawls in rehab
Britney Spears is evidently have withdrawls in rehab, not necessarily from drugs or alcohol but from her two infant sons.

A source told X17Online that, "It seems like Britney is struggling being away from Sean and Jayden because Kevin let her spend four hours with the kids."

According to reports from paparazzi camped outside the Promises Rehabilitation Center in Malibu, Spears was seen leaving the facility on Wednesday night to meet estranged husband Kevin Federline and her two son Sean-Preston and Jayden James at a nearby park.

The following morning, Kevin and the kids were at the facility by 6am and reportedly stayed for more than 4 hours.

Rumor has it that Britney and Kevin are considering getting back together when if she makes it through t

I wonder about this rehab she is in.
I can see having visitors, but leaving so often for park visits, and to go to AA meetings.  I would think they would have similar AA style treatments at the facility itself.  It costs enough.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on March 12, 2007, 10:34:51 AM
Britney Spears has reportedly revealed to doctors at 'Promises' rehab that she has had a psychological condition since she was just 16-years-old. Britney Spears revealed that she has suffered from bulimia since her teen years.

Since Brit entered rehab about 2 weeks ago, the 'Toxic' singer has been opening up about her problems and out-of-control lifestyle. The star decided to tell doctors about her eating disorder recently, as it had interfered with the treatment she was receiving in the first week of rehab.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: LouiseVargas on March 13, 2007, 12:48:35 AM
Just a short note ... once I was in a rehab facility for a week.

The facility allowed visitors in the late afternoon. A husband/wife/chidren could visit and eat dinner in the cafeteria for more than two hours. So Britney can see her children every day. We both live in Los Angeles County and I assume the same rules apply.

In the middle of one night, they installed another woman (Shalladay) in the bed across from me. In the morning, I talked with her. She was beautiful .... black, 6"2' - a model and very loving and childlike. The first thing she did was give me a bunch of Herbal Garden products ... nonalcoholic mouth wash, body lotion, facial toner and a white bikini panty. Quite soon I realized she was an extremely rapid recycling bipolar. She would jump out of bed into the shower, get dressed up, go outside for 1/2 hour and then run back to her room, throw off her clothes and go to sleep and then do the same thing over and over.

The reason I'm mentioning Britney and Shalladay is that neither of them have any restrictions, because money has paved their paths. Shalladay did not have to go to daily therapy because her mother was rich and paid enough cash for her daughter's stay (hoping she would stabilize). She ate her own food brought by the mother.

I'm just telling you the law is not above the board and on the level.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on March 13, 2007, 11:35:01 AM
Louise, thank you for sharing your experience.  I guess this points out that not all facilities use the same methods of treatment or have set regulations for visitation and our own conceptions are not necessarily standard across the board.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on March 16, 2007, 08:07:57 AM
Britney Spears finds new love in rehab · 03/16/2007 13:53
Britney Spears has been attending AA meetings in California and has reportedly grown very close to rock star Jason Filyaw, Actress Archives web site reported.

Britney Spears feels that Filyaw can help her through this troubled time because he is an alcoholic, and has been going through a similar situation.

Jason Filyaw admits he and Britney Spears have grown very close and have a special relationship. In his interview to he said: _ “I love her, I support her 100% and we are close.”_

Previously Britney Spears claimed to be still be in love with Federline and planned to have one more baby with him. She also planed to leave the Promises Treatment Center early to attend his 29th birthday party in Los Angeles.

Kevin Federline takes care of their two children, Sean Preston and Jayden James. Federline has taken the boys to visit Britney Spears during her stay at the rehab.

Against the advice of medical professionals, Britney Spears will leave Promises Treatment Center next week.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: San on March 16, 2007, 11:08:56 AM
Quote from: "Jacqueline"
Britney Spears finds new love in rehab · 03/16/2007 13:53
Britney Spears has been attending AA meetings in California and has reportedly grown very close to rock star Jason Filyaw, Actress Archives web site reported.

Britney Spears feels that Filyaw can help her through this troubled time because he is an alcoholic, and has been going through a similar situation.

Jason Filyaw admits he and Britney Spears have grown very close and have a special relationship. In his interview to he said: _ “I love her, I support her 100% and we are close.”_

Previously Britney Spears claimed to be still be in love with Federline and planned to have one more baby with him. She also planed to leave the Promises Treatment Center early to attend his 29th birthday party in Los Angeles.

Kevin Federline takes care of their two children, Sean Preston and Jayden James. Federline has taken the boys to visit Britney Spears during her stay at the rehab.

Against the advice of medical professionals, Britney Spears will leave Promises Treatment Center next week.

Does this girl listen to anyone.  Is a stupid birthday party more important to her than getting her life in order so she can take care of not only herself but her children.

She is stupid and only cares about herself.  Someone has their priorities mixed up. :evil:

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on March 17, 2007, 07:58:50 AM
Britney Spears throws tantrums at rehab  
Updated:  03-16-2007    Email this Page
Los Angeles, March 16 (IANS) There is more drama in troubled pop star Britney Spears' life even inside the rehabilitation centre where she is undergoing therapy for drug addiction.

She screams and hollers at the workers there and makes demands for different foods, reports

A source said: 'She has been lashing out at her rehab facility, demanding special food and refusing to pick up after herself. She likes to get her way for everything. She does not see herself as a maid, so she demanded one.'

The latest on Spears, who was reportedly forced into rehab against her wish, is that, fellow singer Justin Timberlake is planning to bring her back to the number one slot.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Dihannah1 on March 17, 2007, 10:15:58 PM
She needs a huge dose of reality.  Somebody needs to  knock her down a few notches!  Spoiled Brat!  It's sad how rich celebrities use there money to get everything they want.  I doubt mom taught her this, she is just so filthy rich, and has has bought everything her little heart desires and now she's sickening spoiled.  I don't see how anybody can stand to be around her!

I am one who loves to see a comeback from anybody and always wanted to see her get better and get her career back on track.  But she needs some serious lessons to learn.  What is she teaching her children?

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Seamonkey on March 18, 2007, 05:44:28 AM
If you ask me..(and no one did) .. that Girl didn't get spanked enough as a baby. And I don't really mean physically, (though I think that would have helped too lol) , ya know like when ya go to take something even after your Mom told you you can't have it and you get that longgggg arse lecture on morals and stuff?? that's what I mean..she didn't get verbally spanked enough and told right from wrong.

 But it isn't a surprise, a lot of the kids I have seen these days are the same, and the more money they have the more they use it to thier advantage. Society has helped with that and then wonders 'what is wrong with america's youth these days?" Well, DUH!! they took the rights right out of the parents hands. Gave the kids TOO MUCH rights even to the extent of if I am mad at Mommy I can have her arrested with no questions many of you have seen that happen?? Sickening!
Britney is just a product of what society of today has bred. She will get out of there, Mother Society will cuddle her until her next "tantrum" then wonder why she is acting in such a way...vicious cycle. And of course it won't be her fault..because this is the society of "let's blame everyone else but ourselves" , I wonder if most the kids in america even know how to take responsibility for thier actions anymore without do gooder bleeding hearts giving reasons FOR them?

Ahhh nothing like a good mini morning rant over a cuppa java lol.

Please keep the hate mail to a minimum.  :wink:

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on March 18, 2007, 11:36:05 AM
Chanda McGovern says the singer must sort herself out before it's too late

Britney Spears' aunt wants her to leave Hollywood and head home to the sleepy town of Kentwood, Louisiana.

Chanda McGovern, 32 – who was married to the star's uncle and has stayed very close to her niece – says: 'Britney has to sort her priorities out and quickly, before it is too late, otherwise she may end up dead.

'It is heartbreaking to go from knowing Britney as she was as a child to seeing how she is now, with everything falling apart. It is sad.

'It has all gone horribly wrong for Britney and I am truly terrified about what might happen to her.'

Britney, 25, is currently in Promises rehab centre in Malibu and appears to be making good progress. She was recently photographed playing tennis there in a brunette wig and seemed very upbeat.

'It would give her the chance to breathe some fresh air and take her time to discover herself again,' Chandra tells The Daily Star Sunday.

'She has been on an emotional rollercoaster for the past few years and it has obviously crashed off the rails.'

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on March 21, 2007, 08:14:11 AM
LOS ANGELES  — Britney Spears has left rehab.

The pop star checked out of Promises Malibu Alcohol and Drug Rehab Treatment Facility "after successfully completing their program," the pop star's manager, Larry Rudolph, said in a statement released by Jive Records late Tuesday. "We ask that the media respects her privacy as well as those of her family and friends at this time."

Spears, 25, entered the facility Feb. 22, after a bout of bizarre behavior that included shaving her head, getting tiny lips tattooed on her wrist and beating a car with an umbrella, with photos of the incidents instantly beamed worldwide.

Spears' activities have been weekly magazine fodder since she filed for divorce from aspiring rapper Kevin Federline in November. The two have joint custody of their sons, Jayden James, 6 months, and Sean Preston, 18 months. Federline and the children reportedly visited Spears during her treatment.

Federline, an aspiring rapper who released his debut album in November, will celebrate his 29th birthday Wednesday with a party at West Hollywood nightclub Eleven. A second bash will be held at Pure Nightclub in Las Vegas on Saturday, said Federline's publicist, Marilyn Lopez.

Spears has not disclosed why she sought treatment at Promises, which offers detox, counseling and 12-step programs. A 30-day stay at the plush, oceanfront facility costs $48,000.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Dihannah1 on March 22, 2007, 09:54:59 PM
Quote from: "Jacqueline"
LOS ANGELES  — Britney Spears has left rehab.

The pop star checked out of Promises Malibu Alcohol and Drug Rehab Treatment Facility "after successfully completing their program," the pop star's manager, Larry Rudolph, said in a statement released by Jive Records late Tuesday. "We ask that the media respects her privacy as well as those of her family and friends at this time."

Spears, 25, entered the facility Feb. 22, after a bout of bizarre behavior that included shaving her head, getting tiny lips tattooed on her wrist and beating a car with an umbrella, with photos of the incidents instantly beamed worldwide.

Spears' activities have been weekly magazine fodder since she filed for divorce from aspiring rapper Kevin Federline in November. The two have joint custody of their sons, Jayden James, 6 months, and Sean Preston, 18 months. Federline and the children reportedly visited Spears during her treatment.

Federline, an aspiring rapper who released his debut album in November, will celebrate his 29th birthday Wednesday with a party at West Hollywood nightclub Eleven. A second bash will be held at Pure Nightclub in Las Vegas on Saturday, said Federline's publicist, Marilyn Lopez.

Spears has not disclosed why she sought treatment at Promises, which offers detox, counseling and 12-step programs. A 30-day stay at the plush, oceanfront facility costs $48,000.

Hmmm,  I think I need rehab.  Wonder if my insurance will pay for Promises!?

Ok, sick joke, but damn.  Sounds better than my typical vacation!

Nobody is re-habbed from drugs and alcohol in less than a month and I read that those close to her say, she is a nicer, new Britney?  Oh c'mon...

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: MsVada on March 23, 2007, 10:16:20 AM
I was thinking the same thing.   Rehabbed in a month?  I dont think so.  I also couldn't believe its been a month that she was in there, but she was.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Jacqueline on March 23, 2007, 11:59:02 AM
Quote from: "Ms.DarthVada"
I was thinking the same thing.   Rehabbed in a month?  I dont think so.  I also couldn't believe its been a month that she was in there, but she was.

I don't think britney has even scratched the surface of overcoming her addictions and issues.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: Dihannah1 on March 23, 2007, 10:55:18 PM
Well it's the weekend, will we see pics. of her out in the clubs?  I think she should go home to Louisiana for at least a couple months or so to be with family and away from the Hollywood temptations.   Would be good for the babies too.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: LouiseVargas on March 23, 2007, 11:04:56 PM
Britney's chances of recovery depend on the depth of her addictions and how seriously she takes the help offered by AA. They cannot cure you. You have to cure yourself.

Agreed: No one can be rehabbed in one month. The body will detox but the mental detox takes forever.

Title: Britney Spears Off the Deep End?
Post by: justinsmama on March 23, 2007, 11:52:54 PM
Quote from: "LouiseVargas"
Britney's chances of recovery depend on the depth of her addictions and how seriously she takes the help offered by AA. They cannot cure you. You have to cure yourself.

Agreed: No one can be rehabbed in one month. The body will detox but the mental detox takes forever.

That's the truth, Louise! I shudder when I look back to my first years of sobriety.