Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

Current Events and Musings => Political Forum => Topic started by: WhiskeyGirl on December 16, 2010, 08:54:56 AM

Title: 'Obama administration advancing 'North American Union' agenda'
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on December 16, 2010, 08:54:56 AM

Obama quietly erasing borders
Dem administration advancing 'North American Union' agenda

By Jerome R. Corsi
© 2010 WorldNetDaily

NOGALES, AZ - DECEMBER 10: U.S. agricultural inspector Mike Ollman questions a motorist entering the United States at the U.S.-Mexico border crossing on December 10, 2010 at Nogales, Arizona. Despite Arizona's tough immigration enforcement laws, thousands of Mexican citizens have permits to work in the U.S. and commute daily from their homes across the border in Mexico. Border crossings, known as ports of entry, are run by the U.S. Office of Field Operations, which is part of the department of U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Port personnel are the face at the border for most visitors and cargo entering the United States and are authorized to stop, question, search and examine everyone entering the country. (Photo by John Moore/Getty Images)

Acting quietly, below the radar of U.S. public opinion and without congressional approval, the Obama administration is implementing a key policy objective of the Security and Prosperity Partnership of North America, or SPP, to erase the border with Mexico and Canada.

The administration is acting under a State Department-declared policy initiative described in a March 23 fact sheet titled "United States-Mexico Partnership: A New Border Vision."

Feel safer?  More illegal aliens?  Drugs? Violence? (

Title: Janet's Secret North/South Border Deals - Need Sunlight
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on December 16, 2010, 09:40:30 AM
Security deal with U.S. must be negotiated openly -- and carefully
The Calgary Herald December 16, 2010
The prospect of Canada ceding sovereignty to the U.S. in a secretly negotiated border security arrangement has understandably raised the hackles of the Opposition and the Council of Canadians.

...Working together on a North American perimeter could be far more efficient for trade than building walls, not to mention far less expensive. The alternative from the U.S. perspective is a further "hardening of the border," to quote the American security lexicon. Homeland Security Secretary Janet Napolitano has expressed a desire for "a real border" between Canada and the U.S., essentially treating Canada like Mexico.

Is the US / Canadian border a zone of human trafficking?  Drug?  Terror?  Violence?

In addition to more intrusive red tape, that would mean an increase in the number of drones, Black Hawk helicopters, motion detectors, full-body scans and border agents, which the U.S. has increased sixfold along the Canada-U. S. border since 2001.

Why haven't they done more along the border with Mexico?  Why is Mexico ignored? The violence?  Human trafficking?

...A draft of the leaked proposal calls for a working group "to report to their respective leaders within 120 days of the signing of this declaration with a joint plan of action to realize the goals of this declaration."

Maybe they need to publish this for all American and Canadian people to read beforehand.

Read more:

more here - (

What kind of agreements did she make with Mexico?  Where are those documents?

Title: Re: 'Janet's Secret North/South Border Deals - Need Sunlight'
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on December 16, 2010, 09:46:44 AM
U.S., Canada ‘conscious of the stakes’ in border deal

The two nations are reportedly in talks about a proposed pact that would give Washington a much bigger say in Canada’s border security, immigration controls and information-sharing with American law-enforcement agencies.

“Beyond the Border: A Shared Vision for Perimeter Security and Competitiveness” is the title of the tentative deal, which carries the subtitle: “A Declaration by the President of the United States of America and the Prime Minister of Canada.”

Was this declaration of Obama's posted on the web somewhere?

Clinton said the partnership between Canada, Mexico and the United States is “of critical importance.”

“No partnership means more to the United States or to the hundreds of millions of North American citizens whose lives and futures are increasingly intertwined,” she said.

read more here - (

How about jobs for Americans and not illegal aliens?  Letting Americans keep their hard earned money instead of watching while more illegal aliens come and collect welfare?  Use the healthcare system for free?  Educational system?

Title: Re: 'Obama administration advancing 'North American Union' agenda'
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on December 16, 2010, 09:56:00 AM
Any agreement that Stephen Harper and Barack Obama may sign next month to move Canada and the United States toward a continental security perimeter and a more transparent border will come with tremendous political risks.

Another treaty?  Maybe that's what we have with Mexico?  A TRANSPARENT BORDER?

“Beware Americans bearing gifts,” warned Ken Georgetti, head of the Canadian Labour Congress.

read more here - (

Title: RE: 'Janet/Hillary's Secret North/South Border Deals - Need Sunlight'
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on December 16, 2010, 10:01:05 AM
The concerns about security threats are understandable, but the huge volume of trade between us, and the integrated nature of sectors as vital as energy, oblige the Canadian and U.S. governments to search for ways to bolster both prosperity and mutual security...

It’s a matter of common sense and mutual interest that we work with the Americans to make our border more secure and more open. There’s much more for Canada to gain from working with the U.S., as opposed to working in isolation or at cross purposes. Continuously modernizing the border means managing it less as a barrier dividing our two countries and more as a bridge to enhance the security and economic integrity that is central to our future stability and prosperity.

How that unsecure border with Mexico working for Americans?  Violence?  Drugs?  Murder?  Human trafficking? 

How many more illegal aliens will continue north to Canada?

Knee-jerk anti-Americanism is an indulgence without purpose in today’s interconnected, interdependent world. Our future economic prosperity relies on an efficient border, and we should welcome any agreement that smoothes the way for jobs and growth while toughening up our borders to security threats against both our countries.

Maybe Janet should worry about securing Americans in the US from economic and religious terrorists, illegal aliens, and drugs moving north from Mexico?

read more here - (

What benefit for Americans do illegal aliens provide?  Job growth?  Welfare growth?

Be careful what you wish for.

just my humble opinions

Title: Re: 'Obama administration advancing 'North American Union' agenda'
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on December 16, 2010, 10:06:02 AM
The pending deal will bind Canada more tightly to the United States on many fronts. Immigration, security and law enforcement policies will be "harmonized" -- that is, tailored to become more similar to what exists in the States. That is only desirable if the trade benefits are tangible in the form of a "thinner" border.

How many illegal aliens will Canada be taking in every year?  30 million?

One person familiar with the Americans' security demands said he is skeptical that the huge border infrastructure the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has built up along the 49th parallel will be slimmed down in response to any deal. He said there are also legitimate fears that the they will be unwilling to let Canada alone police the northern perimeter of the continent. "The Americans want concentric rings of security," he said.

Exactly how is Janet protecting American's from Mexico and the flood of people, drugs, and violence? 

This deal has the potential to dramatically alter our relationship with the elephant with which we're obliged to sleep. Canadians should look closely at its details to judge whether the price paid is worth it.

Who is going to protect Canada from the violence spreading north from Mexico?

read more here - (

Title: Re: 'Obama administration advancing 'North American Union' agenda'
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on December 16, 2010, 01:17:19 PM
What's the most horrifying thing?  I keep wondering, does anyone in Canada gets coverage of the border war with Mexico?  Any media coverage of the deaths? 

Do you really want to trust Washington with securing your borders in Canada?  Private citizen information?

Have you heard about the problems Arizona has?  Washington's failure to secure the border with Mexico and keep Americans safe?

Do you really want to trust Washington with your life, the lives of your family members?  Friends?

Anyone understand what a mess, Washington has made of US border security with Mexico?  And, you think it's a good deal for Canada?


Maybe you want your cities overrun with drugs, violence, and illegal aliens (new welfare cases)?