Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

Missing, Exploited and True Crime => Missing Persons Forum => Topic started by: Richard on March 18, 2007, 02:01:25 PM

Title: Amy Lynn Bradley Missing from cruise ship docked at Curcao 3/24/98
Post by: Richard on March 18, 2007, 02:01:25 PM
On March 24, a number of us will be in Boston to keep Natalee's message alive.

Let's also reflect that on that day, nine years ago, Amy Bradley vanished from a cruise ship docked at Curacao.  The night before, members of the crew who had been "pursuing" her asked her parents if she could go to a bar on Aruba with them.

That bar was Carlos 'n' Charlies.

Amy refused, saying that she wasn't interested in "those creeps."  The next day, she vanished from the ship.

There is substantial evidence that she is still alive, in a situation of duress.

Let us keep Amy in our memory along with Natalee, as another American about whom our own government seems not to care.  But we do.
Edit to add date and location in subject line.  MB

Title: Saturday, March 24: 9th anniversary of Amy Bradley's kidnap
Post by: bleachedblack on March 18, 2007, 10:59:34 PM
Thank-you for this reminder Richard . I will continue to pray for  Amy and  the Bradley family. I hope the family get's the answers they have sought for so long now.

Title: Interesting Note Re: Amy Bradley
Post by: Sleeks on June 01, 2007, 12:03:26 PM
Hopefully this will serve as news to you as well.  Such a sad ordeal for her family to be wondering all these years.  What's disturbing to me is, the scetch of Amy (03/05) (was done after someone seeing "someone" who resembled her in Barbados) looks very much like the same pictures that were posted on Hyscience.  

If she is alive and living a very different life, why doesn't she just call home to put an end to all the unanswered questions.   :x

Title: Interesting Note Re: Amy Bradley
Post by: Jennifer34 on June 01, 2007, 02:35:59 PM
Good Question Sleeks.  My thoughts are that one, most likely she is not alive.  If she is, maybe she suffers from the same type of trauma that Elizabeth Smart, and some of the other people that have been held captive did, and out of fear or some other reason doesnt attempt to make contact.  My gut feeling is that she isnt alive. :(

Title: Interesting Note Re: Amy Bradley
Post by: Sleeks on June 02, 2007, 11:04:53 AM
Hello Jennifer - you know you may be on to something about the 'Elizabeth Smart' thing.  Unfortunately - I do think Amy Bradley is alive (now more than ever since that scetch was drawn in 2005).  Perhaps at first she did not willingly go, but now since all these years under captors and who knows what else - perhaps drugs, she is just so far gone to care. :(

Title: Re: Interesting Note Re: Amy Bradley
Post by: bleachedblack on June 05, 2007, 12:14:59 AM
Quote from: "Sleeks"
Hopefully this will serve as news to you as well.  Such a sad ordeal for her family to be wondering all these years.  What's disturbing to me is, the scetch of Amy (03/05) (was done after someone seeing "someone" who resembled her in Barbados) looks very much like the same pictures that were posted on Hyscience.  

If she is alive and living a very different life, why doesn't she just call home to put an end to all the unanswered questions.   :x

IMO the Hyscience photos of Amy clearly show that the last years have been difficult ones for her. Appears she is involved with drugs and sex industry. I for one certainly think she is still alive.

Title: Interesting Note Re: Amy Bradley
Post by: Jennifer34 on June 05, 2007, 11:18:20 AM
where are these photos?  Maybe I have not seen them.  Is there a link?

Title: Interesting Note Re: Amy Bradley
Post by: Jennifer34 on June 05, 2007, 11:19:26 AM
and I forgot to add, are they really her?  I think I have missed somthing in between somewhere?  Apparently alot of people think she is alive.

Title: Interesting Note Re: Amy Bradley
Post by: Sleeks on June 05, 2007, 02:29:12 PM
OK Jennifer34 - here is the one from Hyscience first.  Be sure to go all the way through it.  Basically the pictures do look like she got involved with the sex/porn ??? industry. bradley.php

This next link is the one from the FBI - where the scetch of "someone who looks like her" is fairly new (at least to me).

Let us know what you think.

Title: Interesting Note Re: Amy Bradley
Post by: Jennifer34 on June 05, 2007, 03:09:23 PM
umm, WOW, that does look like her, especialy the sketch.  

The reason I thought she would be dead would be based on from everything I have heard, if this is the sex slave thing, they dont keep them around after they get "too old", not to mention if people were looking for her it makes sense to get rid of her as opposed to jepordizing their business.

I can however see it being a situation where she didnt go willingly and now she is brainwashed or too humiliated to come home or contact family.  If she is into it willingly maybe she would rather her family think she was dead than a willing prositute.  I would be apt to go with the brainwashing theory.  That has happened many times before, e.i. Elizabeth Smart, etc.  I am not so sure she is deceast anymore.

What is the deal with her parents and court with dirty hands?

Title: Interesting Note Re: Amy Bradley
Post by: pdh3 on June 05, 2007, 04:04:07 PM
I don't understand why anyone would think Amy Bradley chose to disappear, and is now living that kind of life of her own free will. If she doesn't want to come home now, it's because she is ashamed, or addicted or scared. Or maybe mentally unable to make any decisions at all. She should be brought home, if at all possible, and then if she chooses to go back, at least her parents will have some peace. I am convinced that the woman in those photos is miserable, and is not posing because she wants to do it. She has a haunted look about her.

And what's with the comments about Beth? I'm sure Beth would rather have Natalee back in any shape, than missing and more than likely dead.

Title: Interesting Note Re: Amy Bradley
Post by: Sam on June 05, 2007, 08:33:49 PM
Quote from: "pdh3"
I don't understand why anyone would think Amy Bradley chose to disappear, and is now living that kind of life of her own free will. If she doesn't want to come home now, it's because she is ashamed, or addicted or scared. Or maybe mentally unable to make any decisions at all. She should be brought home, if at all possible, and then if she chooses to go back, at least her parents will have some peace. I am convinced that the woman in those photos is miserable, and is not posing because she wants to do it. She has a haunted look about her.

And what's with the comments about Beth? I'm sure Beth would rather have Natalee back in any shape, than missing and more than likely dead.

I agree with so much you have said pdh3. I think Amy is more than likely addicted to drugs.

I also agree that if my daughter were missing I would want her back alive in any condition. There are so many treatments for addiction as well as therapy for sex abuses.

Title: Interesting Note Re: Amy Bradley
Post by: bleachedblack on June 05, 2007, 09:12:00 PM
Quote from: "Jennifer34"
where are these photos?  Maybe I have not seen them.  Is there a link?

This is a working link to the photos found on the internet and through sceintific means of identification ie facial measurements have convinced many, including the Bradleys as i understand it, that Amy is indeed alive. You will notice that in the semi-nude photos Amy is strategically positioned as to cover her tatoos. The close-up of the left ear is another interesting pic.

Title: Interesting Note Re: Amy Bradley
Post by: pdh3 on June 06, 2007, 01:38:24 PM
The connection to Carlos -n-Charlies is very chilling, IMHO.

Title: Interesting Note Re: Amy Bradley
Post by: Bobo2 on June 06, 2007, 04:24:23 PM
The thing that keeps haunting me about Amy Bradley is that she disappeared  while her ship was at or approaching Curacao.  I was on a cruise that stopped there in 1995.  As we got off the ship we noticed there were seedy looking brothels right at the dock.  Billowing curtains were in place instead of real doors.  It was creepy.  We were told by other passengers not to get caught in a shop without other customers, because shop owners were known to accuse lone shoppers of shoplifting.  Of course if you paid the shop owner money he would agree not to prosecute.  

We turned right around and spent a pleasant day on the ship.  The next stop on our cruise was Aruba, the "safe" island.  Right.

I just feel certain Amy was forced into working one of those creepy brothels.

Title: Interesting Note Re: Amy Bradley
Post by: pdh3 on June 07, 2007, 02:13:33 PM
Gosh Bobo..... :shock:
That does sound really creepy, and the location of the brothels is certainly convenient, isn't it? It sounds like she could have been taken there as soon as they got her off the ship.She was probably drugged right away, and that's how they kept her quiet.

Americans just need to stay away from both Curacao and Aruba.

Title: Interesting Note Re: Amy Bradley
Post by: Blonde on June 13, 2007, 04:20:08 PM

Last seen with

Title: Interesting Note Re: Amy Bradley
Post by: Blonde on June 13, 2007, 04:21:56 PM
This picture was from C&C, it may just be a look a like.(

Title: Interesting Note Re: Amy Bradley
Post by: festa on June 13, 2007, 06:17:58 PM
What was the outcome, if any, from these photos?  It does look like her, the shape of the eye, brow, ruddy cheeks, mouth, just thinner and more worn out - If this site wasn't doing anything illegal, why not cooperate?  Oh yeah, because "Escort Services" is just a way of "legally" advertising prostitution.

Title: Interesting Note Re: Amy Bradley
Post by: bleachedblack on June 13, 2007, 06:23:01 PM
This is the first I have seen this pict. They do look similar, the eyebrows look different-but I would imagine that is easily changed. It is hard to see the jawline for comparison of the new pict with the known one of Amy Bradley.
Good find Blonde.

Title: Interesting Note Re: Amy Bradley
Post by: Blonde on June 13, 2007, 10:38:34 PM
This picture was taken the same time that Natalee was in Aruba.
 The MB kids are  at C&C's.
  The Amy look a like is standing in the back :shock:

Title: Interesting Note Re: Amy Bradley
Post by: klaasend on June 13, 2007, 10:45:35 PM


Interresting find Blonde.  I think the nose if different though but otherwise very similar.

Title: Interesting Note Re: Amy Bradley
Post by: mrs. red on June 14, 2007, 12:33:15 AM
Different jaw line, I think... Amy's face was so round and the other woman's face is heart least IMO.  But I do not doubt that she was taken and forced into sex-slavery if she is alive...

Title: Interesting Note Re: Amy Bradley
Post by: bleachedblack on June 14, 2007, 11:14:21 PM

In looking closer, the jaw is difficult to see. The eyes however are different. The woman pictured has heavy eyelids, Betty Davis eyes, which is not the case with Amy Bradley. Her eyes appear to be very deep set almost without
lids. Good find though Blonde.

Title: Interesting Note Re: Amy Bradley
Post by: Blonde on June 14, 2007, 11:31:55 PM
I have a lot saved on Amy, I will post it  tomorrow.

Title: Interesting Note Re: Amy Bradley
Post by: Sleeks on June 15, 2007, 11:09:26 AM
Blonde - kudos to you!!! Nice work on the picture.  Ironically in that blown up shot - she almost looks like Angelina Jolie.  

I still think it could very well be the same woman - looking at the pictures from when she was younger to (almost) present.  Very similar IMO.  

I also think she was forced into the sex/slave industry.  And if that FBI scetch really is her.  It would seem they move her from island to island.  That is a scary thought.

Title: Interesting Note Re: Amy Bradley
Post by: Sleeks on June 15, 2007, 11:10:39 AM
I see I should check my spelling prior to posting,  :D  'sketch.'

Title: Re: Interesting Note Re: Amy Bradley
Post by: Auntiem on August 24, 2007, 03:06:40 PM
  What a horror for the Bradleys to be living through. The double pics of her, IMO are Amy...seeing them side by side and comparing them feature by feature, I can't find anything not the same.  Then when you take in the  whole picture, and look at the healthy, happy, wholesome girl on the right and take in the poor, haggared soul on the left, it is clear what these monsters have done to her.

    The mention of the brothels proximity to where the ships dock made me think she may have been overtaken from behind when she went out to have a cigarette ( I believe this is what her mom said she was most likely doing) and dragged into one of that early hour of the morning, few if any passengers would be around......she was drugged and sneaked to another hiding place. 

     Yes, I believe they made her into a drug addict...a very easy thing to do when you have a helpless woman and syringes full of dope.  At this point, actually probably within weeks, she couldn't care less about her family........Amy was a Drug Addict!!!!!!  She was no longer the girl who was kidnapped that early morning....that happy, loving daughter........the  monsters had STOLEN HER SOUL!!!   Taken her will to care about anything but how she would get her next "FIX".

       She can go on like this until she OD's or dies of some disease   OR........PI..  the FBI..... or some bright tourist may spot her (or John) and do the right thing, drop a dime to the right people, who can come and "kidnap" her back.  On one of these islands evil I shudder to think how difficult the first part of this rescue would likely would you be able to contact the FBI and have a fast enough response, or a Jossy and sons, maybe to get a few friends together till her parents could get her home .   How dangerous would this be?  But how give Amy... one innocent girl who's life was STOLEN by give Amy her life back!  Give the Bradleys their beloved daughter back.

Title: Amy Lynn Bradley
Post by: Blonde on March 05, 2008, 05:56:21 PM
Amy Lynn Bradley
REWARD!  $250,000.00 

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 Foul Play Suspected
in the mysterious disappearance
of U.S. citizen in the Caribbean

FOUL PLAY is suspected in the March 24, 1998, mysterious disappearance of AMY LYNN BRADLEY...a vibrant, beautiful and intelligent 23 years young girl who recently graduated college and has a very promising future. She was on a vacation cruise with her family in the Caribbean at the time of her disappearance.

AMY is an American citizen who 'vanished' while aboard a foreign vessel in international waters. She was leisurely traveling with her mother, father and younger brother aboard the cruise ship Rhapsody of the Seas (a Norwegian Flag Ship) which is owned and operated by Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines of Miami, Florida. The cruise ship was near docking procedures into port in the island of Curacao, Netherlands Antilles, the Caribbean. It is known that Amy left her Cabin in the wee hours of the morning of March 24, 1998, with her cigarettes and lighter...predictably she was not wearing shoes because where she thought she was going, she would not be gone long and would not need her shoes. This is where the mystery begins! Who was Amy going to meet at this time of the morning? Why would she take her cigarettes and lighter? There are many questions here that need answering, but unfortunately neither Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines nor any Government authorities are providing any answers and, at this time, it appears that neither of these entities are making any inquiries at all regarding Amy's disappearance.

It is known that the last person seen with Amy in the early hours of the morning was a cruise ship band member of a group known as 'Blue Orchid' by the name of 'Yellow'...and, there were other crew members who spent time with Amy, as well...Katalin (from Hungary); Eduardo Cabrito (a waiter); David Cato (a waiter); and, Patrick (a waiter).

It is also known that Amy had no reason to run away...her background and her family's backgrounds have been checked thoroughly by the FBI and Amy shows no signs of a 'runaway profile' nor are any of the Bradley family members suspect. One scenario suggests that Amy may have willingly met with a crew member who she had come to trust who then put her in a position of coercion, or even more probable, Amy may have observed an illegal activity and become a liability.

There are many unanswered questions that require answers. Why would a multi-million cruise line not help in the search for Amy? To this date Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines, owners of the cruise ship, have not cooperated at all with the Bradley family by way of information or assistance or cooperation.

Mainstream media is taking a very close look at Amy Bradley's disappearance.

The bottom line is that Ron and Iva Bradley went on the Rhapsody of the Seas cruise ship to the Caribbean in March of 1998 and came back to their home in Virginia WITHOUT their daughter, Amy. Brother Brad came home to Virginia WITHOUT his sister, Amy.

Amy Bradley's disappearance is indeed a mystery! As to what has happened to is believed that there are certain individuals in the Caribbean and possibly even South America who have knowledge of Amy's whereabouts.

If you have information or know someone who knows something, PLEASE contact us by the telephone, fax or e-mail listed below. If you are having difficulties with e-mail, please try our submission form.



c/o Community Bank
P.O. Box 2166
Petersburg, VA 23804

This information was provided by the team searching for Amy Bradley on behalf of her family. 

   Contact Information
Hot Line  +(804) 276 2204 
Fax  +(804) 745 6133 
Primary E-mail 

Last Modified February 21, 2007.
Page formatting comments, email

Title: Re: Amy Lynn Bradley
Post by: Blonde on March 05, 2008, 06:42:47 PM
Last Modified February 21, 2007.
Page formatting comments, email
Dr. Phil --- Stunning new information is revealed on the Dr. Phil show. November 17, 2005. Tune in on Thursday afternoon (check your local listing) to view The Dr.Phil Show. Are Amy Bradley and Natalee Hollaway linked? Both girls were linked to Carlos and Charlies directly before they vanished…. And there is more… TunTune in to find out why the Bradley's hope is renewed and their pursuit of their daughter is stronger than ever before.


MSNBC --- A Naval person who went to a brothel on Curacao said that Amy asked him for help, told him her name. She said, "My name is Amy Bradley. Please help me." He didn't know anybody was missing. He told her there was a naval ship five minutes down the dock that she could leave. And she said, "No, you don't understand. Please help me. My name is Amy Bradley." At that time, two men in the bar removed her, told her to move and go upstairs.


Worldnews reports --- Worldwide news reports say bartenders from Cancun to Aruba to Jamaica regularly spike the drinks of unsuspecting women with drugs such as Rohypnol (roofies) and GHB (liquid ecstasy) for the purpose of "date-rape," but reports also describe the increasing use of these drugs to place women in a submissive state to move them into position for transport to Caribbean island and South American brothels for indefinite periods for use as drugged prostitutes in known white slavery rings. .


ABC PRIMETIME --- will air a large segment on Amy on Thursday,December 19, 2002.


CNN Burden of Proof - Amy's parents, Ron and Iva Bradley will be on CNN Burden of Proof on July 24, 2001 at 12:30 p.m. EST. They are being interviewed concerning Amy and what is involved in keeping Amy's story in the media and also about what they are doing to search for Amy. David Carmichael of Canada will also be interviewed. He will be describing his eyewitness of Amy in August 98 on a dive beach in Curacao.


Good Morning America - Airing on CBS at 7 a.m. (EST) on Friday, July 12th, 2001. This national news program will be discussing with John Walsh of America's Most Wanted the need for missing women to receive more public attention. Amy is included in the discussion and a video of Amy and photos will be shown.


PEOPLE magazine Amy Bradley is part of the Cover story that will be on the news stands from Thursday, July 12, 2001 through Saturday, July 14, 2001. The issue is dated July 23, 2001.


On July 10,2001 at 8 p.m., Unsolved Mysteries will air a segment about Amy on the Lifetime Network. Check your local listings.


"Cruise Ships in Troubled Waters" featuring Amy Bradley and airing on the A & E Channel in November. A documentary by Investigative Reports based on research by the New York Times. The fifty minute report looks into cruise ship crimes, inadequate medical treatment on cruise ships, and other issues affecting passenger safety and security. Attorney James Walker was interviewed in the documentary.


Amy Bradley's story will be featured in the July 2000 Issue of Mademoiselle Magazine (on news stands about the 2nd week of June).


Amy Bradley will be highlighted on The Montel Williams Show, featuring Special Guest John Walsh of America's Most Wanted this coming Monday, May 15, 2000. In Richmond and surrounding areas, the show airs at 4 p.m. on CBS. Check your local listings.


Saturday, March 4, 2000 at 9 p.m. EST, America's Most Wanted will air the complete story of Amy and updates on FOX Network.


Unsolved Mysteries: REBROADCAST: Friday, July 30, 1999 on CBS. Check your local listings.


Unsolved Mysteries: Friday, May 28, 1999 on CBS. Check your local listings for time and station aired on.


HARDCOPY: This show is scheduled to air on Wednesday, March 2, 1999. Check your local listings for this segment. This is a syndicated show which means it could be on either NBC, ABC, CBS or cable in your area.


REBROADCAST OF 'INSIDE EDITION': This weekend, December 19 & 20, check your local listings for a re-broadcast of 'INSIDE EDITON' - This is a syndicated show which means it could be on either NBC, ABC, CBS or cable in your area.


Monday, December 14, 1998, Inside Edition which is sindicated so PLEASE CHECK LOCAL LISTING FOR TIME AND STATION. FOR THE RICHMOND, VA AREA (Amy's hometown) THIS SHOW WILL BE AIRED at 12:30 a.m. Tuesday morning on ABC, December 15, 1998


Tuesday, Dec. 8, 1998, The Leeza Show will be on NBC Network. PLEASE CHECK LOCAL LISTING FOR TIME. FOR THE RICHMOND, VA AREA (Amy's hometown) THIS SHOW WILL BE AIRED Wednesday, Dec. 9. at 2:35 AM


Monday, Dec. 7, 1998, The Nightly News with Tom Brokaw will be on NBC News Network. PLEASE CHECK LOCAL LISTING FOR TIME.


Saturday, Dec. 5, 1998, America's Most Wanted will air the complete story of Amy and updates at 9:00 PM on FOX Network.


Friday, Nov. 27, 1998, 7:30 PM (+/- 10 minutes) on MSNBC News Network - Cable TV. Live broadcast interview with Ron and Iva Bradley. PLEASE NOTE THIS IS A REVISED DATE.


Good Morning America, Thursday November 19, 1998, 7:35 AM EST (+/- 5 to 10 minutes).


Ron and Iva Bradley taped an interview that will 'air' Sunday, August 16th @ 1:00 p.m. on "This Week in Richmond" on Comcast cable channel 8 WRIC.
Be sure to watch.


Story was featured on Fox's "America's Most Wanted"
Saturday, April 25, 1998 at 9:00 PM EST


The Bradley Family Plea to Return Amy

April 17, 1998


Amy hotline number: 804-276-8503
Contact number: 804-276-2204

Website 1:
Website 2:
Website 3:
Ron, Iva and Brad Bradley


Non Profit - Tax Exempt Donations


Dear Friends and Neighbors,

My name is Brad and I have lived in Creekwood Subdivision along with my parents, Iva and Ron Bradley. Until a year and a half ago, my sister, Amy Lynn Bradley (25-years-old), lived in Virginia too. But that all changed on March 24, 1998. During a family vacation cruise to the Caribbean, my sister Amy vanished. We were on the second day of our journey. While the ship was docking in Curacao, we believe that Amy was abducted. My family has made several trips to the island of Curacao, Netherland Antilles, in the Caribbean. The week long trips were to search for information about Amy and her whereabouts, which included personal searches of the island. We believe that Amy is being held somewhere against her will. People ask me everyday, "If there is anything we can do to help, just let me know." My family needs your help now. Amy is being sponsored by the Nation's Missing Children Organization & Center for Missing Adults. What does this mean? This means that any contribution to aid in the search for Amy is tax-deductible. The expenses of searching for my sister are overwhelming. Although the F.B.I is involved in the search for my sister, our country does not have the available resources to do this search on their own. My family must provide funds for private investigators, trips, phone calls, printing, and many other expenses. My family has been taken advantage of by many people who prey on our vulnerability during this difficult time. I thank you for considering our Amy when making your choices of charitable contributions. Contributions can be mailed to:

c/o Nation's Missing Childen Organzation
& Center for Missing Adults
2432 W. Peoria Avenue, Suite 1283
Phoenix, AZ 85029, USA

Sincerely yours,

Brad Bradley



The family of Amy Bradley would like to thank the following organizations and individuals for making the Amy L. Bradley internet web sites possible and / or for provoding a link to the sites.
TGGWEB --- Mr. Doug Gilman and Mr. Dan Gilman
Commonwealth Technical Services, Inc. --- Mr. Brian
CyberSpace Curacao --- Mr. Al C
Curacao by Internet Caribbean Unlimited --- Ottilie Cools and Staff
CuraNet N.V. --- Mr. Sam Pieter and Staff
CuraNow --- Mr. David B.L. Maduro

Last Modified February 21, 2007.
Page formatting comments, email

Title: Re: Amy Lynn Bradley
Post by: Observer on March 05, 2008, 09:55:03 PM

Title: Re: Amy Lynn Bradley
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 06, 2008, 05:02:24 PM
What if that was Amy Bradley in that trap they found  ::MonkeyEek::

Title: Re: Amy Lynn Bradley
Post by: Observer on March 15, 2008, 10:56:47 PM
What if that was Amy Bradley in that trap they found  ::MonkeyEek::

I think it's probable she is still somewhere in one of the islands off of Venezuela/Colombia..At least that is what her Family has said..She's been gone a long time now and from what I hear her Family would love even just a phone call to ease there pain.The pics above are from Margarita Island known for its drugs and Adult Vacations and her Family believes that is her.

Title: Re: Amy Lynn Bradley
Post by: bleachedblack on March 16, 2008, 12:32:03 AM

Title: Re: Amy Lynn Bradley
Post by: bleachedblack on March 16, 2008, 12:42:48 AM


The last person seen with Amy during the early hours of that morning was a cruise ship band member, known as ‘Yellow’ from a group called ‘Blue Orchid.’  There were other crewmembers that had also had contact with Amy during the cruise… a girl who worked in the casino, and three cruise ship waiters who were stationed at our dining table.  The waiters were very over-attentive towards Amy from the moment they met her.  After dinner one evening, one of the waiters approached us while we were visiting with associates with whom we had been traveling and asked for Amy by name.  The waiter stated ‘they’ wanted to take Amy to Carlos and Charlie’s while docked in Aruba.  When Amy and her brother, Brad, met with us a short time later, we told Amy about the waiter who had asked for her by name.  She responded, “I wouldn’t go and do anything with any of those crewmembers.  They give me the creeps.”  While docked in Aruba, Amy and her brother did not leave the ship that evening.

That same evening, March 23rd (Monday), while docked in Aruba, all four of us attended a party on the upper deck, where the band was playing.  We noticed a group of individuals, standing alongside the railing who had boarded the ship with a dance troupe, and who also were not passengers.  They were not a part of the cruise!  I wondered, “How could they be allowed to board a ship and just stand around watching the performance with paying passengers??”  Looking back now, it seems even more dangerous to us.

During the party, Amy and I went to the 4th deck to look at the photos that had been taken after dinner that evening.  ALL of Amy’s photos were missing!  We asked the person in charge of the gallery where Amy’s pictures would be posted.  He said he remembered placing them with the other photos taken at the same time, but acknowledged he couldn’t find them either.  I asked him if he could have them redeveloped and he agreed, claiming they would be available the next day.  In my possession, I still have the ticket for the redevelopment of those photos.

Title: Re: Amy Lynn Bradley
Post by: Nut44x4 on March 16, 2008, 11:43:27 AM
What if that was Amy Bradley in that trap they found  ::MonkeyEek::

I think it's probable she is still somewhere in one of the islands off of Venezuela/Colombia..At least that is what her Family has said..She's been gone a long time now and from what I hear her Family would love even just a phone call to ease there pain.The pics above are from Margarita Island known for its drugs and Adult Vacations and her Family believes that is her.

I know that...but they (human traffikers) do not keep these women forever. They eventually end up dead. Like you has been a very long time since Amy went missing.

Title: Re: Amy Lynn Bradley Missing from cruise ship docked at Curcao 3/24/98
Post by: Nut44x4 on January 03, 2011, 05:34:15 PM
copied from Muffy's post in Natalee's thread.......
Jawbone rekindles cruise ship mystery
January 3, 2011

(CNN) -- If the human jawbone that washed up on a beach in Aruba late last year wasn't Natalee Holloway's, whose was it?

Authorities continue to investigate. They say the jawbone is human and likely was from a Caucasian. It held a single tooth.

Ten people have vanished while vacationing in the Caribbean in the last 15 years, according to the Aruba Missing Persons website. One of them was Amy Lynn Bradley, then 23, who disappeared 12 years ago while on a vacation cruise with her family.

The Bradleys' complaint that that no one looked closely at their daughter's disappearance echoes the complaints during the early days of the Natalee Holloway investigation.

Holloway's parents also complained of a lack of urgency by the authorities when she disappeared during a senior class trip to Aruba in May 2005. To this day, authorities have no resolution as to what happened to Holloway five years ago.

Here is another link

Title: Re: Amy Lynn Bradley Missing from cruise ship docked at Curcao 3/24/98
Post by: texasmom on January 04, 2011, 01:35:48 AM

Parents of missing Chesterfield woman skeptical that jawbone found in Aruba is their daughter's

Published: January 04, 2011

The parents of a Chesterfield County woman who disappeared 12 years ago while on a Caribbean cruise with family are doubtful that a jawbone recently discovered on an Aruba beach belonged to their daughter.

But just to make sure, Iva and Ron Bradley have provided the FBI with Amy Lynn Bradley's dental records. The Bradleys still believe that their daughter was abducted by someone aboard the ship during the family's vacation in March 1998. They also adamantly believe that Amy is still alive and being held captive.

"We have provided Amy's dental records because we follow every single lead of any size or nature," Iva Bradley said Monday in a brief telephone interview. "We're just doing what parents would do in following up and providing records. But we don't believe that's Amy's jawbone."

In late November, law-enforcement authorities determined through forensic testing that the jawbone did not belong to Alabama teenager Natalee Holloway, who disappeared in 2005 during a senior class trip to Aruba.

The piece of jawbone, which contained a wisdom tooth and likely was from a Caucasian, was found by an American tourist near the Phoenix Hotel, a resort on the western side of the island. It had washed up on the beach.

The Bradleys have been led to believe that the bone "is very, very, very old," Iva Bradley said.

"Aruba has over 200 archeological sites, and they've got all of their graves above ground," she added.

Amy Bradley was 23 when she disappeared from the cruise ship Rhapsody of the Seas early on March 24, 1998, as the ship docked at the Dutch island of Curacao after a short overnight run from Aruba.

The Bradleys believe that their daughter is still alive based on several reported sightings of their daughter over the years. The last was on March 1, 2005, when a woman reported she saw Amy in a Barbados restaurant restroom. "She was actually able to tell a lady in a restroom her name and where she was from," Iva Bradley said.

"For people that don't have any idea what it's like to be in a Third World country, and under (someone else's) control due to fear, it's not so easy just to go to a phone," Iva Bradley said. "We feel like she's either in human trafficking, or some type of gun trafficking, or the two involved."

The Visit Aruba website lists 10 people who have vanished while staying or vacationing in the Caribbean in the past 15 years.

(804) 649-6450

Title: Re: Amy Lynn Bradley Missing from cruise ship docked at Curcao 3/24/98
Post by: texasmom on January 06, 2011, 10:06:10 PM


Papiamentu translation:

lady cu owing to disparce for of barco crucero yegando corsou 12 year happen

wednesday, 05 january 2011

cnn: cacumbein descubri at aruba is of amy bradley!

amy bradley

willemstad – the canal of news of television cnn, in one reportahe amplio the day before yesterday owing to publica the informe cu according informacionnan cu they have, the cacumbein cu some week happen owing to achieve at height of phoenix hotel is of the lady amy bradley, that 12 year happen owing to disparce for of the barco crucero “rhapsody or the seas” cu was nabegando among the island grand turk y corsou. the relato of cnn owing to go back arise the enigma here for of dream. cnn owing to tell in the reportahe cu in ultimo 15 añanan, one overall of 10 person owing to disparce while cu they was of vacacion in caribe. one of they're amy bradley cu had 23 year of edad hour cu past owing to lose

according cnn, the cacumbein (cu still had one tooth at dje) is pertenece at one person colo cla. as is conoci, day owing to achieve the cacumbein here owing to arise the hope cu posiblemente will can find one splicacion for her desaparicion of natalee holloway at 2005. owing to send the restonan here for nederlands forensisch instituut (nfi), for so can confirma if this is pertenece at the damita mericano natalee holloway. after the testnan owing to leave negative y owing to confirma cu do not deal of restonan of natalee holloway.

the father of amy bradley, ron bradley y the mother iva bradley is insisti in the reportahe cu amy bradley not had none motibo of comete suicidio or of huy of his famianan, as originalmente was sospecha. the family is tell, cu never they not owing to ricibi one contesta close autoridadnan of corsou y of aruba on status of the investigacion. “nos is believe cu amy is bibo, but is prizonero of a. some person owing to mir’é at 2005 at barbados”, the mana y father of amy owing to give of conoce at cnn. in pasado at several ocasion the parents of amy bradley owing to march the caminda of prensa y lance the acusacion cu here is deal of one secuestro for sclavitud of sex.

according cnn, royal caribbean international cruise line cu is owner of ‘rhapsody or the seas’ does not owing to give niun comentario y autoridadnan tanto at corsou because; at aruba owing to tell cnn cu the caso here is uno open still. at end of the articulo the author is haci one comparacion among the caso here y esun of natalee hollaway where autoridadnan not owing to show urgencia in they investigacion. mature is, cu once more the caso of amy bradley is in publicidad at merca y name of aruba y of corsou is stay menciona y is conclui cu is another enigma in caribe. come across

Title: Re: Amy Lynn Bradley Missing from cruise ship docked at Curcao 3/24/98
Post by: texasmom on January 06, 2011, 10:31:46 PM

From the Front Page:


From Page 2


Title: Re: Amy Lynn Bradley Missing from cruise ship docked at Curcao 3/24/98
Post by: texasmom on May 22, 2011, 03:00:33 AM


Title: Re: Amy Lynn Bradley Missing from cruise ship docked at Curcao 3/24/98
Post by: texasmom on May 22, 2011, 03:40:01 AM


Title: Re: Amy Lynn Bradley Missing from cruise ship docked at Curcao 3/24/98
Post by: texasmom on May 22, 2011, 03:46:33 AM
Unsolved Mysteries episode about Amy Bradley's disappearance:

Parts 1 and 2

Title: Re: Amy Lynn Bradley Missing from cruise ship docked at Curcao 3/24/98
Post by: texasmom on May 22, 2011, 11:07:58 AM
I just came across this website tonight about Amy Bradley's disappearance. 


There's a video with her from the cruise ship dancing with the guy they called "Yellow", and was believed to possibly be involved in her disappearance.  I remember a rumor that Yellow was Steve Croes. 

If that's Yellow in the video, he's not Steve Croes.


I had read, long ago that the name of the band was the Blue Orchid.  "Yellow" is Alister Douglas.  I don't know how Steve Croes got involved.



Title: Re: Amy Lynn Bradley Missing from cruise ship docked at Curcao 3/24/98
Post by: texasmom on May 22, 2011, 11:10:59 AM
My prior post and this post are copied here from the Natalee Holloway discussion thread.


Alister "Yellow" Douglas

Alister Douglas, started playing music at the age of eight, coming from a musical family, he first learned the guitar which he played at church, at the age of fourteen he became part of a seven piece gospel band called “ALPHA” as the bass player, four years later he became a member of the “ROYAL GRENADA POLICE FORCE BAND “at the police band he learned to read,write,arrange music, blew the tuba and played drums as well. By that time he was as we will say a well rounded musician, by the age of twenty-one he resigned the police band and headed out to play for Royal Caribbean Cruise Line with a band called “Blue Orchid” as its bass player and arranger for six years, being able to play many different instruments, he also started producing reggae and calypso music for local performers from Grenada, Trinidad and St.Vincent when he was on vacation from the ship.

After the ship he went to study in England and went back to Grenada where he set up his own recording studio called “Kool Dude Recording Studio” and worked together with the ministry of Culture producing and developing the art- form in Grenada, also been providing entertainment for most of the hotels and clubs as well and has been awarded on a national level. He has been playing for many foreign performers over the years locally and internationally, he is known as one of the Grenada’s best as a bass player and an overall musician, arranger and producer. When ask what music meant to him? He smile and said “music is my life and I like performing because it help people to have a good time man I was born to do this.”                   

Alister is presently the Band leader/Bass player of the popular four piece cover band, “USB” (United Sound Band).

Title: Re: Amy Lynn Bradley
Post by: texasmom on May 22, 2011, 11:29:59 AM


The last person seen with Amy during the early hours of that morning was a cruise ship band member, known as ‘Yellow’ from a group called ‘Blue Orchid.’  There were other crewmembers that had also had contact with Amy during the cruise… a girl who worked in the casino, and three cruise ship waiters who were stationed at our dining table.  The waiters were very over-attentive towards Amy from the moment they met her.  After dinner one evening, one of the waiters approached us while we were visiting with associates with whom we had been traveling and asked for Amy by name.  The waiter stated ‘they’ wanted to take Amy to Carlos and Charlie’s while docked in Aruba.  When Amy and her brother, Brad, met with us a short time later, we told Amy about the waiter who had asked for her by name.  She responded, “I wouldn’t go and do anything with any of those crewmembers.  They give me the creeps.”  While docked in Aruba, Amy and her brother did not leave the ship that evening.

That same evening, March 23rd (Monday), while docked in Aruba, all four of us attended a party on the upper deck, where the band was playing.  We noticed a group of individuals, standing alongside the railing who had boarded the ship with a dance troupe, and who also were not passengers.  They were not a part of the cruise!  I wondered, “How could they be allowed to board a ship and just stand around watching the performance with paying passengers??”  Looking back now, it seems even more dangerous to us.

During the party, Amy and I went to the 4th deck to look at the photos that had been taken after dinner that evening.  ALL of Amy’s photos were missing!  We asked the person in charge of the gallery where Amy’s pictures would be posted.  He said he remembered placing them with the other photos taken at the same time, but acknowledged he couldn’t find them either.  I asked him if he could have them redeveloped and he agreed, claiming they would be available the next day.  In my possession, I still have the ticket for the redevelopment of those photos.


Please go to the link and read the entire article!

Title: Re: Amy Lynn Bradley Missing from cruise ship docked at Curcao 3/24/98
Post by: texasmom on May 23, 2011, 02:02:26 AM


Link to the preview for tomorrow night's episode about Amy's disappearance.

Title: Re: Amy Lynn Bradley Missing from cruise ship docked at Curcao 3/24/98
Post by: number11 on May 26, 2011, 09:39:15 AM
I watched this episode of Vanished about Amy's kidnapping and this is just so terrible. How sad for this family to go have to leave and go back home without their daughter, and to have so many years go by, knowing she is out there somewhere - and then to be taken advantage of by that scammer! How terrible. I don't know how people can hurt others that way.  My thoughts are with this family that answers will be forthcoming, that a light will shine in the darkness and bring their daughter home to them.

Title: Re: Amy Lynn Bradley Missing from cruise ship docked at Curcao 3/24/98
Post by: MuffyBee on May 26, 2011, 01:29:20 PM
Welcome to Scared Monkeys number 11.   ::MonkeyDance::

I agree with you, it's really sad for Amy's family and I hope they get the answers they need to bring their daughter home.

Title: Re: Amy Lynn Bradley Missing from cruise ship docked at Curcao 3/24/98
Post by: MuffyBee on June 25, 2012, 11:14:12 PM

Title: Re: Amy Lynn Bradley Missing from cruise ship docked at Curcao 3/24/98
Post by: KittyMom on June 26, 2012, 12:09:36 AM
If Americans would start to boycott these cruise ships when they lose a passenger, they make wake up and make an effort to provide safety and security. 

Title: Re: Amy Lynn Bradley Missing from cruise ship docked at Curcao 3/24/98
Post by: texasmom on September 03, 2012, 01:40:16 PM
Vanished with Beth Holloway episode that featured Amy Bradley

Title: Re: Amy Lynn Bradley Missing from cruise ship docked at Curcao 3/24/98
Post by: texasmom on April 15, 2018, 09:41:47 PM

Published On: Fri, Mar 23rd, 2018 Region | By Edition

FBI To Offer Reward For Woman Who Went Missing 20 Years Ago


WASHINGTON, WILLEMSTAD - The Federal Bureau of Investigation is offering a $25,000 reward in information that helps find a woman who went missing from a cruise ship 20 years ago.

Amy Lynn Bradley was on the Royal Caribbean International Cruise Line's ship Rhapsody of the Seas. The vessel left San Juan, Puerto Rico on Monday, March 23, 1998 and was heading to the island of Curacao.

Bradley was reported missing in the early morning hours of Tuesday, March 24, 1998. The vessel then left Curacao and then headed to St. Martin and then eventually to St. Thomas, U.S. Virginis Islands, before returning to Puerto Rico on March 28, 1998.

Back in 2011, the family said they had a website up and running in the hope that one day Bradley will be found alive. There have been unsubstantiated sightings over the years. The family has never wavered in their belief that Bradley was kidnapped by someone on the ship.

Amy's father, Ron Bradley believes someone onboard the ship at the time of Bradley's disappearance likely has information that can help. "Whether it's a passenger or a crew member, we don't know. We have absolutely no clue as to what happened. That's why we're continuing our investigation."

Bradley has several tattoos, including a Tasmanian Devil spinning a basketball on her shoulder, the sun on her lower back, a Chinese symbol on her right ankle, and a Gecko lizard on her navel. She also has a navel ring.

She is described as 5-feet-6-inches tall, has green eyes, and weighs 120 pounds. At the time of her disappearance, she had short brown hair.

Bradley was born on May 12, 1974, in Petersburg.

Anyone who has any information in Amy Bradley's disappearance is asked to contact their local FBI office, or the nearest American Embassy or Consulate.

Source: NBC12