Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

The Monkey Lounge => The Monkey Lounge => Topic started by: casa on March 23, 2007, 10:36:21 PM

Title: Question about getting cat urine out of carpet.
Post by: casa on March 23, 2007, 10:36:21 PM
I know there are a lot of cat lovers here and I need some help.  Anyone have a good way of getting the odor of cat urine out of carpet?  One of my kitties decided to use the bathroom on the carpet in my daughter's room yesterday.  I have been looking for ways to get it out myself before having a professional take care of it!  HELP!

Title: Question about getting cat urine out of carpet.
Post by: nonesuche on March 23, 2007, 10:49:19 PM
casa there are a couple of remedies, one is using white vinegar direct on the stain - just pour it on the stain and allow it to soak down to the carpet and the padding. Let it sit for about a half hour then blot with a clean cloth.

Toys R Us also carries a product called "Totally Toddler" that I have heard works very well on all organic stains and yes that includes cat and even human urine. I haven't tried it yet but am planning to for one of my cats is prone to spitting up on the carpet at times.

Resolve also makes a carpet cleaner that has dual tanks, you can buy it at your grocery store, I've had great success using it too. I also use my steam shark on stains that are stubborn and doggone if it doesn't work well too.

Title: Question about getting cat urine out of carpet.
Post by: casa on March 23, 2007, 10:54:58 PM
Quote from: "nonesuche"
casa there are a couple of remedies, one is using white vinegar direct on the stain - just pour it on the stain and allow it to soak down to the carpet and the padding. Let it sit for about a half hour then blot with a clean cloth.

Toys R Us also carries a product called "Totally Toddler" that I have heard works very well on all organic stains and yes that includes cat and even human urine. I haven't tried it yet but am planning to for one of my cats is prone to spitting up on the carpet at times.

Resolve also makes a carpet cleaner that has dual tanks, you can buy it at your grocery store, I've had great success using it too. I also use my steam shark on stains that are stubborn and doggone if it doesn't work well too.

THANKS, None!  I have heard of Totally Toddler but didn't know where to get it.  I tried the vinegar a little bit ago but diluted it with some water.  I will get some more tomorrow and pour it directly on the spot.  Someone told me that you can get a black light and shine it on the carpet and it will show up where they might have gone but not left stains.  Have you ever heard of that?

Title: Question about getting cat urine out of carpet.
Post by: Seamonkey on March 24, 2007, 05:07:51 AM
Casa, Hello :)

There is a light called "Stink-Finder" from a place I buy all my pet care items at. It will show you odor causing urine, vomit, feces, and even saliva. It is a blacklight flashlight.
 I never used one, but have heard many great results from people who have.

Title: Question about getting cat urine out of carpet.
Post by: Cat on March 24, 2007, 10:08:49 AM
I don't have a problem with,but humans do.Some form of stink remover,like activated charcol,oxy clean helps.My mistress just moves.CAT

Title: Question about getting cat urine out of carpet.
Post by: Anna on March 24, 2007, 11:44:03 AM
A product called Nature's Miracle works for me.  I get it by the gallon from or call 1-800 JEFFERS for a free catalog.  It is not even expensive, fortunately.  Doesn't leave any soap or anything either.  

There is another product called something about Serious that works equally well.

Enzymes and remove anything organic including milk, etc.  Can be put on bare hands and does not bother them and I am very blonde and sensitive to stuff.  I have also used on expensive hand knotted wool Persian rug with no harm done to the natural fibers.  Safe for colors, etc.

Hydrogen peroxide if totally color safe, check in a closet or somewhere it will not be seen, is also pretty good for removing organics and especially blood.

I don't really understand how these two products work even understanding enzymes for there appears to be nothing happening but the stain or odor just goes away.  Blotting helps, too, so have plenty of old towels to absorb.

That said, I have come to really not like carpeting any more.  Am slowly replacing all of it with other things as I can afford to do so.  

Even tile or linoleum I like better now.  Just my personal thing I guess.  I can just imagine germs and stuff in carpeting and especially the padding underneath.  


Title: Question about getting cat urine out of carpet.
Post by: NM on March 24, 2007, 01:36:57 PM
Hi casa,
I also use Nature's Miracle. I swear by it.  It removes stains as well as any odor.  It even works at removing mud stains from carpet.  And the best part is you just spray it on, a good covering of it, and leave it!

Also, had not had any problem with it removing color from fabrics.  I even had to use it on Doupioni silk and no stain or lose of color.

Title: Question about getting cat urine out of carpet.
Post by: casa on March 24, 2007, 06:42:57 PM
Thanks to all of you!  I knew my monkey friends would help me!  I think I am going to order Nature's Miracle.  I have checked out the website.  I found something at Wal Mart that is called Pets and Kids.  It sounds a lot like Nature's Miracle.  I have it on the carpet and will see how that works.

Title: Question about getting cat urine out of carpet.
Post by: casa on April 13, 2007, 09:47:18 PM
Just wanted to let all of you who helped me know that I finally got out the smell!  What really worked was something I got at Wal Mart called Kidz and Pets.  It took several days as I had to soak the area all the way down to the carpet pad and then it had to dry completely before the odor was gone.  I haven't yet but I am now going to get my carpet shampooer and clean it with clear water.

Title: Question about getting cat urine out of carpet.
Post by: LouiseVargas on April 13, 2007, 11:29:43 PM
I also recommend Natures Miracle.

Title: Question about getting cat urine out of carpet.
Post by: Tylergal on April 15, 2007, 01:40:55 AM
Plain old Lysol in the spray can, none of the scented.  Just dab the area with a white bath cloth (cotton) to soak up the urine, and spray it with plain Lysol out of the can, but the original one --- not the perfumed ones.  I think the can is gold & blue.

Peaches & Clean told me that is what they do but if you do anything else before you do that, it will not work.