Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

Natalee Holloway => LCD Archive => Topic started by: Nut44x4 on December 10, 2008, 07:41:52 AM

Title: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 - 12/17/08
Post by: Nut44x4 on December 10, 2008, 07:41:52 AM


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Nut44x4 on December 13, 2008, 01:06:40 PM
 ::MonkeyEek:: hello?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on December 13, 2008, 01:07:18 PM
 ::MonkeyCool::  Where are the others?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Nut44x4 on December 13, 2008, 01:11:53 PM
 :shock: :2thinky: :2saywhaa:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: johan555 on December 13, 2008, 01:21:26 PM
caesu said :

i am trying to find this out. was it Theresa Croes-Fernandes already? or a Dutch PG?

it is important because the PG has a VERY important role when conflicts of interest (within the ALE) are at play during an investigation.
the fact that Paul van der Sloot was Chief of Cabinet for the PG before 2003 shows how close Van der Sloot was to the PG.
that is the highest position in the office of the PG.


Here is a letter >  Croes was in Holland  till 6 june


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 13, 2008, 01:40:20 PM
Quote from: SS on Today at 11:44:32 AM
I have had a lingering thought about Urine's admission that he sold Natalee for $10K.  In my business, I have worked with numerous sociopaths over the years and I have learned that there is usually some element of truth in their twisted stories.  I am wondering if Urine and his friends and/or Paulass have been involved with selling victims or if Urine knows that his father has been involved with human trafficking.  This might not have been Natalee's fate, but perhaps this could have been the fate of other victims that Urine is aware of and/or has been involved with.  This could very easily be the hook that Urine has to his father and other adults on Aruba.  I suspect that Urine's performance with Greta was a message to the "higher powers" that he wants more money and that he is prepared to drop the dime on all of them.  I don't think that Urine's story about handing the blonde girl over for a bag with $9600 has anything to do with Natalee directly.  There is something about the amount of money being short several hundred dollars that sticks out.  Did Urine get a hush money check that was less than the agreed amount?


I have not ruled out the possibility that Joran did sell Natalee.  And, I do believe it is possible that she may not have been the first one.  She may just have been the first American girl he was involved with trafficking.

We have seen that Joran is heavily addicted to gambling.  He has stolen from people since he left Aruba.  While in Aruba he seemed to have money to gamble with, yet no job to fall back on to earn his gambling money. 

Joran stated in his last interview that he knew "this man' from the Radisson.  The evening of 5/30 Joran is out gambling in and around the Radisson.  Where did he get the money?  If you had just murdered someone, why would you be out and about...when you have the excuse that it is a school night...instead of keeping a low profile.  Do we really think this 17 year old kid who was smart enough to get rid of a dead body would be stupid enough to be seen out and about the very next night?

Paulus stated that Joran had his gym bag with him when he dropped him off at the racquet club the afternoon of 5/30.  I believe it has been confirmed that Joran did not play tennis that afternoon.   Was this a bag of money?  And that he met several friends there.  One of which says his phone was stolen that very day.  Hmm.  I doubt anyone checked the cell calls to and from that number on 5/30.

Or, a case could be made for the scenario that Joran was heavily in debt to one of the casinos...could the trafficking of an American blonde clear his debt?  And with all the publicity he thinks he can blackmail these people when he gets low on cash by telling the media what he did with enough of a twist that will implicate his own father's activity in the coverup. 

I can't figure out if the guy is brilliant or stupid.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: EURobert on December 13, 2008, 01:45:48 PM
Yesterday we came to the conclusion that Remkes probably is the guy who asked / ordered the Arubans in 2005 to present Jurine van der Sloot as being an Aruban. Remkes was the Dutch minister of Internal / Home Affairs and Kingdomrelations then.

This week he voted against bringing in the Rijksrecherche to investigate all the wrongdoings in the Natalee Holloway investigation. He was rather cynical about the alligations that Croes made about VdStraten last week; he said that he didn't think of Croes as very trustworthy.

He's not a member of the government anymore; he now is a member of Parliament for the liberal conservative VVD as the VanderSloots are. But he still is an influencial guy and still has a lot of authority in the Home and Dutch Antilles affairs.

Today I sent an email to Johan Remkes (see previous thread).

For anyone who wants to email Johan Remkes as well here's his emailaddress:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 13, 2008, 01:52:24 PM
Yesterday we came to the conclusion that Remkes probably is the guy who asked / ordered the Arubans in 2005 to present Jurine van der Sloot as being an Aruban. Remkes was the Dutch minister of Internal / Home Affairs and Kingdomrelations then.

This week he voted against bringing in the Rijksrecherche to investigate all the wrongdoings in the Natalee Holloway investigation. He was rather cynical about the alligations that Croes made about VdStraten last week; he said that he didn't think of Croes as very trustworthy.

He's not a member of the government anymore; he now is a member of Parliament for the liberal conservative VVD as the VanderSloots are. But he still is an influencial guy and still has a lot of authority in the Home and Dutch Antilles affairs.

Today I sent an email to Johan Remkes (see previous thread).

For anyone who wants to email Johan Remkes as well here's his emailaddress:

With that information, Remkes is as good as good a conclusion as any.  In fact, that information makes it very likely that he is the one.  imo  It will be interesting to watch this play out.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Buckeye on December 13, 2008, 01:56:33 PM
Originally copied, but not translated, from another site.

Just a place to record PVDS history....for caesu and all:

looking for van der sloot's appointment
Origineel persbericht.

Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties
Persbericht ministerraad van het Koninkrijk
25 februari 2005


De Rijksministerraad heeft er op voorstel van minister De Graaf voor Bestuurlijke Vernieuwing en Koninkrijksrelaties mee ingestemd om de heer mr. H.A.C. Smid en de heer mr. F.J.F. Gerard voor te dragen voor benoeming als leden van het Gemeenschappelijk Hof van Justitie van de Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba.

De heer Smid (1946) is momenteel rechter bij de arrondissementsrechtbank in Dordrecht. Daarvoor was hij Landelijk Officier van Justitie voor het Meldpunt Ongebruikelijke Transacties. Zijn standplaats wordt Curaçao.

De heer Gerard (1961) is momenteel rechter bij de rechtbank in Arnhem. Daarvoor was hij senior-jurist bij het ministerie van Defensie. Zijn standplaats wordt Aruba.

De benoemingen gaan in op 1 maart 2005.

RVD, 25.02.2005

Nieuwe rechters bij Gemeenschappelijk Hof van Justitie Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba
19 juli 2002

De Rijksministerraad heeft er op voorstel van staatssecretaris De Vries van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties mee ingestemd vijf rechters bij het Gemeenschappelijk Hof van Justitie van de Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba voor te dragen voor benoeming.

Het zijn:
- mr. F.M. Wieland, vice-president van de arrondissementsrechtbank in Groningen;
- mr. C. van den Noort, rechter aan de arrondissementsrechtbank in Groningen;
- mr. P.A.H. Lemaire, rechter aan de arrondissementsrechtbank in Arnhem;
- mr. R. Hoekstra, rechter aan de arrondissementsrechtbank in Rotterdam;
- mr. W.P.M. ter Berg, vice-president van de arrondissementsrechtbank in Middelburg.

Daarnaast draagt de Rijksministerraad mr. P.W. van Schendel voor als plaatsvervangend rechter bij het Hof. Hij treedt binnenkort terug als vice-president van de arrondissementsrechtbank in Utrecht. Alle benoemingen gaan in op 1 augustus a.s., behalve de benoeming van mr. Ter Berg die ingaat op 1 oktober a.s.

Benoemingen gemeenschappelijk hof van justitie Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba
1 juni 2001

De Rijksministerraad heeft er op voorstel van staatssecretaris De Vries van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties mee ingestemd om vier leden voor te dragen voor benoeming tot lid van het Gemeenschappelijk Hof van Justitie van de Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba.

De vier leden zijn:

mr. W.M.J. Hoppers, vice-president van het gerechtshof in 's-Hertogenbosch;
mr. D. van den Brink, rechter aan het gerechtshof in Rotterdam;
mr. C. Slothouber, vice-president van het gerechtshof in Utrecht;
mr. H. Warnink, coördinerend vice-president van het gerechtshof in Alkmaar.
De benoemingen gaan in per 1 augustus aanstaande, behalve de benoeming van de heer Warnink die ingaat per 1 oktober aanstaande. De heer Slothouber krijgt als standplaats Aruba, de andere drie rechters gaan op Curaçao werken.

Benoemingen rechterlijke macht Aruba en Antillen
27 juni 2005

De Rijksministerraad heeft er op voorstel van minister Pechtold voor Bestuurlijke Vernieuwing en Koninkrijksrelaties mee ingestemd om acht leden en één plaatsvervangend lid voor te dragen voor (her)benoeming in het Gemeenschappelijk Hof van Justitie van de Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba.

Het gaat om de benoeming op de standplaats Curaçao per 1 augustus 2005 van mr. J.M.P. Drijkoningen (raadsheer in het Gerechtshof te 's-Hertogenbosch), mr. K.J. Haarhuis (rechter in de rechtbank te Almelo), mw. mr. A.M.P. Geelhoed (rechter in de rechtbank Middelburg), mw. mr. L. de Kerpel-van de Poel (rechter in de rechtbank Maastricht), mw. mr. A.S. Gratama (rechter in de rechtbank Breda) en, per 1 september 2005, van mr. H.L. Wattel (rechter in de rechtbank Breda).

Voor de standplaats Aruba per 1 augustus 2005 gaat het om mr. H.E. de Boer (raadsheer in het Gerechtshof Arnhem) en mr. J.A. van Voorthuizen (rechter in de rechtbank Zwolle).

Mr. P. W. van Schendel zal per 1 augustus 2005 in Curaçao worden herbenoemd als plaatsvervangend lid in het Gemeenschappelijk Hof van Justitie, voor de duur van drie jaar.

De Rijksministerraad heeft tevens ingestemd met de voordracht voor benoeming van mr. N. Jörg tot advocaat-generaal van Aruba. De heer Jörg is sinds 1 februari advocaat-generaal bij de Hoge Raad der Nederlanden.


Ministerie van Algemene Zaken
Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties
Persbericht Rijksministerraad 20 december 2002

Benoemingen gemeenschappelijk hof van justitie van de nederlandse Antillen en aruba

De Rijksministerraad heeft op voorstel van minister Remkes van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties ingestemd met een tweetal benoemingen.

De heer mr. G.E.M. Polkamp (52) wordt voorgedragen voor benoeming tot lid van het Gemeenschappelijk Hof van Justitie van de Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba. Momenteel is de heer Polkamp plaatsvervangend lid van het Hof. De benoeming gaat in op 1 januari 2003.

De heer mr. P.A.P.J. van der Sloot (50) wordt voorgedragen voor benoeming tot plaatsvervangend lid van het Gemeenschappelijk Hof van Justitie van de Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba. De heer van der Sloot is nu werkzaam als kabinetschef bij de procureur-generaal van Aruba. De benoeming gaat in op
1 januari 2003 voor een periode van drie jaar.

RVD, 20.12.2002

Benoeming procureur-generaal op Aruba
25 januari 2002

De Rijksministerraad heeft er op voorstel van staatssecretaris De Vries van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties mee ingestemd om mevrouw mr. Drs. T.D. Croes-Fernandes Pedra voor te dragen voor benoeming tot procureur-generaal op Aruba.

Zij is op dit moment senior rechter en fungerend president bij het Gemeenschappelijk Hof van Justitie van de Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba. Mevrouw Croes volgt als procureur-generaal mr. W.R. Rosingh op. De benoeming gaat in op 1 februari a.s.

 :smt102 :smt102

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: EURobert on December 13, 2008, 01:57:02 PM
Yesterday we came to the conclusion that Remkes probably is the guy who asked / ordered the Arubans in 2005 to present Jurine van der Sloot as being an Aruban. Remkes was the Dutch minister of Internal / Home Affairs and Kingdomrelations then.

This week he voted against bringing in the Rijksrecherche to investigate all the wrongdoings in the Natalee Holloway investigation. He was rather cynical about the alligations that Croes made about VdStraten last week; he said that he didn't think of Croes as very trustworthy.

He's not a member of the government anymore; he now is a member of Parliament for the liberal conservative VVD as the VanderSloots are. But he still is an influencial guy and still has a lot of authority in the Home and Dutch Antilles affairs.

Today I sent an email to Johan Remkes (see previous thread).

For anyone who wants to email Johan Remkes as well here's his emailaddress:

The motto of your email could be: "Remkes, you can bring Natalee home!"

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 13, 2008, 02:01:53 PM
Thanks EuRobert...I am still looking at Paulus' bosses before 2002. Looks like Ruud Rosingh.  What about the Dutch golden boy Zwinkels? Was he the one before Rosingh? Thanks!

I just want to know how Paulus got to have so much clout!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 13, 2008, 02:05:45 PM
Vocking......Caps posted in Shango 3....Full name, birthdate, place of birth and IIRC address of both Vocking and his wife. This was April 2008.

Caps posted Vocking...Not King

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: the big hammer on December 13, 2008, 02:13:18 PM
500 Aruban Guilders

ss writes: "...a bag with $9600..."

The difference between the goon's $10,000.00 statement to Greta, and what he actually said he received ("a couple hundred short") is close to the amount of money (cash) Paulus says he deposited at the CMB bank the next day.  500 Aruban Guilders is equal to about $275.00.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: EURobert on December 13, 2008, 02:14:26 PM
Thanks EuRobert...I am still looking at Paulus' bosses before 2002. Looks like Ruud Rosingh.  What about the Dutch golden boy Zwinkels? Was he the one before Rosingh? Thanks!

I just want to know how Paulus got to have so much clout!

Sorry, can't help you with that.
My knowledge of all the Aruban Sloot connections is very ... well, absent actually...  ::MonkeyNoNo::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: johan555 on December 13, 2008, 02:19:16 PM
Two years in jail for Omar Hirschfeld
13 Dec, 2008, 14:38 (GMT -04:00)

ORANGE CITY - Omar Hirschfeld, ex-jailer at the Institute Korrektie Aruba, was approved by the court to two years in prison sentenced, in accordance with the requirements of the Public Prosecutor. Hirschfeld must now 'behind bars' with the prisoners for whom he has drugs and smuggled mobile phones.

Hirschfeld was clearly not agree with this view and said that he appeals against it. The ex-jailer has occurred during the handling of this case defended by saying that in this case is a conspiracy against him, that the prisoners a "set-up 'against him have planned.
In his opinion, the court has stated that he does not believe, because the prisoners have extensively explained that Hirschfeld is indeed illegal goods is smuggled into the prison, and how he did this. It goes according to the court are a serious matter, because Hirschfeld in his role as jailer the everyday functioning of the KIA has put in danger and therefore the integrity of the corrective Institute has stained. Furthermore, the court placed considerable emphasis on the fact that Hirschfeld, because of this corruption, it does not deserve to serving the Aruban government to work. Also, the court recalled that the culprit is two kilos of marijuana in his home have been found during a search.
In addition to a prison two years, may Hirschfeld after serving his sentence of three years for public works.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 13, 2008, 02:19:46 PM
500 Aruban Guilders

ss writes: "...a bag with $9600..."

The difference between the goon's $10,000.00 statement to Greta, and what he actually said he received ("a couple hundred short") is close to the amount of money (cash) Paulus says he deposited at the CMB bank the next day.  500 Aruban Guilders is equal to about $275.00.


A little truth mixed in with the lies?  Coincidence?  Hmmm...

Here is something I find interesting from the CIA report on human trafficking:

Children tend to be trafficked within their own countries,
while women between the ages of 18 and 30 are often trafficked internationally,
sometimes with the consent of their husbands or other family members. Major
source and recruitment countries include Brazil, Colombia, the Dominican Republic,
Uruguay, Venezuela, and Suriname. Spain, Germany, the Netherlands, Portugal, and
the United States are commonly identified as countries of destination for Latin
American trafficking victims.

Argentina and Brazil have also served as destination countries for women trafficked from the Andes or Caribbean countries

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: caesu on December 13, 2008, 02:19:55 PM
Remkes talking in September 2006 about the KLPD taking over the investigation. (in Dutch) (Windows Media Player)

he met with Oduber in Oranjestad. Croes was not there. there was speculation of 'friction' between Remkes and Croes.
Het bezoek staat in het teken van veiligheid en rechtshandhaving op de eilanden. De gesprekken op Aruba richten zich voornamelijk op de samenwerking met het Korps Politie Aruba en de bestrijding van zware en grensoverschrijdende (drugs)criminaliteit.
Een gesprek met minister Croes van Justitie kan helaas niet plaatsvinden omdat deze uitlandig zal zijn.

Aruba asked for Dutch help in the investigation.
pre-condition of Remkes was that the KLPD (Dutch National Police) was in full charge of the investigation.
Remkes as Interior / Home Affairs Minister was Manager of the KLPD.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Magnolia on December 13, 2008, 02:28:46 PM
Thanks EuRobert...I am still looking at Paulus' bosses before 2002. Looks like Ruud Rosingh.  What about the Dutch golden boy Zwinkels? Was he the one before Rosingh? Thanks!

I just want to know how Paulus got to have so much clout!

Was Paulus in charge of contracts on Aruba when Posner got
his casino contract?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 13, 2008, 02:30:39 PM
Caps posted this, and I assumed he was looking at a current database, otherwise he would have had to look at one before mid 2005, according to what Marriane Croes stated about Vocking changing his name. IIRC that was from December 2005.

Re: SHANGO/SIMIAN - who are they and what did they know? #3
« Reply #823 on: April 24, 2008, 02:03:34 PM »

Quote Caps

now we are talking

Vocking   Bernardus FC               1/14/1948   Nijmegen   De La Sallestraat 14
Vocking, geb. de Droog   Anna MJ   6/3/1959             Amsterdam   De La Sallestraat 14

The man and the wife.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Blonde on December 13, 2008, 02:33:54 PM
Thanks EuRobert...I am still looking at Paulus' bosses before 2002. Looks like Ruud Rosingh.  What about the Dutch golden boy Zwinkels? Was he the one before Rosingh? Thanks!

I just want to know how Paulus got to have so much clout!

Paul Van der Sloot Background

Thanks to Hasibokus for this translation of a recent Dutch article on Paul(us) Van der Sloot. It's interesting background reading on the man just released while his son remains in custody.

My headline for the article wouldn't have been quite so glowing. There appears to be more than a hint of self interest in his biggest claim to fame and no mention of his potential judgeship having been de-railed prior to the Natalee Holloway case based upon performance evaluations - according to Fox.

Van der Sloot, persistent lawyer with principles

The lawyer Paul van der Sloot, that is detained in Aruba in the Natalee Holloway affair is here mostly known for his 20-year fight against the building of a motorway around Boxtel.


Paul van der Sloot is indeed member of a brass band and he goes all out during the carnival, but in Aruba he is mostly known as the serious lawyer for whom the principles of justice always and everywhere comes in first place. 

There was a huge disbelief in Aruba when he was arrested for his alleged involvement in disappearance of Natalee Holloway. Boxtel had experienced him as someone who would always persevere and had a thorough manner of working. 

Paul van der Sloot fought twenty years long (from 1973 until 1993) with local residents against the construction of a southern motorway, that had to be build partly over the estate of the Van der Sloot family. Paul van der Sloot stood his ground and fought civil servants and politicians that had proposed and produced the faulty plans for the new motorway in the Cousil of State. The motorway came eventually but it was not laid through the scenic valuable territory anymore but further away. 

In his birthplace Boxtel, van der Sloot was criticized a lot because while he was fighting the developments of the new motorway,  the dangerous traffic was still led trough Boxel and this was causing accidents and consequently was costing the lives of many people.  Van der Sloot was seen as a fault-finder that to prevent the motorway from being build on part of his land, was willing to sacrifice the lives of the youth who attended the schools in the vicinity of the local dangerous streets. Van der Sloot said later on that the criticism hurt him deeply.


Van der Sloot (53) got his legal education at the University of Tilburg in the seventies. He co-founded the Legal Faculty Association Tilburg and also the faculty newspaper ‘Nondejure'. After he finished his studies he did not went to work for the government, but assisted citizens that had conflicts with the government.  It was in that period in Arnhem, where he met a woman Anita (teacher of Artistic Formation) and it was also there were Joran and Valentijn, two of his three suns, were born.

New job

In 1991 Paul van der Sloot thought it was the time for a new job and he found one in Aruba where he was appointed for five year as a lawyer for the Aruban government. The ministers there were not impressed with his stance  „I always first try to find a compromise. By simply prosecuting nobody gets wiser.  If the authorities do something wrong I will always admit that. You must never interpret the facts differently then what they are.  I am convinced that on the long run this will give better results“, According to Van der Sloot in an interview ten years ago in the Brabants Dagblad. 

After a while Van der Sloot got a different assigment: the government wanted him to only set up contracts. Van der Sloot considered going back to The Netherlands, but he liked the small scale of Aruba and as it appeared he had enough possibilities to continue with his career.  He became cabinets leader for the public ministry and gave classes of Administrative Law at the local university. 


Two years ago Van der Sloot Ditch got the opportunity to become a judge.  With his background that meant that he had follow a training course of three years.  During that training period, he was appointed as a substitute judge in the Antillean court.  Van der Sloot completed the training period of a year in the Netherlands recently but he has not conducted a court(hearing) yet.

Monday, June 27, 2005 at 11:23 AM in Natalee Holloway | Permalink

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 13, 2008, 02:34:04 PM
Thanks EuRobert...I am still looking at Paulus' bosses before 2002. Looks like Ruud Rosingh.  What about the Dutch golden boy Zwinkels? Was he the one before Rosingh? Thanks!

I just want to know how Paulus got to have so much clout!

Was Paulus in charge of contracts on Aruba when Posner got
his casino contract?

Not sure, Magnolia. I have been trying to figure out what he did and when.

The Casino is under Posner's son's name...On my other computer, so I would have to track down the date of that...will look for it.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 13, 2008, 02:47:44 PM
Yesterday we came to the conclusion that Remkes probably is the guy who asked / ordered the Arubans in 2005 to present Jurine van der Sloot as being an Aruban. Remkes was the Dutch minister of Internal / Home Affairs and Kingdomrelations then.

This week he voted against bringing in the Rijksrecherche to investigate all the wrongdoings in the Natalee Holloway investigation. He was rather cynical about the alligations that Croes made about VdStraten last week; he said that he didn't think of Croes as very trustworthy.

He's not a member of the government anymore; he now is a member of Parliament for the liberal conservative VVD as the VanderSloots are. But he still is an influencial guy and still has a lot of authority in the Home and Dutch Antilles affairs.

Today I sent an email to Johan Remkes (see previous thread).

For anyone who wants to email Johan Remkes as well here's his emailaddress:

The motto of your email could be: "Remkes, you can bring Natalee home!"


Mabye Remkes could bring Natalee home if he would investigate what were the contents of the cage/trap which the Persistence discovered and ... John Silvetti turned over to the enemy in exchange for his self-serving interests.

However ... when you consider that the Dutch (Remkes) was put in charge by Rudy Croes of investigating the Natalee Holloway case investigation back in August, 2005 and the endeavor came naught and ... when you consider the conflict of interest regarding a Paulus van der Sloot connection ... maybe the ball is in Kyle Kingman's court in regards to the possibility of bringing an eighteen year old American citizen home.

Dave Holloway, Beth Holloway, the FBI and John Kelly have recently come into possession of the ROV images through those who have upheld the family since day one in their contention that a corrupt investigation has denied their beloved Natalee justice but ... Kyle's testimony regarding his conerns about the John Silvetti/ALE connection would be the icing on the cake.




Kyle: I have not given anything to the FBI since the pictures and statements from Dec 29th

Kyle: None of us gave any statements to the authorities after the 29th. It's possible John Silvetti did, because he was the only one conversing with them after Jan 7th.

Kyle: I've talked with Peter Shouten numerous times back in February. He hasn't seen anything but knows about the blue fabrics. DeVries and Endemol was interested in purchasing the ROV footage and I was working between them, ABC, and CBS to strike a deal.

Kyle: In case it isn't clear.. notice the blue denim-like fabric

Kyle: The Aruban divers were on the police boat, dove from their boat, and returned to their boat.

Kyle: They were immediately whisked away by the Aruban police and not seen of again by us on the 7th

Kyle: John stood back and waited and worked with the Aruban Polis

Kyle: John definitely believed the Arubans at their every word

Kyle: John didn't want Tim Miller on board the Persistence because he said Tim wasn't necessary any more and was a liability

Kyle: John told me then he didn't want to hear me ever mention the trap again.

Kyle: Schafer is sue crazy.

Kyle: I did not feel the same and we had a major difference in opinion. He [John Silvetti] was the one who never pressed ALE to be completely open with us with the trap evidence. I would have forced them to. However, John was the one paying my invoices so I was forced to sit back and hope for the best.

Kyle: We all know it wasn't a blouse, but I believe they were sent some piece of fabric other than the fabric found inside the trap.

Kyle: We're being fed misinformation to keep us searching and out of their way while they cover their asses, destroy evidence, cover their tracks, and keep us out at sea and away from the trap.

Kyle: I've talked with Peter Shouten numerous times back in February. He hasn't seen anything but knows about the blue fabrics. DeVries and Endemol was interested in purchasing the ROV footage and I was working between them, ABC, and CBS to strike a deal.

Kyle: Louis is currently working with someone who I do not know to put together some documentary on the case, the way it was handled, and what happened during the search. I learned this from Tim T. yesterday. Louis was sold on the idea that it will make him a lot of money.

Kyle: The portion of the discolored blue fabric was presumably on the bottom of the fabric. In my opinion this discoloration is not another type of fabric, but rather biological staining or discoloration from biological growth caused from a high organic carbon content and decay. Basically, during decay a biological mat will form around the organics from remains. This is what I believe it is on the bottom of the fabric.

Kyle: John Silvetti told me today that he may be returning to Aruba very soon for a few days.

Kyle: I couldn't get the logs from the Persistence. All things "Holloway" were stripped from the boat once it got back to Louisiana

Kyle: He's [John Silvetti] seriously making plans to open an Aruba office so he can conduct business easier in S. America and that would allow him to do that.

Kyle: It was confirmed by the FBI that they received a fabric sample send by Richardson and that it wasn't a match to Natalee's blouse. I think the video can prove or disprove whatever the FBI was sent was the same object or not. I strongly believe it's blue denim. Everyone I show thinks the same thing without being prompted (including senior ABC execs).

Kyle: John is not a believer in the trap. He took ALE's word as gospel that it wasn't case related, yet never studied the videos or bothered to inquire further.

Klye: We're being fed misinformation to keep us searching and out of their way while they cover their asses, destroy evidence, cover their tracks, and keep us out at sea and away from the trap.

Kyle: neither Dave, Robin, or Beth has seen any of the ROV footage aside from what was broadcasted on Dateline or the pictures leaked from the FBI to Dave (and Robin H.). Beth has seen nothing in my knowledge.

Kyle: John is not a believer in the trap. He took ALE's word as gospel that it wasn't case related, yet never studied the videos or bothered to inquire further. He had plans on doing business with Aruba and in S. America and he didn't want to hurt any feelings by talks hinting at lack of complete trust and friendship.

Kyle: Notice the end of the skirt is an identical match to the 90 degree angle in the sand. I believe her left arm was outstretched with her legs slightly bent. I did not edit the legs. I believe the tarp was placed over her and tucked around her, or perhaps tied down. I believe there are several rocks laying on the sand which were placed on the tarp, or inside the tarp over her body which explains their unusual location. Either way, the proportions appear promising.

Kyle: I took the proportions of the body form from the head, to shoulder, to a 90 degree angle which I believed to be the hem line of Natalee's skirt. I then took those proportions and matched them to the photo of Natalee with what she was last seen wearing. The proportions matched within an inch from head, to shoulder, to skirt line. Based on this comparison and with what we believed we saw in the Dec 29th video, Tim Miller contacted the family and told them the 99.9% comment. I told Tim not to do anything until we have forensic results back after the site is processed. Jan 7th we sampled the contents and in my opinion we found the skirt under the sand along with the other items The blue fabric was found right where the skirt is pictured. If it isn't her, it will forever haunt me as a major cosmic WTF.

kyle: Richardson was onboard the Persistence several times and attended the meetings on the boat. You may see a glimpse of him on the Dateline video in the survey room along with Mos standing over my shoulder

oceanexploration: "Thought you all may find this interesting if you're willing to accept it-To date, the Aruban police and dive team has been a tremendous help.  They've honestly done a great job. Over the last month we've established a very good working relationship based on openness and trust.  Most of the relationship success was due to getting the media out of the way and working together shoulder to shoulder over time.  We've helped each other however and whenever we can.  They've treated us with decency and respect and we have treated them as friends and allies, which they are. Most of the police and divers are new since this case started and both eager and careful to do things right.  I wish we had a month ahead of the project just to establish the relationships and trust. I know many of you would likely doubt this view, but it's based on the experiences in the field of the entire search team. I too was extremely worried, paranoid, and suspecting in the beginning.  Now, it's clear we're all working towards a common goal."   

oceanexploration: "We had little option other than to have the Aruban dive division recover the samples and bring them back under their care.  Remember we are Americans working in Aruban waters, subject to their laws, invitation, and blessing.  Our hands are tied for the most part. I personally was extremely uncomfortable with the chain of custody, being that we weren't a part of it, but I was powerless to do anything about it.     The samples were photographed in detail by one Aruban diver and the other two investigated the contents of the trap, the dimensions, the rigging, and what surrounded the trap.  From the video, it looked like they did a diligent and careful job with the samples and the underwater photography.  I don't know who has these pictures, but I must assume ALE."  


Private Eye: "If I understood Kyle correctly, and that would be that the Arubans retrieved and possessed all finds, not sharing anything with the crew, then that effort was a waste of time and effort. The only thing it could have accomplished was to locate additional evidence for the Arubans to destroy. I am not sure if that was the protocol out of Aruba's waters though. The effort was superb, but the game was fixed."


Re: Natalee Case Discussion #778 11/23/08 -
« Reply #408 on: November 24, 2008, 03:59:08 PM »
Re: Natalee Case Discussion #778 11/23/08 -
« Reply #410 on: November 24, 2008, 04:01:55 PM »

Photos given to the FBI sent to Dave and Robin posted on the internet are NOT the
photos posted above.  These were not given to the FBI until recently.
Kyle Kingman
Senior Geophysical Project Manager at Alpine Ocean Seismic Survey Inc.
Greater New York City Area

Senior Geophysical Operations Manager at Alpine Ocean Seismic Survey Inc.
Manager at Kingman Geophysical Solutions
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey-New Brunswick
Oil & Energy

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Magnolia on December 13, 2008, 02:56:23 PM
Thanks EuRobert...I am still looking at Paulus' bosses before 2002. Looks like Ruud Rosingh.  What about the Dutch golden boy Zwinkels? Was he the one before Rosingh? Thanks!

I just want to know how Paulus got to have so much clout!

Was Paulus in charge of contracts on Aruba when Posner got
his casino contract?

Not sure, Magnolia. I have been trying to figure out what he did and when.

The Casino is under Posner's son's name...On my other computer, so I would have to track down the date of that...will look for it.

The casino's web site says that it has been in business for 30 years.
But it was previously owned by anothers

This casino was first opened by Danny Jones in 1985 after he purchased it from Frank King (formerly King International Casino).  On September 1,1998 the GHC was sold to Mike Posner and he renamed the casino Excelsior Casino. I recently had spoken with Mike about the GHC's inventory of chips and he can not release any of the old chips for another year or so.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 13, 2008, 03:04:06 PM
Thanks EuRobert...I am still looking at Paulus' bosses before 2002. Looks like Ruud Rosingh.  What about the Dutch golden boy Zwinkels? Was he the one before Rosingh? Thanks!

I just want to know how Paulus got to have so much clout!

Was Paulus in charge of contracts on Aruba when Posner got
his casino contract?

Not sure, Magnolia. I have been trying to figure out what he did and when.

The Casino is under Posner's son's name...On my other computer, so I would have to track down the date of that...will look for it.

The casino's web site says that it has been in business for 30 years.
But it was previously owned by anothers

This casino was first opened by Danny Jones in 1985 after he purchased it from Frank King (formerly King International Casino).  On September 1,1998 the GHC was sold to Mike Posner and he renamed the casino Excelsior Casino. I recently had spoken with Mike about the GHC's inventory of chips and he can not release any of the old chips for another year or so.

Sorry...Can't post the says RWV, but the link says RU!

Magnolia if you google RU and NH research it should take you there...Lots of 2005 business info there.

Business address J.E. IRAUSQUIN BLVD. 230, NOORD
Name of the company EXCELSIOR CASINO N.V.
Statutory seat ARUBA
Date of incorporation 19 JUNE 1998

Authorized capital ARUBAN FLORINS 100,000.00
Issued capital ARUBAN FLORINS 20,000.00
Paid up capital ARUBAN FLORINS 20,000.00
Fiscal year 01 JANUARY thru 31 DECEMBER
Born in U.S.A., CHICAGO, ILLINOIS on 21 MAY 1960
Nationality AMERICAN
Effective 23 OCTOBER 1998
Authority FULL

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on December 13, 2008, 03:19:09 PM

This is what is in the chamber of commerce registry now, but I am having trouble copying....the pop up closes each time I attempt to do so....I entered Excelsior Casino N.V.:

Just realized that you will have to redo the search.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Magnolia on December 13, 2008, 03:21:13 PM
Mum, off the top of your head, do you know who Posner's
Aruban partner is?  Don't you have to have an Aruban parner
to open a business on the island?

I would think that in 1998 Paulus was in charge of contracts,
and had a hand in Posner obtaining the casino.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 13, 2008, 03:25:41 PM

This is what is in the chamber of commerce registry now, but I am having trouble copying....the pop up closes each time I attempt to do so....I entered Excelsior Casino N.V.:

Just realized that you will have to redo the search.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 13, 2008, 03:28:59 PM

This is what is in the chamber of commerce registry now, but I am having trouble copying....the pop up closes each time I attempt to do so....I entered Excelsior Casino N.V.:

Just realized that you will have to redo the search.

LOL...This computer won't let anything pop up even with the pop up blocker off...Only got that far...What does it say?  TIA

Magnolia...I don't know about the partner thing...Read some things a while ago about moving to Aruba, but pretty sure you just can't pop in and buy a casino.  Well I couldn't! ::MonkeyWink::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 13, 2008, 03:32:28 PM
Thanks klaas...

Magnolia...didn't Caps say they had to have an Aruban partner?

If so then the Posner's have a silent one or some-one did them a big favor!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Magnolia on December 13, 2008, 03:41:56 PM
Thanks klaas...

Magnolia...didn't Caps say they had to have an Aruban partner?

If so then the Posner's have a silent one or some-one did them a big favor!

Exactly!  Therein lies Paulus' control, I think.
I think he did the same sort of manipulation for Charles Croes.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on December 13, 2008, 03:42:35 PM
Thanks klaas...

Magnolia...didn't Caps say they had to have an Aruban partner?

If so then the Posner's have a silent one or some-one did them a big favor!

Klaas to the rescue!  Old operating system here and it does some wacky things.  (maybe Santa will bring me a new one)

I had forgotten about Caps mentioning an Aruban partner.....I was off searching and only found Chicago related names.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 13, 2008, 03:48:21 PM
Thanks klaas...

Magnolia...didn't Caps say they had to have an Aruban partner?

If so then the Posner's have a silent one or some-one did them a big favor!

Exactly!  Therein lies Paulus' control, I think.
I think he did the same sort of manipulation for Charles Croes.

Charles is tied in with De Palm Tours...Posted something about that in Shango, may be a page back...but it isn't listed on his Chamber records either!

2NJS...They disappear when I try to copy them as well...there is a secret!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Magnolia on December 13, 2008, 03:58:47 PM
Thanks klaas...

Magnolia...didn't Caps say they had to have an Aruban partner?

If so then the Posner's have a silent one or some-one did them a big favor!

Exactly!  Therein lies Paulus' control, I think.
I think he did the same sort of manipulation for Charles Croes.

Charles is tied in with De Palm Tours...Posted something about that in Shango, may be a page back...but it isn't listed on his Chamber records either!

2NJS...They disappear when I try to copy them as well...there is a secret!

Charles Croes was born in New York.  His parents live in West Palm Beach,
Florida.  I seriously doubt that he has Aruban citizenship.
He is an American Traitor, along with Julia Renfro, Mark Pursell, and Posner.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 13, 2008, 04:06:39 PM
Thanks klaas...

Magnolia...didn't Caps say they had to have an Aruban partner?

If so then the Posner's have a silent one or some-one did them a big favor!

Exactly!  Therein lies Paulus' control, I think.
I think he did the same sort of manipulation for Charles Croes.

Charles is tied in with De Palm Tours...Posted something about that in Shango, may be a page back...but it isn't listed on his Chamber records either!

2NJS...They disappear when I try to copy them as well...there is a secret!

Charles Croes was born in New York.  His parents live in West Palm Beach,
Florida.  I seriously doubt that he has Aruban citizenship.
He is an American Traitor, along with Julia Renfro, Mark Pursell, and Posner.


Business ties...Too hard for me to copy on this computer, but there is an article about Fast Phones, Charles and De Palm Tours in Shango.  Should only be a page or so back.

Also some interesting stuff in the Charles Croes thread.

Interesting email between Grande and Charles.

What do do...Work or post with Mags... ::MonkeyHaHa::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 13, 2008, 04:07:35 PM
Thanks klaas...

Magnolia...didn't Caps say they had to have an Aruban partner?

If so then the Posner's have a silent one or some-one did them a big favor!

Exactly!  Therein lies Paulus' control, I think.
I think he did the same sort of manipulation for Charles Croes.

Charles is tied in with De Palm Tours...Posted something about that in Shango, may be a page back...but it isn't listed on his Chamber records either!

2NJS...They disappear when I try to copy them as well...there is a secret!

Charles Croes was born in New York.  His parents live in West Palm Beach,
Florida.  I seriously doubt that he has Aruban citizenship.
He is an American Traitor, along with Julia Renfro, Mark Pursell, and Posner.

I agree.  I hope they all burn hell.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 13, 2008, 04:07:59 PM

Charles Croes was born in New York.  His parents live in West Palm Beach,
Florida.  I seriously doubt that he has Aruban citizenship.
He is an American Traitor, along with Julia Renfro, Mark Pursell, and Posner.

That is one disgusting group of people.  And to think, two of the people on that list made direct contact with Beth and Jug immediately after they arrived on Aruba.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: caesu on December 13, 2008, 04:08:00 PM
in September 2006 then Minister of Home Affairs Johan Remkes said that the KLPD investigation in the Holloway-case 'likely would take weeks, not months'.

by then the KLPD was about to take over the investigation.

the Minister of Home Affairs is Manager (Korpsbeheerder) of the KLPD

Kingdom Relations are also part of the Ministry of Home Affairs.
but in 2005 and 2006 there was a special Minister without portfolio (without a actual Ministry) for Kingdom Relations.
now there as a State Secretary for Kingdom Relations, resorting under the Ministry for Home Affairs.

Remkes gaat ervan uit dat het onderzoek "eerder binnen weken is afgerond dan binnen een periode van maanden".

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: caesu on December 13, 2008, 04:19:45 PM
Remkes: When the request of the Arubaanse Minister (Croes) arrived some weeks ago, I asked myself the question: if we are sending people for indepth investigation, are we then not 'opening up old wounds'? But the consideration that with this investigation done so publically - also to the outside world - to show everything has been done to solve the case, that als has been tried to bring everything to the surface, was the deciding factor.

not wanting to open old wounds = not wanting to pull old cows out of the ditch

show to the world that everything is done to solve the case = PR-stunt.

but even beforehand (in the same interview) Remkes said the investigation was likely going to take weeks, not months.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: COLOMBO on December 13, 2008, 05:01:53 PM

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 13, 2008, 05:05:49 PM
It is beyond my comprehension why so many Monkeys are getting on that Aruban/Dutch roller coaster again ... optimistic that justice for Natalee Holloway is going to come from the Aruban Administration and or ... the Dutch Administration yet ... disregarding the troubling happenings encompassing the Persistence undertaking and ... the chain of custody of the contents of that cage/trap.  Kyle Kingman held an official position on board that ship and what he has shared ... regarding his concerns on a private site as well as the Scared Monkey's site ... is for the most part not taken seriously by Monkeys.

As Beth would say ... "Greta ... I think this is huge".

Natalee Holloway's remains could be in the hand of those who have denied her justice from the getgo.

Think about it.

In 2005, Rudy Croes made it known that there was a Jan Vander Sloot/Paulus van der Sloot connection.

In 2006 Rudy Croes requested a Dutch investigation of the Natalee Holloway case under the control of Netherlands' Internal Affairs Minister Johan Remkes ... a Minister with a Paulus van der Sloot connection.  On January 1, 2003 ... Johan Remkes endorsed the the appointment of Paulus van der Sloot to "deputy member of the common Court of Justice of the Netherlands antilles and Aruba".

The Dutch investigation of 2006 encompassed the search of the van der Sloot residence and ... it encompassed pouring through the Natalee Holloway case file yet ... in over two years since ... there has been no accountability of those involved in the happenings of the morning and ... there has been no accountability of those in the Dutch/Aruban administration who participated in the coverup.

The latest developments are not developments at all.  They are flashbacks to 2005 and 2006.

I suspect that the Aruban/Dutch administrations have two agendas ...

1.  an agenda to create a distraction away from the contents of the trap/cage discovered and turned over unchallenged to the ALE by John Silvetti of the Persistence

2.  an agenda to close the Natalee Holloway case and ... in an attempt to pacify the family ...  a sacrificial lamb has been selected to take the fall.  In other words ... accountability for a compromised investigation will starts and ends with Jan Vander Straaten?



JUNE, 2005/AUGUST, 2005


Paulus van der Sloot - NOVA/TWAN HUYS - 06/28/05

Paulus van der Sloot: That gives a feeling of absurdity. It is indeed almost unimaginable that by someone you actually know very well, where you worked together with for a long time, that that one comes to tell you that you are suspected of complicity to murder.

HUYS: Who was that in your case?

VAN DER SLOOT: That was, in this case, that was the leader of the team of police commissioners.

HUYS: Jan van der Straaten.

VAN DER SLOOT: That was Jan van der Straaten, yes.

HUYS: And you know each other very well?


Eric Zaandam - President Police Union, Aruban television 8/28/06

Now, information are coming out that Jan v/d Straatten was indeed investigated and had telephone conversations with people about the case that he should not have contacts with, or even talk about the case.

Rudy Croes - Minister of Justice - Top 95 radio 8/28/06

Aruban Minister of Justice Mr. Rudy Croes, in relationship with the Natalee Holloway investigation, revealed a very serious information in direction of Van der Straaten.

Minister Croes revealed that he knows about various telephone calls of Van der Straaten and that he, the minister, knows with whom Van der Straaten was talking to ...


Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!
Natalee’s Freebirds;topicseen#msg287560

AUGUST, 2006

August 26, 2006
Aruba wants Dutch police to take over Natalee case

ORANJESTAD, Aruba (AP) — Aruban authorities want Dutch police to take over the investigation of the disappearance of American teenager Natalee Holloway, who vanished on the Caribbean island more than one year ago, a local newspaper reported Friday.  Aruba's Justice Minister Rudy Croes sent a letter last week to Netherlands' Internal Affairs Minister Johan Remkes and to another Dutch official asking the Dutch police to handle the case, saying little progress had been made, the Solo di Pueblo newspaper reported.

If Dutch police take over the investigation, they will have access to all case files and their own office, according to the newspaper, which didn't cite its source. Remkes will visit the Dutch Caribbean islands, including Aruba, next week, authorities said in the Netherlands.

Telephone calls placed to Croes' office for comment Friday went unanswered.

Holloway vanished on May 30, 2005, the last night of a high school graduation trip to Aruba. Then 18, the native of Mountain Brook was last seen leaving a bar with three young men.

Authorities have arrested eight people in connection with her disappearance and then released them for lack of evidence.,2933,210525,00.html

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: COLOMBO on December 13, 2008, 05:08:05 PM
Thanks EuRobert...I am still looking at Paulus' bosses before 2002. Looks like Ruud Rosingh.  What about the Dutch golden boy Zwinkels? Was he the one before Rosingh? Thanks!

I just want to know how Paulus got to have so much clout!

Was Paulus in charge of contracts on Aruba when Posner got
his casino contract?

Not sure, Magnolia. I have been trying to figure out what he did and when.

The Casino is under Posner's son's name...On my other computer, so I would have to track down the date of that...will look for it.

is Posner "kept hidden"

Parties at the Wyndham are always generous, and the food on the buffet was exceptional: mini lamb chops, giant shrimp cooked in cream and Pernod, crab cakes and beautiful canapés. Free flowing drinks from the bar made the event ever so easier to handle. General Manager Rob Smith and Director of Operations Joe Najjar greeted their guests and mingled with other general managers from the strip among them Jeff Lesker from the Radisson and Barry Kaplan from the Hyatt.

excerpt:  Free flowing drinks from the bar made the event ever so easier to handle.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Miss Scarlet on December 13, 2008, 05:13:19 PM
Remkes: When the request of the Arubaanse Minister (Croes) arrived some weeks ago, I asked myself the question: if we are sending people for indepth investigation, are we then not 'opening up old wounds'? But the consideration that with this investigation done so publically - also to the outside world - to show everything has been done to solve the case, that als has been tried to bring everything to the surface, was the deciding factor.

not wanting to open old wounds = not wanting to pull old cows out of the ditch

show to the world that everything is done to solve the case = PR-stunt.

but even beforehand (in the same interview) Remkes said the investigation was likely going to take weeks, not months.

That being the case, we really haven't given them adequate credit for their true level of ignorance.

By the time all is said and done, Aruba will NEVER recover - EVER.

WoW !  Talk about being a glutton for punishment!


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: johan555 on December 13, 2008, 06:03:41 PM
Remkes talking in September 2006 about the KLPD taking over the investigation. (in Dutch) (Windows Media Player)

he met with Oduber in Oranjestad. Croes was not there. there was speculation of 'friction' between Remkes and Croes.
Het bezoek staat in het teken van veiligheid en rechtshandhaving op de eilanden. De gesprekken op Aruba richten zich voornamelijk op de samenwerking met het Korps Politie Aruba en de bestrijding van zware en grensoverschrijdende (drugs)criminaliteit.
Een gesprek met minister Croes van Justitie kan helaas niet plaatsvinden omdat deze uitlandig zal zijn.

Aruba asked for Dutch help in the investigation.
pre-condition of Remkes was that the KLPD (Dutch National Police) was in full charge of the investigation.
Remkes as Interior / Home Affairs Minister was Manager of the KLPD.

Atzo Nicolaï (Delft, 22 februari 1960) is een Nederlandse politicus. Hij is lid van de VVD en was tussen 7 juli 2006 en 22 februari 2007 Minister voor Bestuurlijke vernieuwing en Koninkrijksrelaties (BVK)ï

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: johan555 on December 13, 2008, 06:08:20 PM
Nicolaï positive about assistance in Holloway case
ORANGE CITY (26-08-06) - Minister of Administrative Reform and Kingdom Relations Atzo Nicolaï (VVD) has welcomed the request from Aruba to deliver agents for further investigation into the Natalee Holloway disappeared. Aruba wants that the Netherlands will give direction to the investigation. Nicolaï closed Thursday his acquaintance visit to the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba off. On his last day he said, in Aruba, sympathetic to the request from Aruba to assist, if the reports Amigoe.

"But there must still be investigated under what agreements we just go to work." The request was made by the Aruban Justice Minister Rudy Croes (MEP).

The Ministry of Home Affairs confirmed a request from Aruba to have been given and that Minister Johan Remkes (VVD) of Home Affairs here next week during his visit to Aruba wants to talk about.

Aruba is already more than a year in her stomach with the case disappearance of Natalee Holloway. The 18-year-old American girl disappeared after an evening steps on May 30, 2005 with three boys in the night. She then was never found. Aruba has since the disappearance ten people arrested, but now everyone is released. From the United States has criticized the hard way the Aruban public prosecutor has addressed the matter.

The Netherlands has already helped in the investigation by the deployment of F16 fighter jets and-detection dogs. The current request of Croes goes much further. The Dutch detection agents would gain power in Aruba, a private location and weapons may also contribute. Croes wants the National Police Services (KLPD) the direction the investigation takes. (Source Amigoe)


Nicolaï positief over bijstand in Holloway-zaak        
ORANJESTAD (26-08-06) - Minister van Bestuurlijke Vernieuwing en Koninkrijksrelaties Atzo Nicolaï (VVD) staat positief tegenover het verzoek van Aruba om agenten te leveren voor nader onderzoek naar de verdwenen Natalee Holloway. Aruba wil dat Nederland leiding gaat geven aan het opsporingsonderzoek. Nicolaï sloot donderdag zijn kennismakingsbezoek aan de Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba af. Op zijn laatste dag zei hij, op Aruba, welwillend tegenover het verzoek van Aruba te staan, zo meldt de Amigoe.

'Maar er moet nog wel onderzocht worden onder welke afspraken we precies gaan werken.' Het verzoek is gedaan door de Arubaanse Justitie-minister Rudy Croes (MEP).

Het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken bevestigt een dergelijk verzoek van Aruba te hebben gekregen en stelt dat minister Johan Remkes (VVD) van Binnenlandse Zaken hier volgende week tijdens zijn bezoek aan Aruba over wil praten.

Aruba zit al meer dan een jaar in haar maag met de verdwijningszaak van Natalee Holloway. Het 18-jarige Amerikaanse meisje verdween na een avondje stappen op 30 mei 2005 met drie jongens de nacht in. Ze werd daarna nooit meer teruggevonden. Aruba heeft sinds de verdwijning tien mensen gearresteerd, maar inmiddels is iedereen weer vrijgelaten. Vanuit de Verenigde Staten is er harde kritiek geleverd op de manier waarop het Arubaanse Openbaar Ministerie de zaak heeft aangepakt.

Nederland heeft al eerder geholpen bij het onderzoek door de inzet van F16-straaljagers en opsporingshonden. Het huidige verzoek van Croes gaat veel verder. De Nederlandse agenten zouden opsporingsbevoegdheid op Aruba krijgen, een eigen locatie en ook wapens mogen dragen. Croes wil dat het Korps Landelijke Politie Diensten (KLPD) de leiding over het onderzoek neemt.(bron Amigoe)

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: caesu on December 13, 2008, 06:14:48 PM
Remkes talking in September 2006 about the KLPD taking over the investigation. (in Dutch) (Windows Media Player)

he met with Oduber in Oranjestad. Croes was not there. there was speculation of 'friction' between Remkes and Croes.
Het bezoek staat in het teken van veiligheid en rechtshandhaving op de eilanden. De gesprekken op Aruba richten zich voornamelijk op de samenwerking met het Korps Politie Aruba en de bestrijding van zware en grensoverschrijdende (drugs)criminaliteit.
Een gesprek met minister Croes van Justitie kan helaas niet plaatsvinden omdat deze uitlandig zal zijn.

Aruba asked for Dutch help in the investigation.
pre-condition of Remkes was that the KLPD (Dutch National Police) was in full charge of the investigation.
Remkes as Interior / Home Affairs Minister was Manager of the KLPD.

Atzo Nicolaï (Delft, 22 februari 1960) is een Nederlandse politicus. Hij is lid van de VVD en was tussen 7 juli 2006 en 22 februari 2007 Minister voor Bestuurlijke vernieuwing en Koninkrijksrelaties (BVK)ï

yes, a Minister without portfolio

Minister voor Bestuurlijke vernieuwing en Koninkrijksrelaties

De Minister voor Bestuurlijke vernieuwing en Koninkrijksrelaties was een Nederlands minister verbonden aan het Ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken en Koninkrijksrelaties. In 2003 is, op verzoek van D66, deze minister in het leven geroepen. Het betreft hier een minister zonder portefeuille, dat wil zeggen zonder eigen begroting.

Thom de Graaf was de eerste minister van Bestuurlijke vernieuwing. Nadat zijn wetsvoorstel voor een gekozen burgemeester door de Eerste Kamer werd verworpen trad hij af. Alexander Pechtold heeft vervolgens, tot de val van Balkenende II, deze functie overgenomen. Bij het aantreden van Balkenende III werd Atzo Nicolaï de opvolger van Pechtold. Echter, van bestuurlijke venieuwing was geen sprake meer, en daardoor werd hij veelal minister van Koninkrijksrelaties genoemd.

Hoewel D66 zijn zin kreeg voor dit ministerie, is alom bekend dat premier Balkenende niet zoveel op had met Bestuurlijke Vernieuwingen. Hij heeft daarom Alexander Pechtold ooit een minister van 'Spek-en-bonen' genoemd.

A Minister without Portfolio in the Netherlands is a minister that does not head a specific ministry, but assumes the same power and responsibilities as a minister that does. The minister is responsible for a specific part of another minister's policy field. The minister for development cooperation has always been a minister without portfolio. In the second Balkenende cabinet there were three ministers without portfolio: Agnes van Ardenne (Development Cooperation), Rita Verdonk (Integration and Immigration) and Alexander Pechtold (Government Reform and Kingdom Relations).

Minister without budget, resorting under Ministry of Home Affairs (Remkes)

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: johan555 on December 13, 2008, 06:16:35 PM
The current request of Croes goes much further. The Dutch detection agents would gain power in Aruba, a private location and weapons may also contribute. Croes wants the National Police Services (KLPD) the direction the investigation takes.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 13, 2008, 06:18:15 PM

August 25, 2006

Papiamento translation:

according minister atzo nicolai, gobierno of aruba have to is dispuesto for work together cu the netherlands hour is necesario oranjestad(aan): diabierna daily paper owing to interview minister dutch atzo nicolai, of relacionnan in kingdom y reforma of gobierno, that is at aruba actualmente. the minister owing to splica cu past owing to visit all the another islands antillano end y now aruba. past owing to tell cu aruba have one posicion unique in kingdom cu his status aparte, while cu on the another islands have several person cu is dispuesto for arrive at cierto good acuerdonan. aruba have his status autonomo end, while cu st maarten y corsow wanted arrive at this also. at aruba the is one exito much big, sinembargo corsow y st maarten have to as cuenta cu have to organiza some asunto much good, as maneho financiero, where cu have to girl debenan externo, control, banco central, seguridad, ministerio publico y criminalidad. at aruba on much sharp the status aparte owing to bay good, sinembargo on maneho financiero, disciplina of presupuesto y debenan of the country, have to come one mehoracion. this according nicolai, that owing to follow tell cu have to come mehoracion in apparatus of husticia y assure seguridad, after of the caso holloway. the minster owing to follow tell cu will bay work acuerdonan cu the another islands, sinembargo is good for aruba is wordo envolvi also in this. daily paper owing to ask about the minister if we autonomia is at danger y the minister owing to tell cu not.el owing to splica cu the or is bay touch cu status aparte. according the mandatario, if do you genuinely wanted is boss of you country for atende cu do you problemanan, do you have to can work more together on some asunto. at europa do you looking at same, where cu much dutch do not desea for remainder of europa dicidi for they, but according nicolai, if is necesario for coopera, for regulation some asunto mihor in do you country, do you have to hasie. come across

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: johan555 on December 13, 2008, 06:20:42 PM
Minister Nicolaï brengt negendaags bezoek aan Aruba en de Nederlandse Antillen  (voor 9 dagen )

14 augustus 2006

Minister Remkes bezoekt Aruba

29 augustus 2006

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: johan555 on December 13, 2008, 06:22:12 PM
Minister Nicolaï brengt negendaags bezoek aan Aruba en de Nederlandse Antillen  (voor 9 dagen )

14 augustus 2006

Minister Remkes bezoekt Aruba

29 augustus 2006

Minister Nicolaï brings nine day visit to Aruba and Netherlands Antilles (for 9 days)

14 August, 2006

Minister Remkes visit Aruba

29 Aug., 2006

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: johan555 on December 13, 2008, 06:25:50 PM
Nicolaï Minister for Administrative Renewal and Kingdom Relations
July 7, 2006


Atzo Nicolaï on July 7, 2006 appointed Minister for Administrative Renewal and Kingdom Relations (Industry Association) of cabinet Balkenende III. He is the successor of former Minister Alexander Pechtold, who has submitted his resignation after the Second Kamerfractie of D66 confidence in the Cabinet had denounced. On July 3, 2006 to the former minister honorably discharged.

Atzo Nicolaï (1960) was in the Cabinet Balkenende I and II State Secretary at the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He was focused on European Affairs. He was a member of the Lower House for the VVD and he has been involved in various functions with the kunstbeleid, inter alia by the Council for Arts and Culture Council.

Allocation portfolios

Minister Johan Remkes and his new colleague this afternoon Atzo Nicolaï have put their signatures under the protocol that governs the distribution of their duties at the Ministry of Interior Affairs and Kingdom Relations. The tasks corresponding to the division in the cabinet Balkenende II.

Broadly remains Remkes Minister responsible for Security, Public Administration and Government Personnel, while Minister Nicolaï concerns Kingdom, Democratic Renewal, Other Government, Urban, Constitutional Affairs, ICT + government, as well as personal data and travel documents.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: caesu on December 13, 2008, 06:26:00 PM
The current request of Croes goes much further. The Dutch detection agents would gain power in Aruba, a private location and weapons may also contribute. Croes wants the National Police Services (KLPD) the direction the investigation takes.

yes, that's pretty extraordinary that Croes would go that far.
and still he was trashing the Dutch involvement and lack of support beginning this month.

did the KLPD really want to go to the bottom of the case in September 2006?
or did they refuse to do this when the KLPD saw that the Dutchies were mostly the bad ones (with links to The Netherlands?).
apparently Croes doesn't think so now, else he wouldn't start this new probe and insult a Dutch Minister.
explains why Remkes said the investigation would 'likely take weeks, not months' before the KLPD even had started and why he finds Croes 'an unreliable source of inspiration'.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 13, 2008, 06:26:45 PM
The current request of Croes goes much further. The Dutch detection agents would gain power in Aruba, a private location and weapons may also contribute. Croes wants the National Police Services (KLPD) the direction the investigation takes.

Would this be a precedent?  If so, would it have long range implications for The Netherlands and Aruba in terms of Aruba's independence?  The reason I ask is because I'm wondering if it does have long term ramifications can other polticians in The Netherlands keep it from happening?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: johan555 on December 13, 2008, 06:29:51 PM
The current request of Croes goes much further. The Dutch detection agents would gain power in Aruba, a private location and weapons may also contribute. Croes wants the National Police Services (KLPD) the direction the investigation takes.

yes, that's pretty extraordinary that Croes would go that far.
and still he was trashing the Dutch involvement and lack of support beginning this month.

did the KLPD really want to go to the bottom of the case in September 2006?
or did they refuse to do this when the KLPD saw that the Dutchies were mostly the bad ones (with links to The Netherlands?).
apparently Croes doesn't think so now, else he wouldn't start this new probe and insult a Dutch Minister.
explains why Remkes said the investigation would 'likely take weeks, not months' before the KLPD even had started and why he finds Croes 'an unreliable source of inspiration'.

and this caesu

Minister Nicolaï brings nine day visit to Aruba and Netherlands Antilles (for 9 days) 14 August, 2006
Minister Remkes visit Aruba 29 Aug., 2006

this stinks

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: johan555 on December 13, 2008, 06:33:03 PM
there was also another problem

Yet meeting Nicolaï and Oduber
ORANGE CITY (24-10-06) - The Dutch Minister for Kingdom Relations, Atzo Nicolaï (VVD), today visited Aruba. Despite the tense relations between the Netherlands and Aruba, was a conversation between Nicolaï including Prime Minister Nel Oduber (MEP) on the program. "It has a lot of trouble, but I'm glad that the two sides talking again anyway," said Rens Knegt, the Representative of the Netherlands in Aruba, reports the Amigoe.

Late last week showed Oduber still know that Nicolaï no longer have to come back if the Netherlands attitude towards the financial loans from Aruba does not change. This afternoon, however, took place a call between the two leaders. Also Minister Nilo Swaen (MEP) of Finance and Economic Affairs would be of the party.

Prior to the consultations, there was a meeting with Governor Fredis Refunjol. Depending on the outcome of the talks with Prime Minister Oduber, Nicolaï leave tonight (back) to Curacao, where he arrived yesterday.

The relations between the Netherlands and Aruba are sharp, since Aruba wants to borrow 50 million dollars from Deutsche Bank. The bank refuses to provide the loan, however, after Canada had registered objections. Netherlands wants the terms of Article 29 of the Kingdom of Staff to cover any loans that Aruba is concerned. At this moment those conditions apply only for financial loans that Aruba outside the Kingdom shutdown. By the attitude of the Netherlands continued Prime Minister Oduber stop all negotiations, including negotiations on further cooperation between the kingdom islands after the disintegration of the Netherlands Antilles.

Toch ontmoeting Nicolaï en Oduber        
ORANJESTAD (24-10-06) - De Nederlandse minister voor Koninkrijksrelaties, Atzo Nicolaï (VVD), bezoekt vandaag Aruba. Ondanks de gespannen verhoudingen tussen Nederland en Aruba, stond een gesprek tussen Nicolaï met onder meer premier Nel Oduber (MEP) op het programma. 'Het heeft veel moeite gekost, maar ik ben blij dat de twee partijen toch weer praten', aldus Rens Knegt, de Vertegenwoordiger van Nederland op Aruba, zo meldt de Amigoe.

Eind vorige week liet Oduber nog weten dat Nicolaï niet meer terug hoefde te komen, indien Nederland zijn houding ten aanzien van de financiële leningen van Aruba niet wijzigt. Vanmiddag vond echter toch een gesprek plaats tussen de twee bewindslieden. Ook minister Nilo Swaen (MEP), van Financiën en Economische Zaken zou daarbij van de partij zijn.

Voorafgaande aan het overleg was er een ontmoeting met gouverneur Fredis Refunjol. Afhankelijk van de uitkomsten van het gesprek met premier Oduber, vertrekt Nicolaï vanavond (terug) naar Curaçao, waar hij gisteren arriveerden.

De verhoudingen tussen Nederland en Aruba staan op scherp, sinds Aruba 50 miljoen dollar wil lenen van de Deutsche Bank. De bank weigert de lening echter te verstrekken nadat Nederland bezwaar had aangetekend. Nederland wil dat de voorwaarden uit artikel 29 van het Koninkrijkstatuut gaan gelden voor alle leningen die Aruba aangaat. Op dit moment gelden die voorwaarden alleen nog voor financiële leningen die Aruba buiten het Koninkrijk afsluit. Door de houding van Nederland zette premier Oduber alle onderhandelingen stop, ook de onderhandelingen over meer samenwerking tussen de koninkrijkseilanden na het uiteenvallen van de Nederlandse Antill

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: johan555 on December 13, 2008, 06:39:58 PM
The Holloway case remains a lingering issue. Will there ever come final end to this tragedy? Aruba has now asked for reinforcement from the Netherlands. They want even that we get the lead on the investigation. That will be nice and fall in America ... There are already so criminal about our country to speak ...

Minister of Government Reform and Kingdom Relations Atzo Nicolaï welcomes the request from Aruba to deliver agents for further investigation into the Natalee Holloway disappeared. Aruba wants that the Netherlands will give direction to the investigation.

Nicolaï closed Thursday his acquaintance visit to the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba off. On his last day he said, in Aruba, sympathetic to the request from Aruba to stand. "But there must still be investigated under what agreements we just go to work." The request was made by the Aruban Minister Rudy Croes (Justice).

Aruba is already more than a year in her stomach with the case disappearance of Natalee Holloway. The 18-year-old American girl disappeared after an evening steps on May 30, 2005 with three boys in the night. She then was never found. Aruba has since the disappearance ten people arrested, but now everyone is released. From the United States has criticized the hard way the Aruban public prosecutor has addressed the matter.

The Netherlands has already helped in the investigation by the deployment of F16 fighter jets and-detection dogs. The current request of Croes goes much further. The Dutch detection agents would gain power in Aruba, a private location and weapons may also contribute. Croes wants the National Police Services (KLPD) the direction the investigation takes.

The Ministry of Home Affairs confirmed a request from Aruba to have been given and that of Interior Minister Remkes here next week during his visit to Aruba wants to talk about.

Perhaps this is our chance again in a better light to come to America. If the Dutch managed to find her ... But yes, that is what we aspire? Find her to the sharp criticism to come? I've said it before, but I think that the case be disproportionately addressed. In itself, this intensive approach, but grab important than any other similar cases so on. How many parents of missing children would sign for 5% of the attention given to Natalee? It is again waiting for more development so.

De zaak Holloway blijft een slepende kwestie. Zal er ooit een ontnkoping aan dit drama komen? Aruba heeft momenteel verzocht om versterking vanuit Nederland. Ze willen zelfs dat we de leiding krijgen over het onderzoek. Dat zal lekker vallen in Amerika… Daar zijn ze al zo over ons criminele land te spreken…

Minister van Bestuurlijke Vernieuwing en Koninkrijksrelaties Atzo Nicolaï staat positief tegenover het verzoek van Aruba om agenten te leveren voor nader onderzoek naar de verdwenen Natalee Holloway. Aruba wil dat Nederland leiding gaat geven aan het opsporingsonderzoek.

Nicolaï sloot donderdag zijn kennismakingsbezoek aan de Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba af. Op zijn laatste dag zei hij, op Aruba, welwillend tegenover het verzoek van Aruba te staan. ‘Maar er moet nog wel onderzocht worden onder welke afspraken we precies gaan werken.’ Het verzoek is gedaan door de Arubaanse minister Rudy Croes (Justitie).

Aruba zit al meer dan een jaar in haar maag met de verdwijningszaak van Natalee Holloway. Het 18-jarige Amerikaanse meisje verdween na een avondje stappen op 30 mei 2005 met drie jongens de nacht in. Ze werd daarna nooit meer teruggevonden. Aruba heeft sinds de verdwijning tien mensen gearresteerd, maar inmiddels is iedereen weer vrijgelaten. Vanuit de Verenigde Staten is er harde kritiek geleverd op de manier waarop het Arubaanse Openbaar Ministerie de zaak heeft aangepakt.

Nederland heeft al eerder geholpen bij het onderzoek door de inzet van F16-straaljagers en opsporingshonden. Het huidige verzoek van Croes gaat veel verder. De Nederlandse agenten zouden opsporingsbevoegdheid op Aruba krijgen, een eigen locatie en ook wapens mogen dragen. Croes wil dat het Korps Landelijke Politie Diensten (KLPD) de leiding over het onderzoek neemt.

Het ministerie van Binnenlandse Zaken bevestigt een dergelijk verzoek van Aruba te hebben gekregen en stelt dat minister Remkes van Binnenlandse Zaken hier volgende week tijdens zijn bezoek aan Aruba over wil praten.

Misschien is dat wel onze kans weer in een beter daglicht bij Amerika te komen. Als de Nederlanders haar wel weten te vinden… Maar ja, is dat dan wat we nastreven? Haar vinden om van de forse kritieken af te komen? Ik heb het al eerder gezegd, maar ik vind dat de zaak buitenproportioneel wordt aangepakt. Op zich is zo’n intensieve aanpak prima, maar pak dan al die andere soortgelijke zaken ook zo aan. Hoeveel ouders van vermiste kinderen zouden tekenen voor 5% van de aandacht die er wordt gegeven aan Natalee? Het is weer wachten op meer ontwikkeling dus.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Lifesong on December 13, 2008, 06:41:14 PM
It is beyond my comprehension why so many Monkeys are getting on that Aruban/Dutch roller coaster again ... optimistic that justice for Natalee Holloway is going to come from the Aruban Administration and or ... the Dutch Administration yet ... disregarding the troubling happenings encompassing the Persistence undertaking and ... the chain of custody of the contents of that cage/trap.  Kyle Kingman held an official position on board that ship and what he has shared ... regarding his concerns on a private site as well as the Scared Monkey's site ... is for the most part not taken seriously by Monkeys.

As Beth would say ... "Greta ... I think this is huge".

Natalee Holloway's remains could be in the hand of those who have denied her justice from the getgo.

Think about it.

In 2005, Rudy Croes made it known that there was a Jan Vander Sloot/Paulus van der Sloot connection.

In 2006 Rudy Croes requested a Dutch investigation of the Natalee Holloway case under the control of Netherlands' Internal Affairs Minister Johan Remkes ... a Minister with a Paulus van der Sloot connection.  On January 1, 2003 ... Johan Remkes endorsed the the appointment of Paulus van der Sloot to "deputy member of the common Court of Justice of the Netherlands antilles and Aruba".

The Dutch investigation of 2006 encompassed the search of the van der Sloot residence and ... it encompassed pouring through the Natalee Holloway case file yet ... in over two years since ... there has been no accountability of those involved in the happenings of the morning and ... there has been no accountability of those in the Dutch/Aruban administration who participated in the coverup.

The latest developments are not developments at all.  They are flashbacks to 2005 and 2006.

I suspect that the Aruban/Dutch administrations have two agendas ...

1.  an agenda to create a distraction away from the contents of the trap/cage discovered and turned over unchallenged to the ALE by John Silvetti of the Persistence

2.  an agenda to close the Natalee Holloway case and ... in an attempt to pacify the family ...  a sacrificial lamb has been selected to take the fall.  In other words ... accountability for a compromised investigation will starts and ends with Jan Vander Straaten?




I mostly agree.  I see no difference between this new investigation and the previous KLPD attempt, which produced activity, but no results.

I do not agree that Van der Straaten will absorb any blame, as I find it more likely that the new investigation will find that Croes was wrong in his comments.  Then, they will close the case again.

In my opinion there were human remains in the trap.  Quite likely, Natalee's remains, though I'm not yet convinced of that.

I believe those remains are gone forever, not being held somewhere so that if the truth comes out they can be returned.

For whoever those remains are, and that person's family - that is a tragedy and an injustice that can never be righted on this earth.

I take the cage contents issue very seriously, but like everything else in this case it seems there is no accountability. 

How do you force someone to tell the truth?

If we knew that, we could go straight to Joran and put an end to all of this. 


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 13, 2008, 06:42:28 PM
Prior to the consultations, there was a meeting with Governor Fredis Refunjol.

What functions of government fall under the Governor on Aruba?  He seemed almost invisible with regard to the Holloway case.  Does he have any political power to move an investigation?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: johan555 on December 13, 2008, 06:46:12 PM
Nicolaï positive about assistance in Holloway case

A few days later  Remkes in Aruba

Is it a friend of vd Sloot ?

Has Remkes Croes's request rejected ?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: caesu on December 13, 2008, 06:47:23 PM
The current request of Croes goes much further. The Dutch detection agents would gain power in Aruba, a private location and weapons may also contribute. Croes wants the National Police Services (KLPD) the direction the investigation takes.

Would this be a precedent?  If so, would it have long range implications for The Netherlands and Aruba in terms of Aruba's independence?  The reason I ask is because I'm wondering if it does have long term ramifications can other politicians in The Netherlands keep it from happening?

this was 2006.

i am speculating here.
because i am having a hard time giving Rudy Croes the benefit of the doubt.
but for the sake looking at this from all sides and not ruling out anything.

it might be that Rudy Croes realized that his OM was too much infected with corrupt Dutchies.
he couldn't request his PG Croes-Fernandes to order a Internal Investigation (Landsrecherche) because the one managing the investigation would be a public-prosecutor from the same corrupt OM.
(and Jan van der Straten of all people was at the time the Landsrecherche Commissioner ( - not 100% about this)

so Rudy Croes hoped the KLPD would be able to uncover all conflicts of interests and solve the case.
that's why he made the extraordinary decision to let the KLPD head the investigation.
but the KLPD failed to do this (because of too many links to the Dutch Justice System itself? or because Remkes appointed  van der Sloot? < i have my doubts about this, any Minister would have appointed Van der Sloot, Remkes most likely was just acting on a recommendation from Aruba).

maybe now (2008-2009) Rudy Croes is going to give it a 2nd try.
but Rudy would only do this if he is sure this time it will lead to something.

again this is of course a theory. might all be a smokescreen again.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: caesu on December 13, 2008, 06:51:53 PM
Prior to the consultations, there was a meeting with Governor Fredis Refunjol.

What functions of government fall under the Governor on Aruba?  He seemed almost invisible with regard to the Holloway case.  Does he have any political power to move an investigation?

Governor has no power. same as the Queen also has no power. only ceremonial.
only when a new coalition government is formed there is some minor involvement.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 13, 2008, 06:53:28 PM
The current request of Croes goes much further. The Dutch detection agents would gain power in Aruba, a private location and weapons may also contribute. Croes wants the National Police Services (KLPD) the direction the investigation takes.

Would this be a precedent?  If so, would it have long range implications for The Netherlands and Aruba in terms of Aruba's independence?  The reason I ask is because I'm wondering if it does have long term ramifications can other politicians in The Netherlands keep it from happening?

this was 2006.

i am speculating here.
because i am having a hard time giving Rudy Croes the benefit of the doubt.
but for the sake looking at this from all sides and not ruling out anything.

it might be that Rudy Croes realized that his OM was too much infected with corrupt Dutchies.
he couldn't request his PG Croes-Fernandes to order a Internal Investigation (Landsrecherche) because the one managing the investigation would be a public-prosecutor from the same corrupt OM.
(and Jan van der Straten of all people was at the time the Landsrecherche Commissioner ( - not 100% about this)

so Rudy Croes hoped the KLPD would be able to uncover all conflicts of interests and solve the case.
that's why he made the extraordinary decision to let the KLPD head the investigation.
but the KLPD failed to do this (because of too many links to the Dutch Justice System itself? or because Remkes appointed  van der Sloot? < i have my doubts about this, any Minister would have appointed Van der Sloot, Remkes most likely was just acting on a recommendation from Aruba).

maybe now (2008-2009) Rudy Croes is going to give it a 2nd try.
but Rudy would only do this if he is sure this time it will lead to something.

again this is of course a theory. might all be a smokescreen again.

If Remkes did not appoint Van Der Sloot he could be a 'go with the flow' type of politician.. In other words, he would not go against what another Minister did. 

Your theory makes sense...especially if Van Der Straaten was the Landsrecherche Commissioner at the time.

This could all get very interesting over the next few weeks.  Thanks to you and Johan for all of your insight and information.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 13, 2008, 06:54:10 PM
The Caylee thread never ceases to amaze me and I just had to share this with you.  One poster wanted to know if Red was Cindy Anthony's brother.  Another poster was asking who Shango is and if he is Urine's lawyer.   ::MonkeyHaHa::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 13, 2008, 06:59:33 PM
Quote from: SS on Today at 11:44:32 AM
I have had a lingering thought about Urine's admission that he sold Natalee for $10K.  In my business, I have worked with numerous sociopaths over the years and I have learned that there is usually some element of truth in their twisted stories.  I am wondering if Urine and his friends and/or Paulass have been involved with selling victims or if Urine knows that his father has been involved with human trafficking.  This might not have been Natalee's fate, but perhaps this could have been the fate of other victims that Urine is aware of and/or has been involved with.  This could very easily be the hook that Urine has to his father and other adults on Aruba.  I suspect that Urine's performance with Greta was a message to the "higher powers" that he wants more money and that he is prepared to drop the dime on all of them.  I don't think that Urine's story about handing the blonde girl over for a bag with $9600 has anything to do with Natalee directly.  There is something about the amount of money being short several hundred dollars that sticks out.  Did Urine get a hush money check that was less than the agreed amount?


I have not ruled out the possibility that Joran did sell Natalee.  And, I do believe it is possible that she may not have been the first one.  She may just have been the first American girl he was involved with trafficking.

We have seen that Joran is heavily addicted to gambling.  He has stolen from people since he left Aruba.  While in Aruba he seemed to have money to gamble with, yet no job to fall back on to earn his gambling money. 

Joran stated in his last interview that he knew "this man' from the Radisson.  The evening of 5/30 Joran is out gambling in and around the Radisson.  Where did he get the money?  If you had just murdered someone, why would you be out and about...when you have the excuse that it is a school night...instead of keeping a low profile.  Do we really think this 17 year old kid who was smart enough to get rid of a dead body would be stupid enough to be seen out and about the very next night?

Paulus stated that Joran had his gym bag with him when he dropped him off at the racquet club the afternoon of 5/30.  I believe it has been confirmed that Joran did not play tennis that afternoon.   Was this a bag of money?  And that he met several friends there.  One of which says his phone was stolen that very day.  Hmm.  I doubt anyone checked the cell calls to and from that number on 5/30.

Or, a case could be made for the scenario that Joran was heavily in debt to one of the casinos...could the trafficking of an American blonde clear his debt?  And with all the publicity he thinks he can blackmail these people when he gets low on cash by telling the media what he did with enough of a twist that will implicate his own father's activity in the coverup. 

I can't figure out if the guy is brilliant or stupid.

When we were working on some things in Shango, it came out that Urine might have had money coming in because he was quite possibly working at The Mill and that he is very likely bisexual.  Julia has a connection to this.  Those guys were also dealing in drugs and porn videos.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: johan555 on December 13, 2008, 07:01:43 PM
The current request of Croes goes much further. The Dutch detection agents would gain power in Aruba, a private location and weapons may also contribute. Croes wants the National Police Services (KLPD) the direction the investigation takes.

Would this be a precedent?  If so, would it have long range implications for The Netherlands and Aruba in terms of Aruba's independence?  The reason I ask is because I'm wondering if it does have long term ramifications can other politicians in The Netherlands keep it from happening?

this was 2006.

i am speculating here.
because i am having a hard time giving Rudy Croes the benefit of the doubt.
but for the sake looking at this from all sides and not ruling out anything.

it might be that Rudy Croes realized that his OM was too much infected with corrupt Dutchies.
he couldn't request his PG Croes-Fernandes to order a Internal Investigation (Landsrecherche) because the one managing the investigation would be a public-prosecutor from the same corrupt OM.
(and Jan van der Straten of all people was at the time the Landsrecherche Commissioner ( - not 100% about this)

so Rudy Croes hoped the KLPD would be able to uncover all conflicts of interests and solve the case.
that's why he made the extraordinary decision to let the KLPD head the investigation.
but the KLPD failed to do this (because of too many links to the Dutch Justice System itself? or because Remkes appointed  van der Sloot? < i have my doubts about this, any Minister would have appointed Van der Sloot, Remkes most likely was just acting on a recommendation from Aruba).

maybe now (2008-2009) Rudy Croes is going to give it a 2nd try.
but Rudy would only do this if he is sure this time it will lead to something.

again this is of course a theory. might all be a smokescreen again.

Smokescreen yes

Because what happened with the request of Croes?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 13, 2008, 07:06:47 PM
Mum, off the top of your head, do you know who Posner's
Aruban partner is?  Don't you have to have an Aruban parner
to open a business on the island?

I would think that in 1998 Paulus was in charge of contracts,
and had a hand in Posner obtaining the casino.

If I recall, Chemaly, Sr. was/is involved in the ownership of some of the hotels.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 13, 2008, 07:29:15 PM
The Caylee thread never ceases to amaze me and I just had to share this with you.  One poster wanted to know if Red was Cindy Anthony's brother.  Another poster was asking who Shango is and if he is Urine's lawyer.   ::MonkeyHaHa::
Come to think of it, Shango just may be Urine's lawyer!!!!!   ::MonkeyHaHa:: ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: johan555 on December 13, 2008, 07:41:28 PM
this video has been removed  due to terms of use violation ?

Deep Water Search for Natalee Holloway

Louis Shaffer is paying for and leading the deep water search for Natalee Holloway off the coast of Aruba. Estimated cost for the boat, crew and equipment if $1 million. Dave Holloway has decided to stay in the USA during the deep water search for his daughter as he doesn't want to be present when her body is found. A big thank you to Louis Shaffer for assisting the Holloway and Twitty families.

Read More about all the wonderful people assisting in the search for Natalee Holloway.

If Aruba doesn't think the eyes of the American nation are upon them, they need to read this:
"Nothing is being done to gain name recognition. This is to help these people," Silvetti said. "Most of us have watched this on television, and I can only imagine the horror any parent would go through searching for their child in a foreign country."
Especially when you see the foreign country doing everything they possibly can to allow the guilty to escape justice.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: johan555 on December 13, 2008, 07:49:20 PM
Fri Aug 25, 2006 7:57 am       

The Government Begged The Netherlands to Take Over Natalee Holloway Case

ORANJESTAD (AAN): Yesterday it came to DIARIO's knowledge that the Government of Aruba would have begged the Netherlands to take over the Natalee Holloway case. DIARIO took advantage of Dutch Minister Atzo Nicolai's visit to ask him about this.

The minister confirmed that the government asked him for the Netherlands to take over the case but an evaluation of this has to be made and a special team of "cold cases" will do this before a decision can be made if the case will be taken over yes or no.

All this is an indication that the hope in Aruba that the case can still be solved is gone, and a cause of this is mainly the lack of money, lack of money to work overtime etc. and now the Netherlands is being run to and begged to take the case over.

This is surely a slap in the face of the Justice Department and the authorities who could not solve the case.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 13, 2008, 08:01:56 PM



Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Buckeye on December 13, 2008, 08:03:08 PM
Reviewing the dossier and the Natalee case is different than investigating the investigation of the case...IMO

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: johan555 on December 13, 2008, 08:07:42 PM

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Poochy on December 13, 2008, 09:25:15 PM
Quote from: SS on Today at 11:44:32 AM
I have had a lingering thought about Urine's admission that he sold Natalee for $10K.  In my business, I have worked with numerous sociopaths over the years and I have learned that there is usually some element of truth in their twisted stories.  I am wondering if Urine and his friends and/or Paulass have been involved with selling victims or if Urine knows that his father has been involved with human trafficking.  This might not have been Natalee's fate, but perhaps this could have been the fate of other victims that Urine is aware of and/or has been involved with.  This could very easily be the hook that Urine has to his father and other adults on Aruba.  I suspect that Urine's performance with Greta was a message to the "higher powers" that he wants more money and that he is prepared to drop the dime on all of them.  I don't think that Urine's story about handing the blonde girl over for a bag with $9600 has anything to do with Natalee directly.  There is something about the amount of money being short several hundred dollars that sticks out.  Did Urine get a hush money check that was less than the agreed amount?


I have not ruled out the possibility that Joran did sell Natalee.  And, I do believe it is possible that she may not have been the first one.  She may just have been the first American girl he was involved with trafficking.

We have seen that Joran is heavily addicted to gambling.  He has stolen from people since he left Aruba.  While in Aruba he seemed to have money to gamble with, yet no job to fall back on to earn his gambling money. 

Joran stated in his last interview that he knew "this man' from the Radisson.  The evening of 5/30 Joran is out gambling in and around the Radisson.  Where did he get the money?  If you had just murdered someone, why would you be out and about...when you have the excuse that it is a school night...instead of keeping a low profile.  Do we really think this 17 year old kid who was smart enough to get rid of a dead body would be stupid enough to be seen out and about the very next night?

Paulus stated that Joran had his gym bag with him when he dropped him off at the racquet club the afternoon of 5/30.  I believe it has been confirmed that Joran did not play tennis that afternoon.   Was this a bag of money?  And that he met several friends there.  One of which says his phone was stolen that very day.  Hmm.  I doubt anyone checked the cell calls to and from that number on 5/30.

Or, a case could be made for the scenario that Joran was heavily in debt to one of the casinos...could the trafficking of an American blonde clear his debt?  And with all the publicity he thinks he can blackmail these people when he gets low on cash by telling the media what he did with enough of a twist that will implicate his own father's activity in the coverup. 

I can't figure out if the guy is brilliant or stupid.

When we were working on some things in Shango, it came out that Urine might have had money coming in because he was quite possibly working at The Mill and that he is very likely bisexual.  Julia has a connection to this.  Those guys were also dealing in drugs and porn videos.

Doubt if 'brilliant' describes him. 'Stupid' fits better IMHO.  ::MonkeyLaugh::

I agree with you that sociopaths state fragments of truth when they open their pie holes.

Take Joran for instance - he said 'she wanted to see sharks',  'we went to the light house', 'I fancied Ruth, not Natalee'.
Sharks = card shark/loan shark/sharks in ocean. Lighthouse = where the 'trade' took place, someone saw them on the road so they had to say that's where they were going, etc). Fancied Ruth = trying to explain in his own head why he settled on Natalee that night - ruth didn't fancy him so he should have left it alone and he wouldn't have been in all this trouble...   

Then we have the statement 'something bad happened.' To me, gang rape is something bad. Dying is something bad. Being robbed, being sold, taken against one's will is something bad. So did the J2K rape her (is that not something bad) and then something bad happened? Were they just taking her to this trade destination, but she went into convulsions (like Joran described to Patrick) and she died? Is her accidental death the something bad?   

And Deepaks statement where he stopped the car to get out to take a leak. And Satish's statement where he said he told Deepak to 'stop the car' so he could through out his yard drink (why do you totally stop a car to toss a cup out the window??) These are 1/2 truths. They stopped the car to do something. Toss Joran out? As Joran carried Natalee in his arms?

Steve Croes puts himself on a boat in the ocean outside H.I, says he hears a girl struggle and scream and a few guys on the beach with her. But MBers were skinny dipping also on the beach outside the H.I. so what beach was Steve on? Steve also places himself at C&C that night, saying he gave a couple of MBers a ride back to the hotel from C&C. Was he really at C&C that night? If so did he drive anybody back to the H.I.? If so, who? Is he the mystery friend Joran and Deepak and Satish say that Joran was talking to inside C&C and bought the person a drink.

Why would Steve say he heard a girl screaming on the beach if he was supposed to protect his good friends Kalpoes who said they dropped Natalee off in front of her hotel? What purpose would it serve for Steve or Kalpoes for him to say she was screaming? Did he hear her screaming as she was put on a boat? He said he was sleeping on a boat (the boat that takes tourists over to the Tattoo boat). A codetalker said "the DJ is the vessel". Steve is a DJ.

Why did most kids fled Aruba (Guido, Cromvort, Gottenbos boys) and why would Steve Croes remain on Aruba and opened up his pie hole? Is he guilty of being part of this travestly?

We haven't heard a peep from Steve Croes or Kalpoes. Why? Especially Satish. Why is Joran doing all the blabbing?

btw, the missing cell phone belonged to Sander Gottenbos (he said he lost it in school during the day). The Dutch should check all cell phone activity from Paulus' cell phone also (didn't he say he used his wife's cell phone that night?)  I would love to see the REAL cell phone calls all through that night and the next night and also for the 10 days they had to do what they needed to do to cover up this crime.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Anna on December 13, 2008, 09:35:19 PM
I hope I am misunderstanding that KLPD might be the ones asked to investigate vd Straten.  They already did a re-investigation and search of the Sloot compound and seemed to just rubber stamp everything ALE had already done.

They already investigated in 2006.  Needs to be somebody different or will just be same old same old results of finding nothing at all amiss.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 13, 2008, 09:40:08 PM
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Re: Natalee Case Discussion #784 12/8/08 -
« Reply #941 on: Today at 07:45:51 AM »


Clinton at podium at President Richard Nixon's funeral. I am standing to the left

Billy Graham at RN funeral. I'm to the left

Military Honor Guards take the casket to the buriel plot. The family followed.
21 gun salute and then a military fly by on a dark cloudy day. It was impressive.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 13, 2008, 09:45:49 PM
Good to see you Kermit!   ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 13, 2008, 09:46:06 PM
Paulus van der Sloot
Jan van der Straaten

Zaandam keeps on saying in his book, two days after 5/29, the body of Natalee H. may have already been foundand Cvp [police commissioner] looked the other way to do a favour for Paul vd Sloot (ex of chief staff of Cabinet PG [prosecutor general] J. Zwinkels).
Posted by Getagrip at 9/19/2005 12:18:00 PM

Remember ZWINKELS:

Paulus buddy from the old Tilburg days is the Prime Minister - Oduber 1991

and ZWINKELS WAS ATTORNEY GENERAL IN 1991 (we also know that this zwinkels guy was involved in mafia money too and that is why he was forced to resign for a period of time -

All the main players knew each other during his time in office
Governmental authorities
Mr. J.H.M. Zwinkels - Attorney General
Mr. B. Vocking - Deputy Director, Aruba Correctional Institute
Ms. C. van den Berg - Head of the Rehabilitation and Child Welfare Council
Ms. Y. Spellen - Director, Guardianship Board
Mr. J. van de Straten - Head of the National Bureau of Investigations

Zwinkels is back in power as attorney general in 1994

In 1995 Zwinkels is the Prosecutor in Aruba.

1997-1997 - Zwinkels left after a 2 yr battle with the Aruban gov't (they accused him of stealing drug money)

July of 1998 he has his Attorney General job back 07-07-98

June 26th, 2005 at 3:30 pm
his lordship did not bring the key for the Arawaks
"they were stymied by misinformation and false leads planted by the corrupt authorities. Why was Natalee never found? The searchers were directed to all the wrong places!

(more on this later)

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 13, 2008, 09:46:34 PM
Good to see you Kermit!   ::MonkeyCool::

Thank you MissTexasmom, good to see you too.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: billb's daughter on December 13, 2008, 09:47:34 PM
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Re: Natalee Case Discussion #784 12/8/08 -
« Reply #941 on: Today at 07:45:51 AM »


Clinton at podium at President Richard Nixon's funeral. I am standing to the left

Billy Graham at RN funeral. I'm to the left

Military Honor Guards take the casket to the buriel plot. The family followed.
21 gun salute and then a military fly by on a dark cloudy day. It was impressive. glad to see you.  ::MonkeyDance::
I can't figure out where you may be in the pics, but I'm glad you are back and I hope you can provide info that will bring Justice for Natalee....
Sharon did say: Kermit! Come out, come out, wherever you are. Lots of delicious flies await  ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 13, 2008, 09:47:53 PM

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 13, 2008, 09:55:35 PM
Magnolia asked:

1998-   Michael Posner bought Grand Holiday Casnio September 1 and named it Excelsior.
He is a member of the GAMBINO MAFIA.

2001 Posner purchases the Brickell Bay Casino

Michael Posner's contributions to Aruba according to the newspaper
Aruba Today

Aruba Today- October 24th 2005
Michael Posner Contributes

There are a few people who in the last 10 years have added remendously to Aruba's product with great success. American businessman Michael Posner saw an opportunity in the mid 90's to purchase the Holiday Inn Casino, although it was run down an d on the brink of bankruptcy. Posner stepped in when the Holiday Inn Casino was in terrible condition with only 33 employees. He made a substantial investment into Aruba's product by renovating this deteriorating casino. Today the Excelsior Casino has
over 140 employees, with all management positi ons filled by Ar ubans, and pays millions of dollars in taxes each year.

Mr. Posner procured Aruba as the site for the World Poker Tournament for
the past 4 years and many years into the future. This has created 20-30 million USD for the economy of Aruba and 5 million yearly in free advertising for Aruba's tourist industry.

Posner also purchased and renovated the old Stauffer Hotel, which was considered at the time to be an eyesore to Palm Beach. He transformed the neglected hotel into the Brickell Bay Beach Club and today has over 100 employees, with all management level employment dedicated to Arubans.
He recently delivered a genuine act of kindness by donating all the rooms for the Texas EquuSearch team to search for Natalee Holloway, at a cost of over 100,000 Posner has been a generous supporter of many charities in Aruba, even going so far as to send a sick Aruban child to Disney World with his mot h er as part of the "Make a wish Foundation".

Aruba also thanks Posner for opening doors to potential new guest by making travel easier. He was directly responsible for bringing United Airlines to Aruba. Untied Airlines provides Aruba with 40,000 tourists and 300,000 hotel rooms annually.
Posner received no payment for his services and was awarded the distinction of "Aruba's Goodwill Ambassador".

Posner's contributions to Aruba's economy have been significant and greatly appreciated by the people. Besides all of humanitarian acts of kindness, he is also greatly appreciated for taking the reigns of failing bus inesses where no one else would and developing them into successful entities.
525 on: March 31, 2008, 07:00:13 PM

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MuffyBee on December 13, 2008, 09:55:38 PM
It's good to see you again Kermit. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 13, 2008, 09:56:13 PM


excuse me.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 13, 2008, 09:56:42 PM
It's good to see you again Kermit. 

Thank you muffybee
Good to see you too.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 13, 2008, 09:57:40 PM
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Re: Natalee Case Discussion #784 12/8/08 -
« Reply #941 on: Today at 07:45:51 AM »


Clinton at podium at President Richard Nixon's funeral. I am standing to the left

Billy Graham at RN funeral. I'm to the left

Military Honor Guards take the casket to the buriel plot. The family followed.
21 gun salute and then a military fly by on a dark cloudy day. It was impressive. glad to see you.  ::MonkeyDance::
I can't figure out where you may be in the pics, but I'm glad you are back and I hope you can provide info that will bring Justice for Natalee....
Sharon did say: Kermit! Come out, come out, wherever you are. Lots of delicious flies await  ::MonkeyCool::

Thank you billb
those flies were just too tempting.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 13, 2008, 09:59:11 PM
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Re: Natalee Case Discussion #784 12/8/08 -
« Reply #941 on: Today at 07:45:51 AM »


Clinton at podium at President Richard Nixon's funeral. I am standing to the left

Billy Graham at RN funeral. I'm to the left

Military Honor Guards take the casket to the buriel plot. The family followed.
21 gun salute and then a military fly by on a dark cloudy day. It was impressive. glad to see you.  ::MonkeyDance::
I can't figure out where you may be in the pics, but I'm glad you are back and I hope you can provide info that will bring Justice for Natalee....
Sharon did say: Kermit! Come out, come out, wherever you are. Lots of delicious flies await  ::MonkeyCool::

During the ceremony I was standing to the left of Clinton.
After the ceremony, inside I was downstairs next to another Secret Service agent.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: always 1 on December 13, 2008, 10:03:41 PM
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Re: Natalee Case Discussion #784 12/8/08 -
« Reply #941 on: Today at 07:45:51 AM »


Clinton at podium at President Richard Nixon's funeral. I am standing to the left

Billy Graham at RN funeral. I'm to the left

Military Honor Guards take the casket to the buriel plot. The family followed.
21 gun salute and then a military fly by on a dark cloudy day. It was impressive. glad to see you.  ::MonkeyDance::
I can't figure out where you may be in the pics, but I'm glad you are back and I hope you can provide info that will bring Justice for Natalee....
Sharon did say: Kermit! Come out, come out, wherever you are. Lots of delicious flies await  ::MonkeyCool::

During the ceremony I was standing to the left of Clinton.
After the ceremony, inside I was downstairs next to another Secret Service agent.

So you are a female Secret Service agent????   I am impressesed.  Are you still active???

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 13, 2008, 10:10:38 PM
So you are a female Secret Service agent????   I am impressesed.  Are you still active???

Didn't you know amphibians are prone to changing their sex.  ::MonkeyHaHa::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: always 1 on December 13, 2008, 10:11:57 PM
So you are a female Secret Service agent????   I am impressesed.  Are you still active???

Didn't you know amphibians are prone to changing their sex.  ::MonkeyHaHa::

Guess not, there are a lot of things I need to learn.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 13, 2008, 10:19:49 PM
So you are a female Secret Service agent????   I am impressesed.  Are you still active???

Didn't you know amphibians are prone to changing their sex.  ::MonkeyHaHa::

Guess not, there are a lot of things I need to learn.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: billb's daughter on December 13, 2008, 10:24:17 PM
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Re: Natalee Case Discussion #784 12/8/08 -
« Reply #941 on: Today at 07:45:51 AM »


Clinton at podium at President Richard Nixon's funeral. I am standing to the left

Billy Graham at RN funeral. I'm to the left

Military Honor Guards take the casket to the buriel plot. The family followed.
21 gun salute and then a military fly by on a dark cloudy day. It was impressive. glad to see you.  ::MonkeyDance::
I can't figure out where you may be in the pics, but I'm glad you are back and I hope you can provide info that will bring Justice for Natalee....
Sharon did say: Kermit! Come out, come out, wherever you are. Lots of delicious flies await  ::MonkeyCool::

During the ceremony I was standing to the left of Clinton.
After the ceremony, inside I was downstairs next to another Secret Service agent.

Secret Service agent. I never doubted that you were/are in a position better suited  than the average frog to sort this all out. ::MonkeyWink::
So I surmise that Natalee's disappearance is tied to posner (GAMBINO MAFIA/Excelsior) and with ZWINKELS providing high cover wrt Jan vds and vocking protecting pvds protecting jvds...Natalee (and Beth/Dave/Jug) never had a chance..
Wonder if jvds procured Natalee for posner or posner quest?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: billb's daughter on December 13, 2008, 10:36:51 PM

During the ceremony I was standing to the left of Clinton.
After the ceremony, inside I was downstairs next to another Secret Service agent.

[/quote]Secret Service agent. I never doubted that you were/are in a position better suited  than the average frog to sort this all out. ::MonkeyWink::
So I surmise that Natalee's disappearance is tied to posner (GAMBINO MAFIA/Excelsior) and with ZWINKELS providing high cover wrt Jan vds and vocking protecting pvds protecting jvds...Natalee (and Beth/Dave/Jug) never had a chance..
Wonder if jvds procured Natalee for posner or posner guest?
Did I say something wrong? Where is everyone? ::MonkeyEek::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 13, 2008, 10:38:20 PM

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 13, 2008, 10:48:04 PM

Google translation:


The affair aruba

What did the Amsterdam police in Aruba to search? And why de Ruiter Job wants the entire police and juistitietop replaced on that island? The IRT affair gets a Caribbean tail TO SHORT saw the radiant future for mr JHM Zwinkels. The Attorney-General of Aruba, until September 1991, subordinate to RA Gonsalves at the court in 's-Hertogenbosch, stood in his new work at the head of an ever-expanding further device. Money played no role in the fight against crime in the overseas territory.

BY Rene Zwaap

Since the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) in late eighties to Aruba Winds Down hotbed of international drug mafia uitriep and the motherland's insistence on strong action, the sky was the limit. There was a lemming-like flow of Dutch lawyers toward the small subtropical tourist paradise in motion, with some divisions in the wake of the Royal Navy, undercover agents of the Inter-Regional Rechercheteam (IRT) Melbourne-Sydney, infiltrators from the DEA and U.S. Customs officers.
Soon, the local Public Ministry proportionately three times as large as that of colleagues in Den Haag. It was also the island with a joyful own telefoontap central to the successful recipe of the donor country, where the central interception by the police and justice now houses an equally enjoy high popularity as before Honecker in East Germany or Richard Nixon White House. At a rustic coral reefs point to the Aruban verres the imposing villa of Mr. Zwinkels, as a symbol for the high expectations that he must have had about the new phase of his career had ended up.
On Monday, the idyll under the azure sky of Aruba shattered. Via De Telegraaf leaked a draft of the report of a rich committee headed by former Minister of Justice and Defense Job from the Horseman. In its advice to Voorhoeve of Aruban Affairs Minister De Ruiter suggests a genuine bureaucratic Bartholomew Eight with regard to the entire judiciary and police of the small island. The two police commisarissen of Orange City, Arie Rasmijn and Stanley Zaandam, according to The Horseman because of "unacceptable behavior" from the avenue be sent.
They should be replaced by J. the point, now head of the National Police. That aspect of The Rider Zwinkels reporting should have done. Rasmijn and Zaandam were grown in a short time to his arch-enemies, which so on. The report, De Ruiter also insists on the departure of another tormentor of Zwinkels, the Aruban Minister of Justice Watty Vos, who is responsible for the governance crisis in which draconian law enforcement on the island is immersed.
The bad news is that Zwinkels for his own position will be sacrificed if the opinion of De Ruiter is fully implemented. Zwinkels possible dismissal should be regarded as a peace offering from Den Haag, chief prosecutor in this case A. Docters van Leeuwen and Minister Sorgdrager. They are prepared their man on the bonds to Aruba if that frees them from the very dissident police on the island. According to De Ruiter investments Zwinkels line will not be replaced. His office fell. Instead, there would be a super prosecutor be appointed for both the Antilles as Aruba.
FOR THIS 'clean' in the proper perspective to see, it is necessary to return to February this year. When seized by the De Ruiter now so in the regular verdomhoekje Aruban police chiefs to the Rasmijn and Zaandam typmachine to draw up a report that grew into a bomb under the feet of not only Zwinkels, but also the Amsterdam police leadership, the Domestic Security Service, the Central Forensic Information Service (CRI), the Royal Navy, the DEA, the Hague Public Ministry and the various political leaders in the mainland.
"Already in the year 1995, your government on several occasions whether or not the intervention of the Minister of Justice Mr EJ Vos told us at least to address concerns of the Attorney-General Mr. JHM Zwinkels and Chief Prosecutor of the public prosecutor's Ministry Aruba mr JJ Van Eck, "Sun began reporting the Aruban politieduo to their ministers and Vos JHA Eman of General Affairs. Rasmijn Zaandam and made mention of "very bad things" would be concerned with Zwinkels. On the basis of reports from various police inspectors were Rasmijn Aruba and Zaandam with three major allegations against Zwinkels. The first case concerned a piece of the so-called "controlled by transit 'of 1000 pounds of marijuana from Aruba, for the benefit of the infiltration of a Colombian drug syndicate. Through straw men of the Justice Party would weed in Aruba offered to the Colombians, who then would ship to Canada.
The operation started in 1992 and was coordinated by Zwinkels. Justice would receive one million guilders for the party. Half of it, is informed Zwinkels to co Rasmijn would with the consent of Minister of Justice Vos in an account of the Aruban government be paid, so good for the island to make. However, it was not until 1994, just after the end of 1993 in the Netherlands IRT crisis had broken out, an amount received, namely 900,000 guilders. Zaandam in the Rasmijn and their report: "By Zwinkels prosecutor was determined that the controlled drug delivery and payment would not be writing; that of the amount collected 360,000, - for expenses incurred to the Dutch police would be paid, whereas the remaining amount Netherlands in his (Zwinkels - RZ) persoonijke bank would be paid that amount on his behalf by the intervention of staff of the CRI-Netherlands would be transferred to a secret account in England. Agents eventually would like to recover the amount one and only Mr. Zwinkels Commissioner Karsten of the Netherlands-CRI act. "
In December 1995 the Aruban government had still received no money from the deal. However, it was already half the proceeds - nearly half million - disappeared into the pockets of the two criminal infiltrators who had served Zwinkels. Chief to complain about the Rasmijn accused by Zwinkels. This gave him to understand that this is a complicated matter, which relates to the Netherlands playing IRT affair, thus requiring the futures Aruba party now would be difficult. "
That same month will Rasmijn turned to his Minister of Justice Vos. This Zwinkels denied anything ever having heard about the transaction. Vos was offended. "Only the fact that the Attorney-General (Zwinkels - RZ) did not consider it necessary to explain this to me, he is charged as such," the minister did know. Later accused the Aruban police Zwinkels 60,000 guilders to have them removed from the drug capital, which he set in its own ABN-Amro Taking would HEBEN parked.
ALSO THE SECOND the Rasmijn case and Zaandam wraakten in their report, was linked to the IRT-drama. The Aruban police noted in 1995 that some undercover agents of the Dutch police, or the BVD and the CRI, regular sums of money donated to the resident in Aruba wife of the arrested drug dealer Jack S.. The local police were completely surprised when it emerged that S., who was considered in a Dutch prison to stay at the end of 1995 suddenly appeared again in Aruba. He was sent on leave. And Zaandam will Rasmijn amazed that they are not by the Dutch Justice were informed that S. would come to Aruba.
Even greater was their surprise when they heard that the special leave for S. an action was Zwinkels. The latter gave the police chiefs over his right to mean that Van Eck S. 'is free to go and go where he wants. " And Zaandam will Rasmijn could not avoid the impression that the release of S. was exposed to the weed party for the Colombians. They felt deeply excluded.
That feeling was very strong around Christmas 1995 when they were suddenly faced with an order of Zwinkels and Van Eck that the Aruban police no activity on the day could explain for the benefit of the arrest of two drug dealers identified. Any form of action in that direction would be regarded as insubordination.
Instead, the Amsterdam police skilful leadership twenty heads a strong team from arrest to Aruba. Meanwhile, the Aruban police forbade Zwinkels also to any witnesses in a major drugs case should be heard, including former Justice Minister Rudy Croes. Van Eck Zwinkels right against Rasmijn and Zaandam: 'Shame on you realize that this witness an ex-Minister of Justice and current statenlid. You do not correspondences witnesses. Keep in mind that he as Minister of Justice could return in the next government. "
SHORT: the conclusion of Zaandam and the Rasmijn that Aruban police was kaltgestellt by Zwinkels, was certainly justified. The fear of Zwinkels to the local police in its investigations into them, their distrust fed right. It certainly appears that a mega-Zwinkels undercover operation of the Amsterdam police tried to keep secret. And that in 1995, two years after the Amsterdam Commissioner Nordholt and the Amsterdam Public Vrakking their loud disapproval had heard about the alleged infiltration method and IRT-Mayor Van Thijn was about to liquidation of the IRT Sydney / Melbourne.
This affair is quite interesting if the persistent rumors from Aruba to believe that some Dutch naval ships made available in guiding the transportation of the weed of the Colombians. That rumor seems to be motivated by the fact that Zwinkels the documents on the undercover operation to be equal to the headquarters of the Navy under Arubau brought on when the local press of the island on the matter began to call.
The Netherlands has a lot to lose in this case. That was the thrust of the letter that the Aruban former Minister of Justice Henry Croes usually very informed circles earlier this month to Prime Minister Cook sent. Croes urged them to absolute discretion in this affair. The report-The Horseman is a first step in that direction. © Rene Zwaap / De Groene Amsterdammer

   # 39 / 1996 | 25-09-1996 | Forward

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 13, 2008, 10:49:27 PM
Good to see you Kermit.  The Secret Service isn't very large.  We have mutual friends!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on December 13, 2008, 10:56:21 PM
Hey, I'm just a member for a long time here.... and not one to venture too far from home....I don't understand why Kermit has to validate who he/she is to give us tidbits such as pics etc......maybe I'm just dense.....that said....I'm still here and taking it all in....guess maybe I should have ventured out and about a bit.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 13, 2008, 11:01:41 PM
The Caylee thread never ceases to amaze me and I just had to share this with you.  One poster wanted to know if Red was Cindy Anthony's brother.  Another poster was asking who Shango is and if he is Urine's lawyer.   ::MonkeyHaHa::

Oh for Heaven's sake.  You must be kidding me!   ::MonkeyLaugh:: ::MonkeyLaugh::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: billb's daughter on December 13, 2008, 11:08:16 PM

During the ceremony I was standing to the left of Clinton.
After the ceremony, inside I was downstairs next to another Secret Service agent.

Secret Service agent. I never doubted that you were/are in a position better suited  than the average frog to sort this all out. ::MonkeyWink::
So I surmise that Natalee's disappearance is tied to posner (GAMBINO MAFIA/Excelsior) and with ZWINKELS providing high cover wrt Jan vds and vocking protecting pvds protecting jvds...Natalee (and Beth/Dave/Jug) never had a chance..
Wonder if jvds procured Natalee for posner or posner guest?
Or posner providing financial cover for pvds/jdvs?  Work with me here Kermit ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Magnolia on December 13, 2008, 11:11:39 PM
Mum, off the top of your head, do you know who Posner's
Aruban partner is?  Don't you have to have an Aruban parner
to open a business on the island?

I would think that in 1998 Paulus was in charge of contracts,
and had a hand in Posner obtaining the casino.

If I recall, Chemaly, Sr. was/is involved in the ownership of some of the hotels.

I am thinking more along the lines of Oduber or Antionio Carlo

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Poochy on December 13, 2008, 11:18:03 PM
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Re: Natalee Case Discussion #784 12/8/08 -
« Reply #941 on: Today at 07:45:51 AM »


Clinton at podium at President Richard Nixon's funeral. I am standing to the left

Billy Graham at RN funeral. I'm to the left

Military Honor Guards take the casket to the buriel plot. The family followed.
21 gun salute and then a military fly by on a dark cloudy day. It was impressive. glad to see you.  ::MonkeyDance::
I can't figure out where you may be in the pics, but I'm glad you are back and I hope you can provide info that will bring Justice for Natalee....
Sharon did say: Kermit! Come out, come out, wherever you are. Lots of delicious flies await  ::MonkeyCool::

During the ceremony I was standing to the left of Clinton.
After the ceremony, inside I was downstairs next to another Secret Service agent.

So you are a female Secret Service agent????   I am impressesed.  Are you still active???
Kermit, so is that a YES -you ARE a Secret Service Agent?

Everybody seems so impressed, and asking if you are active.

Can you confirm or deny?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Poochy on December 13, 2008, 11:20:13 PM
Hey, I'm just a member for a long time here.... and not one to venture too far from home....I don't understand why Kermit has to validate who he/she is to give us tidbits such as pics etc......maybe I'm just dense.....that said....I'm still here and taking it all in....guess maybe I should have ventured out and about a bit.

Waiting for Kermit to respond to a few posts now about Secret Service or not...

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 13, 2008, 11:21:16 PM
Kermit - I agree with 2NJ.  You shouldn't have to establish whether you are active or not, or if you are even part of the Secret Service.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Magnolia on December 13, 2008, 11:27:23 PM
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Re: Natalee Case Discussion #784 12/8/08 -
« Reply #941 on: Today at 07:45:51 AM »


Clinton at podium at President Richard Nixon's funeral. I am standing to the left

Billy Graham at RN funeral. I'm to the left

Military Honor Guards take the casket to the buriel plot. The family followed.
21 gun salute and then a military fly by on a dark cloudy day. It was impressive. glad to see you.  ::MonkeyDance::
I can't figure out where you may be in the pics, but I'm glad you are back and I hope you can provide info that will bring Justice for Natalee....
Sharon did say: Kermit! Come out, come out, wherever you are. Lots of delicious flies await  ::MonkeyCool::

During the ceremony I was standing to the left of Clinton.
After the ceremony, inside I was downstairs next to another Secret Service agent.

So you are a female Secret Service agent????   I am impressesed.  Are you still active???
Kermit, so is that a YES -you ARE a Secret Service Agent?

Everybody seems so impressed, and asking if you are active.

Can you confirm or deny?

I don't think Kermit should have to confirm or deny anything.
None of the rest of us have to tell who we are
Kermit has given us good information and has given good
sources.  That should be all that is necessary. IMO

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 13, 2008, 11:28:19 PM
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Re: Natalee Case Discussion #784 12/8/08 -
« Reply #941 on: Today at 07:45:51 AM »


Clinton at podium at President Richard Nixon's funeral. I am standing to the left

Billy Graham at RN funeral. I'm to the left

Military Honor Guards take the casket to the buriel plot. The family followed.
21 gun salute and then a military fly by on a dark cloudy day. It was impressive. glad to see you.  ::MonkeyDance::
I can't figure out where you may be in the pics, but I'm glad you are back and I hope you can provide info that will bring Justice for Natalee....
Sharon did say: Kermit! Come out, come out, wherever you are. Lots of delicious flies await  ::MonkeyCool::

During the ceremony I was standing to the left of Clinton.
After the ceremony, inside I was downstairs next to another Secret Service agent.

So you are a female Secret Service agent????   I am impressesed.  Are you still active???
Kermit, so is that a YES -you ARE a Secret Service Agent?

Everybody seems so impressed, and asking if you are active.

Can you confirm or deny?

I don't think Kermit should have to confirm or deny anything.
None of the rest of us have to tell who we are
Kermit has given us good information and has given good
sources.  That should be all that is necessary. IMO

I agree!   ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: billb's daughter on December 13, 2008, 11:28:30 PM
Hey, I'm just a member for a long time here.... and not one to venture too far from home....I don't understand why Kermit has to validate who he/she is to give us tidbits such as pics etc......maybe I'm just dense.....that said....I'm still here and taking it all in....guess maybe I should have ventured out and about a bit.

Waiting for Kermit to respond to a few posts now about Secret Service or not...
from Kermit's post:
During the ceremony I was standing to the left of Clinton.
After the ceremony, inside I was downstairs next to another Secret Service agent.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 13, 2008, 11:32:33 PM

When we were working on some things in Shango, it came out that Urine might have had money coming in because he was quite possibly working at The Mill and that he is very likely bisexual.  Julia has a connection to this.  Those guys were also dealing in drugs and porn videos.

Oh, that Julia is heavily involved in this has not escaped me.  She was way too quick getting to Beth for my comfort level.  I spent some time in the Shango threads, but I have formed a different opinion based on some of the Shango posts combined with some of the Ernest Merian (Simian) posts that did not quite mesh with some of the other posters over there.  I never come to SM to argue with anyone.   For me...every possiblity is still viable.

Porn videos...I agree...not much of a stretch...I think that could have been a key component.  Joran strikes me as someone who has had very little guidance in matters related to sex and the opposite sex.  He is/was someone who was left open to whatever society had to offer and teach.  Don't get me wrong...I feel little empathy for the guy.  He seems to like what he is doing now.  And that is taking everyone for a ride on this thing.  He needs to be nailed to the wall on this.  I see no other way.  Without nailing this punk to the wall there will not be any justice for Natalee.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on December 13, 2008, 11:35:46 PM
Kermit must have felt a need to post the pics to validate who Kermit is....that was my point.  I was wondering why the need to do this....again, maybe I'm dense...yes, I may have other descriptions applied. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: billb's daughter on December 13, 2008, 11:38:02 PM
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Re: Natalee Case Discussion #784 12/8/08 -
« Reply #941 on: Today at 07:45:51 AM »


Clinton at podium at President Richard Nixon's funeral. I am standing to the left

Billy Graham at RN funeral. I'm to the left

Military Honor Guards take the casket to the buriel plot. The family followed.
21 gun salute and then a military fly by on a dark cloudy day. It was impressive. glad to see you.  ::MonkeyDance::
I can't figure out where you may be in the pics, but I'm glad you are back and I hope you can provide info that will bring Justice for Natalee....
Sharon did say: Kermit! Come out, come out, wherever you are. Lots of delicious flies await  ::MonkeyCool::

During the ceremony I was standing to the left of Clinton.
After the ceremony, inside I was downstairs next to another Secret Service agent.

So you are a female Secret Service agent????   I am impressesed.  Are you still active???
Kermit, so is that a YES -you ARE a Secret Service Agent?

Everybody seems so impressed, and asking if you are active.

Can you confirm or deny?

I don't think Kermit should have to confirm or deny anything.
None of the rest of us have to tell who we are
Kermit has given us good information and has given good
sources.  That should be all that is necessary. IMO

I agree!   ::MonkeyCool::
Go back to where Kermit first posted tonight, page 4 I think, and you will see Kermit led in with the pictures, and through subsequent posts suggested a secret service role. I don't think anyone here requires proof with a confirmation or denial....I for one never doubted Kermit was/is in a position to provide accurate investigative info. I look forward to Kermit's posts..

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: billb's daughter on December 13, 2008, 11:43:49 PM

Go back to where Kermit first posted tonight, page 4 I think, and you will see Kermit led in with the pictures, and through subsequent posts suggested a secret service role. I don't think anyone here requires proof with a confirmation or denial....I for one never doubted Kermit was/is in a position to provide accurate investigative info. I look forward to Kermit's posts..
Can we get back on track though and try to figure out what Kermit was trying to tell us with his latest posts? I made a couple of comments about what I thought Kermit was pointing us too wrt the cover up and the high powers involved. Anyone have other comments?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 13, 2008, 11:45:24 PM
Kermit must have felt a need to post the pics to validate who Kermit is....that was my point.  I was wondering why the need to do this....again, maybe I'm dense...yes, I may have other descriptions applied. 

Just my opinion 2NJ, but I think this may have been in response to some posts from other monkeys who were upset with Kermit's sharing of information.  Some posts including suggestions of Kermit's line of work.  That information should have never been posted, period. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: billb's daughter on December 13, 2008, 11:46:10 PM

Go back to where Kermit first posted tonight, page 4 I think, and you will see Kermit led in with the pictures, and through subsequent posts suggested a secret service role. I don't think anyone here requires proof with a confirmation or denial....I for one never doubted Kermit was/is in a position to provide accurate investigative info. I look forward to Kermit's posts..
Can we get back on track though and try to figure out what Kermit was trying to tell us with  her latest posts? I made a couple of comments about what I thought Kermit was pointing us too wrt the cover up and the high powers involved. Anyone have other comments?


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on December 13, 2008, 11:46:48 PM
Paulus van der Sloot
Jan van der Straaten

Zaandam keeps on saying in his book, two days after 5/29, the body of Natalee H. may have already been foundand Cvp [police commissioner] looked the other way to do a favour for Paul vd Sloot (ex of chief staff of Cabinet PG [prosecutor general] J. Zwinkels).
Posted by Getagrip at 9/19/2005 12:18:00 PM

Remember ZWINKELS:

Paulus buddy from the old Tilburg days is the Prime Minister - Oduber 1991

and ZWINKELS WAS ATTORNEY GENERAL IN 1991 (we also know that this zwinkels guy was involved in mafia money too and that is why he was forced to resign for a period of time -

All the main players knew each other during his time in office
Governmental authorities
Mr. J.H.M. Zwinkels - Attorney General
Mr. B. Vocking - Deputy Director, Aruba Correctional Institute
Ms. C. van den Berg - Head of the Rehabilitation and Child Welfare Council
Ms. Y. Spellen - Director, Guardianship Board
Mr. J. van de Straten - Head of the National Bureau of Investigations

Zwinkels is back in power as attorney general in 1994

In 1995 Zwinkels is the Prosecutor in Aruba.

1997-1997 - Zwinkels left after a 2 yr battle with the Aruban gov't (they accused him of stealing drug money)

July of 1998 he has his Attorney General job back 07-07-98

June 26th, 2005 at 3:30 pm
his lordship did not bring the key for the Arawaks
"they were stymied by misinformation and false leads planted by the corrupt authorities. Why was Natalee never found? The searchers were directed to all the wrong places!

(more on this later)


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on December 13, 2008, 11:48:06 PM
Magnolia asked:

1998-   Michael Posner bought Grand Holiday Casnio September 1 and named it Excelsior.
He is a member of the GAMBINO MAFIA.

2001 Posner purchases the Brickell Bay Casino

Michael Posner's contributions to Aruba according to the newspaper
Aruba Today

Aruba Today- October 24th 2005
Michael Posner Contributes

There are a few people who in the last 10 years have added remendously to Aruba's product with great success. American businessman Michael Posner saw an opportunity in the mid 90's to purchase the Holiday Inn Casino, although it was run down an d on the brink of bankruptcy. Posner stepped in when the Holiday Inn Casino was in terrible condition with only 33 employees. He made a substantial investment into Aruba's product by renovating this deteriorating casino. Today the Excelsior Casino has
over 140 employees, with all management positi ons filled by Ar ubans, and pays millions of dollars in taxes each year.

Mr. Posner procured Aruba as the site for the World Poker Tournament for
the past 4 years and many years into the future. This has created 20-30 million USD for the economy of Aruba and 5 million yearly in free advertising for Aruba's tourist industry.

Posner also purchased and renovated the old Stauffer Hotel, which was considered at the time to be an eyesore to Palm Beach. He transformed the neglected hotel into the Brickell Bay Beach Club and today has over 100 employees, with all management level employment dedicated to Arubans.
He recently delivered a genuine act of kindness by donating all the rooms for the Texas EquuSearch team to search for Natalee Holloway, at a cost of over 100,000 Posner has been a generous supporter of many charities in Aruba, even going so far as to send a sick Aruban child to Disney World with his mot h er as part of the "Make a wish Foundation".

Aruba also thanks Posner for opening doors to potential new guest by making travel easier. He was directly responsible for bringing United Airlines to Aruba. Untied Airlines provides Aruba with 40,000 tourists and 300,000 hotel rooms annually.
Posner received no payment for his services and was awarded the distinction of "Aruba's Goodwill Ambassador".

Posner's contributions to Aruba's economy have been significant and greatly appreciated by the people. Besides all of humanitarian acts of kindness, he is also greatly appreciated for taking the reigns of failing bus inesses where no one else would and developing them into successful entities.
525 on: March 31, 2008, 07:00:13 PM


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: billb's daughter on December 13, 2008, 11:50:28 PM
During the ceremony I was standing to the left of Clinton.
After the ceremony, inside I was downstairs next to another Secret Service agent.

[/quote]Secret Service agent. I never doubted that you were/are in a position better suited  than the average frog to sort this all out.
So I surmise that Natalee's disappearance is tied to posner (GAMBINO MAFIA/Excelsior) and with ZWINKELS providing high cover wrt Jan vds and vocking protecting pvds protecting jvds...Natalee (and Beth/Dave/Jug) never had a chance..
Wonder if jvds procured Natalee for posner or posner guest?

Bump (not sure if I'm doing this right, but here are the comments I made irt Kermit's posts ::MonkeyRoll::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 13, 2008, 11:50:42 PM
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Re: Natalee Case Discussion #784 12/8/08 -
« Reply #941 on: Today at 07:45:51 AM »


Clinton at podium at President Richard Nixon's funeral. I am standing to the left

Billy Graham at RN funeral. I'm to the left

Military Honor Guards take the casket to the buriel plot. The family followed.
21 gun salute and then a military fly by on a dark cloudy day. It was impressive. glad to see you.  ::MonkeyDance::
I can't figure out where you may be in the pics, but I'm glad you are back and I hope you can provide info that will bring Justice for Natalee....
Sharon did say: Kermit! Come out, come out, wherever you are. Lots of delicious flies await  ::MonkeyCool::

During the ceremony I was standing to the left of Clinton.
After the ceremony, inside I was downstairs next to another Secret Service agent.

So you are a female Secret Service agent????   I am impressesed.  Are you still active???
Kermit, so is that a YES -you ARE a Secret Service Agent?

Everybody seems so impressed, and asking if you are active.

Can you confirm or deny?

I don't need to know who she/he is in order for me to make up my mind whether or not I believe a member or not.

Either you believe or you don't.

People might not like what I am going to say but this is how I feel so I will just say it.  Kermit please don't answer.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on December 13, 2008, 11:52:39 PM
Kermit must have felt a need to post the pics to validate who Kermit is....that was my point.  I was wondering why the need to do this....again, maybe I'm dense...yes, I may have other descriptions applied. 

Just my opinion 2NJ, but I think this may have been in response to some posts from other monkeys who were upset with Kermit's sharing of information.  Some posts including suggestions of Kermit's line of work.  That information should have never been posted, period. 

Something I may have missed texasmom....if I had not I would not have asked.  I thought I had read them all, but maybe I am might have gone over my head. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: billb's daughter on December 13, 2008, 11:52:52 PM
During the ceremony I was standing to the left of Clinton.
After the ceremony, inside I was downstairs next to another Secret Service agent.

Secret Service agent. I never doubted that you were/are in a position better suited  than the average frog to sort this all out.
So I surmise that Natalee's disappearance is tied to posner (GAMBINO MAFIA/Excelsior) and with ZWINKELS providing high cover wrt Jan vds and vocking protecting pvds protecting jvds...Natalee (and Beth/Dave/Jug) never had a chance..
Wonder if jvds procured Natalee for posner or posner guest?

Bump (not sure if I'm doing this right, but here are the comments I made irt Kermit's posts ::MonkeyRoll::
another bump from my post
Or posner providing financial cover for pvds/jdvs?  Work with me here Kermit

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 13, 2008, 11:55:15 PM
Kermit - I agree with 2NJ.  You shouldn't have to establish whether you are active or not, or if you are even part of the Secret Service.

What we have to remember is that we have a bunch of nuts reading this site.  Nuts who do not want this case solved no matter what.  Giving a persons personal information over the internet is dangerous.  JMO.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Magnolia on December 13, 2008, 11:56:07 PM
Magnolia asked:

1998-   Michael Posner bought Grand Holiday Casnio September 1 and named it Excelsior.
He is a member of the GAMBINO MAFIA.

2001 Posner purchases the Brickell Bay Casino

Michael Posner's contributions to Aruba according to the newspaper
Aruba Today

Aruba Today- October 24th 2005
Michael Posner Contributes

There are a few people who in the last 10 years have added remendously to Aruba's product with great success. American businessman Michael Posner saw an opportunity in the mid 90's to purchase the Holiday Inn Casino, although it was run down an d on the brink of bankruptcy. Posner stepped in when the Holiday Inn Casino was in terrible condition with only 33 employees. He made a substantial investment into Aruba's product by renovating this deteriorating casino. Today the Excelsior Casino has
over 140 employees, with all management positi ons filled by Ar ubans, and pays millions of dollars in taxes each year.

Mr. Posner procured Aruba as the site for the World Poker Tournament for
the past 4 years and many years into the future. This has created 20-30 million USD for the economy of Aruba and 5 million yearly in free advertising for Aruba's tourist industry.

Posner also purchased and renovated the old Stauffer Hotel, which was considered at the time to be an eyesore to Palm Beach. He transformed the neglected hotel into the Brickell Bay Beach Club and today has over 100 employees, with all management level employment dedicated to Arubans.
He recently delivered a genuine act of kindness by donating all the rooms for the Texas EquuSearch team to search for Natalee Holloway, at a cost of over 100,000 Posner has been a generous supporter of many charities in Aruba, even going so far as to send a sick Aruban child to Disney World with his mot h er as part of the "Make a wish Foundation".

Aruba also thanks Posner for opening doors to potential new guest by making travel easier. He was directly responsible for bringing United Airlines to Aruba. Untied Airlines provides Aruba with 40,000 tourists and 300,000 hotel rooms annually.
Posner received no payment for his services and was awarded the distinction of "Aruba's Goodwill Ambassador".

Posner's contributions to Aruba's economy have been significant and greatly appreciated by the people. Besides all of humanitarian acts of kindness, he is also greatly appreciated for taking the reigns of failing bus inesses where no one else would and developing them into successful entities.
525 on: March 31, 2008, 07:00:13 PM


But Michael Posner was a convicted felon who had served prison time.
He should not have been allowed on the island, let alone start a business.
Who arranged all of the business dealings.  He also bought the Aloe business.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 14, 2008, 12:02:58 AM
Last week, Kermit posted a photograph of Marlon Brando as the Godfather.  Behind him, she pasted Joe Tacos picture on the attorney.  I wasn't quite sure exactly what she was saying because I already knew that Taco defended people in the mob.  Now it's making more sense.

It's also making more sense because Caps had already told us that van der Strattan, Vocking, and probably DTKM helped Paulass out the night that Natalee died.  I don't know who this Zwinkels guy is.  Van der Strattan knew Paulass from Holland where he was Urine's Godfather.  Now it appears that Oduber was also a buddy at Tillburg.  These are Paulass's connections and his support system.

I think Kermit is trying to tell us that Posner and the mob are involved with all of this.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: billb's daughter on December 14, 2008, 12:04:51 AM
Kermit - I agree with 2NJ.  You shouldn't have to establish whether you are active or not, or if you are even part of the Secret Service.

What we have to remember is that we have a bunch of nuts reading this site.  Nuts who do not want this case solved no matter what.  Giving a persons personal information over the internet is dangerous.  JMO.
San, I agree wholeheartedly in your position that no one has to identify themselves before they are believed.
If you look back at Kermit's posts starting on page 4, it seemed to me and others that Kermit was posting those pics to establish that she/he was a secret service agent during Richard Nixon's funeral. Nobody asked Kermit: the questions only came after Kermit "outed' her/him self.....
What I'm now interested in is trying to figure out what Kermit is pointing us towards.....
I am impressed if Kermit was/is a secret service agent, but as I've said before, I've always believed in the info Kermit has provided, regardless of who she/he is: Peace :)

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on December 14, 2008, 12:05:52 AM
Kermit - I agree with 2NJ.  You shouldn't have to establish whether you are active or not, or if you are even part of the Secret Service.

What we have to remember is that we have a bunch of nuts reading this site.  Nuts who do not want this case solved no matter what.  Giving a persons personal information over the internet is dangerous.  JMO.

Yes, absolutely....My Dad always said 'keep things close to the vest' this case, it's not worth jeopardizing personal's nobody's business. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: billb's daughter on December 14, 2008, 12:08:31 AM
Last week, Kermit posted a photograph of Marlon Brando as the Godfather.  Behind him, she pasted Joe Tacos picture on the attorney.  I wasn't quite sure exactly what she was saying because I already knew that Taco defended people in the mob.  Now it's making more sense.

It's also making more sense because Caps had already told us that van der Strattan, Vocking, and probably DTKM helped Paulass out the night that Natalee died.  I don't know who this Zwinkels guy is.  Van der Strattan knew Paulass from Holland where he was Urine's Godfather.  Now it appears that Oduber was also a buddy at Tillburg.  These are Paulass's connections and his support system.

I think Kermit is trying to tell us that Posner and the mob are involved with all of this.
I agree.....

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 12:10:42 AM
Paulus van der Sloot
Jan van der Straaten

Zaandam keeps on saying in his book, two days after 5/29, the body of Natalee H. may have already been foundand Cvp [police commissioner] looked the other way to do a favour for Paul vd Sloot (ex of chief staff of Cabinet PG [prosecutor general] J. Zwinkels).
Posted by Getagrip at 9/19/2005 12:18:00 PM

Remember ZWINKELS:

Paulus buddy from the old Tilburg days is the Prime Minister - Oduber 1991

and ZWINKELS WAS ATTORNEY GENERAL IN 1991 (we also know that this zwinkels guy was involved in mafia money too and that is why he was forced to resign for a period of time -

All the main players knew each other during his time in office
Governmental authorities
Mr. J.H.M. Zwinkels - Attorney General
Mr. B. Vocking - Deputy Director, Aruba Correctional Institute
Ms. C. van den Berg - Head of the Rehabilitation and Child Welfare Council
Ms. Y. Spellen - Director, Guardianship Board
Mr. J. van de Straten - Head of the National Bureau of Investigations

Zwinkels is back in power as attorney general in 1994

In 1995 Zwinkels is the Prosecutor in Aruba.

1997-1997 - Zwinkels left after a 2 yr battle with the Aruban gov't (they accused him of stealing drug money)

July of 1998 he has his Attorney General job back 07-07-98

June 26th, 2005 at 3:30 pm
his lordship did not bring the key for the Arawaks
"they were stymied by misinformation and false leads planted by the corrupt authorities. Why was Natalee never found? The searchers were directed to all the wrong places!

(more on this later)

I see you have quoted Shango.  If you are interested...I have a name that may (or may not) be of interest. I have not seem it come up anywhere in relation to Natalee yet...but. I can associate it with another name that became prominent. is a name used by Shango.  Let me know if you are interested. Your investigative experience, I am sure, far exceeds mine.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: billb's daughter on December 14, 2008, 12:15:58 AM
Magnolia asked:

1998-   Michael Posner bought Grand Holiday Casnio September 1 and named it Excelsior.
He is a member of the GAMBINO MAFIA.

2001 Posner purchases the Brickell Bay Casino

Michael Posner's contributions to Aruba according to the newspaper
Aruba Today

Aruba Today- October 24th 2005
Michael Posner Contributes

There are a few people who in the last 10 years have added remendously to Aruba's product with great success. American businessman Michael Posner saw an opportunity in the mid 90's to purchase the Holiday Inn Casino, although it was run down an d on the brink of bankruptcy. Posner stepped in when the Holiday Inn Casino was in terrible condition with only 33 employees. He made a substantial investment into Aruba's product by renovating this deteriorating casino. Today the Excelsior Casino has
over 140 employees, with all management positi ons filled by Ar ubans, and pays millions of dollars in taxes each year.

Mr. Posner procured Aruba as the site for the World Poker Tournament for
the past 4 years and many years into the future. This has created 20-30 million USD for the economy of Aruba and 5 million yearly in free advertising for Aruba's tourist industry.

Posner also purchased and renovated the old Stauffer Hotel, which was considered at the time to be an eyesore to Palm Beach. He transformed the neglected hotel into the Brickell Bay Beach Club and today has over 100 employees, with all management level employment dedicated to Arubans.
He recently delivered a genuine act of kindness by donating all the rooms for the Texas EquuSearch team to search for Natalee Holloway, at a cost of over 100,000 Posner has been a generous supporter of many charities in Aruba, even going so far as to send a sick Aruban child to Disney World with his mot h er as part of the "Make a wish Foundation".

Aruba also thanks Posner for opening doors to potential new guest by making travel easier. He was directly responsible for bringing United Airlines to Aruba. Untied Airlines provides Aruba with 40,000 tourists and 300,000 hotel rooms annually.
Posner received no payment for his services and was awarded the distinction of "Aruba's Goodwill Ambassador".

Posner's contributions to Aruba's economy have been significant and greatly appreciated by the people. Besides all of humanitarian acts of kindness, he is also greatly appreciated for taking the reigns of failing bus inesses where no one else would and developing them into successful entities.
525 on: March 31, 2008, 07:00:13 PM


But Michael Posner was a convicted felon who had served prison time.
He should not have been allowed on the island, let alone start a business.
Who arranged all of the business dealings.  He also bought the Aloe business.
If it is true that there must be an Aruban partner to own a business on aruba, I'm thinking both CAPS and Kermit have been pointing us in that direction. Could paulass be the silent partner or in his role with contracts did he set it up for posner? If so, that could explain why pvds/jvds are so protected jmoo

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 14, 2008, 12:16:31 AM
Last week, Kermit posted a photograph of Marlon Brando as the Godfather.  Behind him, she pasted Joe Tacos picture on the attorney.  I wasn't quite sure exactly what she was saying because I already knew that Taco defended people in the mob.  Now it's making more sense.

It's also making more sense because Caps had already told us that van der Strattan, Vocking, and probably DTKM helped Paulass out the night that Natalee died.  I don't know who this Zwinkels guy is.  Van der Strattan knew Paulass from Holland where he was Urine's Godfather.  Now it appears that Oduber was also a buddy at Tillburg.  These are Paulass's connections and his support system.

I think Kermit is trying to tell us that Posner and the mob are involved with all of this.
I agree.....

I think Kermit is also trying to tell us that Posner is the money who came in and saved Aruba when it was trash and saved the economy.  Paulass, Oduber, van der Strattan, Vocking, this Zwinkels guy, and the others are all in Posner's back pocket.  If this is the case, Urine is walking on real thin ice if he starts to drop the dime on people like he did with Greta.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 14, 2008, 12:21:32 AM
Kermit - I agree with 2NJ.  You shouldn't have to establish whether you are active or not, or if you are even part of the Secret Service.

What we have to remember is that we have a bunch of nuts reading this site.  Nuts who do not want this case solved no matter what.  Giving a persons personal information over the internet is dangerous.  JMO.
San, I agree wholeheartedly in your position that no one has to identify themselves before they are believed.
If you look back at Kermit's posts starting on page 4, it seemed to me and others that Kermit was posting those pics to establish that she/he was a secret service agent during Richard Nixon's funeral. Nobody asked Kermit: the questions only came after Kermit "outed' her/him self.....
What I'm now interested in is trying to figure out what Kermit is pointing us towards.....
I am impressed if Kermit was/is a secret service agent, but as I've said before, I've always believed in the info Kermit has provided, regardless of who she/he is: Peace :)

When I read Kermit's post the thought never crossed my mind that he/she was secret service.  I didn't take his/her post as outing themself.

Just because they said "During the ceremony I was standing to the left of Clinton.
After the ceremony, inside I was downstairs next to another Secret Service agent."

Like I said people believe what they want.  I feel uncomfortable that people are asking him/her to confirm.  Maybe they are maybe they aren't.

This is just how I feel.  I know people are going to ask.  You will never catch me asking a person who they are.  If they volunteer the information than fine.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 14, 2008, 12:24:46 AM
Kermit - I agree with 2NJ.  You shouldn't have to establish whether you are active or not, or if you are even part of the Secret Service.

What we have to remember is that we have a bunch of nuts reading this site.  Nuts who do not want this case solved no matter what.  Giving a persons personal information over the internet is dangerous.  JMO.

Yes, absolutely....My Dad always said 'keep things close to the vest' this case, it's not worth jeopardizing personal's nobody's business. 


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Magnolia on December 14, 2008, 12:27:25 AM
Magnolia asked:

1998-   Michael Posner bought Grand Holiday Casnio September 1 and named it Excelsior.
He is a member of the GAMBINO MAFIA.

2001 Posner purchases the Brickell Bay Casino

Michael Posner's contributions to Aruba according to the newspaper
Aruba Today

Aruba Today- October 24th 2005
Michael Posner Contributes

There are a few people who in the last 10 years have added remendously to Aruba's product with great success. American businessman Michael Posner saw an opportunity in the mid 90's to purchase the Holiday Inn Casino, although it was run down an d on the brink of bankruptcy. Posner stepped in when the Holiday Inn Casino was in terrible condition with only 33 employees. He made a substantial investment into Aruba's product by renovating this deteriorating casino. Today the Excelsior Casino has
over 140 employees, with all management positi ons filled by Ar ubans, and pays millions of dollars in taxes each year.

Mr. Posner procured Aruba as the site for the World Poker Tournament for
the past 4 years and many years into the future. This has created 20-30 million USD for the economy of Aruba and 5 million yearly in free advertising for Aruba's tourist industry.

Posner also purchased and renovated the old Stauffer Hotel, which was considered at the time to be an eyesore to Palm Beach. He transformed the neglected hotel into the Brickell Bay Beach Club and today has over 100 employees, with all management level employment dedicated to Arubans.
He recently delivered a genuine act of kindness by donating all the rooms for the Texas EquuSearch team to search for Natalee Holloway, at a cost of over 100,000 Posner has been a generous supporter of many charities in Aruba, even going so far as to send a sick Aruban child to Disney World with his mot h er as part of the "Make a wish Foundation".

Aruba also thanks Posner for opening doors to potential new guest by making travel easier. He was directly responsible for bringing United Airlines to Aruba. Untied Airlines provides Aruba with 40,000 tourists and 300,000 hotel rooms annually.
Posner received no payment for his services and was awarded the distinction of "Aruba's Goodwill Ambassador".

Posner's contributions to Aruba's economy have been significant and greatly appreciated by the people. Besides all of humanitarian acts of kindness, he is also greatly appreciated for taking the reigns of failing bus inesses where no one else would and developing them into successful entities.
525 on: March 31, 2008, 07:00:13 PM


But Michael Posner was a convicted felon who had served prison time.
He should not have been allowed on the island, let alone start a business.
Who arranged all of the business dealings.  He also bought the Aloe business.
If it is true that there must be an Aruban partner to own a business on aruba, I'm thinking both CAPS and Kermit have been pointing us in that direction. Could paulass be the silent partner or in his role with contracts did he set it up for posner? If so, that could explain why pvds/jvds are so protected jmoo

I don't know if Paulus could set himself up as the silent partner since he
was doing the contracts, but he could have set up an agent, such as his law
partner.  I think criminals frequently put businesses in their attorney's name.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: billb's daughter on December 14, 2008, 12:28:25 AM
Last week, Kermit posted a photograph of Marlon Brando as the Godfather.  Behind him, she pasted Joe Tacos picture on the attorney.  I wasn't quite sure exactly what she was saying because I already knew that Taco defended people in the mob.  Now it's making more sense.

It's also making more sense because Caps had already told us that van der Strattan, Vocking, and probably DTKM helped Paulass out the night that Natalee died.  I don't know who this Zwinkels guy is.  Van der Strattan knew Paulass from Holland where he was Urine's Godfather.  Now it appears that Oduber was also a buddy at Tillburg.  These are Paulass's connections and his support system.

I think Kermit is trying to tell us that Posner and the mob are involved with all of this.
I agree.....

I think Kermit is also trying to tell us that Posner is the money who came in and saved Aruba when it was trash and saved the economy.  Paulass, Oduber, van der Strattan, Vocking, this Zwinkels guy, and the others are all in Posner's back pocket.  If this is the case, Urine is walking on real thin ice if he starts to drop the dime on people like he did with Greta.
It does amaze me that urine hasn't been taken out yet. Maybe posner's ties with pvds for favors is so tight that urine has survived to date. But if the noose does tighten on aruba/holland, urine fate at some point may reach critical mass (bad for urine). CAPS brought over a picture the other day showing a huge limo and implied it belonged to the Kalpoes business. That would also point to money (posner) paying to keep kalpoes quiet.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on December 14, 2008, 12:29:30 AM
Keep the dialogue going....I'm heading out for the night...G'nite, all. ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 14, 2008, 12:29:37 AM
Magnolia asked:

1998-   Michael Posner bought Grand Holiday Casnio September 1 and named it Excelsior.
He is a member of the GAMBINO MAFIA.

2001 Posner purchases the Brickell Bay Casino

Michael Posner's contributions to Aruba according to the newspaper
Aruba Today

Aruba Today- October 24th 2005
Michael Posner Contributes

There are a few people who in the last 10 years have added remendously to Aruba's product with great success. American businessman Michael Posner saw an opportunity in the mid 90's to purchase the Holiday Inn Casino, although it was run down an d on the brink of bankruptcy. Posner stepped in when the Holiday Inn Casino was in terrible condition with only 33 employees. He made a substantial investment into Aruba's product by renovating this deteriorating casino. Today the Excelsior Casino has
over 140 employees, with all management positi ons filled by Ar ubans, and pays millions of dollars in taxes each year.

Mr. Posner procured Aruba as the site for the World Poker Tournament for
the past 4 years and many years into the future. This has created 20-30 million USD for the economy of Aruba and 5 million yearly in free advertising for Aruba's tourist industry.

Posner also purchased and renovated the old Stauffer Hotel, which was considered at the time to be an eyesore to Palm Beach. He transformed the neglected hotel into the Brickell Bay Beach Club and today has over 100 employees, with all management level employment dedicated to Arubans.
He recently delivered a genuine act of kindness by donating all the rooms for the Texas EquuSearch team to search for Natalee Holloway, at a cost of over 100,000 Posner has been a generous supporter of many charities in Aruba, even going so far as to send a sick Aruban child to Disney World with his mot h er as part of the "Make a wish Foundation".

Aruba also thanks Posner for opening doors to potential new guest by making travel easier. He was directly responsible for bringing United Airlines to Aruba. Untied Airlines provides Aruba with 40,000 tourists and 300,000 hotel rooms annually.
Posner received no payment for his services and was awarded the distinction of "Aruba's Goodwill Ambassador".

Posner's contributions to Aruba's economy have been significant and greatly appreciated by the people. Besides all of humanitarian acts of kindness, he is also greatly appreciated for taking the reigns of failing bus inesses where no one else would and developing them into successful entities.
525 on: March 31, 2008, 07:00:13 PM


But Michael Posner was a convicted felon who had served prison time.
He should not have been allowed on the island, let alone start a business.
Who arranged all of the business dealings.  He also bought the Aloe business.
If it is true that there must be an Aruban partner to own a business on aruba, I'm thinking both CAPS and Kermit have been pointing us in that direction. Could paulass be the silent partner or in his role with contracts did he set it up for posner? If so, that could explain why pvds/jvds are so protected jmoo

This is what I think it is.  Someone is fronting the Sloots a lot of money.  People have said he didn't make much money.  Paulus' hands are dirty.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: billb's daughter on December 14, 2008, 12:31:35 AM
Magnolia asked:

1998-   Michael Posner bought Grand Holiday Casnio September 1 and named it Excelsior.
He is a member of the GAMBINO MAFIA.

2001 Posner purchases the Brickell Bay Casino

Michael Posner's contributions to Aruba according to the newspaper
Aruba Today

Aruba Today- October 24th 2005
Michael Posner Contributes

There are a few people who in the last 10 years have added remendously to Aruba's product with great success. American businessman Michael Posner saw an opportunity in the mid 90's to purchase the Holiday Inn Casino, although it was run down an d on the brink of bankruptcy. Posner stepped in when the Holiday Inn Casino was in terrible condition with only 33 employees. He made a substantial investment into Aruba's product by renovating this deteriorating casino. Today the Excelsior Casino has
over 140 employees, with all management positi ons filled by Ar ubans, and pays millions of dollars in taxes each year.

Mr. Posner procured Aruba as the site for the World Poker Tournament for
the past 4 years and many years into the future. This has created 20-30 million USD for the economy of Aruba and 5 million yearly in free advertising for Aruba's tourist industry.

Posner also purchased and renovated the old Stauffer Hotel, which was considered at the time to be an eyesore to Palm Beach. He transformed the neglected hotel into the Brickell Bay Beach Club and today has over 100 employees, with all management level employment dedicated to Arubans.
He recently delivered a genuine act of kindness by donating all the rooms for the Texas EquuSearch team to search for Natalee Holloway, at a cost of over 100,000 Posner has been a generous supporter of many charities in Aruba, even going so far as to send a sick Aruban child to Disney World with his mot h er as part of the "Make a wish Foundation".

Aruba also thanks Posner for opening doors to potential new guest by making travel easier. He was directly responsible for bringing United Airlines to Aruba. Untied Airlines provides Aruba with 40,000 tourists and 300,000 hotel rooms annually.
Posner received no payment for his services and was awarded the distinction of "Aruba's Goodwill Ambassador".

Posner's contributions to Aruba's economy have been significant and greatly appreciated by the people. Besides all of humanitarian acts of kindness, he is also greatly appreciated for taking the reigns of failing bus inesses where no one else would and developing them into successful entities.
525 on: March 31, 2008, 07:00:13 PM


But Michael Posner was a convicted felon who had served prison time.
He should not have been allowed on the island, let alone start a business.
Who arranged all of the business dealings.  He also bought the Aloe business.
If it is true that there must be an Aruban partner to own a business on aruba, I'm thinking both CAPS and Kermit have been pointing us in that direction. Could paulass be the silent partner or in his role with contracts did he set it up for posner? If so, that could explain why pvds/jvds are so protected jmoo

I don't know if Paulus could set himself up as the silent partner since he
was doing the contracts, but he could have set up an agent, such as his law
partner.  I think criminals frequently put businesses in their attorney's name.
Yep...AC now employees paulass.....what a small ecosystem they have in aruba.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 14, 2008, 12:31:40 AM
Keep the dialogue going....I'm heading out for the night...G'nite, all. ::MonkeyCool::

Nite 2NJSons.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 14, 2008, 12:32:30 AM
Keep the dialogue going....I'm heading out for the night...G'nite, all. ::MonkeyCool::

goodnight 2NJSons_Mom!   ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 12:33:52 AM
Kermit - I agree with 2NJ.  You shouldn't have to establish whether you are active or not, or if you are even part of the Secret Service.

What we have to remember is that we have a bunch of nuts reading this site.  Nuts who do not want this case solved no matter what.  Giving a persons personal information over the internet is dangerous.  JMO.

I agree 100%!  Kermit, nor anyone else posting in this site, should feel complelled to reveal personal info.

I take everything that I see here into account.  I do my own research, but do have my limitations in that area.  I just hope that everyone here is focused on the same goal...JUSTICE FOR NATALEE.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Magnolia on December 14, 2008, 12:38:13 AM
Last week, Kermit posted a photograph of Marlon Brando as the Godfather.  Behind him, she pasted Joe Tacos picture on the attorney.  I wasn't quite sure exactly what she was saying because I already knew that Taco defended people in the mob.  Now it's making more sense.

It's also making more sense because Caps had already told us that van der Strattan, Vocking, and probably DTKM helped Paulass out the night that Natalee died.  I don't know who this Zwinkels guy is.  Van der Strattan knew Paulass from Holland where he was Urine's Godfather.  Now it appears that Oduber was also a buddy at Tillburg.  These are Paulass's connections and his support system.

I think Kermit is trying to tell us that Posner and the mob are involved with all of this.
I agree.....

I think Kermit is also trying to tell us that Posner is the money who came in and saved Aruba when it was trash and saved the economy.  Paulass, Oduber, van der Strattan, Vocking, this Zwinkels guy, and the others are all in Posner's back pocket.  If this is the case, Urine is walking on real thin ice if he starts to drop the dime on people like he did with Greta.

Posner is the money and Paulus knows where all of the skeletons
are buried.  They can't do anything to Joran because Paulus knows
too much.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 14, 2008, 12:41:44 AM
I have been bumped off of SM three times in the past forty-five minutes.  WTH

Kermit posted that Posner started upgrading the Holiday In and Brickel Bay in the early 1990s.  This is also the time frame that Paulass arrived in Aruba, because Mum has been trying to figure out who he was working for when he first arrived.  Would it be too much of a stretch to assume that Paulass is Aruba's equivalent of Joe Tacopina?  Is this why Joe Taco represented Urine in the US?  It was probably free of charge or paid for by Posner.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 12:48:22 AM
I have been bumped off of SM three times in the past forty-five minutes.  WTH

Kermit posted that Posner started upgrading the Holiday In and Brickel Bay in the early 1990s.  This is also the time frame that Paulass arrived in Aruba, because Mum has been trying to figure out who he was working for when he first arrived.  Would it be too much of a stretch to assume that Paulass is Aruba's equivalent of Joe Tacopina?  Is this why Joe Taco represented Urine in the US?  It was probably free of charge or paid for by Posner.

I don't think that is too far fetched at all.  In fact, when you think about it it makes some sense.  Paulus could have done enough favores for people like Posner to keep his son out of prison.  TACO Joe is familiar with Chicago and so is Posner.  Qid Quo Pro?  Could be.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Magnolia on December 14, 2008, 12:48:29 AM
I have been bumped off of SM three times in the past forty-five minutes.  WTH

Kermit posted that Posner started upgrading the Holiday In and Brickel Bay in the early 1990s.  This is also the time frame that Paulass arrived in Aruba, because Mum has been trying to figure out who he was working for when he first arrived.  Would it be too much of a stretch to assume that Paulass is Aruba's equivalent of Joe Tacopina?  Is this why Joe Taco represented Urine in the US?  It was probably free of charge or paid for by Posner.

I have always thought that Posner procurred the services of Taco.
When Paulus first came to Aruba he worked as a gov't atty.
They did not like his work, so they set him up in the contracts position.
I think it was contacts with his old college buddy Oduber that brought
him to Aruba.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 14, 2008, 12:48:43 AM
During the early days when Natalee first disappeared, Paulass made a trip to Florida.  Joe Taco and his partners have offices in NYC and Miami.  Did Paulass fly to Miami to get all of the ducks in a row with Taco? I now think Taco and Paulass are counterparts, and if that is the case, Paulass does have a lot of power.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 14, 2008, 12:52:43 AM
Would it be too much of stretch to say that Paulass works primarily for Posner and his government jobs with Aruba are really insignificant and basically a front?  If he's a Posner atttorney he no doubt gets big bucks.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 12:53:50 AM
During the early days when Natalee first disappeared, Paulass made a trip to Florida.  Joe Taco and his partners have offices in NYC and Miami.  Did Paulass fly to Miami to get all of the ducks in a row with Taco? I now think Taco and Paulass are counterparts, and if that is the case, Paulass does have a lot of power.

Yet, Taco has taken to referring to Paulus as a 'simpleton'.  Would that make Taco a sompleton as well?   ::MonkeyLaugh::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 14, 2008, 12:56:23 AM
Who was it that said taxi drivers make more money than judge in training?  Paulass probably has bank rolls if he's a Posner attorney.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 14, 2008, 12:56:30 AM
Would it be too much of stretch to say that Paulass works primarily for Posner and his government jobs with Aruba are really insignificant and basically a front?  If he's a Posner atttorney he no doubt gets big bucks.

I agree that his government jobs are a front.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 14, 2008, 12:58:14 AM
During the early days when Natalee first disappeared, Paulass made a trip to Florida.  Joe Taco and his partners have offices in NYC and Miami.  Did Paulass fly to Miami to get all of the ducks in a row with Taco? I now think Taco and Paulass are counterparts, and if that is the case, Paulass does have a lot of power.

Yet, Taco has taken to referring to Paulus as a 'simpleton'.  Would that make Taco a sompleton as well?   ::MonkeyLaugh::

Posner, Taco and the boys could be getting tired of Paulass and his idiot son.  They are causing too much trouble and bringing too much attention.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 01:00:34 AM
Would it be too much of stretch to say that Paulass works primarily for Posner and his government jobs with Aruba are really insignificant and basically a front?  If he's a Posner atttorney he no doubt gets big bucks.

I agree that his government jobs are a front.

Hmm..  Interesting theory.  Would Aruba continue to keep him on as an attorney then?  After all the grief his son has brought to the island? 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 14, 2008, 01:02:38 AM
Who was it that said taxi drivers make more money than judge in training?  Paulass probably has bank rolls if he's a Posner attorney.

I remember Arubagirl always insisting Paulus didn't make much money.  Of course he didn't make much money for the job that was a front.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 01:03:00 AM
During the early days when Natalee first disappeared, Paulass made a trip to Florida.  Joe Taco and his partners have offices in NYC and Miami.  Did Paulass fly to Miami to get all of the ducks in a row with Taco? I now think Taco and Paulass are counterparts, and if that is the case, Paulass does have a lot of power.

Yet, Taco has taken to referring to Paulus as a 'simpleton'.  Would that make Taco a sompleton as well?   ::MonkeyLaugh::

Posner, Taco and the boys could be getting tired of Paulass and his idiot son.  They are causing too much trouble and bringing too much attention.

Yeah, I know what you mean.  I cannot think of any mob-related individuals that have been as erratic and unpredictable as the son of Paulus.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 14, 2008, 01:03:34 AM
Would it be too much of stretch to say that Paulass works primarily for Posner and his government jobs with Aruba are really insignificant and basically a front?  If he's a Posner atttorney he no doubt gets big bucks.

I agree that his government jobs are a front.

Hmm..  Interesting theory.  Would Aruba continue to keep him on as an attorney then?  After all the grief his son has brought to the island? 

Because for some reason they refuse to move away from that house.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 14, 2008, 01:03:44 AM
Would it be too much of stretch to say that Paulass works primarily for Posner and his government jobs with Aruba are really insignificant and basically a front?  If he's a Posner atttorney he no doubt gets big bucks.

I agree that his government jobs are a front.

Hmm..  Interesting theory.  Would Aruba continue to keep him on as an attorney then?  After all the grief his son has brought to the island? 

He doesn't have a government job anymore.  He's in a private practice with Antonio Carlo.  How convenient!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 01:04:25 AM
I meant to say ...  as the son of Paulus.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 01:06:12 AM
Would it be too much of stretch to say that Paulass works primarily for Posner and his government jobs with Aruba are really insignificant and basically a front?  If he's a Posner atttorney he no doubt gets big bucks.

I agree that his government jobs are a front.

Hmm..  Interesting theory.  Would Aruba continue to keep him on as an attorney then?  After all the grief his son has brought to the island? 

He doesn't have a government job anymore.  He's in a private practice with Antonio Carlo.  How convenient!!!

Is he licensed to practice law?  If so, does that not have some legal connatation to it?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 14, 2008, 01:07:24 AM
Would it be too much of stretch to say that Paulass works primarily for Posner and his government jobs with Aruba are really insignificant and basically a front?  If he's a Posner atttorney he no doubt gets big bucks.

I agree that his government jobs are a front.

Hmm..  Interesting theory.  Would Aruba continue to keep him on as an attorney then?  After all the grief his son has brought to the island? 

He doesn't have a government job anymore.  He's in a private practice with Antonio Carlo.  How convenient!!!

Yeah and how convenient that he was sworn in after he left his job.  How does one get sworn in to be an attorney when he was practicing as a judge.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 14, 2008, 01:10:07 AM
Would it be too much of stretch to say that Paulass works primarily for Posner and his government jobs with Aruba are really insignificant and basically a front?  If he's a Posner atttorney he no doubt gets big bucks.

I agree that his government jobs are a front.

Hmm..  Interesting theory.  Would Aruba continue to keep him on as an attorney then?  After all the grief his son has brought to the island? 

He doesn't have a government job anymore.  He's in a private practice with Antonio Carlo.  How convenient!!!

Yeah and how convenient that he was sworn in after he left his job.  How does one get sworn in to be an attorney when he was practicing as a judge.

He was never a judge.  He had been a judge in training and spent months in Holland studying.  In March of 2005, he was turned down for a judgeship.  Did he fail the exam... I don't know.  Was he blocked because of his connections???  Anyway, he never served as a judge.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: billb's daughter on December 14, 2008, 01:10:11 AM
During the early days when Natalee first disappeared, Paulass made a trip to Florida.  Joe Taco and his partners have offices in NYC and Miami.  Did Paulass fly to Miami to get all of the ducks in a row with Taco? I now think Taco and Paulass are counterparts, and if that is the case, Paulass does have a lot of power.

Yet, Taco has taken to referring to Paulus as a 'simpleton'.  Would that make Taco a sompleton as well?   ::MonkeyLaugh::

Posner, Taco and the boys could be getting tired of Paulass and his idiot son.  They are causing too much trouble and bringing too much attention.
Unless paulass has the dirt on all of posners' dealings...he may very well have powerful tentacles reaching out for high cover (Kermit's post suggests?). makes one go hmmm...

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: billb's daughter on December 14, 2008, 01:12:05 AM
Would it be too much of stretch to say that Paulass works primarily for Posner and his government jobs with Aruba are really insignificant and basically a front?  If he's a Posner atttorney he no doubt gets big bucks.

I agree that his government jobs are a front.

Hmm..  Interesting theory.  Would Aruba continue to keep him on as an attorney then?  After all the grief his son has brought to the island? 
I don't think paulass works for aruba anymore. Isn't he with carlos now in private practice?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 14, 2008, 01:12:57 AM
Good night everyone.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 14, 2008, 01:14:20 AM
Would it be too much of stretch to say that Paulass works primarily for Posner and his government jobs with Aruba are really insignificant and basically a front?  If he's a Posner atttorney he no doubt gets big bucks.

I agree that his government jobs are a front.

Hmm..  Interesting theory.  Would Aruba continue to keep him on as an attorney then?  After all the grief his son has brought to the island? 
I don't think paulass works for aruba anymore. Isn't he with carlos now in private practice?


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 14, 2008, 01:15:44 AM
Would it be too much of stretch to say that Paulass works primarily for Posner and his government jobs with Aruba are really insignificant and basically a front?  If he's a Posner atttorney he no doubt gets big bucks.

I agree that his government jobs are a front.

Hmm..  Interesting theory.  Would Aruba continue to keep him on as an attorney then?  After all the grief his son has brought to the island? 

He doesn't have a government job anymore.  He's in a private practice with Antonio Carlo.  How convenient!!!

Yeah and how convenient that he was sworn in after he left his job.  How does one get sworn in to be an attorney when he was practicing as a judge.

He was never a judge.  He had been a judge in training and spent months in Holland studying.  In March of 2005, he was turned down for a judgeship.  Did he fail the exam... I don't know.  Was he blocked because of his connections???  Anyway, he never served as a judge.

I know he was a judge in training but I remember reading that he did oversee some cases.  I never believed for one second that he failed.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: caesu on December 14, 2008, 01:16:30 AM
Paulus van der Sloot
Jan van der Straaten

Zaandam keeps on saying in his book, two days after 5/29, the body of Natalee H. may have already been foundand Cvp [police commissioner] looked the other way to do a favour for Paul vd Sloot (ex of chief staff of Cabinet PG [prosecutor general] J. Zwinkels).
Posted by Getagrip at 9/19/2005 12:18:00 PM

Remember ZWINKELS:

Paulus buddy from the old Tilburg days is the Prime Minister - Oduber 1991

and ZWINKELS WAS ATTORNEY GENERAL IN 1991 (we also know that this zwinkels guy was involved in mafia money too and that is why he was forced to resign for a period of time -

All the main players knew each other during his time in office
Governmental authorities
Mr. J.H.M. Zwinkels - Attorney General
Mr. B. Vocking - Deputy Director, Aruba Correctional Institute
Ms. C. van den Berg - Head of the Rehabilitation and Child Welfare Council
Ms. Y. Spellen - Director, Guardianship Board
Mr. J. van de Straten - Head of the National Bureau of Investigations

Zwinkels is back in power as attorney general in 1994

In 1995 Zwinkels is the Prosecutor in Aruba.

1997-1997 - Zwinkels left after a 2 yr battle with the Aruban gov't (they accused him of stealing drug money)

July of 1998 he has his Attorney General job back 07-07-98

June 26th, 2005 at 3:30 pm
his lordship did not bring the key for the Arawaks
"they were stymied by misinformation and false leads planted by the corrupt authorities. Why was Natalee never found? The searchers were directed to all the wrong places!

(more on this later)


PG Aruba

J. H. M. Zwinkels 1994 - 1997/03/01
W.R. Rosingh 1997/03/01 - 2003/02/01 until 2003/01/01 Chief of Cabinet P.A.P.J. van der Sloot
T.D. Croes-Fernandes Pedra 2003/02/01 - pension dispute

caretaker PG:
Nico Jörg 2007/06/23 - 2008/06/23
R.F. Pietersz 2008/06/23 - 2008/12/23 (might get extended by another 6 months)

earlier i wrote that van der Sloot was Chief of Cabinet under Croes-Fernandes, this was an error.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Magnolia on December 14, 2008, 01:17:31 AM
Would it be too much of stretch to say that Paulass works primarily for Posner and his government jobs with Aruba are really insignificant and basically a front?  If he's a Posner atttorney he no doubt gets big bucks.

I agree that his government jobs are a front.

Hmm..  Interesting theory.  Would Aruba continue to keep him on as an attorney then?  After all the grief his son has brought to the island? 
I don't think paulass works for aruba anymore. Isn't he with carlos now in private practice?

I think Antiono Carlo has always been the front man for Posner
and Paulus.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 01:17:35 AM
Would it be too much of stretch to say that Paulass works primarily for Posner and his government jobs with Aruba are really insignificant and basically a front?  If he's a Posner atttorney he no doubt gets big bucks.

I agree that his government jobs are a front.

Hmm..  Interesting theory.  Would Aruba continue to keep him on as an attorney then?  After all the grief his son has brought to the island? 
I don't think paulass works for aruba anymore. Isn't he with carlos now in private practice?

Yes, I think he does work for Carlos now.  But, in what capacity?  Can he practice law and if so would he have to pass the bar, sotaspeak?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 01:18:40 AM
Good night everyone.

'Nite, San.   ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 14, 2008, 01:19:45 AM
Good night everyone.

'Nite, San.   ::MonkeyCool::

That wasn't me but I will say goodnight now.  Unless you have ESP and were reading my mind.  ::MonkeyWink::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 01:22:20 AM
Good night everyone.

'Nite, San.   ::MonkeyCool::

That wasn't me but I will say goodnight now.  Unless you have ESP and were reading my mind.  ::MonkeyWink::

Lol!  I never knew I had ESP.  Now, that I know I will try to put it to good use!   ::MonkeyLaugh::

(actually, I think I'm just old!)

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 01:23:49 AM
Good night everyone.

'Nite, San.   ::MonkeyCool::

That wasn't me but I will say goodnight now.  Unless you have ESP and were reading my mind.  ::MonkeyWink::

And a hearty Goodnite to SS!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 14, 2008, 01:23:53 AM
Good night everyone.

'Nite, San.   ::MonkeyCool::

That wasn't me but I will say goodnight now.  Unless you have ESP and were reading my mind.  ::MonkeyWink::

Lol!  I never knew I had ESP.  Now, that I know I will try to put it to good use!   ::MonkeyLaugh::

(actually, I think I'm just old!)

You are not old.  But then again I don't know that and maybe I have ESP  ::MonkeyHaHa::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: billb's daughter on December 14, 2008, 01:24:10 AM
Would it be too much of stretch to say that Paulass works primarily for Posner and his government jobs with Aruba are really insignificant and basically a front?  If he's a Posner atttorney he no doubt gets big bucks.

I agree that his government jobs are a front.

Hmm..  Interesting theory.  Would Aruba continue to keep him on as an attorney then?  After all the grief his son has brought to the island? 
I don't think paulass works for aruba anymore. Isn't he with carlos now in private practice?

Yes, I think he does work for Carlos now.  But, in what capacity?  Can he practice law and if so would he have to pass the bar, sotaspeak?
FWIW, I believe I read here that cj gave paulass a letter releasing him as a suspect so he could practice law in aruba. I cant come up with links like so many of you can, but i'm hopeful that my memory may help someone else pull up the link if they so desire.   ::MonkeyConfused::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 01:26:17 AM
Good night everyone.

'Nite, San.   ::MonkeyCool::

That wasn't me but I will say goodnight now.  Unless you have ESP and were reading my mind.  ::MonkeyWink::

Lol!  I never knew I had ESP.  Now, that I know I will try to put it to good use!   ::MonkeyLaugh::

(actually, I think I'm just old!)

You are not old.  But then again I don't know that and maybe I have ESP  ::MonkeyHaHa::

I guess old is relative.  I have an old relative.  Bwhahaha!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 01:27:30 AM
FWIW, I believe I read here that cj gave paulass a letter releasing him as a suspect so he could practice law in aruba. I cant come up with links like so many of you can, but i'm hopeful that my memory may help someone else pull up the link if they so desire.   ::MonkeyConfused::

Oh yeah.  I remember something like that, too.  It was like he had to have someone 'vouch' for him.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: billb's daughter on December 14, 2008, 01:30:04 AM
Would it be too much of stretch to say that Paulass works primarily for Posner and his government jobs with Aruba are really insignificant and basically a front?  If he's a Posner atttorney he no doubt gets big bucks.

I agree that his government jobs are a front.

Hmm..  Interesting theory.  Would Aruba continue to keep him on as an attorney then?  After all the grief his son has brought to the island? 
I don't think paulass works for aruba anymore. Isn't he with carlos now in private practice?

I think Antiono Carlo has always been the front man for Posner
and Paulus.
Maybe, but didn't ac have the secret meeting (Peter DV exposed) with cj stating that urine was directly involved with Natalee's disappearance but cj had to prove it? 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 01:41:06 AM
Maybe, but didn't ac have the secret meeting (Peter DV exposed) with cj stating that urine was directly involved with Natalee's disappearance but cj had to prove it? 

If you mean KJ, then yes I do believe that did happen.  Seems it was reported by Greta during the fall of 2005.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: billb's daughter on December 14, 2008, 01:42:17 AM
Maybe, but didn't ac have the secret meeting (Peter DV exposed) with cj stating that urine was directly involved with Natalee's disappearance but cj had to prove it? 

If you mean KJ, then yes I do believe that did happen.  Seems it was reported by Greta during the fall of 2005.
Yes, KJ...but I have see it as CJ....

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 01:46:10 AM
Maybe, but didn't ac have the secret meeting (Peter DV exposed) with cj stating that urine was directly involved with Natalee's disappearance but cj had to prove it? 

If you mean KJ, then yes I do believe that did happen.  Seems it was reported by Greta during the fall of 2005.
Yes, KJ...but I have see it as CJ....

that's cool.

Sometimes have wondered how Karin Janssen can sleep at night.  She doen't appear to have much compassion for victims.  It's almost as if she just does/did whatever the powers that be wanted done.  Almost as if she was some kind of puppet.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 14, 2008, 02:10:54 AM

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 14, 2008, 02:25:55 AM
I think we all understand why Kyle(OE) won't come to speak to Kermit or the Monkey's anymore!Thanx for the post's Kermit. ::MonkeyDance::.Is Posner "Dirtyhand"??Do those on the Persistence know who Dirtyhand is?Anyone.Am i way off???

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 02:29:23 AM
I think we all understand why Kyle(OE) won't come to speak to Kermit or the Monkey's anymore!Thanx for the post's Kermit. ::MonkeyDance::.Is Posner "Dirtyhand"??Do those on the Persistence know who Dirtyhand is?Anyone.Am i way off???

I have always believed that Shango was referring to Jan Van Der Straaten as Dirty Hand based on the confirmations he provided to some posters back during that time.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 02:31:47 AM
Is Van Der Straten Dirty Hand???

Babalú Says: June 27th, 2005 at 12:30 am
Concerned: No, I guess he is head of some local official corps. He is the guy that knows everything and that has been in the house of Babylonians NOT seeking pleasure for himself, so Shango says. So maybe he went to search for Natalee and he is the chief of Polis.

Shango on June 27th, 2005 12:28 pm
Babalu finally opened a window with a view into the house of Babylon with his
12:30 AM posting

Shango on June 27th, 2005 4:00 am
Babalu finally opened a window with a view into the house of Babylon with his 12:30 posting

Shango on June 27th, 2005 12:12 pm
Babalu finally opened a window with a view into the house of Babylon with his
12:30 AM posting
If the cowboys do not find the loot today, it will not be found

Shango on June 27th, 2005 12:26 pm
Babalu finally opened a window with a view into the house of Babylon with his
12:30 AM posting
Simian your Doppleganger is with us

Shango on June 27th, 2005 12:28 pm
Babalu finally opened a window with a view into the house of Babylon with his
12:30 AM posting

Shango on June 27th, 2005 9:44 pm
Babalu opened a window looking into babylon on his 12:31 A.M. Post
DirtyHand is alive

Shango on June 27th, 2005 9:48 pm
Babalu knew who dirty hand was at half past 12

drax on June 27th, 2005 10:57 pm
DirtyHand has walked through the maze:…is DirtyHand Poppa VDS?

Shango on June 27th, 2005 11:01 pm
The Drax asks a question for which he already provided an answer.

Shango on June 27th, 2005 11:04 pm
Babalu opened a window looking onto Babylon with his 12:30 A.M. post

drax on June 27th, 2005 11:08 pm
Shango says: The Drax asks a question for which he already provided an answer.
I don’t understand, Shango.

Babalú on June 27th, 2005 11:10 pm
He’s talking about Dirty Hands identity, please refer to my post of yesterday 12:30 AM. He is JVDS, and not Joran.

Lucy on June 27th, 2005 10:56 pm
Someone said last night that Dirty Hand was somebody in the police.

Shango on June 27th, 2005 11:13 pm
Lucy spoke at 10:56

Shango on June 30th, 2005 2:04 am
Observe all communications from Shango and judge from their worth….
DirtyHand is the the Keystone!
The lamb is in ther fold, and the shivas.
Threadsurfers, if they cannot out a lamb to manger, how will they deal with lions?
DirtyHand is the key and may leave soon to avoid attention from the cowboys and the fort

Shango on June 30th, 2005 2:31 am
Watcher opened a window looking onto babylon at 2:29.
He holds the key to the ONLY door which opens the door to the lions den

(watcher on June 30th, 2005 2:29 am
I think Subdude is on the right track about the media putting pressure on WHY the polis chief is leaving.)

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 14, 2008, 02:34:19 AM
I think we all understand why Kyle(OE) won't come to speak to Kermit or the Monkey's anymore!Thanx for the post's Kermit. ::MonkeyDance::.Is Posner "Dirtyhand"??Do those on the Persistence know who Dirtyhand is?Anyone.Am i way off???

I have always believed that Shango was referring to Jan Van Der Straaten as Dirty Hand based on the confirmations he provided to some posters back during that time.

I may be way off but i try to equate "Dirtyhand" with the Character "Michael Clayton" played by George Clooney in the movie of the same name.He was "The FIXER" for a huge law firm.If you've seen the movie  it is quite interesting.Who besides Van Der Stratten has there Hand in everything on that Island,as well as the power to fix it???Truthseeker??

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Anna on December 14, 2008, 02:38:31 AM
I have always thought vd Straten was Dirty Hand.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 14, 2008, 02:42:31 AM
I have always thought vd Straten was Dirty Hand.

Thanx Anna!Other then protecting a friend(Paulus).What reason would Van Der stratten have for protecting these nimwits??One would think Van Der Stratten would have serious reasons to help cover-up a murder.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 02:46:38 AM
I think we all understand why Kyle(OE) won't come to speak to Kermit or the Monkey's anymore!Thanx for the post's Kermit. ::MonkeyDance::.Is Posner "Dirtyhand"??Do those on the Persistence know who Dirtyhand is?Anyone.Am i way off???

I have always believed that Shango was referring to Jan Van Der Straaten as Dirty Hand based on the confirmations he provided to some posters back during that time.

I may be way off but i try to equate "Dirtyhand" with the Character "Michael Clayton" played by George Clooney in the movie of the same name.He was "The FIXER" for a huge law firm.If you've seen the movie  it is quite interesting.Who besides Van Der Stratten has there Hand in everything on that Island,as well as the power to fix it???Truthseeker??

When referring to 'Dirty Hand' I always go back to Shango.  Shango initiated the term and I rely on those posts.

I have not seen the George Clooney movie you mention.  Sorry.  Not much of a Clooney fan.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: billb's daughter on December 14, 2008, 02:50:26 AM
Over time, I have thought Jan vds, Obuder, rudy, vocking could all be dirty hand, but from Kermit's recent post, is he saying Zwinkels? he is in power, then busted, then back in power....posner saves aruba in the 80's 90's, and all the time Zwinkels comes in and out smelling like a rose. Is zwinkels the front man for posner? Is zwinkels Dirty Hand?

Paulus van der Sloot
Jan van der Straaten

Zaandam keeps on saying in his book, two days after 5/29, the body of Natalee H. may have already been foundand Cvp [police commissioner] looked the other way to do a favour for Paul vd Sloot (ex of chief staff of Cabinet PG [prosecutor general] J. Zwinkels).
Posted by Getagrip at 9/19/2005 12:18:00 PM

Remember ZWINKELS:

Paulus buddy from the old Tilburg days is the Prime Minister - Oduber 1991

and ZWINKELS WAS ATTORNEY GENERAL IN 1991 (we also know that this zwinkels guy was involved in mafia money too and that is why he was forced to resign for a period of time -

All the main players knew each other during his time in office
Governmental authorities
Mr. J.H.M. Zwinkels - Attorney General
Mr. B. Vocking - Deputy Director, Aruba Correctional Institute
Ms. C. van den Berg - Head of the Rehabilitation and Child Welfare Council
Ms. Y. Spellen - Director, Guardianship Board
Mr. J. van de Straten - Head of the National Bureau of Investigations

Zwinkels is back in power as attorney general in 1994

In 1995 Zwinkels is the Prosecutor in Aruba.

1997-1997 - Zwinkels left after a 2 yr battle with the Aruban gov't (they accused him of stealing drug money)

July of 1998 he has his Attorney General job back 07-07-98

June 26th, 2005 at 3:30 pm
his lordship did not bring the key for the Arawaks
"they were stymied by misinformation and false leads planted by the corrupt authorities. Why was Natalee never found? The searchers were directed to all the wrong places!

(more on this later)

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 14, 2008, 02:54:44 AM
Over time, I have thought Jan vds, Obuder, rudy, vocking could all be dirty hand, but from Kermit's recent post, is he saying Zwinkels? he is in power, then busted, then back in power....posner saves aruba in the 80's 90's, and all the time Zwinkels comes in and out smelling like a rose. Is zwinkels the front man for posner? Is zwinkels Dirty Hand?

Paulus van der Sloot
Jan van der Straaten

Zaandam keeps on saying in his book, two days after 5/29, the body of Natalee H. may have already been foundand Cvp [police commissioner] looked the other way to do a favour for Paul vd Sloot (ex of chief staff of Cabinet PG [prosecutor general] J. Zwinkels).
Posted by Getagrip at 9/19/2005 12:18:00 PM

Remember ZWINKELS:

Paulus buddy from the old Tilburg days is the Prime Minister - Oduber 1991

and ZWINKELS WAS ATTORNEY GENERAL IN 1991 (we also know that this zwinkels guy was involved in mafia money too and that is why he was forced to resign for a period of time -

All the main players knew each other during his time in office
Governmental authorities
Mr. J.H.M. Zwinkels - Attorney General
Mr. B. Vocking - Deputy Director, Aruba Correctional Institute
Ms. C. van den Berg - Head of the Rehabilitation and Child Welfare Council
Ms. Y. Spellen - Director, Guardianship Board
Mr. J. van de Straten - Head of the National Bureau of Investigations

Zwinkels is back in power as attorney general in 1994

In 1995 Zwinkels is the Prosecutor in Aruba.

1997-1997 - Zwinkels left after a 2 yr battle with the Aruban gov't (they accused him of stealing drug money)

July of 1998 he has his Attorney General job back 07-07-98

June 26th, 2005 at 3:30 pm
his lordship did not bring the key for the Arawaks
"they were stymied by misinformation and false leads planted by the corrupt authorities. Why was Natalee never found? The searchers were directed to all the wrong places!

(more on this later)

Do we know who directed the searchers billb???I believe there is someone hiding in plain site that hold's the key.JMOO

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: billb's daughter on December 14, 2008, 02:56:22 AM
Over time, I have thought Jan vds, Oduber, rudy, vocking could all be dirty hand, but from Kermit's recent post, is he saying Zwinkels? he is in power, then busted, then back in power....posner saves aruba in the 80's 90's, and all the time Zwinkels comes in and out smelling like a rose. Is zwinkels the front man for posner? Is zwinkels Dirty Hand?
This is Kermit's post what to get it right.....

Paulus van der Sloot
Jan van der Straaten

Zaandam keeps on saying in his book, two days after 5/29, the body of Natalee H. may have already been foundand Cvp [police commissioner] looked the other way to do a favour for Paul vd Sloot (ex of chief staff of Cabinet PG [prosecutor general] J. Zwinkels).
Posted by Getagrip at 9/19/2005 12:18:00 PM

Remember ZWINKELS:

Paulus buddy from the old Tilburg days is the Prime Minister - Oduber 1991

and ZWINKELS WAS ATTORNEY GENERAL IN 1991 (we also know that this zwinkels guy was involved in mafia money too and that is why he was forced to resign for a period of time -

All the main players knew each other during his time in office
Governmental authorities
Mr. J.H.M. Zwinkels - Attorney General
Mr. B. Vocking - Deputy Director, Aruba Correctional Institute
Ms. C. van den Berg - Head of the Rehabilitation and Child Welfare Council
Ms. Y. Spellen - Director, Guardianship Board
Mr. J. van de Straten - Head of the National Bureau of Investigations

Zwinkels is back in power as attorney general in 1994

In 1995 Zwinkels is the Prosecutor in Aruba.

1997-1997 - Zwinkels left after a 2 yr battle with the Aruban gov't (they accused him of stealing drug money)

July of 1998 he has his Attorney General job back 07-07-98

June 26th, 2005 at 3:30 pm
his lordship did not bring the key for the Arawaks
"they were stymied by misinformation and false leads planted by the corrupt authorities. Why was Natalee never found? The searchers were directed to all the wrong places!

(more on this later)

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: billb's daughter on December 14, 2008, 03:00:49 AM
Over time, I have thought Jan vds, Obuder, rudy, vocking could all be dirty hand, but from Kermit's recent post, is he saying Zwinkels? he is in power, then busted, then back in power....posner saves aruba in the 80's 90's, and all the time Zwinkels comes in and out smelling like a rose. Is zwinkels the front man for posner? Is zwinkels Dirty Hand?

Paulus van der Sloot
Jan van der Straaten

Zaandam keeps on saying in his book, two days after 5/29, the body of Natalee H. may have already been foundand Cvp [police commissioner] looked the other way to do a favour for Paul vd Sloot (ex of chief staff of Cabinet PG [prosecutor general] J. Zwinkels).
Posted by Getagrip at 9/19/2005 12:18:00 PM

Remember ZWINKELS:

Paulus buddy from the old Tilburg days is the Prime Minister - Oduber 1991

and ZWINKELS WAS ATTORNEY GENERAL IN 1991 (we also know that this zwinkels guy was involved in mafia money too and that is why he was forced to resign for a period of time -

All the main players knew each other during his time in office
Governmental authorities
Mr. J.H.M. Zwinkels - Attorney General
Mr. B. Vocking - Deputy Director, Aruba Correctional Institute
Ms. C. van den Berg - Head of the Rehabilitation and Child Welfare Council
Ms. Y. Spellen - Director, Guardianship Board
Mr. J. van de Straten - Head of the National Bureau of Investigations

Zwinkels is back in power as attorney general in 1994

In 1995 Zwinkels is the Prosecutor in Aruba.

1997-1997 - Zwinkels left after a 2 yr battle with the Aruban gov't (they accused him of stealing drug money)

July of 1998 he has his Attorney General job back 07-07-98

June 26th, 2005 at 3:30 pm
his lordship did not bring the key for the Arawaks
"they were stymied by misinformation and false leads planted by the corrupt authorities. Why was Natalee never found? The searchers were directed to all the wrong places!

(more on this later)

Do we know who directed the searchers billb???I believe there is someone hiding in plain site that hold's the key.JMOO
Keepthefaith...Good question...No, I don't know who directed the searches...I assumed KJ as prosecutor was responsible and directed the searches....but some one else may have. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 03:02:09 AM
I always thought Dompig directed the searches?????????????

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 14, 2008, 03:02:30 AM
Over time, I have thought Jan vds, Oduber, rudy, vocking could all be dirty hand, but from Kermit's recent post, is he saying Zwinkels? he is in power, then busted, then back in power....posner saves aruba in the 80's 90's, and all the time Zwinkels comes in and out smelling like a rose. Is zwinkels the front man for posner? Is zwinkels Dirty Hand?
This is Kermit's post what to get it right.....

Paulus van der Sloot
Jan van der Straaten

Zaandam keeps on saying in his book, two days after 5/29, the body of Natalee H. may have already been foundand Cvp [police commissioner] looked the other way to do a favour for Paul vd Sloot (ex of chief staff of Cabinet PG [prosecutor general] J. Zwinkels).
Posted by Getagrip at 9/19/2005 12:18:00 PM

Remember ZWINKELS:

Paulus buddy from the old Tilburg days is the Prime Minister - Oduber 1991

and ZWINKELS WAS ATTORNEY GENERAL IN 1991 (we also know that this zwinkels guy was involved in mafia money too and that is why he was forced to resign for a period of time -

All the main players knew each other during his time in office
Governmental authorities
Mr. J.H.M. Zwinkels - Attorney General
Mr. B. Vocking - Deputy Director, Aruba Correctional Institute
Ms. C. van den Berg - Head of the Rehabilitation and Child Welfare Council
Ms. Y. Spellen - Director, Guardianship Board
Mr. J. van de Straten - Head of the National Bureau of Investigations

Zwinkels is back in power as attorney general in 1994

In 1995 Zwinkels is the Prosecutor in Aruba.

1997-1997 - Zwinkels left after a 2 yr battle with the Aruban gov't (they accused him of stealing drug money)

July of 1998 he has his Attorney General job back 07-07-98

June 26th, 2005 at 3:30 pm
his lordship did not bring the key for the Arawaks
"they were stymied by misinformation and false leads planted by the corrupt authorities. Why was Natalee never found? The searchers were directed to all the wrong places!

(more on this later)

I read Kermit's posts.So Zwinkels is still a person of great power in Aruban circles?Is he still on the island??

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 14, 2008, 03:04:36 AM
I always thought Dompig directed the searches?????????????
I believe they replaced VDStratten with Dompig for a couple days then VDStratten was brought back on.By whose request.These are probably repetitive questions..Sorry..

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: billb's daughter on December 14, 2008, 03:06:14 AM
I read Kermit's posts.So Zwinkels is still a person of great power in Aruban circles?Is he still on the island??
Maybe CAPS can answer, or one of our Dutch posters?... Or maybe he is the cover from Holland that Beth and Jug worried about when they said there must be high cover from Holland?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: billb's daughter on December 14, 2008, 03:12:56 AM
I always thought Dompig directed the searches?????????????
I believe they replaced VDStratten with Dompig for a couple days then VDStratten was brought back on.By whose request.These are probably repetitive questions..Sorry..
Jan vds was the lead in the beginning. Then there was a question of his impartiality wrt his close ties to paulass and was pulled off by (?kj's boss or rudy?) but then the police union made a stink and jan vds was back on. Interesting though, when dompig replaced jan vds, the confession came out and one of the suspects (urine, kalpoe?) was leading police to Natalee's body). Next day, when Jan vds was back on the case....there was no confession and no body..

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 03:15:59 AM
If you are into Shango you may see more than just favors for Paulus.  This may go ever further that just Poppa Sloot.

Shango Says: June 26th, 2005 at 9:32 pm
His lordship is there to preserve babylon
not the elder
remember dirtyhand!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: billb's daughter on December 14, 2008, 03:27:29 AM
If you are into Shango you may see more than just favors for Paulus.  This may go ever further that just Poppa Sloot.

Shango Says: June 26th, 2005 at 9:32 pm
His lordship is there to preserve babylon
not the elder
remember dirtyhand!

I have never visited the Shango/Simian threads......but early on before the threads were started, I'd read them here and still feel there was truth in some of the original posts.....
Fast forwarding to today and Kermits post, I could think the shango post above could mean:
His lordship (posner) is there to preserve babylon aruba underworld
not the elder paulass
remember dirtyhand! (Zwinkels)
by preserving Babylon, paulass and urine would be under the umbrella of protection by posner...
if this is anywhere close to the truth, then whatever happened to Natalee must be viewed by those covering this up as too violent for disclosure......

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 03:34:46 AM
If you are into Shango you may see more than just favors for Paulus.  This may go ever further that just Poppa Sloot.

Shango Says: June 26th, 2005 at 9:32 pm
His lordship is there to preserve babylon
not the elder
remember dirtyhand!

I have never visited the Shango/Simian threads......but early on before the threads were started, I'd read them here and still feel there was truth in some of the original posts.....
Fast forwarding to today and Kermits post, I could think the shango post above could mean:
His lordship (posner) is there to preserve babylon aruba underworld
not the elder paulass
remember dirtyhand! (Zwinkels)
by preserving Babylon, paulass and urine would be under the umbrella of protection by posner...
if this is anywhere close to the truth, then whatever happened to Natalee must be viewed by those covering this up as too violent for disclosure......

Not too far fetched.  You could be right.  I guess the key to many of the Shango posts would require the correct definition of Babylon.  What are they really trying to preserve? 

(I still have to go with Van Der Straaten as Dirty Hand.  I'm not sure Zwinkel had the degree of authority as Shango implies.  Not the Zwinkel isn't a player in this whole thing...somewhere down the line.)

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: billb's daughter on December 14, 2008, 03:35:14 AM
If you are into Shango you may see more than just favors for Paulus.  This may go ever further that just Poppa Sloot.

Shango Says: June 26th, 2005 at 9:32 pm
His lordship is there to preserve babylon
not the elder
remember dirtyhand!

I have never visited the Shango/Simian threads......but early on before the threads were started, I'd read them here and still feel there was truth in some of the original posts.....
Fast forwarding to today and Kermits post, I could think the shango post above could mean:
His lordship (posner) is there to preserve babylon aruba underworld
not the elder paulass
remember dirtyhand! (Zwinkels)
by preserving Babylon, paulass and urine would be under the umbrella of protection by posner...
if this is anywhere close to the truth, then whatever happened to Natalee must be viewed by those covering this up as too violent for disclosure......
I also think CAPS has implied that Natalee was caught up in a drug deal gone bad (wrong place, wrong time - still, violent death caused by jdvs and pimps) and the events surrounding her death can't be exposed without exposing aruba's underbelly....if exposed, aruban tourism would suffer even further loses....

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 03:40:55 AM
If you are into Shango you may see more than just favors for Paulus.  This may go ever further that just Poppa Sloot.

Shango Says: June 26th, 2005 at 9:32 pm
His lordship is there to preserve babylon
not the elder
remember dirtyhand!

I have never visited the Shango/Simian threads......but early on before the threads were started, I'd read them here and still feel there was truth in some of the original posts.....
Fast forwarding to today and Kermits post, I could think the shango post above could mean:
His lordship (posner) is there to preserve babylon aruba underworld
not the elder paulass
remember dirtyhand! (Zwinkels)
by preserving Babylon, paulass and urine would be under the umbrella of protection by posner...
if this is anywhere close to the truth, then whatever happened to Natalee must be viewed by those covering this up as too violent for disclosure......
I also think CAPS has implied that Natalee was caught up in a drug deal gone bad (wrong place, wrong time - still, violent death caused by jdvs and pimps) and the events surrounding her death can't be exposed without exposing aruba's underbelly....if exposed, aruban tourism would suffer even further loses....

Okay...I can buy into the exposure of what really happened to Natalee issue for Aruba.  But, in this day in age would a drug deal really be that unusual?  There are drug deals going on everywhere, not just Aruba. Many people that have been there know that drugs are plentiful.  While Aruba may be 'embarassed' by something like that would it really be the 'end of tourism'?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: caesu on December 14, 2008, 03:41:10 AM

I read Kermit's posts.So Zwinkels is still a person of great power in Aruban circles?Is he still on the island??

after leaving as Aruba as PG:

1st March 1997  procureur-general in Leeuwarden.
18th January 1999 Judge Higher Court Leewarden
currently: Judge Higher Court Arnhem Z (random case, scroll down for his name - raadsheer = judge higher court)

i haven't found any direct connection Zwinkels <> van der Sloot

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 14, 2008, 03:43:46 AM
If you are into Shango you may see more than just favors for Paulus.  This may go ever further that just Poppa Sloot.

Shango Says: June 26th, 2005 at 9:32 pm
His lordship is there to preserve babylon
not the elder
remember dirtyhand!

I have never visited the Shango/Simian threads......but early on before the threads were started, I'd read them here and still feel there was truth in some of the original posts.....
Fast forwarding to today and Kermits post, I could think the shango post above could mean:
His lordship (posner) is there to preserve babylon aruba underworld
not the elder paulass
remember dirtyhand! (Zwinkels)
by preserving Babylon, paulass and urine would be under the umbrella of protection by posner...
if this is anywhere close to the truth, then whatever happened to Natalee must be viewed by those covering this up as too violent for disclosure......
I also think CAPS has implied that Natalee was caught up in a drug deal gone bad (wrong place, wrong time - still, violent death caused by jdvs and pimps) and the events surrounding her death can't be exposed without exposing aruba's underbelly....if exposed, aruban tourism would suffer even further loses....

Zwinkels has his fingers in a lot.This article as well states that nothing happens in Aruba without the Mansur's knowing.What role do they play??Just questions.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 03:44:46 AM

I read Kermit's posts.So Zwinkels is still a person of great power in Aruban circles?Is he still on the island??

after leaving as Aruba as PG:

1st March 1997  procureur-general in Leeuwarden.
18th January 1999 Judge Higher Court Leewarden
currently: Judge Higher Court Arnhem Z (random case, scroll down for his name - raadsheer = judge higher court)

i haven't found any direct connection Zwinkels <> van der Sloot

Isn't Arnhem where the Van Der Sloots are from and also where Joran went when he got ou of jail and left Aruba?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 14, 2008, 03:45:36 AM

I read Kermit's posts.So Zwinkels is still a person of great power in Aruban circles?Is he still on the island??

after leaving as Aruba as PG:

1st March 1997  procureur-general in Leeuwarden.
18th January 1999 Judge Higher Court Leewarden
currently: Judge Higher Court Arnhem Z (random case, scroll down for his name - raadsheer = judge higher court)

i haven't found any direct connection Zwinkels <> van der Sloot

Maybe you can give us more insight to this article caesu.From your standpoint.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 03:46:55 AM

Zwinkels has his fingers in a lot.This article as well states that nothing happens in Aruba without the Mansur's knowing.What role do they play??Just questions.

Good questions.  I have always been a bit conflicted about the Mansurs in this case.  Jossy really seems to want to help, but they de appear to be power players on the island.  Seems they would be able to 'get the scoop' from someone.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: billb's daughter on December 14, 2008, 03:48:28 AM
If you are into Shango you may see more than just favors for Paulus.  This may go ever further that just Poppa Sloot.

Shango Says: June 26th, 2005 at 9:32 pm
His lordship is there to preserve babylon
not the elder
remember dirtyhand!

I have never visited the Shango/Simian threads......but early on before the threads were started, I'd read them here and still feel there was truth in some of the original posts.....
Fast forwarding to today and Kermits post, I could think the shango post above could mean:
His lordship (posner) is there to preserve babylon aruba underworld
not the elder paulass
remember dirtyhand! (Zwinkels)
by preserving Babylon, paulass and urine would be under the umbrella of protection by posner...
if this is anywhere close to the truth, then whatever happened to Natalee must be viewed by those covering this up as too violent for disclosure......
I also think CAPS has implied that Natalee was caught up in a drug deal gone bad (wrong place, wrong time - still, violent death caused by jdvs and pimps) and the events surrounding her death can't be exposed without exposing aruba's underbelly....if exposed, aruban tourism would suffer even further loses....

Okay...I can buy into the exposure of what really happened to Natalee issue for Aruba.  But, in this day in age would a drug deal really be that unusual?  There are drug deals going on everywhere, not just Aruba. Many people that have been there know that drugs are plentiful.  While Aruba may be 'embarassed' by something like that would it really be the 'end of tourism'?
I know it may seem far-fetched...just throwing it out there as I think CAPS referred to it at one time.
With Natalee disappearance coupled with drug activity...those who covered this up just wanted everything to go away, and in that sense Natalee became a casualty of the situation....

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 03:53:49 AM
I know it may seem far-fetched...just throwing it out there as I think CAPS referred to it at one time.
With Natalee disappearance coupled with drug activity...those who covered this up just wanted everything to go away, and in that sense Natalee became a casualty of the situation....

Well, until the truth is revealed...nothing is too far fetched!   ::MonkeyCool::

I was just thinking (typing) out loud.  I didn't mean to totally discount that at all.  All options are still on the table.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 03:57:41 AM
I gotta give it up for tonight.  Hope to see ya back at it tomorrow!   ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 14, 2008, 03:59:09 AM
I gotta give it up for tonight.  Hope to see ya back at it tomorrow!   ::MonkeyCool::

Thanx Truthseeker.Till tomorrow...

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: billb's daughter on December 14, 2008, 04:02:46 AM
I know it may seem far-fetched...just throwing it out there as I think CAPS referred to it at one time.
With Natalee disappearance coupled with drug activity...those who covered this up just wanted everything to go away, and in that sense Natalee became a casualty of the situation....

Well, until the truth is revealed...nothing is too far fetched!   ::MonkeyCool::

I was just thinking (typing) out loud.  I didn't mean to totally discount that at all.  All options are still on the table.
No offense taken Truthseeker2...we are all here for is good that we can all be sounding boards for each other, and I'm always amazed when comments may nudge Monkey investigators on that may contribute to finding Justice for Natalee...I always believe the cup is half full, and the truth will be revealed.....

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: caesu on December 14, 2008, 04:03:28 AM

I read Kermit's posts.So Zwinkels is still a person of great power in Aruban circles?Is he still on the island??

after leaving as Aruba as PG:

1st March 1997  procureur-general in Leeuwarden.
18th January 1999 Judge Higher Court Leewarden
currently: Judge Higher Court Arnhem Z (random case, scroll down for his name - raadsheer = judge higher court)

i haven't found any direct connection Zwinkels <> van der Sloot

Isn't Arnhem where the Van Der Sloots are from and also where Joran went when he got ou of jail and left Aruba?

yes it is. but there are only 5 higher courts in The Netherlands.
one higher court covers a large part of the country.

i do find Zwinkels interesting. because he was PG of Aruba during and after the IRT-affair.
Aruba had his own Cargo-affair.
in short it is police officers getting rich of under cover drug-smuggling operation.
instead of cathing the drug-smuggers they stayed longer undercover then needed - to get rich of it.
there is tons of information about this.
with conspiracy theories going as high up as possible - and if you really get into it, it goes back to colonial crimes by Dutch military in Indonesia.

but i haven't found a link between Zwinkels and Van der Sloot.
however the Cargo-affair is linked to Henny Eman and Watty Vos (AVP Government in middle 90s).
in fact it is suggested that the Cargo-affair was used by Eman / Vos to get rid of Zwinkels.
also links to Hendrik Croes, brother of Rudy Croes and former Justice Minister (early 90s).
but it gets very shady around all that. most of it is in the Groene Amsterdammer articles.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: billb's daughter on December 14, 2008, 04:04:19 AM
Good night all: caesu, Keepthefaith, truthseeker2, johan555 and 3 Guests are viewing this topic.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 14, 2008, 04:09:28 AM
Good night all: caesu, Keepthefaith, truthseeker2, johan555 and 3 Guests are viewing this topic.

Goodnight Billb... ::MonkeyDance::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: johan555 on December 14, 2008, 04:32:27 AM

ORANGE CITY (25-08-06) 

The Netherlands will soon send agents at his own expense to the disappearance of Natalee Holloway to investigate. The National Police Services in the Netherlands (KLPD) at the request of Justice Minister Rudy Croes (MEP), Aruba helping with the case of American teen. Croes has also asked Interpol the file from end to end, said Amigoe.

More than a year ago Holloway disappeared during a school trip. All that time is working on the case, without a trace of the girl is found. A week ago, Minister Croes sent a letter to The Hague with a request for help. He hopes that with police assistance from the Netherlands there is a quicker solution to the unsolved mystery. "Aruba is alive along with the parents and close family, despite the negative campaign against the island is implemented," Croes writes in the letter.


The request was made to Minister Johan Remkes (VVD) of Home Affairs and the Minister for Overseas Territories, Atzo Nicolaï (VVD). The Force will be in response to request the full charge of the investigation given. Police officers of the Dutch corps are also on special order to investigate the matter. The Netherlands will also pay the costs that are involved with the commitment and the residence of these agents in Aruba. Furthermore they get here the decision on a location from which they can work on the case. The police may carry a weapon and use it, and get detection power. Also, they provide the relevant information from the file-Holloway and gives them access to all information systems.

The letter promises that the Dutch Minister Croes agents receive the full cooperation of the (search) authorities and the Board. The letter indicates that Croes also has made a formal request to Interpol for the dossier on the roughness by lights. "At the request of the Attorney-General seeks Interpol now has not by the FBI (U.S. Federal police, ed) released data in the case to get the top table," the minister writes in the letter.

The Public Prosecutor (OM) acknowledge to be aware of the request, but stressed that it does not come from Attorney General Theresa Croes-Fernandes Pedra, but of the Minister of Justice itself. Interpol in July he would have asked for help when he visited the headquarters of the international police organization in the French city of Lyon.

The OM is also aware of cooperation between forces from the Netherlands and Aruba and police reports that this level is regulated and there is no request from the PPS is done. "The criminal investigation into the Holloway case is still open. If the Dutch police can offer assistance, they are certainly welcome, "says officer Mariaine Croes. (Source Amigoe)

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 14, 2008, 07:33:29 AM
Paulus van der Sloot
Jan van der Straaten

Zaandam keeps on saying in his book, two days after 5/29, the body of Natalee H. may have already been foundand Cvp [police commissioner] looked the other way to do a favour for Paul vd Sloot (ex of chief staff of Cabinet PG [prosecutor general] J. Zwinkels).
Posted by Getagrip at 9/19/2005 12:18:00 PM

Remember ZWINKELS:

Paulus buddy from the old Tilburg days is the Prime Minister - Oduber 1991

and ZWINKELS WAS ATTORNEY GENERAL IN 1991 (we also know that this zwinkels guy was involved in mafia money too and that is why he was forced to resign for a period of time -

All the main players knew each other during his time in office
Governmental authorities
Mr. J.H.M. Zwinkels - Attorney General
Mr. B. Vocking - Deputy Director, Aruba Correctional Institute
Ms. C. van den Berg - Head of the Rehabilitation and Child Welfare Council
Ms. Y. Spellen - Director, Guardianship Board
Mr. J. van de Straten - Head of the National Bureau of Investigations

Zwinkels is back in power as attorney general in 1994

In 1995 Zwinkels is the Prosecutor in Aruba.

1997-1997 - Zwinkels left after a 2 yr battle with the Aruban gov't (they accused him of stealing drug money)

July of 1998 he has his Attorney General job back 07-07-98

June 26th, 2005 at 3:30 pm
his lordship did not bring the key for the Arawaks
"they were stymied by misinformation and false leads planted by the corrupt authorities. Why was Natalee never found? The searchers were directed to all the wrong places!

(more on this later)


PG Aruba

J. H. M. Zwinkels 1994 - 1997/03/01
W.R. Rosingh 1997/03/01 - 2003/02/01 until 2003/01/01 Chief of Cabinet P.A.P.J. van der Sloot
T.D. Croes-Fernandes Pedra 2003/02/01 - pension dispute

caretaker PG:
Nico Jörg 2007/06/23 - 2008/06/23
R.F. Pietersz 2008/06/23 - 2008/12/23 (might get extended by another 6 months)

earlier i wrote that van der Sloot was Chief of Cabinet under Croes-Fernandes, this was an error.

Thanks caesu...
This is what I was looking for yesterday when I asked about Zwinkels.

From memory of previous discussions and checking on Paulus, he took the job as Lands Advokaat with the Aruban Goverment for 5 years. This takes us to 1994/1995.

The government then wanted him to do only contracts. He took another job.

We find that when Remkes nominated him to be a Judge in Training he was Private Secretry to the Procurer-General.

Is this the job he took in 1994/1995?

Is so...He worked for Zwinkels...I think??

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Buckeye on December 14, 2008, 08:09:08 AM
Doesn't Zaandam's quote say Paulus was Chief of Staff under Zwinkles?

Nixon died in 1994.

Randy Habibe and Jossy Arends were indicted (but not extradited) in 1993 for The LaCosta Cartel scandal.

Clinton starts crackdown on illicit drug trade 1996.

If everything was simple...Joran was in big trouble...Paulus very well could have asked connected people for help.  None of them would have wanted the FBI open door policy. 

The mob can leave "suicides" with hands in the pocket, as a message....or when they just want something to disappear...cement shoes.

In this case, maybe they placed Natalee in the large cage and then pushed it off one of their boats/ships. (which is the way Kyle described the finding).

Their problem is not Natalee's demise but the actual removal...a simple favor run amuck..


Natalee was targeted and there is a lot of seedy old men...and some prune faced women involved.


IIRC  Paulus asked for review of the dossier.  When KJ replied to the request, she said no because you are not a suspect, so you are not entitled to view the dossier.  Paulus then used that letter to get his law license.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Blonde on December 14, 2008, 08:11:17 AM
this video has been removed  due to terms of use violation ?

Deep Water Search for Natalee Holloway

Louis Shaffer is paying for and leading the deep water search for Natalee Holloway off the coast of Aruba. Estimated cost for the boat, crew and equipment if $1 million. Dave Holloway has decided to stay in the USA during the deep water search for his daughter as he doesn't want to be present when her body is found. A big thank you to Louis Shaffer for assisting the Holloway and Twitty families.

Read More about all the wonderful people assisting in the search for Natalee Holloway.

If Aruba doesn't think the eyes of the American nation are upon them, they need to read this:
"Nothing is being done to gain name recognition. This is to help these people," Silvetti said. "Most of us have watched this on television, and I can only imagine the horror any parent would go through searching for their child in a foreign country."
Especially when you see the foreign country doing everything they possibly can to allow the guilty to escape justice.

What video has been removed this one?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Blonde on December 14, 2008, 08:15:20 AM
Scared Monkey
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Re: Natalee Case Discussion #784 12/8/08 -
« Reply #941 on: Today at 07:45:51 AM »


Clinton at podium at President Richard Nixon's funeral. I am standing to the left

Billy Graham at RN funeral. I'm to the left

Military Honor Guards take the casket to the buriel plot. The family followed.
21 gun salute and then a military fly by on a dark cloudy day. It was impressive.

Yes I do see you. ::MonkeyWink::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: johan555 on December 14, 2008, 08:36:55 AM
this video has been removed  due to terms of use violation ?

Deep Water Search for Natalee Holloway

Louis Shaffer is paying for and leading the deep water search for Natalee Holloway off the coast of Aruba. Estimated cost for the boat, crew and equipment if $1 million. Dave Holloway has decided to stay in the USA during the deep water search for his daughter as he doesn't want to be present when her body is found. A big thank you to Louis Shaffer for assisting the Holloway and Twitty families.

Read More about all the wonderful people assisting in the search for Natalee Holloway.

If Aruba doesn't think the eyes of the American nation are upon them, they need to read this:
"Nothing is being done to gain name recognition. This is to help these people," Silvetti said. "Most of us have watched this on television, and I can only imagine the horror any parent would go through searching for their child in a foreign country."
Especially when you see the foreign country doing everything they possibly can to allow the guilty to escape justice.

What video has been removed this one?

i don't know i think another one

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Buckeye on December 14, 2008, 08:42:44 AM
Was trying to read up on Zwinkels.  One thing interesting...during the crack down on drugs, in the early 90s, it was said that Dutch lawyers flocked to the island (in 1992).  Makes me wonder about Paulus's whole purpose in going to Aruba.  Maybe his whole intent was to work for and defend the connected.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Pita on December 14, 2008, 08:54:44 AM
Over time, I have thought Jan vds, Oduber, rudy, vocking could all be dirty hand, but from Kermit's recent post, is he saying Zwinkels? he is in power, then busted, then back in power....posner saves aruba in the 80's 90's, and all the time Zwinkels comes in and out smelling like a rose. Is zwinkels the front man for posner? Is zwinkels Dirty Hand?
This is Kermit's post what to get it right.....

Paulus van der Sloot
Jan van der Straaten

Zaandam keeps on saying in his book, two days after 5/29, the body of Natalee H. may have already been foundand Cvp [police commissioner] looked the other way to do a favour for Paul vd Sloot (ex of chief staff of Cabinet PG [prosecutor general] J. Zwinkels).
Posted by Getagrip at 9/19/2005 12:18:00 PM

Remember ZWINKELS:

Paulus buddy from the old Tilburg days is the Prime Minister - Oduber 1991

and ZWINKELS WAS ATTORNEY GENERAL IN 1991 (we also know that this zwinkels guy was involved in mafia money too and that is why he was forced to resign for a period of time -

All the main players knew each other during his time in office
Governmental authorities
Mr. J.H.M. Zwinkels - Attorney General
Mr. B. Vocking - Deputy Director, Aruba Correctional Institute
Ms. C. van den Berg - Head of the Rehabilitation and Child Welfare Council
Ms. Y. Spellen - Director, Guardianship Board
Mr. J. van de Straten - Head of the National Bureau of Investigations

Zwinkels is back in power as attorney general in 1994

In 1995 Zwinkels is the Prosecutor in Aruba.

1997-1997 - Zwinkels left after a 2 yr battle with the Aruban gov't (they accused him of stealing drug money)

July of 1998 he has his Attorney General job back 07-07-98

June 26th, 2005 at 3:30 pm
his lordship did not bring the key for the Arawaks
"they were stymied by misinformation and false leads planted by the corrupt authorities. Why was Natalee never found? The searchers were directed to all the wrong places!

(more on this later)

I read Kermit's posts.So Zwinkels is still a person of great power in Aruban circles?Is he still on the island??

I don't know if this is any relation to Zwinkels, but there is a Helena Zwinkels residing in Aruba according to the white pages.

Zwinkels Helena M     
San Barbola 78

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 14, 2008, 09:00:01 AM
Was trying to read up on Zwinkels.  One thing interesting...during the crack down on drugs, in the early 90s, it was said that Dutch lawyers flocked to the island (in 1992).  Makes me wonder about Paulus's whole purpose in going to Aruba.  Maybe his whole intent was to work for and defend the connected.

Hi Buckeye...I have been trying for ages to look at Zwinkels...same old is so time consuming to trnslte from Dutch to English.

This one is about the Cargo affair and 2 cops are mentioned.

In the Netherlands was particularly super-prosecutor A. Docters van Leeuwen die in grote woede ontstak over de indiscrete rapportages van de Arubaanse politie. Docters van Leeuwen in great anger about the indiscreet ontstak reports of the Aruban police. Rasmijn en Zaandam moesten weg. Rasmijn and Zaandam had gone. De commissie-De Ruiter drong in zijn rapport ook aan op ontslag voor de beide politieagenten. The committee-The Horseman in his report also called for dismissal of the two policemen. Maar daar wil Aruba niet aan, blijkt uit een gesprek dat De Groene Amsterdammer een dag na de ondertekening van het rijksbesluit met Eman voerde in zijn Haagse hotel. But that does not want to Aruba, an interview that De Groene Amsterdammer a day after the signing of the empire act by Eman Hague claimed in his hotel.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 14, 2008, 09:12:30 AM

Google translation:


The affair aruba

What did the Amsterdam police in Aruba to search? And why de Ruiter Job wants the entire police and juistitietop replaced on that island? The IRT affair gets a Caribbean tail TO SHORT saw the radiant future for mr JHM Zwinkels. The Attorney-General of Aruba, until September 1991, subordinate to RA Gonsalves at the court in 's-Hertogenbosch, stood in his new work at the head of an ever-expanding further device. Money played no role in the fight against crime in the overseas territory.

BY Rene Zwaap

Since the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) in late eighties to Aruba Winds Down hotbed of international drug mafia uitriep and the motherland's insistence on strong action, the sky was the limit. There was a lemming-like flow of Dutch lawyers toward the small subtropical tourist paradise in motion, with some divisions in the wake of the Royal Navy, undercover agents of the Inter-Regional Rechercheteam (IRT) Melbourne-Sydney, infiltrators from the DEA and U.S. Customs officers.
Soon, the local Public Ministry proportionately three times as large as that of colleagues in Den Haag. It was also the island with a joyful own telefoontap central to the successful recipe of the donor country, where the central interception by the police and justice now houses an equally enjoy high popularity as before Honecker in East Germany or Richard Nixon White House. At a rustic coral reefs point to the Aruban verres the imposing villa of Mr. Zwinkels, as a symbol for the high expectations that he must have had about the new phase of his career had ended up.
On Monday, the idyll under the azure sky of Aruba shattered. Via De Telegraaf leaked a draft of the report of a rich committee headed by former Minister of Justice and Defense Job from the Horseman. In its advice to Voorhoeve of Aruban Affairs Minister De Ruiter suggests a genuine bureaucratic Bartholomew Eight with regard to the entire judiciary and police of the small island. The two police commisarissen of Orange City, Arie Rasmijn and Stanley Zaandam, according to The Horseman because of "unacceptable behavior" from the avenue be sent.
They should be replaced by J. the point, now head of the National Police. That aspect of The Rider Zwinkels reporting should have done. Rasmijn and Zaandam were grown in a short time to his arch-enemies, which so on. The report, De Ruiter also insists on the departure of another tormentor of Zwinkels, the Aruban Minister of Justice Watty Vos, who is responsible for the governance crisis in which draconian law enforcement on the island is immersed.
The bad news is that Zwinkels for his own position will be sacrificed if the opinion of De Ruiter is fully implemented. Zwinkels possible dismissal should be regarded as a peace offering from Den Haag, chief prosecutor in this case A. Docters van Leeuwen and Minister Sorgdrager. They are prepared their man on the bonds to Aruba if that frees them from the very dissident police on the island. According to De Ruiter investments Zwinkels line will not be replaced. His office fell. Instead, there would be a super prosecutor be appointed for both the Antilles as Aruba.
FOR THIS 'clean' in the proper perspective to see, it is necessary to return to February this year. When seized by the De Ruiter now so in the regular verdomhoekje Aruban police chiefs to the Rasmijn and Zaandam typmachine to draw up a report that grew into a bomb under the feet of not only Zwinkels, but also the Amsterdam police leadership, the Domestic Security Service, the Central Forensic Information Service (CRI), the Royal Navy, the DEA, the Hague Public Ministry and the various political leaders in the mainland.
"Already in the year 1995, your government on several occasions whether or not the intervention of the Minister of Justice Mr EJ Vos told us at least to address concerns of the Attorney-General Mr. JHM Zwinkels and Chief Prosecutor of the public prosecutor's Ministry Aruba mr JJ Van Eck, "Sun began reporting the Aruban politieduo to their ministers and Vos JHA Eman of General Affairs. Rasmijn Zaandam and made mention of "very bad things" would be concerned with Zwinkels. On the basis of reports from various police inspectors were Rasmijn Aruba and Zaandam with three major allegations against Zwinkels. The first case concerned a piece of the so-called "controlled by transit 'of 1000 pounds of marijuana from Aruba, for the benefit of the infiltration of a Colombian drug syndicate. Through straw men of the Justice Party would weed in Aruba offered to the Colombians, who then would ship to Canada.
The operation started in 1992 and was coordinated by Zwinkels. Justice would receive one million guilders for the party. Half of it, is informed Zwinkels to co Rasmijn would with the consent of Minister of Justice Vos in an account of the Aruban government be paid, so good for the island to make. However, it was not until 1994, just after the end of 1993 in the Netherlands IRT crisis had broken out, an amount received, namely 900,000 guilders. Zaandam in the Rasmijn and their report: "By Zwinkels prosecutor was determined that the controlled drug delivery and payment would not be writing; that of the amount collected 360,000, - for expenses incurred to the Dutch police would be paid, whereas the remaining amount Netherlands in his (Zwinkels - RZ) persoonijke bank would be paid that amount on his behalf by the intervention of staff of the CRI-Netherlands would be transferred to a secret account in England. Agents eventually would like to recover the amount one and only Mr. Zwinkels Commissioner Karsten of the Netherlands-CRI act. "
In December 1995 the Aruban government had still received no money from the deal. However, it was already half the proceeds - nearly half million - disappeared into the pockets of the two criminal infiltrators who had served Zwinkels. Chief to complain about the Rasmijn accused by Zwinkels. This gave him to understand that this is a complicated matter, which relates to the Netherlands playing IRT affair, thus requiring the futures Aruba party now would be difficult. "
That same month will Rasmijn turned to his Minister of Justice Vos. This Zwinkels denied anything ever having heard about the transaction. Vos was offended. "Only the fact that the Attorney-General (Zwinkels - RZ) did not consider it necessary to explain this to me, he is charged as such," the minister did know. Later accused the Aruban police Zwinkels 60,000 guilders to have them removed from the drug capital, which he set in its own ABN-Amro Taking would HEBEN parked.
ALSO THE SECOND the Rasmijn case and Zaandam wraakten in their report, was linked to the IRT-drama. The Aruban police noted in 1995 that some undercover agents of the Dutch police, or the BVD and the CRI, regular sums of money donated to the resident in Aruba wife of the arrested drug dealer Jack S.. The local police were completely surprised when it emerged that S., who was considered in a Dutch prison to stay at the end of 1995 suddenly appeared again in Aruba. He was sent on leave. And Zaandam will Rasmijn amazed that they are not by the Dutch Justice were informed that S. would come to Aruba.
Even greater was their surprise when they heard that the special leave for S. an action was Zwinkels. The latter gave the police chiefs over his right to mean that Van Eck S. 'is free to go and go where he wants. " And Zaandam will Rasmijn could not avoid the impression that the release of S. was exposed to the weed party for the Colombians. They felt deeply excluded.
That feeling was very strong around Christmas 1995 when they were suddenly faced with an order of Zwinkels and Van Eck that the Aruban police no activity on the day could explain for the benefit of the arrest of two drug dealers identified. Any form of action in that direction would be regarded as insubordination.
Instead, the Amsterdam police skilful leadership twenty heads a strong team from arrest to Aruba. Meanwhile, the Aruban police forbade Zwinkels also to any witnesses in a major drugs case should be heard, including former Justice Minister Rudy Croes. Van Eck Zwinkels right against Rasmijn and Zaandam: 'Shame on you realize that this witness an ex-Minister of Justice and current statenlid. You do not correspondences witnesses. Keep in mind that he as Minister of Justice could return in the next government. "
SHORT: the conclusion of Zaandam and the Rasmijn that Aruban police was kaltgestellt by Zwinkels, was certainly justified. The fear of Zwinkels to the local police in its investigations into them, their distrust fed right. It certainly appears that a mega-Zwinkels undercover operation of the Amsterdam police tried to keep secret. And that in 1995, two years after the Amsterdam Commissioner Nordholt and the Amsterdam Public Vrakking their loud disapproval had heard about the alleged infiltration method and IRT-Mayor Van Thijn was about to liquidation of the IRT Sydney / Melbourne.
This affair is quite interesting if the persistent rumors from Aruba to believe that some Dutch naval ships made available in guiding the transportation of the weed of the Colombians. That rumor seems to be motivated by the fact that Zwinkels the documents on the undercover operation to be equal to the headquarters of the Navy under Arubau brought on when the local press of the island on the matter began to call.
The Netherlands has a lot to lose in this case. That was the thrust of the letter that the Aruban former Minister of Justice Henry Croes usually very informed circles earlier this month to Prime Minister Cook sent. Croes urged them to absolute discretion in this affair. The report-The Horseman is a first step in that direction. © Rene Zwaap / De Groene Amsterdammer

   # 39 / 1996 | 25-09-1996 | Forward

I think this may be the same article.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 14, 2008, 09:22:21 AM

Google translation:


The affair aruba

What did the Amsterdam police in Aruba to search? And why de Ruiter Job wants the entire police and juistitietop replaced on that island? The IRT affair gets a Caribbean tail TO SHORT saw the radiant future for mr JHM Zwinkels. The Attorney-General of Aruba, until September 1991, subordinate to RA Gonsalves at the court in 's-Hertogenbosch, stood in his new work at the head of an ever-expanding further device. Money played no role in the fight against crime in the overseas territory.

BY Rene Zwaap

Since the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) in late eighties to Aruba Winds Down hotbed of international drug mafia uitriep and the motherland's insistence on strong action, the sky was the limit. There was a lemming-like flow of Dutch lawyers toward the small subtropical tourist paradise in motion, with some divisions in the wake of the Royal Navy, undercover agents of the Inter-Regional Rechercheteam (IRT) Melbourne-Sydney, infiltrators from the DEA and U.S. Customs officers.
Soon, the local Public Ministry proportionately three times as large as that of colleagues in Den Haag. It was also the island with a joyful own telefoontap central to the successful recipe of the donor country, where the central interception by the police and justice now houses an equally enjoy high popularity as before Honecker in East Germany or Richard Nixon White House. At a rustic coral reefs point to the Aruban verres the imposing villa of Mr. Zwinkels, as a symbol for the high expectations that he must have had about the new phase of his career had ended up.
On Monday, the idyll under the azure sky of Aruba shattered. Via De Telegraaf leaked a draft of the report of a rich committee headed by former Minister of Justice and Defense Job from the Horseman. In its advice to Voorhoeve of Aruban Affairs Minister De Ruiter suggests a genuine bureaucratic Bartholomew Eight with regard to the entire judiciary and police of the small island. The two police commisarissen of Orange City, Arie Rasmijn and Stanley Zaandam, according to The Horseman because of "unacceptable behavior" from the avenue be sent.
They should be replaced by J. the point, now head of the National Police. That aspect of The Rider Zwinkels reporting should have done. Rasmijn and Zaandam were grown in a short time to his arch-enemies, which so on. The report, De Ruiter also insists on the departure of another tormentor of Zwinkels, the Aruban Minister of Justice Watty Vos, who is responsible for the governance crisis in which draconian law enforcement on the island is immersed.
The bad news is that Zwinkels for his own position will be sacrificed if the opinion of De Ruiter is fully implemented. Zwinkels possible dismissal should be regarded as a peace offering from Den Haag, chief prosecutor in this case A. Docters van Leeuwen and Minister Sorgdrager. They are prepared their man on the bonds to Aruba if that frees them from the very dissident police on the island. According to De Ruiter investments Zwinkels line will not be replaced. His office fell. Instead, there would be a super prosecutor be appointed for both the Antilles as Aruba.
FOR THIS 'clean' in the proper perspective to see, it is necessary to return to February this year. When seized by the De Ruiter now so in the regular verdomhoekje Aruban police chiefs to the Rasmijn and Zaandam typmachine to draw up a report that grew into a bomb under the feet of not only Zwinkels, but also the Amsterdam police leadership, the Domestic Security Service, the Central Forensic Information Service (CRI), the Royal Navy, the DEA, the Hague Public Ministry and the various political leaders in the mainland.
"Already in the year 1995, your government on several occasions whether or not the intervention of the Minister of Justice Mr EJ Vos told us at least to address concerns of the Attorney-General Mr. JHM Zwinkels and Chief Prosecutor of the public prosecutor's Ministry Aruba mr JJ Van Eck, "Sun began reporting the Aruban politieduo to their ministers and Vos JHA Eman of General Affairs. Rasmijn Zaandam and made mention of "very bad things" would be concerned with Zwinkels. On the basis of reports from various police inspectors were Rasmijn Aruba and Zaandam with three major allegations against Zwinkels. The first case concerned a piece of the so-called "controlled by transit 'of 1000 pounds of marijuana from Aruba, for the benefit of the infiltration of a Colombian drug syndicate. Through straw men of the Justice Party would weed in Aruba offered to the Colombians, who then would ship to Canada.
The operation started in 1992 and was coordinated by Zwinkels. Justice would receive one million guilders for the party. Half of it, is informed Zwinkels to co Rasmijn would with the consent of Minister of Justice Vos in an account of the Aruban government be paid, so good for the island to make. However, it was not until 1994, just after the end of 1993 in the Netherlands IRT crisis had broken out, an amount received, namely 900,000 guilders. Zaandam in the Rasmijn and their report: "By Zwinkels prosecutor was determined that the controlled drug delivery and payment would not be writing; that of the amount collected 360,000, - for expenses incurred to the Dutch police would be paid, whereas the remaining amount Netherlands in his (Zwinkels - RZ) persoonijke bank would be paid that amount on his behalf by the intervention of staff of the CRI-Netherlands would be transferred to a secret account in England. Agents eventually would like to recover the amount one and only Mr. Zwinkels Commissioner Karsten of the Netherlands-CRI act. "
In December 1995 the Aruban government had still received no money from the deal. However, it was already half the proceeds - nearly half million - disappeared into the pockets of the two criminal infiltrators who had served Zwinkels. Chief to complain about the Rasmijn accused by Zwinkels. This gave him to understand that this is a complicated matter, which relates to the Netherlands playing IRT affair, thus requiring the futures Aruba party now would be difficult. "
That same month will Rasmijn turned to his Minister of Justice Vos. This Zwinkels denied anything ever having heard about the transaction. Vos was offended. "Only the fact that the Attorney-General (Zwinkels - RZ) did not consider it necessary to explain this to me, he is charged as such," the minister did know. Later accused the Aruban police Zwinkels 60,000 guilders to have them removed from the drug capital, which he set in its own ABN-Amro Taking would HEBEN parked.
ALSO THE SECOND the Rasmijn case and Zaandam wraakten in their report, was linked to the IRT-drama. The Aruban police noted in 1995 that some undercover agents of the Dutch police, or the BVD and the CRI, regular sums of money donated to the resident in Aruba wife of the arrested drug dealer Jack S.. The local police were completely surprised when it emerged that S., who was considered in a Dutch prison to stay at the end of 1995 suddenly appeared again in Aruba. He was sent on leave. And Zaandam will Rasmijn amazed that they are not by the Dutch Justice were informed that S. would come to Aruba.
Even greater was their surprise when they heard that the special leave for S. an action was Zwinkels. The latter gave the police chiefs over his right to mean that Van Eck S. 'is free to go and go where he wants. " And Zaandam will Rasmijn could not avoid the impression that the release of S. was exposed to the weed party for the Colombians. They felt deeply excluded.
That feeling was very strong around Christmas 1995 when they were suddenly faced with an order of Zwinkels and Van Eck that the Aruban police no activity on the day could explain for the benefit of the arrest of two drug dealers identified. Any form of action in that direction would be regarded as insubordination.
Instead, the Amsterdam police skilful leadership twenty heads a strong team from arrest to Aruba. Meanwhile, the Aruban police forbade Zwinkels also to any witnesses in a major drugs case should be heard, including former Justice Minister Rudy Croes. Van Eck Zwinkels right against Rasmijn and Zaandam: 'Shame on you realize that this witness an ex-Minister of Justice and current statenlid. You do not correspondences witnesses. Keep in mind that he as Minister of Justice could return in the next government. "
SHORT: the conclusion of Zaandam and the Rasmijn that Aruban police was kaltgestellt by Zwinkels, was certainly justified. The fear of Zwinkels to the local police in its investigations into them, their distrust fed right. It certainly appears that a mega-Zwinkels undercover operation of the Amsterdam police tried to keep secret. And that in 1995, two years after the Amsterdam Commissioner Nordholt and the Amsterdam Public Vrakking their loud disapproval had heard about the alleged infiltration method and IRT-Mayor Van Thijn was about to liquidation of the IRT Sydney / Melbourne.
This affair is quite interesting if the persistent rumors from Aruba to believe that some Dutch naval ships made available in guiding the transportation of the weed of the Colombians. That rumor seems to be motivated by the fact that Zwinkels the documents on the undercover operation to be equal to the headquarters of the Navy under Arubau brought on when the local press of the island on the matter began to call.
The Netherlands has a lot to lose in this case. That was the thrust of the letter that the Aruban former Minister of Justice Henry Croes usually very informed circles earlier this month to Prime Minister Cook sent. Croes urged them to absolute discretion in this affair. The report-The Horseman is a first step in that direction. © Rene Zwaap / De Groene Amsterdammer

   # 39 / 1996 | 25-09-1996 | Forward

I think this may be the same article.

Oops...Sorry TM....

Do you know if the Investigation Group in Aruba - the same as the National Bureu of Investion there?  I can place van der Straten there as early as 1994.  TIA

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 14, 2008, 09:27:09 AM
I think we all understand why Kyle(OE) won't come to speak to Kermit or the Monkey's anymore!Thanx for the post's Kermit. ::MonkeyDance::.Is Posner "Dirtyhand"??Do those on the Persistence know who Dirtyhand is?Anyone.Am i way off???

I have always believed that Shango was referring to Jan Van Der Straaten as Dirty Hand based on the confirmations he provided to some posters back during that time.

I may be way off but i try to equate "Dirtyhand" with the Character "Michael Clayton" played by George Clooney in the movie of the same name.He was "The FIXER" for a huge law firm.If you've seen the movie  it is quite interesting.Who besides Van Der Stratten has there Hand in everything on that Island,as well as the power to fix it???Truthseeker??

I think there is more than one Dirty Hand depending on who the source is.  Uncle Jan van der Strattan was definitely a Dirty Hand and that is who the codetalkers seem to describe.  Our friend also told us about Frans Deutekom who we refer to as DTKM.  Supposedly he was sent to keep an eye on everything and clean up after Rudy Croes.  He is referred to as the behavior specialist and he is very powerful behind the scenes.  Posner would certainly be another Dirty Hand because of his mob power.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 14, 2008, 09:30:59 AM

Google translation:


The affair aruba

What did the Amsterdam police in Aruba to search? And why de Ruiter Job wants the entire police and juistitietop replaced on that island? The IRT affair gets a Caribbean tail TO SHORT saw the radiant future for mr JHM Zwinkels. The Attorney-General of Aruba, until September 1991, subordinate to RA Gonsalves at the court in 's-Hertogenbosch, stood in his new work at the head of an ever-expanding further device. Money played no role in the fight against crime in the overseas territory.

BY Rene Zwaap

Since the U.S. Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) in late eighties to Aruba Winds Down hotbed of international drug mafia uitriep and the motherland's insistence on strong action, the sky was the limit. There was a lemming-like flow of Dutch lawyers toward the small subtropical tourist paradise in motion, with some divisions in the wake of the Royal Navy, undercover agents of the Inter-Regional Rechercheteam (IRT) Melbourne-Sydney, infiltrators from the DEA and U.S. Customs officers.
Soon, the local Public Ministry proportionately three times as large as that of colleagues in Den Haag. It was also the island with a joyful own telefoontap central to the successful recipe of the donor country, where the central interception by the police and justice now houses an equally enjoy high popularity as before Honecker in East Germany or Richard Nixon White House. At a rustic coral reefs point to the Aruban verres the imposing villa of Mr. Zwinkels, as a symbol for the high expectations that he must have had about the new phase of his career had ended up.
On Monday, the idyll under the azure sky of Aruba shattered. Via De Telegraaf leaked a draft of the report of a rich committee headed by former Minister of Justice and Defense Job from the Horseman. In its advice to Voorhoeve of Aruban Affairs Minister De Ruiter suggests a genuine bureaucratic Bartholomew Eight with regard to the entire judiciary and police of the small island. The two police commisarissen of Orange City, Arie Rasmijn and Stanley Zaandam, according to The Horseman because of "unacceptable behavior" from the avenue be sent.
They should be replaced by J. the point, now head of the National Police. That aspect of The Rider Zwinkels reporting should have done. Rasmijn and Zaandam were grown in a short time to his arch-enemies, which so on. The report, De Ruiter also insists on the departure of another tormentor of Zwinkels, the Aruban Minister of Justice Watty Vos, who is responsible for the governance crisis in which draconian law enforcement on the island is immersed.
The bad news is that Zwinkels for his own position will be sacrificed if the opinion of De Ruiter is fully implemented. Zwinkels possible dismissal should be regarded as a peace offering from Den Haag, chief prosecutor in this case A. Docters van Leeuwen and Minister Sorgdrager. They are prepared their man on the bonds to Aruba if that frees them from the very dissident police on the island. According to De Ruiter investments Zwinkels line will not be replaced. His office fell. Instead, there would be a super prosecutor be appointed for both the Antilles as Aruba.
FOR THIS 'clean' in the proper perspective to see, it is necessary to return to February this year. When seized by the De Ruiter now so in the regular verdomhoekje Aruban police chiefs to the Rasmijn and Zaandam typmachine to draw up a report that grew into a bomb under the feet of not only Zwinkels, but also the Amsterdam police leadership, the Domestic Security Service, the Central Forensic Information Service (CRI), the Royal Navy, the DEA, the Hague Public Ministry and the various political leaders in the mainland.
"Already in the year 1995, your government on several occasions whether or not the intervention of the Minister of Justice Mr EJ Vos told us at least to address concerns of the Attorney-General Mr. JHM Zwinkels and Chief Prosecutor of the public prosecutor's Ministry Aruba mr JJ Van Eck, "Sun began reporting the Aruban politieduo to their ministers and Vos JHA Eman of General Affairs. Rasmijn Zaandam and made mention of "very bad things" would be concerned with Zwinkels. On the basis of reports from various police inspectors were Rasmijn Aruba and Zaandam with three major allegations against Zwinkels. The first case concerned a piece of the so-called "controlled by transit 'of 1000 pounds of marijuana from Aruba, for the benefit of the infiltration of a Colombian drug syndicate. Through straw men of the Justice Party would weed in Aruba offered to the Colombians, who then would ship to Canada.
The operation started in 1992 and was coordinated by Zwinkels. Justice would receive one million guilders for the party. Half of it, is informed Zwinkels to co Rasmijn would with the consent of Minister of Justice Vos in an account of the Aruban government be paid, so good for the island to make. However, it was not until 1994, just after the end of 1993 in the Netherlands IRT crisis had broken out, an amount received, namely 900,000 guilders. Zaandam in the Rasmijn and their report: "By Zwinkels prosecutor was determined that the controlled drug delivery and payment would not be writing; that of the amount collected 360,000, - for expenses incurred to the Dutch police would be paid, whereas the remaining amount Netherlands in his (Zwinkels - RZ) persoonijke bank would be paid that amount on his behalf by the intervention of staff of the CRI-Netherlands would be transferred to a secret account in England. Agents eventually would like to recover the amount one and only Mr. Zwinkels Commissioner Karsten of the Netherlands-CRI act. "
In December 1995 the Aruban government had still received no money from the deal. However, it was already half the proceeds - nearly half million - disappeared into the pockets of the two criminal infiltrators who had served Zwinkels. Chief to complain about the Rasmijn accused by Zwinkels. This gave him to understand that this is a complicated matter, which relates to the Netherlands playing IRT affair, thus requiring the futures Aruba party now would be difficult. "
That same month will Rasmijn turned to his Minister of Justice Vos. This Zwinkels denied anything ever having heard about the transaction. Vos was offended. "Only the fact that the Attorney-General (Zwinkels - RZ) did not consider it necessary to explain this to me, he is charged as such," the minister did know. Later accused the Aruban police Zwinkels 60,000 guilders to have them removed from the drug capital, which he set in its own ABN-Amro Taking would HEBEN parked.
ALSO THE SECOND the Rasmijn case and Zaandam wraakten in their report, was linked to the IRT-drama. The Aruban police noted in 1995 that some undercover agents of the Dutch police, or the BVD and the CRI, regular sums of money donated to the resident in Aruba wife of the arrested drug dealer Jack S.. The local police were completely surprised when it emerged that S., who was considered in a Dutch prison to stay at the end of 1995 suddenly appeared again in Aruba. He was sent on leave. And Zaandam will Rasmijn amazed that they are not by the Dutch Justice were informed that S. would come to Aruba.
Even greater was their surprise when they heard that the special leave for S. an action was Zwinkels. The latter gave the police chiefs over his right to mean that Van Eck S. 'is free to go and go where he wants. " And Zaandam will Rasmijn could not avoid the impression that the release of S. was exposed to the weed party for the Colombians. They felt deeply excluded.
That feeling was very strong around Christmas 1995 when they were suddenly faced with an order of Zwinkels and Van Eck that the Aruban police no activity on the day could explain for the benefit of the arrest of two drug dealers identified. Any form of action in that direction would be regarded as insubordination.
Instead, the Amsterdam police skilful leadership twenty heads a strong team from arrest to Aruba. Meanwhile, the Aruban police forbade Zwinkels also to any witnesses in a major drugs case should be heard, including former Justice Minister Rudy Croes. Van Eck Zwinkels right against Rasmijn and Zaandam: 'Shame on you realize that this witness an ex-Minister of Justice and current statenlid. You do not correspondences witnesses. Keep in mind that he as Minister of Justice could return in the next government. "
SHORT: the conclusion of Zaandam and the Rasmijn that Aruban police was kaltgestellt by Zwinkels, was certainly justified. The fear of Zwinkels to the local police in its investigations into them, their distrust fed right. It certainly appears that a mega-Zwinkels undercover operation of the Amsterdam police tried to keep secret. And that in 1995, two years after the Amsterdam Commissioner Nordholt and the Amsterdam Public Vrakking their loud disapproval had heard about the alleged infiltration method and IRT-Mayor Van Thijn was about to liquidation of the IRT Sydney / Melbourne.
This affair is quite interesting if the persistent rumors from Aruba to believe that some Dutch naval ships made available in guiding the transportation of the weed of the Colombians. That rumor seems to be motivated by the fact that Zwinkels the documents on the undercover operation to be equal to the headquarters of the Navy under Arubau brought on when the local press of the island on the matter began to call.
The Netherlands has a lot to lose in this case. That was the thrust of the letter that the Aruban former Minister of Justice Henry Croes usually very informed circles earlier this month to Prime Minister Cook sent. Croes urged them to absolute discretion in this affair. The report-The Horseman is a first step in that direction. © Rene Zwaap / De Groene Amsterdammer

   # 39 / 1996 | 25-09-1996 | Forward

I think this may be the same article.

Oops...Sorry TM....

Do you know if the Investigation Group in Aruba - the same as the National Bureu of Investion there?  I can place van der Straten there as early as 1994.  TIA

No problem Mum, just wanted you to have the full translated article if you wanted it.

Yes, I think someone (maybe Caesu) posted that earlier in relation to Van der Straten.  Can't put my finger on it yet, but I believe it is the same position.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: COLOMBO on December 14, 2008, 09:44:15 AM
DirtyHand.....and dirty hand:

Shango Says: June 26th, 2005 at 4:42 pm
Arawaks hold singing card from babylon
There is also a trio. One Babylonian. 2 Shivas.
Arawaks can’t let babylonian Card sing because hand holding (Arawak) it dirty too.

Shango Says: June 26th, 2005 at 10:01 pm
Arawaks often go to play in small houses of Babylon with the offspring of the Elders
game, pg 4:
          pg 7:   excerpt-
"Pipkins entertained members of a municipal police force at his home on at least one occasion,
where they engaged in sexual intercourse with his prostitutes."  (worried about teepees)
.........what did Babalu say!!!???

Babalú Says: June 27th, 2005 at 12:30 am
Concerned: No, I guess he is head of some local official corps. He is the guy that knows everything and that has been in the house of Babylonians NOT seeking pleasure for himself, so Shango says. So maybe he went to search (TO PLAY) for Natalee and he is the chief of Polis. (DirtyHand is the link-holds the real key!)

Shango Says:June 26th, 2005 at 9:19 pm
DirtyHand is not an Arawak (Babylonian)

Shango Says: June 26th, 2005 at 8:25 pm
The Arawaks (dirty hand) want the truth to come out
As long as DirtyHand (the link! he holds the real key) is not found

Shango Says: June 28th, 2005 at 12:23 am
Follow the note$
to the poison house (need key)
where the children of the babylonians (play (game) in the maze)
and the arawak nation (dirty hands)
meet, under cover of delusion. ( trade....dangerous to trade among arawak)
In the maze
the lions which play
shall be found.
The gamblers also took note.   ($$$)
Tell the cowboys! 

Why did the girl owe money?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 14, 2008, 09:47:52 AM
OK...Thanks TM...Here is the link to what I found and may be what Kermit cited.  The list of names is right down...almost to the bottom.

Caesu...Some old discussions from May...Just in case you might want to refresh what you were looking at back then.

Carlos Severino Tromp points to Ruud Rosingh as being corrupt...Do we know what he is doing or where he is?  TIA

BBL....Spent a lot of time over the last few months looking into all these "dots"...Maybe some will connect!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: COLOMBO on December 14, 2008, 09:47:58 AM

coverups begin with the elders and the founders of the houses of babylon

"audition" the singing card:

DirtyHand knows
so does the elder
(in the fold of "The Arawak King"-lowly minions)

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 14, 2008, 09:51:14 AM
DirtyHand.....and dirty hand:

Shango Says: June 26th, 2005 at 4:42 pm
Arawaks hold singing card from babylon
There is also a trio. One Babylonian. 2 Shivas.
Arawaks can’t let babylonian Card sing because hand holding (Arawak) it dirty too.

Shango Says: June 26th, 2005 at 10:01 pm
Arawaks often go to play in small houses of Babylon with the offspring of the Elders
game, pg 4:
          pg 7:   excerpt-
"Pipkins entertained members of a municipal police force at his home on at least one occasion,
where they engaged in sexual intercourse with his prostitutes."  (worried about teepees)
.........what did Babalu say!!!???

Babalú Says: June 27th, 2005 at 12:30 am
Concerned: No, I guess he is head of some local official corps. He is the guy that knows everything and that has been in the house of Babylonians NOT seeking pleasure for himself, so Shango says. So maybe he went to search (TO PLAY) for Natalee and he is the chief of Polis. (DirtyHand is the link-holds the real key!)

Shango Says:June 26th, 2005 at 9:19 pm
DirtyHand is not an Arawak (Babylonian)

Shango Says: June 26th, 2005 at 8:25 pm
The Arawaks (dirty hand) want the truth to come out
As long as DirtyHand (the link! he holds the real key) is not found

Shango Says: June 28th, 2005 at 12:23 am
Follow the note$
to the poison house (need key)
where the children of the babylonians (play (game) in the maze)
and the arawak nation (dirty hands)
meet, under cover of delusion. ( trade....dangerous to trade among arawak)
In the maze
the lions which play
shall be found.
The gamblers also took note.   ($$$)
Tell the cowboys! 

Why did the girl owe money?

Hi COLOMBO...Recall a post of Rob's in Shango that there are at least 5 Dirty Hands...depending on Capitalization and word structure. Do you recall what he posted?  TIA

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: COLOMBO on December 14, 2008, 09:54:21 AM
DirtyHand.....and dirty hand:

Shango Says: June 26th, 2005 at 4:42 pm
Arawaks hold singing card from babylon
There is also a trio. One Babylonian. 2 Shivas.
Arawaks can’t let babylonian Card sing because hand holding (Arawak) it dirty too.

Shango Says: June 26th, 2005 at 10:01 pm
Arawaks often go to play in small houses of Babylon with the offspring of the Elders
game, pg 4:
          pg 7:   excerpt-
"Pipkins entertained members of a municipal police force at his home on at least one occasion,
where they engaged in sexual intercourse with his prostitutes."  (worried about teepees)
.........what did Babalu say!!!???

Babalú Says: June 27th, 2005 at 12:30 am
Concerned: No, I guess he is head of some local official corps. He is the guy that knows everything and that has been in the house of Babylonians NOT seeking pleasure for himself, so Shango says. So maybe he went to search (TO PLAY) for Natalee and he is the chief of Polis. (DirtyHand is the link-holds the real key!)

Shango Says:June 26th, 2005 at 9:19 pm
DirtyHand is not an Arawak (Babylonian)

Shango Says: June 26th, 2005 at 8:25 pm
The Arawaks (dirty hand) want the truth to come out
As long as DirtyHand (the link! he holds the real key) is not found

Shango Says: June 28th, 2005 at 12:23 am
Follow the note$
to the poison house (need key)
where the children of the babylonians (play (game) in the maze)
and the arawak nation (dirty hands)
meet, under cover of delusion. ( trade....dangerous to trade among arawak)
In the maze
the lions which play
shall be found.
The gamblers also took note.   ($$$)
Tell the cowboys! 

Why did the girl owe money?

Hi COLOMBO...Recall a post of Rob's in Shango that there are at least 5 Dirty Hands...depending on Capitalization and word structure. Do you recall what he posted?  TIA

ALL the arawaks know the maze which plays the poison songs

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: COLOMBO on December 14, 2008, 10:07:58 AM
maze difficult for supposed guilty, even if innocent

the maze which plays the poison songs

Shango Says: June 26th, 2005 at 9:30 pm
Who knows what song the elder will sing (poison song):
(who did NH owe?)
Shango Says: June 26th, 2005 at 9:31 pm
The shivas knew the girl
the arawaks new the girl
and the babylonians still know the girl

Shango Says: June 26th, 2005 at 4:22 pm
Because the fallen judge agreed, he can sing any song he wants (what a judge does!)
A poisonou$ siren in the halls of babylon

poison song:
Simian Says: June 26th, 2005 at 9:27 pm
The elder had to come clean. He knows what damage he had caused. The Simian said to not shake the wire, ‘cause the bird would fly away.
The Simian would never pose. Go back and read what the Simian wrote. The Babylonians knows what happened, but they are up in arms. The gamblers knew the girl. 

Simian Says: June 26th, 2005 at 9:53 pm
The Simain thinks that Babalú is clueless about who the Babylonians are. The Simian thinks that is really funny.
The Simian will make an exception and answer: The gamblers knew the girl.

Simian Says: June 26th, 2005 at 11:37 pm
How can so many gamblers be wrong about the girl? This is unbelievable. (took note)

Simian Says: June 26th, 2005 at 9:36 pm
All that the gamblers knew was written down. They knew the girl. She spent her nights at their tables.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 11:43:46 AM

yes it is. but there are only 5 higher courts in The Netherlands.
one higher court covers a large part of the country.

i do find Zwinkels interesting. because he was PG of Aruba during and after the IRT-affair.
Aruba had his own Cargo-affair.
in short it is police officers getting rich of under cover drug-smuggling operation.
instead of cathing the drug-smuggers they stayed longer undercover then needed - to get rich of it.
there is tons of information about this.
with conspiracy theories going as high up as possible - and if you really get into it, it goes back to colonial crimes by Dutch military in Indonesia.

but i haven't found a link between Zwinkels and Van der Sloot.
however the Cargo-affair is linked to Henny Eman and Watty Vos (AVP Government in middle 90s).
in fact it is suggested that the Cargo-affair was used by Eman / Vos to get rid of Zwinkels.
also links to Hendrik Croes, brother of Rudy Croes and former Justice Minister (early 90s).
but it gets very shady around all that. most of it is in the Groene Amsterdammer articles.

Wow.  This thing goes really deep in Aruba.  Thanks for the links.  I will spend some time looking through all of tha information.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 11:55:22 AM
Was trying to read up on Zwinkels.  One thing interesting...during the crack down on drugs, in the early 90s, it was said that Dutch lawyers flocked to the island (in 1992).  Makes me wonder about Paulus's whole purpose in going to Aruba.  Maybe his whole intent was to work for and defend the connected.

Hi Buckeye...I have been trying for ages to look at Zwinkels...same old is so time consuming to trnslte from Dutch to English.

This one is about the Cargo affair and 2 cops are mentioned.

In the Netherlands was particularly super-prosecutor A. Docters van Leeuwen die in grote woede ontstak over de indiscrete rapportages van de Arubaanse politie. Docters van Leeuwen in great anger about the indiscreet ontstak reports of the Aruban police. Rasmijn en Zaandam moesten weg. Rasmijn and Zaandam had gone. De commissie-De Ruiter drong in zijn rapport ook aan op ontslag voor de beide politieagenten. The committee-The Horseman in his report also called for dismissal of the two policemen. Maar daar wil Aruba niet aan, blijkt uit een gesprek dat De Groene Amsterdammer een dag na de ondertekening van het rijksbesluit met Eman voerde in zijn Haagse hotel. But that does not want to Aruba, an interview that De Groene Amsterdammer a day after the signing of the empire act by Eman Hague claimed in his hotel.

As a pure coincidence, and to pique your natural Shango curiosity just a bit, Leeuwen in Dutch means Lions.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 12:08:17 PM
Docters van Leeuwen was born in The Hague. After studying law (degree 1969) and various functions for the Dutch government, he became head of the Domestic Security Service, the Dutch secret service (currently the AIVD), in 1989.  In 1995, he was succeeded by Nico Buis, after Docters van Leeuwen became a member and chairman of the Board of Procurators General in The Hague (a board which supervises Dutch public prosecutors).

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Bearlyhere on December 14, 2008, 12:11:34 PM
O/T  New thread

Please post any unusual recipes you have tried and liked.  Thanks!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: COLOMBO on December 14, 2008, 12:17:51 PM
In the maze, the lions which play will be found

Babylon holds the answers:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 12:26:33 PM
In the maze, the lions which play will be found

Babylon holds the answers:

The Wyndham Cabaret Royale

Apparently, owner Alfonso Riverol went to Cuba himself for the auditions and picked only the cream of the crop. It's a dirty job, he banters, but it must be done.  Alfonso Riverol is a great host and he put the party together with his very experienced resort staff. As his guest of honor he invited Zizi Lee, first runner up Miss World, Aruba's most famous citizen. The tall and gorgeous beauty queen was escorted by her family members. Parties at the Wyndham are always generous, and the food on the buffet was exceptional: mini lamb chops, giant shrimp cooked in cream and Pernod, crab cakes and beautiful canapés. Free flowing drinks from the bar made the event ever so easier to handle. General Manager Rob Smith and Director of Operations Joe Najjar greeted their guests and mingled with other general managers from the strip among them Jeff Lesker from the Radisson and Barry Kaplan from the Hyatt.s promi 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 12:28:24 PM
In the maze, the lions which play will be found

Babylon holds the answers:

The Wyndham Cabaret Royale

Apparently, owner Alfonso Riverol went to Cuba himself for the auditions and picked only the cream of the crop. It's a dirty job, he banters, but it must be done.  Alfonso Riverol is a great host and he put the party together with his very experienced resort staff. As his guest of honor he invited Zizi Lee, first runner up Miss World, Aruba's most famous citizen. The tall and gorgeous beauty queen was escorted by her family members. Parties at the Wyndham are always generous, and the food on the buffet was exceptional: mini lamb chops, giant shrimp cooked in cream and Pernod, crab cakes and beautiful canapés. Free flowing drinks from the bar made the event ever so easier to handle. General Manager Rob Smith and Director of Operations Joe Najjar greeted their guests and mingled with other general managers from the strip among them Jeff Lesker from the Radisson and Barry Kaplan from the Hyatt.s promi 

Note:  that excerpt is from the link you posted, Colombo.  The article is from 2001.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 12:53:07 PM
At the AHATA General Assembly
New Chairman Alfonso Riveroll makes an excellent speech
A.M. Digital

The Radisson Aruba Resort & Casino hosted the Aruba Hotel & Tourism Association General Assembly last week. On the assembly’s agenda: the election of the new board with Chairman Alfonso Riveroll at the helm.

Riveroll, the owner of the Wyndham Aruba Resort Spa & Casino was visibly excited to assume the leadership of Aruba’s most important association


At the end of his presentation, Riveroll reflected a bit on the most unprecedented level of media attention, Aruba has received in the past six month, most of it negative.

“Our image,” he said, “has certainly been tarnished and AHATA has been at the forefront with ATA, ATIA, Government, Chamber of Commerce and local business leaders, teaming up with a common purpose, to preserve the island’s image and minimize the impact of the Holloway disappearance. We have fared well, but we need to face such challenges with bold and fast actions,” he stated.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 12:54:59 PM
At the AHATA General Assembly
New Chairman Alfonso Riveroll makes an excellent speech
A.M. Digital

The Radisson Aruba Resort & Casino hosted the Aruba Hotel & Tourism Association General Assembly last week. On the assembly’s agenda: the election of the new board with Chairman Alfonso Riveroll at the helm.

Riveroll, the owner of the Wyndham Aruba Resort Spa & Casino was visibly excited to assume the leadership of Aruba’s most important association


At the end of his presentation, Riveroll reflected a bit on the most unprecedented level of media attention, Aruba has received in the past six month, most of it negative.

“Our image,” he said, “has certainly been tarnished and AHATA has been at the forefront with ATA, ATIA, Government, Chamber of Commerce and local business leaders, teaming up with a common purpose, to preserve the island’s image and minimize the impact of the Holloway disappearance. We have fared well, but we need to face such challenges with bold and fast actions,” he stated.

Oops...Forgot to include the link:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: COLOMBO on December 14, 2008, 12:55:08 PM
In the maze, the lions which play will be found

Babylon holds the answers:

The Wyndham Cabaret Royale

Apparently, owner Alfonso Riverol went to Cuba himself for the auditions and picked only the cream of the crop. It's a dirty job, he banters, but it must be done.  Alfonso Riverol is a great host and he put the party together with his very experienced resort staff. As his guest of honor he invited Zizi Lee, first runner up Miss World, Aruba's most famous citizen. The tall and gorgeous beauty queen was escorted by her family members. Parties at the Wyndham are always generous, and the food on the buffet was exceptional: mini lamb chops, giant shrimp cooked in cream and Pernod, crab cakes and beautiful canapés. Free flowing drinks from the bar made the event ever so easier to handle. General Manager Rob Smith and Director of Operations Joe Najjar greeted their guests and mingled with other general managers from the strip among them Jeff Lesker from the Radisson and Barry Kaplan from the Hyatt.s promi 

Note:  that excerpt is from the link you posted, Colombo.  The article is from 2001.

same guy?

(see youtube "info")
During talks at a hotel he says now that he can make weekly young women. The visas and passports are no problem, he claims. “I rule that all, do not worry!” Formally, the girls, who think dancer to be, in our country training. In reality, they six days a week working in a brothel.

question: does JVDS always "have money to gamble?" or is that his compensation?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: billb's daughter on December 14, 2008, 12:56:39 PM
Doesn't Zaandam's quote say Paulus was Chief of Staff under Zwinkles?

Nixon died in 1994.

Randy Habibe and Jossy Arends were indicted (but not extradited) in 1993 for The LaCosta Cartel scandal.

Clinton starts crackdown on illicit drug trade 1996.

If everything was simple...Joran was in big trouble...Paulus very well could have asked connected people for help.  None of them would have wanted the FBI open door policy. 

The mob can leave "suicides" with hands in the pocket, as a message....or when they just want something to disappear...cement shoes.

In this case, maybe they placed Natalee in the large cage and then pushed it off one of their boats/ships. (which is the way Kyle described the finding).

Their problem is not Natalee's demise but the actual removal...a simple favor run amuck..


Natalee was targeted and there is a lot of seedy old men...and some prune faced women involved.


IIRC  Paulus asked for review of the dossier.  When KJ replied to the request, she said no because you are not a suspect, so you are not entitled to view the dossier.  Paulus then used that letter to get his law license.
Thanks Buckeye....
Yep....I lean toward seedy old men...something bad happened...paulass calls in favors that end up running amuck....

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: COLOMBO on December 14, 2008, 01:12:23 PM
At the AHATA General Assembly
New Chairman Alfonso Riveroll makes an excellent speech
A.M. Digital

The Radisson Aruba Resort & Casino hosted the Aruba Hotel & Tourism Association General Assembly last week. On the assembly’s agenda: the election of the new board with Chairman Alfonso Riveroll at the helm.

Riveroll, the owner of the Wyndham Aruba Resort Spa & Casino was visibly excited to assume the leadership of Aruba’s most important association


At the end of his presentation, Riveroll reflected a bit on the most unprecedented level of media attention, Aruba has received in the past six month, most of it negative.

“Our image,” he said, “has certainly been tarnished and AHATA has been at the forefront with ATA, ATIA, Government, Chamber of Commerce and local business leaders, teaming up with a common purpose, to preserve the island’s image and minimize the impact of the Holloway disappearance. We have fared well, but we need to face such challenges with bold and fast actions,” he stated.

Oops...Forgot to include the link:

if he is to reign anew he can be soiled no more

aside: wasn't "the board" contolling the investigation?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: COLOMBO on December 14, 2008, 01:20:52 PM
Arawak Hunters did not bumble, but dance the dance as the elders pull transparent strings.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 01:31:34 PM
Controlling the investigation?  Yeah, probably...from behind the scenes.  Riveroll is at the head of the board of AHTA in December 2005.

The connection between Joran, the Radisson and the Wyndham as related to the events of 5/29 through 5/31 now appear to begin before Natalee disappeared.  If you buy into anything Joran had to say recently to Greta, he contacted a guy at the Radisson about delivering a blonde girl before he goes to CnC's.  When Beth and Jug arrive at his house during the early morning hours of 5/31, the story given is that Joran and Deepak are at the Wyndham...Joran then, in statements to polis after he is arrested, makes reference to the Radisson during that period.  Those two casinos are very close to each other.

As for Shango:


Shango Says: June 26th, 2005 at 9:43 pm
Did the babylonians like to make movies?
From the tears, a new river will spring forth….

Shango Says: June 27th, 2005 at 10:31 pm
Mary never heard the buoy toll
ask the men who play dice and “roll”
  (Shango has roll in quotes here.)

Shango Says: June 27th, 2005 at 10:37 pm
The DiceMen must be questioned.
They to go to the Music and enter the same Maze
Mary who was not a virgin entered
The DiceMen ROLLED

Shango Says: June 27th, 2005 at 10:41 pm
Mary ROLLED through the Maze
There is more than one house of music
the Lamb is a Scapegoat

Shango Says: June 27th, 2005 at 10:42 pm
The Lamb returned to the fold
Mary Rolled
And the lions played

I have found articles from Aruba that spell the name as Riverol and Riveroll.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: COLOMBO on December 14, 2008, 02:24:36 PM
interesting tributary of thought....hasn't been in the mainstream.....yet anyways

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 14, 2008, 03:18:24 PM
At the AHATA General Assembly
New Chairman Alfonso Riveroll makes an excellent speech
A.M. Digital

The Radisson Aruba Resort & Casino hosted the Aruba Hotel & Tourism Association General Assembly last week. On the assembly’s agenda: the election of the new board with Chairman Alfonso Riveroll at the helm.

Riveroll, the owner of the Wyndham Aruba Resort Spa & Casino was visibly excited to assume the leadership of Aruba’s most important association


At the end of his presentation, Riveroll reflected a bit on the most unprecedented level of media attention, Aruba has received in the past six month, most of it negative.

“Our image,” he said, “has certainly been tarnished and AHATA has been at the forefront with ATA, ATIA, Government, Chamber of Commerce and local business leaders, teaming up with a common purpose, to preserve the island’s image and minimize the impact of the Holloway disappearance. We have fared well, but we need to face such challenges with bold and fast actions,” he stated.

Oops...Forgot to include the link:


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Poochy on December 14, 2008, 03:19:10 PM
interesting tributary of thought....hasn't been in the mainstream.....yet anyways
Very interesting.

So the codetalker "ask the gamblers who 'roll'" are the gamblers who are invited to Riveroll's parties?

Does Riveroll have a son Joran's age?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Frank on December 14, 2008, 03:25:11 PM
Anyone have the email for Ruben's father, what an ass? Aldo Ravioli has put himself in this story. He' put on the clown outfit and I need to write him.

What "disappearance?"

Nothing about the confirmed dead, murder, heavy battery, premeditation?

Is he putting a hit out on the van der sloots?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: COLOMBO on December 14, 2008, 03:25:26 PM
interesting tributary of thought....hasn't been in the mainstream.....yet anyways
Very interesting.

So the codetalker "ask the gamblers who 'roll'" are the gamblers who are invited to Riveroll's parties?

Does Riveroll have a son Joran's age?

men who play dice & roll......other 'rollers' talk

The Dicemen aim for total world domination. But if that's aiming too high this irresistible trio will be satisfied by making a lot of shows by spilling blood, sweat, and tears. Their own special blend of psychobilly is influenced by punk rock, rock & roll, rockabilly, hardcore, and death metal. The band is currently touring around Europe to infect poor innocent souls with their dirty power rock'n roll. As long as it stinks like sweat, tastes like beer and innocent girls fall to their knees when hearing the straight from the heart music, these Dicemen will conquer!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: COLOMBO on December 14, 2008, 03:28:17 PM
Shango Says: June 27th, 2005 at 10:05 pm
The dice throwers know
the maze of the rave
and the fly that entered the trap
DirtyHand is the key
He walks in many circles

Shango Says: June 27th, 2005 at 10:37 pm
The DiceMen must be questioned.
They to go to the Music and enter the same Maze
Mary who was not a virgin entered
The DiceMen ROLLED

Shango Says: June 27th, 2005 at 10:52 pm
DirtyHand has walked through the maze
He knows of the forbidden fruit
and the gardeners

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: COLOMBO on December 14, 2008, 03:28:54 PM
Shango Says: June 27th, 2005 at 10:57 pm
All know of the music
beckoning lost souls
to enter the seven levels of inferno

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Hotshot on December 14, 2008, 03:44:09 PM
Would it be too much of stretch to say that Paulass works primarily for Posner and his government jobs with Aruba are really insignificant and basically a front?  If he's a Posner atttorney he no doubt gets big bucks.

I agree that his government jobs are a front.

Hmm..  Interesting theory.  Would Aruba continue to keep him on as an attorney then?  After all the grief his son has brought to the island? 
I don't think paulass works for aruba anymore. Isn't he with carlos now in private practice?

Yes, I think he does work for Carlos now.  But, in what capacity?  Can he practice law and if so would he have to pass the bar, sotaspeak?
Heres what he is doing...... ::MonkeyEek::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: caesu on December 14, 2008, 03:46:09 PM
Paulus van der Sloot
Jan van der Straaten

Zaandam keeps on saying in his book, two days after 5/29, the body of Natalee H. may have already been foundand Cvp [police commissioner] looked the other way to do a favour for Paul vd Sloot (ex of chief staff of Cabinet PG [prosecutor general] J. Zwinkels).
Posted by Getagrip at 9/19/2005 12:18:00 PM

Remember ZWINKELS:

Paulus buddy from the old Tilburg days is the Prime Minister - Oduber 1991

and ZWINKELS WAS ATTORNEY GENERAL IN 1991 (we also know that this zwinkels guy was involved in mafia money too and that is why he was forced to resign for a period of time -

All the main players knew each other during his time in office
Governmental authorities
Mr. J.H.M. Zwinkels - Attorney General
Mr. B. Vocking - Deputy Director, Aruba Correctional Institute
Ms. C. van den Berg - Head of the Rehabilitation and Child Welfare Council
Ms. Y. Spellen - Director, Guardianship Board
Mr. J. van de Straten - Head of the National Bureau of Investigations

Zwinkels is back in power as attorney general in 1994

In 1995 Zwinkels is the Prosecutor in Aruba.

1997-1997 - Zwinkels left after a 2 yr battle with the Aruban gov't (they accused him of stealing drug money)

July of 1998 he has his Attorney General job back 07-07-98

June 26th, 2005 at 3:30 pm
his lordship did not bring the key for the Arawaks
"they were stymied by misinformation and false leads planted by the corrupt authorities. Why was Natalee never found? The searchers were directed to all the wrong places!

(more on this later)


PG Aruba

J. H. M. Zwinkels 1994 - 1997/03/01
W.R. Rosingh 1997/03/01 - 2003/02/01 until 2003/01/01 Chief of Cabinet P.A.P.J. van der Sloot
T.D. Croes-Fernandes Pedra 2003/02/01 - pension dispute

caretaker PG:
Nico Jörg 2007/06/23 - 2008/06/23
R.F. Pietersz 2008/06/23 - 2008/12/23 (might get extended by another 6 months)

earlier i wrote that van der Sloot was Chief of Cabinet under Croes-Fernandes, this was an error.

Thanks caesu...
This is what I was looking for yesterday when I asked about Zwinkels.

From memory of previous discussions and checking on Paulus, he took the job as Lands Advokaat with the Aruban Goverment for 5 years. This takes us to 1994/1995.

The government then wanted him to do only contracts. He took another job.

We find that when Remkes nominated him to be a Judge in Training he was Private Secretry to the Procurer-General.

Is this the job he took in 1994/1995?

Is so...He worked for Zwinkels...I think??

he was Landsadvocaat during the first part of the Zwinkels period.
Landsadvocaat represents the Government.

in a newspaper article posted bij Johan555 it reads that Van der Sloot worked arrived in Aruba in 1991.
he worked first as Landsadvocaat but the he was 'too honest' in view of the Government (his words).
so the Government let him write contracts instead.

he worked for the Government for 5 years. that would bring us to 1996/1997.
that was the time when Zwinkels left and Rosingh became PG.
then he became chief of cabinet for the PG.

so that would mean Van der Sloot has been chief of cabinet for Rosingh for Rosingh's entire term as PG.
and Van der Sloot never worked for Zwinkels. it is even possible that he worked against Zwinkels, as the Eman Government wanted to oust Zwinkels - and a Landsadvocaat represents the Government.

however for the last part of his time working for the Government he only prepared these contracts - so at that time when the Cargo-Affair came to light and Zwinkels was ousted Van der Sloot was not Landsadvocaat.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 14, 2008, 04:18:04 PM
Caesu...Not sure if it makes a lot of difference or not, but Johan and I tossed this around a few months back, about when the van der Sloots arrived in Aruba.

I am absolutely sure it was not 1991. The interview that Anita gave after the Februry DeVries show in support of Lorenzo may have been where I first saw 1990. I worked the math on different things I had, and came up with 1990. I even considered 1989. In my mind from what I went over then I am positive it was not 1991.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on December 14, 2008, 04:30:30 PM

Were you going by Joran's birth year?  88 or 89? 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 04:34:19 PM

Yes, I think he does work for Carlos now.  But, in what capacity?  Can he practice law and if so would he have to pass the bar, sotaspeak?
Heres what he is doing...... ::MonkeyEek::

Well, it's clearly a partnership.  Huh.  So Paulus does in fact practice law on some level in Aruba.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 14, 2008, 04:36:37 PM

Yes, I think he does work for Carlos now.  But, in what capacity?  Can he practice law and if so would he have to pass the bar, sotaspeak?
Heres what he is doing...... ::MonkeyEek::

Well, it's clearly a partnership.  Huh.  So Paulus does in fact practice law on some level in Aruba.

Who's is benefiting from what in this relationship??Antonio or Paulus?Remember Antonio was going to clear his conscious to KJ...Now Paulus is his partner?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Anna on December 14, 2008, 04:41:03 PM

I think there is more than one Dirty Hand depending on who the source is.  Uncle Jan van der Strattan was definitely a Dirty Hand and that is who the codetalkers seem to describe.  Our friend also told us about Frans Deutekom who we refer to as DTKM.  Supposedly he was sent to keep an eye on everything and clean up after Rudy Croes.  He is referred to as the behavior specialist and he is very powerful behind the scenes.  Posner would certainly be another Dirty Hand because of his mob power.

Dirty Hand could well be the corruption itself and refer to whichever corrupt official is in charge of any given situation.

Just a thought. . .


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Anna on December 14, 2008, 04:45:15 PM
Remember Paulus was given a Letter of Commendation from Karin Janssen stating he was not a suspect, was of good character, etc. and that is all it took for him to be able to be instated to the bar.

Also didn't Aruba Girl once post that he had also taught law at the Aruban University? 

We do have photos of Paulus being sworn into the bar, in his black robes, etc.  He has also since then received a public warning from Jorg I think it was about his unbecoming activities with regard to publicity in Natalee's case.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 14, 2008, 05:05:50 PM

Were you going by Joran's birth year?  88 or 89? 

Joran turned 18 years old in 2005 ... following the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.

I believe that would make his birthdate ... 1987.



Who Is Fourth Man Behind Bars in Holloway Case
Aired August 29, 2005 - 20:00:00   ET

JUG TWITTY: Well, I hope they haven`t. I mean -- but you know, the way this whole investigation`s going it seems that way. You know, what I wish, Nancy, is I wish what should have happened in this thing is Paul Van Der Sloot should have been a man, he should have stepped forward in the beginning. He should have talked to Joran that night. They should have admitted that something went wrong out there, which I know he knows that happened.

And if he would have come forward and said Joran did this, it`s a terrible mistake, it`s an accident, he`s still underage, he`s a minor, even if they killed Natalee he probably would have gotten off with about five years. Paul could have held -- kept his job, and we could have gone on with our lives, you know, or whatever.

But this guy, Paul Van Der Sloot is so thick in this thing it`s unbelievable. And you know, my mission is to keep pressure for them to keep asking questions of Paul because he knows more than he`s saying.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Poochy on December 14, 2008, 05:50:33 PM
Shango Says: June 27th, 2005 at 10:57 pm
All know of the music
beckoning lost souls
to enter the seven levels of inferno
Colombo - I'm heading over to the codtalker thread if you care to join me.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: caesu on December 14, 2008, 06:12:49 PM
Dutch Antilles politicians criticise Dutch PM

Published: Sunday 14 December 2008 12:21 UTC
Last updated: Sunday 14 December 2008 12:21 UTC

Politicians from the Dutch Antilles have criticised Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende. The Prime Minister is due to attend a Round Table Conference on Curaçao on Monday to discuss the new independent status of Curaçao and St Maarten.

Former Dutch Antilles prime minister Don Martina has accused Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende of abusing his power. In an open letter published in the Antillean newspaper Amigoe, Mr Martina writes that the Netherlands is not concerned with the rights and interests of the people of Curaçao. He also accuses the Netherlands of contravening administrative law by linking agreements to write off Curaçao's debts to better law enforcement on the island.

Opposition leader Jopi Abraham on Bonaire has also criticised Mr Balkenende for not inviting the opposition to the Round Table Conference. He says the Netherlands is another serious mistake in dealing with former colonies.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Blonde on December 14, 2008, 06:17:45 PM
Remember Paulus was given a Letter of Commendation from Karin Janssen stating he was not a suspect, was of good character, etc. and that is all it took for him to be able to be instated to the bar.

Also didn't Aruba Girl once post that he had also taught law at the Aruban University? 

We do have photos of Paulus being sworn into the bar, in his black robes, etc.  He has also since then received a public warning from Jorg I think it was about his unbecoming activities with regard to publicity in Natalee's case.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Blonde on December 14, 2008, 06:22:38 PM
Wednesday, January 18, 2006
Paul Van Der Sloot Sworn In
Paul Van Der Sloot, once held in connection with the disappearance of an Alabama teenager was cleared on of suspicion in the case last November and has now been installed in the capacity of a lawyer on the island. Paul van der Sloot entered the courthouse yesterday to present his application to the “raad van toezict”
(Supervisory Commission) and the members of the Aruban Lawyers Association. The commission, together with the lawyers association reviewed his application and attached documents, concluding that he satisfied the qualifications to be accepted as an active lawyer working on the island of Aruba. (Aruba Today)


He had wanted to be a judge, but that did not quite work out (and I have heard a few reasons why and still don't understand why.) He is now sworn in as a lawyer and working with his son's lawyer in the law firm. - Greta Van Susteren

Remember this is a guy who apparently taught his son how to hide a body and made statements about, well if there is no body, there is no crime. I might agree that at this point they can‘t prove the case beyond a reasonable doubt, have to be an idiot to think this father has no involvement in this case. - Wendy Murphy

(Photos: Diario Aruba)

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 14, 2008, 07:07:15 PM

Google translation:


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SuzieQ on December 14, 2008, 07:40:59 PM
Are there other countries where the tourism industry is a department of the government?

The Aruba Tourism Authority is a government department funded by public funds. It has led the tourism marketing activities for over 50 years, diversifying markets and intensifying its activities in the marketplace. As the organization functions under government regulations in a private sector environment, it lobbies for more flexibility and independence in implementing its marketing plan.   

The Aruba Tourism Authority shares the government's macro-economic objective in further stimulating tourism as its key economic activity. Aruba Tourism Authority's general marketing objective is to invest in markets and in marketing activities, which will result in an increase of stay-over visitors. To achieve this objective, the Aruba Tourism Authority works to stimulate the interest of  visitors in defined markets, encouraging them to choose Aruba for their holidays, meetings, incentives and conventions.

The Aruba Tourism Authority's scope of responsibilities in the continuous successful development of Aruba's tourism industry is reflected in various success stories in the history of tourism and, in particular, in the annual increase of visitor, occupancy, expenditure and room nights. The main purpose of the Aruba Tourism Authority is to function as a leader in all forms of marketing, and promotion, online and offline, tourist information and customer service, sponsorship and organization of special events and hosting of partners, media, agents and special guests.

"A second home that fulfills dreams and inspires happiness and unity for all. ATA is a family achieving excellence in tourism through love, dedication and professionalism.
We are a team strengthening Aruba as the top destination in the world."

"To position Aruba as a preferred tourism destination in the Caribbean by excelling in quality service and teamwork"

Industry Partners include:
Aruba Hotel & Tourism Association -
Caribbean Tourism Organization -
World Tourism Organization -
World Travel & Tourism Council -

The tourism industry, both worldwide as in Aruba, has grown tremendously in volume and activity. The Aruba Tourism Authority now has offices or representation in the following countries:

Aruba: Head Office
Europe: Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Finland, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, United Kingdom, Ireland and Spain
N. America: Canada, USA
S. America: Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela
Caribbean: Puerto Rico, Curacao

Click here for addresses and contact information of our representative offices around the world.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Frank on December 14, 2008, 07:42:17 PM
The Netherlands, like most other European countries, has very strict gun
control laws. Nonetheless, the Dutch murder rate is almost six times as
great as the United States' overall homicide rate.

> An estimated 5,981 people -- an average of 16 a day -- were killed by their doctors without their consent… And these numbers do not measure
> several other groups that are put to death involuntarily: disabled infants, terminally ill children, and mental patients. [Notice that Hitler
> began his genocidal programs with these groups, not Jews, Gypsies, or other ethnic minorities.]
> …The path to the death culture began when doctors learned to think like accountants. As the cost of socialized medicine in the Netherlands grew,
> doctors were lectured about the climbing cost of care. In many hospitals, signs were posted indicating how much old-age treatments cost taxpayers

5981 murders per year ("putting someone to death involuntarily," in the
absence of a conviction and sentence for a capital crime, is the
definition of murder) in a population of about 15.5 million equals a
rate of 38.6 murders per 100,000.

United States' homicide (murder, manslaughter, justifiable homicide)
rate = 6.62 homicides per 100,000. The Dutch murder rate is therefore
5.8 times the United States' homicide rate.

The Wall Street Journal article points out, by the way, that Holland was
the only Nazi-occupied country in which doctors universally ignored or
disobeyed Nazi orders to euthanize patients. It looks like European
socialized medicine succeeded where Gestapo coercion failed. Sieg Heil!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 14, 2008, 07:50:42 PM
Remember Paulus was given a Letter of Commendation from Karin Janssen stating he was not a suspect, was of good character, etc. and that is all it took for him to be able to be instated to the bar.

Also didn't Aruba Girl once post that he had also taught law at the Aruban University? 

We do have photos of Paulus being sworn into the bar, in his black robes, etc.  He has also since then received a public warning from Jorg I think it was about his unbecoming activities with regard to publicity in Natalee's case.


Yes Blonde.  Paulass did teach law classes at the university.  In Shango/Simian there was confusion for a while as to who was late for school the next morning.  Urine was on time for school.  Paulass was the one who was late for his class.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 14, 2008, 08:06:05 PM

Were you going by Joran's birth year?  88 or 89? 

Hi 2NJS...No I was not making sense of some things that Johan was posting regarding Paulus' employment record. I searched around the archives and googled over a couple of mornings.

I kept coming up with an extra year from 1991. Even when I used all of 1991 and all of 2002, I was still ending up with one year too many.

Finally,after weighing all I had found and in frustration, I took Anita at her word in that one article and settled on 1990...I did save some of it, but not sure what...It is on the "sick" computer.

What kept throwing me off was that it was stated that Val was born in the Netherlands.Finally decided that really didn't men much.

LOL...Tend to get stuck on the little details!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 14, 2008, 08:13:02 PM
Was trying to read up on Zwinkels.  One thing interesting...during the crack down on drugs, in the early 90s, it was said that Dutch lawyers flocked to the island (in 1992).  Makes me wonder about Paulus's whole purpose in going to Aruba.  Maybe his whole intent was to work for and defend the connected.

Hi Buckeye...I have been trying for ages to look at Zwinkels...same old is so time consuming to trnslte from Dutch to English.

This one is about the Cargo affair and 2 cops are mentioned.

In the Netherlands was particularly super-prosecutor A. Docters van Leeuwen die in grote woede ontstak over de indiscrete rapportages van de Arubaanse politie. Docters van Leeuwen in great anger about the indiscreet ontstak reports of the Aruban police. Rasmijn en Zaandam moesten weg. Rasmijn and Zaandam had gone. De commissie-De Ruiter drong in zijn rapport ook aan op ontslag voor de beide politieagenten. The committee-The Horseman in his report also called for dismissal of the two policemen. Maar daar wil Aruba niet aan, blijkt uit een gesprek dat De Groene Amsterdammer een dag na de ondertekening van het rijksbesluit met Eman voerde in zijn Haagse hotel. But that does not want to Aruba, an interview that De Groene Amsterdammer a day after the signing of the empire act by Eman Hague claimed in his hotel.

As a pure coincidence, and to pique your natural Shango curiosity just a bit, Leeuwen in Dutch means Lions. oldie but goldie...

The Lionstone Group...Miami

Plans are in to develop – even by bringing in a Ritz – the San Nicolaas area, which has some wonderful beaches and the town itself, which is delightful. But it’s still the home of an oil refinery, and that, in the words of Alfredo Lowenstein, who owns The Holiday Inn, "It’s too early, too windy, there’s no road that goes there that misses the refinery. People who pay Ritz prices don’t want to look at factory smokestacks. They may own them." The Ritz is looking at the last piece of Palm Beach, and Mr. Lowenstein, who’s working on that project, may or may not get permission to build there.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 14, 2008, 09:22:53 PM

Papiamentu Translation:

minister rudy croes yesterday owing to give orden for inicia investigacion new in caso holloway

sunday, 14 december 2008 oranjestad — minister rudy croes owing to give instruccion at ministerio publico for inicia one investigacion ‘nobo’ in the caso of desaparicion of natalee holloway. in one combersacion cu the matutino here, the mandatario owing to confirma this brevemento but does not owing to give mucho informacion on this.e investigacion will is more bien enfoca on the first 10 dianan of the investigacion where cu have informacion cu cosnan will owing to bay enough left y cu will was motibo cu today still the caso do not soluciona. the mandatario owing to show cu for more informacion have to achieve this for of procurador general robert pietersz cu will is esun encarga cu the investigacion here. “e preparacionnan owing to inicia caba” croes owing to confirma also. the decision of actua aworaki is follow one serie of suceso of the ultimo simannan hour cu owing to inicia one ‘medio’ war among the mandatario y the ex comisario of police jan vd straten, on the actuacion of the ex police during the first 10 dianan of the investigacion. some declaracion cu the mandatario owing to haci in direccion of vd straten owing to achieve atencion mundial, till cu secretario of estado for asuntonan of the netherlands ank bijleveld owing to cay inside y also owing to sugeri for such investigacion take lugar. self instant is come also declaracionnan of politico dutch iron brinkman at television mericano the week here cu owing to calling the situation y politiconan ‘corupto as fierno’ come across. also owing to show cu the declaracion of minister croes owing to strike the clabo on his cabes y is confirma cu have corupcion at great escala in gobernacion y the apparatus gubernamental. this because the mandatario not owing to divulga the informacionnan recien the time there but now numa y because; such owing to tapa informacion valioso of possible ‘metemento y tapamento’ of the ex comisario. was comienso of month here cu croes owing to show cu declaracionnan comprometedor of jan vd straten owing to stay molostie y owing to dicidi of los this now in prensa. the words “dit kan ik mijn vriend paul niet aandoen” is thing cu vd straten owing to declara according croes. all is cosnan cu owing to wordo declara y haci in the first 10 dianan of the caso according croes. trafico of telephone among jan vd straten y paul vd sloot was enough activo during the first 10 dianan of the caso. owing to come also the caso caminda owing to try at incrimina two man color dark because; esnan suspicion for desvia atencion of paul y joran vd sloot. “pakico joran vd sloot have to owing to happen in all one show poniendo camera for interogue?” croes is ask about. same is ask about pakico owing to place the rechercherchenan interogue at dutch while cu vd sloot is compronde papiamento good very well? all is questions cu croes owing to haci. “pakico not owing to haci the interogacion not at papiamento y pakico vd straten owing to exigi for her interogacion take lugar at dutch?” croes is follow ask about. if is at papiamento the work of recherche owing to wordo haci, they will owing to haci one miho work according the mandatario. owing to haci the question pakico had the privilege for vd sloot. thing also is wing atencion in all the declaracion of minister croes is cu one minister of the netherlands owing to ask the mandatario of husticia for can please not menciona cu joran vd sloot is dutch. “mi of cune, con do you wanted mean not menciona cu joran is dutch “ croes owing to tell the mandatario the time there. this siendo cu at the netherlands is descrimina antillean y aruban according croes. the name of the minister dutch also will wordo menciona according croes. but the instant there the does not owing to menciona this.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Buckeye on December 14, 2008, 09:39:17 PM
Been reading from Joran's book excerpts:

page 1 from Ramm at BFN:

7. they moved to Aruba when Joran was 2 years old

8. in 1990 Paul van der Sloot was offered a job at the "Central Bureau of Legal and General Affairs on Aruba.

9. they married at that time, not having done so because they so no need for a piece of paper stating they were wed. They did it to get easier visas to the island
(civil ceremony).

Joran also makes a comment about not being confirmed.  I think that is when the Dutch acquire "godparents".  Maybe Joran does not have a "real" the church kind of way.

From Scared Monkeys (?by Hannie):

At the blackjack table are sitting two men, one of them is white, about 45 years of age and has dark hair. Madison had seen this guy two days before already in the Holiday Inn Casino. Some people thought they recognized Joran`s father, but Paul was already gone

Now, I find that interesting.  Joran says he left but other people and Madison saw Paulus...


Also, an FBI "protected witness", an American called "Mr X", meets Deepak in July 2005 in the Internet café wehre Deepak works.

Deepak tells X: “I see what’s going on and I know much more. I’m certain that Natalee is no longer on the island.” He also says something that contradicts that: “When they find the duct-tape with Natalee’s hair on it, then I’ll go to jail", which is strange because they did find hair with duct tape but it wasn't Natalee's.

I don't remember discussing the above.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 10:03:41 PM
Was trying to read up on Zwinkels.  One thing interesting...during the crack down on drugs, in the early 90s, it was said that Dutch lawyers flocked to the island (in 1992).  Makes me wonder about Paulus's whole purpose in going to Aruba.  Maybe his whole intent was to work for and defend the connected.

Hi Buckeye...I have been trying for ages to look at Zwinkels...same old is so time consuming to trnslte from Dutch to English.

This one is about the Cargo affair and 2 cops are mentioned.

In the Netherlands was particularly super-prosecutor A. Docters van Leeuwen die in grote woede ontstak over de indiscrete rapportages van de Arubaanse politie. Docters van Leeuwen in great anger about the indiscreet ontstak reports of the Aruban police. Rasmijn en Zaandam moesten weg. Rasmijn and Zaandam had gone. De commissie-De Ruiter drong in zijn rapport ook aan op ontslag voor de beide politieagenten. The committee-The Horseman in his report also called for dismissal of the two policemen. Maar daar wil Aruba niet aan, blijkt uit een gesprek dat De Groene Amsterdammer een dag na de ondertekening van het rijksbesluit met Eman voerde in zijn Haagse hotel. But that does not want to Aruba, an interview that De Groene Amsterdammer a day after the signing of the empire act by Eman Hague claimed in his hotel.

As a pure coincidence, and to pique your natural Shango curiosity just a bit, Leeuwen in Dutch means Lions. oldie but goldie...

The Lionstone Group...Miami

Plans are in to develop – even by bringing in a Ritz – the San Nicolaas area, which has some wonderful beaches and the town itself, which is delightful. But it’s still the home of an oil refinery, and that, in the words of Alfredo Lowenstein, who owns The Holiday Inn, "It’s too early, too windy, there’s no road that goes there that misses the refinery. People who pay Ritz prices don’t want to look at factory smokestacks. They may own them." The Ritz is looking at the last piece of Palm Beach, and Mr. Lowenstein, who’s working on that project, may or may not get permission to build there.

That is an oldie byt goodie.  LOL.  I remember when that came up.  There have been so many things that we have all kicked around.  Somewhere in all of this there must be some answers.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 14, 2008, 10:30:57 PM
Anyone have a picture of Zwinkels?  TIA

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 11:05:23 PM
Anyone have a picture of Zwinkels?  TIA

I've been looking but have not found one yet.  Maybe I'm not doing it right. ::MonkeyLaugh::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 14, 2008, 11:15:03 PM
Anyone have a picture of Zwinkels?  TIA

I've been looking but have not found one yet.  Maybe I'm not doing it right. ::MonkeyLaugh::

Well, I must not be doing it right either!   ::MonkeyHaHa::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 14, 2008, 11:16:08 PM

MARCH 1995




Aruba.  (High) Aruba was upgraded to Medium-High priority in 1994, but the legislation anticipated a year ago has not been enacted, and the loopholes and deficiencies in both law and regulation which permit money laundering to flourish continue to its detriment.  While Aruban police continue to cooperate with US authorities on investigation, the money laundering situation is seemingly more serious than a year ago.  Thus, for 1995, Aruba is upgraded to High Priority.

There are continuing discussions between the governments of the Netherlands and Aruba (and the Netherlands Antilles) and also between the US and the Netherlands on corrective measures.  Aruba has criminalized money laundering in both narcotic and non-drug related cases.  Banks have agreed to record identities of persons engaged in currency transactions of more than US$10,000.  However, the requirements to record identities of transactors and beneficial owners only applies to non-clients, and there is no requirement to report suspicious transactions.  At present, it is not uncommon for persons to enter Aruba (and the other islands) carrying hundreds of thousands of dollars without being questioned by local authorities.

Until effective legislation has been adopted and enforced, Aruba cannot be said to be in compliance with the 1988 UN Convention; it is a signatory as part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands.  In that same capacity, Aruba is scheduled to be evaluated in early 1995 by the Financial Action Task Force.  Attorney General Jan Zwinkels has been quoted as saying money laundering is a growing problem for Aruba, which he relates to Aruba's lack of resources to provide law enforcement with the ability to monitor the financial industry.

Money laundering organizations, including non-Arubans, continue to utilize the offshore banking facilities, the free zone, and casinos to transfer and launder drug and other proceeds.  A network of ethnic Chinese money launderers based in New York is allegedly operating in Aruba through front companies, e.g., Chinese-owned factories.  This group also is believed to launder drug proceeds from Europe and North America through investment houses and funeral homes in England, and offshore investment companies in Aruba.  Bulk shipments of drug proceeds destined for prominent Aruban individuals are allegedly flown to Aruba by way of Miami; bulk shipments also arrive in Aruba via cruise ships, commercial airlines, and fishing vessels.

 Alleged drug trafficker Randolph Habibe was indicted in December, but other Aruban families with alleged connections to banks in Venezuela and cocaine cartels in Colombia, who are suspected of both drug trafficking and money laundering, have not been charged.  Habibe is charged as being part of the La Costa cartel which allegedly engaged in drug trafficking, money laundering, and chemical smuggling;  Habibe was allegedly the chief money launderer for this group, which allegedly generated and laundered more than US$800 million in drug proceeds.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 11:25:48 PM
Aruba's Attorney General at the time, the Dutchman Jan Zwinkels, expressed his surprise over the allegations about the the Mafia's influence on the island. "It is all very vague. My impression is that people repeat the same unfounded story over and over again. I never spoke to a Italian judge. There never has been request for mutual legal assistance." (90)

footnote:(90) I interviewed Attorney General Jan Zwinkels in June 1995. Although Zwinkels himself is Dutch, he was appointed by the Aruban government. Aruba has its own independent juridical system and apparatus, but often Dutch trained juridical personal head the office of the Public Prosecutor. Zwinkels had to leave office in January 1997 after a two year long battle with the Aruban government about law enforcement on the island. Mr Zwinkels prosecuted a little too diligent some business-men affiliated with Premier Eman's party, among others the Mansur Family.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 14, 2008, 11:35:47 PM
Aruba's Attorney General at the time, the Dutchman Jan Zwinkels, expressed his surprise over the allegations about the the Mafia's influence on the island. "It is all very vague. My impression is that people repeat the same unfounded story over and over again. I never spoke to a Italian judge. There never has been request for mutual legal assistance." (90)

footnote:(90) I interviewed Attorney General Jan Zwinkels in June 1995. Although Zwinkels himself is Dutch, he was appointed by the Aruban government. Aruba has its own independent juridical system and apparatus, but often Dutch trained juridical personal head the office of the Public Prosecutor. Zwinkels had to leave office in January 1997 after a two year long battle with the Aruban government about law enforcement on the island. Mr Zwinkels prosecuted a little too diligent some business-men affiliated with Premier Eman's party, among others the Mansur Family.

Does anyone have a list of everything the Mansur family has there hands in on the Island?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 14, 2008, 11:40:50 PM

The application of the narcotics money by the CRI - to the controversial Haarlemse method nearly identical - has come to light this month on the Ministries of Justice and Antiliaanse and Arubaanse matter in The Hague.

This happened after prime minister Eman of Aruba is and minister of justice fox there by the end of February at vice-premier dike stable and minister Voorhoeve (Antilles and Aruba) did their beklag concerning that 930,000 guilders confiscated narcotics money missing had touched. They suggested that the Arubaanse Procurator-General J. had put Zwinkels, with which the two Arubaanse politicians on foot live of war the amount in own pocket.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 14, 2008, 11:45:48 PM


De Ruiter: vervang politietop Aruba
DEN HAAG, 11 OKT. Wegens sterk verstoorde verhoudingen tussen de Arubaanse regering en het openbaar ministerie moet de Nederlandse procureur-generaal Zwinkels worden teruggeroepen naar Nederland en dient de Arubaanse politietop worden vervangen. Zwinkels moet niet worden vervangen. In plaats daarvan moet voor de Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba één procureur-generaal worden aangesteld.

Babelfish translation:

The rider: police force top replaces Aruba
THE HAGUE, 11 OKT. Because of strongly disturbed proportions between the Arubaanse government and the Public Prosecution Service must be called back the Dutch Procurator-General Zwinkels to the Netherlands and serves the Arubaanse police force top to be replaced. Zwinkels do not have be replaced. In place of it must for the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba one Procurator-General is appointed.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 11:51:25 PM
Aruba's Attorney General at the time, the Dutchman Jan Zwinkels, expressed his surprise over the allegations about the the Mafia's influence on the island. "It is all very vague. My impression is that people repeat the same unfounded story over and over again. I never spoke to a Italian judge. There never has been request for mutual legal assistance." (90)

footnote:(90) I interviewed Attorney General Jan Zwinkels in June 1995. Although Zwinkels himself is Dutch, he was appointed by the Aruban government. Aruba has its own independent juridical system and apparatus, but often Dutch trained juridical personal head the office of the Public Prosecutor. Zwinkels had to leave office in January 1997 after a two year long battle with the Aruban government about law enforcement on the island. Mr Zwinkels prosecuted a little too diligent some business-men affiliated with Premier Eman's party, among others the Mansur Family.

Does anyone have a list of everything the Mansur family has there hands in on the Island?

I don't.  But I see where many people have indicated that the Mansurs own a good bit of the business and property there.  Ir, at least they used to.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 14, 2008, 11:53:38 PM

The application of the narcotics money by the CRI - to the controversial Haarlemse method nearly identical - has come to light this month on the Ministries of Justice and Antiliaanse and Arubaanse matter in The Hague.

This happened after prime minister Eman of Aruba is and minister of justice fox there by the end of February at vice-premier dike stable and minister Voorhoeve (Antilles and Aruba) did their beklag concerning that 930,000 guilders confiscated narcotics money missing had touched. They suggested that the Arubaanse Procurator-General J. had put Zwinkels, with which the two Arubaanse politicians on foot live of war the amount in own pocket.


Does this article imply that Zwinkels may have been getting payoffs??? 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 14, 2008, 11:58:40 PM

The application of the narcotics money by the CRI - to the controversial Haarlemse method nearly identical - has come to light this month on the Ministries of Justice and Antiliaanse and Arubaanse matter in The Hague.

This happened after prime minister Eman of Aruba is and minister of justice fox there by the end of February at vice-premier dike stable and minister Voorhoeve (Antilles and Aruba) did their beklag concerning that 930,000 guilders confiscated narcotics money missing had touched. They suggested that the Arubaanse Procurator-General J. had put Zwinkels, with which the two Arubaanse politicians on foot live of war the amount in own pocket.


Does this article imply that Zwinkels may have been getting payoffs??? 

I think it does.  How did he end up coming back after all of this?   ::MonkeyConfused::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 15, 2008, 12:06:00 AM
Yoo hoo Kermie..... ::MonkeyWink::


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 15, 2008, 12:09:22 AM

The Rothschilds of the Mafia on Aruba
Tom Blickman - TNI Researcher
Transnational Organized Crime Vol. 3, No. 2, Summer 1997

"A magnificent washing-machine is sold here, its trademark is Aruba. The machine is an Aruban-Colombian product, its model called Cartel. The brand is well-known for its good performance in the United States and Europe. It is recommended by former ministers, members of Parliament, owners of casinos, supermarkets, cosmetics manufacturers and importers of cars and batteries. The washing-machine fits everybody who has become inexplicably rich from one day to another."
"Offshore Financial Centers
IMF Background Paper, June 2000

The Black Market Peso Exchange

Aruba Financial Center Association (AFCA)"
The MPs of the Staten van Aruba – the Aruban Parliament – must have been bewildered when one of their own ministers smeared the good name of their island. Former minister Elio Nicolaas grins when he is reminded of his speech in 1989. (1) Finally someone had thrown a rock in the silent and complacent waters of the Caribbean tax-haven Aruba – a semi-independent part of the Kingdom of the Netherlands. "I had to react," he says. "My own colleague, the Minister of Finance, denied money was laundered on the island." Nicolaas knew better. Prior to his political career he had been a police officer and had actually set up the anti-narcotics squad.

His denunciation incited strong objections in Parliament. Opposition-leader – and former Prime Minister – Henny Eman demanded his resignation. Nicolaas retorted by suggesting that Eman's election campaign was financed with drug money. Nicolaas thinks today nothing has really changed: "The island is still infested with 'narco-complacientes', people who benefit from the drug trade." Indeed, Eman is once more Prime Minister of Aruba. "Well, did you come to write stories about our pirates island?" he asks sarcastically when we walk to his office. (2) Eman has had enough of the 'mad stories' about the Caribbean island as a 'Mafia Nest'. They are not substantiated and damaging for Aruba's good name, foreign trade and the tourist-industry, he thinks.

"Aruba's geographical position is a blessing and a curse at the same time," says Eman, alluding to the pleasant climate which attracts thousands of tourists each year, and the unpleasant closeness of the Colombian and Venezuelan northern shores which makes it vulnerable for drug-traffickers. According to Eman, Aruba is burdened with the problem of other nations: "The drug trade is not Aruba's primary responsibility. The market is in Europe and the United States. It is not our fault they cannot control their borders, that Aruba is used as a transit point."

The US Government is not as dismissive as Mr Eman. Within three years Aruba rose from a 'medium risk' to a 'high risk' country in the State Department's annual International Narcotics Control Strategy Report. The island is used as a base for bulk transhipment of cocaine to the US and Europe, through its Free Trade Zone. Off-shore corporate banking facilities, the casino/resort complexes, high volume tourism, and a stable currency all make Aruba attractive to money laundering organizations. Eman considers these reports as too negative and suggests hat Aruba is in good company since "the US and Holland rank number one on the list as well."

The US is concerned about credible reports that some members of the Aruban government met regularly with individuals associated with drug trafficking and money laundering syndicates. In spite of, or perhaps because of, the denials by Aruba officials, the US remains convinced that entrenched money laundering organizations direct large cash deposits into land development and other construction projects on the island. (3) The Netherlands is equally worried. "I think we are going to loose it on Aruba," Arthur Docters van Leeuwen, the Dutch Attorney General, said about the counter-narcotics efforts on the island. Aruba is in the hands of some powerful families and Holland can't do anything about it, due to constitutional restraints. (4)

The reasons for Docters' pessimism were revealed when a confidential report on the Aruban Security Service – the Veiligheidsdienst Aruba (VDA) – leaked in the Dutch press. In October 1994 its director Martien Ras had sounded the alarm-bell. He had written to Docters, then chief of the Dutch security service, that democratically elected officials promoted the interests of private business-men to such an extent that Aruba's democratic institutions were in danger. (5)

Both the Dutch security service and the American CIA had assisted Ras with his investigations. Ras wrote to Docters because Eman – freshly re-elected as Prime Minister – demanded to see the VDA-files about Aruban entrepreneurs who Ras suspected of money laundering and linked to drug traffickers. The Dutch rapidly removed the files, but Ras had to quit his job. Since then he Ras has lived in hiding somewhere in Holland. His interim successor, a Dutch intelligence officer, confirmed his conclusions.

December 1996 President Clinton put Aruba on the list of Major Illicit Drug-transit Countries. (6) Aruba is now eligible for de-certification by the US Government. At the yearly certification scrutiny March 1997, however, Aruba was not decertified.

The First Independent State under Mafia Control

Aruba's reputation as a 'Mafia island' became public in March 1993 when it was described by the Italian daily Corriere della Sera as 'the first state to be bought by the bosses Cosa Nostra'. (7) The Sicilian Mafia clan of the families Cuntrera and Caruana allegedly had taken over the island. Between 1988 and 1992 they acquired 60 per cent of Aruba through investments in hotels, casino's and the election-campaign of a Prime Minister. Aruba looked set to be the first independent state under Mafia control.

At the time Aruba was set for independence from the Kingdom of the Netherlands in 1996. Ten years before it had acquired a "status aparte" – a semi-autonomous status – within the realm. The Dutch consented to the Aruban wish for self-determination, but established a 10-year time period. Due to the reluctance of many Arubans, and anxiety with the Dutch government about the infiltration of organized crime on the island, independence never materialized. The US, France, the United Kingdom and Venezuela pressed the Dutch government to abandon its moves towards Aruban self-government, and the Netherlands complied. (8) Consequently, although the island is now handling its own internal affairs, foreign relations and defense remain a Dutch responsability.

Prime Minister Eman doesn't like to be reminded of the name Cuntrera – primarily because of his signature on the licence of Paolo and Giuseppe Cuntrera for their nightclub Visage in 1987. It keeps hurting him, even though he tries to dismiss it as "a very superseded story." According to Eman, at the time these people were honourable citizens in several countries, among others in Venezuela. In Aruba, their criminal activities were not known. Moreover, "when we learned who they really were, we expelled them”."

The issue also became highly politicized. The two main political parties – the Arubaanse Volkspartij (AVP, Aruban Peoples Party) led by Eman and the Moviemento Electoral di Pueblo (MEP, People's Electoral Movement) led by Nelson Oduber – accused each other of permitting the Cuntrera's to infest Aruba and both claim to have kicked them off the island. In reality, the Cuntrera's had left – temporarily – on their own in 1988.

In April 1988 Business Week published a story about the involvement of the family in a case of heroin smuggling from Thailand to Montreal, and their money laundering schemes in Canada. (9) The article and copies of the licence for the Cuntrera's signed by Eman, were distributed anonymously on the island, and caused a fierce political battle.

Eman still claims that the MEP-government which preceded his first government, already allowed the Cuntreras to establish the nightclub and that legally he couldn't do anything about it. But Eman's own Minister of Economic Affairs, Leonard Berlinski, in writing had refused a licence for Paolo and Giuseppe Cuntrera. Berlinski's officials advised him not to issue the permit because it was not in the public interest of Aruba, warning him "don't burn your fingers." Ironically, shortly after the licence was denied, Berlinski had to resign because of allegations of corruption. He was arrested but acquitted on appeal. In the meantime a new request for a licence was applied for – by notary Maria Albertina Eman, a sister of the Prime Minister. Eman, then Minister of Economic Affairs ad interim, approved the application in spite of repeated negative recommendations. (10) Berlinski contends that observers of these events can draw their own conclusions.

Eman's claim that the Cuntrera's were honourable citizens in several countries is not convincing. This was certainly not true in Italy, Canada and the United States. In 1983 an international arrest warrant for Paolo Cuntrera was issued by the Italian police, and in June 1985 Gerlando Caruana was caught smuggling heroin to Montreal. Assuming this escaped the attention of the Aruban authorities, closer at home in Venezuela, the Cuntrera's were exposed as mafiosi in 1984 – three years prior to permission for the Cuntrera nightclub. Their names, accompanied by photographs, made the headlines in the Venezuelan press. In addition, Aruban authorities knew – or at least should have known – of the involvement of the Cuntreras in cocaine traffic on the island. The Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) had followed Sabbatino Nicolucci, a suspected courier for Montreal Mafia boss Vito Rizzuto, to the island. When Canadian police-officers – accompanied by the Aruban chief of police – asked to look at Nicolucci's phone calls at the Holiday Inn it appeared he was not registered: the room was reserved and paid for by Pasquale Cuntrera. (11) Despite this incriminating evidence, which probably inspired the negative advice of Aruban officials, Prime Minister Eman gave the Cuntrera's permission to open a nightclub.

The Bankers of Cosa Nostra

Pasquale Cuntrera
arriving at Fiumicino airport in Rome in September 1992
(Photo: AP)
The 'Rothschilds of the Mafia' or 'the bankers of Cosa Nostra' were the names given to the Cuntrera-Caruana Mafia-clan the Italian press. (12) A prosecuting judge was more precise, describing the clan as "a close wicker-work of blood-relations composed of family-nucleuses in different countries all over the world, joined with an equal wicker-work of economical and industrial connections, intended to improve their networks for international traffic in narcotics and money-laundering." (13)

The Cuntrera-Caruana clan specialized in laundering hundreds of millions of drug dollars. This may well have been why it had come to Aruba. The island is one of the many Caribbean tax-havens famous for their relaxed off-shore regulations popular at the shady side of the money business. In the 1980s the booming tourist-industry offered additional possibilities to re-invest drug profits. (14) It was entirely appropiate therefore when an Italian newspaper suggested that the sun never sets on the Cuntrera-Caruana narco-empire. The occasion for this was the arrest of three Cuntrera brothers (Pasquale, Paolo and Gaspare Cuntrera) at Rome's international airport in September 1992. (15) They had arrived from Caracas. The night before they had been secretly put on a plane to Rome, after the Venezuelan government had decided to expel them.

The Italian government had requested the Cuntrera brothers' extradition several times since a first arrest-warrant in 1983, but the clan seemed to have safeguarded its stay in Caracas through political connections. For a long time the Venezuelan government seemed uninterested in pursuing the brothers. In 1992, however, the tide turned. In May the brutal killing of the popular anti-mafia judge, Giovanni Falcone, in Sicily produced a public outcry in Italy and the government stepped up its battle against the Mafia. At the same time, the apparent protection of the Cuntrera-brothers in Venezuela dwindled.

President Carlos Andres Perez barely survived a coup of discontented military in February and faced allegations of corruption. A tough law-and-order Minister for Home Affairs was nominated. Diplomatic pressure from the US (where Pasquale Cuntrera was indicted on charges of heroin-smuggling) and Italy resulted in the expulsion of the three Cuntrera-brothers.

The arrest of the Cuntrera-brothers reverberated through Aruban politics. Parliament carried a motion concludeding that there existed secret ties between the Aruban Peoples Party and the Cuntrera-family. The former Premier, Henny Eman and his Minister of Justice Edgar Vos (both in the opposition at that time) were alleged to have given the clan "preferential treatment" and were asked "to leave the political arena." A parliamentary inquiry was asked for to uncover "the benefits which (Eman and Vos) acquired on account of the preferential treatment." (16) Eman and Vos, however, did not leave the arena and subsequently nobody has heared about a parliamentary inquiry. Eman became Prime Minister once more and 'Watty' Vos the Minister of Justice (just recently their cabinet fell). The Minister of Health in Eman's new cabinet is Mrs. Lilly Beke, family doctor of Paolo Cuntrera when he stayed at the island. Although Mrs. Beke claims to "treat people, not names", but many wonder why she consulted Paolo Cuntrera in Caracas in a restaurant. (17)

A Transnational Criminal Holding

"The Cuntrera's and Caruana's were and probably still are leading international drug traffickers, and they control a significant part of the money laundering networks," noted prosecuting judge Gioacchino Natoli from Palermo. He led the prosecution during the two-year trial against several members of the clan. (18) In January 1996 Pasquale Cuntrera was sentenced to 20 years' imprisonment for associazione mafioso (mafia conspiracy) and drug trafficking. (19) Gaspare and Paolo Cuntrera both received 13 years.

Natoli subsequently became one of the prosecutors in the case against Italy's former Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti, accused of collusion with the Mafia. Being in the front line in the fight against Cosa Nostra, means that Natoli is sealed off from society, escorted and guarded 24-hours a day. Natoli's office reflects his almost monastic isolation. Piles of files wait for further study and elaboration. Palermo's intense sunlight and eternal traffic-bustle are shut off. Broad shouldered plain-clothes policemen guard the corridors of this enclave in Palermo's Tribunal.

Behind Natoli hangs a frame with a potograph of two man jesting. The photo's gaiety is in sharp contrast with the tragic fate of the men – Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino. Both were killed while fighting the Mafia. Their photo is a reminder of the danger and necessity of Natoli's everyday job. He worked with both men. As an assistant to Falcone he helped to prepare the indictment against Cuntrera-Caruana, back in 1989.

Falcone, however, did not live to see the result of that indictment. His car was bombed near the Sicilian town of Capaci in May 1992 – a few days after he had initiated a new extradition procedure against the Cuntrera-brothers. Falcone, his wife and three escorting policemen were killed in the blast. Cosa Nostra eliminated its principal opponent, who was not only responsible for the conviction of hundreds of its leaders at the Maxi Trial in 1987, but was also the impending national Anti-Mafia Prosecutor.

According to Natoli, "the clan is best described as an international holding ... a holding which secures certain services for the Sicilian Cosa Nostra as a whole: drug-trafficking routes and channels for money-laundering." The families Cuntrera and Caruana are the nucleus of the clan. They are relatives; they inter-married like medieval feudal lords to strengthen their criminal alliance. Consequently, the clan is very compact with great cohesion. Natoli describes it as "a very tight knit family group of men-of-honor, not only joined by Mafia bonds, but also byties of blood." The strength of this group – apart from the numbers and solid relationships – is that it moved to the nerve-centres of drug trafficking in North and South America.

Within Cosa Nostra few know who they are, but all know what they are. "Everybody knew that Cuntrera-Caruana were the undisputed controllers of the Canadian and Venezuelan market," says Gaspare Mutolo, a pentito (repentant) who himself was heavily involved in the drug trade, but became a state witness in 1992. (20) "In Cosa Nostra it was generally known that they were involved in drug trafficking at a very high level," says Mutolo. Indeed, the names Cuntrera and Caruana were – and probably still are – a guarantee of a good deal. Moreover, the clan has scarcely been touched by the Sicilian Cosa Nostra's internal power-struggles, like the one which brought Totò Riina and his Corleonesi to power in the 1980s. One reason is that the Cuntrera-Caruana clan had moved abroad. Another is that it positioned itself at an equal distance to the different factions in the Sicilian Mafia. As Natoli explains: "Their interest is the drug trade, an activity which runs right across different interests and factions. That is why they have to keep a central position and be independent from whatever 'political' wing that rules Cosa Nostra."

Others are Allied with Them

"The difference between the Cuntrera-Caruana clan and other Mafia families is that they have a key-position in the drug trade and money laundering for Cosa Nostra," says Alessandro Pansa, head of the Economic Crime Section of the Servizio centrale operativo (Sco) of the Italian National Police. (21) Pansa is one of Italy's leading experts in international criminal investigations and money laundering. Fifteen years ago, as one of the members of a newly formed crack team of investigators who became the confidants of judge Falcone, Pansa pioneered the use of computers to track the drug proceeds. In his view, the clan is the international transport service and the launderette of Cosa Nostra. It brings together the producers and distributers of narcotics. "Almost all the money of the Sicilian Mafia in North-America to purchase heroin and the resulting proceeds went through their hands." The Cunteras and Caruanas are necessary and irreplaceable for every other Mafia family. Their services are indispensable. Consequently, "the others are allied with them." (22)

It was Pansa who discovered the clan, almost by accident. One in hundreds of tapped phone conversations alerted him. In 1982 he was investigating the Italian end of a heroin smuggling network to the United States, later known as the Pizza Connection. The Italian police was following the movements of Giuseppe Bono, the middleman between the American buyers of the Gambino and Bonanno Family and the Sicilian clans who organized the heroin traffic to the US, and had tapped his telephone. Most of the time Bono did not say much, but suddenly he became very talkative to an elderly Sicilian woman. Bono respectfully expressed his condolences with the demise of her husband. Pansa wondered why Bono, an arrogant high-ranking boss within Cosa Nostra, "became suddenly so submissive ... that woke us up."

It turned out that Bono was calling a number registered to Pasquale Cuntrera in Ostia Lido, a sea-side resort near Rome. The deceased was Liborio Cuntrera, the eldest Cuntrera-brother, who had died in London, where he had settled in 1976. Pansa started to investigate this little known cluster of Mafia men from the distant, ignored south of Sicily. In the event it took him ten years before he finally arrested the Cuntrera brothers at Rome's Fiumicino airport when they were expelled from Venezuela in 1992. "They really look like Godfathers from the movie-screen, with their painted hair, gold watches and white shoes," Pansa says. But he acknowledges that, in spite of their appearance they are not be underestimated as "they are very good entrepreneurs".

Murderers, Cattle-thieves and Arsonists

The family moved outside Sicily some 30 years ago. The days when Pasquale Cuntrera and his brother-in-law Leonardo Caruana were indicted for murder and such old style rural Mafia crimes as cattle-thieving and arson are long gone. (23) Now they head a transnational criminal enterprise involved in the brokerage of all kinds of narcotics and laundering the proceeds.

Both the Cuntreras and the Caruanas were born in Siculiana, a small village on the south coast of Sicily in the province Agrigento. Already in the 1930's, during the Fascist repression of the Mafia, Giuseppe Caruana, the eldest of the Caruana-brothers, was denounced as a mafioso. He was rebuked as an ozioso ('a lazy bones') suspected of living from 'the proceeds of criminal activity'.

Siculiana had been ruled by mafiosi for years, concluded the Agrigento Court in 1966. Giuseppe and Leonardo Caruana and Pasquale Cuntrera exploited every economic activity in the village and its surrounding communities. They had created a atmosphere of omertà with violence and intimidation making sure that no one dared to denounce them. The Court thought it best to expel them from the village.

The banishment was the result of stepped-up repression from the Italian authorities after a car-bomb killed seven policemen in the Palermo suburb, Ciaculli, in 1963. The bomb was intended to kill Palermo Mafia boss Salvatore 'Cicchiteddu' Greco, target of a rival Mafia-faction during yet another internal power-struggle. The killing of the policemen, however, provoked a wave of public indignation – similar to the later one when Falcone and Borsellino were murdered – that forced the Italian government to act against Cosa Nostra. The government resorted to a measure of the Fascist period: soggiorno obbligato (an internal banishment). To disconnect the mafiosi from their strongholds in Sicily, a forced deportation from their power bases was imposed. Hundreds of mafiosi were banned to locations elsewhere in Italy, mostly in the North. Many choose to leave the country instead. Pasquale Cuntrera and Leonardo Caruana moved to Montreal in Canada, while Giuseppe Caruana preferred Rio de Janeiro, where the now 86-year old family boss still resides in good health.

Unwillingly, the Italian government with its measure of internal banishment caused the spread of Cosa Nostra not only to the North of the country – its financial and business center – as an Italian Parliamentary Antimafia Commission would conclude ten years later, but also to the rest of the world. Many of the banned mafiosi emerged as the hard core of the heroin business in North America in the 1970s and 1980s.

Five Decades in the Narcotics Business

When and how the Cuntrera-Caruana clan became involved in drug trafficking is unknown. According to the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) the family was part of heroin-smuggling networks to the US the 1940s onwards. Their names appeared at investigations in such famous cases as the French Connection in the 1970s and the Pizza Connection in the 1980s. (24)

A good guess would be that they were introduced by the notorious Sicilian-American gangster and associate of Lucky Luciano, Nicola Gentile. 'Zu Cola' had also been born in Siculiana, but moved to the US at the turn of the century. In 1937 he was caught red-handed trafficking in narcotics, but – on the order of his American bosses – had jumped bail and returned to Sicily. (25)

In Sicily Gentile rose to a position as 'capo'. After the invasion in 1943, He helped the military set up its civil administration (AMGOT) in the Agrigento province and became involved in intelligence and the Sicilian separatist movement. Later he became a important canvasser for politicians from the Christian-democratic Party, who quarrelled for his support. (26)

When Lucky Luciano was extradited to Italy in 1946 he once again teamed up with Gentile in organizing drug routes to the US Gentile had very good connections with well-known drug traffickers on Sicily, which he may have organized himself. His son was married to the daughter of Pietro Davì, one of the leading figures in the illegal tobacco and drug trade in Palermo in the 1950s. (27)

Several intertwining Sicilian networks were running heroin to the US. They had the same source – suppliers from the Corsican underworld in Marseilles with their high quality laboratories – and the same destination: the North American consumer market. After the War the US expelled dozens of Italo-American Mafiosi besides Luciano. These so-called 'undesirables' became the inter-oceanic link, and stimulated the metamorphosis of the Sicilian Mafia from a backward rural power-system into a modern protection and smuggling industry.

One of the protagonists was Giovanni Mira, a Palermo based drug trafficker, but born in Siculiana. Mira knew Gentile, and he was spotted by the police with Carmelo Caruana in Milan, where they probably met their Corsican heroin supplier. Both were linked to the so-called Caneba-network, which smuggled heroin to the US through Canada from 1951 until 1960 when the police disrupted this route. Mira was sending suitcases with tens of kilos of heroin to a certain Settimo Accardo in Canada. Another plot, according to Interpol, was to hide heroin in cans of anchovies. In 1960, Mira together with other high-rollers in the trade – Pietro Davì, Rosario Mancino (one of Luciano's lieutenants in Palermo) and Angelo La Barbera (a nephew of Davì) – traveled to Mexico and Canada to explore new drug routes. (28)

The Cuntrera-Caruana clan in all probability was involved in the trafficking networks. Some family-members had moved to Montreal in the 1950s. Canadian immigration records show Pasquale and Liborio Cuntrera arrived in 1951 and acquired Canadian nationality in 1957. (29) They moved up and down setting up base at both sides of the Atlantic.

Antonio Calderone – a mafioso from Catania who turned state-witness – recounts having first heard of the Cuntreras and Caruanas in 1968: "Giovanni Mira, an old uomo d'onore from Siculiana who was serving his soggiorno obbligato near Catania, told me they were drug traffickers and that they were very rich."(30) According to the Cuntreras own story they made their fortune in Canada. They worked hard, starting as snow-ploughers and barbers, saving enough money to start their first shop and pizzeria.

From the French to the Pizza Connection

The repression caused by the Ciaculli Massacre disarranged the Sicilian drug trade to the United States. Mafiosi were banned, arrested and incarcerated. Control over the trade fell to the hands of a few fugitives: Pietro Davì, Salvatore Greco 'l'ingegnere', Salvatore Greco 'Cicchiteddu', Tommaso Buscetta and Gaetano Badalamenti. (31) All of them acquainted with Cuntrera and Caruana.

Tomasso Buscetta
arrested in Brasil in 1973

'Don Massino' died of cancer on April 2, 2000
Supergrass Tommaso Buscetta met the clan in the winter of 1969 in Montreal. Buscetta defected from Cosa Nostra in 1984. He was the first high-ranking mafioso to turn state-witness, and enabled Falcone to indict the entire summit of Cosa Nostra. Buscetta stayed at Pasquale Cuntrera's home recovering from a venereal disease. The Cuntreras were introduced to him as uomini d'onore (men-of-honour). When Buscetta met them they were already very rich. He soon discoverd the source of their affluence. At the Palermo Trial against Cuntrera and Caruana in 1995, Buscetta declared that Pasquale Cuntrera had told him they were dealing in heroin, and that their supplier was Pippo Bono – at that time unknown to the police – who arranged things in Italy. Buscetta says their involvement started after the Ciaculli Massacre, when the heroin routes had been disrupted. (32)

Buscetta denies having worked with the clan in the heroin business. The only thing he smuggled with them was another white pulverized stuff: powdered milk. In fact Buscetta denies having ever been implicated in the drug trade despite all the evidence to the contrary. At the time he met the Cuntreras, Buscetta was known to every law enforcement agency as one of the most notorious worldwide drug traffickers. (33)

One of Buscetta's partners, Pino Catania, ratted on him in much the same way Buscetta himself would do 10 years later. Catania turned state witness when he was arrested in the US in 1973 on heroin charges. He confessed to having been implicated in a heroin smuggling ring that transported 330 kilograms to the US and Canada in 3 years. His partners were Buscetta and a certain Carlo Zippo. (34)

Police investigations had already identified the Zippo-Buscetta network in 1969, later rebaptized as the French Connection. (35) They had also stumbled on a network involving some of the Cuntreras and Caruanas. The networks worked with the same people. A BNDD report summarizing the Zippo-Buscetta network identified Liborio Cuntrera, Giovanni Caruana and phone-calls from Cuntrera's partner Nick Rizzuto to Catania's company in Mexico and Zippo's firm Brasitalia Import-Export Company in New York. (36)

Buscetta had met Rizzuto at Cuntrera's house and both were partners smuggling 'powdered milk'. Buscetta's son Benedetto – who was dragged into the network and arrested – confessed he overheared his father talking to a certain 'Monoco': "Are you interested in 30 pairs of shoes for 14 dollars a pair?" Buscetta had asked, in the typical code-language used for heroin deals. (37)

Benedetto didn't know 'Monoco's' real name, but it could well have been yet another associate of the Cuntrera-Caruana clan, Santo Caldarella. Caldarella was nick-named 'u Monacu' or 'Monoco' ('the monk') because in his younger days he had begged on the streets of Siculiana. During the Cuntrera-Caruana trial Buscetta recalled that he had met Caldarella during his stay at Pasquale Cuntrera's place.

There are more indications of the close relationship between Buscetta and Pasquale Cuntrera, the clan member Buscetta was most intimate with. When Buscetta travelled to Italy in the summer of 1970, he did so on a false passport provided by Pasquale Cuntrera. (38) The Zippo-Buscetta French Connection network was related to an illegal-alien racket. Sicilians were smuggled into Canada and the US and most of them also brought in narcotics.

When the organization of Zippo and Buscetta was dismantled in 1972, the Cuntrera-Caruana network was not. Just like other partners in the network – Giuseppe Bono in Italy and the Eagle Cheese Company of the Casamento brothers – they would all turn up ten years later in de Pizza Connection. In both cases pizza parlours were important distribution centres.

The French Connection was a prelude to the Pizza Connection. In both cases the trade was organized by Sicilian men of honor, and not American made-members. Heroin wholesaling in the US was firmly in the hands of a Sicilian network, which supplied American Cosa Nostra Families at the distribution level. The Sicilians had the licence of the American bosses who 'franchised' the import to them. (39) The Cuntrera-Caruana-Bono combination supplied the market in the 1970s and kept on supplying in 1980s.

Protecting the Heroin Racket

Nicolò "Nick" Rizzuto
Vito Rizzuto
'capo' of the Montreal Mafia
The Cuntrera-Caruana clan automatically grew while other narcotics networks were dismantled. The clan started to diversify and spread their organization, evolving into a transnational crime corporation. One of the reasons that the Cuntrera-Caruana clan remained unnoticed for such a long time (and when they were noted were disregarded) is that although, structurally they were at the center of things, geographically they were at the outskirts: they did not come from Palermo, and they did not move to New York.

As law enforcement works primarily on a national basis, the clan was always dismissed as some kind of 'outside intruder' in local crime. International law enforcement cooperation is a highly complicated and tiresome matter. Given limited resources, transnational criminal organisations were inevitably made secondary to the local situation – at least for a long time. Only more recently have international inquiries been given priority.

Another reason for the elusiveness of the clan is that it operated as what criminologist call an 'enterprise syndicate', as opposed to a 'power syndicate'. The clan mainly focused on making money through the narcotics business, and left the criminal power politics to others. The members worked very secretly, not imposing themselves with overt acts of violence. Ultimately, though their increasing prominence made them an inevitable target of law enforcement. (40)

When the clan had to move to Canada half-way through the 1960s they found shelter with the Montreal Cotroni Family, a sub-division of the New York Bonanno Family. The logic of Mafia hierarchy required the clan to be subordinate to the Cotroni bosses. These bosses soon discovered they had lost control over their supposed Sicilian underlings who had set up their own narcotics racket. When Cotroni boss Paolo Violi tried to re-establish his leadership, he was eliminated. (41)

The implication is that although the distinction between 'enterprise' and 'power' syndicates may be useful as an analytical tool for the inner workings of crime organizations and their outside relations, where control of a criminal enterprise is concerned it is less significant. Running a profitable narcotics network means economic strength, and that means power. When other criminal power brokers try to control the enterprise – without comparable resources – they may find themselves at the loosing end of the battle. Violi found this out in 1978. Perhaps he lacked the right connections and ruthlessness. Whatever the case, Montreal became a stronghold of the clan. The present-day Montreal Mafia-boss, Vito Rizzuto, is closely connected to the Cuntrera-Caruana organisation. His father, Nick Rizzuto, is the godfather of one of Pasquale Cuntrera's daughters.

Violi's nominal overlord in New York, Bonanno Family boss Carmine Galante, received the same fate in July 1979, when he tried to muscle in at the heroin racket in New York, after his release from prison. His killing was connected with the Sicilian monopoly in the heroin racket. After the liquidation of Galante, FBI files showed that a certain Gerlando Sciascia became head of the Bonanno Family. (42) Sciascia was born in Cattolica Eraclea, just like Nick Rizzuto and others of Cuntrera-Caruana Montreal branch of the clan. (43) Sciascia had close relations with Giuseppe Bono and Sal Catalano, key figure in the Pizza Connection. According to RCMP intelligence officer Yvon Thibault, Sciascia, in Bonanno's name, acted as the liaison between the Sicilians of New York and those in Montreal. (44) With Montreal mobster Joe Lo Presti (also born in Cattolica Eraclea), Sciascia supplied the New York Gambino Family with heroin from the Cuntrera-Caruana clan. (45)

Gerlando Sciascia
was found shot to death in The Bronx, New York, in March 1999
Sal Catalano
of the Bonanno Mafia Family
It remains unclear whether there is a connection between the Violi and Galante murder. The exact role of the Cuntrera-Caruana clan in the overall control of the heroin supply line to New York is also unclear. There is evidence though that the clan had considerable clout in the matter.

The Missing Link: Venezuela

Around 1982 there was no denying that the Cuntrera-Caruana families were key players in the narcotics business. Police on both sides of the ocean met them in investigations. The Italian Criminalpol and the Venezuelan police listened to their telephones, ignorant of their common interest. The FBI spotted their partner Giuseppe Bono in New York chatting with Pizza Connection protagonists Joe Ganci and Sal Catalano, while the Italians thought Bono controlled things in Milan.

DEA agents trailed their old acquaintance of the French Connection days, Nick Rizzuto, in Milan, telephoning Bono and sending containers to Canada. Pasquale Cuntrera was intermittently in Caracas and Rome (where he owned an apartment at the sea-side resort Ostia). Alfonso Caruana was spotted in Lugano, Switzerland, handling the money with Sicilian boss Antonio Salamone – a relative of the Grecos everybody presumed dead – coming in from Brazil.

Wiretaps gave a glimpse of Paolo Cuntrera's son-in-law Nino Mongiovì moving around in Honduras and Miami. He had obtained a monopoly for "two containers a month with a distributor in Florida”." (46) They were all connected to Michele Zaza and his crew of skilled smugglers from the Camorra organization in Naples. According to the FBI this network smuggled 3 metric tons of heroin a year to the US. (47)

Only when the Americans and Italians pooled their findings did they grasp what was going on. In 1983 the Italian police summarized their investigations in the Bono+159 report. The report identified Cuntrera and Caruana as the pivot of the well organized network moving heroin up to the US and the money down. It was the first time the clan was thoroughly examined. In fact, the police had uncovered part of the supply line for the Pizza Connection. But, while the US Pizza Connection trial resulted in the conviction of a significant segment of the network the authorities didn't find the real link between North-America and Sicily. (48) That missing link was to be found in Venezuela, where the Cuntrera-Caruana clan had set up their headquarters at the start of the 1970s, buying hotels and founding a string of businesses in Caracas and Valencia.

The most intriguing of the dozens Cuntrera-Caruana enterprises was a cattle-breeding company on an extended ranch in the state of Barinas, close to the Colombian border. It had its own private airstrip. A special task-force of the Venezuelan intelligence-service DISIP looked at this farm called Ganaderia Rio Zapa, established in 1971. (49) The shareholders of the firm represented the creme-de-la-creme of Mafia heroin-movers in those days:

Salvatore 'Cicchiteddu' Greco, the former head of the overall Commission of the Sicilian Cosa Nostra, and one of the pioneers in the international heroin trade (50);
Nick Rizzuto, a lieutenant in the Montreal-based Cotroni Family, but highly independent and in fact subordinate to the Sicilian Mafia (i.e. Cuntrera-Caruana);
Antonio Napoli, a high-ranking made member of the New York Gambino Family and 'the biggest mover of junk to the United States' (51);
John Gambino, a relative of Carlo Gambino and boss of the Sicilian faction of the New York Gambino Family (52);
Brothers Angelo and Francesco Mongiovì, figure-heads of the Cuntreras in Caracas and Italy's financial centre Milan. According to a DEA report, Angelo's son Nino Mongiovì married Paolo Cuntrera's daughter and was the 'super manager for drugs of all kinds passing through Miami'. (53)
The DEA spotted them investigating the Napoli brothers of the Gambino Family in New York. Antonio Napoli had moved to Venezuela and was a partner in a Cuntrera business. At the time DEA headquarters figured the trail irrelevant; nevertheless, special agent Tom Tripodi was sent to Caracas. DEA-analyst Mona Ewell told reporter Claire Sterling that Tripodi "came back with the whole thing." (54)

"We saw the Cuntreras and the Caruanas. The security around their homes was incredible... They had control in Venezuela like you wouldn't believe... We saw their businesses, all fronts for paper-shuffling. What these people handled was the money. Their names had been coming up for years on the money. Historically, they worked the money. They did it for cocaine as well as heroin ... It was a tremendous operation, and it was going on a long, long time... In my opinion, that's still the key. They're the people with the money; they've been in the business of narcotics the longest."
The implication, as Italian investigator Alessandro Pansa has noted is that "Venezuela has its own Cosa Nostra family as if it is Sicilian territory ... Until this day, the structure and hierarchy of the Mafia has been entirely reproduced in Venezuela ... The clan has direct links with the ruling Commission of the Sicilian Mafia, and are acknowledged by the American Cosa Nostra." Pansa claims that they are the funnel for the Gambino Family. Indeed, according to Tommaso Buscetta, it was the all-powerful New York Mafia boss Carlo Gambino himself who sponsored the acknowledgement of the Cuntrera-Caruana Family. (55)

Global Operations

The Montreal-New York and Caracas-Miami connections proved to be the gateway for narcotics to the world's biggest consumer-market. From its Venezuelan base the Cuntrera-Caruana clan supplied whatever drug was in demand – heroin, cocaine and cannabis. As their importance grew, however, the clan finally started to get to the attention of law enforcement agencies around the world.

Arrest warrants began to pile up. The 1983 Bono+159 report resulted in the first ones for the Cuntrera brothers and Alfonso Caruana, among others. Buscettas revelations in 1984 resulted in a new one for Pasquale Cuntrera, followed by yet another set in 1985. Italian Mafia-prosecutor Giovanni Falcone again indicted the clan in 1989, when two influential clan-members were arrested in Germany.

At the time the family's estimated worth was US$ 500 million. It was estimated by those investigating the clan's activities that it had shipped at least 700 kilo's of heroin and 70 metric tons of hashish with a total value of 700 million US dollars. Already then the Italian press warned Prime Minister Henny Eman of Aruba to remember the name Cuntrera and Caruana. If not, he might find himself a prisoner of Cosa Nostra instead of independent of the Netherlands. (56)

The investigation only looked at the years 1978-85, and the figures proved to be conservative. Subsequent evidence revealed that the investigators had missed a lot of what was going on. In 1992 pentito Gaspare Mutolo, Cosa Nostra's contact with Thai traffickers, disclosed massive heroin transports at the start of the 1980s. In 1981, Mutolo organized a 400 kilo shipment to the US. The Cuntrera-Caruana clan received half of the load, while John Gambino's crew took care of the other 200 kilos. When the money of the first deal came back, Mutolo immediately started to arrange another similar transport. (57) The shipments were financed by consortium of Sicilian Mafia clans. They had organized a pool to provide the money to buy the merchandise from Thai suppliers. The system in the heroin-business was that every Mafia family could invest in a shipment if it had the money. Each step in the different stages between buying and selling the commodity was payed along the way. The Cuntreras and Caruanas were the trusted buyers who supplied the market in North America.

Mutolo was arrested in 1982 before he could finish the second shipment. But, he assured the judge during the Cuntrera Trial, the shipment arrived. His Thai supplier Koh Bak Kin was arrested when yet another shipment of 233 kilos was intercepted in the Suez Canal in May 1983. A few months later, Alfonso Caruana was in Bangkok with relative Giuseppe Cuffaro to set up a new supply line. (58)

This time the clan was caught red-handed when British Customs & Excise and the Canadian RCMP seized a shipment of 58 kilos of heroin in Montreal in June 1985. Principal suspects were co-mafioso Francesco Di Carlo of the Altofonte clan, who was arrested in the UK, and Gerlando Caruana in Montreal. The subsequent inquiry disclosed that there had been more shipments. Besides heroin, loads of hashish were smuggled in as well. (59)

Alfonso Caruana and his brother Pasquale had settled in Woking in 1982, a Sicilian enclave in the 'stockbroker belt' near London. They worked closely with Francesco Di Carlo, who had created a complete smuggling infrastructure in England: he owned a hotel, travel agencies and import-export companies. Both Caruanas managed to leave England before they could be arrested.

Giuseppe Cuffaro was the travelling salesman of the clan. The records of his American Express Card show the international scale of dealings. Between 1980 and 1985 Cuffaro travelled up and down Montreal, Zürich, Caracas, Miami, Aruba, Lugano, Rome, Nassau (Bahamas), New York, Hollywood (Florida), New Delhi, Atlanta, London, Rio de Janeiro, Antigua, Palermo, Singapore, Bangkok and Geneva. In Thailand he married a Thai girl, opened bank accounts and negotiated with their Thai supplier Bang Khampay.

The seizure in 1985 apparently disrupted the flood for a while. Mutolo recalls that he was approached by Giuseppe Bono's associate Gaetano Fidanzati during the Maxi Trial against the Sicilian Cosa Nostra in Palermo in 1986. Fidanzati asked if he could find some more Thai heroin. If so, Fidanzati said, "we'll send it to Canada, to Cuntrera and Caruana, everything you want, either a 100 or 200 kilos, every amount you can send them in Canada, because they control everything over there." (60)

In June 1988 30 kilos of heroin were seized in a shipment of jade rocks from Thailand in a factory near Windsor at the US-Canadian border. The factory was owned by Cuffaro's brother-in-law, John Laudicina. Consignements from the same shipping-agent in Thailand had previously been seized earlier in Chicago, New York and in the Netherlands, but no one knew who had organized them. In the factory more hollowed out jade rocks indicated it wasn't the first load.

Meanwhile Giuseppe Cuffaro and Pasquale Caruana were in Germany organizing another network on the European continent to replace the route through England that had been dismantled. The German Bundeskriminalamt (BKA) was only just in time to stop them. In November 1988, the German police arrested Pasquale Caruana and Giuseppe Cuffaro near the Swiss border.

BKA investigations revealed an extensive network. Caruana and Cuffaro were supported by relatives and some of the many fellow-villagers who had emigrated to Germany in the 1960s and 1970s. Cuffaro had travelled for months through Germany, Luxembourg and Belgium in rented cars: 33,000 kilometres in 145 days, an average of 227 a day. He spent his days in the plush spa and casino-resort Baden Baden and Germany's financial center, Frankfurt. In addition, he flew up and down from Frankfurt to Bangkok several times, and to Montreal and Caracas. When the BKA finished the investigation it concluded "there are indications that Caruana and Cuffaro were planning to settle in Germany to lead drug trafficking from South-East Asia and to put into circulation the resulting profits through investments in legal businesses." (61) Cuffaro and Pasquale Caruana were extradited to Italy and convicted in 1991.

Dirty Money Really Smells

"It didn't smell right," a bank-clerk told prosecutor Gioacchino Natoli when he heard her in Montreal during a rogatory investigation, following the arrest of Caruana and Cuffaro. Natoli still recalls the event with surprise. (62) The dirty money the clan laundered through several Canadian banks really stank. "It smelled musty." The cash was all in small bills of two, five or ten dollars, the typical denomination of drug transactions on the street.

The bulk of the evidence used by Falcone to indict the Cuntrera-Caruana clan in 1989 was gathered by one single policeman from Montreal. Sergeant Marc Bourque of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police was appointed to investigate the financial aspects after the seizure of 58 kilo of heroin in 1985.

One of the persons under arrest was Gerlando Caruana. When Bourque wanted to look into Caruana's bank accounts, an employee said he would not find much there, but he should look at the accounts of Gerlando's brother, Alfonso Caruana. (63) What Bourque found there would keep him busy for the next five years. He code-named his investigation Operation Pilgrim – and a pilgrimage it proved to be. Bourque wandered through the international financial worl; he heard 300 witnesses in nine countries, his dossier amounted to 3,600 pages. Bourque laid bare the money laundering system of the clan in Montreal – although whether he found all the money, nobody knows.

In one bank alone Bourque traced nearly 16 million US dollars laundered through accounts of Alfonso Caruana. Every week a couple of Sicilians entered the branch of the City & District Bank in the Montreal suburb Dollard-des-Ormeaux carrying hockey-bags filled with half a million in cash. The tellers spent a half day counting the small bills. The clan brought in its dirty dollars and walked out with clean bank drafts. Thirty-six million US dollars ended up in Swiss bank-accounts which were used to pay the Sicilian heroin suppliers. (64) The dollars the clan transported to Canada were enough to supply the Montreal money-exchange market with its weekly requisite of US cash. Bourque could trace some US$ 50 million laundered by the clan through 4 Canadian banks from 1978 until 1984.

When Bourque presented his case to the Justice Department he was told that it would be discarded: it was deemed too expensive and too intricate. His pioneering investigation never reached a Canadian court. The Department had neither the time nor the money to prosecute the case. The mere summoning of the witnesses alone would cost four or five million dollars.

"Money doesn't just fall of the trees," says Bourque. "There is no legitimate business in Montreal which generates half a million every week, except the drug business." He is disgusted with the collaboration of Canadian banks. They earned some 4 to 5 percent on the transactions. The banks must have been aware of the shady backgrounds. After a while they all discreetly showed the Italians the door. But the clan always found a new financial institution to continue their affairs, carefully planning its steps. The bank branches it selected had Italian-born directors, no doubt more sensitive to the ways and means of the Mafia. Aldo Tucci, the director of the City & District branch, was completely integrated in the clan's system. He set up front store companies and neglected his work for the bank. Eventually Tucci was fired.

The Italian judicature very much appreciated the results of Sergeant Bourque's investigation, piecing it together with evidence they gathered during the Italian inquiry of the Pizza Connection. Bourque's evidence was subsequently used in the trials against Cuntrera-Caruana family members.

Bookkeeping is a Dangerous Business

The Italian community abroad is vulnerable to infiltration by its criminal countrymen. That doesn't mean that every Sicilian is a mafioso. Far from it. The most arduous mafia-fighters, like Giovanni Falcone and Paolo Borsellino, are often Sicilian. Nevertheless, mafiosi use the Italian communities to hide in, especially when they are from the same village or region on Sicily.

On a visit to Siculiana – the village on the south coast of Sicily where the Cuntreras and Caruanas were born – an elderly villager who spent most of his working life in Germany told me the story of how he was approached by a Cuntrera to 'lend' him his son. The man who had known the family when they still lived in Siculiana, did not think it was a good idea. Why, he would not tell. Nevertheless, it was clear what we were talking about.

Siculiana once counted 12,000 inhabitants; now there are only 5,000 left. During the 1950s and 1960s the village emptied, the men moved to Belgium, Germany, England, Canada, Venezuela, Brazil. Most were merely trying to make a living; others went for more sinister reasons. Some, like Alfonso Gagliano, representative in the Canadian Federal Parliament for Montreal's 'Little Italy' Saint Leonard, rose to prominent positions.

Siculiana-born Canadian politician Alfonso Gagliano finally became a minister, but did not manage to stay out of trouble

Les affaires de Gagliano
The accountant Gagliano is a loyal supporter of Canada's Prime-Minister Jean Chrétien. Gagliano organized the Liberal Party's fund raising for the 1993 election-campaign. He was a candidate for a position in the new government of Mr Chrétien. The RCMP is asked to screen every probable future minister, and Mr Gagliano didn't quite pass the test. (65) The Montreal daily La Presse revealed why: Gagliano's accountancy firm kept the books of Agostino Cuntrera, a nephew of Pasquale Cuntrera and implicated in the murder of Paolo Violi, boss of the local Cotroni-family, in 1978. The murder was a sign that the Sicilian clan had taken over control in Montreal. Agostino Cuntrera was never convicted; he struck a deal with the Canadian Justice Department.

Asked about his relationship with Agostino Cuntrera, Gagliano said: "Mr Cuntrera is an acquaintance. We both come from Siculiana. I met him during a engagement in a church. He came to me in the 1970's when he wanted me as his bookkeeper for his restaurant." Gagliano et Cie kept Agostino Cuntrera as a client after his complicity in the Violi-murder was revealed. Agostino Cuntrera and Gagliano saw each other occasionally during marriages and activities of the Association de Siculiana, a cultural association founded by Mr Gagliano, who was its first president. Some years after Mr Gagliano's chairmanship, Agostino Cuntrera became president of the association.

Nor was Agostino Cuntrera the only client of Gagliano. Another was Dima Messina, the financial aid of Montreal Mafia-boss Vito Rizzuto. An RCMP investigation showed that Messina laundered 22 million Canadian dollars for Rizzuto in 1986-88. Rizzuto's Ferrari Testarossa (a 250,000 dollar Italian sports car) was registered under Messina's name.

During the controlled delivery of 58 kilos of heroin to Montreal in 1985 – the RCMP and British Customs were aware of the traffic and closely watched the transactions – one of the traffickers, Filippo Vaccarello, and an unidentified person, were observed entering the office of Mr Gagliano before the heroin arrived. After leaving the office Vaccarello proceeded with a tour of notorious bars well-known as selling points for heroin.

Bookkeeping proves to be a sensitive business for a politician. When the matter was discussed in Parliament after La Presse disclosed the facts, Premier Chrétien declared: "This Parliament would be much better off if we had more Gagliano's." (66)

Face to Face with Don Pasquale

"We never talked about heroin." DEA Special Agent John Costanzo is recalling his meeting with Pasquale Cuntrera. (67) After the Pizza Connection case the DEA understood the importance of the clan. While analyst Ewell had encountered much opposition at DEA headquarters in 1982, the powerful anti-narcotics agency finally targeted the clan some five years later.

"We talked world politics, economics, but never even mentioned the word heroin," says Costanzo. After 18 months of undercover work, codenamed Operation Wiseguy, Costanzo sat face-to-face with the capo famiglia in Caracas – an easy-going, well-dressed, low key gentleman. "He looked like my grandfather," says Costanzo. "He painted his hair pitch black, they all paint their hair – but it was very clear who and what he was, when he entered a room."

Don Pasquale did not know Costanzo's real profession. He thought he was dealing with Don Vincenzo, boss of a New York crime family. "At a certain point in the conversation he would say: 'If I can help you, where can I find you'. And then 'maybe I can do you a favour, or you can do me a favour'. Next was 'if I can get you packages where do you want them'. That was all, that meant there was a deal." The negotiations were smooth. It was very uncomplicated, just like the phone call in which they finally settled a heroin delivery. According to Costanzo, "There was no problem. In five minutes we struck a five million dollar deal, and most of the time we spent figuring out when we would do it."

Costanzo could lure Pasquale into a deal, but he couldn't catch him. Pasquale sent his right-hand man Ignazio Fiannaca to New York to settle the deal. Fiannaca and his accomplices were arrested in April 1990 with the 20 kilos of heroin Costanzo had offered Pasquale Cuntrera. Pasquale himself was high and dry in Caracas, not impressed with the indictment. Operation Wiseguy had got the DEA very close to Pasquale Cuntrera, but not close enough. He wouldn't think of leaving Venezuela.

The pressure was mounting though. In Venezuela, people protested against the presence of the Cuntreras. Representative Vladimir Gessen – head of the Venezuelan Anti-Narcotics Commission – pressed for the expulsion of the Cuntrera brothers, because of the indictments in Italy and the US As Gessen has noted: "The government pretended they did not commit crimes in Venezuela. The only thing they did was sit behind a phone, giving instructions for their drug deals and channelling their payments. But phoning is not a crime." (68) They did launder money in Venezuela however. "My predecessor, Carlos Tablante, calculated in 1984 that their hotels generated more profits than the amount of rooms could justify. Every room had to be rented every seven minutes to make that kind of money." Money laundering was not a crime in Venezuela at the time.

In September 1992 the Cuntrera's were expelled. "A failed coup d'état shocked the country and there was widespread unrest. The government was anxious to show firmness in matters of security," says Gessen. In a surprise action the brothers were apprehended, held incommunicado and were almost secretly smuggled out of the country, as if it concerned one of their own drug transports. It was imperative they could not contact people on the outside who could have used their political connections to stop the expulsion.

Responsible for the operation was the chief of the Organized Crime Division of the Polícia Tecnica Judicial (PTJ), Guillermo Jiménez. It was his finest hour, but a few months later he was forced in early retirement. Now he spends his time at a private office downtown Caracas. "We searched their houses and offices. We managed to seize lots of documents, that is what made the operation successful," says Jiménez. (69) These documents included details of off-shore companies on Aruba, commercial transactions with companies based in Russia, Nigeria and Senegal, bank drafts and deposits. According to Jiménez, the documents offered considerable scope for continued investigation. "On Aruba for instance. But that didn't happen ... They have problems over there. Their intelligence service is penetrated by political groups and the Cuntrera's have some first-rate relations on the island."

One of the Venezuelan banks the clan worked with, the Banco de la Construcción, has an off-shore subsidiary on Aruba: the Intercon Financial Bank, through which a lot of money was channelled.

A Smugglers' Paradise

The Intercon Financial Bank on Aruba is represented by the law-firm Croes & Wever. One of the partners is former Minister of Justice Hendrik Croes. The firm's trust-company Arulex was implicated in setting up the bank. "Yes, we are involved with that bank," says Croes. "We still handle all their legal affairs, but we don't know anything of their financial accounts." (70)

Hendrik Croes – a brother of the island's legendary leader, the late Betico Croes who guided Aruba to its semi-independent status in the Dutch realm – is one of the leading political figures on the island. He led several election campaigns for the MEP, now in the opposition. The Croes Family has been accused of ties with Cuntrera-Caruana. The Sicilian mafiosi payed for a trip of another brother, Rudy Croes (who succeeded Hendrik as Minister of Justice in a previous MEP government) as party secretary to a meeting of the Socialist International in Turkey. This has not been denied.

Paolo Cuntrera visited the island regularly despite his expulsion in 1988. The government opposed his legal actions for re-admittance. But Hendrik Croes has to admit the procedures were not stainless. A blundering government lawyer, an official who signed a residence permit 'by mistake', meant that de facto Paolo Cuntrera was able to circulate freely on the island.

According to Canadian police reports, in 1978, Pasquale Cuntrera owned the Holiday Inn Casino – although the registers indicated otherwise. "At the start of 1980s the Cuntrera's were often at the Holiday Inn casino," says a croupier. "In 1989 they were there again, although they were ostensibly thrown of the island."

DEA agent David Lorino, the case-officer in Operation Wiseguy, claims that "when the Cuntrera's moved to Venezuela they carried some 15 to 30 million dollars with them, which were invested in hotels in Caracas, but also on Curaçao and Aruba." 71 The DEA had used the Miami-based Italian-born Venezuelan business man Raffaele Bellizzi to contact Pasquale Cuntrera. Before 1983 Bellizzi owned a shipping-company, but that year it went bankrupt because of the debt-crises in Venezuela. "He told us that his ships transported narcotics and money from Caracas to Aruba and Europe," says Lorino. As mentioned before Canadian investigations show that the clan used Aruba as a trampoline for cocaine to North America. (72)

According to Lorino, "the names Cuntrera and Caruana were well known on the island." Now nobody on Aruba wants to know that these gentle and well mannered Sicilians ever existed. "Oh, but a lot of people knew them then," says Bianca de Mey, who set up the company Investeringen Tweehonderd en Tien, which was the holding for a nightclub and pizzeria for the Cuntreras. The company now has nothing to do with them any more, she adds.

The Cuntrera's must have felt at home on Aruba. The island has been a smugglers' paradise, since colonial times, when it was used to evade the Spanish trade monopoly. Whatever disagreements Arubans may have – and they have a lot – this is something they readily admit. Even Prime Minister Eman acknowledges "it is an is

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 12:16:03 AM
MANSUR, Eric  - reported employer of gardener witness.  His Sister-in-Law was vd Straatens secretary.

MANSUR, Eduardo – Reportedly an underwater remote controlled camera that operates in depths of 250 ft was shipped to him.  Procured bulldozer that was used to search the landfill.  Jossy Mansurs son.

Seems to me that Eduardo is everywhere that something is going on,including the Persistence, but just seems to be a step or to behind...Me personally i find it bizarre.Am i reading to much into this??

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 15, 2008, 12:18:22 AM

I have been using that report snce way back in 2005 when someone, sorry I cannot remember which monkey, postded a link to it.  I have many questions about how much of this still remains a part of Aruba today.  My gues is quite a bit.

I wish Kermit would stop by.  I have a name I would like to ask about hoping he/she can shed some light on what exactly happened to him.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 12:19:43 AM

I have been using that report snce way back in 2005 when someone, sorry I cannot remember which monkey, postded a link to it.  I have many questions about how much of this still remains a part of Aruba today.  My gues is quite a bit.

I wish Kermit would stop by.  I have a name I would like to ask about hoping he/she can shed some light on what exactly happened to him.

Your boy Riverol...

RIVEROL, Alfonzo – member of AHATA and the Strategic Task Force.  Owner of the Atlantis Hotel and the “old Hilton” Wyndham.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 15, 2008, 12:22:00 AM
MANSUR, Eric  - reported employer of gardener witness.  His Sister-in-Law was vd Straatens secretary.

MANSUR, Eduardo – Reportedly an underwater remote controlled camera that operates in depths of 250 ft was shipped to him.  Procured bulldozer that was used to search the landfill.  Jossy Mansurs son.

Seems to me that Eduardo is everywhere that something is going on,including the Persistence, but just seems to be a step or to behind...Me personally i find it bizarre.Am i reading to much into this??

I don't hink you are reading too much into it.  Until we have answers...all questions and theories are valid.  imo

I did not know about Eric Manur's' sister-in-law being a secretary for Van Der Straaten.  Hmm...  And, Jossy has said he believes Van Der Straaten to be a good man.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 12:22:29 AM
This is a great refresher on the players that are in the light.My uestion is who is hiding in plain site???

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 15, 2008, 12:23:58 AM

I have been using that report snce way back in 2005 when someone, sorry I cannot remember which monkey, postded a link to it.  I have many questions about how much of this still remains a part of Aruba today.  My gues is quite a bit.

I wish Kermit would stop by.  I have a name I would like to ask about hoping he/she can shed some light on what exactly happened to him.

Your boy Riverol...

RIVEROL, Alfonzo – member of AHATA and the Strategic Task Force.  Owner of the Atlantis Hotel and the “old Hilton” Wyndham.

Oh, yes.  I knew that.  He's been there for a long time.  He also comped rooms for Beth and Jug after they could no longer stay at the Holiday Inn.  Nice of him, huh?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 12:24:22 AM
This is a great refresher on the players that are in the light.My uestion is who is hiding in plain site???

This is a great post from long ago Truthseeker.Read it and i think it will help refresh as it has done for me.Very good work by Monkey's...

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 12:33:44 AM
MANSUR, Eric  - reported employer of gardener witness.  His Sister-in-Law was vd Straatens secretary.

MANSUR, Eduardo – Reportedly an underwater remote controlled camera that operates in depths of 250 ft was shipped to him.  Procured bulldozer that was used to search the landfill.  Jossy Mansurs son.

Seems to me that Eduardo is everywhere that something is going on,including the Persistence, but just seems to be a step or to behind...Me personally i find it bizarre.Am i reading to much into this??

I don't hink you are reading too much into it.  Until we have answers...all questions and theories are valid.  imo

I did not know about Eric Manur's' sister-in-law being a secretary for Van Der Straaten.  Hmm...  And, Jossy has said he believes Van Der Straaten to be a good man.

Members of the Strategic Communications Task Force

Mr. Olindo Koolman (Senior Advisor)
Mr. Jaap Beaujon (Advisor)
Mr. Serge Mansur (ATIA)
Mr. Greg Peterson (ATIA)
Mr. Jorge Pesquera (AHATA)
Mr. Jeff Lesker (AHATA)
Mr. Alfonso Riveroll (AHATA)
Ms. Myrna Jansen (ATA)
Mr. Rob Smith (Aruba Hospitality & Security Foundation)
Mr. Bill Carson (Banking Sector/AHATA)
Mr. Edwin Roos (Chamber of Commerce)
Mr. Ruben Trapenberg (Aruba Government)
Mr. Eric Brete (Aruba Government)

Mansur's are everywhere...Related to Jossy,and or Eduardo?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 12:35:32 AM
We know why Joran was in Thailand... ::MonkeyDance::

BERG, Marten van der   – elderly Dutchman reportedly living in Thailand who is very popular with young Aruban girls

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 12:38:11 AM
We know why Joran was in Thailand... ::MonkeyDance::

BERG, Marten van der   – elderly Dutchman reportedly living in Thailand who is very popular with young Aruban girls

Sorry for some of the repetitive information.Just trying to keep the synapsis in the brain clickin on all cylinders..goodnight to all Monkeys... ::cartwheel::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 15, 2008, 12:42:43 AM
Yoo hoo Kermie..... ::MonkeyWink::


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 15, 2008, 12:43:43 AM
We know why Joran was in Thailand... ::MonkeyDance::

BERG, Marten van der   – elderly Dutchman reportedly living in Thailand who is very popular with young Aruban girls

Sorry for some of the repetitive information.Just trying to keep the synapsis in the brain clickin on all cylinders..goodnight to all Monkeys... ::cartwheel::

Sometimes it's good tp repeat things.  Sometimes we see things that we did not see before.

Goodnight.  Say a little prayer for Natalee and her family.  With the holiday season I know it's even harder for them to still be without answers.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 15, 2008, 12:45:40 AM
Yoo hoo Kermie..... ::MonkeyWink::



Oh Kermit!  Hope you can hop on the site soon.  You don't want these juicy flies to go to waste after SS worked so hard to get them for you.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 15, 2008, 12:47:57 AM
Let's take a huge step back and look at the facts here.

I think the whole original synopsis about the "seedy underbelly" analysis of Aruba was dead on. It has been an organized cover-up since day one. I'm sorry to piss off all you Jossy supporters out there -- but he has been leading everyone on a wild goose chase too. Let the pieces fall as they may. God bless you Kermit -- let's hope that you aren't the only "g-man/frog" involved with this!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 12:48:06 AM
We know why Joran was in Thailand... ::MonkeyDance::

BERG, Marten van der   – elderly Dutchman reportedly living in Thailand who is very popular with young Aruban girls

Sorry for some of the repetitive information.Just trying to keep the synapsis in the brain clickin on all cylinders..goodnight to all Monkeys... ::cartwheel::

Sometimes it's good tp repeat things.  Sometimes we see things that we did not see before.

Goodnight.  Say a little prayer for Natalee and her family.  With the holiday season I know it's even harder for them to still be without answers.

I don't think Aruba understands The will of Natalee,her family,as well as the Monkeys and many others who will continue on until TRUTH prevails..

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: caesu on December 15, 2008, 12:54:36 AM

The application of the narcotics money by the CRI - to the controversial Haarlemse method nearly identical - has come to light this month on the Ministries of Justice and Antiliaanse and Arubaanse matter in The Hague.

This happened after prime minister Eman of Aruba is and minister of justice fox there by the end of February at vice-premier dike stable and minister Voorhoeve (Antilles and Aruba) did their beklag concerning that 930,000 guilders confiscated narcotics money missing had touched. They suggested that the Arubaanse Procurator-General J. had put Zwinkels, with which the two Arubaanse politicians on foot live of war the amount in own pocket.


Does this article imply that Zwinkels may have been getting payoffs??? 

I think it does.  How did he end up coming back after all of this?   ::MonkeyConfused::

as far as i know Zwinkels didn't come back. he left in 1997 to work as procureur-general in Leeuwarden.
the de Ruiter Commission, advised to have entire Aruban police management (the top jobs) replaced.
it did not advise to replace Zwinkels.
but Aruba (Eman / Vos) only wanted to replace their police management if Zwinkels would got too.
as for Paul van der Sloot, at the time he was still working for the Government, but he was demoted from Landsadvocaat.

as soon as Zwinkels had left, and Rosingh became PG - Van der Sloot became his Chief of Cabinet.

was Van der Sloot a bit too close to Zwinkels so Vos decided to demote Van der Sloot?
but why then make him Chief of Cabinet for the next PG. or was this all part of the deal?

also soon after the MEP got into power, and Rosingh was replaced with Croes-Fernandes, Van der Sloot was appointed to the Common Court in Curaçao (by Remkes).

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 15, 2008, 12:56:09 AM
Let's take a huge step back and look at the facts here.

I think the whole original synopsis about the "seedy underbelly" analysis of Aruba was dead on. It has been an organized cover-up since day one. I'm sorry to piss off all you Jossy supporters out there -- but he has been leading everyone on a wild goose chase too. Let the pieces fall as they may. God bless you Kermit -- let's hope that you aren't the only "g-man/frog" involved with this!!!

I am with you.  I have kept my opinion on the Jossifications to myself for a long time.  But, there are just too many coincidences in this thing that end with a Mansur connection.  This is one of the things I would like to discuss wih Kermit  Hopefully those flies will catch his/her attention.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 15, 2008, 12:58:32 AM
We know why Joran was in Thailand... ::MonkeyDance::

BERG, Marten van der   – elderly Dutchman reportedly living in Thailand who is very popular with young Aruban girls

Sorry for some of the repetitive information.Just trying to keep the synapsis in the brain clickin on all cylinders..goodnight to all Monkeys... ::cartwheel::

Sometimes it's good tp repeat things.  Sometimes we see things that we did not see before.

Goodnight.  Say a little prayer for Natalee and her family.  With the holiday season I know it's even harder for them to still be without answers.

I don't think Aruba understands The will of Natalee,her family,as well as the Monkeys and many others who will continue on until TRUTH prevails..

Agreed.  I'm not a trained investigator, but where I come from we have an old saying:

"Even a blind hog finds an acorn every once in a while".

As long as Red keeps this site going, I'll be here asking questions and looking for answers.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 15, 2008, 01:01:27 AM

as far as i know Zwinkels didn't come back. he left in 1997 to work as procureur-general in Leeuwarden.
the de Ruiter Commission, advised to have entire Aruban police management (the top jobs) replaced.
it did not advise to replace Zwinkels.
but Aruba (Eman / Vos) only wanted to replace their police management if Zwinkels would got too.
as for Paul van der Sloot, at the time he was still working for the Government, but he was demoted from Landsadvocaat.

as soon as Zwinkels had left, and Rosingh became PG - Van der Sloot became his Chief of Cabinet.

was Van der Sloot a bit too close to Zwinkels so Vos decided to demote Van der Sloot?
but why then make him Chief of Cabinet for the next PG. or was this all part of the deal?

also soon after the MEP got into power, and Rosingh was replaced with Croes-Fernandes, Van der Sloot was appointed to the Common Court in Curaçao (by Remkes).

For someone whose own attorney (Taco) calls a 'simpleton', Paulus sure has held some important positions in the past.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 01:01:54 AM
We know why Joran was in Thailand... ::MonkeyDance::

BERG, Marten van der   – elderly Dutchman reportedly living in Thailand who is very popular with young Aruban girls

Sorry for some of the repetitive information.Just trying to keep the synapsis in the brain clickin on all cylinders..goodnight to all Monkeys... ::cartwheel::

Sometimes it's good tp repeat things.  Sometimes we see things that we did not see before.

Goodnight.  Say a little prayer for Natalee and her family.  With the holiday season I know it's even harder for them to still be without answers.

I don't think Aruba understands The will of Natalee,her family,as well as the Monkeys and many others who will continue on until TRUTH prevails..

Agreed.  I'm not a trained investigator, but where I come from we have an old saying:

"Even a blind hog finds an acorn every once in a while".

As long as Red keeps this site going, I'll be here asking questions and looking for answers.

Do the Mansur's not own the BIG shipping company on the island??I know i found the website once but am trying to find it again..Anyone..Trying to get off Truth but still here for a minute.. ::MonkeyLaugh::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 15, 2008, 01:02:41 AM
Let's take a huge step back and look at the facts here.

I think the whole original synopsis about the "seedy underbelly" analysis of Aruba was dead on. It has been an organized cover-up since day one. I'm sorry to piss off all you Jossy supporters out there -- but he has been leading everyone on a wild goose chase too. Let the pieces fall as they may. God bless you Kermit -- let's hope that you aren't the only "g-man/frog" involved with this!!!

I'm guilty of being a Jossy supporter, I'll admit it.  Even though I've read it all, and know what he and his family have been involved in, I've hoped that he wasn't involved on the wrong side of this case.  But I'm not stupid; he very well could be one that's hiding in plain sight. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 01:12:02 AM
Let's take a huge step back and look at the facts here.

I think the whole original synopsis about the "seedy underbelly" analysis of Aruba was dead on. It has been an organized cover-up since day one. I'm sorry to piss off all you Jossy supporters out there -- but he has been leading everyone on a wild goose chase too. Let the pieces fall as they may. God bless you Kermit -- let's hope that you aren't the only "g-man/frog" involved with this!!!

I'm guilty of being a Jossy supporter, I'll admit it.  Even though I've read it all, and know what he and his family have been involved in, I've hoped that he wasn't involved on the wrong side of this case.  But I'm not stupid; he very well could be one that's hiding in plain sight. 

I don't want to believe it either texasmom but must keep an open mind!My logic tells me that it can't be a coincidence that everywhere something is happening the Mansur name happens to pop up.If their not involved they know..I'll keep an open mind till proven otherwise..

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 01:13:05 AM
Any relation to Guido Wever???

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 15, 2008, 01:19:34 AM

Do the Mansur's not own the BIG shipping company on the island??I know i found the website once but am trying to find it again..Anyone..Trying to get off Truth but still here for a minute.. ::MonkeyLaugh::

This is from Wiki:

They owned their own bank, the Interbank, and the biggest hotel and time-sharing complex, La Cabana, and the Royal Cabana casino. And they have a couple of import-export businesses in the Free Trade Zone.


The Mansur family has gained international prominence for alleged money laundering. Two family members, the cousins Eric and Alex Mansur, have been indicted by the U.S. attorney in Puerto Rico. They reportedly funneled US$500,000 in campaign cash to Colombian President Ernesto Samper through the wife of a jailed Cali cartel boss during the 1994 election campaign. Mr. Samper denied it. The Mansurs subsequently were awarded a monopoly for Colombian gambling, which was canceled in 1997 by a government watchdog agency that smelled impropriety.[5][14][15]

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 15, 2008, 01:24:41 AM
Any relation to Guido Wever???

Good question.  They sure have a lot of clients/customers.

Here's the link to the officers:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 15, 2008, 01:24:49 AM


'Scarborough Country' for August 26
updated 12:49 p.m. PT, Mon., Aug. 29, 2005

DANIELS:  It definitely smells that way.  You know, if you take the prosecution‘s statement at its face, we are talking on a whole new level, the charges here.  We are talking about drugs.  We are talking about rape and we are talking about rape of many different people.  There are four guys now in custody, four best friends.  What does that tell you?
MANSUR:  Well, what it tells me is that, really, these four guys are friends.  They belong to the same group, these party boys that go out and prey on young, unsuspected girls or other kinds of girls also that are out to have a good time, not suspecting what they‘re in for with these predators around.

And they are—they not only appear in photographs together, but I understand that Freddy lives very near to the Joran house.  So, there is a bond between them.  There is a group that they call themselves the pimps, in which all of these participate.

July 23, 2007

Dana: One thing that makes my listeners scratch their heads so to speak and wonder, myself included and we'll talk about it again, is the fact of the underage drinking and gambling that had been going on admittedly by young van der Sloot.  Was there ever any discussion or has there ever been any discussion at least of filing some charges as far as that goes?

Jossy:  No, there hasn't been any of that. The authorities have just (inaudible) it aside, they haven't paid any attention to it then and they're not paying any attention to it now and over the past 26 months.   I haven't seen anything in the direction of trying to make some kind of statement that this is not (inaudiable) at least make some sort of a statement that this is not (inaubible) because it is a known fact that as an underage he wasn't supposed to be in the casino, much less in the company of his father. He was there, there are video tapes to prove that and still the authorities haven't done anything with regard to that specific case.

April 26, 2006

Further, the gardener’s testimony stands as valid and concrete to this day. He confirmed this in front of a judge. He passed a lie detector test successfully! Nothing of what he has said has been contradicted with solid proof to this day.

'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' for Feb. 16
updated 1:14 p.m. PT, Fri., Feb. 17, 2006

COSBY: … In the civil suit, it provided some nuggets of some of the information, and some of this hadn‘t really been highlighted before, Jossy. It said, “In the early hours of Monday morning”—this was when Natalee went missing—“Deepak methodically and uncharacteristically cleaned his silver Nissan car, claiming after the fact that it had bad ants in it.”

Had you heard that before, Jossy? And that, I think, is an interesting nugget.

MANSUR: Yes, ma‘am, we have heard it. We know that that early morning, they went into a total clean-up of the car. Witnesses, neighbors that live close to them testified to that. So the clean-up did take place.

Can Aruban Prosecutors Keep Joran Van Der Sloot in Jail?
Aired August 23, 2005 - 20:00:00   ET

JOSSY MANSUR, MANAGING EDITOR, "DIARIO": That`s what I understand, that this jogger also saw the same car parked at the same spot by the racquet club. However, he did call from a public telephone, and I don`t know whether the police can trace it or not. But according to information I have, they cannot.

Latest in Search for Natalee Holloway
Aired October 4, 2005 - 20:00:00 ET

GRACE: … Jossy, regarding the connection, what I perceived to be a close connection between the judge, Paulus Van Der Sloot and the retired chief of police who initially handled Natalee`s case, Van Der Stratten, were they friends?

MANSUR: Of course, they were friends. It stands to reason they were friends because Paul Van Der Sloot had many friends within the police department; he had many friends within the Department of Justice. And he had many friends with -- and he was friendly with all the judges in Aruba. He worked out of the same office as they did and did the same work.

'Scarborough Country' for August 26
updated 12:49 p.m. PT, Mon., Aug. 29, 2005

DANIELS:  Yes.  But I just can‘t get away from the fact that the Kalpoe brothers arrested today, Freddy arrested today.  It has to mean something.  There has to be a master plan here.  What are you hearing about that?
MANSUR:  Well, if there is a master plan, we will know about it soon enough.
What I do know is that Freddy was questioned at the beginning with relations to the Natalee Holloway case.  He offered an alibi, I believe, to protect Joran.  And then he was released.  And now he‘s arrested as a suspect of selling photographs.  Maybe they are aiming to get to him through this photo business back to the Holloway case.

December 14, 2006

DANA: When you look at this case, a question keeps coming up. I am looking at the picture on my PC. It is the alleged picture of a person in the casino with Natalee that looks a lot like Paul. Has there been any update on this issue?

JOSSY: There have not been any change of opinion. People, including people in the casino say that is Paul.

June 18, 2006

MANSUR: It does look very familiar to what she was wearing, but I'm unable to confirm it, we would have to go search for the fabric itself which has disappeared since. Every piece of evidence or what appears to be evidence has disappeared or we never heard about it again.

October 5, 2007

MANSUR: People thought Beth caused bad publicity for the island, but Beth is not at fault, it is the three suspects. If there's damage to the island it should be on the shoulders of the three suspects.

June 18, 2006

MANSUR:  I do know what our reporters have been able to find, Lorenzo is a half brother of Joran. He has a boat. He lives in a secluded section of the island, very close to Joran. I don't know if he was questioned, but people mention his name quite often in regard to this case.

Search for Natalee Holloway
Aired July 29, 2005 - 20:00:00   ET

GRACE: OK. Jossy, is there any way to tie in a white pick-up to this scenario?

MANSUR: Yes, ma`am, because there`s another witness that, before that, told someone that works at the hotels that he saw a white pick-up over there by the Holiday Inn, in which three persons were also in, all of them male, carrying what looked like the body of a girl, putting it in the back of the white pick-up and driving away with it.
GRACE: OK. So you`ve got a white pick-up at the Holiday Inn, where Natalee was staying. You`ve got a white pick-up at the landfill. Both eyewitnesses state that there were three individuals, I`m assuming male. But can they give an identification of Joran Van Der Sloot or the Kalpoe brothers?
MANSUR: None of them have given that kind of a description. They haven`t identified the three males. But it`s very important to note that the witness on the beach by the Holiday Inn has absolutely no knowledge of the witness over there to the east side of the island by the landfill or dump. They don't know each other, but still they give the same description of the same white pick-up.

Nancy Grace for July 26, 2005, CNNHN
Aired July 26, 2005 - 20:00:00   ET

MANSUR: Because they were trying to hide their faces at that the hour, because we have to remember that the two Kalpoe brothers and Joran held on to the statement that they dropped Joran off at the beach and then went home. But here we have someone that says categorically that they did not go home, they were in the car with Joran. Joran was sitting in the driver`s seat.

Attorneys for chief suspect Joran Van Der Sloot`s appear to stall for time in the Natalee Holloway investigation on Aruba, as volunteer search teams begin to squabble and one even threatens a lawsuit against another.
Aired August 17, 2005 - 20:00:00   ET

JOSSY MANSUR, MANAGING EDITOR, "DIARIO": I don`t know what`s happening, but the gardener, the witness, did stand by his story. He did confirm in front of the judge, in front of the defense attorneys, in front of the suspects, that he recognized, and he even recognized two of the three suspects that were there. He hasn`t changed his story one bit.

Nancy Grace for August 3, 2005, CNNHN
Aired August 3, 2005 - 20:00:00   ET

GRACE: And Jossy, have you heard any information regarding a search for one of those little kiddie pools?
MANSUR: They have been searching for that. They have found one, and they`re concentrating on that area where this witness says that when they dumped the body, they covered it with some other bags and then put this little pool on it.
GRACE: OK, I`m sorry. I didn`t hear that. Repeat, Jossy.

MANSUR: They are searching where -- they did find this -- one of these pools, this pool, and they have been searching in that specific area because we have to remember that this garbage has been moved about quite a bit from that day on by big tractors and front-end loaders and whatever.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 15, 2008, 01:26:21 AM

Jossy Mansur … The Return of the Jedi … “Tacopina and his Criminal Client, Joran Van der Sloot


I gave indications to the criminal defense lawyer in the U.S., Tacopina, that if he continues his campaign to offend, slander and defame, he is going to get the surprises of his life when the truth of his client’s participation in the disappearance of Natalee Holloway becomes known. And it is coming out at a much faster pace than I expected, thanks to DIARIO and lately De Vries, who’se popular program in Holland made revelations that had remained hidden and have now come out into the light. Tacopina at once wanted to belittle him with a string of lies about his program and, worse yet, about the man himself. A ’street style’ that will not prosper!

I don’t know who Tacopina thinks that he is, nor why he supposes that his personal attacks and his attempts to belittle others in a futile attempt to save his client, are going to produce some positive effect. Two nights ago, in the popular Lineup program on Fox, he went so far as to say that I am becoming senile, among other uncalled for comments. Well, well, well. I hope that when Tacopina reaches my age (if God favors him with that), he will be as senile as I am, because my faculties are intact, and my disposition to do battle also! I am not going to debate the personality of that idiot because my level of education will not permit it. But, I must bring to his attention that his terror tactics based on slander and defamation are not the adequate road an attorney must take to obtain his goal. For a person always threatening others with the courts for slander, he’s very loose with his expressions!
If his goal is to save his criminal client by painting him as an angel, he’s wasting his time. What his client did with the girl is indescribable! And I am not referring here to murder because the evidence to prove that hasn’t surfaced yet, but I am referring to the moral crime he committed and admitted to during interrogations by the investigative team. And to reaffirm that in order to dispel all possible doubts, I have the categoric declaration of the lead investigator in the case.       

That this revelation made Tacopina lose control is a fact that all who heard him on that program can testify to. He acted like a spoiled brat whose pacifier was yanked from his mouth. His voice was full of anger and despair, but with those emotional outbursts he is not going to change the reality of the case: his client, Joran van der Sloot, committed a moral crime against Natalee! This is categoric.
Now, my question to the people conducting this case is: how come Joran is in Holland, studying comfortably, while Natalee is no longer here? How come Joran has to “continue with his life”, when Natalee’s life came to such a premature and unjust end? How come the authorities did not produce the expected results in a case that is not difficult to solve in the sense that there is a moral crime admitted to? Why was it necessary for new revelations to come from Holland in order to make the case again as hot as an iron?

Three persons damaged the name of Aruba internationally, and to top it all, all three of them happen to be all three happen to be foreigners. Not one of them is an Aruban! They threw a negative light on our with their uncontrolled action during one night in May. One of them is the criminal client of Tacopina! No matter what Tacopina says, his client will not escape the long arm of the Law, because he himself admitted , and described in detail, his moral crime. I don’t understand why, in spite of this admission, Joran and his cronies are free to walk around as if they haven’t broken one single cup. And there are two of them who are even thinking of going to court in the U.S. for money! What do they want, a reward for what they did? A payment for having so badly damaged the name of Aruba?
Tacopina assured that the case will never come to court. Well, Tacopina must be as bad in practicing chiromancy as he is removed from the truth as a lawyer in this case. The case will and must be brought to Court to put an end to this sordid affair, so that we can begin to reinstate the good name of our island, and principally to give the Holloways some measure of peace after all they have suffered with the disappearance of their daughter who came to Aruba and disappeared while in the company of the three suspects.
The three of them own the answer that all of us who in good faith are lending a hand for justice to prevail, are searching for and will find, much to the frustration of Tacopina! Let him continue to live out his ‘delirium tremens’, while we continue to pursue the case and are going to prove how deeply involved his client is with what happened to the girl who had her whole life before her, and disappeared while in Aruba and in the company of the three foreign suspects. (Hat Tip: Diario)

December 5, 2006

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 15, 2008, 01:35:14 AM
Any relation to Guido Wever???

This does nto seem to be either of his parents.  This was posted by Kermit a while back:

Guido Wever (1987) 20 yrs old.

Father is Frohverd Wever (spelling will be off, it was verbally given to me)
A politician who is ill at the moment

Parents divorced. Mother is Pauline Von Raalte

Guido is a Cousin of Arlene Schipper on her mothers side.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 15, 2008, 01:39:21 AM
Thanks Janet for the Reminders!  ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 15, 2008, 01:39:38 AM

Would you be able to put your reminder into a short summary.  I followed all of that when it was happening.  What is it that you want to remind us of?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: caesu on December 15, 2008, 02:00:32 AM
Netherland Minister Criticizes Former Aruba Police Commish Over Holloway Case     
CaribWorldNews, LONDON, England, Mon. Dec. 15, 2008: A Dutch minister claims Aruba`s former police commissioner hindered the investigation into the disappearance of Alabama teen, Natalee Holloway.

Minister Ank Bijleveld, state secretary for Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations, told news agency ANP that Jan van der Straten, who was police commissioner on the Caribbean island when the US teenager disappeared in 2005, was slow to take action in order to help his friend Paul van der Sloot protect his son Joran.

Joran van der Sloot has been suspected of being involved in the disappearance of Holloway. Minister Bijleveld also said Aruba’s justice minister Rudy Croes should begin an immediate investigation to determine if his claims about police interference in the investigation of the disappearance of Holloway are true.

Croes has announced an independent probe into the early stages of the police investigation regarding the disappearance.

i am a bit surprised how slow the American media is picking up on this.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 15, 2008, 02:08:58 AM

Would you be able to put your reminder into a short summary.  I followed all of that when it was happening.  What is it that you want to remind us of?

Just scroll by.

In 3 1/2 years I have never asked another poster to supply a short summary rather than quotting his/her research that pertains to the discussion at hand and ... looking back at this thread in never have you.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 15, 2008, 02:10:05 AM
Thanks Janet for the Reminders!  ::MonkeyCool::

You are welcome hotping.

Thank you.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 15, 2008, 02:19:12 AM
Good Night All!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: finngirl on December 15, 2008, 02:46:07 AM
Let's take a huge step back and look at the facts here.

I think the whole original synopsis about the "seedy underbelly" analysis of Aruba was dead on. It has been an organized cover-up since day one. I'm sorry to piss off all you Jossy supporters out there -- but he has been leading everyone on a wild goose chase too. Let the pieces fall as they may. God bless you Kermit -- let's hope that you aren't the only "g-man/frog" involved with this!!!

august 2005

new girl: I understand your frustration, Peeps. But our frustration isn't much different than yours. We know we have no clue why things have gone the way they have over there. We are begging to understand.
eleye: let me tell you why...because a criminal element is present and puts big money into their economy...exposing that means ruining that island and that's why the aruban people are mad, scared or indifferent. this case exposes the belly of the beast and they are getting nervous that an island that runs on tourism and crime, will crumble.

Peeps: You are 15 years late. You know who the belly were?
Marlboro Company
Citi Bank
Hotel Chains.
American / European bank
Mr. Pablo Escobar.

There were even some White Citations with bald eagle encriptions on them. Who can that be. Everybody gained from the small washing machine with white beaches. There is a reason why I tell you why there won't be any embargoes or economic restrictions.
_ _ _ _ _

[nor an investigation leading to resolution]

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Buckeye on December 15, 2008, 05:56:29 AM
Netherland Minister Criticizes Former Aruba Police Commish Over Holloway Case     
CaribWorldNews, LONDON, England, Mon. Dec. 15, 2008: A Dutch minister claims Aruba`s former police commissioner hindered the investigation into the disappearance of Alabama teen, Natalee Holloway.

Minister Ank Bijleveld, state secretary for Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations, told news agency ANP that Jan van der Straten, who was police commissioner on the Caribbean island when the US teenager disappeared in 2005, was slow to take action in order to help his friend Paul van der Sloot protect his son Joran.

Joran van der Sloot has been suspected of being involved in the disappearance of Holloway. Minister Bijleveld also said Aruba’s justice minister Rudy Croes should begin an immediate investigation to determine if his claims about police interference in the investigation of the disappearance of Holloway are true.

Croes has announced an independent probe into the early stages of the police investigation regarding the disappearance.

i am a bit surprised how slow the American media is picking up on this.


All the big networks were in Aruba.  They didn't make up what they reported.  They are legitimate agencies that were fed lies and misinformation that was hard to corroborate.

My guess is that they are not impressed with Aruba investigating Aruba.  They all understand the island.  It would only be news if an actual independent investigation was going to take place.  Heck, I don't even know who's going to investigate. 

What exactly is there to report?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 15, 2008, 06:09:58 AM
Been reading from Joran's book excerpts:

page 1 from Ramm at BFN:

7. they moved to Aruba when Joran was 2 years old

8. in 1990 Paul van der Sloot was offered a job at the "Central Bureau of Legal and General Affairs on Aruba.

9. they married at that time, not having done so because they so no need for a piece of paper stating they were wed. They did it to get easier visas to the island
(civil ceremony).

Joran also makes a comment about not being confirmed.  I think that is when the Dutch acquire "godparents".  Maybe Joran does not have a "real" the church kind of way.

From Scared Monkeys (?by Hannie):

At the blackjack table are sitting two men, one of them is white, about 45 years of age and has dark hair. Madison had seen this guy two days before already in the Holiday Inn Casino. Some people thought they recognized Joran`s father, but Paul was already gone

Now, I find that interesting.  Joran says he left but other people and Madison saw Paulus...


Also, an FBI "protected witness", an American called "Mr X", meets Deepak in July 2005 in the Internet café wehre Deepak works.

Deepak tells X: “I see what’s going on and I know much more. I’m certain that Natalee is no longer on the island.” He also says something that contradicts that: “When they find the duct-tape with Natalee’s hair on it, then I’ll go to jail", which is strange because they did find hair with duct tape but it wasn't Natalee's.

I don't remember discussing the above.

Thanks Buckeye...

According to Janet's calculations on the previous page Joran turned 3 in August of 1990. He wasn't 2 in 1991...I stand by my hours of checking into this that they moved in 1990.

The casino...I had not read that this way before...

FBI Protected Witness...This one has always bothered me...An FBI witness has to be an American.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 15, 2008, 06:20:09 AM
Netherland Minister Criticizes Former Aruba Police Commish Over Holloway Case     
CaribWorldNews, LONDON, England, Mon. Dec. 15, 2008: A Dutch minister claims Aruba`s former police commissioner hindered the investigation into the disappearance of Alabama teen, Natalee Holloway.

Minister Ank Bijleveld, state secretary for Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations, told news agency ANP that Jan van der Straten, who was police commissioner on the Caribbean island when the US teenager disappeared in 2005, was slow to take action in order to help his friend Paul van der Sloot protect his son Joran.

Joran van der Sloot has been suspected of being involved in the disappearance of Holloway. Minister Bijleveld also said Aruba’s justice minister Rudy Croes should begin an immediate investigation to determine if his claims about police interference in the investigation of the disappearance of Holloway are true.

Croes has announced an independent probe into the early stages of the police investigation regarding the disappearance.

i am a bit surprised how slow the American media is picking up on this.


All the big networks were in Aruba.  They didn't make up what they reported.  They are legitimate agencies that were fed lies and misinformation that was hard to corroborate.

My guess is that they are not impressed with Aruba investigating Aruba.  They all understand the island.  It would only be news if an actual independent investigation was going to take place.  Heck, I don't even know who's going to investigate. 

What exactly is there to report?

Strategic Task Force was in place as early as June that in the Important Documents thread yesterday under Cohen' partner Di Lello...whatever...

Jairo was telling posters on the FP around 6/11 to watch MSNBC as they had a partner station on the island with good investigative reporters.

Geraldo was out by 6/14 with his revelations of a porn movie and the ATM transactions and after that there was a concentrated effort to discredit CNN and Fox.

Even Simian jumped on that bandwagon.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Buckeye on December 15, 2008, 07:09:08 AM

Strategic Task Force was in place as early as June that in the Important Documents thread yesterday under Cohen' partner Di Lello...whatever...

Jairo was telling posters on the FP around 6/11 to watch MSNBC as they had a partner station on the island with good investigative reporters.

Geraldo was out by 6/14 with his revelations of a porn movie and the ATM transactions and after that there was a concentrated effort to discredit CNN and Fox.

Even Simian jumped on that bandwagon.

Exactly.  And, John Pauley, spokesman for the prosecutor was with Cohen at Joran's release.  He is also the one that penned the lawsuit threat against Greta.

The US media will pick up this story when it is more than a "story".  They learned the hard way to wait for something official and not to quote "officials".

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Blonde on December 15, 2008, 07:48:06 AM
Been reading from Joran's book excerpts:

page 1 from Ramm at BFN:

7. they moved to Aruba when Joran was 2 years old

8. in 1990 Paul van der Sloot was offered a job at the "Central Bureau of Legal and General Affairs on Aruba.

9. they married at that time, not having done so because they so no need for a piece of paper stating they were wed. They did it to get easier visas to the island
(civil ceremony).

Joran also makes a comment about not being confirmed.  I think that is when the Dutch acquire "godparents".  Maybe Joran does not have a "real" the church kind of way.

From Scared Monkeys (?by Hannie):

At the blackjack table are sitting two men, one of them is white, about 45 years of age and has dark hair. Madison had seen this guy two days before already in the Holiday Inn Casino. Some people thought they recognized Joran`s father, but Paul was already gone

Now, I find that interesting.  Joran says he left but other people and Madison saw Paulus...


Also, an FBI "protected witness", an American called "Mr X", meets Deepak in July 2005 in the Internet café wehre Deepak works.

Deepak tells X: “I see what’s going on and I know much more. I’m certain that Natalee is no longer on the island.” He also says something that contradicts that: “When they find the duct-tape with Natalee’s hair on it, then I’ll go to jail", which is strange because they did find hair with duct tape but it wasn't Natalee's.

I don't remember discussing the above.

I had this saved
From Joran's diary (the one hacked by sandrak)....possible info before the "cleanup" for the book?).

When we got to the hotel it was already close to 4:00 a.m. and Natalee’s whole family was already there asking people if they had seen Natalee. Charles Croes a man that was with the family then came to me and introduced himslef in papiamento (the local language on the island).

We talked for a while in papiamento and he told me I was in a lot of trouble, and he pointed to a car where Beth Twitty was sitting in the back holding a picture of her daughter. I went to the car and tried to talk with Beth but all she said was you know where my daughter is, get away!

Why speak in a language that the family cannot understand when everyone understands English?

I then turned my attention to Deepak and my dad who were talking to the rest of the group in the lobby. A large man then approached me and said he was Agent Smitt from the US Embassy. He asked me to tell him exactly what happened that night and I told him that Natalee had asked me to go to Carlos and Charlies with her and that it was her last night....
...Agent Smitt then took down some notes and one of the local police officers asked if he could talk to him. Smitt agreed and together they walked away from the group.

...Charles Croes then gave me his phone number and said if I remember anything to please call him. Agent Smitt and the local police officer returned they shook hands and Deepak, my dad, and I stepped in the Police car. On the drive back to my house the officer that had spoken to Agent Smitt said that he had told him that the girl was probaly a run away and that she will probaly turn up in a day or two. He also told us that Agent Smitt had told him she was from a wealthy family.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 15, 2008, 08:16:54 AM
Been reading from Joran's book excerpts:

page 1 from Ramm at BFN:

7. they moved to Aruba when Joran was 2 years old

8. in 1990 Paul van der Sloot was offered a job at the "Central Bureau of Legal and General Affairs on Aruba.

9. they married at that time, not having done so because they so no need for a piece of paper stating they were wed. They did it to get easier visas to the island
(civil ceremony).

Joran also makes a comment about not being confirmed.  I think that is when the Dutch acquire "godparents".  Maybe Joran does not have a "real" the church kind of way.

From Scared Monkeys (?by Hannie):

At the blackjack table are sitting two men, one of them is white, about 45 years of age and has dark hair. Madison had seen this guy two days before already in the Holiday Inn Casino. Some people thought they recognized Joran`s father, but Paul was already gone

Now, I find that interesting.  Joran says he left but other people and Madison saw Paulus...


Also, an FBI "protected witness", an American called "Mr X", meets Deepak in July 2005 in the Internet café wehre Deepak works.

Deepak tells X: “I see what’s going on and I know much more. I’m certain that Natalee is no longer on the island.” He also says something that contradicts that: “When they find the duct-tape with Natalee’s hair on it, then I’ll go to jail", which is strange because they did find hair with duct tape but it wasn't Natalee's.

I don't remember discussing the above.

I had this saved
From Joran's diary (the one hacked by sandrak)....possible info before the "cleanup" for the book?).

When we got to the hotel it was already close to 4:00 a.m. and Natalee’s whole family was already there asking people if they had seen Natalee. Charles Croes a man that was with the family then came to me and introduced himslef in papiamento (the local language on the island).

We talked for a while in papiamento and he told me I was in a lot of trouble, and he pointed to a car where Beth Twitty was sitting in the back holding a picture of her daughter. I went to the car and tried to talk with Beth but all she said was you know where my daughter is, get away!

Why speak in a language that the family cannot understand when everyone understands English?

I then turned my attention to Deepak and my dad who were talking to the rest of the group in the lobby. A large man then approached me and said he was Agent Smitt from the US Embassy. He asked me to tell him exactly what happened that night and I told him that Natalee had asked me to go to Carlos and Charlies with her and that it was her last night....
...Agent Smitt then took down some notes and one of the local police officers asked if he could talk to him. Smitt agreed and together they walked away from the group.

...Charles Croes then gave me his phone number and said if I remember anything to please call him. Agent Smitt and the local police officer returned they shook hands and Deepak, my dad, and I stepped in the Police car. On the drive back to my house the officer that had spoken to Agent Smitt said that he had told him that the girl was probaly a run away and that she will probaly turn up in a day or two. He also told us that Agent Smitt had told him she was from a wealthy family.


Thanks Blonde...Have been looking for US Embassy Agent Smitt.  The DEA agent in Curacao at the time was Gary Tenant, Thanks Pita, who started the purchase of a house stateside in June 2005. His move was approved early in 2006. He had to pay his own moving expenses as he signed on the house without an authorized move. Out of Barbados was Hollis Williams...he died sometime late 2005 or early 2006 in Virginia of a heart attack. Also have something where he was associated with Curacao and Grenada.  He worked a lot of undercover jobs before this. Interesting cases...some of them.

Will keep looking for Smitt and Eric Williams...

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: RoxiBalboa on December 15, 2008, 08:39:50 AM

Greta is taking a poll on what Topic interests you most. Right now Caylee Anythony is the top vote getter, understandably so. Please go vote for Natalee, just incase it will help in getting her to do more coverage.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Pita on December 15, 2008, 08:50:12 AM
Any relation to Guido Wever???

Name of the company  WEVER MARINE & AGENCY SERVICES N.V. 
Statutory seat  ARUBA 
Date of incorporation  20 AUGUST 2001 
Nationality  DUTCH 
Effective  20 AUGUST 2001 
Authority  FULL 
Born in  ARUBA on 30 SEPTEMBER 1969 
Nationality  DUTCH 
Effective  20 AUGUST 2001 
Authority  FULL 
Born in  ARUBA on 31 MARCH 1974 
Nationality  DUTCH 
Effective  20 AUGUST 2001 
Authority  FULL 


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 15, 2008, 09:04:24 AM
Netherland Minister Criticizes Former Aruba Police Commish Over Holloway Case     
CaribWorldNews, LONDON, England, Mon. Dec. 15, 2008: A Dutch minister claims Aruba`s former police commissioner hindered the investigation into the disappearance of Alabama teen, Natalee Holloway.

Minister Ank Bijleveld, state secretary for Home Affairs and Kingdom Relations, told news agency ANP that Jan van der Straten, who was police commissioner on the Caribbean island when the US teenager disappeared in 2005, was slow to take action in order to help his friend Paul van der Sloot protect his son Joran.

Joran van der Sloot has been suspected of being involved in the disappearance of Holloway. Minister Bijleveld also said Aruba’s justice minister Rudy Croes should begin an immediate investigation to determine if his claims about police interference in the investigation of the disappearance of Holloway are true.

Croes has announced an independent probe into the early stages of the police investigation regarding the disappearance.

i am a bit surprised how slow the American media is picking up on this.


All the big networks were in Aruba.  They didn't make up what they reported.  They are legitimate agencies that were fed lies and misinformation that was hard to corroborate.

My guess is that they are not impressed with Aruba investigating Aruba.  They all understand the island.  It would only be news if an actual independent investigation was going to take place.  Heck, I don't even know who's going to investigate. 

What exactly is there to report?

You stated my thoughts exactly! 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 15, 2008, 10:24:29 AM

Would you be able to put your reminder into a short summary.  I followed all of that when it was happening.  What is it that you want to remind us of?

Just scroll by.

In 3 1/2 years I have never asked another poster to supply a short summary rather than quotting his/her research that pertains to the discussion at hand and ... looking back at this thread in never have you.


Why is that a problem?

I could go back and post every single quote from every single transcript from every single source and call it a reminder.

I keep all options open until the truth is revealed...including taking a second look at those we hoped we could trust. You posted "Reminders" containing Jossy quotes.  Good enough, I suppose...I can only surmise that you are trying to tell me that I should support Jossy because of those statements he made.  If that is what you would have someone infer from your post, well... I hope you are right...but, I will keep an open mind...about all of the people who have been involved in this.   Sometimes an open mind leads you to question what you saw or heard...even though it looked or sounded right the first time.

Sorry if you were offended.  I have no problem with asking or providing summaries.  I can scroll by yours.  No problem.  But, your type of response is one of the reasons I do not post as often as some others.  Who needs it?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Blonde on December 15, 2008, 11:01:51 AM
Snip from Joran's book

I then turned my attention to Deepak and my dad who were talking to the rest of the group in the lobby. A large man then approached me and said he was Agent Smitt from the US Embassy. He asked me to tell him exactly what happened that night and I told him that Natalee had asked me to go to Carlos and Charlies with her and that it was her last night.

I also told him that at carlos and charlies she was yelling for me to come and dance with her but that I rejected her and went to the bar to buy a drink for me and my friends, and that at one point she came grabbed my hand and took me to the bar to take jellyshots out of her bellybuton.

I then told him that at closing time Natalee asked if she could leave with us and I said sure. After having a short relationship with her, we dropped her off at her hotel in front of the lobby.

Agent Smitt then took down some notes and one of the local police officers asked if he could talk to him. Smitt agreed and together they walked away from the group.

After standing alone a while I saw my dad, Deepak and the woman claiming to be an FBI agent talking to the hotel manager and I walked up to them. The woman was yelling at the hotel manager and screaming don’t you have any video cameras here? I saw a video camera at the hotel lobby desk and said there is one, evryone looked at the camera but the Hotel manager quickly cut us short and said that the camera was not working and that even if it was working it only has sight on the front desk.

It was probaly close to 5:00 am already and my dad said we really had to leave since I had school the next day. Before leaving the family asked us one more time to explain what happened, and Deepak jumped in by saying that when we dropped her off at the lobby there was a security guard dressed in black with a wakie-talkie that walked up to Natalee as she was aproaching the lobby.

Natalee’s family then asked me if I to had seen the security guard, and not wanting to get anyone in trouble I said no I did not see anyone but if Deepak says there was a security guard then there was one.

Charles Croes then gave me his phone number and said if I remember anything to please call him. Agent Smitt and the local police officer returned they shook hands and Deepak, my dad, and I stepped in the Police car. On the drive back to my house the officer that had spoken to Agent Smitt said that he had told him that the girl was probaly a run away and that she will probaly turn up in a day or two. He also told us that Agent Smitt had told him she was from a wealthy family.

Arriving at my house I said bye to Deepak and he left in his car and me and my dad walked to my room. I was obviously very tired but my dad insisted I go to school so I decided it was better not to go to sleep and just get ready for school since it was 5:30 a.m. allready. I got dressed and packed my bag for school.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 15, 2008, 11:20:36 AM
I personally feel that all of the powerful people on Aruba know exactly what happened to Natalee that night.  It's their business to know that information and their survival as a powerful person depends on having that information.  That is not to say that all were directly or indirectly involved.  I think that many remain silent for their own personal reasons and some have come forward for reasons that probably range from honest empathy to political or personal agendas.  Some have come forward, as we know, to provide misinformation and protect the perpetrators.  Some have been extremely helpful to Natalee's cause.   Aruba has an unquestionable reputation for graft, corruption, drugs, prostitution, money laundering, etc.  Some people are very involved with these activities and some might have marginal involvement.  Regardless, I don't feel that anyone is above our scrutiny at this point.  Sadly, some of those we have intially trusted have proven to be less than honorable.  Case in point is a recent revelation.  I personally feel that if we ever hope to find the answers to Natalee's disappearance, we need to follow whatever direction the questions lead us.  It's been three and a half years and although we have learned much about that fateful night and the probable players involved, Natalee's murder remains unsolved and her location unknown.  There are many on Aruba who know exactly what happened and we need to continue to push for the truth.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 15, 2008, 11:24:17 AM
I personally feel that all of the powerful people on Aruba know exactly what happened to Natalee that night.  It's their business to know that information and their survival as a powerful person depends on having that information.  That is not to say that all were directly or indirectly involved.  I think that many remain silent for their own personal reasons and some have come forward for reasons that probably range from honest empathy to political or personal agendas.  Some have come forward, as we know, to provide misinformation and protect the perpetrators.  Some have been extremely helpful to Natalee's cause.   Aruba has an unquestionable reputation for graft, corruption, drugs, prostitution, money laundering, etc.  Some people are very involved with these activities and some might have marginal involvement.  Regardless, I don't feel that anyone is above our scrutiny at this point.  Sadly, some of those we have intially trusted have proven to be less than honorable.  Case in point is a recent revelation.  I personally feel that if we ever hope to find the answers to Natalee's disappearance, we need to follow whatever direction the questions lead us.  It's been three and a half years and although we have learned much about that fateful night and the probable players involved, Natalee's murder remains unsolved and her location unknown.  There are many on Aruba who know exactly what happened and we need to continue to push for the truth.

 I agree.

Have you seen Kermit around?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 15, 2008, 11:29:44 AM

Would you be able to put your reminder into a short summary.  I followed all of that when it was happening.  What is it that you want to remind us of?

Just scroll by.

In 3 1/2 years I have never asked another poster to supply a short summary rather than quotting his/her research that pertains to the discussion at hand and ... looking back at this thread in never have you.


Why is that a problem?

I could go back and post every single quote from every single transcript from every single source and call it a reminder.

I keep all options open until the truth is revealed...including taking a second look at those we hoped we could trust. You posted "Reminders" containing Jossy quotes.  Good enough, I suppose...I can only surmise that you are trying to tell me that I should support Jossy because of those statements he made.  If that is what you would have someone infer from your post, well... I hope you are right...but, I will keep an open mind...about all of the people who have been involved in this.   Sometimes an open mind leads you to question what you saw or heard...even though it looked or sounded right the first time.

Sorry if you were offended.  I have no problem with asking or providing summaries.  I can scroll by yours.  No problem.  But, your type of response is one of the reasons I do not post as often as some others.  Who needs it?

It was my determination that the direction the topic of discussion was headed ... it was important that the forum was given a "REMINDER" regarding the words of only Aruban that has publicly supported the family of Natalee Holloway in the  contention that a corrupt investigation is preventing justice from prevailing for an eighteen year old American citizen.

In my opinion ... a short summary would not suffice ... Jossy's own words was where it was at.

Now I do believe I will read through Blonde's quote ... not short summary ... from Joran's book ... a book I have not thought about in a long time.  Then I will review the quotes  and short summaries on this thread pertaining to this topic ... quotes and short summaries contributed by others.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 15, 2008, 11:35:41 AM
Whatever.   ::MonkeyCool:: 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 15, 2008, 12:15:12 PM
Just because Beth and and Dave have said they appreciated Jossy doesn't automatically make Jossy above reproach. Jossy talks a good game, but rarely follows through. I really think his "revelations" have been in reality - diversions. Sorry, I call 'em as i see 'em.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 15, 2008, 12:24:25 PM
I never said that I totally agree with Janets Reminders I just said Thanks......I agree with SS in Her above post.....lots of people on that island know exactly what happened that night.....We just need someone to tell the Truth and Nothing but the Truth.....  ::MonkeyWink:: Who knows if that will ever happen but I tend to believe that it will all come out one day.....  ::MonkeyCool::   

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 15, 2008, 12:29:16 PM
Just because Beth and and Dave have said they appreciated Jossy doesn't automatically make Jossy above reproach. Jossy talks a good game, but rarely follows through. I really think his "revelations" have been in reality - diversions. Sorry, I call 'em as i see 'em.


I never implied that Jossy was above reproach.  The point of my REMINDER was that all aspects of this topic should be taken into consideration when Jossy's family dynamics are being dialoged.

Members of my family are individuals and ... I do not assume that they all think and act alike.

However ... until research on this topic implies otherwise ... IMO Jossy is above reproach.  I believe that is what is defined as an "open mind".


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 15, 2008, 12:44:10 PM
Just because Beth and and Dave have said they appreciated Jossy doesn't automatically make Jossy above reproach. Jossy talks a good game, but rarely follows through. I really think his "revelations" have been in reality - diversions. Sorry, I call 'em as i see 'em.


I never implied that Jossy was above reproach.  The point of my REMINDER was that all aspects of this topic should be taken into consideration when Jossy's family dynamics are being dialoged.

Members of my family are individuals and ... I do not assume that they all think and act alike.

However ... until research on this topic implies otherwise ... IMO Jossy is above reproach.  I believe that is what is defined as an "open mind".

Which is fine -- that is your OPINION. I have mine.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: caesu on December 15, 2008, 12:44:16 PM
Stars of David in 'Dutch colonialism' protest

RNW News


Negotiations between the Netherlands and its former colonies in the Caribbean have been marred by protests and complaints of colonialism. Reacting to a demonstration on Sunday in the Curaçao capital, Willemstad, Dutch Deputy Minister of Internal Affairs, Ank Bijleveld, said protesters had gone too far when they wore Stars of David. "That's totally inappropriate," she told NOS television in response to the use of the Jewish symbol.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 15, 2008, 01:04:10 PM


Support for the family of Natalee Holloway has not come without cost for Jossy Mansur.  Oduber called for a boycott of Diario and ... instructed all government workers to cancel subscriptions to the publication.  Did Oduber's action succeed in silencing Jossy ... stiffling freedom of speech?  NO WAY!!!  Jossy was further motivated to tell it how it was and ... Oduber was a happy camper.

Name ONE other Aruba ....



Diario Editorial: A TRAITOR AND HIS ANTI-ARUBAN GOVERNMENT … Anti-American too

“What did Nel’s government do in the case of Natalee? Hide their heads in a hole like ostriches so as not to see the truth of what was happening ...

... put the interest for American tourism money above the value of a human life; try to throw the blame on the family of the girl that disappeared, instead of going all-out against the three suspects who are responsible for the bad name Aruba got in other countries …”

We can no longer say that! Now our island has become, in the hands of Nel Oduber and his anti-Aruban and anti-American government, an island of the abuse of power, of nepotism, of favors to the small group of privileged MEP fanatics, and political persecution against the rest of the population that do not subject themselves to his amens!

Amigoe, April 4, 2007: Diario turns to Queen

ORANJESTAD - In an open letter, staff and management of the morning paper Diario have asked the Queen’s attention for the commercial boycott called by the MEP and her leader, Prime Minister Nelson Oduber.

MEP demanded the owner and also director and chief editor Jossy Mansur to publicly apologize to MEP and premier Oduber for all the articles he has published with the intention to damage the reputation of the government and MEP. Mansur has till last Monday to do this, otherwise, the MEP will announce a boycott against Diario.

Since Mansur ignored MEP’s ultimatum, the party decided on a total boycott of the newspaper. No information must be given to Diario. MEP-member had to cancel their subscription as per immediate.. They are also not allowed to buy the paper separately. They cannot place ads in the Diario That’s the reason for Diario’s letter to the Queen. He expressed his concern in this letter and asks the Queen to ’safeguard our constitutional rights’.

Amigoe, June 29, 2007: Oduber looses case against Diario

“I have lost enough time in this case already. It has become clear to me that everybody can publish anything they want about the government, and not be prosecuted. We have actually been outlawed.”

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 15, 2008, 01:09:30 PM
I never claimed that Jossy doesn't have his own enemies on Aruba or that SOME of what he says is the truth. To me, he says just enough for us to blindly follow him.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: vms on December 15, 2008, 01:09:40 PM
Results from web translator:

hessels of red is talk on vengeance policito
monday, 15 december 2008 - 00:00

according ministro of husticia rudy croes, during the first dianan of the caso holloway past owing to listen ex-comisario van der straten tell literalmente: “mi not can haci esey cu my amigo paul” (tata of joran). besides the ministro owing to declara cu “tawatin contacto telefonico during the first diez dianan among the comisario y paul van der sloot”. on dje will owing to acusa one beach bum though internamente tawata conoci cu the not owing to haci nothing. ministro croes wanted owing to keep cu the confesionnan here till cu his penshon another year, but past owing to dicidi of pour downstairs for motibo of observashon of the ex-comisario for cu among another keep we costa. click read more for read more. cu the declarashon here the ministro is give his self the dagger deadly. because; the funcionario more high on the territory of husticia, in caso so the have to owing to less the ex-comisario al instant for of the investigation after of such declarashon. by of not interveni, ministro croes consecuentemente is the unique directamente responsible for her fracaso of the investigation. cu his confesion, ministro croes is admiti claramente locual everybody already tawata know. among another owing to base of his miss of conocemento y experticio on territory of husticia the not can did take the decishon corecto at the instant clave. besides the is indica much good cu the is tapa his fracaso by of mantene one silencio on damage of another. then have to considera the declarashonnan of the ministro because; vengeance for motibo of remarca of the ex-comisario for cu his maneho. till cu now, bengansa of gobernante in form of atake personal, obstrucshon of promoshon, traslado for office solitario, paro of subsidio, etc. owing to resulta one as efectivo for silencia (casi) everybody. the cultura of bengansa here is the motibo principal cu fracaso of gobernante not or mucho late is leave at cla. consecuentemente not can wait for progress of maneho of gobierno cu type of gobernante so. come across

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Magnolia on December 15, 2008, 01:11:56 PM
Well, Kermit has left me more confused than ever.
I google imaged Jan Zwinkles and I got Tylergal's Red Rose avitar. ::MonkeyConfused::
I remain firm in my belief that Joran and his buddies killed Natalee.
Larry Garrison testified in the Dr. Phil case that Depak told him that
all three of them had sex with Natalee.
I believe that Natalee's remains are in that fish trap, but I don't
know how she got there.  Kyle should be ashamed of letting that go.
I think that Aruba is terribably corrupt and Posner is the money
behind Paulus and Joran.
I think that Van der Stratten and others deliberately corrupted the
investigation to cover for Joran.
But with all of the searching we are still unable to connect all
of the dots. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 01:13:39 PM
Does Jossy not have a recorded conversation with Dompig?What did that conversation consist of?Why has he not released the recorded conversation?Just questions..

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 15, 2008, 01:14:56 PM
Just because Beth and and Dave have said they appreciated Jossy doesn't automatically make Jossy above reproach. Jossy talks a good game, but rarely follows through. I really think his "revelations" have been in reality - diversions. Sorry, I call 'em as i see 'em.

At this point, I have to agree with you.  Initially I was impressed that Jossy appeared to be taking such a great interest in the case.  But, you are right about the follow through.  Not much there.

BTW, whatever happened to the witness that finally came forward that says he saw Joran, Deepak and another person sitting in a car near the Racquet Club around 2:30 in the morning.  You know... the guy who did the yard work (gardner) for one of Jossy's relatives?  Is he still considered a major withness in this thing.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 01:21:52 PM
Does Jossy not have a recorded conversation with Dompig?What did that conversation consist of?Why has he not released the recorded conversation?Just questions..

JOSSY MANSUR TO DANA PRETZER: I have a video tape of Gerald Dompig that they do have sufficient material to bring these boys in on kidnapping and rape. Which would be 8 years imprisonment.

Jossy states he has a recorded conversation with Dompig...Where is it and has anyone ever heard it?If so.Why have they not been prosecuted?The last being a stupid question i know..

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Magnolia on December 15, 2008, 01:25:33 PM
Does Jossy not have a recorded conversation with Dompig?What did that conversation consist of?Why has he not released the recorded conversation?Just questions..

Dompig says on the tape that he has enough evidence to charge
J2K with kidnapping and rape, which would get them 8 years in
prison.  Nothing ever came of it.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 15, 2008, 01:27:28 PM
I never claimed that Jossy doesn't have his own enemies on Aruba or that SOME of what he says is the truth. To me, he says just enough for us to blindly follow him.

I am not blindly following anybody.  I am open to any credible research that implies that an editor of an Aruban publication ... an editor named JOSSY MANSUR has stood in the way of justice for Natalee Holloway.

Until then ... I will stand with the family.



'Rita Cosby Live & Direct'
September 14, 2005

TWITTY: Well, you know, I‘ll be forever grateful for Jossy Mansur, who is there. And he has been so instrumental. And he‘s just a hero to all of us. And, you know, he‘s my only hope on the island. And we‘ll be forever grateful to him.

Dana Pretzer Show
September 8, 2006

HOLLOWAY: Jossy has been very helpful to try to find the truth, the fact he lives in Aruba and publishes a newspaper, they're attacking him because he's looking for-- fighting for-- the truth. That’s what a good journalist does--He's going to go after the people, regardless, and try to find the truth

Scared Monkey - FP Comments
April 6, 2007

Comment #20 ... I think he is a good man looking for the truth. He will not let them push him around. This is his home and is probably sick of the corruption that happens every day on such a large scale on such a small island.

Comment by Steve Holloway | April 6, 2007, 1:02 pm

Scared Monkey - FPComments
December 5, 2006

Comment by JUG TWITTY | December 5, 2006, 10:57 am

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Magnolia on December 15, 2008, 01:29:10 PM
Does Jossy not have a recorded conversation with Dompig?What did that conversation consist of?Why has he not released the recorded conversation?Just questions..

Dompig says on the tape that he has enough evidence to charge
J2K with kidnapping and rape, which would get them 8 years in
prison.  Nothing ever came of it.

It was shown on Rita Cosby Live and Direct....I think.
I have seen it.  I think Janet may have it saved.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 01:38:24 PM
Does Jossy not have a recorded conversation with Dompig?What did that conversation consist of?Why has he not released the recorded conversation?Just questions..

Dompig says on the tape that he has enough evidence to charge
J2K with kidnapping and rape, which would get them 8 years in
prison.  Nothing ever came of it.

It was shown on Rita Cosby Live and Direct....I think.
I have seen it.  I think Janet may have it saved.

Would love to hear the conversation if anyone has a link to it??Janet?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 15, 2008, 01:48:39 PM
Does Jossy not have a recorded conversation with Dompig?What did that conversation consist of?Why has he not released the recorded conversation?Just questions..

Dompig says on the tape that he has enough evidence to charge
J2K with kidnapping and rape, which would get them 8 years in
prison.  Nothing ever came of it.


Mossy Mansur is an editor of an Aruban publication.  In his lonely journey ... this Aruban has taken advantage of his ability to expose many aspects of the obvious coverup in the Natalee Holloway case through his publication and ... accepting many invitations for guest appearances on American talk shows but ... he does not have any authorities to force the Aruban/Dutch "powers that be" to bring about justice for an eighteen year old American citizen.

Think about it.  From the getgo ... nothing that has emerged that had/has the ability to implicate Joran van der Sloot and Paulus vander Sloot has amounted to anything.



Latest in Search for Natalee Holloway
Aired October 4, 2005 - 20:00:00   ET

JUG TWITTY: Nancy, what happened -- well, I think it was probably about 30 days after, or so, maybe the 1st of July or something. I had a meeting with Van Der Straaten, who was the police chief in charge at that time. And I went in and sat down with him and told him and Officer Sanboe (ph), who was going to take over for Van Der Straaten. He was there, too.

You know, I asked a question about, I understand that there was a statement made by Joran, where he talks about what he had done to Natalee and he described in very graphic detail, like, the stitching and embroidery and everything on Natalee`s underwear. And he goes, Oh, no, no, no. Absolutely not. Absolutely not. Well, little did he know I had just read the statements where Joran describes that to the "T," you know, two days before. But of course, I didn`t tell him that. But that`s just when I started to think something`s wrong here.

Joran van der Sloot
Suspect Statement
June 9, 2005

To your question as to what panty Natalee was wearing, I answer you the following. Natalee wore a dark blue panty. According to me they were embroidered panties and according to me these were flowers.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Blonde on December 15, 2008, 01:52:37 PM
Jossy says that the search warrant was changed on the premises and instead of searching the whole house, they limited the search to Joran's apartment. Jossy doesn't know who the judge was on site, but that Ben was at the gate of the VDS residence when the posse arrived. Jossy not sure why he was there, but thinks it's strange because Ben is an employee of the prosecution. Ben had no business being there unless he was a very close friend.

Jossy agrees with O'Reilly, because if they wanted to solve the case the gov't would have put pressure on the cops. Dompig told Jossy that the three suspects admitted "that they did have have sex with this girl" when she was going in and out of consciousess. This is a fact. This has been confirmed to Jossy. I have a video of Dompig confirming this fact. There also have sufficient evidence to prosecute the suspects on the basis of kidnapping and rape. Why they didn't prosecute is a mystery to Jossy.

The three suspects made a court appearance to change their status. Judge Smid originally refused that petition. Now they are trying again based on the passage of time and that the prosecution hasn't brought any case against them. They are expecting the ruling to come down by next week.,+which+would+get+them+8+years+in+prison.&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=8&gl=us

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 15, 2008, 02:08:32 PM
Does Jossy not have a recorded conversation with Dompig?What did that conversation consist of?Why has he not released the recorded conversation?Just questions..

Dompig says on the tape that he has enough evidence to charge
J2K with kidnapping and rape, which would get them 8 years in
prison.  Nothing ever came of it.

It was shown on Rita Cosby Live and Direct....I think.
I have seen it.  I think Janet may have it saved.

Would love to hear the conversation if anyone has a link to it??Janet?


Quote from: Pita on February 12, 2008, 04:55:56 PM

The LineUp 12-03-06

Jossy Mansur (Editor of Dario Newspaper in Aruba) by phone:

Kimberly: I got to ask you what did the former police chief say to you about Joran Van der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers involvement in Natalees disappearance.

Jossy: He definitely confirmed that they admitted to the police that they had molested the girl while she was going in and out of consciousness but among other things that he said.

Kimberly: And how long was this conversation and who specifically did you speak to.

Jossy: I spoke to Gerald Dompig the conversation took place in my office for about an hour and I have it all on video tape.

Kimberly: Any why did you video tape it Jossy?

Jossy: Because as the Diario we usually do that with people we dont trust to begin with. To have a documented proof of whatever we are going to publish in the future.

Kimberly: Alright well there are many people who doubt that you have this tape and want to know in fact is contained in this video tape? Do you have a transcript of this?

Jossy: You know many people doubt many things I say but after I publish the truth everybody becomes quiet. They go into a profound silence. But we have the proof I have the tape the video tape, we have various copies of it made.

Kimberly: OK and you claim to have a transcript in fact that links the boys to Natalees disappearance. Do you have that for us that you can read a portion of that?

Jossy: I can read a portion for you for example when I asked him about the case he said well you know we cannot go because we dont have a body but you have a model crime and on the basis of their own declarations, Im quoting him at the bottom now and then he said look if its not rape they fingered her, they did a lot of things to her according to their own declarations and he we have an article in our penal code that provides an eight year sentence for that. If you do that to a girl who is not conscious they themselves said that she passed out on (inaudible) phases in the car. That means if you do that to a person who cannot defend herself its eight years. He told me this (inaudible) Im quoting from the tape.

Kimberly: And what else did he tell you?

Jossy: He told me many other things. For example you are not talking about Joran alone because while the other guy was driving the car they were making out with the girl in the back.

Kimberly: And when you say they who was he referring to did he specify the Kalpoe brothers?

Jossy: He said the Kalpoe brothers with Joran yes.

Kimberly: Did you ask him why he didnt do anything with this information and why a case wasnt presented by the prosecutor?

Jossy: No because I thought they would proceed on the basis of a model crime because he confirmed that these three suspects admitted this to the police.

Kimberly: Jossy have you presented this tape to the new police chief or the prosecutors office. Who else has the information?

Jossy: The tape I only have the tape, I havent given it to anyone because so many things have happened in this case and so many mistrusts of who you can trust and who you cannot trust so I will present it to the prosecution when this case goes to court.

Kimberly: Jossy Mansur thank you for being on with me tonight.

Jossy Mansur
December 11, 2008

JOSSY:  I have a video tape of Gerald Dompig that they do have sufficient material to bring these boys in on kidnapping and rape.  Which would be 8 years imprisonment.


Lineup with Jossy Mansur and Kimberly Guilfoyle

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: caesu on December 15, 2008, 02:10:45 PM
Rudy Croes decided at the last minute not to attend the Round Table Conference because of Dutch 'colonial attitude'

Protests on Curaçao: politicians have been arrested

Bomb threat at Round Table Conference venue: Conference had to be relocated to Navy Base

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Magnolia on December 15, 2008, 02:17:34 PM
Does Jossy not have a recorded conversation with Dompig?What did that conversation consist of?Why has he not released the recorded conversation?Just questions..

Dompig says on the tape that he has enough evidence to charge
J2K with kidnapping and rape, which would get them 8 years in
prison.  Nothing ever came of it.


Mossy Mansur is an editor of an Aruban publication.  In his lonely journey ... this Aruban has taken advantage of his ability to expose many aspects of the obvious coverup in the Natalee Holloway case through his publication and ... accepting many invitations for guest appearances on American talk shows but ... he does not have any authorities to force the Aruban/Dutch "powers that be" to bring about justice for an eighteen year old American citizen.

Think about it.  From the getgo ... nothing that has emerged that had/has the ability to implicate Joran van der Sloot and Paulus vander Sloot has amounted to anything.



Latest in Search for Natalee Holloway
Aired October 4, 2005 - 20:00:00   ET

JUG TWITTY: Nancy, what happened -- well, I think it was probably about 30 days after, or so, maybe the 1st of July or something. I had a meeting with Van Der Straaten, who was the police chief in charge at that time. And I went in and sat down with him and told him and Officer Sanboe (ph), who was going to take over for Van Der Straaten. He was there, too.

You know, I asked a question about, I understand that there was a statement made by Joran, where he talks about what he had done to Natalee and he described in very graphic detail, like, the stitching and embroidery and everything on Natalee`s underwear. And he goes, Oh, no, no, no. Absolutely not. Absolutely not. Well, little did he know I had just read the statements where Joran describes that to the "T," you know, two days before. But of course, I didn`t tell him that. But that`s just when I started to think something`s wrong here.

Joran van der Sloot
Suspect Statement
June 9, 2005

To your question as to what panty Natalee was wearing, I answer you the following. Natalee wore a dark blue panty. According to me they were embroidered panties and according to me these were flowers.

I was not being critical of Jossy.  Jossy produced the tape of Dompig saying
that he had the evidence.
I think Jossy has been as helpful as it was possible for him to be and
still live on the island of Aruba.
I think his brother was arrested just to shut Jossy up.  Officials knew of
Luis Mansur's activities long before he was arrested.
My heart goes out to Jossy, because I feel that he would like to help more,
but his hands are tied.
I have read several times that the most powerful families on the island
were the Mansurs and the Posner/mafia.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 15, 2008, 02:20:32 PM



Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 02:22:22 PM
Does Jossy not have a recorded conversation with Dompig?What did that conversation consist of?Why has he not released the recorded conversation?Just questions..

Dompig says on the tape that he has enough evidence to charge
J2K with kidnapping and rape, which would get them 8 years in
prison.  Nothing ever came of it.

It was shown on Rita Cosby Live and Direct....I think.
I have seen it.  I think Janet may have it saved.

Would love to hear the conversation if anyone has a link to it??Janet?


Quote from: Pita on February 12, 2008, 04:55:56 PM

The LineUp 12-03-06

Jossy Mansur (Editor of Dario Newspaper in Aruba) by phone:

Kimberly: I got to ask you what did the former police chief say to you about Joran Van der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers involvement in Natalees disappearance.

Jossy: He definitely confirmed that they admitted to the police that they had molested the girl while she was going in and out of consciousness but among other things that he said.

Kimberly: And how long was this conversation and who specifically did you speak to.

Jossy: I spoke to Gerald Dompig the conversation took place in my office for about an hour and I have it all on video tape.

Kimberly: Any why did you video tape it Jossy?

Jossy: Because as the Diario we usually do that with people we dont trust to begin with. To have a documented proof of whatever we are going to publish in the future.

Kimberly: Alright well there are many people who doubt that you have this tape and want to know in fact is contained in this video tape? Do you have a transcript of this?

Jossy: You know many people doubt many things I say but after I publish the truth everybody becomes quiet. They go into a profound silence. But we have the proof I have the tape the video tape, we have various copies of it made.

Kimberly: OK and you claim to have a transcript in fact that links the boys to Natalees disappearance. Do you have that for us that you can read a portion of that?

Jossy: I can read a portion for you for example when I asked him about the case he said well you know we cannot go because we dont have a body but you have a model crime and on the basis of their own declarations, Im quoting him at the bottom now and then he said look if its not rape they fingered her, they did a lot of things to her according to their own declarations and he we have an article in our penal code that provides an eight year sentence for that. If you do that to a girl who is not conscious they themselves said that she passed out on (inaudible) phases in the car. That means if you do that to a person who cannot defend herself its eight years. He told me this (inaudible) Im quoting from the tape.

Kimberly: And what else did he tell you?

Jossy: He told me many other things. For example you are not talking about Joran alone because while the other guy was driving the car they were making out with the girl in the back.

Kimberly: And when you say they who was he referring to did he specify the Kalpoe brothers?

Jossy: He said the Kalpoe brothers with Joran yes.

Kimberly: Did you ask him why he didnt do anything with this information and why a case wasnt presented by the prosecutor?

Jossy: No because I thought they would proceed on the basis of a model crime because he confirmed that these three suspects admitted this to the police.

Kimberly: Jossy have you presented this tape to the new police chief or the prosecutors office. Who else has the information?

Jossy: The tape I only have the tape, I havent given it to anyone because so many things have happened in this case and so many mistrusts of who you can trust and who you cannot trust so I will present it to the prosecution when this case goes to court.

Kimberly: Jossy Mansur thank you for being on with me tonight.

Jossy Mansur
December 11, 2008

JOSSY:  I have a video tape of Gerald Dompig that they do have sufficient material to bring these boys in on kidnapping and rape.  Which would be 8 years imprisonment.


Lineup with Jossy Mansur and Kimberly Guilfoyle

Thanx Janet! ::MonkeyDance::.Just asking questions.So why would the ALE allow Eduardo Mansur on or near the Persistence regarding the recovery of the contents in the cage?Would they not be concerned about the family connection??

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Dayhiker on December 15, 2008, 02:51:06 PM
Rudy Croes decided at the last minute not to attend the Round Table Conference because of Dutch 'colonial attitude'

Protests on Curaçao: politicians have been arrested

Bomb threat at Round Table Conference venue: Conference had to be relocated to Navy Base

Getting a little heated down in the Antilles isn't it, Caesu? Politicians arrested. Let's hope this spreads to Aruba.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Dayhiker on December 15, 2008, 02:56:21 PM
Does Jossy not have a recorded conversation with Dompig?What did that conversation consist of?Why has he not released the recorded conversation?Just questions..

JOSSY MANSUR TO DANA PRETZER: I have a video tape of Gerald Dompig that they do have sufficient material to bring these boys in on kidnapping and rape. Which would be 8 years imprisonment.

Jossy states he has a recorded conversation with Dompig...Where is it and has anyone ever heard it?If so.Why have they not been prosecuted?The last being a stupid question i know..

IIRC, this was the program that was cut short after one night of airing (on Fox?) and we never heard from it again. While I like Jossy and have a tremendous amount of appreciation for his efforts, this is not the only time he has promised something and reneged after just giving out a small piece of what he says he has. It appears this has happened on several occasions not only with that tape, but including this last round with the witness. I'm not dogging Jossy down, but I do wish he follow up on what he promises.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 15, 2008, 03:03:04 PM
Well, Kermit has left me more confused than ever.
I google imaged Jan Zwinkles and I got Tylergal's Red Rose avitar. ::MonkeyConfused::
I remain firm in my belief that Joran and his buddies killed Natalee.
Larry Garrison testified in the Dr. Phil case that Depak told him that
all three of them had sex with Natalee.
I believe that Natalee's remains are in that fish trap, but I don't
know how she got there.  Kyle should be ashamed of letting that go.
I think that Aruba is terribably corrupt and Posner is the money
behind Paulus and Joran.
I think that Van der Stratten and others deliberately corrupted the
investigation to cover for Joran.
But with all of the searching we are still unable to connect all
of the dots. 

 ::MonkeyHaHa:: The same thing happened to me!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 15, 2008, 03:04:00 PM
Does Jossy not have a recorded conversation with Dompig?What did that conversation consist of?Why has he not released the recorded conversation?Just questions..

Dompig says on the tape that he has enough evidence to charge
J2K with kidnapping and rape, which would get them 8 years in
prison.  Nothing ever came of it.

It was shown on Rita Cosby Live and Direct....I think.
I have seen it.  I think Janet may have it saved.

Would love to hear the conversation if anyone has a link to it??Janet?


Quote from: Pita on February 12, 2008, 04:55:56 PM

The LineUp 12-03-06

Jossy Mansur (Editor of Dario Newspaper in Aruba) by phone:

Kimberly: I got to ask you what did the former police chief say to you about Joran Van der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers involvement in Natalees disappearance.

Jossy: He definitely confirmed that they admitted to the police that they had molested the girl while she was going in and out of consciousness but among other things that he said.

Kimberly: And how long was this conversation and who specifically did you speak to.

Jossy: I spoke to Gerald Dompig the conversation took place in my office for about an hour and I have it all on video tape.

Kimberly: Any why did you video tape it Jossy?

Jossy: Because as the Diario we usually do that with people we dont trust to begin with. To have a documented proof of whatever we are going to publish in the future.

Kimberly: Alright well there are many people who doubt that you have this tape and want to know in fact is contained in this video tape? Do you have a transcript of this?

Jossy: You know many people doubt many things I say but after I publish the truth everybody becomes quiet. They go into a profound silence. But we have the proof I have the tape the video tape, we have various copies of it made.

Kimberly: OK and you claim to have a transcript in fact that links the boys to Natalees disappearance. Do you have that for us that you can read a portion of that?

Jossy: I can read a portion for you for example when I asked him about the case he said well you know we cannot go because we dont have a body but you have a model crime and on the basis of their own declarations, Im quoting him at the bottom now and then he said look if its not rape they fingered her, they did a lot of things to her according to their own declarations and he we have an article in our penal code that provides an eight year sentence for that. If you do that to a girl who is not conscious they themselves said that she passed out on (inaudible) phases in the car. That means if you do that to a person who cannot defend herself its eight years. He told me this (inaudible) Im quoting from the tape.

Kimberly: And what else did he tell you?

Jossy: He told me many other things. For example you are not talking about Joran alone because while the other guy was driving the car they were making out with the girl in the back.

Kimberly: And when you say they who was he referring to did he specify the Kalpoe brothers?

Jossy: He said the Kalpoe brothers with Joran yes.

Kimberly: Did you ask him why he didnt do anything with this information and why a case wasnt presented by the prosecutor?

Jossy: No because I thought they would proceed on the basis of a model crime because he confirmed that these three suspects admitted this to the police.

Kimberly: Jossy have you presented this tape to the new police chief or the prosecutors office. Who else has the information?

Jossy: The tape I only have the tape, I havent given it to anyone because so many things have happened in this case and so many mistrusts of who you can trust and who you cannot trust so I will present it to the prosecution when this case goes to court.

Kimberly: Jossy Mansur thank you for being on with me tonight.

Jossy Mansur
December 11, 2008

JOSSY:  I have a video tape of Gerald Dompig that they do have sufficient material to bring these boys in on kidnapping and rape.  Which would be 8 years imprisonment.


Lineup with Jossy Mansur and Kimberly Guilfoyle

Thanx Janet! ::MonkeyDance::.Just asking questions.So why would the ALE allow Eduardo Mansur on or near the Persistence regarding the recovery of the contents in the cage?Would they not be concerned about the family connection??

That is a good question keepthefaith.

However ... in the period of his life when our eldest son humbled us ... I am positive hubby and I were kept in the dark regarding many aspects of his lifestyle that he knew we would not approve off.  Nevertheless ... our disapproval did not stop him from doing what "he believed" in that moment in time was to his benefit.

In other words ... family dynamics is not enough to negate all that Jossy Mansur has done on behalf of the family of Natalee Holloway.  It is not enought to throw him under the bus.

Think about it.  Jossy Mansur is getting older ... he has health issues and ... now family issues have entered the scenario.  Maybe this warrior ... who withstood the intimidation of the "powers that be" for so many years to rid his beloved homeland of corruption ... has grown tired ... the burden has become too great.  In other words ... it is time for another champion ... for the cause of a Aruba where justice can prevail for victims ... to step up to the plate.

I don't understand all Jossy's family dynamics but ... until credible research emerges that Jossy has flip flopped on all the principles he has stood for in the past  ... I will give him the benefit of the doubt.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 03:04:43 PM
Does Jossy not have a recorded conversation with Dompig?What did that conversation consist of?Why has he not released the recorded conversation?Just questions..

JOSSY MANSUR TO DANA PRETZER: I have a video tape of Gerald Dompig that they do have sufficient material to bring these boys in on kidnapping and rape. Which would be 8 years imprisonment.

Jossy states he has a recorded conversation with Dompig...Where is it and has anyone ever heard it?If so.Why have they not been prosecuted?The last being a stupid question i know..

IIRC, this was the program that was cut short after one night of airing (on Fox?) and we never heard from it again. While I like Jossy and have a tremendous amount of appreciation for his efforts, this is not the only time he has promised something and reneged after just giving out a small piece of what he says he has. It appears this has happened on several occasions not only with that tape, but including this last round with the witness. I'm not dogging Jossy down, but I do wish he follow up on what he promises.

I hope he is waiting for the right time!I honestly don't know what to believe. ::MonkeyConfused::In one sense i can understand his hands may be tied to a degree in terms of it being a small island,as well as i can see that if it's true from what i've read in terms of the power of the Mansur family on Aruba one would think they'd know the story??? ::MonkeyConfused:: ::MonkeyConfused::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 03:13:30 PM
Does Jossy not have a recorded conversation with Dompig?What did that conversation consist of?Why has he not released the recorded conversation?Just questions..

Dompig says on the tape that he has enough evidence to charge
J2K with kidnapping and rape, which would get them 8 years in
prison.  Nothing ever came of it.

It was shown on Rita Cosby Live and Direct....I think.
I have seen it.  I think Janet may have it saved.

Would love to hear the conversation if anyone has a link to it??Janet?


Quote from: Pita on February 12, 2008, 04:55:56 PM

The LineUp 12-03-06

Jossy Mansur (Editor of Dario Newspaper in Aruba) by phone:

Kimberly: I got to ask you what did the former police chief say to you about Joran Van der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers involvement in Natalees disappearance.

Jossy: He definitely confirmed that they admitted to the police that they had molested the girl while she was going in and out of consciousness but among other things that he said.

Kimberly: And how long was this conversation and who specifically did you speak to.

Jossy: I spoke to Gerald Dompig the conversation took place in my office for about an hour and I have it all on video tape.

Kimberly: Any why did you video tape it Jossy?

Jossy: Because as the Diario we usually do that with people we dont trust to begin with. To have a documented proof of whatever we are going to publish in the future.

Kimberly: Alright well there are many people who doubt that you have this tape and want to know in fact is contained in this video tape? Do you have a transcript of this?

Jossy: You know many people doubt many things I say but after I publish the truth everybody becomes quiet. They go into a profound silence. But we have the proof I have the tape the video tape, we have various copies of it made.

Kimberly: OK and you claim to have a transcript in fact that links the boys to Natalees disappearance. Do you have that for us that you can read a portion of that?

Jossy: I can read a portion for you for example when I asked him about the case he said well you know we cannot go because we dont have a body but you have a model crime and on the basis of their own declarations, Im quoting him at the bottom now and then he said look if its not rape they fingered her, they did a lot of things to her according to their own declarations and he we have an article in our penal code that provides an eight year sentence for that. If you do that to a girl who is not conscious they themselves said that she passed out on (inaudible) phases in the car. That means if you do that to a person who cannot defend herself its eight years. He told me this (inaudible) Im quoting from the tape.

Kimberly: And what else did he tell you?

Jossy: He told me many other things. For example you are not talking about Joran alone because while the other guy was driving the car they were making out with the girl in the back.

Kimberly: And when you say they who was he referring to did he specify the Kalpoe brothers?

Jossy: He said the Kalpoe brothers with Joran yes.

Kimberly: Did you ask him why he didnt do anything with this information and why a case wasnt presented by the prosecutor?

Jossy: No because I thought they would proceed on the basis of a model crime because he confirmed that these three suspects admitted this to the police.

Kimberly: Jossy have you presented this tape to the new police chief or the prosecutors office. Who else has the information?

Jossy: The tape I only have the tape, I havent given it to anyone because so many things have happened in this case and so many mistrusts of who you can trust and who you cannot trust so I will present it to the prosecution when this case goes to court.

Kimberly: Jossy Mansur thank you for being on with me tonight.

Jossy Mansur
December 11, 2008

JOSSY:  I have a video tape of Gerald Dompig that they do have sufficient material to bring these boys in on kidnapping and rape.  Which would be 8 years imprisonment.


Lineup with Jossy Mansur and Kimberly Guilfoyle

Thanx Janet! ::MonkeyDance::.Just asking questions.So why would the ALE allow Eduardo Mansur on or near the Persistence regarding the recovery of the contents in the cage?Would they not be concerned about the family connection??

That is a good question keepthefaith.

However ... in the period of his life when our eldest son humbled us ... I am positive hubby and I were kept in the dark regarding many aspects of his lifestyle that he knew we would not approve off.  Nevertheless ... our disapproval did not stop him from doing what "he believed" in that moment in time was to his benefit.

In other words ... family dynamics is not enough to negate all that Jossy Mansur has done on behalf of the family of Natalee Holloway.  It is not enought to throw him under the bus.

Think about it.  Jossy Mansur is getting older ... he has health issues and ... now family issues have entered the scenario.  Maybe this warrior ... who withstood the intimidation of the "powers that be" for so many years to rid his beloved homeland of corruption ... has grown tired ... the burden has become too great.  In other words ... it is time for another champion ... for the cause of a Aruba where justice can prevail for victims ... to step up to the plate.

I don't understand all Jossy's family dynamics but ... until credible research emerges that Jossy has flip flopped on all the principles he has stood for in the past  ... I will give him the benefit of the doubt.


Thank you Janet!I'm sure Jossy has a minefield to navigate.Understood!One would think with a family of his size,the businesses,as well as having been on that island for quite some time someone in the Mansur family would know how things went down!All your knowledge truly is appreciated! ::MonkeyWink::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 15, 2008, 03:13:44 PM
Jossy says that the search warrant was changed on the premises and instead of searching the whole house, they limited the search to Joran's apartment. Jossy doesn't know who the judge was on site, but that Ben was at the gate of the VDS residence when the posse arrived. Jossy not sure why he was there, but thinks it's strange because Ben is an employee of the prosecution. Ben had no business being there unless he was a very close friend.

Jossy agrees with O'Reilly, because if they wanted to solve the case the gov't would have put pressure on the cops. Dompig told Jossy that the three suspects admitted "that they did have have sex with this girl" when she was going in and out of consciousess. This is a fact. This has been confirmed to Jossy. I have a video of Dompig confirming this fact. There also have sufficient evidence to prosecute the suspects on the basis of kidnapping and rape. Why they didn't prosecute is a mystery to Jossy.

The three suspects made a court appearance to change their status. Judge Smid originally refused that petition. Now they are trying again based on the passage of time and that the prosecution hasn't brought any case against them. They are expecting the ruling to come down by next week.,+which+would+get+them+8+years+in+prison.&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=8&gl=us

Blond, for what it's worth, I have a theory as to why Vocking was staying with the Sloots during that period of time,  Caps told us that Voking was one of the ones who was contacted to help dispose of Natalee, clean up the evidence, and create the cover up story.  I think they had to get Vocking out of the police station while Urine and his friends were being questioned, because they all knew that Vocking and probably van der Strattan were part of the disposal.  I have always felt that Vocking was on an unofficial leave of absence and assigned to keep order at the Sloot residence.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 15, 2008, 03:19:18 PM
Joran van der Sloot
Suspect Statement
June 9, 2005

To your question as to what panty Natalee was wearing, I answer you the following. Natalee wore a dark blue panty. According to me they were embroidered panties and according to me these were flowers.


I have always thought it was interesting the Urine was able to describe Natalee's panties so well after they were on a beach with no lights.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 15, 2008, 03:23:43 PM
Does Jossy not have a recorded conversation with Dompig?What did that conversation consist of?Why has he not released the recorded conversation?Just questions..

Dompig says on the tape that he has enough evidence to charge
J2K with kidnapping and rape, which would get them 8 years in
prison.  Nothing ever came of it.

It was shown on Rita Cosby Live and Direct....I think.
I have seen it.  I think Janet may have it saved.

Would love to hear the conversation if anyone has a link to it??Janet?


Quote from: Pita on February 12, 2008, 04:55:56 PM

The LineUp 12-03-06

Jossy Mansur (Editor of Dario Newspaper in Aruba) by phone:

Kimberly: I got to ask you what did the former police chief say to you about Joran Van der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers involvement in Natalees disappearance.

Jossy: He definitely confirmed that they admitted to the police that they had molested the girl while she was going in and out of consciousness but among other things that he said.

Kimberly: And how long was this conversation and who specifically did you speak to.

Jossy: I spoke to Gerald Dompig the conversation took place in my office for about an hour and I have it all on video tape.

Kimberly: Any why did you video tape it Jossy?

Jossy: Because as the Diario we usually do that with people we dont trust to begin with. To have a documented proof of whatever we are going to publish in the future.

Kimberly: Alright well there are many people who doubt that you have this tape and want to know in fact is contained in this video tape? Do you have a transcript of this?

Jossy: You know many people doubt many things I say but after I publish the truth everybody becomes quiet. They go into a profound silence. But we have the proof I have the tape the video tape, we have various copies of it made.

Kimberly: OK and you claim to have a transcript in fact that links the boys to Natalees disappearance. Do you have that for us that you can read a portion of that?

Jossy: I can read a portion for you for example when I asked him about the case he said well you know we cannot go because we dont have a body but you have a model crime and on the basis of their own declarations, Im quoting him at the bottom now and then he said look if its not rape they fingered her, they did a lot of things to her according to their own declarations and he we have an article in our penal code that provides an eight year sentence for that. If you do that to a girl who is not conscious they themselves said that she passed out on (inaudible) phases in the car. That means if you do that to a person who cannot defend herself its eight years. He told me this (inaudible) Im quoting from the tape.

Kimberly: And what else did he tell you?

Jossy: He told me many other things. For example you are not talking about Joran alone because while the other guy was driving the car they were making out with the girl in the back.

Kimberly: And when you say they who was he referring to did he specify the Kalpoe brothers?

Jossy: He said the Kalpoe brothers with Joran yes.

Kimberly: Did you ask him why he didnt do anything with this information and why a case wasnt presented by the prosecutor?

Jossy: No because I thought they would proceed on the basis of a model crime because he confirmed that these three suspects admitted this to the police.

Kimberly: Jossy have you presented this tape to the new police chief or the prosecutors office. Who else has the information?

Jossy: The tape I only have the tape, I havent given it to anyone because so many things have happened in this case and so many mistrusts of who you can trust and who you cannot trust so I will present it to the prosecution when this case goes to court.

Kimberly: Jossy Mansur thank you for being on with me tonight.

Jossy Mansur
December 11, 2008

JOSSY:  I have a video tape of Gerald Dompig that they do have sufficient material to bring these boys in on kidnapping and rape.  Which would be 8 years imprisonment.


Lineup with Jossy Mansur and Kimberly Guilfoyle

Thanx Janet! ::MonkeyDance::.Just asking questions.So why would the ALE allow Eduardo Mansur on or near the Persistence regarding the recovery of the contents in the cage?Would they not be concerned about the family connection??

This has puzzled me, also.  Jossy is opposed to the current political party and would love nothing more than to see them all out of office.  I can only imagine that Eduardo Mansur was involved because he is the founder and head of Aruba Search and Rescue, the specialzed diving group.  I do have to assume that Eduardo did inform his father of what had taken place.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 03:25:39 PM
Does Jossy not have a recorded conversation with Dompig?What did that conversation consist of?Why has he not released the recorded conversation?Just questions..

Dompig says on the tape that he has enough evidence to charge
J2K with kidnapping and rape, which would get them 8 years in
prison.  Nothing ever came of it.

It was shown on Rita Cosby Live and Direct....I think.
I have seen it.  I think Janet may have it saved.

Would love to hear the conversation if anyone has a link to it??Janet?


Quote from: Pita on February 12, 2008, 04:55:56 PM

The LineUp 12-03-06

Jossy Mansur (Editor of Dario Newspaper in Aruba) by phone:

Kimberly: I got to ask you what did the former police chief say to you about Joran Van der Sloot and the Kalpoe brothers involvement in Natalees disappearance.

Jossy: He definitely confirmed that they admitted to the police that they had molested the girl while she was going in and out of consciousness but among other things that he said.

Kimberly: And how long was this conversation and who specifically did you speak to.

Jossy: I spoke to Gerald Dompig the conversation took place in my office for about an hour and I have it all on video tape.

Kimberly: Any why did you video tape it Jossy?

Jossy: Because as the Diario we usually do that with people we dont trust to begin with. To have a documented proof of whatever we are going to publish in the future.

Kimberly: Alright well there are many people who doubt that you have this tape and want to know in fact is contained in this video tape? Do you have a transcript of this?

Jossy: You know many people doubt many things I say but after I publish the truth everybody becomes quiet. They go into a profound silence. But we have the proof I have the tape the video tape, we have various copies of it made.

Kimberly: OK and you claim to have a transcript in fact that links the boys to Natalees disappearance. Do you have that for us that you can read a portion of that?

Jossy: I can read a portion for you for example when I asked him about the case he said well you know we cannot go because we dont have a body but you have a model crime and on the basis of their own declarations, Im quoting him at the bottom now and then he said look if its not rape they fingered her, they did a lot of things to her according to their own declarations and he we have an article in our penal code that provides an eight year sentence for that. If you do that to a girl who is not conscious they themselves said that she passed out on (inaudible) phases in the car. That means if you do that to a person who cannot defend herself its eight years. He told me this (inaudible) Im quoting from the tape.

Kimberly: And what else did he tell you?

Jossy: He told me many other things. For example you are not talking about Joran alone because while the other guy was driving the car they were making out with the girl in the back.

Kimberly: And when you say they who was he referring to did he specify the Kalpoe brothers?

Jossy: He said the Kalpoe brothers with Joran yes.

Kimberly: Did you ask him why he didnt do anything with this information and why a case wasnt presented by the prosecutor?

Jossy: No because I thought they would proceed on the basis of a model crime because he confirmed that these three suspects admitted this to the police.

Kimberly: Jossy have you presented this tape to the new police chief or the prosecutors office. Who else has the information?

Jossy: The tape I only have the tape, I havent given it to anyone because so many things have happened in this case and so many mistrusts of who you can trust and who you cannot trust so I will present it to the prosecution when this case goes to court.

Kimberly: Jossy Mansur thank you for being on with me tonight.

Jossy Mansur
December 11, 2008

JOSSY:  I have a video tape of Gerald Dompig that they do have sufficient material to bring these boys in on kidnapping and rape.  Which would be 8 years imprisonment.


Lineup with Jossy Mansur and Kimberly Guilfoyle

Thanx Janet! ::MonkeyDance::.Just asking questions.So why would the ALE allow Eduardo Mansur on or near the Persistence regarding the recovery of the contents in the cage?Would they not be concerned about the family connection??

This has puzzled me, also.  Jossy is opposed to the current political party and would love nothing more than to see them all out of office.  I can only imagine that Eduardo Mansur was involved because he is the founder and head of Aruba Search and Rescue, the specialzed diving group.  I do have to assume that Eduardo did inform his father of what had taken place.

So is everyone just watching the Teepee's fall so to speak?Is that what is currently taking place politically?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 15, 2008, 03:26:36 PM

Thanx Janet! ::MonkeyDance::.Just asking questions.So why would the ALE allow Eduardo Mansur on or near the Persistence regarding the recovery of the contents in the cage?Would they not be concerned about the family connection??

That is a good question keepthefaith.

However ... in the period of his life when our eldest son humbled us ... I am positive hubby and I were kept in the dark regarding many aspects of his lifestyle that he knew we would not approve off.  Nevertheless ... our disapproval did not stop him from doing what "he believed" in that moment in time was to his benefit.

In other words ... family dynamics is not enough to negate all that Jossy Mansur has done on behalf of the family of Natalee Holloway.  It is not enought to throw him under the bus.

Think about it.  Jossy Mansur is getting older ... he has health issues and ... now family issues have entered the scenario.  Maybe this warrior ... who withstood the intimidation of the "powers that be" for so many years to rid his beloved homeland of corruption ... has grown tired ... the burden has become too great.  In other words ... it is time for another champion ... for the cause of a Aruba where justice can prevail for victims ... to step up to the plate.

I don't understand all Jossy's family dynamics but ... until credible research emerges that Jossy has flip flopped on all the principles he has stood for in the past  ... I will give him the benefit of the doubt.


Thank you Janet!I'm sure Jossy has a minefield to navigate.Understood!One would think with a family of his size,the businesses,as well as having been on that island for quite some time someone in the Mansur family would know how things went down!All your knowledge truly is appreciated! ::MonkeyWink::

You are welcome Keepthefairth and ... thank you.

It has crossed my mind that maybe ... just maybe ... that Jossy maybe be still be the captain in the Mansur family but ... he is not necessarily at the helm.

Last night at a family event ... hubby and I shared that we had an appointment with a financial planner this week as well as updating our wills.  Both daughter and eldest son spoke up at the same time.  Their "suggestion" was that one of them should be present at the appointment.


I think the writing is on the wall.



Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on December 15, 2008, 03:27:14 PM
Does Jossy not have a recorded conversation with Dompig?What did that conversation consist of?Why has he not released the recorded conversation?Just questions..

Dompig says on the tape that he has enough evidence to charge
J2K with kidnapping and rape, which would get them 8 years in
prison.  Nothing ever came of it.


Mossy Mansur is an editor of an Aruban publication.  In his lonely journey ... this Aruban has taken advantage of his ability to expose many aspects of the obvious coverup in the Natalee Holloway case through his publication and ... accepting many invitations for guest appearances on American talk shows but ... he does not have any authorities to force the Aruban/Dutch "powers that be" to bring about justice for an eighteen year old American citizen.

Think about it.  From the getgo ... nothing that has emerged that had/has the ability to implicate Joran van der Sloot and Paulus vander Sloot has amounted to anything.



Latest in Search for Natalee Holloway
Aired October 4, 2005 - 20:00:00   ET

JUG TWITTY: Nancy, what happened -- well, I think it was probably about 30 days after, or so, maybe the 1st of July or something. I had a meeting with Van Der Straaten, who was the police chief in charge at that time. And I went in and sat down with him and told him and Officer Sanboe (ph), who was going to take over for Van Der Straaten. He was there, too.

You know, I asked a question about, I understand that there was a statement made by Joran, where he talks about what he had done to Natalee and he described in very graphic detail, like, the stitching and embroidery and everything on Natalee`s underwear. And he goes, Oh, no, no, no. Absolutely not. Absolutely not. Well, little did he know I had just read the statements where Joran describes that to the "T," you know, two days before. But of course, I didn`t tell him that. But that`s just when I started to think something`s wrong here.

Joran van der Sloot
Suspect Statement
June 9, 2005

To your question as to what panty Natalee was wearing, I answer you the following. Natalee wore a dark blue panty. According to me they were embroidered panties and according to me these were flowers.

Thank you Janet.  Let me go on the record as stating I appreciate all your recaps and reviews of sources.  :)

Who in Aruban justice maintains the evidence?  Who determines if there is enough to charge (and convict) a person of ANY crime?  

Who are the gatekeepers to getting this case solved?  Who are the gatekeepers that prevent evidence collection, charging the suspects, and case management?  I believe the finger is pointing at the 'Dutch' appointed judges.  

Who assigns cases to judges?   Why weren't local Aruban judges appointed?

IIRC, no one in Aruba would ever charge someone unless they had an airtight case.  Different standard for charging someone with a crime.

That leaves all the other stuff like failing to perform their duties, coverup, collusion, cronyism, nepotism, favoritism, etc.  Those in my mind would be separate from charging PJ2K with crimes related to kidnapping, death, drugs, hiding a body, etc.

Many different levels of involvement, potential crimes, NOT an all or nothing scenario.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 15, 2008, 03:29:06 PM
Rudy Croes decided at the last minute not to attend the Round Table Conference because of Dutch 'colonial attitude'

Protests on Curaçao: politicians have been arrested

Bomb threat at Round Table Conference venue: Conference had to be relocated to Navy Base

Looks like things are getting pretty testy down there.  Thanks for keeping us updated.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 03:31:54 PM

Thanx Janet! ::MonkeyDance::.Just asking questions.So why would the ALE allow Eduardo Mansur on or near the Persistence regarding the recovery of the contents in the cage?Would they not be concerned about the family connection??

That is a good question keepthefaith.

However ... in the period of his life when our eldest son humbled us ... I am positive hubby and I were kept in the dark regarding many aspects of his lifestyle that he knew we would not approve off.  Nevertheless ... our disapproval did not stop him from doing what "he believed" in that moment in time was to his benefit.

In other words ... family dynamics is not enough to negate all that Jossy Mansur has done on behalf of the family of Natalee Holloway.  It is not enought to throw him under the bus.

Think about it.  Jossy Mansur is getting older ... he has health issues and ... now family issues have entered the scenario.  Maybe this warrior ... who withstood the intimidation of the "powers that be" for so many years to rid his beloved homeland of corruption ... has grown tired ... the burden has become too great.  In other words ... it is time for another champion ... for the cause of a Aruba where justice can prevail for victims ... to step up to the plate.

I don't understand all Jossy's family dynamics but ... until credible research emerges that Jossy has flip flopped on all the principles he has stood for in the past  ... I will give him the benefit of the doubt.


Thank you Janet!I'm sure Jossy has a minefield to navigate.Understood!One would think with a family of his size,the businesses,as well as having been on that island for quite some time someone in the Mansur family would know how things went down!All your knowledge truly is appreciated! ::MonkeyWink::

You are welcome Keepthefairth and ... thank you.

It has crossed my mind that maybe ... just maybe ... that Jossy maybe be still be the captain in the Mansur family but ... he is not necessarily at the helm.

Last night at a family event ... hubby and I shared that we had an appointment with a financial planner this week as well as updating our wills.  Both daughter and eldest son spoke up at the same time.  Their "suggestion" was that one of them should be present at the appointment.


I think the writing is on the wall.




Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 15, 2008, 03:34:06 PM
I do believe that Jossy knows what happened that night, and I do believe that he has not shared everything that he knows.  He was been wonderful to Beth and Dave.  I do think that at least part of his efforts in Natalee's case have been politically motivated.  I have been frustrated when he has not followed through with things like Parts 3, 4, and 5 of the Diario articles.  I do believe, however, that he is still working behind the scenes with witnesses and polygraphs.  For this, I offer my sincere appreciation.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Magnolia on December 15, 2008, 03:36:09 PM
What did it matter if Eduardo Mansur was on the dive?
Wet suits do not have pockets.
What he saw could only come into play if the case were
brought to trial.
All of the human remains found were turned over to ALE.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 15, 2008, 03:37:37 PM
I would love to be wrong about Jossy.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 15, 2008, 03:40:05 PM

This has puzzled me, also.  Jossy is opposed to the current political party and would love nothing more than to see them all out of office.  I can only imagine that Eduardo Mansur was involved because he is the founder and head of Aruba Search and Rescue, the specialzed diving group.  I do have to assume that Eduardo did inform his father of what had taken place.

So is everyone just watching the Teepee's fall so to speak?Is that what is currently taking place politically?


I pray that this is the house of cards that Art Wood ... family private investigation ... was alluding to.


'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' for December 1
updated 7:37 a.m. PT, Fri., Dec. 2, 2005

WOOD: ... The reason this case could still be solved is because there are so many people involved in Natalee's disappearance and in the disposal of her body. When somebody talks, they're going to all go down. This is like a house of cards.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: bastibro on December 15, 2008, 03:42:32 PM
Joran van der Sloot
Suspect Statement
June 9, 2005

To your question as to what panty Natalee was wearing, I answer you the following. Natalee wore a dark blue panty. According to me they were embroidered panties and according to me these were flowers.


I have always thought it was interesting the Urine was able to describe Natalee's panties so well after they were on a beach with no lights.

Right SS, and in a dark car. I think he noticed that somewhere else ::MonkeyNoNo::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 15, 2008, 03:42:55 PM
I would love to be wrong about Jossy.


I would sincerely appreciate what you backup is that causes you doubt Jossy Mansur.  What has he said or done to negate what he has said and done in the past to support the family's contention that a corrupt investigation has denied their beloved Natalee justice.

Thank you.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: caesu on December 15, 2008, 03:45:10 PM
Rudy Croes decided at the last minute not to attend the Round Table Conference because of Dutch 'colonial attitude'

Protests on Curaçao: politicians have been arrested

Bomb threat at Round Table Conference venue: Conference had to be relocated to Navy Base

Looks like things are getting pretty testy down there.  Thanks for keeping us updated.
Bomb threat delays start of RTC

Written by Samuel Allen   
Monday, 15 December 2008 15:27

PHILIPSBURG/ Curacao - The Round Table Conference (RTC), was disrupted on Monday in Curacao by protesting opposition parties and a bomb threat.

The conference was originally scheduled to be held at the International Trade Center (ITC) in Curacao, but was later moved to the Dutch Military base in Parera.

The bomb threat was made by a Spanish speaking person, and it was given to the police central in Curacao, making it the second bomb threat for the year at the ITC.

The building was cleared after the threat on Monday, and all personnel secured. This also delayed the start of the RTC, which was scheduled to start at 2pm.

5 persons were detained in connection with the protests action, including leader of the political party Pueblo Soberano, Helmin Wiels and member of parliament (former president of parliament) Dwigno Puriel (MAN). They have been charged with obstruction of public order.

The Dutch Military Base at Parera, is the largest on the Island. The location is a secure one and will also act as a barrier between the talks and the protesting opposition parties.

A major investigation has now been launched into the bomb threat.

Nel Oduber

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: bastibro on December 15, 2008, 03:46:42 PM
I do believe that Jossy knows what happened that night, and I do believe that he has not shared everything that he knows.  He was been wonderful to Beth and Dave.  I do think that at least part of his efforts in Natalee's case have been politically motivated.  I have been frustrated when he has not followed through with things like Parts 3, 4, and 5 of the Diario articles.  I do believe, however, that he is still working behind the scenes with witnesses and polygraphs.  For this, I offer my sincere appreciation.

Why would he still be working on polygraphs and witnesses if he knows what happened that night? ::MonkeyConfused::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 15, 2008, 03:48:05 PM
From KTF

So is everyone just watching the Teepee's fall so to speak?Is that what is currently taking place politically?

You are probably correct.  Unfortunately, in the past when everyone waited for the Teepees to fall, they never fell and the case never progressed, either.  I still suspect all of the current political activity as a diversion.  A lot has happened recently pointing fingers at ALE corruption, prostitution, police bribes, cages, etc.  I can't help but feel that this will just eventually blow over.  Mos will leave and Peters will appear claiming that he needs time to get familiar with everything.  By the time Peters becomes familiar, the events will be forgotten.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 03:56:47 PM
From KTF

So is everyone just watching the Teepee's fall so to speak?Is that what is currently taking place politically?

You are probably correct.  Unfortunately, in the past when everyone waited for the Teepees to fall, they never fell and the case never progressed, either.  I still suspect all of the current political activity as a diversion.  A lot has happened recently pointing fingers at ALE corruption, prostitution, police bribes, cages, etc.  I can't help but feel that this will just eventually blow over.  Mos will leave and Peters will appear claiming that he needs time to get familiar with everything.  By the time Peters becomes familiar, the events will be forgotten.

I guess i'm slow or something. ::MonkeyHaHa::What will be the end game regardless if the Teepee's fall??The Dutch WILL NOT prosecute their own.Who will tell the story of what happened??Who will feel safe enough to tell the story?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 03:58:07 PM
Where is Kermit??Must be jumpin through the lily-pad's.. ::MonkeyDance::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 15, 2008, 03:59:06 PM
I do believe that Jossy knows what happened that night, and I do believe that he has not shared everything that he knows.  He was been wonderful to Beth and Dave.  I do think that at least part of his efforts in Natalee's case have been politically motivated.  I have been frustrated when he has not followed through with things like Parts 3, 4, and 5 of the Diario articles.  I do believe, however, that he is still working behind the scenes with witnesses and polygraphs.  For this, I offer my sincere appreciation.

Why would he still be working on polygraphs and witnesses if he knows what happened that night? ::MonkeyConfused::

I don't know, Bastibro, but from what Caps has shared with us, Jossy is still working behind the scenes with four witnesses. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 15, 2008, 04:01:25 PM
Where is Kermit??Must be jumpin through the lily-pad's.. ::MonkeyDance::


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 04:04:06 PM
Where is Kermit??Must be jumpin through the lily-pad's.. ::MonkeyDance::


We're waiting for Kermit to come up and enjoy some relaxation on one of the lily pads for you Kermit.... ::MonkeyDance::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 15, 2008, 04:11:25 PM
Where is Kermit??Must be jumpin through the lily-pad's.. ::MonkeyDance::


We're waiting for Kermit to come up and enjoy some relaxation on one of the lily pads for you Kermit.... ::MonkeyDance::



Relaxation takes place only after Kermit has spit it all out in regards to the happenings encompassing the Persistence undertaking.

I have had Mr. Tamikosmom dig and ... prepare a heated pond in the back of our property for the exclusive use of Kermit and Miss Piggy.



Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 04:18:47 PM
Where is Kermit??Must be jumpin through the lily-pad's.. ::MonkeyDance::


We're waiting for Kermit to come up and enjoy some relaxation on one of the lily pads for you Kermit.... ::MonkeyDance::



Relaxation takes place only after Kermit has spit it all out in regards to the happenings encompassing the Persistence undertaking.

I have had Mr. Tamikosmom dig and ... prepare a heated pond in the back of our property for the exclusive use of Kermit and Miss Piggy.



I will pay to enter the Kermit and Miss Piggy sanctuary.Just a glimpse of Kermit and Miss Piggy would be well worth it Tamikosmom..

 ::MonkeyDance:: ::cartwheel:: ::MonkeyDance:: ::cartwheel::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 15, 2008, 04:24:44 PM
I would love to be wrong about Jossy.


I would sincerely appreciate what you backup is that causes you doubt Jossy Mansur.  What has he said or done to negate what he has said and done in the past to support the family's contention that a corrupt investigation has denied their beloved Natalee justice.

Thank you.

Why do I doubt Jossy? Circumstantial reasons for the most part.
1) Extremely influential family on Aruba -- family has been in the past (and currently) known to be involved with organized crime.
2) Runs the newspaper on the island (he can shape the news and opinions on the island - yet nearly 100% of the locals still believe it was a conspiracy by Beth)
3) He is more concerned about who is in power in Aruban government than solving the crime (though possibly solving the crime he can make the current government look bad - I think this is his sole motivation)
4) Periodically promises big "expose`s" and never delivers
5) The "gardner" witness (his employee?)
6) His son on the Dive team  at the Persistence
7) the whole "tennis shoe" found near the lighthouse
I just see so many "diversions" coming from him -- is he also now involved with the pond search? The 2 new witnesses?? Is he really partnering with Silvetti?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 15, 2008, 04:26:25 PM
I would love to be wrong about Jossy.


I would sincerely appreciate what you backup is that causes you doubt Jossy Mansur.  What has he said or done to negate what he has said and done in the past to support the family's contention that a corrupt investigation has denied their beloved Natalee justice.

Thank you.

Why do I doubt Jossy? Circumstantial reasons for the most part.
1) Extremely influential family on Aruba -- family has been in the past (and currently) known to be involved with organized crime.
2) Runs the newspaper on the island (he can shape the news and opinions on the island - yet nearly 100% of the locals still believe it was a conspiracy by Beth)
3) He is more concerned about who is in power in Aruban government than solving the crime (though possibly solving the crime he can make the current government look bad - I think this is his sole motivation)
4) Periodically promises big "expose`s" and never delivers
5) The "gardner" witness (his employee?)
6) His son on the Dive team  at the Persistence
7) the whole "tennis shoe" found near the lighthouse
I just see so many "diversions" coming from him -- is he also now involved with the pond search? The 2 new witnesses?? Is he really partnering with Silvetti?

Also, the whloe "Person of the year" - Karen Jaansen??? Support of Van der Stratten???

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 15, 2008, 04:31:47 PM

I guess i'm slow or something. ::MonkeyHaHa::What will be the end game regardless if the Teepee's fall??The Dutch WILL NOT prosecute their own.Who will tell the story of what happened??Who will feel safe enough to tell the story?

Aruban justice will not prevail for Natalee Holloway.

The reason.  The domino effect is too far reaching.  The outcome will implicate those who participated in the events encompassing the morning of May 30, 2005 ... the sons of the elite ... those at all levels of the Dutch/Aruban administrations who conspired in the coverup ... the judiary who gave favorable rulings to all the suspects and ... those involved in Aruba's underground economy which encompasses gambling, money laundering, alcohol, drugs and sex trade.

However ... God's justice awaits.   All those played a role in preventing justice from prevailing for Natalee Holloway will stand "alone" before the Judge of all Judges and ... influencial earthly connections will not be part of the process.




Karin Janssen:

1.  Mickey John - first and second-degree murder and capital kidnapping. 06/2005

2.  Abraham Jones - first and second-degree murder and capital kidnapping. 06/2005

3.  Joran van der Sloot - Suspicion of murder and kidnapping as well as being an accessory to murder 06/2005
4. Deepak Kalpoe - Suspicion of murder and kidnapping as well as being an accessory to murder. 06/2005

5. Satish Kalpoe - Suspicion of murder and kidnapping as well as being an accessory to murder. 06/2005

6. Steve Croes - Suspicion of murder and kidnapping as well as being an accessory to murder. 06/2005
7. Paulus van der Sloot - complicity to pre-meditated murder, complicity to kidnapping and murder and kidnapping. 06/2005

8. Geoffrey van Cromvoirt - criminal offenses that may be related to the disappearance" of Natalee Holloway. 04/2006

9. Guido Weaver - Assisting in the murder, heavy battery and kidnapping" of the teen. 05/2006

Karin Janssen:

Deepak Kalpoe - Suspected of the primary criminal act of together with other people committing premeditated murder, alternately together with other people murdering somebody, more alternately rob a person of her liberty with fatal consequences and even more alternately, raping somebody and new suspicions. 09/2005

Satish Kalpoe - Suspected of the primary criminal act of together with other people committing premeditated murder, alternately together with other people murdering somebody, more alternately rob a person of her liberty with fatal consequences and even more alternately, raping somebody and new suspicions. 09/2005

Freddy Arambatzis - Suspicion of having unspecified "physical contact" with a female minor. (Unrelated to the Natalee Holloway case.) 09/2005

Hans Mos:

Joran Van der Sloot -suspicion of involvement in voluntary manslaughter and causing serious bodily harm that resulted in the death of Holloway. 11/2007

Deepak Kalpoe - suspicion of involvement in voluntary manslaughter and causing serious bodily harm that resulted in the death of Holloway. 11/2007

Satish Kalpoe - suspicion of involvement in voluntary manslaughter and causing serious bodily harm that resulted in the death of Holloway. 11/2007

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: bastibro on December 15, 2008, 04:50:53 PM
I do believe that Jossy knows what happened that night, and I do believe that he has not shared everything that he knows.  He was been wonderful to Beth and Dave.  I do think that at least part of his efforts in Natalee's case have been politically motivated.  I have been frustrated when he has not followed through with things like Parts 3, 4, and 5 of the Diario articles.  I do believe, however, that he is still working behind the scenes with witnesses and polygraphs.  For this, I offer my sincere appreciation.

Why would he still be working on polygraphs and witnesses if he knows what happened that night? ::MonkeyConfused::

I don't know, Bastibro, but from what Caps has shared with us, Jossy is still working behind the scenes with four witnesses. 

In my opinion jossy should hurry up a bit  ::MonkeyHaHa::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: bastibro on December 15, 2008, 04:52:43 PM
Where is Kermit??Must be jumpin through the lily-pad's.. ::MonkeyDance::


We're waiting for Kermit to come up and enjoy some relaxation on one of the lily pads for you Kermit.... ::MonkeyDance::



Relaxation takes place only after Kermit has spit it all out in regards to the happenings encompassing the Persistence undertaking.

I have had Mr. Tamikosmom dig and ... prepare a heated pond in the back of our property for the exclusive use of Kermit and Miss Piggy.



WOW  ::MonkeyEek:: hmmm  ::MonkeyDance::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 15, 2008, 04:54:36 PM
I do believe that Jossy knows what happened that night, and I do believe that he has not shared everything that he knows.  He was been wonderful to Beth and Dave.  I do think that at least part of his efforts in Natalee's case have been politically motivated.  I have been frustrated when he has not followed through with things like Parts 3, 4, and 5 of the Diario articles.  I do believe, however, that he is still working behind the scenes with witnesses and polygraphs.  For this, I offer my sincere appreciation.

Why would he still be working on polygraphs and witnesses if he knows what happened that night? ::MonkeyConfused::

I don't know, Bastibro, but from what Caps has shared with us, Jossy is still working behind the scenes with four witnesses. 

In my opinion jossy should hurry up a bit  ::MonkeyHaHa::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: bastibro on December 15, 2008, 05:05:52 PM
I would love to be wrong about Jossy.


I would sincerely appreciate what you backup is that causes you doubt Jossy Mansur.  What has he said or done to negate what he has said and done in the past to support the family's contention that a corrupt investigation has denied their beloved Natalee justice.

Thank you.

Why do I doubt Jossy? Circumstantial reasons for the most part.
1) Extremely influential family on Aruba -- family has been in the past (and currently) known to be involved with organized crime.
2) Runs the newspaper on the island (he can shape the news and opinions on the island - yet nearly 100% of the locals still believe it was a conspiracy by Beth)
3) He is more concerned about who is in power in Aruban government than solving the crime (though possibly solving the crime he can make the current government look bad - I think this is his sole motivation)
4) Periodically promises big "expose`s" and never delivers
5) The "gardner" witness (his employee?)
6) His son on the Dive team  at the Persistence
7) the whole "tennis shoe" found near the lighthouse
I just see so many "diversions" coming from him -- is he also now involved with the pond search? The 2 new witnesses?? Is he really partnering with Silvetti?

I understand your point of view Wreck. I would not `stick my hand in the fire` for Jossy to  ::MonkeyWink::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Edward on December 15, 2008, 05:14:56 PM
Hi Wreck

The Gardner belongs to Eric...

Josy and Edmond were on there way to Eric's home to discuss the search itinerary.
There at Eric's home they found the Gardner witness ..

Eric by the way is who lives on the Golf course looking at the light house not Luis..

I still have not found out where Luis lived exactly. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Edward on December 15, 2008, 05:17:27 PM
Did Y'all happen to do this yet ?  ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: bastibro on December 15, 2008, 05:23:37 PM
Did Y'all happen to do this yet ?  ::MonkeyCool::

Yes one minute ago  ::MonkeyHaHa:: Thanks

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 15, 2008, 05:24:12 PM
Did Y'all happen to do this yet ?  ::MonkeyCool::

Sure did Edward....Please go vote Monkeys if You haven't....We need Greta to keep this in the news.....  ::MonkeyWink::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Edward on December 15, 2008, 05:29:36 PM
The possible..
The boys walking across the golf course at night..with Natalee

There is Eric's home and There is the Gardner witness when needed to draw everyone away.

Bait and Switch.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 05:31:11 PM
The possible..
The boys walking across the golf course at night..with Natalee

There is Eric's home and There is the Gardner witness when needed to draw everyone away.

Bait and Switch.

Not understanding Edward?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 05:31:30 PM
The possible..
The boys walking across the golf course at night..with Natalee

There is Eric's home and There is the Gardner witness when needed to draw everyone away.

Bait and Switch.

Not understanding Edward?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Klowe on December 15, 2008, 05:42:22 PM
Magnolia asked:

1998-   Michael Posner bought Grand Holiday Casnio September 1 and named it Excelsior.
He is a member of the GAMBINO MAFIA.

2001 Posner purchases the Brickell Bay Casino

Michael Posner's contributions to Aruba according to the newspaper
Aruba Today

Aruba Today- October 24th 2005
Michael Posner Contributes

There are a few people who in the last 10 years have added remendously to Aruba's product with great success. American businessman Michael Posner saw an opportunity in the mid 90's to purchase the Holiday Inn Casino, although it was run down an d on the brink of bankruptcy. Posner stepped in when the Holiday Inn Casino was in terrible condition with only 33 employees. He made a substantial investment into Aruba's product by renovating this deteriorating casino. Today the Excelsior Casino has
over 140 employees, with all management positi ons filled by Ar ubans, and pays millions of dollars in taxes each year.

Mr. Posner procured Aruba as the site for the World Poker Tournament for
the past 4 years and many years into the future. This has created 20-30 million USD for the economy of Aruba and 5 million yearly in free advertising for Aruba's tourist industry.

Posner also purchased and renovated the old Stauffer Hotel, which was considered at the time to be an eyesore to Palm Beach. He transformed the neglected hotel into the Brickell Bay Beach Club and today has over 100 employees, with all management level employment dedicated to Arubans.
He recently delivered a genuine act of kindness by donating all the rooms for the Texas EquuSearch team to search for Natalee Holloway, at a cost of over 100,000 Posner has been a generous supporter of many charities in Aruba, even going so far as to send a sick Aruban child to Disney World with his mot h er as part of the "Make a wish Foundation".

Aruba also thanks Posner for opening doors to potential new guest by making travel easier. He was directly responsible for bringing United Airlines to Aruba. Untied Airlines provides Aruba with 40,000 tourists and 300,000 hotel rooms annually.
Posner received no payment for his services and was awarded the distinction of "Aruba's Goodwill Ambassador".

Posner's contributions to Aruba's economy have been significant and greatly appreciated by the people. Besides all of humanitarian acts of kindness, he is also greatly appreciated for taking the reigns of failing bus inesses where no one else would and developing them into successful entities.
525 on: March 31, 2008, 07:00:13 PM


But Michael Posner was a convicted felon who had served prison time.
He should not have been allowed on the island, let alone start a business.
Who arranged all of the business dealings.  He also bought the Aloe business.
If it is true that there must be an Aruban partner to own a business on aruba, I'm thinking both CAPS and Kermit have been pointing us in that direction. Could paulass be the silent partner or in his role with contracts did he set it up for posner? If so, that could explain why pvds/jvds are so protected jmoo

Hi Bill and other Monkeys,
I was thinking it is possible to be Paulus also, which would explain a lot of what we considered strange happenings from the beginning, such as Joran being in the casinos gambling and drinking since he was what, age 14 or 15?   This could explain how Paulus and Joran seem to be treated as VIP at the casino, and maybe where alot of their cash flow comes from, and why it seems it is so difficult to see the clear videos of Paulus from when we think he was chatting with Natalee at the blackjack table.  Just something to ponder on and MOO of course.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Blonde on December 15, 2008, 05:44:51 PM
What did it matter if Eduardo Mansur was on the dive?
Wet suits do not have pockets.
What he saw could only come into play if the case were
brought to trial.
All of the human remains found were turned over to ALE.

Divers Search Aruba Coast For Teen
Volunteers Hope To Find Clues About Natalee Holloway's Disappearance

ORANJESTAD, Aruba, Aug. 28, 2005

It has been almost three months since Natalee Holloway vanished in Aruba. Celebrities have pitched in for an auction to benefit her family and help cover expenses in Aruba. Kelly Cobiella reports. | Share/Embed

Paradise Lost

Star student Natalee Holloway disappears during a senior trip to Aruba.

(CBS/AP) Volunteer divers explored waters off Aruba's east coast Sunday, hoping to find clues in the disappearance of missing U.S. teen Natalee Holloway.

At least eight divers volunteered to search waters about one mile from a beach near the Holiday Inn where Holloway stayed during a vacation to celebrate her high school graduation, said Eduardo Mansur, co-founder of the Aruba Search and Rescue Foundation.

Although the waters have been searched before, the group claims a radar machine invented by an American has detected human bones in the area. The inventor, Joe Walker, came to Aruba to help in the search but is currently off the island, Mansur said.,+co-founder+of+the+Aruba+Search+and+Rescue+Foundation.&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=5&gl=us

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Edward on December 15, 2008, 05:49:43 PM
There are many possibles in this case..
The Gardner witness.. for one
Was he a witness or a decoy ?

The beauty in a good con..
What a true con admires the most is when they leave everyone guessing with no way to prove one way or the other.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 05:51:22 PM
There are many possibles in this case..
The Gardner witness.. for one
Was he a witness or a decoy ?

The beauty in a good con..
What a true con admires the most is when they leave everyone guessing with no way to prove one way or the other.  

Sounds like the foundation of the Judicial system in Aruba.. ::MonkeyDance::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Edward on December 15, 2008, 05:51:52 PM
I sad Edmund in my prior post and I meant Eduardo.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on December 15, 2008, 06:02:27 PM

This has puzzled me, also.  Jossy is opposed to the current political party and would love nothing more than to see them all out of office.  I can only imagine that Eduardo Mansur was involved because he is the founder and head of Aruba Search and Rescue, the specialzed diving group.  I do have to assume that Eduardo did inform his father of what had taken place.

So is everyone just watching the Teepee's fall so to speak?Is that what is currently taking place politically?


I pray that this is the house of cards that Art Wood ... family private investigation ... was alluding to.


'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' for December 1
updated 7:37 a.m. PT, Fri., Dec. 2, 2005

WOOD: ... The reason this case could still be solved is because there are so many people involved in Natalee's disappearance and in the disposal of her body. When somebody talks, they're going to all go down. This is like a house of cards.

Cards?  Which cards?  Money laundering cards?

I've been wondering lately about two things involving site meters and this case.  For some reason, the Hague and Chicago have been hot seats of site meter activity regarding this case.

A few others and myself have wondered "why" on numerous occasions.

Is it possible that the casinos are hotbeds of moneylaundering activity?  Maybe people go to Aruba to lose money, and the money is routed to bank accounts intentionally? 

Would that explain why so many Aruban/Dutch friends of JVDS and PVDS were at the casino the night Natalee went missing?  Would that explain why so many appear in the statements of Joran?  A good ole boy network of some sort?

Some have wondered if losing at the casino WAS Joran's employment.

There was also a recent story from the news about Chicago, Aruba, and Posner -

So I phoned the Excelsior Casino in Aruba, where Jimmy takes politicians to gamble, including Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White. I figured Jimmy might be there.

"Who's calling please?" asked a secretary in the office of Michael Posner, the casino boss who has Chicago connections.

Tell him John from Chicago is calling, I said. Posner picked up and was quite chirpy, for about three seconds, until he realized I was a newspaper guy.

"If you want to find him, call him yourself," Posner said. Click.

Later, Jimmy's attorney phoned, upset that I'd called all over looking for him. She told me that Jimmy had nothing to do with any deal for Rahm's seat or Obama's seat.

"The answer is no," said Jimmy's attorney. "No.",0,723256.column (,0,723256.column)

How often do people go to Aruba to gamble?  How exactly do these casinos work?  Moneylaundring?


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on December 15, 2008, 06:06:06 PM
I forgot to include Dutch politicians, and business people as among those that may travel to Aruba to launder money.  Money has to find it's way to secret bank accounts in some manner...I've often wondered how.

Perhaps the casinos are used to fund bank accounts hidden from the Dutch/Euro/American taxman?


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 15, 2008, 06:15:57 PM
I would love to be wrong about Jossy.


I would sincerely appreciate what you backup is that causes you doubt Jossy Mansur.  What has he said or done to negate what he has said and done in the past to support the family's contention that a corrupt investigation has denied their beloved Natalee justice.

Thank you.

Why do I doubt Jossy? Circumstantial reasons for the most part.
1) Extremely influential family on Aruba -- family has been in the past (and currently) known to be involved with organized crime.
2) Runs the newspaper on the island (he can shape the news and opinions on the island - yet nearly 100% of the locals still believe it was a conspiracy by Beth)
3) He is more concerned about who is in power in Aruban government than solving the crime (though possibly solving the crime he can make the current government look bad - I think this is his sole motivation)
4) Periodically promises big "expose`s" and never delivers
5) The "gardner" witness (his employee?)
6) His son on the Dive team  at the Persistence
7) the whole "tennis shoe" found near the lighthouse
I just see so many "diversions" coming from him -- is he also now involved with the pond search? The 2 new witnesses?? Is he really partnering with Silvetti?

Thanks Wreck.

1.  Family?  As I stated in a previous post ... family members are individuals.  I am sure some family members outside the immediate family may love me unconditionally but ... would not want my religious affliliations to be a reflection on philosophical afflilications.

My question ... "Is there any backup support that implies that JOSSY MANSUR has been involved in organize crime.

My next question would be ... "Whether or not Jossy has been involved in organization crime ... what has that got to do with his staunch support that a corrupt investigation has denied Natalee Holloway justice?"

Most of my relatives of faith and my relatives that do not embrace a faith are on the same from a political perspective.

2.  I do believe that the locals have a vested interest in the economy of Aruba which implies their government cannot be perceived as being corrupt.

Think about it Oduber attempted to bring about an Aruban boycott of Jossy publication.  The reason.  Jossy's perspective in the Dairio regarding a corrupt Natalee Holloway investigation was giving Aruba a bad name abroad ... causing tourism industry to decline.

3.  Later ...

Wreck ... thanks again for your response and ... I mean it.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Edward on December 15, 2008, 06:19:38 PM
There are many possibles in this case..
The Gardner witness.. for one
Was he a witness or a decoy ?

The beauty in a good con..
What a true con admires the most is when they leave everyone guessing with no way to prove one way or the other.  

Sounds like the foundation of the Judicial system in Aruba.. ::MonkeyDance::

It really does !! lol  ::MonkeyDance::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 15, 2008, 06:21:54 PM
I would love to be wrong about Jossy.


I would sincerely appreciate what you backup is that causes you doubt Jossy Mansur.  What has he said or done to negate what he has said and done in the past to support the family's contention that a corrupt investigation has denied their beloved Natalee justice.

Thank you.

Why do I doubt Jossy? Circumstantial reasons for the most part.
1) Extremely influential family on Aruba -- family has been in the past (and currently) known to be involved with organized crime.
2) Runs the newspaper on the island (he can shape the news and opinions on the island - yet nearly 100% of the locals still believe it was a conspiracy by Beth)
3) He is more concerned about who is in power in Aruban government than solving the crime (though possibly solving the crime he can make the current government look bad - I think this is his sole motivation)
4) Periodically promises big "expose`s" and never delivers
5) The "gardner" witness (his employee?)
6) His son on the Dive team  at the Persistence
7) the whole "tennis shoe" found near the lighthouse
I just see so many "diversions" coming from him -- is he also now involved with the pond search? The 2 new witnesses?? Is he really partnering with Silvetti?

Thanks Wreck.

1.  Family?  As I stated in a previous post ... family members are individuals.  I am sure some family members outside the immediate family may love me unconditionally but ... would not want my religious affliliations to be a reflection on philosophical afflilications.

My question ... "Is there any backup support that implies that JOSSY MANSUR has been involved in organize crime.

My next question would be ... "Whether or not Jossy has been involved in organization crime ... what has that got to do with his staunch support that a corrupt investigation has denied Natalee Holloway justice?"

Most of my relatives of faith and my relatives that do not embrace a faith are on the same from a political perspective.

2.  I do believe that the locals have a vested interest in the economy of Aruba which implies their government cannot be perceived as being corrupt.

Think about it Oduber attempted to bring about an Aruban boycott of Jossy publication.  The reason.  Jossy's perspective in the Dairio regarding a corrupt Natalee Holloway investigation was giving Aruba a bad name abroad ... causing tourism industry to decline.

3.  Later ...

Wreck ... thanks again for your response and ... I mean it.

I do respect your opinion as well! Like I said, -- I hope Im wrong. I having nothing concrete about Jossy at all -- I just think he has had the tools and means to solve this for over 3+ years and here we sit with a big goose egg.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 15, 2008, 06:23:58 PM
Jossy says that the search warrant was changed on the premises and instead of searching the whole house, they limited the search to Joran's apartment. Jossy doesn't know who the judge was on site, but that Ben was at the gate of the VDS residence when the posse arrived. Jossy not sure why he was there, but thinks it's strange because Ben is an employee of the prosecution. Ben had no business being there unless he was a very close friend.

 Jossy agrees with O'Reilly, because if they wanted to solve the case the gov't would have put pressure on the cops. Dompig told Jossy that the three suspects admitted "that they did have have sex with this girl" when she was going in and out of consciousess. This is a fact. This has been confirmed to Jossy. I have a video of Dompig confirming this fact. There also have sufficient evidence to prosecute the suspects on the basis of kidnapping and rape. Why they didn't prosecute is a mystery to Jossy.

The three suspects made a court appearance to change their status. Judge Smid originally refused that petition. Now they are trying again based on the passage of time and that the prosecution hasn't brought any case against them. They are expecting the ruling to come down by next week.,+which+would+get+them+8+years+in+prison.&hl=en&ct=clnk&cd=8&gl=us

Thank you Blonde.  I had forgotten about Jossy's perspective on the van der Sloot property/residence search warrant charade.



Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 15, 2008, 06:26:37 PM
I would love to be wrong about Jossy.


I would sincerely appreciate what you backup is that causes you doubt Jossy Mansur.  What has he said or done to negate what he has said and done in the past to support the family's contention that a corrupt investigation has denied their beloved Natalee justice.

Thank you.

Why do I doubt Jossy? Circumstantial reasons for the most part.
1) Extremely influential family on Aruba -- family has been in the past (and currently) known to be involved with organized crime.
2) Runs the newspaper on the island (he can shape the news and opinions on the island - yet nearly 100% of the locals still believe it was a conspiracy by Beth)
3) He is more concerned about who is in power in Aruban government than solving the crime (though possibly solving the crime he can make the current government look bad - I think this is his sole motivation)
4) Periodically promises big "expose`s" and never delivers
5) The "gardner" witness (his employee?)
6) His son on the Dive team  at the Persistence
7) the whole "tennis shoe" found near the lighthouse
I just see so many "diversions" coming from him -- is he also now involved with the pond search? The 2 new witnesses?? Is he really partnering with Silvetti?

Thanks Wreck.

1.  Family?  As I stated in a previous post ... family members are individuals.  I am sure some family members outside the immediate family may love me unconditionally but ... would not want my religious affliliations to be a reflection on philosophical afflilications.

My question ... "Is there any backup support that implies that JOSSY MANSUR has been involved in organize crime.

My next question would be ... "Whether or not Jossy has been involved in organization crime ... what has that got to do with his staunch support that a corrupt investigation has denied Natalee Holloway justice?"

Most of my relatives of faith and my relatives that do not embrace a faith are on the same from a political perspective.

2.  I do believe that the locals have a vested interest in the economy of Aruba which implies their government cannot be perceived as being corrupt.

Think about it Oduber attempted to bring about an Aruban boycott of Jossy publication.  The reason.  Jossy's perspective in the Dairio regarding a corrupt Natalee Holloway investigation was giving Aruba a bad name abroad ... causing tourism industry to decline.

3.  Later ...

Wreck ... thanks again for your response and ... I mean it.

I do respect your opinion as well! Like I said, -- I hope Im wrong. I having nothing concrete about Jossy at all -- I just think he has had the tools and means to solve this for over 3+ years and here we sit with a big goose egg.

wreck ... you and I go back a long way.  We may have different perspectives regarding some aspects of the case ... regarding some of players but ... I have no doubt that justice for Natalee Holloway in the foundation of all your speculations.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on December 15, 2008, 06:28:53 PM
More than 140 WA welfare recipients have ``washed'' almost $17 million through the casino, most of it for international gangs.

An Australia-wide operation snared 2240 people who laundered almost $376 million in 18 months to November last year.

An earlier operation netted 319 people across Australia and brought the amount of laundered money to $500 million.

The money laundering scam is known as a ``buy-in'', with pensioners -- many of them family members or friends recruited by gang leaders -- using dirty money to buy casino chips.

They may gamble, if the money's ``owner'' is prepared to lose some, before cashing the chips for ``clean'' money.,27574,24795221-2761,00.html (,27574,24795221-2761,00.html)

I wonder what the "who's who" of passengers at the new private Aruba airport looks like?  The one with some kind of special immigration/inspection procedure?  How many have famous relatives?  Bosses?

Who travels to the new private Aruba airport?

I wonder how many of them stay at properties with casinos?  How many come to "gamble"?

How much do they leave behind?  Cash in?  Visit banks?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Mary Ann on December 15, 2008, 06:40:23 PM
As far as casino's in Aruba....they are a far cry from Las Vegas. They are very small, have outdated slot machines and not too many tables and do not have a reputation for being loose. Gambling in Aruba is disappointing.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 15, 2008, 06:41:33 PM
I forgot to include Dutch politicians, and business people as among those that may travel to Aruba to launder money.  Money has to find it's way to secret bank accounts in some manner...I've often wondered how.

Perhaps the casinos are used to fund bank accounts hidden from the Dutch/Euro/American taxman?

From 1997


Aruban Connections

Five members of the Aruban Mansur Family, viz. Mr. Elias F. Mansur, Mrs. Damia M. de Cuba-Mansur, Mr. Luis E. Mansur, Mr. Miguel J. Mansur and Mrs. Sarah E. Arends-Mansur, have raised objections against general references in the following chapter to the Mansurs or the Mansur family. In their opinion these references may be understood as including them and thereby implicating them in alleged wrongdoing they have never committed.

The author is of the opinion that such references to a large family will not be misunderstood as including each and every member of the family. However, in case this opinion should prove incorrect, the author points out that he regrets such misunderstanding and that he did not intend said references to implicate all members of the family.

The Cuntrera-Caruana clan had links with another Aruban bank: the Interbank. The bank granted a credit to the Cuntrera company "Investeringen Tweehonderd en Tien" for 1.8 million Aruban guilders (approximately one million dollars). Why the Cuntreras who own several investment companies in Venezuela needed the loan is unknown.

One could speculate, however, this was a 'loan-back' operation to launder money. An amount of money is deposited cash at a bank and the bank lends the money back: now there is a clean and legitimate source of earnings. But there is no proof, no one ever looked really into the relations of the bank with the Sicilian mafiosi. The letter of credit was issued before the mafia connections of the clan became officially known on the island. This did not stop the bank from keeping the Cuntreras as clients. During Operation Wiseguy the undercover DEA agents were asked to wire money for a shipment of hashish on the account of Alfonso Cuntrera at the Interbank.

The Interbank is owned by the Mansur Family. If anybody owns 60 per cent of the island, it is this powerful family. The Mansurs made their fortune as cigarette manufacturers and in the import-export business. With a licence of Philip Morris, they are the major suppliers of Marlboros in the Caribbean basin. The Mansurs sponsor the best baseball team – Aruba's national sport – the Marlboro Red Tigers as well as the AVP party of Prime Minister Henny Eman. They own the biggest hotel and time-sharing complex, La Cabana, with its inevitable casino. And they have a couple of import-export businesses in the Free Trade Zone.

Jossy Mansur is the owner and chief editor of the biggest newspaper on the island, "Diario". "When I read an article in Diario, I know what will be the next action of the government,"says Hendrik Croes, adding that the Mansurs create a climate of fear and intimidation on Aruba. Their newspapers force others off the market. Furthermore, "their annual income is bigger than the yearly budget of the government. And you may guess how they make that kind of money”."Jossy Mansur is not impressed claiming that accusing people of drug trafficking and money laundering "has become a political tool to discredit them”." (75) Jossy Mansur acts as the family's mouthpiece, Ruben and the elder Alex are the patriarchs, and Elias 'Don' Mansur is the family's whizz-kid. Elias graduated at Notre Dame University, and was Minister of Economic Affairs in Eman's first cabinet. As representative for the Free Trade Zone entrepreneurs in a mixed Dutch-Aruban commission he has to recommend measures to tighten regulations in the FTZ to prevent money laundering and contraband, together with Dutch government officials. (76)

More and more the name Mansur turns up in money laundering cases. Alex and Eric Mansur were indicted in Puerto Rico in August 1994. (77) President Clinton specifically mentioned the Mansur's when he put Aruba on the list of Major Illicit Drug-transit Countries in December 1996. Although no member of the family was actually indicted in the La Costa case, the name Mansur is frequently is found in the files which were seized at Habibe's home on Aruba.

In Venezuela the Mansurs are implicated in money laundering with Santa Lopesierra, the Marlboro Man. Every month Santa 're-invests' 20 million dollar "with the help of a well-known entrepreneur called Mansur”." (78) Lopesierra is accused to have financed his election with the proceeds of drug trafficking and a car-theft ring. He is also reputed to be the man behind the Puerto Rico indictment. The activities of Mansur and Lopesierra, however, go well beyond this. They are accused of illegally funding the presidential campaign of Colombian president Ernesto Samper in 1994. Not only did Samper allegedly receive 6 million dollars from the Cali Cartel – an accusation he vehemently denies and ascribes to political machinations – it is said he also pocketed US$ 500,000 in cash offered by "a group from Philip Morris and Interbank”." (79)

The 'Philip Morris people' are Alex and Eric Mansur and a member of the Lopesierra Family (Santa Lopesierra belongs to the Samper faction in the Liberal Party). Samper tried to ease out of meeting the group, the story goes. He suggested that one of his campaign officials should pick up the cash and bring them to the office later for coffee. "No one gives that kind of money just for coffee. That's worth at least a breakfast," the campaign official replied.

The Mansur Family seems to have all the right connections in its corner of the Caribbean. Some Mansur's still have Venezuelan nationality, and they have interests in Maracaibo and Caracas, as well as in Punto Fijo and Coro, where the originally Lebanese Mansur Family had settled before moving to Aruba. Punto Fijo is situated on the Paraguaná peninsula in the North at the Golfo de Venezuela, which separates it from La Guajira. A ferry connects Punto Fijo to Aruba. Some 20 years ago, in 1974, a few Sicilians set up a fishing company in Punto Fijo called "Mediterranea Pesca". Among the shareholders: Leonardo and Giuseppe Caruana and Giuseppe Cuffaro. The company owned a sea-going vessel and Italian police suspected that "in view of the background of the owners it is probably a cover for drug trafficking”." (80)

Maybe the Mansurs and the Cuntrera-Caruana clan first met each other in this remote part of the world. Nobody knows. (81) But they certainly have met on Aruba, according to several insiders and law enforcement officers. Venezuelan police-officer Guillermo Jiménez states: "I know they are connected. I have sent files about bank transactions between the Mansur's and the Cuntrera's to Aruba. But documents about the Mansur's are kept secret over there." DEA-officer David Lorino is equally convinced and has connected the Cuntreras with Ruben Mansur. In his judgement, "Ruben Mansur is a major-league dope-peddler”." The DEA has the toll-records of the Cuntrera phones in Caracas. "They phoned Mansur's trading company and his place. They certainly talked to each other." What they said, Lorino doesn't know, since it is not permitted to tap phones in Venezuela.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on December 15, 2008, 06:42:33 PM
JVDS and his continued fascination with on-line gambling.  Is this possibly a job?

We agreed the double-whammy of two national news outlets presenting on-line poker players as fraud victims strengthens the position of those who want to legalize online gambling ... and tax it. The heart of the Washington Post story was that poker players were cheated out of more than $20 million over four years through scams uncovered at and, two online poker sites. The Washington Post's two-part report ran Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 in the Review-Journal, and the "60 Minutes" segment aired Nov. 30.

Maybe the various global governments will keep track of all the losers?  How much?  Where they get that money to lose?  Who owns these online places?

There are legitimate concerns not just about cheating, but about underage gambling, compulsive gambling and the potential for money laundering and organized crime influence if online poker is legalized....The sympathetic approach of the Washington Post and "60 Minutes" makes it seem like it's practically the government's job to protect poker players.

Someone may have taken advantage of JVDS.  I wonder if he got any money back?  Where would they send it?

http://**/news/35699879.html (http://**/news/35699879.html)

Could online sites be used to launder money?  All those poker tournaments in Aruba?

Maybe online/casino gambling and moneylaundering has some things in common with the porn industry?  Hard to track to a location?  Harder to enforce due to all the cross-border issues?  Hard to follow the paper trail?


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: COLOMBO on December 15, 2008, 06:52:04 PM
JVDS and his continued fascination with on-line gambling.  Is this possibly a job?

We agreed the double-whammy of two national news outlets presenting on-line poker players as fraud victims strengthens the position of those who want to legalize online gambling ... and tax it. The heart of the Washington Post story was that poker players were cheated out of more than $20 million over four years through scams uncovered at and, two online poker sites. The Washington Post's two-part report ran Nov. 30 and Dec. 1 in the Review-Journal, and the "60 Minutes" segment aired Nov. 30.

Maybe the various global governments will keep track of all the losers?  How much?  Where they get that money to lose?  Who owns these online places?

There are legitimate concerns not just about cheating, but about underage gambling, compulsive gambling and the potential for money laundering and organized crime influence if online poker is legalized....The sympathetic approach of the Washington Post and "60 Minutes" makes it seem like it's practically the government's job to protect poker players.

Someone may have taken advantage of JVDS.  I wonder if he got any money back?  Where would they send it?

http://**/news/35699879.html (http://**/news/35699879.html)

Could online sites be used to launder money?  All those poker tournaments in Aruba?

Maybe online/casino gambling and moneylaundering has some things in common with the porn industry?  Hard to track to a location?  Harder to enforce due to all the cross-border issues?  Hard to follow the paper trail?


a compensation perhaps

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on December 15, 2008, 07:00:03 PM
Online poker players pay for their bets in a variety of ways, including prepaid debit cards, electronic transfers and bank wires.


One of the first such cases was brought against Jay Cohen, 27, a former options trader who in 1996 opened an online sports book in Antigua called World Sports Exchange. Within a year, the Web site was receiving thousands of bets from U.S. customers. Cohen and a partner were prominently featured in a Wall Street Journal article.

But by May 1997, the story had soured. That month, Cohen received a letter from the law firm Debevoise & Plimpton, which was representing the NFL and other professional sports leagues, threatening him with a lawsuit if he didn't remove links to the leagues' Web sites and stop accepting bets from U.S. customers, according to an account Cohen published online in 2002.

Cohen was indicted the following year. "Criminals cannot avoid responsibility for federal crimes by seeking refuge in offshore locations," then-U.S. Attorney Mary Jo White said at the time.

Cohen was convinced that the Wire Act didn't apply to the Internet, and he returned to the United States to fight the charges. He was convicted and sentenced to 21 months in a federal prison camp located in the shadows of the Las Vegas Strip and its multibillion-dollar casinos.

Any relation to the Aruba Cohen's?  Small world?  Common name? (

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Edward on December 15, 2008, 07:01:45 PM
You have to establish in this particular family who owns what and who controls what..

For instance Luis Mansur is listed as assistant editor on the DARIO !!!
Yet he gets arrested for major things..
He Shoots a gun at police and has major amounts of cocaine money and weapons in his possession in his home !! The judge in his case claimed he has hurt others..
His partners call him the Boss
And he is Josy's brother. He acts out as being above the law.. That is a pattern of behavior.
That type of pattern that hurts others.

But he is just a family member like some lost cousin ?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 15, 2008, 07:02:27 PM
There are many possibles in this case..
The Gardner witness.. for one
Was he a witness or a decoy ?

The beauty in a good con..
What a true con admires the most is when they leave everyone guessing with no way to prove one way or the other.


This is the link to Johan's post, there is more info there...Vanity Fair, IIRC January link to the article...

Warning...Spin Machine in Action...

Re: Natalee Case Discussion #760 6/22
« Reply #88 on: June 23, 2008, 10:05:18 AM »Johan

Wood began chatting up photographers, stringers, and reporters. The most intriguing lead, he decided, was a rumor that one of the Kalpoe brothers had confessed to killing Natalee—sort of—to a fellow prisoner while in the Aruban jail. The prisoner had heard that a relative's gardener, named Cumpa, had seen Joran and the Kalpoes burying Natalee's body in a vacant lot near the Marriott. When the Kalpoe brother was told the story, he supposedly went ashen and flipped over the dominoes they were playing with. Wood spent most of July tracking the elusive Cumpa. There were stories that he had fled to Venezuela, that he had disappeared, that he might have been killed.

The Mansur "investigative team," including Wood, Eduardo Mansur, and other Mansur employees and family friends, began holding nightly strategy sessions at the team's de facto headquarters: Hooters. One night they were inside poring over rumors when a Mansur cousin's teenage son suddenly blurted out, "I know Cumpa! He's my uncle's gardener!"

The boy hopped in Eduardo Mansur's truck and led Wood to a large seaside home owned by Jossy Mansur's cousin Eric Mansur, a wealthy importer. Wood found Cumpa, whose name turned out to be Carlos, in the yard. "He tells me that on that night, May 30, he couldn't sleep," Wood recalls. "It was 2:30 and it was so hot—he didn't have air-conditioning—he said, 'I got up, I told my wife I'm going to my boss's house,'" which was air-conditioned.

According to Carlos, while driving to Eric Mansur's home a little before three that morning, he took a shortcut, a dirt road through a vacant lot beside the Marriott. To his surprise, he found a car blocking the road. Beside the car were two large mounds of dirt. When he peered into the car, Carlos said, he recognized Joran and the Kalpoes. He said they covered their faces. He then drove on.

Carlos reluctantly climbed into Wood's truck and allowed himself to be driven to police headquarters. He disappeared inside for four hours.

Three days later, a crowd of reporters gathered in the vacant lot by the Marriott to watch the police begin draining a pond near where the gardener, as he came to be known, claimed he had seen Joran and the Kalpoes digging. The effort quickly degenerated into farce. The first pumper truck, reportedly supplied by the Mansur family, bogged down and died. Then reporters, trying to get a better view of the pond, twice broke a water main. When the pond was empty, police found nothing at the bottom but trash. Gerold Dompig ended up discounting everything the gardener had said. "The gardener['s story]," he says, "was a concoction."

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 15, 2008, 07:08:46 PM

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

For The Record:

Mike: Jossy, I received an email this morning asking me about something they thought they heard in a television interview. It has to do with you having Joran Van Der Sloot followed, before the Holloway incident. Do you have any memory of such a thing?

Jossy: That question is way off base since I never had Joran followed by anyone! I never mentioned anything of the sort in any interview. People many times give reign to their imaginations and come up with unbelievable theories and ideas that do not conform to the reality. My loyalties to Aruba are unquestionable, but my loyalty with the truth has priority over everything else. I do not have any agendas, hidden or public; I just do my job as Director of the DIARIO.

Mike: There has been misinformation floating around on the internet for a long time about your background. Would you mind giving us a brief biographical sketch?

Jossy: I was born in Aruba in 1934. My father came from Venezuela in the year 1901, together with my grandfather, who emigrated from Lebanon to Venezuela in or around 1894. The exact date has not been established. They came to Aruba hidden in a fruit boat, to put as much distance as possible between themselves and the political persecutions that were going on at that time. (I believe Cipriano Castro was then in power).

I was born in Aruba and attended school at St. Dominicus College, where I finished the sixth grade. I then went to Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, when I was 14, to attend high school at St. Stanislaus, of the Sacred Heart Brothers, where I graduated in 1951. I then went on to Mobile Alabama, to attend college at Spring Hill College, of the Jesuit order. I graduated in 1954. I came back to Aruba and then traveled to Venezuela to find employment. I was hired by the Mobile Oil Company and stayed with them for 9 years as Safety Supervisor. I worked for the company in Barinas, Anaco and Puerto Cabello. In 1967 I came back to Aruba and remained here until now.

When in Venezuela I used to contribute many articles (of a literary nature) to El Universal, and published quite a lot of material (short stories, essays, etc.) in the best magazines of the country (Bohemia, Elite, etc.)

I started to write for a paper called Nobo, published in Curacao, then started my own section of a paper (EXTRA) with a friend from Curacao. Then I decided to start DIARIO more than 25 years ago, and was able to make it the largest (by far!) of the papers circulating in Aruba. Today it has over 89% of the market exclusively.

I started to publish books in Papiamento, English and Spanish, and have so far published 56 of them, including 4 dictionaries, 4 novels published in Cali, Colombia, the History of Aruba, and other fiction and non-fiction books. I am considered to be the most prolific writer in the history of the Netherlands Antilles, not only because of the quantities published, but also because of the quality.

That, my friend, is a brief summary of my schooling and literary activities.

Mike: Thank You Jossy!

Posted by EasyWriter at 11:07 AM   

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Edward on December 15, 2008, 07:14:36 PM
Thank You there was actually a news report about Josy and Eduardo headed over to Eric's home without all the added grease.. Which is not good for our health. ::MonkeyWink::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on December 15, 2008, 07:20:17 PM
More than $800 billion was wagered at approximately 845 casinos and card clubs in the United States in 2003, accounting for approximately 85 percent of the total amount of money wagered for all legal gaming activities throughout the country.131 In addition to gaming, casinos offer their largely transient customer base a broad array of financial services, such as deposit and credit accounts, funds transfers, check cashing, and currency exchange services, that are similar to those offered by depository institutions and other types of financial institutions. As high-volume cash businesses, casinos are susceptible to money laundering as well as many other financial crimes and were the first non-bank financial institutions required to develop AML compliance programs.132

Law enforcement and media reports indicate that criminals typically launder money through casinos by exchanging illicit cash for casino chips and then either:

-Holding the chips for a period of time and later cashing them in for a casino check or having the  casino wire the money elsewhere;
-Using the chips as currency to purchase narcotics, with the drug dealer later cashing in the chips; or,
-Using the chips to gamble in hopes of generating certifiable winnings.

Criminals also use casinos to launder counterfeit money as well as large currency notes that would be conspicuous and difficult to use elsewhere, and which may be marked by undercover law enforcement officers. Suspicious activities at casinos often involve customers structuring transactions to avoid recordkeeping or reporting thresholds, using agents to cash-out multiple transactions for an anonymous individual, providing false documents or identifying information, or layering transactions to disguise their source.

Pizza money? (

I wonder what business is like in Aruba?  What services Aruban casinos offer? 


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 15, 2008, 07:21:47 PM
Thanks for finding that TM...

Edward...any idea where to find that...TIA

Anyone know which Arends Family Mariane Croes married into...TIA

Re: Natalee Case Discussion #760 6/22
« Reply #89 on: June 23, 2008, 10:26:14 AM » klaasend

Take-over purchase Valero fixed
21 Jun, 2008, 17:14 (GMT -04:00)

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ORANJESTAD – The take-over purchase of the Valero-refinery in Aruba by the Brazilian national oil-company Petrobras is fixed. Amigoe learned this from well-informed sources. Management received confirmation via mail from director Raymond Buckley that the refinery in San Nicolas is sold and that the closing took place on Friday. None of the two parties have officially confirmed the sale yet. Spokesperson Mariaine Arends-Croes of Valero Aruba said on Friday that the above are just rumours. However, a member of management confirmed that the mail with the information was circulated. Amigoe doesn’t know whether Petrobras has indeed paid the earlier mentioned amount of 2.8 milliard dollars for the refinery. The negotiations on the take-over purchase were stopped at the beginning of this year, after a vacuum-unit of the refinery was seriously damaged by fire. Petrobras indicated that they want to await the reparation(s) first, before they continue talking about the take-over. The unit was put into operation again early this month and the negotiations were resumed.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Edward on December 15, 2008, 07:24:10 PM
History of Venezuela

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 07:24:37 PM
Thanks for finding that TM...

Edward...any idea where to find that...TIA

Anyone know which Arends Family Mariane Croes married into...TIA

Re: Natalee Case Discussion #760 6/22
« Reply #89 on: June 23, 2008, 10:26:14 AM » klaasend

Take-over purchase Valero fixed
21 Jun, 2008, 17:14 (GMT -04:00)

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ORANJESTAD – The take-over purchase of the Valero-refinery in Aruba by the Brazilian national oil-company Petrobras is fixed. Amigoe learned this from well-informed sources. Management received confirmation via mail from director Raymond Buckley that the refinery in San Nicolas is sold and that the closing took place on Friday. None of the two parties have officially confirmed the sale yet. Spokesperson Mariaine Arends-Croes of Valero Aruba said on Friday that the above are just rumours. However, a member of management confirmed that the mail with the information was circulated. Amigoe doesn’t know whether Petrobras has indeed paid the earlier mentioned amount of 2.8 milliard dollars for the refinery. The negotiations on the take-over purchase were stopped at the beginning of this year, after a vacuum-unit of the refinery was seriously damaged by fire. Petrobras indicated that they want to await the reparation(s) first, before they continue talking about the take-over. The unit was put into operation again early this month and the negotiations were resumed.

Wonder who owns the refinery???

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Edward on December 15, 2008, 07:25:55 PM
Mum I prolly have it in my notes..
If I come across it, I will post it for refrence.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Edward on December 15, 2008, 07:29:43 PM
Thank You so much for that Texasmom..
It was the missing research link for me, I have never read Josy account for his family or the hidden in a fruit boat journey.
I love South American politics.. turn of the century in south ::MonkeyWink::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 15, 2008, 07:31:17 PM
Mum I prolly have it in my notes..
If I come across it, I will post it for refrence.

Thanks...appreciate it Edward. I wonder if she took over as spokesperson for Frank Croes?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 15, 2008, 07:31:36 PM
I forgot to include Dutch politicians, and business people as among those that may travel to Aruba to launder money.  Money has to find it's way to secret bank accounts in some manner...I've often wondered how.

Perhaps the casinos are used to fund bank accounts hidden from the Dutch/Euro/American taxman?

From 1997


Aruban Connections

Five members of the Aruban Mansur Family, viz. Mr. Elias F. Mansur, Mrs. Damia M. de Cuba-Mansur, Mr. Luis E. Mansur, Mr. Miguel J. Mansur and Mrs. Sarah E. Arends-Mansur, have raised objections against general references in the following chapter to the Mansurs or the Mansur family. In their opinion these references may be understood as including them and thereby implicating them in alleged wrongdoing they have never committed.

The author is of the opinion that such references to a large family will not be misunderstood as including each and every member of the family. However, in case this opinion should prove incorrect, the author points out that he regrets such misunderstanding and that he did not intend said references to implicate all members of the family.

The Cuntrera-Caruana clan had links with another Aruban bank: the Interbank. The bank granted a credit to the Cuntrera company "Investeringen Tweehonderd en Tien" for 1.8 million Aruban guilders (approximately one million dollars). Why the Cuntreras who own several investment companies in Venezuela needed the loan is unknown.

One could speculate, however, this was a 'loan-back' operation to launder money. An amount of money is deposited cash at a bank and the bank lends the money back: now there is a clean and legitimate source of earnings. But there is no proof, no one ever looked really into the relations of the bank with the Sicilian mafiosi. The letter of credit was issued before the mafia connections of the clan became officially known on the island. This did not stop the bank from keeping the Cuntreras as clients. During Operation Wiseguy the undercover DEA agents were asked to wire money for a shipment of hashish on the account of Alfonso Cuntrera at the Interbank.

The Interbank is owned by the Mansur Family. If anybody owns 60 per cent of the island, it is this powerful family. The Mansurs made their fortune as cigarette manufacturers and in the import-export business. With a licence of Philip Morris, they are the major suppliers of Marlboros in the Caribbean basin. The Mansurs sponsor the best baseball team – Aruba's national sport – the Marlboro Red Tigers as well as the AVP party of Prime Minister Henny Eman. They own the biggest hotel and time-sharing complex, La Cabana, with its inevitable casino. And they have a couple of import-export businesses in the Free Trade Zone.

Jossy Mansur is the owner and chief editor of the biggest newspaper on the island, "Diario". "When I read an article in Diario, I know what will be the next action of the government,"says Hendrik Croes, adding that the Mansurs create a climate of fear and intimidation on Aruba. Their newspapers force others off the market. Furthermore, "their annual income is bigger than the yearly budget of the government. And you may guess how they make that kind of money”."Jossy Mansur is not impressed claiming that accusing people of drug trafficking and money laundering "has become a political tool to discredit them”." (75) Jossy Mansur acts as the family's mouthpiece, Ruben and the elder Alex are the patriarchs, and Elias 'Don' Mansur is the family's whizz-kid. Elias graduated at Notre Dame University, and was Minister of Economic Affairs in Eman's first cabinet. As representative for the Free Trade Zone entrepreneurs in a mixed Dutch-Aruban commission he has to recommend measures to tighten regulations in the FTZ to prevent money laundering and contraband, together with Dutch government officials. (76)

More and more the name Mansur turns up in money laundering cases. Alex and Eric Mansur were indicted in Puerto Rico in August 1994. (77) President Clinton specifically mentioned the Mansur's when he put Aruba on the list of Major Illicit Drug-transit Countries in December 1996. Although no member of the family was actually indicted in the La Costa case, the name Mansur is frequently is found in the files which were seized at Habibe's home on Aruba.

In Venezuela the Mansurs are implicated in money laundering with Santa Lopesierra, the Marlboro Man. Every month Santa 're-invests' 20 million dollar "with the help of a well-known entrepreneur called Mansur”." (78) Lopesierra is accused to have financed his election with the proceeds of drug trafficking and a car-theft ring. He is also reputed to be the man behind the Puerto Rico indictment. The activities of Mansur and Lopesierra, however, go well beyond this. They are accused of illegally funding the presidential campaign of Colombian president Ernesto Samper in 1994. Not only did Samper allegedly receive 6 million dollars from the Cali Cartel – an accusation he vehemently denies and ascribes to political machinations – it is said he also pocketed US$ 500,000 in cash offered by "a group from Philip Morris and Interbank”." (79)

The 'Philip Morris people' are Alex and Eric Mansur and a member of the Lopesierra Family (Santa Lopesierra belongs to the Samper faction in the Liberal Party). Samper tried to ease out of meeting the group, the story goes. He suggested that one of his campaign officials should pick up the cash and bring them to the office later for coffee. "No one gives that kind of money just for coffee. That's worth at least a breakfast," the campaign official replied.

The Mansur Family seems to have all the right connections in its corner of the Caribbean. Some Mansur's still have Venezuelan nationality, and they have interests in Maracaibo and Caracas, as well as in Punto Fijo and Coro, where the originally Lebanese Mansur Family had settled before moving to Aruba. Punto Fijo is situated on the Paraguaná peninsula in the North at the Golfo de Venezuela, which separates it from La Guajira. A ferry connects Punto Fijo to Aruba. Some 20 years ago, in 1974, a few Sicilians set up a fishing company in Punto Fijo called "Mediterranea Pesca". Among the shareholders: Leonardo and Giuseppe Caruana and Giuseppe Cuffaro. The company owned a sea-going vessel and Italian police suspected that "in view of the background of the owners it is probably a cover for drug trafficking”." (80)

Maybe the Mansurs and the Cuntrera-Caruana clan first met each other in this remote part of the world. Nobody knows. (81) But they certainly have met on Aruba, according to several insiders and law enforcement officers. Venezuelan police-officer Guillermo Jiménez states: "I know they are connected. I have sent files about bank transactions between the Mansur's and the Cuntrera's to Aruba. But documents about the Mansur's are kept secret over there." DEA-officer David Lorino is equally convinced and has connected the Cuntreras with Ruben Mansur. In his judgement, "Ruben Mansur is a major-league dope-peddler”." The DEA has the toll-records of the Cuntrera phones in Caracas. "They phoned Mansur's trading company and his place. They certainly talked to each other." What they said, Lorino doesn't know, since it is not permitted to tap phones in Venezuela.

Thank you truthseeker2.  I read through the ENTIRE research paper compiled by Tom Blickman.  A "short summary" would not have suffice.

Any concrete evidence against the person of JOSSY MANSURE would have resulted in an indictment.  Considering there has NEVER been an indictment against this man who has supported the contention of Natalee Holloway's family since the getgo that a corrupt Aruban investigation was preventing justice from prevailing ...



The Rothschilds of the Mafia on Aruba
Tom Blickman - TNI Researcher
Transnational Organized Crime Vol. 3, No. 2, Summer 1997

More and more the name Mansur turns up in money laundering cases. Alex and Eric Mansur were indicted in Puerto Rico in August 1994. (77)

(77) United States of America v. Juan Manuel Jinete Vargas et al., for the District of Puerto Rico, by US Attorney Guillermo Gil, Case nr. 94-230, 10 August 1994.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 15, 2008, 07:33:44 PM

Wednesday, April 11, 2007

For The Record:

Mike: Jossy, I received an email this morning asking me about something they thought they heard in a television interview. It has to do with you having Joran Van Der Sloot followed, before the Holloway incident. Do you have any memory of such a thing?

Jossy: That question is way off base since I never had Joran followed by anyone! I never mentioned anything of the sort in any interview. People many times give reign to their imaginations and come up with unbelievable theories and ideas that do not conform to the reality. My loyalties to Aruba are unquestionable, but my loyalty with the truth has priority over everything else. I do not have any agendas, hidden or public; I just do my job as Director of the DIARIO.

Mike: There has been misinformation floating around on the internet for a long time about your background. Would you mind giving us a brief biographical sketch?

Jossy: I was born in Aruba in 1934. My father came from Venezuela in the year 1901, together with my grandfather, who emigrated from Lebanon to Venezuela in or around 1894. The exact date has not been established. They came to Aruba hidden in a fruit boat, to put as much distance as possible between themselves and the political persecutions that were going on at that time. (I believe Cipriano Castro was then in power).

I was born in Aruba and attended school at St. Dominicus College, where I finished the sixth grade. I then went to Bay St. Louis, Mississippi, when I was 14, to attend high school at St. Stanislaus, of the Sacred Heart Brothers, where I graduated in 1951. I then went on to Mobile Alabama, to attend college at Spring Hill College, of the Jesuit order. I graduated in 1954. I came back to Aruba and then traveled to Venezuela to find employment. I was hired by the Mobile Oil Company and stayed with them for 9 years as Safety Supervisor. I worked for the company in Barinas, Anaco and Puerto Cabello. In 1967 I came back to Aruba and remained here until now.

When in Venezuela I used to contribute many articles (of a literary nature) to El Universal, and published quite a lot of material (short stories, essays, etc.) in the best magazines of the country (Bohemia, Elite, etc.)

I started to write for a paper called Nobo, published in Curacao, then started my own section of a paper (EXTRA) with a friend from Curacao. Then I decided to start DIARIO more than 25 years ago, and was able to make it the largest (by far!) of the papers circulating in Aruba. Today it has over 89% of the market exclusively.

I started to publish books in Papiamento, English and Spanish, and have so far published 56 of them, including 4 dictionaries, 4 novels published in Cali, Colombia, the History of Aruba, and other fiction and non-fiction books. I am considered to be the most prolific writer in the history of the Netherlands Antilles, not only because of the quantities published, but also because of the quality.

That, my friend, is a brief summary of my schooling and literary activities.

Mike: Thank You Jossy!

Posted by EasyWriter at 11:07 AM   

Thanks texasmom.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on December 15, 2008, 07:35:12 PM
As far as casino's in Aruba....they are a far cry from Las Vegas. They are very small, have outdated slot machines and not too many tables and do not have a reputation for being loose. Gambling in Aruba is disappointing.

Aruba gambling is listed on the net with "luxury" and "Top" destinations -

#2 here -

Aruba has 11 casinos located at some of its largest resorts. A few, like the Crystal Casino, are open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, but in general opening hours are 11 a.m. for slots and 1 p.m. for table games. The currency is the U.S. dollar. Two of the most spectacular casinos include the island’s largest, Stellaris Casino at the Aruba Marriott, and the sophisticated Crystal Casino at the Renaissance Aruba Resort. Both have live music nightly. Other options include the Excelsior Casino at the Holiday Inn Sunspree, the Alhambra Casino in Oranjestad and the Hyatt Regency Aruba Resort & Casino. (

I would not be inclined to go to Aruba to gamble, but under the right circumstances, the sand might feel nice and warm between my toes, especially on a day like this! 


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Blonde on December 15, 2008, 07:37:01 PM
There are many possibles in this case..
The Gardner witness.. for one
Was he a witness or a decoy ?

The beauty in a good con..
What a true con admires the most is when they leave everyone guessing with no way to prove one way or the other.


Carlos Ramos - Gardener
Court Hearing
August 15, 2005

I have seen the car in the morning of 30 May of Sunday on Monday. I went to Lorena on Monday night, then I went to work, told that I saw a car standing along the way when I drove along there. I cannot remember on which day I saw the photograph of the persons in the newspaper. The photograph, which the police force showed me, is the same photograph as the photograph that appeared in the Diario. You ask me how can I know or recognize the persons from the photograph in the newspaper or that I had seen that night. The first time then I saw the photograph in the Diario I had been astonished and I said that to colleagues. You represent me that I have explained that I have recognized the persons from their construction and mail hour. You ask me if I could see from my position in the car. My position was a bit is higher, in the turning I had drive concerning a sand hill as a result of which my position was a bit slanted. As a result, I could look at in the car. I have recognized the car from the rims. Also to the color and the transparent squares. You ask me if I can designate the persons, which sat in the car. Yes.;topicseen#msg41646

Gardener - Carlos Alberto Penata Ramos
Court Testimony
August 15, 2005

I looked and saw that on my watch it was at 02:30. For 03.00 I was at my work. I’m not sure exactly how precise it is. When I encountered the car in question, it was on that dirt road. I had slowed down to drive past there. The lights of my car "from" shining on that car. The person beside the driver, kept its hand for its head and face. I saw that the driver slid a bit to the back.;topicseen#msg41646


Nancy Grace for July 26, 2005, CNNHN
Aired July 26, 2005 - 20:00:00 ET

MANSUR: Because they were trying to hide their faces at that the hour, because we have to remember that the two Kalpoe brothers and Joran held on to the statement that they dropped Joran off at the beach and then went home. But here we have someone that says categorically that they did not go home, they were in the car with Joran. Joran was sitting in the driver`s seat.


Update on Natalee Holloway Investigation
Aired February 23, 2006 - 21:00 ET

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: ... Deepak panicked. He panicked when the gardener gave that testimony. That very afternoon, he called an Aruban girl to help him establish an alibi. She, in turn, panicked. She called FBI. She dialed the 1-877-NATALEE number and told them that she did not want to be involved in this.


Hannity & Colmes
August 10, 2005

HOLLOWAY: Seems like every time someone speaks out or comes forward. Just like the gardener, he is supposed to appear in court Thursday then be immediately deported. That is the work of the defense of course. Some witnesses may be scared to come forward for fear of repercussions.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 15, 2008, 07:39:26 PM

Not sure why you are attacking me on this site, but I am trying to take your advice and just scroll on by.  Maybe you could do the same????

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 15, 2008, 07:43:06 PM
There are many possibles in this case..
The Gardner witness.. for one
Was he a witness or a decoy ?

The beauty in a good con..
What a true con admires the most is when they leave everyone guessing with no way to prove one way or the other.


Carlos Ramos - Gardener
Court Hearing
August 15, 2005

I have seen the car in the morning of 30 May of Sunday on Monday. I went to Lorena on Monday night, then I went to work, told that I saw a car standing along the way when I drove along there. I cannot remember on which day I saw the photograph of the persons in the newspaper. The photograph, which the police force showed me, is the same photograph as the photograph that appeared in the Diario. You ask me how can I know or recognize the persons from the photograph in the newspaper or that I had seen that night. The first time then I saw the photograph in the Diario I had been astonished and I said that to colleagues. You represent me that I have explained that I have recognized the persons from their construction and mail hour. You ask me if I could see from my position in the car. My position was a bit is higher, in the turning I had drive concerning a sand hill as a result of which my position was a bit slanted. As a result, I could look at in the car. I have recognized the car from the rims. Also to the color and the transparent squares. You ask me if I can designate the persons, which sat in the car. Yes.;topicseen#msg41646

Gardener - Carlos Alberto Penata Ramos
Court Testimony
August 15, 2005

I looked and saw that on my watch it was at 02:30. For 03.00 I was at my work. I’m not sure exactly how precise it is. When I encountered the car in question, it was on that dirt road. I had slowed down to drive past there. The lights of my car "from" shining on that car. The person beside the driver, kept its hand for its head and face. I saw that the driver slid a bit to the back.;topicseen#msg41646


Nancy Grace for July 26, 2005, CNNHN
Aired July 26, 2005 - 20:00:00 ET

MANSUR: Because they were trying to hide their faces at that the hour, because we have to remember that the two Kalpoe brothers and Joran held on to the statement that they dropped Joran off at the beach and then went home. But here we have someone that says categorically that they did not go home, they were in the car with Joran. Joran was sitting in the driver`s seat.


Update on Natalee Holloway Investigation
Aired February 23, 2006 - 21:00 ET

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY: ... Deepak panicked. He panicked when the gardener gave that testimony. That very afternoon, he called an Aruban girl to help him establish an alibi. She, in turn, panicked. She called FBI. She dialed the 1-877-NATALEE number and told them that she did not want to be involved in this.


Hannity & Colmes
August 10, 2005

HOLLOWAY: Seems like every time someone speaks out or comes forward. Just like the gardener, he is supposed to appear in court Thursday then be immediately deported. That is the work of the defense of course. Some witnesses may be scared to come forward for fear of repercussions.

Thanks Blonde.

It is good to see that my compilation of topic quotes are not completely disregarding.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 07:47:54 PM
Recieved  a e-mail back from a Roeland bol regarding the Natalee Holloway investigation but oddly enough it was not addressed to me.Am i able to copy and post it here?I would think not?Need an answer from a Mod??

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 07:48:38 PM
Roeland Bol
Secretary Executive Board Kingdom Relations at Ministerie van BZK

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 15, 2008, 07:50:58 PM

Not sure why you are attacking me on this site, but I am trying to take your advice and just scroll on by.  Maybe you could do the same????

I was serious.  I appreciated reading the commentary on the Mansur family.  I found it very interesting.

I was stating what I comprehended.  Up until 1997 Jossy Mansur had not been indicted in any wrongdoing.

I am now in the process right now of attempting locate a more recent research article ... a more recent article that implicates the Mansur family ... Jossy Mansur ... in wrongdoing.

Until then ... I will uphold this man in regards to his support of the family of Natalee Holloway.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Edward on December 15, 2008, 08:07:02 PM
Thanks Blondie for all your research notes. You are amazing  ::MonkeyWink::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 15, 2008, 08:17:32 PM

Not sure why you are attacking me on this site, but I am trying to take your advice and just scroll on by.  Maybe you could do the same????

I was serious.  I appreciated reading the commentary on the Mansur family.  I found it very interesting.

I was stating what I comprehended.  Up until 1997 Jossy Mansur had not been indicted in any wrongdoing.

I am now in the process right now of attempting locate a more recent research article ... a more recent article that implicates the Mansur family ... Jossy Mansur ... in wrongdoing.

Until then ... I will uphold this man in regards to his support of the family of Natalee Holloway.


If you were indeed serious, then I apologize.

My main interest in Jossy and/or his family is more to the extended family.  I do not dislike Jossy..but I am unsure of where his loyalties lie.  There are a couple of things I would like to run by Kermit that maybe he/she can answer.  I have not posted it here yet, because outside of Jossy none of the other names have ever been posted at SM.  I would hate to put a name out here and have all of us look at them in a bad light if the connection I have made so far can not be completed.

Jossy is well known on this board, and when you consider the list that wreck posted earlier...well, wreck was able to post it quicker than I was.  That list is exactly what I have been coming up with in my other research.

I do not think Jossy harmed Natalee.  He doesn't strike me as the type.  But, I do think he is and has been in a position to know more merely based on his family's reputation on Aruba.  He knows people and people know his family.  That is my beef with Jossy.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 15, 2008, 08:18:20 PM

Not sure why you are attacking me on this site, but I am trying to take your advice and just scroll on by.  Maybe you could do the same????


Up until last night ... I do not believe that you and I were ever in a dialogue exchange.  However ... it was you who initiated the dialogue by singling out and ... under mining my research quotes.

Let's not forget who first attacked who.

Without a sincere apology ... I will not forget.



Would you be able to put your reminder into a short summary.  I followed all of that when it was happening.  What is it that you want to remind us of?

Just scroll by.

In 3 1/2 years I have never asked another poster to supply a short summary rather than quotting his/her research that pertains to the discussion at hand and ... looking back at this thread in never have you.


Why is that a problem?

I could go back and post every single quote from every single transcript from every single source and call it a reminder.

I keep all options open until the truth is revealed...including taking a second look at those we hoped we could trust. You posted "Reminders" containing Jossy quotes.  Good enough, I suppose...I can only surmise that you are trying to tell me that I should support Jossy because of those statements he made.  If that is what you would have someone infer from your post, well... I hope you are right...but, I will keep an open mind...about all of the people who have been involved in this.   Sometimes an open mind leads you to question what you saw or heard...even though it looked or sounded right the first time.

Sorry if you were offended.  I have no problem with asking or providing summaries.  I can scroll by yours.  No problem.  But, your type of response is one of the reasons I do not post as often as some others.  Who needs it?

It was my determination that the direction the topic of discussion was headed ... it was important that the forum was given a "REMINDER" regarding the words of only Aruban that has publicly supported the family of Natalee Holloway in the  contention that a corrupt investigation is preventing justice from prevailing for an eighteen year old American citizen.

In my opinion ... a short summary would not suffice ... Jossy's own words was where it was at.

Now I do believe I will read through Blonde's quote ... not short summary ... from Joran's book ... a book I have not thought about in a long time.  Then I will review both the quotes and short summaries on this thread pertaining to this topic ... quotes and short summaries contributed by others.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 15, 2008, 08:26:36 PM

Not sure why you are attacking me on this site, but I am trying to take your advice and just scroll on by.  Maybe you could do the same????


Up until last night ... I do not believe that you and I were ever in a dialogue exchange.  However ... it was you who initiated the dialogue by singling out and ... under mining my research quotes.

Let's not forget who first attacked who.

Without a sincere apology ... I will not forget.



Would you be able to put your reminder into a short summary.  I followed all of that when it was happening.  What is it that you want to remind us of?

Just scroll by.

In 3 1/2 years I have never asked another poster to supply a short summary rather than quotting his/her research that pertains to the discussion at hand and ... looking back at this thread in never have you.


Why is that a problem?

I could go back and post every single quote from every single transcript from every single source and call it a reminder.

I keep all options open until the truth is revealed...including taking a second look at those we hoped we could trust. You posted "Reminders" containing Jossy quotes.  Good enough, I suppose...I can only surmise that you are trying to tell me that I should support Jossy because of those statements he made.  If that is what you would have someone infer from your post, well... I hope you are right...but, I will keep an open mind...about all of the people who have been involved in this.   Sometimes an open mind leads you to question what you saw or heard...even though it looked or sounded right the first time.

Sorry if you were offended.  I have no problem with asking or providing summaries.  I can scroll by yours.  No problem.  But, your type of response is one of the reasons I do not post as often as some others.  Who needs it?

It was my determination that the direction the topic of discussion was headed ... it was important that the forum was given a "REMINDER" regarding the words of only Aruban that has publicly supported the family of Natalee Holloway in the  contention that a corrupt investigation is preventing justice from prevailing for an eighteen year old American citizen.

In my opinion ... a short summary would not suffice ... Jossy's own words was where it was at.

Now I do believe I will read through Blonde's quote ... not short summary ... from Joran's book ... a book I have not thought about in a long time.  Then I will review both the quotes and short summaries on this thread pertaining to this topic ... quotes and short summaries contributed by others.


Uh...see my last post.

As for "under mining" your research quotes...You posted a lot of quotes.  Quotes I have read through about a million times.  I TRULY wanted to hear where you were headed with that.  People were discussing Jossy, you posted nothing but just his quotes.

I guess the only response anyone could have given you would have been to post all of Jossy's quotes where he said he was going to provide more information...then never did.

I can scroll on by, as you suggested, or we can have a civil disussion from time to time.  Either way, I think we will both survive this...being that we do have the same goal.  Justice for Natalee.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Buckeye on December 15, 2008, 08:53:02 PM
Recieved  a e-mail back from a Roeland bol regarding the Natalee Holloway investigation but oddly enough it was not addressed to me.Am i able to copy and post it here?I would think not?Need an answer from a Mod??

I'm interested.  Not sure why you would need permission to post it....unless somehow he linked

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 15, 2008, 09:02:57 PM
Recieved  a e-mail back from a Roeland bol regarding the Natalee Holloway investigation but oddly enough it was not addressed to me.Am i able to copy and post it here?I would think not?Need an answer from a Mod??

I'm interested.  Not sure why you would need permission to post it....unless somehow he linked

Post the email as long as no personal information (email address,etc.) is posted.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 15, 2008, 09:04:32 PM


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 15, 2008, 09:05:40 PM
Recieved  a e-mail back from a Roeland bol regarding the Natalee Holloway investigation but oddly enough it was not addressed to me.Am i able to copy and post it here?I would think not?Need an answer from a Mod??

I'm interested.  Not sure why you would need permission to post it....unless somehow he linked

Post the email as long as no personal information (email address,etc.) is posted.

YES, as long as no identifying email addresses or phone numbers, etc are in the email go ahead and post if you feel it will help discussion of the case.

If after seeing the email it appears to be out of line we can edit it.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SuzieQ on December 15, 2008, 09:08:18 PM
You have to establish in this particular family who owns what and who controls what..

For instance Luis Mansur is listed as assistant editor on the DARIO !!!
Yet he gets arrested for major things..
He Shoots a gun at police and has major amounts of cocaine money and weapons in his possession in his home !! The judge in his case claimed he has hurt others..
His partners call him the Boss
And he is Josy's brother. He acts out as being above the law.. That is a pattern of behavior.
That type of pattern that hurts others.

But he is just a family member like some lost cousin ?

Someone may have already answered this but I think the Luis Mansur that is ths assistant editor of Diaro is Joseys son( named after his brother).

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on December 15, 2008, 10:18:10 PM
I forgot to include Dutch politicians, and business people as among those that may travel to Aruba to launder money.  Money has to find it's way to secret bank accounts in some manner...I've often wondered how.

Perhaps the casinos are used to fund bank accounts hidden from the Dutch/Euro/American taxman?

From 1997


(snipped by WG for space)

That was an interesting file.  I never found any related documents on the web. 

It's been over ten years.  I'm inclined to believe there has been a power shift on the island in favor of non-Mansurs.  I wonder if there is any investigation of Posner?  His current business?  Hi donations?  Purchase of businesses since tourism is down these past few years?

Might he or those affiliated with him own an increasing percentage of the island? 

What are the Chicago connections on the island?  Aruba the new Spain, Portugal, or Italy for the folks from Illinois and Holland?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 10:23:17 PM
Recieved  a e-mail back from a Roeland bol regarding the Natalee Holloway investigation but oddly enough it was not addressed to me.Am i able to copy and post it here?I would think not?Need an answer from a Mod??

I'm interested.  Not sure why you would need permission to post it....unless somehow he linked

Post the email as long as no personal information (email address,etc.) is posted.

YES, as long as no identifying email addresses or phone numbers, etc are in the email go ahead and post if you feel it will help discussion of the case.

If after seeing the email it appears to be out of line we can edit it.

Your message about an official investigation Natalee Holloway

Thank you for your contribution by e-mail sent on 9 december 2008.


Your message is being handled by the Directorate for Kingdom Relations. We aim to respond to your message by e-mail before 25 December.




on her behalf,

The director for Kingdom relations,


G.E.A. van Craaikamp


Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations

The Hague, The Netherlands

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 10:26:48 PM
Recieved  a e-mail back from a Roeland bol regarding the Natalee Holloway investigation but oddly enough it was not addressed to me.Am i able to copy and post it here?I would think not?Need an answer from a Mod??

I'm interested.  Not sure why you would need permission to post it....unless somehow he linked

Post the email as long as no personal information (email address,etc.) is posted.

YES, as long as no identifying email addresses or phone numbers, etc are in the email go ahead and post if you feel it will help discussion of the case.

If after seeing the email it appears to be out of line we can edit it.

Your message about an official investigation Natalee Holloway

Thank you for your contribution by e-mail sent on 9 december 2008.


Your message is being handled by the Directorate for Kingdom Relations. We aim to respond to your message by e-mail before 25 December.




on her behalf,

The director for Kingdom relations,


G.E.A. van Craaikamp


Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations

The Hague, The Netherlands

This may just be the uniform letter that they send out???Thought it interesting they'd respond by Dec 25th??Why then??

Sent out many e-mails to the Consulates in the USA,as well as to the others caesu sent..

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 15, 2008, 10:30:57 PM
Thanks for sharing your response with us keepthefaith!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 10:34:16 PM
Thanks for sharing your response with us keepthefaith!

Is that like there Public relations dept???I sent out quite a few e-mails.That is the only response i've got but it was addressed to a different individual but my e-mail?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: yapperz1 on December 15, 2008, 10:35:45 PM
Hiya Monkeys
Just gonna throw out my thoughts on Jossy never coming thru with extra info he says he has.
We have all heard that on Aruba if iino has been made public it can't be used in court. Maybe Jossy is keeping things close to the vest to make sure he can contribute the goods that can help bring down the corrupt bastards there. I would rather them be held & not revealed. I would prefer info that could indeed be used & not tossed out. I also feel the pics/screen caps from the Persistance should not have been posted without express consent from the family or FBI or whomever may have been investigating them. JMOO

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 15, 2008, 10:36:14 PM
Thanks for sharing your response with us keepthefaith!

Is that like there Public relations dept???I sent out quite a few e-mails.That is the only response i've got but it was addressed to a different individual but my e-mail?

I have no idea, but that's strange...another name; but your email address.   ::MonkeyShocked::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 15, 2008, 10:36:42 PM
I forgot to include Dutch politicians, and business people as among those that may travel to Aruba to launder money.  Money has to find it's way to secret bank accounts in some manner...I've often wondered how.

Perhaps the casinos are used to fund bank accounts hidden from the Dutch/Euro/American taxman?

From 1997


(snipped by WG for space)

That was an interesting file.  I never found any related documents on the web. 

It's been over ten years.  I'm inclined to believe there has been a power shift on the island in favor of non-Mansurs.  I wonder if there is any investigation of Posner?  His current business?  Hi donations?  Purchase of businesses since tourism is down these past few years?

Might he or those affiliated with him own an increasing percentage of the island? 

What are the Chicago connections on the island?  Aruba the new Spain, Portugal, or Italy for the folks from Illinois and Holland?

All very good questions.  It may have been just my imagination, but I did not get the impression that Posner and Jossy were very friendly.  Turf war, maybe?  Did anyone ever find out if you  have to have an Aruban business partner in order to won a business in Aruba?  I know it was being discussed here as to who is partners with Posner???

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Hotshot on December 15, 2008, 10:38:33 PM
This is so cool.  Look at the post cards that can be bought.....
Billy Graham:

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 10:41:18 PM
This is so cool.  Look at the post cards that can be bought.....
Billy Graham:

Have a feeling you want Kermit to come out?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 15, 2008, 10:42:05 PM
I forgot to include Dutch politicians, and business people as among those that may travel to Aruba to launder money.  Money has to find it's way to secret bank accounts in some manner...I've often wondered how.

Perhaps the casinos are used to fund bank accounts hidden from the Dutch/Euro/American taxman?

From 1997


(snipped by WG for space)

That was an interesting file.  I never found any related documents on the web. 

It's been over ten years.  I'm inclined to believe there has been a power shift on the island in favor of non-Mansurs.  I wonder if there is any investigation of Posner?  His current business?  Hi donations?  Purchase of businesses since tourism is down these past few years?

Might he or those affiliated with him own an increasing percentage of the island? 

What are the Chicago connections on the island?  Aruba the new Spain, Portugal, or Italy for the folks from Illinois and Holland?

Here is another related link:

Mansur Trading Company, which has revenues of about $ 100 million a year, was brought in 1996 by the president of the United States as the largest clan laundry in the region through the sale of Marlboro cigarettes, liquor, groceries and other operations of the free zone (Trading FreeZone), which controlled the island and through sde which carry containers loaded with cocaine.

In laundering operations with money from Colombian drug traffickers, other companies of brothers Eric and Alex Mansur, indicted in Puerto Rico for money laundering: Trading FreeZone, Manimex, Marlex, Transimex, Mitan, Runam Holdings, DoubleTree Investments, CardGame Ltda, Pin Point Holdings, Satuma Brands, liqueurs and Aruba.

I haven't checked to see the official owners and officers of all of these companies yet.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 15, 2008, 10:46:20 PM
This is so cool.  Look at the post cards that can be bought.....
Billy Graham:
She didn't say she TOOK the pictures!  What is your point other than to say you don't believe Kermit? Why don't just say it?  ::MonkeyNoNo::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Hotshot on December 15, 2008, 10:55:01 PM
This is so cool.  Look at the post cards that can be bought.....
Billy Graham:
She didn't say she TOOK the pictures!  What is your point other than to say you don't believe Kermit? Why don't just say it?  ::MonkeyNoNo::'s said.  and I didnt say she took the pictures.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: billb's daughter on December 15, 2008, 10:55:43 PM
Magnolia asked:

1998-   Michael Posner bought Grand Holiday Casnio September 1 and named it Excelsior.
He is a member of the GAMBINO MAFIA.

2001 Posner purchases the Brickell Bay Casino

Michael Posner's contributions to Aruba according to the newspaper
Aruba Today

Aruba Today- October 24th 2005
Michael Posner Contributes

There are a few people who in the last 10 years have added remendously to Aruba's product with great success. American businessman Michael Posner saw an opportunity in the mid 90's to purchase the Holiday Inn Casino, although it was run down an d on the brink of bankruptcy. Posner stepped in when the Holiday Inn Casino was in terrible condition with only 33 employees. He made a substantial investment into Aruba's product by renovating this deteriorating casino. Today the Excelsior Casino has
over 140 employees, with all management positi ons filled by Ar ubans, and pays millions of dollars in taxes each year.

Mr. Posner procured Aruba as the site for the World Poker Tournament for
the past 4 years and many years into the future. This has created 20-30 million USD for the economy of Aruba and 5 million yearly in free advertising for Aruba's tourist industry.

Posner also purchased and renovated the old Stauffer Hotel, which was considered at the time to be an eyesore to Palm Beach. He transformed the neglected hotel into the Brickell Bay Beach Club and today has over 100 employees, with all management level employment dedicated to Arubans.
He recently delivered a genuine act of kindness by donating all the rooms for the Texas EquuSearch team to search for Natalee Holloway, at a cost of over 100,000 Posner has been a generous supporter of many charities in Aruba, even going so far as to send a sick Aruban child to Disney World with his mot h er as part of the "Make a wish Foundation".

Aruba also thanks Posner for opening doors to potential new guest by making travel easier. He was directly responsible for bringing United Airlines to Aruba. Untied Airlines provides Aruba with 40,000 tourists and 300,000 hotel rooms annually.
Posner received no payment for his services and was awarded the distinction of "Aruba's Goodwill Ambassador".

Posner's contributions to Aruba's economy have been significant and greatly appreciated by the people. Besides all of humanitarian acts of kindness, he is also greatly appreciated for taking the reigns of failing bus inesses where no one else would and developing them into successful entities.
525 on: March 31, 2008, 07:00:13 PM


But Michael Posner was a convicted felon who had served prison time.
He should not have been allowed on the island, let alone start a business.
Who arranged all of the business dealings.  He also bought the Aloe business.
If it is true that there must be an Aruban partner to own a business on aruba, I'm thinking both CAPS and Kermit have been pointing us in that direction. Could paulass be the silent partner or in his role with contracts did he set it up for posner? If so, that could explain why pvds/jvds are so protected jmoo

Hi Bill and other Monkeys,
I was thinking it is possible to be Paulus also, which would explain a lot of what we considered strange happenings from the beginning, such as Joran being in the casinos gambling and drinking since he was what, age 14 or 15?   This could explain how Paulus and Joran seem to be treated as VIP at the casino, and maybe where alot of their cash flow comes from, and why it seems it is so difficult to see the clear videos of Paulus from when we think he was chatting with Natalee at the blackjack table.  Just something to ponder on and MOO of course.

Hi to you too....
I just noticed your post and wanted to acknowledge it, so as not to come across rude ::MonkeyWink::
I only have a sec now, will check back later....

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 10:57:43 PM
This is so cool.  Look at the post cards that can be bought.....
Billy Graham:
She didn't say she TOOK the pictures!  What is your point other than to say you don't believe Kermit? Why don't just say it?  ::MonkeyNoNo::'s said.  and I didnt say she took the pictures.

What leads you to believe Kermit is not telling the truth?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 15, 2008, 10:58:28 PM
Greta had JQK on the show.  JQK plans on being in Aruba the first of January to make sure they have all Greta's information and to make sure they do what they say their going to do.  Said there needs to be transparency.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 15, 2008, 11:03:16 PM
Greta had JQK on the show.  JQK plans on being in Aruba the first of January to make sure they have all Greta's information and to make sure they do what they say their going to do.  Said there needs to be transparency.
Thanks Klaas... This is Great News!  ::MonkeyWink::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Edward on December 15, 2008, 11:03:39 PM
I forgot to include Dutch politicians, and business people as among those that may travel to Aruba to launder money.  Money has to find it's way to secret bank accounts in some manner...I've often wondered how.

Perhaps the casinos are used to fund bank accounts hidden from the Dutch/Euro/American taxman?

From 1997


(snipped by WG for space)

That was an interesting file.  I never found any related documents on the web. 

It's been over ten years.  I'm inclined to believe there has been a power shift on the island in favor of non-Mansurs.  I wonder if there is any investigation of Posner?  His current business?  Hi donations?  Purchase of businesses since tourism is down these past few years?

Might he or those affiliated with him own an increasing percentage of the island? 

What are the Chicago connections on the island?  Aruba the new Spain, Portugal, or Italy for the folks from Illinois and Holland?

Here is another related link:

Mansur Trading Company, which has revenues of about $ 100 million a year, was brought in 1996 by the president of the United States as the largest clan laundry in the region through the sale of Marlboro cigarettes, liquor, groceries and other operations of the free zone (Trading FreeZone), which controlled the island and through sde which carry containers loaded with cocaine.

In laundering operations with money from Colombian drug traffickers, other companies of brothers Eric and Alex Mansur, indicted in Puerto Rico for money laundering: Trading FreeZone, Manimex, Marlex, Transimex, Mitan, Runam Holdings, DoubleTree Investments, CardGame Ltda, Pin Point Holdings, Satuma Brands, liqueurs and Aruba.

I haven't checked to see the official owners and officers of all of these companies yet.

Very interesting stuff..

first one: Marlex,
Marlex is a trademarked name for "crystalline polypropylene" and "high-density polyethylene" (HDPE). These plastics were invented by J. Paul Hogan and Robert Banks, two research chemists at the Phillips Petroleum company.

Marlex was used by Wham-O for their Hula Hoops in the 1950s, which helped create a market for this plastic. It is now used surgically as a reinforcing mesh in inguinal hernia repair.

Which is
Same company as Phillip Morris tobacco.

Right Up their ally

The most interesting thing was Josy saying he was Born in Aruba..
Which makes him an Aruban national citizen.
His holding Dutch citizenship is something I wonder about.
Also the amount of books he has written makes him a sort of genius. How Many people write Dictionaries ?
All very interesting

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 15, 2008, 11:04:35 PM
Greta had JQK on the show.  JQK plans on being in Aruba the first of January to make sure they have all Greta's information and to make sure they do what they say their going to do.  Said there needs to be transparency.

Thanks Klaas!  I missed it, hubby's watching wrestling...YUCK!!!   ::MonkeyHaHa::

At least I got to listen to Dana!   ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Magnolia on December 15, 2008, 11:08:03 PM
Tim Miller was on Birmingham local TV.  They said that he is
suffering from bleeding ulcers.  He looked very tired and thin.
Texas Equuasearch is looking for a missing 23 yr old girl in Homewood.
In an interview Tim said how important it is to find the body,
so that the family can lay their loved one to rest.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Edward on December 15, 2008, 11:08:46 PM
Posner..I thought he was connected to the Chicago outfit ?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 15, 2008, 11:11:40 PM
She didn't say she TOOK the pictures!  What is your point other than to say you don't believe Kermit? Why don't just say it?  ::MonkeyNoNo::

I have posted along side of Kermit for 3 1/2 years and ... I have not reason to question his/her integrity. 

It is my understanding that Dave Holloway, Beth Holloway, the FBI and John Kelly have recently come into possession of the ROV images through those who have upheld the family since day one in their contention that a corrupt investigation has denied their beloved Natalee justice but ... Kyle's testimony regarding his concerns about the John Silvetti/ALE connection would be the icing on the cake.

My is also my understanding is that permission was received from Beth Holloway for those ROV images to be posted on the Scared Monkey forum.

Yap ... do you have information to the contrary.




Kyle: I have not given anything to the FBI since the pictures and statements from Dec 29th

Kyle: None of us gave any statements to the authorities after the 29th. It's possible John Silvetti did, because he was the only one conversing with them after Jan 7th.

Kyle: I've talked with Peter Shouten numerous times back in February. He hasn't seen anything but knows about the blue fabrics. DeVries and Endemol was interested in purchasing the ROV footage and I was working between them, ABC, and CBS to strike a deal.

Kyle: In case it isn't clear.. notice the blue denim-like fabric

Kyle: The Aruban divers were on the police boat, dove from their boat, and returned to their boat.

Kyle: They were immediately whisked away by the Aruban police and not seen of again by us on the 7th

Kyle: John stood back and waited and worked with the Aruban Polis

Kyle: John definitely believed the Arubans at their every word

Kyle: John didn't want Tim Miller on board the Persistence because he said Tim wasn't necessary any more and was a liability

Kyle: John told me then he didn't want to hear me ever mention the trap again.

Kyle: Schafer is sue crazy.

Kyle: I did not feel the same and we had a major difference in opinion. He [John Silvetti] was the one who never pressed ALE to be completely open with us with the trap evidence. I would have forced them to. However, John was the one paying my invoices so I was forced to sit back and hope for the best.

Kyle: We all know it wasn't a blouse, but I believe they were sent some piece of fabric other than the fabric found inside the trap.

Kyle: We're being fed misinformation to keep us searching and out of their way while they cover their asses, destroy evidence, cover their tracks, and keep us out at sea and away from the trap.

Kyle: I've talked with Peter Shouten numerous times back in February. He hasn't seen anything but knows about the blue fabrics. DeVries and Endemol was interested in purchasing the ROV footage and I was working between them, ABC, and CBS to strike a deal.

Kyle: Louis is currently working with someone who I do not know to put together some documentary on the case, the way it was handled, and what happened during the search. I learned this from Tim T. yesterday. Louis was sold on the idea that it will make him a lot of money.

Kyle: The portion of the discolored blue fabric was presumably on the bottom of the fabric. In my opinion this discoloration is not another type of fabric, but rather biological staining or discoloration from biological growth caused from a high organic carbon content and decay. Basically, during decay a biological mat will form around the organics from remains. This is what I believe it is on the bottom of the fabric.

Kyle: John Silvetti told me today that he may be returning to Aruba very soon for a few days.

Kyle: I couldn't get the logs from the Persistence. All things "Holloway" were stripped from the boat once it got back to Louisiana

Kyle: He's [John Silvetti] seriously making plans to open an Aruba office so he can conduct business easier in S. America and that would allow him to do that.

Kyle: It was confirmed by the FBI that they received a fabric sample send by Richardson and that it wasn't a match to Natalee's blouse. I think the video can prove or disprove whatever the FBI was sent was the same object or not. I strongly believe it's blue denim. Everyone I show thinks the same thing without being prompted (including senior ABC execs).

Kyle: John is not a believer in the trap. He took ALE's word as gospel that it wasn't case related, yet never studied the videos or bothered to inquire further.

Klye: We're being fed misinformation to keep us searching and out of their way while they cover their asses, destroy evidence, cover their tracks, and keep us out at sea and away from the trap.

Kyle: neither Dave, Robin, or Beth has seen any of the ROV footage aside from what was broadcasted on Dateline or the pictures leaked from the FBI to Dave (and Robin H.). Beth has seen nothing in my knowledge.

Kyle: John is not a believer in the trap. He took ALE's word as gospel that it wasn't case related, yet never studied the videos or bothered to inquire further. He had plans on doing business with Aruba and in S. America and he didn't want to hurt any feelings by talks hinting at lack of complete trust and friendship.

Kyle: Notice the end of the skirt is an identical match to the 90 degree angle in the sand. I believe her left arm was outstretched with her legs slightly bent. I did not edit the legs. I believe the tarp was placed over her and tucked around her, or perhaps tied down. I believe there are several rocks laying on the sand which were placed on the tarp, or inside the tarp over her body which explains their unusual location. Either way, the proportions appear promising.

Kyle: I took the proportions of the body form from the head, to shoulder, to a 90 degree angle which I believed to be the hem line of Natalee's skirt. I then took those proportions and matched them to the photo of Natalee with what she was last seen wearing. The proportions matched within an inch from head, to shoulder, to skirt line. Based on this comparison and with what we believed we saw in the Dec 29th video, Tim Miller contacted the family and told them the 99.9% comment. I told Tim not to do anything until we have forensic results back after the site is processed. Jan 7th we sampled the contents and in my opinion we found the skirt under the sand along with the other items The blue fabric was found right where the skirt is pictured. If it isn't her, it will forever haunt me as a major cosmic WTF.

kyle: Richardson was onboard the Persistence several times and attended the meetings on the boat. You may see a glimpse of him on the Dateline video in the survey room along with Mos standing over my shoulder

oceanexploration: "Thought you all may find this interesting if you're willing to accept it-To date, the Aruban police and dive team has been a tremendous help.  They've honestly done a great job. Over the last month we've established a very good working relationship based on openness and trust.  Most of the relationship success was due to getting the media out of the way and working together shoulder to shoulder over time.  We've helped each other however and whenever we can.  They've treated us with decency and respect and we have treated them as friends and allies, which they are. Most of the police and divers are new since this case started and both eager and careful to do things right.  I wish we had a month ahead of the project just to establish the relationships and trust. I know many of you would likely doubt this view, but it's based on the experiences in the field of the entire search team. I too was extremely worried, paranoid, and suspecting in the beginning.  Now, it's clear we're all working towards a common goal."   

oceanexploration: "We had little option other than to have the Aruban dive division recover the samples and bring them back under their care.  Remember we are Americans working in Aruban waters, subject to their laws, invitation, and blessing.  Our hands are tied for the most part. I personally was extremely uncomfortable with the chain of custody, being that we weren't a part of it, but I was powerless to do anything about it.      The samples were photographed in detail by one Aruban diver and the other two investigated the contents of the trap, the dimensions, the rigging, and what surrounded the trap.  From the video, it looked like they did a diligent and careful job with the samples and the underwater photography. I don't know who has these pictures, but I must assume ALE."


Private Eye: "If I understood Kyle correctly, and that would be that the Arubans retrieved and possessed all finds, not sharing anything with the crew, then that effort was a waste of time and effort. The only thing it could have accomplished was to locate additional evidence for the Arubans to destroy. I am not sure if that was the protocol out of Aruba's waters though. The effort was superb, but the game was fixed."


Re: Natalee Case Discussion #778 11/23/08 -
« Reply #408 on: November 24, 2008, 03:59:08 PM »
Re: Natalee Case Discussion #778 11/23/08 -
« Reply #410 on: November 24, 2008, 04:01:55 PM »

Photos given to the FBI sent to Dave and Robin posted on the internet are NOT the
photos posted above.  These were not given to the FBI until recently.
Kyle Kingman
Senior Geophysical Project Manager at Alpine Ocean Seismic Survey Inc.
Greater New York City Area

Senior Geophysical Operations Manager at Alpine Ocean Seismic Survey Inc.
Manager at Kingman Geophysical Solutions
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey-New Brunswick
Oil & Energy

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Ono on December 15, 2008, 11:12:13 PM
Greta had JQK on the show.  JQK plans on being in Aruba the first of January to make sure they have all Greta's information and to make sure they do what they say their going to do.  Said there needs to be transparency.

She deliberately credited Rudy Croes for calling for the investigation and said he would be a hero if this happens ... [ let's hope some flattery works ! ] ; JQK is not giving up ! 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 15, 2008, 11:15:39 PM
I would like to weigh in on the Kermit vs OE, if I may.

I believe the posts that Kermit brought over were actual posts made by OE.  While the full context of the posts were not brought over, I thought it was pretty clear what he was trying to communicate.

With that said, I have less issue with Kyle and his position than I do with the divers who were in the water to do the visual inspection.  Again, on 12/30/05 at 15:39 they give a thumbs down and at 15:40 we see a shot of what they had to be looking at when they gave a thumbs down.  If those were indeed human remains they were looking at, why the thumbs down?  Those are the people I most want to see answer questions.  Wasn't Tim Trahan one of those divers?  Was Eduardo Mansur one of those divers? (I'm not sure if Eduardo was one of the three that were looking into the cage on 12/30)

I do not disbelieve what Kermit is saying, but I also am not fully aware of what restraints may have been on OE.  If he was holding on to intellectual property as a contract employee, but shared that property with a proclamation that it was something specific, he could have a lot of legal problems if he turned out to be wrong.  In his defense, unless he was sure about his hunch, he was in a tough spot.  The guy as a family to think about.  And that is not to say that he does not care about Natalee's family.

As for the negotiations to get a documentary made, I don't know all the details about his role.  I saw the posts, but that does not tell me the motivation.  Was that the safest way to get them out?  If he was working as a go-between for the owner of the intellectual property and a network or independently produced show he would be in a position to get ALL of the images out without having to 'sneak' them out.

This is just my opinion and in no way is meant to conjure up hard feelings or incite a riot.   ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 11:16:00 PM
This is so cool.  Look at the post cards that can be bought.....
Billy Graham:
She didn't say she TOOK the pictures!  What is your point other than to say you don't believe Kermit? Why don't just say it?  ::MonkeyNoNo::'s said.  and I didnt say she took the pictures.

What leads you to believe Kermit is not telling the truth?

Hotshot?Please break it down as to why you don't believe,and or trust Kermit!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 15, 2008, 11:16:16 PM
Tim Miller was on Birmingham local TV.  They said that he is
suffering from bleeding ulcers.  He looked very tired and thin.
Texas Equuasearch is looking for a missing 23 yr old girl in Homewood.
In an interview Tim said how important it is to find the body,
so that the family can lay their loved one to rest.

Thanks Magnolia!  I'll continue to keep Tim in my prayers.  I don't think people realize how seriously he takes each and every missing persons case.  Some things he said tonight on Dana's show really made my heart go out to him.  He has a very difficult job, physically and mentally.  

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Ono on December 15, 2008, 11:16:20 PM
Tim Miller was on Birmingham local TV.  They said that he is
suffering from bleeding ulcers.  He looked very tired and thin.
Texas Equuasearch is looking for a missing 23 yr old girl in Homewood.
In an interview Tim said how important it is to find the body,
so that the family can lay their loved one to rest.

I wondered what his health problem was...poor thing - the Anthonys have not really helped his health at all, imo.  His interview from B'ham that the Orlando tv affiliate carried online today regarding the Caylee situation was really detailed, honest, and excellent.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 15, 2008, 11:18:18 PM
Tim Miller was on Birmingham local TV.  They said that he is
suffering from bleeding ulcers.  He looked very tired and thin.
Texas Equuasearch is looking for a missing 23 yr old girl in Homewood.
In an interview Tim said how important it is to find the body,
so that the family can lay their loved one to rest.

This man is a Saint.  I hope he will take care of himself!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: yapperz1 on December 15, 2008, 11:18:37 PM
Tamikosmom posted:
Yap ... do you have information to the contrary.



Janet, actually I do. I would rather not go in to it here. You are welcome to get my email address from Klaas.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 11:21:39 PM
Tamikosmom posted:
Yap ... do you have information to the contrary.



Janet, actually I do. I would rather not go in to it here. You are welcome to get my email address from Klaas.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 15, 2008, 11:26:00 PM
Hiya Monkeys
Just gonna throw out my thoughts on Jossy never coming thru with extra info he says he has.
We have all heard that on Aruba if iino has been made public it can't be used in court. Maybe Jossy is keeping things close to the vest to make sure he can contribute the goods that can help bring down the corrupt bastards there. I would rather them be held & not revealed. I would prefer info that could indeed be used & not tossed out. I also feel the pics/screen caps from the Persistance should not have been posted without express consent from the family or FBI or whomever may have been investigating them. JMOO

It was the family (Robin) that allowed the original photos to be posted at BNH.  It was OE that shared the other photos.  Maybe your suggestion on not sharing those photos should be directed at Robin and OE.  ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MuffyBee on December 15, 2008, 11:30:00 PM
Tamikosmom posted:
Yap ... do you have information to the contrary.



Janet, actually I do. I would rather not go in to it here. You are welcome to get my email address from Klaas.


Are we welcome to get your email from Klaas too, so we can know? 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: yapperz1 on December 15, 2008, 11:30:14 PM
Klaas, I am not trying to be a P.I.T.A. & say I know things others don't or shouldn't know. I just prefer to not stir up the mud again. If Janet wants my email address, you can give it to her.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on December 15, 2008, 11:30:51 PM
Tamikosmom posted:
Yap ... do you have information to the contrary.



Janet, actually I do. I would rather not go in to it here. You are welcome to get my email address from Klaas.

Why is it you rather not go into it here?  You brought it up.....Why offer your email through Klaas to Janet?  Is it because she asked?  I just don't get it...and I did read Klaas's post before starting mine.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 15, 2008, 11:32:11 PM
Klaas, I am not trying to be a P.I.T.A. & say I know things others don't or shouldn't know. I just prefer to not stir up the mud again. If Janet wants my email address, you can give it to her.
But you just did!  ::MonkeyNoNo::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 11:33:13 PM
Hiya Monkeys
Just gonna throw out my thoughts on Jossy never coming thru with extra info he says he has.
We have all heard that on Aruba if iino has been made public it can't be used in court. Maybe Jossy is keeping things close to the vest to make sure he can contribute the goods that can help bring down the corrupt bastards there. I would rather them be held & not revealed. I would prefer info that could indeed be used & not tossed out. I also feel the pics/screen caps from the Persistance should not have been posted without express consent from the family or FBI or whomever may have been investigating them. JMOO

It was the family (Robin) that allowed the original photos to be posted at BNH.  It was OE that shared the other photos.  Maybe your suggestion on not sharing those photos should be directed at Robin and OE.  ::MonkeyCool::

Me personally.I'm still waiting to understand why certain posters don't believe,and or trust Kermit?Please help the people "not in the know" as to why?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 15, 2008, 11:33:49 PM
Klaas, I am not trying to be a P.I.T.A. & say I know things others don't or shouldn't know. I just prefer to not stir up the mud again. If Janet wants my email address, you can give it to her.
But you just did!  ::MonkeyNoNo::

Just as planned.  JMO   ::MonkeyNoNo::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 15, 2008, 11:34:04 PM
Klaas, I am not trying to be a P.I.T.A. & say I know things others don't or shouldn't know. I just prefer to not stir up the mud again. If Janet wants my email address, you can give it to her.
But you just did!  ::MonkeyNoNo::
Kermit puts things out there for inspection and rebuttle -- what about you and Hotshot??? Put up or shut up! -JMO

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: yapperz1 on December 15, 2008, 11:36:58 PM
texasmom, nothing was planned about my response. Janet ask me directly & I answered her. Nothing more nothing less.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Ono on December 15, 2008, 11:37:38 PM
Remember Paulus was given a Letter of Commendation from Karin Janssen stating he was not a suspect, was of good character, etc. and that is all it took for him to be able to be instated to the bar.

Also didn't Aruba Girl once post that he had also taught law at the Aruban University? 

We do have photos of Paulus being sworn into the bar, in his black robes, etc.  He has also since then received a public warning from Jorg I think it was about his unbecoming activities with regard to publicity in Natalee's case.

I'm so many pages behind, so sorry if this is addressed later on, but I remember Arlene Schipper saying she had been a student in one of Paulus' law classes...

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MuffyBee on December 15, 2008, 11:38:00 PM
Klaas, I am not trying to be a P.I.T.A. & say I know things others don't or shouldn't know. I just prefer to not stir up the mud again. If Janet wants my email address, you can give it to her.

This post surpasses even your previous one, which you haven't answered yet.  Do the rest of us get to share this information via email or not?  If you didn't want to stir the mud, you should never, ever have implied you have information that you will only share with a particular person.  To say you have knowledge but can't share it with us says what?  We are untrustworthy?  It's only rumor and speculation?  I'm trying to figure out right now what I shouldn't know.   ::MonkeyNoNo::

Edited to change "email" to "post"

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 11:38:49 PM
Klaas, I am not trying to be a P.I.T.A. & say I know things others don't or shouldn't know. I just prefer to not stir up the mud again. If Janet wants my email address, you can give it to her.
But you just did!  ::MonkeyNoNo::
Kermit puts things out there for inspection and rebuttle -- what about you and Hotshot??? Put up or shut up! -JMO

Just did!Agreed.I'm still waiting for anything that discounts what Kermit is saying and still haven't been presented with it!Does anybody have the secret as to why this line of questioning is never answered?A i've said before i'm "not in the know crowd".

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 15, 2008, 11:40:06 PM
texasmom, nothing was planned about my response. Janet ask me directly & I answered her. Nothing more nothing less.

The response isn't what I was referring to.  Just some interesting timing to some posts tonight is all.   

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 15, 2008, 11:41:50 PM
Klaas, I am not trying to be a P.I.T.A. & say I know things others don't or shouldn't know. I just prefer to not stir up the mud again. If Janet wants my email address, you can give it to her.
But you just did!  ::MonkeyNoNo::
Kermit puts things out there for inspection and rebuttle -- what about you and Hotshot??? Put up or shut up! -JMO

Just did!Agreed.I'm still waiting for anything that discounts what Kermit is saying and still haven't been presented with it!Does anybody have the secret as to why this line of questioning is never answered?A i've said before i'm "not in the know crowd".
Coming next they are going to tell us they are not in any "secret forums" or don't know any more than anyone else.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MuffyBee on December 15, 2008, 11:48:09 PM
Was that a drive by?  Just come and make posts to shake the cage and leave?   ::MonkeyNoNo::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 15, 2008, 11:49:16 PM
After 3 1/2 + years -- I'm very willing to ruffle some feathers. I want  demand transparency.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 11:49:41 PM
Was that a drive by?  Just come and make posts to shake the cage and leave?   ::MonkeyNoNo::

I was waiting for someone to say something.That is funny.Was that what we consider the first Drive-by post!Drive-by post.Coined by MuffyBee..

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 15, 2008, 11:50:23 PM
Was that a drive by?  Just come and make posts to shake the cage and leave?   ::MonkeyNoNo::
That's sure what it seemed like to Me.....   ::MonkeyShocked::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 15, 2008, 11:51:14 PM
I forgot to include Dutch politicians, and business people as among those that may travel to Aruba to launder money.  Money has to find it's way to secret bank accounts in some manner...I've often wondered how.

Perhaps the casinos are used to fund bank accounts hidden from the Dutch/Euro/American taxman?

From 1997


(snipped by WG for space)

That was an interesting file.  I never found any related documents on the web. 

It's been over ten years.  I'm inclined to believe there has been a power shift on the island in favor of non-Mansurs.  I wonder if there is any investigation of Posner?  His current business?  Hi donations?  Purchase of businesses since tourism is down these past few years?

Might he or those affiliated with him own an increasing percentage of the island? 

What are the Chicago connections on the island?  Aruba the new Spain, Portugal, or Italy for the folks from Illinois and Holland?

Here is another related link:

Mansur Trading Company, which has revenues of about $ 100 million a year, was brought in 1996 by the president of the United States as the largest clan laundry in the region through the sale of Marlboro cigarettes, liquor, groceries and other operations of the free zone (Trading FreeZone), which controlled the island and through sde which carry containers loaded with cocaine.

In laundering operations with money from Colombian drug traffickers, other companies of brothers Eric and Alex Mansur, indicted in Puerto Rico for money laundering: Trading FreeZone, Manimex, Marlex, Transimex, Mitan, Runam Holdings, DoubleTree Investments, CardGame Ltda, Pin Point Holdings, Satuma Brands, liqueurs and Aruba.

I haven't checked to see the official owners and officers of all of these companies yet.

Very interesting stuff..

first one: Marlex,
Marlex is a trademarked name for "crystalline polypropylene" and "high-density polyethylene" (HDPE). These plastics were invented by J. Paul Hogan and Robert Banks, two research chemists at the Phillips Petroleum company.

Marlex was used by Wham-O for their Hula Hoops in the 1950s, which helped create a market for this plastic. It is now used surgically as a reinforcing mesh in inguinal hernia repair.

Which is
Same company as Phillip Morris tobacco.

Right Up their ally

The most interesting thing was Josy saying he was Born in Aruba..
Which makes him an Aruban national citizen.
His holding Dutch citizenship is something I wonder about.
Also the amount of books he has written makes him a sort of genius. How Many people write Dictionaries ?
All very interesting

Edward - Many months ago, I spent days researching this in Shango.  It was prompted by something that I had read in the same article that was posted a few pages back saying that many of the Mansurs have maintained their Venezuelan citizenship.  From what I could determine, Jossy most likely has citizenship in three countries.  This enables him to own businesses in all three countries plus the US, where the Mansurs have several businesses in Miami.  Jossy is Aruban by birth and Venezuelan through the citizenship of his parents.  If an individual is born in Aruba and lives there for a specific number of years, that person is also eligible for citizenship in the Netherlands without giving up any other citizenship for which they are eligible.  While I was doing this research, I also learned another tidbit that angers the Arubans.  Dutch citizens living on Aruba are exempt from some of the taxes that Arubans are required to pay.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 15, 2008, 11:51:14 PM
Greta had JQK on the show.  JQK plans on being in Aruba the first of January to make sure they have all Greta's information and to make sure they do what they say their going to do.  Said there needs to be transparency.

She deliberately credited Rudy Croes for calling for the investigation and said he would be a hero if this happens ... [ let's hope some flattery works ! ] ; JQK is not giving up ! 


In 2005, Rudy Croes made it known that there was a Jan Vander Sloot/Paulus van der Sloot connection.

In 2006 Rudy Croes requested a Dutch investigation of the Natalee Holloway case under the control of Netherlands' Internal Affairs Minister Johan Remkes ... a Minister with a Paulus van der Sloot connection.  On January 1, 2003 ... Johan Remkes endorsed the the appointment of Paulus van der Sloot to "deputy member of the common Court of Justice of the Netherlands antilles and Aruba".

The Dutch investigation of 2006 encompassed the search of the van der Sloot residence and ... it encompassed pouring through the Natalee Holloway case file yet ... in over two years since ... there has been no accountability of those involved in the happenings of the morning and ... there has been no accountability of those in the Dutch/Aruban administration who participated in the coverup.

The latest developments of December, 2008 are not developments at all.  They are flashbacks to 2005 and 2006.

I suspect that the Aruban/Dutch administrations have two agendas ...

1.  an agenda to create a distraction away from the contents of the trap/cage discovered and turned over unchallenged to the ALE by John Silvetti of the Persistence

2.  an agenda to close the Natalee Holloway case and ... in an attempt to pacify the family ...  a sacrificial lamb has been selected to take the fall.  In other words ... accountability for a compromised investigation will starts and ends with Jan Vander Straaten?



JUNE, 2005/AUGUST, 2005


Paulus van der Sloot - NOVA/TWAN HUYS - 06/28/05

Paulus van der Sloot: That gives a feeling of absurdity. It is indeed almost unimaginable that by someone you actually know very well, where you worked together with for a long time, that that one comes to tell you that you are suspected of complicity to murder.

HUYS: Who was that in your case?

VAN DER SLOOT: That was, in this case, that was the leader of the team of police commissioners.  

HUYS: Jan van der Straaten.  

VAN DER SLOOT: That was Jan van der Straaten, yes.

HUYS: And you know each other very well?  


Eric Zaandam - President Police Union, Aruban television 8/28/06

Now, information are coming out that Jan v/d Straatten was indeed investigated and had telephone conversations with people about the case that he should not have contacts with, or even talk about the case.

Rudy Croes - Minister of Justice - Top 95 radio 8/28/06

Aruban Minister of Justice Mr. Rudy Croes, in relationship with the Natalee Holloway investigation, revealed a very serious information in direction of Van der Straaten.

Minister Croes revealed that he knows about various telephone calls of Van der Straaten and that he, the minister, knows with whom Van der Straaten was talking to ...


Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!
Natalee’s Freebirds;topicseen#msg287560

AUGUST, 2006

August 26, 2006
Aruba wants Dutch police to take over Natalee case

ORANJESTAD, Aruba (AP) — Aruban authorities want Dutch police to take over the investigation of the disappearance of American teenager Natalee Holloway, who vanished on the Caribbean island more than one year ago, a local newspaper reported Friday.  Aruba's Justice Minister Rudy Croes sent a letter last week to Netherlands' Internal Affairs Minister Johan Remkes and to another Dutch official asking the Dutch police to handle the case, saying little progress had been made, the Solo di Pueblo newspaper reported.

If Dutch police take over the investigation, they will have access to all case files and their own office, according to the newspaper, which didn't cite its source. Remkes will visit the Dutch Caribbean islands, including Aruba, next week, authorities said in the Netherlands.

Telephone calls placed to Croes' office for comment Friday went unanswered.

Holloway vanished on May 30, 2005, the last night of a high school graduation trip to Aruba. Then 18, the native of Mountain Brook was last seen leaving a bar with three young men.

Authorities have arrested eight people in connection with her disappearance and then released them for lack of evidence.,2933,210525,00.html


Police head hindered Holloway investigation
Published: Thursday 04 December 2008 10:28 UTC
Last updated: Thursday 04 December 2008 10:35 UTC

The Aruban Minister of Justice, Rudy Croes, has told the ANP news agency that the investigation into the 2005 disappearance of Natalee Holloway was severely hindered in its initial stages by the island's Dutch police commissioner. Mr Croes said former commissioner Jan van de Straten did this to help his friend Paul van der Sloot, the father of the chief suspect in the US high school graduate's disappearance.

Mr Croes also said that Mr Van de Straten appeared to have made a conscious decision not to arrest Joran van der Sloot and two other suspects until ten days after Ms Holloway disappeared, even though the first few days are crucial in such an investigation. He went on to say that Mr Van de Straten and Mr Van der Sloot conducted lengthy telephone conversations after the disappearance and that the commissioner deployed a team of second-rank officers to investigate it.

Mr Croes added that a Dutch minister had asked the Aruban authorities to conceal as much as possible the fact that Joran van der Sloot was Dutch.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MuffyBee on December 15, 2008, 11:52:17 PM
Was that a drive by?  Just come and make posts to shake the cage and leave?   ::MonkeyNoNo::

I was waiting for someone to say something.That is funny.Was that what we consider the first Drive-by post!Drive-by post.Coined by MuffyBee..

I liked Wreck's "put up or shut up".   I was also wondering since some know things we (you and I, the common monkeys) cannot be told, what are we, chopped liver?!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 15, 2008, 11:54:51 PM
Was that a drive by?  Just come and make posts to shake the cage and leave?   ::MonkeyNoNo::


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 15, 2008, 11:56:22 PM
Klaas, I am not trying to be a P.I.T.A. & say I know things others don't or shouldn't know. I just prefer to not stir up the mud again. If Janet wants my email address, you can give it to her.

And why should Janet believe what you say in email?  Sorry but after 3 1/2 years that just doesn't cut it.  Not only that, the topic has really gone away from those photos and in another direction at the moment. I just don't get all the problem.  Either come post a rebuttle to Kermit with backup or don't. 

RIGHT NOW, the embarrassment of the Sloots appears to be making more headway than anything else including what may or may not have been in that trap.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 15, 2008, 11:57:45 PM
Was that a drive by?  Just come and make posts to shake the cage and leave?   ::MonkeyNoNo::

I was waiting for someone to say something.That is funny.Was that what we consider the first Drive-by post!Drive-by post.Coined by MuffyBee..

I liked Wreck's "put up or shut up".   I was also wondering since some know things we (you and I, the common monkeys) cannot be told, what are we, chopped liver?!

So why do it?You only lose credibility with other Monkey's.As far as i've seen since being on here evrything has been pretty transparent..Thank you Scared Monkey's.. ::MonkeyDance::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 15, 2008, 11:57:49 PM
Tamikosmom posted:
Yap ... do you have information to the contrary.



Janet, actually I do. I would rather not go in to it here. You are welcome to get my email address from Klaas.

So you are volunteering that I make a special effort to email someone, like I haven't anything better to do?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on December 15, 2008, 11:59:02 PM
Was that a drive by?  Just come and make posts to shake the cage and leave?   ::MonkeyNoNo::

Not the first time....but it is annoying.....G'nite all.  I am tempted to say more, but I'd 'rather not'.   ::MonkeyWink::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 16, 2008, 12:00:01 AM
Klaas, I am not trying to be a P.I.T.A. & say I know things others don't or shouldn't know. I just prefer to not stir up the mud again. If Janet wants my email address, you can give it to her.

And why should Janet believe what you say in email?  Sorry but after 3 1/2 years that just doesn't cut it.  Not only that, the topic has really gone away from those photos and in another direction at the moment. I just don't get all the problem.  Either come post a rebuttle to Kermit with backup or don't. 

RIGHT NOW, the embarrassment of the Sloots appears to be making more headway than anything else including what may or may not have been in that trap.
All that little nonsense did was make me believe Kermit's info is correct even more. Someone's VERY nervous!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 16, 2008, 12:00:08 AM
Tamikosmom posted:
Yap ... do you have information to the contrary.



Janet, actually I do. I would rather not go in to it here. You are welcome to get my email address from Klaas.

So you are volunteering that I make a special effort to email someone, like I haven't anything better to do?

I think we've all learned your ability to multi-task Klass. ::MonkeyLaugh:: id You read the e-mail.Pretty generic??

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 16, 2008, 12:00:13 AM
This is so cool.  Look at the post cards that can be bought.....
Billy Graham:

It would be kind of hard to take the picture and be in it from a distance at the same time.

I still believe Kermit.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 16, 2008, 12:01:43 AM
Recieved  a e-mail back from a Roeland bol regarding the Natalee Holloway investigation but oddly enough it was not addressed to me.Am i able to copy and post it here?I would think not?Need an answer from a Mod??

I'm interested.  Not sure why you would need permission to post it....unless somehow he linked

Post the email as long as no personal information (email address,etc.) is posted.

YES, as long as no identifying email addresses or phone numbers, etc are in the email go ahead and post if you feel it will help discussion of the case.

If after seeing the email it appears to be out of line we can edit it.

Your message about an official investigation Natalee Holloway

Thank you for your contribution by e-mail sent on 9 december 2008.


Your message is being handled by the Directorate for Kingdom Relations. We aim to respond to your message by e-mail before 25 December.




on her behalf,

The director for Kingdom relations,


G.E.A. van Craaikamp


Ministry of Interior and Kingdom Relations

The Hague, The Netherlands


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 16, 2008, 12:02:57 AM
Tamikosmom posted:
Yap ... do you have information to the contrary.



Janet, actually I do. I would rather not go in to it here. You are welcome to get my email address from Klaas.

Why is it you rather not go into it here?  You brought it up.....Why offer your email through Klaas to Janet?  Is it because she asked?  I just don't get it...and I did read Klaas's post before starting mine.


I never requested Yap's email from Klaas.  Please check with Klaas prior to insinuating.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 16, 2008, 12:04:11 AM

Very interesting stuff..

first one: Marlex,
Marlex is a trademarked name for "crystalline polypropylene" and "high-density polyethylene" (HDPE). These plastics were invented by J. Paul Hogan and Robert Banks, two research chemists at the Phillips Petroleum company.

Marlex was used by Wham-O for their Hula Hoops in the 1950s, which helped create a market for this plastic. It is now used surgically as a reinforcing mesh in inguinal hernia repair.

Which is
Same company as Phillip Morris tobacco.

Right Up their ally

The most interesting thing was Josy saying he was Born in Aruba..
Which makes him an Aruban national citizen.
His holding Dutch citizenship is something I wonder about.
Also the amount of books he has written makes him a sort of genius. How Many people write Dictionaries ?
All very interesting

Edward - Many months ago, I spent days researching this in Shango.  It was prompted by something that I had read in the same article that was posted a few pages back saying that many of the Mansurs have maintained their Venezuelan citizenship.  From what I could determine, Jossy most likely has citizenship in three countries.  This enables him to own businesses in all three countries plus the US, where the Mansurs have several businesses in Miami.  Jossy is Aruban by birth and Venezuelan through the citizenship of his parents.  If an individual is born in Aruba and lives there for a specific number of years, that person is also eligible for citizenship in the Netherlands without giving up any other citizenship for which they are eligible.  While I was doing this research, I also learned another tidbit that angers the Arubans.  Dutch citizens living on Aruba are exempt from some of the taxes that Arubans are required to pay.

 ::MonkeyShocked::  Now that's just plain mean right there!  It really does pay to be Dutch in Aruba.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 16, 2008, 12:04:12 AM
Was that a drive by?  Just come and make posts to shake the cage and leave?   ::MonkeyNoNo::

I was waiting for someone to say something.That is funny.Was that what we consider the first Drive-by post!Drive-by post.Coined by MuffyBee..

I liked Wreck's "put up or shut up".   I was also wondering since some know things we (you and I, the common monkeys) cannot be told, what are we, chopped liver?!

Exactly Muffy.  The rest of us are worthy of discussions that go on in private forums such as Goldmonkey's private area and Chatngrumble  ::MonkeyWink:: ::MonkeyCool::  Seems like alot of big egos in these private forums, I'd hate to be around when they start eating their own.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 16, 2008, 12:05:53 AM
Tamikosmom posted:
Yap ... do you have information to the contrary.



Janet, actually I do. I would rather not go in to it here. You are welcome to get my email address from Klaas.

Why is it you rather not go into it here?  You brought it up.....Why offer your email through Klaas to Janet?  Is it because she asked?  I just don't get it...and I did read Klaas's post before starting mine.


I never requested Yap's email from Klaas.  Please check with Klaas prior to insinuating.


I think she was responding to Yapperz not you Janet.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on December 16, 2008, 12:06:37 AM
Tamikosmom posted:
Yap ... do you have information to the contrary.



Janet, actually I do. I would rather not go in to it here. You are welcome to get my email address from Klaas.

Why is it you rather not go into it here?  You brought it up.....Why offer your email through Klaas to Janet?  Is it because she asked?  I just don't get it...and I did read Klaas's post before starting mine.


I never requested Yap's email from Klaas.  Please check with Klaas prior to insinuating.


Janet, I was speaking to Yapperz....she offered her email to you through Klaas.  Please read the post and do not accuse me of insinuating.  We do speak the same language. 


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Artcolley on December 16, 2008, 12:08:46 AM
Was that a drive by?  Just come and make posts to shake the cage and leave?   ::MonkeyNoNo::

I was waiting for someone to say something.That is funny.Was that what we consider the first Drive-by post!Drive-by post.Coined by MuffyBee..

I liked Wreck's "put up or shut up".   I was also wondering since some know things we (you and I, the common monkeys) cannot be told, what are we, chopped liver?!

Exactly Muffy.  The rest of us are worthy of discussions that go on in private forums such as Goldmonkey's private area and Chatngrumble  ::MonkeyWink:: ::MonkeyCool::  Seems like alot of big egos in these private forums, I'd hate to be around when they start eating their own.

Some are already chewing,  ::MonkeyTongue::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 16, 2008, 12:10:17 AM
Tamikosmom posted:
Yap ... do you have information to the contrary.



Janet, actually I do. I would rather not go in to it here. You are welcome to get my email address from Klaas.

Why is it you rather not go into it here?  You brought it up.....Why offer your email through Klaas to Janet?  Is it because she asked?  I just don't get it...and I did read Klaas's post before starting mine.


I never requested Yap's email from Klaas.  Please check with Klaas prior to insinuating.


Janet, I was speaking to Yapperz....she offered her email to you through Klaas.  Please read the post and do not accuse me of insinuating.  We do speak the same language. 



Why is it you rather not go into it here?  You brought it up.....Why offer your email through Klaas to Janet?  Is it because she asked?  I just don't get it...and I did read Klaas's post before starting mine.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Edward on December 16, 2008, 12:12:05 AM

Very interesting stuff..

first one: Marlex,
Marlex is a trademarked name for "crystalline polypropylene" and "high-density polyethylene" (HDPE). These plastics were invented by J. Paul Hogan and Robert Banks, two research chemists at the Phillips Petroleum company.

Marlex was used by Wham-O for their Hula Hoops in the 1950s, which helped create a market for this plastic. It is now used surgically as a reinforcing mesh in inguinal hernia repair.

Which is
Same company as Phillip Morris tobacco.

Right Up their ally

The most interesting thing was Josy saying he was Born in Aruba..
Which makes him an Aruban national citizen.
His holding Dutch citizenship is something I wonder about.
Also the amount of books he has written makes him a sort of genius. How Many people write Dictionaries ?
All very interesting

Edward - Many months ago, I spent days researching this in Shango.  It was prompted by something that I had read in the same article that was posted a few pages back saying that many of the Mansurs have maintained their Venezuelan citizenship.  From what I could determine, Jossy most likely has citizenship in three countries.  This enables him to own businesses in all three countries plus the US, where the Mansurs have several businesses in Miami.  Jossy is Aruban by birth and Venezuelan through the citizenship of his parents.  If an individual is born in Aruba and lives there for a specific number of years, that person is also eligible for citizenship in the Netherlands without giving up any other citizenship for which they are eligible.  While I was doing this research, I also learned another tidbit that angers the Arubans.  Dutch citizens living on Aruba are exempt from some of the taxes that Arubans are required to pay.

 ::MonkeyShocked::  Now that's just plain mean right there!  It really does pay to be Dutch in Aruba.

Thank You for that additional info truthseeker.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 16, 2008, 12:12:51 AM
Klaas, I am not trying to be a P.I.T.A. & say I know things others don't or shouldn't know. I just prefer to not stir up the mud again. If Janet wants my email address, you can give it to her.

And why should Janet believe what you say in email?  Sorry but after 3 1/2 years that just doesn't cut it.  Not only that, the topic has really gone away from those photos and in another direction at the moment. I just don't get all the problem.  Either come post a rebuttle to Kermit with backup or don't. 

RIGHT NOW, the embarrassment of the Sloots appears to be making more headway than anything else including what may or may not have been in that trap.

Yeahhhh baby. I'll in for nothing but saying the truth right here in the open.

Then everyone can decide and make up their own minds.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 16, 2008, 12:12:58 AM
Tamikosmom posted:
Yap ... do you have information to the contrary.



Janet, actually I do. I would rather not go in to it here. You are welcome to get my email address from Klaas.

Why is it you rather not go into it here?  You brought it up.....Why offer your email through Klaas to Janet?  Is it because she asked?  I just don't get it...and I did read Klaas's post before starting mine.


I never requested Yap's email from Klaas.  Please check with Klaas prior to insinuating.


Janet, I was speaking to Yapperz....she offered her email to you through Klaas.  Please read the post and do not accuse me of insinuating.  We do speak the same language. 



Why is it you rather not go into it here?  You brought it up..... Why offer your email through Klaas to Janet?  Is it because she asked?  I just don't get it...and I did read Klaas's post before starting mine.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 16, 2008, 12:13:20 AM
I rather be posting with the same people I have been posting with for the past three and a half years than a bunch of traitors.  People are making themselves look foolish and are no longer trustworthy to me and that means a lot in my book. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 16, 2008, 12:13:47 AM
 Artcolley...yep  ::MonkeyCool::  ::MonkeyWink::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on December 16, 2008, 12:14:11 AM
Tamikosmom posted:
Yap ... do you have information to the contrary.



Janet, actually I do. I would rather not go in to it here. You are welcome to get my email address from Klaas.

Why is it you rather not go into it here?  You brought it up.....Why offer your email through Klaas to Janet?  Is it because she asked?  I just don't get it...and I did read Klaas's post before starting mine.


I never requested Yap's email from Klaas.  Please check with Klaas prior to insinuating.


Janet, I was speaking to Yapperz....she offered her email to you through Klaas.  Please read the post and do not accuse me of insinuating.  We do speak the same language. 



Why is it you rather not go into it here?  You brought it up.....Why offer your email through Klaas to Janet?  Is it because she asked?  I just don't get it...and I did read Klaas's post before starting mine.

Janet asked:

Yap ... do you have information to the contrary.



Klaas and others understood what I posted. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 16, 2008, 12:15:01 AM
Was that a drive by?  Just come and make posts to shake the cage and leave?   ::MonkeyNoNo::

I was waiting for someone to say something.That is funny.Was that what we consider the first Drive-by post!Drive-by post.Coined by MuffyBee..

I liked Wreck's "put up or shut up".   I was also wondering since some know things we (you and I, the common monkeys) cannot be told, what are we, chopped liver?!

Exactly Muffy.  The rest of us are worthy of discussions that go on in private forums such as Goldmonkey's private area and Chatngrumble  ::MonkeyWink:: ::MonkeyCool::  Seems like alot of big egos in these private forums, I'd hate to be around when they start eating their own.

Some are already chewing,  ::MonkeyTongue::

Hi Art,

This is for you ((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))).

And for those who know me San doesn't give hugs out easily.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 16, 2008, 12:15:40 AM
This is so cool.  Look at the post cards that can be bought.....
Billy Graham:

It would be kind of hard to take the picture and be in it from a distance at the same time.

I still believe Kermit.

THANK YOU SAN - and you know why you believe me - because I'm TELLING THE TRUTH

from my own personal files

If I HAVE TO PULL OUT MORE PHOTOS of the President's Funeral I can.
BECAUSE I was there up close and personal!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 16, 2008, 12:15:44 AM

Very interesting stuff..

first one: Marlex,
Marlex is a trademarked name for "crystalline polypropylene" and "high-density polyethylene" (HDPE). These plastics were invented by J. Paul Hogan and Robert Banks, two research chemists at the Phillips Petroleum company.

Marlex was used by Wham-O for their Hula Hoops in the 1950s, which helped create a market for this plastic. It is now used surgically as a reinforcing mesh in inguinal hernia repair.

Which is
Same company as Phillip Morris tobacco.

Right Up their ally

The most interesting thing was Josy saying he was Born in Aruba..
Which makes him an Aruban national citizen.
His holding Dutch citizenship is something I wonder about.
Also the amount of books he has written makes him a sort of genius. How Many people write Dictionaries ?
All very interesting

Edward - Many months ago, I spent days researching this in Shango.  It was prompted by something that I had read in the same article that was posted a few pages back saying that many of the Mansurs have maintained their Venezuelan citizenship.  From what I could determine, Jossy most likely has citizenship in three countries.  This enables him to own businesses in all three countries plus the US, where the Mansurs have several businesses in Miami.  Jossy is Aruban by birth and Venezuelan through the citizenship of his parents.  If an individual is born in Aruba and lives there for a specific number of years, that person is also eligible for citizenship in the Netherlands without giving up any other citizenship for which they are eligible.  While I was doing this research, I also learned another tidbit that angers the Arubans.  Dutch citizens living on Aruba are exempt from some of the taxes that Arubans are required to pay.

 ::MonkeyShocked::  Now that's just plain mean right there!  It really does pay to be Dutch in Aruba.

Thank You for that additional info truthseeker.

You're welcome.  I have found a few more sights with references to the same stuff.  Every once in a while I will translate asight that has something a little different, but nothing significant so far.

Digging around on those cached sites that are not in English takes me a little longer.  hehe

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 16, 2008, 12:15:53 AM
I rather be posting with the same people I have been posting with for the past three and a half years than a bunch of traitors.  People are making themselves look foolish and are no longer trustworthy to me and that means a lot in my book. 
I agree (both times)!!  ::MonkeyWink::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 16, 2008, 12:16:16 AM
Klaas, I am not trying to be a P.I.T.A. & say I know things others don't or shouldn't know. I just prefer to not stir up the mud again. If Janet wants my email address, you can give it to her.

And why should Janet believe what you say in email?  Sorry but after 3 1/2 years that just doesn't cut it.  Not only that, the topic has really gone away from those photos and in another direction at the moment. I just don't get all the problem.  Either come post a rebuttle to Kermit with backup or don't. 

RIGHT NOW, the embarrassment of the Sloots appears to be making more headway than anything else including what may or may not have been in that trap.

Yeahhhh baby. I'll in for nothing but saying the truth right here in the open.

Then everyone can decide and make up their own minds.

That's what I like to hear!    ::MonkeyDance::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 16, 2008, 12:17:08 AM
Janet - 2NJ was asking why Yapperz couldn't just share info out in the open and why SHE was asking me to give you her email addy. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Artcolley on December 16, 2008, 12:18:07 AM
Was that a drive by?  Just come and make posts to shake the cage and leave?   ::MonkeyNoNo::

I was waiting for someone to say something.That is funny.Was that what we consider the first Drive-by post!Drive-by post.Coined by MuffyBee..

I liked Wreck's "put up or shut up".   I was also wondering since some know things we (you and I, the common monkeys) cannot be told, what are we, chopped liver?!

Exactly Muffy.  The rest of us are worthy of discussions that go on in private forums such as Goldmonkey's private area and Chatngrumble  ::MonkeyWink:: ::MonkeyCool::  Seems like alot of big egos in these private forums, I'd hate to be around when they start eating their own.

Some are already chewing,  ::MonkeyTongue::

Hi Art,

This is for you ((((((((((((HUGS))))))))))))))).

And for those who know me San doesn't give hugs out easily.

SAn, Here is a HUGE (((((( HUG)))))))))) Right back Atcha!!!!!!!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MuffyBee on December 16, 2008, 12:18:18 AM
Kermit~  You shouldn't have to prove who you are in real life for the sake of credibility. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 16, 2008, 12:19:49 AM
I don't need any personal information!  I believe you!   ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 16, 2008, 12:21:02 AM
Kermit~  You shouldn't have to prove who you are in real life for the sake of credibility. 

Nor do i.What i do want is the other Monkey's who have concerns to answer and back it up with facts.Am i asking to much????

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 16, 2008, 12:21:20 AM
This is so cool.  Look at the post cards that can be bought.....
Billy Graham:

It would be kind of hard to take the picture and be in it from a distance at the same time.

I still believe Kermit.

THANK YOU SAN - and you know why you believe me - because I'm TELLING THE TRUTH

from my own personal files

If I HAVE TO PULL OUT MORE PHOTOS of the President's Funeral I can.
BECAUSE I was there up close and personal!

I actually remember you posting this pic many many months back (I thought you were revealing your "occupation" back then as well) (I didn't know you were female though  ::MonkeyWink::  )

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 16, 2008, 12:21:40 AM
Janet - 2NJ was asking why Yapperz couldn't just share info out in the open and why SHE was asking me to give you her email addy. 

Klaas ... I am so troubled.

Yap ... has been a Monkey forever.  She has always been on the side of justice for Natalee Holloway.  Monkeys have upheld her in prayer at least a couple of times while she was enduring storms in his life.

What is happening???  There is something that I am not understanding.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 16, 2008, 12:21:59 AM
This is so cool.  Look at the post cards that can be bought.....
Billy Graham:

It would be kind of hard to take the picture and be in it from a distance at the same time.

I still believe Kermit.

THANK YOU SAN - and you know why you believe me - because I'm TELLING THE TRUTH

from my own personal files

If I HAVE TO PULL OUT MORE PHOTOS of the President's Funeral I can.
BECAUSE I was there up close and personal!

Kermit you don' have to pull out any photos.  If certain people don't believe you than tough.  You have nothing to prove to them.  They are doing this to draw you out.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Ono on December 16, 2008, 12:22:02 AM
Hey Janet!  I know...was just repeating what Greta said for public consumption tonight regarding Rudy Croes...  The demand for investigative answers said '' in high dudgeon " spiel coming forth from Aruba has been going on for a very long  I'll be surprised if anything comes out of this latest bru-ha-ha via Rudy's just a constant merry go round....  At least it's still being discussed by Greta.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 16, 2008, 12:23:33 AM
Kermit!!!  Yeah!

Can you help me with something, please?

I have been trying to find out what happened to a certain person who was arrested in Aruba some time ago.

Senior officials of Seagram, Diageo and Pernod Ricard traveled to Aruba to meet face to face with acquaintances and 'dangerous' criminals, as the prosecution said, as Samuel Santander Lopesierra, Alfonso Fuminaya, Randolf Habib, David Cybul and Jose Lopesierra with to discuss their trade in sale of liquor, even at the risk of being arrested for the proceedings.

I know where the others ended up, but what ever became of David Cybul?*:IE-Address%26rlz%3D1I7GPEA_enUS303

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Edward on December 16, 2008, 12:25:13 AM
Well there is only one thing Bill C. was ever after.
He left the evidence.. ::MonkeyWink::

Night everyone.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 16, 2008, 12:25:32 AM
I rather be posting with the same people I have been posting with for the past three and a half years than a bunch of traitors.  People are making themselves look foolish and are no longer trustworthy to me and that means a lot in my book. 
I agree (both times)!!  ::MonkeyWink::

Thanks for the catch Wreck  ::MonkeyHaHa::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 16, 2008, 12:25:44 AM
Kermit~  You shouldn't have to prove who you are in real life for the sake of credibility. 

No I should not.

Maybe those women would like to come back and test my integrity.
I'm more then willing to help everyone understand EVERYTHING.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on December 16, 2008, 12:26:05 AM
Janet - 2NJ was asking why Yapperz couldn't just share info out in the open and why SHE was asking me to give you her email addy. 

Klaas ... I am so troubled.

Yap ... has been a Monkey forever.  She has always been on the side of justice for Natalee Holloway.  Monkeys have upheld her in prayer at least a couple of times while she was enduring storms in his life.

What is happening???  There is something that I am not understanding.


Why did Yapperz come in here saying she had info and was not willing to share it here, but did offer to perhaps share with you if Klaas was willing to send her your email address?  You asked and Yapperz was open to sharing with you. 

It's okay, btw, that you did not understand my post and I forgive you for saying I was insinuating something that I really didn't say. 

Changed 'email' to 'post'

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 16, 2008, 12:27:07 AM
Kermit!!!  Yeah!

Can you help me with something, please?

I have been trying to find out what happened to a certain person who was arrested in Aruba some time ago.

Senior officials of Seagram, Diageo and Pernod Ricard traveled to Aruba to meet face to face with acquaintances and 'dangerous' criminals, as the prosecution said, as Samuel Santander Lopesierra, Alfonso Fuminaya, Randolf Habib, David Cybul and Jose Lopesierra with to discuss their trade in sale of liquor, even at the risk of being arrested for the proceedings.

I know where the others ended up, but what ever became of David Cybul?*:IE-Address%26rlz%3D1I7GPEA_enUS303

I honestly do not know.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on December 16, 2008, 12:28:14 AM
I rather be posting with the same people I have been posting with for the past three and a half years than a bunch of traitors.  People are making themselves look foolish and are no longer trustworthy to me and that means a lot in my book. 
I agree (both times)!!  ::MonkeyWink::

Thanks for the catch Wreck  ::MonkeyHaHa::

 ::MonkeyHaHa::  I noticed but thought San was using a new form of being emphatic about something. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 16, 2008, 12:28:33 AM
I don't need any personal information!  I believe you!   ::MonkeyCool::

Thank you texasmom.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 16, 2008, 12:28:41 AM
Kermit!!!  Yeah!

Can you help me with something, please?

I have been trying to find out what happened to a certain person who was arrested in Aruba some time ago.

Senior officials of Seagram, Diageo and Pernod Ricard traveled to Aruba to meet face to face with acquaintances and 'dangerous' criminals, as the prosecution said, as Samuel Santander Lopesierra, Alfonso Fuminaya, Randolf Habib, David Cybul and Jose Lopesierra with to discuss their trade in sale of liquor, even at the risk of being arrested for the proceedings.

I know where the others ended up, but what ever became of David Cybul?*:IE-Address%26rlz%3D1I7GPEA_enUS303

I honestly do not know.

Okay, I'll keep diggin'.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 16, 2008, 12:29:19 AM
Janet - 2NJ was asking why Yapperz couldn't just share info out in the open and why SHE was asking me to give you her email addy. 

Klaas ... I am so troubled.

Yap ... has been a Monkey forever.  She has always been on the side of justice for Natalee Holloway.  Monkeys have upheld her in prayer at least a couple of times while she was enduring storms in his life.

What is happening???  There is something that I am not understanding.


Some people think they are special I guess and post in private forums.  People that have left here and only occasionally post at SM or have been banned here.  Now there is a new forum that I have heard Destiny and ******* are in charge of.  I can only guess that Yapperz is getting information in either a private forum or via email and she feels a need to disagree with Kermit.  Unfortunately for everyone who is disagreeing with Kermit, only Kermit has had the balls to post with backup. 

So my answer is, put up or shut up.  It's been 3 1/2 years and I for one are sick of secrets and secret forums.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 16, 2008, 12:29:25 AM
I rather be posting with the same people I have been posting with for the past three and a half years than a bunch of traitors.  People are making themselves look foolish and are no longer trustworthy to me and that means a lot in my book. 
I agree (both times)!!  ::MonkeyWink::

Thanks for the catch Wreck  ::Monkeys::
(and your sig line is appropriate again tonight)  ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 16, 2008, 12:29:53 AM
Kermit~  You shouldn't have to prove who you are in real life for the sake of credibility. 

No I should not.

Maybe those women would like to come back and test my integrity.
I'm more then willing to help everyone understand EVERYTHING.

I'm trusting enough flies,as well as comfortable seating on a lily-pad will suffice for the telling of the TRUTH when Kermit is ready to reveal! ::MonkeyDance::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: snoopy on December 16, 2008, 12:30:35 AM
I believe you Kermit for what it's worth.  I lost a lot of credibility last week trying to help a friend see that she was being mis-lead.  She didn't get it, and that won't happen to me again.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 16, 2008, 12:31:26 AM
I rather be posting with the same people I have been posting with for the past three and a half years than a bunch of traitors.  People are making themselves look foolish and are no longer trustworthy to me and that means a lot in my book. 
I agree (both times)!!  ::MonkeyWink::

Thanks for the catch Wreck  ::Monkeys::
(and your sig line is appropriate again tonight)  ::MonkeyCool::

Ain't that the truth!    ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 16, 2008, 12:31:31 AM
This is so cool.  Look at the post cards that can be bought.....
Billy Graham:

It would be kind of hard to take the picture and be in it from a distance at the same time.

I still believe Kermit.

THANK YOU SAN - and you know why you believe me - because I'm TELLING THE TRUTH

from my own personal files

If I HAVE TO PULL OUT MORE PHOTOS of the President's Funeral I can.
BECAUSE I was there up close and personal!

Kermit you don' have to pull out any photos.  If certain people don't believe you than tough.  You have nothing to prove to them.  They are doing this to draw you out.

I know they want to discredit what I have told you so they can keep their game plan.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 16, 2008, 12:32:38 AM
Hey Janet!  I know...was just repeating what Greta said for public consumption tonight regarding Rudy Croes...  The demand for investigative answers said '' in high dudgeon " spiel coming forth from Aruba has been going on for a very long  I'll be surprised if anything comes out of this latest bru-ha-ha via Rudy's just a constant merry go round....  At least it's still being discussed by Greta.

Ono ... I agree and ... I am thankful.  However ... I believe that the topic of the cage/trap would be a better topic of discussion.


Why is the topic of the cage/trap not out there??  Why is the John Q. Kelly not exposing this revelation??  Why is John Q. Kelly not publicly demanding answers??

I wish I knew the entire story.  It seems there are secrets on and off the forum in regards to the contents of the trap/cage ... in regards to the dynamics encompassing the John S/ALE connection.




Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 16, 2008, 12:33:17 AM
I believe you Kermit for what it's worth.  I lost a lot of credibility last week trying to help a friend see that she was being mis-lead.  She didn't get it, and that won't happen to me again.

I felt at that time, that you were trying to be a good person and that prompted me to not say anything to you.
But you were being mis-lead.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: snoopy on December 16, 2008, 12:33:20 AM
Janet - 2NJ was asking why Yapperz couldn't just share info out in the open and why SHE was asking me to give you her email addy. 

Klaas ... I am so troubled.

Yap ... has been a Monkey forever.  She has always been on the side of justice for Natalee Holloway.  Monkeys have upheld her in prayer at least a couple of times while she was enduring storms in his life.

What is happening???  There is something that I am not understanding.


I don't understand it either Janet.  It's hurtful, and disheartning.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Ono on December 16, 2008, 12:33:24 AM
I rather be posting with the same people I have been posting with for the past three and a half years than a bunch of traitors.  People are making themselves look foolish and are no longer trustworthy to me and that means a lot in my book. 
I agree (both times)!!  ::MonkeyWink::

Thanks for the catch Wreck  ::MonkeyHaHa::

I saw it too... ::MonkeyHaHa::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MuffyBee on December 16, 2008, 12:33:28 AM
I believe you Kermit for what it's worth.  I lost a lot of credibility last week trying to help a friend see that she was being mis-lead.  She didn't get it, and that won't happen to me again.

Snoop ~  I know you were trying to help get it sorted out.  You're still okay with me.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 16, 2008, 12:34:14 AM
Kermit.We as Monkey's have been talking about the Mansur family and should they know what transpired do to their apparent status on the island.Are we being unfair?Is this worth more questions?TIA

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 16, 2008, 12:35:11 AM
Kermit~  You shouldn't have to prove who you are in real life for the sake of credibility. 

No I should not.

Maybe those women would like to come back and test my integrity.
I'm more then willing to help everyone understand EVERYTHING.

I'm trusting enough flies,as well as comfortable seating on a lily-pad will suffice for the telling of the TRUTH when Kermit is ready to reveal! ::MonkeyDance::

Yeah, flies are good source of protein.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 16, 2008, 12:35:37 AM
I rather be posting with the same people I have been posting with for the past three and a half years than a bunch of traitors.  People are making themselves look foolish and are no longer trustworthy to me and that means a lot in my book. 
I agree (both times)!!  ::MonkeyWink::

Thanks for the catch Wreck  ::MonkeyHaHa::

 ::MonkeyHaHa::  I noticed but thought San was using a new form of being emphatic about something. 

Sometimes when I post I write it in word first and copy and paste it and I pasted it twice.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 16, 2008, 12:36:26 AM
This is so cool.  Look at the post cards that can be bought.....
Billy Graham:

It would be kind of hard to take the picture and be in it from a distance at the same time.

I still believe Kermit.

THANK YOU SAN - and you know why you believe me - because I'm TELLING THE TRUTH

from my own personal files

If I HAVE TO PULL OUT MORE PHOTOS of the President's Funeral I can.
BECAUSE I was there up close and personal!

Kermit you don' have to pull out any photos.  If certain people don't believe you than tough.  You have nothing to prove to them.  They are doing this to draw you out.

I know they want to discredit what I have told you so they can keep their game plan.

Why the need to have game going?  Why can't people just look at it and decide for themselves what they believe and respect others who may feel differently about it?

3 1/2 years, h#ll, I've been with this that long too and I didn't get invited to join any private sites.  Should my feelings be hurt? 

I have no issues with what you posted from that site.  I just can't stop thinking about those divers giving a thumbs down and the possiblity that someone's remains were in that cage.  Boggles the mind.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: snoopy on December 16, 2008, 12:36:36 AM
Kermit please don't give out too much personal information.  We don't need to know.  I will say daddy was a personal guard to President Truman.  Only the best of the best serve in that capacity. ::MonkeyWink::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 16, 2008, 12:36:38 AM
Kermit.We as Monkey's have been talking about the Mansur family and should they know what transpired do to their apparent status on the island.Are we being unfair?Is this worth more questions?TIA

I question everything - everyone - everything.
Agenda, personal gain etc is important to know.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on December 16, 2008, 12:36:47 AM
Kermit, their game plan has a hole in it....ribbit

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 16, 2008, 12:37:02 AM
I believe you Kermit for what it's worth.  I lost a lot of credibility last week trying to help a friend see that she was being mis-lead.  She didn't get it, and that won't happen to me again.

You were only trying to help Snoopy, I know that.  And that's a good thing!  ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MuffyBee on December 16, 2008, 12:37:24 AM
I rather be posting with the same people I have been posting with for the past three and a half years than a bunch of traitors.  People are making themselves look foolish and are no longer trustworthy to me and that means a lot in my book. 
I agree (both times)!!  ::MonkeyWink::

Thanks for the catch Wreck  ::MonkeyHaHa::

 ::MonkeyHaHa::  I noticed but thought San was using a new form of being emphatic about something. 

Sometimes when I post I write it in word first and copy and paste it and I pasted it twice.

I saw it too, but I wasn't sayin' nuthin'!  I wouldn't want San comin' after me... :smt066 :smt070 :smt068  She can be skeery....

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 16, 2008, 12:37:52 AM
I believe you Kermit for what it's worth.  I lost a lot of credibility last week trying to help a friend see that she was being mis-lead.  She didn't get it, and that won't happen to me again.

Because you are one smart Monkey Snoopy.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 16, 2008, 12:38:44 AM
Janet - 2NJ was asking why Yapperz couldn't just share info out in the open and why SHE was asking me to give you her email addy. 

Klaas ... I am so troubled.

Yap ... has been a Monkey forever.  She has always been on the side of justice for Natalee Holloway.  Monkeys have upheld her in prayer at least a couple of times while she was enduring storms in his life.

What is happening???  There is something that I am not understanding.


Some people think they are special I guess and post in private forums.  People that have left here and only occasionally post at SM or have been banned here.  Now there is a new forum that I have heard Destiny and ******* are in charge of.  I can only guess that Yapperz is getting information in either a private forum or via email and she feels a need to disagree with Kermit.  Unfortunately for everyone who is disagreeing with Kermit, only Kermit has had the balls to post with backup. 

So my answer is, put up or shut up.  It's been 3 1/2 years and I for one are sick of secrets and secret forums.

Good guess.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 16, 2008, 12:39:25 AM
I believe you Kermit for what it's worth.  I lost a lot of credibility last week trying to help a friend see that she was being mis-lead.  She didn't get it, and that won't happen to me again.

Hi snoppy.  I have been thinking about you and your hubby.  How is is your beloved pet.  Is he comfortable.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 16, 2008, 12:40:26 AM
Kermit, their game plan has a hole in it....ribbit

Yes, but what they also fail to understand is the damage they have done by what they think they believe.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: snoopy on December 16, 2008, 12:40:51 AM
I believe you Kermit for what it's worth.  I lost a lot of credibility last week trying to help a friend see that she was being mis-lead.  She didn't get it, and that won't happen to me again.

I felt at that time, that you were trying to be a good person and that prompted me to not say anything to you.
But you were being mis-lead.

Thank you.  I sure wish everyone else understood that.  I can tell you that I for one am tired of setting back and saying nothing.  It won't happen again.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Ono on December 16, 2008, 12:40:59 AM
Janet:   I so agree with you.  Greta was very tepid tonight...I fear it's tapering off again, but I have faith in JQK's determination to keep grinding away.   It's just such a shame  that to deal with Aruba outsiders feel as though they have to walk on eggshells all the time.  But that's the way the cookie crumbles it seems with Aruba's affairs.......someday the the jig will be up, however.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 16, 2008, 12:43:14 AM
Kermit, their game plan has a hole in it....ribbit

Yes, but what they also fail to understand is the damage they have done by what they think they believe.

What is the most effective way to get more attention to the Persistence,as well as what transpired on the Persistence Kermit?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on December 16, 2008, 12:44:01 AM
Kermit, their game plan has a hole in it....ribbit

Yes, but what they also fail to understand is the damage they have done by what they think they believe.

Can that damage be repaired? 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 16, 2008, 12:44:34 AM
Hey Janet!  I know...was just repeating what Greta said for public consumption tonight regarding Rudy Croes...  The demand for investigative answers said '' in high dudgeon " spiel coming forth from Aruba has been going on for a very long  I'll be surprised if anything comes out of this latest bru-ha-ha via Rudy's just a constant merry go round....  At least it's still being discussed by Greta.

Ono ... I agree and ... I am thankful.  However ... I believe that the topic of the cage/trap would be a better topic of discussion.


Why is the topic of the cage/trap not out there??  Why is the John Q. Kelly not exposing this revelation??  Why is John Q. Kelly not publicly demanding answers??

I wish I knew the entire story.  It seems there are secrets on and off the forum in regards to the contents of the trap/cage ... in regards to the dynamics encompassing the John S/ALE connection.




Good observation!

Why would a professional go to some boat guys if he had evidence of a crime?
Answer: ohh, they were skeewerd for their life!
Question: Why then, knowing you are a professional, would you not seek the proper authorities in which you had access too?
Answer: ohh, I was so skeewered I was crying!
Question: Why isn't the focus on the trap where remains was found? Blue material, blue tarp and a skull!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 16, 2008, 12:45:36 AM
Kermit, their game plan has a hole in it....ribbit

Yes, but what they also fail to understand is the damage they have done by what they think they believe.

Can that damage be repaired? 

I have been trying.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MuffyBee on December 16, 2008, 12:46:55 AM
Kermit said:

Good observation!

Why would a professional go to some boat guys if he had evidence of a crime?
Answer: ohh, they were skeewerd for their life!
Question: Why then, knowing you are a professional, would you not seek the proper authorities in which you had access too?
Answer: ohh, I was so skeewered I was crying!
Question: Why isn't the focus on the trap where remains was found? Blue material, blue tarp and a skull!

Is it follow the money?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 16, 2008, 12:47:31 AM
Kermit, their game plan has a hole in it....ribbit

Yes, but what they also fail to understand is the damage they have done by what they think they believe.

What is the most effective way to get more attention to the Persistence,as well as what transpired on the Persistence Kermit?

We need a demand for accountability.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 16, 2008, 12:48:08 AM
Hi Kermit.

At my request ... Mr. Tamikosmom has dug a new pond at the back of the property.  It is heated and ... has room for Miss Piggy.

However ... there is a catch.  Prior to indulging ... you are required to share with the forum what you referred to last week in a post as "more information".



Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 16, 2008, 12:49:25 AM
Kermit, their game plan has a hole in it....ribbit

Yes, but what they also fail to understand is the damage they have done by what they think they believe.

What is the most effective way to get more attention to the Persistence,as well as what transpired on the Persistence Kermit?

We need a demand for accountability.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 16, 2008, 12:49:54 AM
Kermit said:

Good observation!

Why would a professional go to some boat guys if he had evidence of a crime?
Answer: ohh, they were skeewerd for their life!
Question: Why then, knowing you are a professional, would you not seek the proper authorities in which you had access too?
Answer: ohh, I was so skeewered I was crying!
Question: Why isn't the focus on the trap where remains was found? Blue material, blue tarp and a skull!

Is it follow the money?

The bottom line of Aruba is about following the money and money laundering, mafia and all that.
But what you also have going on is the cover-up.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 16, 2008, 12:49:55 AM
Kermit, their game plan has a hole in it....ribbit

Yes, but what they also fail to understand is the damage they have done by what they think they believe.

What is the most effective way to get more attention to the Persistence,as well as what transpired on the Persistence Kermit?

We need a demand for accountability.

To whom do i demand from?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 16, 2008, 12:51:01 AM
Hi Kermit.

At my request ... Mr. Tamikosmom has dug a new pond at the back of the property.  It is heated and ... has room for Miss Piggy.

However ... there is a catch.  Prior to indulging ... you are required to share with the forum what you referred to last week in a post as "more information".



I will. Be patient.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 16, 2008, 12:51:39 AM
Kermit - How do Beth and Dave feel about the situation involving the cage photographs?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 16, 2008, 12:52:46 AM
Kermit please don't give out too much personal information.  We don't need to know.  I will say daddy was a personal guard to President Truman.  Only the best of the best serve in that capacity. ::MonkeyWink::

What an honor!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: snoopy on December 16, 2008, 12:54:36 AM

Thank you muffy, texasmom, San and Janet.  I was raised that your good name is everything.  That is why so many times I quoted Proverbs 22:1  A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver or gold. 

It means so much to me that I had it engraved on my daddys headstone along with loving daddy, husband, son and faithful servant of God.

If you don't have a good name then you have nothing.

I want the truth.

I want justice.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 16, 2008, 12:54:42 AM
Kermit - How do Beth and Dave feel about the situation involving the cage photographs?

If I do not have to, I don't want to get into what they feel, say etc.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 16, 2008, 12:57:12 AM
Kermit - How do Beth and Dave feel about the situation involving the cage photographs?

If I do not have to, I don't want to get into what they feel, say etc.

Kermit.Do we have a definitive year that The VDS family arrived in Aruba,as well as what was the position Paulus was given upon his arrival and by whom?TIA

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 16, 2008, 12:57:56 AM

Thank you muffy, texasmom, San and Janet.  I was raised that your good name is everything.  That is why so many times I quoted Proverbs 22:1  A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver or gold. 

It means so much to me that I had it engraved on my daddys headstone along with loving daddy, husband, son and faithful servant of God.

If you don't have a good name then you have nothing.

I want the truth.

I want justice.

I love this line.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on December 16, 2008, 12:58:17 AM

Thank you muffy, texasmom, San and Janet.  I was raised that your good name is everything.  That is why so many times I quoted Proverbs 22:1  A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches, and loving favour rather than silver or gold. 

It means so much to me that I had it engraved on my daddys headstone along with loving daddy, husband, son and faithful servant of God.

If you don't have a good name then you have nothing.

I want the truth.

I want justice.

I was raised the same way, Snoopy.  I also want the truth & justice.  You're a good dawg.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 16, 2008, 12:58:56 AM
Kermit said:

Good observation!

Why would a professional go to some boat guys if he had evidence of a crime?
Answer: ohh, they were skeewerd for their life!
Question: Why then, knowing you are a professional, would you not seek the proper authorities in which you had access too?
Answer: ohh, I was so skeewered I was crying!
Question: Why isn't the focus on the trap where remains was found? Blue material, blue tarp and a skull!

Is it follow the money?

The bottom line of Aruba is about following the money and money laundering, mafia and all that.
But what you also have going on is the cover-up.

Exactly.  But, a cover up of this magnitude for this lengh of time should not be for Joran. Is Paulus that influential?  Taco says he is a simpleton.  hehe

What part would the kingpins have to play this?  The disappearance?  The cover-up?  Or both?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 16, 2008, 01:01:15 AM
You're welcome Snoopy.  And I believe as you do.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 16, 2008, 01:01:57 AM
Another person we've been discussing is  Mr.Riverol.Worth more questions and,or discussion!

Who was the refinery sold to not long ago?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 16, 2008, 01:04:11 AM
Another person we've been discussing is  Mr.Riverol.Worth more questions and,or discussion!

Who was the refinery sold to not long ago?

A company from Brazil, wasn't it?  Petrobras.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 16, 2008, 01:04:35 AM
Kermit, a little snack to keep you going...  ::MonkeyWink::


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: snoopy on December 16, 2008, 01:04:37 AM
Tylergals theory has always haunted me that Natalee was taken to a part at the Holiday Inn, and a film was made.  Posner prolly wouldn't have been too happy if that was exposed.

And there was a post by "rubby" made on or around July 27th 2005 that said something to the affect "what is so important about a bloody shoe" that is always in the back of my mind. This poster said that a film was made of Natalee , and that Juron killed her during the making of that film.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 16, 2008, 01:05:02 AM
Hi Kermit.

At my request ... Mr. Tamikosmom has dug a new pond at the back of the property.  It is heated and ... has room for Miss Piggy.

However ... there is a catch.  Prior to indulging ... you are required to share with the forum what you referred to last week in a post as "more information".



I will. Be patient.

Kermit ... since when have you known me to be patient.

I want to proceed on a journey to expose the sham encompassing the Persistence undertaking  but ... all the roads go nowhere.



Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 16, 2008, 01:07:12 AM
Tylergals theory has always haunted me that Natalee was taken to a part at the Holiday Inn, and a film was made.  Posner prolly wouldn't have been too happy if that was exposed.

And there was a post by "rubby" made on or around July 27th 2005 that said something to the affect "what is so important about a bloody shoe" that is always in the back of my mind. This poster said that a film was made of Natalee , and that Juron killed her during the making of that film.

Tyler always believed that Joran kicked her.

I agree about the film being made too.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 16, 2008, 01:08:08 AM
Kermit - How do Beth and Dave feel about the situation involving the cage photographs?

If I do not have to, I don't want to get into what they feel, say etc.

Kermit.Do we have a definitive year that The VDS family arrived in Aruba,as well as what was the position Paulus was given upon his arrival and by whom?TIA

1970s - Paulus went to University of Tiburg
He became an attorney and assisted citizens who had conflicts with gov't in Arnhem.
1973 - 1993 found against construction of a motorway that was to go partly over the van der sloot estate.
In 1978 his dad at the time worked at the social legal aid office in Arnhem
page 1 Joran's book

 In 1990 Paul van der Sloot was offered a job at the "Central Bureau of Legal and General Affairs on Aruba.

RVD, 20.12.2002

Meer informatie
Benoemingen Gemeenschappelijk Hof van Justitie van de Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba
Persbericht | 20-12-2002 | PDF document, 5 Kb

i cut the link in half so it would not blow the margins. you wanna see it, put it back together.
The lord Mr. P.A.P.J. of of the ditch (50) is proposed for appointment to deputy member of the common Court of Justice of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. The lord of of the ditch is now operative as a principal private secretary at the Procurator-General of Aruba. The appointment discusses 1 January 2003 for a period of three years.

Paulus van der Sloot and Oduber both got their education at Tilburg University.

“ in 1990 Paul van der Sloot was offered a job at the "Central Bureau of Legal and General Affairs on Aruba.” (Chapter 1 of Joran's book: Island boy)

In Aruba Paulus goes to work as an attorney for the Government for 5 yrs for Aruba gov't as an attorney
PvdS when he worked at the GEA, reported to Director Hubert Maduro.

member of Aruba's Council of State Hubert Maduro

sometime during 1994 Paulus switches jobs

Lastly, it is believed that Paulus Van der Sloot participated on a panel which agreed to extradite two relatives of the Mansurs to the US under serious charges some years back rous_conservative/2005/06/joran_van_der_s.html

More and more the name Mansur turns up in money laundering cases. Alex and Eric Mansur were indicted in Puerto Rico in August 1994

1995 - Paulus became cabinets leader for the public ministry and gave classes of Administrative Law at the local university.

1996 Zwinkels is fired from the Attorney General job

1997-1997 - Zwinkels left after a 2 yr battle with the Aruban gov't (they accused him of stealing drug money)
van Daalen became procureur general of Aruba in 1997 after procureur general Jan van Zwinkels was fired in 1996 by Aruba

2003 – January 2 – Paulus starts his judge-in-training and was said to of heard some cases.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on December 16, 2008, 01:08:40 AM
Another person we've been discussing is  Mr.Riverol.Worth more questions and,or discussion!

Who was the refinery sold to not long ago?

A company from Brazil, wasn't it?  Petrobras.

I thought that fell through or something...would have to research, again.....not happening tonight.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 16, 2008, 01:08:51 AM
Hi Kermit.

At my request ... Mr. Tamikosmom has dug a new pond at the back of the property.  It is heated and ... has room for Miss Piggy.

However ... there is a catch.  Prior to indulging ... you are required to share with the forum what you referred to last week in a post as "more information".



I will. Be patient.

Kermit ... since when have you known me to be patient.

I want to proceed on a journey to expose the sham encompassing the Persistence undertaking  but ... all the roads go nowhere.



Hopefully it will make some progress soon.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 16, 2008, 01:09:36 AM
Kermit, a little snack to keep you going...  ::MonkeyWink::


yum ribbit.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 16, 2008, 01:10:50 AM
I'm taking off.
Have a good night monkeys.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: snoopy on December 16, 2008, 01:11:49 AM

Good night Kermit.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: caesu on December 16, 2008, 01:11:57 AM
Greta had JQK on the show.  JQK plans on being in Aruba the first of January to make sure they have all Greta's information and to make sure they do what they say their going to do.  Said there needs to be transparency.

i hope he hooks up with Brinkman. he is there on January 2nd or a few days after.
but Greta knows this so i almost sure they've already planned something.

Brinkman will sir things up, they won't like to see him coming after calling Aruba 'corrupt as hell' on FOX.
if this gets more media attention even better.

it's going to be very awkward anyway, Croes left the Round Table Conference accusing the Dutch of a 'colonial attitude'.
Bijleveld and Hirsch Ballin were also there, sure he didn't want to meet them as he was called to investigate Jan van der Straten a few days before.

but he is saying he didn't start this investigation because Bijleveld told him to.
that's mindboggling because he knew for 3.5 years that Jan van der Straten obstructed the investigation.

but he spoke out about this in that interview because Jan van der Straten was criticizing the Coast Guard.
did he already start or plan the investigation by then or was it a response to the criticism by Jan van der Straten?
or wasn't he planning the investigation but did he do this after Bijleveld asked him to but he doesn't want to say this.

or is it al B.S. again.
so the media and politicians better keep the pressure on Croes about how it is going with the investigation.

still don't know who is actually doing the investigation.
but internal investigation are done by the Landsrecherche, headed by a public prosecutor...

this Aruban politician, Armand Hessels is also talking a lot about Rudy Croes/Jan van Straten/Paul van der Sloot.
not sure what he wants, but i guess that he wants Croes to resign or a parlamentairy inquire.
his party has only 1 seat in the Aruban Parliament.

"Cu e declarashon aki e ministro ta duna su mes e puñal mortal."
does this translate: "Such a declaration done by a Minister is a mortal sin" ?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 16, 2008, 01:12:08 AM
I'm taking off.
Have a good night monkeys.

goodnight Kermit!   ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 16, 2008, 01:12:47 AM
Kermit ... Mr. Tamikosmom just finished installing little electric lanterns all around that heated pool.


10:15 PM PT

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 16, 2008, 01:13:52 AM
Kermit - How do Beth and Dave feel about the situation involving the cage photographs?

If I do not have to, I don't want to get into what they feel, say etc.

Kermit.Do we have a definitive year that The VDS family arrived in Aruba,as well as what was the position Paulus was given upon his arrival and by whom?TIA

1970s - Paulus went to University of Tiburg
He became an attorney and assisted citizens who had conflicts with gov't in Arnhem.
1973 - 1993 found against construction of a motorway that was to go partly over the van der sloot estate.
In 1978 his dad at the time worked at the social legal aid office in Arnhem
page 1 Joran's book

 In 1990 Paul van der Sloot was offered a job at the "Central Bureau of Legal and General Affairs on Aruba.

RVD, 20.12.2002

Meer informatie
Benoemingen Gemeenschappelijk Hof van Justitie van de Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba
Persbericht | 20-12-2002 | PDF document, 5 Kb

i cut the link in half so it would not blow the margins. you wanna see it, put it back together.
The lord Mr. P.A.P.J. of of the ditch (50) is proposed for appointment to deputy member of the common Court of Justice of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. The lord of of the ditch is now operative as a principal private secretary at the Procurator-General of Aruba. The appointment discusses 1 January 2003 for a period of three years.

Paulus van der Sloot and Oduber both got their education at Tilburg University.

“ in 1990 Paul van der Sloot was offered a job at the "Central Bureau of Legal and General Affairs on Aruba.” (Chapter 1 of Joran's book: Island boy)

In Aruba Paulus goes to work as an attorney for the Government for 5 yrs for Aruba gov't as an attorney
PvdS when he worked at the GEA, reported to Director Hubert Maduro.

member of Aruba's Council of State Hubert Maduro

sometime during 1994 Paulus switches jobs

Lastly, it is believed that Paulus Van der Sloot participated on a panel which agreed to extradite two relatives of the Mansurs to the US under serious charges some years back rous_conservative/2005/06/joran_van_der_s.html

More and more the name Mansur turns up in money laundering cases. Alex and Eric Mansur were indicted in Puerto Rico in August 1994

1995 - Paulus became cabinets leader for the public ministry and gave classes of Administrative Law at the local university.

1996 Zwinkels is fired from the Attorney General job

1997-1997 - Zwinkels left after a 2 yr battle with the Aruban gov't (they accused him of stealing drug money)
van Daalen became procureur general of Aruba in 1997 after procureur general Jan van Zwinkels was fired in 1996 by Aruba

2003 – January 2 – Paulus starts his judge-in-training and was said to of heard some cases.

Interesting.Didn't know that.To take on the Mansur family Paulus must have someone serious behind him.JMOO.One would think Jossy,as well as the Mansur family is enjoying watching the SLOW destruction of their family??

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 16, 2008, 01:14:01 AM
Another person we've been discussing is  Mr.Riverol.Worth more questions and,or discussion!

Who was the refinery sold to not long ago?

A company from Brazil, wasn't it?  Petrobras.

I thought that fell through or something...would have to research, again.....not happening tonight.

Don't know.  I saw a blurb on it last week while looking for something else.  Something about Petrobras backing off after a fire at the refinery.  Now that the refinery has been repaired they were thought to be closing the deal.  I'll see if I can find it again and post it for you.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 16, 2008, 01:14:01 AM
I'm taking off.
Have a good night monkeys.

Nite Kermit

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: snoopy on December 16, 2008, 01:14:33 AM

Good night Tamikosmom.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 16, 2008, 01:14:58 AM
Goodnight Janet!   ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 16, 2008, 01:15:27 AM
Greta had JQK on the show.  JQK plans on being in Aruba the first of January to make sure they have all Greta's information and to make sure they do what they say their going to do.  Said there needs to be transparency.

i hope he hooks up with Brinkman. he is there on January 2nd or a few days after.
but Greta knows this so i almost sure they've already planned something.

Brinkman will sir things up, they won't like to see him coming after calling Aruba 'corrupt as hell' on FOX.
if this gets more media attention even better.

it's going to be very awkward anyway, Croes left the Round Table Conference accusing the Dutch of a 'colonial attitude'.
Bijleveld and Hirsch Ballin were also there, sure he didn't want to meet them as he was called to investigate Jan van der Straten a few days before.

but he is saying he didn't start this investigation because Bijleveld told him to.
that's mindboggling because he knew for 3.5 years that Jan van der Straten obstructed the investigation.

but he spoke out about this in that interview because Jan van der Straten was criticizing the Coast Guard.
did he already start or plan the investigation by then or was it a response to the criticism by Jan van der Straten?
or wasn't he planning the investigation but did he do this after Bijleveld asked him to but he doesn't want to say this.

or is it al B.S. again.
so the media and politicians better keep the pressure on Croes about how it is going with the investigation.

still don't know who is actually doing the investigation.
but internal investigation are done by the Landsrecherche, headed by a public prosecutor...

this Aruban politician, Armand Hessels is also talking a lot about Rudy Croes/Jan van Straten/Paul van der Sloot.
not sure what he wants, but i guess that he wants Croes to resign or a parlamentairy inquire.
his party has only 1 seat in the Aruban Parliament.

"Cu e declarashon aki e ministro ta duna su mes e puñal mortal."
does this translate: "Such a declaration done by a Minister is a mortal sin" ?

I hope so too.  I realize that Brinkman's time in Aruba was already planned and Natalee is not the reason for it but it will work out nicely if JQK can meet with him.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 16, 2008, 01:15:32 AM
Greta had JQK on the show.  JQK plans on being in Aruba the first of January to make sure they have all Greta's information and to make sure they do what they say their going to do.  Said there needs to be transparency.

i hope he hooks up with Brinkman. he is there on January 2nd or a few days after.
but Greta knows this so i almost sure they've already planned something.

Brinkman will sir things up, they won't like to see him coming after calling Aruba 'corrupt as hell' on FOX.
if this gets more media attention even better.

it's going to be very awkward anyway, Croes left the Round Table Conference accusing the Dutch of a 'colonial attitude'.
Bijleveld and Hirsch Ballin were also there, sure he didn't want to meet them as he was called to investigate Jan van der Straten a few days before.

but he is saying he didn't start this investigation because Bijleveld told him to.
that's mindboggling because he knew for 3.5 years that Jan van der Straten obstructed the investigation.

but he spoke out about this in that interview because Jan van der Straten was criticizing the Coast Guard.
did he already start or plan the investigation by then or was it a response to the criticism by Jan van der Straten?
or wasn't he planning the investigation but did he do this after Bijleveld asked him to but he doesn't want to say this.

or is it al B.S. again.
so the media and politicians better keep the pressure on Croes about how it is going with the investigation.

still don't know who is actually doing the investigation.
but internal investigation are done by the Landsrecherche, headed by a public prosecutor...

this Aruban politician, Armand Hessels is also talking a lot about Rudy Croes/Jan van Straten/Paul van der Sloot.
not sure what he wants, but i guess that he wants Croes to resign or a parlamentairy inquire.
his party has only 1 seat in the Aruban Parliament.

"Cu e declarashon aki e ministro ta duna su mes e puñal mortal."
does this translate: "Such a declaration done by a Minister is a mortal sin" ?

Brinkman seems like he may have a little bit of cowboy in him!   ::MonkeyWink::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 16, 2008, 01:16:09 AM
Kermit ... Mr. Tamikosmom just finished installing little electric lanterns all around that heated pool.


10:15 PM PT

Nite Janet

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 16, 2008, 01:17:00 AM
Greta had JQK on the show.  JQK plans on being in Aruba the first of January to make sure they have all Greta's information and to make sure they do what they say their going to do.  Said there needs to be transparency.

i hope he hooks up with Brinkman. he is there on January 2nd or a few days after.
but Greta knows this so i almost sure they've already planned something.

Brinkman will sir things up, they won't like to see him coming after calling Aruba 'corrupt as hell' on FOX.
if this gets more media attention even better.

it's going to be very awkward anyway, Croes left the Round Table Conference accusing the Dutch of a 'colonial attitude'.
Bijleveld and Hirsch Ballin were also there, sure he didn't want to meet them as he was called to investigate Jan van der Straten a few days before.

but he is saying he didn't start this investigation because Bijleveld told him to.
that's mindboggling because he knew for 3.5 years that Jan van der Straten obstructed the investigation.

but he spoke out about this in that interview because Jan van der Straten was criticizing the Coast Guard.
did he already start or plan the investigation by then or was it a response to the criticism by Jan van der Straten?
or wasn't he planning the investigation but did he do this after Bijleveld asked him to but he doesn't want to say this.

or is it al B.S. again.
so the media and politicians better keep the pressure on Croes about how it is going with the investigation.

still don't know who is actually doing the investigation.
but internal investigation are done by the Landsrecherche, headed by a public prosecutor...

this Aruban politician, Armand Hessels is also talking a lot about Rudy Croes/Jan van Straten/Paul van der Sloot.
not sure what he wants, but i guess that he wants Croes to resign or a parlamentairy inquire.
his party has only 1 seat in the Aruban Parliament.

"Cu e declarashon aki e ministro ta duna su mes e puñal mortal."
does this translate: "Such a declaration done by a Minister is a mortal sin" ?

Brinkman seems like he may have a little bit of cowboy in him!   ::MonkeyWink::

Yep....YeeeeeeHaaawwwwww!!!!!   ::MonkeyHaHa::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on December 16, 2008, 01:17:03 AM
Another person we've been discussing is  Mr.Riverol.Worth more questions and,or discussion!

Who was the refinery sold to not long ago?

A company from Brazil, wasn't it?  Petrobras.

I thought that fell through or something...would have to research, again.....not happening tonight.

Don't know.  I saw a blurb on it last week while looking for something else.  Something about Petrobras backing off after a fire at the refinery.  Now that the refinery has been repaired they were thought to be closing the deal.  I'll see if I can find it again and post it for you.

I don't remember the details right now, but thanks Truthseeker.....I know I've read it a few times, but it's late for me here.  I'll have to check it out tomorrow.

G'nite, again.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 16, 2008, 01:17:10 AM
I'm taking off.
Have a good night monkeys.

Goodnight and God bless Kermit... ::MonkeyWink::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 16, 2008, 01:18:06 AM
My power went off for about 20 minutes! (just when it was getting good!!) Nite all!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 16, 2008, 01:19:04 AM
My power went off for about 20 minutes! (just when it was getting good!!) Nite all!!

My power was out for almost 7 hours today  ::MonkeyShocked::  Imagine that  ::MonkeyShocked::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 16, 2008, 01:19:06 AM
My power went off for about 20 minutes! (just when it was getting good!!) Nite all!!

G-Night Wreck..

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 16, 2008, 01:19:20 AM
My power went off for about 20 minutes! (just when it was getting good!!) Nite all!!

Nite Wreck!   ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 16, 2008, 01:20:58 AM
My power went off for about 20 minutes! (just when it was getting good!!) Nite all!!

My power was out for almost 7 hours today  ::MonkeyShocked::  Imagine that  ::MonkeyShocked::


I'm hoping we keep ours tonight.  Freezing rain....not good for ancient power lines.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: snoopy on December 16, 2008, 01:22:31 AM
good night wreck.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: snoopy on December 16, 2008, 01:24:29 AM

Well.....Kermit says to be patient.  Been here so dang long I sure don't plan on giving up now.  I just can't let it go.  Why does everything always have to be about money?  I guess I'll never understand.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 16, 2008, 01:24:45 AM
Janet?Do you have a list of the Elite families,The Judicial,Hotel owners,Shipping,import-export,banks..Anyone.Exactly how does the MONEY flow on the island??I'm confusing myself.Sorry. ::MonkeyConfused::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: snoopy on December 16, 2008, 01:28:19 AM
spooky I see you up there.  You gonna get the lights? lol

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: caesu on December 16, 2008, 01:30:18 AM

1997-1997 - Zwinkels left after a 2 yr battle with the Aruban gov't (they accused him of stealing drug money)
van Daalen became procureur general of Aruba in 1997 after procureur general Jan van Zwinkels was fired in 1996 by Aruba

van Daalen was care taker procureur-generaal from March-June 1997 - then Rosingh took over.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 16, 2008, 01:56:43 AM
What's the latest on Joran?Which country and what crime is being committed? ::MonkeyDance::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 16, 2008, 02:01:21 AM
I just saw the rerun of Greta with JQK.....things are looking Up.....PVDS should be getting pretty looks like the Cowboys are headed back to Aruba soon....

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 16, 2008, 02:03:23 AM
I just saw the rerun of Greta with JQK.....things are looking Up.....PVDS should be getting pretty looks like the Cowboys are headed back to Aruba soon....

Hopefully JQK will bring up the recovery oof the contents of the cage and see what Rudy has heard??No?LOL ::MonkeyDance::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 16, 2008, 02:03:52 AM
My power went off for about 20 minutes! (just when it was getting good!!) Nite all!!

My power was out for almost 7 hours today  ::MonkeyShocked::  Imagine that  ::MonkeyShocked::


I'm hoping we keep ours tonight.  Freezing rain....not good for ancient power lines.
TM...We've got freezing rain also.....Ive been hibernating all day and it looks like I will be tomorrow also......I Don't Do Cold Wet ::MonkeyHaHa::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: spooky112483 on December 16, 2008, 02:05:24 AM
spooky I see you up there.  You gonna get the lights? lol

you called me out!
I have so many questions... don't know where to begin. 
But it's late so I'll just get the lights.
Love to Natalee and to all of you fine monkeys. God bless you all!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 16, 2008, 02:06:56 AM
My power went off for about 20 minutes! (just when it was getting good!!) Nite all!!

My power was out for almost 7 hours today  ::MonkeyShocked::  Imagine that  ::MonkeyShocked::


I'm hoping we keep ours tonight.  Freezing rain....not good for ancient power lines.
TM...We've got freezing rain also.....Ive been hibernating all day and it looks like I will be tomorrow also......I Don't Do Cold Wet ::MonkeyHaHa::

Lucky you!  I wish I could hibernate too!  

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 16, 2008, 02:08:09 AM
I just saw the rerun of Greta with JQK.....things are looking Up.....PVDS should be getting pretty looks like the Cowboys are headed back to Aruba soon....

I forgot to watch it!   ::MonkeyWaa::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 16, 2008, 02:09:01 AM
spooky I see you up there.  You gonna get the lights? lol

you called me out!
I have so many questions... don't know where to begin. 
But it's late so I'll just get the lights.
Love to Natalee and to all of you fine monkeys. God bless you all!

God bless you too Spooky!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: snoopy on December 16, 2008, 02:10:13 AM
spooky I see you up there.  You gonna get the lights? lol

you called me out!
I have so many questions... don't know where to begin. 
But it's late so I'll just get the lights.
Love to Natalee and to all of you fine monkeys. God bless you all!

It's good to "see" you spooky.  Sorry about calling you out. lol  Hope you are doing well.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 16, 2008, 02:10:34 AM
I just saw the rerun of Greta with JQK.....things are looking Up.....PVDS should be getting pretty looks like the Cowboys are headed back to Aruba soon....

I forgot to watch it!   ::MonkeyWaa::

I almost forgot too...Thank Goodness My Hubby was flipping channels and I heard Greta's voice and remembered to watch...... ::MonkeyWink::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 16, 2008, 02:14:22 AM
What's the latest on Joran?Which country and what crime is being committed? ::MonkeyDance::
Who knows where that idiot is.....I just hope He keeps talking and bringing attention to himself.... ::MonkeyHaHa::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 16, 2008, 02:16:57 AM
spooky I see you up there.  You gonna get the lights? lol

you called me out!
I have so many questions... don't know where to begin. 
But it's late so I'll just get the lights.
Love to Natalee and to all of you fine monkeys. God bless you all!
Thanks for the Blessing Spooky....Please come back more often and when You can stay longer..... Bless You Too! ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 16, 2008, 02:23:09 AM
I just saw the rerun of Greta with JQK.....things are looking Up.....PVDS should be getting pretty looks like the Cowboys are headed back to Aruba soon....

I forgot to watch it!   ::MonkeyWaa::

I almost forgot too...Thank Goodness My Hubby was flipping channels and I heard Greta's voice and remembered to watch...... ::MonkeyWink::


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 16, 2008, 02:24:57 AM
Goodnight everyone!   ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 16, 2008, 02:25:38 AM
Kermit said:

Good observation!

Why would a professional go to some boat guys if he had evidence of a crime?
Answer: ohh, they were skeewerd for their life!
Question: Why then, knowing you are a professional, would you not seek the proper authorities in which you had access too?
Answer: ohh, I was so skeewered I was crying!
Question: Why isn't the focus on the trap where remains was found? Blue material, blue tarp and a skull!

Is it follow the money?

The bottom line of Aruba is about following the money and money laundering, mafia and all that.
But what you also have going on is the cover-up.

Bump.Stay focused Monkey's!To all a goodnight!God Bless all Monkey's throughout this Holiday Season! ::MonkeyDance::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 16, 2008, 02:26:44 AM
I just saw the rerun of Greta with JQK.....things are looking Up.....PVDS should be getting pretty looks like the Cowboys are headed back to Aruba soon....

I forgot to watch it!   ::MonkeyWaa::

I almost forgot too...Thank Goodness My Hubby was flipping channels and I heard Greta's voice and remembered to watch...... ::MonkeyWink::


G-Night TM.I must rest the head as well!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 16, 2008, 02:31:11 AM
Goodnight TM and KeeptheFaith!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 16, 2008, 02:34:25 AM
Snoopy..I hope its alright to ask...I've been wondering about Your little dog...How's He doing? 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Anna on December 16, 2008, 02:39:53 AM
We have big arrests in child sex tourism in Thailand right now.  At least two Briton, Canadian and German arrested so far.

So the Thai are trying to crackdown on sex crimes at least against children?  Let's hope it spreads to trafficking in young girls as well and that they are on to Joran.

Heading for Monkey Bunkey. . . .

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: caesu on December 16, 2008, 02:42:41 AM
We have big arrests in child sex tourism in Thailand right now.  At least two Briton, Canadian and German arrested so far.

So the Thai are trying to crackdown on sex crimes at least against children?  Let's hope it spreads to trafficking in young girls as well and that they are on to Joran.

Heading for Monkey Bunkey. . . .

Two Britons are among a number of men who have been arrested in the resort of Pattaya in Thailand as part of a child sex tourism investigation by British and Thai authorities.

Pattaya is Joran's favorite hang out spot. he said so in the Peter R. de Vries broadcast.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 16, 2008, 02:43:04 AM
We have big arrests in child sex tourism in Thailand right now.  At least two Briton, Canadian and German arrested so far.

So the Thai are trying to crackdown on sex crimes at least against children?  Let's hope it spreads to trafficking in young girls as well and that they are on to Joran.

Heading for Monkey Bunkey. . . .
Thanks Anna for the information......Hopefully They are watching Joran!


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 16, 2008, 02:48:56 AM
We have big arrests in child sex tourism in Thailand right now.  At least two Briton, Canadian and German arrested so far.

So the Thai are trying to crackdown on sex crimes at least against children?  Let's hope it spreads to trafficking in young girls as well and that they are on to Joran.

Heading for Monkey Bunkey. . . .

Two Britons are among a number of men who have been arrested in the resort of Pattaya in Thailand as part of a child sex tourism investigation by British and Thai authorities.

Pattaya is Joran's favorite hang out spot. he said so in the Peter R. de Vries broadcast.

Very Interesting.....Maybe one of these that were arrested were Joran's cohorts.... ::MonkeyWink::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 16, 2008, 02:50:59 AM
Happened to check the papers before I went to bed.  Found a couple interesting things.

12/16/08 Awe Mainta


Papiamentu Translation:

vengeance! pa: armand hessels according ministro of husticia rudy croes, during the first dianan of the caso halloway past owing to listen ex-comisario jan van der straten tell literalmente: “mi not can haci esey cu my amigo paul” (tata of joran). besides the ministro owing to declara cu “tabatin contacto telefonico during the first 10 dianan among the comisario y paul van der sloot”. on dje will owing to acusa one beach bum although internamente was conoci cu the not owing to haci nothing. ministro rudy croes wanted owing to keep cu the confesionnan here till cu his pensioen another year, but past owing to dicidi of pour bao for motibo of remark of the ex-comisario for cu among another keep we costa. cu the declaracion here the ministro is give his self the dagger deadly. because; the funcionario more high on the territory of husticia, in caso so the have to owing to less the ex-comisario al instant for of the investigacion after of such
declarashon. by of not interveni, ministro rudy croes consecuentemente t’e unique directamente responsible p’e fracaso of the investigacion. cu his confesion, ministro rudy croes is admiti claramente locual everybody already was know. among another owing to base of his miss of conocemento y experticio on territory of husticia the not can did take the decision corecto n’e instant clave. besides the is indica much good cu the is tapa his fracaso by of mantene one silencio on damage of another. then have to considera the declaracionnan of the ministro because; vengeance for motibo of remarca of the ex-comisario for cu his maneho. till cu now, vengeance of gobernante in form of atake personal, obstruccion of promocion, traslado for office solitario, paro of subsidio, etc. owing to resulta one as efectivo for silencia (casi) everybody. the cultura of vengeance here t’e motibo principal cu fracaso of gobernante not or mucho late is leave at cla. consecuentemente not can wait for mehoracion of maneho of gobierno cu type of gobernante so.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 16, 2008, 02:56:59 AM
12/16/2008 Awe Mainta


ponemento of krans y bistimento of statue of tula y karpata cu flanel: not!! inicio of the marcha of manifestantenan for wtc cu lidernan sindical at cabez

cu prácticanan of represion dictatorial.... police owing to beat y arrest lidernan of manifestacion

willemstad - comparabel only cu thing was happen in paisnan dictatorial as chile bao of pinochet y indonesia bao of chairman suharto, so can compará the represion brutal y violento cu one ehercito of cuerponan of seguridad of gobierno owing to actua yesterday contra lidernan of the manifestacion of protest cu had contra the conferencia of table around at wtc yesterday afternoon. for of 11’or of morning centenares of manifestante at flanèl cu the lema not big y also flanèlnan yellow cu simbolo of stars of david owing to acudo on rif for place krans y flower at statue of tula y karpata y after marcha bay fast of world trade center caminda was wait for arrival of the protagonisadornan of the conferencia of table around. p’e ocasion here delegacionnan of all 3 islariba y bonaire, together cu delegacion of the netherlands, corsow y antilles owing to stay of reuni for evaluá the thing owing to succeed till still on paper for cuminsa implementá the leynan cu have to culminá in proclamacion of corsou y sint maarten because; country autonomo in kingdom. but ayá cu can owing to iniciá the conferencia tanto helmin wiels because; the are of abogadonan encabesá for peppie sulvaran owing to haci one apelacion on the manifestantenan for comportá they self y manifestá in form civilisá, because they not was wanted problem cu agentenan of orden, but wind owing to take away they word. dado instant after cu owing to enter alarma false of bomb contra world trade center y owing to cuminsa transport the participantenan ne conferencia in bus for marinebasis at parera for sigi cu the conferencia, one comando of police anti-riot cu they're calling blau-blau owing to descend burdensome on the lidernan of manifestacion. some police owing to arrest helmin wiels y the member of parliament dwigno puriel hour cu they wanted owing to auxiliá one lady manifestante cu police owing to deal cu hand duro y they owing to descend all they furia on the two parlamentarionan. wiels is acolyte of conseho insular y dwigno puriel is acolyte of parliament of antilles. the polisnan owing to boei helmin wiels, they owing to tiré at floor caminda they owing to batié cu skòp y trapé for after aresté oficialmente y hibé keep of police at rio canario. dwigno puriel owing to abide same suerte y owing to stay arrest although cu for aresto of member of parliament is count ; reglanan specifico con this have to bay of part of funcionarnan policial superior. one ehercito of personal of seguridad owing to stay mobilisá fast of wtc yesterday afternoon ayá cu the conferencia of table around owing to cuminsa.



Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 16, 2008, 02:58:46 AM
Happened to check the papers before I went to bed.  Found a couple interesting things.

12/16/08 Awe Mainta


Papiamentu Translation:

vengeance! pa: armand hessels according ministro of husticia rudy croes, during the first dianan of the caso halloway past owing to listen ex-comisario jan van der straten tell literalmente: “mi not can haci esey cu my amigo paul” (tata of joran). besides the ministro owing to declara cu “tabatin contacto telefonico during the first 10 dianan among the comisario y paul van der sloot”. on dje will owing to acusa one beach bum although internamente was conoci cu the not owing to haci nothing. ministro rudy croes wanted owing to keep cu the confesionnan here till cu his pensioen another year, but past owing to dicidi of pour bao for motibo of remark of the ex-comisario for cu among another keep we costa. cu the declaracion here the ministro is give his self the dagger deadly. because; the funcionario more high on the territory of husticia, in caso so the have to owing to less the ex-comisario al instant for of the investigacion after of such
declarashon. by of not interveni, ministro rudy croes consecuentemente t’e unique directamente responsible p’e fracaso of the investigacion. cu his confesion, ministro rudy croes is admiti claramente locual everybody already was know. among another owing to base of his miss of conocemento y experticio on territory of husticia the not can did take the decision corecto n’e instant clave. besides the is indica much good cu the is tapa his fracaso by of mantene one silencio on damage of another. then have to considera the declaracionnan of the ministro because; vengeance for motibo of remarca of the ex-comisario for cu his maneho. till cu now, vengeance of gobernante in form of atake personal, obstruccion of promocion, traslado for office solitario, paro of subsidio, etc. owing to resulta one as efectivo for silencia (casi) everybody. the cultura of vengeance here t’e motibo principal cu fracaso of gobernante not or mucho late is leave at cla. consecuentemente not can wait for mehoracion of maneho of gobierno cu type of gobernante so.
OK TM What the Heck does it just give Me an idea....of what You think it says.....please... ::MonkeyConfused::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 16, 2008, 03:10:05 AM
Happened to check the papers before I went to bed.  Found a couple interesting things.

12/16/08 Awe Mainta


Papiamentu Translation:

vengeance! pa: armand hessels according ministro of husticia rudy croes, during the first dianan of the caso halloway past owing to listen ex-comisario jan van der straten tell literalmente: “mi not can haci esey cu my amigo paul” (tata of joran). besides the ministro owing to declara cu “tabatin contacto telefonico during the first 10 dianan among the comisario y paul van der sloot”. on dje will owing to acusa one beach bum although internamente was conoci cu the not owing to haci nothing. ministro rudy croes wanted owing to keep cu the confesionnan here till cu his pensioen another year, but past owing to dicidi of pour bao for motibo of remark of the ex-comisario for cu among another keep we costa. cu the declaracion here the ministro is give his self the dagger deadly. because; the funcionario more high on the territory of husticia, in caso so the have to owing to less the ex-comisario al instant for of the investigacion after of such
declarashon. by of not interveni, ministro rudy croes consecuentemente t’e unique directamente responsible p’e fracaso of the investigacion. cu his confesion, ministro rudy croes is admiti claramente locual everybody already was know. among another owing to base of his miss of conocemento y experticio on territory of husticia the not can did take the decision corecto n’e instant clave. besides the is indica much good cu the is tapa his fracaso by of mantene one silencio on damage of another. then have to considera the declaracionnan of the ministro because; vengeance for motibo of remarca of the ex-comisario for cu his maneho. till cu now, vengeance of gobernante in form of atake personal, obstruccion of promocion, traslado for office solitario, paro of subsidio, etc. owing to resulta one as efectivo for silencia (casi) everybody. the cultura of vengeance here t’e motibo principal cu fracaso of gobernante not or mucho late is leave at cla. consecuentemente not can wait for mehoracion of maneho of gobierno cu type of gobernante so.
OK TM What the Heck does it just give Me an idea....of what You think it says.....please... ::MonkeyConfused::

I think he is being very critical of Rudy Croes for holding his information and accusations about Vanderstraten until now.  He makes the comment that he knew the information but was going to wait until he retired to expose it.  Knowing this information and not doing something about it, but then exposing it as an act of vengence in response to VanderStraten's criticisms of him is like a deadly dagger.  Just my interpretation, and I'm very tired.   

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 16, 2008, 03:14:27 AM
Happened to check the papers before I went to bed.  Found a couple interesting things.

12/16/08 Awe Mainta


Papiamentu Translation:

vengeance! pa: armand hessels according ministro of husticia rudy croes, during the first dianan of the caso halloway past owing to listen ex-comisario jan van der straten tell literalmente: “mi not can haci esey cu my amigo paul” (tata of joran). besides the ministro owing to declara cu “tabatin contacto telefonico during the first 10 dianan among the comisario y paul van der sloot”. on dje will owing to acusa one beach bum although internamente was conoci cu the not owing to haci nothing. ministro rudy croes wanted owing to keep cu the confesionnan here till cu his pensioen another year, but past owing to dicidi of pour bao for motibo of remark of the ex-comisario for cu among another keep we costa. cu the declaracion here the ministro is give his self the dagger deadly. because; the funcionario more high on the territory of husticia, in caso so the have to owing to less the ex-comisario al instant for of the investigacion after of such
declarashon. by of not interveni, ministro rudy croes consecuentemente t’e unique directamente responsible p’e fracaso of the investigacion. cu his confesion, ministro rudy croes is admiti claramente locual everybody already was know. among another owing to base of his miss of conocemento y experticio on territory of husticia the not can did take the decision corecto n’e instant clave. besides the is indica much good cu the is tapa his fracaso by of mantene one silencio on damage of another. then have to considera the declaracionnan of the ministro because; vengeance for motibo of remarca of the ex-comisario for cu his maneho. till cu now, vengeance of gobernante in form of atake personal, obstruccion of promocion, traslado for office solitario, paro of subsidio, etc. owing to resulta one as efectivo for silencia (casi) everybody. the cultura of vengeance here t’e motibo principal cu fracaso of gobernante not or mucho late is leave at cla. consecuentemente not can wait for mehoracion of maneho of gobierno cu type of gobernante so.
OK TM What the Heck does it just give Me an idea....of what You think it says.....please... ::MonkeyConfused::

I think he is being very critical of Rudy Croes for holding his information and accusations about Vanderstraten until now.  He makes the comment that he knew the information but was going to wait until he retired to expose it.  Knowing this information and not doing something about it, but then exposing it as an act of vengence in response to VanderStraten's criticisms of him is like a deadly dagger.  Just my interpretation, and I'm very tired.   
Thanks...Good Night! I'm going to hit the hay also..... ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 16, 2008, 03:15:34 AM
I think also he is saying that the "deadly dagger" is pointing at the Minister of Justice who knew this information and did nothing.  I may have already said that, if I did...scroll on by.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 16, 2008, 03:16:12 AM
goodnight for real this time!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 16, 2008, 06:12:51 AM
Kermit - How do Beth and Dave feel about the situation involving the cage photographs?

If I do not have to, I don't want to get into what they feel, say etc.

Kermit.Do we have a definitive year that The VDS family arrived in Aruba,as well as what was the position Paulus was given upon his arrival and by whom?TIA

1970s - Paulus went to University of Tiburg
He became an attorney and assisted citizens who had conflicts with gov't in Arnhem.
1973 - 1993 found against construction of a motorway that was to go partly over the van der sloot estate.
In 1978 his dad at the time worked at the social legal aid office in Arnhem
page 1 Joran's book

 In 1990 Paul van der Sloot was offered a job at the "Central Bureau of Legal and General Affairs on Aruba.

RVD, 20.12.2002

Meer informatie
Benoemingen Gemeenschappelijk Hof van Justitie van de Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba
Persbericht | 20-12-2002 | PDF document, 5 Kb

i cut the link in half so it would not blow the margins. you wanna see it, put it back together.
The lord Mr. P.A.P.J. of of the ditch (50) is proposed for appointment to deputy member of the common Court of Justice of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. The lord of of the ditch is now operative as a principal private secretary at the Procurator-General of Aruba. The appointment discusses 1 January 2003 for a period of three years.

Paulus van der Sloot and Oduber both got their education at Tilburg University.

“ in 1990 Paul van der Sloot was offered a job at the "Central Bureau of Legal and General Affairs on Aruba.” (Chapter 1 of Joran's book: Island boy)

In Aruba Paulus goes to work as an attorney for the Government for 5 yrs for Aruba gov't as an attorney
PvdS when he worked at the GEA, reported to Director Hubert Maduro.

member of Aruba's Council of State Hubert Maduro

sometime during 1994 Paulus switches jobs

Lastly, it is believed that Paulus Van der Sloot participated on a panel which agreed to extradite two relatives of the Mansurs to the US under serious charges some years back rous_conservative/2005/06/joran_van_der_s.html

More and more the name Mansur turns up in money laundering cases. Alex and Eric Mansur were indicted in Puerto Rico in August 1994

1995 - Paulus became cabinets leader for the public ministry and gave classes of Administrative Law at the local university.

1996 Zwinkels is fired from the Attorney General job

1997-1997 - Zwinkels left after a 2 yr battle with the Aruban gov't (they accused him of stealing drug money)
van Daalen became procureur general of Aruba in 1997 after procureur general Jan van Zwinkels was fired in 1996 by Aruba

2003 – January 2 – Paulus starts his judge-in-training and was said to of heard some cases.

Interesting.Didn't know that.To take on the Mansur family Paulus must have someone serious behind him.JMOO.One would think Jossy,as well as the Mansur family is enjoying watching the SLOW destruction of their family??

Kermit...Thank You...This is what I found from my research and posts months ago.Hmmm...I think I have posted this a couple of times in the last couple of days...

Keepthefaith....For months now I have been questioning on this Forum if Paulus had anything to do with those extradictions. I spent hours over 2 or 3 days checking into what Kermit has posted above. My computer with my documents has been zapped again...three weekes after coming back from the shop, so I can't post what I found. My posts about this are in the archives. Johan posted about Paulus being a Landsadvokaat, and I was posting about the FP posters stating he worked at KABNAA, if you want to search them.

I am sorry, but I can't go back and find the discussions. And quite honestly I am tired of spending hours backing up my posts, and it is disregarded, but if Kermit posts the same thing it is New news.

IIRC It was posted a couple of times, that weekend that Monkeys were taking sides, that the Private Forum that Kermit and Kyle posted on was Natalee Freebirds.

Back to following the money and Lions...Oh My!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 16, 2008, 06:25:29 AM
Truthseeker......Did you ever do any checking into the Lionstone Group, Miami? Business partners here in the US?

Thanks in Advance.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 16, 2008, 06:40:30 AM
SS...JMO, but I believe the trap is the diversion!  But what do I know...I think "Freddy" is not really Freddy!   ::MonkeyTongue::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: blah on December 16, 2008, 07:13:39 AM

THANK YOU SAN - and you know why you believe me - because I'm TELLING THE TRUTH

from my own personal files

If I HAVE TO PULL OUT MORE PHOTOS of the President's Funeral I can.
BECAUSE I was there up close and personal!

Thats one hell of a mustache you have there kermit  ::MonkeyHaHa::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: johan555 on December 16, 2008, 07:51:04 AM


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 16, 2008, 08:25:20 AM
Regarding Backing up Posts...

I have expressed my concerns over Kermit's posts regarding Caps and the three ponds and also Clyde Burke.

The words "in Context" is what was posted.

I posted the link to the conversations about Clyde Burke and IIRC also the post...Interesting that only a couple of posters and guests followed the link and bothered to read the discussions.

So, since I have done my homework, and posted backup, I will continue to sit on the fence on all of this until I see absolute proof and not just bits and pieces that have been copied and pasted, which is what was in that post from mid-November.

And No...I am not going back to find backup for this post...It is in the Archives...And has already been posted!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Blonde on December 16, 2008, 08:36:34 AM
This is so cool.  Look at the post cards that can be bought.....
Billy Graham:

Sighhhhhhhhhhh   I know Kermit and I do see Kermit in thoes pictures ,the back of their head anyway. ::MonkeyWink::

Hotshot you know I love you both

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Blonde on December 16, 2008, 08:44:07 AM
I save most of your posting because your much more organised then I am.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: BUCKSHOT on December 16, 2008, 09:55:52 AM
Janet - 2NJ was asking why Yapperz couldn't just share info out in the open and why SHE was asking me to give you her email addy. 

Klaas ... I am so troubled.

Yap ... has been a Monkey forever.  She has always been on the side of justice for Natalee Holloway.  Monkeys have upheld her in prayer at least a couple of times while she was enduring storms in his life.

What is happening???  There is something that I am not understanding.


Some people think they are special I guess and post in private forums.  People that have left here and only occasionally post at SM or have been banned here.  Now there is a new forum that I have heard Destiny and ******* are in charge of.  I can only guess that Yapperz is getting information in either a private forum or via email and she feels a need to disagree with Kermit.  Unfortunately for everyone who is disagreeing with Kermit, only Kermit has had the balls to post with backup. 

So my answer is, put up or shut up.  It's been 3 1/2 years and I for one are sick of secrets and secret forums.

Kermit, do you have a secret?
 ::MonkeyHaHa:: ::MonkeyLaugh:: ::MonkeyHaHa::

Just kidding. You have talked the talk, and walked the walk, in my book. Very insightful and credible information that you have shared with us. We have all worked so hard to piece things together. Your information is greatly appreciated. Thank you !!!

Yapperz...Get out a plate...Because you have just been served...
 ::MonkeyWaa:: ::MonkeyTongue:: ::MonkeyWaa::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 16, 2008, 10:14:43 AM
Regarding Backing up Posts...

I have expressed my concerns over Kermit's posts regarding Caps and the three ponds and also Clyde Burke.

The words "in Context" is what was posted.

I posted the link to the conversations about Clyde Burke and IIRC also the post...Interesting that only a couple of posters and guests followed the link and bothered to read the discussions.

So, since I have done my homework, and posted backup, I will continue to sit on the fence on all of this until I see absolute proof and not just bits and pieces that have been copied and pasted, which is what was in that post from mid-November.

And No...I am not going back to find backup for this post...It is in the Archives...And has already been posted!

For the record, I like and believe that Caps is one of the good guys.  Just because I like backup doesn't mean I believe everything that is posted backup or not. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 16, 2008, 10:46:21 AM


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 16, 2008, 10:48:39 AM

Ramon Lee car sabotaged
13 Dec, 2008, 14:40 (GMT -04:00)

ORANGE CITY - After parliamentarian Rudy Lampe has countless times has been the victim of sabotage to his car, died last night, the car of Ramon Lee Minister of Sports and Culture sabotaged. It consists of all four tires stabbed leak.
While Minister Lee at the opening of the exhibition'30 Aña retrospectivo "in the Cas di Cultura was, strangers have been pricked empty tires. When the minister, who again had burden of gout and is supported by a walking stick, wanted to go home, he came to the unpleasant surprise to it. The car of Lee had with the "Towing services" of the place transported. The reign person was outraged at the photographer that the unpleasant time for him on camera explained. In doing so, the photographer Lee broke even for offender

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 16, 2008, 10:57:36 AM

December 16, 2008

The Lifetime Network in association with Sony Pictures Television are currently in pre-production on the TV Movie "Natalee Holloway". Casting directors are now accepting photos and resumes.

*** Please submit photos and resumes by mail only. No phone calls or personal drop-offs ***

See the post titled Headshot and Resume Information regarding how to submit for acting roles.

Send photo and resume to:

Susan Bluestein Casting
Sunset/Gower Studios
1438 N. Gower St.
Bldg. 35, Ste. 156
Los Angees CA 90028

Production Company:

Sony Pictures Television
10202 W. Washington Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232


Robert M. Sertner - Executive Producer
Frank von Zerneck - Executive Producer


Mikael Salomon

Writer (Novel): Beth Holloway-Twitty

Filming Location:

Sony Studios
10202 W. Washington Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232

Various on-location sets.




The true story of high school senior Natalee Holloway and her disappearance in Aruba.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Blue Moon on December 16, 2008, 11:13:01 AM
Kermit~  You shouldn't have to prove who you are in real life for the sake of credibility. 

No I should not.

Maybe those women would like to come back and test my integrity.
I'm more then willing to help everyone understand EVERYTHING.

Kermit, you are ONE FINE Monkey/Frog.  I would think everyone would know that by now. I have always believed you (and that says alot because you never know who is posting what on a forum).  You don't have to prove a thing to me.  You spilled the proof, what more is there.  On to getting justice for Natalee and for Beth and Dave to have peace.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 16, 2008, 11:20:08 AM
SS...JMO, but I believe the trap is the diversion!  But what do I know...I think "Freddy" is not really Freddy!   ::MonkeyTongue::

Do you think the cage is a diversion for the Manserat pond?  I don't know who Freddy is, but he is not a member of the Arambatzis family.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 16, 2008, 11:24:15 AM
Regarding Backing up Posts...

I have expressed my concerns over Kermit's posts regarding Caps and the three ponds and also Clyde Burke.

The words "in Context" is what was posted.

I posted the link to the conversations about Clyde Burke and IIRC also the post...Interesting that only a couple of posters and guests followed the link and bothered to read the discussions.

So, since I have done my homework, and posted backup, I will continue to sit on the fence on all of this until I see absolute proof and not just bits and pieces that have been copied and pasted, which is what was in that post from mid-November.

And No...I am not going back to find backup for this post...It is in the Archives...And has already been posted!

For the record, I like and believe that Caps is one of the good guys.  Just because I like backup doesn't mean I believe everything that is posted backup or not. 

Thanks klaas...That is exactly what I was trying to say...I have to check the backup on the backup...If it doesn't sit right or make sense to me I stay on the fence.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 16, 2008, 11:27:31 AM
I save most of your posting because your much more organised then I am.


I am so thankful that my "quotes" are being saved and retrieved when the dialogue dictates.  Otherwise ... these words are just taking up space in my hardrive.

I am a true believer that the early "quotes" by the players in the Natalee Holloway case should not be forgotten.  Their words gives a great indication to who are the "good guys? and who are the "bad guys" in the name of justice for an eighteen year old American citizen.

Also ... Blonde ... I recognize how hard you work on the media and research threads.

Thank you.



Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 16, 2008, 11:29:15 AM
Truthseeker......Did you ever do any checking into the Lionstone Group, Miami? Business partners here in the US?

Thanks in Advance.

Yes, I have.  I was particularly interested in looking at where some of the officers of Lionstone also serve on the boards of other companies as well as what they did before joining Lionstone.  I have that at home...I'm working/lurking for the most part. 

I'll try to post about it later after I get home.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 16, 2008, 11:35:51 AM
SS...JMO, but I believe the trap is the diversion!  But what do I know...I think "Freddy" is not really Freddy!   ::MonkeyTongue::

Do you think the cage is a diversion for the Manserat pond?  I don't know who Freddy is, but he is not a member of the Arambatzis family.

Heck I don't know SS...I am not sure anymore if it is even the Monserat pond!!!  Kyle posted co-ordinates for another and that Magazine had a pic of yet another...

All I see is that since the trap came up, we have posters snapping at each other and being downright mean...there is no in between, and it seems a lot of time no room for discussion. When there is any discussion it usually gets ugly.

You are either with us or against us. That is what I see as a "diversion".

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 16, 2008, 11:41:10 AM

Heck I don't know SS...I am not sure anymore if it is even the Monserat pond!!!  Kyle posted co-ordinates for another and that Magazine had a pic of yet another...

All I see is that since the trap came up, we have posters snapping at each other and being downright mean...there is no in between, and it seems a lot of time no room for discussion. When there is any discussion it usually gets ugly.

You are either with us or against us. That is what I see as a "diversion".

We have a winner!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 16, 2008, 11:48:58 AM
I'm truly open to anyone's theory -- just back it up with well thought out reasoning. "Trust me - I know" doesn't cut it. My whole problem with Monserat pond is just that -- no one wants to provide any corroboration. Second of all, it requires me to trust an Aruban instead of an American.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 16, 2008, 11:52:29 AM
I'm truly open to anyone's theory -- just back it up with well thought out reasoning. "Trust me - I know" doesn't cut it. My whole problem with Monserat pond is just that -- no one wants to provide any corroboration. Second of all, it requires me to trust an Aruban instead of an American.

I think I get what you mean.  However, I'm not sure if I can always go by the theory it's best to always believe the American.  Julia come to mind.   ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 16, 2008, 11:56:11 AM
Truthseeker......Did you ever do any checking into the Lionstone Group, Miami? Business partners here in the US?

Thanks in Advance.

Yes, I have.  I was particularly interested in looking at where some of the officers of Lionstone also serve on the boards of other companies as well as what they did before joining Lionstone.  I have that at home...I'm working/lurking for the most part. 

I'll try to post about it later after I get home.

Thanks Truthseeker...Anything on Flag Luxury Properties of New York, that you recall? That is who Lionstone built the Ritz in South Beach with. All sorts of companies associated with them...Conn. Chicago, New York, Las Vegas and they or people tied to them seem to have a lot to do with casinos here and in the Caribbean.  TIA

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 16, 2008, 11:56:20 AM
I'm truly open to anyone's theory -- just back it up with well thought out reasoning. "Trust me - I know" doesn't cut it. My whole problem with Monserat pond is just that -- no one wants to provide any corroboration. Second of all, it requires me to trust an Aruban instead of an American.

I think I get what you mean.  However, I'm not sure if I can always go by the theory it's best to always believe the American.  Julia come to mind.   ::MonkeyCool::
I'm not saying trust ALL Americans. I'm saying that even Americans in "support" of the pond theory are still relying on ARUBANS for their info.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 16, 2008, 12:06:50 PM
I'm truly open to anyone's theory -- just back it up with well thought out reasoning. "Trust me - I know" doesn't cut it. My whole problem with Monserat pond is just that -- no one wants to provide any corroboration. Second of all, it requires me to trust an Aruban instead of an American.

LOL...But Truthseeker is right...Julia and Charles...Eek!

My problem with the Monserat and the Matty apartments has been the timeline.

Now I am thinking about what Edward has been posting about the gardener. If that 2.45 or so spot is not in the timeline it opens up a lot more possibilities. Though I still like the Racquet Club area...But maybe that was a diversion...all those meetings at the Club etc. ::MonkeyConfused::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 16, 2008, 12:14:54 PM

I am not a believer in CAPS and ... at one time ... you and I were on the same page ... I have saved your critical posts.  What changed??

At the beginning of July ... I left the Natalee Holloway forum for five months.

My belief that CAPS cryptic posts were a distraction and ... my heartfelt concern regarding the Persistence/ALE connection ... met with a lot of opposition.

I was a lonely Monkey.

Inconsistencies posted by Kyle regarding the Persistence undertaking were justified.  Changing theories and flawed research posted by CAPS were justified.

Tamikosmom's theories are constantly changing.  Tamikosmom's research is often flawed.  However ... Tamikosmom does not claim to be in the know.  She concedes that she is just speculating on info that is out there.  However ... CAPS is revered as the one in the know.

During that four month period ... I took a "complete" sabatical from the Natalee Holloway case.  When time permitted out of a busy summer ... following the Touch DNA vindication of John and Patsy Ramsey ... I joined a Jonbenet forum on the TOPIX site.

I returned to Scared Monkeys in the fall and ... joined the discussion on the Caylee Marie thread.  However ... when the latest ROV images exposed and ... Kyle's posts submitted to another forum emerged ... I felt somewhat vidicated ... at least on the Persistence issue soooo ... I tippy toed back to the Natalee Holloway thread..

If CAPS is the bearer of the truth ... he should just spit it out ... forget the elusive clues.  If CAPS is the bearer of the truth ... justice for Natalee Holloway dictates that the FBI/ohn Q. Kelly/family of Natalee Holloway should be made aware of the truth in plain English which I know he grasps perfectly ... not cryptic messages.



Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 16, 2008, 12:19:33 PM
SS...JMO, but I believe the trap is the diversion!  But what do I know...I think "Freddy" is not really Freddy!   ::MonkeyTongue::

Do you think the cage is a diversion for the Manserat pond?  I don't know who Freddy is, but he is not a member of the Arambatzis family.

Heck I don't know SS...I am not sure anymore if it is even the Monserat pond!!!  Kyle posted co-ordinates for another and that Magazine had a pic of yet another...

All I see is that since the trap came up, we have posters snapping at each other and being downright mean...there is no in between, and it seems a lot of time no room for discussion. When there is any discussion it usually gets ugly.

You are either with us or against us. That is what I see as a "diversion".

Very well put Mum.Always keep an open mind and question!My problem is when people say they don't believe someone and don't explain why to the "people not in the know".When anybody makes a statement and doesn't explain their reasoning!If your a memeber of a private site,and or come on here just to discredit someone without explaining to the rest of the Monkey's i find that disrespectful to us all!As this is the best forum that i've found to have transparency in all cases i will ALWAYS swing in the trees of the Monkey's.IMOO i believe private sites have no transparency as there private!Really.How much information do they have that is NOT public??OK enough of the rant.Stay Focused... ::MonkeyDance::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 16, 2008, 12:19:46 PM

9:20 AM PT

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 16, 2008, 12:21:19 PM

I am not a believer in CAPS and ... at one time ... you and I were on the same page ... I have saved your critical posts.  What changed??

At the beginning of July ... I left the Natalee Holloway forum for five months.

My belief that CAPS cryptic posts were a distraction and ... my heartfelt concern regarding the Persistence/ALE connection ... met with a lot of opposition.

I was a lonely Monkey.

Inconsistencies posted by Kyle regarding the Persistence undertaking were justified.  Changing theories and flawed research posted by CAPS were justified.

Tamikosmom's theories are constantly changing.  Tamikosmom's research is often flawed.  However ... Tamikosmom does not claim to be in the know.  She concedes that she is just speculating on info that is out there.  However ... CAPS is revered as the one in the know.

During that four month period ... I took a "complete" sabatical from the Natalee Holloway case.  When time permitted out of a busy summer ... following the Touch DNA vindication of John and Patsy Ramsey ... I joined a Jonbenet forum on the TOPIX site.

I returned to Scared Monkeys in the fall and ... joined the discussion on the Caylee Marie thread.  However ... when the latest ROV images exposed and ... Kyle's posts submitted to another forum emerged ... I felt somewhat vidicated ... at least on the Persistence issue soooo ... I tippy toed back to the Natalee Holloway thread..

If CAPS is the bearer of the truth ... he should just spit it out ... forget the elusive clues.  If CAPS is the bearer of the truth ... justice for Natalee Holloway dictates that the FBI/ohn Q. Kelly/family of Natalee Holloway should be made aware of the truth in plain English which I know he grasps perfectly ... not cryptic messages.


That we can agree on Janet! I'm sick and tired of "cryptic" messages and the "just wait" crowd. If you've got something - spit it out! NOTHING at this point is going to "jeopardize" the "investigation"!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: snoopy on December 16, 2008, 12:25:11 PM
Snoopy..I hope its alright to ask...I've been wondering about Your little dog...How's He doing? 


Snoopy is doing well.  The vet is shocked!  If we can keep him stress free I think he'll be ok for a while.  Thanks for asking.

Oh and good morning/afternoon.  lol I slept in. haha. ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 16, 2008, 12:25:13 PM

I am not a believer in CAPS and ... at one time ... you and I were on the same page ... I have saved your critical posts.  What changed??

At the beginning of July ... I left the Natalee Holloway forum for five months.

My belief that CAPS cryptic posts were a distraction and ... my heartfelt concern regarding the Persistence/ALE connection ... met with a lot of opposition.

I was a lonely Monkey.

Inconsistencies posted by Kyle regarding the Persistence undertaking were justified.  Changing theories and flawed research posted by CAPS were justified.

Tamikosmom's theories are constantly changing.  Tamikosmom's research is often flawed.  However ... Tamikosmom does not claim to be in the know.  She concedes that she is just speculating on info that is out there.  However ... CAPS is revered as the one in the know.

During that four month period ... I took a "complete" sabatical from the Natalee Holloway case.  When time permitted out of a busy summer ... following the Touch DNA vindication of John and Patsy Ramsey ... I joined a Jonbenet forum on the TOPIX site.

I returned to Scared Monkeys in the fall and ... joined the discussion on the Caylee Marie thread.  However ... when the latest ROV images exposed and ... Kyle's posts submitted to another forum emerged ... I felt somewhat vidicated ... at least on the Persistence issue soooo ... I tippy toed back to the Natalee Holloway thread..

If CAPS is the bearer of the truth ... he should just spit it out ... forget the elusive clues.  If CAPS is the bearer of the truth ... justice for Natalee Holloway dictates that the FBI/ohn Q. Kelly/family of Natalee Holloway should be made aware of the truth in plain English which I know he grasps perfectly ... not cryptic messages.


That we can agree on Janet! I'm sick and tired of "cryptic" messages and the "just wait" crowd. If you've got something - spit it out! NOTHING at this point is going to "jeopardize" the "investigation"!!

I second that Wreck.What are "The people in the Know" waiting for?What is the reasoning,as well as logic for Caps not just spitting it out?What is Caps still trying to validate,and or research??Is Caps in harms way?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 16, 2008, 12:25:19 PM
Truthseeker......Did you ever do any checking into the Lionstone Group, Miami? Business partners here in the US?

Thanks in Advance.

Yes, I have.  I was particularly interested in looking at where some of the officers of Lionstone also serve on the boards of other companies as well as what they did before joining Lionstone.  I have that at home...I'm working/lurking for the most part. 

I'll try to post about it later after I get home.

Thanks Truthseeker...Anything on Flag Luxury Properties of New York, that you recall? That is who Lionstone built the Ritz in South Beach with. All sorts of companies associated with them...Conn. Chicago, New York, Las Vegas and they or people tied to them seem to have a lot to do with casinos here and in the Caribbean.  TIA

Yes.  I think I still have some of that at home.  (work is interfering with me posting.  hehe)

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 16, 2008, 12:26:14 PM
You have to establish in this particular family who owns what and who controls what..

For instance Luis Mansur is listed as assistant editor on the DARIO !!!
Yet he gets arrested for major things..
He Shoots a gun at police and has major amounts of cocaine money and weapons in his possession in his home !! The judge in his case claimed he has hurt others..
His partners call him the Boss
And he is Josy's brother. He acts out as being above the law.. That is a pattern of behavior.
That type of pattern that hurts others.

But he is just a family member like some lost cousin ?

Someone may have already answered this but I think the Luis Mansur that is ths assistant editor of Diaro is Joseys son( named after his brother).

Thanks SuzieQ...
Saw you up there and remembered your post. I believe you are correct on this. Again Thanks it has been months since I looked at the family relationships!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 16, 2008, 12:29:19 PM
Kermit - How do Beth and Dave feel about the situation involving the cage photographs?

If I do not have to, I don't want to get into what they feel, say etc.

Kermit.Do we have a definitive year that The VDS family arrived in Aruba,as well as what was the position Paulus was given upon his arrival and by whom?TIA

1970s - Paulus went to University of Tiburg
He became an attorney and assisted citizens who had conflicts with gov't in Arnhem.
1973 - 1993 found against construction of a motorway that was to go partly over the van der sloot estate.
In 1978 his dad at the time worked at the social legal aid office in Arnhem
page 1 Joran's book

 In 1990 Paul van der Sloot was offered a job at the "Central Bureau of Legal and General Affairs on Aruba.

RVD, 20.12.2002

Meer informatie
Benoemingen Gemeenschappelijk Hof van Justitie van de Nederlandse Antillen en Aruba
Persbericht | 20-12-2002 | PDF document, 5 Kb

i cut the link in half so it would not blow the margins. you wanna see it, put it back together.
The lord Mr. P.A.P.J. of of the ditch (50) is proposed for appointment to deputy member of the common Court of Justice of the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba. The lord of of the ditch is now operative as a principal private secretary at the Procurator-General of Aruba. The appointment discusses 1 January 2003 for a period of three years.

Paulus van der Sloot and Oduber both got their education at Tilburg University.

“ in 1990 Paul van der Sloot was offered a job at the "Central Bureau of Legal and General Affairs on Aruba.” (Chapter 1 of Joran's book: Island boy)

In Aruba Paulus goes to work as an attorney for the Government for 5 yrs for Aruba gov't as an attorney
PvdS when he worked at the GEA, reported to Director Hubert Maduro.

member of Aruba's Council of State Hubert Maduro

sometime during 1994 Paulus switches jobs

Lastly, it is believed that Paulus Van der Sloot participated on a panel which agreed to extradite two relatives of the Mansurs to the US under serious charges some years back rous_conservative/2005/06/joran_van_der_s.html

More and more the name Mansur turns up in money laundering cases. Alex and Eric Mansur were indicted in Puerto Rico in August 1994

1995 - Paulus became cabinets leader for the public ministry and gave classes of Administrative Law at the local university.

1996 Zwinkels is fired from the Attorney General job

1997-1997 - Zwinkels left after a 2 yr battle with the Aruban gov't (they accused him of stealing drug money)
van Daalen became procureur general of Aruba in 1997 after procureur general Jan van Zwinkels was fired in 1996 by Aruba

2003 – January 2 – Paulus starts his judge-in-training and was said to of heard some cases.

Interesting.Didn't know that.To take on the Mansur family Paulus must have someone serious behind him.JMOO.One would think Jossy,as well as the Mansur family is enjoying watching the SLOW destruction of their family??

Kermit...Thank You...This is what I found from my research and posts months ago.Hmmm...I think I have posted this a couple of times in the last couple of days...

Keepthefaith....For months now I have been questioning on this Forum if Paulus had anything to do with those extradictions. I spent hours over 2 or 3 days checking into what Kermit has posted above. My computer with my documents has been zapped again...three weekes after coming back from the shop, so I can't post what I found. My posts about this are in the archives. Johan posted about Paulus being a Landsadvokaat, and I was posting about the FP posters stating he worked at KABNAA, if you want to search them.

I am sorry, but I can't go back and find the discussions. And quite honestly I am tired of spending hours backing up my posts, and it is disregarded, but if Kermit posts the same thing it is New news.

IIRC It was posted a couple of times, that weekend that Monkeys were taking sides, that the Private Forum that Kermit and Kyle posted on was Natalee Freebirds.

Back to following the money and Lions...Oh My!

I for one was unaware of that.Shows you that i'm definitly not in the know.LOL.Find it interesting.I do believe we'll have a better understanding of this all if we can understand the flow of money in Aruba which is probably a major undertaking..

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 16, 2008, 12:29:54 PM
Snoopy..I hope its alright to ask...I've been wondering about Your little dog...How's He doing? 


Snoopy is doing well.  The vet is shocked!  If we can keep him stress free I think he'll be ok for a while.  Thanks for asking.

Oh and good morning/afternoon.  lol I slept in. haha. ::MonkeyCool::
Good Morning Snoopy! I'm sooo Happy that Your dog is doing well.....and You're Welcome!  ::MonkeyWink::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: blah on December 16, 2008, 12:34:55 PM

December 16, 2008

The Lifetime Network in association with Sony Pictures Television are currently in pre-production on the TV Movie "Natalee Holloway". Casting directors are now accepting photos and resumes.

*** Please submit photos and resumes by mail only. No phone calls or personal drop-offs ***

See the post titled Headshot and Resume Information regarding how to submit for acting roles.

Send photo and resume to:

Susan Bluestein Casting
Sunset/Gower Studios
1438 N. Gower St.
Bldg. 35, Ste. 156
Los Angees CA 90028

Production Company:

Sony Pictures Television
10202 W. Washington Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232


Robert M. Sertner - Executive Producer
Frank von Zerneck - Executive Producer


Mikael Salomon

Writer (Novel): Beth Holloway-Twitty

Filming Location:

Sony Studios
10202 W. Washington Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232

Various on-location sets.




The true story of high school senior Natalee Holloway and her disappearance in Aruba.

Ohhhhh Aruba - I think this is going to leave a mark!!!!!  ::MonkeyTongue::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 16, 2008, 12:40:47 PM

I am not a believer in CAPS and ... at one time ... you and I were on the same page ... I have saved your critical posts.  What changed??

At the beginning of July ... I left the Natalee Holloway forum for five months.

My belief that CAPS cryptic posts were a distraction and ... my heartfelt concern regarding the Persistence/ALE connection ... met with a lot of opposition.

I was a lonely Monkey.

Inconsistencies posted by Kyle regarding the Persistence undertaking were justified.  Changing theories and flawed research posted by CAPS were justified.

Tamikosmom's theories are constantly changing.  Tamikosmom's research is often flawed.  However ... Tamikosmom does not claim to be in the know.  She concedes that she is just speculating on info that is out there.  However ... CAPS is revered as the one in the know.

During that four month period ... I took a "complete" sabatical from the Natalee Holloway case.  When time permitted out of a busy summer ... following the Touch DNA vindication of John and Patsy Ramsey ... I joined a Jonbenet forum on the TOPIX site.

I returned to Scared Monkeys in the fall and ... joined the discussion on the Caylee Marie thread.  However ... when the latest ROV images exposed and ... Kyle's posts submitted to another forum emerged ... I felt somewhat vidicated ... at least on the Persistence issue soooo ... I tippy toed back to the Natalee Holloway thread..

If CAPS is the bearer of the truth ... he should just spit it out ... forget the elusive clues.  If CAPS is the bearer of the truth ... justice for Natalee Holloway dictates that the FBI/ohn Q. Kelly/family of Natalee Holloway should be made aware of the truth in plain English which I know he grasps perfectly ... not cryptic messages.



Janet...I'm not sure that anything has changed. I am not sure either that we were on exactly the same page regarding Caps.

As stated a little while back, I have refrained from posting about this lately. If there is even a slim chance that Hotshot really knows what she is talking about, I do not want to be the one to get in the way of Justice For Natalee.

But I am armed and ready when we start that new thread. ::MonkeyWink::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 16, 2008, 12:54:32 PM
Snoopy..I hope its alright to ask...I've been wondering about Your little dog...How's He doing? 


Snoopy is doing well.  The vet is shocked!  If we can keep him stress free I think he'll be ok for a while.  Thanks for asking.

Oh and good morning/afternoon.  lol I slept in. haha. ::MonkeyCool::

Hi Snoopy...Really great news!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on December 16, 2008, 12:59:19 PM
Another person we've been discussing is  Mr.Riverol.Worth more questions and,or discussion!

Who was the refinery sold to not long ago?

A company from Brazil, wasn't it?  Petrobras.

I thought that fell through or something...would have to research, again.....not happening tonight.

Don't know.  I saw a blurb on it last week while looking for something else.  Something about Petrobras backing off after a fire at the refinery.  Now that the refinery has been repaired they were thought to be closing the deal.  I'll see if I can find it again and post it for you.

I didn't forget about this and know you are at work.  Found this:

December 04, 2008
Valero still plans to sell its Aruba plant
Valero Energy said yesterday that it's taking its refineries in Ardmore, Okla. and Memphis, Tenn. off the auction block. The plants could have fetched as much as $1 billion each, according to published reports. But some analysts speculated that Valero couldn't get that much for the plants because of a global economic slowdown.
Valero stil has one refinery for sale -- its 275,000 barrel-a-day plant in Aruba in the Caribbean.
"Aruba is still under review," Valero spokesman Bill Day said. "We are currently in discussions with parties who are interested in the plant, but we don’t have any timetable for making a decision."

Valero bought the plant in 2004 from El Paso Corp. for $365 million.

— Vicki Vaughan

This may be what you were referring to, written in May, 2008:

Petrobras yet to decide on Valero Aruba refinery
.LOS ANGELES, May 15 (Reuters) - Petrobras (PETR4.SA: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) (PBR.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) has not yet made a decision on whether to purchase the Valero Energy (VLO.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) oil refinery in the southern Caribbean island of Aruba, Petrobras Americas President Alberto Guimaraes said on Thursday.

No timeline on a decision has been set, said Guimaraes,

There were hints before a May 9 company board of directors meeting that a decision on the 275,000-barrels-per-day refinery would be made.

Guimaraes said the board heard a report on the refinery but no formal proposal on the possible purchase.

"We have some opportunities," Guimaraes said. "There is no formal proposal to be approved or disapproved."

He would not comment on speculation that the plant owned by the biggest U.S. refiner is valued at about $2.8 billion.

Valero bought the Aruba refinery four years ago for $627 million.

Valero Chief Executive Bill Klesse said earlier this month that the company expected by the end of 2008 to have sold four refineries, including the one in Aruba.

Valero is expected to finish repairs to a 155,000-bpd vacuum distillation unit at the plant this month, published reports have shown. It was damaged in a late-January fire.

Valero's Klesse has said the sale of the Aruba plant would conclude in the second quarter of this year.

Guimaraes said he does not think that the fire affected Petrobras' interest in the refinery in Aruba, which is north of Venezuela.

Guimaraes spoke with Reuters before he addressed Town Hall Los Angeles at The Regency Club in Los Angeles on Wednesday. (Reporting by Bernard Woodall, editing by Richard Chang)

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MuffyBee on December 16, 2008, 12:59:54 PM
Snoopy..I hope its alright to ask...I've been wondering about Your little dog...How's He doing? 


Snoopy is doing well.  The vet is shocked!  If we can keep him stress free I think he'll be ok for a while.  Thanks for asking.

Oh and good morning/afternoon.  lol I slept in. haha. ::MonkeyCool::

Hi Snoopy...Really great news!

 :smt045 :smt045 :smt045   :smt056

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 16, 2008, 01:11:01 PM
Another person we've been discussing is  Mr.Riverol.Worth more questions and,or discussion!

Who was the refinery sold to not long ago?

A company from Brazil, wasn't it?  Petrobras.

I thought that fell through or something...would have to research, again.....not happening tonight.

Don't know.  I saw a blurb on it last week while looking for something else.  Something about Petrobras backing off after a fire at the refinery.  Now that the refinery has been repaired they were thought to be closing the deal.  I'll see if I can find it again and post it for you.

I didn't forget about this and know you are at work.  Found this:

December 04, 2008
Valero still plans to sell its Aruba plant
Valero Energy said yesterday that it's taking its refineries in Ardmore, Okla. and Memphis, Tenn. off the auction block. The plants could have fetched as much as $1 billion each, according to published reports. But some analysts speculated that Valero couldn't get that much for the plants because of a global economic slowdown.
Valero stil has one refinery for sale -- its 275,000 barrel-a-day plant in Aruba in the Caribbean.
"Aruba is still under review," Valero spokesman Bill Day said. "We are currently in discussions with parties who are interested in the plant, but we don’t have any timetable for making a decision."

Valero bought the plant in 2004 from El Paso Corp. for $365 million.

— Vicki Vaughan

This may be what you were referring to, written in May, 2008:

Petrobras yet to decide on Valero Aruba refinery
.LOS ANGELES, May 15 (Reuters) - Petrobras (PETR4.SA: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) (PBR.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) has not yet made a decision on whether to purchase the Valero Energy (VLO.N: Quote, Profile, Research, Stock Buzz) oil refinery in the southern Caribbean island of Aruba, Petrobras Americas President Alberto Guimaraes said on Thursday.

No timeline on a decision has been set, said Guimaraes,

There were hints before a May 9 company board of directors meeting that a decision on the 275,000-barrels-per-day refinery would be made.

Guimaraes said the board heard a report on the refinery but no formal proposal on the possible purchase.

"We have some opportunities," Guimaraes said. "There is no formal proposal to be approved or disapproved."

He would not comment on speculation that the plant owned by the biggest U.S. refiner is valued at about $2.8 billion.

Valero bought the Aruba refinery four years ago for $627 million.

Valero Chief Executive Bill Klesse said earlier this month that the company expected by the end of 2008 to have sold four refineries, including the one in Aruba.

Valero is expected to finish repairs to a 155,000-bpd vacuum distillation unit at the plant this month, published reports have shown. It was damaged in a late-January fire.

Valero's Klesse has said the sale of the Aruba plant would conclude in the second quarter of this year.

Guimaraes said he does not think that the fire affected Petrobras' interest in the refinery in Aruba, which is north of Venezuela.

Guimaraes spoke with Reuters before he addressed Town Hall Los Angeles at The Regency Club in Los Angeles on Wednesday. (Reporting by Bernard Woodall, editing by Richard Chang)

I knew about the Memphis one.  I work in Memphis and have lived in the area all my life.  I remember when it was called Delta Refinery.  meny, many years ago.

I think what you have posted rearding the Aruba refinery may have been what I saw.  The information about the fire stuck in my mind. appears they still have not sold it.

Thanks for posting that.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: EURobert on December 16, 2008, 02:07:41 PM
Hi guys,

I got an email from Johan Remkes this afternoon - very brief - in respons to the email I sent Sunday:

Geachte heer ...,

Dank voor uw mail inzake de verdwijning van mej. N. Holloway. Tweede Kamerleden moeten naar mijn oordeel uiterst terughoudend zijn om zich in opsporings- en vervolgingsonderzoek te mengen. Die verantwoordelijkheid ligt bij de justitiële autoriteiten, primair op Aruba.

Hoogachtend en met vriendelijke groet,
Johan Remkes VVD 
Tweede Kamer der Staten- Generaal


Dear mister ...,

Thanks for your email concerning the disappearance of miss N. Holloway. Members of Parliament should, according to my judgement, be very reserved to interfere in a tracing- and prosecution-investigation. That responsibility lies at the justicial authorities, primarily at Aruba.

With regards and friendly greetings,

Johan Remkes VVD
Second Chamber of the States General

Well, that was to be expected.
But maybe the coming days he thinks again...
Or he can’t sleep one of the coming nights....
And he picks up the telephone and.....  ::MonkeyWink::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: COLOMBO on December 16, 2008, 02:21:18 PM

December 16, 2008

The Lifetime Network in association with Sony Pictures Television are currently in pre-production on the TV Movie "Natalee Holloway". Casting directors are now accepting photos and resumes.

*** Please submit photos and resumes by mail only. No phone calls or personal drop-offs ***

See the post titled Headshot and Resume Information regarding how to submit for acting roles.

Send photo and resume to:

Susan Bluestein Casting
Sunset/Gower Studios
1438 N. Gower St.
Bldg. 35, Ste. 156
Los Angees CA 90028

Production Company:

Sony Pictures Television
10202 W. Washington Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232


Robert M. Sertner - Executive Producer
Frank von Zerneck - Executive Producer


Mikael Salomon

Writer (Novel): Beth Holloway-Twitty

Filming Location:

Sony Studios
10202 W. Washington Blvd.
Culver City, CA 90232

Various on-location sets.




The true story of high school senior Natalee Holloway and her disappearance in Aruba.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 16, 2008, 02:23:01 PM
Hi guys,

I got an email from Johan Remkes this afternoon - very brief - in respons to the email I sent Sunday:

Geachte heer ...,

Dank voor uw mail inzake de verdwijning van mej. N. Holloway. Tweede Kamerleden moeten naar mijn oordeel uiterst terughoudend zijn om zich in opsporings- en vervolgingsonderzoek te mengen. Die verantwoordelijkheid ligt bij de justitiële autoriteiten, primair op Aruba.

Hoogachtend en met vriendelijke groet,
Johan Remkes VVD 
Tweede Kamer der Staten- Generaal


Dear mister ...,

Thanks for your email concerning the disappearance of miss N. Holloway. Members of Parliament should, according to my judgement, be very reserved to interfere in a tracing- and prosecution-investigation. That responsibility lies at the justicial authorities, primarily at Aruba.

With regards and friendly greetings,

Johan Remkes VVD
Second Chamber of the States General

Well, that was to be expected.
But maybe the coming days he thinks again...
Or he can’t sleep one of the coming nights....
And he picks up the telephone and.....  ::MonkeyWink::

Thanks for sharing that EuroRobert!  We can hope, but some people just don't have a conscience.   ::MonkeyNoNo::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: caesu on December 16, 2008, 02:36:41 PM
Hi guys,

I got an email from Johan Remkes this afternoon - very brief - in respons to the email I sent Sunday:

Geachte heer ...,

Dank voor uw mail inzake de verdwijning van mej. N. Holloway. Tweede Kamerleden moeten naar mijn oordeel uiterst terughoudend zijn om zich in opsporings- en vervolgingsonderzoek te mengen. Die verantwoordelijkheid ligt bij de justitiële autoriteiten, primair op Aruba.

Hoogachtend en met vriendelijke groet,
Johan Remkes VVD 
Tweede Kamer der Staten- Generaal


Dear mister ...,

Thanks for your email concerning the disappearance of miss N. Holloway. Members of Parliament should, according to my judgement, be very reserved to interfere in a tracing- and prosecution-investigation. That responsibility lies at the justicial authorities, primarily at Aruba.

With regards and friendly greetings,

Johan Remkes VVD
Second Chamber of the States General

Well, that was to be expected.
But maybe the coming days he thinks again...
Or he can’t sleep one of the coming nights....
And he picks up the telephone and.....  ::MonkeyWink::

yes, that was expected.

but Remkes was manager (korpsbeheerder) of the KLPD in 2006.
a new investigation (by the Rijksrecherche) is an acknowledgement that the KLPD investigation of 2006 wasn't thorough enough.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Nut44x4 on December 16, 2008, 02:40:01 PM
Just want to thank Janet and wreck. I feel the same and have all along. It is enough of a puzzle as need for cryptics to further the agony. I do not find it amusing...never have.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 16, 2008, 02:40:13 PM
Hi Snoopy ... in case you missed my earlier post.  BIG HUG!

Monkeys ... I am off for the day ... lots to do preparing for the BIG DAY and its related activities.

As the song goes ...


I know.  I know.  I am singing off tune.  Hey ... I have been singing off tune for 62 years tomorrow.  I am past expecting a miracle in that area of my life.


Have a good day all.

11:40 AM PT


I believe you Kermit for what it's worth.  I lost a lot of credibility last week trying to help a friend see that she was being mis-lead.  She didn't get it, and that won't happen to me again.

Hi snoppy.  I have been thinking about you and your hubby.  How is is your beloved pet.  Is he comfortable.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: EURobert on December 16, 2008, 02:45:02 PM
Hi guys,

I got an email from Johan Remkes this afternoon - very brief - in respons to the email I sent Sunday:

Geachte heer ...,

Dank voor uw mail inzake de verdwijning van mej. N. Holloway. Tweede Kamerleden moeten naar mijn oordeel uiterst terughoudend zijn om zich in opsporings- en vervolgingsonderzoek te mengen. Die verantwoordelijkheid ligt bij de justitiële autoriteiten, primair op Aruba.

Hoogachtend en met vriendelijke groet,
Johan Remkes VVD 
Tweede Kamer der Staten- Generaal


Dear mister ...,

Thanks for your email concerning the disappearance of miss N. Holloway. Members of Parliament should, according to my judgement, be very reserved to interfere in a tracing- and prosecution-investigation. That responsibility lies at the justicial authorities, primarily at Aruba.

With regards and friendly greetings,

Johan Remkes VVD
Second Chamber of the States General

Well, that was to be expected.
But maybe the coming days he thinks again...
Or he can’t sleep one of the coming nights....
And he picks up the telephone and.....  ::MonkeyWink::

Thanks for sharing that EuroRobert!  We can hope, but some people just don't have a conscience.   ::MonkeyNoNo::

Yes, you're right about that. But I just don't understand that we've until now seen no initiatives 'behind the scenes' (or the results of that). It's so frustrating and again I don't understand it, as the damage to Aruba is getting so big by now as well. It seems such a small step to get things moving again. But still... What goes on in these peoples minds???!!!

(Btw: 'justicial' in the previous post must be 'judicial' of course.)

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 16, 2008, 02:49:13 PM
Have a great day Janet.I'll be swinging from the cage all day.. ::MonkeyDance::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: EURobert on December 16, 2008, 02:52:41 PM
Hi guys,

I got an email from Johan Remkes this afternoon - very brief - in respons to the email I sent Sunday:

Geachte heer ...,

Dank voor uw mail inzake de verdwijning van mej. N. Holloway. Tweede Kamerleden moeten naar mijn oordeel uiterst terughoudend zijn om zich in opsporings- en vervolgingsonderzoek te mengen. Die verantwoordelijkheid ligt bij de justitiële autoriteiten, primair op Aruba.

Hoogachtend en met vriendelijke groet,
Johan Remkes VVD 
Tweede Kamer der Staten- Generaal


Dear mister ...,

Thanks for your email concerning the disappearance of miss N. Holloway. Members of Parliament should, according to my judgement, be very reserved to interfere in a tracing- and prosecution-investigation. That responsibility lies at the justicial authorities, primarily at Aruba.

With regards and friendly greetings,

Johan Remkes VVD
Second Chamber of the States General

Well, that was to be expected.
But maybe the coming days he thinks again...
Or he can’t sleep one of the coming nights....
And he picks up the telephone and.....  ::MonkeyWink::

yes, that was expected.

but Remkes was manager (korpsbeheerder) of the KLPD in 2006.
a new investigation (by the Rijksrecherche) is an acknowledgement that the KLPD investigation of 2006 wasn't thorough enough.

You're right about that. But do you have confidence in the Arubans they will do it right this time?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 16, 2008, 03:01:06 PM

yes, that was expected.

but Remkes was manager (korpsbeheerder) of the KLPD in 2006.
a new investigation (by the Rijksrecherche) is an acknowledgement that the KLPD investigation of 2006 wasn't thorough enough.

Rudy Croes position of Aruban Justice Minister dictates he must have been aware that there was a Paulus van der Sloot/ Remkes connection when he requested Remkes to lead the Dutch investigation into the Jan Vander Sloot/ Paulus van der Sloot connection in 2006.  In other words ... the outcome of the Dutch investigation was fixed.

Think about it.  There was no accountability by ANYBODY who participated in the events encompassing the morning of May 30, 2005 ... no accountability of those within the Dutch/Aruban administration involved in the coverup ... no accountability of the sons of the elite ... no justice for Natalee Holloway ... no closure for the family.

In 2005, Rudy Croes made it known that there was a Jan Vander Sloot/Paulus van der Sloot connection.

In 2006 Rudy Croes requested a Dutch investigation of the Natalee Holloway case under the control of Netherlands' Internal Affairs Minister Johan Remkes ... a Minister with a Paulus van der Sloot connection.

Reminder:  On January 1, 2003 ... Johan Remkes endorsed the appointment of Paulus van der Sloot to "deputy member of the common Court of Justice of the Netherlands antilles and Aruba".

The latest developments of December, 2008 are not developments at all.  They are flashbacks to 2005 and 2006.

I suspect that the Aruban/Dutch administrations have two agendas ...

1.  an agenda to create a distraction away from the contents of the trap/cage discovered and turned over unchallenged to the ALE by John Silvetti of the Persistence

2.  an agenda to close the Natalee Holloway case and ... in an attempt to pacify the family ...  a sacrificial lamb has been selected to take the fall.  In other words ... accountability for a compromised investigation starts and ends with Jan Vander Straaten?



JUNE, 2005/AUGUST, 2005


Paulus van der Sloot - NOVA/TWAN HUYS - 06/28/05

Paulus van der Sloot: That gives a feeling of absurdity. It is indeed almost unimaginable that by someone you actually know very well, where you worked together with for a long time, that that one comes to tell you that you are suspected of complicity to murder.

HUYS: Who was that in your case?

VAN DER SLOOT: That was, in this case, that was the leader of the team of police commissioners.

HUYS: Jan van der Straaten.

VAN DER SLOOT: That was Jan van der Straaten, yes.

HUYS: And you know each other very well?  


Eric Zaandam - President Police Union, Aruban television 8/28/06

Now, information are coming out that Jan v/d Straatten was indeed investigated and had telephone conversations with people about the case that he should not have contacts with, or even talk about the case.

Rudy Croes - Minister of Justice - Top 95 radio 8/28/06

Aruban Minister of Justice Mr. Rudy Croes, in relationship with the Natalee Holloway investigation, revealed a very serious information in direction of Van der Straaten.

Minister Croes revealed that he knows about various telephone calls of Van der Straaten and that he, the minister, knows with whom Van der Straaten was talking to ...


Natalee and her family deserve justice, and we will not let up until they have it!
Natalee’s Freebirds;topicseen#msg287560

AUGUST, 2006

August 26, 2006
Aruba wants Dutch police to take over Natalee case

ORANJESTAD, Aruba (AP) — Aruban authorities want Dutch police to take over the investigation of the disappearance of American teenager Natalee Holloway, who vanished on the Caribbean island more than one year ago, a local newspaper reported Friday.  Aruba's Justice Minister Rudy Croes sent a letter last week to Netherlands' Internal Affairs Minister Johan Remkes and to another Dutch official asking the Dutch police to handle the case, saying little progress had been made, the Solo di Pueblo newspaper reported.

If Dutch police take over the investigation, they will have access to all case files and their own office, according to the newspaper, which didn't cite its source. Remkes will visit the Dutch Caribbean islands, including Aruba, next week, authorities said in the Netherlands.

Telephone calls placed to Croes' office for comment Friday went unanswered.

Holloway vanished on May 30, 2005, the last night of a high school graduation trip to Aruba. Then 18, the native of Mountain Brook was last seen leaving a bar with three young men.

Authorities have arrested eight people in connection with her disappearance and then released them for lack of evidence.,2933,210525,00.html


Police head hindered Holloway investigation
Published: Thursday 04 December 2008 10:28 UTC
Last updated: Thursday 04 December 2008 10:35 UTC

The Aruban Minister of Justice, Rudy Croes, has told the ANP news agency that the investigation into the 2005 disappearance of Natalee Holloway was severely hindered in its initial stages by the island's Dutch police commissioner. Mr Croes said former commissioner Jan van de Straten did this to help his friend Paul van der Sloot, the father of the chief suspect in the US high school graduate's disappearance.

Mr Croes also said that Mr Van de Straten appeared to have made a conscious decision not to arrest Joran van der Sloot and two other suspects until ten days after Ms Holloway disappeared, even though the first few days are crucial in such an investigation. He went on to say that Mr Van de Straten and Mr Van der Sloot conducted lengthy telephone conversations after the disappearance and that the commissioner deployed a team of second-rank officers to investigate it.

Mr Croes added that a Dutch minister had asked the Aruban authorities to conceal as much as possible the fact that Joran van der Sloot was Dutch.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: caesu on December 16, 2008, 03:36:21 PM
Hi guys,

I got an email from Johan Remkes this afternoon - very brief - in respons to the email I sent Sunday:

Geachte heer ...,

Dank voor uw mail inzake de verdwijning van mej. N. Holloway. Tweede Kamerleden moeten naar mijn oordeel uiterst terughoudend zijn om zich in opsporings- en vervolgingsonderzoek te mengen. Die verantwoordelijkheid ligt bij de justitiële autoriteiten, primair op Aruba.

Hoogachtend en met vriendelijke groet,
Johan Remkes VVD 
Tweede Kamer der Staten- Generaal


Dear mister ...,

Thanks for your email concerning the disappearance of miss N. Holloway. Members of Parliament should, according to my judgement, be very reserved to interfere in a tracing- and prosecution-investigation. That responsibility lies at the justicial authorities, primarily at Aruba.

With regards and friendly greetings,

Johan Remkes VVD
Second Chamber of the States General

Well, that was to be expected.
But maybe the coming days he thinks again...
Or he can’t sleep one of the coming nights....
And he picks up the telephone and.....  ::MonkeyWink::

yes, that was expected.

but Remkes was manager (korpsbeheerder) of the KLPD in 2006.
a new investigation (by the Rijksrecherche) is an acknowledgement that the KLPD investigation of 2006 wasn't thorough enough.

You're right about that. But do you have confidence in the Arubans they will do it right this time?

a little bit.
if Rudy Croes is genuine about this new investigation: he might want to expose the corrupt Dutchies this time.
maybe both Jan van der Straten and Brinkman have ticked him off.

i think there is more to this PG situation we still don't know about.
to me it's mindboggling that Croes-Fernandes didn't do more to get rid of conflicts of interest in a very early stage.
she had the power to do this.
she must have known exactly who Paul van der Sloot was and how close he is to several people in the police / OM and judicial branch.

but maybe now with Pietersz as PG, Rudy Croes feels the time is right to instruct the PG to redo the investigation.

but i don't have high expectations.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Blue Moon on December 16, 2008, 05:53:05 PM
Hi guys,

I got an email from Johan Remkes this afternoon - very brief - in respons to the email I sent Sunday:

Geachte heer ...,

Dank voor uw mail inzake de verdwijning van mej. N. Holloway. Tweede Kamerleden moeten naar mijn oordeel uiterst terughoudend zijn om zich in opsporings- en vervolgingsonderzoek te mengen. Die verantwoordelijkheid ligt bij de justitiële autoriteiten, primair op Aruba.

Hoogachtend en met vriendelijke groet,
Johan Remkes VVD 
Tweede Kamer der Staten- Generaal


Dear mister ...,

Thanks for your email concerning the disappearance of miss N. Holloway. Members of Parliament should, according to my judgement, be very reserved to interfere in a tracing- and prosecution-investigation. That responsibility lies at the justicial authorities, primarily at Aruba.

With regards and friendly greetings,

Johan Remkes VVD
Second Chamber of the States General

Well, that was to be expected.
But maybe the coming days he thinks again...
Or he can’t sleep one of the coming nights....
And he picks up the telephone and.....  ::MonkeyWink::

yes, that was expected.

but Remkes was manager (korpsbeheerder) of the KLPD in 2006.
a new investigation (by the Rijksrecherche) is an acknowledgement that the KLPD investigation of 2006 wasn't thorough enough.

You're right about that. But do you have confidence in the Arubans they will do it right this time?

a little bit.
if Rudy Croes is genuine about this new investigation: he might want to expose the corrupt Dutchies this time.
maybe both Jan van der Straten and Brinkman have ticked him off.

i think there is more to this PG situation we still don't know about.
to me it's mindboggling that Croes-Fernandes didn't do more to get rid of conflicts of interest in a very early stage.
she had the power to do this.
she must have known exactly who Paul van der Sloot was and how close he is to several people in the police / OM and judicial branch.

but maybe now with Pietersz as PG, Rudy Croes feels the time is right to instruct the PG to redo the investigation.

but i don't have high expectations.

I 2nd that. I don't have even low expectations.  I hate to see John Q. Kelley go to Aruba expecting something to happen and have that bunch cut him off at the knees.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 16, 2008, 06:04:14 PM
Hi guys,

I got an email from Johan Remkes this afternoon - very brief - in respons to the email I sent Sunday:

Geachte heer ...,

Dank voor uw mail inzake de verdwijning van mej. N. Holloway. Tweede Kamerleden moeten naar mijn oordeel uiterst terughoudend zijn om zich in opsporings- en vervolgingsonderzoek te mengen. Die verantwoordelijkheid ligt bij de justitiële autoriteiten, primair op Aruba.

Hoogachtend en met vriendelijke groet,
Johan Remkes VVD 
Tweede Kamer der Staten- Generaal


Dear mister ...,

Thanks for your email concerning the disappearance of miss N. Holloway. Members of Parliament should, according to my judgement, be very reserved to interfere in a tracing- and prosecution-investigation. That responsibility lies at the justicial authorities, primarily at Aruba.

With regards and friendly greetings,

Johan Remkes VVD
Second Chamber of the States General

Well, that was to be expected.
But maybe the coming days he thinks again...
Or he can’t sleep one of the coming nights....
And he picks up the telephone and.....  ::MonkeyWink::

yes, that was expected.

but Remkes was manager (korpsbeheerder) of the KLPD in 2006.
a new investigation (by the Rijksrecherche) is an acknowledgement that the KLPD investigation of 2006 wasn't thorough enough.

You're right about that. But do you have confidence in the Arubans they will do it right this time?

a little bit.
if Rudy Croes is genuine about this new investigation: he might want to expose the corrupt Dutchies this time.
maybe both Jan van der Straten and Brinkman have ticked him off.

i think there is more to this PG situation we still don't know about.
to me it's mindboggling that Croes-Fernandes didn't do more to get rid of conflicts of interest in a very early stage.
she had the power to do this.
she must have known exactly who Paul van der Sloot was and how close he is to several people in the police / OM and judicial branch.

but maybe now with Pietersz as PG, Rudy Croes feels the time is right to instruct the PG to redo the investigation.

but i don't have high expectations.

I 2nd that. I don't have even low expectations.  I hate to see John Q. Kelley go to Aruba expecting something to happen and have that bunch cut him off at the knees.
There will be no CREDIBLE investigation -JQK is wasting his time. I HIGHLY doubt the "pond" will amount to squat. It is all delays and diversions.
I'm ready for "Shock and AWE".  Let it ALL hang out by exposing what WE know to the world. Let the chips fall where they may!

I've had it!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Magnolia on December 16, 2008, 06:27:04 PM

but i don't have high expectations.

I 2nd that. I don't have even low expectations.  I hate to see John Q. Kelley go to Aruba expecting something to happen and have that bunch cut him off at the knees.
There will be no CREDIBLE investigation -JQK is wasting his time. I HIGHLY doubt the "pond" will amount to squat. It is all delays and diversions.
I'm ready for "Shock and AWE".  Let it ALL hang out by exposing what WE know to the world. Let the chips fall where they may!

I've had it!!

I agree with everythin you said Wreck.  But how can WE do that?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 16, 2008, 06:27:52 PM
Hi guys,

I got an email from Johan Remkes this afternoon - very brief - in respons to the email I sent Sunday:

Geachte heer ...,

Dank voor uw mail inzake de verdwijning van mej. N. Holloway. Tweede Kamerleden moeten naar mijn oordeel uiterst terughoudend zijn om zich in opsporings- en vervolgingsonderzoek te mengen. Die verantwoordelijkheid ligt bij de justitiële autoriteiten, primair op Aruba.

Hoogachtend en met vriendelijke groet,
Johan Remkes VVD 
Tweede Kamer der Staten- Generaal


Dear mister ...,

Thanks for your email concerning the disappearance of miss N. Holloway. Members of Parliament should, according to my judgement, be very reserved to interfere in a tracing- and prosecution-investigation. That responsibility lies at the justicial authorities, primarily at Aruba.

With regards and friendly greetings,

Johan Remkes VVD
Second Chamber of the States General

Well, that was to be expected.
But maybe the coming days he thinks again...
Or he can’t sleep one of the coming nights....
And he picks up the telephone and.....  ::MonkeyWink::

yes, that was expected.

but Remkes was manager (korpsbeheerder) of the KLPD in 2006.
a new investigation (by the Rijksrecherche) is an acknowledgement that the KLPD investigation of 2006 wasn't thorough enough.

You're right about that. But do you have confidence in the Arubans they will do it right this time?

a little bit.
if Rudy Croes is genuine about this new investigation: he might want to expose the corrupt Dutchies this time.
maybe both Jan van der Straten and Brinkman have ticked him off.

i think there is more to this PG situation we still don't know about.
to me it's mindboggling that Croes-Fernandes didn't do more to get rid of conflicts of interest in a very early stage.
she had the power to do this.
she must have known exactly who Paul van der Sloot was and how close he is to several people in the police / OM and judicial branch.

but maybe now with Pietersz as PG, Rudy Croes feels the time is right to instruct the PG to redo the investigation.

but i don't have high expectations.

I 2nd that. I don't have even low expectations.  I hate to see John Q. Kelley go to Aruba expecting something to happen and have that bunch cut him off at the knees.
There will be no CREDIBLE investigation -JQK is wasting his time. I HIGHLY doubt the "pond" will amount to squat. It is all delays and diversions.
I'm ready for "Shock and AWE".  Let it ALL hang out by exposing what WE know to the world. Let the chips fall where they may!

I've had it!!
::MonkeyNoNo::  ::MonkeyShocked:: One Should Never Give Up HOPE! But I can honestly understand Your frustrations......I guess what I'm trying to say is I Hope You are wrong....and that I understand why You feel the way You do.....but as I watched JQK on Greta last night I got the feeling that there is alot going on behind the scenes that We are not privy too not yet anyways...I don't know this for sure but Gut Feelings tell Me different..... ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Blue Moon on December 16, 2008, 06:31:06 PM

but i don't have high expectations.

I 2nd that. I don't have even low expectations.  I hate to see John Q. Kelley go to Aruba expecting something to happen and have that bunch cut him off at the knees.
There will be no CREDIBLE investigation -JQK is wasting his time. I HIGHLY doubt the "pond" will amount to squat. It is all delays and diversions.
I'm ready for "Shock and AWE".  Let it ALL hang out by exposing what WE know to the world. Let the chips fall where they may!

I've had it!!

I agree with everythin you said Wreck.  But how can WE do that?

Do you think Greta reads here?  I am sure she is working with John Q. but maybe a lot of info we have seen lately needs to go national?  Just throwing it out there. Wouldn't want to mess up the "investigation" going on in Aruba though.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 16, 2008, 06:33:00 PM
Keepingthafaith..I sure hope something is going on but find it hard sometimes to actually believe anything is going to happen.We may know more to the story but no prosecution for anyone! ::MonkeyConfused::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 16, 2008, 06:35:41 PM
I haven't given up hope per se -- I think we already know plenty enough to let fly on Aruba. There will never "justice" provided by Aruba. It ain't gonna happen.
I think we should just come out firing everything we have on them -- not for justice in a court, but for posterity. I think Kermit has the key -- let's unleash "SHOCK and AWE"!! No more waiting around for someone in Aruba to "do the right thing". -JMO

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 16, 2008, 06:39:16 PM
I haven't given up hope per se -- I think we already know plenty enough to let fly on Aruba. There will never "justice" provided by Aruba. It ain't gonna happen.
I think we should just come out firing everything we have on them -- not for justice in a court, but for posterity. I think Kermit has the key -- let's unleash "SHOCK and AWE"!! No more waiting around for someone in Aruba to "do the right thing". -JMO

From what i've learned about Aruba it is a cesspool of EVIL.God know's what happen's in the belly of the beast that is Aruba..JMOO

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 16, 2008, 06:44:29 PM
Hi guys,

I got an email from Johan Remkes this afternoon - very brief - in respons to the email I sent Sunday:

Geachte heer ...,

Dank voor uw mail inzake de verdwijning van mej. N. Holloway. Tweede Kamerleden moeten naar mijn oordeel uiterst terughoudend zijn om zich in opsporings- en vervolgingsonderzoek te mengen. Die verantwoordelijkheid ligt bij de justitiële autoriteiten, primair op Aruba.

Hoogachtend en met vriendelijke groet,
Johan Remkes VVD 
Tweede Kamer der Staten- Generaal


Dear mister ...,

Thanks for your email concerning the disappearance of miss N. Holloway. Members of Parliament should, according to my judgement, be very reserved to interfere in a tracing- and prosecution-investigation. That responsibility lies at the justicial authorities, primarily at Aruba.

With regards and friendly greetings,

Johan Remkes VVD
Second Chamber of the States General

Well, that was to be expected.
But maybe the coming days he thinks again...
Or he can’t sleep one of the coming nights....
And he picks up the telephone and.....  ::MonkeyWink::

yes, that was expected.

but Remkes was manager (korpsbeheerder) of the KLPD in 2006.
a new investigation (by the Rijksrecherche) is an acknowledgement that the KLPD investigation of 2006 wasn't thorough enough.

You're right about that. But do you have confidence in the Arubans they will do it right this time?

a little bit.
if Rudy Croes is genuine about this new investigation: he might want to expose the corrupt Dutchies this time.
maybe both Jan van der Straten and Brinkman have ticked him off.

i think there is more to this PG situation we still don't know about.
to me it's mindboggling that Croes-Fernandes didn't do more to get rid of conflicts of interest in a very early stage.
she had the power to do this.
she must have known exactly who Paul van der Sloot was and how close he is to several people in the police / OM and judicial branch.

but maybe now with Pietersz as PG, Rudy Croes feels the time is right to instruct the PG to redo the investigation.

but i don't have high expectations.

I 2nd that. I don't have even low expectations.  I hate to see John Q. Kelley go to Aruba expecting something to happen and have that bunch cut him off at the knees.
There will be no CREDIBLE investigation -JQK is wasting his time. I HIGHLY doubt the "pond" will amount to squat. It is all delays and diversions.
I'm ready for "Shock and AWE".  Let it ALL hang out by exposing what WE know to the world. Let the chips fall where they may!

I've had it!!

How, when we can't get anyone to listen?  This is exactly why I didn't jump on the bandwagon and start cheering because the Dutch are coming to save Natalee.  The Dutch Parliament might be addressing corruption issues with the ABCs, but I really don't think Natalee is a very high priority for them, or they would have addressed her disappearance long before now.  The Dutch already know what has happened.  I'm afraid that JQK will get the same treatment that Tim got from Mos last September and the same treatment Greta got recently.

There are too many people involved in Natalee's cover up. They aren't going to arrest just one or two people.  I don't see Urine or Paulass going to jail for anything that was done to Natalee.  I think that we need to figure out exactly where she is, if that is still a possibility, and demand the return of her remains.  I know that Jossy has four witnesses, but nothing is happening with these witnesses.  Mos and ALE aren't paying any attention to the witnesses.  They aren't even paying attention to Greta and Peter deVries.  They are thumbing their noses at us again.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Magnolia on December 16, 2008, 06:49:28 PM
I seriously doubt that there is any investigation going on in
Aruba.  Mos has issued a statement that the pond witness
had nothing new to offer.
Hero Brinkman said something to the effect that if a person
was honest when they went to Aruba, they were soon bought
off or corrupted in some way.
People who think they "know more" seem to think there are two
more witnesses.  I think they may have been led to believe
something that isn't true.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 16, 2008, 06:50:16 PM
Aruba is beyond words in description that is ........ I do care about getting Natalee Home and if there is a chance of that I don't want to do anything to prevent it from happening......Maybe Kermit will come on later and can direct Us in a way that We can help with the Persistance Pics that indicate that Natalee was in that Trap and that Aruba took the contents and has not said one word about what or who it was......Does Greta even know about these new pics? Is something going on behind the scenes that We don't know about and if We start putting the pics out there in the MSM...would mess up investigations that are in progess.....I don't know the answers but maybe Kermit or someone does.....  ::MonkeyConfused::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 16, 2008, 06:51:06 PM
How, when we can't get anyone to listen?  This is exactly why I didn't jump on the bandwagon and start cheering because the Dutch are coming to save Natalee.  The Dutch Parliament might be addressing corruption issues with the ABCs, but I really don't think Natalee is a very high priority for them, or they would have addressed her disappearance long before now.  The Dutch already know what has happened.  I'm afraid that JQK will get the same treatment that Tim got from Mos last September and the same treatment Greta got recently.

There are too many people involved in Natalee's cover up. They aren't going to arrest just one or two people.  I don't see Urine or Paulass going to jail for anything that was done to Natalee.  I think that we need to figure out exactly where she is, if that is still a possibility, and demand the return of her remains.  I know that Jossy has four witnesses, but nothing is happening with these witnesses.  Mos and ALE aren't paying any attention to the witnesses.  They aren't even paying attention to Greta and Peter deVries.  They are thumbing their noses at us again
That's ALL I'm asking for!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Edward on December 16, 2008, 06:51:29 PM
It is called passive resistance.. It was used in world war 2 against a German group known as the Nazi.. Politics as usual in the Netherlands political system.
They are stalling you with no intention of doing a damn thing..They just want to wear us down over time..

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 16, 2008, 06:54:08 PM

There will be no CREDIBLE investigation -JQK is wasting his time. I HIGHLY doubt the "pond" will amount to squat. It is all delays and diversions.
I'm ready for "Shock and AWE".  Let it ALL hang out by exposing what WE know to the world. Let the chips fall where they may!

I've had it!!


Me too Wreck!!

It is my understanding that John Q. Kelly was recently the recipient of the ROV images.  Why is is not challenging Aruba in regards to the contents.  Apparently a piece of cloth was sent to the FBI for forensic testing ... a piece of cloth that Kyle Kingman ... the oceanographer aboard the Persistence ... does not believe came from the trap/cage.

Mr. Kelly ... the latest developments which are NOT development ... just flashbacks to 2005/2006 ... is another Dog and Pony Show.  Have you not learned ....



John Q. Kelly
On the Record w/ Greta
December 4, 2007

KELLY: Well, in their press release and even in conversations. I had a long discussion with him (Hans Mo) Thanksgiving morning after the arrests, and you know, he indicated that they were very confident, this new evidence they had, this incriminating evidence. And it turns out, quite frankly, that it is nothing new ...

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. So you can say with 100 percent certainly there's nothing new, right?

KELLY:  I can say it with 99 percent.


JOHN Q. KELLY, HOLLOWAY ATTORNEY: Disappointing, Greta. I think it was disappointing to me and actually extraordinarily painful and almost cruel for Beth and Dave after being down there.

They'd like to get some answers and they'd like to see some progress made. And it's not fair to bring them down there with the false promises, with raised expectations, sort of a dog and pony show down there with no substance.  

And it was — it just really took whatever spirit, almost, that Beth and Dave had left, went through that this weekend. It was really — it was terribly painful, for lack of a better expression.,2933,314966,00.html


Kyle: We all know it wasn't a blouse, but I believe they were sent some piece of fabric other than the fabric found inside the trap.

Kyle: It was confirmed by the FBI that they received a fabric sample send by Richardson and that it wasn't a match to Natalee's blouse. I think the video can prove or disprove whatever the FBI was sent was the same object or not. I strongly believe it's blue denim. Everyone I show thinks the same thing without being prompted (including senior ABC execs).

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 16, 2008, 07:04:07 PM
How, when we can't get anyone to listen?  This is exactly why I didn't jump on the bandwagon and start cheering because the Dutch are coming to save Natalee.  The Dutch Parliament might be addressing corruption issues with the ABCs, but I really don't think Natalee is a very high priority for them, or they would have addressed her disappearance long before now.  The Dutch already know what has happened.  I'm afraid that JQK will get the same treatment that Tim got from Mos last September and the same treatment Greta got recently.

There are too many people involved in Natalee's cover up. They aren't going to arrest just one or two people.  I don't see Urine or Paulass going to jail for anything that was done to Natalee.  I think that we need to figure out exactly where she is, if that is still a possibility, and demand the return of her remains.  I know that Jossy has four witnesses, but nothing is happening with these witnesses.  Mos and ALE aren't paying any attention to the witnesses.  They aren't even paying attention to Greta and Peter deVries.  They are thumbing their noses at us again
That's ALL I'm asking for!
SS and Wreck....I'm with You on this but how the hell do We DEMAND Her remains be returned?...... ::MonkeyEek::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 16, 2008, 07:08:55 PM
I firmly believe that justice for Natalee Holloway is not going to come out of Aruba.

The domino effect in regards to implication would be sooo far reaching.

Think about it.  There would be  those who participated in the events of the morning of May 30, 2005 and ... those in the Aruban/Dutch administration who were involved in the coverup and ... the sons of the elite and ... the judiciary and ... those involved in Aruba's underground economy ...

BOTTOM LINE:  The "powers that be" are not going to allow Aruba to be flushed down the toilet so that justice can prevail for one American citizen.

However ... there could be a measure of closure for the family if the contents of that cage/trap were Natalee Holloway's remains. This needs to be the focus of Kyle Kingman.  This needs to be the focus of the family.  This needs to be the focus of John Q. Kelly.  This needs to be the focus of the FBI.  This needs to be the focus of Monkeys.



'Scarborough Country' for July 14
updated 8:45 a.m. PT, Fri., July. 15, 2005

JUG TWITTY, NATALEE HOLLOWAY'S STEPFATHER: Beth and I have been through this emotional roller coaster. And all we want is Natalee, whether she's alive or dead. We want to bring her back to the United States, and we'll leave and they can do whatever they want to do.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Buckeye on December 16, 2008, 07:09:19 PM
I'm not quite sure what the hidey hole, people are waiting for.  If they think some secret, stealth, US group is going to ride in, with their info, and save the day, I believe they are mistaken.  If anyone has any info, it should be placed on the boards and disseminated.  This case would be no where if the internet had not been involved in the first place. Any group is going to have to report to Aruba and Aruba will decide....unless a stink can be raised that would rise to the caliber of "international".  Only things I can think of are trafficking or hate crimes.  I don't even think Aruba's Parliament has acknowledged the European Victim's Rights Act.  They are still into perpetrator rights.  The case will die with hidey hole secrets.

For the Dutch...What if the problem is not just the police?  What if the problem involves Justice and the political influence on Parliament and those that give direction to the prosecutor.  Who investigates when the Justice Department itself is suspected of wrongdoing?  Lets say they really thought R. Croes was out of line for not doing something three years ago.  Who is responsible for the checks and balances on Croes?  Parliament (which is MEP) ?? TIA

I like hearing every opinion.  I value everyone's posts.  There is different value to each one: some are grounding, some make me think, some make me glad I'm not crazy.....

O/T to Kermit....if you have any pull, please tell them that someone should have caught that second shoe....sheesh.....

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 16, 2008, 07:18:00 PM
How, when we can't get anyone to listen?  This is exactly why I didn't jump on the bandwagon and start cheering because the Dutch are coming to save Natalee.  The Dutch Parliament might be addressing corruption issues with the ABCs, but I really don't think Natalee is a very high priority for them, or they would have addressed her disappearance long before now.  The Dutch already know what has happened.  I'm afraid that JQK will get the same treatment that Tim got from Mos last September and the same treatment Greta got recently.

There are too many people involved in Natalee's cover up. They aren't going to arrest just one or two people.  I don't see Urine or Paulass going to jail for anything that was done to Natalee.  I think that we need to figure out exactly where she is, if that is still a possibility, and demand the return of her remains.  I know that Jossy has four witnesses, but nothing is happening with these witnesses.  Mos and ALE aren't paying any attention to the witnesses.  They aren't even paying attention to Greta and Peter deVries.  They are thumbing their noses at us again
That's ALL I'm asking for!
SS and Wreck....I'm with You on this but how the hell do We DEMAND Her remains be returned?...... ::MonkeyEek::

We have to figure out where she is and we need help from people in Aruba because we can't do this on our own.  Was she in the cage - we don't know.  Caps doesn't help us or answer our questions anymore after he told us that she was likely dismembered and/or she is in the cemetery.  Destiny did a beautiful appeal in the newspaper last May - did anyone ever reply?  I am beyond frustration at this point and the fighting is just making it worse because it means that things are crumbling from within the once unified group.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 16, 2008, 07:20:43 PM
I seriously doubt that there is any investigation going on in
.  Mos has issued a statement that the pond witness
had nothing new to offer.
Hero Brinkman said something to the effect that if a person
was honest when they went to Aruba, they were soon bought
off or corrupted in some way.
People who think they "know more" seem to think there are two
more witnesses.  I think they may have been led to believe
something that isn't true.

I agree Magnolia.  Was there really ever an investigation going on in this case.  The Media/Message Boards/Monkeys have been keeping this case in the news.  Aruba wants us to desperately to go away.

I don't care if they bring in 50 witnesses nothing will happend.

The only time something will happen is if a tape is found of what they did to Natalee.

I always believed there was a tape made by Joran, Kalpoes & Freddy.  Someone has it and one day it will get into the wrong hands if it hasn't already.  Then the world will know what happened.  But I still don't think they will prosecute them.

When the world finds out no one will want to ever travel there again.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 16, 2008, 07:23:34 PM
How, when we can't get anyone to listen?  This is exactly why I didn't jump on the bandwagon and start cheering because the Dutch are coming to save Natalee.  The Dutch Parliament might be addressing corruption issues with the ABCs, but I really don't think Natalee is a very high priority for them, or they would have addressed her disappearance long before now.  The Dutch already know what has happened.  I'm afraid that JQK will get the same treatment that Tim got from Mos last September and the same treatment Greta got recently.

There are too many people involved in Natalee's cover up. They aren't going to arrest just one or two people.  I don't see Urine or Paulass going to jail for anything that was done to Natalee.  I think that we need to figure out exactly where she is, if that is still a possibility, and demand the return of her remains.  I know that Jossy has four witnesses, but nothing is happening with these witnesses.  Mos and ALE aren't paying any attention to the witnesses.  They aren't even paying attention to Greta and Peter deVries.  They are thumbing their noses at us again
That's ALL I'm asking for!
SS and Wreck....I'm with You on this but how the hell do We DEMAND Her remains be returned?...... ::MonkeyEek::

We have to figure out where she is and we need help from people in Aruba because we can't do this on our own.  Was she in the cage - we don't know.  Caps doesn't help us or answer our questions anymore after he told us that she was likely dismembered and/or she is in the cemetery.  Destiny did a beautiful appeal in the newspaper last May - did anyone ever reply?  I am beyond frustration at this point and the fighting is just making it worse because it means that things are crumbling from within the once unified group.

Follow the money!How to expose the seedy underworld of Aruba?What buttons to push to get action?Who do we expose?Who are the 5 most powerful and influential people on the island?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 16, 2008, 07:25:47 PM
I'm not quite sure what the hidey hole, people are waiting for.  If they think some secret, stealth, US group is going to ride in, with their info, and save the day, I believe they are mistaken.  If anyone has any info, it should be placed on the boards and disseminated.  This case would be no where if the internet had not been involved in the first place. Any group is going to have to report to Aruba and Aruba will decide....unless a stink can be raised that would rise to the caliber of "international".  Only things I can think of are trafficking or hate crimes.  I don't even think Aruba's Parliament has acknowledged the European Victim's Rights Act.  They are still into perpetrator rights.  The case will die with hidey hole secrets.

For the Dutch...What if the problem is not just the police?  What if the problem involves Justice and the political influence on Parliament and those that give direction to the prosecutor.  Who investigates when the Justice Department itself is suspected of wrongdoing?  Lets say they really thought R. Croes was out of line for not doing something three years ago.  Who is responsible for the checks and balances on Croes?  Parliament (which is MEP) ?? TIA

I like hearing every opinion.  I value everyone's posts.  There is different value to each one: some are grounding, some make me think, some make me glad I'm not crazy.....

O/T to Kermit....if you have any pull, please tell them that someone should have caught that second shoe....sheesh.....

Good Post Buckeye.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 16, 2008, 07:26:09 PM
How, when we can't get anyone to listen?  This is exactly why I didn't jump on the bandwagon and start cheering because the Dutch are coming to save Natalee.  The Dutch Parliament might be addressing corruption issues with the ABCs, but I really don't think Natalee is a very high priority for them, or they would have addressed her disappearance long before now.  The Dutch already know what has happened.  I'm afraid that JQK will get the same treatment that Tim got from Mos last September and the same treatment Greta got recently.

There are too many people involved in Natalee's cover up. They aren't going to arrest just one or two people.  I don't see Urine or Paulass going to jail for anything that was done to Natalee.  I think that we need to figure out exactly where she is, if that is still a possibility, and demand the return of her remains.  I know that Jossy has four witnesses, but nothing is happening with these witnesses.  Mos and ALE aren't paying any attention to the witnesses.  They aren't even paying attention to Greta and Peter deVries.  They are thumbing their noses at us again
That's ALL I'm asking for!
SS and Wreck....I'm with You on this but how the hell do We DEMAND Her remains be returned?...... ::MonkeyEek::

We have to figure out where she is and we need help from people in Aruba because we can't do this on our own.  Was she in the cage - we don't know.  Caps doesn't help us or answer our questions anymore after he told us that she was likely dismembered and/or she is in the cemetery.  Destiny did a beautiful appeal in the newspaper last May - did anyone ever reply?  I am beyond frustration at this point and the fighting is just making it worse because it means that things are crumbling from within the once unified group.
SS...I in no way meant My Question about DEMAND to be Ugly....I just don't know how to find out where Natalee is.....Caps is doing work over there that We don't even know about....I'm sure of it because I believe in Him......Jossy probably knows things also but for whatever reason He and Caps both are not telling Us at this time.....I don't know what happened about Destiny's appeal...maybe if another Monkey knows they can tell Us........ ::MonkeyConfused:: 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 16, 2008, 07:31:18 PM
I'm not quite sure what the hidey hole, people are waiting for.  If they think some secret, stealth, US group is going to ride in, with their info, and save the day, I believe they are mistaken.  If anyone has any info, it should be placed on the boards and disseminated.  This case would be no where if the internet had not been involved in the first place. Any group is going to have to report to Aruba and Aruba will decide....unless a stink can be raised that would rise to the caliber of "international".  Only things I can think of are trafficking or hate crimes.  I don't even think Aruba's Parliament has acknowledged the European Victim's Rights Act.  They are still into perpetrator rights.  The case will die with hidey hole secrets.

For the Dutch...What if the problem is not just the police?  What if the problem involves Justice and the political influence on Parliament and those that give direction to the prosecutor.  Who investigates when the Justice Department itself is suspected of wrongdoing?  Lets say they really thought R. Croes was out of line for not doing something three years ago.  Who is responsible for the checks and balances on Croes?  Parliament (which is MEP) ?? TIA

I like hearing every opinion.  I value everyone's posts.  There is different value to each one: some are grounding, some make me think, some make me glad I'm not crazy.....

O/T to Kermit....if you have any pull, please tell them that someone should have caught that second shoe....sheesh.....

Thanks for posting that.  Unfortunately, the tension in the cage has become taxing for some people.  And that is a shame.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Magnolia on December 16, 2008, 07:38:26 PM
BTW....I have five pictures of my late husband with Bill Clinton.
I got them out and looked today and I found Kermit in two of

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Anna on December 16, 2008, 07:41:25 PM
The only interest in this case at all seems to be from political infighting in Aruba and between the Arubans and the Dutch.  No one is doing one thing about bringing justice to Natalee or finding her remains, etc.

Even if there is an investigation into Croes and vd Straten and the roles each played in the beginning, how does that find Natalee?  It doesn't unless vd Straten were to confess to hiding her remains which I seriously doubt is going to happen.

We don't even know if Natalee's remains were in the fish trap or not but have really no way to verify that.  No one is listening to the alleged new witnesses, either.

So even if Rudy Croes is proven correct and vd Straten did have improper conversations with Paulus, what then?

Nothing, I think. 

And I don't know of any way to get things moving again as there is no interest in prosecuting anybody and Joran is not even within the reach of OM these days anyway.  I think Rudy Croes is just using this case now to score political points for his party and is angry that vd Straten said unflattering things about his Coast Guard.

And considering all the corruption, drugs and other scandals, the Dutch just want to be rid of the islands and this is not high on their lists of outrages. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 16, 2008, 07:41:39 PM
BTW....I have five pictures of my late husband with Bill Clinton.
I got them out and looked today and I found Kermit in two of

Cool.  Don't send them to anyone.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 16, 2008, 07:45:08 PM
Monkey's are frustrated.Rightfully so!We all stand for the girl........We hit a brick wall.Figure out how to go over it,around it,or maybe just bust through it.If nothing else continue to let the world know exactly what awaits them on Danger Island..Human trafficking,drug lords,money laundering,Mafia,Murder(That they WILL NOT INVESTIGATE),rape's,drug-smuggling,Pimps,Elders,as well as Police and a judicial system that does not care about anyone other then the DUTCH ELITE,if that's what you wanna call them....

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 16, 2008, 07:46:18 PM
How, when we can't get anyone to listen?  This is exactly why I didn't jump on the bandwagon and start cheering because the Dutch are coming to save Natalee.  The Dutch Parliament might be addressing corruption issues with the ABCs, but I really don't think Natalee is a very high priority for them, or they would have addressed her disappearance long before now.  The Dutch already know what has happened.  I'm afraid that JQK will get the same treatment that Tim got from Mos last September and the same treatment Greta got recently.

There are too many people involved in Natalee's cover up. They aren't going to arrest just one or two people.  I don't see Urine or Paulass going to jail for anything that was done to Natalee.  I think that we need to figure out exactly where she is, if that is still a possibility, and demand the return of her remains.  I know that Jossy has four witnesses, but nothing is happening with these witnesses.  Mos and ALE aren't paying any attention to the witnesses.  They aren't even paying attention to Greta and Peter deVries.  They are thumbing their noses at us again
That's ALL I'm asking for!
SS and Wreck....I'm with You on this but how the hell do We DEMAND Her remains be returned?...... ::MonkeyEek::

We have to figure out where she is and we need help from people in Aruba because we can't do this on our own.  Was she in the cage - we don't know.  Caps doesn't help us or answer our questions anymore after he told us that she was likely dismembered and/or she is in the cemetery.  Destiny did a beautiful appeal in the newspaper last May - did anyone ever reply?  I am beyond frustration at this point and the fighting is just making it worse because it means that things are crumbling from within the once unified group.

Follow the money!How to expose the seedy underworld of Aruba?What buttons to push to get action?Who do we expose?Who are the 5 most powerful and influential people on the island?

It doesn't matter.  From the Kalpoes up the chain of command ... they are are all connected in some respect.  It is a domino effect ... that allows the corruption to continue and ... justice to be allusive.  It is not about the rights that Natalee Holloway should have been afforded under the protective umbrella of Dutch law ... it is about covering one's own b--- by protecting another's b---.

The Aruban game is something akin to the game ... the serious game ... we all played with our siblings.  "If you tell on me ... I will tell on you".



'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' for April 6
updated 9:15 a.m. PT, Fri., April. 7, 2006

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY, NATALEE‘S MOTHER: What do you make of the fact that it‘s so strange that here‘s this guy (Boeti) who‘s his brother-in-law, Gerold Dompig? Isn‘t that weird to you, too, just that strange connection? And the fact—it was interesting. When we were down there, the authorities were sort of, like, Well, we can‘t really focus on him because of, basically, who he‘s connected to.

TWITTY: Well, you know, it‘s really not any stranger to me than it is that the Kalpoes are cousins of Gerold Dompig. So you know, they‘re all very connected on that island. It‘s hard to find someone who‘s not a relative or a cousin.

On the Record w/ Greta
You Know You're Tired When...
Thursday, May 25, 2006

VAN SUSTEREN:  As most of you know, Guido Wever, age 19, was arrested in Holland last week in connection with Natalee Holloway's disappearance. He has been released. Here is a small news item: He is related to a frequent guest on our show — Arlene Ellis-Schipper. I was told they are cousins, but I don't know if that is first, second ...,2933,196974,00.html

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 16, 2008, 07:46:23 PM
I'm afraid Kermit is our only hope.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 16, 2008, 07:55:37 PM
How, when we can't get anyone to listen?  This is exactly why I didn't jump on the bandwagon and start cheering because the Dutch are coming to save Natalee.  The Dutch Parliament might be addressing corruption issues with the ABCs, but I really don't think Natalee is a very high priority for them, or they would have addressed her disappearance long before now.  The Dutch already know what has happened.  I'm afraid that JQK will get the same treatment that Tim got from Mos last September and the same treatment Greta got recently.

There are too many people involved in Natalee's cover up. They aren't going to arrest just one or two people.  I don't see Urine or Paulass going to jail for anything that was done to Natalee.  I think that we need to figure out exactly where she is, if that is still a possibility, and demand the return of her remains.  I know that Jossy has four witnesses, but nothing is happening with these witnesses.  Mos and ALE aren't paying any attention to the witnesses.  They aren't even paying attention to Greta and Peter deVries.  They are thumbing their noses at us again
That's ALL I'm asking for!
SS and Wreck....I'm with You on this but how the hell do We DEMAND Her remains be returned?...... ::MonkeyEek::

We have to figure out where she is and we need help from people in Aruba because we can't do this on our own.  Was she in the cage - we don't know.  Caps doesn't help us or answer our questions anymore after he told us that she was likely dismembered and/or she is in the cemetery.  Destiny did a beautiful appeal in the newspaper last May - did anyone ever reply?  I am beyond frustration at this point and the fighting is just making it worse because it means that things are crumbling from within the once unified group.

Follow the money!How to expose the seedy underworld of Aruba?What buttons to push to get action?Who do we expose?Who are the 5 most powerful and influential people on the island?

It doesn't matter.  From the Kalpoes up the chain of command ... they are are all connected in some respect.  It is a domino effect ... that allows the corruption to continue and ... justice to be allusive.  It is not about the rights that Natalee Holloway should have been afforded under the protective umbrella of Dutch law ... it is about covering one's own b--- by protecting another's b---.

The Aruban game is something akin to the game ... the serious game ... we all played with our siblings.  "If you tell on me ... I will tell on you".



'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' for April 6
updated 9:15 a.m. PT, Fri., April. 7, 2006

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY, NATALEE‘S MOTHER: What do you make of the fact that it‘s so strange that here‘s this guy (Boeti) who‘s his brother-in-law, Gerold Dompig? Isn‘t that weird to you, too, just that strange connection? And the fact—it was interesting. When we were down there, the authorities were sort of, like, Well, we can‘t really focus on him because of, basically, who he‘s connected to.

TWITTY: Well, you know, it‘s really not any stranger to me than it is that the Kalpoes are cousins of Gerold Dompig. So you know, they‘re all very connected on that island. It‘s hard to find someone who‘s not a relative or a cousin.

On the Record w/ Greta
You Know You're Tired When...
Thursday, May 25, 2006

VAN SUSTEREN:  As most of you know, Guido Wever, age 19, was arrested in Holland last week in connection with Natalee Holloway's disappearance. He has been released. Here is a small news item: He is related to a frequent guest on our show — Arlene Ellis-Schipper. I was told they are cousins, but I don't know if that is first, second ...,2933,196974,00.html

I hear ya Janet.That whole Island is Family..That's why i continue to be so curious as to how the Mansur family doesn't know all!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on December 16, 2008, 07:58:08 PM
Thanks klaas...

Magnolia...didn't Caps say they had to have an Aruban partner?

If so then the Posner's have a silent one or some-one did them a big favor!

Exactly!  Therein lies Paulus' control, I think.
I think he did the same sort of manipulation for Charles Croes.

Charles is tied in with De Palm Tours...Posted something about that in Shango, may be a page back...but it isn't listed on his Chamber records either!

2NJS...They disappear when I try to copy them as well...there is a secret!

Charles Croes was born in New York.  His parents live in West Palm Beach,
Florida.  I seriously doubt that he has Aruban citizenship.
He is an American Traitor, along with Julia Renfro, Mark Pursell, and Posner.

I agree.  I hope they all burn hell.


Isn't that the picture of Julia with what some said was a "sunburn"?


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on December 16, 2008, 08:05:35 PM
It is called passive resistance.. It was used in world war 2 against a German group known as the Nazi.. Politics as usual in the Netherlands political system.
They are stalling you with no intention of doing a damn thing..They just want to wear us down over time..

I think this is another year end push to no where.  Make people think something is happening and it just fizzles out after the holiday.  Timing for all those important holiday getaways - spring break, summer vacations, etc.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: snoopy on December 16, 2008, 08:07:22 PM
BTW....I have five pictures of my late husband with Bill Clinton.
I got them out and looked today and I found Kermit in two of

That's awesome!  Like San says....don't send them to anyone.

Rock On!!   ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on December 16, 2008, 08:28:07 PM
Any movement on the Kalpoe front?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 16, 2008, 08:37:43 PM
How, when we can't get anyone to listen?  This is exactly why I didn't jump on the bandwagon and start cheering because the Dutch are coming to save Natalee.  The Dutch Parliament might be addressing corruption issues with the ABCs, but I really don't think Natalee is a very high priority for them, or they would have addressed her disappearance long before now.  The Dutch already know what has happened.  I'm afraid that JQK will get the same treatment that Tim got from Mos last September and the same treatment Greta got recently.

There are too many people involved in Natalee's cover up. They aren't going to arrest just one or two people.  I don't see Urine or Paulass going to jail for anything that was done to Natalee.  I think that we need to figure out exactly where she is, if that is still a possibility, and demand the return of her remains.  I know that Jossy has four witnesses, but nothing is happening with these witnesses.  Mos and ALE aren't paying any attention to the witnesses.  They aren't even paying attention to Greta and Peter deVries.  They are thumbing their noses at us again
That's ALL I'm asking for!
SS and Wreck....I'm with You on this but how the hell do We DEMAND Her remains be returned?...... ::MonkeyEek::

We have to figure out where she is and we need help from people in Aruba because we can't do this on our own.  Was she in the cage - we don't know.  Caps doesn't help us or answer our questions anymore after he told us that she was likely dismembered and/or she is in the cemetery.  Destiny did a beautiful appeal in the newspaper last May - did anyone ever reply?  I am beyond frustration at this point and the fighting is just making it worse because it means that things are crumbling from within the once unified group.
SS...I in no way meant My Question about DEMAND to be Ugly....I just don't know how to find out where Natalee is.....Caps is doing work over there that We don't even know about....I'm sure of it because I believe in Him......Jossy probably knows things also but for whatever reason He and Caps both are not telling Us at this time.....I don't know what happened about Destiny's appeal...maybe if another Monkey knows they can tell Us........ ::MonkeyConfused:: 

Hotping - I didn't for a minute think that your question was ugly.  You sound as frustrated as I am right now.  I think Caps is someone who can help us.  He has already given us such an incredible amount of information.  Most of it seems to be pretty accurate.  I have also heard that Caps and Jossy are working behind the scenes, but nothing is happening and Caps hasn't been communicating with us or responding to our questions.  Mos has disregarded the witnesses, Greta, and Peter.  He wouldn't even meet with Tim in September.  Jossy never followed through with Parts 3, 4, and 5 that were supposed to expose Paulass.  I really don't expect anything to happen with the Dutch Parliament.  I feel like we've been set adrift without a paddle.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Magnolia on December 16, 2008, 09:21:00 PM
Did Jossy ever say that parts 3,4 & 5 were to follow or
did just Caps say that part?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Poochy on December 16, 2008, 09:22:35 PM

Kyle: We all know it wasn't a blouse, but I believe they were sent some piece of fabric other than  the fabric found inside the trap.

Kyle: It was confirmed by the FBI that they received a fabric sample send by Richardson and that it wasn't a match to Natalee's blouse. I think the video can prove or disprove whatever the FBI was sent was the same object or not. I strongly believe it's blue denim. Everyone I show thinks the same thing without being prompted (including senior ABC execs).

Remember that pic of someone in ALE holding what looked like a piece of Natalee's blouse in his hand? (Later dismissed as fishing netting or something)..  Was that 'netting' discovered on land near to where the trap is located?

What about all that other stuff - the duct tape, Joran's belt,  where Deepak took a squirt - where Satish said they stopped the car, where the fisherman said he saw Joran take something bundled up out of the trunk of a car, then take his shoes off, and go to the ocean and swim with the bundle out a bit - could he be taking Natalee to a waiting boat to divers to put her in that trap perhaps? Was all of this stuff going on near the location of the trap?

Speaking of duct tape - who was that surfer dude anyway? What moron puts sticky duct tape in their long hair? Wouldn't that glue melt from the hot Aruba summer sun  or get wet from the salty ocean water? Why not just braid the hair and stick a rubber band at the end of it?  That duct tape explanation never sat well w/me especially when they found blonde hair on it - and then Dave said some guy asked him for Natalee's hair for some 'machine' he invented to locate Natalee, but needed a few strands of her hair. Who was that inventor?

I think all these smaller folks played in this game as well. Were paid off, were paid to talk or to request things... JMHO

Sorry in advance if all this was discussed already... 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 16, 2008, 09:23:07 PM
Did Jossy ever say that parts 3,4 & 5 were to follow or
did just Caps say that part?

I believe that was Caps who said that Magnolia.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 16, 2008, 09:27:00 PM
Any movement on the Kalpoe front?

Last I checked the hearing on the motion to compel has been postponed until January or February.  I forget the exact date.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 16, 2008, 09:27:07 PM
Did Jossy ever say that parts 3,4 & 5 were to follow or
did just Caps say that part?

I believe that was Caps who said that Magnolia.

patient----the puzzle is on the table....patient there is more than part 2 there is 3 and 4 and 5 as this writings...

A singing war is a lost war.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 16, 2008, 09:27:10 PM
How, when we can't get anyone to listen?  This is exactly why I didn't jump on the bandwagon and start cheering because the Dutch are coming to save Natalee.  The Dutch Parliament might be addressing corruption issues with the ABCs, but I really don't think Natalee is a very high priority for them, or they would have addressed her disappearance long before now.  The Dutch already know what has happened.  I'm afraid that JQK will get the same treatment that Tim got from Mos last September and the same treatment Greta got recently.

There are too many people involved in Natalee's cover up. They aren't going to arrest just one or two people.  I don't see Urine or Paulass going to jail for anything that was done to Natalee.  I think that we need to figure out exactly where she is, if that is still a possibility, and demand the return of her remains.  I know that Jossy has four witnesses, but nothing is happening with these witnesses.  Mos and ALE aren't paying any attention to the witnesses.  They aren't even paying attention to Greta and Peter deVries.  They are thumbing their noses at us again
That's ALL I'm asking for!
SS and Wreck....I'm with You on this but how the hell do We DEMAND Her remains be returned?...... ::MonkeyEek::

We have to figure out where she is and we need help from people in Aruba because we can't do this on our own.  Was she in the cage - we don't know.  Caps doesn't help us or answer our questions anymore after he told us that she was likely dismembered and/or she is in the cemetery.  Destiny did a beautiful appeal in the newspaper last May - did anyone ever reply?  I am beyond frustration at this point and the fighting is just making it worse because it means that things are crumbling from within the once unified group.
SS...I in no way meant My Question about DEMAND to be Ugly....I just don't know how to find out where Natalee is.....Caps is doing work over there that We don't even know about....I'm sure of it because I believe in Him......Jossy probably knows things also but for whatever reason He and Caps both are not telling Us at this time.....I don't know what happened about Destiny's appeal...maybe if another Monkey knows they can tell Us........ ::MonkeyConfused:: 

Hotping - I didn't for a minute think that your question was ugly.  You sound as frustrated as I am right now.  I think Caps is someone who can help us.  He has already given us such an incredible amount of information.  Most of it seems to be pretty accurate.  I have also heard that Caps and Jossy are working behind the scenes, but nothing is happening and Caps hasn't been communicating with us or responding to our questions.  Mos has disregarded the witnesses, Greta, and Peter.  He wouldn't even meet with Tim in September.  Jossy never followed through with Parts 3, 4, and 5 that were supposed to expose Paulass.  I really don't expect anything to happen with the Dutch Parliament.  I feel like we've been set adrift without a paddle.
SS Thanks.....You Monkeys might think I'm crazy but how about just emailing Mos and some of the others involved in this case the pics that show the remains and letting Them know that We might get a good reaction or it could even make Them destroy what they did find (If they haven't already)......But what have We got to loose if They think that the MSM is going to be notified....just maybe They will find away to give Us what We want which is Natalee and then They can all burn in Hell......I know I'm crazy but like You said SS.....this is Very Frustrating....There has got to be a way to put pressure on the right ones over there...... ::MonkeyConfused::  ::MonkeyWaa::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 16, 2008, 09:31:12 PM
Did Jossy ever say that parts 3,4 & 5 were to follow or
did just Caps say that part?

Hi Mags - at the time, I understood that Caps was speaking for Jossy and the group that mt in the beginning of Septmeber.  It was the day after Tim left Orlando after the first search.  Caps, Jossy, the witness(es), Caps, and Silvetti were all together and wanted to meet with Mos.  Mos wouldn't meet with them.  We also heard the Peter deVries was there.  For the next two weeks, Jossy printed Parts 1 and 2 about the witness.  Caps told us that Parts 3, 4, and 5 would follow and that they would expose Paulass.  We never saw them.  He also alluded to Peter's newest program on Urine that ultimately aired in the beginning of November.  Greta's program followed.  I haven't heard anything about Peter's program being shown here in the US.  There haven't been any additional Diario articles.  Mos doesn't recognize the witnesses.  The time frame to close the investigation has supposedly been extended to January, but nothing is happening.  Mos will be gone in January.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 16, 2008, 09:40:15 PM
How, when we can't get anyone to listen?  This is exactly why I didn't jump on the bandwagon and start cheering because the Dutch are coming to save Natalee.  The Dutch Parliament might be addressing corruption issues with the ABCs, but I really don't think Natalee is a very high priority for them, or they would have addressed her disappearance long before now.  The Dutch already know what has happened.  I'm afraid that JQK will get the same treatment that Tim got from Mos last September and the same treatment Greta got recently.

There are too many people involved in Natalee's cover up. They aren't going to arrest just one or two people.  I don't see Urine or Paulass going to jail for anything that was done to Natalee.  I think that we need to figure out exactly where she is, if that is still a possibility, and demand the return of her remains.  I know that Jossy has four witnesses, but nothing is happening with these witnesses.  Mos and ALE aren't paying any attention to the witnesses.  They aren't even paying attention to Greta and Peter deVries.  They are thumbing their noses at us again
That's ALL I'm asking for!
SS and Wreck....I'm with You on this but how the hell do We DEMAND Her remains be returned?...... ::MonkeyEek::

We have to figure out where she is and we need help from people in Aruba because we can't do this on our own.  Was she in the cage - we don't know.  Caps doesn't help us or answer our questions anymore after he told us that she was likely dismembered and/or she is in the cemetery.  Destiny did a beautiful appeal in the newspaper last May - did anyone ever reply?  I am beyond frustration at this point and the fighting is just making it worse because it means that things are crumbling from within the once unified group.
SS...I in no way meant My Question about DEMAND to be Ugly....I just don't know how to find out where Natalee is.....Caps is doing work over there that We don't even know about....I'm sure of it because I believe in Him......Jossy probably knows things also but for whatever reason He and Caps both are not telling Us at this time.....I don't know what happened about Destiny's appeal...maybe if another Monkey knows they can tell Us........ ::MonkeyConfused:: 

Hotping - I didn't for a minute think that your question was ugly.  You sound as frustrated as I am right now.  I think Caps is someone who can help us.  He has already given us such an incredible amount of information.  Most of it seems to be pretty accurate.  I have also heard that Caps and Jossy are working behind the scenes, but nothing is happening and Caps hasn't been communicating with us or responding to our questions.  Mos has disregarded the witnesses, Greta, and Peter.  He wouldn't even meet with Tim in September.  Jossy never followed through with Parts 3, 4, and 5 that were supposed to expose Paulass.  I really don't expect anything to happen with the Dutch Parliament.  I feel like we've been set adrift without a paddle.
SS Thanks.....You Monkeys might think I'm crazy but how about just emailing Mos and some of the others involved in this case the pics that show the remains and letting Them know that We might get a good reaction or it could even make Them destroy what they did find (If they haven't already)......But what have We got to loose if They think that the MSM is going to be notified....just maybe They will find away to give Us what We want which is Natalee and then They can all burn in Hell......I know I'm crazy but like You said SS.....this is Very Frustrating....There has got to be a way to put pressure on the right ones over there...... ::MonkeyConfused::  ::MonkeyWaa::

I hear what you are saying, but at this point I am fearful that they would do to us what they did to the FBI.  They will produce remains that aren't Natalees, if that was even Natalee in the cage.  If there is still a possibility that the remains in the cage weren't Natalee, we need to know what other place(s) she might be.  Caps recently indicated that Urine became angry and dismembered her.  He suggested that part of her went to the area near the sharks.  Was that the same as the remains found near the rocks?  I think we need a lot more answers. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Magnolia on December 16, 2008, 09:45:21 PM
I remember Caps post about parts 3-4 & 5 to follow, but I
did not think that Jossy had said that.
I also remember Caps post about Me, J, W, and c's.
I don't remember about Jossy being at that meeting or deVries.
Where did that information come from.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 16, 2008, 09:47:02 PM
Delays, diversions, diversions, delays......nothin's coming folks.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 16, 2008, 09:49:57 PM
I remember Caps post about parts 3-4 & 5 to follow, but I
did not think that Jossy had said that.
I also remember Caps post about Me, J, W, and c's.
I don't remember about Jossy being at that meeting or deVries.
Where did that information come from.

Thanks Magnolia, I was thinking the same.

btw, great find on the pictures; please don't send them to anyone.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 16, 2008, 09:51:11 PM
I remember Caps post about parts 3-4 & 5 to follow, but I
did not think that Jossy had said that.
I also remember Caps post about Me, J, W, and c's.
I don't remember about Jossy being at that meeting or deVries.
Where did that information come from.

It was a "secret" at the time, but it eventually leaked out.  Tim was at the meeting also, but he left when Mos wouldn't meet with them and he returned to the storm damage in Texas.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 16, 2008, 09:53:48 PM
Tim has been working with the witnesses and the polygraphs that were done in Houston.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Buckeye on December 16, 2008, 09:54:20 PM
 Case Number: BC363201

Filing Date: 12/13/2006
Case Type: Defamation (Slander/Libel) (General Jurisdiction)
Status: Pending

Future Hearings

01/26/2009 at 08:30 am in department 69 at 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Motion to Compel (Further Interrogatory Responsesand Production of Documents (4);2) Second Motion to Dismiss andRequest for Terminating Sanctions3) Case Management Conference)

Filed by Attorney for Defendant/Respondent

Filed by Attorney for Defendant/Respondent

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Magnolia on December 16, 2008, 09:56:41 PM
I remember Caps post about parts 3-4 & 5 to follow, but I
did not think that Jossy had said that.
I also remember Caps post about Me, J, W, and c's.
I don't remember about Jossy being at that meeting or deVries.
Where did that information come from.

Thanks Magnolia, I was thinking the same.

btw, great find on the pictures; please don't send them to anyone.

I wouldn't dream of sending the pictures to anyone.  Not to worry.
My husband was honored at the Kennedy Center.....that was one of them.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 16, 2008, 09:57:52 PM
Delays, diversions, diversions, delays......nothin's coming folks.

I agree wreck, and I'm with you...


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 16, 2008, 09:58:19 PM
Case Number: BC363201

Filing Date: 12/13/2006
Case Type: Defamation (Slander/Libel) (General Jurisdiction)
Status: Pending

Future Hearings

01/26/2009 at 08:30 am in department 69 at 111 North Hill Street, Los Angeles, CA 90012
Motion to Compel (Further Interrogatory Responsesand Production of Documents (4);2) Second Motion to Dismiss andRequest for Terminating Sanctions3) Case Management Conference)

Filed by Attorney for Defendant/Respondent

Filed by Attorney for Defendant/Respondent

Attached is a copy of the Stipulation

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Magnolia on December 16, 2008, 10:00:31 PM
Tim has been working with the witnesses and the polygraphs that were done in Houston.

Thank you, SS.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 16, 2008, 10:04:15 PM
I remember Caps post about parts 3-4 & 5 to follow, but I
did not think that Jossy had said that.
I also remember Caps post about Me, J, W, and c's.
I don't remember about Jossy being at that meeting or deVries.
Where did that information come from.

Thanks Magnolia, I was thinking the same.

btw, great find on the pictures; please don't send them to anyone.

I wouldn't dream of sending the pictures to anyone.  Not to worry.
My husband was honored at the Kennedy Center.....that was one of them.

That is truly an honor Magnolia.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on December 16, 2008, 10:06:52 PM
BTW....I have five pictures of my late husband with Bill Clinton.
I got them out and looked today and I found Kermit in two of

Cool.  Don't send them to anyone.

I second that...keep them seclured.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 16, 2008, 10:07:05 PM
I remember Caps post about parts 3-4 & 5 to follow, but I
did not think that Jossy had said that.
I also remember Caps post about Me, J, W, and c's.
I don't remember about Jossy being at that meeting or deVries.
Where did that information come from.

Thanks Magnolia, I was thinking the same.

btw, great find on the pictures; please don't send them to anyone.

I wouldn't dream of sending the pictures to anyone.  Not to worry.
My husband was honored at the Kennedy Center.....that was one of them.

Mags - that is so great.  Are you able to share what your late husband did?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 16, 2008, 10:08:06 PM
I remember Caps post about parts 3-4 & 5 to follow, but I
did not think that Jossy had said that.
I also remember Caps post about Me, J, W, and c's.
I don't remember about Jossy being at that meeting or deVries.
Where did that information come from.

Thanks Magnolia, I was thinking the same.

btw, great find on the pictures; please don't send them to anyone.

I wouldn't dream of sending the pictures to anyone.  Not to worry.
My husband was honored at the Kennedy Center.....that was one of them.

Thanks Magnolia, I'm relieved.  To have received such an honor, he must have been a great man.  I'm so sorry for your loss. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 16, 2008, 10:11:30 PM
I do not think we have to look further than the cage/trap forthe remains of Natalee Holloway unless a person steps forward to the FBI and/or Natalee's family and/or John Q. Kelly and clearly states where Natalee Holloway's remains can be located.  No crytic message to decipher.  No riddle to solve.

Does anybody have an open line of communication with Jossy?  It  would sure be interesting to know if his son led the Aruban dive team on the day that the contents were recovered and turned over the ALE unchallenged by John Silvetti who led the Persistence undertaking in the search for Natalee Holloway's remains.



Kyle: We all know it wasn't a blouse, but I believe they were sent some piece of fabric other than the fabric found inside the trap.

Kyle: The portion of the discolored blue fabric was presumably on the bottom of the fabric. In my opinion this discoloration is not another type of fabric, but rather biological staining or discoloration from biological growth caused from a high organic carbon content and decay. Basically, during decay a biological mat will form around the organics from remains. This is what I believe it is on the bottom of the fabric.

Kyle: Notice the end of the skirt is an identical match to the 90 degree angle in the sand. I believe her left arm was outstretched with her legs slightly bent. I did not edit the legs. I believe the tarp was placed over her and tucked around her, or perhaps tied down. I believe there are several rocks laying on the sand which were placed on the tarp, or inside the tarp over her body which explains their unusual location. Either way, the proportions appear promising.

Kyle: I took the proportions of the body form from the head, to shoulder, to a 90 degree angle which I believed to be the hem line of Natalee's skirt. I then took those proportions and matched them to the photo of Natalee with what she was last seen wearing. The proportions matched within an inch from head, to shoulder, to skirt line. Based on this comparison and with what we believed we saw in the Dec 29th video, Tim Miller contacted the family and told them the 99.9% comment. I told Tim not to do anything until we have forensic results back after the site is processed. Jan 7th we sampled the contents and in my opinion we found the skirt under the sand along with the other items The blue fabric was found right where the skirt is pictured. If it isn't her, it will forever haunt me as a major cosmic WTF.

Kyle: John is not a believer in the trap. He took ALE's word as gospel that it wasn't case related, yet never studied the videos or bothered to inquire further. He had plans on doing business with Aruba and in S. America and he didn't want to hurt any feelings by talks hinting at lack of complete trust and friendship.

'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' for December 1
updated 7:37 a.m. PT, Fri., Dec. 2, 2005

WOOD: ... The reason this case could still be solved is because there are so many people involved in Natalee's disappearance and in the disposal of her body. When somebody talks, they're going to all go down. This is like a house of cards.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 16, 2008, 10:12:30 PM
I remember Caps post about parts 3-4 & 5 to follow, but I
did not think that Jossy had said that.
I also remember Caps post about Me, J, W, and c's.
I don't remember about Jossy being at that meeting or deVries.
Where did that information come from.

Thanks Magnolia, I was thinking the same.

btw, great find on the pictures; please don't send them to anyone.

I wouldn't dream of sending the pictures to anyone.  Not to worry.
My husband was honored at the Kennedy Center.....that was one of them.

Mags - that is so great.  Are you able to share what your late husband did?

SS this is no disrespect towards you but I wouldn't share that information either.  At this point in time there are people reading and are looking for any information towards a certain person.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Anna on December 16, 2008, 10:13:22 PM
Tim has a bleeding ulcer and was just released from the hospital and is conducting a search in Birmingham.  He already went to Mos and Mos wouldn't even discuss this with him.

I have emailed Ann Angela at Mos' office several times but suddenly the last time, when I asked about the DEA agent, they wanted to know why I was asking and who I was (had already verified) and said they couldn't give out that information and to wait for press releases, etc.

I don't think anybody is really helping us or even trying to help us.  Remember when Jossy also said he would post the tape of Dompig saying all kinds of things then he only did a tiny bit of it and like the new witnesses, it went away as well.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 16, 2008, 10:15:49 PM
I remember Caps post about parts 3-4 & 5 to follow, but I
did not think that Jossy had said that.
I also remember Caps post about Me, J, W, and c's.
I don't remember about Jossy being at that meeting or deVries.
Where did that information come from.

Thanks Magnolia, I was thinking the same.

btw, great find on the pictures; please don't send them to anyone.

I wouldn't dream of sending the pictures to anyone.  Not to worry.
My husband was honored at the Kennedy Center.....that was one of them.

Mags - that is so great.  Are you able to share what your late husband did?

SS this is no disrespect towards you but I wouldn't share that information either.  At this point in time there are people reading and are looking for any information towards a certain person.

That's why I asked her if she was able to share.  The Kennedy Center is very involved in the Arts.  Just wondered if he was involved in the Arts and if Mags was able to share that information.  Sorry, if I offended anyone.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 16, 2008, 10:16:37 PM
I do not think we have to look further than the cage/trap forthe remains of Natalee Holloway unless a person steps forward to the FBI and/or Natalee's family and/or John Q. Kelly and clearly states where Natalee Holloway's remains can be located.  No crytic message to decipher.  No riddle to solve.

Does anybody have an open line of communication with Jossy?  It  would sure be interesting to know if his son led the Aruban dive team on the day that the contents were recovered and turned over the ALE unchallenged by John Silvetti who led the Persistence undertaking in the search for Natalee Holloway's remains.



Kyle: We all know it wasn't a blouse, but I believe they were sent some piece of fabric other than the fabric found inside the trap.

Kyle: The portion of the discolored blue fabric was presumably on the bottom of the fabric. In my opinion this discoloration is not another type of fabric, but rather biological staining or discoloration from biological growth caused from a high organic carbon content and decay. Basically, during decay a biological mat will form around the organics from remains. This is what I believe it is on the bottom of the fabric.

Kyle: Notice the end of the skirt is an identical match to the 90 degree angle in the sand. I believe her left arm was outstretched with her legs slightly bent. I did not edit the legs. I believe the tarp was placed over her and tucked around her, or perhaps tied down. I believe there are several rocks laying on the sand which were placed on the tarp, or inside the tarp over her body which explains their unusual location. Either way, the proportions appear promising.

Kyle: I took the proportions of the body form from the head, to shoulder, to a 90 degree angle which I believed to be the hem line of Natalee's skirt. I then took those proportions and matched them to the photo of Natalee with what she was last seen wearing. The proportions matched within an inch from head, to shoulder, to skirt line. Based on this comparison and with what we believed we saw in the Dec 29th video, Tim Miller contacted the family and told them the 99.9% comment. I told Tim not to do anything until we have forensic results back after the site is processed. Jan 7th we sampled the contents and in my opinion we found the skirt under the sand along with the other items The blue fabric was found right where the skirt is pictured. If it isn't her, it will forever haunt me as a major cosmic WTF.

Kyle: John is not a believer in the trap. He took ALE's word as gospel that it wasn't case related, yet never studied the videos or bothered to inquire further. He had plans on doing business with Aruba and in S. America and he didn't want to hurt any feelings by talks hinting at lack of complete trust and friendship.

'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' for December 1
updated 7:37 a.m. PT, Fri., Dec. 2, 2005

WOOD: ... The reason this case could still be solved is because there are so many people involved in Natalee's disappearance and in the disposal of her body. When somebody talks, they're going to all go down. This is like a house of cards.


Re: Natalee Case Discussion #778 11/23/08 -
« Reply #408 on: November 24, 2008, 03:59:08 PM
Re: Natalee Case Discussion #778 11/23/08 -
« Reply #410 on: November 24, 2008, 04:01:55 PM »

Photos given to the FBI sent to Dave and Robin posted on the internet are NOT the
photos posted above.  These were not given to the FBI until recently.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 16, 2008, 10:16:50 PM
Tim has a bleeding ulcer and was just released from the hospital and is conducting a search in Birmingham.  He already went to Mos and Mos wouldn't even discuss this with him.

I have emailed Ann Angela at Mos' office several times but suddenly the last time, when I asked about the DEA agent, they wanted to know why I was asking and who I was (had already verified) and said they couldn't give out that information and to wait for press releases, etc.

I don't think anybody is really helping us or even trying to help us.   Remember when Jossy also said he would post the tape of Dompig saying all kinds of things then he only did a tiny bit of it and like the new witnesses, it went away as well.

I agree.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on December 16, 2008, 10:18:14 PM
I remember Caps post about parts 3-4 & 5 to follow, but I
did not think that Jossy had said that.
I also remember Caps post about Me, J, W, and c's.
I don't remember about Jossy being at that meeting or deVries.
Where did that information come from.

It was a "secret" at the time, but it eventually leaked out.  Tim was at the meeting also, but he left when Mos wouldn't meet with them and he returned to the storm damage in Texas.

The secret...was it the initials?  Kermit alluded to them....where'd all this info come from, SS? 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 16, 2008, 10:18:51 PM
I remember Caps post about parts 3-4 & 5 to follow, but I
did not think that Jossy had said that.
I also remember Caps post about Me, J, W, and c's.
I don't remember about Jossy being at that meeting or deVries.
Where did that information come from.

Thanks Magnolia, I was thinking the same.

btw, great find on the pictures; please don't send them to anyone.

I wouldn't dream of sending the pictures to anyone.  Not to worry.
My husband was honored at the Kennedy Center.....that was one of them.

Mags - that is so great.  Are you able to share what your late husband did?

SS this is no disrespect towards you but I wouldn't share that information either.  At this point in time there are people reading and are looking for any information towards a certain person.

That's why I asked her if she was able to share.  The Kennedy Center is very involved in the Arts.  Just wondered if he was involved in the Arts and if Mags was able to share that information.  Sorry, if I offended anyone.

SS you did not offend me.  I am just being careful for everyones sake.  I lost trust in certain people and feel they are here to hurt.  This is just my opinion and mine only.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Magnolia on December 16, 2008, 10:20:26 PM
I remember Caps post about parts 3-4 & 5 to follow, but I
did not think that Jossy had said that.
I also remember Caps post about Me, J, W, and c's.
I don't remember about Jossy being at that meeting or deVries.
Where did that information come from.

Thanks Magnolia, I was thinking the same.

btw, great find on the pictures; please don't send them to anyone.

I wouldn't dream of sending the pictures to anyone.  Not to worry.
My husband was honored at the Kennedy Center.....that was one of them.

Mags - that is so great.  Are you able to share what your late husband did?

He was honored for his contribution to Theater in America.
He was a good man.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 16, 2008, 10:21:24 PM
Just another thing to keep in mind.San you may be able to find it better then i.Was looking for the post from Rob about Tj Ward and the tapes he had of witnesses that were sent to Greta and that if Greta wanted to talk Tj would go..

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 16, 2008, 10:22:58 PM
I remember Caps post about parts 3-4 & 5 to follow, but I
did not think that Jossy had said that.
I also remember Caps post about Me, J, W, and c's.
I don't remember about Jossy being at that meeting or deVries.
Where did that information come from.

It was a "secret" at the time, but it eventually leaked out.  Tim was at the meeting also, but he left when Mos wouldn't meet with them and he returned to the storm damage in Texas.

The secret...was it the initials?  Kermit alluded to them....where'd all this info come from, SS? 

I don't have a link.  We were told on this forum at the time that a major person was present at the meeting.  I didn't know who it was, either, until the name was dropped in later discussions. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 16, 2008, 10:24:13 PM
I remember Caps post about parts 3-4 & 5 to follow, but I
did not think that Jossy had said that.
I also remember Caps post about Me, J, W, and c's.
I don't remember about Jossy being at that meeting or deVries.
Where did that information come from.

Thanks Magnolia, I was thinking the same.

btw, great find on the pictures; please don't send them to anyone.

I wouldn't dream of sending the pictures to anyone.  Not to worry.
My husband was honored at the Kennedy Center.....that was one of them.

Mags - that is so great.  Are you able to share what your late husband did?

He was honored for his contribution to Theater in America.
He was a good man.

You must be very proud.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 16, 2008, 10:24:32 PM
Just another thing to keep in mind.San you may be able to find it better then i.Was looking for the post from Rob about Tj Ward and the tapes he had of witnesses that were sent to Greta and that if Greta wanted to talk Tj would go..

Is this the post?

I spoke to TJ earlier and I know some were interested in what was happening with the post I made last week. Well, Greta has the tapes from the FBI informants that were turned over to TJ and Harold Copus when the FBI left Aruba. After last night's Brinkman high season wrecker I can understand that some of this stuff will be coming out in doses and some is much more important that others.

TJ was in Phoenix the last 5 days and is now home. If Greta or someone from her staff calls, TJ will go to Washington discuss what is on the tapes.

These tapes deal with Paulus and Colombian connections and a boat that came in to remove Natalee. That's pretty much all I know and I have never heard the tapes myself, just was TJ told me personally. I only know they exist and have for more than three years. If I knew more, I would tell you what I had heard. These informants were used by the FBI and I believe there could be something there, or the FBI would not have considered them credible and asked them to work with Ward and Copus. I understand there are four informants. I have no idea who they are or where they are from.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: KYcat on December 16, 2008, 10:24:50 PM
Hi Monkeys, just breezing through.  I have been out of commission for a while.  Still lurked some but I don't know what the heck is going on.  Where is everybody?  What is this about a private forum?  I really am out of the loop.  Oh well, no worries.  I DO want to know where all that info is that we are waiting patiently for from CAPS and Jossy?????  Are we being led down another dead end path?

I just have one thing to say.  I stand with the FROG>>>>>>>>


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on December 16, 2008, 10:25:55 PM
I remember Caps post about parts 3-4 & 5 to follow, but I
did not think that Jossy had said that.
I also remember Caps post about Me, J, W, and c's.
I don't remember about Jossy being at that meeting or deVries.
Where did that information come from.

It was a "secret" at the time, but it eventually leaked out.  Tim was at the meeting also, but he left when Mos wouldn't meet with them and he returned to the storm damage in Texas.

The secret...was it the initials?  Kermit alluded to them....where'd all this info come from, SS? 

I don't have a link.  We were told on this forum at the time that a major person was present at the meeting.  I didn't know who it was, either, until the name was dropped in later discussions. 

So you are saying it's was posted here, the secret, and I must have read it.....hmmmmm.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 16, 2008, 10:28:49 PM
Just another thing to keep in mind.San you may be able to find it better then i.Was looking for the post from Rob about Tj Ward and the tapes he had of witnesses that were sent to Greta and that if Greta wanted to talk Tj would go..

Is this the post?

I spoke to TJ earlier and I know some were interested in what was happening with the post I made last week. Well, Greta has the tapes from the FBI informants that were turned over to TJ and Harold Copus when the FBI left Aruba. After last night's Brinkman high season wrecker I can understand that some of this stuff will be coming out in doses and some is much more important that others.

TJ was in Phoenix the last 5 days and is now home. If Greta or someone from her staff calls, TJ will go to Washington discuss what is on the tapes.

These tapes deal with Paulus and Colombian connections and a boat that came in to remove Natalee. That's pretty much all I know and I have never heard the tapes myself, just was TJ told me personally. I only know they exist and have for more than three years. If I knew more, I would tell you what I had heard. These informants were used by the FBI and I believe there could be something there, or the FBI would not have considered them credible and asked them to work with Ward and Copus. I understand there are four informants. I have no idea who they are or where they are from.

Yes! ::MonkeyDance:: Thanx San.Just curious what Greta is going to do with those tapes??

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 16, 2008, 10:31:40 PM
Hi Monkeys, just breezing through.  I have been out of commission for a while.  Still lurked some but I don't know what the heck is going on.  Where is everybody?  What is this about a private forum?  I really am out of the loop.  Oh well, no worries.  I DO want to know where all that info is that we are waiting patiently for from CAPS and Jossy?????  Are we being led down another dead end path?

I just have one thing to say.  I stand with the FROG>>>>>>>>


Considering this case is over 3 1/2 years old I think the fact it is active at all is a miracle.  Funny that there are more people logged onto this NH thread than are logged into BFN.  If some have decided to post in a private forum I say good riddance.  If they haven't been banned here they will be back eventually anyway.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Magnolia on December 16, 2008, 10:35:45 PM
Hi Monkeys, just breezing through.  I have been out of commission for a while.  Still lurked some but I don't know what the heck is going on.  Where is everybody?  What is this about a private forum?  I really am out of the loop.  Oh well, no worries.  I DO want to know where all that info is that we are waiting patiently for from CAPS and Jossy?????  Are we being led down another dead end path?

I just have one thing to say.  I stand with the FROG>>>>>>>>


Considering this case is over 3 1/2 years old I think the fact it is active at all is a miracle.  Funny that there are more people logged onto this NH thread than are logged into BFN.  If some have decided to post in a private forum I say good riddance.  If they haven't been banned here they will be back eventually anyway.

I was thinking the same, Klaas.  This isn't the first private forum to
come along.  The Monkeys have been through a lot.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 16, 2008, 10:45:33 PM
Tim has a bleeding ulcer and was just released from the hospital and is conducting a search in Birmingham.  He already went to Mos and Mos wouldn't even discuss this with him.

I have emailed Ann Angela at Mos' office several times but suddenly the last time, when I asked about the DEA agent, they wanted to know why I was asking and who I was (had already verified) and said they couldn't give out that information and to wait for press releases, etc.

I don't think anybody is really helping us or even trying to help us.  Remember when Jossy also said he would post the tape of Dompig saying all kinds of things then he only did a tiny bit of it and like the new witnesses, it went away as well.

Hey ... something is better than nothing which exactly what Jossy could be doing.

Maybe Jossy Mansur does not have the authority ... or the power ... to do more than he has done for the past 3 1/2 years.  Jossy is an editor ... not a member of the justice system.

Jossy Mansur is the ONLY Aruban that has supported the family ... in his publication and ... in guest appearance on American/Canadian talk shows ... in their contention that a corrupt Aruban investigation was/is preventing justice from prevailing for their beloved Natalee.

Nelson Oduber attempt a boycott of the Diario.  The reason: Jossy's editorials regarding the Natalee Holloway case created a negative image of the Aruban Justice System which ... in turn ... was hurting the tourist industry ... the economy.

Jossy was the one who printed a full page outreach composed by a few of our Monkeys on the three year anniversary of Natalee Holloways disappearance.

Give Jossy a break!  We have to give credit where credit is due!  We have to be thankful!  We should be attacking the rest of Arubans who have done NILCH in the name of justice for Natalee Holloway!  The "powers that be" who are behind the coverup have been abetted by the apathy ... the silence ... of the Aruban people.


Natalee Holloway Investigation: The Witness was Afraid to Come Forward & Aware that Paulus van der Sloot had Powerful Connections in the Prosecutors Office.
September 16, 2008

Dear Friends in Aruba - Natalee Holloway missing 3 years
A group of Scared Monkeys put together this letter that Jossy was kind enough to publish in todays Diaro:
May 30, 2008

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Blue Moon on December 16, 2008, 11:05:18 PM
Just so you all know I do a lot of lurking.  I do not belong to any secret forums. I only post here (and mostly in Natalee's thread). Very seldom post in Caylee's thread (being a Kentucky inbred about did me in on that).  I wish I could help more but Shango has blown my mind.   ::MonkeyEek::  You all are so good with these riddles but believe me the riddles are getting old to me.  At what point will everything be laid on the line and bring some relief to Natalee's family?  I believe and trust Kermit.  Don't know anything about secret forum and I sure don't want to insert myself in the middle of an FBI investigation.  But I do want answers for Natalee's family and just wish everything from everyone was laid out for all to explore and stop fighting against it.  Some know things, some think they know things.  I am going crazy on trying to figure it all out.  Imagine how Beth and Dave feel.  Bless them.

Off to bed.  Sick with sinus cold. Ice/freezing rain did not help it today.  See ya.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 16, 2008, 11:06:14 PM
I remember Caps post about parts 3-4 & 5 to follow, but I
did not think that Jossy had said that.
I also remember Caps post about Me, J, W, and c's.
I don't remember about Jossy being at that meeting or deVries.
Where did that information come from.

It was a "secret" at the time, but it eventually leaked out.  Tim was at the meeting also, but he left when Mos wouldn't meet with them and he returned to the storm damage in Texas.

The secret...was it the initials?  Kermit alluded to them....where'd all this info come from, SS? 

I don't have a link.  We were told on this forum at the time that a major person was present at the meeting.  I didn't know who it was, either, until the name was dropped in later discussions. 

So you are saying it's was posted here, the secret, and I must have read it.....hmmmmm.

9/17, in reference to prior phone contacts and discussions, the name was released.....

....I was told that Peter de Vries *is* part of what is going on.....

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Blue Moon on December 16, 2008, 11:08:32 PM
Just an OT (hope is always there). A local person's skull was find recently.  Tests were run and they were able to identify this guy as missing since 1987.  Eleven years and a family is closer to knowing what happened to their son.  Know they can bury him and this is a step in the right direction to finding who did this to him.  They do not always get away with it.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 16, 2008, 11:17:42 PM
Just an OT (hope is always there). A local person's skull was find recently.  Tests were run and they were able to identify this guy as missing since 1987.  Eleven years and a family is closer to knowing what happened to their son.  Know they can bury him and this is a step in the right direction to finding who did this to him.  They do not always get away with it.

Thanks Blue Moon.  I hope you feel better soon!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 16, 2008, 11:18:14 PM
Just so you all know I do a lot of lurking.  I do not belong to any secret forums. I only post here (and mostly in Natalee's thread). Very seldom post in Caylee's thread (being a Kentucky inbred about did me in on that).  I wish I could help more but Shango has blown my mind.   ::MonkeyEek::  You all are so good with these riddles but believe me the riddles are getting old to me.  At what point will everything be laid on the line and bring some relief to Natalee's family?  I believe and trust Kermit.  Don't know anything about secret forum and I sure don't want to insert myself in the middle of an FBI investigation.  But I do want answers for Natalee's family and just wish everything from everyone was laid out for all to explore and stop fighting against it.  Some know things, some think they know things.  I am going crazy on trying to figure it all out.  Imagine how Beth and Dave feel.  Bless them.

Off to bed.  Sick with sinus cold. Ice/freezing rain did not help it today.  See ya.

I hope you feel better soon, Blue Moon of KY!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Anna on December 16, 2008, 11:27:27 PM
Tim has a bleeding ulcer and was just released from the hospital and is conducting a search in Birmingham.  He already went to Mos and Mos wouldn't even discuss this with him.

I have emailed Ann Angela at Mos' office several times but suddenly the last time, when I asked about the DEA agent, they wanted to know why I was asking and who I was (had already verified) and said they couldn't give out that information and to wait for press releases, etc.

I don't think anybody is really helping us or even trying to help us.  Remember when Jossy also said he would post the tape of Dompig saying all kinds of things then he only did a tiny bit of it and like the new witnesses, it went away as well.

Hey ... something is better than nothing which exactly what Jossy could be doing.

Maybe Jossy Mansur does not have the authority ... or the power ... to do more than he has done for the past 3 1/2 years.  Jossy is an editor ... not a member of the justice system.

Jossy Mansur is the ONLY Aruban that has supported the family ... in his publication and ... in guest appearance on American/Canadian talk shows ... in their contention that a corrupt Aruban investigation was/is preventing justice from prevailing for their beloved Natalee.

Nelson Oduber attempt a boycott of the Diario.  The reason: Jossy's editorials regarding the Natalee Holloway case created a negative image of the Aruban Justice System which ... in turn ... was hurting the tourist industry ... the economy.

Jossy was the one who printed a full page outreach composed by a few of our Monkeys on the three year anniversary of Natalee Holloways disappearance.

Give Jossy a break!  We have to give credit where credit is due!  We have to be thankful!  We should be attacking the rest of Arubans who have done NILCH in the name of justice for Natalee Holloway!  The "powers that be" who are behind the coverup have been abetted by the apathy ... the silence ... of the Aruban people.


Well, Janet, I used to call in to Dana every time Jossy was on his program in support of Jossy but after so long, I don't think Jossy is able to do very much to help or he already would have done so.

He did promise the Dompig tape that we never heard from again and the other parts of the editorial  on the new witnesses seemed to fizzle as well.

I largely agree that Jossy has done far more than anybody else in Aruba and think he would do more if he could or it were easy for him to do but he does have family connections that don't seem to bear close scrutiny so perhaps that causes him to hold back?  I don't know.

I am feeling very discouraged right now.  And some seem to think they know secret things but I don't think they know any more than the rest of us so don't worry about them.  Sometimes they know less.

Mos now seems to be the problem.  Once again, we can hope he is replaced soon.  Does anybody know for sure when he is leaving OM for good?

Maybe then something will happen???

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 16, 2008, 11:30:39 PM
Tim has a bleeding ulcer and was just released from the hospital and is conducting a search in Birmingham.  He already went to Mos and Mos wouldn't even discuss this with him.

I have emailed Ann Angela at Mos' office several times but suddenly the last time, when I asked about the DEA agent, they wanted to know why I was asking and who I was (had already verified) and said they couldn't give out that information and to wait for press releases, etc.

I don't think anybody is really helping us or even trying to help us.  Remember when Jossy also said he would post the tape of Dompig saying all kinds of things then he only did a tiny bit of it and like the new witnesses, it went away as well.

Hey ... something is better than nothing which exactly what Jossy could be doing.

Maybe Jossy Mansur does not have the authority ... or the power ... to do more than he has done for the past 3 1/2 years.  Jossy is an editor ... not a member of the justice system.

Jossy Mansur is the ONLY Aruban that has supported the family ... in his publication and ... in guest appearance on American/Canadian talk shows ... in their contention that a corrupt Aruban investigation was/is preventing justice from prevailing for their beloved Natalee.

Nelson Oduber attempt a boycott of the Diario.  The reason: Jossy's editorials regarding the Natalee Holloway case created a negative image of the Aruban Justice System which ... in turn ... was hurting the tourist industry ... the economy.

Jossy was the one who printed a full page outreach composed by a few of our Monkeys on the three year anniversary of Natalee Holloways disappearance.

Give Jossy a break!  We have to give credit where credit is due!  We have to be thankful!  We should be attacking the rest of Arubans who have done NILCH in the name of justice for Natalee Holloway!  The "powers that be" who are behind the coverup have been abetted by the apathy ... the silence ... of the Aruban people.


Well, Janet, I used to call in to Dana every time Jossy was on his program in support of Jossy but after so long, I don't think Jossy is able to do very much to help or he already would have done so.

He did promise the Dompig tape that we never heard from again and the other parts of the editorial  on the new witnesses seemed to fizzle as well.

I largely agree that Jossy has done far more than anybody else in Aruba and think he would do more if he could or it were easy for him to do but he does have family connections that don't seem to bear close scrutiny so perhaps that causes him to hold back?  I don't know.

I am feeling very discouraged right now.  And some seem to think they know secret things but I don't think they know any more than the rest of us so don't worry about them.  Sometimes they know less.

Mos now seems to be the problem.  Once again, we can hope he is replaced soon.  Does anybody know for sure when he is leaving OM for good?

Maybe then something will happen???

I just feel even if they replace Mos and new Mos will come in and pick up right after the old one did.  Just like Mos did when he replaced Karin Janssen.  I just don't feel like Mos is the one leading this investigation.  He is taking orders from someone.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 16, 2008, 11:35:19 PM
Tim has a bleeding ulcer and was just released from the hospital and is conducting a search in Birmingham.  He already went to Mos and Mos wouldn't even discuss this with him.

I have emailed Ann Angela at Mos' office several times but suddenly the last time, when I asked about the DEA agent, they wanted to know why I was asking and who I was (had already verified) and said they couldn't give out that information and to wait for press releases, etc.

I don't think anybody is really helping us or even trying to help us.  Remember when Jossy also said he would post the tape of Dompig saying all kinds of things then he only did a tiny bit of it and like the new witnesses, it went away as well.

Hey ... something is better than nothing which exactly what Jossy could be doing.

Maybe Jossy Mansur does not have the authority ... or the power ... to do more than he has done for the past 3 1/2 years.  Jossy is an editor ... not a member of the justice system.

Jossy Mansur is the ONLY Aruban that has supported the family ... in his publication and ... in guest appearance on American/Canadian talk shows ... in their contention that a corrupt Aruban investigation was/is preventing justice from prevailing for their beloved Natalee.

Nelson Oduber attempt a boycott of the Diario.  The reason: Jossy's editorials regarding the Natalee Holloway case created a negative image of the Aruban Justice System which ... in turn ... was hurting the tourist industry ... the economy.

Jossy was the one who printed a full page outreach composed by a few of our Monkeys on the three year anniversary of Natalee Holloways disappearance.

Give Jossy a break!  We have to give credit where credit is due!  We have to be thankful!  We should be attacking the rest of Arubans who have done NILCH in the name of justice for Natalee Holloway!  The "powers that be" who are behind the coverup have been abetted by the apathy ... the silence ... of the Aruban people.


Well, Janet, I used to call in to Dana every time Jossy was on his program in support of Jossy but after so long, I don't think Jossy is able to do very much to help or he already would have done so.

He did promise the Dompig tape that we never heard from again and the other parts of the editorial  on the new witnesses seemed to fizzle as well.

I largely agree that Jossy has done far more than anybody else in Aruba and think he would do more if he could or it were easy for him to do but he does have family connections that don't seem to bear close scrutiny so perhaps that causes him to hold back?  I don't know.

I am feeling very discouraged right now.  And some seem to think they know secret things but I don't think they know any more than the rest of us so don't worry about them.  Sometimes they know less.

Mos now seems to be the problem.  Once again, we can hope he is replaced soon.  Does anybody know for sure when he is leaving OM for good?

Maybe then something will happen???

I just feel even if they replace Mos and new Mos will come in and pick up right after the old one did.  Just like Mos did when he replaced Karin Janssen.  I just don't feel like Mos is the one leading this investigation.  He is taking orders from someone.

According to what Caps told us, a guy named Pietersz or Peters is replacing Mos.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 16, 2008, 11:39:30 PM
Another puppet will fill Mos' position when he leaves.  JMO

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Anna on December 16, 2008, 11:39:50 PM
Is Pieterz Dutch?  Maybe they are just determined that a European Dutchie not be blamed for this no matter what?

I just don't know what it will take.  I agree that it is remarkable that as many of us are still here as actually are.

And Greta doesn't seem to have lost interest or patience to continue trying so we just have to do the same no matter what.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: BUCKSHOT on December 16, 2008, 11:41:28 PM
How, when we can't get anyone to listen?  This is exactly why I didn't jump on the bandwagon and start cheering because the Dutch are coming to save Natalee.  The Dutch Parliament might be addressing corruption issues with the ABCs, but I really don't think Natalee is a very high priority for them, or they would have addressed her disappearance long before now.  The Dutch already know what has happened.  I'm afraid that JQK will get the same treatment that Tim got from Mos last September and the same treatment Greta got recently.

There are too many people involved in Natalee's cover up. They aren't going to arrest just one or two people.  I don't see Urine or Paulass going to jail for anything that was done to Natalee.  I think that we need to figure out exactly where she is, if that is still a possibility, and demand the return of her remains.  I know that Jossy has four witnesses, but nothing is happening with these witnesses.  Mos and ALE aren't paying any attention to the witnesses.  They aren't even paying attention to Greta and Peter deVries.  They are thumbing their noses at us again
That's ALL I'm asking for!
SS and Wreck....I'm with You on this but how the hell do We DEMAND Her remains be returned?...... ::MonkeyEek::

We have to figure out where she is and we need help from people in Aruba because we can't do this on our own.  Was she in the cage - we don't know.  Caps doesn't help us or answer our questions anymore after he told us that she was likely dismembered and/or she is in the cemetery.  Destiny did a beautiful appeal in the newspaper last May - did anyone ever reply?  I am beyond frustration at this point and the fighting is just making it worse because it means that things are crumbling from within the once unified group.

Follow the money!How to expose the seedy underworld of Aruba?What buttons to push to get action?Who do we expose?Who are the 5 most powerful and influential people on the island?

You know for sure who would be on that list...The Mansur family. Start investigating/exposing?

Most feel that solving this case goes way beyond Natalee Holloway. Most feel that solving her disappearance means to expose corruption on the island. Most feel corruption (in Aruba) involves: high level drug dealing, illegal prostitution, human trafficking, bribery, money laundering, judicial corruption among judges, etc...The list goes on and on.

In my opinion, solving her disappearance would be similar to shutting down narcotics from entering the United States. It is simply too lucrative a business, for those both outside and inside the borders, too complex a system, too intricate in terms of those involved (both known and unknown - politicians) to shut down so easily. Imagine knocking on Pablo Escobar's door...Umm, I'm here to shut down you operation. Not gonna happen.

Back to Aruba, their shady dealing are too lucrative, too complex, too intricate, involves too many players (both known and unknown) to shut down so easily. It is asking the corrupt to investigate the corrupt (which involves themselves).

How does a person, sitting behind the computer, in their underwear, with a bag of Doritos in hand, solve this case.
(By the way, that description/visual was not of me. Hate Doritos, fully clothed).

The case, in terms of closure, will definitely be scripted. It will involve many authors. Any resolution, unfortunately, will be bogus and involve staged scapegoats, public reprimands, dog and pony shows, apologies. The family only wanted to respectfully lay their daughter to rest. Aruba did not even show compassion and human decency enogh to do that. Although they wanted to see the perpetrators hanging in the towne square at one point, finding and burying their daughter was always their objective.

A true tragedy and perversion of justice, in every sense of the word. Very sad.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Anna on December 16, 2008, 11:42:24 PM
Miracles do happen and skulls are found when least expected.  I don't know if Natalee was in the fish trap or not but do think those items whatever they were happened to be mishandled just as we said they would be.  No surprise there at all.  We knew it would happen and all said so at the time.

But if it was not Natalee, then there is every chance she will still be found.  Do they have meter readers in Aruba?  I think so.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 16, 2008, 11:43:02 PM
Is Pieterz Dutch?  Maybe they are just determined that a European Dutchie not be blamed for this no matter what?

I just don't know what it will take.  I agree that it is remarkable that as many of us are still here as actually are.

And Greta doesn't seem to have lost interest or patience to continue trying so we just have to do the same no matter what.

I believe Pieterz is Dutch.  Yes, it's amazing to me that there are as many of us still caring about the case.  Like Greta we can't give up now.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 16, 2008, 11:45:31 PM
From Caps

 Re: Natalee Case Discussion #770 9/20/08 through
« Reply #543 on: September 24, 2008, 03:25:11 PM » 

The new PG will be Rob Pieters

it is in the pipeline already, will be made public soon

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 16, 2008, 11:48:02 PM
I still say we should just STOP doing anything with Aruba at all. Expose the corruption and pressure our OWN government to declare Aruba an unsafe travel destination.
The truth will set EVERYONE free. Let's just be done with them. My guess is that our FBI already KNOWS what happened -- let's just call them on it.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Anna on December 16, 2008, 11:50:12 PM
Buckshot, I agree on the complexity and likely scripted outcome of anything coming out of Aruba.

But they can jerk us around until the cows come home and we just won't go away and will still be here telling the world how horrible this tragedy was and of their failure to bring it to any kind of just resolution.

Greta has access to the largest audience so maybe we should all post on her blog about Natalee?  I don't now but am willing to if it would actually do any good.  I am sure any and all of us would do whatever if only it would help.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Anna on December 16, 2008, 11:52:19 PM
I still say we should just STOP doing anything with Aruba at all. Expose the corruption and pressure our OWN government to declare Aruba an unsafe travel destination.
The truth will set EVERYONE free. Let's just be done with them. My guess is that our FBI already KNOWS what happened -- let's just call them on it.

Wreck, Our government is not about to lose that Forward Observation Base just 16 miles from Chavez with his courting the Russians and asking for nuclear technology from them.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 16, 2008, 11:55:00 PM

I just feel even if they replace Mos and new Mos will come in and pick up right after the old one did.  Just like Mos did when he replaced Karin Janssen.  I just don't feel like Mos is the one leading this investigation.  He is taking orders from someone.

I agree San.

However ... I do not think there is even an investigation and ... neither does Jossy Mansur and ... neither does Beth Holloway.

I believe Rudy Croes' charade of an "investigation" into the Jan Vander Straaten/Paulus van der Slot connection is nothing but a "dog and pony show" meant to bring a close to the Natalee Holloway case and ... pacify the family.  Prior to closing the case ... Aruba will apologize to the family of Natalee Holloway.  Aruba will concede that wrong decisions made in the first ten days of the investigation by Jan Vander Straaten imply justice will never prevail.



Natalee Holloway's Mom: Aruba Investigators 'Not Following Up on Any Leads'
Wednesday, November 19, 2008

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, that's not all the prosecution is saying tonight, which leads me to the question (INAUDIBLE) prosecution. Are they doing anything to investigate this case, as far as you can see?

MANSUR: As far as we can see in Aruba, absolutely nothing. All they're saying is, and they're sticking to, is that by the end of the year, they will make a decision, a final decision whether to take the man to court or close the case forever.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, what -- they've issued a statement tonight, Hans Mos, the prosecutor, and it says, in part, that they're still trying to investigate every last lead, which, frankly, is a lie. And I'll talk about that in a second. But Jossy, is there any enthusiasm to investigate this case? I know the prosecutor doesn't -- I don't think the prosecutor's doing anything, but what about people on the island? Do they want this case buried or they want this solved?

MANSUR: No, they're indifferent to this case now because so much has gone on in three-and-a-half years and the people are busy with other things, other situations here. So the people of Aruba are not that interested anymore in the case.


VAN SUSTEREN: Karin Janssen was the original prosecutor and Hans Mos took over. When she left Aruba, did she call you and sort of tie up lose ends, or did she just sort of vanish from your radar screen?

HOLLOWAY: No, just absolutely vanished. I had no idea she was even leaving so quickly as she did. So you know, that's always been an issue, just no communication from the prosecuting attorney's office. And you know, it just leaves you wondering, you know, where are you? And you hear all this information coming them, saying that they're following up on every lead. Well, you know, that's just simply not true. They're not following up on any leads.

VAN SUSTEREN: Has there -- now, we said the two prosecutors. Have any of the police officers, anybody from Aruba at all contacted you and said we're doing anything on the case at all? Is there any reason for you to believe it's being investigated?

HOLLOWAY: No, absolutely none. No. Not at all. Not to any degree.,2933,454527,00.html

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 17, 2008, 12:01:31 AM
I still say we should just STOP doing anything with Aruba at all. Expose the corruption and pressure our OWN government to declare Aruba an unsafe travel destination.
The truth will set EVERYONE free. Let's just be done with them. My guess is that our FBI already KNOWS what happened -- let's just call them on it.

Wreck, Our government is not about to lose that Forward Observation Base just 16 miles from Chavez with his courting the Russians and asking for nuclear technology from them.
I guess that is true  ::MonkeyNoNo:: -- ............very discouraging.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: BUCKSHOT on December 17, 2008, 12:03:36 AM
How, when we can't get anyone to listen?  This is exactly why I didn't jump on the bandwagon and start cheering because the Dutch are coming to save Natalee.  The Dutch Parliament might be addressing corruption issues with the ABCs, but I really don't think Natalee is a very high priority for them, or they would have addressed her disappearance long before now.  The Dutch already know what has happened.  I'm afraid that JQK will get the same treatment that Tim got from Mos last September and the same treatment Greta got recently.

There are too many people involved in Natalee's cover up. They aren't going to arrest just one or two people.  I don't see Urine or Paulass going to jail for anything that was done to Natalee.  I think that we need to figure out exactly where she is, if that is still a possibility, and demand the return of her remains.  I know that Jossy has four witnesses, but nothing is happening with these witnesses.  Mos and ALE aren't paying any attention to the witnesses.  They aren't even paying attention to Greta and Peter deVries.  They are thumbing their noses at us again
That's ALL I'm asking for!
SS and Wreck....I'm with You on this but how the hell do We DEMAND Her remains be returned?...... ::MonkeyEek::

We have to figure out where she is and we need help from people in Aruba because we can't do this on our own.  Was she in the cage - we don't know.  Caps doesn't help us or answer our questions anymore after he told us that she was likely dismembered and/or she is in the cemetery.  Destiny did a beautiful appeal in the newspaper last May - did anyone ever reply?  I am beyond frustration at this point and the fighting is just making it worse because it means that things are crumbling from within the once unified group.
SS...I in no way meant My Question about DEMAND to be Ugly....I just don't know how to find out where Natalee is.....Caps is doing work over there that We don't even know about....I'm sure of it because I believe in Him......Jossy probably knows things also but for whatever reason He and Caps both are not telling Us at this time.....I don't know what happened about Destiny's appeal...maybe if another Monkey knows they can tell Us........ ::MonkeyConfused:: 

Hotping - I didn't for a minute think that your question was ugly.  You sound as frustrated as I am right now.  I think Caps is someone who can help us.  He has already given us such an incredible amount of information.  Most of it seems to be pretty accurate.  I have also heard that Caps and Jossy are working behind the scenes, but nothing is happening and Caps hasn't been communicating with us or responding to our questions.  Mos has disregarded the witnesses, Greta, and Peter.  He wouldn't even meet with Tim in September.  Jossy never followed through with Parts 3, 4, and 5 that were supposed to expose Paulass.  I really don't expect anything to happen with the Dutch Parliament.  I feel like we've been set adrift without a paddle.

Think about it...

Jossy Mansur is not filthy rich because of his local newspaper, Diario. It is probably a part time (full time) job. I will not go so far as to say it is a front, because he seems passionate about it and does a pretty good job with it.

Jossy Mansur is up in age. Do not think for one minute that a guy with a cane can not be involved in high level criminal activity. I am not saying he is, only throwing out there that it is indeed possible. Furthermore, it would not be a stretch to speculate that Jossy, through his known past, and shady family members, is involved in high end criminal activity that pays him dividends, kickbacks, bribe money from multiple and various sources. A silent partner, if you will.

Jossy Mansur seems like a very nice guy. Those who know him believe that he is a decent guy, humanitarian. However, if his intentions are not completely above board, and no one knows it but him, it could be an unknown sabotage. The family likes him.

He certainly has influence and clout on the island. I can not see too many people bullying him around on the island. Maybe physically, but certianly not politically. He, like many others in Aruba, wants the heat off of the country. Limelight in Aruba is not good for the businesses, that serve as cover to more nefarious activities. Aruba, as a whole, certianly wishes to have the lights and cameras turned off so as to resume business as normal.

Last, always keep in mind that dogs do not shit where they eat. This is an age old cliche, but certainly holds true. Puppies may be guilty of shitting where they eat, bu bigger, more mature, dogs do not. Same with Jossy and Aruba. Jossy surely walks a thin line in exposing his room mates, so to speak. He probably wants the heat off, too. Again, as nice of a guy as he may be, exposing everything may hurt his pockets, too, so ask yourself...where would his loyalties lie??

Just my humble opinion...Remember, I, too, think Jossy is swell. Probably a great guy to conversate with. Just saying...

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Anna on December 17, 2008, 12:08:04 AM
It is discouraging but we will think of something.

I don't know what but we just won't let them get away with this.

Who didn't know vd Straten was communicating with and covering for Paulus from the get go?  Everybody even Geraldo knew that.

And we are still here which says something.  Someone will come up with a plan of what we can and should do.  Meanwhile, I am still praying for a miracle.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 17, 2008, 12:11:09 AM

We both see this the same way.  The thing that I come back to, though, is Jossy saying that Van Der Straaten is a good man.  That has me perplexed.    We haven't heard much from Jossy since Rudy Croes came out with his state about Van Der Straaten, so I guess i am wondering what Jossy thinks of the current developments in that regard. 

One thing I will say for him, he does try to keep the heat on Joran and Paulus.  But are they the only ones that need to feel the heat?  Will Jossy come out and put some heat on Van Der Straaten?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 17, 2008, 12:11:35 AM
Think about it...

Jossy Mansur is not filthy rich because of his local newspaper, Diario. It is probably a part time (full time) job. I will not go so far as to say it is a front, because he seems passionate about it and does a pretty good job with it.

Jossy Mansur is up in age. Do not think for one minute that a guy with a cane can not be involved in high level criminal activity. I am not saying he is, only throwing out there that it is indeed possible. Furthermore, it would not be a stretch to speculate that Jossy, through his known past, and shady family members, is involved in high end criminal activity that pays him dividends, kickbacks, bribe money from multiple and various sources. A silent partner, if you will.

Jossy Mansur seems like a very nice guy. Those who know him believe that he is a decent guy, humanitarian. However, if his intentions are not completely above board, and no one knows it but him, it could be an unknown sabotage. The family likes him.

He certainly has influence and clout on the island. I can not see too many people bullying him around on the island. Maybe physically, but certianly not politically. He, like many others in Aruba, wants the heat off of the country. Limelight in Aruba is not good for the businesses, that serve as cover to more nefarious activities. Aruba, as a whole, certianly wishes to have the lights and cameras turned off so as to resume business as normal.

Last, always keep in mind that dogs do not shit where they eat. This is an age old cliche, but certainly holds true. Puppies may be guilty of shitting where they eat, bu bigger, more mature, dogs do not. Same with Jossy and Aruba. Jossy surely walks a thin line in exposing his room mates, so to speak. He probably wants the heat off, too. Again, as nice of a guy as he may be, exposing everything may hurt his pockets, too, so ask yourself...where would his loyalties lie??

Just my humble opinion...Remember, I, too, think Jossy is swell. Probably a great guy to conversate with. Just saying...
Jossy has a few enemies he would stop at nothing to "go after" -the current ruling political party and PERHAPS Paulus Van der Sloot (and/or his family) because he had his brothers extradited. If he can pin the "crime" on PVDS or Joran  --all the better. He "saves the island" and he rids himself an enemy.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 17, 2008, 12:12:40 AM
12/16/2008 Bondia page 18a


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 17, 2008, 12:16:43 AM
TM I hope You don't mind but I thought this needed to be posted just in case Everyone doesn't see Your sig line...We are here to help Dave to keep His promise to Natalee!

"We won't give up on you, Natalee. You didn't give up on us, and we will continue with the investigation until we have all of the answers to your disappearance."
"God be with you, my Natalee!"

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Anna on December 17, 2008, 12:17:03 AM
The Arubans and the Dutch seem all busy arguing with each other but they both seem to have forgotten about Natalee. 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 17, 2008, 12:25:56 AM
TM I hope You don't mind but I thought this needed to be posted just in case Everyone doesn't see Your sig line...We are here to help Dave to keep His promise to Natalee!

"We won't give up on you, Natalee. You didn't give up on us, and we will continue with the investigation until we have all of the answers to your disappearance."
"God be with you, my Natalee!"

Of course I don't mind Hotping, I think I needed that reminder too.  Thanks.  ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: BUCKSHOT on December 17, 2008, 12:28:28 AM

We both see this the same way.  The thing that I come back to, though, is Jossy saying that Van Der Straaten is a good man.  That has me perplexed.    We haven't heard much from Jossy since Rudy Croes came out with his state about Van Der Straaten, so I guess i am wondering what Jossy thinks of the current developments in that regard. 

One thing I will say for him, he does try to keep the heat on Joran and Paulus.  But are they the only ones that need to feel the heat?  Will Jossy come out and put some heat on Van Der Straaten?

Agreed. Maybe he (VdS) was a good man. Maybe everyone liked him.

But, an accident/tragedy happened to a tourist on an island that depends on tourism dollars. Just so happened to involve a very close friend, and his son. Gut check time for VanderStraaten. Prosecute his buddy and son, or cover up for them. We all know which way his morals led him.

Aruba thought this would be an internal matter, one which would go undetected. Swept under the rug.

Noy were they wrong...Two things screwed up their envisioned happy ending...Traction of the story by the international media...A determined mother (and family)... Aruba has been reeling ever since.

Good thing they have Arlene Schippers...She is probably a big help, when it comes to legal matters...Haha...Make up the rules as you go, then explain away to the media that the Aruban legal system is so different and compex than others...What a joke...

In regards to Jossy, maybe we have to accept what little he gives us, as he is not obligated to give his anything. Hopefully, for everyone, what he gives us is honest and above board, void of personal motives or agendas.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: BUCKSHOT on December 17, 2008, 12:30:33 AM

We both see this the same way.  The thing that I come back to, though, is Jossy saying that Van Der Straaten is a good man.  That has me perplexed.    We haven't heard much from Jossy since Rudy Croes came out with his state about Van Der Straaten, so I guess i am wondering what Jossy thinks of the current developments in that regard. 

One thing I will say for him, he does try to keep the heat on Joran and Paulus.  But are they the only ones that need to feel the heat?  Will Jossy come out and put some heat on Van Der Straaten?

Agreed. Maybe he (VdS) was a good man. Maybe everyone liked him.

But, an accident/tragedy happened to a tourist on an island that depends on tourism dollars. Just so happened to involve a very close friend, and his son. Gut check time for VanderStraaten. Prosecute his buddy and son, or cover up for them. We all know which way his morals led him.

Aruba thought this would be an internal matter, one which would go undetected. Swept under the rug.

Boy were they wrong...Two things screwed up their envisioned happy ending...Traction of the story by the international media...A determined mother (and family)... Aruba has been reeling ever since.

Good thing they have Arlene Schippers...She is probably a big help, when it comes to legal matters...Haha...Make up the rules as you go, then explain away to the media that the Aruban legal system is so different and compex than others...What a joke...

In regards to Jossy, maybe we have to accept what little he gives us, as he is not obligated to give his anything. Hopefully, for everyone, what he gives us is honest and above board, void of personal motives or agendas.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: cajun miracle on December 17, 2008, 12:31:34 AM
Hey Janet,

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And to all of these great Monkeys, Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!

Cajun Miracle

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 17, 2008, 12:32:08 AM
12/17/2008 Awe Mainta Page 6


declaracionnan of rudy croes on van der straten can have consecuencianan big for aruba

desaroyo of the caso of natalee holloway y expresionnan of minister of husticia rudy croes owing to achieve atencion of faction avp, cual have they preocupa. member of parliament arthur dowers owing to indica cu owing to cuestiona expresionnan of the minister in parliament, but past owing to deny of contesta questions of parliament on the mature cu sr. van der straten will owing to provoke cu expresionnan haci by of dje y cu expresionnan cu the minister owing to haci was for provoca v.d. straten also. avp is achieve this algo extremely iresponsabel, because they're compronde cu the form cu the minister owing to expresa his self owing to capta atencion internacional. brinckman of the netherlands owing to escoge for ataca again we region y owing to give declaracionnan till at merca basa on expresionnan of minister of husticia of aruba. dowers is indica cu much person is cuestiona cu if the fondonan cu owing to wordo poni available for mercadeo of aruba if this will bay is efectivo mirando cu have much person cu owing to wordo recorda on the possible miss of seguridad of we island. more aleu the is tell cu if the minister had cualkier suspicion the have to owing to haci one investigacion the time yonder, more still teniendo at cuenta cu the time yonder in parliament owing to ask about if have have to of one investigacion adicional y the contesta was cu this do not necesario. also the is indica cu is look like cu the minister do not conciente of the damage cu the is haciendo not only at imagen of aruba y we sistema hudicial, but also the damage economico cu this can have for we country. thing member of parliament of avp is lamenta more is cu hour in parliament owing to haci the questions at the minister y cu the not owing to contesta, none of esnan cu is sostene gobierno owing to cuestiona this, inclusive owing to haci the peticion for chairman of parliament for indica the minister for contesta y past owing to haci as cu the not owing to hear esnan of fraccion of avp.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 17, 2008, 12:43:13 AM
Thanks Cajun Miracle and Merry Christmas to You!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 17, 2008, 12:45:25 AM
The Arubans and the Dutch seem all busy arguing with each other but they both seem to have forgotten about Natalee. 
You're Right Anna.....That's why We need to keep Natalee's case front and center so they can't forget about Her......  ::MonkeyWink::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 17, 2008, 12:46:00 AM

We both see this the same way.  The thing that I come back to, though, is Jossy saying that Van Der Straaten is a good man.  That has me perplexed.    We haven't heard much from Jossy since Rudy Croes came out with his state about Van Der Straaten, so I guess i am wondering what Jossy thinks of the current developments in that regard. 

One thing I will say for him, he does try to keep the heat on Joran and Paulus.  But are they the only ones that need to feel the heat?  Will Jossy come out and put some heat on Van Der Straaten?

Agreed. Maybe he (VdS) was a good man. Maybe everyone liked him.

But, an accident/tragedy happened to a tourist on an island that depends on tourism dollars. Just so happened to involve a very close friend, and his son. Gut check time for VanderStraaten. Prosecute his buddy and son, or cover up for them. We all know which way his morals led him.

Aruba thought this would be an internal matter, one which would go undetected. Swept under the rug.

Noy were they wrong...Two things screwed up their envisioned happy ending...Traction of the story by the international media...A determined mother (and family)... Aruba has been reeling ever since.

Good thing they have Arlene Schippers...She is probably a big help, when it comes to legal matters...Haha...Make up the rules as you go, then explain away to the media that the Aruban legal system is so different and compex than others...What a joke...

In regards to Jossy, maybe we have to accept what little he gives us, as he is not obligated to give his anything. Hopefully, for everyone, what he gives us is honest and above board, void of personal motives or agendas.

I get that, and agree.

The accident part is a stretch for me.  I just do nto think there was an 'accident'.  An accident could have easily been explained...or they could have even explained, in their own way, that Joran was not to blame.  But, no body, no case?  For an accident?  I can't buy into that. Something bad did happen.

You are right about Arleen, too.  She just made this worse and showed the world how unprepared Aruba was to be questioned by outsiders.  She looked like a fool, but thanks to her we were able to see just what we were dealing with very early on.

True, he is not obligated to do anything.  But he did involve himself in investigating this.  I just hope he is on the up and up.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 17, 2008, 12:47:14 AM
TM I hope You don't mind but I thought this needed to be posted just in case Everyone doesn't see Your sig line...We are here to help Dave to keep His promise to Natalee!

"We won't give up on you, Natalee. You didn't give up on us, and we will continue with the investigation until we have all of the answers to your disappearance."
"God be with you, my Natalee!"

Of course I don't mind Hotping, I think I needed that reminder too.  Thanks.  ::MonkeyCool::
Thanks TM...I hoped You wouldn't mind!  ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: BUCKSHOT on December 17, 2008, 12:50:40 AM
A very difficult task to go to Aruba (from Holland) and investigate police corruption...Where the hell would one even start?...Demand Rudy Croes and Oduber thoroughly investigate/review the investigation all the way back from the beginning?...Where and how would Croes and Oduber even start?...Summon VanderStraaten into their office(s) to be questioned?...Ask Jacobs where all the evidence and case files are located?...Ask the judges why they denied search warrants of the entire VDS property?...Better stop...Almost fell out of my chair laughing...What a joke!!!

Sincerely, good luck with that!!! Will need a large courtroom... ::MonkeyLaugh::

End result:
(1)Apogy campaign to family, country, Holland, US, and world.
(2)Investigation into Aruban police corruption that goes nowhere. Promise, revision, and enactment of certain laws.
(3)Dog and pony show - Publicly reprimand/demote involved players.
(4)If charges brought against ANYONE (corrupted official,suspect,peripheral accomplice), they will be minor, insignificant, and will involve minimal jail time, if at all. Process will take many, many years.
(5)Aruba will forever work on restoring tourism.

The script is being written as we speak...Many authors and consultants involved...

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 17, 2008, 12:52:52 AM
Hey Janet,

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And to all of these great Monkeys, Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!

Cajun Miracle

Janet?  It's your birthday?  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: caesu on December 17, 2008, 01:10:47 AM
Is Pieterz Dutch?  Maybe they are just determined that a European Dutchie not be blamed for this no matter what?

I just don't know what it will take.  I agree that it is remarkable that as many of us are still here as actually are.

And Greta doesn't seem to have lost interest or patience to continue trying so we just have to do the same no matter what.

i think Pietersz is from Curaçao. still no official word if he stays on after December 23rd.

with Rudy Croes' comments earlier this month, i don't think he can put the lid back on it.
he will never be able to get Greta, JQK and Brinkman off his back.
and if the MEP loses the election next year i expect the AVP to call for a parliamentary inquiry.
and we even haven't heard a reaction from PRdV.
if he doesn't comment when there is some news about an ongoing case, this usually means he is busy with it.
there have been other cases he covered for many more years until it got to a conviction.

a new program by PRdV will bring everthing back to the foreground again.
the Thai trafficking program wasn't really about the actual case. he will go back and go over the first 10 days again.
if Greta also makes an hour long program about the first 10 days, just step by step go through everything again.
then bring Brinkman on or play his comments again.

at some point something will snap on Aruba or in The Netherlands, some high ranking witness of a politician with power will come forward and the house of cards collapses.

one thing i do know however is that PRdV won't hook up with Brinkman, because PRdV hates the muslim bashing the PVV does, that is Brinkman's party.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 17, 2008, 01:22:29 AM
The Arubans and the Dutch seem all busy arguing with each other but they both seem to have forgotten about Natalee. 

It has never been about justice for Natalee Holloway.

It was all about protecting Joran van der Sloot and ... Aruba's dirty little secrets encompassing their underground economy ... drugs, alcohol, gambling, money laundering, sex trade ,,,


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 17, 2008, 01:24:57 AM
Joran van der Sloot's age implies he should never have been allowed on the premises of the Excelsior Casino.  He should never have been allowed on the premises of Carlos and Charlies'.  He should never have been allowed on the premises of the Radisson.  He should never have been allowed on the premises of the Wyndham.  Yet he was not only given access to these establishments ... given access to unsuspecting young ladies ... he was allowed to drink alcohol and gamble.

Was Joran a participant in that underground economy?



'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' for April 3
updated 8:24 a.m. PT, Tues., April. 4, 2006

JOHN Q. KELLY, HOLLOWAY FAMILY ATTORNEY: Well, if you look at the surveillance video footage, it appears that he’s the one sitting directly next to her and tries to engage her in conversation a couple of times.  And it’s sort of ironic that it’s his father who brought his underage son to a casino and left him there after he left, with access to his line of credit, to put this unfortunate chain of events in process.  

You know, if Joran had never been there, not been allowed in there, because he’s underage and wasn’t accompanied by his father, the whole rest of the night wouldn’t have happened.

COSBY: You know, and, John, also, why would that be a significant—why is that in conflict to something else we’ve heard maybe from Paulus before?

KELLY: Well, he’s just claiming that, you know, he’s kept an eye on his son, you know, he’s kept him on a short leash, and, you know, his son is very well-behaved. And it turns out that he’s, you know, got him at casinos. If you’re under 18, you’re not legally even allowed in casinos, so his son was breaking the law with him enabling it.

Jossy Mansur
July 23, 2007

Dana: One thing that makes my listeners scratch their heads so to speak and wonder, myself included and we'll talk about it again, is the fact of the underage drinking and gambling that had been going on admittedly by young van der Sloot.  Was there ever any discussion or has there ever been any discussion at least of filing some charges as far as that goes?

Jossy:  No, there hasn't been any of that. The authorities have just (inaudible) it aside, they haven't paid any attention to it then and they're not paying any attention to it now and over the past 26 months.    I haven't seen anything in the direction of trying to make some kind of statement that this is not (inaudiable) at least make some sort of a statement that this is not (inaubible) because it is a known fact that as an underage he wasn't supposed to be in the casino, much less in the company of his father. He was there, there are video tapes to prove that and still the authorities haven't done anything with regard to that specific case.

Joran van der Sloot
Suspect Statement
June 9, 2005

After that we drove straight to Carlos & Charlies. Deepak was the driver but I cannot remember now who was sitting beside him. I do not remember now if it was Satish or me. I estimate that we arrived at Carlos & Charlies between 00.15 and 00.30 hours. Deepak parked his car on the parking lot behind Carlos & Charlies and after that we walked into the building of Carlos & Charlies. I don't have to pay because I have a VIP pass. With my VIP pass Deepak and Satish were also allowed in.  

To your question as to who gave me the VIP pass to Carlos & Charlies, I answer you that I got it through the office of Carlos & Charlies. I do not remember with the help of who I got the VIP pass. I got to Carlos & Charlies about one to three times a week.

Beth Holloway

Page 39:
  Following our brief conversation, we all walk immediately to the fron desk to ask about someone named Joran who is staying in the hotel and plays in the casino here.  The Holiday Inn night manager, Brenda, knows him by name.  "Oh! yes ... yes ... Joran.  He gambles in the Excelsior Casino here.  He likes to prey on young female tourists.  Especially the blonds.   He is tall.  Good-looking boy.  Like a Dutch marine."   My mouth drops wide open.  "Where is he from?" I ask her.  She replies.  "He lives in Aruba."  I stutter.  "He's ... he's not a tourist just here for the summer?"  "Non, non," she says.

It takes a few moments to absorb this information.  The supposed tourist who befriended some of Natalee's classmates and who told them he was staying at their hotel lied tothem.  He isn't a tourist.  He isn't staying here.

Deepak Kalpoe
Suspect Statement
June 13, 2005

Andre asked me to come inside. I did go inside. I did not play, but did look at the cards of Joran and Guido.

At some given moment in time a tourist who was sitting at Joran's table got angry. The tourist thought that we were looking at the cards of other players and signaling/deciding for Joran when he should play or not. It lead to a disagreement between Joran and the tourist. The manager of the Radisson Casino came over and everything calmed down. I drank about four "whisky coke" gedronken in the Radisson Casino.  I now that Joran drank more because the waiters were constantly bringing him drinks.   I am not sure .what he was drinking. His drinks were of a yellow colour. I think it was “whisky soda" or 'Whisky water".

Aruba Suspects Accused of Taking Sex Photos of Another Girl
Thursday, September 01, 2005

The Kalpoe brothers were released July 4 and rearrested last week with a friend of the three young men, Freddy Alexander Zedan-Arambatzis (search), 21.
Zedan-Arambatzis, who is not suspected of involvement in the Holloway case, is accused of taking photos of a minor female in "tempting poses" and of showing the photos to other people, said his lawyer, Diana Emerencia. He is also suspected of having unspecified "physical contact" with the girl, she said.

The Kalpoe brothers and van der Sloot are also suspected of involvement in the incident, which allegedly occurred before Holloway disappeared, Emerencia said.,2933,168233,00.html

Jossy Mansur
'Scarborough Country'
August 26, 2005

DANIELS:  It definitely smells that way.  You know, if you take the prosecution‘s statement at its face, we are talking on a whole new level, the charges here.  We are talking about drugs.  We are talking about rape and we are talking about rape of many different people.  There are four guys now in custody, four best friends.  What does that tell you?
MANSUR:  Well, what it tells me is that, really, these four guys are friends.  They belong to the same group, these party boys that go out and prey on young, unsuspected girls or other kinds of girls also that are out to have a good time, not suspecting what they‘re in for with these predators around.

And they are—they not only appear in photographs together, but I understand that Freddy lives very near to the Joran house.  So, there is a bond between them.  There is a group that they call themselves the pimps, in which all of these participate.

'The Abrams Report' for August 4
updated 8:37 a.m. PT, Fri., Aug. 5, 2005

TWITTY:  You know it's a pretty long scenario; we have a lot of details.  You know the main thing to sum it up is you know Joran, how he entered this establishment.  I believe that you know if you enter on the right side, you have to have a valid I.D.  If you enter Carlos N' Charlie's on the left side, you must have some type of—I don't know if it's a VIP pass or what to enter, but Joran enters the establishment on the left side, approaches these groups of tourists. 

You know it's interesting how he is able to try to work his way in and connect and establish himself in that—in Carlos N' Charlie's, was walking her around and these other tourists and was able to point out Satish and Deepak Kalpoe.  They were sitting ironically in the same corner, the same stools that they were seated at in the picture that's been all over international media, so that must be their spot that they wait while Joran is working.

Deepak Kalpoe
Suspect Statement
June 10, 2005

To your question as to what role Joran plays in our circle of friends, I can state the following. He has no real role. We are all the same.

To your question as to where we take the girls we pick up, I can state the following. Sometimes the girls stay at "Carlos & Charlies" or sometimes we take them to their hotel.

To your question was to what exactly happens when we have picked up the girls, I can state the following. Just kissing and dancing.

To your question whether sexual intercourse has happened, I can state the following. Yes, it has happened.

To your question whether it ever happened that all of us, so in one room, had sexual intercourse, I can state the following. It has happened.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: BUCKSHOT on December 17, 2008, 01:25:06 AM
A very difficult task to go to Aruba (from Holland) and investigate police corruption...Where the hell would one even start?...Demand Rudy Croes and Oduber thoroughly investigate/review the investigation all the way back from the beginning?...Where and how would Croes and Oduber even start?...Summon VanderStraaten into their office(s) to be questioned?...Ask Jacobs where all the evidence and case files are located?...Ask the judges why they denied search warrants of the entire VDS property?...Better stop...Almost fell out of my chair laughing...What a joke!!!

Sincerely, good luck with that!!! Will need a large courtroom... ::MonkeyLaugh::

End result:
(1)Apogy campaign to family, country, Holland, US, and world.
(2)Investigation into Aruban police corruption that goes nowhere. Promise, revision, and enactment of certain laws.
(3)Dog and pony show - Publicly reprimand/demote involved players.
(4)If charges brought against ANYONE (corrupted official,suspect,peripheral accomplice), they will be minor, insignificant, and will involve minimal jail time, if at all. Process will take many, many years.
(5)Aruba will forever work on restoring tourism.

The script is being written as we speak...Many authors and consultants involved...

After Aruba investigates itself for police corruption (on behalf of the NH investigation) and acts out the script, it will once again stir international news. Most likely, after years have gone by, Holland will take a crack at it. Holland will investigate Aruba for police corruption (on behalf of the NH investigation) and act out the new (and improved) version of the ongoing script. Next, if it even reaches the next and highest level, an international agency would have to investigate Aruba for police corruption (on behalf of the NH investigation). They, however, would not have to follow a script. Jurisdiction proceedings may even delay it further. From the beginning, Aruba has fought tooth and nail to KEEP OUT outsiders (and transparency) in this investiagtion.

Can the process be expedited or steps skipped? I would love to know the true A-Z's of this case, in every aspect. Have always wondered what the evidence really looks like...Think about it...Are the suspect statements even real? Did they even occur? It was known that Paulus (and likely others) had their hands in the (proverbial) evidence jar...Wonder who the real authors were...Wonder what their storage (of uncontaminated) evidence looks like...Always thought it would have been a fair request for simple permission by Aruba for other (affiliated) agencies, such as Holland(KLPD) and US(FBI) to observe (and not touch) the collected evidence just to verify that it truly exists...It is assumed that any tests conducted were: not conducted (example: Dompig-"This is a donkey bone"), or falsely given to an agency (examples: testing of chocolate-KLPD and fabric in cage-FBI)...Results of phony tests were then spread around in defense of themselves...

Done rambling...

Aruba will probably tell us that they buried her On June 15, 2005 at a small church near the coast. Everyone missed the newspaper obituary, with funeral time and date. Only a few people received invitations...

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 17, 2008, 01:27:02 AM

10:30 PM PT

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 17, 2008, 01:30:39 AM
Happy Birthday Janet!  ::MonkeyDance::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: BUCKSHOT on December 17, 2008, 01:32:40 AM
Is Pieterz Dutch?  Maybe they are just determined that a European Dutchie not be blamed for this no matter what?

I just don't know what it will take.  I agree that it is remarkable that as many of us are still here as actually are.

And Greta doesn't seem to have lost interest or patience to continue trying so we just have to do the same no matter what.

i think Pietersz is from Curaçao. still no official word if he stays on after December 23rd.

with Rudy Croes' comments earlier this month, i don't think he can put the lid back on it.
he will never be able to get Greta, JQK and Brinkman off his back.
and if the MEP loses the election next year i expect the AVP to call for a parliamentary inquiry.
and we even haven't heard a reaction from PRdV.
if he doesn't comment when there is some news about an ongoing case, this usually means he is busy with it.
there have been other cases he covered for many more years until it got to a conviction.

a new program by PRdV will bring everthing back to the foreground again.
the Thai trafficking program wasn't really about the actual case. he will go back and go over the first 10 days again.
if Greta also makes an hour long program about the first 10 days, just step by step go through everything again.
then bring Brinkman on or play his comments again.

at some point something will snap on Aruba or in The Netherlands, some high ranking witness of a politician with power will come forward and the house of cards collapses.

one thing i do know however is that PRdV won't hook up with Brinkman, because PRdV hates the muslim bashing the PVV does, that is Brinkman's party.

Word has it that when one steps foot on Aruba, they seem to be sucked into corruption. Prime example, it is been suggested that HansMos' integrity has been compromised (to put in nicely). Does this mean that a team, the size of the Aruban government itself, needs to be recommended for this tough task? They may need to expand the local KIA, to accomodate additional square footage, in preparation for the results of their investigation.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 17, 2008, 01:32:53 AM
Is Pieterz Dutch?  Maybe they are just determined that a European Dutchie not be blamed for this no matter what?

I just don't know what it will take.  I agree that it is remarkable that as many of us are still here as actually are.

And Greta doesn't seem to have lost interest or patience to continue trying so we just have to do the same no matter what.

i think Pietersz is from Curaçao. still no official word if he stays on after December 23rd.

with Rudy Croes' comments earlier this month, i don't think he can put the lid back on it.
he will never be able to get Greta, JQK and Brinkman off his back.
and if the MEP loses the election next year i expect the AVP to call for a parliamentary inquiry.
and we even haven't heard a reaction from PRdV.
if he doesn't comment when there is some news about an ongoing case, this usually means he is busy with it.
there have been other cases he covered for many more years until it got to a conviction.

a new program by PRdV will bring everthing back to the foreground again.
the Thai trafficking program wasn't really about the actual case. he will go back and go over the first 10 days again.
if Greta also makes an hour long program about the first 10 days, just step by step go through everything again.
then bring Brinkman on or play his comments again.

at some point something will snap on Aruba or in The Netherlands, some high ranking witness of a politician with power will come forward and the house of cards collapses.

one thing i do know however is that PRdV won't hook up with Brinkman, because PRdV hates the muslim bashing the PVV does, that is Brinkman's party.
Thanks Caesu!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 17, 2008, 01:35:46 AM
Hey Janet,

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And to all of these great Monkeys, Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!

Cajun Miracle

Janet?  It's your birthday?  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Don't rush it.  My 62nd Birthday can wait.  It is still just 10:30 PM December 16th in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia.


I googled my birthdate ... December 17, 1946 ... to check what special event happened on that day.

I guess I was it.


Thanks for the well wishes.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Helen Back on December 17, 2008, 01:42:01 AM

Don't wanna rush it, but I'm just passing through so..........

Happy birthday Janet!   ::MonkeyDance::

Nite all

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 17, 2008, 01:47:06 AM
( (

There's two things I know for sure:
She was sent here from heaven and she's
daddy's little girl.
As I drop to my knees by her bed at night
She talks to Jesus and I close my eyes and
I thank god for all the joy in my life
Oh, but most of all
For butterfly kisses after bedtime prayer;
sticking little white flowers all up in her
hair; "Walk beside the pony, Daddy, it's my first ride."
"I know the cake looks funny, Daddy, but I sure tried."
In all that I've done wrong I know I must
have done something right to deserve a hug
every morning and butterfly kisses at night.

Sweet 16 today
She's looking like her mama a little more everyday
One part woman, the other part girl.
To perfume and make-up from ribbons and curls
Trying her wings out in a great big world.

But I remember
Butterfly kisses after bedtime prayer; sticking
little white flowers all up in her hair.
"You know how much I love you, Daddy, But if you
don't mind I'm only gonna kiss you on the cheek this time."
With all that I've done wrong I must have done
something right to deserve her love every morning
and butterfly kisses at night.

All the precious time
Like the wind, the years go by.
Precious butterfly.
Spread your wings and fly.

(Moments, memories, a whole lifetime; stolen from Natalee and her family)

She'll change her name today.
She'll make a promise and I'll give her away.
Standing in the bride-room just staring at her.
She asked me what I'm thinking and I said "I'm not
sure-I just feel like I'm losing my baby girl."
She leaned over...gave me butterfly kisses with her mama there,
Sticking little white flowers all up in her hair
"Walk my down the aisle, Daddy-it's just about time."
"Does my wedding gown look pretty, Daddy? Daddy, don't cry!"

Oh, with all that I've done wrong I must have
done something right.
To deserve your love every morning and butterfly
kisses-I couldn't ask God for more, man this is what love is.

I know I gotta let her go, but I'll always remember
every hug in the morning and butterfly kisses.

Butterfly Kisses by Bob Carlisle





Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 17, 2008, 01:49:21 AM
I hope you have a wonderful birthday Janet!   ::MonkeyDance::

Goodnight!   ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 17, 2008, 02:48:15 AM
Hey Janet,

Happy Birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And to all of these great Monkeys, Merry Christmas!!!!!!!!

Cajun Miracle

Janet?  It's your birthday?  HAPPY BIRTHDAY!

Don't rush it.  My 62nd Birthday can wait.  It is still just 10:30 PM December 16th in the Fraser Valley of British Columbia.


I googled my birthdate ... December 17, 1946 ... to check what special event happened on that day.

I guess I was it.


Thanks for the well wishes.


Happy B-Day Janet! ::MonkeyDance:: ::cartwheel::.You are a ray of light that shines through the clouds.As a Monkey i thank you for your continued strenght in searching for the truth!!


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 17, 2008, 07:47:38 AM
I remember Caps post about parts 3-4 & 5 to follow, but I
did not think that Jossy had said that.
I also remember Caps post about Me, J, W, and c's.
I don't remember about Jossy being at that meeting or deVries.
Where did that information come from.

It was a "secret" at the time, but it eventually leaked out.  Tim was at the meeting also, but he left when Mos wouldn't meet with them and he returned to the storm damage in Texas.

The secret...was it the initials?  Kermit alluded to them....where'd all this info come from, SS? 

I don't have a link.  We were told on this forum at the time that a major person was present at the meeting.  I didn't know who it was, either, until the name was dropped in later discussions. 

So you are saying it's was posted here, the secret, and I must have read it.....hmmmmm.

9/17, in reference to prior phone contacts and discussions, the name was released.....

....I was told that Peter de Vries *is* part of what is going on.....

SS...You are correct...There was one prior to that which referred to Dutch, and others...I put the same dots together as you did.  I have been looking for the other one for weeks now for my time-line.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 17, 2008, 07:54:13 AM
I still say we should just STOP doing anything with Aruba at all. Expose the corruption and pressure our OWN government to declare Aruba an unsafe travel destination.
The truth will set EVERYONE free. Let's just be done with them. My guess is that our FBI already KNOWS what happened -- let's just call them on it.

Wreck, Our government is not about to lose that Forward Observation Base just 16 miles from Chavez with his courting the Russians and asking for nuclear technology from them.

Delicate timing...That 10 Year agreement was reached in 2000...Though of course it has nothing to do with Chavez... ::MonkeyWink::

Janet...Happy Birthday....Have a Great Day!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: blah on December 17, 2008, 07:55:50 AM

I agree San.

However ... I do not think there is even an investigation and ... neither does Jossy Mansur and ... neither does Beth Holloway.

I believe Rudy Croes' charade of an "investigation" into the Jan Vander Straaten/Paulus van der Slot connection is nothing but a "dog and pony show" meant to bring a close to the Natalee Holloway case and ... pacify the family.  Prior to closing the case ... Aruba will apologize to the family of Natalee Holloway.  Aruba will concede that wrong decisions made in the first ten days of the investigation by Jan Vander Straaten imply justice will never prevail.


I agree 100% Janet.  We have seen it all before.  Dog and Pony Show that will go no where.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Nut44x4 on December 17, 2008, 08:16:09 AM
texasmom ..... thank you for the poem/photo's post. It serves as a reminder as to why we are all still here, waiting......

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: kkate on December 17, 2008, 08:59:34 AM
texasmom - Thank you for posting that.

Tamikosmom - Happy Birthday! :smt113

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: sharon on December 17, 2008, 09:05:43 AM
texasmom ..... thank you for the poem/photo's post. It serves as a reminder as to why we are all still here, waiting......  

ditto, tm.

Happy Birthday Janet.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: 2NJSons_Mom on December 17, 2008, 09:34:55 AM
Good morning, everyone.  I made a special thread in the Monkey Lounge for Janet.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: snoopy on December 17, 2008, 09:35:59 AM

Good Morning Everybody!!

 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113 :smt113


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 17, 2008, 09:36:16 AM
Happy Birthday, Janet, and many more!!!   ::MonkeyDance::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: snoopy on December 17, 2008, 09:37:26 AM

You mean I gotta do that again? lol


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 17, 2008, 10:05:38 AM

I just feel even if they replace Mos and new Mos will come in and pick up right after the old one did.  Just like Mos did when he replaced Karin Janssen.  I just don't feel like Mos is the one leading this investigation.  He is taking orders from someone.

I agree San.

However ... I do not think there is even an investigation and ... neither does Jossy Mansur and ... neither does Beth Holloway.

I believe Rudy Croes' charade of an "investigation" into the Jan Vander Straaten/Paulus van der Slot connection is nothing but a "dog and pony show" meant to bring a close to the Natalee Holloway case and ... pacify the family.  Prior to closing the case ... Aruba will apologize to the family of Natalee Holloway.  Aruba will concede that wrong decisions made in the first ten days of the investigation by Jan Vander Straaten imply justice will never prevail.


I agree.  You said it so much better than I could have.  This is exactly what is happening.  But this doesn't meant that I am giving up.  It means that I see through what they are doing.



Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 17, 2008, 10:07:42 AM
Good morning, everyone.  I made a special thread in the Monkey Lounge for Janet.

 ::MonkeyHaHa:: Sorry I missed this before I posted.  I will copy and paste what I did in the thread.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 17, 2008, 10:10:15 AM

You mean I gotta do that again? lol


 ::MonkeyHaHa:: Just make a quote off your post and copy what you did but don't make the post just get out of it.  Hit the back button.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: RoxiBalboa on December 17, 2008, 10:15:44 AM
texasmom, you are a beautiful person, thanks for the great post

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 17, 2008, 10:39:30 AM
texasmom ..... thank you for the poem/photo's post. It serves as a reminder as to why we are all still here, waiting......

Yeah what she said.  Thank you texasmom.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 17, 2008, 10:45:26 AM
I thought I might wake up today in a better mood...................................................nope.
No more games, no more delays, no more internal Aruban investigations................"times up"!!  ::MonkeyNoNo::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 17, 2008, 10:46:56 AM
I thought I might wake up today in a better mood...................................................nope.
No more games, no more delays, no more internal Aruban investigations................"times up"!!  ::MonkeyNoNo::

I wake up in a bad mood every day  ::MonkeyHaHa::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 17, 2008, 11:56:17 AM
Thanks you all so much for the HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 17, 2008, 12:03:55 PM
Thank you Texasmom.

As Nut said ... a reminder why we are still here.

Natalee Holloway's family deserves so much more than the Aruba afforded in the name of Justice.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 17, 2008, 12:17:49 PM
Dutch posters - need some help with this...who is this person Pim Fortuin?  This was just posted on the front page of SM by someone in Aruba.

J.V  wrote:

come to aruba all of you,we are waiting…greta nancy and of course mr Brinkman!! 2 ratingseeking BiTcHeS and and another gay dutchman against all antillians….remember pim fortuin?Keep talking shit….!! Keep talking!!

Dec 17, 10:43 AM

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 17, 2008, 12:32:47 PM
I found this Klaas on Pim Fortuin

JospoortvlietMay 6 2002, 13:24
Well guys, u may have read it in the news. In holland, Pim Fortuin has been shot. I know it has nothing to do with audio, but I had to say it anywhere... Its really a sad thing. If u dont know him: he is a doctor in sociology, who has been writing columns and books about our government for years. He decided, the end of last year, to compete in our elections this year.
He quickly became the thirt party in the polls, which meant he whould be in the government (in holland, there are always cooperations of partys who rule the land, because no-one is big enough to do it on his own - the poldermodel).
He was very populair among alot of people - he was not such a politician, but 'fresh', said what he thought, was clever (he was a good debater, trown them all out 
and now. he's dead. someone shot him, for still unknown reason. U know, this is bad for our democracy. maybe alot didnt agree with him, but everybody has the right to enter the elections, to say wat he wants. thats a thing we really vallue very high.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Ebb on December 17, 2008, 12:33:09 PM

found this. he was shot.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 17, 2008, 12:33:56 PM
I found this Klaas on Pim Fortuin

JospoortvlietMay 6 2002, 13:24
Well guys, u may have read it in the news. In holland, Pim Fortuin has been shot. I know it has nothing to do with audio, but I had to say it anywhere... Its really a sad thing. If u dont know him: he is a doctor in sociology, who has been writing columns and books about our government for years. He decided, the end of last year, to compete in our elections this year.
He quickly became the thirt party in the polls, which meant he whould be in the government (in holland, there are always cooperations of partys who rule the land, because no-one is big enough to do it on his own - the poldermodel).
He was very populair among alot of people - he was not such a politician, but 'fresh', said what he thought, was clever (he was a good debater, trown them all out 
and now. he's dead. someone shot him, for still unknown reason. U know, this is bad for our democracy. maybe alot didnt agree with him, but everybody has the right to enter the elections, to say wat he wants. thats a thing we really vallue very high.

Thanks Hotping - yes I found some stuff too but I'm hoping our Dutch posters can give us even more information.

The FP post looks like a threat to me.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Anna on December 17, 2008, 12:35:39 PM
American Dutchie here but know the answer to that one

Moord op Pim Fortuyn Murder of Pim Fortuyn,GGLD:2007-51,GGLD:en

Also see:
 He added that he has a general pardon for all of the approximately 5000 when former asylum seekers in the Netherlands stood for. Volgens hem zou iedereen die al in Nederland was, ook in Nederland moeten kunnen blijven, met uitzondering van illegale immigranten uit de Nederlandse Antillen . According to him, anyone already in the Netherlands was also in the Netherlands should be able to continue, with the exception of illegal immigrants from the Netherlands Antilles. Uit het interview blijkt dat Fortuyn niet altijd even nauwkeurig is: Antillianen waren Nederlanders, en waar hij zegt "Het zijn onze Marokkaanse rotjongens, daar kunnen we koning Hassan niet mee opschepen." The interview shows that Fortuyn is not always accurate: Dutch Antilleans were, and where he says "our Moroccan rotjongens They are, we can King Hassan not inflict.",GGLD:2007-51,GGLD:en

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: msmarple on December 17, 2008, 12:35:44 PM
klaas - Pim Fortuin was a Dutch politician / gov't. official who was assassinated, fairly recent (last 2-3 yrs?), in The Netherlands. I think he was very anti-Muslim and his death was maybe considered a  terrorist retalliation for that, but I don't really recall much else. (I tried a search but everything's coming up in Dutch.)

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 17, 2008, 12:35:59 PM
I found this Klaas on Pim Fortuin

JospoortvlietMay 6 2002, 13:24
Well guys, u may have read it in the news. In holland, Pim Fortuin has been shot. I know it has nothing to do with audio, but I had to say it anywhere... Its really a sad thing. If u dont know him: he is a doctor in sociology, who has been writing columns and books about our government for years. He decided, the end of last year, to compete in our elections this year.
He quickly became the thirt party in the polls, which meant he whould be in the government (in holland, there are always cooperations of partys who rule the land, because no-one is big enough to do it on his own - the poldermodel).
He was very populair among alot of people - he was not such a politician, but 'fresh', said what he thought, was clever (he was a good debater, trown them all out 
and now. he's dead. someone shot him, for still unknown reason. U know, this is bad for our democracy. maybe alot didnt agree with him, but everybody has the right to enter the elections, to say wat he wants. thats a thing we really vallue very high.

Thanks Hotping - yes I found some stuff too but I'm hoping our Dutch posters can give us even more information.

The FP post looks like a threat to me.
Yes its a threat and I believe that Greta and Nancy need to know about it as well as Brinkman...... ::MonkeyEek::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 17, 2008, 12:36:36 PM
I found this Klaas on Pim Fortuin

JospoortvlietMay 6 2002, 13:24
Well guys, u may have read it in the news. In holland, Pim Fortuin has been shot. I know it has nothing to do with audio, but I had to say it anywhere... Its really a sad thing. If u dont know him: he is a doctor in sociology, who has been writing columns and books about our government for years. He decided, the end of last year, to compete in our elections this year.
He quickly became the thirt party in the polls, which meant he whould be in the government (in holland, there are always cooperations of partys who rule the land, because no-one is big enough to do it on his own - the poldermodel).
He was very populair among alot of people - he was not such a politician, but 'fresh', said what he thought, was clever (he was a good debater, trown them all out 
and now. he's dead. someone shot him, for still unknown reason. U know, this is bad for our democracy. maybe alot didnt agree with him, but everybody has the right to enter the elections, to say wat he wants. thats a thing we really vallue very high.

So basically, the front page post was a death threat!  ::MonkeyEek::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 17, 2008, 12:36:58 PM
Dutch posters - need some help with this...who is this person Pim Fortuin?  This was just posted on the front page of SM by someone in Aruba.

J.V  wrote:

come to aruba all of you,we are waiting…greta nancy and of course mr Brinkman!! 2 ratingseeking BiTcHeS and and another gay dutchman against all antillians….remember pim fortuin?Keep talking shit….!! Keep talking!!

Dec 17, 10:43 AM

I term this person an on-line Gangster.. ::MonkeyDance:: Threats??Can the FBI now investigate,as well as the Dutch due to it being threats against Greta and Brinkman??

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 17, 2008, 12:37:27 PM
Dutch posters - need some help with this...who is this person Pim Fortuin?  This was just posted on the front page of SM by someone in Aruba.

J.V  wrote:

come to aruba all of you,we are waiting…greta nancy and of course mr Brinkman!! 2 ratingseeking BiTcHeS and and another gay dutchman against all antillians….remember pim fortuin?Keep talking shit….!! Keep talking!!

Dec 17, 10:43 AM

Right, I saw that he was assassinated.  I just feel as though this front page post is meant as a threat.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: MumInOhio on December 17, 2008, 12:38:40 PM
Is it a threat?   Translated Wiki...

Thanks wreck!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 17, 2008, 12:38:52 PM
Dutch posters - need some help with this...who is this person Pim Fortuin?  This was just posted on the front page of SM by someone in Aruba.

J.V  wrote:

come to aruba all of you,we are waiting…greta nancy and of course mr Brinkman!! 2 ratingseeking BiTcHeS and and another gay dutchman against all antillians….remember pim fortuin?Keep talking shit….!! Keep talking!!

Dec 17, 10:43 AM

I term this person an on-line Gangster.. ::MonkeyDance:: Threats??Can the FBI now investigate,as well as the Dutch due to it being threats against Greta and Brinkman??
Works for ME!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: caesu on December 17, 2008, 12:41:00 PM
Gunman Kills Dutch Politician

Monday, May 06, 2002

HILVERSUM, Netherlands  —  Right-wing Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn, whose anti-immigration party stunned the public with its strong showing in local elections last March, was shot six times and killed Monday as he left a radio interview.

Dutch television said the 54-year-old politician was shot in the head, neck and chest. The attack came nine days before national elections, and opinion polls had predicted Fortuyn would lead one of the largest parties in parliament.

Prime Minister Wim Kok confirmed Fortuyn's death.

"After this assassination, Pim Fortuyn is gone," Kok said in The Hague after breaking off a campaign engagement in the western city of Haarlem. "This is a deep tragedy. I am shocked. This is a deep tragedy for those close to him, for his loved ones and for our country and our democracy.",2933,52047,00.html

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 17, 2008, 12:41:48 PM
Dutch posters - need some help with this...who is this person Pim Fortuin?  This was just posted on the front page of SM by someone in Aruba.

J.V  wrote:

come to aruba all of you,we are waiting…greta nancy and of course mr Brinkman!! 2 ratingseeking BiTcHeS and and another gay dutchman against all antillians….remember pim fortuin?Keep talking shit….!! Keep talking!!

Dec 17, 10:43 AM

I term this person an on-line Gangster.. ::MonkeyDance:: Threats??Can the FBI now investigate,as well as the Dutch due to it being threats against Greta and Brinkman??
Works for ME!!!
Me Too!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 17, 2008, 12:44:30 PM
Dutch posters - need some help with this...who is this person Pim Fortuin?  This was just posted on the front page of SM by someone in Aruba.

J.V  wrote:

come to aruba all of you,we are waiting…greta nancy and of course mr Brinkman!! 2 ratingseeking BiTcHeS and and another gay dutchman against all antillians….remember pim fortuin?Keep talking shit….!! Keep talking!!

Dec 17, 10:43 AM

I term this person an on-line Gangster.. ::MonkeyDance:: Threats??Can the FBI now investigate,as well as the Dutch due to it being threats against Greta and Brinkman??
Works for ME!!!
Me Too!

Would it depend on where the IP address came from or the recieving end??Or.Does it matter?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 17, 2008, 12:44:39 PM
I wonder what the posters intials stand for J.V......hmmmmm?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 17, 2008, 12:48:00 PM
I wonder what the posters intials stand for J.V......hmmmmm?

According to the email addy they used to post, NOT van der sloot.  Of course the email addy could be totally fake too.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 17, 2008, 12:50:27 PM
Gunman Kills Dutch Politician

Monday, May 06, 2002

HILVERSUM, Netherlands  —  Right-wing Dutch politician Pim Fortuyn, whose anti-immigration party stunned the public with its strong showing in local elections last March, was shot six times and killed Monday as he left a radio interview.

Dutch television said the 54-year-old politician was shot in the head, neck and chest. The attack came nine days before national elections, and opinion polls had predicted Fortuyn would lead one of the largest parties in parliament.

Prime Minister Wim Kok confirmed Fortuyn's death.

"After this assassination, Pim Fortuyn is gone," Kok said in The Hague after breaking off a campaign engagement in the western city of Haarlem. "This is a deep tragedy. I am shocked. This is a deep tragedy for those close to him, for his loved ones and for our country and our democracy.",2933,52047,00.html

Last Updated: Tuesday, 2 November, 2004, 11:41 GMT
Gunman kills Dutch film director 

Dutch film maker Theo van Gogh, who made a controversial film about Islamic culture, has been stabbed and shot dead in Amsterdam, Dutch police say.

Police arrested a man in a nearby park after an exchange of gunfire. The man, aged 26, had joint Dutch and Moroccan nationality, they said.

Van Gogh, 47, had received death threats after his film Submission was shown on Dutch TV.

It portrayed violence against women in Islamic societies.

The film was made with liberal Dutch politician Ayaan Hirsi Ali, a Somali refugee who fled an arranged marriage.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali has been under police protection since the film was aired. She has also received death threats and has renounced the Islamic faith.

Eyewitnesses quoted by Radio Netherlands said Van Gogh was attacked while cycling by a man dressed in a traditional Moroccan jallaba.

Both the suspect and a policeman suffered bullet wounds and are now in hospital.

Van Gogh - who was related to the famous Dutch painter - had also been making a film about Pim Fortuyn, the populist right-wing, anti-immigration politician assassinated in May 2002.  

Film controversy

The film Submission told the story of a Muslim woman forced into an arranged marriage who is abused by her husband and raped by her uncle. It triggered an outcry from Dutch Muslims.

In one scene the film showed an actress in see-through garments with Koranic script written on her body, which also bore whip marks.

The Netherlands is home to nearly one million Muslims or 5.5% of the population.

One of the film maker's colleagues at the film production company said Van Gogh had received death threats "but he never took them quite seriously".

"He was a controversial figure and a champion of free speech," he told Reuters.

Dutch Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende said "it is unacceptable if expressing your opinion would be the cause of this brutal murder".

"On a day like this we are reminded of the murder of Fortuyn. We cannot resign ourselves to such a climate, " he added.

And Queen Beatrix said she was shocked and appalled at the killing, AFP news agency reported.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 17, 2008, 12:50:39 PM
I wonder what the posters intials stand for J.V......hmmmmm?

According to the email addy they used to post, NOT van der sloot.  Of course the email addy could be totally fake too.

Wouldn't doubt it!Bringing the assasinated Dutchmen up is interesting!Think we all know how unstable people work.. ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 17, 2008, 12:52:35 PM
I wonder what the posters intials stand for J.V......hmmmmm?

I'm thinking hotping.  Just give me a minute it will come to me.



Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 17, 2008, 12:55:58 PM
I wonder what the posters intials stand for J.V......hmmmmm?

I'm thinking hotping.  Just give me a minute it will come to me.




Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Anna on December 17, 2008, 12:56:51 PM
Klaas, perhaps you should call this to Red's attention and ask him if a copy should be sent to Greta, Nancy, Brinkman any one else threatened?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: caesu on December 17, 2008, 01:00:41 PM

Q: During your visit to the Antilles you walked around with two bodyguards.

HB: I was threatened by mail.

Q: By who?

HB: I think Antillians. I do not know the names. But the official agencies made a threat analysis. From that appeared that it was necessary to guard me. I would have been of course stupid to not listen to that as my fellow party member (Geert Wilders) is the most threatened politician of the Netherlands.

Q: How does that feel?

HB: It is difficult. I don't even want to think about having a live such as Geert Wilders. For me it was only twelve days.

Q: Were you frightened?

HB: I am never frightened.

i think next month he will have bodygurads again.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 17, 2008, 01:01:19 PM
Klaas, perhaps you should call this to Red's attention and ask him if a copy should be sent to Greta, Nancy, Brinkman any one else threatened?

As all threats should be takin seriously it would make for good TV for Greta!No???

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 17, 2008, 01:06:06 PM
Klaas, perhaps you should call this to Red's attention and ask him if a copy should be sent to Greta, Nancy, Brinkman any one else threatened?

As all threats should be takin seriously it would make for good TV for Greta!No???
I believe that Greta and Nancy would like to know about this threat....As Well as all potential visitors to Aruba (if there are any)...

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 17, 2008, 01:08:59 PM
Klaas, perhaps you should call this to Red's attention and ask him if a copy should be sent to Greta, Nancy, Brinkman any one else threatened?

As all threats should be takin seriously it would make for good TV for Greta! No???




Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 17, 2008, 01:11:23 PM

Q: During your visit to the Antilles you walked around with two bodyguards.

HB: I was threatened by mail.

Q: By who?

HB: I think Antillians. I do not know the names. But the official agencies made a threat analysis. From that appeared that it was necessary to guard me. I would have been of course stupid to not listen to that as my fellow party member (Geert Wilders) is the most threatened politician of the Netherlands.

Q: How does that feel?

HB: It is difficult. I don't even want to think about having a live such as Geert Wilders. For me it was only twelve days.

Q: Were you frightened?

HB: I am never frightened.

i think next month he will have bodygurads again.
Looks like He needs bodyguards with threats being thrown around.....I wish Natalee would have had some.... ::MonkeyWaa::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: always 1 on December 17, 2008, 01:12:17 PM
Happy Birthday Janet!!!!  ( psst Wreck, try raisin bran!)

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 17, 2008, 01:12:35 PM
Klaas, perhaps you should call this to Red's attention and ask him if a copy should be sent to Greta, Nancy, Brinkman any one else threatened?

I will

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 17, 2008, 01:15:16 PM

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 17, 2008, 01:19:46 PM
Klaas, perhaps you should call this to Red's attention and ask him if a copy should be sent to Greta, Nancy, Brinkman any one else threatened?

As all threats should be takin seriously it would make for good TV for Greta! No???




The lead in would be Fabulous!Two TV personalities,as well as Dutch politician being threatened for continued investigation of the Corruption and cover-up regarding Natalee Holloway!Can you say ratings.......... ::MonkeyDance::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Anna on December 17, 2008, 01:21:17 PM
Unfortunately, the threat also seems aimed at Red as well for his article.

Not very big on freedom of speech are they?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 17, 2008, 01:22:17 PM
Klaas, perhaps you should call this to Red's attention and ask him if a copy should be sent to Greta, Nancy, Brinkman any one else threatened?

As all threats should be takin seriously it would make for good TV for Greta! No???




The lead in would be Fabulous!Two TV personalities,as well as Dutch politician being threatened for continued investigation of the Corruption and cover-up regarding Natalee Holloway!Can you say ratings.......... ::MonkeyDance::

As everyone is family on the island it would almost certainly lead back to someone  in the investigation "IF" the threat came from an antillian.. ::MonkeyDance::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 17, 2008, 01:24:29 PM
Unfortunately, the threat also seems aimed at Red as well for his article.

Not very big on freedom of speech are they?

No.  I've let Red and Dugga know.  I've also suggested the info be sent to Brinkman and Greta and our FBI.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 17, 2008, 01:31:20 PM
Unfortunately, the threat also seems aimed at Red as well for his article.

Not very big on freedom of speech are they?

No.  I've let Red and Dugga know.  I've also suggested the info be sent to Brinkman and Greta and our FBI.
Thanks Klaas!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 17, 2008, 01:44:33 PM
So ALL the RepAntillians are P.O.'ed???

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 17, 2008, 02:19:23 PM
See you in the rafters Buckshot..Some great posts yesterday.. ::MonkeyDance::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: BUCKSHOT on December 17, 2008, 02:40:10 PM
See you in the rafters Buckshot..Some great posts yesterday.. ::MonkeyDance::

Thanks. Sad, but true.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: JodyO on December 17, 2008, 02:56:45 PM
Just an interesting aside to the NH saga... I was always interested in Mike Posner, the owner of the Excelsior casino at the Holiday Inn and former bookie and mob member from the 'burbs of Chicago. Always curious about what, if any, role he might have played in the disappearance or disposal of NH since that was apparently the initial meeting place of JVDS and NH (and perhaps Paulus and NH from those stills from the observation tape at the BlackJack table.) Hubby is listening to Rush Limbaugh while I read on here, and just heard that the Gov. of Illinois, "Blago" who is under investigation was a former bookie from Chicago suburbs prior to entering politics. I've also wondered exactly what role politics might have played in the investigation on our end since the day that the Congressman from the AL district where NH's family lived met with the Aruba group who came here. He did a 180 as far as interest in the case after conferring with them. What could they have told him? Just another co-inky-dink I suppose.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 17, 2008, 03:00:48 PM
Just an interesting aside to the NH saga... I was always interested in Mike Posner, the owner of the Excelsior casino at the Holiday Inn and former bookie and mob member from the 'burbs of Chicago. Always curious about what, if any, role he might have played in the disappearance or disposal of NH since that was apparently the initial meeting place of JVDS and NH (and perhaps Paulus and NH from those stills from the observation tape at the BlackJack table.) Hubby is listening to Rush Limbaugh while I read on here, and just heard that the Gov. of Illinois, "Blago" who is under investigation was a former bookie from Chicago suburbs prior to entering politics. I've also wondered exactly what role politics might have played in the investigation on our end since the day that the Congressman from the AL district where NH's family lived met with the Aruba group who came here. He did a 180 as far as interest in the case after conferring with them. What could they have told him? Just another co-inky-dink I suppose.
Have you been reading "Kermit's" posts here lately about Posner?? It seems you may be on the mark!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 17, 2008, 03:10:51 PM
Just an interesting aside to the NH saga... I was always interested in Mike Posner, the owner of the Excelsior casino at the Holiday Inn and former bookie and mob member from the 'burbs of Chicago. Always curious about what, if any, role he might have played in the disappearance or disposal of NH since that was apparently the initial meeting place of JVDS and NH (and perhaps Paulus and NH from those stills from the observation tape at the BlackJack table.) Hubby is listening to Rush Limbaugh while I read on here, and just heard that the Gov. of Illinois, "Blago" who is under investigation was a former bookie from Chicago suburbs prior to entering politics. I've also wondered exactly what role politics might have played in the investigation on our end since the day that the Congressman from the AL district where NH's family lived met with the Aruba group who came here. He did a 180 as far as interest in the case after conferring with them. What could they have told him? Just another co-inky-dink I suppose.
Have you been reading "Kermit's" posts here lately about Posner?? It seems you may be on the mark!

Is Posner hiding in plain sight??

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 17, 2008, 03:14:41 PM
Just an interesting aside to the NH saga... I was always interested in Mike Posner, the owner of the Excelsior casino at the Holiday Inn and former bookie and mob member from the 'burbs of Chicago. Always curious about what, if any, role he might have played in the disappearance or disposal of NH since that was apparently the initial meeting place of JVDS and NH (and perhaps Paulus and NH from those stills from the observation tape at the BlackJack table.) Hubby is listening to Rush Limbaugh while I read on here, and just heard that the Gov. of Illinois, "Blago" who is under investigation was a former bookie from Chicago suburbs prior to entering politics. I've also wondered exactly what role politics might have played in the investigation on our end since the day that the Congressman from the AL district where NH's family lived met with the Aruba group who came here. He did a 180 as far as interest in the case after conferring with them. What could they have told him? Just another co-inky-dink I suppose.
Have you been reading "Kermit's" posts here lately about Posner?? It seems you may be on the mark!

Is Posner hiding in plain sight??

Do we have a timeline of his where abouts during the first 10days?What really occured at the Hotel?Where are all the security tapes??

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 17, 2008, 03:15:59 PM
Just an interesting aside to the NH saga... I was always interested in Mike Posner, the owner of the Excelsior casino at the Holiday Inn and former bookie and mob member from the 'burbs of Chicago. Always curious about what, if any, role he might have played in the disappearance or disposal of NH since that was apparently the initial meeting place of JVDS and NH (and perhaps Paulus and NH from those stills from the observation tape at the BlackJack table.) Hubby is listening to Rush Limbaugh while I read on here, and just heard that the Gov. of Illinois, "Blago" who is under investigation was a former bookie from Chicago suburbs prior to entering politics. I've also wondered exactly what role politics might have played in the investigation on our end since the day that the Congressman from the AL district where NH's family lived met with the Aruba group who came here. He did a 180 as far as interest in the case after conferring with them. What could they have told him? Just another co-inky-dink I suppose.
Have you been reading "Kermit's" posts here lately about Posner?? It seems you may be on the mark!

Is Posner hiding in plain sight??

Do we have a timeline of his where abouts during the first 10days?What really occured at the Hotel?Where are all the security tapes??

Does posner have some sick fetishes??One would believe the FBI,CIA,as well as the DEA is all over this character?Why is he still walking FREE??

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 17, 2008, 03:18:41 PM
Just an interesting aside to the NH saga... I was always interested in Mike Posner, the owner of the Excelsior casino at the Holiday Inn and former bookie and mob member from the 'burbs of Chicago. Always curious about what, if any, role he might have played in the disappearance or disposal of NH since that was apparently the initial meeting place of JVDS and NH (and perhaps Paulus and NH from those stills from the observation tape at the BlackJack table.) Hubby is listening to Rush Limbaugh while I read on here, and just heard that the Gov. of Illinois, "Blago" who is under investigation was a former bookie from Chicago suburbs prior to entering politics. I've also wondered exactly what role politics might have played in the investigation on our end since the day that the Congressman from the AL district where NH's family lived met with the Aruba group who came here. He did a 180 as far as interest in the case after conferring with them. What could they have told him? Just another co-inky-dink I suppose.
Have you been reading "Kermit's" posts here lately about Posner?? It seems you may be on the mark!

Is Posner hiding in plain sight??

Do we have a timeline of his where abouts during the first 10days?What really occured at the Hotel?Where are all the security tapes??

Does posner have some sick fetishes??One would believe the FBI,CIA,as well as the DEA is all over this character?Why is he still walking FREE??
Why is a known felon from the U.S. allowed to own a caisino??? (don't answer, I know!! -- it's Aruba)

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 17, 2008, 03:46:36 PM

The Island of Aruba did not anticipate the strength and determination of a mother by the name of Beth Holloway Twitty. By the time that Aruba realized that this amazing woman was not about to be silenced until her quest for answers regarding her precious daughter were answered … it was too late to turn back. It was no longer just about protecting Paulus and Joran in regards to their role in the events that encompass that fateful morning.  It was now about protecting those at all levels of the Aruban/Dutch administrations who were involved in the coverup … it was now about protecting the sons of the elite … it was now about protecting the judiciary and … it was now about the implications of exposing Michael Posner's little secrets in regards to organized crime … drugs … gambling … prostitution … pornography … money laundering.

What was the real Joran/Paulus/Posner connection?

Why was underage Joran permitted entry to the Excelsior Casino?

Why was underage Joran permitted to drink alcohol and gambling at the Excelsior Casino?

Why was underage Joran afforded a line of credit at the Excelsior Casino?

Why did Michael Posner hire American attorney Joe Tacopina to represent Joran?

Why did Michael Posner hire a private investigator to search for Natalee Holloway?

Why did Paulus not face any consequences for accompanying his underage son to a casino for the purpose of gambling and drinking?



Aruban casino boss had ties to Chicago mob
Thursday, February 23, 2006 | 6:07 PM
Missing Alabama teen last seen at casino
By Chuck Goudie

February 23, 2006 (WLS) -- Authorities on the island of Aruba have not been able to solve the mystery of what happened to Alabama teenager Natalie Holloway. She disappeared while on a high school trip last spring. The ABC7 I-Team has learned new details about the casino where Holloway was last seen, an Aruba casino run by a convicted high-ranking Chicago mobster.

The unsolved disappearance of 18-year-old Natalie Holloway has commanded worldwide attention. It has been widely reported that the last place Holloway was known to be alive was the Excelsior casino connected to the Holiday Inn where she and her classmates were staying.
The I-Team has learned that the casino where Holloway was last seen is operated by Chicagoan Michael Posner. The intelligence report on Posner lists him as a prominent member of the Chicago outfit for more than 40 years.

According to federal law enforcement, Michael Posner's most recent mob assignment was boss of illegal rackets in the north suburbs. Posner was convicted in 1987 of threatening wayward gamblers with death and running prostitutes out of this Lake County strip club.

Through his Chicago lawyer, Posner maintains that he has been clean for 15 years and since 1998 has operated the Excelsior casino on the Caribbean resort on the island of Aruba.
Last May, honor student Natalie Holloway was staying at the resort on her high school graduation trip when she disappeared. One of the last places she was seen alive was in Posner's Excelsior casino.
In security tape obtained by ABC News, Holloway is seen at a table seated next to Joran van der Sloot, a local who is the prime suspect in the case.

Van der Slout admits having had a romantic encounter with Holloway, but in an exclusive interview to air Thursday night on Primetime, he says he is no criminal.

"I think I've been portrayed unfairly. I've been portrayed as a murderer and a rapist and everything that I'm not," van der Sloot said.

Casino boss Michael Posner denies that he knows van der Sloot and denies ever extending him casino credit.

Posner's lawyer Allan Ackerman says Posner was in Chicago when Holloway vanished and returned to Aruba the day after.
Now 64 years old, here's the intelligence report on Michael William Posner:

* aka Michael Rubins and Irving Goldstein.

* his family still resides in Riverwoods.
* his criminal profile lists involvement in illegal gambling, strip clubs and vending machines.

* criminal history dates to 1960 includes numerous arrests and successful tax and racketeering prosecutions.
Posner says it was he who voluntarily turned over this casino surveillance tape to Aruban authorities and that he is furious they have allowed ABC News to broadcast it.

Posner says he has paid the expenses for private investigators to come here and assist in the search for Holloway and according to his lawyer: "He has nothin' to do with nothing" in the murder case.

July 23, 2007

Dana: One thing that makes my listeners scratch their heads so to speak and wonder, myself included and we'll talk about it again, is the fact of the underage drinking and gambling that had been going on admittedly by young van der Sloot.  Was there ever any discussion or has there ever been any discussion at least of filing some charges as far as that goes?  

Jossy:  No, there hasn't been any of that. The authorities have just (inaudible) it aside, they haven't paid any attention to it then and they're not paying any attention to it now and over the past 26 months.   I haven't seen anything in the direction of trying to make some kind of statement that this is not (inaudiable) at least make some sort of a statement that this is not (inaubible) because it is a known fact that as an underage he wasn't supposed to be in the casino, much less in the company of his father. He was there, there are video tapes to prove that and still the authorities haven't done anything with regard to that specific case.

'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' for Sept. 19th
updated 6:33 a.m. PT, Tues., Sept. 20, 2005

COPUS:  Well this guy has that casino.  He‘s alleged to have organized crime ties back to Chicago.  And you can say alleged, he‘s actually served time.  He‘s been convicted.  So he comes up into Aruba and is able to get a gambling casino.  At the same time, we‘re told that Joran and his dad both are gambling there.  It really makes you wonder how that‘s happening and how they got this line of credit. 

COSBY:  Yes.  And a big, big line of credit.  Beth, I know you‘ve actually been to the casino, right?  And Michael Posner threatened you, is that correct? 

HOLLOWAY TWITTY:  Well, there was a phone call made.  And it was just really having me refer to—you know, I‘d only mentioned the fact I had gotten from prosecuting attorney as far as the open line of credit, and that Joran is in his casino gambling, and I don‘t think there was ever a question that Joran and Paulus Van Der Sloot had been in that Excelsior Casino, and, particularly, on the night of the 29th where he and his father met Natalee.

'Rita Cosby Live & Direct' for April 3
updated 8:24 a.m. PT, Tues., April. 4, 2006

JOHN Q. KELLY, HOLLOWAY FAMILY ATTORNEY: Well, if you look at the surveillance video footage, it appears that he’s the one sitting directly next to her and tries to engage her in conversation a couple of times.  And it’s sort of ironic that it’s his father who brought his underage son to a casino and left him there after he left, with access to his line of credit, to put this unfortunate chain of events in process.

You know, if Joran had never been there, not been allowed in there, because he’s underage and wasn’t accompanied by his father, the whole rest of the night wouldn’t have happened.

COSBY: You know, and, John, also, why would that be a significant—why is that in conflict to something else we’ve heard maybe from Paulus before?

KELLY: Well, he’s just claiming that, you know, he’s kept an eye on his son, you know, he’s kept him on a short leash, and, you know, his son is very well-behaved. And it turns out that he’s, you know, got him at casinos. If you’re under 18, you’re not legally even allowed in casinos, so his son was breaking the law with him enabling it.

Beth Holloway

Page 39
:  Following our brief conversation, we all walk immediately to the fron desk to ask about someone named Joran who is staying in the hotel and plays in the casino here.  The Holiday Inn night manager, Brenda, knows him by name.  "Oh! yes ... yes ... Joran.  He gambles in the Excelsior Casino here.  He likes to prey on young female tourists.  Especially the blonds.   He is tall.  Good-looking boy.  Like a Dutch marine."   My mouth drops wide open.  "Where is he from?" I ask her.  She replies.  "He lives in Aruba."  I stutter.  "He's ... he's not a tourist just here for the summer?"  "Non, non," she says.

It takes a few moments to absorb this information.  The supposed tourist who befriended some of Natalee's classmates and who told them he was staying at their hotel lied tothem.  He isn't a tourist.  He isn't staying here.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 17, 2008, 04:06:30 PM
Just an interesting aside to the NH saga... I was always interested in Mike Posner, the owner of the Excelsior casino at the Holiday Inn and former bookie and mob member from the 'burbs of Chicago. Always curious about what, if any, role he might have played in the disappearance or disposal of NH since that was apparently the initial meeting place of JVDS and NH (and perhaps Paulus and NH from those stills from the observation tape at the BlackJack table.) Hubby is listening to Rush Limbaugh while I read on here, and just heard that the Gov. of Illinois, "Blago" who is under investigation was a former bookie from Chicago suburbs prior to entering politics. I've also wondered exactly what role politics might have played in the investigation on our end since the day that the Congressman from the AL district where NH's family lived met with the Aruba group who came here. He did a 180 as far as interest in the case after conferring with them. What could they have told him? Just another co-inky-dink I suppose.
Have you been reading "Kermit's" posts here lately about Posner?? It seems you may be on the mark!

Is Posner hiding in plain sight??

Do we have a timeline of his where abouts during the first 10days?What really occured at the Hotel?Where are all the security tapes??

Does posner have some sick fetishes??One would believe the FBI,CIA,as well as the DEA is all over this character?Why is he still walking FREE??
Why is a known felon from the U.S. allowed to own a caisino??? (don't answer, I know!! -- it's Aruba)

Wreck ... Jossy Mansur also questioned "WHY?".

Jossy Mansur is Beth's hero and ... he is a hero to me .  This man loves Aruba with all his heart but ... he is not blind to the corruption that abounds and ... through the means of his publication as well as American/Canadian talk shows ... he has done his upmost to expose the corruption that has denied justice to an 18 year old American citizen.



ORANJESTAD (AAN) The case of Natalee is taking other unexpected twists and very negative ones that are going to tarnish Aruba’s image as a safe destination for tourists and investors.

Joe Mammana has a very impressive criminal past in the U.S. but for one reason or another he has found publicity with different cases which have set his image straight and in the case of Natalee, he is trying to find national attention in the US by using sensationalism via the American media.

The government of Aruba recently declared that they will not permit Joe Mammana to enter Aruba.

Related to his past and criminal record, the government took the decision via the Minister of Justice that they cannot let such a person enter Aruba and about this there was information circulating that this Joe person sent a threatening letter to those who were detained in Aruba related to the case of Natalee.

The government’s actions in this case were correct because they cannot let this type of person come to Aruba and believe that they can come do what they see fit on our island, and to boot, Mammana is one of those who is trying, body and soul, to organize an unjust and unjustifiable boycott against Aruba.

What is strange is that the government refuses to let this ex-criminal (Mammana)  enter Aruba, but on the other hand, permits another ex-criminal, Mike Posner who is going soon to the U.S. for cases of law violations, to be able to have a business in Aruba, and enter and leave Aruba whenever he wants.  

To make matters worse, the person in question, Mike Posner, has been able to obtain a permit to operate a casino, where anyone who wants to have a casino in Aruba and the majority of other countries in the world have to have a clean criminal record.

Recently, this information has started to circulate in the U.S. as well, and seeing that it hasn’t been many days since via the American media false information was given that Aruba is a sort of den for criminals and even terrorists, the matter of the Aruba casino owner with a criminal past in the US, is going to help those who want to implement a total boycott against Aruba.

Wasn’t it in Mike Posner’s casino that the principal suspect in Natalee’s case, Joran van der Sloot, was sitting gambling, despite the fact that he was underage and that never should he have been permitted to enter the casino?  

Some weeks back, other media in Aruba came out in vanguard of the ex-criminal Mike Posner and wrote and article that praised Mike Posner for his supposed achievements in Aruba and what interest they had with him, nobody knows.

Now that the government refuses an American ex-criminal entry to Aruba, the government has to justify the reason why until today they continue to permit a person with such a police record such as Mike Posner, can come to set up a business in Aruba, continue to operate his business in Aruba and come and go whenever he wants.

What sort of handling of Justice is there in Aruba and what impact will this case have in the US when the American media start to question the government of Aruba about this matter?

This matter is pending because there are more questionable things here and also the role that certain politicians in Aruba play and continue to play in this matter.

[translated by Getagrip]

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 17, 2008, 04:09:37 PM
Just an interesting aside to the NH saga... I was always interested in Mike Posner, the owner of the Excelsior casino at the Holiday Inn and former bookie and mob member from the 'burbs of Chicago. Always curious about what, if any, role he might have played in the disappearance or disposal of NH since that was apparently the initial meeting place of JVDS and NH (and perhaps Paulus and NH from those stills from the observation tape at the BlackJack table.) Hubby is listening to Rush Limbaugh while I read on here, and just heard that the Gov. of Illinois, "Blago" who is under investigation was a former bookie from Chicago suburbs prior to entering politics. I've also wondered exactly what role politics might have played in the investigation on our end since the day that the Congressman from the AL district where NH's family lived met with the Aruba group who came here. He did a 180 as far as interest in the case after conferring with them. What could they have told him? Just another co-inky-dink I suppose.
Have you been reading "Kermit's" posts here lately about Posner?? It seems you may be on the mark!

Is Posner hiding in plain sight??

Do we have a timeline of his where abouts during the first 10days?What really occured at the Hotel?Where are all the security tapes??

Does posner have some sick fetishes??One would believe the FBI,CIA,as well as the DEA is all over this character?Why is he still walking FREE??
Why is a known felon from the U.S. allowed to own a caisino??? (don't answer, I know!! -- it's Aruba)

Wreck ... Jossy Mansur also questioned "WHY?".

Jossy Mansur is Beth's hero and ... he is a hero to me .  This man loves Aruba with all his heart but ... he is not blind to the corruption that abounds and ... through the means of his publication as well as American/Canadian talk shows ... he has done his upmost to expose the corruption that has denied justice to an 18 year old American citizen.



ORANJESTAD (AAN) The case of Natalee is taking other unexpected twists and very negative ones that are going to tarnish Aruba’s image as a safe destination for tourists and investors.

Joe Mammana has a very impressive criminal past in the U.S. but for one reason or another he has found publicity with different cases which have set his image straight and in the case of Natalee, he is trying to find national attention in the US by using sensationalism via the American media.

The government of Aruba recently declared that they will not permit Joe Mammana to enter Aruba.

Related to his past and criminal record, the government took the decision via the Minister of Justice that they cannot let such a person enter Aruba and about this there was information circulating that this Joe person sent a threatening letter to those who were detained in Aruba related to the case of Natalee.

The government’s actions in this case were correct because they cannot let this type of person come to Aruba and believe that they can come do what they see fit on our island, and to boot, Mammana is one of those who is trying, body and soul, to organize an unjust and unjustifiable boycott against Aruba.

What is strange is that the government refuses to let this ex-criminal (Mammana)  enter Aruba, but on the other hand, permits another ex-criminal, Mike Posner who is going soon to the U.S. for cases of law violations, to be able to have a business in Aruba, and enter and leave Aruba whenever he wants.  

To make matters worse, the person in question, Mike Posner, has been able to obtain a permit to operate a casino, where anyone who wants to have a casino in Aruba and the majority of other countries in the world have to have a clean criminal record.

Recently, this information has started to circulate in the U.S. as well, and seeing that it hasn’t been many days since via the American media false information was given that Aruba is a sort of den for criminals and even terrorists, the matter of the Aruba casino owner with a criminal past in the US, is going to help those who want to implement a total boycott against Aruba.

Wasn’t it in Mike Posner’s casino that the principal suspect in Natalee’s case, Joran van der Sloot, was sitting gambling, despite the fact that he was underage and that never should he have been permitted to enter the casino?  

Some weeks back, other media in Aruba came out in vanguard of the ex-criminal Mike Posner and wrote and article that praised Mike Posner for his supposed achievements in Aruba and what interest they had with him, nobody knows.

Now that the government refuses an American ex-criminal entry to Aruba, the government has to justify the reason why until today they continue to permit a person with such a police record such as Mike Posner, can come to set up a business in Aruba, continue to operate his business in Aruba and come and go whenever he wants.

What sort of handling of Justice is there in Aruba and what impact will this case have in the US when the American media start to question the government of Aruba about this matter?

This matter is pending because there are more questionable things here and also the role that certain politicians in Aruba play and continue to play in this matter.

[translated by Getagrip]

I'll give Jossy "kudos" where they are due!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 17, 2008, 04:14:30 PM
What was the real Joran/Paulus/Posner connection?

Why was underage Joran permitted entry to the Excelsior Casino?

Why was underage Joran permitted to drink alcohol and gambling at the Excelsior Casino?

Why was underage Joran afforded a line of credit at the Excelsior Casino?

Why did Michael Posner hire American attorney Joe Tacopina to represent Joran?

Why did Michael Posner hire a private investigator to search for Natalee Holloway?

Why did Paulus not face any consequences for accompanying his underage son to a casino for the purpose of gambling and drinking?


Great questions Janet?We as Monkey's need to shine a brighter light in this direction!

1.What does Jossy know about Posner and his lifestyle??

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 17, 2008, 04:17:08 PM

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 17, 2008, 04:17:24 PM
Tim Miller: In my years of searching we have seen several bodies, skeletal remains--I have seen my own daughter's skeletal remains. I can’t help but believe at this moment that that is human remains in that crab trap.

Kyle: The Aruban divers were on the police boat, dove from their boat, and returned to their boat.

Kyle: They were immediately whisked away by the Aruban police and not seen of again by us on the 7th

May 16 - Kyle posted: I think it is highly unlikely and completely inconsistent with numerous testimonies and other evidence that the pond (or anything but the ocean) contains Natalee's remains. The witness claims to have seen a muddy Joran coming out of the Monserat pond after disposing of her body.
The 40+ investigators brought in from Holland never stepped foot in the pond

John Silvetti's email to Kyle: The Polis did not drain that pond and they did not search it, period!

MARCH 3, 2008 – John Silvetti meets with CapsLockWizard

From an email sent from CapsLockWizard:
“Yes, We did have the meeting today. It was a long meeting and we are all set to start the process of a permit to drain. Witness will gave statement to Lawyer (Helen), Lawyer will motion to drain the pond to OM. If Motion denied, will go to media and expose more dirt. John knows everything now and he will stay behind to help and protect. John state the cage was empty. it was full of these broken plastic bags that shows on the cam like skull, but he said to me it is the water doing tricks when picture was taken. He thinks also it is a postoffice. When I told him the story about the cage, he also understand now some things that he could not have question about. Like why is the Panter allways parked over the spot while there is notting anymore in he cage. The meeting end at 5:00 pm and was very good. About the Pipes. They will be checked. Also John thinks that the signs are there but need to drain the pond. Also Withness is 99% it was some one that came from the pond area that he saw, because it looks like a dutch man and was cover in mud from the chest down.”

Kyle stated: "This is a picture from Natalee standing on the beach and rotated and scaled to the image to matching the body form inside the trap. It matches the end of the skirt identically to what was seen in the cage."

So if we look at Caps' email to Dave and then his posts, MUMinOhio is correct. Caps knew nothing and then he is somehow connected to a witness who magically appears and they go to John Silvetti and it turns John Silvetti from looking at the trap/cage and to looking at the pond, brings the witness to the states for a polygraph test and the evidence is gone from that trap/cage because no one knew except Kyle Kingman and that ROV unit that captured the last photos.
Meanwhile John Silvetti is trying to set up an office in Aruba. And so Aruba masterminded the diversion away from any thing about the person's remains inside that cage/trap in the ocean as well as Joran created a media stir with his sit-down Greta interview that he sold Natalee into sex slavery, then the attention turned to Rudy Croes statement Jan van der Straaten was involved in covering-up but that was also brought out in 2006 Jan v/d Straatten was indeed investigated and had telephone conversations with people about the case that he should not have contacts with, or even talk about the case.
and now as Hero Brinkman pointed out, if he knew of this, why did he wait 3 1/2 years to say something about it?

No body - no case seems to have been the Aruba code word for CORRUPTION!

#1468 on: May 07, 2008, 05:28:28 AM  muminohio
When Caps first started posting in the forum he knew very little about the case, or so it appears from his early posts. He asked us about the family, the friends, the private plane and the pimps. He asked about the suspects and about the people such as Julia and others that continually misinformed us. He needed our help and knowledge with these pieces of the puzzle. There is nothing wrong with that, I personally have spent a lot of time and posts sharing any information I had or could find.


Kyle said: "My opinion on Simian is that he is a detective/cop involved in the case since the beginning. My understanding is that there is only one of the originals remaining. He came to us during the search along with his brother who had a "vision" on where Natalee was disposed. The vision was cryptic and actually contained a latitude which from what he claimed could have been anywhere in the world. The brother thought they were coordinates, but it was just a latitude. Oddly, the latitude was within a half mile from where we found the trap and centered on Arashi beach. Basically, if you stood on land and pointed straight to the trap and were right on the money... this is what the difference amounts to. Based on this latitude we payed a little more attention to the northern portions of the search grid near that Latitude. The trap was found shortly after, within the original search area, but very close to the provided latitude. I would have found the trap without the latitude, but it was very strange. None of us pressed the two for more information because they clearly were VERY uncomfortable.

The brother of the detective came to us and was very persistent over the information. He was almost in tears and just had to "clear his conscience" about it.

His brother, the detective came with him to 'validate him'.

Personally, I think the detective was Simian. The guy kept his mouth shut for the most part but was obviously intelligent and knew a lot more than he led on. It didn't seem he immediately trusted us but gradually became more comfortable, enough to talk.

I think he used his brother and gave us only the amount of information he felt we needed to come across the trap. Basically, by using his brother and claiming the information he shared was only based on a vision, it distances the detective from responsibility and makes it hard to point back to him should it be a problem later. I think the whole game was bogus and he knew almost everything but was helping how he was able and felt comfortable. I don't understand why he had to use his brother and claim a "vision".

The implications of this are tremendous. If true, it means that the early investigators knew where and how Natalee was disposed and it was kept secret and covered up. Not wanting to be implicated but still wanting to help, he could shift the information to a vision of his brothers, perhaps still help a bit and claim no-involvement. However, this man was intelligent enough, cared about the case, yet was self implicated to a high enough level to want to be kept his knowledge a secret. He spoke well enough english and knew everything in my opinion. Perhaps I should find out his name. I never got it. We may never have.

Kyle said: "Based on the little I know of Simian, there are striking similarities that stood out after I laid down on the evening I met with the detective and his brother.Perhaps Simian is the detective and Shango is the brother.

Kyle said: "- IF a key detective's brother knew the latitude the trap was disposed at or very near, then it's probable the detective knew the same.

- IF the detective knew the latitude, how did he come to this knowledge?

- Who else knew this information?

Since the trap was only in 90ft of water and the detective knew about the latitude, did the Polis already know if it's location prior to the search?

The detective originally wouldn't meet with us and only wanted us to meet with his brother. We convinced him to meet along with his brother and made him feel as comfortable as possible. He reluctantly agreed but wouldn't talk. The brother did all the talking at first. It seemed to me the brother was acting out the "vision" scenario to protect the detective brother. It didn't feel like the brother was in any way corrupt or connected. Also, he wasn't that bright compared to the detective brother. After a while the detective started asking some questions and loosened up a bit. With the pointed questions he asked he proved he knew a lot, but we didn't press him.

The reason I think the detective is Simian is that:
- he is intimately connected to the case
- forced into silence
- both he and the brother seemed to want the case solved but the whole encounter was so CRYPTIC
- he is condemned if his identity and knowledge were BOTH exposed. One or the other, he's still safe
- He was intelligent and had a good enough command over the english language (not common over the rest of the bunch)

- IF his brother was acting on his behalf with the whole 'I had a vision' act, then the detective's character supports pulling something like Simian off.
- the detective was very internet and computer savy, which was unusual for the bulk of the Polis.
- It seemed he knew who I was when we were introduced, and said something indicating he had been reading the blog.
- his character was very cryptic; the way he moved, spoke, and asked questions was just not normal.

"Caps is not Simian. He has indicated he knows who was either Shango or Simian. The person he thinks it is, is a cop.

it was Clyde Burke that went to the meeting with Helen Lejuz

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Kermit on December 17, 2008, 04:19:47 PM
I hope the information helps in some way to bring Natalee home to her mother and father.
G_d bless you all.
G_d bless Natalee.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 17, 2008, 04:29:01 PM
Kermit ... quit hopping around and ... get right back here this minute!!!

Considering I am not into CAPS, Shango or Siamin ... it will take me some time and assistance to interpret what you are alluding to.  Tomorrow morning ... I have that time.

Thank you for everything.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 17, 2008, 04:29:06 PM
I hope the information helps in some way to bring Natalee home to her mother and father.
G_d bless you all.
G_d bless Natalee.

Once again, THANK-YOU, KERMIT!!  ::MonkeyDance::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 17, 2008, 04:30:45 PM
God Bless Kermit!Have a feeling the Cage is gonna fill up quick;))))))))))))

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 17, 2008, 04:35:10 PM
Diversions, diversions, diversions! (where have I heard that the last few days??)  ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 17, 2008, 04:36:51 PM
Diversions, diversions, diversions! (where have I heard that the last few days??)  ::MonkeyCool::

I'm still waiting for an answer as to WHY some people don't believe,and or trust Kermit...

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Blue Moon on December 17, 2008, 04:42:39 PM
I hope the information helps in some way to bring Natalee home to her mother and father.
G_d bless you all.
G_d bless Natalee.

Kermit, is there anything we as a group can do without hurting whoever is investigating this?  Can we up this a level and make any difference at all or is it so out of control nothing we do would change it?  Thanks for all you do for Natalee and her family.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Blonde on December 17, 2008, 04:45:09 PM
Helen Lejuezr


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 17, 2008, 04:46:33 PM
I hope the information helps in some way to bring Natalee home to her mother and father.
G_d bless you all.
G_d bless Natalee.

Kermit, is there anything we as a group can do without hurting whoever is investigating this?  Can we up this a level and make any difference at all or is it so out of control nothing we do would change it?  Thanks for all you do for Natalee and her family.

I'm still wondering why there hasn't been a brighter light shown on Silvetti in regards to his actions,and or inactions for that matter?????

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 17, 2008, 04:48:32 PM
I hope the information helps in some way to bring Natalee home to her mother and father.
G_d bless you all.
G_d bless Natalee.

Kermit, is there anything we as a group can do without hurting whoever is investigating this?  Can we up this a level and make any difference at all or is it so out of control nothing we do would change it?  Thanks for all you do for Natalee and her family.
That's the problem -- no one is investigating the pertinent item -- THE CAGE!  They are on the "pond witness" diversion. (Please tell me our FBI knows now what Kermit knows!)

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 17, 2008, 04:51:15 PM
I hope the information helps in some way to bring Natalee home to her mother and father.
G_d bless you all.
G_d bless Natalee.

Kermit, is there anything we as a group can do without hurting whoever is investigating this?  Can we up this a level and make any difference at all or is it so out of control nothing we do would change it?  Thanks for all you do for Natalee and her family.
That's the problem -- no one is investigating the pertinent item -- THE CAGE!  They are on the "pond witness" diversion. (Please tell me our FBI knows now what Kermit knows!)

Remember the post by Rob?Wreck.It is a page or two back.I had San bring it forward.I wonder if what Tj Ward has regarding the Colombian witnesses has anyhting to do with the trap/postoffice??The Paulus/Colombian connection??

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 17, 2008, 04:58:57 PM
I hope the information helps in some way to bring Natalee home to her mother and father.
G_d bless you all.
G_d bless Natalee.

And I have said that Simian was indeed Clyde Burke, or at least that's what my research told me.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: truthseeker2 on December 17, 2008, 05:00:03 PM
Tim Miller: In my years of searching we have seen several bodies, skeletal remains--I have seen my own daughter's skeletal remains. I can’t help but believe at this moment that that is human remains in that crab trap.

Kyle: The Aruban divers were on the police boat, dove from their boat, and returned to their boat.

Kyle: They were immediately whisked away by the Aruban police and not seen of again by us on the 7th

May 16 - Kyle posted: I think it is highly unlikely and completely inconsistent with numerous testimonies and other evidence that the pond (or anything but the ocean) contains Natalee's remains. The witness claims to have seen a muddy Joran coming out of the Monserat pond after disposing of her body.
The 40+ investigators brought in from Holland never stepped foot in the pond

John Silvetti's email to Kyle: The Polis did not drain that pond and they did not search it, period!

MARCH 3, 2008 – John Silvetti meets with CapsLockWizard

From an email sent from CapsLockWizard:
“Yes, We did have the meeting today. It was a long meeting and we are all set to start the process of a permit to drain. Witness will gave statement to Lawyer (Helen), Lawyer will motion to drain the pond to OM. If Motion denied, will go to media and expose more dirt. John knows everything now and he will stay behind to help and protect. John state the cage was empty. it was full of these broken plastic bags that shows on the cam like skull, but he said to me it is the water doing tricks when picture was taken. He thinks also it is a postoffice. When I told him the story about the cage, he also understand now some things that he could not have question about. Like why is the Panter allways parked over the spot while there is notting anymore in he cage. The meeting end at 5:00 pm and was very good. About the Pipes. They will be checked. Also John thinks that the signs are there but need to drain the pond. Also Withness is 99% it was some one that came from the pond area that he saw, because it looks like a dutch man and was cover in mud from the chest down.”

Kyle stated: "This is a picture from Natalee standing on the beach and rotated and scaled to the image to matching the body form inside the trap. It matches the end of the skirt identically to what was seen in the cage."

So if we look at Caps' email to Dave and then his posts, MUMinOhio is correct. Caps knew nothing and then he is somehow connected to a witness who magically appears and they go to John Silvetti and it turns John Silvetti from looking at the trap/cage and to looking at the pond, brings the witness to the states for a polygraph test and the evidence is gone from that trap/cage because no one knew except Kyle Kingman and that ROV unit that captured the last photos.
Meanwhile John Silvetti is trying to set up an office in Aruba. And so Aruba masterminded the diversion away from any thing about the person's remains inside that cage/trap in the ocean as well as Joran created a media stir with his sit-down Greta interview that he sold Natalee into sex slavery, then the attention turned to Rudy Croes statement Jan van der Straaten was involved in covering-up but that was also brought out in 2006 Jan v/d Straatten was indeed investigated and had telephone conversations with people about the case that he should not have contacts with, or even talk about the case.
and now as Hero Brinkman pointed out, if he knew of this, why did he wait 3 1/2 years to say something about it?

No body - no case seems to have been the Aruba code word for CORRUPTION!

#1468 on: May 07, 2008, 05:28:28 AM  muminohio
When Caps first started posting in the forum he knew very little about the case, or so it appears from his early posts. He asked us about the family, the friends, the private plane and the pimps. He asked about the suspects and about the people such as Julia and others that continually misinformed us. He needed our help and knowledge with these pieces of the puzzle. There is nothing wrong with that, I personally have spent a lot of time and posts sharing any information I had or could find.


Kyle said: "My opinion on Simian is that he is a detective/cop involved in the case since the beginning. My understanding is that there is only one of the originals remaining. He came to us during the search along with his brother who had a "vision" on where Natalee was disposed. The vision was cryptic and actually contained a latitude which from what he claimed could have been anywhere in the world. The brother thought they were coordinates, but it was just a latitude. Oddly, the latitude was within a half mile from where we found the trap and centered on Arashi beach. Basically, if you stood on land and pointed straight to the trap and were right on the money... this is what the difference amounts to. Based on this latitude we payed a little more attention to the northern portions of the search grid near that Latitude. The trap was found shortly after, within the original search area, but very close to the provided latitude. I would have found the trap without the latitude, but it was very strange. None of us pressed the two for more information because they clearly were VERY uncomfortable.

The brother of the detective came to us and was very persistent over the information. He was almost in tears and just had to "clear his conscience" about it.

His brother, the detective came with him to 'validate him'.

Personally, I think the detective was Simian. The guy kept his mouth shut for the most part but was obviously intelligent and knew a lot more than he led on. It didn't seem he immediately trusted us but gradually became more comfortable, enough to talk.

I think he used his brother and gave us only the amount of information he felt we needed to come across the trap. Basically, by using his brother and claiming the information he shared was only based on a vision, it distances the detective from responsibility and makes it hard to point back to him should it be a problem later. I think the whole game was bogus and he knew almost everything but was helping how he was able and felt comfortable. I don't understand why he had to use his brother and claim a "vision".

The implications of this are tremendous. If true, it means that the early investigators knew where and how Natalee was disposed and it was kept secret and covered up. Not wanting to be implicated but still wanting to help, he could shift the information to a vision of his brothers, perhaps still help a bit and claim no-involvement. However, this man was intelligent enough, cared about the case, yet was self implicated to a high enough level to want to be kept his knowledge a secret. He spoke well enough english and knew everything in my opinion. Perhaps I should find out his name. I never got it. We may never have.

Kyle said: "Based on the little I know of Simian, there are striking similarities that stood out after I laid down on the evening I met with the detective and his brother.Perhaps Simian is the detective and Shango is the brother.

Kyle said: "- IF a key detective's brother knew the latitude the trap was disposed at or very near, then it's probable the detective knew the same.

- IF the detective knew the latitude, how did he come to this knowledge?

- Who else knew this information?

Since the trap was only in 90ft of water and the detective knew about the latitude, did the Polis already know if it's location prior to the search?

The detective originally wouldn't meet with us and only wanted us to meet with his brother. We convinced him to meet along with his brother and made him feel as comfortable as possible. He reluctantly agreed but wouldn't talk. The brother did all the talking at first. It seemed to me the brother was acting out the "vision" scenario to protect the detective brother. It didn't feel like the brother was in any way corrupt or connected. Also, he wasn't that bright compared to the detective brother. After a while the detective started asking some questions and loosened up a bit. With the pointed questions he asked he proved he knew a lot, but we didn't press him.

The reason I think the detective is Simian is that:
- he is intimately connected to the case
- forced into silence
- both he and the brother seemed to want the case solved but the whole encounter was so CRYPTIC
- he is condemned if his identity and knowledge were BOTH exposed. One or the other, he's still safe
- He was intelligent and had a good enough command over the english language (not common over the rest of the bunch)

- IF his brother was acting on his behalf with the whole 'I had a vision' act, then the detective's character supports pulling something like Simian off.
- the detective was very internet and computer savy, which was unusual for the bulk of the Polis.
- It seemed he knew who I was when we were introduced, and said something indicating he had been reading the blog.
- his character was very cryptic; the way he moved, spoke, and asked questions was just not normal.

"Caps is not Simian. He has indicated he knows who was either Shango or Simian. The person he thinks it is, is a cop.

it was Clyde Burke that went to the meeting with Helen Lejuz

If this cage/trap is used for a drug post office and has been used for that over the last 3 1/2 is creepy as h3ll to think they did that with a body laying right there.

If true, ...  well, there are all kinds of creepy people in the world.

Sorry, but the thought of that happening just creeps me out.

If the trap was known as a post office is it possible that the diversion was the other way around?  Could the 'cop and brother' have been the diversion?

I'm not trying to stir up anything...just thinking and asking.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 17, 2008, 05:02:09 PM
"So if we look at Caps' email to Dave and then his posts, MUMinOhio is correct. Caps knew nothing and then he is somehow connected to a witness who magically appears and they go to John Silvetti and it turns John Silvetti from looking at the trap/cage and to looking at the pond, brings the witness to the states for a polygraph test and the evidence is gone from that trap/cage because no one knew except Kyle Kingman and that ROV unit that captured the last photos."

What is the implication of this? ::MonkeyConfused::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on December 17, 2008, 05:02:29 PM
Posted by: Kermit    Posted on: Today at 03:17:24 PM

Kyle stated: "This is a picture from Natalee standing on the beach and rotated and scaled to the image to matching the body form inside the trap. It matches the end of the skirt identically to what was seen in the cage."

Could this be a bit of wishful thinking?  I keep in mind the picture Joran paid to have photoshopped in 2005.  The one where he and Natalee are together at some party.  I think a person could rotate and scale that image of Joran and it would fit the stuff in the trap too.  I am reasonable certain that Joran, is somewhere else, not the cage.  Doesn't rule out Natalee remains, but the logic is a bit off-jmho


Kyle said: "My opinion on Simian is that he is a detective/cop involved in the case since the beginning. My understanding is that there is only one of the originals remaining. He came to us during the search along with his brother who had a "vision" on where Natalee was disposed. The vision was cryptic and actually contained a latitude which from what he claimed could have been anywhere in the world. The brother thought they were coordinates, but it was just a latitude. Oddly, the latitude was within a half mile from where we found the trap and centered on Arashi beach. Basically, if you stood on land and pointed straight to the trap and were right on the money... this is what the difference amounts to. Based on this latitude we payed a little more attention to the northern portions of the search grid near that Latitude. The trap was found shortly after, within the original search area, but very close to the provided latitude. I would have found the trap without the latitude, but it was very strange. None of us pressed the two for more information because they clearly were VERY uncomfortable.

Was that a post office?  Perhaps many knew of it's existence?  If someone knew the location, what does the radar record show?  How often was it visited and by whom?

How does someone find something in the ocean?  Directional sign?  Coordinates?  Maybe repeated visits as shown on radar?

Was it used since Natalee disappeared?  Perhaps there are witnesses?

Is the cage something that would have been raised and lowered?  Divers sent down?  Any cell activity from out there in the ocean?

I also remember stories on the blogs about early interviews/talks with  local boat people.  There was a rumor/knowledge that she was disposed of in the ocean.  The rumors were discredited.  I have to wonder at this point, who were those people on the island that these stories came from? 

What of the fishermen witnesses?  Did anyone ask them if they were on the beach the following nights in June 2005?  Anyone look for witnesses those following nights?  The night the power went out on the island?

If JVDS spent the nights at the ISA, is it possible that remains or other evidence were stored there?  The ISA is no longer at that location.  Was it torn down?  Destroyed?  Any cell/phone  activity from that area?  Witnesses?


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 17, 2008, 05:14:27 PM
I hope the information helps in some way to bring Natalee home to her mother and father.
G_d bless you all.
G_d bless Natalee.

Kermit, is there anything we as a group can do without hurting whoever is investigating this?  Can we up this a level and make any difference at all or is it so out of control nothing we do would change it?  Thanks for all you do for Natalee and her family.

I'm still wondering why there hasn't been a brighter light shown on Silvetti in regards to his actions,and or inactions for that matter?????


It is my understanding that Dave, Beth, the FBI and John Q. Kelly have recently been sent the ROV images.  However ... without Kyle Kingman stepping forward and revealing all he knows encompassing the John Silvetti/ALE connection regarding the chain of custody of the contents of the cage/trap ... closure for the family will remain elusive.

I pray that Kyle Kingman has a change of heart and does what is right ... for the cause of justice for Natalee Holloway and ... for his own peace of mind and ... let the chips fall where they may.  It is never wrong to do right.

Also ... Jossy Mansur should be approached and questioned if his son was present in the crucial dives ... discovery, sampling and recovery of the contents of the trap/cage.





Kyle: I have not given anything to the FBI since the pictures and statements from Dec 29th

Kyle: None of us gave any statements to the authorities after the 29th. It's possible John Silvetti did, because he was the only one conversing with them after Jan 7th.

Kyle: I've talked with Peter Shouten numerous times back in February. He hasn't seen anything but knows about the blue fabrics. DeVries and Endemol was interested in purchasing the ROV footage and I was working between them, ABC, and CBS to strike a deal.

Kyle: In case it isn't clear.. notice the blue denim-like fabric

Kyle: The Aruban divers were on the police boat, dove from their boat, and returned to their boat.

Kyle: They were immediately whisked away by the Aruban police and not seen of again by us on the 7th

Kyle: John stood back and waited and worked with the Aruban Polis

Kyle: John definitely believed the Arubans at their every word

Kyle: John didn't want Tim Miller on board the Persistence because he said Tim wasn't necessary any more and was a liability

Kyle: John told me then he didn't want to hear me ever mention the trap again.

Kyle: Schafer is sue crazy.

Kyle: I did not feel the same and we had a major difference in opinion. He [John Silvetti] was the one who never pressed ALE to be completely open with us with the trap evidence. I would have forced them to. However, John was the one paying my invoices so I was forced to sit back and hope for the best.

Kyle: We all know it wasn't a blouse, but I believe they were sent some piece of fabric other than the fabric found inside the trap.

Kyle: We're being fed misinformation to keep us searching and out of their way while they cover their asses, destroy evidence, cover their tracks, and keep us out at sea and away from the trap.

Kyle: I've talked with Peter Shouten numerous times back in February. He hasn't seen anything but knows about the blue fabrics. DeVries and Endemol was interested in purchasing the ROV footage and I was working between them, ABC, and CBS to strike a deal.

Kyle: Louis is currently working with someone who I do not know to put together some documentary on the case, the way it was handled, and what happened during the search. I learned this from Tim T. yesterday. Louis was sold on the idea that it will make him a lot of money.

Kyle: The portion of the discolored blue fabric was presumably on the bottom of the fabric. In my opinion this discoloration is not another type of fabric, but rather biological staining or discoloration from biological growth caused from a high organic carbon content and decay. Basically, during decay a biological mat will form around the organics from remains. This is what I believe it is on the bottom of the fabric.

Kyle: John Silvetti told me today that he may be returning to Aruba very soon for a few days.

Kyle: I couldn't get the logs from the Persistence. All things "Holloway" were stripped from the boat once it got back to Louisiana

Kyle: He's [John Silvetti] seriously making plans to open an Aruba office so he can conduct business easier in S. America and that would allow him to do that.

Kyle: It was confirmed by the FBI that they received a fabric sample send by Richardson and that it wasn't a match to Natalee's blouse. I think the video can prove or disprove whatever the FBI was sent was the same object or not. I strongly believe it's blue denim. Everyone I show thinks the same thing without being prompted (including senior ABC execs).

Kyle: John is not a believer in the trap. He took ALE's word as gospel that it wasn't case related, yet never studied the videos or bothered to inquire further.

Klye: We're being fed misinformation to keep us searching and out of their way while they cover their asses, destroy evidence, cover their tracks, and keep us out at sea and away from the trap.

Kyle: neither Dave, Robin, or Beth has seen any of the ROV footage aside from what was broadcasted on Dateline or the pictures leaked from the FBI to Dave (and Robin H.). Beth has seen nothing in my knowledge.

Kyle: John is not a believer in the trap. He took ALE's word as gospel that it wasn't case related, yet never studied the videos or bothered to inquire further. He had plans on doing business with Aruba and in S. America and he didn't want to hurt any feelings by talks hinting at lack of complete trust and friendship.

Kyle: Notice the end of the skirt is an identical match to the 90 degree angle in the sand. I believe her left arm was outstretched with her legs slightly bent. I did not edit the legs. I believe the tarp was placed over her and tucked around her, or perhaps tied down. I believe there are several rocks laying on the sand which were placed on the tarp, or inside the tarp over her body which explains their unusual location. Either way, the proportions appear promising.

Kyle: I took the proportions of the body form from the head, to shoulder, to a 90 degree angle which I believed to be the hem line of Natalee's skirt. I then took those proportions and matched them to the photo of Natalee with what she was last seen wearing. The proportions matched within an inch from head, to shoulder, to skirt line. Based on this comparison and with what we believed we saw in the Dec 29th video, Tim Miller contacted the family and told them the 99.9% comment. I told Tim not to do anything until we have forensic results back after the site is processed. Jan 7th we sampled the contents and in my opinion we found the skirt under the sand along with the other items The blue fabric was found right where the skirt is pictured. If it isn't her, it will forever haunt me as a major cosmic WTF.

kyle: Richardson was onboard the Persistence several times and attended the meetings on the boat. You may see a glimpse of him on the Dateline video in the survey room along with Mos standing over my shoulder

oceanexploration: "Thought you all may find this interesting if you're willing to accept it-To date, the Aruban police and dive team has been a tremendous help.  They've honestly done a great job. Over the last month we've established a very good working relationship based on openness and trust.  Most of the relationship success was due to getting the media out of the way and working together shoulder to shoulder over time.  We've helped each other however and whenever we can.  They've treated us with decency and respect and we have treated them as friends and allies, which they are. Most of the police and divers are new since this case started and both eager and careful to do things right.  I wish we had a month ahead of the project just to establish the relationships and trust. I know many of you would likely doubt this view, but it's based on the experiences in the field of the entire search team. I too was extremely worried, paranoid, and suspecting in the beginning.  Now, it's clear we're all working towards a common goal."   

oceanexploration: "We had little option other than to have the Aruban dive division recover the samples and bring them back under their care.  Remember we are Americans working in Aruban waters, subject to their laws, invitation, and blessing.  Our hands are tied for the most part. I personally was extremely uncomfortable with the chain of custody, being that we weren't a part of it, but I was powerless to do anything about it.      The samples were photographed in detail by one Aruban diver and the other two investigated the contents of the trap, the dimensions, the rigging, and what surrounded the trap.  From the video, it looked like they did a diligent and careful job with the samples and the underwater photography. I don't know who has these pictures, but I must assume ALE."


Private Eye: "If I understood Kyle correctly, and that would be that the Arubans retrieved and possessed all finds, not sharing anything with the crew, then that effort was a waste of time and effort. The only thing it could have accomplished was to locate additional evidence for the Arubans to destroy. I am not sure if that was the protocol out of Aruba's waters though. The effort was superb, but the game was fixed."


Re: Natalee Case Discussion #778 11/23/08 -
« Reply #408 on: November 24, 2008, 03:59:08 PM »
Re: Natalee Case Discussion #778 11/23/08 -
« Reply #410 on: November 24, 2008, 04:01:55 PM »

Photos given to the FBI sent to Dave and Robin posted on the internet are NOT the
photos posted above.  These were not given to the FBI until recently.
Kyle Kingman
Senior Geophysical Project Manager at Alpine Ocean Seismic Survey Inc.
Greater New York City Area

Senior Geophysical Operations Manager at Alpine Ocean Seismic Survey Inc.
Manager at Kingman Geophysical Solutions
Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey-New Brunswick
Oil & Energy

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 17, 2008, 05:16:44 PM
Where do we stand with Caps??

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 17, 2008, 05:17:41 PM
Where do we stand with Caps??

This is for you Janet!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 17, 2008, 05:21:40 PM
Where do we stand with Caps??

This is for you Janet!

I don't know about "we" but Keepthefaith ... my position has not changed.  I believe that CAPS placed himself or ... was placed by Aruban higher ups ... on the forum to distract from the cage/trap ... to distract from the happenings encompassing the Persistence undertaking ... an undertaking that was never about justice for Natalee Holloway or ... closure for her family.



Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 17, 2008, 05:21:40 PM
I stand with Kermit.

Thank you Kermit.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 17, 2008, 05:23:49 PM
Where do we stand with Caps??

This is for you Janet!

I don't know about "we" but Keepthefaith ... my position has not changed.  I believe that CAPS placed himself or ... was placed by Aruban higher ups ... on the forum to distract from the cage/trap ... to distract from the happenings encompassing the Persistence undertaking ... an undertaking that was never about justice for Natalee Holloway or ... closure for her family.



That's what i thought i was reading regarding the pond witness!Just wanted to make sure that i wasn't confused. ::MonkeyConfused::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 17, 2008, 05:25:09 PM
I'm curious to hear from Rob regarding the Tj Ward witnesses and if that correlates to the trap at all??Anyone..

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: caesu on December 17, 2008, 05:26:19 PM
Klaas, perhaps you should call this to Red's attention and ask him if a copy should be sent to Greta, Nancy, Brinkman any one else threatened?

I will

and maybe the KPA as they are responsible for the safety of Brinkman (and anyone visiting the island).
at least then they can't say they didn't know of any threats if something were to happen to Brinkman.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 17, 2008, 05:28:25 PM

If this cage/trap is used for a drug post office and has been used for that over the last 3 1/2 is creepy as h3ll to think they did that with a body laying right there.

If true, ...  well, there are all kinds of creepy people in the world.

Sorry, but the thought of that happening just creeps me out.

If the trap was known as a post office is it possible that the diversion was the other way around?  Could the 'cop and brother' have been the diversion?

I'm not trying to stir up anything...just thinking and asking.

truthseeker2 ... I cannot help but believe that something must be going on behind the scenes with the family, the FBI and John Q. Kelly in regards to the contents of the cage/trap ... in regards to the dynamics encompassing the Persistence search.

We can only hope.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Blonde on December 17, 2008, 05:29:38 PM

Who told us this ?
Remember I was taking care of my Mom and was not on much at this time.
If this cage/trap is used for a drug post office.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 17, 2008, 05:31:20 PM
Where do we stand with Caps??

This is for you Janet!

I don't know about "we" but Keepthefaith ... my position has not changed.  I believe that CAPS placed himself or ... was placed by Aruban higher ups ... on the forum to distract from the cage/trap ... to distract from the happenings encompassing the Persistence undertaking ... an undertaking that was never about justice for Natalee Holloway or ... closure for her family.



That's what i thought i was reading regarding the pond witness!Just wanted to make sure that i wasn't confused. ::MonkeyConfused::
That's how I take it. I'm afraid a lot of well-intentioned old-time monkies here have been duped.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 17, 2008, 05:31:33 PM

Who told us this ?
Remember I was taking care of my Mom and was not on much at this time.
If this cage/trap is used for a drug post office.


Caps is the one who told us the traps was used as a post office.  I'm rethinking my feelings towards Caps right now.  Are there any truthful Arubans?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 17, 2008, 05:32:30 PM
Where do we stand with Caps??

This is for you Janet!

I don't know about "we" but Keepthefaith ... my position has not changed.  I believe that CAPS placed himself or ... was placed by Aruban higher ups ... on the forum to distract from the cage/trap ... to distract from the happenings encompassing the Persistence undertaking ... an undertaking that was never about justice for Natalee Holloway or ... closure for her family.



That's what i thought i was reading regarding the pond witness!Just wanted to make sure that i wasn't confused. ::MonkeyConfused::
That's how I take it. I'm afraid a lot of well-intentioned old-time monkies here have been duped.

That's why it's important to question,question,question!! ::MonkeyDance::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 17, 2008, 05:33:21 PM

Who told us this ?
Remember I was taking care of my Mom and was not on much at this time.
If this cage/trap is used for a drug post office.


Caps is the one who told us the traps was used as a post office.  I'm rethinking my feelings towards Caps right now.  Are there any truthful Arubans?


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 17, 2008, 05:34:06 PM

Who told us this ?
Remember I was taking care of my Mom and was not on much at this time.
If this cage/trap is used for a drug post office.


Caps is the one who told us the traps was used as a post office.  I'm rethinking my feelings towards Caps right now.  Are there any truthful Arubans?

Do we know of anything on the forefront from Tj ward??Where are you Rob???

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 17, 2008, 05:34:32 PM

If this cage/trap is used for a drug post office and has been used for that over the last 3 1/2 is creepy as h3ll to think they did that with a body laying right there.

If true, ...  well, there are all kinds of creepy people in the world.

Sorry, but the thought of that happening just creeps me out.

If the trap was known as a post office is it possible that the diversion was the other way around?  Could the 'cop and brother' have been the diversion?

I'm not trying to stir up anything...just thinking and asking.

truthseeker2 ... I cannot help but believe that something must be going on behind the scenes with the family, the FBI and John Q. Kelly in regards to the contents of the cage/trap ... in regards to the dynamics encompassing the Persistence search.

We can only hope.


This is My believe also Janet....I Hope and Pray that We are Right!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 17, 2008, 05:39:03 PM
Where do we stand with Caps??

This is for you Janet!

I don't know about "we" but Keepthefaith ... my position has not changed.  I believe that CAPS placed himself or ... was placed by Aruban higher ups ... on the forum to distract from the cage/trap ... to distract from the happenings encompassing the Persistence undertaking ... an undertaking that was never about justice for Natalee Holloway or ... closure for her family.



I just wasn't understanding people's unwavering support of Caps and not Kermit when Kermit was backing information up!Caps has disappeared,as well as others when the topic of the Persistence is silent.When the contents of the cage and the actions surrounding it were brought up many were quick to dismiss the cage and the contents??Am i right or just confused? ::MonkeyConfused::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: caesu on December 17, 2008, 05:39:33 PM
Reverend Jesse Jackson visits Aruba for a day on board Westerdam cruise ship

December 17th, 2008

Aruba is once more honored with a well-known guest, reverend Jesse Jackson onboard the cruise ship Westerdam from the Holland America Line, which includes the Oranjestad, Aruba port of call on the 14 night Caribbean cruise holiday.

The 14 night cruise vacation will be repeated in early 2009 and will depart from Ft. Lauderdale – Half Moon Cay – Oranjestad, Aruba – Willemstad – Grand Turk Island – San Juan – Phillipsburg.

The Westerdam with a capacity of 1918 cruise passengers is in Oranjestad, Aruba port until 22:00 hours on December 17, 2008.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 17, 2008, 05:42:21 PM
John Walsh just made a statement on NBC news about Natalee Holloway.  He said that he is in contact with the Holloway family and he feels that Natalee is dead.  He said that three boys in Aruba have gotten away with murder.  He expressed hopes that her remains will be returned to her family and that justice will be served.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 17, 2008, 05:42:28 PM

If this cage/trap is used for a drug post office and has been used for that over the last 3 1/2 is creepy as h3ll to think they did that with a body laying right there.

If true, ...  well, there are all kinds of creepy people in the world.

Sorry, but the thought of that happening just creeps me out.

If the trap was known as a post office is it possible that the diversion was the other way around?  Could the 'cop and brother' have been the diversion?

I'm not trying to stir up anything...just thinking and asking.

truthseeker2 ... I cannot help but believe that something must be going on behind the scenes with the family, the FBI and John Q. Kelly in regards to the contents of the cage/trap ... in regards to the dynamics encompassing the Persistence search.

We can only hope.


This is My believe also Janet....I Hope and Pray that We are Right!
Me too! I trust that Kermit has enough "connections" that this is indeed happening. That is why I have been pretty abrupt and bitter the last few days -- I feel all this "pond" stuff and "aruban investigations" are all hogwash and DIVERSIONS. Let's cut the bull and focus on the trap!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 17, 2008, 05:47:18 PM
John Walsh just made a statement on NBC news about Natalee Holloway.  He said that he is in contact with the Holloway family and he feels that Natalee is dead.  He said that three boys in Aruba have gotten away with murder.   He expressed hopes that her remains will be returned to her family and that justice will be served.

Gee I wonder if the Kalpoes are calling their lawyer.

Deepak:  Hello this is Deepak.  Did you hear what John Walsh just said.

Lawyer:  Yes I did.

Deepak:  Can I sue him for $750,000,000

Lawyer:  Let's get through the Dr. Phil Lawsuit first.

Deepak:  OK, make sure you don't turn over my statement to him because I am guilty has hell.

Lawyer:  Don't I know it.

Deepak:  Can I sue you for saying that.

Lawyer:  I don't think Posner who is paying your bill would like that.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 17, 2008, 05:47:29 PM
John Walsh just made a statement on NBC news about Natalee Holloway.  He said that he is in contact with the Holloway family and he feels that Natalee is dead.  He said that three boys in Aruba have gotten away with murder.  He expressed hopes that her remains will be returned to her family and that justice will be served.

Interesting.Is this a precursor to something?I continue to Keepthefaith...

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 17, 2008, 05:49:31 PM
John Walsh just made a statement on NBC news about Natalee Holloway.  He said that he is in contact with the Holloway family and he feels that Natalee is dead.  He said that three boys in Aruba have gotten away with murder.   He expressed hopes that her remains will be returned to her family and that justice will be served.

Gee I wonder if the Kalpoes are calling their lawyer.

Deepak:  Hello this is Deepak.  Did you hear what John Walsh just said.

Lawyer:  Yes I did.

Deepak:  Can I sue him for $750,000,000

Lawyer:  Let's get through the Dr. Phil Lawsuit first.

Deepak:  OK, make sure you don't turn over my statement to him because I am guilty has hell.

Lawyer:  Don't I know it.

Deepak:  Can I sue you for saying that.

Lawyer:  I don't think Posner who is paying your bill would like that.

 ::MonkeyLaugh:: ::MonkeyLaugh::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 17, 2008, 05:52:56 PM
John Walsh just made a statement on NBC news about Natalee Holloway.  He said that he is in contact with the Holloway family and he feels that Natalee is dead.  He said that three boys in Aruba have gotten away with murder.  He expressed hopes that her remains will be returned to her family  and that justice will be served.


Thank you! Thank you!


John Walsh's words can only mean that he believes/knows that Aruba does have Natalee Holloway's remains.

I am with Jug Twitty.  If Natalee Holloway can be brought home to rest on American soil ... the family has won!!!

Justice will ultimately prevail.  However ... it will not prevail in an Aruban or Dutch court.  It will prevail in another court ... a court where the Judge of judges resides ... rules.



'Scarborough Country' for July 14
updated 8:45 a.m. PT, Fri., July. 15, 2005

JUG TWITTY, NATALEE HOLLOWAY'S STEPFATHER: Beth and I have been through this emotional roller coaster. And all we want is Natalee, whether she's alive or dead. We want to bring her back to the United States, and we'll leave and they can do whatever they want to do.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: klaasend on December 17, 2008, 05:54:14 PM
John Walsh just made a statement on NBC news about Natalee Holloway.  He said that he is in contact with the Holloway family and he feels that Natalee is dead.  He said that three boys in Aruba have gotten away with murder.   He expressed hopes that her remains will be returned to her family and that justice will be served.

Gee I wonder if the Kalpoes are calling their lawyer.

Deepak:  Hello this is Deepak.  Did you hear what John Walsh just said.

Lawyer:  Yes I did.

Deepak:  Can I sue him for $750,000,000

Lawyer:  Let's get through the Dr. Phil Lawsuit first.

Deepak:  OK, make sure you don't turn over my statement to him because I am guilty has hell.

Lawyer:  Don't I know it.

Deepak:  Can I sue you for saying that.

Lawyer:  I don't think Posner who is paying your bill would like that.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 17, 2008, 05:58:17 PM
John Walsh just made a statement on NBC news about Natalee Holloway.  He said that he is in contact with the Holloway family and he feels that Natalee is dead.  He said that three boys in Aruba have gotten away with murder.  He expressed hopes that her remains will be returned to her family  and that justice will be served.


Thank you! Thank you!


John Walsh's words can only mean that he believes/knows that Aruba does have Natalee Holloway's remains.

I am with Jug Twitty.  If Natalee Holloway can be brought home to rest on American soil ... the family has won!!!

Justice will ultimately prevail.  However ... it will not prevail in an Aruban or Dutch court.  It will prevail in another court ... a court where the Judge of judges resides ... rules.



'Scarborough Country' for July 14
updated 8:45 a.m. PT, Fri., July. 15, 2005

JUG TWITTY, NATALEE HOLLOWAY'S STEPFATHER: Beth and I have been through this emotional roller coaster. And all we want is Natalee, whether she's alive or dead. We want to bring her back to the United States, and we'll leave and they can do whatever they want to do.

But but Janet didn't you trust me when I always said this.  ::MonkeyWink::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 17, 2008, 06:00:59 PM
I saw one segment with John Walsh on GMA this morning before I went to work.  His words just broke my heart.  His comment was in regard to the "not knowing".  I can't even remember his exact words now.  God bless them.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: sharon on December 17, 2008, 06:04:46 PM
I saw one segment with John Walsh on GMA this morning before I went to work.  His words just broke my heart.  His comment was in regard to the "not knowing".  I can't even remember his exact words now.  God bless them.

iirc, the word he used was 'torture'.

The not knowing' is torture  ::MonkeyWaa::

 ::MonkeyNoNo:: ::MonkeyNoNo::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SunnyinTX on December 17, 2008, 06:05:08 PM
I have been reading but not poating....I just wanted to say a big

and that I believe in you!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 17, 2008, 06:05:41 PM
I have been reading but not poating....I just wanted to say a big

and that I believe in you!

What does poating mean  ::MonkeyHaHa::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SunnyinTX on December 17, 2008, 06:07:04 PM

Janet, Happy Birthday wishes to ROCK!! ::MonkeyWink::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 17, 2008, 06:08:06 PM
I have been reading but not poating....I just wanted to say a big

and that I believe in you!

What does poating mean  ::MonkeyHaHa::
You smug moderators with "edit" buttons are getting a little cocky!!!  ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SunnyinTX on December 17, 2008, 06:08:22 PM
I have been reading but not poating....I just wanted to say a big

and that I believe in you!

What does poating mean  ::MonkeyHaHa:: means it's freezing her and my fingers are frozen! I jsut came in from throwing ice melt on the driveway ::MonkeyTongue::  LOL   And I can't type...even when my hands aren't frozen!  LOL 

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SunnyinTX on December 17, 2008, 06:08:55 PM
I have been reading but not poating....I just wanted to say a big

and that I believe in you!

What does poating mean  ::MonkeyHaHa::
You smug moderators with "edit" buttons are getting a little cocky!!!  ::MonkeyCool::

GETTING??????  LOL ::MonkeyTongue::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 17, 2008, 06:09:51 PM
Where do we stand with Caps??

This is for you Janet!

I don't know about "we" but Keepthefaith ... my position has not changed.  I believe that CAPS placed himself or ... was placed by Aruban higher ups ... on the forum to distract from the cage/trap ... to distract from the happenings encompassing the Persistence undertaking ... an undertaking that was never about justice for Natalee Holloway or ... closure for her family.



I just wasn't understanding people's unwavering support of Caps and not Kermit when Kermit was backing information up!Caps has disappeared,as well as others when the topic of the Persistence is silent.When the contents of the cage and the actions surrounding it were brought up many were quick to dismiss the cage and the contents??Am i right or just confused? ::MonkeyConfused::

You are right keepthefaith.

However .. many posters who were not pleased that the ROV images were brought over from a private forum to SM ...  were not trolls by a long shot.  Many have given their all from the getgo in regards to justice for Natalee Holloway and ... closure for her family.

It appears to me that loyalty to Kyle Kingman was where it was at ... protecting him from any legal consequences of his actions regarding the withholding of evidence related to the Natalee Holloway case from the FBI for his own self-serving reasons.

It appears that justice for Natalee Holloway did take a back seat when the well-being of Kyle in regards to the consequences of his actions was taken into consideration.

I could be wrong.



Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 17, 2008, 06:12:14 PM

Janet, Happy Birthday wishes to ROCK!! ::MonkeyWink::


I needed to hear that.

Thank you Sunny.


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 17, 2008, 06:13:14 PM
I have been reading but not poating....I just wanted to say a big

and that I believe in you!

What does poating mean  ::MonkeyHaHa::
You smug moderators with "edit" buttons are getting a little cocky!!!  ::MonkeyCool::

I like that word.  I think I will add it to my New York Accent modern language dictionary.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: hotping on December 17, 2008, 06:14:51 PM
I have been reading but not poating....I just wanted to say a big

and that I believe in you!

What does poating mean  ::MonkeyHaHa::
You smug moderators with "edit" buttons are getting a little cocky!!!  ::MonkeyCool::

I like that word.  I think I will add it to my New York Accent modern language dictionary.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 17, 2008, 06:15:04 PM
I have been reading but not poating....I just wanted to say a big

and that I believe in you!

What does poating mean  ::MonkeyHaHa:: means it's freezing her and my fingers are frozen! I jsut came in from throwing ice melt on the driveway ::MonkeyTongue::  LOL   And I can't type...even when my hands aren't frozen!  LOL 

I love cold weather but I hate when it is icy outside.  It was snowing here last night.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Anna on December 17, 2008, 06:15:05 PM
But what if Natalee's remains are not in the pond or in the fish trap either one?  We knew ALE would mishandle, lose, discard anything they got their hands on so that is really no surprise there.. 

OM said pond was never drained but seasonally just dries up.  That was verified by the grass pattern in it.  Long around the edges, short in the middle, etc.  Then it was privately searched but nothing related to Natalee.  Probably for excavation purposes.

We were told five or six different places Natalee was and all Dave had to do was to collect the body and they were all wrong.

I wish I believed she was in that trap but I am just not sure.  For sure the contents were mishandled as always when ALE involved.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 17, 2008, 06:15:15 PM
I have been reading but not poating....I just wanted to say a big

and that I believe in you!

What does poating mean  ::MonkeyHaHa::
You smug moderators with "edit" buttons are getting a little cocky!!!  ::MonkeyCool::

I like that word.  I think I will add it to my New York Accent modern language dictionary.
Which word? "Smug", "Cocky", or "Poating" ???

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 17, 2008, 06:15:20 PM
I have been reading but not poating....I just wanted to say a big

and that I believe in you!

That's a good girl.  I do believe that "poating" is either illegal or immoral.



Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 17, 2008, 06:15:27 PM

Who told us this ?
Remember I was taking care of my Mom and was not on much at this time.
If this cage/trap is used for a drug post office.


Blonde - Caps told us about the post office a number of times in Shango.  Not too long ago, he posted again about the post office here on NAH.  He said that the drugs come in from South America, they are picked up by Arubans and sent to Holland because it's too difficult to send to the US.  Holland sends back Ecstacy to Aruba and Aruba deposits it in the cage.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 17, 2008, 06:15:57 PM
I hope the information helps in some way to bring Natalee home to her mother and father.
G_d bless you all.
G_d bless Natalee.

Blessings to you too, Kermit; and THANK YOU!   ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 17, 2008, 06:16:12 PM
Where do we stand with Caps??

This is for you Janet!

I don't know about "we" but Keepthefaith ... my position has not changed.  I believe that CAPS placed himself or ... was placed by Aruban higher ups ... on the forum to distract from the cage/trap ... to distract from the happenings encompassing the Persistence undertaking ... an undertaking that was never about justice for Natalee Holloway or ... closure for her family.



I just wasn't understanding people's unwavering support of Caps and not Kermit when Kermit was backing information up!Caps has disappeared,as well as others when the topic of the Persistence is silent.When the contents of the cage and the actions surrounding it were brought up many were quick to dismiss the cage and the contents??Am i right or just confused? ::MonkeyConfused::

You are right keepthefaith.

However .. many posters who were not pleased that the ROV images were brought over from a private forum to SM ...  were not trolls by a long shot.  Many have given their all from the getgo in regards to justice for Natalee Holloway and ... closure for her family.

It appears to me that loyalty to Kyle Kingman was where it was at ... protecting him from any legal consequences of his actions regarding the withholding of evidence related to the Natalee Holloway case from the FBI for his own self-serving reasons.

It appears that justice for Natalee Holloway did take a back seat when the well-being of Kyle in regards to the consequences of his actions was taken into consideration.

I could be wrong.



I don't want to imply that posters were Trolls by any means.I just want those who've doubted what Kermit has posted to back up their disagreement to what has been posted and why?I don't think that's unreasonable!As long as the continued Motive is Justice for Natalee,as well as to bring her home.Not protecting Kyle(OE),Silvetti,and or anyone else.JUSTICE FOR NATALEE.... ::MonkeyDance::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Rob on December 17, 2008, 06:16:46 PM

Who told us this ?
Remember I was taking care of my Mom and was not on much at this time.
If this cage/trap is used for a drug post office.


Caps is the one who told us the traps was used as a post office.  I'm rethinking my feelings towards Caps right now.  Are there any truthful Arubans?

Do we know of anything on the forefront from Tj ward??Where are you Rob???

I speak to TJ just about everyday- and spoke to him today about Jennifer Kesse. I spoke to him last night about Remkes and and he was hopeful there would be something positive from this new investigation until I told him about what Remkes was all about. I speak to TJ just about everyday due to something we are working on and I had hoped to tell you all about it a few months ago, but these things often run into snags and it won't be much longer til I can tell everyone what's going to happen. It's very exciting and I know you will all be very happy and actively participate.

As for that the Colombians- I told you all I know except for the location of where they came from or where they were headed. I know that location. I don't know if they have anything to do with the trap at all - if I did, I would tell you. I won't know anything more til I hear the tapes, and I'm not I will hear them before you if Greta ever decides to play them on the air. Maybe she doesn't see the value. I have no idea.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 17, 2008, 06:18:36 PM
I saw one segment with John Walsh on GMA this morning before I went to work.  His words just broke my heart.  His comment was in regard to the "not knowing".  I can't even remember his exact words now.  God bless them.

iirc, the word he used was 'torture'.

The not knowing' is torture  ::MonkeyWaa::

 ::MonkeyNoNo:: ::MonkeyNoNo::

Yes, I think that was it.  I know it brought tears immediately, I cried all the way to work.  Thank you Sharon.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 17, 2008, 06:18:51 PM
But what if Natalee's remains are not in the pond or in the fish trap either one?  We knew ALE would mishandle, lose, discard anything they got their hands on so that is really no surprise there.. 

OM said pond was never drained but seasonally just dries up.  That was verified by the grass pattern in it.  Long around the edges, short in the middle, etc.  Then it was privately searched but nothing related to Natalee.  Probably for excavation purposes.

We were told five or six different places Natalee was and all Dave had to do was to collect the body and they were all wrong.

I wish I believed she was in that trap but I am just not sure.  For sure the contents were mishandled as always when ALE involved.

When the ALE gives the OK to do something then they have a trick up their sleeve.  I can't figure out why people would trust them after all we have witnessed the past 3 1/2 years.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Tamikosmom on December 17, 2008, 06:19:25 PM
Where do we stand with Caps??

This is for you Janet!

I don't know about "we" but Keepthefaith ... my position has not changed.  I believe that CAPS placed himself or ... was placed by Aruban higher ups ... on the forum to distract from the cage/trap ... to distract from the happenings encompassing the Persistence undertaking ... an undertaking that was never about justice for Natalee Holloway or ... closure for her family.



I just wasn't understanding people's unwavering support of Caps and not Kermit when Kermit was backing information up!Caps has disappeared,as well as others when the topic of the Persistence is silent.When the contents of the cage and the actions surrounding it were brought up many were quick to dismiss the cage and the contents??Am i right or just confused? ::MonkeyConfused::

You are right keepthefaith.

However .. many posters who were not pleased that the ROV images were brought over from a private forum to SM ...  were not trolls by a long shot.  Many have given their all from the getgo in regards to justice for Natalee Holloway and ... closure for her family.

It appears to me that loyalty to Kyle Kingman was where it was at ... protecting him from any legal consequences of his actions regarding the withholding of evidence related to the Natalee Holloway case from the FBI for his own self-serving reasons.

It appears that justice for Natalee Holloway did take a back seat when the well-being of Kyle in regards to the consequences of his actions was taken into consideration.

I could be wrong.



I don't want to imply that posters were Trolls by any means.I just want those who've doubted what Kermit has posted to back up their disagreement to what has been posted and why?I don't think that's unreasonable!As long as the continued Motive is Justice for Natalee,as well as to bring her home.Not protecting Kyle(OE),Silvetti,and or anyone else.  JUSTICE FOR NATALEE.... ::MonkeyDance::


Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 17, 2008, 06:20:24 PM

Who told us this ?
Remember I was taking care of my Mom and was not on much at this time.
If this cage/trap is used for a drug post office.


Caps is the one who told us the traps was used as a post office.  I'm rethinking my feelings towards Caps right now.  Are there any truthful Arubans?

Do we know of anything on the forefront from Tj ward??Where are you Rob???

I speak to TJ just about everyday- and spoke to him today about Jennifer Kesse. I spoke to him last night about Remkes and and he was hopeful there would be something positive from this new investigation until I told him about what Remkes was all about. I speak to TJ just about everyday due to something we are working on and I had hoped to tell you all about it a few months ago, but these things often run into snags and it won't be much longer til I can tell everyone what's going to happen. It's very exciting and I know you will all be very happy and actively participate.

As for that the Colombians- I told you all I know except for the location of where they came from or where they were headed. I know that location. I don't know if they have anything to do with the trap at all - if I did, I would tell you. I won't know anything more til I hear the tapes, and I'm not I will hear them before you if Greta ever decides to play them on the air. Maybe she doesn't see the value. I have no idea.

Thanx Rob.It's been in my mind ever since you posted.Thanx for the update,happy Holidays and God Bless!Look forward to your up and coming posts regarding Tj.. ::MonkeyDance::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 17, 2008, 06:22:20 PM
What are your feelings on Kermit's revelations? Caps? Silvetti?

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Rob on December 17, 2008, 06:24:14 PM

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Anna on December 17, 2008, 06:24:23 PM
I don't believe the trap was ever used as a drug post office, at least not since Natalee disappeared.  It is in 90 ft of water and would be totally impractical for that IMO when other things seem to work that are much easier to use.

That never made any sense at all to me.  I also doubt Joran dismembered anybody.  That is not as easy to do as one might think. 

One thing about the wild theories, if you stick around, they will change in a few days, oddly enough.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Rob on December 17, 2008, 06:25:53 PM
What are your feelings on Kermit's revelations? Caps? Silvetti?

Caps is full of shit. If Kath is vouching fer you wreck you have problems. Silvetti? he should go to jail.

Kermit told you all the truth. Kermit never lied once. NOT ONCE.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 17, 2008, 06:28:22 PM
I don't believe the trap was ever used as a drug post office, at least not since Natalee disappeared.  It is in 90 ft of water and would be totally impractical for that IMO when other things seem to work that are much easier to use.

That never made any sense at all to me.  I also doubt Joran dismembered anybody.  That is not as easy to do as one might think. 

One thing about the wild theories, if you stick around, they will change in a few days, oddly enough.

Ain't that the truth.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 17, 2008, 06:29:12 PM
What are your feelings on Kermit's revelations? Caps? Silvetti?

Caps is full of shit. If Kath is vouching fer you wreck you have problems. Silvetti? he should go to jail.

Kermit told you all the truth. Kermit never lied once. NOT ONCE.
I see we are on the same page then!  ::MonkeyCool::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Blue Moon on December 17, 2008, 06:29:25 PM
I just sat down and throughly read Kermits post.  Very disturbing.  I am going to ask a question and it may not be very popular.  Hotshot if you are reading would you try to answer this question for me?  Did hotshot say she personally knew John Silvetti?  Did hotshot put John in touch with Dave?  How was John S. have so much knowledge that he could observe and declare that there were no remains in the cage and it was a post office?  Is this where Caps got his info from on the cage being a post office? 

Natalee cannot win for losing.  She is caught in a caught 22.  USA cannot help her and Aruba will not help her.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: SS on December 17, 2008, 06:30:16 PM
The Pond

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Rob on December 17, 2008, 06:31:29 PM
I'll also add that Kyle Kingman is a total wast of space. Whatta colossal ass clown. That guy got involved in the biggest missing person case since Hoffa and has the balls to jerk around the victim's family. There just aren't enough words for me to describe my true feelings about him.

I would love fer him to show back up here, but I know he's a coward. If he did, I would chew his ass out like you've never seen.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Rob on December 17, 2008, 06:32:50 PM
What are your feelings on Kermit's revelations? Caps? Silvetti?

Caps is full of shit. If Kath is vouching fer you wreck you have problems. Silvetti? he should go to jail.

Kermit told you all the truth. Kermit never lied once. NOT ONCE.
I see we are on the same page then!  ::MonkeyCool::

thats nuffin new  ::MonkeyHaHa::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 17, 2008, 06:32:52 PM
I'll also add that Kyle Kingman is a total wast of space. Whatta colossal ass clown. That guy got involved in the biggest missing person case since Hoffa and has the balls to jerk around the victim's family. There just aren't enough words for me to describe my true feelings about him.

I would love fer him to show back up here, but I know he's a coward. If he did, I would chew his ass out like you've never seen.

 ::MonkeyLaugh:: ::MonkeyDance:: ::MonkeyLaugh:: ::MonkeyDance::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Keepthefaith on December 17, 2008, 06:34:55 PM
What are your feelings on Kermit's revelations? Caps? Silvetti?

Caps is full of shit. If Kath is vouching fer you wreck you have problems. Silvetti? he should go to jail.

Kermit told you all the truth. Kermit never lied once. NOT ONCE.
I see we are on the same page then!  ::MonkeyCool::

thats nuffin new  ::MonkeyHaHa::

What about Scuba Trahan???

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: snoopy on December 17, 2008, 06:35:01 PM
I have been reading but not poating....I just wanted to say a big

and that I believe in you!


Hey buddy.  ::MonkeyWink::

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: wreck on December 17, 2008, 06:35:19 PM
Will a mod please bring over Kermit's new post today to the the new thread??

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: Magnolia on December 17, 2008, 06:36:37 PM

Who told us this ?
Remember I was taking care of my Mom and was not on much at this time.
If this cage/trap is used for a drug post office.


Blonde - Caps told us about the post office a number of times in Shango.  Not too long ago, he posted again about the post office here on NAH.  He said that the drugs come in from South America, they are picked up by Arubans and sent to Holland because it's too difficult to send to the US.  Holland sends back Ecstacy to Aruba and Aruba deposits it in the cage.

I always thought the "drug post office" was a crock.  It would be more
trouble than it would be worth.  Drug dealers are not going to do that.
I read back a lot this morning and a lot of the things Caps has posted
are just plain not true.  They are diversions.  I fell for many of them too.
John Silvetti is in the diversions up to his eyeballs too.

Happy Birthday, Janet.

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: texasmom on December 17, 2008, 06:36:49 PM

                    JUSTICE FOR NATALEE!!!!

Title: Re: Natalee Case Discussion #785 12/13/08 -
Post by: San on December 17, 2008, 06:37:19 PM

Natalee Case Discussion #786