Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

Missing, Exploited and True Crime => Haleigh Marie Cummings - Florida => Topic started by: klaasend on February 11, 2009, 08:38:42 PM

Title: Show transcripts
Post by: klaasend on February 11, 2009, 08:38:42 PM
Will post show transcripts here.  I see NG is spending most of the show 2/11 on this case so we'll have a transcript later tonight/tomorrow.

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: ospainter on February 11, 2009, 11:57:24 PM


Search for Florida 5-Year-Old Missing From Own Bed

Aired February 11, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she vanishes into thin air, gone, the back door propped wide open. Tonight, the search by land, by air, by water for 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings. And just released, the stunning 911 call. We have the call, that call from the father hysterical. He comes home from the night shift to find his little girl gone.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just woke up, and my back door was all open and I can`t find our daughter.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This pastor and these friends and family are afraid this is just the beginning, praying it`s not, but preparing for if it is. Haleigh`s dad, Ronald Cummings, says he was working the night shift early this morning and came home around 3:00 AM to this house on Green (ph) Lane in the Hermit`s (ph) Cove area of Satsuma. He tell us the back door was open and Haleigh was missing from her bed, so he called 911.


RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER: I just got home from work, my 5-year-old daughter is gone. I need somebody to be here now, I`m telling you.


911 OPERATOR: Listen to me. Listen to me. We`ve got two officers...

CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before y`all do, I`m killing him. I don`t care. I`ll spend the rest of my life in prison, I`m telling you. You can put it on the report, and I don`t care.

911 OPERATOR: OK. It`s OK, sir. We`ve got them on the way. OK, can you give me any -- what kind of description of her pajamas that she was wearing?

CUMMINGS: I don`t (DELETED) know! I was at work!

911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, we`ve got them coming, OK?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just want whoever`s got her to bring her home. That`s all I want is my baby home!

CUMMINGS: I think we got four or five counties` police officers looking for her now, dogs, bloodhounds, K-9s. We can`t find her nowhere. Helicopters. Somebody has her. They have her hidden. I just want my daughter back. That`s it. That`s all I want.


GRACE: Tonight, every minute counts in the search for Haleigh. Her father is joining us live.

Breaking news tonight in the desperate search for a beautiful 2-year- old Florida girl, Caylee. Six months of searching culminates when skeletal remains found in a heavily wooded area just 15 houses from the Anthonys` confirmed to be Caylee, manner of death homicide, the little girl`s remains completely skeletonized. This after a utility meter reader stumbles on a garbage bag containing a tiny human skeleton, including a skull covered in light-colored hair. The killer duct tapes the child`s mouth, then finishes off by placing a child`s heart-shaped sticker over the duct tape, little Caylee`s tiny skeleton double-bagged like she`s trash.

Bombshell tonight. As we go to air, local WKMG confirms Caylee has been cremated. This is after the Anthonys` lawyer denied it. Why? Little Caylee`s cremation in direct opposition to the tot mom`s wishes, Caylee`s ashes reportedly not even kept at the Anthony home because of safety concerns.

And have fingerprints been identified on duct tape over Caylee`s mouth? Will duct tape fingerprints be the direct link to tot mom? And how can her team defend against fingerprints? This after tot mom chooses not to watch Caylee`s memorial on TV, instead meeting with her lawyer. And what do investigators make of brother Lee`s secret coded message to tot mom from the memorial pulpit? The sheriff orders all jailhouse visits recorded of the tot mom, but is a private jailhouse memorial out of the camera`s eye in the works?



CASEY ANTHONY, CAYLEE`S MOTHER: Oh, man. I don`t want to start crying.

LEE ANTHONY: No, I don`t, either.

CMA, I miss you! I love you. I need you to know this. I will never forget the promise that I made to you!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Lee Anthony, at yesterday`s public memorial for little Caylee, and at this point, using the initials CMA. And we believe he`s -- well, he could be referring to Casey.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The Anthony family attorney, Brad Conway, is telling us for the first time tonight confirming that Caylee was cremated within the last few days. He tells us, quote, "Casey made it clear that she did not want Caylee`s remains to be cremated. This is a decision the family made to protect Caylee. This was a hard choice for them."

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Some day, I want to go and visit her grave and tell her how much I miss her.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`re hearing there likely won`t be a marked headstone, like Casey wants, because George and Cindy are afraid someone may vandalize it.

CASEY ANTHONY: Come on! I`m so beyond frustrated with all of this that I can`t even swallow right now, it hurts.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. How -- how -- could a 5-year-old Florida girl vanish from her own bed, a bed she was sharing that night with her baby-sitter and her 4-year- old brother?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Haleigh`s dad, Ronald Cummings, says he was working the night shift early Tuesday morning and he came home to find his daughter missing.

CUMMINGS: Gave me a hug and a kiss (INAUDIBLE) told me she loved me, she`d see me when I got home.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She`s a daddy`s girl.

CUMMINGS: She wasn`t there when I got home!


911 OPERATOR: OK. When did you last see her?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We just, like -- you know, it was about 10:00 o`clock. She was sleeping (INAUDIBLE)

911 OPERATOR: OK. How old is your daughter?



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Haleigh was sleeping in the bedroom with her 2- year-old brother and her dad`s 17-year-old girlfriend, who says she didn`t wake up or hear anything.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s not like that baby just disappeared out of thin air.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why is why Putnam County deputies are combing the area. Even though there was no sign of forced entry, investigators believe Haleigh`s disappearance is an abduction.


911 OPERATOR: All right. You said your back door was wide open?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, with a brick. Like, there was a brick on the floor. Like, when I went to sleep, the door was not like that.


CUMMINGS: I know somebody took my little girl! I`m sorry! Piece of trash that will be wasted when it`s all over!


GRACE: How could this little girl just vanish into thin air out of her own bed? The father, working the night shift, comes home to find his baby girl is gone.

I want to go straight to him, everyone. The tip line, 386-329-0808 -- 386-329-386-329-0808. Let me remind you that every minute counts. Every minute that she has been gone counts. One minute could save her life.

With me right now, the father of little Haleigh, Ronald Cummings, is with us. Mr. Cummings, you and your family are in so many prayers across the country right now. Please tell us what happened when you got home from work that night. I believe it was around 3:00 AM.

CUMMINGS: Actually, it was about 3:25, 3:27.


CUMMINGS: And I pulled into the yard, and my girlfriend opened the front door, and I already knew something was wrong because she`s not up at this time. She told me -- I said, What are you doing up at this time? She said, Your back door`s wide open and your daughter`s gone.

GRACE: What is her description -- what scenario took place?

CUMMINGS: She got out of bed and went to use the restroom and came back to find that my daughter was not in bed with her.

GRACE: OK, what time did...

CUMMINGS: And the back door was wide open and she was -- and she was gone.

GRACE: Ronald, what time did she put Haleigh to bed?

CUMMINGS: She puts them to bed every night at 8:00 o`clock.

GRACE: At 8:00 o`clock. When she put...


GRACE: When she put her to bed at 8:00 o`clock, did she also put to bed the little 4-year-old boy?

CUMMINGS: Yes, she did.

GRACE: OK. What time did she go to bed?

CUMMINGS: Approximately 10:30, 11:00.

GRACE: At 10:30, 11:00. At that time, was little Haleigh in the bed asleep with the brother?


GRACE: And they all slept together in the same bed, correct?


GRACE: So sometime between 11:00 PM and 3:30 AM, Haleigh goes missing. Now, did she call 911?

CUMMINGS: No, she did not, not until after I was there. She tried to call me, but I was pulling in the driveway. So I asked her how come she was trying to call me, she needed to call 911. So she immediately called them then.

GRACE: And where does the biological mother live, Ronald? Ronald, where does the mom live? OK, I think somehow -- I think I`ve lost his connection. Liz, see if you can bring Ronald back up. Ronald, where does the mother...

CUMMINGS: I got you. I got you.

GRACE: OK. Good. Everyone, Ronald Cummings is joining us there at the command center in Satsuma, Florida. Mr. Cummings, where does Haleigh`s mother live?

CUMMINGS: In Baker County, in Glenn St. Mary (ph).

GRACE: What is that, about 150 miles away?

CUMMINGS: I would say approximately 90 to 100.

GRACE: Now, have you and your girlfriend both taken a polygraph, right?

CUMMINGS: Yes, I have. Passed it with flying colors. Yes, she has. Passed hers.

GRACE: And you volunteered to do that and you`ve been cooperating with police, right?

CUMMINGS: Yes. Why not? I don`t have anything to hide. I just want my daughter back. Anything that`s going to help them eliminate more people, that`s the best thing.

GRACE: Exactly. Mr. Cummings, you said the door was propped open. Describe to me what you saw when you got home.

CUMMINGS: I came in the house and immediately checked all the bedrooms, the bathroom, everywhere, just to be sure, and walked to the back door, it was wide open. As I walked out the back door, the screen door was propped open with a cinderblock.

GRACE: Everyone, joining me from Satsuma, Florida, is Mr. Ronald Cummings. He was at work as usual when his daughter goes missing. Take a listen to this 911 call.


911 OPERATOR: What does she look like? How tall is she? Give me some description of her.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She has, like -- like, long hair, curly, like, curls.

911 OPERATOR: Long curled. What color?


911 OPERATOR: OK. What color hair?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She`s got brown hair.

911 OPERATOR: OK. Brown hair?


911 OPERATOR: OK. How tall is she, about? Or how much does she weigh? Do you know that?





UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And if anybody around here that knows me has got my granddaughter, bring her home. Just bring her to my house and drop her off. You know where I live. Just bring her home. Just bring her back to us. She`s my sixth generation grandchild, grandbaby, and we want her back. Just bring her back to us. She`s our heart. She`s my first baby from my first baby. I want her back. Please bring her home. Bring her to somebody. Drop her off somewhere and call 911. Somebody`ll pick her up.



911 OPERATOR: OK, listen to me. I`m getting this information. I`m not the officer driving out there, OK?


911 OPERATOR: They`re coming out there to handle that situation. I need to gather all her information from you over the phone.


911 OPERATOR: It has nothing to do with me driving out there. The officers are taking care of that, OK? They`re coming out there, OK?


911 OPERATOR: OK. I`m going to stay on the phone with you, OK...


911 OPERATOR: ... until they get there, all right? Tell him we`ve got them coming. He needs to try to calm down a little bit, OK? The officers are going to come out there and do what they can. We can`t have him screaming and yelling at the officers whenever they get there, OK?

911 OPERATOR: OK, was your back door locked do you know?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. The back door always stays locked.

FATHER: I need somebody (INAUDIBLE)

911 OPERATOR: OK, let me speak to her (INAUDIBLE)

CUMMINGS: I just got home from work, my 5-year-old daughter is gone. I need somebody to be here now, I`m telling you.

911 OPERATOR: Listen to me. Listen to me. We`ve got two officers...

CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before y`all do, I`m killing him. I don`t care. I`ll spend the rest of my life in prison, I`m telling you. You can put it on the report, and I don`t care.

911 OPERATOR: OK. It`s OK, sir. We`ve got them on the way. OK, can you give me any -- what kind of description of her pajamas that she was wearing?

CUMMINGS: I don`t (DELETED) know! I was at work!

911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, we`ve got them coming, OK?


GRACE: A 5-year-old Satsuma, Florida, girl vanishes out of the bed she was sharing with her baby-sitter and her 4-year-old brother. Tonight, the father is with us -- he has just passed a polygraph test -- begging for your help. We are taking your calls live.

Back to Ronald Cummings, the father of 5-year-old Haleigh. Mr. Cummings, was the bedroom door open when they went to sleep?

CUMMINGS: Yes, it was.

GRACE: And what kind of a...

CUMMINGS: Yes, it was.

GRACE: OK. And what kind of a lock do you have on your door, the one that was propped open with a cinder block?

CUMMINGS: It`s just a little plastic lock on a -- just a regular screen door plastic lock.

GRACE: Do you know where the cinderblock came from that was propping the door open?

CUMMINGS: Don`t have a clue. I don`t mess with none of that, so I don`t know. I very rarely am in the back yard at all unless I`m washing my car. So it could have came from around my shed. I`m renting. I don`t know if the previous renters had it or what, but I`ve never seen it, I don`t believe.

GRACE: So to your knowledge, you`ve never seen it.

CUMMINGS: Not that I believe. I mean, I may be mistaken and have seen it before, but I know it wasn`t where it`s at now.

GRACE: Joining me right now, Natisha Lance. She`s standing by there at the Satsuma command center. Natisha, what can you tell me?

NATISHA LANCE, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, Nancy, just as you said, this started late Monday morning. At 3:00 o`clock in the morning, this little girl goes missing. Now, law enforcement has been very heavily involved from the very beginning since the time this little girl went missing. They`ve had helicopters up in the air. They`ve had boats in the water using sonar equipment to look for her. There was a scent that was found that was at the edge of this waterway, which is not too far away from the home.

Now, police have been looking in that waterway. They also have had helicopters up in the air. Eight agencies are involved. A hundred and fifty law enforcement officers were out there the first day. Fifty law enforcement officers are out there today. And these officers are saying that they are pledged to finding this little girl and bringing her home.

GRACE: Back to the father of 5-year-old Haleigh, Ronald Cummings, joining us from the command center. Ronald, the dogs picked up some sort of scent near the water. How far away is that from your home?

CUMMINGS: I don`t know, five or six, eight blocks, somewhere in there. Between five and eight blocks.

GRACE: And has Haleigh ever sleepwalked or left the home in the night before?

CUMMINGS: No way, never. She`s afraid of the dark.

GRACE: And Ronald, I don`t see a 5-year-old little girl picking up a cinderblock and propping the door open. That`s just not going to happen.


GRACE: To Joy Purdy standing by there at the command center, reporter with WTLV. Joy, what more can you tell me about her disappearance? I`ve confirmed with Ronald Cummings that he has volunteered and passed a polygraph. What about the girlfriend that was in the bed with the little girl when she goes missing?

JOY PURDY, WTLV: It`s very interesting, Nancy. We have not seen the girlfriend at all today. Police tell us they did interview her thoroughly and that she`s now with family and friends recovering. Look, she`s 17 years old and has been through this traumatic experience. They say that she`s doing fine, under the circumstances.

There are a couple of other interesting points that came out today from the police. One is that -- and you`ll be interested to hear this -- in this five-mile radius of the home, there are 44 registered sex offenders in the area. There`s only 5,300 people in this town of Satsuma, 44 registered sex offenders. So you can imagine police have gone to them or are planning to go to them and find out their whereabouts when little Haleigh disappeared.

Also, you talked about it a little while ago with Ron, the polygraph - - they`re using them on many different people, not just him, other family members, other members of the community. They`re using them at will. The FBI is assisting.

GRACE: And listen, Joy, it ain`t over yet. Remember Jessie Lunsford, not far from there, Homosassa, Florida? She was taken by a registered sex offender. The family came under suspicion, of course, because she was taken from the home in the middle of the night, very similar to this. She was alive for quite a period of time after her abduction.

Out to Marc Klaas, president and founder of Klaas Kids Foundation. Marc, help me.

MARC KLAAS, KLAAS KIDS FOUNDATION: Well, the comparisons to the Lunsford case are absolutely eerie and very well made. And one would hope that they have learned the lessons of the Lunsford case. And from everything that I`ve heard, law enforcement has responded rather magnificently in this by bringing in a multi-jurisdictional task force that absolutely knows what they do, by bringing in the various -- the various search teams that are professionally trained, know exactly what they`re doing.

I think the father, Ron -- I think you`re doing a marvelous job by cooperating with law enforcement, by giving them all the information they need, by taking the polygraph and passing it and eliminating yourself. And you understand now that the important thing is to keep eliminating the various possibilities until law enforcement can hone in on exactly that happened.

So, my brother, I would ask you to stay strong and continue to do what you`re doing.

GRACE: With me, a special guest, Sheriff Jeff Hardy with the Putnam County sheriff`s office. Sheriff, thank you for being with us. Sheriff, what`s your plan how to deal with these registered sex offenders in the area? It is a tall order, Sheriff.

SHERIFF JEFF HARDY, PUTNAM COUNTY: Nancy, thank you for letting us be here. It is a tall order. We do have 44 registered sex offenders within a five-air-mile radius, and we`re in the process now of making contact with all of them. We have agents with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, the FBI and our investigators are making contact with all of them.

GRACE: And Sheriff, remember, the dirtbag in the Lunsford case was just visiting and he was a sex offender.



911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, let me talk to your wife. Let me get some information from her.


911 OPERATOR: Can I talk to her?



GRACE: A little 5-year-old Florida girl needs your help. She vanishes out of her own bed she was sharing with the baby-sitter and 4- year-old brother, her father at work on the night shift. He`s with us tonight.

Very quickly, back to the sheriff in Putnam County, Sheriff Jeff Hardy. Sheriff, you are even doing an infrared search. Explain.

HARDY: Well, ma`am, we have done infrared searches using aircraft to look at all our wooded areas, our waterways. We`ve actually brought some equipment in to do sonar searches in our river. It`s been pretty extensive.

GRACE: And what did they find on the sonar search?

HARDY That`s the problem, Nancy. We haven`t come up with anything right yet.


CUMMINGS: Somebody stole my child out of my bed. I come home from work and my child was not there.




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, the back door always stays locked.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We need somebody to get here now.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: OK, let me to speak to him so.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, yes, yes, yes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I just got home from work, my 5-year-old daughter is gone.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I need somebody to be here now. I`m telling you.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: Listen to me, listen to me. We got two officers.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If I find whoever has my daughter before you all do I`m killing him. I don`t care. I`ll spend the rest of my life in prison.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m telling you. You can put it on recording, I don`t care.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: OK. It`s OK, sir. We`ve got them on the way. OK? Can you give me any -- what kind of description of her pajamas that she was wearing?


UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: OK, sir. We got them coming, OK?


UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: OK, sir, let me talk to you wife. Let me get some information from her.




UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: OK, listen to me. I need you to answer some questions. Does the door look like it was pried open?


UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: Does it look like you had some sort of someone try to enter into your house?


UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: And another thing, make sure you and your husband don`t touch the door anymore. Don`t mess with the door or anything.


UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: It doesn`t look like it is?


UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: OK. Now listen, tell your husband not to touch anything, make sure.


UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: Because we`re going to try and get a canine out there, OK?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. She said don`t touch anything because they are bringing a canine out here.


NANCY GRACE, HOST: I can`t even imagine going home tonight, after this show, and finding my children gone. When Ronald Cummings got home from the night shift, 3:27, 3:30 a.m., his 5-year-old girl Haleigh, there she is on the screen, gone. She was put to bed around 8:00 p.m., everything was fine. She was seen in bed around 11:00 p.m. By 3:30, totally vanished. The 4-year-old brother still asleep in the bed where he had been beside her.

With me is Ronald Cummings, Haleigh`s father.

Mr. Cummings, about the back door, am I correct that you never -- you rarely used the back door that was propped open?

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: Yes, you are correct. I`ve used it twice to pull the vacuum cleaner down the handicap ramp and vacuum my car with it. And, yes, I did relock the door when I came in. And I checked to be sure that it is still locked every afternoon before I go to work.

GRACE: I want to go back to the sheriff, Sheriff Jeff Hardy.

Sheriff Hardy, I`m sure that you`ve already canvassed the neighborhood, spoken to the neighbors. What did they have to say?

SHERIFF JEFF HARDY, PUTNAM CO. SHERIFF`S OFFICE, ON LOCATION AT COMMAND CENTER: Nancy, we have canvassed this area considerably, again, by ground, by air and by water. And this community has been extremely helpful in wanting to, of course, to find Haleigh. And as you can see, probably behind me, this community has actually opened up their homes and their doors to help feed the numerous law enforcement personnel that we have out here. And this community has had -- been very responsive to trying to locate her.

GRACE: Well, Sheriff, I`m glad to hear that because I keep thinking about the Jessie Lunsford case and she was being held alive catty cornered from her grandparent`s home and police did a cursory search, didn`t see her, little did they know the registered sex offender on the run had her hidden in the bedroom closet, alive. Alive when the cops came there.

Sheriff Hardy, you stated that dogs had hit near water. Has the child ever been down to the water with adult supervision? What do you make of them hitting near the water?

HARDY: Nancy, the -- we had several bloodhounds that went ahead and did several different tracks. They did track down towards the water area. We don`t know, you know. These bloodhounds can track scent for several days. Their noses are very astute. And so as far as tracking Haleigh all the way down to the water, that -- we`re uncertain about whether or not that Haleigh ended up in the water.

GRACE: You know, that would be a very, very unlikely scenario.

Sergeant Scott Haines -- also joining us from Pensacola, Florida, for her to -- on her own walk out the back door, stick a cinder block to prop it open and go all eight blocks down to the water`s edge. I don`t see it. I don`t think that`s what happened.

SGT. SCOTT HAINES, SHERIFF`S OFFICER, SANTA ROSA COUNTY, FL.: I don`t see it either, especially when the father said his young child is afraid of the dark. No girl is going to leave that secure zone of her home in the middle of the night, walk out that door into darkness without the comfort of the girlfriend that was there with her. She`s just not going to do it. It`s not going to happen.

GRACE: Back to WTLV`s Joy Purdy. Joy, I assume everything has been fingerprinted and processed already. That`s done, right?

JOY PURDY, REPORTER, CNN AFFILIATE WTLV, COVERING STORY: It is. But police tell us they are going to retrace their steps two and three times just to be sure. And it`s very interesting. I`m listening to the conversation that you`re having with the sheriff, a lot of our sources out here are telling us they spent quite a bit of time at the water, that there were divers in the water, boats out there.

I`m very interested to know why so much attention there, number one. Number two, Caylee, according to the family members, told us that -- I`m sorry, Haleigh`s family members told me that she was very afraid of the water because there was a scare a couple of years ago where she fell into a nearby creek. She had to be rescued, resuscitated. So she doesn`t even want to go anywhere near the water.

GRACE: We`re taking your calls live. Out to Linda in Florida, hi, Linda.

LINDA, FROM FLORIDA: Hi there, Nancy. First of all, I want to say your twins are the greatest little gift from God and you`re just a wonderful, wonderful person.

GRACE: Thank you.

LINDA: Thanks for being our champion and our hero. I want to tell you that.

GRACE: I don`t deserve that but the twins are a miracle. They`re a miracle. And just listening to Ronald Cummings on his 911 call is just heart breaking. I can`t imagine going home and finding -- you know, because they`re asleep by the time I get home, finding their cribs empty? I just can`t imagine.

What was your question, dear?

LINDA: My question is, all three of them were in the bed together. It just amazes me to think that -- I know being a mother myself, if someone comes into the room, I sense this. And -- but on the child`s part, if a child is picked up when they are dead asleep, they normally have a reaction. It`s a gasp, a whatever, unless they know the person.

GRACE: To Dr. Caryn Stark, psychologist, I -- understand where Linda is coming from, but I think it would depend on the child. Sometimes when you wake a child up, they sleep straight through it. I have fed John David a bottle, and I think he slept through the whole thing before. He ate a whole bottle asleep.

CARYN STARK, PSYCHOLOGIST: And there`s no doubt that she could have been sleeping and also perhaps maybe she was even -- you know, he held his hand over her mouth. You never know what really happened in that situation. But she could have been sleeping. It is, however, Nancy, highly unlikely that she just wandered off, not at 5 years old.

GRACE: No. No. Unleash the lawyers, John Burris, high profile lawyer out of San Francisco, Michael Mazzariello, defense attorney and host of "Closing Arguments," WGNY here in New York.

Thank you, gentlemen, for being with us.

John Burris, I know that you always look at the family first. Why? Because statistically they`re usually responsible for disappearances and even deaths, much less, you know, physical injury. But this dad has passed a polygraph. It could be verified where he was. After that Jessie Lunsford case, never say never. It is entirely possible for someone to come into the home, undetected and leave.

JOHN BURRIS, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Obviously, that`s true. And I think you`re right about the dad. I mean everything I hear about him certainly seems very sincere. I don`t want to throw water on any of this, but I will tell you that it`s so improbable that it could have happened that way. You do must rule out his girlfriend. You have to rule that out.

Now if she passed a polygraph, that`s fine. But until she does, it seems to me that the police have to focus in on her and ask her questions to find out -- because this is so difficult to happen, given all that we know, that -- so I just think that you still have to be suspicious of family members for now.

GRACE: I think you`re right. Michael Mazzariello, Maz, I don`t want to project that especially -- I`m always a light sleeper, but especially since I had the twins, I can hear them down the hall when they cough. So it`s hard for me to imagine not noticing a child gets picked up out of the bed and taken out. But it`s not impossible.

MICHAEL MAZZARIELLO, DEFENSE ATTORNEY, HOST OF "CLOSING ARGUMENTS": Absolutely not. We know it`s not impossible. Look at that little girl in Florida, like you mentioned before, Jessica. They came into her house, took her in the middle of the night, it`s not impossible. They ruled out the girlfriend, they`re ruling out -- they ruled out the father. They took tests. Let`s get on with it and look for the.

GRACE: Everyone.

MAZZARIELLO: . perverts and pedophile houses and check them out.

GRACE: Tip line, 386-329-0808. A $25,000 reward from Leonard Padilla, a $1,000 reward from CrimeStoppers.

We`re going to break. We`ll be back, taking your calls live. And as we go to break, a special happy birthday and thank you to a star Orlando cameraman, Ric.

Ric, happy birthday.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m going to (EXPLETIVE DELETED) kill somebody.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: OK. Well, tell him we understand. We need to get her date of birth.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What`s her date of birth?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (EXPLETIVE DELETED) we need to find her. What`s her date of birth?




GEORGE ANTHONY, CAYLEE ANTHONY`S GRANDFATHER: I hope that I am the one that actually taught her "You are My Sunshine." She was my sunshine. I have a locket right now with me and it has "My Sunshine, My Caylee" on it. And when that was placed on me just a few days ago, the warmth inside of me, I felt her, not only every day, but I really felt her more and more.


GRACE: On the heels of yesterday`s memorial, nearly 2,000 people in attendance, we learn that little Caylee`s remains have been cremated for several days. This after the Anthony lawyer denies that.

Out to Adam Longo with WKMG, Adam, what`s the latest?

ADAM LONGO, REPORTER, CNN AFFILIATE WKMG, COVERING STORY: Right, Nancy. Well, we have confirmed through two different sources tonight that little Caylee was, in fact, cremated just within the past several days. The Anthony family attorney confirming that to me tonight and also we were the first to get our hands on little Caylee`s death certificate.

Apparently the authorization to have her cremated came down on the 31st of December. Basically in order to perform a cremation in Florida, the medical examiner has to give their permission. That`s what happened at the end of December.

Now we talked about the statement from Jose Baez -- Casey Anthony`s statement through Jose Baez on Monday where it was clear -- made clear that Casey did not want her daughter to be cremated. And I asked the Anthony family attorney that, I said was the family just ignoring her wishes and that -- was certainly, according to him, something that was not done to spite Casey.

The reason this was done, according to him, was to keep the remains safe. They are telling us the remains are not in the East Orange County home. They feel like that they want to keep Caylee safe and that the remains would be a target for vandals. And they felt like if there was a tombstone in a graveyard that that might be subject to vandalism and they`re saying that if the remains, the cremated remains were actually in the Anthony home, they`re afraid that somebody would try to break into the house, Nancy, and steal them.

GRACE: Adam -- with us is WKMG`s Adam Longo. So you`re telling me the medical examiner released the remains for cremation back in December.

LONGO: Actually before that because the remains were at the funeral home when they had to ask permission to have the remains cremated. They got that permission on the 31st. The remains were cleared from the medical examiner`s office sometime prior to December 31st.

GRACE: OK. Adam, it`s my understanding that since the mother, although she`s charged with a murder, is still the closest relative, she would have to be the one to make that decision.

LONGO: Yes. But what we also learned tonight, Nancy, is that she signed a limited power of attorney, giving her parents the rights to be able to deal with -- I know that`s not the best choice of words -- but to deal with, to manage the remains of that funeral home.

GRACE: To Drew Petrimoulx with WDBO -- Drew, what can you tell me about the sheriff giving the jail an order to videotape every one of the tot mom`s visits with friend and family and now the family or the tot mom wants to get out from the camera`s eye to have a jailhouse memorial? Is that happening?

DREW PETRIMOULX, REPORTER, WDBO RADIO, COVERING STORY: It`s still in the works. We`ve heard from the attorney for the Anthony family, for George and Cindy, Brad Conway. He said this is something that he`s looking into.

Normally video visitations aren`t something that are recorded and then released to the public. The only reason why these are released to the public and recorded is because it`s such a high profile case and that they are still collecting evidence. And they -- when these video visitations take place, they want to see what they`re talking about.

The sheriff`s office is the one who makes this decision. And they said that they are considering and they would may -- possibly entertain the idea of letting them have one private meeting. Of course, it would still be over video. It wouldn`t be something where they can meet face to face.

GRACE: To Leonard Padilla, the bounty hunter who helped look exhaustively for Caylee -- Leonard, what are your sources telling you?


GRACE: I can hear you. Do we have Padilla?

PADILLA: You can hear me?

GRACE: Yes, I got you. Leonard.

PADILLA: I can hear you. I can hear you.

GRACE: Good to know.

Leonard, what do you know, if anything, about sources reporting fingerprints were lifted off the duct tape?

PADILLA: I heard this morning that there were fingerprints and that the prints are Casey`s on the duct tape.

GRACE: To Adam -- to Adam Longo with WKMG, Adam, we`re, of course, referring to the duct tape across Caylee`s mouth. Her hair had to be cut to get the duct tape from around her face. Do you know anything about fingerprints off the duct tape?

LONGO: Yes, I`ve got to be honest with you, Nancy, that is not something that I have delved into today at all. You`ve had my colleague on, Jessica D`Onofrio, before and she`s the one who really has her hands in a lot of these forensic instances in this case, but that is not something that I`ve dealt with at all today.

GRACE: So, Adam that tells me it hasn`t been made public yet if you don`t know about it.

LONGO: Yes, there are many things that haven`t been made public. I mean we know that there are forensic reports that have been completed but we haven`t seen them because they haven`t been turned over in the course of discovery.

GRACE: To Dr. Joshua Perper, renowned medical examiner out of Broward County, author of "When to Call the doctor." Dr. Perper, who has the right to authorize a cremation?

DR. JOSHUA PERPER, MEDICAL EXAMINER, AUTHOR OF "WHEN TO CALL THE DOCTOR": Well, first the family has to request the cremation to the funeral director. The medical examiner then has to make a determination whether all the evidence has been taken from the body and there is no need for additional investigation. And if he`s making such determination, then the body is released for cremation.

GRACE: Dr. Perper, since this case has not gone to trial yet, do you believe it`s a mistake to cremate the body?

PERPER: No, because in this particular case there were a small number of bones and they didn`t show any evidence of damage. So there was no reason, no reasonable explanation why those bones should be maintained by the medical examiner.

GRACE: Caryn Stark, we know gravesites such as JonBenet Ramsey, even Anna Nicole Smith, have not been violated in any way.

Why are the Anthonys afraid Caylee`s gravesite would be desecrated?

STARK: It doesn`t make a lot of sense, Nancy. I really don`t understand it.

GRACE: But they did get 150 death threats, though, Caryn.

STARK: Yes, well, they`re right there making sure also that they`re right in the public`s attention so -- I don`t know, Nancy. I just can`t imagine that that would happen.

GRACE: Out to the lines, Sheila, Ohio. Hi, Sheila.

SHEILA, FROM OHIO: Hi, how are you, Nancy?

GRACE: I`m good, dear. What`s your question?

SHEILA: I wanted to know -- I have another question, but I think I`m going to ask this one instead about Lee. Do you think maybe when Casey was out on bond, the way her and Lee were inseparable like they were that maybe she told him something and that`s what all that CMA and the promise and call out was about?

GRACE: Good question.

Leonard Padilla, you watched both of them interact. What do you think?

PADILLA: I believe so. I believe there could have been conversations about the child as far back as July the 3rd when Cindy had Lee go looking for Casey.

GRACE: Got it.

PADILLA: And definitely, there was lots of conversations in the home while she was out on those 10 days with bail. There`s.

GRACE: To Michael -- go ahead.

PADILLA: No, no, that`s OK. I`d be sticking my neck out.


LEE ANTHONY, CASEY ANTHONY`S BROTHER: Today is the day for this family to unite and display their solidarity and strength. I`ve got to tell you, it is hard to stand up here and be the pillar of strength.


GRACE: We are taking your calls. Out to Ana in Texas, hi, Ana.

ANA, FROM TEXAS: Hi, Nancy, I love your show.

GRACE: Thank you.

ANA: I had a question about the fingerprints on the duct tape.


ANA: If they are Casey Anthony`s, is there any way that her lawyers can defend that?

GRACE: To John Burris and Michael Mazzariello -- what about it, Burris?

BURRIS: I think you can defend it. It means, obviously, she had some contact, but it doesn`t go to the question of what level of homicide this is. Because this -- the tape and all could happen after the homicide, it doesn`t mean.

GRACE: Put Burris up, I`ve got to see his face when he said that.

BURRIS: No, no, I`m telling you that the issue here is still what degree of homicide this is. The fact that it was covered up later, that`s a different question.

GRACE: OK, got it.

BURRIS: But that doesn`t go to the.

GRACE: Got it. So, Maz, Burris` theory would be, yes, I duct taped my child`s mouth, but it was after she died accidentally. How far do you think that will fly?

MAZZARIELLO: Not far at all. But the -- the only thing you have with that, Nancy, is whether or not she had access and touched that duct tape before. But.

GRACE: No, Maz. No, you don`t touch the inside of duct tape and wrap it back up.

MAZZARIELLO: That`s exactly what I was.


MAZZARIELLO: That`s exactly what I was going to say, Nancy.

GRACE: Yes, it didn`t sound like.

MAZZARIELLO: The criminal defense attorney, the top would be OK, but now how do you explain opening it and having your fingerprints on the adhesive side?

GRACE: Yes, that`s my question to you, Maz. You`re the defense lawyer, not me.

MAZZARIELLO: Well, that`s a tough one, Nancy. Would have to say that she had access to it, she used it before.


MAZZARIELLO: She cut it and her fingerprint was at the end where she finished cutting it. That`s what you got, Nancy.

GRACE: Yes, you know what, you`re right, that`s what they got.

Everybody, I want to stop and remember Army Staff Sergeant Kennith Mayne, 29, Arvada, Colorado, killed Iraq on a second tour. Lost his life two hours after speaking with his mom. Requested everyone wear Hawaiian shirts to his funeral.

Loved golfing, fishing, handing out hot wheels, soccer balls, coloring books to Iraqi children, favorite song, "Cheeseburger in Paradise." Dreamed of going to Jamaica with parents. Leaves behind mom Michelle, step-dad Dan, five sisters, two brothers.

Kennith Mayne, American hero.

Thanks to our guests, but especially to you for being with us. I`ll see you tomorrow 8:00 sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on February 12, 2009, 11:01:11 AM
On the Record - Greta Van Susteren  -      February 11, 2009,2933,491368,00.html

VAN SUSTEREN: Since that 911 call, a massive search has fanned out, looking for the toddler by land, by water and door to door, but no results. Joining us by phone is Putnam County sheriff Jeff Hardy. Good evening, Sheriff. And last night, or at least some point after that 911 call was received and sheriffs reported to the home, I understand some tracks were seen, sir?

SHERIFF JEFF HARDY, PUTNAM COUNTY: Greta, are you talking about the bloodhounds and a little bit of the tracking? Is that what you're referring to?

VAN SUSTEREN: Yes, and there was also apparently a footprint in the dirt. I don't know if that was a recent print or whether that was an old one. But what can you tell me about efforts to at least search to see whether or not you can determine where the child may have gone?

HARDY: Greta, we called in a team of bloodhounds, and they -- several different bloodhound units. And they came out. And I'm sure you know these bloodhounds, their noses are very sensitive, and they did follow some tracking, but we don't know exactly how old the tracks could have been. And as far as the footprint that you're talking about, that's news to me. I don't know of any footprint at this point.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. I think what it was, was some sort of -- at least, there was one report there was some -- some sort of footprint or step in the dirt that might have been the child's, and nothing more. But we're hearing lots of different information. And obviously, Sheriff, you're the one on the story, so I'll defer to you on that. All right, in terms of the child missing, have there been any tips that the child has been spotted in the last 24 hours?

HARDY: No, ma'am, we don't have any tips, but we are following up on all leads that we're receiving. In fact, we're in the middle of conducting several interviews as we speak right now, Greta.

VAN SUSTEREN: One of -- the person who first reported the child missing was the girlfriend to the father. Her name is Misty. She was -- she apparently had gone -- she had last seen the child about 10:00 PM the night before and that the child was sleeping in the same bed with her? Is that correct?

HARDY: That's what she's telling us, Greta, yes.

VAN SUSTEREN: Was any -- was the -- was there another child in the bed, as well? Because I know there's another child in the home.

HARDY: No, there was a brother in the home, a younger brother.

VAN SUSTEREN: But he wasn't in the same bed with the girlfriend and the missing child?

HARDY: No, ma'am. He was -- I believe he was in another room, another bed or another -- another bedding area. I don't believe he was on the same bed, no.

VAN SUSTEREN: All right. So according to least what I hear, and correct me if I'm wrong, she wakes up or something about 3:00 o'clock, notices the child missing, but a phone call is not made for 27 minutes to 911. Is that correct?

HARDY: Well, I can verify the fact that our 911 call did come in at 3:27 AM. As far as exactly the timeline of when she woke up and discovered the child missing, I don't know. She's saying it is some time after 3:00.

VAN SUSTEREN: Is the girlfriend a person of interest to you at this point?

HARDY: Greta, we're not ruling out anybody. You know, we have teams of law enforcement officers out here right now. We've continued our grounds searches by air and by water. We still have dive teams. We had them out here today. Again, the FBI's out here assisting us with other -- just numerous local and state officials and officers from across northeast Florida. So we're not ruling anybody out at this point.

VAN SUSTEREN: Sheriff, thank you, sir. And good luck, sir.

HARDY: And thank you for your time.

VAN SUSTEREN: Joining us live from Florida, Haleigh's mother, Crystal Sheffield, and the toddler's grandmother, Marie Griffis. Crystal, I know you that you're terrible distressed and worried this evening. Do you -- is there any likelihood in your mind that this child simply just got up and walked off?

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, MOTHER: No, there is not. She would not do that.

VAN SUSTEREN: Crystal, when was the last time you saw your daughter?

SHEFFIELD: Two weeks ago.

VAN SUSTEREN: Have you spoken to her in the last two weeks?

SHEFFIELD: No, I have not.

VAN SUSTEREN: When you saw her, did she indicate or say to you anything to suggest there were problems in the home? I know that she's living with her father, or staying with her father and her father's girlfriend. Did she say there were any problems in the home?


VAN SUSTEREN: Marie, when was the last time that you saw your grandchild?

MARIE GRIFFIS, GRANDMOTHER: It was two weeks ago when they got their visitation to come stay with us (INAUDIBLE) We pick them up Friday night 6:00 o'clock and we return them Sunday at 6:00 o'clock.

VAN SUSTEREN: Marie, do you live in the area or do you live out of state?

GRIFFIS: We live in Florida, but it's Baker County, Glenn St. Mary (ph), Florida. We live about an hour and 45 minutes from here.

VAN SUSTEREN: Marie, do you know of any problems in that home?

GRIFFIS: In the past, Haleigh and Junior have told us that, you know, they've been hit and stuff like that, but up to this point, everything was fine.

VAN SUSTEREN: Crystal, have you spoken to the father of your child or his girlfriend in the last 24 hours?

SHEFFIELD: I spoke to him yesterday. I have not spoken to his girlfriend.

VAN SUSTEREN: What did he say to you?

SHEFFIELD: He just said that -- he told me he was sorry and that if he would have been home from work that it would have never happened.

VAN SUSTEREN: Marie, what do you think has happened? I know that there are a lot of theories, a lot of sex offenders in the area. What are you sort of -- you know, where is your suspicion tonight, Marie?

GRIFFIS: My suspicions is why is it two children was in the bed with this 17-year-old girl, and somebody comes into the home and picks a child up that's laying right next to you and you don't know where she went. You get up and go to the bathroom and come back and she's not there. Well, was she there when she got up and went to the bathroom? Why don't we have that information? What happened? It don't take but 15, 20 seconds to go to the bathroom, and it's right there in the bedroom, also. So I wonder what role Misty plays in this.

VAN SUSTEREN: Have you ever met her, Marie?

GRIFFIS: I have never officially been introduced to her. I saw her in Ronald's car one weekend when we took Haleigh and Junior back to their dad on a Sunday, and she was sitting in the car. And I don't know who she is, never spoke to her. All I know is Haleigh and Junior told me that they liked her, that she was nice to them.

GRIFFIS: Crystal, do you know the girlfriend at all? I mean, have you ever, like, had any conversations with her in any depth? Do you know what kind of person she is, anything about her?

SHEFFIELD: No, I don't. I've talked to her. She seemed like a really nice person, but I've never sat down and had a conversation with her. And the kids told me that...

VAN SUSTEREN: Marie, I don't mean to...

SHEFFIELD: ... They loved her.

VAN SUSTEREN: How long, Crystal, has she been in the children's lives?

SHEFFIELD: Probably four to six months? I'm not really sure.

VAN SUSTEREN: Marie, I don't want to -- you know, because I'm asking questions about the girlfriend (INAUDIBLE) you know, think that she's the only person I'm curious about. I mean, obviously, everybody -- we're curious about everybody tonight. Do you know anything, Marie, about any neighbors at all, people who live nearby that have shown any particular interest to this child at all, Marie, do you know?

GRIFFIS: The only thing we know about any neighbors is there were some kids that lived next door that Haleigh and Junior played with, and they were seen out playing in the yard around 5:00 o'clock yesterday -- or Monday evening. I guess it was Monday evening. I can't even remember anymore. The days are just running together now.

VAN SUSTEREN: Crystal, the father of your child was at work when, apparently, Haleigh disappeared. What kind of work does he do, Crystal?

SHEFFIELD: I'm not sure. All I know is he runs a crane.

VAN SUSTEREN: Do you know, Marie, why he was out until 3:00 o'clock in the morning? I mean, what kind of work would have him out that late, or that early, depending on how you characterize it?

GRIFFIS: He -- we was ere told he worked from 3:00 to 3:00, so I supposed it's a 12-hour shift. And he's a crane operator working for a place called PDM Bridge (ph).

VAN SUSTEREN: Do either of you know if the girlfriend has a job or does any kind of work at all?



VAN SUSTEREN: Crystal, Marie, thank you both very much. And you know, I certainly hope we can find this child. And there's so much publicity being cast on it that maybe someone knows something and will call in maybe we'll have good news on this soon. Thank you both.

SHEFFIELD: Thank you.

GRIFFIS: Yes, thank you very much, too.

VAN SUSTEREN: Up next, more breaking news coverage on the search for little Haleigh. The toddler's father will be here to go "On the Record."

Plus: Do you like pork? Not to eat, but as part of the massive stimulus bill. Well, guess what? A powerful senator says you don't care about pork. What? Is that true? Or is he drinking? We'll see.


VAN SUSTEREN: We continue our breaking news coverage on the disappearance of little Haleigh Cummings. She was reported missing 3:30 AM yesterday morning. Now, here's what we know, is that the father's girlfriend apparently last saw the child about 10:00 PM on Monday night when she went to bed and the child was in the same bed. About 3:00 o'clock in the morning, the girlfriend says that she got up to go to the bathroom, noticed the child was missing. About 27 minutes later, at 3:27 AM, the father in the meantime had come home from work, according to the parents -- according -- has -- was at work and he called 911, and the child has been missing -- or reported missing at that time.

Now, Haleigh's father, Ronald Cummings, joins us live, along with Crystal Cummings, Ronald's sister. Good evening to both of you. And Ronald, I know how distressed you are because everyone has told me. And the only thing I can hope is that we can at least shed more light on it and get more information so that people call in with tips.

So let me -- let's -- let me try to ask you some questions about it. What time did you arrive home, Ronald, on Tuesday morning?

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER: Approximately 3:30.

VAN SUSTEREN: And when you walked in the door -- take me through every step. You walked in the door. Was your girlfriend up at that point?

RONALD CUMMINGS: Yes. I never walked through the door. I pulled in the yard. She -- the door was open. She was standing there and waiting on me. I asked her what she was still doing up, and she then told me that the back -- she got up to use the restroom, and the back door was wide open and that my daughter was missing.

VAN SUSTEREN: Was the child -- was your daughter missing when she got up to use the restroom, or between the time she got up to use the restroom and returned to bed? Did she tell you that?

RONALD CUMMINGS: I'm not sure. I never asked.

VAN SUSTEREN: Crystal, when was the last time...

RONALD CUMMINGS: I'm just worried about where she's at.

VAN SUSTEREN: No, I understand that. Crystal, when was the last time you saw this child?

CRYSTAL CUMMINGS, AUNT: A couple weeks ago.

VAN SUSTEREN: Crystal, have you ever noticed the child wanting to wander off or any people wanting -- in the neighborhood, unusual people paying close attention to her that you thought was peculiar?

CRYSTAL CUMMINGS: No. She wouldn't wander off.

VAN SUSTEREN: Ronald, do you agree that she would not just wander off?

RONALD CUMMINGS: Absolutely. I know my daughter like the back of my hand. I've raised her since the day she was 2 years old by myself. I know for a fact she would not wander off alone during in the daylight, much less at night. She's afraid of the dark.

VAN SUSTEREN: Ronald, has anyone ever wandered into your home, any strangers into your home?


VAN SUSTEREN: Ronald, always in every investigation, the person that people focus on are the people who last saw the child, so obviously, your girlfriend has got -- you know, there's a lot of focus on her. Is there any reason that you have any suspicion that your girlfriend knows more than she's saying, Ronald?

RONALD CUMMINGS: No, there is not. And I would like for a lot of the false allegations to be discarded. There's been a lot of false allegations made by the mother and her mother. And I just don't -- I don't appreciate it. It's not a custody battle. This here is about finding a 5-year-old missing child, my daughter.

VAN SUSTEREN: It's unusual for a father to have custody. Why do you -- did you win custody in a battle for this child?

RONALD CUMMINGS: Absolutely, I did.

VAN SUSTEREN: What happened? Explain -- explain -- you know -- you know, usually, the mother gets the custody. Why did the court give you custody of your child?

RONALD CUMMINGS: The only way I can honestly answer you that without being rude to others is they chose the better parent and the one who could provide better for the two children.

VAN SUSTEREN: Crystal, what's your -- what's your -- what do you think in your heart and your mind tonight as to where this child is and what happened? What makes the most sense to you?

CRYSTAL CUMMINGS: I don't -- really can't tell you what happened to her. I mean, I think someone took her. I just want them to bring her back.

VAN SUSTEREN: Ronald, let me ask you the same question. What's your theory tonight? And I realize this is a very fluid situation, but what's your -- what do you think is the trail we should go down to look for this child? What do you think happened?

RONALD CUMMINGS: Somebody broke into my house and stole my daughter. I know because I specifically locked those doors before I left for work, and my child cannot unlock the deadbolt on that door because I have got the hole cut in a specific place where you have to force the door shut to get it to lock all the way. And I know it was locked all the way. I checked it myself. And she does not open the door for strangers or wander alone in the dark, nothing like that. So somebody broke into my home and stole my child.

VAN SUSTEREN: Was the door broken when you came home? Was that lock broken when you came home?

RONALD CUMMINGS: No. Obviously, a crowbar or something was used. I'm not sure. You'll have to speak more with the detectives about what was used or how it was done. I'm not sure.

VAN SUSTEREN: Ronald, Crystal, thank you both very much, and I very much hope that we're going to have good news and that child will be found, your daughter, Ronald, very soon and in good health. Thank you both.


RONALD CUMMINGS: Yes, thank you.

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on February 12, 2009, 11:11:02 AM

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just woke up, and our back door was open, and I can't find my daughter.

911 OPERATOR: Can't find what?


911 OPERATOR: OK. What's your address?


911 OPERATOR: What's the numerical?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The numerical? What's that?

911 OPERATOR: The number. Green Lane?


911 OPERATOR: OK, when did you last see her?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We just, like -- you know, it was about 10:00 o'clock. She was sleeping (INAUDIBLE)

911 OPERATOR: OK. How old is your daughter?


911 OPERATOR: OK. What was she last seen wearing?


911 OPERATOR: Ma'am?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She was in her pajamas. We were sleeping.

911 OPERATOR: OK. All right. You said your back door was wide open?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, with a brick. Like, there was a brick on the floor. Like, when I went to sleep, the door was not like that.

911 OPERATOR: OK, the back door -- listen to me. Your back door was wide open? What are you talking about a brick?


911 OPERATOR: What is the brick?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It's on the back door, on the -- on the stairs (INAUDIBLE) like, a walkway?

911 OPERATOR: And there was a brick laying there?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. It's still there.


911 OPERATOR: We got them coming. Tell him we got them coming.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They're coming.,2933,491368,00.html

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on February 12, 2009, 03:30:47 PM

Plus, we`ll have an update on the disappearance of another little Florida girl, 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings. An Amber Alert issued and the investigation being treated now as an abduction. I will be taking your calls. Call 1-877-JVM-SAYS. That`s 1-877-586-7297.

First, the desperate 911 call placed by Haleigh`s father, Ron.


RON CUMMINGS, FATHER OF HALEIGH: I just got home from work. My 5- year-old daughter is gone. I need somebody to be here now.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Listen to me. Listen to me. We`ve got two officers...

CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before y`all do, I`m killing them. I don`t care if I spend the rest of my life in prison. I`m telling you, you can put it on the report (ph). I don`t care.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s OK, sir. We`ve got them on the way. OK. an you give me any -- what kind of description of her? What was she wearing?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK, sir. They`re coming, OK?

CUMMINGS: I know somebody took my little girl. Some sorry piece of trash that will be wasted when it`s all over.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: A full-blown investigation under way in the small town of Satsuma, Florida. Tonight, less than 90 miles away from Orlando where little Caylee once lived, another frantic search is under way for a missing child.

Authorities say 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings was snatched from her home on Monday night. Haleigh was last seen by her father`s 17-year-old girlfriend who put the adorable little girl to bed at 10 at night. It wasn`t until after 3 in the morning that this teenage woman discovered Haleigh was missing. She immediately called 911.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just discovered my back door is open, and I can`t find my daughter.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She was in pajamas. We were sleeping.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. All right. You said your back door was wide open?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. [ inaudible ] when I was asleep, it was not like that.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. The back door -- listen to me. Your back door was wide open. What are you talking about a brick?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What is the brick?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s on the back door, on the stairs. Like it has a walkway.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Uh-huh. And there was a brick laying there?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. It`s still there.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Just hours ago, the Putnam County Florida Sheriff`s Department defined this case in no uncertain terms.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We are treating this like an abduction. We`ve had several questions about that. All of the world is a suspect. We are going to treat everybody, every family member, every associate, every neighbor, like a suspect until we can eliminate them.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: A warning to one and all.

We have so much to discuss, and I want to hear from you. The number, 1-877-JVM-SAYS. That`s 1-877-586-7297.

And of course, if you have any information at all, anything about Haleigh, please call immediately the Putnam County Sheriff`s Department. We will be giving you the number over and over again.

I am back with my panel, and we are joined my Jennifer Bauer, a reporter with our affiliate WJXT in Jacksonville, Florida. And on the phone is Sheriff Jeff Hardy of Putnam County, Florida.

Sheriff, thank you for joining us tonight. I know you`re busy working furiously to solve this case. So I appreciate you taking the time. Please describe what this 17-year-old woman says happened in and around the time this little girl disappeared, because we`ve been hearing various conflicting stories.

SHERIFF JEFF HARDY, PUTNAM COUNTY, FLORIDA: Yes. And thank you for taking the time to speak with me. I apologize about a poor cell connection out here.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: It`s pretty good.

HARDY: OK. Well, we know just what you heard with the 911 tape. We`re right at over 40 hours now that we`ve been unable to locate this young lady. We did receive the 911 call at 3:27 a.m. Our deputies were here shortly thereafter.

A short time later, we went ahead and dispatched our major crimes unit. They came out. And then, after that, we initiated the child abduction response team, which resulted in over 130 law enforcement agencies across northeast Florida that descended on the area. And we immediately began our -- our search by air, by water, ground searches, and we`ve continued those efforts through today.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Let me ask you this question, because a lot of us have expressed confusion. I`ve heard the story that this 17-year-old woman was asleep in bed with the little boy, who`s younger, and 5-year-old Haleigh. And that at some point in the night, it was discovered that this little girl was missing.

Since the mom was in the same bed, there`s two possibilities, I think. She got up to go to the bathroom, came back and found that the child was missing or she remained asleep while the child was taken. Which is it?

HARDY: Well, what we know is that at 10 o`clock was the last time that the girlfriend saw the child. Approximately 3 a.m., she woke up to use the bathroom, discovered the child missing, and then she observed that the back door of the residence was ajar. It was open. And the child was gone.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, did she discover the child was missing before she went to the bathroom or after she came back from the bathroom?

HARDY: That`s not known at this time, whether it was before or after, but it was within a matter of minutes of her getting up.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Because the thing that occurs to everyone is how do you come into a house -- and I understand it`s like a double-wide trailer - - and take a child out of the bed without waking anybody else when there`s two other individuals in the bed, without disturbing their sleep?

And yet, if she were to go to the bathroom and come back from the bathroom, it would be an odd coincidence that that abduction was timed precisely at the moment that she went to the bathroom.

HARDY: That`s a very good question, and that`s something that we are looking into in detail.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, you say that the -- that no one has been eliminated. What are you doing to try to conduct that process of elimination?

HARDY: Well, actually, we`ve actually got the FBI and -- they just sent a special team down from D.C. They were on the ground with us this morning. We`ve been conducting polygraphs with family members. I will let you know that everybody has been cooperative, just so you know.

And -- and that`s the phase we`re in now. We`re interviewing family members. We`re doing polygraphs. The results of those are not available right now.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Were there -- were there any inconsistencies between the 911 call and the stories that you were told when you arrived?

HARDY: Well, you know, we have some of the same questions you and your viewers will. You know, there are some inconsistencies here, but those are thoroughly going -- we`re looking at everything.


HARDY: So, you know, a matter of how upset this 17-year-old was. The father obviously is extremely upset. So, you know, we`ve got a -- we`ve got a bad situation here.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, Sheriff, I want to thank you for taking the time. And I wish you the best of luck. And let`s hope if anybody is watching out there and knows anything, they contact you immediately. Thank you, sir.

Jennifer Bauer, you`re a reporter on the scene. What is this search looking like from the ground? Because I understand it is intense. And ironically, it`s only about 70 miles away from where all the searches were conducted for little Caylee Anthony.

JENNIFER BAUER, INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER: It`s huge tonight. And you know, it`s ironic that a lot of those people from central Florida that were helping in the Caylee Anthony investigation are now here. Volusia County, Flagler County, Marion County from central Florida have all come up here now to northeast Florida to offer their services and support.

As you just heard the sheriff say, they are continuing to investigate. I can tell you, you know, after 7 p.m. here at night, it is not quiet. The command center is behind me. There are investigators coming and going throughout the day. And they`re giving us little bits of information as, of course, they learn it.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: We only have a couple of seconds. What about the biological mother?

BAUER: We were able to talk to the biological mother today for the first time. Her name is Crystal Sheffield. She does not have custody of Haleigh. In fact, the father, Ron Cummings, has custody of the little girl in the home where we think she was taken from.

The mother lives near the Florida/Georgia border, probably about an hour, an hour and a half from here. She has visitation. She talked to us a little bit. It seems like her and Haleigh`s father have a good relationship. Don`t have a lot of information about whether they were married or not.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: OK. Jennifer, we`ve got to leave it right there. But you`re doing a great job. I hope you come back and update us.

All right. Much more to cover in the disappearance of Haleigh Cummings. And we will stay on top of this case. We promise you, we won`t let it go. We have to find this little child.

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH CUMMINGS` BIOLOGICAL MOTHER: I just want my baby home. Whoever has got her, I just want them to bring her back.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: That was little Haleigh`s biological mother. When the child disappeared, she was with the biological father`s girlfriend. There you have the information on the Amber Alert. The phone lines are lighting up.

Sheba, Illinois, question or thought, ma`am?

CALLER: Hi, Jane. My question is since this Casey Anthony thing is going on, if they`re going to try to connect little Haleigh with any of this like Zanny the nanny or...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Oh, fascinating. Paul Callan, thoughts?

CALLAN: You know, except for the fact that they`re both in Florida, I really doubt it. It would be so bizarre if there was a connection between the two cases. But, you know, the names sound alike and everything. So I can understand why the listener would say that.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. Well, they`re two young children. They`re both very beautiful. They`re both blondish. And the location is just 70 miles` distance. Obviously, there`s a big time span, but it`s a very interesting question. Good point.

Danielle in Illinois, question, ma`am?

CALLER: I was just wondering what is going on with all of the missing children in Florida?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: You know, thank you for that. And I have to say, Jennifer Bauer, obviously there`s nothing about Florida. I love Florida. I actually worked in Ft. Myers for a number of years, and it`s one of my favorite places on the planet. But there does seem to be a lot of these cases popping up. We had the Jessica Lunsford case. We had the Carlie Brucia case. These are horrible tragedies.

BAUER: It`s frustrating, isn`t it? I mean, it`s horrible tragedies that we keep covering year after year after year.

I don`t know what to say. I don`t think people in Florida are more prone to let their children going missing. I know we`re a very populated state, so obviously, your chances of having an incident like this are more likely.

But, you know, it`s frustrating for everybody. It`s frustrating for us. It`s frustrating for the police, and it`s especially frustrating for the parents and the people who live in these communities.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Right. Let me ask Rick Robinson, the operator, the 911 operator told the girlfriend, "Do not touch the door." Because she said there was a door ajar. What do you make of that? Why?

ROBINSON: Well, there`s a number of things. The sheriff, of course, is going to get his CSI guys in there. He`s going to be looking for evidence.

And you know, our hearts go out to these people. I almost hope it really is an abduction so maybe the guy will let her go. But there`s so many -- there`s the inconsistency of -- how many 17-year-olds wake up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom? I`m 57. I wake up in the middle of the night, but that`s just not common.

And she waited by -- just what the sheriff said, 27 minutes before calling the police. That`s just -- that just doesn`t seem like something someone would do. But there are 44 sex offenders, registered sex offenders right in that immediate area. So these guys have got their hands full.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, I want to give Brian Russell the final word. Because certainly, it`s -- this woman has not been charged with anything. She`s not a suspect. And we have to give her the presumption, obviously, that she was just doing the right thing, calling 911. I mean, when something like this happens, people don`t always act rationally.

ROBINSON: Yes. First I`m looking at the family and if I rule out the family -- that`s the problem with the Casey Anthony case. It took so long to rule out the family, because Casey was so uncooperative. And it turns out that family member was ultimately charged.

So I`m looking first at the family. And, if I rule out everybody in the family, then I`m looking to those sex offenders. And as we`ve seen time and time and time again, I`m sure there were plenty around there who should not have been out.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. And we`re going to stay on top of this case. I want to thank you, fabulous panel. Great job, as always. Come back soon.

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: ospainter on February 13, 2009, 01:04:49 AM

NANCY GRACE for February 12, 2009
Aired February 12, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old little girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she vanishes into thin air, gone, the kitchen light on, the back door propped wide open. The father comes home from the night shift to find not a single trace of little Haleigh. How could a 5-year-old girl vanish from her own bed, a bed she apparently was sharing that night with her baby-sitter and 4-year-old brother?

The girlfriend/babysitter said she`s taken not one but two polygraphs and tells us she passed. Bloodhounds pick up the scent near a nearby river, but an intense sonar scan turns up nothing. The house turned upside down with police fingerprinting, searching and processing the scene. Tonight, the search by land, by air, by water. Where is 5-year-old Haleigh?


911 OPERATOR: What`s her date of birth?

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER: Y`all are (DELETED) playing games, man! I`m going to (DELETED) kill somebody!

911 OPERATOR: OK, tell him we understand. We need to get her date of birth.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What`s her date of birth?

CUMMINGS: (DELETED) her birthday! We need to find her! (DELETED) her date of birth!



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A frantic search is under way right now for Haleigh Cummings. She was last seen Monday night with her 2-year-old brother in her bedroom.

CUMMINGS: I don`t know what happened to my daughter, came up missing out of my house in the middle of the night. Besides that, no, I don`t know.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Detectives don`t know, either. Today they officially ruled Haleigh Cummings`s disappearance an abduction. Police believe someone snatched the 5-year-old from her Satsuma home. They say, at this point, everyone`s a suspect.

CUMMINGS: Yes, I have taken a polygraph. Yes, did I pass it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don`t know where she is or who has her! I just want her home!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Authorities say the back door was wide open, propped open with a cinderblock, but they don`t know whether it was left unlocked.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I put her to bed about 8:00 o`clock. I woke up and she was gone, and the back door was wide open! That`s the last I seen her is when I put her to bed!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Investigators have ruled out the possibility the child may have wandered off in the middle of the night because she`s afraid of the dark.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If you`ve done something with, her tell us where she`s at, if she`s OK, something. We just -- I want my daughter back.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. How could a 5-year-old Florida girl just vanish from her own bed, a bed she was sharing that night with her baby-sitter and 4-year-old brother? But has that story changed in just 24 hours? Tonight, where is 5-year-old Haleigh?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There`s been no sign of Haleigh Cummings in three days. And as you can imagine, emotions are running really high in that family.


CUMMINGS: I just got home from work, my 5-year-old daughter is gone. I need somebody to be here now, I`m telling you.

911 OPERATOR: Listen to me. Listen to me. We`ve got two officers...

CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before y`all do, I`m killing him. I don`t care. I`ll spend the rest of my life in prison, I`m telling you.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Florida police and the FBI launched a massive search from both the ground and the air. Detectives say they found no evidence that Haleigh wandered away from her dad`s mobile home.


911 OPERATOR: OK. It`s OK, sir. We`ve got them on the way. OK, can you give me any -- what kind of description of her pajamas that she was wearing?

CUMMINGS: I don`t (DELETED) know! I was at work!

911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, we`ve got them coming, OK?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have not stopped our search. We had several different bloodhounds that were brought to the area with the helicopter and the ground forces.

CUMMINGS: I just want my daughter home safe.

We want her back. That`s all we want. We don`t want revenge. I just want my daughter back. That`s it.


GRACE: Out to Joy Purdy with WTLV at the command center. Also joining us tonight, the mother of the missing 5-year-old girl, Crystal Sheffield. Joy, what`s the latest? Has the story shifted?

JOY PURDY, WTLV: This is very interesting, Nancy. We`ll talk about the search in just a moment, which has been called off for tonight. It`s going to continue tomorrow into a much bigger event.

But you were talking about the father, the father of Haleigh Cummings, his girlfriend, she was the last one to see the little girl. She told us today on camera just a few hours ago that no, Haleigh was not in the bed with her. Haleigh was actually sleeping in her own bed when she disappeared. Whether or not that bed is situated in the same room as the father`s girlfriend, we don`t know. But we have learned -- she has told us that they weren`t sleeping in the same bed, so that opens up all kinds of new questions here.

GRACE: Joy, it certainly does. Let`s take a listen to what she had to say.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I put her to bed about 8:00 o`clock, and I woke up and she was gone and the back door was wide open! That was the last time I seen her, was when I put her to bed.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Were you all in the same bed?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No. She was in her bed in front of the TV, and me and junior were in my bed.


GRACE: That is contrary to what we were told last night. We were told last night the 5-year-old girl was in the bed with the girlfriend/baby-sitter and the 4-year-old brother. Now, if they were in the same room, fine, I understand that. But even a slight change in story is highly significant.

With me right now, a very special guest, the mother of missing Haleigh. Crystal Sheffield is joining us there at the Satsuma command center. Ms. Sheffield, thank you for being with us.


GRACE: Ms. Sheffield, where were you at the time little Haleigh went missing?

SHEFFIELD: I was in Baker County, at my house.

GRACE: How did you learn she was gone?

SHEFFIELD: Ronald`s mother, Teresa Nieves (ph), called me at 3:49 AM in the morning and told me that Haleigh was gone.

GRACE: And what did you do?

SHEFFIELD: At first, I thought it was a prank, kind of. And then she was, like, The police are there, and I heard them in the background and then it hit me that it was not a prank.

GRACE: OK. Now, what time did you say they called you?

SHEFFIELD: It was 3:49 AM.

GRACE: And who called you?

SHEFFIELD: Teresa Nieves, Ronald`s mother.

GRACE: When was the last time you saw Haleigh?

SHEFFIELD: Two weeks ago.

GRACE: Was there any problem? Were there any tensions in the home that you knew of?


GRACE: When they called to tell you little Haleigh was missing, Ms. Sheffield, did they have a theory about what had happened to her?

SHEFFIELD: They just said that someone come in there and took her, is what they told me.

GRACE: Ms. Sheffield, were you -- with me, everyone, is little Haleigh`s mother. Crystal Sheffield is joining us. She lives many miles away from the little girl but sees her on a regular basis. Ms. Sheffield, when you were first told about the circumstances of Haleigh`s disappearance, were you told she was asleep in the bed with the girlfriend/baby-sitter and the little brother?

SHEFFIELD: Yes, I was. I was told they was all three in the same bed.

GRACE: You`re sure?

SHEFFIELD: I`m sure.

GRACE: Is there any doubt in your mind that they represented they were all in the same bed together?

SHEFFIELD: That`s what they said, that -- I was told they was all three in the same bed.

GRACE: And now what have you learned?

SHEFFIELD: I`ve heard that Junior was in another room, and it was just her and Haleigh in the bed. And now I`m hearing that they were both in the other room and she was in the bed by herself. Haleigh and Junior was in their own room.

GRACE: OK. Hold on, Ms. Sheffield. Rosy (ph), can you play me back that sound we just heard from the girlfriend? OK, Ms. Sheffield, please go through that with me one more time. First you thought they were all three in the bed together sleeping, waiting on the father to get home. He was at work. Then you were told what?

SHEFFIELD: At first, I was told they was all three in the same bed.

GRACE: Right.

SHEFFIELD: Then it was Junior was in the kids` room in his bed, and it was Haleigh and Misty in their bed, in the big bed.


SHEFFIELD: And then I heard that Haleigh and Junior were both in their room, in their own room, not Misty`s room.

GRACE: Ms. Sheffield, I know this may sound crazy to you, but let me ask you about this change in story. When you heard the second version, that Junior was in the kids` room and Haleigh and Misty were together, who told you that?

SHEFFIELD: Where did I hear it? I don`t remember where I heard it. My mind`s just...

GRACE: All right. When you heard that Haleigh and Junior were both in the children`s room, who told you that?

SHEFFIELD: Who told me that?

MARIE GRIFFIS, MATERNAL GRANDMOTHER: I don`t remember that. That`s the first story that we heard.

GRACE: Everybody, also, you`re hearing the voice of the maternal grandmother of Haleigh. That`s Marie Griffis. She`s also with us there at the command center, everyone converging there at Satsuma, Florida, to find this little girl.

Let`s unleash the lawyers. Joining us tonight, Eleanor Dixon out of Atlanta, Peter Odom, veteran defense attorney out of Atlanta, and Gwen Lindsay-Jackson, defense attorney out of New York.

But first to Mark Lunsford joining us out of Homosassa, Florida, the father of little Jessie Lunsford, who disappeared under extremely similar circumstances. Mark, what do you make of it?

MARK LUNSFORD, FATHER OF MURDERED JESSICA: Well, I mean, to start off with, I mean, I`d have to say with the work that I`ve been involved with and the things that I`ve done, you know, there`s going to be a lot of things flying through the air...

GRACE: Right.

LUNSFORD: ... miscommunications (INAUDIBLE)

GRACE: So this may be nothing. This may just be a blip on the screen.

LUNSFORD: It could be. But you bring up a good point by bringing it up. And what the family should do is to rely on your victim advocate. They will answer any question, any doubts, any rumors flying. These are the people to get the correct answers.

GRACE: You know, everybody, Mark Lunsford, the father of Jessie Lunsford -- and he is now with

Back to Eleanor, Peter, and Gwen Lindsay-Jackson. Eleanor, he`s got a point. This could either be an extremely significant change in the story - - because when you`re talking about a missing 5-year-old, where she was the last time she was seen alive is highly probative, and if a story changes even subtly, that casts doubt on who`s telling the story. But on the other hand, I went back tonight before I came to air and re-read all of the wires and all of the notes, and what she said at the beginning, the baby- sitter/girlfriend was, I was sleeping next to her. Did that mean in the next room? Did that mean in the next bed?

Maybe Mark Lunsford is right that this is just a miscommunication. What do you think?

ELEANOR DIXON, PROSECUTOR: I think that could be a possibility, that it`s a miscommunication, and in being so upset and frantic for this missing child, she could have said that. But I think the police are also keeping things very close to the vest.

GRACE: Peter?

PETER ODOM, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: A migrating story can be a sign of guilt, but you`ve got to make sure that it really is inconsistent, as you suggested.

GRACE: Gwen?

GWEN LINDSAY-JACKSON, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I think that it could be considered an excited utterance. I mean, certainly, she knew where she was when this child was asleep. It`s not a hard question.

GRACE: I`ve got a problem with it.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I got up because I had to use the bathroom, but I didn`t make it to the bathroom. I seen the kitchen light on, and I walked in the kitchen and the back door`s wide open. And I didn`t notice about Haleigh then, until I seen the back door open. Then I (INAUDIBLE) and she`s gone! And that`s all I know!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There`s no longer any reason to believe that the child simply wandered outside, so we are treating this absolutely like an abduction.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (INAUDIBLE) any one of us and our children. Anyone. Nobody knows whether it`s a psycho or sicko. Nobody knows. Anyone. Anyone. You don`t know.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All the world`s a suspect right now.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I put her to bed around 8:00 o`clock. And I woke up and she was gone and the back door was wide open. The last time I seen her was when I put her to bed.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Were you all in the same bed?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No. She was in her bed in front of the TV, and me and Junior were in my bed.


GRACE: Where is 5-year-old little Haleigh? Out to Michelle Sigona with "America`s Most Wanted" why did the girlfriend/baby-sitter take two polys?

MICHELLE SIGONA, "AMERICA`S MOST WANTED": Well, at this point, investigators, you know, wanted to re-question and question her again. And she has been cooperating, from what they tell me. She`s not a suspect at this time, Nancy. Neither is the father of the children.

So I have spoken to the father. I just got off the phone with him about an hour ago, and from what he tells me, is that there were evidently two beds inside of one of the rooms, and from what he says, is that Haleigh was in the smaller bed, and that his son, who they call Junior, who`s 3 years old -- he`ll be 4 on Sunday -- was actually in the bed with his girlfriend.

GRACE: OK. That can clarify some of the inconsistencies, I believe.

Out to the lines. Anne in New Hampshire. Hi, Anne.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. First of all, our prayers are with the family. And this is so scary because it is so like the Jessica Lunsford case, where the father worked a third shift, you know, and in the trailer park. And the fact that there were 44 registered sex offenders in the area -- my first question is, I want to know if, like in the Jessica Lunsford case, they went around in the immediate area where the people lived and checked all the trailers, although Jessica, they believe, was in Couey`s trailer`s closet and they missed her and she was probably still alive. Have they done this really thorough check of all of the trailers in the area where the child lives?

GRACE: To Joy Purdy with WTLV. What do you know, Joy?

PURDY: Well, we talked with the sheriff about that. He was asked that specifically today, the sheriff of the Putnam County sheriff`s office. He said yes, they are checking with every sex offender. They are going into homes and checking. They`re very aware of what happened in that case, so they don`t want that to happen again. So they are tracing their steps again and again and again, and even checking other people`s homes, residents who are allowing them to come in two, three times. So they`re being very thorough.

GRACE: Michelle Sigona, do you know any more?

SIGONA: I can tell you that all 44 sex offenders within a five-mile radius, Nancy, have all been located and questioned. And from what the lead detective on this case told me about three hours ago was that, at this point, all of them have checked out from the time that Haleigh was last seen up until the time she allegedly disappeared around 3:30 in the morning.

Now, that`s not saying that they may not go back and check those particular sex offenders again and also other people in the area. Right now, they`re focussing a lot on the ground searches and also by air, by ground, in the water. They`re bringing in cadaver dogs from Georgia. They have five in from Georgia right now and are expecting 10 more by tomorrow morning. So these investigators are going on day four tomorrow, Nancy, and they`re just not giving up.

GRACE: Last night, the father, Ronald Cummings, was with us for our whole program, and I found him to be extremely sincere.

Out to Dr. Bethany Marshall, psychoanalyst and author of "Dealbreakers." I know you have studied his interviews. What do you think, Bethany?

BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST: He was sincere, distraught. He immediately offered to take a polygraph. I believe that he is a victim and not a perpetrator in this situation. The 17-year-old -- I have some questions about her. Not to victimize the victim here, but why was she a caretaker of these little children? Was she a willing caretaker? How did she feel about them? Were there other people in and out of the home? Yes, you can pick up a 5-year-old and lug them from one place to another and they will stay asleep. Yes, because she was not the bio mom, it would make sense that she didn`t wake up.

But what doesn`t make sense is that whoever came into this home anticipated that she wouldn`t wake up. So what kind of activity was there in and out of the house? Was there drug activity, I would wonder?

And then finally, those 44 sex offenders -- sex offenders offend on average for 17 years before they`re caught. So these are known sex offenders. What about people in the community who are sex offenders but who have not come to the attention of law enforcement? There are just so many questions in this situation.

GRACE: Back to the mother of 5-year-old little Haleigh. Crystal, Ms. Sheffield, what are the police theories right now? What are they telling you?

SHEFFIELD: They haven`t really told us nothing. Like, they`re just - - they just said they`re going to keep searching. They haven`t found anything or -- so...

GRACE: To Marie Griffis, Ms. Griffis, what do you make of the story about the back door being propped open? And I believe it`s been verified that Ronald Cummings was, in fact, at work.

GRIFFIS: Well, the back door being propped open -- who is going to take time to prop open a back door if you`re going to abduct a child? It don`t make sense.



911 OPERATOR: OK, was your back door locked, do you know?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, the back door always stays locked.

CUMMINGS: I need somebody to get here now!

911 OPERATOR: OK, let me speak to (INAUDIBLE).

CUMMINGS: I just got home from work. My 5-year-old daughter is gone. I need somebody to be here now. I`m telling you...

911 OPERATOR: Listen to me. Listen to me. We`ve got two officers...

CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before y`all do, I`m killing him. I don`t care. I`ll spend the rest of my life in prison, I`m telling you. You can put it on the report, and I don`t care.

911 OPERATOR: OK. It`s OK, sir. We`ve got them on the way. OK, can you give me any -- what kind of description of her pajamas that she was wearing?

CUMMINGS: I don`t (DELETED) know! I was at work!

911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, we`ve got them coming, OK?




911 OPERATOR: What`s her date of birth?

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER: Y`all are (DELETED) playing games, man! I`m going to (DELETED) kill somebody!

911 OPERATOR: OK, tell him we understand. We need to get her date of birth.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What`s her date of birth?

CUMMINGS: (DELETED) her birthday! We need to find her! (DELETED) her date of birth!



911 OPERATOR: The officers are going to come out there and do what they can. We can`t have him screaming and yelling at the officers whenever they get there, OK?

CUMMINGS: Give me my (DELETED) phone! I got better people to talk to than a (DELETED) that ain`t coming!


GRACE: That is the father, hysterical. His daughter is gone when he gets home from the night shift.

Out to the lines. To Adrena in West Virginia. Hi, dear.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hey, I was wondering if, like, the abductor might watch them for, like, weeks, and got their, like, schedule (INAUDIBLE) What if he propped open the door and then, like, he knew that, like, the girl -- he knocked on the door and she might have thought it was her dad and, like, he -- she opened the door, and he, like, snatched her. He thought it would be quicker if he propped open the door.

GRACE: That`s an entirely possible scenario. I want to go back to Haleigh`s grandmother, Marie Griffis, tonight joining us along with the mother of little Haleigh, Crystal Sheffield.

Ms. Griffis, you were mentioning, who would take the time to prop open the door during a kidnapping. What do you mean by that?

GRIFFIS: It would take -- anybody that was going to take a child out of a house, it seems like they would want to get in and out as quick as possible. So who would want to take the time to prop open a door?

GRACE: And -- and...

GRIFFIS: They would want to open it and go through...

GRACE: And turn on the kitchen light.

GRIFFIS: And get the child and leave.


GRIFFIS: It`s never safe to say that someone in the family or an associate of the family is not a suspect. However, all the world`s a suspect right now. We have not excluded the world because we`re focusing on a couple of family members or...



911 DISPATCHER: OK, was your, was your back door locked, do you know?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, the back door always stays locked.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We need somebody to get here now.

911 DISPATCHER: OK, let me to speak to him so.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, yes, yes, yes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I just got home from work, my 5-year-old daughter is gone.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I need somebody to be here now. I`m telling you.

911 DISPATCHER: Listen to me, listen to me. We got two officers.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If I find whoever has my daughter before you all do I`m killing him. I don`t care. I`ll spend the rest of my life in prison.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m telling you. You can put it on recording, I don`t care.

911 DISPATCHER: OK. It`s OK, sir. We`ve got them on the way. OK? Can you give me any -- what kind of description of her pajamas that she was wearing?


911 DISPATCHER: OK, sir. We got them coming, OK?

What`s her date of birth?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You all are (EXPLETIVE DELETED) playing games, man, I`m going to (EXPLETIVE DELETED) kill somebody.

911 DISPATCHER: OK. Tell him we understand. We need to get her date of birth.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What`s her date of birth?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (EXPLETIVE DELETED) we need to find her. What`s her date of birth?

911 DISPATCHER: Tell him we got them coming. He needs to try to calm down a little bit, OK? The officers are going to come out there and do what they. We can`t have him screaming and yelling at the officers whenever they get there, OK?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Give my (EXPLETIVE DELETED) phone. I got better people to talk to than a (EXPLETIVE DELETED) mother that ain`t coming.

911 DISPATCHER: 911, what`s your emergency?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just woke up and our back door was open and we can`t find our daughter.

911 DISPATCHER: You can`t find what?


911 DISPATCHER: OK. What`s your address?


911 DISPATCHER: What`s the numerical?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Numerical, what`s that?

911 DISPATCHER: The number, Green Lane?


911 DISPATCHER: OK. When did you last see her?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We just like, you know, it was about 10:00, (INAUDIBLE), she was sleeping.

911 DISPATCHER: OK. How old is your daughter?


911 DISPATCHER: OK. What was she last seen wearing? Ma`am?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She was in her pajamas. We were sleeping.

911 DISPATCHER: What, what does she look like? How tall is she? Give me some description on her?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She has like, like long hair, curly, like curls.

911 DISPATCHER: Long curled, what color?


911 DISPATCHER: OK, what color hair? She`s got brown hair?


911 DISPATCHER: OK. How tall is she about? Or how much does she weigh, do you know that?


911 DISPATCHER: About how tall or how much does she weigh?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Like four something like, I don`t know, like she`s not that tall.

911 DISPATCHER: OK. Tell your husband we got them coming, OK?


911 DISPATCHER: How much does she weigh, do you know?


911 DISPATCHER: How much does she weigh?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Um, like, 40, 50 pounds, 60 pounds.

911 DISPATCHER: Forty to sixty pounds?


911 DISPATCHER: OK, sir, let me talk to you wife. Let me get some information from her.


911 DISPATCHER: OK. Can I talk to her?


911 DISPATCHER: OK, listen to me. I need you to answer some questions. Does the door look like it was pried open?


911 DISPATCHER: Does it look like -- does it look like you had some sort of someone try to enter into your house?


911 DISPATCHER: And another thing, make sure you and your husband don`t touch the door anymore. Don`t mess with the door or anything.


911 DISPATCHER: It doesn`t look like it is?


911 DISPATCHER: OK. Now listen, tell your husband not touch anything, make sure.


911 DISPATCHER: Because we`re going to try and get a canine out there, OK?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. She said don`t touch anything because they are bringing a canine out here.

911 DISPATCHER: OK, listen to me. I`m getting this information. I`m not the officer driving out there, OK?


911 DISPATCHER: They`re coming out there to handle that situation. I need to gather all information from you over the phone.


911 DISPATCHER: It has nothing to do with me driving out there. The officers are taking care of that, OK? They`re coming out there, OK?


911 DISPATCHER: OK. I`m going t stay on the phone with you, OK?


911 DISPATCHER: Until they get there, OK? Tell him we got them coming. He needs to try to calm down a little bit, OK? The officers are going to come out there and do what they can. We can`t have him screaming and yelling at the officers whenever they get there, OK?


NANCY GRACE, HOST: That`s enough to make me leave the anchor desk and run, not walk, run home to check on the twins. The father gets off of the night shift, his little girl, 5 years old, gone out of the bed where she was sleeping.

Joining me, Joy Purdy and Michelle Sigona there at the command center, Crystal Sheffield, Marie Griffis, the mother and grandmother of the little girl.

To Joy Purdy, who was the last person outside the family who saw her and when?

PURDY: Oh, goodness, outside the family we would have to imagine it was some of her schoolmates because it was early Tuesday morning that she disappeared and she does attend school here, but everyone has been focusing on the family because the father`s girlfriend was the last one to see her.

GRACE: Right. And her story is she was last seen around 10:00 with the girlfriend goes to bed, but who can verify the last time she was seen by somebody other than girlfriend, last seen alive? Was it that day when she got out of school at 3:00?

Did anybody else see her after 3 p.m., I guess, when she gets out of school? Do we have any idea? Did she go to school on Monday? I mean do we know that she went to school that day? What do we know, Joy?

PURDY: We don`t know about anything that happened that Monday. Everything has started from that Tuesday morning. You`re going have to ask the sheriff about that.

GRACE: Yes, and see.

PURDY: But we.

GRACE: Where I`m going with this is we have her word placing the girl alive and well at 10 p.m. I want to find out the last person to have seen her.

We are taking your calls live. To Sherry in Connecticut, hi, Sherry.

SHERRY, FROM CONNECTICUT: Hi, Nancy. How are you?

GRACE: I`m good, dear. What`s your question?

SHERRY: Good. I just want to start out by saying really quick that I just absolutely love you to death. I watch your show faithfully. I`m the mother of a 3-year-old and this really touches home.

My question is, real quick is, why is young Haleigh living with the father and not the mother? Does anybody know that? Is there some sort of family dispute going on?

GRACE: Well, I know that the two have been apart. With me is the mother.

How often, Crystal Sheffield, do you see her and why did she end up being with him?

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, MOM OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I see them every two weeks. I pick them up on Friday at 6:00 and return them on Sunday at 6:00.

When me and Ronald split up I had the children with me, and I didn`t have the heart to keep them from him, and I let him come get them and he was supposed to return them to me and he never did, and then he went to the courthouse and filed for temporary custody, and the first court date was sent out to an address in Jacksonville, and it was a bogus address.

I never lived there, so I missed that court date, and then when we went for the custody hearing, they just -- I feel like they just blew me off, but they said they gave him custody because it was the best interest for the children.

GRACE: Are you saying the court blew you off?

SHEFFIELD: I just felt like they was all on his side.

GRACE: Do you know if she was in school on Monday?

SHEFFIELD: I have no idea. I know she`s missed a bunch of days because he told me that if she -- I don`t remember what day it was, but he called and was talking -- I was supposed to pick them up and he said I didn`t want to take her out of school because if she missed any more school that they was going to put him in jail.

GRACE: Why was she missing so much school?

SHEFFIELD: I don`t know.

GRACE: Was she sick?

SHEFFIELD: She may have been, but honestly, I don`t know.

GRACE: Well, I`ll be right back. We`re taking your calls.

SHEFFIELD: She does get sick a lot.

GRACE: We are taking your calls live. As we go to break we ask for your prayers for Georgia friend of the show in the hospital, Jimmy Stokes.

Jimmy, please stay strong and get well.

And tonight, at your request, photos of the twins. They`ll be on the Web tonight. Here is John David in mommy`s closet. Lucy making mommy try on dress up shoes with her gym pants and Lucy trying them on herself. These are their pajamas. Yes, they just got these and they still don`t know how to go forward, just backwards.

There`s John David at music class. There`s his instructor Jess singing. Here they are playing on the floor. Oh, at Barnes & Noble, their favorite place in the world. Back in mommy`s closet with a flip-flop and a tennis shoe.



SHEFFIELD: I just want whoever`s got her to bring her home. That`s all I want is my baby home.

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I just want my daughter home safe. If you have my daughter and you`re watching this, drop her off somewhere safe, call 911, call the local authorities wherever you drop her off. Bring her back anonymous. Give her to someone else to bring back. However she`s back, we want her back safe. If you`ve done something with her, tell us where she`s at, if she`s OK. Something, we just -- I want my daughter back. That`s it.


GRACE: To former NYPD detective, Michael Sapraicone -- Michael, I can understand confusion if two beds were in one bedroom, and she said we were all sleeping together and she was right beside me. I can understand if there were two beds like that. But according to the mother and grandmother one story was they were in another room, both the children were in another room.

MICHAEL SAPRAICONE, FMR. NYPD DETECTIVE PRESIDENT OF SQUAD SECURITY INC.: Well, I understand your point about the beds in the bedroom, Nancy. But I`m really more concerned over the door. There`s more issues with the door here. I mean.

GRACE: Explain.

SAPRAICONE: You have this -- husband, the boyfriend goes to work every night. He works until 2:00, 3:00 in the morning, so this girl closes this door and locks that door because she`s the caretaker there, for this 3-year-old and this 5-year-old. How does that just so happen to be open that evening? And how does a predator just happen to come to that one particular trailer and find that door open?

I mean is there any indication that somebody tried other doors in the trail park? No, we don`t have that. So he just happens to wander into this one trailer, open that door and sure enough there`s a 5-year-old girl he can take out of that bedroom. That doesn`t add up.

I`d like to look at the inner circle a little bit. And then I`d like to look at the nature under the friends. Something`s going on in that house. As you said before, we don`t know what happens to her after she gets home from school on Monday. We do know the father picked her up at school at 3:00 or 3:30 on Monday. But then we don`t know what happened? What`s the timeline from 3:00 until 10:00 that night when this girl Misty says she put her to bed at 8:00?

GRACE: You know, that`s an interesting point.

Michelle Sigona with "America`s Most Wanted," aren`t police saying that they`re taking the timeline back 30 days now?

SIGONA: Yes, police are definitely taking their time. They`re going back through the timeline. They also have closed off the entire mobile home, Nancy, at this time just in case they need to go back in and secure more evidence. They have collected that cinder block that was allegedly propped -- that propped up the door open and a few other things that have been sent to the crime lab in Jacksonville right now.

And they do have a forensic rush on those materials at this time and if they need to go back into the home to pull more things out at least they have it there readily accessible. So they are looking at a timeline. They are looking at people.

GRACE: Where is the family staying?

SIGONA: Right now -- evidently according to the dad as of just a couple of hours ago, he`s staying in a tent nearby. He described it to me as something, I guess, it`s just sort of a tent out in the open that he and the girlfriend are staying at and they`re not staying at the home.

GRACE: To the Dr. Zhongxue Hua, he`s the Union County, New Jersey medical examiner. Dr. Hua, thank you for being with us.

Dr. Hua, I want to talk to you about the cinder block that apparently had the backdoor propped open. What kind of forensic evidence can you get from a cement block?

DR. ZHONGXUE HUA, UNION CO., N.J. MEDICAL EXAMINER: The first thing is any fingerprints down there, is there any DNA down there? I mean lots of things can be tested and obviously have to be examined very carefully and don`t forget -- I mean one thing is use a cinder block to prop the door open, (INAUDIBLE), you have to touch the door to open the door. I mean there are lots of things you can look at at this point.

GRACE: I want to go back to the mother of little Haleigh and the maternal grandmother. Crystal Sheffield, Marie Griffis is joining us tonight.

Crystal, you have a problem with the door as well. What are your thoughts?

SHEFFIELD: Yes. I just -- it`s just -- if the door was locked like they said it was.

GRIFFIS: By Ronald.

SHEFFIELD: Ronald said he locked that door when he left for work and it`s supposedly high up enough to where Haleigh could not reach it, I just don`t understand how somebody just got in there and nothing was broke on the door.

GRACE: Was it a padlock or a.

SHEFFIELD: Someone had to have a key.

GRACE: A dead bolt or a padlock?

SHEFFIELD: A dead bolt. A dead bolt.


SHEFFIELD: It was a dead bolt.

GRACE: To Joy Purdy with WTLV, was there sign of forced entry?

PURDY: That`s another interesting story because we`re getting conflicting reports. We`ve heard, at first, that there was a sign of forced entry. The police here tell us there was no sign of forced entry. So they`re still interviewing, trying to figure out what exactly is going on here.

GRACE: Joy, have you looked at the door even at a distance?

PURDY: We did look at a door. You can`t see -- you do have quite a bit of access. You can go right up to the home even though there`s police crime tape against it.

GRACE: Right.

PURDY: You can see three sides of the home, but you can`t see the fourth side on the back.

GRACE: Got it.

PURDY: You can see a door. You can see a screen door.


PURDY: So we don`t know if that`s the actual door.

GRACE: Back to Crystal and Marie. Crystal, have you been in the home since you`ve been there on Monday?

SHEFFIELD: Yes, I have not. No, I have not.

GRACE: You have not? Marie, have you?


GRACE: Do you have any.

GRIFFIS: No, I haven`t been...

GRACE: Do you have any idea what kind of lock was on the backdoor?

GRIFFIS: No, we don`t. All we know is Ronald said there was a dead bolt on the backdoor on the inside that was up high enough that Haleigh couldn`t.


GRIFFIS: . get to it and that he locked and secured that door before he went to work.

GRACE: Dead bolt. All right, back to the lawyers, Eleanor Dixon, Peter Odom, Gwen Lindsay-Jackson.

Eleanor, what do you make of it?

DIXON: Well, the door is important, but you know what else is important is the cell phone records, Nancy. Nobody has mentioned that. Did the mom call anyone that night? Did dad -- I mean the girlfriend, did the dad call anyone at night? Those could tell you a lot as well.

GRACE: What about it, Peter?

ODOM: Nancy, I think that the propped open door adds credence to Misty`s story. Anyone who is abducting this child would want to get out of the house quickly while carrying a child and they would want to prop open that door. So I`m falling on Misty`s side on -- that fact.

GRACE: And to Gwen Lindsay-Jackson, I know that there are inconsistencies right now with the girlfriend`s story. But you got to remember not far from this spot, almost the exact same scenario, Jesse Lunsford was taken out of the grandparent`s home. They were asleep feet away. She was taken out of her bed. Nobody heard a word.

LINDSAY-JACKSON: Yes, that`s certainly the case. But in here my gut feeling is we need to look a little more closely at this 17-year-old. I don`t like the fact that her statement apparently is changing. I sort of think that when she said originally that they were in the bed together, that`s what she said and that`s what we`re hearing, that she was under so much stress that she was making that excited utterance, and that`s what happened.

Now whether or not she left that child unattended after that husband or that boyfriend left and she`s afraid to tell the truth, that`s another story. We know that the child probably couldn`t have unlocked the door? Did she leave and then leave the house unsecure? Was there something else that happened in the home? Did somebody else come? Did she let somebody else into the house? Was there a fight? What happened?

I think they need to squeeze the 17-year-old, Nancy. I`m troubled with her.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We are offering opportunities to make free wide open statements, free-form statements. And we`re offering polygraphs to everybody, to give them the opportunity to eliminate themselves as suspects. All the world are suspects right now.


GRACE: Now, last night when I spoke to the father, Ronald Cummings, he told me there was just a plastic lock on the door that it would not have been hard to break into.

To Danielle in Ohio, hi, Danielle.

DANIELLE, FROM OHIO: Hi, Nancy. First of all.

GRACE: What`s your question, dear?

DANIELLE: First of all, I want to tell you you`re great. Love the twins. I would like to know if the police are using any type of heat seeking technology on helicopters to search the woods.

GRACE: I believe they are using infrared. What about it, Joy Purdy?

PURDY: They definitely are. We`ve seen the helicopter from the floor.


PURDY: . of Fisher Wildlife Commission all day. They have infrared on it.

GRACE: To Courtney in Colorado, hi, Courtney.

COURTNEY, FROM COLORADO: Hi, I just wanted to tell you that we love your show. We watch it all the time.

GRACE: Thank you.

COURTNEY: Well, the question on my mind is she`s 17 years old.

GRACE: Right.

COURTNEY: The dad is at work.

GRACE: Right.

COURTNEY: Isn`t it possible that she could have friends or, you know, someone else come over during that time and leave the door propped for them to come in and out without disturbing the kids while sleeping?

GRACE: OK. First of all, thank you for watching faithfully and for calling in.

What about that scenario, Michelle Sigona?

SIGONA: Here`s what we do know, Nancy. At this point, from what she has told investigators, no one else was in the home at the time. Whether that door was propped open after the father left for work at 4:00 p.m., he did not get home until 3:30 in the morning, it`s hard to tell. She did not -- the girlfriend did not go to bed until 10:00 at night. She alleged that the children went to bed around 8:00 p.m. at night. So did she have someone there between 10:00 p.m. and 3:30 a.m.? It`s possible but we`re not too sure.

GRACE: Well, we haven`t heard that scenario from any of the law enforcement.

Everyone, I want to give you a tip line, 386-329-0808. There`s $35,000 reward.

Let`s stop and remember, Army Private Jordan Thibeault, 22, South Jordan, Utah, killed Iraq on a second tour. Awarded the Army Commendation Medal. Loved airplanes, military history, math. Leaves behind parents John and Celeste, one sister.

Jordan Thibeault, American hero.

Thanks to our guests but especially to you for being with us. I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on February 13, 2009, 05:07:13 PM

Caylee Confirmed Cremated; Bounty Hunter Claims Casey`s Fingerprints Found on Caylee; Grandfather Speaks about Missing Haleigh

Aired February 12, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET



JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HOST (voice-over): Tonight, more Caylee Anthony case craziness. First, bounty hunter Leonard Padilla makes a startling claim.

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: I heard this morning that there were fingerprints and that the prints are Casey`s.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Will this really be the incriminating evidence that ties Casey to the murder of her little girl? We`ll investigate.

Then a Caylee Anthony memorial in a park? That`s what Anthony family representatives plan to do to honor little Caylee.

And the family now confirms they`ve cremated Caylee and stored her remains at a secret location, fearful they would be stolen from the home. Has it really come to that?

And finally, an answer to the CMA mystery.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Who was Casey`s brother talking to? Who is CMA? We`ll have the answer.

Plus, a desperate family plea for the return of little Haleigh Cummings.

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH`S MOTHER: All I want is my baby home.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Meanwhile, investigators are operating on the assumption that Haleigh was abducted and are not excluding anyone as a suspect. The massive search effort expands as teams of search parties descend on central Florida, including some of the very same people involved in Caylee`s search. We`ll have the latest.

And octo-mom, about to octo-pop as the controversy surrounding the single mother of 14 continues to balloon out of control. You`ve got to see this.

ISSUES starts now.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tonight, breaking developments in the new Florida missing child case the whole nation is watching. Five-year-old Haleigh Cummings vanished from her bed early Tuesday. Her anguished grandfather will join me in just moments.

But first, a look inside the agonizing decision the Anthony family has made regarding little Caylee`s final resting place. After a flurry of conflicting reports, Anthony family attorney Brad Conway now confirms that Caylee`s remains have been cremated.

The shocker: Caylee`s ashes are not at the family home. They fear somebody might steal them. Has it really come to this? Apparently, it has.

Conway also reveals that George and Cindy`s decision to defy their daughter`s wish that Caylee be buried and cremate her instead was not taken lightly. They were concerned that a headstone might be a target for vandals. What a shocking commentary on how ugly this case has gotten. Conway added the family plans to build a Caylee Anthony memorial in a park to honor her memory.

Plus, the question surrounding Lee Anthony`s use of the initials "CMA" at Caylee`s memorial are finally answered. The family attorney says Lee was talking to all of them.

Also tonight, remember the duct tape that was reportedly wrapped around little Caylee`s head. Bounty hunter Leonard Padilla dropped this shocker on HLN`s "NANCY GRACE" last night.


PADILLA: I heard this morning that there were fingerprints and that the prints are Casey`s.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Stunning new evidence, but how will it impact Casey`s murder trial?

And Casey`s attorney, Jose Baez, has reportedly dumped the mysterious three-headed Todd Black and hired a new media rep, Marti MacKenzie. She is known for repping high-profile defendants, like former astronaut Lisa Nowak. She, of course, is the love triangle astronaut who drove cross country wearing a diaper. You cannot make this stuff up.

Let`s go to my expert panel. Wendy Murphy, former prosecutor and law professor at New England School of Law; Drew Findling, Atlanta criminal defense attorney; and Leslie Snadowsky, investigative reporter.

Leslie, what is the very latest?

LESLIE SNADOWSKY, INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER: George and Cindy Anthony`s attorney, Brad Conway, has come out and saying that Caylee Anthony`s remains have been cremated, but no, they`re not at the Anthony home. The Anthonys are afraid someone is actually going to bust in and steal them.

And this type of mentality is leading them to different decisions when it comes to what are they going to do with them eventually. You would think that maybe they would do a regular burial site with a head stone. But no, they`re afraid that might be vandalized. So they`re thinking on a grander scale, maybe a public memorial at a public park.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, it sounds like a good idea. Now, since little Caylee`s remains were found, one of the key forensic questions has been were Casey`s fingerprints on that duct tape that bound Caylee`s head? In fact, it was over the child`s mouth, and it had a heart sticker on it. Bounty hunter Leonard Padilla said this on "NANCY GRACE" last night.


NANCY GRACE, HOST, "NANCY GRACE": Leonard, what do you know, if anything, about sources reporting fingerprints were lifted off the duct tape?

PADILLA: I heard this morning that there were fingerprints and that the prints are Casey`s.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Wendy Murphy, I have with me right now some duct tape. Let`s see. We`ve got it right here.

It was so hard, first of all, to get the duct tape off, to peel it off. This was after a couple of minutes. But would it come down to whether it`s on the outside -- if it`s on the outside, there could be an argument, "Well, this was taken from the home by the mysterious Zanny with the nanny or whatever." And along with all the other things, the bedding and yada yada. And that Casey had touched it previously.

But if it were on the inside, OK, especially if it was way on the inside, wouldn`t it be hard to argue that that was something that was put there previously?

WENDY MURPHY, LAW PROFESSOR: Yes, but in this case, the defense has made crazier arguments. It`s a harder argument to make. But, you know, the chance that a jury with a brain would ever believe that her fingerprint just happened to be on the inside of the super sticky part of the tape and it was because she touched it when she was doing lawn work months earlier and it, oops, just happened to also be the same piece of tape that landed around the face of her dead child. Oh, reasonable doubt, I don`t think so.

Look, I`m not shocked to find out that her fingerprint is on the tape. The child`s decomposed body parts were in her trunk.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Oh, yes. It obviously would be the coupe de gras to all the other forensic evidence that has been gathered against her that the prosecutors plan to present when this case goes to trial, whenever that might be. And you just hit on one of them, the smell of death in the car, the hair showing signs of decomposition that reportedly matched the hair taken from the skull. The list is long.

But let me ask you this question, Drew Findling. This is what Leonard Padilla is saying. Now, we know that 300-plus pages of discovery were released just a couple weeks ago. It wasn`t in there. The remains were found in mid-December.

Wouldn`t this have gone through the system and been released to the defense`s discovery and then, by extension, given to the public, this information, at this point, or not?

DREW FINDLING, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Thank you for that question, Jane, because that is the central issue here. You know, this defense team has been fighting for discovery, fighting for the opportunity to conduct scientific testing. The law is very, very specific and strict about that.

If this took place, and if these results are in, and somehow this profiteering bounty hunter has access to that information before the defense, who hasn`t even conducted their own test, you could be assured that the court is going to come in, and they are going to be sanctions flying out of that judge`s chambers like crazy.

MURPHY: This just drives me crazy, that Drew would say, "The defense is going to have lots to say about this." It`s terribly unfair that the truth about the fingerprints might come out when the defense, from one shill to another, from Cindy on every damn talk show she could get on, to make us go chasing these fake Caylee sightings. So the defense can lie with impunity.

FINDLING: Cindy is not a defense attorney.

MURPHY: I don`t care.

FINDLING: And Cindy is a mother without constitutional rights.

MURPHY: The defense has filled the public with nonsense.

FINDLING: Casey has constitutional rights, and her rights are evoked through her attorney.

MURPHY: The defense has no constitutional rights. Nonsense in the court of public opinion. And then forget about it when the truth comes out.

FINDLING: We don`t care about the court of public opinion.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Calm down, everybody.

FINDLING: We don`t care about the court of public opinion. We care about...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Let me jump in with a question. And you can just ask yes or no -- answer yes or no. Wendy, if in fact it is true that Casey Anthony`s fingerprints are on the duct tape, is it game, set, match for the prosecution?

MURPHY: No, because the defense is entitled to come up with an explanation that they think is innocent. I don`t think it will be a plausible one, but they`re entitled to make that...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: But Drew, I don`t understand how they could come up with an innocent explanation. You could argue that the mystery nanny, which prosecutors say doesn`t exist, took the bedding and took things, the dolls, all the other stuff that was found, like the toy horse, because that`s what a nanny would have.

But duct tape? I mean, a nanny doesn`t walk around with duct tape from the Anthony home.

FINDLING: Well, Jane, as you know better than any of us, from your coverage of O.J. Simpson, there`s a thing called residual doubt. And when you have people make drastic mistakes, like if this were -- is her fingerprints, leaking it to this bounty hunter before the defense team, that`s the kind of thing that kills investigations and kills prosecutions.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I`ve got to get to this. This is important. Cindy Anthony organized the memorial service for Caylee. And remember, Lee Anthony raised some eyebrow with this. Listen to this.


L. ANTHONY: CMA, each day, you can continue to teach me about life and about the way it should be lived. Each day you give me the ability to be strong or to be weak. It`s been so long since I`ve been able to see you, or to hug you, or to tell you how much you mean to me.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: OK. Wendy Murphy, Brad Conway is now saying that Lee was referring to all of them. Casey Marie Anthony, Caylee Marie Anthony, and there are claims that we haven`t been able to clarify that Cindy`s initials are also CMA.

MURPHY: We know it isn`t Country Music Awards, I`ll tell you that. You know, frankly, I know it`s a sad thing, but as I said on your show last week, this was at least in part just an offensive infomercial for the defense. Between him sobbing around CMA and Cindy...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: You know what? I have to disagree.

MURPHY: I know. I know, Jane. Let me say something.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: This was a beautiful memorial. I cried when I watched it.

MURPHY: There were times -- there were times when the defense exploited a beautiful memorial. When Cindy said, "I know how much you loved your daughter, Casey..."

FINDLING: She`s not a defense attorney. She`s a mother! She`s not the defense attorney.

MURPHY: That was a defense P.R. move.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I think that -- I agree with Drew. She`s a mother, and a mother has a right to say whatever she wants about a daughter.

MURPHY: She should not have said that out of respect for her grandchild. Shame on her.

FINDLING: You should have stopped at Country Music Awards. That`s my opinion.

MURPHY: Thanks.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: We`ll leave it at that. That`s a good way to wrap it up.

Leslie, Drew, thank you so much. Wendy, stay right there.

Don`t forget, "Nancy Grace" up immediately following this program at 8 p.m. She will have the very latest on the Caylee Anthony case.

And right here on ISSUES we will update the tragic story of another little Florida girl gone missing. The desperate search for 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings. I want to hear your thoughts on this mysterious case. What happened there? 1-887-JVM-SAYS. That`s 1-877-586-7297 for your questions or theories on the mysterious disappearance of little Haleigh.

Caylee Anthony`s grandfather, George, went to the search area to show support for Haleigh Cummings. Just some eerie similarities in these two cases. Take a listen.


GEORGE ANTHONY, GRANDFATHER OF CAYLEE: I`m here in support of them. I`m here to bring Haleigh home. Haleigh Marie Cummings.


ANTHONY: I`m sorry. I apologize for that.


MISTY CROSLIN, GIRLFRIEND OF HALEIGH`S FATHER: Three o`clock in the morning, I got up and -- I got up because I had to use the bathroom, but I didn`t make it to the bathroom. I seen the kitchen light on, and I walked in the kitchen, and the back door was wide open. And I didn`t notice about Haleigh then until I seen the back door open. And then I go in her room and she`s gone. And that`s all I know.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: The desperate search for 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings, who disappeared from her bed in the wee hours of Tuesday morning, has now entered its third day. No sign of the adorable little girl known to her family as Doodle Bug.

Haleigh`s Florida home is just 70 miles away from where Caylee Anthony lived, and now her family is getting support from Caylee`s grandfather, George. I`ll have much more on that in just a moment.

Meantime, Haleigh`s father has taken and reportedly passed a polygraph. Just hours ago, he made a passionate appeal to the person who might have abducted her.


RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: Just bring her back, anonymous, give her to someone else to bring back. However she gets back, we want her back safe. If you`ve done something with her, tell us where she`s at, if she`s OK, something. We just -- I want my daughter back. That`s it. That`s all -- that`s I want. I want my daughter back. I`m not out for revenge.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: I want to hear from you. Give me a call: 1-877-JVM- SAYS. That`s 1-877-586-7297.

Also, if you have any information, and I mean, any information on the whereabouts of little Haleigh, please call the Putnam County, Florida, sheriff`s office.

First, I am joined by Haleigh`s grandfather, Johnny Sheffield.

Thank you so much, sir, for being here. I know this has to be very, very, very difficult for you, and I really appreciate you taking the time. And hopefully, we can help.

Johnny, it`s been more than 60 hours since little Haleigh disappeared. Authorities now believe she did not wander off. They believe she was abducted. What are your possible theories about what happened to your precious granddaughter?

JOHNNY SHEFFIELD, GRANDFATHER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I don`t know, really. I have to go by what the law enforcement`s told me. They said they`ve done searches. They haven`t found her. I know the father said there are signs of forced entry.

The sheriff told me that there was no signs of forced entry, and I heard the girlfriend`s 911 tape. She said there was no signs of forced entry. And I know the father locked the dead bolt, he said, personally. And I know in order to get through a dead bolt, you`ve got to break the door frame. You`re not just going to wedge it open and open the door.

But I`m not doubting the father didn`t lock the dead bolt. I`m just wondering how somebody got in through a dead bolt and took my granddaughter and just vanished when somebody`s supposed to be there watching her.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And with apparently no signs of forced entry. I think you make a very, very good point.

Now, I want to bring this into the equation. The story we`re hearing about Haleigh being abducted in the middle of the night without anybody hearing her or the predator has been slammed by some skeptics. Some are raising eyebrows at Misty, the girlfriend who was sleeping with the two children the time little Haleigh disappeared from her bed.

Listen to Misty, the teenage girlfriend of Haleigh`s father.


CROSLIN: I just want her home, just have her come home safe. Just drop her off somewhere. I just want her to come home.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She meant a lot to you, too?

CROSLIN: Yes. A real lot. I loved that little girl like she was my own.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: But to the skeptics, I would remind them to remember the terrible Jessica Lunsford tragedy, also in Florida. In 2005, the beautiful child you`re looking at there, Jessica, was sleeping peacefully in her bed when she was abducted by John Couey, a convicted sex offender, who later confessed to murdering her.

Couey lived in a trailer just 150 yards away. He kept Jessica locked in a closet for two or three days. Tragically, when cops first canvassed that trailer, looking for Jessica, it is theorized that that little girl might have still been alive in that closet.

The reason I`m mentioning that, and it`s an upsetting story, and I apologize for that, Johnny, but it has a point. The point is that so many people are like, how could he come in, take a child and leave without anybody waking up? It happened in 2005.

Admittedly, no one was in the bed with little Jessica Lunsford, but she was taken from a house in Florida and removed while she was asleep and abducted. So it does happen.

Your thoughts on all of that, sir?

SHEFFIELD: Well, I know my granddaughter. And I know that when she wakes up, she goes to screaming and crying. She`s going to her mama or her daddy, or she`s at our house, she`s coming to somebody`s door to let us know that she`s up. And if she happens to wake up in the morning, she goes to the couch and watches TV, if she -- if her father`s not up. But usually her father is up by the time the baby`s up.

I find it hard to believe that somebody could just go in there and grab Haleigh, because Haleigh was a solid little girl. She was a close -- she was hard for me to pick up. And for her to -- somebody to reach in the bed and take her out without waking that girl up, I don`t know how it could be done, because most kids, when you pick them up, they have a reaction to either jump, jerk, or say, "Where am I going," or something. But Haleigh, somebody got her out without her saying nothing?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now very quickly, only have a couple of seconds, was your daughter`s relationship with the father of Haleigh rocky, as some of have said?

SHEFFIELD: My daughter and him has been separated for several years, so -- I mean, of course, a couple years ago, it was like rocky when they was going through this custody battle. But here lately, as far as I know, everything was, you know, going smoothly.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. And it turned out that he got custody of the child, and it is a very, very tragic case.

Johnny Sheffield, I want to thank for joining me. I`d love to have you back. We hope that we get a happy ending here. We`re going to do everything we can in our power to find your little granddaughter.

We have much more to get to in the search for Haleigh Cummings, and I want to hear your thoughts. Give me a call: 1-877-JVM-SAYS.



SHERIFF JEFF HARDY, PUTNAM COUNTY, FLORIDA: We`ll expand the investigation as far as it needs to go. As far as whether or not Haleigh is still in the area, that is an unknown.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: That is the sheriff presiding over the search for 5- year-old Haleigh, who has been missing since early Tuesday.

Jennifer Bauer, a reporter with CNN affiliate WJXC-TV in Jacksonville, Florida.

Jennifer, tell us what is the very latest in terms specifically of the lie detector test and then the more detailed story now being offered by Misty, the young woman who was sleeping with the children when Haleigh disappeared.

JENNIFER BAUER, REPORTER, WJTC: Well, today we heard from the sheriff, and he told us that the investigation is continuing. They are interviewing people who know the little girl. They`re even interviewing people who don`t know the little girl. The sheriff told us this morning that they have issued lie detector tests. And he said they are willing to offer them to anyone who wants to take one.

The father, Ronald Cummings, Haleigh`s dad, tells us himself he took one. He tells us he passed. We talked to his 17-year-old girlfriend, Misty Croslin. She tells us she also took one. We asked her how she did. She says she believed she passed. We are also told that the mother, the biological mother did not take one.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: What did the sheriff say? OK, what did the sheriff say?

BAUER: The sheriff will not comment. Jane, he`s not giving any details about who took them or who has them. All he will tell us is that they were administered, and he`s telling us that they are being offered to anyone who`s willing to take them. So the only information we are able to get about the polygraph is from the people themselves who took them, and that`s all we`re able to get right now.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Give us a rundown of what Misty is saying specifically. Because the story is getting more detailed. There`s lights that go on. There`s a door that`s ajar. There`s going to the bathroom. Give us the quick lowdown on what she`s saying exactly happened.

BAUER: Well, as you know, Jane, today was the first time that we heard from Misty Croslin. We`ve been out here for three days. And today was the first time that she came out and talked to our station one on one for a very lengthy interview.

She told us, first of all, that the most, I think, alarming piece of information was that Haleigh was in a different bed. Now, we`ve been hearing all along from detectives that the 17-year-old girlfriend, the little brother, and Haleigh were all in one bed. Now we`re hearing that Haleigh was in her own bed.

She also told us that she got up to go to the bathroom, and the light in the kitchen was on. That`s also new information that police have not been able to confirm for us.

And detectives are telling us that they have taken evidence out of that home. They won`t tell us what, but they say they have collected evidence.

She also, Misty Croslin, in her interview, referred to that brick. Remember yesterday when we listened to those 911 tapes, she said on the phone call, "There`s a brick. The door`s propped open. It`s open. Someone took the little girl out the back."

But police tell us that there was a cinder block there and that apparently about 50 feet from their home, there was a pile of cinder blocks and one of those blocks, they believe, was used to prop open that back door.

But again, Jane, we`re getting a lot of conflicting reports. And I asked the sheriff himself, you know, why the conflicting stories? And he said, "You have to remember, you`re talking about a 17-year-old girl. And sometimes there`s issues with young kids when you`re dealing with them and questioning them" as from a detective`s standpoint.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: The grandfather says that he just doesn`t understand how anybody could have gotten out of there without signs of forced entry. We only have a couple of seconds. Any insights on that?

BAUER: All police will tell us is there was absolutely zero signs of forced entry.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And she said -- she said -- she said she went...

BAUER: Was the door open, was the door closed, was the door locked, we don`t know.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: ... when she went to sleep, the door was locked. That`s what she said, apparently.

BAUER: Police tell us the door was not forced open.


BAUER: Does that mean someone had a key? We don`t know.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: We`ve got more in just seconds, and we`re going to take your calls. They`re lining up. Stay right there.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Here are the latest developments on the Caylee Anthony case. Leonard Padilla, the bounty hunter, claims he has learned cops have collected extremely incriminating evidence against Casey.


LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: I`ve heard this morning that they were fingerprints and that the fingerprints are Casey`s.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Will fingerprints put this case to bed? The Anthony family reportedly plans to honor little Caylee with a memorial in a park instead of a headstone they fear could be vandalized. And we now know Lee`s reference to CMA was to both of them -- Caylee and Casey.

And just 70 miles from where Caylee`s remains were found, a massive search effort continues for 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings. We`ll tell you where the investigators are focusing their efforts now.

Back with more on the tragic disappearance of 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings, joining me, my expert panel: Joe Navarro, former FBI agent and profiler; Wendy Murphy, former prosecutor, law professor, and author of "And Justice for Some;" Don Clark, former FBI special agent in charge and Jennifer Bauer from WJXT TV in Jacksonville, Florida.

The phone lines are lighting up Gerry in California, thanks for you patience sir, question or thoughts?


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Oh, it`s a girl ok, hi.

JERI: I love your show.


JERI: I have a comment. Being that there was no forced entry could it be possible that it was a previous tenant who still had a key?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Very good thinking. Don Clark?

DON CLARK, FORMER FBI SPECIAL AGENT IN CHARGE: Well, yes, it could be possible that anybody could have been. But, Jane, here`s the key to this situation. Is that you`ve got several areas that you`ve got to look at. One happens to be the house, and that`s the original point that has to get some attention.

The other place that`s got to get some attention is that 44 child predators that`s in that area. And certainly, and simultaneously, you still have to look at relatives and friends and people who sometimes have access in and out of each other`s homes.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes, and as a matter of fact, we`ve got some maps here that we`re going to show you in just a second that really outline the problem. Here is a Google map of Central Florida. Haleigh`s home is in the small town of Satsuma, just 70 miles away from where Caylee Anthony lived.

Satsuma is tiny, but with a population of 5,400 people, the street where Haleigh lives is near a lake. You can see it right there and as you can see it`s not very densely populated.

I also have to go to what you also said, Don, and that is the 44 sex offenders who live right in the area. This is absolutely fascinating. We have a map of 44 sex offenders who live within a five-mile radius. This is the map that shows that.

I mean, is that the national average, Don Clark? That`s shocking to me. Why so many sex offenders in this particular neck of the woods?

CLARK: You know what, Jane, I don`t know exactly, but I`ve looked at a lot of numbers and I think that`s actually sadly, slightly below the national average, when you start looking at the larger populated areas. And I would suggest that that 44 is, of course, what the law enforcement community knows about.

And that`s what`s the frightening thing, is the ones that they don`t know about.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right, Elizabeth in Texas, your question or thought, ma`am?

ELIZABETH: Yes, I would like to know why Misty waited to call 911 after the father got home. And the father commented that she had kept calling his cell phone, but he never answered it. I would like to know how many minutes from the time that child was missing until the time the father got home.

And I also think it`s strange, the father commented, he wasn`t aware of any cinder blocks in the backyard and they`re reporting that there was a pile of them 50 feet from the house and he frequently washed his vehicle in the backyard. It does not add up.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, ma`am, you are taking some very careful notes. I think you need to go a detective school because you`d be a good one. Jennifer Bauer, try to fill us in on all those details.

JENNIFER BAUER, WJXT TV, JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA: I think the only thing to say is we are hearing a lot of inconsistencies again. I think yesterday, when we were talking to the sheriff, he mentioned that it was a 27-minute lapse from the time that they discovered Haleigh was missing to the time that they called -- or I shouldn`t say they but rather Misty Croslin called 911.

And the sheriff said, you know, you have to cut people some slack. Because unless you`re in that kind of situation, you never know how you`re going to react. As for the cinder blocks, today was the first time we were hearing about a pile 50 feet away.

Again, the family says they didn`t know anything about the pile of cinder blocks. I have personally myself been back to that home, I have stood on their driveway and taken a look at my surroundings. It is extremely wooded, extremely secluded. It is very possible that there could be a pile of anything 50 feet away and you wouldn`t see it.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Right, the fact that they`re using the sheddies (ph) to try to get through the woods, that`s how dense the wooded areas are there.

I want to play that clip of Misty Croslin again. And like everybody, listen very carefully. She is the girlfriend of Haleigh`s dad. She was with the child at the time of the disappearance.

Listen closely to what she says.


MISTY CROSLIN, GIRLFRIEND OF HALEIGH`S FATHER: I just want her home. Want to have her home safe. Just drop her off somewhere or something. I just want her to come home.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She meant a lot to you too?

CROSLIN: Yes, a real lot. I loved that little girl like she was my own.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: You have to listen carefully Joe Navarro, but she said, I loved that little girl like she was my own. Do we make anything of the past tense? Or is that just a figure of speech?

JOE NAVARRO, FORMER FBI AGENT AND PROFILER: No, we do make something of that past tense. And we shouldn`t let that slip by.

In fact, we had a case here in Tampa, Florida, not that far about seven years ago where the same thing happened. The mother had actually taken the baby, put it in a garbage bag, and put it in a dumpster.

But I`ve got to tell you, Jane --

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, let me say, before we go any further, --


VELEZ-MITCHELL: -- we don`t have any idea that that`s the same thing. I mean, this woman hasn`t been charged with anything, she`s not considered a suspect. And she may very well have simply been asleep when this child was abducted in the same room with her. But go ahead, finish your thought.

NAVARRO: Well, that may be so, but we still have to pay attention to that.


NAVARRO: The grandfather said something very significant. In essence, he was saying, this case does not pass the stink test.

He`s been to the house, he knows the family, he knows the situation, he knows how they sleep, he knows what noises are made when you walk in, he knows how the doors work, he knows everything about that. And in his own mind he`s saying, this does not pass the stink test.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, just remember that he is the -- on the mother`s side. And the mother and the father are separated and the father is with this other young woman, Misty.

So you never know what the motivations are. And I`m not saying he has bad motivations, but you know how those disputes are, that it can color your perception.

Linda in Texas, question or thought?

LINDA IN TEXAS: Hi Jane, thanks for taking my call.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Hey, thanks for calling.

LINDA: I`m wondering if the abduction of Haleigh Cummings is not some sort of copycat scenario, because Haleigh and Caylee sound alike, both children are from Florida. And I`m wondering, could this be some sort of way to get attention, in some distorted way?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, it`s an absolutely fascinating question and I`m going to toss it to Wendy Murphy.

WENDY MURPHY, FORMER PROSECUTOR: I don`t have my Ph.D. in psychology. I don`t know what makes people do things. I do agree with the previous caller that and other panelists, it doesn`t make sense yet.

If there`s still so much suspicion around the circumstances in the home, doesn`t mean it was a stranger.

But here`s what bugs me Jane, a couple of things, even if you`re a dumb criminal, it`s a really super dopey thing to do to pick on a child and to try to take a child out of a home at 3:00 in the morning.

Because it`s a rare chance --

VELEZ-MITCHELL: But criminals are dumb.

Look at the case that we used of Jessica Lunsford who was taken out of her home in the middle of the night in Florida in an area where there were trailer parks.

MURPHY: I understand that --


MURPHY: But let me make a point. Because I think this is interesting. You`d have to be really dopey, because you can`t predict that the child will be quiet or alone. Unlike Jesse Lunsford, she was alone in her own bed and the neighbors knew it. You can`t predict that this child would be alone. And isn`t it interesting that it happened to be a time in the middle of the night when the father wasn`t home.

Could it have been someone who knew that only this 17-year-old nitwit was going to be there alone without the dad present? You know, it bothers me that there`s a delay in her report. I have a kid that`s 17. She wouldn`t wonder where the kid was.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: But I`m sure your child is a genius.

MURPHY: No, au contraire. Believe me when I say this.


MURPHY: It takes a real low IQ to say, child missing, 911. My turtle could do this.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, I don`t know if you`ve ever been panicked and had a missing any loved one. I will never -- I`ve used this example before of having a pet run away and how panicked you become. And you start running around and you really aren`t acting in a rationale fashion, Don Clark, a lot of the times.

CLARK: Well, let`s kind of get away from the emotions aspect of this and let`s look at the technical investigative aspect and the forensics and so forth and let`s try to dwell on that aspect. Forget about what this young lady did, because the police --


CLARK: -- the police officers ought to be able to identify what her actions were based on other things that they`ve heard.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ok and I think that the big question is -- we have to leave it right there, but the big question is, how does somebody break into a house where the door is locked and there`s no sign of forced entry. That`s another mystery.

Joe, Wendy, Don, Jennifer, thank you so much. We`re going to stay on top of this case. We are going to do everything we can to find that little child.

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on February 14, 2009, 03:15:47 PM

Mystery Evidence Recovered in Search for 5-Year-Old

Aired February 13, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


MIKE BROOKS, GUEST HOST: Breaking news tonight. The desperate search for a 5-year-old Florida girl who vanishes in the middle of the night without a trace, Haleigh Cummings reportedly last seen when she`s tucked into bed for the night. Then five hours later, she`s gone, the back door left wide open. What happened to 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Breaking news in the case of 5-year-old Florida girl Haleigh Cummings, who police say was abducted from her own bed. Police say they found items of interest during their search for the child.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We were very successful in doing the search that we wanted to do. We did discover some items of interest. I can`t go into detail as to what those items are.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: While authorities won`t release details about the items, officials still believe Haleigh was abducted.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We still believe this to be an abduction. There`s no reason to believe that it`s not. Whether she was abducted from her home or she left and Haleigh left on her own and somebody picked her up, of course, that person has no rights to Haleigh.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Even though investigators don`t know if Haleigh is still in the area or not, her grandfather believes whole-heartedly she`s right under their nose.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She could be anywhere, but she`s closer than we think.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A special agent with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement says all lab work on evidence in this case has been moved to the front of the line and given the highest priority.

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER: They`re trying to find my daughter and get her home safe. We want her back. That`s all we want.


BROOKS: Good evening. I`m Mike Brooks, in for Nancy Grace. The search growing more desperate by the minute, and local, state and federal agencies join forces to find 5-year-old Florida girl Haleigh Cummings.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: New details today in the case of a 5-year-old child abducted from her own bed in the middle of the night. Police continue to search for Haleigh Cummings and now say they have found items of interest in the case.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Whether it`s fingerprints, DNA, lab analysis, we are going to use the full force of the Jacksonville crime laboratory to bring whatever results or leads we can.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It is still unknown what items were found or where. Authorities also expanded the search territory today, with over 100 volunteers and 50 law enforcement officers searching through thick brush and water.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Between 100 and 200 people have come together with Texas Equusearch to aid in the search. They brought horses, ATVs and other equipment, ready to hit the ground running.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Besides collecting evidence, investigators have also been administering lie detector tests. We`re told the father has taken one. His 17-year-old girlfriend has, too. Police say Haleigh`s mother has not.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: As authorities continue to search the area, they`re also talking to sex offenders.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The registered 44 sex offenders who live within five miles of the home have now all been located. Officials are poring through tips, while the Florida Department of Law Enforcement has put all evidence testing in this case as its top priority.

RONALD CUMMINGS: I appreciate all the support and help that I`ve got. Obviously, I want my daughter home safe. If you have my daughter and you`re watching this, drop her off somewhere safe.


BROOKS: Good evening. I`m Mike Brooks, in for Nancy Grace. The search continues for beautiful 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings. What happened to Haleigh Cummings? For the latest, right there at Satsuma, at the mobile command center, I want to go out to Joy Purdy, reporter for CNN affiliate WTLV. What`s the latest, Joy?

JOY PURDY, WTLV: The very latest is something that was mentioned in your headline. The Putnam County sheriff`s office very happy with the search and the results found in that search. They have more than 200 volunteers here, both law enforcement and civilians combing like a grid fashion every inch of brush and open field they can find in this area. And that search has now moved from directly around Haleigh Cummings`s home to about a mile out. And there is so much land to cover, so much water, and they`re going step by step, Mike.

BROOKS: Kind of describe the area for us. Is it a mostly rural area? A lot of heavy underbrush? What`s it like there?

PURDY: It`s a very rural area. It`s a third land, a third residential and a third water. That is what makes up Satsuma. Fifty-three hundred people live here. It`s a very tight-knit town, not a lot of people. In this mobile home park alone, the residents -- not everyone really knows each other. They can live right next to each other, not know each other, very quiet.

So all of a sudden, all of us are descending on their neighborhood, so it`s very overwhelming for them right now. And yes, a lot of thick brush. It`s been very warm out here, but the investigators and the people who are helping have had to dress in long sleeves, long pants because as they take machetes and walking sticks through these wooded areas, they`re getting cut by palmetto limbs and vines and all kinds of branches. But you can hear them breathing very heavily, cutting and hacking through as they try to make their way through. And they basically disappear and all you can hear are their machetes swinging through this brush.

BROOKS: It sounds like some really, really tough conditions. Where was the search today concentrated? And where did they find these items of interest that they`re talking about?

PURDY: Well, the search has now -- not been so much concentrated. They are still on the waterways, aerial, and on boats. And they`ve also expanded to about a mile away from the house.

But it`s very interesting that you ask about what exactly they found and where they found it because no matter how many times we asked investigators during their 4:00 PM news conference this evening, they would not tell us, very tight-lipped about what was found, where it was found. But they did tell us it was civilians who found it, some volunteers who found these items. And we don`t even know if they are actual items. They could have been tire tracks that someone took a picture of and then brought that back. So it doesn`t have to be physical anything.

BROOKS: That`s very interesting. We`re going to go out to Jon Leiberman correspondent for "America`s Most Wanted," in New York. Jon, it was a civilian that apparently found this. Now, are they teaming the civilians up with law enforcement so if anything of evidentiary value is found, there won`t be a chain of custody problem?

JON LEIBERMAN, "AMERICA`S MOST WANTED": Yes. You hit the nail on the head, Mike. That`s why they`re doing it. You have Equusearch out there. You have law enforcement out there.

And there are some rather strange circumstances here, too, Mike, as well. And that is that there really didn`t appear to be any forced entry into the home. There`s a screen door there and there was a cinderblock, we`re told, that was placed there to hold the screen door open, and then, of course, the other door was wide open. It doesn`t look like anybody actually broke into the home, though.

So that makes law enforcement, you know, look back a month back to see, you know, who was in contact with this family? Did somebody know that Ronald doesn`t come home from work until 3:30 in the morning? Did somebody prop open that screen door to get easier access inside the home? So there`s really a lot going on here.

BROOKS: Yes. It sounds like there`s a lot going on. It sounds like there`s a lot of questions still to be answered.

But right now, I want to go out to a very, very special guest. She`s there in Satsuma at the mobile command center. It`s Crystal Cummings. She`s Haleigh`s paternal aunt, Ronald Cummings`s sister. Thank you for being with us, Crystal.


BROOKS: If -- right now, Crystal, if you could say something to Haleigh`s abductor, what would you say to this person?

CRYSTAL CUMMINGS: I would say, Please bring her home. There`s a lot of family members out here, a lot of people that want Haleigh home. No matter where you take her, just bring her home, please. We`re waiting for her and we love her.

BROOKS: I know it`s got to be extremely difficult there with your family, just not knowing what happened to this beautiful little 5-year-old girl. Now, tell us a little bit about Haleigh. Tell us, what is she like? What does she like to do? She looks like such a sweet young girl.

CRYSTAL CUMMINGS: She is. She likes to play with other children. She likes make-up. She likes to dress up. She likes to play on computers and her grandma`s phone.

BROOKS: Now, what was her favorite color? Does she have any favorite toys that are there at the house still?

CRYSTAL CUMMINGS: Her favorite color is purple and pink. She does have a camera that she got for Christmas. That`s probably her favorite toy. I don`t know.

BROOKS: What a gorgeous smile this little girl has, what a gorgeous smile.

I want to go out to the lines right now. Wanda from Tennessee, thanks for joining us.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. Thank you, Mike, for taking my call. You`re so -- just such a competent person. I just enjoy you. I`m just really hurt about this. I`ve got family members, you know, and children in, you know, my family. My question is, if a civilian or someone did find something, how far away was it from the house? Are they expecting to -- Equusearch to come and go into the water again? Or could you give me some more information, please?

BROOKS: I can tell you the search for this little girl is not over and they have not exhausted everything. I want to go out to Joy Purdy, reporter for CNN affiliate WTLV. Can you answer that question?

PURDY: Sure, Mike. That search we know has gone about a mile away from the home. But investigators are not saying where any items were found, where any evidence was found. They`re not saying how it was discovered. We don`t know if it was something that was seen stuck in a tree or if it was something that somebody tripped over or if it was something that was just a little off. We just don`t know. They will not tell us.

But we do know that tomorrow, when Equusearch starts the search again in the morning, they`re going to expand it even father than that mile away from the house. So it keeps growing and growing as they trace and retrace their steps.

BROOKS: You know, and that`s normal. If they find some of these items of interest, if they find something there -- and I can tell you, having been on searches like this myself for evidence -- after finding something there, they will take it and expand it out even more. So I`m -- I`m -- it sounds like they found something significant. Whether it was a tire tread, whether it was a piece of clothing, we don`t know. But it sounds like it`s something very significant.

I want to go back out to Crystal Cummings, Haleigh`s paternal aunt and Ronald`s sister. You had mentioned to one of our NANCY GRACE staff that you wanted to speak for Misty, Ronald`s 17-year-old girlfriend.


BROOKS: What would you like to say?

CRYSTAL CUMMINGS: I would like to say that Misty is very responsible, and even though she`s 17, that`s not that young. I know plenty of people that would leave their children with a 17-year-old. And she loves them children, and they love her just as much.

BROOKS: Now, how long...

CRYSTAL CUMMINGS: Misty wouldn`t do anything -- I`m sorry. I know she wouldn`t do anything to hurt them.

BROOKS: Yes. Now, how long have Ronald and Misty been together?

CRYSTAL CUMMINGS: They`ve been together for a while. I`m not sure exactly how long, but it`s been a while.

BROOKS: But it has been quite some time, you say?


BROOKS: Now, do you know if they have any neighbors or if they had any enemies at all?

CRYSTAL CUMMINGS: Not that I know of.

BROOKS: Had they had any disputes recently with anyone? Had Ronald had any run-ins with someone, or Misty?

CRYSTAL CUMMINGS: Not that I know of.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Marie Griffis says it`s the kind of anxiety where you can`t eat, you can`t sleep. All you can do is hope.

MARIE GRIFFIS, HALEIGH`S GRANDMOTHER: It`s just emptiness inside.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Feelings expressed by strangers and friends who have left mementos praying for her young granddaughter`s safe return.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`re now approaching the 80th hour that Haleigh`s been missing. And again, we`re still extremely concerned about her safety and her whereabouts.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Clues. Clues. That`s what we`re looking for. We`re looking for scraps of clothing. We`re looking for little Haleigh, is what we`re looking for, anything that can point to the direction of where that little girl is.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We did discover some items of interest. I can`t go into detail as to what those items are.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have actively investigated and pursued over 350 leads that have come in to date. So we are not just going to limit this search to Putnam County. We`ll go wherever it takes us.



911 OPERATOR: What`s her date of birth?

RONALD CUMMINGS: Y`all are (DELETED) playing games, man! I`m going to (DELETED) kill somebody!

911 OPERATOR: OK. Tell him we understand. We need to get her date of birth.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What`s her date of birth?

RONALD CUMMINGS: (DELETED) her birthday! We need to find her! (DELETED) her date of birth!


BROOKS: I`m Mike Brooks, in for Nancy Grace. The desperate search for beautiful 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings continues in Florida. We just don`t know what happened to this girl.

Back out to Jon Leiberman, correspondent for "America`s Most Wanted. Jon, do we know how many people have been polygraphed so far in this case?

LEIBERMAN: Well, we know that the little girl`s father, and of course, his girlfriend have each been polygraphed. And police are satisfied with those results, Mike. So at this point, while we can`t say they`ve been ruled out completely, they`re satisfied with the results. They`ve both been extremely cooperative. And as you saw, they`re full of emotion, which is what you would expect when a father`s little girl goes missing.

BROOKS: I want to go out to Pat Brown, criminal profiler and author of "Killing for Sport." Pat, there`s so many different scenarios we`re looking at. What are some of the possible scenarios that may have happened here?

PAT BROWN, CRIMINAL PROFILER: Well, Mike, I think the most important thing is the person had a familiarity with that house. This wasn`t somebody just came in off the street, a trucker going by, seeing a little girl out in the yard and grabbing her. This is somebody who obviously knew that the father was not going to be there, would be able to know what the set-up of the house is like, somebody who`d be willing to open the door, prop it open, somehow get in the house, turn a light on.

This is somebody who would have to be extremely familiar with the house, or it has to be somebody from within the house. So at least the advantage is the police will have a small group of suspects to work with, either somebody was has had -- in the house, somebody who -- a relative, somebody who has had contact, somebody who worked in the house, somebody who was a neighbor. It has to be something -- a very small circle of people that they`re looking at.

BROOKS: Back out to Joy Purdy, reporter for CNN affiliate WTLV. Joy, have they cleared all of the 44 registered sex offenders that live within the 5-mile radius?

PURDY: Cleared? Yes and no. The Putnam County sheriff`s office says cleared, yes, in the sense that they have contacted all 44 in that 5-mile radius and their homes have been checked. However, they say over and over again, quote, unquote, "Everyone is still a suspect at this point." No one is cleared.

BROOKS: I want to go back out to Crystal Cummings. She`s Haleigh`s paternal aunt, Ronald`s sister. Last question for you. If right now, you could say something to Haleigh, what would you say to Haleigh?

CRYSTAL CUMMINGS: I would like to say that your daddy, Misty, your grandma, me and your mama, we all love you and we want you home. Everyone out here is looking for you. And if you`re watching, we love you and we will bring you home. We will find you.

BROOKS: Crystal Cummings, thank you so much for joining us. Our hearts, our prayers and thoughts are with you and your family as you go through this tough time, and we want to make sure that Haleigh comes home alive.

Want to go out to the lines. Donna from New York. Thanks for joining us, Donna.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. I want to know about the brick that was used to pry the back door open. Supposedly, the bricks -- there was a pile of them that was located near the woods. If the father didn`t know that the bricks were there, which he said he did not know, who knew those bricks were there? And is it possible somebody came in through the front door? Was that front door locked?

BROOKS: That`s a great question. Jon Leiberman?

LEIBERMAN: That is a great question. First, as to the brick, that is now at the crime lab. They`re checking it for anything they might be able to get off of it because, clearly, it was propping open that side door. Now, of course, another scenario -- to talk to your caller -- is, did this little girl for some reason wander outside, and then she was somehow snatched or something like that?

We should point out also, Mike, the police report will go into it a little bit more, but we have learned that the canines did sniff a trail from where that screen door was -- was propped open out toward the pond and then back again. We`ll get into more of that later. But we don`t believe -- we believe that all of the activity was at this back door, not at any other entryway.

BROOKS: Very interesting. And when we`re talking about this cinderblock -- I want to go out to Dr. Joshua Perper. He`s chief medical examiner, Broward County, and author of "When to Call the Doctor." Dr. Perper, is there a possibility at all that there could be any possible touch DNA on this particular cinderblock that the father has been talking about?

DR. JOSHUA PERPER, CHIEF MEDICAL EXAMINER, BROWARD COUNTY: Yes, it`s certainly a possibility. But it`s a matter of fact (ph). And if there is a DNA, they will have to determine to whom it belongs -- in other words, to check against the father and the girlfriend and anybody else. But it`s still -- it wouldn`t (ph) identify it with a person because you need a suspect to match it against the DNA present. And so they have what`s called touch DNA. So a few -- just a few, three or four cells, when somebody touches the brick, are sufficient for making -- for doing the test.

BROOKS: Interesting. And should they get some of this DNA, there is a database called CODIS. Now, local, federal and state law enforcement, corrections, probation and parole all feed into this particular database, correct, Doctor?

PERPER: That`s correct. And they are going to do that. If they found, indeed (ph), fingerprint, they would check them against the database, against the national database.

BROOKS: Right. And so, hopefully, if there is any touch DNA on this cinderblock, hopefully, that person has been in the system at one time or another, in the local, state or federal law enforcement, corrections and probation and parole system.

Also tonight, to tonight`s "Case Alert." A full-scale investigation under way in a deadly plane crash near Buffalo, New York. Continental connecting flight 3407 plunges into a home after 10:00 PM last Thursday evening while on approach to Buffalo-Niagara Airport, 50 souls killed, including 4 crew members and one person on the ground. The National Transportation Safety Board says the crew noticed significant ice build-up on the leading edge of the wings and the windshield before the crash. Flight 3407 originated in Newark, New Jersey. Among the victims, a 9/11 widow, an off-duty pilot and New York state trooper.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We will begin a lengthy process, that will take weeks, of DNA matching. And so part of what we`ll need is to obtain DNA from family members and any DNA that may exist from the victims from the past, and we`ll have to match up the DNA.


BROOKS: They`ve put up a special family assistance number for relatives at 1-800-621-3263.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There are conflicting accounts in the case of that 5-year-old girl who vanished from her bed 70 miles north of Orlando. Well, Ronald Cummings`s girlfriend is disputing initial reports she was sleeping next to the young girl.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Were y`all in the same bed?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No. She was in her bed in front of the TV, and me and Junior were in my bed.


BROOKS: I`m Mike Brooks, in for Nancy Grace, and we`re taking your calls live. I just want to remind our viewers, if you have a question of me or one of our expert panel, remember that number is 1-877-NANCY-01. But if any of our viewers know anything at all about this case of the beautiful missing girl, Miss Cummings, I want you to call the Putnam County sheriff`s tip line at 1-386-329-0808.

And with that, let`s go out to the lines. Lynn from Nebraska, you have a question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. Hi, Mike. I love your show. And I come from Washington, D.C., myself.

BROOKS: You have a question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. I`d like to know, does the 17-year-old go to school or have a job? And what kind of work does the father do?

BROOKS: Joy Purdy, reporter with CNN affiliate WTLV, do you know if she`s...

PURDY: Well, we don`t know a whole -- we don`t know a whole lot about the girlfriend. She`s been kept out of our reach, family-wise. The husband we do know works for a company that makes big parts for bridges, is what we understand.

BROOKS: Got you. And on the police report, apparently, it says she`s unemployed, so she must be -- she must watch the children full-time.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Come home to us. I know you are watching over her and protecting her and keeping her.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: For the second time in just as many days, friends and family say a prayer and light a candle for little Haleigh`s safe return.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: All things work unto you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Family members and loved ones have been sitting under a tent yards away from the home for much of the day as they lean on each other for support.

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, MOM OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I don`t know where she is or who has her. I just want her home.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Haleigh`s grandmother insists the 5-year-old would never willingly go with a stranger but she still has faith the little girl is alive.

MARIE GRIFFIS, GRANDMOTHER OF 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: Haleigh is living and breathing. I don`t feel that there`s anything that has happened to her bad.

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: Somebody stole my child out of my bed. I come home from work and my child was not there.

911 DISPATCHER: Tell him we got them coming. He needs to try to calm down a little bit, OK? The officers are going to come out there and do what they can. We can`t have him screaming and yelling at the officers whenever they get there, OK?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Give me (EXPLETIVE DELETED) phone. I got better people to talk to than a (EXPLETIVE DELETED) mother that ain`t coming.


MIKE BROOKS, GUEST HOST: I`m Mike Brooks in for Nancy Grace.

We`re hearing those 911 calls, those frantic 911 calls, and I`d say if someone had taken my little girl I would be hollering and screaming and cursing, too.

I want to go right out to the attorneys. Paul Batista, defense attorney and author of "Death`s Witness," and also joining us at Atlanta, Randy Kessler, defense attorney.

First to you, Paul, this girl is 17-year-olds old, the girlfriend. Now, for a police to question her, she is technically a juvenile. Is there something special they have to do or if she -- since she`s so close to the case and -- circumstances, they don`t have to?

PAUL BATISTA, DEFENSE ATTORNEY, AUTHOR OF "DEATH`S WITNESS": There`s nothing really special way they have to do, Mike. So long does she has -- there`s no age cutoff, there`s no threshold. So long as she has the maturity to focus on the questions, the ability to answer them, no impediment to the police asking her questions.

Like anyone else, she can decline to answer questions from law enforcement. But apparently he or she`s spoken to police and is prepared to continue to cooperate.

BROOKS: Now, now, Paul, all 44 of the sex offenders within a five-mile radius have apparently been interviewed and for the most part -- we heard from Joy Purdy for the most part have been cooperative and have been cleared. Now, as a condition of their release, once they`re released from jail, is there something that if law enforcement comes to your door and knocks on your door to check on you, you have to cooperate?

BATISTA: There is. You know, the registered sex offender statutes in most states, and most states have them, Mike, make it a mandatory condition usually for life that when a registered sex offender is approached by law enforcement with questions, that person has to answer those questions unlike an ordinary citizen.

It`s one of the disabilities that really persists through life for people who fall into the category of registered sex offenders.

BROOKS: Now someone comes -- if an FBI agent or someone comes to their door, knocks in their door, and says, hey, we want to come in, do they have to give consent?

BATISTA: Again, Mike, it`s the terms of the statutes in most states make it mandatory on the registered sex offender that that person allow the FBI or other law enforcement into the home and respond to the questions. And there will be consequences for them should they refuse to cooperate and respond.

BROOKS: Yes. Well, I`m -- again, we`re also hearing that some of these sex offenders were coming forward saying, hey, I had nothing to do with this. Clear my name right now. I`ll do whatever you want.

BATISTA: It`s the race to the confessional, Mike. And one really can`t blame them.

BROOKS: No, no, especially in a case like this, you know, no, absolutely not.

I want to go to Randy Kessler. Randy, we hear that the FBI and other law enforcement involved in this are interviewing and now re-interviewing some of the relatives and other people close to this case. Is that uncommon?

RANDY KESSLER, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: No. They need to interview and interview and interview until they get to the bottom line. You know, there`s no reason they should stop until they see everything, everywhere, everyone. I mean, and everybody should be documenting what`s said.

I`m glad that the police are being tight lipped so that when a witness does make a statement, it`s not because they heard it on our show or they heard it somewhere else. It`s got to be independent and it`s got to be original. And so they need to ask all the questions and then they can piece it together and see what makes sense and what doesn`t make sense.

BROOKS: Absolutely. You know, I think they`re doing a great job. OK, we found some items of interest. We`re not going to tell you because once you get a suspect, a possible suspect, you bring them in, you start interviewing them and they`re only going to know certain things if they -- if they were actually involved in that case.

Right now, I want to go out to a very special guest at the command center there in Satsuma, Florida. Marie Griffis, she`s Haleigh`s maternal grandmother, She`s Crystal -- the mother`s mother.

Thanks for being with us, Marie.

GRIFFIS: You`re welcome.

BROOKS: Now, your daughter, was she interviewed or re-interviewed today by the FBI?

GRIFFIS: Yes, she -- the FBI -- they had her around somewhere here in the command center for a few hours this morning.

BROOKS: Can you tell us anything at all about the meeting? What she was asked?

GRIFFIS: No, I can`t. She hasn`t told me anything about it. She said she just -- she had looked at some pictures and I suppose it was some pictures that we had given access to the media from her MySpace page of Haleigh so that they would have new, fresh pictures, you know, to show of Haleigh but as far as that -- that`s really all I got from her.

BROOKS: Now was Crystal -- has she been polygraphed by the FBI or anyone else as of right now?

GRIFFIS: No. She hasn`t been polygraphed and any one of in our immediate family has not been polygraphed. We have been asked to be polygraphed and we all agreed. The only thing we have done is given them a written statement from the day before up until Tuesday morning.


GRIFFIS: . as to what we all done that day.

BROOKS: Yes. Did they say when they were going to ask you to take a polygraph?

GRIFFIS: Today is Friday.

BROOKS: Right.

GRIFFIS: This was yesterday morning. I do believe that they asked us to take that test and we`ve done our paperwork but we haven`t yet received the polygraph.

BROOKS: Right. Now have you ever been inside of the house where Ronald and Misty were living?

GRIFFIS: No, I haven`t. No, I haven`t.

BROOKS: Do you know if anyone has access to that house or anyone else besides Misty and Ronald have a key to that house? Anything at all like that?

GRIFFIS: I have no -- I have no idea if anyone has a key or if Misty or Ronald has given anyone a key.

BROOKS: Now your daughter apparently was taken to a doctor today. How is she doing and what happened?

GRIFFIS: She`s doing good. She just got a little dehydrated and it was -- it was really, really hot and, you know, she hasn`t eat a lot and she hasn`t drank a lot and, you know, she is like, mama, I can`t eat because I don`t know if my baby`s eaten. I don`t know if.


GRIFFIS: . they`re feeding her and you know, we just -- we try to get her -- she eats a little bit because we tell her, you know, you got to keep your strength up for Haleigh and she just -- I think she didn`t have enough fluids in her body but they got her fixed and sent her back and we got Junior tonight for her visitation and we went ahead and sent her to where we`ll be staying tonight and I talked to her and her fiance a while ago and she`s there with Junior by her -- just them two with Junior.

And she really sounded great. She -- she sounded like she was very, very happy even though Haleigh`s not there with her, just having Haleigh`s brother with her, I figured she would draw strength from that.

BROOKS: Yes. No, I -- I think it`s good. Tell her to keep hydrated. You got to eat a little bit of something because, you know, when you`re under so much stress, your body does very, very strange things so tell her to keep hydrated and I`m glad she`s there with junior.

I want to go back out to Jon Leiberman, "America`s Most Wanted" correspondent.

Jon, can you kind of set the stage for us on the whole timeline? How this whole thing started. Just kind of give us a reader`s digest version of that.

JON LEIBERMAN, CORRESPONDENT, AMERICA`S MOST WANTED: Yes, well, I mean you`re talking about around 3:00 in the morning, you know, the timeline is actually very simple in terms of the actual events. It turns out little Haleigh was in her own bed and at some point she apparently -- the girlfriend woke up from her bed sleeping with Junior have -- that`s how he`s been referred to -- and notices that Haleigh isn`t in the bed.

She sees that the side door is open apparently. Within minutes Ronald comes home, Haleigh`s father, and everything goes from there. 911 is called and it`s a pretty tight timeline there on Monday but something that`s interesting, Mike, is we have our hands on the police report now.


LEIBERMAN: Which actually talks about the moment police get there, they begin assessing the situation as you know. And in this particular situation, they call the canine unit out. This is extremely, extremely important. The canine unit actually initiates the trail that leads out the back door, gets the little girl`s scent, and out towards a wooded path and then they see a small child, what they believe a footprint in the dirt also.

BROOKS: We`ll talk more about that and we`ll be joined by Patrick Saunders, clinical psychologist, and Marc Klaas, president and founder of KlassKids Foundation.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The last time little Haleigh Cummings was with her mom and her mom`s fiance was at this home in Baker County nearly two weeks ago. It is the place where we met the fiance, Chad Griffis. Griffis says he prays the 5-year-old is all right. Just thinking about her brings him to tears.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Just bring her home safe please.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All the world`s a suspect. We are going to treat everybody, every family member, every associate, every neighbor like a suspect until we can eliminate them.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The Putnam County Sheriff`s Office says it, with the FBI, have interviewed everyone thoroughly in the immediate area about the girl`s disappearance including Haleigh`s family.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Investigators tell us Haleigh could have been taken anywhere since she disappeared from her Satsuma home early Tuesday morning. Her dad who came home to find her missing has been questioned and polygraphed and passed.

CUMMINGS: Somebody stole my child. It`s not like a bicycle or a -- somebody stole my child from me.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Along with his 17-year-old girlfriend who says she was sleeping in the same room and heard nothing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I mean I didn`t notice about Haleigh then and saw the back door open and then I go in the room and she is gone.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Detectives say they will search, research and then search again any place there might be evidence.

911 DISPATCHER: OK, listen to me. I`m getting this information. I`m not the officer driving out there, OK?


911 DISPATCHER: They`re coming out there to handle that situation. I need to gather all information from you over the phone.


911 DISPATCHER: It has nothing to do with me driving out there. The officers are taking care of that, OK? They`re coming out there, OK?


911 DISPATCHER: OK. I`m going t stay on the phone with you, OK?


911 DISPATCHER: Until they get there, OK? Tell him we got them coming. He needs to try to calm down a little bit, OK? The officers are going to come out there and do what they can. We can`t have him screaming and yelling at the officers whenever they get there, OK?



BROOKS: I`m Mike Brooks in for Nancy Grace.

Sybil from Florida, thank you for joining us.

SYBIL, FROM FLORIDA: Yes, I watch your show every night and you know, no one has said anything about the fact that this girl is 17 living with the older man and knowing how teenagers like to party?

BROOKS: Well, you know, Sybil, there are a lot of theories out there right now, but.

SYBIL: Yes. You know, the teenagers like to party, especially when they get a house to themselves. Some other teenagers around there and left that door open, you know.


SYBIL: . or did something with this little girl because she woke up and found the party going on but we enjoy your show and watch it every night.

BROOKS: Well, thank you, Sybil, and thanks again for calling in. You know, we heard from Crystal Cummings who said that Misty was a very responsible 17-year-old girl so there`s a lot of theories out there but we don`t want -- rush to judgment on Sybil, the father -- I mean on Misty, the father or anyone else. So, as the facts evolve, I`m we`ll hear more.

Right now I want to bring in Marc Klaas, president and founder of KlaasKids Foundation. He, too, has been a crime victim. As you know, you recall, Marc`s daughter Polly was kidnapped from a slumber party and murdered back in 1993.

Marc, thank you for being with us.


BROOKS: What do you make of the 17-year-old babysitter/friend -- girlfriend story?

KLAAS: Well I -- you know, I have no idea. Here`s what I think about the story.


KLAAS: If, in fact, what she says is true, that somebody came in and stole that little girl while the three of them were sleeping in a room, and the police report is very clear that at least the two children were in a bed together, that if that happened then we`re dealing with a very desperate and dangerous individual who is committed a very brazen and high risk crime.

One that, had he woken up the other people in the room the choices he would -- or he or they would have had to make at that moment could have -- could have resulted in -- homicide. That`s number one.

Number two, I`d like to speak very quickly to the whole idea of the searchers finding evidence. I can assure that you that Tim Miller briefed his volunteer searchers that if they were to find anything relevant to the case that they would identify it and step back and call in the authorities so that it could be properly and professionally processed. He`s the -- the last thing he wants to do is involve himself in something that`s going to compromise evidence.

And number three, as far as the -- as far as who has keys to the house, have the locks been changed? I think is an important question because Ron just recently moved into that trailer and the possibility certainly exists that past tenants may very well still have keys to the trailer so there are an awful lot of things that have to be taken into consideration as they move forward with this investigation.

BROOKS: No, you -- and you make some great points, Marc, especially the ones with the locks and the evidence. I know Putnam County sheriffs are taking great, great lengths to make sure that there`s no issues when it comes to chain of command, chain of custody of this evidence so I know that for a fact that they`re looking at this.

I want to go back out to Jon Leiberman with "America`s Most Wanted," correspondent.

Jon, we talk about the report. If you noticed in the report -- initially, it says foul play suspected. And it said -- Rose Marie, we got that? There it is right there. Right on the top right corner. Foul play suspected, no. What changed that?

LEIBERMAN: Well, you know, this was obviously an initial report taken right away. That could even be a misprint or things of that sort but I think once police got there and they began investigating, they clearly saw that the little girl was missing and they clearly changed this to thinking an abduction did take place.

BROOKS: Right.

Right now I want to go out to clinical psychologist, Patricia Saunders.

Patricia, thanks for sticking with us. Now, as this goes on, what is the family going through? We just saw Crystal, the mother, has gotten ill. I mean, could all this stress make you actually physically ill?

PATRICIA SAUNDERS, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST: Absolutely, Mike. This is about the worst thing that can happen to anybody. The -- threatened loss, the loss of their baby that initially people respond to a traumatic event with a certain kind of numbness but terror sets in and this kind of a rollercoaster between rage and fear and not feeling much of anything. The stress on the body is enormous and people will have to take extra good care of themselves or they`ll get seriously ill.

BROOKS: You know we heard the whole thing when Ronald came home and found out that she was missing and the call to 911 and the anger there, then we saw him the next night right there, that next night, on the NANCY GRACE show, and it looks like the stress was really taking a toll on him. I mean he looked, he looked fatigued. I`m sure he hasn`t slept. I`m sure she hasn`t eaten. It`s just an unbelievable case.

I want to go out to the lines. Barbara from New Jersey, do you have a question?

BARBARA, FROM NEW JERSEY: Yes, I actually wanted to ask you what Mr. Klaas had said about locks on the door. I do live in this mobile home. And the next door neighbors were thrown out where I live -- I`m in New Jersey.

BROOKS: Right. Right.

BARBARA: And they did come back to the trailer a month or so after. That`s why I wanted to know about who owned that trailer? Or rented it before them? Because that to me.


BARBARA: . would have been a very good point of interest.


BARBARA: Mr. Klaas -- and I do know for a fact you cannot put a dead bolt which was stated on a screen door.

BROOKS: OK. OK, quickly, 10 seconds, Jon Leiberman, do know if the locks have been changed when they moved in? Quickly.

LEIBERMAN: We don`t, but we do know this is one thing that investigators are looking into, in addition to whether the enemies of this -- of his family, if they owed money to anybody. All of that is being looked at right now.


BROOKS: And now a look at the rest of the stories making headlines this week.


GEORGE ANTHONY, CAYLEE ANTHONY`S GRANDFATHER: I`m hoping that I am the one that actually taught her "You are My Sunshine." She was my sunshine.

NANCY GRACE, HOST: On the heels of yesterday`s memorial, nearly 2,000 people in attendance, we learned that little Caylee`s remains have been cremated for several days. This after the Anthonys` lawyer denies that. 150 threats. Were they threats on the Anthonys themselves?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, they were life threats.

GRACE: Oh, good lord. At a time like this what nut job would be making threat on a grieving family? This while we learn the tot mom chose not to even ask to watch the memorial behind bars.

911 DISPATCHER: What`s her date of birth?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You all are (EXPLETIVE DELETED) playing games, man, I`m going to (EXPLETIVE DELETED) kill somebody.

911 DISPATCHER: OK. Tell him we understand. We need to get her date of birth.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What`s her date of birth?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (EXPLETIVE DELETED) birthday. We need to find her. (EXPLETIVE DELETED) her date of birth.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A frantic search is under way right now for Haleigh Cummings. She was last seen Monday night with her 2-year-old brother in her bedroom.

CUMMINGS: I know what happened, my daughter came up missing out of my house in the middle of the night. Beside that, no, I don`t know.

GRACE: When they called to tell you little Haleigh was missing, Miss Sheffield, did they have a theory about what had happened to her?

SHEFFIELD: They just said that someone come in there and took her. That`s what they told me.

CUMMINGS: Somebody stole my child out of my bed. I come home from my work and my child was not there.


BROOKS: Tonight, let`s stop to remember Army Sergeant First-Class, Daniel Sexton, 53, from Wentzville, Missouri, killed in Iraq. A military police officer, he also served in the Persian Gulf War. He loves skiing, snow boarding, playing video games with his teenage sons. He leaves behind widow Tory, sons Shane and Corey.

Daniel Sexton, an American hero.

Thank you to all our guests at home and especially to you. See you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern. Until then, stay safe.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on February 14, 2009, 03:22:30 PM


Grandmother Weighs in on Haleigh`s Disappearance; Search Continues for Girl, 5, in Florida; Search Continues for Haleigh Cummings; Crash of Continental Flight 3407; Octo-Mom Outrage

Aired February 13, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET



JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HOST (voice-over): The desperate search continues for missing 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings.

SHERIFF JEFF HARDY, PUTNAM COUNTY, FLORIDA: The world is a suspect. And we really haven`t excluded anybody.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Police expand the search area as shocking questions emerge. What`s the significance of reports that Haleigh wet the bed the night before she vanished? And was she in the same bed as her father`s girlfriend that night? We`ll examine some conflicting reports.

Were there visitors at the home shortly before Haleigh`s disappearance, including an air-conditioner repairman? Haleigh`s father, Ron, and girlfriend, Misty Croslin, both took lie-detector tests. Both say they passed. So why haven`t the results been released?

Plus, George Anthony, Leonard Padilla, Tim Miller. These key players in the Caylee case are joining the search for Haleigh. I`ll examine the eerie similarities between these cases.

And just a few short weeks after the heroic landing of a U.S. Airways flight in the Hudson, 50 die as a commercial jet nose-dives into a home near Buffalo. No mayday call, no sign of distress moments before the crash. What went wrong? A 9/11 widow is among the dead in the first fatal commercial plane crash in the U.S. since 2006. I`ll have the very latest on the tragedy.

And more octo-mom drama. The LAPD investigating death threats reported by Nadya Suleman`s publicist. Meantime, octo-doc reportedly has a patient expecting quadruplets. What`s with this guy? I`ll have all the bizarre details.

ISSUES starts now.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Today, stunning new developments in the search for Haleigh Cummings. The adorable little girl, called Doodle Bug by her family, disappeared from her own bed sometime between Monday night and Tuesday morning. Now, just hours ago, the Putnam County sheriff made a major announcement about the investigation`s progress.


HARDY: Yes, ma`am. All the sex offenders have been interviewed, and their residences have been searched.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Are they cleared?

HARDY: They`re cleared. They`re cleared as far as us contacting them and speaking to them.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Remember, there are more than 40 registered sex offenders who live near little Haleigh`s home in the small town of Satsuma, Florida.

Also, shocking inconsistencies are now coming to light in the accounts of Haleigh`s disappearance from the 17-year-old girlfriend of Misty`s father. Here is one version.


MISTY CROSLIN, GIRLFRIEND OF HAYLEIGH`S FATHER: I put her to bed about 8 o`clock, and I woke up and she was gone. The door was open. That was the last time I seen her, when I put her to bed.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Were y`all in the same bed?

CROSLIN: No. She was in her bed in front of the TV. And me and Junior was in my bed.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Meantime, more frightening echoes of the Caylee Anthony case. Caylee`s grandfather, George Anthony, volunteers from Texas EquuSearch and even bounty hunter Leonard Padilla arrive in Satsuma to help in the desperate search for little Haleigh.

Joining me right now is Haleigh`s maternal grandmother, Maria.

Thank you so much for joining me, Maria. I know this has to be so very difficult for you right now. And we hope this interview helps somehow in finding your precious grandchild.

This is the fourth day of this search. Knowing what you know now, what are your questions about this case? What is troubling you as you process all the information that you`re getting?

MARIA GRIFFIS, HALEIGH`S GRANDMOTHER: Just the fact that there`s so many conflicting stories about where the children were sleeping at that night. Once they`re all three in the bed together. Then once Junior is in a bedroom by himself and Haleigh is in her room. And now both of them was in their bedroom and she was in her room. And it just makes me more suspicious.

And the back door, how did the back door -- it`s secured by the father. On an interview, he said he secured that door, and the deadbolt was up high enough, Haleigh could not reach it and open the door. So it leads me to believe somebody had access with a key from the outside or either someone was in the house or either Misty unlocked the door for someone.

It -- it just makes the stuff come tighter together on the girlfriend, to me.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And, of course, we`re just learning information as it comes in, and there are conflicting accounts. But our understanding from authorities is there were no signs of forced entry.

So the door is closed. She says she went to sleep with the door locked. And when she wakes up, the door is open. Do you know, Marie, who else might have had keys to that home? Sometimes people leave keys with -- with neighbors in case they get locked out. Sometimes they leave keys with friends who want to come over. Do you have any information about other people having keys to that house?

GRIFFIS: No. The only people I would think that -- the father, Ronald, would give a key to would either be his mother, Theresa, or his grandmother, Annette. I don`t see Ronald trusting anybody else with the key.

And as for Misty, I mean, who knows? I don`t know the girl. I`ve only saw the girl. I`ve never spoke with the girl. I know she has family that lives right on this same street. Maybe she could have give some of her family members a key. Maybe she could have give some of her friends some keys. It`s just -- it`s question upon question. Question upon question. And we`d like to have some answers.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, according to Misty, she says her older brother came over with her nephews, and the AC guy. Authorities have told us that the air conditioning guy has been interviewed, the repairman and he`s been cleared of any wrongdoing. And we`re not to suggest in any way that the older brother is any way involved. That`s not my suggestion.

But my suggestion -- my question to you is what about the older brother and the nephews? Have you ever met them?

GRIFFIS: No, I haven`t. I just learned that there was possibly one or two brothers of Misty`s. I haven`t heard of any nephews. This is the first time I`ve heard of them. But if her older brother was over that day, why hasn`t he took a polygraph test? And why hasn`t he been grilled yet as to what he was doing there and how long he was there and if he returned that night?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, we certainly don`t know everything that the authorities are doing. They may very well have conducted a polygraph and interviewed him. They`re keeping very tight-lipped at this point.

Now, Misty appears to have offered up a number of differing accounts, as you mentioned, when it comes to these details about the night Haleigh vanished. There is the matter of the blanket. Listen to this.


CROSLIN: We had a blanket hanging on the window. And I had to wash that. And her blanket was -- she had peed on her blanket the night before, I guess. And I took it and put it on there, but it smelled like pee. So I washed the blanket and gave her little sheets to cover up with. And she fell asleep. And I put a blanket on her and then I laid down.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Was -- was Haleigh a bed-wetter?

GRIFFIS: No. She -- at my home, Haleigh hasn`t wet the bed in my home in at least two years.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So you hear Misty saying that the night before Haleigh disappeared, it would appear that she wet the bed, because she was going to put the blanket on and she smelled pee, as she said. And then she cleaned the blanket and put a sheet on the little girl instead and then later put a blanket on her.

So what is your reaction? What -- what thoughts occur to you as you hear that story?

GRIFFIS: That`s not like Haleigh. Haleigh has wet the bed previously when she was a couple of years younger. But when she spends time with me and her mother, her mother would tell me if she was wetting the bed. She hasn`t wet the bed at my house. So why would she wet the bed at their house? Maybe they`d give her too much to drink or maybe she was in a stressful situation and wouldn`t go to the bathroom before she went to sleep.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, the thing that occurs to me is that, when a child wets a bed, you also change the sheets and even clean the mattress underneath. It would appear that the blanket itself on the top is -- is not what would be the wettest.

GRIFFIS: Yes. The whole -- the whole bed and mattress would be wet. I mean, you`d want to flip the mattress over and wash the sheets also underneath it.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Let me get back to what you said at the very beginning of this interview about the conflicting reports about where they were all sleeping. And remember, some of those conflicting reports could be inaccuracies in reporting.

What I heard first, and what everybody reported first, was that they were all sleeping in the same bed, and then we heard different stories. The last story that I`ve heard is that she was sleeping with Junior in one bed and little Haleigh was sleeping in another bed next to the TV. That`s from the mouth of Misty.

Does that mean they were in separate rooms, because that would be very significant? Have you ever been inside the house? Do you know whether the bed near the TV is near the main bed that Misty would sleep in?

GRIFFIS: I don`t know anything about the TV. My daughter, Crystal, has been in that house, and she said Haleigh and Junior have beds set up in one room and then there`s a big bed in the room that, I guess, Ronald and Misty would sleep in, and that`s the one that we understand that they were all three in.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: But, again, we`re hearing now that that`s not the case...


VELEZ-MITCHELL: ... that Junior and Misty were in one bed and Haleigh was in another. And I think that`s so significant because the whole -- everybody just wondered how could somebody come in and abduct a child while two people are asleep and not wake up either one of them or the child. But if they were in separate rooms, that might be easier.

Marie, I want to thank you so much for joining us. We`re going to do everything in our power to find your little granddaughter. And we`d love you to come back as we continue to focus on this story. We`re going to do everything we can.

GRIFFIS: Yes, ma`am. I thank you for all the coverage y`all are giving us on this so that we can find Haleigh.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Let`s pray we find her. Thank you, ma`am.

All right. A quick reminder. Nancy Grace will have the very latest on the search for Haleigh. She is up after this program at 8 p.m. Eastern. And right here on ISSUES, we will have much more on the disappearance of Haleigh Cummings. Some of the key players from the Caylee case are now joining the search for Haleigh, including George Anthony.

Here he is showing support for the Cummings family. (BEGIN VIDEO CLIP)

GEORGE ANTHONY, GRANDFATHER OF CAYLEE ANTHONY: This is not about guys. This is not about me. This is about Haleigh Ann Marie Cummings, age 5, that needs to be found and brought home to this beautiful family. They need prayer; they need hope. And they need -- and they need me.




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Does the door look like it was pried open? Does it look like -- does it look like you had someone try to enter into your house?

CROSLIN: Hold on.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And another thing. Make sure you and your husband don`t touch the door anymore. Don`t mess with the door or anything.

CROSLIN: No, it doesn`t.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: That was Misty Croslin`s call to 911 at 3:30 a.m. on Tuesday.

I am joined by my fantastic panel tonight. Don Clark, former FBI special agent in charge; Jennifer Hurtz, the clinical psychologist; Darren Kavinoky, attorney; Michelle Sigona from "America`s Most Wanted"; and joining us by phone, T.J. Hart, news director at WSKY 97.3 in Gainesville, Florida.

T.J., what`s the very latest?

T.J. HART, NEWS DIRECTOR, WSKY: Now, the very latest is that we had some more people going out on the search today. More interviews of relatives and others today. And that is going to include some re- interviews today.

Each of the 44 registered sex offenders who live within the five-mile radius of the Cummings home have either been interviewed or had their whereabouts confirmed.

Getting back to the search, they`re using horseback to get into some tough areas, especially around some marshy areas. There were more than 100 volunteers on the ground and at least 50 law officers out today, as well. And these are veterans of these kinds of searches from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

We also have Tim Miller and his Texas EquuSearch folks, who are also positioned and ready to go in the search endeavors.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Are they doing one of these grids where they keep expanding it and expanding it so that it`s very systematic, where they start at the location where the child vanished and then they just move out in sort of a grid pattern?

HART: They`re going out in a grid pattern at this -- at this point. They did that initially with the five-mile radius search. But now they are closing in with probably about 100 or so people today spaced out a couple hundred feet, and they`re going right into this very thick vegetation and into this marshy area. They seem to be concentrating on that area.

We`ve not heard any results on this. In fact, Sheriff Hardy has been a bit close-lipped on a lot of questions that were posed to him.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: OK. One last question about the search, and we do have a Google map that really absolutely reveals how thick and how wooded this area is. So let`s go to the Google map when we can. There is a huge forest near the home of this child. What about the search in that forest?

HART: Well, like I said, people are only a few feet apart when they`re going through there. They`re going through that real thick vegetation with sticks. And they are -- that was one of the first places they looked. And, of course, that`s one place that, of course, is going to be searched and re-searched as well.

That`s indicative of the area around the St. John`s River in that area, as a matter of fact. You have houses that are kind of spread out. You have a lot of thick vegetation and a lot of heavy forest and some very, very soggy, watery canals in that area, too.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. And we`re looking at video of people just hitting the grounds with sticks and, apparently, they were also using machetes. This has to be an extremely grueling search.

I want to go to our panel now and talk a little bit about the evidence that`s coming in. Darren Kavinoky, particularly the conflicting reports. We heard that all three, Misty, Haleigh, and the 3-year-old, Junior, were in the same bed. Now we`re hearing that Misty and Junior were in one bed and Haleigh was in another bed, possibly in another room. What do you make of these inconsistencies?

DARREN KAVINOKY, ATTORNEY: Well, those kinds of conflicting reports can be very, very telling. And that`s something that law enforcement often focuses on as they narrow their search for the perpetrator.

And of course, in any case involving a missing child, the parents or whoever the child is in the custody of are often under that first focus. So those conflicting reports can be very, very meaningful, because it will only heighten the scrutiny that will fall upon those folks.

Of course, now we`ve got conflicting reports. We`ve got possibly lies about the lie detector. There are all sorts of issues. And in the absence of any further evidence, it seems like anybody`s best guess is like saying Colonel Mustard in the kitchen with the night stick. I mean, it`s -- it`s just terrible.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. Well, Don Clark, let me ask you about this whole polygraph. Both Misty and Ron say they`ve taken polygraphs and they`ve passed. The authorities are not saying anything. When authorities administer polygraphs, do they tell the people who have taken the polygraph, hey, you passed, you didn`t pass?

DON CLARK, FORMER FBI SPECIAL AGENT IN CHARGE: Not really. That`s a process that they`re going to keep to themselves. They may make some conversation with it, but it`s not going to be sitting up there and saying, "OK, you passed, you`re free to go." Unless, of course, at some point later now -- because the polygrapher who takes the test, Jane, that person doesn`t give out any information. It has to be the investigators, because they have to assess that with all of the other things that`s going on.

And with the inconsistencies, Jane, that`s gone on that we hear about in this case -- I mean, I heard the grandmother just a few minutes ago, and she`s right on the money, is that how can you rule anybody out, from the 44 sex offenders that`s out there to neighbors that`s close by to the people that`s living in the house. Nobody can be ruled out yet, because there are just too many inconsistencies. I can`t imagine someone saying, "Yes, I`m clear of the polygraph."

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, in fact, Michelle Sigona, the authorities said everybody is a suspect. Now, would they announce, we have -- they start of did announce that they have tentatively eliminated the 40-plus sex offenders who live in the area. But will they come out and say, "OK, now we`ve eliminated this person and now we`ve eliminated that person," so that the media can sort of keep track of the direction in which this investigation is going?

MICHELLE SIGONA, "AMERICA`S MOST WANTED": Well, here`s what I can tell you. I just got off the phone again with the lead investigator on this case, Jane. And what he tells me is that, look, the 44 sex offenders, we have gone around, we have searched their homes. We have talked to them. We have verified their whereabouts from the time that Haleigh was allegedly, you know, went to sleep, up until the time she allegedly went missing, up until that point.

So that`s where they are as far as the sex offenders.

As far as the neighbors and the friends and the family go, right now as we speak, they are pulling in more family members and more friends and interviewing them and going over timelines and going over more information about this case.

So as far as coming out and saying, "We`re going to rule this person out, we`re going to rule this person out," I don`t think that`s going to come as of right now. I think what they`re focusing on at this point are the ground searches that will continue over the weekend along with keeping that house roped off.

There is no one allowed back inside of the home where Haleigh went missing from. That is so -- in case they need to go back in as they pull information from these people to pull out more evidence to send to the lab in Jacksonville with a lot of the evidence is right now. They`re waiting for a lot of the forensic tests to come back.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Well, stay right there. We are just getting started.

And Nancy Grace will have the very latest on this case coming up at 8 p.m. immediately following this program. It`s absolutely astounding. ISSUES, we will have much more on the disappearance of Haleigh Cummings.


CROSLIN: I put her to bed about 8 p.m., and I woke up and she was gone. (UNINTELLIGIBLE)




RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF HALEIGH: Bring her back anonymous, give her to someone else to bring back. However she gets back, we want her back safe. If you`ve done something with her, tell us where she`s at, if she`s OK. Something. We just -- I want my daughter back. That`s it. That`s all I want. I want my daughter back. I`m not out for revenge.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: That was Haleigh`s dad, Ronald Cummings, making a plea to the public for whoever has Haleigh to just return her.

Michelle Sigona, have you ever seen a plea like that work?

SIGONA: Well, here`s the thing. Yes, of course. Whenever -- I mean, I`ve covered just hundreds of missing children cases throughout my career. And a lot of times in the cases, the parents will come out. They will make pleas.

I mean, if you listen to that 911 call, which we will also have up on, you can really hear the sincerity in his voice and how he just wants to have someone there to help find his daughter. And this is very common with parents, I mean, especially when their child comes up missing and/or abducted in this particular case.

And so getting the word out there and doing whatever he can, and that is what the dad is doing. And investigators say at this point the dad is not a suspect. The girlfriend is not a suspect. But that they`re...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: What about ex-boyfriends of Misty? Are they checking into that? I mean, they have been going out approximately six months, Ron and Misty. So what about other people in their sphere?

SIGONA: Well, at this point, what investigators are saying, they`re not really going into a lot of detail as to every single person that they`re targeting. But, of course, as you know, Jane, I mean, you`ve covered hundreds of these cases, as well. They will go as far -- you know, as far back as six months to a year. They`ll start bringing people in from everyone`s past. You know, as the -- the immediate attention kind of makes its way out. Sort of like the search.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Haleigh and Caylee are joined now by more than just the similarities in their stories and their names. Now their families are starting to come together. Caylee`s grandfather, George, came to Satsuma to offer his support to Haleigh`s dad. Listen.


ANTHONY: They need to eat. They need to sleep. They need the community support. They do not need to be judged. They do not need to be scrutinized. They need your help. The community needs to come together to help this family to bring this beautiful little girl home. I understand it. Some of you might not, but I understand it.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: George speaks from experience, Darren Kavinoky. I mean, this is a man who, as we both discussed, has become so despondent in the past about the tragedies in his own life that he reportedly attempted suicide less than a month ago. Now he`s out helping others. Good idea for him, good idea for the case?

KAVINOKY: I think it`s fantastic. He understands what`s going on in a way that few other people do. And while he may receive criticism from some who would suggest, look, he just got over his own problems, as you mentioned, this -- this suicide attempt. He was in a mental institution, in a lock-down facility. He should just stay home and get better.

The real truth of the matter is that he can help, and by helping this other family, he`s really helping himself. He`s got something unique to give, unique experience to share. He`s going to help this other family, and this will be extremely therapeutic for him.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Don Clark, Leonard Padilla is offering a $25,000 reward, but my understanding is there`s a time deadline of Saturday on it. Good idea?

CLARK: Well, often there`s an award. That`s fine, if somebody takes it. Jane, you and I know that frequently those things don`t come to fruition that takes place. What has to take place, though, is that, look, law enforcement is going to come together and continually to revisit these issues. And I think that`s what`s going to develop the evidence out there.


CLARK: Once they do that, then forget about the award.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Thanks so much. Don, Jennifer, Darren, Michelle, thanks for the insights.

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on February 15, 2009, 08:22:18 AM,2933,492185,00.html


Missing Haleigh's Dad and His Girlfriend Address Polygraph Test Questions 'On the Record'
Friday, February 13, 2009

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," February 12, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: Now we take you live to Florida, where the intense search for Haleigh Cummings continues. Haleigh's father Ronald and his girlfriend Misty are both here.

Here's what we know: At 3:00 a.m. Monday morning, Misty says she found Haleigh missing from the bed they were sharing. At about 3:25 Ronald returns home from work.

Two few minutes later, at 3:27 a.m., Misty calls 911 and reports Haleigh missing. Since then, nothing. The toddler is gone.

Ronald Cummings, Haleigh's father, joins us live, along with his girlfriend Misty Croslin. Welcome to both of you, and, Ronald, is there any update in the last 24 hours in the search for your daughter?


VAN SUSTEREN: Have there been any sightings and tips coming in, Ronald, anything at all like that?

CUMMINGS: Plenty of tips. Most of them are bogus. The law enforcement agencies are doing everything they can. I think they got approximately 50 horses coming in. They will start doing a ground search with horses and dogs.

They are doing everything they can. Federal agents, numerous different county sheriffs are out here. They're really trying to help us.

VAN SUSTEREN: Misty, what is Haleigh like?

MISTY CROSLIN, AT HOME WHEN HALEIGH DISAPPEARED: She is a real big girl. She is fun to be around. She is always happy. She's real smart, intelligent.

VAN SUSTEREN: Misty, is she the type that would walk off with a stranger?


VAN SUSTEREN: Ronald, is she the type that would wander off with a stranger at all, or is she a shy child?

CUMMINGS: Absolutely not. She is definitely shy. She would never walk off with a stranger for no reason. Besides, it was dark, and she is afraid of the dark.

VAN SUSTEREN: Misty, the other night, Monday night, you saw her about 10:00, Is that correct?

CROSLIN: What was that?

VAN SUSTEREN: You last saw Haleigh at about 10:00 Monday night when she was in bed? Is that right, Misty?

CROSLIN: Yes, ma'am.

VAN SUSTEREN: Was anything going on with her? Did she fall asleep easily? Was she at all anxious, getting up and leaving the bed?

CROSLIN: No. She had school, so I put her to bed about 8:00 because that is her bedtime so she can get up and go to school, so she's not tired.

VAN SUSTEREN: Were you in the same bed with Haleigh, Misty?


VAN SUSTEREN: Were you in the same room?


VAN SUSTEREN: So, tell me what happened. Tell me, did you hear anything between the time you saw her it 10:00 and the time that you woke up and notice she was missing? Did you hear any noises?

CROSLIN: No, ma'am. I did not hear anything.

VAN SUSTEREN: Have you been drinking or anything so you would be in a heavy, deep sleep all that night?


VAN SUSTEREN: So, tell me what happened. You got up to use the bathroom, is that right?

CROSLIN: Yes. I got up to use the bathroom. I did not make it to the bathroom. I walked into the living room and noticed the kitchen light was on. And I saw the back door open. And when I saw the back door open, I ran back into the bedroom, and that's when I noticed she was gone.

VAN SUSTEREN: And so, Ronald, you came home about 3:25 a.m. from work?


VAN SUSTEREN: Did you come in the front door or the back door of that double wide, Ronald?

CUMMINGS: I came in the front door. I pulled into the driveway. She was standing at the front door, and I wanted to know what she was doing up, first, at that time of night. Usually, she is in bed asleep.

And she told me that she just got up to use the bathroom, and that she saw that Haleigh was not in her bed. She went to find her, and the back door was wide open, and she was nowhere to be found. She was gone.

VAN SUSTEREN: Misty, had you been the one to block that back door?

CROSLIN: No, I did not lock the back door because the back door is always locked. We really do not use the back door.

CUMMINGS: Absolutely.

VAN SUSTEREN: What kind of lock is on that back door? Is it a deadbolt? Do you need a key, or is there a know on the inside? How do you work that back door lock?

CUMMINGS: There is a lock on the knob on the inside, and it has a deadbolt also. The deadbolt is very hard to get unlocked once you get it locked. You have to push in hard on the door, and a child would never get that unlocked.

VAN SUSTEREN: Misty--go ahead. I'm sorry, Ronald.

CUMMINGS: I do keep it locked. I do check it every afternoon before I leave for work. It is always locked, always.

VAN SUSTEREN: Misty, do you ever use that doo yourself, go in and out that door?

CROSLIN: I mean, once in awhile I will take the garbage out through the back door, or leave through the back door and take a vacuum and vacuum the car out. But that is the only time we use the back door.

VAN SUSTEREN: Misty, did anyone come over to the house that evening while Ronald was at work? Any friends come over?

CROSLIN: No. My older brother had come over with my nephews, and the AC guy.

VAN SUSTEREN: What time did they leave?

CROSLIN: They got there about 5:00. And they stayed for about 30 minutes until about 5:30, 5:45.

VAN SUSTEREN: Ronald, I understand that there does not appear to be any forced entry into the home in that back door. So how do you think it got open?

CUMMINGS: I honestly don't have any clue. I don't have any clue. Somebody, maybe a locksmith, picklock artist, I do not know. But it was definitely locked, and somebody came in through it. So I cannot explain it.

VAN SUSTEREN: Misty, let me ask you this same question. Misty, how do you think that door got open?

CROSLIN: Someone had either picked the lock, they would have had to pick the lock. That is the only way that anybody could have gotten in our back door is if they picked the lock.

VAN SUSTEREN: In terms of where you were sleeping, Misty, and Haleigh was sleeping, who was closer to the back door?

CROSLIN: Haleigh would have probably been closer to the back door. She was on the side of the wall closest to the kitchen.

VAN SUSTEREN: How far was Haleigh physically sleeping from you?

CUMMINGS: Probably not three or four inches away. She was in front of the TV, not that far away at all.

VAN SUSTEREN: Did you say three or four inches away?

CROSLIN: I mean, I am not sure. It was not that far away.

VAN SUSTEREN: Can you hold up your hands and show how far away she was sleeping?

CROSLIN: Probably from both of these chairs put together from my bed.

VAN SUSTEREN: About as far as Ronald is from you?




CUMMINGS: I know where the beds were at. They are about four feet apart from the edge of the bed she was in to the edge of the bed Haleigh was in.

CROSLIN: I was not measuring or anything like that, so--

VAN SUSTEREN: I know you both took a polygraph today. Did they say you were deceptive or not on the polygraph. Did they tell you how your results were? How were yours, Ronald?

CUMMINGS: Absolutely, they did. And it was not today that we took a polygraph. We took the polygraph yesterday. And, yes, we both did pass.

VAN SUSTEREN: Misty, what did they say about your results?

CROSLIN: You mean that I passed?

VAN SUSTEREN: Did they use the word "pass," or did they say there was no sign of deception?

CUMMINGS: They told me that I passed.

CROSLIN: They really did not say much to me.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, we are hopeful that putting the spotlight on this, people will call in tips if they know anything at all about this child, because I know that you both want her back very badly.

Ronald, Misty, thank you, and let's hope we get some good news soon. Thank you both very much.

CUMMINGS: Thank you.

CROSLIN: Thank you.

VAN SUSTEREN: We have more information about little Haleigh. George Anthony, the grandfather of murdered Caylee Anthony, has something to say about this new child's disappearance. Why is George Anthony speaking out? You're going to hear that next.

Plus, "The Best of the Rest." Britney Spears is back in the headlines. The headlines involve an angry ex-boyfriend, a car, and an alleged hit and run.


VAN SUSTEREN: At this hour there remains grave concern about five-year-old Haleigh Cummings. George Anthony, the grandfather of murdered toddler Caylee Anthony, has some advice for the family of the missing girl.


GEORGE ANTHONY: They need to be in support of each other. They need to be there no matter what. They need to reach out.

And things get tough. There are tough days and hours and minutes. To know that they can reach out to me, to Josh, to my wife Cindy, to my son, other families that understand.

This is not about me. This is about Haleigh Anne Marie Cummings, age five, that needs to be found and brought home to this beautiful family.


VAN SUSTEREN: Joining us live is WOFL reporter Cheryl Getuiza. Cheryl, thank you for joining us.

And Cheryl, I want to just first get this lie-detector, polygraph thing settled. Do you know who has taken a polygraph and whether or not anyone has been found to be deceptive or not, with the understanding that they're not perfect tests?

CHERYL GETUIZA, REPORTER, WOFL: Greta, investigators told us so far two people have taken the lie-detector test, and that is the girl's father, Ronald Cummings, and his girlfriend, Misty Croslin. As to the results of the test, they would not let us know, Greta.

VAN SUSTEREN: What is the working theory of the police? Is it that someone invaded that home? Is there any sign that there is any forced entry, or not?

GETUIZA: Greta, they are now calling this an "abduction." They are going by what Misty Croslin told them, is that she got to go pee, and when she went back into the bedroom to see the kids, Haleigh was missing and the back door was open. And it was propped open by a cinderblock. So they're testing that cinderblock right now. They also took a whole bunch of other evidence. As to what evidence they took, they won't tell us. They told us, though, it is now being analyzed at a lab.

VAN SUSTEREN: I understand there are a number of registered sex offenders in the area they are looking at.

GETUIZA: Greta, 44 registered sex offenders within a five mile radius in this family's neighborhood. They said they have talked to a majority of those sex offenders. So far, none of them are suspects.

And, really, right now they have no suspect information. They're just trying to gather some information from the family. They interviewed them day in and day out, and still nothing.

VAN SUSTEREN: What is that community like? Do the people tend to know each other in the immediate area of their home?

GETUIZA: Greta, this is a very small community. It is very tight knit.

They have been having vigils every night since Haleigh disappeared. This is the third night in a row. These are neighbors and strangers coming together to help this young family.

It is an older retirement community, but Haleigh's father and his girlfriend with the two kids have lived in the home for some time.

VAN SUSTEREN: And in terms of neighbors, has anybody seen anybody stalking or doing anything peculiar? Has the child been out in the yard in the weeks past and anyone has been hanging out? Anything weird like that?

GETUIZA: Nothing to note, Greta, but the investigators have gone door to door to every single home in this mobile park, talking to every single person who is staying in those homes.

And no one has any information. Nothing suspicious has come onto the radar for investigators. But, again, they will continue talking to these neighbors to see if anything has come up.

VAN SUSTEREN: We only have 20 seconds left. There's a body of water close by, right--a pond or something?

GETUIZA: Yes, it is the St. Johns River.

Near the family's home, there is one mobile home next to them. And on the other side of the family's home is a very extensive wooded area. And just past that, 500 yards, is the St. Johns River. For the past three days, divers have gone into that river and done grid searches, and so far, they have found nothing, Greta.

VAN SUSTEREN: How about relatives of Misty who were over there that afternoon? Have they looked at them?

GETUIZA: Relatives--Misty's parents have not come out and said anything. Ronald's parents were here this afternoon, and they are here supporting Ronald and Misty.

But we did hear from Misty, and you talked to her earlier.

VAN SUSTEREN: I am sorry. I have got to go, Cheryl. Thank you.

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on February 17, 2009, 06:16:33 PM


Search Continues for Haleigh Cummings; Does New Evidence Spell Trouble for Amanda Knox?

Aired February 16, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET


JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HOST (voice-over): Tonight, stunning new twists in the frantic search for little Haleigh Cummings. It`s day seven since the 5-year-old disappeared from her Florida home. Today, 60 cop cars descend on a grassy area ten miles away.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is not "CSI." We can`t wrap this up in an hour. We wish we could.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: What exactly brought them there? Could it be a break in the case?

And a child molester from a nearby county is reported missing. Could there be a connection to little Haleigh?

Plus, more fall-out from Octomom, Nadya Suleman. As the unemployed single mom pleads for donations, reports flood in about her spending on manicures and video games. Now Octograndma tells the media how her eight new grandchildren are melting her heart and her wallet.

And I`ll examine the strange Angelina Jolie connection. Now even Brad Pitt is weighing in.

Then new testimony in the case against the suspected co-ed killer known as Foxy Knoxy. A housemate claims Knox had scratches on her neck hours Meredith Kercher`s body was found dead after what prosecutors are calling a drug-fueled sex game. I`ll have the latest on Italy`s sensational trial of the century.

ISSUES starts now.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: A flurry of brand-new developments tonight in the desperate search for missing Florida girl Haleigh Cummings. The sheriff`s department expressing the frustration everyone is feeling. Quote, "This is not `CSI.` We can`t wrap this up in an hour."

But authorities today were wrapping up their ground search after almost a week of systematic grid searches for the 5-year-old known to her family as Doodlebug. The sheriff`s department says it has turned up, quote, "nothing of significance."


SHERIFF JEFF HARDY, PUTNAM COUNTY, FLORIDA: I explained it to them with my staff. We`ve not abandoned this search. And as you`re aware, we had a contingency of officers out there again searching the location today that we received a tip on.

The fact is, is that we will be recovering some areas that we`ve already covered. And, you know, the family knows that we had to move logistically. We had to move our operations to a facility that better suited our needs to find Haleigh.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Officers will now focus their time on a tactical search, meaning they will follow up on more than 500 leads that have poured in this past week.

Meantime, we are learning that a local sex offender is also missing. Twenty-five-year-old Chad Eugene Reynolds went missing about a week before Haleigh vanished. There is no evidence that Reynolds is involved in little Haleigh`s disappearance, but authorities do want to talk to him.

Also tonight, inconsistent stories about the night of Haleigh`s disappearance are under close scrutiny. What exactly happened that evening? And where was little Haleigh actually sleeping?

Do you have a thought or question? Call me at 1-877-JVM-SAYS. That`s 1-877-586-7297.

But first, I want to turn to a very important guest, Crystal Sheffield, the mother of missing Haleigh Cummings.

Crystal, thank you so much for joining us. I cannot imagine what you are going through right now. And we hope by focusing on your daughter`s case we had somehow help out, help find her and get her home safely. That`s our hope.

As we approach the week anniversary of your daughter`s disappearance, what concerns you most about what you`ve heard? What are your most nagging questions about everything that you`ve been told?

Can you hear me?

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, MOTHER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I`ve just been -- yes. I`ve been told so many things. I just -- I don`t know what to think. My mind`s just blank. I don`t know what could have happened.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I can understand that. And you`re holding up, and you`re maintaining your strength, and I think we all applaud you for -- for having the gumption to -- to do these interviews and to stay out there. I know it`s got to be -- it`s unimaginable what you`re going through.

You know, your family and Haleigh`s father held separate vigils this past week. But both families put aside their differences Saturday night, and you held one vigil for young Haleigh together. I understand another prayer service is scheduled for tonight.

Now some people have described a riff between you and the father`s family. Is that accurate, or have you gotten some new piece of information or something that has healed that reported rift?

SHEFFIELD: No, we just -- I just feel like we should all be together for Haleigh.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: There are a lot of discrepancies that your mother was concerned about, and one particularly the sleeping arrangements. The latest that we`ve heard was that in the home at the time of little Haleigh`s disappearance, Misty, the father -- your ex`s girlfriend, was sleeping in bed with Junior, your son, and that Haleigh was in another bed in the same room. But originally, we heard all three were sleeping in the same bed.

Do you know why we`re hearing these different stories, Crystal? I mean, do you know why the story keeps changing?

SHEFFIELD: No, I don`t. I`ve wondered myself, because I -- I was told that at first they was all three in the same room. And then I heard that Haleigh and Junior were both in their own room. And then I heard it was Misty and Junior in Misty and Ronald`s room. I mean, I -- I`ve heard so many different things, I -- I don`t know.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Have you talked to the authorities about it and said, "Hey, I want to straighten this out?" Who`s changing the story? Is it the reporters getting it wrong, is it you getting it wrong, or is it Misty changing her story? Have you had that conversation with authorities?

SHEFFIELD: No, actually, I haven`t. I haven`t even thought about that. I`m just worried about my daughter.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: How do you regard Misty? I mean, as -- you`re the biological mother of this precious child who is missing, and you hear that this 17-year-old girl was in the bed with your -- your youngest -- the son, Junior. And she was also the sole caretaker while Ron, the father, was at work. What are your feelings about this 17-year-old being in charge of your children?

SHEFFIELD: I didn`t really approve of it, but there was really nothing I could do about it. I mean, that was his girlfriend and, I mean, I would not prefer a 17-year-old -- I don`t know. I know I`m young, and I don`t want to put her down for being 17, because I was that young when I got pregnant. But those are my children. And I don`t feel comfortable with them being with a 17-year-old. Just -- that`s just me. I mean...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I understand. I think you answered that very well. Now, the authorities talked today about re-interviewing the family and doing polygraphs. What can you tell us about that? How many times have the authorities interviewed you? And have you volunteered to take a polygraph just to help the investigation proceed and to -- to help the authorities do their job?

SHEFFIELD: Yes, I have. Me and my whole family have agreed to take one. But they have not come got us or anything.

I`ve -- I`ve talked to everyone who`s come up to me here lately, the past -- yesterday I didn`t talk to nobody because I was just -- I couldn`t. And it`s -- it`s hard for me right now to do it. I`m trying to hold myself together the best I can. And it...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: How are you doing that? Through prayer? Prayer?

SHEFFIELD: Yes. And I have my other two children I`ve got to be strong for, too. And I`ve got to be strong for Haleigh for when she comes home.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I just -- I honestly -- my heart goes out to you. I know al of our viewers feel the same way. Everyone here, we just feel your pain. And it`s impossible for us to really feel your pain, but we -- we want to do what we can, Crystal, to help find your child.

And we really do pray that little Haleigh comes back safe and sound. And I thought it was very encouraging that the authorities today said that they still had hope that your daughter is alive.

SHEFFIELD: I do, too.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Thank you so much.

SHEFFIELD: I feel -- I feel she`s out there.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Let`s pray we find her. Thank you so much, Crystal. And please come back...

SHEFFIELD: Thank you.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: ... as we continue to focus on your child.

Wow. That`s tough. What that mother is going through.

I want to bring in my panel of experts to analyze the latest in this really, really heart-wrenching case. Brenda Wade, clinical psychologist; Stacy Honowitz, Florida prosecutor; plus Steve Cardian, former criminal investigator; and James Fox, a criminologist at Northeastern University; as well as Jennifer Bauer, a reporter with CNN affiliate WJXT-TV.

Jennifer, what`s the very latest?

JENNIFER BAUER, REPORTER, WJXT-TV: Well, today, Jane, police told us they spent the afternoon following up on leads, more than 500 of them.

They were taken to an area near the family`s home, but an area that hadn`t really been extensively searched before. They tell us they went through that area today. They went through it again. It turned up nothing.

They`ve gotten some other leads, they tell us. They will be taking them tomorrow to another area here in Putnam County to be searched. But again, investigators tell us more than 500 leads. They are following up on them. They are continuing to search, they say, and they are continuing to interview family, friends, people who know the little girl, even people who don`t know the little girl.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I want to talk about the 44 sex offenders who live in this area where little Haleigh lived. You know, authorities are now saying that they finished questioning all of them, but one sex offender has not been found. He is 25-year-old Chad Reynolds. He disappeared on February 1.

Now, one reporter actually asked about him earlier today. Listen to this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`d like to find him like any other predator. Today, he is not a person of interest in this case today. But he, like any other unknown predator in our community, we want to find him. And if your TV viewers know where he`s at and can give us lead, we`ll take those, too.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Stacy Honowitz, there`s a warrant out for Reynolds. He`s not listed as a person of interest, but how worrisome is his disappearance and the timing with Haleigh`s disappearance?

STACY HONOWITZ, FLORIDA PROSECUTOR: I think everybody is going to try to put two and two together, because he is a sexual offender or predator, and this little girl is missing, but I don`t think we can jump to that conclusion right now.

There`s probably a warrant out for his arrest because he failed to re- register. When you`re a sexual predator or an offender down in Florida, you have an obligation to register four times: once during your birth month and then three other times during the year. Obviously, they see he`s missing. He`s failed to re-register. So it will be extremely important to talk to him, but first they have to find him.

STEVE CARDIAN, FORMER CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR: Do we know the details on what kind of sex offender he is? Because there`s all kinds of sex offenders who have done all sorts of things.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, it was lewd and lascivious molestation of a child under 12.

CARDIAN: Pardon?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Lewd and lascivious molestation of a child under 12. And there was also armed burglary. So it was a combination. And that`s kind of scary, because -- and I`m not saying -- he`s not a person of interest, but it`s kind of scary because somebody got into that house, too.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Everybody stay right there.

Just a quick reminder: Nancy Grace is up immediately following this program at 8 p.m. Eastern. She will have a special presentation on the Caylee Anthony case tonight.

And right here on ISSUES, we have much more to cover in the disappearance of Haleigh Cummings. Has the search gone cold, or are cops building a case against somebody? Call 1-877-JVM-SAYS. That`s 1-877-586- 7297. And tell me what you think.

But first, here is Haleigh`s dad begging for his daughter`s safe return.


RON CUMMINGS, FATHER OF HALEIGH: Bring her back anonymous, give her to someone else to bring back. However, she gets back, we want her back safe. If you`ve done something with her, tell us where she`s at. If she`s OK. Something. We just -- I want my daughter back. That`s it. That`s all I want. I want my daughter back. I`m not out for revenge.




HARDY: I say don`t lose hope. In fact, right now, hope is -- is probably the best thing that we have. And all the people that you see working and searching, and the people you see standing in this room, don`t give up hope. We`re asking the family, do not give up hope. And we need to have hope if we`re going to find Haleigh, and we hope to bring her home alive.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: That was the local sheriff, Jeff Hardy, at today`s news conference, emphasizing the power of hope for Haleigh`s safe return.

I`m back taking your phone calls on all of the latest developments in the missing Haleigh Cummings case. Give me a ring to join the discussion: 1-877-JVM-SAYS. That`s 1-877-685-7297. The phone lines totally jam- packed. This is such a heart-wrenching case.

Doreen in New Jersey, your question or thought, ma`am.

CALLER: Hi, Jane.


CALLER: Love your show.


CALLER: My question is they reported seeing a child`s footprints on a dirt path. So if this is little Haleigh, then obviously, she`s walking of her own accord. Were there any adult prints around those child`s footprints?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, let me go to Jennifer Bauer. But obviously, child`s prints, there were kids playing in that area, other kids. So I don`t know the significance, necessarily. And I hadn`t heard anything about child`s prints. Bring us up to date.

BAUER: Jane, those prints were reported in the initial incident report, the night that the Cummings called 911 and called police out to their home, when the investigators came and wrote their report. They reported seeing some child`s footprints. The canine unit picked up Haleigh`s scent behind the home, along with the footprints.

But keep in mind, this is the home where the little girl lived. This is the back yard where the little girl played. So police said don`t read too much into it. It`s probably just a footprint that was there from days before.


Pam, North Carolina, question or thought, ma`am.

CALLER: Yes. I just wanted to say I`m just so proud of George Anthony. And my heart goes out to the Cummings family, as well. But I wanted to know if it was possible that, after Ronald went to work, that somebody came by to visit Misty and was able to unlock the door without her seeing it.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, we want to get to the rest of our panel, but Jennifer, I do understand that there was an air conditioning repairman who was there earlier in the day, as well as some kind of relative of Misty`s.

BAUER: That`s right. What we`ve heard from police is earlier in the afternoon, there was an air-conditioning repairman who was in the home there to fix the family`s air conditioning. He had asked Misty about that earlier. And she said that she let the air conditioner man in the home, and then the family went outside to sort of let the kids play and socialize and let the air-conditioner man do his work.

We talked to police about this man. He said that the person has been identified and he has been cleared.

JAMES FOX, CRIMINOLOGIST: Can I say here that part of the problem is that there`s so many leads. And that`s a blessing and a curse. With a very high-profile case like this, all sorts of information will come forward in the investigation.

The problem is trying to figure out what is -- what are the really useful leads, to pursue those, and what`s the dead ends? And a lot of times can be wasted with trying to follow up on leads that are worthless.

And so it`s a whole problem of managing this investigation. There`s lots of people involved. There`s lots of information. Trying to stay on top of every piece of detail is incredibly difficult.


FOX: But incredibly important.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: You`re absolutely right.

Brenda Wade, you`re the psychologist. I heard that the authorities said some of the 500 leads were women who wanted to get their ex-husbands in trouble. In other words, using this as an excuse to kind of implicate them, to create problems for their ex-husbands. That struck me as absolutely mind-boggling.

BRENDA WADE, PSYCHOLOGIST: It`s shocking. And it`s sad because, at the end of the day, the one thing that anyone who really cares about other people would want to do is to see this little girl get home safely. So what a terrible time to try to wreak vengeance on someone you`re angry with.

And I do want to emphasize that hope is an important element, because it`s hope that keeps people energized. It keeps them trying. It keeps them wanting to move forward. So I do hope the family doesn`t give up hope. Nor do those who are searching for the child give up hope.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: What do you make, James Fox, of the idea that the authorities now are scaling back the grid search and going to a tactical search, meaning following up on the leads? What does that tell you in terms of where the direction of this case is headed?

FOX: Well, with seven days gone by, it is very unlikely that the abductor would be in the close neighborhood of -- of the house. The grid search would perhaps show if a body was found. And obviously, there was no body found. That`s a good thing.

At this point, if she is still alive, she`s miles and miles away.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Let me jump in.

FOX: With whom, we don`t know. And that`s the problem. A grid search will only be good for a certain area. We need to go far and wide to try to identify where she is.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Steve Cardian, in terms of where this direction is headed, the fact that they -- the authorities said today they have hope that little Haleigh is still alive, what does that tell you in terms of the forensic evidence that they`ve gathered?

CARDIAN: Well, Jane, they`ve exhausted their search -- or not exhausted. They`re still going to maintain a presence at the crime scene, but they have to categorize the leads that they have and put them in a venue of importance, with the hot topics, the highly probable -- high- probability evidence or leads that they have. And they`re going to have to file them right through.

The fact that they have evidence that they`re believing that she`s still alive, I`m not quite sure what they mean by that. But that would be a good -- a good indication that they have something that they`re not leading us on with.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Stacy, James, Brenda, thanks so much.

Steve, Jennifer, stick around.

Coming up, shocking new testimony in Italy`s trial of the century points the finger at Amanda Knox. Did she kill her roommate in a drug- fueled sex game as prosecutors contend?

And Casey Anthony`s legal team shifts their focus to Zanny the nanny and that lawsuit. The very latest on that controversy coming up next.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on February 18, 2009, 08:47:59 AM


What Happened the Night Haleigh Disappeared?

Aired February 17, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET



JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HOST (voice-over): Tonight, have investigators reached a turning point in their frantic search for 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings?

CAPT. STEVE ROSE, PUTNAM COUNTY SHERIFF`S OFFICE: We were able to come up with several good leads that we are following up on today.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: What exactly did they find this might shed light on this perplexing mystery? How is the sleeping child whisked away from a locked home with no apparent forced entry? And the search now focuses on a flood of tips as Haleigh`s family struggles to stay positive.

RON CUMMINGS, FATHER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: It is not time to give up. It`s time to -- there`s still time to look.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tonight, I`ll speak to the Cummings family pastor.

Then breaking developments in the Caylee Anthony case, as mountains of evidence are turned over to mom Casey`s defense team. But now conflicting reports about a crucial piece of evidence. Were Casey`s fingerprints on the duct tape that was found on Caylee`s remains? Original reports said yes, but now at least one source says no. I`ll have the very latest.

Plus more fallout from Octomom Nadya Suleman. Famed psychiatrist Carol Lieberman files a complaint with the city of Los Angeles, charging the octuplets will be endangered unless they`re adopted immediately. I will speak to Dr. Lieberman tonight.

ISSUES starts now.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Major breaking news, just in moments ago, involving the desperate search for missing Florida girl Haleigh Cummings. A flurry of conflicting reports about 17-year-old Misty Croslin, the last person to see Haleigh before she vanished. Was she even at home?

CNN affiliate WJXT now reporting that authorities are looking into the possibility, based on a lead, that Misty was not at the trailer with Haleigh, but the lead investigator in the case says, quote, "We have no evidence to believe that she, Misty, was not home."

If the girlfriend, however, wasn`t home, this is a huge development that casts a totally new light on this very mysterious case.

Misty herself says she was sleeping in the home with Haleigh and Haleigh`s 4-year-old brother, and police have said she is cooperating fully with their investigation.

Also tonight, authorities previously believed Haleigh had been wearing a pink shirt. Earlier today they dropped this shocker.


CHIEF RICK RYAN, PUTNAM COUNTY SHERIFF`S OFFICE: We obtained information through our investigation that young Haleigh was in fact not wearing a pink shirt as reported at the time of her disappearance.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: What`s the significance of all of these developments? We will examine that.

Meantime, authorities say they have been flooded with 1,200 new tips. They also say they`ve gotten significant new leads that came from neighborhood interviews.


ROSE: What we did last night, we utilized a source of federal, state and local officers to conduct an area canvass, a neighborhood canvass of Haleigh`s neighborhood and the adjacent neighborhoods. We were able to come up with several good leads that we are following up on today.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: So what does that say? That this is perhaps not a stranger abduction?

Also Haleigh`s family has some theories of their own as to what might have happened. Haleigh`s paternal grandmother, Theresa Nevis, said this to the CBS "Early Show" earlier today.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Teresa, where do you think she is?

THERESA NEVIS, HALEIGH`S GRANDMOTHER: I think that somebody has her, I hope inside a house where they at least feed her.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you think it`s someone that she knows, that your family knows or a complete stranger?

NEVIS: I don`t really know. My son works nights, you know, and we`re thinking that it would be somebody who would know that. They wouldn`t come to the house with my son.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: So many developments. I am going to take your calls: 1-877-JVM-SAYS. That`s 1-877-586-7297.

But first my expert panel, Drew Findling, Atlanta criminal defense attorney; Dr. Gaby Cora, psychiatrist; Joe Navarro, former FBI agent and profiler; and Jennifer Bauer, a reporter with WJXT-TV.

Jennifer, what is your station reporting tonight?

JENNIFER BAUER, REPORTER, WJXT-TV: We are reporting that more than 1,200 tips so far have come in to the Putnam County Sheriff`s Office, Jane, about this investigation.

And we have learned that one of those leads that they are looking into as a possibility is that 17-year-old Misty Croslin, who is Haleigh Cummings` father`s girlfriend, was not home the night the 5-year-old disappeared. Now, again, in the same breath when we talked to investigators about this, they remind us that they have gotten 1200 tips and this is one tip that they are looking into as a possibility.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And I wonder if that is, Jennifer, when they are referring to the significant new leads that they got after talking to people in the neighborhood, if that was the tip that they`re referring to.

BAUER: Well, you know, Jane, up until this point we are on day eight. Police have not gotten specific with us about those tips and leads. And when I called investigators just about 25 minutes ago and talked to them about this new information, they said, quote, "It is a possibility. It is something we are looking into."

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Drew Findling, this is a 17-year-old girl. And again, the investigators are saying at this point they have no reason to believe she wasn`t there, but apparently somebody is claiming that she wasn`t there and they`re investigating it, but at this point does this young lady need to get lawyered up? She`s not considered a suspect, I want to stress that, but it`s a 17-year-old girl, the center of a national storm.

DREW FINDLING, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well on the one hand, she has a concern if she misled officers and there`s a variety of misdemeanors that you can be charged for making a false statement. On the other hand, hey, she`s 17 years old. That`s in my estimation an 11th grader. We have another strange issue. What is she doing with an adult man living there?

Really, she has no custodial issues regarding caring for this child. She`s not really looking at criminal charge if she wasn`t there. She may have problems with her much-older boyfriend. But in terms of criminal conduct for taking off and going to a party, it`s very different than going to a party, like Casey Anthony when your child -- it`s your child is missing and you`re the adult that`s responsible for her.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: What I`m hearing you say, Drew, is that even if this is true it leads more to a conclusion of negligence or irresponsibility not that she is responsible for the disappearance of this child in terms of her doing something to the child.

FINDLING: That`s exactly right.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. Let me ask you this question, Joe Navarro. We also hear that they originally thought little Haleigh was wearing a pink shirt and now we`re hearing she was not wearing a pink shirt. They have found the pink shirt they thought she was wearing.

Does that dovetail with the idea that perhaps somebody wasn`t there watching the kids, because if you were there you would know exactly what the child was wearing when the child went to sleep?

JOE NAVARRO, FORMER FBI AGENT: Well, you know, that`s a good question. And a lot of times parents will because they`re nervous, the tension and so forth may not remember exactly what they were wearing.

But, you know, I go back to that interview you did a few days ago of the grandfather who said -- basically, he said, you know, this doesn`t pass the stink test. There`s so many things that are weird here.

Why are we getting information that, you know, that doesn`t match up? There were -- everybody seemed to have been in that room, and yet somehow this child was magically abducted, and nobody heard it. The doors were locked. Nobody seems to know the complete story. There are so many things here that are irregular which really makes you wonder, what is the true story? Why is it constantly being changed?

And why is it being parsed out? It seems like it`s being parsed out on a daily basis. Usually, when you get a complete and truthful story, it all comes out together at once. You don`t get it in these small packets.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, Joe, precisely to that point, Misty Croslin, Ronald Cummings` girlfriend, has given many different accounts of where Haleigh was sleeping the night she went missing. Now, first I want you to listen very carefully to Misty on the CBS "Early Show" this morning.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You were the last person to see Haleigh alive. She was sleeping in the same room as you when she vanished. How far away was she sleeping from you, Misty?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And how is it that she could have disappeared without you waking up?

CROSLIN: I don`t know. She just -- she wasn`t there when I woke up.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: She looks like a child in that video. Now she said Haleigh was four feet away. I want to play you now two clips of Misty from last week.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Were you all in the same bed?

CROSLIN: No. She was in her bed in front of the TV, and me and Junior were in my bed.

I gave a little sheet to cover up with, and she fell asleep. And I came in there to put a blanket on her and then I lay down.


CROSLIN: Gaby Cora, these are not necessarily completely conflicting stories. It`s just a totally different description of the same event.

However, there have been conflicting stories out there. We heard at one point that all three were in the bed together. Then we heard that she and the little boy, Junior, were in the bed and Haleigh was in another bed in the same room. I mean, it keeps changing, and that`s one of the reasons why there is suspicion about whether she`s being 100 percent truthful.

GABY CORA, PSYCHIATRIST: Jane, there seem to be very conflicting story around this one story, but the bottom line is that parents are responsible for the safety of their children. And if they leave anyone in charge of their children, they should really be trusting them with their dearest treasures. So this is a very sad and complex story where kids are taking care of kids.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And I ask you a question, Jennifer. Have you heard this new report that I read? And remember, we get stacks of reports from all sorts of different sources, so I don`t know the source of this and it`s certainly not confirmed.

But there`s a new report now claiming that Ron said Haleigh, little Haleigh, got up to use the bathroom and when she didn`t return Misty went to look for her because originally we heard that it was Misty who went up to use the bathroom and never got there because she saw that the light was on and realized the child was missing.

BAUER: That`s right. I have not heard that story, Jane, but I can tell you we have asked numerous times whether or not it was a possible they Haleigh got up herself or if maybe she walked out the backdoor. I even asked investigators if the kid sleep walks, but they kept saying over and over, she will not leave and she will not get up and get out of bed, because she is extremely afraid of the dark. That is what investigators and the family have told us numerous times.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Drew Findling, why doesn`t the sheriff and the people who have been speaking twice today, just come out? Why don`t they just come out and clarify this all? I mean if Misty passed the lie detector test, why not say she passed the lie detector test? She says she passed it.

FINDLING: I think right now they are trying to determine who is a suspect as one issue, but where is the child is another, and I think, you and I have to be convinced. I just am totally convinced that they`re also treating Misty as a 17-year-old.

I listened to what she said and you know what she sounded like? She sounded like my 17-year-old daughter when I said, "So who was at the party last night." I can ask it three different times, and every child 17-year- old is going to give you a different explanation.

And I think these detectives know that they`re dealing with that. Remember, it is not her that has the custodial issue here. It is the parents. The other thing they`re looking into is what kind of behavior did she exhibit during the child in the past?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And we`re going to get to that right after the break. Hang tight, we have so much to get to.

Don`t forget: Nancy Grace is up immediately following this program at 8 p.m. Eastern. She will have the very latest on the search for Haleigh.

And right here on ISSUES, my expert panel will weigh in on the shocking new developments in the disappearance of little Haleigh Cummings. Do you think police are closing in on a suspect? Call 1-877-JVM-SAYS. That`s 1-877-586-7297, and let me know.

But first I want you to listen to the desperate 911 call from Haleigh`s father.


CUMMINGS: I just got home from work and my 5-year-old daughter is gone. I need somebody to be here now, I`m telling you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Listen to me, listen.

CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before you all do, I`m killing them. I don`t care. I`ll spend the rest of my life in prison. I`m tell you, you can put it on record and I don`t care.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. It`s OK, sir. We`ve got them on the way. Can you give me any -- what kind of the description of the pajamas she was wearing?




DOMINICK PAPE, FLORIDA DEPARTMENT OF LAW ENFORCEMENT: It`s been a national man hunt from day one. We will take any lead, any place any time. I don`t know where this investigation is going to take us, and every lead is critical. So we will take anyone that will lead us to her recovery or lead us to a subject (ph).


VELEZ-MITCHELL: The special agent in charge of the Florida Department of Law Enforcement emphasizing that the search for Haleigh Cummings has been a national manhunt from the very start.

I`m back taking your phone calls on this case. Give me a holler to join the discussion: 1-877-JVM-SAYS. That`s 1-877-685-7297. Phone lines totally jam-packed.

Carrie in Florida, your question or thought, ma`am.

CALLER: Yes. I remember Casey Anthony`s fiance saying that Casey was jealous because she believed he cared more for Caylee more than her. So I`m wondering, did Misty also have issues with jealousy regarding her boyfriend`s daughter? Was there friction between Misty and Haleigh?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Wow! That, I have to say, I didn`t know where that question was going, but that is a pretty fantastic question when you think about it, Gaby Cora, because we can never forget about the psychological underpinnings of any kind of criminal case and what the conditions are leading up to something like this.

CORA: And you know, this is -- this is a great question and could hypothetically this be an issue. And yes, it could, but we have to remember that we do not really know if there was that kind of a motivation. On the other hand, we do know that there was a 17-year-old taking care of two young children.

But Drew Findling, by the same token, published reports are indicating the Florida Department of Children and Families is confirming that the agency was involved with this family, indicating a possible investigation involving the children.

Now, this was a published report that we haven`t been able to independently confirm, but we have reached out to the authorities to try to get it confirmed. If it`s true, if the Department of Children and Families was involved in some way, shape or form, and remember, Ron has complete custody, full custody, what does it say?

FINDLING: Well, let`s -- let`s start by addressing the caller, and that is there were two children there. So that`s really not resolving any jealousy issue by one child disappearing.

I think more importantly the reason why you`re going to see child services involved is what we`ve talked about, and that is you have a family where a dad is working through the night and has the equivalent of an 11th grade girl, who`s apparently his girlfriend, caring for two little children, who in my best definition, had she been the mother, which she`s not, would have had them at 12 and 13. Which just indicates she`s not ready to care for children through the night like this.

That`s a statement as to why you need the Department of Family and Child Services from time to time to look into a family like this or, unfortunately, it doesn`t seem at this point possibly to be a good ending to this.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Right. Stephanie, California. Question or thought, ma`am.

CALLER: Hey, I was wondering if they have thoroughly checked all the neighbors within that mobile home park, because we had a case in San Diego County with little Danielle Van Dam.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Oh, yes. I remember her.

CALLER: And it was the neighbor, and he was able to see the schedules of the mom and dad and the kids, and he was able to see the daughter.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, interesting that you should say that, because Jennifer Bauer, the paternal grandmother, says that she feels it`s somebody that had to know that Ron was at work at night, because they wouldn`t come in and want to confront a man.

BAUER: Yesterday -- yesterday, local, state and even federal investigators were back out into that mobile home neighborhood, going door to door. They tell us they knocked on some 300 homes and interviewed homeowners.

A lot of people who live in this area don`t live here full time. A lot of what we call snow birds, people who live up north most of the year and then come down to this part of Florida for the winter may not have been here last week. So investigators told us today some 300 homes, they`ve gone back and re-interviewed and talked to neighbors.


Debbie in Michigan. Question or thought, ma`am.

CALLER: Yes. Jane, I enjoy watching your program.


CALLER: I have a comment and a question. My comment is I had heard on one of the previous programs that Misty was molested by a cousin, and I can understand if that happened to her by a cousin why would she allow him in that house with that little girl? Unbelievable.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: There have been so many different stories and again, the key is to verify them, Jennifer?

BAUER: Yes, you know, we have not heard anything about that or not been able to confirm anything about that. Of course, we are getting the majority of our information from investigators here on the scene.

And, as you know, for eight days they have been extremely tight- lipped, and not because they necessarily want to be, but because they feel it is just Heard anything about that or not been able to confirm anything about that. Of course, we are getting the majority of our information from investigators here on the scene.

And as you know for eight days they have been extremely tight-lipped and not because they necessarily want to be, but because they feel it is just crucial to this investigation and crucial to bringing the 5-year-old back home.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: You are absolutely right. We have so much more to cover. Stick around. Much more to come on the Haleigh Cummings` case. I want to hear your take. Call 1-877-JVM-SAYS. That`s 1-877-586-7297.

But first, how did the abductor get into the home? Here is the 911 call placed by Haleigh`s father`s girlfriend regarding the crucial backdoor. You`ve got to listen to this.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Does the door look like it was pried open?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Does it look like you had some sort of -- someone tried to enter into your house?

CROSLIN: Um -- hold on.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And another thing, make sure you and your husband don`t touch the door anymore. Don`t mess with the door or anything.

CROSLIN: No, it doesn`t.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We obtained information through our investigation that young Haleigh was, in fact, not wearing the pink shirt as reported at the time of her disappearance.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: So much in question tonight. Little Haleigh not wearing a pink shirt at the time of her disappearance as previously reported.

Back with my panel and the phone lines lighting up. Sharon in Florida, question or thought, ma`am.

CALLER: yes. Is Haleigh`s father going to be charged with having sex with a minor when this is all over? If he were a coach or a teacher he would be in jail already.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, Drew Findling, you hinted at this issue earlier.

FINDLING: Well, he -- there is not going to be a charge for that, because she is of majority at 17 years old. The difference between a teacher and a student is that that is considered sexual assault upon a person in custody, even though they`re not really in custody. That`s what we consider the student/teacher relationship.

So you may be disturbed by the fact that he`s 25 and she`s 17 and he`s leaving her in the care of a 5- and a 4-year-old. It`s disturbing but not illegal, just uncomfortable for all of us.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Listen, I`ve been thinking about everything, because there`s been so much breaking news. And again, this is only one person`s claim. It`s a tip that police got that they`re checking out a claim that Misty left the house. They say they have no reason to believe that it`s true at this point.

But, if you think about it hypothetically, Joe Navarro, if you`re baby-sitting, let`s say kids, you`re not going to leave them when they`re up. You`re more likely to leave them after they`ve fallen asleep. Hypothetically, to account for the open door, would it be possible, if this is true -- and again, I`m just totally speaking hypothetically -- that the kids fell asleep, she left, left the door open, went outside for whatever reason -- to see a friend or get a smoke or something innocent -- comes back and at that time is when she finds little Haleigh missing?

JOE NAVARRO, FORMER FBI AGENT: Well, it`s certainly possible, and like I said, we don`t know all the facts. It is possible.

But look at it this way. If she was in the house, you know, and they live in a trailer. And if you`ve ever been in one of those trailers, they`re very noisy. When you walk through those things the floors vibrate. It just seems inconceivable to me that she was not aware that someone was, you know, inside that residence and has no explanation for the...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, you know, every morning I wake up and I tiptoe around getting coffee, and I don`t necessarily wake up the people in the house. I mean, you can be quiet. And people are asleep. They call it dead asleep because they`re asleep. I don`t think that`s necessarily significant.

Let me get to this, though. Sometimes it`s really hard to know what the police are saying when they come out and they give press conferences in the midst of a search. Listen to this.


ROSE: The investigation, we feel pretty confident, as to the general timeline when the girlfriend last saw Haleigh to the time when she reported it on the 911 call. That`s the timeline we`re focusing on. But there again, as far as the timeline prior to and afterwards, we`re not releasing that.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Gaby, I have ten seconds. I didn`t understand what he was talking about.

CORA: Well, I`m not particularly clear about that either. But I think -- I think there are so many things about this case that we need to try to figure out and, you know, someone -- an adult wouldn`t know when a child is walking around.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: It doesn`t make sense.

Jennifer, Gaby, thank you so much. Drew, Joe, stick around. Coming up, breaking developments in the Caylee Anthony case. New inconsistencies, bombshell evidence could be revealed tomorrow.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on February 18, 2009, 08:57:13 AM


Police Pursue New Leads in Missing Florida Girl

Aired February 17, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old little girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone -- gone, vanished into thin air, the back door propped wide open. The father comes home from the night shift to find not a single trace of little Haleigh.

Bombshell. Literally in the moments before we go to air tonight, local WJXT reports the girlfriend/baby-sitter was not -- repeat, not -- sleeping in the home with the children when little Haleigh disappears, what the girlfriend first told police, a bed she was reportedly sharing with the girlfriend/baby-sitter and her 4-year-old little brother. Where was she? What was the scenario that night? After claiming she passed not one but two polygraphs, the girlfriend`s apparent lie at the least costing police invaluable hours at the get-go in the search for Haleigh!

And in another major development, police announce they have in their possession the pink shirt little Haleigh reported wearing the night she disappears. Turns out she wasn`t wearing it at all. How -- how -- can you not know what your child`s wearing after you bathe and dress them for bed? This leaves us with no clothing description, information critical in bringing Haleigh home!

And tonight, police on the search for a nearby and unaccounted-for sex offender. Offense? A 2002 break-in of a trailer in the middle of the night to molest an 11-year-old little girl. Sound familiar? Tonight, with the investigation turned upside-down, where is 5-year-old Haleigh?


911 OPERATOR: OK. What`s your address?


911 OPERATOR: What`s the numerical?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The numerical? What`s that?

911 OPERATOR: The number. Green Lane?




911 OPERATOR: OK, when did you last see her?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We just, like -- you know, it was about 10:00 o`clock. She was sleeping (INAUDIBLE)

911 OPERATOR: OK. How old is your daughter?





911 OPERATOR: OK. What was she last seen wearing?

CUMMINGS: (INAUDIBLE) the middle of the night.

911 OPERATOR: Ma`am?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She was in her pajamas. We were sleeping.

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER: I just got home from work, my 5-year-old daughter is gone. I need somebody to be here now, I`m telling you.

911 OPERATOR: OK. Listen to me. Listen to me. We`ve got two officers...

CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before y`all do, I`m killing him. I don`t care. I`ll spend the rest of my life in prison, I`m telling you. You can put it on the report, and I don`t care.

911 OPERATOR: OK. It`s OK, sir. We`ve got them on the way. OK, can you give me any -- what kind of description of her pajamas that she was wearing?

CUMMINGS: I don`t (DELETED) know! I was at work!

911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, we`ve got them coming, OK?

911 OPERATOR: What`s her date of birth?

CUMMINGS: Y`all are (DELETED) playing games, man! I`m going to (DELETED) kill somebody!

911 OPERATOR: OK, tell him we understand. We need to get her date of birth.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What`s her date of birth?

CUMMINGS: (DELETED) her birthday! We need to find her! (DELETED) her date of birth!


GRACE: I agree with the father. Who cares about the date of birth at a time like that? Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Bombshell tonight. As we go to air, local WJXT reports the girlfriend/baby-sitter was not -- was not -- sleeping in the home with the children the night little Haleigh disappears out of her own bed. And in another major development, police announce they have the pink shirt Haleigh reported wearing when she goes missing. Police losing critical hours at the onset all because of a single lie?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just woke up, and our back door was open, and I can`t find my daughter.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I laid down (INAUDIBLE) I mean, I`m not positive what time. It was, like, 3:00. You know, it was (INAUDIBLE) 3:00 o`clock in the morning. I got up. And I got up because I had to use the bathroom, but I didn`t make it to the bathroom. I seen the kitchen light on and I walked in the kitchen, and the back door`s wide open. And I didn`t notice about Haleigh then until I seen the back door open. And I (INAUDIBLE) and`s was gone. And that`s all I know, is when I woke up -- when I went to sleep, she was there, and then when I woke up, she was gone!




911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, let me talk to your wife. Let me get some information from her.


911 OPERATOR: Can I talk to her?



CUMMINGS: How the (DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole (DELETED)!


GRACE: There we see at the very beginning if we had only understood then what we know now. As we go to air, local stations reporting the baby- sitter not at home the night little Haleigh goes missing.

Out to Jennifer Bauer at the command center with WJXT. What`s happening?

JENNIFER BAUER, WJXT: Well, Nancy, I`m going to be very clear. We are reporting, WJXT out of Jacksonville, that so far to date, police have received some 1,200 tips and leads. One of those leads is that Misty Croslin, the baby-sitter, may not have been home the night Haleigh disappeared. And police tell us they`re looking into it as a possibility. They have not confirmed she was not in that home, but they tell us they are looking into it as a possibility.

GRACE: What is the alternative? Where is the tipster saying she was?

BAUER: That we don`t know. Police are telling us they`ve received 1,200 tips. Yesterday, they had 500. They have more than doubled the amount of tips in just one day. And they`re coming in from everywhere. They`re coming in by phone. They`re coming in by e-mail. People are faxing. People are calling. So you know, police are trying to make sense of all of this.

We got this information late today. And when I called detectives just about an hour ago to confirm all of this information, they said, We`ve gotten a lot of information, but we can confirm that it`s something we`ve heard. We are looking into it as a possibility.

And considering we have been here for eight days, police have not gotten very specific to this point about some of those leads that have been coming in. So this is definitely a development. This is definitely new information that we didn`t have yesterday, or we didn`t even have this morning.

GRACE: And Jennifer Bauer, joining us tonight from WJXT, what can you tell me about the description of what little Haleigh was wearing when she was last seen? That`s wrong, too?

BAUER: Well, we have to be very careful, too. Police are not telling us how they got it or where they got it, but they are telling us that they have in their possession that pink shirt they originally thought Haleigh was wearing the night she disappeared. To me, that opens up a lot of questions. But detectives are being very tight-lipped because, again, they keep telling us they keep reiterating they do not want to compromise this investigation at this point.

So the only information they`re willing to say is that that pink shirt they thought Haleigh was wearing that night, they have with them. We don`t know where they got it. We don`t know where they found it. We just know they have it.

GRACE: Let`s talk about what the scenarios are. Let`s unleash the lawyers. We`re taking your calls live. Susan Moss joining us out of New York, child advocate, Raymond Giudice out of Atlanta, defense attorney, Greg McKeithen, former prosecutor, current defense attorney also out of the Atlanta jurisdiction. Susan Moss, what do you say?

SUSAN MOSS, FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY: This 17-year-old is no Rip Van Winkle. Her story makes no sense. Her argument that she was sleeping in the bed and then she wasn`t woken up when a door was opened, when a cinderblock was placed by the door, and when this child was taken -- I don`t buy it.

GRACE: What about it, Ray? Could both scenarios be true?


GRACE: Could she -- let`s just give her the benefit of the doubt for a moment. Could she have, if this tipster`s correct, left the home to go out -- partying, I don`t know, go somewhere -- and someone come in the home while she`s gone? Just because she wasn`t there does not necessarily mean she`s responsible for the disappearance.

GIUDICE: Absolutely. I think we need to separate the question of whether she made an irresponsible act and wasn`t there at the time, as opposed to any involvement in the actual disappearance and potential harm to the child. There`s no allegation and no evidence of that. And I think everyone should stay on that track for now.

GRACE: But of course, Greg McKeithen, you know, when you`re trying to find a missing girl and you find out someone may have lied at the very beginning, that`s serious.

GREG MCKEITHEN, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: That is, I agree. And that is an issue that has to be explored. And whether or not she...

GRACE: Explored?

MCKEITHEN: ... intentionally misled the police.

GRACE: Explored? That`s putting perfume on a pig, McKeithen!


GRACE: If this girl is lying about what happened that night, I want to do more than a little exploration.

MCKEITHEN: Well, I think we must examine the totality of the circumstances in the statement, Nancy, to find out exactly what did she say and what did she not say. Maybe there`s a simple omission of information.

GRACE: You know what? You`re right. It could be. And right now, Ms. Bauer is reporting it as a tip that police are following up onto.

T.J. Hart, the news director at WSKY, 97.3 Fuhrman. T.J., thank you for being with us. Did we ever get any clarification regarding where everybody was sleeping? Let`s say the girlfriend was home. First of all, they were all three in the bed together. Then the story shifted. The children were in another room. Then the story shifted again. She was in bed with the little 4-year-old boy and the little girl was sleeping in another room. Has that been clarified?

T.J. HART, WSKY: No, that hasn`t, as a matter of fact. And in fact, it is a topic of discussion just about anywhere you go in this part of Florida. And you know, people are discussing this story at all hours of the day and night, and it all centers on the inconsistencies of this story and the bedroom situation as to where the kids may or may have been and where Misty might or might not have been.

GRACE: Well, Mr. Hart, I can tell you, unless there`s been a drastic change since I left home, I know what pajamas the twins have on. I can tell you exactly what they`re wearing.

HART: Yes, you would know, if you`re a parent, and you are.


GRACE: I know every single button that they`ve got on tonight. So how can you be confused about a pink T-shirt?

On the other hand -- back to Giudice -- both things could be true. The baby-sitter may have put her in the pink T-shirt and then later finds the T-shirt on the floor.

GIUDICE: That`s right. And we don`t know where the police found the pink T-shirt. Was it outside the home?

GRACE: That`s what I`m telling you, Ray.

GIUDICE: I agree. Oh, absolutely, both alternatives are true. So before we start accusing this young lady of serious crimes...

GRACE: OK, you know what?

GIUDICE: ... she has inconsistencies...

GRACE: Hold it for a moment. Thank you. Joining me right now, Teresa Neves, the paternal grandmother of little Haleigh. Ms. Neves, thank you for being with us. What do you make of this scenario? Was the baby- sitter at home that night in bed with the little girl or not?

TERESA NEVES, PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER: I believe that she was. To the best of my knowledge, she was there. I had a family member there that night checking on the children, dropping off some clothes. So I know up to a point that she was definitely there. There`s no doubt in my mind that she was there, you know?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, that`s -- I just didn`t hear it. And I wish I did because I wouldn`t let no one take her.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Are you blaming herself?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just know, like -- I feel like that, you know, I wish that they would have took me instead of her, you know, because I could have fought. You know, she`s only 5. She can`t really do anything. And I just wish they would have took me instead of her! What do they want with a little 5-year-old?




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He`s feeling helpless, not knowing if his daughter, Haleigh, is a few miles away or a few thousand. Today Ronald Cummings was adamant that he`s never giving up hope.

CUMMINGS: It`s not time to give up. It`s time to (INAUDIBLE) It`s still time to look. You know, my daughter is still gone somewhere, and we want her home.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Whoever has her (INAUDIBLE) just bring her back. And Haleigh, if you`re watching, Mommy loves you. And I miss you! And I want you to come home!

CUMMINGS: Please bring her home. Please bring her home safe. And if she`s watching, baby, I love you. I`ll never give up on you!


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. But first, to Teresa Neves, the paternal grandmother of little Haleigh. Ms. Neves, again, thank you for being with us. In light of the recent reporting by WJXT on a tip that police have received that Misty was not in the home when the little girl, Haleigh, goes missing, you believe she was. Explain.

NEVES: I do believe she was at home. I believe she`s a very responsible girl. I believe -- like I say, I had family members there that night, dropping off clothes, and so I know she was there up until a point. And I don`t believe that she left after that.

GRACE: OK. Good to know. And Ms. Neves, what do you make of the confusion about who was sleeping in what bed?

NEVES: I believe that`s a big misconception caused by the media. When she made the report, they were all sleeping together, and they were. They may not have been in the same bed, but they were all in the same room.

GRACE: OK. You know what? That makes sense. And I hope that you`re correct because it`s shifted and changed, but it may have been just been a manner of phrasing that made the inconsistency. And I also...

NEVES: Absolutely.

GRACE: Yes. And I also noticed that even though they are now exploring, investigating, whether or not she may have been home that night, they are still saying -- police are saying, anyway, that they don`t have information suggesting she wasn`t there. So unless they`re flat-out lying, they believe she was there, as well. Although...

NEVES: Absolutely.

GRACE: ... the tip is being explored. Also, Ms. Neves, while I`ve got you on the phone -- with me is the paternal grandmother of little Haleigh, who goes missing out of her own bed -- Ms. Neves, what about the pink T-shirt she was reported to be wearing the night she goes missing by Misty? Now we find out the police have that pink T-shirt. She wasn`t wearing it.

NEVES: We still say she was wearing it when she was put in bed.

GRACE: OK. So how did it reappear?

NEVES: I cannot answer that. I was not there when someone came in and took her. I don`t know.

GRACE: OK. Do you have any idea how they -- where they found the pink T-shirt?

NEVES: No, ma`am.

GRACE: OK. Ms. Neves, has anyone gone through her clothes to determine what`s missing, what she may be wearing, as a way to help find the little girl?

NEVES: That home is now considered a crime scene. No one is allowed in there.

GRACE: Well, do you think that someone -- you know, let`s go to Detective Lieutenant Steve Rogers. Shouldn`t someone go through the clothing with police to determine what`s missing? I mean, that`s kind of a tough thing to determine. You`ve got a 5-year-old little girl. She`s probably got a ton of T-shirts that she wears. It`s going to be tough to determine what`s missing, what one outfit may be missing.

DET. LT. STEVEN ROGERS, NUTLEY, N.J., POLICE DEPARTMENT: You`re absolutely right, Nancy. The police would take a relative in, perhaps a mother in, to look through the belongings. I got to tell you...

GRACE: No, the mother lives 150 miles away. It`s not going to be the mother.

ROGERS: I`m sorry.

GRACE: The grandmother says it`s a crime scene. She hasn`t been back in. So where does that leave me?

ROGERS: Well, it leaves us at ground zero, where the police are going to begin, meaning the person closest to this child. Look, Nancy, we`ve been through this a dozen times. And I`ve got to tell you that the police are going to start at ground zero, closest people to the child. They`ll probably end up there. And then we have a sex offender.

GRACE: You know, you`re right. Let`s go back to Jennifer Bauer with WJXT. Jennifer, what can you tell me about Chad Eugene Reynolds?

BAUER: The police are calling Chad Reynolds a sexual predator, Nancy, and he`s missing out of Marion County, which is the county just below Putnam here. He apparently, we`re hearing, failed to check in with his probation officer, and he was reported missing at the beginning of this month. Forgive me, but I believe it was February 3rd. Police have not been able to locate him since.

We did ask investigators about him, whether they`re concerned, whether they`re trying actively right now to locate him, and detectives here on this case tell us, at this point, he is not a person of interest, but of course they are actively trying to locate him. There is a warrant out for his arrest and they do want to talk to him. Again, he is considered a sexual predator, missing out of Marion County, which is one county south of Putnam County, which is where we are right now.

GRACE: You know, I`m noticing that the incident back in 2002 took place in Putnam County. It dealt with breaking into a trailer -- I`m looking right at the police report in my hand -- in the middle of the night to molest an 11-year-old little girl sleeping in her bed. Sounds extremely familiar.

Out to the lines. To Wonder in Massachusetts. Hi, dear.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. How are you?

GRACE: I`m good. What`s your question tonight?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My question is, you know, everyone`s saying that -- how responsible this girl is. And when she noticed that the little girl was missing, your first instinct is to call the police, call 911. Why would she wait for her boyfriend to pull up in the driveway? Even the boyfriend says, Why are you telling me this? You should be on the phone calling 911. Why wouldn`t a responsible person call 911?

GRACE: To Teresa Neves, the grandmother of little Haleigh. What was the cause of the delay?

NEVES: Misty was trying to find Haleigh herself. She was going through the house, looking, you know, through closets, their playroom, what have you. She was looking for Haleigh herself when my son came home.

GRACE: Everyone, we are taking your calls live. With me, the grandmother of little Haleigh.

But another case, still no answers tonight in the murder of a 13-year- old Georgia boy, Chuckie Mauk. On this day, 1987, Chuckie riding home on his bicycle, Warner Robins, Georgia, stopped to talk to a man in a car. As Chuckie got back on his bike, the unknown driver fatally shooting Chuckie near a local convenience store. Please look at little Chuckie. If you have any information, call Houston County sheriff`s 478-542-2125. Tonight, we still remember Chuckie Mauk.




911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, let me talk to your wife. Let me get some information from her.


911 OPERATOR: Can I talk to her?



CUMMINGS: How the (DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole (DELETED)!


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Back to Haleigh`s grandmother. Teresa Neves is joining us tonight there from Satsuma. Ms. Neves, again, thank you. And you probably have no idea how many people are praying for Haleigh and for your family tonight. What do you believe, Ms. Neves? What do you believe happened to Haleigh?

NEVES: I believe that someone came in that house and took her. I believe that they either know my grandchildren and my family or Haleigh`s mother`s family, or they had to watch for a while because my son`s on the night shift. And you know, anybody who knows my son knows that he is very protective of his children. So no one would dare to come in when he is there. So you`ve got to be talking about somebody who knew my son wouldn`t be there.

GRACE: And tonight, Ms. Neves is standing by the girlfriend/baby- sitter, Misty, saying she was in the home and was sleeping there in the room with the children. We are taking your calls live. Stay with us.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Authorities have received over 1,200 tips in the search for 5-year-old Florida girl, Haleigh Cummings.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The original AMBER Alert say she was wearing a pink t-shirt when she disappeared. Well, investigators now said that`s not the case.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We obtained information through our investigation that young Haleigh was, in fact, not wearing a pink shirt as reported at the time of her disappearance.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Law enforcement officials say they`re investigating new leads in the case. Leads obtained after canvassing the neighborhood where Haleigh lives with her father Ronald Cummings.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s been a national manhunt from day one. We will take any lead any place, any time that we have mentioned earlier in press conferences. I don`t know where this investigation is going to take us. And every lead is critical.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Police believe Haleigh was abducted in the middle of the night last week, taken from her own bed.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`re doing everything we can to recover this child. That`s still number one. We will not leave a stone unturned or lead not followed up.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The Putnam County Sheriff`s Office say they will continue to investigate until she is found, saying they will re-interview family and their associates.

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: It`s not time to give up. It`s time to -- there`s still time to look.


911 DISPATCHER: OK, sir, let me talk to you wife. Let me get some information from her.


911 DISPATCHER: OK. Can I talk to her?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) can you let y daughter get stole, bitch?


NANCY GRACE, HOST: We are taking your calls. Live out to Mary Jo in Mississippi. Hi, Mary Jo.

MARY JO, FROM MISSISSIPPI: Hi, Nancy. You`re so precious to all of us. We love you, your family and all of your staff.

GRACE: Thank you.

MARY JO: I have a question and a comment. I notice on the close-up of the young girlfriend that her eyes were very dilated, which it would indicate that maybe she`s on some medication or drug of some type, which could actually explain why she`s so confused with her answers.

Has anybody thought about giving her a drug test?

GRACE: To Dr. Bethany Marshall, psychoanalyst and author of "Dealer Breakers," what about it, Bethany?

BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST, AUTHOR OF "DEALBREAKERS": Well, Mary Jo is correct. This is one of many things that the investigators are going to be looking at, and especially those who do the forensic psychological examinations. Was she on drugs? Was she a partier? Or was she a really responsible young woman? Because past behaviors are a predictor of future behavior.

When that 911 call comes in, Mary Jo, she identifies herself as the mother of the children and the little girl is her daughter. Was that confusion, panic, or was she exaggerating the nature of her relationship with the child to make it -- herself look like a better caretaker?

The hysteria, I`m very interested in that. Was she hysterical because the child was gone, or was she hysterical because she was terrified of getting into trouble with her boyfriend? I feel that perhaps her fear of Ron Cummings might be one of the biggest obstacles in this investigation, because a 17-year-old could be more afraid of the boyfriend than of the actual legal authorities.

And the final question was, predators are so cunning. Was there a child predator who was grooming her as well as the children, endearing himself to her in order to have access to the children?

GRACE: I want to go back to the grandmother of Haleigh, Teresa Neves is with us. Miss Neves, I don`t know what to make of the call. And it`s a legitimate call from Mary Jo in Mississippi. I can`t tell whether Misty Croslin`s eyes are -- look that way because she`s been crying so much.

She`s probably hasn`t slept a wink since all of this occurred. Or was there any drug history?

TERESA NEVES, GRANDMOTHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD, HALEIGH CUMMINGS: There is no drug history that I know of. And I would like to say that Misty has cried. The reason that Misty calls Haleigh, my daughter, my daughter, should be evident. I mean, Misty loved those children like they were her own.

GRACE: And Miss Neves, how long has she been taking care of them at night while the dad had the night shift?

NEVES: My son has not been on the night shift that long. So, I mean.

GRACE: So not very long.

NEVES: She was taking care of them. She has taken care of them -- well, pretty much since they`ve been together. I mean my mom and I are here. You know?

GRACE: How long have they been together?

NEVES: Five months. That.

GRACE: Miss Never.

NEVES: The night shift is only -- he`s only been on that like -- I mean I can`t give you an exact date, but I`m going to say he hasn`t been on that night shift four or five weeks.

GRACE: Miss Neves, the other evening I was told that Haleigh had missed a lot of school because she`s been sick. What has been wrong with her? Why has she been missing so much school?

NEVES: OK. I don`t know where your medical experts are, but Haleigh has Turner syndrome. And Haleigh has been sick a lot in her life. I mean, I personally have stayed in the hospital with her three times. Her immune system is not what it should be.

GRACE: We know for a fact, Miss Neves, that she was at school the day that she went missing.

NEVES: Yes, ma`am, she was. I picked her up from the bus stop.

GRACE: Let`s go out to Marc Klaas, president and founder of Klaas Kids Foundation.

Marc, weigh in.

MARC KLAAS, PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER, KLAAS KIDS FOUNDATION: Well, first of all, I don`t think for one second that this young girl is going to be able to finesse law enforcement. Remember, there`s a multi jurisdictional task force that goes from highly trained FBI agents all the way down to the local authorities.

And if, in fact, she`s not telling the truth, which quite frankly, it seems like she`s not, because there are many inconsistencies, not only the ones she mentioned, but did she get up to go to the bathroom or did she get up to get a drink that night. Those are very, very different scenarios of their own.

But she`s not going to be able to finesse them if she`s lying. Right now her story is incredibly self-serving. It -- answers nothing but her own personal issues as to, she slept through the deal, she didn`t call 911 because she woke up at the very last minute. The clothing is miscalculated. There are -- there are many, many things wrong here.

Now, what law enforcement is going to do, they have 1,200 tips, but they`re not all of equal value. They have hard tips, they have soft tips, and a lot of them might even be a theory. They`re using a piece of soft where something like rapid start to help them prioritize those tips.

And for whatever reason, and I think it was calculated, they let this information out tonight that this little girl may not have been home. And they did that for a very specific reason. They`re probably leaning on her. They probably want to find out exactly what did happen and deal with all of these inconsistencies.

Because this is a search for the truth. And if people are not telling the truth in this effort to recover this little girl, it`s going to hinder that investigation, and it`s going to slow down that process and there is no time to slow down here.

Misty has to come clean with whatever happened, whether she`s involved, or whether she`s not involved. If she was not in the house, where was she, who was she with? If she was in the house, then why are these stories so inconsistent and why do they seem to shift a little bit here and a little bit there with the different tellings?

The truth is consistent. The truth does not change. Misty`s story is inconsistent at this point.

GRACE: You know, Marc Klaas, you said something that I found to be true during all the years that I prosecuted. The truth doesn`t change. Now, as you retell and retell and retell your story, you may remember details that you didn`t say the first or the second or the third time, small details may be added. Your story may become embellished as you tell it. You may remember something else.

But it`s very rare that it actually changes, that the story of the truth changes. It can be embellished, it can be added to, but not significantly changed.

I want to go back to the grandmother, Teresa Neves.

Miss Neves, do you mind just going over with me one more time where everybody was sleeping that night?

NEVES: Not a problem.


NEVES: As I stated before, Misty, I believe, said that they were all sleeping together. And that was true, because they were all in the same bedroom. OK? Haleigh has a small toddler`s bed. And she was on the mattress on that toddler`s bed in the room with Misty and Junior.

GRACE: OK. And that leaves Misty and the little brother in the big bed?


GRACE: Everyone, with me tonight, Teresa Neves, the grandmother of little Haleigh. We`re going to break. We`re taking your calls live.

As we go to break, I want you to know about the Joan Gaeta Lung Cancer Foundation. Joan Gaeta Lung Foundation treats the number one cancer killer in the world, lung cancer. Claiming more lives than breast, colon, prostate, melanoma and kidney cancer combined. 450 Americans die every day.

PS, you don`t have to smoke to get lung cancer.

Joan Gaeta, a beloved wife and mother of five, a teacher who lost her battle with lung cancer. In her honor, the second annual Dancing for Joan fundraiser for lung cancer research. It`s this Saturday, February 21, Marietta, Georgia.

For info or to make a donation, go to

And happy birthday to Florida friend of the show, Elyssa.

Elyssa, happy birthday.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Phyllis Bard has watched from her front porch as cops pull into the Hermits Cove neighborhood one by one Monday afternoon in this otherwise quiet and sleepy little town. What was once her mother`s home is now the center of the investigation into Haleigh Cummings` disappearance.

PHYLLIS BARD, NEIGHBOR: She was really a delightful little girl, (INAUDIBLE) hugged me when I`d be taking clothes off my line.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She says she knows the home where Haleigh lives inside and out. And yet even so, she says she couldn`t tell you offhand exactly where the light switches are located in the kitchen. The light 17- year-old, Misty Croslin, noticed were on when she saw the back door was wide open, making Bard wonder if the person who took the little kindergartner out of her bed perhaps may have been someone who had been in the home once before.


GRACE: With me right now is Reverend Jesse Smallwood, who previously lived in the home from which Haleigh disappeared.

Reverend, thank you for being with us. Describe the home.

REVEREND JESSE SMALLWOOD, PREVIOUSLY LIVED IN THE SAME HOME WHERE HALEIGH DISAPPEARED: Well, it`s a typical mobile home. It was (INAUDIBLE) when we looked at it then it was not quite as sturdy as we expected.

GRACE: Reverend, let me ask you about the bedroom. The bedroom in which the little girl was sleeping along with.

SMALLWOOD: Would you mean the master or one of the two children`s rooms?

GRACE: To Grandmother Neves, weren`t they in the master bedroom?

NEVES: They`re in the master bedroom, yes.

GRACE: Reverend, it was the master bedroom.

SMALLWOOD: OK. Well, what would you like to know?

GRACE: Well, how big is it? Because we know the babysitter did not hear someone when they took the little girl.

SMALLWOOD: Well, it was 10 by 10, if I`m not mistaken, with a room tarp, with a huge garden tub in the corner. Left-hand corner of the room as you enter into the door. Because we had a queen size bed, and I`m 6`5", pretty big guy.


SMALLWOOD: And I had bypass surgery, and so I could not get around in the room.

GRACE: Were you surprised when you heard that the babysitter did not hear someone take the little girl?

SMALLWOOD: Well, if they came in the back door, because it`s a long ways, because you had to come through the washroom, the kitchen, the dining room.

GRACE: So were you surprised?

SMALLWOOD: The double living room. Yes, I was.

GRACE: To Dr. Marty Makary, what can you tell me about the Turner syndrome the little girl suffers?

DR. MARTY MAKARY, PHYSICIAN, PROF. OF PUBLIC HEALTH, JOHNS HOPKINS: Yes, Turner syndrome affects specifically young little girls, about 1 in 3,000 girls have it. And they have webbing of the neck. They have a somewhat shortened stature. Low setting ears.

And their mental capacity is normal, but their immune system is suppressed because their heart, essentially, does not pump as efficiently as most -- most young girls. And their hands and feet can sometimes be swollen. So expect their coordination to be a little off.

GRACE: That sounds exactly like what the grandmother, the paternal grandmother Neves was telling us. So not only has this child been taken from the home, she`s also suffering from this syndrome.

Please, everyone, the tip line, 888-277-8477. There is a reward. Please help us find Haleigh.

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on February 19, 2009, 05:41:13 PM


Aired February 18, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET

The latest developments in the desperate search, just 70 miles away for little Haleigh Cummings: police say, more than 1,000 tips have poured in, since Haleigh went missing over a week ago. One of those claims her father`s girlfriend, Misty Croslin, may not have been home when the five- year-old vanished. Police today revealed how they are handling that Misty lead.


CAPT. DICK SCHAULAND, PUTNAM CO. SHERIFF`S OFFICE: We have a team of detectives that are following up on it. And yes, they are questioning her about that, as well as all of these other things that we`ve gotten tips on. As the tips warrant, the interviews are made not only with her but with the rest of the family, with neighbors, with whatever comes in.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It looks like Misty`s story is changing. A lot of folks are looking at this and they are saying, well, her story is changing. How is the sheriff`s office looking at that now?

SCHAULAND: Well, I don`t know that you can say that her story is changing. All that I can tell you is that`s a tip we`ve received and that`s a tip we`re following up on.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Authorities emphasize, this is just a tip. Only one of 1,200 they`re looking at. Misty has maintained she was sleeping in the home with Haleigh and Haleigh`s younger brother when the five-year-old girl disappeared.

Also today, perhaps relevant to the investigation, the Florida Department of Children and Family has confirmed that the agency was previously quote, "involved with the family," end of quote.

Meantime, an anonymous donor has contributed $10,000 to a reward fund. It now totals $16,000.

Let`s go to my expert panel: Pastor Terry Wright, the Cummings family pastor; Stacey Honowitz, Florida prosecutor; Casey Jordan, criminologist and a former criminal profiler; and Jennifer Bauer, reporter with WJXT TV.

Jennifer, we know Ronald Cummings was rushed into the Putnam County Sheriff`s Office today. Do we know why he was there, what is the significance? And what else do you have for us?

JENNIFER BAUER, WJXT-TV REPORTER: Well not only Ronald Cummings, but also his mother and Crystal Sheffield, who was Haleigh`s mother. Police tell us it`s very routine. As new tips of course, continue to come in, they say new questions are raised and so they brought the family in today for another round of questioning.

They keep stressing this family is being very cooperative. And they say they will continue to bring them into the sheriff`s office. They will continue to question them until they feel the answers they have are the answers they want.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Pastor Terry Wright, you are Haleigh Cummings` family`s pastor. I`m sure that you`re aware that there are so many questions and concerns about possible inconsistencies in stories. And now this new lead that perhaps claiming -- and we understand it`s just a claim -- that perhaps Misty wasn`t where she says she was on that night and might have slipped out. And again, they`re just checking that out. It could be a false lead.

But how is the family dealing with the fact that so many people are kind of filled with questions about what happened that night?

REV. TERRY WRIGHT, CUMMINGS` FAMILY PASTOR: Yes. You know, Jane, again, thanks so much for keeping Haleigh`s story out in front of the American people. You know, they`re dealing with it like I think every American family would deal with it.

They are far more concerned with finding their daughter than the perception of a nation or people that might question it. Look, there`s a lot of questions in this thing and we all know that. But they are clinging strong to their faith, they`re clinging to each other and they`re really focused on Haleigh coming home.

Just this morning, even though Equusearch left, you know the other day, Ronald was out this morning, riding a horse on his own, walking on his own, looking for areas -- looking in areas where maybe they`d looked before and trying to find his daughter.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: But pastor, it`s not so much looking at the father -- his alibi that he was at work has been confirmed.

WRIGHT: Right.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: It`s more Misty.

WRIGHT: Yes, yes. Yes, I spoke with Misty. And she claims that she was there all night. She had had a pretty active weekend, a few days prior to that, and was very tired. And went home and was resting.

Now, that`s what she`s told me. And, you know, that`s what she`s claiming, at least to me.


Haleigh`s family, they have theories of their own as to what might have happened. Haleigh`s paternal grandmother Teresa Neves said this to Nancy Grace just last night.


NANCY GRACE, "THE NANCY GRACE SHOW" HOST: What do you believe, Mrs. Neves? What do you believe happened to Haleigh?

TERESA NEVES, HALEIGH`S PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER: I believe that someone came in that house and took her. I believe that they either know my grandchildren and my family or Haleigh`s mother`s family or they had to watch for a while because my son is on the night shift. And anybody who knows my son knows he is very protective of his children. So no one would dare to come in when he is there.

So you`ve got to be talking about somebody who knew my son wouldn`t be there.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Casey Jordan, you`re the criminal profiler, does that make sense?

JORDAN: I`m not going to at all rule out the idea of an abduction, but taking a sleeping child from the same bed as her caregiver if indeed Misty was sleeping in the same bed with little Haleigh --

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, the story has changed a number of times.

JORDAN: Right.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now we hear that she was in sort of a blow-up bed four feet away in the same room.

JORDAN: Wow, and the more the story changes, the less credibility the last witness has. That is -- it just doesn`t happen. I mean, that the closest thing we`ve ever had is the Elizabeth Smart case where Elizabeth was taken from the same bedroom with her sister.

But her sister was 9 years old, and she wasn`t a caregiver. That is so high-risk. It`s virtually unknown.


Stacey Honowitz, police confirmed today, that a car has been seized. No more details were given.

A former tenant of this doublewide trailer says that it was a very noisy trailer and he says that the floors are noisy, that it wouldn`t be able -- it wouldn`t be possible to take somebody out without waking up the inhabitants.

There is so much coming in, what do you make of this story? Because it just doesn`t seem to add up.

STACEY HONOWITZ, FLORIDA PROSECUTOR: Well, I`m going to tell you something very interesting, Jane. I don`t think anybody knows anything. I`ve tried child molestation cases for the last 20 years, and I`m going to tell you that there`s many cases where a child is molested right in the bed with the mother sitting there and another child.

So I`m not ruling anything out that it`s hard to go in and take a sleeping child. Yes, it is high-risk. Is it virtually impossible? No, it`s not. And I don`t think any of us are going to know anything until some pertinent leads come to fruition.

Now, if in fact, Misty was not there, if this lead does pan out, if somebody saw her out of the trailer at the time, then certainly the whole case of the investigation is going to change. So we`re going to have to wait and see.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Pastor, we`re running out of time. But I want to ask you, local stations reporting that little Haleigh has Turner syndrome, which is a chromosomal affliction that kind of affects body features, but she looks to me in all the photos as just a gorgeous young child and I don`t see any sign of it. What do you know?

WRIGHT: Yes, absolutely. As she attended our church, and involved in our kids ministry which is called Kid`s Creek (ph), she was just a normal little girl.

Over there having a great time learning about the Lord, learning about the reality of the Christian faith and just growing in her faith. And so, yes, there were no real obvious signs of that. I`m not real familiar with the syndrome and all of the implications, but she seemed real normal to us.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Wow. Well, listen, I want to say to you, pastor, that I -- my heart and speaking for my whole staff here, our hearts go out to what the Cummings family is going through. And we do pray that somehow something we say will trigger something in somebody`s mind and that they will make a call to authorities and this child will come home safely.

Let`s hope, right?

Thank you to my fabulous panel.

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on February 20, 2009, 09:33:37 AM


Aired February 19, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET

(Sniped to include only text pertaining to Haleigh Cummings)

Meanwhile, we turn to the desperate search for five-year-old of Florida, Haleigh Cummings now missing for ten days. Her father`s girlfriend, Misty Croslin, re-questioned by investigators today and then there was this stunning announcement by authorities.


SHERIFF JEFF HARDY, PUTNAM COUNTY SHERIFF`S DEPARTMENT: An arrest was made on a sexual predator here in Putnam County. However, this particular person does not have any direct link to Haleigh Cummings as far as being able to put him anywhere near her residence.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Earlier, Haleigh`s father, Ron, spoke out at a very emotional news conference.


RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: Please bring my daughter home. And she`s not yours. It`s not property. You know, it`s not something that you just take and say it`s mine or whatever. This is my daughter. This is blood. And I would like to have my daughter back, please. Please, bring my daughter home.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Hopefully somebody out there is listening and will do precisely that.

Troubling questions keep surfacing. Is Ron`s girlfriend, Misty, reportedly the last person to see Haleigh, telling the truth about where she was that fateful night?

And could reports that Ron fought about a gun just one day before little Haleigh went missing provide a much needed break in this case?

Let`s go straight to my excellent panel: Ashleigh Banfield, anchor on the Legal Network "In Session" and Terry Lyles, psychologist, plus Jennifer Bauer, a reporter at CNN affiliate WJXT TV.

Jennifer, what is the very latest?

JENNIFER BAUER, CNN AFFILIATE WJXT TV REPORTER: Well, today in that news conference this afternoon, Jane, you heard Sheriff Jeff Hardy announce the arrest of Timothy Lou Kakis (ph). He is a registered sex predator here in Putnam County, but in the same breath Sheriff Jeff Hardy said his arrest has nothing to do with Haleigh`s disappearance.

However, he is a registered sexual predator. Sheriff Hardy called him a dangerous individual who wears a GPS monitoring device. Apparently last night, he violated curfew and so this afternoon, detectives went, picked him up and put him in jail.

Sheriff Hardy tells us he is being questioned about the Haleigh case, but he tells us right now there is no direct link.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, among the hundreds of tips, one that Ron Cummings, the dad, got into a fight about a gun just one day before little Haleigh`s disappearance. He was asked about that this morning at the news conference. Listen to his response.


CUMMINGS: There was no fight with no cousin over a gun. I don`t know where people are getting information from. You know, people say a lot of things. And they don`t know what they`re talking about.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So you didn`t have an altercation with anybody verbally, physically, at all before?

CUMMINGS: I don`t have any enemies.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: But Ashleigh Banfield, this claim that he had a fight reportedly came from his own family members who alleged that Ron accused this other guy of stealing a gun and then the man disappeared and the next day, the gun was found in a ditch.

He says it`s not true, but if there is a missing man with a grudge against the child`s father, I mean, how do police check this out?

ASHLEIGH BANFIELD, ANCHOR OF "IN SESSION": Well, everything that happens, especially if it`s something unusual within hours of a missing -- you know, a missing child, but it`s kind of tough because at this point, we don`t know anything except what one report is from a family member.

And that family member didn`t suggest it was a cousin. Just suggested that it was a person, they couldn`t remember anything, they didn`t even know where it had happened. They did say that the gun was retrieved and they also know this, that -- that the father in this case actually said to the police responding, if I find the person who did this, I`ve got a gun and I`ll use it on him.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Absolutely. He did say that.

Now, I have to go back to Jennifer Bauer and this very, very cryptic set of questions and possible leads. Please sort it out because what I have is based on questions that were asked at a news conference which the authorities didn`t answer.

But there has been something raised about a cousin of Misty`s -- a possible cousin of Misty near Knoxville, Tennessee, who may have a history as a sex predator who may have been seen with a little girl that was shielded when the person approached.

Again, this is total speculation but we`re trying to get to the bottom of this.

BAUER: Yes, Jane. That`s the problem, there`s so many rumors floating about. We are hearing that there were possible Haleigh sightings in Tennessee and maybe he met at a Caraboo`s (ph) Restaurant.

All we know here in Putnam County is that the Sheriff Jeff Hardy is not confirming any of these sightings or talking about Haleigh being in Tennessee. But he did say that Misty has a relative who lives in Tennessee that has been questioned.

That relative is not in custody and the sheriff would not comment on whether or not he is a registered sexual offender or predator, but he did say that that relative was in Satsuma recently visiting Misty and went back to Tennessee.

We don`t have a timeline. And we don`t know when he was here and when he went back, but we do know that relative has been questioned and we do know that relative is not in custody.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, Jennifer, a quick follow-up. I thought I heard something in the mix of all of these sort of rumors floating around that somebody -- aside from the air conditioner repairman had visited Misty at the trailer hours before the little girl disappeared.

Like some sort of cousin of hers.

BANFIELD: Yes, that`s right. And we`re trying to confirm that as well, Jane, because as I mention, there is a lot of speculations, a lot of rumors going around. We`re trying to find out if it is this relative, if it was a friend, but the sheriff will not comment.

All he is saying that people are being questioned and they are following up on those now 1,300 tips.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Right, a lot of questions over Ron`s girlfriend Misty and whether her story checks out.

Listen to what Ron had to say about his 17-year-old girlfriend just today.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: In your heart, do you believe that Misty was, indeed, home and that she has been telling the truth?

CUMMINGS: Yes, I believe she`s telling the truth.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: So he says he believes her, but listen to this part of the 911 call made when Haleigh was first reported missing.



OPERATOR: Ok, sir. Let me talk to your wife.

Let me get some information from her.


OPERATOR: Ok, can I talk to her?

CUMMINGS: How the [bleep] do you let my daughter get stolen, [bleep]


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ashleigh, he seems very angry. What do you think, is he suspicious or not?

BANFIELD: I wouldn`t read anything into that. I can only imagine as a parent what it would be like upon learning that your child is missing in the middle of the night. You might want to blame anybody around you.

I wouldn`t read a thing into that. My heart goes out to this father at this point. And I`m thinking back, Jane -- I know you covered this as well -- to Mark Lunsford who also was in a trailer whose child was also missing in the middle of the night.

And then sadly, a sexual predator was at fault for that, only a few trailers away, and they had actually looked at that trailer.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: You are absolutely right. It can happen. And certainly we shouldn`t cast any aspersions or suspicions on anyone. It`s way too early. Ashleigh, Jennifer, thanks

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on February 20, 2009, 11:29:40 AM


Sex Offender Arrested Near Missing Haleigh`s Home

Aired February 19, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old little girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone, vanished into thin air, the back door propped wide open. The father comes home from the night shift to find not a single trace of little Haleigh.

Bombshell tonight. In the last hours, a sex predator -- repeat, a convicted sex predator -- living less than one mile from Haleigh in custody tonight. But is he connected to Haleigh`s kidnap? We also confirm investigators seize a car, possibly a Toyota Rav-4 SUV, processing that vehicle for evidence as we go to air.

This as girlfriend/baby-sitter Misty Croslin, with Haleigh the night she was taken, has now been taken into custody for questioning, taken in a police car. Despite a tip to police Croslin was not home when Haleigh disappears, the entire family standing behind her. We are hearing she is now through with questioning. And tonight, detectives plow ahead with more polygraphs and another round of questioning for family members. Has Haleigh been spotted in Knoxville, Tennessee? The reward climbing tonight as the search goes on. Tonight, where is Haleigh?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Breaking news in the case of missing 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings, who police say was abducted from her own bed in the middle of the night. Police have arrested a sexual predator that lives about a mile away from where Haleigh Cummings was last seen.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: An arrest was made on a sexual predator here in Putnam County. However, this particular person does not have any direct link to Haleigh Cummings as far as being able to put him anywhere near her residence.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Florida investigators say there is no direct link between the sex offender just arrested and Haleigh`s disappearance. Authorities say they are still not ruling anyone out.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m not going to exclude anybody from not being involved. This man is a sex predator.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Over 1,30- tips have come in as investigators continue to search for Haleigh`s abductor.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m looking for Haleigh wherever she`s at. I do not have her. So I am looking and I`m looking for the information that will get to her recovery.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Officials confirm they have seized a vehicle in this case but would not specify who the vehicle belonged to or where it was recovered. The reward has now increased to $16,000 as the family waits in tents, hoping for Haleigh`s safe return.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`ll be right here, waiting.

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER: I`ll be here every day until my child returns.


GRACE: That entire family living in tents while they`re looking for their little girl.

And breaking news tonight in the desperate search for another beautiful 2-year-old girl, Caylee. Six months of searching culminates when skeletal remains found in a heavily-wooded are just 15 houses from the Anthonys` confirmed to be Caylee, manner of death homicide. This after a utility meter reader stumbles on a tiny human skeleton, including a skull covered in light-colored hair. The killer duct tapes the child`s mouth and then finishes off by placing a heart-shaped sticker over the child`s mouth, then triple bagging her like she`s trash.

As we go to air, reports emerge tot mom doubles over, hyperventilating, demanding medication when she is purposely shown live TV coverage of the discovery of Caylee`s body, the entire thing caught on jailhouse video. And just released, hundreds of police investigative files, literally over 1,000 crime scene photos taken by land, by air, tot mom`s personal diary, duct tape, stickers, diapers, laundry bag, garbage bags and clothing -- it`s all part of state`s evidence.

And tonight, did grandparents George and Cindy Anthony`s private eye change his story again? He`s caught on video in the same wooded area just weeks before Caylee`s found. Now we learn he made three -- that`s right, one, two, three -- separate trips to that very same spot beforehand. Why?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Breaking developments in the case of 2-year-old Florida toddler Caylee Anthony. Newly-released documents detail evidence collected at both the crime scene and later the Anthony home during the execution of two search warrants. Items including duct tape, a laundry bag and clothing all found at the crime scene appear very similar to items found inside the home of George, Cindy and tot mom Casey Anthony.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: When investigators collected the evidence from the house after Caylee`s remains were found, they say in the documents that Cindy Anthony told them a Winnie-the-Pooh blanket was missing from Caylee`s bed. Caylee`s remains were found with a Winnie-the-Pooh blanket.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Meanwhile, the Anthony family private investigator`s interview with police is being released by the judge`s order, even though the defense argued the information could be privileged.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This chilling video, which has been given exclusively to channel 9, shows the Anthonys` private investigator, Dominic Casey, in November, searching and ramming a metal rod into the ground here at the crime scene, mere feet from where Caylee Anthony`s remains were later found.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: PI Dominic Casey telling police why he was at the crime scene a month before Caylee`s skull and bones were found. Dominic Casey told investigators, at first he tried (ph) to determine if the location was a teenage hangout, as he had heard from the tot mom`s friends. But on his way there, Dominic Casey says he got a call from a psychic suggesting this could be where Caylee`s remains were located.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. In the last hours, a sex predator living less than one mile from little Haleigh in custody tonight. But is he connected to Haleigh`s kidnap?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The search continues for missing 5-year-old Florida girl Haleigh Cummings, who police believe was kidnapped from her own bed last week. Authorities announce they`ve arrested a sexual predator who lives about a mile from Haleigh`s home for violating the terms of his probation.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The man`s name is Timothy Randolph Loucakis. He`s a 50-year-old white male, and he does live within about a mile from Haleigh`s residence. This man is a sex predator. That means he`s a very dangerous individual. I mean, there`s no getting around that.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Putnam County officials say there is no evidence linking the sex offender, Timothy Loucakis, to Haleigh`s abduction, but say they will continue to treat everyone as a suspect.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`re questioning a lot of people and family members. We have polygraphs going on as we speak.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police confirm they are re-interviewing girlfriend Misty Croslin today and have also seized a vehicle as part of their investigation.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don`t have any suspicions of anybody. Anybody could have done anything. I don`t know what`s what.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We`re thinking the worst not for Haleigh because I still feel she`s alive. But I just -- everybody`s a suspect.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A $16,000 reward is now being offered as tips continue to pour in, over 1,300 so far, Haleigh`s family holding out hope Haleigh will be brought home to them, even staying in tents near the home where the 5-year-old was taken in the middle of the night.

CUMMINGS: I`d ask that you please, please bring my daughter home. She`s not yours. It`s not property. You know, it`s not something that you just take and say, It`s mine, or whatever. This is my daughter. This is blood, and I would like to have my daughter back. Please, please bring my daughter home.


GRACE: Straight out to T.J. Hart with WSKY 97.3 FM. He`s standing outside the family tent. And it breaks my heart to say the "family tent." Their home is still deemed to be a crime scene, where the little girl was taken. They have nowhere to go. They are living in tents while the search for their little girl goes on.

T.J., what can you tell me about a convicted sex offender -- I`ve seen his photo, he looks to be about 50 -- living less than a mile from little Haleigh? What can you tell me?

T.J. HART, WSKY 97.3 FM: Fifty-year-old Timothy Loucakis does indeed live about a mile away from the home, and he was picked up here just last night with -- he was away from his home zone. He violated the order of his release. He had his GPS device on. Not only did he violate curfew, but he also got outside of his home zone. He was taken in not only for arrest, but also for further questioning today.

GRACE: Uh-uh. Uh-uh. Uh-uh. Listen, T.J. Hart, I`m sure you remember the recent case, Jennifer Hudson, "American Idol," the guy was taken into custody for a parole violation, for not reporting in. That is a technical violation. It is extremely rare to be arrested for a technical violation such as breaking curfew. Tell me what this guy`s history is.

HART: This history -- he did have a history of performing a sex act on a youngster and -- excuse me here, we`re being interrupted here by a train (INAUDIBLE)

GRACE: Hold on! Hold on! Hold on, T.J. I`ll go to our producer, Matt Zarrell, standing by. Matt, what can you tell me about this guy`s history quickly?

MATT ZARRELL, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, in 2001, he was convicted of trying to make a video of porn and distribute it over the Internet. Now, apparently, what happened...

GRACE: Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Everybody and their half-brother is selling porn and distributing porn on the Internet. What does that have to do with a child molestation? Matt, you`ve got to be more specific.

ZARRELL: OK. What happened was, is that there was a 10-year-old girl that he was trying to set up a "meet and greet" with. And what he did was he sent child pornography pictures to who he thought was the child`s father. Turns out the father is an FDLE agent. So he was arrested before the meeting ever took place.

GRACE: OK. And he`s convicted of that, of trying to send porn to -- did you say to the child or to the father?

ZARRELL: He tried to send it to the father, who he thought was the child`s father.

GRACE: So he -- OK, wait. He was sending porn to the child`s father? He thought he was sending porn to the father?

ZARRELL: He thought he was sending porn to the child`s father in order to set up his "meet and greet."

GRACE: And that`s the way he thought he was going to get to see the child?

ZARRELL: That`s our understanding, according to reports.

GRACE: Good Lord in heaven!

OK, back to T.J. Hart, I think we`ll be able to hear you now, joining us from WSKY. He`s standing outside the family tent. OK, T.J., you`re saying he was picked up on a technical curfew violation. Yes, no.

HART: Yes, he was, and he was brought in for questioning, and they had him in there until this afternoon. I don`t know if he`s been released at this point in time.

GRACE: OK, to Michelle Sigona with "America`s Most Wanted." What more can you tell me about this guy, Timothy Randolph Loucakis? I`ve got his rap sheet, his information right here in my hand. What more do we know, Michelle?

MICHELLE SIGONA, "AMERICA`S MOST WANTED": I can tell you, Nancy, based off of what an investigator just told me about 15 minutes ago, that Timothy did, in fact, have a GPS tracking device on him. That GPS tracking device was checked around the time that Caylee went missing, and he was around his home. He was nowhere where Haleigh went missing. So that is what I can confirm to you at this time. And yes, he is being questioned by authorities.

GRACE: Of course, Michelle, that depends on what time Haleigh went missing. It all depends on that timeline reported by Misty Croslin, the 17-year-old girlfriend/baby-sitter.



CUMMINGS: I would like to tell my daughter, if she`s watching, baby, I love you and we will find you. I love you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Another tough day, another desperate plea.

CUMMINGS: I just want my daughter home. That`s it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Today investigators brought in Misty Croslin for more questioning. She`s Haleigh`s dad`s girlfriend and the last person who saw Haleigh when she tucked her into bed. Investigators now say Haleigh wasn`t wearing the pink T-shirt they originally thought she had on the night she disappeared.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We still think she was wearing it when she was put in bed.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Deputies say they`ve interviewed a cousin of Misty`s who was visiting from Tennessee before Haleigh`s disappearance.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you suspect she did anything?

CUMMINGS: I don`t have any suspicions of anybody. Anybody could have done anything. I don`t know what`s what. Obviously, if I knew what was going on, I`d have my daughter.



DISPATCHER: Green Lane. The complainant (INAUDIBLE) she cannot find her 5-year-old daughter. The back door is open at this time.

DETECTIVE: I got the age on this kid. Is it a boy or a girl?

DISPATCHER: Whiskey Foxtrot, last seen wearing her PJs.




DETECTIVE: There`s a railroad track that runs right through there. Can we find out from CSX when the next train comes through?



GRACE: Whiskey Foxtrot -- white female. That is police radio communications that we are now hearing the night little Haleigh was found missing from her own bed.

I want to go straight out to a special guest joining us there outside the family tent. This is Teresa Neves, the paternal grandmother of Haleigh. She is preparing to head to a vigil for little Haleigh. Ms. Neves, thank you for being with us. I understand that the girlfriend/baby- sitter, Misty Croslin, was taken in a police vehicle for questioning today. What happened?

TERESA NEVES, PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER: Well, to my knowledge, they took her in and questioned her. I couldn`t tell you what happened. I have not spoken with Misty. I`m assuming that they needed to talk to her, you know? And we want them to talk to as many people as they have to talk to to find the truth about where our Haleigh is. I don`t care who that is or when they do it.

GRACE: Tell me, how is your son holding up? We`re on day 10 now.

NEVES: Ronald`s having a hard time. She`s his little girl. He loves her. He`s having a very hard time.

GRACE: And you know what, Ms. Neves? They`ve been through so much with Haleigh and her medical problems with the Turner syndrome, and he has been there by her side throughout all of this and I know his heart is breaking. They have got a very special bond after all of her illness that she has suffered, and now this.

I want to go back to Misty Croslin. Did she volunteer to go in to speak to police? Did she request to go speak to police, or did they want to see her themselves?

NEVES: Today I believe that they wanted to see her. Misty has made herself open to them at any time, and they came to see her.

GRACE: I understand we are now hearing that she was, in fact, the one who alerted police that she had discovered the pink pajama top that they found outside the back door.

NEVES: I`m not exactly sure where they found it. They`re not telling us where they found it, only that they did find the shirt that she was supposed to be wearing.

GRACE: What more can you tell us? What are police -- what information are they sharing with the family?

NEVES: That they have leads that they`re following. We don`t get a whole lot more information. We usually get an update right before they go in to media, but we don`t get much more information. And I understand that because we want them to do whatever it takes to bring Haleigh home. We don`t want to interfere with anything that they`re doing.

GRACE: So your son is having to live in a tent right now. There`s nowhere else for him to go because his home is still deemed a crime scene?

NEVES: His home is still a crime scene, but I don`t think if they opened it, my son would ever be able to go back in there. And I don`t believe that he wants to leave from right here where they took his baby until she comes home.

GRACE: Ms. Neves, did he tell you that?

NEVES: Did he tell me that? He told me he would not leave unless they make him. He will not leave until somebody brings his baby back to him.

GRACE: Ms. Neves, what does he believe happened to Haleigh?

BREMNER: You know, if he had any -- any kind of clue, he would be wherever he thought they had Haleigh. You couldn`t stop him.

GRACE: I see that there are a lot of people there with candles. Is that the vigil happening right now?

BREMNER: No, ma`am. No, ma`am. Those candles burn for Haleigh every day.

GRACE: Ms. Neves, what is your day -- what is the day of your son, Ronald, like during all of this search?

NEVES: He gets up every morning and he goes and he finds somebody who will search with him. He searched with Equusearch for two or three days, and he searched with volunteers. He spends his day looking for Haleigh.

GRACE: What about his job?

NEVES: You know, they`ve been good, I guess. He really is not going to worry about his job right now. He`s not worried about anything but Haleigh. All he wants is for Haleigh to come home. He can always find a job.

GRACE: What have police told you, if anything, about an alleged sighting of Haleigh in Knoxville, Tennessee?

NEVES: A sighting? I heard it on TV. I haven`t heard that from the police. No law enforcement has told me that.

GRACE: When you said that Ronald, your son, is not taking it very well, what did you mean by that?

NEVES: He`s lost without his little girl. He holds onto his little boy and he prays for that little girl every night and every day. He searches however he can.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I`m trying to do everything to find her, you know, answer any questions I have to because I know I didn`t do anything to that little girl. I would never hurt her. They love me. They love me. They look at me like their mom, you know? You ask little Junior. He`ll tell you. You know, they talk lovely (ph) about me and I`m so good to them kids.


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. We are live outside the family tent, the family of little Haleigh now living in tent. They don`t have anywhere they can go. They refuse to be far away from the scene where little Haleigh was taken. There you are seeing a live shot of what is happening right now.

We just spoke with the paternal grandmother. I want to go now to Marie Griffis, the maternal grandmother of little Haleigh. Ms. Griffis, along with Crystal Sheffield, Haleigh`s mother, also joining us there outside the family tent. Ms. Griffis, what do you make of the developments today, the baby-sitter/girlfriend taken away in a squad car for questioning?

MARIE GRIFFIS, MATERNAL GRANDMOTHER: I don`t know what to make of it. They`re taking her in so many times, it`s like they know she might know something.

GRACE: How many times do you believe she has been questioned?

GRIFFIS: I`ve -- I`ve known of three different days they`ve taken her out, including today.




911 OPERATOR: OK. Sir, let me talk to your wife. Let me get some information from her.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (expletive deleted)

911 OPERATOR: Can I talk to her?



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (expletive deleted) (INAUDIBLE).

911 OPERATOR: What`s her date of birth.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (expletive deleted) (INAUDIBLE) (expletive deleted)

911 OPERATOR: OK. Tell him we understand. We need to get her date of birth.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What`s her date of birth?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (expletive deleted) we need to find her, (expletive deleted) her date of birth.

911 OPERATOR: Tell him we`ve got them coming. He needs to try to calm down a little bit, OK? The officers are going to come out there and do what they can. We can`t have him screaming and yelling at the officers whenever they get there, OK?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Give me the (expletive deleted) phone. I`ve got better people to talk to than (expletive deleted) that ain`t coming.

911 OPERATOR: Can we check with St. John (INAUDIBLE) and see if they can put a chopper in the air for us?


911 OPERATOR: Also if you can contact Tenner (ph) at home and tell him I need to get him a boat prepared that would go into canal areas, one of the smaller ones, and get activated and head down this way.


DEPUTY #2: When you all make contact with Deputy Tenner, advise him it`s going to be east of the Hermit Cove Marine and (INAUDIBLE) south- southwest of the railroad track.


GRACE: Tonight, the babysitter/girlfriend, 17-year-old Misty Croslin taken back in a squad car for more police questioning. All this as a local convicted sex offender, a 50-year-old guy trying to meet a 10-year-old girl via child porn also taken into custody, but is it connected to Haleigh`s kidnapping?

In the middle of all of this tornado, we have got an alleged sighting of the little girl in Knoxville, Tennessee. We are taking your calls, live to Cassandra (ph), North Carolina. Hi, dear.

CALLER: Hi, thanks for having me on.

GRACE: Thank you for calling. What`s your question, dear?

CALLER: I just wanted to know, did anybody check out the family for drugs in the house?

GRACE: Excellent question. To Crystal Sheffield, this is Haleigh`s mother who is joining us right now outside the family tent. As you know, the family is estranged. Haleigh is living with her father right now. The mother lives about a hundred miles away. She is joining us today there at the scene.

Crystal Sheffield, thank you for being with us. Was the family checked out for possible drug use, anything, cocaine, methamphetamine, anything?


GRACE: What can you tell me, back to.

SHEFFIELD: I haven`t heard anything about it.

GRACE: OK. To T.J. Hart with WSKY, also joining us there at the family tent, what can you tell us about that?

T.J. HART, PROGRAM & NEWS DIRECTOR, WSKY: We`ve not received any information, nor I have been able to independently verify any information pertaining to drugs in the house the night of the disappearance or any time prior.

GRACE: To Michelle Sigona, "America`s Most Wanted," I haven`t heard a word about any drugs being in the home, have you?

MICHELLE SIGONA, "AMERICA`S MOST WANTED": No, I haven`t either, Nancy, but I can tell you that investigators, you know, again, have taken a lot of evidence out of that house. They have sent it out to a crime lab in Jacksonville where they`re awaiting some DNA results to come back.

Those results have not come back yet, along with the car that was seized earlier today. They will not say whose car that belongs to, but that car is there as well as investigators continue to comb through the vehicle, through the inside of the house, and also re-questioning a lot of the family members today.

As you mentioned, they did bring back in Misty. She did go willingly, not in handcuffs. She was picked up in an unmarked car, she was dropped back off in an unmarked car. And what investigators tell me even within the last hour, is that Misty, along with Ronald are in 100 percent cooperation with investigators.

Any time they want to be brought in for questioning, they are there. They are willing to do whatever it takes to help find Haleigh.

GRACE: OK. Right there, Mike Brooks, something is wrong. It has been 10 days. It doesn`t take 10 days to get a DNA result. I can just tell you that right now. Unless -- wait a minute, unless they don`t have anyone to compare the DNA to.

Say they`ve compared it to the father, the girlfriend, family members, X, Y, and Z. It`s not theirs, they`ve got to have somebody to match it up to. You see where I`m going?

MIKE BROOKS, CNN SECURITY ANALYST: Absolutely, Nancy. And if it was a child predator, registered sex offender, that would be in that codice (ph), the national database of people from local, state, and federal who have been through the system.

One thing I just want to point out, Nancy, that 911 call we were listening to with Ronald Cummings, something struck me when I was listening to it just this last time. When they were talking -- the dispatcher was talking to him, he said, you all are F-ing playing games. If he`s talking to Misty, who is "you all"? "You all" is plural. Who is he talking about?

GRACE: Well, why would you think he`s talking to the girlfriend? Because my interpretation of that call was he was PO`d at the 911 operator, and I don`t blame him. They`re screaming, my daughter`s gone, my daughter`s gone, and they`re going, what`s her DOB?

BROOKS: Right. Now -- but -- exactly, but -- that`s OK, but they`ve got cars on the way. That`s the way they do, they can type it in while cars are going. In fact, from the dispatcher, it was -- the call was received at 3:27, dispatched at 3:28.

GRACE: You know, Brooks, Brooks, save it. I`ve been in the dispatch office. I`ve seen.

BROOKS: Did you see the police report, too, Nancy?


BROOKS: When he called his girlfriend?

GRACE: Yes. And? And?

BROOKS: OK. Well, there has got to be some reason why he was calling -- when he told the police "my dumb `B` girlfriend," and he called her that on the dispatch tapes. There was something else going on there, Nancy, I guarantee it.

GRACE: I hate to shatter your illusions, but that type of language amongst live-ins, married people, boyfriend-girlfriend, is not all that unusual, especially in a pressurized situation, right?

BROOKS: Oh, OK. I don`t know what -- no, whatever you say. You must have experience, because apparently, I don`t.

GRACE: I`m going go back to Crystal Sheffield, the mother of little Haleigh.

Ms. Sheffield, I understand that the girlfriend has been taken back for police questioning at least three times. What do you make of it?

SHEFFIELD: I don`t know what to make of it. It bothers me, but I really don`t know what to make of it.

GRACE: What do you mean it bothers you?

SHEFFIELD: I mean, her story has changed several times and now she`s the one that supposedly found the shirt. I mean, it just -- it doesn`t make sense, and I know my kids did love her. They told me that, and I just hope she would not have nothing to do with this.

GRACE: Explain to me the circumstances under which the pink pajama top was found. What do you know about that because that was a description Misty Croslin gave police and then suddenly she found the shirt. What happened?

SHEFFIELD: I was down talking to Ronald, me and my cousin drove down there. She was giving my son some birthday presents and a detective was down there and Ronald called me over there and the detective told me that they had found a shirt Haleigh was wearing.

And I broke down and then I walked away and Teresa (ph) walked over to me and was talking to me and the detective walked over and he was, like, did you know -- do you know what happened?

And she was, like, yes. And he was, like, you know that we found the shirt in the house. And that bothered me. And then today, this morning, I do believe it was, I got the paper from the store and it says that Misty found the shirt in the house, I guess, by the back door in the dirty clothes pile.

GRACE: So that`s near the back door, the back door that was found propped open with a cinder block?


GRACE: Crystal, do you know if any other items of clothing of Haleigh`s are missing?

SHEFFIELD: I wouldn`t -- I`ve never been in that house. I wouldn`t know.

GRACE: OK. And back to Marie Griffis, the maternal grandmother of Haleigh Cummings. Were you also aware that Misty Croslin was the one that found the pink T-shirt? Of course, she found it, which is a little suspicious, but she also pointed it out to police.

MARIE GRIFFIS, MATERNAL GRANDMOTHER OF MISSING 5-YEAR-OLD HALEIGH: Not until Crystal told me she had read in the paper that Misty found it by the door. I had -- we had heard that an officer had found it. But if they found it by the backdoor in the dirty clothes then somebody evidently put Haleigh in fresh, clean clothes before they took her out of that house.

GRACE: Everyone, we are going to break, we are taking your calls live. With me little Haleigh`s mother and grandmother there outside the family tent. These people are having to live in tents while the little girl is being searched for.

The Joan Gaeta Lung Cancer Foundation is fighting the number one cancer killer in the world, lung cancer, claiming more lives than breast, colon, prostate, melanoma, and kidney cancer combined. You don`t have to smoke to get lung cancer. Joan Gaeta, a beloved wife, mother of five and teacher lost her battle with lung cancer, and in her honor, the second annual "Dancing for Joan" fundraiser for lung cancer research, this Saturday, Feb. 21, Marietta, Georgia. For info or to make a donation, go to

And tonight, a heartfelt happy birthday to veteran New York trial lawyer Richard Herman. And please, I`m asking for your thoughts and prayers for Richard in the fight of a lifetime, battling leukemia. Richard, we are thinking of you right now. Happy birthday, friend, and please stay strong.



Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on February 21, 2009, 06:50:55 PM


New Evidence Released in Caylee Anthony Case; Where is Haleigh; Full House

Aired February 20, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET

>snipped to only include parts pertaining to Haleigh<

Coming up, breaking developments in the desperate search for 5-year- old Haleigh Cummings. New questions surrounding Misty Croslin. Stunning, shocking new developments just in.


JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HLN ANCHOR: Shocking new developments in the search for little Haleigh Cummings: more questions surround Misty Croslin`s, the father`s girlfriend. Following up on tips of a possible Haleigh`s sightings in Tennessee, cops reportedly questioned Croslin`s relatives who lives there. Too many leads, too few answers -- where do investigators go from here?

Then, I`ll have the latest on octo-mom Nadya Suleman. Did she really buy a million-dollar home?

And shocking twists in the alleged beating of pop superstar Rihanna. I`ll tell you about it.

Stunning new developments coming in fast and furious in the search for missing Florida girl Haleigh Cummings: now the story has crossed state borders. Police today questioned Misty Croslin`s cousin, now referred to as Joe, hundreds of miles away in Tennessee. Reports suggest that it was this cousin who got into a fight with father, Ron Cummings hours before little Haleigh disappeared and that he had taken off to Tennessee afterwards.

All this made more compelling by a tip that a girl matching Haleigh`s description was seen in a Knoxville, Tennessee Carrabba`s Restaurant in a red Toyota RAV-4 with Florida license plates and that her face was shielded by a man.

Haleigh`s family held a news conference today and answered the many questions about this mysterious cousin, Joe, who Misty says she doesn`t trust.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I bet you don`t trust him?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Why don`t you trust him?

NEVES: Well, from the newspaper clips that we have and what we`ve heard, he might not be a very good person for Haleigh to be with. We`re just hoping that if he does know something that he tells someone so we can bring her home safely.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you feel comfortable with this man who you consider potentially a pedophile in a home with Haleigh? He was in the home at one point.

TERESA NEVES, HALEY`S GRANDMOTHER: You know, you trust your friends and your family to bring in people that you can trust. He did not carry a sign that says "I`m a sexual offender and I`m going to steal your child." He carried nothing like that.

As far as the cousin, I mean, Ronald wants Haleigh home and he doesn`t care who has her, how they got her. He wants her home.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Also in the mix, a car impounded and a sex offender at large. Could any of this lead to a major break in the case?

I want to go straight to my expert panel to examine all the various leads.

Don Clark, former special agent in charge in Houston FBI. And Drew Findling, Atlanta criminal defense attorney. Plus, Lisa Bloom, anchor on the legal network "In Session" and T.J. Hart, program and news director at WSKY 97.3 FM, on the scene.

T.J., what is the very latest, particularly as regards this Joe person?

T.J. HART, WSKY 97.3 FM: This Joe person has become a person of interest. We`ve been hearing lots about a man who may be a relative up until late yesterday who lives in Tennessee and who may have been here during the time frame when young Haleigh disappeared.

Now he has a name. He goes by Joe. At least that`s how he`s being identified today. Misty Croslin was on morning television today, and she spoke a bit about this character Joe, this cousin, and she said she doesn`t trust him, she doesn`t trust him at all. She doesn`t think he`s a good person.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Is there any confirmation that he indeed has some kind of record as a pedophile because that`s what the family was referring to in the news conference.

HART: That`s the suggestion that`s being made, and that`s the lead that we`ve been following for a couple of days now. One, who is this cousin? What is this person`s full name? What is his age? And I`ve been looking through the sexual predator registries on just what I have. And of course, you`re not going to get much with what I`ve told you already.

But in the press conference yesterday at 3:00, with Putnam County Sheriff Jeff Hardy, he said I`m not going to answer that question. So he just declined to answer; very tight-lipped about the situation and the status of this cousin.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right, so much to talk about.

The girlfriend of Haleigh`s father, Ron Cummings, appeared on "The Today Show" this morning. When asked about this cousin in Tennessee, here is what Misty said.


MISTY CROSLIN, GIRLFRIEND OF RONALD CUMMINGS: He`s -- you know, he`s a criminal pretty much. He`s been in trouble his whole life. I don`t trust him. No, I don`t.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Lisa Bloom, this is such scary information. And then you dovetail it with this tip about a child that looks like Haleigh being spotted at a restaurant with a white male and, according to some reports, a mystery woman as well.

And my thought is why didn`t we know about this a long time ago? I mean, if this guy had had a fight with the father of this missing child, wouldn`t that be the very first person they would go to find since he would have some kind of motive?

LISA BLOOM, ANCHOR OF "IN SESSION": Jane, you are putting your finger on the most important development in the case over the past couple of weeks, and that is Misty, 17 years old, having the presence of mind to say on television, you know what, I don`t trust this guy. I don`t trust my cousin.

And you would expect her to say, well, he`s my family member, I`m sure everything`s fine. She doesn`t say that. And we know that when a child is missing it`s about a 95 percent chance that somebody in the family or somebody she knew is the one who abducted her. It`s the stranger abduction that gets all of the attention, but usually it`s a family member or somebody who knows her.

So I agree with you. Look, I`m sure Misty knows her cousin`s real name and they doesn`t just call him by Joe. I`m sure she knows where he lives.


BLOOM: And I hope that she`s given that information to the police and they are following this as closely as you are because this is a very significant development.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I`m just wondering, we`re in day 11 now, why this didn`t happen sooner.

New reports suggest that it was Misty`s cousin Joe who was fighting with Haleigh`s dad, Ron, the night before she disappeared. But when asked about that fight yesterday, here`s what Ron had to say.


RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: There was no fight with no cousin over a gun. I don`t know where people are getting information from. But you know, people say -- people say a lot of things, and they don`t know what they`re talking about.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You didn`t have an altercation with anybody verbally, physically at all before --

CUMMINGS: I don`t have any enemies.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: But that report claims came from a relative, Don Clark. Now if this fight in fact did occur, wouldn`t it be in the father`s best interest to come clean with it immediately to help police?

I mean, wouldn`t he want to say to the cops, "Check this out, I got into a fight right before Haleigh disappeared and he might be seeking revenge?"

DON CLARK, FMR. SPECIAL AGENT, HOUSTON FBI: Absolutely. The two adults involved here, number one, the young lady who was there, that person has to be continually talked to in my opinion if her defense attorney`s going to allow. Or hopefully a defense attorney would allow it.

But also the father too. They can`t be playing these games if that`s a good person, and that is a good person. The key is here let`s get the information that`s going to give the police some leads to try to find this little girl.

And it doesn`t make any difference about whether this was a good person or not. Now, if there`s an issue there, let`s spell it out right now.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: T.J. Hart, was this cousin at the trailer hours before little Haleigh disappeared? Because I remember a week ago hearing that there was an air-conditioning repairman there. He had been questioned and cleared. And there was also a report at the same time, I can`t remember the source, that Misty`s cousin had stopped by the trailer earlier with some of her nephews.

Is this the same person, this Joe because that would explain everything? I mean, it could account for how this door was mysteriously opened that was supposed to be locked. If somebody`s in a trailer, they can unlock the door when nobody`s looking.

HART: Well, Jane, this right now is having this person of interest, Joe as he`s being referred to, being in this area, this tight little area, during the time of the disappearance. But no one has said anything about cousins, and no one has said anything about nephews, rather, at the time.

This is something I`ve not been able to confirm at this point. But it is something that my other reporters are working on.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, girlfriend Misty was re-questioned yesterday and was reportedly at the sheriff`s office for five hours. Misty was also asked on "The Today Show" about finding the pink shirt that Haleigh was supposedly wearing when she disappeared. This was her response.


CROSLIN: I was looking by the dirty clothes for the clothes that she was wearing earlier that day for school, and I found that shirt, and found that shirt and I showed it to the detectives. If I was hiding something, why would I show the cops the shirt?


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Lisa Bloom, another part of this puzzle is that there have been inconsistencies in Misty`s story. There were various stories about where she was sleeping vis-a-vis the two kids, and there were some claims, according to one tip, that she left the trailer that night, possibly after the kids went to sleep.

BLOOM: Right.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I`m starting to see a picture. It`s almost like a portrait is sort of emerging of what possibly could have happened. If this cousin had been in the trailer home and then had gotten either -- unlocked the door or had gotten into a fight and had come in there and then she puts the kids to sleep, then she leaves, then he could come in and possibly take the child.

BLOOM: Right. And the pink shirt is very intriguing. I believe Misty. There is something about her that I find credible. And she says I`m the one who showed the police, look, here`s the pink shirt that I told you that she took off in.

I mean, so I think she`s right. It`s hard to imagine she would have called that to their attention if she did something wrong. What it does sound like, and she`s very certain that Haleigh was wearing that shirt the last time she saw her is that somebody came in, removed the shirt and maybe other clothing from Haleigh, put other clothing on her, wrapped her in a blanket, and abducted her.

That may be what happened. Because it is very strange to think that her shirt ends up in the dirty laundry, the same shirt that she went to bed in.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And Lisa, precisely to your point, all of that couldn`t happen while Misty was asleep. And I think that why she`s being questioned over and over again is not that -- I don`t think anybody believes that she was complicit in anything that happened to this child, but it`s more like a case of was she negligent --

BLOOM: Wait a second. Why couldn`t it happen when she`s asleep? Somebody comes in and threatens that child, "Shh, don`t tell," maybe they have a weapon, they have a gun, they`re threatening. I mean, children are abused and taken all the time, and there`s not a peep out of them. It`s very easy to intimidate a five-year-old.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, the reason I say that, and T.J. Hart, clarify, please is that people are saying this is a double-wide trailer. It`s squeaky. The previous tenant said you can`t do anything without it making a lot of noise and that this is not something that could have happened without somebody noticing, especially if the child`s changing clothes now.

HART: That`s absolutely true.

We spoke with Dr. Smallwood. He`s now a minister up in Claxton, Georgia. He was describing the double-wide trailer that he lived in with his family, and he said unless they did some major repairs on it, it is pretty darn squeaky. You can hear anybody moving about the house. That`s something that`s pretty --

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ok, we`ve got to go, but just one final little detail; an army of investigators searching the woods today 200 yards behind the home. We know this story is going somewhere. I pray that this little girl is still alive.

Don, T.J., thanks. Lisa, stay right there.

A reminder, "Nancy Grace" is up immediately following this program

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on February 21, 2009, 06:54:52 PM


Girlfriend`s Cousin Eyed by Police in Missing Haleigh Case

Aired February 20, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old little girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone, vanished into thin air, the back door propped wide open. The father comes home from the night shift to find not a single trace of little Haleigh.

Bombshell tonight. A new tip leads dozens of law enforcement to search deep in the woods south of the home where little Haleigh disappeared days ago. A simultaneous search goes down around the home of a convicted sex predator, a predator living less than one mile from Haleigh. He was taken into custody last night, but is he connected to Haleigh`s kidnap?

We also confirm tonight the FBI now on the heels of the girlfriend Misty Croslin`s cousin. His location? Tennessee. Croslin`s cousin visiting the night Haleigh vanishes, but suddenly, he takes off for Tennessee when Haleigh reported missing. In the last 24 hours, an alleged sighting of Haleigh, Knoxville, Tennessee. Detectives seize a car, processing that vehicle. They`re looking for evidence, but they refuse to reveal make, model or ownership.

And tonight, after the girlfriend taken in a squad car for over five hours of police questioning, Croslin raises her own suspicions of the unnamed cousin. As the FBI joins in the hunt, tonight where is 5-year-old Haleigh?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: New details emerge in the search for 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings, who police believe was abducted from her own bed. As investigators searched specific areas today, more information is coming out about this alleged cousin who was at the home around the time Haleigh went missing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I can tell you that we`re not going to confirm whether or not he`s a sexual offender or predator. But have we in contact? Yes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: According to reports, the FBI`s investigating girlfriend Misty Croslin`s cousin, only identified as Joe. Some media outlets are reporting that the cousin got in an argument with Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, over a missing gun.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Deputies say they`ve interviewed a cousin of Misty`s who was visiting from Tennessee before Haleigh`s disappearance. Cummings denies the two got into a dispute.

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: There was no fight with no cousin over a gun. I don`t know where people are getting information from, but you know, people say a lot of things and they don`t know what they`re talking about. I don`t have any enemies.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: While Cummings denied any argument took place, his girlfriend, Misty Croslin, says that she doesn`t trust her cousin and isn`t sure if he`s involved in Haleigh`s abduction.

CUMMINGS: I`d like to tell my daughter if she`s watching, Baby, I love you and we will find you. I love you.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. A new tip leads dozens of law enforcement to search deep in the woods south of the home where Haleigh disappeared days ago. We also confirm tonight the FBI now on the heels of the girlfriend Misty Croslin`s cousin.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Authorities are out searching multiple locations again today as part of their investigation into what happened to 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings. After arresting a sex offender who lived less than a mile from Haleigh, officers began looking in the area near the sexual predator`s home today.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What we`re concerned about is the fact that we do have a sex predator that violated his curfew and wasn`t where he was supposed to be.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Investigators say they aren`t ruling anyone out, including Misty Croslin`s cousin, who is reportedly being investigated by the FBI. Croslin herself says she can`t trust him, telling reporters he`s been in trouble his whole life.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And Misty don`t trust him.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We don`t, either. From the newspaper clips that we have and what we`ve heard, he might not be a very good person for Haleigh to be with.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Law enforcement officials confirm they have been speaking with the cousin but refuse to comment on what information, if any, he`s provided them.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I never met the guy. I don`t know the guy. I know he came to visit Misty`s family, and he left the same day that my granddaughter left.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`re working leads now. And again, we have people we`re interviewing. We`re doing polygraphs. We have some new leads that have come in, and we`re going to go ahead and follow up on all of them.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I miss the little girl. Look at every child you see. Look at every baby, every little girl you see.

CUMMINGS: I`d like to see my daughter brought home safe soon (INAUDIBLE) now, yesterday. I just want to thank everybody that`s been looking for her.


GRACE: Straight out to T.J. Hart, the news director at WSKY 97.3 FM. T.J. is joining us there outside the family tent. The family has been forced to live in a tent. Their home is declared a crime scene. We have learned today that a local is donating an RV or a trailer of some sort for them to live in for the duration.

To T.J. What can you tell me about the search outside the home of that convicted sex offender?

T.J. HART, WSKY 97.3 FM: Well, this is a precautionary search, as we were told, of Timothy Loucakis`s home. He was arrested, as we mentioned at the top of the show, for violating his curfew. Now, he was sentenced in 2001 for child abuse and promoting sexual performance by a child. This is a follow-up to his breaking of curfew. They don`t believe this has anything to do with the disappearance of Haleigh, but they`re doing their follow-up on this just to be sure.

GRACE: Let`s unleash the lawyers. Joining us tonight out of LA, Gloria Allred, victims` rights advocate, Penny Douglas Furr out of Atlanta, defense attorney, and Joey Jackson, defense attorney out of New York.

Gloria, they did not arrest the man simply because of a curfew violation. Now, I`m not saying that this convicted sex offender who sent child porn over the Internet, trying to meet a 10-year-old little girl -- you know what? Whatever. I`m not saying he`s connected to Haleigh`s disappearance. But I am saying, and I`d put everything I own on it, you do not arrest somebody simply for a curfew violation, Gloria.

GLORIA ALLRED, FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY: Well, it`s really hard to know why they arrested him. Apparently, that`s what they`re saying, and apparently, they have excluded him, as well, because -- since he was in his home wearing an ankle bracelet or other identifying equipment, they were able to pinpoint him as having been at his home or in his yard at the time of Haleigh`s disappearance. However, when they know that he has no -- that he has committed a curfew violation, then they have to make an arrest because this is a high-profile case.

GRACE: To Natisha Lance, our producer, also outside the family tent. Natisha, clearing him is based on a timeline given to us by the girlfriend, all right? So you know, we`ve got to confirm that timeline before he can be totally cleared.

NATISHA LANCE, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: That`s right, Nancy. But what police are saying right now is that he was in his home zone area, which is within a mile of the Cummings home. Now, they`re also saying that this home zone area is not around the Cummings home. They feel comfortable with where he was at that time.

GRACE: To Tom Shamshak, former police chief. He`s now a private investigator and instructor at Boston University. Tom, can an ankle bracelet be beaten?

TOM SHAMSHAK, PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR: Good evening, Nancy. Nancy, that`s an open question. People I`ve spoken to say they are not fool- proof. This material that is around the ankle is nylon-like, with electrodes and wires attached to it. It is locked by a mechanism. Again, people have said it is not fool-proof, so that`s an open question.

GRACE: Back to Natisha Lance, standing by outside the family tent along with T.J. Hart. Natisha, I understand that police searching outside the sex offender`s home, the cardilage (ph), or the area around his home, but also deep in the woods behind Haleigh`s home. Now, was that because of a tip?

LANCE: Yes. Police were led to this area based on a tip, Nancy. They said they would not confirm if this is an area that they have searched before, but they said they were led there by a tip. They were searching this area earlier this morning. It`s about 200 yards away from the Cummings home. And they said that they are going to continue doing their search. It`s taking a tactical approach to areas they are led to by tips.

GRACE: To Matt Zarrell, our producer, also covering the story. Matt, I want to talk to you very briefly about the girlfriend, Misty Croslin, who was picked up by law enforcement yesterday and interrogated for about five hours. According to her family and others, she has been extremely cooperative with police. She`s the last one to have seen little Haleigh. She is the one that discovered the pink shirt that she originally told police the little girl was wearing when she was taken. And the entire timeline is based on Misty Croslin`s story. Yesterday, did she drive herself to the police station?

MATTHEW ZARRELL, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: No. She was brought in an -- in a marked police car.

GRACE: OK. She was not handcuffed, correct?


GRACE: How long was she questioned?

ZARRELL: About four or five hours, from 12:00 to about 5:00 o`clock.

GRACE: Did she have a lawyer with her?

ZARRELL: Not that we know of.

GRACE: Do we know how many times she has been taken in for questioning?

ZARRELL: The family says at least three times that they know of. There could be another incident where they did talk to her.

GRACE: Matt Zarrell, was this her own volunteering to go in, or did they seek her out?

ZARRELL: Our understanding is police wanted to speak with her again and asked her similar questions to what she`s been asked before.

GRACE: So they wanted to re-question her on the same topics?

ZARRELL: That`s what she had said, yes.

GRACE: Let`s go to three very special guests joining us right now. Crystal Sheffield is Haleigh`s biological mother -- she is joining us there from Satsuma -- Crystal Cummings, the paternal aunt of Haleigh, and Teresa Neves, the paternal grandmother of Haleigh. Ladies, thank you for being with us.

First to Teresa Neves, the grandmother of little Haleigh. Teresa, what are police telling you today?

TERESA NEVES, HALEIGH`S PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER: Hard question to answer. I haven`t talked to anybody today.

GRACE: Tell me about the search...

NEVES: All I know...

GRACE: Tell me about the search behind the home.

NEVES: I didn`t know about it until the media asked me.

GRACE: How is your son holding up?

NEVES: My son has not come out of the tent today.

GRACE: Explain.

NEVES: He`s not doing well. He`s been out every day searching. You know, he was out with Equusearch and he was out with the volunteers. So today, he didn`t have anybody to go out with, and it`s very hard for him to just sit and wait.

GRACE: So your son has been out physically searching for his daughter, right, Ms. Neves?

NEVES: Absolutely. Yes, ma`am.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just woke up, and our back door was all open, and I can`t find our daughter.

911 OPERATOR: Can`t find what?




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That`s all I seen, the back door open. And then I go in her room, and she`s gone! And that`s all I know! Because when I woke up (INAUDIBLE) when I went to sleep, she was there, and then when I woke up, she was gone!

CUMMINGS: All I want is my daughter. It doesn`t matter. It doesn`t matter.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you suspect she did anything?

CUMMINGS: I don`t have any suspicions of anybody. Anybody could have done anything. I don`t know what`s what. Obviously, if I knew what was going on, I`d have my daughter.

NEVES: His home is still a crime scene, but I don`t think if they opened it, my son would ever be able to go back in there. And I don`t believe that he wants to leave from right here where they took his baby until she comes home. He told me he will not leave unless they make him. He will not leave until somebody brings his baby back to him.


GRACE: Straight out to Teresa Neves, the grandmother of little Haleigh. Ms. Neves, I want to clarify what you just said. Did you say that your son is not searching today because he did not have anyone to search with?

NEVES: Yes, ma`am. There are usually people who come by and they say, We have four-wheelers, or we have horses, is there anything we can do for you? And he automatically responds with a, Yes, let`s go here and look. And some people, I`m not so sure they expect that. But yes. But there was nobody by today to offer that, so...

GRACE: He must be exhausted.

NEVES: Yes, ma`am.

GRACE: Everyone, we need your help. Haleigh needs your help. Look at this little girl. She`s 5 years old. She is missing, Satsuma Florida. The tip line, 888-277-TIPS -- 277-8477. Her father is out physically looking for her. He is now living in a tent near his own home since it has been declared a crime scene. His mother says he may never be able to go back inside again where his little girl was taken from him.

Crystal Cummings, the aunt of Haleigh, tell me how the family is holding up.

CRYSTAL CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S AUNT: We`re doing the best we can right now. I mean, we`re not going to give up hope. I mean, every day, it`s more -- it weighs more and more on us, but we`re never -- we`re going to -- we`re going to keep looking and continuing to do what we can until Haleigh is brought home to us.

GRACE: This morning, the baby-sitter/girlfriend appeared on the "Today" show, talking about her own suspicions regarding a cousin now under scrutiny, the FBI on his heels. Take a listen.


MATT LAUER, CO-HOST: Do you have any reason to believe that that relative of yours has anything to do with the disappearance of Haleigh?

MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S FATHER`S GIRLFRIEND: I really don`t know. I don`t know if he did or not.

LAUER: You`re not quite sure?

CROSLIN: I`m not quite sure at all, no.

LAUER: Can you tell me a little bit more about that person?

CROSLIN: He`s -- you know, he`s a criminal, pretty much. He`s been in trouble his whole life. I don`t trust him. No, I don`t.

LAUER: Have you spoken to him?

CROSLIN: I don`t trust -- I haven`t spoken to him since he`s left, no.

I was home. I was home. I don`t know where (INAUDIBLE) I wasn`t home. I was home.

LAUER: Apparently, when Haleigh was first reported missing, you said she was wearing a pink shirt and you have now said that, no, in fact, she was not wearing that pink shirt, and I believe that pink shirt was actually found at your home. Can you explain that discrepancy for me?

CROSLIN: I was in the house with the detectives. They were showing me -- I had to back in the house to show them some stuff. And I was looking by the dirty clothes for the clothes that she was wearing earlier the other day for school, and I found that shirt and I showed the detectives. If I was hiding something, why would I show the cops the shirt?


GRACE: That is the girlfriend, Misty Croslin, speaking out today -- it was on NBC`s "Today" show -- kind of addressing accusations that her story doesn`t add up.

Back to T.J. Hart, standing by outside the family tent. What can you tell me about this cousin? He has not been named a suspect. We know he`s in Tennessee. We also know that there has been an alleged sighting of her at a Carrabba`s restaurant in Knoxville.

HART: So far, we`ve been chasing the same trail probably for a couple of days now about this mysterious cousin. Now today, of course, he`s been identified as only Joe. His placement has been here in the area. Also, there have been reports of sightings in Tennessee, where a 911 call was made stating that -- a witness stating that they saw a girl who matched the youngster`s description. They also say she was accompanied by a white male, who tried to shield or to hide her face. It`s also been said by witnesses, too, that they left in a red Rav-4, which is the Toyota vehicle, if I`m not mistaken.

And so far, we were not able to get a confirmation or validation on that yesterday, but we have heard confirmation today at the 3:00 o`clock presser that this Joe fellow has been spoken to by the FBI.

GRACE: You know, it`s all very mysterious, as Hart says, Natisha Lance. Apparently, there was an argument between (SIC) the cousin of Croslin that evening, that he disappears around the same time that Haleigh disappears?

LANCE: That`s what we`re hearing from reports, Nancy. Apparently, there was an argument over a gun. Now, Ronald Cummings has said that there was no argument that happened. Apparently, this guy ended up...

GRACE: And could you explain to me why the gun was recovered from a ditch?

LANCE: That`s what reports are saying, the gun was later on recovered from a ditch. And after that time, the cousin then disappeared from the area. And the next day, Haleigh was missing.

GRACE: Everyone, quick break. We are live there in Satsuma, Florida, and the search for little Haleigh.

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DISPATCHER: (INAUDIBLE) cannot find her 5-year-old daughter. The back door is open at this time.

DETECTIVE: I got the age on this kid. Is it a boy or a girl?

DISPATCHER: Whiskey foxtrot, last seen wearing her PJs.




DETECTIVE: There`s a railroad track that runs right through there. Can we find out from CSX when the next train comes through?




NEVES: My son would not allow anyone around his children who he thought would do anything to them.

CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before y`all do, I`m killing him.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He came as a relative. When I have friends bring over relatives, you know, I don`t ask them, Hey, can I see the criminal background check on your friend you`re bringing in here?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He did not carry a sign that says, I`m a sexual offender and I`m going to steal your child.


GRACE: We understand that the father, Ronald Cummings, is living in a tent near his home that has been declared a crime scene since his 5-year- old daughter was kidnapped in her sleep in the middle of the night.

Today he wanted to go searching, but no volunteers showed up. They are in Satsuma, Florida. So as we all sit down to dinner tonight, as we sit back on our sofas and flick channels, he is waiting, waiting for help, law enforcement working around the clock to find this little girl, who has a host of health problems. Won`t you help Ronald Cummings and his family bring this little girl home? There is hope that Haleigh is still alive.

I want to go back out to Natisha Lance, our producer standing outside the family tent. I want to delve more into the search outside the family`s own home. You have told me that a tip led police to go south, deep into the woods behind the family home. Why? And what, if anything, did they find, Natisha?

LANCE: Well, Nancy, they`re not revealing very much to us. They`re not telling us if they found anything. They said, at this point, nothing significant has been discovered. But once again, they are keeping things very tight to the vest. Now, they are saying that they were led there by a tip. However, they would not give us information as to what that tip said or when the tip actually came in. But they are saying that they did search that area and they will continue to search areas based on tips that come in.

GRACE: Dozens of law enforcement combing the woods deep south behind the home.

To Dr. Marty Makary out of Johns Hopkins University. Dr. Makary, Turner syndrome -- she has it. What is it? Is it common? And is it threatening?

DR. MARTY MAKARY, PHYSICIAN, JOHNS HOPKINS UNIV.: Yes, Turner syndrome affects about 1 in 3,000 little girls. It can cause a lot of deformities, like low-set ears, webbing of the neck. And their hearts oftentimes don`t pump as efficiently as normal otherwise healthy girls.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m not going to exclude anybody from not being involved.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What do you want to say to the people who are calling your story inconsistent, Misty? Do you have anything to say to that?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Misty Croslin, Haleigh`s father`s girlfriend and the last person to see the little girl, spent hours with detectives. We`re told she was undergoing routine questioning.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: As the tips warrant, the interviews were made not only with her but with the rest of the family, with neighbors. Whatever comes in.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Deputies say they have interviewed a cousin of Misty who was visiting from Tennessee before Haleigh`s disappearance.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have people that we`re interviewing. We`re doing polygraphs. We have some new leads that have come in and we`re going to ahead and follow up on all of them.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Investigators made an arrest but stressed it`s not related to Haleigh Cumming`s disappearance. However, Timothy Loucakis is being questioned. Police say he`s a registered sexual predator who violated the terms of his terms of probation by violating curfew. Now he`s behind bars.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s been national manhunt from day one. I don`t know where this investigation is going to take us and every minute is critical. So we will take anyone that will lead us to her recovery or lead us to a suspect.

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, MOM OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: Ronald called me over there and the detective told me that they have found the shirt Haleigh was wearing. And I broke down and then I walked away and Teresa walked over to me and was talking to me and the detective walked and he was like, did you know -- do you know what happened? And she was like, yes.

And then he was like, you know that we found the shirt in the house? And that bothered me. I got the paper from the store and it said that Misty found the shirt and how, I guess, by the back door in the dirty clothes pile.


911 DISPATCHER: OK, sir, let me talk to you wife. Let me get some information from her.


911 DISPATCHER: OK. Can I talk to her?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) can you let y daughter get stole, bitch?


NANCY GRACE, HOST: I don`t know if you can, but I cannot imagine coming home after work, for me, after this show at night, and going in to check on the twins and finding their beds empty.

That is what happened to Ronald Cummings coming home after the night shift around 3:00 a.m. His little girl, 5-year-old Haleigh is gone. Apparently tucked in to bed that night, a few hours later she seemingly vanished into thin air. The back door to the kitchen propped wide opened.

Where is Haleigh? Apparently, by all outward appearances, police still functioning under the theory that Haleigh is alive. Right now, police in Knoxville, Tennessee pursing a lead that she was spotted there while dozens of law enforcement searched deep in the woods around the home of little Haleigh and that, and a convicted sex predator living less than one mile away.

I want to go out to a special guest joining us there outside the tent where the father is having to live now that his home has been declared a crime scene. With me, Haleigh`s mother, Crystal Sheffield, her aunt, Crystal Cummings, and her paternal grandmother, Teresa Neves. The two sides of the families, joining together in the search for Haleigh.

To Crystal Sheffield, Haleigh`s mother. Miss Sheffield, I want to thank you for being with us at this very difficult time. What do you know about this cousin, this cousin not named a suspect, in Tennessee who was there in the area visiting when Haleigh went missing? What do you know?

SHEFFIELD: I know nothing about him. I don`t -- I`ve never met him. I know nothing about any of her family.

GRACE: Well, what do you know about an alleged argument that was had that evening?

SHEFFIELD: I`ve heard about it. I don`t know if it`s true.

GRACE: Back to Teresa, the grandmother of little Haleigh. What have you heard about an alleged argument regarding a gun? That gun later found in the ditch?

TERESA NEVES, GRANDMOTHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD, HALEIGH CUMMINGS: There was a gun that was found in the ditch. There was no fight. The gun incident was two weeks before Haleigh`s disappearance.

GRACE: And to Crystal Cummings, the aunt of Haleigh. Miss Cummings, what, if anything, do you know about this mystery figure, this cousin Joe, that apparently disappeared from town around the time Haleigh went missing?

CRYSTAL CUMMINGS, PATERNAL AUNT OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I only know what Misty has told me. I don`t know -- I just found out his name by the media because, obviously, we get a lot of our information from the media. So I know of that by that. I have no idea what he looks like or anything. I mean, I don`t know much of him.

GRACE: Let`s unleash the lawyers, Gloria Allred, Penny Douglass Furr, Joey Jackson.

To Penny Douglass Furr, there was a sighting at a Carrabba`s, Italian restaurant there in Knoxville and it`s under very unusual circumstances. The police apparently are taking it seriously. And the people that make these sightings truly believe that they have seen the little girl.

PENNY DOUGLASS FURR, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: They do, Nancy. And I find it very suspicious that the cousin left at the same time. Because if you`re cousin is going through this, wouldn`t she be going to your cousin instead of leaving your cousin?

I found it very suspicious that he`s not at least there giving her support even if he`s completely innocent. He has nothing to do with it. Why isn`t he there supporting his cousin through this very difficult period?

GRACE: You know, Joey Jackson, Penny Douglass Furr has an excellent point. Now I know you defense attorneys like to say you can`t read anything into that. People react differently or unusually when they are a target of an investigation. He is not a suspect.

Mr. Jackson, can authorities force Croslin`s cousin to return back to Satsuma for questioning?

JOEY JACKSON, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Absolutely, Nancy. You know what, he needs to be questioned. He needs to be evaluated for two reasons. One, his criminal background and the second reason being the inappropriate contact alleged have been engaged in by Misty. Now there`s an extradition code in Florida which would provide for him to be extradited as a material witness to give information in this case. And that should be exercised.

GRACE: Joey Jackson, is that true even if there is not an indictment yet?

JACKSON: Well, here`s the way it would work, Nancy. They would convene a grand jury for investigatory purposes.

GRACE: Jackson, Jackson.

JACKSON: This is the time.

GRACE: I don`t have time for a grand jury to convene.

JACKSON: What, no, well, let me say this, Nancy.

GRACE: You know as well as I do that every hour counts when a child is missing.

JACKSON: It does. But here`s what happens at the.

GRACE: A grand jury?

JACKSON: Let me say this. In order to get the extradition warrant signed by a judge, you have to follow protocol. So I agree that it would be a step that would waste time. However, it`s imperative that he be questioned about what he knows and when he knew it.

GRACE: Well, OK, here`s a crazy idea. I`m just going to throw at you three lawyers. Let`s go to expert trial lawyer, Gloria Allred. How about the Knoxville police going in, on his door and questioning him there?

GLORIA ALLRED, VICTIM`S RIGHTS ADVOCATE: Wouldn`t that be so much easier and wouldn`t that accomplish the goal that you just pointed out, Nancy, which is to get whatever information they need as quickly as possible and he could voluntarily agree to speak to them? He wouldn`t have to be extradited. He wouldn`t need a subpoena if he would do that.

GRACE: And I would -- while I was at it, Gloria, go ahead and put the icing on the cake. Strap up to a lie detector. If he`s got nothing to hide, answer those questions. We`re getting conflicting reports whether this guy is in Ashville or whether he is in Knoxville.

We do know Tennessee. We understand there was an argument over a gun around the time Haleigh went missing. The dad goes to work. The gun is later recovered from a ditch. The little girl is gone.

To Dr. Leslie Austin, psychotherapist. Dr. Austin, the girlfriend, Misty Croslin, who was babysitting that evening, has stated that this cousin made sexual advances on her in the past. Why would somebody like that even be allowed in the home?

DR. LESLIE AUSTIN, PSYCHOTHERAPIST: If that`s true, a, it`s sad. That`s not.

GRACE: I mean, listen, Leslie. Come on, when I`m at home alone with the twins, somebody knocks at the door, I go to the door and say, go away.


GRACE: I don`t know who you are, but go away.

AUSTIN: Right.

GRACE: I don`t -- forget it.

AUSTIN: If that`s true, it`s really bad judgment and it also might be, if it`s true, that she has a victim mentality and was afraid to stand up to him but it`s really bad judgment, if it`s true.

GRACE: And let me reiterate, this cousin has not been named a suspect. And by allowing him to visit in the area does not necessarily mean he was in the home. So let`s not start putting blame on the victims.

Everyone, the tip line 888-277-8477. Ronald Cummings needs your help, volunteers in the Florida area.


911 DISPATCHER: OK. Was your back door locked, do you know?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, the back door always stays locked.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We need somebody to get here now.

911 DISPATCHER: OK, let me to speak to him so.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, yes, yes, yes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I just got home from work, my 5-year-old daughter is gone.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I need somebody to be here now. I`m telling you.

911 DISPATCHER: Listen to me, listen to me. We got two officers.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If I find whoever has my daughter before you all do I`m killing him. I don`t care. I`ll spend the rest of my life in prison.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m telling you. You can put it on recording, I don`t care.

911 DISPATCHER: OK. It`s OK, sir. We`ve got them on the way. OK? Can you give me any -- what kind of description of her pajamas that she was wearing?


UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: OK, sir. We got them coming, OK?




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Mounted on horseback, Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, continues to search the area with family and friends and volunteers. Both sides of the family their canvassing is far from over.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: (INAUDIBLE) Someone`s face, poppy eyes, we don`t care. We will be here. We`re not giving up hope.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We will be here through any day. Rain, shine, anything. I was here early this morning trying to save everything of Haleigh`s because I see children that come out here and donate their favorite toys. And that`s what we`re trying to do, is save everything, because we know that she`s going to come home and she`ll be able to play with everything that everybody has given her.

C. CUMMINGS: We want to say, whoever has her is -- if they could please contact someone or drop her off somewhere safe and even if it`s anonymous, just call in and tell us where she`s at. And we want to tell Haleigh, if she`s watching, that we love her and we`re doing the best we can. And the officers are doing the best they can to bring her home safely.


GRACE: Right now we understand that a camper has been donated by someone there in the local area for the father to live in. He`s been living in a tent ever since his home was declared a crime scene, when little Haleigh was apparently kidnapped in the middle of the night, in the wee hours of the night.

I want to talk about that sighting one more time in Knoxville, Tennessee at a Carrabba`s Italian restaurant.

T.J. Hart, WSKY 97.3 FM -- T.J., what exactly happened?

T.J. HART, REPORTER, WSKY 97.3 FM: What happened is that a tip came in saying that a little girl matching the description of little young Haleigh was spotted at this Carrabba`s restaurant in Knoxville, Tennessee. She was reportedly with a white male. The white male was constantly trying to shield or hide her face, according to witnesses. Now witnesses also say that the two later left in a red RAV4. Now we do have confirmation from the Tennessee.

GRACE: Everyone -- T.J., hold on just a moment. Hold on just a moment. There you see the RV, the trailer being brought by a donor there in the local area for the dad to live in. That is a state of affairs for Ronald Cummings. His daughter is gone. He`s physically searching for the little girl, living in a tent. And today, according to his mother, he waited for volunteers to show up so he could go out searching again and no one showed up to help him.

Police working round the clock, overextending themselves, to bring Haleigh home alive. Very quickly, back to T.J. Hart, I understood that volunteers were showing up in droves to look for Haleigh. What happened?

HART: Well, the scale was -- the search was scaled back on Monday and this tip came in, we understand, either last night or this morning, and immediately deputies were dispatched as soon as they could get some kind of order on this, 100 yards away from Haleigh`s home into a wooded area. They were not looking for volunteers at that time. They quickly went out and acted on the tip and now they are not saying anything more about it. No comment is what we`re getting from the Putnam County Sheriff`s Office and the FBI.

GRACE: Back to Crystal Sheffield, Haleigh`s mother, or biological mother.

Miss Sheffield, what can you tell me about the girlfriend, Misty Croslin, being the one that discovered the shirt she first told police she was wearing when she was taken?

SHEFFIELD: All I know is that they just found the shirt and then I heard that it was found in the house and then I read in the paper that it was discovered by her. And she just -- I guess she gave it to the police. That`s all I know.

GRACE: And to Teresa Neves, Haleigh`s grandmother. Miss Neves, the shirt, I just heard, it was inside the home or outside the back door?

NEVES: The shirt was in the dirty clothes, which is right inside the back door.


NEVES: So if you were, if you were going to do the laundry, you would be standing in the back door.

GRACE: I got it. Miss Never, I also understood that Misty Croslin, the girlfriend, has taken not one but two lie detector tests. Why two?

NEVES: I do not know. My personal opinion is I really don`t care. I don`t care if they polygraph her a hundred times. They can come and polygraph every person who`s ever walked out here or breathe out here. And you know, they can continue to do that over and over until they find my baby girl. I don`t care.

GRACE: You know what? That is the attitude I wish other families would have when someone goes missing. Miss Neves, you`d be surprised how many people don`t cooperate. So I`d say, right on, you`re absolutely dead right.

Very quickly, back to Natisha Lance. Natisha, what more do we know about how many tips are coming in?

NATISHA LANCE, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, Nancy, they`re saying there`s about 1300 tips that are coming in and they continue to receive more and more tips and leads on a daily basis.

GRACE: To Dr. Marty Makary, you and I were talking about the Turner syndrome this little girl suffers from. Would an abductor really be prepared to take care of her health problems? She`s missed a lot of school. She`s been to doctors. She`s been to the hospital.

DR. MARTY MAKARY, PHYSICIAN, PROF. OF PUBLIC HEALTH, JOHNS HOPKINS: It could be a lot of work. Yes, we do know that she`s missed lots of school. It`s probably related to the fatigue. It`s probably related to the fact her immune system is down. She probably has a lot of sore throats, coughs, lung infections and things like that that require a lot of medical attention.

GRACE: And back to Gloria Allred, victims` rights lawyer, joining us out of L.A., I was listening to what Misty Croslin, the girlfriend, said to Matt Lauer this morning regarding her cousin. She couldn`t really vouch for him or say whether he was involved or not. What do you make of it, Gloria?

ALLRED: Well, obviously, she has an apparently long standing issues with her cousin and maybe even suspicions about him. But you know, we don`t know what her motive is in saying that, whether -- we don`t know whether, in fact, he is guilty of doing anything to her that would have been inappropriate. We don`t know the timeline of when he was there and so there are a lot of questions that have to be answered.

GRACE: Everyone, very quickly, "CNN HEROES."


ANNOUNCER: This is CNN Heroes.

ROY FOSTER, COMMUNITY CRUSADER: I actually joined the army right out of high school. I became introduced to alcohol once I was out. It was just simply drinking and drugging and I would then stay in the streets. I was looking for a safe haven. The places that I were introduced to were no better than on the street. It was humiliating.

That`s when the commitment in my heart, it was born. How can I turn my back and walk away and leave you right here? I can`t.

Nationwide veterans are neglected, homeless. Unacceptable. What branch of service?


FOSTER: Army. So was I. We are (INAUDIBLE), you know, brothers in arms. So no man left behind.

My name is Roy Foster. My mission is to help and empower homeless veterans. If you`re going to work for sobriety, you`ve got to change. Stand Down House provides services for veterans only, a safe, clean place to live. All the meals. To health services, the camaraderie, it is that internal gloom.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When I got back from Iraq it was difficult for me until I met Mr. Foster who helped me.

FOSTER: Tell him one of his brothers in arms came looking for him and let him know, yes, we will be back. They are the best and they deserve the best. What I do, I love. I love.

ANNOUNCER: Tell us about your hero at



GRACE: What a week in America`s courtrooms. Take a look at the stories and more important the people who touched our lives.


GRACE: A treasure trove of discovery released by police and prosecutors. As we go to air, we are just now still sifting through all of it.

LANCE: We haven`t seen all of the diaries but she does go on to mention these new friends that she has. She said she has positive people in her life and she hopes that the future holds a lot more positive things for her. As she said, it`s happiest that she`s ever been.

GRACE: Well, you know what, Natisha, she`s going to make a lot more new friends behind bars.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The search continues for missing 5-year-old Florida girl, Haleigh Cummings, who police believe was kidnapped from her own bed last week.

R. CUMMINGS: I`d like to see my daughter brought home safe soon. Real soon.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We are reporting WJXT out of Jacksonville that so far today police have received some 1,200 tips and leads. One of those leads is that Misty Croslin, the babysitter, may not have been home the night Haleigh disappeared.

GRACE: But of course, Brad McKeithen (ph), you know, when you`re trying to find the missing girl and you find out someone may have lied at the very beginning, that`s serious.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That is. I agree. And that is a news that has to be explored on whether or not she intentionally misled the police.

GRACE: Explored? Explored? That`s putting perfume on a pig.


GRACE: Let`s stop and remember Army Captain Darrick Wright, 37, Nashville, Tennessee, killed Iraq. A University of Tennessee grad. Put his job on hold at the TVA to serve. A beautiful smile. Remembered for kindness and faith. Leaves behind parents Roy and Gloria. Three brothers, two sisters, baby boy, Trevor.

Darrick Wright, American hero.

Thanks to our guests but especially to you for being with us. And a special good night from the New York control room. And happy birthday to the backbone of our show, there she is, Liz, our superstar. No, I didn`t really fire her.

Liz, we love you so much. And you`re finally 21, Liz. But I advise you, Liz, don`t drink. The devil`s in the bottle, Liz. So go celebrate. Happy birthday, baby girl.

Everyone, I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern and until then, good night friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on February 23, 2009, 06:05:22 PM,2933,498153,00.html


Geraldo Confronts Haleigh Cummings' Dad

Aired February 21, 2009 

This is a rush transcript of "Geraldo At Large," from February 21, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

Watch "Geraldo At Large" weekends at 10 p.m. ET!

The following transcript is Geraldo's confrontation with Ronald Cummings, father of missing 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings. In the confrontation, Geraldo asks him about allegations he'd abused Haleigh, her biological mother and drug use.



RIVERA, HOST "GERALDO AT LARGE": Chad and Marcus told me that during the vigil, you told them you were 75 percent sure who took Haleigh.

CUMMINGS: There is no way — I do not know who took Haleigh. If I had — if I had, uh, five percent of where Haleigh was at, I would be there now and not here.

RIVERA: Did you tell them that, though? Maybe you weren’t — maybe you were just [OVERLAP] were just — are they lying?

CUMMINGS: Yes, they’re absolutely lying. No, for no reason have I ever told anybody that I have any clue where my child is at. If I had any clue where my child — you know, national TV, they’re a bunch of liars. Chad and whoever told you this are a bunch of liars. I never even spoke with them.

RIVERA: They told — they told me that you hit Haleigh. Is that true?

CUMMINGS: No. Never, ever have I ever hit my child. Me and my child have an agreement. Daddy, daughter. She has been spanked on her behind the way DCF says that you can take care of disciplining your children.

RIVERA: You never backhanded her to the face?

CUMMINGS: [OVERLAP] Never. Never have I ever backhanded my child in the face, ever.

RIVERA: Did you hit Crystal when she was pregnant?

CUMMINGS: No. I did not. Never.

RIVERA: You didn’t hit her in the back of the head and kick her?

CUMMINGS: No. No. I never have.

RIVERA: You swear to God you never hit your pregnant woman?

CUMMINGS: [OVERLAP] Never. Never, never have I ever hit any woman, period. Never. And I’d like to know where all these allegations are coming from because I would like to talk — talk to law enforcement and have these false allegations, um, known that, um, the false allegations against me, somebody needs criminal charges pressed against them.

RIVERA: What about the allegations of cocaine use, methamphetamine use?

CUMMINGS: There’s nothing. I do not do drugs.

RIVERA: You don’t do drugs? All those arrests were all —


RIVERA: Do you work for the police? Are you an informant?

CUMMINGS: No, I am no an informant. I do not work for the police. I work for PDM, which is a, um, bridge building company. That’s who I work for.

RIVERA: And you’ve never been involved in the drug trade?


RIVERA: And when they tell me they saw bricks of marijuana that you had in the house, plants all around the house, is that a lie?

CUMMINGS: It is absolutely a lie and I would like to know where the information is coming from so that I can get, um, the proper authorities to take care of this.

RIVERA: You’re — put all this stuff aside. If some associate of yours, some associate that had something to do with drugs and this is not about drugs but if these people are on the dark side of life, don’t you think that you should share that information? Share — tell us about — when you told Marcus and Chad that you were 75 percent sure and you had your gun ready and your — and you had your gun ready and you were gonna go get em, didn’t you say that? Isn’t that a fact, Ron?

CUMMINGS: No, it is not a fact.

RIVERA: Why would they make that up? Why would they make that up?

CUMMINGS: I don’t know why they would make [OVERLAP] for you. But I — I am fixing [OVERLAP] to have the law called right here, right now because you’re making up things or they’re making up things and you’re getting into —

RIVERA: I am — I am relating to you what they are saying.

CUMMINGS: [OVERLAP] My face, man.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You need to back off, man. That’s my son.

RIVERA: Alright. Well I’m sorry — I am sorry for what has happened.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You need to go.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We are — [OVERLAPPED CONVERSATION] Listen. You wanna come up here and make [OVERLAP] allegations. Why don’t you go back to —

RIVERA: These are not my allegations, man. These are not my allegations. You have to understand that.


RIVERA: You have to understand this is not my allegation. Don’t touch him, don’t touch him, please. We’re leaving. Come on, let’s go. Let’s go.

CUMMINGS: [OVERLAP] I wanted you to see that all this is about is my daughter. I love you, baby. [OVERLAP] If you are out there, I want you to know that I love you and I will find you, baby. I love you. And two, whoever — whoever has you, please bring my daughter home to me. I love my daughter. I love you, baby. I will find you.

RIVERA: You believe she’s alive then?

CUMMINGS: I’m always gonna believe that my daughter’s alive until they find her. [SILENCE]


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on February 23, 2009, 06:27:59 PM,2933,498154,00.html


Missing Girl's Mom Opens Up to Geraldo

Aired February 21, 2009 
Print ShareThisThis is a rush transcript of "Geraldo At Large," from February 21, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

Watch "Geraldo At Large" weekends at 10 p.m. ET!


GERALDO RIVERA, HOST "GERALDO AT LARGE": When Ron Cummings is seen on television, most often, he is crying or in mourning or other conduct appropriate to a father whose daughter has gone missing. But the family on the mother’s side tells a much different story and a much different image emerges of Ron Cummings. Crystal, is not a fact that he was abusive to you?

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH'S MOM: Yes he was. He — when I first got pregnant with Haleigh, he punched me in the back of the head and before then, he was verbal. I mean he was just very abusive.

RIVERA: What did he call you?

SHEFFIELD: Stupid *EXPLETIVE DELETED*. You stupid *EXPLETIVE DELETED*. You *EXPLETIVE DELETED*. I mean you name it, he said it.

RIVERA: Describe when he punched you when you were pregnant.

SHEFFIELD: We were living in Leesburg at his mother’s house. And I had just found out I was pregnant. We were both doing cocaine and I stopped and I walked in the bedroom and he was doing it.

And I was like, you know, how are you gone do this in front of me after I just found out I was pregnant and I just stopped? And he got very pissed off and I had my — I was facing — I had my back turned to him. He punched me in the head and then I turned around and he kicked me off the bed.

RIVERA: And he knew you were pregnant when he kicked you?

SHEFFIELD: Yes he did. He knew.

RIVERA: And was he abusive, basically, throughout your relationship?

SHEFFIELD: The whole time. I mean his mother knew, his granny knew. His granny even told me once, um, I don’t know why you’re with him.

RIVERA: Why did you stay with him?

SHEFFIELD: Because I was scared to leave.

RIVERA: Are you frightened of him even today?



SHEFFIELD: Just because of all the things he’s done to me.

RIVERA: Are you fr— frightened that he’ll come after you?

SHEFFIELD: Sometimes I am. I mean he’s called and wanted me to come back several times and I have went back a couple times just to be with my kid and he was still the same and I left. It hurt to leave em but I’m not gonna put myself through that.

RIVERA: Do you believe his story about what happened?

SHEFFIELD: No, I don’t. I mean I know he loves Haleigh and — [PAUSES] — his temper, I mean it could get bad enough for him to hurt Haleigh. But I do know he loves Haleigh. Haleigh is his heart and everybody knows that.

RIVERA: Has he ever hit Haleigh?

SHEFFIELD: Um, my cousin, Candice, told me when we got down here for this incident, that, um, he come to her house — it was Ronald, Haleigh, Junior and Misty. And Haleigh bumped into him or smarted off to him and she said he just backhanded her. And she fell flat on her face on the porch.

RIVERA: Marie, you have a picture of Haleigh.


RIVERA: Do you want me to see it?

GRIFFIS: Yes. You get it.

RIVERA: Alright this is a picture, a disturbing picture, that shows Haleigh with an obvious black eye, a cut on her nose and the — a bruise that goes from the top of her left eye all the way down to the left side of her cheek.

Now I understand the school records indicate that she had an accident at school. Are these injuries the result of that accident?

GRIFFIS: Uh, that’s what we were told, that she fell at school and — or who was pushed at school by — by another child and that she fell catching the sidewalk and that was the results of it. But if you fall on the sidewalk, why didn’t her hands get skinned, her knees get skinned?

SHEFFIELD: [OVERLAP] The nurse said that all she had was a scratch on her nose.

RIVERA: So you — you — do you believe that Ron Cummings hit this child?

SHEFFIELD: I don’t know if he hit her or if she fell down or any other incident happened. But that did not happen at school. The nurse said she had a scratch on her nose.

RIVERA: And you have witnesses that he has hit this child?



RIVERA: Do you believe that Ron Cummings knows who took Haleigh?

SHEFFIELD: Yes. I mean he’s told my brother and my fiancé that he knows — he’s 75 percent sure he knows where his daughter is. He said on TV that he had no enemies.

RIVERA: Is that true?

SHEFFIELD: No. He’s got plenty of enemies.

SHEFFIELD: I know when he’s really crying, that is fake.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Blonde on February 24, 2009, 09:09:23 AM

Haleigh`s Brother Says Man in Black Took his Sister

Aired February 23, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida, a 5-year- old little girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone, vanished into thin air, the back door propped wide open. The father comes home from the night shift to find not a single trace of little Haleigh.

Bombshell tonight. Can Haleigh`s little 4-year-old brother identify the kidnapper? The little boy in the room, sleeping ostensibly with his sister snatched out of her bed, the 4-year-old little boy describing a grown man taking little Haleigh in the middle of the night, dressed entirely in black.

In the last hours, the fiance of Haleigh`s mother taken in an unmarked police car for questioning, as Haleigh`s father, distraught, meets with lead investigators. FBI and police initially zero in on a local sex offender and girlfriend Misty Croslin`s cousin. But tonight, police clearing both in Haleigh`s disappearance.

What more have cops learned from a mystery vehicle seized for evidence? Investigators still refusing to reveal make, model, ownership, as searchers on horseback comb dense woods near Haleigh`s home again tonight. Where is 5-year-old Haleigh?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Breaking news in the case of 5-year-old Florida girl Haleigh Cummings, who police believe was kidnapped from her own bed in the middle of the night. Haleigh`s mother, Crystal Sheffield, says Haleigh`s 4-year-old brother told her that a man dressed all in black took little Haleigh. Sheffield says a team of investigators have interviewed the boy, but they refuse to comment on what he has told them.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Investigators say new leads continue to come in, but so far, nothing`s panned out. Haleigh`s grandmother, Teresa Neves, says it`s frustrating, but they`re not giving up hope.

TERESA NEVES, PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER: I feel like my grandbaby is alive. I pray God whoever has her is feeding her and taking care of her.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Volunteers were out on horseback over the weekend, looking through areas around the home where Haleigh was last seen.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So far, there have been 4,786 man-hours that have been put into ground searches and diving in the water and air searches.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The family holding out hope little Haleigh will be returned to them safely, staying in tents near the home, refusing to leave until their child is brought back to them.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We will never give up looking for my granddaughter. She`s out there somewhere.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Investigators maintain that everyone remains a suspect, as the reward for Haleigh`s recovery continues to climb, now at $20,000.

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER: I would like to tell my daughter, if she`s watching, baby, I love you and we will find you. I love you.


GRACE: And breaking news in the case of girl-next-door co-ed and Capitol Hill intern 24-year-old Chandra Levy. Levy disappears without a trace after leaving her D.C. apartment in jogging clothes. Almost immediately, police uncover a sex affair between Levy and then Modesto congressman Gary Condit, Condit married with grown children. One year later, Chandra`s remains discovered at nearby Rock Creek Park. But eight years pass, no arrest, no suspect, no justice. Tonight, major development, police set to finally announce an arrest in the murder of Chandra Levy.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Eight years after her death, police are planning an arrest in the killing of Washington federal intern Chandra Levy. CNN has learned the suspect is Ingmar Guandique. He is serving a 10-year sentence for two assaults in the same park where Levy`s remains were found a year after she disappeared. Her parents say news of an arrest is bittersweet.

ROBERT LEVY, CHANDRA`S FATHER: Can`t say who it is right now. We have an idea, of course, but you know, it`s not official, so can`t really say. We just hope we`ll get justice and -- but can`t say we`ll really feel better because, you know, it won`t bring Chandra back.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Levy`s case got national attention after her affair with California congressman Gary Condit was disclosed.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And I`m going to work hard the remaining time that I have there and do everything that I can do to make the valley a better place to be.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: After almost eight years of waiting, an arrest can`t come soon enough for the Levy family.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Levy`s parents say they received a call from police telling them a warrant will come soon.

SUSAN LEVY, CHANDRA`S MOTHER: They said there is going to be a warrant out for an arrest, that, We have come up with some positive evidence that will lead to arrest.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Learning about the planned arrest doesn`t make up for the family`s loss.

SUSAN LEVY: There`s no such thing as closure.

ROBERT LEVY: You just don`t forget about it. You have to go through the rest of your life with a hole in it.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Can Haleigh`s little 4-year-old brother identify his sister`s kidnapper?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Stunning developments in the investigation into what happened to 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings, who was abducted from her own bed. According to Haleigh`s mother, Crystal Sheffield, Haleigh`s 4-year- old brother saw who took Haleigh.

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, MOTHER: When I seen him on my visitation, all he said was, I want to find my sissy, and he said something about somebody in black took her.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Crystal Sheffield says Ronald, Jr., was questioned immediately by a team of people who deal with children. But as with a lot of other potential evidence, police will not comment on specifics.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What we`re concerned with is the life of this child and what we`re concerned with is the recovery of this child.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Authorities are looking through 1,600 tips as part of their investigation into what happened to 5-year-old Florida girl Haleigh Cummings. On day 14 of their investigation, law enforcement officials say everyone remains a suspect and they will continue to pursue leads until Haleigh is found.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Every lead that comes in, that`s what we`re pushing and that`s what we`re trying to get resolved.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police say they will be conducting tactical searches based on tips and any evidence that comes in, while the family remains in tents, praying for Haleigh`s safe recovery.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Our main focus is finding Haleigh Cummings and getting her home to her family.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I can`t wait just to touch her, just to hold her in my arms. I can`t wait until she`s home.


GRACE: Straight out to Marlaina Schiavo, our producer standing by at the Sheffield family tent there in Satsuma. Marlaina, what`s the latest?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, the latest, Nancy, is that Haleigh`s 4-year-old brother identified the man he saw who took Haleigh who came into the home that night. He told his step-grandmother, Connie (ph) Sheffield, that a man dressed in black took his sister, Haleigh, the night she went missing. He had no other description, and they didn`t push the little boy because special investigators were called in to talk to him the night that Haleigh went missing.

GRACE: To T.J. Hart, program news director at WSKY 97.3 FM. T.J. what more can you tell me? It`s my understanding that the little boy also revealed the same story to his biological mother.

T.J. HART, WSKY 93.7 FM: Yes, that`s the story that we`ve been pursuing today, as well. She said that a man dressed in black got into the home and took Haleigh, and he says, I miss my sissy. And you know -- and right now, you hear those words, it`s -- my God, where do you go from here? And of course, where they went from there is that the child has been interviewed by a team of people who deal specifically with children in situations similar to this.

GRACE: We are taking your calls live. And remember, if you think back to cases such as the Elizabeth Smart case -- recall in that case, the little sister -- took her several months, but she ultimately identified Brian David Mitchell, joined that night, we understand, by his nutcase wife, Wanda Barzee, as coming into the home. It took her a while. She was just a little girl, around 4 years old at the time, as I recall. She kind of described the guy that night, and several months later, she put two and two together, and it was thanks to her that Elizabeth Smart`s attacker was finally, ultimately identified.

I want to go out to your calls. To Dominique in Ohio. Hi, Dominique.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hi, Nancy. Good evening.

GRACE: Hi, dear. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m just very curious. Have they thoroughly checked out the father as to what time he gets to work, when he leaves, how far it is from the house, did he take a lunch break, you know, that sort of thing, because I still lean...

GRACE: Excellent question, Dominique, because as you and I both know, you always look in the circle right around the victim -- fathers, brothers. In grown women missing or murdered, you look for lovers, boyfriends, husbands, exes.

Out to T.J. Hart with WSKY 97.3. T.J., it`s my understanding his story has checked out. What do you know?

HART: That is absolutely correct. Law enforcement has verified that he was where he said he was, which was at work. And work has confirmed that, too. Everything has checked out.

GRACE: To Crystal Sheffield, special guest joining us there at the Sheffield family tent in Satsuma. Everyone, the family forced to live in tents right now. They have nowhere else to go. The home is still quarantined. It is cordoned off as a crime scene. Ms. Sheffield, thank you for being with us. I understand your 4-year-old little boy identifies or at least has a description of his sister`s kidnapper?

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH`S MOTHER: Yes. He -- when I got him for my visitation, the first thing he said to me was, Mommy, I want to find my sissy. And he -- I didn`t question him about none of it. And he was, like, Somebody come in, they was all dressed in black, and took my sissy.

GRACE: Did he say anything else identifying the man, anything at all, any characteristics?

SHEFFIELD: No. He just said that they was dressed in black or he was dressed in black, whoever it was.

GRACE: Did he describe in any way what happened? He opened the door and came in, or the little boy woke up and saw him there? Did he describe anything at all about what the man actually did?

SHEFFIELD: No. He just said a man dressed in black come in and took his sissy. I didn`t ask him any questions.

GRACE: Smart. Very, very smart, Ms. Sheffield. Now, Ms. Sheffield, I know this sounds crazy, but to the best of your recollection, what were his exact words?

SHEFFIELD: He said, Mommy, I want to find my sissy and some man in black come in and took her.

GRACE: Out to the lines. To Angie in Kentucky. Hi, Angie.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. I love your show. My husband and I watch you every day, and...

GRACE: Angie in Kentucky, thank you for watching. And if you`re like me, I know that you`re praying and hoping for the best for this little girl. Go ahead, dear. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The thing I`ve been listening to a lot on Jane Velez-Mitchell and Mike during the day is I keep hearing how the mother keeps talking about the bad things about the dad.

GRACE: I`m sorry. I couldn`t hear what you just said. The mother keeps talking about what?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She keeps bringing up all the bad things in the past about the father. And to me, that should be -- that shouldn`t even matter right now. Her main focus should be on finding...

GRACE: OK. And your question, Angie, is?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is, has she taken a lie detector test? Have they done one on her?

GRACE: Well, I will ask her right now. Ms. Sheffield, have you taken a lie detector test?

SHEFFIELD: I sure have.

GRACE: And did you pass it?

SHEFFIELD: As far as I know. The man that did it told me he thinks I did, but they had to send it off to Washington to...

GRACE: And did you do it voluntarily? Did you protest or did you go...

SHEFFIELD: Yes, I did.

GRACE: Everyone, Crystal Sheffield announcing tonight she has taken and passed a lie detector test. We are taking your calls live.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Investigators say new leads continue to come in.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`ve processed over 1,600 leads to this point.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But so far, nothing`s panned out.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`re not any closer to knowing where she is at the moment.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Haleigh`s grandmother, Teresa Neves, says it`s frustrating, but they`re not giving up hope.

NEVES: We will never give up looking for my granddaughter. She`s out there somewhere.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We will not give up hope and we will not stop praying until Haleigh is found.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Police say, like the family, they`re also frustrated, but they`re not discouraged.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Somewhere along the line is going to be the tip that leads us to her.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They`ll continue to search and follow up on new leads until the little girl is found.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Sooner or later, we`re going to find her.



911 OPERATOR: OK, was your back door locked, do you know?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. The back door always stays locked.

CUMMINGS: I need somebody (INAUDIBLE)

911 OPERATOR: OK, let me speak to (INAUDIBLE)

CUMMINGS: I just got home from work, my 5-year-old daughter is gone. I need somebody to be here now, I`m telling you.

911 OPERATOR: Listen to me. Listen to me. We`ve got two officers...

CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before y`all do, I`m killing him. I don`t care. I`ll spend the rest of my life in prison, I`m telling you. You can put it on the report, and I don`t care.

911 OPERATOR: OK. It`s OK, sir. We`ve got them on the way. OK, can you give me any -- what kind of description of her pajamas that she was wearing?

CUMMINGS: I don`t (DELETED) know! I was at work!

911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, we`ve got them coming, OK?


GRACE: Where is 5-year-old Haleigh? Straight out to Marie Griffis, maternal grandmother of Haleigh. Everyone, we are taking your calls live. Crystal Sheffield, Haleigh`s biological mother, announcing she has willingly taken a polygraph and was told that she passed.

To Marie Griffis, the grandmother -- Ms. Griffis, thank you for being with us. To your understanding, has the little boy told other people about the description of the kidnapper?

MARIE GRIFFIS, MATERNAL GRANDMOTHER: Not that I know of. Just Connie and Crystal.

GRACE: And was his story consistent?

GRIFFIS: Yes. From what Connie told me, he talked about a man dressed in black, and then Crystal said the same thing.

GRACE: To a special guest joining us tonight, crime analyst and director of cold case squad at Pine Lake PD, Sheryl McCollum. Sheryl, weigh in.

SHERYL MCCOLLUM, DIR. OF COLD CASE SQUAD, PINE LAKE PD: Nancy, one thing that bothers me is who takes a child not for ransom? It`s going to be a sexual predator. And if I remember correctly, there are 44 sexual predators within a five-mile radius.

GRACE: A sex predator or someone that has been targeting the family. You can`t count that out, of course. As you know, the girl in the pink hat, little Jessie, that was a sex offender that had been targeting her for some time. How do you compare the two, Sheryl?

MCCOLLUM: Well, most sex offenders are going to stay within that area. And you know, the best way to hide is to fit in. And I think here, you`re looking at a very similar situation, where somebody comes in and they take her for one purpose and one purpose only.

GRACE: Joining us tonight, Matt Zarrell. Matt, I want to talk to you about the fiance of the mother being taken in for questioning today. He was not arrested, correct?

MATTHEW ZARRELL, NANCY GRACE STAFFER: No, he wasn`t. It was Chad Griffis. He`s Haleigh`s mother`s fiance. Now, he was brought in for questioning. Now, this is not the first time he`s been brought in for questioning. He was brought in a couple of weeks ago and asked when the last time he saw Haleigh was, and he said a couple weeks before she went missing.

GRACE: To Crystal Sheffield, Haleigh`s mom. Why was he taken in again, Crystal?

SHEFFIELD: To be -- I think it was something Ronald had said to him.

GRACE: About?

SHEFFIELD: Oh, what was it...

GRIFFIS: It was actually a misunderstanding.

SHEFFIELD: It was a misunderstanding between -- it was told to my brother that Ronald said he was 75 percent sure he knew who took Haleigh. And they misunderstood it and took Chad in instead of my brother.

GRACE: I understand. So to Marie Griffis, what was the outcome of that?

GRIFFIS: I have no idea. The last we heard, the officer was going over to my son`s house to talk to him about what Ronald had told him. And Ronald`s not -- I mean, Marcus (ph) is not the only person that Ronald had this story to. We have a lady that stays up here at our tent. She`s from Pensacola, Florida. She come here when she heard this on the radio. They come straight to here to be with us. We don`t know these people. We just met them. Her name is Teresa (ph). And she went down the day she got here, which was Thursday, to Ronald`s tent. And she was off to the side talking to him, and he told her that he was 75 percent sure he knew that Misty`s cousin, Joe, took Haleigh. So the stories kind of match.

GRACE: Yes. Long story short tonight, we know that that cousin has been cleared, along with a local sex offender that was questioned several times after he broke curfew that evening.

Let`s unleash the lawyers. Joining us tonight out of New York, family law and child advocate Susan Moss, out of San Francisco, famed attorney John Burris, and out of the Seattle jurisdiction, high-profile lawyer Anne Bremner. Sue Moss, what do you think?

SUSAN MOSS, FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY: Man in black. Unless this child was kidnapped by a ninja, this is a huge clue. That means somebody planned this. They planned and they got dressed in black. That means they were probably scouting out this trailer park, and maybe, just maybe somebody saw him.

GRACE: John Burris?

JOHN BURRIS, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, I think that part is correct. But the other side of this, how did he get into the house? And that`s the part that is most troubling. It`s hard -- the young girl said the door was locked. So that means not only was there planning, but there has to be some complicity somewhere here, so there are a lot of clues still around...

GRACE: Anne Bremner, Burris -- there he goes with the conspiracy theory. Weigh in, Bremner.

ANNE BREMNER, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, I -- you know, I -- but I agree. I mean, everyone right now is a suspect...

GRACE: Complicity? Why is everybody trying to blame the 17-year-old, like she`s so sophisticated she could fake out the cops for this long?

BREMNER: Nancy, all I`m saying right now is that everybody`s a suspect and nobody`s a suspect.

GRACE: OK, well...

BREMNER: It`s wide open.

GRACE: ... before we start trying to blame the family, let`s take a look at what we`ve already got. They`ve taken polygraphs. They`ve been cooperative. They`ve done everything the police asked them. They`re living in tents, all right?

Everybody, you are seeing photos of little Haleigh right now. The tip line is 888-277-TIPS.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I`m trying to do everything to find her. You know, I`ll answer any questions I have to because I know I didn`t do anything to that little girl. I would never hurt her. I mean, they love me. I mean, they look at me like their mom, you know? You ask little Junior, he`ll tell you. You know, they talk about me, about being I`m so good to them kids.


GRACE: Yes, there`s the lady that everybody keeps saying is faking out the cops and taking lie detectors, cooperating all along. You really think a 17-year-old girl can fake out the entire police squad? I don`t think so. Maybe I`m the crazy one tonight.

To Pat in Ohio. Hi, Pat.


GRACE: What`s your question, dear?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I`ve been trying to get ahold of you for six months. Your kids are so darn cute!

GRACE: You know what? I am blessed.


GRACE: I am blessed.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I love the twins. And you know what? You`re such a wonderful advocate for children. The only thing I haven`t heard mentioned in this whole case -- how come nobody talks about Misty`s mother or family? It`s never seemed to be mentioned.

GRACE: Interesting question. Let`s go to T.J. Hart with WSKY. What about them? Now, we know about the cousin that was in town and mysteriously disappeared when she goes missing, but he`s been cleared.

HART: That`s true. The cousin, Joe, as he was somewhat identified as, has been cleared as of Saturday afternoon at about 3:05, when Captain Dick Shuller (ph) said, No, he`s no longer a person of interest, he`s not a suspect. They cleared him, actually, early on in the investigation.

Misty Croslin, of course, has been the focus -- a great deal of focus has been placed on her with some alleged inconsistencies with her stories. But as far as Ms. Croslin`s mom, to be quite honest with you, I`ve not met her yet. That`s one of the few people I`ve failed to walk into after being in the area for the amount of time that I have.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Still very few answers for police and the family of Haleigh Cummings. But there`s some new information on several fronts. One of them involving Haleigh`s little brother, 4-year-old Ronald Jr. Today his and Haleigh`s mother, Crystal Sheffield, said the boy stole her something rather astonishing, that a man in black came and took his sister.

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, MOM OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: When I seen him on my visitation all he said was I want to find my sissy and he said something about somebody in black took her. He said he was all dressed in black. But I didn`t question him. I`m not going to question him.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Crystal Sheffield says Ronald Jr. was questioned immediately by a team of people who deal with children. That is with a lot of other potential evidence police will not comment on specifics.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What we`re concerned with is the life of this child and what we`re concerned with is the recovery of this child. And we`re going to do anything we can to recover her. We don`t want to give out any information that`s going to jeopardize that.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: 1120 to 1271.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Stay at the residence. Maintain that point of access, (INAUDIBLE) canines and do another thorough search from inside the house.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: 10-4 I`m back on Green Lane.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: 10-4 Go ahead and just gather as much information as you can about any family or anything around here and go ahead and call in her and get a signal and report her as 8.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It has already been done, sir.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You start taking tags and stopping vehicles that leaving for this area.


NANCY GRACE, HOST: We find out that another search on horseback goes down in the densely wooded area behind the Cummings home.

To Matt Zarrell, that search has already been done several times. Why do they keep going back to this area?

MATTHEW ZARRELL, NANCY GRACE ASSOCIATE PRODUCER: Well, at this point we know that the searchers continue to look in all the areas because they don`t have any leads at this point. The cops are sharing some information with them that we know of, but at this point searchers are going on just instincts and reaction at this point.

GRACE: To Marlaina Schiavo, standing by there at the Sheffield family tent in Satsuma, Florida. You had the opportunity to interview the babysitter/girlfriend Misty Croslin today. And yes, she`s got some strikes against her. Last one to see the victim. Inconsistencies in her story.

On the other hand, she has fully cooperated with police. What is she telling you?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, SPENT TIME WITH HALEIGH`S FAMILY TODAY: Misty -- I mean, you have to remember she`s 17 years old. She loves those children. She says she has nothing to hide. She has passed many polygraph tests. She -- her family is very supportive of her. Their family home is right across from the father`s side -- the paternal side`s tent.

Misty, basically, said that she had nothing to hide, she loves those children, she would never do anything to them. The media is vilifying her at this point and so is the general public.

GRACE: Well, here`s the thing. Back to you Sheryl McCollum. In other cases it`s very apparent when the mother or caregiver is somehow implicated. In this case, yes, she had some inconsistencies in her story, which, in my mind, could be explained through a semantic issue and the wording of her answers.

Yes, there are a few problems. But it`s hard for me to believe that a 17-year-old girl could fake out the cops for this long. And what about the little 4-year-old? Wouldn`t he say Misty took my sister?

SHERYL MCCOLLUM, CRIME ANALYST, DIR. OF COLD CASE SQUAD AT PINE LAKE P.D.: Sure, he would. He would not only say Misty took my sister. He would be very clear if she kicked her, hit her, took her out of the house, whatever. He would know that. He would be able to tell that beautifully.

GRACE: What about it, John Burris.

JOHN BURRIS, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, I don`t think that we`re going to say that she is the one that took the child. The question is, did she have -- was it a complicity situation with the man in black? I mean I don`t think we will say ever that she is the one who did it. I mean the question that you have here is how could it be.

GRACE: Well, John Burris.

BURRIS: No, let try to (INAUDIBLE) to a point.

GRACE: Come on. No, no, no.

BURRIS: How could it be, though?

GRACE: That`s the same thing. Party to a crime, all for one, one for all. Complicit means you`re just as involved.

BURRIS: Well, obviously. That`s obviously true. I`m just saying how did the person get in? How did that happen? If she says the door is locked.

GRACE: The same burglaries happen every minute in this country. Hello.

BURRIS: Well, that means you`ve got to be stalking this particular person.


BURRIS: You`ve got to have some information.


BURRIS: Maybe you`ve been in the house. Maybe there`s something going on. All I`m saying there has to be a way to get into the house. I`m not saying this girl did anything. You can`t rule it out.

GRACE: It`s called doors and windows. That`s how you get into a house, Burris. And you`re saying I`m not saying she did it but saying she`s complicit.

BURRIS: I`m not finished.

GRACE: . is in reality saying she did it.

BURRIS: I`m just saying she has to be ruled like everyone else. Just because the cops haven`t said certain things doesn`t mean she`s been ruled out.


BURRIS: You know that, too.

GRACE: You know what? Anne Bremner, am I deaf or did he say complicit?

ANNE BREMNER, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I`m not going to -- I think there`s his side, your side and the facts.

GRACE: So you`d rather believe him than your own lying ears. OK, whatever.

BREMNER: Well, Nancy, I think the bottom line is.

GRACE: I need the peanut gallery to agree with me.

BREMNER: Nancy, you know.


BREMNER: . I always agree with you. But the bottom line is, is right now we really have to look at everybody and John is right. Until they`re ruled out you`ve got to look at people, you know.

GRACE: I agree.


GRACE: Look, I`m not taking her side or against her. I`m on neither side right now, because the evidence is not clear to me, Sue Moss. So she`s neither in nor out.


GRACE: I just find it hard to believe that a 17-year-old can lead people on a wild goose chase for this long. Plus, the 4-year-old boy is there. Wouldn`t he say Misty did it?

BREMNER: Well, it`s.

SUSAN MOSS, CHILD ADVOCATE, FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY: Absolutely. Speaking of in and out, I think the only question is did she happen to leave that back door open, whether by accident, whether by going out or for any other reason.

GRACE: To Dr. Janet Taylor, psychologist. Dr. Taylor, back to the Elizabeth Smart case. In that case, the 9-year-old little sister was in the room with Smart when she was kidnapped and, yes, the perpetrator had been at the home before.

DR. JANET TAYLOR, PSYCHIATRIST: You`re absolutely right. But the difference here in the Smart case she was 9, and this young man is 4 years old. Yes, he`s capable of giving a description. But at 4, you really have to sort out is it fantasy, is it imaginary, did he wake up? Was he dreaming?

And I think it`s interesting that investigators immediately didn`t hear that story. And that would be my only concern. Is this fantasy or is it reality?

GRAPHICS: Well, Doctor, maybe they did and they didn`t reveal it.

To Dr. Marty Makary, physician and professor of public health, Johns Hopkins. Dr. Makary, what do you believe, with your experience, about a 4- year-old under these circumstances accurately identifying the kidnapper? I mean Elizabeth Smart`s little sister did it, but she was 9.

DR. MARTY MAKARY, PHYSICIAN, PROF. OF PUBLIC HEALTH, JOHNS HOPKINS: Well, the vast majority of the time they are forthcoming and honest and truthful. But there is significant psychological trauma from the separation anxiety of losing a sibling. And that can be so severe they can clutter their fears and nightmares with reality sometimes.

GRACE: Now, you know, Dr. Makary, out of all the people I`ve ever put on the stand, some of the best witnesses and the most truthful witnesses I ever had were children, except for one dog. OK. Other than him, children had the least ability to lie under oath.

A question regarding Turner syndrome that Haleigh suffers. Would an abductor be able to care for her with Turner syndrome?

MAKARY: Yes. What we know about her Turner syndrome is that she required special care. She was at risk for infections. And she did have an anxiety about being in the dark. So we know there were special medical concerns related to the Turner syndrome, in part, and probably related to the component of it that your immune system is down and your heart does not pump quite as efficiently with the Turner syndrome.

GRACE: Back to New York psychiatrist, Dr. Janet Taylor, also a medical doctor. Dr. Taylor, earlier a caller was venting regarding the family attacking each other. We`ve got separations. You`ve got fiancees, living girlfriend, the whole kit and caboodle.

But you know what, Dr. Taylor, under these circumstances, you expect for other problems to arise, to boil over.

TAYLOR: Well, absolutely. There was conflict before this happened. There`s going to be conflict during. Everyone is pointing fingers. The whole point now is they need to communicate, communicate together. Now is not the time to blame. They need to band together as one and try to find this little girl.

GRACE: We are taking your calls live.

Has Haleigh`s little 4-year-old brother been able to make an identification as to his sister`s kidnapper? That reward is climbing.

Very quickly to tonight`s case alert, the search for a missing 4-year- old California girl, Monica Morales, kidnapped from her Thousand Palms home by two women posing as social workers, both in their 30s, shoulder length brown hair. Police on the lookout for a green minivan heading toward the Mexican border. 4-year-old Monica last seen in a yellow shirt, blue pants, yellow sandals.

If you have info, call Riverside County Sheriff`s, 760-836-1644.

And the Joan Gaeta Lung Cancer Foundation fights the number one cancer killer in the world. Lung cancer claiming more lives than breast, colon, prostate, melanoma and kidney combined. You don`t have to smoke to get lung cancer.

Joan Gaeta, a mother of five, a beloved wife, a teacher, lost her battle against lung cancer and her family is fighting back. Please go to,



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She was a driven, bright-eyed 24-year-old intern, one of thousands who flocked to Washington when semesters changed. A little dazzled by the power of this place, a little giddy with her own sense of possibility.

Chandra Levy came here interning at the Federal Department of Prisons, dreaming of a job with the FBI. When spring arrived, she packed her suitcase for a trip back home to Modesto, California. She never got on the plane.

On May 1st, 2001, Chandra Levy disappeared into thin air.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: My precious daughter. I just want her back. I just want her back alive.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Now eight years after the trail seemed to have gone cold, a potential break in the case. A source close to the investigation confirms that the suspect in the Chandra Levy case is Ingmar Guandique. Guandique has denied any involvement in her death.

For Chandra Levy`s parents, who have been told an arrest is imminent, it is a glimmer of hope in the search for justice.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s pretty hard not having your child with you.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I mean, you want justice. You want the person, you know, incarcerated and you want justice.



GRACE: Finally, a break in the case. An arrest is imminent.

To Lisa DePaulo, investigative reporter, she covered the Levy case from the very, very beginning.

Lisa, what`s happening?

LISA DEPAULO, INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER, CONTRIBUTOR, THE DAILY BEAST, COVERED LEVY CASE FROM BEGINNING: Well, tight now, there should be an arrest momentarily. I`m told that either tomorrow or Wednesday, the U.S. attorney will be divulging some of what this new evidence was that allowed them to have this warrant and believe they have a solid case.

GRACE: Sari Horowitz also joining us, investigative reporter with "The Washington Post." Sari, what are you hearing?

SARI HOROWITZ, INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER, WASHINGTON POST, DID 13 PART SERIES ON LEVY CASE: We don`t know what the new evidence is, Nancy, but we spent a year looking at this case and re-examining it and turning over every rock and we interviewed Ingmar Guandique in prison, we interviewed Gary Condit, we interviewed the investigators. And our series concluded that all signs pointed toward Ingmar Guandique as the prime suspect.

GRACE: You know what`s interesting, Sari Horowitz, Lisa DePaulo, is that way back at the get-go, park police -- there had been -- there was Chandra Levy`s death. There were two other female attacks, similar attacks, attempted rapes in the same park. And Guandique was the suspect in those. And he actually made the statement that he saw Chandra Levy in the park the day she was murdered.

Lisa DePaulo, explain to me does two plus two still equal four or do I need to go back to kindergarten?

DEPAULO: Well, I`ve got to tell you that was one of the amazing thing in Sari`s investigation that she found that out. Hello, I mean, he put himself at the scene of the crime. You know and that -- way back when Guandique was always one of those people of interest.

But a lot of the cops did not think the MO was the same. And one of the things that they kept saying was, well, you know, yes, he stole these women`s Walkmen and you know, tormented them a little bit in the park, but he`s not a violent killer. Well, in fact, as Sari found, you know, one of the reasons they didn`t know his MO was the same was because they hadn`t even interviewed all the women he had assaulted.

GRACE: Is that true, Sari?

HOROWITZ: The problem is the U.S. park police interviewed Guandique. They arrested Guandique. The D.C. police were investigating the Chandra Levy case and the two never put the dots together. They never connected the case. And so when we went back, we found that the D.C. police had never interviewed the two women that Guandique attacked. And in fact, when we interviewed them they said they were -- they feared for their life because this man attacked them while they were jogging with Sony Walkman and he.

GRACE: Just like Chandra Levy.

HOROWITZ: Exactly. And he attacked them at knife point. And they fought him off and they were able to escape. One of them had taken a self defense course. They were bigger women than Chandra Levy. And once he was arrested in prison he allegedly told an inmate that, in fact, he killed Chandra Levy. This was in 2001.

And the police gave him a lie detector test not using a bilingual polygrapher. And the test was inconclusive. And they disregarded him. He went off their radar.

GRACE: To Boni Driskill, she is a friend of the Levy family, she is president of Wings of Protection.

Miss Driskill, thank you for being with us. How are the Levys taking this development?

BONI DRISKILL, FRIEND OF LEVY FAMILY, PRESIDENT, WINGS OF PROTECTION: Yes. As with most families that we deal with Wings of Protection, they are absolutely in shock. It`s been eight years. And we`re happy but it`s a bittersweet moment.

GRACE: To Dr. Henry Lee, forensic scientist, who examined the crime scene and Chandra Levy`s remains -- Dr. Lee, thank you for being with us. Reportedly DNA evidence is linking Guandique to Chandra Levy`s murder. What type of evidence could show that connection since we know the remains were skeletonized?

HENRY LEE, FORENSIC SCIENTIST, EXAMINED CRIME SCENE & CHANDRA LEVY`S REMAINS: Yes, Nancy, you`re right. The remains was skeletonized. However, the fingernails still there. In addition, her clothing and maybe underwear. So a close examination may resolve some potential biological evidence.

I also look at a long time ago this MO is pretty similar. It`s the same location, same setting, Rocky Creek Park, attacked a woman. And of course the two previous case (sic) when the victim indicates knife was used. That`s a violent action. The second one, because the individual lady have walking dogs and I don`t know the dog play factor on that in this case.

GRACE: Back to Lisa DePaulo, investigative reporter. She covered the Levy case from the very beginning. Did you hear Condit`s response? As usual, it`s still all about him. I say from the get-go, Lisa DePaulo, that he hamstrung so much of the investigation by not being forthcoming with the police at the beginning.

DEPAULO: Well, look, I mean, there were two things he said that were just ridiculous but one was, you know, it was this insatiable -- need for sensationalism that blocked people from finding the real truth. Well, you know, it wasn`t insatiable sensationalism that kept Gary Condit from cooperating with the police weeks and weeks and weeks.

And you know, Susan Levy just wrote this great essay on "Daily Beast" and it said, you know what, he did everything in his power to deter the police investigation. That`s pretty strong stuff. But you remember, you remember that summer.

And the other he said which was ridiculous was, you know, he`s been wanting to tell his side of the story. Hello? Everybody, everybody wanted his side of the story including the police and including the Levys.

So it`s a shame. If he had put it out there, if he had been more cooperative, perhaps they would have moved on to, you know, Guandique or come close to finding her body sooner.

GRACE: You know, Lisa, I know that you`ve stayed in close touch with Levys throughout all of this. Is this a surprise for them?

DEPAULO: Oh, wow. I think it has to be. I mean I think everyone felt, you know, that this might never, ever be solved. And I think, yes, they`re in a state of shock in some ways. And I think that they`re also, you know, it`s really bittersweet.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, it`s a shock. (INAUDIBLE) you know, long time, you don`t think about it all the time.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. Didn`t expect it to happen. And plan to do something else. And all of a sudden you get this call.


GRACE: Unleash the lawyer, Susan Moss, John Burris, Anne Bremner.

Anne Bremner, he tries to rape two women according to police, and now a third is dead, Chandra Levy. Any chance they`ll seek the death penalty? Probably not.

BREMNER: Probably not, although, as you know, Nancy, that the potentially here is it`s a sexual violence, getting involved with the death and then kidnapping, et cetera, but his best defense is going to be the Gary Condit examination in terms of everyone believing that he did the crime. But probably not. We`ll see. It`s a three strikes in a way with the other two...

GRACE: John Burris?

BREMNER: The other two incidents.

BURRIS: No, I don`t think so. But -- you know.

GRACE: Why, John Burris? Three women victims not enough for you for the death penalty to be sought?

BURRIS: Well, I am not for the death penalty at any point in time. So that`s my view so.

GRACE: Yes, I know. Second verse same as the first. Thank you, John Burris.

Susan Moss, what about it?

MOSS: They`ll probably seek it. But had Gary Condit taken lie detector test, maybe his career wouldn`t in a dead rest.

GRACE: Yes, he even had to give up his Baskin-Robbins. Correct, Lisa DePaulo?

DEPAULO: Apparently revoked his ice cream license. It`s been tough.

GRACE: You know, that karma can really bite you in the neck. And Dr. Henry Lee, could the perp`s DNA still be on her clothing even a year later?

LEE: Yes, if sufficient amount of DNA was to occur and new technology, trace amount of DNA, so-called touch DNA, may be able to find enough evidence. Of course.

GRACE: Right.

LEE: . with some luck, with fingernail, maybe find some additional evidence.

GRACE: And Sheryl McCollum, quickly, yes, no, didn`t he push the other two victims down the ravine as well?

MCCOLLUM: Absolutely. All three went down the ravine.

GRACE: Incredible similarity.

Let`s stop remember, Army Private First Class Leonard Gulczynski, just 19, Carol Stream, Illinois, killed Iraq. From a family of vets. Awarded the National Defense Service Medal. Loved football, volleyball, remembered for his laugh and smile. Leaves behind parents, Mike and Jackie. Sister Jackie, brother, Mike. Girlfriend Michelle.

Leonard Gulczynski, American hero.

Thank you to our guests and especially to you. I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on February 24, 2009, 11:20:05 AM


Criminal Record for Missing Girl`s Father?

Aired February 23, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET



JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HOST (voice-over): Tonight, shocking updates in the disappearance of Haleigh Cummings. Little brother Junior reportedly told their mother that a man dressed in black entered the home and took Haleigh. Is this stunning clue enough to help police crack the case?

And an interview with Haleigh`s father Ronald boils over as the reporter confronts him with allegations that he hit his daughter and sold drugs. We`ll tell you Ronald`s angry response to those claims.

And what happened with a reported Haleigh sighting in Tennessee? Was it another dead end?

Then, a horrific crime as an 11-year-old boy is charged with shooting dead his father`s pregnant fiance. The reported murder weapon? A shotgun given to him by his dad as a Christmas present. What ever happened to giving a toy train? Unbelievably, the 11-year-old was being held in an adult jail. I`ll have the details on this tragic story about America`s gun culture.

Plus, we all know Octomom Nadya Suleman. Meet Octodad, or at least the man who claims to be the octuplet donor. Denis Beaudoin says he donated sperm to Suleman three times because he was in love with her. You won`t believe some of the creepy details.

And Suleman`s father questions her sanity on national TV. I`ll have the latest bizarre twists in this shocking story.

ISSUES starts now.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Stunning twists and turns tonight in the desperate search for missing Florida girl Haleigh Cummings. Startling new allegations that her father, Ron Cummings, hit Haleigh, abused her mother while she was pregnant with Haleigh, and used illegal drugs. All of these accusations made by little Haleigh`s mother, Crystal Sheffield.

Sheffield was interviewed over the weakened by Geraldo Rivera on FOX. Here are her shocking comments about Haleigh`s father, Ron.


CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH`S MOTHER: My cousin Candice told me when we got down here for this incident that he come to her house. It was Ronald, Haleigh, Junior, and Misty. And Haleigh bumped into him or smarted off to him, and she said he just backhanded her, and she fell flat on her face on the porch.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ron Cummings left with no choice but to respond to those allegations. Clearly, he was not very happy and called the claims lies.


RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: Never, ever have I ever hit my child. Me and my child have an agreement. Daddy, daughter, she has been spanked on her behind the way DCF says that you can take care of disciplining your children.

GERALDO RIVERA, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: You never backhanded her to the face?

CUMMINGS: Never. Never have I ever backhanded my child in the face. Ever.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Parents already in anguish, being torn further apart by a nasty war of words. How relevant is any of this to little Haleigh`s disappearance? We will debate that.

Also tonight, reports that Haleigh`s younger brother, Junior, says he saw a man in black take Haleigh away. Could his account of that fateful fight two weeks ago -- it`s been two weeks -- help find his big sister?

So much to talk about. And as always, I am taking your calls. But first, let`s go straight to my fabulous panel. Darren Kavinoky, criminal defense attorney; and Drew Findling, Atlanta criminal defense attorney. Plus, we`re going to talk to the Reverend Terry Wright, the pastor for Haleigh Cummings` family, as well as Deirdre Conner, a reporter for the "Florida Times-Union."

Deirdre, what is the very latest? And we`re hearing something about a rap sheet involving Ron Cummings.

DEIRDRE CONNER, REPORTER, "FLORIDA TIMES-UNION": Well, Jane, the newest, as you said, there`s an increase in the reward. They`re continuing to follow up with a number of family members.

But the real news is that there`s no news in terms of leads or solid information that`s been given to the media about the disappearance of Haleigh.

And in terms of the arrest, the "Times-Union" and reported last week on some arrests of the father, Ronald Cummings, in 2001 and other previous years. But there were no convictions in those cases.


Darren Kavinoky, this is only relevant, I think, if it helps us find little Haleigh. And obviously we`ve got a Hatfields and McCoys situation down there right now, where these two sides of the family are at loggerheads, fighting with each other.

And my question is, is it relevant, given the fact that the sheriff`s department said that Ron, the father`s, alibi checked out? In other words, he was at work and raced home when he found out his daughter was missing. And he`s heard on the 911 call, which we`re going to play momentarily.

DARREN KAVINOKY, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, I agree with you, that the only way this becomes relevant is if it helps investigators track down people who may have had a motive to do harm to Ron or to his family.

But if he`s not a target in the investigation, then the notion that he had committed criminal acts in the past, it`s really not important, except perhaps in the court of public opinion.

And it`s just so interesting. I really feel for this family. And I know they must be in a tremendous amount of pain. But when I heard Haleigh`s biological mom describing what had been related to her about how Haleigh had been backhanded, you get into these reliability issues and these hearsay problems. And what`s her motivation?

And this is the least reliable kind of evidence. And there`s no reason to slander Dad if he`s not a target in this investigation. All of the energy should be directed at helping to find this missing little girl.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I couldn`t agree more. And the reason we`re discussing it is that there is a possibility that somewhere in all of this information, there is something that would help us solve this mystery of what happened to this child who was taken while she was fast asleep. Nobody can make heads or tails out of it.

Now, Haleigh`s mother, Crystal Sheffield, says Haleigh wasn`t the only one abused at the hands of Ron Cummings. Listen to another incident that she described on FOX.


SHEFFIELD: We were living in Leesburg at his mother`s house. And I had just found out I was pregnant. We were both doing cocaine. And I stopped. And I walked in the bedroom, and he was doing it. And I was like, "You know, how are you going to do this in front of me after I just found out I was pregnant and I just stopped?"

And he got very pissed off. And I had my -- I was facing -- I had my back turned to him. He punched me in the head. And then I turned around, and he kicked me off the bed.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Wow. Now, these two have been at loggerheads before. And as we`ve been discussing, can she really be counted on as an unbiased source?

And we have to point out, Drew Findling, that it was Ron who got custody of the kids, potentially meaning that he was considered the better parent at the end of the day.

DREW FINDLING, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Absolutely. There`s no doubt that that is an issue here. There was a determination by a court that taking these two parents and, comparing them to one another, he would be the better parent. The child would be better off, or the children would be better off in the custody of him.

But apparently, he`s holding off at making allegations at the mom. And the reason why he is and he shouldn`t, it has nothing to do with the pathology of abduction. Because that`s the issue here, the pathology of abduction and who would abduct and secret away a child. This is all a distraction and frankly, this is a time when media and press don`t serve a purpose.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Absolutely. I -- Pastor Terry Wright, you are the pastor for Haleigh Cummings` family. We`re so happy that you`re joining us tonight. Because perhaps you could make sense of all the friction that is going on down there, as obviously the frustration level mounts, now that we are two weeks since little Haleigh disappeared.

What do you make -- I`m sure you`ve heard of all of the goings-on here and the claims and counter-claims involving Haleigh`s biological mother and father. What do you make of all of it, sir?

REV. TERRY WRIGHT, PASTOR FOR CUMMINGS FAMILY: You know, Jane, it`s a tragic situation. Ronald joined our church about three years ago. So a lot of the incidents y`all have been talking about happened prior to me coming to know Ronald and being his friend.

But it`s certainly tragic. Here are two young people who are very bright when you get to know them off camera. If you really sit down and talk with them. And they`ve made choices throughout the early years of their life that`s really impacted them. And that`s tragic.

And now there`s a 5-year-old girl missing, and that is just so terrible. And so our hope and prayer first is for Haleigh, that she comes back. And then after that, you know, hopefully we`ll spend some time with Ronald and Crystal and do some working on some reconciliation and healing of the relationship.

So it`s -- you know, it`s just -- it`s bad all the way around. And we`re just praying the best for Haleigh right now.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Absolutely. And Ashley, everyone`s hearts go out to all involved here. Who knows how we would behave in a similar situation when we`re desperate for a child that has been missing for two weeks.

Deirdre Conner, I want to go back to something that just broke, just as we were about to go on the air. And that is that a local station down there, WESH, is reporting that Haleigh`s mother has a fiance and that that fiance was interviewed by investigators today. What do you know?

CONNER: Well, I think it`s pretty clear prom the police that they are talking to everybody involved in this situation, whether it`s family, people in the area. They searched the area very extensively. So I wouldn`t be surprised to hear that any member of the very large families involved here would be interviewed at some point.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And Darren, here`s the thing that I`m getting out of this, is that we`ve got a cast of characters. Obviously, there`s the possibility of a stranger abduction, but there seems to be a sense down there, that how would somebody have known to go in there at that moment had they not known this family?

So it`s like everybody is looking at each other and developing suspicions, and a vacuum has been created because authorities are not excluding anyone as suspects.

KAVINOKY: Right. And with the passage of time, those kinds of suspicions only fester and grow worse, and people are more concerned about her well-being. And as a result of that, they become more desperate. It really is a horrible situation for that.

And, of course, in any child abduction, there`s always concern about family members. And those are going to be the first people that you talk to.

And your point is a great one, Jane. How is it that somebody other than a person with inside knowledge is going to be able to carry this crime out in the way that it was done? It really is a tough situation.

And I just want to digress for one moment here. I think the value that the media really brings to this is to keep all of these points in -- in focus, because without media coverage, we`re -- this little girl is not going to be on our radar.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Absolutely. And the reward is up -- it`s up to, I think, $41,000, right, Deirdre?

CONNER: Yes, that`s what we understand.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Wow. The reward keeps rising. Keep your eyes on that little girl`s photo. We`ve got to find her.

All right, everyone. Stay right there. And don`t forget: Nancy Grace is up immediately following this program at 8 p.m. Eastern. She will have the very latest in the search for little Haleigh Cummings.

And right here on ISSUES, we are just getting started. I want to hear your take on the stunning developments in the search for Haleigh Cummings. Call 1-877-JVM-SAYS. That`s 1-877-586-7297.

Do you think father Ronald Cummings has anger issues? Or is he reacting the way you would in this situation? Here is his intense 911 call when Haleigh was first reported missing.


CUMMINGS: I just got home from work. My 5-year-old daughter is gone. I need somebody to be here now.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Listen to me, listen to me, we got two options.

CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before y`all do, I`m killing him. I don`t care. I`ll spend the rest of my life in prison. I`m telling you, you can put it on the record. I don`t care.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. It`s OK, sir. We got them on the way. OK, can you give me any -- what kind of description of her pajamas that she was wearing?

CUMMINGS: I don`t (EXPLETIVE DELETED) know. I was at work.




CUMMINGS: Please bring my daughter home. She`s not yours. She`s not property. You know, she`s not something that you just take and say, it`s mine, or whatever. This is my daughter. This is blood. And I would like to have my daughter back, please. Please bring my daughter home.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: That was Ron Cummings, the father of missing 5-year- old Haleigh Cummings, pleading for his daughter`s safe return. We are back taking your calls on all the latest shocking developments in the Haleigh Cummings case.

Phone lines lighting up. Tana, West Virginia, your question or thought, ma`am?

CALLER: Yes, Jane. I enjoy your show. My question is that Ron Cummings, his record as far as drugs has been made public. But how about the biological mother? Has anybody ever checked into her drug use or drug arrests?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, Deirdre, my understanding is that she admitted -- well, actually, I saw it on camera, too, having used cocaine at one point. And she said she stopped when she found out she was pregnant.

CONNER: Yes, that`s correct. She has admitted that. That did come up in the custody hearing. But ultimately, the judge awarded custody to the father, because he had insurance coverage for the children and, you know, a very -- a variety of other things. But she did admit cocaine use, yes.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Mary in Texas, question or thought?

CALLER: Yes. I`m -- I have a question. My question is this. I know it hasn`t been proven, but if the biological mother is accusing the father of abusing the child, then why would she allow him custody or let him have the child?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, I think that`s a legal question for Drew Findling. Because if the courts grant custody to the dad, then that`s a done deal, right?

FINDLING: Well, it`s kind of late in the game to all of a sudden, given this tragedy, start casting aspersions at the father. I mean, let`s take this and really lay it out there for what it is.

She`s making all these allegations against him. He`s living with the child -- with the children with a 15-year-old girlfriend, and yet, he continues to have custody of the child. So at the same time, that`s saying something about the mom.

Look, it`s a messy situation all the way around. It just is. And I think that`s something that law enforcement is dealing with and probably not sharing so much with us right now.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Pastor Wright, have you had any contact with Ron in the wake of some of these negative stories that are coming out about him? And how is that impacting him? I would assume this guy -- it must be hell for him right now just not having his daughter, and then his home is a crime scene. He`s living outside in the fields, even though I think he got a trailer. I mean, what`s he going through?

WRIGHT: Well, you know, I`ve got to tell you. It`s horrific what he`s going through. And I think what`s hurt him the most is the accusations that he actually hit and abused his daughter.

The other night I was with him right after that broke, and he vehemently denied it to me. As a matter of fact, he described it to me -- he said, "Look, I have not hit my daughter. I don`t do that. I`ve never done that." He is vehemently denying that. That really hurts. Because the focus needs to be on finding his daughter, not evaluating his parenting skills.


WRIGHT: I don`t know about you, but I`m not a perfect parent. OK, I`ve made my mistakes. And if my daughter was missing -- I have an 11- year-old daughter, Madison, just turned 11 yesterday -- I would not want her and my parenting skills being evaluated while she`s still missing. So I think he`s just frustrated that it seems that things are shifting from finding Haleigh to evaluating his parenting skills.

FINDLING: You know, Jane, in defense of Ron Cummings, in just a few minutes, we`re going to talk about a case where somebody waited a month to report their child missing. This man got home from work and was hysterical on the phone.

And anybody that`s done these cases before and tried these cases before can hear on the phone he did nothing wrong. And this is really a distraction from looking for the real person that could help us find this child.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, let me say this. At one of the first news conferences, father Ron pleaded for Haleigh`s safe return. But something stood out to some of us. Listen to this.


CUMMINGS: Bring her back anonymous. Give her to someone else to bring back. However she gets back, we want her back safe. If you`ve done something with her, tell us where she`s at, if she`s OK. Something. We just -- I want my daughter back. That`s all I want. I want my daughter back. I`m not out for revenge.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Notice that he uses the word "revenge." Now, the ex says that he has a lot of enemies. He says he has no enemies. I would assume, Darren Kavinoky, that investigators are trying to track down anyone that`s had a run-in with Ron, and that, to me, is the only way this could possibly be relevant.

KAVINOKY: Yes. And as I sit here and listen to it, and, of course, sit in judgment of it, it makes me think, well, wait a second. This guy knows who`s got his child. And those remarks seem to be addressed to that person. Or he`s got some suspicions about it.

But it`s just -- it`s hard to imagine the amount of stress that this family is under, and that he`s under as the custodial father. It`s tough for anyone of us to judge what we would say or do or -- when we`re in those circumstances.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I`ve got to ask about, Deirdre Conner, the child, Junior, who was 3 at the time, now 4, is reportedly saying a man in black took Haleigh out. What do we know about that?

CONNER: Well, that`s something that has come up in the past. And, of course, like I said, they did interview everybody. Understand the little boy just turned 4. And, you know, it`s hard to say what to make of that. Everybody has made statements to the police about what they believe happened.

I wanted to correct one thing that was said earlier.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: You`ve got to hang on for one second. We`re going to have more on this case in just a moment. Everybody sit tight. Another tragic story, an 11-year-old boy -- an 11-year-old boy -- is charged with killing his dad`s pregnant fiance with a shotgun that he was given on Christmas.

Now the debate rages over whether to charge him as an adult. But what about the debate over whether to give an 11-year-old a gun for Christmas?

And an update on Octomom. You won`t believe what she`s doing now.



JACK HOUK, KENZIE HOUK`S FATHER: I don`t know anybody in the whole world that would want to kill a 26-year-old beautiful daughter like mine and take a child. I don`t know who would be crazy enough or nutty enough to want to do something like that. It`s just -- I hope they find out who it is and they take them to -- their life, or whatever they`ve got to do with them. It`s horrifying.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: A father is mourning the brutal slaying of his daughter today, allegedly at the hands of an 11-year-old boy. How is that possible?

Kenzie Houk, a pregnant 26-year-old mother of two, shot to death Friday. Authorities now contend her live-in boyfriend`s 11-year-old son pulled the trigger. The child shot her in the back of the head as she slept. A shocking but all too familiar case in America today. And it begs the question, when will our society stop putting guns into the hands of children?

Back with me, Darren Kavinoky.

Darren, so many issues. But let`s start with the fact that this 11- year-old was taken to an adult jail, where he is too small to even fit in the clothes they gave him. This strikes me as insane, but apparently in Pennsylvania, they can charge anyone over the age of 10 as an adult. Why?

KAVINOKY: Well, prosecutors are really in a quandary over this one. Under Pennsylvania law, as you point out, Jane, that if you`re over 10 years old and you commit a homicide, then they can charge you as an adult, although the facilities where they house people who are pending charges are ill-equipped to handle children. They -- they -- you know, the clothes don`t fit. They can`t mix with other inmates. It really is creating some logistical nightmares for everybody in charge.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, it doesn`t make sense to me, because he`s a child.

Take a look at the type of gun allegedly used in this case. Police say the boy got a gun like this for Christmas as a gift from his dad, so he could learn to hunt. Gun laws in Pennsylvania are known to be lax. But should the father, Darren, be facing any criminal penalties or charges, given that he allegedly gave his child the very gun which that child then, in turn, used to kill his own fiance?

KAVINOKY: Yes, it`s a fantastic question, Jane. The short answer is probably not. There`s -- there`s a host of civil liabilities that may attach as far as negligent -- negligent entrustment or negligent supervision, things of that nature.

But there are all sorts of crimes that are based on extreme types of negligence. For example, if I shoot into a building that`s occupied, even though I don`t intend to kill anybody, it`s so negligent that I can be charged with murder. Giving a child a gun, not the same.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Let me give you this. We have shocking video to show you of how children shoot guns. Now none of these kids, mind you, were involved in any way in any legal cases whatsoever, but you`ve just got to see it. Kids shooting guns. The video is shocking.

And it`s even more shocking when you consider that there was a similar case in Arizona where an 8-year-old boy shot and killed his father and another man. This was also recent. And, again, this kid was playing with guns, learned how to use them to hunt, Darren.

KAVINOKY: Yes. But you know the interesting thing, Jane, is there are some areas of the country where this is just not considered to be unusual at all. You know, you and I...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: That`s what I`m saying.

KAVINOKY: ... get to sit back as observers from the -- from the big city, where this would be highly unusual in my neighborhood and I suspect in yours. But in much of the country, kids are -- are taught to hunt and given guns by their folks. It really is a troublesome situation.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: We may have to look at that, parents, and decide maybe that`s not such a great idea.

Darren, thank you so much.

We all know the Octomom, but now the man claiming to be Octodad wants his time in the spotlight. You won`t want to miss this strange development.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Police search frantically for 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings. Could a tip from her little brother provide the key? Junior reportedly told her mom that a man dressed in black entered the home and snatched Haleigh.

And Haleigh`s father Ronald snaps as a reporter confronts him with allegations that he hid his daughter and sold drugs. We`ll tell you his reaction.

Plus, we all know octo-mom Nadya Suleman. Well, now octo-dad wants his 15 minutes. The man claiming to be the octuplets donor`s speaks out saying he donated to Suleman three times because he was in love with her.

I`ll have the strange details.

All the latest on octo-mom in just minutes.

But first, more on missing five-year-old Haleigh Cummings: a new war of words has erupted between Haleigh`s two parents as Haleigh`s little brother reportedly says he saw a man in black take Haleigh.

Could little junior`s comments be the key to solving this horrible mystery? I`m back with Reverend Terry Wright, pastor for Haleigh Cummings` family. As well as Deirdre Conner, a reporter with a Florida Times Union, and a very, very patient Arlene from Florida who has been waiting on line a long time. Your question or thought, Arlene?

ARLENE, FROM FLORIDA: I would like to know if anyone took fingerprints of the brick that was holding the back door open. That maybe the 17-year-old went out and put the brick there so that she could get back in. Because who would open a door and steal a child and put a brick on the door?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well Deirdre, any thoughts? I`m sure they dusted everything.

DEIRDRE CONNER, TIMES UNION, FL REPORTER: Well, yes and in fact the trailer where this all happened is still a crime scene and no one is allowed back into that trailer. And the family is actually camping out in another part of the neighborhood because they can`t go back home.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, let`s talk a little bit, pastor, about the child, junior, who was three at the time that his big sister disappeared two weeks ago, who is now four. He said that he saw -- reportedly said that he saw a man in black take the child away.

What do you know about this because it seems odd that we`re hearing about this now, a couple of weeks in?

REV. TERRY WRIGHT, CUMMINGS` FAMILY PASTOR: Yes. I don`t know a whole of lot about that, Jane. I know that junior is concerned because his sissy is lost. And that`s what`s really registering to him. I`m not sure about his witness of a man in black. I`ve heard that, as you have.

But don`t know much about it. I just know that I was with him a couple of nights ago. He`s just, you know, sissy is lost. When is she coming home?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Right, and of course the investigators are going to have to determine whether this child is wanting to be helpful and saying something. Children are very suggestible. Or if in fact he did see a man in black.

Now, this comment by Ron stood out to me; it went by very quickly. Listen carefully.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, besides junior, do you have another child?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Besides Haleigh and Junior?

CUMMINGS: I don`t know. Possibly.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Pastor, what does it mean? Possibly more children.

WRIGHT: Not sure. I`m not sure what that means.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, I think one of the reasons that we`re discussing all this is that there seems to be an expanding cast of characters. We heard that the biological mother`s fiance, was interrogated or interviewed by the authorities today.

Now we`re hearing that he possibly has other children. Perhaps there is somebody else that that connects to. That`s why there are so many question marks in this case. And it`s got to be, boy, a handful for investigators, right, Reverend?

WRIGHT: Oh, yes. I imagine. I mean, look. Neither person in this thing lived a perfect life you know, mom or dad and we`ve all made our mistakes. And certainly there`s a lot of things that is confusing this issue right now, Jane. And investigators are having a hard time finding that one clue that leads them to the end of this road.

But I will tell you this. Let me just tell you, the family`s confidence in our local law enforcement is unshakable. Both sides of the family, Crystal as well as Ronald, have complete confidence that our sheriff`s office along with the FBI and FDLA have done all they can -- are doing all they can to bring little Haleigh home.


WRIGHT: And so as much as there`s a lot of confusion with issues they are confident that things are being done right.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Reverend, I thank you again for joining us. And please know that --


VELEZ-MITCHELL: -- all of our hearts go out to everybody involved in this. It`s got to be hell right now for all sides of the family. And the only reason we`re discussing this is that we are hopeful that somehow we can help solve the mystery and put that child`s face out there. And that somebody will call and we will find this child alive and we pray that that is so.

Thank you, Reverend. And Deirdre Conner, thank you as well.

WRIGHT: Thank you.

CONNER: Thank you.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Great reporting.

Turning now to another war of words: this one in the Caylee Anthony murder case. The former meter reader who discovered Caylee`s skeletal remains in December has drawn a line in the sand. Roy Kronk is demanding that bounty hunter Leonard Padilla stop making statements in the media that somehow link him to the Anthony family.

He says that Padilla has ruined his reputation. But what if Padilla just keeps talking? The answer in just a moment.

Meantime, expect fireworks in that other civil matter. You know the one the attorney for George and Cindy Anthony says, he`s going to go to court, before allowing his clients to be deposed in the Zenaida Gonzalez case. They are supposed to be questioned in three days.

As for Casey Anthony`s defense team, they are saying it was outrageous and cruel for jailhouse personnel to videotape her reaction to news that a child`s remains had been found.

Does doubling over twice and hyperventilating equal consciousness of guilt? Let`s get some answers to all these questions. Still with me: Drew Findling, Atlanta criminal defense attorney and Ashleigh Banfield, anchor on the Legal Network, "In Session."

Ashleigh, does Casey`s defense team have a point when they denounce investigators for secretly videotaping Casey`s reaction to the remains being found? Or is this a fair tactic? It`s a criminal prosecution. They would like to show consciousness of guilt.

ASHLEIGH BANFIELD, ANCHOR OF "IN SESSION": Well, if you`re incarcerated you should know you don`t have any privacy. Not on a telephone and not anywhere in the facility. And I don`t care if you`re getting a nurse`s update. Yes, your actions can speak volumes.

I think there`s a bigger issue here, though, and that is whether if you double over and are upset by the news that remains are found and you`re a mother whose child is missing, it can mean two things. You`re devastated that your child may not be coming home or you`re devastated that somebody found bones that maybe you put there.

I don`t think you can read it either way on that.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well Drew Findling, the only reason why prosecutors are implying that it could be consciousness of guilt is that there were other sightings, there were other moments where they thought remains were found and there is no report of her having any kind of similar reaction.

And remember, this was before the remains were identified as being Caylee`s.

DREW FINDLING, ATLANTA CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, two-fold. One, we`re talking skeletal remains found very, very close to the house, number one.

Number two, regarding the issue of privacy, let`s make this clear. We`re not talking about just walking and talking and having casual conversation. We`re talking about something surreptitiously set up by law enforcement to induce the criminally accuse and not being investigated but indicted for murder to get a physical reaction, which is the equivalent of a statement.

I guarantee you if these lawyers know what they`re doing, they are coming guns slinging into court; terrible move by the prosecution.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Do you really think so?

FINDLING: Absolutely.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Because I would think as a juror sitting there watching her doubling over and hyperventilating at that moment, I would say, "Hey, that would be very powerful indicator that perhaps she is reacting because she knows something that other people don`t know."

FINDLING: Well, it may be, but you know what, you have to come with every emotion that you can. And when you see sneaky work like this, because you have to remember, at this stage in the game with indictment, the work of law enforcement is an extension of the prosecution. They`re the same.

And when you see a setup job like this, it`s just bad lawyering, bad prosecution, bad investigation. And you`ve got to stick it up their throat.

BANFIELD: You know what, as far as conscience and guilt goes, I`m not as concerned about this behavior and this videotape that may or may not make it into court. I think what could really fry this young woman is false statements. Because that`s the kind of thing if proven, judges can actually instruct juries that they can consider false statements part of consciousness of guilt on behalf of the defendant.

That is where Casey could be in a lot of trouble.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right, we`ve got to get to this next issue. Roy Kronk says bounty hunter, Leonard Padilla, is trashing him in the media. Listen to what Padilla told Nancy Grace.


NANCY GRACE, "THE NANCY GRACE SHOW" HOST: So what`s your theory? And how is Kronk somehow part of a conspiracy? Go ahead and tell me.

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: Well, we know that the defense is the one that`s benefiting by the confusion right now as to the finding of the body and how it was found. How did somebody get word to Kronk to get out there? I think he was the end of a daisy chain that started with Casey and two or three people in the middle there. And I mean, he says he saw something white out there.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Drew, Kronk says stop that or you`re going to be in trouble. And Leonard Padilla`s response is if you want a legal fight, saddle up. Is this just another side show or is this possibly a big deal?

FINDLING: Well, on the one hand, it`s another side show. But I have to say when you go through -- when you go online like all the viewers can do and you read the discovery in this case, you know, it wasn`t a very good move to come out and say -- and we`ve talked about in this show, immediately the meter reader was not a suspect.

Because when you read the investigative summary, that meter reader stuff is bizarre. It is crazy. It`s a lot more detailed than all of us thought. Now, does that make him part of the case? Probably not.

But I think it was discounted way too early. And unfortunately, it opens the doors for people that are opportunists to make accusations, to get a little publicity and get themselves on TV.

BANFIELD: But when it comes to defamation though, truth is the ultimate defense.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, I just want to say that the police say Roy Kronk is a hero. He used his gut and he found the remains and we`re going to have to go with what the police say.

Ashleigh and Drew, thank you so much.

Nancy Grace will have the very latest on the Caylee Anthony murder case. She is up next at 8:00 p.m. Eastern.

And here on "ISSUES," I will have an update on octo-mom, Nadya Suleman. The man claiming to be the octuplet`s donor wants he`s side in the limelight. Wait until you hear all that crazy developments that have just happened. Call 1-877-JVM-SAYS, that`s 1-877-586-7297 to sound off on octo-mom, next.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: You`re familiar with the octo-mom, but up next, you will get a glimpse at the octo-dad, or at least the guy claiming to be the octuplet donor.

But first, "Top of the Block" tonight.

A break in the Chandra Levy murder mystery: you may remember, this case was a national obsession back in 2001. Levy was killed in May of that year and many pointed the finger at her secret lover, then Congressman Gary Condit. Police are now reported close to arresting a suspect in this murder.

No official word has been released, but cops are expected to arrest and charge Ingmar Guandique. Guandique, an illegal immigrant, is already behind bars are for attacking two female joggers with a knife close to where Levy`s remains were found.

Though never charged, Gary Condit political career was ruined by the Levy murder but he now hopes to clear his name entirely by publishing a book telling his side of the story.

That`s tonight`s "Top of the Block."

More twists and turns tonight in the never-ending octo-mom outrage drama. A man who says he donated sperm to Nadya Suleman on three different occasions has come forward. Now Denis Beaudoin tells ABC`s "Good Morning America" that he wants a paternity test.


CHRIS CUOMO, ABC ANCHOR: How far do you want to take it?

DENIS BEAUDOIN, CLAIMS TO BE SULEMAN`S SPERM DONOR: I would like a DNA test. And like whether or not it is or it isn`t, I still extend my hand in help.

CUOMO: You`ll help even if they`re not your kids?



VELEZ-MITCHELL: Beaudoin says he made those sperm donations at home. Get this. Are you sitting down? Suleman kept the sperm sample warm by placing the cup between her breasts.

Just when you thought this story couldn`t get stranger, it goes to a whole new level of total weirdness.

I`m taking your calls, of course. But first let`s get to my fantastic panel: Debbie Glasser, clinical psychologist; Paul Callan, criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor; Pete Demetriou, legendary reporter from L.A. KFWB News 980 and A.J. Hammer, the host of HLN`s "Showbiz Tonight."

Thank you so much for joining us, A.J. Always love to have you.

You`ve been tracking this case. Why would this man who already has two of his own kids want to get involved in this chaotic drama and put his face out there?

A.J. HAMMER, HLN HOST, "SHOWBIZ TONIGHT": First off Jane and most importantly I think I`d like to say I`m happy about this because now we can at least say octo-dad and not have to say octo-mom all the time. We have something new to talk about.

First, let me give you a cynical A.J. Have you ever heard the name Denis Beaudoin before? No, probably not. Here we are talking about him. This is what happens when cases like this come along and you remember what happened with Anna Nicole Smith. Everybody and their brother and father came out saying, "I`m the daddy." Prince Von Anhalt, Zsa Zsa Gabor`s husband even coming out and saying he was the dad.

So that could be a little of what`s going on here maybe coming after the 15 minutes. However, that said, we don`t really know what this guy`s motives are. He has said that he has a big custody battle he`s had to endure over his son and he does not want the same sort of drama to befall these octuplets. Well, guess what, I think a little too late on that.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. That ship has sailed. In fact, we have a new bizarre development: a face-to-face confrontation between octo-mom and octo-granny courtesy of Radar Online. Take a gander at this.


ANGELA SULEMAN, NADYA SULEMAN`S MOTHER: You should have considered your other six children.

NADYA SULEMAN, OCTUPLET`S MOM: Okay, but I still was going to use -- I was not going to destroy the embryos. Period. Done, done, done. It`s already done. You can`t go back and ring a bell. You can`t go back and ring a bell. You can`t go back and alter the past.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: I think she meant you can`t go back and unring a bell. But Pete Demetrious, that aside, remember when we heard that octo- mom said she was not going to do a reality show, that looks kind of like a reality show right there.

PETE DEMETRIOU, REPORTER L.A. KFWB NEWS 980: Well, it could a reality show, Jane, to say the least. But I think there are a couple of other interesting issues regarding what`s going on with Beaudoin and everyone on this thing.

The question about paternity, we`ve got legal people on the panel; I`d like them to go into it. But I talked with three lawyers today and they frankly said unless there was some indication that the sperm donation was made under false pretenses or some other irregularity there, he actually has no right to request any kind of a DNA test or anything at all.

Although there is a possibility, possibility given a court`s trend toward the parents of biological -- well, if you want to call it donor`s rights -- that if there was something irregular with the way the donation was made --

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I think that there is a growing trend toward parental rights of the sperm donor. Paul Callan couldn`t we envision, if in fact, his DNA tests out and he is the biological father of one or all of these 14, couldn`t we see a legal battle if he, in fact, wants to get involved and she doesn`t want him involved?

PAUL CALLAN, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, it`s an interesting fact pattern here. And I think what you would see is that he would not have the right to force himself into the picture. But the reverse might be true.

Let`s say the children -- it certainly looks this way -- are going to have problems being supported because the mother is poverty-stricken. Couldn`t the state sue him for child support?

You know, there`s been a lot of speculation in legal circles that sperm donors had better be careful because if a child is conceived and cannot be supported, why should the state support the child? So I think if these children have economic problems, maybe there could be a lawsuit against him if he`s the biological father. But, of course, we don`t even know if that`s true.

VELEZ-MICHELL: Well, A.J. Hammer, when cases like this evolve and you and I have seen it, people come out of the woodwork.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: And given that there are 14 kids and medically it`s very possible that they have several fathers. There`s no -- even though she says it`s one person -- she`s been known to be inconsistent about other facts. Is it possible that we`re going to see other men coming forward and saying, "Hey, I`m the dad?"

HAMMER: I think it`s a pretty sure bet at this point. I don`t know if we will see Prince Von Anhalt come out in this particular case. But the interesting thing about Denis Beaudoin, he`s coming out and saying, "Hey, I do want to take ownership of the fact that I`m probably the father and I do want to help out."

Now Nadya Suleman has not responded to any offers of help from her or the several other people and organizations that have made offers to help. The wackiness here, Jane, pretty consistent with what we`ve seen so far, wouldn`t you say?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: It is. It`s like a reality show in the works. We`re going to talk to our psychologist about that in just a moment.

Everyone stick around. Don`t forget. You can catch A.J. Hammer on "Showbiz Tonight" 11:00 p.m. Eastern. I will be joining him for the very latest on the octo-mom story.

Here on "ISSUES" we`ll have more on the octo-mom. She may be a tad odd, but so are the men surrounding her. I will tell you why.


ED SULEMAN, NADYA SULEMAN`S FATHER: I mean, I understand it`s your job, you need to do it, but give us a little break. Too much is not good. There`s a limit to everything. They`re fine.



VELEZ-MITCHELL: The man who claims to be Nadya Suleman`s sperm donor is now among those who say she wasn`t always so truthful. Take a listen to what he told ABC`s Chris Cuomo.


CUOMO: Nadya says, "It`s not him." Is that good enough for you? Is that closure?

BEAUDOIN: No. I can`t take everything she says for granted. I mean, when initially she told me the whole reason why for me donating sperm in the first place is to get pregnant because she was not going to be able to have kids. And it turned into this.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: This, being 14 kids. She has been caught in numerous inconsistencies. She says she wasn`t on welfare, but she`s getting food stamps and disability payments for her brood.

Let me ask psychologist Debbie Glasser how is her lack of candor going to affect these kids growing up?

DEBBIE GLASSER, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST: I don`t know Nadya Suleman and I don`t know what she`s being candid about or what she isn`t being candid about. Truthfully, this is going to be something that needs to be addressed by the health care professionals that are already involved in this family`s life.

They need to take a look at this mom. They need to take a look at her support network. They need to take a look at the circumstances in her home, because we`re talking about real life.

It is playing out a little bit like a reality show, like a bad one. But this is real life and these are real babies, real children who need and deserve loving, stable, consistent caregivers.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Pete Demetrious, we only have a little bit of time, but Nadya has said that this other guy who has just come forward is not the real father. And on some of the birth certificates of four of the six children she had before she had the octuplets she listed a David Solomon, but they had different birth dates for this so-called father. Is David Solomon a real person or a fictional person?

DEMETRIOU: Doesn`t matter whether he`s real or fictional, because the mother is not obligated under law to provide any real data on the parent or the father. Not only that, in the case of a sperm donor, she probably wouldn`t know anyway. So she could name David Solomon, John Doe or Chewbacca, for all that we know.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I`m sure Chewbacca is going to be coming up soon and saying that he donated the sperm.

Let`s talk about the doctor, A.J. Should this doctor face more scrutiny? I know he`s being investigated currently.

HAMMER: Everybody is taking a look at the doctor. And somebody even called in to "Showbiz Tonight" to suggest that this guy should take the financial responsibility for the kids. I think a lot of people are going to be taking a look at what can go on here legally, what can go on ethically or should go on ethically. So I`m surprised we haven`t heard more from the doctor about this.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Oh, yes. There are so many ramifications; moral, ethical, environmental, let`s not forget that.

Thank you everyone. Hope you come back again soon.

I`m Jane Velez-Mitchell. You`re watching "ISSUES."


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on February 25, 2009, 12:50:43 PM


Investigation Continues into Disappearance of 5-Year-Old Haleigh

Aired February 24, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida, a 5-year- old little girl tucked into bed. Five hours later, she`s gone, vanished into thin air, the back door propped wide open. The father comes home from the night shift to find not a single trace of little Haleigh.

Bombshell tonight. While members of little Haleigh`s immediate and extended family have taken multiple polygraphs and stated they passed, lead investigators say no one -- repeat, no one -- has been cleared.

Also, across the country, Grand Junction, Colorado, is there a credible sighting of 5-year-old Haleigh there in a crowded mall? As police sift through over 2,000 tips, can Haleigh`s 4-year-old little brother ID the kidnapper? The boy ostensibly in the room, sleeping with his sister when she`s snatched, the little boy describing a grown man taking Haleigh in the middle of the night dressed in entirely in black.

After FBI and police initially zero in on a local sex offender and girlfriend Misty Croslin`s cousin, police now clearing both of them. And what about that mystery vehicle that was seized for evidence? Investigators still refusing to reveal the make, model or ownership. As local police refuse to scale back the search, tonight, where is 5-year-old Haleigh?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Investigators continue to comb for clues in the case of missing 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings, who was kidnapped from her own bed.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I mean, I didn`t notice about Haleigh then until I seen the back door open, and then I go in the room and she`s gone! And that`s all I know!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: As the reward increases to $25,000 today, authorities say they are not planning on scaling back their investigation into what happened to little Haleigh.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Investigators are still following up on leads. They`re still following through. Nothing has been cut back as a result of what`s gone on here.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police are interviewing anyone who had a connection to the child, giving polygraphs and even re-questioning family members when needed.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They`ll probably do more interviews with the family simply because, as new information comes up, they re-interview to follow up on information.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Questions still remain about what exactly Haleigh`s 4-year-old brother says he saw the night Haleigh was taken. According to the boy`s mother, the boy saw a man dressed all in black take his sister.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: All he said was, I want to find my sissy, and he said something about somebody in black took her. He said that he was all dressed in black. But I didn`t question him.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Law enforcement experts have interviewed the boy but won`t elaborate on what he told them.

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: I`m here to plead for the life of my daughter. I want her to come home. If you have her, please send her home.


GRACE: And breaking news tonight on another beautiful child, Caylee. Six months of searching culminate to skeletal remains found in a heavily wooded area just 15 houses from the Anthonys` home confirmed to be Caylee, manner of death homicide, a utility meter reader stumbling on a tiny human skeleton, including a skull covered in light-colored hair, the killer duct taping the child`s mouth, finishing off by placing a heart-shaped sticker over the mouth, then triple bagging little Caylee like she`s trash.

Tonight, grandparents George and Cindy Anthony refusing to testify under oath in just 48 hours. Brother Lee Anthony says he will answer questions but that he knows nothing about the so-called nanny, never even met her. And tonight, is tot mom`s defense attorney back under investigation by the Florida bar?

But with her family facing legal questioning, it`s apparently not affecting tot mom`s appetite. She`s loading up on treats for herself -- chocolates, expensive bottled water, headsets, beauty products, all for her use in her private jail cell. And hey, she can afford it! Strangers from all across the country sending money to tot mom`s bank account at the jail, including one California man who sends in five -- one, two three, four, five -- deposits.


GEORGE ANTHONY, CAYLEE`S GRANDFATHER: ... to push me to smile at her and hug her. I miss that kiss on the cheek, that special hug.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Grandparents George and Cindy Anthony are set to be deposed this week as part of a defamation lawsuit filed against the tot mom by the alleged baby-sitter, Zenaida Gonzalez. But the attorney for the Anthonys does not want them to give a sworn depositions and is trying to get a delay. Citing them as being emotionally fragile, attorney Brad Conway says George and Cindy need more time to recover before answering any questions.

LEE ANTHONY, CAYLEE`S UNCLE: This family is incomplete. I`m incomplete!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Also today, controversy is swirling over someone trying to sell a doll that looks similar to tot mom Casey Anthony. The doll, which was put on eBay and later taken down, is seen wearing an American flag as its clothing. Tot mom Casey Anthony wore the same outfit to the no-clothes party last May.

CASEY ANTHONY, CAYLEE`S MOTHER: I forgive whoever has her, and I just want her to come home. I just -- I just want my baby back.


GRACE: And tonight, a 14-year-old California girl on her way to school around 7:00 AM in the morning vanishing into thin air, last seen just one block from her school. A model student, she loves to read, excited about purchasing a little lamb for FFA, Future Farmers of America. She planned to name the little lamb Nannette (ph). Tonight, where is this little girl, 14-year-old Amber Dubois (ph)?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I go to bed at night and just wake up and hope she`s going to be here! And she`s not!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police are looking through hundreds of leads in the desperate search for 14-year-old Amber Dubois. Amber was last seen heading to school the day before Valentine`s Day and hasn`t been seen since. Now a private investigator working on the case says another woman that looks similar to Amber told him that on the same day Amber went missing, a group of men tried to kidnap her near the same high school that Amber herself attends. While the girl told the PI that she was able to get away, Amber`s family says Amber would never leave on her own and they will continue to search for clues.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. The search for a 5-year-old girl, Haleigh Cummings, in Florida. Has there been a sighting of Haleigh?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: As the search for missing 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings continues, authorities say they will not scale back their investigation as to what happened to the child.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There are five detectives that are assigned to the case. This is their case. And I feel that those five will probably stay assigned to this case because it is important. Until we find Haleigh, it is important.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Haleigh was last seen February 10th, when she was abducted from her own bed in the middle of the night.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I`m trying to do everything to find her. You know, I`m answering any questions I have to because I know I didn`t do anything to that little girl. I would never hurt her.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The reward has now increased to $25,000, with Haleigh`s family praying the reward could lead to the child`s safe return.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That`s all I have is prayer and faith and hope.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A team of experts met with Haleigh`s 4-year-old brother after the boy`s mother says her son told her that a man dressed all in black took his "sissy."

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH`S MOTHER: And he was, like, Somebody come in, they was all dressed in black, and took my sissy.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don`t feel like anybody should have said that. If you are that person and you feel like he could identify you, what would be your next move then, you know?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police officials will not comment on what information the boy provided them.

CUMMINGS: If you`re watching, baby, I love you. That`s all I have to say.


GRACE: Straight to T.J. Hart, news director with WSKY 97.3. Mr. Hart, all the family is telling me they have all taken and passed polygraphs, some of them multiple polygraphs. So why is it, T.J., that police, the lead investigator, says that nobody has been cleared?

T.J. HART, WSKY 97.3: That`s because the polygraph examinations are also sent elsewhere, too, and the results of those are never given, to my understanding, to the person who takes them. No one has been informed directly that they have passed or not passed. I don`t know why anyone would say that unless someone said, you know, We`re through here and it looks good...

GRACE: To John Lucich...

HART: ... and they take that for something else.

GRACE: OK, great. To John Lucich, former investigator and author of "Cyber Lies." John, typically, when you administer a polygraph, the person who`s administering can tell right then whether you passed it or flunked it.

JOHN LUCICH, FORMER INVESTIGATOR: Right. But it`s up to them whether they want to reveal that, and it`s up to the policy of the department whether they want to reveal that. Somebody can actually pass a polygraph in some instances and still be lying. I think that they have, based on what -- the results that they have right now, they don`t want to release that information. But often enough, when somebody walks out from taking a polygraph, if they don`t get arrested, they have this feeling that they passed it.

GRACE: Straight to Marlaina Schiavo, our producer standing by outside the crime scene. What are you hearing from the family?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, we spoke to both sides of the family today, Nancy, and right now, we`re sitting here with the paternal grandmother of Haleigh Cummings. And basically, investigators really don`t have much more information than they had yesterday. They are not scaling back the search at all, whatsoever. People -- there`s been rumors that they were scaling back the search because they haven`t been doing press conferences, but that`s mainly because they don`t have main areas to search right now.

They are following up on at least 2,000 leads, we heard today from the lead investigator on the case, John Merchant (ph). And also, they are still interviewing this family.

GRACE: We are taking your calls live. We are there in Satsuma, Florida, bringing you the very latest -- police refusing to scale back the search for little Haleigh.

Has there been a sighting of her clear across the country? Take a listen to this.


SHEFFIELD: When I got in for my visitation, first thing he said to me was, Mommy, I want to find my sissy. And I didn`t question him about none of it. And he was, like, Somebody come in, they was all dressed in black, and took my sissy.

GRACE: Did he say anything else identifying the man, anything at all, any characteristics?

SHEFFIELD: No. He just said that they was dressed in black, or he was dressed in black, whoever it was.



GRACE: Ms. Sheffield, have you taken a lie detector test?

SHEFFIELD: I sure have.

GRACE: And did you pass it?

SHEFFIELD: As far as I know. The man that did it told me he thinks I did, but they had to send it off to Washington to the...

GRACE: And did you do it voluntarily? Did you protest, or did you go along?

SHEFFIELD: Yes, I did.

GRACE: Everyone, Crystal Sheffield announcing tonight she has taken and passed a lie detector test.


GRACE: Straight out to Marc Klaas, president and founder of Klaas Kids Foundation. Marc, thank you for being with us. I recall distinctly when your child, Polly Klaas, went missing, you approached police to say, Polygraph me. Do it right now. Now, tell me something, Marc. Why were you so adamant that you be polygraphed immediately?

MARC KLAAS, KLAAS KIDS FOUNDATION: Well, there were a couple of reasons. Number one, I wanted to eliminate myself as a suspect so law enforcement could then focus their full resource on whatever had happened to Polly. But more than that, we wanted to make sure that the focus stayed exactly on where is Polly and not tangential questions about the family, et cetera, et cetera.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The investigators are still following up on leads. They`re still following through. Nothing has been cut back as a result of what`s gone on here. I mean, they`re just -- they`re working as hard as they have been.

We never know when the one`ll come in that`ll solve the case. You just don`t know.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Haleigh`s 4-year-old brother identified the man he saw who took Haleigh who came into the home that night.

SHEFFIELD: He said, Mommy, I want to find my sissy, and some man in black come in and took her.

SUSAN MOSS, FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY: This is a huge clue! That means somebody planned this. That means they were probably scouting out this trailer park, and maybe, just maybe, somebody saw him.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There is significant psychological trauma from the separation anxiety of losing a sibling, and that can be so severe, they can clutter (ph) their fears and nightmares with reality sometimes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The child has been interviewed by a team of people who deal specifically with children in situations similar to this.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Crystal Sheffield is not mincing any words anymore for the person who has her baby.

SHEFFIELD: I hope you`re watching this every day and see how much it hurts our family. And I hope that (INAUDIBLE) She`s just a baby! It`s tore my heart out of my chest, and I hope (INAUDIBLE) same to you. Haleigh, if you`re watching, I love you! And I miss you. And we`re going get you home safe.


GRACE: Straight to Matt Zarrell, who`s been on the story from the very beginning. Matt, what can you tell me about this alleged sighting of little Haleigh?

MATT ZARRELL, NANCY GRACE STAFFER: Well, on Monday, the Grand Rapids, Colorado, mall, the Mesa mall, that a number of employees that reported that they had seen Haleigh in this mall. Now, investigators went out to the mall. They took photos. They took information. They even took video. And in addition, they then went to the local hotels to search for the woman who was supposed to be with this girl. Then what happened is they spoke to the Putnam County`s sheriff`s office. They determined through evidence and what they learned that it was not Haleigh.

GRACE: A sighting that raised everyone`s hopes clear across the country in Colorado. The problem is it was a false sighting. That does not mean that authorities want you to stop calling in tips. Over 2,000 tips police are sifting through as they refuse to scale back the search, this as we learn the lead investigator says even though the entire family and extended family and friends have taken polygraphs, some of them more than once, no one has been cleared.

Back to Marc Klaas, president and founder of Klaas Kids Foundation. Marc, when you took the polygraph when your daughter went missing, how many questions were you asked?

KLAAS: Well, actually, they told me the questions that they were going to ask me in advance. And if I remember correctly, they probably only asked me somewhere between about 10 and 20 questions. And at the conclusion of the polygraph -- and mind you, this was done by a very experienced FBI polygrapher. At the conclusion of the exam, one of the agents came in and said, Well, that went very well. And that basically is as close that anybody came to telling me that I had passed the exam.

GRACE: Joining me right now, a special guest, Teresa Neves. This is the paternal grandmother of little Haleigh. Ms. Neves, thank you for being with us. Ms. Neves, I know that the lead investigator, John Merchant, came by to speak with you today and debrief you. What, if anything, did you learn?

TERESA NEVES, PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER: I learned that just because they`re not having a press conference does not mean that they`re not working some leads. They do have a few good leads right now that they`re working on. Basically, they`re not going to give us a whole lot of information, but he did say that they have some things that they are working on, so...

GRACE: Ms. Neves, why is the home still cordoned off, making the family live in tents and donated campers?

NEVES: Well, we do not have to live in a tent. My son will not leave here, and therefore, we stay here in the tent to be with him. The people who donated the RV were wonderful to give him a place where he can be alone with his son and actually be warm and almost comfortable. So that was great. What was your other question, Nancy?

GRACE: I was just wondering why, Ms. Neves, they still...

NEVES: Why they still have it.


NEVES: OK. That is because, in the event that they get a lead or a tip from somewhere -- you know, just for instance, you know, somebody says that there was a hole in the floor where somebody could have came through - - they have that still where they can go back and collect evidence, where if they release that home, then all that evidence is pretty much useless.

GRACE: You know what? You`re absolutely right about that, Ms. Neves. And your son says that right now, he can`t go back into the home anyway. Why?

NEVES: Because Haleigh`s not there. I mean, Haleigh is one of them children who fills up a home with smiles and laughter, and you just couldn`t be there without her!

GRACE: Everyone, the reward is now up to $25,000. Please take a look at this little girl, Haleigh. Phone number 888-277-TIPS -- 8477.

Out to the lines. Amy in Illinois. Hi, Amy.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. and I want to thank you for -- God bless you for, you know, trying to help all these lost children. And I just -- I want to tell the family to, you know, stay focused on Haleigh, and any differences they have, put it aside. But I was wondering, the little boy, you know, the man dressed in black...

GRACE: Right.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don`t know if they have -- if this information is all out, but I was curious as to -- if the little boy and his sister were in the same bed, and also, if this person with the black mask had his face hidden or anything, you know, like...

GRACE: Out to Teresa Neves. Let`s answer Amy`s question. Ms. Neves, was the little brother in the bed with Haleigh?

NEVES: No, ma`am. Haleigh`s bed is a toddler bed, and it is probably, I would say, somewhere around three feet from the bed where Misty and Junior were sleeping.

GRACE: And the guy...

NEVES: And they`re not in the same bed.

GRACE: The guy that he believes he saw, was his face covered?

NEVES: I -- I cannot -- that -- Nancy, that`s things that we (INAUDIBLE) with the detectives. I don`t feel like any of that information ever should have been released because I feel like you put my grandson in danger when you say, you know, that he can identify somebody or that he`s giving clues on somebody.

GRACE: And also, the family is not to be questioning the little boy, in case this turns up to be evidence at a future trial.

Everyone, we are taking your calls live. Stay with us.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: From the heartfelt signs and drawings to the stuffed animals, the community`s love for Haleigh Cummings comes in many forms.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The more comfort you can give them and let them talk to you and pray with them, I think it helps them. Gives them hope.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I have granddaughters and it just kind of hit a nerve. And I needed to come up here and do something.


GRACE: To Allison in Florida. Hi, Allison.


GRACE: What`s your question, dear?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Good talking with you.

GRACE: Likewise.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: When all the perv -- the pedophiles in the area -- when the sheriff went to each one of their homes, did -- why don`t they take a K-9 unit or a cadaver dog with them?

GRACE: Well, I don`t know that they did not. To Marlaina Schiavo, our producer standing by there at the crime scene. Marlaina, have they used bloodhounds in the area?

SCHIAVO: Yes, they have, Nancy. Right from the beginning, they took articles of clothing of 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings and they had hounds all in the area. As a matter of fact, we heard from the maternal side today that a friend of Crystal also had a hound out here, as well.

GRACE: To Shelley in Kansas. Hi, Shelley.

GRACE: Hi, Nancy. It is such a pleasure to speak with you. You are just a joy.

GRACE: Likewise.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My question is, the grandmother in her he last segment just clarified that Junior was sleeping with the baby- sitter/girlfriend. My question is, if he saw someone, why didn`t the girlfriend see anyone?

GRACE: Apparently, the girlfriend did not wake up. Is that correct, Ms. Neves?

NEVES: That`s correct.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: More developments today in the case of 2-year- old Florida toddler Caylee Anthony. The attorney for George and Cindy Anthony is trying to stop the grandparents from having to give sworn depositions this week in the defamation lawsuit filed by Zenaida Gonzalez.

Attorney Brad Conway says the grandparents are fragile emotionally and need time to clear their heads before answering any questions about the tot mom`s case.

CINDY ANTHONY, CAYLEE ANTHONY`S GRANDMOTHER: Oh, man. Hearing her call out my name and telling me how much she loves me.

GEORGE ANTHONY, CAYLEE ANTHONY`S GRANDFATHER: To hear her call me Joe-Joe. Sure, I was grandpa, but I was Joe-Joe to her.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Meanwhile, outrage. Someone was trying to auction off a doll that bears a striking resemblance to tot mom Casey Anthony. The doll which was dressed in an American flag was initially placed on eBay on Sunday but later taken down by the seller.

G. ANTHONY: I miss my daughter Casey. Do not form any judgments because I`ll tell you, you don`t want to be in any of our family`s shoes no matter what it is. Casey deserves prayer. She deserves understanding. She deserves love. She deserves letters. Take the time to write a letter to her.

You could just say hi, Casey, I`m thinking about you today. You can do it for me, I would love it. If you could do it for my son, for Cindy. You can do it for Caylee.


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Tonight, the Anthony family refusing to answer questions under oath set down in just 48 hours.

To Kathi Belich with WFTV, what is their reason for not wanting to answer questions under oath?

KATHI BELICH, REPORTER, WFTV, COVERING STORY: Well, their attorney says that it`s just aimed at annoying, embarrassing them, causing further anguish that they are both emotionally fragile. Their attorney mentioned how everyone knows that George, apparently, tried to kill himself last month and that Cindy is just as emotionally fragile at this point. Both are seeking counseling to get them through this.

He also talks about concerns over whether private information might go public. There is some sort of dispute over whether this proceeding is public. It`s Zenaida Gonzalez`s attorney`s belief that it is a public proceeding and that`s another reason why they`re trying to prevent this at this point.

GRACE: With me, Keith Mitnik, co-counsel for Zenaida Fernandez- Gonzalez, the woman that the tot mom named as the kidnapper of little Caylee. She has been cleared. Mr. Mitnik, what do you make of the Anthonys` claims?

KEITH MITNIK, CO-COUNSEL FOR ZENAIDA FERNANDEZ-GONZALEZ: The claim that she can`t come suddenly to a deposition is very frustrating. We`ve had this case set. This deposition set for over a -- for a month and it was cleared through her lawyers. They said fine, we`ll bring her. You don`t even need to subpoena her.

Now suddenly at the 11th hour, they can`t come. You can`t just stand in the way of the truth. This is a serious matter. It`s not a game that`s played to say I feel like playing today and the next day I don`t.

GRACE: What are the private matters they fear will become public, Mr. Mitnik?


GRACE: What are the private matters they fear you will make public, Mr. Mitnik?

MITNIK: I have no interest in making anything public. I have an interest in doing what`s right for my client in these proceedings. I have no clue of what it is they`re so scared of, but I know it`s not my problem nor my client`s problem.

GRACE: To Drew Petrimoulx with WDBO, any idea which way the judge is leaning right now? Is he going to make these depositions go forward?

DREW PETRIMOULX, REPORTER, WDBO RADIO: Well, we could have an emergency meeting tomorrow where the judge would have to decide on that. As to what the judge will think, you know, it`s hard to say in this case. Before, he`s delayed hearings like this when they involved Casey Anthony. Whether he would be willing to delay them when they involved her parents, we might have to wait until tomorrow to see that.

GRACE: To Kathi Belich. Kathi, what about brother, Lee? Is he agreeing to go forward with the questioning under oath?

BELICH: As far as we know, he does not plan to fight the depositions. He`s scheduled for Friday morning at 9:00.

GRACE: To the lawyers, Raymond Giudice out of Atlanta, Alex Sanchez out of New York.

Ray Giudice, do they have a leg to stand on fighting the depositions?

RAY GIUDICE, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I thought their answer for protective motion was very weak. It attached no medical evidence indicating that Cindy and George were not medically competent to testify.

I do think that there might be some restrictions on the deposition and that the deposition may be private, not allowing the public and the media and sealed until used by court.

GRACE: And Alex Sanchez, there are rules that apply to depositions. You can argue against a question if it`s beyond the scope.

ALEX SANCHEZ, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Yes. All of these matters do have certain rules and regulations and if there`s some question that is improper and it`s placed to the parties, the person can object, and they can actually get a judge to intervene at that point to make a ruling whether or not the questioning should go on.

GRACE: So the Anthonys` arguments about not testifying under oath are getting weaker and weaker under the law.

Joining me right now, Andy Kahn, director of the Houston Mayor`s Crime Victim`s Office. He monitors murderabilia sites all across the world.

Andy, what do you make of this nutjob that is still selling Caylee Sunshine dolls, still trying to make money off Caylee bracelets, t-shirts and now we hear that there is a doll like tot mom draped in the flag for sale.

When will it end, Andy?

ANDY KAHN, DIR. OF HOUSTON MAYOR`S VICTIM`S CRIME OFFICE, MONITORS MURDERABILIA SALES: It`s not going to end. This is just the beginning of the merchandising and marketing of both Caylee Anthony and Casey Anthony.

And you remember the nutjob that was on your show and the day after, they -- all of a sudden they said we`re no longer going to be selling the Caylee doll. Well, guess what? On February 28th orders will be shipped so that was a bold-faced lie, and as far as the other sellers of the voodoo dolls, this doll that was draped in the flag of the United States of America, from my perspective, they`re nothing but a bunch of parasitic vermin, and they`re turning murderers into godlike immortal figures simply to make a buck off of.

GRACE: You know, Andy, people ask me all the time how can it be stopped? We did have the Son of Sam laws until the U.S. Supreme Court in its wisdom reversed them. What about in Florida? But really, this cross estate boundaries. This isn`t just Florida. This is on the Internet.

KAHN: It`s on the Internet and the only way to do it is through public outrage. Unfortunately, you cannot legislate manufactured items or bad taste and until she`s convicted, the bottom line is, quite frankly, she can do whatever she wants and people can make money off of her.

It`s just insidious and despicable that a tragic death of a 2-year-old girl is going to bring out some of the worst entrepreneurialship in American history.

GRACE: Joining me right now Leonard Padilla, bounty hunter out of Sacramento, California.

Leonard, brother Lee Anthony is not refusing to testify under oath. Why is he going forward while the parents are saying they can`t do a depo?

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER, HELPED LOOK FOR CAYLEE & SPENT TIME WITH CASEY ANTHONY: I don`t -- I don`t think Lee ever heard of Zenaida prior to possibly July the 15th or the 16th. He might have heard about Zenaida on July the 3rd, but I don`t think so. I think it was July the 15th or the 13th -- 15th through 16th and I don`t think he`s got any knowledge past that.

GRACE: To Lauren Howard, psychotherapist out of New York. Lauren, it would not have been difficult for the Anthonys to go to a doctor, to explain what they were going through and get a psychological evaluation, psychiatrist, psychologist to state they were in no shape to testify, but they didn`t do that.

Raymond Giudice has pointed that out you`ve got to have a doctor`s note if you`re going to claim some type of an illness.

LAUREN HOWARD, PSYCHOTHERAPIST: It`s true, but the extent of the illness may be hard to document. I mean, yes, they`re under emotional distress. Yes, this whole thing is upsetting but that doesn`t mean that they can`t be part of the solution and seeing justice through.

I`m not sure what kind of doctor would excuse them from being able to show up at a deposition. If anything, they should be happy to show up for a deposition to get this thing going down the right path of seeking justice and the right answer.

GRACE: What do you make of it, Marc Klaas?

MARC KLAAS, PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER, KLAASKIDS FOUNDATION: Oh, I completely agree. I think the Anthonys have to -- have to start moving forward on this thing. Poor Zenaida is just another one of Casey`s victims just like everybody else that is involved in this case and the quicker they can adjudicate her situation and get her out of the picture, the quicker they can move forward and everybody can finally seek final justice in this case.

GRACE: And Ray and Alex -- first to you, Ray, don`t they see how devastating this will be to the tot mom`s case when they all three say we never heard of Zenaida Gonzalez? She never came to the house to pick up the baby.

GIUDICE: Right, it may go to bolster the plaintiff`s claim that this was an intentional act by Casey Anthony to select Miss Gonzalez as the quote, unquote, "kidnapper" if they`ve never heard of her before.

GRACE: Alex?

SANCHEZ: You know, I`m just wondering, what is the urgency to go forward with these hearings tomorrow or later on this week? I think the judge should grant them -- in this had case.

GRACE: It`s been seven or eight months now.

SANCHEZ: I know, but this -- it`s absolutely indisputable that this family has gone through absolute hell. They should adjourn it.

GRACE: OK, so -- you know what?

SANCHEZ: Give the family time to recover. There`s no emergency here.

GRACE: On that I agree with you. They have been through hell.

Quick break. We are taking your calls. I want to remind you about the Joan Gaeta Lung Cancer Foundation, fighting lung cancer. Lung cancer claiming more lives than breast, colon, prostate, melanoma and kidney combined.

Miss Gaeta, beloved wife, mom of five, a teacher lost her battle and her family is fighting back. For info or to donate go to

And tonight, a special happy birthday to a Georgia friend of the show, Mike Lynch, the pastor to over 2,000 at North Star Church.

Happy birthday, Mike.

And tonight, please continue to pray for veteran New York defense attorney Richard Herman in the fight of a lifetime battling leukemia.

Richard, please stay strong. We are thinking of you now.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A private investigator working on the case of missing teenager Amber Dubois says another woman was attacked that same day near Amber`s school. Private investigator Bill Garcia says the woman looks a lot like Amber and told him that a group of men got out of the van and tried to force her inside the vehicle.

She told Garcia she was able to get away from the men who tried to take her near the Escondido High School where Amber is a student. Authorities say Amber`s cell phone was turned on briefly the day after she disappeared, but hasn`t been turned on since.

Police are not ruling anything out as Amber`s family waits and hopes saying their child would never try to leave on her own.


GRACE: This is a 14-year-old little girl. She`s a model student, loved to read, not all into Facebook and MySpace and that whole thing. In fact, she was thrilled to be going to school and swapped Valentine`s and was very involved in FFA, Future Farmers of America.

In fact, she wrote a big long letter to her mother why she should get to buy a lamb, a little lamb, as part of a FFA project, a lamb she planned to name Nannette. This is a sweet, precious girl who has never run away.

To Phil Farrar, news anchor and reporter with KOGO, what can you tell me, Phil?

PHIL FARRAR, NEWS ANCHOR/REPORTER, KOGO RADIO: Well, Nancy, she was last seen on Friday the 13th and she was on her way to school and her mother said she was looking forward to that day, as you said. That was the day before Valentine`s Day, but it was also Friday the 13th and she was supposed to exchange these cards and gifts and this, we believe, was shortly after 7:00 in the morning.

GRACE: To Bill Garcia, a California licensed private investigator, he is helping the family in their search. Bill, what can you tell me about an attempted kidnap of a similar-looking person in the same area?

BILL GARCIA, CALIFORNIA LICENSES P.I., HELPING FAMILY IN SEARCH FOR MISSING TEEN, AMBER DUBOIS: I`ll have to make a slight correction. It actually occurred on February 2nd, and it was about 3:30 in the afternoon. This woman so much looks so similar to Amber that I asked if I could take photos of her, and she does. She looks like a high school girl of similar height and build.

GRACE: Now are you telling me the similar transaction occurred on February 2nd?

GARCIA: The similar abduction occurred on February 2nd, yes, at about 3:30 in the afternoon.

GRACE: Correct, I was.

GARCIA: Which was right about the end of school.

GRACE: Yes, I wasn`t sure what you thought you were clearing up, but in any event, what have you learned about the disappearance of little Amber?

GARCIA: Well, we`ve learned that she`s not a runaway. Her family does not believe she`s a runaway. When we got involved in this case we did not feel she was a runaway. Correction, the Escondido police have stopped physical searches. You can`t do that. You have to keep searching for these children until they`re found and that`s -- that is the point that we got involved was Friday morning.

GRACE: Has the family been polygraphed?

GARCIA: The family came forward immediately and volunteered to be polygraphed. The entire family has been cleared of anything with these polygraphs.

GRACE: Now she had a debit card. Has that been used?

GARCIA: It has not. There`s been no activity on that nor has the check that she was given by family for the lamb been cashed.

GRACE: And where are police? Where have they been searching?

GARCIA: Well, police have been conducting investigative situations. They stopped their physical search by utilizing their people and San Diego County sheriff.


GARCIA: . search and rescue people on Thursday. So there has been no.

GRACE: Why? Why did they quit?

GARCIA: No new evidence. There was nothing to substantiate where she might be so they stopped on Thursday evening.

GRACE: Did little Amber have a cell phone? Has it been used?

GARCIA: Amber did have a cell phone. She apparently had taken it with her and it was not found at home. Apparently the next day, there was a -- about a 30-second blast on it where they -- police were able to get one ping from one tower, but the location outside of Escondido has not been divulged.

GRACE: Out to the lines, Sharon in Virginia, hi, Sharon.

SHARON, FROM VIRGINIA: Hi, how are you?

GRACE: I`m good, dear, what`s your question?

SHARON: I was wondering if there was any way that you could talk to this one girl who said that she -- someone tried to kidnap her and tried to think if it`s the same guy that got Amber.

GRACE: Well what do we think about that, Bill Garcia?

GARCIA: Well, there have been a series of attempted abductions of teenage girls in the north San Diego County area and in most instances the description is an older model white utility van. No further description other than there has been reported to be at least one to three Hispanic men.

In one situation within the last month a teenage girl was abducted. She was held for approximately 20 minutes before being released and this was reported by San Diego County Sheriff.

GRACE: To Dr. David Posey, medical examiner joining us out of L.A. Dr. Posey, thank you for being with us. Doctor, if she were forced into a van on her way to school which is extremely rare, 7:00 a.m. in the morning. It is very disturbing. What forensic evidence, if any, would you expect to find in that van?

DR. DAVID M. POSEY, MEDICAL EXAMINER, GLEN OAKS PATHOLOGY MEDICAL GROUP: Well, I think trace evidence would be one thing we`d be looking for. Obviously, she may leave particles of clothing, there may be DNA from little flecks of skin coming off. If she accidentally cut herself, there could be some blood there, so there`s all kinds of evidence if a van could be found to tie her to the van.

So those would be the things as an investigator I`d be looking for.

GRACE: To the lawyers, Ray Giudice, Alex Sanchez, a reward is up, Alex, by the family. Do you believe rewards have helped? Have they helped in cases you have handled?

SANCHEZ: I think it will help. Because one thing about teenagers, they don`t keep secrets very well and they love money. And if there`s a kid out there who has any information, please go to police. If this young is watching the show right now, call the show and we`ll put you in contact with your mother.

GRACE: Ray Giudice, rewards help?

GIUDICE: They always do. Because every time the reward goes up, it goes on the media, it raises attention to the case.

GRACE: And to Lauren Howard, this does not sound like the kind of girl who would put her parents through this kind of pain.

HOWARD: No, it doesn`t but it also doesn`t sound like the kind of girl who would just go -- just go off with a stranger. So it begs the question, did she know this person? It`s a tough one, Nancy. This is a tough one.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Absolutely not. I don`t think she`s a runaway. She had too many things planned. There was nothing taken from the home. Usually in a runaway situation, I mean, they at least take a change of clothes. That`s not the case here. The little cash that she had was not taken.




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I went bed at night and just wake up and hope she`s going to be here. I`m trying to keep things positive. It`s really hard.


GRACE: There is nothing to suggest this little girl ran away. No clothes were taken. The money, the cash in her room that she had saved up was not taken. Her debit card or cell phone not used.

Out to the lines, Deb in Illinois, hi, Deb. Deb, are you with me?


GRACE: Hi, what`s your question, dear?

DEB: Are you sure that maybe she didn`t run away, by any chance?

GRACE: Marc Klaas, you have studied these cases so -- for so long, what do you think?

KLAAS: Well, given the history of the little girl and everything that everybody says about her, I think the chances of her having run away are very, very remote. I think the only indication that that might be a possibility is the fact that some of her friends claim they have seen her, but again, that could always be something else as well.

GRACE: John Lucich, what do you make of it?

JOHN LUCICH, INVESTIGATOR, AUTHOR OF "CYBER LIES": No way. Absolutely not. There`s so much evidence that says that this girl was taken. She was on her way to school, end of story.

GRACE: 7:00 in the morning with the check in her pocket.

To Deborah in Florida. Hi, Deb, what`s your question?

DEBORAH, FROM FLORIDA: Oh, hello. Would the police let us know if there were cameras? There must be have been cameras on some buildings or businesses in the area?

GRACE: Good question. Bill Garcia, have they checked into the camera, surveillance video?

GARCIA: Actually, there was cameras at the school, at the high school. There was also intersection cameras. We.

GRACE: Did they get anything?

GARCIA: They did not. They were too grainy and it was a drab day so there wasn`t anything useful.

GRACE: Everyone, take a look at this little girl. 1-888-55-AMBER. Or

Let`s stop and remember Army Captain Robert Vallejo II, 28, Richland Hills, Texas, killed Iraq. A Texas University grad. Loved military science, jogging every morning at 5:00 a.m. Lost his life one day before his wife found out she`s having a baby boy. Leaves behind parents Robert and Juanita, three sisters, widow Hillary Ann and a baby son he will never meet, Robert.

Robert Vallejo, American hero.

Thanks to our guests but especially to you for being with us. I`ll see you tomorrow night 8:00 sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on February 25, 2009, 12:55:20 PM


Relative Discusses Case of Missing Girl; Investigators Following Leads in Haleigh Cummings Disappearance

Aired February 24, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET



JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HOST (voice-over): Tonight perplexing questions piling up in the desperate search for 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings. Cops are seriously investigating the little brother`s tip that a man in black took Haleigh. Sixteen hundred tips, and their best lead may come from a 4- year-old.

And when cops re-interviewed Haleigh`s father, he gave investigators a piece of paper. Did that note contain crucial information?

Plus, another stunning similarity to the Caylee Anthony case, as a psychic weighs in. I`ll tell you what he said, and I`ll be taking your calls.

Then, stunning developments in the Caylee Anthony case as the civil showdown with Zanny the nanny looms. Mom, Casey, has received over $1,000 from strangers since she`s been in jail. Who`s sending her this money and why?

Speaking of money, a Casey Anthony doll on sale on eBay. Who`s profiting from this one? I`ll have the latest development.

And high drama in the Octomom story. Nadia Suleman and her mother get into a heated argument on camera, but was it staged? I thought Octomom wasn`t doing reality TV.

Plus, TMZ reports cops were called to the Suleman home last night after a neighbor ran around waving a shotgun. I`ll have the latest details in the Suleman circus.

ISSUES starts now.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tonight, a shocking twist in the desperate search for missing Florida girl Haleigh Cummings. There has been an avalanche of almost 2,000 leads, but the best lead police have so far appears to come from Haleigh`s younger brother Junior. Four-year-old Junior claims that a mystery man dressed in black snatched little Haleigh from her bed.

Here`s what Haleigh`s mother, Crystal Sheffield, said on "NANCY GRACE" last night.


NANCY GRACE, HOST, "NANCY GRACE": I know this sounds crazy, but to the best of your recollection, what were his exact words?

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, MOTHER OF HALEIGH: He said, "Mommy, I went to find my sissy, and some man in black come in and took her."


VELEZ-MITCHELL: But hours ago in a perplexing twist, Jacksonville affiliate WJXT asked Haleigh`s dad, Ronald Cummings, if little Junior had shared this detail with him. Here`s what the dad said.


RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: I don`t know nothing about that.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Did he say anything to you?

CUMMINGS: I think that those questions are questions that y`all should discuss with detectives. I`m not here to answer any questions. I`m here to plead for the life of my daughter. I want her to come home. If you have her, please send her home. I don`t care how she gets here, just bring her home. And if you`re watching, baby, I love you. That`s all I have to say.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Meantime, in light of accusations involving drug use and violence being traded by Haleigh`s family in recent days, Orlando affiliate WFTV is now reporting that Crystal Sheffield and Ron Cummings, Haleigh`s parents, were involved in a bitter custody battle, so the recent accusations of drugs and violence may be well-covered ground for them.

WFTV also reports that three years ago Sheffield took Haleigh and her brother away from her dad, even though he had custody. Ronald Cummings reportedly had to go to court to get them back. He insists Haleigh`s disappearance has nothing to do with the custody dispute.

Also tonight reports that Cummings has a rap sheet, as some would say, a mile long. We have that rap sheet. Is it relevant or not? We`re going to get into that. Our expert panel will weigh in.

So much to talk about and as always, I am taking your calls. But first, with me now is a very special guest, Connie Sheffield, Haleigh Cummings` maternal stepmother.

Thank you so much for joining us tonight. I know this has to be extraordinarily difficult for you and your family. Just so we understand, you were married to Crystal`s father. Crystal is Haleigh`s mother.

There seems to be a growing rift between your side of Haleigh`s family and the father`s side of Haleigh`s family. Why is this rift growing, do you think? And it seems to be betting bitter with every passing hour with all sorts of nasty accusations?

CONNIE SHEFFIELD, STEPMOTHER OF CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD: I think there are concerns for R.J.`s safety. People are tired, angry, hurt, and we don`t have any answers.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So when you say R.J., you`re talking about Junior, the little boy?


VELEZ-MITCHELL: And you have concerns about his safety. Well, that`s a new one. I had not even thought about that. Obviously, we`re all looking for little Haleigh, but the implication is that he might not be in safe hands right now.

CONNIE SHEFFIELD: Not necessarily in reference to whom he`s with, but whoever took Haleigh may target the family again. We don`t know this. So I`m concerned for my son myself. He`s 3, and, you know, when nightfall comes about in this neighborhood, we left. We wouldn`t even stay for the vigils.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Wow. So are you operating on the theory that was originally brought up by Geraldo Rivera on FOX, and he went up to Ron Cummings, the father of the missing child, and said, "Are you a drug informant for the police?" And he said absolutely not.

Now I will say that law enforcement was asked about that just earlier this evening on Headline News, and law enforcement said we`re not going get into that one way or another, which I think is a mistake. I think that they need to clarify at this point what`s going on, because there`s so much rumor and speculation at this point.

But ma`am, are you referring to that issue when you say you`re afraid for little Junior and for even your own child?

CONNIE SHEFFIELD: No, just you know, when you`re up here and you have so many people coming up offering their condolences, you don`t know if the person who took Haleigh might be hugging your neck or shaking your hand, if it`s someone locally in this area. So I was concerned for all the children here. There were several kids.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So there`s a sense of palpable fear.

CONNIE SHEFFIELD: Yes, there is a fear. I fear for my son, all of the children. I told parents, you know, try to keep them close by in a group, because until we know all the answers, that is the fear.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I can totally relate to that, and I`ve covered other cases where a child has gone missing, and fear swept through the entire neighborhood. When people don`t have answers, obviously, if they have children their imaginations are going to run wild and they`re going to be afraid.

So you`re saying that people in that community are keeping their children indoors, and you and other parents are keeping close watch on these children because you`re scared?

CONNIE SHEFFIELD: Yes. I noticed several parents picking their children up on golf carts from the bus stop, seeing to it that there was someone there, whether it was a mother or a father, aunt or an uncle, to pick up the children.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: What bothers you most about this perplexing case? We -- we are all mystified. How did this child disappear out of a double-wide trailer with two other people asleep? The little boy, Ron Jr., has reportedly said that a man in black -- dressed in black took him away. Have you heard that from his lips, and what are your thoughts on all of this, this mystery?

CONNIE SHEFFIELD: The day it happened he was allowed to walk up to where we were all located, and I think that`s more or less the mind of a child when speaking to find some comfort in where his sister may have gone because the children are afraid themselves.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Are you saying you don`t believe that a man in black went in there -- in other words, you think that this is a child`s imagination?

CONNIE SHEFFIELD: I would. That`s what I think, because my son himself there again. When we took him home he drew pictures about boats and helicopters. And him and R.J. are closely related in age, so I can see where a child would want to find reasoning to all this.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, I want to thank you so much, Connie, and I hope you come back. I hope we get some good news. We all here pray that this little child comes home safely and that all the children in your neighborhood remain absolutely safe. Our thoughts are with you and your family. Thank you.

I want to turn now to my expert panel: Judge Jeanine Pirro, former district attorney and host of "The Judge Jeanine Pirro Show"; David Schwartz, criminal defense attorney; Vinnie Parko, private investigator; Brenda Wade, clinical psychologist; and Jennifer Bauer, a reporter with WJXT-TV.

Jennifer, let`s start off with you. What is the very latest?

JENNIFER BAUER, REPORTER, WJXT-TV: Today, Jane, investigators continue to follow up on leads. As you mentioned earlier, now almost 2,000 tips. And when we spoke to detectives earlier today they said those calls are coming in from all over the country. And I really do think it`s because of shows like this one, getting the word out all over the nation that this little 5-year-old is still missing. Two weeks, no new significant leads, and police tell us, though, a lot of leads coming in, but so far they`re not turning into anything.

Also a lot of Haleigh sightings, they said. We`ve gotten a lot of calls. People saying they think they spotted the little girls and detectives have checked out each and every one of those calls, but so far nothing.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Judge Jeanine Pirro, you just heard one of the relatives talking about her terror. She`s afraid for her own child. People in that neighborhood are panicked because of this mystery.

Now the authorities, while doing an absolutely astounding job, and they`re all working around the clock, so I certainly never want to be critical of the authorities. I mean, they`re giving this their all. However, that being said, couldn`t they clear up some of the question marks at this point and eliminate certain people as suspects and sort of give us an idea of where this is headed?

For example, we just discussed Geraldo Rivera went down there and asked the dad, "Are you a drug informant for the authorities," because he does have some drug arrests on his rap sheet. We`re going to get to that in a second. No convictions, however.

Now, he said absolutely not, but when a law enforcement official was asked about that, he said, "We`re not going to comment on that one way or another." Why not? If he`s not a drug informant, why now say, "You now what? That`s nonsense. There`s no truth to that," so that people can put their mind at rest. Because the way it stands right now, if people are thinking that that might be true, they might be thinking that some drug cartel or some drug thug is out there snatching kids as a form of revenge or retaliation for him ratting on someone.

JUDGE JEANINE PIRRO, HOST, "THE JUDGE JEANINE PIRRO SHOW": Well, you know, Jane, your question is an excellent one and the bottom line is this: the police have no obligation to tell the public whether or not someone is a confidential informant. I mean, w e had them registered when I was a D.A. You had someone to working with us. The last thing we`re going to do is identify this person as an informant and, you know, to try to quell the fears of the community.

Here`s the bottom line, Jane. You know, now we`re seeing crime up close and personal, and we want to have resolution. We want it all decided, but you know what? If you remember the John Couey case with the young girl who was...

PIRRO: Yes, sure. Jessica Lunsford. She was in the closet after the police had already cleared through that trailer. You know, you can`t say everything is resolved yet. It is a fluid, ongoing situation with no obligation by the police to make us feel better.

And, you know, at the end of day, if he is or is not a drug dealer, someone took that child, whether it -- drugs were a motivation or, you know, for some other reason.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Right. It was never that he was a drug dealer. It was the allegation that he might have been a drug informant for the cops.

PIRRO: Right.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: OK. We got your point. Everyone, stay right there. We`re just getting started right here on ISSUES. Do you think cops making headway in the search for the man in black? Call 1-877-JVM-SAYS. That`s 1-877-586-7297 and let me know.

But first, here is Haleigh`s dad pleading, pleading for her safe return.


CUMMINGS: Please bring my daughter home. She`s not yours. It`s not property, you know. It`s not something that you just take and say it`s mine or whatever. This is my daughter. This is blood, and I would like to have my daughter back, please. Please bring my daughter home.




TERESA NEVIS, HALEIGH`S PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER: I fear for both of my grandchildren. Whoever has Haleigh, I want them to bring her home. We`ve not asked for anything more than to just drop her off somewhere that she can be found and somewhere that she can be brought home to her father. That`s all we`ve ever asked for from them.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Haleigh`s paternal grandmother believes somebody abducted Haleigh in the early hours of February 10, and that someone knew that the father, Ronald Cummings, was not at home.

Back with my fantastic panel. The phone lines are lighting up. Lois, Illinois. Question or thought, ma`am?

CALLER: Yes. I have remembered that they had accused the father of having an argument with someone the night before she was abducted, and I remember his first interview he had a Band-Aid, I believe under his left eye. Was any of that ever explored?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, let me get into a segue question that relates to that, and that is this rap sheet which we have gone through. It`s long. I mean, I don`t know if you can see it here, but that`s -- it`s quite a hefty little rap sheet.

But I have to say that in this father`s defense, while he`s been arrested for drugs, he has never been convicted on any drug charges. All the drug charges have been dismissed. He`s also had some driving problems, but a lot of people have had driving problems. In Florida, those dismissals are called withhold of adjudication.

David Schwartz, what does that mean, because usually we hear plead guilty or not guilty. Here we`re seeing "withhold of adjudication."

DAVID SCHWARTZ, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Basically, Jane, it`s a second chance statute in Florida. You know, if you have a minor criminal record, which in my opinion this is not even a rap sheet. He`s got a very minor criminal record, one misdemeanor conviction. If you have a minor record, the judge can choose to give you this withhold of adjudication, which gives you a second chance. It puts you on probation. If you successfully complete the probation, then there is no convict at all. It`s completely wiped out.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Lisa, Texas, your question or thought, ma`am?

CALLER: Yes, I actually have two questions, the first of which being we`ve heard about Misty being 17. Nobody has said how old Ronald Cummings is. I find that very interesting, considering that...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I think he`s 25, isn`t he? Yes. 25 years old.

CALLER: Really? OK. Well, there you go. I personally have a problem with that. I`d like to know if that`s even legal and how old the mom was when she had the two kids.

Then the other question I had, quickly, was I wonder if the conviction for contributing to the delinquency of a minor might have been caused by him feeding Misty tobacco because at least in Texas, you have to be 18 to buy cigarettes, and you see them puffing.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, you`ve been studying and pondering this case, ma`am. I`m going to give you a Sherlock Holmes cap. Good thoughts.

I think that it is OK, it`s legal, because she is of age. This is what another lawyer had mentioned. Yell at me if I`m wrong.

But I want to get to two other issues. The man dressed in black. Brenda Wade, clinical psychologist, the child says a man dressed in black took the child. What do you make of it? Is it a child`s imagination, as Connie Sheffield suggested?

BRENDA WADE, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST: You know, it could be. Children that age do live if a world of fantasy, imagination, and when something frightening comes into a child`s world, they do try to figure out in their own way, to the limits of their own cognitive capacity, what could have happened. Well, somebody bad took my sister. Somebody bad would be dressed in black.

Now the flipside of that, of course, is we don`t know if he actually saw something. My guess is he was asleep at the time. My guess is this is probably part of his imagination giving him an explanation he can live with.

But Jane, I want to say something about these families at war with each other. They are hurting their own chances of finding Haleigh and working this through, because they`re pitted against each other, which isn`t unusual...


WADE: ... when there`s been a separation, but they`ve got to remember there`s unity in strength, strength in unity.


Vinnie Parko, you`ve been listening to all of this. What do you make of this? I mean, this case is a total mystery. It`s baffling everyone.

VINNIE PARKO, PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR: Well, if this kid is telling the truth, if there was a man in black and this man -- Cummings had a fight or an argument the night before. And, in looking at his rap sheet, they are minor crimes, but it`s funny how he`s got no -- no convictions. Either he has a very good attorney or maybe he is cooperating with the police, and maybe this is retaliation for him cooperating.

PIRRO: Jane -- Jane, can I say something here?


PIRRO: I`ve got his rap sheet in front of me. This guy has been arrested at least nine times. He`s 25 years old. I`ve got him on probation three times, and it sounds to me, and I`ve got to tell you, Vinnie, it`s starting to make sense to me. For him to have so many dismissals, ultimately, and a refusal to go into drug programs with arrests for cocaine, as well as for marijuana, tells me he`s cooperating.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Well, you know what? I wish we could discuss this all night. I think that we have to stick with what the police said. They`re not commenting on it. And he says it`s not true. But food for thought.

Vinnie, David, Jennifer, thank you so much. Judge Jeanine, Brenda, hang tight.

Shocking details emerge in the case of an 11-year-old boy accused of fatally shooting his dad`s pregnant fiance. Was the attack premeditated?



DEBORAH HOUK, VICTIM`S MOTHER: He knew all about guns. He knew the severity of guns. He knew the danger of a gun. He was -- he should have gone to therapy, come on, and he knows what he did. He killed my daughter (UNINTELLIGIBLE) -- my baby`s dead. She`s never coming home.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: So sad. That was the mother of 26-year-old Kenzie Houk, in total agony over the loss of her pregnant daughter. Tonight, new and disturbing details emerge about what prosecutors say was a premeditated execution-style shooting committed by an 11-year-old boy.

Shocking revelations about the boy, who allegedly took a child-sized 20-gauge hunting gun, a gift from his father, and turned it on the father`s fiance. New evidence: a blanket with a quarter-sized hole, shows he might have tried to hide the gun as he allegedly carried it through the house.

Plus, details emerging that jealousy was a possible motive and that the 11-year-old had threatened to kill Kenzie and her two girls at least once. So much to discuss.

Joining me now, the first person to discuss it with, Judge Jeanine Pirro, former district attorney, judge and host of "The Judge Jeanine Pirro Show."

Judge Jeanine, we have now learned that the boy will be moved to a juvenile facility tomorrow from adult jail. How should the criminal justice system handle this? Because just because he`s moved to the juvenile facility doesn`t mean he`s going to be tried as a juvenile. He`s still facing adult charges, which to me seems insane, given that he is 11 years old.

PIRRO: Well, you know, the laws in many states, Jane, give prosecutors the ability to charge young people -- they call them juvenile offenders -- as adults. But understand what the law in Pennsylvania is. In the juvenile justice system there, there is no murder charge. So that prosecutors, the D.A. in Pennsylvania, would not be able to charge him with any kind of homicide.

So they want to charge him as an adult so that he can be prosecuted for murder. But understand, since he`s a juvenile, they can only keep him until he`s 21. But they have to house him in a place separate from the county -- from the county jail with adults. They have to house him in a juvenile detention center.

So, you know, we can go into this discussion as to whether or not was he adult, was he acting as an adult?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: He`s 11 years old! What 11-year-old acts like an adult?

PIRRO: It`s hard to fathom, Jane.


PIRRO: I agree with you. You know what? He had a gun and knew how to use it.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: His dad gave him a gun for Christmas. He taught him how to use it.

PIRRO: And he won a turkey shoot on Valentine`s Day, and he wrapped it in a blanket after, you know, the woman`s daughter saw him come down.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Let me get to this.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: A theme being pursued by the prosecutor, jealousy. The prosecutor contending the 11-year-old was jealous that his father`s attention was being divided by the girlfriend, her own kids and the baby on the way. Kenzie`s mom thought the same thing. Listen to this.


HOUK: Maybe a month and a half ago, it was brought to our attention that he had made a remark that he would kill my daughter. He hated her, and he would kill the two girls. He`d shoot them.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. Nevertheless, this gun was a functional gun, and it was left in his access. It wasn`t locked up somewhere.

PIRRO: Right. And apparently, it was a gun that is for young people. Don`t ask me about this. But he had not only threatened his victim and her daughters, and luckily the 7-year-old is still alive, and she told police where the spent shell casing was. But in addition to that, he knew how to use it. He was very good with the gun.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: He was trained to kill. He was trained to kill turkeys.

PIRRO: And you know what? And he hated someone, and he knew to take that weapon. But you know what, Jane? It`s a tough issue.


PIRRO: When I was a D.A., I prosecuted a 13-year-old for murder. It`s a wrenching decision.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: We`ve got to go. Sit tight. We`re just minutes away from this.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Casey Anthony`s civil showdown with Zanny the nanny is looming, but stunning developments to report in the murder of her daughter Caylee. Casey has received more than $1,000 from strangers since she`s been in jail. Who is sending her this money and why?

Plus high drama in the octo-mom story, Nadya Suleman and her mom get into a heated argument on camera, but was it staged? Plus the Oprah interview with Suleman`s father aired today. More staged TV drama? I`ll have the latest details in the circus surrounding octo-mom.

"ISSUES" continues now.

Bizarre developments tonight in the Caylee Anthony case. Reports that accused mom Casey Anthony has gotten over $1,000 in donations from stranger all across America to her jailhouse bank account.

Believe it or not, Casey has a strange collection of fans. A 15-year- old Florida boy has donated his savings to help Casey out and apparently she isn`t the only one looking for some cash. Today a seller on EBay posted a Casey Anthony doll draped in American flag.

You will recognize the outfit from pictures of Casey Anthony partying with friends just before little Caylee went missing and we`ve got some late-breaking developments on that doll issue to tell you about in a moment.

Meantime, reports say Roy Kronk, the former meter reader who found little Caylee`s remains recently paid his wife, his ex-wife $5,000 in unpaid child support. Did Kronk use his reward money to make a dent in his debt?

Plus, the Zenaida Gonzalez civil case heating up; George and Cindy Anthony continue to fight their depositions set for this Thursday. Gonzalez looking for punitive damages after Casey linked her name to the child`s disappearance. So much going on this week.

Judge Janine Pirro back with me and also joining us, Cindy Adams the crime examiner for and she`s been following this case since the beginning.

Let`s start with Thursday`s planned depositions by Zenaida Gonzalez. Just before we went to air we heard some breaking news that the attorney for George and Cindy filed a motion to prevent them from having to give their depositions on Thursday. But Judge Janine, it`s very late in the game. We`re only two days away, is he taking a risk filing so late?

JANINE PIRRO, "JUDGE JANINE SHOW": Well, I think that any judge is going to look at this and say, number one, my calendar is already arranged for Thursday, but I think it`s the basis of the motion that`s really ludicrous saying that George and Cindy are really not in such great mental health and therefore he wants them to testify only when they have a clear head.

Look, Jane, there are two victims in the Caylee Anthony case, Caylee Anthony and Zenaida Gonzalez. The woman who had her name and reputation trashed and now the Anthonys who were saying the native -- the nanny took our baby don`t want to be questioned about it. Too bad, they need to be questioned.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, Cindy Adams, Lee the brother of Casey says I`m going to go to my deposition and I`m going to just -- I`m not fighting it. Because I have nothing to say and I don`t know anything about Zanny the nanny and that`s what I`m going to tell them. So why don`t Cindy and George do the same thing?

CINDY ADAMS, CRIME EXAMINER, EXAMINER.COM: I think their attorney is arguing that they`re psychologically damaged and they`re not ready to talk where Lee I think has been a lot more forthcoming. I think he was with the FBI and I don`t think he has anything to hide. So I think he`s ready to go.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. I want to get to this whole bid about profiting out tragedy. There has been more than one doll related to the Caylee Anthony case. The Caylee Sunshine doll was met with appropriate outrage --


VELEZ-MITCHELL: -- and production stopped. The doll actually saying you are my sunshine, a song Caylee loved. That to me is totally sick and then a Casey -- and that`s the Caylee sunshine doll right there.

Now, take a look at this one. This was the Casey Anthony voodoo doll that actually drew a bidding war on EBay. That`s another sick little manifestation of the bizarreness of this case. And then today, the piece de resistance also on EBay, a Casey Anthony doll wearing an American flag. There she is no doubt inspired by the photos of the real Casey Anthony wearing an American flag to a party over the summer.

Now we`re going to show you the pictures of Caylee partying, but I`m sure you`ve seen it before if you`ve been covering this case. These items apparently just taken down from EBay.

Cindy, what do you know about that doll with the American flag on it being taken down?

ADAMS: Well, when I first reported on this, I got a comment or a message from the seller that asked how she could get publicity for her book. And then I got a lot of outrage from readers and they were commenting on how horrible this doll was and the seller came back and said she was sorry. That it was in poor taste. She took it down, but she still is trying to tout her book.

So I have a feeling it was all based on trying to sell her book, getting publicity for her book.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: God, people are coming out of the woodwork in this case and other high profile cases and it just sends a chill down my spine.

Now, just who is sending Casey Anthony money? One 15-year-old in Florida says he donated $25 out of sympathy for George Anthony. Listen to this.


ANDREW MILLER, DONATED TO CASEY ANTHONY: Because he really identified with Caylee by doing something that Caylee would want that would make him feel better.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ok, Judge Janine, what would you tell this youngster along with the other people sending Casey money in jail so she can buy snacks and beauty products?

PIRRO: You know that they have flawed reasoning, Jane, to think that it`s going to help Caylee by giving the grandfather some solace by giving the alleged murderer money is just bizarre, but in this world there`s nothing that surprises me anymore.

And there will be people who will want to give money to Casey, but at the end of day, I think that justice will be served and people will see her for what she truly is.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, let`s see. We`ve got a long way to go before the trial happens. It`s going to like in a year. Judge Janine and Cindy, thank you so much.

PIRRO: Thank you.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, turning to the continuing drama in the Casey Anthony case it can only be rivaled by one person. You guessed it, octo- mom. Today the never-ending circus reached new heights as both of Nadya Suleman`s parents were speaking out again.

Octo-grandpa, Ed Doud, on "Oprah" today and she asked him very pointedly about his daughter`s responsibility or lack thereof.


OPRAH WINFREY, "OPRAH WINFREY SHOW" HOST: Do you think the doctor was irresponsible?

ED DOUD, GRANDFATHER OF OCTUPLEST: Absolutely irresponsible exactly.

WINFREY: And do you think your daughter was irresponsible?

DOUD: Irresponsible, too.

WINFREY: You think your daughter was irresponsible?

DOUD: Yes, ma`am. She listened to him. She had seen this doctor.

WINFREY: Let me ask you this.

DOUD: Yes.

WINFREY: It`s a very pointed question, you can answer or not. Do you think your daughter is mentally stable?

DOUD: That`s a very good question.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: It sure is. Joining in on the chorus of criticism is Nadya`s own mother Angela Suleman. Nadya squared off with her in an interview from


NADYA SULEMAN, OCTO-MOM: I will never understand your inflexibility and your inability to --


N. SULEMAN: Yes, to be able to accept and let go. Learn to let go.

A. SULEMAN: Yes, but if I could totally let go, these are my grandchildren, I would, but you know, it`s very difficult now you have eight more.

N. SULEMAN: No, no excuse me, not now, learn to let go of what I chose to do. You didn`t accept it, move forward.

A. SULEMAN: Something was happening there because, you know, in the first place you should have considered your other six children.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ai, ai, ai. And believe it or not, the drama doesn`t end there. TMZ reports cops were called to octo-mom`s house last night after reports of a ma brandishing a gun was outside. So much to talk about tonight. I`m going to be taking your calls.

But first, let`s go straight out to my panel: Mike Walters, with and Mary Margaret, senior news editor at Radar online, plus the much-needed Brenda Wade, clinical psychologist.

Let`s start with Mike Walters. Of course, drama seems to follow octo- mom everywhere she goes. What can you tell us about the cops coming to her house last night?

MIKE WALTERS, TMZ.COM: Yes, Jane, this was a gun, this was a shot gun. A couple of doors down from octo-mom, a neighbor came out carrying a shotgun and went from his car to the trunk -- I mean, from his house to the trunk of the car.

Now, we`re told by the cops that he wasn`t threatening, he wasn`t pointing it, but he definitely is frustrated with the cameras and the media activity on the street. You know, we talked to a couple of their neighbors and apparently it`s trashed everywhere, there`s corn on the cobs chewed and like thrown all over the place and this isn`t just paparazzi, it`s news cameras and big sat trucks and even the school bus trying to get into the street to pick up the kids for school can`t get in and out and apparently the cops have to -- yes, usher the bus in and out.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes, Nadya Suleman gets a whole lot of attention especially when she`s out in public. You`ve got to take a look at this video again from that shows the strong reaction to Nadya when she`s out and about. Listen closely.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s the one that`s spending all our money.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Wait, wait! Come over here and tell us what you think.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Our tax money that`s using it. Sorry!


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What do you think about that, Nadya?



VELEZ-MITCHELL: Brenda Wade, they`re yelling at her, get a job.

BRENDA WADE, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST: You know, she did say when the kids were born God will provide and of course, the right answer isn`t God will provide, it`s I`m going to have to work really hard to provide.

But Jane, her squaring off on her mother and telling her mother you have to accept and let go when in fact her mother is one of the main caretakers and supporters of her children.

She is burdening her mother. She`s burdening taxpayers. She`s burdening a lot of people. This woman is not living in the real world. And she`s living in a fantasy world where the children at the end of day, are the ones who`re going to lose out.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And I wonder if octo-grandma isn`t a little co- dependent and needs to take care of that issue.

Ok, everybody, stay right there. What do you think of these very weird developments surrounding octo-mom? 1-877-JVM-SAYS. Let me know.

Take a listen to the rap spoofing of octo-mom. Not quite as good as Christian Bale`s remake, it`s pretty funny.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: More from the circus surrounding octo-mom Nada Suleman, but first, "Top of the Block" tonight.

This is just a case of horrific, pure evil. The trial against this monster, accused pedophile Chester Stiles, began this week with gut- wrenching testimony from an 11-year-old girl alleged to be one of his victims.

Stiles allegedly videotaped himself in 2003 having sex with a different girl who was just -- I just almost can`t say this, two years old. 2 years old. The case sparked a national man hunt in 2007 after images from that tape were made public to help cops identify Stiles and the toddler.

The girl from the tape is now 8 years old, safe and healthy. Thankfully, thankfully she has no memory of this sexual assault. She may not be required to testify. Stiles faces 22 counts of sexual assault and lewdness with a minor.

If convicted he could and should spend the rest of his life behind bars; sicko. That`s tonight`s "Top of the Block."

Returning now to our conversation on octo-mom and Nadya Suleman, the mother of 14 with no shortage of critics and now you can count her two parents among them. And of course, I`m taking your calls. First back with my fantastic panel and the phone lines lighting up.

Bridget, California, your question or thought, ma`am.



BRIDGET: I just want to say I love your show. I love Nancy.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: We love her, too.

BRIDGET: And I think Adult Protective Services need to go ahead and intervene. The parents, their needs are not being met. They`re worn out. They look broken down, and it`s just not right and she`s being very, very selfish; very selfish.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I agree with you 100 percent. Thank you for that call.

Mary Margaret, you`re the senior news editor with radar online. Thanks for your patience. Believe it or not, there are so many things happening with octo-mom, it`s a three-ring circus indeed.

You actually, your news organization spent some time with octo-mom and the mother and we`re going to hear a clip in a moment, but set it up. What was your impression of the dynamic between these two because I have to say, watching what you guys videotaped, I get a sense of this young woman acting out some kind of psycho drama, childhood trauma resentment with her mother. And the kids are almost pawns in this sort of sick dynamic between mother and daughter.

MARY MARGARET, SENIOR NEWS EDITOR, RADAR ONLINE: Right, -- no, Jane, you`re definitely right. We knew going into it there was going to be a high level of drama. Obviously these two women have been at odds for a very long time. We were pleasantly surprised that once we got them to sit down, all of those issues came to a fore.

One thing that was great about having Angela on camera was that she was the voice of all that scrutiny out there that was on the minds of the American public. One thing that you mentioned earlier was, how is she going to pay for these children. And that`s something that Nadya responded finally in a video we posted to today. She kind of lives in this fantasy world where she`s going to write a book and she`s going to have a $40,000 a year counseling salary that`s going to feed 14 children.

It`s not going to happen, but at the same time this is -- what we found was her underpinning and her thought process going forward.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. She has some kind of -- I don`t know if there`s a psychological phrase for it, Brenda Wade, but she has this kind of syndrome where anything she thinks in her head she makes it sound realistic. Like, if I thought it therefore it can happen.


Right. Well, for sure she`s narcissistic, Jane, and there`s a very immature personality; very immature quality to her. Even watching her with the child that she`s kissing over and over and over and over, it`s just not appropriate behavior.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. There`s something wrong here.

Octo grandma had more to say about her daughter and mother of 14 kids. Take a look and a listen at more of this contentious interview from



NADYA SULEMAN, OCTUPLETS` MOM: Because they`re healthy and thriving and crying?

A. SULEMAN: No, because there are so many and how are you going to be able to provide for them? 14, think about it, Nadya; 14.

N. SULEMAN: I have to let go of my need to control everything and I have to accept the help that`s been offered.

A. SULEMAN: I hope you`ll get help. I really hope so.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: That is so rich.

Brenda Wade, I have to go back to you as the psychologist. What occurs to me is that grandma is a little co-dependent on her daughter and therefore the daughter feels that she has sort of the freedom to do anything that pops into her mind because guess who`s going to -- who is the safety net that no matter what happens is going to come in and rescue her?

WADE: Right and mom`s going to clean up the mess and the thing that is so ironic is that in the video she`s saying to her mother you have to let go of controlling when at the same time she`s saying to her mother and by the way, I am counting on you to make it all work. And the mom`s going, but you have 14 children.

Now, Jane, I also have to say I am saddened by the public attacks on her.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. I know you are.

WADE: out in public. That`s not going to help anybody.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Let me jump in. If octo-grandma had not done so much with the first six kids, do you think she would have felt the freedom to go and have eight more? Just a quick question.

WADE: Darn good question, Jane. Darn good question. And I think the answer to the question is that her mom certainly has been co dependent. She`s probably motivated by wanting to protect and nurture her grandchildren.

What grandmother wouldn`t be, but she has gone far enough that Nadya thinks it doesn`t matter what I do, mom will pick up the pieces. So she doesn`t have to grow up.

And maybe mom needs to visit Al Anon.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes, there`s a program for that. There`s a program for co-dependent behavior where essentially, and I`m just giving my definition of it is when you`re addicted to the person with the problem. They become your drug because they`re so exciting. You have to give it to octo-mom. She is exciting.

WADE: But her mom looks exhausted.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: It`s not fun being co-dependent.

Mike Walters, what about a deal? We`ve heard so much. Obviously, this woman is very confident that something will work out. We keep hearing there might be a deal somewhere or maybe she made a lot of little deals around Hollywood as is often the case.

MIKE WALTERS, ASSIGNMENT MANAGER, TMZ: Well, I mean, let`s first say that octo-grandma is losing her house on March 5th. It goes on the auction block for sale where they all live. So first of all, it`s been reported that octo-mom has already taken money -- I mean octo-grandma has taken money for an interview.

Get beyond that, octo-mom also sold her pictures through an agency of her kids. She has a website where she`s collecting visa deposits. So hopefully, for their sake, the kids, octo-mom will take this money and pay for their care. Let`s all hope that.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: We have so much more. We`re back in a minute with more octo-mom drama. Hang in there.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: We`re back taking your calls and discussing all of the latest in the octo-mom case including the growing rift between Nadya Suleman and her parents.

Let`s go back to Mary Margaret, senior news editor, radar online; quite a scoop that you managed to get octo-mom and octo-grandma to sit down in front of cameras and argue.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: How did you accomplish that? The entire world was focused on Nadya and everything was about Nadya. And then we kind of stepped back and thought there`s more drama here. Where did this woman come from and what is the story behind her family?

And we approached her mother and her mother thankfully was welcome to kind of talk about the allegations of Nadya`s childhood and the dysfunction behind that. And one thing I would like on mention, TMZ, you know, brought up the fact that the interview might have been paid for and one thing is there was no money exchange. Radar online doesn`t pay for interviews, but at the same time I`m sure Nadya`s book`s going do well and the family will profit handsomely for this.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So you didn`t exchange any money in any way, shape or form. I just want to clear that up because there is always speculation that various people can say we didn`t pay them, but they paid somebody else that paid them at the end.

MARY MARGARET: No, to set the record straight, radar online, we`re a news organization and we don`t pay for interviews. We did give a location for the interview which was that house that everyone was speculating whether or not Nadya was going to buy it, but that`s pretty much the extent of it.


Paula in Florida. Your question or thought, ma`am?

PAULA, FLORIDA: I actually have three. One is if the man that talked to you last night turns out to be the eight babies` dads can the state of California go after him for the child support.

The second one since she`s an Angelina Jolie look alike, why didn`t she go to a celebrity look alike thing and make money doing that to support her family.

And the third one is I love your show, and I love your outspokenness, and that`s it.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: That is so sweet of you. Thank you, Paula. That`s very nice to hear.

I think I`m going to throw that out to Brenda Wade, psychologist in terms of the whole Angelina Jolie thing. I mean, look, Angelina Jolie is one of the most beautiful women in the world, we all know that. And Nadya Suleman, I`m not saying she`s unattractive, but she`s no Angelina Jolie, let`s face it; even if she`s trying to look like her.

WADE: Well, she`s obsessed with Angelina Jolie. I understand that she`s written letters for some period of time to Miss Jolie. She`s had surgery so she looks more like Angelina Jolie.

All of this says again, she`s not living in the real world. She`s living in a fantasy world. I do hope she`s going to get, first of all, good psychotherapy. Her mom`s going go to Al Anon and she needs some parenting classes. She`s got 14 kids.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: We`re done. That`s it. We`re out of time. I`m Jane Velez-Mitchell. You`re watching "ISSUES."


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on February 26, 2009, 10:12:54 AM


New Developments in Haleigh Cummings Disappearance

Aired February 25, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET



JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HOST (voice-over): Tonight, stunning new twists and turns in the disappearance of Haleigh Cummings, centering around her own family. Tensions were building in the days leading up to her abduction. One week before Haleigh vanished, dad, Ronald, reportedly filed a complaint against mom, Crystal Sheffield, for allegedly failing to pay child support. What does Crystal have to say about this? And could the drama provide clues?

And new questions emerge about Ronald`s arrest record. He fiercely denies reports he was a police informant. But why were his drug charges mysteriously dropped? We`ll take a closer look at this issue.

Then, more fallout from the brutal chimp attack in Connecticut. Victim Charla Nash remains in a medically-induced coma in grave condition. Meantime, her brother preps for a lawsuit on her behalf. I`ll have the very latest developments.

Plus, the Octomom`s psycho drama continues. TMZ reports Nadya Suleman has been offered one million bucks to do a porno. And the Octomom`s media campaign continues as she sits down with Dr. Phil and tells him she may not get immediate custody of her children. And I`ll have more fallout from the outrageous argument between the Octomom and her mother.

ISSUES starts now.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: It is day 16 in the search for missing Florida girl Haleigh Cummings. Investigators have been chasing down false Haleigh sightings as almost 2,000 leads pour in. An exhausted and frustrated family suffers the agony of not knowing.

Meantime, new reports now reveal the tensions between the beautiful little girl`s estranged mother and father reached a fever pitch the day before she disappeared. The reason? Child support. Court documents show Haleigh`s mother, Crystal, owes more than $4,000 in back child support. Her mom says she couldn`t pay, because she can`t find work in this bad economy.

Still, Ron took legal action against Crystal, and the timing is startling. Court papers are dated just one week before Haleigh vanished. But even more shocking: reports that Ron got court documents about the hearing on the day before Haleigh disappeared. Could this simply be a heart-breaking coincidence?

Meantime, questions continue regarding Ron Cummings` arrest record. Why so many drug charges but no convictions? Ron has said flat out he does not do drugs and is not a drug informant for cops. So much to talk about. And I am taking your calls.

First, my fantastic panel. Pastor Terry Wright, the Cummings family pastor; Pam Bondi, Florida state prosecutor; Paul Callan, criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor; plus Vinny Parco, private investigator; and Cindy Adams, the crime examiner for

Cindy, what is the very latest that you`re getting from

CINDY ADAMS, CRIMEEXAMINER.COM: Well, as you talked about, the rap sheet is an issue. Ron has many offenses. He doesn`t seem to have many convictions. He -- he had possession of marijuana, possession of cocaine. And I don`t think that really an issue in Haleigh`s disappearance, but I do think it becomes an issue regarding who he`s associated with and who may, you know, have a vendetta against him.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. It`s such a fascinating case. Let`s dive into it. Crystal Sheffield made accusations about her ex, Haleigh`s dad, Ron Cummings` alleged drug use. Geraldo Rivera from FOX asked Cummings about his drug history. Here`s what he said. Listen to Ron.


GERALDO RIVERA, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: What about the allegations of cocaine use, methamphetamine use?

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF HALEIGH: There`s nothing. I do not do drugs.

RIVERA: You don`t do drugs? All those arrests were all...


RIVERA: Do you work for the police? Are you an informant?

R. CUMMINGS: No, I am not an informant. I do not work for the police. I work for PDM, which is a bridge-building company. That`s who I work for.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: OK. There you hear it. But let`s look at his arrest record from Putnam County, Florida. Possession of cocaine and cannabis. That was dismissed. Use of drug paraphernalia, no action taken there. Maintaining a drug vehicle, no action taken. Hunting deer with gun from roadway, assault, that was dropped. Possession of a firearm, guilty.

Vinny Parco, you`re the private investigator. Overall, he seems to have gotten a lot of breaks when it comes to his drug arrests. Now, he had absolutely no convictions for drugs.

It`s very important to point out, once again, police say Ron`s alibi is firm. This is not about whether he did anything to his child. He was at work at the time of little Haleigh`s disappearance. But when asked whether he was a drug informant for cops, authorities would neither confirm nor deny it.

Vinny, your thoughts?

VINNY PARCO, PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR: OK. Well, many times law enforcement will not confirm or deny a statement like that. And that`s just standard operating procedure.

But if I was running a drug -- a drug operation for the police, he would be a prime -- prime informant for me. His arrest 4 1/2 years ago was for marijuana, for over excess of 20 grams, which in my opinion is intent to sell. Now, he skated on that. He skated on a lot of -- a lot of these crimes.

Now, he would be the perfect guy to be an informant, because he`s a local guy. He knows everybody. And he`s got a -- I mean, arrest record is extensive, but it`s all minor things.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Listen, I have to say again -- and I want to go to Pastor Terry Wright, who`s the Cummings family pastor. We are not discussing this to, in any way, shape, or form, imply that this poor man who`s been through hell did anything untoward toward his daughter. Authorities have said this guy was at work when his little girl was abducted.

The reason, Pastor, that it has become relevant is that people don`t have any answers. Nothing adds up. The entire community is living in fear. And there were questions raised as to whether somebody might be trying to retaliate against him, if he had done or said something that had perhaps gotten somebody locked up, for example.

Now, Pastor, you spoke to Ron, and you`ve also spoken to Crystal. Tell us about your conversations, particularly with Ron.

Pastor? Are you there? Oh, we -- we can`t hear the pastor. So as soon as we hear him, we`re going to get back to him. But we`re going to -- I want to hear what the pastor has to say. That is absolutely crucial.

Because we`re not trying to gang up on this guy. We`re trying to get to the heart of a perplexing mystery. And I hope that our viewers make that decision. I mean, this poor man has been through hell. And it really pains us to have to go into his record, but unfortunately, it could be relevant.

So, guys, tell me in my ear when the pastor is back, and we`ll go to him.

Meantime, just today, we also received Ron Cummings` arrest report for Sarasota County, Florida. Possession of controlled substance, morphine and Xanax, possession of a drug without valid prescription, possession of drug paraphernalia, violation of domestic injunction. Again, all the drug charges dropped.

Pam, you`re the Florida state prosecutor. You`ve analyzed the Sarasota County arrest record. What can you tell me about the drug charges and also this violation of domestic injunction? What does that mean?

PAM COUNTY, PROSECUTOR: Well, you know, Jane, and it`s interesting because, yes, I`ve been reviewing this. and we have a copy right here of the injunction.

He was pulled over on a routine traffic stop. And the police officer noticed some suspicion, brought in a drug dog, and he had all these drugs in his car, on his possession.

Now, also in the report it tells us -- we had known he had this violation -- an injunction. But now we know that he was not to possess firearms. He was not to come within 100 feet of Crystal, who was the petitioner at the time in the injunction.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So wait. In plain English, is that like a restraining order?

BONDI: Exactly. That`s exactly what it is. She had a restraining order. And this also mentions that they had minor children together.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Let`s go to the pastor. We have Pastor Wright. We`ve been -- we`ve been going through all of this. The friction between the two sides of the family, the problems with Ron. You spoke with them, both sides last night. What were your conversations, sir?

REV. JERRY WRIGHT, CUMMINGS FAMILY PASTOR: Yes. Here`s the situation. With Crystal, the mom, she is obviously very distraught, very upset, just wanting her daughter back. That is for sure.

Obviously, I spoke with Ronald just after that. We spent an hour, hour and a half together. Look, everyone understands that he, as the dad, and Crystal, as the mom, have not had a perfect past. We get that, right? That`s true.

However, they have come to the place at this point in their life where they`re doing things a lot better. Obviously, Ronald is working on a bridge company. He`s trying to do good, trying to make an honest living. And Mom is getting ready to be married again with an honorable guy. And, you know, that`s what`s going on there. But I...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Did you talk to him about -- and again, this has only come up not to suggest that he has done anything to his daughter. We know that he was at work.

WRIGHT: Right.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: But have you talked to him about this speculation that he might have been a drug informant for the cops? Because the cops are refusing to say one way or another. They were asked on Headline News, and they said, "We`re not going to comment."

WRIGHT: You`re correct. He told me absolutely not. He was not an informant for the Putnam County Sheriff`s Office. He was not an informant (UNINTELLIGIBLE). He was not an informant in any way, shape, and form. That`s not saying he didn`t do some things he regrets, but he was not an official informant. That is correct.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right, Pastor.

Well, let -- let me know back, then, to Vinny Parco. Let`s assume that he`s absolutely telling the truth. He was not a drug informant for cops. What are the other possibilities, given this drug -- alleged drug history with all these arrests that had no convictions in terms of how it could factor into missing Haleigh? I mean, we have heard about drag deals gone bad, for example, in the past, where a family member is taken in retaliation.

PARCO: I just have got to tell you, Jane, I truly believe that he has done nothing wrong in this respect. I don`t think he violated any code or any operation that might be present within the drug world. I don`t think he`s done any of that. I don`t believe any of that has a bearing on this particular case. He is incredibly distraught and upset. Let me tell you what he said last night.

I spent an hour and a half with him last night. He told me last night -- we were out in the middle of the cold in North Florida. Believe it or not, it does get cold in North Florida. We were out in the middle of North Florida, and he told me this. He said, "Pastor," he said, "I kissed my daughter, went to work, trying to make an honest living, trying to make an honest wage. I came home eight hours later, and she was gone."

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Period. End of story. Yes.

PARCO: End of story.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Thank you so much. But it`s not the end of this story.

Stay right there, everyone. So much more to cover in the search for little Haleigh Cummings, now in a second heartbreaking week. Do you think family turmoil was a factor in the disappearance? Call 1-877-JVM-SAYS. That`s 1-877-586-7297. And let me know.

First, here is Haleigh`s dad yesterday, again, begging for his daughter`s return.


R. CUMMINGS: I`m here to plead for the life of my daughter. I want her to come home. If you have her, please send her home. I don`t care how she gets here. Just bring her home. And if you`re watching, baby, I love you.




R. CUMMINGS: I just got home from work. My 5-year-old daughter is gone. I need somebody to be here now.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I understand. We`ve got two officers...

R. CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before y`all do, I`m killing them. I don`t care if I spend the rest of my life in prison. I`m telling you. You can put it on recording. I don`t care.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. It`s OK, sir. We`ve got them on the way. OK. Can you give me -- what kind of description of her pajamas that she was wearing?

R. CUMMINGS: I don`t (EXPLETIVE DELETED) know. I was at work.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Such agony on the part of Ron Cummings, the father of little missing Haleigh. And right now on the phone, we have a woman by the name of Crystal Cummings, who says she is Ron Cummings sister.

And Crystal, you reached out to us. And we called you back, and you are reportedly at the campsite right near the double wide trailer from which little Haleigh was abducted on February 10. Is that correct, ma`am?

CRYSTAL CUMMINGS, SISTER OF RON CUMMINGS: Right now I`m at work. I tried to get a hold of you last night, and I couldn`t. I had to come home to take care of -- I have a daughter myself. And I had to come home and take care of her. But I will be back down there tomorrow. I just wanted to speak on his behalf.


C. CUMMINGS: Because he was told not to speak to anybody by the detectives.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, speak on his behalf then. There`s so much speculation surrounding his history, and he was confronted with this question, was he ever a drug informant for police.

Again, not to suggest that he did anything with his daughter, but that perhaps somebody might want to retaliate against them. He said no, but others have looked at his record. I mean, we`re talking about high-powered prosecutors have said this seems very indicative of somebody who would have gotten a pass to be an informant.

C. CUMMINGS: Right. It is my understanding that he has had lawyers cover -- cover his case. He was put on probation and successfully completed all of that. It was held for adjudication.

I know that he is not an informant. And not trying to be rude or anything, but for someone to get on the TV and say that is actually putting his life in danger and his other child`s.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, let me ask you this question. What are your thoughts as to who might have taken little Haleigh? The only reason we`re even discussing this is because we all want to find little Haleigh, and the facts of the case don`t seem to add up.

C. CUMMINGS: Personally, me, I think it was a predator.


C. CUMMINGS: I mean, I don`t see anybody -- I know he didn`t have any -- anyone that was against him or anything. So, I mean, really -- we -- we`re not getting any more information than you guys are. So I really couldn`t -- I mean, from me, my point of view, I think somebody that had been watching the house and knew when my brother went to work, because he`s only been on the night job for three weeks. So I think somebody -- somebody that knew that he was gone and went in that house and took Haleigh.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Just one last question. Yes or no. Does your brother have any enemies?


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Has he had any fights with people at all?

C. CUMMINGS: No, he hasn`t.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Well, Ron Cummings` sister, Crystal Cummings, I hope you call us back again. And we want to hear from you. We want this to be part of the solution, not part of the problem.

And again, it`s nothing that we are getting any pleasure out of discussing, but there are so many bizarre aspects to the family friction that we have to take a look at it, because there are those who feel maybe somewhere in this, like searching for a needle in a haystack, we might find something that can help bring little Haleigh home. I thank you so much for calling, and we all pray that Haleigh is found, found alive and brought back. Thank you.

All right. Let`s talk about this. Haleigh`s has been missing since the early hours of February 10th. The family and police believe that this is an abduction. Is that why there`s an air of fear in this community?

Watch Connie Sheffield, Haleigh`s maternal step-grandmother, talking about her concerns for Haleigh`s 4-year-old brother, R.J., also known as Ron Jr., just last night.


CONNIE SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH`S MATERNAL STEP-GRANDMOTHER: I think there`s concerns for R.J.`s safety. People are tired, angry, hurt, and we don`t have any answers.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So when you say R.J., you`re talking about Junior, the little boy?


VELEZ-MITCHELL: And you have concerns about his safety? Well, that`s a new one. I had not even thought about that. Obviously we`re all looking for little Haleigh. But the implication is that he might not be in safe hands right now?

SHEFFIELD: Not necessarily in reference to whom he`s with, but whoever took Haleigh may target the family again. We don`t know this.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So you`re...

SHEFFIELD: I`m concerned for my son myself. He`s 3, and you know, when nightfall comes about in this neighborhood, we left. We wouldn`t even stay for the vigils.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Vinny Parco, there`s so much fear in this community. Is it time for police to come out and speak and say, "This was eliminated as a suspect. That one is. This one" -- they will not confirm one way or another whether Ron was a drug informant. He says no. But wouldn`t it be helpful? This man is going through hell.

PARCO: Yes, but you know, it`s possible -- maybe he`s not a drug informant, but maybe a drug deal went bad. You know, he`s got a long history of drug abuse. And I`m not accusing him of anything, but you know, it`s possible that he`s involved with some people that retaliated by taking the child.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Pam Bondi, what`s your...

WRIGHT: Jane, that is absolutely not true. Listen, I was with Ron last night for an hour and a half. That is absolutely not true. He is not in any way involved with people that are going to come and take Junior.

However, he is concerned, because Haleigh was taken far beyond his understanding that that would ever happen, but Junior is not in any danger of being taken. I promise you that -- that Ronald is doing a great job of taking care of his son.

PAUL CALLAN, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Jane, I just want to jump in for a minute on this and disagree with Vinny. You know, drug records can be very, very deceptive in the sense that a lot of times, charges are made, and because it was a bad search by the police, the case gets thrown out. Sometimes when they seize the drugs and they test the drugs, they don`t turn out to be the controlled substance the person was charged with.


CALLAN: So it doesn`t mean that he`s an informant.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Stay right there. We`re back in just a minute with more of this debate so that we can hopefully help find this beautiful little girl.



TERESA NEVES, HALEIGH`S PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER: I don`t feel like anybody should have said that, you know? I mean, you don`t know who has my grandchild. We don`t know who has my grandchild. And if it`s somebody who would hurt my grandchild -- you know, if you are that person and you feel like we can identify you, what would be your next move then? You know?


VELEZ-MITCHELL: and the phone lines lighting up on this terrible case. Gabby in New York, your question or thought, ma`am?

CALLER: Well, I understand that you have a job to do with trying to get to the bottom of this, but it seems to me, comment and question, that you people are vilifying the father when the mother herself has her own arrest record. She`s $4,000 behind in child support. If she was a man, she`d be in jail for that already.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, it sounds like you`re vilifying her a little bit. I mean, listen, the facts are the facts. And if we recite them, it - - I would say don`t blame the messenger. This would not be relevant, except that questions have been raised, and we`re trying to answer those questions and then move on.

And I want to ask, Paul Callan, about the mother issue and the fact that reportedly Crystal, Haleigh`s mother, owed $4,000 in back child support. Ron went to get the child support, took legal action, and the paperwork announcing that there would be a March 27 hearing, which has since been canceled, arrived the day before little Haleigh went missing. Just a sad and odd coincidence?

CALLAN: Well, I`m just going to step back and look at it like I think a police officer or a prosecutor would look at it. And they`ve said everybody is a suspect in this case.

And the reality is that this is a possible motive. You know, I`m not saying that it supports charges against her, but certainly the police are going to say there`s a motive here because of the problems and the fight over back child support. So that`s something they`re analyzing. And you know, how it plays out ultimately depends upon all the other facts in the case. But that`s certainly on the table.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Pastor Wright, the reason why all of this is coming to a head is because the authorities have not excluded anyone as a suspect. I`ve covered many cases where, as the days and the weeks go by, the authorities will come out and say, "You know what," for example, in a case where a woman is murdered, and always the husband and the boyfriend is looked at first.

When they are cleared, they say that person is no longer -- they`ve been cleared as a suspect. Don`t you think police need to come out now and say something to clear the air, given the fear that has been expressed about children in this community? Everybody is looking at everybody, because nobody has been excluded as a suspect.

WRIGHT: Yes. Let me speak to two things you mentioned. First of all, I`ve been approached by no less than a dozen -- maybe a dozen and a half people over the last week, week and a half that have said, "We have changed our sleeping arrangements based upon this case." In other words, parents have come to me saying the mom is sleeping in the bed with children, the dad is on the couch.

Matter of fact, I had a lady just two nights ago -- catch this -- saying, "I have booby trapped the windows just in case someone is trying to come in and get my child." So that`s going on. So that`s issue one.

But issue two is this. The sheriff`s office cannot come out and make some sort of statement if they don`t have evidence for it.

Now, look, the psychosocial dynamics of our community have really been in upheaval. And that is horrible, because we are a simple community with great people just wanting to live the simple life.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: We just want to solve this case. Thank you so much, gentlemen. Please come back soon.

Want to know what porn, tumors and Dr. Phil have in common? Octomom. We`ll explain next.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Breaking news in the Caylee Anthony case: an emergency court hearing was held today ruling that Casey`s parents George and Cindy Anthony will not have to give sworn depositions tomorrow in the Zanny the nanny civil suit. I`ll have the very latest on the legal wrangling.

Plus, the circus surrounding the octo-mom heats up; TMZ reports Nadya Suleman has been offered one million bucks to do a porno. Perhaps going for a more wholesome image Suleman sat down with Dr. Phil today. You won`t believe what she told him.

Breaking news tonight in the Caylee Anthony case -- a stunning turn of events in the Zenaida Gonzales defamation suit against Casey Anthony. You`ll recall that Zenaida is the woman who said Casey ruined her life in an 11th hour emergency hearing.

Today, the lawyer for Casey`s parents, George and Cindy, fought tooth and nail to prevent them from having to testify under oath tomorrow. In a surprise decision, the judge delayed their deposition but just for 20 days; that, to allow their attorney to present evidence of the psychological trauma George and Cindy are suffering.

But is putting off what is perhaps inevitable fair to Zenaida Gonzalez? Zenaida claims her reputation has been destroyed after Casey Anthony linked her name to the case with the now-infamous claim that Zanny the nanny abducted the child. Of course, we say it`s complete nonsense. Zenaida is asking for more than $15,000 in punitive damages.

Joining me now to thrash all of this out: criminal defense attorney Rebecca Woodland; and Steve Helling, staff writer for "People" magazine who has been covering this case from the very beginning.

Steve, the attorney for Cindy and George now has to present evidence of their psychological trauma. The world knows that George apparently tried to commit suicide recently. Isn`t that enough?

STEVE HELLING, STAFF WRITER, "PEOPLE" MAGAZINE: Well, it would be enough, but then again, there`s also Cindy who has to be deposed as well. So they`re going to have to go into a little bit on both of them and just what the -- what the doctors have to say about them.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Why didn`t he bring all that to the hearing today so that instead of having to go back in 20 days and do this all over again we could have gotten some resolution?

HELLING: Well, he bought himself 20 days and that`s really what he was looking for.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Well, Zenaida says her life was ruined -- ruined, when Casey linked her name to an abduction of little Caylee, something cops say is a complete fiction anyway.

Here is Zenaida this past summer before she was comfortable revealing her face.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What has your life been like?

ZENAIDA GONZALEZ, SUING CASEY ANTHONY FOR DEFAMATION: Oh, horrible. Horrible. My name -- because it`s not so much because they know my face, it`s more or less because they know my name. And so they know my name and everywhere I go they are obviously are insinuating that I did something wrong because my name is so much on the news.

Plus, I haven`t been able to get a job. I haven`t been able to do much of nothing because everybody is just judging me by my name.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Zenaida is asking for more than $15,000 in punitive damages. Rebecca Woodland, what do you need to prove to win punitive damages?

REBECCA WOODLAND, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, that she has to prove, Zenaida and her attorney, has to prove that this was reckless beyond negligent. It was reckless. It was intentional. That Caylee Anthony -- that the Anthony`s in general, she may be suing all of the parents, the daughter.

She wants the parents to discuss with the attorneys and at the deposition exactly what happened, where this information -- upon which it was based. Where did anyone come up with her name?

She is saying I went to the Sawgrass apartments once. I don`t know this people, I never had and contact with this child and now. So that`s reckless. Not only was there no interaction and I didn`t take the child, I don`t even know the child.

So they have to prove recklessness beyond negligence for the punitive in this case.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now part of the problem here is that the Anthony family isn`t budging from the story that somebody named Zenaida took little Caylee. Listen to what Brad Conway, George and Cindy`s attorney said back in December.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you still think that Zenaida Gonzalez had something to do with this?



CONWAY: But not the Zenaida Gonzalez that Mr. Morgan represents. And Casey Anthony has made it clear from the beginning that the individual that Mr. Morgan represents is not the Zenaida Gonzalez that she was referring to.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: So, Steve Helling, does the fact that the family is basically sticking to the story and saying, well, it`s a different Zenaida, does that impact the civil case?

HELLING: Well, of course it will. But the point is has it affected this specific Zenaida Gonzalez? And she would say the answer is yes. Whether or not she`ll be able to get a jury to award her anything remains to be seen.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, now, let me just ask you a follow-up. Lee Anthony is going to do his deposition on Friday, no questions asked. He`s not making a big deal about it. He`s saying basically I don`t know anything and that`s what I`m going to tell them.

So Steve, why are Cindy and George so afraid of having to say whatever it is that they know? Steve? Hello, Steve? Are you there? All right, everybody has just gone silent. That was such a shocking question.

WOODLAND: I hear you.


WOODLAND: Yes, I hear you, Jane.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: You go ahead. You take it.

WOODLAND: The Anthony`s maybe -- their attorneys are claiming -- let`s first say their attorneys are claiming that they are very traumatized by their daughter being in jail and by their granddaughter.

Now, we know the evidence of her remains were found. They are traumatized. What could be is that they are traumatized. They`re not ready to relive it psychologically. Could also be that they are afraid they may remit or somehow release information that should only be released or they feel would be in their best interest to be released in the criminal case, which may help the criminal case or help their daughter.

There may be other issues that we`re not aware of, but their attorney is stating it`s for psychological reasons.

VELEZ-MITHCELL: All right, well listen, we`ve got so much more, of course.

Friday is when Lee does his depo, so we`re going to have an update on that on Friday. Thank you, Steve and Rebecca both for your insights.

And now, octo-drama reaching a fever pitch with Dr. Phil, Oprah, TMZ, Radar Online and various other media outlets all uncovering stunning new information.

Meantime, octo-mom says she`s worried the local hospital won`t let her take eight newborns home. TV`s Dr. Phil tells the L.A. Times today a distressed octo-mom called him on the phone saying she was just all afraid that Kaiser Permanente, the hospital where she gave birth to the octuplets wouldn`t release her eight babies until she proved she can care for them. You think?

And in a separate conversation airing today, she made this shocking admission to the good doctor.


DR. PHIL MCGRAW, HOST, "DR. PHIL SHOW": I wonder if you have gotten addicted to being pregnant.

NADYA SULEMAN, MOTHER OF THE OCTUPLETS: I loathe pregnancy. I hate it more than anything in the world.

PHIL: But you`ve been pregnant so --

SULEMAN: The only way to have the children is through IVF and it was through the pregnancies. It`s the result, the baby, the child. This pregnancy I could have done without. I actually -- after my third, I looked into adoption.



Meantime, another bizarre twist: TMZ reports that a notorious pornography producer has made Suleman a $1 million offer for a starring role.

Plus, the latest outrageous accusations by octo-granny during that confrontation with her daughter that was caught on tape by Radar Online.

I`m going to be taking your calls on this in just a moment. But first, my expert panel: Kelly Burning, producer at TMZ; Mary Margaret, senior news editor with and Dr. Gail Saltz, a clinical psychiatrist and associate professor at New York Presbyterian Hospital.

Dr. Saltz, the babies might soon be healthy enough to leave the hospital. Nadya is afraid the hospital still won`t release them because of all the craziness going on. How might this play out with the hospital and Child Protective Services?

DR. GAIL SALTZ, CLINICAL PSYCHIATRIST: Well, the hospital is under an obligation, really, to -- before they send any mother home to make sure that the mother`s capable or somebody is capable and going to take care of the children adequately, that the environment that they`re going home to is well-supervised and a healthy environment.

And there`s usually a social worker on a case to make sure that this is happening. And certainly in the case where there are so many babies going home, of course they`re going to step in and take a look at that. And if she`s worried, well, I can only assume she`s worried because she`s not necessarily able to prove that.

But that is their responsibility legally and ethically.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So it looks like that they`re not going home. They`re, I think, 34 weeks and there`s a possibility if they`re healthy, they might go home at 35 weeks. That`s a week from now. But it looks like unless she can resolve all of these problems those children might remain at the hospital.

Now, the confrontation between octo-mom and her mom, octo-granny, has taken another very, very, very, very weird turn. Listen to this exchange which appears at


ANGELA SULEMAN, GRANDMOTHER OF 14: You won`t really know in the beginning whether she`s kind of -- I don`t know how to say this. She`s done the other ones, you know, without letting me know and then all of a sudden her stomach is growing bigger and bigger and I say what`s going on and she says, oh, I have a tumor. Yes, right.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: I have a tumor. Mary Margaret, senior news editor, Radar Online, you got that. I mean, obviously she didn`t have a tumor. So we`re talking more lies.

Now, remember what Denis Beaudoin, who claimed to be the octo-sperm donor, told ABC`s "Good Morning America". He said Nadya said time was running out and he had to donate his sperm ASAP because she had ovarian cancer.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: So we`re seeing lies here with a pattern to them.

MARGARET: No, that`s definitely something that we found the most interesting in this interaction, was as you said this pattern of deception.

One big question on everyone`s mind is; is she going to have more children and what exactly is her mental state? And from what we can see from this interaction with her and her mom, clearly she`s someone to watch. She`s someone who will say one thing and do another. And that`s a scary and dangerous prospect.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Kelly Burning, tell us about the porn angle to all of this.

KELLY BURNING, TMZ PRODUCER: Well, it`s a weird development, but a very large, very big porn company has offered her $1 million to be one of their contract girls, which means she has to actually be in multiple films.

And then in a weirder twist, there`s another porn company that has offered her one year`s worth of diapers not to do the $1 million for porn.


KELLY: So they`re afraid of her ridicule and scorn.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: This is just too much. We got to get in to all of this. There`s so much more, sit tight. A lot more to sort through in the octo-mom story and I want to hear your take. Call 1-877-JVM-SAYS. That`s 1-877-586-7297.

Back in a moment.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: I`ll have more on the outrageous octo-mom developments.

But first, "Top of the Block" tonight.

An update on the savage beating of Rihanna: On February 7th, she suffers severe cuts and bruises and was reportedly even bitten. The alleged attacker was her boyfriend, allegedly, fellow pop star Chris Brown. Brown was arrested for making criminal threats against her, but he`s not been charged. Still, he`s now taking anger management classes.

Legally he doesn`t have to take those classes, but reports claim Brown is attending the classes at the behest of his PR guru. After the alleged abuse, brown lost lucrative endorsement deals with Wrigley`s gum and other campaigns. Some stations even stopped playing his songs.

But if he voluntarily goes to anger management classes, that could help fix his image. However, what`s more important is that he learns something from those classes, namely that violence is not a sign of power. It`s a sign that your rage is controlling you.

That`s tonight`s "Top of the Block."

Now back with my panel and your calls with more real-life drama in the octo-mom story. Denise, South Carolina, your question or thought, ma`am?



DENISE: I was just wanting to know, if she was getting all those food stamps and stuff with the six children, where was she getting the money to have all of these plastic surgeries and the things to getting her pregnant, the shots and stuff?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, that`s an excellent question. And of course, she denies, Kelly Burning, having plastic surgery. But obviously all of these -- these embryo implants are very, very expensive. Didn`t she get some kind of disability thing from an injury?

KELLY BURNING: Yes. I mean, she`s received -- she received a lot of different monies from different places through the government, through taxpayers.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. Mary Margaret, she had injured herself on the job several years ago and she got a lump sum payment or pay-out of a pretty substantial amount, didn`t she?

MARY MARGARET, RADAR ONLINE: Right. Yes, she did. Of course, as we know, she set up that website currently where she, you know, is able to get donations and that kind of thing from people who, you know, don`t really necessarily care about her but care more about the well-being of the children. So obviously, she has a very enterprising and entrepreneurial mind.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: That`s one way of putting it. Mary Margaret, you`re an optimist.

Kathy in Ohio, question or thought, ma`am?

CATHY, OHIO: I was wondering, if Nadya proves to be an unfit mother, what will happen to the babies?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, Dr. Gail Saltz, you`ve sort of outlined a bit, but go through the actually process. They`re in the hospital now. What if the Child Protective Services gets involved? What could be the possible outcomes?

DR. GAIL SALTZ, PSYCHIATRIAST: Well, the most likely outcome is that they`d discharge them to foster care. That would be temporary until -- I mean, unless, you know, this proved to be a long-term situation that she was deemed unfit.

And the question is what does unfit mean? Is she really unfit to take care of a child or would she be deemed to be unfit to take care of 14 children? Many people would not be able to provide a healthy environment for 14 babies.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Who could? I can`t imagine anybody, especially a single mom who doesn`t have a job.

DR. SALTZ: Yes, exactly. And unfortunately, foster care is not a great solution. That`s not an optimal care situation for babies either who really do need to be with a mother, with a consistent parent. They need that bonding. It can be pretty traumatic for a child, quite honestly, to be in a foster care, to move from place to place, and to not be able to be with their mother. They have to weigh that carefully.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: My heart goes out to these little tiny, angelic children. Gosh, who knows what they could face in the future.

Peggy in Washington, your question or thought, ma`am?

PEGGY, WASHINGTON: I just am amazed that no one has ever told the parents of Nadya that they`re really enabling her to do all of this. It`s never going to be over.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I love that question.

PEGGY: They have to stop enabling her right now or they have to stop when they die, which won`t be too long probably.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I agree with you 100 percent. I do believe that octo granny is co-dependent and needs to get some help for that.

DR. SALTZ: Jane, I would just add here that, you know, parents -- they often find themselves in this horrible, tough situation. Do they let their grandchildren, you know, fall along with this child who`s doing this? It`s so conflicted for a parent.

You see this with parents where the child is, you know, involved with alcohol and drugs. At what point do I just step away, tough love, let them fall? And you can see unfortunately the flip side, what enabling can do. And, you know, the terrible future that this is going to predict.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: It`s easy to say, hypothetically, don`t enable her, but when there`s six crying mouths, which there were before she had eight more, what are you going to do? You have to feed these grandchildren of yours.

If you`re outraged at octo-mom, well, guess what. The feeling is mutual. Listen to what she has to say to her critics and how she deflects her mom`s question.



NADYA SULEMAN, MOTHER OF OCTUPLETS: Well, I don`t have any further embryos. I keep hearing the word responsibility -- this is enough. This isn`t a right. This is a responsibility. I have no choice. I have to delve completely into the role of motherhood.

I have to disagree with anyone who would have the audacity to say that any of these children should be adopted because I have more love for these children than I think -- well almost. I`m sure many parents would have just as much love. But this is something that I find to be really a joke.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Mary Margaret, what`s shocking is she doesn`t say absolutely no way, I would never have another child. She doesn`t say it that way.

MARY MARGARET: Right. That`s exactly what Angela`s concern was and echoes the concern of America is this feeling that she actually secretly enjoys the attention, even though she claims it impedes on her life at the same time, obviously she courts it in a way. That is something that, again, we have to watch since this is obviously a woman who seems like she might be imbalanced.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I do feel that Dr. Phil hit the nail on the head when he said are you addicted to pregnancy. Even though she says she abhors being pregnant, the fact is there is an addictive component to her behavior. They say one drink isn`t enough, a thousand is too many.

It`s the same thing with her except instead of a drink, it`s a child. And it`s just bizarre. Stick around, more octo-mom drama in just moments.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Are you a big fan of Angelina?

N. SULEMAN: No. I`m actually not a fan of anybody. I don`t put people on pedestals.




DR. PHIL, HOST, "DR. PHIL" SHOW: If you don`t have the plans in place, you need to say so, so we can help. If you`re saying, "I`ve got it," people are going to say, "Hey, she`s got it."

N. SULEMAN: Not all of it. Not all of it.

DR. PHIL: But you don`t have it, do you?

N. SULEMAN: Not all of it. No. We`re working on it. It`s starting to look a lot more positive.

DR. PHIL: You don`t have the money. You don`t have the manpower, you don`t have the housing. You didn`t have a plan for these children. The plan that you had for the six that you have --

N. SULEMAN: Right.

DR. PHIL: -- is a substandard plan.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: There is Dr. Phil holding Nadya Suleman`s feet to the fire and confronting her with very important but tough questions about her lack of planning while she proceeds to have 14 children with no job, while she`s getting food stamps, while three of her kids are disabled and they`re getting disability payments. The list goes on and on.

Mary, what`s so astounding is that this organization called Angels in Waiting has been waiting for her to take them up on her offer to offer round the clock help with these kids. What`s going on?

MARY MARGARET: Right. Radar on line this morning talked exclusively to Gloria Allred who said that Angels in Waiting were ready and waiting to, as you said, offer round the clock care and also actually even give them a home to be in.

As radar online showed today, the standards that they live in right now are definitely substandard as Dr. Phil says. I mean, wall to wall are toys, and clothes are littered everywhere. It`s not a place that you want children to live in.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, she better take them up on that offer, I think, before the deadline because she knows the hospital may not release. If the hospital knew that Angels in Waiting was waiting there to take the kids, they might release the children. That would be a win-win for everybody, especially for the kids, which is -- they`re the people we care about the most.

Kelly burning, as a producer at TMZ, you are constantly covering these media storms. Have you ever seen anything like this in a case of this nature? We`ve seen media storms with murder trials but nothing like this.

BURNING: I think it started out kind of as sweet, everybody was like, "Octuplets, that`s so sweet." Then it was just like, "Wow, she has six other kids. She doesn`t have a job." So then it turned into kind of like we`re starting to question the fertility drugs, who should get them, brings up a lot of questions.

But, no. She`s the perfect candidate, very willing to talk to the media, loves the attention and she looks like Angelina Jolie.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I don`t think Angelina Jolie would be too happy about that comparison. She`s one of the most beautiful women in the world.

But we`re out of time. Mary, Kelly, Dr. Saltz, thank you.

I`m Jane Velez-Mitchell. You`re watching "ISSUES."


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on February 27, 2009, 10:22:18 AM


Cops Search Dumpster Near Haleigh`s Home

Aired February 26, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET



JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HOST (voice-over): Breaking news tonight. Out of Florida, in the desperate search for 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings, at this very moment as we speak, authorities are searching through a construction Dumpster. You`re looking at the live picture right now. Close to Haleigh`s Satsuma home, after a cadaver dog hit on this particular location.

This stunning development as investigators today took the search back to the scene of the crime, Haleigh`s home. Numerous officers plus seven cadaver dogs searched panels under neighborhood homes.

We`ve also learned that late this afternoon, Ron went back to the very trailer home where his little daughter disappeared to talk to investigators inside the trailer. Let`s go straight to the scene of this search.

Joining me by phone is our producer on the ground, Amy Doyle. What exactly are we looking at there? We have a live picture of a Dumpster and numerous people around it.

What is going on, Amy?

AMY DOYLE, CNN HEADLINE NEWS PRODUCER: Well, Jane, basically for the past two hours, investigators have been searching this Dumpster. They constructed the lights so they had better night vision. They are now -- they put out blue tarps about an hour ago. They are now taking piece by piece, trash, possible evidence, whatever, laying it out on -- laying it out on the tarps in front of them and sifting through it.

This has been by far the busiest day in the last week here, beginning with the cadaver search this morning. Investigators have been on scene all day long. We were tipped off by the captain at Putnam. He confirmed that this came in from a hit off of the cadaver dog today.

They are not saying whether it is human remains or animal remains, but there was a hit in this exact location. As of right now, we are standing by for any information coming out of the Putnam County sheriff`s office. Police are searching through this construction Dumpster and seeing what they can sift through.

So right now we are waiting in a holding pattern, trying to find out any more information at this time.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: I wanted to ask you about the families.

DOYLE: Yes. Both families are alerted and aware, as we are, that they are searching here. I did speak with Crystal Sheffield, mother of 5- year-old Haleigh Cummings, about five minutes ago. She says she was aware of this investigation. She said that they have gotten -- they have not called her with any information or any sign that they have found anything at this location as of yet. But she is on stand-by, waiting at any moment for any information that the sheriff`s office can give her.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Amy, I understand that the sheriff`s office wanted her DNA sample today. Did they get it? And is it possible that they wanted that DNA sample to match up with DNA that they have located there in the Dumpster or believe they will locate?

DOYLE: She did leave the grounds today around 1:30 this afternoon to go and give a DNA sample. When I talked to Putnam`s captain, Dick Shawlin (ph), he said this is routine, that Ron Cummings, the father of 5-year-old Haleigh, also gave his DNA at the beginning of this investigation. That this is routine. She did offer it willingly. And that it`s just taken a couple of weeks to get her in the office to give that DNA sample.

They have not concluded whether that DNA sample is linked to anything new in this investigation as far as this current search is concerned.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Why did they decide to come back here today and search around the home? They said that they weren`t going to do ground searches. They were only going to follow specific leads. Now, at first they had said this wasn`t a search that was based on a lead, but we`ve seen reports that possibly it was a tip-off from a neighbor. What do you know?

DOYLE: All I know from the captain, he said they have not confirmed that this was a tip. They are here directly in result to the cadaver dog finding something here of importance to the investigation. They said as soon as the cadaver dogs made a hit, they put together a team to come down to the ground and search this construction Dumpster.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, you are looking at it there. Teams working. Now, their process at this point, I assume, Amy, is going to be removing everything they don`t think is relevant from that Dumpster. Apparently, they`re bringing in another Dumpster to put next to it to put the irrelevant material in a second Dumpster and then find -- who knows what they`re going to find.

But obviously, they are looking for something that could be very tragic in terms of a find. We hope that that is not the case. We pray that this is a false positive and that this cadaver dog didn`t hit on little Haleigh.

But obviously, this is a huge, huge development in the case. And you can just see by the number of people there that this is something that is extraordinarily significant.

What, Amy, is the mood there right now? It must be quite somber.

DOYLE: It is extremely somber. Both camps are retreating to be with their family members at this time. Not one family member is out here on site at the search. They are reconvening with their family. It is very somber.

I was just up with Crystal Sheffield. She`s got a lot -- a huge support system there. I`m assuming Ron Cummings does, as well. There`s probably about 20 to 25 people gathered up at the mother`s camp right now, all praying. They`re starting to light the vigil candles. Everybody is hoping that this is a false positive lead.

However, you know, Crystal said that she`s just waiting, standing by her phone for any kind of tip that the sheriff`s department can give her. Although at this time, she knows as much as we do, Jane. She`s sitting there desperately wanting to know if this has anything to do with the disappearance of her daughter.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Teresa Neves, Ronald`s mom, said she had asked authorities numerous times to search this area and was reportedly told that they had. So why didn`t this come up sooner? Did they search this area but without cadaver dogs?

DOYLE: Well, all we know right now, Jane, is that the cadaver dogs today directly linked to this search that we are seeing right this minute. They started. Investigators were on scene around 5 p.m. They set up the whole scene. They blocked it off, brought in the lights, brought in the tarp, brought in the gloves, and have been picking through piece by piece for the last two hours of anything that`s remotely significant. Trash, trash bags. They are rummaging through whatever they possibly can to see if anything is leading to any tips in Haleigh`s disappearance.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Amy, stand by.

Now I want to turn the conversation over to my panel. Steve Kardian, former criminal investigator; Debbie Magids, psychologist; plus Jayne Weintraub, criminal defense attorney; and Scott Johnson, reporter with WJXT.

Scott, the question I think that would be an everybody`s mind is, one, are these cadaver dogs human specific or do they just hit on remains that could be human remains or animal remains? Do you know anything specific about these particular cadaver dogs?

SCOTT JOHNSON, REPORTER, WJXT: I have been looking into that. We have heard from one of the people who had a dog out here -- I don`t know if it`s a specific dog that found this, but that person did tell us that these are human-specific cadaver dogs.

But I`ve also heard two stories here. A different person with the investigating agency out here says the dog could have noticed an animal. So it`s really something that we haven`t gotten a clear, concise answer on yet. Could the dog have noticed an animal? Could it have noticed human remains? Could it have noticed a used bandage? That was another thing that was speculated.

So a lot of questions out here as we sit and watch, as you were saying. It`s gone on for around two hours now, as we try and determine what exactly this dog noticed. They say there`s definitely something here, and they will probably be here throughout the night until they found something. We just don`t know what it is.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, Scott, we`re about 17 days into this search.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Have they searched that area before? And if they did, did they use dogs?

JOHNSON: I don`t know if they used dogs. They have definitely searched that area before. Dogs have been out here earlier in the investigation. They brought them back out today, because they say that is standard procedure. It wasn`t on any leads. And then this came up.

I don`t know if they took -- went into this Dumpster specifically, but they have been around this area all over in past days. So if this was something that would have been put in the Dumpster recently or not, we can only speculate. Police will eventually have to answer that question.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And, Scott, let`s just get, before we go to the rest of our panel, the big picture here. Because this was one of numerous developments. They brought Misty, the girlfriend, who was the last adult to see little Haleigh before her disappearance, in for more questioning. They`ve talked to Ron.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: They sought a DNA sample from Haleigh`s mom.

JOHNSON: That`s right.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: There was a convergence. There was a convergence of activity. So what do you think they knew before they got this hit?

JOHNSON: We don`t know. But it was interesting to see so many things going on. But a lot of these things that I`ve been told prior to the dog - - what the dog noticed were standard protocol. The mom going in for the DNA test is standard. They say they just hadn`t gotten around to bringing her in yet.

They did talk to Ronald Cummings earlier today, investigators did. We don`t know what that conversation consisted of.

But a lot of the things that have gone on up until the dog finding this, I`m told, have been standard protocol. Before this, they said, "We don`t really have any new leads for you." So this has been the first concrete thing I`ve seen in days. We`ll have to wait and see how it pans out.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, Steve Kardian, former criminal investigator, we`ve been hearing for days now everyone`s a suspect. They haven`t eliminated anyone as a suspect. We also wondered whether this could be a stranger abduction. What does all of this tell you, not necessarily in terms of an individual, but where this investigation is headed?

STEVE KARDIAN, FORMER CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR: Well, Jane, based upon the statistical data that we have, we know that less than one half of 1 percent of actual childhood abductions are non-custodial. So that would indicate that it`s someone that knows the child.

With regard to the dogs hitting on that Dumpster, I spent a number of days at 9/11, as did many thousands of other police officers, behind the cadaver dogs. And my conversations that I had with those dog handlers were very vivid in the nature of that, and they are human remains specific. They are trained to detect human remains and to -- to detect disguises by someone that may be trying to hide the element of a body.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, certainly, we hope and pray that this is a false positive. We all want little Haleigh to come home alive. And there have been examples of false positives.

But, Jayne Weintraub, you`ve done so many cases, and you`re so experienced. You look at this. You think also of little Caylee Anthony, found right near her family home. It seems that there`s a certain predictability or pattern to these cases as they unfold.

JAYNE WEINTRAUB, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: And you`re absolutely right, Jane. There are.

No. 1, the fact that the dad gave the DNA last week also tells you it is protocol to have DNA. Why? God forbid. It`s called in case there`s an identification of remains that are unidenfiable.

KARDIAN: Yes, Jane...

WEINTRAUB: I hate to say that, but that`s why they ask for it, No. 1.

No. 2, you`ll notice in this case, unlike in the Casey Anthony case, the police have kept everything very close to the vest. We don`t know if there were hair fibers left on the bed. We don`t know if there were fingerprints on the entry. We don`t know if there were footprints on the outside in the mudded area. We don`t know, because it hasn`t been released.

All we can really hope and pray is that it`s an Elizabeth Smart case. She will come safely home. And that`s what we`ll have.

Perhaps the Dumpster hit -- I agree with Steve. It`s usually just live remains hit, but it could be blood on a skin coming off that was bandaged up in an Ace bandage and a gauze piece. Something like that. But it is definitely human blood that the dog is smelling.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, you`re absolutely right. It could be that maybe this child injured herself on the way out and, somehow, that ended up in the Dumpster. Let`s hope.

Everybody, hang tight. Lots of stunning developments to analyze. We will have much more on this breaking news. Cops frantically searching a Dumpster near little Haleigh`s home after cadaver dogs hit on that Dumpster. You`re looking at a live shot.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Breaking news tonight. Cops search a Dumpster near Haleigh Cummings` home. You`ve been looking at live pictures of the work they are doing right now. I am back with my panel.

And I am also here with a very extraordinary guest, Marie Griffis, Haleigh`s maternal grandmother.

Marie, thank you for joining us. I know this is an extraordinarily difficult time for you. And I just want you to know that our hearts go out to you and your entire family. Our prayers are that this is a false positive and that little Haleigh is OK.

What were you told? I understand the family got some phone calls. Tell us all about that.

MARIE GRIFFIS, HALEIGH`S GRANDMOTHER: My husband had called me. He said he saw it on the news that the cadaver dogs were -- hit on a Dumpster. And it`s showing it right here on HLN right now, that they`ve got all the garbage dug out on the ground. And it`s just -- I don`t know.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Did you get any calls from authorities?

GRIFFIS: No. I haven`t heard from authorities in over a week. They haven`t said -- they haven`t contacted us and said anything.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: OK. Because we had gotten reports, published reports, that the families had received phone calls from authorities. But perhaps the phone calls were from other people who had just heard this watching the news.

Your daughter, the mother of Haleigh, was asked to give a DNA sample today. I`m just curious as to the timing of that. Did that -- did you...

KARDIAN: I`m still here, yes.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: ... was that scheduled or was that something that might have been because they found something and they wanted to have DNA available to possibly do some kind of match?

GRIFFIS: I don`t really know. Crystal had a doctor`s appointment at 2 today. And they still hadn`t showed up to pick her up or come by and get the sample. So they went to the doctor`s office where she was and retrieved the sample.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Marie, do you think this was just a random search that didn`t come from a tip or any inside information on the part of investigators, and they just happened to hit this Dumpster today where the cadaver dog got a positive hit? Or do you think they knew something that drove them back to that trailer?

GRIFFIS: I think as far as using the cadaver dogs that they maybe just -- it`s been over two weeks now since she went missing. I think they just brought the cadaver dogs back in so that they could just check out the area.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, you`re pretty...

GRIFFIS: In case there was something...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: You`re pretty familiar with this area. Have they searched this area where this Dumpster is before? And how far is it from the trailer, your understanding?

GRIFFIS: Well, from what I understand, it`s right back here where the command center was at one time. I`m not for sure. I haven`t climbed up and looked yet.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I heard something like two-tenths of a mile away from the trailer where little Haleigh disappeared.

GRIFFIS: Huh. Where is the Dumpster at? Yes. Yes. Oh, OK. It`s over by the marina. They`re telling me it`s over by the marina down here. It`s not far from the trailer, if you cut through these yards and stuff.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Marie, I know your family is involved now in just huddling together and praying. Tell us how you are doing right now emotionally. What are you doing to stay strong emotionally?

GRIFFIS: Praying. Relying on God to give me the strength that I need. Because without him, I wouldn`t -- I wouldn`t be able to stand and go through this. And -- and the faith that I feel knowing that God has laid it on my heart that Haleigh is fine and...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, I pray and hope that you`re right.

GRIFFIS: Yes. I just -- I mean, all I can do is rely on God to return her home to us. And I feel like, you know, that`s what he`s letting me know is that he`s -- he`s sending her back. It`s just going to be in his time.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Marie, I want to thank you so much for joining us. And again, our hearts go out to you. And stay strong. Thank you very much, Marie.

Let`s get back to my panel. Debbie Magids, psychologist, what is this family going through right now? I can`t even comprehend.

DEBBIE MAGIDS, PSYCHOLOGIST: Jane, it`s probably the most intolerable pain one can experience. You know, when a parent has a child and they experience every pain that child has when they`re missing. There`s no closure. You don`t know what`s happening. You don`t know if your child is suffering. The grief is unbelievable.

And this family is actually doing it right. They`re relying on community. They`re relying on prayer, higher power, to get them through the pain because it really is indescribable.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: It is. Scott Johnson, take us through the day, because there was such a momentous day in terms of a lot of developments. Was it coincidence, do you think, or is there a pattern here that shows that police knew something?

JOHNSON: I can only speculate, but this is the first thing that seems concrete to me. There had been things earlier in the day, such as Crystal Sheffield, the mother, giving a DNA test, which I am told was standard protocol.

They brought out the cadaver dogs earlier in the day. I`m told they were brought out just as another routine check. I do want to point out something I wasn`t sure of earlier. The cadaver dogs have checked this Dumpster before, and they didn`t find anything. So this is a first. They`re back here, and they did find something this time. We only don`t know what that is.

Another thing that came up earlier today was Ronald Cummings, the father, was talking to investigators at the home. We don`t know what that conversation consisted of at this point. Investigators haven`t let that out. But there are a lot of questions about things that went on throughout the day that seem like they were routine checks. This is their first concrete thing to happen that we`ve seen in a while in this investigation.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right, Scott, thank you so much. Everyone, stay right there. More breaking news in the search for Haleigh Cummings.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Breaking news tonight as cops search a Dumpster. You are looking at a live picture of that search near Haleigh Cummings` home. I am back with my panel.

Steve Kardian, how do they go through this Dumpster to find important evidence without destroying something in the process? You see all of these people around this Dumpster. This has got to be very, very detailed and careful work, right?

KARDIAN: Yes, Jane. They`re going to go through, they`re looking specifically for anything that might pop out at them such as the decomposition of a body or a body part. They`re going to secure that evidence as evidence. They`re going to retain anything and everything. They`re going to take it to a secure location, in all likelihood, go through that again and again forensically and look for any additional evidence that may be present.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: How do you account for the fact that cadaver dogs were there before and didn`t hit?

KARDIAN: That`s a hard one, Jane. It`s possible the body wasn`t there. Take a look at the Casey/Caylee Anthony case.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: We don`t know it`s a body yet. And let`s hope. So let`s be careful.

KARDIAN: Right, yes. But take a look at the Casey/Caylee Anthony case and how many times that the body had been moved. So it`s possible that it hadn`t been there prior to today.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, in the Caylee Anthony case, we don`t necessarily know that the body had been moved once it got to the scene of the remains. We know that many people had gone there, visited there, called about that location and tried to get the authorities down there to look at that location, including meter reader Roy Kronk. And they never quite got there to find the remains, so Roy Kronk went back several months later and found them himself, which is just -- it`s a stunning, stunning turn of events. And of course, all of this is happening, I think, just about 70 miles away from that tragedy, which is -- is truly extraordinary.

Jane Weintraub, what happens now in terms of what this sheriff`s department says? Are we going to have a long wait as they analyze tiny little pieces of DNA to see if there`s anything here? Or will they undoubtedly have some kind of a news conference and say, "Hey, here`s what we know"?

WEINTRAUB: I hope they don`t, because I think if they have a news conference, it will be saying that they found something that we don`t want to hear about and that it`s part of a body. I hope that they keep going and that they keep finding, you know, more clues, and they return her safely.

What do I really think will happen? They will not say a word. I don`t think that they will release anything. They haven`t yet. They`ve kept it very close to the vest. And they`re avoiding all the pitfalls we saw in Caylee Anthony`s investigation. I do not think they`re going to get up there and say, "We haven`t seen this" or "we haven`t seen that." And I think it would be a mistake to do that.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, Jayne, we`re looking at a live picture of more than half a dozen, almost a dozen people standing around, obviously investigators talking and huddling. What are they talking about right now, would you gather?

WEINTRAUB: I would gather that they`re thinking, where else would something have been thrown away? Where else could a specific specimen -- I, personally, believe, based on my experience that they have a tip, that they have a reason to have gone back with the cadaver dogs again. You don`t go back with cadaver dogs within three days for no reason. You go back there because something was said to you.

And either they found something that they haven`t told us about yet from the house of identification means, or maybe it`s within a very tight perimeter. But they heard something, and now they`re trying to figure out, should they try to talk to somebody again, go re-interview somebody? Or should they just shut it down, bring back what they have, start the lab work?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, it`s interesting. As you were talking, a very, very heated conversation was happening. And of course, we can`t listen in, but you`re very experienced, Jayne. Thank you.

We are staying on top of this. New details flooding in on this desperate search in the Dumpster. We`re going to be back with the very latest from the scene in just moments.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: You are looking at a live picture of a desperate search through a dumpster only two-tenths of a mile from where little Haleigh Cummings lived and where she was abducted from about 17 days ago. A cadaver dog has hit on this dumpster. We all hope and pray that it`s a false positive and that Haleigh is ok somewhere. But obviously from the teams of investigators who have converged on the scene, we know that something extremely momentous has happened.

Amy Doyle, you are our producer on the ground. You`ve been walking around talking to people. What have you learned in the last few minutes?

AMY DOYLE, HLN PRODUCER: In the last few minutes, no family members have still come down here. There`s hustle and bustle as far as news camera crews, helicopters have just arrived on scene. What has been -- what is interesting to notice is I am standing right here in front of this fence.

And I can see the family -- the Ronald Cummings family tent -- and it`s about one football field away from the house where Haleigh was allegedly abducted. I could walk there in about 60 seconds each direction so it`s smack dab in the middle of this investigation.

So investigators have been driving up and down; we`ve seen some sheriff vehicles. But nobody is commenting to the media at this time. Right now it`s being a little bit louder because all the helicopters are starting to come in. This is just the latest developments (INAUDIBLE) Jane.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Amy, give us a time line. Because we`re trying to understand how everything was connected today; talking to Misty, talking to Ron. Give us a time line of the key developments throughout the day and what time they occurred.

DOYLE: Absolutely, Jane.

And I was on scene this morning about 10:00 a.m. Around 1:00, Crystal Sheffield was at the family tent. Investigators have been here all day long. This is the first day all week that we`ve seen so much activity.

They`ve been driving in and out of the scene. Around 4:30 this afternoon, I noticed investigators talking to Ronald Cummings out in front of his family tent. At that time, they drove down to the taped-off crime scene. Where moments later, Ronald followed in his truck and met up with investigators at the scene.

Two detectives or two investigators walked into the house at the scene of the crime. Misty was with him. She stayed in the car, remained there. An unidentified man was also in the vehicle with Ronald and Misty. That was about 4:30. They would not comment to the media at that time.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And when did the cadaver dogs hit information come out? In other words were they talking to Ron before the cadaver dog hit or after?

DOYLE: Before; about 30 minutes before we noticed some activity behind this fence. Now, Jane, as you can see, this fence, I mean, it is a ten-foot-tall fence. So some investigators got behind that fence before we even noticed that there was any activity.

By the time we got here, though, there were six to eight investigators on scene, taking photographs before they even remotely touched a thing; photographing the entire scene from start to finish, top to bottom, inside, around the ground. At that point is when they first laid down the blue tarp, put on the gloves and started picking through it.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, you could see the fence at the bottom of the screen. Because at first when you said fence, I wasn`t sure what you were talking about. But you actually see the fencing at the bottom of the scene.

So you`re saying that on this side of the fence is where the tents are that the families have set up and right on the other side of the fence is where this dumpster is. This is extraordinary that it`s all happening in such a close proximity.

DOYLE: Correct. The only way that the actual camera crews can get the shot is to be on top of their vehicles at this time. This fence is extremely tall.

So the activity that we first noticed bustling around was around 5:00 p.m. How long they were actually behind the fence before anybody actually saw, we don`t know at this time.

But there were no sheriff`s vehicles parked in front of the fence at the time when they first started searching.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right, Amy.

Steve, what do investigators do next? Do they start looking in the area further out? But they`ve already done that. I`m perplexed as to what their next step is going to be.

STEVE KARDIAN, FMR. CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR: Well, Jane, they -- the crime scene, the immediate crime scene, is there in the dumpster and it`s going to work outward from there.

And just to clarify something, by all the activity, it may be indicative that they did receive a tip, but it also wouldn`t be uncommon for them to come back, you know, days after this event, more than two weeks, and have this be a recovery search for Haleigh.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So are we going to have to wait weeks for some kind of DNA testing if they find something that looks suspicious or looks like an article of children`s clothing?

KARDIAN: It`ll take at least that long to obtain DNA evidence and samples from the forensic experts.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, your guess, and just a yes or no answer, do you think they have a theory as to how this case went down? And I don`t want to hear you`re theory but do you think they`re operating on a theory at this point?

KARDIAN: I believe that they are.


Steve, I agree with you. Thank you so much. And we`re going to check in with Amy in a little bit.

I want to turn now to the legal wrangling going on just about 70 miles away in Orlando, Florida tonight, as Casey Anthony sits behind bars right now, charged with murdering her daughter.

A defamation suit against her is creating a firestorm of controversy. A judge`s ruling gives the attorney for her parents George and Cindy 20 days to prove they are two emotionally distressed to be deposed by attorneys for Zenaida Gonzales, her name of course, forever linked with the infamous Zanny the nanny, the woman Casey insists took Caylee.

Then there is Casey`s brother Lee Anthony, he is set to face a grilling by the Gonzalez camp tomorrow morning. His attorney says Lee has nothing to hide and will be there.

But if the media is there, will that still apply? Zenaida`s lawyers told me there is not much that he can do about it.


JOHN MORGAN, ATTORNEY FOR ZENAIDA GONZALEZ: Well, I can`t stop the media from coming. What I would recommend that they do is to get a protective order from the court to stop the media from coming.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right, the thing is he can do something about it. I`m going to tell you what that is in just a moment.

Meantime, the criminal case against Casey may not be quite the slam dunk prosecutors would have us believe it is. The "Orlando Sentinel" reports it`s still a dog fight to sort through all of this.

My expert panel: William Sheaffer (ph), a criminal defense attorney and legal analyst for WF-TV in Orlando; investigative reporter, Leslie Snadowsky; and Jonathan Kasen, Casey Anthony`s civil attorney.

Jonathan, some people say this defamation suit against your client, Casey, should be moved to after her criminal trial. Why has there been no legal ruling on that issue yet?

JONATHAN KASEN, CASEY ANTHONY`S CIVIL ATTORNEY: Well, good evening, Jane. Good to see you again or good to speak to you again.


KASEN: We had filed a motion probably two months ago, a motion to either stay or defer the civil matter until the resolution of the criminal case. Judge Gonzalez, for whatever the reason, or it should be Judge Rodriguez I apologize -- for whatever the reason denied the request and allowed the lawyers for Zenaida Gonzales to submit written questions in lieu of a deposition.

So I`m not entirely sure why the judge ruled in the way that he did. It seems to me pretty obvious that she can`t answer questions during the pendency (ph) of a criminal investigation and a subsequent trial.

William Sheaffer, you`re a legal analyst. Now, the attorney for Zenaida Gonzales says I can`t stop the media from showing up. Nonsense. As a reporter who has tried to get in to depositions, I`ve had those depositions locations moved on me three times in one day so that they could avoid me getting the shot of the person going in for that deposition.

Couldn`t he just make it a secret location?

WILLIAM SHEAFFER, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Sure they could make it a secret location and under Florida law, however, the press does have the right to be present at the deposition.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, that`s -- that`s fascinating to me. So they can just march in with their cameras and roll videotape while Lee is being interrogated?

SHEAFFER: Absolutely. Again, under Florida Law, they have the right to do that and that`s what all the legal wrangling is about now. And that`s the basis upon which George and Cindy Anthony have said, look, this is too emotional of an experience for us. And, therefore, since the media is going to be there, we shouldn`t be required to, in fact, attend this deposition at this time.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So Jonathan Kasen, if Lee doesn`t show up because the media is there or if he sees the media and turn on a seals and leaves, which what his attorney says he`s going to do just that, could he be held in contempt?

KASEN: Interesting question. He could be if in fact the judge felt that he was doing something to subvert justice. If the situation where -- if he goes there and feels that he is going there simple to be put up as a sacrificial lamb for Mr. Morgan`s deposition then he has some legal grounds on which to argue to the judge that hey, I was there, I made a good faith basis to be there, a good faith effort to show up, answer questions, and they turned it into a media circus.

I would also add that it`s not entirely accurate that the media just showed up. Mr. Morgan reached out to a number of avenues in the media and asked them to show up. I know that because three different reporters called me and said, "Mr. Morgan is inviting us to the depositions. Do you have a comment on that?"

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, the Anthonys got a reprieve yesterday as we`ve been saying, when the judge gave them almost three weeks to turn over evidence showing they`re two distraught to be grilled under oath.

Here`s what the attorney for Zenaida Gonzalez said after that emergency hearing.


KEITH MITNIK, ATTORY FOR ZENAIDA FERNANDEZ-GONZALEZ: We`re going to get these depositions. People are going to have to go under oath. I don`t know why no one wants to go under oath. But we`re going to get them under oath. I`d love it tomorrow but its coming. It`s coming.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, listen to what Cindy and George`s lawyer had to say about all of this. Take a listen.


BRAD CONWAY, ANTHONY FAMILY ATTORNEY: They will answer the questions they need to I think at the right time. And certainly under the right circumstances, that was the main goal here is to avoid a circus.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: But, Leslie Snadowsky, it`s more like postponing a circus.

The point is what is the criteria for not showing up at a deposition? Do you have any idea now that you`ve researched this? Can people just say, you know, I`m depressed and distraught and I`m not going to show up because it would be too much? Put me through the emotional ringer.

LESLIE SNADOWSKY, INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER: Well, it sounds that way for Brad Conway. And that`s what he successfully argued and the judge said, ok. I`ll give you 20 days to prove it and the Anthony`s have to come in with essentially a doctor`s note excusing them from the depositions or something that proves that they`re seeking psychological counseling.

And as you mentioned, Lee Anthony -- he`s all set to go tomorrow. But again, one media outlet did reported that if the media shows up for that deposition, Thomas Luka, his attorney, is going to take him and say we`re walking and not do the deposition.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Wow. It`s such a dramatic case. And tomorrow is going to be a huge day. We`re going to have to see how it unfolds.

Jonathan, William, and Leslie, thank you so much.

And we will have an update on the search of that dumpster near Haleigh Cummings` home right after the break.

There, you are looking at a live picture. Cops have been searching that dumpster since a cadaver dog hit on it earlier today. This case is just experiencing stunning developments tonight. And we`re going to tell you all them.

Don`t go away.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: You are looking at live pictures from Satsuma, Florida. The search of a dumpster less than a mile away from the home where little Haleigh Cummings disappeared more than two weeks ago. This search entering a crucial phase; it was prompted by an alert given by a cadaver dog just a few hours ago.

I want to check in once again with our producer on the ground, Amy Doyle. Amy, I understand they`ve brought in another dumpster. Tell us about that.

AMY DOYLE, HLN PRODUCER: Correct, Jane. I just climbed on top of a vehicle so I could get a better bird`s eye-view. It appeared to be an empty dumpster. The same size as the construction dumpster they have been searching through. No material has been brought in or put in that as of yet. We`re still waiting.

Right now what you cannot see off camera, to the right about 50 feet over there, there is a clump of investigators just sitting around talking. I can only imagine what they`re talking about at this time.

The new material has been brought in. One thing that`s extremely crucial, Theresa Nevus, the paternal grandmother of little Haleigh Cummings, has just alerted us that the families have been told to stay at their respective places and to not come down here with all of the mayhem going on right now. So they`re sitting right now watching all of this break and are not supposed to be down here. They were told by police authorities they would update them. But they are staying at their camp at this time.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Marie Griffiths, Crystal -- the mother of little Haleigh`s mother -- so Haleigh`s grandmother told us that she did not get a call from law enforcement telling her or the family about this particular development. But we`d also heard reports that the family did get phone calls informing them of this development. How do you -- how do you -- deal with this discrepancy?


DOYLE: Moments ago, Theresa Nevus did alert us that they were told to stay at their respective places right now and to not come down here with all of the activity that is going on.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Do you think when they brought Ron in to the trailer they were telling him about this? Or was it too early? Was the cadaver dog hit after they were talking to Ron? I understand you said it was, but it just seems like there`s too much coincidence.

There`s too much that happened today. Re-interviewing misty, bringing Ron to the trailer, getting the DNA sample, doing the ground search, and all of this happening in the same area; they`ve talked to Ron many times. They didn`t talk to him in the trailer before.

DOYLE: Jane, I have not witnessed them talking to Ron in the trailer before today. Although I have been here a week, that`s the first time I`ve seen that happen. Although I have seen investigators briefing Ron Cummings and his family on a daily basis; they seem to have a very good relationship as far as maintaining updates.

When I spoke to the lead investigator, John Merchant (ph) he told me that he`s been giving daily updates to Ronald Cummings -- both sides of the families -- but making sure that everybody is up to speed on where they are in the investigation as of date.

Now, with the fence so tall, those investigators could have been here earlier and nobody paid attention because they were guarded by this fence. Nobody was alerted because there was sheriff`s people out here. What might have happened is they were on the other side of the fence. Of course, the media has been kept on the other side of the fence.

But they could have been investigating --


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Amy, we`re going to check in with you once again a little bit later, but you can see a heated discussion going on right now; a lot of huddling with the investigators. Very significant talk, I am sure.

Amy, thank you so much.

We will be keeping a very close eye on this search; we`re going to bring you any news as it breaks.

Now to the latest from Nadya Suleman: tonight, octo-mom fighting back, but Dr. Phil pulled no punches during part two of his interview with this mother of 14.


DR. PHIL MCGRAW, HOST, "DR. PHIL SHOW": Do you acknowledge that that choice was wrong?


DR. PHIL: Ok. I mean, that`s huge for me. I think it`s huge for people in America.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Today also marks the deadline for octo-mom to accept a generous offer from the Angels in Waiting Foundation. The California- based group offered the mother of 14 free housing, counseling, medical services for at least six months.

As the deadline looms, another group has emerged to help out octo-mom. Just who are these mystery women? We`re going to find out in just a second.

Meanwhile, octo-mom`s quest for a home for her family continues as do her fears that her eight babies won`t be released from the hospital. Is her house up to snuff? You be the judge when we give you a videotaped inside look at octo-mom`s house. And I`m going to be taking your calls in a bit.

But first, my expert panel: Mary Margaret from, back with us; psychologist Debbie Magids; and host of "Showbiz Tonight" A.J. Hammer. Thanks, guys. We`ve had a lot of breaking news tonight so thank you for your patience.

A.J., as all the new video of Nadya Suleman pours in, does she give new meaning to the term overexposed if she has any hopes of making an entertainment deal in the future?

A.J. HAMMER, HOST, "SHOWBIZ TONIGHT": Yes. I mean, this is one of the things that we`re going to be talking about on "Showbiz Tonight." Is it working for her or against her, the fact that she is going on so many shows and talking about what`s going on?

Going on Dr. Phil, it may have been an opportunity for her to set the record straight. But in my mind, Jane, what she really needs to do is spend less time worrying about what other people think of her and maybe more time focusing on what she`s going to do for these eight babies.


Mary Margaret, you were the ones who scooped everybody getting an inside look, videotape look inside the Suleman home. And I watched that video clip on radaronline. And it -- it did seem to me that yes, it was messy, but I wouldn`t say it was slovenly.

And one thing I noticed is that the kids -- there you see one of them -- they seemed very happy. The older children did seem happy and well balanced.

Your thoughts?

MARY MARGARET, RADAR ONLINE: Well, of course, the house is obviously appropriate for the family size that they had before the octuplets. She mentioned that there`s a very large backyard where the kids can roam free and there`s a lot of love in this household.

But again, there`s eight more children and even though it`s not slovenly, at the same time, it is messy. There is chaos, there is disorder and you just can`t bring eight more babies into that household.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Dr. Phil made a great point when he said you should never have a child to fill a void within yourself. Given her whole complaint about being an only child, isn`t that precisely what she`s done?

MARY MARGARET: Yes. Exactly -- sorry.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ok. Well, guess what? I`m going to answer that question myself because we`re just about of time. Yes, that is precisely what she has done.

Stay right there everyone. We`re going to be back in just a minute with more on octo-mom.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: You are looking at a live picture from Satsuma, Florida. It is day 17 since precious little Haleigh Cummings disappeared in the middle of the night from her double wide trailer. And this afternoon, momentous developments as a cadaver dog hit on a dumpster.

You`re looking at the dumpster right there to the left and they`re setting up a new dumpster on the right to take the refuse that is not relevant from the dumpster where the cadaver dog hit and put it in the second dumpster so that they can analyze all of this evidence. The question is, was it really little Haleigh? Or was it a false positive?

The families, both sides of little Haleigh`s family, huddling and praying right now staying away from this area. They were told don`t come down because the emotions are so high at this moment, these investigators have some very grueling, very tough, really unpleasant heart-wrenching work to do right now and they`re very focused. Again, the big question is, is it Haleigh? And we pray that it`s not.

We will stay on top of this story, obviously, and we`ll cover it tomorrow as well here on "ISSUES."

All right. We`re back with the other big news of the day and that is the octo-mom drama.

A.J. Hammer, could next week be a huge week in that when infants reach 35 weeks they can sometimes leave the hospital if they`re healthy enough and they`re reportedly going to hit that 35-week point next week.

HAMMER: Yes. It will be a big week, but everyone is waiting to see what the hospital says because apparently before the hospital is willing to release the infants they want to have a good look inside Nadya Suleman`s home and see if it`s okay. If everything is set; if it`s good and we`ve seen some of those photographs inside the house, it may not be ready.

And Jane, I`m still trying to figure out what kind of a vehicle is she going to get? That`s how Detroit can turn the car industry around. Come up with the right car for the 14 kids.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I think it`s a bus is what she`s looking for.

HAMMER: At least.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Mary Margaret, in terms of all the videos and the interviews that you`ve done with this family, what strikes you as the most bizarre? We understand that now there`s a new group of women who are offering to help Nadya Suleman, a mystery group from the school?

MARY MARGARET: I think, you know, your first question would strike me as most bizarre and I think we discussed in the past few days and you brought it up, Jane, a day or two ago is the difference between her perceived reality and what actually is reality. In her mind she has enough resources. She`s going to be enterprising enough to accumulate the resources to take care of 14 children on her own when in reality that`s not true.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: That`s it. Got to go. Thanks for joining us tonight.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on February 27, 2009, 10:29:30 AM


Cadaver Dogs Added to Search for Haleigh

Aired February 26, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Tonight, breaking news, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old little girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone, vanished into thin air, the back door propped wide open. The father comes home from the night shift to find not a single trace of little Haleigh.

Bombshell tonight. Multiple teams of dogs, dogs specially trained to find human remains, spend the entire day re-searching dense woods around the home where little Haleigh disappears. Specialized cadaver K-9s brought in to join the search for Haleigh, this at least the third time the same area is searched, but now again with cadaver dogs. Why now? What do police know?

As dogs continue to search, the family, desperate to find their little girl, releases new home video, hoping to spark tips to find Haleigh. And while members of little Haleigh`s immediate and extended family have taken multiple polygraphs and stated they passed, lead investigators say no one - - repeat, no one -- has been cleared.

We confirm the girlfriend/baby-sitter with Haleigh the night she disappears back today for police questioning. It goes on for hours, this at least the fourth time Misty Croslin has been interrogated. Police sifting through over 2,000 tips, but can Haleigh`s 4-year-old little brother ID the kidnapper? The boy, ostensibly sleeping with his sister when she`s snatched, describing a grown man taking Haleigh in the middle of the night, a man dressed entirely in black.

And what about the mystery vehicle seized for evidence? Investigators still not divulging the make, model or ownership. As local police refuse to scale back the search and DNA is taken from the bio mom, tonight, where is 5-year-old Haleigh?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Breaking developments in the case of 5-year-old Florida girl Haleigh Cummings, who police believe was kidnapped from her own bed. Authorities, including cadaver dogs, are out searching near Haleigh`s home today for any clues into the child`s disappearance.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Our main focus is finding Haleigh Cummings and getting her home to her family.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Police say they`re continuing to follow up on the nearly 2,000 leads that have come in so far. That includes the four Haleigh sightings that investigators say have all turned out to be false.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: While the search goes on, Putnam County officers are once again interviewing 17-year-old girlfriend Misty Croslin. Croslin, who was sleeping in the same room as Haleigh, was the last person to see the child before she was taken in the middle of the night.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just want everybody to know that I didn`t do anything to that little girl! I loved her like she`s my own, and I`ll do anything to get her back!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Also today, Haleigh`s family released home video showing little Haleigh opening Christmas presents. The family hopes this new video may trigger the tip that could lead them towards finding Haleigh.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If she hears this, Haleigh, I love you and I miss you. And we will bring you home, and I will be right here waiting on you when you get home. I love you!


GRACE: And tonight, a 14-year-old California girl on her way to school 7:00 AM vanishes into thin air -- a model student, loves to read, excited about purchasing a little lamb for Future Farmers of America. Police combing cell phone records, text messages just moments before the 14-year-old disappears without a trace.

Bombshell tonight. Is a dangerous Friday the 13th prank behind Amber`s disappearance? Her family and their PI piecing together the puzzle as best they can. And a new, disturbing theory emerges involving three recent kidnapping incidents near where Amber goes missing. Are they related? Amber`s mother and father both with us, asking for your help. Tonight, where is 14-year-old Amber Dubois?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If she was abducted and kidnapped, she can be anywhere. Anywhere.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: California authorities are desperately searching for clues in the case of 14-year-old Amber Dubois, last seen the day before Valentine`s Day. A private investigator hired by the family says that Amber may have been the target of a cruel prank. PI Bill Garcia (ph) says because the day Amber went missing was Friday the 13th, it`s possible that either someone that knew Amber or knew of Amber may have targeted her.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When you have a relationship like our family has - - we`re very, very close -- you know, she`s not the type of girl to run away and then not come back to face the music, you know? She has no reason to run away.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Garcia has still not ruled out the theory of Amber being abducted by strangers, while the family holds out hope that any new tip could help find Amber.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I go to bed at night and just wake up and hope she`s going to be here. And she`s not!


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Tonight, multiple teams of dogs specially trained to find human remains spend the entire day re-searching dense woods surrounding the home where little Haleigh disappears. Specialized K-9s brought in to join the search for Haleigh, this at least the third time the same area searched, but now again with cadaver dogs. Why now? What do police know?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Over 2,000 tips have been received in the case of 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings, who police say was abducted in the middle of the night. Law enforcement officials, as well as cadaver dogs, are out searching the area around the home where Haleigh was taken today.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Police have now received more than 2,000 tips, and at least four have been sightings of girls who look like Haleigh. The sightings have been reported in Tennessee, St. Augustine, Colorado and Indiana. But deputies say, and family members agree, it is not their little girl.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Meanwhile, the 17-year-old girlfriend of Haleigh`s father, Misty Croslin, is being questioned by police again. Croslin says she woke up in the middle of the night on February 11th and Haleigh was gone.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Did you take a polygraph?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I did. But I`m not supposed to talk about that. They told me not talk about that.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, I did take a polygraph.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And you passed it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My understanding is that I passed it, yes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The family, hoping to trigger more tips, just released home video of Haleigh opening presents Christmas morning.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You`ve got to believe that that baby`s alive somewhere. I mean, if you lose that, you`ve got nothing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The family is still in tents, praying for their little girl`s safe return, while the reward for information leading to Haleigh`s recovery has now reached over $25,000.

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER: I`m here to plead for the life of my daughter. I want her to come home.

Please bring my daughter home. And if you`re watching, I love you. That`s it.


GRACE: Straight out to Marlaina Schiavo, our producer standing by at the crime scene where police are searching. Marlaina, cadaver dogs specially trained to find human remains shipped in from out of the jurisdiction -- they`ve been searching the entire day. Again they`re near Haleigh`s home. Explain.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: That`s right, Nancy. They had seven cadaver dogs searching today. They had multiple teams from counties in the surrounding area. And they also brought in dogs from Georgia. They are searching tomorrow. They went up and down the street. They are still behind us right now. The search is not over.

They`ve also brought in a boat just in case dogs led them to the water and divers would have to go in. They`ve since taken the boat away, but they are bringing in more dogs, and the search is not over, Nancy.

GRACE: You are seeing video from just hours ago, the search going on into the late, late afternoon. There you see specially trained human cadaver dogs. Marlaina, repeat what you said about the water?

SCHIAVO: Well, they brought in a boat because there`s a lot of water in the surrounding area, and just in case any of the dogs led to this water, they wanted to have a boat ready so that they could re-search the water. Right now, there is no water search. Right now, they`re just sticking to the dogs, Nancy.

GRACE: Joining me right now here in studio, Tracy Sargent and Cinco. He is a human remains detection dog, highly trained in the discovery of human remains, cadaver dogs, as they`re commonly known. Tracy, explain to me, are cadaver dogs able to find bodies, human bodies, even under water?

TRACY SARGENT, K-9 HANDLER: Yes. Dogs working in the water is actually easy for them. The reason being is because the dogs always work with scent, and scent rises to the surface of the water. So dogs searching for people under water is actually an easy thing for them to detect.

GRACE: So that`s easy for a cadaver dog to find someone under water? I didn`t know that.

SARGENT: Yes, ma`am. What makes it challenging for water recovery is the idea of the dogs may be responding to scent in one area, but based upon the currents and wind conditions, the body may be located in another location. So that`s the challenge with water recovery.

GRACE: Tracy, I understand you have a demonstration with Cinco?

SARGENT: Yes, ma`am.

GRACE: Go ahead. And explain to the viewers as you`re doing it.

SARGENT: What we`re going to do is go ahead and show the viewers what we call a training aid. It essentially smells like a deceased person. And we`re going to hide this for the dog. Now, the dogs work really well for things that we can`t see or smell ourselves, so that`s the reason why we use detection dogs. So we`re going to show how Cinco tells us that there`s something there.


OK, so what he`s showing us is by his, what we call, trained alert, which is a sit, in this instance, he`s telling us there`s human remains scent in this location. Then what we do is we reward him and tell him he`s done a good job. So he`s done the job that we`ve asked him to do. At that point in time, if this was the real thing, we would investigate the area and see what exactly he is responding to. It could be evidence, it could be human body parts, it could be an actual body.

GRACE: And when she says evidence, everyone, that could be referring to Haleigh`s clothing. It could be referring to shoes, something she had with her. But remember, these dogs hit only on human remains. They are not bloodhounds, isn`t that right, Tracy? They`re not looking for a live human.

SARGENT: Yes, ma`am. That is correct. There is a big difference. It`s interesting with dogs is that when we`re alive, we smell totally different to dogs. Each person has an individual scent. But when we die, each person smells exactly the same. So regardless if it`s a child or an old person, to a dog, finding human remains, they smell the same. So we don`t have to have a person`s clothing for them to search for a deceased person.

GRACE: Right. You are seeing, everyone, K-9s that were brought out today there at Haleigh`s home, where she disappeared. And earlier, you were seeing just-released home video of little Haleigh. We understand the girlfriend/baby-sitter has been in police interrogations for nearly three hours today. Plus a Haleigh sighting across the country in Indiana.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Haleigh`s one of them children who fills up a home with smiles and laughter. And you just couldn`t be in there without her!

CUMMINGS: I know somebody took my little girl! Somebody stole my child out of my bed.

This is my heart. And somebody stole my heart from me.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He is -- basically, getting to be more than he can bear. I mean, he stood up to all the scaredness of, you know, being afraid and tired and not eating right and everything, and it`s -- it`s wearing him down.



911 OPERATOR: What`s her date of birth?

CUMMINGS: Y`all are (DELETED) playing games, man! I`m going to (DELETED) kill somebody!

911 OPERATOR: OK, tell him we understand. We need to get her date of birth.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What`s her date of birth?

CUMMINGS: (DELETED) her birthday! We need to find her! (DELETED) her date of birth!


GRACE: Specially trained human cadaver dogs searching the area around little Haleigh`s home. Hours were spent going through the dense woods surrounding the home. You are seeing newly-released video of little Haleigh released by her family just hours ago in the hopes that this would spur tips. Where is Haleigh?

Also, we learn that the bio mom was asked to give DNA. That`s right, Crystal Sheffield gives DNA to police today. Also, the girlfriend/baby- sitter, Misty Croslin, there in the home, ostensibly asleep when little Haleigh is snatched, re-questioned, re-interrogated for nearly three hours today at police headquarters.

Straight out to T.J. Hart with WSKY. First I want to hear about this sighting, this alleged Haleigh sighting in Indiana.

T.J. HART, WSKY 97.3 FM: Very much so. We got word that a truck driver spotted what he thought was missing Haleigh. He reportedly took a picture from his cell phone, and then sent it on to a friend. In this case, it was Marie Griffis. Couldn`t make out heads or tails whether or not it was Haleigh. They took it to a local television station to try to enhance the picture, and it was determined that this once again was not Haleigh. At this time, we`d still like to see that picture and get another shot of that, but we`re in the course of getting that taken care of, but once again, it turned out to be a -- just a dead end at this point.

GRACE: T.J., how many sightings have there been of Haleigh?

HART: Several, according to Captain Dick Showland (ph) with the Putnam County sheriff`s office. Just the other day, we had a sighting in a shopping area in Grand Junction, Colorado, which turned out to be inaccurate. And we`ve had a couple (INAUDIBLE) as well, in St. Louis, I believe, and also in St. Augustine, inconclusive.

GRACE: You know what? God bless him. God bless the truck driver who cared enough to take a cell phone photo, thinking he was getting a shot of little Haleigh. This is going to take more than just a police department to crack this case.

You are seeing just-released home video of Christmas morning, little Haleigh opening up presents, her family releasing this video in the hope it will jog someone`s memory and spur tips to find the 5-year-old little girl.

Straight back out to Marlaina Schiavo. Marlaina, what can you tell me about the biological mother giving DNA today, Crystal Sheffield?

SCHIAVO: Well, we spoke to Crystal very briefly today, and while we were talking to her, she was getting in the her car. She was on her way to an appointment. And right when she left, someone came from Jacksonville to take a DNA sample. And right before Crystal had left, actually, she said, Let them know I`m at an appointment. So she knew that they were on their way and they wanted a DNA sample. They weren`t going to wait for her. They actually drove off, and they said they would meet her wherever she was. Whether or not they actually got the sample, we`re still waiting to hear, Nancy.

GRACE: Well, you know -- out to Dr. Joshua Perper, renowned medical examiner, the chief medical examiner, Broward County, author of "When to Call the Doctor." Dr. Perper, it`s a very simple process to get a buccal swab, an oral swab in the mouth, for DNA, right?

DR. JOSHUA PERPER, BROWARD COUNTY CHIEF MEDICAL EXAMINER: Absolutely. Just a swab and it`s not painful to the individual and it`s easy to take, right.

GRACE: So you know, it`s less than a minute. Don`t you use one of those long Q-tips and just swab the inside of your mouth like you`re using a toothbrush?

PERPER: That`s about it. It`s a very simple procedure, and as I said, it doesn`t cause any discomfort.

GRACE: None whatsoever. Dr. Perper joining us out of the Miami jurisdiction today.

To Matt Zarrell, who`s been on the case from the very beginning. Matt, what can you tell me about the girlfriend/baby-sitter taken in for police questioning again today? How many times has she been questioned?

MATTHEW ZARRELL, NANCY GRACE STAFFER: Well, we believe it`s been at least three or four times. We know last week, she was questioned. She was questioned initially...

GRACE: Well, Matt, last week, you told me it was three times last week. So that means it`s four times this week that we know of, correct?

ZARRELL: Yes. That`s correct.

GRACE: And it was regarding?

ZARRELL: It was regarding more questioning about similar transactions. They`ve been talking to her and asking similar questions each time. We know she`s been there. She was gone for about three hours and has returned now from meeting with investigators.

GRACE: Everyone, we are joining -- we are being joined right now by the grandmother of little Haleigh. She has been part of the search from the very beginning. When we come back, we`ll be questioning her about the latest search there at the home. Also, we`ll unleash the lawyers.

But as we go to break, outrage! A man who brutally tortured and raped a 24-year-old pregnant co-ed, Elizabeth Gillies, for hours before killing her is set for release from prison, the Mississippi parole board voting to parole Douglas Hodgkin, 43, convicted in `87 of murdering Gillies and her unborn child. This convicted rapist soon walking the street free again, a convicted killer and rapist. What was the Mississippi parole board thinking?



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I stood there for about 30 minutes with her holding me, not wanting me to leave. And it hurts. And now I haven`t seen her in four weeks, and it hurts even worse.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I feel like my granddaughter is alive. I have faith that God will bring my baby home. And if you give up that hope and that faith, then you really have nothing.


GRACE: Right now, cadaver dogs are leaving the area after spending the entire day searching around the home where little Haleigh went missing. Now, that area has been searched, we know of, three times before. Why now? Why with cadaver dogs? What do police know? This as a sighting allegedly occurs in Indiana by a local trucker. He takes a photo with his cell phone.

Out to Teresa Neves, the paternal grandmother of Haleigh. Ms. Neves, thank you for being with us. I know the family is completely strung out at this time. I understand police are speaking to Ronald, your son.


GRACE: Today. Yes. Have they spoken to him?

NEVES: We spoke with them earlier. They were -- they were warning us in advance that the dogs would be here.

GRACE: Right. Right. Did they give you any idea, Ms. Neves, as to why they`re re-searching the same area with cadaver dogs?

NEVES: No, ma`am. They just said it was critical. Basically, we have to trust those detectives to know what they`re doing and let them do their job. I don`t feel like they`re going to find my Haleigh out there and so...

GRACE: Why do you say that?

NEVES: Because I have to keep the hope and the faith that my Haleigh is alive.

GRACE: We are showing the viewers the video of little Haleigh at Christmas. She`s been opening up a purple hat and putting it on.

Ms. Neves, tell me about Haleigh. We`ve talked about her a million times, but it`s always about the night she went missing, the circumstances around her disappearance, her illness, Turner syndrome. Tell me about her as a little girl.

NEVES: Oh, she`s a precious little girl. She`s very petite and tiny. She has a beautiful little voice. She likes to sing. She loves to put on make-up. She loves to put make-up on everybody else. I`ve looked like a clown at least a million times. She loves nail polish. She`s just a typical little girl.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: While the search goes on, Putnam County officers are once again interviewing 17-year-old girlfriend Misty Croslin. Croslin who was sleeping in the same room as Haleigh was the last person to see the child before she was taken in the middle of the night.

TERESA NEVES, GRANDMOTHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD, HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I trust the detectives to do their job, and as far as Misty is concerned I know that she loved my grandchildren and they loved her dearly. You know, I mean, I don`t think you`ll find anybody who won`t say that those grandchildren didn`t love her just like a mom.

MISTY CROSLIN, RONALD CUMMING`S GIRLFRIEND, LAST SEEN HALEIGH: I just want everybody to know that I didn`t know anything to that little girl. I loved her like she`s my own and I`ll do anything to get her back, and if people think that I have something to do with it, if I have something to do with it, I knew where she was, we wouldn`t be sitting here today. We would have her and I don`t, and I don`t know where she is.


911 DISPATCHER: OK, sir, let me talk to you wife. Let me get some information from her.


911 DISPATCHER: OK. Can I talk to her?


911 DISPATCHER: OK, listen to me. I need you to answer some questions. Does the door look like it was pried open?



NANCY GRACE, HOST: Straight back to paternal grandmother, Teresa Neves, joining us there at the home where little Haleigh went missing.

Miss Neves, I was just watching Misty Croslin with tears in her eyes. There`s something very believable about what she says. Look, I know she`s had some inconsistencies in her story, but a lot of that was explained away regarding was she in the bed with the little girl. No, the little girl was in the bed beside her, but in the same room.

About the little pink t-shirt. Misty Croslin is the one that reported her gone in the pink t-shirt, but then saw the t-shirt and showed it to police. That`s not entirely inconsistent.

NEVES: No, ma`am. I believe.

GRACE: Tell me.

NEVES: I believe.

GRACE: Tell me about the birthmark on Haleigh`s cheek. Let`s see if we can get a picture, Rosie, that shows that even faintly. There it is if you look down towards the bottom. Explain where her birthmark is, Miss Neves.

NEVES: It`s a little tiny -- I don`t know, almost like a peanut shape on the left side of her face.

GRACE: You`re seeing that up beside her ear.

I want to go out to the lawyers. Mickey Sherman, high-profile defense attorney joining us out of New York, and veteran defense attorney, former prosecutor, Peter Odom, joining us out of Atlanta.

To Mickey Sherman, this is now, we believe, the fourth time Croslin has been interrogated by police. Should she lawyer up?

MICKEY SHERMAN, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY, AUTHOR OF "HOW CAN YOU DEFEND THOSE PEOPLE?": You know, she probably should. Without a doubt. But I think it speaks volumes that she apparently hasn`t, that she has been submitted to two polygraph tests and apparently passed them and doing what the grandma just said that she believes in her character and also the way we just saw her present herself.

She`d have to be a pretty darn good actress to carry that off. So she`s the most logical suspect, but she seems to be doing OK by herself so far.

GRACE: You know, Peter, he`s right. She is the most logical suspect. The father and the mother, because typically in child disappearances or child homicides, the family is responsible. That`s just the harsh reality. I don`t like it, but that`s the truth. But it`s hard for me to believe a 17-year-old girl can pull a hoax over on police for this long.

PETER ODOM, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, Nancy, the fact -- I agree with you, frankly, that she seems very candid, she seems very believable, but the fact that the police have been talking to her repeatedly, the fact that they have asked her many of the same questions over and over again, may be an indication they`re looking for inconsistencies and she probably needs to get a lawyer.

GRACE: Back to grandmother Teresa Neves. I have not seen your son Ron on air making public pleas regarding Haleigh`s disappearance in many, many days. Why?

NEVES: Ron was actually out, I believe, it was the day before yesterday at 1:00 press conference.

GRACE: Good.

NEVES: . to make a plea for Haleigh. He, basically -- he`s pretty much taken all he can take, you know? I mean.

GRACE: You know to.

NEVES: . it`s hard enough to lose your daughter and then people beat on you and badger you on top of it.

GRACE: To Dr. Bethany Marshall, psychoanalyst and author of "Dealbreakers," she`s right. He and the girlfriend have taken quite the beating even though they`ve been cooperating with police. You know, maybe I`m wrong, but every time I`ve heard the girlfriend speak she seems relatively free of guile.

BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST, AUTHOR OF "DEALBREAKERS": I think she`s free of guile. I think she`s innocent. I think it`s easy to throw stones at the family because we don`t know much about the broader picture, but it`s also easy to kind of confuse if there was some family dysfunction that contributed to this and to try to distinguish that from the fact that that doesn`t mean she was the perpetrator.

Like let`s say, perhaps she didn`t have a key or wasn`t allowed to have one, maybe she did go out that night. Maybe she propped the door open with the cinder block so she could have a way back in. Maybe she talked to someone in the neighborhood who knew she wasn`t at home and that contributed, and if that`s the case I`m sure she`s come clean at this point.

She`s just a 17-year-old girl, but that is quite different from whether or not she`s the perpetrator or had any malice towards this child. Someone came in and took little Haleigh and the sad fact is that when a child is abducted and a part of a sexual homicide abduction, the body is usually dumped within three blocks of the home.

That`s what we saw with Caylee Anthony, and I`m sure that`s why they have the cadaver dogs out searching at this point.

GRACE: To Marc Klaas, president and founder of KlaasKids Foundation. He is also a crime victim. His daughter Polly was kidnapped from her home many years ago and murdered.

Marc Klaas, a tireless victim`s advocate since that time. Marc, another thing about lie detectors and I -- I just can`t say this enough, when Polly was kidnapped you go to police, you did, and said, quick, polygraph me right now so you can clear me and go on to look for my daughter.

You know, someone can lie on a polygraph about one issue like, were you drinking that night? Were you -- did you smoke pot that night? Did you take medication? Did you leave the back door open that night? And the person thinking of getting in trouble can lie about a tangential or collateral issue and flunk the polygraph.

MARC KLAAS, PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER, KLAASKIDS FOUNDATION: I -- I don`t know. All I know that I took a polygraph and I passed it. I think one other thing that people have to understand about Misty is that she`s ground zero on this issue and she was the person that was the last one to see the little girl.

The little girl was in her care. There appear to have been inconsistencies in her story, therefore law enforcement does have to continually ask her questions so more information will emerge. Was there a man in black? Did she see him? Perhaps. Was there a pedophile cousin in Tennessee that was there and then left shortly thereafter?

Well, that`s something that seemed to emerge a little bit later as well. But also, I think that Dr. Marshall was exactly right about the cadaver dogs being in their neighborhood. Remember, Jessica Lunsford and Caylee Anthony were both found within several hundred yards of their homes and then finally, I think that people have to understand that I thank you so much for talking about the truckers.

You know, America`s truckers are unheralded and unsung heroes in the fight for missing children and they`ve got a long and storied relationship with this issue. There are more than two million long-haul truckers on the highways of America on a given day and they are in constant communication with each other.

So this is a force that can probably do much more than they already do, but already they`re a great ally for our cause.

GRACE: You know, they really are. How many times have you seen a truck go by with a missing child`s.


GRACE: . picture on that truck? So you`re absolutely right again, Marc Klaas.

I want to go back to our special guest, Tracy Sergeant and Cinco, who`s joining us, a cadaver dog, human remains detection dog. I understand you have with you part of a human rib? Please, go ahead.

TRACY SERGEANT, DOG TRAINER: Yes, ma`am. We`re going to show you a demo. It`s important to understand that the body goes through different phases of decomposition and the dogs need to be trained in those different phases. So earlier we showed you how a dog will find somebody, let`s say the smell the flesh. In this case we`re going to show you how he will locate bone.


SERGEANT: Again, I`ll give him the command to search for it. Cinco, hunt. Again, he will respond just as he did before, in this case, a trained alert. So I will give him the ball and reward him and again, we`ll investigate what he has searched.

GRACE: Cadaver dogs, the entire day outside the home of little Haleigh where she went missing.

As we go to break happy birthday to hair and makeup superstar Jill Devito. She`s a cover girl herself. Happy birthday, Jill. You`re finally 21. And happy birthday, 74, to a friend of the show Jimmy Johnson. Happy birthday, Jimmy, Fayetteville, Georgia. Isn`t he handsome?

And a very special happy birthday to Sam. A junior at Georgia Southern University majoring in biology, minor computers, holds down a job and knows how to cook. There he is on the right. He`s a handsome fellow. Happy birthday, Sammy.



BILL GARCIA, CALIFORNIA LICENSES P.I., HELPING FAMILY IN SEARCH FOR MISSING TEEN, AMBER DUBOIS: I don`t think she`s a runaway. She had too many things planned. There was nothing taken from the home.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Investigators are looking for answers in the mystery surrounding what happened to 14-year-old Amber Dubois. Amber was headed to school the day before Valentine`s Day but hasn`t been seen since. Two family members claimed they saw Amber only 300 yards from school that morning, but the school says Amber never showed up to class.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The family came forward immediately and volunteered to be polygraphed. The entire family has been cleared.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Now a private investigator hired by the family has new fears about what may have happened to Amber. P.I. Bill Garcia says it`s possible being that it was Friday the 13th that Amber was the target of a cruel prank. While Garcia still believes it`s more likely Amber was abducted by strangers, the family is desperate for answers, hoping for Amber`s safe return.

MAURICE DUBOIS, FATHER OF MISSING 14-YR-OLD, AMBER DUBOIS: She was in a great mood. We went out after the movies. Went out and fed the ducks at the park, like we typically do, me, her and my niece. She was in great spirits.

GRACE: Mr. Dubois, what are police telling you?

DUBOIS: Basically, they`re continuing their investigation, you know? They`re following up on leads that come in. There`s been no concrete leads, nothing significant that can help us find her at this point.

GRACE: Just one mile from her home to the Escondido High School.

DUBOIS: That`s correct. Even less than that. I would probably say closer to a half mile than a mile.


GRACE: How many millions of parents let their children walk to school every day? I did. My brother and sister did, seemingly millions of children every morning walking to school, walking home in the afternoons. That is what happened with Amber Dubois, just 14 years old.

Straight out to Phil Farrar with KOGO. Phil, what`s the latest?

PHIL FARRAR, NEWS ANCHOR, REPORTER, KOGO RADIO, COVERING STORY: Well, the latest is right now Bill Garcia is out searching, the private investigator, back out searching once again. I talked with him this morning. He has told me of a couple of new developments.

One of the developments was they found four kids who were taking some of the flyers off of poles and these parents saw that they put these flyers back up and once again, these kids took these particular flyers back down so they`ve been kind of looking at these particular kids as well.

Once again, Friday the 13th. That unlucky day, the significance of that. Did that play a role as well? Garcia also told me that he would be searching particular areas today near Lake Wolford which is due east of Escondido. There was a report of two men on Friday the 13th that late evening who had a plastic bag and they dumped something near the lake.

GRACE: Joining me right now, the mother and father of little Amber, Carrie McGonigle and Maurice Dubois, joining us from San Diego. Thank you to the two of you for being with us.

To Carrie, Miss McGonigle, tell me about the morning she disappeared.

CARRIE MCGONIGLE, MOTHER OF MISSING 14-YR-OLD, AMBER DUBOIS: I went to work early that morning. I saw her before I left for work, and I went in and I told her she was getting her baby lamb, that she was -- been wanting for a year to -- she guaranteed she`d take care of it. I went over and gave her a hug, a kiss, told her I loved her and told her I`d see her later that evening.

GRACE: She wanted to get the -- to purchase the baby lamb for her Future Farmers of America project?

MCGONIGLE: It was for her -- it was actually for her science, but she is part of the Future Farmers of America.

GRACE: And where were you going to keep it?

MCGONIGLE: The Escondido High School keeps it at the high school. They have, I think, a five-acre farm there and they raise it for four months and then they auction it off at the county fair.

GRACE: And she was excited about having one for herself and plan to name it Nannette?


GRACE: To Amber`s father Maurice Dubois. Mr. Dubois, thank you for being with us again. I don`t understand this new theory that`s emerging about her disappearance being part of some kind of a prank. What does it mean?

DUBOIS: It`s a little confusing to us. I wouldn`t understand any prank that would go on this way, you know? I don`t see any student who could pull a prank on a family that`s this devastating. I just couldn`t see it.

GRACE: So is the theory behind the prank that they kidnapped Amber as a cruel joke and they`re holding her somewhere? That doesn`t make any sense.

DUBOIS: I don`t -- I don`t see any sense in it either.

GRACE: And you know what else, too, Mickey Sherman and Peter Odom, they may call it a prank, but I call it felony kidnapping, Odom.

ODOM: Well, first of all, Nancy, if that`s a theory, then it`s a theory in search of evidence and frankly, if there`s no evidence to back it up I think they ought to stay away from saying anything about it.

GRACE: I agree, Mickey Sherman. This is not a prank.

SHERMAN: No, frankly.

GRACE: If it started as a prank it is felony kidnapping at this point.

SHERMAN: I don`t believe it even started as a prank.

GRACE: I don`t either.

SHERMAN: I think that`s an absolutely ridiculous theory. A prank is when you throw water balloons to somebody or order too many pizzas to go to their home. This is serious as a heart attack. Our hearts going out to these folks. And they should be going down different avenues.

GRACE: To Mike Brooks, former fed with the FBI. Mike, much more legitimate is the fact that there have been multiple kidnappings and attempted kidnappings in the area. In fact, one was very near a school, an elementary school.

MIKE BROOKS, FMR. DC POLICE DETECTIVE SERVED ON FBI TERRORISM TASK FORCE: All around in the same school district, Nancy. There, apparently, were three in an eight-day period. Now law enforcement, they`re all -- the vehicles that were used in this were all different. There was, apparently, a firearm on the dash of one of the vehicles of these attempted kidnappings, but right now they don`t believe that they`re connected, but it`s something I would definitely be looking into.

And the other thing, too, you know, when she walks all that way, she was seen 300 yards, Nancy, from the school. My question is, do any of the homes along where she was walking, do any of them have any kind of surveillance video? You know, a lot of people nowadays have surveillance cameras around their house.

If I was law enforcement I`d make sure that I`d -- checking to see if any of these homes along her route had any surveillance cameras.

GRACE: You know, Mike, you`re absolutely correct. Practically anyone that has a nanny cam these days can have one trained on the front door which also shows the yard, the driveway, the road in front of the home.

I want to go back to Carrie McGonigle, this is Amber`s mother. Again, thank you for being with us. You said Amber had her cell phone with her. Did she take her charger as well? Did she carry that with her?

MCGONIGLE: No, her charger was left at the house.

GRACE: Did she have a debit card or a credit card of any type, Miss McGonigle?

MCGONIGLE: She had no access to any money whatsoever. She has -- she hides her money in her room and I found it and it was $8 and she puts it in a secret spot and that`s all the money she had on her besides the check to -- made out to the school.

GRACE: You know, how people are suggesting she ran away, Maurice Dubois, is beyond me. She -- her cell phone`s gone dead, she didn`t have any money. She only had the check to buy the little lamb at school. Did she take anything with her such as clothes or any of your or her mom`s money?

DUBOIS: Absolutely not. There`s nothing -- nothing else is missing from the house.

GRACE: Out to Marc Klaas, where do we go from here, Marc? I mean the police have -- stopped the searched because -- not to their discredit, they followed up on all of the leads. They don`t know where to search -- where to search next. What about it, Mike Brooks?

BROOKS: Tell you what, Nancy, they`re going to continue to look for any kind of leads that they can find. You know there`s a lot of things -- she was seen within 300 yards of that school. Someone else had to have seen her. Was she by herself? Was she with friends? You know, if this -- if this -- whole prank theory which I don`t think -- I would totally discount that.

GRACE: I wish nobody had even said that. That`s hurting the investigation. That`s BS!

BROOKS: I think you`re absolutely right, too, Nancy.

GRACE: Look at this girl. Amber Dubois, the tip line, 888-55-AMBER. It is anonymous. There is a reward. Go to Please help us find this girl.



DUBOIS: Typical home life. I mean, I`m not going to paint a golden picture. I mean everything is great there. I mean she loves her house, she loves her life. Great friends. No problems.


GRACE: Straight back out to Amber`s parents, joining me today, the father, Maurice Dubois, and her mother, Carrie McGonigle.

To Carrie, have you and the father done any ground searches, any searches yourself for Amber?

MCGONIGLE: I did last weekend. I went up on Amber`s horse up into -- all through up a big park near us. We did -- we covered about 15, 20 miles of searching.

GRACE: Miss McGonigle, when did you realize Amber was missing?

MCGONIGLE: About 4:30.

GRACE: Oh, no. So the whole day had gone by before anybody realized?

MCGONIGLE: Well, yes. She -- called me when she gets home from school. And when she didn`t call, I was at work, I called her cell phone and it went straight to voice mail. And then I left work. Thinking she was.


MCGONIGLE: Thinking she would be at a friend`s house, or, you know, just being a teenager. But there was no sign of her.

GRACE: So Mr. Dubois, the whole day passes and no one realized she was gone, the school didn`t call home or anything?

DUBOIS: The school called and left a message at the house. And once Carrie got home, she listened to the message and received it. But, yes, we had no -- no notification that.

GRACE: Mr. Dubois, you are speaking to the public tonight. What is your message?

DUBOIS: Help. You know what? Help us find our daughter, you know. Keep her in your mind. Go to her Web site. Print up a flier. Keep it on your dash. You know keep it somewhere nearby so that if you see her or see someone that looks like her, you know, look at the picture, keep it for reference.

GRACE: Everyone, the tip line, 1-888-55-AMBER.

Let`s stop and remember Army Chief Warrant Officer Brady Rudolf, 37, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, killed Iraq. From a family of military vets, had more than 20 years service, a pharmacist. Would give you the shirt off his back, with a sparkle in his eye, a smile that lights up a room.

Loved family, God and country. Leaves behind grieving widow, Jennifer, three sons, brother, Dustin.

Brady Rudolf, American hero.

Thanks to our guests but especially to you for being with us. A special good night from friend of the show, VG, Virginia Gunn (ph).

Everyone, I`ll see you tomorrow night 8:00 sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Blonde on March 01, 2009, 10:41:35 AM
This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," February 27, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.
GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: We're back live in Satsuma, Florida, reporting on the disappearance of 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings, little Haleigh allegedly last seen by the 17-year-old girlfriend of Haleigh's father at about 10:00 PM on February 9.
Joining us live is Haleigh's mother, Crystal Sheffield, and Haleigh's grandmother, Marie Griffis. Nice to see both of you. Any news today, Crystal, at all? Nothing?
VAN SUSTEREN: Have you talked to the police today?
VAN SUSTEREN: Have you, Marie?
VAN SUSTEREN: What were they telling you last night?
GRIFFIS: He -- last night, he just stopped and confirmed that the dumpster that they had went through, the smell coming out of it was just debris laying in water. And something else was in there, he said, but it had nothing to do with Haleigh, and just letting us know that they had turned the trailer back over to Ronald.

VAN SUSTEREN: And was that -- I mean, you're making a reference to that the -- that there have been some dogs that have made a hit on that -- on that dumpster, which cast a lot of suspicion on the dumpster?
GRIFFIS: Yes. Yes. They smelled something, but he said there was nothing in there. They went through it piece by piece.
VAN SUSTEREN: Crystal, you know, I can't even imagine the agony. What do you -- I mean, how do you pass your days, just waiting and waiting? Is that...
SHEFFIELD: I take it day by day.

VAN SUSTEREN: What -- you know, what -- what's your child like? Tell us about her. I mean, is she the kind who -- would she ever walk off with anybody?
VAN SUSTEREN: Absolutely not?
VAN SUSTEREN: Is she a shy kid, a bold kid?
SHEFFIELD: She's not shy, but she's not going to go off with a stranger. I mean, she's just -- she's a wonderful little girl. She'll talk to you, but she's not going to go with a stranger.
VAN SUSTEREN: Marie, do you think she's capable of opening a deadbolt lock?
VAN SUSTEREN: Why not? I mean (INAUDIBLE) been with you, and like, you've -- I mean, she just doesn't seem like a kid who's interested in locks and would mess with the door?
GRIFFIS: Well, at our house, I keep my deadbolt locked, and it's right where a kid can open it. My 9-year-old daughter, she can unlock it, but the other kids don't usually mess with it. And Haleigh has never opened the back door and went out of it.
VAN SUSTEREN: Crystal, what's your -- you know, in your heart or -- what do you think happened? Or your mind. I mean -- I mean, like, what -- deep down inside, what's your -- what's your suspicion?
SHEFFIELD: I honestly don't know. I mean, there's so much going around. I hope somebody has her and they're taking care of her. I mean, because I don't know what happened. I wasn't there. All I hear is what everybody's saying happened, and I just -- I hope someone has her and they're taking care of her. And I just want them to bring her home.
VAN SUSTEREN: Do you actually live in this community?
SHEFFIELD: No. I live in Baker County.
VAN SUSTEREN: Have you ever lived in this area?
VAN SUSTEREN: In the time that you lived here, did you ever hear about kids being nabbed or grabbed, or anything.
VAN SUSTEREN: In broad daylight it looks like a pretty safe area. There were not a lot of people around today. It looked pretty safe.
SHEFFIELD: She was a year old when me and her dad moved here. And I lived here until she was almost 15. I never had no worries about my kids running around playing with the neighborhood kids. We never worried about anybody coming and snatching one of our kids. This is the first time.
VAN SUSTEREN: What is your sort of thought on this, if you are investigating it?
SHEFFIELD: Somebody in that house knows what happened.
VAN SUSTEREN: Have you spoken to Ronald or his girlfriend since your granddaughter disappeared?
VAN SUSTEREN: Have you spoken to them either directly?
SHEFFIELD: I have spoke to Ronald. I have not spoke to Misty.
VAN SUSTEREN: And when you spoke to Ronald, what did you ask him.
SHEFFIELD: I did not ask him nothing. He just told me he was sorry and that if he had been home from work, it would not have never happened.
VAN SUSTEREN: He's hurting. He is a good father, isn't he?
SHEFFIELD: Yes. He loves Haleigh. I know Haleigh is his heart, and I do not think he hurt her.
VAN SUSTEREN: And we certainly hope we'll get some good news and find that child, your granddaughter and daugther. Thank you both for joining us.
GRIFFIS: Thank you.
SHEFFIELD: Thank you.
VAN SUSTEREN: Moments ago, we walked through the neighborhood where Haleigh was last allegedly seen with the missing child's paternal grandmother Teresa Neves.
VAN SUSTEREN: How did you find out?
VAN SUSTEREN: About what time did he call you?
NEVES: He called me 3:27, 3:28.
VAN SUSTEREN: So right after the 911 call? Right before?
NEVES: I believe that she was on with 911 when he called me.
NEVES: He was in a panic.
911 CALL - RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH CUMMINGS’ FATHER: I just got home from work. My five-year-old daughter is gone. I need somebody to be here now.
NEVES: And I thought, I am in my nightgown, and I am throwing me jeans on and going out of the door, and I thought that she is probably hiding under the bed or something.
VAN SUSTEREN: How far do you live from here?
NEVES: I live about somewhere between 12 and 15 miles.
VAN SUSTEREN: So did you hightail it over here?
NEVES: It took me about five minutes.
VAN SUSTEREN: So you did move fast.
NEVES: I was well over the speed limit, that's for sure. But I just thought if they got behind me, there would be more people here when we got here.
VAN SUSTEREN: So when did you get here, about 4:00 a.m.
NEVES: When I got here, it was about 3:30.
VAN SUSTEREN: Is the level of pain that which you imagined, or when it really happens, are there any words to describe it?
NEVES: I don't think that anybody ever, ever could understand how bad and how deep that hurts. And I do not think that they can understand the fear that you feel, not knowing where your child is and knowing that she is scared to death.
She is a five-year old. She was not a child who would go out in the dark. So you know that somebody took her.
But she is a daddy's girl. To be away from her father, you just know that she is scared to death, you know? I am afraid that maybe some couple who can't have a child and wanted a child, because she was so precious, they took her, and they are taking care of her.
VAN SUSTEREN: What did you say to Ronald? I know it is horrible for you, and it is horrible for your son. What are you saying to him now to try to help him get through this?
NEVES: The same thing I tell everybody--you have to keep praying. You have to keep the faith, and you have to believe what you pray.
VAN SUSTEREN: What do you think happened? Do you have any idea?
NEVES: I don't. No, I don't. I wish I did. I wish I could come up with any kind of scenario that would help find my baby girl.
VAN SUSTEREN: We are going to bring you the very latest on this investigation as soon as we get it

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on March 04, 2009, 05:04:59 PM


Aired March 3, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET

<snipped to include only Haleigh coverage>



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s been exactly three weeks since anyone has seen Haleigh Cummings. Just like every other night since her disappearance, Haleigh`s mom`s family and her dad gathered for a vigil.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We pray that you would honor this prayer, bring Haleigh home safely.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The mobile home on Green Lane where the 5-year- old was sleeping the night police say someone abducted her is no longer a crime scene, but Haleigh`s grandmother Teresa Neves says the family is having a hard time going down there and no one wants to go inside, at least not yet.

TERESA NEVES, GRANDMOTHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD, HALEIGH CUMMINGS: It`s very hard. It`s hard to see all her things in there and she`s not there.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The support from the community continues to pour in and the families say it`s appreciated. A local man even dropped off a CD with a song he wrote dedicated to the little girl.

He even printed the CrimeStoppers number on the front encouraging people to call in tips because tips are what investigators say are going to help them solve this case and hopefully bring Haleigh home.


GRACE: You are seeing right now just-released home video released by the family just before we went to air in the hopes that it would generate new leads. You`re seeing little Haleigh, 5 years old, playing there in the home. Little Haleigh taken out of her home in the middle of the night according to the girlfriend/babysitter sleeping in the room with her, reportedly.

The family so desperate they are calling in psychics to help in the search for Haleigh.

To T.J. Hart with WSKY 97.3 FM. T.J., what`s the latest?

T.J. HART, PROGRAM & NEWS DIR., WSKY 97.3FM, COVERING STORY: The latest is a lot of people have been re-interviewed today including neighbors, family and friends and also a lot of tips have come in about 2,300 so far and well over a hundred of them have been coming in from people professing to be psychics and there`s a lot of people being very positive about the probable return in the case of Haleigh.

A lot of people are describing this case as similar to that of Elizabeth Smart, and I know that you brought this up several times on the show where you talked where she was found alive nine months later. There`s a lot of hope but there are also a lot of people trying to find whatever leads they can possibly follow in this case. And even if it is a psychic, that`s where they`re going.

GRACE: To Natisha Lance on the case from the very beginning. Natisha, explain how the family has decided to call in psychics.

NATISHA LANCE, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, SPENT TIME WITH HALEIGH`S FAMILY: Well, actually, Nancy, the psychic approached the family and so far they`ve searched two locations. They were able to find some evidence and hopefully they want to turn that evidence over to investigators. Some of the evidence that they were able to collect were water bottles, eggs, Easter eggs as well as a fresh soda can.

They believe that possibly this could be connected to Haleigh based on what the psychic has told them and they will turn it over to investigators so that they can get it processed and looked into it.

GRACE: Joining me right now is special guest Marie Griffis. This is the maternal grandmother of little Haleigh.

Miss Griffis, thank you for being with us.

Thank you for having me.

GRACE: Miss Griffis, does the family believe that the psychics will be able to help?

MARIE GRIFFIS, MATERNAL GRANDMOTHER OF HALEIGH: Yes. Some of the things that they have told Crystal, they`ve told her things about her past that they would have no way of knowing, so, you know, we kind of lean towards believing some of the things that they`re trying to do. But you know.

GRACE: We are taking your calls live. The family now relying on psychics as police comb through over 2,000 tips in the search for this little girl.

Back to Marie Griffis, the maternal grandmother of little Haleigh. Miss Griffis, a lot of viewers have asked about a band-aid that the father, Ronald Cummings, was wearing immediately after little Haleigh went missing. We`re showing it to you right now.

We have been told that that band-aid was not due to a cut, but due to a cyst that Mr. Cummings suffered. Is that true?

GRIFFIS: I have no idea. I know Crystal said he always gets cysts like that on the back of his neck. A lot of people associate it with steroids or drugs. I have no idea.

GRACE: Well, you know, I don`t know about that. I just want to clarify the purpose of the band-aid.

With me maternal grandmother of Haleigh, Marie Griffis.

Back to Natisha Lance. Natisha, cadaver dogs hit on a dumpster near Haleigh`s home. What can you tell me?

LANCE: Nancy, this was about two-tenths of a mile away from the Cummings` home. Now when you say that it`s about 60 seconds in walking distance away from the home. Three cadaver dogs hit on this dumpster. Now investigators went through it, searching through every single bag that was in this dumpster. They were not able to find anything that was connected to Haleigh. They didn`t get specific in terms of what the cadaver dogs hit on, but they said it was nothing that was connected to Haleigh.

GRACE: You know, to Dr. Posey. Dr. Posey, cadaver dogs don`t hit on human waste like a band-aid or a syringe where there`s blood. It`s my understanding they only hit on human remains, dead remains.

POSEY: That`s correct and I find the lead a little bit concerning because they found nothing in the dumpster. So I agree with you, there`s - - there has to be something there and more to that than what we`re hearing.

GRACE: And to Ron Shindel, former NYPD deputy inspector. Is that your understanding regarding cadaver dogs?

SHINDEL: Yes, it is, Nancy. The HRD dogs, human remains detection canines, that`s what they do. They go for human remains only and that`s what they`re trained to do. That`s what they find.

GRACE: And back to T.J. Hart with WSKY, 97.3 FM. T.J., when was the dumpster searched?

HART: That dumpster was searched, I believe, it was Thursday night and that was one of the things that we saw a lot of action coming in from right over the fence and we were able to peer over and they brought out actually two dumpsters and they emptied them out and went through the bags pretty thoroughly that night. They had the night lights and everything else out there for the search.

GRACE: Why so long after her disappearance to go out with cadaver dogs?

HART: Normally, we`ve been told that that is just a protocol to make sure that nothing is missed and to have the three dogs being that close to the home and then getting that strike like that was very shocking to a lot of people.

GRACE: But, I mean, so many days had passed since Haleigh went missing for them to go to the dumpster. I`m very disturbed.

HART: We were told that by.

GRACE: I`m very disturbed by that whatever -- go ahead.

HART: I`m sorry, Nancy. We were told by officers that nothing had been taken out of that dumpster -- since that time. So nothing has been disturbed.

GRACE: How did they know? How did they know unless the dumpster`s been under surveillance?

We`re taking your calls. Cheryl in Michigan, hi, Cheryl.

CALLER: Hi, Nancy. Love your show.

GRACE: Thank you.

CALLER: Here`s my question. When was this dumpster dumped?

GRACE: It was Thursday.

CALLER: Could she be in there prior?

GRACE: It was Thursday, late Thursday afternoon, and I don`t understand the delay, Natisha Lance?

LANCE: Nancy, investigators have told us that nothing had been dumped or removed from this dumpster before Haleigh -- from the time Haleigh went missing. Now we also called the dumpster company, they didn`t return our phone call back, but this is an area that Teresa Neves had actually asked investigators to search previously and she said she asked them over and over again and investigators have said that they did search this area, but for some reason when they went back there with these three cadaver dogs they all hit on it.

GRACE: And very quickly, Sue Moss, the delay in searching this dumpster and they got a hit with three cadaver dogs. That`s a problem.

MOSS: That`s a huge problem. That`s just like the fact that they didn`t do the AMBER Alert quick enough. Time is of the essence. The more time that passed, the less chance we`re going to find her.



RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I`m not here to answer any questions. I`m here to plea for the life of my daughter. I want her to come home. If you have her, please send her home. Don`t care how she gets here, just bring her home. And if you`re watching, baby, I love you. That`s all I have to say.


GRACE: Out to a special guest, joining us, Reverend Jesse Smallwood. He`s joining us from Claxton, Georgia. He was the prior owner of the home form which Haleigh was taken.

Reverend, thank you for being with us. Specifically, I want to ask you about that bedroom in which Haleigh was sleeping when she was allegedly kidnapped. How big is that bedroom?

REV. JESSE SMALLWOOD, PREVIOUS OWNER OF MOBILE HOME WHERE HALEIGH DISAPPEARED: It`s about 10 by 10, maybe 10 by 14, little wider than it is long because it has a very large bath at the end of the bedroom.

GRACE: And Reverend Smallwood, how far away is the kitchen door? The back kitchen door that was left propped open from the bedroom?

SMALLWOOD: Very farthest part of the house. You`re in one corner of the house and the door is basically on the same wall. You would have to go all the way through the living room, the kitchen.


SMALLWOOD: Then the washroom and then to the door which have.

GRACE: Got it.

SMALLWOOD: . a sliding bolt that I installed for my son, young son was there.

GRACE: A sliding.

SMALLWOOD: And I was a renter there, not owner.

GRACE: A sliding metal bolt. Not plastic.

SMALLWOOD: Yes. Yes. They`re put it up because the door would prop open and I put a sliding metal bolt up high.

GRACE: Did that repair the door from just popping open? Did that repair the door?


GRACE: And Ray Giudice, I`ve got 15 seconds. So the perp would have to come in to a room 10 by 14 and make it all the way down the length of the home and not be heard?

GIUDICE: Yes, and if you ever walked in a lot of mobile homes, they tend to actually squeak because they sit off the ground and they`re aluminum. There`s a lot of creaking going on. I think the story that somebody did that without being noticed is difficult to believe.

GRACE: Everyone, let`s stop and remember, Army Sergeant Daniel Eshbaugh, 43, Norman, Oklahoma, killed Iraq. A flight engineer on a second tour, also served in the Air Force dedicated to family, country, awarded the Army Commendation Medal, Oklahoma Long Service Medal and Army Reserve Components Achievement Medal.

Loved Oklahoma football, leaves behind widow Rachel and four children.

Daniel Eshbaugh, American hero.

Thanks to our guests, but especially to you. I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on March 04, 2009, 05:11:38 PM


New Leads in Haleigh Cummings Case; Search Suspended for Men Lost at Sea

Aired March 3, 2009 - 19:00   ET



JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HOST (voice-over): Tonight, week three in the frantic search for Haleigh Cummings. Cops are following up on every possible lead as a new tip leads him to question a neighbor about a door bell. What could it mean? Was it another dead end?

As desperation mounts, the Cummings family released another batch of Haleigh home video in the hopes somebody will recognize this child.

Then a massive, intense search across the Gulf of Mexico. Two NFL players and another man lost at sea after going on a routine fishing trip. A fourth man already saved in a dramatic rescue. I`ll have the details.

And bad news for Casey Anthony`s defense. A judge rules that scandalous party photos of Casey will be released to the public. How shocking are they? I`ll show you, and I`ll examine how it will affect her murder trial.

Plus, an update on the Rihanna/Chris Brown soap opera, Rihanna reportedly back together with Brown less than a month after he allegedly battered her. Now Rihanna`s family speaks out, worrying she`s putting herself at risk. And why haven`t authorities charged Chris Brown yet?

Then we have the shocking video of a 15-year-old girl getting a vicious beating by prison guards as one slams her to the floor by her hair. Will the guards face charges, or is this just business as usual behind cell walls?

ISSUES starts now.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tonight it`s a race against the clock in the frantic search for little Haleigh Cummings. The investigation is now entering its fourth week, and authorities admit they are totally stumped.

In a desperate bid to drum up new leads, her family has released another home video recorded about six months ago. It shows the adorable little girl playing in front of the fireplace.

While thousands of tips have poured in, not a single one has brought authorities closer to finding this missing 5-year-old. Little Haleigh vanished from her bed in the wee hours of February 9. One mysterious tip about a doorbell chime led detectives to the home of a neighbor.


MARTY HUBBARD, NEIGHBOR QUESTIONED ABOUT DOORBELL: They got a tip on my name, period, and they said that they needed to question me because that I had a door bell -- if I had a door bell that rang like a grandfather clock and which I said I don`t even have a door bell in my house, y`all.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: What is the significance of that, if any? And why after all this time are there so many more questions than answers?

Let`s go straight to my panel: Jayne Weintraub, criminal defense attorney; Vinny Parko, private investigator; Debbie Glasser, clinical psychologist; and Jennifer Bauer with CNN affiliate WJXT in Jacksonville.

Jennifer, what is the very latest?

JENNIFER BAUER, WJXT REPORTER: Well, unfortunately, Jane, for these two families there is not a lot of new information to report. Police tell us they now have 2,300 leads have come in, in the last 22 days since Haleigh was last seen. Seventy tips just came in over this weekend, and investigators tell us they are just continuing to follow up on every one of them.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Let me ask you a couple of things going back over this investigation. What happened to the missing sex offender. I believe his name was Chad Reynolds, 25. He lived in the area, and he disappeared mysteriously in early February?

BAUER: That`s right. Twenty-five-year-old Chad Reynolds. He is a sexual predator, registered sexual predator here in Florida. He was convicted of a sex crime here in Putnam County but has been missing out of Marion County. Still no information. Police have not been able to find him in the last 22 days.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, what about tests? We know that cadaver dogs last week hit on a Dumpster. Have they taken any of the material from within that Dumpster and had it tested forensically? Because they say they have absolutely no leads, but perhaps if they test it and found DNA or something in that Dumpster that the cadaver dogs hit on, we`d have something.

BAUER: You know, Jane, that`s a really good question. They had the one Dumpster where they were going through and searching and then they brought in a second Dumpster, an empty Dumpster, and they were transferring things from one Dumpster to the other and going through them piece by piece.

But that night, that Thursday night, they told us there was nothing. So I`m going to have to go out there and say that nothing has been forensically tested, because they told us that evening that the investigation in that Dumpster was over.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now I was hearing reports that they are still re- interviewing the relatives. This has gone on and on with these re- interviews. What`s the latest on that?

BAUER: We asked investigators about that today, and they keep telling us that as new tips come in, as new leads come in, and as they continue to receive phone calls, more questions come up, and they keep going back to the family for confirmation and for information. They say it`s strictly routine.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. So I understand that the families are obviously just hanging on by huddling together with prayer. We only have a couple of seconds, but how would you describe them right now? Are they in the tents right near the crime scene from which Haleigh was taken, or have they scattered?

BAUER: They`re still in the tents, Jane, and I would use one word to describe these families, and I`d say desperate. They are desperate for information, and they are just beside themselves. Every day it gets harder and harder, and they just don`t know what to do at this point.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Jennifer Bauer, you`re doing a great job out there. Thank you for joining us and please come back soon, hopefully with some very good news about little Haleigh.

All right. Let`s get to the rest of my panel. Jayne Weintraub, the FBI is involved, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Putnam County Sheriff`s Office, and still no leads on this child. How is that possible?

JAYNE WEINTRAUB, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, we don`t than that they don`t have any leads. We just know that they haven`t released any information. I mean, you raised one good point about the pedophile that`s registered that hasn`t appeared yet.

We also know from the doorbell chime that they have re-interviewed her younger brother, even though he`s only 3 years old. He speaks. He heard. He knows what he heard, Jane, and if it sounded to him like a doorbell chime, maybe it was a cell phone ring, a BlackBerry ring. Maybe that`s one way that they can look to identify if they`re speaking in the neighborhood or if it`s a portable ring. I think that they`re on to something with listening to the little boy. That`s all they`ve got.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, I actually have a couple of thoughts on that.

Debbie Glasser, Haleigh`s mom said that her little boy, who was 3 at the time of this abduction of his big sister, and is now 4, had sort of revised -- or there`s been a revision of his description of what happened.

He had said initially that a man in black had come in and taken Haleigh, and now he`s changed it to a black man dressed in black. Can we really trust what a 3-year-old has to say, given that they often live in their imaginations?

DEBBIE GLASSER, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST: Right. It`s a really touchy situation. And plus, he said he was 3 at the time and now he`s 4. You know, a lot of changes take place in the lifetime of a young child, 3 to 4. Enormous cognitive changes, neurological changes, physical changes.

You know, this family is clinging to everything. And, of course, investigators must track down every lead and follow every piece of information they get. It`s just really, really challenging to pin a whole lot...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Not to interrupt, but if the child is having a flight of imagination, that could hurt the investigation, because then it puts people on -- in a wild goose chase.

GLASSER: Right. Well, hopefully, the investigators are tracking down all leads and not doing one instead of another. There`s an enormous amount of information coming in. This poor family is clinging to everything. And the truth is perhaps the 3-year-old did hear something, and that needs to be investigated.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Early on in the investigation, bloodhounds have reportedly tracked Haleigh`s scent to the area along the banks of the nearby St. John`s River.

Now, as you can see from this Google map -- take a look at this -- it`s not far from the Cummings` home. Reportedly, investigators came up empty. You see the river there. But does this mean it was really a dead end?

Vinny Parko, private investigator, do you think we`ve heard enough about the possibility of Haleigh`s abductor, let`s say taking her away by boat? Or what about thoroughly dredging this river?

VINNY PARKO, PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR: You know, you have to try everything. I mean, you`ve got a poor little girl that`s missing. Every lead can help you. If the dogs found a scent towards the river, then that would be an area that I would look at.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Absolutely. And you know what I`d like to talk about very briefly is the fact that Ron Cummings has gotten a tattoo. And he was so devastated by the events that have occurred, his little daughter being taken from his home, that he decided to go get a tattoo. And it`s a tattoo of little Haleigh`s face. And this is something that he has done sort of as a sign of solidarity with his missing daughter. Debbie Glasser, good therapy?

GLASSER: You know, everybody reacts to stress in their own way, and this is such extreme stress. There`s no way we can put ourselves in the shoes of this family and what they`re anything through. You know, if putting a tattoo of his daughter`s face is going to help him stay hopeful and cooperate with investigators and do everything that they can to bring little Haleigh home, then that`s when he needs to do.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Everyone, sit tight. We are just getting started. Do you think cops are grasping for straws in the search for Haleigh Cummings? Give me a holler: 1-877-JVM-SAYS. That`s 1-877-586-7297 and let me know.

In other stunning news, a 15-year-old girl is viciously beaten by prison guards. It is caught on tape. I will show you more of the shocking video in a moment.

But first, here is the Cummings` neighbor showing support for Haleigh`s family after cops questioned him.


HUBBARD: Anything I could do to bring this girl home, that`s what I`m here for. You know, this is my neighbor. This is my neighborhood. So, you know, I mean, I`ve got grandkids, you know, and this worries me to death.



RON CUMMINGS, FATHER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I`m here on plead for the life of my daughter. I want her to come home. If you have her, please send her home. I don`t know care how she gets here. Just get her home.

And if you`re watching, baby, I love you.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Haleigh`s dad making a desperate appeal to anyone with information about his daughter.

I am back with my panel, talking about the latest developments in the search for 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings. Her family refuses to give up hope. Her grandmother says one reason is detectives on the case have described it as similar to that of Elizabeth Smart.

Elizabeth was abducted from her Salt Lake City home in June of 2002. She was snatched from the bedroom she and her kid sister shared. Miraculously, Elizabeth was found alive nine months later.

I am very pleased to welcome her father, Ed Smart, president of the Surviving Parents Coalition.

Thanks so very much for joining us, and thank you for all the very good work that you do, Ed.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: They have actually cited your daughter`s miraculous recovery as a reason for hope for little Haleigh. Do you agree, and if so, why do you agree?

SMART: Absolutely. You know, I think that the Cummings are going through an incredibly difficult time. I remember how hard it was for us. And you get to a point where there are all these people working, trying to do their best to find her, and yet it still seems to be so far out of your control to have any control on the situation. And it`s just so difficult.

You know, one of the things that really helped us was, you know, a former -- or should I say another family member that had been through the same situation before, talked about trying to keep the focus, keep the picture of Elizabeth out there. Certainly, in this case keeping Haleigh`s picture out there. And we -- we just didn`t know what we could do to try to find her, and we had everyone helping. Now, certainly, things have changed.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ed, let me jump in and ask you...

SMART: Sure.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: You at some point took matters into your own hands. What did you do?

SMART: Well, you know, we had a -- the Law (ph) Recovery Center came in and set up a search center. And we had a number of searches going on, numerous dogs, heat-seeking helicopters, volunteers that were there time and time again combing the area. We -- my brothers were amazing. They just would not give up, and they kept trying to search on any tip that they -- they heard about.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: But didn`t you call "America`s Most Wanted"? Didn`t "America`s Most Wanted" get involved at a certain point?

SMART: They did, and it was a few months down the road. But John Walsh was amazing. In fact, it was because of his show that Elizabeth was found. And, you know, the -- having everyone there trying to help was...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Let me get into that...


VELEZ-MITCHELL: ... because it is so crucial. I mean, it was on "America`s Most Wanted," and then people started seeing the video of the girl. And they connected it to a child that they had seen in the area?

SMART: No, really what it was, was we had just come out with the picture that was supposedly of this Brian David Mitchell. And we -- two people had seen that picture on "America`s Most Wanted." and initially they spotted Brian Mitchell. and then they spotted Elizabeth or they thought who was Elizabeth. and so that was, you know, that was key, of course, in finding her.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I want to ask you one other question. It was the kid sister, your youngest daughter, who had the epiphany and suddenly realized who it was. She actually cracked the case one day and said, "Dad, I know who did this." And apparently, authorities didn`t listen to her.

SMART: That`s right. They brought her in. They said, you know, "She says, `I think it might be.`" And you know, she had said to me, "Dad, I think it is." Well, I think and being the only witness there, certainly puts the most credibility on what she had to say.

And of course, that wasn`t considered or was downplayed significantly to a point that, you know, there wasn`t as much attention that needed to be focused in that direction.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Wow. And it`s just because she was a kid, right?

SMART: Right, right.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And so we have a similar situation here. And Ed, I want to thank you so much. I really want to thank you for all the great work that you do as part of the Surviving Parents Coalition, helping people in these hellish situations get through this kind of stuff.

But Jayne Weintraub, you just heard it right there. In that previous case the child solved it, and nobody listened because it was a kid.

WEINTRAUB: And that`s exactly what I think is happening here. And just because he`s 3 years old, you know, those of us who have had children we all know, maybe it was in the questioner. Was he wearing black or he was all in black? Maybe it wasn`t clear. If he`s saying what it was and what he saw, he knows.

But I also have to tell you, I`ve had the pleasure of meeting Ed Smart and his entire family. And that`s what this is all about, keeping the message going, never giving up. Their faith, their support system.

And the Cummings family seem to be overcoming their dysfunction and whatever from the divorce. They`re hanging together. He`s tattooing. You have to keep it out there...


WEINTRAUB: ... because something happened to Haleigh.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Thomasina, Florida, your question or thought, ma`am?

CALLER: Yes. I understand that Haleigh`s dad Ron had a long rap sheet for arrests involving drugs. I`d like to know how he got sole custody of his kids with such a long criminal record.


WEINTRAUB: Because she did -- oh, sorry.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Go ahead. Answer the questions. I don`t have the answers.

WEINTRAUB: Because I think that it was also alleged that the biological mother was having the same situation and the same problems and also was not employed and couldn`t care for the child. And one of them was deemed more fit.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I want to be more careful, because I don`t have any independent confirmation of that. And again, I think that one of the things the grandfather said is let`s not beat up on this family. We all have a past, and at this point, certainly, the dad`s alibi, whether the sheriff`s department said was firm. He was at work when this child was taken.

So you do have to wonder, Vinny Parko, why don`t they eliminate the family members as suspects, because they have studiously refused to eliminate anybody as suspects.

PARKO: You can`t eliminate anybody until they find the child, either alive or dead. And anybody could be -- everybody is a suspect. That`s unfortunate, but that`s the way it is.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Tonya, Indiana. Question or thought, ma`am?

CALLER: Yes, I was wondering, have they done any investigation into the air-conditioning repairman since he was left in the house alone?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: My understanding is that there was an air- conditioning repairman that day and that they have checked him out and that he is -- his alibi is OK. He is not a suspect, even though they haven`t officially taken anybody off the suspect list. That`s what the reports were from the local reporters, is that his whole story checked out.

Kathleen, New Mexico. Question or thought, ma`am?

CALLER: Yes. I was wondering, my comment is, is that either being man or woman, young or old, when you wake up in the middle of the night and the door is propped wide open, the first thing you would do is call the police, not knowing if somebody else is in that house. And that`s my comment is why she didn`t call the police right away.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Vinny Parko, what do you think?

PARKO: That`s a good question. I have no idea why she didn`t call the police right away. Maybe she called her boyfriend, the father, right away, but a normal person would call the police right away.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: As we wrap up here, I want to do our part, because the family says that we really have to get the distinguishing features of this little girl out there. We do have a couple of photos showing her distinguishing features. And hopefully, we can go to that.

You see that she has light brown birthmarks, one on her left cheekbone and the other on her right jaw line. Details like this can make a difference. Look at this child`s face, and if you see her call authorities.

I want to thank my excellent panel, and please come back soon. Let`s hope we have good news in this case.

End of Haleigh coverage

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on March 05, 2009, 10:48:01 AM


Aired March 4, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET

<snipped to include only Haleigh coverage>

Octo-mom developments in just moments. But first, the desperate search for Haleigh Cummings continues as tensions mount at the crime scene. Little Haleigh`s mother, Crystal Sheffield, has been told to clear out of the makeshift camp she has called home for nearly a month now. Crystal broke down in sobs when a property manager told her she had to leave. The news hit her like a punch to the stomach.


CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH`S MOTHER: I got really upset. I cried. Because I just want to be close. And yesterday I was just -- I was really upset yesterday. And I tried to hold it together, but it`s hard.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: It sure is. I`m sure.

Meanwhile, investigators say their leads have totally dried up on the whereabouts of little Haleigh. How is that possible with the FBI, state, and local law enforcement all working furiously on this case?

As the family clings to hope, they are now asking psychics for help; psychics to find their precious daughter. Ron Cummings made another desperate plea this afternoon.


RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: Baby, I love you. I really love you with all of my heart. And my heart breaks every day that you`re not with me.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: This is just heart-breaking.

Joining me now, my expert panel: Char Margolis, a psychic intuitive and author of "Discover your Inner Wisdom" who has worked on previous investigations, hand in hand with law enforcement and Steve Kardian, former criminal investigators.

Char, before we get to the details of the investigation, you saw the mom`s reaction to being told to leave. Why is being close to the crime scene so emotionally important for family members who are now told they have to leave?

CHAR MARGOLIS, PSYCHIC INTUITIVE: When somebody is psychic and -- and working on a case, you want to feel the energy of the -- of the whereabouts of the person. And everybody has their own unique energy thumbprint.

So emotionally, the mother needs to be there because she wants to try and find her child. A psychic will go there to feel the energy, to see into the future of where that child may be.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So in other words, it`s sort of like a lesser version of what you experience? You say that you experienced intense energy but for family members and loved ones, there is a sense of energy when they`re close to the last place that she was seen before she disappeared?

MARGOLIS: Well, of course.

Imagine not knowing where your child is. Emotionally, this woman wants to be as close to her child as she can. In the last place that she knew her child was, was there. So she wants to grasp on to anything. She`s desperate.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, before we get to the whole psychic issue, I want to have Steve Kardian, you`re a criminal investigator. Weigh in here. The authorities are saying they have no idea. They`re no closer than day one.

Now, my suspicion, I could be totally off base here, is that that is not true. That they`re saying that as a strategy to see what happens because I can`t imagine that with cadaver dog hits, with all sorts of things that have happened that they have absolutely nothing.

STEVE KARDIAN, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR: Yes, I agree 100 percent with you, Jane. And law enforcement, if they have a cooperative individual who is a person of interest or a suspect if you will, they want to continue a dialogue and actually befriend that individual for as long as they possibly can.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. And I must point out that those cadaver dog hits, the authorities said, were false positives. Nevertheless, I would think that they would want to test some of the material found in that dumpster that the dogs hit on to see if maybe there`s some DNA or some other forensic evidence there.

Now, the cops are telling Haleigh`s family, as we`ve just talked about, they`ve run out of leads. Haleigh`s maternal grandmother, Marie Griffis, spoke to Nancy Grace about what a psychic has told them.


MARIE GRIFFS, MATERNAL GRANDMOTHER OF HALEIGH: Yes. Some of the things that they have told Crystal, they`ve told her things about her past that they would have no way of knowing. So, you know, we kind of lean towards believing some of the things that -- that they`re trying to do.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: So, Char, how effective are psychics? And I know you`re a little biased because you`re a psychic, in this kinds of investigations. But I also know that I`ve actually watched shows where police -- these are reality shows, they`ve brought in psychics when they can`t find anything and they`re desperate themselves.

MARGOLIS: Well, I want to make it clear that I`m not working on this case.


MARGOLIS: To begin with.


MARGOLIS: Psychics can add things that other people may not be able to. And when a psychic works on something like this, it`s a team. You need to work with the family, the detectives, the FBI.

When I`ve worked on cases and some have been successful and some have not been, but the ones that are successful are the ones where everybody works as a team. There`s no like, you know, nobody is God. It`s teamwork.

Everybody respects everyone else`s abilities. And then you`re able to really come up with things because a psychic can see a vision of where this child can be.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And let me ask Steve Kardian to have the last word here.

I know in the Casey case, there was a psychic who said she approached authorities and they didn`t take her seriously. What should the attitude of authorities be toward psychics who were trying to help out?

KARDIAN: It`s an investigative tool. And it`s a very good tool when it`s successful. And it`s kept relatively quiet, but the FBI and the U.S. military do use psychics on a regular basis.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. We`ll have to leave it right there.

Ok, we`re going to have leave it right there, I hope you guys -- you psychics out there are successful. They need help.

Steve and Char, thank you.

(end of Haleigh coverage)

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on March 07, 2009, 08:09:18 AM


Police Collect DNA From Missing Haleigh`s Family

Aired March 6, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old little girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone, vanished into thin air, the back door propped wide open. The father comes home from the night shift to find not a single trace of little Haleigh.

Primetime exclusive tonight. We go live inside little Haleigh`s home, including the bedroom where the 5-year-old little girl is snatched in the middle of the night. How -- how -- could an intruder enter this home, including the bedroom where the girl slept along with her little brother and girlfriend/baby-sitter Misty Croslin, without detection? And for the first time since investigators clear the crime scene, Haleigh`s family goes back inside a home brimming with reminders -- Haleigh`s clothes, her photos, her pink-and-blue bicycle, favorite toys.

As we go to air, investigators back inside the home with Haleigh`s father. But why? In the last 48 hours, police insist on taking DNA evidence from multiple family members, including girlfriend/baby-sitter. Police emphasize no one -- repeat, no one -- has been cleared as a suspect. And was Haleigh spotted 35 miles away to the east, Saint Augustine, Florida? Tonight, inside the home of 5-year-old Haleigh, the very bedroom where she was snatched.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Poor little Haleigh Cummings. This 5-year-old girl`s missing now more than three weeks.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: (INAUDIBLE) back door was all open and I can`t find my daughter.

911 OPERATOR: Can`t find what?



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The mobile home on Green Lane where the 5-year- old was sleeping the night police say someone abducted her is no longer a crime scene.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I didn`t hear anything at all, nothing. If I heard something, I would have got up and I wouldn`t have let them take her.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They went through that house six or seven times. There`s nothing, nothing at all.

GRACE: The family now relying on psychics...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s not a dead case, it`s a cold case. I mean, it`s -- there`s all kinds of leads still coming in.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Small reminders of Haleigh are everywhere.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Cleaning her room was the hardest because she has her toys and everything.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Her bicycle sits out front, along with other toys.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just (INAUDIBLE) and just know that she`s not there.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Never, ever imagined the pain that Ronald feels.

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER: I would like to tell my daughter, if she`s watching, Baby, I love you, and we will find you. I love you.


GRACE: And tonight, music superstar Rihanna brutally attacked just before she takes the stage at the Grammys. Stunning photos of a bloodied and beaten Rihanna go public as police announce an arrest. Rihanna`s alleged attacker, R&B superstar Chris Brown. As Rihanna stops cooperating with police, does it indicate she will not testify at trial? Suspect Chris Brown caught on video out on the town, boasting he`s got nothing to worry about. Hold on! Not so fast, Brown. It ain`t over yet!


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mr. Brown (INAUDIBLE) not to annoy, harass, molest, threaten or influence (ph) (INAUDIBLE) Do you understand that, sir?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: According to a detective`s sworn statement, Brown became enraged after Rihanna read a text message on his cell phone from a woman he had a previous sexual relationship with. The affidavit says Brown took his right hand and shoved her head against the passenger window, punched her in the left eye and continued to punch her in the face, causing her mouth to fill with blood and blood to splatter all over her clothing. The affidavit says Brown then told her, I`m going to beat the blank out of you when we get home. You wait and see. Now I`m really going to kill you.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The judge asked whether or not he wanted a stay- away order, a no contact order for Rihanna with Chris Brown, and he said no.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If convicted, Brown faces up to four years and eight months in prison.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Primetime exclusive tonight. We are live inside Haleigh`s home, including the bedroom where the 5-year-old little girl is snatched in the middle of the night.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She`s full of laughter as she poses for the camera in this home video.

GRACE: ... vanished into thin air.


CUMMINGS: I just got home from work. My 5-year-old daughter is gone. I need somebody to be here now, I`m telling you!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You always hear of it happening, but it`s never happened here.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He said that they just haven`t found anything. Nothing. No DNA evidence, no evidence of any kind. That`s why they`ve turned the house back over.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The piece of information is going to come in that will lead us to her, we haven`t found it yet.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s just Haleigh all over the house.

GRACE: ... the back door propped wide open.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We don`t know what the crime is, at this point. All we know is that Haleigh is missing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Was there talk from cousin Joe about revenge?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No one is out of the mix.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is my neighborhood. I got grandkids, you know, and this worries me to death.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She`s our baby girl, and if you could just see her and call it in. We would greatly appreciate anything.


GRACE: Won`t you help us?

Right now, we are there in Satsuma, Florida, live there at the crime scene just cleared by police. Joining me, our producer, Marlaina Schiavo, and Teresa Neves, the paternal grandmother of little Haleigh. Ladies, thank you for being with us.

You know, a lot of people have been extremely dubious, doubting, as to the girlfriend/baby-sitter`s story that in the middle of the night as she slept there in the room, someone came in the home, into the bedroom and took the little girl and nobody heard a thing.

Marlaina, show me the girl`s room. That`s the first thing I want to see.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: OK, Nancy. Well, we`re standing right here. Right beside me on my left is the bed where Misty Croslin was sleeping. And here on the right, we have the bed where little Haleigh was sleeping. And you can see it is all but about three-and-a-half feet from each other. And this is right where Misty said she got up and she had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

Now, on the -- where I`m facing right now, Nancy, is a bathroom. It`s the master bathroom. Through the living room behind me is the other bathroom in the house. And you have to remember she said that when she got up to go to the bathroom, she saw that the kitchen light was on. The kitchen is over this way. So that means she would have had to have gotten up and gone out this door and then have noticed.

GRACE: OK. Stop. Marlaina, are you telling me that she did not go to the bathroom -- the baby-sitter did not go to the restroom, the master bathroom? She chose instead to go out the door, across the kitchen to another bathroom?

SCHIAVO: That is the assumption we are making. We asked Teresa, Haleigh`s grandmother, who`s standing with us. She wasn`t sure which bathroom she used. But if she saw the kitchen light on, she would have had to have used the other bathroom in the home, Nancy.

GRACE: Was the door open or shut, Ms. Neves? Because if the door was closed, that rules out her seeing the kitchen light. So was that bedroom door open when she realized the kitchen light was on?

TERESA NEVES, PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER: The bedroom door is always open.

GRACE: So they sleep with the bedroom door open?

NEVES: Yes, ma`am.

GRACE: Ms. Neves, where was the little brother?

NEVES: He was in the bed right here with Misty.

GRACE: OK, so the -- you`re answering a lot of questions by the way, Ms. Neves and Marlaina Schiavo. I`m seeing the short distance between the bed -- let`s take a full screen, please, Elizabeth. The full distance between the bed where Misty Croslin was sleeping and the little youth bed, the daybed, where Haleigh was sleeping can`t be more than about four feet, maybe five feet.

NEVES: I don`t think it`s that far.

SCHIAVO: Yes, it`s about -- it`s about four feet, Nancy, at most.

GRACE: All right. And the door is open.

SCHIAVO: Yes, the door is open.

GRACE: All right. What more can you tell me, Marlaina?

SCHIAVO: Well, basically, Nancy, we took a walk through with Teresa earlier, and we were trying to see if you -- if the door was loud when it opens, the back door where the intruder came in. We were also trying to see if the floor creaks. I must say, the floor does not creak. There`s carpeting throughout the home, with the exception of the kitchen. And the back door actually does slam.

Now, Teresa told us earlier that it was the screen door that was propped open with the cinderblock, not the actual main door. But both doors -- both doors, and I can take you and show you -- will both -- they both actually close automatically.

GRACE: OK. Wait. Before you leave the bedroom, Marlaina, how big is that bedroom? Yes, I don`t need to see the ceiling. Bring it back down. How big is the bedroom?

SCHIAVO: The bedroom is, I would say about -- I would have to say 11 by 13.

GRACE: OK. Let`s go through the rest of the house -- 11 by 13. Thanks. Go ahead. Tell me what else you observed.

SCHIAVO: OK. Well, basically, Nancy, they kept saying that the door, the back door, which we are about to go to, is about 16 feet from the bedroom. It`s a little bit more than that, actually. If I had to guess, it would probably be about 25. But I`m going to show you the back door and show you how both doors close automatically. So -- and I`m also going to show you the lock because the lock is about three feet from the floor, and we know that that`s about as tall as Haleigh stands.

So here`s the back door and here`s the lock. It sticks, so -- there you go. Now, we open the back door, and here`s the back screen door, the one that was propped open with the cinderblock, OK? Now, if you see when it closed -- it slams. It makes a loud noise. But if you leave this door -- this slowly closes, as well. So leaves a lot of questions as to what exactly -- how exactly did this person do this.



CUMMINGS: I just got home from work. My 5-year-old daughter is gone! I need somebody to be here now!



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I walked in the kitchen and the back door`s wide open. And I go in the room, and she`s gone. And that`s all I know!

CUMMINGS: Came home this morning to find out that I didn`t have a child, that somebody stole my child. It`s not like a bicycle or a car. Somebody stole my child!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... to have to go back in the room where the little girl was stolen from. I could not even come close to imagining what goes through his mind and how his heart is broken.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Misty Croslin said that she realized Haleigh was missing in the middle of the night when she woke up to use the bathroom. There`s two bathrooms in the mobile home, one directly in the master bedroom and the other all the way across the living room.


GRACE: We are live inside the home where little Haleigh is snatched in the middle of night while sleeping there in the room with the baby- sitter/girlfriend and the little brother.

Straight back out to our producer, Marlaina Schiavo. And leading us on the tour of the home, paternal grandmother of Haleigh, Teresa Neves. Ms. Neves, again, thank you for letting us inside your home.

Marlaina, I want to go back to that back door very quickly. What more can you tell me? Uh-oh, Marlaina can`t hear us.

While we wait for the satellite to clear up with Marlaina, let`s unleash the lawyers. Joining me, Gloria Allred, Randy Kessler, Joe Episcopo. To you, Joe Episcopo. I understand police have been back at the home with the father today and they have just insisted on taking DNA from all the family members. What does that mean to you?

JOE EPISCOPO, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, you know, it means to me that they don`t have a viable suspect and they`re fishing around, like police do. They`re trying to find some evidence to make some connection. And I think they`re just trying to do the best they can do.

GRACE: Gloria?

GLORIA ALLRED, VICTIMS` RIGHTS ATTORNEY: Nancy, they`re trying to gather all of the evidence. As the sheriff indicate, they don`t yet have an item of evidence that is going to lead them to Haleigh, in their opinion at this time. So they have to keep checking and rechecking and gathering everything they can.

GRACE: To Randy Kessler, defense attorney out of Atlanta. Randy, to me, the fact that they are taking DNA from all the family members does not mean anything nefarious because it may be they want to rule out DNA they found in the home. All the family members are rightfully there. But if they find DNA in the home that doesn`t match a family member, then they`ve got something to go on. So this is not necessarily a suspicious thing for the family.

RANDY KESSLER, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, you know, was it Sherlock Holmes said deductive logic? You know, that`s what they`re trying to do. And also, what if they do find some evidence? What if they find a car, some abandoned, you know, box that had the child, who knows, and then they find DNA on that box? They want to be ready to go, and good for them. It sounds like they`re pulling out a lot of resources, investing a lot of time, money and energy to be ready to catch whoever did it and then we`ll find out what it is.

GRACE: Straight out to T.J. Hart, the news director with WSKY 97.3. T.J., it`s good to see you again. T.J., what can you tell me about this alleged sighting 35 miles to the east?

T.J. HART, WSKY 97.3: Well, I tell you, it got a lot of people excited, too, because what had happened was there was a sighting of a man with a little girl walking on State Road 16 near Highway 1. And when this report came in, of course, law enforcement quickly went out to the scene. They went near the railroad tracks and they finally found the man who matched the description. It turned out that it was indeed a man who was walking his little girl to school. A lot of people had a lot of hope that this, indeed, was a sighting of young Haleigh. It turned out to be someone else.

Once again, she does have some identifiable markers folks need to look out for, including that birth mark on her cheek that looks like a peanut and also one on her jaw that is consistent with her Turner syndrome.

GRACE: But you know, T.J., the birthmark on her cheek is very, very pale. In most photos...

HART: It certainly is.

GRACE: ... you don`t even see it.

HART: That`s true. That`s true. But when people are the eyes out in the community, it`s something a little bit more to look for. We have so many people acting as eyes in the community. In Indiana, a truck driver took a picture of a young girl thinking, of course, it was young Haleigh. Grand Junction, also in Tennessee, as well. People are out there. They do have their eyes peeled. But it`s down to the details.

GRACE: Let`s see a map of the various Haleigh sightings, the last one seemingly the most promising...

HART: It was.

GRACE: ... Saint Augustine, Florida. I want to go to Matt Zarrell as we show you this map, our staffer on the story. Matt, what more can you tell me about the latest in the investigation? I understand it is transitioning from a ground search to an investigative search. What do you mean by that?

MATT ZARRELL, NANCY GRACE STAFFER: Well, they`ve gotten over 2,400 tips at this point and they still continue to get leads from the public every single day. You`ve got volunteers out searching throughout the weekends and during the week. And now what they`re doing, they`re doing tactical searches. When they get leads and tips that come in, then they`re searching based on that information.

GRACE: To Dr. Jeff Gardere, psychologist and author of "Love Prescription." Dr. Gardere, thank you for being with us.


GRACE: The family has just gone back into the home. And apparently, the father couldn`t take it. He could not take looking at the home, especially Haleigh`s room with all of her favorite toys, her blue-and-pink bicycle. What`s your advice?

GARDERE: Well, he`s taken this harder than anyone else, which is completely understandable. But my advice to him is that if he cannot take being around that environment where his beautiful daughter was, then he should spend some time away from the home, certainly spending more time with family, which is what he`s been doing and that has been a source of strength for him, Nancy.

GRACE: Everyone, we are live right now, about to take you back into the home where little Haleigh was allegedly kidnapped in the middle of the night. There you see the little bed where she was sleeping only about three feet away from where the baby-sitter/dad`s girlfriend was asleep with the little brother. We`ll be right back.

First to, tonight`s "Case Alert." Tonight marks the 16th anniversary in the mystery surrounding the murder of a 51-year-old Arizona mother, Gail Parker, vanishing March `93 after leaving a Tucson Circle K. Just hours later, she`s found bludgeoned to death in the desert, her purse and jewelry gone. The reward at $100,000. Take a look. If you have info, call Tucson police 520-791-4487.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: From the back door area, you can see that you have to walk up a ramp in order to get into the house. Now, what we do know is that Haleigh was afraid of the dark. And on both sides of the house, there is densely wooded area.

The back door has two locks on the door. The second lock which you would have to turn is a tight lock, so it wouldn`t be likely that little Haleigh would have been able to turn the lock and then let herself out the door.


GRACE: Marlaina, back to you there in the home. What can you tell me again about that door?

SCHIAVO: OK, Nancy. Basically, what I was saying to you is that the back door opens and shuts. When it shuts, it shuts automatically. So this was the one that was propped up with the cinderblock. This is a deadbolt, OK? Misty said that this one was wide open and this was propped open with the cinderblock. So basically -- and -- but if you leave this door by itself, it slowly closes on its own. So there was laundry on the floor, as you recall. Misty found the pink shirt by the back door where the laundry was. The laundry room machines are right here. If you put this down, the door stops.

GRACE: So to Teresa Neves joining us, the paternal grandmother of Haleigh. Ms. Neves, is it your understanding that there was laundry on the floor that night? Yes, no.

NEVES: I hate to say it, Nancy, but there`s almost always laundry on the floor.

GRACE: OK. Believe me, it`s that way in every home in America. But my point is -- I don`t care about laundry on the floor. I`m thinking about the mindset of a potential attacker, comes in the house, props open the back door with a cinderblock -- nobody knows where the cinderblock came from. That door`s open. And he steps over -- I`m pretty sure it`s a he -- steps over laundry, makes his way back out that door, Doesn`t shut. He doesn`t kick the laundry to the side. Haleigh never says a word. He`d have to prop it open before he comes in to get Haleigh. He couldn`t prop it open with a cinderblock with Haleigh in his arms. I mean, think about it.

NEVES: Right.

GRACE: So he must know that this door automatically slams. Marlaina, standing in the bedroom, can you hear the door slam? Yes, no.


GRACE: Are you sure?

SCHIAVO: You can`t hear the door slam. We tried it once, and you can barely hear it.



NANCY GRACE, HOST: Haleigh`s family releasing new home video of Haleigh hoping to generate leads. As family, police, volunteers, working around the clock to bring the little girl home.

MARIE GRIFFIS, MATERNAL GRANDMOTHER OF HALEIGH: It hurts because we don`t have her, but at least I do have this that I can see her and look at her.

GRACE: Little Haleigh taken out of her home in the middle of the night according to the girlfriend/babysitter.

MISTY CROSLIN, GIRLFRIEND OF HALEIGH`S FATHER RONALD CUMMINGS: When I want to sleep she was there. And then when I woke up she was gone. I wish that they would have took me instead of her, you know, because I could have fought. You know, she`s only 5. She can`t really do anything. And I just wish they would have took me instead of her. What do they want with a little 5-year-old?

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I guess I do have a message for whoever has taken Haleigh. I would ask that you please, please bring my daughter home. And she is not yours. It`s not property. You know, it`s not something that you just take and say it`s mine or whatever. This is my daughter. This is blood and I would like to have my daughter back. Please.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: From the back door it`s about 16 steps through the kitchen and through the living room right to and the front of Haleigh`s toddler bed in the bedroom. Directly across from her bed is a bed where Misty Croslin was sleeping with Haleigh`s little brother, Junior.

Misty Croslin said that she realized that Haleigh was missing in the middle of the night when she woke up to use the bathroom. Now there`s two bathrooms in the mobile home. One that is directly in the master bedroom and another one that is all the way across the living room.


GRACE: We are live inside that Satsuma home taking a look at where little Haleigh went missing. This in response to many of your questions about the lay out of the home.

Marlaina, you are there with Miss Theresa Neves, the paternal grandmother. Very quickly as we go to the lawyers, could you give me a walk through from the back door to the bedroom? I want to get a feel of how far away it is.

SCHIAVO: OK, Nancy. We`re at the back door. We`re coming through the kitchen here. Into the living room for a minute. And then around this corner is where the bedroom is. It`s about, you know.

GRACE: Keep going.

SCHIAVO: It`s about 20. So here we are into the bedroom. And this -- what I was saying to you earlier that we couldn`t see before, here is the master bathroom. Here`s the bed where Misty Croslin was sleeping with Junior. Now basically she would have to get up and either go to this bathroom or she would have to turn around, go that way into the other bathroom.

GRACE: So how many feet.

SCHIAVO: At this point.

GRACE: How many feet is it approximately, Marlaina, from where they were sleeping -- where the little girl was asleep in the middle of the night to that back door where the perp allegedly came in?

SCHIAVO: I`m going to say about 25 feet, Nancy.



GRACE: What, Miss Neves?

NEVES: I said I walked it in 16 steps.

GRACE: OK. And a step is usually about a foot for somebody your size.

Miss Neves, I understand that you all came back into the home to clean up. Did the police leave it a mess after the search?

NEVES: It was -- it was not -- they did their job, I guess.

GRACE: Got it.

NEVES: They turned the furniture over. They emptied the toy bins. They - - you know, they emptied whatever she might be in, pulled the -- pulled the paneling off the tub to make sure that she wasn`t in there.

GRACE: Did they take fingerprint?

NEVES: Basically we just tried to put it back. Yes, ma`am.

GRACE: So there was all the black fingerprint powder, too.

Steve Kardian, former police detective in New York. Steve, that`s the way it always is when there`s a thorough search it looks like somebody just completely rampaged the place. They tear everything up. And they are not house maids. They`re not paid, the detectives, to go back and put everything right. They were there to find evidence.

That`s tough, but that`s the way it is.

STEVE KARDIAN, FMR. POLICE DETECTIVE: Yes, Nancy, it is. Everything is left un-unturned, everything is checked. And rechecked and rechecked again. And the fingerprints are taken. Any potential samples of DNA would be obtained. Anything worth evidentiary value but they would go through that house completely.

GRACE: And Steve, when you take fingerprints it is really a huge mess because it looks like somebody takes black talcum powder and just throws it everywhere. That`s how you lift latent prints. It`s very difficult to clean up after that. I`m sure you`ve seen, Steve Kardian, many, many crime scenes.

I want to go back to Theresa Neves, Haleigh`s grandmother. Miss Neves, do you stand firm that you believe Misty Croslin`s story, the babysitter that was with her that night?

NEVES: Yes, ma`am, I do.

GRACE: Another question -- Miss Neves, I understand that your son Ronald is not able, even now, to go back into the home? Why? What happened?

NEVES: It`s just very hard for him to come in here where Haleigh brought so much happiness and laughter. And see all her things and know that she is not here.

GRACE: How does it feel to you to be in there right now?

NEVES: I hope it`s helping Haleigh.

GRACE: Ms. Neves, one thing you`ve done for so many people tonight is to put to rest a lot of questions. We see the lay out of the home. We see that it`s not a shotgun home where it`s a straight shot and you can definitely hear everything at one end that happens at the other end. A lot has been cleared up.

Miss Neves, I understand that the police tore out the wall where the water heater was. Why?

NEVES: I couldn`t tell you unless they were looking for a way in or a way out. I don`t know.

GRACE: Miss Neves, a lot of viewers are wondering why your son Ronald is no longer making appearances on air to ask for help in finding Haleigh, why?

NEVES: It has -- pretty much, Nancy, there has been some really terrible things said about my son. He is a good father. I mean, it`s evident if you see him with his son or in the pictures with Haleigh. And he just feels like that -- that they`re beating him up.

GRACE: Well, assuming, and I am assuming that he is innocent of any wrongdoing, the media and others have been brutal on Ronald. And I understand.

I want to go to the Dr. Zhongxue Hua from Union County, the New Jersey medical examiner.

Doctor Hua, what toll, and I assuming that little Haleigh is still alive, would it take on her to be with a stranger all this time?

DR. ZHONGXUE HUA, UNION CO., N.J. MEDICAL EXAMINER: It`s -- I mean it`s very hard for young kids of her age to spend time with -- entirely separate from her parents and live with a stranger. It`s a new environment. It will take a while for the kids to adapt to it.

GRACE: To Matt Zarrell, weigh in, Matt?

MATT ZARRELL, NANCY GRACE STAFFER, COVERING STORY: Well, I think at this point they`re still looking for more clues. You`ve got sightings that are coming in every day. The family is praying for return. A $26,000 reward being offered. So they`re still hoping that they can get some more clues into whereabouts.

GRACE: I want to go back to Miss Neves there with our producer Marlaina Schiavo inside the home.

Miss Neves, when you look at the bed where little Haleigh was sleeping that night, what runs through your mind?

Last night when I got of the show and went home hand I checked on the twins, and I thought about, if I came home and that crib was empty, what would I do? And for the rest of the night, last night, I was walking around, I looked at the windows, the doors, I kept going back in and checking on the twins.

When you look at that bed, what goes through your mind?

NEVES: I just pray to God that Haleigh is alive so that she can come home and sleep in her bed again.

GRACE: Miss Neves, what message do you want to send tonight right now?

NEVES: I would like to thank everybody for their help and thank you, Nancy, for keeping my granddaughter out there, and I would just look to beg whoever has my granddaughter to please bring her home.

GRACE: Everyone, the tip line for little Haleigh is 888-277-TIPS. That`s 888-277-8477. Everyone is begging for your help. Here you`re seeing all right information about little Haleigh. Age 5, last seen, 2/10/09 there in Satsuma, Florida.



DONALD ETRA, RIHANNA`S ATTORNEY: Concerning her rights whether or not the court should issue a stay-away order in this case, Rihanna requested that no such order be issued.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Singer Rihanna wants the court not to issue a no contacted order against her boyfriend Chris Brown. Brown was in court facing two felony charges for allegedly assaulting her during an argument in February.

ETRA: But the court issued level one protective order, ordering Chris Brown not to annoy, molest, or harass her. We feel that that`s more than sufficient in this case.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: According to court documents, Brown threatened to kill her during an argument over a text message. A police detective says Rihanna`s mouth was filled with blood after Brown allegedly punched her. The affidavit said the text message was from a woman with whom Brown had a past sexual relationship.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Mr. Brown, you have the right to be arraigned today and have your trial within 60 days of today`s date. Do you now reach final agreement (INAUDIBLE) your arraignment to April 6th this year?



GRACE: Straight out to Tom O`Neil, senior editor at "In Touch Weekly." All right. He beats the smithereens out of her. I`ve got the affidavit for the search warrant right here. While he`s beating her, according to this sworn testimony, with his right hand driving with his left hand, he says "I`m going to beat the F out of you when we get home. You wait and see."

She, Rihanna, picks up the phone, calls her assistant, says I`m on my way home. Make sure cops are there, pretending to talk. He says you just did the stupidest thing ever. Now I`m really going to kill you. Her clothes, inside of the car, covered in blood.

And now, we learn she wants the judge not to issue a no-contact order. Why?

TOM O`NEIL, SENIOR EDITOR IN TOUCH WEEKLY, COVERING STORY: Well that was the breakthrough as of yesterday because she`s with him now, Nancy. She can`t.

GRACE: Whoa, there she is.

O`NEIL: Yes, they are. As of last week they were down at Diddy`s mansion in Miami kissing and cuddling and carrying on.

GRACE: Excuse me, you said, Diddy?

O`NEIL: Mm-hmm.

GRACE: I assume you are referring to Sean Puffy Combs.

O`NEIL: Yes.

GRACE: I did not realize that you were on a first name basis.

O`NEIL: Well.

GRACE: You are seeing to the left of Rihanna.

O`NEIL: Yes.

GRACE: . the faces of battered women. Women brave enough to let their photos be public after brutal beatings at the hands of their boyfriends, lovers, husbands, exes.

Joining me right now, along with Tom O`Neil, is Yvette Cade. You will remember Yvette Cade, a long time victim of domestic violence whose story culminates when her ex comes into her place of business, at a phone store, and throws acid on her. It has taken her such a long time to rehabilitate.

Miss Cade, what do you make of superstar Rihanna back with her attacker?

YVETTE CADE, VICTIM OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE: I`m appalled. What I just heard is -- is really devastating me because I heard rumors today, I have been praying for her, for some time. And the rumor I heard was that this past weekend her and Chris entertained to get married.

And that is actually my story. I had a fight with my ex husband. At the time he was my boyfriend. And to get out of court I agreed to go to Justice of the Peace and in order for me to stay. Her case will be the public eye and go on about her business. But I think she has made the worst mistake of her life getting back with him.

I believe that she needs time to really think about what she is doing.

GRACE: I agree, Miss Cade. Miss Cade, do you remember -- of course you do -- the moment when your ex set you afire?

CADE: I do. The flames were 1,500 degrees. And it was just by the grace of God that I was able to consciously run to -- run back in the store and get to a sink and spray my face.

GRACE: Everyone, I want to go now to Naomi Goldstein, a reporter joining us via Web-cam.

Naomi, they are so young. It`s really hard to put the burden on Rihanna to speak for battered women across the country. But this is sending an extremely disturbing message. Is it true that, a, they were married over the weekend? And b, that the alleged perpetrator, Chris Brown, was living it up and actually stated he is not sweating it?

NAOMI GOLDSTEIN, NANCY GRACE REPORTER, VIA WEBCAM, COVERING STORY: That`s right, Nancy. Well, we`re not sure about the marriage. I had heard the same rumor that Yvette heard about them getting married at P. Diddy`s mansion in Miami over the weekend. But there`s no actual factual reports on that.


GOLDSTEIN: As far as Chris Brown partying it up after court yesterday, there was reports from TMZ that he was indeed at a local L.A. hotel with his bodyguards until about 3:45 a.m. this morning.

GRACE: To Gloria Allred, it is not uncommon for battered to take the perp back.

GLORIA ALLRED, VICTIM`S RIGHTS ADVOCATE: That`s true, Nancy, and here`s my question. Is she an emotional hostage to Chris Brown? And who is enabling her to continue in this relationship? I don`t think Sean Diddy, P. Diddy, or anyone else should be supportive of Rihanna and Chris Brown being together in a relationship at this time.



ANNOUNCER: This is CNN Heroes.

EFREN PENAFLORIDA JR., CHAMPIONING CHILDREN: Gang members are groomed in the slums as early as 9 years old. They`re all victims of poverty.

I`m Efren Penaflorida Jr. In high school, gangs were very rampant. I felt the social discrimination and I was then -- I was bullied. I got afraid. So we thought of a group to actually divert teenagers be productive. So that`s why we are bringing the classroom to the kids.

We operate the pushcart every Saturday. We teach them language and mathematics. And we also have our hygiene clinic.

RHANDOLF, FORMER GANG MEMBER (Through translator): My gang mates were the most influential thing in my life. I would probably be in jail right now or most likely a drug addict if I hadn`t met Efren.

PENAFLORIDA: Yes, I always tell to my volunteers you are the change you dream, and collectively we are the change that this world needs to be.

ANNOUNCER: Tell us about your hero at



GRACE: What a week in America`s courtrooms. Take a look at the stories and more important the people who touched our lives.


GRACE: The state announcing the death penalty is off the table. Why?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: With all this new evidence coming out nothing has changed at this point. From what I have been told that decision could change any time up until the trial starts. But at this point nothing has changed. The state does not intend as of today to put the death penalty on this case.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Law enforcement officials say they continue to get tips in the case of the missing Florida boy Adji Desir, who was last seen playing outside his grandmother`s home.

GRACE: Tom Smith with the special crimes bureau, Collier County Sheriff`s Office, who`s the lead investigator into Adji`s disappearance.

Lieutenant, thank you for being with us.

LT. TOM SMITH, SPECIAL CRIMES BUREAU, COLLIER CO. SHERIFF`S OFFICE, ON THE CASE: Thank you again for airing Adji`s story. You know, keeping his picture in everybody`s mind is very crucial to finding him.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He allegedly began punching her in the arm, causing contusions. She then attempted to send a text message from her phone. Chris Brown allegedly threw that phone out the window. So she picked up his cell phone. He put her in a headlock. Bit her on the left ear. The car swerved. They stopped. More punching ensued. Another headlock.

GRACE: Thousands of pages, stunning documents, inside the tot mom police investigation just released.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Last time that Caylee was ever seen alive, June 16th, there was partying on June 20th. So farther on to have the pictures, I think, is evident of a state of mind prosecutors would say.


GRACE: Let`s stop and remember Army Captain Michael Medders, 25, Avon Lake, Ohio, killed Iraq. A Bowling Green State grad. Awarded the Bronze Star and Purple Heart. An all Southwestern Conference football star. Loved baseball and basketball. Dreamed of marrying his fiancee. Leaves behind grieving parents, Michael and Lynn, three sisters, beloved fiancee, Stacy.

Michael Medders, American hero.

Thanks to our guests but especially to you. A special good night from the New York control room. Good night, Brett, Norm, Liz. And good night from Georgia and Alabama friends of the show, Gaylin, Mary, Dawn, Shay, Jennifer, and Meredith. Aren`t they beautiful?

Everyone, I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on March 10, 2009, 06:36:10 PM


Father of Missing Girl Proposes to Girlfriend; New Video Surfaces of Caylee Anthony; Prosecutors Question Casey`s Defense Team; Victim of Madoff Angry at Talk of a Plea Deal

Aired March 9, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET



JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HOST (voice-over): Tonight, Haleigh Cummings` grand-grandmother breaks down. The family endures torture, not knowing Haleigh`s fate as the county forces them to move their cam campsite vigil off county property. Why is the county giving this heart-broken family such a hard time about some minor land code?

And 70 miles away, the Caylee Anthony case heats up, as mom Casey is due back in court this week. And we get our hands on more adorable video of little Caylee that fell through the cracks. Why hasn`t the world seen this footage?

Then, shocking news in the Rihanna/Chris brown saga. Oprah issues a stark warning to Rihanna with a frightening prediction. It seems just about everyone has an opinion on this case, except Rihanna`s dad. Reports say he hasn`t spoken to his daughter since the alleged beating. I`ll try to figure out what`s going on.

And where does the violence end? A pastor in Illinois gunned down in the middle of a church service. I`ll have the details.

Plus, outrage escalates as Ponzi mastermind Bernie Madoff schemes for a plea deal as he prepares to go to court this week. Could he escape justice? I`ll talk to one of his furious victims.

And Octomom`s latest publicist quits, saying Nadya Suleman is nuts. Meantime, Octograndpa is back in the media, saying he`ll fight any attempt to separate his daughter from her brood of 14. The octuplets set to be released from the hospital this week. I`ll tell you if they`re going to be coming home.

ISSUES starts now.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Stunning new developments tonight in Florida`s twin tragedies: the Caylee Anthony murder case and the disappearance of 5-year- old Haleigh Cummings.

I want to start in Satsuma. Breaking news right off the top. Haleigh`s father, Ron Cummings, has reportedly proposed to his 17-year-old girlfriend, Misty Croslin, the last person to see little Haleigh alive. We will have more details on this shocking engagement announcement and what it could mean.

It has now been one month since little Haleigh went missing from her home. Her family is more emotional than ever. Now, Haleigh`s great- grandmother is speaking out about that fateful night and what may have happened before Ron`s new fiancee, Misty, noticed the little girl was gone.


ANNETTE SYKES, HALEIGH`S GREAT-GRANDMOTHER: I mean, when she got up and came back out, she seen Haleigh gone. When she got up, you know, you get up half asleep and go to the bathroom and you don`t -- you know, you don`t expect your baby to be gone. She noticed, I think, that the light was on. I`m not sure. I just know that, you know, she got up to go to the bathroom. Then when she came back out, the baby went -- there was nobody there.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: This poor family. As the family continues their desperate search for little Haleigh, backlash growing against Putnam County`s decision to force the Cummings family off the land where they have set up their tents. The county says it`s not a campground and they have to move. The request leaves Ron Cummings stranded, since he refuses to return to the trailer where little Haleigh disappeared.

Is the county kicking this family when they`re down? Shouldn`t the local government be for them, not against them? We`ll explore that question.

But right now, I want to get to the breaking news about this engagement. Stunning stuff.

Joining me, my expert panel. Drew Findling, Atlanta criminal defense attorney; and Sharon Liko, family lawyer and criminal defense attorney. Plus, Dr. Gaby Cora, psychiatrist, as well as reporter Diane Cho from CNN affiliate WJXT.

Let me start with Drew Findling. I thought I`d seen it all, but to see this engagement is quite extraordinary, given that Ron Cummings, the father of the missing child, is marrying -- or says he wants to marry -- he`s getting engaged, reportedly, to the very woman who -- the child disappeared on her watch.

DREW FINDLING, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: You know, sometimes when people aren`t even suspects, Jane, they hire a criminal defense attorney just because we`ve been through this process of investigation before. And I wish he had a good attorney, because any good attorney would have told him not a good time to do something like that.


FINDLING: Because it`s going to raise the whole suspicion and people are going to be out there, particularly some people in the media that have nothing to do than try to make him a suspect, and say, "Aha, somehow he had something to do with this. Why don`t they get rid of her so he could be alone or be one child less and spend more time with his, you know, 11th- grade-age girlfriend." It`s going to -- it`s going to create suspicion and rumors and create problems that he doesn`t need.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, Sharon Liko, also a criminal defense attorney and family lawyer, the first thing the folks in the studio here said, "Oh, spousal privilege, right? That means that one doesn`t have to testify against the other." Does that hold in this case?

SHARON LIKO, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Actually, maybe, maybe not. If they are married, then she could assert the spousal privilege. However, if it`s a domestic violence case, that doesn`t apply. So she could be forced to testify. But in most of the country, people seem to think that this is a case of trailer trash versus middle class.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I don`t like to use that -- I don`t like to use that phrase. I find it extraordinarily offensive. I really think that these people have shown tremendous dignity, tremendous dignity in a time that would leave most of us on our knees and perhaps not showing our best selves. And I just find that those kinds of descriptions...

LIKO: I agree with you, but that...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: ... to be highly offensive.

LIKO: And I`m saying that that isn`t the case. The salacious details of the Caylee Anthony case are just so paramount that this case is going to fade away, because it doesn`t have some of the nutcases that the Caylee Anthony case has.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, I don`t know. I think the word "nutcases" can apply to a lot of people. You know what I mean?

Let`s bring in the shrink. Dr. Gaby Cora, let`s look for the innocent explanation to this engagement proposal. When people are in crisis, when they`re in panic, don`t they have a tendency to come together and hang on to each other? And couldn`t this engagement be a manifestation of that?

GABY CORA, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST: Yes, it could very well be. And that is an extension of that. And life goes on, so to speak. And in a way, it looks like this father had already been engaged with this 17-year- old in some shape or another. So this is just making things a little more formal.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Diane Cho, your station broke this story. What can you tell us about this astounding news that has reportedly proposed to Misty?

Oh, OK.

Well, I`ll tell you what, we`re going to go back to Drew Findling. We do not have Diane Cho. But we`re efforting her. I think we have a little sound problem there.

Drew Findling, is this a mountain out of a mole hill or is the timing just too extraordinary for us to just let it be?

FINDLING: Well, look, I mean, if I had been his attorney or consulting the family, I would have just said, "Ron, bad time to do this. Let the focus be on finding your daughter and not on your nuptials." That`s what I would have said.

Now, that being said, I agree with you about the dignity of this family. And why not contrast it to what happened in Anthony? You know, you brought up a good fact when you introduced this. That is, 30 days since Haleigh has been missing.

Well, for 30 days when Caylee was missing, nothing happened. Look at what has happened here. We may not realize the progress that law enforcement has made. They say they don`t have clues, but we don`t know that. We know that they had a 30-day head start.

LIKO: Hang on a second, partner. Let`s look at the fact that this father decides he`s going to marry the girlfriend. I mean, his kid is missing. He doesn`t even know whether she`s alive or dead, and he`s thinking of getting married? What is up with that?


LIKO: The guy is totally inappropriate to the situation.

FINDLING: Yes, well, I`m agreeing. I`m just saying I would have advised him not to do that.

LIKO: But advice versus just human nature -- does he need a lawyer to tell him not to do something like that? What`s wrong with him?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: These are young people, you know. These are very young people.

FINDLING: Maybe his upbringing and his relationship with his family and the way that he looks at his father and his mother and their relationship is different than yours. We can`t tell him what is culturally relative...

LIKO: Yes. Well, if your kid was missing, would you be thinking of getting married?

FINDLING: I`m not -- I don`t -- I don`t dare to compare myself to him.

LIKO: I don`t think he has any boundaries, whether it`s age or socioeconomic...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I really feel like -- to be honest with you, I have to jump in and cut you off, Sharon. Because this -- this guy is, to all intents and purposes, a victim here. He lost his child.

FINDLING: Absolutely.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I don`t think we should be beating up on him.

FINDLING: Absolutely.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I mean, if he needs the comfort of being married because his heart is broken, how are we who are not living and walking in his shoes...

FINDLING: Exactly. That`s exactly right.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: ... going to judge him? I just find it extraordinary. But, you know, it`s a free country, and we`re listening to your opinion. And you have a right to your opinion. But I`m just responding that I think that we have to give this man the benefit of the doubt at this stage.

Diane Cho, your station broke the story. You`re back with us. Tell us what you know about this engagement.

DIANE CHO, REPORTER: Ronald Cummings, Haleigh`s father, proposed to his 17-year-old girlfriend, Misty Croslin, last night at a Chili`s restaurant in the neighboring city of Palaca (ph). We`re told that he apparently got down on one knee, told her that he loved her and then proposed in the middle of the restaurant in front of several family members.

Now, we spoke to Misty today for the first time, really, in a couple of weeks, and since Haleigh disappeared, this is the first time we`ve also seen a smile on her face. And her seemingly very genuinely happy as they were walking down to the courthouse to fill out the application for the marriage license.

Now, of course, because she is 17 years old, Misty`s mother did have to accompany them down to the courthouse to give the court the OK for this marriage.

Now, Misty also told us that she what thought was that, you know, she thinks that despite what everyone is thinking or what they`re going to say about this after they learn about this news, she says they`re only doing this for one reason. That reason is because of Haleigh.

They say that this is what Haleigh`s wanted all along, since the two of them have gotten together, since they started dating six months ago. They say that Haleigh wanted them to live as a family. So this is what they`re doing, and they hope that when she does return, that this is what she can fulfill for them.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Dr. Gaby Cora, your thoughts as a psychiatrist?

CORA: There`s many things that we don`t know that may have been going on behind the scenes, and this may explain it. There may be even more things that we don`t -- we`re not aware of.

But, you know, the other -- the other thing that`s so important for us to discuss is the judgment. It looks like so many people have such strong opinions about this. and this family is grieving. And they still don`t know if Haleigh is alive or -- or what`s -- what`s happened to her.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. Absolutely. We have to always keep compassion in our hearts for this family. I mean, we have no idea what it`s like to go through something like this.

Diane, thank you so much for that report. We`re going to talk to you again a little bit later in this broadcast. Everyone else, hang tight. We have so much to cover

<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on March 11, 2009, 08:58:43 AM


Award Raised for Info on Haleigh Cummings; Father of Missing Girl Comforts Cummings Family; Bernie Madoff Expected to Plead Guilty to All Charges

Aired March 10, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET



JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HOST (voice-over): Tonight, a heart-wrenching scene as Haleigh Cummings` family forced to tear down their camp site and move out, but to where?

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH`S MOTHER: Haleigh, I love you. Your daddy loves you. Please just bring her home.

RON CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: I love you very much. We will find you.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Plus Misty Croslin shows off her engagement ring as new details pour in about her upcoming marriage to the missing girl`s father.

And the family of abducted teen Tiffany Sessions, who vanished 20 years ago on the same date as Haleigh, never to reappear, arrives in Satsuma to comfort Haleigh`s relatives.

Then, 70 miles away, stunning news in the Caylee Anthony murder case. Where is Casey Anthony getting the money to pay for her dream team of eight lawyers and famous experts? Prosecutors demanding to know if there`s a secret source for the big bucks. Will Jose Baez spill the answers?

Then shock as reports say Rihanna is recording a duet with Chris Brown, even though he`s facing two felonies for allegedly assaulting her. As the case gets over to focus in on domestic violence, I`ll tell you why their punch drunk love is sending all of the wrong messages.

ISSUES starts now.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tonight, a community tries not to crumble in the face of a devastating mystery. It was one month ago that a desperate and frantic 911 call alerted authorities that little Haleigh Cummings had disappeared from her home without a trace.

Today, a heart wrenching news conference in Satsuma, Florida, marking the terrible one-month anniversary. Standing before a small army of cops, Haleigh`s mother, Crystal Sheffield, broke down.


SHEFFIELD: I just want to say thank you for everybody that`s doing everything. Haleigh, if you`re out there, Mommy loves you and your daddy loves you and we miss you. We`ll be right here. Please -- please, whoever has her, bring her home. Please. We need her.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Her ex, Haleigh`s dad, Ron Cummings, who has just gotten engaged, also made another emotional plea.


CUMMINGS: Please, if you have my daughter, bring her home, please. All I want is Haleigh. That`s all I want. I want nothing else, but Haleigh, that`s it. Please, if you have her, bring her home. Baby, if you`re watching, you know you`ll always be daddy`s little girl. I love you.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Unfortunately, despite a massive investigation, cops stood before the media today and seemed to acknowledge they have absolutely no idea, not a clue, what happened to this precious 5-year-old.


SHERIFF JEFF HARDY, PUTNAM COUNTY SHERIFF`S DEPARTMENT: I ask this community to please have patience and to bear with us. And we`re looking for that one lead and that one tip that it`s going to take to bring Haleigh home.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: So today the Justice Coalition, in a desperate bid to get answers let would-be tipsters know that the reward has been upped to $35,000 for information that will hopefully solve this mysterious case.

In the middle of all of this, the Cummings family is being evicted from their camp site. They are tearing down their tents as we speak. Where will this tormented family go to wait for news?

We will be taking your calls on all of this tonight, but first, to my expert panel: Rebecca Rose Woodland, criminal defense attorney; Drew Findling, Atlanta-based criminal defense attorney; Pat Brown, criminal profiler, joining us by phone; and Jennifer Bauer from CNN affiliate WJXT.

Jennifer, what is the very latest?

JENNIFER BAUER, WJXT: Well, I think the big news today coming out of Putnam County, Jane, is that the reward has been upped to $35,000. Investigators are telling us they hope the additional money, of course, will bring in new tips, new leads, talking with investigators today.

They say, you know, people all the way from San Diego, California, to Cape May, New Jersey, are really taking an interest in this case. And the FBI field agent who was here at today`s news conference said the FBI is going out of state, handling these calls, these sightings, these tips. The number still remains at 2,400 and the investigators here still remain optimistic.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I want to bring in Pat Brown, criminal profiler, because what I have noticed, and it`s certainly pretty obvious, is that the law enforcement teams operating on this case are being very, very tight- lipped. They`re not saying anything. They`re not saying whether the family passed the polygraph.

Contrast that to the Casey Anthony, case where there were leaks left and right. Do you think this strategy is working in the Haleigh case? It does not appear to be working. Perhaps they should hold a news conference and tell us everything they know, Pat.

PAT BROWN, CRIMINAL PROFILER: Well, that is the concept, Jane. May have a strategy that we just don`t know at this point. Lots of information that they do believe will eventually bring them in something.

And one of the things that`s very interesting about this case, if you compare it to the Caylee Anthony case, is there are always two options in any child abduction or supposed child abduction: that indeed, a stranger did take the child or the family was involved.

And in Caylee`s case there was a lot of, you know, obviously right away the behavior of Casey Anthony was suspect, so everything kind of focused there, but you will notice that law enforcement still looked around for her. They still didn`t just go with that. They kept their options open.

And I think they`re doing the same thing in this case. There are some concerns with the family, but they`re looking elsewhere.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Here`s the problem, Pat. If they don`t say, OK, for example, this is just one example. The family took their polygraph and passed them. Now, the family said, "We passed them," but the authorities won`t confirm that. So people are sort of, well, we don`t know. They`re not letting their imaginations open up to consider other possibilities. And I think that that is a problem. Do you see what I`m saying?

BROWN: Well, I see what you`re saying, Jane, but I actually don`t think that`s true, because if you take a look at the blogging out there in the blog world, people out there are very, very suspicious of both Misty and Ronald, especially in light of the recent engagement, something that you wouldn`t imagine would happen when you`re focused just on finding this child. It doesn`t make sense that suddenly, you thought, "Oh, let`s think about ourselves and let`s get married and get an engagement ring." Very peculiar behavior.

Actually, a lot of people are looking at that. But I think that`s already out there. So I don`t know quite what the law enforcement are thinking, but I think that they`ve got their plans.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. I think that you and I are essentially agreeing. I`m saying that assuming that this family is not involved, we should clear them at this point, because that would open the focus and allow people to think of other possibilities and look elsewhere.

DREW FINDLING, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Jane, I have to say I disagree. Having worked on these cases before, remember that abductors and people of that mindset are often boasters. And if they know -- if they know that that suspicion is still there, then they may possibly boast about what they did. And if they boast and it`s somebody that will respond to $35,000.

So I think there`s a little bit of a strategy in not letting us know. And I think we should probably give credit to law enforcement for keeping that to themselves. And that`s based on years and years of experience.

And I promise you they`re consulting with Quantico on every move they make. If they`re not, they`re truly remiss.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, sure. FBI was there today. I know they`re doing a great job. They`re working very, very hard. We`re just trying to offer alternative possibilities.

Now, Pat Brown, you mentioned the whole idea of the engagement. Haleigh`s cad, Ron Cummings, proposed to 17-year-old Misty Croslin, the last person to see Haleigh Cummings before she disappeared on Sunday. The couple has come under scrutiny, as Pat mentioned, over that decision. Let`s listen to what Misty and her mom, Lisa Croslin, had to say about just that.


MISTY CROSLIN, FIANCE OF RON CUMMINGS: We`ve been planning this for a while, actually.

LISA CROSLIN, MOTHER OF MISTY: It`s just -- they`ve been getting for me to do it for, like, five months. And I said you all need to wait until you`re 18 and everybody`s trashing them. And I`m going to go ahead and let them do it.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Additionally, Misty maintains that the engagement is what little Haleigh would have wanted. Listen.


M. CROSLIN: Everybody might take this marriage thing the wrong way, but it`s not. It`s still focused -- everything is still focused on Haleigh. This is what Haleigh wanted. She`s always talked about it.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Misty showed off her engagement ring today, and we`re going to show you that in a second. Still, some are raising eyebrows, wondering why Ron would, at this particular juncture, marry Misty when his daughter disappeared on Misty`s watch and is still missing, and we still have no idea what happened to her.

Jennifer Bauer, what`s the reaction in the community?

BAUER: I think people at first were pretty shocked. I spoke with Teresa Neves today, who is Haleigh`s paternal grandmother. And she told me they`re doing it because it makes them happy. This is what Haleigh would have wanted. She says this is what Ron Jr., Haleigh`s brother, wants. She says the children talked about it. Ron Jr. still talks about it today.

And she said when Haleigh comes home she`s going to be a flower girl at the wedding. They`re going to have a reception once Haleigh comes home. Of course, the wedding itself possibly taking place at the courthouse, we`re hearing, maybe sometime this week.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Jennifer -- Rebecca Rose Woodland, another stress on this Cummings family is that they have to pack up their campground. Why do you think the county is giving them a hard time on this rule that you can`t have a campground at an unofficial camp site for more than 14 days? I mean, to me that sounds like going after people who are not putting their dogs on leashes when there`s a murderer on the loose.

REBECCA ROSE WOODLAND, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: You know, I guess the county is just trying to do everything by the book. I think they think there`s some conflict. They want to keep everything really quiet here.

As you were saying before, Jane, they really are keeping this very tightlipped, and maybe they`re afraid something in that camp site, something or another there will be some sort of clue that will just go by the wayside.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Oh, wait a second. You`re saying this is a strategy.

WOODLAND: I`m thinking so because why would you make these poor people have to remove their campsite? All they want to do is find this poor little girl. So maybe it`s a strategy, and they`re trying to keep everything really tight.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. We`ll explore that more. Everyone, sit tight. We have lots of ground to cover in this case.

Do you think it was unfair to force the Cummings family to move their camp? Call 1-877-JVM-SAYS. That`s 1-877-586-7297. Let me know your thoughts on this entire case.

And 70 miles away, in the Caylee Anthony case, prosecutors demand to know where Casey is getting all of the money for her dream team of eight attorneys. I will have an update.

But first an emotional news conference with the Cummings family today, made more so because they were forced to move from the spot they have called home for weeks.


TERESA NEVES, HALEIGH`S PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER: We felt closer to the investigation here. Nobody thought we would be here this long.




SHEFFIELD: Just bring her home. Please. We need her. We need her. Just bring her back.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: A mother`s desperate plea for her baby girl. Heartbreaking.

We are back with my panel and taking your calls, as we try to figure out why this is such a complete mystery. But first, I want to introduce a very special guest.

Patrick Sessions knows all too well the horror Haleigh`s parents are going through. Twenty years ago Patrick lived their nightmare when his beautiful 20-year-old daughter, Tiffany Sessions, disappeared after going on a jog. She has never been seen since. Period.

In a heart-wrenching coincidence, Tiffany disappeared on the same date as Haleigh. Tiffany`s death was so upset over Haleigh`s disappearance, he drove to Satsuma to visit with the Cummings family.

Patrick, thank you so much for joining us.

PATRICK SESSIONS, DAUGHTER WENT MISSING: You`re welcome. Glad to be here.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I`m sure it brings up some very painful feelings. Why did you feel the need to reach out to the Cummings? And were you able to comfort them?

SESSIONS: Well, you know, we try to work with other families that, unfortunately, are in the same position we were, and I just felt like this was the time.

We normally get involved earlier, but they had great television coverage, and they had good law enforcement activity. So I didn`t think they really needed us at that point. But I don`t know whether you`ve lost anybody, but people who any through what we`ve anyone through and lost loved ones, you kind of hit a wall at about 30 days. And I just felt like they were hitting that wall. I know I hit it, and I thought it might be a good time to try to show some support.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. We`re going to go to so many people lining up to give their thoughts on this case, but I want to ask you a follow-up on your case.

How is it possible in this day and age of forensics and all sorts of high technology that a human being can simply disappear without a trace and it ends up in a cold case file and police don`t have a clue? Does that boggle your mind?

SESSION: Well, it does. I never expected to be to be sitting here 20 years later. But I said before, you don`t have to be a brain surgeon to get away with murder. If you get lucky enough to commit the crime and hide the body and nobody sees it, unless there`s some good evidence there`s nothing to go on.

And unfortunately in Tiffany`s case, there was absolutely no evidence. No witnesses, no forensic evidence, nothing. So it`s a classic whodunit.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. And my heart goes out to you. I can`t imagine what it`s been like to live with that, not knowing for 20 years.

Now, again, the phone lines lighting up. And let`s go to some of our callers with questions and thoughts.

Ralph from California, your question or thought, sir.

CALLER: Yes, I have a question. Have the police investigated into Misty`s ex-disgruntled boyfriend?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Jennifer, what do you know?

BAUER: I don`t know anything about her ex-disgruntled boyfriend. I haven`t heard anything from investigators on them.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: But does she have an ex? I mean, she`s only, what? Seventeen? She`s pretty young.

BAUER: Yes. All I know, I mean, she`s 17. I know she met Ron when she was 14. I know that they`ve been dating for about the last six months. That`s the only information I know about her past.

But I know her family does live in this same neighborhood where Ronald has his mobile home where he lives with Haleigh and Ron Jr., but beyond that I don`t have any information about any ex-boyfriend.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Kitty in Canada. Your question or thought?

CALLER: I love your show. Who was the last person to see Haleigh other than the dad and the girlfriend?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Good question. We`re going to take it back to Jennifer Bauer on that.

BAUER: The grandmother. Great-grandmother, Annette Sykes. She is Ronald`s grandmother, Teresa Neves` mother. She came by the house that night about 7 p.m. She had to drop off some clothing, and I think she did some laundry, helped the family out. She was dropping that off.

She says the kids were eating dinner, and Misty had just made them dinner. And that was the last time she saw Haleigh. And then, of course, as you know, Misty Croslin remembers seeing Haleigh at around 10 p.m.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Donna in Florida, your question or thought, ma`am?

CALLER: Hi, Jane. Love your show.


CALLER: I was just wondering how could the father of Haleigh afford to buy a diamond ring for Misty, and you know, Haleigh was sleeping on a mattress on the floor? It just boggles my mind that he would do something, you know, like that. I mean, buy a bed for the baby. I just don`t understand that.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, let me go back to Patrick Sessions, because, again, I always say we have no idea what it`s like to walk in the shoes of somebody who has lost a child. And there has been a lot of questions and eyebrows raised over the timing, Patrick, why little missing Haleigh`s father would decide to get engaged right now to the very woman who was there the last time that anybody saw little Haleigh and sort of -- if the child disappeared on her watch. And then you just heard that question.

Could you give us any insight into why they may need to come together at this juncture?

SESSIONS: Well, the first thing, and I`m not sure it`s fact, but I`d understand that the ring was actually the grandmother`s ring, that she gave that to them. If that`s true, that explains some of it.

I think what explains more of it is you all are trying to understand what`s going on in the head of someone who`s lost a child. And I don`t think it`s necessarily the greatest idea either. But I don`t think we should be standing here trying to judge people that are just trying to get through day by day. And I`m sure I did some pretty stupid things during the time -- those first days.

And as I said, they`re hitting a point now where it`s awful hard to divide reality. You can talk about it all you want, but after 30 days, you realize you`ve got a real problem. And the odds are getting worse every day of a happy ending.

So I don`t know what drove it, but I suspect what drove it is just a moment of happiness in an absolutely terrible situation.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. Drew, thoughts on this, because there are some people who have been very harsh. We only have a couple of seconds.

FINDLING: Well, again, I`m going to fall back on my position that I think that somebody in Ron`s position really needs counsel. He needs an attorney, even if he`s not a suspect, to council him through this investigation through this stage.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I think that`s an excellent suggestion and, unfortunately, we have to leave it right there. I want to thank Patrick Sessions and my excellent panel. Please come back soon.

<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on March 12, 2009, 11:10:43 AM
Please disregard the above post.   For some reason, my computer posted by itself, taking out all the spacing on the transcript.    ::MonkeyEek:: ::MonkeyConfused::


Aired March 11, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET

<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>



RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: Please, again, my daughter. Bring her home, please.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Balloons with notes to and about Haleigh were brought in before a news conference. Notes written by her family. In the news conference the justice coalition announced they have upped the reward money. Now it totals $35,000 and they`re hopping the money will prompt people to talk.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, SPENT TIME WITH MISSING HALEIGH`S FAMILY: From the backdoor area, you can see that you have to walk up a ramp in order to get into the house. Now, what we do know is that Haleigh was afraid of the dark. And on both sides of the house there is densely wooded area.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Misty Croslin strolled out of the Putnam County courthouse Monday afternoon with her mother. She showed off her engagement ring Ronald Cummings, Haleigh`s father, gave her.

MISTY CROSLIN, RONALD CUMMING`S FIANCEE: He got down on his knees and everybody is probably going to take this marriage thing the wrong way, but it`s not. It`s still focused -- everything`s still focused on Haleigh.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Should we release anything that will bring Haleigh back, we`ll release it even if jeopardize the criminal investigation.

CUMMINGS: I only want Haleigh. That`s all I want.

SHEFFIELD: She`s out there. Mommy loves you. And your daddy loves you. And we miss you. And we`ll be right here (INAUDIBLE).


NANCY GRACE, HOST: GRACE: Little Haleigh snatched in the middle of the night. You`re seeing an exclusive look we had there in the home, trying to determine how far away girlfriend/babysitter Misty Croslin was actually sleeping when, apparently, an intruder came through that bedroom door and took the 5-year-old little girls off this used bed. Just about three feet away from the babysitter and little brother sleeping there in the big bed.

How did it happen? And now we learned the girlfriend/babysitter is set to marry Haleigh`s father. On the heels of that revelation, we learned that the biological mother, Crystal Sheffield, has now hired a lawyer. But why?

To T.J. Hart, the news director at WSKY 97.3. T.J., what can you tell me?

T.J. HART, PROGRAM & NEWS DIRECTOR, WSKY 97.3FM, COVERING STORY: Well, first of all, she got a hold of a spokesperson, and the spokesperson said that she was going to help her for free and apparently has lined her up with an attorney to help her to deal with the media.

GRACE: To deal with the media.

To Marlaina Schiavo, our producer, who has spent many, many hours with Haleigh`s family. Why do they need help dealing with the media?

SCHIAVO: Well, the family said that it`s been very difficult for them and they need help dealing with the media. But also, Kim Picazio, the attorney you`re talking about who`s representing Crystal Sheffield, is also going to be helping them doing a bunch of other things, coordinating independent searches for Haleigh, talking to authorities, and also she`s going to be looking into potential custody issues.

GRACE: When you say potential custody issues, Marlaina, translation, break it down, dear. Are you saying that the biological mother may fight for custody of the little boy, the little brother?

SCHIAVO: You got it, Nancy. They think that if Haleigh was taken, there`s a possibility that Junior, the younger brother, may be taken as well and they want to protect him in the future.

GRACE: With me, right now, is that attorney, Kim Picazio. She has an excellent reputation. She graduated summa cum laude from Florida State. She has been practicing over a decade.

Miss Picazio, thank you for being with us for your first interview.


GRACE: . after the bio mom hires you. Why does Haleigh`s biological mother need a lawyer?

PICAZIO: Well, I was contacted, as your correspondent has stated, initially to handle the media. But then later we have found out through talking to people in the community and speaking with the police officers, et cetera, as well as speaking with the mother, that there may be some issues involving the minor child, Junior, is what they call the son of Crystal Sheffield, and his sister Haleigh with regard to whether or not he`s in the safest place in the home with the father.

GRACE: Miss Picazio, are you planning to launch a custody battle for the little boy?

PICAZIO: Well, at this time, I was just retained so I would need, of course, to explore all of the issues. I need to talk to everyone involved and so I guess what we first need to do is to go down or up to the town, speak with all of the officials and there are some things that give us grave concerns about the welfare of the child and about Haleigh when she is returned.


PICAZIO: Hopefully safely.

GRACE: Miss Picazio, I understand your concerns. It makes perfect sense to me. If one child is snatched out of the home, what might happen to the next child? I understand that. But let me ask you this. Why did your client lose custody of Junior to start with?

PICAZIO: I need also the court records. I just pulled those today and I have not been down to the town. I`m going to be going tomorrow. And I would prefer to actually read the court documents as opposed to going what the renditions of the parties may be, which may be colored by just the perceptions and their emotions.

But I do know that the mother had retained an attorney prior -- after the original proceeding to seek a modification of custody. And it was my understanding that the mother was not aware of some very important hearings that she was to attend and I need to get to the bottom of that and then we can go from there.

GRACE: Miss Picazio -- everyone, Kim Picazio is joining us today from her first TV interview. She`s joining us out of Plantation, Florida and she has been hired by Haleigh`s biological mother.

Now, Miss Picazio, how long has your client not had physical custody of little Haleigh?

PICAZIO: It`s been for several years and it was -- actually we just found out today that the modification proceeding I don`t believe was ever filed. I need to speak with that attorney that was retained by Miss Sheffield to file that proceeding and I would have to defer to the court documents on that which I am in the process of obtaining.

But, again, there are grave concerns with regard to Junior and with regard to the household that Haleigh would be potentially returned to. There have, of course, been allegations but again, if you can imagine when you.

GRACE: Allegations of what?

PICAZIO: Allegations with regard to what was actually going on in that home prior to Haleigh disappearing and on that night. I mean we`ve got a situation you have a 4-year-old child in the home with a home that`s actually the -- the 7-year-old, I`m sorry, the 5-year-old child had disappeared right under the nose of the babysitter that then we learn is a teenage babysitter who is also living with the father in a romantic relationship.

This is not the first time that he has chosen a teenager to fall in love with and to live with and to watch his children.

GRACE: Are you suggesting, are you suggesting abuse on little Haleigh?

PICAZIO: I`m not suggesting that as of yet and we have not.

GRACE: I`m glad to hear it.

PICAZIO: . uncovered -- we have no uncovered anything as of yet and I`d like to do my own investigation. It`s my understanding the authorities are looking into every single avenue. But I have grave concerns again about the ability and the fitness of the parent who is going to consistently choose teenagers.

GRACE: Well.

PICAZIO: . to watch their children.

GRACE: Well, a couple of points, Miss Picazio, and believe me, I know you are a well-respected member of the bar. But I find it ironic that now is the time when the bio mom is trying to arrange all of her media requests, that she suddenly decides that Haleigh had been in a bad environment.

She`s certainly known all along who the father is dating and according to the judge in your client`s custody case, the mother, your client, did not have a job. The father did. Haleigh missed a total that we know of 12 doctor`s appointments while living with the mother.

Now maybe there`s an explanation for that, but I know the child has Turner syndrome and the mother not only didn`t have a job, but didn`t take the child to the doctor. It`s not like she was working all day and couldn`t make time to take the child to the doctor. I don`t understand that.

PICAZIO: Well, there`s also -- we have to look into the father`s history of taking the child to the doctor. Haleigh was never a child who was well. She had chronic pneumonia and bronchial problems and the father would often leave the children to a teenager who he was living with to drive this child to the doctor on a weekly basis.

GRACE: Why do you speak of Haleigh -- why do you speak of Haleigh in the past tense? I notice that you said Haleigh was a child with a lot of physical problems.

PICAZIO: Because she doesn`t have those physical problems anymore.

GRACE: OK, with me, everyone, Kim Picazio, attorney newly hired, attorney newly retained for Haleigh`s biological mother.

As we go to break, everyone, a very happy birthday to Mary Jane Allen (ph), an inspiration. She`s celebrating her 50th anniversary as an Avon rep, as a little girl, our Avon lady, Miss Mary Long. She`s married to a school bus driver just like my grandfather. They visit our home nearly every Saturday and sit down and have lunch with us.

You remind me of her, Mary Jane, happy birthday.

And tonight thoughts and prayers to Delray Beach, Florida friend of the show in the hospital, Miss Evelyn Tecker (ph). She never misses a show.

Evelyn, please stay strong and I hope they`ve got HEADLINE NEWS there in the hospital.

Case alert. It`s is the four-year anniversary of the Atlanta courthouse shootings. Brian Nichols overpowering a sheriff`s deputy, beginning a long and bloody rampage, leaving four dead. A memorial service today for family and friends of victims tonight.

We remember Judge Rowland Barnes, Deputy Hoyt Teasley, court reporter Julie Brandau and federal agent David Wilhelm.



CROSLIN: If I have something, she wants it. So if we buy something for me, we buy the same thing for her. Our shoes, me and Haleigh had the same pair of shoes. She wanted me to have pink and white, the one just like her. So me and her are like pretty much -- we try to do everything together.

I just want to let everybody know that I was home, because I did pass my lie detector test saying that I was home.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Police told you you passed?



GRACE: We learned tonight that the biological mother of little Haleigh has felt it important to hire a lawyer. But why?

Back to Robin Sax, Penny Douglass Furr, Daniel Horowitz.

Daniel, what do you make of it?

DANIEL HOROWITZ, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I don`t like it, Nancy. What I heard from that attorney is that this terrible incident is now being turned into an excuse to start a custody battle. And it`s not what it`s about.

There is a danger to this young boy who is still in the home. He should be out of there. But this attorney is essentially implying that something.

GRACE: You know what`s interesting, Horowitz?

HOROWITZ: . was done by this soon-to-be stepmother. Yes.

GRACE: You know, you and I were covering the Elizabeth Smart case at the same time, and I never heard you talking about them in this manner, that because Elizabeth Smart was taken out of the home in the middle of the night that all the children should be taken from their custody, never heard that.

Also never heard you say that in the Danielle Van Dam case out in California. She and her little brother asleep in the home in the middle of the night. She is taken by David Westmoreland (sic), the next door neighbor. You never said all of the children should taken away. Why now?

HOROWITZ: Well, because it`s a safety issue.

GRACE: Really?

HOROWITZ: It`s not a moral judgment on their part.

GRACE: Really? What`s the difference?

HOROWITZ: I think that there`s -- you don`t what.

GRACE: Because these people don`t have a lot of money and they live in a mobile home, so they should lose the children?

HOROWITZ: No, because somebody -- no, Nancy, you know better than that.

GRACE: Well, give me a reason.

HOROWITZ: It`s because -- because somebody got into that home.


HOROWITZ: . leaving no sign of entry, we don`t know who it is, but we suspect that it was somebody close to them because you don`t get a little kid.

GRACE: Oh, really?

HOROWITZ: . out of that house and know that the kid is there unless you know what`s going on. That`s why there`s still a danger.

GRACE: Sounds just like the other cases I just rattled off to you.

Robin Sax, what about it? If this were true every time a child is kidnapped, you could take the children away from the parents.

ROBIN SAX, PROSECUTOR, AUTHOR OF "PREDATORS & CHILD MOLESTERS": That -- you bring up an excellent point. I also think it`s an interesting point to think about whenever the defense attorney is advising a client. He would no doubt recommend that that client should absolutely have counsel representing them and shut your mouth and have counsel.

And I don`t think in this situation where you`ve got the best interests of the parents and the best interests of the child being evaluated by everyone in the media and by the court system that it`s surprising, actually, that she has a lawyer.

GRACE: Special thanks to Kim Picazio, speaking to us tonight for the first time, the attorney for Haleigh`s mother, Crystal Sheffield.

<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on March 13, 2009, 11:48:17 AM


Aired March 12, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET

<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Haleigh Cummings has been missing over a month now and a new search is breaking out. What happens on the same day? Her dad Ronald Cummings is marrying Misty Croslin.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Misty Croslin is the last person who saw Haleigh exactly one month ago when she tucked her into this toddler bed in her room. But when she woke up, Haleigh was gone.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty Croslin says the focus is still on Haleigh and that the wedding is just what the 5-year-old would have wanted.

MISTY CROSLIN, RONALD CUMMINGS` FIANCEE: Everybody knows that I love Haleigh, and Ronald and Junior.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police have gone door to door. They`ve interviewed Haleigh`s family members several times. They`ve received 2,000 tips.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Pieces of evidence had been collected.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Investigators removed the door from the home where Haleigh disappeared.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ron and Misty were questioned late again yesterday.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police in Putnam County, Florida started a new search today in a new area. Authorities tell us the area has not been searched before, but the search is not the result of a tip.

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: Baby, if you`re watching you know you`ll always be daddy`s little girl. I love you.


GRACE: Out to Art Harris, investigative journalist at Art, what`s the latest?

ART HARRIS, WWW.ARTHARRIS.COM, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: The latest, Nancy, is they searched this 17 -- stretch of road along highway 17 looking for something that may have been thrown out of a car, but no details on what that was.

At the same time, investigators are examining a door they`ve taken off the back of Ronald`s home where the alleged kidnapper of Haleigh entered.

GRACE: What can you tell me about, number one, them getting married, and number two, a potential custody battle?

HARRIS: Well, the marriage happened today, a small family ceremony. It was reportedly a beautiful ceremony in a small Baptist church. And the -- as for the custody fight, you have a former -- you know, the former fiancee, wife, mother of Haleigh and little brother Ronald who wants her children back.

She wants custody. Does not think that Ronald is in a safe environment. Has hired an attorney, a veteran family lawyer from Florida Kim Picazio to examine the records to get 200 pages of court transcript and to try to re-open a custody hearing that she does not think was fair to the mother.

GRACE: Out to T.J. Hart with WSKY, 97.3. T.J., what can you tell me about the marriage that went down just a couple of hours ago?

T.J. HART, PROGRAM & NEWS DIR., WSKY 97.3FM, COVERING STORY: Really not much. It was pretty much a secret as far as the location was. It turned out to be at a very small church in the area. Sources from the family tell us that it was a beautiful ceremony, and we understand that they`re going to be honeymooning in New York.

GRACE: To Marlaina Schiavo, our producer who has spent hours and hours with Haleigh`s family. So cops converged today at the home and they tear off the back door as Art Harris has just reported. Why now, Marlaina?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, SPENT TIME WITH MISSING HALEIGH`S FAMILY: When I spoke to Captain Schauland earlier I asked him that very question and he just said it`s part of an ongoing investigation and he wouldn`t elaborate on why they took the door now a month after Haleigh went missing.

GRACE: To John Lucich, former investigator, author of "Cyber Lies," why take the door now, John?

LUCICH: They really should have taken the door off when they got the information and I believe it was cousin Joe who had an MO, modus operandi, of doing this in the past when he committed burglaries. That would have been the exact time to take it off. Why wait all this time? They must be operating on a tip, but they really should have taken that door back then just -- they`re looking for tool marks and they`re looking for a lot of other different things, but they should have taken it back then.

GRACE: Joining me right now Kim Picazio. She is the attorney for Haleigh`s biological mother. She has just hired an attorney.

Kim, thank you for being with us. What can you tell us about an independent search that you plan to organize?

KIM PICAZIO, ATTORNEY FOR MISSING HALEIGH`S MOM: Well, Nancy, we have just rolled up in the small town where Haleigh was raised. I`ve just attended a candlelight vigil for Haleigh for the mother`s camp and I am right now holding a candle in my hand that I received at that candlelight vigil, a candle I`ll keep the rest of my life.

With regard to a custody battle, first and foremost, wanted to say that our priority at this time is the search for Haleigh, is to get her returned home safe and sound. However, it`s come to our attention we may have two emergencies on our hand. Not only do we have Haleigh who is out there somewhere who needs to be found, but we also have an emergency.

We`ve had -- we talked to dozens of people today. We feel that dozens of tips and in our search for Haleigh and talking with witnesses, we received credible evidence that we believe that Junior is definitely at risk, remaining in the home of Mr. Cummings.

And with regard to a custody issue, I don`t even if know if it would be appropriate to have a litigation going on in a family court, the most appropriate scenario would probably be Department of Children and Families is getting involved because I think that it`s reached an unsafe level for this child.

And with regard to our private efforts, again, we just rolled into town. I`ve got several of my people that I brought in. We`re going to be setting up a command center tomorrow. There`s a small town America. Everyone is, you know, giving us tips, treating us well. We`re going to be exploring every single avenue and, again, we`re just talking to witnesses and getting, you know, any type of private information we can from people who may not necessarily be at liberty to go to the police or may not be just comfortable to do so.

GRACE: Well, Kim Picazio, don`t you believe that you`re going to need a lot more evidence than what an estranged non-custodial, biological mother and her family and friends tell you about how much danger the children are in?

PICAZIO: Absolutely, and what we`ve done is we`ve gone to outside sources and the information that we have gotten that we are going deliver to the proper authorities was not information that was gotten from the biological mother, interestingly enough.

It was gotten from people that had been with Ronald in the past, had personally witnessed physical abuse of the children. And we intend to bring the information that we have to the proper authorities so that they can investigate it.

GRACE: Everyone, we are taking your calls live. Back to Marlaina Schiavo. Exactly where is the dad, Ronald Cummings, and now his wife, the girlfriend/babysitter, the last person to have seen little Caylee alive -- little Haleigh alive?

SCHIAVO: Right now, Nancy, they are in Satsuma. They just got married. They are with their family. And we`re told that they`ll be heading to New York tonight because they`ll be appearing on a network show tomorrow morning as newlyweds.

GRACE: To Diane in Wisconsin, hi, Diane.


GRACE: Hi, dear. What`s your question?

DIANE: Well, I just want to say, your twins are beautiful.

GRACE: Thank you.

DIANE: And I have two sets of twins.

GRACE: You lucky lady. What`s your question, dear?

DIANE: I was wondering, isn`t it in that state being 17 too young to get married?

GRACE: Apparently in that jurisdiction with the parents` consent, it is not. The mother had withheld consent until age 18 but changed her mind following the disappearance of little Haleigh.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We are here to speak directly to the person or persons who knows something, anything about the disappearance of this little girl. It`s not all about the money. It`s all about doing the right thing. Even if it means that you have to be held accountable for your actions, do the right thing.


GRACE: Out to Dr. Bethany Marshall, psychoanalyst joining us from L.A.. Weigh in, Bethany.

MARSHALL: Well, I think it`s reprehensible that Crystal Sheffield is using this tragedy as an occasion to reopen a custody hearing. She lost those children years ago in a court of law. I also think if those children are endangered, call Child Protective Services. Have them come out and do a welfare check.

And if Junior is in danger, they will remove him from the home. But as I see it, this is sort of an unnatural procedure to go and do your own investigation behind the scenes. And I don`t think it will look good for the mother if they go back to family court.

GRACE: To Deanna in Georgia, hi, Deanna.

DEANNA, CALLER FROM GEORGIA: Hi, Nancy. Your show is invaluable. Thank you.

GRACE: Thank you for calling. What`s your question, dear?

DEANNA: My question is, has Ronald`s work -- has it been verified he was at work the night Haleigh went missing? And I`d also like to make a comment. I really think it would -- I think it`s inappropriate that he would go and be married at a time like this. I would have not had that on my mind. I would be searching night and day. But that`s my question. Thank you.

GRACE: Thank you, dear. T.J. Hart, got the answer to any of that?

HART: Yes, the answer to that was, yes, it was verified that he was at work by his employer and also by law enforcement following up.

GRACE: And the family is saying this is what little Haleigh wanted. She wanted them to be married. I know the timing is a little off, but so be it.

Let`s stop and remember Army Specialist Christopher Bartkiewicz, 25, Dunfermline, Illinois, killed Iraq. Awarded the Purple Heart and Bronze Star. Remembered as a go-to soldier you could always count on. Dreamed of serving the military since growing up in the military bases in North Carolina.

Leaves behind grieving widow, Emily, three daughters.

Christopher Bartkiewicz, American hero.

Thanks to our guests, but especially to you for being with us. And a special good night from friends of the show, UGA students, honor students, Dan and Katherine. Aren`t they precious?

Everyone, I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on March 14, 2009, 10:37:31 AM


Why Different Stories of Missing Girl?; Father Says Focus Should be on Haleigh; Rihanna-Chris Brown Outrage; Drugged to Death?

Aired March 13, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET



JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HOST (voice-over): Tonight, strange love as Ronald Cummings, dad of missing 5-year-old Haleigh, ties the knot with girlfriend Misty Croslin. The two appear on "The Today Show" after yesterday`s massive ground search. Seemingly grasping for straws, cops reexamine inconsistencies in Misty`s story.

Meantime, Ron says Haleigh`s mom, Crystal, made up the story about Haleigh`s little brother seeing a man in black take his sister.

And shocking news as Anna Nicole Smith`s boyfriend is charged with eight felonies. Howard K. Stern accused of giving Smith thousands of prescription drugs leading up to the starlet`s deadly overdose in 2007. You will not believe the sheer number of pills authorities are talking about.

Then a crucial part of Casey Anthony`s defense strategy finally revealed as her dream team battles over more hair they say they found in Casey`s car.

CINDY ANTHONY, MOTHER OF CASEY ANTHONY: There`s something wrong. I saw my daughter`s car today. And it smells like there`s been a dead body in the damn car.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Could it be a break for Casey?

Plus, scandalous details emerge about the reported duet between Rihanna and alleged batterer, boy toy Chris Brown. Reports say it`s a sweet song about the challenges of love. The list of powerful women calling for Rihanna to leave Brown is piling up.

NANCY GRACE, HOST, "NANCY GRACE": FYI, I`m a woman, and I don`t have Brown`s back on this.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: When will Rihanna get the message?

ISSUES starts now.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Absolutely stunning news in the Haleigh Cummings investigation tonight. Authorities are reportedly questioning the many inconsistencies given to them by the missing girl`s new step-mom.

In a wedding shocker, Haleigh`s father Ron and his teen girlfriend Misty tied the knot in his grandmother`s backyard yesterday. The couple didn`t plan a honeymoon, but they did fly to New York to appear on NBC`s "Today Show." That`s where Misty, who was in charge of watching little Haleigh when the child disappeared, offered this stunning revelation about a recent shouting match with cops.


MISTY CROSLIN, WIFE OF HALEIGH`S FATHER: There was a new guy that was new to the case, and I didn`t feel comfortable with him. He was just being very rude to me. And I told John Merchant and the state attorneys I would talk to them, but I wasn`t going to talk to.


CROSLIN: He was rude, like yelling and telling me I`m a liar.

VIEIRA: So he was accusing you of lying to him?



VELEZ-MITCHELL: Is Misty getting defensive, given all the questions regarding her story about what happened the night little Haleigh went missing? "Today Show" host Meredith Vieira pressed Misty on those inconsistencies.


VIEIRA: Why were there -- help me out, Misty. Why were there inconsistencies? Why would you say one thing one time and one time the other?

CROSLIN: I don`t know.

VIEIRA: But you know you did do that?


VIEIRA: And you`re not sure why?



VELEZ-MITCHELL: She looks like a child to me. Is this the uncertainty of a 17-year-old or something else again?

Also, Ron lashed out at his ex, Haleigh`s biological mother. Remember that story from Haleigh`s little brought J.R. about a man in black taking Haleigh? Ron accused Haleigh`s mom, Crystal, of making all that up. But why? Why on earth would she have any reason to derail this investigation into finding her own daughter? Is this just part of the deepening rift between mother and father?

Right now, I am joined by my fantastic panel: Rebecca Rose Woodland, criminal defense attorney; Paul Callan, criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor; Steve Kardian, former criminal investigator; Jennifer Hartstein, clinical psychologist; and joining us by phone, T.J. Hart, program and news director at WSKY 97.3 FM.

T.J., you`ve broken a lot of details on this story. What is the very latest?

T.J. HART, WSKY NEWS DIRECTOR: The very latest right now, I just got off the phone with Captain Dick Schauland. I was talking about Misty`s appearance on television today.

And also a few things that she said in the past about passing the polygraph, to which he said the FBI takes that polygraph. No one knows if you completely pass or completely fail. Every question is pass/fail. And to blatantly say that you passed the polygraph is, well, maybe a bit disingenuous.

He also says that she continue to be the focal point of this because of those inconsistencies that was pointed out once again on the program this morning.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, Steve Kardian, you`re a former criminal investigator. To me, this young lady looks like a child. She`s a very young-looking 17-year-old.

Would it be possible for someone to have the sophistication to go on national television and lie in this way? I mean, either this woman is a very gifted liar or she`s a very young girl who is caught in a firestorm and doesn`t know exactly how to handle it.

STEVE KARDIAN, FORMER CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR: It could be a combination of both, Jane. She doesn`t have an answer today. She didn`t have an answer the night that she reported the child missing. And I don`t think she`s going to have an answer in the future.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, I just look at her, and I see somebody who might have been like a deer in the headlights when you say inconsistencies because in her defense, if somebody asks you something three or four times, you`re not going to say it as if it`s a script. And I`ll bring this to our psychologist, Jennifer Hartstein. You`re going to say it in different ways.

Oh, did you walk the dogs this morning? "Well, yes, I took them both out." Then if they ask me again, "Yes, well I went down the stairs." They ask me again, "Yes, well, we talked south." You see what I`m saying? It`s going to change a little bit. That doesn`t mean that I`m lying each time.

JENNIFER HARTSTEIN, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST: No, you`re just offering more information each time. And that`s really what it comes down to. And the question you have is initially she`s on the defensive. And so many times, with teenagers, their first reaction is to protect themselves, protect the situation. They want to get defensive. And then little by little, they`ll let out more and more information.

So there`s bold-faced lying. And maybe it`s a lie of omission in that maybe she`s remembering more things, remembering more details each time, which tweak the story a little bit. And it`s letting us know what`s true, what`s not true, the reality. And she`s so young. I mean, and who knows the maturity level overall.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Let`s get into this. Part of what has been so very bizarre about this search for little Haleigh has been these changing stories by Misty about what happened that night. So this morning, she was flat-out asked on "The Today Show" if cops suspect her of anything. This is what she said. Let`s listen carefully.


VIEIRA: And, Misty, as you sit here, do you believe in your heart that they see you as a suspect?

CROSLIN: No, I don`t.

RON CUMMINGS, FATHER OF HALEIGH: I don`t either. I talked to a lead detective. His name is John Merchant.

VIEIRA: And he said?

CUMMINGS: Nope. He doesn`t think that she`s a suspect.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Now, you heard that, T.J. You`ve been speaking to investigators. Is there an inconsistency between what the cops told you and what you just heard from "The Today Show" this morning?

HART: I think we`re talking apples and oranges. He says that the inconsistencies are focal point. He didn`t say Misty was a suspect. And that`s the difference there. So they`re going by the information that goes in a couple of different directions by the inconsistent statements.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: But Paul Callan, if she`s not a suspect, why not come out and say that, because this girl is under a lot of heat and a lot of pressure with everybody asking her.

And the suspicion is fueled by this information vacuum where authorities won`t confirm whether she passed the polygraph, or whether she`s still a suspect or not. Or ever was a suspect. In other words, they haven`t eliminated anybody as a suspect, but the focus has been on her because she was the last person, the last adult to see little Haleigh before she disappeared.

PAUL CALLAN, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, of course, and I think, Jane, it`s a stretch even to call her an adult. She`s 17 years old. And as you`ve indicated, you know, at that age, you know, everybody maybe has a tough time telling the same story twice the same way.

But I think she has not been ruled out. I mean, this is a wide-open investigation. Her story has got real holes in it anyway. I mean, this whole thing about, you know, her being in the house when the child was taken away and was she in the bathroom, or was she in the kitchen, who was in the bedroom. There are a lot of inconsistencies. And the police certainly are not going to rule her out definitively until their investigation is completed. So I`m not at all surprised that they`re unwilling to rule her out.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: But there`s something here that doesn`t add up. Rebecca Rose Woodland, everybody is talking about how she`s this kid, this 17-year-old, not sophisticated, but yet if, in fact, she were hypothetically involved in some way, she would have had to have pulled off something incredibly sophisticated to elude searches by hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of law enforcement authorities who are -- who are digging and searching all in that area.

REBECCA ROSE WOODLAND, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Yes. I mean, Jane, really, she doesn`t seem sophisticated at all. She seems quite like you said before, a deer in the headlights. And she was on "The Today Show" and Ms. Vieira asked her that question. She just kind of sat there and didn`t know what to say. She looked at her now-husband, which is, again, bizarre.

I mean, this whole story has taken some bizarre turns, but the reality is, there is a missing child. And to have a child go missing with absolutely no clue and a 17-year-old be responsible, wow. This is really a fascinating development. But I -- it`s hard to say that she could have possibly done this or acted alone.

CALLAN: Hey, Jane -- Jane, can I jump in on this husband/wife thing, too?


CALLAN: Because this is a question that`s come up to me all day long. People are asking this. Did he marry her, this 17-year-old girl, so that the spousal privilege, the husband/wife privilege will prevent the cops from doing further investigation?

You know, a lot of people may not be aware, but there`s a husband/wife privilege, and the police cannot question a husband about what his wife did in a crime and vice versa. So people are asking is that why he married her or is that why she married him?

The answer is, by the way, no, it can`t be, because that privilege only applies when people are married to each other. It would not prevent questioning about the disappearance of the child here. So it`s just a question that I think a lot of people are asking. Because you know, why is he marrying a 17-year-old girl at this time in this place? It just seems so inappropriate.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. But your nuanced interpretation of the law is something that they might not be aware of.

CALLAN: Well, they may not be. You`re absolutely right about that. Maybe they need a good lawyer, Jane.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: We hear about spousal privilege in movies, you know and take our cues from the movies. All right, guys. Hang tight. Much more to come on the Haleigh Cummings case.

In other shocking news tonight, Anna Nicole Smith`s boyfriend charged with giving the starlet thousands of drugs that led ultimately to her fatal overdose. I will have the very latest.

And after getting married, Misty Croslin back under the microscope, as we`ve been saying. Cops looking at inconsistencies in her story. Here is one account of Haleigh`s disappearance.


CROSLIN: Usually Haleigh will wake up at nighttime. She gets cramps in her legs, you know. And I have to rub her legs to get the cramps out of her legs to get her back to sleep. And, you know, she didn`t make no noise that night. I would have woke up if I heard anyone. I didn`t hear anything at all. I was really exhausted that day, you know, really exhausted when I lay down, I guess. And I just was out.




CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, MOTHER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I just want to say thank you for everybody doing everything. Mommy loves you and your daddy loves you. We miss you. We`ll be right here. Please, bring her home. Please. We need her.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Back with my fantastic panel. Just yesterday, authorities conducted an intensive search with about 100 officers. I understand, T.J. Hart, it was just a couple of miles from the Cummings home. Tell us about this search.

HART: This search was there at Buffalo Bluff road, which is the turn- in road off U.S. 17 that leads back into hermit`s cove where they live in Satsuma. It was on U.S. 17 between County Road 309 and Union Avenue, Crescent City. For the first time, they took a little bit of that -- of that trip about 30 miles out of either side to see if anything had been tossed out along the road, which is a major artery through the area. Nothing helpful to the case was found. But some other evidence closer to home was taken in.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: What? Any idea?

HART: Yes. It was the home -- it was the back door to the mobile home where Ronald Cummings lived with Misty Croslin and the two children. Now, that house had been taken -- had been taken personally apart by investigators earlier, but they tore off the door and took that into the FDLE, the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, for more forensic testing. And God only knows what they`re going to find. I know that I`ve got a fingerprint on there.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Wow. Yes. How did you get a fingerprint on there?

HART: Doing the -- doing shows for CNN from the house.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Wow. So Steve Kardian, too little too late? Maybe they should have taken that door the very first day.

KARDIAN: Oh, I agree. They should have taken that the very first -- the very first day, Jane, to compare that with anything that has developed up to that point and/or in the future. That`s something they should have done earlier.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I heard that there was no tip involved in this latest search. Rebecca Rose Woodland, I find that hard to believe, that they would have 100 officers descending on an area and searching intensively based on absolutely no tip. Do you buy it?

WOODLAND: No. I don`t. I don`t buy a lot of this. The door absolutely, why did we not have that door taken off immediately? Because the allegation is -- or let`s say the story is that she`s sleeping, Misty is sleeping, Haleigh is sleeping next to her on the bed on the mattress on the floor, odd, and the child disappears. That means someone -- either she walked out of the home, so her fingerprints would be on the door anyway, or someone entered the home, as we saw in the Jessica Lunsford case years ago, where that man entered the home and took the child out.

Well, if that`s the case, why wouldn`t -- why wouldn`t we look at the door? And there must be something. Why are they focusing on that one area on, what did we say, Route 17? Why are they focusing on that main swamp area for evidence or something thrown out of a car? Maybe someone called and said, "Hey, that night I remember seeing something strange or bizarre."

VELEZ-MITCHELL: But they`re saying no tip whatsoever.

WOODLAND: I know. Come on, Jane. Maybe they don`t want to reveal it.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Why go out of their way to say no tip whatsoever? That`s what I`m saying. Say nothing at all?

KARDIAN: Jane, it would appear that their efforts have been concentrated on that area, are going to tell you a couple of things. No. 1, that they don`t have anything that`s directing them outside that area and/or, No. 1, that they do have some information that they`re not revealing that is making them concentrate on that area.

CALLAN: Well, or there`s a third possibility also, Steve, and that is, of course, that maybe they`re totally lost at this point. They don`t know where to look. And they`re just randomly selecting areas close to the home to search. And that`s a really bad sign for this child.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. It sure is. There`s reportedly also another bad sign, a deepening rift between Haleigh`s dad, Ron, and Haleigh`s mom, Crystal. He now questions the story of the man in black. Remember what Crystal said last month? Let`s listen carefully.


GRACE: I know this sounds crazy, but to the best of your recollection, what were his exact words?

SHEFFIELD: He said, "Mommy, I want to find my sissy, and some man in black come in and took her."


VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. But on NBC`s "Today Show" this morning, Ron was quizzed about this mysterious piece of the investigation. Watch how this information differed.


VIEIRA: Your 4-year-old son and the fact that he said that somebody, a man dressed in black, had taken Haleigh out of the -- the trailer that night she disappeared. Did he tell that to either one of you? Misty, you were there at the time. Did he say anything to you at the time?

CROSLIN: Huh-uh.

VIEIRA: Nothing?


CUMMINGS: Me either. I think this is some of the garbage that Geraldo and Crystal, the mother, has made up, but I`m just going to leave that at that.

VIEIRA: So you don`t even believe that Ronald Jr. said this at all?

CUMMINGS: I don`t know. I wasn`t at home. I was at work.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: I wasn`t at home. That has nothing to do with it. Why would the mother have any reason to derail the investigation by making something up like this, Jennifer Hartstein, as a psychologist. It doesn`t make sense to me. Is this part of the deepening rift between mother and father?

HARTSTEIN: It could be. I mean, what motivation does she have? You`re right. She wants to find her daughter. You know, so there is definitely going to be a he said, she said, who`s in charge. She`s probably blaming him because Haleigh was in her house -- in his house, all of these things.

But there`s also the issue that it`s a 4-year-old child. And initially people descend on the house. He`s going to be frightened and afraid to say anything. So he`s going to -- and he sees his father uber worried with his girlfriend, now wife. He`s not going to know what to do. So he`s got to figure out who to go to, to talk to. Maybe he was more comfortable saying it to the mom. Maybe there isn`t anything and he`s trying to make everybody happy. There`s -- who knows the motivation of a 4-year-old?

And the issue between the two of them not being on the same page is really going to cause bigger problems overall.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes, and we only have about five seconds, but you had mentioned that it seems like Misty looks to Ron for answers. Five seconds. That has to tell you something, doesn`t it?

HARTSTEIN: Absolutely.


I want to thank my excellent panel. To another high-profile case. Casey Anthony`s defense team in a fierce, and I mean fierce, battle over key evidence. We`re talking hair. Could this be a big break for Casey`s defense

<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on March 17, 2009, 09:16:23 AM


Cummings Girlfriend Not Ruled Out as Suspect in Haleigh Disappearance

Aired March 16, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone, vanished into thin air, the back door propped wide open. Dad comes home from the night shift to find not a single trace of little Haleigh.

Bombshell. In the last days, Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, legally marries the last person to see little Haleigh alive, the girlfriend/baby-sitter allegedly sleeping in the bed next to Haleigh the night she`s kidnapped. The two jet to New York to honeymoon in the midst of the search for Haleigh, courtesy NBC`s "Today" show, but when given the chance to clear up inconsistencies in that live appearance fumble.

Now more questions as Florida police reiterate Misty Croslin Cummings has not -- repeat, not -- been cleared as a suspect and that they, too, can`t seem to get answers about the night Haleigh vanishes. In fact, police insist no one`s ruled out. They`re trying desperately to build a timeline but say inconsistencies in Croslin`s story cost them crucial time.

And tonight, is a custody battle brewing over Haleigh`s 4-year-old little brother? Haleigh`s mother hiring a lawyer and now her own PI. Primetime exclusive tonight, Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, not afraid to answer questions. He is with us live tonight. Tonight, where is 5- year-old Florida girl Haleigh?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: In a wedding shocker, Haleigh`s father, Ron, and his teen girlfriend, Misty, tied the knot in his grandmother`s back yard.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Some critics say the timing is just downright wrong.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: After all he`s been through, I think it`s OK that he has a happy moment.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And after getting married, Misty Croslin back under the microscope.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Croslin was the last one to see Haleigh alive. She`s the one who tucked her into bed.

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER: She was the last one to see her. She had nothing do with this. I had nothing do with this.

MISTY CUMMINGS, STEPMOTHER: I was home because I did pass my lie detector test saying that I was home.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No one knows if you`ve completely passed or completely failed. Every question is pass/fail.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Meantime, Ron says Haleigh`s mom, Crystal, made up the story about Haleigh`s little brother seeing a man in black take his sister.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Haleigh, if you`re watching, Mommy loves you and I miss you and I want you to come home!

CUMMINGS: Please bring her home. Please bring her home safe. And if she`s watching, baby, I love you. I`ll never give up on you.


GRACE: And breaking news in the desperate search for a 2-year-old Florida girl, Caylee. Six months of searching culminates when skeletal remains found in a heavily wooded area just 15 houses from the Anthonys` home confirmed to be Caylee, manner of death homicide. A utility meter reader stumbles on a tiny human skeleton, including a skull covered in light-colored hair, the killer duct taping and placing a heart-shaped sticker directly over the mouth, then triple-bagging little Caylee like she`s trash.

Tonight, lawyers heading back to court to try and force brother Lee Anthony to answer questions he refuses to address during sworn testimony. What is it? The question? Who is Caylee`s biological father? Why won`t brother Lee just simply answer the question? What`s there to hide?

And still tonight, no answer. Is there a plea deal on the table, a deal for a lighter sentence for tot mom? The Orlando jail secretly recording tot mom privately meeting with her lawyer minutes after she watches live TV when Caylee`s skeleton discovered. Sources inside the investigation reveal tot mom looked, quote, "fidgety" during the coverage and downright hostile in that meeting moments later. Little did she know it was all caught on grainy surveillance video.

Tot mom`s lawyers fighting mad. They do not want the video released nor video questioning of the lady sheriff who was actually with tot mom the day little Caylee discovered. What can this lady sheriff reveal?


CASEY ANTHONY, CAYLEE`S MOTHER: She`s not far. I know in my heart she`s not far. I can feel it.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We found a human skull.

911 OPERATOR: Oh, my gosh. What`s the location?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Right off of Suburban and Chickasaw in the Caylee Anthony area, right by the...



CUMMINGS: Is one of the possibilities that has gone through your mind that your sister was the one responsible for the disappearance?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m instructing you not to answer that question.

CUMMINGS: Do you know who the father of Caylee...


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Objection. Certify.

LEE ANTHONY: ... with 100 percent...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You don`t have to answer that question.

CASEY ANTHONY: I`m being watched at all times.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This new video that we are learning about is Casey Anthony with her attorney, Jose Baez. Our sources are telling us that it appears Joe Baez is crying in this video, Casey Anthony with her arms crossed, looking away into the distance.

CASEY ANTHONY: We don`t want this to any longer be a tragedy.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Primetime exclusive. Police confirm no one, including Misty Croslin, the last person to see Haleigh alive, is cleared as a suspect. Tonight, Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, not afraid to answer questions, with us live.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A day after getting married in the back yard of his grandmother, Ronald and now Misty Cummings were in New York answering questions on national TV.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don`t know what to make of it. It bothers me.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: One of the other issues brought up is Misty`s story about what happened that night here at the Cummings` home.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty Croslin, now Misty Cummings, was the last who saw the 5-year-old.

MISTY CUMMINGS: (INAUDIBLE) and she`s gone. And that`s all I know!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She has been questioned now for over 30 hours with detectives, and still no solid timeline.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Her story`s changed several times.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She doesn`t have an answer today. She didn`t have an answer the night that she reported the child missing. And I don`t think she`s going to have an answer in the future.

RONALD CUMMINGS: My daughter came up missing out of my house in the middle of the night.



MISTY CUMMINGS: I just woke up and my back door was all open, and I can`t find my daughter.

911 OPERATOR: OK, when did you last see her?

MISTY CUMMINGS: We were just, like -- you know, it was about 10:00 o`clock. She was sleeping.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty at first said Haleigh was in bed with her, then changed that to say Haleigh was in her own bed.

MISTY CUMMINGS: I didn`t do anything to that little girl. I would never hurt her.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Police believe someone snatched the 5-year-old from her Satsuma home. They say, at this point, everyone`s a suspect.

RONALD CUMMINGS: Please, all I want is my child. That`s it. I just want my daughter back!


GRACE: Police reiterating no one has been cleared as a suspect in the disappearance of this 5-year-old Florida girl, little Haleigh. Tonight, not afraid to answer questions on camera, Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings joining us in a primetime live exclusive. Also with him, Haleigh`s grandmother, Teresa Neves. You know Ms. Neves by now, appearing nearly every night, asking for your help in finding little Haleigh.

But first to T.J. Hart with WSKY 97.3. T.J., people are attacking the family, claiming there are inconsistencies in the baby-sitter`s -- now Ronald Cummings`s wife -- story. What are the inconsistencies in a nutshell?

T.J. HART, WSKY 97.3 FM: In a nutshell, it is basically the timeline of what time that -- who was in what bed and what time everything had took place, according the Putnam County sheriff`s office.

GRACE: I want to go to Ronald Cummings joining us tonight, he and his mother begging for your help in finding little Haleigh. Ronald, thank you for being with us -- to both of you. Ronald, as I see it, there are three main inconsistencies in Misty Croslin -- now Cummings -- statement. Number one, when she called police. Number two, why she went to a bathroom far away from where Haleigh was, as opposed to the one right there in the master bedroom. And possibly most significantly, an alleged inconsistency about where she was sleeping and where Haleigh was sleeping the night she was kidnapped.

Let`s take that one off the top. What did Misty tell you that night - - not later, but that night -- about where Haleigh was sleeping?

RONALD CUMMINGS: She told me that she was sleeping in the -- her and Junior were sleeping in my queen-size bed and that she was sleeping in the tot bed beside her.

GRACE: OK, and we have...

RONALD CUMMINGS: Three or four feet from her...

GRACE: ... gone into your home -- yes. Ronald, you have allowed...

RONALD CUMMINGS: So you know how far away it is.

GRACE: ... us into your home. We have that video. Elizabeth, let`s show exactly what Mr. Cummings is referring to. Now Ronald, how did it get so bassackwards that people construed it as them sleeping together in the same bed, Misty, Junior, your son, and Haleigh? How did that happen? How was that miscommunicated?

RONALD CUMMINGS: Ms. Nancy, I have no -- no answer for you. I don`t know how it was miscommunicated.

GRACE: Is that what she told police, Ronald? Did she tell police at any time that she was in the bed with little Haleigh?

RONALD CUMMINGS: I wasn`t there when she was questioned by police, Ms. Nancy.

GRACE: OK. Here`s the next question. Why didn`t she call cops immediately when she realized Haleigh was missing? Explain to us the timeline. What happened?

RONALD CUMMINGS: I pulled into the yard. The front door was wide open. She was standing in it. I asked her what she was doing up. She told me that the back door was wide open and Haleigh was gone. I turned the house upside-down and told her to call 911.

GRACE: And we have heard your 911 call. My third question -- why -- has she explained it to you why she didn`t go to the restroom in the middle of night right there in the bedroom`s attached bathroom? It`s kind of all one big, huge master bedroom. Why would she choose to crosses kitchen and go to a different bathroom?

RONALD CUMMINGS: I don`t know, Ms. Nancy. I`ve never really heard that side of the story, to be honest with you.

GRACE: Now, you want to clear up -- a lot of people are attacking you for going to New York for a honeymoon. Please, here`s your chance.

RONALD CUMMINGS: Absolutely. I went there for an exclusive with the "Today" show. I did not go there on a honeymoon at all. It was not a honeymoon at all. I went there for an exclusive with the "Today" show.

GRACE: Ronald, I know that you have been under attack. Misty Croslin Cummings has been under attack. Tonight, we are taking the viewer`s calls, Mr. Cummings not afraid to answer questions in front of the camera. And we are live. We`ll all be back in 30 seconds.


GRACE: Out to the lines. Terry in Florida. Hi, Terry.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. Something has been bothering me. If the story`s true that Misty was out partying and left the kids home alone, it`s possible Misty put the cement block by the back door so she could slip quietly back inside the house and not wake up the kids, but someone else could have gotten inside the house and took Haleigh before Misty got home.

GRACE: To Ronald Cummings, Haleigh`s father, who is with us tonight taking your calls live. Ronald, has the theory that Misty left the home some time during the night been disproved?

RONALD CUMMINGS: I`m not sure. I believe that it has, Nancy. I`m almost 100 percent sure, but I wouldn`t say that and lie to you. I`m pretty sure it has been disproved.

GRACE: Do you believe she left the home and left the children alone, Ronald?

RONALD CUMMINGS: Absolutely not.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty Croslin said that she realized that Haleigh was missing in the middle of the night when she woke up to use the bathroom. Now, there`s two bathrooms in the mobile home, one that is directly in the master bedroom and another one that is all the way across the living room.


RONALD CUMMINGS: I just got home from work. My 5-year-old daughter is gone! I need somebody to be here now!



MISTY CUMMINGS: I walked in the kitchen and the back door`s wide open. And (INAUDIBLE) and she`s gone. And that`s all I know!

RONALD CUMMINGS: Came home this morning to find out that I didn`t have a child! Somebody stole my child! It`s not like a bicycle or a car. Somebody stole my child from me!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The back door has two locks on the door. The second lock, which you would have to turn, is a tight lock, so it wouldn`t be likely that little Haleigh would have been able to turn the lock and then let herself out the door.


GRACE: And tonight, as Ronald Cummings still tries to find his little girl, he is now facing the possibility that his 4-year-old little boy will be taken away from him. That`s right, the mother, the biological mother, who does not have physical custody of the children, is now considering a custody battle.

We are taking your calls live. Joining me in a primetime exclusive tonight, Haleigh`s father and her paternal grandmother. We are taking your calls live.

Ronald Cummings, what do you make of the potential custody battle that you`re facing on top of everything else?

RONALD CUMMINGS: I think that it`s absolutely and utterly ridiculous. All it does is take the focus off of my daughter being gone and put the focus on, Oh, let`s see who can get custody.

GRACE: Now, let me ask you, this Ronald. Your wife -- your former wife -- well, the mother of the children -- hasn`t had custody in how long?


GRACE: Sure. Go ahead, Ms. Neves.

RONALD CUMMINGS: She`s not my former wife, Ms. Nancy. She`s not my former wife.

GRACE: Right.

NEVES: They were never married, so...

GRACE: Right. It`s the children`s mother.

RONALD CUMMINGS: August the 17th, her 2nd birthday, is when I took physical custody of the children. And I was granted custody of the children in December of `05, and I do have the court paperwork to prove it.

GRACE: Now, Ronald, they seem to suggest that the only reason the mother lost custody was because she missed some court dates. Is that true?

RONALD CUMMINGS: Absolutely not. She missed her first court date. The judge gave her "wah wah" story another try. She showed up, lawyered up. And the truth is, I was a better parent, still am, better provider.

GRACE: Where is Junior tonight, your son?

RONALD CUMMINGS: Do I have to answer that question?

GRACE: I mean, who`s got him? Who`s taking care of him?

RONALD CUMMINGS: My grandmother.

GRACE: Ms. Neves, I understand you all have been living in tents outside or near the home. But you were forced to vacate the premises? Why?

NEVES: County ordinance is what -- the reason what they gave us. Every place we tried, there was an ordinance against where we wanted to go. So it`s just a county ordinance.

GRACE: To Marlaina Schiavo, our producer there at crime scene, joining us live from Satsuma, Florida. All right, the man`s got his daughter gone. He was at work on the night shift, like a lot of America is every night. Comes home, the daughter`s gone. Now, because of a county ordinance, they`re kicked out of their tents where they were being forced to live. Why?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, you can`t -- you can`t camp on a parcel, Nancy. It has to be a designated campground. So they were given a timeline, and now they have to go.

GRACE: Well, excuse me, but Marlaina, were they bothering anybody? I mean, who cares?

SCHIAVO: Not at all. Not at all. It`s just a county ordinance. They wrote a letter to Ronald Cummings saying that they understand his circumstances, but by law, they have to vacate the premises. So they did, and now he`s staying with his grandmother and Teresa is staying in her home.

GRACE: We are taking your calls live. But first to Marc Klaas, president and founder of Klaas Kids Foundation. He is also a crime victim. His daughter, Polly, was taken out of her home. She ended up being murdered. And since that time, he has been a tireless victims` right advocate.

Marc, a lot of concerns. Weigh in.

MARC KLAAS, KLAAS KIDS FOUNDATION: Well, first of all, Ron, my heart goes out to you, buddy. I know where you`re coming from and I know how you`re feeling right now.

But there`s a reality here that has to be dealt with, Nancy. Law enforcement runs parallel investigations in these cases. They`re investigating the family. They`re investigating friends, acquaintances, registered sex offenders. And then finally, they`re investigating the stranger scenario. And until they can eliminate the various players in that -- in those scenarios, they`re unable to then put the full force of their investigation towards what actually happened.

So it`s incumbent upon Misty -- and I think Ron has to impress this upon her -- to do whatever is necessary to eliminate her from suspicion, so law enforcement then can move forward. Otherwise this thing may never be solved, and certainly, that is not -- that`s not an acceptable conclusion to this case.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Haleigh, if you`re out there, Mommy loves you and your daddy loves you and we miss you and we`ll be right here for you!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: From the back door area, you can see that you have to walk up a ramp in order to get into the house. Now, what we do know is that Haleigh was afraid of the dark. And on both sides of the house, there is densely wooded area.



GRACE: Joining me tonight in a primetime exclusive, Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, along with her grandmother, Teresa Neves, taking your calls live.

Ronald, one thing I want to clear up. I still don`t understand why she didn`t call 911 the minute she realized Haleigh was gone. Or was it a matter of timing?

RONALD CUMMINGS: I think she was still looking to make sure that Haleigh -- she wasn`t going to make a false 911 call. She was making sure that Haleigh was not, you know, up in the bathroom or in a...

GRACE: Got it.

RONALD CUMMINGS: ... got up and moved up to another room or whatever. You know, I think she was just being sure that...

GRACE: So when you pull up -- when you pull up, she`s still looking?


GRACE: OK. All right. I get it.

RONALD CUMMINGS: I told her to call 911 while I turned the house upside-down.

GRACE: I get.

RONALD CUMMINGS: You call 911, I`ll turn the house upside-down.

GRACE: Let`s unleash the lawyers. Carmen St. George out of New York and returning tonight, triumphantly, from his battle against leukemia, attorney Richard Herman. Not going easy on you, Richard. Richard, welcome back.


GRACE: What about Misty Croslin, Herman?

HERMAN: Misty Croslin -- these are not inconsistencies, and if as Marc Klaas suggests, law enforcement are holding up their investigation because of what bathroom she went in or what bed she slept in, that is ridiculous! These are not inconsistencies. Law enforcement has to find this poor child.

GRACE: Carmen St. George, agree or disagree?

CARMEN ST. GEORGE, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I agree, Nancy. At the age of 17, some of us might be more advanced or have different experiences. At this point, I think that her story is really just that she did not know at that time...



TERESA NEVES, GRANDMOTHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD, HALEIGH CUMMINGS: Haleigh`s one of them children who fills up a home with smiles and laughter. And you just couldn`t be without her. I know somebody took that little girl.

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: Somebody stole my child out of my bed. This is my heart and somebody stole my heart from me.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He is just, basically, getting to be more than he can bear. I mean he -- he stood up to all the scaredness and, you know, being afraid and tired and not eating right and everything. It`s wearing him down.

CUMMINGS: Somebody, please, who last seen my daughter, I want her to come home. Please bring my daughter home and if you`re watching, I love you.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, SPENT TIME WITH MISSING HALEIGH`S FAMILY: Well, we`re standing right here, right beside me on -- on my left is the bedroom where Misty Croslin was sleeping. And here on the right, we have the bed where little Haleigh was sleeping.

And you can see it is all but about 3 1/2 feet from each other. And this is right where Misty said she got up and she had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Now where I`m facing right now, Nancy, is a bathroom. It`s the master bathroom. Through the living room behind me is the other bathroom in the house.

And you have to remember, that she -- when she got up to go to the bathroom, she saw that the kitchen light was on. The kitchen is over this way. So that means she would have had to have gotten up and gone out this door and then have noticed.


NANCY GRACE, HOST: With us tonight in a primetime exclusive, Ronald Cummings, the father of little Haleigh, and her grandmother, Teresa Neves.

Ronald, I see you shaking your head, no, no, no. Why? Do you disagree?

CUMMINGS: Because we can go in that house right now where they -- we can go in -- yes, absolutely. I disagree. We can go in that house right now with a camera and turn that kitchen that light on. And from the bedroom you can see it. It don`t matter if you go to the bathroom that`s across the house or the one that`s in that bedroom. You can see that the kitchen light is on. It shines. It`s black in the house.

GRACE: You know I`m interested to hear that because when Marlaina was -- and Teresa Neves was giving us access to the home, I asked specifically was the bedroom door open. Do you sleep with the bedroom door open and they responded yes.


GRACE: So I assume.


GRACE: I assume that the kitchen light would come through the bedroom. I understand what you`re saying.

Everyone, Ronald Cummings, Teresa Neves taking your calls live.

Out to Michelle in Michigan, hi, Michelle.


GRACE: I`m good, dear, what`s your question?

MICHELLE: I was wondering now that Ron and Misty are married, can they be forced to testify against each other if there was foul play involved.

GRACE: To Marlaina Schiavo, our producer there at the crime scene, Satsuma, Florida. You know I heard it misstated, I believe, if I`m correct on the law, on the networks over the weekend. Isn`t there a caveat in Florida law? Typically husband/wife privilege. You can`t testify against each other.

But when it comes to the injury or the abuse of a child, I don`t believe the husband/wife privilege applies in Florida. Yes? No?

SCHIAVO: Yes, Nancy, you`re correct.


SCHIAVO: And anything said before the marriage is admissible.

GRACE: Thank you. That was my next question, Marlaina.

So Michelle in Michigan, contrary to a lot of haters that are claiming the two got married to avoid testifying at trial, incorrect. In Florida, when it comes to the welfare of a child, you can`t claim marital privilege.

Now the whole thing about marrying a 17-year-old has come up repeatedly. You know what? That`s a whole another kettle of fish to fry, all right? Let`s worry about bringing Haleigh home first. Then we can address the teen marriage.

Back to the lines. Lili in Louisiana, hi, Lilly.

LILI, CALLER FROM LOUISIANA: Hi, Nancy, how you doing?

GRACE: I`m very disturbed about this case because a month has passed and still no leads in the search for Haleigh. What is your question, dear? And hello to all of our Cajun friends.

LILI: I agree with you. And mine is more of a statement. Have they checked out the person that rented the trailer before? Because they would know where the cinder block is. They might even have a key to the deadbolt. They know where the light is and the switch to the light of the kitchen.

GRACE: OK. Lili, you might need a second job as a private I.

To Ronald Cummings. Ronald, isn`t the previous owner the reverend?

CUMMINGS: As I believe it is the reverend`s mother and father. And I think they deceased here in the home. I`m not sure. You would have to ask them. But I do know that I personally went to Wal-Mart and bought the deadbolts and the locks that were on there so nobody else had a key to this house.

GRACE: OK, because I believe that he told me, the former owner, the reverend, that he had placed a lock on that back door but you also placed locks as well, correct? Got it.

CUMMINGS: Yes, ma`am, they were there. I took them off and put my own on.

GRACE: To Barbara.

CUMMINGS: I don`t want nobody to have keys in my house because I didn`t want this to happen.

GRACE: To Barbara in Massachusetts, hi, Barbara.

BARBARA, CALLER FROM MASSACHUSETTS: Hi, Nancy. This is an answer to prayer. I`ve been trying to get you for a month.

GRACE: Thank you.

BARBARA: I just have -- oh, I love you. I just have a quick comment and then a question. I just want to say that the answer to this mystery is the deadbolt and access to it. And I want to say that Misty said there were three men there that night. I think it was a nephew, cousin, a -- an air-conditioning repairman.

But anyway, any one of them could have unlocked that deadbolt, slipped her a sedative and left the house and come back later and gone in and gotten the child. I think it`s someone that knew them. I think it had to be someone who was there in the house that night.

And I`ve called the tip line and I`ve talked to detectives. This is how disturbed I am for this little girl.

GRACE: Let`s go to the source and find out. To Marlaina Schiavo, joining us from Satsuma.

Marlaina, who was in the home that evening?

SCHIAVO: Misty was in the home with the two children that evening, Nancy.

GRACE: Had there been visitors prior to that?

SCHIAVO: She had a cousin visiting from out of town earlier. And so he was in the home at some point, but we`re still trying to figure out exactly how that`s all pieced together, Nancy.

GRACE: To Teresa Neves, Haleigh`s grandmother. Miss Neves, are you aware of anyone else in the home that evening? I don`t mean when they all go to bed, I mean earlier that evening.

NEVES: I heard there was a repairman there. My mother was actually over.

GRACE: I`m sorry, I couldn`t hear you. There was a repairman there. The cousin was there who police have investigated.

NEVES: Yes, ma`am.

GRACE: Who else?

NEVES: My mother came by that night.

GRACE: For what reason?

CUMMINGS: My cousin went in there.

NEVES: She brought some clean clothes over.


NEVES: She had some of the kid`s clothes at her house and she had washed them and brought them over. That was sometime between 7:00 and 8:00 p.m. that night.

GRACE: Miss Neves, what do you say to those viewers that are disturbed about your son marrying a 17-year-old girl? Did her parents consent to the marriage?

NEVES: Yes, ma`am, they did.

GRACE: And to Brian Russell. Dr. Brian Russell, psychologist joining us out of Atlanta. Dr. Russell, look, nobody is -- to my knowledge -- not many people, are for teen marriage. All right? But are we getting sidetracked? Isn`t that a collateral issue?

They can`t claim husband privilege -- husband/wife privilege against each other in court. So can we -- can we just burn that bridge when we get there?

BRIAN RUSSELL, FORENSIC PSYCHOLOGIST: Well, you`re absolutely right, Nancy. All the research indicates it`s not best for the longevity and the stability of the marriage but you`re right, it is a sideshow to the main event which is trying to find this missing little girl.

I would be interested to know from Ron, though, whether he thought maybe -- whether the two of them might have thought there was any legal advantage to being married. Even though we know you and I know there was not.

GRACE: OK. Ronald Cummings, has anyone suggested to you that you married Misty so you two would not have to testify against each other if there`s ever a trial?

CUMMINGS: Absolutely not, Nancy.

GRACE: You know, the other night I had your -- the children`s biological mother on. And excuse me, I had her lawyer on. And she suggested that you had a history of dating teenagers. True/false?

CUMMINGS: I have dated teenagers in my time, yes, true.

GRACE: And your age is 25?


GRACE: How long have you two known each other before you married?

CUMMINGS: Seven, eight months.

GRACE: Why did police take your back door off the hinges and take it away, Ronald?

CUMMINGS: I`m not sure. They took it for some further investigation. I think the locks and everything. They want to check some things that those -- you would have to ask them, the investigators on that one, Miss Nancy.

GRACE: Is -- and Ronald, is your new wife, Misty Croslin-Cummings, willing to speak to police again?

CUMMINGS: Yes, anytime. We`re all willing to speak to police. All we want is Haleigh back.

GRACE: Everybody, taking your calls live tonight. Haleigh`s father and grandmother. As we go to break, we ask for your thoughts and prayers for a Florida friend of the show, Robbie Lewis.

Robbie, you are beautiful. Stay strong.



SCHIAVO: Let me show you the back door and show you how both doors close automatically. So -- and I`m also going to show you the lock because the lock is about three feet from the floor. And we know that that`s about as tall as Haleigh stands. So here`s the back door and here`s the lock.

It sticks. So -- there you go. Now we open up the back door and here`s the back screen door. The one that was propped open with the cinder block, OK? Now if you see, when it closed, it slams. It makes a loud noise. But if you leave this door, this slowly closes as well.


GRACE: Joining me tonight in a primetime exclusive, Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and her grandmother, Teresa Neves.

We are taking your calls live. Out to Mary in Kentucky. Hi, dear.


GRACE: I`m sorry, repeat.

MARY: My question to you is at 15, 16 years old I baby-sat, I`m a mother of five, grandmother of 11. And whenever I have children around and they sleep in my bed, or I`m sleeping with them, I will go -- I don`t go to the bathroom in my bedroom. I always go out into the hallway because I don`t want to wake them flushing the toilets.

GRACE: And what`s your question?

MARY: Well, I`m -- yes, I just don`t understand why they`re making such a big deal about that because that just seems like a common courtesy.

GRACE: OK. Why are they making a big deal about it? I don`t know. I think that it was construed as an inconsistency at some point. People thought it may not make any sense. Maybe they`re not the grandmother of 11 like yourself. So maybe the cops were suspicion.

Next question. Sheeba, Illinois, hi, Sheeba.

SHEEBA, CALLER FROM ILLINOIS: Hi, Nancy. We just love you. God bless for everything you do.

GRACE: Thank you.

SHEEBA: My question is, if the kitchen light were on, would Haleigh have walked out with like a stranger, or would it be more probable that the little thing would have walked out with someone she knew?

GRACE: What about it, Ronald Cummings? How was she with strangers? With my twins, John David will go to anybody. Lucy will hardly go to anybody. How was Haleigh?

CUMMINGS: Haleigh would not just go to anybody. She will only go to the people who she knows.

GRACE: I find it hard to believe she wouldn`t have cried out, if it had not been somebody she knew. Ron?

CUMMINGS: It could have, Nancy. It could have, Nancy. There`s a -- I don`t know. I can`t -- I have no answers. I wish I did. If I had answers, I obviously wouldn`t be sitting here.

GRACE: But you know what, on the other hand, you know when I get home from work every night I pick each one of the twins up where from where they`re sleeping and I carry them over and put them in their cribs. They never wake up. They never wake up. So that`s a whole another aspect.

What about it, Marc Klaas?

MARC KLAAS, PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER, KLAASKIDS FOUNDATION: I think that`s absolutely correct. If she was a very sound sleeper, she could have been anywhere before she woke up. Or whoever took her, could have placed their hand over her mouth. Could have placed an object. Could have placed chloroform over her mouth as we know has happened in other cases.

I think that this is just a big open question until this case is resolved.

GRACE: You know, Marc, Marc, I`ve got so many issues. If there are inconsistencies with Misty Croslin-Cummings` statement, that`s a problem. On the other hand, she is young. She is unsophisticated. And those inconsistencies may be due to semantics. Just wording. So I hate to jump on the bandwagon, you know, when they`re suffering and attack the family, that`s so easy to attack them.

KLAAS: Well, I don`t think that I was just attacking the family. I think I was trying to play out a couple of scenarios.

GRACE: Not you.

KLAAS: But, but.

GRACE: Not you. I`m asking you your thoughts on whether it`s conceivable that her inconsistencies were actually innocent.

KLAAS: Anything is possible. But I would -- I would caution everybody to understand that law enforcement has a massive task force working this case. And probably some of the best minds in the country on child abduction are involved and I don`t think that there -- it is anything eye -- I don`t think that it`s any mistake that after Misty.


KLAAS: . for the last four, five weeks have said that she`s passed her test and she`s not under suspicion that she all of a sudden admits that there are inconsistencies and that law enforcement confirms that. I think that there are real reasons for having done that.

GRACE: Marc Klaas, I agree. John Lucich, weigh in.

JOHN LUCICH, INVESTIGATOR, AUTHOR OF "CYBER LIES": Look, I think a big part of why they took that door was to start looking at the inconsistencies in the statement. Was that door locked? Was there marks from the outside?

I think what they`re trying to do now, instead of like, Marc said before, when we have to -- when they cannot remove people from the investigation, that just takes too much time going in all of these different directions.

I think what they`re trying do is remove the world now and saying, let`s look inside of this trailer and see what happened. And I think that has a lot to do why -- because they`re going to be able to show that this place was not broken into, it was locked. Then it had to be somebody in the inside.

GRACE: And you know, Lucich, when you can`t clear somebody, you have to keep going back and back and back to them. Going over and over and over the statement.

Tonight Ronald Cummings stating his wife is willing to go back to police and answer questions again.

To Dr. Zhongxue Hua, Union County, New Jersey medical examiner. Dr. Hua, thank you for being with us. What is the very best forensic evidence investigators could hope to get right now?

DR. ZHONGXUE HUA, UNION CO., N.J. MEDICAL EXAMINER: Probably not as this. I mean all of the important forensic evidence should be collected early on, early stage of this investigation. I mean you`re looking for any fiber, any hair follicles, any DNA evidence, (INAUDIBLE) and also -- obviously you`re looking for any prints, fingerprints inside the door also inside the apartment.

GRACE: To Ronald Cummings, Haleigh`s father. Ronald, if you can make a plea now, what would it be? What would you say? Would you say?

CUMMINGS: Bring my little girl home, please, whoever`s got her, bring her home. I`ll give you everything I`ve got to bring my daughter home.

GRACE: What is your day like now, Ronald? How do you start it? How do you end it?

CUMMINGS: Kissing my son good night in the bed with me.

GRACE: Miss Neves, how do you start your day? How do you end it?

NEVES: Praying for Haleigh, pray that she`s returned alive. Pray that God will just show somebody somewhere something that brings her home.



LEE ANTHONY, CASEY ANTHONY`S BROTHER: She could have told me that she was with anybody, you know, at that point.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Was it your impression that night that she was making it up, or did you believe that to be true?

ANTHONY: To this day, I believe everything that my sister tells me.


GRACE: Straight out to Kathi Belich with WFTV, what`s the latest in the tot mom case?

KATHI BELICH, REPORTER, CNN AFFILIATE WFTV, COVERING STORY: Well, Lee Anthony`s attorney filed some paperwork today in court and basically he said that he doesn`t want Lee Anthony to have to answer the two questions about who Caylee`s father is, as well as whether he believes that Casey could have been involved in her death.

He doesn`t think one of those questions is relevant, and he believes that -- his opinion about his -- about his sister`s guilt is not relevant and says that whoever Caylee`s father is, it really has nothing to do with the case. There`s going to be a hearing in May.

GRACE: To Drew Petrimoulx with WDBO, if he knows who the father is, why not avoid all the attorney bills? If the father really died in a car crash, why can`t he just say so? What`s the problem, Drew?

DREW PETRIMOULX, REPORTER, WDBO RADIO, COVERING STORY: Well, what`s interesting right before his lawyer cut him off and did not let him answer that question, he said I do not know for 100 percent. So if you believe what he said before his lawyer cut him off, he doesn`t exactly know who the father of Caylee is.

GRACE: And quickly, Drew Petrimoulx, a lady sheriff was with tot mom when she found out Caylee had been found. Did she give sworn deposition testimony?

PETRIMOULX: Apparently did. Her name is Lt. Tammy Unser and apparently she did speak with prosecutors in this case and it`s just for us to find out what is actually she said. That hasn`t come out yet.

GRACE: Of course the defense is trying to stop that video deposition from being released as well.

Kathi Belich, Drew Petrimoulx, thank you.

Let`s stop and remember Marine Colonel Michael Stahlman, 45, Chevy Chase, Maryland, killed Iraq. One of the highest ranking officers to die in Iraq. Awarded the Navy Marine Corps commendation medal, Army Achievement Medal and Navy Marine Corps achievement medal.

A U.S. Naval Academy grad, also earned a law degree. He`s leaving behind grieving widow Kim, two daughters.

Michael Stahlman, American hero.

Thanks to our guests, but especially to you. And a special good night tonight from Georgia friends of the show, Chris, Bobby, a film student, and Rod, a cancer survivor who owns Bloom`s Floral Designs right here in Atlanta.

Everyone, I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on March 18, 2009, 10:17:16 AM


Mother Opens Up about Missing Girl; Do Inconsistency Stories Hide Truth about Haleigh?; Rapist Who Imprisoned Daughter on Trial

Aired March 17, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET



JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HOST (voice-over): Tonight, a hair-raising twist in the frantic search for Haleigh Cummings. Crystal Sheffield, Haleigh`s mother, joins us tonight to talk about her new foundation and a possible custody battle over Haleigh`s little brother, all this as police say Ron`s new wife Misty has changed her story several times. Why all the inconsistencies? Could Misty hold the secret to finding this precious missing child?

Plus outrage in Austria. Day two in the horrifying incest trial leaves jurors traumatized. More harrowing testimony about the man who now tries to hide his face as he`s led into court. He kept his daughter locked in a basement bunker for decades while repeatedly raping her, farthing seven children with her and then allegedly letting one die.

Then the ugly rumor about whether Lee Anthony is, in fact, the father of little Caylee is finally put to rest. You will not believe the stunning court documents examined just hours ago involving DNA tests for Lee, Casey and little Caylee.

And shocking new details emerge in the deadly case of football stars lost at sea. A Coast Guard report says the lone survivor talked of one man getting unruly, fighting with the others and throwing punches. We`ll look at the psychological and physical torment of their ordeal.

Plus, outrageous new octo-drama. Frantic preparations made to make Nadya Suleman`s new home safe for her babies` arrival. We`ll bring you the very latest on the octo-saga.

ISSUES starts now.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: The shocking answer to the paternity question that has long surrounded the Caylee Anthony murder case. Who is the little girl`s father? Newly-released documents reveal stunning DNA information. I will have the very latest details on that breaking story.

But we begin tonight with Haleigh Cummings` distraught mother, Crystal Sheffield. She is speaking out right here on ISSUES.

Her ex, Haleigh`s father, Ron Cummings, appeared on "NANCY GRACE" last night where Nancy asked the very tough questions, as she should. He didn`t throw any punches. In fact, he threw a few jabs at Crystal.


NANCY GRACE, HOST, "NANCY GRACE": They seem to suggest that the only reason the mother lost custody was because she missed some court dates. Is that true?

RON CUMMINGS, FATHER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: Absolutely not. She missed her first court date. The judge gave her wah-wah story another try. She showed up, lawyered up. And the truth is I was a better parent. Still am. Better provider.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Last week, Cummings also accused Crystal of making up a false lead in the case, namely that their 4-year-old, Ronald Jr., saw a black man in black take little Haleigh. What on earth would a distraught mother have to gain by leading the investigation astray?

Crystal`s response to all of this is moments away. She`s going to set the record straight for us tonight.

Meantime, Misty Croslin Cummings, Ron`s new bride and the last person to see Haleigh before she went missing, has spent more than 30 hours talking to investigators, but cops still have no clear timeline. How is that possible? Why is Misty hiding key information? We will examine the very day little Haleigh went missing.

Joining me now, my expert panel: Rebecca Rose Woodland, criminal defense attorney; Brian Russell, forensic psychologist and attorney; and Don Clark, former FBI special agent charge.

But first my very special guest, Haleigh`s mom, Crystal Sheffield, joins us by phone, as does her attorney, Kim McCazio (ph).

Crystal, I would like to start with Haleigh Bug, the foundation you just started to find your precious child. You have set up headquarters in town and painted it purple which was Haleigh`s favorite color. I understand you`ve also hired a private investigator.

Crystal, tell us all about this new strategy you have for finding your daughter.

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, MOTHER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: It`s just something where everybody can come. I mean, anybody that wants to do any donations, I mean, call. I mean, it`s just a place for me to be where I don`t have to be out in a tent or, you know, because I`ve got my 11-month-old baby. I mean, it`s just a safer place, and it`s just something I wanted to do for Haleigh.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And why did you hire a private eye?

SHEFFIELD: I didn`t. I didn`t hire him.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: OK. All right. I -- that was a report and we want to set the record straight.

Crystal, I also want to give you an opportunity to set the record straight about something else. On "The Today Show," Ron claims you made up the story that you made Ron Jr. saw Haleigh`s abductor. Let`s listen to what he said.


MEREDITH VIEIRA, CO-HOST, NBC`S "THE TODAY SHOW": Your 4-year-old son, and the fact that he said that somebody, a man dressed in black, had taken Haleigh out of the trailer that night she disappeared. Did she tell that to either one of you? Misty, you were there at the time. Did he say anything to you at the time?


VIEIRA: Nothing?

CUMMINGS: Me either. I think this is some of the garbage that Geraldo and Crystal, the mother, has made up. But I`m just going to leave that at that.

VIEIRA: So you don`t even believe that Ronald Jr. said this at all?

CUMMINGS: I don`t know. I wasn`t at home; I was at work.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Crystal, that`s kind of harsh on Ron`s part. What is your response to this claim that you made this up?

SHEFFIELD: Well, I know for a fact my son told me that. I`m not lying. I did not ask him no questions.

The following weekend after Haleigh went missing I asked him no questions. As soon as I picked him up he said, "Mommy, I want to find my sissy. A man in black took her," and that is what he told me.

I swear I`m not lying. You can say I`m making it up if you want to. That`s fine. I -- I have no reason to lie. I want my daughter back, and that`s what my son told me. If it`s true or not, so be it. I mean, he told me that, and that`s my baby, so...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, Crystal, just to understand, first we heard that he said a man in black took little Haleigh. Then apparently, we heard a couple of days later that he said a black man in black. Did his story change or did -- was it just an error in reporting?

SHEFFIELD: Well, at first he did say it was a man dressed in black. And then I asked him the following -- the two weeks later when I got him again I asked him about it. But I didn`t want to question him about it, because I know it`s hard on him enough. And I asked him about it and I was, like, "What about the black -- the person dressed in black." And he said it was a black man dressed in black, and he had squeaky shoes. And the I`m not lying. I have no reason to lie.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: That`s why we have you on tonight, first of all because we want to do everything we can to find your precious child and put her face out there so that somebody, anyone out there who has anyone any kind of clue, please, we`re begging you, come forward.

Now let`s talk about Misty Croslin, Ron`s new wife. Was the last person, of course, to see little Haleigh the night she went missing, but her story has been full of holes. She was asked on "The Today Show" Friday about all the inconsistencies. Let`s listen to what she said.


VIEIRA: Why were there -- help me out, Misty, where were there inconsistencies? Why did you say one thing one time and one time the other? One thing the other?

CROSLIN: Um -- I don`t know.

VIEIRA: But you know you did do that?


VIEIRA: And you`re not sure why.



VELEZ-MITCHELL: That`s pretty amazing -- Kim McCazio (ph), you`re Crystal Sheffield`s attorney -- that she doesn`t know why she`s telling inconsistent stories, for example, when did she first call 911? We initially heard something about, hey, Ron was at work and she called 911 and he rushed in at the tail end of the conversation, because we hear him on that call. But now Ron is saying he got home, saw Misty standing there. The child was missing, and he told her to call 911. What do you make of it?

KIM MCCAZIO (PH), ATTORNEY FOR CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD: Well, I think that all of the inconsistent statements are making it very difficult for the police investigation to go forward, and I wish we could clear up these statements. I don`t know why they are being made.

I don`t know if Misty is just a naive child who`s trying to make up stories that may make her look better or her husband, or if she has something to hide. And I guess the investigation will -- will figure that out.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Quick question, Crystal. What about this potential custody battle between you and Ron over your little boy, Ronald Jr.?

SHEFFIELD: I -- I don`t feel safe with him. I mean, my daughter is missing. He has a 17-year-old that he is married to now. She`s a child. Obviously, she`s -- I mean, she`s been out doing drugs. He`s caught her with drug dealers, and I don`t feel safe with him there.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I want to say, first of all, that I have no independent confirmation of that, and we don`t have any information or confirmation of that at all. A lot of stories circulating. A lot of point, counterpoint, charge, countercharge.

But one thing I know for sure is that Crystal Sheffield is suffering tonight.

And Crystal, I want to thank you so much for being on. And I wish you the very best of luck with your new foundation and the Haleigh Bug house. And, of course, that`s little Haleigh`s nickname. And we just pray that she`s brought home alive and safe. Thank you, Crystal.

All right. As always, our thoughts are with that little child. And we`re going move now onto my expert panel, fantastic group here.

You`ve been listening in. Don Clark, what do you make of it? The fact that there are all these inconsistencies that this Misty doesn`t have any explanation for, and she just blankly says, "Yes, I`ve told different stories and I have no explanation"?

DON CLARK, FORMER FBI SPECIAL AGENT IN CHARGE: Yes. In one way, Jane, it`s a -- it`s a bad thing that these inconsistencies are going on. But from a police investigation, they ought to be really cataloging these things, really working at them and really trying to find out why one counters the other, other than the fact that she said that.

They`ve got to keep in mind here that everybody is a suspect in this case, Jane. Everybody is a suspect. And clearly, the people close to the environment and the situation, particularly those in the house, they have to be suspects in this case. I don`t understand how anybody could be released from this, and particularly when you have all of these inconsistencies, just flowing back and forth.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Rebecca Rose Woodland, if everyone is a suspect, and she`s the one who`s telling the inconsistent stories, is there any way that they can bring her in and arrest her on some kind of very lesser charge just to put pressure her to try to get the story straight?

REBECCA ROSE WOODLAND, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Not yet. I don`t think so. As far as what we know so far, Jane, there`s not enough here. I think what the authorities are doing is trying to question her, interrogate her. I`m sure there`s certain pressure they`re putting on her while they`re interrogating her.

If you remember last week she refused to speak to one of the detectives and said, "I won`t speak to him. He made me nervous." Probably because he was putting pressure on her to explain the story. What`s the actual story here, Jane? That`s what we want to know.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes, we`ve got to find out. Everybody, stick around. Lots more to cover in the desperate search for this precious 5- year-old girl.

And I want to hear from you. Do you think the inconsistent stories Ron`s new wife has given police require further scrutiny? Give me a call: 1-877-JVM-SAYS. That`s 1-877-586-7297.

Then just miles away, explosive new developments in the Casey Anthony case. New discovery documents just released answer the question of whether Lee Anthony is, in fact, the father of little Caylee, an ugly rumor that`s been out there. We will have the answer in a moment.

But first, as we enter the fifth week in the search for Haleigh Cummings, a reminder of what Misty Croslin had to say just days after her disappearance.


CROSLIN: At 3 a.m. in the morning I got up and -- I got up because I had to use the bathroom, but I didn`t make it to the bathroom. I seen the kitchen light on. And I walked in the kitchen, and the back door was wide open. And I didn`t notice about Haleigh until I seen the back door open. And then I go in the room and she`s gone. And that`s all I know.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you know who the father of -- of Caylee...

LEE ANTHONY, CASEY ANTHONY`S BROTHER: I do not know 100 percent.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You don`t have to answer that question.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Lee Anthony dodged the question, but will he have to answer it now? Breaking news on that story coming right up.

But first Ron Cummings` new wife, Misty Croslin, has a big problem keeping her story straight. Is that hampering the search for little Haleigh?

Back with my expert panel, and the phone lines are lighting up. Charles in Missouri, your question or thought, sir.

CALLER: Yes, Jane. I want to thank you for taking my call. I watch your show. I watch it every night.


CALLER: What I`m -- I`ve been watching the interviews with Misty and I can`t help but go back to the time of the Susan Smith case. You`ve got two women fighting over the affections of a man. It was earlier reported that Haleigh was daddy`s little girl, and I just wondered if there`s anything to that.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Don Clark, you were familiar with that case. What do you make of it?

CLARK: I`ll tell you what. He makes a good point there. I mean, in particular, you saw the same thing with Susan Smith back in those days and the same type of activities there. So it is something to think about.

But, you know, Jane, I really do think that at some point that the police may -- might have to look at some obstruction of justice charges here, because she is telling stories that leads one direction, telling stories that leads another direction, and they`re all inconsistent with each other. And I really do think that that can be listed as obstruction, and maybe they`ll move forward after that charge.

CLARK: Jane, can I jump in?


CLARK: I agree with Don and I disagree. On the one hand, I think he`s right. I think that she may be obstructing.

On the other hand I`m not seeing Susan Smith-like behavior. What I`m seeing is some possible confabulation, and that`s where people try to fill in details that they really don`t remember. And I think that she may not be 100 percent sure what exactly did happen that night. I don`t know this, obviously. I haven`t tested her blood, but imagine if she were under the influence of some substance that night. And she didn`t...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Wouldn`t they have tested her?

CLARK: They may not have. They may not have taken toxicology on her, because it really might not be 100 percent relevant yet. But if she were under the influence of something, she may not want to admit that. Just think about, for example, if she were underage drinking or using some illegal drug. She might not want to admit, but that would explain some of the inconsistencies.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Wow. Well, as you said, Misty Croslin has spent more than 30 hours being interrogated by cops. They don`t have a clear idea of what happened that day.

Here`s what we do know. At about 5 p.m. an air-conditioning repair man visited the home. At 7 p.m., Haleigh`s great-Grandma, Inez Sykes, came by with clean clothes. And she says she saw Haleigh with Misty.

And last night on "NANCY GRACE," Ron and his mom Teresa Neves gave differing opinions of whether or not a cousin stopped by. Listen closely.


NANCY GRACE, HOST, "NANCY GRACE": There was a repairman there. The cousin was there who police have investigated. Who else?

TERESA NEVES, MOTHER OF RON CUMMINGS: My mother came by that night.

GRACE: For what reason?

CUMMINGS: My cousin wasn`t there.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Did you hear, very, very softly Ron says, "My cousin wasn`t there"?

So they can`t agree over even whether a cousin was there. And now investigative journalist Art Harris is saying Misty put the kids to bed at 8 p.m., washed their blankets and then went to sleep herself.

How come -- and I`ll put this to Rebecca Rose Woodland. Investigators can`t get a clear handle on a timeline, given that it looks like she`s claiming she was at the trailer home all night long. I mean, it`s not a mansion. It`s a trailer home. How can you not get a timeline on what somebody was doing inside a trailer home?

WOODLAND: I`m very -- that`s what`s disturbing about this case, is that how big can a trailer home be? She can probably put her both arms out and feel both sides. The baby went to sleep without blankets. She was washing the blankets, came back. She claims she put the blanket on the baby, then went to sleep herself, but she doesn`t even remember when that was.

Well, you know how long wash takes. You wash, you dry and put it in the washing machine and the dryer. You know, this isn`t that difficult to figure out. So there must be issues and so many inconsistencies that we don`t have a timeline.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Sharon in Virginia, your question or thought, ma`am?

CALLER: Yes, I just want to tell you that it`s not coincidental, that the person who took Haleigh, you know, had to have known that that screen door had to be propped open.

And Ron said that there were no cinder blocks in his backyard. So they would have had to brought a cinder block with them, prop that door open and get in and out.

And also, where would these kids sleep when Ronald and Misty are, like, making love. I mean, surely they`re not sleeping in the bed with mom and now their new stepmom.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, I`m going to throw that one to the psychologist, Brian Russell. I don`t want to touch that one.

BRIAN RUSSELL, PSYCHOLOGIST: Well, look, I`ve said many times that these things very, very, very rarely happen randomly. Polly Klaas is an example of an exception. But I think that somebody knew that that little girl was in there, poorly supervised, in a place that was likely to be unlocked, with no father there to defend the home, and it`s probably somebody who knew him or her.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. I want to thank my fantastic panel for their wonderful insights. Please come back.
<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on March 19, 2009, 08:43:15 AM


Rift Between Haleigh Cummings Family Grows Worse; Natasha Richardson Reportedly Near Death; Casey Anthony Case Witness List; Incest Trial Shocker; Octo Madness

Aired March 18, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET



JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HOST (voice-over): Tonight, tensions boiling over in the search for 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings. Shocking new details point to a fierce custody battle for Haleigh`s little brother, Junior.

Haleigh`s mom has now hired an attorney who has gone to Florida`s child services with shocking claims of a child beaten in the home until bloody. Others are saying Ron`s marriage to Misty could be a move to keep custody of Junior. I`ll have both sides of the story in this intense battle.

Then, outrageous details flood in about Casey Anthony`s murder trial and provide a stunning look inside the prosecution`s case. I`ll analyze the witness list from key family members to an ex-boyfriend to a childhood pal. Will they paint a picture of a pathological liar capable of murder?

And I`ll have a sneak peek at the defense strategy. Casey`s attorneys already grilling a cop who may have ignored tips on the location of Caylee`s remains way back in August. An interrogation not slated to end for another two weeks.

Plus, it`s a wild out-of-control mob scene as Octomom Nadya Suleman brings two of her babies home from the hospital. It was so out of hand that cops showed up. So when are the other six coming home, and how will this paparazzi circus impact all of them? I`ll have the bizarre details.

And the absolutely heart-breaking story of actress Natasha Richardson. After a minor skiing accident, the star reportedly near death. Her famous family, including husband Liam Neeson and mom Vanessa Redgrave, by her side for what could be her last moments. I`ll have the latest details in this tragic story.

ISSUES starts now.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tonight, dramatic twists in the disappearance of little Haleigh Cummings. A custody battle over Haleigh`s brother, Ron Jr., set to explode at any moment. The gloves are coming off as police enter the sixth week of desperately searching for Haleigh. Her parents have started attacking each other with new claims of child abuse and drug use.

Here on ISSUES, last night, Haleigh`s mom, Crystal Sheffield, made a stunning claim about Misty Croslin, who is the new wife of her ex, Ron Cummings, and the last person to see little Haleigh the night she went missing.


CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, MOTHER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: She`s been out doing drugs. He`s caught her with drug dealers. And I don`t feel safe with him there.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: No comment from Misty. Cops reportedly say there is no available criminal history on Misty.

We have also learned that just yesterday, Crystal Sheffield`s new attorney met with Florida`s Department of Children and Families, begging them to investigate claims -- and I repeat claims -- of abuse that allegedly left a child bloodied at the Cummings home.


KIM PICAZIO, CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD`S ATTORNEY: When a parent beats a child until the child is bloodied, that is a crime. It`s legally and morally wrong. And he needs to be brought to justice.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Someone has told you that?



VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ron`s grandmother, Annette Sykes, says she is enraged by these charges and responded to these horrifying allegations.


ANNETTE SYKES, RON CUMMING`S GRANDMOTHER: This is ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ronald spanks his children just like -- like he said, just like children services say you can spank them. On the rear end.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Will this rift between Haleigh`s parents take the focus off finding their precious daughter? And could Misty and Ron`s wedding be a strategy to boost their chances of retaining custody of Ron Jr.?

Meantime, the new Haleigh Bug Foundation, created to coordinate tips, had an unwelcome guest. Get this. An accused child molester showed up, hoping to donate office supplies? Unbelievable.

We will have all the details, and I will be taking your calls. Give me a holler: 1-877-JVM-SAYS. That`s 1-877-586-7297.

But first, my fabulous expert panel: Belisa Vranich, clinical psychologist; Jayne Weintraub, criminal defense attorney; Paul Callan, criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor; Mickey Ziegler, divorce attorney; plus Rick Robinson, former West Virginia state trooper and professor at Dexville (ph) College in Ohio.

All right. Let`s jump right in. Jayne, do you think all these allegations are going to lead us to little Haleigh, who`s missing, or are they more about the brewing custody battle for little Junior?

JAYNE WEINTRAUB, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I think it`s just jockeying positions for the custody. And unfortunately, it`s distracting from looking or talking about finding Haleigh.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: But, Rick Robinson, I mean, you`re a former state trooper. If this mom feels her son is in danger -- and let`s face it, she does have a couple of points. There was another child of hers that went missing under the same watch of these two people. Shouldn`t she do everything to get that child?

RICK ROBINSON, FORMER STATE TROOPER: I`m wondering about a couple of things. One, I`m wondering why Crystal didn`t have custody to begin with. What was going on with that? You`ve got a guy who`s 25 years old and a young lady who`s 17. And I`m wondering how did that guy -- you and I both know men rarely get custody. So I`m wondering about that.

And then, looking at these allegations of abuse, it`s very common anytime there`s any type of investigation, whether it be a murder investigation or a missing person or whatever, where someone along the way will start saying the other person was spanking their kid and so on.

But Ron, in the very first interview about did he abuse his child, he rolls off the words about Department of Children and Family Services. Like Department of Health and Human Services. Those words don`t just typically roll off of people`s tongues. So I`m thinking this is the guy...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes, unless they`ve been visited by the...

ROBINSON: There`s been something going on for some time.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. And in fact, we had gotten a report through a reporter -- we can`t confirm this ourselves -- that police had been called to the home but that it was because neighbors complained of loud arguments. So that`s not the same thing as -- as a beating, which this family, Ron Cummings, completely denies.

Let`s listen to what Crystal said last night on this very show here, ISSUES, about Ron Jr. living with his father and step-mother.


SHEFFIELD: My daughter is missing. He has a 17-year-old that he is married to now. She`s a child. Obviously, she`s been out doing drugs. She`s caught her with drug dealers. And I don`t feel safe with him there.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, these are very serious accusations. We have to say, we tried to reach Misty for her reaction to these charges. Got no response. She has an open invitation to appear on this show and tell her side of the story. We want to be fair. We want to tell all sides.

Meantime, law enforcement says Misty has no available criminal history.

ROBINSON: That`s because she`s a juvenile.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, yes, it is a cryptic comment, but that`s the only comment we got. And that`s why we`re sticking with it.

ROBINSON: But Ron, on the other hand, has a rather lengthy criminal history.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: We`re going to get to that in a second. Misty spoke to investigative journalist Art Harris just a couple of days ago, claiming the kids love her more than their biological mom.


MISTY CROSLIN, WIFE OF RON CUMMINGS: Love Haleigh more than anything in this world. That was like my baby. They used to call me step-mom. You know, they`d rather be with me than their own mother.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: We need a shrink on this one. Belisa Vranich, it`s getting nastier and nastier. I think it`s because there`s a vacuum of information about where little Haleigh is. People are getting agitated and tense, and they`re taking it out on each other.

BELISA VRANICH, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST: Absolutely. We are missing information here, and I think people sense that, that there are distracters. There are things that have to do with the complicated family, but what about Haleigh? So we are missing information. You`re right on target. Your gut on that is correct.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Now, we made some calls, and as we said, no criminal history available for Misty, who`s only 17 years old. However, as Rick Robinson mentioned seconds ago, Ron Cummings has numerous drug charges in his history, including possession of cocaine, cannabis, use of drug paraphernalia, maintaining a drug vehicle.

WEINTRAUB: And image, he was awarded custody.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: But -- OK, it goes on and on and on. But what I can say is that Ron Cummings, and it`s important to point this out, has never been convicted of any drug charges, OK?

He and Misty have known each other for years. They might run in the same circles.

Rick Robinson, would cops be wise to test Misty for drugs as part of their investigation? Should they have done that the very first night? Do you think they`ve done it?

ROBINSON: They may very well have done that. And to be perfectly candid, Jane, I`m not convinced that that child went missing that night. That`s what everybody is reporting. That`s what everybody is being led to believe.

But for all we know, that child went missing days prior to that, maybe two weeks. I know that Crystal said that she had seen the child two weeks prior to the disappearance when Haleigh disappeared. So I`m just wondering did the child really disappear that night? Did something else happen?

PAUL CALLAN, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: And, you know, Jane, when you`re looking also, you`re talking about if she doesn`t have a criminal record, I mean, what do we have to look at? Her elementary school records? Her middle school records? Her high school personnel record? That`s where you`re going to find her record. I mean, she was a 16- year-old girl. Now she`s 17. She`s married.

This whole thing is just a colossal circus. Can you imagine this poor missing child? We see a marriage take place, and now there`s a custody battle going on. Does anyone remember this Haleigh?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: That`s a great point.

WEINTRAUB: Crystal was only 17 when she had Haleigh to begin with. So, you know, for her to be casting dispersions on Misty because she`s 17 years old and she`s just a child, I mean, that`s just not fair.

VRANICH: But also remember, Crystal lost custody of the children back in 2005. There has to be a reason. I think both parties were alleging that each other was -- had these substance abuse problems.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: You know what?

VRANICH: But the judge made a finding -- I mean, maybe based on something obviously concrete. And usually the mother is awarded custody. Isn`t that right?


This is going to be an ugly custody fight, but apparently the mom hasn`t filed for custody yet. Why not?

VRANICH: She hasn`t since, apparently, December of 2005 when she lost custody of both of these children, and these new allegations of a beating -- and I`m assuming it`s Junior at this point. We don`t know when these beatings occurred and if it was Haleigh and/or Junior.

So the question really becomes is -- are these allegations credible? Will family services move forward with an investigation? Are they current? Are they current? We have no idea when they happened, who they happened to.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: If they happened.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: If they happened.


ROBINSON: The dad already said that he spanked the kids.

VRANICH: But that`s corporate punishment. That`s not child abuse.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Settle down. We`re going to talk more about this in a second. Much more to analyze. Stunning abuse claims.

What do you think of all this, this war between missing Haleigh`s mom and dad? Give me a holler: 1-877-JVM-SAYS, 1-877-586-7297. Let me know.

In other shocking news tonight, details flood in about Casey Anthony`s murder trial. I will take a look at the prosecution`s new strategy.

But first, the custody battle for Haleigh Cummings` little brother heats up big-time. Some wonder if dad, Ron, married Misty to keep custody of Junior. Here`s Misty`s take.


CROSLIN: Everybody is going to take this marriage thing the wrong way, but it`s not. It`s still focused -- everything is still focused on Haleigh. This is what Haleigh wanted. She`s always talked about it.




RON CUMMINGS, FATHER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I just got home from work. My 5-year-old daughter is gone. I need somebody to be here now. I`m telling you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Listen to me, we`ve got two officers.

CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before you all do, I`m killing them. I don`t care if I spend the rest of my life in prison. I`m telling you, you can put it on the record.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: A father`s desperate phone call as he frantically looks for his missing little girl. Ron Cummings says he`s fighting for Haleigh. By the looks of it, he`ll have to start fighting for his son, Junior, as well. The custody battle heating up. We`re taking your calls.

Betty, North Carolina, your question or thought, ma`am? Betty?


VELEZ-MITCHELL: How you doing, ma`am?

CALLER: Just fine.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Your question or thought, please?

CALLER: I wanted to know if they tested Misty`s hair or her for drugs the night Haleigh was missing.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, let`s go to the former trooper, Rick Robinson. Is that something that they would do right away?

ROBINSON: There`s actually a number of things. I`m sure that they -- and I remember that we talked about the polygraph examination. They more than likely did ask her if they would do that, but they would need a subpoena to make her do it. I don`t know that they did. And we would know that. We would know that. Search warrant for her blood. You`re exactly right, yes.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I hear Jayne Weintraub talking.

WEINTRAUB: They would need a search warrant, not a subpoena. But -- but nevertheless, they don`t do that right away. They -- these are victims reporting a crime. And when the police show up, that`s not the very first thing they ask. And they didn`t ask her to take a polygraph until the next day.

They take first what they have at face value. They see if they can get statements from the parents. Remember how cooperative both Ron and Misty were.

ROBINSON: Well, they appeared to be.

WEINTRAUB: They did give polygraphs. They said they were cooperative. And we don`t know to the contrary. So with all due deference to the former trooper, we do not know to the contrary.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. But I will say that they did appear to be a little bit late on certain pieces of key evidence like taking the door, the infamous door that was left open with a -- some kind of a block, a cement block. Apparently, they just took that a couple of days ago. That should have been taken...

ROBINSON: I know they did cordon it off as a crime scene. And I -- to the best of my knowledge, has anybody even been allowed to go in there other than law enforcement?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: We had a reporter who said he himself touched it, and his fingerprints would be on it.

But anyway, Nancy, West Virginia, your question or thought, ma`am?

CALLER: Hi, Jane, again. I have a comment. But I just want to address one little thing that one of your experts said, that -- that he thinks that she could have possibly been missing a week or two, nobody had seen her. But didn`t the paternal great-grandmother just stop there a couple hours before?

ROBINSON: That`s what she said. That`s what she said, but that doesn`t make it so because she said that.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, listen, I don`t think we can implicate everybody here. I mean, you`d need a vast conspiracy for that to be the case. I think it`s...

ROBINSON: I think she would have a personal interest.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: It`s well-documented that people saw her up until early that evening. And where it gets complicated is once Misty says she put her to bed at 8 p.m. So at that point, this is what`s so crazy about this case. Is how could there be inconsistencies when they`re all in this trailer, supposedly, by themselves for a few hours?

WEINTRAUB: You know what? You can hear his voice. You can hear Ronald`s voice when he calls the 911 and says that she`s missing. You can hear the credibility in that desperate father.

ROBINSON: Maybe you can hear it. I don`t think all of America -- I didn`t feel that way. I didn`t feel that way at all.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. You know what? That had a lot of credibility, but I want to roll up to one of the things that we had was -- well, we`ll get to it in a second. But essentially, it was, I believe, on "The Today Show," where he was asked why this discrepancy about the bathroom? Have you talked to Misty? And Misty is sitting right there. And have you talked to Misty about why she used the bathroom way over there where she could see the open door, instead of using the bathroom right behind her that`s adjoining the bedroom?

And basically, said he didn`t really have an answer to that. Now, how is that possible?

WEINTRAUB: I hate to be so crude, but maybe...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: This is the woman that lost your kid and you don`t have an answer to a very key question?

ROBINSON: This is exactly what I`m saying. These things are just not adding up. All of the information that we`re talking about, this is just not feeling right to me. And obviously, it was investigated.

WEINTRAUB: Of course. They`re in very close quarters. And maybe she`s being respectful and maybe she`s being...

ROBINSON: Yes, maybe, maybe, yes. But it doesn`t make any sense. It doesn`t make any sense, and you know it.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Candy in Michigan. Candy.

CALLER: Sorry about that.


CALLER: First of all, thank you, Jane, for giving a voice to the little ones that can`t speak for themselves.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, thank you. And we pray that showing little Haleigh`s photos, something will jar somebody`s memory out there and will help find her.

CALLER: I am sure it will.

First of all, let`s put things in proper perspective. This is a 25- year-old man that just married a girl only 12 years older than his missing daughter. And then he stood up there and said he had no enemies.

Well, listening to the 911 tape, he has a temper. And if you have a bad temper, you have enemies. I think they ought to be looking at the father and his associates a little bit closer.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, nobody has been excluded as a suspect, but let`s go to our psychologist for an answer on that one.

VRANICH: I like the idea of looking at them a little bit closer. I think we can guess a lot about the personalities and what they might be thinking, but I`m really looking forward to some psychological assessments being done, particularly on Misty. She strikes me as a very young 17-year-old, as someone who could be malleable or impressionable.

So I`m really looking forward to seeing when they do psychological tests what comes up concretely.

VRANICH: Great point. Jane, what`s going to happen is family services and/or Crystal does move forward with the custody application. Certainly, a court is going to order that a forensic psychologist come into play and interview all family members. That`s going to happen.

CALLAN: Jane, I think we should be very clear about one thing, too. In a long-term investigation like this, everybody remains a suspect. And as we go back and revisit the crime scene and revisit the facts of the investigation, everybody is a potential suspect in this case.

So, you know, the father can get on board and say he`s not, but I`m betting the police are looking at everybody.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I want to thank my excellent panel. Great analysis. We`re going to have you back real soon. Thank you

<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on March 19, 2009, 08:49:59 AM


Haleigh`s Mother Accuses the Dad of Physical Abuse to the Children

Aired March 18, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5-year- old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone, vanished into thin air, the back door propped wide open. Dad comes home from the night to find not a single trace of little Haleigh.

Bombshell. A custody battle brewing over Haleigh`s 4-year-old little brother, Haleigh`s mother hiring a lawyer, and now her own private investigator called in to investigate the mother`s allegations of physical abuse and neglect against the father. Then why -- why -- did not one but two judges grant father Ronald Cummings custody of both children on three separate occasions? Why did DFACS come to investigate recently and go away empty-handed? Now, nearly four years later, the mom alleges abuse? Tonight, with us live, Haleigh`s mother. At this hour, police still insisting no one -- no one -- cleared as a suspect. Where is 5-year-old Florida girl Haleigh?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Haleigh has already been abducted. We`re not going to allow Junior to get hurt, no.

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: I`ve been slandered into a sorry (ph) father. I took good care of my kids for three years. I had them by myself. This is not a custody battle, this is about finding my 5- year-old daughter.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Are we trying to gain some unfair advantage? Is Crystal being opportunistic? No. Is she supposed to allow her other child, who has not been taken under the nose of the 17-year-old child, to be abducted or to be abused in that household?

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH`S MOTHER: I don`t feel safe with him there. I mean, my daughter`s missing. He has a 17-year-old that he is married to now. She`s a child.

MISTY CUMMINGS, RONALD`S WIFE: I would never hurt any little kid. I love Haleigh more than anything in this world. That was like my baby. They used to call me stepmom.

GRACE: Police confirm no one, including Misty Croslin, the last person to see Haleigh alive, is cleared as a suspect.


GRACE: And tonight, the desperate search for a 2-year-old Florida girl, Caylee. Six months of searching culminates when skeletal remains found in a heavily wooded area just 15 houses from the Anthonys` home confirmed to be Caylee, manner of death homicide. A utility meter reader stumbles on a tiny human skeleton, including a skull covered in light-colored hair, the killer duct taping and placing a heart-shaped sticker directly over the mouth, then triple-bagging little Caylee like she`s trash.

Bombshell tonight. Have cops recovered a smoking gun? Reports surface tot mom`s personal diary entries include a sideways confession to killing her own 2-year-old girl, the private entries reportedly so damming, even calling Caylee`s murder a, quote, "mercy killing," and chock full of notes on chloroform and pesticides, prosecutors now being forced to reconsider the death penalty. But will these hand-written diary and notes be admissible in tot mom`s murder one trial?

And tonight, videos from a private eye and e-mails between renowned Oak Ridge laboratory and local detectives set to go public. What do they reveal? And tonight, the owner of that heavily wooded area where Caylee`s body found bagged and discarded puts the memorial up for sale.


GEORGE ANTHONY, CAYLEE`S GRANDFATHER: I believe that there`s -- something was dead back there. And I smell and I`m, like, Oh, my God. I think I whispered out to myself, Please don`t let this be my Caylee.

CINDY ANTHONY, CAYLEE`S GRANDMOTHER: I found my daughter`s car today, and it smells like there`s been dead body in the damn car!



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And the FBI says it found, quote, "an unusually large concentration of chloroform" in the carpet sample from Casey`s trunk, where investigators found a mysterious stain.

GEORGE ANTHONY: Maybe my daughter ran over something.

CINDY ANTHONY: There was a bag of pizza for what, 12 days, in the back the car, full of maggots.

GEORGE ANTHONY: There was an overpowering smell.

CINDY ANTHONY: That smell was terrible.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There`s a man with a videocamera. That man is Jim Hoover, and that is the man saying, I have that video from the crime scene, but there was no body.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How would somebody know to go out there?


GEORGE ANTHONY: When I first went there to pick up that vehicle, I got within three feet of it, I could smell something.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The smell that I smelled inside that car was a smell of decomposition.

CINDY ANTHONY: I don`t know what your involvement is, sweetheart. You`re not telling me where she`s at.

CASEY ANTHONY, CAYLEE`S MOTHER: Because I don`t (DELETED) know where she`s at. Are you kidding me?


GRACE: Also tonight, alert, the search for two Michigan boys believed to be in extreme danger. Does a suspicious note reveal an elaborate plot?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: An Amber Alert has been issued for a 15-year-old boy who police believe was abducted and is in serious danger. Authorities are on the lookout for Justin Wainwright and his alleged abductor, 18- year-old Joshua Zohr. Police say Wainwright was abducted sometime between Sunday night and Monday morning. Writings discovered by authorities lead them to believe the end result of the abduction could possibly be murder-suicide.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Joshua`s parents say Justin left a note behind indicating they both needed a break, to not worry for they were safe.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: According to police, Wainwright and his abductor are in a red or burgundy Pontiac Grand Prix with Michigan plates. The car was spotted early Monday morning in Dayton, Ohio, at a local rest stop. Reports say the teens may be headed to either Florida or South Carolina.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Both families say they`re gripped by worry and urge the boys to come home.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Bombshell. A custody battle brewing over Haleigh`s 4-year-old little brother, Haleigh`s mother hiring a lawyer and now her own private investigator. Why are her allegations of drugs and abuse just now surfacing?


GRACE: What is your day like now, Ronald? How do you start it? How do you end it?

RONALD CUMMINGS: Kissing my son good night in the bed with me.

GRACE: Is a custody battle brewing over Haleigh`s 4-year-old little brother? Haleigh`s mother hiring a lawyer.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: When a parent beats a child until the child is bloodied, that is a crime.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Haleigh`s dad`s grandma says any claims of abuse are absolute lies.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It enrages me. It really does. I`ve been around these children all their life. They`re happy. They`re loved.

SHEFFIELD: I have no reason to lie. I want my daughter back.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The father of Haleigh Cummings is defending his new wife, even though she has not kept her story straight.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: One thing that has been inconsistent is, like, all right, who was with who? Who was sleeping with who? Were you with Junior? Were you with Haleigh?

GRACE: Did she tell police at any time that she was in the bed with little Haleigh?

RONALD CUMMINGS: I wasn`t there when she was questioned by police, Miss Nancy.

MISTY CUMMINGS: I didn`t do anything to that little girl. I would never hurt her. They love me. They love me. They look at me like their mom, you know? You ask little Junior, he`ll tell you.

RONALD CUMMINGS: It ain`t nothing to do with her, man. She can`t help that. She can`t help she was the last one to see her.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Everybody`s a suspect in this case.



911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, let me talk to your wife. Let me just (INAUDIBLE)


911 OPERATOR: Can I talk to her?



RONALD CUMMINGS: How the (DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole, (DELETED)?


GRACE: Now allegations of drugs and physical abuse on the children surfacing. Why now? Why a custody battle now?

Straight out to T.J. Hart, news director at WSKY 97.3. T.J., what are the allegations? Who`s leveling them?

T.J. HART, WSKY 97.3 FM: The allegations have been made, apparently, by Crystal, that Ronald, Jr....

GRACE: Who would Crystal be? Are you referring to Crystal Sheffield...

HART: Crystal Sheffield.

GRACE: ... Haleigh`s biological mom?

HART: Yes, the biological mom.


HART: Yes, ma`am -- that Ronald, Jr., would be in a state of danger, especially since her (SIC) sister has been taken from, quote, under the nose of the caretakers, and also being in a tent (ph), and a few other allegations, as well, doesn`t believe that right now, he`s in a safe place.

GRACE: OK, I want to go to two very special guests joining us tonight on these allegations. Haleigh`s mother, Crystal Sheffield, is with us live there in Satsuma, along with her attorney, a very experienced attorney who graduated summa cum laude from Florida University. Kim Picazio is her attorney.

Straight to Ms. Sheffield. Ms. Sheffield, thank you for being with us. Where were you the night...


GRACE: ... that Haleigh went missing?

SHEFFIELD: I was in Baker County, at my home.

GRACE: How far away is that from Haleigh?

SHEFFIELD: From Haleigh`s house, an hour and 45 minutes to two hours.

GRACE: Two hours. Why did you choose to live two hours away from your daughter?

SHEFFIELD: Because when I left Ronald, I got as far as -- as far away from him as I can.

GRACE: Now, I know that you said you were unemployed at that time, so you didn`t move away for a job. Did you not feel it incumbent or necessary to stay close to your children, if you thought your children were in danger?

SHEFFIELD: At the time, I didn`t know they was in danger.

GRACE: How long did you live in the home with Ronald Cummings and the children?

SHEFFIELD: Haleigh was born in `03. Junior was born in `05. I was 19 when I left. So three years -- three years? Three or four years.

GRACE: So in four years, you did not observe any physical abuse on the children?

SHEFFIELD: No, ma`am, because when we were -- when me and Ronald was together, he had nothing to do with the children. I took -- I took care of them. I did everything. He had nothing to do with them. And then when I left, he decided he wanted to take them from me.

GRACE: So in four years, there was no physical abuse. And what year did you leave?


GRACE: You left in `05. That was the year that Ronald, Jr., was born?

SHEFFIELD: Yes. He was 6 months old when Ronald took the kids from me.

GRACE: When you left the home, did you take the children with you?

SHEFFIELD: Yes, I did.

GRACE: And when did Ronald get them back?

SHEFFIELD: I had the children with me. And I`m really kind-hearted person, and I didn`t have the heart to keep them from him. And I let him come pick them up, and he didn`t bring them back to me.

GRACE: When we come back, we`ll hear from Crystal Sheffield, Haleigh`s mother`s lawyer, Kim Picazio, to find out exactly what are these allegations and what, if any, is the proof backing them up, this while the search goes on for 5-year-old Haleigh.



MISTY CUMMINGS: I put her to bed at 8:00 o`clock. That`s her bedtime because she has school. She was asleep -- she was probably asleep in about 30 minutes. I was washing her blankets. I went in to her, laid her blanket over top of her, she was sleeping. And then I made my bed and got into bed. And then I woke up at about 3:00 o`clock, and I was going to the bathroom but I didn`t make to the bathroom. I noticed the kitchen light was on. And when I walked to kitchen, the back door was open.

So I run back to my bedroom to get my cell phone to call Ronald, and I noticed -- that`s when I noticed Haleigh was gone. I didn`t know what to do. I`ve never gone through anything like that before. I was very, very scared. And I just called my mom to let her know what was going on. I was just really terrified, scared.

SHEFFIELD: Her story`s changed several times. And I know my kids did love her. They told me that. And I just hope she would not have nothing to do with this.


GRACE: You are seeing an exclusive interview with the girlfriend/baby- sitter-turned-teenage bride of Ronald Cummings. That`s Misty Croslin. It`s exclusive to Art Harris at You can see the interview in its entirety there. Art is with us tonight.

But first, I want to go back to the attorney for the mother, the biological mother of little Haleigh, now missing over a month, who is leveling abuse charges against the biological father, Ronald Cummings. It was in his home from which the child was snatched in the middle of the night, according to the girlfriend, now wife.

To Kim Picazio, the attorney for the mother, Crystal Sheffield. Ms. Picazio, thank you for being with us. What exactly are the nature of the charges that your client is leveling against the child`s father?

KIM PICAZIO, ATTORNEY FOR HALEIGH`S MOTHER: That would be physical abuse of both children, as well as an unfit home. We have also gone to DCF and explained all of the facts that we`ve gotten from the community members who have come to us. We have checked and double-checked these facts. We felt that it has risen to the level where we needed to go to the Department of Children and Families because we felt that the welfare of the child, Junior, who remains in the Cummings household, is in danger.

GRACE: Ms. Picazio, what exactly is the nature of the alleged abuse you are claiming against Ronald Cummings on Haleigh and Junior, Ronald, Jr.?

PICAZIO: Physical abuse, child abuse.

GRACE: What, spanking, slapping, beating, locking in a closet, burning with cigarettes, what? What are you alleging? What is the specific act that Ronald Cummings allegedly did?

PICAZIO: We have, again, gone to DCF and given the specific incidents of abuse. It would be hitting, hitting in the face until bloody, hitting with sticks, hitting with belts. I could go on and on -- throwing down stairs, living in tents.

GRACE: Now -- OK, hold on. Your client has not had custody and has had very little dealings with the children ever since about 2005. Two judges on three occasions heard your client`s allegations. Never once during those times did she in a court of law, when she had the chance, tell a judge about physical abuse on the children. Why?

PICAZIO: Well, as you just heard from my client, there was not physical abuse witnessed by her during their relationship. And at the time of the hearings, she was a very young girl. She had been living in a household with Mr. Cummings, who regularly beat her. She had been given drugs by Mr. Cummings since she was a very little girl. She was alienated, the entire relationship, from her family. This person has turned her into someone who was controlled.

And at the court hearing -- I`ve gone over it again and again with Ms. Sheffield. She was sitting there with her attorney and facing Ronald Cummings, who would be gleaming (ph) at her. She felt scared. She was intimidated. And that`s essentially why she was -- she felt unable to defend herself, out of fear.

GRACE: OK. All right.


GRACE: I get it. I get it. I get it. I just find it very unusual that at this juncture, when we`re in a search for little Haleigh, after all these years of living in the home -- she tells me on TV tonight that she never observed any abuse on the children. She`s waited until this time, when she has a framework in place to accept donations, that she`s now claiming abuse against the father. She had three opportunities to tell a judge. Never told them.

And Ms. Picazio, is it true that DFACS was at home in the last month and found no substantiated to these claims? They have not moved forward on these claims.

PICAZIO: Well, first of all, I don`t know why this is so confusing. We`ve just said...

GRACE: Well, because she`s just coming up with this now and she`s the one that lost custody.

PICAZIO: You didn`t let me finish. She`s just coming up with it now because she`s just stated that it had never happened, to her knowledge, before now.

SHEFFIELD: Because I took care of the children.

PICAZIO: She took care of the children...

SHEFFIELD: He had nothing to do with them.

PICAZIO: ... and the household. Hang on. And after little Haleigh went missing, we -- people came out of the woodwork to call me and my law office and to talk to people that were here with me in this town.


PICAZIO: And I`ve been here since Thursday to give us...

GRACE: Well, you know, Ms. Picazio...


PICAZIO: ... eyewitnesses...

GRACE: ... we only have a brief window for you to state your case. So you know, if you could get to the point, I would appreciate that. Isn`t it true that your client has a record for filing false reports to police? Didn`t she accuse a co-worker once of stealing her car and then admit it was just a big, fat lie?

PICAZIO: No, I don`t think that she admitted it was a big, fat lie. I think that...


GRACE: I believe police asked her...

PICAZIO: ... nothing to do with this case.

GRACE: Well, the fact that she`s already lied to police on one occasion, and if you read the police report, in a supplemental report, it states that police say, Look, did they really steal your car? She said, No. That`s charging somebody with a felony.


GRACE: I mean, that`s very disturbing.

PICAZIO: We -- and that was a crime that has already been disposed of. It has nothing to do with her household or how she treated the children. And also, I think that you`re giving a different rendition of events that actually occurred.

GRACE: Well, you know what, Ms. Picazio? You may be right. So when we come back, we`ll hear your client`s side of the story and find out. Did she lie to police, charging somebody else with a felony?


GRACE: What do you make of the potential custody battle that you`re facing on top of everything else?

RONALD CUMMINGS: I think that it`s absolutely and utterly ridiculous. All it does is take the focus off of my daughter being gone and put the focus on, Oh, let`s see who can get custody.

August the 17th, her second, birthday, is when I took physical custody of the children. And I was granted custody of the children in December of `05. And I do have the court paperwork to prove it.




SHEFFIELD: Haleigh, if you`re out there, Mommy loves you and your daddy loves you!

GRACE: The biological mother is now considering a custody battle.

RONALD CUMMINGS: It`s absolutely and utterly ridiculous. All it does is take the focus off of my daughter being gone and put the focus on, Oh, let`s see who can get custody.

She missed her first court date. The judge gave her "wah wah" story another try. She showed up (INAUDIBLE) up. The truth is, I was...


GRACE: Tonight, with us live, Haleigh`s biological mother. Also with her, her attorney, a veteran trial lawyer, Kim Picazio. Ms. Picazio, as to the earlier incident, I have the police report in my hand. And she states to police, " Crystal then said she had, in fact, lied about the entire incident." All right, let`s hear your side, Ms. Picazio.

PICAZIO: Well, and I think that Crystal can tell it best because she was there. But I would like to preface (ph) and say I -- I can`t believe we`re talking about this when we`ve got a child missing.

GRACE: Well, I can`t believe that these allegations are just coming up now. The timing is very unusual. But if you don`t want to talk about that, I understand it.

Everybody, we are taking your calls live. With us, Kim Picazio, the attorney for the bio mom, biological mother, of little Haleigh and Ronald, Jr. We`ll be taking your calls live when we come...



MISTY CROSLIN, RONALD CUMMING`S WIFE, LAST SEEN HALEIGH: I put her to bed at 8:00. That`s her bedtime because she has school. She didn`t go to sleep. She was probably sleeping about 30 minutes. I was washing our blankets. I went to her, laid her blanket over top of her. She was sleeping. And then I made my bed and got into bed.


NANCY GRACE, HOST: With us tonight, live, two very special guests. The mother of little Haleigh and Ronald Jr, Crystal Sheffield, and her attorney, a veteran trial lawyer, a family law expert in the Florida area, Kim Picazio.

Ladies, please, do not misinterpret me. I`m being harsh because I`m concerned about the timing of your allegations. However, if your allegations are, in fact, true and these children have been abused in the home of Ronald Cummings, then he should answer up to the full, the full treatment the law can provide to him.

I`m taking your calls live. Out to Ellen in New York, hi, Ellen.

ELLEN, CALLER FROM NEW YORK: Hi, Nancy, how are you?

GRACE: I`m good, dear. What`s your question?

ELLEN: I`m still loving your jewelry, by way. It looks really cute on Lucy also. I want to know why this -- the mom lost custody of the kids in the first place. And do they have anything to back up the allegations of abuse? Any pictures? Any reports from child family services?

GRACE: I got you. Ellen, I`ve asked Miss Picazio the very same question and I`m going to put it in a nutshell and she can correct me if I`m wrong. I`m totally open to correction on this. You`re the expert in this. Not me.

The mother says she missed several court dates. She did not have a lawyer. When she did have a lawyer, that lawyer failed her. She did not have transportation at that time. Says she didn`t have a driver`s license, and in a nutshell, the judge says, OK, Dad, you`ve got a job. Mom, you don`t. Your home is more unstable, so dad gets custody.

That is the story they are telling me. We also know that the child missed 12 doctor`s appointments while with the mother. Now the mother has now said that was when she was with the dad. But I`ve read the documents and in court, she admits it was when she was with the mother.

Miss Picazio, is there any other reason that we know of she lost custody originally?

KIM PICAZIO, ATTORNEY FOR HALEIGH`S MOM, ACCUSING HALEIGH`S FATHER OF ABUSE: No, I think that, you know, the doctor`s appointments were mentioned. And she did not a driver`s license, not permitted to get a driver`s license, and Ronald kept her from doing that. And as soon as she left the home, that`s when she got the driver`s license. However, she was unable to drive the children because she didn`t have a license.

GRACE: OK, now, that`s an interesting point because I thought the reason she didn`t visit the children more often is because she didn`t have a driver`s license but you`re telling me she got a driver`s license immediately upon leaving the home?

PICAZIO: It wasn`t immediately. I don`t know the exact period.


PICAZIO: 20 years old.

GRACE: OK, I want to go to the lawyers. Renee Rockwell, Alan Ripka, Alan in New York. Renee Rockwell in Atlanta.

Renee, weigh in.

RENEE ROCKWELL, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, Nancy, you know, first of all, that custody is never chiseled in stone. It can change, yearly, monthly, daily, weekly. We have a situation here where if she`s just now getting the resources to put her story forward, then she needs to go for it.

GRACE: Ripka?

ALAN RIPKA, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: At the end of the day, the question is going to be, if she knew about this abuse prior to this kidnapping, why she never came forward? Why didn`t she alert the authorities? Because child services would have went to that house and they would have done their own investigation. So the timing looks very suspicious, Nancy.

GRACE: Well, in addition, Ellen in New York wants to know what is the corroboration they`ve got. Miss Picazio, Kim Picazio, tells us that they have people coming out of woodwork, in her words, describing incidents of abuse, physical abuse, by the father on the children.

Now the mother says she never observed any of that when she lived in the home. That it only started after she left.

I want to go to Art Harris, investigative journalist who interviewed Misty Croslin in depth. You can see that full interview at

Art, I want to hear your opinion. Weigh in.

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, ARTHARRIS.COM, INTERVIEWED MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S NEW STEPMOM: Well, Nancy, I have actually seen some photographs that, you know, were taken of the children that purport to show physical abuse and I`m going to put them up on the Web site as soon as I can get them formatted.

GRACE: When did you get those are the children?

HARRIS: Well, these are photos that Kim -- Kim was given by her client that were taken over the years after -- or during visits in her home following.


HARRIS: . with her husband.

GRACE: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait. Back to Kim Picazio. Kim Picazio, if that is true with Art Harris, and he is a well-respected journalist, if that`s true, then your client knew about this alleged abuse before now?

PICAZIO: No. She knew about the alleged abuse and she had called DCF, which is the Department of Children of Families, on numerous occasions. They were investigated. But because it`s a he said/she said, or a small bruise on the leg, for instance, they were not able to take action. And it`s a very deep burden to the Department of Children and Families have to take children in this state. Thank goodness.

GRACE: Well, they took them away from her.

PICAZIO: And so in those occasions she had called Department -- no, the Department of Children and Families did not take children away from her.

GRACE: The court did. The court did.

PICAZIO: It was a court battle.

GRACE: Yes, the court.

PICAZIO: The court showed.

GRACE: Two judges made that ruling.

PICAZIO: The court shows a better -- the court shows the most suitable environment for the children at that time. She has shared parental responsibilities of the children. At that time the court gave that to her.


PICAZIO: However, the court gave her a time-sharing plan as it does with usually fathers.

GRACE: Miss Picazio, the photos, what do they depict?

PICAZIO: They depict Haleigh with a black eye, laceration to the nose, scrapes from the cheek. They depict Junior with bruises that look like they were from a stick. Grab marks and the more heinous allegations were the ones that we have learned that Miss Sheffield did not know until this case began.

GRACE: Now when did she obtain the photo of the bruises, Miss Picazio?

PICAZIO: That was throughout the years. Each incident that she saw bruises, she had reported them to the Department of Children and Family.

GRACE: So are you telling me that she has gone to DFACS before now?

PICAZIO: Yes. Yes, on numerous occasions. So has her mother and so has Ronald, the next girlfriend that followed Miss Sheffield also called Department of Children and Families on Mr. Cummings regarding his maltreatment of the children.

GRACE: Art Harris, what else can you tell me?

HARRIS: Well, I can tell you that, certainly, Ronald would dispute that, but as far as one of the incidents, it looks like when she was -- was hit by a stick on the leg, I know that DFACS, I`m told did investigate that and found it to rise the level of natural discipline, a discipline that was, you know, within the law.

I cannot confirm other than that one incident. The other picture of Haleigh with the bruised nose and eyes, it doesn`t look good. And I don`t -- I know that that is what they have in their possession right now and plan to give DFACS.

GRACE: Marc Klaas, president and founder of KlaasKids Foundation. If these photos exist, Marc, we`ve got a big problem. This puts an entirely different light on the investigation.

MARC KLAAS, PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER, KLAASKIDS FOUNDATION: Well, yes, but what are we talking about here? You know, my heart is sinking as I listen to all of this. And what`s left of my heart, Crystal, goes out to you. Because I understand what it`s like to lose a child. And I understand the fear and the pain that one goes through during the investigation.

But this path that you`re headed upon now is a complete distraction from the point at hand. And this is something that Ron continually reminds people. Find Haleigh. Don`t take the focus off of Haleigh. And what you`re doing now, if it`s true, has a place. But that place is not to be prosecuting this guy on national TV. This is something that should be done in private.

GRACE: But wait a minute. Hold on, Marc Klaas.


GRACE: If there was physical abuse in the home, if.


GRACE: That`s a big if.

KLAAS: It sure is.

GRACE: But if there was.

KLAAS: Yes, it is.

GRACE: . doesn`t that put the disappearance of Haleigh in a different light to you?

KLAAS: I`m not going to go there. I mean, this little girl`s gone. And there`s no -- I have -- I have no expectation that Ron is involved in the disappearance of his little girl. I mean he`s been awfully consistent.

GRACE: You know what, you`re absolutely correct, Marc.

KLAAS: He`s been awfully consistent.

GRACE: You`re absolutely correct. He was at work that evening. Police have confirmed and double confirmed it. You`re right, Marc Klaas.

Mike Brooks, weigh in.

MIKE BROOKS, FMR. DC POLICE DETECTIVE SERVED ON FBI TERRORISM TASK FORCE: One of the things that still bothers me, Nancy, are the inconsistencies of Misty Croslin. The police have not -- still have not been able to put together a timeline on exactly what happened that night because of her inconsistencies. That what bothers me the most.

GRACE: You know, Mike Brooks, I don`t want to cut you off but I want to go quickly back to Art Harris before we`ve got to go to break. What was your impression after your interview with Misty Croslin, as Brooks just brought up?

HARRIS: Well, you know, when I -- I basically called (INAUDIBLE), Nancy, outside the (INAUDIBLE). She was very forthcoming. I just let her talk and she laid out this little timeline that explained a couple of, you know, details about who was in what bed, which you can see on the Web site,

But you know my impression was she was forthcoming and she had some compassion, you know, inside. So I think people need to see it and compare her story there with other stories she`s told.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Casey seemingly didn`t want this child from the beginning. One of her friends told investigators that even a -- recently, she talked a lot about the fact that it was -- life was sort of a drag, having this kid.

MARK WILLIAMS, NEWS DIRECTOR, WNDB NEWSTALK 1150: There`s a friend by the name of Ryan. One day, he got a call, or at least talked to Cindy Anthony, Casey`s mother, who said stay away from her, she`s a psychopath.

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER, HELPED LOOK FOR CAYLEE & SPENT TIME WITH CASEY ANTHONY: She`s unconcerned, not because she`s a wacko, but because she knows exactly where her child is.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Court documents also quoted one of Anthony`s friends as saying, "I think something accidentally happened. Casey freaked out. I don`t know how she solved that problem but then created this story in her head."

DREW PETRIMOULX, REPORTER, WDBO RADIO: They`re actually grilling her really hard saying, look, it`s one of two things. You either killed this little girl or something bad happened to her and you`re hiding.


GRACE: Straight out to Kathi Belich with WFTV. Kathi, what can you tell me about diary entries in a diary that apparently spans years? Reports surfacing that tot mom described why Caylee was killed and also detailed notes on chloroform and pesticides?

KATHI BELICH, REPORTER, WFTV, COVERING STORY: That`s right. There is a report out about those things that supposed missing pages in Casey`s diary have surfaced and that these things that you just mentioned are in those pages.

What I can tell you is, when that part of the diary was released, if there was more to be released, it probably would have been released at that time. Prosecutors wouldn`t play games with evidence and pick and choose part of the book to be released now and part of the book to be released later.

From what we understood back then, those pages were missing when investigators found that book. And that`s what they have.

GRACE: So you`re saying that there were actually pages removed from her diary?

BELICH: There were pages. You could see that pages were removed from the diary when that -- the pictures of that diary was -- were first released. You can see that pages were missing in between. And everybody was debating about whether this diary was coming from 2003 or recently because the page to the left, which seems like the earlier pages, said 2003. But there was a whole chunk of pages missing in between -- before you got.

GRACE: To Natisha Lance, our producer standing by there in Florida.

Natisha, what can you tell me? What is allegedly in the diary? What are these notes about, chloroform and pesticides, and reportedly a motive for murder? What does tot mom say about why little Caylee was murdered, if these allegations are true?

NATISHA LANCE, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, reportedly, Nancy, they are saying that this was a mercy killing. So that Casey could save Caylee from her mother, Cindy Anthony. Now none of these reports have been substantiated. But this is what this report is saying, saying that she had planned to kill Caylee and it was to save her from Cindy Anthony.

GRACE: To Dr. Joseph Deltito, professor of psychiatry. We are taking your calls live.

Dr. Deltito, is that a way to justify a murder, call it a mercy killing, that the child would be better off dead and in heaven than to live with the grandmother?

DR. JOSEPH DELTITO, PROFESSOR OF PSYCHIATRY: It wouldn`t be the first time it happened. I mean that type of story is one I`ve heard before that people convince themselves that it`s better for the kid if this happened to them.

Of course, underlyingly, psychologically in such a case, one has to have great animosity towards the grandmother and be willing to kill the child as punishment to the grandmother, not only as salvation for the child even in a perverted mind. So I think at a certain perverted logic, it does hold together and it`s a story that I`ve heard before and others like me have heard before. Variations of it.

GRACE: To Drew Petrimoulx, what more can you tell me about the diary? When was it uncovered? Where was it uncovered? And what about these reports?

PETRIMOULX: It was actually found in the Anthony home. It was released as part of discovery. It was recovered from the home when they went back to the home to serve search warrants after the remains had been found.

And there were some interesting things that were found in there that we did see. It said that she was looking to move on. And she was concerned about what had happened, hoping for a brighter future but from what we see, from the page dated, it says 2003.

Now there are some pages removed. So as Kathi was saying earlier, it sparked a whole controversy over when that was written. And it also looks like there are those pages that were cut out. So where those pages are now it`s very interesting especially since this new report comes out saying that they go all the way to the day that -- the day before and the day after Caylee was actually killed.

GRACE: To Dr. Marty Makary, physician and professor of public health at Johns Hopkins. Question, we`ve had a lot of discussion in the past few days about a paternity test, paternity test for Caylee that was taken on tot mom`s own brother Lee Anthony. How is it done?

DR. MARTY MAKARY, PHYSICIAN, PROF. OF PUBLIC HEALTH, JOHNS HOPKINS: So basically, there`s DNA from both the -- from Caylee and the potential person. And a match is performed. And you can either tell that the person is a perfect match for being the father or some distant relative. And there`s really nothing in between.

GRACE: Unleash the lawyers. Renee Rockwell, Alan Ripka. Back to the diary, if we see that swaths of the diary have been cut out, Renee, around the time the child goes missing and is murdered, not a good look for the defendant.

ROCKWELL: No, it`s not. Because as long as they can prove that it is her diary, and you have to think, first of all, Nancy, why would anybody write this down? Secondly, knowing that the investigation looms, why would she keep it? But the fact that part of it is torn out and the rest of it remains does not look good.

GRACE: OK, a couple of very plain and rudimentary observations, Alan Ripka. Why does somebody keep it? Well, if you take a look at many serial killers of the past, you see that they keep mementos of their killings. This is not unusual at all. In fact, it is predictable.

So the fact that she would keep a diary or document the killing in some way is not surprising at all. It is predictable, just like you and I might take a photo of our senior prom and keep it. Same thing here.

So Alan Ripka, why people write it down and keep these mementos, I`m not surprised at all, if it`s true. But tell me, in a nutshell, how you get this into evidence and prove that it`s her diary.

RIPKA: Well, once you prove that it`s her handwriting, Nancy, through an expert, you can get it into as an admission by her own handwriting and her own conduct. And the judge will allow it in as long as it`s probative of what went on.

He may not let things in regarding other boyfriends and other things that don`t pertain to this case. But anything that may pertain to this murder or Caylee he`s going to let in as probative information.

GRACE: Out to the lines, Kathy in Florida. Hi, Kathy.

KATHY, CALLER FROM FLORIDA: Yes, hi, Nancy, how are you?

GRACE: I`m good, dear. What`s your question?

KATHY: The twins looked like leprechauns last night.

GRACE: Thank you.

KATHY: And my question is when Casey was younger did anybody check to see if she had any psychological problems?

GRACE: OK, to Natisha Lance, any history of mental illness at all that we know of?

LANCE: None that has been substantiated but we do have reports from some of her friends who said that Casey had asked to be committed before. Also George Anthony mentioned in an interview that he did have a sister who had had some mental issues, so possibly it had skipped a generation and it had possibly affected Casey.

GRACE: Thank you for the armchair psychiatric evaluation.

Mike Brooks, what are your thoughts on the diary?

BROOKS: Well, Nancy, again, you know, is it her writing? We`ve -- that`s going to be easy to do with a handwriting expert, get exemplars from her via subpoena, and they should be able to tell, that`s important, is it hers or not.


GRACE: Two boys, possibly in extreme danger. Please help us. I want to go straight to Crystal Knight with WWJ Newsradio 950, joining us from Detroit. What happened?

CRYSTAL KNIGHT, REPORTER, WWJ NEWSRADIO 950, COVERING STORY: Well, Nancy, it started Sunday, late Sunday night or early Monday morning. That`s when the boy was discovered missing. The 15-year-old`s name is Justin Wainwright. Police believe that he was taken from his home by an 18-year-old by the name of Joshua Zohr.

The interesting thing about this, Nancy, is the parents on both sides are giving different viewpoints. The parents of Justin Wainwright, the 15-year-old, are saying that they believe his son, their son may have been manipulated into leaving with Joshua, but Joshua`s parents are saying no, their son`s a good kid, him and Justin have been friends for about four years, he would never hurt him.

So that`s where we`re standing right now. They were last seen in Ohio right around Dayton. And it`s believed that they may be headed to Florida.

GRACE: Everyone, please go to It`s a red or burgundy Pontiac Grand Prix, Michigan license B, brother, Y, yellow, P, Peter, 1180. Last spotted 5:43 a.m. Monday at a rest stop Dayton, Ohio.

Matt Zarrell, fill me in. What happened?

MATTHEW ZARRELL, NANCY GRACE STAFFER, COVERING STORY: Well, Nancy, they believe that Justin, the 15-year-old, left a note for his parents telling them that he was going away, he needed to get away for a week. That he wasn`t taking his phone and he wasn`t going to communicate.

However, the family is concerned because he`s a minor and because he`s with the 18-year-old that he could be in serious danger.

GRACE: Everyone, I think that there`s a lot police are not telling us. These young boys considered to be in extreme danger. The tip line is 734-354-3232.

Let`s stop and remember Army Sergeant Michael Clark, 24, Sacramento, California, killed Iraq on a second tour. Lost his life days before his fifth wedding anniversary. Awarded two Army Commendation medals, Army Service ribbon, Combat Action badge.

Loved snowboarding, mountain biking. His custom victory 8 ball motorcycle and Ford Mustang. Leaves behind parents Sherry and Bradley, widow Nalini, and 4-year-old son Lucas.

Michael Clark, American hero.

Thanks to our guests, but especially to you for being with us. I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern, and until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on March 20, 2009, 09:33:07 AM


Did Haleigh`s Father Abuse Her?

Aired March 19, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET



JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HOST (voice-over): Tonight, stunning developments in the Haleigh Cummings case, as the child abuse scandal escalates into an ugly war of words. Haleigh`s mother claims Ron beat the kids, but now Ron`s enraged family says, not so fast.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Meantime, Florida`s child services confirms they are investigating the abuse allegations. Could this lead to a break in the case, or is it just white noise distracting from the search for little Haleigh?

Then today, accused killer Casey Anthony spent her 23rd birthday behind bars. Did she have a celebration? She may not be getting any presents, but her defense team got ten. Key pieces of evidence. And mystery surrounds shocking new claims about missing pages from Casey`s diary.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There is a report out about supposed missing pages.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Do they contain a confession?

Plus, Britney, Paris, Lindsay and Octomom? The mob scene as Nadya Suleman brought her two babies home was right up there with the most infamous celebrity media frenzy. I`ll show you Octomom`s reaction. And what should be done about these out-of-control paparazzi swarms?

And Hollywood`s biggest names react to the tragic death of acclaimed actress Natasha Richardson. As her family begs for privacy, everyone wonders how a fall on a bunny slope could become such a nightmare, and why was the first ambulance that arrived after her fall turned away? I`ll try to find out if it could have made a difference.

ISSUES starts now.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Absolutely stunning new developments tonight in the case of missing Florida girl Haleigh Cummings. Haleigh`s father, Ron Cummings, has just hired a lawyer. That after Haleigh`s mom, Crystal Sheffield, publicly claimed he has abused his two children with sticks and belts, even causing them to bleed.

Now Florida`s Department of Children and Families is investigating the claims. So is the local sheriff`s department. But Ron and his extended family insist these claims are complete garbage and hearsay. It`s an all- out war of words between the two parents, and it was this comment that set off the firestorm.


KIM PICAZIO, CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD`S ATTORNEY: When a parent beats a child until the child is bloodied, that is a crime. It`s legally and morally wrong. And he needs to be brought to justice.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Someone has told you that?



VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, reaction pouring in from Ron and his family. They say they`re enraged, complaining that the focus has shifted away from finding his precious daughter.

Here is how they have reacted to the accusations.


SYKES: It`s ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ronald spanked his children just like -- like he said. Just like children`s services say you can spank them, on the rear end.

RON CUMMINGS, FATHER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I`ve been slandered into a sorry father. Obviously, in most cases the fathers don`t get custody of their children. I took good care of my kids the three years I had them by myself. A lot of people are talking about like this is a custody battle. It`s not a custody battle. It`s about finding my 5-year-old daughter.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ron`s family essentially saying, "Bring it on. We welcome any investigations. We have nothing to hide."

A lot to get to tonight. And as always, I`m taking your calls on this. But first, I want to introduce my expert panel: Stacey Honowitz, Florida prosecutor; Vinny Parco, private investigator; Vinny Politan, attorney and Sirius XM radio host; as well as Judy Kuriansky, Dr. Judy, clinical psychologist and author.

But first, I want to turn to a very special guest, Kim Picazio, the attorney for Haleigh`s mother, Crystal Sheffield.

Kim, thanks for joining us.

PICAZIO: Thank you.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Reports are that after your complaints alleging child abuse, two investigations are now under way by cops and family services. So my question to you is, are you also going to go to court to formally seek custody of Ron Jr.? Given the very serious nature of the charges that you`ve leveled, wouldn`t that be something that you`d want to do immediately?

PICAZIO: Well, no. Actually, if we wanted a side show and we wanted to direct focus away from the search for Haleigh, that`s what we would have initially done.

And plus, you know, family law setting, it takes many months sometimes to obtain results. There`s discovery that has to be done. Whereas the proper protocol if you heard that there`s been child abuse in a household would be to first contact the authorities.

And Department of Children and Families can conduct a swift investigation, can attain medical records, et cetera. And after their conclusion of the investigation, we can go from there and see if we need to bark up that tree.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Well, our attempt here is to be entirely fair and basically to cover this story in the hopes of finding this precious child, God willing, alive and return her. So there`s two sides to every story.

Let`s listen to the other side for a second. Ron Cummings and his entire family have taken major issue with these claims of abuse. Ron has just hired a lawyer. The law firm`s press release wrote that Ron saw these allegations as, quote, "a cheap shot, a publicity stunt that detracts from the search for Haleigh."

Ron`s grandmother, Annette Sykes, had this to say. Quote, "We`re not worried about the investigation. It`s just a matter of if they want to investigate facts or if they don`t want to take the time and go by hearsay."

And Ron`s own mother spoke out saying this. Quote, "This is not the first time they`ve pulled this out. I don`t think it`s going to turn out the way they want it to. They must want custody really bad."

Kim, the Cummings family says, basically, Crystal has made similar accusations and taken them before the courts before, and the courts have not sided with her. What`s your explanation?

PICAZIO: Crystal and her family have called Department of Children and Families in the past. Crystal has called twice. Her mother has called several times. They have seen bruises or injuries on the children that they -- they suspected could be abuse.

And also, Ronald`s girlfriend after Miss Sheffield had called DCF on him also, alleging that he was mistreating Haleigh and Junior. Because there have been claims made, but never before has Crystal attempted to gain access to the courts to change custody. Quite frankly because she didn`t know that was an avenue that was available to her.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, you were on Nancy Grace show last night. And along with your client, Crystal Sheffield. Let`s listen to one of Crystal`s responses to one of Nancy`s questions.


NANCY GRACE, CNNHN ANCHOR: In four years, you did not observe any physical abuse on the children?

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, MOTHER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: No, ma`am, because when we were -- when me and Ronald was together, he had nothing to do with the children. I took -- I took care of them. I did everything. He had nothing to do with them. And then when I left, he decided he wanted to take them from me.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: So, Kim, again, we`re just trying to solve this mystery. I think a lot of people are wondering, if your client never witnessed the abuse personally, how is she getting all this information about alleged beatings with sticks and belts and blood? Who`s telling her this?

PICAZIO: Well, it`s people telling me this, and people are telling the authorities and the investigators that we`ve brought here from South Florida are accessing people with a lot of information, people that have personally witnessed these particular crimes.

And we have released some photos. We`ve given other photos to the -- to DCF. And they are conducting an investigation from our allegations.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And I know Nancy Grace is going to have exclusive information on this later tonight right after our show. So stay tuned for her show.

Last question. Why did Ron Cummings get custody of these two children? It usually goes to the mom.

PICAZIO: It usually does. And I believe that Crystal was -- has a 10th grade education. She had been with Ronald since she was 14. He had fed her drugs the entirety of the relationship. She didn`t have a driver`s license because Ronald wouldn`t allow her to. She was not allowed to speak or was alienated from her entire family by Ronald, who kept her in a very controlled environment and one that was filled with domestic violence.

When she was sitting in that courtroom, that`s the last thing she wanted to do was to speak up in defense of herself with Ronald, the person who had beat her for years, sitting there glaring at her. She simply was not feeling safe.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I think we`re going to have to leave it right there. I thank you.

And again, our effort here on ISSUES is to be fair. So we have an open invitation to Ron, any members of his family, his new lawyer, come on and give us your side of the story. We want both sides of the story.

All right. Now to my expert panel. Let`s first start by listening to the startling exchange between Ron Cummings and Geraldo Rivera, which happened last month.


CUMMINGS: No, never ever have I ever hit my child. Me and my child have an agreement, daddy, daughter. She has been spanked on her behind the way DCF says that you can take care of disciplining your children.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Vinny Politan, that was last month. Why didn`t the sheriff`s department start investigating this when this issue first came up last month?

VINNY POLITAN, ATTORNEY/SIRIUS XM RADIO HOST: Well, maybe they weren`t watching Geraldo. They were watching Jane Velez-Mitchell.

But serious, Jane, this is -- anytime there is a squabble between an ex-husband and an ex-wife and there are allegations going back and forth, you have to take it all with the grain of salt.

However, when evidence is produced, and you`ve got witnesses or you`ve got photographs, things get much more serious. Now you take a look at it. In this case, you know, is this distracting from the whole Haleigh thing? I don`t think so. Because if it can be demonstrated that there was abuse of these children, now all of a sudden, you look at the disappearance a little bit differently.

I think it`s important that it gets investigated now. Why they didn`t do it before, maybe they did but not as seriously as they will now if, in fact, these photographs are produced.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Stacey Honowitz, Vinny Politan is proving by point. If, in fact, this came up a month ago -- and we did discuss it here on ISSUES; everybody discussed it. The whole world heard about it. Why didn`t the sheriffs investigate this immediately? Because if they had been, it would have been done by now. We would have had a conclusion.

Obviously, it`s relevant to the case. I mean, the Cummings family says it`s not true, but hypothetically, if it were true, it would certainly shed light on Haleigh`s disappearance.

STACEY HONOWITZ, FLORIDA PROSECUTOR: Well, first of all, you would have never, ever had a resolution within a month on a child abuse investigation that involves DCF, the Department of Children and Families, and lots of times brings in the state attorney. And that`s the interesting question in this case.

Was the state attorney ever brought in on any abuse allegations? Did anybody, a teacher at a school, anybody see any bruises? Vinny is right. A lot of times when these cases -- when it`s a husband against an ex-wife, abuse claims do come about.

It is imperative that they do investigate now, that they start and they do a complete investigation, because it will have an impact on how they investigate the child`s disappearance. So I don`t think we need to figure out why they didn`t do it. I think now we have to figure out are they concentrating, who are they talking to, are these witnesses credible? Why...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I understand what you`re saying, but to me it`s like the whole world is focusing on this missing child`s disappearance. They have so many investigators there. You`d think that they would have jumped on this.

But everybody hang on. Stay right there. More to come on this intense battle over allegations of child abuse in the home of Ron Cummings, which Ron vehemently denies. Do you think these claims are distracting from the search for little Haleigh? Call 1-877-JVM-SAYS, 1-877-586-7297. Let me know.

Seventy miles down the road, Casey Anthony celebrates her 23rd birthday behind bars. She may not be getting any gifts, but her attorneys did. I`ll have the shocking details.

First, claims of abuse in a custody battle have shifted the attention in the Haleigh Cummings case. Here`s dad, Ron, trying to turn the spotlight back on little Haleigh.


CUMMINGS: I`ve been slandered into a sorry father. Obviously in most cases, the fathers don`t get custody of their children. I took good care of my kids in the two years I had them by myself. A lot of people are talking about like this is a custody battle. It`s not a custody battle. It`s about finding my 5-year-old daughter.




SYKES: It`s ridiculous. Ridiculous. Ronald spanked his children just like -- like he said, just like children services say you can spank them, on the rear end.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: The paternal great-grandmother of Haleigh Cummings responds to claims that Haleigh`s father, Ron, has abused his two children. Back taking your calls on this new war of words between Haleigh`s parents and how it will impact the search for the missing girl.

Betsy, Virginia, your question or thought, ma`am?

CALLER: Yes. I was wondering, did Ron have any girlfriends prior to his wife that may be scorned, that someone Haleigh would know to leave with?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I don`t know the answer to that necessarily, but I want to bring in psychologist Judy Kuriansky. There is so much emotion laced through all of this. Give us your analysis.

JUDY KURIANSKY, PSYCHOLOGIST: First of all, it`s very common that a great-grandmother -- we`ve heard this in other cases -- would be defending the son or the grandson. So that makes sense. That doesn`t mean that it`s not true.

It`s also very logical that Haleigh`s dad is going to say, "I didn`t abuse her." What guy do we know who comes out right out of the bat and says, "Yes, I abused my child?" Is takes a lot before they eventually will admit it. So I`m not buying it from him. And I am appreciating all those other people, by the way, who may have done the reports because this is what we think in all child abuse cases, that if people notice this is going on, that they need to report it. So thank you to all those people.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. And, again, let`s see what happens with the investigation. We don`t want to jump the gun here. He says that this is nonsense.

Lisa, Iowa, your question or thought, ma`am?

CALLER: Well, I noticed that whenever Ron is asked a direct question that might implicate Crystal in some way or point out that she always is changing her story, he always says, I don`t know, I was at work. And then, you know, as if to cover something or, you know...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: You mean Misty?

CALLER: OK, yes, Misty. Is Misty the wife now? The one he`s married to now.


CALLER: OK. Sorry.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: No, so you`re saying that he seems to defend her?

CALLER: Well, you know, he -- well, whenever they ask a question about, you know, what`s going on, you know, like why did she keep changing her story? You know, he says, "I don`t know, I was at work." And then he runs off and marries her, you know, instead of looking for his daughter.

KURIANSKY: OK. So you`re pointing out just the thing that I was talking about, that he`s behaving a little bit suspiciously. And I know, Jane, you`re being really kind and saying he`s certainly innocent until proven guilty. But your caller is even noticing there`s strange behavior that he is doing that doesn`t sit normally with people.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I`m not being kind so much as careful. I think it`s important to be careful with people`s reputation.

KURIANSKY: Yes, that`s true.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Vinny Parco, you are a private investigator, a lot of experience. What do you make of all of this? It`s really quite baffling.

VINNY PARCO, PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR: First of all, when you`re doing an investigation to find someone, you interview all the parents, all the people involved. And you try to find out any facts that might help with the investigation.

How come the -- the mother did not tell the police about this allegation when the child was missing? This is an important facet of an investigation.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. Well, I think the timeline absolutely true. Vinny Politan, why didn`t this come up like the day after little Haleigh went missing?

POLITAN: Yes. That`s where an investigation should start, with the people that are closest. And obviously, that`s where I think law enforcement would look first. But here you have to look at Misty.

And it`s interesting that the caller said -- every time Misty has a little problem with her story. There`s this inconsistency. The husband, Ron, says, "Well, I was at work." Well, that was his story. He was at work.

So there`s a lot of questions and unanswered questions in this case. And when you talk about timelines, perhaps the most important timeline might be Misty`s.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. And Stacey Honowitz, I do agree that Ron often says, "Well, I don`t know. I was at work." Well, he lives with this woman. He`s just married her. They certainly have a lot of time to talk about the situation. You`d think he`d know her story intricately.

But yet, he does fall back on "I don`t know. I was at work." He was at work until the child went missing. Then they`ve been together ever since.

HONOWITZ: Look, Jane, I`m a prosecutor. I`m the first one to look at body language, and we try to sum up the credibility of an individual. That`s what we do in order to make a case.

In this case, none of us are standing in his shoes. We all heard the phone conversation with the police officer: "If someone doesn`t find her, I`m going to kill him first." So you heard the -- the distress that he was in at the time.

I don`t know if there was an involvement. I don`t think any of us know if there`s an involvement. That`s why there`s an investigation.

And I think -- Vinny makes a very good point by saying that, at the time this child went missing, if the mother, the biological mother, knew that this father was abusive, that would be the very first thing she would tell an officer: "My child is missing, and this father is the one that has been abusing this child. Now, go ahead and do something with it."

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And Judy, it`s not just that. The authorities have been interviewing all the neighbors and all the friends. Wouldn`t they have picked up on this during their initial interviews?

KURIANSKY: Yes, indeed, they certainly might have noticed something from all the people talking about it. But there`s something fishy about what`s going on in that family and particularly with the fact of his getting married. It`s so inappropriate. I know you`ve mentioned this before. It`s -- it`s just -- psychologically does not make sense and doesn`t sit well.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. We`ve got to go. I want to thank my excellent panel. Boy, we could talk about this all night. We`ll be back again soon on this.

<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: mioyshi on March 20, 2009, 09:38:50 AM
morning small monkey cage, well, I guess I will just say good morning to Sassy..
It;s you and me kid ....:D ::cartwheel::

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on March 20, 2009, 09:39:30 AM


Haleigh Photos May Show Physical Abuse

Aired March 19, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone, vanished into thin air, the back door propped wide open. Dad comes home from the night shift to find not a single trace of little Haleigh.

Bombshell. A custody battle brewing over Haleigh`s 4-year-old little brother, Haleigh`s mother hiring a lawyer, and now her own private eye called in to investigate the mom`s allegations of physical abuse and neglect against the father. Then why, why did not one but two judges grant father Ronald Cummings custody of both children on three occasions?

Tonight, photos emerge of Haleigh and 4-year-old little brother Ronald, Jr., with cuts, bruises on face, arms, legs. We have those photos. But do the photos prove the mom`s allegations of abuse? The Cummings firing back, calling the claim, quote, "garbage" and pointing out correctly that DFACS, Department of Family and Children`s Services, just at the home and leaving empty-handed, no charges.

In the last hours, police and DFACS both confirm a full-scale investigation, as the search goes on for 5-year-old Florida girl, Haleigh. As we go to air, we learn father Ronald Cummings lawyers up with not one but two lawyers. Tonight, where is Haleigh?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The allegations against Ronald Cummings, the father of the missing girl, are being fueled by Haleigh`s mother.

GRACE: What exactly are the nature of the charges your client is leveling against the child`s father?

KIM PICAZIO, ATTORNEY FOR HALEIGH`S MOTHER: That would be physical abuse of both children.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is she supposed to sit by and watch when she knows what`s going on in that household? She would be remiss.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I`ve known these children all their life. They`re happy. They`re loved.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don`t believe that anyone knew exactly what was going on in that household until the spotlight was shown upon it.

GRACE: Did you not feel it incumbent or necessary to stay close to your children if you thought your children were in danger?

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH`S MOTHER: At the time, I didn`t know they was in danger.

GRACE: In four years, you did not observe any physical abuse on the children?

SHEFFIELD: No, ma`am, because when me and Ronald was together, he had nothing to do with the children.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: At the end of day, the question`s going to be if she knew about this abuse prior to this kidnapping, why she never came forward.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This path that you`re headed upon now is a complete distraction from the point at hand. Find Haleigh. Don`t take the focus off of Haleigh.

MISTY CUMMINGS, RONALD`S WIFE: Everybody knows that I love Haleigh and Ronald and Junior (INAUDIBLE)

RONALD CUMMINGS: Bring my little girl home, please. Whoever`s got her, bring you home. I`ll give you everything I`ve got to bring my daughter home.


GRACE: And tonight, the desperate search for a 2-year-old Florida girl, Caylee. Six months of searching culminates when skeletal remains found in a heavily-wooded area just 15 houses from the Anthonys` home confirmed to be Caylee, manner of death homicide. A utility meter reader stumble on a tiny human skeleton, including a skull covered in light- colored hair, the killer placing a heart-shaped sticker directly over the mouth and then triple bagging little Caylee like she`s trash.

Tonight, tot mom celebrates her 23rd birthday in her private jail cell, but let`s remember Caylee not home for her 3rd birthday party, where tot mom served missing Caylee`s favorite meal, chili, and she did it with a straight face, little Caylee never getting a chance to open her birthday presents, tot mom kicking back, reading fan mail behind bars and counting up all the money orders she`s racked up from lovelorn guys and other strangers from across the country, tot mom`s lawyers reportedly combing through videos of the Anthonys` private eye, caught digging in the same woods a month before Caylee`s remains discovered exactly there.

3-D crime scene photos and e-mails between the renowned Oak Ridge labs and local detectives also set to go public. Reports tot mom`s personal diary includes a sideways confession to murdering her girl, the diary reportedly so damning, even calling Caylee`s murder a, quote, "mercy killing" and full of notes on chloroform and pesticide.


CASEY ANTHONY, CAYLEE`S MOTHER: Mom! Can someone let me -- come on!



GEORGE ANTHONY, CAYLEE`S GRANDFATHER: My wife fell apart. She said, George, we lost her. We lost her. And I said, Lost who? Lost who? She said, Caylee. Caylee.



CASEY ANTHONY: I don`t have any answers because I don`t know what`s going on! I am frustrated and I`m angry. I have no one to talk to!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... private investigator Jim Hoover says he recorded of this wooded area where Caylee Marie Anthony`s remains were found about a month before they were found.


ROY KRONK, METER READER: I`m a meter reader with Orange County. I noticed something that looked white. I`m not telling you it`s, you know, Caylee or anything of that nature.



CINDY ANTHONY, CAYLEE`S GRANDMOTHER: It smells like there`s been a dead body in the damn car!


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I actually went into the car to smell what the smell smelled like. And in my experience, the smell that I smelled inside that car was the smell of decomposition.

GEORGE ANTHONY: I just got to tell you what my feelings are. I don`t like how it smells. I`m being straight with you guys. I don`t like the smell in the car.

CINDY ANTHONY: Casey has lied to me in the past. And when she`s lied, she`s told me the truth. We`ve always gotten to the bottom of the truth.

CASEY ANTHONY: My entire life has been taken from me. Everything has been taken from me!



GRACE: (INAUDIBLE) it`s your birthday. Boo-hoo.

Also, exclusive tonight, Missouri woman Stacey Lannert claims she shot her own father in a rage after years of brutal sex abuse starting at the tender age of 8 years old, but the jury was told to disregard -- that`s right -- to ignore years of alleged child sex abuse. And now after nearly 20 years served on a life sentence, Lannert walks free. Tonight, for the first time since walking out of that jail, Stacey Lannert with us live.


STACEY LANNERT, CONVICTED OF MURDERING ABUSIVE FATHER: I had jeans on. And he took my jeans off and he raped me. I wanted this to be the last time we were ever in there. And I just thought, you know, we`re leaving one way or another. And that rifle was downstairs, and I picked it up and I went upstairs. And by the time I got back upstairs, he was passed out -- he wasn`t passed out, he was laying down on the couch again.

I don`t ever want to be back here again. I don`t ever want to feel this way again. I want everything to stop and go away. And I shot him. He said, Wait until I get up from here. Wait until I get better, saying I couldn`t do anything right and...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And so what happened?

LANNERT: I panicked, and I shot him a second time.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Bombshell tonight, photos emerging of Haleigh and her 4-year-old little brother Ronald, Jr., with cuts and bruises on face, arms, legs. We have those photos.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Florida`s Department of Children and Families is investigating claims of abuse and neglect inside Haleigh Cummings`s home.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Haleigh is the most important thing that we`ve got going with this, but -- as far as the missing person. But equally important is the safety of her brother.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Each incident that she saw bruises she had reported them to the Department of Children and Families.

GRACE: So are you telling me that she has gone to DFACS before now?


GRACE: Ms. Picazio, the photos -- what do they depict?

PICAZIO: They depict Haleigh with a black eye, lacerations to the nose, scrapes on the cheek. They depict Junior with bruises that look like they were from a stick.

GRACE: What do you make of the potential custody battle that you`re facing on top of everything else?

RONALD CUMMINGS: I think that it`s absolutely and utterly ridiculous. All it does is take the focus off of my daughter being gone and put the focus on, Oh, let`s see who can get custody.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s been five weeks since little Haleigh has been seen in her Satsuma home.

GRACE: Has the theory that Misty left the home during the night been disproved?

RONALD CUMMINGS I`m not sure. I believe that it has, Nancy.

MISTY CUMMINGS: A lot of people are trying blame me for something like that, but I would never hurt any little kid. I love Haleigh more than anything in this world. That was like my baby. They used to call me stepmom.

RONALD CUMMINGS: Haleigh, if you`re watching, you know you`ll always be Daddy`s little girl. I love you.


GRACE: Straight out to the attorney for Haleigh`s mother joining us live tonight. A respected lawyer in the Satsuma, Florida, area, Kim Picazio, is joining us. Kim, last night you alluded to photos of a big black eye, photos that I believe you said made you shudder. Well, Art Harris, investigative journalist at, has obtained those photos. Let`s take a look. There`s the one with the black eye that you were telling us about. Is this the correct photo, Ms. Picazio?

PICAZIO: I don`t have the photos here with me. So whatever Mr. Harris...

GRACE: It is...

PICAZIO: ... was given by me...

GRACE: It is little Haleigh in a pink top with a bruise to the chin and the nose. It looks like a laceration on the chin and nose.

PICAZIO: That sounds like the photo I gave to Mr. Harris.

GRACE: OK. Now, correct me if I`m wrong, but wasn`t that on or about November the 6th, 2008?

PICAZIO: The photo actually was taken, I believe, on November 16th.

GRACE: The 16th, yes, 10 days later (INAUDIBLE) the incident. OK. I`ve got in my hand, Ms. Picazio, a school report written by apparently objective school professionals that state Haleigh Cummings, 1:50 PM, cut nose at playground, apparently falling off the monkey bars. This is November 6, 2008. Yet you represented to me last night that this was the result of physical abuse by the natural father, Ronald Cummings, isn`t that true, Ms. Picazio?

PICAZIO: Well, I believe we also have the documentation that was posted on the Web site with regard to the incident occurring on the playground at 11/6, which is what you have. But then six days later, the child is in the emergency room also claiming stomach virus, and the same injuries are seen, except they`ve gotten worse.

GRACE: Well, it turns out...

PICAZIO: So it should...


GRACE: The stomach virus turned out to be E. coli. I hardly believe that`s a result of abuse. And the injury, which resulted in a CAT scan -- obviously, you`re saying that this laceration was caused by the father. It came from a fall from the monkey bars, according to this school report. Is there some big conspiracy and the school teacher`s in on it, too?

PICAZIO: No. If you look at the documentation and the timeline, 11/6 was the playground incident. Six days later, the child appears at the ER with greater injuries than had occurred on the playground.



RONALD CUMMINGS: I`m not here to answer any questions. I`m here to plead for the life of my daughter.

SHEFFIELD: When me and Ronald was together, he had nothing to do with the children. I took care of them. I did everything. He had nothing to do with them. And then when I left, he decided he wanted to take them from me.

PICAZIO: Hitting in the face until bloody, hitting with sticks, hitting with belts. I could go on and on.

RONALD CUMMINGS: I had nothing to do with this. I`ve been slandered into a sorry father. I would say, in most cases, the fathers don`t get custody of their children. I took good care of my kids the three years I had them by myself.


GRACE: With me right now is mother Crystal Sheffield`s lawyer. She`s a well-respected lawyer in the Florida area, graduating summa cum laude from University of Florida.

But Ms. Picazio, I`m very disturbed. The allegations last night of physical abuse by the father on little Haleigh were grounded in, to my understanding, these horrible photos. I see the photos and they go with the school report that we dug up claiming she fell off the monkey bars. Now, you say days later, she goes to the hospital and the injuries had worsened. And she had a CAT scan. What does the CAT scan reveal?

PICAZIO: And I just received those documents. I just want to go through the timeline again.


PICAZIO: On November 6th, the school nurse says that she fell down on the playground and had a scratch to the nose. Six days later, the child is in the emergency room now with black eyes, a laceration to the nose and a scrape on the cheek. The medical reports that we just obtained from the hospital also say that whoever took her to the hospital on the 12th, six days later from the small scratch on the nose incident, stated that the injury occurred while she was playing on the playground three days ago.

So there are inconsistent versions of the event, and I really doubt -- I can`t imagine, although I`m not, you know, a medical doctor...


PICAZIO: ... that the injuries that I see in that picture did not arise...

GRACE: Ms. Picazio...

PICAZIO: ... from a fall on the playground six days ago.

GRACE: Ms. Picazio, a careful look at this photo reveals she`s already getting a black eye from the fall on the monkey bars. So you want me to believe she got another black eye? Also, when the doctors performed the CAT scan, did either the school teachers or the doctors report this incident to family and children`s services?

PICAZIO: I don`t know. I understand that they usually will report E. coli and salmonella. However, the fact remains that the picture was actually taken on the 16th, 10 days after a school nurse reported that she had a small fall on the playground.

GRACE: OK. Let`s unleash the lawyers. But first to Art Harris, investigative journalist who obtained these photos. Art, what can you tell me? Are there photos of the condition worsening, or is all of this as it stands according to the school report, due to a fall on the playground?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Well, Nancy, that`s what I wanted to know. And I went back and I found the relative of Crystal`s who took the pictures, she told me the weekend before Thanksgiving. She`s a registered nurse, works in a pediatrician`s office. And she said she saw Haleigh`s injuries and just said, Oh, my God, Crystal, what happened? And that`s when she took out her camera and started taking pictures.

GRACE: OK. Now, Art, let me ask you a couple of quick questions. This photo was taken on what day, November 16?

HARRIS: Well, it was the Sunday before Thanksgiving.

GRACE: Ms. Picazio, was this photo taken on or around the 16th?


GRACE: OK. What day did she go to the hospital?

PICAZIO: She went to the hospital on the 12th.

GRACE: So these are the photos after -- these are photos after the hospital, and this is still the injury? This is the injury you`re talking about?

PICAZIO: Yes. The injury which allegedly occurred, and the school nurse said it occurred, the small scratch to the nose, on November the 6th.

GRACE: OK, I understand.

PICAZIO: On the 16th -- on the 12th, she went to the ER. And on the 16th, she still looked like this from a scratch on the playground?

GRACE: Well, it doesn`t say actually just that. It says a cut on the nose at the playground. And I have documentation that the school did not report this to DFACS.

Let`s go to the lawyers, Eleanor Dixon, Peter Odom, both out of Atlanta, Mickey Sherman, author of "How Can You Defend Those People," out of New York. Eleanor, isn`t it true that in your jurisdiction of Georgia, as well as Florida, it is mandatory that doctors and teachers, all school and hospital personnel immediately report suspected child abuse, be it physical or emotional or sexual? Yes, no, Eleanor.

ELEANOR DIXON, FORMER PROSECUTOR: Yes. And if they don`t, that`s a violation of the law. So if they didn`t report it, obviously, they didn`t suspect abuse.

GRACE: And isn`t it true in this case, Peter Odom, the school did not report this as child abuse?

PETER ODOM, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: They didn`t, and it just tells you that they didn`t believe it was child abuse. And the documentation that your staff came up with, Nancy, also says the same thing.

GRACE: Mickey Sherman, weigh in. You`ve tried enough high-profile cases. What do you make of it?

MICKEY SHERMAN, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: He`s getting slimed, and it`s just so unfair because it`s so difficult to defend himself. And you know what`s interesting, is he`s not there with a lawyer. He`s talking on his own, which kind of speaks volumes.

GRACE: Well, hold on. Hold on. We`ve learned as we go to air that Ronald Cummings has lawyered up with not one but two lawyers. And the reason he`s not here today as scheduled is because they told him not to speak.

All right, we may have cleared up this photo, but I`ve still got a photo to deal with from Art Harris at of a seemingly elongated bruise on Ronald Cummings, Jr.`s leg. We`ll be right back.



RONALD CUMMINGS: This is my heart, and somebody stole my heart from me.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I cannot even come close to imagine what goes through his mind and now his heart is broken.

RONALD CUMMINGS: Obviously, I`m frustrated. Of course. I mean, I want my daughter home. Who wouldn`t be frustrated?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He just lost his little girl. He holds onto his little boy, and he prays for that little girl every night, every day.

RONALD CUMMINGS: Haleigh, if you`re watching, you know you`ll always be Daddy`s little girl. I love you.


GRACE: Back to the attorney for the biological mother, Crystal Sheffield, Kim Picazio. She is a respected lawyer, graduating nearly at the top of her class from Florida State University.

Kim, listen, I don`t want to be hard on you, but the mother is claiming physical abuse. Your duty as a lawyer is to investigate it and bring it to light, if it`s true. I understand that. I want to get the timeline right. This bruise and cut that she got at school was on November 6th. You are saying that the injuries worsened on what day, November 10?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, I`m saying the nurse reported -- and I guess they probably saw her fall on the playground. So they would have no reason to report that to DCF. She was -- the nurse called the parents. They picked her up. And then on the 12th, six days later, the injuries had worsened to the point where she had to go to the ER. And she had black eyes and now a laceration to the face and a scrape on the cheek. None of that was reported to the nurse. And the ER doctor thought the injuries were so serious to her face at that point that they ran a CAT scan.

GRACE: Well, don`t you think...

PICAZIO: And as a matter of fact, she went to the ER...

GRACE: Don`t you think it`s possible that they ran a CAT scan because she may have fallen off the monkey bars and re-contacted the school principal, who said they at the school never saw signs of child abuse and never contacted DCF regarding Haleigh Cummings? Doesn`t that concern you as you are making these claims of physical abuse?

Don`t get me wrong. If there`s physical abuse on a child, somebody is going to hang, all right? But let`s just make sure we know what we`re talking about. What can you tell me about these bruises on Ronald Cummings`s leg? Where did they allegedly come from?

PICAZIO: And just to address a point you just made -- obviously, the doctor did know that she fell off the monkey bars at school after the incident. They also took her to the ER on the date of the incident, and the doctors did not have any reason to believe a CAT scan was necessary. Only later on, when the injuries worsened for whatever reason...

GRACE: Do you have photos of that?

PICAZIO: ... did then the doctors feel...

GRACE: Are there photos of the injuries that you`re claiming?

PICAZIO: The photos of the injury I`m claiming, you have. I have the doctor`s records that she went twice to the ER for this injury.



MIKE BROOKS, FMR. DC POLICE DETECTIVE SERVED ON FBI TERRORISM TASK FORCE: The inconsistencies of Misty Croslin. The police have not still, have not been able to put together a timeline on exactly what happened that night because of her inconsistencies.

MISTY CROSLIN, RONALD CUMMING`S WIFE, LAST PERSON WHO SAW HALEIGH: I put her to bed at 8:00. That`s her bedtime because she had school. She didn`t go to sleep. She was probably sleeping about 30 minutes. I was washing our blankets. I went to her, laid her blanket over top of her. She was sleeping. And then I made my bed and got into bed.

NANCY GRACE, HOST: What time did she go to bed?


GRACE: 10:30, 11:00. At that time was little Haleigh in the bed asleep with the brother?


GRACE: And they all slept together in the same bed, correct?


CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, MOM OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I was told they was all three in the same bed.

GRACE: You`re sure?

SHEFFIELD: I`m sure.

CROSLIN: I just want everybody to know that I didn`t do anything to that little girl. I loved her like she`s my own.


GRACE: Police still not understanding the timeline set forth by girlfriend/babysitter, now teen bride, Misty Croslin, the last person to see little Haleigh alive.

Everyone, joining me tonight the attorney for the biological mother of Haleigh, Crystal Sheffield, who is launching physical abuse claims against the father. I want to move on from this photo, but very quickly to Eleanor Dixon who is a specialist, specializes in crime on women and children. You`ve seen all the photos.


GRACE: When I prosecuted abuse on children I would see cigarette burns, children in irreversible comas, severe bruising, child molestation, what do you make of these photos?

DIXON: Well, there are clearly linear marks that could have been made by a belt, a switch, anything like that, but honestly they`re not -- they don`t look that bad, Nancy. It looks like maybe normal punishment, at that.

GRACE: You are seeing the abuse photos provided to us by

Art, what is the defense? What do the Cummings say about these bruises on Junior`s leg?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, ARTHARRIS.COM, HAS EXCLUSIVE HALEIGH PHOTOS ALLEGING ABUSE: Well, I asked Ronald the other night, and you know, he said that, you know, this is just I normal course of events for a child. He`s a strict disciplinarian and to go back at what the children told Crystal when she asked how did you get that bruise on your leg, Haleigh piped up, daddy hit him with a stick.

So DFACs did investigate after that and they found it did not rise to the level of unlawfulness. It was not enough to call in, you know, child welfare advocates on his behalf.

GRACE: Well, I`m certainly not advocating beating a child with a stick. What I am saying tonight is do these photos prove child abuse? Remember Ronald Cummings, Jr., still in the home with the father.

I want to go out to Mike Brooks, former fed with the FBI. Mike, it`s the duty of the school and hospital to report any abuse. We`ve contacted the school principal. No reports.

BROOKS: Right.

GRACE: We can`t find any specific reports from anybody other than the bio mom and her lawyer of abuse, what do you make of it?

BROOKS: OK. Look at the timeline. We`re talking -- her attorney is talking about the timeline. OK, these injuries occurred on the 6th and she said -- says now that they went to the hospital the day the injuries occurred. There might not have been any black eye at that time.

But then they go back to the hospital on the 12th. She still had the cuts, they are in the healing process. The black eye may have come out now and maybe because they saw the black eye they figured hey, there possibly could be a head injury and out of an abundance of caution they went ahead and did a CAT scan.

But then we see these pictures of this beautiful little girl on the 16th and you can see that it`s starting to lighten up. There`s -- maybe she had picked at the scab so it didn`t heal very well.

You know, so, Nancy, what I was hearing last night there were these horrible pictures, I was expecting to see what you were talking about, cigarette burns, abuse. And when it comes to the pictures of Junior, I want to know, I want to see some forensic-type pictures.

Are there any -- you know, fingerprints? Sometimes if you grab a child very roughly you`ll leave marks, they`ll leave bruises. You know, but with a little boy like him that plays outside, you know, you`re going to get bruises and she said yes, he`s a strict disciplinarian.

You know, but my question is, now that Putman County Sheriff`s Office is in the investigation, what are they finding out if anything?

GRACE: You know, Mike, you`re really barking up the wrong tree with me. I nearly had heart failure when my son, John David, had a red mark across the back of his head. I nearly reported myself to DFACs. It turned out to be a crayon.

Anyway, long story short, Marc Klaas, what do you make of this? These are very serious allegations and if there is child abuse in the home, the way that that will affect the investigation is make police turn back to the family again as opposed to investigating the predator, the outside intruder theory.

I mean, if you`ve got child abuse, arrows start pointing at the family.

MARC KLAAS, PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER, KLAASKIDS FOUNDATION: Well, in fact, that`s already happened. As a result of the allegations that were made yesterday and are continuing to be made today on national TV, despite the fact that the Department of Children and Families has already said they`re going to investigate, this has forced the sheriff`s department to refocus some of their resources.

So now we`ve got Misty`s inaccuracies diverting attention away from finding out what happened to her. We`ve got these accusations and, quite frankly, this character assassination against Ron Cummings diverting even more resources away.

The little girl has been lost in this thing. The focus has gone entirely in the wrong direction and I, quite frankly, think that despite the fact that Miss Picazio thinks that she`s helping Crystal with media relations, she`s just -- she`s -- she`s burning this case down to the ground.

This is absolutely horrible the way this thing is turning out over the last couple of days.

GRACE: You know, we`re all armchair doctors. We all have our J.D. What we need is an M.D. and we`ve got a renowned medical doctor with us, Dr. Joshua Perper, chief medical examiner, Broward County, author of "When to Call the Doctor."

Dr. Perper.


GRACE: . from these photos, does it look as if these injuries could happen from a fall, for instance, from a monkey bar?

PERPER: Yes, they could. For sure.

GRACE: What do you make of the injuries, Dr. Perper?

PERPER: Well, the photographs are not very clear because they`re not close-up photographs so you cannot see exactly the pattern of the photograph. They`re most likely from a fall, but you know some kind of blow cannot be excluded.

GRACE: Dr. Perper, do you find it unusual that several days passed when the bruising got worse, that`s when the doctor ordered the CAT scan?

PERPER: Well, yes, but sometimes periorbital bruises can increase a little bit after several days and they change color as well. So basically the person who could make the proper determination is the person who saw initially the bruises and then saw the bruises later on because it`s very unlikely that the abuse occurred exactly in the same area on both occasions.

GRACE: To Dr. Bethany Marshall, psychoanalyst, author of "Dealbreakers." Bethany, I don`t even know where to start. We need your guidance.

BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST, AUTHOR OF "DEALBREAKERS": Well, I`ve studied the child custody documents and one of the things I observe is although Ron Cummings and Crystal Sheffield throw a lot of accusations at each other about drug abuse and things like that, they don`t really -- there`s no groundwork laid for an attitude towards the children that would culminate in this kind of physical corporeal abuse.

What you would see in the dad is a punitive attitude towards the children, in the children, (INAUDIBLE), which is like bed wetting, tearfulness, sleeplessness, loss of appetite in that the father would view the children as unconditionally bad because that`s what you see in cases of child abuse.

No matter how it goes down if it`s physical abuse or neglect the parent almost always views the child as unconditionally bad and it is acted out in some way.

GRACE: Joining me is T.J. Hart from WSKY 97.3. T.J., what`s the latest in the actual search for Haleigh? Can we steer this thing back into the middle of the road? What about the search for Haleigh?

T.J. HART, PROGRAM & NEWS DIR., WSKY 97.3FM, COVERING STORY: Well, right now, as I spoke with Captain Dick Showland today, no active search as far as going out into the bushes, into the brambles today but they are still following up all kinds of leads and all kinds of tips.

Roughly about 3,000 have come in and also Ron has been very busy on his own taking some protective needs for himself professionally.

GRACE: Right. Marlaina Schiavo, our producer there in Satsuma, what more can you tell us?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, ON LOCATION AT HALEIGH CRIME SCENE: Well, Nancy, Ronald Cummings is -- has lawyers now. He`s with the local law firm. The family is not happy about these allegations. They think they are absolutely preposterous and, basically, they`re fighting back.



CASEY ANTHONY, MOTHER OF CAYLEE ANTHONY: Oh, god. My heart is aching because I just want to be back with our family. In my gut every day, stronger and stronger, I know we`re going to see Caylee. I know she`s coming home. I can feel it. I want you to know that.


CASEY ANTHONY: I know. I want her home now.

CINDY ANTHONY: I want her home so we can celebrate her 3rd birthday.


CINDY ANTHONY: And be a family again.

CASEY ANTHONY: I know. Every day I can feel it, mom. I know that I`m going to be home with you guys, I know she`s going to be home with us.

Everyone just has to keep that faith because mine`s growing stronger every day.


GRACE: Welcome back. Today tot mom`s birthday behind bars, boo hoo. Her child missing her 3rd birthday, killed long before that date, although the family still had a celebration.

To Mark Williams, WNDB Newstalk 1150. What can you tell me, Mark?

MARK WILLIAMS, NEWS DIRECTOR, WNDB NEWSTALK 1150: Well, she turned -- Casey Anthony turned 23 today, Nancy, alone in her jail cell which measures 12 feet by 7 feet. She had no family visitors. Her attorney Jose Baez was to stop by today.

Also it`s a far cry from the party girl that we know in Casey Anthony to be back last summer. Also what`s interesting is even though she turned 23 years of age today it`s outrageous that her little daughter Caylee never saw her 3rd birthday nor will she have any birthdays in the future.

GRACE: To Drew Petrimoulx with WDBO, tot mom`s appetite certainly hasn`t been hindered by her daughter`s -- the body -- her body being discovered. We see on her last commissary order, still ordering up the expensive bottled water, things for her hair, beauty products, chocolates.

You know, long story short, why no visitors on her birthday? Family not coming and what do we expect to come out as discovery?

DREW PETRIMOULX, REPORTER, WDBO RADIO: Well, the fact that she hasn`t had visitors is nothing new. She hasn`t had visitors since way back in the summer and the reason is because those interviews are videotaped and then released to the public. Her lawyers and the lawyers for her parents don`t want those interviews to be taped and released to the public.

As far as discovery, we don`t know what we`re getting. We think we might be getting some stuff tomorrow. And one of the things that we`re looking for is the secret under cover work that Tony Lazzaro did questioning Anthony`s brother, Lee -- Casey`s brother Lee Anthony when they met at a subway.

We don`t know if we`re going to get that, but apparently, Tony was working with the police and we don`t know. Tomorrow could be the day when we get videotape or audiotape of him performing that undercover work.

GRACE: Yes, completely wired up for police. To Mark Williams, WNDB Newstalk 1150.

Mark, is it true that tot mom is still raking in money orders and fan letters from people all across the country including a lot of lovelorn guys?

WILLIAMS: Yes. She`s probably one of the more popular prisoners of the 33rd Street jail according to Allen Moore who`s a spokesperson down there. You know, over the past couple of months, Anthony`s father George has said she deserves a little kindness by sending her some cards and maybe some money and she has gotten some money for her commissary fund.

She will not be getting any gifts, however, through the jail because they are considered contraband.

GRACE: Well, really? The last time her lawyer came he smuggled in a bracelet for her so don`t be so sure about that, Mark Williams.


GRACE: Bethany Marshall, money, cards, letters from lovelorn guys all across the country, why?

MARSHALL: Well, actually, there`s a lot of research into why women fall in love with male prisoners, but not so much about why men fall in love with female prisoners. But why the women do it, if they have been raised in households where violence is fused with love, that`s one factor.

And so that the fact that the inmate being violent they sort of think of it as powerful, sexy, erotic. But the other is their secret satisfaction in the crime that the perpetrator committed against the other. So I guess if you use the male example that there might be some satisfaction in child abuse or a mother who would willingly just get rid of the child or maybe a man who would want the mother of the child all to himself with the mother who would be willing to get her child out of the way so they probably have a pretty rich.

GRACE: Bethany, Bethany, Bethany?


GRACE: You know, save the psycho talk.

MARSHALL: All right.

GRACE: A nut that would fall for tot mom Casey Anthony behind bars, never having met her, nothing. All right, tot mom, enjoy your money orders on your birthday. We`ll see you in court.

Right now what many people consider a travesty of justice, a teen murders her own father. He is defenseless, unarmed, but yet at court the judge instructs the jury to ignore allegations that she was the victim of sex abuse starting at the tender age of 8 at the hands of her own father.

Tonight, she has been freed from jail and she is with us live. Take a listen.


STACEY LANNERT, CONVICTED OF MURDERING HER FATHER, JUST RELEASED FROM PRISON: I had jeans on, and he took my jeans off and he raped me. I wanted this to be the last time we were ever in there, and I just thought, you know, we`re leaving one way or another and that rifle was downstairs and I picked it up, and I went upstairs.

And by the time I got back upstairs he was passed -- he wasn`t passed out, he was laying down on the couch again. I don`t ever want to be back there again. I don`t ever want to feel this way again. I want everything to stop and go away, and I shot him. He said wait until I get up from here, wait until I get better, saying I couldn`t do anything right.


GRACE: With me right now, Stacey Lannert.

Stacey, it`s good to see you.

LANNERT: Thank you.

GRACE: That jailhouse interview you and I did seems like yesterday to me, but how long have you been behind bars?

LANNERT: I was incarcerated for 18 years.

GRACE: Starting at what age?


GRACE: Now you`ve never made any bones about it. You shot your father. He was unarmed. Did the jury ever know about your allegations of sex abuse starting at age 8?

LANNERT: They were allowed to know, but not take it into account. So -- right, so actually I was very fortunate four members of the jury were affidavits to the governor`s office for my release so.

GRACE: Stacey, how old are you now?


GRACE: And what are your plans?

LANNERT: Well, Governor Blunt asked that the one thing that I do upon my release is to make a difference in the lives of others, to use my past and I plan on doing that. I`m going to create a forum for abuse victims and blog on that called And I hope to work with a doll that will hopefully help children to be able to talk for the first time and then eventually tell other people what`s going on.

GRACE: Stacey, I`ve got a question for you. And also, with us, Kristen Kemp, reporter who covered Lennert`s case from the beginning.

Stacey, your mom never tried to intercede during all this time. Isn`t it true that she found your bloody underwear stashed in various places around the home and you were just a little girl?

LANNERT: I was. I was. But we all made mistakes in our past. And, you know, she did ask me about them. And I didn`t tell her what they were from. I -- you know, there`s a lot of mistakes in the past. And I hope to leave them there.


LANNERT: How much longer do I have to keep fighting? How many more times do I have to go public and tell my deepest shame and what happened and, you know, what I did?




LANNERT: I was so unable to fight and stand up to him and to say you can`t do this anymore to me. And I just wanted it to stop.


GRACE: With me, Stacey Lannert who has now walked out from behind prison walls thanks to the governor.

To Kristen Kemp, investigative reporter, why did you stick with the case all this time, Kristen?

KRISTEN KEMP, INVESTIGATIVE, FREELANCE REPORTER, COVERED LANNERT`S CASE AND LIFE: Stacey moved me from the moment I read about it on That was in 2001. And the case had obvious unfair charges and lots of conflict. It was hard to believe that a woman could be in prison for life without parole if in fact she really was abused.

GRACE: To Eleanor Dixon. Eleanor, it is not unusual for child sex molestation victims not to tell a parent. In fact, it`s actually rare that they do.

DIXON: It`s very rare, Nancy. And think about how parents look in the eyes of the child. They`re all-powerful, all-knowing. If they say don`t tell, children generally don`t tell.

GRACE: Stacey Lennert, what is your message tonight to other young girls that are being sexually abused?

LANNERT: I think definitely tell someone. If you don`t feel comfortable telling a parent, tell someone at your school. Tell a stranger. Tell anyone that you can. Make sure you don`t take the same path I did.

GRACE: Stacey, I just can`t tell you how many times I thought of you and prayed for you and your family.

LANNERT: Thank you.

GRACE: During all of these years. And I`m so overjoyed to see you free and I also pray that now you do make a difference in this world. Good-bye, friend.

LANNERT: Thank you. Bye-bye.

GRACE: Tonight, let`s stop and remember Army Sergeant Ruben Fernandez III, 22, Abilene, Texas, killed in Iraq. Awarded the campaign medal, global war on terrorism service medal, army service ribbon.

Bright eyes. A smile that lit up a room. Loved basketball. Dreamed of a military career. Leaves behind mom Aurora.

Ruben Fernandez III, American hero.

Thanks to our guests but especially to you for being with us. I`ll see you tomorrow night 8:00 sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: klaasend on March 20, 2009, 05:06:41 PM
Interview with COBRA about Misty:

Listen to the interview here:

Transcribed here:

Unofficial Transcript:
Cobra is speaking the entire time:
"In this case, I would have had a perfect reenactment with Misty, she was uh very much eager to do it, but then what screwed it up on Monday night which would have been a perfect time to do it but Nancy graces people went out there and did the Ronald interview, which I asked them NOT to and I asked NOT to uh jump the gun on it of course they jumped the gun on it and forced us out that night. They gave her time to think about it. "

"And Tuesday, Ronald invited me to the vigil, I went over there, and I really don't like them things, but I went over there and it was kinda eye opening. Everybody in the room uh about 70 people, and I explained to all them on tape what I wanna do.  I think the press has this kinda wrong about where you in this room, were you in this room, did you do this, did you do this, and what I wanna do Misty is go through each step, as close as you can recall it as to exactly how it went. And if you are willing to do that, I will close this case. Absolutely close it beyond any doubt.  Ronald says "You're doing this." She says "Absolutely." And in front of all the people it was absolute.  "

"Then we left there and Ronald says "Lets get something to eat. " I said "Yes I don't want to do this until it gets closer to 3 o'clock in the morning but I don't want to keep you out here so we will do it at 11:00 o'clock it'll be just as dark and it'll be nice and crisp, the dew will have fallen, everything else, I mean it was being put together forensencly as well as what she was saying.  I had some specialists that were coming in, uh, behind the scenes in the dark who knew half the sh*t I had planned out. "
So uh, it turns out uh, Ronald comes in late around 8:30 or so at MeMaws, and we sit here at MeMaws and discussin how we're gonna (inaudible). I (Cobra) ask "where's misty?" (Ronald) "Oh shes getting Cold on this." (Cobra) "What do you mean shes getting cold on it?" (Ronald) "I don't think shes gonna do it man."

(Cobra) I say "What? We just left there, and was going to go do it. Now whats changed her mind?" (Ronald) "Man I am going to try to get her there." (Cobra) "Well she needs to do this. Man, we need to get this cleared up." He's in full agreement. So all the sudden she starts calling him. Saying, "Get the hell away from him." (Ron) "What?" and he turns the phone (inaudible)

We actually drank from the same, I kept the plastic cup, we were drinking sweet tea at MeMaws, kicked back like two hillbillys talking. And he allows me to listen to all the phone calls he has received. Probably about ten of them occurred while we tried to eat. I was eating (inaudible) that he wasn't gonna eat. So we were drinking ice tea and talking. And it expanded into her threatening to leave him, threatening to go away, she ain't coming back, if you get the hell away from that d@mn guy, meaning me, she don't trust me, blah blah blah.

And she started setting up premise to that before we left the vigil saying "I really don't remember" and this. And I should have told her "Listen b*tch, you know exactly what the hell you did, you are lying,  and I want you to just come clean. But I said "That’s ok Mama, I understand, theres a time when yanno, can skip those spots and we will fill those blanks in after we go through it all. Maybe the reconstruction of the crime scene will help you understand." And all the people looking at her said that’s a good idea." She was like, I dunno if it was peer pressure, but she would not look at me, she wasn't sittin, shedding a tear, I was in tears, while we were doing the vigil. My son was in tears, everybody in that room was in tears, except her.

Yanno I wouldn't wanna say it live, but I wanna say I saw her grinning a little bit.  It wasn't a very good (inaudible).

what we have come up with is that she wasn't there. We was believe she was off with somebody else, she came back to the house, that’s why she can't tell it anymore because. We, I got other guys up here right now, trying to find, there's at least three or four guys, "white boy greg" is at the top of the list, because Ronald, I heard rumors,  but then Ronald told me, flat out that uh, on Sunday, that yeah. And I am going to be quite frank with you, and you might have to cut it. Quote, unquote.

I said Ronald, I have a very difficult question to ask you, about your now wife.  It appears one week before Haliegh came up missing, she was.  And Ronald told me to "stop right there, I know what you are going to ask me, yes was she f*cking a black guy? Yes, how do I feel about her f*cking a black guy? I know this, if I didn't marry her, I would never, you hear me? What do you do to your enemies?"  I said (Cobra) "You keep them close." Ronald says "Exactly, and if I didn't marry her, I don't know where in the hell my, where am I going to look for my son? (Cobra meant to say daughter)."

This particular night, she continued to call Memaws, on Tuesday night, saying you need to call, and shes threatening to leave, shes going to go here, and shes going to go there.  Ronald says "man I got to go." I said "Damn shes got you on the run don't she?" He said "Yeah".

I said, "well you know what time it is". And I have been very fair, leveled the playing field, on both sides of the family, I talked to them just as plain, because if it don't make sense, just easy going stuff.   I said Ronald, my goal is to find Haleigh.  And I thought that would be your goal, misty's goal, and everybody elses goal.  Apparently its everybodys goal, except mistys.  So this kinda gives me an answer, as to where I needed to conduct my investigation come wendsay morning. 

You can believe I am going to the sheriff, and you can believe I am going to try to get her charged with obstruction of justice, and you can believe I am going to try to get her charged with child endangerment.  And hopefully they put a million dollar bond on her, and then guess what, she aint walking out of nowhere then.

Ronald says good, and "You know, I should just go over there now and stick my damn pistol in her mouth because I am tired of this bullsh*t".  Then I said "Ronald…you can't do that sh*t."

He kinda got that from me walking in the woods with my son, at 4:30 in the morning after being down there about four days, and about 8 hours of sleep over a four day period. My son asked me, if "Would you do this," I've got five kids, "Daddy would you look this hard if it was one of us?"  And I said "Absolutely not."  and that freaked him out, he said "WHAT?" and I said "No, the first person I run into and started with this story "Uhhh, eee..blah blah blah" I would find out right then and there. *inaudible*" So I said that, and I think from there, Ronald got jacked up.

So then Ronald and I went outside to my truck, to get away from everybody else, and uh told me real personal stuff, that was different from this, which I am not at liberty to tell you because it is confidential.  And he asked me to keep it that way.

So I said "Lets watch a movie." So we went to the you tube site, where we watched the tank and *inaudible* necessary evil, that’s me and my partner going after a child molester, and what we do when we catch up to one, kick in the door and go all apesh*t. And Ronald goes "send that in to me right now, I'll call your partner and tell him to come up here and I am going to give him a list of a couple of names, and I want him to go….
(Cobra interrups Ron) "Hey we can't go like than man, there will be a time to go kickin in doors and all that stuff. Ronald goes "Man I am going home and stick that pistol in her mouth and be done with it.(?)"

I said, Listen Man,   don't go do that sh*t. Ronald says "I'll call you at 11 o'clock." I said "Calm down, call me at 11 o'clock." Call's me at 11 o'clock, and he is off the chain. They are going "blah blah blah" 50 mph with each other. So I tried to reach out to the contacts I have, the sheriff, and a couple of FDLE guys, you know, John Merchant and said "Listen, I am afraid, that tonight, that a) Misty is going to hit it and take off or uh Crazy old Ronald done lost his mind, and he wasn't drinking he was straight, and hes going to go over there and do something, and if something should happen, I don't want to get in trouble. So I am bringing this to the attention of law enforcement.

Well I had to go through dispatch and told them to talk to me, but I didn't back out of Palatka. *inaudible* 309. I met with the Sargent, who uh dispatched 3 more cars, and we went out to his aunties place, at the 711/citgo there, and two officers after a period of time said "*inaudible* now, its time to get that done." So I figured, around 2ish, the police report was non founded, they wrote it off as non founded, just to keep the press guys at bay. They went there for a wellness check, based on my concerns that uh, either a shes going to take off, and shes key to this investigation at this moment, and she needs to be straightened out as far as, whats going on.  Shes derailed the whole investigation by her lying and I didn't want Ronald to blow her head off,  and now the whole damn family is messed up.

So to avoid that, and make sure that we didn't have that, we went and did a wellness check with the sheriffs department, which came back as non founded, who knows what they said behind, and I don't know what hes talking about, because now him and misty is together again.  When you separate the two of them its always hell on wheels, so we left there and I have not heard, Ronald was supposed to go yesterday, to a meeting with John Merchant, then he was going to call me and tell me what he needed checked out. He had something he thought he had a serious clue he wanted me checking into. I have yet, its 3 o'clock now Thursday and I have yet to hear from him Since that night of all that damn confusion.

Its pretty painful though, I had it right on the verge of it cracking, she knew I had her, she knew she was done, Ronald knew she was done, Ronalds convinced beyond any shadow of doubt that she was not there.  That possibly she was out screwing around with White Boy Greg and that’s the name that has been given to me by several folks, and confirmed was her lover by her husband now, Ronald.

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on March 21, 2009, 08:54:22 AM


Aired March 20, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET

<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He has never abused his children.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Teresa Neves, Haleigh`s paternal grandmother says Cummings welcomes the investigation.

GRACE: A school report written by apparently rejected (ph) schools, professionals who state that Haleigh Cummings cut nose at playground. Apparently falling off the monkey bars.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: On November 6th the school nurse says that she fell down on the playground and had a scratch to the nose. Six days later the child is in the emergency room now with black eyes. A laceration to the nose and a scrape on the cheek.

UNIDENTIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is not the first time. Not the first time. And I don`t think it`s going to turn out the way they want to. They must want custody pretty good.


GRACE: Straight out to our producer Marlena Schiavo joining us from Florida on the investigation. Marlea, why am I just hearing about Daniel Snodgrass, who is charged with being a child sex predator on a nine-year-old child? Now, is this the same -- no, it couldn`t possibly be the same sex predator we heard about before that had the ankle monitor because you get one of those when you`re convicted. This is somebody new? And how close do they live to Haleigh?

MARLENA SCHIAVO, CNN HN PRODUCER: This is somebody new. And this is somebody who stopped by the Haleigh bug center (ph), Nancy. last week, and in and was turned away when he tried make a donation. A man who was charged for sexual battery on a minor in 2007. He has an ankle monitoring bracelet. The police have already investigated him. They say he wasn`t anywhere near Haleigh but keeping an eye on him.

GRACE: Now hold on. Daniel Snodgrass, is only a child predator suspect, correct?

SCHIAVO: You`ve got it. He is awaiting trial, Nancy. And he`s out on bond right now.

GRACE: Now, tell me, how close did you say he lives to Haleigh?

SCHIAVO: He lives -- actually, Nancy, the police haven`t told us where he lives. Hymn assuming that`s for privacy reasons but he lives in the Satsuma area, we`re told.

GRACE: OK. Now, tell me how he came to light, Marlena. What can you tell me about him?

SCHIAVO: Well he stopped by the Haleigh bug center. And he tried to make a donation .


SCHIAVO: People in the area -- it`s a small community. So they knew who he was and they turned him away.

GRACE: Liz, let`s see the map of known sex offenders there in the Satsuma area. To T.J. Hart, WSKY, 97.3 fm. These are the known sex predators and then there are a host of others that are suspects in child sex cases. What can you tell me, T.J.?

T.J. HART, WSKY RADIO: We have about 44 sexual predators that are on record and probably a good dozen that are perhaps in little hot water so far as awaiting trial in that area. And believe me, it`s something that law enforcement is well aware of and they`ve taken a lot of precautions, I`ve been told, just to keep an eye on certain areas, where certain people live. Even though they`re, you know, technically not a sex offender.

GRACE: To Marc Klaas, president and founder of Klaas Kids Foundation. He is a victim`s right advocate after the kidnap and murder of her little girl, Polly. Marc, a lot to do has been made, recently over the last 48, of allegations of child abuse brought by the biological mother against the father. Regarding the little boy still in the home. You know, people say, it never happens that an intruder comes in the home and spirits your child away. Well, you know what, you for one can say, it does happen. And now we learn about all of these sex offenders in the area.

KLAAS: Well, it not only happened to me but it happened to Elizabeth Smart in an upper-middle-class family. Polly, in a middle-class family and then little Jessica Lunsford in a middle-class family.

GRACE: Danielle Van Damme.

KLAAS: Sure, yeah. And it goes on and on. There are no boundaries for this kind of thing. There are sexual offenders in every neighborhood in America. There are over 650,000 of these individuals. And fortunately we now live in a time where we`re able to access information on who these characters are very easily by logging onto the various internet Web sites. We certainly give that ability at our Klaas Kids Web site and if fact we`re the first ones that did. And now so far as these allegations against Ron Cummings, I`ve said this the last couple of days. This is so terribly unfair and unfortunate and it`s such a character assassination on this guy.

We have to remember, this man lost his daughter. He`s obviously distraught over that. Now he`s been accused of having molested his kids. -- I`m sorry, not molested, but abused his kids. And beat his wives and girlfriends. And now they`re trying to take his little boy away from him. Exactly how much is one guy supposed to stand?

GRACE: Everybody`s saying, why did he get lawyers? You`ve got two lawyers. Would you blame whim these allegations. Unleash the lawyers. Richard Herman, Ray Giudice. To you, Richard Herman, first in a nutshell, bottom line is until this guy, Daniel Snodgrass, is convicted, we don`t have any supervision over him. He can go anywhere he wants to.

HERMAN: He can go anywhere. Hopefully they`re tailing him. Hopefully they`re doing an investigation on this guy. We have to keep our eye eon the ball, Nancy. We have to find this child.

GRACE: And Ray Giudice, no way to supervise people until they are convicted.

GIUDICE: Wait a second, Nancy. I thought that this man has an ankle bracelet on. That means it`s either GPS and he can be monitored within a foot or phone line land line connection. He can be supervised.

GRACE: We`ll al be right back. But right now CNN Heroes

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on March 24, 2009, 06:15:16 PM


New Search in Natalee Holloway Disappearance

Aired March 23, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET

<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: For somebody to walk in a house and pick up a child laying beside another person is just ridiculous.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s just the (INAUDIBLE) that she can get up and go to the bath and when she goes back to the bed, the baby is gone.

MISTY CROSLIN, RONALD CUMMING`S WIFE, LAST SEEN HALEIGH: I put her to bed at 8:00. That`s her bedtime because she had school. She didn`t go to sleep. She was probably sleeping about 30 minutes. I was washing our blankets. I went and put her -- laid the blanket on top of her. She was sleeping. And then I made my bed and got into bed. And then I woke up about 3:00 and I was going to the bathroom.

I didn`t make it to the bathroom. I noticed the kitchen light was on. And I walked to the kitchen, the back door was opened. So I ran back to my bedroom to get my cell phone to call Ronald and I noticed -- and that`s when I noticed that Haleigh`s gone.

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, MOM OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: Her story`s changed several times and I know my kids did love her. They told me that. And I just hope she would not have nothing do with this.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: First she said that the -- it was her, Junior, Haleigh, they were all in the bed. What she meant is they all were in the bedroom, the same bedroom. But Haleigh was on the little taller mattress on the floor in front of the TV.


GRAPHICS: Out to Art Harris, investigative journalist at, had exclusive interviews with the family of the girlfriend/babysitter/teen bride. The last woman, the last person to see little Haleigh alive that night.

Art, they are now warning her, be careful what you is say, urging her to keep quiet, to stop talking. Why?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, ARTHARRIS.COM, SHOT EXCLUSIVE VIDEO W/MISTY CROSLIN`S FAMILY: Well, Nancy, it`s very confusing. Her stories have been confusing and the family is concerned. When I spoke to her mother and her sister-in-law, she told me that they had warned her, you know, watch what you say. And not because they think she`s lying. But because it has gotten so mixed up in the media and they`re claiming now it`s the media`s fault.

But there are some strange inconsistencies, Nancy.

GRACE: Such as, in a nutshell?

HARRIS: Well, you know, in your interview with Ronald, he said the kids went to bed at 10:30 and Misty told me in my interview on that it was 8:00, and she was asleep by 8:30. Where are the kids were sleeping, when, you know, how do you make up a bed with a little baby, a little boy on the bed as she said she did. It`s -- the logic of it is hard to make sense of.

GRACE: You know, Art, when I go home from work at night, sometimes the twins will be laying on top of their blanket. I learned the hard way. I don`t even take the blanket out from under them to put on them. Forget it. I go and get another one and gently lay it on them because they will wake up. Then we`ll be up until 5:30 in the morning so you just brought up a very significant point I hadn`t even caught.

She did say she put them to bed and then made up the bed where the baby Ronald Jr. is sleeping. Let`s take a look at some of Art Harris` interview with the family. You can find it at Take a listen.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I guess I had an argument over what movie they wanted to watch. And the movie that she said she put in wasn`t in when she got up. So Haleigh must have gotten up and changed it and put her movie in after Misty went to sleep. But (INAUDIBLE), no, she wouldn`t just get up and walk out that door in the middle of the night by herself.

They all were in the bedroom, the same bedroom. But Haleigh was on the little taller mattress on the floor in front of the TV. And Junior had a TV in the living room and I guess he wanted his dad and watched TV in there. But Junior and Misty was in the bed. And Haleigh was on the floor watching it.

I remember when she was watching. That`s what I understood. She told me when she woke up, she always keeps the lights out. She says she woke up and she noticed. She was going to the bathroom and she noticed that the kitchen light was on. Then she said before she made it around the corner, she didn`t right go around the corner, she noticed that the back door was open. And that`s when she ran back to the bedroom and Haleigh wasn`t in there. She went to Haleigh`s room. She wasn`t in there so that`s when she started calling.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We almost have to tell her to watch what she says. Not because she`s hiding anything but that it just gets so mixed up and then they start asking more questions and accusing her of more stuff. She`s just doesn`t -- she`s just tired. She just doesn`t want to talk anymore.


GRACE: T.J. Hart, with WSKY, how many times have police interviewed/questioned Misty Croslin?

T.J. HART, PROGRAM & NEWS DIRECTOR, WSKY 97.3FM, COVERING STORY: Well, over 30 hours` worth of questions. And really this is not the first time that her mom has urged her to kind of step away from the camera and be quiet. In fact she was walking out of an interview in Orlando, and trying to get into the truck back when cousin Joe was a factor. And she was urging her to get into the vehicle and kind of hush then.

GRACE: Out to the lines, Diane in Wisconsin. Hello, Diane.

DIANE, CALLER FROM WISCONSIN: Hello, Nancy. Thank you for sharing your life and your babies and all that you do. And my question is, back to the dumpster. That kind of -- die there. What ever happened with that? Maybe the dogs went there because maybe Haleigh was there and maybe was moved?

GRACE: That is a distinct possibility, Diane in Wisconsin. But by the time they searched the dumpster, no evidence was found.

Cassandra, Rhode Island. Hi, Cassandra.


GRACE: I`m good, dear. What`s your question?

CASSANDRA: My question is about the young wife. She stated that the door, she had seen the back door was opened. But I had remembered when they did an investigation on the home, the lady had showed us that the back door doesn`t stay open. It automatically closes.

GRACE: Cassandra, it was propped open with a cinder box. I asked the father Ronald Cummings where the block came from. He said he did not recognize it. The door propped open with a cinder block.

To the attorney for the biological mother, Crystal Sheffield, Kim Picazio is joining us tonight from Plantation, Florida.

Kim, what is the latest in your quest to seek custody, to wrangle custody away from Ronald Cummings of Ronald Jr.?

KIM PICAZIO, ATTORNEY FOR CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH`S MOTHER: Well, at this point, Nancy, we`re focusing more on our quest to find Haleigh and we`re working tirelessly every single day with fielding tips.

GRACE: What are you doing?

PICAZIO: What we`re doing is we have investigators. I have a staff in the field in Satsuma. People will come to the Haleigh bug center there in Satsuma and give us tips. A lot of people are saying that they do not feel comfortable going to the police, so we`re sending our people out.

We`ve now got a time line that we`re trying to figure out. We`re pretty confident what we know happened that day up until around 10:30. Then after that, our trail runs dry. So at this point, we`re trying every day to get more and more information. Maybe tomorrow we`ll have until 10:35 p.m. Hopefully we`ll have until 3:00 and we can undercover what happened to Haleigh and find her.



HARRIS: Some people thought he was cussing you out, but that was a misunderstanding. Tell me about that.

CROSLIN: He was yelling at the officer, the lady on the phone, because they weren`t coming fast enough. He was not yelling at me.

HARRIS: They have not cleared you as a suspect but they have (INAUDIBLE) passing on the test.

CROSLIN: The polygraph the guy told me that I passed.


GRACE: Out to the line, Sherry in Kentucky. Hi, Sherry.


GRACE: Hi, dear, what`s your question?

SHERRY: I`ve been watching this all the way -- well, I`ve been watching this ever since Caylee first disappeared. And then when Haleigh came along, I`ve been praying for both children. But it kept appearing to me -- I was a sleepwalker as a child and I was on medication. And I wondered if she was on any medication.

GRACE: Excellent question. To Art Harris, what, if anything, do we know about that? I`ve heard nothing about her being on meds.

HARRIS: Haleigh was taking some med, as I`m told.

GRACE: Well, I know, for Turner syndrome but not for sleepwalking.

HARRIS: Yes. Right. Right. I have not heard that.


Unleash the lawyers, Susan Moss, Anne Bremner, Hugo Rodriguez. What is your advice, Anne Bremner, to Misty Croslin?

BREMNER: Right now, I`d give it to -- on your show, Nancy, if she`s watching, a closed mouth gathers no foot. Say nothing.

GRACE: Hugo Rodriguez, Do you agree with that?

RODRIGUEZ: I have to agree and stop the nationwide shows and the publicity. Just shut it down.

GRACE: And Susan Moss, what about Haleigh, missing Haleigh?

MOSS: That`s right. She should talk to get this child found but it`s getting too late to get her story straight.

GRACE: Everyone, let`s stop and remember Army Private Christopher McCraw, 23, Columbia,, Mississippi, killed Iraq. Came from a family of soldiers. Loved pranks, spending time with friends, wanted to marry the mother of his young son when he came home. Leaves behind parents Avon and Cathy, fiance Brianna, baby son Isaac.

Christopher McCraw, American hero.

Thanks to our guests but our biggest thanks to you for inviting us into your homes. I`ll see you tomorrow night 8:00 sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on March 25, 2009, 12:05:45 PM


New Photos of Casey Anthony Released; Could Mystery Man Shed Light on Missing Girl?

Aired March 24, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET

<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>


VELEZ-MITCHELL: In the spotlight tonight, the desperate search for Haleigh Cummings. Stunning news about Misty Croslin, the child bride of Haleigh`s father, Ron. Did Misty`s actions on the very night that little Haleigh vanished have anything to do with this tragedy or everything to do with it?

More possible inconsistencies in Misty`s story starting to surface. Now a mystery man named Greg is reportedly in the picture. Was Misty with Greg on the night of Haleigh`s abduction? A lot of questions tonight.

Who better to answer them than T.J. Hart, program and news director of WSKY-FM 97.3, who joins me by phone?

T.J., tell us all about this guy, Greg. How did we learn about him? What`s his story?

T.J. HART, WSKY-FM: Well, Greg was a person who came up in conversation with an interview I conducted with William Colbert Straubs (ph). He`s a bondsman/bounty hunter and investigating the case, he claims on his own, in the Satsuma area on his own search for Haleigh Cummings.

And he told me that in a conversation with Ron on the night that they were to re-enact the evening of the disappearance of the young girl, that he had known that Misty perhaps had shared company with a young man named Greg and that he had been -- she had possibly been with him a week before the disappearance and possibly again the night of the disappearance.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, how is it possible that this private eye/bounty hunter comes up with this information when he had small armies or even large armies of investigators and FBI and all sorts of law enforcement poring over this case for the last six weeks?

HART: Very good question, Jane. And the answer is quite simple. The private investigator is not bound by the U.S. Constitution nor is it bound by any other laws that protect privacy that also govern our police and investigative units throughout the United States all of the way down to your hometown. He can question anybody, and he can reveal information at will.

And he doesn`t have to ask anybody for a search warrant. He does face possible trespass, should he be messing around, but he doesn`t also have to advise anybody of their rights. So we`re working with two different sets of powers here.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, I guess what I`m asking is did the cops know about this Greg? Does he really exist? Could this be another fiction and another wild goose chase?

HART: Actually, we have it confirmed through Putnam County Sheriff`s Office. The contact had been made with this young man named Greg, but they`re not going any further in saying anything about this, other than it is an ongoing investigation. So we do have some confirmation that things are moving at least in that direction and probably in several others.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, does this dove tail in any way with what little Ron Jr. said about the person who he claimed he saw abduct little Haleigh?

HART: It could, but that is up to speculation at this point, and I`m not willing to speculate. I`m just getting a report on facts that this moment.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, where is this guy? If he exists, if this guy Greg was there that night, if he could be a crucial aspect to this case, I would assume that cops have done everything in their power to track him down. Has he been interviewed?

HART: He`s a local person, and he has been contacted. So we`re going on the assumption that he has been interviewed.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So is he considered a person of interest? Yes or no.

HART: This is what the police are saying. I can`t tell you that today.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Say that again.

HART: Those were the exact words today when I got off the phone with them, "We cannot tell you that today."

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Got it. T.J., please come back soon. Love your reporting.

<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on March 26, 2009, 03:59:03 PM


Aired March 25, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET

<snipped to include only Haleigh coverage>

I want to turn now to just 70 miles away, the desperate search for Haleigh Cummings. The investigation takes a shocking and twisted turn tonight; stunning new audio tonight of an interview with the bounty hunter known as Cobra. Last night, we revealed that Cobra claims a mystery man named Greg was possibly with Misty the night of Haleigh`s abduction.

Now we have audiotape of Cobra talking about this on the radio. He alleges there are cracks in the marriage of newly-weds Ron and Misty Cummings and a maybe a possible crack in the case. The bounty hunter dropped the shocking claim about Ron`s attitude toward Misty`s story. Listen to this.


COBRA, BOUNTY HUNTER: Ron was convinced now beyond any question of doubt that she was not there. She wasn`t home, bro. She was out [bleep] around very possibly with [bleep] again.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Reports are cops have talked to this mystery man named Greg, but will say nothing about it. But if Ron doesn`t trust Misty, why does he stand by her? Why did he marry her?

The bounty hunter also claimed that Misty refused to participate in a reenactment of the night Haleigh vanished. He pulled no punches revealing what he told Ron about his teen bride. Listen.


COBRA: My goal is to find Haleigh and I thought that would be your goal, Misty`s goal and everybody else`s goal. Apparently it`s everybody`s goal except Misty`s.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, why would Misty refuse to do something like a reenactment that might help find little Haleigh? What is her side of the story?

We`ve put calls in to Ron and his lawyer in order to reach Misty because that`s usually the way we get to her. But we have not heard back. But Misty, if you`re watching, you have an open invitation to come on issues and tell your side of the story.

Back with my, Darren Kavinoky, criminal defense attorney and joining us is T.J. Hart, program director and news director of WSKY-FM 97.3 who joins me by phone.

T.J., thanks for coming on. This was your interview with the bounty hunter known as Cobra. What is the latest on Cobra, Misty, mystery man Greg and the search for Haleigh?

T.J. HART, NEWS DIRECTOR, WSKY-FM 97.3: Well, ever since that interview, I`ve not been able to make any more contact with Cobra, believe it or not.

That was just one question, what`s going on? I got a nine-minute answer. He brought it all the way from the reenactment to what we just heard there toward the end of the interview about possibly a fractionalization in the marriage.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Have you been able to talk to Misty about these claims? Has anybody talked to her?

HART: I have been just at the same route as you have been. I have presented that audio and also Ronald`s attorneys asking for a response, if they had one. I have not heard anything. This is probably four requests for that also trying to get through to Misty. Not been able to get a response there either.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, let`s listen to more of T.J.`s interview with the bounty hunter known as Cobra. Here, Cobra talks about a phone call he says was between Ron and Misty in which Misty expresses she doesn`t trust that bounty hunter and then a real shocker. Listen to this.


COBRA: So then all of a sudden she starts calling him. Get the hell away from him, man. And then it expanded into her threatening to leave him. Threatening to go away and she isn`t coming back.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Once again, Misty, if you`re watching, we want your side of all of this. We`ve tried to reach you unsuccessfully.

Darren, Misty was reportedly -- and let`s face it, I have no idea if any of this happened. I don`t know Cobra. I have questions about somebody named Cobra, even though that`s nickname and he has a real name.

But Misty was reportedly according to Cobra, on board for the reenactment at first. Then she allegedly said no. Cobra claims she freaks out and then threatens to leave Ron. Any thoughts on all of this?

KAVINOKY: Well, my initial thoughts are that it really doesn`t matter what her motivations are and who knows why she would or wouldn`t cooperate in all of this. Perhaps she`s not cooperating to cover up some infidelity.

The good news, the silver lining in all of this, is that this case is staying front and center and continuing to capture international scrutiny because this little girl, of course, is still out there missing some 40- something days later. And hopefully the story will have a happy ending.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: T.J. Hart, you actually spoke to law enforcement about this mystery Greg. And again, for our viewers, according to Cobra, mystery Greg may have met Misty about a week before Haleigh disappeared and then possibly on the night that little Haleigh disappeared. What are cops again saying about this?

HART: They`ve said that they have made contact with someone by that name, but they`re not saying what was said, what kind of questioning took place or the results of any questioning. They`re being very tight-lipped; in fact, more tight-lipped now than they`ve been throughout the course of the investigation.

That could be one of two things or it could be both. One, is that they have a new person who`s now the spokesperson for the Putnam County sheriff`s office which is Lt. Johnny Greenwood from Capt. Dick Schauland. Also, they might be getting a lot closer to breaking this wide open, too.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. I find this so fascinating because I have to wonder did cops know about this Greg from the very beginning and just aren`t saying anything? Because the one thing they have said, T.J., is that apparently they`re not any closer to finding Haleigh than they were when she first disappeared more than six weeks ago. So if they knew about this guy and hid that, what does that say, T.J.?

HART: Well, they don`t have to really say anything about an ongoing investigation. They can give you the results of the investigation, but they don`t want to compromise anything that`s in the pipeline.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. But, I mean, why come out and say there`s nothing going on and we don`t have any leads?

HART: That`s -- that`s a question for -- for them to answer. I get the same answer, too, ma`am.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: T.J., great reporting. Good interviews. Hope you come back soon. T.J., Darren, thanks so much.

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on March 27, 2009, 09:02:41 AM


Aired March 26, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET

<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>

The latest octo-drama in just moments, but first, the desperate search for Haleigh Cummings takes another stunning turn tonight. Haleigh`s dad, Ron Cummings, fires back at allegations by mom, Crystal, that he abused his kids with shocking new photos of his own.

Ron claims his photos, you`re looking at them right there, show Haleigh in the days after a schoolyard fall. That fall was documented by her school and the local hospital. Ron`s lawyers claim they can prove these injuries are from the schoolyard fall, not any beating by Ron.

So what does this say about Crystal? We will have to wait for her reaction to this. When I last spoke to mom, Crystal, she described what 4- year-old Ronald Jr. saw the night little Haleigh disappeared.


VOICE OF CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, MOTHER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: And I asked him about it. And I was like, what about the black -- the person dressed in black? He said, it was a black man dressed in black and he had squeaky shoes and the couch was bouncing.

And that`s just what he told me. And I`m not lying. And I have no reason to lie.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: The couch was bouncing? What the heck does that mean? Hmm. These claims are astonishing in light of other new claims by the bounty hunter named Cobra that Misty kept company with a mystery man named Greg around the time of Haleigh`s disappearance.

So did Misty`s actions on the night Haleigh vanished have anything to do with this tragedy, this mystery? What`s her side of the story? We`ve put calls into Ron and his lawyer. And to reach Misty, that`s the best way to do it.

Again, we have not heard back from Misty. We want to talk to you, Misty.

With me now, Jayne Weintraub, a criminal defense attorney joining us again and Scott Bernstein, a private investigator and founder of "Child Recovery International" and T.J. Hart, program and news director of WSKY FM 97.3 who joins me by phone.

T.J., what is the very latest in this ongoing saga with Cobra, claiming Misty was hanging out with a guy named Greg?

T.J. HART, PROGRAM AND NEWS DIRECTOR WSKY FM 97.3: Well, this plays off of some of the audio that we played just last night Jane right here on the program where I talked to William "Cobra" Stubs (ph) and he was talking about reenacting a scene the night that the youngster went missing.

Now, at that time, there was some reluctant from Misty to participate. And during the time of the phone calls coming back and forth to Ronald in a restaurant where he and Ronald were situated and discussing the reenactment, Ronald says I`ve got something to tell you and Ronald allegedly pulled "Cobra" William Stubs that, yes, before you say it, I know she`s been keeping company with an African-American fellow and I`m cleaning up the vernacular here, for obvious reasons.

And he said, yes, and it could have been as recent as last week. And possibly even the night of the disappearance.

Now, we`ve got no response from Ron on that. And we`ve had people out looking for this man regarded as Greg. And Greg just may fit the description of the person that young Ron Jr. may have seen in the trailer the night used his sister disappeared.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, let`s listen again to T.J.`s interview with the bounty hunter known as "Cobra." Here, he alleges Ron now doesn`t believe Misty`s story about the night Haleigh vanished. Listen to this.


WILLIAM STUBS, BOUNTY HUNTER: Ronald was convinced now beyond any question of doubt that she was not there. She wasn`t home, bro. She was out [bleep] around very possibly with [bleep] again.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Again, Misty, if you`re watching, you have an open invitation to come on ISSUES. We want to hear your side in all of this.

But I have to go back to T.J. on this. Do we know if Misty is cooperating with authorities to flesh out these crucial details? Or is she stonewalling at this point?

HART: Well, she has been questioned up to -- between 30 and 40 hours by officers. And police are not saying any more who they`ve questioned or if they are re-questioning or if they`re questioning any more new people since the information I gave you last night regarding a contract -- a contact rather with a gentleman by the name of Greg.

They`re saying everything is pertinent to the investigation. We cannot divulge the results of any conversations we`ve had.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And this guy Greg lives in the neighborhood, right?

HART: Pardon me.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: He`s a local guy. He`s a local guy.

HART: He`s an area guy.


Scott Bernstein, what do you make of it? I mean, you`re a private investigator --


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Nobody has been able to find Greg?

HART: Yes, he`s been -- we`ve had people looking for him. He -- I believe one of the investigators may have scene him at a CITGO gas station tonight. I`m awaiting results of this possible engagement.

BERNSTEIN: But Jane --

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And still police are not calling him a suspect or even a person of interesting? Scott Bernstein.

HART: They say they contacted him. They`ve say they contacted him.

BERNSTEIN: Jane, this is definitely a person of great -- a person of interest here. And this is very revealing. I don`t think -- I think you`ll find within 24, 48 hours you`re find out who exactly -- who this Greg person is. And they`re going to be pulling this man in and finding exactly what any implications that he might have with this.

Because absolutely, child -- children of any age are going to be telling the truth in any type of investigation. They have recall. They haven`t even learned to lie. They haven`t learned the element of fear yet.

And in my dealings with children, I`ve been doing this for 20 years, and interviewing children, they`re going to tell you the truth. There`s no reason for them to lie.


Jayne Weintraub, our investigator here may consider him a person of interest, but police are not saying that. There`s this mystery guy, Greg. They`re aware of him and they are not saying anything.

Are police being too tight-lipped? Is it time for them to open up and say, we want to bring this guy. We want to talk to him, and here`s what we know.

JAYNE WEINTRAUB, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: No, because they`ve learned from the Casey Anthony mess. They are looking for the baby. They want to find Haleigh. They want to know where Haleigh went, where Haleigh -- who Haleigh was with. And the best way to do that is to just do their job.

Believe me they know who this guy Greg is. The fact that we don`t shows me they`re doing their job.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes, but, I mean, if they know and if he is in any way connected, shouldn`t that advance...

WEINTRAUB: They`ve already spoken to him, I`m sure.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So then, he`s probably not connected, right? I mean, if they`ve talked to him...

WEINTRAUB: I would doubt it or -- he`s probably not connected to the custody battle going on or he`s probably not connected to the disappearance is my guess.

BERNTEIN: I think it`s all part of an ongoing investigation.

WEINTRAUB: My guess, is that if they had anything, they would have done it.

BERNSTEIN: They`re not going to reveal anything at this point.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, I hope it`s the breaking of a case, I really do because this is mystifying and baffling the entire nation at this point.

Thank you to my expert panel.

<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on March 27, 2009, 09:10:35 AM


Anthony PI Says Family Split Over Casey/Haleigh`s Mother Suggests Baby-Sitter May Have Had Company

Aired March 26, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET

<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>



MISTY CUMMINGS: We have a very good relationship. She wants to be right on my hip the whole time. She don`t want to leave me. We always did make-up and hair. And every morning, (INAUDIBLE) like a queen to school.

Did I drive her to school? I didn`t drive her to school in a while, actually. She -- Daddy has been driving her to school lately. When he has a long night at work and he don`t want to get up or (INAUDIBLE), then I`ll drive her to school, along with my nephew, too. I have the kids 24/7.


GRACE: Everything in turmoil in the investigation regarding little Haleigh. Straight out to Art Harris, investigative journalist. Art, I understand new claims are emerging. Explain.

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Well, there are new claims now by Ronald`s lawyer, saying that the abuse photos that were submitted by -- by Crystal`s lawyer are not accurate. They have their own photos taken by his mother the day of the injury on the playground, and they have their own timeline.

As far as the investigation, I can tell you, Nancy, that investigators are looking at conflicts and comparing stories that have been told by Misty to see what statements may differ between the stories and statements she`s given.

GRACE: OK, you are seeing photos provided by That is the photo that school authorities say resulted from this little girl falling off monkey bars, a fall on the playground. But the father is firing back with his own photos. His photos, just delivered to us, show the progression of those very same injuries. We see how they change over days to come, and she ends up at the hospital where a CAT scan is ordered.

Not only that -- straight out to attorney for biological mother Crystal Sheffield. Kim Picazio is joining us. Kim, you are making the assertion, the claim that Misty Croslin Cummings, now Haleigh`s stepmother, entertained another man in the home the night Haleigh goes missing?

KIM PICAZIO, ATTORNEY FOR HALEIGH`S MOTHER: No, I don`t believe we`ve officially made that claim. I believe that we think a lot of things happened that night that have not been told to the media. We`ve spoken with numerous eyewitnesses that allege seeing Misty out that night. I believe the police have that information. I don`t know if they`ve questioned the particular individual that she was alleged to be out with that night. But I believe we have a concrete understanding now of what happened that night, and it`s not Misty`s version.



RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I`m not here to answer any questions. I`m here to plead for the life of my daughter.

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, MOM OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: When me and Ronald were together he had nothing to do with the children. I took care of them. I did everything. He had nothing to do with them and then when I left he decided he wanted to take them from me.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hitting in the face until bloodied, hitting with sticks, hitting with belts. I could go on and on.

CUMMINGS: I have nothing to do with this. I`ve been slandered into being a sorry father. I was seeing in most cases the fathers don`t get custody of their children. I take good care of my kids the three years I had them by myself.


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Straight out to the attorney for biological mother of little Haleigh, Kim Picazio, is joining us.

Miss Picazio, you have just told me on live TV that you have not said Misty Croslin-Cummings had another man in the home. Let me refer you to a statement that you made March 26, 2009 to FOX 35. They`re reporting from Satsuma, Florida.

They say you, Kim Picazio, shared new details about what happened the night Haleigh was taken and I read, "Picazio says Ronald, Jr., Haleigh`s brother woke up when a man came into the house to see Misty Croslin. He stated to his mother he saw a man in black clothing take Haleigh. She says, are you asleep? And he says I woke up. The man had squeaky shoes and the couch was bouncing, says Picazio."

Now, did they misquote you?

KIM PICAZIO, ATTORNEY FOR CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH`S MOTHER: I believe that should not be a quote. And again, we have a lot of theories and none of us were there that night. Ad with regard to Misty`s statements to the press and with regard to her statements to the police, they`re clearly inaccurate.

We have uncovered people, eyewitnesses that have seen her out that night with another individual. Whether or not she propped open the door and allowed a person in that night, we don`t know. None of us were there, but we surely know that she was not home with the children that night according to our eyewitnesses.

With regard to statements, these are things that I think, not things that I know, none of us do. I wasn`t there.

GRACE: With me is Kim Picazio, she is a well respected member of the Florida bar. I want to go out to our lawyers. Eleanor Dixon, Joe Episcopo, Peter Odom. If this is true, if this is true, what the FOX News Channel, the local 35 News, is saying Picazio told them, and it`s in quotes, that Misty Croslin-Cummings had another man in the home that night with squeaky shoes and the sofa was bouncing.

If that`s true, the timeline police have constructed right now means absolutely nothing, Eleanor.

ELEANOR DIXON, PROSECUTOR: You`re exactly right, Nancy. And remember the only person who have given the police a timeline is Misty and we don`t know how truthful that is at this point. We`re getting more and more information every day.

GRACE: Peter Odom?

PETER ODOM, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: If this is the only evidence of a guest in the home that is the statement of a 4-year-old child, this is reckless disregard for the truth and it should not be repeated until there is some verification, Nancy.

GRACE: Peter, have you ever prosecuted a child molestation case?

ODOM: I have.

GRACE: For the state?

ODOM: For the state.

GRACE: And in that case, did you believe what the child told you?

ODOM: In every case.

GRACE: But you say in this case not to believe what the child says.

ODOM: But, Nancy, it is -- it would have been irresponsible for me as a prosecutor to not get some kind of verification, some kind of corroboration.

GRACE: I would like to see Odom`s face. Let me remind you, Peter Odom that it has been nearly two decades since the requirement in your jurisdiction for corroboration for a sex attack on a woman or a child.

ODOM: Well, not legally required, Nancy.

GRACE: That`s absolutely correct. So what you are saying is not founded in the law.

ODOM: Correct, but in every case I prosecuted with a child victim we always found corroboration before we went public with it.

GRACE: To Joe Episcopo, thoughts?


GRACE: Thoughts? Weigh in.

EPISCOPO: Well, my thoughts. First of all, if this is true, then Misty is implicated in the kidnapping. She`s passed the polygraph. So I don`t know. I think it`s kind of unreliable and certainly a 4-year-old needs to be corroborated in order to bring any kind of a case.

I`ve prosecuted and defended these cases. A 4-year-old is generally not even competent to testify because they don`t know what perjury is.

GRACE: And we also have to take into account, not Miss Picazio, the attorney, but she is relying on what her client and their contacts are telling her.

To Bethany Marshall, psychoanalyst and author of "Dealbreakers," the mother is filing a custody suit against the biological father and when that happens, al sorts of claims are made in court. I believe I would want verification of this as well and believe me, Bethany, I`ve prosecuted many cases on nothing but the word of a child.

BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST, AUTHOR OF "DEALBREAKERS": Well, I mean, in child custody cases the parents often say horrible things and you`ve said before on your show that family court is one of the most dangerous courts in the United States because parents become so angry at each other, but the only way to get at the truth with Junior is to have a trained professional do a lot of play therapy with him and see what he acts out.

And they should have a camera rolling the entire time to make sure that no suggestions are made because a man coming into the house dressed in black could just be the bogeyman in this child`s mind or maybe she was having sex with someone else, that`s why the sofa`s bouncing, and that would be a good explanation as to why Misty used the other bathroom and not the bathroom in -- that was adjacent to the bathroom, but one other quick thing.

You know, Crystal`s lodging all these claims, but she failed to pay child support for many years, so that`s negligent as well.

GRACE: Out to T.J. Hart, program and news director of WSKY 97.3 FM, joining us from Florida. T.J., is there anything to support this claim against Misty Croslin other than what the mother`s sources are telling?

T.J. HART, PROGRAM & NEWS DIR., WSKY 97.3FM, COVERING STORY: Yes. I spoke with a private investigator by the name of William Staubs (ph) who is investigating this case and he spoke with Ronald and he says that Ronald confirms that Misty had a friend that he -- that she had been with a week before and possibly even the night of the disappearance.

GRACE: I want to go.

HART: And this could play right into this as well.

GRACE: To Detective Lieutenant Stephen Rogers, the former member of the FBI Joint Terrorism Task Force. Stephen, you have investigated so many cases. Police seem to be at a standstill in the search for Haleigh. Will this shed new light?

DET. LT. STEVE ROGERS, NUTLEY, NEW JERSEY, POLICE DEPARTMENT: Well, I`m sure it will. The police are not going to let that statement of that 4-year-old or any information they get. They`re not going to disregard that. They`re going to look into this and that might change that timeline you talked about, Nancy.

GRACE: And back to Art Harris. The photos you`re seeing are coming from Art, you originally told us about photos where little Haleigh had horrible bruises and so forth. We then uncovered a document from the school showing she had fallen from the playground that day.

Now the father has sent us. Ronald Cummings has sent us photos, time- progressed photos of how those bruises and injuries seem to get worse to manifest more over the next few days. What do you make of it, Art?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, ARTHARRIS.COM, INTERVIEWED MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S NEW STEPMOM: Well, they are coming back, Nancy, with time-stamped photos and statements from Ronald`s mother, Teresa Neves who took little Haleigh to a nearby hospital and she had a CAT scan. They had documented the medical treatment and the progression of these injuries.

So it`s a very powerful comeback that has documentation.

GRACE: Right.

And to Dr. Bruce Levy, medical examiner joining us from Tennessee. Dr. Levy, if Haleigh was abducted by a stranger, would you expect to find some trace of them in the home?

DR. BRUCE LEVY, FORENSIC PATHOLOGIST, MEDICAL EXAMINER: Well, it`s almost inevitable that somebody, if you come into a room, you`re going to leave something of you behind. The real trick is finding it and analyzing it. But, you know, going back to what they were saying before about the injuries, it`s not unusual for injuries as they progress to appear worse after a day or two than they initially appeared. So you have to take that into context as well.

GRACE: Very quickly to tonight`s "Case Alert.` Broward County Florida judge, Ian Richards, a hero. Richards literally jumped to the defense of a woman in court after she was attacked in court by a defendant she sent to jail for domestic violence.

As the victim was being pummeled and chased, Richards jumps over the bench to help. The defendant eventually taken down in custody.

Tonight, Judge Richards, we salute you.

And tonight at your request, new photos of the twins. They`ll be on the Web tonight. I hope you like them. Lucy found potato chips. I didn`t give them to her. Here she is with the doorman, Angel.



HARRIS: People are so upset that they want to blame somebody. Have you been unfairly blamed?

MISTY CROSLIN, RONALD CUMMING`S WIFE, LAST SEEN HALEIGH: A lot of people are trying to blame me for something like that, but I would never hurt any little kid. I love Haleigh more than anything in this world. That was like my baby. They used to call me stepmom. You know? They`d rather be with me than their own mother.


GRACE: Allegations emerging through the biological mother`s lawyer that girlfriend/babysitter now teen bride, the stepmother of little Haleigh, who went missing in the middle of the night, entertained another man in the home the night Haleigh disappears.

Now the attorney is denying that that was a statement that she made.

With me is Marlaina Schiavo, our producer. Did you speak to Miss Picazio prior to tonight`s show and what did she say?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, SPENT TIME WITH MISSING HALEIGH`S FAMILY: I have spoken to Kim Picazio, Nancy, and she has said that she has her own sources on this. She has spent a lot of time in Satsuma and she has people who say that Misty was out partying that night. And she also says that Junior, Haleigh`s little brother, came -- said that he saw a man in black and it corroborates with the stories that she`s been hearing around Satsuma.

GRACE: So Miss Picazio, are you asserting that Misty Croslin had a man in the home the night Haleigh goes missing?

PICAZIO: Again, I can`t make that assertion. I`ve given what my sources have revealed to me, to the police and also I`ve given them to the Department of Children and Families because that would be a neglect issue with regard to the kids if she was out partying that night, she left the children home alone. Then Ronald should be chastised for leaving them in the care of someone who he knows is doing that.

This household was -- there are things that went on in this household I hear that I wouldn`t even let my own children watch on TV. So -- it was conducive to rolling out the red carpet for something to eventually happen to one of these children. Something now has happened.

GRACE: Miss Picazio.

PICAZIO: I`d like to know if that has a link.

GRACE: Miss Picazio, your client alleging the biodad has a sex, drugs and rock `n` roll lifestyle. Isn`t that the pot calling the kettle black? I mean, your client lost custody for a reason.

PICAZIO: No, but my client was doing drugs in the household. We`ve never denied that. After she broke up with Ronald she put herself, voluntarily, in rehab. Stayed there for a week. Didn`t have insurance so they told her she had to leave. She has been clean and sober ever since.

She has visited her children. She`s been an involved parent. She had no idea that she could ever change the custody situation or she probably would have before now.

GRACE: Everyone, we`ll keep you posted, but right now I want to tell you about a story regarding "Dancing with the Stars." Take a listen.

<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on March 31, 2009, 08:25:02 AM


Family of Missing Girl at Odds; Will Rihanna Cooperate with Police?

Aired March 30, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET



JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HOST (voice-over): Tonight, an intense battle heats up between the parents of missing 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings. Dad Ron`s lawyers on the attack against mom Crystal Sheffield. They claim she coached Haleigh`s little brother into saying he saw a man in black take her. But wouldn`t they want any lead to be taken seriously? Is this bitter feud between the exes getting in the way of the investigation? I`ll talk to someone in the thick of it.

And I`ll have the very latest on the mystery man named Greg who Cobra, the bounty hunter, says was with Misty around the time little Haleigh vanished. Could there by a connection to the family feud?

Then, startling accusations in the Casey Anthony case. Is Jose Baez a defective lawyer? That`s what one former client claims. Milton Diaz is serving a 15-year sentence in the death of a toddler. And he said it`s Baez`s false he`s behind bars. Should Casey be worried?

And with Chris Brown`s court date a week away, new reports say Rihanna is not cooperating with prosecutors, because she wants the story to go away. Well, the sooner she lets the truth out, the sooner it will go away. And what`s with her new gun tattoo? I`ll have a shrink weigh in on that one.

Plus, bizarre twists in the Octomom saga. Nadya Suleman`s former publicist, who once said she was nuts, now rushes to her defense in the public feud with Angels in Waiting. All this as Octomom struggles to raise 12 of her 14 kids.

And speaking of feuds, you know him as the Sham-Wow guy. Cops say they know him as the guy who beat up a Miami prostitute. I`ll have the shocking details.

ISSUES starts now.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tonight, the powder keg custody battle between the parents of missing 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings is exploding with shocking - - and I mean shocking -- new allegations.

Little Haleigh`s estranged parents, Ron Cummings and Crystal Sheffield, are at each other`s throats, fighting tooth and nail over custody of Haleigh`s 4-year-old brother, Ron Jr.

Crystal Sheffield, who does not have custody of the kids, has accused Ron of abusing them and told Geraldo Rivera she fears for little Junior`s safety.


CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, MOTHER OF HALEIGH: I feel like he`s in danger where he`s at.

GERALDO RIVERA, FOX NEWS ANCHOR: Give us another couple of sentences on that. Why?

SHEFFIELD: Well, for one, Haleigh is missing. And there`s a 17-year- old girl watching them. And she`s practically a child herself. And I mean, I just -- I don`t feel safe with them there.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tonight, Ron`s attorneys fire back at Crystal, charging she has put the boy in danger by showing him on television. Ron also says she has documents proving little Haleigh`s injuries were from a schoolyard fall, not abuse.

Ron charges Crystal is the liar. Listen to what he told Meredith Vieira on "The Today Show" earlier this month.


MEREDITH VIEIRA, CO-HOST, NBC`S "THE TODAY SHOW": Your 4-year-old said and the fact that he said that somebody, a man dressed in black, took Haleigh out of the trailer that night she disappeared. Did he tell that to either one of you? Misty, you were there at the time. Did he say anything to you at the time?


VIEIRA: Nothing.


RON CUMMINGS, FATHER OF HALEIGH: Me neither. This is some of the garbage that Crystal, the mother, has made up. But I`m the same way.

VIEIRA: So you don`t even believe that Ronald Jr. said this at all?

CUMMINGS: I don`t know. I wasn`t at home. I was at work.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ronald`s lawyers just fired a new round of charges. They claim that Crystal has been coaxing little Junior to make false statements about the black man in black who the child allegedly claims took little Haleigh back in February. Some wonder, could Crystal be planting seeds in little Junior`s head about Greg, the mystery man some allege Misty Croslin was with around the time Haleigh Cummings went missing?

Meantime, where is little Haleigh? Are these ferocious battles a distraction from the real issue: finding this precious 5-year-old girl? What do you think? Give me a holler: 1-877-JVM-SAYS. That`s 1-877-586- 7297.

But first, my incredible expert panel: Stacey Honowitz, Florida prosecutor; Brenda Wade, clinical psychologist; Kim Picazio, attorney for Haleigh`s mother, Crystal Sheffield. So glad you`re here tonight, Kim. Mark Eiglarsh, criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor; and Jared Alber, reporter for WOKV in Jacksonville.

Jared, what is the very latest?

JARED ALBER, REPORTER, WOKV: Well, the very latest is that nobody in Satsuma in this Putnam County community is giving up any hope at all. In fact, I heard from the principal of little Haleigh`s school today that, in fact, her desk remains empty. Items of the little girl, that kindergartner, remain in her cubby.

Now, we also learned just a couple of hours ago that Crystal Sheffield, Haleigh`s mother, was involved in a minor car accident this afternoon. Initial reports indicate that she may have had some sort of seizure or something. She checked herself into the hospital. We understand she may actually still be in the hospital undergoing some kind of treatment. Again, we understand it was a minor injury. But, again, leads perhaps to the amount of stress that this family is under, now going into the 50th day of this little girl missing.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I can only imagine. And Kim Picazio, you are Crystal`s attorney. Certainly, we hope and pray that she`s OK and this was just a minor little incident. So good wishes to her in that regard.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: What do you have, information-wise, about Greg? I understand you`ve got new information to tell us about this mystery man everybody`s talking about named Greg.

PICAZIO: Yes. I just got off the phone with Greg. So I was here at your studio, and my investigators that are on the case have finally located this person that has been of interest to our team for quite some time. And I`ve just gotten off the phone with him.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, what did he say? Did he say he was with Misty that night? Did he say that he`s having any kind of a relationship, as some claim, insinuate, with Misty?

PICAZIO: He did intimate a lot of details. I asked him as many questions as I could. We`re going to have to -- I`d like to go and check some of his allegations.

It`s my understanding he was with Misty the weekend prior to the disappearance of Haleigh. And with regard to anything with regard to that night that Haleigh went missing, I need to double check his facts. I`d hate to report something...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Of course. We don`t want you to report anything that -- you`re just off the phone. I mean, let`s put this into context for our viewers. Hold on one second, Kim. I`ll get back to you momentarily.

PICAZIO: Thank you.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Two people have come forward, insinuated that Misty Croslin may -- and I say may -- have been having some sort of affair, relationship, something. During a phone call on this show, Crystal Sheffield described what Ron Jr. allegedly told her. Listen very carefully.


SHEFFIELD: And I asked him about it. And I was like, what about the black -- the person dressed in black. He said it was a black man dressed in black and he had squeaky shoes, and the couch was bouncing. And that`s just what he told me. And I`m not lying, and I have no reason to lie.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: OK. "The couch was bouncing." That`s the quote the night Haleigh went missing, according to what Crystal Sheffield says her son told her. Remember, this boy is 4.

Just last week, bounty hunter, this guy named Cobra, claimed that even Ron Cummings knew about an alleged relationship of some sort. Take a listen to this.


WILLIAM "COBRA" STOUBS, BOUNTY HUNTER: Ron was convinced now, beyond any question of doubt, that she was not there. She wasn`t home, bro. She was out (EXPLETIVE DELETED) very possibly with (EXPLETIVE DELETED) again.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: I want to emphasize these are just claims. We have reached out to Misty Croslin to get her side of the story. She has not commented. She has an open invitation to come here on ISSUES and tell her side.

However, Ron Cummings` attorneys raised an interesting question in a press release just released a couple of minutes ago. They said, quote, "Picazio," meaning Kim Picazio, the woman you just heard from, "once represented Cobra`s wife in a divorce against Cobra, where Cobra had no attorney, according to Broward County records. Cobra tried to befriend Ron Cummings and stoked his fears about what happened the night Haleigh went missing," end quote.

Kim, Kim Picazio, can you explain to us your relationship with the bounty hunter/investigator who appeared out of nowhere named Cobra?

PICAZIO: Absolutely. I met Cobra, which is William Staubs. I purchased a house from him. And he know I was a divorce attorney. He needed a divorce. I was friendly with both he and his wife at the time and remained friends with them throughout the course, even after the divorce. So we`re all...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Are you working in tandem with Cobra?

PICAZIO: Well, he`s an independent investigator who went to the scene, and he has four -- actually five children himself. This case really struck a nerve with him. He wanted to go crack the case. It was important to him. So I do converse with him all the time regarding the facts he`s learned.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Let`s bring Mark Eiglarsh in, criminal defense attorney. You`re listening to all of this. You`ve followed this case. What do you make of it? It`s -- my head is going to explode with all of this stuff.

MARK EIGLARSH, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: First of all, Jane, I`m saddened. I`m going to tell you why. We are missing this child so desperately, and the parties involved, no disrespect to the attorney on your -- on your panel, has turned this into a Jerry Springer-like environment.

There are invaluable resources that should be devoted to finding this child. Instead, what we`re getting is the makings of a book on how to behave or how not to behave when your child goes missing. Including but not limited to chapter one, marry your 17-year-old girlfriend in the middle of a search for your child.

Secondly, how to contaminate a potential eye witness to the crime. That took place either intentionally or unintentionally. And then, during the interview by Craig Rivera, with a child in her arm. That was so unbelievably improper the way that that went down that it has almost no value in court and certainly, almost now value in the court of public opinion.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Stacey, you`re the prosecutor. Do you agree with Mark?

STACEY HONOWITZ, PROSECUTOR: I actually have to agree with him, which is very rare. But in this...


HONOWITZ: I`m going to tell you something very important. The bottom line is all of these leads, all of these potential witnesses, shouldn`t be handled by private investigators working for lawyers. All of these leads of potential witnesses should be spoken to by the lead investigators and the detectives on this case trying to locate this child.

And so it`s not so rare that a 3 or a 4-year-old child would be interviewed by investigators. And they`re trained and they`re seasoned and they know what to look for and what not to look for.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, they may be seasoned, Stacey, but they`re not finding anything. They`re the ones who have said that they`re sort of at wits end, which I think is creating a vacuum that a lot of people are filling with gossip and innuendo and speculation.

Everybody stay right there.

HONOWITZ: But that doesn`t do the case any good.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Right. I agree with you. We`ve got more of the growing list between Haleigh`s parents. Do you think Crystal is manipulating Haleigh`s little brother to get back at Ron? Give me a holler: 1-877-JVM-SAYS. That`s 1-877-586-7297 and let me know.

And outrageous claims in the Casey Anthony case. Is Jose Baez a defective lawyer? That`s what a former client says. He`s in jail right now. I`ll have the details.

But first, attention between Haleigh Cummings parents have something to do with Ron`s new wife, Misty? Here`s a shocking claim for Misty that could have sparked some anger from Crystal.


CROSLIN: I love Haleigh more than anything in this world. Almost like my baby. They used to call me Stepmom. Now, they know that I`m Mother.



CUMMINGS: I have been slandered into a sorry father. Obviously, in most cases the fathers don`t get custody of their children. I took good care of my kids the three years I had them by myself. A lot of people are talking like this is a custody battle. It`s not a custody battle. It`s about finding my 5-year-old daughter.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Haleigh Cummings` father, Ron, urging people the keep the focus on finding little Haleigh.

We`re back, taking your calls. The phone lines are lit up. Julia, South Carolina, your question or thought, ma`am?

CALLER: Thank you, Jane. Why did the mother not fight for these children before? And why is it all of a sudden she can get the money now to hire a big lawyer?


PICAZIO: OK. First, I`m working for free, which is pro bono. I have three children myself, and it was an issue that I really wanted to take on. So I accepted the case for free.

And also, she did not -- Crystal did not -- was not aware of all of these facts that have now come out as a result of this investigation. And she did fight for custody originally. She lost. And at that point, she was not aware that there was a legal avenue to come back and try again to modify the custody situation.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: She lost, in a nutshell, for what reason?

PICAZIO: Well, it`s my understanding that she was a victim of domestic violence at the hands of Ronald Cummings, as has been every other girlfriend he`s had since then, as has been every other girlfriend...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I`ve got to jump in and say we want Ronald Cummings` side of the story on this. We went to present a very fair -- and it`s very hard with this case, but give each side an opportunity. We have no independent knowledge of any relationship with other girlfriends and what might have gone down there.

Brenda Wade, weigh in, please. We need a shrink on this one. It`s gotten so ugly.

BRENDA WADE, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST: We definitely need some mental health and psychological care for everyone concerned, Jane. I mean, there`s no manual on how to behave if your child goes missing. I think these people are extraordinarily stressed.

And we all know that, if you want to see people on their worst behavior, you want to see people who are separated from one another dealing with any kind of issue around their children.

What I`m seeing in terms of the in-fighting is that, when people can`t get at the real target, which is the person who took Haleigh, they turn on anyone who`s close to them. And that`s what we`re seeing with Ron and with Crystal. They`re turning on one another. They`re turning on Misty. And at this point, I don`t think anybody knows any more than we all know about who took Haleigh or where she is.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: You know, Brenda, I think that`s absolutely brilliant analysis, that because they can`t express their frustrations at this mystery person who abducted the child, they`re going at each other. Very good observation.

Ronald Cummings` attorneys are now claiming that Ron Jr.`s statements about the night Haleigh was taken were coaxed by his mother, Crystal Sheffield, and were a product of, quote, "shabby journalism." Let`s look at the interview between Crystal Sheffield, Ron Jr., and Craig Rivera from March 2, 2009, for "Geraldo at Large."


SHEFFIELD: Did you go back to sleep after the man took sissy or did you stay awake? Was you awake? No? But you heard the squeaky shoes? Sissy didn`t wake up when you took him -- when he took her? No?

CRAIG RIVERA, FOX NEWS: No one told him to say that?

SHEFFIELD: Did anybody tell you to say that? No.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, you know, Mark, it`s hard to tell, because the child`s face is blurred for obvious reasons. We want to protect his identity. But I can`t make heads or tails out of what that child is saying, whether he`s saying that -- I can`t tell.

EIGLARSH: Jane, I watched the...

HONOWITZ: And one thing, Jane...

EIGLARSH: I have seen the full version. I watched the unblurred version. And you don`t need to see the child`s face. You look at the techniques or lack thereof being implemented.

If this was truly an eye witness, and I have no idea, but if the child really saw something, investigators should have been called. They should have immediately taken that child into a room with someone who`s trained to handle this and extracted those facts raw.

This was contaminated. It was poisoned. And you know what? This is just fundamentally wrong. We`re supposed to be finding this girl.

WADE: And Jane, I want to say just from the standpoint of developmental psychology, a 4-year-old is not a reliable witness. A 4- year-old still lives very much in the realm of what is magical.

HONOWITZ: That`s not true. That`s not true. In a criminal case, that`s not true.


HONOWITZ: There was a case -- I don`t know if you remember this, Jane, but there was a case a couple of years ago where a police officer came into the house, and he killed this 4-year-old`s mother, and he rolled her up in a carpet. Guess what? That was the eye witness. He gave competent testimony, and the man was convicted.

The cops brought him in. He gave his statement. They were able to see in what context he witnessed things. He was able to give them an idea of what happened. And this man was convicted based on this child`s testimony. So you cannot in general say that any 4-year-old...


WADE: ... doing the interview, but that`s not what we have here. I`m sorry. There`s...



VELEZ-MITCHELL: Kim, what about Ron`s attorney`s claim that your client put the child in danger by putting the child on television? Now he was a potential witness of this crime and he could be targeted.

PICAZIO: Well, I think that what everyone is missing is the police, to my understanding, had already done exactly what everyone had suggested. We`re not tainting him after the fact. We`re -- he`s not being tainted before the police have already even seen him. They`ve already done this. They`ve already interviewed the child...

EIGLARSH: I have a question for Kim, Jane. I have a question for Kim.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: OK. We have ten seconds. Make the point. Thank you.

EIGLARSH: I have one question, Kim. Don`t you think that the feuding back and forth is taking away from the central issue of finding the girl?

PICAZIO: No, no, I don`t. No, I don`t.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: We have to leave it right there. I want to -- we could talk about this all night. Fascinating stuff. Please come back. Thanks to my excellent panel.

<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on March 31, 2009, 08:34:15 AM


Aired March 30, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET

<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The allegations against Ronald Cummings were first made on national TV when Crystal Sheffield`s attorney, Kim Picazio, appeared on NANCY GRACE and said the injuries seen in this picture of Haleigh might have been caused by her father.

Ronald Cummings` attorney released this blustering response saying the injuries to Haleigh were a result of a fall at her elementary school. He says the photo taken November 5th the day before the accident at school shows Haleigh without any injuries.

Ronald`s attorney says this next photo was taken an hour and a half after Haleigh`s accident on November 6th. Another picture taken by Neves from the next day, November 7th, showing Haleigh`s facial injuries worsening and yet on November 9th again, according to Ronald`s attorney, a, quote, "natural progression and continuation of her response to the injury."

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I`ve been slandered into a sorry father. I took good care of my business a few years by myself. It`s not a custody battle. It`s about finding my 5-year- old daughter.


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Accusations now mounting seem to be obscuring the search for this 5-year-old little girl. This, as we learn the biological mother of Haleigh, is in the hospital.

Art Harris, investigative journalist at -- Art, what happened?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, ARTHARRIS.COM, INTERVIEWED MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S NEW STEPMOM: Well, she -- she had an accident today, Crystal Sheffield apparently had a seizure according to a family member and had a wreck. She`s OK. Her daughter Chloe who was in the car and they are in satisfactory condition.

GRACE: I want to go out to Kim Picazio. She is the attorney for the biological mother, Crystal Sheffield.

Miss Picazio, it seems to me that a lot of allegations had been lodged by you and your client against Ronald Cummings, the father and the girlfriend Misty Croslin, now wife. Explain to me what you have done regarding the safe guarding of this 4-year-old little boy and why your client chose to put the 4-year-old little boy on TV for a televised interview?

KIM PICAZIO, ATTORNEY FOR HALEIGH`S MOTHER CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD: Well, with regard to safe guarding the child, again, we`ve said repeatedly, we have called the authorities, which is the purpose protocol after hearing child abuse allegations from multiple eyewitnesses.

We`ve also brought those people down to DCF. They`ve made sworn statements. The DCF is still continuing to tell us to hold off on filing any family law proceeding in wake of their investigation, which hopefully will be concluded very soon.

GRACE: Why did your client, in my mind, exploit a 4-year-old little boy by putting him on TV?

PICAZIO: I don`t believe that would be exploitation. I believe that they wanted to show her with the child. She has a very close relationship with the child. And this show has portrayed her.

GRACE: Who wanted to show her with the child?

PICAZIO: I believe that she wanted to show everyone that she was a good mother and that she had an involved relationship with the child contrary to a lot of the statements that`s been made.

GRACE: So the purpose was to make your client make her look better by whoring out the kid, by putting him on TV for an interview?

PICAZIO: No. I think that`s uncalled for. And I think that the entire public.

GRACE: Why did she put him on TV? Why?

PICAZIO: I think.

GRACE: Why did she put the little boy on TV?

PICAZIO: I think the public would like to see this child -- would like to see my client, would like everyone to answer for what happened.

GRACE: Well, let me remind you, Miss Picazio, it was the public that screened for a crucifixion 2,000 years ago. Does that make it right to put the 4-year-old child on TV to talk about what happened that night? Crazy. Hold on.


GRACE: Let`s go to the other lawyers.

PICAZIO: No. This was a very -- hang on. This was a very gentle interview. It showed her playing with the child on the floor. I don`t see how that can be exploitation and mind you this was after the police had already taken -- professionals had taken the child and questioned him. There could be no tainting. This was after the fact. After the police had already done their investigation.

GRACE: To Mark Hillman, Dr. Hillman, clinical psychotherapist, author of "My Therapist is Making Me Nuts."

Dr. Hillman, isn`t it true that when a child is a potential witness at trial, no one -- the family, TV interviewers, journalists -- nobody is supposed to go over that story again with the child? It could ruin his testimony at trial.

MARK HILLMAN, CLINICAL PSYHOTHERAPIST, AUTHOR OF "MY THERAPIST IS MAKING ME NUTS": You`re absolutely correct because, obviously, the child is being coached. The way the questions are being asked. It`s not raw. It`s not emotional. It`s all couched to present in a certain way.

And I agree with you, Nancy. This was exploitation of -- to make the mom better. How about her past cocaine abuse? Does that make her a better mom, too? I agree with you 100 percent.

GRACE: Well, you know what, Dr. Hillman, it`d be easy for me to jump on the bandwagon about the bio-mom`s cocaine use. But you know what, that would include about 25 percent of America having done drugs so you know what, I`ll let it go.

But putting the kid on TV in an effort to rehab her persona before the public, I don`t get it.

John Burris, Midwin Charles. John Burris, what about it?

JOHN BURRIS, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I actually agree with you on this one, Nancy. And I know you`re surprised about that but I can`t think of any legitimate reason to put a child on television to have them interviewed. Everyone knows that a 4-year-old has real competency questions.

And once you start interviewing them, you can get different kinds of stories. So if the issue was to maintain that witness`s potential credibility for any kind of a legitimate.

GRACE: Right.

BURISS: . judicial proceeding, it`s undermined by that so.

GRACE: Midwin Charles?

MIDWIN CHARLES, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Stop the presses. I actually agree with you, Nancy, believe it or not. You never want.


CHARLES: You never want to expose a child to media in this particular way, especially when it`s obvious that this mother did this to make herself look better.

GRACE: Well, in Picazio`s defense, attorney -- family attorney Kim Picazio, she the lawyer for the bio-mom, Crystal Sheffield.

Miss Picazio, you were not representing her at the time she put the kid in front of the camera, were you?

PICAZIO: No, I was not.

GRACE: OK. So I want to put that out there. Picazio, well respected in her area, summa cum laude graduate, University of Florida. Long story short, that was before you were on the case. But still that`s going to come back and hit your client in the neck in court like a boomerang.

PICAZIO: But, Nancy, we have to understand we`re dealing with people with a tenth grade education.


PICAZIO: . who were trying to do the best thing that they know how to do.

GRACE: Yes. You know what?

PICAZIO: And no one is perfect.

GRACE: Just say it.

PICAZIO: And there was no.

GRACE: I don`t want to hear because they didn`t have a good education. You can say that about a lot of people.

PICAZIO: No. They`re do -- they`re trying to get the story of the missing child out to the press as much as they can.


PICAZIO: She wants everyone to see that she is a good mother.

GRACE: Yes, I heard that.

PICAZIO: .. after being repeatedly by the mother.

GRACE: I heard that.

PICAZIO: And let`s talk about Ronald Cummings.

GRACE: No, no, no. No, no. She`s the reason that she lost custody and there`s a reason for that. Two separate judges, three separate areas.

PICAZIO: There`s a reason for that four years ago. It was two separate judges.

GRACE: And you know what? Let`s advance.


PICAZIO: That`s improper. That`s not what happened.

GRACE: . the search for Haleigh tonight. Forget about your client...

PICAZIO: Let`s do that.

GRACE: . and her claims against the father and back and forth.

Back to Art Harris at We`re taking your calls very quickly.

Art Harris, what more can you tell me about the search for this little girl? While everyone else is slinging mud, let`s just try to focus in on Haleigh. Help me.

HARRIS: Well, Nancy, there is not a lot of searching going on. Police are not getting as many leads as before. And they are looking for someone who can fill in the time line and either put Misty Cummings in the trailer that night or not.

GRACE: Out to the lines, Teresa, Utah. Hi, Teresa.

TERESA, CALLER FROM UTAH: Hi, Nancy. I love you and your babies are very precious. My question and comment are, wasn`t Crystal a young girl when she was also with Ronald? And I find it appalling what they are doing to Ronald.

GRACE: Yes, she was a young girl. The mother, her mother originally would not give consent for them to marry, then after Haleigh goes missing, she broke down and gave consent.

Teresa in Utah, do I agree with teen weddings? No, but that`s a whole other can of worms. We`re talking about the disappearance of little Haleigh. But you`re absolutely right, Teresa in Utah.

To Amanda in Georgia, Hi, dear.

AMANDA, CALLER FROM GEORGIA: hi. You`re so cool, Nancy.

GRACE: I am not. But thank you for saying that. I don`t think my kids think that.

AMANDA: You are. You`re awesome.

GRACE: Bless you. What`s your question?

AMANDA: I have a quick question. I find it a little weird that they ended up getting married. And I wondered what the laws were in Florida about testifying against yourself?

GRACE: Oh Amanda, we have researched it out the wazzu. At first I thought a nefarious intent. They don`t want to testify against each other at trial. In Florida there is a caveat to the law. If the case is about endangerment to a child, the husband/wife privilege does not exist.

<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on April 01, 2009, 09:57:59 AM


Aired March 31, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET

<snipped to include only Haleigh coverage>

First a dramatic turn of events tonight in the search for little Haleigh Cummings, as the investigation into the 5-year-old`s disappearance enters its seventh week. That`s right, seven weeks.

Haleigh`s mother Crystal Sheffield is involved in a car accident after suffering an apparent seizure at the wheel. Her youngest daughter unhurt, thank God, in the backseat. Reports suggest Crystal has had seizures in the past, but is the stress of little Haleigh`s disappearance taking a physical toll on this distraught mother?

Plus what was Misty Croslin, Ron Cummings` new wife doing the very night little Haleigh vanished under her watch and more important, who was she with? New details emerged on ISSUES, right here just last night, about Misty`s alleged relationship with a man named Greg.

Could this have been the man in black Ron, Jr., allegedly saying he saw take Haleigh or is the finger being pointed at the wrong guy. And when will authorities finally weigh in on all of this?

So many issues, but first my expert panel: back with me, criminal defense attorney Darren Kavinoky also known as "The Voice of Reasons;" and another fabulous attorney, Jayne Weintraub; and joining us Dr. Reef Karim, psychiatrist; and by phone, Jared Halpern reporter for KOKV in Jacksonville, Florida.

Jared, what is the very latest?

JARED HALPERN, KOKV REPORTER JACKSONVILLE, FLORIDA: Now, the very latest as you mentioned is that first of all that car accident that happened Monday afternoon with Crystal Sheffield. Police say that Miss Sheffield complained of a medical episode just prior to that accident. She was distracted and caused her to rear end another vehicle.

Miss Sheffield actually checked herself in and out of that hospital. Family members have told at least some news agencies out here that Crystal has had seizures in the past and that she probably will not be driving any more until doctors determine exactly what`s going on.

Obviously, it`s a situation that they`re going to look at fatigue, exhaustion, stress. You can imagine the different elements.

Beyond that, though, police have not said much, you know? A local television station had a sit-down interview with Putnam County Sheriff Jeff Hardy today who said that he`s quote, "Taking this investigation very personal."

He said it`s frustrating was that there are so many different angle it`s tough to find a focus and really narrow this broad investigation down, considering this number of inconsistencies that he said they`ve heard from a number of different people. And about this war of words that we`re starting to hear have actually said that that fight within the family is not helping that investigation, quote, "saying it`s losing the focus of the mission at hand" and that`s obviously finding little Haleigh Cummings.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Wow, well great update there. I wonder why authorities don`t eliminate the false rumors because that would stop the rumor mill. Rumors swirling about Misty Croslin`s alleged possible affair with a man named Greg.

Last night on our program, Kim Picazio, the attorney for Haleigh`s mom told me she had spoken with Greg. Let`s listen to exactly what she said.


KIM PICAZIO, ATTORNEY FOR HELEIGH`S MOTHER: Yes. I just got off the phone with Greg. So I was here at your studio and one of my investigators that are on the case has finally located this person.

He did intimate a lot of detail. I asked him as many questions as I could. We`re going to have to -- I`d like to go and check some of his allegations. It`s my understanding he was with Misty the weekend prior to the disappearance of Haleigh. And with regard to anything with regard to that night that Haleigh went missing, I need to double-check his facts.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, she didn`t tell us much, but she`s going to be back with us real soon. Her story seems to corroborate what bounty hunter Cobra told T.J. Hart just last week. Let`s listen.


WILLIAM "COBRA" STAUBS, BOUNTY HUNTER: Ronald is convinced now beyond any question of doubt that she was not there. She wasn`t home, bro. She was out [bleep] very possibly with [bleep] again.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: And once again, we have no knowledge of what the truth is here. We`d love to hear from Misty. We keep reaching out to her. Misty, come on the show and tell your side of the story.

But Darren Kavinoky, if all of this is nonsense and there`s no truth to it why don`t police just come out and say that so we can stop the rumor mill?

DARREN KAVINOKY, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, first Jane, I want to thank you for publicly dubbing me "The Voice of Reason." I`m going to get a lot of mileage out of that when I get home.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I could take it back too, you know.

KAVINOKY: I know, I know.

The reason police won`t want to silence the rumor mill is because in some respects it can actually serve them. The way that people respond when these rumors come out could be very telling. And of course, investigators don`t want to come out with anything until they really have it nailed down.

So I wouldn`t hold my breath and expect that law enforcement is going to publicly come out and start denouncing anything until they really have this case sewn up.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, there are so many insinuations. The insinuations that Misty may have had some kind of affair are mounting. Kim Picazio, Crystal`s attorney, told us about her relationship with Cobra last night on ISSUES.


PICAZIO: I met Cobra which is Bill Staubs, William Staubs. I purchased a house from him, and he knew I was a divorce attorney. He needed a divorce. I was friendly with both he and his wife at the time and remained friends with him throughout the course even after the divorce.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now it seems like all these negative accusations about Misty are coming from one camp, the Crystal Sheffield camp. You see there`s a connection now between Crystal`s attorney and Cobra, the one who is going around investigating and found Greg.

Jayne, is it possible that Misty just has a friend named Greg and there`s nothing here?

JAYNE WEINTRAUB, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: No. I don`t think it`s possible, but I do think that the police have already found Greg and spoken with him and taken a sworn statement. I think if Kim`s lawyer found him, - - Kim`s investigator found him surely the police found him already.

What upsets me or what troubles me and the police will not comment on is, what were the circumstances of the interview that was had yesterday? And was it going to compromise in any way the missing person interview? This is not about the custody issue or the divorce. We don`t care about that. We care about trying to find Haleigh and what happened.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Dr. Reef Karim as a psychiatrist, how would you counsel either side to lower the volume on this? This has gotten so stressful and so ugly between the estranged father and mother of the missing child that you just heard, the mom had a car accident and a seizure.

DR. REEF KARIM, DIRECTOR, BEVERLY HILLS CENTER FOR LIFESTYLE ADDICTIONS: Yes and you know any time you have a lot of stress in your life and this is a huge stress. I mean, a missing kid is incredibly huge.

A lot of times people don`t know what to do because they don`t have control over the situation. So they find other ways to expel the energy that they have. And a lot of times it goes out in a negative way where you`ll see parents fighting like this.

In regards to the car accident, when you have a lot of stress, what it does is it impacts everything else that you already have in your medical history. So if someone has a history of a seizure disorder, it`s more likely that they may have a seizure because of the stress going on in their system.

Now, additionally, there could be low blood sugar. Somebody mentioned fatigue. You could have a transient ischemic attack which is like a mini stroke. There`s all sorts of other things that could be happening to cause somebody to lose consciousness or even look like a seizure.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Oh absolutely, I think if you`d had a nervous breakdown it would be totally understandable in a situation like this. I can`t even imagine the pressure that both of these people are under with their child missing and then at the center of a national focus and then a custody battle and all these accusations.

Last week, Kim Picazio who is the attorney for Crystal, the missing child`s mom was on "Nancy Grace." She spoke about the night Haleigh went missing and I want to play a clip from that interview. Listen very carefully.


PICAZIO: We have uncovered people, eyewitnesses that have seen her out that night with another individual. Whether or not she propped open the door and allowed a person in that night, we don`t know. None of us were there, but we surely know that she was not home with the children that night according to our eyewitnesses.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, Misty says she was home although she`s changed her story a number of times within that overall claim of being home. Kim claims to have spoken to people who saw her out that night.

Jared, do we have any idea who these alleged eyewitnesses are?

HALPERN: -- spoken to any of them, certainly there have been claims made that she wasn`t home. A lot of them have been made as we`ve seen throughout this entire investigation from the Sheffield side of the family.

Now, I`ve spoken to Misty seven, eight, maybe nine times since this case first broke and every single time she says that she was home the entire night.

There have been a few inconsistencies in her story but those inconsistencies that at least appeared to be relatively minor in the sense of exactly where in the mobile home Haleigh was sleeping in relation to where Misty was sleeping. But again, she`s been questioned about this I know a numerous times from police as well as to were you home the entire time?

Police have said that they`ve used polygraph and they`re obviously not disclosing what the results of those polygraphs were, however, Ronald Cummings and Misty Croslin Cummings indicate that they were told by police that they passed those polygraph tests. And of course, police obviously not disclosing publicly what the results of those polygraphs were. Also aren`t going into a lot of detail about what specifically they asked the couple. But the number of times I`ve spoken to Misty, her story about being home the entire night has not veered.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Wow, ok thank you, everyone, for excellent insight.

It remains a total mystery which we will try to solve and get this little girl home ok, we pray.

<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on April 02, 2009, 08:59:39 AM


Aired April 1, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET

<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>

First, shocking new developments tonight in the desperate search for 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings. Who is this mystery man, Greg, who some claim may have been with Misty Croslin around the time of Haleigh`s disappearance? Well, we have done some digging and found some fascinating information on a man who may, and I repeat a big may, be the guy some are talking about.

Also, stress takes its toll again on Haleigh`s mom, Crystal Sheffield, as she suffers a second seizure, this just after being discharge from a hospital. Meantime, the Putnam County Sheriff says enough is enough in that bitter custody battle between Crystal and Haleigh`s father, Ron. Cops say it is not helping the search for little Haleigh.


SHERIFF JEFF HARDY, PUTNAM COUNTY, FL: Unfortunately, in the last few weeks it seems to -- we`ve kind of lost the focus of what our mission is here. It`s just been extremely difficult to try to narrow it and focus it down to where it needs to be.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Is the parental fighting distracting authorities from finding Haleigh by sending them on false leads? Or are these freelance investigators coming up with stuff that could help the cops?

I`m joined again by Drew Findling, Atlanta criminal defense attorney; as well as Paul Callan, former prosecutor and criminal defense attorney; plus the attorney for Haleigh`s mother, Crystal Sheffield, her name is Kim Picazio -- thank you for joining us tonight, Kim. And by phone, Jared Halpern, a reporter with WOKV AM 690 and 106.5 FM.

Jared, what is the very latest?

JARED HALPERN, WOKV AM 690 AND 106.5 FM REPORTER: Good evening, Jane. The very latest after talking to investigators this morning is that tips sadly enough seem to be down to single digits. This is an incredible drop- off from the early points of this investigation.

most of these tips we understand are also to be frank borderline absurd and those from callers wanting to share theories about the case instead of information. A lot of out-of-state psychics I`m told are starting to call.

So many in fact that police have sort of a psychic file of sorts. Unfortunately from a purely investigative standpoint, there`s frustration. A handful of local sheriff`s investigators continue obviously working very closely with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement and FBI.

Then as you`ve been mentioning Jane, there`s a lot of rumors. It`s all filtering back to the sheriff`s office. They are getting the information. But so far they tell me that they haven`t had anyone confirm any of the allegations that have recently surfaced.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes and we wish they would come out and talk about them so we could put the rumor mill to rest.

Now, everybody listen carefully to all of this. But I`m going to direct this question to Kim Picazio.

Ron Cummings` lawyers were the first to release the full name of somebody they claim they were told the authorities might be interested in contacting. They said, quote, "This office received information on March 25th, 2009 from an individual employed by a client of ours identifying Gregory Lewis Page as someone the police would be interested in contacting."

Now, here`s a question. Is that the same mystery Greg that investigators/bounty hunter Cobra claims was with Misty around the time little Haleigh disappeared? We do not know.

But we did some digging and we found a man by the same name who lives in the same area. And we learned that this Gregory Lewis Page has been arrested numerous times. Now, we have to emphasize that we do not know if this is the same Gregory Lewis Page Ron`s lawyers claim might be of interest to authorities.

But if this is the same guy mentioned in the press release, he has been in a lot of trouble with the law. He`s bookings she say, he was arrested for quote, "possession of drug paraphernalia, maintaining a drug dwelling, possession of ecstasy with intent to sell or deliver, failure to appear, possession of ecstasy, possession of cocaine, possession of cocaine with intent to sell or deliver within 1,000 feet of a school."

Ok. So this is clearly a long arrest record. I`m not talking about convictions. I`m just talking about arrests; 62 pages of court records show alleged violence against officers and a charge of grand theft.

Kim Picazio, my question to you is, is this the same Greg who you say you spoke to on the phone the other day? Is this the person you believe has a link to Misty or not?

KIM PICAZIO, LAWYER FOR CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD: This is the person. And I would like to say that we had known about this person weeks ago. And our investigators had been looking for him, tracking him down through friends. Apparently he did not want to speak with us.

I believe he did initially speak with the police. So the police had already been on top of it. But with a guy like this, I mean...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: You spoke to him on the phone?

PICAZIO: Yes, I did. I spoke with him on the phone. And my investigators got him and I spoke with him on the phone and I had a very frank conversation with him.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Did he say he was with Misty that night? Because maybe this poor guy, whatever his past, maybe he has nothing to do with this and he is just dragged into this because of the rumor mill and because Cobra keeps talking about this mystery man, Greg.

PICAZIO: Well, I believe that Cobra talked about him because we have been looking for him because we have credible information he could have been with Misty.

And I had a very short conversation with him while I was here right before I went on the other day. And he continues to maintain he was not with Misty that night. I did tell him that he was going to be giving interview with Art (ph) here that`s going to be coming out...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Does he know Misty? Is he a friend of Misty?

PICAZIO: He confirmed an intimate relationship with Misty yes...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Oh well, ok.

PICAZIO: ... and he confirmed many details about the household that we have been waiting to hear.


PICAZIO: And we have subsequently given all of those details to police. And maybe he told them in the first place...


PICAZIO: Maybe he didn`t.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right, let me just say this. We have no independent confirmation of anything that Kim just said. This is her investigation.

We would like to hear from this Greg. We invite him to come on and tell his side of the story. We don`t want to jump to any conclusions here.

And we also want to hear from Misty. We`ve been trying to reach out to Misty to find out what the story is and is there any connection? Does she even know this person? Do they really know each other?

But, you know, Jared, what are the authorities saying? Because obviously, this is stuff that has been discussed locally in that area. What are the cops saying about this?

HALPERN: There`s two big points I think here Jane. As for Greg, police are not naming him by name. So of course, we have no way of confirming if this particular gentleman was ever interviewed.

But as I mentioned, I spoke with a lieutenant in the Putnam County Sheriff`s office this morning and he said that every time any name is mentioned in a lead no matter where that lead comes from, that person identified is interviewed.

So far, everyone who they`ve asked to have interviews with has cooperated and gone forward with that question and answer, so police are stopping short of publicly saying who has and who has not been ruled out.

But a second point, and I think this is important, this isn`t the first time that we`ve gone through a muck-raking of sorts. A few weeks in of this investigation, you may remember a lot of attention focused on Misty Croslin`s cousin who lives in Tennessee.

You remember, claims were made that he had a shady past; may have had something to do with the girl`s disappearance. Police made contact with him in Knoxville, Tennessee and it was revealed he had nothing to do with the case. Again, that was police following up on a tip from family covering all of their base...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Right, exactly and your point is very well-taken. We`re not saying that this individual Greg is a suspect or a person of interest -- nothing like that. Nothing like that.

DREW FINDLING, ATLANTA CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Jane, let me say that oftentimes in cases like this, the problem is when somebody doesn`t have a criminal record and you don`t really know much about them.

Actually with regard to this Greg, he does have a long criminal record. And over the span of a decade, driving with suspended license, drug cases, confrontations with a police officer, there is no propensity...


FINDLING: ... to commit sexual related crimes or anything regarding kidnapping children or sexual acts with a children -- or child. Anything like this, so actually his record as far as I am concern, is exculpatory recording this gentleman Greg.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Paul Callan, you also studied it as a former prosecutor and defense attorney. What did you make of his court documents?

PAUL CALLAN, FORMER PROSECUTOR: Well, there`s a staggering number of arrests here. I mean, he`s been arrested numerous times for possession of ecstasy, cocaine, marijuana. He`s been charged with burglary, he`s been charged numerous traffic offenses, grand theft. I presumed it`s probably grand theft auto.

When I look at the record, Jane, as a prosecutor, what I see here is the record of a low-level drug user. And I would agree with Drew there`s nothing here over a ten-year period that indicates kidnapping, crimes of personal violence. It looks to be the record of a drug addict who gets charged with drug crimes.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: But Paul, first of all, let me say something. And we have no knowledge that this individual is a drug addict. It`s very important to say that and again, we want to hear his side of the story. We`d love to talk to him.

A lot of the charges, I understand having scanned this -- but you`re the expert, you studied it, you`re a former prosecutor, were dropped.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: I find that fascinating because the same happened with Ron. Ron Cummings, there`s a lot of charges were dropped.

CALLAN: Yes, this is really quite astonishing. And I was talking to a couple of lawyers today in Florida about this. To see these many charges dropped -- and usually there`s a phrase Jane that says No-Law-Pros (ph), that means the prosecutor voluntarily dropped the charge and it happens repeatedly through this criminal record.

And despite all of his arrests, I only find one arrest where he served any time in jail. Every single other case is either dismissed or results in probation and a fine.


CALLAN: So a very, very lenient treatment by the Florida courts with respect to whoever this individual is.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And that`s pretty fascinating.

FINDLING: Jane, I`d like to ask -- can I ask Kim a question?



FINDLING: Kim, I remember specifically the large number of people on the sexual registry. And I think we`d all agree those of us who do this work that the sexual registry all over the country, the number...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: We`re running out of time so jump in to the question.

FINDLING: They are inflated, the numbers are inflated.

Has your investigator looked into the number of people in the registry that are actually pedophiles?


FINDLING: Real pedophiles? And what are the numbers there and to what degree have they been looked into?

PICAZIO: They`ve been looked into thoroughly. We followed 257 leads as of today.

FINDLING: But what about the number of pedophiles in that area? Not boyfriends and girlfriends who had fights with one another a round up on the registry, pedophiles. How many pedophiles in the surrounding area have been looked into by your investigator?

PICAZIO: Over 30.



VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Well, obviously we`re going to discuss this story again tomorrow. Thank you to my fantastic panel.

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on April 03, 2009, 09:27:44 AM


Aired April 2, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET

<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>

Now, to Haleigh Cummings and the fall-out from shocking claims about mystery man Greg made on our show last night. He is a man with a long history of drug arrests who some claim is very close to Misty. Police reportedly interviewed this man but will say no more.

Meantime, Haleigh`s maternal grandmother erupts in a rage, fuming to over the very slow pace of the investigation.


MARIE GRIFFIS, HALEIGH CUMMINGS GRANDMOTHER: What`s going on here in Putnam County? Why -- somebody is not doing their job. And my granddaughter has been gone too long now.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: What are police doing to find this child? Should they hold a news conference and tell all? I think so.

Meantime, private investigators filling the vacuum with their own digging. The lawyer for Haleigh`s mother dropped this shocker last night about the mystery man named Greg.


PICAZIO: We have credible information he could have been with Misty. And I had a very short conversation with him while I was here right before I went on the other day and he continues to maintain he was not with Misty that night.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Does he know Misty? Is he a friend of Misty?

PICAZIO: He confirmed an intimate relationship with Misty, yes.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: We have no independent confirmation of anything that Kim just said. This is her investigation. But her claim dovetails with what bounty-hunter `Cobra` claims about where Misty was the night Haleigh disappeared.


STAUBS: Ronald`s convinced now beyond any question of doubt that she was not there. She wasn`t home, bro... she was out [bleep] around very possibly, with [bleep] again.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, we have reached out to Misty again today. We do it every day. We want to hear her side. There is an open invitation for her to come on our show and tell her side of the story.

And by the way, we`ve also reached out repeatedly to Greg, but his phone has been disconnected. We even tried to contact him through his MySpace page but he has not responded. We want to talk to him and get his side, too.

Joining me: Stacey Honowitz, Florida prosecutor; Dr. Gail Saltz, psychiatrist and author of "The Ripple Effect;" Curtis Sliwa, founder of "The Guardian Angel;" T.J. Hart, program and news director of WSKY FM 97.3 who joins me by phone.

T.J., what do you know about cops and this man, Greg?

T.J. HART, WSKY FM 97.3 NEWS DIRECTOR: Well, cops will tell me only one thing and that was a couple of weeks ago and they`ll tell me the same thing today as they told me everyday in between. Yes, contact has been made with a fellow by the name of Greg.

"We interview a lot of people. We`ve interviewed a lot -- re- interviewed a lot of people and we cannot comment nor will we divulge anything about an ongoing investigation." But my sources have come to the same conclusion as Mr. Staubs and also of Kim Picazio`s investigators, that this man may have some information that may hold the key to the disappearance of this child.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And it`s such a complicated case.

We`re going to try to get through it. Some have speculated Ron Cummings, Haleigh`s father, might have been a drug informant.

Listen to this exchange with Geraldo on Fox.


GERALDO RIVERA, FOX NEWS GERALDO EXCLUSIVE: What about allegations of cocaine use, methamphetamine use.

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF HALEIGH: There`s nothing. I do not do drugs.

RIVERA: You don`t do drugs, all of those arrests were wrong...


RIVERA: Do you work for the police, are you an informant?

CUMMINGS: No, I am not an informant. I do not work for the police. I work for PDM which is a bridge-building company. That`s who I work for.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, the reason this arose was because Ron Cummings has had numerous drug charges but has never been convicted. And these charges include possession of cocaine, cannabis, the use of drug paraphernalia, and maintaining a drug vehicle, possession of a controlled substance, morphine, Xanax, possession of a drug without valid prescription, possession of drug paraphernalia.

And this is probably what led some to speculate about various aspects of this case and some of the accusations of his ex and Haleigh`s mother leveled at Ron regarding drugs being in the home.

But again, Ron has said repeatedly, just the other day, I do not do drugs. He said it through his attorney.

So Stacey Honowitz, what do you make of all this talk of drugs surrounding Misty?

STACEY HONOWITZ, FLORIDA PROSECUTOR: Remember you said at the beginning of this block, it`s a cyclone of speculation. That`s exactly what it is. We don`t know.

We do know that he does have a long rap sheet. A lot of drug arrests but we also that a lot of these were never -- they never went to trial, he`s never done a lot of time on them and a lot of them were dismissed.

So we don`t know actually what the allegations are or what kind of drug history he does have. But I`ll tell you one thing if you think that in an interview with Geraldo Rivera, if he was an informant, he was going to on national television, tell everyone he was an informant, you`re sadly mistaken.

There might have been a time where he was, but he certainly is not coming forward and telling the free world, "Oh, guess what, I`m a drug informant. So watch out." It`s never going to happen.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And once again, he is saying he doesn`t do drugs except for prescriptions, for medications. And that his lawyers are very adamant about this.

And there is a lot of evidence to show that he has been a very caring, loving father who is obviously tormented with grief at this moment. You can see him crying right there.

Hypothetically speaking, Curtis Sliwa, what are the reasons why there was speculation about this drug informant thing is that all of these charges are dropped. So hypothetically speaking, when you see a lot of charges like that dropped, dropped, dropped, dropped, dropped, what do you think of?

SLIWA: Well, you think the guy is dropping dime, he`s joined team America. He`s helped in providing information that leads to the big drug providers so maybe where people are doing hydroponics (ph) where they`re growing and where they`re wholesaling and maybe he was a low level user or low level dealer and he realizes the game.

You`re in there and the cops are sweating you down and all of a sudden you provide information and those charges go away.

That`s how a lot of sheriff`s departments make busts because they don`t have personnel to be able to go out there and bust their shoes like the metropolitan police department.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Gail, you`re the psychiatrist. I think a lot of people are wondering, why are police being so tight-lipped. Is there something they know that they`re afraid of revealing to the public?

GAIL SALTZ, PSYCHIATRIST: I think whether there`s something they know that they shouldn`t leak or whether it`s what they don`t know that they shouldn`t leak. If you`re going to do a proper investigation you really shouldn`t be leaking because, of course, as you can see what happens, Jane, there`s tremendous speculation there`s lots of discussion.

It can be very erroneous. It can lead you off on an erroneous trail and it can pressure people to say things that aren`t even true.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Right back with more of this in a second.



SHERIFF JEFF HARDY, PUTNAM COUNTY, FLORIDA: Unfortunately, in the last few weeks it seems to -- we`ve kind of lost the focus of what our mission is here. It`s just been extremely difficult to try to narrow it and focus it down to where it needs to be.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Sheriff Jeff Hardy, echoing feelings of some of Haleigh`s family that this investigation has lost focus and is moving too slowly.

Back with my panel. The phone lines are lighting up, but first, T.J. Hart, the mystery man Greg, we did some checking. His name was first mentioned by the attorneys for Ron Cummings, interestingly enough. We found a person with the same name who Crystal Sheffield`s attorney says is the same person. A long list of drug arrests, but also just like Ron, very few convictions.

T.J., what do you make of it? What is your insight being on the scene there?

T.J. HART, NEWS DIRECTOR, WSKY 97.3 FM: Right now, you know, putting all the pieces together here you`re seeing two -- like you say -- two very similar rap sheets with pretty much almost the same thing on them to be quite honest with you. One, two, three, four, five, six, seven different either misdemeanors or felonies combined there.

You`re probably seeing someone who is a low-level operator, someone who is making a quick buck and maybe someone who is also perhaps passing on some information to, you know, save himself and perhaps stay viable, if you know what I mean, as far as being in the business.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Once again, we have no independent confirmation that this is the mystery man or that he was with Misty that night. We want to talk to him and we`d like police to clarify all of this. Too much speculation and we need to get some answers.

Roz, Ohio, your question or thought, ma`am?

ROZ, OHIO: Yes, I`m curious as to why the biological mother is only seeking custody of Junior and why not Haleigh, too? Does she know something?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, that`s an interesting question for the psychiatrist?

SALTZ: You know, at this point, I think it`s probably very painful to think about the custody issue because the question is, is Haleigh still alive? It may be a denial mechanism to sort of not touch that, if you will, rather to have to think about whether there is a child existing to have custody of?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I just want to clarify, Crystal does not have custody of Junior. She would like to have custody but right now Ron Cummings, the father has custody. And Stacey, just a couple of seconds what do you make of that fact that he is the one who is considered the better parent by the courts?

HONOWITZ: Well, we`ve gone over this so many times. I mean, obviously there was something telling in the record that they didn`t want this mother to have custody. It is very difficult for the mother to lose custody and the father to get it.

She`ll go back to court.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: We`ve got to leave it right there. You`re watching ISSUES on HLN.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on April 04, 2009, 10:10:38 AM


Aired April 3, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET

<snipped to include only Haleigh coverage>

But first, the frantic search for Haleigh Cummings continues as more questions are raised about Misty Croslin. The seventeen-year-old bride of Haleigh`s dad Ron, says she was home when little Haleigh vanished.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did you hear anything?

MISTY CROSLIN, WIFE OF RONALD CUMMINGS: I didn`t hear anything at all. Nothing, if I heard something, I would have got up and wouldn`t have let them take her.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Police have interviewed Misty numerous times. She claims she passed a polygraph test. She is not considered a suspect. Yet, police also say her story has many inconsistencies.

The attorney for the missing girl`s mother says she has reason to believe that Misty`s alleged relationship with a mystery man named Greg who happens to have a long history of drug arrests could hold the key to finding little Haleigh.

Joining me: Wendy Murphy, former prosecutor and law professor, at New England Law Boston; Drew Findling, Atlanta criminal defense attorney; and by phone Jared Halpern, a reporter with WOKV AM 690 and 106.5 FM.

Jared, what is the very latest in this case?

JARED HALPERN, WOKV AM 690, 106.5 FM REPORTER: Well, the very latest is really back to square one as far as investigators are concerned. They really have made very little headway, at least publicly in the search for little Haleigh Cummings, going on now two months.

Of course a lot of attention every time the police make any sort of statement or do any sort of interview revolves around Misty Croslin and what she may or may not know. Again, police think she probably holds the key at least in solving this case. And it makes some sense she was after all the last person admittedly to see this little girl before the disappearance.

But so far, police have said very little about what she`s told them, what they`re telling her. And so far have not named her a person of interest, a suspect or named anybody a suspect or a person of interest in Haleigh`s disappearance.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: In fact the sheriff said just this week that some of the best minds in law enforcement have talked to Misty, who is 17, and they can`t get a consistent story out of her about what happened that night, which is pretty astounding, Wendy Murphy, given that she says she was at home...


VELEZ-MITCHELL: ... in a very small doublewide trailer.

MURPHY: Yes. I mean, if you could only get a conviction on inconsistencies, she`d be in jail. But that`s not enough. And it could well be that she`s just an idiot. Maybe she doesn`t know anything and she`s not a co-conspirator in whatever happened. Maybe she`s just a dope.

And she`s young. And we`ve all seen her. And there`s something wrong with her. I don`t know if she knows more. But I think she does. And what I worry about is why, if she says she cares about this child, even one iota, why isn`t she agreeing to do a reenactment of the last moments of her time with this child? Why?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: You are absolutely right.

Now Kim Picazio, Crystal Sheffield`s lawyer, claimed on this show just this week that Greg, this mystery man, knew details about Haleigh`s home. Listen to this.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Does he know Misty? Is he a friend of Misty`s?

KIM PICAZIO, CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD`S ATTORNEY: He confirmed an intimate relationship with Misty, yes.


PICAZIO: And he confirmed many details about the household that we have been waiting to hear.


PICAZIO: And we have subsequently given all of those details to police. Maybe he told them in the first place...


PICAZIO: ... maybe he didn`t.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: I have to say once again we have no independent confirmation of anything that Kim Picazio said. She is the attorney for the missing girl`s mother. This is her investigation conducted for the missing girl`s mom.

Putnam County Police will only say they have interviewed a man named Greg, nothing more. We`ve tried to reach that guy numerous times. We`ve also tried to reach Misty without success. We`d love to hear their sides of the story.

But Wendy, what do you make of this man, who the attorney for the missing child`s mother keeps bringing up, given that we`ve done some checking. We found that this particular individual has -- not only lives in the area, but has a long history of drug arrests but very few convictions.

MURPHY: Well, let`s speculate because that`s all we can do with this information.

Let`s assume she was involved in some of kind of relationship with him and let`s assume that she has a drug problem and he`s connected in some way to the supplying of that material.

Is it possible that this child became a pawn of some sort or payment? It wouldn`t be the first time a little kid was used in that way, either to pressure some payment that`s due or as payment to ...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right I have to jump ...


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Drew Findling again, we have no knowledge of -- we have no knowledge of that. But it is weird that...

MURPHY: I`m speculating...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: ... that drugs seem to be a backdrop of this entire case. Drew?

FINDLING: Well, I think that what`s a backdrop is that there`s a dysfunction in this household. You know, I listened patiently a few minutes ago when we had a lot of hyperbole about pedophiles and throwing them in jails.

But I look at three cases and even a new case right now where there is a common bond. You look at the Anthony case and you have the dysfunction of this girl, Casey, that didn`t want her child, that`s living with her parents; clearly had no parenting skills.

Now you look at the Haleigh Cummings case. She`s living with her father because they gave custody to her father. Her father leaves them with what should be an 11th-grade girl that he`s now married to.

And now we even have a new house with all of those kids living with family in one household.

And there`s a common bond, and it has a lot to do with socio-economic, it has a lot to do with parenting, it has to do with not pedophilia, but just psychological care and well-being of children and their parents.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I think it has to do with young people having kids, kids having kids. To a certain degree I think it`s part of the big problem. And we, as a nation, have to look at that ...

FINDLING: That`s it.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: ... huge issue of kids who are not grown up themselves who haven`t worked out their own stuff, having kids. It`s a problem.

FINDLING: That`s a great point.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I have to leave it right there. I could talk about that case all night.

Thank you so much. And Jared, thank you to you for your great reporting.

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on April 07, 2009, 09:40:17 AM


More Evidence Released in Casey Anthony Case; New Figure Sheds Light on Haleigh Cummings Case

Aired April 6, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET

<snipped to include only Haleigh coverage>


VELEZ-MITCHELL: In the desperate search for little Haleigh Cummings, the spotlight now on Misty Croslin. She`s the teenager who was watching Haleigh when she disappeared and later married the missing girl`s father.

Misty now at the center of scandalous claims, these being -- being made by one person, mystery man Greg. He`s a new player in this unfolding drama. Greg came up after being pointed out by the attorney for little Haleigh`s distraught mom. And a bounty hunter named Cobra publicly claimed Greg and Misty were together on the night little Haleigh vanished. But Greg now telling his side of the story in an interview with investigative journalist Art Harris.

Let`s go right out to T.J. Hart, program news director with WSKY 97.3, who joins me by phone.

T.J., what`s Greg saying about his alleged relationship with Misty, and what happened that night, or did not happen that night?

T.J. HART, PROGRAM NEWS DIRECTOR, WSKY (via telephone): Well, Greg is now telling everybody he can find that, especially our good friend Art Harris, who`s an investigative reporter, that it was no big thing. It was basically a hookup. It was a weekend get-together. They did some drugs. They had some intimate moments. And that was that. It was nothing like love or anything of the sort.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And he wasn`t there, he says, the night that little Haleigh vanished.

HART: That`s what he`s claiming. He`s claiming he was not, Quote, "only a fool would be in another man`s house laying up with his girlfriend." And he wasn`t there that night. He`s actually gone to the police and actually gave -- given his side of the story, and everything, early on.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. Well, as you mentioned, this mystery man, Greg, made another startling claim about Misty Croslin to investigative journalist Art Harris. Listen to this one,




PAGE: Well, roxies and all that (EXPLETIVE DELETED).

HARRIS: Roxies? I never, never heard of roxies.

PAGE: Roxies is a new pill they got.

HARRIS: Oh, really? Is that -- oh, really? OK.

PAGE: It`s -- it`s a breakthrough for Oxycontin.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Again, Greg`s talking about Misty. This is one person`s word. Greg, by the way, has a long arrest record and at least one felony conviction.

We`ve reached out to both Ron and Misty`s respective camps. As of right now, there`s been no response or comment about this interview. We would love to hear from either one of them. We want to hear all sides of the story here.

T.J., what about this accusation of drug use by Misty in the days leading up to little Haleigh`s disappearance?

HART: Well, there`s -- there`s something to this. There are a lot of people who are basically calling out from the shadows. They`re trying to bend anybody`s ears, saying that the little lady did have a little bit of an affinity for drugs on a recreational basis. And that`s something that I`ve heard from day one.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And has Misty given any response to that? I mean, we have been unable to reach her, but given that this has come up over and over again, has she ever told her side of the story on that?

HART: She may have told that to police. But she`s not told that to anyone in public. And as you know, she`s not been saying anything for about the last, oh, two weeks.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: We only have a couple of seconds. But what are cops saying about all this? It`s almost like the bounty hunter, the investigative journalists, they`re breaking all the stories, and cops are just not saying a word.

HART: And the harder we reporters and the harder the investigators knocked at the door, the tighter the lists become at the Putnam County sheriff`s office and with the FDLE and with the FBI. And we get the same pat line, which is, "We cannot comment, nor will we divulge anything pertaining to an ongoing investigation."

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, T.J., I want to thank you. As always, great job. Please come back soon. Let`s hope we get a break in this case.

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on April 14, 2009, 06:34:01 AM


Aired April 13, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET

<snipped to include only Haleigh coverage>

Fascinating developments in the case of missing Florida girl, Haleigh Cummings; the 5-year-old vanished from her home more than two months ago without a trace. The official investigation into little Haleigh`s disappearance has remained nearly silent.

But explosive twists and turns have developed. Thanks to bounty hunters, and fabulous investigative journalists. Misty Croslin, the 17- year-old the teen bride of Haleigh`s father, Ron, was reportedly the very last person to see little Haleigh.

Now, her private life thrust into the national spotlight, as the man reportedly with her the night before Haleigh went missing speaks out. He talked exclusively to at "The Bald Truth."

Greg says he had absolutely nothing to do with the child`s disappearance and is upset about being dragged into the case. Also, he did not hold back in his criticism of Ron.


GREGORY PAGE, ACQUAINTANCE OF MISTY CROSLIN: He didn`t force Misty to do anything. Right before she went back to him she was with me and she was telling me that she left him because he was going to beat on her or whatever. They used to fight all the time.

(END VIDEO CLIP) VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ron has previously denied all claims of physical violence and has said repeatedly that his private life is completely irrelevant to his search for his daughter Haleigh.


RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: I believe that any of that is personal, and that it has nothing to do with my daughter going missing. We need to just focus on my daughter going missing and not what`s going on in my life besides my daughter going missing. It`s about my daughter going missing, not what`s going on in my life.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Again, his daughter, Haleigh. So just how much will Greg`s allegations stir up the case of little Haleigh Cummings? Could there be any relevance, or is it just more of that he said/she said to add to the big gossip mill?

I am joined now by Kim Picazio, lawyer for Haleigh`s mother Crystal Sheffield; Dr. Judith Orloff, a clinical psychologist and author of "Emotional Freedom;" and by phone, T.J. Hart, program and news director for WSKY 97.3 FM.

T.J., what is the very latest on the Greg front in this case?

T.J. HART, PROGRAM & NEWS DIRECTOR, WSKY 97.3 FM (via telephone): The Greg front is that Greg is that making some noise in the community to our sources at as you just played. Saying, "Why am I being dragged into this mess? What do you want with me? I did what I did. I said what I said. It was left a long time ago."

He`s getting rather indignant about the whole ordeal at this stage of the game. But once again, this was a fellow that was turned on to all of us by investigators on the ground. Especially William Staubs, a bounty hunter bondsman who made a contact through Ronald Cummings, and again, through other sources to find this Greg Page character who it was believed to be central to what may have happened the night of little Haleigh`s disappearance.

Well, Kim Picazio, you are Crystal Sheffield`s attorney. Crystal Sheffield is the mother of the missing child. What do you say to that? You work with the bounty hunter, "Cobra," William Staubs. He`s the one who kind of originally found this guy. You brought this man to life. He`s saying, "Hey, leave me out of it. I was with her the weekend before little Haleigh went missing. But I wasn`t with her when Haleigh went missing. I don`t want anything to do with this. Please, leave me out of it."

KIM PICAZIO, ATTORNEY FOR CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD: Well, what I have to say about that is we`re not going to leave anyone alone. There`s a child that is missing. And we`re going to uncover every single rock. We`re going to try to ferret out facts from fiction and we`re going to try to find Haleigh.

With regard to Ron`s personal life? May I refer you to the Caylee Anthony case. I think that the personal life of the parents may in fact lead us to what happened to this little child. And if people in the community are going to come forward, and tell us exactly what the lifestyle they led. This is not the first person that we have heard of that`s had a tryst with Misty. There`s going to be more to come.

I believe that once we uncover a lot of the facts...


PICAZIO: We`ll see.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: During Greg`s interview with Art Harris at "The Bald Truth" -- got to check it out -- he opened up about his relationship with Misty Croslin.


PAGE: It`s just riding around. It`s typical Friday, Saturday night, riding around, having fun. Partying, getting high. I don`t exactly remember the last day. But I`m sure I seen her like Sunday. And that was the last day I`ve seen her.

But Monday I did talk to misty and she told me she was at the hospital with the dad, when the dad got in a car wreck. And then she said I`ll call you back. And I never heard from her again.

I haven`t tried to contact her since because I just want to stay the hell away from her.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: To check out the entire interview go to the Web site you`re looking at. That`s, "The Bald Truth."

Dr. Orloff, though, we`re talking about the possibility of drugs repeatedly entering the equation here. We tried to get Misty`s side of the story; can`t hear it. What do you say of the possibility of drugs vis-a- vis this child`s disappearance?

DR. JUDITH ORLOFF, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST: I think it`s so important town cover every stone when it comes to finding this child. And if drugs were a factor in this, we have to know that because that can alter everything, if substances were involved. So I wholeheartedly support a complete investigation in this, to find out, you know, what were the motives on every single level? And if there`s drug abuse, we need to know about it.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Well, sorry about the shortened time there.

A lot of breaking news tonight. Once again thank you both.

Check out, "The Bald Truth," to see the complete interview with Greg. Fascinating stuff. That will stay right there.

Ron has talked, Greg has talked. It`s Misty`s turn to talk. We want to hear from you Misty.



CUMMINGS: Please, if you have my daughter, bring her home. Please. All I want is Haleigh. That`s all I want. I want nothing else but Haleigh. That`s it. Please, if you have her, bring her home. Babe, if you`re watching, you know you`ll always be daddy`s little girl. I love you."


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Haleigh Cummings` father, Ron, pleads for the safe return of his little daughter. Little Haleigh went missing more than two months ago now and still no sign of what may have happened to her.

We`re back discussing this case with my fantastic panel, phone lines lighting up.

Lynn in Maryland; your question or thought, ma`am.

LYNN, MARYLAND: Yes, hi, Jane.


LYNN: I think Ron knows way more about this than he`s letting on. And I think that`s why three weeks into this they ran out and got married, not knowing that spousal privilege didn`t apply to cases of child abuse and child neglect. And I know he`s retained attorneys. How about Misty? Does she have a lawyer?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. T.J. Hart, you want to take that one?

HART: Yes, in fact, her comment has been, "Attorneys are for guilty people." That`s why I haven`t heard any mention about lawyering up in her case.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: That`s fascinating. Pat, South Carolina, your question or thought.

PAT, SOUTH CAROLINA: Yes, hey, Jane, I love your show. I watch it every night.


PAT: my question is this -- there`s been a lot of reports in the media from that Cobra guy saying that Misty was on a three-day drug-bender prior to Haleigh going missing. Did the police take a hair sample from Misty Croslin-Cummings the night Haleigh went missing? That would answer it plain and simple.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, Kim Picazio, what do you know about how police are treating all these allegations in general?

PICAZIO: Well, I met with all of the top members of the task force searching for Haleigh the other day, and I can tell you they are doing a very sophisticated job. They have been very aware of all the facts that we have uncovered thus far. And I think that maybe at day five they knew about many of these allegations.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Then why haven`t they acted on them? Couldn`t they use that to bring her in...

PICAZIO: Well, I think...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: We`re going to hold you on some kind of alleged drug charge.

PICAZIO: Right, well, I think they`ve done over 30 hours of interrogation. And as they`ve said her inconsistent statements have held up this investigation and have held up finding Haleigh. I mean, if they cannot get the truth out of Misty, and they`ve tried, they`re going to continue to do so, I`m sure, but at this juncture they have gone through all of these witnesses.

They know what everyone in that county, it seems like, was doing. I can assure you that the Putnam County Sheriff`s Office is on this case.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, I hope that they are going to have a break in the case soon because we`ve been waiting. It`s been months. And everybody`s on pins and needles praying for this child to be returned alive. Let`s hope.

I`m Jane Velez-Mitchell. You`re watching ISSUES.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on April 21, 2009, 09:37:43 AM


Aired April 20, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET

<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>

Turning now to seismic developments in the Haleigh Cummings disappearance; the war of words reaches fever pitch as the missing child`s mom, Crystal and her dad, Ron, lock horns yet again.

Crystal`s lawyer Kim Picazio fumes that Ron`s defense team is amateurish and unprofessional. Then she makes a shocking claim. And I repeat, this is a claim, that Ron has turned his back on a child he reportedly fathered with a local woman. Quote, "He financially, emotionally and physically abandoned his disabled infant child less than one year ago, a child born to but another of his teen girlfriends."

Now, I want to state very clearly that we here at HLN have no independent verification of this claim at all. We have reached out to Ronald Cummings and his attorneys again today to get his side of the story, but have not heard back.

Ron, or your attorneys, you are invited on this show at any time to tell your side of the story.

But how does the shocking claim of another child dovetail with the bombshell claim from bounty hunter "Cobra" that Ron Cummings just last night allegedly tried to get a child back from a local woman? Listen to this stunner.


WILLIAM `COBRA` STOUBS, BOUNTY HUNTER: There was allegations that Ronald had tried to get the child back from Amber Brooks, that`s his child as well. And there was a BOLO out, as we understand it, for Ronald Cummings and this purple car.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: By the way, BOLO means "Be On the Lookout" for, in case you need to get up-to-date on your crime shows. BOLO is used frequently.

In the meantime, that woman and another woman who was reportedly partying with Misty, the weekend before little Haleigh disappeared, were both arrested last night reportedly on drug charges.

Is there a connection or a lead in any of the soap opera material to little Haleigh`s disappearance?

Straight back to my panel. Back with me, Darren Kavinoky, criminal defense attorney and Mark Eiglarsh, criminal defense attorney. And joining us by phone, T.J. Hart, program and news director for WSKY 97.3 FM.

T.J., please, sort out these truly bizarre developments. You need a scorecard at this point.

T.J. HART, PROGRAM AND NEWS DIRECTOR WSKY 97.3 FM (via telephone): Yes, you do. I mean, it`s just been crazy, after having not a whole lot to go on, suddenly the last 36 hours in Putnam County, it`s been turning upside down not only with this case but several others.

But I will tell you, I got the call in the middle of the night, shortly before midnight last night from my informants telling me that there was the BOLO out for Ronald Cummings. I`ve not been able to get any kind of verification or authentication from police on that matter.

But first thing this morning when I called the Putnam County sheriff`s office to Lt. Johnny Greenwood, I got a very agreeable and "let`s talk about these charges" Lieutenant Greenwood. And he was very open...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ok, talking about the charges of the two women who were arrested?

HART: Yes.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ok, so these women apparently one of them who has a nickname that I won`t repeat was hanging out with Misty. Of course, Misty is the child bride of -- or the teenage bride of Ron Cummings, who the child Haleigh disappeared on Misty`s watch.

And three days before the child went missing, according to allegations, Misty was partying. And one of the women Misty was reportedly partying with was arrested last night. Is that correct? T.J.?

HART: That is absolutely correct. It`s a Christina Renee...


EIGLARSH: Jane, can I make a point, Jane?


EIGLARSH: Hey, there`s a child missing here. Can I interrupt this soap opera just for just one moment here? And I don`t blame you, darling. That`s your job. You bring it out. You`re feeding off what the lawyers are bringing out.

But they`re fighting. They`re squabbling. Their petty animosity is getting in the way of why this is a national story to begin with. There is a child missing. Hey, lawyers, step back for a second.

Argue in court over who should have custody of this and that. You deal with that later. We`re dealing with a child who is missing, and that`s what we should be talking about.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well Mark, great speech. But the fact is, that police don`t seem to be doing anything or saying anything. I shouldn`t say doing anything, but they don`t seem to be saying anything about what they are doing.

And so all of the information is coming out from bounty hunters and to investigative journalists. And so we`re finding out about all this stuff, and you know, the authorities are contacted, but then they don`t say anything.

Meanwhile, this child is missing. Well, if there`s drugs involved, maybe the authorities need to come out and do something or say something.

EIGLARSH: My point is, valuable media time is being wasted because these two are squabbling over family law matters, that`s what I`m talking about.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Darren, listen...

KAVINOKY: It`s not being wasted at all. And Mark, I think your point is well taken that, of course, there`s a missing child that`s at the centerpiece of this whole thing.

But the real silver lining in this incredible family dysfunction and by the way, I think if any of these folks ever have aspirations of...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Can I jump in here? I`ve got to jump in, because I know what you`re going to say about it. Keep the child`s name out there. But the fact is, that as we saw with the Casey Anthony case, dysfunction in the family can be extremely relevant to the case.

EIGLARSH: Well, it could be. Yes, it could be.

KAVINOKY: Sure, yes.

EIGLARSH: I don`t know that that`s why anyone is bringing this out. They`re bringing this out because these family lawyers are bickering back and forth both personally and it has become ugly. I don`t think that their purpose is to keep this story going and find the child...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Darren, I think -- I think the reason is that there`s a lot of allegations of dysfunctional behavior, partying. There`s allegations of drug use, which have been denied. But that`s troubling, if a child is missing.

KAVINOKY: Well, it certainly is troubling and none of these folks are ever going to make a successful bid for PTA presidency. That`s not going to happen. But all of these things are, to Mark`s point, in a sense really collateral issues.

And of course, we wish that the police had more information. And we hope that they`re doing their job, obviously. But at the centerpiece of this, we`ve got a missing kid. We`ve got a lot of arguing that only serves, the only benefit, is as you`ve pointed out to keep it in the news.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: We`re out of time but we will learn one day whether this is irrelevant or not, that`s all I can say. Thank you, excellent panel, as always.

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on April 22, 2009, 10:33:09 AM


Aired April 21, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET

<snipped to include only Haleigh coverage>

More on that in a second, but first mind-blowing developments tonight in the Haleigh Cummings disappearance. Staggering claims as a pal of Misty Croslin, Kristina Prevatt, a.k.a. `Nay Nay` tells investigative journalist Art Harris that Misty went on a drug spree to escape her abusive relationship with Ron Cummings the very weekend before little Haleigh went missing.


KRISTINA PREVATT, FRIEND OF MISTY CROSLIN: She went with me for a weekend and she said that he threw her against the mirror and she had her arm was all cut up and stuff because she said she was pregnant. And she was still in need of Xanax and all of that -- you know (INAUDIBLE).


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, Ron Cummings denies these allegations firing back with this exclusive statement to ISSUES through his lawyer, quote, "The police came into contact with Misty on February 10th and 11th when Haleigh went missing. Obviously, the police would have been aware of the serious lacerations that is alleged that Misty received only a couple of days before February 10th. She was interrogated extensively. The allegations should be presumed false", end quote.

Meantime, `Nay Nay` and another woman were arrested early Monday on drug charges and then bailed out by bounty hunter `Cobra.` You know a team of Hollywood script writers couldn`t come up with this stuff if they were working on no doze around the clock, but is any of this giving cops a lead on what happened to this precious child?

And why so many bizarre developments in this soap opera? Why do they seem to pivot always around allegations of drugs and physical abuse?

Back with me, Stacey Honowitz, Florida prosecutor and Jean Casarez, legal correspondent for the Legal Network "In Session" and joining us is T.J. Hart, program and news director for WSKY 97.3 FM.

T.J., what is the very latest?

T.J. HART, PROGRAM AND NEWS DIRECTOR, WSKY 97.3 FM: Well, the very latest here is indeed `Cobra,` William Stoubs did bail the two ladies out of jail yesterday and he was very pretty nice to them, let`s just put it that way. And it`s also been told by other informants that the reason `Cobra` did this was to perhaps gain their confidence so that they knew something a little further down the line they would -- you know a little bit better talking to him than after having the run-in with police and having to talk with them again as well.

Cobra told me just this afternoon. I just got done meeting with him face-to-face in Satsuma that these girls are, indeed key to the case.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Oh, that`s pretty fascinating.


STACEY HONOWITZ, FLORIDA PROSECUTOR: Well I mean, Jane, I hate to butt in, but let`s think about...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes, no, you don`t.

HONOWITZ: I mean, I was going to say, I really don`t hate to do it because they do it all of the time, so I`m sorry. But let`s think about this logically. Cobra, if you remember, is connected somehow to Crystal...


HONOWITZ: ...through the attorney.


HONOWITZ: The attorney has been trying desperately, not the attorney, but Crystal is trying to gain custody. Cobra has been instrumental in trying to get her custody because he`s been saying things about Ron Cummings. So when you hear about this new witness and the fact that Cobra bonded these girls out of jail, you really have to, you know, take it with a grain of salt...


HONOWITZ: ...and you have to start thinking what is this all about?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Jean Casarez, I`m actually more concerned about the allegation and again, we want to hear Misty`s side of the story.

Misty, you have an open invitation to come on the show and tell your side of the story.

But I`m more concerned, Jean, about the allegation that she was doing drugs for three days leading up to little Haleigh`s disappearance. She`s a 17-year-old. The child disappeared on her watch. She`s told inconsistent stories to the cops and something is fishy in Denmark.

JEAN CASAREZ, LEGAL CORRESPONDENT, "IN SESSION": That`s right, because you`re saying the issue still is the abduction of Haleigh. Remember, we have not found Haleigh, so that is one of the major issues here and maybe that`s why law enforcement has continued to interview Misty countless times.

They know all this information, I think Jane, don`t you?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes, I think they do, but I don`t know if they`re putting the pieces of the puzzle together. I mean, we can`t, so I don`t understand how anybody really -- it`s a convoluted, crazy story.

Kristina Prevatt, a.k.a., `Nay Nay` a friend of Misty Croslin`s also made another shocking about Ron Cummings. Listen to what she shared with journalist Art Harris.


PREVATT: And on Misty`s mom and Misty`s sister saw me and they jumped out of the car and they like said where does she live? I said I don`t know. Tell them that Tony and Ronald and their dad are looking for him and they want to kill him.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Oh, boy. For more of this fascinating interview, by the way, go to, "The Bald Truth."

gain, in an exclusive statement to "ISSUES" Ron Cummings denies all these allegations. And we have no independent verification of this woman`s claim. But T.J. Hart, this woman was arrested on Monday for cocaine charges and as you mentioned, the bounty hunter posted her bond.

I mean, what is going on down in this community?

HART: Well, what you`re going to see here...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Is it a drug hub of some sort?

HART: These people are interlaced with sex and drugs. And what you`re finding are a group of people who are associates of either Ron or Misty or in some cases both. And what we`re peeling back the onion of these associations to see where the truth may lie and get to that damn timeline so that we can get something a little bit more consistent here so we know which way to actually go.

We`re finding a lot of prongs and there are a lot of places that police have been going. There are a lot of places that private investigators have been going but these associations and how they interact with their behaviors and with each other, and some of their shared interest have been shedding a lot of light on a lot of different things and hopefully one of these different doors will open up and we will find a child.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And by the way, we have no idea if these two women that we referred to actually had cocaine on them. They also deserve the presumption of innocence, Jean Casarez.

They`ve gotten sucked into this case...

HART: They were charged with bringing in a controlled substance to a detention facility, meaning that that controlled substance fell out of their person or their clothes as they were being introduced into the jail.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right, well...

HART: That`s what I was told by Lieutenant Johnny Greenwood.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ok, I`m just saying it`s always allegedly. We don`t know.

And you know again, these people are sort of secondary characters, Jean, in this soap opera that involves a lot of countercharges and charges that everybody is turning on each other and I think the reason they`re turning on each other is that there`s a vacuum of information.

CASAREZ: That`s right. And I think you hit on a very important point. I think through all of this, I think one central issue is the effect of partying and alleged drug use on one`s state of mind and I`m talking about Misty, her remembering, her memory. But I don`t see a motivation to abduct Haleigh through all of this.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: No, neither do I. It`s a mystery.

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on April 23, 2009, 02:22:37 PM


Aired April 22, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET

<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>

Turning now to bizarre developments in the Haleigh Cummings disappearance: jaw-dropping claims as a frightened senior citizen calls 911, explaining she is the grandmother of -- you`ve got to follow this very, very carefully, and closely -- she is the grandmother of one of Ron Cummings` ex-girlfriends.

Ron, of course, is the father of missing Haleigh. This senior citizen claims Ron was cruising around near the home of his alleged one-year-old son, who we`re just learning about now and who`s reportedly disabled. Could a new custody battle be brewing?

Listen to this 911 shocker.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You know Ronald Cummings, whose daughter`s missing?

911 OPERATOR: Yes, ma`am.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Ok. He was driving through my parking lot tonight. I have custody of his son that he claimed he didn`t have.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He`s one year old. And I`m very leery about that.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, we have no independent confirmation of this woman`s claims, that the child she cares for is Ronald Cummings` son. Nor that Ron was there that night. But Ron has been asked before about the possibility of his fathering other kids.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Ronald, besides Junior, do you have another child?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Besides Haleigh and Junior?

CUMMINGS: Possibly.



Meantime, Ron`s lawyers furiously fire back at bounty hunter Cobra with this statement, quote, "William E. Staubs, who calls himself Cobra, has personally bonded out of jail two women who have previously provided negative information about Ronald Cummings. Amber brooks who had a relationship with Ronald, and amber`s friend, Kristina Prevatt. The act of personally bonding alleged witnesses taints any future testimony that they might provide."

Amber Brooks, by the way, is the mother of Ron`s alleged one-year-old disabled son who we`re just learning about. The dramatic twist, the wild cast of characters in this tragic soap opera makes my head spin. But does any of it get us closer to finding little Haleigh?

Joining me, Art Harris, investigative journalist who has broken exclusive after exclusive on his Web site,, "The Bald Truth. Art, what is the very latest?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, "THE BALD TRUTH": Jane, as you reported, I`ve got this 911 tape on my Web site where Mary Brooks, the grandmother of Amber Brooks, who just got bailed out of jail for cocaine possession, was keeping her son, who is Ronald`s child.

His name is Jordan. He`s got micro-encephaly which is a brain abnormality. And this is a child that Ronald apparently has been very ambivalent about. Had him for a couple of weeks, right after they were, I guess they were together and then they split.

Then Amber began raising him, turned him over to her grandmother, Mary Brooks, who I talked to today. Mary is in love with this child; has been taking care of him.

At one point, Ronald shows up, she tells me, three, four months -- three or four months old and said, "I`d like my son." She tells me she gave him the boy. And she was surprised that he brought him back the next day with all his clothes. She`s been keeping him ever since and wants to have him.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: What does Ron say about all this? We don`t want to jump to the conclusion that this is Ron`s son. I have no independent confirmation of this.

HARRIS: I`ve spoken to Amber. She`s told me about it. I have spoken to Mary. And this is, quote, "common knowledge."

VELEZ-MITCHELL: What does Ron say?

HARRIS: I`ve tried to get to Ron`s lawyers, to his mother. And there`s no call back.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: We just want to say, we would love to hear from Ron, and Ron`s attorneys, anybody. They have an open invitation to come on this show. And Misty, for that matter, and tell their side, spell it out. We want to hear from you.

The grandmother of one of Ron Cummings` ex-girlfriends, as you`ve been hearing, calls 911. Listen to this stunning exchange.


911 OPERATOR: When Mr. Cummings came through, did he stop at all? Or did he just drive through, or...

MARY BROOKS, AMBER BROOKS` GRANDMOTHER: Well, he just cruised through and my daughter was coming through and they passed each other and se seen him and his new wife.

911 OPERATOR: And what`s your name?

BROOKS: Mary Brooks, I`m the great-grandmother.


BROOKS: And I have custody of the baby.


BROOKS: And I`m very upset about it.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Oh, my, gosh. So many questions. First of all, why would Ron want this son if he`s ambivalent about the child?

HARRIS: Well, that`s a great question, Jane. The grandmother is getting about $500 a month in SSI for raising this disabled child. At the same time, some people think that Ron could use a little image makeover and perhaps another child in his care, especially a disabled child would show a real caring father.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Let me just say that given that he`s lost his daughter, and we don`t know where that child is, his heart may have opened up to this child and said, "Well, you know what, I do have a child right nearby. And now I want to be close to that child." Let`s not always ascribe negative motivations.

Again, we don`t know for sure if this is his child, that`s just the claim of his family. Nevertheless, I think what you`re reporting is fascinating.

What are the police saying about this? Because, obviously, you know, we`ve heard these allegations that you`ve reported from "Nene" (ph) claiming that Misty, who is Ron`s new wife, who was watching Haleigh disappeared, went on a three-day drug binge before little Haleigh disappeared. And we can`t get Misty`s side of the story on this although we`d like it.

HARRIS: Yes, I`ve heard that not only from "Nene". I`ve interviewed her. I`ve interviewed Amber. I`ve interviewed white boy Greg who had this sort of revenge romance with Misty who told, at least, Kristina Prevatt that she had gotten into a fight, a physical altercation with Ron, ran away and then went on this wild weekend. And that leads us to Cobra bailing "Nene" out of jail, along with Amber, who took him today back along that path of the weekend.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Listen, we`ve got to leave it right there. It is a soap opera. That means it will continue.

We want everybody`s side of this story. Everybody`s welcome to come on here and tell it. Thank you so much -- very much, Art.

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on April 29, 2009, 12:20:34 PM


Aired April 27, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET

<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>

But first, big developments in the case of little Haleigh Cummings, she vanished without a trace from her Satsuma, Florida home almost three months ago.

Tonight, investigative journalist, Art Harris reports police believe Haleigh was not -- I repeat -- not abducted by a stranger. If this turns out to be true, it signals a dramatic turn of events.

What`s more, a lead member of the Haleigh search task force claims he has been given the go-ahead to offer immunity to anybody who helps crack the case.

Meantime, more alleged cracks in the happy family facade of Haleigh`s father, Ron Cummings and his teen bride, Misty Croslin. We will hear a shocking claim by one of the desperate dad`s former co-worker.

Straight out to my fantastic expert panel: Thomas Ruskin, former NYPD detective; Drew Findling, Atlanta criminal defense attorney; plus, Art Harris, investigative journalist par excellence.

Art, tell us about the stunning revelation made to you by a lead member of the task force. What is this about they`re confident it was not a stranger abduction?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: That`s right. Jane, they are looking at people close to the families, to see how this could have possibly happened. It does not have the earmarks of a stranger abduction. A lead investigator tells me.

And they are narrowing the search to look at timelines of everybody who knew Haleigh and her family and to try to plug the holes and find the contradictions. Then they hope they can find someone who can put one of these key people, I`m not going to say suspects, out of where they said they were.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right, now, Drew Findling, what about this offer of immunity to anyone who helps crack the case? I don`t know if that`s official. That`s what we`re hearing from Art Harris actually. Do you think that`s going to be effective and why didn`t they do it sooner?

DREW FINDLING, ATLANTA CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, because that has to come from the prosecutors. Law enforcement cannot offer immunity. You have to get permission from the prosecutors. So if you look at the law enforcement officer`s statements, he said, "I`ve been told by the prosecutors that if I can find a witness of this magnitude, we can offer immunity."

That will be pretty powerful. But remember, immunity means it`s going to be somebody that`s real close to the abduction. If there was an abduction, it`s going to be somebody in the inside, which would be critical in terms of how damaging that evidence can be against the suspect.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right, let`s go to the other big story here tonight. Art, you spoke exclusively to one of Ron`s former co-workers. Tell us about the conversation between Ron and Misty that he claims he overheard.

HARRIS: Right, this is a fellow who`s a fellow crane operator, Jane, and he overheard Misty call Ron, and this is what he heard him say. He said, I remember she called him in tears because the little girl was giving her fits.

And he told her, "Whip her. Just whip her and make her be quiet." He said, "Just whip the little brat. She needs to understand it`s time to go to bed. Or put a movie in for her." Then he hung up.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right, before we go on, I do want to say that we have reached out to Ron`s attorney. And he says he will respond tomorrow. We will bring you that response tomorrow. We want fair coverage here.

But let me ask you this, Thomas Ruskin. Based on that conversation, do you think the cops could go in and arrest Misty for example for child neglect?

Remember, Casey Anthony -- and I`m not comparing the two -- but Casey Anthony was originally arrested for child neglect because she lost her kid essentially?


VELEZ-MITCHELL: And didn`t call a cop.

RUSKIN: It`s a far stretch to have police go in and -- first you`d refer to a CS, Child Welfare Services, and they would do a full investigation.

Just because he said to hit her, doesn`t mean that Misty did it. I think there`s other problem around Misty`s case, or Misty`s defense. And I think Misty would be one of the people that I would be targeting on, even though she passed the lie detector test, supposedly.

FINDLING: Jane, I`ve looked at that statement as a little bit different, I think that that is a helpful statement to Ron Cummings because it helps establish his alibi. We now know he was at work. They have the cell tower records that confirm he was at work.

And what`s most important about this, because I was very pointed when Art and I had a chance to talk about this before going on air, you know how I get about "National Enquirer types." Art did not pay man for his statement or whatsoever. Art has respect for the integrity of the criminal justice system. Art just did great investigative reporting which helps Ron Cummings.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, Art -- I agree kudos to you for breaking so many stories on this case. I almost wish you were the lead investigator for the police. But give us a time line here. Because when was this conversation held? This wasn`t held the very night?

HARRIS: No, this was several weeks ago, Jane, before the child turns up missing.

And so the investigators tell me, they`re well aware of this phone call and the frustration of a 16, 17-year-old babysitter who`s trying to keep a rambunctious 5 year-old in her place. What do you do? You call daddy.

So that`s -- like Drew said I think that`s how a lot of people will interpret this, as a frustrated babysitter calling dad. And he`s frustrated and he`s at work, he gets interrupted. And this co-worker who overhears him with this phone call being rough who said whip her and you make her be quiet. He then is very sweet and sugary on the phone at another phone call that was described to me.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right, there seems to be many faces, as you just mentioned, of Ron Cummings. Here`s his tearful plea for Haleigh`s return in the days immediately following the child`s disappearance.


RON CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: Please bring my daughter home. She`s not yours. It`s not property. You know, it`s not something that you just take and say it`s mine or whatever. This is my daughter.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: As for teen bride Misty, she`s been portrayed as a party girl, to put it mildly. Now, according to Art Harris`s source, a babysitter on the verge. But she`s always maintained her love for little Haleigh. Listen.


MISTY CROSLIN, WIFE OF HALEIGH`S FATHER: I love Haleigh more than anything in this world. She was like my baby. They used to call me step- mom. They would rather be with me than their own mother.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: What I don`t understand, Drew Findling, why can`t they -- we heard these allegations that she was on a drug binge, in three days leading up to little Haleigh`s disappearance.

Couldn`t they arrest her on that and put her in jail to put pressure on her to get her to iron out the inconsistencies in her story? Remember, the child disappeared on Misty`s watch.

FINDLING: You know, Jane, if we arrested, if law enforcement arrested people every time there was hearsay that they were on a drug binge, we would be just be using schools and Macy`s Department Stores to store criminals.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: That`s true.

FINDLING: Or alleged criminals. You need something more than just pure speculation, conjecture and hearsay.


FINDLING: So it`s something that helps in their investigation, but it`s not something to take somebody into custody based on.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right Thomas Ruskin and Art Harris, thank you both. Drew, sit tight.

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on April 29, 2009, 12:27:35 PM


Aired April 28, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET

<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tonight the desperate search for missing 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings takes a dramatic and stunning turn. Haleigh has now been missing almost 80 days. Tonight we learned that the attorneys for Ron Cummings, the child`s farther, are scheduled to set down and meet with the law enforcement task force investigating little Haleigh`s disappearance. Could this signal a big break in the case?

Meantime, as the stress of not knowing mounts, the missing child`s mom collapses and is rushed to the hospital. Haleigh`s mom, Crystal, suffered a bloody gash after hitting her head during a seizure. She reportedly so fears a stalker, it appears she has been carrying a hatchet for protection.

Investigative journalist Art Harris also reports this stunner. Now listen carefully. It involves the father of Misty, the teenage girl who was watching little Haleigh when she vanished. In a very strange twist, Misty later married the missing child`s dad, and now Misty`s father -- Misty`s father claiming Ron Cummings, his new son-in-law, tried to poison and kill him.

Art says his source is a Putnam County sheriff`s deputy. The cop reportedly said Misty`s dad accused Ron of deliberately giving him a mystery pill that got him very sick.

Perhaps you should take notes at home. It`s very complicated, this soap opera.

Plus another shocker involving Misty`s party pal, Nay Nay. That`s right. That`s what they call her, Nay Nay. We will get to that.

So much to talk about, and I want to hear from you. First to my fantastic panel: Jayne Weintraub, criminal defense attorney; Beth Karas, correspondent for the legal network In Session; Darren Kavinoky, criminal defense attorney, a.k.a., the voice of reason; Robert Castelli, professor at John Jay College of Criminal Justice and former New York state police investigator; and the one and only Art Harris, investigative journalist par excellence, who has been breaking exclusive after exclusive.

Art, give us the lowdown on your latest scoop. This allegation by Misty`s dad, claiming Ron tried to poison him. Does this signal trouble between newlyweds Misty and Ron?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: It sure could, Jane. I obtained a police report. It`s called a suspicious incident report, and Hank Croslin, Misty`s dad, called a deputy to his house to say that Ron Cummings, his son-in-law, had given him painkillers, a mystery white pill he`d asked for. He took it, and he wound up in a coma for four days.

This is not a good turn of events in a family that is -- has more dysfunction than numbers.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. I think they have to rename that town Dysfunction Junction. But you know what? It is easy to make claims about people, and Ron has been through hell. I mean, everybody`s coming out of the woodwork. Every time he`s had a phone conversation with anybody, suddenly it becomes newsworthy.

What is Ron and what are Ron`s attorneys saying? Because we`ve tried to reach him, and we can`t get a response, Art.

HARRIS: I`ve been trying. I tried to call his mother. I tried to call his grandmother and the attorneys. They have issued a press release, Jane, that supposedly addresses this report that I obtained from the sheriff`s department, and also the fact that I had a story about a former co-worker...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And we`re going to get to that.

HARRIS: OK. That Ron had an alibi.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Well, let me bring in Beth Karas, because you have covered so many of these criminal cases. What I find fascinating, when we called today to get a response on this, Ron`s attorneys essentially said they are not talking about anything, because they just learned that a meeting has been scheduled with them to meet with the law enforcement task force handling little Haleigh`s disappearance.

What do you make of the significance of that, Beth Karas?

BETH KARAS, CORRESPONDENT, IN SESSION: We have too many questions to know really how significant it is. Maybe there`s a break in the case. It may be that they want to question his wife once again. She has had some inconsistent statements she`s given to the police. And perhaps they`re suspicious about that. And information about these other two women who are in some sort of social circle with her, who were arrested just last week on drug charges.

You know, this case does remind me, though, a little bit of Jessica Lunsford and John Couey. That was a kidnapping, rape and murder of a 9- year-old girl in Florida, from a mobile home park, but from a sex offender, not someone in the family, although police did look close at family members and did eventually rule them out before they zeroed in on a sex offender who was living there. He had relatives there.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Absolutely. The father and Mr. Lunsford has since become a crusader trying to help other children prevent similar disasters, and that sicko who took his daughter, kept her and did horrible things to her and the reports are buried her alive. It was one of the most horrifying stories that I`ve ever covered in my life.

Now Ron`s attorneys did respond to an earlier report by Art Harris that a coworker of Ron`s claimed -- get this -- he overheard a shocking conversation between Ron and Misty. The co-worker claimed that Misty said she was hysterical, because she couldn`t get Haleigh to go to bed. And according to this co-worker, Ron suggested whipping her or playing a movie. Two diametrically opposed options, obviously.

Now, Ron`s attorneys responded to that claim, saying it`s, quote, "a combination of hearsay, speculation and gossip."

But Jayne Weintraub, why is it that, as the police remain silent, more and more people in this community are coming forward with these shocking allegations. It`s almost like they`re filling a vacuum left by the police silence.

JAYNE WEINTRAUB, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: And the problem is that none of it has anything to do with where is Haleigh and how did she disappear?

The one common thread, to get back to what Beth Karas says, very common is lack of parental supervision in the home. That`s what the common thread is here and the Lunsford case. And that`s the problem in a lot of these cases.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: How can you say it might not have anything to do with the girl`s disappearance. If somebody -- and again, I have no idea if this is true. They`re saying it`s basically ridiculous, but if somebody, a co- worker, overhears someone saying, "Well, whip the child if she won`t go to bed," certainly that, Darren Kavinoky, has to have...

WEINTRAUB: Has the child been whipped before and you heard Ron`s immediate reaction. You heard his voice saying on the tape, when he heard that his child was not there. Did you call the police? You heard the panic and the franticness. This is a loving father who was awarded custody of the child.

DARREN KAVINOKY, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Yes. I`ve just have to jump in on this, Jane. I wonder, am I the only one on the panel that starts hearing the sounds of dueling banjos whenever we`re talking about this case?

HARRIS: No, I do.

KAVINOKY: And we glossed right over the case involving the father-in- law and these -- and these drugs. We may have a natural curiosity about what`s in other people`s medicine cabinets, but, come on, you don`t just go taking drugs that people hand you. Even kids at rave parties are more discerning about what they`re putting their bodies. This whole thing is just insane.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: First of all, I do not want to make fun of this community. This is a wonderful community in Florida, and just because this tragedy descended on it doesn`t mean that, you know, we have permission to make fun or ridicule it.

But I think that there were some problems here that keep coming up, themes. And one theme that has come up over and over: drugs. More than one person has said Misty Croslin, who is obviously a key player in this drama -- she`s the one who was watching Haleigh when she disappeared -- was partying like a rock star the weekend before the child vanished. Remember, Haleigh vanished while Misty was watching her in Ron`s trailer home.

Listen to Misty`s pal, Kristina Prevatt, a.k.a., Nay Nay.


KRISTINA PREVATT, FRIEND OF MISTY CROSLIN: He said he threw her against the mirror, and her arm was all cut up and stuff, because he thought she was pregnant. And she just does pills and stuff. Xanax, Loritab, she`s always smoking weed. That`s like her main thing.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: And then there`s Greg. The guy reportedly says he and Misty hooked up as a revenge romance. Listen to this.


GREGORY PAGE, ACQUAINTANCE OF MISTY CROSLIN: Just riding around. You know, it was a typical Friday, Saturday night, just riding around having fun. Partying and getting high, you know? I don`t exactly remember the last date, but I`m sure I seen her, like, Sunday. And then that was the last day I seen her.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: OK. Props to Art Harris for breaking those exclusive and getting those interviews. But remember, Greg is not a suspect. He says he`s spoken to cops and told them what he knows. But for all intents and purposes, that guy is off the radar. His words and Nay Nay`s words that are relevant.

I mean, Art Harris, the theme of drugs keeps coming up over and over again.

HARRIS: That`s right. In fact, drugs have gotten Nay Nay in trouble again. Cobra, a.k.a., William Stubbs, the bounty hunter and private investigator, picked her up. He bailed her out last week. He just put her back into jail today, because he learned she tried to take her child from the child`s natural father. And she has a serious drug problem, according to Kim Picazio.

WEINTRAUB: And you don`t question this Cobra, what his reasoning is here? He`s like a Leonard Padilla. These guys are just weasels trying to get into these cases, elicit confidentialities and then sell them to tabloids. You can`t trust a guy like that.

HARRIS: He`s not selling his stories. He`s there, you know, as a pro bono investigator, working for whoever.

WEINTRAUB: That`s today.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Everybody, more on this tragic soap opera in just a moment. Do you think dad Ron is getting an unfair shake? Give us a call at 1-877-JVM-SAYS, 1-877-586-7297. Let me know what you think.

Then the case against the accused Craigslist killer may be building, but his fiancee is still in love with him. Either love is really blind or she`s in serious denial about a guy cops say led a double life.

But first, the focus, again on Ron and Misty and the search for Haleigh Cummings. Here`s one version -- just one version -- of Misty`s story about what happened the night little Haleigh disappeared.


MISTY CROSLIN, WIFE OF HALEIGH`S DAD: Three o`clock in the morning I got up and -- I got up because I had to use the bathroom, but I didn`t make it to the bathroom. I seen the kitchen light on, and I walked in the kitchen, and the back door was wide open. I didn`t notice about Haleigh then until I seen the back door open. And I went in the room, and she was gone.




CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before y`all do, I`m killing them. I don`t care. I`ll spend the rest of my life in prison. I`m telling you, you can put it on record. I don`t care.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. It`s OK, sir. They`re on the way. Can you give me any -- what kind of description of the pajamas that she was wearing?

CUMMINGS: I don`t (EXPLETIVE DELETED) know. I was at work!


VELEZ-MITCHELL: The frantic, desperate sound of a man whose daughter has just vanished without a trace.

We`re back, talking about all the drama swirling around the Croslin/Cummings plan and how that may relate to the search to little Haleigh. And we`re taking your calls, phone lines lighting up.

Not that Misty, but another Misty. This one`s from Oregon.

Your question or thought, ma`am.

CALLER: Yes. Since Haleigh went missing, has Misty or Ron been drug tested? And if they haven`t, why not?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, I think that`s an excellent question. I don`t have the answer to that. But Beth Karas, in situations like this, what do you do when you start hearing these stories about drug allegations?

And by the way, we`d always love to get Misty`s side of the story, along with Ron`s, so you have an open invitation to come on the show and tell your side.

But what do authorities do when they start hearing this stuff?

KARAS: It`s not like they can go and demand and get a court order for a drug test unless they have probable cause to believe that whoever they want to test for drugs has done something wrong. And so much time has passed now that it really wouldn`t be worthwhile at this point.

So they just have to do their regular investigation to try to confirm drug use through other sources and people who may have sold or used in their presence or witnessed it.

It`s certainly not a great home environment for this little girl, if indeed all this drug use is going on, but that doesn`t mean that these folks are responsible for her disappearance.

WEINTRAUB: Yes. It doesn`t.

KAVINOKY: And what Beth says is absolutely right. They would be in violation of their constitutional rights to engage in that kind of search or seizure without a warrant or probable cause.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, Robert Castelli, you`re a former investigator for New York state police. I just want to get your sense of what cops do to deal with a situation like this where these parents, this father is the victim. They`ve stolen his child and nevertheless people keep saying things that are very serious allegations against him.

ROBERT CASTELLI, FORMER INVESTIGATOR: Well, let me say this to you. The drug testing is actually less of an issue than something that Misty from Oregon, to answer your question, was done. Both the husband and Misty, the wife, were both given polygraph exams. And apparently, the police are satisfied with the results of those polygraphs.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I don`t know that they`re...

HARRIS: Not exactly, Jane. I can tell you that they have not declared how they see them. Misty told me that she was told she passed. Ronald feels the same way, but the police will not say that definitively.

I can tell you, as far as the drug goes that they are -- that they are now looking at this report that I told you about I obtained on, that -- that Ron allegedly gave Misty`s father-in-law some pills he requested. They are now going to use that to look at Ron and maybe what he`s carrying around on his person.



CASTELLI: That`s mutually exclusive...

WEINTRAUB: What the police should be doing or anybody else that`s concerned about what`s going on in that house, they should call the Department of Children and Family Services who is very alert and will get there. And that`s what needs to happen here.


WEINTRAUB: Not the bail bondsman, not a tabloid, but DCF.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Here`s what I want to know. Who was taking care of little Haleigh and Junior if, in fact, Misty was off partying, which two people claim she was and doing drugs in the days leading up to Haleigh`s disappearance? Who was taking care of the kids?

HARRIS (?): Ronald is the dad and presumably he was, if not home alone, you know, Junior was with him or with Crystal Sheffield, who is the mother. And she`s been having her visitations on a regular basis.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And apparently, Crystal Sheffield, the mother -- and I`ll direct this to Jayne Weintraub -- is so scared of a stalker that she believes she has seen. She actually collapsed and had a seizure. And they found a hatchet on the floor. And they believe that she was carrying this hatchet for protection.

It certainly doesn`t escape notice that the person that little Junior, the little brother of Haleigh, said he saw take little Haleigh was a man dressed in black.

CASTELLI: You know, Jane. Getting away from the soap opera aspect of this, though, if you get back to Haleigh and her disappearance is another area that Beth addressed in one of the earlier cases. And that`s the fact that there are 44 registered sex offenders within five miles of this little girl`s home, one of whom, Chad Reynolds, is nowhere to be found at this juncture. So those are things that are important from an evidentiary standpoint.

HARRIS: I`ve spoken to the investigators, and they have tracked the GPS devices. These sex offenders are required to wear. And they don`t report that any of them were near the trailer at the time, Jane.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Lori in Georgia. Your question or thought, ma`am?

CALLER: Hi. I just wanted to know, Misty -- a little while back, Misty said that she just had to get married because this is just what Haleigh wanted. OK, why didn`t she and Ron wait until Haleigh was back home, if this was something that Haleigh wanted so bad?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, my understanding of that, what I`ve heard is she said that this is what little Haleigh would have wanted. That little Haleigh said she always wanted them to be man and wife and that they`re doing this for her, even though, Darren Kavinoky, a lot of people said it was truly strange. Your child goes missing and you marry the woman who was watching the kids when she -- when the child disappeared? A lot of people think "I`d be furious at her. I wouldn`t marry her!"

KAVINOKY: It does seem like odd timing and, of course, there are those conspiracy theorists who like to think that people get married so that one spouse or the other can now avoid testifying or providing damning information that would -- against the other spouse.

Of course, while there is marital privilege, and that`s important to protect confidential marital communications, there`s a huge exception in that area, and that relates to criminal behavior.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. I have to...

WEINTRAUB: Privilege only applies to confidential conversations during the course of the marriage. This all happened before the marriage.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: We`ve got to go. We`ve got to go, but great insight. Please come back. We`re going to stay on top of this case.

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on April 30, 2009, 08:55:49 AM


Aired April 29, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET

<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>

Breaking news from Satsuma, Florida tonight, could little Haleigh Cummings be alive? And under the care of the person or persons who abducted her? A dramatic twist tonight as cops tell, they are not giving up on finding little Haleigh alive.

She has been missing for almost 80 days. As that hopeful thought grows, the big question still looms, who took the precious 5-year-old child?

Meantime, other players in this bizarre case continue on a downward spiral. Haleigh`s step-mom, Misty Croslin`s party pal Kristina "Nene" Prevatt is reportedly on suicide watch back in jail after bounty hunter `Cobra` claims she`d be safer there. Her bail revoked after a drug related arrest.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But I`m getting reports that you tried to kill yourself.



VELEZ-MITCHELL: What was all that about? She`s not a suspect in any of this.

Meanwhile, details emerge about a past altercation between Misty and husband Ronald Cummings` ex.

Amber Brooks` mother, Lisa Brooks -- oh my gosh, you need a scorecard, people -- Lisa Brooks allegedly battered Misty over hostile comments made at Amber`s expense or made at her by Amber. We`ll figure it out. We`re going to get to the experts in a second. This is too crazy.

How does all this relate -- this is the big question -- to little Haleigh`s abduction? We`re going to tell you in moments. So much to cover tonight.

First to my expert panel: Drew Findling, Atlanta based criminal defense attorney; and joining the conversation, Paul Callan, criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor; and by phone -- and boy, T.J. Hart, I`m glad you`re with us tonight -- T.J. Hart, program and news director for WSKY 97.3 FM.

T.J., I can`t figure it out. It`s so complicated this cast of characters and they`re intermingling that I get confused. So sort it out for us. What`s the very latest?

T.J. HART, WSKY FM (via telephone): Well, you`re in pretty good camp, because a lot of us are in the same way. But we do have our flow charts out and hopefully I`ll have that on my site here pretty soon. What we have here is Kristina Rene "Nene" Prevatt, a party pal of Misty Cummings.

Now, as she mentioned in the setup, she provided an arrangement to meet with Greg Page, a local man for a weekend of sex and drugs and all of that. And then, about a day later that`s when Haleigh Cummings vanished from her home. Also...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, let me make sure I`m correct. "Nene" was with not just Greg, but with Misty. That`s the key player there.

HART: Yes, yes.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Is Misty is the one who was supposedly watching little Haleigh when she disappeared. And she allegedly was partying with "Nene" and Greg on the weekend before and allegedly doing drugs that we`ve been trying to get her side of the story, but we can`t get her. But we`d like her side of the story.

HART: That`s absolutely correct. And that`s what the -- still, senior officers and Putnam County sheriff`s officers are still frustrated at the inconsistencies of the time line. And this is where the previous associations -- were trying to put some thins together.

Also, Amber Brooks is involved, as an associate of "Nene" Prevatt. There`s bad blood between Amber Brooks and Misty Cummings.

Now, right now we`re trying to follow a lot of leads in this association. And it`s a pretty tense relationship between these. They`ve got a lot of raw nerves as well.

Now, what happened yesterday was "Nene" was taken back into the jail. She was not arrested. We have to make that very clear. Her bond was revoked.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: That`s "Nene" we`re looking at right there. "Nene."

HART: Yes.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ok, go ahead. Continue.

HART: Ok. Now, she was out on a cocaine charge. Now William Stoubs, the `Cobra` fellow, had bonded her out, hopefully to get some goodwill and perhaps she could provide some information after he had won her confidence to a degree.

She started messing up, started taking again.


HART: Apparently was involved in a situation where she is trying to take her child from the child`s guardian. That`s what the baby -- "I didn`t take no baby comment" came from.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ok, guess what...

HART: She`s deemed a danger to herself and she`s back in jail.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: It`s hard to keep up, Paul Callan.

HARLAN: Yes, it is.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: But the good news is that law enforcement is saying that they think that little Haleigh could be alive. And they don`t believe, according to published reports, that it`s a stranger abduction.

And we`re not accusing anybody you`ve seen here of being any part of Haleigh`s abduction. We`re not doing that. But what seems to be happening is that there`s a small circle of people who have a lot of very complicated relationships and romances and former romances. And there`s jealousy. There`s a lot of stuff going on here, Paul.

PAUL CALLAN, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, there is and you know the case gets stranger and stranger by the day because of all of the strange friends, and the involvement with drugs. And you know, there`s such a wide array of people who could be involved in this abduction, that I can see how the police are having a horrible time.

And I think it`s great news to hear somebody saying she might still be alive. And this wouldn`t be the first time that a child was abducted, and turned up sometimes years later, being alive. So I think we can all have that hope that maybe she is alive.

DREW FINDLING, ATLANTA CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Jane, it is amazing that weeks and now months are going by, and I go to what you and I talked about, the first week that this happened.

This really is going to come, let`s hope, alive, whatever it`s going to come down to the dysfunction of Ron Cummings having a relationship in a single-wide trailer with a 17-year-old girl who should be worrying about her 11th grade prom, and bequeathing upon her the responsibility of taking his children.

And adding and exclamation to the mark -- mark to that the bizarre, and I emphasize the bizarre marriage just weeks later. That`s what this case is about. Let`s hope it`s going to lead to her alive.


FINDLING: So when all is said done, that`s what this case is about.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: We`ve got to go.

But I do hope and pray the most important thing that Haleigh, the police are saying she could be alive. Let`s pray, let`s hope that we find her and bring her home alive. What a celebration that would be.

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on May 01, 2009, 09:32:03 AM


Aired April 29, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET

<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>

Breaking news from Satsuma, Florida tonight, could little Haleigh Cummings be alive? And under the care of the person or persons who abducted her? A dramatic twist tonight as cops tell, they are not giving up on finding little Haleigh alive.

She has been missing for almost 80 days. As that hopeful thought grows, the big question still looms, who took the precious 5-year-old child?

Meantime, other players in this bizarre case continue on a downward spiral. Haleigh`s step-mom, Misty Croslin`s party pal Kristina "Nene" Prevatt is reportedly on suicide watch back in jail after bounty hunter `Cobra` claims she`d be safer there. Her bail revoked after a drug related arrest.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But I`m getting reports that you tried to kill yourself.



VELEZ-MITCHELL: What was all that about? She`s not a suspect in any of this.

Meanwhile, details emerge about a past altercation between Misty and husband Ronald Cummings` ex.

Amber Brooks` mother, Lisa Brooks -- oh my gosh, you need a scorecard, people -- Lisa Brooks allegedly battered Misty over hostile comments made at Amber`s expense or made at her by Amber. We`ll figure it out. We`re going to get to the experts in a second. This is too crazy.

How does all this relate -- this is the big question -- to little Haleigh`s abduction? We`re going to tell you in moments. So much to cover tonight.

First to my expert panel: Drew Findling, Atlanta based criminal defense attorney; and joining the conversation, Paul Callan, criminal defense attorney and former prosecutor; and by phone -- and boy, T.J. Hart, I`m glad you`re with us tonight -- T.J. Hart, program and news director for WSKY 97.3 FM.

T.J., I can`t figure it out. It`s so complicated this cast of characters and they`re intermingling that I get confused. So sort it out for us. What`s the very latest?

T.J. HART, WSKY FM (via telephone): Well, you`re in pretty good camp, because a lot of us are in the same way. But we do have our flow charts out and hopefully I`ll have that on my site here pretty soon. What we have here is Kristina Rene "Nene" Prevatt, a party pal of Misty Cummings.

Now, as she mentioned in the setup, she provided an arrangement to meet with Greg Page, a local man for a weekend of sex and drugs and all of that. And then, about a day later that`s when Haleigh Cummings vanished from her home. Also...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, let me make sure I`m correct. "Nene" was with not just Greg, but with Misty. That`s the key player there.

HART: Yes, yes.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Is Misty is the one who was supposedly watching little Haleigh when she disappeared. And she allegedly was partying with "Nene" and Greg on the weekend before and allegedly doing drugs that we`ve been trying to get her side of the story, but we can`t get her. But we`d like her side of the story.

HART: That`s absolutely correct. And that`s what the -- still, senior officers and Putnam County sheriff`s officers are still frustrated at the inconsistencies of the time line. And this is where the previous associations -- were trying to put some thins together.

Also, Amber Brooks is involved, as an associate of "Nene" Prevatt. There`s bad blood between Amber Brooks and Misty Cummings.

Now, right now we`re trying to follow a lot of leads in this association. And it`s a pretty tense relationship between these. They`ve got a lot of raw nerves as well.

Now, what happened yesterday was "Nene" was taken back into the jail. She was not arrested. We have to make that very clear. Her bond was revoked.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: That`s "Nene" we`re looking at right there. "Nene."

HART: Yes.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ok, go ahead. Continue.

HART: Ok. Now, she was out on a cocaine charge. Now William Stoubs, the `Cobra` fellow, had bonded her out, hopefully to get some goodwill and perhaps she could provide some information after he had won her confidence to a degree.

She started messing up, started taking again.


HART: Apparently was involved in a situation where she is trying to take her child from the child`s guardian. That`s what the baby -- "I didn`t take no baby comment" came from.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ok, guess what...

HART: She`s deemed a danger to herself and she`s back in jail.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: It`s hard to keep up, Paul Callan.

HARLAN: Yes, it is.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: But the good news is that law enforcement is saying that they think that little Haleigh could be alive. And they don`t believe, according to published reports, that it`s a stranger abduction.

And we`re not accusing anybody you`ve seen here of being any part of Haleigh`s abduction. We`re not doing that. But what seems to be happening is that there`s a small circle of people who have a lot of very complicated relationships and romances and former romances. And there`s jealousy. There`s a lot of stuff going on here, Paul.

PAUL CALLAN, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, there is and you know the case gets stranger and stranger by the day because of all of the strange friends, and the involvement with drugs. And you know, there`s such a wide array of people who could be involved in this abduction, that I can see how the police are having a horrible time.

And I think it`s great news to hear somebody saying she might still be alive. And this wouldn`t be the first time that a child was abducted, and turned up sometimes years later, being alive. So I think we can all have that hope that maybe she is alive.

DREW FINDLING, ATLANTA CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Jane, it is amazing that weeks and now months are going by, and I go to what you and I talked about, the first week that this happened.

This really is going to come, let`s hope, alive, whatever it`s going to come down to the dysfunction of Ron Cummings having a relationship in a single-wide trailer with a 17-year-old girl who should be worrying about her 11th grade prom, and bequeathing upon her the responsibility of taking his children.

And adding and exclamation to the mark -- mark to that the bizarre, and I emphasize the bizarre marriage just weeks later. That`s what this case is about. Let`s hope it`s going to lead to her alive.


FINDLING: So when all is said done, that`s what this case is about.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: We`ve got to go.

But I do hope and pray the most important thing that Haleigh, the police are saying she could be alive. Let`s pray, let`s hope that we find her and bring her home alive. What a celebration that would be.

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on May 01, 2009, 09:36:44 AM


Police: Haleigh Could be Alive; Friends of Haleigh`s Family Under Suspicion

Aired April 30, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET

<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tonight, a firestorm of scandal erupts in Satsuma, Florida, the hometown of missing 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings, as the investigation into the disappearance of this adorable child reaches a fever pitch.

In a sign of hope for little Haleigh, who went missing exactly 80 days ago, cops have gone on the record to say they think she could still be alive. The chief of the major crimes department tells investigative journalist Art Harris they are not giving up on finding this child alive.

But, have they changed their focus since February 11, the day after her devastating disappearance? This is what they said back then.


MAJOR GARY BOLING, PUTNAM COUNTY SHERIFF`S DEPARTMENT: All the world`s a suspect right now. We have not excluded the world. We`re focusing on a couple of family members, or persons who are involved or related to the family either by blood or marriage or friendship or whatever.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: However, in just the last couple of days, investigators have narrowed their focus. They now reportedly believe whoever took Haleigh was no stranger -- no stranger -- to this family.

Meanwhile, truth has become stranger than fiction in the small town, where Haleigh`s family lives, works, and apparently parties. The twisted turns in the lives of this close-knit group of friends and family under scrutiny tonight.

There`s the young woman known colorfully as Nay Nay. She is party pals with Misty Croslin. She`s the teenager who was watching Haleigh when she vanished. Nay Nay sobbed hysterically as she was jailed earlier this week on drug charges.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m getting reports that you tried to kill yourself.



VELEZ-MITCHELL: Why is Nay Nay crying? She is not a suspect in little Haleigh`s disappearance. But she did get in deep when she said publicly that she was partying and doing drugs with 17-year-old Misty Croslin in the days before little Haleigh disappeared, again on Misty`s watch.

Plus, more stunning developments tonight in a case so complex, we have had to create a flow chart/family tree, so you can follow the whole thing. We`re going to show you that in a second.

Straight out to my fantastic panel: Joanna Greenwald, criminal defense attorney.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Thomas Ruskin, former NYPD detective; Beth Karas, correspondent for the legal network In Session; Curtis Sliwa, founder of the Guardian Angels, one of my heroes; and Art Harris, the investigative journalist who has broken a slew of news in this case.

Art, dare we ask what is the very latest?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: The very latest is a revolving door for Nay Nay, Kristina Prevatt, who was Misty`s chauffeur, Misty Cummings, the babysitter the night that Haleigh disappeared.

Three days -- four days before this, called Nay Nay to pick her up. Big fight with Ronald Cummings, her then boyfriend, now husband. They went off on what turned out to be a revenge romance, with Nay Nay driving her all over Putnam County looking for drugs, looking for parties. I got this from the people who were in the car with her.

And now Nay Nay has come under the spotlight, back out of jail, bonded out last night, Jane, for the second time by someone who is questionable in the community, I`m told.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, Beth Karas, you`ve covered so many of these cases. What I`m hearing are sort of pieces of the puzzle. The child may still be alive. Great news. We don`t think it`s a stranger abduction.

And then we have this convergence of bizarre individuals, let`s say, or colorful characters, who are all somehow intricately involved with each other, partying with each other, but sometimes angry with each other, allegedly sometimes some of them doing drugs or partying with each other. What do you make of it, in terms of the information we need to know to find this child?

BETH KARAS, CORRESPONDENT, IN SESSION: Well, I`m making a list here about a motive for taking this child. There`s been no evidence that we know of a ransom note. So apparently, it`s not a kidnapping for that reason.

They, for some reason, have ruled out a sexual assault by a stranger. Sexual offenders, if they`re focusing on someone she knew. Maybe the child was a light sleeper and she didn`t cry out in the night. So it is not Misty, then somebody else a child knew. She went willingly. Perhaps it`s revenge. Perhaps it`s punishment, to punish the little girl or to get back at somebody else.

But apparently the police are not convinced with what the folks in this circle, this social circle of Misty and Ron are saying. So they must be suspicious with what these folks were doing then, and have come up with a motive of revenge perhaps.

HARRIS: That`s right.

GREENWALD: Drugs. It`s drugs.


GREENWALD: I really think that this is all about drugs. I think that if you watch all the players in here, everything that ties them all together is drugs. And you have people that have been arrested. You have Nay Nay being led out. And it`s almost like a mouse game where they, like, let her out to try to see where does she go, what does she do? And try to see who does she bring them to?

I honestly think that this is about drugs. I think that if they do feel that a child is alive, after 80 days, and they haven`t put the kibosh on this situation, and now call it a murder investigation, that this is a drug-related crime that either a child was taken for drugs, or was given so that someone could get drugs.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, you raise a very interesting point. I want to say that Nay Nay is not a suspect. And as far as the allegations that Misty did drugs for the two days leading up to little Haleigh`s disappearance on her watch, we have reached out repeatedly.

And Misty, if you`re watching, we want to hear your side of the story.

But two people, Curtis Sliwa, had said that the 17-year-old who was watching the child when she disappeared, along with the younger brother, was doing drugs in the days leading up. So you have to wonder if, you know -- I`m a recovering alcoholic. I know that you don`t stop doing a substance on a dime. You stop only if you get help.

So obviously questions are, if in fact she was doing drugs, was she doing drugs the night that little Haleigh disappeared? She says no. She says she was at home. Were there drugs in the home? Could little Haleigh have accidentally gotten her hands on them? What are your thoughts on this, Curtis?

CURTIS SLIWA, FOUNDER, GUARDIAN ANGELS: Well, I`ve got to tell you, the dysfunction bleeds all over this case. It`s like a small town of three-eyed cousin fornicators. It`s like the Jerry Springer show.

I`m saying after 80 days, you`ve really got to get tough with these individuals. Because if they are drug zombies, if they are in a drug- induced psychosis, man, you`ve got to take them, hold them, sweat them out, make them go through cold turkey, separate them from one another so that they can`t chitchat. Make them paranoid. Make them upset. And somebody will give it up.

I`m at the point I`d like to take them to Guantanamo and make the attorney general, Eric Holder, waterboard them...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: No, no. I don`t want anybody waterboarded. I am totally against that 100 percent.


SLIWA: Oh, please.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ron said that he doesn`t do drugs, even though, you know, there -- he has a record for arrests of drugs. Right? Art Harris? The father of the missing child has a record of drug arrests, but no convictions, correct?

HARRIS: A string of drug arrests, that`s right. Ronald Cummings, and most recently his father-in-law, strange as this sounds, Misty`s dad has accused him of trying to kill him by giving him some prescription drugs that he requested. There`s a police report that I obtained that goes into this.

And you know, now you have -- you have everybody who is involved in this drug-infested county, but at the same time police, getting back to Curtis` point, are outraged that this young woman, who has bonded out again. She pledged (ph) suicide...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Let me get to that, because you`ve raised some important issues.

Ron Cummings, Haleigh`s dad, of course, a lightning rod for controversy. You just heard there was a report Ron`s father-in-law, Misty Croslin`s dad -- take notes people -- accused Ron of trying to poison him by giving him unidentified prescription pills.

Ron`s attorneys had this response, quote, "Any statements made by Mr. Croslin that were reported to the police were done while he was under the influence of prescription medications and are false. And Mr. Croslin disavows any statements that he was in any way in fear of Ronald Cummings."

But you know, I have to get back -- Beth Karas, again, you`ve covered so many of these cases. Again, the theme of it is drugs, whether it`s Misty`s dad, whether it`s Misty, whether it`s Ron. I have no idea if any of these people have ever touched a drug in their lives. But these are the stories that keep coming up.

KARAS: Well, if it is indeed drug related, and it may be -- maybe the child is being held until a drug debt is being paid, but -- and maybe that`s where the police are going, and believing that she is still alive.

But don`t forget the police are saying she may be still alive. And until they have absolute, or more evidence that she`s not alive, they`re going to hold out hope that she is.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Fantastic panel. Wow. More on this strange soap opera surrounding Haleigh Cummings` disappearance in moments.

Then, is Casey Anthony`s defense team trying to pin the murder on somebody else? Why the defense wants the phone records of meter reader Roy Kronk and an Orange County deputy. I`ll have the shocking updates.

But first, it`s hard enough for us to keep all the players straight in the Haleigh Cummings case. Imagine the difficulty investigators are having trying to solve this complex puzzle.


SHERIFF JEFF HARDY, PUTNAM COUNTY SHERIFF`S DEPARTMENT: The investigation has had so many different angles to it, that it`s just been extremely difficult to try to narrow it and focus it down to where it needs to be. And again, as has been previously reported, there`s been so many different inconsistencies and statements and stories.




KIM PICAZIO, ATTORNEY FOR CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD: We have uncovered people, eyewitnesses that have seen her out that night with another individual. Whether or not she propped open the door and allowed a person in that night, we don`t know. None of us were there. But we surely know that she was not home with the children that night, according to our eyewitnesses.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: That`s the attorney for Haleigh`s biological mom, Crystal Cummings [SIC].

Thomas Ruskin, you`re a former New York City police detective. There`s a woman saying, "OK, we`ve got people who saw little Misty out, 17- year-old Misty out partying on the night that Haleigh disappeared." Misty claims she was home that night. Why haven`t we heard from those people?

THOMAS RUSKIN, FORMER NEW YORK CITY POLICE DETECTIVE: That`s what the police have to do, and that`s what the sheriff`s office has to do. He says in this statement that they have inconsistencies. Why aren`t they following up on those inconsistencies?

For them to say that they`re only focusing in now on the family members or friends of the family is ridiculous. You go in any avenue that the trail takes you, and you follow that lead to the end. And if you have holes in your dike, you break those holes apart, and you have the water flow. And you`ll find either, you know, God forbid, the body, or you`ll find the person who did this horrendous crime.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, you know, it`s the investigator journalist and the bounty hunters and the attorneys who are digging all this up. But a lot of them say the cops knew all this, right, Art?

HARRIS: Jane, that`s right. In fact, they have had Misty in a number of times to look at these inconsistencies. And they know that she`s not telling the truth. But they don`t want to arrest her on that.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Art, let me jump in.

GREENWALD: And they don`t have enough.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Because I want to ask you for your analysis of all the players in the Haleigh Cummings saga. This is no easy task. Let`s take a moment to focus on who`s who in this tiny town of Satsuma, Florida, 70 miles south of Orlando.

You know, Haleigh was last seen by Misty Croslin on at the family`s trailer home on Green Lane, February 10. Misty, of course, the teen, a girlfriend/babysitter who was watching the kids and later, in a very strange twist, married the missing child`s father.

But Art, walk us through. We`ve got this flow chart here. Just give us a sense of who these other people are. I know this is going to take an hour, so try to do it quickly.

HARRIS: Very good. So you have Misty here...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: We`ve got Misty.

HARRIS: Ron, of course, is -- is the father of Haleigh Cummings. And Junior, a little -- her little brother. He is now claiming, and the police back up, that he has an alibi for that night. He was at work at PDM Bridge Company. Cell phone pings put him there.

Then you have his ex, who is named Crystal. That is the mother of Haleigh and Junior. She is in a custody fight with Ronald, owes him $4,000 in back child support.

Then you have -- then you have Kim Picazio, who`s come in, has a family in Miami (ph), to represent Crystal, who has also been trying to broker Nay Nay`s baby scandal of her own.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Just give us the Amber angle here. That`s it.

HARRIS: Amber is another former Ronald ex. And she and Ronald have - - purportedly have a child named Jordan. She is out on bond. She was with Nay Nay last week when they were out partying. And they were arrested for -- charged with cocaine possession.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: But apparently Misty and Amber don`t like each other.

HARRIS: They have --in fact, the weekend that they were on the road at the party, in the party parade, they got into a fight and had to be pulled apart, my sources tell me. And suddenly, Amber is now out partying with Nay Nay, the chauffeur.

KARAS (ph): They actually went on MySpace, against each other: Amber versus Misty on MySpace.

HARRIS: That`s right. Threatened to take her child.

KARAS (ph): Saying, "I`ve got you. And I`m now the baby`s mom." So give me a break.

Again, this whole interlude that they have, the thing that`s very interesting, Jane, is that since we`re all talking about drugs, it`s not unusual for the police officers to have confidential informants left and right all over the place.

The fact that nobody said that they`ve seen this child is highly unusual, because the fact that you have a kid that`s missing, and it`s directly, I think, related to something that`s come up with drugs, and nobody`s come forward, nobody. We have Amber alerts already. We have all this technology. No one said anything. Nor have they come up with, as far as that the child may not be alive anymore.

RUSKIN: Jane, if I was running this investigation, what you would do is you send your narcotics officers out. You make as many arrests as possible. And you try and turn those people around to try and get information against these people. And you lock them up and you put them in there and you squeeze them. As Curtis said, you basically pull them in and you interrogate them until they give up something.

HARRIS: That`s what they were doing, Jane. They were interrogating Nay Nay before she was bonded out, first by Cobra, then again when she went back in. And then suddenly she`s out. They are outraged. The investigators I`ve talked to.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: These are basically glorified teenagers. These are all young people, kids having kids, which I think is the underlying problem underneath all the other problems. These kids, they`re really too young to be responsible parents in a lot of ways. You have a 17-year-old girl watching these kids. Why is she even watching them? Why isn`t she worrying about going to her prom?

SLIWA: Well, let me tell you something. Let me say we have baby mama, mama-baby drama. I`m all confused. I would just say to the remaining scales and mopes in this group of young women, let`s tie their tubes. Make sure they never have babies.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: No. That`s awful.

SLIWA: Let me tell you something, these people are so out of their minds. They are so dysfunctional. The cops need to put their arm on them and sweat the information out. Stop being good cop. It`s time to be bad cop.

GREENWALD: All right. Curtis, by the way, don`t forget, people do have rights, Curtis. Don`t forget that.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Listen, I don`t want to indict this entire community because of the questionable behavior of a handful of people. And we do not know what happened to Haleigh.

But I want to thank my excellent panel for their very controversial comments. I don`t necessarily agree with them all. But let`s hope we find Haleigh alive. That`s the bottom line.

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on May 15, 2009, 09:25:17 AM


Aired May 14, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET

<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>

Another bizarre twist in the search for 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings, authorities continue their meticulous investigation into little Haleigh`s disappearance. But they do not believe they have a stranger abduction case on their hands.

Meantime -- get this -- just last night, in the wee hours of the morning, into this morning, and just 75 miles away from the Cummings` Satsuma, Florida home, an intensive kidnapping of a 4-year-old girl in Orlando and it was foiled by the little girl`s blood curdling scream.

This is the suspect believed to have broken into that Orlando home in an attempt to snatch that child. Her parents were jarred awake by their daughter`s screaming. Thank goodness those screams chased that man away. That young girl is ok tonight.

Now, you will remember that the teen bride of Haleigh`s dad, Misty Croslin, the last person to see little Haleigh -- she disappeared on Misty`s watch -- told cops she woke up to go to the bathroom and Haleigh was gone.

If that story is correct, it would appear little Haleigh who was reportedly terrified of the dark never screamed. Why didn`t little Haleigh scream? Are authorities right? Was her abductor somebody the child knew?

Haleigh`s dad, Ron Cummings, continues to plead for any tips that will lead to his daughter`s safe return.


RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: I want to ask you to just please, please keep looking. Keep going, just whatever you think, calling in, it doesn`t matter. Just keep looking. Thanks for everything you`ve done.

And Haleigh, if you`re watching, baby, I love you. And we`re still looking for you.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Meantime, do cops have a drug dealer informant helping them chase down leads in this case?

I`m joined now by investigator journalist Art Harris from the Web site, "The Bald Truth," an excellent site. Art has been covering this case from the very start.

Art, what is the latest with this convicted drug dealer? The cast of characters in this story is something that...


VELEZ-MITCHELL: ...a Pulitzer prize-winning author could not come up with.

HARRIS: The pop sub-culture of crime in America...


HARRIS: ...Jane. And this guy is Jerome Williams (ph) 37 years old. A convicted felon who`s had a number of drug convictions, served his time in prison. Suddenly he`s out and under his thumb are two of the young women who are close to Misty and the family. There is "Nay Nay" Kristina Prevatt who drove Misty on her last weekend...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: But who is this guy? Let me ask you this guy?

HARRIS: This guy, Jerome Williams, is someone who bonded the two girls out of jail. And they were living with him.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And he`s a guy who thinks he can help out because he`s got a lot of connections in the drug world?

HARRIS: I talked to him last week, Kim Picazio, Sheffield -- Crystal Sheffield`s lawyer talked to him. Suddenly he was thinking, "Gosh, maybe I can change my life -- turn my life around. And I can dig into, you know, the people I know on the street. I may be able to find some of the drug dealers who actually knew Misty and others close to the family."

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And why would he do that? What would he get out of it?

HARRIS: He would get possible immunity. He would get a $35,000 reward and faces multiple drug trafficking charges. He`s behind bars, arrested this week again. And no bond this time for cocaine possession, illegal substance.

So he needed a deal. Cops were actually upbeat thinking that if anybody could get into the naked underbelly of Putnam County, it could be him. But they are very disappointed, Jane, because his leads turned out to be a bust.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right, the cast of characters in this case, is to put it mildly, confusing. And we will try to break it down. And I hope you have a notepad.

There is Misty Croslin, she was with Haleigh, the night she went missing and later married Haleigh`s dad Ron which some feel is very odd. Misty was partying with another woman, "Nay Nay" -- there is "Nay Nay" the weekend before Haleigh went missing. And Misty was fighting with another woman, Amber Brooks. Ok, there s Amber Brooks, Amber is reportedly the mother of one of Ron Cummings` other children, Jordan.

Now, both "Nay Nay" and Amber have been hanging around with the man we just talked about, Jerome Williams, the convicted drug dealer who allegedly has links to two convicted child predators and was trying to use his sources to find Haleigh.

What are cops saying about all these connections and what about the child predators?

HARRIS: Well, they are trying to keep the focus on what they know and that`s a missing time line. A lot of gaps in what Misty Croslin says happened that night.

As for the child predators, Jane, there are 247 registered sex offenders in Putnam County, and they say they have looked at the ankle bracelet reports, the GPS, you know, logs, and none of them were near the trailer that night.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And I have ten seconds. Why do you think Ron is standing by Misty, if Misty`s stories, according to cops, are filled with inconsistencies?

HARRIS: Well Jane, he`s told me, he`s told others, he loves the girl and can`t explain some of her behavior. But, you know, they`re in it.


HARRIS: And they`re -- through thick or thin.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Art, we want to keep you coming back updating this story. We want to find this little girl alive.

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on May 21, 2009, 06:05:55 PM


Ron Cummings Tells Anthonys to Stay Away

Aired May 20, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET

<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>

JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HOST (voice-over): Tonight, a truly bizarre turn of events in the Haleigh Cummings disappearance. The missing girl`s dad, Ron, puts his foot down, releasing a statement through his lawyers telling George and Cindy Anthony to butt out of the search for little Haleigh. Ron accuses of the Anthonys of having their own agenda and stresses there are no similarities between these two cases.

But is this a case of doth protest too much? Wouldn`t Ron want all the help he can get?

Then a stunning turn of events in the case against accused killer Drew Peterson. The whole nation has been waiting on pins and needles to see what a grand jury will do about the disappearance of his fourth wife, Stacey. Well, they`ve wrapped up the investigation. But at this point no sign of an indictment. Was there a lack of evidence? Or could the other shoe still drop? This as Peterson prepares to go to court tomorrow to try and reduce his $20 million bail for the murder of wife No. 3.

And disgraced NFL star Michael Vick released from prison today after serving 19 months for his role in a dog-fighting ring. Vick set to work with the Humane Society. Has he learned his lesson, or is he just trying to butter up the public so he can get back into the NFL?

Plus, a nationwide manhunt under way for a cancer-stricken boy and his mom. Citing religious beliefs, the family refused chemo that could save the boy`s life. Where do we draw the line when it comes to a parent`s right to decide their child`s fate?

ISSUES starts now.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: A shocking development just in, in a very disturbing case out of Birmingham, Alabama. The video you are about to see, very graphic. Five -- count them -- five Birmingham police officers have been fired after beating a seemingly already unconscious suspect after he flew out of a vehicle -- You just saw that there -- during a high-speed chase. There it is. There is the controversial beating. We`re going to analyze it. We`re going to slow mo it for you.

Details in a moment, including what the suspect did that might have provoked this violent reaction from the cops. We`ll show you that, as well.

But first, the clash of two worlds as a battle, and I mean a battle, erupts over twin tragedies in Florida. Ron Cummings, the father of missing 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings, tells George and Cindy Anthony, the grandparents of murdered 2-year-old Caylee, "I don`t want your help."

Through his attorneys, Cummings lashed out at the Anthonys after they spent Sunday with his ex and frequent opponent, Crystal Sheffield who is missing Haleigh`s mom. Are you keeping track of all this? The Anthonys and Haleigh`s mom rallied together for all missing children.


GEORGE ANTHONY, GRANDFATHER OF CAYLEE: Helping with someone missing is the most gut-wrenching, sick, open-wound feeling that you could ever, ever have.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: When Haleigh first went missing three months ago, Ron and his then girlfriend, now wife, Misty Croslin accepted help and comfort from George Anthony. But Ron doesn`t want it now, because according to his statement, the Anthonys have their, quote, "own agenda" citing the Anthonys` recent media tour. George and Cindy have been making the TV rounds -- we all know that -- ever since their explosive depositions last month.

But are they really missing persons advocates when their granddaughter`s case is actually a murder case with no proven link to an actual abduction?

Ron trying to distance himself and his daughter`s disappearance from the tragic case of little Caylee Anthony, who was allegedly killed by her own mom. The question is, why is Ron so opposed to having the cases compared? Insisting there are no similarities.

Let`s take that question right out to my fantastic expert panel: Dr. Dale Archer, clinical psychiatrist; Art Harris, investigative journalist; Lisa Bloom, an anchor on the legal network In Session; CNN analyst and judge Karen Mills-Francis, host of "The Judge Karen Show"; along with Kim Picazio, the attorney for Haleigh`s mom, Crystal Sheffield.

Judge Karen, we get to start with you, because you are in Florida closely tracking these two cases. Why do you think Ron has taken such a dramatic stance and appears so very afraid of having people compare these two tragedies? One where his child is missing, and the other where a child is dead and her own mom is accused of killing her.

KAREN MILLS-FRANCIS, HOST, "THE JUDGE KAREN SHOW": Well, you know what? There could be several reasons for this. But, you know, we`re talking about a man who married his 17-year-old girlfriend, the person with whom this child was seen last, within 30 days after this child is reported missing.

I believe the reason why he doesn`t want the Anthonys` help is because he`s afraid of analogies being made between what happened in their case and what`s happened in his case.

Also, there`s 2,300 kids that go missing every day. We tend to forget about so many children. Maybe he`s hoping we`ll forget about it. And if the Anthonys are involved, then you can best believe the press is going to be behind him.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, the war of words accelerated after Haleigh`s mom, Crystal Sheffield, joined forces with Cindy and George Anthony this past weekend at a rally for missing kids. Listen to what Crystal said.


CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, MOTHER OF HALEIGH: Whoever has her, I know you`re watching. Please just bring her home.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, Crystal reportedly owes Ron Cummings $4,000 in child support, and there has been an ongoing custody battle regarding Ron Jr., missing Haleigh`s little brother. So my question to you, Lisa Bloom, do you think Ron is lashing out against the Anthonys` involvement just because he has a feud with Crystal, and Crystal has aligned herself with Cindy and George?

LISA BLOOM, ANCHOR, IN SESSION: Well, you know, that`s a lot of sophisticated thinking to impute to him. I think he probably feels that this relentless media drum beat against George and Cindy Anthony, which I think is terribly unfair to them, may have something to it.

I mean, look, they`re not defendants. They are not suspects. Yet, they go to a vigil, and everybody screams and yells about them having some kind of a hidden agenda. These people cannot breathe or take a drink of water without everybody in the media attacking them. And so I`m sure he does not want to be associated with them, because he doesn`t want his family to become suspects in Haleigh`s disappearance.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. I think you just hit the nail on the head. He doesn`t want to become a suspect, and he is not a suspect. And he doesn`t want more fingers being pointed at Misty, who was the last person to see little Haleigh before she vanished, the person on whose watch the little child vanished. And they have since gotten married.

Kim Picazio, put all this in perspective for us. You are the attorney for Crystal Sheffield. There is a feud between Crystal and Ron. Is that why Ron is so upset with the Anthonys coming, being a part of this rally with Crystal?

KIM PICAZIO, ATTORNEY FOR CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD: Well, I guess it is. And I can`t knock his attorneys for attempting to raise his public image, which has been very damaged lately with all of the allegations that have come out and the witnesses that have come out on the media, to make statements against him.

And I`m sure that he`s trying to distance himself away from a family whose daughter has actually been charged with murder. And I`m -- not to say that I`m accusing him of murdering Haleigh, because Haleigh is not found.

But you know, you can read between the lines. Ron always only comes out in defense of himself. He was not at that vigil. It`s my understanding his mother has stated to some of the media that she would have been there, had she known about it.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, listen, Kim, let me ask you this. I read a report that claimed that that vigil was organized by the former spokesperson for Cindy and George Anthony. In other words, it`s not totally up front what`s going on there.

PICAZIO: Well, we went to the vigil. Actually, my client did. I was going to go, but I had a sick child at home. So my client went with her mother to show support. It`s a National Coalition for Missing Children.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Was it organized with Cindy and George?

PICAZIO: No, absolutely not. We had no idea that they were going to be there. And it wouldn`t have mattered. My client would have still attended. We were grateful that the Anthonys were there to show support. They`ve got two losses on their hands: their daughter and their granddaughter. So I think that it was only appropriate that they try to show the community and the world that they want to show support.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: There`s a slight problem with that theory, OK? And whoever`s laughing, feel free to jump in.

DR. DALE ARCHER, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST: I`ve got to say I totally disagree with this. I think this is probably the best judgment Ron Cummings has shown throughout this entire ordeal. I think having the Anthonys involved in looking for your lost toddler is like having Michael Vick run your local Humane Society. I think it just doesn`t make any sense.

BLOOM: That`s really -- that`s really unfair to people who have never been charged, who are not suspects. That`s really unfair to people who have lost a grandchild.

ARCHER: But the reason I`m making the comparison is because of the fact your motives will be suspect no matter what you do. They don`t need the distraction in this case, just like if Michael Vick were to get involved. People would question his motives.

BLOOM: Vick is a convicted felon. That`s a big difference.

ARCHER: It`s a media circus no matter what.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, let me -- let me bring in this angle. George and Cindy Anthony, as you know, spoke at the rally for missing children. So first, let`s listen to what Cindy herself said.


CINDY ANTHONY, GRANDMOTHER OF CAYLEE: Do not give up hope. Do not give up hope.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: You know, George and Cindy are out there advocating for missing children. But according to prosecutors, Caylee was never a missing persons case. She was a murder victim, allegedly at the hands of her mother, who is the daughter of Cindy and George.

You know, the Anthonys have actually been accused, Lisa Bloom, of hurting the efforts of missing children`s organizations by blending what cops say is a murder case with missing children`s cases. And some of the groups have said, "We don`t want your participation." This isn`t the first time.

BLOOM: They can say that if they want. But I`m just shocked at the lack of empathy for these two people who have lost a granddaughter, have not done anything wrong, have completely cooperated with law enforcement from the very beginning. George Anthony testified at the grand jury...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, we`ve got -- we`ve got outtakes on that, too. Let me bring in Art Harris. Put this in perspective.

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Jane, if you look at the car, or the truck that Ron Cummings drives, you`ll see on the windshield, he says -- it says, "Only God can judge me."

He doesn`t want to be judged any more than he`s already been. He`s been slammed. And here you have parents of an alleged mom, tot killer as she`s called.

And he is married to, as you pointed out, the last woman who saw Haleigh. And so, you know, he doesn`t want the blending of analogies and doesn`t want to be judged any more than he`s already has been, especially not as the parents of Caylee Anthony.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Fantastic panel. Sit tight; more analysis on the way.

Do you think George and Cindy should help search for missing Haleigh Cummings? Call 1-877-JVM-SAYS, 1-877-586-7297. Let me know.

Then five cops fired after a beating that you will not believe. But you will see it. It`s all about this car chase. We will show you the shocking video, the shocking aftermath. We warn you; it`s graphic.

But first, Ron Cummings wants Casey Anthony`s parents to butt out: "Leave us alone. We don`t want your help for the search of our missing daughter." The cases, it seems, so intertwined in everyone`s mind. Even George mixed them up at a rally earlier this year.


G. ANTHONY: I`m here in support of them. I`m here to bring Caylee home. Haleigh Marie Cummings -- no, no, Haleigh, I`m sorry, I apologize for that.




CUMMINGS: Please, please keep looking. Keep calling in tips. Whatever you think, call it in. It doesn`t matter, just keep looking. Thanks for everything you`ve done.

And Haleigh, if you`re watching, baby, I love you, and we`re still looking for you.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ron Cummings making yet another desperate plea for any tips leading to his young daughter`s safe return. But he doesn`t want any help from George and Cindy Anthony, the grandparents of slain toddler Caylee Anthony.

What do you think his problem with the Anthonys is all about? Give me a holler. The phone lines lighting up. Shannon in Alabama, your question or thoughts.

CALLER: Yes, thanks for taking my call. You know, I don`t blame Ronald for not wanting Cindy and George to help. The focus the whole time should have been the search for Haleigh. And I believe that the custody battle and the alleged child abuse, it just destroyed the whole search. And I think George and Cindy have been covering up what Casey did. So, you know, I don`t blame the man for not wanting their help.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, Art Harris, you`re on the ground, monitoring this situation, trying to find little Haleigh, using all your investigative skills. Has this been a distraction from finding Haleigh?

HARRIS: Well, a blip on the radar right now. And anything is a distraction, because there`s not a lot breaking, Jane. And as far as the Anthonys, they support their daughter, whether she turns out to be convicted or not of killing their granddaughter.

Right now, it`s unclear if Ronald would support Misty if she turns out to be in any way implicated. He has said...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: He married her, even though the child went missing on her watch. Something nobody can really get -- a lot of people can`t get their head around that, Dr. Dale Archer.

ARCHER: Absolutely. I totally agree with that, Jane. And I think that, again, the big issue here is that the focus needs to be finding little girl. And I think unfortunately the Anthonys are such a lightning rod, if they get involved in this, it`s going to be a distraction no matter what. People will question their motives, and it`s going to be a problem. They need to stay out. And they`ve got a daughter on trial for murder, and possibly for her life.

MILLS-FRANCIS: The reality is -- the reality is that there have been no new leads in Haleigh`s case. And if it were my child, I don`t care if it`s negative publicity or positive publicity, the fact that this little girl`s face is back on TV again, there`s a vigil being held for her, it only helps in the search for her. If you care about finding her, you take help from wherever help comes, if it`s getting your child back in the news cycle.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes, I agree with you, Judge Karen. I think that it does -- look, we`re looking at her face right now because of this controversy. But in a way, he`s also spawning the controversy by saying he wants no part of it. He knows we`re going to cover that, too.

BLOOM: Jane, look, we keep saying that this child was with Misty when she went missing and how could he marry her. I mean, Misty is not a defendant. She`s not a suspect. She`s not been charged.

MILLS-FRANCIS: It`s not the fact that she`s not charged. Of course she`s innocent.

BLOOM: Look, if I may finish my thought. We`re spending a lot of time casting aspersions on people who are not charged.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I agree, they`re not charged and we don`t want to cast dispersions. But Art Harris, what do several people say Misty was doing in the days leading up to this child`s disappearance?

HARRIS: Well, the woman who drove her around in the three days beforehand on a wild party, drug and sex binge with a young man named...

BLOOM: That doesn`t make her a killer of a little girl.

HARRIS: But she leads up to a babysitter who was certainly not in her right mind, Lisa. And...

MILLS-FRANCIS: The law enforcement has said it`s impeded the investigation.

BLOOM: You know, and I...

HARRIS: A babysitter like that in that condition...

BLOOM: Well, there`s a big jump to calling her a killer.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: We`re not calling her a killer.

BLOOM: Oh, please. How could he marry her? How could he marry her? How could anybody in his right mind marry her?

MILLS-FRANCIS: How could he marry her 30 days after the child is missing?

ARCHER: That`s the point.

BLOOM: Not knowing what happened to the child. And...

MILLS-FRANCIS: The ceremony couldn`t have waited 30 days?

BLOOM: These are real people -- these are real people, folks, who have flaws just like we do. And some people on this panel have probably had alcohol or drug problems.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I`m a recovering alcoholic for 14 years of sobriety.

BLOOM: Then don`t question how is it that somebody could love her and want to marry her.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: People have said there are inconsistencies in her story.

BLOOM: Well, so what? She`s not a suspect.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: I`ve got to...

HARRIS: The key link, she`s the key piece. Investigators tell me they`re looking at her.

BLOOM: And she is a victim right now.


HARRIS: She said she would never hurt a child.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I don`t have a gavel. I have a mirror. Hold on. Judge, can I borrow your gavel, Judge Mills?

OK, Katherine in Virginia, your question or thought.

CALLER: Yes, I have a comment. You know, I have not been a fan of George and Cindy Anthony. You know, with their daughter and everything. But what I don`t understand is, if they are going to help, you know, this situation, and they want healing from this situation, what is the big ordeal? They want to help these people. So why Ron is making a big ordeal about it, I don`t understand. If it was me, I would let anybody help me that could help me to find my child.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, that`s exactly what Judge Karen said.

Art Harris, here`s what I don`t understand about this case. There is no way that authorities can find out why she has, Misty has these inconsistencies? In other words, there`s no charges whatsoever that they can level, vis-a-vis her alleged drug use? Anything?

HARRIS: There has been talk of that. And the question is, would that be a case worth prosecuting and worth trying to make stick?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. And by the way, Misty, you`re invited on. We want to hear your side of the story. We`re not trying to accuse you of anything. We just want answers. There`s a missing child.

Thank you, excellent panel.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on June 12, 2009, 10:44:16 AM


Aired June 11, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET

JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HOST (voice-over): Tonight, a national manhunt barrels ahead. Convicted sex offender Robbie Potter believed to be on the run with his girlfriend and her 4-year-old daughter Haylee Donathan. Escaped from a court-ordered half way house days before Haylee went missing. Cops nabbed three people who they say helped him break out. In a jaw-dropping twist, Haylee`s own father and her convicted rapist uncle are among them.

This poor girl, surrounded by sex offenders, believed to be in extreme danger. Are cops running out of time?

And in a strange coincidence, another adorable girl also named Haleigh, missing for four months. Cobra, the bounty hunter, joins the search with cadaver dogs, while Haleigh`s mom closes the family`s search headquarters. I`ll speak to investigative journalist Art Harris who has dug up some new shockers.

Then Chris Brown loses another legal battle. Rihanna ordered to testify at a make or break hearing later this month. Brown`s attorney, Mark Geragos, tried to postpone the court date, but a judge shot him down. So could Geragos still get the assault case dropped?

Plus, Phil Spector finally dragged into prison to start his 19-year murder sentence, complete with a wig-free mug shot to add to his crazy collection. Is this the ultimate humiliation for a man obsessed with looking like a rock star?

ISSUES starts now.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Breaking news tonight in the frantic -- and I mean frantic -- nationwide search for an adorable 4-year-old girl believed to be on the run with her mom and her mom`s boyfriend, who just happens to be a tier 3 sex offender, the most serious kind of sex offender. This fugitive`s past victims were just 10 and 11 years old.

What on earth is wrong with these moms who let these cretins into their daughter`s lives? Are they nuts?

Tonight we learned the frightening story gets even more twisted. Little Haylee Donathan`s uncle is a sex offender himself. That ex-con uncle and the little girl`s own dad allegedly helped this sex offender boyfriend escape from a halfway house. This is one sicko family tree.

Then that boyfriend, Robbie Potter took the woman and the young child, named Haylee, with him on what is turning into a nationwide game of find the fugitive. The child`s father, James Donathan and the ex-con uncle, Kyle Watson, were arrested and charged with complicity to escape. This is mind-boggling.

In what crazy, mixed-up world does a father and an uncle help a pedophile escape from a halfway house to then take off with their precious 4-year-old girl and her mom?

Haylee`s father insists he didn`t know Potter was a sex offender.


JAMES DONATHAN, FATHER OF MISSING 4-YEAR-OLD: I don`t know him personally. You know, but I found out a little bit about him the last couple of days.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What did you find out?

DONATHAN: Well, I found out he`s a tier 3 sex offender. You know, he`s known for messing with kids.



Authorities believe the trio may now be in Colorado or Arizona, but perhaps not. There`s sightings. We`re going to talk about that in a second.

Breaking news, they`re looking for a pickup truck resembling this one. Look at it carefully. The back windows have a unique identifying feature, lightning bolts. Will authorities be able to track down little Haylee Donathan, who they say is in grave danger? And why do we continue to see mothers allowing their children to be in the presence of sex offenders? It`s stupid, and it`s dangerous.

Straight to my fantastic expert panel: Mike Gaynor, retired NYPD detective and president of East Coast Detectives; Bradford Cohen, criminal defense attorney; Stacey Honowitz, Florida prosecutor; and Dr. Dale Archer, clinical psychiatrist. We need a shrink tonight on this one. And by phone, Michael Nolting, news director at WMRN-AM, Marion, Ohio; as well as deputy U.S. Marshal Brian Fitzgibbon, the lead investigator in this case.

Marshal, so glad you could join us. I understand there`s some breaking news, brand-new reports, possible sightings of Candace. What can you tell us about this?

BRIAN FITZGIBBON, DEPUTY U.S. MARSHAL, LEAD INVESTIGATOR: Thank you, Jane, for having us, and we appreciate all of the information you`re putting out there and that the community is providing. Breaking news that we did receive the last tip that I just fielded -- I just got off the phone -- was a tipster down in Marion, Ohio, which is less than an hour away from Mansfield, where the fugitive escaped from the halfway house and was putting Candace there as of Saturday. That would -- that would definitely put our time line off as far as going out towards Arizona and Colorado.

But, we have yet to confirm that. The tipster was very vague, and I`m working with Wal-Mart security right now, who are denying the fact that a transaction was made by Candace. And it could possibly be the tipster was off by a week, which would properly figure our time line and be correct with Candace leaving the campgrounds.

In fact, Wal-Mart had her as returning a tent. That`s correct, a tent, which would verify our story that we originally had that they were out camping in southern Ohio.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, I understand there`s a warrant out for Candace, the mother`s arrest, and explain to me why that is when at this point she could be a victim, presumably held against her will?

FITZGIBBON: Working sex offender cases, you see how manipulative they can be. And somebody like Potter, he finds somebody that`s very vulnerable in Candace. And he`s somehow figured a way to convince her to pick him up from this halfway house and escape and aid and abet him onto his ways of being a fugitive.

So Richmond County sheriff`s office went ahead, and they charged her with aiding and abetting of the fugitive. And that`s where the charges come forth on her.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So just to understand, it wasn`t like she was abducted along with the child. She willingly went with this cretin, along with her daughter on a ride, and presumably, they were headed out on a camping trip?

FITZGIBBON: That`s correct. It was -- it was not force involved. Our only concern is that the child did not have a choice in this. The 3- year-old child does not have the choice and knowledge of getting in the car with a tier 3 sex offender.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And just to clarify, because there`s been a whole bunch of conflicting reports about how long they`ve been missing. I understand they went missing a lot longer than they`ve been reporting this. In other words, we just sort of caught on to this late in the game?

FITZGIBBON: That`s correct. The missing persons report came after the fact, because Candace is the legal guardian of Haylee, and Candace`s mother, Mary Watson, reported them missing after the weekend camping trip. And then the locals were handling it, and the marshal service where we were notified on June 4 and have been following the leads ever since.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And one last question, Marshal: what about Colorado and Arizona, because I heard they might be heading there?

FITZGIBBON: Colorado and Arizona, we can confirm that we have marshals and police officers from the fugitive task force working the leads. We`re following them. We`re fielding leads, numerous leads across nearly a dozen states. Callers are calling in from 1-866 -- the number 4, WANTED. And we`re encouraging everybody, if you have anything, please call in. We could use every single bit of help we can on this case.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Marshal, you`re doing an excellent job for you and the officers who are working to find this child. Good luck, and we hope we get some good news, we pray. Haylee`s dad, James Donathan, explained to reporters what he claims was his role in allegedly helping sex offender Robbie Potter escape the halfway house. Listen to this.


DONATHAN: Potter showed up at my house one night like 12:30, and he come over. He used my girlfriend`s phone. He had to call his mom (ph). Then she showed up at 3 to pick him up. They take off, you know, but this is -- he just escaped from the VOA (ph).


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Stacey Honowitz, this guy is yawning. His daughter is missing, and he`s yawning and saying, "I didn`t know this guy was a sex offender when he came." He knew that he had escaped from a halfway house. Why do you let anybody who escaped from a halfway house into your house?

STACEY HONOWITZ, FLORIDA PROSECUTOR: How do you answer that question, Jane? I mean, quite frankly, you look at the tape of him, you listen to how he participated and what he did. And you say to yourself, this guy could care less. And he really -- he opens the door for this guy that he knows is in a halfway house. Doesn`t bother to ask him why he`s at the halfway house, and allows him to call the mother and take off with the daughter.

So that`s why he`s such an integral part and that`s why the investigators are saying he must have known something was going on and been an active participant in helping them to escape. There`s no logical explanation for why someone would do anything like that.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Dr. Dale Archer, what is wrong with these people? I hate to say it that way, but this whole family seems a little screwy. Apparently, the aunt tried to warn the mom, "Don`t go off with this guy. He`s convicted of battery on a 10- and 11-year-old child," and she didn`t want to believe it because he apparently told her, "Oh, it was a 17-year- old girl," trying to imply that it was some sort of statutory rape consensual sex situation.

DR. DALE ARCHER, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST: Yes. It`s the same story that I hear over and over in similar cases. But it comes down to self- esteem. And obviously, you`re typically looking at someone who was abused when they were young. They don`t feel they`re deserving of love. So anyone who shows them the slightest bit of attention, they`ll latch on to that person and disregard anything else in their life, including their child.

I`m not defending what she did. I think it`s atrocious, but I see it over and over again.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Mike Gaynor, how do you escape from a halfway house anyway? Isn`t a halfway house where you go -- you go in and out and you pursue your life as you try to transition away from prison to the regular world?

MIKE GAYNOR, RETIRED NYPD DETECTIVE: Generally speaking, but I understand in this particular place it was easier to get out of than it is to get into. So he didn`t have much difficulty getting out. He had quite a bit of assistance, and the issue, once again, we have over here is another mother, thirsty for love, that befriends a degenerate like this, and now the daughter`s life is in jeopardy. So...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And why the heck did this suspect a tier 3 sex offender only do three years in the slammer for two sexual batteries of a 10- and 11-year-old? Why wasn`t he wearing a GPS? Let`s think about that. We`ll answer those questions in a moment.

More on this appalling story. How did a mom surround her little girl with so many sex offenders? Call 1-877-JVM-SAYS, 1-877-586-9297. Sound off to me.

Then another girl also named Haleigh, believe it or not -- wild coincidence there -- missing four months. I will speak to someone who`s been digging up new leads in the search for Haleigh Cummings.

But first, a sex offender on the run with a woman and her young daughter. Here is the friend who first reported the two missing.


SAMANTHA COVERT, FRIEND OF HAYLEE`S MOTHER: I just keep thinking about Haylee and, you know, what she`s going through and just hoping and praying that -- that she`s OK. I can still hear her calling, like every time she sees me, "Aunt Sam."




MARY WATSON, GRANDMOTHER OF HAYLEE: Worried to death about them; don`t know if they`re dead or alive. And scared that something`s happened to them.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Mary Watson frightened her granddaughter Haylee and daughter Candace could be in extreme danger. Tonight, we`re learning the father of little Haylee allegedly helped Haylee`s mother`s sex-offender boyfriend escape from a halfway house and run off with his ex and their daughter. Say what? It makes no sense.

Phone lines lighting up. Chrissy in Kentucky, your question or thought, ma`am?

CALLER: First, I have a comment. You are truly an angel for what you do for these little babies. I`ve got two young boys, and they watch you every night. They love you to death.


CALLER: But my question was, what kind of charges could the mother be looking at for actually putting her daughter in a situation?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Mike Nolting, what do you know about the mother`s alleged complicity here and what she could be in for?

MIKE NOLTING, NEWS DIRECTOR, WMRN: The mother could be in for complicity to escape. I think there`s also some neglect and child endangerment issues, as well. I think that, when we take a look at the mother, I think intent at this point really doesn`t matter. Because I believe that -- I`ve heard what the father said about not knowing his status as a sex offender. But let`s remember that they were both at the same half way house with Candace`s brother, who is also a sex offender, as well.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: How did this...

HONOWITZ: He`s never going to say on the air in an interview, "Oh, by the way, I knew the guy was a sex offender, and I let him go with my kid." Of course, he`s going to say he didn`t know anything.

But I mean, the bottom line is, he knew the guy was a sex offender and at 3 a.m. in the morning, why didn`t he bother to ask the question? "Where are you taking my ex-wife and my child? Or my ex-girlfriend?" He could`ve cared less.

Go ahead.

BRADFORD COHEN, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: The wife is also looking at an aiding and abetting charge. Because I mean, this guy doesn`t have any money of his own, I would imagine. He`s living in a halfway house. He just got out of prison. I don`t think he`s got a lot of money to afford to go on the run. And someone`s -- someone`s fronting the money. If she`s fronting the money, she knows he`s wanted. She`s going to get aiding and abetting. Not just complicity. She`s actually helping him escape.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. And let`s say that was her at the Wal-Mart returning the tent. If it`s her credit card, that really hurts her.

COHEN: Yes, 100 percent. I mean, she`s funding the escape. And who`s buying the gas? Who`s buying the -- wherever they`re staying? Who`s buying the food?

GAYNOR: There`s something else to think about in this particular case. Because Robbie Potter has also been in trouble with the feds for bank robbery. He`s currently on probation, I believe, for bank robbery.

COHEN: That`s why he was in the halfway house.

GAYNOR: I think he might have been there for sex crimes...

HONOWITZ: For the sex offense.

COHEN (ph): Well, he was definitely a convicted of burglary, as well.

GAYNOR: While he`s out there in the field with this woman and child he`s capable of committing more bank robberies, more crimes, and one thing that guys like him learn in prison is not to leave witnesses around. So this is a serious situation. And the marshals better close in on this guy pretty quick.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Michael Nolting, how long did this woman and this fugitive know each other? Where did they meet?

NOLTING: They met at the VOA transitional housing facility. And talking with the Department of Rehabilitation in the state of Ohio, he was released to that facility back on the -- on the 16th of April. So it`s quite possible that they had up to four weeks.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: What, did they meet in prison? What are you...

NOLTING: No, he was released to the transitional housing.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So they met at the halfway house. What was she doing there?

NOLTING: Well, her brother was there.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Oh. See this is a theme. We heard with this other case, you know, the mom in the Nevaeh case met her boyfriend at the parole office. Now they`re meeting at the halfway house.

GAYNOR: Birds of a feather, Jane.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. It`s just -- in my mind, it`s just -- it`s unbelievable.

Julie in Ohio, your question or thought.

NOLTING: If I could say, Jane, that he served three years on the 2002 sex offense conviction, and that`s why he was in the halfway house. After that, he was looking at five years of community control.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes, whatever. Should have been working -- at least wearing a GPS monitoring device. We`d know exactly where he is right now.

ARCHER: The point I want to make is how in the world can he be convicted of two counts of sexual battery and only serve three years? We know there`s no psychiatric treatment for this. This is crazy.

HONOWITZ: Let me tell you honestly, and I`m a sex-offender prosecutor, we don`t know what the circumstances were. And in that case...


HONOWITZ: No, no, no, no, no. He might have had very reluctant witnesses who didn`t take the stand. If you don`t have victims in those cases, you have to plead those cases out. So without knowing the circumstances, it might not have been if...

ARCHER: How did they end up with a tier 3? He`s a tier 3 offender, though. That`s the worst of the worst.

HONOWITZ: Because it`s tier 3, it`s based on the offense he`s convicted of. He`s convicted of sex battery on a child, he`s a tier 3 offender. It has no bearing on what the sentence was. It`s what the charge he was convicted of.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Julie, Ohio, your question or thought. Get in there, girl. Julie, Ohio.

CALLER: Yes, Jane. I would just like to say a couple of things. Is I`m really getting tired of watching all this lack of common sense by parents.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: You and me both. Right on.

CALLER: And these women. You know, I mean, you said the other night that a woman can`t be blamed for going to a bar. No she can`t. But in today`s society, she can be blamed for going out and getting into a car with somebody she doesn`t even know.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, let me -- let me just say this. And that`s a whole other subject, because we`ve had missing women who got -- have given guys rides home. We can`t be blaming the victim in those cases. But in this case, when the mother is putting her child in danger, that I certainly, Bradford Cohen, this is irresponsibility on the highest order.

COHEN: And it`s not only -- you look at these cases that are coming out and these moms that are socializing with these guys that are known, convicted sex offenders. I mean, it`s mind-numbing. Like, no one even knows. I`m a criminal defense attorney. I can`t even imagine why someone would go and start dating a convicted sex offender, and they know they have a small child.

GAYNOR: Because they can`t get anyone else. They can`t. They`re frustrated women. They`re vulnerable, and they take what they can get.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Low self-esteem queens. That`s what it is. Dr. Dale had it.

Thank you, panel, for your excellent insight.

Rihanna officially ordered to testify in the Chris Brown case. How will it affect Brown`s defense strategy?

And Phil Spector hauled into prison to serve 19 years. I`ll show you his very creepy mug shot.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: In the "Spotlight" tonight, it is official. Rihanna will appear in court in the Chris Brown beating case. The pop princess got served with a subpoena and will likely take the stand against former boyfriend, pop star Chris Brown, at his preliminary hearing on June 22.

Brown faces two charges stemming from the February 8 brutal beating of then girlfriend Rihanna. The graphic police photo of Rihanna after the savage attacks that shock waved around the world.

Brown`s attorney hoped the controversy over who leaked the photo would get the hearing postponed while the leak was investigated. But yesterday, a California appeals court shot down that defense request.

In the meantime, Chris Brown doesn`t seem too worried at all. He`s been seen playing ball with Shaquille O`Neal.

As for Rihanna, she`s been out partying with a new beau. I guess she`s moving on, as well.

Joining me now, Ken Baker, executive news editor for E!

Ken, so many developments on so many fronts. What do you got? What`s the latest?

KEN BAKER, EXECUTIVE NEWS EDITOR, E!: Well, we know this. We know that Rihanna will testify, but her attorney has always said all along that she will testify, that when she`s called she will do what the court asks.

But the question is not that. The question is what will she testify to? Will she testify to what she apparently told the police, that he savagely beat her? Or will she change her story? And I think that`s the big question.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes, but Ken, with the photo out there, showing her very badly pummeled face, with the police report which details this long and extensive beating that wasn`t just a momentary snap, but it went on and on, how can she really have credibility minimizing this and changing the story and making it seem less than it was, allegedly?

BAKER: Well, she wouldn`t. And the minute that she starts to tell a story in court that is inconsistent with what she told the police, really, is going to damage her and damage her story.

But here`s the point here, is that something really interesting. I`ve been down to some of these court hearings, these preliminary hearings. And at every hearing, pretty much, her attorney, Rihanna`s attorney, Donald Etra, has been side by side with Mark Geragos, who`s representing Chris Brown, as if they`re in cahoots and they`re representing the same client.

Now, that makes it -- obviously, it raises the question that we all wonder, is that is she basically going to be trying to tell a story that is very pro-Chris Brown and very sensitive to him to try to help this guy get off? And I think that`s a big question, and we`re going to find out on June 22. She will be in the same courtroom with Chris Brown, and it`s going to be very interesting.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes, now Ken, that`s a preliminary hearing. And often these big witnesses who testify, testify in the actual hearing. Are we sure she`s going to -- I remember I got a subpoena once in the Michael Jackson case. I was terrified. And then at the end, they didn`t call me, and I got all worked up for nothing. I mean, is there a possibility that there could be some kind of last-minute plea deal? Or this won`t be the big moment?

BAKER: I remember when you were called, and you didn`t look terrified to me.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, inside I was.

BAKER: I`m sure. No, but, I think that what we`re expecting, what we do know is going to happen is that she`s compelled to be there, and if she is called, it`s going to be fascinating.

Because what`s interesting is that the first few weeks after this alleged attack on her, it was -- it seemed as if she was getting back together with Chris Brown and that somehow, you know, she was going to try to help him make this all go away.

But right now they have no relationship. We`re told they aren`t talking, they aren`t in contact with each other, and she has moved on, and so has he. He now has another girlfriend. So I think the loyalties that may have been there at the start may not be there now.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, it`s going to be fascinating. We`re going to be on top of it.

Ken Baker, always a delight to speak to you. And we`ll talk to you soon.

Is the four-month search for Haleigh Cummings grinding to a halt? I will speak to investigative journalists who`s dug up some shocking new leads. You won`t believe this twist, next.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Haleigh Cummings, missing for four long months. Cobra the bounty hunter rejoins the search with cadaver dogs, while Haleigh`s mom closes the family`s search headquarter. I`ll speak to investigative journalist Art Harris who has dug up some new shockers.

Plus Phil Spector starts his 19-year murder sentence, complete with a wig free mug shot to add to his crazy collection. Is this the ultimate humiliation for a man obsessed with looking like a rock star?

A tragic coincidence tonight as two adorable girls both named Haylee are both missing in two separate cases. The two Haylees are of similar age and come from similar background. Both little girls have become the center of national attention as their families and authorities desperately try to find them.

First up, the frightening disappearance of the Ohio girl, Haylee Donathan, the adorable 4-year-old is believe to be on the run with her 24- year-old mom and her mom`s sex-offender boyfriend.

Tonight, another shocking twist, the father of the young girl plus the child`s convicted rapist uncle -- are you following me, this is insane -- reportedly helped the mother`s sex-offender boyfriend escape from a half way house and go on lam with the little girl.

What a cookie sick family tree we`ve got going here.

Joining me again, my excellent panel: Mike Gaynor, former NYPD detective and president of East Coast Detectives; Stacey Honowitz, Florida prosecutor; and Dr. Dale Archer, clinical psychiatrist.

Dr. Dale, you know, sometimes it seems like bad judgment just runs in the family. This family has a mom who takes off with a convicted felon, a brother who is a convicted rapist and an ex who is the father of her child who lets the escapee from the half way house into his home while they all have a confab and then she takes off with the guy. It`s enough to make your head explode.

DR. DALE ARCHER, CLINICAL PSYCHIATRIST: Well all you can say is everyone has a different definition of normal. So their normal would not be ours. But the bad judgment is just rampant throughout.

And I think at some point there has to be some laws passed that would hold a mom complicit in a case like this for affiliating with a known sex offender.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Diane, Missouri -- ok go ahead, jump in.

HONOWITZ: No, I was going to tell you, Jane, in trying these cases and prosecuting these cases for over 20 years these sex cases. You would not believe how many women come into our office, the wives of sex offenders, men who have confessed to fondling or having sex with the children and they want the charges dropped.

They want this person to come home and be with the child. And what`s that all about? Nobody can understand it. They want a roof over their head, they`re afraid if the person goes to jail they`re going to be evicted, they have no self-esteem. It`s all of the things that we`ve been talking about.

But this isn`t anything new. We`re just hearing about it because they`re out on the run. So all of the stranger abductions that we`ve been talking about, this is even worse to an extent because it`s the mother herself putting the child in danger.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, I`ll tell what it is...

ARCHER: But there has to be some laws about that. Just like there are in abuse cases...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: You`re right.

ARCHER: ...where if you file the charges automatically, they`re going to be followed. So I think that there have to be some laws along those same lines for this because for this guy to only do three years after two counts, it`s just shocking. There are no psychiatric treatments for this, but we know long-term prison works.

So we have to give him long-term prison sentence.


HONOWITZ: Yes, but you know what? The problem is, and you`re 100 percent right. You...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: This guy was a sex offender who hit two girls 10 and 11...

ARCHER: Right.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: ...he got three years, Stacey.

HONOWITZ: But Jane, you have to understand something.

ARCHER: It`s shocking.

HONOWITZ: Listen, I`m a prosecutor, this is what I do. If you don`t have -- we don`t know the circumstances. If the 10-year-old and the 11- year-old refused to testify and you have nothing, you have no case. You are stuck as a prosecutor; you give him something rather than nothing. So without knowing those circumstances, we don`t know why he only got three years.

ARCHER: Stacey is right.

HONOWITZ: It`s horrible, it`s -- and you can`t believe it but that`s what happens.

ARCHER: And then there should be mandatory guidelines; mandatory sentence of ten years. I mean minimum. There has to be something.

MIKE GAYNOR, EAST COAST DETECTIVES: Not necessarily mandatory sentences, I don`t think we can control those guidelines. But Stacey alluded to a number of different reasons why these cases don`t go forward. But the monitoring system after these guys are released that`s something we can work on. And that`s something that legislation could take care of as soon as possible.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Absolutely. Absolutely.

It`s called GPS.

Diane, Missouri your question or thought. Diane, jump in there.

DIANE, MISSOURI (via telephone): ok. Jane, you`re awesome.


DIANE: I can`t tell you on the phone and on the TV what I`d love to do to sex offenders.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Oh yes don`t tell us, but I have an idea.

DIANE: I won`t. I`m going to be a decent woman. Ok, this is my comment. I think society should unite, I think we should do some kind of foster intervention. We know who lives in our communities, we know who`s responsible, who`s irresponsible. And those that are irresponsible -- we need to be the eyes for these little children that cannot take care of themselves.

We need to revamp -- like your panel is saying -- the laws against these people that have no soul, no conscience and then also, we need to give grandparents more rights.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I think you`re fantastic, Diane from Missouri.

But I would also like to say we need to start teaching people psychological tools to help them cope. This woman is clearly co-dependent, suffering from low self-esteem.

These women who enable these people are literally addicted to the bad behavior in the other person. And I say that as a recovering alcoholic who has explored all this stuff. Co-dependency is serious, but they don`t even know they have that because they`ve never learned it. If we taught some of this stuff in school, people would have...

HONOWITZ: It`s never going to happen.


ARCHER: Well, I think that`s a fantastic idea.

HONOWITZ: The schools are scared to death to ever talk about this stuff, Jane, I`m telling you right now, I`ve been trying for years. The schools don`t want to talk about it.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: But they have to.

ARCHER: I agree. And I think that`s -- yes...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: They need group therapy in school so that people when they`re younger can recognize their low self-esteem and find a way out of it.

ARCHER: Because that`s exactly what happened here. She had low self- esteem and she was looking for love and this guy showed her attention.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Exactly. In all the wrong places. Mike, Stacy, thank you for your insights.

Now to stunning revelations: a possible break in the desperate search for the other Haleigh. 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings from Satsuma, Florida, the case heating up again with police furiously tracking down witnesses to shed new light on the time line of the night the little girl was abducted from her father`s mobile home more than four months ago -- four long months ago.

Sources telling investigative journalist Art Harris it could come down to bruised knuckles. What? Could bruise and apparent wounded knuckles on the right hand of Haleigh`s dad have anything to do with this? A tell-tale sign that something was wrong back on the night of February 10th? Could those bruised knuckles spell trouble for Ron`s child-bride Misty?

Misty first told cops she woke up in the wee hours of the morning only to find Haleigh had vanished from her bed. Since then Misty has changed her story several times.

Let`s get to the bottom of it right now: I am joined by Art Harris, a fabulous investigative journalist and founder of He has worked so hard on this case.

Art, you have done some hard core digging. Please, connect the dots of bruises on Ron`s knuckles and Misty`s timelines.

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Well, that`s one mystery that I can report can be cleared up. Ron`s knuckles were bruised. Police found his hands bloody when they got to the trailer that night answering the 911 call. And they asked him why. They took swabs of the blood and he said he was so angry that he punched the back door.

Well, of course, the blood that they`d taken actually matched the DNA from blood on the door. There was a hand print they found that actually matched his hand and police actually found that very plausible. So the mystery knuckles now, that`s solved.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, I was reading your Web site. You had some fascinating stuff there about some of Misty`s behavior in the days leading up to and something that apparently was witnessed by somebody else near a schoolyard or at a bus stop.

HARRIS: That`s right, Jane. I spoke with several parents who were at the bus stop. This was Monday afternoon, the last day Haleigh went to school. She got off the bus and was so happy and excited to be home. She saw Misty`s blue van, Misty was driving, had friends in the car.

Her little cousins in the car. She goes running to the car, Misty yells out to hurry up. She`s really edgy it seems. And a parent saw her slap one of the little boys in the van and overheard her to say, "What we got last night, some bad s blank, blank was really bad, we`re never going to buy it from that guy again."

Now, this parent thinks that she was talking about drugs on Sunday night and investigators are also considering that. They`re trying to figure out if her mood on Monday was a reflection of what kind of partying may have happened Sunday night.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, she was apparently, according to a couple of witnesses doing drugs, allegedly, in the days leading up to Haleigh`s disappearance.

HARRIS: Right, you`ve got to go back to the few days and what happened there. She had a falling out with Ron and ran off. A friend picked her up, her nickname "Nay-nay." They went on for three days of revenge, romance and partying with another guy named "White Boy Greg." And there are reports that she told police as well as the witnesses who told me she was using lots of drugs and as were everybody else.


HARRIS: She comes home finally on Sunday night.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And that`s when the trouble started.

Listen, we`ve got to leave it right there. We have always reached out to Ron Cummings and Misty. We want to hear your side of the story. Please come on our show, you have an open invitation.

I want to thank the amazing journalist Art Harris.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on August 06, 2009, 10:34:40 PM


Aired August 6, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET

<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>

VELEZ-MITCHELL: In the "Spotlight" tonight, Ronald Cummings, the father of missing Florida 5-year-old Haleigh, arrested. Her 25-year-old father was brought in early this morning after an alleged fist fight with the brother of the controversial teenage bride who was watching little Haleigh when she vanished.

But what does that backyard brawl have to do with the child, Haleigh Cummings? It`s been almost six months since Ron came home on a February night to find his precious daughter missing and made this frantic 911 call.


RON CUMMINGS, FATHER OF HALEIGH: If I find whoever has my daughter before you all do, I`m killing them. I don`t care if I have to spend the rest of my life in prison. I`m telling you can. You put it on the report, and I don`t care.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. It`s OK, sir. We`re on the way. OK, can you give me -- what kind of description of the pajamas that she was wearing?

CUMMINGS: I don`t (EXPLETIVE DELETED) know. I was at work.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now Ron charged with burglary and battery. The police report says Misty`s family says Ron went on the attack when he went to pick up Misty, who had begged him to come over. But Misty told cops her brother insisted on coming over after she told him repeatedly not to.

Once again, the stories don`t add up. Something we saw in the case of little Haleigh`s disappearance.

Straight to Art Harris, investigative reporter.

You have been all over this case. What is the very latest?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER: Jane Mitchell -- Jane, as you reported, this morning early about 1 a.m., two deputies, Putnam County, get a call to go to the Kangaroo. It`s a convenience store right near Ronald Cummings` grandmother`s house.

There they find Hank Croslin, Misty`s little brother, who is battered -- or older brother who`s battered and bleeding about the face. And he tells them a story that is right out of something down on the swamps that we`ve been seeing down there. Ronald apparently came out swinging, different than he`d ever appeared in the past to Hank. Crazy acting.

And by the time it was over, Hank was bleeding. His father was involved. Misty`s mother was involved, trying to pull everybody apart. And they wind up calling the cops. They threw (ph) out a warrant against Ronald, and he`s taken -- he`s taken in.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And I thought the most interesting thing about the police report, it says that one of Misty`s family members stated she was not sure what Ronald was on, but he was not in the right state of mind. Well, certainly you can understand that, given that his child is missing.

Almost six months ago little Haleigh Cummings went missing in the middle of the night. Misty Croslin was watching Haleigh that night, but claims were made in published reports that Misty had been out partying and drugging the days leading up to her disappearance, claims she`s never refuted.

And the biggest problem, cops say despite repeated interviews with Misty, there are still conflicting reports about the night that Haleigh vanished from that trailer.

HARRIS: That`s right. They cannot pinpoint exactly what time she was last seen or, you know, what the hours leading up to her disappearance, you know -- what they were filled with.

And so here you have a young woman who is no longer talking to police, my sources say. Ronald, who has been trying to schedule another interview with police. That never came down, I`m told, with his lawyer.

And here, suddenly in the middle of the night erupts this violent family drama.

Now, on the other hand, you have Misty now coming to Ronald`s defense, saying that her family came there to take her home uninvited, and, you know, it is a he-said-she-said drama that is unfolding, and we don`t know what relation that has, certainly, to missing Haleigh.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: It could just be stress over this child`s disappearance. We don`t know.

Thank you so much, Art Harris.

<End of Haleigh coverage.>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on August 28, 2009, 11:11:28 AM


Aired August 27, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET

<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>

But first, the "Top of the Block:" last week investigators announce that Misty Cummings, stepmother of missing Haleigh, quote, "continues to hold important answers in the case" unquote.

This week, the director of Equusearch says she failed some lie director tests. Tim Miller said Misty called him two days after last week announcement asking him to help find Haleigh so she could clear her name.

Following that Equusearch arranged for her to take another lie detector test. According to Miller, Misty failed miserably.

In a statement Misty`s attorney said first of all polygraphs are only as good as the person giving them. If they were meritorious it would be admissible in court. He added Ronald, Misty through his (INAUDIBLE) confirmed that Mr. Miller made the statement, "if you do not take these tests we will not look for Haleigh."

Miller denies he pressured Misty and said she wanted to take the test. The Putnam County Sheriff`s office allegedly subpoenaed the results. They now have them. The department would only say it was not surprised by the report of the results.

All of this, unfortunately, does not get us any closer to finding little Haleigh. We will of course stay on top of this story.

That`s tonight`s "Top of the Block."

<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on August 28, 2009, 11:21:06 AM


Missing Haleigh`s Stepmom Fails Polly Test; 911 Call Released in Model Murder Case

Aired August 27, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET

NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Florida. A 5-year-old little girl tucked into bed. Five hours later, she`s gone, vanished into thin air, the back door propped wide open. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh.

Bombshell tonight. We learn girlfriend/baby-sitter Misty Croslin, the last known person to see little Haleigh alive, flunks a private polygraph, flunks, quote, "miserably." Not only that, reports she flunked a voice stress test, as well. More disheartening, Croslin changes her story, now saying up to four people in the home the night Haleigh goes missing, but calling it a dream-like memory.

This on the heels of police announcing Haleigh was not kidnapped by a stranger. Repeat, it was no stranger that snuck into the home that night and snatched the little girl. Investigators say Croslin refuses to give straight answers and to account for crucial hours surrounding Haleigh`s disappearance.

In another stunning twist, cops reveal physical evidence at the crime scene contradicts Croslin`s story. Tonight, where is 5-year-old Florida girl Haleigh?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Mystery Croslin Cummings told Tim Miller with Equusearch she wanted to clear her name, so he set up an independent polygraph. He says she failed it miserably.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It indicated that Misty was -- "deception indicated" is the official statement, which is no surprise to us. We`ve said all along that Misty has been inconsistent in her statement.

MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER: I just woke up and my back door was open, and I can`t find my daughter.

911 OPERATOR: Can`t find what?

CROSLIN: My daughter.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Miller said she told him she wanted to clear her name, so he set up an independent polygraph. He says she failed it miserably. Miller says Croslin Cummings wanted to do more, so she took a voice analysis test. She failed that, too. And he says she was uncooperative with a hypnotist.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did you intentionally withhold any information regarding Haleigh`s disappearance? Her answer was no. She failed it miserably with a 99 percent deception.

CROSLIN: And I go in her room, and she`s gone! And that`s all I know, is when I woke up -- when I went to sleep, she was there. And then when I woke up, she was gone.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Here`s the back door and here`s the lock. It sticks. So there you go. Now we open the back door and here`s the back screen door, the one that was propped open with the cinderblock, OK? Now, if you see, when you close it, it slams. It makes a loud noise. But if you leave this door, this slowly closes, as well.

CROSLIN: I just want everybody to know that I didn`t do anything with that little girl! I love her like she`s my own. And I`ll do anything to get her back!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I agree with the point that was made by Tim Miller`s investigator, which is that Misty`s consistency is inconsistency.


GRACE: You`ll do anything? Then tell the truth!

And breaking news. Live to LA, a quiet apartment community reeling after a suitcase discovered in a communal dumpster opened to reveal a female body. Identity unsolved for days, much less how she came to be murdered, then thrown away like trash. The body inside that suitcase, 28- year-old swimsuit model Jasmine Fiore brutally beaten, her teeth pulled out of her head, her fingers removed, cut off to conceal identity. How ID the body? Serial numbers off Fiore`s breast implants, her body that traumatized.

In a bizarre twist, a reality TV star wanted for the murder found dead in a hotel room, 32-year-old Ryan Jenkins`s luxury BMW and empty boat trailer abandoned at the U.S./Canadian border, Jenkins dead, hanging by a belt from this coat rack inside this hotel room. Jenkins traveling with an alleged accomplice, a mystery blonde who checks him into the hotel while he stays hidden. Was the blonde with him in LA? Did she help in the task of dismembering and disposing of Fiore`s body?

Bombshell tonight. 911 calls released. We have the audio. And in another stunning development, photos surface of Fiore and her ex-husband just days before the murder. Did the murder occur during a jealous rage? Fiore`s missing black-top Mercedes located in a Hollywood parking lot, at this hour, techs coming every inch of the car. Tonight, Jenkins`s ex- fiancee and his family members fire back.


911 OPERATOR: How long ago was this body found?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK, here`s what happened. I manage the sober (ph) living (ph) in front building and the third building, and the guy that collects the cans said (INAUDIBLE) You might need to go back in the back, I think I found a body. Then he took off.

So I`m, like, OK. I thought he was pranking, but I had to check it out. So I came back and there`s a big suitcase. The back building is empty, OK, and the -- you guys, the police, have been out here a couple times for some people that were evicted or something. I came back here and there`s a big suitcase partially unzipped. And I took my middle finger and I just lifted it up, and sure enough, it looked like the body of a child in a suitcase back here.

911 OPERATOR: And it looks like there`s a body of a child inside this suitcase?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, it`s a body.

911 OPERATOR: It`s for sure a body?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. I mean, yes. It`s a small body. It`s a small child folded. And it looks like there was some dried brown or (INAUDIBLE) you know, I didn`t look long. I didn`t want to (DELETED) up whatever was there for you guys.

911 OPERATOR: Right.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You know, and I just called you guys immediately, so...

911 OPERATOR: How old is this -- do you know about how old?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Little. I mean, the suitcase is, like, two feet by three feet. It`s little.

911 OPERATOR: Like, two to three foot, you`re saying?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You know what, small suitcase, I mean...

911 OPERATOR: Are you saying two to three feet or two to three years?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, here, let me go back and I`ll give you a better estimate.

911 OPERATOR: I`m sorry, what?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Let me walk back over there. I`ll give you a better estimate (INAUDIBLE)

911 OPERATOR: OK, I don`t want you to go around or touch anything. That`s OK.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m not touching it, I`m just looking over into the dumpster.

911 OPERATOR: OK. Don`t even touch the dumpster.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, no, no. It is a foot-and-a-half deep by two- and-a-half feet by three feet.

911 OPERATOR: The suitcase?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. It`s like one of those zipped-up roller carry-on type bags with a rigid front on it -- like, a semi-rigid front, and it`s unzipped at the bottom. And there`s a lot of ants going into it.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Did the last known person to see little Haleigh alive, girlfriend/baby-sitter Misty Croslin, flunk a polygraph, quote, "miserably," racking up a score of 99 percent deceptive? Not only that, Croslin reportedly flunks a voice stress test. This as cops announce it was no stranger that kidnapped little 5-year-old Haleigh from her own bed.



911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, let me talk to your wife. Let me get some information from her.


911 OPERATOR: Can I talk to her?




CROSLIN: I laid down. It was about -- I`m not positive what time. It was, like, 3:00. You know, it was -- I seen 3:00, 3:00 o`clock in the morning. I got up. And I got up because I had to use the bathroom, but I didn`t make it to the bathroom. I seen the kitchen light on. And I walked in the kitchen, and the back door was wide open. And I didn`t notice about Haleigh then until I seen the back door open.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The back door has two locks on the door. The second lock, which you would have to turn, is a tight lock, so it wouldn`t be likely that little Haleigh would have been able to turn the lock and then let herself out the door.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty Cummings was the last person to see the girl before she disappeared from the Florida home in February. She insists she has no idea where Haleigh is. But the director of the Texas company Equusearch says Cummings failed the polygraph test that she took voluntarily to try to clear her name.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you know where Haleigh is now? She answered that, No. It was 95 percent deception. Fourth question was, Do you know who took Haleigh? She answered no, and it came back 42 percent deception.

GRACE: Obviously, you`re saying that this laceration was caused by the father. It came from a fall from the monkey bars, according to this school report.


GRACE: Straight out to T.J. Hart, program and news director at WSKY, joining us from Gainesville. This is a major development in the case. The last known person, which is where every investigation starts, was Misty Croslin, the last known person to see the little girl alive. This case has been stymied at a standstill for months, and now we learn she flunks -- not flunks, but flunks with flying colors, a polygraph, T.J. Hart.

T.J. HART, WSKY (via telephone): Indeed, she did. And in fact, she asked to take this polygraph in order to clear her name. Now, the last time we spoke on your program, we talked about a message that was issued by the Putnam County sheriff`s office in a press release on Haleigh`s 6th birthday that asked the public to come forward with any information they may have had on Misty Cummings`s whereabouts the night the child disappeared. They said the story had been inconsistent.

Now, it appears that Misty had asked to get this -- a polygraph taken care of through Tim Miller with Texas Equusearch. He arranged a team, and like you said, flunked with flying colors. And on top of that, still some more inconsistencies arose from some of the stories she told them, and that`s according to the Putnam County sheriff`s office, who`s received copies of this so far.

And one of them is with that timeline once again, where she claims she put Haleigh down at 8:00 PM and herself went to sleep at 10:00, to wake up abruptly at 3:00 to find Haleigh gone. Well, guess what? Ronald Cummings says that bed was made, didn`t appear that anybody had been to bed. And it kind of contradicts a few things that have been mentioned earlier in that stream of inconsistent stories. So a lot of things...

GRACE: So Ronald Cummings...

HART: ... happening really fast.

GRACE: With me, T.J. Hart from WSKY. T.J., are you telling me -- let me get this straight. She says she realizes the little girl is gone at 3:00 AM, the little girl`s bed about three feet away from her own. But Ronald Cummings comes home from the night shift and the bed is made up?

HART: That is what we are being told are the results of the questioning that took place over that two-day period, Nancy.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: All I can say to that person is you`re tearing us apart. We just exist. And I want you to please have a heart. Let our little baby girl go. Let her come home to her family.




CUMMINGS: I just got home from work. My 5-year-old daughter is gone. I need somebody to be here now!

CROSLIN: I got up because I had to use the bathroom, but I didn`t make it to the bathroom. I seen the kitchen light on, and I walked in the kitchen and the back door`s wide open.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Right beside me on my left is the bed where Misty Croslin was sleeping, and here on the right we have the bed where little Haleigh was sleeping. And you can see, it is all but about three- and-a-half feet from each other. And this is right where Misty said she got up and she had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

Now, where I`m facing right now, Nancy, is a bathroom. It`s the master bathroom. Through the living room behind me is the other bathroom in the house. And you have to remember, she said that she -- when she got up to go to the bathroom, she saw that the kitchen light was on. The kitchen is over this way. So that means she would have had to have gotten up and gone out this door and then have noticed.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you believe that Misty was, indeed, home and that she`s been telling the truth?

CUMMINGS: Yes, I believe she`s telling the truth.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s my understanding that Misty did execute the polygraph and was pressured to do so. She was apparently -- I`ve confirmed this with Mr. Terry Schumaker (ph), who is Mr. Ronald Cummings`s new attorney, and it`s my understanding from both Misty, Ronald and Ronald`s grandmother that Mr. Miller was present and he apparently made a statement that if they did not -- she did not take the polygraph, they were not going to bring the search teams in and search for Haleigh.


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. In a stunning development in the search for little Haleigh Cummings, missing out of Satsuma, Florida, we now learn that the last known person to see her alive, the person that allegedly put her to bed around 8:00 PM, realized she was missing at 3:00 AM, has flunked a polygraph. She was not forced into this polygraph. She asked for the polygraph. That`s our understanding.

What about it? To Mark Nejame. He is the attorney for Tim Miller with Texas Equusearch. What about it, Mark?

MARK NEJAME, ATTORNEY FOR TIM MILLER, TEXAS EQUUSEARCH: Good evening, Nancy. No, she -- she made the request. We got contacted by Teresa Neves, and they all -- the family all wanted to know what happened to this child. And it was made very clear that we were only there to help out concerning finding this child. And she wanted to clear her name, so we started out that way.

GRACE: And she flunked up to 99 percent?

NEJAME: As I understand it, three of the questions were 95 percent to 99 percent.

GRACE: To Mark Nejame, a well-respected attorney, joining us out of the Orlando area. Mark, did she also flunk a voice stress test?

NEJAME: Yes. After the results came in clearly not in the direction that she wanted, it was her position that she wanted to continue clearing her name. So Tim went to Satsuma, the town where they -- where they`re from, and two different tests were administered. One was, in fact, the voice stress analysis. And apparently, the results and the opinion was...

GRACE: Let me guess, she flunked that, too?

NEJAME: Same type of results, according to Tim, and the same -- same percentages, basically. And then hypnosis was requested and attempted, and unfortunately, the results were that she was not willing to allow herself to be -- to go under. And if somebody`s not willing to do that, then the tests are really of little value.

GRACE: So she would not go along with the hypnosis?

NEJAME: According to Tim.

GRACE: Straight out to Mike Brooks, former fed with the FBI. Explain to me how a polygraph and a stress test -- a voice stress test works.

MIKE BROOKS, FORMER D.C. POLICE, HLN LAW ENFORCEMENT ANALYST: Well, Nancy, a polygraph basically monitors changes in the body. It monitors your vital signs, your blood pressure, your respiration, your -- the sweat.

GRACE: Your sweat.

BROOKS: Exactly, the sweat on your hands, you know, as the polygrapher is giving the test. Now, I`m not real crazy about voice stress analysis. I think the polygraph is a better investigative tool. It`s been used for years and years.

And apparently, you know, Tim Miller is saying that the -- you know, the person who gave the test, who administered the polygraph, is very, very experienced because -- I tell you, you know, I`ve used it very -- many times when I was with the FBI as an investigative tool, and it`s only as good as the person who`s administrated it, Nancy.

GRACE: Well, I have great faith in polygraph tests for the most part, if I know what the questions are and who is giving the polygraph.

We`re taking your calls live. Out to Susan in Maine. Hi, Susan.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. God bless you. Thank you for being there for all of us.

GRACE: Thank you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I would like to know, if a person consistently flunks a polygraph test, as this young woman has, why don`t the police have the right to arrest her, or do they?

GRACE: Well, there`s a little thing called the Constitution that gets in the way of that. Unleash the lawyers, Mickey Sherman, criminal defense attorney, author of "How Can You Defend Those People?" and Richard Herman, veteran trial lawyer out of the New York jurisdiction. What about it, Richard?

RICHARD HERMAN, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Nancy, you know these tests are not admissible. And I`d like to know...

GRACE: Wa! Wait!

HERMAN: When you were a rock star...

GRACE: Before you say that, if both parties consent...


GRACE: ... then it is admissible. So be careful what you say and how you phrase these assertions you`re making.

HERMAN: OK. When you are a rock-star prosecutor in Atlanta, if I sent you a polygraph exonerating my client, what would you do with that report, Nancy?

GRACE: If that`s what you sent me and I knew nothing more about it, I would do absolutely nothing. But if I arranged the polygraph myself at the Georgia Bureau of Investigations, I might pay it a little more attention.

We`ll be back with Mickey Sherman, taking your calls line. The last known person to see little Haleigh Cummings, Satsuma, Florida, alive flunks a polygraph. Is it finally a break in the case? Where is Haleigh Cummings?



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And she says, Is there any way we can do a voice test? I hear they work. And they contacted (INAUDIBLE) contacted a hypnotist that`s actually retired from NYPD, a detective, and everything was just miserably failed.


GRACE: Not only does she fail a polygraph "miserably" is the quote, and that`s a good way to put it, she apparently fails a voice stress test, as well, and refuses to go along with a hypnosis test. I`m talking about Misty Croslin, the girlfriend/baby-sitter turned teen bride that says she put the little 5-year-old girl to bed at 8:00 PM while Daddy was at the night shift, only to find her missing at 3:00 AM.

Here`s what she had to say on the "Today" show.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Help me out, Misty. Why were there inconsistencies? Why did you say one thing one time and one time the other -- one thing the other?

CROSLIN: I don`t know.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But you know you did do that?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And you`re not sure why?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Misty, as you sit here, do you believe in your heart that they see you as a suspect?

CROSLIN: No, I don`t.

CUMMINGS: I don`t either. I talked to a detective. His name is John Rungeon (ph).


CUMMINGS: No, he doesn`t think that she`s a suspect.


GRACE: That is Misty Croslin and Ronald Cummings on the "Today" show with NBC. Out to the lines. Charlene in Georgia. Hi, Charlene.


GRACE: What is your question, dear?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I have -- I`ve been wondering, the blanket that she supposedly washed in the middle of the night after she put the child to bed, has anybody tested that blanket for blood residue or...

GRACE: Excellent question. What about it, Natisha Lance?

NATISHA LANCE, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Investigators have collected all the evidence so far, and they say that the only hindrance that they have at this point is Misty Croslin. She is the key, and she is holding up the investigation with her inconsistencies time and time again.

GRACE: Weigh in, Mickey Sherman.

MICKEY SHERMAN, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: The problem is, it`s not an exact science, neither polygraph or voice stress. I mean, you might as well get a fortune teller, as well. Why question is, Why do we know about her flunking?

GRACE: Well, hold on.

SHERMAN: We should not be knowing about this.

GRACE: Put Sherman up. Mickey Sherman, isn`t it true that you have submitted some of your clients to polygraph tests?

SHERMAN: Absolutely, but I`m not telling you about it.

GRACE: Well, then why are you saying that it`s like reading the tarot cards?

SHERMAN: Because it`s...

GRACE: You`ve done it yourself.

SHERMAN: Absolutely. But...

GRACE: Don`t be dishonest, Sherman!

SHERMAN: I`m not. It provides a road map and it gives you an idea. But you don`t...



MISTY CROSLIN, RONALD CUMMING`S WIFE, LAST SEEN HALEIGH: I`m trying to do everything to find her. You know, I`m answering questions I have to because I know I didn`t do anything to that little girl. I would never hurt her. They love me. They love -- I mean, they look at me like their mom, you know. If you ask little Junior, he`ll tell you. You know? They talk lovely about me and I`m so good to them kids.

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I pulled into the yard, the front door was wide open. She was standing in it. I asked her what she was doing up. She told me that the back door was wide open and Haleigh was gone. I turned the house upside down. Started to call 911.

CROSLIN: I did take a polygraph.


CROSLIN: I mean, my understanding is that I passed it.

NANCY GRACE, HOST: Have you and your girlfriend both taken a polygraph, right?

CUMMINGS: Yes, I have. Passed with flying colors. She has, passed hers.

GRACE: And you volunteered to do that, and you`ve been cooperating with police, right?

CUMMINGS: Yes. Why not? I don`t have anything to hide. I just want my daughter back. Anything that`s going to help them eliminate more people. That`s the best thing.

ROBERT FIELDS, ATTORNEY FOR MISTY CROSLIN: Well, I got a call from Misty. And I missed a call and I`d gotten a text. At the third call, I got a third call from her, and I -- at that call, I determined that it must be an emergency.

Misty was on the phone. She was upset. She mentioned that Mr. Miller was there and that he had taken a polygraph of her. And I was, of course, shocked. And I didn`t really know what to say.

At that point, she asked Mr. Miller if he would speak to me. He got on the phone. I spoke to a person that I was informed was Mr. Miller. He read to me verbally the statement that Misty had written. I asked him why he was speaking to my client.

He knew she was represented and she -- he basically reiterated that there was a waiver of some type and he also informed me that she failed miserably.

CALLER: Hello?

911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, let me talk to your wife. Let me get some information from her.




911 OPERATOR: Can I talk to her? OK.

CALLER: How the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole, (EXPLETIVE DELETED)?


GRACE: Great out to Bethany Marshall, Dr. Bethany Marshall, psychoanalyst, author of "Dealbreakers," what do you make? How do you discern her demeanor? Misty Croslin`s demeanor?

BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST, AUTHOR OF "DEALBREAKERS": I think she is so arrogant, deceptive and manipulative, and lacks big-picture thinking. She thought she could cheat on and ace a polygraph as a scheme to get EquuSearch in to detract the attention away from her.

It`s just an elaborate ruse. And what that makes me wonder is, is she feeling the heat from her husband? Is she feeling the heat from a relative or, more importantly, is she feeling the heat from the police?

But it is so arrogant and so cruel to exploit EquuSearch. That`s such a valuable organization, just to distract the attention away from her. It`s small-minded, arrogant and mean.

GRACE: Marc Klaas, founder of KlaasKids Foundation. Marc, what do you make of it?

MARC KLAAS, PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER, KLAASKIDS FOUNDATION: Well, I don`t -- I usually agree with Bethany, but in this case, I don`t. I almost think that EquuSearch is exploiting the situation.

I know what my role is in these kinds of cases when we`re called in to search. It`s exactly to do that, to get our teams out there, to physically search for the person. But to conduct or own private polygraphs and then go out and spread the word out of -- around the world that somebody had failed the polygraph that we had put together for them, I think is -- is the height of irresponsibility.

And I really don`t see how it serves anybody more than Tim Miller. It certainly doesn`t seem to serve the case at all. And I`m very concerned about this personally.

GRACE: Well, Marc, I`m a little more concerned about the fact that she flunked the polygraph and the voice stress test.

KLAAS: But we know.

GRACE: . and would not submit to hypnosis. That`s a little more disturbing to me than whether Tim Miller may or may not have overstepped his bounds. He`s not a lawyer.

KLAAS: But then again that.

GRACE: He didn`t violate any legal code. She asked him to set up a polygraph, and he did it.

KLAAS: But that`s -- but that`s according to Tim Miller. He`s the person whose word we have on that. We`ve all known and we`ve all said, Nancy, from the first time this show -- this story was reported that Misty has been deceptive, that her stories don`t make sense, and that the key to this case lies with her. Nothing has changed as far as that goes.

GRACE: Well, to me, our suspicions are confirmed if, in fact, she failed a polygraph miserably.

Let`s get a response from Miller`s attorney, Mark Nejame. What about it, Mark?

MARK NEJAME, ATTORNEY FOR TIM MILLER, TEXAS EQUUSEARCH: Yes, let me straighten him up. Tim Miller`s role with Texas EquuSearch is to find lost and missing people. There was a request for him to come in and do whatever was needed to help find this child. There`s not a rule book that says you can only do it one way.

If, in fact, she wanted to take a polygraph and she wanted to take these other tests to exonerate herself, then she was given an opportunity by a civilian who`s out there trying to help people.

And so for somebody to suggest that he`s done something improper is ridiculous. He`s out there trying to find children. And if he could do it by this means, then he did it by this means. And if he could do it by another means, so be it. But to limit somebody to find a child, we`re getting to these political rules, that`s nonsense, absurd, and inappropriate.

GRACE: Hold on. I want to go back to the callers. Terry in New Jersey, hi, Terry.


GRACE: What`s your question, dear?

TERRY: I have a comment more or less. Didn`t the cops figure this out when the child was missing and Misty and Ronald got married all of a sudden?

GRACE: Well, here`s the deal on that. A lot of people including myself first suspected -- did they get married so they couldn`t testify against each other? But in Florida, the husband/wife privilege does not apply in cases where a child victim is the center of the case. So if they got married for that reason, they were wrong.

And out to T.J. Hart with WSKY, are they still together even after she`s flunked a poly and will not answer police`s question? Is Ronald Cummings still married and living with her?

T.J. HART, PROGRAM & NEWS DIR., WSKY 97.3FM, COVERING STORY (via phone): Yes. As a matter of fact, they just got them making a nice little comment to First Coast News just a minute ago stating that both -- Misty made the statement just a moment ago that she and her husband, saying that they`re both together, will now have nothing more to do with Tim Miller in -- in this case. And there`s more coming down the pike on this. This is just breaking. But yes, they are still together to answer the initial question.

GRACE: Well, you know, it seems to me, and I`ll throw this to the lawyers, Mickey Sherman, Richard Herman, that if she`s going to make a public statement, she should have said something like, well, I didn`t flunk that polygraph. Instead, she`s going on the attack on Tim Miller.

Why, Mickey Sherman? How does that help anything?

MICKEY SHERMAN, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY, AUTHOR OF "HOW CAN YOU DEFEND THOSE PEOPLE?": Well, first of all, she`s underage, and also she has a lawyer. I mean that is totally inappropriate to bypass the lawyer because the overriding reasons is where to find the child.

GRACE: I`m not asking you -- Miller is under no duty to get the polygraph or not get the polygraph. That`s just like asking somebody out of the street, can you help me set up a polygraph? It wasn`t his duty to go, oh, no, I don`t think that`s not appropriate. Leave Miller alone. That`s not the problem.

Am I -- am I the crazy one? Mike Brooks, is everybody ignoring the fact the last person to see her alive has failed a polygraph? And a voice stress test. And would not submit to hypnosis.

Brooks, throw me a bone.

MIKE BROOKS, FMR. DC POLICE DETECTIVE SERVED ON FBI TERRORISM TASK FORCE: Nancy, I totally agree with you. You know and remember early on.

GRACE: Crazy.

BROOKS: We just saw -- we just saw the -- you know, they had taken a polygraph earlier from the FBI. We don`t know what the results of that is. You know what? I don`t blame Tim Miller. If she`s asking for his help, and he`s going to put all his resources and volunteers out there, hey, let`s find out whether she`s telling the truth or not. That`s why he paid for this.

GRACE: I`m going to go straight to Dr. Keri Peterson, internal medicine, Lenox Hill Hospital, highly respected.

Dr. Peterson, is it possible that her body is there but in such a state it has not been found? I mean, what state would it be in if it had been outside all this time?

DR. KERI PETERSON, M.D., INTERNAL MEDICINE, LENOX HILL HOSPITAL: Hi, Nancy. What`s it been, about six months now? I mean, at this point in time, the body -- all the soft tissue has decomposed and all that`s left is bone. I mean this really almost reminds me of the Caylee Anthony case where -- when so much time elapsed, they just found bone and hair.

And it`s very possible at this point that the body could be missed because all that`s left are these subtle remnants.

<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on August 29, 2009, 08:38:07 AM


Misty Flunks Polygraph on Haleigh

Aired August 28, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


MIKE BROOKS, GUEST HOST: Breaking news tonight in the case of a 5- year-old Florida girl reportedly snatched from her own bed. Little Haleigh Cummings vanishes without a trace. Major developments tonight. The last person to see Haleigh alive flunked a private polygraph, and it`s all after police confirm that Haleigh was not kidnapped by a stranger.


MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S STEPMOM/BABY-SITTER: I put her to bed and -- about 8:00 o`clock, and I woke up and she was gone (INAUDIBLE)

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty Croslin Cummings, upset mom of little Haleigh, last person to see her -- we`re finding out, new polygraph tests taken just last week -- she has failed them.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It indicated that Misty was "deception indicated."

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty`s consistency is inconsistency.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you know what happened to Haleigh? She answered no again. It was 99 percent deception.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s my understanding that Misty did execute the polygraph and was pressured to do so. Mr. Miller was present and he apparently made the statement that if they did not -- she did not take the polygraph, they were not going to bring the search teams in and search for Haleigh.

NANCY GRACE, HOST: This on the heels of police announcing Haleigh was not kidnapped by a stranger. Croslin changes her story, now saying up to four people in the home the night Haleigh goes missing.

CROSLIN: If people think that I had something to do with it -- if I had something to do with it, I knew where she was, we wouldn`t be sitting here today. We would have her.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The back door has two locks on the door. The second lock which you would have to turn is a tight lock, so it wouldn`t be likely that little Haleigh would have been able to turn the lock and then let herself out the door.


BROOKS: And breaking news in the brutal murder of a 28-year-old swimsuit model. Police confirm Jasmine Fiore violently murdered in a jealous rage, her body so mutilated, investigators forced to use breast implants to make an ID. A reality TV star wanted for the murder found dead inside a motel room in Canada.

For the first time, the timeline and other shocking details surrounding Fiore`s murder revealed, and we finally learn what investigators found in Fiore`s Mercedes, the site of a violent and bloody struggle. In a heartbreaking twist, it`s confirmed Fiore fighting for her life until the bitter end.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: To describe the inside of the vehicle, there was a significant portion of blood that it would appear a violent struggle did occur in the vehicle. It would appear that the injuries that we had originally seen Miss Fiore sustain are consistent with the blood loss that would have been in that vehicle.

There was some hair evidence taken from inside the vehicle on the floor, so there obviously was some hair pulling did take place. There were teeth fragments found inside that -- the original suitcase that she was found in, in the dumpster. There were no tooth fragments found inside or on the floorboard of the vehicle. So along with other evidence, it just did not appear that the fingers were cut off or the teeth were removed in that vehicle.

It was a violent struggle. It would appear that this person had fought back. There was definitely blood evidence at the Delmar (ph) Hotel that they had stayed at, in the patio area. The bloodstains, along with hair that was found on that hotel patio, was confirmed to be Miss Fiore`s.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: One thing is for certain, she was killed either in that car or in that hotel room, somewhere in between, and that Mr. Jenkins took her body and dumped it here in Buena Park.


BROOKS: Good evening. I`m Mike Brooks, in for Nancy Grace. Breaking news tonight in the case of a 5-year-old Florida girl, Haleigh Cummings. The last person to see Haleigh alive flunks a private polygraph test, and she flunks it with flying colors.


CROSLIN: I just woke up and our back door was open, and we can`t find my daughter.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Haleigh Cummings`s stepmom, Misty, has taken several new polygraphs, and in the words of one *******, she failed miserably.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did you intentionally withhold any information regarding Haleigh`s disappearance? Her answer was no. She failed it miserably, with 99 percent deception.

GRACE: Not only does she fail a polygraph, she apparently fails a voice stress test, as well, and refuses to go along with a hypnosis.

CROSLIN: I`m trying to do everything to find her. You know, I`m answering questions I have to because I know I didn`t do anything to that little girl.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There is a back screen door, the one that was propped open with the cinder block, OK? Now, if you see, when it closes, it slams. It makes a loud noise. But if you leave this door, this slowly closes, as well.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She is so arrogant, deceptive and manipulative, she thought she could cheat on and ace a polygraph to detract the attention away from her.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This private group, for reasons unbeknownst to me, that are contacting Misty, putting her through polygraph exams, going to the extraordinary and absurd measure of trying to put her under hypnotherapy, and to me, these are dangerous, outrageous tactics that are - - that I certainly can`t stand for, and any responsible attorney shouldn`t.


BROOKS: I`m Mike Brooks, in for Nancy Grace. Thank you for joining us. And we`re taking your calls live.

Well, we`re back to little Haleigh Cummings. Where is Haleigh? She disappeared without a trace. But the woman you see here, Misty Croslin -- Misty Croslin, the last person to see her -- and again, still with the inconsistencies, failing a polygraph, failing a layered voice analysis.

We`re taking your calls live, but first straight out to T.J. Hart, joining us by phone in Gainesville, Florida. He`s program and news director for WSKY. T.J., you`ve been on it since the beginning. What`s the latest from Satsuma?

T.J. HART, WSKY (via telephone): The latest from Satsuma is that there`s a very upset young lady by the name of Misty Cummings. You see, about a week ago, Mike, the Putnam County sheriff`s office issued a press release. It was on Haleigh`s 6th birthday, by the way. And in that press release, they acknowledged a few things, gave out a few facts, and also put out this little thing for the public -- If any member of the public has any information as to the whereabouts of Misty Croslin Cummings on the night of the disappearance of Haleigh, please come forward and or contact Crimestoppers. They need your information on this.

BROOKS: Really. So...

HART: So a week goes by -- a week goes by, and Misty wants to clear her name. So she -- she approaches Tim Miller with Texas Equusearch, and he makes the arrangement.

BROOKS: Well, T.J., you know, there have been so many, so many inconsistencies with her...

HART: Oh, yes.

BROOKS: ... from the very beginning. And correct me if I`m wrong. Right in the beginning, she and Ronald, if I`m not mistaken, took a polygraph from the FBI. Is that correct?

HART: That is correct.

BROOKS: And so now they put this out, you know, where -- If you saw Misty, let us know, and so she on the defense contacts Tim Miller.

I want to go out to Mark Nejame joining us from Orlando. He`s an attorney for Tim Miller and Texas Equusearch. Mark, again, good to see you. Thank you for being with us.

MARK NEJAME, ATTORNEY FOR TIM MILLER, TEXAS EQUUSEARCH: Nice talking to you again, as well. Thanks.

BROOKS: OK, Mark, Misty Croslin is now upset with Tim Miller and Equusearch. But who contacted whom in this case?

NEJAME: Well, if I could clarify briefly, I was first contacted by Teresa Neves, the grandmother of Haleigh, and that`s how all this came to be. They were very -- she was very concerned that focus had been lost on the child and that she had kind of faded from the public eye. She had come to me and my law firm and asked how we might be able to renew some attention.

So with that, I agreed to meet with her, and Ron and Misty came along. And it was clear that I was only going to be protecting the interests of the child, and we had the idea that we would invite Tim Miller in. So very much the same day that the police had made their announcement that they were going to -- that they had some concerns about Misty, we made an announcement that Tim was going to come back and conduct a search. So that allowed for a lot of renewed interest.

BROOKS: So did Misty actually -- did she approach Tim or was it you that actually called Tim Miller?

NEJAME: No, I called Tim, and then Tim met with her. And then she asked him to allow for the polygraph.

BROOKS: So she asked Tim Miller to take the polygraph, correct?

NEJAME: Sure. Absolutely.

BROOKS: OK. Now, some of the questions -- I mean, it looks like she failed this polygraph miserably. Now, look, I`ve been -- I was an investigator for a long, long time. I`ve used polygraph. I think it`s a great investigative tool. So let`s talk about this polygraph first. Now, the questions -- first question, Did you intentionally withhold any information regarding Haleigh`s disappearance? Answer, no. Result, 99 percent deception. What does that mean, Mark.

NEJAME: Well, I think, in your experience and background, as you have said before, the strength of the polygraph is the strength of the person administering it. And I sought out who I understand to be the very best in central Florida, strong law enforcement background. I`ve had him pass people. I`ve had him fail people, excellent people.

So I agree as, you agree. I`m not a big believer in voice stress analysis, but a good polygrapher who`s got a good, honest background, they`re usually right on.

BROOKS: Right. And the other question -- Do you know what happened to Haleigh? Answer, No. Result, 99 percent deception. Surprised? Question -- Do you know where Haleigh is now? Answer, No. Well, she did a little bit better on this, 95 percent deception. Then the other question - - Do you know who took Haleigh? Answer, No -- 42 percent deception. Now, what did a polygraph examiner tell you about that 42 percent deception, Mark?

NEJAME: I made it a point to stay out of that. We helped develop -- after we went to the facts, we helped develop the questions so they would be pointed and appropriate. I`ve been familiar with polygraphs for about 25 years, so we wanted to make sure we had the right questions so that we could get to the bottom of it.

BROOKS: Right.

NEJAME: And what the polygrapher had told Tim, who relayed it to me - - I made a point to stay out of it. They conducted it in my office in the evening when I left. I made it a point not to be there -- but basically, that there were some questions about who else might be involved or who else might know. There`s some confusion as to that last question.

BROOKS: Oh, so she may know. She said -- Do you know who took Haleigh? No. So she doesn`t, but there may have been other people there and one of them may have taken -- I tell you what, anything that she said so far, I`m not going to -- let`s go out to the lines. Sheeba from Illinois. Thanks for calling.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Mike. I just love you to death.

BROOKS: Thank you, Sheeba.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: For everything you`ve ever done, you`re just wonderful.

BROOKS: Thank you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK, my question is, did she, Misty, have any transportation that night? And also, was this little girl a bed wetter, where a towel -- or was she tended to be changed multiple times a night?

BROOKS: That`s a good question. Let`s go out to Natisha Lance, producer for the NANCY GRACE show. What do we know about that, Natisha?

NATISHA LANCE, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Our understanding is that Misty did not have any transportation that night. And as far as little Haleigh is concerned, don`t know about her being a bed-wetter, but we do know that she was afraid of the dark, so it would not be likely that she would have gotten up and gone outside on her own.

BROOKS: Very interesting, especially -- she said there was a light on in the house. We`re taking your calls live.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Did you take a polygraph?

CROSLIN: I did, but I`m not supposed to talk about that. They told me not to talk about that.


CROSLIN: Yes, I did take a polygraph.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And you passed it.

CROSLIN: I mean, my understanding is I passed it.




911 OPERATOR: 911. What`s your emergency?

CROSLIN: I just woke up and our back door was open, and we can`t find our daughter.

911 OPERATOR: You can`t find what?

CROSLIN: Our daughter.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The last person to see her, Misty Croslin Cummings, miserably failed lie detector tests.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty just said that, you know what, she just wanted to take the focus off of her, felt as though that law enforcement wasn`t being honest with her, that she wanted to clear her name. And she asked me, Is there any way that I can take a polygraph because I don`t trust law enforcement.

So I contacted an extremely reputable polygrapher in the Orlando area that polygraphed her. And of course, she didn`t have the money to do it, so we went ahead and paid for that. And there was just four questions asked. Basically, figured this is going to be a 30-minute polygraph, and it ended up five-and-a-half hours. She failed the questions, I mean, literally, just miserably.

CROSLIN: I`m trying to do everything to find her, you know, answer any questions I have to because I know I didn`t do anything with -- to that little girl. I would never hurt her. I mean, they love me. I mean, they look at me like their mom, you know? They -- you ask little Junior. He`ll tell you, you know? They talk lovely (ph) about me. And I`m so good to them kids.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, it`s my understanding that the waiver stated that she is waiving -- that she has an attorney, Robert Fields, and that she is waiving -- she`s going against my wishes, actually. It`s my understanding -- it was against my wishes -- something to the effect of she wanted to prove herself innocent or something.


BROOKS: I`m Mike Brooks, in for Nancy Grace, and we`re taking your calls live. Well, we just heard a clip from Tim Miller saying that Misty Croslin doesn`t trust the police. Well, sounds like the police don`t trust Misty Croslin, either, because they want to know, if anybody saw Misty Croslin that night, please contact them or Crimestoppers. So where was Misty? Was she at home? Nobody knows.

And the polygraph she took, four questions -- number one, 99 percent deception, number two, 99 percent deception, number 3, 95 percent deception, number 4, 42 percent deception. And she also took another test and that was a layered voice analysis.

I want to go back out to Mark Nejame. Mark, when did she take the polygraph? What was -- what day did she take polygraph?

NEJAME: I`m sorry, I don`t remember. It was a day or so before the voice stress. She took the polygraph in Orlando. She took the voice stress and the hypnosis in Samsula (ph).

BROOKS: Gotcha. So (INAUDIBLE) Clark was telling me in my ear, it was the 19th of August. So then she took a layered -- I called it voice stress analysis last night, but it`s actually a layered voice analysis.

Right now, I want to go out to T.J. Ward joining us here in Atlanta. He`s president of Investigative Consultants International, and he`s the one that actually evaluated Misty Croslin Cummings with the layered voice analysis.

OK, T.J., you know that I`m not real keen, and you heard Mark -- I`m not real keen. Mark`s not real keen. A lot of people aren`t real keen on this layered voice analysis. So number one, I want you to try to sell me on this, so it`s not some hocus-pocus stuff that I think, you know, like a -- might as well have a crystal ball. And what exactly -- what kind of questions did you ask her, and how was Misty Croslin deceptive?

T.J. WARD, PERFORMED VOICE ANALYSIS FOR CROSLIN: Well, the layered voice analysis is -- everybody`s scared (ph) of it. It`s a 21st century truth technology. And the layered voice analysis is not a question and answer-type test. What it would do -- I asked her specifically, What happened between the 9th of February into the 10th of February, and I let her ramble. And as she rambles, it tells me, it shows me stress. It shows me inaccuracies. It shows me things that she`s talking about that may not be true.

And at the end of our test, it showed that she knew something about the disappearance of Haleigh. And so we have taken it, and not only have we given -- taken this test, but we`ve given this test to law enforcement and allowed them to use this test in the course of their investigation.

BROOKS: But T.J., wouldn`t -- you know, she`s 17 years old. You know, a polygraph monitors vital signs -- heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate. This -- you know, she -- wouldn`t she just be under stress going through this test?

WARD: When she takes this test, we -- it takes -- it does a baseline, so we know how much stress she has when she`s taking it. And what it does, her involuntary changes in her voice that she can`t tell, I can see what`s going on from her brain waves and how it comes out of her mouth and what she says and how she says it.

BROOKS: You can -- I don`t get how you can tell what`s going on with her brain waves, but we`ll be back with more to talk more about this layered voice analysis. And we`re taking your calls live.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It could have been any one -- any one of us and our children. Anyone. Nobody knows (INAUDIBLE) psycho or sicko. Nobody knows. They could be anywhere. Anywhere. You don`t know.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Are you blaming yourself?

CROSLIN: I just know, like -- I feel like that, you know, I wish that they would have took me instead of her, you know, because I could have fought. You know, she`s only 5. She can`t really do anything. And I just wish they would have take me instead of her! What do they want with a little 5-year-old?


BROOKS: I`m Mike Brooks, in for Nancy Grace. We`re taking your live calls. Well, Misty Croslin Cummings fails a polygraph miserably, also fails a layered voice analysis. And you know, it`s interesting. I -- before -- before I came on tonight, I was looking on FaceBook, on Nancy`s FaceBook page, talking about who was going to be on tonight. And you look at the comments from our viewers, and everybody -- everybody -- thinks that Misty Croslin knows more than she`s telling.

I want to go back out to T.J. Ward, president of Investigative Consultants International. He`s the one that actually gave the layered voice analysis to Misty Croslin. Now, before we went to break, T.J., you said that you can tell what they`re thinking. Help me understand that, please.

WARD: OK. What it does -- well, first of all, I want to tell you this is not voice stress. This is layered voice analysis.

BROOKS: Layered voice analysis.

WARD: And we can use this without the person being in front of us. We can use it over the phone. I can do it from a tape recording. I can put it up to the TV. I can do it without any distractions from the person in front of me.

But we can use this equipment from involuntary changes of the voice, and what happens, the voice processes through from your brain waves out of your mouth, and involuntary brain waves and 2,800 parameters of algorithms, it can tell you what`s going on. I can tell you.

BROOKS: OK. I`m not convinced yet. Let`s bring in a shrink, someone who knows what`s going on inside people`s heads, Lillian Glass, Ph.D. psychologist, body language expert -- could be used in this -- in this -- in these interviews. What do you think about this, Lillian?

LILLIAN GLASS, PSYCHOLOGIST: Well, I`m also a voice analyst. I do forensic voice analysis and body language and behavioral analysis, so I can tell you that you can do this just by looking at Misty. You don`t necessarily need the machine and all of the equipment. So I`m totally with you, Mike.

If you look at the voice pattern, if you listen to her speak, she closes off. She doesn`t speak loud enough. She dies off at the end. But look at her speech -- uh, like, um. That`s always a sign of deception when it`s done consistently. Not always. People say, "like," "um," all the time. But when it`s in context, then look at her body language, looking away, blinking. She has a lot of signs of deception.

BROOKS: I still don`t believe her.



GRACE: Ronald, has a theory that Misty left the home sometime during the night been disproved?

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I`m not sure I believe that it has, Nancy. I`m almost 100 percent sure but I wouldn`t say that and lie to you. I`m pretty sure it has been disproved.

GRACE: Do you believe she left the home and left the children alone, Ronald?

CUMMINGS: Absolutely not.

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, MOM OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I don`t know what to make of it. It bothers me but I really don`t know what to make of it. I mean her story has changed several times and now she`s the one that supposedly found the shirt. I mean, it just -- it doesn`t make sense and I know my kids did love her. They told me that and I just hope she would not have nothing to do with this.

MISTY CROSLIN, RONALD CUMMING`S WIFE, LAST SEEN HALEIGH: I just want everybody to know that I didn`t do anything with that little girl. I loved her like she`s my own and I`ll do anything to get her back and if people think that I had something to do with it, if I had something to do with it, if I knew where she was, we wouldn`t be sitting here today. We`d have her and I don`t. I don`t know where she is.


MIKE BROOKS, GUEST HOST: I`m Mike Brooks in for Nancy Grace.

I want to go straight out to the lines. Sue from New York, thanks for joining us.

SUE, CALLER FROM NEW YORK: Hi, Mike. Always nice to hear your voice on the show.

BROOKS: Thank you, Sue.

SUE: Didn`t she take a lie detector test right at the beginning at the same time that Ronald took one and I believe we had heard from the police at that time that Ronald had passed one but we had not heard the final verdict on Misty. Did that ever come through?

BROOKS: Well, you know, Sue, you`re right. They did take one right in the beginning from the FBI.

Back out to T.J. Hard, program and news director from WSKY. Did we ever hear what the results of that, the early polygraphs were, T.J.?

T.J. HART, PROGRAM & NEWS DIR., WSKY 97.3FM, COVERING STORY: No, Ronald claimed that he passed with flying colors and Crystal said that, oh, yes, I passed, I passed. We`ve never heard from law enforcement confirming that and neither have they confirmed anything with Misty. She goes to the "Today" show she was pretty sure she passed it.


HART: She hadn`t heard anything to the contrary, so there`s a lot of thinking that folks passed the test but then again.

BROOKS: Right.

HART: The FBI has it and they`ve not been said yea or nay on that.

BROOKS: Exactly. You know, in cases I`ve had, if somebody fails it, and they implicate themselves, I would have locked them. The last one I did before I retire, I locked the guy up right there for bomb threats. He came down and that was the end of the case, but normally they do not tell you.

I want to go out to the lawyers. John Burris from San Francisco, noted defense attorney. And New York, another great attorney -- defense attorney, I hate to say that, Alex Sanchez.

Thanks for joining us, guys. OK. We`ve got the polygraph failed. Voice stress analysis.

John, has voice stress analysis ever been admissible in court?

JOHN BURRIS, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I doubt that it ever has. I mean I can`t say it`s never ever in any jurisdiction around the country, but I can tell you that it certainly hasn`t met the test of reliability to the extent that any court would allow it to come into evidence.

It`s very much like polygraph. There`s so much subjectivity. I think one person mentioned it depends upon who is the person who`s giving the test. I think the same (INAUDIBLE) with respect to the layered voice test analysis so I can`t imagine it coming in any court and certainly not in the case involving this young woman.

BROOKS: Alex, have you heard? I`ve never heard of it. You know, now polygraphs, yes. If both parties say, OK, but I`ve never heard of the layered voice analysis being admitted in court. Have you?

ALEX SANCHEZ, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: No, no. That voice analysis test has not been scientifically established in any court and, therefore, has no value in any particular court at the present time. But hate to disappoint the viewers who are watching the show but this voice analysis, the polygraph, the doc that could examine people`s body language, the hypnosis, that has no value in this case or in a court of law whatsoever.

It`s not a substitute for evidence so until they come to this court.


SANCHEZ: Until they come forward with some type of evidence this case doesn`t appear to be going anywhere at least against Misty.

BROOKS: But, Alex, don`t you agree with me that it is a very good investigative tool, the polygraph?

SANCHEZ: Yes, it`s an investigative tool because you`re getting the person whom you believe may have some information to answer some questions. And maybe you can get them to make some inconsistencies and maybe they may even confess that they committed the crime, but in terms of the polygraph determining that you are lying, that is not coming into evidence, period.

BROOKS: Right.

BURRIS: One of the real values of it, the polygraph, is the examination of the person before and afterwards. Generally what happens is the police, once they tell a person that they have -- they`re not being truthful, then that person will generally and sometimes often do, then confess and give out more information.

So the value really -- and when you have a lady who spent five hours, that`s a long time for an examination, I think they really were hoping that doing that five minute -- five-hour period that she would break down and give out more information.

BROOKS: Yes. No.

BURRIS: She did not.

BROOKS: Yes, you know, most polygraphs I`ve had they may be go an hour, an hour and a half, two hours most. But five hours? I`ve never heard.

Now -- now, guys, I want to ask you another thing. She on this private polygraph and the layered voice analysis, she just went ahead and did it. If you were her lawyer, what would you say, whoa, hold on a minute. I wouldn`t have her take it. Would you, John?

BURRIS: No, I would not. Given the fact that she`s already taken one and given the fact that, you know, she`s already talked a lot already there really wasn`t any need for her to do that.

I know her counsel has advised her against it, but given the length of time that has taken place, a lot of emotions get involved at this time, so you -- the chance of getting an unreliable examination is increased by the passage of time and the kind of stress/pressure that she was under.

BROOKS: But you know, I don`t blame Tim Miller at all. If -- you know, if they`re saying, Tim, will you come back and help us search? Now, if I`m Tim I`m going to go, OK, well, look, you submit to a polygraph that I`ll pay for because I don`t want to waste my time, my volunteers and my resources coming back down to Satsuma if you`re not being up front and cooperative with police which sounds like she`s not.

I want to go back out to the lines. Sharon from Florida, thanks for joining us.

SHARON, CALLER FROM FLORIDA: Hi. How you doing? Like your show. My question was, there`s been so many different -- Misty, I thought, was involved from the beginning, number one, but in one of her interviews she has said that she had went and looked under the bed and my question is, how do you look under a bed when the mattresses are laying on the floor.

BROOKS: Natisha Lance, producer of the NANCY GRACE show. Do you recall her saying that she looked under the bed?

NATISHA LANCE, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: I recall Ronald Cummings saying that when he got home he turned the house upside down looking for Haleigh. I don`t recall Misty saying that she looked under the bed. And as you can see they are mattresses that are on the floor.

BROOKS: Right, exactly, and she had to walk past -- if I`m not mistaken walk from her bedroom, the master bedroom, that had a master bath past that, and that`s when she noticed that the back door was open.

You know, we talk about this back door. It was propped open with a cinder block and, T.J. Hart, correct me if I`m wrong, but early on, didn`t Ronald Cummings say, um, I don`t know where that cinder block came from.

HART: Yes, I remember that that being said. There`s a lot of questions about that, that back door as you well know. No sign of forced entry was one. It had been forensically examined at one point in time then when our NANCY GRACE crew with Marlaina Schiavo and Teresa Nieves had gone through the house. And shortly after that, the door was then removed from its hinges and then examined again, so there`s -- there`s still a lot of questions about that.

BROOKS: Yes, you know, and I want to go out to Dr. Joshua Perper, noted chief medical examiner of Broward County and author of "When to Call the Doctor."

Dr. Perper, thanks for joining us.


BROOKS: You know, in this case, you know, you always hope that they find this little girl alive, but when it comes to the cinder block, is it possible to get any evidence at all off of a cinder block, even maybe some touch DNA?

PERPER: Yes, it`s possible because even very tiny amount of DNA can be detected and can be multiplied or amplified rather, so most likely they examine it very carefully and they magnify the lenses. They probably also swabbed it and so they should have results whether there was any evidence. If -- just the question of testing and proving whether there is something there or not.

BROOKS: T.J. Hart, we don`t have much time, quickly. The task force that was brought together back a number of months ago to take a look with fresh eyes on this, has it gone anywhere?

HART: Yes, they`re working night and day on this. They have FDLA, they have local law enforcement, FBI is kept in the loop on this. They have well over 138 CDs full of audio interviews. They have tons and tons of books and tons and tons of forensic evidence on this most of which has been analyzed at this point.

They were going to have another roundtable meeting. That has not been deemed necessary since they`re keeping in touch with each other pretty much face to face each and every day.

Nobody wants to get this solved any quicker than the Putnam County Sheriff`s Office and the Florida Department of Law Enforcement.

BROOKS: Yes. Well, thank you, T.J. There`s going to be a lot more on this case but right now, are you guilty of being Nancy Grace`s number one fan? Plead your case and send us your story as to why that fan is you

<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on September 01, 2009, 05:47:09 PM


Stepmom`s Relatives Questioned in Missing Haleigh Case

Aired August 31, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old little girl tucked into bed. Five hours later, she`s gone, vanished into thin air, the back door propped wide open. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh.

Bombshell tonight. The physical search for little Haleigh is back on, searchers combing through dense foliage on foot and horseback after girlfriend-slash-baby-sitter Misty Croslin steers police directly to a plot of land near the family home. But what makes Croslin point to that particular spot?

This after Croslin`s brother and sister-in-law led away by police for hours of intense questions when Croslin points the finger at them. We learn Misty Croslin, the last known person to see little Haleigh alive, flunks a private polygraph, flunks, quote, "miserably," racking up a score of 99 percent deceptive. Not only that, reports she flunked a voice stress test, as well.

Even more disheartening, Croslin changes her story, now saying up to four people in the home the night Haleigh goes missing, but calling it a dream-like memory. This on the heels of police announcing Haleigh was not kidnapped by a stranger. Repeat, no stranger snuck into the home that night and snatched the little girl, investigators say Croslin refusing to give straight answers or to account for crucial hours surrounding the disappearance. And cops reveal physical evidence at the scene contradicts her story.

Exclusive tonight. For the first time since his new wife flunks a poly, Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, with us live, answering your questions, taking your calls. Tonight, where is 5-year-old Florida girl Haleigh?


MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S STEPMOTHER/BABY-SITTER: I put her to bed about 8:00 o`clock. And I woke up, and she was gone! (INAUDIBLE)

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Breaking news in the Haleigh Cummings investigation. Stepmom Misty Croslin Cummings`s brother, Tommy Croslin, and his wife have been questioned by the Putnam County sheriff`s office, the questioning lasting about three hours.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Haleigh Cummings`s stepmom, Misty, has taken several new polygraphs, and in the words of one *******, she failed miserably.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did you intentionally withhold any information regarding Haleigh`s disappearance? Her answer was no. She failed it miserably, with a 99 percent deception.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police say the polygraph and voice analysis sessions led them to bring the family members in. Tommy Croslin`s father says his son told investigators he`d even take a polygraph as he was led away.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She is so arrogant, deceptive and manipulative, she thought she could detract the attention away from her.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty Croslin Cummings allegedly telling voice expert and PI T.J. Ward she, quote, "keeps hearing things about her brother. I have no idea if he took her," Misty`s brother telling local media Misty is trying to pass the blame onto someone else.

CROSLIN: I`m trying to do everything to find her. You know, I`ll answer any questions I have to because I know I didn`t do anything to that little girl.


911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, let me talk to your wife. Let me get some information from her.


911 OPERATOR: Can I talk to her?



CUMMINGS: How the (DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole (DELETED)?


GRACE: And live to Oakland, major developments in the search for a missing 5-year-old boy afflicted with cerebral palsy. Little Hassani reportedly vanishes from the back seat of a car just outside a shoe store at a busy suburban shopping center. How could he just disappear and nobody sees a thing? In a stunning twist, police arrest the foster dad and mom, as police confirm the case now goes from missing person to homicide.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: In a stunning twist of events in the Hassani Campbell case, Hassani`s foster parents, Jennifer Campbell and Louis Ross, have been arrested for the disappearance and murder of the 5-year-old.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is not a missing persons case anymore. This is a homicide investigation. And we are talking to the people responsible.

GRACE: Mr. Ross, I understand that you did not pass your polygraph. Is that true?

LOUIS ROSS, FOSTER FATHER TO HASSANI CAMPBELL (via telephone): I have been told that my results were that I failed it 99 percent.

GRACE: You failed it 99 percent of it?

ROSS: Yes.

GRACE: Why did you have latex gloves in your car?

ROSS: There were no latex gloves. It was one glove. And it was a hand puppet (INAUDIBLE)

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OPD crime scene investigators returned to Campbell`s home. They were possibly looking for more clues and evidence that could lead them to Hassani.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. The physical search for little Haleigh back on.


CROSLIN: I just woke up and our back door was open, and we can`t find our daughter.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Stepmom Misty Croslin Cummings`s brother, Tommy Croslin, and his wife, were questioned by the Putnam County sheriff`s office. Tommy and Misty`s dad, Hank Croslin, says allegations against Tommy being involved are untrue, and Tommy has even offered to take a polygraph.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty has been deceptive, that her stories don`t make sense, and that the key to this case lies with her.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The back door has two locks on the door. The second lock which you would have to turn is a tight lock, so it wouldn`t be likely that little Haleigh would have been able to turn the lock and then let herself out the door.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tommy Croslin tells First Coast (ph) News he has no idea why his sister`s accusing him and reportedly says she`s trying to pass the blame onto someone else.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If you listen to her speak, she closes off. She doesn`t speak loud enough. She dies off at the end. That`s always a sign of deception when it`s done consistently.

CROSLIN: People think that I had something to do with it. If I had something to do with it, I knew where she was, we wouldn`t be sitting here today. We would have her.


GRACE: We are taking your calls live tonight. And joining us, the father of little Haleigh, Ronald Cummings, is with us live. He`s speaking out for the very first time since his new wife has allegedly flunked a polygraph.

But first I want to go to T.j. Hart, news director with WSKY 97.3 FM. T.J., I understand another search has been conducted near the family home on foot and on horseback. Why that location? Who led police to that spot?

T.J. HART, WSKY 97.3 FM: The search was on Saturday, and that was orchestrated by TES, Texas Equusearch. And it was something that came out in the conversation with Misty. During questioning with some of the people that Tim Miller had put together, T.J. Ward and company, she made mention of an area that had a plastic rose in the grass. She felt that it hadn`t been searched carefully enough. And on Saturday, they conducted that search with several volunteers. It turned up empty. LE (ph) does have the plastic rose that she had mentioned in there, but no concrete results, nothing that law enforcement said that changed anything at this point.

GRACE: And to Natisha Lance, on the story from the very beginning, what can you tell me, Natisha Lance, about Misty Croslin, the baby-sitter- slash-girlfriend-turned-wife, the last person to see the little girl alive? Her brother, her blood brother, and sister-in-law were led away by police for intense interrogation. Why? Why did police want to speak to them?

NATISHA LANCE, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: That`s right, Nancy. There was something that happened with Misty Croslin during her voice analysis, and something that she said led investigators to want to question her brother and her sister-in-law. Investigators took them in. They questioned them for about three hours. They let them go. They didn`t find any information, according to law enforcement, that offered up anything new as to Haleigh`s disappearance or any new information. But the one thing that they continue to say is that Misty Croslin remains to be inconsistent.

GRACE: Again, with us tonight, Ronald Cummings. This is little Haleigh`s father. He has never shied away from the camera and answering your questions, taking calls live. He apparently has nothing to hide. And with him, his attorney, Terry Shoemaker, a well respected attorney. They`re joining us from Jacksonville, Florida.

Ronald, thank you for being with us again.

CUMMINGS: Thank you for having us.

GRACE: Liz, please put Ronald on screen for me. Ronald, what do you make of Misty flunking a polygraph?

CUMMINGS: I don`t know anything about her flunking a polygraph. I know what`s been said about it, but I`m not a polygrapher myself so I didn`t see any results. I didn`t -- you know, I was told by the polygrapher who did the polygraph that it`s not judged in percentages, that a polygraph is either a failed or a pass, not in percentages.

GRACE: Well, OK. Let`s take what you know, that you either fail it or you pass it. Well, according to these reports, she flunked it -- I mean, royally flunked it. And that`s got to concern you.

CUMMINGS: Well, until I see more physical proof of what`s going on, Miss Nancy, there`s -- my concerns are still on keeping Haleigh`s face on the TV and being sure that she is found and whoever has done this to her or -- is put away.

GRACE: OK, Ronald, I understand that you want to keep Haleigh`s face out there, and we are doing that. But I know you and I do not believe you are not concerned about a report that your wife flunked a polygraph. It would concern me.

TERRY SHOEMAKER, ATTORNEY FOR RONALD CUMMINGS: Nancy, if I might? You know, of course Ronald`s concerned about a lot of things going on right now, but I think the main thing he`s concerned about is making sure that Haleigh is found. And you know, again, we`d like to thank you for keeping Haleigh in the spotlight and making sure everyone continues to look for her and helping us every way you possibly can. But we`re more concerned with that aspect, rather than whether or not Misty may or may not have done well on a polygraph.

GRACE: You know, Mr. Shoemaker, you have an excellent reputation. And what you just said does not make one ounce of sense. Of course, you want her picture out there. Of course, you want the help of the media. But for the last person known to have seen Haleigh alive to have reportedly flunked a polygraph, how you can suggest that is not a major concern -- you want to find her? You want to find Haleigh? Then find out why Misty reportedly flunked a polygraph. Gentlemen, does that not make sense to you?

Ronald Cummings, I would like to hear it from you.

CUMMINGS: Nancy, what you`re saying makes perfect sense to me. But why is law enforcement -- I`m not law enforcement. I can`t interfere with their investigation. I can`t do anything about a polygraph or...

GRACE: Well, what is she telling you, Ronald? What is she telling you? I mean, she took that police polygraph. I don`t believe she passed it the first time. I don`t believe she did. Now this one. Then there was that voice stress test. I mean, something is wrong with her story, Ronald.

CUMMINGS: I don`t know, Miss Nancy.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If I have something, she wants it. So if we buy something for me, we buy the same thing for her.

CROSLIN: I just want everybody to know that I was home because I did pass my lie detector test saying that I was home.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They told you you passed?





UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If you`re in your bed with your child and you get up to go to use the bathroom, is there enough time for somebody to come in your house and snatch your child out of the bed and disappear without you getting back to the bed in time? No.

CROSLIN: Three o`clock in the morning, I got up. And I got up because I had to go to the bathroom, but I didn`t make it to the bathroom. I seen the kitchen light on, and I walked in the kitchen and the back door`s wide open. And I mean, I didn`t notice about Haleigh (INAUDIBLE) until I seen the back door open.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The back door has two locks on the door. The second lock which you would have to turn is a tight lock, so it wouldn`t be likely that little Haleigh would have been able to turn the lock and then let herself out the door.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I asked her specifically what happened between the 9th of February into the 10th of February, and I let her ramble. And as she rambles, it tells me -- it shows me stress. It shows me inaccuracies. It shows me things that she`s talking about that may not be true. And at the end of our test, it showed that she knew something about the disappearance of Haleigh.


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Joining me tonight, Misty`s father, Ronald Cummings -- excuse me, Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings.

Straight to the lines. Gail in Virginia. Hi, Gail.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Ms. Grace. How are you?

GRACE: I`m good, dear. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I wanted to ask Mr. Cummings -- the baby`s been missing since February. Why have they not brought in the cadaver dogs?

GRACE: You know, it`s my understanding that they have. To T.J. Hart. Have cadaver dogs ever been brought in?

HART: Yes, they have. In fact, they were out there several months ago, and cadaver dogs did make a hit on a dumpster and -- actually, two of them. And they went through those dumpsters late into the night. Our CNN/HLN cameras were on that the whole time. They found nothing of significance.

GRACE: Melodie, Oklahoma. Or is that Ohio, Melodie?


GRACE: Hi, dear. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. I just got your book, and I cannot wait to read it. But anyway...

GRACE: Thank you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... she failed the first polygraph. Now they`re saying that she didn`t -- that she failed the second, too. I can see her inconsistencies, but why would she pass the one and not the other two? And then we`re speaking about this rose. Who would have put that rose there where they went to look? Thank you.

GRACE: Thank you, Melodie in Ohio. Out to you, Natisha. I was only aware of two polygraphs taken by Misty Croslin.

LANCE: Actually, there`s a total of three she`s taken now. She took one by the FBI, one by the Putnam County sheriff`s office...

GRACE: Ah. Yes. Yes. The FBI one.

LANCE: Yes, and now this new one that was orchestrated by Tim Miller.

GRACE: And Natisha, doesn`t she say that she passed one of them?

LANCE: She did say that she had passed one of them. However, law enforcement will not confirm either way to us.

GRACE: So we don`t know whether she passed or not?

LANCE: That`s right.

GRACE: OK, I want to go to special guest joining us tonight, T.j. Ward. He`s the president of Investigative Consultants International, and he is the one who administered the layered voice analysis, which we have been calling a voice stress test. Welcome, Mr. Ward. Thank you for being with us.


GRACE: I`m good. Mr. Ward, what question that you say she failed concerns you the most? And I have a list of many of your questions right here with me.

WARD: Well, let me tell you exactly what I did. I went through with her and let her ramble and tell me about what happened from February the 9th into February the 10th. The relevant questions that you see on the test results that you have, that you`re looking at, are relevants that I have pulled from the test, from her talking completely through the whole test.

And some of the things that are coming up here -- specifically, if you look about where it says Haleigh -- the blanket smelled like pee, it comes up probably false, and it`s got P-7 and P-9. Well, those two things refer to high rejection incitement, and it`s abnormal emotional, and she`s not -- she`s lying. She`s not telling the truth about that. So that`s one of the things that concerns me.

Then I directly came out and asked her as to her involvement, and I said, Do you know who took Haleigh? And it came back inaccuracy and deception indicated, which tells me that she knows something about this baby being taken from the trailer on the 9th into the 10th.

GRACE: I also see the statement she says, I don`t think she -- Haleigh -- is dead. And beside that, you write "inaccuracy."

WARD: Right. In her mind, what`s going on, what her mind is coming up and telling me, that when I -- when she talked about that, she doesn`t - - she doesn`t know whether she`s dead or whether she`s not dead. It`s inaccurate. It`s an inaccurate statement. She does not know. And my gut feeling from looking at this test, that she is involved and does know something about the disappearance of Haleigh Cummings.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She says, Is there any way we can do a voice test? I hear they work. I made contact, did a lot of research, contacted a hypnotist that`s actually retired from NYPD, a detective. And everything was just miserably failed.




GRACE: What time did she go to bed?

CUMMINGS: Approximately 10:30, 11:00.

GRACE: At 10:30, 11:00. At that time, was little Haleigh in the bed asleep with the brother?


GRACE: And they all slept together in the same bed, correct?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I was told they was all three in the same bed.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: For somebody to walk in the house and pick up a child laying beside another person is just ridiculous.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s just (INAUDIBLE) that she can get up to go to the bathroom, and when she comes back to the bed, the baby`s gone.


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Out to Diane in Canada. Hi, dear.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi. How are you, Nancy?

GRACE: I`m good, dear. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, first of all, I want to say thank you, Nancy, for everything you do. I`ve watched you ever since you were on Larry King...

GRACE: Thank you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... and I think you`re the best and please keep the good work up. And we should have more of you in Canada and U.S.

GRACE: Thank you, Diane in Canada. Thank you very much.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And your babies are beautiful.

GRACE: I am so blessed. It`s like God heard my prayers...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Thank you for showing them.

GRACE: ... and answered them 10,000 times over.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, we prayed for you, Nancy.

GRACE: Yes, and I`ve got photos for this week.


GRACE: I set them on a tricycle. They didn`t know what to do. It had one of those sticks in the back, where you can steer it. So I basically got stuck with pushing them around and around our church...


GRACE: ... for about an hour-and-a-half. I can`t lift my arms.


GRACE: But I have photos of them on a tricycle. What do you think about this case, Diane?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, I have a concern. I would like to know, is it possible that Misty would have had a male companion there that evening, and Haleigh was asleep and got up and saw something that she shouldn`t have, and maybe she might know who this other person was? And I think they panicked and could have done something to this little baby.

GRACE: OK. Diane, I`ve been thinking a lot about the possibility she may be covering for somebody else. So let`s go straight out to T.J. Hart with WSKY. T.J., explain to me why Misty`s own brother and sister-in-law were led away by police for questioning, for hours of interrogation? What made police take them away?

HART: What made them take them away were some things that came out of some questioning that was taken care of during the voice stress test and the polygraph and stuff like that.

GRACE: Hold on. Wait, wait, wait. Wait!

HART: What?

GRACE: Can you just break it down?

HART: Yes.

GRACE: Did police take them because of something Misty Croslin said?

HART: Yes, they did. And they were not very clear on what that was, other than it was a claim that was made and they want to check that out further.

GRACE: OK. I got it. Eleanor Dixon joining us tonight. Eleanor, that leads me to think, if she would suggest her own blood brother may somehow know something about Haleigh`s disappearance, I don`t believe she`s covering for anybody else.


GRACE: I mean, she gave that up.

DIXON: Yes, she gave that up. And who knows what happened? The caller had a good question. Who else might have been there the night Haleigh went missing?



TIM MILLER, TEXAS EQUUSEARCH: She said it seems like maybe it was a dream or something but it seems like maybe I remember like four people or something, maybe I thought I was dreaming or something.

The polygrapher is a retired homicide detective, and he said what he`s reading out of that is there was two or more other people involved. So when Haleigh was actually taken out of the house, she really doesn`t know which one took her to her final destination.

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I pulled into the yard. The front door was wide open. She was standing in it. I asked her what she was doing up. She told me that the back door was wide open and Haleigh was gone. I turned the house upside down and told her to call 911.

T.J. HART, PROGRAM & NEWS DIRECTOR, WSKY 97.3FM: She asked to take this polygraph in order to clear her name. They said the story had been inconsistent. Still some more inconsistencies arose from some of the stories she told them.

And one of them is with that timeline once again, where she claims she put Haleigh down at 8:00 p.m. and herself went to sleep at 10:00 to wake up abruptly at 3:00 to find Haleigh gone. Ronald Cummings says that bed was made, it didn`t appear that anybody had been to bed.

CUMMINGS: She told me that she was sleeping, her and Junior were sleeping in my queen size bed and that she was sleeping in the tot bed beside her, three or four feet from her.

MISTY CROSLIN-CUMMINGS, RONALD CUMMING`S WIFE, LAST SEEN HALEIGH: I`m trying to do everything to find her. You know, answer any questions I have to. Because I know I didn`t do anything to that little girl. I would never hurt her. They love me. They -- I mean, they look at me like their mom. You know. You ask little Junior, he`ll tell you. You know. They talk lovely about me, and I`m so good to them kids.


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Straight back out to Ronald Cummings. This is Haleigh`s father, who is joining us tonight. And he is taking your calls live. This is the first time he is speaking out exclusively here after his bride, his new wife, allegedly flunks a polygraph.

Ronald, I know that your heart`s desire is to bring her home alive. I`ll never forget the first time I heard your 911 call. And I think that is exactly the way I would have reacted if I came home and the twins were gone. And I want to know what you want to tell the viewers tonight.

CUMMINGS: I want to tell them to keep Haleigh`s face out there, and if you have any information leading to her disappearance to call it in. It don`t matter who it hurts. And I want to let everyone know that I`m not hiding anything for anybody. And if somebody had something to do with it, let them fry. So be it. Whoever it might be. That`s who -- that`s who it is. Let`s bring Haleigh home.

GRACE: Ronald, why did police question Misty Croslin`s brother and sister-in-law? What was that all about? They kept them for hours.

CUMMINGS: Miss Nancy, I don`t have a clue what they questioned them about. I`m not allowed around them.

GRACE: That`s right. I understand. Ronald, what do you believe is being done now in the search for Haleigh? I know they just finished another search around your home, and they did that because your wife, Misty Croslin, directed them to a particular spot.

CUMMINGS: Well, I`m happy that they`re still searching. I hope that they find my child alive, obviously. But one way or another I want my daughter to come home.

GRACE: Ronald, you said.

CUMMINGS: I need some closure.

GRACE: You said that you don`t care who it hurts and that you`re not covering for anybody.

CUMMINGS: That`s right.

GRACE: OK. And I assume from knowing you that you mean that. So my question to you tonight is now that you have been told, whether you accept it or not, that your wife has flunked a poly, have you asked her what`s happened? What does she tell you?

I mean, I saw her on "The Today Show," and they asked her, why did you give two different stories? And she said, "I don`t know." That doesn`t make sense.

CUMMINGS: I asked her. But I don`t get any answers from her about, you know -- I don`t see -- what she`s telling me is not inconsistent.


CUMMINGS: So maybe what she.

GRACE: And what is it that she tells you? What is her story about what happened that night?

CUMMINGS: The same thing that she`s telling police, or whoever, that she went to bed -- she put Haleigh to bed, done some laundry, went to bed, and woke up to the door propped open.

GRACE: Let`s unleash the lawyers. Eleanor Dixon, Atlanta. Peter Odom, defense attorney out of Atlanta. Anne Bremner, high-profile lawyer out of Seattle.

First to you, Anne Bremner, weigh in.

ANNE BREMNER, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, I just have to think about the Misty and the polygraph, Nancy. Think about they`re not admissible in court. Ted Bundy passed one. And one other thing in terms of use of these, they`re not to be used on juveniles. She`s still pretty young. And then finally, we don`t have somebody that`s a certified polygraph examiner here. So I just have to kind of whoa, stop a little and speak a little for Misty.

GRACE: You know what, Anne?


GRACE: You`re right.

BREMNER: Thank you.

GRACE: You`re absolutely correct. In that Ted Bundy did pass a polygraph. They are not infallible. However, let me ask you this, Miss Bremner.


GRACE: Isn`t it true that you have asked some of your clients to take a polygraph before?

BREMNER: Well, Nancy, I have. But you know what? When I`ve done it.


BREMNER: Because I want to know privately. But when not do it privately I don`t think.

GRACE: But did you believe it?

BREMNER: Did I believe the results?


BREMNER: You know what?

GRACE: No, I want to see Bremner.

BREMNER: Nancy, I don`t know if I would take one myself.

GRACE: That`s not what I asked you. You sent your own clients privately, you don`t tell the other side.

BREMNER: But you know what? But you know I agree.

GRACE: . for a polygraph. Why do you do it?

BREMNER: Because you know why I do it? Because if I`m going to use it in a case and try to use it on rehab of my client and bring it in pretrial I want to use it in some of my criminal cases. And that`s why I use it, Nancy.


BREMNER: I don`t believe to see.


BREMNER: It`s true. It`s true.

GRACE: When it benefits you, when a polygraph benefits your client, you use it.


GRACE: When it doesn`t benefit your client, you pretend it didn`t happen?

BREMNER: But you know what? They`re not reliable. And that`s been true for decades.

GRACE: They`re not reliable but you use it.

BREMNER: Yes. But you know what, Nancy? They`re not reliable to convict somebody and they`re not reliable in a court of law. They`re only reliable when you use them to rehab or a defendant only in certain cases in the federal courts. And when you come upfront and you tell a judge that someone passed a polygraph, your client.

That`s it. So are they reliable? No. Do the courts.

GRACE: When you tell a judge your client passed a polygraph, that is it, you said. What do you mean that is it?

BREMNER: Well, Nancy, because that`s the only way I use it. When I say that is it, you use it in certain ways and that is it. You cannot put it -- you know who decides truth in these cases and you know it, Nancy, is the jury, not a polygraph.

GRACE: OK. You have gotten us totally off the question. Beautifully.

BREMNER: It`s a question.

GRACE: To you, Eleanor Dixon. The truth of the matter is that lawyers rely on polygraphs all the time. They can be beaten. That`s true. Ted Bundy was a pathological liar. He lied nearly every time he committed a murder he would pick a girl up on the beach or wherever. So he was a pathological liar. He was used to it his life. That was his nature, to lie. That`s not true of everyone.

What do you make of it, Eleanor?

ELEANOR DIXON, PROSECUTOR: Well, Nancy, I think it`s important to look at these polygraphs because it`s not necessarily important whether they pass or fail but how the statements are inconsistent. Here it sounds like Ronald Cummings is into his matrimonial bliss and is not willing to face what is actually going on with these tests.

GRACE: But I do think that there is more than a grain of truth, Peter Odom, to what Anne Bremner out of Seattle said. This is not a state polygrapher like you would find at the, for instance, Georgia Bureau of Investigation. It was not an FBI polygraph. It is a known polygrapher. That`s true. But many people believe that there is a difference. And she could be considered a juvenile.

PETER ODOM, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Right. Well, Nancy, I think the fact that there are three different polygraphs that this young girl has taken and three different results tells you a lot about the unreliability of polygraphy. It`s more art than science. That`s why it`s not admissible.


ODOM: And I`m shocked so many people are putting so much stock in this.

GRACE: Well, you yourself have sent clients for a polygraph.

ODOM: No, I have not. Never. I never would.

GRACE: Never as a prosecutor did you ever take into account a polygraph? Never once? Because I know for a fact that you did.

ODOM: I would take into account a person`s reaction to a polygraph, not the result. Because the reaction is important.

GRACE: So you did?

ODOM: Take the result -- take into .


ODOM: . consideration of the reaction to the polygraph.


ODOM: Not necessarily the result.

GRACE: OK. Go ahead and split hairs if you want to.

ODOM: It`s an important distinction, Nancy.

GRACE: . but I know that you did. I want to hear from Marc Klaas. Weigh in, Marc.

MARC KLAAS, PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER, KLAASKIDS FOUNDATION: Tim Miller has value in his searches for a variety of reasons. The area they searched hadn`t been searched for a long time. As the Caylee case shows, sometimes you have to go over the same piece of property numerous times before you finally come up with the reality.

But as far as his business of handling polygraphs and things like that, I think he has absolutely no business doing that. That`s amateur work. This should be left to the professionals.

GRACE: Quick break, everyone. We are taking your calls live. To tonight`s "Safety Tip." Housing market down. Foreclosures up. These are tips to stop mortgage fraud. If it sounds too good to be true, it is. Watch out for suspicious offers promising a huge profit in a short time.

Remember, there is not a quick fix. Steer clear of e-mails or ads that promise to eliminate mortgage loans or save from you defaults. Don`t fall for no money down loans. Review title history. If the home has been sold multiple times in a short amount of time, it may have been flipped, with the value falsely inflated.

And never, never, never sign blank documents or anything you don`t understand. For more information go to

ANNOUNCER: "Nancy Safety Tips," brought to you by.



UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: 911. What`s your emergency?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just woke up and our back door was open and we can`t find our daughter.



UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: OK. What`s your address?


UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: What`s the numerical?


GRACE: Straight out to Dr. Jeff Gardere, psychologist and author. Dr. Gardere, I noticed in her questions from T.J. Ward, who gave her this polygraph test, she again refers to "that little girl." That`s about the third time I`ve heard her refer to Haleigh as that little girl instead of by name. What, if anything, does that mean?

JEFF GARDERE, PSYCHOLOGIST, AUTHOR OF "LOVE PRESCRIPTION": It means that there`s a distance between herself and Haleigh and her relationship is primarily with Ronald.

The other thing I wanted to say very, very quickly, Nancy, is that it`s not about the results of the polygraph or the voice analysis. It`s about the behavior that comes out of it. And what it tells us is that this is a young woman who is pretty disturbed in my clinical opinion. And she was the last one we know of who saw Haleigh before she disappeared.

GRACE: Weigh in, John Lucich. I think I`ve got John Lucich. Go ahead.

JOHN LUCICH, INVESTIGATOR, AUTHOR OF "CYBER LIES": That polygraph is consistent with all the facts of the case. Number one, all those tests contradict Misty. All the physical evidence contradicts Misty. And even Misty contradicted Misty. That polygraph in this case I believe is right on because it confirms all the other evidence.

GRACE: To Howard Oliver. Dr. Oliver, former deputy medical examiner, forensic pathologist out of L.A.

Dr. Oliver, if she has passed away, if her body has been out in the elements, what would you expect to find? Could you determine cause of death at this juncture?

DR. HOWARD OLIVER, FMR. DEPUTY MEDICAL EXAMINER; FORENSIC PATHOLOGIST: Not very likely. It`s been a very long period of time since February. The body, if it`s out in the elements, should be skeletonized by now.

GRACE: Back to Ronald Cummings, our special guest tonight. Ronald, you and I have been on this story from the very, very beginning. And I don`t even like asking the medical examiner questions like that while I know you are listening because you`re holding out the hope, as am I, that she is alive.


GRACE: Once again, I want you to make a plea to the viewers tonight. Everyone, the tip line is 888-277-8477. Go ahead, Ronald.

CUMMINGS: Please, whoever knows anything about Haleigh`s disappearance, anything about where she might be now, or anything about anything from February 9th to February 10th of 2009, please call the Crimestoppers or the Putnam County Sheriff`s Office.

GRACE: And please know, Ronald, that you are in our thoughts and prayers, as is little Haleigh.

CUMMINGS: Thank you.

GRACE: Very quickly, we are shifting gears to little Hasanni. His investigation turns from missing person to homicide.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We do believe that Hasanni Campbell has been murdered.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police in Oakland, California say Hasanni Campbell was killed. His case has shifted from a missing person investigation now to a homicide probe. His foster parents, they were arrested. His aunt, Jennifer Campbell and her Fiancee, Louis Ross. Ross still behind bars held on suspicion of murder.

GRACE: Mr. Ross, I understand that you did not pass your polygraph. Is that true?

LOUIS ROSS, FOSTER FATHER TO HASANNI CAMPBELL: That is what I`ve been told, correct.

GRACE: What were the questions they asked you?

ROSS: Do I know where Hasanni is, and can I take them to where Hassanni is?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The arrest should not be a factor in people searching for him. We still need to bring Hasanni home.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The police still have no idea where little Hasanni is. But they are confident that this boy is unfortunately killed, allegedly at the hands of his foster father`s.


GRACE: Sebastian Kunz, KNEW Radio, joining us out of San Francisco, I understand the foster father and mother were taken into custody, mother later released. What happened?

SEBASTIAN KUNZ, REPORTER, KNEW RADIO, COVERING STORY: Nancy, what happened is that on Friday they were taken into custody, Louis Ross, on charges of suspicion of murder, and Jennifer Campbell on charges of accessory after the fact. However, it was just this afternoon that she was released from the Santa Rita jail in Dublin on lack of evidence.

GRACE: Out to John Burris, famed defense attorney out of Oakland, California. Practices throughout the California area and across the country. He`s been an adviser to Louis Ross and Jennifer Campbell, the foster mother and father, and he has now decided to come off the case. He will no longer be representing them.

John, I do not -- welcome. I do not believe that the police have any physical evidence right now. But don`t you find it coincidental that they take these two into custody and by the time they finish talking to them they have decided this is a homicide case?

JOHN BURRIS, DEFENSE ATTORNEY (via phone): Well, it is surprising that that`s the route that they took. And I believe that they believed there was a homicide case for a long time, but I don`t think they have any evidence whatsoever to support that.

I think that they just adopted that position because they were not able to corroborate any of the statements in their own mind that Mr. Ross has said. I was pretty much shocked that they in fact arrested either one of them, particularly Miss Campbell, because they really have no evidence that she committed any particular crime, nor was she an accessory after the fact.

Her statement has always been pretty clear that she knew nothing about what had happened, that she was like everyone else looking for this child and that whatever she knew was told to her as a consequence of -- that does not make her an accessory after the fact.

GRACE: John, I hear you totally concentrating on the innocence of Jennifer Campbell. And I think that`s highly astute of you to avoid the possibility that Louis Ross.

BURRIS: I`m not really avoiding.

GRACE: . is guilty.

BURRIS: I`m not avoiding it. But I was just talking about her.

GRACE: You certainly are.

BURRIS: He is presently in custody. No, he is in custody. From her point of view I`ve already stated my position. From his point of view, I don`t know that the police have any evidence at all that`s concrete..

GRACE: Well, obviously, something that they said caused this case to flip from a missing persons to a homicide.

Matt Zarrell, what happened?

BURRIS: I don`t think there`s anything she said at all. I think what they basically said that whatever he said they could not prove.

GRACE: Got it.

BURRIS: . what he said happened. So that`s basically.


GRACE: I want to ask Matt Zarrell on the story.

Matt, isn`t it true that no one else has seen the little boy for four days before the father, the foster father says he had him?

MATT ZARRELL, NANCY GRACE STAFFER, COVERING STORY: That`s correct, Nancy. Apparently the only confirmed sighting we have is August 6th at a Wal-Mart in the area. That`s the last time anyone saw Hasanni with his foster parents.

GRACE: We`ll be back with Marc Klaas, John Lucich and the lawyers.

As we go to break, thoughts and prayers to Georgia friend of the show, Barbara Collier. She never misses a show and even though she was about to enter the hospital, she came to a recent book signing for "Eleventh Victim."

Barbara, stay strong and please get well.

On a happy note, happy birthday to New Jersey friend, Joann Rogers. She never misses a show and has been watching for almost 11 years. She loves travel, taking cruises every year, spending time with friends and six nephews.

Happy birthday, Joann.


ROSS: It`s not that I`m (INAUDIBLE). I don`t know what I`m allowed to say right now because the investigation spotlight is still on us. I have not spoken to the media up to this point, not because we were shying away, we`re hiding. There were the police and FBI gave them wrong information. First (INAUDIBLE).



GRACE: Little Hassani reported missing outside a shoe store of a busy shopping mall, but now, his foster father under arrest. The case turned from a missing person to a homicide. What was so heartbreaking about this case, Hasanni reported having little braces on his legs. He was afflicted with cerebral palsy.

Weigh in, Marc Klaas.

KLAAS: Mr. Ross`s story has never made any sense.

GRACE: No, it has not.

KLAAS: He failed his polygraph. There are suspicious text messages.

GRACE: I mean, Marc. Marc, would you dare leave a child alone in the back of a store while you walk around in the front of the store for what, to get them to let you in? Why would you -- if I can still to this day pick up both twins and they`re pushing 40 pounds. All right? Rather that leave one, no way.

KLAAS: Well, it`s a self-serving convenient story for him, basically. It`s what it is. You know, and the other thing he never did is he never reached out to any of the child locater organizations in the Bay Area that are set up specifically to assist in these kinds of situations.

I waited for his call for 18 days and it never came. So, you know, I`m not surprised by this turn of events. The problem though as I see it right now is we have absolutely no idea where that little boy`s body is. I mean, absolutely no idea. So it`s going to be very difficult to search and to locate him.

GRACE: Marc Klaas, the thought of this little child going through so much, having to go to a foster home, having to fight cerebral palsy.


GRACE: And now this.

KLAAS: Yes. It`s true.

GRACE: Let`s stop and remember Army Specialist Ryan Bell, 21, Colville, Washington, killed Iraq. A Riverside Military grad, turned down multiple scholarships to enlist. Awarded the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Army Commendation Medal. Dreamed of being a doctor, starting a family.

Loved singing, dancing, sports, hiking and camping with his father. Remembered as a walking sports encyclopedia. Leaves behind parents, Michael and Sheryl, widow, Carrie.

Ryan Bell, American hero.

Thanks to our guests but especially to you for being with us. And a special good night from friends of the show, Stacy and Lisa. Aren`t they beautiful?

Everyone, I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp, Eastern.

And tonight, God bless little Hasanni and Haleigh Cummings. Until tomorrow night, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on September 02, 2009, 10:34:09 AM

Croslin Says She Was Tricked Into Polygraph

Aired September 1, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old little girl tucked into bed. Five hours later, she`s gone, vanished, the back door propped wide open. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh.

Bombshell tonight. After searchers comb through dense foliage on foot, on horseback, following a tip from girlfriend-slash-baby-sitter Misty Croslin, and we know Croslin, the last person to see Haleigh alive, flunks a polygraph with a score of 99 percent deceptive, in the last hours, Croslin says she was tricked, tricked into taking that polygraph. And she insists she passed. Well, that`s not what the polygrapher tells us.

Croslin also reveals she`s afraid her phone`s tapped. But wait a minute. When a little child is missing, who cares if your phone`s tapped! What is there to hide? Now reports she flunked a voice stress test, changes her story, now saying up to four people in the home the night Haleigh goes missing, but calling it a dream-like memory.

Police insist Haleigh not kidnapped by a stranger. No stranger snuck into the home and snatched the little girl. Tonight, we have girlfriend- slash-baby-sitter-turned stepmom on tape. Where is 5-year-old Haleigh?


911 OPERATOR: 911. What`s your emergency?

MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER: I just woke up and our back door was open, and I can`t find my daughter.

911 OPERATOR: Sir, let me talk to your wife. Let me get some information from her.




911 OPERATOR: Can I talk to her?



CUMMINGS: How the (DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole (DELETED)?

CROSLIN: He told me that if I didn`t take them tests that he wasn`t going to look for Haleigh. And that`s why I took them tests because I don`t want no one to stop looking for Haleigh.

GRACE: Ronald, what do you make of Misty flunking a polygraph?

CUMMINGS: I don`t know anything about her flunking a polygraph. I know what`s been said about it, but I`m not a polygrapher myself, so I didn`t see any results. I didn`t get the -- you know, I was told by the polygrapher who did the polygraph that it`s not judged in percentages.

CROSLIN: When I showed up there, they told me I was taking a polygraph. And I was, like, OK.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Did you at any point say, I don`t want to do this?



CROSLIN: Because I thought I was helping. I was trying to do everything I can to find Haleigh.

CUMMINGS: (INAUDIBLE) find my daughter.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. Do you think Misty holds some information that could help do that?

CUMMINGS: I don`t think Misty holds any information that`s going to find Haleigh.


GRACE: And tonight, a young Ohio mom makes a desperate 911 call when her 5-week-old baby boy goes missing, the baby later found dead, bagged and thrown in a dumpster like trash. Tonight in a bizarre twist, the alleged perp behind bars for murder. Motive? Motive? To conceal the crime of underage sex. The alleged perp`s ID -- well, tonight, let`s just call her Mommy. That`s right, Mommy accused of killing a 5-week-old baby to hide the fact the bio dad, the biological father, is a boy himself. P.S., Mommy`s pushing 30!



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That`s the voice of Asuncion Villa, who goes by Suzie (ph). Hamilton police say Monday just before noon, she called 911 and said her boyfriend had taken her newborn son the night before and hadn`t come back. Hamilton police started searching for 5-week-old Israel Santos.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Prosecutors allege she killed her 35-day-old son, crushing his skull, then dumping him in the garbage can behind her home. The motive? Investigators believe the baby was murdered to cover up the identity of the biological father, who is under 16 years old.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She had placed the child in a trash bag in a garbage can. The child was dead. She placed the child in a garbage can. It`s just something you can`t comprehend until you see it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The coroner determined the baby suffered a crushed skull, broken arm, and was underweight. Villa has pled not guilty to the charges.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, I was calling because last night, one of my ex-boyfriends came to pick up one of my sons. He said he was going to take him out to show him to his friends, and he hasn`t come back yet. This is last night.

911 OPERATOR: He has -- he has your son, you`re saying (INAUDIBLE)

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, he has my son and I haven`t seen him since last night.


GRACE: Oh, oh, oh! Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. After scores of police and volunteers go on foot, on horseback, combing dense foliage in a renewed search for 5-year-old Florida girl Haleigh, all her stepmommy has to say is she was tricked into flunking a polygraph. Tonight, the girlfriend-slash-baby-sitter-turned- stepmom, Misty Croslin, on tape. Let`s hear it.


CROSLIN: If they go out and look for the right person, maybe they -- they would be -- have the answers, but they`re trying to get all the answers from me that I don`t have.

GRACE: Now that you have been told, whether you accept it or not, that your wife has flunked a poly, have you asked her what happened? What does she tell you?

CUMMINGS: I asked her, but I don`t get any answers from her about, you know -- I don`t (INAUDIBLE) what she`s telling me is not inconsistent.

CROSLIN: He called the phone and said that, I`m going to take -- I`m going to take you to Orlando to get you away because your days are numbered. And I was, like, OK. I didn`t know what to say to him.

GRACE: What is her story about what happened that night?

CUMMINGS: The same thing that she`s telling police or whoever, that she went to bed -- she put Haleigh to bed, done some laundry and went to bed, and woke up to the door propped open.

911 OPERATOR: Tell him we got them coming. He needs to try to calm down a little bit, OK? The officers are going to come out there and do what they can. We can`t have him screaming and yelling at the officers whenever they get there, OK?

CUMMINGS: Give me my (DELETED) phone! I got better people to talk to than a (DELETED) (DELETED) that ain`t coming!

CROSLIN: I`ll try and do everything I can to find Haleigh. Anything for Haleigh, I`ll do.


GRACE: Straight out to T.J. Hart, news director WSKY 97.3 FM. It just gets more and more twisted and bizarre. Tell me -- we`re going to play it for the viewers in just a moment -- your interpretation. What`s your take on what Croslin had to say today?

T.J. HART, WSKY 97.3 FM (via telephone): Croslin actually kind of mixed herself up a little bit. On the tape, she said she was duped, and then she said she voluntarily took a tape -- took a polygraph, rather. This was after Tim Miller from TES asked if they wanted to get away for a couple of days to clear their heads out. She claims that once they went down to Orlando that she was surprised and she was told that she was going to take a polygraph. Then asked if she was going to submit to one, she said, yes, OK. So it`s another one of these inconsistencies and contradictions.

Also with this, they were talking about cell phones because Ron thought that his cell phone might be tapped and might -- and his GPS might give his location away and...

GRACE: Whoa! Wait a minute!


GRACE: Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Everybody, we`re talking your calls live. With a child missing, she claimed she`s duped, tricked into flunking a polygraph, and now the big concern is whether their phones are tapped.

Let`s unleash the lawyers. Jennifer Smetters out of Chicago, veteran defense attorney Raymond Giudice out of Atlanta, and Kathleen Mullin, renowned defense attorney out of New York.

Ray Giudice, why do they care if their phone is tapped? Listen, if the feds want to listen to me talk to my mom and my executive producer and talk about the twins` vaccinations and what they ate and whether they poopied that day, fine. You know what? I`d be mad if you didn`t! So what`s their beef if somebody`s listening to their cell phone?

RAYMOND GIUDICE, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Nancy, the story gets curiouser and curiouser as we go along. And I`m starting to look at the actions...

GRACE: That`s actually not...

GIUDICE: ... of the father...

GRACE: ... a word, but that`s not an issue...

GIUDICE: Thank you. That`s my job, is to make up words. But I`m starting to look at the father`s actions as being very inconsistent. You just asked him point-blank, Your wife failed a polygraph. Do you believe that change -- you know, your story has changed and she`s not telling the truth? And he look at you like a deer in headlights. That is just crazy, and it`s getting worse.

GRACE: Put Giudice up.

GIUDICE: I`m right here.

GRACE: I`m still waiting, Elizabeth. Still don`t see him. You push the button.

GIUDICE: I`m right here.

GRACE: OK. Ray, I asked you about why Misty Croslin is concerned her phone is tapped...

GIUDICE: They shouldn`t be.

GRACE: ... and you attacked Ronald Cummings.

GIUDICE: No, I`m saying in the context...

GRACE: Please try your best to keep...

GIUDICE: I will.

GRACE: ... in the middle of the road tonight, OK?

GIUDICE: OK. Listen...


GIUDICE: ... both of these people, including Misty in that comment, are off the reservation. They`re not helping their lawyers. They`re not helping themselves. And they shouldn`t have any concerns. That`s my point. In the picture, these people are arguing against their own best interests.

GRACE: Well, if that`s what you have to say, I`m not hiring you as my defense attorney!


GRACE: What about it, Mullin?

KATHLEEN MULLIN, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Listen, Nancy, I think there are a lot of reasons why they might not want to take their cell phones to be traced. When I come on your show, I get hate mail. So there`s a very good reason why these folks who are being accused of being involved...

GRACE: And let me ask you something...

MULLIN: ... in this disappearance might (INAUDIBLE)

GRACE: Do you really care? Do you really care, Kathleen...


GRACE: ... if some nutjob writes you, Oh, you`re a bad lawyer? Who cares!

MULLIN: Nancy, I don`t care, but if I were the 17-year-old stepmother who is the focus of this investigation, I might care. I might be in danger, and so might her father, the baby`s father.

GRACE: OK, hold on, everybody. We`re going to get to Jennifer Smetters and special guest Mark Nejame joining us right now. But I want you to hear it from her own mouth. Take a listen to what Misty Croslin, the last known person to see this child alive, had to say today, when the dust settled, about flunking a polygraph.


CROSLIN: He called the phone and said that, I`m going to take -- I`m going to take you to Orlando to get you away because your days are numbered. And I was, like, OK. I didn`t know what to say to him.

When I showed up there, they told me I was taking a polygraph. And I was, like, OK.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Did you at any point say, I don`t want to do this?



CROSLIN: Because I thought I was helping. I was trying to do everything I can to find Haleigh. Anything for Haleigh, I`ll do.

He told me that if I didn`t take them tests that he wasn`t going to look for Haleigh. And that`s why I took them tests because I don`t want no one to stop looking for Haleigh.

If they go out and look for the right person, maybe they -- they would be -- have the answers, but they`re trying to get all the answers from me that I don`t have.




CROSLIN: At 3:00 o`clock in the morning, I got up. And I got up because I had to use the bathroom. I seen the kitchen light on, and I walked in the kitchen and the back door`s wide open. And I go in her room, and she`s gone!

CUMMINGS: It had nothing to do with her, man. She can`t help that. She can`t help she was the last one to see her.

CROSLIN: She didn`t make no noise that night. I would have woke up if I heard any noise, and I didn`t hear anything at all. I mean, I was really exhausted that day, you know? I just wish they would have took me instead of her! What do they want with a little 5-year-old?

CUMMINGS: Could have been any one of -- any one of us and our children. Any one. Nobody knows where there`s a psycho or sicko. Nobody knows.

CROSLIN: She is scared of the dark. She did not go anywhere by herself.

I did take a polygraph. I mean, my understanding is that I passed it.

CUMMINGS: I want to let everyone know that I`m not hiding anything for anybody. And if somebody had something to do with it, so be it. Whoever it might be, that`s who -- that`s who it is. Let`s bring Haleigh home.

CROSLIN: He called the phone and said that, I`m going to take -- I`m going to take you to Orlando to get you away because your days are numbered. And I was, like, OK. I didn`t know what to say to him.

He told me that if I didn`t take them tests that he wasn`t going to look for Haleigh. And that`s why I took them tests because I don`t want no one to stop looking for Haleigh.

If they go out and look for the right person, maybe they -- they would be -- have the answers, but they`re trying to get all the answers from me that I don`t have.


GRACE: We are talking your calls live. Not only does Misty Croslin say she was tricked into flunking the polygraph, she also says -- she insists that she passed it. Well, last night, we had the polygrapher on with us, who says she flunked, it was a whopper, up to 99 percent deceptive.

Out to the lines. Judy, Ohio. Hi, Judy.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. Thanks for taking my call tonight.

GRACE: Yes, ma`am. Thank you for calling in. What`s your question, dear?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK, I`m curious, she`s changed her story now, the way I understand, that she vaguely remembers probably about four people being at the trailer that night. How does this now tie into her original story that she put Haleigh down at 8:00, she went to bed around 10:30, went to sleep and woke up at 3:00? I don`t understand how she will explain that.

GRACE: Well, Judy, you and me both! To Natisha Lance. They don`t fit together. Judy in Ohio is right. But what is it she`s now saying about up to four people being in the home that night?

NATISHA LANCE, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, Nancy, this goes to the last question that she was asked on that polygraph test, which was, Do you know who took Haleigh? And the response to that was deception. However, she only passed it by 42 percent. And the polygrapher seems to think that that is because there were several different people who were at the house that night, so she doesn`t know exactly which person is the one who may have made off with Haleigh.

GRACE: OK, Natisha, back it up for a moment. I don`t want to hear what the polygrapher thinks. I want to hear what she said. Now, we have a portion of a transcript from the polygraph testing and the voice stress testing. What did Misty Croslin say about up to four people being in the home the night Haleigh goes missing?

LANCE: She said that the details about it were foggy. She said there could have been up to four people there, but she wasn`t quite sure and she was foggy about the details.

GRACE: OK. Unleash the lawyers -- Mark Nejame, Orlando, Jennifer Smetters, Chicago, Giudice, Atlanta, Mullin, New York. Jennifer Smetters, as a former prosecutor, I always loved it when the suspect began changing the story. You know, if they don`t talk, fine. If they give a statement, it`s not incriminating, fine. But when you give stories that change, that`s a problem.

JENNIFER SMETTERS, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Absolutely. She is her own worst enemy right now. To have one version of the story right after this child is missing, and now to have a whole other version of the story after the polygraph was administered -- I find this highly suspicious. I think she...

GRACE: It`s a problem, Jennifer. It`s a problem.

SMETTERS: Absolutely.



SMETTERS: ... and nobody believes her.

GRACE: And joining me tonight, Mark Nejame. You all, I`m sure, are familiar with Mr. Nejame. He is the attorney for Tim Miller out of Texas Equusearch and a renowned attorney in his neck of the woods, Orlando. Mark, is it true that Ronald Cummings revealed to you or around you, in your presence, that he did not believe Croslin`s story?

MARK NEJAME, ATTORNEY FOR TIM MILLER, TEXAS EQUUSEARCH: I think that Mr. Cummings has made it pretty clear that he wants the focus on getting Haleigh back, and with that, he`s made it real clear that he didn`t give a -- a damn who that might impact. So he`s been real clear about that.

GRACE: Yes. He told me that last night in a live interview, taking calls. But did he reveal to you or to anyone in your knowledge that he does not buy Croslin`s story?

NEJAME: We had some discussions about it, but at this time, I`m really, really not wanting to get into what he specifically said.

GRACE: OK. OK. I understand. I understand. I want to hear more of what Misty Croslin had to say. We have her on tape. Take a listen.


CROSLIN: If I have something, she wants it. So if we buy something for me, we buy the same thing for her. Our shoes -- me and Haleigh have the same pair of shoes. She wanted me to have (INAUDIBLE) Jordans (ph) just like hers. So me and her are, like, pretty much -- we try to do everything together.

I just want everybody to know that I was home because I did pass my lie detector test saying that I was home.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They told you you passed?




CROSLIN: He called the phone and said that, I`m going to take -- I`m going to take you to Orlando to get you away because your days are numbered. And I was, like, OK. I didn`t know what to say to him.

He told me that if I didn`t take them tests that he wasn`t going to look for Haleigh. And that`s why I took them tests because I don`t want no one to stop looking for Haleigh.

If they go out and look for the right person, maybe they -- they would be -- have the answers, but they`re trying to get all the answers from me that I don`t have.


GRACE: Straight out to the lines. Sandy in Michigan. Hi, Sandy.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. How are you?

GRACE: I`m good, dear. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just want to tell you very quickly you`re a superior, lovely person. Thank you for all you do for everyone, and God bless you and your family and your twins.

GRACE: Sandy, thank you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My question is...

GRACE: Thank you for that. That`s -- I really appreciate that.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, you deserve it. My question is, and it may be a little bit late now, but is there a possibility that Misty could have been under the influence of drugs and alcohol that evening? And I ask this question because sometimes people have night jitters and they get up and walk in their sleep and they don`t recall, you know, any of that. And I`m wondering if that`s a possibility.

GRACE: But hold on. Before you let Sandy go, what`s the rest of the story? Say she is or was under the influence of drugs or alcohol. What does that -- what are you asking? What do you believe that had to do with Haleigh`s disappearance?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is that fogging her memory?

GRACE: I`m sorry. I can`t...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is that fogging...

GRACE: ... hear you. Repeat?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... her memory?

GRACE: Oh, is it clouding her memory? Well, the simple answer is yes, of course, there`s a possibility she was under the influence of drugs or alcohol. We don`t have any proof of it. She was not given a blood or urine test. But of course, it`s a possibility. But it would never be a defense. Voluntary use of drugs or alcohol, never a defense under the law. But as far as clouding her memory to where she can`t remember what happened, yes, it`s a possibility.

Let`s hear from Marc Klaas, founder of Klaas Kids Foundation. What do you make of her saying she was tricked, that she actually passed, and that, long story short, she`s afraid people are listening in on her phone conversations?

MARC KLAAS, KLAAS KIDS FOUNDATION: Well, I continue to maintain that the whole Tim Miller polygraph episode was...

GRACE: I got to ask you something.

KLAAS: ... should never have happened.

GRACE: Marc, I got to ask you something. Why are you more concerned about who should have given her a polygraph, as opposed to she flunked a polygraph the night the child goes missing?

KLAAS: Well, I`m getting to that. I mean, that`s just...

GRACE: Well, every night...


GRACE: Every time I ask you, you talk about Tim Miller. I don`t care if she was tricked into the poly. I care that she flunked the poly!

KLAAS: Nancy, until -- she`s really compromised herself at this point, and I agree that she should probably start listening to her lawyer. Until she takes the authorities to Haleigh, whatever that means, nothing she says can be believed or trusted.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Ronald and Misty Cummings say they hoped Tim Miller of Texas EquuSearch was going to help them find missing Haleigh Cummings, but instead they claimed he took them out of town and torched them.

MISTY CUMMINGS, RONALD CUMMING`S WIFE, LAST SEEN HALEIGH: He called the phone and said that I`m going to take -- I`m going to take you to Orlando to get you away because your days are numbered. And I was like, OK, I didn`t know what to say to him.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But Miller says he only offered to take them away from the stresses in Putnam County.

TIM MILLER, DIRECTOR, TEXAS EQUUSEARCH: I asked if they wanted to get away for a couple of days just to get away, let their heads clear out and stuff.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: When leaving Putnam County Misty Cummings says she and her husband could not bring their cell phones with them.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Who told you that?

M. CUMMINGS: Tim Miller.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And did you ask why?


MILLER: No. That`s false. Ronald was afraid to talk on the cell phone because he -- Ronald said that -- his phone was tapped, Misty`s phone was tapped, everybody`s phone was probably tapped.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Miller did purchase prepaid phones for them so they could reach him and family. While in Orlando for three days and two night, Miller says Misty Cummings wanted to take a polygraph test. Misty says she did not ask to take it.

M. CUMMINGS: (INAUDIBLE) to take a polygraph. (INAUDIBLE)

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Did you, at any point, said I don`t want to do this?



M. CUMMINGS: Because I was helping. I try and do everything I can to find Haleigh. Anything for Haleigh, I`ll do.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Misty Cummings says she later felt pressured by Miller to take a voice analysis test and undergo hypnosis.

M. CUMMINGS: He told me that if I didn`t take some testing, he wasn`t going to look for Haleigh. And that`s why I took those tests because I don`t want no one to stop looking for Haleigh.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But Miller says she begged him to take those tests and the hypnosis was her idea. Misty`s attorney feels Orlando based attorney, Mark Nejame, was behind the test and should not have been interfering with his client.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If there`s an ethical obligation that was there and it was possibly breached, it would have been on Mr. Nejame. Again, I wasn`t there, I can`t say that to be true but it -- that`s my understanding of what Misty and Ronald were saying.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: While investigators and these latest private tests indicates Misty is withholding vital information, Ronald stands by his wife.

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: My feelings are we need to find my daughter.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: OK. Do you think Misty holds some information that could help do that?

R. CUMMINGS: I don`t think that she holds any information that`s going to find Haleigh.

M. CUMMINGS: If they go out and look for the right person, maybe they would be -- have the answer, but they`re trying to get all the answers from me that I don`t have.


NANCY GRACE, HOST: We are taking your calls live. Out to Mark Nejame, the attorney for Tim Miller, who set up the polygraph.

I`m not clear why everyone is attacking Miller about this. And I think it`s perfectly within his rights because every investigation, Mr. Mark Nejame, starts close to home of the victim. You start there. You move out.

He`s perfectly within his rights to say, look, I`m spending my time, my labor, my money to help you find Haleigh, and I`m not going to start searching until you take a polygraph. There`s absolutely nothing wrong with Tim Miller saying that to Misty Croslin.

MARK NEJAME, ATTORNEY FOR TIM MILLER, TEXAS EQUUSEARCH: Without question, Nancy. They wanted the polygraph. And for anybody to suggest that he coerced them or tricked them, the voice stress and hypnosis were done in Satsuma at Ron`s family`s home. So they wanted it voluntarily done elsewhere for further test.

She wanted to clear her name and we can`t help what the results are. There is no trickery involved. This was an attempt to get to the bottom of it, she wanted it, she got it, but she didn`t like the answers, nothing we can do about that.

GRACE: To Ron Shindel, former NYPD deputy inspector. Ron, here`s the deal. People may not like it but there`s nothing wrong, even with trickery, under our Constitution.

There have been many cases where, for instance, you send out a notice to everybody that has jumped bail, and you say you`ve won a colored TV. All right? Come here to claim it. They come, they all show up, they round them up and thrown in the pokey.

There`s absolutely nothing wrong unless your constitutional rights are violated by the state, Tim Miller is not the state, with trickery. There`s nothing wrong with what he did.

RON SHINDEL, FMR. NYPD DEPUTY INSPECTOR: Nancy, I don`t see any trickery here. By the way, that bail trick is always one of my favorites. But I don`t see any trickery here.

I mean this is a private entity. What he`s trying to do is ascertain if possible clients and people he`s going to deal with are actually telling the truth. This is a good business case and a good business sense here by him.

GRACE: To Ellyn Gamberg, psychotherapist joining us out of New York. Ellyn, thank you for being with us. I repeatedly noticed that Misty Croslin refers to the child, Haleigh Cummings, as "that little girl." I don`t know. I`m befuddled by that. What does that say to you if anything? Maybe I`m making too much of it.

ELLYN GAMBERG, PSYCHOTHERAPIST: Nancy, when you talk about "that girl" that`s a detached statement. One that shows very little emotional connection. Almost one that has an anger to it as if you were scolding a child and referring to "that child."

GRACE: We are taking your calls live. To Julie in Kentucky, hi, Julie.


GRACE: What`s your question, dear?

JULIE: I just want to say that I watch your show every night and I love it.

GRACE: Thank you, Julie in Kentucky.

JULIE: My question is that I don`t understand why she has so many consistencies with her story. What in the world would possess him to marry her?

GRACE: Well..

JULIE: Is he trying to cover something for her? Is he trying to help her?

GRACE: Well, I can tell you this much. Many people think that if you marry then you can`t testify against each other, which is typically true, but in Florida, they have an exception to the husband-wife privilege. If a -- harm to a child is the criminal charge, there is no husband-wife privilege. So if that was your motivation, it failed miserably.

And I want to follow up on something. To Mark Nejame, in her story, at some point, she says up to four people were in the home that night. That`s an entirely new story. Who were the four people?

NEJAME: Can`t answer that. All that I know is that.

GRACE: Do you know -- you won`t answer or you don`t know?

NEJAME: No, I don`t know. I can tell you, though, if I could relate real quick back to what her lawyer has said. We were told with witnesses that she did not have a lawyer. So for her to now maintained that she had a lawyer, and we knew that she had a lawyer, absolutely untrue.

GRACE: Mr. Nejame, you are an expert in the law. Let`s bring in the other lawyers, as are all of you. Smetters, Giudice, Mullin.

It doesn`t matter -- and I`ll just only say this one more time. If he did trick her, because he`s not the state. He`s not the police, he`s not the prosecutor -- she was talking to a lay person, Ray Giudice, so it doesn`t matter.

The constitution does not protect you.

RAY GIUDICE, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: You`re absolutely right, Nancy.

GRACE: . from a lay person. You`re only protected from the power of the state.

GIUDICE: You`re absolutely right and Mr. Miller is well too counseled by Mr. Nejame to do anything illegal or trickery. We -- I would admit that. The only thing I would say, it`s interesting that these folks, Mr. Miller, and his staff may now wind up as fact witnesses in a prosecution if they actually heard statements that you were trying to ask about earlier.

GRACE: Well, I doubt pretty seriously that any of them are afraid to take the oath.

GIUDICE: I understand.

GRACE: And take the witness stand, so I don`t think that`s scaring them away.

To Gayle in Virginia, hi, Gayle.

GAYLE, CALLER FROM VIRGINIA: Hi, Nancy. How are you?

GRACE: I`m good, dear.

GAYLE: Please, please tell me under the grace of God that the little boy is in protective custody. The little boy Junior?

GRACE: Natisha Lance, where is Ronald Jr.?

NATISHA LANCE, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Now Ronald Jr. is still under the custody of Ronald Cummings, his father, and he has shared custody with Crystal Sheffield, the mother.

GRACE: Let`s go over what we know right now, T.J. Hart. We know that apparently police are close to an arrest. We know that Misty Croslin`s statements suggest that up to four people were in the home that evening.

T.J. Hart, do you have any idea who she claims these people were?

T.J. HART, PROGRAM & NEWS DIR., WSKY 97.3FM (via phone): I do have an audio tape that I received but I sent it on to LE. I`m not going to comment on it? I can tell you that the inconsistencies further abound. And this coming from Tim Miller today about Misty Cummings saying that she put Haleigh to bed that night at 8:00, went to sleep at 10:00.

Miller now says that Ronald is not buying her story. We heard that differently last night right here on the show. Miller is saying that, according to Ron, she had never slept in that bed that night. That bed was still made. Nobody has been in that bed. And now -- and she is also, speaking of that thing, no, I`ve been in that bed. It would have been made if someone was -- wait a minute, I was sleeping in there. But she wasn`t. And Ron is not buying the story according to Tim Miller.


M. CUMMINGS: He called on the phone and said that I`m going to take you to Orlando to get you away because your days are numbered. And I was like, OK, and I don`t know what to say to him.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: 26-year-old Asuncion Villa is charged with murder. Police were called into her apartment on (INAUDIBLE) Avenue Monday afternoon when she called 911 claiming her 5-week-old was missing.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: One of my ex-boyfriends came to pick up one of my sons. He said he was going to take him out to show him to some of his friends. And he hasn`t come back yet.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Now police saying that was a lie. As they investigated last night, Villa became a suspect in the disappearance. The police found the baby boy dead in a plastic bag, in a trashcan behind her apartment.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Cops say Villa later admitted to grabbing the baby by the face with both hands and shaking him. Villa has pled not guilty to all charges including aggravated murder and gross abuse of a corpse. Prosecutors say they will seek the death penalty.


GRACE: Straight to Jack Crumley, anchor, Newsradio 700 WLW. What happened?

JACK CRUMLEY, ANCHOR, 700 WLW RADIO (via phone): Hi, Nancy. Yes. Really horrible story out of Hamilton, Ohio. The mother, Asuncion Avila- Villa, reported to police that her baby was missing, a 5-week-old son. She said that an ex-boyfriend took him. When police showed up, they got the feeling that something wasn`t adding up, and eventually they found the child`s body in the garbage can near the apartment.

GRACE: To Matt Zarrell, what more can you tell me?

MATT ZARRELL, NANCY GRACE STAFFER, COVERING STORY: The baby suffered a skull fracture, a collapsed skull. Apparently the skull had been swooshed. The baby also had a broken arm and was a low weight. Only 9 pounds.

GRACE: Nine pounds. To Dr. Gerald Feigin, medical examiner, Camden County, joining us out of Philadelphia.

Dr. Feigin, thank you for being with us. Nine pounds at 5 weeks? What does that say to you?

DR. GERALD FEIGIN, M.D., MEDICAL EXAMINER FOR CAMDEN COUNTY: Well, you have to be careful. You have to see if the size of the parent, and there`s anemogram you can look where the child falls, above or below what percentile. But if the parents are small, the child can be small, too. So it`s hard to say without looking at the whole picture.

GRACE: Well, this is what I know. OK? Lucy was -- Lucy and John David were premature. Lucy was 2 pounds. John David was 5 pounds. And 9 pounds at five weeks doesn`t sound right to me. Of course that`s anecdotal.

Let me ask you this, Dr. Feigin, at five weeks, is the head of a child still soft?

FEIGIN: You have a spot called the fontanel but the thickness of the skull is minimal and it`s easily fractured with not a whole lot of force.

GRACE: So let me get this straight, Jack Crumley. He`s joining us from Newsradio 700 WLW.



GRACE: So the mom tried to direct police to who she says is the baby`s father, saying the dad came to visit the baby and took him and never came back. Then they find the baby dead, 5-week-old baby boy, and the motive behind the murder is what?

CRUMLEY: Well, that`s where the story took a turn. When word of the indictment got out, Miss Avila-Villa is now accused of killing the child to try and cover up her relationship with the little boy`s actually father who is an underage boy, somewhere in the age of between 13 and 16.

GRACE: So murder -- motive for murder is to conceal the crime of underage sex. The bio-dad is a child himself.

To Kristi in Illinois, hi, Kristi.

KRISTI, CALLER FROM ILLINOIS: Hi. I watch your show every night. You are a beautiful person and beautiful mother. I have a question about this lady. How did they find out that she was the one that killed the bay? Did somebody see her dump the body or was it the person that she actually sent them to that told them?

GRACE: OK. To Jack Crumley, how did they pin it on mommy?

CRUMLEY: They did question the ex-boyfriend who she claimed stole the child but eventually, as police were questioning her, she finally just admitted that the little boy was in a bouncy seat, had been crying for an extended period of time and she got very upset.

Police confiscated all the trash that was near the apartment. Took it back to the police station and they found it there after they obtained a search warrant.

GRACE: Let`s unleash the lawyers. Jennifer Smetters, Raymond Giudice, Kathleen Mullin.

Ray Giudice, what do you make of this motive for murder? In all my years of prosecuting, I`ve seen plenty of crimes on children. Women and children are typically the crime victims. But to cover up your own child molestation, sex with a little boy, a minor?

GIUDICE: It`s just heinous, Nancy. And in all candor, as we watch older men have sex with teenage and don`t get punished, it`s such an incredible overreaction and obviously the most overreaction anyone can do.

GRACE: You know you really hit the nail on the head. No punishment. One adult after the next.

GIUDICE: After another, right.

GRACE: Having underage sex with little boys, nothing happens. They get -- a slap on the wrist and off they march.

GIUDICE: Yes, that fear of hers is just not true. (INAUDIBLE) happens.

GRACE: Not just sick, Kathleen Mullen, I am sick. I always hate it, crimes on children, like everybody, I`m no different from everybody, but now that I have the twins, and they are so helpless, they are so relying on me all day, every day, all night, every night, except when I`m right here. And the one person they turn to to protect them is mommy.

KATHLEEN MULLIN, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Nancy, as a lawyer who has represented the mother of a murdered child, they are horrifying cases no matter where you sit in that courtroom, be you the judge, be you the juror, be you anyone else in that courtroom. They`re horrifying cases.

But, Nancy, the overreaction here is on the part of the prosecutor`s office. There isn`t one shred of.

GRACE: Whoa, whoa, whoa, wait.

MULLIN: . evidence to support that motive.

GRACE: Put her -- put her on the screen. Oh really?

MULLIN: There isn`t one shred.

GRACE: Hold on. Hold on just a moment. Before I go to Smetters, Matt Zarrell, isn`t it true that she was seeking public assistance? They would have to name the bio-dad?

ZARRELL: Yes, exactly. The only way she was going to get government funding.

GRACE: You know I asked you earlier, what more could you tell me, and you didn`t tell me this.

ZARRELL: Well, apparently, she needed to get government funding. The only way she could do that is identify the paternity -- identify who the father was and then may seek custody from this father. Now they haven`t officially determined that this boy is the father.

GRACE: They could seek custody from the father?

ZARRELL: They could.


GRACE: You mean child support?

ZARRELL: Yes, child support. I`m sorry. Yes. They could seek child support

GRACE: Got it.

ZARRELL: Now apparently they haven`t officially determined that he is the father but they`re doing DNA testing right now.

GRACE: Everyone, we are taking your calls live. We`ll be back with the shrink, Ellyn Gamberg, boy, do we need one, and Jennifer Smetters, Marc Klaas and Ron Shindel, and your phone calls.

The verdict is in. The iReport winner of our show`s "Number One Fan" contest tonight is Maryland friend, Paulie. She never misses a show. In fact her friends and family refused to interrupt. She`s even given up her dance lessons so she wouldn`t miss a single night. She`s not the only one watching at home. Her two.


Her two dogs never miss a show. We love your, oh yes, yes. She may need to take those dance lessons. We love our canine viewers. Congratulations, Paulie. You win a copy of our "New York Times" best- seller, "Eleventh Victim."

Oh friend, you have brightened my day. Thank you.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I was calling because last night, one of my ex- boyfriends came to pick up one of my sons. He said he was going to take him out to show him to some of his friends. And he hasn`t come back yet. This is last night.

911 OPERATOR: He has your son, you`re saying, with him?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. He has my son and I haven`t seen since last night.


GRACE: Marc Klaas from KlaasKids Foundation, what do you make of it?

MARC KLAAS, PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER, KLAASKIDS FOUNDATION: Well, you know, before Aileen Wuornos we didn`t even realize a woman could be psychopaths. Before Mary Kay Letourneau, we didn`t even realize that women could be pedophiles. Since then there`s been a whole bevy of gals that have demonstrated that through the use of their position or power they have molested young boys.

Then we get Melissa Huckaby, which almost marries the two together. It`s a psychopathic pedophile who murders somebody else`s child. And now we have this woman who murders her own child. This is an evolving trend that seems to be more animalistic than human.

GRACE: To Ellyn Gamberg, psychotherapist out of New York. Ellyn, what is the psychological profile of someone that crushes a child`s skull as opposed to a, quote, "soft kill," such as smothering him?

GAMBERG: Nancy, this woman is obviously psychopathic. And her profile was one of an angry, violent crime. And I`m not so sure that it was just to hide and -- the age of the father. I think there had to be a lot of other issues. This is not a stellar mom.

GRACE: Good thought.

GAMBERG: . who takes a child.

GRACE: What about it, Jennifer Smetters?

JENNIFER SMETTERS, FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY: Yes, I agree with the doctor 100 percent. I feel for the three other children that she has in her possession. What have these children have to go through knowing that mom is a sex offender? Knowing that she could kill a newborn baby? It`s very sad.

GRACE: Everyone, we`ll pick up the story, but let`s stop to remember Army Specialist Sean Mickey McDonald, 21, Rosemount, Minnesota, killed Iraq. Awarded the Bronze Star and Purple Heart. Dual citizen of U.S. and Netherlands. Chose to become an American soldier.

Dreamed of moving to Minnesota. Loved basketball, soccer, video games and iPod. Playing with his two nieces. Leaves behind parents Russell and Marlene, sister Jessica, grandfather Ronald.

Sean McDonald, American hero.

Thanks to our guests but especially to you for being with us. I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern and until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on September 03, 2009, 08:05:32 AM


Police Start Fresh in Missing Haleigh Case

Aired September 2, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old little girl tucked into bed. Five hours later, she`s gone, vanished, the back door propped wide open. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh.

Bombshell tonight. Florida police bring Haleigh`s dad, Ronald Cummings, in for intense questioning about phone calls, phone calls made in the hours leading up to the moment Haleigh goes missing. But why? Police already have new stepmom Misty Croslin`s phone records. What do they reveal?

In a stunning twist, police bring in a new team, starting from scratch in the search for Haleigh. Is there a break in the case? These phone records apparently reveal a crucial timeline, including a major argument just before Haleigh disappears. After searchers comb through dense foliage on foot, on horseback, all on a tip from new stepmother Misty Croslin, we know Croslin the last person to see Haleigh alive, flunks a polygraph with a score of 99 percent deceptive. Croslin says she was tricked, tricked into taking that polygraph. But she insists she passed. Well, that`s not what the polygrapher tells us.

Croslin also revealing she`s afraid her phone is tapped. But wait a minute! When a child is missing, who cares if your phone`s tapped? What is there to hide? We also learn Croslin`s bed made up, not slept in, the night Haleigh vanishes. Was she ever even home? Cops say evidence in the home contradicts her story.

And now reports say she flunked a voice stress test, changing her story, saying up to four people in the home the night Haleigh vanishes but calling it all a dream-like memory. Police insist Haleigh not kidnapped by a stranger. Girlfriend-baby-sitter-turned-stepmom caught on tape. We have the video. And exclusive tonight. For the first time since Croslin reportedly flunks that polygraph, Haleigh Cummings`s biological mother and her grandmother with us live, taking your calls. Where is 5-year-old Haleigh?


MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER/STEPMOTHER: They`ve been on me for six months. They haven`t left me alone for six months. I`ve been the one, the main focus. They just need to move on and look for the right person.

TIM MILLER, TEXAS EQUUSEARCH: Mark Nejame is a very respected attorney. And asked I Ronald -- Ronald, I need more information on this before I can consider representing anybody. And Ronald Cummings said, The (DELETED) had something to do with my daughter`s disappearance.

GRACE: What is her story about what happened that night?

CUMMINGS: The same thing that she`s telling police or whoever, that she put Haleigh to bed, done some laundry, went to bed, and woke up to the door propped open.

CROSLIN: I was sleeping in that bed. How would the bed be made if someone`s sleeping in the bed? I wasn`t the only one sleeping in it. But how would it -- me and his son. How would the bed be made if we were in the bed sleeping?

MILLER: He said that she never made the bed that night. She`d been awake all night. She never went to sleep. They did not have any laundry detergent, so she never washed clothes. The only clothes in the dryer were dirty clothes.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you think Misty holds some information that could help with that?

CUMMINGS: I don`t think Misty holds any information that`s going to find Haleigh.

MILLER: The question was asked, Why did you marry Misty? His words were, You keep your friends close and your enemies closer.


GRACE: And tonight live to Virginia, 18 and 19-year-old childhood sweethearts, sophomores studying engineering and biochemistry, active in Campus Crusade for Christ, gunned down in cold blood at a popular camping spot right near campus, their lives cut short in a hail of bullets. In a crime that leaves the entire campus in terror, who killed teenagers Heidi and David?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The bodies of two Virginia Tech students have been found at a Jefferson National Forest campground. That`s a popular hangout for students.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The sheriff`s office received a report of two bodies here in Caldwell Fields, and it was by a man walking his dog. When deputies arrived on the scene, found a male and a female deceased.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The sheriff says 19-year-old David Lee Metzler and 18-year-old Heidi Lynn Childs were shot to death.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s shocking. It`s disturbing. And just to summarize it in one word, it`s brutal.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Most troubling for those who knew and loved this couple, the questions surrounding their murders.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Anybody that`s seen anything suspicious at Craig`s (ph) Creek (ph) from Route 460 all the way to 311 in Montgomery County.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We will dedicate all of our resources and efforts to bring the person or persons involved in this to justice.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. The investigation into the disappearance of a 5-year-old Florida girl, Haleigh Cummings, heats up. After intense voluntary questioning of Ronald Cummings, the father, a new and disturbing timeline emerges. Is there a break in the case?


MILLER: I got a voice message from Ronald`s mother, I think on the 18th or 19th, that said, Tim, Misty won`t even talk to Ronald right now. She`s on secret phone calls and stuff. She`s ready to break.

CROSLIN: He called the phone and said that, I`m going to take you to Orlando to get you away because your days are numbered. He told me that if I didn`t take them tests, that he wasn`t going to look for Haleigh.

MILLER: Misty, I said, you know what? I`ve spent time with law enforcement and stuff, and I says, I believe that the day`s going to come when you are going to be arrested.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you feel that Misty is the key to this investigation?

CUMMINGS: No, I don`t. I think they`re barking up the wrong tree.



911 OPERATOR: Can I talk to her?



CUMMINGS: How the (DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole (DELETED)?

GRACE: Whether you accept it or not, that your wife has flunked a poly, have you asked her what happened?

CUMMINGS: I asked her, but I don`t get any answers from her about, you know -- I don`t see what she -- what she`s telling me is not inconsistent.

CROSLIN: If they go out and look for that person, maybe they -- they would be -- have the answers, but they`re trying to get all the answers from me that I don`t have.

MILLER: I`m willing to put this out. I mean, honesty is honesty. I mean, we all got skeletons.


GRACE: Straight out to T.J. Hart, program and news director WSKY, 97.3 FM. T.J., thank you for being with us. Ronald Cummings, the father of little Haleigh, agrees to go with police. He did this voluntarily. And he undergoes intense questioning -- this is just hours ago -- about a phone, a telephone timeline. Can you confirm that there was a horrible argument between Ronald Cummings and Misty Croslin, Misty alone at home with Haleigh, just before Haleigh goes missing?

T.J. HART, WSKY 97.3 FM (via telephone): According to his lawyers, they don`t want to get into the intricacies of the conversation, but they say they probably were not having cordial conversations, and they said that there was an argument, and that was pretty much an end of it. Have no idea about how it transpired or anything at this point. But there was indeed an argument.

GRACE: To Natisha Lance, our producer on the story. Police apparently bring Cummings in for questioning, intense questioning, about a telephone timeline leading up all the way to the time Haleigh goes missing. Now, we have reason to believe that they already have Misty Croslin`s cell phone and home phone records, all right? That`s relatively easy to get. The police just had to fill out a subpoena for that and send it to the phone company.

But what are they hoping to get from Ronald to, what, piece together what they were talking about during all these calls? What do you know, Natisha?

NATISHA LANCE, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, Nancy, what Ronald`s attorney is telling us today is that they met with the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, and in that meeting, they wanted to get all of Ronald`s phone records from about 5:00 PM the night before Haleigh went missing up until the time Haleigh was reported missing, about 3:00 o`clock in the morning.

Now, they did have his records at one time before, but they wanted to go through them piece by piece, each record, what calls were coming in, what calls were going out, even the text messages. Ronald was very happy to hand over this information to them. There`s apparently a new agent who is working on the case, and they are starting, quote, "from scratch."

GRACE: We are taking your calls live. And joining us tonight, also taking your calls, is the mother of missing Florida girl, 5-year-old Haleigh. Also with her, the grandmother, Haleigh`s grandmother. Crystal Sheffield, Marie Griffis, thank you for being with us.

First to you, Crystal Sheffield. This is Haleigh`s mother. Crystal, what do you make of the recent developments, the developments especially about Misty Croslin flunking a polygraph?

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH`S MOTHER: Well, I`ve thought all along that she had something to do with it, and now this kind of just proves it. I mean...

GRACE: But why do you think -- why do you say you`ve thought all along that?

SHEFFIELD: She was the last one to see our daughter, and her stories just don`t add up. Everything she says is crazy. I mean, it`s like the cops say, they`re inconsistent.

GRACE: Have you talked to Ronald about the inconsistencies?

SHEFFIELD: I`ve said something to him about her recently, and he pretty much was, like, What do you want me to do? So...

GRACE: What did you say to him? I mean, his response kind of -- to interpret it depends on what you said to him. What did you say to him?

SHEFFIELD: I told him what I -- how I felt about her test results, and I told him I really didn`t want to be around her anymore, like when I pick our son up. And he was just, like, What do you want me to do? So maybe we can talk about it and I...

GRACE: When you go to pick up your son and you see Misty, have you tried to speak to Misty Croslin about what happened that night?





SHEFFIELD: Because she was the last one to see our daughter, and I just -- I...

GRACE: I mean, if -- if somebody was the last person to be with my child, John David or Lucy, and police say they have the key to what happened, I would at least say, What happened?

SHEFFIELD: Well, I haven`t seen her since the results.


SHEFFIELD: But I did talk to her on the telephone, and she was telling me she had no problem with me and that she didn`t have anything to do with our daughter going missing, that she was at home and all this stuff that everybody`s saying is lies about her. That`s the only time I`ve talked to her.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Was the bed made?

CROSLIN: No. I was sleeping in that bed. How would the bed be made if someone`s sleeping in the bed? I wasn`t the only one sleeping in it. But how would it -- me and his son. How would the bed be made if we were in the bed sleeping?




911 OPERATOR: 911. What`s your emergency?

CROSLIN: I just woke up and our back door was open, and I can`t find my daughter.

911 OPERATOR: Can`t find what?

CROSLIN: My daughter.

911 OPERATOR: OK. What`s your address?


911 OPERATOR: What`s the numerical?

CROSLIN: The numerical? What`s that?

911 OPERATOR: The number. Green Lane?


911 OPERATOR: OK, when did you last see her?

CROSLIN: We just, like -- you know, it was about 10:00 o`clock. She was sleeping (INAUDIBLE)

911 OPERATOR: OK. How old is your daughter?

CROSLIN: She`s 5. Hello?

911 OPERATOR: OK. What was she last seen wearing?

CUMMINGS: (INAUDIBLE) the middle of the night.

911 OPERATOR: Ma`am?

CROSLIN: She was in her pajamas. We were sleeping.

911 OPERATOR: OK. All right. You said your back door was wide open?

CROSLIN: Yes, with a brick. Like, there was a brick (INAUDIBLE). Like, when I went to sleep, the door was not like that.

911 OPERATOR: OK, the back door...

CROSLIN: It was locked.

911 OPERATOR: Listen to me. Your back door was wide open. What are you talking about a brick?


911 OPERATOR: What is the brick?

CROSLIN: It`s on the (INAUDIBLE) on the stairs. Like (INAUDIBLE)

911 OPERATOR: And there was a brick laying there?

CROSLIN: Yes. It`s still there.


CUMMINGS: ... better come on!

911 OPERATOR: We got them coming. Tell him we got them coming.

CROSLIN: They`re coming.


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Joining us tonight exclusively since the stepmother of little Haleigh apparently flunks a polygraph, the child`s mother, Crystal Sheffield, and her mother, the grandmother, Marie Griffis, joining us out of Florida.

To Crystal Sheffield. You mentioned that Misty Croslin`s first polygraph, the one administered by police, was full of inconsistencies. How did you find that out?

SHEFFIELD: No, not the polygraph, just her stories. I know nothing about the polygraph from the police. I have not revealed that.

GRACE: OK. Why did you -- where did you learn that what she told police was full of inconsistencies?

SHEFFIELD: The -- it was on your show, actually. I think it was one of the investigators. He said that, We`ve known all along that her stories was full of inconsistencies.

GRACE: You made an accusation that Croslin was on a drug binge. Do you have any evidence to support that claim?

CROSLIN: No, I don`t.

GRACE: Then why did you say it?

CROSLIN: It was just a thought. I mean, maybe she was. Maybe she wasn`t.

GRACE: It was just a thought. So you have nothing to support the claim that she was on a drug binge around the time Haleigh goes missing?

CROSLIN: Well, there`s been people that have been questioned that said she was on a drug binge before Haleigh went missing.

GRACE: OK. Let`s go to calls. To Sharon in Alabama. Hi, Sharon.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. Thank you for taking my call.

GRACE: Thank you for calling. What`s your question, dear?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: When this case first started, you all showed a map of registered sex offenders in the area.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And I`m wondering if Misty may have had one of those as her guest on that night. And you know, she`s talking about she had four guests and it was foggy, so I assume there might be drugs and drinking going on. So I`m wondering if she had a registered sex offender in there and now she`s scared to death to tell anybody.

GRACE: Out to Natisha Lance. I know police questioned or looked up all of those sex offenders. I remember when they did it. But have there been accusations that have surfaced that she and was entertaining men in the home the night Haleigh goes missing?

LANCE: There have been accusations that she was entertaining some people in the home the night Haleigh was missing. We don`t know if they were male or female, but there have been those accusations. And yes, all the sex offenders in the area were questioned more than once. They canvassed that area over and over again.

GRACE: Out to Mike Brooks, former fed with the FBI. Mike, weigh in? What do you make of it, the fact -- in my mind, the fact that police are bringing in new blood -- not that there was anything wrong with the old team, they were excellent -- but new blood to put fresh eyes on it, and that they bring in Cummings, who, I would like to add, came voluntarily, where they grill him over his phone records -- Who were you calling, what were you talking about with Misty Croslin just before the child goes missing -- now we find out they have a major argument just before she goes missing to the point where Misty Croslin apparently cuts her cell phone off.

MIKE BROOKS, FORMER D.C. POLICE, HLN LAW ENFORCEMENT ANALYST: Well, Nancy, that`s a great point. And if you recall, back early on, I brought up what was in the police report, where he called her, My dumb "B" girlfriend." Now, as -- in reference to law enforcement, they had done this before and got some fresh eyes on the case. Sounds like they`re doing it again. I don`t have a problem with it. But still, you know, all these eyes looking at this, they`re still not coming up with one big thing, probable cause.




911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, let me talk to your wife. Let me get some information from her.




911 OPERATOR: Can I talk to her?



CUMMINGS: How the (DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole (DELETED)?

911 OPERATOR: Tell him we got them coming. He needs to try to calm down a little bit, OK? The officers are going to come out there and do what they can. We can`t have him screaming and yelling at the officers whenever they get there, OK?

CUMMINGS: Give me my (DELETED) phone! I got better people to talk to than a (DELETED) (DELETED) that ain`t coming!


CROSLIN: They`ve been on me for six months. They haven`t left me alone for six months. I`ve been the one, the main focus. They just need to move on and look for the right person.


GRACE: Out to the lines. Gina in Florida. Hi, Gina.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. The night that Haleigh went missing, the back door to the trailer was propped open with a brick. It`s possible Misty put the brick there so she could get back into the house after partying without waking up the children. So my question is, if Misty did go out that night, could someone who knew that the kids were left alone go back to the house and abduct Haleigh?

GRACE: I think that is entirely possible. But let`s analyze this, Dr. Patricia Saunders -- Saunders joining us from New York, clinical psychologist. Let`s think it through. Is Dr. Saunders with us? Liz, can you please put her up on the screen? Hi, Doctor. Doctor, if her only offense was that she went out that night -- she shouldn`t have gone out to party, shouldn`t have gone out on a date, whatever -- if that were her only offense, if that was the only problem, don`t you think she would have come clean to that by now?

PATRICIA SAUNDERS, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST: Absolutely, Nancy. No question about it. There are not only inconsistencies, but this is a person who maintains that she passed the voice stress test and the polygraph, even though experts have said no. That`s someone who`s willing to ignore and distort reality. So she is walking around in a dream-like state, as she says.

GRACE: Let`s unleash the lawyers -- Susan Moss, New York, Richard Herman, famed defense attorney out of New York, Kirby Clements (ph), former prosecutor turned defense attorney out of Atlanta. Richard Herman, what do you make of it?

RICHARD HERMAN, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Look, polygraphs are not the facts. So we`ve got to get that straight, Doctor. They`re not reality and they`re not the facts. They`re not accepted in court. So let`s move away from that.

GRACE: OK. Put Herman up, please.


GRACE: Richard...

HERMAN: Nancy, no one`s going to...

GRACE: Try, try, try to be truthful, all right? Just try. Have you ever -- and I already know the answer, so don`t try to waffle. Have you ever sent one of your clients for a polygraph?

HERMAN: Yes, I have.


HERMAN: I did it so that I could show it to...

GRACE: Because...

HERMAN: ... a prosecutor like you...

GRACE: ... you...

HERMAN: ... who I know would ignore it!

GRACE: ... believed it!

HERMAN: You would ignore it, Nancy!

GRACE: You believed it. So don`t jump up on this show and try to pretend they have no validity!



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Misty Cummings has said she put Haleigh to bed that February night and then later she went to sleep. Miller said Ronald does not buy that story.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Was the bed made?

MISTY CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S STEPMOM, LAST SEEN HALEIGH: No, I was sleeping in that bed. How would the bed be made if someone`s sleeping in the bed? I wasn`t the only one sleeping in it. But how would it -- me and his son. How would the bed be made if we were in the bed sleeping?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: Right beside me on my left is the bed where Misty Croslin was sleeping, and here on the right we have the bed where little Haleigh was sleeping. And you can see it is all but about 3 1/2 feet from each other. And this is right where Misty said she got up and she had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

M. CUMMINGS: When I went to sleep, she was there. And then when I woke up she was gone.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And you said that she never made the bed that night, she`d been awake all night, she never went to sleep, they did not have any laundry detergent, so she never washed clothes.

M. CUMMINGS: If they`d go out and look for the right person maybe they`d have the answers. But they`re trying to get all the answers from me that I don`t have.

TIM MILLER, DIRECTOR, TEXAS EQUUSEARCH: I`d love to get that little girl home. Ronald said if he had $35,000 he could get her home. Well, you know what? I`ve got five people that could go ahead and get $35,000 and we could put it in a special account tomorrow.

And when little Haleigh comes home, she can go ahead and give that $35,000 to somebody and we`re all full of (EXPLETIVE DELETED).


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Joining us tonight, Haleigh`s mother, Crystal Sheffield, and grandmother, Marie Griffis.

To you, Miss Griffis, thank you for being with us. You stated that at the very beginning you doubted Croslin`s story. Why?

MARIE GRIFFIS, GRANDMOTHER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: Because of the inconsistencies with the bed and who was sleeping in what bed. There were four different stories.

GRACE: What were the four stories?

GRIFFIS: Well, one minute all three of them were in the -- in the same bed. Then Haleigh was on a different bed. And it was just her and Butterbean. Then -- and Butterbean is Junior, by the way. Then he was in a totally different room other than her and Haleigh. And it just kept getting bigger and bigger.

GRACE: What, if anything, have you been told about her police polygraph?

GRIFFIS: That they were full of inconsistencies.

GRACE: Such as?

GRIFFIS: As her timeline. They can`t figure out whether she was or was not at home. If -- it`s one right after another. It`s all mind- boggling.

GRACE: To Crystal Sheffield, Haleigh`s mother. Crystal, recently she has suggested that the four people were in the home that evening. Have you heard that version?

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, MOM OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: No. The only thing I`ve heard was about the AC guy and her brother that stopped by. That`s the only people I know about. And she said they left, both of them.

GRACE: Back to T.J. Hart with WSKY. T.J., I want to focus specifically on what the cops are focusing on right now that we know of. And that is this phone timeline. They are focusing, honing in on a big argument that Ronald Cummings had with Misty Croslin just before the child goes missing.

So you`re telling me you have no idea what the argument was about, you know nothing about it?

T.J. HART, PROGRAM & NEWS DIR., WSKY 97.3FM, COVERING STORY (via phone): That`s according to his attorney. That`s for sure. He said there was a brief argument and that was the end of it. That`s Ron talking to his attorney.

GRACE: OK. Natisha, what do you know?

NATISHA LANCE, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, Nancy, according to Tim Miller, they were arguing about -- Misty had apparently been gone for several days prior to Haleigh going missing. She had just come back into the house. They had had arguments about possibly some -- her entertaining other people outside of their relationship.

And when she came back into the house that argument had carried over and carried over also into the day that Haleigh went missing.

GRACE: To Susan Moss, child advocate, family law attorney. Susan, how often have you seen when spouses argue, one takes it out on the child? Like the father and the mother argues just recently and the father throws the baby off a bridge. That just happened.

SUSAN MOSS, FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY & CHILD ADVOCATE: Absolutely. Unfortunately too often. Or another scenario is perhaps that she got in a fight and maybe she left. Or somehow the timeline is screwed up. I mean, she failed this poly. Oh, golly. I mean, come on. This is a surprise to no one.

This is a 16-year-old who has changed her stories multiple times. She didn`t call the cops until dad came home and literally forced her to call the cops. And also, this child was taken from a small trailer? How did she not know? It`s just surprising to me her nose hasn`t grown.

GRACE: To Kirby Clements. Kirby, you`re a veteran trial lawyer. You`ve been on both sides of the fence. You were a felony prosecutor. Now you`re a defense attorney. What do you make of the fact that Susan just brought up. She didn`t call the cops until Cummings gets home and says where the H is the baby? Then they call the cops.

KIRBY CLEMENTS, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, that is a problem, and I have to tell you that anytime your client.

GRACE: Boy, you sure are putting perfume on a pig? That`s a problem. That`s all you can say?

CLEMENTS: It is a problem.

GRACE: You have to sugarcoat that pill.

CLEMENTS: Well, you know, we have to find out what else is going on. I mean if I`m her lawyer, I`m focusing on the father, too. After all, you know.

GRACE: The father? You`re focusing on the father?

CLEMENTS: I would have to focus on the father. This story doesn`t make sense.

GRACE: The father wasn`t home when she went missing.

CLEMENTS: Well, you know what.

GRACE: So why focus on the father?

CLEMENTS: No one knows what time.

GRACE: That doesn`t even make sense.

CLEMENTS: The problem is nobody knows what time the child went missing. Everybody`s.

GRACE: We know when he went to work by all accounts.

CLEMENTS: Says who?

GRACE: Says Ronald Cummings and Misty Croslin and the child was seen that day at school up until that afternoon just before Cummings goes to work.

CLEMENTS: What time did the child end up missing? Nobody can answer that question. You all say that this poor -- this young 17-year-old girl, she`s lying, she`s.

GRACE: I`m not saying what time the child goes missing.

I want to go back to Crystal Sheffield. You bring up a great point, Kirby. Crystal Sheffield, you`re the mom. What time was Haleigh last seen by anybody other than Cummings and Croslin?

SHEFFIELD: The last time I seen her was.

GRACE: I didn`t ask when you saw her. Certainly, you as the biological mother know the facts of this case. So when was she last seen by someone other than the father and the stepmother?

SHEFFIELD: That I don`t know. I know that the last time Misty says she seen her was 8:00.

GRACE: You don`t know where she was that day? You haven`t found out?

SHEFFIELD: She was at school that day.

GRACE: Until what time?

SHEFFIELD: She gets off the bus about 3:00 something? It`s what I was told.

GRACE: She gets off the buss at 3:00 or she gets out of school at 3:00?

SHEFFIELD: She gets off the bus around 3:00. A little after 3:00.

GRACE: Do you know what time she would get out of school?



SHEFFIELD: I don`t live there. I don`t live there.

GRACE: You didn`t know what time your daughter got out of school?

SHEFFIELD: I`m assuming around 2:30. I don`t live there. I was never told those kind of things.

GRACE: To Dr. Marty Makary. You know, Dr. Marty, I`m starting to think this child never had a chance. She didn`t have a chance. She`s also got Turner syndrome. Could you just tell me what obstacles she would face with Turner syndrome if she were taken by an outsider that didn`t know how to treat her?

DR. MARTY MAKARY, PHYSICIAN, PROF. OF PUBLIC HEALTH, JOHNS HOPKINS: Well, in short, she had a lot of medical needs. This was a child who most likely had frequent coughs, the flu, sore throat, upper respiratory tract infections. This child we know had seen the doctor many times, had been hospitalized already at her young age, and we know this is a condition which affects the development of kids because they have a lot of medical needs.

GRACE: Out to the lines, Deann, Wisconsin. Hi, Deann.


GRACE: I`m good, dear, what`s your question?

DEANN: I`m just wondering, has her father taken a polygraph test?

GRACE: The father? The biodad?


GRACE: Absolutely. And to our knowledge he`s passed.

Kim in Ohio, what`s your question, dear?

KIM, CALLER FROM OHIO: Hi, Nancy. I just wanted to know why has she not been arrested if she flunked the poly?

GRACE: Well, because polygraphs, unless they`re agreed to up front, are not admissible in court. It`s not enough for probable cause. For all we know she could be lying about a tangential issue such as what she did earlier that evening. So they can`t pin a case on a flunked poly.

Very quickly, to tonight`s "Safety Tips." Protecting yourself from H1N1, swine flu. Includes fever, cough, sore throat, stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills, fatigue. If you have these symptoms, much like the flu, stay at home 24 hours. After the fever`s gone.

If you become severely ill, you must see the doctor immediately. Swine flu, contagious. Please cover your nose and mouth when you cough or sneeze. Wash your hands. Use Purell. Use alcohol-based hand sanitizers. Avoid contact with sick people.

Don`t touch your eyes, nose or mouth. Just don`t touch anything from here up, for Pete`s Sake. For more info -- please help us contain swine flue. Go to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. It`s at

ANNOUNCER: "Nancy Safety Tips," brought to you by.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Another sad day for the Virginia Tech community after two students were found killed in Montgomery County.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: 19-year-old David Lee Metzler and 18-year-old Heidi Lynn Childs were shot to death.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They are a young couple. The male subject was found in the vehicle and the female subject was found outside of the vehicle. Quite honestly, it`s brutal.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The campground where the bodies were found is about 15 miles from the tech campus.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`re all Hokies here, and it`s just a big family. So you know, yes, it hits deep with everybody.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Metzler was an industrial and systems engineering major. Professors call him a very fine young man who had a clear path for his professional future.

Childs` professors in biochemistry say she had excellent grades and was already emerging as a standout student.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Anybody that`s seen anything suspicious, anybody suspicious.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Virginia Tech`s president reaches out to the victims` families, saying no that the university administration and everyone within this community intensely feels this pain.


GRACE: Two shining stars. Now dark. An 18 and 19-year-old, both sophomores, both intensely involved in Campus Crusade for Christ. They both played the guitar in the praise band. Excellent grades. The world before them. Their lives cut short in a hail of bullets.

Who murdered these two beautiful teenagers? We want answers.

Straight out to Jim Nolan, reporter with the "Richmond Times- Dispatch." Jim, what happened?

JIM NOLAN, REPORTER, RICHMOND TIMES-DISPATCH, COVERING STORY (via phone): Well, Nancy, apparently, they went to Caldwell Fields, which is a popular hangout for Tech students, about 15 miles from campus in the Jefferson National Forest sometime in the evening.

Police believe that sometime between 8:30 at night on Wednesday and 8:00 a.m. the next morning they were shot and killed by unknown assailant or assailants. They don`t know yet whether there is one suspect or multiple suspects.

GRACE: Joining me right now, two very special guests, Dr. Keith Metzler. He is the father of David Metzler, one of the teens, and Sergeant Donald Childs, the father of Heidi Childs.

Gentlemen, thank you for being with us. To you, Dr. Metzler, please tell me about your son.

DR. KEITH METZLER, M.D., FATHER OF MURDER VICTIM, DAVID METZLER: David was just a laid back, just tender-hearted loving kid that liked to have fun. He deeply loved his friends and his family, and most of all he was deeply committed to Christ and wanted to share that with his friends and lead them to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

GRACE: Sergeant Childs, what can you tell me about your daughter?

SGT. DONALD CHILDS, FATHER OF MURDER VICTIM, HEIDI CHILDS, VIRGINIA STATE POLICE: She was a wonderful girl. Loved life. Full of life. She walked the walk and talked the talk. She had just a wonderful attitude about life in general, was always smiling.

She loved her family. She loved David. She loved school. But most of all, she loved the Lord and she was a living example of that.

GRACE: You know, gentlemen, I -- couldn`t understand. I thought I understood felony crimes, being a crime victim, until I had my children. And even now at just age 2, you pump so much love, so much nurturing, so many high hopes and dreams into them, for it to end in this manner. I want you to know our prayers are with you.

METZLER: Thank you.

CHILDS: Thank you, Nancy.

GRACE: To Richard Herman. Richard, you have defended so many murder cases. Do you believe that a reward will help?

RICHARD HERMAN, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Oh, I think a reward will absolutely help. Hasn`t this school suffered enough? I just cannot believe the torture that we read going on at Virginia Tech. These two young people got slaughtered like this.

I don`t know. Was this close-up? Was it a rifle? What was the caliber? What information do we have on this, Nancy?

GRACE: Right now not very much is being released, is it, Mike Brooks?

MIKE BROOKS, FMR. DC POLICE DETECTIVE SERVED ON FBI TERRORISM TASK FORCE: Not at all, Nancy. And that`s the whole thing. You know, we don`t know. Apparently one victim was inside the car, one outside the car.

They probably vacuumed it with a forensic vacuum to try to get any hairs, fibers, DNAs, any kind of fingerprint evidence. Taking a look at -- I know it`s not pleasant to talk about with both the gentlemen there, but angle of the bullet, all these things.

But it`s going to be very, very important in determining was there one perp in this, was there two? What exactly happened? We don`t know right now, Nancy.

GRACE: To the lines, Melissa in West Virginia. What`s your question, dear?

MELISSA, CALLER FROM WEST VIRGINIA: Yes. I would like to congratulate you on your twins. You are a wonderful mother. I have twins as well. So I know what a blessing that is. And my question is when was the couple last seen?

GRACE: Good question. To Jim Nolan, when were they last seen?

NOLAN: Well, the last contact, Nancy, that authorities are saying that they had was around 8:00 or 8:30 on Wednesday evening. And they`re not elaborating on how that contact took place. But the authorities have said that they believe that the couple was there alone, at least initially.

GRACE: Back to Sergeant Donald Childs, the father of Heidi Childs. What, if anything, are police telling you that you can share with us? I want the viewers to know what they can to help.

Everyone, the tip line, 540-382-2951. Sergeant?

CHILDS: We would appreciate, of course, any tips called into the line, anything at all. I would not want to jeopardize anything in this investigation at all. I can tell you that there is in the works a reward being organized. It`s too early at this time to tell you any of the details.


CHILDS: Other than there is a reward being generated for this.

GRACE: Dr. Metzler, what, if anything, can you share with us that police have shared with you to help the viewers? Do we know if it was one assailant, two? The time of the shooting? Have they placed the time of death?

METZLER: No, we really don`t have those kind of details.


METZLER: The only thing we know is that they`ve pulled out all the stops, so to speak, and they`re using all the resources available for this case.

GRACE: Dr. Metzler, how is your family?

METZLER: Well, we are obviously saddened and deeply hurt. The pain is awful. But we also have a wonderful hope and assurance that both of our kids are in heaven. They trusted Christ as their savior. And we feel a real peace for them.

GRACE: Heidi Childs, David Metzler have lost their lives. Tonight, we want questions, and as we go to break on a happy note, a very special happy birthday to Fayetteville, Georgia friend of the show, Aunt Ruth.

A loving wife of 54 years. Her family loves her for her big heart, always caring for others. She`s a proud mother, a grandmother of three, and she is so brave.

Happy birthday, Aunt Ruth.

And happy birthday to California friend, Lourdes. She works for the Burbank Unified School District, loves movies, reading, never misses a show. Biggest joy, her two girls. She`s a cancer survivor, so brave.

Happy birthday, Lourdes.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The bodies of two Virginia Tech students have been found at a Jefferson National Forest campground. That`s a popular hangout for students. The sheriff says 19-year-old David Lee Metzler and 18-year- old Heidi Lynn Childs were apparently shot to death.

The campground were the bodies were found is about 15 miles from the Tech campus.


GRACE: Out to Dr. Marty Makary. Dr. Makary, assuming the cause of death is by shooting, I`m hoping against hope that this was a quick and painless death. What can you tell us?

MAKARY: They`ll be looking at particulates of gunpowder at the actual entry site. They`ll be looking for the trajectory. They`ll be looking at autopsy for any bruising. And they`ll be able to tell whether or not there was a struggle. I suspect there will have not been any type of struggle.

GRACE: Back to Mike Brooks. Mike, what`s your analysis?

BROOKS: You know, Nancy, right now, with no good evidence that we`re hearing about, I`m sure maybe the sergeant knows a little bit more, but I don`t blame him for not saying anything. But right now it`s just what we`re doing right now.

GRACE: Right.

BROOKS: Getting it out into the public`s view. Because a lot of times, Nancy, as you know, a lot of times people think -- you know, don`t believe they see anything, but they really do.

GRACE: Sergeant Childs, how is your family tonight?

CHILDS: They are feeling the pain. Her sister`s very close, her two brothers very close to the sweet Heidi that she was. And we`re getting by. And the grace of God. The grace of God.

GRACE: Everyone, let`s stop and remember Army Sergeant Robert Carr, 22, Warren, Ohio, killed Iraq. On a second tour, lost his life just weeks before he was to return home and celebrate his first wedding anniversary.

He`s remembered for his big heart and the way he made other people smile. Loved sports, wrestling, football, dreamed of being an ultimate fighter. Leaves behind parents Christine and Jeff, sisters Jennifer, Julie, Rachel, brother Matthew, who also served Iraq and Afghanistan. Grieving widow Nina.

Robert Carr, American hero.

Thanks to our guests, but especially to you for inviting us into your home. And happy birthday to one of our show`s stars, Beth. The proud mother of 2-year-old Kaitlin.

Happy birthday, dear Beth.

Everyone, I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on September 06, 2009, 04:21:06 PM


Aired September 4, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET

<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>

GRACE: And to Satsuma, Florida. A 5-year-old little girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone, vanished, the back door propped wide open. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh.

Bombshell tonight. We confirm a major blow-out between Haleigh`s dad and stepmom just before Haleigh disappears, the call a part of phone records now in the hands of investigators, revealing a crucial timeline. Is it motive for murder? And tonight, we double confirm with polygraph experts new stepmom Misty Croslin failed her poly, quote, "miserably." We also hear while family and friends push Croslin to undergo hypnosis about the night Haleigh goes missing, she refuses.

Is there finally a break in the case? Croslin still says she was tricked into that poly, but says she passed. Well, that`s not what the polygrapher tells us. Croslin revealing she`s afraid her phone`s tapped. When a child is missing, who cares if your phone`s tapped? What is there for her to hide?

We also learn Croslin`s bed made up, not slept in the night Haleigh vanishes. Was she ever even in the home? Croslin changing her story, saying up to four people in the home the night Haleigh goes missing but calling it all a dream-like memory. Who were the people? Croslin caught on tape trying to explain the failed poly. We have the video.

And exclusive tonight, for the first time since Croslin reportedly flunks the poly, Haleigh Cummings`s grandmother with us live. Where is 5- year-old Haleigh?


MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER/STEPMOTHER: They haven`t left me alone for six months. I`ve been the one, the main focus. They just need to move on and look for the right person.

GRACE: Crystal, what do you make of the recent developments, the developments especially about Misty Croslin flunking a polygraph?

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH`S MOTHER: Well, I thought all along that she had something to do with it, and now this kind of just proves it. I mean, she`s the last one to see our daughter, and her stories just don`t add up.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Misty had apparently been gone for several days prior to Haleigh going missing. She had just come back into the house. They had had arguments about possibly her entertaining other people outside of their relationship.

911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, let me talk to your wife. Let me get some information from her.




911 OPERATOR: Can I talk to her?



CUMMINGS: How the (DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole (DELETED)?

GRACE: Now that you`ve been told, whether you accept it or not, that your wife has flunked a poly, have you asked her what happened?

CUMMINGS: I asked her, but I don`t get any answers from her about, you know -- I don`t see -- what she`s telling me is not inconsistent.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did you intentionally withhold any information regarding Haleigh`s disappearance? Her answer was no. She failed it miserably, with a 99 percent deception.

CROSLIN: They go out and look for the right person, maybe they would have the answers. But they`re trying to get all the answers from me that I don`t have.




UNIDENTIFIED 911 OPERATOR: 911. What`s your emergency?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just woke up and our back door was open and we can`t find our daughter.

MISTY CUMMINGS, RONALD CUMMING`S WIFE, LAST SEEN HALEIGH: I know I didn`t do anything to that little girl. I would never hurt her.

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, MOM OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: Everything she says is crazy. I mean, it`s like the cops say. They`re inconsistent.

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I don`t know anything about her flunking a polygraph. I know what`s been said about it, but I`m not a polygrapher myself. So I didn`t see any results. I didn`t get to -- you know, I was told by the polygrapher who did the polygraph that it`s not judged in percentages, that polygraph is either a failed or a pass, not in a percentage.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A recent polygraph, a voice analysis, and a hypnosis session indicated Misty Cummings knows more about what happened to her missing stepdaughter than she is saying. Her husband, Ronald Cummings, though, stands by her side.

R. CUMMINGS: My feelings are we need to find my daughter.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. Do you think Misty holds some information that could help do that?

R. CUMMINGS: I don`t think that she holds any information that`s going to find Haleigh.

SHEFFIELD: We`ve known all along that her stories was full of inconsistencies.

NANCY GRACE, HOST: You don`t know where she was that day? You haven`t found out?

SHEFFIELD: She was at school that day.

GRACE: Until what time?

SHEFFIELD: She gets of the bus about 3:00 something is what I was told.

GRACE: She gets off the bus at 3:00 or she gets out of school at 3:00?

SHEFFIELD: She gets of the bus around 3:00. A little after 3:00.

GRACE: Do you know what time she would get out of school?

SHEFFIELD: No. I don`t live there.


SHEFFIELD: I don`t live there.

GRACE: You didn`t know what time your daughter got out of school?

SHEFFIELD: I`m assuming around 2:30. I don`t live there. I was never told those kind of things.


GRACE: Straight out to T.J. Hart, program and news director with WSKY 97.3 FM. T.J., thank you for being with us. It`s my understanding that it is now confirmed that there was a major blowup between new stepmother Misty Croslin and the biodad, Ronald Cummings, just before the child goes missing. What can you tell me?

T.J. HART, PROGRAM & NEWS DIR., WSKY 97.3FM (via phone): I can tell you that there was indeed that big disagreement but it wasn`t over a weekend of partying. It was Misty wanting to baby-sit some other children but not certain just who those other children were.

Now, FDLE has not released the phone records, but highly credible sources close to the investigation and Tim Miller both tell me that Ronald had that argument over the phone with Misty while he was at work. Phone pings, et cetera, all point to this at around 8:30.

Misty`s phone is then turned off at that point until about 3:15 a.m. Those same sources say Ron tried several times during the night to call and text Misty to no avail. Tim Miller and -- said that Ronald told the same story to him in Attorney Mark Nejame`s office just a few weeks ago.

GRACE: OK. T.J., I hate to put you on the spot here, but are you married?

HART: Yes, I am.

GRACE: OK. So you want to tell me that you really buy the story that your wife is gone on a binge, absent, bye-bye, AWOL, for three days and that`s not what the fight was about? You really are telling me that with a straight face?

HART: I`m telling you with a straight face that that`s what my sources tell me. But as a man that would factor into any argument I probably.

GRACE: As a man? Forget that. As a person.

HART: As a spouse. As a spouse that would factor into any argument. It would accelerate it probably.

GRACE: You know I like the way you put that icing on the cake. It would factor into the argument. That`s a very nice way of putting it, T.J. Hart, joining us from WSKY.

I want to go to Terry Shoemaker, the attorney for bio father Ronald Cummings. I want to clear something up about the timeline. A lot of people want to know where was Ronald Cummings. Where was he at the time she went missing?

Terry, as best you can tell me -- Terry Shoemaker, attorney, joining me from Jacksonville, Florida. What time did he pick up -- Ronald pick up Haleigh from school, from the bus stop that day?

TERRY SHOEMAKER, ATTORNEY FOR RONALD CUMMINGS: Ronald picked up Haleigh at approximately 3:30. It just depends on.


SHOEMAKER: You know, in talking with him it would depend how fast the bus got there.

GRACE: All right. Got it.

SHOEMAKER: But right around 3:30.

GRACE: 3:30. Terry, how far away was his place of employment?

SHOEMAKER: On that particular evening he told me it took him exactly, based on what, you know, the records are 19 minutes for him to get to work that day.

GRACE: OK. When he picked her up at around 3:30, where did he take her?

SHOEMAKER: He took her home, which is less than a mile away from the bus stop.

GRACE: OK. And what time did he have to be at work?

SHOEMAKER: He didn`t really start work until 5:00. However, he would always get there, he said, approximately 30 minutes to 45 minutes earlier.


SHOEMAKER: Depending on when he left.

GRACE: So he`d get there 45 minutes beforehand. So he picks her up around 3:30, takes her home then drives 20 minutes to work. And we know he punched in on time at work. Yes/no?

SHOEMAKER: Yes, he did. Absolutely.

GRACE: OK. That is the alibi for Ronald Cummings. He was observed picking her up between 3:30 and 4:00. He dropped her off and was on time for work. If not 45 minutes early.

I want to go to a special guest joining us tonight. Teresa Neves. This is Haleigh`s paternal grandmother speaking out exclusively since the - - for the first time since it`s been uncovered that her daughter-in-law flunked, quote, "miserably," a polygraph.

Teresa, thank you for being with us again. Miss Neves, is it true that family and friends have encouraged Misty Croslin to go under hypnosis to help her remember anything about that night she may be even subconsciously suppressing?


GRACE: Who has asked her to go under hypnosis?

NEVES: I have spoke with her personally. I don`t know, actually. I know she had spoken with a friend of Ronald`s. But I don`t know of anyone else who has spoken with her -- you know, I don`t personally know that. But I did speak with her because I feel like if she knows something I don`t think she`s purposely hiding it.

I believe it`s something that she doesn`t remember, something in her subconscious, and whatever it is we want it known.

GRACE: Well, when they tried to.

NEVER: We want Haleigh to come home.

GRACE: Teresa, when they tried to get her to go under hypnosis before, she would not submit to it. She would not go along with it. Why?

NEVER: I do believe that she did her best. I believe there were a lot of people there. I believe there was a lot of pressure there. We were forced to stay away from the house. They would not let us anywhere near the house while this was going on. I know that -- they had several people there.

I really don`t know what happened during the hypnosis. I had hoped for a more successful outcome, but.

GRACE: Miss Neves, what do you make of her flunking the private poly?

NEVER: I don`t honestly know what to tell you about that, Miss Nancy. I know what I was told, you know. I know what she was told. It was something that we had hoped would help. It seemed like an awfully long time for her to be there.

I just -- you know, unless -- I don`t want to say anything that is wrong. And I don`t know what went on. You know? I wish I did.

GRACE: Let me go to Dan Sosnowski. He`s the president of the American Polygraph Association and he confirms for us this evening that Misty Croslin, the new stepmother`s polygraph, results are accurate. That she flunked, quote, "miserably."

How can you confirm that, sir?

DAN SOSNOWSKI, PRESIDENT, AMERICAN POLYGRAPH ASSOC.; CONFIRMS MISTY`S POLY IS ACCURATE (via phone): Well, good evening. What we do when a polygraph examination is administered, they must follow certain proper protocol that`s been taught in a basic polygraph school.

There are several different techniques that are taught. These techniques have been researched, have been validated. We know the accuracy rate somewhere could be 85 to 95 percent as long as the examiner is doing his job as he`s taught.

And just like for a doctor who sends an EKG somewhere else. Once he obtained that physiological data, he could send it to another doctor somewhere else in the world. Well, same thing with polygraphs. When we see the tracings, the physiological tracings of another examiner who`s trained and understands that technique.



GRACE: You either fail it or you pass it. Well, according to these reports, she flunked it.

R. CUMMINGS: Well, until I see more physical proof of what`s going on, Miss Nancy, there`s -- my concerns are still on keeping Haleigh`s face on the TV and being sure that she is found.

SHEFFIELD: I thought all along that she had something to do with it.

M. CUMMINGS: When I showed up there, they told me I was taking a polygraph. I was like, OK.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Did you at any point say I don`t want to do this?



M. CUMMINGS: Because I thought I was helping.


GRACE: Back to Susan Moss, family law attorney out of New York. Don`t you find it extremely coincidental that on the night, the very evening little Haleigh goes missing, allegedly snaps out of her own bed, there`s a major blowup between bio dad and new stepmom Misty Croslin.

And then during the time, at the exact time, when Haleigh is either murdered or kidnapped, Misty Croslin shuts off her cell phone and won`t answer the phone. Nobody can reach her for those hours.

SUSAN MOSS, FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY & CHILD ADVOCATE: Absolutely. It`s totally ridiculous. There is more to the story than we are being told. The fact that she, on the phone with the cop, she claims to be the child`s mother, there`s more going on here.

GRACE: John Burris?

JOHN BURRIS, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I would agree with that, too. I mean I`d be very suspicious about this telephone being cut off after this argument. When you look at facts like that, then you want to really know why don`t you tell us more about why your phone`s off?

GRACE: I agree, John, because when your husband is trying to reach you or your soon-to-be husband after a major blowup, and it coincidentally at the time the child goes missing? What about it, Penny Douglass Furr?

PENNY DOUGLASS FURR, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Why doesn`t she take another polygraph? If she`s saying there`s something wrong with that polygraph, she can take another polygraph.

GRACE: It will be her third. Why strike out totally? Why not just go down with two strikes? Why have your third strike and be called out?

DOUGLASS FURR: If she`s telling the truth and she`s nothing to hide, then she can go through this all over again with the person of her selection and then do it again if she`s not hiding anything.

GRACE: Mm-hmm. I think she`s probably too afraid to take another poly at this point. But very quickly, I want to tell you about a case out of North Carolina. Take a listen.

<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on September 09, 2009, 08:55:47 AM


Nancy Grace Investigates Haleigh Cummings Case

Aired September 7, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Tonight: A 5-year-old Florida girl tucked into bed. Five hours later, she`s gone, vanished, the back door propped wide open. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. Police say the last person to see Haleigh alive refuses to give straight answers about the night Haleigh goes missing and is unable to account for crucial hours surrounding the alleged kidnap.

In a stunning twist, investigators announce Haleigh was not -- repeat, was not -- kidnapped by a stranger. No stranger snuck into the home that night and snatched the little girl. Cops even reveal physical evidence at the scene contradicts Misty Croslin, the baby-sitter`s, story.

Bombshell tonight. Girlfriend-baby-sitter Misty Croslin flunks a private polygraph, flunks miserably. Not only that, reports she flunked a voice stress test, as well. Tonight, what happened to 5-year-old Florida girl Haleigh Cummings?


911 OPERATOR: 911. What`s your emergency?

MISTY CROSLIN, BABY-SITTER/STEPMOTHER: I just woke up and our back door was all open, and I can`t find my daughter.

911 OPERATOR: Can`t find what?

CROSLIN: Our daughter.

911 OPERATOR: OK. What`s your address?


911 OPERATOR: What`s the numerical?

CROSLIN: The numerical? What`s that?

911 OPERATOR: The number, (DELETED) Green Lane?


911 OPERATOR: OK. When did you last see her?

CROSLIN: We just, like -- you know, it was about 10:00 o`clock. We were -- she was sleeping. I did cleaning (ph).

911 OPERATOR: OK. How old is your daughter?

CROSLIN: She`s 5.

911 OPERATOR: OK, what was she last seen wearing?


911 OPERATOR: Ma`am?

CROSLIN: She was in her pajamas. We were sleeping.

911 OPERATOR: OK. All right. You said your back door was wide open?

CROSLIN: Yes. It was a brick -- like, there`s a brick on the floor. Like, when I went to sleep, the door was not like that.

911 OPERATOR: OK, the back door...


911 OPERATOR: Listen to me. Your back door was wide open. What are you talking about a brick?


911 OPERATOR: What? What is the brick?

CROSLIN: It`s on the back door, on the stairs. Like, we have a walkway.

911 OPERATOR: And there was a brick laying there?

CROSLIN: Yes. It`s still there.

CUMMINGS: Tell them they better come on! (INAUDIBLE)

CROSLIN: They are!

911 OPERATOR: We`ve got them coming. Tell him we`ve got them coming.

CROSLIN: They`re coming.

911 OPERATOR: OK, what`s the color of your house, ma`am?

CROSLIN: It`s blue.

911 OPERATOR: It`s blue? OK. What -- what does she look like? How tall is she? Give me some description of her.

CROSLIN: She has, like -- like, long hair, curly, like, curls...

911 OPERATOR: Long, curled -- what color?

CROSLIN: She`s white.

911 OPERATOR: OK, what color hair?

CROSLIN: She`s got brown hair.

911 OPERATOR: Brown hair?


911 OPERATOR: OK, how tall is she, about? Or how much does she weigh? Do you know that?


911 OPERATOR: About how tall or how much does she weigh?

CROSLIN: Like, four something, like, I don`t know, like -- she`s not that tall.


911 OPERATOR: OK, tell your husband we`ve got them coming, OK?


911 OPERATOR: How much does she weigh, do you know?


911 OPERATOR: How much does she weigh?

CROSLIN: Like, 40, 50 pounds, 60 pounds.

911 OPERATOR: Forty to sixty pounds?


911 OPERATOR: OK. Was your back door locked, do you know?

CROSLIN: Yes. The back door always stays locked.

CUMMINGS: We need somebody to get here now!

911 OPERATOR: OK, let me speak to him (INAUDIBLE)

CROSLIN: Yes, here. Here, here, here!

CUMMINGS: I just got home from work. My 5-year-old daughter is gone.


CUMMINGS: I need somebody to be here now, I`m telling you!

911 OPERATOR: Listen to me. Listen to me. We`ve got two officers...

CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before y`all do, I`m killing him. I don`t care.


CUMMINGS: I`ll spend the rest of my life in prison, I`m telling you. You can put it on recording, I don`t care.

911 OPERATOR: OK. It`s OK, sir. We`ve got them on the way. OK, can you give me any -- what kind of description of her pajamas that she was wearing?

CUMMINGS: I don`t (DELETED) know! I was at work!

911 OPERATOR: OK, sir. We`ve got them coming, OK?


911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, let me talk to your wife so I -- let me get some information from her.


911 OPERATOR: OK, can I talk to her?



911 OPERATOR: OK, listen to me. I need you to answer some questions. Does the door look like it was pried open?


911 OPERATOR: Does it look like you had -- does it look like you had some sort of someone try to enter into your house?

CROSLIN: Hold on.

911 OPERATOR: And another thing. Make sure you and your husband don`t touch the door anymore. Don`t mess with the door or anything.


CROSLIN: No, it doesn`t.

911 OPERATOR: It doesn`t look like it is?


911 OPERATOR: OK, now, listen, tell your husband...


911 OPERATOR: ... do not touch anything. Make sure (INAUDIBLE) because we`re going to try to get a K-9 out there, OK?

CROSLIN: OK. She said don`t touch anything because they`re bringing a K-9 out here.

911 OPERATOR: OK, listen to me. I`m getting this information. I`m not the officer driving out there, OK?


911 OPERATOR: They`re coming out there to handle that situation. I need to gather all our information from you over the phone.


911 OPERATOR: It has nothing to do with me driving out there. The officers are taking care of that, OK? They`re coming out there, OK?


911 OPERATOR: OK. I`m going to stay on the phone with you, OK...


911 OPERATOR: ... until they get there. All right. Hang on. Tell him we`ve got them coming. He needs to try to calm down a little bit, OK? The officers are going to come out there and do what they can. We can`t have him screaming and yelling at the officers whenever they get there, OK?


911 OPERATOR: Tell him we`ve got them coming. He needs to try to calm down a little bit, OK? The officers are going to come out there and do what they can. We can`t have him screaming and yelling at the officers whenever they get there, OK?

CUMMINGS: Give me my (DELETED) phone! I got better people to talk to than a (DELETED) (DELETED) that ain`t coming!

911 OPERATOR: What`s her date of birth?

CUMMINGS: You all are (DELETED) playing games! I`m going to (DELETED) kill somebody!

911 OPERATOR: OK. Tell him we understand. We need to get her date of birth.

CROSLIN: What`s her date of birth?

CUMMINGS: (DELETED) her birthday! We need to find her! (DELETED) her date of birth!


911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, let me talk to your wife. Let me get some information from her.




911 OPERATOR: Can I talk to her?



CUMMINGS: How the (DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole, (DELETED)!



GRACE: With me right now, the father of little Haleigh. Ronald Cummings is with us. Mr. Cummings, you and your family are in so many prayers across the country right now. Please tell us what happened when you got home from work that night. I believe it was around 3:00 AM.

CUMMINGS: Actually, it was about 3:25, 3:27.


CUMMINGS: And I pulled into the yard, and my girlfriend opened the front door. And I already knew something was wrong because she`s not up at this time. She told me -- I said, What are you doing up at this time? She said your back door`s wide open and your daughter`s gone.

GRACE: What is her description -- what scenario took place?

CUMMINGS: She got out of the bed and went to use the restroom and came back to find out that my daughter was not in bed with her.

GRACE: OK, what time...

CUMMINGS: And the back door was wide open and she was -- and she was gone.

GRACE: Ronald, what time did she put Haleigh to bed?

CUMMINGS: She puts them to bed every night at 8:00 o`clock.

GRACE: At 8:00 o`clock. When she put...


GRACE: When she put her to bed at 8:00 o`clock, did she also put to bed the little 4-year-old boy?

CUMMINGS: Yes, she did.

GRACE: OK. What time did she go to bed?

CUMMINGS: Approximately 10:30, 11:00.

GRACE: At 10:30, 11:00. At that time, was little Haleigh in the bed asleep with the brother?


GRACE: And they all slept together in the same bed, correct?


GRACE: So sometime between 11:00 PM and 3:30 AM, Haleigh goes missing. Now, did she call 911?

CUMMINGS: No, she did not, not until after I was there. She tried to call me, but I was pulling in the driveway. So I asked her how come she was trying to call me, she needed to call 911. So she immediately called them then.

GRACE: And where does the biological mother live, Ronald? Ronald, where does the mom live? OK. I think somehow -- I think I`ve lost his connection. Liz, see if you can bring Ronald back up. Ronald, where does the mother...

CUMMINGS: I got you. I got you.

GRACE: OK. Good. Everyone, Ronald Cummings is joining us there at the command center in Satsuma, Florida. Mr. Cummings, where does Haleigh`s mother live?

CUMMINGS: In Baker County, in Glen St. Mary.

GRACE: What is that, about 150 miles away?

CUMMINGS: I would say approximately 90 to 100.

GRACE: Have you and your girlfriend both taken a polygraph, right?

CUMMINGS: Yes, I have, passed it with flying colors. Yes, she has passed hers.

GRACE: And you volunteered to do that and you`ve been cooperating with police, right?

CUMMINGS: Yes. Why not? Why -- I don`t have anything to hide. I just want my daughter back. Anything that`s going to help them eliminate more people is the best thing.

GRACE: Exactly. Mr. Cummings, you said the door was propped open. Describe to me what you saw when you got home.

CUMMINGS: I came in the house and immediately checked all the bedrooms, the bathroom, everywhere, just to be sure. I walked to the back door. It was wide open. As I walked out the back door, the screen door was propped open with a cinderblock.

GRACE: Mr. Cummings, was the bedroom door open when they went to sleep?

CUMMINGS: Yes, it was.

GRACE: And what kind of a lock...

CUMMINGS: Yes, it was.

GRACE: OK. What kind of a lock do you have on your door, the one that was propped open with a cinderblock?

CUMMINGS: It`s just a little plastic lock on -- just a regular screen door plastic lock.

GRACE: Do you know where the cinderblock came from that was propping the door open?

CUMMINGS: Don`t have a clue. I don`t mess with none of that, so I don`t know. I very rarely am in the back yard at all unless I`m washing my car. So it could have came from around my shed. I`m renting. I don`t know if the previous renters had it or what, but I`ve never seen it, I don`t believe.

GRACE: So to your knowledge, you`ve never seen it?

CUMMINGS: Not that I believe. I mean, I may be mistaken and have seen it before, but I know it wasn`t where it`s at now.

GRACE: Mr. Cummings, about the back door, am I correct that you never -- you`ve rarely used the back door that was propped open?

CUMMINGS: Yes, you are correct. I`ve used it twice to pull a vacuum cleaner down the handicapped ramp and vacuum my car with it. And yes, I did relock the door when I came in. And I check to be sure that it is still locked every afternoon before I go to work.


GRACE: When we come back, the desperate search for 5-year-old Florida girl, Haleigh Cummings.


GRACE: Cops claim girlfriend-slash-baby-sitter Misty Croslin the key to the case of missing 5-year-old girl Haleigh Cummings. Investigators say she refuses to give straight answers and won`t account for crucial hours surrounding the girl`s disappearance.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Misty, how are you doing right now?

CROSLIN: Not good! I just want her to come home. I just want to find her!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I know you`re 17. I can`t even imagine at my age going through this.

CROSLIN: It`s horrible! It`s very horrible. Very.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I know at first, it seems like there`s been a lot of people that have been kind of, like, I don`t understand how this could be the situation, where you don`t hear her. Did you hear anything?

CROSLIN: I didn`t hear anything at all. Nothing. If I heard something, I would have got up and I wouldn`t have let them take her!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So what happened?

CROSLIN: OK. I put her to bed about, you know, 8:00 o`clock because that`s her bedtime. She had school. I put her to bed in her blanket and my blanket. My blanket was in the bed that they took. So we had a blanket hanging on the window and I had to wash that, and her blanket. Her blanket was -- she had peed on her blanket the night before, I guess, and I was going to put it on there, but it smelled like pee. So I washed the blanket and I gave her a little sheet to cover up with. And she fell asleep. And I come in there and put her blanket on her. And then I laid down.

And it was about -- I mean, I`m not positive what time. It was, like, 3:00. You know, it was -- I seen 3:00, 3:00 o`clock in the morning. I got up and -- I got up because I had to use the bathroom, but I didn`t make it to the bathroom. I seen the kitchen light on. And I walked in the kitchen, and the back door`s wide open. I mean, I didn`t notice about Haleigh then until I seen the back door open. And then I go in her room, and she`s gone! And that`s all I know, is when I woke up -- when I went to sleep she was there, and then when I woke up, she was gone.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I know you`ve been intensively questioned by police. What has that been like for you?

CROSLIN: It`s been hard, but I`m trying to do everything to find her. You know, I`m -- answer any questions I have to because I know I didn`t do anything to that little girl. I would never hurt her. I mean, they love me. They love -- I mean, they look at me like their mom, you know. You ask little Junior. He`ll tell you, you know. They talk lovely about me, and I`m so good to them kids, real good.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So you woke up, and that was it? You saw the door open? Did you leave the light on or...


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Somebody turned the light on?

CROSLIN: The lights had to get turned on because I know them lights - - you know, I was in the hallway where the back door is. The dryers are right there. I was washing clothes. And that back door was shut, you know? And I just wake up and it`s open.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Did you take a polygraph?

CROSLIN: I did. But I`m not supposed to talk about that. They told me not to talk about that.


CROSLIN: Yes, I did take a polygraph.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And you passed it?

CROSLIN: I mean, my understanding is that I passed it, you know?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What do you want people to know?

CROSLIN: I just want everyone to know that I didn`t do anything with that little girl! I love her like she`s my own, and I`ll do anything to get her back! And if people think that I had something to do with it -- if I had something to do with it, if I knew where she was, we wouldn`t be sitting here today. We would have her. And I don`t. I don`t know where she is.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She`s a sweet baby. I can tell.

CROSLIN: She is so sweet. She`s a smart little girl. She`s intelligent, you know? She`s a real good girl, a real good girl.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What is your heart -- you say you think of her like your daughter.

CROSLIN: Like my daughter.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What does your heart tell you right now?

CROSLIN: It just tells me I need to find her, you know? (INAUDIBLE) just find her.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You believe she`s still out there?

CROSLIN: Yes. I do believe she`s still out there. Someone has her or -- I mean, I don`t want to think of the bad, you know? I mean, it runs through my mind, but I don`t want to think of the bad.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What`s the deal with the brick? There was a brick that was propped up.

CROSLIN: There was a brick, like, a cinderblock, that was holding the screen door open. And that brick -- that door -- that screen door is always closed, you know? That brick -- I`d never seen the brick even around there. The cops said there was a whole bunch of bricks about 50 feet away, but I`ve never seen any bricks at all.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So somebody propped up the screen door with a brick?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. So bring her home.

CROSLIN: Exactly.


CROSLIN: We just want her to come home. That`s it. I just want her to be OK. And whoever has her, I just want them to bring her home!


CROSLIN: Just safe and...


CROSLIN: I just want her to come home safe. And I thank everybody out there that`s helping us, you know?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Are you a really sound sleeper?

CROSLIN: I mean, usually -- like, she usually -- Haleigh will wake up at nighttime. She gets cramps in her legs, you know, and I have to rub her legs to get the cramps out of her legs to get her back to sleep. And you know, she didn`t make no noise that night. I would have woke up if I heard any noise. I mean, I didn`t hear anything at all. I mean, I was really exhausted that day, you know? Really exhausted. And when I laid down, I guess, you know, I just was out.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Did she -- there`s no way she could have wandered off?

CROSLIN: No. She is scared of the dark. She would not go anywhere by herself. She would not. She would not go out of the house by herself.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So you think that something happened and you just didn`t hear it.

CROSLIN: Yes. I just didn`t hear it. And I wish I did because I wouldn`t have let no one take her!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Are you blaming yourself?

CROSLIN: I just know, like -- I feel, like, that, you know -- I wish that they would have took me instead of her, you know, because I could have fought. You know, she`s only 5. She can`t really do anything. And I just wish that they would have took me instead of her! What do they want with a little 5-year-old?

BREMNER: Anything else that you want to say, Misty?

911 OPERATOR: I just want her home. Anybody knows where she is, please bring her home safe. And that`s it. I just want her home!



GRACE: An exclusive tour inside the home where 5-year-old Florida girl Haleigh Cummings was reportedly snatched from her own bed.


GRACE: Marlaina, show me the girl`s room. That`s the first thing I want to see.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: OK, Nancy. Well, we`re standing right here. Right beside me on my left is the bed where Misty Croslin was sleeping. And here on the right, we have the bed where little Haleigh was sleeping. And you can see it is all but about three-and-a-half feet from each other.

And this is right where Misty said she got up and she had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Now, where I`m facing right now, Nancy, is a bathroom. It`s the master bathroom. Through the living room behind me is the other bathroom in the house. And you have to remember, she said that she -- when she got up to go to the bathroom, she saw that the kitchen light was on. The kitchen is over this way. So that means she would have had to have gotten up and gone out this door and then have noticed.

GRACE: OK, stop. Marlaina, are you telling me that she did not go to the bathroom, the baby-sitter did not go to the restroom, the master bathroom, she chose instead to go out the door, across the kitchen to another bathroom?

SCHIAVO: That is the assumption we are making. We asked Teresa, Haleigh`s grandmother, who`s standing with us. She wasn`t sure which bathroom she used. But if she saw the kitchen light on, she would have had to have used the other bathroom in the home, Nancy.

GRACE: Was the door open or shut, Ms. Neves? Because if the door was closed, that rules out her seeing the kitchen light. So was that bedroom door open when she realized the kitchen light was on?

TERESA NEVES, HALEIGH`S PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER: The bedroom door is always open.

GRACE: Marlaina, how big is that bedroom?

SCHIAVO: The bedroom is, I would say, about -- I would have to say 11 by 13.

GRACE: OK. Let`s go through the rest of the house -- 11 by 13. Thanks. Go ahead. Tell me what else you observed.

SCHIAVO: OK, so -- well, basically, Nancy, they kept saying that the door, the back door, which we`re about to go to, is about 16 feet from the bedroom. It`s a little bit more than that, actually. If I had to guess, it would probably be about 25.

But I`m going to show you the back door and show you how both doors close automatically, so -- and I`m also going to show you the lock because the lock is about three feet from the floor, and we know that that`s about as tall as Haleigh stands. So here`s the back door and here`s the lock. It sticks. So there you go. Now we open the back door, and here`s the back screen door, the one that was propped open with the cinderblock, OK?

Now, if you see, when it closes, it slams. It makes a loud noise. But if you leave this door, this slowly closes, as well. So it leaves a lot of questions as to what exactly -- how exactly did this person do this?


GRACE: Next, investigators say the last person to see Haleigh alive is the key to the case, but the baby-sitter-slash-girlfriend-turned-stepmom refuses to give straight answers.


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Five-year-old Florida girl, Haleigh Cummings, tucked into bed. Five hours later she`s gone. The back door propped wide open. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh.

Not only do investigators say the last person to see Haleigh alive can`t keep her story straight, but we learned the babysitter/girlfriend turned stepmom, Misty Croslin, flunks a polygraph. And it`s a whopper. 99 percent inaccurate.

Not only that, she allegedly flunks a voice stress test. More disheartening, she changes her story, now claiming up to four people in the home the night Haleigh goes missing. But calling it a dream-like memory.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: On Haleigh`s birthday Misty Croslin-Cummings hung posters on the house for her. And when asked about what she thought of the new attorney in Orlando and Tim Miller with EquuSearch helping in Haleigh`s case, she was positive.

MISTY CROSLIN-CUMMINGS, HALEIGH CUMMINGS` STEPMOM: I think they`re going to be able to put more stuff together.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Miller said she told him she wanted to clear her name, so he set up an independent polygraph. He says she failed it miserably.

TIM MILLER, TEXAS EQUUSEARCH: Did you intentionally withhold any information regarding Haleigh`s disappearance? Her answer was no. She failed it miserably with a 99 percent deception.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Miller says Croslin-Cummings wanted to do more, so she took a voice analysis test. She failed that, too. And he says she was uncooperative with a hypnotist. Miller gave the test information to the Putnam County Sheriff`s Office.

MAJ. GARY BOWLING, PUTNAM COUNTY SHERIFF`S DEPT.: It indicated that Misty was deception indicated is the official statement, which is no surprise to us. We`ve said along that -- all along that Misty has been inconsistent in her statements.

And I agree with the point that was made by Tim Miller`s investigator, which is that Misty`s consistency is inconsistency.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Misty signed a paper saying she had an attorney who did not want her to take the test but that she still wanted to take them. Misty`s attorney, Robert Fields, says she told him she was pressured to take the test and that if she did not Miller would not help search for Haleigh. Miller denies that.

Investigators say there`s nothing at this point to charge Misty Croslin- Cummings with regarding Haleigh`s disappearance.

BOWLING: You know, we think that Misty needs to tell us some things, you know, fill in some inconsistencies. But that`s about as far as we`re willing to go with that statement. But we`re going to stop just short of saying and therefore we have probable cause to make an arrest.

We don`t. If we had probable cause to make an arrest at this point, we probably would have.

GRACE: With us tonight, Ronald Cummings. This is little Haleigh`s father. He has never shied away from the camera and answering your questions. He apparently has nothing to hide.

And with him his attorney, Terry Shoemaker. Well-respected attorney. They`re joining us from Jacksonville, Florida.

Ronald, thank you for being with us again.


GRACE: Liz, please put Ronald on screen for me.

Ronald, what do you make of Misty flunking a polygraph?

R. CUMMINGS: I don`t know anything about her flunking a polygraph. I know what`s been said about it, but I`m not a polygrapher myself. So I didn`t see any results. I didn`t -- you know, I was told by the polygrapher who did the polygraph that it`s not judged in percentages, that the polygraph is either a failed or a pass, not in a percentages.

GRACE: Well, OK. Let`s take what you know, that you either fail it or you pass it. Well, according to these reports, she flunked it. I mean, royally flunked it. And that`s got to concern you.

R. CUMMINGS: Well, until I see more physical proof of what`s going on, Miss Nancy, there`s -- my concerns are still on keeping Haleigh`s face on the TV and being sure that she is found. And whoever has done this to her is put away.

GRACE: OK. Ronald, I understand that you want to keep Haleigh`s face out there. And we are doing that. But I know you, and I do not believe you are not concerned about a report that your wife flunked a polygraph. It would concern me.

TERRY SHOEMAKER, RONALD CUMMINGS` ATTORNEY: Nancy, if I might, you know, of course, Ronald is concerned about a lot of things going on right now, but I think the main thing he`s concerned about is making sure that Haleigh is found.

And you know, again, we`d like to thank you for keeping Haleigh in the spotlight and making sure everyone continues to look for her and helping us every way you possibly can. But now we`re more concerned with that aspect rather than whether or not Misty may or may not have done well on a polygraph.

GRACE: You know, Mr. Shoemaker, you have an excellent reputation. And what you just said does not make one ounce of sense. Of course you want her picture out there. Of course you want the help of the media. But for the last person known to have seen Haleigh alive to have reportedly flunked a polygraph, how you can suggest that is not a major concern.

You want to find her? You want to find Haleigh? Then find out why Misty reportedly flunked a polygraph.

Gentlemen, does that not make sense to you? Ronald Cummings, I would like to hear it from you.

R. CUMMINGS: Nancy, what you`re saying makes perfect sense to me. But why is law enforcement -- I`m not law enforcement. I can`t interfere with their investigation. I can`t do anything about a polygraph or.

GRACE: Well, what is she telling you, Ronald? What is she telling you? I mean, she took that police polygraph. I don`t believe she took -- she passed it the first time. I don`t believe she did. Now this one. Then there was that voice stress test. I mean, something is wrong with her story, Ronald.

R. CUMMINGS: I don`t know, Miss Nancy.

GRACE: Ronald, I know that your heart`s desire is to bring her home alive. I`ll never forget the first time I heard your 911 call. And I think that is exactly the way I would have reacted if I came home and the twins were gone. And I want to know what you want to tell the viewers tonight.

R. CUMMINGS: I want to tell them to keep Haleigh`s face out there, and if you have any information leading to her disappearance to call it in. It don`t matter who it hurts. And I want to let everyone know that I`m not hiding anything for anybody. And if somebody had something to do with it, let them fry. So be it. Whoever it might be. That`s who -- that`s who it is. Let`s bring Haleigh home.

GRACE: Ronald, why did police question Misty Croslin`s brother and sister- in-law? What was that all about? They kept them for hours.

R. CUMMINGS: Miss Nancy, I don`t have a clue what they questioned them about. I`m not allowed around them.

GRACE: That`s right. I understand. Ronald, what do you believe is being done now in the search for Haleigh? I know they just finished another search around your home, and they did that because your wife, Misty Croslin, directed them to a particular spot.

R. CUMMINGS: Well, I`m happy that they`re still searching. I hope that they find my child alive, obviously. But one way or another I want my daughter to come home.

GRACE: Ronald, you said.

R. CUMMINGS: I need some closure.

GRACE: You said that you don`t care who it hurts and that you`re not covering for anybody.

R. CUMMINGS: That`s right.

GRACE: OK. And I assume from knowing you that you mean that. So my question to you tonight is now that you have been told, whether you accept it or not, that your wife has flunked a poly, have you asked her what happened? What does she tell you?

I mean, I saw her on "The Today Show," and they asked her, why did you give two different stories? And she said, "I don`t know." That doesn`t make sense.

R. CUMMINGS: I asked her. But I don`t get any answers from her about, you know -- I don`t see -- what she`s telling me is not inconsistent.


R. CUMMINGS: So maybe what she.

GRACE: And what is it that she tells you? What is her story about what happened that night?

R. CUMMINGS: The same thing that she`s telling police, or whoever, that she went to bed -- she put Haleigh to bed, done some laundry, went to bed, and woke up to the door propped open.


GRACE: When we come back, the photos of Haleigh Cummings and her little brother with cuts and bruises prove the mom`s allegation abuse?


GRACE: Stunning photos surface of 5-year-old Florida girl Haleigh and her 4-year-old little brother with cuts, bruises on face, arms, legs. But do they prove the bio mom`s allegations of abuse?

We have the photos. The Cummings fire back, calling the claim garbage. Pointing out correctly that DFACS, Department of Family and Children Services, just at the home leaving empty-handed, no charges.

Both sides lawyer up. A custody battle over Haleigh`s little brother now brewing.


GRACE: Ronald Cummings, what do you make of the potential custody battle that you`re facing on top of everything else?

R. CUMMINGS: I think that it`s absolutely and utterly ridiculous. All it does is take the focus off of my daughter being gone and put the focus on oh, let`s see who can get custody.

GRACE: Now, let me ask you this, Ronald. Your wife -- your former wife, well, the mother of the children hasn`t had custody in how long?


GRACE: Sure. Go ahead, Miss Neves.

R. CUMMINGS: She`s not my former wife, Miss -- she`s not my former wife.

GRACE: Right.

NEVES: They were never married. So.

GRACE: Right. It`s the children`s mother.

R. CUMMINGS: Yes. August the 17th her second birthday is when I took physical custody of the children and I was granted custody of the children in December of `05. And I do have the court paperwork to prove it.

GRACE: Now, Ronald, they seem to suggest that the only reason the mother lost custody was because she missed some court dates. Is that true?

R. CUMMINGS: Absolutely not. She missed her first court date. The judge gave her wah-wah story another try. She showed up, lawyered up, and the truth is I was a better parent. Still am. Better provider.

GRACE: Where is Junior tonight, your son?

R. CUMMINGS: Do I have to answer that question?

GRACE: I mean, who`s got him? Who`s taking care of him?

R. CUMMINGS: My grandmother.

GRACE: Miss Neves, I understand you all have been living in tents outside -- or near the home. But you were forced to vacate the premises? Why?

NEVES: County ordinance is what reason they gave us. Every place we tried there was an ordinance against where we wanted to go. So it`s just a county ordinance.

GRACE: So I want to go back to the attorney for the mother, the biological mother, of little Haleigh now missing over a month, who is leveling abuse charges against the biological father, Ronald Cummings.

It was in his home from which the child was snatched in the middle of the night according to the girlfriend, now wife.

To Kim Picazio, the attorney for the mother, Crystal Sheffield. Miss Picazio, thank you for being with us. What exactly are the nature of the charges your client is leveling against the child`s father?

KIM PICAZIO, CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD`S ATTORNEY: That would be physical abuse of both children as well as an unfit home. We have also gone to DCF and explained all the facts that we`ve gotten from the community members who have come to us. We have checked and double-checked these facts.

We felt that it has risen to the level where we needed to go to the Department of Children and Families because we felt that the welfare of the child, Junior, who remains in the Cummings household, is in danger.

GRACE: Miss Picazio, what exactly is the nature of the alleged abuse you are claiming against Ronald Cummings on Haleigh and Junior, Ronald Jr.?

PICAZIO: Physical abuse. Child abuse.

GRACE: What? Spanking? Slapping? Beating? Locking in a closet? Burning with cigarettes? What? What are you alleging? What is the specific act that Ronald Cummings allegedly did?

PICAZIO: We have, again, gone to DCF and given the specific incidents of abuse. It would be hitting. Hitting in the face until bloodied. Hitting with sticks. Hitting with belts. I could go on and on. Throwing down stairs. Living in tents.

GRACE: Now -- OK. Hold on. Your client has not had custody and has had very little dealings with children ever since about 2005. Two judges on three occasions heard your client`s allegations. Never once during those times did she in a court of law when she had the chance tell a judge about physical abuse on the children. Why?

PICAZIO: Well, as you just heard from my client, there was not physical abuse witnessed by her during their relationship. And at the time of the hearing she was a very young girl.

She had been living in a household with Mr. Cummings, who regularly beat her. She had been given drugs by Mr. Cummings since she was a very little girl. She was alienated the entire relationship from her family. This person had turned her into someone who was controlled.

And at the court hearing, I`ve gone over it again and again with Miss Sheffield, she was sitting there with her attorney and facing Ronald Cummings, who would be gleaming at her. She felt scared. She was intimidated. And that`s essentially why she was -- she felt unable to defend herself. Out of fear.

GRACE: OK. All right.


GRACE: I get it. I get it. I just find it very unusual that at this juncture, when we`re in a search for little Haleigh, after all these years of living in the home she tells me on TV tonight that she never observed any abuse on the children, she`s waited until this time, when she has a framework in place to accept donations, that she`s now claiming abuse against the father. She had three opportunities to tell a judge, never told him.

And Miss Picazio, is it true that DFACS was at the home in the last month and found no substantiation to these claims? They have not moved forward on these claims?

PICAZIO: Well, first of all, I don`t know why this is so confusing. We just said.

GRACE: Well, because she`s just coming up with this now and she`s the one that lost custody.

PICAZIO: If you want to let me finish. She`s just coming up with it now because she`s just stated that it had never happened to her knowledge before now. And when.

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH CUMMINGS` MOTHER: Because I took care of the children.

PICAZIO: She took care of the children and the household.

SHEFFIELD: He had nothing to do with them.

PICAZIO: Hang on. And after little Haleigh went missing, we -- people came out of the woodwork to call me in my law office and to talk to people that were here with me in this town.


PICAZIO: And I`ve been here since Thursday.

GRACE: Well, you know.

PICAZIO: To give us rendition and personal.


GRACE: Miss Picazio, we only have a brief window for you to state your case. So you know if you could get to the point, I would appreciate that. Isn`t it true that your client has a record for filing false reports to police? Didn`t she accuse a co-worker once of stealing her car and then admit it was just a big fat lie?

PICAZIO: No, I don`t think she admitted it was a big fat lie. I think that situation.

GRACE: I believe police asked her.

PICAZIO: . has nothing to do with this case.

GRACE: Well, the fact that she`s already lied to police on one occasion, and if you read the police report and a supplemental report, it states that police said, look, did they really steal your car? And she said no. That`s charging somebody with a felony.

SHEFFIELD: Can I say something?


GRACE: I mean, that`s very disturbing.

PICAZIO: Are we.

GRACE: Miss Picazio, is there any other reason that we know of she lost custody originally?

PICAZIO: No. I think that -- you know the doctor`s appointments were mentioned and she did not have a driver`s license, not permitted to get a driver`s license, and Ronald kept her from doing that. And as soon as she left the home that`s when she got the driver`s license. However, she was unable to drive the children because she didn`t have a license.

GRACE: OK. Now that`s an interesting point because I thought the reason she didn`t visit the children more often is because she didn`t have a driver`s license. But you`re telling me she got a license immediately upon leaving the home?

PICAZIO: It wasn`t immediately. I don`t know the exact time period.

SHEFFIELD: I was 20 when I got my license.

PICAZIO: 20 years old.




R. CUMMINGS: Came home this morning to find out that I didn`t have a child. That somebody stole my child. It`s not like a bicycle or a car. Somebody stole my child from me.

SHEFFIELD: I just want whoever`s got her to bring her home. That`s all I want is my baby home.

R. CUMMINGS: Gave me a hug and a kiss, hold on to me, told me she loved me and she`s see me when I got home.

NEVES: She`s a daddy`s girl.

R. CUMMINGS: And she wasn`t there when I got home.

NEVES: She`s the most precious thing in our life. We want her to come home.

R. CUMMINGS: Please, Haleigh, know that I love you. I love you very much. We will find you. God will bring you home.

SHEFFIELD: Haleigh, if you`re out there, mommy loves you and your daddy loves you. We miss you and we`ll be right here. Please, whoever has her, bring her home. Please. We need her. We both need her. Please just bring her back.

I love you and your daddy loves you. We all love you. Please just bring her home.


GRACE: On this Labor Day, let`s stop and remember Retired Army Major, Ed Freeman, 80, Boise, Idaho. A Vietnam, World War II and Korea veteran. A helicopter pilot during Vietnam, flew unarmed under heavy fire to supply troops and rescued dozens of wounded soldiers.

The mission earned him the Distinguished Flying Cross. And in his later years, the Congressional Medal of Honor, the country`s highest military award.

He was also inducted to the Pentagon`s Hall of Heroes. Served 20 years with the Department of the Interior. Leaves behind grieving window, Barbara, sons, Mike and Doug, four grandchildren, three great- grandchildren.

Ed Freeman, American hero.

Thank you for being with us for this special "Nancy Grace Investigates." I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on September 09, 2009, 09:02:16 AM


Missing Florida 5-Year-Old Spotted in Massachusetts Wal-Mart

Aired September 8, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight. To Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old little girl tucked into bed. Five hours later, she`s gone, vanished, the back door propped wide open. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh.

Bombshell tonight. To Abington, Massachusetts. In the last 72 hours, a credible sighting of 5-year-old Haleigh at a local Wal-Mart in a shopping cart with an adult pushing the cart. Florida police head north to Massachusetts for hours of questioning the brother, the brother of baby- sitter-turned-stepmom Misty Croslin, this the same brother who lives in the area of this sighting, also the brother in town when Haleigh goes missing. Phone records confirm multiple calls between Croslin and the brother when Haleigh disappears.

And major blow-out between Haleigh`s dad, Ronald Cummings, and Misty Croslin just before Haleigh disappears. It`s backed up by phone records. But is it motive for murder? And tonight: After new stepmom Misty Croslin fails the poly, family and friends push her to undergo hypnosis about the night Haleigh goes missing. Croslin refuses.

We also learn her bed not slept in the night Haleigh vanishes. Was she ever even in the home? Croslin changing her story, now saying up to four people in the home that night, but calls it a dream-like memory. Croslin caught on tape trying to explain the failed poly. We have the video.



911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, let me talk to your wife so I can get some information from here.




911 OPERATOR: Can I talk to her?



CUMMINGS: How the (DELETED) could you let my daughter get stole (DELETED)



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Breaking news in the case of missing 5-year-old Florida girl Haleigh Cummings, who disappeared from her own home in the middle of the night. Has there been a sighting of little Haleigh at a Wal- Mart in Massachusetts?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Some anonymous tips were given by phone to some media outlets in the Cape Cod and Boston area Saturday. Some of those calls indicated there was a possible sighting of a girl matching the description of Haleigh at a Wal-Mart store in Abington, Massachusetts.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Haleigh`s grandmother, Teresa Neves, also said that she was told she was seen with an adult. She was seen in a shopping cart, shopping with an adult. She didn`t say if it was a male or a female.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Meanwhile, Florida authorities have confirmed they are in Massachusetts conducting interviews in the case. Among those interviews is reportedly Misty Croslin`s brother, Timothy Croslin.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Timothy and his wife moved up there a couple months ago for economic reasons. And maybe there was something that has come out in some other line of questioning that has led them to make contact with him.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Authorities have continued to speak to Misty. She is the last person who has seen her. They just know that there are some missing pieces from that puzzle the night that Haleigh went missing, and they think that Misty`s the only person who can fill them in.

MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER/STEPMOTHER: They haven`t left me alone for six months. I`ve been the one, the main focus. They just need to move on and look for the right person.


GRACE: And breaking news in the search for 2-year-old Florida girl. Six months of searching culminates when skeletal remains found in a heavily wooded area 15 houses from the Anthony home confirmed to be Caylee. A utility meter reader stumbles on a tiny human skeleton, including a skull covered in light-colored hair, the killer duct-taping and placing a heart- shaped sticker directly over the mouth, then triple-bagging little Caylee like she`s trash.

Just in, what tot mom says behind closed doors when she bonds out of jail so damning, the defense fights tooth and nail to keep it out of court. They failed. Tonight, we have the audio, tot mom`s face-off with grandfather George when he angrily presses her for the truth in the middle of the night, tot mom obsessed about her celebrity, what to wear, selling autographs, appearing on the Howard Stern show, and of course, money.

In another twist, tot mom openly volunteering info about chloroform, the powerful knockout drug used, we believe, in the murder of little Caylee. And this is before it`s found in tot mom`s trunk along with traces of human decomposition. And tonight, torpedo to the defense. Duct tape wrapped around Caylee`s head matching duct tape inside the Anthony home so rare, it accounts for less than 1 percent of duct tape sales in North America. And of all the people the FBI asked to take polys, the only three to refuse, George, Cindy, and Lee Anthony.


TRACY MCLAUGHLIN, CASEY`S BODYGUARD: The first morning I was there, I woke up to George -- I couldn`t really hear Casey, but I woke up to, Quit your (DELETED) lying! I mean, screaming. They could have heard it across the street, Don`t (DELETED) lie to me! I`m not putting up with your (DELETED)! Don`t do that -- you know, he`s screaming at her. She`s going, No, no, you have to believe me. Don`t treat me like a scumbag cop!

This is before Leonard talked to her. You act like my father. Act like you`re my father instead of a cop. I`m not listening to your (DELETED). Quit (DELETED) lying! I mean, just boom, all over the house like that.



CINDY ANTHONY, CASEY`S MOTHER: I realize Casey lied, but bottom line is it still doesn`t change my beliefs that Caylee is not dead, that Caylee is alive and is out there.



LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: George had gotten upset, come in the room and said, I want to know what happened to my granddaughter. The response from Casey was, Quit acting like a (DELETED) cop and act like a father for once in your life.



CINDY ANTHONY: She did tell some lies. But again, he also -- a couple times, he actually cut her off when she did want to tell him things.



MCLAUGHLIN: George walks to his friend Jim`s -- because the door`s right next to mine. He said, I can`t do this. I`m not going to live this lie. I`m not going to do it.



CINDY ANTHONY: The way the system worked against Casey, I said, Now, George and I -- I said, I`m stopping. I said, I`m going to cooperate all I can, but I don`t have to take that polygraph.


PADILLA: Never once did I see her eyes turn red, shed a tear at any time. I saw more tears shed amongst my people that were there than her family and her all put together.


GRACE: And a beautiful young nurse, the mother of a little girl, vanishes, Philadelphia suburbs. Where is 29-year-old Toni Sharpless?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She spends her days helping others and caring for the sick as a nurse at Lancaster General Hospital, and now she`s missing, 29-year-old Toni Sharpless, last seen during a night out with friends, driving a black 2002 Pontiac Grand Prix. Her last known contacts, text messages with her 12-year-old, who was having trouble sleeping that night, and an argument in the car with one of her girlfriends. But since then, there`s been no sign of her car, no cell phone activity, no bank activity, and no sign of 29-year-old Toni Sharpless.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. In the last 72 hours, 20 miles north of Boston, a credible sighting of 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Has Haleigh Cummings been spotted at a Wal-Mart? According to reports, Haleigh was sighted on Saturday at a Wal-Mart just south of Boston. Whether surveillance video captured the alleged sighting remains unclear.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Haleigh, as you may remember, is described as about three feet tall now, with blond hair, brown eyes, and a peanut-shaped birthmark on her left cheek.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The investigation now shifts to Massachusetts as Putnam County authorities confirm they have traveled north to conduct interviews, one of those interviews reportedly Misty Croslin`s brother, Timothy Croslin.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The sergeant there on duty that day said, yes, in fact the Florida (SIC) County sheriff`s department is here interviewing a local family, and that`s really all I can say. And he referred all other questions to the district attorney`s office.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: According to Misty Croslin, authorities met with her brother over the weekend and reportedly asked for his phone records.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Authorities went up there. They say that they were questioning him with regard to phone records that they were investigating and that this sighting actually just came as a coincidence around the same time.


GRACE: Out to T.J. Hart with WSKY 97.3 FM. Tell me what was observed in the alleged sighting. Now, you know, you`ve got to take this sighting with a box of salt. But so far, it has not been disproved. What was seen?

T.J. HART, WSKY 97.3 FM: What was allegedly seen here is that the young girl was in a shopping cart being pushed by an adult. It`s not been determined yet, from what we`ve been able to find out, whether that adult was male or female.

GRACE: Now, do we know what time of the day or night? Was there surveillance video, T.J.? Come on, don`t make me pull teeth!

HART: Well, I`ve been pulling teeth all afternoon trying to get the information. I`ve not been able to get any kind of tapes or records from Wal-Mart locally, in the Abington Wal-Mart, with our phone calls and persistence, and also up at the corporate level, as well. They asked for our deadline. They did not meet our deadline in getting the information back to us right before we went on the air. So we have no pictures at this point in time, but it`s being pursued.

GRACE: To Art Harris, investigative journalist who`s been on the story from the get-go. Art, come on. The FBI, they go to Target and Wal- Mart to try to get their surveillance techniques, all right? I mean, have you seen the surveillance at Target and Wal-Mart? I mean, it rivals NASA. It`s incredible. And every square inch of the place is covered. So Art, don`t try to shoplift at Wal-Mart or Target.

Bottom line, tell me, do you believe there`s going to be surveillance video of this?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER: You know, they are combing it, Nancy. And it should be there, and it just takes a while to go over it frame by frame. You don`t know what angle it`s shot at. You know, a lot of little girls look the same from the back, the side. And so this is something that they obviously don`t want to talk about until they have something solid.

GRACE: Oh, Art, you know, granted, you don`t have little girls, but you have little boys who are now big boys, and I don`t think they necessarily look the same from the side or the back. I believe I would recognize Lucy`s little head of curls from the side or the back, and I would not mistake it for anybody else.

HARRIS: If they had it, they would have shown it to the family by now. I know I talked to Misty`s lawyer today, Robert Fields. She is very excited that this could be something happy to report.

GRACE: OK, I want to go to Marlaina Schiavo, who`s been on the story, our producer, from the beginning. Marlaina, right around the time of this sighting, we learned police in Florida hot-foot it to Massachusetts and began hours of questioning of the girlfriend-turned-new-stepmom, Misty Croslin`s, brother. This is the same brother that was there in Satsuma when Haleigh went missing. This is the same brother that we`ve confirmed a lot of phone calls between Croslin and her brother around the time Haleigh goes missing. And also, he lives in the area of this alleged sighting. What do we know about this brother?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: What we know, Nancy, is that there are a series of phone calls between Misty and her brother Timmy, the same brother that lives in Massachusetts. This is what led police to question him for half a day over the weekend on Saturday regarding things that were said to him by Misty the night Haleigh went missing.


CROSLIN: If they go out and look for the right person, maybe they would have the answers, but they`re trying to get all the answers from me that I don`t have.




CROSLIN: Three o`clock in the morning, I got up. And I got up because I had to use the bathroom. I seen the kitchen light on, and I walked in the kitchen and the back door`s wide open. And then I go in her room and she`s gone!

CUMMINGS: It had nothing to do with her, man. She can`t help that. She can`t help she was the last one to see her.

CROSLIN: She didn`t make no noise that night. I would have woke up if I heard any noise. I mean, I didn`t hear anything at all. I mean, I was really exhausted that day, you know? I just wish they would have took me instead of her! What do they want with a little 5-year-old?

CUMMINGS: Could have been any one of -- any one of us and our children, any one. You know, nobody knows whether it`s a psycho or sicko. Nobody knows.

CROSLIN: She is scared of the dark. She would not go anywhere by herself.

I did take a polygraph. I mean, my understanding is that I passed it.

CUMMINGS: I want to let everyone know that I`m not hiding anything for anybody, and if somebody had something to do with it, so be it. Whoever it might be, that`s who it -- that`s who it is. Let`s bring Haleigh home.


GRACE: So back to Marlaina Schiavo on the story. Marlaina, this brother who was living in Satsuma at the time Haleigh goes missing, he leaves after she goes missing. He`s relocated near where this alleged sighting took place, this sighting in the last 72 hours. And Florida police travel to Massachusetts and question him, and I understand his wife, for hours?

SCHIAVO: They do. As a matter of fact -- so tracking back, he wasn`t (ph) in Satsuma at the time when Haleigh went missing. He was actually living on the same street, staying with Misty`s other brother at the time, during this whole entire time of the investigation. Then his wife has a baby and then they moved straight to Massachusetts near her family.

GRACE: OK. Pause.


GRACE: This is the brother living in Satsuma when Haleigh goes missing?

SCHIAVO: Correct. Both brothers were living in Satsuma at the time.

GRACE: OK. Got it. Do we know about the phone calls made between Misty Croslin and the brother when Haleigh goes missing?

SCHIAVO: We know that phone records show that she called her brother, but the police won`t say what those conversations were about.

GRACE: OK. Marlaina, did she call the brother before the 911 call?

SCHIAVO: Yes, she did.

GRACE: OK. Let`s unleash the lawyers, Gloria Allred, victims` rights advocate out of LA, Raymond Giudice, defense attorney Atlanta, Alex Sanchez, defense attorney New York.

Gloria, she calls him before she calls 911?

GLORIA ALLRED, VICTIMS` RIGHTS ADVOCATE: Yes. And what`s the reason, Nancy? That`s what we want to know. Because one would think one would call 911 first. Now, she`s probably going to say she`s 17 years old and just was scared and confused. But I think anyone, even 17 years old, would know to call 911.

GRACE: Raymond Giudice, I assume you don`t, but I see a problem with calling your family before you call 911.

RAYMOND GIUDICE, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I`d go with what Gloria just said. A 17-year-old young girl, scared, she calls her brother. He`s right down the street. She may even know that he`s going to respond in an emergency faster than 911 will. I don`t see that`s any inconsistency. I don`t see a problem with it.

GRACE: I want to see Giudice`s face when he says things like that.

GIUDICE: I`ll say it again, and let me just say something. The police...

GRACE: No, please don`t repeat yourself.

GIUDICE: The police have sat on this for eight months. They`ve talked to this brother before. This just didn`t come up today about the phone calls. It`s no bombshell.

GRACE: No. I didn`t say the phone calls were a bombshell, Raymond. Focus!


GRACE: Keep it in the middle of the road. The bombshell is that there`s an alleged sighting in the vicinity of the brother!

GIUDICE: Yes, and...

GRACE: Alex Sanchez, weigh in.

ALEX SANCHEZ, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: You know, the police are saying there`s a credible sighting. I`d like to know what they mean by the term "credible sighting." Either there`s photographs or there`s not photographs. It should be easy to resolve. Get those pictures, bring the person that supposedly witnessed this, show them the pictures and expose exactly what happened and expose the person if anyone who`s connected with this offense.

GRACE: Alex, you`re absolutely correct. And I want to add something onto this. To Gloria Allred. She never did call 911. 911 was only called when Ronald Cummings comes home from the night shift, walks in and finds out Haleigh`s gone. That is when 911 gets called. That`s a little correction to the facts, Gloria.

ALLRED: Well, and that`s a very important correction, Nancy, because if she didn`t call 911 at all, one has to wonder why? Did she feel guilty about something? Did she feel that perhaps it was her responsibility and she messed up, or was there something even more malicious involved?

GRACE: Out to the lines. Sharon in Alabama. Hi, dear.


GRACE: What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I would like to know, if Timothy does have Haleigh, what charges would he face by taking her from Florida all the way to Massachusetts?

GRACE: What about it, Sanchez?

SANCHEZ: How about kidnapping charges? I mean, if he took that child without permission and he`s holding onto that child, he`s facing class A felony charges of kidnapping, and there`s very serious consequences for that.



GRACE: You either fail it or you pass it. Well, according to these reports, she`s flunked it.

CUMMINGS: Well, until I see more physical proof of what`s going on, Miss Nancy, there`s -- my concerns are still on keeping Haleigh`s face on the TV and being sure that she is found.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I`ve thought all along that she had something to do with it.

CROSLIN: When I showed up there, they told me I was taking a polygraph. I was, like, OK.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Did you at any point say, I don`t want to do this?



CROSLIN: Because I thought I was helping.


GRACE: Straight out to special guest joining us tonight, Terry Shoemaker. He is the attorney for Haleigh`s biological father, Ronald Cummings, who has been on the show many times, taking your calls live. Terry, thank you for being with us. I understand that when Ronald Cummings heard about the alleged sighting of his little girl, he was up all night, he was so beside himself in the hope that maybe it could be her.

TERRY SHOEMAKER, ATTORNEY FOR HALEIGH`S FATHER, RONALD: Yes, Nancy. I spoke with Ronald this morning in my office, and he said he`s going on about 35 minutes of sleep since he first heard of this. He`s very excited.

GRACE: Do you believe that law enforcement has officially cleared your client, Ronald Cummings, of anything to do with her disappearance?

SHOEMAKER: Well, it`s kind of a tough situation to say they`ve officially cleared him 100 percent. When we met with law enforcement last week, they basically said they moved him from, you know, top of the list to the bottom of the list.

GRACE: Got it.

SHOEMAKER: Unless they were with him all night long, they can`t officially rule him out.

GRACE: Yes. And I guess that the reality is they`re not ruling anybody out totally until the case is solved. But Terry, now that I`ve got you, I want to nail down the timeline. Wasn`t he reported into work the full evening...


GRACE: ... the evening she went missing? And he punches in around 5:00 PM and he got there early, correct?

SHOEMAKER: Yes. He got in about 30 minutes early that night.

GRACE: OK. I want to go back to this alleged sighting. What more have you learned? What more has Ronald learned about it?

SHOEMAKER: Well, law enforcement`s being pretty quiet about what actually took place. We have made some phone calls to some people we know in law enforcement, and what they said is they can`t confirm anything at this time, but there was obviously a report that Haleigh was spotted up there in Massachusetts and they`re checking it out. But they wouldn`t go so far as to confirm anything.

GRACE: To Julie in North Carolina. Hi, Julie.


GRACE: What`s your question, dear?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I`m just wondering why Ron Cummings told Crystal Cummings that he had no problem with Misty`s story, but then he turned around and told police or a reporter when he was asked...

GRACE: What about it, Art? What about that?

HARRIS: Well, when I was with Ronald months ago, you know, he, you know, did not have doubts about Misty, but he said, you know, he loved her, despite this, he wanted to keep his friends close and his enemies closer. So...


<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on September 11, 2009, 11:40:36 AM


Croslin`s Father Doubts She Was Home When Haleigh Disappeared

Aired September 10, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old little girl tucked into bed. Five hours later, she`s gone, vanished, the back door propped wide open. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. Girlfriend-turned-new-stepmom Misty Croslin`s own father doubts her story about the night Haleigh disappears -- now, that`s a bombshell -- stating plainly she may have well very left the home and the two little children sleeping alone there, this blowing the case wide open.

Croslin`s brother and sister-in-law undergo 14 grueling hours of police interrogation, police demanding to know whether they helped Croslin hide little Haleigh, Croslin`s family now distancing themselves from the new bride. This on the heels of an alleged sighting at a local Wal-Mart near the brother`s home, police sifting through the brother`s phone records, those records confirming multiple calls between Croslin and the brother the night Haleigh disappears. In fact, the whole Croslin family and bio dad Ronald Cummings trying desperately to reach Croslin by phone the night of the kidnap. She responds to no one.

And major blowup between Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and Misty Croslin just before the child disappears. But is it motive for murder? After Croslin flunks a polygraph, family and friends push her to undergo hypnosis about the night Haleigh goes missing. She refuses. Croslin caught on tape trying to explain the failed poly. We have the video. Her bed reportedly not slept in the night Haleigh vanishes. She now says up to four people in the home that night but calls it a dream-like memory. Tonight, where is Haleigh?


911 OPERATOR: 911. What`s your emergency?

MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER/STEPMOM: I just -- I just woke up and our back door was all open, and I can`t find my daughter.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: More developments today in the case of missing 5- year-old Florida girl Haleigh Cummings. Haleigh`s aunt is speaking out. Lindsy Croslin reportedly says investigators questioned Misty Croslin`s sister-in-law, Chelsea Croslin, for about 14 hours. Lindsy Croslin claims investigators wanted to know if Chelsea Croslin or Timothy Croslin helped sister Misty Croslin hide Haleigh.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There were a series of phone calls between Misty and her brother, Timmy, the same brother that lives in Massachusetts. This is what led police to question him for a half a day regarding things that were said to him by Misty the night Haleigh went missing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Questions remain about the alleged sighting of Haleigh at a Wal-Mart just south of Boston Saturday. Police refuse to comment.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Law enforcement`s being pretty quiet about what actually took place. They can`t confirm anything at this time, but there was obviously a report that Haleigh was spotted up there in Massachusetts, and they`re checking it out.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: While police still have no suspects in the case, Lindsy Croslin says the family is now pulling away from Misty Croslin.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The latest twist in this family feud is this final judgment against Hank Croslin, Jr. He`s the brother of Misty Cummings, formerly Misty Croslin. It says Hank, Jr., can`t go within 500 feet of Misty or her home and adds he cannot have any firearms or ammunition.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Lindsy Croslin says she no longer feels safe in the area and is moving, fearing that if she stays, she is setting her own three children up to be stolen.

GRACE: Ronald, has the theory that Misty left the home some time during the night been disproved?

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: I`m not sure. I believe that it has, Nancy. I`m almost 100 percent sure, but I wouldn`t tell you that and lie to you. I`m pretty sure it has been disproved.

GRACE: Do you believe she left the home and left the children alone, Ronald?

CUMMINGS: Absolutely not.


GRACE: And tonight, live to Connecticut and the mystery surrounding the sudden disappearance of a gorgeous young Ivy League med student set to walk down the aisle this Sunday, the 24-year-old beauty last spotted on grainy surveillance video walking into a Yale research facility. A false fire alarm mysteriously goes off in the research building. People rush out and Le is never seen again. Where is brainy beauty 24-year-old Annie Le?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Police looking for any clue to the whereabouts of this Yale student who disappeared days before her wedding. The search for Annie Le seems to be intensifying. FBI agents and state police search dogs enter the building where she was last seen in an effort to find the 24-year-old Yale medical student. And just moments ago, they began going through the garbage behind this building. FBI agents also spent time inside her New Haven apartment.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This surveillance photo is the last time anybody has seen Le. Friends say she was on her way to the lab on Amistad (ph) Street in New Haven. Co-workers say she just vanished, leaving behind all her belongings and her future husband.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She left her pocketbook, her cell phone, everything in the lab. She`s getting married Sunday. Her fiance hasn`t heard from her. So everybody`s pretty worried, pretty scared.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Breaking news. Girlfriend-turned-new-stepmom Misty Croslin`s own father doubts her story about the night Haleigh disappears, stating plainly she may very well have left the home, leaving behind two little children sleeping there.


CROSLIN: They haven`t left me alone for six months. I`ve been the one, the main focus. They just need to move on and look for the right person.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: New details emerge in the case of missing 5-year- old Florida girl Haleigh Cummings. Stepmom-slash-baby-sitter Misty Croslin`s family is speaking out, giving details about investigators reportedly questioning Misty Croslin`s brother, Timothy Croslin, and his wife, Chelsea. Haleigh`s aunt, Lindsy Croslin, told Fox affiliate WOFL...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They had Chelsea in for questioning for, like, 14 hours. Yes. They took her in the morning, let her go home, and then they went back and got her and she was questioned. They just asked her the basic same questions. Do you know anything about Haleigh? Did you -- you know, did you or Tim try to get her -- get -- help Misty to hide Haleigh? I mean, yes, crazy questions.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And it was near Cape Cod, Mass., where a tip was called in saying someone sighted Haleigh at a local Wal-Mart.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Some anonymous tips were give by phone to media outlets in the Cape Cod and Boston area. Some of those calls indicated there was a possible sighting of a girl matching the description of Haleigh at a Wal-Mart store in Abington, Massachusetts.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Haleigh`s grandmother, Teresa Neves, also said that she was told she was seen with an adult. She was seen in a shopping cart, shopping with an adult. She didn`t say if it was a male or a female.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty has been deceptive, that her stories don`t make sense, and that the key to this case lies with her.


GRACE: Straight out to Jean Casarez, legal correspondent with In Session. Jean, bombshell tonight, her own father claiming she may not have been in the home the night little Haleigh goes missing. That cracks the case wide open.

JEAN CASAREZ, LEGAL CORRESPONDENT, IN SESSION: This is brand-new information, Nancy, and this is coming from Misty Cummings`s own father. He is saying that she believes that she may not have been at that home for the entire evening that night.

Now that is corroborated by some the questions we`re learning that Putnam County authorities asked in Massachusetts to Misty`s brother and his wife, Chelsea. Chelsea Cummings, the aunt of Haleigh, was questioned for 14 hours in Massachusetts, taken back home, taken back to the police station and questioned again.

And one question that keeps resurfacing -- and we`re learning this first time tonight -- is that Ronald Cummings tried to get ahold of Misty that night, the night that Haleigh went missing. He couldn`t reach her. He called Misty`s brother, Tommy. Tommy called Misty`s brother, Timothy, to try to find out where Misty was. Nobody could find her.

GRACE: Art Harris, investigative journalist, has been in Satsuma for the duration. Art Harris, this is huge, that her own father is now saying she may have left the home, not been there. I mean, that voids her entire story. It`s all -- it`s down the trash chute now.

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE REPORTER: Well, when your dad says he doesn`t think you were at the trailer when you said you were, that`s serious, Nancy. He is also saying, though, that he stands by Misty. He doesn`t put much stock in the lie detector test, but he says he doubts her story.

GRACE: To Marlaina Schiavo, our producer the story from the get-go. What about it, Marlaina.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, when I spoke to Hank Croslin, Misty`s father, earlier today, he said that he puts absolutely nothing into those polygraphs. He thinks that they are ridiculous, and they mean nothing to him. He stands by his daughter...

GRACE: Marlaina?


GRACE: Marlaina...


GRACE: Don`t care what anybody thinks about a polygraph, OK?


GRACE: I`m asking you, not as a polygraph expert, not as a polygrapher, what do you know about the bombshell that her own father doubts whether she was in the home?

SCHIAVO: He told me that he doesn`t think she had anything to do with hurting Haleigh in any way, but he thinks the one thing she might be guilty of is possibly leaving the trailer the night Haleigh went missing.

GRACE: OK, you know what? To Marc Klaas, president and founder of Klaas Kids Foundation. Marc, you know, if it were just that simple, do you really think, Marc Klaas -- that was a shot of Polly Klaas. That`s Marc`s daughter, who was abducted and murdered many years ago.

Marc, if it that were simple, that she simply left the home, don`t you think by now she would have broken down and said, OK, I left the home. I went to this party, or, I went out with so-and-so, or, I did this. That`s what happened. I don`t know where Haleigh is. Don`t you think she would have cracked and told that, if that were all she had to tell?

MARC KLAAS, KLAAS KIDS FOUNDATION: Well, I think that that`s quite possible, but she was a 16-year-old child whose job was to look after somebody else`s two young children. And I can only imagine that this girl would want to get out and have some fun of some kind, whether it was a party, whether it was a man, whether it was anything, but just to get out of that stifling environment that we`ve all become accustomed to over the years. So I think that this scenario is very consistent with what could have happened.

GRACE: To Bethany Marshall. Dr. Bethany -- psychoanalyst, author of "Dealbreakers" -- I don`t think it`s that simple. I do not believe that she would have held out this long and clung to a lie if her only fault was leaving the home that evening.

BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST: Well, I agree. And what is her father`s motivation for saying that she wasn`t at trailer that night? I think his motivation is it does not look so good if she was there and something happened to that little girl. If she committed an act of violence, if she let a predator in the home, if she had a party, she was high, it doesn`t sound so good, and he is covering for her.


CUMMINGS: My feelings are, we need to find my daughter.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you think Misty holds some information that could help do that?

CUMMINGS: I don`t think that she holds any information that`s going to find Haleigh.



911 OPERATOR: You said your back door was wide open?

CROSLIN: Yes. It was brick -- like, a brick on the floor. Like, when I went to sleep, it was not like that.

911 OPERATOR: OK, the back door -- listen to me. Your back door was wide open? What are you talking about a brick?


911 OPERATOR: What? What is the brick?

CROSLIN: It`s on the back door, on the stairs. We have, like, a walkway.

911 OPERATOR: And there was a brick laying there?

CROSLIN: Yes. It`s still there.



GRACE: What is her story about what happened that night?

CUMMINGS: The same thing that she`s telling police or whoever, that she went to bed -- she put Haleigh to bed, done some laundry and went to bed and woke up to the door propped open.

CROSLIN: There was a brick, like, a cinderblock that was holding the screen door open. And that brick -- that door -- that screen door`s always closed, you know? That brick -- I`ve never seen a brick even around there. The cop said there was a whole bunch of bricks about 50 feet away, but I`ve never seen any bricks at all.



911 OPERATOR: What kind of description of her pajamas that she was wearing?

CUMMINGS: I don`t know! (DELETED) I was at work!

911 OPERATOR: The officers are going to come out there and do what they can. We can`t have him screaming and yelling at the officers whenever they get there, OK?

CUMMINGS: Give me my (DELETED) phone! I`ve got better people to talk to than (DELETED) that ain`t coming!


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Out to Wilma in Alabama. Hi, Wilma.


GRACE: Hi, dear. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Nancy, you`re one of my -- I`m one of our biggest fans. And my question is...

GRACE: Thank you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... the little girl, Haleigh -- do you think maybe she was daddy`s little girl and Misty being a little girl herself, there was competition and she couldn`t take the competition?

GRACE: That`s an excellent psychoanalyst, Wilma in Alabama. Let`s go to the shrink. What about it, Dr. Bethany?

MARSHALL: I think it`s a great question that Wilma asked. But what they would be able to do is measure this in a forensic psychological evaluation by asking her to talk about the little girl. And what they would look for is their empathy, or does she talk about her in a critical and punitive way, in a resentful way, talking about little girl`s relationship with the father. So it`s a great question. I`m sure they`ve already explored this avenue.

GRACE: Why are you so sure?

MARSHALL: You know, that`s a good question, too. I think it`s because she hasn`t cracked. And when you ask a question -- in my field, we say when you ask a question, all you get is an answer, meaning you may not get back what you really wanted. So if you do circles around the question, you ask about the person`s attitude towards the child -- did they have empathy towards the child? Was there a financial incentive to get rid of the child? Did they want a child of their own, so they resented the fact that this was not their own biological child, then you get a better sense of what may have happened.

GRACE: Out to Terry Shoemaker, the attorney for Ronald Cummings, Haleigh`s father. Terry, thank you for being with us. Terry, what does Ronald make of Misty Croslin`s father announcing that she may not had been in the home the night Haleigh goes missing?

TERRY SHOEMAKER, ATTORNEY FOR RONALD CUMMINGS (via telephone): Well, Nancy, Ronald really hasn`t discussed that particular comment by Misty`s dad. I know that -- he was in my office yesterday and we spoke a lot about some phone calls that he`d received from Misty`s dad. And today, he did not say anything to me specifically regarding that. But there has been a lot of friction. So he doesn`t take much stock in anything they`re saying right now.

GRACE: So he takes it all with a box of salt. OK, back to the lines. Jennifer, Washington. Hi, Jennifer.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. I was curious about the timeline, whether Nancy -- or whether Misty had called 911 before or after Ronald got home. Because the way she worded it, We can`t find our daughter, it wasn`t as...

GRACE: Well, I`ve got a shocker for you, Jennifer. She did not call 911 -- 911 was not called until Ronald Cummings came in the door from the night shift. She had not bothered to call 911.

Now, speaking of phone calls, unleash the lawyers -- Bill Scheaffer, former prosecutor, WFTV legal analyst joining us out of Florida, Mickey Sherman, high-profile attorney, author of "How Can You Defend Those People," and returning to us, renowned attorney, defense attorney out of the New York jurisdiction, Richard Herman.

Richard, you don`t have a problem with Misty Croslin, the new bride- turned-stepmom. She`s on a three-day AWOL. She`s gone. Nobody can find her. She comes back to the home that day. That night, her phone`s ringing off the hook. Her family, every member of her family`s calling her. Ronald Cummings is calling her. But conveniently that night, the night the little girl goes missing, she won`t pick up her cell phone, will not answer any telephone. What about it, Herman?


GRACE: Hi, Richard.

HERMAN: ... that`s a small community out there. If she left that home, surely by now, someone would have seen her. Someone would have come to the authorities and...

GRACE: Could you answer...

HERMAN: ... said, Yes, we`ve seen her...

GRACE: ... the question?

HERMAN: I don`t know. Her phone was broken. She didn`t hear it going.


HERMAN: There`s a million reasons for that, Nancy.

GRACE: No, no, no. No, no. No. Mickey Sherman, we have no evidence the phone was broken. We have no evidence there was anything wrong with her reception. That is B.S., all right! So let`s address the facts as we know them. Everybody in her family and her soon-to-be husband trying desperately to reach her. She won`t pick up during those crucial hours. What about it, Mick?

MICKEY SHERMAN, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: It`s weird. It`s bizarre. But these are wacky people...

GRACE: It`s weird? That`s what you`ve got for me, it`s weird?

SHERMAN: No, and I also added bizarre.

GRACE: Scheaffer, what do you think?

SHERMAN: These people don`t think like we think.

BILL SCHEAFFER, WFTV LEGAL ANALYST, FORMER PROSECUTOR: I think it`s more sinister than bizarre. And it`s noteworthy that not only does her own father not believe her, but her own husband doesn`t believe her. And if we`re to believe Tim Miller, that`s why he married her, to keep her here in Florida so he could get to the truth.



SCHIAVO: Let me show you the back door and show you how both doors close automatically. So -- and I`m also going to show you the lock because the lock is about three feet from the floor, and we know that that`s about as tall as Haleigh stands.

So here`s the back door and here`s the lock. It sticks. So there you go. Now, we open the back door and here`s the back screen door, the one that was propped open with the cinderblock, OK? Now, if you see, when it closes, it slams. It makes a loud noise. But if you leave this door, this slowly closes, as well.


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Out to Dr. Joshua Perper. We know that the home was the crime scene, at least of a kidnap. Now, why do you believe it may be difficult to find evidence of a perpetrator in the home?

DR. JOSHUA PERPER, BROWARD COUNTY CHIEF MEDICAL EXAMINER: Well, the reason is that the victim was a small child and it was not difficult to take her, especially considering the fact that she had some kind of intellectual challenges because of a syndrome which she had. So certainly, she would know the person who took her, there would be no problem. But even if the person would be a stranger, she wouldn`t react as a normal child. And if the person would be gentle and didn`t cause her any kind of pain, there would be nothing to be found because there`s no struggle.

GRACE: Exactly.

PERPER: And obviously, a child of this age cannot struggle effectively.

GRACE: Art Harris, what can you add.

HARRIS: Well, I can add that Dr. Perper`s onto something, that she would not behave, perhaps in a placid way. I spoke to a co-worker of Ronald Cummings PDM (ph) Bridge Company, at who overheard talking to Misty one night when he said if Haleigh acted up, to go ahead and spank her. In other words, to use corporal punishment on her. So there`s some evidence that she did get a little upset at times.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Ronald, do you feel that Misty has the key to this investigation?

CUMMINGS: No, I don`t. I think they are barking up the wrong tree.



<snipped - end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on September 12, 2009, 07:13:16 PM


Aired September 11, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET

<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>


CASAREZ: Stepmom/babysitter Misty Croslin`s own mother believes her daughter, Misty, knows more than what she`s saying. Lisa Croslin told Fox affiliate WOFL that deep down in her heart she thinks her daughter is holding something back.


MISTY CROSLIN, RONALD CUMMINGS` WIFE: 3:00 in the morning I got up and I got up because I had to use the bathroom. I see the kitchen light on. And I walked in the kitchen and the back door`s wide open. And then I go in the room and she`s gone.

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH CUMMINGS` FATHER: It had nothing to do with her, man. She can`t help that. She can`t help she was the last one to see her.

CROSLIN: She didn`t make no noise that night. I would have woke up if I heard any noise. I didn`t hear anything at all. I mean, I was really exhausted that day, you know.

I just wish they would have took me instead of her. What do they want with a little 5-year-old?

CUMMINGS: It could have been any one of us and our children, any one. You know, nobody knows where there`s a psycho or sicko. Nobody knows.

CROSLIN: She is scared of the dark. She would not go anywhere by herself.

I did take a polygraph. I mean, my understanding is that I passed it.

CUMMINGS: I want to let everyone know that I`m not hiding anything for anybody and if somebody has something to do with it so be it. Whoever it might be, that`s who it is. Just bring Haleigh home.

CROSLIN: I showed up there, they told me I was taking a polygraph. I was like, ok.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Did you at any point say I don`t want to do this?



CROSLIN: Because I thought I was helping. I`m trying to do everything I can to find Haleigh.

CUMMINGS: To find my daughter.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you think Misty holds some information that can help do that?

CUMMINGS: I don`t think that she holds any information that`s going to find Haleigh.


CASAREZ: I`m Jean Casarez of the legal network "In Session," in for Nancy Grace. A lot of people never believed that Misty Croslin`s own mother would question her credibility. But the fact is she has today. Yesterday it was her father. Today it`s Misty Croslin`s own mother.

Let`s go straight out to Marlaina Schiavo, Nancy Grace producer. What do you know?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, Jean, her own mother is speaking out against her finally. She has followed suit with the rest of the family. She does not believe Misty`s story anymore.

This is really shocking, too, Jean, because just last weekend we heard from Ronald`s attorney, Terry Shoemaker. He said that Misty`s mother called Ronald left him a long voicemail saying how she did believe Misty and how she stood by her. And now just less than a week later she`s completely flipped and she`s completely against Misty.

CASAREZ: Well, Marlaina, what is she exactly saying about her daughter now publicly?

SCHIAVO: Publicly, Jean, she said that she feels that Misty is holding something back. Deep in her heart she feels that Misty knows something and that she`s just not saying it.

CASAREZ: Let`s go straight out to Woodrow Tripp, former police commander. You`re an investigator. When you hear that someone`s own mother is saying that she may be holding something back and not telling all the truth, what does that say to you? And how does that change the focus of your investigation?

WOODROW TRIPP, FORMER POLICE COMMANDER: It`s certainly a big credibility issue then when her own mother starts to speak against her and obviously now other family members are getting involved in this, speaking against her also.

CASAREZ: Ok. We want everybody to listen to Misty Croslin`s mother. Her name is Lisa Croslin. Listen to exactly what she had to say.


LISA CROSLIN, MISTY CROSLIN`S MOTHER: Deep down in my heart, yes, I think my daughter`s holding something back. I think they both are holding something back. That`s just in my heart.

I`m going to tell her I love her and if you know anything at all please tell me. We can work it through. I`ll be right there by your side. We`ll get through it. But just please tell me whatever you`re holding back.


CASAREZ: And that`s Misty Croslin`s mother, Lisa Croslin. She was on WOFL, Fox 35.

To Art Harris, investigative journalist that has been on this case, Art, I read your blogs, your Web site. You`ve done so much on this case now. Everybody is saying that Misty`s family is pulling away from her, and we see evidence of that. But you say it`s sort of the opposite; that Misty is pulling away from her family.

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Today I talked to her lawyer, Jean, Robert Fields. He said he talked to Misty and she says she`s the one who`s been distancing herself from the family. That`s a totally different story than we`ve been hearing. And Monday she`s going to come out swinging. So we`re going to hear Misty take up for herself.

CASAREZ: To Stacy Kaiser, psychotherapist out of Los Angeles. You know, in other cases, I think of Casey Anthony, originally Cindy Anthony spoke against her daughter.

What does this do to the mother-daughter relationship? And psychologically, why does a mother talk to the entire nation about her daughter like this?

STACY KAISER, PSYCHOTHERAPIST: Well, let`s be honest, most parents would lie, cheat, and steal for their kids. So there`s really only going to be one of two reason that`s they would come out and say something like this or go against their child. The first would be that there`s conflict between them. And the second would be that they have some sort of a guilty conscience, that they`re feeling like something needs to come out.

And this could be really damaging to the mother-daughter relationship, particularly if the mother is wrong and the daughter hasn`t done anything.

CASAREZ: And it also can be very, very difficult if anything would ever get to trial in relation to this case.

To Alan Ripka, defense attorney. This is a statement that the prosecution will bring back to haunt someone that would take the stand as a witness.

RIPKA: I think so. If that mother ever took the stand and they spoke to her about knowing her daughter the best and she`s in the best position to judge the credibility of her daughter and what was the basis of her doing so, it would help the prosecution tremendously because she`d be locked into that prior statement.

CASAREZ: And the fact is this has also taken the focus away from Haleigh Cummings. This is still a little girl that is missing, a little girl that needs to be found.

<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on September 22, 2009, 09:42:07 AM


Croslin`s Brother Says She Wasn`t Home

Aired September 21, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old little girl tucked into bed. Five hours later, she`s gone, vanished, the back door propped wide open. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh.

Bombshell tonight. After girlfriend turned new stepmom Misty Croslin`s brother thrown behind bars on a gun charge, a break in the case. In a late-night jailhouse interrogation, we learn the brother finally confesses he goes to Haleigh`s house the night she goes missing, pounds on the door repeatedly, over, over and over. Nobody home! In a stunning twist, the brother`s confession cracks this case wide open.

At the same time, investigators hone in on a heavily wooded area, and in the last 24 hours, drain a local pond in connection with Haleigh. As girlfriend turned stepmom Misty Croslin flunks another polygraph, her family distancing themselves from her, tonight, where is Haleigh?


MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER/STEPMOTHER: I just woke up and my back door was open, and we can`t find our daughter.

911 OPERATOR: Can`t find what?

CROSLIN: Our daughter.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Law enforcement sources confirm it appears stepmom-slash-baby-sitter Misty Croslin was not home the night Haleigh went missing.

CROSLIN: I walked in the kitchen, and the back door`s wide open. And I go in her room, and she`s gone. And that`s all I know, is when I woke up -- when I went to sleep, she was there, and then when I woke up, she was gone!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Her story`s changed several times. I just hope she would not have nothing to do with this.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty Croslin`s brother, Tommy Croslin, told authorities that he went to Haleigh`s home around 10:00 PM that night looking for sister Misty. But the lights were all off, there were no sounds coming from the home, and no answer when he knocked on the door.

CROSLIN: I know I didn`t do anything to that little girl.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Here`s the back screen door, the one that was propped open with the cinderblock, OK? Now, if you see -- when it closes, it slams. It makes a loud noise. But if you leave this door, this slowly closes, as well.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I feel like if she knows something, I don`t think she`s purposely hiding it.

GRACE: Do you believe she left the home and left the children alone, Ronald?



GRACE: And tonight, live to Connecticut and the sudden disappearance of a gorgeous young Ivy League doctoral student just before she`s set to walk down the aisle, the 24-year-old beauty last spotted on grainy surveillance video walking into a Yale research building.

A false fire alarm mysteriously goes off in the building. People rush out. Annie Le is never seen again. At nearly the exact hour Le set to walk down the aisle -- wedding dress on a hanger in the closet, flowers ordered -- the girl`s body found stuffed in a two-foot wall cable space there at Yale`s research building, bloody clothes found high over investigators` heads, behind ceiling tiles.

In the early morning hours, police storm a Super 8 motel to arrest 24- year-old lab tech Raymond Clark on murder one. Reports tonight Clark so desperate to hide the murder, he allegedly broke bones and mangled Le`s body to make it fit in a 24-inch wall space. Cops say no.

Cause of death, Le manually strangled to death. Key card swipes placing Clark at the crime scene before and after Le last seen alive revealing he`s in and out of the lab no less than 10 times, tonight we learn even using the dead girl`s security swipe card.

As we go to air, we also learn Clark free to roam various Yale buildings, his security key card still intact even after police target him. In the last hours, cops seize Raymond Clark`s father`s car. Clark clamming up behind bars. Was this brutal and senseless murder over laboratory mice cages? With a community and a university reeling, a family grieving, a young groom left at the altar with a broken heart, tonight, we want justice for 24-year-old bride-to-be Annie Le.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: "New York Post" reporting through an unnamed source that accused murderer Raymond Clark allegedly crushed Yale grad student Annie Le`s body and broke her bones so he could fit her into a wall opening the size of a computer monitor, the paper saying the murderer would have had to maneuver Annie`s body around pipes, a source telling "The New York Post" that in Clark`s haste to cover his tracks after Le was killed, Clark allegedly accidentally tripped a fire alarm.

New Haven police deny Annie`s body was broken, squashed or mutilated, saying the report is incorrect. This as Raymond Clark is not talking to investigators in jail. And Yale University now saying that Clark`s ID card was still active until he was arrested, Clark`s card allowing him access to campus buildings, even though he had earlier been named a person of interest.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Bombshell tonight. After girlfriend turned stepmother Misty Croslin`s brother thrown behind bars on a gun charge, a break in the case. In a late-night jailhouse interrogation, we learn the brother finally confesses he goes to Haleigh`s house the night she goes missing, pounds on the door repeatedly. Nobody home.


CUMMINGS: I just got home from work. My 5-year-old daughter is gone. I need somebody to be here now.



CROSLIN: At 3:00 o`clock in the morning, I got up and -- I got up because I had to use the bathroom, but I didn`t make it to the bathroom. I seen the kitchen light on, and I walked in the kitchen and the back door`s wide open.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police sources confirm stepmom-slash-baby-sitter Misty Croslin`s brother told cops that he went to Haleigh`s home around 10:00 PM the night the child went missing and it appeared nobody was home.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Right beside me on my left is the bed where Misty Croslin was sleeping, and here on the right we have the bed where little Haleigh was sleeping. And you can see it is all but about three- and-a-half feet from each other. And this is right where Misty said she got up and she had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tommy Croslin told detectives that Ronald Cummings asked him to go to the home to look for Misty Croslin. Tommy Croslin says when he arrived at the home, the lights were all off and no sounds were coming from inside the home.

CROSLIN: People think that I had something to do with it. If I had something to do with it, I knew where she was, we wouldn`t be sitting here today. We would have her.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Everything she says is crazy.

GRACE: Is there any possibility that she left the home that evening and hasn`t told you?

CUMMINGS: If there is a possibility of it, I don`t know anything about it.


GRACE: Straight out to T.J. Hart, program news director at WSKY 97.3. T.J., what can you tell us? This is a huge bombshell in the case.

T.J. HART, WSKY FM 97.3 (via telephone): It certainly is. Now, detectives at the Putnam County sheriff`s office say that Tommy told them he received a call from Ronald Cummings while Ronald was at work that night.

GRACE: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Back it up. Back it up. Back it up. Tommy is Misty Croslin, the girlfriend turned stepmother`s, brother. The brother has been taken in custody over some argument with neighbors over a gun.

HART: Correct. Absolutely.

GRACE: So he`s behind bars on a $50,000 bond. And let me just tell you this, T.J. Hart.

HART: Yes, sir.

GRACE: You don`t get a $50,000 bond on a gun charge, all right?

HART: No, you don`t.

GRACE: So they are clearly keeping him behind bars, hoping he`ll talk about Haleigh. Go ahead.

HART: Purposely, they are. and they`ve admitted as such. And now, what had happened on that night, Tommy tells the detectives with the Putnam County sheriff`s office that Ronald had called him from work stating that he wanted Tommy to go down and check on the trailer. He`d not been able to reach Misty since they had a fight on the telephone earlier that evening. This is about the 10:00 o`clock hour.

He agrees. He goes down to the trailer. He tells police that he banged on the door and he got no answer. He looked inside through the windows, saw no lights, no television, did not hear a sound. It was quiet. According to police, he stopped just short of saying no one was at home.

All the family members involved in this situation were told of Tommy`s comments about that night. Putnam County authorities thought it was a bit strange that in all the hustle and bustle and the confusion during the draining of a pond near Palatka over the weekend that people who had been doing all the finger-pointing earlier, Misty, Tommy, Ronald, et al -- that each one chose to keep that part quiet when they were talking to the media, especially after so much of the dirty laundry, so to say, got played out in the press earlier. And it`s making law enforcement even more curious and somewhat suspicious of it all, Nancy.

GRACE: To Marlaina Schiavo, our producer who`s been on the story from the very beginning. Marlaina, we showed repeatedly you in the home. Now, it`s a trailer, OK? Do we have Marlaina? Marlaina Schiavo, are you with me?


GRACE: So Marlaina, you saw the front door where the brother`s bamming on the door. It`s 10:00 o`clock at night.

SCHIAVO: That`s right.

GRACE: Is there any way anybody, even if they had just gone to sleep, because she says she laid down on the bed sometime around 10:00...


GRACE: ... wouldn`t hear that? I mean, it`s a trailer, Marlaina,

SCHIAVO: There`s no way she wouldn`t have heard that. Nancy, that front door is all but 10 feet from the bedroom where Misty was sleeping with Haleigh and Junior that night. So if someone`s whaling on the door, there`s no way she couldn`t have heard that whatsoever. And the fact that the lights were out, Nancy, and there was no TV on, that didn`t make any sense, either.

GRACE: To Art Harris, investigative journalist at Art, you`ve been down there for months on end. What have you learned?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Nancy, I can tell you that door that Marlaina`s talking about has double-paned glass. You can see right in there. So any glimmer from a TV set -- Misty said that the kids were watching two movies, Junior in the living room just a few feet from the door, her daughter -- her stepdaughter, Haleigh, in the bedroom. Somebody would have seen a light, and it was not on.

GRACE: OK, Art, let me ask you a question. You remember the door that Misty Croslin says was -- she found propped open with a cinderblock. If you`re at the front door, how far away are you from that door that was allegedly propped open?

HARRIS: Well, it`s -- it`s right -- it`s, you know, very close, Nancy. I -- you know...

GRACE: It`s on the back or the side?

HARRIS: It`s -- let`s see, there`s -- it`s a side. And then there`s a front door. So it`s probably about, oh, 20 feet.

GRACE: So that door is on the side.

HARRIS: That`s my understanding. It`s on the side. There`s a little ramp that goes up to it.

GRACE: OK. Tonight, Misty Croslin`s brother, behind bars on a gun charge, now confessing he was at the home the night Haleigh goes missing, bams on the door, nobody home. This means that Misty Croslin`s story is false, if the brother is to be believed.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Was the bed made?

CROSLIN: No. I was sleeping in that bed. How would the bed be made if someone`s sleeping in the bed? I wasn`t the only one sleeping in it. But how would it -- me and his son. How would the bed be made if we were in the bed sleeping?




CROSLIN: I`m trying to do everything to find her. You know, I`m -- answer any questions I have to because I know I didn`t do anything with -- to that little girl. I would never hurt her. I mean, they love me. They -- I mean, they look at me like their mom, you know. You ask little Junior. He`ll tell you, you know? They talk lovely about me. And I`m so good to them kids.

CUMMINGS: I pulled into the yard. The front door was wide open. She was standing in it. I asked her what she was doing up. She told me that the back door was wide open and Haleigh was gone. I turned the house upside down and told her to call 911.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Let me show you the back door and show you how both doors close automatically. So -- and I`m also going to show you the lock because the lock is about three feet from the floor, and we know that that`s about as tall as Haleigh stands.

CROSLIN: I did take a polygraph.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And you passed it?

CROSLIN: I mean, my understanding is I passed it.

GRACE: What is her story about what happened that night?

CUMMINGS: The same thing that she`s telling police or whoever, that she went to -- she put Haleigh to bed, done some laundry, went to bed, and woke up to the door propped open.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you believe that Misty was indeed home and that she`s been telling the truth?

CUMMINGS: Yes, I believe she`s telling the truth.


GRACE: We`re seven months into what could potentially be a homicide, a child homicide case -- we know it`s a kidnapping case -- and we are just now learning the truth about the night little Haleigh goes missing?

Back to Art Harris. Seven months, Art Harris, this brother has sat on his thumb, and it takes cops putting him in jail on a legitimate gun charge before he finally says, I went to the home that night and nobody was home?

HARRIS: Nancy, the big question that investigators want to know is why did he hang onto this information? And why also did people in the family not reveal it, as well? Presumably, he has told some other people, I`m told by investigators, and they want to know who`s been covering up.

GRACE: Out to a special guest joining us tonight exclusively out of Jacksonville. It`s Teresa Neves. This is Haleigh`s paternal grandmother. Ms. Neves, thank you for being with us.


GRACE: Ms. Neves, all along you have stated that you believed Misty Croslin. Now that you hear this, what do you think?

NEVES: I`m going to tell you, Miss Nancy, I have stated all along and I will continue to state that my grandchildren love Misty and that Misty loved my grandchildren. And this statement by Tommy Croslin to me doesn`t hold any water.


NEVES: I`m sorry, but why wait seven months? Why say that -- you know, if he went down there -- my personal opinion, if I went there and knocked and everything was off, I would think they were sleeping.

GRACE: But Ms. Neves, you`ve been in the trailer, just like we have been, and somebody pounding on the front door, as close as her bed was to the front door, you would hear it.

NEVES: Well...

GRACE: It`s 10 feet away.

NEVES: This is true. I tend to think that she was very exhausted and wanted...

GRACE: But you can`t have it both ways. You can`t say they were asleep, and yes, she would have heard it.

NEVES: No. I`m trying to say that I think the children would have been more likely to hear it because I believe that because of the places she had been prior to that and the fact that she had been up all night with a conversation with Ronald...

GRACE: It was just 10:00 o`clock.

NEVES: ... she was very exhausted.

GRACE: It was just 10:00 o`clock. And her own statement is that around or a little after 10:00 o`clock is when she lay down.

NEVES: No, I`m talking about the night before, Miss Nancy. She was up all night the night before.

GRACE: I`m talking about that night.

NEVES: Right.

GRACE: The night Haleigh goes missing. According to her own statement, she may have been awake at the time the brother came to the door.


GRACE: If she were home.

NEVES: Yes, ma`am.

GRACE: Ms. Neves, I mean, this isn`t ringing a red bell of alarm in your mind?

NEVES: If it was coming from somebody else. You know, I just don`t know if this is a statement made in order to...

GRACE: OK. Understood. Understood.

Let`s unleash the lawyers. We are taking your calls live. Eleanor Dixon, felony prosecutor, Atlanta, Peter Odom, veteran defense attorney, former prosecutor, Atlanta, Alex Sanchez, renowned defense attorney out of New York.

Eleanor, when you`re trying to determine the veracity or the truth of a witness`s statement, you look for things that corroborate that statement. You and I have had to go in front of juries many, many times. Listen, dope dealers, robbers, murders -- they don`t hang out with nuns and priests and virgins. So often, you have to corroborate what witnesses say.


GRACE: So let`s take a look. What do we have in corroboration, Eleanor? We have that night, Ronald Cummings admittedly trying to reach Misty Croslin. She had been gone for three days, AWOL, partying three days. She comes home that night. They get in a huge, big fight. He has to go to work. And by his own admission, he calls, he calls, he calls, he calls, she won`t pick up. He`s calling all of her family. That corroborates what the brother`s saying, that Ronald called him and said, I can`t get her on the phone, please go to the house and check on her.

DIXON: You`re exactly right, Nancy. And what else helps, as far as looking at it from the state`s perspective, is that Misty`s timeline doesn`t make sense. And her story changes. So the ring of truth is that somebody went there and she wasn`t home when they knocked.



GRACE: What time did she go to bed?

CUMMINGS: Approximately 10:30, 11:00.

GRACE: At 10:30, 11:00. At that time, was little Haleigh in the bed asleep with the brother?


GRACE: And they all slept together in the same bed, correct?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Right beside me on my left is the bed where Misty Croslin was sleeping, and here on the right we have the bed where little Haleigh was sleeping.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: For somebody to walk in the house and pick up a child laying beside another person is just ridiculous.


GRACE: Straight back to Haleigh`s grandmother, Teresa Neves. Ms. Neves...

NEVES: Yes, ma`am?

GRACE: ... you know I respect you and I care about you.

NEVES: And I you.

GRACE: You just heard your son, Ronald Cummings, who has apparently taken and passed a polygraph, he`s answered questions from viewers live on TV -- we don`t know what the questions are before they`re called in -- say that she went to bed between 10:30 and 11:00, which means she would have been awake when the brother came over there banging on the door.


GRACE: Which means one of them are lying.

NEVES: I`m -- Miss Nancy, I just want to clarify that Misty came home on Sunday evening, and she and Ronald were up all night Sunday night until the evening of Monday, when she -- I was told, you know, that she went to bed at 10:00 o`clock. Now, being that exhausted, I think that maybe you could sleep through somebody beating on the door. I don`t think the kids would have, but I don`t know that they would have opened the door, either. If she went to bed at 10:30, then, you know -- I just don`t know what the validity of the story is.


CROSLIN: He told me that if I didn`t take the test that he wasn`t going to look for Haleigh. And that`s why I took them tests, because I don`t want no one to stop looking for Haleigh.




MISTY CROSLIN-CUMMINGS, RONALD CUMMING`S WIFE, LAST SEEN HALEIGH: 3:00 in the morning I got up, and I got up because I had to use the bathroom. I seen the kitchen light on, and I walked in the kitchen and the back door`s wide open. And then I go in and look and she`s gone.

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: Ain`t had nothing to do with her, man. She can`t help that. She can`t help she was the last one to see her.

M. CUMMINGS: She didn`t make no noise that night. I would have woke up if I heard any noise. I didn`t hear anything at all. I mean, I was really exhausted that day. You know? I just wish they would have took me instead of her. What do they want with a little 5-year-old?

R. CUMMINGS: Could have been any one of us and our children. Any one. Nobody knows where there`s a psycho or sicko. Nobody knows.

M. CUMMINGS: She is scared of the dark. She would not go anywhere by herself. I did take a polygraph. I mean, my understanding is I passed it, you know.

NANCY GRACE, HOST: Ronald, has the theory that Misty left the home sometime during the night.


GRACE: And tonight, a break in the case. Croslin`s brother behind bars on a minor gun charge. The bail`s $50,000. You can`t make the bail. In a late-night jailhouse interrogation he confesses he was at the home, Haleigh Cummings` home, the night she goes missing and nobody else was there. He banged and banged and banged on the door about 10 feet from her bed. No answer.

We are taking your calls live. To Cheryl in Minnesota. Hi, Cheryl.

CHERYL, CALLER FROM MINNESOTA: Hi, Nancy. Thank you for calling, dear. What`s your question?

CHERYL: Well, I have two really quick questions, Nancy.


CHERYL: First of all, why didn`t Haleigh`s father tell anyone he asked Misty`s brother to go and check on everything since they had an argument that night?


CHERYL: The second is if Misty continues to fail polygraph tests why don`t they issue a warrant for her arrest or at least take her in and do some interrogation?

GRACE: OK. To Terry Shoemaker. This is the attorney for Ronald Cummings, Haleigh`s father. What does he have to say about this revelation?

TERRY SHOEMAKER, ATTORNEY FOR HALEIGH`S FATHER, RONALD CUMMINGS: Well, he`s kind of shocked that Misty`s brother went over there that evening. He said all along that he did call the house of Hank Jr. and asked him whether or not Misty was there. But he doesn`t -- he`s never said that he asked them to go look for her. He just asked if she was over there. And that was at about 9:00. So I think Hank Jr.`s timeline is a little off.

GRACE: Well, it sounds like everybody has a very, let me just say, shifting timeline, Mr. Shoemaker.


GRACE: So I`m not exactly sure that anybody knows what time it is in Satsuma, Florida the night Haleigh went missing.


GRACE: So he does say that he called the brother and asked him was Misty there?

SHOEMAKER: Yes. He didn`t specifically call Hank Jr.`s cell phone. He called the house of Hank -- Hank Jr. and his family. And that was at.

GRACE: Did he talk to the brother?

SHOEMAKER: I don`t know who he spoke with. I know that when we were speaking with FDLE that a call came up and they questioned him about it and he said he called to ask if Misty was at their house at that time.

GRACE: To Marlaina Schiavo, our producer on the story. Marlaina, we have gotten in touch with Misty`s attorney and after he goes through the usual legal jargon, you know, he`s trying to defend his clients, basically it boils down to this. He didn`t go in the house, did he? So does he really know she wasn`t home? I mean did you get something else out of that statement?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, SPENT TIME WITH MISSING HALEIGH`S FAMILY: No, that`s pretty much what he said. And he also said that his client still denies that she left the home that night. And.

GRACE: Go ahead, dear.

SCHIAVO: And he also said, that you know, she may have slept through it, she may have ignored her brother, but he has to get to the bottom of it. He actually hasn`t even spoken to Misty that much about this interview. I mean, with the tidbits that he just gave us.

But because she didn`t even tell him that she was going to speak to police. Police hadn`t even contacted him. So they`re all over the place down there, Nancy.

GRACE: To Gail in North Carolina. Hi, Gail.


GRACE: I`m good, dear. What`s your question?

GAIL: I`m wondering if the fact that Misty possibly left the house, has anybody questions her friends or like people that she hangs out with to see if they may know anything?

GRACE: Good question. What about it, T.J. Hart?

T.J. HART, PROGRAM & NEWS DIR., WSKY 97.3FM (via phone): They`ve been asking a lot of people a lot of questions. Especially a circle of friends including Nene Prevat. She was one of the people who were questioned inside the Putnam County Jail over the last several days. She`s being held there on other charges as well. But none of her testimony has really amounted to a diddle (ph) as far as the police are saying right now.

GRACE: And back to the lawyers, Eleanor Dixon, Peter Odom, Alex Sanchez.

Peter Odom, let`s go to Cheryl`s second question. Excuse me, Gail`s second question. Now that she`s flunked two polygraphs, Gail wants to know why police don`t just go ahead and issue a warrant for her arrest.

Now, try, Peter, give me your best, put it in a nutshell.


PETER ODOM, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Polygraphs are unreliable. It would be foolish and foolhardy and unprofessional to arrest someone on the basis of a polygraph alone.

GRACE: OK. Alex, just a couple of yes-nos. Have you ever had one of your clients take a polygraph?


GRACE: Because you believe polygraphs do work, yes?

SANCHEZ: Because I was interested in seeing what the defendant had to say. And he tells me he was innocent.


SANCHEZ: . and I decided to give a polygraph.

GRACE: Now, instead of saying, as Mr. Odom does, that they are unreliable, isn`t it true that under our constitution and under the law as it exists that a polygraph is not admissible in court unless both sides stipulate to admissibility prior to the poly being taken?

That didn`t happen here. So police can`t make an arrest just on a poly. They need more than that.

SANCHEZ: A polygraph is not a substitute for hard evidence in the case. A polygraph is not admissible in any court in the United States. And therefore, if she failed a polygraph, as that questioner had called, you just can`t arrest somebody simply because they failed a polygraph. And you can`t even haul them back into the police station to ask them more questions based upon that.

GRACE: To Thomas Ruskin, private investigator, former NYPD detective. Thomas, what do you make of this?

THOMAS RUSKIN, PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR, FORMER NYPD DETECTIVE: I -- listen, I am sort of shocked by this whole thing. I`m shocked that Ronald`s cell phones weren`t gone through much more intently by the police, to see how long the call was, did Tommy call him back, and what happened from then.

I`m also shocked that they haven`t re-interviewed Ronald at this point in time to ask him the questions. And I`d love to ask his attorney, would he go back in and talk to the police at this point in time? Because I`d like to know that.

GRACE: To Dr. Janet Taylor, psychiatrist and physician, medical doctor, Dr. Taylor, thank you for being with us.


GRACE: Here you are seeing a split between brother and sister. Misty Croslin`s entire family is now distancing themselves from her. The mother and the father have both said she may not have been home that night. One of them says they think that she`s holding back about what happened that night.

What do you make of it? I find it very difficult to believe a family would unfairly target their own daughter and sister.

TAYLOR: Well, clearly, they`ve known her the longest. They know what she`s capable of. And they also know her personality. So I really trust what they`re saying now. And I think we have to -- given this new information, have to investigate it further and look at her character and the potential that she really knows a lot more than she`s saying.

GRACE: Art Harris at Art, what can you tell me about the pond that was drained in the last 48 hours?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, ARTHARRIS.COM: By water, by the crow flies, it`s about a mile from the trailer where Haleigh disappeared from. But it takes 35 minutes to drive around and over a bridge to get to. Very remote.

And you know, it was accessible only by a little dirt road. So they drained it. They had a tip. Unclear if it came from the inmates they interviewed. But that`s what my sources say, where it came from. They won`t say who. And they`re looking for something they have not revealed.

They didn`t find anything of substance that was useful in the investigation, though, Nancy. A lot of rumors.

GRACE: To Dr. Gerald Feigin, medical examiner, Camden County, New Jersey.

Doctor, thank you for being with us.


GRACE: Doctor, I want to bring it back to Haleigh, a 5-year-old little girl. She has Turner`s syndrome. If she were still alive and had been kidnapped by someone unfamiliar with that syndrome, she was sick so much, so many doctor`s appointments, so many illnesses because of the Turner`s syndrome.

How would that affect her health with a stranger?

FEIGIN: Everybody is different. I`m not sure exactly what her medical problems were. I know they can have kidney failure with Turner`s syndrome and other things. But if you don`t get the proper care, you simply can die from neglect.

GRACE: Everyone, you are seeing home video of Haleigh. This little girl has been gone for seven months. The tip line, 888-277-8477.

And quickly, to our "Safety Tips." Your children`s lives depend on it. Childcare. The biggest decision, one of them, you`ll ever make. Inspect several childcare programs. Make an appointment to observe the activities. Check the facility. Ask questions. Check to see if children are supervised all the time, even when they`re napping.

The facility should appear safe, clean, with employees washing their hands frequently, especially after changing diapers. The directors, teachers, caregivers must be certified. Now, if you hire a live-in or a daytime babysitter, please do a background check, and don`t you dare hire somebody without references. And check them out. Trust your instincts.

For more information on how to proceed go to National Resource Center for Health and Safety in Childcare.

ANNOUNCER: "Nancy Safety Tips" brought to you by.


<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on September 23, 2009, 07:15:30 AM


Misty Croslin Skips Town After Argument

Aired September 22, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old little girl tucked into bed. Five hours later, she`s gone, vanished, the back door propped wide open. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh.

Bombshell tonight. As we go to air, girlfriend turned new stepmother Misty Croslin, the last person to see Haleigh alive, skips town, Croslin packing up, clearing out of town after a bitter fight with Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings. This after Croslin`s brother thrown behind bars on a gun charge, leading to a break in the case. In a late-night jailhouse interrogation, we learn the brother finally confesses he goes to Haleigh`s house the night she goes missing, pounds on the door repeatedly, over and over. Nobody home.

Phone records confirm Ronald Cummings tries desperately to reach Croslin that night, calling at least 20 -- that`s right, two- zero, 20 times. No answer. Where -- where -- was girlfriend turned stepmother Misty Croslin during those crucial hours when Haleigh goes missing? Investigators now using GPS to track Croslin that night through her cell phone.

Police announce everything Croslin`s told them so far is, quote, "a farce." With cops honing in on Croslin, Croslin disappears. Investigators focusing on a heavily wooded area, and in the last 72 hours, draining a local pond in connection with Haleigh. As girlfriend turned stepmom Misty Croslin flunks another polygraph, tonight, where is Haleigh?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Breaking news. Baby-sitter Misty Cummings, the last person to see Haleigh alive, has left town, according to journalist Art Harris.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What we need is for Misty to come down here and tell us the truth.

MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER/STEPMOTHER: I`m trying to do everything to find her. You know, I`m -- answer any questions I have to because I know I didn`t do anything to that little girl.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Harris reports Misty and Ron had a bitter fight, and she took off with a friend to the beach.

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: My feelings are we need to find my daughter.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you think Misty holds some information that could help you do that?

CUMMINGS: I don`t think Misty holds any information that`s going to find Haleigh.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty`s attorney says she`s out of town, taking a few days off to seek a change of scenery and clear her head. Pressure from the investigation is mounting.

CROSLIN: If I had something to do with it, I knew where she was, we wouldn`t be sitting here today. We would have her. And I don`t. I don`t know where she is.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty can relieve this pressure by telling her attorney that, you know, we need to go down to the sheriff`s office and really lay out in clear terms what I was doing from 8:00 PM until 3:00 AM.


GRACE: And tonight, imagine your own early morning routine, heading out to meet your carpool to head to work. That`s just what happened to a dedicated mother of two, ages just 5 and 8. But when she exits her car in a public parking lot, a white male approaches her, stabs her in the torso, and then calmly gets back into his blue-green SUV and proceeds to run over her as she lies there, bleeding in the parking lot. Tonight, she is clinging to life. Do police have a suspect?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Her hands looked very bloody.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She did not appear to be moving.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police are desperately searching for a suspect who stabbed a mother of two in the parking lot of a luxury New Jersey hotel, then ran her over with his car. Forty-six-year-old Laura Matosek was waiting to meet a co-worker to carpool to work Friday morning when witnesses say a man jumped out of a green or blue pick-up truck or SUV and stabbed Laura in the torso, then got back into his car and ran Laura over.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The hotel general manager says it was two guests who found 46-year-old Laura Matosek lying face down in a pool of blood.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Laura suffered multiple knife wounds and broken bones. Police immediately began to search for Laura`s ex-husband, who voluntarily spoke with police for 12 hours Friday and Saturday. He has since been released and is not facing any charges.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He and Matosek were divorced two-and-a-half years ago, and prosecutors say Pelcak did have a restraining order against him that only recently expired.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She was rushed by ambulance to a nearby hospital for multiple stab wounds and broken bones.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. As we go to air, girlfriend turned stepmother Misty Croslin, the last person to see Haleigh alive, disappears.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is there finally a split between Ronald Cummings and his new bride, Misty?

CROSLIN: When I went to sleep, she was there. And then when I woke up, she was gone!

CUMMINGS: I`m not hiding anything for anybody. And if somebody has something to do with it, let them fry. So be it, whoever it might be.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Journalist Art Harris is reporting sources tell him there was a bitter fight between Ron and Misty, so bad Misty`s lawyer says she`s left town. This just hours after Misty`s own brother tells police he doesn`t think anyone was home the night Haleigh vanished.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He demonstrated to us loudly and for a few seconds, and then he waited around, you know, to presumably see if someone was going to be roused, if they were sleeping or whatever. He tells us that he made a good effort to see if someone was home. Misty did not answer the door. The house was dark and quiet.

CROSLIN: I would have woke up if I heard any noise, and I didn`t hear anything at all. I mean, I was really exhausted that day, you know, really exhausted. And when I lay down, I guess, you know, I just -- I was out.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That front door is all but 10 feet from the bedroom where Misty was sleeping with Haleigh and Junior that night. So if someone was whaling on the door, there`s no way she couldn`t have heard that whatsoever.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It applies pressure in the area where pressure needs to be applied, and that`s on Misty.


GRACE: Straight out to our producer on the story from the very beginning, Marlaina Schiavo. Marlaina, what happened? Why did Misty Croslin skip town?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Nancy, she is gone. She left town. Apparently, people saw Misty and Ronald having an argument over the weekend when all of this searching was going on, draining of the pond. There were a lot of tensions, so they were arguing. And all of a sudden, Misty`s nowhere to be found. She is no longer in Satsuma right now, and Ronald is not with her.

GRACE: To Art Harris, investigative journalist at Art, what was the bitter argument about?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Well, I can tell you that sources tell me that Ronald actually threw her clothes out, threw her out. And she was going down the road when he runs after her, apologizes, and brings her back. So it`s unclear what it was about, Nancy, but it was not pretty.

GRACE: Let`s look at the timing, Art Harris. What was happening at the time they had the bitter feud? Was that when the pond was being drained? What was happening?

HARRIS: Yes. It was around that time, Nancy. A lot of uncertainty, a lot of rumors about the pond, rumors that Haleigh`s body was found, rumors that they found a car in the pond, none of it true. But everyone was desperate for information, so much so that Ronald`s grandmother actually went to the scene to ask what was happening. And that`s how she found out.

GRACE: To T.J. Hart, news director at WSKY 97.3 FM. T.J., do we have any idea what the big argument was about before Misty Croslin skips town?

T.J. HART, WSKY 97.3 FM (via telephone): Once again, a lot of things factored into it, a lot of raw nerves, a lot of tensions at the time. And also a little bit of knowledge has leaked out about the conversation that was held between detectives and Tommy Croslin in the jailhouse, as well. So that may have been a factor in the conversation.

GRACE: Like what? What, T.J.? What else have you learned? Everybody, T.J. Hart with WSKY is referring to Misty Croslin`s brother, who was taken into custody. He`s thrown behind bars over a gun charge.

HART: Sure.

GRACE: Now, unusually, the bond for the gun charge is $50,000. They`re keeping him behind bars. They interrogated him in the late night hours about Haleigh`s disappearance. What more have you learned, T.J.?

HART: OK. What happened was Ronald had called him because he could not get any calls through to Misty that night. At least 20 times, he tried to call or to text. So he calls down to the Croslin house. He asks Tommy to go check on the house to see if Misty`s at home and take a check down there. So he goes down there and he knocks on the door.

Now, Major Bowling with the Putnam County sheriff`s office, said that he showed them, he demonstrated how hard he banged on the door. And then he told him that he stayed in the area waiting for Misty to either answer the door, or in his words, to even come home.

Now, Hank Croslin, Jr., says that after some time passed, he just gave up. He assumed that she wasn`t home. Now, originally, he had just stopped short of that. He`s now said she wasn`t home.

Now, we believe that releasing some of this information, according to Major Bowling, that they have found advances in the investigation. And particularly, the way that they think this will advance is that Misty`s family now knows about this information -- they knew about this going into Saturday, by the way -- and that they hope that the family may be -- or Misty, by her own conscience, if there`s a discrepancy, that she will indeed explain why Hank banged on the door and no response was given.

GRACE: To Mike Brooks, former fed with the FBI. Everyone, we are taking your calls live. We`ll be right out to the lines. But Mike, wouldn`t the cops pinging her cell phone put an end to all this? So far, believe it or not, it`s my understanding it hasn`t been done. Because I want to know, where was Croslin during those crucial hours after Ronald Cummings leaves to go to work...


GRACE: ... and he gets home 3:00 AM, she`s gone? Where was she?

BROOKS: Good question, Nancy. But let`s take a look at the map. OK, Ronald Cummings`s plant is right here. There are two cell phone towers right in the vicinity of his plant, so they would be able to pick up the pings there. And don`t know exactly how many towers thee are between there and the trailer, which is here, but it`s about a 15-minute drive.

Now, I find it very interesting, Nancy, because if you recall, the very first police report, the officer who took the report said, you know, Ronald got home at about 3:00 AM. He just was pulling up in a driveway at the same time she was coming out. And if you recall, Ronald was very, very upset because he called her, My dumb B-word girlfriend, so -- but they should be able to tell, Nancy, because if there were 20 phone calls between here and here, I mean, 20 times, Nancy -- there should be records of this.

GRACE: You`re absolutely correct. And I also want to get those pings.

BROOKS: There also should be records -- absolutely. And also, did he try to call her? There`ll be records of that. Did he try to call her brother, Tommy? There`ll be records of that. Did Tommy call him back? There should be records of all of this, and exactly where these pings were between here and here, Nancy.

GRACE: Got it. Let`s unleash the lawyers. Raymond Giudice, defense attorney, Atlanta, Daniel Horowitz, renowned defense attorney, San Francisco. I don`t need to give you two a tutorial on the law. Let`s see the lawyers, please, Norm. But you both know -- I`ll start with you, Giudice -- that flight can be argued at trial. In many jurisdictions, it can`t be given as the law to the jury by the judge, but the prosecutor could argue, Why did Croslin skip town?

RAYMOND GIUDICE, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, keep in mind she`s neither a suspect nor a defendant, nor has she been charged.

GRACE: OK, so you`re not answering the question. What about it, Horowitz?

GIUDICE: She`s not flying from anything. She`s not leaving from anything.

GRACE: Horowitz?

DANIEL HOROWITZ, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: You`ve got to have facts. Anybody can run away when your husband gets angry at you and the whole world thinks you`re guilty. Of course, she`s young and she`s upset. We need facts before we point the finger.

GRACE: It could be argued at trial that flight indicates guilt. That will be the prosecutor`s argument, Daniel.

HOROWITZ: Or innocence. Or innocence, that you`re so upset and you`re innocent that you can`t take it. It cuts both ways.



911 OPERATOR: 911. What`s your emergency?

CROSLIN: Yes, I just woke up and our back door was all open, and I can`t find my daughter.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Stunning developments in the case of the missing Florida girl, Haleigh Cummings, that could put the spotlight back on stepmom Misty Croslin. Misty`s brother was recently arrested on a gun charge, and he reportedly broke down under police questioning. Tommy Croslin says he went to Ronald Cummings`s trailer the night Haleigh vanished back in February. The brother said he repeatedly pounded on the door, but no one opened it. Misty Croslin has insisted she was home all night.

CROSLIN: I seen the kitchen light on. And I walked in the kitchen, and the back door`s wide open. I mean, I didn`t notice about Haleigh then until I seen the back door open. And then I go in her room, and she`s gone!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty`s timeline doesn`t make sense. And her story changes. So the ring of truth is that somebody went there and she wasn`t home when they knocked.

GRACE: Ms. Neves, all along, you have stated that you believed Misty Croslin. Now that you hear this, what do you think?

TERESA NEVES, HALEIGH`S PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER: This statement by Tommy Croslin to me doesn`t hold any water. You know, I`m sorry, but...


NEVES: ... why wait seven months? Why say that he -- you know, if he went down there -- my personal opinion, if I went there and knocked and everything was off, I would think they were sleeping.



911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, let me talk to your wife. Let me get some information from her.




911 OPERATOR: Can I talk to her?



CUMMINGS: How the (DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole (DELETED)!


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. To Patricia in Maryland. Hi, Patricia.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. How are you?

GRACE: I`m good, dear. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My question is about this GPS. What`s the police just now GPS-ing?

GRACE: You know, you and me both. What about it, Art Harris?

HARRIS: ... that she was damned tired of taking care of someone else`s kids...

GRACE: I can`t hear you. I`m sorry. Repeat?

HARRIS: ... and then asked the same guy to pray for her. He thought it was a little odd.

GRACE: OK, Art, I`m talking to you about GPS. Why haven`t they done GPS yet?

HARRIS: To me? Oh. They`re trying to do it. And they`ve been trying to -- you know, trying to ping back and -- you know, and figure out where everybody was that night. Now, they`ve got Ronald. They`ve got him at the factory. They`ve got two cell towers near there. That is his alibi. As for Misty, they are still working on her pings.

GRACE: OK. Mike Brooks, I think Patricia in Maryland is absolutely correct. We`re into this seven months.

BROOKS: Right.

GRACE: Seven months. Now, I want to make it clear what my earlier question was. What could possibly be the problem with their pings? Why can`t they get a track on her cell phone that evening to figure out where she was unless a cell phone was turned off?

BROOKS: That`s the only reason, whether the cell phone was off or the battery was dead. But Nancy, some phones do not have GPS. But every one of them will tell you exactly what tower they were pinging from.

Let`s take a look at this new map that we have. Now, this is a four- mile radius right here, OK -- this from here to here, four miles. Look at all the towers. Now, Ronald`s plant is just a little bit north of here. So you take a look at all the towers that are right all around. She`s going to be hitting them.

And let`s say she wasn`t at home. Let`s say she wasn`t there. If she was still down in this area, down in this area -- and as you get closer to some of the towns south of here, they are going to have towers. They`re going to be able to tell this. So they should be able to know if Tommy is telling the truth.

Now, if you want to find out if he`s telling the total truth, let`s go ahead and give him a polygraph also, if he will consent to it, because look at Misty. She`s failed two law enforcement polygraphs and one by Tim Miller, Equusearch group, when he was asked to come back up there and he didn`t want to waste his time if she wasn`t telling the truth.

GRACE: Out to the lines. Elizabeth, New York. Hi, Elizabeth.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. I love your show.

GRACE: Thank you. And thank you for calling in. What`s your question, dear?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I wanted to know if Misty`s cousin has been cleared.

GRACE: If Misty`s cousin has been cleared? What cousin are you referring to, Elizabeth?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She had a cousin in town that had a previous history of -- he had just gotten out of jail for molesting a child, and I heard about (INAUDIBLE)

GRACE: Ah, yes, yes, yes. Joe. Joe.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And I heard about it in the beginning and never heard it again.

GRACE: What about it, Marlaina Schiavo?

SCHIAVO: Nancy, cousin Joe has not been cleared. The only people in this case that have been cleared are Ronald Cummings and Haleigh`s biological mother, Crystal Sheffield.



CROSLIN: I did take a polygraph.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And you passed it?

CROSLIN: I mean, my understanding is that I passed it.

CUMMINGS: I pulled into the yard. The front door was wide open. She was standing in it. I asked her what she was doing up. She told me that the back door was wide open and Haleigh was gone.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Misty`s brother was taken from his jail cell to be questioned by police. That`s when deputies say Croslin`s brother told them it looked like no one was home that night.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He tells police that he banged on the door and he got no answer. He looked inside through the windows, saw no lights, no television, did not hear a sound.


GRACE: Joining me right now, special guest Marc Klaas, the president and founder of Klaas Kids Foundation. He is not only a tireless victims` rights advocate, but he is a crime victim himself. His little girl, Polly, was taken from her home many years ago, and she was murdered.

Marc Klaas, what do you make of Misty Croslin allegedly skipping town? We`re hearing all sorts of stories where she might be tonight. Maybe she went to the beach. Maybe she went out with girlfriends. But nobody knows where she is.

MARC KLAAS, KLAAS KIDS FOUNDATION: No, absolutely nobody knows where she is. But there`s no sense to be made of any of this story. Has anybody asked Ron if he asked Tommy to go to the house? If Tommy went to the house and he banged on the door and he saw nothing, does that mean that the children weren`t there, as well? Is Tommy trying to make a deal for the problems that he`s having right now with law enforcement?

And finally, this whole idea of GPS -- we aren`t talking about GPS. That`s never been brought up. We`re talking about the potential for cell phone triangulation between all of these calls. And finally, I guess -- finally, finally, why is it that -- this is seven-and-a-half months later. Why is it we have to wait seven-and-a-half months to find out that there were 20 calls made, that Tommy Croslin went to the house that night and got no response from anybody? This is information that should have been turned over immediately.

GRACE: Marc Klaas, you are right again, as usual. Mike Brooks, let`s do the differentiation between -- when he says triangulate, he`s right.


GRACE: But aren`t you using some type of GPS technology to triangulate or not? Is that not involved at all?

BROOKS: No, you know, it can be, Nancy. You can use a combination of both. But not all phone -- it depends on who the carrier is and the options you had on these particular phones, which probably they didn`t have a whole lot, that would have GPS. But on the other side, they should be able to tell by the code and everything else that they had subpoenaed from the cell companies exactly what towers were pinged at which time, going...


BROOKS: ... numbers going from him to Tommy and from him to, you know, Misty.

GRACE: Weigh in, Art Harris.

HARRIS: You know, 20 times, much of it at work, frustrated, you know, what to do, what`s going on with the kids. He calls her family and asks somebody to go, and she`s apparently not there.



MISTY CROSLIN-CUMMINGS, RONALD CUMMING`S WIFE, LAST SEEN HALEIGH: 3:00 in the morning I got up, and I got up because I had to use the bathroom. I seen the kitchen light on, and I walked in the kitchen and the back door`s wide open. And then I go in and look and she`s gone.

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: Ain`t had nothing to do with her, man. She can`t help that. She can`t help she was the last one to see her.

M. CUMMINGS: She didn`t make no noise that night. I would have woke up if I heard any noise. I didn`t hear anything at all. I mean, I was really exhausted that day. You know? I just wish they would have took me instead of her. What do they want with a little 5-year-old?

R. CUMMINGS: Could have been any one of us and our children. Any one. Nobody knows where there`s a psycho or sicko. Nobody knows.


NANCY GRACE, HOST: To Marlaina Schiavo, what does this mean to the investigation that the last person to see this little girl alive, reportedly in her own bed, has skipped town?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: What it means, Nancy, is they`re going to want to talk to her. They already want to talk to her. Including her own attorney. She spoke to police over the weekend. Her attorney wasn`t even informed of this interview. So Major Bowling of Putnam County has already said they`d really like to sit down with her and her lawyer and find out what happened.

GRACE: Giudice, Horowitz. Horowitz, what does it mean to the police investigation, the last person to see her alive has skipped town? There are reports she`s in Orlando. But we don`t know that.

DANIEL HOROWITZ, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: You know, Nancy, they don`t have too many suspects in this case. If it`s not her, then they`re pretty much out of luck. And they have to suspect some mystery person grabbing children. So they`re hoping against all hope that it is her and that this is a sign of guilt.

But we can`t jump to conclusions. It`s too easy and convenient to blame her. And there`s a lot of alternate explanations that we have to explore.

GRACE: Giudice?

RAY GIUDICE, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Without her being a suspect, she is still the most important witness in this case. She`s the last person to see the children. She was with them. She`s an important person to be spoken to. And law enforcement needs to go get her.

GRACE: Dr. Lillian Glass, psychologist, author of "I Know What You`re Thinking." Lillian, what do you make of her leaving town?

LILLIAN GLASS, PSYCHOLOGIST, AUTHOR OF "I KNOW WHAT YOU`RE THINKING": I think it`s very suspicious. Because why is she leaving town? Does she have something to hide? It`s very suspicious. The whole situation.

And, Nancy, when you look at her body language, there are so many tells that she`s not telling the truth. It`s really repulsive to watch.

GRACE: Such as? Such as?

GLASS: Well, for example, she`s doing a lot of lip-licking. She`s saying no when it`s supposed to be in the affirmative. A lot of shoulder shrugging. The tears -- that don`t look very genuine. It`s very disturbing to watch.

GRACE: To physician and professor of public health at Johns Hopkins University, Dr. Marty Makary, joining out of D.C.

Welcome, Doctor.


GRACE: Doctor -- again, everyone, tip line 888-277-8477. This child suffers with Turner syndrome.

MAKARY: Yes, about 1 in 3,000 girls gets Turner syndrome. It`s this condition where they have some deformities. The ears are a little low set. They have webbing of the neck. And we know with Haleigh in particular she saw doctors frequently, often missing school.

So we know she needed special attention for these recurrent infections that she was prone to because of the Turner syndrome.

GRACE: So if she is still alive and is not being treated by the doctors or the hospital, she`s in such serious, serious danger.

MAKARY: Very much so. She definitely has special needs. She`s at high risk for severe infections. And she needs special attention.

<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on September 24, 2009, 09:13:05 AM


Does Haleigh`s Stepmom Know More than She Says?; Wild Horses Being Removed from Lands in West

Aired September 23, 2009 - 19:00:00   ET



JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HOST (voice-over): Tonight, seismic developments in the search for Haleigh Cummings. Are the walls closing in on Misty Croslin Cummings? The missing girl`s stepmom has skipped town. The chain- smoking teenager, the last person to see this little girl alive, apparently got into an argument with Haleigh`s father, so she flew the coop.

This alleged fight comes just days after Misty`s own brother threw her under the bus, claiming Misty was not home the night Haleigh vanished. So what happened that night? Does Misty know more than she`s told the cops?

And a race against time. The countdown is on for America`s wild mustangs. They used to roam free but now they`ve been corralled, branded and roped by the U.S. government. Are these animals destined for slaughter? We`ll debate it. You can save them. They`re a symbol of freedom in the American west, so why is our government forcing these horses off their land?

Also breaking news in the Anna Nicole Smith case. Prosecutors planning to throw the book at Smith`s lawyer and boyfriend, Howard K. Stern. And that word came from defense attorneys. Smith was prescribed sedatives, methadone and painkillers, just to name a few. And Stern has been accused of aiding and abetting Smith`s drug habit. Now he could be facing 11 felony counts.

Plus, drugs, sex, rock and roll. And incest? Former TV star Mackenzie Phillips claims she was raped by her musician father, the lead singer in the Mamas and the Papas, John Phillips. But she says, as she slipped deeper into addiction, this alleged incestuous sex became consensual. Her dad has been dead for eight years. So why is she coming out with these shocking claims now?

ISSUES starts now.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: High drama, conflicting stories, conspiracy theories. The desperate search for little Haleigh Cummings passes the seven-month mark. Tonight, we will expose bitter feuds and possible deception. The adorable 5-year-old child vanished from her Satsuma, Florida, home in February. She and her little brother had been left in the care of dad Ron`s girlfriend, 17-year-old Misty Croslin.

But now it is Misty who`s on the hot seat. "The Orlando Sentinel" reporting Misty failed a second lie detector test, quote, miserably. Here is Misty`s story about what went down that night.


MISTY CROSLIN CUMMINGS, MISSING GIRL`S STEPMOM: I put her to bed about 8, and I woke up and she was gone. The back door was wide open. (UNINTELLIGIBLE)

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Were you all in the same bed?

CROSLIN: No. She was in her bed in front of the TV. And me and Junior was in my bed.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK, sir, let me talk to your wife. Let me just get some information from her.



R. CUMMINGS: How the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) do you let my daughter get stolen, (EXPLETIVE DELETED)?


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Do Ron`s harsh words during that crucial 911 call signal something amiss in that relationship? Investigative journalist Art Harris reveals Misty has, quote, taken off to parts unknown. Has she skipped town? I`ll talk to Art in a moment.

All this as phone records reveal Haleigh`s dad tried to call Misty 20 times on the night little Haleigh disappeared. If she was at home, why didn`t she pick up?

Tonight`s big issue, keeping dark secrets. If Misty Croslin Cummings does indeed know more than she`s saying, how has a 17-year-old managed to keep such a deep, dark secret?

Straight out to my fantastic panel: Tanya Acker, attorney and blogger for "The Huffington Post"; Brenda Wade, a clinical psychologist, as well as Art Harris, investigative journalist; Art`s Web site,, has become the source of record for the latest developments in the Haleigh Cummings case.

Art, what is the very latest?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: The latest I can tell you, Jane, is that Misty is on the run to parts unknown. She took off after a fight with Ronald, her husband, and refuge, who`s been her big defender, but he threw her clothes out last -- several days ago, and she ran out, kicked her out of the trailer they were living in.

He then has a change of heart, chases her down, apologizes, brings her back, and then the next day, she gets in a car and takes off. So...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now Tanya Acker, is she allowed to do that? I mean, she hasn`t been charged with anything. She has not been named a suspect.

TANYA ACKER, ATTORNEY/BLOGGER: She hasn`t been charged with anything. She is not yet a suspect. We don`t know if she will be named a suspect. So she hasn`t done anything wrong, but it does raise some interesting questions about why you would flee in the midst of this very critical investigation, where she is, at the very least, somebody who, having seen - - been the last person to see Haleigh alive, she should have probably stuck around.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. You have to wonder why did she leave? The timeline of the night that Haleigh vanished doesn`t make any sense, people. Haleigh`s great grandmother, Annette Sykes, says she saw Haleigh at about 7:30 that night. Misty claims she put Haleigh to bed at about 8 p.m. that night. We just heard her say it.

Misty`s brother, Hank Croslin, who is now in jail on an unrelated charge, is telling cops that Ron Cummings asked him to go by the house where Misty was and check on Misty, Haleigh and little Ron Jr. that night. Hank says he did that at 9:45 p.m. and nobody was home.

Law enforcement sources say phone records show that Ron tried unsuccessfully to reach Misty 20 times over the course of the evening. But Ron`s lawyer says that Ron did not ask Hank to go check up on Misty. Ron`s lawyer claims Ron and Misty had been in touch during the evening. The lawyer says Ron called Hank`s house at around 9 p.m. just to see if Misty was there.

Well, here`s what I don`t understand, Art Harris. If Ron had been in touch with Misty, why was he calling around looking for her? Why do records show, reportedly, he tried unsuccessfully to call her 20 times? It just doesn`t make sense. What do you know?

HARRIS: I don`t have any -- any information that he was talking to her. In fact, my sources say that he did not speak with her after 8:30. They had a fight on the phone. He did not speak with her until 3 a.m., when he came home.

So you have all those phone calls. You have cell phone towers that put him at work, and you have other towers that are now being investigated along with Misty`s telephone to see if, in fact, hers was off or if, in fact, she made other calls.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: What I don`t understand, what do you mean, they are now being investigated? I mean, the big question is, if she went out, where did she go, and who else knows where she went? How is it possible they`re just checking now on her phone records?

HARRIS: Well, they have her phone records but you know, there`s a GPS issue. There are some cell towers concentrated in one area of the county, and then there are sketchy ones elsewhere. So right now, they`re trying to figure out if, in fact, she had it off or what happened with her phone.

And right now, Jane, I can tell you that she is under a lot of pressure and my latest on their relationship is Ron has told her don`t come back.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tonight`s big issue, keeping dark secrets. Listen to what Misty, the teen bride of Haleigh`s dad, said on "The Today Show" back in March.


MEREDITH VIEIRA, CO-HOST, NBC`S "THE TODAY SHOW": Why were there inconsistencies? Why did you say one thing one time and one time, the other? One thing the other?

M. CUMMINGS: I don`t know.

VIEIRA: But you -- you know you did do that?


VIEIRA: And you`re not sure why?



VELEZ-MITCHELL: That`s an amazing interview for what it doesn`t say. The six months since that appearance, Misty has basically not changed or said anything new.

Here`s the thing. Let`s assume hypothetically, Brenda Wade, Misty has been harboring a dark secret all this time. If she`s hiding something, she is stone-walling as effectively as a terrorist suspect. How is it possible for a teenager to pull of something that would require such sophistication and self-control?

BRENDA WADE, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST: Jane, I don`t know if she`s hiding anything or not. This family has so much dysfunction, so much, you know, bad communication, breakdowns, fights. Now your clothes are in the street; you`re in, you`re out. There`s so much confusion.

And one of the things I always remind myself when I look at Misty is she is 17. Now, your brain isn`t finished until you`re about 24, Jane. We`ve got a person with an immature brain and a lot of immaturity in other ways, left with two children. It`s so confusing.

But there`s one thing that jumps out at me, which is that the brother who says Misty wasn`t at home is in jail on a felony charge. Yet his mother believes him. I don`t know. I don`t think anybody in this family has any character. I don`t know who to believe.

What I do know is that it`s very likely that Misty was acting out and punishing Ron, because they had a fight on the phone. Whether she shut off the phone or whether she left the house, that fight is what triggered whatever went on next.

HARRIS: I can tell you...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Go ahead, Art.

HARRIS: Jane, I can tell you that Misty, I`ve talked to her family, her grandmother, up in Tennessee. They say Misty didn`t really have a chance. She grew up, you know, living out of cars. Her parents had their own issues. She wasn`t made to go to school. She had learning disabilities.

And it`s really sad to hear her describe Misty coming home from school saying, "Grandma, I can`t do this. Will you help me." And then her grandmother sitting down and poring over her homework, this -- this wonderful lady trying to summon what she remembered from school, unable to help her granddaughter.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: One thing I will say about secrets that I`ve learned covering crime, is that you tell a lie, you have to cover it with another lie. Then you have to cover that lie with another lie. And the chance of other people getting involved and being involved increases, right?

WADE: Yes. Absolutely, Jane. There`s no question.

ACKER: And I think that the...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So the idea that you could keep this secret forever is really unrealistic, and what happens is at a certain point, it festers to the point where it`s no longer sustainable, and it explodes in your face.

All right. More on this in just a moment.

Coming up, shocking claims through the daughter of a rock legend. From drugs to incest, it`s the story that`s going to make your head spin.

Then, how is it possible Haleigh`s dad, Ron Cummings, is holding up through all of this hell?


R. CUMMINGS: That I`m not hiding anything for anybody and, if somebody has something to do with it, let them fry. So be it. Whoever it might be.




R. CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before y`all do, I`m killing him. I don`t care. I`ll spend the rest of my life in prison. I`m telling you, you can put it on record. I don`t care.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK, it`s OK, sir. We got them on the way. OK, can you give me any -- what kind of description of her pajamas that she was wearing?

R. CUMMINGS: I don`t (EXPLETIVE DELETED) know. I was at work!


VELEZ-MITCHELL: A frantic father, out of his mind, as you can hear, with worry over his missing 5-year-old daughter, a girl with special medical needs.

Tonight, speculation swirling about whether Haleigh`s stepmom, Misty, has been keeping a dark secret in the seven months since Haleigh vanished. Listen to what Misty said in the days following little Haleigh`s disappearance.


M. CUMMINGS: I was looking by the dirty clothes for the clothes she was wearing earlier that day for school, and I found that shirt, and I showed the detectives. If I was hiding something, why would I show the cops the shirt?


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Art Harris, investigative journalist, you`ve become the source of all things Cummings. You`ve heard some reports of a comment that Misty allegedly made. This is new information.

HARRIS: That`s right. That`s right.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tell us about it.

HARRIS: It`s on I interviewed the neighbor who says that her brother, Tommy, stole his gun. Tommy`s in jail now. He told me, though, that Misty when she was over there using the phone, once said, "I`m," quote, "damned tired taking care of someone else`s children."

And then as she was leaving, she turned to him -- she called him Mr. Child, "will you please pray for me?"

He said, "Misty, I don`t really go to church that much, but I`ll see what I can do."

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Brenda Wade, what do you make of that comment, if it`s true?

WADE: You know, I don`t think it`s unusual for somebody who`s 17, caring for two young children to feel I`m tired of it. It`s overwhelming. And this -- she`s a girl. I can`t even say young woman. This girl must have been overwhelmed.

Jane, I don`t know what she`s hiding or if she`s hiding something. But I feel a certain empathy for her, because it seems to me she`s in a situation that is overwhelming, that is so dysfunctional, with a guy who throws her out on the street. I mean, it just seems like mass confusion to me. And in their relationship, one thing is clear. They don`t know how to talk anything out. Everything gets acted out. So I have a lot of concerns about all of it.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: But you know -- go ahead, Art.

HARRIS: Ironically, I have talked to a lot of her friends and family. Ronald was probably the most stable relationship she`s ever had.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, she`s only 17 at the time of all this. So that doesn`t really say a whole heck of a lot. I mean, Tanya Acker, what I could never get my mind around in this case is the fact that Ron Cummings married her. Your child disappears on this girl`s watch, and you marry her? I can`t understand that, no matter what explanations I`ve heard.

HARRIS: Well, his explanation...

ACKER: There are so many -- there are so many things about this case that just don`t make sense. I think that Brenda raises some very good points about the dysfunction in this family. I mean, the mother who`s now siding with the brother in jail. I guess has also reportedly said that she`s estranged from Misty and not talking to her.

The whole notion of this marriage that takes place after the disappearance, I think you`re absolutely right, it raises serious questions. It`s a little suspicious, given that married couples can`t testify against one another. And so I think there`s some reason, there might be some reason to question some of those motives. But I find it all very bizarre and very, very troubling.

HARRIS: I asked Ron that question, Jane. And you know what he told me?


HARRIS: Over dinner several months ago, he said you keep your friends close and your enemies closer.


HARRIS: He was afraid -- he was afraid, he said, that if, in fact, Misty took off to Tennessee, wherever, he would never find out what happened to Haleigh, because she was the last one who was with her.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And now she`s missing. Where is she, Art?

HARRIS: I`m just told she is -- she is out of town. No one can find her. She was supposed to come back and have a reunion with Ronald on Thursday, but I`m now told that`s off.

ACKER: And I think...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Art -- go ahead.

ACKER: I was going to say, the other point, really, that we sort of talk about the mystery of her disappearance and the strange timing of it and why it was really not very well thought out or a good idea. Let`s again remember that she is 17. This girl clearly does not have and has not exercised the best judgment. So I think we should be careful about ascribing too many motivations...

WADE: Yes. The other thing, Jane, that I want always...

HARRIS: The pressure`s on her. She hops in a car with someone...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Hold on, Art. What are you saying?

HARRIS: The pressure`s on her. She hops in a car with someone, and she takes off.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Why is the pressure on her now? This has been going on for months. Is it because they dredged the pond?

HARRIS: They dredged the pond. Her brother comes -- her brother comes in and says that, you know, she wasn`t home when he went over and banged on the door. I had a major, Major Gary Bowling demonstrated to me how hard he banged. He banged on the table, and I could hear it all the way over the phone. It was loud.

So if anybody...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So that implies she was not at home at the time that Haleigh disappeared?

HARRIS: Or she was so -- so, you know, in such a hard sleep from whatever she`d been doing -- that`s what Ron`s mother believes -- that she didn`t wake up. And she claims through her lawyer that she was home.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Misty`s whereabouts as well as the story she`s told about what happened that night are now under intense scrutiny, obviously. A guy named Greg, with whom she reportedly had a revenge romance after a fight with Ron, says Misty partied with him the weekend before. Listen to this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Right before she went back to him, she was with me. And she was telling me that she left him, because he`s going to beat on her, whatever. They used to fight all the time. She came to me and we hung out, me and her friend, Nene. We were just riding around. You know, it was a typical Friday, Saturday night, just riding around having fun. Partying, getting high, you know.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Greg goes on to say he`s sure he saw Misty on Sunday, the day before Haleigh vanished. In fact, he thinks they talked on the phone on Monday. Is Greg`s testimony relevant here? Given the fact that drugs were allegedly involved, Tanya Acker?

ACKER: I think that, look, we`re going to have to look with great suspicion at any testimony, at any statements of that, made in the context of either the -- the person making them or the person about whom they are where drugs are involved. I think that we need to take that with a grain of salt.

HARRIS: That`s the problem with the investigation, Jane. Law enforcement tells me that they have had such a tough time verifying stories, determining credibility. One of the -- one of the officers told me, you know, Art, some of these people, it`s like trying to interview a rock.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. And try to figure out what`s real, what`s fantasy, what`s made up.

HARRIS: Right.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Very difficult. Excellent job, thank you, fantastic panel.

<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on September 24, 2009, 09:17:12 AM


Letter Says Haleigh Died at Oxycontin Party

Aired September 23, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old little girl tucked into bed. Five hours later, she`s gone, vanished, the back door propped wide open. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh.

Bombshell tonight. A letter emerges in the search for Haleigh, outlining details of a party the night Haleigh goes missing, a party fueled by drugs. At the party, Misty Croslin. With her, little Haleigh. Reports that night little Haleigh accidentally ingests the heavy-duty painkiller oxycontin and dies. We have the letter.

This as new stepmom Misty Croslin skips town after a bitter fight with Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings. Croslin`s brother, behind bars on a gun charge, leading to another break. In a late-night jailhouse interrogation, we learn the brother finally confesses he goes to Haleigh`s house the night she goes missing, pounds on the door repeatedly, nobody home. Phone records confirming Ronald Cummings tries desperately to reach Croslin that night, no answer.

Where was girlfriend turned stepmother Misty Croslin during those crucial hours when Haleigh goes missing? Investigators focusing on a heavily wooded area, draining a local pond in connection with Haleigh. As girlfriend turned stepmom Misty Croslin flunks another polygraph, tonight, where is Haleigh?


911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, let me talk to your wife. Let me get some information from her.




911 OPERATOR: Can I talk to her? OK.

CUMMINGS: How the (DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole (DELETED)



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Was Haleigh Cummings the victim of a drug overdose? According to a letter allegedly from one of stepmom-slash-baby- sitter Misty Croslin`s friends, Haleigh died from an overdose of oxycontin, and then her body was thrown into a pond.

MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER/STEPMOTHER: I`ll do anything to get her back. People think that I had something to do with it. If I had something to do with it I or knew where she was, we wouldn`t be sitting here today, we would have her.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The letter claims police were given a sworn affidavit by a friend of Misty`s that states Misty, Haleigh and a group of friends were partying at one of the friend`s homes the night of Haleigh`s disappearance. When Haleigh overdosed, the friends panicked, shoved Haleigh`s body in a black bag and tossed her in a nearby pond.

GRACE: Crystal, what do you make of the recent developments, the developments especially about Misty Croslin flunking a polygraph?

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH`S MOTHER: Well, I thought all along that she had something to do with it, and now this kind of just proves it. I mean, she was the last one to see our daughter, and her stories just don`t add up.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police say they are completely ignoring the letter and are denying any existence of this alleged sworn affidavit from Misty`s friend. Reports are all of the friends have been cleared.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She is still the most important witness in this case. She`s the last person to see the children. She was with them. She`s an important person to be spoken to, and law enforcement needs to go get her.


GRACE: And tonight, live to Connecticut and the sudden disappearance of a gorgeous young Ivy League doctoral student just before she`s set to walk down the aisle, the 24-year-old beauty last spotted on grainy surveillance video walking into a Yale research building. A false fire alarm mysteriously goes off in the building. People rush out. Annie Le never seen again.

At nearly the exact hour Le set to walk down the aisle -- wedding dress on a hanger in the closet, flowers ordered -- the girl`s body found stuffed in a two-foot wall cable space there at Yale`s research building. In the early morning hours, police storm a Super 8 motel to arrest 24-year- old lab tech Raymond Clark on murder one.

Tonight, Clark`s alleged history of stalking, threatening, harassing women resurfaces, his former girlfriend breaking her silence, revealing Clark a control freak during their relationship, lashing out, dictating what she says, where she goes, even what she wears. We have the video.

In the last hours, investigators back at the crime scene, zeroing in on a basement washroom where mouse cages are cleaned. Was this senseless murder over laboratory mice cages? And another twist. Was suspect Raymond Clark fueled by steroids?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A former girlfriend claims the man accused of killing a Yale University grad student was extremely controlling.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: In a shocking interview with "Good Morning America," Ray Clark`s ex-girlfriend was so scared of the Yale lab tech, telling ABC News Clark would get very angry, often, Frighten me. He`d get this little look in his eye, and sometimes it was just better to do what he said.

JESSICA DEL ROCCO, CLARK`S FORMER GIRLFRIEND: He would frighten me. It escalated a lot after -- I mean, with the controlling issue, it escalated from there.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Jessica Del Rocco tells ABC`s "Good Morning America" Clark told her what clothes she could wear and who she could have as friends. Del Rocco says Clark sometimes got so angry, she was frightened.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: In a matter of weeks, Jessica says, Clark went from the perfect boyfriend to becoming manipulative, controlling.

DEL ROCCO: It was anger, yelling. As the relationship progressed, like, if things didn`t go his way, then he`d make them go his way.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Bombshell tonight. Was 5-year-old Haleigh taken to a late-night party fueled by drugs, where she ingested the heavy-duty painkiller oxycontin?


CROSLIN: I know I didn`t do anything to that little girl. I would never hurt her. I mean, they love me. I mean, they look at me like their mom.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did Haleigh Cummings die from an overdose of oxycontin? A letter obtained allegedly from a friend of Misty Croslin claims that Haleigh got her hands on the powerful narcotic while at a party with Misty and her friends the night of the disappearance.

GRACE: Now that you have been told, whether you accept it or not, that your wife has flunked a poly, have you asked her what happened?

CUMMINGS: I asked her, but I don`t get any answers from her.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The letter states that cops were given a sworn affidavit from a friend of Misty`s, who claims everyone at the party, quote, "freaked out" when the toddler overdosed, then put Haleigh in a black bag and threw her into a pond nearby.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Look at her body language. There are so many tells that she`s not telling the truth. She`s saying no when it`s supposed to be in the affirmative, a lot of shoulder shrugging, the tears that don`t look very genuine. It`s very disturbing to watch.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police are denying any friend has come forward making these allegations and are said to be completely ignoring the letter. All of Misty`s friends have reportedly been cleared, and there are still no suspects in the case.


GRACE: As we go to air, we have just heard from local police, who say, in fact, they are not ignoring this theory, that they have been vetting this theory, along with several other theories about what has happened to little Haleigh, and that many points behind this letter are, in fact, credible, and they are, in fact, investigating it.

We are taking your calls live. First out to Marlaina Schiavo, our producer on the story. Marlaina, what do you know about this letter? But most important, its contents. Was there a party the night Haleigh went missing?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: That`s what this letter is saying, Nancy. This letter came from a girl behind bars who is friends with Misty, who`s a party friend of Misty`s, who`s saying that Misty was with her that night and -- or this letter`s claiming Misty, this girl and some other people were together that night and that Haleigh was with them partying -- they were all partying, and Misty got -- excuse me, Haleigh got her hands on oxycontin and ingested it and died. And that`s when this other friend at the party panicked, put Haleigh allegedly in a bag and threw her in a pond. And that`s what this letter is saying.

GRACE: Now, if the letter is true, I am expected to believe that everybody at this so-called party has managed to keep their yaps shut for this long? That is the hard part for me.

What about it, Art Harris at What can you tell me? You`ve been investigating this theory for weeks.

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Well, Nancy, investigators told me exclusively that this letter was legitimate. Got a copy of it right here. And in fact, they are taking it seriously. They did confirm that they talked to this friend of Misty`s in jail, confronted her with this sworn affidavit of a witness, and that she is denying it, but she wrote her boyfriend in this letter saying, Don`t you remember, we were together that night, as if she wants to make sure she has an alibi.

GRACE: To T.J. Hart, program and news director WSKY 97.3 FM. T.J., what do you make of this theory? Did such a party take place? Has that much been confirmed? And this letter is from who to whom?

T.J. HART, WSKY 97.3 FM: I`m not going to mention names. It`s from...

GRACE: I don`t care about the names.

HART: But the recipient was, indeed, her boyfriend. That has been verified. This boyfriend read this to several people over the phone. We had it scan-faxed to us, and that`s how we got it. It is legitimate as far as where the letter came from and who it was sent to.

Now, the party, that has not been confirmed. However, you remember they talked about a pond. Well, in that letter, they also talked about the black bag being dropped in a pond at the Mondex. Well, that`s exactly where a pond was drained over the weekend. The L pond at the Mondex. So there is something to this letter.

GRACE: Out to the lines. We are taking your calls live. Kimberly in Washington. Hi, Kimberly.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. So nice to finally talk with you. You`re my hero, and I watch you every night.

GRACE: Kimberly, thank you. And thank you for calling in. What is your question, dear?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You know, I keep on thinking about little Junior.

GRACE: Right.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He was allegedly there that night. I know early on in the investigation, they said possibly he said there was a man there. I was wondering if police are still questioning him.

GRACE: Let`s go to a special guest joining us tonight. The grandmother of Haleigh and of Junior, Teresa Neves, is with us. She has staunchly supported Misty Croslin throughout. Ms. Neves, thank you for being with us. What about Junior? Have police continued to question him? Has he been questioned at all by police?

TERESA NEVES, HALEIGH`S PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER: He has been questioned, Miss Nancy. He gave them information the night -- or the morning that this happened. And they`re not questioning him now, you know?

GRACE: Yes. I understand. Ms. Neves, at one point, I recall that Junior, the little brother, had stated that there were other people in the home that evening. What do you recall about his statement?

NEVES: Junior`s initial statement to the law enforcement was that he saw a man in black, I believe was what they said.


NEVES: And then it changed, you know? But he didn`t change it. Other people changed it.

GRACE: Yes. Ms. Neves, what do you make of this letter? Do you put any stock in it?

NEVES: Nancy, I`m like you. I do not think that that many people, with a $70,000 reward, are going to sit at home and not say anything. I do not believe for one second that my granddaughter would take something like that because of the taste of it, just simply for that fact.



911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, let me talk to your wife. Let me get some information from her.




911 OPERATOR: Can I talk to her? OK...

CUMMINGS: How the (DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole (DELETED)



CUMMINGS: Somebody stole my child out of my bed. I come home from work and my child was not there.

CROSLIN: I put her to bed and -- about 8:00 o`clock. And I woke up, and she was gone. And that door was wide open.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you believe that Misty was indeed home and that she`s been telling the truth?

CUMMINGS: Yes, I believe she`s telling the truth.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What we need is for Misty to come down here and tell us the truth.

CROSLIN: I didn`t hear anything at all. I mean, I was really exhausted that day, you know, really exhausted. And when I lay down, I guess, you know, I just was out.

NEVES: I was told, you know, that she went to bed at 10:00 o`clock. Being that exhausted, I think that maybe you could sleep through somebody beating on the door.



911 OPERATOR: The officers are going to come out there and do what they can. We can`t have him screaming and yelling at the officers whenever they get there, OK?

CUMMINGS: Give me my (DELETED) phone! I`ve got better people to talk to than (DELETED) that ain`t coming!


GRACE: Straight back out to Marlaina Schiavo. You have been in the home. What do you think? How far away is that front door from where Misty Croslin says she was sleeping? Could you really not have heard somebody banging on the door, if she goes to bed at 10:00 and the brother gets there between 9:30, bangs on the door until 10:00, and then waits for her to get home, no sign of life inside?

SCHIAVO: I find it really hard to believe that no one could hear that. The bedroom is in the front of the house eight, maybe ten feet away from that room. And Nancy, remember, this is a trailer. It`s not a big place. It`s not soundproof. And if he`s banging away like the cops say he was, there`s no way she couldn`t have heard that.

GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Let`s unleash the lawyers. Joining me tonight out of New York, family law attorney Susan Moss. Also with us tonight out of Atlanta, defense attorney Renee Rockwell. And also in New York, defense attorney, former federal prosecutor Doug Burns. Sue Moss, what about it?

SUSAN MOSS, FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY: Did he really go to the trailer door or was this just some folklore? I mean, if he was at the trailer door, there`s no way she was in that trailer. There`s no way she could have slept through this. There`s no way the kids could have slept through him banging on the doors. Somebody is lying, and that`s the key to this case.

GRACE: To Renee Rockwell, I want to get back to this letter, this letter that has been written by a woman who is now incarcerated. What do you make of it? Whenever I find out a letter -- hey, Art, was this letter written from the jailhouse, Art Harris?

HARRIS: Sure was. It was written from the jailhouse, Nancy, and she asks him to, Send me some money.

GRACE: OK. Didn`t ask you that, but thanks for the nugget. Renee Rockwell, I`m always suspicious, since I`ve gotten so many letters from the jailhouse all over the country. When I was prosecuting, I always wonder if there`s an angle. What do they want? What do they want? What`s the motive? That`s a problem.

RENEE ROCKWELL, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Nancy, you can`t always talk about and trust a snitch from the jail. But this is not anything that someone from the jail is trying to go to the police with and make a deal with and get a free pass out of jail. This is a letter that has arisen and has emerged and was not necessarily for the eyes of the police. So you`ve got...

GRACE: That`s a good point.

ROCKWELL: ... to give a little more trust to a letter like that.

GRACE: To Doug Burns, former prosecutor turned defense attorney. Doug, listen, I`ve used jailhouse rats on the stand before...


GRACE: ... if I believed them and if I could corroborate what they had to say. And Renee makes a good point. This is not a letter this woman sends trying to get a deal, trying to get a sweetheart deal. This is to her boyfriend asking for some money. This has nothing to do with any ulterior motive.

BURNS: Right. Exactly right. But the most important point you just made is you can use this as a great source as long as you can corroborate it. So the police can go through every little detail, and hopefully, there`ll be kernels of information in there that lead to additional roads, and that`s where it can be really good. And as you said at the beginning, and you`re right, you can use these witnesses, but you`ve got to corroborate them.

GRACE: Well, sometimes you`ve got to go to hell to get the witness to put the devil in jail, unfortunately.

To Caryn Stark, psychologist joining us in our New York studios. Caryn, weigh in.

CARYN STARK, PSYCHOLOGIST: Well, I`ll tell you, Nancy, it sounds so suspicious. And if you take a look at the grandmother, who`s supporting Misty, that also doesn`t make a lot of sense, compared to her own mother, who doesn`t seem to be supporting her. So there`s so much confusion, and it`s very hard to piece this apart...

GRACE: But I find it important that Teresa Neves, who`s her paternal grandmother, supports Misty Croslin, where her own blood mother doesn`t. To me, that speaks volumes in Misty Croslin`s favor.

STARK: Well, I don`t know about that because, usually, parents stand by their children. I mean, take a look at Casey Anthony. That mother was swearing by her, no matter what. So that`s confusing.

GRACE: You`re right.



CROSLIN: I just wish they would have took me instead of her. What do they want with a little 5-year-old?

CUMMINGS: Could have been any one of us and our children, any one. Nobody knows where there`s a psycho or sicko. Nobody knows.

CROSLIN: She is scared of the dark. She would not go anywhere by herself.

I did take a polygraph. I mean, my understanding is that I passed it.

GRACE: Is there any possibility that she left the home that evening and hasn`t told you?

CUMMINGS: If there is a possibility of it, I don`t know anything about it.


GRACE: To Mike Brooks, former fed with the FBI. Mike, you and I have both seen a lot of jailhouse letters, but Rockwell makes a good point. This is not asking for a favor, Hey, I`ll give you information if you`ll give me straight probation.

MIKE BROOKS, FORMER D.C. POLICE, HLN LAW ENFORCEMENT ANALYST: No, not asking for that at all, Nancy. And you know, just like she said, this was not for the eyes of the police. You know, this was, like, Hey, we were together that night, remember? And you know, and hopefully, Nancy, this will rattle some of the cages, and hopefully, this will rattle the cage that Misty`s in right now since she took off from home because I think she is still holding the key to where little Haleigh is.

Two flunked polygraphs from law enforcement, one flunked polygraph from Tim Miller`s group, inconsistencies all over the place. She`s the one that holds the key to this. I still believe that, Nancy.

GRACE: To chief medical examiner of Broward County, author of "When to Call the Doctor." Dr. Joshua Perper is with us tonight. And it`s an honor to have you on the air with us, Dr. Perper.


GRACE: Dr. Perper, what is oxycontin? And how would, for instance, one pill affect a 5-year-old child, let me just say weighing maybe between 30, 35 pounds?

PERPER: Well, oxycontin is a form of oxycodone, which is long-acting. And it`s taken primarily against pain, but people also take it for so- called recreational purposes, for basically, addiction, getting a high. Obviously, it`s not given to children at all, and it`s not recommended for children. So if, unfortunately, she died as a result of an oxycontin overdose and there are still soft tissue available, then from the examination of the soft tissue, it`s going to be possible to make a determination that she died as a result of that.

GRACE: But from one pill, could a child 39 pounds overdose, Doctor?

PERPER: Probably from one or two pills, she could have died. And it`s possible that children sometimes think that that`s candy, and we see sometimes accidental death in those cases, unless somebody gave her intentionally the pill, which I don`t think it would be very likely.



RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I want to get to the bottom of what happened. I don`t know if hypnosis is going to do it. They`ve already tried to hypnotize.

NANCY GRACE, HOST: Are you of the mind that you should try anything?

R. CUMMINGS: Absolutely. If that`s what we need to, do then that`s what we can do.

MISTY CROSLIN-CUMMINGS, RONALD CUMMING`S WIFE, LAST SEEN HALEIGH: I`m trying to do everything to find her, you know, I`m answering any questions I have to, because I know I didn`t do anything to that little girl.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Here`s the back screen door. The one that was propped open with the cinder block. OK? Now, if you see, when it closed, it slams. It makes a loud noise. But if you leave this door, this slowly closes as well.

M. CUMMINGS: I just want everybody to know that I didn`t do anything with that little girl. I love her like she`s my own. And I`ll do anything to get her back.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What we need is for Misty to come down here and tell us the truth. We know that it applies pressure in an area where pressure needs to be applied, and that`s on Misty. And Misty can relieve this pressure by telling her attorney that, you know, we need to go down to the sheriff`s office and really lay out in clear terms what I was doing from 8:00 p.m. until 3:00 a.m.

UNIDENTIFIED DISPATCHER: OK, sir, let me talk to your wife. Let me just get some information from her.





R. CUMMINGS: How the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole (EXPLETIVE DELETED)?


GRACE: Straight out to the lines, Katie, North Carolina. Hi, Katie.

KATIE, CALLER FROM NORTH CAROLINA: Hi. I was curious because when Tommy came by the door had to be locked but when Misty woke up it was open. So was the lock broken? I mean how did the door get unlocked?

GRACE: Good question. Marlaina Schiavo, what can you tell us? You`ve actually tested out the door.

SCHIAVO: Well, the door Tommy was knocking on was the front door. The door that was propped open was the side door. So the lock was not -- the lock wasn`t broken. It just -- the door was just propped open.

GRACE: Out to the lines, Tracy, Ohio. Hi, Tracy.

TRACY, CALLER FROM OHIO: Hi, Nancy. I just love you.

GRACE: Thank you, Tracy in Ohio. I`ve got to tell you, I could use that love tonight. I`ve been up since 4:30 this morning with the twins. They`re wearing mommy ragged, but I tell you, when I take a look at this story and I think about Ronald Cummings, Teresa Neves, never seeing their daughter and granddaughter for all these months, maybe never again, they can wake me up every morning at 4:30 for the rest of my life. I`m just so grateful.

What is your question, dear?

TRACY: My question, Nancy, is I wanted to know if there was a party that Misty was at with Haleigh. Would there -- would the other people involved in that party be involved in this too? Would they be charged?

GRACE: Good question. Sue Moss, Renee Rockwell, Doug Burns, again, I`ve got to reiterate. It`s very difficult for me to believe that a bunch at a drug party can keep their pie holes shut these many months, although maybe they think they could be implicated.

Or, Renee Rockwell, I could see a scenario where there had been a party, maybe Haleigh was in the car, maybe she came in to one of the rooms, maybe everyone didn`t see her. There are a lot of scenarios where this could in fact be legitimate.

RENEE ROCKWELL, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Legitimate? Well, I can say this, Nancy. If there was a party and there were illegal drugs or even if they were prescribed but they were left out for a 5-year-old to come in contact with and eat and then die of an overdose, I can absolutely see the whole bunch of them being charged with at least a negligent homicide.

GRACE: Out to the lines, Mary Jo in Florida. Hi, Mary Jo.

MARY JO, CALLER FROM FLORIDA: Hey, friend. I`m a big fan of the show. Thanks for what you do.

GRACE: And thank you for calling in, dear. What`s your question?

MARY JO: I have a two-part question.


MARY JO: I was wondering what Misty was wearing when Ronald got home. Was she in pajamas or was she in.

GRACE: Good question.

MARY JO: And then how much time in between when she allegedly woke up and Ronald got home?

GRACE: Teresa Neves, this is Haleigh`s paternal grandmother. What was she wearing when Ronald got home?

TERESA NEVES, GRANDMOTHER OF MISSING GIRL, HALEIGH CUMMINGS: She was wearing a little pajama top and boxer shorts.

GRACE: Miss Neves, just hearing you upset, we`re all throwing around legal theories and this letter and whether it`s true or not. What is your message tonight?

NEVES: I believe Haleigh is alive. I have faith in God to take care of my baby girl and find her. And I don`t care who had something to do with it. Those are the people who need to be put away and bring my baby girl home.

GRACE: Miss Neves, why are you so sure Haleigh is still with us?

NEVES: Because I stand on God`s promise that if you pray and believe that he will give you what you pray for.

GRACE: Miss Neves, tell me how Ronald is holding up. I mean, he comes on our show frequently, and he`s always so strong. How is he holding up?

NEVES: He`s not as strong at home as he is on TV. But he has to be strong for Junior. You know? So he does the best that he can. He keeps his crying to his self at night and just tries to make Junior happy until Haleigh comes home.

GRACE: How is Junior? Does he even realize at this juncture that Haleigh is gone?

NEVES: Junior thinks that Haleigh is lost and she`s finding her way home. He actually drew her a map so she could find her way home. But he doesn`t realize the longevity, I think, of it.

GRACE: You know, I focus so much on where is Haleigh, what happened that night. You know, Junior has been lost in the mix. I cannot imagine, God forbid, the thought that I would ever have to explain to one of the twins where the other one was, why they were not at home. What do you tell him?

NEVES: The angels are watching Haleigh and she`ll be home soon.

GRACE: Miss Neves, when you hear about, for instance, this letter.

NEVES: Yes, ma`am.

GRACE: How does that affect you? Whether you believe it or don`t believe it. When you hear there might be a break in the case.

NEVES: Miss Nancy, we would love to have a break in this case, and we really would not care who it implicates as long as it brings Haleigh back to us. You know, this letter is a little farfetched, I think, because Haleigh didn`t like medicine and Oxycontin.

I`ve had to take it. I think it`s a very nasty taste. And I can`t imagine Haleigh taking it. So -- but you know, anything that would bring Haleigh home, that`s what we want.

GRACE: With me is Teresa Neves. This is Haleigh`s paternal grandmother.

Miss Neves, you stand very strongly behind Misty Croslin`s story. What do you make of police saying that she has the answers?

NEVES: I have to leave the investigative part of this to law enforcement because, you know, if I go with every whim and every accusation then I`m going to be flipping back and forth in my life and, you know, what we stand -- you know, we just stand for Haleigh here. We just want Haleigh to come home. And I want them to find whoever this is, and I don`t care who it is. But we want Haleigh to come home.

GRACE: We are taking your calls live. With me is Teresa Neves, Haleigh`s grandmother.

Out to Lynn in Alabama, hi, Lynn.

LYNN, CALLER FROM ALABAMA: Hi, Nancy. I love your show.

GRACE: Thank you, dear.

LYNN: Thank you for everything you do.

GRACE: What is your question?

LYNN: If Misty Cummings` brother went to the house that night when no one was home, are his fingerprints -- have they checked the brick for fingerprints or on the door to the trailer?

GRACE: Art Harris, what do we know?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, ARTHARRIS.COM: No fingerprints on the door. But they found a fist, a bloody fist print when Ronald was so upset he punched the door as hard as he could, Nancy.

GRACE: Everyone, I want to give you the tip line again. It is 888- 277-TIPS. 888-277-8477. There is a $70,000 reward in connection with the Haleigh Cummings disappearance. $70,000 for information about Haleigh Cummings.

And I want to remind Miss Neves as we go to break that while we are all throwing around legal theories and arguing the evidence please know that not a day passes that you and your family are not in prayers and thoughts and especially little Haleigh.

<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on September 25, 2009, 10:56:34 AM


Misty`s Mother Sought on Forgery Charge

Aired September 24, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old little girl tucked into bed. Five hours later, she`s gone, vanished, the back door propped wide open. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh.

Bombshell tonight. Police issue a warrant for the arrest of Croslin`s mother. Charge, felony forgery. Is this a police try to get the truth about Haleigh from Misty Croslin`s own mother? She`s already publicly stated her daughter hasn`t come clean about the night Haleigh vanishes.

And a letter emerges in the search for Haleigh, outlining details of a party the night Haleigh goes missing, a party fueled by drugs. At the party, Misty Croslin. With her, little Haleigh. Reports that night little Haleigh accidentally ingested a heavy-duty painkiller, oxycontin, and died. We have the letter.

This as new stepmother Misty Croslin skips town after a bitter fight with Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings. Croslin`s brother thrown behind bars on a gun charge, leading to another break in the case. In a late- night jailhouse interrogation, the brother finally confesses he goes to Haleigh`s house the night she goes missing, pounds on the door repeatedly. Nobody home.

Phone records confirm Ronald Cummings tries desperately to reach Croslin that night. No answer. Where was girlfriend-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin during those crucial hours when Haleigh goes missing? Investigators focus on a heavily wooded area, draining a local pond in connection with Haleigh. As girlfriend-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin flunks another polygraph, tonight, where is Haleigh?


MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER/STEPMOTHER: I just want everybody to know that I didn`t do anything with that little girl. I love her like she`s my own, and I`ll do anything to get her back!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did Haleigh Cummings die from an overdose of oxycontin? A letter obtained allegedly from a friend of Misty Croslin claims that Haleigh got her hands on the powerful narcotic while at a party with Misty and her friends the night of the disappearance.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is not anything that someone from the jail is trying to go to the police with and make a deal with and get a free pass out of jail. This is a letter that has arisen and has emerged and was not necessarily for the eyes of the police.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The letter claims police were given a sworn affidavit by a friend of Misty`s that states Misty, Haleigh and a group of friends were partying at one of the friends` homes the night of Haleigh`s disappearance. When Haleigh overdosed, the friends panicked, shoved Haleigh`s body in a black bag and tossed her in a nearby pond.

GRACE: Ronald, has the theory that Misty left the home sometime during the night been disproved?

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: I`m not sure. I believe that it has, Nancy. I`m almost 100 percent sure, but I wouldn`t tell you that and lie to you.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police are denying any friend have come forward making these allegations and are said to be completely ignoring the letter. All of Misty`s friends have reportedly been cleared, and there are still no suspects in the case.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hopefully, this will rattle the cage that Misty`s in right now since she took off from home because I think she is still holding the key to where little Haleigh is.

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH`S MOTHER: I have faith in God to take care of my baby girl and find her. And I don`t care who had something to do with it. Those are the people who need to be put away.


GRACE: And tonight, live to Connecticut and the sudden disappearance of a gorgeous young Ivy League doctoral student just as she`s set to walk down the aisle, the 24-year-old beauty last spotted on grainy surveillance video walking into a Yale research building.

A false fire alarm mysteriously goes off in the building. People rush out. Annie Le never seen again. At nearly the exact hour Le set to walk down the aisle -- wedding dress on a hanger in the closet, flowers ordered -- the girl`s body found stuffed in a two-foot wall cable space there at Yale`s research building. Early-morning hours, police storm a Super 8 motel to arrest 24-year-old lab tech Raymond Clark on murder one.

Tonight, police close down the Yale research building again. New evidence discovered. Plumbers -- plumbers -- not the police, the plumber discovers evidence shoved down a washroom drain there in the basement where mice cages cleaned by murder suspect Raymond Clark.

And Clark`s alleged history of stalking, threatening, harassing women resurfaces. Former girlfriend reveals Clark`s a control freak, lashing out, dictating what she says, where she goes, even what she wears. We have the video. Was this senseless and brutal murder over laboratory mice cages?

In another twist, was suspect Raymond Clark fueled by steroids? With a community and a university reeling, a family grieving, a young groom left at the altar with a broken heart, tonight, we want justice for 24-year-old bride-to-be Annie Le.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This was not a street crime. It was not a domestic crime. It was a workplace crime.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... police looking into whether Clark`s attitude may have lead to a deadly confrontation.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Annie Le was strangled to death in the lab where he worked. Clark, who also worked there, is charged with doing it and then trying to hide her body behind a wall in the lab`s basement.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Reports surface that DNA from accused murderer Raymond Clark III was found in both the ceiling and the tiny crawl space where Le`s body was uncovered Sunday. According to reports, police observed Clark trying to hide lab cleaning equipment containing blood spatters. A law enforcement official told "The Hartford Courant" that Clark was spotted cleaning up areas Le was in shortly before she was reported missing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Co-workers tell police he was a control freak. He`s also territorial when it came to the lab and the mice that he took care of.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s being reported that he, who maintained the cages and the animals, was upset at her, Annie Le, because she was leaving her cage in disorder or dirty.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s being reported that there was a text message the morning of the day she went missing, asking her to meet with him at the lab.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Arrested and brought into court facing a murder charge at just 24, the police chief makes it clear the lab where they both worked is where the violence was born.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Police issue a warrant for the arrest of girlfriend-turned- stepmother Misty Croslin`s mother. Charge, felony forgery. Is this a police try to get the truth about Haleigh from Croslin`s mom? Well, will the whole Croslin family end up behind bars, everybody except, of course, for Misty Croslin?


911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, let me talk to your wife. Let me get some information from her.




911 OPERATOR: Can I talk to her?



CUMMINGS: How the (DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole (DELETED)?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Was Haleigh Cummings a victim of a drug overdose? According to a letter allegedly from one of stepmom-slash-baby-sitter Misty Croslin`s friend, Haleigh died of an overdose of oxycontin, and then her body was thrown into a pond.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Probably from one or two pills, she could have died. And it`s possible that children sometimes think that that`s candy, and we see sometimes accidental death.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The letter states that cops were given a sworn affidavit from a friend of Misty`s who claims everyone at the party, quote, "freaked out" when the toddler overdosed.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You can use this as a great source, as long as you can corroborate it. So they -- the police can go through every little detail, and hopefully, there`ll be kernels of information in there that lead to an additional roads.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police say they are completely ignoring the letter and are denying any existence of this alleged sworn affidavit from Misty`s friend. Reports are all of the friends were cleared.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We would love to have a break in this case, and we really would not care who it implicates.

GRACE: You have made an accusation that Croslin was on a drug binge. Do you have any evidence to support that claim?


GRACE: Then why did you say it?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It was just a thought. I mean, maybe she was, maybe she wasn`t.

GRACE: It was just a thought. So you have nothing to support the claim that she was on a drug binge around the time that Haleigh goes missing?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, there`s been people that have been questioned that said she was on a drug binge before Haleigh went missing.


GRACE: Straight out to Marlaina Schiavo, our producer on the story. A mother being thrown behind bars on a forgery count? You know, very often, a forgery`s the type of a case that`s considered usually to be fairly light. We save jail beds for child molesters, murderers, rapists, arsonists, drug lords. A forgery? Is this a police attempt to get the truth out of Misty Croslin`s mother? Tell me what`s happening.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: That`s what we`re thinking, Nancy. There`s a nationwide pick-up warrant for Misty`s mother on a forgery charge. The bond is set at $10,000. Now, she can pay that bond in Tennessee, where she`s currently living, or they`re going to extradite her back to Florida.

GRACE: To T.J. Hart, program and news director, WSKY 97.3. What more do we know? When you say forgery, what are we talking about? On a check? Was it a home mortgage? What was it? Was it trying to get money from the government? Was it a sale of a house? What was the document she allegedly forged?

T.J. HART, WSKY 97.3 FM: That is the information I`ve been trying to glean from law enforcement since I found out about this this morning and passed it on to our staff here at HLN. But it appears that they want her. They want her back in Florida, and they want her back in a hurry.

GRACE: You know, now, this is highly unusual. Let`s unleash the lawyers. Everybody, you are seeing just obtained new family photos of little Haleigh in our attempt to try to jog somebody`s memory. These are from grandmother Teresa Neves, a friend of our show. She is the paternal grandmother of little Haleigh.

Let`s unleash the lawyers -- Susan Moss, New York, Joe Lawless, Philadelphia, lawyer, author of "Prosecutorial Misconduct," and out of Miami, Bradford Cohen. Sue Moss, Mommy behind bars. Weigh in.

SUSAN MOSS, FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY: Well, this mother, remember, came out against Misty and said that she believed that her (SIC) son was telling the truth and that Misty was not with regard to whether she was home alone -- home with the kids that night. Maybe they want to put her in jail so they can ask tough questions about why she came to such a conclusion. There has to be a reason...


MOSS: ... why she turned against Misty.

GRACE: Come on, Joe Lawless, I know you`re on the other side of the fence from me, but I would not use the state`s resources to extradite somebody, spend $15,000 to bring somebody home on a $10,000 bond -- charge. Sorry. That doesn`t make sense to me. So this has got to be a play to get the truth out of her.

JOE LAWLESS, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, we`re on the other side of the fence, but remember, I was a former prosecutor. And where you have a child that`s missing and you don`t know what`s happening, you got to bring the witnesses back. And it`s not a question of how much you spend...

GRACE: Right.

LAWLESS: ... it`s what result you can get.

GRACE: Bradford Cohen?

BRADFORD COHEN, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I don`t know if that`s true. In Florida -- I`ve practiced in Florida for 14 years. I`ve seen them do all kinds of things like this.

GRACE: So you`re not surprised.

COHEN: They`d pull people back for $2,500 bond.

GRACE: All the way from another state, they will extradite on a forgery?

COHEN: Absolutely. I just had one that they took some guy from New York on a third-degree felony and extradited him down to Florida.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A new bombshell to tell you about in the disappearance of Florida girl Haleigh Cummings. A letter allegedly from a friend of Haleigh`s stepmother claims the little girl died after ingesting oxycontin. Misty Croslin Cummings was apparently baby-sitting Haleigh the night the girl disappeared. She claims it was after Haleigh was put to bed, but the letter claims Misty and Haleigh were actually at a party when tragedy struck.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This letter is a little far-fetched, I think, because Haleigh didn`t like medicine. And oxycontin -- I`ve had to take it. I think it`s a very nasty taste, and I can`t imagine Haleigh taking it.


911 OPERATOR: What`s her date of birth?

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER: Y`all are (DELETED) playing games, man! I`m going to (DELETED) kill somebody!

911 OPERATOR: OK, tell him we understand. We need to get her date of birth.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What`s her date of birth?

CUMMINGS: (DELETED) her birthday! We need to find her!


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty Croslin`s brother, Tommy Croslin, told authorities that he went to Haleigh`s home around 10:00 PM that night, and no answer when he knocked on the door.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The bedroom is in the front the house, maybe 10 feet away from that room.

This is a trailer. It`s not a big place. It`s not soundproof. And if he`s banging away like the cops say he was, there`s no way she couldn`t have heard that.

CROSLIN: They haven`t left me alone for six months. I`ve been the one, the main focus. They just need to move on and look for the right person.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We would love to have a break in this case, and we really would not care who it implicates as long as it brings Haleigh back to us.


GRACE: Straight out to Terry Shoemaker. This is the attorney for Ronald Cummings, Haleigh`s biological father. He`s joining us from St. Augustine, Florida, a well-known attorney in the Florida region. Terry Shoemaker, thank you for being with us.

Terry, with all of this swirling around Ronald Cummings, every time I speak to him, he is staunch in his support of Misty Croslin`s story. But with her brother behind bars, saying he came to the home that evening and she wasn`t there -- this is when Haleigh`s going missing, that evening, and now the mom`s going behind bars, she`s said she thinks her daughter is not telling the truth -- this certainly had to affect him.

TERRY SHOEMAKER, RONALD CUMMINGS`S ATTORNEY (via telephone): Well, it definitely does affect the way he thinks about what`s going on. But you have to remember, you know, the phone call to Hank, Jr., was, you know, at about 9:00 o`clock, and he never asked him to go check on -- check on Misty and the kids. He just called to see if Misty was at their house.

As far as, you know, Misty`s mom and the conversations -- or what she`s told law enforcement, you know, she has told him in the past that she believes what Misty said, doesn`t think that she has anything to do with it. And so he`s really kind of -- he`s more concerned with why they`re changing their stories now as to what they were saying previously.

GRACE: OK. OK. Understood. Ellie Jostad, I want to talk to you about the brother, Tommy Croslin, who it`s my understanding lives in the same area where police have just conducted an investigation of sorts, when there was a, we believe, false sighting of little Haleigh. What can you tell me? Is he about to get out of jail? And is that a little bit of a coincidence, that he stayed behind bars on a $10,000 bond on a gun argument with a neighbor, and now that he talks to police and is interrogated and gives this information, now his bond has been cut in half?

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Yes, right, his bond has been lowered. Tommy Croslin actually got out of jail today. We don`t know who posted that bond for him, but he is walking out of jail as his mother could be walking into jail.

GRACE: Take a listen to what Misty Croslin`s mother, the mom who now has a felony forgery arrest warrant on her head, had to say about Misty Croslin`s story regarding the night Haleigh vanishes.


MARIE GRIFFIS, CROSLIN`S MOTHER: Deep down in my heart, yes, I think my daughter`s holding something back. I think they`re both holding something back. That`s just in my heart.

I`m going to tell her I love her. And if you know anything at all, please tell me. We can work it through. I`ll be -- I`ll be right there by your side. We`ll get through it. Just please tell me whatever you`re holding back.


GRACE: That was from WOFL, and that is Misty Croslin`s mother hoping that she will tell everything she knows about the night this little girl vanishes, a 5-year-old lying allegedly asleep in her own bed when the girlfriend wakes up. She says the back door`s propped wide open. She doesn`t call 911 -- 911 only called when the dad gets home from the night shift.

To Dr. Bethany Marshall, psychoanalyst, author of "Deal Breakers." What do you think, Bethany?

BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST: Well, there are so many twisted undercurrents in this family. Is this the kind of dysfunctional family where the mother liked one child, the brother, and didn`t like the daughter? Did she have an axe to grind against her own daughter? Did she think the daughter had a drug abuse problem? It`s like one small brush stroke and a big picture that needs to be filled in.




GRACE: What is her story about what happened that night?

CUMMINGS: She went to bed -- she put Haleigh to bed, done some laundry and went to bed, and woke up to the door propped open.

CROSLIN: There was a brick, like a cinderblock. It was holding the screen door open. And that door, that door is always closed. You know, that brick -- I`ve never seen a brick even around there.

GRACE: Why are you so sure Haleigh is still with us?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Because I`ve stayed on God`s promise that if you pray and believe, that he will give you what you pray for!


GRACE: That is paternal grandmother Teresa Neves, who joined us and still very staunchly, firmly believing that this little girl is alive. I hope she`s right.

Joining me right now, T.J. Ward. He is the president of Investigative Consultants International, and he gave that voice analysis to the new stepmother, Misty Croslin, the last person to see little Haleigh alive.

T.J. Ward, thank you for being with us. Explain to us what you learned from -- I call it a voice stress test. You call it a layered voice analysis. Potato, potato. What did you learn?

T.J. WARD, INVESTIGATIVE CONSULTANTS INTERNATIONAL (via telephone): Well, thank you, Nancy. After running the test completely, I can tell you, in fact, that Misty knows directly what happened to Haleigh. Misty knows. I mean, it`s very much there.

Her thinking level is abnormal. She`s having to think about what she was talking to me about. I went through all the way through the day that Misty -- before she said she laid Misty (SIC) down in the bed, which she didn`t do. And I believe that she knows direct -- directly where this child is. I really do, in the course of this test.

And of course, she flunked two polygraphs prior to that, so she flunked our test also, I can tell you. But there`s extreme stress in this test. And this is not voice stress. I will tell you that. It picks up stress, but not only that, but I can see that she`s hiding information and she`s not talking about everything and she`s...

GRACE: T.J., I know you`re still working on the case. What are you working on now?

WARD: Well, I`m trying to, right now, to see if law enforcement will allow me to come to Florida and interview the individuals that are involved in this letter.

GRACE: Right.

WARD: I`ve contacted Tim Miller with Equusearch and...

GRACE: Well, hold on just a moment. Let`s back up. Ellie, explain what we`re talking about when we refer to this letter. I`ve got a copy right here and police have confirmed to us that this is a legitimate theory that they are vetting.

JOSTAD: Right. This is a letter that was written by a friend of Misty`s who is in jail. She wrote this letter to her boyfriend saying, You won`t believe what police told me. They say they have a witness who claims we were all at a party the night Haleigh went missing, she took some oxycontin and died.


CUMMINGS: Her and Junior were sleeping in my queen-size bed, and she was sleeping in the tot bed beside her, three or four feet from her or whatever.




RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I just got home from work, my 5-year-old daughter is gone.


R. CUMMINGS: I need somebody to be here now.

MISTY CROSLIN-CUMMINGS, RONALD CUMMING`S WIFE, LAST SEEN HALEIGH: 3:00 in the morning, I got up and -- I got up because I had to use the bathroom but I didn`t make it to the bathroom. I see the kitchen light on. And I walked in kitchen and the back door is wide open.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Right beside me on my left is the bed where Misty Croslin was sleeping. And here on the right we had the bed where little Haleigh was sleeping. And you can see it is all but about 3 1/2 feet from each other. And this is right where Misty said she got up and she had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

R. CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before you all do, I am killing them. I don`t care.


R. CUMMINGS: I don`t care if I spend the rest of my life in prison. I am telling you, you can put it on recording, I don`t care.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: OK. It`s OK, sir. We`ve got them on the way. OK. Can you give me any -- what kind of description of her pajamas that she was wearing?


M. CUMMINGS: People think that I have something to do with it. If I had something to do with it, if I knew where she was we wouldn`t be sitting here today. We would have her.


M. CUMMINGS: I don`t know where she is.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty can relieve this pressure by telling her attorney that, you know, we need to go down to the sheriff`s office and really lay out in clear terms what I was doing from 8:0 p.m. until 3:00 a.m. What we need is for Misty to come down here and tell us the truth.

TERESA NEVES, GRANDMOTHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD, HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I have leave the investigative part of this to law enforcement. Because you know, if I go on every whim and on every accusation, then I`m going to be flipping back and forth in my life. And you know what we stand, you know - - we just stand for Haleigh here.

We just want Haleigh to come home. And I want them to find whoever this is. And I don`t care who it is. But we want Haleigh to come home.


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Back to the lawyers. Susan Moss, Joe Lawless, Bradford Cohen.

Apparently, Joe Lawless, the last time she spoke to cops -- and I`m talking about Misty Croslin. The girlfriend turned stepmother. The last person to see Haleigh alive. She spoke to cops without a lawyer. She voluntarily spoke to cops without a lawyer. What do you make of it?

JOE LAWLESS, DEFENSE ATTORNEY, AUTHOR OF "PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT": Well, it`s either someone who didn`t do anything or someone who thinks they`re smart enough to fool the authorities. I don`t know. If she were my client I wouldn`t have let her speak to the police until I had a better grip of what was going on here and it`s just not clear.

GRACE: And Susan Moss, the reality is, although T.J. Ward believes firmly in his voice analysis test to Misty Croslin, it`s not allowed in court. We get calls every night, she`s flunked two polys. Why can`t she have an arrest warrant? It`s not enough.

SUSAN MOSS, FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY & CHILD ADVOCATE: Unfortunately it doesn`t. It is not allowed in court because it doesn`t pass we call either the doubler (ph) or the fry hearing. Meaning that it has not gained enough reliability within the expert`s community to be reliable. So it`s not going in.

GRACE: Bradford Cohen, defense attorney joining us out of Miami. You know, every time I -- well, almost every time -- I every try a felony, the defendant`s mother will be sitting front and center right at behind him or her, probably crying. Holding up a bible in the courtroom.

In this case, Misty Croslin`s mother has already come out and publicly stated that she believes her daughter is withholding. As a matter of fact, before I get your comment, Bradford Cohen, take a listen to Misty Croslin`s own mother.


LISA CROSLIN, MISTY`S MOTHER: Deep down my heart, yes, I think that my daughter is holding something back. I think they both are holding something back. That`s just in my heart. I`m going to tell her I love her and if you know anything at all, please tell me. We can work it through it. I`ll be right there by your side. We`ll get through it. Just please tell me whatever you`re holding back.


GRACE: OK. Bradford Cohen, I don`t think that she`s going to be sitting right behind Misty Croslin if she ever gets into a courtroom or waving the bible around. Of course I`d always get out my own bible and wave it right back at the mother. But long story short, that`s not going to help when your own mother is not on your side.

BRADFORD COHEN, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: No. This is like dial "d" for dysfunction. I mean the whole family`s -- there`s something wrong with the whole family.

GRACE: Did you ever think about "t" for truth?

COHEN: That`s true, too. I mean, it`s amazing that everyone in this family has something in terms of some legality going on that the police are arresting the brother, the police are arresting the mother. Anybody who listens to her story doesn`t think it makes sense. I don`t think that the mom is taking a huge.

GRACE: Well.

COHEN: . leap by saying.

GRACE: Everybody but Ronald Cummings.

COHEN: I`m shocked. I mean it`s amazing that -- you know, maybe it`s the love of this woman that is controlling him in terms of not seeing the light, but this story does not make sense. I think everybody except for him understands it doesn`t make sense.

I don`t even know. Maybe the mother will be supporting the daughter at a possible trial. Who knows what`s going on here? But certainly.

GRACE: To Dr. Bethany Marshall.

COHEN: . she doesn`t believe the story.

GRACE: Psychoanalyst, author of "Dealbreakers." What do you think about the divide within the family?

BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST, AUTHOR OF "DEALBREAKERS": Well, it`s very typical in dysfunctional families that the parent chooses one child to love and one child to be unsupportive of. So the mother may support their son but not the daughter.

GRACE: But hasn`t it crossed your -- Marshall or Cohen, the attorney`s minds, that maybe she doesn`t believe the daughter`s story and it has nothing to do with tangled up snakes in their heads, as you would suggest that she really doesn`t believe her story?

MARSHALL: Nancy, could I suggest that the mother says, I think she`s hiding something, then she says, I think they`re hiding something? And maybe the mother has some culpability in this case. And because of that, she`s trying to distance herself from both of them. In a sense, saving her own skin at her daughter`s expense. Not that she has overt culpability but that she`s been contributing to a pattern of neglect and she does not want that exposed.

GRACE: OK, we are talking about the mother of Misty Croslin who spoke to local affiliate WOFL. And in that interview she states very clearly she believes her own daughter is hiding something. Take a listen. This is what we`re talking about.


L. CROSLIN: Deep down in my heart, yes, I think that my daughter was holding something back. I think they both are holding something back. That`s just in my heart. I`m going to tell her I love her and if you know anything at all, please tell me. I mean, we can work through it. I`ll be right there by your side. We`ll get through it. But just please tell me, whatever you`re holding back.


GRACE: That is from WOFL. To Tom Shamshak, former police chief, now private investigator and instructor at BU, Boston University. Is this a police ploy? The brother has been thrown behind bars. His bond was cut in half once he spoke to police in the late-night interrogation. And now Croslin`s mother has a warrant for her arrest on her head.

TOM SHAMSHAK, FMR. POLICE CHIEF, PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR, INSTRUCTOR AT BOSTON UNIVERSITY: Good evening, Nancy. Nancy, this is a typical police investigative measure. To bring people in. They`re a captive audience. And now they can be confronted with inconsistencies and really drilled about the matter at hand.

And here, I`m not surprised whatsoever that law enforcement is reaching out and using every opportunity to isolate this family and to, again, drill them for information.

GRACE: And very quickly, to Dr. Jennifer Shu, pediatrician and editor of "Baby Child Health." Would one Oxycontin kill a 39-pound little girl or two Oxycontin pills?

DR. JENNIFER SHU, PEDIATRICIAN, CO-AUTHOR OF "HEADING HOME W/YOUR NEWBORN": Yes, actually it could, Nancy. Oxycontin is 7.5 times stronger than codeine. So even the smallest tablet that`s 10 milligrams could cause a child like that to stop breathing and die.

GRACE: Joining us, Dr. Jennifer Shu, pediatrician and editor of "Baby and Child Help."

Right now as we go to break, a big welcome to Joy Behar coming to HLN. This is last night`s launch party for Joy`s show. President Ken Jautz is there with us. Don`t worry. I`d already bathe the twins and put on their PJ`s. They were at home asleep with daddy while mommy celebrated with Joy and her new show. Kickoff, this Tuesday, September 29, 9:00 p.m., sharp.

Welcome, friend.


<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on September 26, 2009, 09:04:39 AM


Misty`s Mother Arrested on Forgery Charges

Aired September 25, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


JEAN CASAREZ, GUEST HOST: Breaking news in the sudden disappearance of 5-year-old Florida girl Haleigh Cummings, Haleigh reportedly kidnapped from her own bed in the middle of the night. As we go to air tonight, police arrest Misty Croslin`s mother, Lisa Croslin taken into custody in Tennessee on a felony forgery charge, her bail set at $100,000. This as police release Croslin`s brother on a gun charge, the same brother who tells police Croslin not at home the night Haleigh goes missing. Are police pressuring Croslin`s family, trying to get the truth about Haleigh?

And in another major development, surveillance video and a mystery letter surfaces, a letter set to crack this case wide open. An unidentified blond woman dressed in blue scrubs and hiding behind dark glasses drops off a letter containing a tip connected to Haleigh`s disappearance. We have that surveillance video. It has just been released. In the last hours, police announce they have located the mystery woman on that videotape. Who is she? And what does she know about Haleigh`s disappearance?

This is all on the heels of another stunning letter claiming Haleigh ingested the painkiller oxycontin at a party and died, cops calling that letter, quote, "a farce." As new stepmother Misty Croslin flunks another polygraph, where is Haleigh?


RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: I want to let everyone know that I`m not hiding anything for anybody, and if somebody had something to do with it, let them fry.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Breaking news in the case of missing Florida girl Haleigh Cummings. The mother of stepmom-slash baby-sitter Misty Croslin has been arrested. Lisa Croslin was taken into custody in Tennessee. She was wanted for allegedly stealing and forging checks.

NANCY GRACE, HOST: We save jail beds for child molesters, murderers, rapists, arsonists, drug lords. A forgery? Is this a police attempt to get the truth out of Misty Croslin`s mother?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Pressure mounts as cops hope new details from Misty`s brother, Tommy Croslin, will lead to the truth about what happened to Haleigh.

MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER/STEPMOTHER: I didn`t do anything with -- to that little girl. I would never hurt her. I mean, they love me. They -- I mean, they look at me like their mom.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Meanwhile, police are investigating a mysterious tip that was left by a woman at a local newspaper around 3:00 PM Wednesday.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It took just a few seconds for this blond woman in blue scrubs to drop off a letter with purported information about what happened to Haleigh Cummings, one paragraph long, typed, and has three letters at the bottom that resemble initials.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The woman has since come forward to help clarify the information, telling cops she was dropping the envelope off for someone else.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If the information is accurate, it`s going to be pretty volatile.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I believe Haleigh is alive. I have faith in God to take care of my baby girl and find her. And I don`t care who had something to do with it, those are the people who need to be put away.


CASAREZ: Good evening. I`m Jean Casarez of the legal network In Session, in for Nancy Grace tonight. As we go to air, police have arrested Misty Croslin`s mother.


911 OPERATOR: 911. What`s your emergency?

CROSLIN: Hi. I just -- I just woke up and our back door was all open, and I can`t find our daughter.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: More details emerge in the case of missing Florida girl Haleigh Cummings. Misty`s mom arrested. Lisa Croslin, the mother of stepmom-slash-baby-sitter Misty Croslin, has been detained in Tennessee for allegedly forging stolen checks. Police believe Lisa Croslin stole checks from a neighbor, then cashed one of those checks at a local bank.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This mother, remember, came out against Misty and said that she believed that her son was telling the truth and that Misty was not. Maybe they want to put her in jail so they can ask tough questions about why she came to such a conclusion.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Lisa Croslin told FOX affiliate WOFL...

LISA CROSLIN, MISTY`S MOTHER: Deep down my heart, yes, I think my daughter`s holding something back. I think they both are holding something back. That`s just in my heart.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Also today, police are looking into a tip left at a local newspaper Wednesday. Newly released surveillance video shows a woman in blue scrubs dropping off an envelope around 3:00 PM that day.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The paper`s name and address was on the envelope, sealed. They`re looking at the letter and the envelope for fingerprints.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The woman has since voluntarily come forward to clarify the information, saying she was actually dropping off the envelope for someone else. Police are following up on the tip, but refuse to comment on the details inside the envelope.

CASAREZ: Ms. Neves, why are you so sure Haleigh is still with us?

TERESA NEVES, HALEIGH`S PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER: Because I stand on God`s promise that if you pray and believe, that he will give you what you pray for!


CASAREZ: Let`s go straight out to Marlaina Schiavo, producer of NANCY GRACE, who has been on this case from the very beginning. Marlaina, what can you tell us about the arrest that just went down of Misty Croslin`s mother, Lisa?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Jean, Misty Croslin`s mother is being held in Tennessee. She was arrested for charges on forgery. She`s being held in Tennessee, Jean, on $100,000 bond. They want to keep her in Tennessee right now until Putnam County can bring her back to Florida.

CASAREZ: OK, what is she doing in Tennessee? Because she lives -- did live in Florida.

SCHIAVO: She left about two weeks ago. She and her husband just up and moved to Tennessee. This was right after her son, Tommy, was arrested for stealing that gun. Now, that same person that accused Tommy of stealing the gun is accusing Lisa Croslin of stealing 10 checks and writing one out to herself back on September 8th for $400 and cashing it.

CASAREZ: And plus, you have the felony forgery situation. Well, while she is being arrested in Tennessee, at the very same time, police are releasing a video down in Florida of a mystery woman that went to the St. Augustine newspaper -- there she is right there -- and handing them an envelope.

Let`s go straight out to T.J. Hart, program director WSKY 97.3 FM. What can you tell us about this? It just happened.

T.J. HART, WSKY 97.3 FM (via telephone): Well, this woman voluntarily walked into the Putnam County police station, made contact with them. They spoke with her. They`re not going to release her name, but they did say she has no, quote, "relationship," as she dropped this information off to the associate editor of "The St. Augustine Record" for a friend. That`s all she`s saying right now. They`ll probably want to talk to her again. And according to the associate editor, Richard Pryor (ph), the contents of the letter -- volatile. Volatile.

CASAREZ: All right, T.j. Hart, let`s start from the beginning. She drops a letter off anonymously. Thank goodness the St. Augustine newspaper had that surveillance video. It allowed police to talk to her, at least. It was an envelope. Do we know what the letter contained?

HART: It contained some information and three letters at the bottom of the page, I am told. But after that, not much more because they want to keep this under wraps. I do know that a search ensued out in the area earlier this week, about a day or two ago, probably -- I think it was yesterday now -- right out there where the trailer was where Ron, Misty, Haleigh and Junior lived in Hermit`s Cove, just outside of Satsuma.

CASAREZ: So police get this letter. They then have a search done near the trailer. Do we know if the trailer was typewritten or handwritten?

HART: Can`t tell you, ma`am. They`re not releasing the contents.

CASAREZ: We don`t know. Do we know if the envelope was addressed to someone on the outside?

HART: Yes, Richard Pryor, the associate editor for "The St. Augustine Record." It had his name and the paper`s name right there on the envelope, and the envelope was sealed.

CASAREZ: All right. Let`s go straight out to the lawyers tonight, Gloria Allred, family law attorney out of Los Angeles, Anne Bremner out of Seattle, defense attorney extraordinaire, Alan Ripka out of New York, defense attorney.

To Gloria Allred, you know, at first blush, you see that Misty`s mother was arrested in Tennessee, felony forgery charges. You say, Well, that`s separate and distinct from this. But is it really, Gloria Allred? Is this separate and distinct, or are they trying to find out information? Because the last thing the woman said before she left Florida was, I think my daughter knows more than what she`s saying.

GLORIA ALLRED, FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY: Well, Jean, I think that the first thing is that, of course, police would always deny that they`re trying to pressure anyone in custody to give any other information about a crime for which they are not charged. But at the same time, of course, they`d be real happy if the person in custody would give them some other information or clarification about statements they made earlier. And in this case, the mom, who is under arrest now, has indicated some doubts about Misty`s story, and so perhaps they`d like to hear more about that.

CASAREZ: Questioning the veracity of her own daughter. To Anne Bremner, Misty`s mother is in Tennessee. Florida authorities are down in Satsuma. We`ve got to have a legal proceeding right now, right? It`s called extradition.

ANNE BREMNER, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: It`s called extradition, and she may fight it, and that may take some more time. And the fact is, like Nancy has said -- and by the way, great to see you, Jean, but -- is that the jail cells are not filled with forgers. I mean, they`re with killers and murderers, et cetera. You don`t see extraditions on a forgery very often, unless they need to get her in there to talk to her as a witness.

CASAREZ: That`s right. And to just reiterate so everybody knows, what police are saying is that when, allegedly, Tommy Croslin, her son, went to the neighbor`s home and allegedly stole a gun -- that`s why he was brought up on grand theft charges -- that she allegedly stole some checks out of the neighbor`s home. And one of those checks she allegedly wrote for $400 and cashed it, and thus you have the forgery charge right there.

But the question remains, just as Anne Bremner said, you have a lot of people, violent criminals that are in this area and in this country. Alan Ripka, what do you think about an arrest in Tennessee on a forgery charge?

ALAN RIPKA, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, I think it`s going to really help them put a lot of pressure on her to talk further. But I also think the defense is going to love it because in the beginning, the prosecutors were hopeful that the mother`s testimony against her own daughter would be helpful. But now she`s arrested on forgery, which is a crime of credibility. And therefore, she loses credibility in her own statements about her own daughter.

CASAREZ: To Nancy in Virginia. We`re taking your calls live tonight. Hi, Nancy in Virginia. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi. I was wondering if anyone has heard or seen from Misty Croslin.

CASAREZ: That`s a very good question. Let`s go out to Art Harris. Art, Misty Croslin left town, too. A lot of people are leaving town. Where is she right now?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: I can tell you that she is not at home, and she is on the road, not expected back anytime soon, as a result of a fight with Ronald. She`s with a friend, I`m told. And right now, Ronald does not want to talk to her.

CASAREZ: So Misty is not back in town. She`s with a friend. Ronald is in town. What do you make of it, Art Harris?

HARRIS: Well, I think that there is not -- there is trouble in paradise, Ronald and Misty on the rocks, her family, a revolving door at the Putnam County jail, very distraught. I just talked to her father a little while ago, and this is a family in trouble that doesn`t know what to think, Jean.


CUMMINGS: I pulled into the yard, and my girlfriend opened the front door. And I already knew something was wrong because she`s not up at this time. And I said, What are you doing up at this time? And she says, Your back door`s wide open, and your daughter`s gone.




CUMMINGS: I pulled into the yard. The front door was wide open. She was standing in it. I asked her what she was doing up. She told me that the back door was wide open and Haleigh was gone. I turned the house upside down, told her to call 911.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... show you the back door and show you how both doors close automatically. So -- and I`m also going to show you the lock because the lock is about three feet from the floor, and we know that that`s about as tall as Haleigh stands.

CROSLIN: I did take a polygraph.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And you passed it?

CROSLIN: I mean, my understanding is that I passed it.

GRACE: What is her story about what happened that night?

CUMMINGS: The same thing that she`s telling police or whoever, that she went to -- she put Haleigh to bed, done some laundry, went to bed, and woke up to the door propped open.

911 OPERATOR: You said your back door was wide open?

CROSLIN: Yes, with a brick. Like, the brick`s on the floor. Like, when I went to sleep, it was not like that.

CASAREZ: Why are you so sure Haleigh is still with us?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Because I stand on God`s promise that if you pray and believe, that he will give you what you pray for!


CASAREZ: I`m Jean Casarez of the legal network In Session, in for Nancy Grace tonight. I want to go out to Pat Brown, criminal profiler, author of "Killing for Sport," out of Minneapolis tonight. Pat, I want to ask you, if you were part of the FDLE, Federal (SIC) Department of Law Enforcement, or the sheriff`s office, would you personally go to Tennessee right now to start talking with Misty Croslin`s mother, or would you wait for extradition?

PAT BROWN CRIMINAL PROFILER: Well, I think it all depends on the little plan they`ve got going there. They want to make her sweat, obviously. They want to make her think, Oh, my God, I`ve got such a huge amount of money against me here. They`re really leaning on me heavy, and I`m going to get stuck forever in jail. I`m going to get a huge sentence - - depending on what they can get her to believe without her lawyer interfering.

So I think -- you know, I don`t know that they know she knows that much, but they`re going for everything they can right now, just any little bits and pieces that just might direct them to the right place or get them some other kinds of -- some kinds of evidence they can use to pressure Misty or Ron with, so they can get the information from them.

I think they`re leaning heaviest on Misty. I think they`re just trying to, you know, zoom in on her from all angles to get her to open up and finally tell the truth.

CASAREZ: But the thing is, Pat Brown, somebody knows something. Somebody does, and nobody`s talking. And there`s a $30,000 reward right now. Somebody can get $30,000. That`s a lot of money. Why isn`t anybody coming forward?

BROWN: Well, it depends. If only a couple people know what happened, then those couple people aren`t talking, and my guess is those couple are Misty and Ron. Then there`s nobody else to talk but the two of them.

And my question is this. If Ron is so concerned about getting his daughter back, why is he hanging around with the girlfriend who`s lying about everything and marrying the girl? There`s something wrong with that whole picture. He should be, you know, joining the police against her, if he thinks that she had something to do with his missing daughter.

So the police are saying, Wait a minute, that`s bizarre, behavior. Therefore -- I think Ron knows. I think Misty knows something. And the weakest link there is actually going to be Misty. So they`re going to be pushing her because they think she`s got the answer.

CASAREZ: And that`s a good question. To Dr. Lisa Weinstock, psychiatrist out of New York. Everyone, almost, is now saying they believe that Misty is holding something back. Her mother said that right before she moved out of town and now was arrested on felony forgery charges. Her father said that before he moved out of town with their mother. And also, others are saying that. Why is Ron sticking by her side?

DR. LISA WEINSTOCK, PSYCHIATRIST: Well, he may be sticking by her side because he truly believes she has nothing to do with it. Or it may be that deep down, he does have an inkling that maybe she had something to do with it, but to actually come to terms with that and to admit that to himself and others sort of implies that, you know, indirectly, he`s somewhat responsible for the fact that his daughter is gone because he`s the one who chose to leave his daughter with her. So that may be something that he`s not even really willing to admit to himself, much less to anybody else.

CASAREZ: To Lynn in Pennsylvania. Hi, Lynn. The great state of Pennsylvania. Where are you from in Pennsylvania?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh, it`s in Reginald (ph), Pennsylvania.

CASAREZ: Great. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, I have a couple. First of all, right now, there`s a letter that was just dropped off, and they`re not looking for Misty -- nobody. They`re after her mother, but not Misty. And my second question is, where was Junior when all this was supposed to have happened, that she was taken to a bar and -- or wherever, a party, and ingested the oxycontin? Where was Junior?

CASAREZ: OK. Good questions. First of all, let`s talk about that letter that you just mentioned. Once again to Marlaina Schiavo, NANCY GRACE producer. This is a letter that was just given to "The St. Augustine Record" newspaper. Do we know anything about the contents of this letter? There`s surveillance video of the woman dropping it off. Police have now spoken with her. She said she dropped it off from someone else asking her to. But it`s a tip that could burst this case wide open. What do we know?

SCHIAVO: Well, actually, Jean, we do know that it was a typed letter, so that`s one thing. And the other thing we do know is that this -- the contents of this letter had nothing to do with what happened that night, but it had more to do with a location for where, you know, the Putnam County police should search.


CROSLIN: When I lay down, I guess, you know, I just -- I was out.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Did she -- there`s no way she could have wandered off?

CROSLIN: No. She is scared of the dark. She would not go anywhere by herself.




911 OPERATOR: We need to get her date of birth.

CROSLIN: What`s her date of birth?

CUMMINGS: (DELETED) We need to find her!



CROSLIN: They haven`t left me alone for six months. I`ve been the one, the main focus. They just need to move on and look for the right person.

CUMMINGS: I`m not hiding anything for anybody. And if somebody has something to do with it, let them fry.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I believe Haleigh is alive. I have faith in God to take care of my baby girl and find her. And I don`t care who had something to do with it, those are the people who need to be put away and bring my baby girl home.


CASAREZ: I`m Jean Casarez of the legal network In Session, in for Nancy Grace. Once again, Misty Croslin`s mother, Lisa Croslin, has been arrested in Nashville, Tennessee. It`s on charges for check forgery, her bail tonight $100,000.

I want to go back to Lynn from Pennsylvania because one of her second questions was in regard to Junior, that where he was the night, allegedly, that there was a party.

Here`s what Lynn is talking about. There was a letter, a handwritten letter that an inmate from a local jail in Satsuma sent to her boyfriend. Now, police are saying that this is a forgery and a fake, but in this handwritten letter, she says the police came to her in jail with a sworn affidavit. That is something that somebody swears under penalty of perjury. They said that there was a party the night that Haleigh went missing and that Haleigh was there and that something terrible happened, that Haleigh took an oxycontin pill and ingested it, even accidentally took it, and that she died and someone put her in a black bag, put her in this woman`s car, and then took her to a lake.

The question is, Junior isn`t mentioned in this letter at all. Out to Art Harris. What about it? Where would Junior have been the night that little Haleigh went missing?

HARRIS: Well, Jean, I have got that letter on, and that is the big question. Junior could have been asleep. The theory that police were investigating -- and I`m told that letter is not considered totally bogus. It is something that declares this friend of Misty was confronted and interviewed by detectives about this theory. And the theory was that she took the kids to this so-called party, possibly Junior fell asleep, didn`t need to be kept quiet. Misty -- somebody -- something happened supposedly to Haleigh, and then her body had to be dumped. That is what the letter says.

CASAREZ: To Marlaina Schiavo. Isn`t it true that in this letter, it talks about an area where, allegedly, the body was put, and isn`t that the area that was searched last weekend by authorities?

SCHIAVO: That`s right. This letter talks about the Mondex, and the pond that was mentioned in this letter was the pond that they drained last Friday.


CUMMINGS: ... her and Junior were sleeping in my queen-size bed, and that she was sleeping in the top bed beside her, three or four feet from her, whatever.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What we need is for Misty to come down here and tell us the truth.

MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH CUMMINGS` BABYSITTER: I`m trying to do everything to find her. You know, answer any questions I have to. Because I know I didn`t do anything with that little girl.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty can relieve this pressure by telling her attorney that, you know, we need to go down to the sheriff`s office and really lay out in clear terms what I was doing from 8:00 p.m. until 3:00 a.m.

NANCY GRACE, HLN HOST: Do you believe she left the home and left the children alone, Ronald?


GRACE: You stand very strongly behind Misty Croslin`s story. What do you make of police saying that she has the answers?

TERESA NEVES, RON CUMMINGS` MOTHER: I have to leave the investigative part of this to law enforcement because, you know, if I go with every whim and every accusation then I`m going to be flipping back and forth in my life. And you know, what we stand -- you know, we just stand for Haleigh here. We just want Haleigh to come home. And I want them to find whoever this is and I don`t care who it is. But we want Haleigh to come home.


JEAN CASAREZ, GUEST ANCHOR: I`m Jean Casarez of the legal network "In Session," in for Nancy Grace tonight.

News out of Tennessee: Misty Croslin`s mother has been arrested in Tennessee. Let`s go out to Marlaina Schiavo. Where is she actually tonight, Marlaina?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, HLN PRODUCER: She`s behind bars, Jean, and she will remain there until Putnam County authorities come and extradite her back to Florida.

CASAREZ: Now, Marlaina, she`s actually got three felony charges here. We`re looking at forgery. We`ve got uttering a forged instrument and petty theft. And we found out the maximum is five years on each charge so that`s a maximum of 15 years right there.

Do we know at all when extradition may begin?

SCHIAVO: She may not go back until next week. They`re waiting on the authorities now. She was just arrested -- I believe it was last night. So it should be any day now.

CASAREZ: All right, to T.J. Hart, program and news director WSKY 97.3 FM. Also could be extremely important information from the "St. Augustine Record" newspaper. It`s not the newspaper itself, but it`s somebody walking in the front door. Explain that.

T.J. HART, PROGRAM & NEWS DIRECTOR, WSKY97.3 FM (via telephone): Well, this woman came in and she had an envelope that was addressed to the associate editor, Richard Pryor (ph) and it was an envelope. It was sealed. It had his name on it, had the address on the envelope and the contents, according to Pryor, very volatile.

Now, he said he can`t reveal what the letter says, but he said it`s a paragraph long, it`s typed, it has three letters at the bottom that resemble initials. And he says if the information`s accurate it`s going to be quote, "pretty volatile." And that sparked off a search yesterday by law enforcement out there at Hermit`s Cove, where the trailer of Ronald and Misty, Haleigh, and Junior, where they lived at the time that Haleigh vanished.

CASAREZ: You know, one thing, when authorities say they are following every lead, they truly are in this case.

To Pat Brown, criminal profiler, author of "Killing for Sport."

You know Pat when I -- at first glance I say to myself why would you take the letter to the newspaper, why wouldn`t you take it to the police? But then I think of the BTK serial killer in Kansas. There were a lot of letters that were given to the news media, actually written by the killer himself in that case and helped solve the crime.

PAT BROWN, CRIMINAL PROFILER; AUTHOR OF "KILLING FOR SPORT": You`re right. There`s a number of reasons, Jean. Unfortunately, you have to weigh, is it this one or is it that one?

One possibility is the person is just seeking attention. They know if they go straight to the police department it will go in with a bunch of tips, might get ignored but if they take it to the press, man that might get out there and they`re going to feel like they got some attention. That`s one possibility.

Another possibility is they`re afraid of the police and don`t want to have any contact with the police but they actually have real information. But the police get this all the time. So the problem is, is this stuff -- is there any meaning behind it? In other words does it make any sense or do we have somebody who thinks they`re a psychic and they`ve just envisioned that Haleigh is over at a certain place and therefore they`ve written this thing down and they taken it in and now police are going in digging up half the land and there`s nobody -- no there`s no body there.

So -- but if they get so much of this -- they have to be careful. They have to cull it and have to make sure they don`t overlook something just by saying well, that`s probably just a nut case so, let me just throw it away.

CASAREZ: To Sheeba in Illinois. Hi, Sheeba. What`s your question?

SHEEBA IN ILLINOIS: Hi, Jean. My question is, what if Haleigh and Junior were at this party and they stayed in the car and they were having trouble keeping Haleigh in the car and somebody slipped them something to sleep and when they went back to check on her of course she had O.D., which meant she had had a seizure, which meant she had vomited and soiled herself and wet herself, and they all got scared and they did wrap her up with something and throw her in a local lake?

CASAREZ: Well...

SHEEBA: Or is there a close old cemetery that is still used that has any fresh graves in it?

CASAREZ: Well, you know what you`re saying, Sheeba, you`re talking about parties to a crime, people that no one would talk about what happened because all were involved. You bring up an interesting issue, though, to Gloria Allred out of Los Angeles, family law attorney.

Do you think that there should be a dual investigation right now, at least from Child Protective Services, because of this handwritten letter from an inmate at the jail right now, somebody held in custody, talking about a type of a party? Should they be investigating the household itself?

GLORIA ALLRED, FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY, VICTIM RIGHTS ADVOCATE: Well, if the police think that there`s nothing to that letter, then that`s one thing. But on the other hand, of course, if there is an open door and then Junior, was in fact sleeping there at the time, then maybe there is a child -- a potential child endangerment to be looking at.

Definitely my sense of it is the Child Protective Services would be on the alert because of the little missing Haleigh.

CASAREZ: Gloria, it`s interesting. Police have said yes, we lend no credibility to this letter. But yet, Gloria, that lake area is where they searched last weekend, and number two, the car that belongs to the person in custody, they have recently searched that car forensically because that`s the car the sworn affidavit said the body was taken in and then dumped to the lake.

Let`s go out to Melissa in Tennessee. Hi, Melissa. Your question.

MELISSA IN TENNESSEE: Hi, Jean. First of all, I want to tell you thank you for covering for Nancy. I`m such an avid watcher, and I love the show.

CASAREZ: Well, good, thank you. Nancy thanks you.

MELISSA: Thank you. I have a couple questions. My first question is did Misty have access to emergency vehicle? If she`s keeping Ronald`s kids while he`s at work, did she have access to an emergency vehicle should something happen with the kids when he`s gone?

And two, why weren`t all the family members, friends, and acquaintances sequestered long before this, pushed into lie detector tests. And if there was a party going on at the house, why weren`t there fingerprints taken all over the house and the garbage?

I mean, just as a citizen we just think that when there`s something like this, a high-profile case and this child has been a missing for so long, we just assume that authorities are doing every possible thing that they can. And it just seems like now new information`s coming out that maybe could have come out sooner.

CASAREZ: Yes. As in seven months ago in February. You`re right Melissa.

Let`s go to the expert on this. Art Harris, from investigative journalist, Art, first of all, Misty was the caregiver for those children, especially when Ron was at work. Did she have a vehicle in case there was an emergency?

ART HARRIS, ARTHARRIS.COM: Well, she actually did drive the kids sometime and her family had a blue van, Jean, that Misty did drive. And it was found in the driveway at her home, a scratch down the side.

And I know that authorities have processed that van. They brought it back the other day, I actually saw it. It was all dusty and white with fingerprint powder and they did not find anything, or at least they`re not revealing if they did.

CASAREZ: Well Art, let`s go back to the beginning, what Melissa just did from Tennessee. Was everybody questioned in the beginning? Was everybody taken in and asked what they know? And why didn`t they say these things then?

HARRIS: Well, you know, it`s funny. The law enforcement has done so much more than they have let on. And that has been the big frustration. How much to release? How much not to release? They have interviewed everybody in that family time and time again and everybody around that family.

So they have done hundreds and hundreds of interviews. They`ve got hours and hours of tape at the department. And they continue to go over old interviews they`ve done, Jean, then comparing them with the information, the new information they`re getting from these people again.

CASAREZ: And very quickly, what do you hear about Florida authorities going to Tennessee to question now Misty`s mother further?

HARRIS: Well, if I read the court documents correctly, Jean, she has a first appearance next Wednesday and anytime they can go and take her after that to Florida and she`ll be on a $10,000 bond there. I talked to her husband today, Hank Jr., he`s distraught. He`s trying to figure out how he can get the bond to get his wife out...

CASAREZ: All right, Art. Thank you very much. That would be an extradition hearing next week.

To tonight`s "Safety Tips:" each year 200,000 children end up in the E.R. from accidents on the playground. Some of them are fatal. Here are safety tips to protect your children.

The number one injury -- falls. Make sure protective surfacing is underneath all playground equipment. This will lower the risk of serious head injuries. And look out for sharp objects like glass or rocks or broken equipment.

Children should be supervised at all times. Teach your child to stay away from moving swings, remove their necklaces and strings on their clothing to avoid strangulation, report unsafe conditions to the playground operator.

For more information go to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission at

We`ll be right back.



NANCY GRACE, HLN HOST: What do you make of Misty flunking a polygraph?

RON CUMMINGS, HALEIGH CUMMINGS` FATHER: I don`t know anything about her flunking a polygraph. I know what`s been said about it, but I`m not a polygrapher myself so I didn`t see any results. I didn`t get to -- you know. I was told by the polygrapher who did the polygraph that it`s not judged in percentages.

MISTY CROSLIN, RON CUMMINGS` WIFE: I showed up there, they told me I was taking a polygraph. I was like, ok.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Did you at any point say I don`t want to do this?



CROSLIN: I thought I was helping. I was trying to do everything I can to find Haleigh.

TERESA NEVES, RONALD CUMMINGS` MOTHER: He`s not as strong at home as he is on TV. But he has to be strong for Junior. You know. So he does the best that he can. He keeps his crying to his self at night. And just tries to make Junior happy until Haleigh comes home.

Junior thinks that Haleigh is lost and she`s finding her way home. He actually drew her a map so she could find her way home.

GRACE: What do you tell him?

NEVES: That angels are watching Haleigh and she`ll be home soon.


CASAREZ: I`ll Jean Casarez of the legal network "In Session" in for Nancy Grace tonight.

Misty Croslin`s mother, Lisa Croslin, arrested, now in a local jail now in Nashville, Tennessee. Arrested on check forgery charges, held tonight on $100,000 bail. At the very same time in Florida someone took the time to type out an entire letter about the missing of Haleigh Cummings. Where she might be, what might have happened to her. Authorities have it. That letter was hand-delivered to the "St. Augustine Record."

I want to go to Dr. Gwen O`Keefe, MD out of Boston, pediatrician, founder and CEO of You know, doctor, Haleigh went missing in February. It`s now seven months later. She was five when she went missing. How much would she have grown in these seven months?

DR. GWEN O`KEEFE, PEDIATRICIAN: Well, you know Jean, she probably wouldn`t have grown all that much. At this age kids` growth really slows down. Plus with Turner syndrome they have growth issues. So we would expect her growth to really not to alter too much.

CASAZER: To Anne Bremner, defense attorney out of Seattle, Washington. I want you to listen to something right now and observe it.

This is Misty Croslin`s mother right before she left town out of Florida she had a comment for the news media. It was about her daughter. Let`s listen.


LISA CROSLIN, MISTY`S MOTHER: Deep down in my heart, yes I think my daughter`s holding back. I think they`re both holding something back. That`s just in my heart.

I`m going to tell her I love her and if you know anything at all please tell me. We can work it through. I`ll be right there by your side, we`ll get through it. Just please tell me whatever you`re holding back.


CASAREZ: And that`s Misty Croslin`s mother, Lisa Croslin, who said on WOFL Fox 35, that she believes that Misty may be hiding something. Shortly after that she left Florida. She moved out of Florida with her husband.

Anne Bremner, you saw that, you watched it. Is she credible?

ANNE BREMNER, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: You have to wonder why is she talking to the media? And she`s her mother. She should be supporting her. You have to wonder, why did she say that? Then why did she leave? Evidence of flight could be evidence of guilt, of course, Jean.

So it really makes you wonder about it. And then there she is on crimes of dishonesty right now with forgery and attendant charges. So it`s very interesting about her motives and what she has to say. Or the defense would say is she talking about someone else that Misty`s covering up for and she`s just being protective of her daughter in general?

CASAREZ: Or to Alan Ripka. And you mentioned a problem with her credibility now that she`s been charged with check forgery. But maybe she`s not -- maybe her daughter won`t talk to her. Maybe she`s not in communication with her daughter. Was she trying to send a message to her that she actually loved her and was there to help her in any way?

ALAN RIPKA, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, watching her, it would appear that she was trying to be true and she was trying to help the public and the police and sending a message to the public and her daughter indicating look, I know there`s something else there and I`d like you to come forward.

Despite the fact that she was arrested for forgery, I think most jurors would think that if you`re threatening or claiming something about your own daughter you`re probably legitimate.

CASAREZ: Let`s go to Dr. Lisa Weinstock, the true expert psychiatrist, in all of this. What do you make of that video -- talking against your own daughter?

DR. LISA WEINSTOCK, PSYCHIATRIST: Well, it strikes me a little odd the stance that she took. I mean, she didn`t say I know that she was involved. Nor did she say I`m sure she`s not involved. Nor did she say I would support her no matter what, although she sort of said that a little bit at the end.

She sort of made this vague comment that she suspects that her daughter might know something. And that strikes me as somewhat odd because one would think if she knew that her daughter knew something or if she knew something, she would be more straightforward or forthcoming with that either to the media or to the police.

So I`m not quite sure what to make of it. I do agree that she probably at some level was trying to communicate to her daughter that she`s there to support her. But again, the precise wording of it strikes me as a bit odd.

CASAREZ: And the fact is all the attorneys know if anything ever gets in court and her daughter is even a witness in this case that statement could come back to haunt her because it was used -- it would be used by prosecutors if she would be a defense witness on cross-examination.

We`ve got a caller standing by in Florida tonight waiting patiently. Rick, are you still there?

RICK, FLORIDA: Oh, yes, I`m still here, Jean. Thank you.

CASAREZ: Sure, what`s your question?

RICK: well, it`s kind of a question/statement. Ronald, you know, he`s been saying all along how forthcoming he`s been with all his information and he`ll do whatever it takes to get Haleigh home. And I kind of understand that.

But my question is what was just released is his cell phone, wasn`t it 20 calls to Misty that night and couldn`t get in touch with her and he wound up calling her brother?

CASAREZ: You`re right. The fact is it has been reported that 20 times he called Tommy Croslin because he couldn`t find Misty or reach her.

And now, everybody, tonight`s "CNN Heroes."


<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on September 29, 2009, 06:44:47 AM


Misty Croslin Still Out of Town

Aired September 28, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old little girl tucked into bed. Five hours later, she`s gone, vanished, the back door propped wide open. Daddy comes home from the night shift to see not a trace of little Haleigh. The last person to see the 5- year-old alive that night, girlfriend turned new stepmother Misty Croslin.

Bombshell tonight. After Croslin skips town following a bitter fight with Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, a week passes, no sign of Croslin, her planned return home come and passed, long passed. Where is the key witness?

In the last 72 hours, Croslin`s mother behind bars on felony forgery, bond a whopping $100,000. She`s already publicly stated her daughter hasn`t come clean about the night Haleigh vanishes. What else will she tell police now that she`s behind bars? Croslin`s brother confesses in his own late-night jailhouse interrogation he goes to Haleigh`s house the night she goes missing, pounds on the door, nobody home.

In another major development, a woman caught on grainy surveillance video delivers a detailed tip as to Haleigh`s location. Police investigate. Big question -- where was girlfriend-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin during the crucial hours when Haleigh goes missing? As Croslin flunks another polygraph and goes missing herself, tonight, where is Haleigh?


911 OPERATOR: OK, when did you last see her?

MISTY CROSLIN, BABY-SITTER/STEPMOTHER: We just, like -- you know, it was about 10:00 o`clock. She was sleeping.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What we need is for Misty to come back home and tell us the truth.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She is gone. She left town. Misty is nowhere to be found. She is no longer in Satsuma right now, and Ronald is not with her.

CROSLIN: I`m trying to do everything to find her. You know, I`m answering any questions I have to, because I know I didn`t do anything to that little girl.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Harris reports Misty and Ron had a bitter fight and she took off with a friend.

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: I don`t think that she holds any information that`s going to find Haleigh.

CROSLIN: If I had something to do with it, if I knew where she was, we wouldn`t be sitting here today, we would have her. And I don`t -- I don`t know where she is!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I can tell you that she is not at home and she is on the road, not expected back anytime soon, as a result of a fight with Ronald.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Investigators with the Putnam County sheriff`s office spoke to the woman seen in this surveillance video. She dropped a letter off at "The St. Augustine Record" newspaper.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`ll probably solve what happened to Haleigh Cummings.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And I want them to find whoever this is, and I don`t care who it is. But we want Haleigh to come home!


GRACE: And tonight, after 30 years hiding out in Europe, a Hollywood superstar finally behind bars. Thirty years ago, he admits to raping a 13- year-old little girl at the home of superstar Jack Nicholson. At grand jury, that little girl testified under oath that he also forced anal sodomy on her. She`s 13.

After 30 years on the lam, he collides with Lady Justice. Hollywood reaction this morning, they`re, quote, "shocked." Oh, no, they`re not shocked he raped and sodomized a 13-year-old little girl, oh, no, a little girl he got drunk on champagne and quaaludes. But all the Hollywood stars are shocked he`s arrested for it. Shame, shame, shame on them! Tonight, Polanski behind bars. Lady Justice comes through. Thank heaven, better late than never.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The movie director who made "Chinatown," who won an Oscar for "The Pianist," is fighting extradition to the U.S. on a 32- year-old sex charge. Roman Polanski was arrested on Saturday on an international warrant.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The year was 1977. Polanski was called before the grand jury to answer to charges that he participated in a statutory rape and sodomized a 13-year-old girl after giving her drugs and liquor in the jacuzzi of actor Jack Nicholson`s home in the Hollywood hills.

ROMAN POLANSKI, DIRECTOR: (INAUDIBLE) to say to you except that I`m innocent.

SAMANTHA GEIMER, VICTIM: He did make me a little uncomfortable. He asked me to change, you know, and I kind of turned my back and stuff, but it felt a little funny. But I thought, well, you know, that`s what models do.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The warrant was issued in 1978 after Polanski pleaded guilty to committing sexual acts with a 13-year-old girl.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: After he was convicted of statutory rape, he fled the country prior to sentencing. Director Adrien Brody says Polanski`s absence from Hollywood has affected the industry.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Definitely, young actors have lost out in America because they haven`t had an opportunity to work with him.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Even if Hollywood is able to forgive and forget, the law is not, and that is the issue.

GEIMER: All that stuff was so traumatic that I never even had a chance to really, you know, worry about, you know, what happened that night with him. It was like -- it just -- I had to worry about surviving the next day.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. After new stepmother Misty Croslin skips town following a bitter fight with Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, a week passes. There`s no sign of Croslin. Where is the key witness, and what does that mean in the search for 5-year-old Haleigh?


CROSLIN: When I went to sleep, she was there. And then when I woke up, she was gone.

CUMMINGS: How (DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole (DELETED)

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Apparently, people saw Misty and Ronald having an argument over the weekend when all of this searching was going on, draining of the pond. There were a lot of tensions, so they were arguing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Sources tell me that Ronald actually threw her clothes out, threw her out, and she was going down the road when he runs after her, apologizes, and brings her back. It was not pretty.

CUMMINGS: I`m not hiding anything for anybody, and if somebody has something to do with it, let them fry.

CROSLIN: I would have woke up if I heard any noise, and I didn`t hear anything at all.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That front door is all but 10 feet from the bedroom where Misty was sleeping with Haleigh and Junior that night. So if someone`s whaling on the door, there`s no way she couldn`t have heard that whatsoever.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It took just a few seconds for this blond woman in blue scrubs to drop off a letter with purported information about what happened to Haleigh Cummings. It`s one paragraph long, typed, and has three letters at the bottom.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If the information is accurate, it`s going to be pretty volatile.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I believe Haleigh is alive. I have faith in God to cake care of my baby girl and find her.


GRACE: Straight out to Jean Casarez joining us, legal correspondent with In Session. Jean, Misty Croslin`s friends and relatives gave us all sorts of stories last week as to where she was. They said she`s gone to Orlando for a vacation. I don`t know how you can afford that. Have you ever been to Epcot? You know how much it costs down there? And nobody down there is working. Nobody has a job. She was supposed to be back this weekend. Then we heard she went to the beach with her girlfriends. She`s not back, Jean. It`s long past the time for her arrival home.

JEAN CASAREZ, IN SESSION (via telephone): That`s right. Misty Croslin, the last person to ever see Haleigh alive, she has not returned to the Satsuma area. But Nancy, I think the most important point here is that it coincides with some very important aspects of this case. First of all, a hand-written letter coming out of the local jail, saying that Haleigh allegedly ingested some pills. She died. The body was then taken and put into a pond. And it also coincides, Nancy, with the arrest of her own mother in Tennessee.

GRACE: To Marlaina Schiavo, our producer on the story. Now, police have pooh-poohed the letter. They don`t even want anybody to report about that letter that outlines the details of a late-night party fueled by drugs at which Haleigh was allegedly present and swallowed oxycontin. I find it hard to believe, Marlaina Schiavo, that people at a party could all keep their pieholes shut this long and not blab. There`s a $70,000 reward. But police do tell us, on the other hand, that they`re investigating it and they have actually interrogated people about this. So somebody`s taking it seriously.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Someone is taking it seriously. They have investigated her car. They took forensic evidence from her car. They -- this person that wrote this letter, they have talked to her directly, you know, according to some. She`s saying that there`s some affidavit out there, some sworn affidavit saying that all of this stuff is true. Now, they won`t confirm or deny whether this affidavit actually exists, but it`s coming from somewhere because not one but two letters have surfaced, Nancy.

GRACE: Straight to Art Harris at Art, what can you tell me? First of all, aside from the letter, I want to find out where is Misty Croslin? What are the various stories we`ve been told?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Well, we`ve been told that she was on a foray one to one of the amusement parks. I can confirm she was at Universal Studios with a friend, and she was seen wearing a Haleigh pendant around her neck. She was spotted by the press and she took off. There were rumors that Ronald was going to join her, but that was not the case. I`m told they are still on the rocks. And it`s very questionable where she will go if she comes back to Satsuma, Nancy.

GRACE: OK, so did you say she`s last been spotted in Orlando?

HARRIS: She was at Universal a couple of days ago.

GRACE: Doing what?

HARRIS: Just being a tourist.

GRACE: OK. To Dr. Jeff Gardere, psychologist and author of "Love Prescription." Everybody, we`re taking your calls live. OK, Jeff, maybe I`m projecting. Excuse me, Dr. Jeff...


GRACE: ... you`re the doctor, I`m just a trial lawyer. Maybe I`m projecting what I went through when I was a crime victim, but following the sudden death or disappearance of someone you love deeply, I find it hard to imagine whooping it up at the Epcot Center.

GARDERE: Oh, absolutely.

GRACE: At Orlando. Let`s go to Disney World. I don`t get it. It doesn`t mesh to me.

GARDERE: Absolutely. This is the same Misty Croslin who was crying crocodile tears about what happened -- you know, what may have happened to Haleigh. She really has been inappropriate. We`ve seen this, Nancy, in her behavior for the longest time. So it`s not out of character that she`s there, but it certainly is inappropriate that she should be partying while Haleigh is still missing.

GRACE: Art Harris, where -- what time -- when was she supposed to have come home?

HARRIS: There`s been a lot of talk from Satsuma, from Ron`s family, trying to paper over their differences. But I am told that he would not take her phone calls.


CUMMINGS: She got out of bad and went to use the restroom, and came back to find that my daughter was not in bed with her and the back door was wide open and she was gone.




CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before y`all do, I`m killing him. I don`t care.


CUMMINGS: I`ll spend the rest of my life in prison. I`m telling you. You can put it on record, and I don`t care.

911 OPERATOR: OK. It`s OK, sir. We`ve got them on the way. OK, can you give me any -- what kind of description of her pajamas that she was wearing?

CUMMINGS: I don`t (INAUDIBLE) know! I was at work!



CROSLIN: Three o`clock in the morning, I got up. And I got up because I had to use the bathroom, but I didn`t make it to the bathroom. I seen the kitchen light on and I walked in the kitchen, and the back door`s wide open.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Right beside me on my left is the bed where Misty Croslin was sleeping. And here on the right, we have the bed where little Haleigh was sleeping. And you can see, it is all but about three- and-a-half feet from each other. And this is right where Misty said she got up and she had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I have to leave the investigative part of this to law enforcement because, you know, if I go with every whim and every accusation, then I`m going to be flipping back and forth in my life. And you know what we stand -- you know, we just stand for Haleigh here. We just want Haleigh to come home.


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Let`s unleash the lawyers. Joining me out of New York, defense attorney Carmen St. George. And joining me out of Atlanta, Mr. and Mrs. Eleanor Odom.


GRACE: Welcome, everyone. Out to Lorraine in New Jersey. Hi, Lorraine.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. I can`t believe your twins are going to be 2 already. I`m the one that made the pillow cases for them for their first birthday. So my question is about the 20 times that Ron called home. I don`t understand that because I have two kids. I would have called home twice. If I hadn`t got an answer, I would have left work. I would have went home. He could have got in. He could have seen if anybody was there, and then he could have reported it to the cops immediately. Do you think that would have made any difference at all?

GRACE: I think it would have made a difference if he had come home earlier. Then...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don`t understand that. That really frustrates me.

GRACE: Then tonight, we would know. We would know, was she there, was she not there, was Haleigh already missing? You know, Lorraine, number one, thank you for the pillow cases. We have used them, and they are a thing of beauty. I have photos of them, actually. So Lorraine in New Jersey, thank you for that.

You know, let`s go to the lawyers. Eleanor, Peter, Carmen St. George -- first of all to you, Eleanor Odom, if I didn`t have the nannycam so when I am away from the twins, I can watch them constantly, I would go berserk if I kept calling home and nobody answered. I would assume the worst, something horrible had happened, that the place had burned down or the twins were sick and had to be rushed to the hospital.

ELEANOR DIXON, PROSECUTOR: Exactly. And it makes me wonder what Ronald`s got going on and whether or not he had to be at work and if he`d get docked pay or whatever.

GRACE: Well, most of us do have to be at work. I mean, of course, he had to be at work. He punched a clock. He had to drive about 30 minutes away to get there. And I`m guessing, Carmen St. George, that they had just had a huge argument because she had been missing for three straight days, doing I don`t know what. But I believe that he thought she wasn`t picking up because they were in the middle of an argument.

CARMEN ST. GEORGE, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Nancy, I think I would agree with you. And I think there`s evidence that they had been out partying the weekend before Haleigh went missing, and there could have been an argument and she may not be picking up his calls. I think the big issue is whether or not she was home.

GRACE: What about it, Odom?

PETER ODOM, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I think, Nancy, that really, it corroborates the brother`s story, Misty`s brother, where...

GRACE: OK, let me clarify something...

ODOM: ... because that`s naturally what you`d do.

GRACE: ... Peter Odom. OK, you`re the defense attorney. So it`s not helping Croslin for you to say the brother`s story that she wasn`t home at the time Haleigh goes missing was accurate, all right? So help out Misty, if you can. Maybe you can`t.

ODOM: I think you`d have to look at the course of conduct between Misty and Ron. You know, it`s clear that they were arguing at some point close to that time. If she wasn`t answering the phone, he might not have thought anything about it, Nancy.

GRACE: Yes, I would cut Ronald Cummings a break on that one.

To Marie in Mississippi. Hi, Marie.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi. How are you, Nancy?

GRACE: I`m good, dear. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My question is, you know, I`ve seen Misty many times crying real tears and being real upset because of this, and I`ve never seen Ron do anything but screw up his face and whimper. And I think he married her to keep her close to him, but to make sure she wasn`t telling on him, instead of seeing what she might have done. I really believe you need to look closer to Ron.

GRACE: But he absolutely has an alibi for when she went missing, Marie.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Who stuck up for him? Who punched the clock for him at work? Who made sure that...

GRACE: OK, let me just dispel that right now. And I`m going to go out to Art Harris. Art, people at work saw him at work. Nobody punched the clock for him. He showed up 30 minutes early to work after, I believe, one of them (ph), picking her up from the bus stop. Yes, no.

HARRIS: He`s got a good alibi there, Nancy, and he`s got cell phone pings to towers nearby that put him there, as well.

GRACE: What about it, Marlaina?

SCHIAVO: Well, he also has confirmation from the police. I mean, they went all through his cell phone records, like Art was saying, and the bottom line is, Nancy, is that he had nothing to do with it. He`s been cleared from police.

GRACE: But we do know that Misty Croslin claims she was going out of town for a girls` weekend away while her stepdaughter is missing and many believe dead. But now she`s never come home. Why?



CUMMINGS: I want to get to the bottom of what happened. I don`t know if hypnosis is going to do it. They`ve already tried to hypnotize her...

GRACE: Aren`t you of the mind that you should try anything?

CUMMINGS: Absolutely. If that`s what we need to do, then that`s what we can do.

CROSLIN: I wish that they would have took me instead of her, you know, because I can -- I could have fought. You know, she`s only 5. She can`t really do anything!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Everything she says is crazy.

CROSLIN: I don`t know where she is!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We would love to have a break in this case, and we really would not care who it implicates as long as it brings Haleigh back to us.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I believe Haleigh is alive. I have faith in God to take care of my baby girl and find her. And I don`t care who had something to do with it. Those are the people who need to be put away and bring my baby girl home.


GRACE: Straight out to special guest joining us tonight, Terry Shoemaker, the attorney for Haleigh`s biological father, Ronald Cummings. Two quick questions, Terry. Thank you for being with us...


GRACE: Terry a well known attorney in the Jacksonville area. Number one, are there witnesses placing Ronald Cummings at work about 30 minutes before he was supposed to punch in and that he was there until his shift ended, the night shift? Yes, no.

SHOEMAKER: Yes. And it`s not a punch-in, you know, as far as a time clock.

GRACE: Correct.

SHOEMAKER: They actually have to use their fingerprints in order to scan in and check in for work, so...

GRACE: OK. Even better.

SHOEMAKER: ... he definitely was there.

GRACE: What kind of job was it, Terry?

SHOEMAKER: He was hired as a crane operator. However, his job duties would, you know, differ depending on what they had in store for him that night.

GRACE: OK. Terry, you have appeared on our show many times, answered a lot of questions on so many different subjects. Misty Croslin, your client`s wife, was supposed to be home by now. Where is she?

SHOEMAKER: To my understanding, Misty is still down in the Orlando area.


SHOEMAKER: Well, originally, we thought that she was only going to be gone for a couple days. I know that Ronald has been speaking with her regularly. I don`t know the nature, the full nature of all those conversations, but I know that he has been speaking with her. And every time I talk to Ron...

GRACE: Yes. My question is, why hasn`t she come home? I don`t care if they`re talking or what they`re talking about.

SHOEMAKER: I couldn`t answer that for you, Nancy. I wish I could.


CROSLIN: When I lay down, I guess, you know, I just- I was out.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Did she -- there`s no way she could have wandered off?

CROSLIN: No, she is scared of the dark. She would not go anywhere by herself.



<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on October 01, 2009, 08:24:55 AM


Misty Croslin Home, Still Won`t Talk to Police

Aired September 30, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old little girl tucked into bed. Five hours later, she`s gone, vanished, the back door propped wide open. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. The last person to see the 5- year-old alive that night, new stepmother Misty Croslin.

Bombshell tonight. Croslin skips town after a bitter fight with Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings. Tonight, police locate Croslin. As we go to air, we learn she refuses to talk to police, who want her re- questioned about Haleigh`s disappearance. Police surveillance on Croslin. They say she won`t give straight answers or account for crucial hours surrounding the alleged kidnap.

In the last hours, Croslin`s mother in a Tennessee courtroom on felony forgery out of Florida, bond once a whopping $100,000, now no bond until Florida cops take her home. She already publicly states Croslin hasn`t come clean about the night Haleigh vanishes. What else will she tell police now that she`s behind bars? Croslin`s brother confesses in his own jailhouse interrogation he goes to Haleigh`s house the night she goes missing, pounds on the door, nobody home.

In another development a woman caught on grainy surveillance video delivers a detailed tip as to Haleigh`s location. Police investigate, and we have the video. Where -- where -- was new stepmother Misty Croslin during those crucial hours when Haleigh goes missing? And tonight, where is Haleigh?


RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: If I find whoever has my daughter before y`all do, I`m killing them. I don`t care. I`ll spend the rest of my life in prison. I`m telling you. You can put it on recording. I don`t care.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Days of speculation have ended. Haleigh Cummings` stepmom, Misty Croslin, has been found. Why did she go away, and what does she know?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`ve been told that she was on a foray to one of the amusement parks. I can confirm she was at Universal Studios with a friend, and she was seen wearing a Haleigh pendant around her neck.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police say they know where to find Misty, but Misty doesn`t want to speak with police.

MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER/STEPMOTHER: People think that I had something to do with it. If I had something to do with it, I knew where she was, we wouldn`t be sitting here today. We would have her.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A tip letter surfaces that gives specific directions to an alleged burial site where Haleigh`s body can be found just a few hundred yards from Haleigh`s home, stuffed in a garbage bag in a well.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`re told the letter isn`t very long, just a paragraph or so that ends with someone`s initials. But more than seven months after Haleigh disappeared, it could finally contain information to help crack the case.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You never know when the one`s going to come in that`ll make the case, and this could be it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty`s mother, Lisa Croslin, may be questioned yet again by authorities. Why? And where is the investigation headed in the desperate attempt to find out what exactly happened to little Haleigh?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I have faith in God to take care of my baby girl and find her. And I don`t care who had something to do with it, those are the people who need to be put away.


GRACE: And tonight, live to Nashville in the search for a 4-day-old baby boy snatched by a woman posing as Immigration. Mommy answers the front door, to be stabbed repeatedly. Tonight, Mommy makes a desperate plea from the hospital to find her tiny boy.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I heard a loud beating at the door -- Please help me.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Federal agents and Nashville police are searching for this missing newborn from Tennessee. Four-day-old Yair Anthony Carillo was reportedly ripped from his mother`s arms...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The woman is covered from blood to her head all the way down to her toes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Maria Gurrollo said a woman showed up at her house posing as an immigration agent. The woman demanded her baby and then stabbed her when she refused to hand him over.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: When Ms. Gurrollo said, Who are you, a struggle ensued. She was stabbed several times.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She`d been slashed across the throat.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Perhaps this individual was obsessed with children. Perhaps this individual had claimed to be pregnant for a long period of time but never was pregnant. This person has to have friends or family who know some peculiarity about them.


GRACE: Also, after 30 years hiding out in luxury in Europe, a Hollywood superstar finally behind bars. Thirty years ago, he admits to raping a 13-year-old little girl at the home of movie star Jack Nicholson. That little girl testified under oath he also forced anal sodomy on her. She was just 13.

Tonight, Hollywood superstars coming out of the woodwork for Polanski`s release. They`re, quote, "shocked." They`re shocked. Well, they`re not shocked he raped and sodomized a 13-year-old little girl, a girl he got drunk on champagne and quaaludes. No, they`re shocked he was arrested. Shame on Hollywood! Tonight, Polanski behind bars. Lady Justice comes through, thank heaven, better late than never.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There is a disturbing yet growing defense of Roman Polanski in this country, and it`s coming from Hollywood. A look at the list of high-profile people who are defending this superstar director -- Martin Scorsese, Woody Allen, Debra Winger.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We hope today this latest order will be dropped. It is based on a three-decade-old case that is all but dead except for a minor technicality.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is for me a shock, and I`m ashamed to be Swiss, that Swiss is doing such a thing to a brilliant, fantastic genius.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Evidence shows that he got a little girl drunk, he gave a little girl drugs, he sodomized a little girl.

SAMANTHA GEIMER, VICTIM: He wanted to take some pictures in the hot tub. I was in there topless. Then he got in the hot tub. That progressed to, you know, eventually, Why don`t you come in here and lay down, in a very dark room. And that`s when I really realized, you know, what his intentions were.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She was 13. He was 43. He gave her champagne and a quaalude. She said no. He still went ahead and had unlawful sex intercourse with her many different ways.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Despite that, Polanski continues to receive support from Hollywood.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. New stepmother Misty Croslin skips town after a bitter fight with Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings. Tonight, police track her down.


CROSLIN: I`m just trying to do everything to find her, you know, answer any questions I have to, because I know I didn`t do anything to that little girl. I would never hurt her.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Cops say they`re keeping a close watch on the last person to see Haleigh alive, Misty Croslin. But Misty has a lawyer and doesn`t want to speak with police.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I`ve thought all along that she had something to do with it, and now this kind of just proves it. I mean, she`s the last one to see our daughter, and her stories just don`t add up.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty Croslin left Haleigh`s dad, Ronald Cummings, for days. Where did she go, and why did she just come back?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She was a 16-year-old child whose job was to look after somebody else`s two young children, and I can only imagine that this girl would want to get out and have some fun of some kind.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This as authorities plan to question Misty`s mom, Lisa Croslin, with regard to Haleigh`s disappearance as early as this week. But why?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This mother, remember, came out against Misty and said that she believed that her son was telling the truth and that Misty was not. Maybe they want to put her in jail so they can ask tough questions about why she came to such a conclusion.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s one paragraph long, typed, and has three letters at the bottom that resemble initials.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If the information is accurate, it`s going to be pretty volatile.

CROSLIN: They go out and look for that person, I mean, they`d have (INAUDIBLE) but they`re trying to get all the answers from me that I don`t have.


GRACE: Straight out to T.J. Hart, program and news director WSKY 97.3. T.J., thank you for being with us. T.J., how long was she actually gone?

T.J. HART, WSKY 97.3 FM: She was gone for the better part of a week, about six to eight days off and on. But she`d been in contact with her family, and she`s been accounted for.

GRACE: And T.J., why is she still refusing to talk to cops? They have told her they want to re-question her about the night Haleigh goes missing.

HART: She has a standing invitation, according to Major Bowling and others at the Putnam County sheriff`s office, to come in anytime she wishes, to come in and straighten out that timeline. Her attorney has not made an offer to bring her in for questioning, and she has not gone in since the last time...


HART: ... she came for questioning for a week.

GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Out to Lakisha, Indiana. Hi, Lakisha.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. I watch you every night. I was just wondering...

GRACE: Thank you. And thank you for calling in. What`s your question, dear?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You`re welcome, sweetheart. I was just wondering, where is Misty Cummings tonight and if she`s been in touch with Ronald since she`s been gone all this time?

GRACE: Marlaina Schiavo, what about it?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Misty is in the Satsuma area. Actually, tonight she`s with Teresa`s -- excuse me -- she`s with Ronald`s mother, Teresa.

GRACE: Now, when you say she`s in the Satsuma area, is she back in the home with Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings?

SCHIAVO: Yes. She lives in the home. She`s back in the home with Ronald at Ronald`s grandmother`s.

GRACE: OK. So you`re telling me they`re together?

SCHIAVO: That`s what I`m being told, Nancy.

GRACE: So Marlaina, after all this time, where had she been? I know she doesn`t have a job. Ronald Cummings has put so much effort into trying to find his missing 5-year-old daughter, he has been let go from his job. How did she manage to stay down at Disney World for a week in Orlando, living it up at Epcot? You know how much those tickets cost to get in?

SCHIAVO: I do, Nancy. And you know, she was with somebody. We don`t know who she was with. We`re told she was with a friend. But when I spoke to Teresa, she said that those -- that the money and -- that went into this trip was paid before by someone she knows. So it was coming from somebody else. It wasn`t coming from Misty`s funds.

GRACE: OK. Joining me right now is a special guest. Teresa Neves is with us tonight. This is Haleigh`s grandmother. Ms. Neves, thank you for being with us. You have supported Croslin from the get-go. Why won`t she speak to police tonight?

TERESA NEVES, HALEIGH`S PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER: Miss Nancy, that is a decision made by her attorney. She has gone in several times voluntarily, against his wish. I guess she is waiting on him to say, Yes, let`s do this.


911 OPERATOR: What`s her date of birth?

CUMMINGS: Y`all are (DELETED) playing games, man! I`m going to (DELETED) kill somebody!

911 OPERATOR: OK. Tell him we understand. We need to get her date of birth.

CROSLIN: What`s her date of birth?

CUMMINGS: (DELETED) her birthday! We need to find her!



CUMMINGS: Somebody stole my child out of my bed. I come home from work, and my child was not there.

CROSLIN: I put her to bed and -- about 8:00 o`clock. And I woke up and she was gone, and the back door was wide open.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you believe that Misty was indeed home and that she`s been telling the truth?

CUMMINGS: Yes, I believe she`s telling the truth.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She is still the most important witness in this case. She`s the last person to see the children. She was with them. She`s an important person to be spoken to.

CROSLIN: They haven`t left me alone for six months. I`ve been the one, the main focus. They just need to move on and look for the right person.



911 OPERATOR: The officers are going to come out there and do what they can. We can`t have him screaming and yelling at the officers whenever they get there, OK?

CUMMINGS: Give me my (DELETED) phone! I got better people to talk to than a (DELETED) (DELETED) that ain`t coming!



GRACE: Why are you so sure Haleigh is still with us?

NEVES: Because I stand on God`s promise that if you pray and believe, that he will give you what you pray for.


GRACE: Joining us right now is Haleigh`s grandmother. You just saw her, Teresa Neves. Ms. Neves, does Croslin, Misty Croslin, Haleigh`s stepmother, realize the firestorm she created by dropping out of sight for all these days in the midst of the search for Haleigh?

NEVES: I do not think so, Miss Nancy. I don`t think that anyone thought that it would be that big a deal. There were arrangements made for her and Ronald to do something with Junior. Those arrangements had to be changed, and Misty just continued on with those plans without Ronald and Junior.

GRACE: Then why couldn`t anyone seem to tell us exactly where she was during that time?

NEVES: I don`t know why anyone couldn`t tell you that because I could tell you.

GRACE: Really? There were so many conflicting reports about where she had been. Ms. Neves, again, you are stating that you believe she`s waiting for the OK from her lawyer to talk to police.

NEVES: Yes, ma`am.

GRACE: OK. In light of the fact that her new stepchild, her little girl is missing and police want to talk to her, hopefully, to clear up questions and find the child, don`t you think she should be at the police station right now instead of waiting for a possible call from a lawyer?

NEVES: My personal opinion, that attorney should have made this trip six months ago, but I can`t tell that attorney how to do his job.

GRACE: But you can. I mean, she is with you. She is with you and Ronald at your home. You can. You and Ronald can talk to her.

NEVES: Yes, ma`am, we can, and we have. But we cannot make her attorney do anything.

GRACE: Ms. Neves, she said at one juncture that she believes up to four people were in the home the night Haleigh went missing, but then chalked it up to a dream-like interlude that she had. What does she say about that? Who were the people in the home that evening?

NEVES: Miss Nancy, I have not seen that. I have asked her about it. She says that that did not happen. You know, if I haven`t seen it and I can`t prove it, then I can`t actually confront her with something that she says did not happen.

GRACE: Ms. Neves, I don`t mean to grill you, but it just doesn`t all fit together. You`ve got her brother claiming he came to the home that evening at 9:30 to 9:45. She said she didn`t go to sleep until 10:00 PM. He says he banged on the door to get in touch with her and nobody came. How does she respond to that? Was she really home?

NEVES: She still stands firm on the fact that she was at home. To me, it`s a very dysfunctional family, and that`s the best way I can describe that. One minute, they -- you know, they say one thing, and then the next minute, they call and say, Well, I was sorry, you know, I didn`t mean to say that and we`ll do better next time. So I just don`t know what to think of the whole thing.

GRACE: We are taking your calls live. To Valerie in Canada. Hi, Valerie.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. How are you tonight?

GRACE: I`m good, dear. Thank you for calling in. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I`m just curious. Do you think that perhaps Haleigh`s kidnapping could be some form of retaliation to perhaps money that Misty may have been owing to the people she was allegedly partying with that weekend and...

GRACE: OK. Good question. We know that Misty Croslin was AWOL for three days prior, the three days just before the little girl goes missing.

Let`s unleash the lawyers -- Susan Moss, child advocate New York, Renee Rockwell, defense attorney, Atlanta, Paul Batista, renowned defense attorney, author of "Death`s Witness," joining us from New York.

Renee Rockwell, that only happens in the movies, all right? You don`t steal somebody`s child to get, for instance, a drug debt back. If they want money out of you, they come and break your knees. They chase you down and beat you up. That`s how that works. Would you agree or disagree?

RENEE ROCKWELL, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, Nancy, I do agree that that is a fantastic explanation as to where the child is. But when you`re fooling around with drugs and you have people potentially taking drugs or drugs lying around, it`s very easy to imagine that something may have gone amiss...


ROCKWELL: ... if everybody`s just passed out on the couch.

GRACE: Well, going amiss, Sheryl McCollum, and kidnapping for a drug debt or some other debt are two different things.

SHERYL MCCOLLUM, CRIME ANALYST: Absolutely. And again, Nancy, there`s been no ransom, there`s been no call, you know, We`re doing this for retaliation. Not what happened.



911 OPERATOR: We can`t have him screaming and yelling at the officers whenever they get there, OK?

CUMMINGS: Give me my (DELETED) phone! I`ve got better people to talk to than a (DELETED) (DELETED) that ain`t coming!



CROSLIN: They haven`t left me alone for six months. I`ve been the one, the main focus. They just need to move on and look for the right person.

NEVES: I believe Haleigh is alive. I have faith in God to take care of my baby girl and to find her. And I don`t care who had something to do with it, those are the people who need to be put away and bring my baby girl home.


GRACE: Right now, Marc Klaas is joining us, president and founder of Klaas Kids Foundation, child advocate. She`s back in town. Police have located her, have tracked her down, but new stepmother Misty Croslin is not speaking to police. That`s over. Marc Klaas, when your little girl went missing, you practically laid on the steps of the police station and said, Please take my DNA, polygraph me, hook me up, do it now, I don`t want to wait so you can find who took her.

MARC KLAAS, KLAAS KIDS FOUNDATION: And that happened 16 years ago tomorrow, on October 1st. Here`s the problem. I mean, what Misty needs to do is come forth and tell the truth, and she`s obviously not doing that because there are inconsistencies in her very self-serving story. And the truth doesn`t have versions, at least not coming from one person.

Ironically, it seems like the last holdout, the last person that is really giving her an ability to not go out and tell the truth is Ron, who seems to have become her enabler through this whole thing, Ron and his family. It seems to me that they should put their foot down and tell Misty that the time for being vague is over.

It may very well be that she doesn`t know what happened to the little girl that night, but that doesn`t mean that she was there or wasn`t there. She`s not being truthful. The police don`t know what happened, and they need to know.

GRACE: T.J. Ward, private investigator. Weigh in, T.J.

T.J. WARD, PERFORMED VOICE ANALYSIS ON MISTY (via telephone): Hey, Nancy. How are you?

GRACE: Good.

WARD: Let me tell you, I let her -- I went down there to Florida on her request because she failed two polygraphs and she wanted to clear her name. She, in fact, when she talked about going to sleep and laying down, it`s false statement, deception. That`s one of the things that bothered me. She said she woke up and (INAUDIBLE) another inaccuracy. And I asked her directly, I said, Do you know anything about Haleigh going missing? And she said, No, I do not, nothing at all. Inaccuracy, deception. Again I said, Do you know any persons that may be involved about taking Haleigh? I don`t know. Inaccuracy.


<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on October 02, 2009, 07:52:21 PM


Nancy Grace Investigates the Disappearance of Haleigh Cummings

Aired October 1, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Tonight, a 5-year-old Florida girl tucked into bed. Five hours later, she`s gone, vanished, the back door propped wide open. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. Police say the last person to see Haleigh alive refuses to give straight answers about the night the child goes missing, unable to account for crucial hours surrounding the alleged kidnap.

In a stunning twist, the brother of girlfriend-turned-stepmom Misty Croslin confesses he goes to Haleigh`s house the night she goes missing, pounds on the door repeatedly. Nobody home. Croslin`s own mother and father also publicly state they doubt her story. As girlfriend-turned stepmother Misty Croslin flunks another polygraph, where is little Haleigh?


911 OPERATOR: 911. What`s your emergency?

MISTY CROSLIN, BABY-SITTER/STEPMOTHER: I just woke up and our back door was all open, and I can`t find our daughter.

911 OPERATOR: Can`t find what?

CROSLIN: Our daughter.

911 OPERATOR: OK, what`s your address?


911 OPERATOR: What`s the numerical?

CROSLIN: The numerical? What`s that?

911 OPERATOR: The number. (DELETED) Green Lane?


911 OPERATOR: OK, when did you last see her?

CROSLIN: We were just, like -- you know, it was about 10:00 o`clock. We were -- she was sleeping (INAUDIBLE)

911 OPERATOR: OK. How old is your daughter?

CROSLIN: She`s 5.

911 OPERATOR: OK, what was she last seen wearing?


911 OPERATOR: Ma`am?

CROSLIN: She was in her pajamas. We were sleeping.

911 OPERATOR: OK. All right. You said your back door was wide open?

CROSLIN: Yes, with a brick. Like, with a brick on the floor. Like, when I went to sleep, it was not like that.

911 OPERATOR: OK, the back door...


911 OPERATOR: Listen to me. Your back door was wide open. What are you talking about a brick?


911 OPERATOR: What -- what is the brick?

CROSLIN: It`s on the back door, on the -- on the stairs. Like, we have a walkway.

911 OPERATOR: And there was a brick laying there?

CROSLIN: Yes. It`s still there.

CUMMINGS: Tell them they better come on!

CROSLIN: They are!

911 OPERATOR: We`ve got them coming. Tell him we`ve got them coming.

CROSLIN: They`re coming.

911 OPERATOR: OK, what`s the color of your house, ma`am?

CROSLIN: It`s blue.

911 OPERATOR: Blue? OK. What -- what does she look like? How tall is she? Give me some description of her.

CROSLIN: She has, like -- like, long hair, curly -- like, curls.

911 OPERATOR: Long curled. What color?

CROSLIN: She`s white.

911 OPERATOR: OK, what color hair?


911 OPERATOR: Brown hair?


911 OPERATOR: OK, how tall is she, about? Or how much does she weigh? Do you know that?


911 OPERATOR: About how tall or how much does she weigh?

CROSLIN: Like, four something. Like, I don`t know. Like, she`s not that tall.


911 OPERATOR: OK. Tell your husband we got them coming, OK?


911 OPERATOR: How much does she weigh, do you know?


911 OPERATOR: How much does she weigh?

CROSLIN: Like, 40, 50 pounds, 60 pounds...

911 OPERATOR: Forty to sixty pounds?


911 OPERATOR: OK, was your back door locked, do you know?

CROSLIN: Yes. The back door always stays locked.

CUMMINGS: We need somebody to get here now!

CROSLIN: She`s coming!

911 OPERATOR: OK, let me speak to him.

CROSLIN: Yes, here he is.

CUMMINGS: I just got home from work. My 5-year-old daughter is gone.


CUMMINGS: I need somebody to be here now! I`m telling you...

911 OPERATOR: Listen to me. Listen to me. We`ve got two officers...

CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before y`all do, I`m killing him. I don`t care.


CUMMINGS: I`ll spend the rest of my life in prison. I`m telling you. You can put it on recording, I don`t care.

911 OPERATOR: OK. It`s OK, sir. We`ve got them on the way. OK, can you give me any -- what kind of description of her pajamas that she was wearing?

CUMMINGS: I don`t (DELETED) know! I was at work!

911 OPERATOR: OK, sir. We`ve got them coming, OK?


911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, let me talk to your wife. Let me get some information from her.


911 OPERATOR: OK, can I talk to her?


911 OPERATOR: OK. Listen to me. I need you to answer some questions. Does the door look like it was pried open?


911 OPERATOR: Does it look like it -- does it look like you had sort of someone try to enter into your house?

CROSLIN: Hold on.

911 OPERATOR: And another thing. Make sure you and your husband don`t touch the door anymore. Don`t mess with the door or anything.


CROSLIN: No, it doesn`t.

911 OPERATOR: It doesn`t look like it is?


911 OPERATOR: OK, now listen, tell your husband do not touch anything. Make sure because we`re going to try and get a K-9 out there, OK?

CROSLIN: OK. She says don`t touch anything because they`re bringing K-9 out here.

911 OPERATOR: OK. Listen to me. I`m getting this information. I`m not the officer driving out there, OK?


911 OPERATOR: They`re coming out there to handle that situation. I need to gather all the information from you over the phone.


911 OPERATOR: It has nothing to do with me driving out there. The officers are taking care of that, OK? They`re coming out there, OK?


911 OPERATOR: OK, I`m going to stay on the phone with you, OK?


911 OPERATOR: Until they get there, all right? Tell him we got them coming. He needs to try to calm down a little bit, OK? The officers are going to come out there and do what they can. We can`t have him screaming and yelling at the officers whenever they get there, OK?


911 OPERATOR: Tell him we got them coming. He needs to try to calm down a little bit, OK? The officers are going to come out there and do what they can. We can`t have him screaming and yelling at the officers whenever they get there, OK?

CUMMINGS: Give me my (DELETED) phone! I got better people to talk to than a (DELETED) (DELETED) that ain`t coming!

911 OPERATOR: What`s her date of birth?

CUMMINGS: Y`all are (DELETED) playing games, man! I`m going to (DELETED) kill somebody!

911 OPERATOR: OK. Tell him we understand. We need to get her date of birth.

CROSLIN: What`s her date of birth?

CUMMINGS: (DELETED) her birthday! We need to find her! (DELETED) her date of birth!


911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, let me talk to your wife. Let me get some information from her.




911 OPERATOR: Can I talk to her?



CUMMINGS: How the (DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole (DELETED)!


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Misty, how are you doing right now?

CROSLIN: I just want her to come home! I want to find her.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I know that you`re 17. I can`t even imagine at my age going through this.

CROSLIN: It`s horrible! It`s very hurtful. Very.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I know -- I know at first, it seems like there`s been a lot of people that have been, kind of, like, I don`t understand how this could be the situation, where you don`t hear her. Did you hear anything?

CROSLIN: I didn`t hear anything at all, nothing. If I heard something, I would have got up and I wouldn`t have let them take her!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So what happened?

CROSLIN: OK. I put her to bed about, you know, 8:00 o`clock because that`s bed time. She had school. I put her to bed. And her blanket and my blanket -- my blanket was in the van (ph) that they took (ph). So we had a blanket hanging on the window, and I had to wash that, and her blanket. Her blanket was -- she had peed on her blanket the night before, I guess, and we couldn`t put it on there. It smelled like pee.

So I washed the blanket, and I gave her a little sheet to cover up with. And she fell asleep. (INAUDIBLE) come in there and put her blanket on her. And then I lay down. And about -- I mean, I`m not positive what time, it was, like, 3:00, you know, I seen 3:00 -- 3:00 o`clock in the morning, I got up. And I got up because I had to use the bathroom, but I didn`t make it to the bathroom.

I seen the kitchen light on and I walked in the kitchen and the back door`s wide open. I mean, I didn`t notice about Haleigh then until I seen the back door open. And then I go to in her room, and she`s gone! And that`s all I know, is when I woke up -- when I went to sleep, she was there. And then when I woke up, she was gone.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I know you`ve been intensively questioned by police. What has that been like for you?

CROSLIN: It`s been hard, but I`m trying to do everything to find her. You know, I`m answering any questions I have to because I know I didn`t do anything to that little girl. I would never hurt her. I mean, they love me. I mean, they look at me like their mom, you know? You ask little Junior, and he`ll tell you, you know? They talk lovely about me, and I`m so good to them kids, real good.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So you woke up, and that was it. You saw the door open. Did you leave the light or...


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Somebody turned the light on?

CROSLIN: The lights had to get turned on because I know them lights - - you know, I was in the hallway where the back door is. The dryers are right there. I was washing clothes, and that back door was shut, you know? And I just wake up, and it`s open.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Did you take a polygraph?

CROSLIN: I did. But I`m not supposed to talk about that. They told me not to talk about that.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But you did go...

CROSLIN: Yes, I did take a polygraph.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And you passed it.

CROSLIN: I mean, my understanding is that I passed it, you know?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What do you want people to know?

CROSLIN: I just want everybody to know that I didn`t do anything with that little girl! I loved her like she`s my own. And I`ll do anything to get her back. And if people think that I have something do with it -- if I had something do with it, I knew where she was, we wouldn`t be sitting here today. We would have her. And I don`t -- I don`t know where she is.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She`s a sweet baby, I can tell.

CROSLIN: She`s so sweet. And she`s a smart little girl. She`s intelligent, you know? She`s a real good girl, a real good girl.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What is your heart? You said you think of her like your daughter.

CROSLIN: Like my daughter.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What does your heart tell you right now?

CROSLIN: It just tells me we need to find her, you know? I mean, find her.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You believe she`s still out there?

CROSLIN: Yes, I do believe she`s still out there. Someone has her. I mean, I don`t want to think of the bad, you know? I mean, that runs through my mind, but I don`t want to think of the bad.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What about this worker that was at the house/

CROSLIN: The A.C.? You know, I -- my brother was -- the A.C. guy had come and my brother had come, like, you know, 10 minutes after the A.C. guy. And me and my brothers and the kids, my nephews, were out there. You know, the kids were all playing in the front yard. Haleigh was riding her bike, doing wheelies, you know, having fun with my nephews. And the A.C. guy, you know, he was in the house by himself. We didn`t go in the house. You know, I didn`t go in the house with him. I sat on the front porch for a little while and...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You don`t suspect him?

CROSLIN: I mean, I don`t know. I mean, they talked to him, and you know, they -- they said that they (INAUDIBLE)

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why would someone want to do this? I mean, do you think there`s any reason they`d want to do this to you or to your boyfriend?

CROSLIN: I don`t know, I mean, we`re good people. We don`t -- you know? We don`t really have friends, you know? I really don`t know a lot of people in Palatka. I know a couple of girls, you know? They`re not my friends. They`re just someone, you know, that`s there. I hang out when with them when I need to get away. And I know I shouldn`t hang out with them, but you know, sometimes I just need a break.


CROSLIN: And I go hang out with them, but not no more.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You said there was a brick. There was a brick that had propped up?

CROSLIN: There was -- there was a brick, like, a cinderblock that was holding the screen door open. And that brick -- that door -- that screen door is always closed, you know? That brick -- I had never seen a brick even around there. The cops said there was a whole bunch of bricks about 50 feet away, but I`ve never seen any bricks at all.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So somebody propped open the screen door with a brick?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. So bring her home.

CROSLIN: Yes. I just want her to come home. That`s it! And I just want her to be OK. And whoever has her, I just want them to bring her home...


CROSLIN: ... just safe and...


CROSLIN: I just want her to come home safe. And I thank everybody out there that`s helping us, you know? We really, really appreciate it that everybody`s helping us, you know? Just if anybody knows anything, please call us and let us know (INAUDIBLE) because we just want her home. That`s it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Are you a really sound sleeper?

CROSLIN: (INAUDIBLE) usually Haleigh will wake up at nighttime. She gets cramps in her legs, you know? And I have to rub her legs to get the cramps out of her legs, to get her back to sleep. And you know, she didn`t make no noise that night. I would have woke up if I heard any noise. I mean, I didn`t hear anything at all. I mean, I was really exhausted that day, you know, really exhausted. And when I lay down, I guess, you know, I just was out.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Did she -- there`s no way she could have wandered off?

CROSLIN: No. She is scared of the dark. She would not go anywhere by herself. She would not (INAUDIBLE) by herself.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you think that something happened and you just didn`t hear it?

CROSLIN: Yes, I didn`t hear, and I wish I did because I wouldn`t have let no one take her.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Are you blaming herself?

CROSLIN: I just know, like -- I feel like that, you know, I wish that they would had took me instead of her, you know, because I could have fought. You know, she`s only 5. She can`t really do anything. And I just wish they would had taken me instead of her! What do they want with a little 5-year-old?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Anything else that you want to say, Misty?

CROSLIN: I just want her home. If anybody knows where she is, please bring her home safe. That`s it. I just want her home.


GRACE: Next, exclusive with Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings.


GRACE: As the desperate search for 5-year-old Florida girl Haleigh Cummings goes on, investigators bring Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, in for intense questioning about phone calls, calls made in the hours leading up to Haleigh`s disappearance, Cummings trying desperately to reach new stepmother Misty Croslin that night, at least 20 calls. No answer.

Croslin`s brother thrown behind bars on a gun charge, confessing to police he goes to Haleigh`s house the very night she goes missing, pounds on the door, over and over. Nobody home. Where was new stepmother Misty Croslin during those crucial hours?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s been more than seven months since anyone has seen little Haleigh Cummings`s bright smile or heard her laugh. And now we`re getting new information from investigators about the night the 5- year-old was last seen. Police now say Haleigh`s dad, Ronald Cummings, called Misty Croslin repeatedly while he was at work and no one answered. Then, according to deputies, Cummings called down to her family`s home just down the street, looking for her and talked with her brother.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hank says that he answered that call from Ronald, which we know was made. He says he answered it. And it was Ronald saying, Go check on Misty, and he says that he complied with that request and Misty did not answer the door. The house was dark and quiet.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Our camera was rolling after Hank Croslin, Jr., Misty`s brother, was taken from his jail cell to be questioned by police. That`s when deputies say Croslin`s brother told them it looked like no one was home that night.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He demonstrated to us loudly and for a few seconds, and then he waited around, you know, to presumably see if someone was going to be roused if they were sleeping or whatever. He made -- he tells us that he made a good effort to see if someone was home.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Major Gary Bowling says Croslin`s interview had nothing do with the search of this pond, but he says the interview does cast more doubt on Misty`s story that she was home watching movies with the two kids.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What we need is for Misty to come down here and tell us the truth.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He says that`s why they`ve released this new information.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We know that it applies to pressure in an area where pressure needs to be applied, and that`s on Misty. And Misty can relieve this pressure by telling her attorney that, you know, We need to go down to the sheriff`s office and really lay out in clear terms what I was doing from 8:00 PM until 3:00 AM.



GRACE: To Ronald Cummings, joining us tonight. He is Haleigh`s father. He`s joining us exclusively since this arrest. Ronald, what do you make of it?

CUMMINGS: Miss Nancy, I don`t know what to make of it. I just don`t know what -- I don`t know what to think.

GRACE: Well, what is the brother-in-law telling you? What are you hearing from Misty`s family?

CUMMINGS: Miss Nancy, we don`t have much contact with the family. Misty has an injunction against Tommy (ph), so we don`t have any contact with them.

GRACE: To Terry Shoemaker, the attorney for Ronald Cummings. Do you believe he was taken into custody in order to put pressure on him to find out what he may or may not know about Haleigh`s disappearance?

TERRY SHOEMAKER, ATTORNEY FOR RONALD CUMMINGS: Well, you know, like - - like was just said, $50,000 is very high bond for a grand theft, you know? So I would imagine they`re looking at every angle they can. And if they think that they can put a little weight on him and get him to talk about anything he might know, I`m sure they`re going do that.

GRACE: Now, let me ask you this. Back to you, Ronald Cummings. You say that no more communication`s with Misty Croslin`s family. What is Misty Croslin telling you? Is there any possibility that she left the home that evening and hasn`t told you?

CUMMINGS: If there is a possibility of it, I don`t know anything about it.


GRACE: When we come back, inside the home where 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings vanishes into thin air.


GRACE: An exclusive tour inside the home where 5-year-old Florida girl Haleigh Cummings was reportedly snatched from her own bed.


GRACE: Marlaina, show me the girl`s room. That`s the first thing I want to see.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NEIGHBORHOOD: OK, Nancy. Well, we`re standing right here. Right beside me on my left is the bed where Misty Croslin was sleeping, and here on the right, we have the bed where little Haleigh was sleeping. And you can see it is all but about three-and-a-half feet from each other.

And this is right where Misty said she got up and she had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night. Now, where I`m facing right now, Nancy, is a bathroom. It`s the master bathroom. Through the living room behind me is the other bathroom in the house. And you have to remember she said that when she got up to go to the bathroom she saw that the kitchen light was on. The kitchen is over this way. So that means she would have to have gotten up and gone out this door, and then have noticed.

GRACE: OK, stop. Marlaina, are you telling me that she did not go to the bathroom, the baby-sitter did not go to the rest room, the master bathroom? She chose instead to go out the door, across the kitchen to another bathroom?

SCHIAVO: That is the assumption we`re making. We asked Teresa, Haleigh`s grandmother, who`s standing with us. She wasn`t sure which bathroom she used. But if she saw the kitchen light on, she would had to have used the other bathroom in the home, Nancy.

GRACE: Was the door open or shut, Ms. Neves? Because if the door was closed, that rules out her seeing the kitchen light. So was that bedroom door open when she realized the kitchen light was on?


GRACE: Marlaina, how big is that bedroom?

SCHIAVO: The bedroom is, I would say, about -- I would have to say 11 by 13.

GRACE: OK, let`s go through the rest of the house -- 11 by 13, thanks. Go ahead. Tell me what else you observed.

SCHIAVO: OK, so -- well, basically, Nancy, they kept saying that the door, the back door, which we`re about to go to, is about 16 feet from the bedroom. It`s a little bit more than that, actually. If I had to guess, it would probably be about 25.

But I`m going to show you the back door and show you how both doors close automatically. So -- and I`m also going to show you the lock because the lock is about three feet from the floor, and we know that that`s about as tall as Haleigh stands. So here`s the back door and here`s the lock. It sticks. So -- there you go. Now we open the back door. And here`s the back screen door, the one that was propped open with the cinderblock, OK?

Now, if you see, when it closes, it slams. It makes a loud noise. But if you leave this door, this slowly closes, as well. So it leaves a lot of questions as to what exactly -- how exactly did this person do this?


GRACE: Next, was new stepmother, Misty Croslin even home the night little Haleigh goes missing?


GRACE: Thrown behind bars on a gun charge. We learn the brother of new stepmother, Misty Croslin, confesses during a late-night jailhouse interrogation.

He goes to Haleigh`s house the night she goes missing. Pounds on the door desperately. Nobody home. This, a full seven months after Haleigh goes missing. Then a letter surfaces outlining details of a drug-fueled party where little Haleigh, allegedly, accidentally ingests the heavy-duty painkiller, Oxycontin, and dies.

Cops call the letter a farce publicly, but still investigate and interrogate. This, after girlfriend-turned-stepmother, Misty Croslin, reportedly flunks yet another polygraph.

Ronald, what do you make of Misty flunking a polygraph?

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I don`t know anything about her flunking a polygraph. I know what`s been said about it but I`m not a polygrapher myself so I didn`t see any results.

I didn`t get to, you know? I was told by the polygrapher who did the polygraph that it`s not judged in percentages. That the polygraph is either a failed or a pass, not in the percentages.

GRACE: Well, OK. Let`s take with what you know. That you either fail it or you passed it. Well, according to these reports she flunked it. I mean royally flunked it. And that`s got to concern you.

R. CUMMINGS: Well, until I see more physical proof of what`s going on, Miss Nancy, there`s -- my concerns are still on keeping Haleigh`s face on the TV and being sure that she is found. And whoever has done this to her or is put away.

GRACE: OK, Ronald, I understand that you want to keep Haleigh`s face out there. We are doing that. But I know you. And I do not believe you are not concerned about a report that your wife flunked a polygraph. It would concern me.

TERRY SHOEMAKER, ATTORNEY FOR RONALD CUMMINGS: Nancy, if I may, you know, of course, Ronald`s concerned about a lot of things going on right now, but I think the main thing he`s concerned about is making sure that Haleigh`s found. And you know, again, we would like to thank you for keeping Haleigh in the spotlight, making sure everyone continues to look for her, and helping us every way you possibly can.

But -- now we`re more concerned with that aspect, rather than whether or not Misty may or may not have done well on a polygraph.

GRACE: You know, Mr. Shoemaker, you have an excellent reputation. And what you just said does not make one ounce of sense. Of course you want her picture out there. Of course you want the help of the media.

But for the last person known to have seen Haleigh alive, to have reportedly flunked a polygraph, how you can suggest that is not a major concern. You want to find her, you want to find Haleigh, then find out why Misty reportedly flunked a polygraph.

Gentlemen, does that not make sense to you? Ronald Cummings, I would like to hear it from you.

R. CUMMINGS: Nancy, what you`re saying makes perfect sense to me, but why is law enforcement -- I`m not law enforcement. I can`t interfere with their investigation. I can`t do anything about a polygraph or any results.

GRACE: Well, what is she telling you, Ronald? What is she telling you? She took that police polygraph. I don`t believe that she passed it the first time. I don`t believe she did. And then this one and then that voice stressed test. Something is wrong with her story, Ronald.

R. CUMMINGS: I don`t know, Miss Nancy.

GRACE: Ronald, I know that your heart`s desire is to bring her home alive. I`ll never forget the first time I heard your 911 call. And I think that is exactly the way I would have reacted. If I came home and the twins were gone, and I want to know what you want to tell the viewers tonight.

R. CUMMINGS: I want to tell them to keep Haleigh`s face out there and if you have any information leading to her disappearance, to call it in. It don`t matter who it hurts. And I want to let everyone know that I`m not hiding anything for anybody. And if somebody has something to do with it, let them fry, so be it. Whoever it might be, that`s who it is. Let`s bring Haleigh home.

GRACE: Ronald, why did police question Misty Croslin`s brother and sister-in-law? What was that all about? They kept them for hours.

R. CUMMINGS: Miss Nancy, I don`t have a clue what they questioned them about. I`m not allowed around them.

GRACE: That`s right, I understand. Ronald, what do you believe is being done now in the search for Haleigh? I know that they`ve just finished another search around your home. And they did that because your wife, Misty Croslin, directed them to a particular spot.

R. CUMMINGS: Well, I`m happy that they`re still searching. I hope that they found my child alive, obviously. But one way or another I want my daughter to come home.

GRACE: Ronald, you said.

R. CUMMINGS: I need some closure.

GRACE: You said that you don`t care who it hurts and that you`re not covering for anybody.

R. CUMMINGS: That`s right.

GRACE: OK, and I assume, from knowing you, that you mean that. So my question to you tonight is, now that you have been told whether you accept it or not that your wife has flunked a poly have you asked her what`s happened? What does she tell you?

I mean I saw her on the "Today" show, and they asked her, why did you give two different stories? And she said, I don`t know. That doesn`t make sense.

R. CUMMINGS: I asked her, but I don`t get any answers from her about, you know -- I don`t see what -- what she`s telling me is not inconsistent.


R. CUMMINGS: So we may well.

GRACE: And what is it that she tells you? What is her story about what happened that night?

R. CUMMINGS: The same thing that she`s telling police or whoever that she went to bed -- she put Haleigh to bed. Done some laundry. Went to bed. And woke up to the door propped open.

GRACE: Ronald, you and I have been on this story from the very, very beginning. And I don`t even like asking the medical examiner questions like that. While I know you are listening, because you`re holding out the hope, as I am, that she is alive.


GRACE: Once again, I want you to make a plea to the viewers tonight, everyone the tip line is 888-277-8477.

Go ahead, Ronald.

R. CUMMINGS: Please, whoever who knows anything about Haleigh`s disappearance, anything about where she might be now or anything about anything from February 9th to February 10th of 2009, please call the CrimeStoppers or the Putnam County Sheriff`s Office.

GRACE: And please know, Ronald, that you are in our thoughts and prayers, as is little Haleigh.

Miss Neves, at one point I recall that Junior, the little brother, has stated that there were other people in the home that evening. What do you recall about his statement?

TERESA NEVES, GRANDMOTHER OF MISSING GIRL, HALEIGH CUMMINGS: Junior`s initial statement to the law enforcement was that he saw a man in black, I believe was what they said.


NEVES: And then it changed, you know? But he didn`t change it. Other people changed it.

GRACE: Yes. Miss Neves, what do you make of this letter? Do you put any stock in it?

NEVES: Nancy, I`m like you. I do not think that that many people with a $70,000 reward are not going to sit at home and not say anything. I do not believe for one second that my granddaughter would take something like that because of the taste of it. Just simply for that fact.

GRACE: We`re all throwing around legal theories and this letter, and whether it`s true or not. What is your message tonight?

NEVES: I believe Haleigh is alive. I have faith in God to take care of my baby girl in finding her. And I don`t care who had something to do with it. Those are the people who need to be put away and bring my baby girl home.

GRACE: Miss Neves, why are you so sure Haleigh is still with us?

NEVES: Because I stand on God`s promise that if you pray and believe that he will give you what you pray for.

GRACE: Miss Neves, tell me how Ronald is holding up. I mean, he comes on our show frequently. And he`s always so strong. How is he holding up?

NEVES: He`s not as strong at home as he is on TV. But he has to be strong for Junior, you know? So he does the best that he can. He keeps his crying to his self at night and tries to make Junior happy until Haleigh comes home.

GRACE: How is junior? Does he even realize at this juncture that Haleigh is gone?

NEVES: Junior thinks that Haleigh is lost and she`s finding her way home. He actually drew her a map so she could find her way home. But he doesn`t realize the longevity, I think, of it.

GRACE: You know, I focus so much on where is Haleigh, what happened that night? You know Junior has been lost in the mix. I cannot imagine, God forbid, the thought that I would ever have to explain to one of the twins where the other one was. Why they were not at home.

What do you tell them?

NEVES: That angels are watching Haleigh. And she`ll be home soon.

GRACE: Miss Neves, when you hear about, for instance, this letter.

NEVES: Yes, ma`am.

GRACE: How does that affect you? Whether you believe it or don`t believe it, when you hear there might be a break in the case.

NEVES: Miss Nancy, we would love to have a break in this case. And we really would not care who it implicates as long as it brings Haleigh back to us. You know this letter is a little far-fetched, I think, because Haleigh doesn`t like medicine. And Oxycontin, I`ve had to take it.

I think it`s a very nasty taste. And I can`t imagine Haleigh taking it. So -- but you know, anything that would bring Haleigh home, that`s what we want.

GRACE: With me is Teresa Neves, this is Haleigh`s paternal grandmother.

Miss Neves, you stand very strongly behind Misty Croslin`s story. What do you make of police saying that she has the answers?

NEVES: I have to leave the investigative part of this to law enforcement. Because, you know, if I go with every whim and every accusation then I`m going to be flipping back in forth in my life. And what we stand -- you know, we just stand for Haleigh here. We just want Haleigh to come home. And I want them to find whoever this is. And I don`t care who it is. But we want Haleigh to come home.


GRACE: When we come back, where was new stepmom, Misty Croslin, during the crucial hours when 5-year-old Haleigh disappears?


GRACE: Failed polygraphs, repeatedly changing the story, physical evidence inside the home. Florida investigators and even family say they don`t believe stepmother, Misty Croslin`s story. The story surrounding Haleigh`s sudden disappearance.


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: On Haleigh`s birthday, Misty Croslin-Cummings put posters on the house for her. And when asked about what she thought of the new attorney in Orlando and Tim Miller with EquuSearch helping in Haleigh`s case, she was positive.


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Miller said she told him she wanted to clear her name. So he set up an independent polygraph. He says she failed it miserably.

TIM MILLER, DIRECTOR, TEXAS EQUUSEARCH: Did you intentionally withhold any information regarding Haleigh`s disappearance? Her answer was no. She failed it miserably with a 99 percent deception.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Miller says Croslin-Cummings wanted to do more so she took a voice analysis test. She failed that too, and he says she was uncooperative with a hypnotist. Miller gave the test information to the Putnam County Sheriff`s Office.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It indicated that Misty was deception indicated, is the official statement, which is no surprise to us. We said all along that Misty has been inconsistent in her statements. And I agree with the point that was made by Tim Miller`s investigator, which is that Misty`s consistency is inconsistency.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Misty signed a paper saying she had an attorney who did not want her to take the test, but that she still wanted to take them. Misty`s attorney Robert Fields says she told him she was pressured to take the test and if that if she did not Miller would not help search for Haleigh.

Miller denies that. Investigators say there`s nothing at this point to charge Misty Croslin-Cummings with regarding to Haleigh`s disappearance.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You know we think that Misty needs to tell us some things. You know fill in some inconsistencies but that`s about as far as we`re willing to go with that statement. But we`re going to stop just short of saying, and therefore, we have probable cause to make an arrest.

We don`t. If we have probable cause to make an arrest at this point we probably would have.

GRACE: The mother of missing Florida girl, 5-year-old Haleigh, also with her the grandmother, Haleigh`s grandmother, Crystal Sheffield, Marie Griffis.

Thank you for being with us.

First to you, Crystal Sheffield, this is Haleigh`s mother. Crystal, what do you make of the recent developments, the developments especially about Misty Croslin flunking a polygraph?

CRYSTAL CUMMINGS, PATERNAL AUNT OF MISSING GIRL, HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I thought all along that she had something do with it. And now this kind just proves it. I mean.

GRACE: But why do you -- why do you say you thought all along that?

SHEFFIELD: She`s the last one to see our daughter. And her stories just don`t ad up. Everything she says is crazy. I mean, it`s like the cops say, they`re inconsistent.

GRACE: Have you talked to Ronald about the inconsistencies?

SHEFFIELD: I`ve said something to him about her recently. And he pretty much was, like, what do you want me to do? So.

GRACE: What did you say to him? I mean, his response kind of -- to interpret, depends on what you said to him. What did you say to him?

SHEFFIELD: I told him how I felt about her test results. And I told him I really didn`t want to be around her anymore. Like when I picked our son up. And he was just, like, what do you want me to do? So maybe we can talk about it.

GRACE: You mentioned that Misty Croslin`s first polygraph, the one administered by police, was full of inconsistencies. How did you find that out?

SHEFFIELD: No, not the polygraph. Just her stories. I know nothing about the polygraph from the police. They have not revealed that.

GRACE: OK. Why did you -- where did you learn of what she told police was full of inconsistencies?

SHEFFIELD: The -- it was on your show, actually. I think it was one of the investigators? He said that we`ve known all along that her stories was full of inconsistencies.

GRACE: To you Miss Griffis. Thank you for being with us. You stated that at very beginning you doubted Croslin`s story, why?

MARIE GRIFFIS, MATERNAL GRANDMOTHER OF HALEIGH: Because of the inconsistencies with the bed and who was sleeping in what bed. There was four different story.

GRACE: What were the four stories?

GRIFFIS: Well, one minute all three of them were in the -- in the same bed. Then Haleigh was on the different bed. And it was just her and Butterbean. Then -- and Butterbean is Junior, by the way. Then Haleigh was in a totally different room other than her and Haleigh. And it just kept getting bigger and bigger.

GRACE: What, if anything, have you been told about her police polygraph?

GRIFFIS: That they were full of inconsistencies.

GRACE: Such as?

GRIFFIS: As her timeline. They can`t figure out whether she was or was not at home. It`s -- it`s one right after another. It`s all mind- boggling.

GRACE: To Crystal Sheffield, Haleigh`s mother. Crystal, recently she has suggested that the four people were in the home that evening.

SHEFFIELD: No, the only thing I`ve heard was about the AC guy and her brother that stopped by. That`s only people that I know about. And she said they left, both of them.


GRACE: When we come back, what happened to 5-year-old Florida girl Haleigh Cummings?


GRACE: Tonight, the desperate search for 5-year-old Florida girl Haleigh. Reportedly snatched from her own bed, vanishing without a trace.


R. CUMMINGS: Came home this morning to find out that I didn`t have a child, that somebody stole my child. It`s not like a bicycle or a car. Somebody stole my child from me.

SHEFFIELD: I just want whoever`s got her to bring her home. That`s all I want, my baby home.

R. CUMMINGS: Told me she loved me and she`d see me when I got home.

NEVES: She`s a daddy`s girl.

R. CUMMINGS: And she wasn`t there when I got home.

NEVES: She`s the most precious thing in our life. We want her to come home.

R. CUMMINGS: Please, Haleigh, know that I love you. I love you very much. We will find you. God will bring her home.

SHEFFIELD: Haleigh if you`re out there, mommy loves you. And your daddy loves you. We miss you. And we`ll be right here.

Please, whoever has her, bring her home. Please. We need her. We need her home. We need to bring her back. I love you. Your daddy loves you.


GRACE: Let`s stop and remember Army 1st Lieutenant Tyler Parten, 24, Jonesborough, Arkansas. A West Point grad, fluent in Arabic. Awarded the National Defense Service Medal, Global War on Terrorism Service Medal, Combat Action Badge.

Loved his God, country, fellow soldiers, writing, music, traveling. Leaves behind grieving parents Dave and Lona, brother Daniel.

Tyler Parten, American hero.

Thanks to our guest, but especially to you for being with us. I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern. Next, a special CNN Heroes announcement. Until tomorrow night, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on October 06, 2009, 01:08:57 PM


Misty Croslin Heads to Orlando Again

Aired October 5, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


MIKE BROOKS, GUEST HOST: Breaking news tonight. To Satsuma, Florida, where 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings gets tucked into bed. Just five hours later, she`s gone, the back door wide open. Last person to see little Haleigh alive that night, stepmom Misty Croslin.

Tonight, we`ve just confirmed Haleigh`s stepmom-slash-baby-sitter- slash-new wife Misty Croslin skips town again -- that`s right, again -- this time headed to Orlando with a female friend. Why? We also learn Misty still has not spoken to police since she`s been back from her last out-of-town trip. All this as Misty`s mom is now in a Florida jail. Has she finally talked to police? What does she really know?


MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER/STEPMOTHER: They go out and look for that person, maybe they -- they would be -- have the answers. But they`re trying get all the answers from me that I don`t have.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Huge bombshells in the search for Haleigh Cummings, as tensions rise. Nancy Grace confirms new wife-slash-baby- sitter Misty Croslin has left Satsuma, Florida, again, now for a second time, this time heading to Orlando with a girlfriend. Why? What is Misty hiding?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What Misty needs to do is come forth and tell the truth, and she`s obviously not doing that because there are inconsistencies in her very self-serving story. And the truth doesn`t have versions, at least not coming from one person.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty Croslin still hasn`t spoken with police since her last trip out of town. Why not?

CROSLIN: ... answer any questions I have to because I know I didn`t do anything to that little girl. I would never hurt her.

NANCY GRACE, HOST, "NANCY GRACE": Miss Neves, I don`t mean to grill you, but it just doesn`t all fit together.

TERESA NEVES, HALEIGH`S PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER: To me, it`s a very dysfunctional family, and that`s the best way I can describe that. I just don`t know what to think of the whole thing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All this while Misty`s mom now sits in a Florida jail cell, extradited from Tennessee after being arrested for allegedly stealing checks. Now that she`s back in Florida, have police questioned her about Haleigh?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They`re going to have to come up with enough evidence or she`s going to have to get an overwhelming amount of fear or pressure from her family to come clean. Otherwise, she`s just going to hide and run, like she`s doing right now.

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: I`m not hiding anything for anybody. And if somebody had something to do with it, let them fry. So be it.


BROOKS: And tonight, breaking news, to Kansas. A beautiful teen girl vanishes. Police say she`s in danger. Eighteen-year-old coed Keighley Ann Alyea disappears just after witnessing a violent fight between her friend and her ex-boyfriend. In the last hours, cops find Keighley`s car just five miles from her home, but no Keighley. Law enforcement searching for clues. Tonight, where is 18-year-old Keighley?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A beautiful teen girl simply vanishes into thin air, and tonight Kansas police looking for your help. Eighteen-year-old Keighley Ann Alyea last seen in her own home. Police say they`re urgently concerned because just days ago, Keighley witnessed a fight between a friend and that friend`s brother, which escalated until the police were called. The friend`s brother is Keighley`s ex-boyfriend.

KELLY BASTEL, MOTHER OF MISSING TEEN: My gut`s not telling me good things right now.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Since reporting her missing, Keighley Alyea`s family`s been worried sick.

PAT HAYES, FATHER OF MISSING TEEN: I`ve been through a lot of things in my life, and I can honestly say I`ve never felt this way before.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police, unable to locate Keighley, have tracked down her vehicle about five miles away from her own home, that green Mazda now being processed for evidence. Police hit a dead end checking Keighley`s cell phone activity, as three men have been questioned and released in the desperate race against time to find Keighley.

HAYES: It`s just like there`s a huge part of me that`s missing, and it`s not going to be right until I find it.


BROOKS: Good evening. I`m Mike Brooks, in for Nancy Grace. Tonight, we just confirmed Haleigh Cummings`s stepmom-slash-baby-sitter-slash-new wife Misty Croslin Cummings skips town again. That`s right, again. This time, she`s headed to Orlando with a female friend.


911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, let me talk to your wife. Let me get some information from her.


911 OPERATOR: OK. Can I talk to her?



CUMMINGS: How the (DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole (DELETED)?



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Breaking news. Shocking developments in the case of missing 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings. After weeks of rising tensions, stepmom Misty Croslin leaves town and comes back. But now Nancy Grace confirms Misty has left town again, this time with a female friend to Orlando. What`s going on?

GRACE: She doesn`t have a job. Ronald Cummings has put so much effort into trying to find his missing 5-year-old daughter, he has been let go from his job. How does she manage to stay down at Disney World for a week?

CUMMINGS: We need to find my daughter.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. Do you think Misty holds some information that could help do that?

CUMMINGS: I don`t think that she holds any information that`s going to find Haleigh.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty still hasn`t spoken to police since she`s returned from her last trip out of town. Why not? When will the last known person to see Haleigh finally talk again?

CROSLIN: If I had something to do with it, I knew where she was, we wouldn`t be sitting here today, we would have her!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It may very well be she doesn`t know what happened to the little girl that night, But that doesn`t mean that she was there or wasn`t there.

GRACE: Now that you`ve been told, whether you accept it or not, that your wife has flunked a poly, have you asked her what happened?

CUMMINGS: I asked her, but I don`t get any answers.


BROOKS: OK. Gone again. Where is Misty Croslin Cummings now? Is she on a vacation? I doubt it. She doesn`t have a job, no income. What is going on down in Satsuma, or Orlando?

I want to go straight out to Marlaina Schiavo, NANCY GRACE producer, on the scene there in Florida. Marlaina, come on, what is going on now?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Mike, I mean, the tensions are rising between Ronald and Misty. She`s taken off again. She needs her space. Now, we know that the investigation has heated up...

BROOKS: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, wait! She needs her space?

SCHIAVO: You got it. She needs some space, Mike. She -- you know, a couple weeks ago, the investigation was kicking up again. We saw a lot going on. There was a draining of a pond. There were allegations against Misty. She was failing these polygraphs. And you know, she took off. She went to Orlando. She got some space from Ronald. She came back last week. But now, Mike, she`s gone again. She`s back -- she`s on her way back to Orlando with her friend.

BROOKS: OK. Who is this friend of hers that she`s on her vacation, walkabout, whatever you want to talk -- whatever you want to call it? Who is this friend?

SCHIAVO: It`s a girlfriend of hers, Mike. It`s a person she`s met somewhat recently in the past year that she`s become close with. And it`s someone who is helping her out right now during this rough time.

BROOKS: Now, I know it`s a rough time. You know, she disappeared -- little -- little -- the bottom line is, where is little Haleigh right now? She doesn`t have a job, no income that I know of. Help me out there if you know of any job she`s got or how she`s earning any money. Maybe she`s down in Orlando sitting by the interstate with a little cup in her hand, you know, and a little sign, hopefully, Help find Haleigh.

Also joining us there in Florida is Teresa Neves. She is the grandmother of the missing 6-year-old, Haleigh Cummings, and father -- and mother of father Ronald. Ms. Neves, thanks for joining us again.

NEVES: Thank you for having me.

BROOKS: Look, what is going on with this family feud? And I`m not talking about the TV program.

NEVES: OK. Which family are you speaking about?

BROOKS: With the Cummings family. You know, with Ronald and Misty. What is going on down there?

NEVES: There`s a lot of tension. It`s a very tough strain on a relationship when there is something that you think maybe needs to be told and you`re not getting that information. You know, it puts a very big strain on a relationship.

BROOKS: Recently, you spoke to Nancy, and she says -- and I have to agree with her -- the facts of what`s going on and her actions, everything just doesn`t fit together.

NEVES: I agree with you. It does not fit together like it should. And we are working to cure that, I hope.

BROOKS: I want to go to Ellie Jostad, NANCY GRACE producer, joining us from New York in the control room. Ellie, when is the last time that Misty Croslin held a job and was making any kind of money?

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, that`s a good question, Mike. We don`t know of any jobs that she`s held recently. And as we explained earlier, her family is out of jobs. Ron Cummings has lost his job because he`s been looking for Haleigh. I don`t know where the money is coming from.

BROOKS: Ms. Neves, how is your son, Ronald, supporting himself, and how is Misty supporting herself now, you know, and -- and -- and her son?

NEVES: Ronald received unemployment from his time, and Misty is -- the friend that she`s staying with tends to pay for everything, so...

BROOKS: Is she independently wealthy?

NEVES: I think that maybe her husband is independently wealthy.

BROOKS: OK. So Ellie, is she staying with this woman in Orlando, or is she staying at a Disney hotel somewhere?

JOSTAD: You know, that`s not really clear, exactly where she`s staying. Now, the last time she was in Orlando, she was spotted at Universal. Apparently, she was taking in the sights there, but she did have on a, you know, Where is Haleigh, button while she was there.

BROOKS: Oh, that -- you know what? I`m glad she had on that, Where is Haleigh, button. So she`s out at Disney World on vacation from a job that she doesn`t have, and she`s just kind of hanging out just to kind of get away.

Let`s unleash the lawyers. Eleanor Odom joining us from Atlanta, prosecutor in a nearby county just outside the city, Peter Odom, defense attorney, and Alex Sanchez, noted defense attorney out of New York.

Alex, if Misty -- she`s got an attorney. If Misty is your client, what are you telling her? Are you telling her, Hey, why don`t you go on down, cool your heels down in Orlando, you know, take in the sights, enjoy yourself, while her daughter`s still missing?

ALEX SANCHEZ, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: You know, I`ll tell you the truth, I`m mystified at the criticism that you`re leveling against her. She`s 17 years old. For months, she`s been under the scrutiny of the police. What is wrong with her going down to Orlando, even if it`s for a few days to take some vacation...

BROOKS: Alex...

SANCHEZ: ... and clear her head? And maybe when she comes back, maybe she will be prepared to speak to the police...

BROOKS: But -- but -- OK, well...

SANCHEZ: ... and reveal some important information.

BROOKS: Well, ask me -- answer me this. If she is so concerned about finding her stepdaughter and she`s the last one that had -- that knows where -- that -- who was with Haleigh at the time, why isn`t she here talking to police out there looking for her stepdaughter?

SANCHEZ: Because she has answered every single question that could possibly have been leveled at her at this point. There`s no additional questions I think the police could ask her.


SANCHEZ: She`s gone there. She needs to clear her head. And I think it`s in the police -- in the advantage of the investigation for her to go there and maybe speak to a friend and come back and say, You know what? I want to reveal more information.

BROOKS: OK, well...

SANCHEZ: What`s wrong with that, Mike?

BROOKS: But did she do that the last time she was down there? No.

SANCHEZ: Well, hopefully...

BROOKS: No. Did she do that? No, she didn`t.

SANCHEZ: Well, hopefully, she`ll do it now.

BROOKS: We`re going -- we`re going to -- we`re going to talk more about why she`s on vacation when we get back.

SANCHEZ: But as we go to break right now, a special get well tonight to Nancy`s mom, Elizabeth. Nancy`s not here with us tonight because she`s at the hospital with her mother. Mrs. Grace, everyone at the show wishes you a speedy recovery, and you`re in our thoughts and prayers.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What we need is for Misty to come down here and tell us the truth.

CROSLIN: I`m trying to do everything to find her, you know, answer any questions I have to, because I know I didn`t do anything to that little girl.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty can relieve this pressure by telling her attorney that, you know, We need to go down to the sheriff`s office and really lay out in clear terms what I was doing from 8:00 PM until 3:00 AM.

GRACE: Do you believe she left the home and left the children alone, Ronald?

CUMMINGS: Absolutely not.

GRACE: You stand very strongly behind Misty Croslin`s story. What do you make of police saying that she has the answers?

NEVES: I have to leave the investigative part of this to law enforcement because, you know, if I go with every whim and every accusation, then I`m going to be flipping back and forth in my life. And you know, what we stand -- you know, we just stand for Haleigh here. We just want Haleigh to come home. And I want them to find whoever this is. And I don`t care who it is, but we want Haleigh to come home!


BROOKS: I`m Mike Brooks, in for Nancy Grace. OK, help us answer this question. Where is Haleigh Cummings? Where is stepmom Misty? She`s in Florida with her friend at Disney World in Orlando. She`s not at home in Satsuma. She`s not there looking for Haleigh, handing out flyers. She`s not helping Ronald look for -- her father -- her husband and Haleigh`s father look for her -- look for little Haleigh. She`s down cooling her heels because she needed to get away.

We`re taking your calls live. Straight out to Lakisha in Indiana. Lakisha, thank you for joining us.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Mike. How are you doing tonight?

BROOKS: Good, thank you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Thank you for covering for Nancy. All her viewers wish her mom to get better.

BROOKS: We all do. We were -- she`s in our -- soon as we heard this today -- you know, Nancy always says prayers work, and they do. We need your prayers, also.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I believe in God totally.

BROOKS: Thanks.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Without God, nothing`s possible.

BROOKS: Absolutely.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You answered my question when you spoke with his mom, Ms. Neves, about where Misty was at and if her and Ronald was arguing. But I was wondering about the letter that was written by someone that was sent out from the jail. I was wondering if law enforcement investigated that letter that was taken to the newspaper company.

BROOKS: Yes, Marlaina, there was this mystery letter that came about. What do we know about that letter? It was very strange. It was to "The St. Augustine Record." Can you tell us about that?

SCHIAVO: Yes. That letter, Mike, came from a party friend of Misty`s. It`s a girl who knew Misty and was partying with her right before Haleigh went missing. And what the -- the contents of the letter had something to do with the night that Haleigh went missing. Now, police have investigated it, and for the most part, nothing really came of that letter at all.

BROOKS: Ellie, there was also a mystery letter.

JOSTAD: Right.

BROOKS: What do we know -- I mean, very, very strange. It was basically -- it says -- and I`m reading right from -- right from the -- right from the note -- "Check the back of father`s mobile home. From the right end of the mobile home extending out, continue for 540 yards straight, and at that point, go north 12 yards, dig two-and-a-half to three feet. Will strike metal covering an old well. Inside, check black plastic garbage bag. Circumstances extend statewide and beyond." And it`s signed capital S-A-M. What is this?

JOSTAD: Right. Well, Mike, this letter was dropped off by a woman who walked into "The St. Augustine Record." They caught her on surveillance video. She was a blond woman wearing blue scrubs. They eventually -- after this video was aired on TV, the woman came in and identified herself, said she was just the messenger, however, that she was dropping off this letter from a man who is in his 80s. She said he`s a former FBI informant, that this guy has special information and that he was able to give her this very detailed letter.

Now, police did check it out. They did go search this area, and they didn`t find anything. But they still want to talk to this man, if he exists, and find out what he really knows.

BROOKS: Did they drill this woman? I mean, did they really talk to her, finding out what her relationship is with this guy? And you know, having been -- having been, you know, assigned with the FBI for six years, I can tell you, it`s pretty easy, if she knows his name or have an address, to find out whether or not this guy truly is an FBI informant. We call them -- they are called serialized...

JOSTAD: Right.

BROOKS: ... because when you`re informing for the FBI, you come in, you get fingerprinted, you get photographed, and they do a background check on you. So they`d know whether or not this is true.

JOSTAD: Right. Right.


CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH`S MOTHER: Her story`s changed several times. And I know my kids did love her. They told me that. And I just hope she would not have nothing to do with this.




911 OPERATOR: We need to get her date of birth.

CROSLIN: What`s her date of birth?

CUMMINGS: (DELETED) her birthday! We need to find her!



CROSLIN: They haven`t left me alone for six months. I`ve been the one, the main focus. They just need to move on and look for the right person.

CUMMINGS: I`m not hiding anything for anybody. And if somebody had something to do with it, let them fry.

NEVES: I believe Haleigh is alive. I have faith in God to take care of my baby girl and find her. And I don`t care who had something to do with it, those are the people who need to be put away and bring my baby girl home.


BROOKS: I`m Mike Brooks, in for Nancy Grace. Well, little Haleigh Cummings is still gone, vanished in the middle of the night. And the one woman that I think holds the key to finding her is down in Orlando again, vacationing or getting away with a girlfriend of hers.

I want to go back out to our attorneys, Eleanor Odom, Peter Odom, Alex Sanchez. Eleanor, with her going away now for the second time -- and when she got back the first time, didn`t go with her attorney over to talk to police. You know, as a prosecutor, this doesn`t look good for her.

ELEANOR ODOM, PROSECUTOR: No, it doesn`t. And why is she going out of town? What`s the motivation? I mean, I`ve had a rough day at work, but I don`t get to go to Disney World and have a good time. But look at some interesting things. The very first thing I`d look at is how Ronald referred to her when he made that 911 call and said, What did you do with her? And then how she failed the polygraph. Her story`s wishy-washy. She`s traveled. She won`t answer questions. All those things look very suspicious.

BROOKS: Yes, you know, and also the initial police report that I`ve always said -- you know, he called -- he came home, and the whole timing of everything was -- as a former investigator, was very suspicious to me, too. And he just happened to say, Oh, yes, and my dumb "B" word wife.

Peter, I know you used to be a prosecutor, now a defense attorney. I asked Alex. I want to ask you. Would you tell your -- would you tell your client, if Misty was your client, Stay in town, cooperate with police, or go on down to Disney World, relax?

PETER ODOM, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Mike, she`s not a person of interest. She`s not a suspect. You know what I`m telling this kid?

BROOKS: Well, first of all...


PETER ODOM: Go and live your life. Go and live your life.

BROOKS: First of all, person of interest -- you know, as far as I`m concerned, either you`re a suspect or not. She hasn`t been named. But when you fail, what, three polygraphs now, two from law enforcement, one private polygraph...

PETER ODOM: And not a shred of evidence, after all that, that she did anything wrong.


PETER ODOM: She`s a citizen who has the right to go anywhere she wants, and I would tell her, Misty, go and live your life and don`t...

BROOKS: She`s the one that holds the key to what happened that night, period!

PETER ODOM: And she`s told the police everything, Mike.

BROOKS: No, she hasn`t!



RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I want to get to the bottom of what happened. I don`t know if hypnosis is going to do it. They already tried to hypnotize her.

NANCY GRACE, HOST: Aren`t you of the mind that you should try anything?

R. CUMMINGS: Absolutely. If that`s what we need to do, then that`s what we can do.

MISTY CROSLIN-CUMMINGS, RONALD CUMMING`S WIFE, LAST SEEN HALEIGH: I wish they could have took me instead of her. You know, because I could have fought. You know, she`s only 5. She can`t really do anything.


M. CUMMINGS: I don`t know where she is.

TERESA NEVES, GRANDMOTHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD, HALEIGH CUMMINGS: We would love to have a break in this case, and we really would not care who it implicates as long as it brings Haleigh back to us.

GRACE: What is her story about what happened that night?

R. CUMMINGS: The same thing that she`s telling police, or whoever, that she put Haleigh to bed, done some laundry, went to bed, and woke up to the door propped open.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Investigators have received well over 4,000 tips so far.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You never know when the one`s going to come in that will make the case. Our main goal is the same main goal, and that`s to find Haleigh and get her home.

NEVES: I do not think that that many people, with a $70,000 reward, are going to sit at home and not say anything. Anything that would bring Haleigh home, that`s what we want.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Was the bed made?

M. CUMMINGS: No. I was sleeping in that bed. How would the bed be made if someone`s sleeping in the bed? I wasn`t the only one sleeping in it. But how would it -- me and his son. How would the bed be made if we were in the bed sleeping?

They`ve been on me for six months. They haven`t left me alone for six months. I`ve been the one, the main focus. They just need to move on and look for the right person.


MIKE BROOKS, GUEST HOST: I`m Mike Brooks in for Nancy Grace, and we`re taking your calls live. Right now I want to go back out to Teresa Neves, grandmother of missing Haleigh Cummings.

Miss Neves, when is the last time Ronald spoke with Misty?

NEVES: Today.

BROOKS: And what did she have to say?

NEVES: About what?

BROOKS: About what`s going on with her, when she`s coming back, if she`s going to talk to police when she comes back.

NEVES: She has not made any arrangements to talk to police as far as I know. I know that we have encouraged her to do so, Ronald has encouraged her to do so, and right now I don`t know what her return plans are.

BROOKS: No -- so right now what you`re saying is she`s not -- there`s no plans for her to come back to Satsuma at all right now?

NEVES: Well, no, I`m not saying that. I mean.


NEVES: She`s not gone forever, I`m sure.

BROOKS: So when is she coming back? But, you know, I mean...

NEVES: No, I can`t.

BROOKS: Ronald didn`t talk to her to say, hey, you know, when are you coming back to go to talk to police?

NEVES: Ronald may have said that. I cannot tell you. I do not live with Ronald or Misty. I do know that when she left -- you know, I mean, before she left we have all encouraged her.


NEVES: . to speak with the police. So.

BROOKS: And I know, you know, the main thing here that we want, Miss Neves, and please understand this, is to get little Haleigh back alive.

NEVES: Absolutely.

BROOKS: That`s the bottom line here. That`s why we at the NANCY GRACE SHOW are here talking about this all the time, because we want to find out where this little girl is and who`s responsible for taking her. That`s the bottom line here. I want to go out to.

NEVES: I appreciate it.

BROOKS: Absolutely, Miss Neves. Thank you. I want to go out to noted medical examiner, Dr. Joshua Perper, author of "When to Call the Doctor," chief medical examiner, Broward County.

Dr. Perper, great to see you again.


BROOKS: We know that Haleigh has Turner syndrome and she needs medication. Without her getting the proper medical care, you know, I hate to say this, how long can she survive?

PERPER: Well, it depends how severe is her condition, because her syndrome has a whole range. Her syndrome is due to a genetic disorder in which instead of having xx sex chromosome she`s missing one sex chromosome, one X. So she`s XO. She has certain physical abnormality and has a certain degree of mental abnormality, and some of those children do not need any life-saving medication. So it depends exactly what stage of clinical impairment that she is.

BROOKS: I want to go back out to Marlaina Schiavo, our NANCY GRACE producer there on the scene in Florida.

Marlaina, as law enforcement -- you know, as part of this task force, are they on a regular basis going to hospitals, emergency rooms to take a look to see if maybe someone possibly has visited there with a little child that fits the description of Haleigh with -- you know, exhibiting signs and symptoms of Turner syndrome possibly?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: Well, Mike, the investigators are doing everything possible to find little Haleigh. So, I mean, you know, you can imagine that they`re going through every -- all lengths to find this little girl.


SCHIAVO: I mean, they follow up on every single possible tip. And they have checked in with every possible person they can talk to to find her.

BROOKS: Yes. I want to go back out to the lines. Melanie from Rhode Island, thanks for joining us. Do you have a question or comment?

MELANIE, CALLER FROM RHODE ISLAND: Yes, I have a question. When Casey Anthony was lying to the cops, they arrested her for lying. Now, I know they`re saying Misty is being -- she`s -- everything`s not measuring up, a nice way for saying she`s lying. They can`t arrest her for lying?

BROOKS: Well, to arrest someone you need probable cause, a set of facts and circumstances that would lead a reasonable and prudent officer to believe that a crime has been committed, is being committed, or is about to be committed.

And with that case they had evidence and they -- I mean, she took the cops around and basically, you know what, I`m not telling the truth. And - - but in this case I don`t think they have enough probable cause to charge her with lying yet. But I still think that she has the key and knows what happened that night. But time will tell.

I want to go out to Dr. Jeff Gardere, psychologist and author of "Love Prescription." Jeff, thanks for joining us.


BROOKS: You know, everybody has different coping mechanisms. Is -- you know, is this -- could it be a coping mechanism for Misty to just take off and just try to get it out of her mind in dealing with her stress?

GARDERE: I think that`s an excellent point and a great question. This is a young woman who is exhibiting self-defense mechanisms that are certainly highly inappropriate.

Haleigh is missing, maybe dead, God forbid. She had a very close relationship, misty did, with Haleigh. So this is not the right thing for her to be doing. I think it`s simply a case of if you can`t stand the heat get out of the kitchen. She`s close to a nervous breakdown.

Ronald`s all over her case. The media`s all over her case. The NANCY GRACE SHOW is really pushing her to get the truth. And I think she`s just skipped town because she can`t stand the pressure.

BROOKS: You know, that`s a good possibility. But you know, I still say she should be here with Ronald, trying to find Haleigh. I don`t care if it`s out there passing out flyers. Go down to Orlando, pass out flyers down there. But to be seen wandering around Universal, having a good time, you know what? It just doesn`t look right.

Back out to the lines, Janet from Alabama.

JANET, CALLER FROM ALABAMA: Yes, Mike. I have a question about the pond that was drained. Could it be deep enough that if her body was in a black bag that it could have sunk under the mud and so forth that was in there?

BROOKS: That`s a good question because, you know, a lot of ponds have a lot of silt at the bottom.

Marlaina, you`re down there. This pond that they drained, did they find anything?

SCHIAVO: Unfortunately -- well, actually, fortunately, Mike, they did not find anything. You know, I mean, Teresa Neves sitting here with me right now, I mean, she wants them to be looking for a live Haleigh. But yes, this pond was drained and there is no -- there was no signs of anything like.

BROOKS: Quickly, Ellie, how did they -- what led them to that pond to begin with?

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: Well, Mike, there`s a couple of things that led them to that pond. First, we know that they were searching bodies of water around the area where Haleigh went missing.

Also, there was this letter that Marlaina mentioned earlier, that suggested the body could have been disposed of in a pond. Now, police won`t say one thing led to another. They say they were planning to drain that pond anyway.

BROOKS: Well, you know, it`s unfortunate that they didn`t find anything, but I`m glad that they could at least check that off their list of somewhere that Haleigh is not.

To tonight`s "Safety Tip." The last person you want coming in through your front door is a burglar. Here`s what you can do to stop them.

Make sure all doors have deadbolt locks. If you don`t have them, buy them. Never, ever, under any circumstances leave a key under your front door mat. I don`t care. And always, always check the peephole before answering the door.

Verify the person at the door who is at the door, who is there to claim -- well, are they a delivery person? Make sure they are who they say they are. Make sure to stop newspaper deliveries and mail deliveries if you`re going away.

A pile of newspapers and a full mailbox equals an empty house to an intruder and if being a good neighbor, let someone know that you`re going to be away. If you see somebody outside the window next door, call police, dial 911.

For more information on what you can do to keep your house safe, head to



R. CUMMINGS: I just got home from work. My 5-year-old daughter is gone. I need somebody to be here now. I`m telling you.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 OPERATOR: Listen to me. Listen to me. We`ve got two officers.

R. CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before y`all do, I`m killing them. I don`t care. I`m spending the rest of my life in prison. I`m telling you. You can put it on recording. I don`t care.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 OPERATOR: OK. It`s OK, sir. We`ve got them on the way. OK. Can you give me any -- what kind of description of the pajamas that she was wearing?

R. CUMMINGS: I don`t (EXPLETIVE DELETED) know. I was at work.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 OPERATOR: Your back door was wide open. What are you talking about a brick?


UNIDENTIFIED 911 OPERATOR: What is the brick?

M. CUMMINGS: It`s on the back door, on the stairs. We have like a walkway.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 OPERATOR: Uh-huh. And there was a brick laying there?

M. CUMMINGS: Yes. It`s still there.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 OPERATOR: Was your back door locked, do you know?

M. CUMMINGS: Yes. The back door always stays locked.


BROOKS: I`m Mike Brooks in for Nancy Grace. What you are listening to is the 911 call from Haleigh`s father, Ronald, the night that he got home and found that his daughter had vanished from her bed in the middle of the night.

I want to go back out to our attorneys, Eleanor Odom, Peter Odom, and Alex Sanchez.

All right, Alex. You and I talked. You don`t think -- you think that she can go and does what she wants to do. But when she comes back, if she was your client, are you telling her to go to police and -- because come on, you`ve got to agree with me, Alex, she knows more than what she`s telling.

ALEX SANCHEZ, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I`m interested, and I`m sure she`s interested, in seeing that child returned. So the first thing I would do is have her come to my office. We would sit down, have a full discussion. And I would certainly encourage her to speak to the police and provide any information which would be helpful in the return of this child.

BROOKS: Peter. Yes or no? Does she know more than what she`s telling? Yes or no?


BROOKS: OK, Eleanor.

ODOM: She`s told the police repeatedly.

BROOKS: Thank you. That`s no. Eleanor?

ELEANOR DIXON, PROSECUTOR: Well, I think of course she should talk. Of course, I`m the prosecutor. I`m looking at a completely different light from these two defense attorneys. But her actions speak louder than words, Mike. Look at what she`s doing and what she`s not doing, and that`s talking to the police.

BROOKS: Her inactions speak louder than words.

DIXON: Exactly.

BROOKS: Because -- you know, listen to law enforcement. I`m a former investigator. And I agree with them, she knows more than what she`s saying.

Back out to the lines, Lisa from Louisiana. Thanks for joining us.

LISA, CALLER FROM LOUISIANA: Yes. I have wondered -- I know Ronald has supported Misty early on, saying that he believed that she was being truthful. Is that still his opinion now in light of the new things that have become -- surfaced in the last week?

BROOKS: Right. Well, let`s ask Ronald`s mother, Teresa Neves, joining us there in Florida. Is he still supporting Misty`s claim that she doesn`t know anything?

NEVES: Ronald is doing the best that he can to encourage Misty to get with law enforcement and tell them anything that she may have forgotten, may have left out. Ronald is -- he is trying to do both. You know? He wants to support his wife, but he wants Haleigh home more than anything. And he is going to do whatever it takes to get her home and get those answers.

BROOKS: And we want to see little Haleigh come home. Thank you, Miss Neves.

We`re going to switch gears now. We`re going to go to Overland Park, Kansas where a beautiful 18-year-old co-ed has been missing for almost a week. Take a listen to this.

<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on October 07, 2009, 08:30:30 AM


Haleigh`s Father Announces Divorce From Misty

Aired October 6, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old little girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone, vanished, the back door propped wide open. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. The last person to see the 5- year-old alive that night, new stepmother Misty Croslin.

Bombshell tonight. Little Haleigh`s disappearance, the nine-month search for the brown-eyed 5-year-old and the finger pointing at the baby- sitter turned stepmom Misty Croslin all finally take a toll. D-I-V-O-R-C- E! That`s right, divorce. The two agree to formally split. But why now? Has father Ronald Cummings`s worst fears been confirmed, that new stepmother Misty Croslin implicated in the disappearance of his 5-year-old girl? Tonight, with us live, taking your calls, Ronald Cummings.




CROSLIN: He got down on his knees and said, Will you marry me?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The tensions are rising between Ronald and Misty. She`s taken off again. She needs her space.

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: Focus on my daughter going missing and not what`s going on in my life besides my daughter going missing.

911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, let me talk to your wife. Let me get some information from her.




911 OPERATOR: Can I talk to her?



CUMMINGS: How the (DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole (DELETED)!

GRACE: Have you asked her what happened?

CUMMINGS: I ask her, but that -- I don`t get any answers from her about, you know -- I don`t see -- what she`s telling me is not inconsistent.

CROSLIN: They go out and look for the right person, maybe they would be -- have the answers, but they`re trying to get all the answers from me.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you think Misty holds some information that could help do that?

CUMMINGS: I don`t think that she holds any information that`s going to find Haleigh.

CROSLIN: Everybody knows that I love Haleigh and Ronald and Junior. (INAUDIBLE) like Haleigh wanted.

TERESA NEVES, HALEIGH`S PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER: I have stated all along and I will continue to state that my grandchildren love Misty and that Misty loves my grandchildren.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Tonight, little Haleigh`s disappearance. The nine-month search for the brown-eyed 5-year-old and the finger pointing at baby-sitter turned stepmother Misty Croslin finally all take their toll. D-I-V-O-R-C-E, divorce. But what, if anything, does it mean in the search for Haleigh?


CROSLIN: Everybody`s probably going to take this marriage thing the wrong way, but it`s not -- it`s still focused -- everything`s still focused on Haleigh. This is what Haleigh wanted. She`s always talked about it.

911 OPERATOR: When did you last see her?

CROSLIN: It was about 10:00 o`clock. We were -- she was sleeping (INAUDIBLE)

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What we need is for Misty to come back home and tell us the truth.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you feel that Misty is the key to this investigation?

CUMMINGS: No, I don`t. I think they`re barking up the wrong tree.

NEVES: Ronald is doing the best that he can to encourage Misty to get with law enforcement and tell them anything she may have forgotten.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you believe that Misty was indeed home and that she`s been telling the truth?

CUMMINGS: Yes, I believe she`s telling the truth.

NEVES: I don`t care who it is! But we want Haleigh to come home!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: As you sit here, do you believe in your heart that they see you as a suspect?

CROSLIN: No, I don`t.

CUMMINGS: I don`t either. I talked to the lead detective. His name is John Rungen (ph).


CUMMINGS: No, he doesn`t think that she`s a suspect.


GRACE: Everyone, you are seeing earlier video from NBC`s "Today" show.

I want to go straight out to Marlaina Schiavo, our producer on the story from the very, very beginning. She`s joining us from St. Augustine, Florida. Marlaina, divorces happen every day. They`re a dime a dozen. Why is this significant?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Nancy, this is significant because all along during this entire time, everybody`s been questioning Ronald. And they`ve been questioning this marriage and why now, why after the last person to see Haleigh gets married to the father of little Haleigh, and now after everything, they are splitting up. They`ve been saying for a long time that this has not been affecting them. They`ve been saying that they have not been fighting. They`ve been saying that, you know, Misty was on vacation when she went to Orlando. Now we know why she`s in Orlando this time. It`s because this marriage is ending.

GRACE: Joining us tonight exclusively and taking your calls live -- he`s not afraid of the light of the camera or answering your calls, he has taken a lie detector test we have been told that he passed -- the biological father of little Haleigh, Ronald Cummings. As you all know by now, Cummings, at work at the time little Haleigh goes missing, comes home to find not a trace of her. All he finds is his then girlfriend at home with her hands wide open. Where`s Haleigh?

Ronald Cummings, why now? Why a divorce now? Many people say your worst fears have been confirmed, that you along with the rest of the country believe that Croslin knows more than she`s telling.

CUMMINGS: Miss Nancy, I`m not sure that`s the case. It`s just we can`t go anywhere without being -- you know, it`s a hard -- it`s hard enough to be a married couple, and then we can`t go anywhere without being questioned or people staring at us or anything like that.

GRACE: OK. So you`re getting a divorce because people stare at you? I don`t believe that for one minute.

CUMMINGS: No, that`s not why I`m getting a divorce. I`m -- that`s a part of the reason why I`m getting a divorce.

GRACE: Then why are you doing it?

CUMMINGS: The two of us have -- the two of us have agreed to go separate ways. And if in the long run, something comes about Haleigh, then she can -- you know, it will be whatever, but I don`t -- I still don`t...

GRACE: Are you trying to say that...

CUMMINGS: ... believe that she -- go ahead.

GRACE: Are you trying to say, in the long run, you may get back together? In the long run, she may finally tell you what happened that night? In the long run what?

CUMMINGS: That, Miss Nancy, I`m not sure what`s going to happen in the long run. I can`t predict the future. But I would sure hope that just -- that with the family problems and everything else, it`s just -- it`s too much on the relationship.

GRACE: When you say family problems, are you referring to the fact that her family says she`s not telling the truth about the disappearance of your little girl, her mother, her brother, and others?

CUMMINGS: Well, it`s not only that. It`s also, you know, the fight and everything -- it -- it`s just everything.

GRACE: We are taking your calls live. With me, Ronald Cummings. Today, it is announced that he is divorcing girlfriend turned stepmother Misty Croslin, the last one to see this little girl alive, little Haleigh Cummings. The tip line, 888-277-TIPS -- 8477. There is a reward for help in finding little Haleigh. Her family still believes she`s alive.

Out to the lines. Brenda in West Virginia. Hi, Brenda.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. Welcome back.

GRACE: Thank you. Thank you. And I`m going to thank you again. But thank everyone for your prayers for my mother. I really appreciate that.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. What I wanted to know was, why did they wait so long to search the pond? You know, that pond never went nowhere, and all this time was wasted. Why didn`t they search that pond within a few days?

GRACE: Good question. To Ellie Jostad, our chief editorial producer on the story. What about it, Ellie? We heard all these stories about this pond. Then not one but two letters emerged detailing an alleged party late that night when Haleigh went missing, a party fueled by drugs. There was an allegation little Haleigh accidentally ingested Oxycontin at that party, that she died, and that her body was disposed of in that pond.

Do I believe it? No. Simply because, Ellie, you know, a bunch of people at a party are not going to keep their yaps shut.


GRACE: All right? That`s the only reason I don`t believe that story. Go ahead, Ellie.

JOSTAD: Right. Well, police won`t say that the letter was the cause of the search. They said they already knew about this pond, they`d searched around it in the past, and that they`d planned to do a more thorough search. So they won`t say there`s a cause and effect between that jailhouse letter and the pond being searched.

GRACE: Out to the lines. Porsche in Florida. Hi, Porsche.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. I`m actually calling from California.

GRACE: Good to know, Porsche in California. Thank you for calling, dear.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Thank you for taking my call, Miss Nancy.

GRACE: Yes, ma`am.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My question is, has anyone, the police or Mr. Cummings himself, have they -- I understand that little Haleigh has a medical condition. Have they looked into whether or not she was given her medication that night, and if so, perhaps that would give them a better timeframe of the last time, you know, that she was in the home?

GRACE: Now, Porsche in California, that`s an excellent question. To Ronald Cummings. He is taking your calls tonight on the heels of a divorce announcement in the last hours. He is splitting from girlfriend turned stepmother, the last person to see Haleigh alive. Her story has come under fire, Misty Croslin.

Ronald, was she on medication for the Turner Syndrome?

CUMMINGS: Miss Nancy, she was on medication, but at the time, the only medication she need was her Albuterol treatment, which came in a breather. So all she has to do is a couple squirts, and that`s it, so that her asthma is -- so she can breathe well and she`s not wheezing.

GRACE: Correct me if I`m wrong, Ronald, but the Albuterol, the inhaler, you can`t look at it and tell how much is in there, correct?

CUMMINGS: No, ma`am.

GRACE: So you don`t know if she used that before she went to bed or not. Was her inhaler still there?

CUMMINGS: Yes, ma`am.

GRACE: So the inhaler was still there.

Everyone, with me tonight, Ronald Cummings, the biological father and guardian of little Haleigh. The search is still on. But tonight, another wrench in the works, a divorce for Ronald Cummings and stepmom -- new stepmother Misty Croslin. We are taking your calls live. Ronald Cummings answering your calls.

As we go to break, I want to thank you for all of your thought and your prayers for my mother, Elizabeth. I`m happy to report that tonight she is stabilized. Once again, God answers prayers.



CROSLIN: I loved her like she`s my own, and I`ll do anything to get her back!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Big news in the search for little Haleigh Cummings. We`re hearing her father, Ron Cummings, and his teen bride, Misty, have headed for divorce.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Ronald told her on Sunday that he wants a divorce. On Monday, he headed to St. Augustine, to his attorney`s office. And then by Monday afternoon, she was packing her stuff and she left town.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Just being married, it can be stressful and there can be challenges. Add on top of that everything that they went through during their marriage. I think it would be virtually impossible for any couple to survive that.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She`s the one that holds the key information to finding out what happened to this beautiful little girl. I mean, who was with her -- the last person with her? She was.

GRACE: Ms. Neves, I don`t mean to grill you, but it just doesn`t all fit together.

NEVES: To me, it`s a very dysfunctional family, and that`s the best way I can describe that.

CROSLIN: They go out and look for the right person, maybe they would be -- have the answers, but they`re trying to get all the answers from me that I don`t have.

GRACE: Have you asked her what happened?

CUMMINGS: I ask her, but I don`t get any answers.


GRACE: What, if anything, does a divorce at this stage mean in the search for little Haleigh? Taking your calls live tonight, Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings.

Let`s unleash the lawyers. Joining me tonight out of New York, family law attorney, child advocate Sue Moss, out of Los Angeles, Eric Chase, defense attorney out of New York, renowned attorney Jason Oshins.

Straight to you, Sue Moss. Weigh in.

SUSAN MOSS, FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY: He`s divorcing her before the prom. Maybe she`ll go with her felon mom. I mean, only Stevie Wonder didn`t see this coming.

But this should be a simple case. And that`s because Florida`s a no- fault state, which means either party is entitled to divorce for the asking. Unfortunately, because of Ron`s being laid off, there`s really no support issues. There`s probably no property to divide. And certainly, there are no children`s issue because the couple never had a child together.

GRACE: To Ronald Cummings. Ronald, who wanted the divorce, you or her?

CUMMINGS: I think we both agreed on it.

GRACE: Who brought it up first?


GRACE: And what did she say?

CUMMINGS: She agreed to it.

GRACE: Immediately?

CUMMINGS: Not really immediately, but pretty close to immediately.

GRACE: So at first, she did not want the divorce?

CUMMINGS: Not really.

GRACE: Eric chase, LA, what do you make of the fact that a lot of people speculated she wanted to marry Cummings so he could never testify against her? But in Florida, the law is very different than it is in a lot of other states. Explain, Chase.

ERIC CHASE, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, she would have been very wrong if that`s what she assumed because in Florida, there`s an exception to the marital communication privilege, and that exception is if it involves harm to a child of one of the parents. She could have been forced -- I`m sorry, he could have been forced to testify about her if he knew anything. And by the way, Nancy, it doesn`t appear that he does know anything about Misty`s involvement in...

GRACE: Put up the lawyer. Put up the lawyer!

CHASE: ... Haleigh`s disappearance, but if he did...

GRACE: Chase, he`s divorcing her, all right? It doesn`t mean he was there at the time the child went missing. But certainly, he has heard varying and conflicting stories from Misty Croslin. I mean, I have and I`m 1,000 miles away. So don`t say he doesn`t know anything. OK?

CHASE: Well, you`re right. I mean, there`s...

GRACE: Maybe he doesn`t want to know anything.

CHASE: Well, there`s conflicting stories, but I haven`t seen anything, any evidence connecting Misty to her disappearance, other than the fact that she`s been unable...

GRACE: Oh, really?

CHASE: ... to retell the story the same way more than once.

GRACE: Well, you know, Jason Oshins, to me, that`s a problem!


GRACE: I`ve seen a lot of witnesses, a lot of witnesses, they`ll add to the story. They`ll say, Oh, yes, and I remember X and I remember it was a red car and it had glass (ph) packs (ph) or it had -- this was the tag number. But they don`t change the story. The story doesn`t change. I have a problem with the story changing.

OSHINS: Well, it`s...

GRACE: To me, that`s evidence.

OSHINS: Nancy, it`s the inconsistency. Any good investigator will tell you that over time, the consistency of the story, or for that matter, the inconsistency will continue to lead investigators...

GRACE: Put Chase back up!

OSHINS: ... towards targeting someone.

GRACE: Put the lawyers back up. Chase, did you hear that?

CHASE: Oh, I did. But you know, you were a prosecutor, Nancy, and you used to argue to juries...


CHASE: You used to -- you used to argue to juries...


CHASE: ... that your witnesses had problems keeping the story straight as they told...

GRACE: I know...


CHASE: ... time after time after time.

GRACE: I know that you`re going to make a point somewhere in there.

CHASE: And we don`t expect...

GRACE: I`m wading through it.

CHASE: We don`t expect witnesses to remember everything perfectly every time they tell the story.

GRACE: OK. Not what I said. I said the story changed. Ronald Cummings, did it ever disturb you that Misty Croslin`s story actually changed?

CUMMINGS: Yes, ma`am, it did.


CUMMINGS: I hope that they -- they find my child alive, obviously. But one way or another, I want my daughter to come home. I need some closure.




CROSLIN: Haleigh will wake up at nighttime. She gets cramps in her legs, you know? She didn`t make no noise that night. I would have woke up if I heard any noise. I mean, I didn`t hear anything at all.

GRACE: You`ve been in the trailer, just like we have been, and somebody pounding on the front door, as close as her bed was to the front door, you would hear it.

NEVES: I tend to think that she was very exhausted, and I think the children would have been more likely to hear it.

CROSLIN: I mean, I was really exhausted that day, you know, really exhausted. When I lay down, I guess, you know, I just -- I was out.


GRACE: Joining us tonight, Ronald Cummings, taking your calls. Ronald, as we went to break, you told me that changes, even subtle, small changes in Misty Croslin`s story about the night Haleigh went missing, bothered you.

CUMMINGS: Yes, ma`am.

GRACE: What changes, if any, do you recall?

CUMMINGS: I can`t really recall the exact changes, and they`re real small. It`s not like she -- she pretty much tells me the same thing each time I ask her about it, so...

GRACE: Yes. Ronald, what did you make...

CUMMINGS: ... there might be a difference in the way that it`s worded, but -- what did I make?

GRACE: Ronald, what did you make of those letters that emerged detailing a party that night that the writer claims little Haleigh was at?

CUMMINGS: Miss Nancy, I didn`t make anything of them letters...


CUMMINGS: ... because I`m -- I`m waiting on the detectives to call me and let me know, you know? I believe that...

GRACE: Well, I don`t make anything of it, either.

CUMMINGS: ... law enforcement will let us know.

GRACE: I don`t make anything of it, either, because you know a bunch of potheads at a party are not going to keep their yaps shut. They would have all been talking about that all up and down the street. OK, Ronald Cummings, let`s go to the lines. Are you ready?

CUMMINGS: Yes. Yes, ma`am.

GRACE: Jamie in Kentucky. Hi, Jamie.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. I love your show. And your mother`s in my prayers.

GRACE: Thank you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I have a question for Ronald. I know if it was my child, I would use every tool available. And I`m just wondering, you`ve got these renowned psychics, I mean, they`ve got their own shows on the bio channel. I mean, has Ronald used a psychic or thought about trying to find one of these famous psychics to help him locate Haleigh?

GRACE: Good question. Ronald, I imagine that psychics have volunteered their services. Is that true?

CUMMINGS: Yes, ma`am, a bunch of them.

GRACE: Do they all...

CUMMINGS: None of them...

GRACE: ... say the same thing?

CUMMINGS: ... have been successful in finding Haleigh. No. Absolutely not.

GRACE: Have they tried?

CUMMINGS: They`ve tried. But everything they say -- we`re still without Haleigh, so...

GRACE: What were they saying? Did they actually come down and search?

CUMMINGS: Yes, there was a few that did.


CROSLIN: They`ve been on me for six months. They haven`t left me alone for six months. I`ve been the one, the main focus. They just need to move on and look for the right person.




RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I just got home from work. My 5-year-old daughter is gone.


R. CUMMINGS: I need somebody to be here now. I`m telling you.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 OPERATOR: Listen to me. Listen to me. We`ve got two officers.

R. CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before y`all do, I`m killing them. I don`t care.


R. CUMMINGS: I`ll spend the rest of my life in prison.

MISTY CROSLIN-CUMMINGS, RONALD CUMMING`S WIFE, LAST SEEN HALEIGH: I know I didn`t do anything to that little girl. I would never hurt her. I mean, they love me. They -- I mean, they look at me like their mom.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Ronald, do you feel that Misty has the key to this investigation?

R. CUMMINGS: No, I don`t. I think they`re barking up the wrong tree.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: It`s definitely an issue that she`s 17 years old because she doesn`t have those adult thinking skills that a lot of us would have, even though she`s leading a very adult life.

BROOKS: The police have not -- still have not been able to put together a timeline on exactly what happened that night because of her inconsistencies.

GRACE: She took that police polygraph. I don`t believe she took -- she passed it the first time. I don`t believe she did. Now this one. Then there was that voice stress test. I mean, something is wrong with her story, Ronald.

R. CUMMINGS: I don`t know, Miss Nancy.

M. CUMMINGS: Everybody knows that I love Haleigh and Ronald and Junior. A family. Just like Haleigh wanted.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The last holdout, the last person that is really giving her an ability not to go out and tell the truth is Ron. It seems to me that they should put their foot down and tell Misty that the time for being vague is over.

GRACE: When you go to pick up your son and you see Misty, have you tried to speak to Misty Croslin about what happened that night?



SHEFFIELD: I -- can`t.


SHEFFIELD: Because she was the last one to see our daughter and I just --I.

GRACE: I mean -- if somebody was the last person to be with my child, John David or Lucy, and police say they have the key to what happened, I would at least say what happened?

SHEFFIELD: Well, I haven`t seen her since the results. But I did talk to her on the telephone, and she was telling me she had no problem with me and that she didn`t have anything to do with our daughter going missing, that she was at home and all this stuff that everybody`s saying is lies about her. That`s the only time I`ve talked to her.


GRACE: OK. Well, you know, you`ve got to take that with a box of salt because what do you expect the ex-wife is going to say about the new girlfriend? OK? That`s never good.

We are taking your calls live. To Jane Velez-Mitchell, host of HLN`s "ISSUES" and author of a fantastic new book we`re going to talk about shortly.

Jane, what about Croslin`s mother behind bars? They already put the squeeze on her brother, who coughed up quite a bit of information in a late-night jailhouse interview. Now mommy`s behind bars on a forgery of a check.

JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, ANCHOR, HLN`S "ISSUES", AUTHOR FO "I WANT": And she remains behind bars. And I think that the whole effort of law enforcement is to put the squeeze on this family because who would Misty confide in? If she was going to tell one person what really happened that night. Mama. Of course she would confide in Mama.

And what`s the best way to get ma to talk? Keep her behind bars. It worked with the brother. It will ultimately work with the mom although it will take longer.

GRACE: OK, Jane. The mom is now extradited from Tennessee to Florida. In a nutshell -- nutshell -- what did the brother cough up?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, I mean, he essentially said he went over there that night, knocked on the door, and nobody was home at the crucial time when Misty said she had put the kids to bed but she was still up and there was a TV on. So it just doesn`t add up. The brother essentially completely busting her story wide open.

GRACE: With me right now, Mike Brooks, former fed with the FBI. Mike, thank you for being with us. Weigh in.

BROOKS: Nancy, you know, as law enforcement says, the only thing about Misty, the only thing consistent with her are her inconsistencies. Two failed law enforcement polygraphs right from the beginning. They wanted Tim Miller to come back and help them look again, and he says no, I`m not coming back unless you take a polygraph. She took a polygraph. She failed that also.

You know, there`s just all the pieces in this timeline from the very beginning just don`t add up. And if she wants to help law enforcement, then come back from Orlando, sit down with or without your lawyer, and tell the truth. Period.

GRACE: With me right now, exclusively, Ronald Cummings. Taking your calls. Now, that`s brave. Not just talking to the police but talking to the country, live.

Ronald, Mike Brooks makes an excellent point. Why won`t she come and sit down with police and talk to them?

R. CUMMINGS: That, Miss Nancy, I can`t answer for you. I`m sure that maybe her attorney can answer it for you. And hopefully that she will.

GRACE: Uh-uh. Uh-uh. No. You have to have talked to her about talking to the police. What did she say?

R. CUMMINGS: We have talked to her about talking to the police.

GRACE: What did she say?

R. CUMMINGS: She said she`s talked to them.

GRACE: They want to talk to her again. Why won`t she do it?

R. CUMMINGS: I have no knowledge of them wanting to talk to her where she wouldn`t do it.

GRACE: OK. Let`s go to Terry Shoemaker, attorney for Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings. OK. You know, I know, the police know, the rest of the country knows the police want to talk to Misty Croslin. It`s not a secret. So how can she say with a straight face that she does not know they want to talk to her?

Please enlighten me, Mr. Shoemaker. You`ve got a good reputation.

TERRY SHOEMAKER, ATTORNEY FOR HALEIGH`S FATHER, RONALD CUMMINGS, ANNOUNCING DIVORCE: Right. Well, I think everyone knows that the police would love to sit down and talk with her. It`s my guess that probably her attorney isn`t allowing her to do that, which, you know, isn`t uncommon in this type of situation.

GRACE: OK. Back to you, Cummings. Your lawyer knows police want to talk to her. So do not lie to me. You`ve never lied to me before to my knowledge. Don`t tell me you didn`t know police want to talk to her again. We all know it. We`ve talked about it on this show, on national TV.

Now, I`m telling you, police want to talk to her. Now, why is she back in Orlando and not speaking to police?

R. CUMMINGS: That I`m not sure, Miss Nancy. I already told you the same as what Terry said. It`s probably due to her attorney, his advice.

BRANDON BEARDSLEY, FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY FOR RONALD CUMMINGS, MOWREY, SHOEMAKER & BEARDSLEY: She actually -- stopped by the Putnam County Sheriff`s Department today to inform them of where she`s going and where she`ll want to be if they wanted to speak to her.

GRACE: You know what? I didn`t get that whole thing. With me -- let me introduce you. Brandon Beardsley, family law attorney representing Ronald. Repeat, sir?

BEARDSLEY: My understanding is before she left for Orlando that she stopped by the Putnam County Sheriff`s Department and reported in and told them where she was going if they needed her.

GRACE: Did they try to question her?

BEARDSLEY: I don`t represent Misty. That was.

GRACE: Did they try to question her at that time?

BEARDSLEY: Not to my knowledge. All I know is what I was told. And of course it`s hearsay. But I was told from a reliable source that she did check in.

GRACE: Well, Mr. Beardsley.

BEARDSLEY: . before she left town. Yes, ma`am?

GRACE: Mr. Beardsley, this is not a court of law. So you know.

BEARDSLEY: I understand that.

GRACE: You don`t have to make your own objection on hearsay. All right? So I find it very difficult to believe that she was at the police station and nobody threw a question at her. But who knows? For all I know she went in and.

BEARDSLEY: Well, they can`t.

GRACE: . told a secretary.

BEARDSLEY: If she goes in and her attorney`s not there and they know she`s represented they can`t just question her. You know that.

GRACE: Well, you know -- yes, Mr. Beardsley. I know that. But when someone voluntarily marches alone into the police station. Repeat, voluntarily. Certainly you know, Mr. Beardsley, that even when one is represented by counsel if they voluntarily speak to police that is admissible in a court of law. Yes, no?

BEARDSLEY: Yes, ma`am. You are correct. But.

GRACE: We are taking your.

BEARDSLEY: Listen, all I -- all I know is what I was told. I don`t know if they questioned her or not.

GRACE: Well put. Out to the lines, Barbara in Missouri. Hi, Barbara.


GRACE: Hi, dear. What`s your question?

BARBARA: I was just wondering why they aren`t looking at Misty`s brother more. He put himself at that trailer. Just because he said he knocked real loud and left does not mean he didn`t try the door. We know one of the doors was not locked because there was no break-in. So what if he went in, everyone was sleeping, and he took the little girl?

GRACE: To Marlaina Schiavo, what about him? He does place himself there.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: He does place himself there. But to say that his door -- their door was not locked, we`re not entirely sure what happened that night. We know the door was propped open on the side of the house, but we don`t necessarily know who propped that door open. So we don`t know if the door was unlocked, Nancy.

GRACE: OK. We don`t know if the door was open. You know that`s not really knocking me out, Marlaina.

What about it? To you, Ellie Jostad. What do we know about the brother?

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: Well, we do know that the brother has spoken to police and they say that he is not a suspect, same with the rest of Misty`s family.

Police continually go back to their line they`ve said, especially since Haleigh`s birthday, that -- I`m sorry, rather, Misty is the person who holds the key, that she`s failed to give a detailed account of what was going on that night, and they want to know from any other citizen who might know what she was doing that night, they want them to come forward and speak to them as well.

GRACE: Leslie Austin, psychotherapist, New York, weigh in quickly.

DR. LESLIE AUSTIN, PSYCHOTHERAPIST: I`m not surprised Ron is being really careful. He doesn`t want to tick her off. She`s the only one that has a clue. She`s not going to talk either. She just wants to save her skin. Right now she`s walking in the street, she`s not in jail. Why would she talk to anyone? Like Casey Anthony.

GRACE: Well, Leslie Austin, once again you`ve made perfect sense.

Quick break, everybody. We`re taking your calls. Live with us tonight taking your questions, Ronald Cummings, Haleigh`s father, this on the heels of an announcement just hours ago -- divorce. What does it mean in this investigation?

And tonight a special congratulations to Liberty United Methodist Church, Macon, Georgia. Hearing the call to serve others. They are building a beautiful playground, redesigning, painting, and kicking off their very first parents` morning out to serve others.

Today, the most beautiful playground equipment, swing set, tunnel, steps, the works, have arrived on the scene. It`s love in action. And God bless the little children that are coming your way, Liberty Methodist.



R. CUMMINGS: She can`t help that. She can`t help she was the last one to see her. Could have been any one -- any one of us and our children.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: They`ve been married just shy of seven months. And today Ronald Cummings` lawyer told us he and Misty could be headed for divorce.

R. CUMMINGS: She had nothing to do with this. We`ve -- I had nothing to do with this.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Beardsley says the couple is under a lot of pressure because of rumors and speculation surrounding Haleigh`s disappearance. The pressure, he says, is just too much.

R. CUMMINGS: Came home this morning to find out that I didn`t have a child, that somebody stole my child. It`s not like a bicycle or a car. Somebody stole my child from me.

M. CUMMINGS: She`s gone. And that`s all I know.

TERESA NEVES, GRANDMOTHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD, HALEIGH CUMMINGS: There`s a lot of tension. It`s very tough for strain on a relationship when there is something that you think maybe needs to be told and you`re not getting that information.


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Out to Jan in Ohio, hi, Jan.

JAN, CALLER FROM OHIO: Hi. Love your show, Nancy.

GRACE: Thank you.

JAN: I have a comment and a question.


JAN: My comment is, I guess, that I feel Ronald is very vague in his answers as why he`s filing for divorce, and my question is why doesn`t he just step up to the plate and say that he feels her story is not true? Everybody else sees it. Why doesn`t he?

GRACE: Ronald Cummings, you want to take a shot at that one?

R. CUMMINGS: No, ma`am. Brian can take care of that.

GRACE: OK. Go ahead. Go ahead, Mr. Beardsley.

BEARDSLEY: Listen, this couple have been in the media spotlight for months. They can`t go to the grocery store together. They can`t go to the supermarket. They can`t go out and eat. And anytime they`re together they get scrutinized. And it puts a lot of pressure on a marriage. I don`t know of any married couple that their marriage could last.

GRACE: OK. You know Mr. Beardsley, no offense.

BEARDSLEY: . with all of this.

GRACE: You have a wonderful reputation. I`ve checked you out thoroughly. But nobody gets a divorce because somebody looks at them in the check-out line. All right? I`m not buying that for a minute.

What I am buying is that you guys don`t want to tell me why the divorce -- or if Cummings wants to admit he does not believe Croslin`s story. That`s his business. I asked the question. You guys didn`t answer. But I want to bring it back to Haleigh. A 5-year-old little girl is missing tonight.

To Dr. Gwen O`Keefe, pediatrician, founder and CEO of

Dr. O`Keefe, thank you for being with us.


GRACE: A child with Turner`s syndrome, what problems does she face if she`s still alive?

O`KEEFE: You know, Nancy, I`ve been thinking a lot about that. The - - there`s two issues here. The first is her asthma, and the second is her Turner syndrome. With her asthma I`m very concerned that she doesn`t have her inhaler.

With the stress of being missing and with the change in season right now, especially if she`s exposed to the flu, that is a gigantic concern. She`s likely experiencing some asthma symptoms, and without that inhaler she`s likely getting into trouble.

With the Turner syndrome we didn`t hear about any known issues, but those kids have issues with growth. They have issues with their endocrine systems. Even if she doesn`t have issues now, she needs very close monitoring of things like diabetes, possible heart problems, possible kidney problems, possible high blood pressure.

There`s a whole host of problems, including of her heart. So without very close follow-up, she could really get into trouble quickly.

GRACE: Ronald Cummings, along with lawyers Terry Shoemaker, Brandon Beardsley, thank you for being with us.

Mr. Cummings, I can say that tonight for the first time I don`t believe you. I think you do suspect your ex-wife, soon to be ex-wife`s story. I think you don`t want to discuss it in the midst of a divorce. Why? I don`t know that yet. But I`ll find out. Thank you for being with us.

Right now with me Jane Velez-Mitchell. Take a listen.


<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on October 09, 2009, 08:50:09 AM


Ex-Convict Dad Abducts Son/Misty Croslin Accused of Road Rage

Aired October 8, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight. Live, Pennsylvania, state troopers on high alert after an 18-month-old baby boy kidnapped at knifepoint, the baby tonight in extreme danger, the mommy attacked in her own home. The suspect is an escaped felony, armed and dangerous. Tonight, the search by land, by air, for the baby boy, his abductor and a black Mercury Mariner SUV. Where is 18-month-old baby A`dryn?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Amber Alert. Law enforcement needs your help tracking down a beautiful 18-month-old baby boy, A`dryn Allen Drummond. Law enforcement says the man he`s with is considered armed and dangerous, that man the baby`s own father, Johnnie Alexander Drummond. Police say he fled with A`dryn after assaulting A`dryn`s mom. Authorities are afraid of what may happen to the baby.


GRACE: And breaking news, Satsuma, Florida. A 5-year-old little girl tucked into bed. Five hours later, she`s gone, vanished, the back door propped wide open. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. The last person to see the 5-year-old alive that night, new stepmother Misty Croslin.

Bombshell tonight. In the last hour, Croslin handcuffed and taken for questioning after alleged road rage. In a frantic 911 call, the reported victim tells dispatch a blue Dodge Caliber chasing her for miles, the driver, the occupant wildly gesticulating obscene gestures, threatening her and waving what appears to be a gun. We have the 911 call. And tonight, taking your calls, the alleged road rage victim with us live.

Now, think about it. If new stepmother Misty Croslin will behave this aggressively with another grown woman, a stranger, what would she do behind closed doors with a 5-year-old little girl? Has little Haleigh`s disappearance, the nine-month search for the brown-eyed 5-year-old and the fingers pointing at baby-sitter-turned-stepmom Misty Croslin finally taken a toll? Divorce -- Cummings and Croslin agree to split. Has Ronald Cummings`s worst fears been confirmed, that new stepmother Croslin implemented in the disappearance of his 5-year-old little girl?


911 OPERATOR: 911. Do you need police, fire, medical?


911 OPERATOR: What address?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I`m actually driving northbound. I`m passing the Longwood exit on I-4.

911 OPERATOR: OK. And you`re going east or west on I-4?



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But they need to hurry because there`s someone following me and she`s harassing me, telling me that she`s going to beat my ass and I don`t -- and, like, she`s waving something. I don`t know if she has a gun. I don`t know what the hell`s going on, but please send somebody. Oh, my God! Now they`re coming up next to me! This person needs to be pulled over. It`s a blond, like, female driving. Oh, my God.

911 OPERATOR: What kind of car is it?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s a Caliber, a Dodge Caliber.

911 OPERATOR: What color?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Like, a neon blue. Not neon blue, but regular blue.

911 OPERATOR: And what is she -- do you know her?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No! I think that, like, way back, she beeped at me or something, and I just kept driving and ignoring it, and now she`s following me. Her and her friend are flipping me off. She rode up next to me and said, I`m going to beat your ass.

And they`re waving something around. I don`t know what it is, but I don`t want to find out.

911 OPERATOR: OK, what...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And it`s non-stop. These people are crazy. Like, I didn`t -- honestly, like, you know, I don`t provoke people or do anything as far as road rage, but I mean, these girls are just, like -- I don`t know. Like, I didn`t even do anything, and they`re, like, victimizing me.

911 OPERATOR: Right. Yes, and you really need to make a report with the officer, but I would just...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I will, definitely. This is, like, you know -- because if I was somebody who -- what if I had a gun in the car or something, you know what I mean?

911 OPERATOR: Yes. No, I know. But I...


911 OPERATOR: When they pull over, just stay in your car and wait for the officer to come get you, OK?



GRACE: And tonight, a close-knit New Hampshire community reeling after a beloved young nurse and her 11-year-old little girl brutally attacked with a machete and a knife in the early morning hours in their own home, asleep. Suspects? Oh, no, not random killers off the street, not dope dealers, not convicted felons. No. Allegedly, a group of teens, including Boy Scouts and a Mormon missionary student. At this hour, the little 11-year-old girl clinging to life, her mother dead. We want justice!


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Steven Spader and Christopher Gribble are charged with murder. William Marks and Quinn Glover are charged with burglary, conspiracy to commit burglary, and armed robbery. Prosecutors say all four of the suspects allegedly knew that the plan was to kill anyone who may be inside 4 Trove (ph) Road.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (INAUDIBLE) were aware going into the home that if there was someone in the house, that they would have to kill them.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Prosecutors say Spader had a machete and Gribble was armed with a knife when they attacked Kimberly Cates and then her 11- year-old daughter, who were asleep inside the house. Prosecutors say Kimberly Cates died of multiple stab wounds to her head, torso, arm and leg. Her daughter was also seriously wounded and underwent hours of surgery.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How humans can do something like that -- it`s a barbaric act.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Live, Pennsylvania, state troopers on high alert after an 18- month-old baby boy kidnapped at knifepoint. Tonight, police make no bones about it. That baby is in extreme danger, the mother attacked in her own home.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: An 18-month-old baby boy is missing and police have issued an Amber Alert. A`dryn Allen Drummond was taken by Johnnie Alexander Drummond after allegedly assaulting the baby`s mom. Authorities say Drummond is to be considered armed and dangerous, urging the public to be on the lookout for a black Mercury Mariner with Pennsylvania license plates. Police need your help to bring little A`dryn home.


GRACE: Straight out to Patrick Donlin with "The Williamsport Sun- Gazette." Patrick, what happened?

PATRICK DONLIN, "WILLIAMSPORT SUN-GAZETTE" (via telephone): Well, this morning, about 9:00 AM, the suspect assaulted the woman and took the child and went out on the lam in the SUV.

GRACE: Now, that`s certainly breaking it down. Stacey Newman, our producer on the story, what happened? What led up to this? How did he get into the home? How did he attack the mother? Did he use a knife? Did he use a gun? Why did he take the baby? What do we know?

STACEY NEWMAN, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, what`s just coming in to the NANCY GRACE newsroom right now is that the suspect went to the home, had some sort of argument with the mother. He was armed with a knife, assaulted her, attacked the mom, then he snatched the baby and took off in the girlfriend`s black SUV.

GRACE: Now, here`s my question, Stacey Newman, do we know what, if anything, led up to the altercation? Is this his biological baby?

NEWMAN: Nancy, this is his biological baby. We do not know what led up to this argument, but what we do know is that this father is actually an escaped felon. He has been on the run since the end of August, Nancy, escaping from a halfway house.

GRACE: He`s gone on the run since August, and now he shows up, snatches the baby at knifepoint and takes off. What more do we know about him? Patrick Donlin with "The Williamsport Sun-Gazette," what do we know about him? What is his rap sheet? What is his mental state?

DONLIN: OK. He was threatening to commit suicide on himself this morning. And he was last seen about 50 miles north of Williamsport, in Mansfield. That`s in Tioga County, Pennsylvania. He has a long rap sheet. He was at the Reading halfway house because he was sentenced in early 2008 for a drug delivery case. He had a theft case in the city of Williamsport in October of 2005. And in the year 2002, he had three cases against him in Williamsport, one for an assault in Lycoming County prison and two separate drug delivery cases.

GRACE: Holy moly! To Bethany Marshall, Dr. Bethany Marshall. Everyone, we are taking your calls live. Take a look at this little boy. His father has a history of mental illness. Not only that, he is a many times over convicted felon, especially with drugs. We know that he has weapons with him. And possibly the most disturbing is that he is threatening suicide. And with him is his 18-month-old baby boy. Rosie, if you could show me the little baby?

Bethany Marshall, Dr. Bethany, what`s the most disturbing right now is not only the attack on the mother at knifepoint, but his threats to commit suicide because if he commits suicide, Bethany, he`s not going alone.

BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST: Oh, no. He`s going to take the child down with him. And you know the homicidal and the suicidal instincts lie side by side. The aggression gets turned against the self and against the other.

And what is typical in these cases is you have a male who`s disturbed personality disordered, abusive, aggressive. The mother of the child tries to break up with him, tries to put a restraining order, tries to protect the baby. Usually, the dad -- and in this case, it`s probably true -- has no interest in the child, but goes after the mother, takes the child to get back at the mother, and says to her, If I can`t have you, you are not going to have your baby. So he directs all the aggression he has against the wife against the child.

GRACE: I`m just thinking, Dr. Bethany, how helpless my twins were at 18 months. I mean, they`re almost 2 now. And to take them -- have someone come to the door, attack me, and take them or one of them at knifepoint?


GRACE: Bethany, you know...


GRACE: ... in this situation, they never go alone. If he kills himself, he`s taking that little baby with him.

Out to the lines. Jackie, Canada. Hi, Jackie.


GRACE: I`m good, dear. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My question is, how did the mother not know that he was coming around? Did they not let her know in any way?

GRACE: To Stacey Newman, our producer on the story. I know she had a restraining order against him -- not one, but possibly two. How did he get in the door?

NEWMAN: I mean, we don`t have the details on that right now, but I would suppose he just simply overpowered her. I mean, if you`re not -- if you know someone`s not coming to your house, they simply show up, they can overpower you, jam their way into the door, and bam, assault you and take off with their child.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She tried to get out of the vehicle and take the keys. He took the keys from her to take the vehicle. And before she could get her son out of the vehicle, A`dryn Drummond, he fled in the vehicle.




911 OPERATOR: 911. Do you need police, fire, medical?


911 OPERATOR: What address?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I`m actually driving northbound. I`m passing the Longwood exit on I-4.

911 OPERATOR: OK. And you`re going east or west on I-4?



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But they need to hurry because there`s someone following me and she`s harassing me, telling me that she`s going to beat my ass and I don`t -- and, like, she`s waving something. I don`t know if she has a gun. I don`t know what the hell`s going on, but please send somebody. Oh, my God! Now they`re coming up next to me! This person needs to be pulled over. It`s a blond, like, female driving. Oh, my God.

911 OPERATOR: What kind of car is it?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s a Caliber, a Dodge Caliber.

911 OPERATOR: What color?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Like, a neon blue. Not neon blue, but regular blue.

911 OPERATOR: And what is she -- do you know her?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No! I think that, like, way back, she beeped at me or something, and I just kept driving and ignoring it, and now she`s following me. Her and her friend are flipping me off. She rode up next to me and said, I`m going to beat your ass.

And they`re waving something around. I don`t know what it is, but I don`t want to find out.

911 OPERATOR: OK, what...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And it`s non-stop. These people are crazy. Like, I didn`t -- honestly, like, you know, I don`t provoke people or do anything as far as road rage, but I mean, these girls are just, like -- I don`t know. Like, I didn`t even do anything, and they`re, like, victimizing me.

911 OPERATOR: Right. Yes, and you really need to make a report with the officer, but I would just...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I will, definitely. This is, like, you know -- because if I was somebody who -- what if I had a gun in the car or something, you know what I mean?

911 OPERATOR: Yes. No, I know. But I...


911 OPERATOR: When they pull over, just stay in your car and wait for the officer to come get you, OK?



GRACE: If these allegations are true, it should make the court wonder, if she will behave this way with a grown woman she doesn`t even know in public, how would she behave behind closed doors with a 5-year-old little girl?

Straight out to George Spencer with WFTV. George, what happened?

GEORGE SPENCER, WFTV: Nancy, the hard to explain just keeps happening in this case. It was early yesterday morning, actually late morning, about 11:00 AM, Seminole County deputies got a 911 call from that driver, those tapes that we were just listening to, and that driver is in panic mode. She`s driving eastbound on I-4, which is sort of east, away from the Orlando metro area in some of our more suburban areas. And she sees this blue car that, for whatever reason -- she believes she might have cut this car off earlier down the road.

The car starts circling her, honking at her. The people inside start yelling obscenities, shouting at her. And at one point, most frightening of all, this driver says she thought she even saw the two women inside that car flash a gun as they were driving. Now, keep in mind, this is one of the most busy highways in our area. It`s the major throughway kind of north and east out of Orlando, up towards Daytona. So one of the woman in that car turned out to be Miss Misty Croslin.

GRACE: With me right now and taking your calls live is the alleged victim in this case, Courtney Ballinger, accusing Misty Croslin of threatening her on the road, flipping her off, shooting a bird at her, threatening to beat her. Miss Ballinger, thank you for being with us.

COURTNEY BALLINGER, ROAD RAGE VICTIM (via telephone): Hi. Good evening.

GRACE: Miss Ballinger, I heard the 911 call, but tell me again what happened. How do you believe this whole thing started? You cut somebody off?

BALLINGER: You know, I don`t really know how it started. I was working, and all of a sudden, the car came up next to me with the driver hanging half out of the window, and it progressed from there.

GRACE: The driver hanging out of the window? Doing what?

BALLINGER: Just basically saying over and over again, you know, We`re going to beat you up. You`re dead. You`re dead. She was hanging out -- both of her hands were out of the window, waist up out of the car, telling me to roll my window down. It was pretty intense. I mean, we were going about 80 miles an hour in lunch hour traffic. It was a very dangerous situation that escalated very quickly.

GRACE: In lunch hour traffic, the driver`s hanging out the window, both hands out the window, what, shooting a bird at you, flipping off, what? What was she doing with her two hands?

BALLINGER: Well, one, she was motioning for me to roll down the window, and the next one, you know, she was just basically pointing at me, waving her finger, just, you know, trying to scare me.

GRACE: What was the other one doing, what, steering?

BALLINGER: You know, I -- it was just so fast, I wasn`t really paying attention to what the other one was doing. I just wanted it to go away. And I was -- you know, for the first 10 minutes -- this happened for about a half hour. The first 10 minutes, you know, I was working. I was, like, you know, Whatever, they`re -- obviously, they`re angry, whatever. I tried to ignore them, but after about 10 to 12 minutes, that`s when, you know, I had tried several times to speed up and get away from them, but they were relentless. They would not let me go.


BALLINGER: We`re going 65, 80 miles an hour down I-4, and you know, cutting me off, tailgating me, slamming on their brakes in front of me. I mean, I`m trying to avoid these people, and it was just -- it was escalating very fast.



911 OPERATOR: ... car is it?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s a Caliber, a Dodge Caliber.

911 OPERATOR: What color?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Like, a neon blue. Not neon blue, but regular blue.

911 OPERATOR: And what is she -- do you know her?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No! I think that, like, way back, she beeped at me or something, and I just kept driving and ignoring it, and now she`s following me. Her and her friend are flipping me off. She rode up next to me and said, I`m going to beat your ass.

And they`re waving something around. I don`t know what it is, but I don`t want to find out.

911 OPERATOR: OK, what...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And it`s non-stop.


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Let`s unleash the lawyers. Joining us tonight, famed defense attorney out of the California jurisdiction John Burris. Also with us from the Atlanta jurisdiction, renowned attorney Raymond Giudice. OK, this is not a good look (ph), Giudice, for somebody that cops want to talk to in the disappearance and possible death of a 5-year-old little girl.

RAYMOND GIUDICE, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: She`s not heeding the advice of her lawyer to lay low. But let me just throw out one thing...

GRACE: Oh, add to that device, Don`t chase people down the interstate in broad daylight during rush hour. Don`t shoot birds. Don`t threaten to kill people.

GIUDICE: Right. Right. Right. But let`s just make one thing clear, that the Florida road rage reckless driveway statute applies only to the driver or operator of the vehicle. Misty may have a verbal assault charge...

GRACE: Oh, you`re on a first name basis now?

GIUDICE: She may have a verbal assault charge, but not a road rage charge.

GRACE: Pause! If the victim is telling the truth...

GIUDICE: I have no reason to believe her.

GRACE: ... the driver was hanging out the window, which means, at some point, Misty Croslin -- deduction -- was driving the car.

GIUDICE: I think that`s -- I don`t think that`s going to get a charge.

GRACE: Whoopsie!

GIUDICE: That`s a stretch.

GRACE: You don`t know about that. Burris, what about it?

JOHN BURRIS, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I don`t think that`s going to justify a charge, either.


BURRIS: Plus, I don`t think it`s even believable that both arms were outside the window and the car was going 80 miles an hour and somebody else was trying to...

GRACE: I believe it.

BURRIS: ... steer that wheel from the other side. Well, I know, but I`m saying I don`t think a prosecutor will believe it as it...

GRACE: Did you ever see "Thelma and Louise"?

BURRIS: ... as it relates to -- as it relates to -- yes, but that`s movies. These are women, and they`re not necessarily acrobatic drivers type things. That`s a serious allegation that someone was doing it for 10 miles.

GRACE: You know, it`s just like you two -- - put them up, Rosie. I want to see these two. It`s just like you to try to find a loophole, a technicality in the Florida law whereby Croslin wouldn`t be responsible, when the reality is what we`re talking about is threatening, allegedly threatening a grown female...

GIUDICE: Nancy, the reality is, they weren`t...

GRACE: ... to beat her to death.

GIUDICE: The reality is they were not charged by the law enforcement officers at the scene who interviewed this witness.

BURRIS: And they let them go.

GIUDICE: They`re not -- they`re home.


BALLINGER: They were hanging out of the window, flipping me off, you know, telling me they`re going to kill me, you know, motioning that they had a weapon in the car. You know, it turns out they didn`t have one, but they definitely wanted me to think they did.




UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Out of nowhere, they just started honking at me, circling me, hanging out of the window, saying, you know, threatening to beat me up, they`re going to kill me. I think it`s absurd that someone who`s in trouble is going to go around and cause more problems for themselves.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Was the bed made?

MISTY CROSLIN-CUMMINGS, RONALD CUMMING`S WIFE, LAST SEEN HALEIGH: No, I was sleeping in that bed. How would the bed be made if someone was sleeping in the bed? I wasn`t the only one sleeping in it, but how would it -- how would me and his son, how would the bed be made if we were in the bed sleeping?

They`ve been on me for six months. They haven`t left me alone for six months. I`ve been the one, the main focus. They just need to move on and look for the right person.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 OPERATOR: 911. Do you need police, fire or medical?



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I`m actually driving northbound. I`m passing the Longwood exit on I-4.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 OPERATOR: And you`re going east or west on I-4?



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But they need to hurry because there`s someone following me and she`s harassing me, telling me that she`s going to beat my ass, and like she`s waving something. I don`t know if she has a gun. I don`t know what the hell is going on. But please send somebody.

Oh my god, now they`re coming up next to me. This person needs to be pulled over. It`s a blonde, like female driving. Oh my god.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 OPERATOR: And you`re going to pull over really soon?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No, well, I don`t know. I don`t think that`s a good idea. If you want, I can, should I?

UNIDENTIFIED 911 OPERATOR: Let me ask someone.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Now they`re getting over into the middle of the lane, I think they see the officers.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 OPERATOR: Did you put your hazards on?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They`re getting over, they`re trying to run. I bet you these people have a gun, I swear to God, they do. The officer`s left of us.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 OPERATOR: Did you put your hazards on?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. He`s right, the officer`s right next to me.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 OPERATOR: OK. And where did you see the other vehicle?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, I got him. Thank you so much. Oh my god.


NANCY GRACE, HOST: In a bizarre twist, the last woman to see 5-year- old Haleigh Cummings alive, the girlfriend-turned-stepmother, Misty Croslin is now a suspect in an incident of road rage.

To our chief editorial producer, Ellie Jostad. Ellie, what more can you add?

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: Well, Nancy, listening to this incident report, it sounds like something out of "Cops". When they finally get Croslin and the driver of the car to pull over at a mobile gas station, not only are the Seminole County sheriff`s deputy there is, but also the Lake Mary Police.

They approach the car with their guns drawn. They cuff both Croslin and the driver and search the car for a weapon, but when they don`t find one, both of them are released.

GRACE: To Lou Palumbo, former Nassau County Police investigator, now private investigator, that is exactly what the police should have done. That was not an overreaction. For all they knew, Lou, there was a weapon in that car.

LOU PALUMBO, FORMER NASSAU COUNTY POLICE INVESTIGATOR, PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR: Yes, that may very well have been the case. But, Heidi, I want to wish my wife, Julie, a happy anniversary. And now to respond to that.

GRACE: And I would like to tell her congratulations. OK, go ahead.

PALUMBO: Thank you. I think the police acted consistently with this problem that they were brought into. Based on the 911 tape, obviously, there was a high cause for alarm. Quite frankly, I`m a little confused as to why they didn`t take the operator to have the motor vehicle into custody and charge her with a crime and then let the district attorney sort this out.

Unfortunately, our friend who you are so very fond of, although she wasn`t operating the vehicle, was still complicit in this activity, which was clearly reckless and dangerous.

GRACE: To Marlaina Schiavo, our producer on the story from the very beginning. So much is happening right now. We just learned the bombshell went it dropped that the two are divorcing and that has a lot of implications as far as the search for little Haleigh and their techniques in how they will pursue Misty Croslin for questioning.

But this is a real telltale sign, according to many court watchers. If she will behave this way in public, in rush hour, with a grown woman, what would happen at home with the doors closed, when a child acts out, throws a temper tantrum, irritates her for whatever reason.

There are a lot of very disturbing ripples out of this one incident. What more do we know and why weren`t they charged?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: Well, first of all, Nancy, you`re right, this -- I mean this does not look good for Misty Croslin, even though, you know, she`s been doing a lot of things that her lawyer has advised her not to do. And now this. So this is crazy.

Now, as far as the charges, the woman was so shaken, the victim in this was so shaken, she wasn`t even thinking about paperwork or charges, she just wanted to get out of there. After the cops showed up and she realized she was safe, she just got out of there. So that`s why no charges have been filed.

And yes, and I found out, also, today, that Misty was en route to her lawyer`s office when this all happened so.

GRACE: Joining us tonight, the alleged victim of this incident of road rage, Courtney Ballinger.

Miss Ballinger, why didn`t they at least issue a citation?

COURTNEY BALLINGER, ACCUSES MISTY CROSLIN-CUMMINGS OF THREATENING HER ON THE ROAD (via phone): You know, I don`t really know why no charges were filed. I wasn`t asked if I wanted to press charges. Basically, you know, the police officers came up and told me what happened and said they don`t have any weapons, you know, are you OK to drive?

And I said, yes, I`m OK, and I said, does that mean I can leave? And they said, yes, you can leave whenever you want. And I left immediately. So, you know, I think if I would have stayed, I probably could have, you know, done something, but I was so shaken at that point, I just wanted to get back to my day.

GRACE: Well, let me ask you this, you said you know charges are being filed. What do you mean by that? That you called police?

BALLINGER: I`m sorry, can you repeat that question?

GRACE: You said, I know charges were filed. What do you mean by that? That you called police? I mean, is there going to be follow-up? What`s going to happen now?

BALLINGER: No, I don`t think charges -- actually, charges were not filed. I don`t plan on filing any. You know I just -- I just wanted to be rescued from the situation. I wasn`t really trying to get anyone in trouble. I just wanted to get out of there.

GRACE: Are you familiar with the search for Haleigh Cummings?

BALLINGER: You know, I wasn`t really familiar with it. I`d heard that name, Haleigh Cummings before, but you know, it wasn`t until all the news reporters started contacting me that I even knew who this person was or anything. I had no idea it was her. You know, I was shocked. I had no idea.

GRACE: Joining me on the lines, Toni in Pennsylvania. Hi, dear. Oh, excuse me. Jennifer in California. Hi, what`s your question?


GRACE: I`m good, dear.

JENNIFER: I`m kind of wondering, maybe this Courtney made a gesture to Misty and then, you know, maybe got Misty wound up and that`s why Misty kind of threw up in a rage.

GRACE: Can I ask you something, Jennifer? What makes you think that this woman made a gesture at the other car? I mean, have you heard a fact or any suggestion of that? I mean, are you just making that up? Why do you think that`s what caused this?

JENNIFER: Well, because of the story that this Courtney made, you know, she could have stuck around and made -- you know, did charges and.

GRACE: OK, that makes sense, Jennifer.

Courtney Ballinger, the alleged victim in this case. All signs point to the fact that you were the victim, you`re the one that called 911, you`re the one that pulled over to the side of the road for police to show up, if you had been the wrongdoer, I doubt highly that you would have called police and then stuck around for them to show up.

But let`s talk about Jennifer`s question. Why didn`t you stick around to finish up the process and file charges?

BALLINGER: I wasn`t asked to.


BALLINGER: To stick around and file charges. I thought that the police would handle it from there. And like I said, you know, I did nothing to provoke them. I was working. I`m in sales. I was driving to my next client, I was trying to make it there before 12:00.

GRACE: What do you for a living?

BALLINGER: And this happened.

GRACE: What do you do for a living, Courtney?

BALLINGER: I`m in pharmaceutical sales.

GRACE: Out to Toni in Pennsylvania. Hi, dear.

TONI, CALLER FROM PENNSYLVANIA: Hello, friend, how are you?

GRACE: I`m good. What`s your question?

TONI: Well, first of all, I think you hit the nail on the head with Ronald the other night. I do not believe he was telling you the truth at all. He does know.

GRACE: I don`t either.

TONY: He does know more than what he`s saying. What I found very amusing is that Misty loved this child so much, doesn`t know the birth date, doesn`t know the color of her hair, doesn`t know her weight, her height, and he continues to say, you let someone steal my kid.

GRACE: You know, that is exactly what he said that night on the 911 call.

TONI: Yes.

GRACE: I think that tells it all. And you`ve got to think about his situation. He let it slip that he wants a divorce, that she did not want the divorce. And he is still waiting for her to sign the divorce papers. She still hasn`t signed the divorce papers. He signed them. So right now, I`ve got a feeling he doesn`t want to tip the apple cart.

To Brenda, hi, Brenda, what`s your question?

BRENDA, CALLER FROM LOUISIANA: Yes, ma`am, Miss Nancy, I want to say that I thank you for what you`re doing, and I love you so. And my question is, the night that Misty Croslin put Haleigh to bed, her and the little brother, at 10:00, and from 3:30 in the morning when Ronald Cummings came home, did they ping those cell phone towers to see where she was?

GRACE: Good question. What about it, Ellie Jostad?

JOSTAD: Well, Nancy, we haven`t heard yet if they have been able to pinpoint her location. It sounds like they haven`t, because they`re asking the public to come forward and fill in those blanks.



UNIDENTIFIED 911 OPERATOR: And where she at right now?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We are coming up like to the rest area, exit Lake Mary Boulevard. So somebody on Lake Mary Boulevard can probably get on.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 OPERATOR: OK. Just keep me posted. Is someone else in the vehicle with her?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. Yes. I don`t know, these people are like seriously scaring me, like big time, and I don`t get scared easy.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 OPERATOR: Is the passenger, white black or Hispanic?


UNIDENTIFIED 911 OPERATOR: Female or male?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think female, I`m not sure.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 OPERATOR: And what are they doing now?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Just driving. I don`t know. I`m trying not to look at them.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 OPERATOR: And what kind of car are you in?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I`m in a silver Honda Accord `02.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, let me talk to you wife. Let get some information from her.


UNIDENTIFIED 911 OPERATOR: Can I talk to her? OK.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole, (EXPLETIVE DELETED)?


GRACE: To be the subject of two 911 calls in just a spate of months is not a good thing for girlfriend-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin. She was at home alone the night a little girl, a 5-year-old, Haleigh Cummings goes missing out of her own bed, according to Croslin, and now she`s accused of a road rage incident that left Courtney Ballinger, allegedly, in fear of her own life.

Does it ever end with this bunch?

Courtney Ballinger, you`re a pharmaceutical sales rep. You have to travel from doctor to doctor, hospital to hospital. You can`t get away from being on the road. I would assume, as a lady driving by herself for a living, this is one of your fears, that there will be some type of incident on the road.

BALLINGER: Well, absolutely. You know, I`ve done this for over a year now, driving every single day, all day, and I`ve never come in contact with someone so aggressive and so relentless on, you know, just nonstop. I mean, I`ve never come across.

GRACE: How long.

BALLINGER: . someone who`s so aggressive.

GRACE: How long do you believe that they pursued you?

BALLINGER: About 30 minutes. I would say from start to finish, it was about 30 minutes. I ignored it for about the first 10 minutes, which doesn`t sound like a long time, but when you`re driving and you`re avoiding another car who`s coming at you, I mean, it was a very stressful 10 minutes.

And you know, when they started -- they reached down and started flailing something around, you know, they wanted me to think that they had a weapon. They wanted to scare me. And that`s when I called the police.

GRACE: Out to the lines, Kathy in Florida. Hi, Kathy?

KATHY, CALLER FROM FLORIDA: Hi, Nancy. I just want to say, my mother and I love your show, your beautiful children, and our prayers are with the mother. But I have a question about the storm door.

If Misty got up and seen the storm door open, held open by a block, was the inside door held open also? Or -- I just don`t understand that part.

GRACE: To Rosy in the control room, see if you can pull up that video of Marlaina in the home, showing us that door.

Marlaina Schiavo, while we wait for that, explain. Answer the question, please.

SCHIAVO: The answer to that is no. She wouldn`t have seen it immediately, because the second door, the inside door closed automatically. The only theory that we have, and it`s only a theory, is maybe the inside door was propped open with some laundry that was on the floor, maybe holding it open. So that`s where we are with that.

GRACE: You`re seeing the inside of the home. There`s the video of Marlaina`s tour of the home. Just keep that rolling, Rosy, because in a moment we`re going to see Marlaina walk to that back door that was allegedly propped open.

Cher in Illinois, hi Cher. There you go, there`s the door. Go ahead, Cher.

CHER, CALLER FROM ILLINOIS: Hi, Nancy. Love your show.

GRACE: Thank you for calling in.

CHER: Praying for your mom. Got a question regarding Misty. With her flunking two polygraphs and the voice stress test and everything else that`s been reported about her, she would have to be considered a person of interest. Why do they keep letting her leave town?

GRACE: Let`s go to the lawyers. John Burris, San Francisco, Raymond Giudice, Atlanta.

John Burris, just as a person of interest, they can`t make you stay put.

JOHN BURRIS, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Absolutely not. A person of interest, as you know, is free to go. That just means they have some interest, they might think you`re involved, but they don`t have sufficient evidence to tie you into it. So they`re free to go wherever they like to go and no law can stop them.

They need to go to a different level to have probable cause to arrest them, in order to justify keeping them in a location. But otherwise, they`re free to go wherever they like to go.

GRACE: You`re right. And Raymond Giudice, she`s not been named a person of interest and I think there are reasons for that.


GRACE: Either they don`t have the evidence or if they -- once you`re named a person of interest, that could invoke for constitutional rights.

GIUDICE: Well, that`s right. And additionally, I do think that they`re allowing her to do this type of behavior and hopefully something else to lead them to -- I hate to use that phrase -- the smoking gun, the crucial piece of evidence to solve this crime.

GRACE: And to Dr. Michael Bell, back to Haleigh herself. If the child is still alive, we know she has intense asthma and Turner syndrome. If she is alive, what obstacles is she facing?

DR. MICHAEL BELL, PALM BEACH CO. CHIEF MEDICAL EXAMINER: Well, I think the biggest problem would be her asthma. If she has a serious asthma condition, she`s going to need medication. Because asthma is going to prevent you from breathing normally. And that could be a very serious condition.

<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on October 10, 2009, 09:06:04 AM


Misty Croslin Does the CBS Early Show

Aired October 9, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old little girl tucked into bed. Five hours later, she`s gone, vanished, the back door propped wide open. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. The last person to see the 5- year-old alive that night, new stepmother Misty Croslin.

Bombshell tonight. Just hours after Croslin handcuffed and questioned in an alleged road rage incident, she dodges those charges and flies first class to New York City to take to the air, declaring her innocence. How does a fish get caught? He opens his mouth!

But even in this brief interview, Croslin can`t keep her story straight, first claiming she knows nothing about the 5-year-old`s whereabouts, but then in a stunning twist, she blurts out, quote, "The other side of the family took Haleigh," then a 180 on the failed lie detector, first claiming she passed, then admitting she failed, blaming her own guilty conscience. Is that an admission? No wonder her lawyer tells her, Don`t talk.

Has little Haleigh`s disappearance, the-nine month search for the brown-eyed 5-year-old and the fingers pointing at baby-sitter turned stepmom Misty Croslin taken a toll? Cummings and Croslin divorce, Croslin claiming neither Haleigh`s disappearance nor the holes in her story have anything to do with the split. Have Ronald Cummings worst fears been confirmed that his new wife, stepmother Misty Croslin, implicated in the disappearance of his 5-year-old little girl?


MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER/STEPMOTHER: We`ve been planning this for a while, actually.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I know they love her, Haleigh, and I know they love each other and they will be together.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Congratulations, Ron!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Congratulations, Ronald!


The two of us have agreed to go separate ways.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Everybody`s been questioning Ronald. Why now, why after the last person to see Haleigh gets married to the father of little Haleigh, and now, after everything, they are splitting up?

CUMMINGS: With the family problems and everything else, it`s just -- it`s too much on the relationship.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They`ve been saying that they have not been fighting. They`ve been saying Misty was on vacation when she went to Orlando. Now we know why she`s in Orlando this time.

GRACE: Why now? Why a divorce now?

CUMMINGS: We can`t go anywhere without being questioned or people staring at us or anything like that.

GRACE: For the first time, I don`t believe you. I think you do suspect your ex-wife, soon to be ex-wife`s story. I think you don`t want to discuss it in the midst of a divorce. Why? I don`t know that yet, but I`ll find out.

CROSLIN: (INAUDIBLE) I mean, I don`t want a divorce, but it`s what he wants, so -- whatever. I`m not going to fight him.

Someone come in and got her, obviously. I feel like it`s on the other side of the family that has her. That`s just how I feel.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you feel that police have looked at everyone they need to look at?

CROSLIN: I don`t think they`ve looked at everyone as close as they have me.


GRACE: And tonight: A close-knit New Hampshire community reeling after a beloved young nurse and her 11-year-old little girl brutally attacked with a machete in the early morning hours in their own home, asleep in their own beds. Daddy out of town, working. Suspects? Oh, no, not random killers off the street, not dope dealers, convicted felons. Oh, no. Allegedly, a group of teenagers, including Boy Scouts and a Mormon missionary student.

Tonight: Do police suspect more involved? As we go to air, are more arrests to come? At this hour, the little 11-year-old recovering from critical injuries. We learn tonight the perp actually hacked off the little girl`s toes. One word. Sick! The little girl`s mother dead. And now we want justice.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Stabbed and attacked with a machete in their home, four teens charged.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They were Boy Scouts, high school students, one even a devout Mormon on the verge of becoming a missionary. But now four teens arrested in connection with the brutal machete murder of mom and nurse Kimberly Cates.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Basically, they fell apart. We`re told by friends and neighbors that Chris Gribble began to, you know, dabble in knives.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Could there be more suspects? Law enforcement now saying they haven`t ruled out additional arrests, investigators executing search warrants, questioning multiple witnesses to determine who`s responsible for the horrific hacking.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Just hours after Croslin handcuffed and questioned in an alleged road rage incident, she dodges charges, flies first class to New York to take to the air, declaring her own innocence. How does a fish get caught? She opens her mouth.


CROSLIN: He got down on his knees and said, Will you marry me?

GRACE: D-I-V-O-R-C-E! That`s right, divorce!

CUMMINGS: The fighting, every -- it`s just everything.

GRACE: You told me that changes, even subtle, small changes in Misty Croslin`s story about the night Haleigh went missing bothered you.

CUMMINGS: Yes, ma`am.

GRACE: What changes, if any, do you recall?

CUMMINGS: There`s -- I can`t really recall the exact changes, and they were real small. It`s not like she -- she pretty much tells me the same thing each time she -- I ask her about it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They keep saying that you failed. Do you want people to know something about that?

CROSLIN: They`re going to know. They`re going to know. I just got to wait until I can -- my lawyer is ready.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. But would you...

CROSLIN: (INAUDIBLE) that weekend was a lie.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. I mean, would you -- so are you saying that you didn`t fail the polygraph, like people and law enforcement are kind of claiming that you did?

CROSLIN: No, I did not.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. So bottom line, you don`t know where Haleigh is?

CROSLIN: Bottom line.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why do you think you failed it?

CROSLIN: I didn`t want to take the polygraph. I was supposed to do a hypnosis. That`s what I was supposed to do.


CROSLIN: One of the guys said that it could be the reason I`m failing is because I feel like it`s my fault because I was the last one to see (INAUDIBLE)

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you think he`s divorcing you because the stress of all this is just too hard?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But what about his claims that there are -- that you`re telling different stories? Do you think he believes you`re guilty now of something?

CROSLIN: No, I don`t think so.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What has he said to you about this?

CROSLIN: He just -- he hasn`t really said, like, much about it. You know, he believes me. He doesn`t think I had anything to do with Haleigh going missing.

GRACE: Ronald Cummings, did it ever disturb you that Misty Croslin`s story actually changed?

CUMMINGS: Yes, ma`am, it did.


GRACE: You were just seeing Misty Croslin on CBS`s "The Early Show" just a few hours ago.

Straight out to Marlaina Schiavo. Marlaina, explain to me -- she says she can`t go talk to her -- she can`t talk to police because her lawyer doesn`t want her to. Her lawyer didn`t want her to go on CBS morning show, but there she is in full color.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: You got it, Nancy. She came up here against his wishes. He told me he did not want her doing any interviews. He himself has yet to do an interview. So here she comes. She comes to New York. She talks about the polygraph. She tells a local reporter on her way that she never failed the polygraph. Then she gets on the CBS "Early Show" and blatantly admits that she failed a poly. And why? Due to the fact that it could be...

GRACE: She feels guilty.

SCHIAVO: She feels guilty.

GRACE: OK. Let`s take a look at what Croslin had to say this morning, just hours ago, against her lawyer`s wishes.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So are you saying that you didn`t fail the polygraph like people and law enforcement are kind of claiming that you did?

CROSLIN: No, I did not.


CROSLIN: Yes. I did take a polygraph.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And you passed it.

CROSLIN: I mean, my understanding is that I passed it, you know?

I just want to let everybody know that I was home because I did pass my lie detector test saying that I was home.

I didn`t want to take the polygraph. I was supposed to do a hypnosis. That`s what I was supposed to do. One of the guys said that it could be the reason I`m failing is because I feel like it`s my fault because I was the last one to see (INAUDIBLE)

COURTNEY BALLINGER, ALLEGED ROAD RAGE VICTIM: The car came up next to me with the driver hanging half out of the window, just basically saying over and over again, you know, We`re -- we`re going to beat you up. You`re dead. You`re dead. They wanted me to think that they had a weapon.

CROSLIN: It`s a big lie. That lady is crazy. And I don`t know where she`s coming up I said I was going to kill her. Nothing happened like that.


GRACE: Well, that`s not what she said when the alleged victim called the police. You just saw Croslin on CBS`s early morning show.

To Ellie Jostad, our chief editorial producer on the story from the very, very beginning. What are the other inconsistencies in her story? Much of it coming to light this morning in her interview on national TV against her lawyer`s advice. Now I understand why he told her to be quiet.

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Right. Well, Nancy, she says in response to one question that she doesn`t know who has Haleigh and that they should be looking for the person who actually does have Haleigh. In the very next breath, she says that she believes it`s the other side of the family that has her.

GRACE: OK, let`s take a listen to what Croslin said.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Bottom line, you don`t know where Haleigh is.

CROSLIN: Bottom line.

Someone come in and got her, obviously. I feel like it`s the other side of the family that has her. That`s just how I feel.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you think he`s divorcing you because the stress of all this is just too hard?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But what about his claims that there are -- that you`re telling different stories? Do you think he believes you`re guilty now of something?

CROSLIN: No, I don`t think so.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What has he said to you about this?

CROSLIN: He just -- he hasn`t really said, like, much about it. You know, he believes me. He doesn`t think I had anything to do with Haleigh going missing.

GRACE: Ronald Cummings, did it ever disturb you that Misty Croslin`s story actually changed?

CUMMINGS: Yes, ma`am, it did.


GRACE: Straight out to a special guest joining us, Haleigh`s grandmother, Teresa Neves. Ms. Neves, I`m sure that you know by now Misty Croslin`s comments from earlier this morning on the CBS morning show. What do you make of it? She`s actually claiming the other side of the family -- would that be Ronald`s side of the family? Is that who she`s referring to, took Haleigh?



CUMMINGS: We have talked her about talking to the police.

GRACE: What does she say?

CUMMINGS: She says she`s talked to them.

GRACE: They want to talk to her again. Why won`t she do it?

CUMMINGS: I have no knowledge of them wanting to talk to her where she wouldn`t do it.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So are you saying that you didn`t fail the polygraph, like people and law enforcement are kind of claiming that you did.

CROSLIN: No, I did not.


CROSLIN: Yes, I did take a polygraph.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And you passed it.

CROSLIN: I mean, my understanding is that I passed it, you know?

I just want to let everybody know that I was home because I did pass my lie detector test saying that I was home.

I didn`t want to take the polygraph. I was supposed to do a hypnosis. That`s what I was supposed to do. One of the guys said that it could be the reason I`m failing is because I feel like it`s my fault because I was the last one to (INAUDIBLE)

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You think he`s divorcing you because the stress of all this is just too hard?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But what about his claims that there are -- that you`re telling different stories? Do you think he believes you`re guilty now of something?

CROSLIN: No, I don`t think so.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What has he said to you about this?

CROSLIN: He just -- he hasn`t really said, like, much about it, you know? He believes me. He doesn`t think I had anything to do with Haleigh going missing.

GRACE: Ronald Cummings, did it ever disturb you that Misty Croslin`s story actually changed?

CUMMINGS: Yes, ma`am, it did.

CROSLIN: Someone come in and got her, obviously. I feel like it`s the other side of the family that has her. That`s just how I feel.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you feel that police have looked at everyone they need to look at?

CROSLIN: I don`t think they`ve looked at everyone as close as they have me.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The media spotlight has been on you. What has this been like for you over the last couple months?

CROSLIN: Really hard. Really, really hard. Just (INAUDIBLE) be back to normal. I want Haleigh home. Definitely.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you think she`s still alive?

CROSLIN: I feel in my heart that she`s still alive, yes.


GRACE: That is Misty Croslin on CBS`s "The Early Show."

Let`s unleash the lawyers. Joining us tonight, high-profile lawyer out of the Seattle jurisdiction Anne Bremner. Also joining us, renowned defense attorney Mickey Sherman out of New York, author of "How Can You Defend Those People?" Also with us, Sue Moss, family law attorney, child advocate. Sue Moss, weigh in.

SUSAN MOSS, FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY: Her game of blame is simply lame. Who`s she going to say next, the Zenaida dame? Let`s look at the facts. Bio mom was a hundred miles away. Misty was nearly 100 inches away. It`s very clear from the facts and the fact that she changes her story again and again that Misty is the center one to look at.

GRACE: So Anne Bremner, now I know why her lawyer said, Zip it.

ANNE BREMNER, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Yes. Well, absolutely. You know, a closed mouth gathers no foot. But the fact of the matter is, Nancy, just because she`s getting divorced over these circumstances or just because she`s branded with a scarlet "G" around her for guilty in the -- at least in public opinion, there`s no probable cause here right now. There`s just no evidence that would admissible, so even if...

GRACE: Hold on. Put Bremner up. Put Bremner up.

BREMNER: Hi, Nancy.

GRACE: Anne?

BREMNER: Yes, Nancy?

GRACE: You know what? You have an excellent reputation...

BREMNER: Oh, thank you.

GRACE: ... as a defense attorney.

BREMNER: Thank you.

GRACE: But that simply is not what I asked you. I`m asking you not about probable cause...


GRACE: ... I`m asking you about her decision to appear this morning...

BREMNER: Terrible.

GRACE: ... on national TV.

BREMNER: You know what, Nancy? You`re absolutely right. It`s a terrible decision. I can`t think of any reason for her to have done that, any whatsoever. And then she had three very bad areas in the interview herself. And she didn`t even come off in any way that looked to be innocent. So all in all...

GRACE: Anne, we`re showing you right now the wedding video.


GRACE: And now -- this is the video of Ronald Cummings, Misty Croslin`s wedding for NBC`s "Today" show. Mickey Sherman, that was -- that was a brief "I do." And now, it`s very obvious that they`re not coming clean about the cause of their divorce. They`re both saying, People look at me. So? So what? That`s not a cause for a divorce.

MICKEY SHERMAN, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I think the magic is gone, Nancy. I think that that`s a fact. And you know, to go on the morning shows, the choices -- listen to your lawyer, whether the lawyer is competent, articulate or not, or get to be in New York City in person on the CBS or NBC or ABC morning shows, and these people will take the morning show every time, even though it`s damaging to them personally and makes them look like idiots and it doesn`t help their case a bit.

GRACE: But there were so many inconsistencies with what she said. And she even points out -- now, I want to go back to Teresa Neves. This is Haleigh`s grandmother, who has been at the forefront in the search for her granddaughter, along with her son, Ronald Cummings.

Teresa, to actually blame your side of the family, or else Crystal Sheffield, the bio mom -- and we all know she was over 100 miles away. So that kind of narrows it down to Ronald`s side of the family who she`s trying to blame.

NEVES: I don`t think she`s trying to blame us, Miss Nancy.

GRACE: So you believe she`s trying to blame the bio mom`s family.

NEVES: I do.

GRACE: OK. Why do you think that? Where would she get that? There`s not a shred of evidence to suggest Crystal Sheffield`s family had anything to do with this.

NEVES: I cannot explain her thinking. I can only tell you what I think that the statement meant.


NEVES: And I do not believe that she was talking about Ronald`s side of the family.

GRACE: Well, I hope not, since you have been in the forefront of trying to find the little girl.

Lillian Glass, you have very carefully reviewed all the video from today. What do you make of it? You`re the expert.

LILLIAN GLASS, PSYCHOLOGIST: She shows signals of deception, and she`s completely in denial.


CUMMINGS: The two of us have agreed to go separate ways. If in the long run, something comes about Haleigh, then she can -- it will be whatever.




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What is your fear for your future when you look ahead?

CROSLIN: Just to get -- bring Haleigh home and have a normal life again.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you worry that you might be arrested?

CROSLIN: No, I don`t. I just -- I`m always being told all kinds of different things, so I just don`t even pay attention to them.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you think that Ronald Cummings will go through with the divorce?

CROSLIN: Yes. Yes, I do.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And you`re resigned to go on without him?

CROSLIN: If that`s what happens, it happens. But you know, we`re going to still stay in contact. And if something happens down the road, then we might end up back together. I don`t know.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why do you think you failed it?

CROSLIN: I didn`t want to take the polygraph. I was supposed to do a hypnosis. That`s what I was supposed to do. One of the guys said that it could be the reason I`m failing is because I feel like it`s my fault because I was the last one to see (INAUDIBLE)


GRACE: Misty Croslin on CBS`s "The Early Show." And there you hear Croslin, the last person known to have seen little Haleigh alive, the 5- year-old little brown-eyed little girl out of Satsuma, Florida, says she may have flunked that polygraph because she felt guilty, guilty at having been the last person to see her, to be in charge of her, taking care of her.

To Dr. Lillian Glass, psychologist, body language expert, author of "I Know What You`re Thinking" -- we`re showing video of her today on CBS`s "Early Show" and at the airport when she was questioned. You have very carefully reviewed this and reams of video. What`s your analysis, Lillian?

GLASS: It`s very interesting because one of the things she does is she shakes her head no when she means yes. The only thing that rings true is when she was asked, Is this difficult on you? And that`s when you see sincerity. Other than that, it is complete deception, and she`s in complete denial in terms of what she has to say.

GRACE: Now, how do you know that, Lillian?

GLASS: Well, it`s very interesting because one of the things she does is she does a lot of shoulder movement. She does a lot of lip licking. And you see these are signals of deception. And you see things that are completely incongruous, especially when she`s talking about getting -- she wanted to take the hypnosis. Well, one cannot be hypnotized unless they want to be. So again, you see a lot of issues here.


CUMMINGS: I hope that they find my child alive, obviously. But one way or another, I want my daughter to come home. I need some closure.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So are you saying you didn`t fail the polygraph like people and law enforcement are kind of claiming that you did?




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, I did take a polygraph.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I mean my understanding is that I passed it, you know.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just want everybody to know that I was home because I did pass my lie detector test saying that I was home.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I didn`t want to take the polygraph. I was supposed to do a hypnosis. That`s what I was supposed to do. But one of the guys said that could be -- the reason I`m failing is because I feel like it`s my fault because I was lost on the scene (ph) with her.



COURTNEY BALLINGER, ACCUSES MISTY CROSLIN CUMMINGS OF THREATENING HER ON THE ROAD: The car came up next to me with the driver hanging half out the window just basically saying over and over again, you know, we`re -- we`re going to beat you up. You`re dead. You`re dead. They wanted me to think that they had a weapon.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That lady is crazy and I don`t know where she`s coming up I said I was going to kill her. Nothing happened like that.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The bottom line, you don`t owe where Haleigh is?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I went home and got her, obviously. I feel like it`s on the other side of the family that has her. That`s just how I feel.


GRACE: That`s Croslin on the CBS "Early Show." Susan Moss, Mickey Sherman, Anne Bremner, nothing under the Constitution will disallow or bar that statement from coming in at trial, if there ever is a trial, Anne Bremner.

ANNE BREMNER, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: That`s absolutely right. I mean she volun -- it`s voluntary. It`s knowing. She wasn`t in custody. It wasn`t the police and she didn`t ask for a lawyer, which she should have done. But it absolutely comes into evidence.

GRACE: And, Mickey, it`s not that she didn`t ask for a lawyer. We all know she`s got a lawyer. But she is adamantly refusing to heed his advice. He won`t do an interview.

Do you blame him?

He`s got a fairly good reputation. He keeps telling her, don`t do this, don`t do this. And she does everything except talk to police.


GRACE: That`s the one kicker. That`s the one exception.

SHERMAN: And, Nancy, usually it`s -- honestly, it`s the more educated, upper demo clients who won`t listen to us, because they`re smarter than us and they`re...


SHERMAN: ...and they`re just paying money and we -- and we should just listen to what they say. Usually, the lower demo -- the lower economic clients, they -- you know, she`s the aberration. They usually do listen to us and take our advice. But it sure is not happening here.

SUSAN MOSS, FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY & CHILD ADVOCATE: She will keep on talking, we`ll keep on listening and maybe we`ll get a conviction.

GRACE: And -- and to you, Ellie Jostad, our chief editorial producer, isn`t it true that when cops do get to talk to her, every time she gets a hard question, she says, you know, I`ve got a lawyer.

How does that go?

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: Right. Right. The Putnam County Sheriff`s Office is telling us that she has walked out of interviews with them in the past. She`s never said no. But like you said, when she gets a tough question, she reminds them she has she`s a lawyer and she won`t answer.

GRACE: What about it, Schiavo?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: It`s true. And, also, I spoke to them the other day and they said that, you know, when he spoke to her for about 20 minutes before she left town, he got out some interest -- interesting things and he`d like to follow up on them. But she has yet to come back.

GRACE: Now, another thing that I noticed she said to Brian Reich, detective, Bergen County prosecutor`s office, is that the lady -- the alleged victim in the road rage incident -- is crazy.

Well, I interviewed the woman. She`s not crazy. She is an established pharmaceutical sales rep. She makes a great living. She has a family. She was out working that day.

And if you look at the timing, from the time she called police, she says they were following her, railing at her, hanging out the window for 30 minutes. And it`s still going on when police get there, Brian. So the lady is not crazy. And she looked right at that camera and said, "That didn`t happen."

BRIAN REICH, DETECTIVE, BERGEN COUNTY PROSECUTOR`S OFFICE: Yes, I mean, I -- you know, first of all, I find it hard to believe, going through the scrutiny that she`s going through with the police with this -- with this incident with the little girl -- I find it hard to believe that she could even behave in that matter and have the energy to and would want to try to lay -- lay under the radar. And she definitely seems like a person that wants to put blame on everybody else and that really wasn`t going to take responsibility for her actions. She definitely has a -- has a lot of issues.

GRACE: To Dr. Leigh Vinocur, University of Maryland School of Medicine.

Dr. Vinocur, thank you for being with us.


GRACE: One of the theories that emerged is that little Haleigh could have taken OxyContin at a drug party.

Would just -- I don`t believe the theory, but would just one OxyContin tablet kill -- could it kill a child?

VINOCUR: Well, if she took one and chewed it up, because OxyContin is a dose that`s a slow release drug. And sometimes drug abusers use it by chewing up the tablet and they get a fast rush. So they get a 12 hour dose in one dose. And for a small child, that could be an overdose.

So -- and kids usually don`t swallow pills, they usually chew things. So there is that potential there.

GRACE: You know what I find so problematic among the many things she said this morning -- back to the lawyers, Susan Moss, Mickey Sherman, Anne Bremner. Anne, she says -- have you noticed that people that are suspects -- and she is not a person of interest right now...


GRACE: ...that are suspected of wrongdoing, of murder, always say, I think they`re still alive."

BREMNER: I know.

GRACE: They always say that.

BREMNER: Well, it`s like going too far, as you know, Nancy. It`s thinking you can just say, I don`t know anything, I`m not involved. But they`re not even dead, you`re just taking it way too far...

GRACE: But if they are, I didn`t have anything to do with it.

BREMNER: Right. That`s right.

GRACE: And to sit there after all these interviews with cops and say, oh, I`m not worried about being arrested.

BREMNER: That`s right.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I would worry. Every time I`m at a stop sign, I`m worried.

BREMNER: Absolutely.

GRACE: What about it, Sherman?

SHERMAN: Elizabeth Smart -- she was alive. You know, there`s always an exception to the rule.

GRACE: You`re right.

SHERMAN: You know?

GRACE: You know, Mickey...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, that`s true.

GRACE: You`re absolutely right.

SHERMAN: And, also, when you...

GRACE: But I`m not asking you about the exception to the rule.

SHERMAN: I know.

GRACE: I`m asking you, why is it that people that are suspected always say, oh, they`re still alive?

SHERMAN: Well...

GRACE: (INAUDIBLE) alive. I feel -- I have a feel -- a feeling.

SHERMAN: Well, obviously, she`s trying to profess her innocence in one fashion. And if there is any relationship or affinity to the person or the young boy or girl who`s lost, it`s wishful thinking. I mean look -- look at, you know, when anybody has a tragedy, they always are hoping for the best. And that could be a personal bit or it could be a -- a magnificent cover-up.


MOSS: And when she says, she feels like this child is alive, it`s almost as if she`s acting like the child`s biological mother. And that really disturbs me because, you know, she should be at a junior prom, not pretending to be mom.

GRACE: I want to go back to Teresa now, because this is Haleigh`s grandmother.

Teresa, what is Ronald making of all this?

I mean, she`s clearly got inconsistent statements.

NEVES: Yes, ma`am, she does. And Ronald has decided to leave this up to law enforcement -- let them decide what is right and what is wrong and hopefully bring Haleigh home.

GRACE: Has Misty Croslin signed the divorce papers yet?

NEVES: No, ma`am, not to my knowledge.

GRACE: I`m sorry. I couldn`t hear you.

Did you say no?

NEVES: Not to my knowledge, she has not signed them yet.


Is she hanging this over your son`s head?

I mean why?

NEVES: I do not know. It was my understanding that she would sign the papers right away. And I guess she`s just busy doing other things right now.

GRACE: Like what, going to -- what`s in Orlando?

Why does she keep going to Orlando?

NEVES: She is staying there with someone she met while doing the test with Tim Miller.

GRACE: Everyone, as we go to break, I want to say a big thank you Lifetime`s "Drop Dead Diva." It`s about a model who dies in a car crash -- beautiful -- then returns as a lawyer who now has to rely on inner beauty and brains. In episode six, she squares off over an appearance on our program. "Drop Dead Diva," Lifetime, Sundays, 9:00 Eastern.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, tell Miss. Grace I`ll do the show if she gives me the whole hour. Yes, that works. Everybody is calling about the (INAUDIBLE) case -- the newspapers, cable.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You like talking to the press, don`t you?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I`m the lead attorney on the (INAUDIBLE) case. Those reporters contact me before you, but I decline their calls. So if I decide to start talking, who do you think goes on NANCY GRACE?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well played, baby.



<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on October 14, 2009, 08:09:42 AM


Misty Croslin Points Finger at Haleigh`s Mom`s Family

Aired October 12, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old little girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone, vanished, the back door propped wide open. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. The last person to see the 5- year-old alive that night, new stepmother Misty Croslin.

Bombshell tonight. Just hours after Croslin handcuffed by cops on alleged road rage, she flies first class to New York, taking to the air to declare she`s innocent. How does a fish get caught? He opens his mouth. Even in one brief interview, she can`t keep her story straight. Minutes after Croslin`s debacle on national TV, her lawyer dumps her.

After her brother tells cops he was at the home that night and no sign of Croslin, completely debunking her story, her mother weighs in that Croslin`s not coming clean. Croslin`s response on TV? They betrayed me. They`re the bad guys. Look at them, don`t look at me.

And tonight, her staunchest supporter, her husband and Haleigh`s father, admits cracks in her story through lawyers. She first claimed she knows nothing about Haleigh`s whereabouts, but then in a stunning twist, blurts out, quote, "the other side of the family" took Haleigh. Who? Then a 180 on the failed lie detector, claiming she passed, then admitting she failed, blaming her own guilty conscience. Is that an admission? Cops reconfirm physical evidence contradicts Croslin`s story.

Has Haleigh`s disappearance, the nine-month search for the brown-eyed 5-year-old, and fingers pointing at baby-sitter turned stepmom Misty Croslin taken a toll? Cummings and Croslin divorce. Croslin claims neither Haleigh`s disappearance nor the holes in her story had anything to do with the split. But have Cummings`s worst fears been confirmed, that his new wife, Misty Croslin, implicated in the disappearance of his own 5- year-old girl?


RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: The two of us have agreed to go separate ways.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They are splitting up.

CUMMINGS: With the family problems and everything else, it`s just -- it`s too much on the relationship. We can`t go anywhere without being questioned or people staring at us or anything like that.

GRACE: OK, so you`re getting at a divorce because people stare at you? I don`t believe that for one minute.

CUMMINGS: No, that`s -- that`s not why I`m getting a divorce. I`m -- that`s a part of the reason why I`m getting a divorce.

MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER/STEPMOTHER: (INAUDIBLE) I don`t want a divorce, but that`s what he wants. So whatever. I`m not going to fight him.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The last time you had seen her before, then, was when?

CROSLIN: At 10:00 o`clock, when I lay down to bed.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You had put her to bed?

CROSLIN: She went to bed at 8:00 o`clock.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But your brother told police that when he went to the trailer that night that you were supposedly putting Haleigh to bed, you weren`t there. Did you go somewhere that night?

CROSLIN: No, I did not. I did not leave my house at all.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why did he tell police that you weren`t there?

CROSLIN: Trying to get out of jail. That`s what I think.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So your brother was in jail...

CROSLIN: Yes, he was in jail.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Your own brother would betray you like that?

CROSLIN: That`s how my family is.


GRACE: And tonight, live, missing, a 13-year-old girl and her little 7-year-old twin brothers, upscale Atlanta suburbs. The three at home go outside all three together for a walk. They are gone, last sighting a local neighborhood carnival about a mile away. Where are 13-year-old Janet and 7-year-old twin brothers Alexander and Alexis tonight? Is there a break in the case?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A 13-year-old girl and her 7-year-old twin brothers are missing after they disappear, possibly at a local shopping center, that shopping center hosting a carnival, Georgia police issuing missing children`s alerts in the attempt to locate 13-year-old Janet and 7- year-old twin brothers Alexander and Alexis Villanuva, the 13-year-old girl taking a walk with her brothers. They never came back, frantic parents calling the cops hours later. Just how do three children vanish?


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Just hours after Croslin handcuffed by cops on alleged road rage, she flies first class to New York, takes to the airwaves to declare she`s innocent. How does a fish get caught? He opens his mouth. But even in this interview, she can`t keep her story straight.


GRACE: Changes, even subtle, small changes in Misty Croslin`s story about the night Haleigh went missing bothered you. What changes...

CUMMINGS: Yes, ma`am.

GRACE: ... if any, do you recall?

CUMMINGS: I can`t really recall the exact changes. And they`re real small. It`s not like she -- she pretty much tells me the same thing each time she -- I ask her about it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They keep saying that you failed. Do you want people to know something about that...

CROSLIN: They`re going to know. They`re going to know.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So are you saying that you didn`t fail the polygraph, like people and law enforcement are kind of claiming that you did?

CROSLIN: No, I did not.

GRACE: Ronald Cummings, did it ever disturb you that Misty Croslin`s story actually changed?

CUMMINGS: Yes, ma`am, it did.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What about his claims that there are -- that you`re telling different stories? Do you think he believes you`re guilty now of something?

CROSLIN: No, I don`t think so.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What has he said to you about this?

CROSLIN: He just -- he hasn`t really, said like, much about it. You know, he believes me. He doesn`t think I had anything to do with Haleigh going missing.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: When you say the other side of the family, you`re talking about Haleigh`s natural mother?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why would she harm her own daughter? I mean, that`s a pretty serious accusation.

CROSLIN: She wasn`t close with her daughter. They -- she admitted that they didn`t have a close relationship with her daughter.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So what do you believe in your heart of hearts she may have done?

CROSLIN: I don`t know. I don`t think that she personally had anything to do with it, just someone on her side of the family.


GRACE: You`re seeing new stepmother Misty Croslin on CBS`s "The Early Show." We are taking your calls live.

First out to Marlaina Schiavo. Marlaina, what`s the latest?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: ... Nancy, is that Misty Croslin says that her brother lied about the night coming over to knock on that door because he wanted to get out of jail. And she also clarified that she is blaming Crystal`s family for the disappearance of Haleigh. And Crystal Sheffield has lashed out and has spoken out against what Misty is saying. They`re both pointing fingers at one another. So you know, Misty is just kind of digging herself in a deeper hole to the point where her attorney has now dropped her.

GRACE: OK. To Dr. Janet Taylor, psychiatrist and medical doctor. Dr. Taylor, do you get a sense -- and I`ve seen this with defendants on the stand. It`s like this. Everybody else is at fault but them. Here she`s saying, My brother betrayed me, my mother, it`s just my family. That`s supposed to explain it all? The brother places himself at the location that night, says he bangs on the door, no Misty Croslin. That totally debunks her story. The mother says she hasn`t come clean. And now on national TV she says, They betrayed me, they`re the bad guys.

DR. JANET TAYLOR, PSYCHIATRIST: Yes, I mean, it`s just one story after another. We know how dysfunctional, by her own admission, her life was. And now she`s backed into a corner, so it`s just all this finger pointing with no real understanding of -- she was the one in charge of little Haleigh. What happened to her?

GRACE: Take a listen to her ill-fated interview on CBS morning show, the interview her lawyer begged her not to do.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The last time you had seen her before then was when?

CROSLIN: At 10:00 o`clock, when I lay down to bed.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You had put her to bed?

CROSLIN: She went to bed at 8:00 o`clock.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But your brother told police when he went to the trailer that night that were supposedly putting Haleigh to bed, you weren`t there. Did you go somewhere that night?

CROSLIN: No, I did not. I did not leave my house at all.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why did he tell police that you weren`t there?

CROSLIN: Trying to get out of jail. That`s what I think.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So your brother was in jail...

CROSLIN: Yes, he was in jail.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Your own brother would betray you like that?

CROSLIN: That`s how my family is.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: When you say the other side of the family, you`re talking about Haleigh`s natural mother?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why would she harm her own daughter? I mean, that`s a pretty serious accusation.

CROSLIN: She wasn`t close with her daughter. She admitted that they didn`t have a close relationship with her daughter.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So what do you believe in your heart of hearts she may have done?

CROSLIN: I don`t know -- I don`t think she personally had anything to do with it, just someone on her side of the family.


GRACE: So some phantom person on the bio mom`s side of the family comes and gets the baby in the middle of the night. That`s Croslin on CBS`s "Early Show." It doesn`t even make any sense. If the mother didn`t care enough to live in the town where the little girl was -- it`s not like she had a job demand or a reason to live elsewhere that she could not get around. Why would the bio mom bother to come kidnap the child in the middle of the night, if she didn`t even exercise visitation rights?

We`re taking your calls live. Let`s go straight to the lines.

But first to Ellie Jostad, our chief editorial producer. Croslin`s response about her own brother, claiming he betrayed her and he made the whole story up to get out of jail -- well, he didn`t get out of jail.


GRACE: Weeks and weeks passed. And think about it, Ellie. If you`re going to tell a big, fat, whopper lie to cops about your own sister to get out of jail, wouldn`t it be something like, She confessed she killed Haleigh by accident?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Right. Right, and...

GRACE: Or she confessed she knew where the body was. Why would it be, I went to the house and knocked on the door and nobody came? Who would make that story up?

JOSTAD: Yes, and her brother didn`t even go into any, you know, real detail about it. He said he went there, he knocked on the door, he hung out a little bit, the house was dark. He didn`t say, Oh, and I went inside and she wasn`t there. All he said is that he knocked and she didn`t answer. Now, of course, Misty Croslin is saying, Oh, I was there the whole time, I was asleep, I must not have heard him knocking.

GRACE: Out to the lines. Shirley in Florida. Hi, Shirley.


GRACE: Hi, dear.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi. My question is, have they put any comparison between Misty and her actions and Casey Anthony? Because to me, she`s acting like another Casey Anthony.

GRACE: To Marc Klaas, president and founder of Klaas Kids Foundation. He`s a child rights advocate. What do you make of that comparison?

MARC KLAAS, KLAAS KIDS FOUNDATION: Well, it`s not far off. I think that Misty`s complete and total lack of life experience is what`s really betraying her, not her brother. And I think that that`s a very revealing statement, Nancy. If this family is willing to betray each other over something like getting -- a "Get out of jail free" card, what does that say about her? And who is she willing to betray? Is she betraying Ron? Is she betraying Haleigh? Is she betraying everybody that`s standing behind her?

SHOEMAKER: And why does Ron continue through his lawyers to say that he`s supporting Misty and that he`s not concerned about the inconsistencies in her story, when we thought he was divorcing her? He`s still providing cover. He`s probably his own worst enemy at this point.


CUMMINGS: ... to keep Haleigh`s face out there, and if you have any information leading to her disappearance, to call it in. It don`t matter who it hurts. And I want to let everyone know that I`m not hiding anything for anybody. Let`s bring Haleigh home.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The stepmom of missing little girl Haleigh Cummings breaking her silence.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So are you saying that you didn`t fail the polygraph, like people and law enforcement are kind of claiming that you did?

CROSLIN: No, I did not.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. So bottom line, you don`t know where Haleigh is?

CROSLIN: Bottom line.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She tells a local reporter on her way that she never failed the polygraph. Then she gets on the CBS "Early Show" and blatantly admits that she failed a poly.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Misty did do this interview without the blessing from her attorney, Robert Fields, who said that he did advise her not to do this. But Misty Croslin is speaking out, saying that she`s not worried about getting an arrest, she does believe that Haleigh is still alive and well.

CROSLIN: I didn`t do anything with -- to that little girl. I would never hurt her.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She didn`t say that it was fact that the other side of the family`s involved. She said, I felt it. I watched her eyes roll a little, too, all indicators that she`s lying. This is just another diversionary tactic from some individual who is a suspect in a very, very serious case, obviously.

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH`S MOTHER: I thought all along that she has something to do with it, and now this kind of just proves it. I mean, she was the last one to see our daughter, and her stories just don`t add up.


GRACE: And also we learn that Ronald Cummings, through his lawyer, states he no longer accepts her story. He`s beginning to see the cracks in it. And he has been her staunchest supporter.

Out to the lines. Sandy in Arkansas. Hi, Sandy.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hey, Nancy Grace. I love you, dear.

GRACE: Thank you. And thank you for calling in.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And I`m so proud of you and your hubby and your twins.

GRACE: You know what? We are -- it`s like God heard our prayers and answered them 10,000 times over.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I have followed you for so many years, Court TV, all of them. But anyway, I`d just like to make a comment on the cell phone bills, if it is a cell phone that Ronald tried to call Misty that night. If he tried to call 20 times -- Ronald`s got a hot temper. I wonder why he didn`t leave work and go home and check to see what was going on. I`m not buying this story.

GRACE: To Terry Shoemaker, attorney for Ronald Cummings. That`s Haleigh`s father. Of course, Terry a well-known attorney in the Jacksonville area, in fact, the whole region. Terry Shoemaker, thank you for being with us.


GRACE: Let me just clarify again, and correct me if I`m wrong because I`ll find out later. At some point, the truth will be uncovered. Isn`t it true, Mr. Shoemaker, that Ronald Cummings stayed at work his full shift and he got home around 3:00 AM?

SHOEMAKER: Absolutely. He never left.

GRACE: OK. Terry, what did he do for a living? What was it exactly he did there?

SHOEMAKER: He was a crane operator, among some other responsibilities.

GRACE: I`m sorry. I couldn`t hear you. Repeat. He did what?

SHOEMAKER: He was a crane operator.

GRACE: OK. Were there other people around him observing him operating the crane, amongst other things?

SHOEMAKER: Yes. He was there all night. You know, there were some times, you know, based on our conversations with FDLE, that people didn`t actually see him, but they were for very short periods of time. And people saw him there all night, for the most part.

GRACE: And his home was about a 30 or 40-minute drive away?

SHOEMAKER: A little less than that. You know, probably anywhere from 20 to 30 minutes.

GRACE: OK. Give him 30. He would have to have been gone about an hour-and-a-half, 30 minutes there, 30 minutes back...


GRACE: ... and 30 minutes for whatever was to take place there. Was there that big of a gap of people seeing him?

SHOEMAKER: Absolutely not, Nancy.

GRACE: OK. Mr. Shoemaker, you`re giving me your word on that?

SHOEMAKER: Absolutely, Nancy.

GRACE: And again, you said he operates a crane. Was he operating a crane that night?

SHOEMAKER: I don`t believe he actually was that evening. I know he had a couple different things he was doing, but...

GRACE: Like what?

SHOEMAKER: I can`t really answer that specifically. I know when we spoke...


SHOEMAKER: Well, when we spoke with law enforcement the last time, they asked him about his different jobs that evening, and he said that he had to move some material from different locations and -- so I know that he had a number of different responsibilities, but his primary responsibility at that job was as a crane operator.

GRACE: Indoors or outdoors?

SHOEMAKER: Well, the crane is outdoors, but he -- you know, he would move things to different aspects of the job site and take care of material that way.

GRACE: So we know absolutely he did not leave the job site?

SHOEMAKER: Absolutely.

GRACE: OK. I need to go to you. Ellie Jostad, this one I don`t understand, about all those phone calls. If she did not have her telephone turned on, that may be explaining why cops can`t get a ping on her to locate where she was because even if you don`t pick the phone up, if your phone is ringing or it`s turned on, you`re still emitting pings. Am I right or wrong about that?

JOSTAD: Yes, you`re right. And police have told us that they have not been able -- or they haven`t been real clear about what they`ve been able to learn about Misty Croslin`s cell phone. But you`re right, we do know that Ron called her over 20 times that night and apparently never got an answer.

GRACE: Everyone, quick break. We`re taking your calls live. Now we know why Misty Croslin`s lawyer insisted she not give an interview.

To tonight`s "Case Alert." A miracle, 16-year-old bipolar Chicago girl who vanishes off the streets on her way to school in the morning found alive after a tipster sees our program. Tonight, 16-year-old Jessica Jones reunited with her family. Breaking news. There is a God.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: When you say the other side of the family, you`re talking about Haleigh`s natural mother?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why would she harm her own daughter? I mean, that`s a pretty serious accusation.

CROSLIN: She wasn`t close with her daughter. They -- she admitted that they didn`t have a close relationship with her daughter.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So what do you believe in your heart of hearts she may have done?

CROSLIN: I don`t know. I don`t think that she personally had anything to do with it, just someone on her side of the family.


GRACE: That is new stepmother Croslin on CBS`s "Early Show." Unleash the lawyers -- Joe Lawless, defense attorney out of Philadelphia and author of "Prosecutorial Misconduct," and Stacy Schneider, defense attorney out of New York.

Let`s see that map again, Norm. Joe Lawless, don`t you just love it when your client actually points to a specific person as the one who did it? Take a look at how far away Crystal Sheffield lives from little Haleigh. So she drove over an hour to get there in the middle of the night, sneaks in, leaves the door propped open, Misty Croslin doesn`t hear a thing. Then she leaves...

JOE LAWLESS, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Nancy, you stole the phrase I`ve used on the show countless times, that even a fish wouldn`t get caught if she kept her mouth shut. If this woman keeps...

GRACE: That`s not exactly what I said. I said, How does a fish get caught? He opens his mouth. That`s what I said.

LAWLESS: Well, if this girl keeps doing what she`s doing, it`s only a question of time before she`s charged with something having to do with this kid`s disappearance. She just repeatedly, repeatedly contradicts herself, and if I were her lawyer, I`d have dropped her, too.

GRACE: Stacy Schneider, I always loved it as a prosecutor when a defendant or a suspect points a finger at a specific person and says, They did it, because then you could bring that person to court and have them speak to the jury and clearly give an alibi, show why they didn`t do it. Look, this mom doesn`t even exercise visitation. You think she`s going to go to Satsuma, Florida, and steal a child in the middle of the night?

STACY SCHNEIDER, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Yes, Nancy, that was a really bad move on her part. It`s sort of like throwing junk up against the wall and seeing what will stick. And I think she`s in a desperate position. She just threw it out for to us hear.




NANCY GRACE, HOST: Who brought it up first?


MISTY CROSLIN-CUMMINGS, RONALD CUMMING`S WIFE, LAST SEEN HALEIGH: Everybody knows that I love Haleigh and Ronald and Junior. It`s a family like Haleigh wanted.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Just being married, it can be stressful and there can be challenges.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: OK, sir, let me talk to your wife. Let me get some information from her. OK. Can I talk to her? OK.





R. CUMMINGS: How the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole (EXPLETIVE DELETED)?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don`t talk with that, everything that they went through during their marriage.

R. CUMMINGS: I don`t know anything about her flunking a polygraph. I know what`s been said about it, but I`m not a polygrapher myself, so I didn`t see any results.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s definitely an issue that she`s 17 years old because she doesn`t have those adult thinking skills that a lot of us would have even though she`s leading a very adult life.

M. CUMMINGS: Divorce. I mean, I don`t want a divorce, but heck, that`s what he wants so whatever.

TERRY SHOEMAKER, ATTORNEY FOR RONALD CUMMINGS: Ron has stuck by Misty all along. He`s always thought that she`s told the truth. He has had some turns -- concerns, I`m sorry, regarding what she has said, some discrepancies between different statements. But he has stood by her all along.

He bases that on the fact that she has been a little loose on certain situations and she has changed her story a little here and there, but nothing major. I don`t think he`s doubting whether or not she was involved. He`s just doubting whether everything she said is what transpired that night. But he in no way believes she was involved whatsoever.


GRACE: That is Terry Shoemaker, who was on "The Early show," CBS. He`s with us live tonight. And earlier you saw Misty Croslin from CBS morning. We are taking your calls live. But I want to go back to Terry Shoemaker. This is the attorney for Ronald Cummings, the biological father of little Haleigh. He had custody of her.

He goes to work that night, comes home, she`s gone. And there rubbing her eyes like she`s sleepy is girlfriend turned new stepmother Misty Croslin, who said rut-roh, I guess I slept through the whole thing.

OK. Terry Shoemaker.

SHOEMAKER: Yes, ma`am.

GRACE: Please don`t sugarcoat it for me the way you did on the morning shows. Because if you are doubting aspects of Misty Croslin`s story, that means you doubt the whole story, whether -- you know, you may want to take the light version and think she went out that evening and somebody else came into the home.

I don`t know how likely or probable that is. Or you may take a more realistic look that she was the last one with the child and most typically that is the person responsible for the disappearance. But has the divorce been signed yet?

SHOEMAKER: I know that Misty was in our office today. We gave her the paper. She`s no longer represented by anybody. She looked them over, she took them to a notary, brought them back signed. And they will be filed shortly.

GRACE: Now after the divorce is final, do you believe Ronald Cummings will have more to say to police?

SHOEMAKER: I don`t believe so. I know, that you know, in all the times that we`ve met with law enforcement, which really hasn`t been that many times, I know that he`s been very forthright on the number of times he called her, when he called her, what the conversations were all about. So I don`t think that he`s really going to come out with any, you know, bombshell as to I was holding this bag.

GRACE: You`re seeing video of Cummings and Croslin`s wedding from the NBC "Today Show."

Let`s take a look at some of the inconsistencies in her story. Norm, if you could pull that up for me. First of all, we know there were the inconsistencies about who was in bed that night. First of all, we hear that she`s in bed with both children. Later she says she was in bed with Junior.

Then she finally said oh, the children were in two separate beds from her. She said she did laundry. No detergent in the home. Claimed to be sleeping, but cops and Cummings said that the beds were made when they got to the home.

The time frame in which she called the cops, well, that`s not correct. That full screen is not correct. She didn`t call the cops. Cummings made her call the cops. She didn`t voluntarily do that. Why she went to the further bathroom away from the one right beside her bed?

There are so many things that don`t make sense.

Out to the lines, Melody, Ohio. Hi, Melodie.

MELODIE, CALLER FROM OHIO: Nancy, you`re beautiful. Two quick comments here, please. Ronald`s mother on the show one night made a comment about the taste of Oxycontin being very sour and she couldn`t imagine Haleigh taking it. No, not if the child was forced to take it.

Is his mother, in so many words, hinting that there was Oxycontin in that home and was it the mother`s?

And then my other question being, when I look at the scene in the bedroom I see those air ducts on the floor. Have those air ducts been searched for anything? Thank you.

GRACE: Good question. Norm, let`s pull up that video of our tour inside the home, including the bedroom from which Haleigh went missing.

To Dr. Gerald Feigin, Camden County, New Jersey. Dr. Feigin, thank you for being with us. There are those air ducts.

Hey, Norm, if you can rewind that, I know that might be difficult.

Dr. Feigin, what can you tell you -- I saw those air ducts again. They didn`t look very big but probably big enough for a child. What about the taste of Oxycontin? I don`t know. I`ve never had one.

DR. GERALD FEIGIN, M.D., MEDICAL EXAMINER, CAMDEN COUNTY: I haven`t either. But you can mask a taste of anything by mixing it with something sweet, for example.

GRACE: That`s a good point. Now in these letters that popped up, Ellie Jostad, the writer said that she accidentally, I believe, took Oxycontin at a drug party. I still don`t believe that theory, Ellie, because you can`t tell me a bunch of potheads sitting around at a party are going to keep their yaps shut for this long and not say Haleigh was here, especially when there`s a $30,000 to $70,000 reward hanging in the balance.

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: Right. And Putnam County Sheriff`s Office has sort of downplayed that letter. Remember, it was written by a friend of Misty Croslin who is in jail right now. She claims she heard this he information secondhand. She was writing a letter to her boyfriend about it. So police are saying take it easy on this letter.

GRACE: Yes, you know what, Lawless, Schneider -- first to you, Schneider, you`ve got to take every letter you get from the jailhouse with a box of salt. Yes/no?

STACY SCHNEIDER, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Yes. I mean, no question about it. And everyone -- most people in jail have a motive. And I -- I`m a defense attorney. I get all kinds of letters from jail with agendas, and I never trust them.

GRACE: Oh yes, Lawless, I would even get faxes from the jail when I was a prosecutor.

JOE LAWLESS, DEFENSE ATTORNEY, AUTHOR OF "PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT": I get phone calls from the jail when I was a prosecutor. People are looking for a get-out-of-jail free card and that`s probably what that letter was.

GRACE: John Lucich, president of High Tech Crime Network, I still don`t understand why they`re not getting pings on her cell phone to pinpoint where he was that night. What`s the problem?

JOHN LUCICH, FORMER CRIMINAL INVESTIGATOR, PRESIDENT, HIGH TECH CRIME NETWORK: The problem is she probably did have her cell phone off. That phone registers with the MTSO, the Mobile Telephone Switching Office, as it moves around from cell site to cell site.

They will be able to see where she was at any given time by looking at the records at each MTSO. Now if that cell phone was off, and you know there have been so many cases out there where people know about cell phones that she probably did turn it off for this case.

GRACE: To Marc Klaas, founder of KlaasKids Foundation. Hey, Marc, as an aside, isn`t it true you can now put a chip in your kid`s cell phone and then you can turn on your computer and actually see where they are? Have you heard about that?

MARC KLAAS, PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER, KLAASKIDS FOUNDATION: You don`t have to put -- yes, you don`t have to put a chip in your kid`s cell phone. The vast majority of cell phones come GPS-enabled and the vast majority, or the major cell phone carriers have a pretty low-cost and quite effective child locator plan where you can go onto the Internet and do certain things.

You can have a breadcrumb feature that lets you follow the history of where the child is or where they`re going. It gives you a panic button and it also provides you with geo-fencing so that you`re able to create a barrier that if the child goes outside that barrier, wherever it is, you will be notified. It`s a marvelous system, I think.

GRACE: Marc Klaas, as usual you`re an encyclopedia.

To the lines, Linda, Indiana. Hi Linda.


GRACE: I`m good, dear. What`s your question?

LINDA: I was just wanting to know has -- have they investigated if anything happened before Ronald went to work?

GRACE: Good question. To Marlaina Schiavo, I believe that they have accounted for her time up until the time he went to work. And what about those air ducts? Let`s go back to Melodie`s question also.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: OK. As far as the air ducts, yes, Nancy, the investigators have searched that entire home. And as far as what happened leading up to Ronald going to work, there were arguments and -- yes, they`ve accounted for her time. They knew where she was. And she was definitely home with Haleigh. And there was an argument that happened before he left for work.

GRACE: And how about Cummings? Was he accounted for at the last sighting of Haleigh?

SCHIAVO: Absolutely. Absolutely.



GRACE: Got it.

SCHIAVO: (INAUDIBLE) with this child.

GRACE: So there you see why defense attorneys tell you don`t talk, much less on national TV. Every one of her renegade theories have been shot down. Misty Croslin taking to the airwaves to declare her innocence.

Very quickly to tonight`s safety tip. Road rage. All too common for drivers to lose their temper behind the wheel. But some go way too far. It ends in road rage.

If a driver harasses you, do not react by swerving, braking, or speeding up. Most common form of road rage, tailgating. If you are being followed, drive to the nearest police station or any busy area to get help.

Road rage can and does escalate. Keep your doors and your windows closed and locked. If someone tries to get into your car, blow your horn non-stop to attract attention and take off if you can. And please, don`t be baited into a fight. You could end up hurt or worse. You never know if the other driver has a gun, for Pete`s sake. For more go to


<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on October 15, 2009, 09:22:14 AM


Croslin and Cummings File for Divorce

Aired October 14, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old little girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone, vanished, the back door propped wide open. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. The last person to see the 5- year-old alive that night, the stepmother, Misty Croslin.

Just hours after Croslin handcuffed by cops on alleged road rage, she flies to New York, taking to the air to declare she`s innocent. But even in one brief interview, she can`t keep her story straight, first claiming she knows nothing about Haleigh`s whereabouts, then blurts out "the other side of the family" took Haleigh, then a 180 on the failed lie detector, claiming she passed, then admitting she failed.

After her brother tells cops he was at the home that night, no sign of Croslin, completely debunking her story, her mother says Croslin`s not coming clean. Croslin`s TV response, They betrayed me. They`re the bad guys. Look at them, don`t look at me. Minutes after Croslin`s debacle on national TV, her lawyer dumps her.

Bombshell tonight. We know whenever the investigation heats up, Croslin goes AWOL. But tonight, it`s revealed her wingman, the woman who took her to Orlando and New York, was working undercover to befriend Croslin and get the truth. Did it work? This while Haleigh`s dad publicly stands by his new bride. Sources reveal in a fit of depression over Haleigh, Cummings threatens to shoot Croslin dead if she`s responsible.

In the last hours, Croslin and Cummings file divorce papers in a Florida court. What does it mean to the investigation? Croslin claims the holes in her story have nothing to do with the split. But have Cummings`s worst fears been confirmed, that his new wife, Misty Croslin, implicated in the disappearance of his own 5-year-old girl?


MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER/STEPMOTHER: (INAUDIBLE) I mean, I don`t want a divorce, but it`s what he wants, so whatever.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Breaking news. The divorce papers between Ronald Cummings and the last person to see Haleigh alive, Misty Croslin, have been filed.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We gave her the papers. She`s no longer represented by anybody. She looked them over. She took them to a notary, brought them back signed.

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: The two of us have agreed to go separate ways and just -- with the family problems and everything else, it`s just -- it`s too much on the relationship.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Does Ron still believe Misty? Reports emerge that Ronald Cummings investigated over (INAUDIBLE) gun threats, allegations his attorney denies. What happened?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Why does Ron continue through his lawyers to say that he`s supporting Misty and that he`s not concerned about the inconsistencies in her story, when we thought he was divorcing her? He`s still providing cover. He`s probably his own worst enemy at this point.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tips flooding in from across the nation, possible Haleigh sightings caught on tape, this as Misty Croslin`s mom transferred out of a Tennessee jail. Will she be questioned by Florida police?

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH`S MOTHER: I thought all along that she had something to do with it, and now this kind of just proves it. I mean, she was the last one to see our daughter, and her stories just don`t add up.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If this girl keeps doing what she`s doing, it`s only a question of time before she`s charged with something having to do with this kid`s disappearance. She just repeatedly, repeatedly contradicts herself.


GRACE: And tonight, live to Pennsylvania. Two mentally handicapped teens with the minds of a 3rd and 6th grader vanish. Tonight, the search for two helpless handicapped teens. Where are Charles and Donna?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Pennsylvania police are searching for two mentally disabled teens who vanished in the Poconos Friday night. Eighteen-year-old Charles Lockard and nineteen-year-old Donna Kiernan left around 6:30 PM, headed out for a walk, and haven`t been seen since. A massive search was launched over the weekend with emergency management workers, firefighters, residents and search dogs all out scouring the area for clues. Authorities say the teens both have a 6th-grade mental capacity, and they are desperate to find them. State police say they plan to continue looking until the pair are found.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Did a female friend go undercover to get the truth about the disappearance of 5-year-old Haleigh?


CROSLIN: Everybody knows that I love Haleigh and Ronald and Junior. (INAUDIBLE) family (INAUDIBLE)

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The last person to see Haleigh alive is also the last person to finally sign divorce papers.

CUMMINGS: I think we both agreed on it.

GRACE: Who brought it up first?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The divorce between Ronald Cummings and Misty Croslin now filed. Will it boost the investigation into what happened to 5-year-old Haleigh?

CROSLIN: I feel like it`s the other side of the family that has her. That`s just how I feel.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you feel that police have looked at everyone they need to look at?

CROSLIN: I don`t think they looked at everyone as close as they have me.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Now that Misty Croslin`s has been transferred out of a Tennessee jail, will she be questioned by Florida police? What does she know?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If this family is willing to betray each other over something like getting a "get out of jail free" card, what does that say about her? And who`s she willing to betray? Is she betraying Ron? Is she betraying Haleigh?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... as over 4,000 tips continue to pour in, including possible Haleigh sightings caught on video.

TERESA NEVES, HALEIGH`S PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER: I believe Haleigh is alive. I have faith in God to take care of my baby girl and find her.


GRACE: Straight out to Art Harris at I understand this is your story that you break, that the wingman, the so-called friend that went to Orlando and flew to New York with Misty Croslin, was actually undercover? Explain.

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: That`s right, Nancy. Donna Brock, who is a volunteer for Texas Equusearch, according to Tim Miller, was working all the time to get close to Misty so she could possibly glean information about what Misty may know happened to Haleigh. This was not known to police per se. She was not a, quote, "agent" of police. But she was working for Texas Equusearch in an attempt to find out what she could learn by getting close to Misty.

GRACE: OK. All right. Where all did Donna Brock go with Misty Croslin? Where did they travel?

HARRIS: Nancy, she picked her up in Satsuma and they went to Orlando. They wound up at Universal, Cocoa Beach. They were on the road when everyone thought Misty was on the run. But Tim Miller was wiring money for her to take Misty to get her hair done, her nails done, to try to get close to her. And Misty was really warming up very closely to Donna. So this was something that was working until the road rage incident outed them both.

GRACE: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Are you telling me that the so-called undercover friend was the friend in the road rage incident that was driving?

HARRIS: That`s correct, Nancy. They were off driving down highway -- Interstate 4 when, according to Tim Miller, someone tried to run them off the road. Donna Brock pulls along the car and gave this driver the finger. Then Misty gives them the finger, and that is when...

GRACE: Yes, I`ve heard the whole thing.

HARRIS: You`ve heard the story.

GRACE: And I interviewed the woman who called the cops. Now, Art -- put him up again. Art, you`re trying to tell me they were the victims? How come it was the other lady, the pharmaceutical sales rep, that called police to rat herself out?

HARRIS: Well, that`s...

GRACE: That doesn`t even make sense.

HARRIS: Well, it`s a good -- sure. I mean, Nancy, it depends how threatened did Donna Brock, the driver, feel. She didn`t feel threatened enough to call the police. But according to her, it was the other driver who...

GRACE: OK. Hold on.

HARRIS: ... forced her off the road.

GRACE: Before we go off on the road rage incident, I want to get back to this.

To Marlaina Schiavo, our producer on the story. Did it work? Did Donna Brock get anything out of Croslin?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Unfortunately, Nancy, it didn`t work at all. All that happened, at this point, was that she got to travel around with Misty and get to know her a little better. And all she could gather was that Misty has a sort of temper that no one has seen. But other than that, there`s been no new information that came from this new friendship.

GRACE: What do you mean by temper?

SCHIAVO: Well, apparently, you know, she had witnessed a couple of conversations that Misty had while they were on the road, with Ronald. And apparently, she got really, really hostile with Ronald at times, and she witnessed her just not -- not being very even-tempered.

GRACE: Take a listen to what one alleged victim of Misty Croslin`s had to say.


911 OPERATOR: ... car is it?

COURTNEY BALLINGER, ROAD RAGE VICTIM: It`s a Caliber, a Dodge Caliber.

911 OPERATOR: What color?

BALLINGER: Like, a neon blue. Not neon blue, but regular blue.

911 OPERATOR: And what is she -- do you know her?

BALLINGER: No! I think that, like, way back, she beeped at me or something, and I just kept driving and ignoring it, and now she`s following me. Her and her friend are flipping me off. She rode up next to me and said, I`m going to beat your ass.

And they`re waving something around. I don`t know what it is, but I don`t want to find out.

911 OPERATOR: OK, what...

BALLINGER: And it`s non-stop.

These people are crazy. Like, I didn`t -- honestly, like, you know, I don`t provoke people or do anything as far as road rage, but I mean, these girls are just, like -- I don`t know. Like, I didn`t even do anything, and they`re, like, victimizing me.

911 OPERATOR: Right. Yes, and you really need to make a report with the officer, but I would just...

BALLINGER: I will, definitely. This is, like, you know -- because if I was somebody who -- what if I had a gun in the car or something, you know what I mean?

911 OPERATOR: Yes. No, I know. But I...

BALLINGER: Now there`s...


GRACE: And to top it all off, while Ronald Cummings has publicly stood beside his new bride, Misty Croslin, now we learn of threats? Art Harris, what can you tell us?

HARRIS: That`s right, Nancy. Tim Miller went back to the house where Ron was living with Misty and tells me that Ronald took an assault rifle from his closet, had 32 -- had two clips, 32 bullets in each, and he threatened to blow Misty`s teeth through the back of her head and then kill himself and take others out with him if, in fact, he learned she had anything to do with Haleigh.

That`s when he got -- he became afraid that if anything happened to Misty, the case would go down the tubes and they would never find out what happened to Haleigh, since police believe she`s holding a lot more information than she`s revealing. So that`s when he came up with this undercover mama (ph) idea to let Donna Brock go on the road with Misty to see what she could get from her and get her away from Ronald Cummings.

GRACE: To Mark Nejame, attorney for Tim Miller of Texas Equusearch. Your client is certainly up in the investigation, hiring someone and paying a woman to go undercover to get the truth out of Misty Croslin. And when he says he observed Ronald Cummings, with a weapon, I thought the cops took all of the weapons out of the home the night Haleigh went missing.

MARK NEJAME, ATTORNEY FOR TIM MILLER: Yes, I think if Tim had an opportunity to do a do-over on this, he would have. What ended up happening is, is that he did tell the police about this, but at the time, the focus was on her polygraph, her voice stress analysis, the hypnosis, all of which failed. So he let them know. But a month or so later, everybody said, Whoa, there`s a rifle in that, you know, closet and there`s another child in the house. But at the time, the focus was really on, you know, what is Misty holding back and what is she not telling everybody?


GRACE: Why won`t she come and sit down with police and talk to them?

CUMMINGS: I can`t answer it for you. I`m sure that maybe her attorney can answer it for you. We have talked to her about talking to the police.

GRACE: What does she say?

CUMMINGS: She says she`s talked to them.




MISTY CROSLIN: I got up because I had to use the bathroom, but I didn`t make it to the bathroom. I seen the kitchen light on, and I walked in the kitchen, and the back door`s wide open.

LISA CROSLIN, MISTY`S MOTHER: She told me when she woke up -- she always keeps the lights out. She says she woke up and she noticed -- she was going over to the bathroom, but she noticed that the kitchen light was on. And she said when she made it around the corner, because you have to, like, go around the corner, she noticed that the back door was open, and that`s when she ran back to the bedroom and Haleigh wasn`t in there.

MISTY CROSLIN: I mean, I didn`t notice about Haleigh then until I seen the back door open. And then I go in her room, and she`s gone! And that`s all I know!

LISA CROSLIN: She went to Haleigh`s room. She wasn`t in there. So that`s when she started calling.

GRACE: Ronald, has the theory that Misty left the home sometime during the night been disproved?

CUMMINGS: I`m not sure that I believe it has, Nancy. I`m almost 100 percent sure, but I wouldn`t tell you that and lie to you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There`s no way she could have wandered off?

MISTY CROSLIN: No, she is scared of the dark. She would not go anywhere by herself.

LISA CROSLIN: But I know the little girl. (INAUDIBLE) She would not just get up and walk out that door in the middle of the night by herself.

GRACE: Do you believe she left the home and left the children alone, Ronald?

CUMMINGS: Absolutely not.


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Out to Ellen in California. Hi, Ellen.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I love your show, Nancy, and thank you for taking my call.

GRACE: Thank you. Yes, ma`am. Thank you for calling in.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The twins are beautiful.

GRACE: Oh, thank you. They`re going to be 2 in just a few weeks and...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And Lucy looks just like you.

GRACE: Well, that`s a compliment to me, and I want to thank you for that. It`s -- it`s a dream come true.


GRACE: Thank you. What`s your question, dear?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I think Misty`s stories don`t jibe because I think she`s learning disabled.

GRACE: Now, why do you say that?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Remember the 911 call, when they asked for her address?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She gave the street. The 911 operator asked for the numerical, and she said, What`s that?

GRACE: OK, to Ellie Jostad, our chief editorial producer, who`s been on the story from the very beginning. Is there any sign that she is disabled? If she is disabled, she`s somehow managed to throw off the cops now for about nine months.

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Yes, well, no reports like that, Nancy. However, we do know that Misty Croslin, although she`s only 17 years old, has dropped out of school, has not gone to school for some time, some reports suggesting she dropped out as early as after the 6th grade.

GRACE: What about it, Art Harris? Is that true?

HARRIS: Nancy, I have spoken to her grandmother, Flora Hallers (ph), in Nashville, Tennessee, who raised her during those very crucial years of grammar school, 6th grade. She said she had a very hard time with her homework. She had to sit down with Misty, and Misty begged her to help her. Only the grandmother had had a hard time, too. It had been a long time since she`d been in school. She says she does have learning disabilities, and her parents did not make her go to school. So this is, you know, a young women, young girl who has not had the best education, Nancy.

GRACE: Out to Peggy, Washington state. Hi, Peggy.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi Nancy. I just want to say I love your show the best because there`s never any of this political stuff on it. It`s just interesting things.

GRACE: Peggy, thank you very much. I absolutely do not like politics. I don`t believe either side, the Republicans, the Democrats. I think they`re all lying, OK?


GRACE: There you have it. What`s your question, love?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I was (INAUDIBLE) wanting to ask you, back when Haleigh was first discovered missing, and it was, like, close to a week, I think, that two cadaver dogs hit on the dumpster that was, like...

GRACE: Right.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. What I thought at the time and I`ve never heard -- when did the dumpster get emptied? I mean...

GRACE: Right. Right.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... these dogs usually are right.

GRACE: I remember that. What about it, Ellie?

JOSTAD: Well, Nancy, we did hear reports that the dumpster -- there was a hit by the cadaver dogs on the dumpster. They apparently thoroughly checked out the dumpster. They weren`t able to find anything there, any signs of DNA, blood, anything like that. I believe they also went and checked the dump where that dumpster would be emptied and didn`t find anything there, either.

GRACE: I believe the dumpster had been emptied, like, two days before?

JOSTAD: Right. That sounds right.

GRACE: To Mike Brooks. Mike, what do you make of the divorce? And in your experience at handling so many cases like that, how, if at all, will it affect the investigation?

MIKE BROOKS, FORMER D.C. POLICE, HLN LAW ENFORCEMENT ANALYST: You know, if at all, Nancy, I think it could help the investigation because, you know, Ronald -- the whole relationship right from the very beginning has been tumultuous from the time that he was -- the police report was taken. So maybe now that, you know, Ronald`s not there to protect her, if you will, maybe she`ll open up. But instead of going up to the morning show at CBS, she should have been with Putnam County sheriff`s, talking to them about where Haleigh is, period!


CROSLIN: They`ve been on me for six months. They haven`t left me alone for six months. I`ve been the one, the main focus. They just need to move on and look for the right person.




GRACE: Do not lie to me. You`ve never lied to me before, to my knowledge. Don`t tell me that you didn`t know police want to talk to her again. We all know it. We`ve talked about it on this show, on national TV. Now, I`m telling you police want to talk to her. Now, why is she back in Orlando and not speaking to police?

CUMMINGS: That I`m not sure, Miss Nancy. I already told you, same as what Terry said, it`s probably due to her attorney, his advice.


GRACE: Let`s unleash the lawyers. Joining us tonight, Renee Rockwell, veteran defense attorney out of the Atlanta jurisdiction, and Doug Burns, former federal prosecutor, now defense attorney in the New York jurisdiction.

Renee, let`s talk about statements that Misty Croslin probably, most likely, made to the new friend who was paid by a private citizen to go undercover to get the truth about Haleigh Cummings. She`s not a cop.


GRACE: She`s not undercover law enforcement. So anything she says to this woman, Donna Brock, can come in at trial.

ROCKWELL: Nancy, I agree with that. And I also think, even if it was a police plant, that those statements would come in, also. There`s no rules against somebody trying to set up somebody or trying to trick them into telling them the truth.

GRACE: You`re right.

ROCKWELL: I mean, since when has that been off base?

GRACE: And Doug Burns, you have to be in custody, right, and you have to be a target before your Miranda rights kick in.

DOUG BURNS, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Yes, I agree with everything said except, though, that if she`s represented by a lawyer, law enforcement may not be able to put somebody in to get statements out of her.

GRACE: But that`s irrelevant here because this wasn`t law enforcement.

BURNS: Yes, no, I know. I`m saying. But Renee was saying that you can do it willy-nilly. I`m not so sure I agree.


GRACE: Is there any possibility that she left the home that evening and hasn`t told you?

CUMMINGS: If there is a possibility of it, I don`t know anything about it.




GRACE: What time was Haleigh last seen by anybody other than Cummings and Croslin?


GRACE: I didn`t ask when you saw her. Certainly, you as the biological mother know the facts of this case. So when was she last seen by someone other than the father and stepmother?

SHEFFIELD: That, I don`t know.

GRACE: Have you asked her what happened? What does she tell you?

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I asked her, but I don`t get any answers from her about -- you know, I don`t see -- what she`s telling me is not inconsistent.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Bottom line, you don`t know where Haleigh is?


R. CUMMINGS: She pretty much tells me the same thing each time she`s -- I ask her about it.

SHEFFIELD: She`s the last one to see our daughter and her stories just don`t add up.

M. CUMMINGS: I would have woke up if I heard any noise. I mean I didn`t hear anything at all.

GRACE: You`ve been in the trailer just like we have been. And somebody pounding on the front door, as close as her bed was to the front door, you would hear it. It`s 10 feet away.

TERESA NEVES, GRANDMOTHER OF 5-YR-OLD, HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I think the children would have been more likely to hear it.

R. CUMMINGS: I want to get to the bottom of what happened. One way or another, I want my daughter to come home.

I just got home from work, my 5-year-old daughter is gone.


R. CUMMINGS: I need somebody to be here now. I`m telling you.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: Listen to me, listen to me. We`ve got two officers.

R. CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before you all do I`m killing him. I don`t care. I`ll spend the rest of my life in prison.


R. CUMMINGS: I`m telling you. You can put it on recording, I don`t care.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: OK. It`s OK, sir. We`ve got them on the way. OK? Can you give me any -- what kind of description of her pajamas that she was wearing?

R. CUMMINGS: I don`t (EXPLETIVE DELETED) know. I was at work.


GRACE: Joining me right now president and founder of KlaasKids Foundation, Marc Klaas is with us.

Marc, you went through much the same thing when your daughter Polly went missing many years ago. How do you compare all of these people`s behavior to what you think should be the gold standard?

MARC KLAAS, PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER, KLAASKIDS FOUNDATION: Well, first of all, I didn`t have somebody like Tim Miller come in and play dangerously with the lives of my family, insert his amateurs in and betray us on a variety of levels time after time.

These are very vulnerable people that we`re dealing with right here. There`s a little girl that`s missing. He`s supposed to be running a search operation. I ran a search operation, but you know what? He`s putting us in jeopardy. He`s putting me, he`s putting every other organization that runs a legitimate search operation in jeopardy, because we require the trust and cooperation of law enforcement and the family whenever we get called in to one of these cases.

And he`s just breaking that down. If I were the Putnam County Sheriff, I would consider arresting Tim Miller for interfering in an investigation. I`m absolutely outraged by the things that I have heard tonight.

Now before anybody gets too far off on Misty here, and I quite frankly don`t totally believe her story either, but let`s remember, my daughter Polly was kidnapped in her bedroom while her mother slept soundly only 10 feet away. Exactly the same thing happened to Elizabeth Smart and to Daniel Van Dam. Entire families slept through these kidnappings. So it`s preposterous as her story may be, it`s not utterly impossible.

GRACE: What about it, Mark Nejame. You`re the attorney for Tim Miller of Texas EquuSearch. How did he come up with the concept, Mark Nejame, in response to Marc Klaas` questioning, to plant someone under cover against Misty Croslin.

MARK NEJAME, ATTORNEY FOR TIM MILLER, TEXAS EQUUSEARCH: As outrageous as Mr. Klaas` statements. Tim Miller is here to help find the missing people.


GRACE: Right. If you could just.

NEJAME: Today he found 102 person.

GRACE: If you could just focus on the question.

NEJAME: And he`s found his 102nd person today. You think outside the box. Law enforcement was at a dead end. Every effort being made to find this child who`s either dead or missing was utilized. And to find the child, you use any legal means necessary.

There`s not a rule book that says you can only do it one way. He should be applauded for doing whatever it took to help find a missing or a dead child. To be criticized for that is wrong and outrageous.

GRACE: I want to go to Ellie Jostad, our producer on the story.

Ellie, I want to go back also to what Ronald Cummings allegedly said.


GRACE: Publicly, he stands beside his new bride, Misty Croslin. But, privately, according to sources being Miller.

JOSTAD: Right.

GRACE: He threatened to blow her head off if she was involved? That doesn`t sound like he believes her story.

JOSTAD: Right. Right. He did say that -- he said, according to Tim Miller. Tim Miller said that Ronald Cummings said that he would blow Misty Croslin`s teeth out through the back of her head if he found out she did it.

Now Ron Cummings` lawyer said that Ron does not remember making these statements. But if he did, it was similar to that 911 call, it was an emotional statement he said when he was very upset. Similar on the how 911 call he said if I find whoever did this, I`m going to kill them, I don`t care if I go to prison.

GRACE: What about it, psychologist Caryn Stark, joining us from New York? Weigh in, Caryn.

CARYN STARK, PSYCHOLOGIST: I`ll tell you, Nancy. Somebody may be very emotionally upset, but they don`t necessarily start telling people that they are going to kill them or that they`re going to blow their teeth in or any of that stuff is going to happen.

So I really think that this is such a travesty and such a circus that I`m waiting for the acrobats to come in. It`s one ridiculous story on top of the other. It`s all very ludicrous. And what about Haleigh? Isn`t she supposed to be the focus? Not the fact that Misty is covering up and not telling anybody anything.

Someone should be really, really paying attention to what happened to her. What can we do to find out about her? And forget about all of -- who`s killing whom and everybody blaming everybody else.

GRACE: To Art Harris at He`s been there in Satsuma for weeks on end investigating the story, what, if any, difference will the divorce make? In the last hours they have filed for divorce in a Florida courthouse.

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, ARTHARRIS.COM, INTERVIEWED MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S NEW STEPMOM: Nancy, it is keeping Misty on edge and that is hopefully what the police are counting on to perhaps get, you know, some cooperation. I can tell you that she has met with police with this undercover friend and I`m told they told her, warned her that she could get life in prison if they are able to make a case against her.

GRACE: To Dr. Jennifer Shu, pediatrician and author of "Baby and Child Health", what would be Haleigh`s needs? Let`s assume the child is still alive.

DR. JENNIFER SHU, M.D., PEDIATRICIAN, EDITOR, "BABY & CHILD HEALTH": So Haleigh had a condition called Turner syndrome which gives you small stature and it also ovaries that don`t function. But what can also happen is heart problems, thyroid disorder and diabetes. And those type of things could be life threatening to the point where if wasn`t getting the regular medical care that she needed, she could get very sick and even die in a short period of time.

GRACE: Out to the lines, Lena in Arkansas, hi, Lena.


GRACE: Hi, dear. What`s your question.

LENA: I was just wondering, when Misty`s brother went to the charter that night, if she -- I mean he said that he knocked on one door and couldn`t get a response. Did he not go to the other door? Wouldn`t people naturally check the other door?

GRACE: Good question. Marlaina Schiavo?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: He did not go to the second door, Nancy. He only knocked on the front door, according to him.

GRACE: To Sheryl in Michigan, hi, Sheryl.


GRACE: Hi, dear. What`s your question?

SHERYL: First of all, I love your show. And I have a question. If they know -- if they that suspect Misty told her mother and brother anything and they them in custody, how come they haven`t tried to charge them with anything after the fact?

GRACE: OK. Hold on. Repeat the question, Sheryl. If the mother and brother know something, why haven`t they charged them?

SHERYL: Or threatened to charge them after the fact?

GRACE: Charge them with what?

SHERYL: Knowing any information after the fact.

GRACE: Huh. To Renee Rockwell and Doug Burns. In our jurisprudence.


GRACE: In our legal system, Renee, nobody is under a duty to be a Good Samaritan and come forward. Now if you`re under oath on the stand and you lie, that`s perjury. If you are under oath on the stand and refuse to answer, it`s contempt. But other than that, what else can they do?

RENEE ROCKWELL, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, Nancy, I think it`s interesting, the dynamic that you have now. You have mom that`s in jail. And she`s got $100,000 bond. She`s about to be brought down to Florida. And I clearly think that they will approach her and say, OK, do you want to get out of jail? You need to tell us something.

Look at it. Her husband is gone. Her friend is a plant from Tim Miller`s EquuSearch. Her mom was in jail and her brother has already clipped on her. I think it`s getting close to her cracking.

GRACE: Doug Burns, my question was, is there any way that these people, if they know something, can be charged with not giving it up?

BURNS: The distinction is is that, as you said it perfectly, you`re not required as a Good Samaritan to come forward. If you conceal information, then it becomes what we call misprision of a felony. The point is, the police ask, did you speak to Mr. A, B or C, no, I didn`t. And it turns out you did then you conceal it.

GRACE: What if you don`t say anything at all?

BURNS: If they don`t say anything at all, you`re absolutely right.

GRACE: Everyone, quick break. We`re taking your calls live but to tonight`s safety tips. Over one million people are victims of stalking every year. Nearly always by somebody they know.

If somebody repeatedly calls you, follows you, sends you unwanted e- mails or letters, threatens you, randomly shows up where you are, even leaves unwanted gifts, you`re being stalked.

If you are in immediate danger, of course call 911. Otherwise, please document all of these incidents, save the voice mails, letters and any correspondence like e-mails and file police reports. Tell everyone you know so the stalkers cannot get access to personal info like your location, your plans.

Stalkers are unpredictable. If someone follows you, don`t go home. Go to a busy area and get help. For information, go to Safehorizon,.org.


<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on October 16, 2009, 08:26:05 AM


Misty`s Mother Returned to Florida Police From Tennessee

Aired October 15, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old little girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone, vanished, the back door propped wide open. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. The last person to see the 5- year-old alive that night, the stepmother, Misty Croslin.

Just hours after Croslin handcuffed by cops on alleged road rage, she flies to New York, taking to the air to declare she`s innocent. But even in one brief interview, she can`t keep her story straight, first claiming she knows nothing about Haleigh`s whereabouts, then blurting out the other side of the family took Haleigh, then a 180 on the failed lie detector, claiming she passed, then admitting she failed.

After her brother tells cops he was at the home that night, no sign of Croslin, completely debunking her story, her own mother says Croslin`s not coming clean. Croslin`s TV response, They betrayed me. They`re the bad guys. Look at them, not me. Minutes after Croslin`s debacle on national TV, her lawyer dumps her.

Bombshell tonight. Croslin`s mother now transferred from a Tennessee holding cell on forgery to a Florida jailhouse. At this hour, she faces police interrogation on just what she knows about Haleigh`s disappearance and her own daughter`s alleged involvement. And why, police want to know, is she so convinced Croslin`s lying? Will she crack behind bars?

Also, whenever the investigation heats up, Croslin goes AWOL, but now we know her wingman, the woman who took her to Orlando and New York, was undercover to befriend Croslin and get the truth. Did it work? This while Haleigh`s father publicly stands by his new bride. In a fit of depression over Haleigh, Cummings reportedly threatens to shoot Croslin dead if she`s involved.

Croslin and Cummings now file divorce papers in a Florida court. What does it mean to the investigation? Croslin claims the holes in her story have nothing to do with the split, but have Cummings`s worst fears been confirmed, that his new wife, Misty Croslin, implicated in the disappearance of his own 5-year-old girl?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty Croslin`s mom -- will she be questioned by Florida police? What does she know?

LISA CROSLIN, MISTY`S MOTHER: She told me when she woke up -- she always keeps the lights out. She said she woke up and she noticed -- she was going around to the bathroom when she noticed that the kitchen light was on. And she said when she made it around the corner, because you have to, like, go around the corner, she noticed that the back door was open, and that`s when she ran back to the bedroom and Haleigh wasn`t in there.

GRACE: Changes, even subtle, small changes in Misty Croslin`s story about the night Haleigh went missing bothered you. What changes...


GRACE: ... if any, do you recall?

CUMMINGS: There`s -- I can`t really recall the exact changes, and they`re real small. It`s not like she -- she pretty much tells me the same thing each time she -- I ask her about it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They keep saying that you failed.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you want people to know something about that?

MISTY CROSLIN: They`re going to know. They`re going to know.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So are you saying that you didn`t failed the polygraph, like people and law enforcement are kind of claiming that you did?

MISTY CROSLIN: No, I did not.

GRACE: Ronald Cummings, did it ever disturb you that Misty Croslin`s story actually changed?

CUMMINGS: Yes, ma`am, it did.


GRACE: And tonight, live to Wisconsin, a gorgeous young newlywed bride in extreme danger. The bride with covergirl good looks vanishes from her own home without a trace after calling 911. Tonight, where is 31-year- old Stephanie Fischer?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Thirty-one-year-old Stephanie Fischer was last seen October 6th after reporting a domestic abuse claim against her new husband. She hasn`t been seen since. In that claim, Stephanie says her husband, Dennis Moe, beat and choked her. Moe admits to punching and strangling Stephanie and says he did it because she was talking to guys on the Internet. Law enforcement desperately searching for Stephanie as the alleged victim in several domestic prior domestic violence incidents involving her husband, who police say is armed and dangerous as law enforcement frantically searches to bring Stephanie home safely.


GRACE: And tonight: Mommy at a local LA bus stop, waiting for the bus, her 3-year-old little boy asleep beside her. The bus pulls up, Mommy gets on, drives away, leaving baby alone at the bus stop. She never comes back. Sex predators, stalkers, dope addicts -- who knows who`d show up on the next bus? But Mommy didn`t care. She just kept on riding!


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Los Angeles police are investigating the case of a 3-year-old boy abandoned at a bus stop in the middle of the night whose mother is now missing. Three-year-old Xavier Nelson was left by an unidentified woman at a South Los Angeles bus stop after midnight on Friday.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: LAPD released this video to the media in hopes someone would recognize this toddler, and someone did. Angela Thomas says her mother called her from the Southland, saying she saw her grandson on TV.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My heart dropped. I was about to cry, not just because I saw him, because of the story that they were telling.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A witness observed the child sitting next to the woman when the bus arrived. The woman then got onto the bus and left the child behind. The witness yelled to the woman to tell her she forgot the boy, but the woman just waved him off.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Angela says the last time she saw her daughter, Victoria Nelson, and grandson Xavier was a week ago.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The grandmother says 17-year-old Victoria may be in danger and could had been forced to abandon her child.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Victoria would never, ever put her child in harm`s way like that. She would never do that, unless there was a reason and the reason was somebody has caused harm on her.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Croslin`s mother now transferred from a Tennessee holding cell on forgery to a Florida jailhouse. At this hour, she faces police interrogation on just what she knows about little Haleigh`s disappearance and her own daughter`s alleged involvement. And why, police want to know, is she so convinced Croslin is lying? Will she crack behind bars?


911 OPERATOR: 911. What`s your emergency?

MISTY CROSLIN: I just woke up and our back door was all open, and I can`t find my daughter.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: More details emerge in the case of missing Florida girl Haleigh Cummings. Misty`s mom arrested.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The mother, remember, came out against Misty and said that she believed that her son was telling the truth and that Misty was not. Maybe they want to put her in jail so they can ask tough questions about what -- why she came to such a conclusion.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Lisa Croslin told FOX affiliate WOFL...

LISA CROSLIN: Deep down in my heart, yes, I think my daughter`s holding something back.


LISA CROSLIN: I think they both are holding something back. That`s just in my heart.

911 OPERATOR: When did you last see her?

MISTY CROSLIN: It was about 10:00 o`clock (INAUDIBLE)

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What we need is for Misty to come out here and tell us the truth.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m trying to do everything to find her. You know, I`m answering any questions I have to because I know I didn`t do anything with -- to that little girl.

CUMMINGS: I don`t think that she holds anything information that`s going to find Haleigh.

GRACE: Ronald Cummings, did it ever disturb you that Misty Croslin`s story actually changed?

CUMMINGS: Yes, ma`am, it did.

MISTY CROSLIN: If I had something to do with it, I knew where she was, we wouldn`t be sitting here today. We would have her. And I don`t -- I don`t know where she is.


GRACE: Straight out to investigative journalist Art Harris at Art, you`ve been on the story from the very beginning and spent months down in Satsuma, Florida. Now the mother, Misty Croslin`s mother, has officially been transferred from Tennessee on what I believe to be a trumped up forgery charge. Yes, she did it, but you rarely see people thrown behind bars and this kind of bond on forgery. Now she`s been transferred to Florida. She`s on the turf with the local police department, and she is facing questioning tonight. What will happen?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Nancy, they are anticipating asking her to compare the story that Misty told her -- according to what Lisa, the mother, told me on my Web site, -- comparing what Misty told her the night Haleigh vanished with what Misty has said since then. So they have a number of stories they`re going to compare. Plus, they want to know why the mother believes her daughter was not telling the truth in her heart of hearts. That`s what she has said.

GRACE: Well, Art, what I want to get down to, the nitty-gritty, is what do we know, if anything, about what Croslin told her mother, now behind bars and facing Florida police interrogation? What do we believe she told the mom versus what she`s told to the morning shows, what she`s told to the husband, Ronald Cummings? She`s tripped up on her own story several times that we know of.

HARRIS: Well, Nancy, she has gone over what happened that night in that she woke up, saw a light on in the kitchen and went in to check, and then turns around and saw Haleigh missing. So there are some specific steps during that night that she took that are a little off than what she`s said before.

GRACE: Take a look at Misty Croslin and her debacle on national television. How does what she say -- says here line up with what she told her own mother at the time Haleigh went missing?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The last time you had seen her before then was when?

MISTY CROSLIN: At 10:00 o`clock, when I lay down for bed.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You had put her to bed?

MISTY CROSLIN: She went to bed at 8:00 o`clock.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But your brother had told police that when he went to the trailer that night that you were supposedly putting Haleigh to bed, you weren`t there. Did you go somewhere that night.

MISTY CROSLIN: No, I did not. I did not leave my house at all.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why did he tell police that you weren`t there?

MISTY CROSLIN: Trying to get out of jail. That`s what I think.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So your brother was in jail?

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, he was in jail. Yes.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Your own brother would betray you like that?

MISTY CROSLIN: That`s how my family is.

I mean, my story`s not changed. It`s same. It`s the truth.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Can you sit here and tell me with 100 percent certainty that you had nothing do with Haleigh`s disappearance?

MISTY CROSLIN: It`s 100 percent positive that I didn`t have nothing to do with Haleigh going missing, and I don`t know who did.


GRACE: You`re seeing Misty Croslin on CBS`s "The Early Show." We are taking your calls live. But first let`s unleash the lawyers. Joining me tonight, Sue Moss, child advocate, family law attorney, New York, Mickey Sherman, criminal defense attorney, author of "How Do You Defend Those People?" New York, and renowned defense attorney, former prosecutor, Darryl Cohen, Atlanta.

Sue Moss, brother? Hey, what about your mother? This is very rare that somebody`s own mother speaks publicly against them.

SUSAN MOSS, FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY: Look, forgery mom is going to either give up her girl or give jail a whirl. They aren`t letting this woman out until she spills the beans. She knows something. She wouldn`t have come on national television and implicate her daughter if she didn`t know something, and they`re going to get that out of her.

GRACE: Darryl Cohen, come on. You and I practiced in the same courthouse. Since when do you have a mom come out against the alleged perpetrator, the suspect? That never happens. Usually, they`re crying and screaming and waving the Bible at you, throwing things at you from the front pew right behind you as you`re trying the case.

DARRYL COHEN, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Nancy, that is so true, but as I like to say sometimes, Welcome to never. There`s something going on here and we`re not sure what it is. Is mom trying to get off a trumped-up charge? I agree with you. Something`s going on. And mom may just have this heartfelt sympathy for this poor child that`s now disappeared.

GRACE: What about it, Mickey Sherman?

MICKEY SHERMAN, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I don`t know. The mom doesn`t look like a criminal mastermind to me. These people are stupid and creepy, but that doesn`t mean necessarily that they`re murderers.


GRACE: Is there any possibility that she left the home that evening and hasn`t told you?

CUMMINGS: If there is a possibility of it, I don`t know anything about it.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ron and Misty headed for divorce, what does that mean in the search for little Haleigh?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The papers are all filled out. Misty`s -- Misty`s lawyer has them in hand.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It may be in her best interest -- both of their best interests just to sever the ties and move on.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They got married. They went on their honeymoon to New York. They were on a couple TV shows, then they came back to reality.

CUMMINGS: I just got home from work and my 5-year-old daughter is gone!


CUMMINGS: I need somebody to be here now, I`m telling you!

911 OPERATOR: Listen to me. Listen to me. We got two officers...

CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before y`all do, I`m killing them.

MISTY CROSLIN: This is what Haleigh wanted. She`s always talked about it. And even if she`s not with us, she`s still here with us.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There`s really no privilege here that can prevent Ron from testifying against her just because they`re married. So if that what was they were attempting to do, then they certainly missed the mark.

CUMMINGS: I would sure hope that -- just with the family problems and everything else, it`s just -- it`s too much on the relationship.

TERESA NEVES, HALEIGH`S PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER: He`s not as strong at home as he is on TV. He does the best that he can and just tries to make Junior happy until Haleigh comes home.

GRACE: Isn`t it true, Mr. Shoemaker, that Ronald Cummings -- let`s take a listen to exactly what Misty Croslin`s mother had to say on camera about her daughter.

LISA CROSLIN: Deep down in my heart, yes, I think my daughter`s holding something back.


LISA CROSLIN: I think they both are holding something back. That`s just in my heart.

I`m going to tell her I love her, and if you know anything at all, please tell me. I mean, we can work it through. I`ll be right there by your side. We`ll get through it. But just please tell me whatever you`re holding back.


GRACE: That`s Croslin`s mother, Lisa Croslin. She was on WOFL, FOX 35, saying she believes Croslin may be hiding something.

Schiavo, Marlaina Schiavo, our producer on the story, I understand Misty Croslin has a response to her mom, now, as of tonight, behind bars in Florida, facing police questioning regarding Haleigh`s disappearance.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Yes. When I -- I asked Misty, why does she think her mother would say something like that? Her response, She was mad at me. I said, She would say that on national TV or even local television just because she was mad at you, Misty? Yes, that`s why she said it. That was her response.

GRACE: OK, repeat?

SCHIAVO: She basically said that her mother was mad at her and that was her revenge, by telling everybody on -- you know, that was watching television that her daughter was hiding something. It was revenge for getting this injunction against Tommy, her brother.

GRACE: But then, Ellie Jostad, our chief editorial produce or the story, she took to the airwaves. Croslin took to the airwaves herself on national television and said her brother and her mother are the bad guys, Look at them, not me, and said they betrayed her. That`s her position.

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Right. She said that her brother, Tommy, told this whole story about going to the trailer the night Haleigh went missing, knocking on the door, no one being home -- she says the brother told police that because he wanted to get out of jail.

GRACE: Let`s go to the lines. Joanne, Pennsylvania. Hi, Joanne.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi. How are you, Nancy?

GRACE: I`m good, dear. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, first I want to tell you we love you. Got your book. Your babies are beautiful.

GRACE: Thank you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I`m so happy you finally got a piece of happiness in this life.

GRACE: I really did, two pieces, and three, if you count that husband.


GRACE: But two for sure.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My question is, out here in Pennsylvania, we have children and youth services. How come they haven`t gone to the police and possibly arrested her, if anything, for child neglect?

GRACE: Excellent question.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Because she was the last one who had had the child.

GRACE: What about it, Darryl Cohen?

COHEN: I think if -- if there`s a scintilla of truth in what she had to say, then she fell asleep and the child disappeared. The reality is, I`m stunned that child services, protective services haven`t been there and just annihilated her with questions because, Nancy, you and I both know if you tell the truth, you don`t have to remember what you said. It doesn`t matter how many times you say it. It`s absurd.

GRACE: And Mickey Sherman, come on, how many stories have we covered where Mom fell asleep and the baby wandered off into a pond, into a forest, into traffic? And all of those moms were held responsible.

SHERMAN: Yes, but there`s no facts to support it. I mean, we`re all guessing...

GRACE: Well, her story is she fell asleep and the baby went missing.

SHERMAN: Hey, the Lindbergh child was kidnapped from their home. They weren`t prosecuted.

GRACE: You`re reaching back several decades, Mickey. Good try, though.

SHERMAN: It`s a good analogy.


MISTY CROSLIN: Just divorce. I mean, I don`t want a divorce. But hey, that`s what he wants, so whatever. I`m not going to fight him.




GRACE: After the divorce is final, do you believe Ronald Cummings will have more to say to police?

TERRY SHOEMAKER, ATTORNEY FOR RONALD CUMMINGS: I don`t -- I don`t believe so. I know that, you know, in all the times that we`ve met with law enforcement, which really hasn`t been that many times, I know that he is -- he`s been very forthright on the number of times he called her, when he called her, what the conversations were all about. So I don`t think that he`s really going to come without any, you know, bombshell as to, Well, I was holding this back.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Help me out, Misty. Why were there inconsistencies? Why did you say one thing one time and one time the other -- one thing the other?

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t know.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But you -- but you know that you did do that?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And you`re not sure why?



GRACE: That was Croslin on NBC`s "Today" show back in March, giving some pretty vague answers. We are taking your calls.

Bethany Marshall, weigh in.

BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST: I think Misty and her mother both have something in common. They`re both good at pointing fingers and saying, you know, what they think went wrong. But neither of them have offered very good theories about what happened to this little girl, and they haven`t offered theories in an empathetic way, for instance, if the little girl was a wanderer in the night or that there was somebody who might be a child predator who was trying to befriend the family.

And Misty`s mom hasn`t said, you know, she had a lot of party friends, and there were parties in the neighborhood that night. So the fact that Misty`s pointing to other people and her mom`s pointing at her in an accusatory way, but they don`t seem to be empathetic about this little girl. They don`t seem to be spinning out theories and helping law enforcement.

Makes me suspicious that they`re just mired down in their own quarrels and contention and family drama and dysfunction and that they`re not going to aid at all in the search for Haleigh Cummings.

GRACE: Tonight, Croslin`s mother behind bars in Florida, facing police questioning on Haleigh`s disappearance.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Ronald, do you feel that Misty is a key in this investigation?

CUMMINGS: No, I don`t. I think they`re barking up the wrong tree.




GRACE: What time was Haleigh last seen by anybody other than Cummings and Croslin?


GRACE: I didn`t ask when you saw her. Certainly you, as the biological mother, know the facts of this case. So when was she last seen by someone other than the father and the stepmother?

SHEFFIELD: That I don`t know.

GRACE: Have you asked her what happened? What does she tell you?

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I ask her, but I don`t get any answers from her about, you know -- I don`t see -- what she`s telling me is not inconsistent.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Bottom line you don`t know where Haleigh is.


GRACE: To Art Harris, investigative journalist at What more can you tell me, Art?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, WWW.ARTHARRIS.COM: Well, I can tell you that that night or that afternoon, Haleigh was seen playing with her cousins at the trailer, riding bikes, running around, having fun.

And then at 6:00, Tommy comes over to see Misty. They hang out for a while. And then 7:00 to 7:30, law enforcement tells me that her grandmother came over, (INAUDIBLE), with a clean batch of clothes, which raises the question why did Misty have to wash a blanket later on and Ronald is saying there was no detergent in the trailer anyway.

GRACE: What more can you tell me about the brother and what, if any, advice do Croslin`s father give her about speaking to cops?

HARRIS: Well, he initially when I spoke with Lisa Croslin, the mother, and the sister-in-law, they were warning Misty to be careful about what she said because she was tripping up on herself and people were attacking her for inconsistencies so this was early on, Nancy, at the house.

And they were also pointing fingers at a cousin trying to -- whether to divert attention, they believed this young man from Tennessee who was there that night and left the next morning had something to do with it. He`s been interviewed twice by police in the last two weeks and has not been -- and has been ruled out as in any way connected.

GRACE: But right now he is not a suspect nor is Misty Croslin been named a suspect in this case.

HARRIS: Correct.

GRACE: And, Art, I want to go back to the wing man, the so-called "friend" who was actually working undercover who befriended Misty Croslin. Took her to Orlando, went with her to New York for her TV appearance.

HARRIS: Right.

GRACE: What can you tell me about Donna Brock`s time with Misty Croslin?

HARRIS: Well, she was told by Tim Miller, head of EquuSearch to try to get close to her and learn what she could. Possibly any clues that would lead them to where Haleigh was. What happened to her?

And in hanging out with her for, gosh, several weeks, she got close to Misty and said that there were more inconsistencies that came up. Nothing specific but she shared that with investigators, sat down with them several times, and recently after she dropped Misty off for the last time on Saturday, had the falling out, Misty learning that she was a, quote, "double agent," she then went and told police further what she knew.

And one thing that came out, Nancy, that was very interesting to them, she has an explosive temper we have not seen in public. So whether that has anything to do with what could have happened to Haleigh, we don`t know. But that is something that Donna Brock reported.

GRACE: With me now Marc Klaas, president and founder of KlaasKids Foundation. What do you think, Marc?

MARC KLAAS, PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER, KLAASKIDS FOUNDATION (via phone): First of all, I think that this seasoned wing man that betrayed Misty, I think we have to -- we have to consider this woman. Of the hundreds of and thousands of cars that are driving on the roads of Florida, this is the one that gets in a road rage situation that`s so serious that the other person feels they have to contact law enforcement.

And it is for Misty`s explosive temper, my goodness, you find out that somebody you`ve befriended is working behind your back for somebody else to betray you, I would get explosive as well. I think what we`re dealing with here, with Misty and her mom, are some pretty shallow people who don`t really think much before they speak and they pretty much blurt out anything that comes to mind.

They are focused on each other. Nobody seems to be focused on the little girl but as Mickey said, Charles Lindbergh, but also Polly, Elizabeth Smart, Daniel Van Dam and Jessica Lunsberg were all stolen from their homes as family members slept nearby.

GRACE: Marc Klaas, you`re absolutely right on that point.

Everyone, the tip line, 888-277-8477. Right now we are going to Wisconsin and a missing mother, beautiful with "Cover Girl" good looks. Disappeared immediately after calling 911. Take a listen.

<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on October 17, 2009, 10:23:29 AM


Ronald and Misty`s Divorce Finalized

Aired October 16, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


MIKE BROOKS, GUEST HOST: Breaking news tonight in the case of a 5- year-old Florida girl reportedly snatched from her own bed in the middle of the night, little Haleigh Cummings vanishing without a trade. Major developments as we go to air. Are the house of cards finally falling down around her? A Florida judge signs off on the divorce of Haleigh`s dad and the last person to see the little girl alive. Ronald Cummings`s and Misty Croslin`s brief seven-month marriage is officially over. With the divorce final, will Cummings finally break his silence about the holes in Misty`s story?

And in the last hours, Croslin`s mother bonds out of a Florida jail on forgery charges. What did she tell investigators about Haleigh`s disappearance?


MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER/STEPMOTHER: Just divorce. I mean, I don`t want a divorce, but it`s what he wants. So whatever.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The last person to see Haleigh alive is also the last person to finally sign divorce papers. Will it boost the investigation into what happened to 5-year-old Haleigh?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The whole relationship right from the very beginning has been tumultuous from the time that he was -- the police report was taken. So maybe now that, you know, Ronald`s not there to protect her, if you will, maybe she`ll open up. But instead of going up to the morning show with CBS, she should have been with Putnam County sheriff`s, talking to them about where Haleigh is.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Now that Misty Croslin`s mom has been transferred out of a Tennessee jail, will she be questioned by Florida police?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You have mom that`s in jail, and she`s got a $100,000 bond. And I clearly think that they will approach her and say, OK, do you want to get out of jail? You need to tell us something.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think what we`re dealing with here with Misty and her mom are some pretty shallow people who don`t really think much before they speak and they pretty much blurt out anything that comes to mind. They are focused on each other. Nobody seems to be focused on the little girl.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... as over 4,000 tips continue to pour in, including possible Haleigh sightings caught on video.

TERESA NEVES, HALEIGH`S PATERNAL GRANDMOTHER: We would love to have a break in this case, and we really would not care who it implicates as long as it brings Haleigh back to us.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is such a travesty and such a circus that I`m waiting for the acrobats to come in. It`s one ridiculous story on top of another. It`s all very ludicrous. And what about Haleigh? Isn`t she supposed to be the focus?


BROOKS: Good evening. I`m Mike Brooks, in for Nancy Grace. Are the house of cards finally falling down? A Florida judge signs off on the divorce of Haleigh`s dad and the last person to see the little girl alive. Will Ronald Cummings finally break his silence about the holes in Misty`s story?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Ronald, do you feel that Misty has the key to this investigation?

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: No, I don`t. I think they`re barking up the wrong tree.

NANCY GRACE, HOST: I don`t believe you. I think you do suspect your ex-wife, soon-to-be ex-wife`s story. I think you don`t want to discuss it in the midst of a divorce.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So are you saying that you didn`t fail the polygraph, like people and law enforcement are kind of claiming that you did?

CROSLIN: No, I did not.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. So bottom line, you don`t know where Haleigh is?

CROSLIN: Bottom line.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Misty is just kind of digging herself in a deeper hole, to the point where her attorney has now dropped her.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If this girl keeps doing what she`s doing, it`s only a question of time before she`s charged with something having to do with this kid`s disappearance. She just repeatedly, repeatedly contradicts herself.

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH`S MOTHER: She was the last one to see our daughter, and her stories just don`t add up. Everything she says is crazy.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tips flooding in from across the nation, possible Haleigh sightings caught on tape. This as Misty`s Croslin`s mom transferred out of a Tennessee jail. Will she be questioned by Florida police?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Something`s going on and Mom may just have this heartfelt sympathy for this poor child that`s now disappeared.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If this family is willing to betray each other over something like getting a "Get out of jail free" card, what does that say about her and who`s she willing to betray? Is she betraying Ron? Is she betraying Haleigh?


BROOKS: I`m Mike Brooks, in for Nancy Grace. Well, the bottom line here is, folks, it`s been a seven-month marriage between Ronald and Misty. But the question remains, Where is that little beautiful baby girl, Haleigh?

I want to go straight out to NANCY GRACE producer Marlaina Schiavo, who has been on this case from the very beginning. Marlaina, what`s the very latest that`s going on in Satsuma, Florida, right now?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, Mike, the divorce between Misty and Ronald is finalized. And what does this mean? Well, it means a few things. Will Ronald finally come clean and tell us what he really feels about what Misty`s been saying all along? Will he admit the doubts that he has about Misty? But also, Mike, we learned today, right before we go to air, that Misty is now being represented again by her attorney and...

BROOKS: Well, wait a minute. This is the same guy that she just dropped after her appearance on one of the morning shows, and he says, Hey, I don`t want you anymore, you`re on your own because you won`t do what I tell you to do? Same guy?

SCHIAVO: Same guy, Robert Fields. And you know what? He sent an e- mail today to Ronald`s attorney saying that he does not want Ronald speaking to Misty without the attorneys involved. All communication now has to go through the lawyers.

BROOKS: That`s very interesting. You know what? Joining us tonight is Brandon Beardsley, the attorney for Ronald Cummings, joining us from St. Augustine, Florida. Mr. Beardsley, thanks for being with us.


BROOKS: What is this -- what is -- what is this memo?

BEARDSLEY: It wasn`t really a memo. He just -- you know, we communicate a lot through e-mail. It`s a lot easier. And he just sent me an e-mail and requested that all communication between Ronald and Misty be cut off and that anything needs to go through him.

BROOKS: What does Ronald think about this?

BEARDSLEY: Ronald`s fine with it. I mean, if that`s what her attorney wants and that`s what Misty wants, he has no problem with it. I mean, they`re divorced. Their marriage is over. It`s fine with him.

BROOKS: Now, you know, they had been talking all up until now, from what we understand, and things were fairly amicable, even though there are irreconcilable differences in this, you know, looking at the -- at the petition for marriage (SIC). But does -- has Ronald told you what he really thinks Misty is holding out?

BEARDSLEY: He`s never came out -- first of all, you`ve got to understand. If Ronald knew anything or had anything that she`d ever told him, he would 100 percent go and tell authorities. Has he ever came out and told me that he thinks she`s hiding something, told me that he thinks that there`s disclosures she has not made to the police department, the sheriff`s department of Putnam County? No, he has not came out and said that. But I truly believe that he has concerns. I mean, you see her inconsistencies. You always see her on the news and everyone pointing out her inconsistencies. It`s -- it`s almost impossible not to question if she`s telling the truth.

BROOKS: You know -- you know, they were together not very long. I mean, how long totally have they known each other?

BEARDSLEY: To be honest, I don`t know the answer to that.

BROOKS: Yes, I -- but you know, from what I understand, it wasn`t that long before Haleigh disappeared they actually started dating, and then after she disappeared, they got married. Now, seven months later, they`re divorced. So you know, we were calling her Misty Croslin, Misty Croslin Cummings. But for seven months, shouldn`t have too much a hard time getting back to -- and she got her name back in a petition, back to Misty Croslin.

Now, Mr. Beardsley, you know, what is Ronald`s state of mind right now?

BEARDSLEY: Ronald`s state of mind has been the way it always has. His main concern is finding his daughter. He don`t care who it implicates, who`s responsible. His goal is to find his daughter. His state of mind is -- I think that he`s more relieved now from the day-to-day pressures of being with Misty and the media hype that surrounded their marriage and their relationship. So I think he`s a little more calm and relaxed. But he`s still very anxious and wants to find his daughter.

BROOKS: You know, in the marital settlement agreement, it says -- one of the lines -- "In consequence of dispute and irreconcilable differences, the parties intend to separate and live apart." So...


BROOKS: And now -- now they`re finally divorced. So what were the main disputes that they were having?

BEARDSLEY: Well, first of all, that`s standard language that I`ve used in every marital settlement agreement that I`ve ever drafted...

BROOKS: But there were disputes, though, correct?

BEARDSLEY: Well, every married couple has disputes. I mean, their main falling out, I guess you could say -- they needed to go their separate ways because of all the pressures that they receive day-to-day. And you know, Ronald, in my opinion, he does question if she had anything to do with it. Now, you know, keep your friends close, your enemies closer. I don`t know if he...

BROOKS: I think that`s a quote from Ronald, as a matter of fact.

BEARDSLEY: Yes. And I don`t -- you know, I don`t know if he stayed with her hoping that if she said anything or slipped that she would do it to the person that she was around every day. He`s never said that, but you know, common sense would tell you that that`s an option.

BROOKS: Yes. I want to go straight out to Art Harris, investigative journalist, and he has the Web site Art, thanks for joining us.


BROOKS: You have spent a lot of time down there and you`ve talked to a lot of folks in Satsuma and done a lot of your investigating yourself. What is the pulse now right now down in Satsuma surrounding this case and the search for Haleigh right now, that you -- in your opinion?

HARRIS: Well, there`s a collective sigh of relief, Mike, that this tension, this flash point between Misty and Ronald is not what it was. Misty is off with friends in an undisclosed location. And she is isolated. But I`m told that she has reached out to her family, and there may be a reconciliation, Mike. I understand there may be something in the works where she may be willing to drop her objection to Tommy being in touch with her. If she removes and drops that permanent restraining order, then she could go back to her family or he can leave the house.

BROOKS: Well, what -- why does she have a restraining order in the first place against her brother?

HARRIS: Well, there was violence, you know, in the yard when she was with Ronald, and you know, he had come over with the father and mother to try to, quote, "rescue" her from Ronald. She then changes his (SIC) mind. A fight ensues. You know, she gets punched accidentally, and then files these papers for a restraining order against her brother, Tommy. So anyway...

BROOKS: But now, Tommy -- now, Tommy was in jail. And I`m going to go out to Ellie Jostad, producer with the NANCY GRACE SHOW. Now, Tommy was in jail.


BROOKS: What was he in jail for, Ellie?

JOSTAD: Well, Tommy Croslin and Misty`s mother, Lisa, were involved in the same incident. They apparently went over to a neighbors house, this neighbor in his 80s. They went over his house to use his phone. While they were there, Lisa Croslin, the mother, allegedly stole checks from the neighbor, and the brother, Tommy, allegedly took a gun from him.

BROOKS: So he took a gun. They stole some checks. She wrote some bad paper of this -- of this old -- of this old guy, and then she runs to Tennessee, gets locked up in Tennessee, gets a warrant against her. Now she`s back in Florida.

What will -- come back. We`re going to talk about what Tommy told police. And did Misty`s mom talk to police, and what did she tell them?



GRACE: Ronald Cummings, did it ever disturb you that Misty Croslin`s story actually changed?

CUMMINGS: Yes, ma`am, it did.

BEARDSLEY: This couple had been in the media spotlight for months. They can`t go to the grocery store together. They can`t go to the supermarket. They can`t go out and eat. And any time they`re together, they get scrutinized, and it puts a lot of pressure on a marriage. I don`t know of any married couple that their marriage could last...

BROOKS: OK, you know, Mr. Beardsley...

BEARDSLEY: ... with all of this.

BROOKS: ... no offense, you have a wonderful reputation. I`ve checked you out thoroughly. But nobody gets divorced because somebody looks at them in the checkout line, all right? I`m not buying that for a minute. What I am buying is that you guys don`t want to tell me why the divorce or if Cummings wants to admit he does not believe Croslin`s story. That`s their business.

CUMMINGS: I can`t really recall the exact changes, and they`re real small. It`s not like she -- she pretty much tells me the same thing each time she -- I ask her about it, so -- there might be a difference in the way that it`s worded.

NEVES: There`s a lot of tension. It`s a very tough strain on a relationship when there is something that you think maybe needs to be told and you`re not getting that information. You know, it puts a very big strain on a relationship.


BROOKS: I`m Mike Brooks, in for Nancy Grace. Well, right before we went to break, we were talking about Misty, this dysfunctional family, to say the least, Misty, her brother, Tommy, her mother, who Tommy and the mother went over to one of the neighbor`s house to use the phone and took a gun, took some checks. Momma got locked up. She got transferred to a prison down in Florida. She just bonded out. And now Misty is going to reconcile with her brother, Tommy. Isn`t that just a heartfelt story?

But here`s what Misty had to say about Tommy. Take a listen.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The last time you had seen her before then was when?

CROSLIN: At 10:00 o`clock, when I lay down to bed.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You had put her to bed?

CROSLIN: She went to bed at 8:00 o`clock.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But your brother told police that when he went to the trailer that night that you were supposedly putting Haleigh to bed, you weren`t there. Did you go somewhere that night?

CROSLIN: No, I did not. I did not leave the house at all.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why did he tell the police that you weren`t there?

CROSLIN: Trying to get out of jail. That`s what I think.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So your brother was in jail when he said that?

CROSLIN: Yes, he was in jail.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Your own brother would betray you like that?

CROSLIN: It`s how my family is.


BROOKS: That`s Misty Croslin on CBS`s "The Early Show." Boy, does she look different! Looks like she had a little bit of a makeover, maybe some time in a salon. We will see if this little reconciliation between the family really comes to fruition.

OK. I want to go back out to Art Harris. Art, now, we see Misty and she looks a lot different than we see her right here. Now, tell (INAUDIBLE) there was this whole little undercover sting operation that Tim Miller and Equusearch had. And because we heard about Misty running off to Orlando twice with this mystery friend, we find out this mystery friend is actually a woman by the name of Donna Brock who is working for Tim Miller.

HARRIS: That`s right. Mike. This is someone who she met when she was down there taking the polygraph that she, quote, "flunked miserably," according to Tim Miller, and came up with the idea that because they bonded and she offered, Hey, Misty, you know, give me a call, if you want to go to the mall, I`ll take you to get your hair done, your nails done -- and suddenly, out of the blue, Misty calls her. So she calls Tim Miller and says, Tim, what do I do? Tim says, This could be an opportunity to find out...

BROOKS: But Art...

HARRIS: ... what happened to Haleigh.

BROOKS: But Art, how did he -- how did she inject her -- how did Donna inject herself in this whole equation?

HARRIS: Well, Mike, she was part of the Texas Equusearch crowd that was baby-sitting Misty when she went to Orlando to take the polygraph. And for some reason, they hit it off. She`s 43, a mother of four, you know, has -- you know, has a -- has kind of an aura of calmness to her. Misty saw her as the, quote, "mother she never had." That`s according to what Tim tells me. And suddenly, they were bonded.

BROOKS: OK. So she knew that this woman, Donna Brock, actually did work for Tim Miller?

HARRIS: She did, but you know, just assumed that because they were going out together and she could call her anytime and spend time with her - - she took her out of town, spent money on her. And she told her a lot of very personal things. Donna was there every time Misty talked to Ronald on the phone that week and we reported they were fighting tooth and nail. And Misty got the news as we reported it on NANCY GRACE. She watched the show every night, I`m told, and was infuriated.

BROOKS: Joining us from Florida, I want to go straight out to Mark Nejame, attorney for Tim Miller and Texas Equusearch. Mr. Nejame, good to be with -- good to have you with us again.

MARK NEJAME, ATTORNEY FOR TIM MILLER: Nice to be back, thank you.

BROOKS: Did Tim kind of run this plan, this undercover, you know, Operation Misty, if you will, by you before they decided to go put some money into this?

NEJAME: No. There was really two parts to it. The first time, Misty wanted to take a polygraph, so we arranged it in my offices. And she did fail miserably. Later, when I think the...



CROSLIN: I loved her like she`s my own! And I`ll do anything to get her back!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Just being married, it can be stressful and there can be challenges. Add on top of that everything that they went through during their marriage, I think it would be virtually impossible for any couple to survive that.

GRACE: Ms. Neves, I don`t mean to grill you, but it just doesn`t all fit together.

NEVES: To me, it`s a very dysfunctional family. And that`s the best way I can describe that.

CROSLIN: They go out and look for the right person, maybe they -- they would be -- have the answers, but they`re trying to get all the answers from me that I don`t have.


BROOKS: I`m Mike Brooks, in for Nancy Grace. Well, you heard Ronald`s mother, Theresa Neves, say a dysfunctional family. I think that`s kind of putting it mildly. But keep in mind, all along, Teresa Neves has always been behind the story that Misty was saying and believed that she was telling the truth. We`ll see if she really believes that anymore.

I want to go to back out to Mark Nejame, attorney for Tim Miller and Texas Equusearch. Mark, you were just getting into telling us a little bit about Operation Misty before we went to break.

NEJAME: Right.

BROOKS: So he did run this by you before he went ahead and did this.

NEJAME: Well, no. What happened is, is that Misty wanted to take a polygraph.


NEJAME: Teresa contacted me and I told her that I would only assist if it led to finding out whatever happened to the child. So she agreed. So we were -- whether that led to Misty or to anybody on the face of the earth, too bad, we were looking for the child. And we then got some new national publicity, some new attention brought to the case. They came in. Misty agreed to take a polygraph, told us she didn`t have an attorney. It was scheduled in my offices. We found the top polygraphers we could in the central Florida area.

And I left for the evening. She failed miserably. And then from there, as your previous individual had indicated, that was pretty much correct. Tim then went ahead on his own and set it up because at that point, Misty started coming out and saying that Tim was a liar, I was a liar.

BROOKS: Right.

NEJAME: There was nothing to lie over. She failed the polygraph.

BROOKS: Exactly. Now, I want to go straight out to our attorneys, Sue Moss, family attorney, Dan Horowitz joining us from San Francisco, and noted defense attorney Elizabeth Kelly (ph) from New York.

Sue, anything -- anything that she told Donna Brock, can it be used in court?

SUSAN MOSS, FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY: Oh, absolutely. Just ask Joran Van Der Sloot.


MOSS: And of course it`s not a big shock that they got a divorce. Only Helen Keller didn`t see that coming. But they had nothing to divide, so there`s nothing to decide. They didn`t even own the trailer where they would reside. So this was an easy case. The divorce is done, and now we can get back to looking for this little girl.

BROOKS: Dan, do you have issues with it? I really don`t.

DANIEL HOROWITZ, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, I really do. I mean, Tim Miller to me has no credibility. I`ve heard what he said about Marc Klaas, that childish outrage that he unleashed. And how do you believe anybody in his camp or associated with him? They`re all media hounds, and he has no credibility.




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And you passed it?

M. CUMMINGS: I mean, my understanding is that I passed it.

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I pulled in to the yard. The front door was wide open. She was standing in it. I asked what she was doing up. She told me that the back door was wide open and Haleigh was gone.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Misty`s brother was taken from his jail cell to be questioned by police. That`s when deputy say Croslin`s brother told them it looked like no one was home that night.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He tells police that he banged on the door and he got no answer. He looked inside through the windows, saw no lights, no television, did not hear a sound.

TERESA NEVES, GRANDMOTHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD, HALEIGH CUMMINGS: This statement by Tommy Croslin, to me, it doesn`t hold any water.


NEVES: I`m sorry, but, why wait seven months? Why say that he -- you know, if he went down there -- my personal opinion, if I went there and knocked and everything was off, I would think they were sleeping.

LISA CROSLIN, MISTY CROSLIN`S MOTHER: She said she woke up and she noticed -- she was going to the bathroom. But she noticed that the kitchen light was on and she said she made it around the corner because you have to like go around the corner. She noticed that the back door was open and that`s when she ran back to the bedroom and Haleigh wasn`t in there.


MIKE BROOKS, GUEST HOST: I`m Mike Brooks in for Nancy Grace.

Well, did Tommy Croslin, Misty`s brother, really go over to the trailer that night and pound on the door like he said he did? And didn`t hear the TV, didn`t see anybody, didn`t hear anything?

We`re not talking about a mansion here, folks. We`re talking a trailer that probably would -- he would have been able to hear something standing outside, if the TV had been on like Misty says it was.

Let me go back out to Marlaina Schiavo. She has been in that trailer. She`s been down there since the very beginning.

Marlaina, has law enforcement talked about giving Tommy a polygraph, possibly, to see if he really was being forthcoming?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: You know, that`s interesting, Mike. They haven`t talked about giving him a polygraph at all. You know, they took his statement. They put it out there and that was that.

I`m not saying that they won`t be doing it in the future. But, you know, law enforcement hasn`t exactly been forthcoming with, you know, many details of this investigation.


SCHIAVO: So who knows? It might be in the works, but no, they haven`t said it publicly.

BROOKS: As an investigator I would want to get him on the box, myself. And you know what? I don`t blame them. As a former investigator, I wouldn`t be telling everybody everything either. I`d be holding things close to my vest as you make -- as you get your lead, and you go and you make -- do your investigation, do your interviews. You know, then that`s how you build your case and make somebody a good cake for going to trial.

I want to go back to Tim Miller. Talking about Tim Miller. We heard Dan Horowitz, our defense attorney, said that he thought that Tim`s credibility was shot. I want to go back out to our attorneys.

Elizabeth Kelley, defense attorney from New York, do you agree with Dan that Tim Miller, who orchestrated this Operation Misty, as I call it -- do you think that he`s lost his credibility because of this?

ELIZABETH KELLEY, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, you know, Mike, I feel as if I`m hearing all about Linda Tripp all over again. I`d like to stick up for Misty in large part because no one else is. First of all, I don`t read anything into the divorce between her and Mr. Cummings. These are two very young people who made a hasty decision to get married during a very emotionally rot time in their lives.

BROOKS: Yes, but Elizabeth, you know what? Instead of get married, you know, they should have been focusing their attention on finding the little girl. I think it distracted a lot of attention away.

I want to go back out to Art Harris. Art, you were down there and talked to Tim Miller about all this. Now let`s talk a little about what Tim Miller told you about Ronald Cummings.


BROOKS: And his state of mind.

HARRIS: Yes. Mike, he was very concerned because after the polygraph, he went over to the trailer with Ronald and says that Ronald went into the closet, pulled out an assault rifle with two banana clip 32 rounds.

BROOKS: And what kind of assault rifle did he say that he had?

HARRIS: You know, he didn`t know the make, I`m assuming something like an AR-15, semiautomatic. Two clips and he said I`m going to blow her teeth to the back of her head and then kill myself and take some others out with me if it turns out she had anything to do with this, Mike.

He was really worried. He`d seen cases that had lost when witnesses had been killed, had died. He wanted to get Misty out of there, he told me. And that is why he used Donna Brock as a vehicle to keep her away from Ronald. That was his motivation according to Tim Miller.

BROOKS: I want to go back out to Brandon Beardsley, the attorney for Ronald Cummings joining us from Jacksonville, California.

Mr. Beardsley.


BROOKS: Does he, in fact, have a weapon in his house?

BEARDSLEY: He does not have an assault rifle. That is just -- that statement is absolutely ludicrous. You know? No. He does not have an assault rifle. Does he have a pistol, I believe he does. I don`t know. I`ve never searched his house. But I know he didn`t have an assault rifle.

BROOKS: Have you talked to him about this?


BROOKS: You have?

BEARDSLEY: Yes, sir.

BROOKS: And have you been out to his house and asked him.

BEARDSLEY: I have not been to where Haleigh was taken from. When we started representing him he had already relocated residents.

BROOKS: Do you think that Ronald Cummings is a danger to himself or others, from what we are hearing from Art Harris?

BEARDSLEY: Now from what you are hearing from Art Harris, if it was true, then of course. But I have many, many clients that I am concerned over their emotional and mental state and I always refer them to therapy.

If I believed Ronald Cummings was emotionally or mentally unstable I would have him in therapy. And there is no doubt in mind that he is emotionally and mentally as stable as he can be for the circumstances that he`s in. He`s not a threat to himself or anyone that`s around him.

BROOKS: I want to go straight out to Pat Brown, criminal profiler.

Pat, you`ve seen cases like this before and as Mr. Beardsley said a lot of people, because he`s going through a lot of stress, has become very emotional. What do you make of all this?

PAT BROWN, CRIMINAL PROFILER, AUTHOR OF "KILLING FOR SPORT": Well, I think we should go back and take a look at a lot of the circumstances. I have an interesting viewpoint on this marriage and divorce. I`m not saying it`s accurate. But I`m saying that it`s interesting and the police are probably looking at it.

One thing is Ron marries a woman that`s questionable as to losing his child. And his child is missing, being -- maybe being raped and tortured and he says oh this is a time to go get married. My daughter would like this.

Well, that`s ridiculous. I guess his daughter would like the divorce, too. But he goes ahead and marries this woman. And one of the questions is, did he marry her because he thought it would keep her from being able to testify against him. In other words, if she was involved in something, they could be testifying.

Secondly, if he gets divorced now, maybe he can now say if he was involved, that she`s just -- and she goes to police, she`s just ranting and raving. And she says getting back at him for the divorce. So it might have been a good strategy on his part both ways.

BROOKS: I want to go out to clinical psychologist Patricia Saunders. Pat, weigh in on this. We definitely need you right now.

PATRICIA SAUNDERS, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST: Well, I see a family that has these unstable attachments to everyone. So it would not be out of consideration that Misty is someone who doesn`t attach to anybody in any substantial kind of way.

I do want to agree with part of what Pat Brown is saying that I think we`ve had a tendency to kind of whitewash Ronald Cummings as a victim in this. I`m sure the man is suffering because of the loss of his daughter. But Misty is such an obvious target and makes herself more so. I thought we have.

BROOKS: Well, yes, she`s going to be a target. I mean that`s what police said. The only thing consistent about what she`s told them are her inconsistencies.

SAUNDERS: Well, that`s true, Mike. But there`s a lot that we don`t know that the police have withheld. I don`t know that Ronald Cummings is capable of making the kind of decision to keep her close to his side, but I do question his stance as a victim, too.

BROOKS: But why, Pat, would they decide to go ahead, in the midst of all that`s going on, decide to get married? It just doesn`t make sense to me.

SAUNDERS: Well, they`re two highly immature people who act on impulse. And she might be his idea of the child bride, a woman who he can mold and shape and not give him any problems.



GRACE: Why won`t she come and sit down with police and talk to them?

R. CUMMINGS: That, Miss Nancy, I can`t answer for you. I`m sure that maybe her attorney can answer it for you. Hopefully she will.

GRACE: Uh-uh. Uh-uh. No. You have to have talked to her about talking to the police. What does she say?

R. CUMMINGS: We have talked to her about talking to the police.

GRACE: What does she say?

R. CUMMINGS: She says she`d talk to them.

GRACE: They want to talk to her again. Why won`t she do it?

R. CUMMINGS: I have no knowledge of them wanting to talk to her and she wouldn`t do it.

GRACE: After the divorce, do you believe Ronald Cummings will have more to say to police?

TERRY SHOEMAKER, ATTORNEY FOR RONALD CUMMINGS: I don`t believe so. I know that, you know, in all the times that we`ve met with law enforcement I know that he is -- he`s been very forthright and the number of times he called her, when he called, what the conversations were all about. So I don`t think that he`s really going to come out with any, you know, bombshell as to I was holding this back.

NEVES: We have all encouraged her to speak with police.


BROOKS: I`m Mike Brooks in for Nancy Grace.

We just want to find where is Haleigh Cummings. I want to go back out to Mark Nejame. He`s the attorney for Tim Miller of Texas EquuSearch.

Mark, you heard what Dan Horowitz, our defense attorney from San Francisco said, that Tim Miller`s credibility is shot. What`s your response?

MARK NEJAME, ATTORNEY FOR TIM MILLER, TEXAS EQUUSEARCH: Quite the opposite. Tim just found his 102nd victim yesterday. This man`s life is dedicated to finding the lost and the deceased when nobody else would do it. He didn`t care. He was doing something unorthodox.

Without question, he was looking to find this child. As far as the publicity seeking, nobody knew he was doing it. Where is the publicity? He did it for one reason and one reason only. Because he wanted to help find this child. So anybody that claims otherwise, they really don`t know what they`re talking about.

BROOKS: Now has Tim talked to you about Ronald and possibly, you know, him having the gun?

NEJAME: Sure. In fact, we were with Ronald and we spent time. And the one thing I can tell you, I genuinely believe that Ronald absolutely does not know what happened to his child and is dedicated to finding the child.

BROOKS: Yes, I do, too.

NEJAME: His manners and the way he acts, a lot of people may not accept it. But I believe he`s totally committed. And the issue as it relates to Misty, if I could refer to what was just being discussed.


NEJAME: Ron believes, in my opinion from the time that I`d spent, that Misty might have known something about it. And if she ended up going elsewhere with other family and she was gone, he believes he would have lost that single opportunity or the best opportunity to best find out what happened to his child.

So all the psychological gibber jives that I`ve just heard, respectfully, it`s not that complicated. He knew that his best chance of finding his child was keeping her close by. Because he`s got questions like everybody else does about her continued discrepancies.

BROOKS: I want to go straight out to Marlaina Schiavo again, our NANCY GRACE producer who has been on the case from day one.

Marlaina, going back to Misty`s mom. She was just bonded out. Number one, who bonded her out and has she spoken with police?

SCHIAVO: OK. First of all, police did not say who bonded her out, Mike. And she has spoken to police. They interviewed her before she left the jail and they questioned her about the night Haleigh went missing.

And honestly, Mike, she -- all she said was that she still thinks that Misty is holding something back. She`s sticking to that story. You know, Misty, as -- you know, as we talked about last night, you know, said that her mother only said that because she was mad at her. But apparently that`s not really the case because she reiterated that to police last night before she bonded out.

BROOKS: Now where did she come up with the money to get out of jail?

SCHIAVO: Well, that`s a good question, Mike. I mean, you know, the family obviously has resources. There is extended family that doesn`t live in Satsuma that might be helping them but where that money is coming from exactly.

BROOKS: Is Hank Croslin in the picture?

SCHIAVO: Hank Croslin is in the picture. He has left Tennessee. He came back to Florida once Lisa got transferred. Now do they have plans to return to Tennessee, that remains to be seen.

BROOKS: Boy, we talk about a dysfunctional family, but you know, maybe, maybe she knows a little bit of something that will help law enforcement find Haleigh Cummings.

I want to go out to the Dr. Alanna Levine joining us from New York, a pediatrician. All right. You know, we hold out hope, Doctor, that Haleigh is still alive, somewhere. You know, there`s been speculation that maybe some friends of Misty`s had taken her that night. When Tommy went over, didn`t hear anybody, we don`t know the real story is.

But, if she is alive, Doctor, she has Turner syndrome as we`ve talked about before. Does she need medication on a daily basis to sustain her? It`s been a long time now.

DR. ALANNA LEVINE, PEDIATRICIAN: Right. It really depends on her own Turner syndrome. There`s a wide variety of symptoms. And some of them can be very mild and some of them can be more severe including involvement of the heart, including involvement of the kidneys. So if she has a more severe form, absolutely, she would need medication for that. But it`s hard to know specifically in her case without knowing her exact medical history.

BROOKS: I want to go back out to Mr. Brandon Beardsley, attorney for Ronald Cummings.

Mr. Beardsley, do we know how serious of Turner syndrome Haleigh has?

BEARDSLEY: My understanding is it wasn`t that severe. That at the time that she went missing, she actually didn`t even have to take medication for her -- the Turner syndrome.

BROOKS: So she was not taking daily medication?


BROOKS: OK. I want to go back out to Ellie Jostad, producer for NANCY GRACE. Ellie, now there`s been talk of the night that Haleigh disappeared, that Ronald was trying to get -- was trying to call Misty a number of times in the cell phone. Do we know, for sure, from cell phone records, if this was, in fact, true?

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: Yes, we do actually. Police say that they do have Ronald Cummings` cell phone records. That they have evidence that he tried to call her over 20 times that night between about 8:00, 8:30 and when he got home from work a little after 3:00.

So we do know that he was trying to call her and apparently wasn`t able to get through, whether because her phone was off or she wasn`t answering.

BROOKS: Mr. Beardsley, what has Ronald told you about that time -- during that time frame where he tried to get in touch with Misty?

BEARDSLEY: He just couldn`t get ahold of her. That, you know, he called several times because he couldn`t get ahold of her. It was typical for him when he was at work like that to call her cell phone throughout the evening.

BROOKS: 23 times? 23 times?

BEARDSLEY: I don`t know about that many times but I mean, I know every night that he was at work, he would call to check in to make sure she was OK, the kids were OK. And on that particular evening, he was not able to get her on the phone.

BROOKS: Ellie, other nights. How many times does he usually call? Did they say?

JOSTAD: No. We didn`t know that. We didn`t know what was a typical night, how many times he would call.

BROOKS: You know, to me, as an investigator, 23 times is a -- quite a few times to call somebody in just a few hours, period. I just -- something is not right here. And we still have not heard the true story from the one person who knows that I think knows and that`s Misty Croslin.

But tonight, "CNN Heroes."

<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on October 22, 2009, 01:34:55 PM


Aired October 21, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET

<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>

GRACE: And tonight, Satsuma, Florida, a 5-year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone, vanished. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. The last person to see the 5-year-old alive that night, new stepmother Misty Croslin.

Just hours after Croslin handcuffed by cops on alleged road rage, she flies to New York, taking to the air to declare she`s innocent. But even in that one brief interview, she can`t keep the story straight, first claiming she knows nothing about Haleigh`s whereabouts, then blurting out, The other side of the family took Haleigh, then a 180 on the failed lie detector, claiming she passed, then admitting she failed. After her brother tells cops he was at the home that night, no sign of Croslin, completely debunking her story, her own mother saying Croslin`s not coming clean, Croslin`s TV response, They betrayed me. They`re the bad guys. Look at them, not me. Minutes after that debacle on national TV, her lawyer dumps her.

Breaking tonight, Croslin back at police headquarters. But this time, she claims she`s the victim, claiming she was robbed at gunpoint. But did the alleged robbery go down in the middle of a drug deal? Was Croslin scoring dope? If so, what does it mean in the search for Haleigh? This as we learn Croslin`s mom is interrogated by police about her daughter`s involvement in Haleigh`s disappearance. What does she reveal?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Breaking news. The ex-wife of Ronald Cummings, the last known person to see Haleigh alive, Misty Croslin, has been robbed while she and friends were allegedly trying to buy illegal drugs. Police say Misty and two friends were robbed by two or three men outside an apartment complex. Cops say at first, they were told the women were there to visit friends, but learned they were actually there to score drugs. Police didn`t know what type of drugs they were allegedly trying to buy.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What does that say about her and who`s she willing to betray? Is she betraying Ron? Is she betraying Haleigh?

GRACE: Mr. Cummings, I can say that tonight, for the first time, I don`t believe you. I think you do suspect your ex-wife, soon to be ex- wife`s story.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: His main concern is finding his daughter. He don`t care who it implicates.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This as Misty`s father tells journalist Art Harris there`s no way Misty hurt Haleigh.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So are you saying that you didn`t fail the polygraph, like people and law enforcement are kind of claiming that you did?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. So bottom line, you don`t know where Haleigh is.

CROSLIN: Bottom line.

GRACE: Right now we`re switching gears. Believe it or not, Misty Croslin, the new stepmother of missing girl, Haleigh Cummings, claims to have been armed robbed. Now here`s the kicker. Was she in the middle of a dope deal when the robbery went down? What does she say to 911? "I want to report somebody just stole my dope"? Take a listen.


MISTY CROSLIN-CUMMINGS, STEPMOM OF MISSING HALEIGH CUMMINGS: It`s just a divorce. I mean, I don`t want a divorce, but heck, that`s what he wants so, whatever.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: The last person to see Haleigh alive is also the last person to finally sign divorce papers. Will this boost the investigation into what happened to 5-year-old Haleigh?

BROOKS: The whole relationship right from the very beginning has been tumultuous. From the time that he was -- a police report was taken. So maybe now that the, you know, Ronald is not there to protect her.


GRACE: To Art Harris and Art, what can you tell me?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, ARTHARRIS.COM, INTERVIEWED MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S NEW STEPMOM: Nancy, I can tell you that Misty Cummings has made another controversial 911 call but not about a missing child like Haleigh, but about herself as a victim of a possible drug deal gone wrong.

She was out with two girlfriends. They were driving around Monday night. And she was in the backset when one got out to go meet a friend out in an apartment complex. Comes back two or three unidentified men grab Misty, grab her purse, gets in somewhat of a fight. And they take her purse. And Misty then calls 911 and makes this report.

GRACE: What evidence, if any, do we have that she was involved in a dope deal?

HARRIS: We only have the statement of the driver and a friend that they had gone to this place to buy dope. I talked to her father last night.

GRACE: OK, wait, wait. Wait. Art, so are those the two people that were with her at the time?

HARRIS: That`s correct.

GRACE: So they are basically incriminating themselves by saying that.

HARRIS: That`s right. That`s right, Nancy. Yes, it`s a very strange situation that police would be out investigating victims of possible dope deal gone wrong with Misty in the backseat. She told her father who I talked to that she was not there to buy dope. He said that he thought they were there to buy pot. Misty stopped smoking pot a long time ago.

GRACE: Pot. Pot. OK. Art, what did the other girls say they were buying?

HARRIS: They did not specify the drugs they were buying, but police did find a crushed bottle of pills outside the apartment where one girl lived. Later, when they went to speak with them, they took that in for evidence, Nancy.

GRACE: A bottle of pills where -- one of the girls lives.

HARRIS: Just lying.

GRACE: . is not the dope that was being sold at the scene of the crime.

To Marlaina Schiavo, what was it they were allegedly buying? I`m not buying into the theory that they go that far and get in that much danger for a joint. OK?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: Well, yes, that`s what Hank Croslin is saying, Misty`s father. But the police are not telling us what the drug was at this point. We may find out down the line, though, Nancy.

GRACE: And Ellie Jostad, what more can you tell me?

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: Well, Nancy, as Marlaina explained, they did find a bottle of pills there at the scene. That was taken into evidence so we may find out from that what drugs they were allegedly trying to purchase.

Also, both Misty and her friend had their purses taken. Misty had her cell phone taken. And Misty is actually the one who called 911 tearfully saying that her arm hurts, her leg hurts, she`s been injured in this incident.

GRACE: OK, Art Harris, what`s to be done about it? And what, if anything, does it affect the investigation? Does it seem more possible that Misty Croslin was using drugs that night or was not in the home?

HARRIS: Well, Nancy, there`s a lot of speculation. This report was forwarded to detectives with the Putnam County Sheriff`s Department who are investigating the Haleigh Cummings case. The Palatka police are not involved in that. But this does show a Misty sort of cast adrift. She`s living with girlfriends who were also teenagers. And she hasn`t gone home yet, although I hear that may happen. She is out there and anything can happen with Misty.

GRACE: Let`s unleash the lawyers. John Burris out of San Francisco, Alan Ripka out of New York.

Alan Ripka, if this is true, does the state have a case against her for dope?

ALAN RIPKA, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, first of all, you have to prove a case that she was in possession of dope or that she was buying dope. And right now the evidence only shows that she was in a car and that a friend of hers went into this area to buy drugs. So right now I don`t see the evidence.

GRACE: I mean, John Burris, Ripka`s right. Without the substance itself, you`re not going to have a case. They don`t have the -- for instance, the little glassing bag full of cocaine or crack or whatever it allegedly was. You`ve got to have the evidence. Eyewitness accounts aren`t enough. All she could say was hey, yes, I was buying a ballpoint pen. You know she doesn`t have the object.

JOHN BURRIS, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, I agree with that. It has to be (INAUDIBLE). You have to have some item that`s drugs that someone can ID that she had. But she doesn`t have possession of any drugs and she wasn`t seen buying any. And you don`t have the person who she bought it for. I think this is a waste of time in terms of trying to consider her for criminal activity.

GRACE: Well, I think you`re right about that, John Burris, and you too, Alan Ripka. But my bigger concern is not whether somebody gets busted over a dime bag.

Terry Shoemaker, attorney for Ronald Cummings, my big concern is what happened to that girl that night. And if this woman is doing dope, that cast a lot of concern on her story.


GRACE: And did your client have any idea his new bride could be involved in narcotics?

SHOEMAKER: No. You know, Ronald has never talked to me about any drug use by Misty or anything going on in that house. It would have concerned him. So I was a little shocked that she was involved in this. However, with everything that`s gone on lately, not too shocked, I guess.

GRACE: I want to quickly go to Dr. Marty Makary, physician and professor of public health, Johns Hopkins.

Dr. Makary, thank you for being with us tonight.


GRACE: Dr. Makary, the reason I`m so interested in what particular drug it was is if a child ingested a couple of rocks of crack, like ate it, say you got a 25 rock -- a $25 rock and a child ate a couple of those, what would it do to a child?

MAKARY: Well, it would certainly have narcotic effects. You know it`s not absorbed quite as strongly as it is when it`s snorted or injected. But they can have life threatening effects of stopping your normal breathing because that`s what narcotics do. For these highly addictive substances, we`ve seen people commit crazy crimes against their own family members, even at times selling a child into prostitution because the drive of these drugs are so strong.

GRACE: Dr. Makary, if she did ingest several hits of crack, would it kill her?

MAKARY: It could very well kill her at high doses, yes, Nancy.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on October 27, 2009, 01:58:58 PM


Aired October 26, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET

<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>

GRACE: OK, guys. I`m hearing in my ear we are going live now to our story on little Haleigh Cummings. Insiders in the investigation and the search now say the little girl is definitely dead. Take a listen.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Ronald, do you feel that Misty is the key to this investigation?

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: No, I don`t. I think they`re barking up the wrong tree.

GRACE: I don`t believe you. I think you do suspect your ex-wife, soon to be ex-wife`s story.

MISTY CROSLIN-CUMMINGS, RONALD CUMMING`S WIFE, LAST SEEN HALEIGH: I seen the back door open, and then I go and look and she`s gone. And that`s all I know.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, SPENT TIME WITH MISSING HALEIGH`S FAMILY: Here`s the back screen door, the one that was propped open with the cinder block. OK? Now, if you see when it closes, it slams, it makes a loud noise. But if you leave this door, this slowly closes as well.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is such a travesty and such a circus that I`m waiting for the acrobats to come in. It`s one ridiculous story on top of another. It`s all very ludicrous. And what about Haleigh?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Ron marries a woman that is questionable as to losing his child. And his child is missing, maybe being raped and tortured.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If this girl keeps doing what she`s doing, it`s only a question of time before she`s charged with something having to do with this kid`s disappearance. She just repeatedly.


GRACE: To Art Harris, investigative journalist at Art, people inside the search now saying they`re packing up and leaving town. They`ve left.


GRACE: They say Haleigh is dead. Why?

HARRIS: I talked to Tim Miller a little while ago. He believes that Haleigh is dead. Not so much for the evidence that he has but for the lack of it. He is the one who set up the polygraph. Nothing she has said has helped investigators at all. So many inconsistencies.

And nothing solid has led anybody to believe that she is alive. They can`t prove she`s alive. They`ve traced down, tracked down leads, about possible sightings, about one side of the family or the other.

GRACE: But, Art. Art, this pronouncement that Haleigh is in fact dead is coming from people inside the search and people that have had personal access to Misty Croslin, the new stepmother. What, if anything, has she revealed that makes them so sure it`s over?

HARRIS: Nancy, it`s pretty much what she hasn`t revealed and what she -- they believe she is hiding. And I`ve spoken with people in the investigation, and they agree with Miller privately. They will not say so publicly. They say they`re treating this as if a child is still missing, but they investigate it the same way.

GRACE: Joining me right now, a special guest, Teresa Neves. This is the paternal grandmother who has been front and center since the day Haleigh went missing trying to find her, trying to publicize her photo.

And the tip line, which is 888-277-8477. There is a reward for information.

Teresa, I know that you disagree with search insiders that say she is dead. Give me your side.

TERESA NEVES, GRANDMOTHER OF MISSING GIRL, HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I absolutely disagree 100 percent. I believe that God hears prayer. I believe that there have been thousands and thousands of prayers for Haleigh. I believe that she`s alive. And I do not believe that Tim Miller is god or has a straight line to god. So until he can produce something else, I don`t -- I just refuse to believe that my granddaughter is not alive and with us.

GRACE: Well, Miss Neves, if the Lord listens to a sinner, I hope he`s heard my prayers, because I and so many other people are praying that you are right.

We are taking your calls tonight on Haleigh Cummings.

I want to first give you tonight`s safety tips. A baby can drown in less than two inches of water. Keep your baby safe at bath time. Never leave the child alone. Have all your bathing supplies ready at one time. And if you forget something, take the baby with you if you`ve got to step away.

Baby bathtubs can help stabilize a wet slippery child so they don`t fall. But they should be slip resistant, made of thick plastic and stay firm under the weight of water. Stay away from those bath rings and flotation devices and suction seats that don`t have restraints.

They flip over, and babies can drown, and baby`s stuck in the circle. Always drain the tub completely when you`re through. And know CPR. For more info go to



UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: So are you saying that you didn`t fail the polygraph like people and law enforcement are kind of claiming that you did?

M. CUMMINGS: No, I did not.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: OK. So bottom line, you don`t know where Haleigh is?

M. CUMMINGS: Bottom line.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Breaking news in the case of missing 5-year- old Florida girl Haleigh Cummings. The head of a search group involved in trying to find Haleigh admits he`s convinced that Haleigh is dead.

GRACE: Do not lie to me. You`ve never lied to me before to my knowledge. Don`t tell me that you didn`t know police want to talk to her again.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Founder of Texas EquuSearch Tim Miller says his group focuses on children who still have a chance to be alive, and that does not include little Haleigh Cummings. The family disagrees, maintaining their hope that Haleigh is still alive, being held against her will.

NEVES: I believe Haleigh is alive. I have faith in God to take care of my baby girl and find her. And I don`t care who had something to do with it.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Meanwhile, Croslin`s 911 call released. Misty Croslin called 911 last week after being robbed while allegedly trying to score drugs.

M. CUMMINGS: Oh, my god, my leg and my arm hurt so bad.

911 OPERATOR: Do you need an ambulance?

M. CUMMINGS: Yes, I think so. Oh, my god. My purse is ripped. I can`t move it. I can`t move it. I can`t move it.

GRACE: You have made an accusation that Croslin was on a drug binge. Do you have any evidence to support that claim?


GRACE: Then why did you say it?

SHEFFIELD: It was just a thought. I mean maybe she was.


GRACE: Well, my apologies to Crystal Sheffield, the ex-wife of Ronald Cummings, because apparently when the new stepmother, Misty Croslin, calls 911, her two cohorts with her are saying they`re out scoring dope when they get armed robbed.

Now that`s a good one. Let me go to the lawyers.

Susan Moss, what does she say to cops? Come help me, the dope dealer robbed me of my dope and money?

SUSAN MOSS, FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY & CHILD ADVOCATE: If you lay down with fleas, you know what they say. This is just absolutely ridiculous. And it really shows what type of person we`re dealing with and the fact that her credibility is absolutely nil.

This is just one further step to get her to hopefully, hopefully break because she is the key to tell us where this kid is.

GRACE: Norm, let`s hear that 911 call where she was allegedly scoring dope.


911 OPERATOR: I need to you stay on the phone with me. OK?

M. CUMMINGS: Oh, my god, my leg and my arm hurt so bad.

911 OPERATOR: Do you need an ambulance?

M. CUMMINGS: Yes, I think so. Oh, my god. My purse is ripped. I can`t move it. I can`t move it. I can`t move it.

911 OPERATOR: OK. Stay on the phone with me. OK?

M. CUMMINGS: OK. Oh, my god.

911 OPERATOR: Do you know what he was wearing?

M. CUMMINGS: All black. I know where he -- which way he ran.

911 OPERATOR: What did his gun look like?

M. CUMMINGS: I don`t know, he just.


GRACE: You go score some dope right near a crack house, and then you call police crying because Mr. Dope Dealer grabbed your arm during the transaction and you got a bruise. OK. I think that sums it up.

Let`s get back to the issue at hand.

To Ellie Jostad, our chief editorial producer, what can you tell me about reports of insiders with access to Croslin who say this child is dead?

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE CHIEF EDITORIAL PRODUCER: Right, Nancy. Well, that`s Tim Miller. He`s the founder of Texas EquuSearch. He is saying that after being with Misty Croslin during that polygraph that he set up, after that layered voice analysis, he says that she keeps insisting that Haleigh is alive, which makes him think that Haleigh is actually dead and they`re not going to find her.

GRACE: To Marlaina Schiavo, when she says that on the lie detector, that the child is alive, was that proven to be a lie?

SCHIAVO: According to Tim and his polygrapher, yes. I mean, they said that it was full of deceit, all of the answers that she was giving. But at the same time, Nancy, we have to keep in mind that as much as Tim Miller doesn`t have any evidence that she`s still alive, he hasn`t really given us much evidence that she is dead.

GRACE: Absolutely correct. And that is the point made by grandmother Teresa Neves. I want to go to Ron Shindel, former NYPD deputy inspector. What, if anything, can police do now? They seem to be at a dead end.

RON SHINDEL, FORMER NYPD DEPUTY INSPECTOR: Nancy, they have to keep going out doing standard, good old-fashioned detective work. Keep shaking the trees, keep interviewing people, keep following leads even if they don`t seem important.

You have to get out there. Someone knows something. And you have to keep searching at this point and keep the pressure on.

GRACE: Joining me right now, Dr. Joshua Perper, chief medical examiner, Broward County, author of "When to Call the Doctor," renowned in his field.

Dr. Perper, if this child was killed that night, let`s say she was not put in a trash dump or anything like that. Her body was put out in the elements, which would be the most logical thing to do given the time constraint. Could she be identifiable now? Would her remains be identifiable?

DR. JOSHUA PERPER, MEDICAL EXAMINER, AUTHOR OF "WHEN TO CALL THE DOCTOR": Considering all the month which passed since her death, most likely now the body show advanced decomposition changes, which should make identification difficult, although some tissue might be still present for DNA identification. But the advanced decomposition is also to make -- is also going to make difficult the determination of the cause of death if the injuries are limited to soft tissue injuries.

GRACE: You mean like a strangulation or a smothering?

PERPER: Correct. Or even a beating even or even a stabbing if the soft tissue has melted away.

GRACE: Right.

PERPER: Only they are injuries of the hard tissue, of the bones, then it would be possible to conclude what really happened to the child.

GRACE: Back to Art Harris, investigative journalist at, just as this announcement comes out by searchers and those inside the investigation, she leaves town again. Why?

HARRIS: Nancy, she is feeling the heat. She has no place to stay, overstayed her welcome with the two girls who she was on the alleged drug buy with that night. She`s taking a bus to Nashville to stay with her grandmother. I just got off the phone with Flora Holler (ph) at the national. She said Misty is welcomed to be with her. She hopes that she will confide in her. And if she does, she`ll be calling authorities.

GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Joining me tonight, special guest, Teresa Neves. This is Haleigh`s grandmother who refutes claims the child is dead. We`ll be back with her.

Everyone, it is National Breast Cancer Awareness month. Tonight, Woman`s Personal Health Resource founded nine years ago by oncology nurse, Barbara, whose own mother fought cancer and struggled to find wigs and everything else she needed during her battle.

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GRACE: What did Misty tell you that night about where Haleigh was sleeping.

R. CUMMINGS: Her and Junior were sleeping in my queen-sized bed and she was sleeping in the top bed beside her, three or four feet from her.


GRACE: That story changed. Several times.

Out to the lines, Lorraine, New Jersey. Hi, Lorraine.

LORRAINE, CALLER FROM NEW JERSEY: Hi, Nancy. One question was kind of answered. I have another one. The one question I was going to ask you, I wonder if they have any evidence that they`re just not wanting to reveal right now, and number two, Haleigh has Turner syndrome. I understand she has to use an inhaler because she has asthma. She has been gone so long without her inhaler, could she possibly have died from an asthma attack? I mean, she`s little. If she can`t breathe, I mean, well, somebody has to.

GRACE: Let`s go to grandma on this. Teresa Neves with us.

Teresa, how often did she have to use that inhaler? Could she have survived without it?

NEVES: Yes, ma`am. The inhaler was basically for her to have -- if she had a -- like the pneumonia symptoms starting.

GRACE: Right.

NEVES: She would have an inhaler. She actually had two different inhalers so one that she could use before it started and one if it got bad and, you know, before she went to the hospital.

GRACE: Tammy, New York. Hi, Tammy.

TAMMY, CALLER FROM NEW YORK: Good evening, Nancy. So nice to meet you.

GRACE: Likewise.

TAMMY: You are my idol and I respect everything you do.

GRACE: I do not deserve that but thank you for your compliment. What is your question, dear?

TAMMY: When her brother, the girl`s brother that came to the home.

GRACE: Right.

TAMMY: At the request of Haleigh`s dad knocking that night, have they learned whether he noticed the back door propped open at that time?

GRACE: Good question. To Teresa Neves, you`ve heard the story that he told police he came to the home that night Haleigh goes missing and nobody answered the door. This is around a quarter to 10:00. According to him, did he notice whether the back door was open or shut?

NEVES: I have not spoken with Tommy.

GRACE: OK. Well, from my knowledge of his statement he did not go around back. I`ve just got a couple of seconds. Miss Neves, in your heart you truly believe Haleigh`s still alive regardless of what the insiders say.

NEVES: Absolutely. Absolutely.

GRACE: Everyone, let`s stop and remember Army Private First Class Steven Walberg, just 18, Paradise, California, killed Iraq. Dreamed of enlisting since 7 years old and would carry backpacks. Awarded the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Army Commendation Medal.

Lost his life protecting a colonel during a sniper attack. Loved math, physics, mentoring program. Favorite album "Top Gun" sound track. Leaves behind parents Karen and Steve, sister Leanna, brother, Jason.

Steven Walberg, American hero.

Thanks to our guests but especially to you for being with us. I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern, and until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on November 26, 2009, 10:42:07 AM


Haleigh`s Baby-Sitter`s Father Arrested

Aired November 25, 2009 - 20:00:00   ET


PAT LALAMA, GUEST HOST: Breaking news tonight in the case of a 5- year-old Florida girl reportedly snatched from her own bed in the middle of the night, little Haleigh Cummings vanishing without a trace. Major developments as we go to air, Baby-sitter Misty Croslin`s father arrested, Hank Croslin accused of doctor shopping to the tune of over 300 pills of the dangerous painkillers oxycodone and hydrocodone from three different doctors.

And now authorities working the Haleigh investigation say they plan to question the elder Croslin about Haleigh`s disappearance. What does he know? Cops again reiterate former stepmom/baby-sitter Misty Croslin is not giving them the whole story, Misty now back home with the family after having a protective order against her own brother dropped last week. And now that the whole family is under one roof, will Misty finally reveal she knows about Haleigh`s disappearance?


MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER: When I went to sleep, she was there. And when I woke up, she was gone!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Breaking news in the case of 5-year-old Florida girl Haleigh Cummings, vanishing from her own home in the middle of the night. Investigators working the Haleigh case say they plan to question Misty Croslin`s father, Hank Croslin, about the toddler`s disappearance.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: To me, it`s a very dysfunctional family, and that`s the best way I can describe that.

NANCY GRACE, HOST: We save jail beds for child molesters, murderers, rapists, arsonists, drug lords. Is this a police attempt to get the truth?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hank Croslin is currently behind bars after being arrested Tuesday, charged with fraudulently obtaining prescription drugs. Investigators allege Hank Croslin received over 300 pills of narcotics from three different doctors.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is such a travesty and such a circus that I`m waiting for the acrobats to come in. It`s one ridiculous story on top of another. It`s all very ludicrous. And what about Haleigh? Isn`t she supposed to be the focus?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Cops maintain baby-sitter Misty Croslin has not been consistent in her story and knows more than she`ll telling them. Croslin recently moved back home with her family after having a protective order against her brother dropped.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think what we`re dealing with here are some pretty shallow people who don`t really think much before they speak and they pretty much blurt out anything that comes to mind. They are focused on each other. Nobody seems to be focused on the little girl.


LALAMA: Good evening. I`m Pat Lalama, in for Nancy Grace. Baby- sitter Misty Croslin`s father, Hank Croslin, accused of doctor shopping, allegedly receiving over 300 pills of oxycodone and hydrocodone from three different doctors. Authorities working the Haleigh investigation say now they plan to question Hank Croslin about Haleigh`s disappearance. What does he know?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We would love to have a break in this case and we really would not care who it implicates.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: New details emerge in the case of 5-year-old Florida girl Haleigh Cummings. Misty`s dad arrested, Hank Croslin, Sr., arrested Tuesday, accused of doctor shopping for dangerous narcotics, allegedly over 300 pills from three different doctors. Now investigators working the Haleigh case say they will question Hank Croslin about the night Haleigh went missing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If this family is willing to betray each other over something like getting a "get out of jail free" card, what does that say about her and who she`s willing to betray? Is she betraying Ron? Is she betraying Haleigh?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police say his daughter, Misty Croslin, the last person to see Haleigh alive, is not telling them everything she knows and is holding something back.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If this girl keeps doing what she`s doing, it`s only a question of time before she`s charged with something having to do with this kid`s disappearance. She just repeatedly, repeatedly contradicts herself.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Croslin moved back in with her parents just last week after an order of protection against her brother, Tommy Croslin, was dropped at her request.

GRACE: Ronald Cummings, did it ever disturb you that Misty Croslin`s story actually changed?


CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH`S MOTHER: She`s the last one to see our daughter, and her stories just don`t add up. Everything she says is crazy.


LALAMA: Yet another Croslin family member in trouble -- pills, pills and -- Art Harris, investigative journalist, -- more pills.

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Pat, I`ll tell you, this is the latest in a very dysfunctional family. And it shows that the police are no longer keeping their strategy close to the vest. They`re not just targeting Misty but her whole family. And if they can keep them in jail long enough, they`re hoping that somebody will point something out against the other.

LALAMA: Marlaina Schiavo, NANCY GRACE producer, we do know the strategy may have worked once before. Tell us how and why.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, that`s right, Pat. A while ago, Tommy Croslin, Jr., Misty`s brother, was arrested. And during that time, they set a really high bond for him and they started to interrogate him. And then he gave new information about the case. He told police that he went to the house the night Haleigh went missing, and he started banging on the door and no one answered. That was another hole in Misty`s story at that point, something we had never heard before in this investigation.

LALAMA: But Marlaina, hang on. Why did he wait so long to tell cops something so obviously pertinent?

SCHIAVO: I know! And you know, and -- you know, people have questioned his motives. Even Misty questioned his motives, saying, you know, he just wanted to lower his bond. And his bond was, in fact, lowered. However, some of the things he said that night sort of corroborated with some other things that they knew about phone calls that were made to him from Ronald. And he says as a result of those phone calls, that`s why he went to the house. So you know, they definitely took it into consideration, and you know, so they`re just looking to see if they can get another nugget of information like that.

LALAMA: All right, very quickly, back to today`s discovery. Doctor Zhongxue Hua, medical doctor, Union County, New Jersey, medical examiner -- how serious is this drug issue, these kind of pills?

DR. ZHONGXUE HUA, MEDICAL EXAMINER, UNION COUNTY, NJ: (INAUDIBLE) commonly referred to a class of drug as narcotics. The lay term is painkiller. It`s mainly used for people with cancer, people with just after surgery, for short-time uses, purposes only. And unfortunate it`s being commonly abused because addictive nature of the medication and also because highly profitable in the street market. I mean, a pill can sell for $20, $25.

LALAMA: Whoa. Ellie Jostad, NANCY GRACE producer, give me a brief synopsis of the family -- let`s just put it this way. This is the poster family for domestic dysfunction. We`ve got a lot of criminality going on here. Brief description of who and what.

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, in addition to her father being arrested, as we explained, her brother, Tommy, also arrested just a week ago for a domestic incident. He apparently got into a fistfight with his father. Now, shortly before that, this same brother, Tommy Croslin, was arrested for drug possession. He was found asleep in his car. When they searched his car, they found drugs. And prior to that, he was arrested for the theft of a handgun from a neighbor. Now, Misty Croslin`s mother also arrested, also for stealing from that same neighbor. She allegedly stole checks from that neighbor, wrote them to herself and cashed them.

LALAMA: Sheryl McCollum, crime analyst, director of cold case squad, Pine Lake, PD -- you know, I`m not convinced the cops are making up these allegations. They people get in trouble.

SHERYL MCCOLLUM, CRIME ANALYST: Yes, they`re not making up anything. This guy has been arrested because he`s a drug addict. And what the police are going to be looking for is whether or not he`s fixing to suffer from withdrawals or what`s fixing to happen to him while he`s in jail, and then they`re going to go after him and find out what he knows.

LALAMA: Doug Burns, defense attorney, you would argue they`re piling on, I bet.

DOUG BURNS, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, yes and no. I mean, I can`t really argue in good faith, Pat, that, you know, they`re just going out and arresting people to create leverage. But what I would argue is that it`s a separate crime. It`s got nothing to do with the disappearance, and they shouldn`t question him about it, basically.

LALAMA: But Hugo Rodriguez, defense attorney, former FBI agent, this is a serious environment this child lived in.

HUGO RODRIGUEZ, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: It`s a serious environment. We -- my question is, is he going to be -- is he distributing the pills or is he consuming the pills? If he`s an addict, as someone has said, then it`s not as serious as you may think and it`ll be disposed of probably in a drug court, unless he has some significant priors. If he`s distributing, in the state of Florida, there`s a minimum mandatory sentence and he`ll do jail time possibly.

LALAMA: Bethany Marshall, psychoanalyst, author, "Deal Breakers," just looking at this little girl and looking at the people surrounding her -- you know, don`t want to make judgments, but it had to be a tough life for a 5-year-old.

BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST: Oh, it had to be. There`s so much neglect. The drug abuse is rampant in this family. Remember, Misty recently called 911 because she was roughed up while she was trying to procure drugs. And I think this family`s -- their raison d`etre is using drugs. Their whole life is organized around Oxycontin, around -- around chasing that next high. And when the high -- the cheap, temporary high of drug abuse -- is that important, you don`t care about the law. You don`t care about going to school. You don`t care about the third generation when you`re the grandparents. You don`t care about your grandchildren and what happens to a child when that child is interfering with your high.

LALAMA: You know, you brought up that 911 call. I`m hoping -- and I`m going to hear in my ear we have time to hear it. This is Misty calling 911 when she was accosted.


911 OPERATOR: I need you to stay on the phone with me, OK?

CROSLIN: Oh, my God! My leg and my arm hurt so bad!

911 OPERATOR: Do you need an ambulance?

CROSLIN: Yes, I think so. Oh, my God! (INAUDIBLE) My purse is ripped (INAUDIBLE) I can`t move it. I can`t move it.

911 OPERATOR: OK. Stay on the phone with me, OK?



LALAMA: Art Harris, was that 911 event after the disappearance of Misty -- excuse me, of Haleigh?

HARRIS: It sure was. That was several weeks ago, Pat, when she was with two other young women and they were cruising a very bad neighborhood. One went in purportedly to find a dealer and came back with a couple of guys who roughed up Misty and yanked her purse. And she was very, very distraught. She was hurt. She went to the hospital and was treated for minor injuries and released. But you can hear the tone, the actual -- the anguish in her voice, which some have said is far more genuine than the 911 call on the night that she reported Haleigh missing.

LALAMA: And Ellie Jostad, NANCY GRACE producer, there are a couple of other 911s. Clearly, the night the child went missing is one of them, but then there`s a third relative to her, correct?

JOSTAD: I`m not sure which one you`re talking about. Are you talking about the...

LALAMA: The road rage incident?

JOSTAD: Oh, yes, of course! There`s the road rage incident. She is with a friend of hers. They are in the Orlando area. A woman claimed -- she called 911 claiming that Misty and this friend driving her car were menacing her, waving at her. She thought they had a gun. Turned out they didn`t, but she called 911 to report it.


CROSLIN: She didn`t make no noise that night. I would have woke up if I heard any noise. I didn`t hear anything at all. I mean, I was really exhausted that day, you know, really exhausted. And when I lay down, I guess, you know, I just was out.




CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before y`all do, I`m killing him. I don`t care. I`ll spend the rest of my life in prison, I`m telling you. You can put it on the report, and I don`t care.

911 OPERATOR: OK. It`s OK, sir. We`ve got them on the way. OK, can you give me any -- what kind of description of her pajamas that she was wearing?

CUMMINGS: I don`t (DELETED) know! I was at work!



CROSLIN: At 3:00 o`clock in the morning, I got up. And I got up because I had to use the bathroom, but I didn`t make it to the bathroom. I seen the kitchen light on, and I walked in the kitchen and the back door`s wide open.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Right beside me on my left is the bed where Misty Croslin was sleeping. And here on the right, we have the bed where little Haleigh was sleeping. And you can see it is all but about three- and-a-half feet from each other. And this is right where Misty said she got up and she had to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I have to leave the investigative part of this to law enforcement because, you know, if I go with every whim and every accusation, then I`m going to be flipping back and forth in my life. And you know, what we stand -- you know, we`re just standing for Haleigh here. We just want Haleigh to come home.



911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, let me talk to your wife. Let me get some information from her.


911 OPERATOR: Can I talk to her?



CUMMINGS: How the (DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole (DELETED)!


LALAMA: I`m Pat Lalama, in for Nancy Grace. And again, our latest development today is that the father of Misty arrested on drug charges.

I want to go to our patiently waiting callers, starting with Linda in Texas. Good evening, Linda.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Good evening. How are you?

LALAMA: Well, thank you. Your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. I`ve got a question. Cops are able to arrest every character that are in this picture, but they can`t find Haleigh. I mean, Misty does not score high on the IQ list, I assume, and nor do the people surrounding Haleigh. I mean, it`s...

LALAMA: Good question. And Marc Klaas, president and founder of Klaas Kids Foundation, it`s so heartbreaking. We`ve got every kind of arrest except for getting this little girl back home.

MARC KLAAS, KLAAS KIDS FOUNDATION (via telephone): Yes, that`s absolutely true, Pat. It is heartbreaking. I think what -- just to extend on something that Dr. Marshall was mentioning -- you know, the Shaniya Davis case has demonstrated to us the extremes that chronic drug users will go to chase that next high. And we`ve seen in this case that almost everybody associated with it, not just Misty`s family but their friends, their neighbors, their associates, are, in fact, chronic drug users.

LALAMA: Right. And you know what...

KLAAS: And you know, they become stripped of their own moral bearing and they are willing to go to extremes to achieve instant self- gratification. And it wouldn`t surprise me at all if this case did find itself in the realm of human trafficking.

LALAMA: Very interesting. And you know, I think it`s really important for us to, you know, restate the case. And I`m going to allow Marlaina to kind of give a brief synopsis of what allegedly went down, according to Misty, that night.

SCHIAVO: According to Misty, Pat, the night before Haleigh went missing, Misty allegedly put her down for bed at 10:00 PM. Ronald was at work. Misty claims that she was in the big bed with Junior, Ronald`s son. And she said she got up at around 3:00 AM and she was going to go to the bathroom, but she noticed the kitchen light was on, so she went to go investigate. Then she comes back, she noticed Haleigh was gone. She said she started turning over the entire trailer. She was looking under beds. As you can see, there are -- there`s nothing to look under because the beds are on the floor. But anyway, she also said that she was looking around. Finally, Ronald comes home about 25 minutes later, and that`s when she calls 911.

LALAMA: OK, now, Art Harris, investigative journalist, she waits a half hour. Police say she`s inconsistent in what she has to say. Quickly, what are those inconsistencies?

HARRIS: Well, she keeps changing aspects of her story, Pat, from what the kids were watching in the way of movies, where the movie changer was. Could Misty -- could -- you know, could Haleigh have changed it herself by climbing high up on this dresser, which would have been impossible. There are -- there are a number of -- did she wash, you know, a blanket that she said Haleigh had possibly soiled?

There are a number of questions here, including a letter that later surfaced from her good friend, a party pal she was with the weekend before she went missing, that raised the question that she went to a party with Haleigh and she accidentally overdosed on Oxycontin, and her body was tossed by someone else into the pond. This has not been corroborated. There`s no evidence of this, other than a letter by this party pal, who has since moved in with Misty and her family.



CROSLIN: They`ve been on me for six months. They haven`t left me alone for six months. I`ve been the one, the main focus. They just need to move on and look for the right person.




GRACE: What is her story about what happened that night?

CUMMINGS: She went to bed -- she put Haleigh to bed, done some laundry and went to bed, and woke up to the door propped open.

CROSLIN: There was a brick, like, a cinderblock that was holding the screen door open. And that brick -- that door, that screen door is always closed, you know? That brick -- I`ve never seen the brick even around there. The cops said there was a whole bunch of bricks about 50 feet away, but I`ve never seen any bricks at all.

CUMMINGS: All I want is my daughter. It doesn`t matter. It doesn`t matter.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you suspect she did anything?

CUMMINGS: I don`t have any suspicions of anybody. Anybody could have done anything. I don`t know what`s what.


LALAMA: I`m Pat Lalama, in for Nancy Grace. And I`m wondering, Sheryl McCollum, if this is an environment of heavy drug use and we know possibly that Misty was out partying for three days the weekend prior, she could have been in a coma and somebody could have snatched the kid.

MCCOLLUM: Oh, absolutely no question, and I think that`s one thing the police are looking at. And listen, the greatest investigative tool they`ve got right now is Tom. They don`t need to get in a hurry. At some point, a member of this family is going to want to help themselves.

LALAMA: Doug Burns, defense attorney, what -- this young woman, Misty, has apparently flunked all kinds of polygraph tests. Doesn`t mean anything, I understand, legally.

BURNS: Right.

LALAMA: But you know, what are you going to do with this, if this is your client?

BURNS: It`s tough because inconsistent statements lead to the conclusion that, you know, the person`s hiding something and has the intent. But I mean, another related point, which you started to touch on, and you`re right, is, you know, everybody`s criticizing her for inconsistencies, but the fact of the matter is, if she has these objective drug problems, she doesn`t remember half the time of what happened, and that could be a more innocent explanation for it.

LALAMA: And Hugo Rodriguez, your position? If this were your client -- you know, here`s a 17-year-old girl...

RODRIGUEZ: I`d tell her to keep her mouth shut!

LALAMA: Well, yes, but I mean, what`s amazing to me is that there`s all these arrests, and she was the last person with the child, and you know, cops call her key, they can`t call her a suspect. And if you`re an attorney, you`d be happy about that.

RODRIGUEZ: Well, whether she`s a suspect, a target, a point of interest or whatever, she`s the last person to see Haleigh. There`s obvious -- she`s the focus of the investigation. But as her lawyer, if I was representing her, she`d need to keep her mouth shut.

LALAMA: All right, I`ve got a short amount of time. I want to go to Joanne in Pennsylvania. Very quickly, you got to give me that question.


LALAMA: Hi. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My question is -- I`ve been watching this from the beginning. When you first see Misty, she`s wearing a red high school sports coat. Then when she goes and starts going all these interviews, all of a sudden, at the airport, I believe it was, she had a gorgeous coat, dressed gorgeous, her nails all done, beautiful make-up. Is she getting paid? I mean, I know she loves the attention, but is she also getting paid for the interviews?

LALAMA: We`ll answer when we come back.


CUMMINGS: And I hope that they -- they find my child alive, obviously, but one way or another, I want my daughter to come home.




RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I pulled into the yard, the front door was wide open. She was standing in it. I asked her what she was doing up. She told me that the back door was wide open and Haleigh was gone. I turned the house upside down, told her to call 911.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, SPENT TIME WITH MISSING HALEIGH`S FAMILY: Let me show you the back door and show you how both doors close automatically. So -- and I`m also going to show you the lock because the lock is about three feet from the floor. And we know that that`s about as tall as Haleigh stands.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And you passed it?

M. CUMMINGS: I mean, my understanding is I passed it.

NANCY GRACE, HOST: What is her story about what happened that night?

R. CUMMINGS: The same thing she`s telling police or whoever that she went to bed. She put Haleigh to bed, done some laundry, went to bed and woke up to the door propped open.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You said your back door was wide open?

M. CUMMINGS: Yes, there was a brick. Like there`s a brick on the floor. When I went asleep it was not like that.

GRACE: Why are you so sure Haleigh is still with us?

TERESA NEVES, GRANDMOTHER OF 5-YR-OLD, HALEIGH CUMMINGS: Because I stand on God`s promise that if you pray and believe that he will give you what you pray for.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: They keep saying that you failed. Do you want people to know something about that?

M. CUMMINGS: They are going to know. They are going to know. I just got to wait until my lawyer is ready.


M. CUMMINGS: And they -- that weekend was a lie.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: OK. I mean, would you -- so are you saying that you didn`t fail the polygraph like people and law enforcement are kind of claiming that you did?

M. CUMMINGS: No, I did not.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: OK. So bottom line, you don`t know where Haleigh is?

M. CUMMINGS: Bottom line.


PAT LALAMA, GUEST HOST: I`m Pat Lalama in for Nancy Grace.

Joan from Pennsylvania was asking prior to the break about all the nice clothes and the hair and the makeup and the nails and the whole thing, Art Harris, what about that?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, ARTHARRIS.COM, INTERVIEWED MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S NEW STEPMOM: Pat, I can tell you that this surfaced when Misty was taken from town -- to get out of town because Tim Miller of Texas EquuSearch was afraid that because Ronald had appeared to be very angry and possibly violent that the only source of information for what happened might disappear if they didn`t get Misty out of town.

He assigned a volunteer, Donna Brock, to take her to Orlando. They spent several days together. She had her hair done, her nails done. And was really pampered. I`ll call Donna her under cover momma. The idea was to have her get close to Misty and see if in this environment she might reveal something. She hadn`t at that point.

Remember she had, quote, "flunked" this polygraph that Tim Miller had set up. A voice stress analysis. Although she maintained she did not, this was something that even the police knew about and -- that they were, if not hopeful, open to hearing about. So.

LALAMA: OK. To Ellei Jostad, let me ask you. Who`s been cleared? I know there`s no real suspect. But cops have kind of sifted through the people they don`t think are involved at all.

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: Well, right. I mean, police haven`t come out and said anybody is 100 percent clear, although they did say -- and you know, police have been very quiet for the most part during this entire investigation.

So when they do make a press release, it has a lot of impact. And one thing that they said on Haleigh`s birthday was that they believe that the biological parents, Ronald Cummings and Crystal Sheffield, are not considered to be suspects.

But then they went on to say that they believe that Misty Cummings or Misty Croslin is the person who still has information that could be relevant.

LALAMA: OK. Now I think it`s really important that we talk about this case and where it stands right now. And so, Marlaina, just give us a brief synopsis where are the cops with this case, as we speak.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: Right now, they are still following up on 4,000 leads. They are not saying at all that they think Haleigh is dead. They are saying they are still looking for a live Haleigh with obviously the possibility that she might be dead.

And again, they are focusing on Misty because they still think that she holds the key to this investigation.

LALAMA: Dr. Hua, a lot of months. You know what -- I don`t want to think about her being deceased, but if she is, from an evidence standpoint, is that going to be compromised?

DR. ZHONGXUE HUA, UNION COUNTY, NJ, MEDICAL EXAMINER: Depends. If any bruises on his skin, on his muscles certainly would not be there for evaluation. If he had -- if she had a broken bone, the bone -- I mean the broken portion bone should be still there for evaluation.

LALAMA: OK. Now, Bethany Marshall, you know, just from a psychological standpoint, the person who somebody knows, somebody knows, what happened to the child. What is going through their brain right now? Or are they just so sociopathic they just go, got no guilt, got nothing to say?

BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST, AUTHOR OF "DEALBREAKERS": Well, what probably is happening is that the bigger the story gets the more frightened they are of becoming implicated because let`s say they were at a party last night. Let`s say they did know what happened and they didn`t come forward.

That would be a very frightening situation. But Pat, I`m very concerned about the fact that Hank Jr. was recently discovered by police passed out in his car with drugs in the car, and he had just dropped his little boy off at the school bus.

LALAMA: Well, you know.

MARSHALL: And tells me -- yes?

LALAMA: Well, I.

MARSHALL: In this family, it`s acceptable to have drugs around children, which in my mind increases the likelihood that perhaps Haleigh was subjected to drugs and the likelihood that she could have ingested some herself.

LALAMA: Well, you know what, though, Doug Burns, defense attorney, he`s the uncle and yes, he had dropped his child off at the bus stop and then, boom, he`s over the steering wheel and he gets arrested. I mean, it`s pathetic, but, you know, you can`t -- one doesn`t mean it leads you to number two, correct?

DOUG BURNS, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Yes, but working off Dr. Marshall`s point, I mean, the fact of the matter is it could be some just horrible tragic situation. They`re all at a party, they`re partying, passing out, et cetera. And something untoward happens, which is different, obviously, than an intentional killing, is the point.

And then the other thing, not to be a broken record is is that I would not be surprised at all if Misty was in such a state during the relevant time where she simply just has no idea, no recollection, like a black out pass out.

LALAMA: My heavens. Unbelievable to think of. Let`s see, who do we have for caller? How about Cathy in Pennsylvania, are you with us? Excuse me, Tina, Illinois first. Tina, Illinois.

TINA, CALLER FROM ILLINOIS: Yes. My question is, how come her family has got to be arrested before they want to offer any kind of information about this little girl?

LALAMA: Well, Hugo Rodriguez, defense attorney, it`s the whole strategy, correct?

HUGO RODRIGUEZ, DEFENSE ATTORNEY, FMR. FBI AGENT: That`s true. There has to be some leverage. They have to force them in essence. They have to have a position of an upper hand to leverage them into doing this. We see when the brother was arrested before in order to get bond, he provided some information. Whether it was valid or not, they had then allowed him to go out on bond.

We have to look at the case now of the father and see exactly where he`s at. He`s going to be lawyered up and he`s going to make some decisions as what`s in his best interest. But this is not unusual at all. At all. They need the break in this case. And the break will come with somebody talking to them. They need to make it happen.

LALAMA: Marc Klaas, president and founder of KlaasKids, I don`t like to ask this question, but what are the chances this beautiful little child is somewhere alive?

MARC KLAAS, PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER, KLAASKIDS FOUNDATION (via phone): I think the chances are 50/50. I mean, my goodness, we have seen more and more children that have been recovered, Jaycee Dugard after 18 years, Elizabeth Smart after nine months, Sean Hornbeck after four years.

So you always have to keep hope alive. You can never resign yourself in defeat because basically what happens then is the investigation halts. If they don`t think that they`re looking for a living little girl, I don`t think anybody is going to have the motivation to continue looking and to keeping this as high profile as it is now.

So I would encourage everybody to keep in mind all of these other cases and understand that the possibility of her being alive are good and until it`s proven one way or the other, hope has to remain alive.

LALAMA: Art Harris, where does the search issue stand at this point?

HARRIS: Well, I don`t know of any active searches. But I can tell you the kind of pressure they are putting on this family. I spoke with Lindsay Croslin, Tommy`s wife today. She said when the agent came to arrest her father-in-law, the female agent pulled her aside afterwards and said, Lindsay, we are not going away.

We`re going to keep arresting people. And once we`ve finished putting everybody in jail, we`re then going to take the children. This comes out of this Hank or this Tommy, you know, arrest from falling asleep at the -- you know, at the bus stop.

The local child welfare workers are now investigating him for that possible child endangerment. So they have a bit of leverage here, Pat, and they are going to keep using it until they get what they think people know.

LALAMA: Doug Burns, I have a feeling that you don`t like some sort of an agent taking people aside saying we`re going to go after you and everybody in your family and then we`re going to take your kids.

BURNS: Well, of course not. I mean -- but again a good defense lawyer is going to stress to the client that these are unrelated charges. They are not related to the disappearance.

LALAMA: But they`re legitimate.

BURNS: Right.

LALAMA: They`re legitimate.

BURNS: Oh, yes. Right. But they can`t force them to speak.


GRACE: Is there any possibility that she left the home that evening and hasn`t told you?

R. CUMMINGS: If there is a possibility of it, I don`t know anything about it.




UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: OK, sir, let me talk to you wife. Let me get some information from her.





UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole, bitch.

Somebody stole my child out of my bed. I come home from work and my child was not there.

M. CUMMINGS: I put her to bed and -- about 8:00 and I woke up and she was gone. The back door was wide open.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Do you believe that Misty was home and that she`s been telling the truth?

R. CUMMINGS: Yes, I believe she`s telling the truth.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What we need is for Misty to come down here and tell us the truth.

M. CUMMINGS: I didn`t hear anything at all. I mean I was really exhausted that day, you know? I`m really exhausted. And when I laid, I guess, you know, I just -- I was out.

NEVES: I was told, you know, that she went to bed at 10:00. Being that exhausted, I think that maybe you could sleep through somebody banging on the door.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: The officers are going to come out there and do what they can. We can`t have him screaming and yelling at the officers whenever they get there, OK?


R. CUMMINGS: Give me the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) phone. I`ve got better people to talk than a (EXPLETIVE DELETED).


LALAMA: Sheryl McCollum, I would have thought somebody would have cracked by now on this case.

SHERYL MCCOLLUM, CRIME ANALYST, DIR. OF COLD CASE SQUAD AT PINE LAKE P.D.: Absolutely. But again, you got to keep in mind, Pat. These people, for their entire lives, have covered things up and they`ve lied for each other and lied to protect themselves.

They do not trust anybody. So it`s going to be harder to crack them than it might be somebody that grew up in a home of full of trust, love and compassion.

LALAMA: But Bethany Marshall, you know, when you`re talking about, you know, the drug addiction, the criminality and, you know, the law is not for us, necessarily, it just seems eventually somebody is going to have to slip through the cracks.

MARSHALL: It`s so true. And you know families do have legacies. Some have drug legacies, some have suicide legacies, some have mental illness legacies. And when there`s a severe dysfunctional legacy, by the time you get to the third generation, either family members begin to die or to succumb to mental illness. Or finally someone has to be resilient enough to break the cycle.

And who is that person going to be in this family? I know that Hank`s wife, Hank Jr.`s wife is a nurse and putting herself through school. So maybe she can be the one who`s resilient enough to break the cycle so that more children don`t slip through the cracks.

LALAMA: Oh my goodness. Ellie Jostad, let`s talk about that night. You know we`re talking about whether Misty was home or Misty wasn`t home, or Misty was in a stupor. Is there evidence -- did anybody see foot traffic on in and out of that trailer that night? Some neighbor might have seen someone come over.

JOSTAD: Well, we don`t know of anything like that at this point. And police have said that Misty`s account does not match physical evidence that they found in the case. However, they.

LALAMA: How so?

JOSTAD: They haven`t revealed what that physical evidence might be.

LALAMA: There you go. OK.


LALAMA: All right, and Marlaina, you know, what about the jailhouse letter? I know Art had mentioned it earlier. But how significant was that in terms of a lead?

SCHIAVO: It was significant enough to have authorities questioned the person who wrote the letter and look into the story that was written in the letter about some sort of party and some drugs that Misty might have been involved with. But since that letter surfaced, nothing has come of it so.

LALAMA: But, Art Harris, certainly the cops would have gone and found out what party happened and who was there and questioned every one of those people.

HARRIS: They have. And Pat, they talked to people thinking at some point they found the party, they found the witnesses. And then it turns out that the memory isn`t right. As one detective told me, Pat, this is like interviewing a rock. People do not remember.

There`s so much drugs in this community that if they find someone who can testify, how will they hold up on the stand? Big problem.

LALAMA: We`ve got some other callers I want to get to. Kathy in Pennsylvania, good evening, and your question, please.

KATHY, CALLER FROM PENNSYLVANIA: Yes, doesn`t anyone find it odd that Misty just happened to wake up 20 minutes before Ron came home to find Haleigh missing?

LALAMA: Well, you know, Doug Burns, the issue is that she woke up to go to the bathroom and searched and searched, quote, "under the bed" even though there is no bed., there are mattresses, that`s a little dubious. How would you defend that?

BURNS: The caller makes a very, very good point because those are the little, tiny type of clues that you try to piece together. You know she`s tried to cover it. The reality is, as a defense lawyer in this case, basically, you separate out law and morals. From a criminal law standpoint, there`s no evidence that she did anything wrong other than nervously panicking and perhaps not recounting it correctly, which you follow up with having to front and admit her drug problems and say she simply does not remember what happened.

LALAMA: Hugo Rodriguez, a half hour it takes you to call 911? Come on.

RODRIGUEZ: You know, when you piece all - when you put all the pieces together, there`s quite a bit of circumstances there and circumstantial evidence. But it isn`t sufficient to charge her with anything dealing with this girl`s disappearance at this time.

LALAMA: But can you come up with any reason why a person would say, I think I`ll just wait a half hour until daddy comes home then I`ll call the cops?

RODRIGUEZ: Take into consideration the mentality and the background of these people, nothing surprises me.

LALAMA: Art Harris, what are the new leads? Any?

HARRIS: Well, not really, Pat. But I can tell you that that night -- you know, this is a 17-year-old girl with no real world experience. So, you know, she`s looking -- you know, assuming her story is true, she`s looking around the trailer. She`s freaked but gosh, the father is going to come home. She better find Haleigh. She goes outside. She looks around.

What did she do? I mean she`s obviously in a panic. I know she called her mother. I interviewed her mother. But this is a very, very dysfunctional family with very little education and you have to factor that in that their reactions are not the perfect reactions that we think people should have.

LALAMA: Ellie, very quickly, are cops tailing Misty?

JOSTAD: Not that we know of. But again, they`ve kept everything very quiet in this investigation. We don`t know exactly what they are doing or what people they may be surveilling.

LALAMA: And where is she right now, Misty?

JOSTAD: She is back in the house with her parents. She did have a restraining order against her brother or protective order. She had dropped a few days ago so she was able to move back into her parents` house.

LALAMA: All right. From a very, very sad story, let`s switch to something beautiful. Tonight`s "CNN Heroes."

<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on January 23, 2010, 12:41:06 PM


Missing Florida Girl`s Father, Former Stepmother Arrested on Drug Charges

Aired January 21, 2010 - 21:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old girl tucked into bed. Five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. The last person to see her alive, new stepmother 18-year-old Misty Croslin, who takes to the airwaves to claim she`s innocent. But even in one brief interview, Croslin can`t keep her story straight, including a 180 on a failed lie detector, claiming she passed, then admitting on TV she failed.

Bombshell tonight. As we go to air, Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and baby-sitter-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin behind bars.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ms. Cummings, you`ve been charged with four counts of trafficking in hydrocodone, Putnam County...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The father and former stepmother of missing Florida girl Haleigh Cummings are in jail on charges of drug trafficking.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That`s a total of five counts of trafficking hydrocodone out of Putnam County and one count (INAUDIBLE) St. Johns County.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police saying they made multiple purchases of oxycodone and hydrocodone, prescription drugs.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What do you do for a living, ma`am?



CROSLIN: Nothing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How do you support yourself?

CROSLIN: My mom and my dad.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Authorities allege that Croslin and Cummings participated in transactions of nearly $4,000 worth of hydrocodone and oxycodone. And both could receive a mandatory minimum sentence of 25 years in jail.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: For these highly addictive substances, we`ve seen people commit crazy crimes against their own family members because of the drive of these drugs are so strong.

CROSLIN: Some black guy just dumped (ph) in my car and (INAUDIBLE) whole purse and threw me out of the car, and he`s got a gun (INAUDIBLE)

GRACE: You have made an accusation that Croslin was on a drug binge. Do you have any evidence to support that claim.


GRACE: Then why do you say it?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It was just a thought.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oxycodone is related to more deaths in Florida than any other drug.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Children sometimes think that that`s candy, and we see sometimes accidental death.

CROSLIN: I put her to bed around 8:00 o`clock, and I woke up and she was gone.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you believe that Misty was, indeed, home and that she`s been telling the truth?

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: Yes, I believe she`s telling the truth.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She is still the most important witness in this case.


GRACE: And tonight, live, Windermere, Florida. Golf superstar Tiger Woods drives out of his multi-million-dollar compound barefoot 2:00 AM Thanksgiving and has a head-on collision with a tree and a fire hydrant. He immediately pulls out of his own golf tournament, as alleged mistresses hit double digits, including a swimsuit model, two porn stars and a waitress at a pancake house. Woods gets just a slap on the wrist, even though cops are told he was drinking and prescribed sleeping pills and painkiller vicodin.

Breaking tonight. Tiger Woods in addiction rehab -- sex addiction. Tonight, photos finally emerge of Tiger Woods, coming from "The National Enquirer." They show Woods, head covered, in that in-house rehab facility, Mississippi. Millions in endorsements dry up, the latest being AT&T, and even "Golf Digest" turns their back on Woods.

With Woods in treatment for sex addiction, where -- where -- does that leave wife Elin? Two little children and nearly $1 billion hanging in the balance.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you think that Tiger is a sex addict?

JAIMEE GRUBBS, TIGER`S ALLEGED MISTRESS: The man that I knew, the Tiger that I knew, I would never think that. You know, it was never about that. He never, you know, just kind of said, Come over and that`s what`s going to happen.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Nobody has seen Tiger ever since Thanksgiving Day. He`s been absolutely gone, missing in action. Every journalist, every photographer in the world has been trying to get this money shot.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, it`s -- it`s Tiger. I need you to do me a huge favor. Can you please take your name off your phone? My wife went through my phone and may be calling you.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is behavior that goes to the extreme, where he had a dozen or more women, probably each believing they were the only other woman, so he was lying to each of them.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Tiger has patterns of, obviously, infidelity and risk taking. I think to call him a sex addict is a stretch and actually an excuse for really bad, bad behavior.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So if you can, please take your name off that, and what do you call it, just have it as a number on the voicemail. Just have it as your telephone number, OK? You got to do this for me. Huge. Quickly. All right, bye.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He`s betrayed a number of people in his life, not the least of which was Elin, his wife, and the public.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Bombshell tonight: Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and the baby-sitter-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin behind bars.


CUMMINGS: She put Haleigh to bed, done some laundry and went to bed and woke up to the door propped open.

CROSLIN: And she`s gone! And that`s all I know!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Nearly one year after the disappearance, still unsolved, of Ronald`s little girl Haleigh, Misty Cummings, her brother, Hank Croslin, Jr., and Ronald Cummings all in court this morning charged with drug trafficking.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is an outstanding drug-trafficking investigation that culminated with the arrest of five suspects.

CROSLIN: He just jumped in and took everything I had! And he said he was going to shoot me!

911 OPERATOR: Were you in the vehicle?

CROSLIN: Yes, and he (INAUDIBLE) pulled me out. My friend started (INAUDIBLE) he pulled me out!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Croslin and Cummings were arrested after allegedly buying and selling large amounts of prescription medications from undercover police officers.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: An undercover detective says he bought $3,900 worth of oxycodone and hydrocodone from them.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s one ridiculous story on top of another. It`s all very ludicrous. And what about Haleigh? Isn`t she supposed to be the focus?

GRACE: We save jail beds for child molesters, murderers, rapists, arsonists. Is this a police attempt to get the truth?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty Croslin sits in jail on $950,000 bond, as reports emerge investigators working the Haleigh case will use the threat of a long prison term to try and get Croslin to open up and reveal what she knows.

CROSLIN: They go out and look for the right person, maybe they would be -- have the answers, but they`re trying to get all the answers from me.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Croslin was the last person to see Haleigh before she vanished last February. That little girl was 5 years old at the time and has not been seen since.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hopefully, this will rattle the cage that Misty`s in right now because I think she is holding the key to where little Haleigh is!


GRACE: Straight out to Art Harris, investigative journalist at Art, what happened, in a nutshell?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: In a nutshell, Nancy, there was a tip that drugs were being sold in Putnam County and that Misty Croslin was involved. Undercover officer makes friends with Misty and others, and suddenly is going from one drug buy to another with cash. Misty is at every one of the seven incidents, police tell me. And once she brings -- actually, three times, she brings Ronald Cummings. Once she brings his cousin, and another time she brings a woman named Donna Broch. And they sold a total of 339 pills, vicodin, lortab, percocet and roxicodone, Nancy.

And this amounted to drug trafficking charges that have been brought against Misty that could give her a total of 74 years behind bars, law enforcement tells me. Her bond is set at $950,000. Astounding. Ronald behind bars on a bond of half a million dollars, and...

GRACE: OK, back it up, Art. Let me ask you a question. Misty Croslin -- have you seen those charges? Have you seen what`s written -- what the written charges are?

HARRIS: The charges, Nancy, are detailed actually on her booking report, and it says only drug trafficking between four grams and less than 30 grams, kilograms. And there are six of those charges.

GRACE: OK, so there`s six counts.

HARRIS: Correct.

GRACE: Let`s take a look at that. Unleash the lawyers. Sue Moss, New York, Peter Odom, defense attorney, Atlanta, Joe Lawless, defense attorney, author of "Prosecutorial Misconduct," in Philadelphia.

Sue Moss, let`s get out of our calculators. All of us went to law school. We`re not math teachers. But if the maximum is 30 years, I believe it is, on each count of trafficking, and that means you`ve got 28 grams or over of the particular drug or drugs -- six times 30 would be 180 possible years if these counts run consecutive -- not 75 years, 180 years. Now, do you agree with my math, Sue Moss?

SUSAN MOSS, FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY: Absolutely. Selling oxycontin is just plain rotten. There should be no leniency. This is one of the most dangerous drugs of our time. It leads to just horrific abuses. And no leniency in this case.

GRACE: I want to see Misty Croslin, Elizabeth, in court. I want to see those photos and that video. We have the video. There is the baby- sitter-turned-stepmother, who was reportedly alone with Haleigh Cummings, a 5-year-old little girl, the night she went missing, her story that while stepmommy is asleep, someone must have come in and take the baby. They`re in a trailer. It`s about -- how big is it, Marlaina Schiavo? You gave us a tour. Let`s see it, Liz. Let`s pull the video of inside of the trailer. How big is the thing, Marlaina?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, Nancy, I mean, from the front door to the bedroom where she was, it was all but 10 feet. From the back door to the bedroom, the back door that was propped open, it was about 16 feet. It`s not a big place.

GRACE: And back to you, Art Harris. Ronald Cummings is divorcing Misty Croslin, our understanding is because he was convinced she knows more about his daughter`s disappearance. And there he is, snugged up in the car with her selling drugs to the tune of a trafficking amount? I`m not talking about a joint, people. I`m not talking about a nickel bag of pot, although they should go to jail for that, too. But I`m talking about a trafficking amount of oxycontin, oxycodone.

And let`s not forget, Art Harris, the big, long letter I happen to have right here, where someone lays out a party that was held the night Haleigh went missing, a drug party where the child allegedly got...

HARRIS: Overdose, yes.

GRACE: ... a pill of oxycodone and died.

HARRIS: Yes. That`s right, Nancy. And somebody supposedly put her body in a nearby lake. That has not been confirmed. But Ronald and Misty have been seen together in recent weeks. And I am told that Misty has a new tattoo of Ronald on her lower back.

GRACE: I don`t care about the tattoo. All I care about is, what does this mean? Is it finally the answer to Haleigh Cummings`s disappearance?

HARRIS: Absolutely.

GRACE: The whole bunch, the whole kit and kaboodle makes me sick!

HARRIS: Just gives prosecutors, Nancy, a new bit of leverage. In fact...



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Breaking developments today in the case of missing 5-year-old Florida girl Haleigh Cummings. Haleigh`s baby-sitter, Misty Croslin, who holds the key to finding Haleigh, has been arrested.

CROSLIN: I didn`t notice about Haleigh then until I seen the back door open. And (INAUDIBLE) and she`s gone! And that`s all I know!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The father and former stepmother of missing Florida girl Haleigh Cummings are in jail on drug trafficking charges.

CUMMINGS: With the family problems and everything else, it`s just -- it`s too much.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Putnam County sheriff`s department says officers arrested 26-year-old Ronald Cummings and 18-year-old Misty Croslin yesterday in a prescription drug trafficking scheme.

CUMMINGS: She tells me the same thing each time I ask her about it.

CROSLIN: If I had something to do with it, I knew where she was, we wouldn`t be sitting here today, we would have her. And I don`t -- I don`t know where she is.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: As part of a month-long investigation, authorities also arrested Misty Croslin`s brother, Tommy Croslin, Ronald Cummings`s cousin, Hope Sykes, and Donna Broch, and a friend of Misty Croslin. All the defendants face charges of trafficking prescription medications, including oxycodone and hydrocodone allegedly worth nearly $4,000.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So are you saying that you didn`t fail the polygraph, like people and law enforcement are kind of claiming that you did?

CROSLIN: No, I did not.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Bottom line, you don`t know where Haleigh is.

CROSLIN: Bottom line.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We would love to have a break in this case, and we really would not care who it implicates, as long as it brings Haleigh back to us.


GRACE: Tonight, Misty Croslin, the baby-sitter-turned-stepmother, behind bars for drugs. Along with her, Ronald Cummings, Haleigh Cummings` biological father, who allegedly divorced Misty Croslin because of his belief she had some involvement or knew what happened to his 5-year-old little girl, Haleigh Cummings. And you know who`s lost in the sauce tonight? The baby, the 5-year-old. With this bunch more worried about their next hit or who they`re going to sell drugs to, you think that they are focussing on this child? This little girl never had a chance growing up with this bunch!

We are taking your calls live. Renee in Georgia. Hi, Renee.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. I just want to say first I love your show, and your twins are heaven sent.

GRACE: They really are. And how parents would risk their child by exposing them to elements involved in the drug trade is beyond me.


GRACE: You know, there have been times -- and I`m certainly no example, all right, but there have been times I worked three jobs at a time to make it. And they asked Misty Croslin in court today -- pull the sound, Liz -- What do you do for a living? You know what she said? Nothing. Nothing. Go ahead, Renee.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We`re paying for her while she`s doing nothing. It comes out of everyone`s check. Anyway, my question is, since there was a letter from the jail that speculated that the baby, Haleigh, died from an oxycontin overdose, and now the father and his ex-wife is charged with trafficking the same drug, doesn`t that bring a little bit more, you know, information towards where Haleigh might be?

GRACE: Well, it certainly does, Renee in Georgia. Let`s go back to the lawyers -- Susan Moss, Peter Odom, Joe Lawless. You know, Peter Odom, when everybody first read that letter, it was assumed to be BS. You know, there`s really no other nice way to put it.


GRACE: But the fact was that there was nothing in it for the author. She was writing a confidante. It wasn`t like she was handing over information.

ODOM: Exactly.

GRACE: There was nothing she could gain from the letter, right? She wasn`t as part of a cooperation agreement. So this is starting to have a tiny ring of truth to it.

ODOM: Well, Nancy, it`s called corroboration. And it certainly lends credence to what a lot of people did dismiss at first. And I think the police are going to take a good, hard look at that, as they -- you know, and they`re going to use this as leverage to get Misty to talk, this new arrest.

GRACE: To you, Joe Lawless, defense attorney, author of "Prosecutorial Misconduct," joining us out of Philadelphia. Joe, bottom line, they`ve tried this with the brother. I believe it was Tommy Croslin, who`s back behind bars now. They`ve tried it with Misty Croslin`s mother. They got a little bit out of the brother, not so much out of the mother. But now, these people have nearly a million-dollar bond. They`re not going anywhere. They`re looking at over 100 years behind bars. Somebody better crack.

JOE LAWLESS, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: The prosecutor has her in a very good position right now. And I`ve done this, Nancy. Someone`s got to sit down across the table from her, look her in the eye and say, You`re not going anywhere for a long time anyway, do you want to possibly avoid the death penalty? Do you want to tell us what you know? Now is the time to twist the screws.

GRACE: Back to you, Art Harris, investigative journalists. Here`s my prediction. This is the way I would handle it, if I were prosecuting it. I would go ahead and take it to a jury trial on all of these counts, all six counts, and get the max consecutive -- 30, 30, 30, 30, 30, 30. Let her sit behind bars for about a year and then ask her to cooperate. Thoughts?

HARRIS: That`s why you didn`t lose a case, Nancy. That would be very effective. Misty is the only one of these people who has not been to jail yet. So she is looking at something very unpleasant.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What do you do for a living ma`am?

CROSLIN: Nothing.


CROSLIN: Nothing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How do you support yourself?

CROSLIN: My mom and my dad.



CROSLIN: Usually, Haleigh will wake up at nighttime. She gets cramps in her leg, you know? And I`ll have to rub her legs to get the cramps out of her legs, to get her back to sleep. And you know, she didn`t make no noise that night. I would have woke up if I heard any noise, and I didn`t hear anything at all. I mean, I was really exhausted that day, you know, really exhausted. And when I lay down, I guess, you know, I just was out.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Did she -- and there`s no way they could have wandered off?

CROSLIN: No. She is scared of the dark. She would not go anywhere by herself.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What do you do for a living, ma`am?

CROSLIN: Nothing.


CROSLIN: Nothing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How do you support yourself?

CROSLIN: My mom and my dad.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How old are you?

CROSLIN: Just turned...


GRACE: We are taking your calls tonight. A stepmother, Misty Croslin, former baby-sitter to Haleigh Cummings, along with biological father Ronald Cummings, behind bars on serious drug offenses that could land them behind bars to up to 180 years in the penitentiary.

We`re taking your calls. Martha in Tennessee. Hi, Martha.


GRACE: How are you, dear?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I`m good. I love you. You`re awesome.

GRACE: You know what? I`m going to play back that statement to the twins when they turn 16 and -- OK, I want to thank you for that. What`s your question, dear?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I was wondering, do you think that Misty could have originally sold Haleigh for a drug payoff?

GRACE: I`ll tell you no, and I`ll tell you why. Because this bunch, the whole kit and kaboodle of them, I don`t think could keep a secret like that. I think that could have come out, although, you know, actually, Martha, keeping a secret -- somebody`s keeping a secret very, very well about what happened to Haleigh that night. But I think that it would have leaked out.

Art Harris, what about it? Is there a possibility she sold the child for a drug debt?

HARRIS: I don`t think so, Nancy. More likely is she was passed out, did not remember what had happened because she was doing drugs, her friends tell me, for three or four days on a big party. And she was exhausted. So, often, the drugs that we`re describing here will erase your memory and you have trouble. And one of the investigators told me a while back, Interviewing these people, Nancy, is like trying to interview a rock.

GRACE: Everyone, as we go to break (INAUDIBLE) Haiti. Don`t let this be a missed opportunity to do something good. Call 800-554-8583 or go to United Methodist Community on Relief -- .com.



JUDGE CHARLES TINLIN, ST. JOHNS COUNTY JAIL: What do you do for a living, ma`am?


TINLIN: I`m sorry?

CROSLIN: Nothing.

TINLIN: How do you support yourself?

CROSLIN: My mom and my dad.

TINLIN: How old are you?

CROSLIN: Just turned 18.

TINLIN: Do you have the money at this time to hire a lawyer?

CROSLIN: I have a lawyer.

TINLIN: Who`s your lawyer, please?

CROSLIN: Robert Fields.

TINLIN: Have you had a chance to contact Mr. Fields?

CROSLIN: I talked to him yesterday, yes.

TINLIN: All right, I`ll give you another chance to speak to him. I`ll show at this point you`re retaining Mr. Fields. If you`re unable to hire a lawyer on these charges and you need the assistance from the public defender, you can tell Judge Berger that when you`re brought before her or the circuit court in St. (INAUDIBLE), Putnam County and a public defender will be appointed.

Do you have any questions about that?

CROSLIN: No, sir.

TINLIN: All right. You have a seat.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: 911, do you have an emergency?

CROSLIN: I need someone, um, what is this place called?


CROSLIN: Some black guy just jumped in my car and stole my whole purse and threw me out of the car and he had a gun and said he was going to shoot me.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: OK, where are you right now?

CROSLIN: Going up this road.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: Take a deep breath for me, OK?


UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: Where are you right now?

CROSLIN: Hold on.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: Are you in a vehicle?

CROSLIN: Yes, Moody, Moody Road. Ragsdale community.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: You`re in Ragsdale?

CROSLIN: Yes, ma`am.


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Tonight, Ronald Cummings, the biological father of the 5-year-old girl Haleigh Cummings who went missing from her own home, and his former wife, little Haleigh`s stepmother, babysitter-turned- stepmother, behind bars on drug trafficking.

What if anything does this have to do with Haleigh`s disappearance? Out to Dr. Bethany Marshall, psychoanalyst, author of "Dealbreakers."

Weigh in, Bethany.

BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST, AUTHOR OF "DEALBREAKERS": It`s so organized, around the pursuit of that next high, that next hit of Hill Billy heroine. The likelihood is they didn`t think about brushing little Haleigh`s teeth. They may not have thought about feeding her. They`re not thinking about school. They`re not thinking about getting a job.

At the likelihood is this little girl was neglected. You said earlier in the block that she was exposed to elements. I agree. Who walked in and out of that trailer where there were drug parties going on?

I agree with you, this little girl didn`t stand a chance. And in terms of lying, they wouldn`t hold on to a high-level lie like whether or not they sold the girl to get money for drugs. But the whole family system is organized around a low-level lie which is around their drug usage, which is what makes it difficult to interview them.

GRACE: Back to you, Art Harris, what if anything does this mean to the investigation and the disappearance and/or murder of 5-year-old Haleigh?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, ARTHARRIS.COM, INTERVIEWED MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S NEW STEPMOM: Well, Nancy, this is the opportunity that investigators have been looking for. Even though they are two separate teams, the drug investigators and the homicide, or Haleigh investigators.

But they are taking advantage of it. They tried to talk to Misty last night, I`m told. And her lawyer has advised her not to speak to investigators.

GRACE: We are taking your calls live. To Sherry in Pennsylvania, hi, Sherry.


GRACE: Hi, dear. What`s your question?

SHERRY: I just want to tell you that Lucy and John David, they are so lucky to have a mother like you.

GRACE: Thank you. Thank -- you know what? I`m such a pushover. You know? If they even fix their face to cry, I`m like what, what, what do you want? I can see this is not going well. You know, they`ve got me wrapped around their little finger and they`re only 2. You know? They don`t even know what they`re doing yet.

What`s your question, love?



SHERRY: My question is do you know think that Ron and misty, like, said that they -- because he said before that they were supposed to divorce or not. Do you think that was all a hoax?

GRACE: Oh, that`s a good question. Art Harris, what about it?

HARRIS: Nancy, I think.

GRACE: I mean how am I supposed to take it seriously that he`s leaving her because he thinks she`s involved or knows something about Haleigh`s disappearance and then they`re all snugged up together selling dope?

HARRIS: Well, Nancy, these people were thinking -- trying to think one step ahead, I`m told. They may have been thinking that down the road, you know, we could make hay on our reunion, but Ronald was genuinely taken up with another girlfriend.

Misty was seeing a number of local guys, my sources tell me. And she was not talking to him for a while and then suddenly, they`re back together.

GRACE: I want to go out to Dr. Joshua Perper. You all know the renown medical examiner -- the chief medical examiner of Broward County, author of "When to Call the Doctor."

Dr. Perper, as always, it is our honor to have you on with us.


GRACE: Dr. Perper, just tell me what one or two OxyContin pills would do to a little girl. Let me see, how much did Haleigh weigh? She weighed 39 pounds at the time she disappeared.

What would one or two OxyContin pills do to a child of that small of a weight?

PERPER: Well, they certainly can kill a child of this weight. Two or three pills. Especially they can depress her respiratory sense and she can die. She -- obviously a child of this age and size should not use the drugs. Doesn`t develop tolerance, and it`s a preschool time.

GRACE: You know, Dr. Perper, when I have given the twins who are about 32 and 37 pounds -- even if I have given them cough syrup, I`m a nervous wreck. I get a dropper. I measure it out to less than half a teaspoon. I wake up all during the night to go check if they`re breathing.

And to have a child around OxyContin, I mean, Dr. Perper, you`ve seen it all, probably more than I have as a felony prosecutor. What would a child like Haleigh go through in the throes of death from an OxyContin overdose?

PERPER: Well, what we have here is (INAUDIBLE) the parents sometimes left the drug bottle and the child took them thinking that those are candies. And what would happen basically, it wouldn`t be painful, but it would basically go to sleep and perhaps they might vomit before that and become unconscious or die.

GRACE: Again, we are taking your calls live. I want to go to Sgt. Scott Haines, sheriff`s officer, Sta. Rosa County, Florida.

Sergeant, thank you for being with us. Sgt. Haines, let me ask you something. If you were in charge of this investigation, would it be mere coincidence that the police stung Ronald Cummings and Misty Croslin?

Or do you think this is part of a bigger plan to get the truth out about what happened to Haleigh?

SGT. SCOTT HAINES, SHERIFF`S OFFICER, SANTA ROSA COUNTY, FL.: I feel it`s part of a bigger plan. I think they`re using it to their advantage. They found out through informants that they were involved in this criminal activity and they`re using it to their advantage to get the upper hand and have them face charges and prison time that is substantial.

And maybe to help themselves out, they`d be willing to either turn on each other or give information vital to find Haleigh.

GRACE: Back to the lawyer. Sue Moss, Peter Odom, Joe Lawless.

I guess now, Peter Odom, you`re going to argue along with Joe Lawless that it`s somehow unconstitutional that these people were set up. That they were arrested for drugs to really find out about the murder or kidnap case on Haleigh, right, Peter?


GRACE: I mean, I know where this is going.


ODOM: Well, one of the things about drug cases, Nancy.

GRACE: You think it`s funny?

ODOM: . that`s so hard to defend is that it`s usually on videotape, the actual crime is on videotape or audiotape. And police officers are professional witnesses. So they have professional witnesses to give the evidence. So they`re terribly difficult to defend. An entrapment defense never works.

GRACE: So I guess that that was a round about way of saying yes, that`s true.


ODOM: We`ll be putting our thinking caps on. And if she were my client, I`d be having a very long talk with her about the implications of this are hard to defend.

GRACE: OK, you know what, Peter? That was spoken like a true defense attorney because.

ODOM: Thank you.

GRACE: . you so did not answer the question. Let me let you have a crack at it, Lawless.

JOE LAWLESS, DEFENSE ATTORNEY, AUTHOR OF "PROSECUTORIAL MISCONDUCT": What`s the question? I agree with Peter. Seven controlled buys on videotape is really tough to get out under.

If I were her lawyer right now, I`d tell her to sit tight, keep her mouth shut, and see what plays out. Talking has only gotten this woman in trouble and if she does it, it`s only going to get worse.

GRACE: OK, Sue Moss, do you think the defense is going to argue that the drug sting was a ruse just to get the truth about Haleigh`s disappearance?

SUSAN MOSS, FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY & CHILD ADVOCATE: They`re going to try, but she was caught seven times for these crimes. Even Jose Baez couldn`t get her out of this one.

GRACE: Everyone, we`re taking your calls live. As we go to break, tonight`s "NG Family Album."

Here are some photos of Lucy and John David in their new sunglasses. I think -- there he is. Big boy.

And now photos from Virginia, friend of the show, La Sean and her beautiful 14-year-old daughter, Jala. They watch every night.

Thank you, beautiful ladies.

And Texas friends, 9-month-old Kendall and twin brother Kaden. Look at them. Both premature. They have fought to live. They are now happy and healthy. Praise the Lord.



TINLIN: What do you do for a living, ma`am?

CROSLIN: Nothing.

TINLIN: I`m sorry?

CROSLIN: Nothing.

TINLIN: How do you support yourself?

CROSLIN: My mom and my dad.

TINLIN: How old are you?

CROSLIN: Just turned 18.

TINLIN: Do you have the money at this time to hire a lawyer?

CROSLIN: I have a lawyer.

TINLIN: Who`s your lawyer, please?

CROSLIN: Robert Fields.

TINLIN: Have you had a chance to contact Mr. Fields?

CROSLIN: I talked to him yesterday, yes.

TINLIN: All right, I`ll give you another chance to speak to him. I`ll show at this point you`re retaining Mr. Fields. If you`re unable to hire a lawyer on these charges and you need the assistance from the public defender, you can tell Judge Berger that when you`re brought before her or the circuit court in St. (INAUDIBLE), Putnam County and a public defender will be appointed.

Do you have any questions about that?

CROSLIN: No, sir.

TINLIN: All right. You have a seat.


GRACE: I want to go back to Art Harris. He first broke the story. Misty Croslin, the babysitter-turned-stepmother at, I think, 18, and the natural father of Haleigh Cummings, now behind bars.

Everybody, I`m hearing news about this case as we`re going through the show. I know I promised you we`re going to the Tiger Woods story. I`m going to save that for tomorrow night. Tiger Woods can wait. We`re talking about a missing 5-year-old girl, Haleigh Marie Cummings.

What else can you tell us, Art Harris?

HARRIS: I can tell you, Nancy, that the investigators were hoping that Misty would get into such a desperate situation, something like this would happen, to give them the leverage they needed.

They did not want anyone to help her, to give her money. And so there you have her on tape saying what do you do? Nothing. She didn`t do anything and she got so desperate that she became -- as strange and astounding as it sounds -- the mastermind for the Satsuma gang that couldn`t deal straight.

GRACE: You know, it`s -- I would say gang in the loosest sense of the word. They`ve got 26-year-old Ronald Cummings, Haleigh`s father, Misty Croslin, 18, Tommy Croslin, 23, Donna Broch -- now wait a minute. The name Donna Broch is ringing a bell.

Marlaina Schiavo, didn`t Donna Broch work for -- who did she work for?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: Texas EquuSearch. And she was sort of put in there? Remember when Misty was going off and nobody knew where she was? And she was with this woman Donna.

GRACE: Tim Miller.

SCHIAVO: Tim Miller.

GRACE: Texas EquuSearch.


GRACE: Now hold on. Didn`t Tim Miller say that he put Donna Broch in with Misty Croslin to get the truth out of Misty Croslin?

SCHIAVO: That`s right. And Donna has been saying all along that she`s been helping investigators, that she`s been sort of by Misty`s side trying to get more information and feed it back to them. And now she`s arrested on the same charges as Misty. So it`s all very twisted.

GRACE: You know -- was she on Texas EquuSearch`s payroll? Was she paid by Tim Miller? And now she`s out dealing drugs?

SCHIAVO: That`s right. And they were giving Misty money to get her nails done, to go shopping. They even bought Christmas gifts for Misty`s nephews and nieces around Christmas time. Yes.

GRACE: Are you telling me that Texas EquuSearch paid for all that?

SCHIAVO: You got it, Nancy.

GRACE: How do you know that?

SCHIAVO: Because our sources told us that. And as a matter of fact, Tim Miller even said that he had provided Donna for this sole purpose.

GRACE: OK, Susan Moss, Peter Odom, Joe Lawless. There you see a defense shaping up for Donna Broch, that she was really selling drugs to find out what happened to Haleigh. That`s, of course, complete B.S.

What about it, Lawless?

LAWLESS: Doesn`t sound good to me. I think she`s in the same boat with Misty and Ronald. They`re controlled buys on video, Nancy. These cases are almost impossible to beat. When they come in quantity, they are a real problem for a defendant.

GRACE: And to you, Peter Odom. As you said earlier, a typical defense. I`ve had many, many, many -- can`t even count how many times when you`ve got a sting a set-up buy, the defense will argue entrapment.

ODOM: Right.

GRACE: Now, just be a lawyer, don`t take a side. Tell me how you beat an entrapment defense. How would I beat an entrapment defense?

ODOM: Nancy, the reason entrapment is so difficult is because the defendant, first of all, has the burden of proof and the defendant has to show that they committed a crime that they would not have committed had it not been for the police`s conduct.

If Broch was selling drugs anyway, then she would not be able to demonstrate that she would not have committed this crime. So, you know, it`s just extremely difficult.

GRACE: Agree or disagree, Susan Moss?

MOSS: Agreed. Donna did not work for the government authorities. She didn`t even work for a quasi-judicial agency. She worked for a private company. The fact that she was selling drugs, she`s guilty. Only thugs sell prescription drugs.

GRACE: I want to go back to Dr. Perper. Dr. Perper, I keep thinking -- not that I think that`s exactly what happened to Haleigh. But I keep thinking about those letters. I`ve got up here on my desk.

For someone wrote that Misty Croslin took 5-year-old Haleigh to a late-night party where everybody was drunk and using drugs, that she injected OxyContin -- this was months ago -- and she died of an overdose.

When I think what the child went through physically and mentally for an overdose death, it makes me sick.

PERPER: Well, it`s certainly very sad. And when you have people who are on drugs they really don`t pay attention. They are negligent. And unless they give it -- the drugs on purpose which doesn`t appear to be the case, the child may take the drug and die under those circumstances.

GRACE: And bottom line, though, back to the lawyers, Peter Odom, Joe Lawless, Susan Moss.

Joe Lawless, that would still be felony murder because the felony would be felony child endangerment. And a death would occur during that endangerment, exposing children to a dope and booze party. That would still be felony murder.

LAWLESS: Absolutely. You`ve heard the expression between a rock and a hard place. She`s between a rock and a rock. One is a 25-year mandatory minimum for drugs. The other -- if that turns out to have been the facts is a felony murder charge that could carry a mandatory minimum life imprisonment.

GRACE: Everybody, I`m still getting news in my ear as we`re broadcasting live right now. I`m understanding that Misty Croslin is clamming up. Her lawyers are telling her not to talk, not to talk about the drug offenses, and not to talk about Haleigh. Missing Haleigh Cummings and the night she went missing.

Out to Polly in California. Hi, Polly.


GRACE: Hi, dear.

POLLY: I love you, your show and your kids. I still wish you were a prosecuting attorney because I think you just (INAUDIBLE) the bomb.

GRACE: Thank you. What`s your question, love?

POLLY: Here`s my question. Now, assuming that there`s charges or they are sentenced on the drug charges to the mandatory 180 years, how is dangling a lighter sentence in front of them, if they give them information about poor little Haleigh, going to get them to talk when she`s facing a death sentence or possibility of life in prison if she`s found guilty of murder? How is.

GRACE: What you can do is if they got the minimum, which is 25 on each count, which would be 150 years behind bars, after the sentencing, if she cooperated and solved the Haleigh Cummings case, the prosecutor could ask for an order modification in sentencing.


TINLIN: What do you do for a living, ma`am?

CROSLIN: Nothing.

TINLIN: I`m sorry?

CROSLIN: Nothing.

TINLIN: How do you support yourself?

CROSLIN: My mom and my dad.

TINLIN: How old are you?

CROSLIN: Just turned 18.

TINLIN: Do you have the money at this time to hire a lawyer?

CROSLIN: I have a lawyer.

TINLIN: Who`s your lawyer, please?

CROSLIN: Robert Fields.

TINLIN: Have you had a chance to contact Mr. Fields?

CROSLIN: I talked to him yesterday, yes.

TINLIN: All right, I`ll give you another chance to speak to him. I`ll show at this point you`re retaining Mr. Fields. If you`re unable to hire a lawyer on these charges and you need the assistance from the public defender, you can tell Judge Berger that when you`re brought before her or the circuit court in St. Mary, Putnam County and a public defender will be appointed.

Do you have any questions about that?

CROSLIN: No, sir.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right. You have a seat.


GRACE: Out to the lines, Vickie in Iowa.

VICKIE, CALLER FROM IOWA: Hello? Hello, Nancy.

GRACE: Hi, dear. What`s your question?

VICKIE: Yes, my question is, I believe that Ron Cummings had custody of a son and I was wondering while they were incarcerated who`s got the son? And if there was suspected drug use, why weren`t -- why didn`t the state order her stats or check up on him when they were going through this ordeal?

GRACE: Excellent question. What about it, Art Harris. Where is Junior Cummings?

HARRIS: Nancy, Junior has been staying at Ronald`s grandmother`s house but I can tell you that Crystal, with her new lawyer, went back to court today in an emergency hearing in Putnam County, asked for custody back and one source tells me she got it.

GRACE: Whoa, that is a huge, huge sea change.

Back to Dr. Bethany Marshall, psychoanalyst and author of "Dealbreakers." What`s your final thought, Bethany?

MARSHALL: I think putting the squeeze on Misty and Ronald, by giving them 180 years, is not necessarily going to make them tell the truth. Long-term opiate abuse increases habitual lying, self-destructive behavior and sometimes when you use tough love with the addict, they become even more self-destructive and they dig themselves in.

What they need is sobriety, sitting in jail for years, as you suggested, cooling their heels, and then maybe they`ll have insight and tell the truth.

GRACE: Well, Bethany, maybe a year, 18 months, two years behind bars will dry them all out and help them remember.

Let`s stop and remember, ourselves, Army Sergeant Jason Walter Vaughn, 29, Luka, Mississippi, killed Iraq. On a second tour, awarded the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, many other medals.

Loved his blue `78 Chevelle. Loyal to friends. Never met a stranger. Would give somebody his last dollar if he thought they needed it. Leaves blind parents Walter and Reina, sister, Karisha, brother, Logan, wife, Contessa, stepdaughter, Ashley.

Jason Walter Vaughn, American hero.

Thank you to our guests but our biggest thank you is to you. A special thank you to Florida friend of the show, Valerie, for this beautiful, beautiful gift that she made for the twins.

I got it after Christmas but we will be using it next year. Valerie and her son also share the twins` birthday, November 4.

Everyone, I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on January 26, 2010, 08:43:14 AM


Haleigh`s Father Speaks from Jail

Aired January 25, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. The last person to see her alive, new stepmother, 18-year-old Misty Croslin, who takes to the airwaves to claim she`s innocent. But even in one brief interview, Croslin can`t keep her stories straight, including a 180 on a failed lie detector, claiming she passed, then admitting on TV she failed.

Bombshell tonight. After Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and baby- sitter-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin both handcuffed, arrested and booked, Haleigh`s dad breaks his silence tonight from behind bars. What, if anything, do these felony arrests mean in the search for 5-year-old Haleigh?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What do you do for a living, ma`am?



CROSLIN: Nothing.

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: Somebody stole my child from me!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How do you support yourself?

CROSLIN: My mom and my dad.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: New details emerge in the case of missing 5-year- old Florida girl Haleigh Cummings. In a jailhouse interview, Haleigh`s father allegedly claims, after he was arrested on drug charges, police told him their main focus is not putting him in jail, it was finding Haleigh.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Cummings is charged with three counts of drug trafficking. Misty Croslin, his former wife, is charged with six counts of drug trafficking.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When you have people who are on drugs, they really don`t pay attention. They are negligent.

CROSLIN: Some black guy just jumped in my car and stole my whole (ph) purse and threw me out the car, and he said he had a gun and said he was going to shoot me!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This is one of the most dangerous drugs of our time!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This little girl didn`t stand a chance.

CROSLIN: I didn`t do anything to that little girl. I would never hurt her.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Cummings reported told "The Florida Times Union" that he`s unsure if Croslin is holding something back, allegedly admitting it is hard to think Croslin does not know more.

GRACE: What did you make of those letters that emerged, detailing a party that night that the writer claims little Haleigh was at?

CUMMINGS: Miss Nancy, I didn`t make anything of them lawyers.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Children sometimes think that that`s candy. And we see sometimes accidental death.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Haleigh didn`t like medicine. And Oxycontin -- I`ve had to take it. I think it`s a very nasty taste and I can`t imagine Haleigh taking it.

CROSLIN: Everybody knows that I love Haleigh and Ronald and Junior. (INAUDIBLE) family, just like Haleigh wanted.


GRACE: And tonight, breaking news. Amber Alert in America`s heartland. Seven-year-old Aja vanishes into thin air after Mommy`s found murdered inside the family RV, Geronimo, Oklahoma. But where is 7-year-old Aja Johnson?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There`s a desperate search going on in Oklahoma for a 7-year-old who may have been abducted after her mother was killed.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m the father of Aja Johnson, and I`m here to make a plea to everyone who`s listening and every parent who`s out there.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Breaking news, Amber Alert, police on the lookout for 7-year-old Aja Johnson. The Oklahoma girl vanishes with her mother`s estranged husband, Lester Hobbs.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Please, Lester, if you`re listening or anyone out there who knows where she is, please return her!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Aja`s mom found dead.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The body of 37-year-old Tonya Leeann (ph) Hobbs was found inside a camper. Ms. Hobbs was the estranged wife of a man named Lester William Hobbs.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police concerned Aja is with Hobbs because he`s a convicted felon and considered extremely armed and dangerous.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He does have a pretty extensive criminal history.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hobbs is not Aja`s biological father.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Aja also has a serious medical condition that requires regular medication, yet another reason why local, county, state law enforcement on the hunt to bring Aja home safely.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Authorities say he is driving a 1992 white Toyota Paseo with the Oklahoma license plate of 577 BPW.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I need my little girl back! She`s missing. I love her dearly. And she needs her medication!


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Bombshell tonight. After Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and baby-sitter-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin both handcuffed, arrested, booked, Haleigh`s father breaks his silence from behind bars tonight. What, if anything, do these felony arrests mean in the search for 5-year- old Haleigh?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ms. Cummings, you`ve been charged with four counts of trafficking in hydrocodone out of Putnam County...

CUMMINGS: She put Haleigh to bed, done some laundry and went to bed, and woke up to the door propped open.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A total of five counts of trafficking hydrocodone out of Putnam County and one count (INAUDIBLE) St. Johns County.

CUMMINGS: I don`t think Misty holds any information that`s going to find Haleigh.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: From behind bars, Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, allegedly says officers told him their main focus is not putting him in jail, it was finding Cummings`s 5-year-old daughter.

CROSLIN: She`s gone, and that`s all I know!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I have stated all along and I will continue to state that my grandchildren love Misty and that Misty loved my grandchildren.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Haleigh`s father refused to talk specifically about the drug charges, simply calling them a setback in his life.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Investigators say they will try to interview the people who were arrested while in custody about Haleigh`s disappearance.

CROSLIN: They go out and look for the right person, maybe they`d -- they would be -- would have the answers, but they`re trying to get all the answers from me.

CUMMINGS: How the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole, (EXPLETIVE DELETED)!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: More likely is she was passed out, did not remember what had happened because she was doing drugs for three or four days on a big party.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why did you say one thing one time and one time the other -- one thing the other?

CROSLIN: I don`t know.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But you know you did do that?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Apparently, when Haleigh was first reported missing, you said she would be -- she was wearing a pink shirt. And you have now said that, no, in fact, she was not wearing that pink shirt, and I believe that pink shirt was actually found at your home. Can you explain that discrepancy for me?

CROSLIN: I was in the house with the detectives. They were showing me -- had me go back in the house to show them some stuff. And I was looking by the dirty clothes for the clothes she was wearing earlier that day for school, and I found that shirt and I showed the detectives. If I was hiding something, why would I show the cops the shirt?


GRACE: That was Misty Croslin on NBC`s "Today" show talking about the accusation that her story does not add up, which it does not. We are taking your calls live.

But first to Art Harris, investigative journalist at Art, today, in the last hours, Ronald Cummings has broken his silence from behind bars. What did he say?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Nancy, he said that the focus of the investigation was not on him but in finding Haleigh. That`s what the police told him when they threw him on the ground and cuffed him. And that he was also asked, did he believe Misty knew anything about it? He said he wasn`t sure but didn`t see how she could go that long and keep a secret.

GRACE: Well, I have to agree with him on that. But I mean, Art, we`ve shown one example of how nothing she says makes any sense. She can never explain why her story differs every time she tells it. And Art, let`s go back over what she said the child was wearing the night she disappeared and then her discovery of that very outfit there in the home.

HARRIS: Well, I believe it was a pink outfit, Nancy, and then, wasn`t that in the wash afterwards? But I know there were a lot of other contradictions from where she said Haleigh was sleeping. At first, it was on the bed with her. Then it was on the mattress on the floor. There was talk that they looked under the bed. But how can you look under a mattress? A lot of contradictions in what Misty was saying that night and it just didn`t make sense. And her brother, Tommy, says he shows up, bangs on the door, no one`s home. Misty says later she was asleep and didn`t hear him. Just a lot of -- a lot of suspicions, Nancy.

GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Is there finally a break in the search for 5-year-old Haleigh?

Straight to you, Marlaina Schiavo, our producer on the story. What else did Ronald Cummings have to say from behind bars?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: He mentioned, Nancy, that Misty hasn`t told him anything new at this point that we haven`t already heard. And we`re still waiting to see if she`s going to say something. However, we know her lawyer has advised her not to say a word. Ronald also said that the police have not questioned him at all. He has spoken to his attorney one time. He visited him the other day in jail. And he is sort of waiting. The one thing he did say, Nancy, is that he really does think he`s going to go to prison.

GRACE: Out to the lines. Eleanor, Illinois. Hi, Eleanor.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. How are you?

GRACE: I`m good, dear. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. I have a question. Is there a law in Florida about statutory rape? And if so, could this be why Ronald married Misty at the time that he did, because she was under age? And if so, that might be why they`re divorced now, so he can`t -- they can`t charge him for anything now?

GRACE: Let`s unleash the lawyers. Joining us tonight, Susan Moss, family law attorney out of New York, defense attorney Raymond Giudice out of Atlanta, and a special guest joining us tonight, Mark Nejame. He is joining us out of Orlando. He is also the attorney for Texas Equusearch founder Tim Miller.

Mark Nejame, what is the law in Florida regarding statutory rape? What is the age?

MARK NEJAME, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: It`s 16 or 17. It depends upon the difference of age between the alleged perpetrator and the alleged victim. But in this particular case, it would have required Misty to have cooperated and indicated that something, some sex, had occurred. I doubt, the way this was going, that could have ever been proven.

GRACE: To Sue Moss. I don`t know of many jurisdictions that place statutory rape, which is basically rape of a minor, at 17. It`s very often 16 or under. What do you know, Sue Moss?

SUSAN MOSS, FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY: You`re absolutely right. It`s usually 16 or under. But honestly, when there is a huge difference in age, even 17 can hit the statutory rape mark.

GRACE: What about it, Ray?

RAYMOND GIUDICE, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, in Georgia, we have a new law that, as was just pointed out, is based upon the age difference. So you can be over 16, but if there`s a disproportionate age limit, it`s a sexual assault case, not a rape case. But I will also address the caller`s question. Them getting married would not have stopped the prosecution from getting a statutory rape warrant, if there was evidence of it.

GRACE: And unique, Raymond Giudice, to Florida law is the fact that the husband/wife marital privilege...

GIUDICE: That`s right.

GRACE: ... does not apply to abuse on a child, whether it be Haleigh...

GIUDICE: That`s right.

GRACE: ... or whether Misty Croslin was under the law a child at the time they started their relationship. So under either circumstance, the marriage would not have precluded her testifying.

GIUDICE: Right. There was lots of speculation at the time of their marriage and it`s just irrelevant. It wouldn`t have applied. It wouldn`t have protected anybody.


CROSLIN: I wish that they would have took me instead of her, you know, because I could have fought. You know, she`s only 5. She can`t really do anything. And I just wish they would have took me instead of her!




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you have the money at this time to hire a lawyer?

CROSLIN: I have a lawyer.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty Cummings, her brother, Hank Croslin, Jr., and Ronald Cummings charged with drug trafficking.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Her bond is set at $950,000.

GRACE: One hundred and eighty possible years if these counts run consecutive.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There should be no leniency!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Someone`s got to sit down across the table from her, look her in the eye and say, You`re not going anywhere for a long time anyway. You ought to tell us what you know.

CUMMINGS: She pretty much tells me the same thing each time she -- I ask her about it.

CROSLIN: I loved her like she`s my own, and I`ll do anything to get her back!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Who was with her -- the last person with her? She was!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Meanwhile, Haleigh`s grandmother says she also believes Croslin is withholding information that could help the Haleigh case.

GRACE: Ms. Neves, I don`t mean to grill you, but it just doesn`t all fit together.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: To me, it`s a very dysfunctional family, and that`s the best way I can describe that.

CROSLIN: Anything for Haleigh, I`ll do.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She is still the most important witness in this case. She`s the last person to see the children. She was with them. She`s an important person to be spoken to, and law enforcement needs to go get her.

CROSLIN: I was home. I was home. I don`t know where anybody come with I wasn`t home. I was home.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Apparently, when Haleigh was first reported missing, you said she would be -- she was wearing a pink shirt. And you have now said that, no, in fact she was not wearing that pink shirt. And I believe that pink shirt was actually found at your home. Can you explain that discrepancy for me?

CROSLIN: I was in the house with the detectives. They were showing me -- had me go back in the house to show them some stuff. And I was looking by the dirty clothes for the clothes she was wearing earlier that day for school, and I found that shirt and I showed the detectives. If I was hiding something, why would I show the cops the shirt?


GRACE: Maybe because they saw it lying there on the floor and you had to say something? That was Croslin again, speaking out on NBC`s "Today" show after accusations her story does not add up.

We are taking your calls live. What difference will these charges make -- to Marc Klaas? Marc, I`m sure you`re familiar with everything bio dad Ronald Cummings has said from behind bars, that when he was thrown down on the ground and arrested, the cops said, This isn`t about drugs, this is about Haleigh, that he was going to prison, it`s a setback in his life, that he is in isolation and he says that is because it`s a high-profile case, that it`s hard to think that Misty Croslin doesn`t know what happened, but it`s also hard to believe she could keep a secret this long.

MARC KLAAS, KLAAS KIDS FOUNDATION: Well, we know that she can`t keep a secret. I mean, we know that Misty is not a criminal mastermind simply through the way that she exposed herself and got herself sucked up in this drug trafficking situation. I think that drugs...

GRACE: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Marc Klaas, hold on one moment, OK? You don`t get sucked into selling drugs, all right? Now, Marc Klaas, I very typically agree with you. You`re a crime victim, I`m a crime victim, and I really respect the way that you have been a crusader for the rest of your life since the murder of your little girl, Polly. But I disagree that she`s sucked into anything. When you were her age, going on 19, I doubt you were out trafficking in drugs, all right? So she`s not sucked in. This is her decision to live this way! Go ahead.

KLAAS: Absolutely. And I couldn`t agree more. When I said that, Nancy, what I mean is that she was so easily taken in by the undercover cop who purchased the drugs from her over the course of a month. Drugs are a common theme from the beginning of this case, particularly prescription drugs, and I think what we have here is we have the truth laid out before us.

I believe that this young girl is a drug-addled addict that -- her parenting skills comes from what she knows. I believe that this problem probably goes back in her family at least one more generation. All you have to do is look at her 41-year-old mother, who looks 70 years old, to realize that there are some huge problems within this family.

And remember, last September, she said that there was -- she had a dream-like state of four people being in the house. Well, I suspect that`s absolutely what happened. And I suspect that she is so disengaged from consciousness that what she needs right now is a two or three-year detox, and maybe some of these -- some of these details will become clear finally.

GRACE: OK, a lot of pieces are starting to fit together. Listen to this 911 call that went down a couple of months ago.


911 OPERATOR: 911. Do you have an emergency?

CROSLIN: I need someone -- what`s this place called?


CROSLIN: I just (EXPLETIVE DELETED) some -- some black...


CROSLIN: Some black guy just jumped in my car and stole my whole (ph) purse and threw me out the car, and said he had a gun and said he was going to shoot me!

911 OPERATOR: OK, where are you at right now?


GRACE: That`s right, blame the black man. Don`t say, I`m out selling dope and somebody stole it. What about it, Sheryl McCollum?

SHERYL MCCOLLUM, CRIME ANALYST: The most telling thing to me, Nancy, about this 911 tape -- her voice is high. It`s rapid. She is afraid. She`s giving as much detail as she possibly can in a short period of time. She did not do that the night Haleigh went missing.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Was the bed made?

CROSLIN: No. I was sleeping in that bed. How would the bed be made if someone`s sleeping in the bed? I wasn`t the only one sleeping in it. But how would it -- me and his son, how would the bed be made if we were in the bed sleeping?

They`ve been on me for six months. They haven`t left me alone for six months. I`ve been the one, the main focus. They just need to move on and look for the right person.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So here`s the back door and here`s the lock. It sticks. So there you go. Now we open the back door, and here`s the back screen door, the one that was propped open with the cinderblock, OK? Now, like -- now, if you see, when it closes, it slams. It makes a loud noise. But if you leave this door, this slowly closes, as well.

911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, let me talk to your wife. Let me get some information from her.


911 OPERATOR: Can I talk to her?



CUMMINGS: How the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole, (EXPLETIVE DELETED)!


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Out to Toni in Tennessee. Hi, Toni.


GRACE: I`m good, dear. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Your twins are beautiful. And I have two questions.

GRACE: Thank you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: One is, what`s going to happen to the little boy that Ronald Cummings had? Who`s going to get custody? And will they willing to drop some of them drug charges just to get her to say where Haleigh Cummings is?

GRACE: Well, here`s my take on that, Toni. First of all, I`m going to go to Marlaina Schiavo and Art Harris on the update of custody. But she`s looking at a total of about 180 years if she gets 30 years on each traffic -- drug trafficking count run consecutively, which they can do, all right, 180 years. But unless they do a deal where they say, OK, if you killed Haleigh we`ll give you manslaughter, 20 years on manslaughter, we will not seek the death penalty, we will not prosecute you on murder one, they got to do a packaged deal on the drugs and the murder. That`s what they`ve got to do if they want this woman to talk.

And I kind of agree with Marc Klaas. I don`t know how much she knows about what happened because I think she was high as a kite. Her mind is fried. That little girl, that baby didn`t have a chance, Toni.

To you, Art Harris. What`s the status on custody?

HARRIS: I can tell you that the little boy, Junior, Haleigh`s brother, was turned over to mother Crystal Sheffield and that she took her...

GRACE: OK, Art, pause. Art, I have a question. I`m always suspicious of why doesn`t a mommy get custody to start with? You think, as much as I love my husband, that over my dead body would I let them get custody of the children? Oh, no, there will not be a divorce, Art Harris, much less a custody argument! So why did she lose custody to start with?

HARRIS: She was in court and she testified that she had done drugs when she and Ronald were together, and she did not get custody. Ronald had custody. And in this case, they actually drug tested her before they turned over Junior and did a home evaluation, which she passed, Nancy.

GRACE: You`re telling me she lost custody because she didn`t have a job? Did I just hear him say that?



GRACE: Have e you asked her what happened? What does she tell you?


TERESA NEVES, GRANDMOTHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD, HALEIGH CUMMINGS: We have all encouraged her to speak with the police.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Bottom line, you don`t know where Haleigh is?


CUMMINGS: She pretty much tells me the same thing each time she`s -- I ask her about it.

CROSLIN: I would have woke up if I heard any noise. I mean, I didn`t hear anything at all.

GRACE: You`ve been in the trailer just like we have been and somebody pounding on the front door as close as her bed was to the front door, you would hear it. It`s 10 feet away.

NEVES: I think the children would have been more likely to hear it.

CUMMINGS: I want to get to the bottom of what happened. One way or another I want my daughter to come home.

GRACE: Ronald Cummings, did it ever disturb you that Misty Croslin`s story actually changed?

CUMMINGS: Yes, ma`am, it did. I can`t really recall the exact changes. And they`re really small. It`s not like she -- she pretty much tells me the same thing each time she`s -- I ask her about it. So there might be a difference in the way that it`s worded.


GRACE: If he`s convinced Misty Croslin knows more or is even involved in the disappearance of his daughter, what is he doing out in the car with her selling dope, Art Harris?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, ARTHARRIS.COM, INTERVIEWED MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S NEW STEPMOM: I can tell you his family and Ronald tried to stay close to her and tried to psych her out, and I`m not unconvinced that the divorce wasn`t a way to rattle her cage.

Misty told a friend of hers that Ron`s mother -- we can ask her -- actually appeared over her one night when she woke up just staring at her. And so she felt the pressure from the family and Ronald may well have seen himself as a double agent in a weird way. He defended her in public.


HARRIS: But went after her in private.

GRACE: Art, back to your last response. Why did the mother, Crystal Sheffield, lose custody of Haleigh and Junior to start with? Now she`s got Junior back.

HARRIS: Bottom line.

GRACE: Is that a good thing?

HARRIS: Well, it is in the eyes of court. At the time Ronald was the one who had the job. He was the more stable parent in the eyes of the judge and could provide for the children. He had health insurance. Crystal did not have anything. And.

GRACE: You know, Art, I`m really surprised with all the cases you`ve covered that you could even say that with a straight face. The mom loses custody because she doesn`t have health insurance? You know, I`m going to let you rethink that for a moment.

HARRIS: It`s a package, Nancy. He had the package, he had the job, he had the health insurance. And he did not, under oath, admit to taking drugs or doing drugs in court. She did.

GRACE: So you`re basically telling me he was less doped up than her?

HARRIS: Basically.

GRACE: OK. Out to Mark Nejame, a veteran defense attorney, excellent reputation. He represents a player in this case, Tim Miller.

Everyone, you know Tim Miller. He founded Texas EquuSearch. This is after the murder of his daughter. And he has gone on countless searches for missing children, missing people since that tragedy in his life.

Now, keep Nejame up. Let me go to Marlaina Schiavo. Who was Donna Broch? She was just arrested along with Misty Croslin and all of this dope selling, trafficking, no less than 28 grams or over. Where does Donna Broch fit in with Nejame`s client, Tim Miller?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: Donna was originally a volunteer for Texas EquuSearch. And in the beginning -- in the fall of 2009 she teamed up with Misty. Tim Miller decided that he was going to get to the bottom of what Misty was saying.

He sends Donna out there to sort of pal around with her, take her out to see if she can get the story. But as time went on, Nancy, as we know, and the road rage incident happened, Tim broke off from Donna. They completely parted ways and nothing -- Donna didn`t get anything from Misty.

GRACE: Please put Schiavo back up.

Marlaina, correct me if I`m wrong. But on Thursday night we discussed this and you said that Tim Miller had basically bankrolled Donna Broch, that he had paid for all sorts of gifts for supporting her, all sorts of things to get in with Misty Croslin. Did you not?

SCHIAVO: Well, yes and no. Nancy, let me just make it clear.


SCHIAVO: He did give her some funding to take Misty out when she was in Orlando and they went out and they stayed in hotels. And yes, that`s what he did back then. But by October 30th they had parted ways.

And the Christmas gifts that were bought for Misty`s niece and nephew were not funded by him. That came out of Donna`s pocket because at that point she had crossed over, had some unnatural -- emotional attachment to Misty and started helping her on her own.

GRACE: Well, you know, that is certainly putting the perfume on the pig, Marlaina Schiavo, because, Mark Nejame, when you start going along for dope runs, you`ve certainly crossed the line. Tim Miller must be stunned at all of these developments. What`s your response?

MARK NEJAME, DEFENSE ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY FOR TEXAS EQUUSEARCH FOUNDER, TIM MILLER: I think the summary that`s been given is appropriate. Stunned, saddened, and he`s accepted it. Not unlike a bad cop who infiltrates a police department, sometimes there`s bad eggs, bad apples.

When he identified it he completely terminated and suspended and eliminated her rights to Texas EquuSearch. The October 30th date was correct. And when he found out about it which is three months before this recent incident he got rid of her appropriately so.

He`s saddened. He`s sorry. He`s told the people of EquuSearch and around the country that he wishes it was otherwise. But when he found out about it he got rid of her.

GRACE: Let me ask you something, Nejame. Out of all that time and effort, money, too, that he pumped into Donna Broch, did she ever get any information from Misty Croslin?

NEJAME: Not that we know of. And if you told us -- you know, how can we believe anything at this point? You know?

GRACE: True.

NEJAME: If you`re willing to do was come out, whatever`s been said, how can you believe it?

GRACE: Out to Dr. Janet Taylor. She is a medical doctor and psychiatrist joining us out of New York.

Dr. Taylor, what have you -- what do you make of this symbiotic relationship between Ronald Cummings? His daughter`s been missing now for some time. Misty Croslin last one to be with her. Now they`re obviously fraternizing, traffic drugs charges against the two of them.

DR. JANET TAYLOR, PSYCHIATRIST: I mean it`s incredible. And both of them really should have been looking for clues to find Haleigh. They`re both doing drugs. I mean it shows a manipulativeness of both of them and how they really are not focused on finding her. It`s incredible.

GRACE: Back to you, Marc Klaas, president and founder of KlaasKids Foundation. Right now if you were in charge of this investigation how would you use these people behind bars to your advantage?

MARC KLAAS, PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER, KLAASKIDS FOUNDATION: Well, I would keep Misty Croslin behind bars for as long as is humanly possible and basically throw the book at her in an attempt to do one of two things.

Number one, get her into that detox state so that her brain clears up and she can provide some useful information. Or number two, use it as leverage so she might provide something that she does know which I really doubt that she does know consciously.

GRACE: To Sheryl McCollum, crime analyst, director of the Cold Case Squad, Pinelake PD.

Sheryl McCollum, this case is quickly becoming a cold case. If I were running that prosecution I would take Misty Croslin to trial.


GRACE: I would get the maximum, if I could, on every single count and if they happened on different occasions run them consecutively.

MCCOLLUM: Absolutely.

GRACE: And if she sits there looking at 180 years behind bars I`d let her sit there for about a year, 18 months. Because the state`s not in a hurry. All right?

MCCOLLUM: No reason to be in a hurry.

GRACE: You know, let it breathe for a few moments. You know? Let it marinate. Let it develop, should we say, and then go to her when she`s been off the sauce for about 18 months. And offer a packaged deal on the drugs or a remodification, end with a manslaughter.

MCCOLLUM: That`s one way to do it. I`d tell you I`d go after her brother. During this 12-month period of time that Haleigh`s been missing, when he was arrested, he put himself at the crime scene. He said he was there, he knocked on the door, nobody answered. He`s also a real good witness. Make him the deal.

GRACE: Everyone, we are taking your calls live. As you can see, there`s the mugshot of girlfriend-turned-stepmother, the baby-sitter, Misty Croslin.

Very quickly, a special happy birthday to Georgia friend, Cathy Castrocone (ph). She delivered beautiful between twin girls, Isabella and Gabriella, and has brought them along with great love and devotion from an extremely premature birth to the healthy, happy girls you see right here.

She made time to cheer on not just me but other moms of twins that like us have faced huge physical obstacles. Isa and Gabby, you`re so lucky to have Cathy as your mommy.

Happy birthday, Cathy.



UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Law enforcement needs your help in tracking down the Amber Alert issued for 7-year-old Aja Johnson.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I just love her so much and I just want her back.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: The Amber Alert issued after Aja`s mom, Tonya Hobbs, found dead inside the camper where she was staying with Aja.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: One of the family members actually pried the door, the trailer open and they found the body of Tonya Hobbs inside the residence.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Police say Johnson was meeting with her estranged husband Lester Hobbs. The two allegedly separated, but trying to reconcile. Now, the estranged husband is gone, allegedly with Aja.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Mr. Hobbs is 46 years of age, 6`1" and 190 pounds.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Cops say Lester Hobbs should be considered armed and dangerous. Possibly driving Aja in a white 1992 Toyota Paseo with two doors, no hub caps, and plastic covering the rear passenger window.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What`s concerning us is Lester Hobbs is not present at this location nor is 7-year-old Aja.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Time of the essence. Aja has a serious medical condition that requires her to take medication.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She was going to go to a birthday party. All she had was a pair of clothing for that evening and that day and her medication for that evening and the next morning. Now she`s without all that.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The family became concerned yesterday when they didn`t see Tonya or her small daughter. Once the family noticed that they hadn`t been around on Sunday afternoon they became concerned. One of the family members actually pried the door of the trailer open and found the body of Tonya Hobbs inside the residence.

What`s concerning us is Lester Hobbs is not present at this location nor is 7-year-old Aja Hobbs. There is no relationship between Lester Hobbs -- and I`m sorry, let me clarify that name. It`s Aja Johnson. There is no relationship between them.


GRACE: OK. I need to clear something up. Out to you, Clark Goldband, our producer on the story.

Clark, there`s no blood relationship whatsoever between the suspect and the little girl, and it`s my understanding that there is a court order for the mother, the child`s mother, to keep the child away from him specifically.

What happened? Why was she there at his home in an RV with the little girl?

CLARK GOLDBAND, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: You hit the nail on the head, Nancy. First of all, Aja Johnson not allowed to be with Lester Hobbs, no relation. For all intents and purposes they don`t know each other. Although technically her stepfather.

So let`s move that aside. The second part of your question, there was an emergency temporary order which I have right here from the court that specifically mentions -- let`s read from it.

It says this child shall not be left alone with Tonya Hobbs, the respondent, or Lester Hobbs at all. The court specifically saying this child never should have been with Hobbs in the first place.

Now mom -- excuse me, mom, Tonya Hobbs, found dead inside that RV trailer. Law enforcement arrives on the scene. The child nowhere to be found. Now they believe Hobbs is traveling with the child, Aja, in a 1995 white Toyota Paseo, and could be as far away as Oklahoma, Texas, or California.

GRACE: OK. Let me ask you this. You know, let me go to Dave Lanning with KOKC News Talk, joining us from Oklahoma City.

Dave, what -- in a nutshell, what was the mother doing back with this guy? Why was she visiting him?

DAVE LANNING, REPORTER, KOKC NEWS/TALK (via phone): Well, you know what, at one point in time we understood that he had called her asking to see the child and the child`s sister because he had an appointment with the court today and was kind of worried about it.

He was supposed to report to court this morning on some DUI charges from earlier last year. So we understand that the mother, Tonya Hobbs, may have a story to pass along to the dad, J.J. Johnson, that she was taking the girls to a party overnight when, in fact, was going to Geronimo to meet with Hobbs. And -- with the possibility of trying to reconcile.

GRACE: Oh, good Lord in heaven.

LANNING: At that point.

GRACE: This guy has a rap sheet as long as the interstate. She filed a TRO against him claiming that he threatened to hit the child in the head with a hammer and kill her if she tried to leave him. Then she goes back over there with the little girl in an RV. Suddenly mommy is dead. Baby is gone with this guy.

Take a look. This is the suspect in this case. Phone number 580-355- 1115. That is the suspect that you are seeing. 577-B, brother, P, Pennsylvania, W, Wyoming, is the tag plate. There is a chance to save this little girl.

To Jessica Brown, the PIO, public information officer, with the Oklahoma State Bureau of Investigation, thank you for being with us.

Miss Brown, explain to me, have there been any legitimate sightings of the little girl since she went missing?

JESSICA BROWN, PUBLIC INFORMATION DIRECTOR, OKLAHOMA STATE BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION (via phone): I don`t know how legitimate they have been, but we have gotten several people who have called in claiming to have seen her across the state. We`re following those leads right now. We have nothing definite.

GRACE: What was the mode of the murder of Tonya Hobbs?

BROWN: We`re not releasing that at this point because we haven`t heard back from the medical examiner`s office. But I can tell you my investigators do say it`s obvious she was murdered.

GRACE: And to Dave Lanning with KOKC News/Talk there in Oklahoma City, the little girl apparently has some type of medical issue? Because I heard the relative is claiming she needs her medication. What medication for what?

LANNING: Well, what we understand, as the official answer has not yet been released. But there have been reports that she suffers from attention deficit syndrome and insomnia, apparently very severe. And that`s what she`s taking medication for.

GRACE: What about it, to you, Clark Goldband, what do you how?

GOLDBAND: Well, Nancy, those are questions we`ve been asking law enforcement all day. We are not able to confirm. But what I can tell you is, law enforcement has said this at the very front that she is in desperate need of some form of pills or medication and they certainly wouldn`t put that out there unless.

GRACE: Your office says desperate need of her medication. I don`t think that would apply to ADD or insomnia. What is her medical condition?

I think I`ve got Jessica Brown with me.


BROWN: . at this point in time, Nancy.

GRACE: I want to go straight out to Dr. Gwenn O`Keefe, pediatrician, founder and CEO of

Dr. O`Keefe, thank you for being with us. This little girl doesn`t even know this man. I mean there are no blood relation whatsoever and he`s on the run with her. What dangers, obviously, other than murder or assault is this child facing? And police are saying she`s in desperate need or medication. She`s 7 years old.

DR. GWENN O`KEEFE, M.D., PEDIATRICIAN, FOUNDER & CEO OF PEDIATRICSNOW.COM: Well, Nancy, I think there`s two big issues. One is her medical condition that sounds quite significant. And I agree, ADD is not a significant medical condition and the medicine she`d be on would not put her life at risk.

So we have to very concerned that she has a major medical problem where she needs a daily medication and she could withdraw from a medication if she`s taking something daily and doesn`t get it.

So there`s a real crisis here in her not being medicated daily. But being with a stranger is frightening to a child, especially a stranger who is violent. So this is a concerning and very high risk situation.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She has a little problem with a sleeping disorder. And a little attention disorder. So she needs her medication to kind of help her sleep at night.




UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: An Amber Alert is issued for Aja Daniell Johnson who you see her. Comanche County Deputies found the body of her mother, 37-year-old Tonya Hobbs, last night in her RV parked in Geronimo. And police believe Aja is with her mother`s estranged husband.


GRACE: Straight to the lines, Vick in Kentucky. Hi, Vicky.


GRACE: I`m good, dear. What`s your question?

VICKY: I love your show and I love your kids.

GRACE: Thank you.

VICKY: I was wondering what type of criminal history this man has.

GRACE: Go ahead, Clark.

GOLDBAND: He`s got a few convictions for DUI, Nancy, but perhaps most disturbing assault and battery, felony charges.

GRACE: And what do we know about those assault and battery charges, Dave Lanning with KOKC?

LANNING: Well, in fact, Hobbs was actually convicted of one in 2001 and served time for that. The most recent, though, that he was going to court for today was a DUI charge from 2009. Most of his history indicates a drinking problem and a pretty good temper which is obviously one of the reasons we should be very concerned that the child is with him.

GRACE: Marc Klaas, weigh in.

KLAAS: Yes, Nancy, this is another violent offender living his life sentence on the installment plan. Being regurgitated into society again and again until the life of an innocent child hangs in the balance.

This is a scenario that plays out oftentimes on your show and on society and costs many young children, including my daughter, their lives.

GRACE: Sheryl McCollum?

MCCOLLUM: Absolutely. Look at the past five months. August, mom gets a protective order. Hobbs is named. In November, dad wants a -- you know, an emergency protective order to get the child custody. Hobbs is named again. By January, mom is murdered, child is missing. Hobbs is named again.

GRACE: Everyone, the tip line in finding Hobbs, hopefully with the little girl alive. 580-355-1115. The Geronimo Police Department.

Let`s stop, everyone, and remember Army Sergeant Forrest Dane Cauthorn, 22, Charles City, Virginia, killed Iraq. Known by the middle name Dane, he loved Harleys, the state of Virginia, and pops, his father.

He is remembered for a zest for life. Cauthorn and his father had a very special bond and a level of respect for one another seldom seen. He leaves behind father Forrest Cauthorn, his father`s girlfriend, Debbie, uncles Lewis and Dave, aunts Maggie and Caroline. Great Uncle Bill, Great Aunt Fran.

Forrest Dane Cauthorn, American hero.

Thanks to our guests. Our biggest thank you, as usual, is to you for inviting all of us into your homes. And a special thank you tonight for Miss Joan Rivers who sent me this and some other beautiful necklaces from her QVC collection. I`m flattered that you would send these.

Everyone, see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern. Mother, get well. Until tomorrow, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on January 28, 2010, 06:43:28 AM


Haleigh`s Dad`s Jailhouse Interview

Aired January 27, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. Last person to see her alive, new stepmother, 18-year-old Misty Croslin, who takes to the airwaves to claim she`s innocent. But even in that one brief interview, Croslin can`t keep her story straight, including a 180 on a failed lie detector, claiming she passed, then admitting on TV she failed.

Bombshell tonight. After Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and baby- sitter-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin both handcuffed, arrested and booked, Haleigh`s dad breaks his silence tonight from behind bars. Tonight, we get the jailhouse tapes of how exactly he explains himself. What -- what -- if anything, do these felony arrests mean in the search for 5-year-old Haleigh?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What do you do for a living, ma`am?



CROSLIN: Nothing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police have released arrest reports detailing how Haleigh`s former stepmom, Misty Croslin, allegedly sold over $2,500 worth of prescription drugs to an undercover cop who was wearing a wire.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When you have people who are on drugs, they really don`t pay attention. They are negligent.

CROSLIN: I don`t know where she is.

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: It`s hard to believe that she don`t know more, but it`s also hard to believe that if she did know more, she ain`t already talked, you know, especially if they got her locked up like they got me, man.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police allege pills were sold during six separate transactions, all of those sales allegedly involving Misty Croslin.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How old are you?

CROSLIN: Just turned 18.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Also allegedly at some of the sales, Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings.

CUMMINGS: I`ve been slandered into a (INAUDIBLE) I took good care of my kids.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Cummings is charged with three counts of drug trafficking.

CUMMINGS: This is a setback in my life that`ll -- when I come out, will remind me, you know, what I should be doing and not what I was doing, or whatever.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Misty Croslin, his former wife, is charged with six counts of drug trafficking.

CROSLIN: He just jumped in and took everything I had and said he was going to shoot me!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She is afraid. She`s giving as many details as she possibly can in a short period of time. She did not do that the night Haleigh went missing.

911 OPERATOR: Does the door look like it was pried open?


911 OPERATOR: Does it look like you had some sort of -- someone try to enter into your house?

CROSLIN: Hold on.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (INAUDIBLE) sit down across the table from her, look her in the eye and say, You`re not going anywhere for a long time anyway. You want to tell us what you know?


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Bombshell tonight. After Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and the baby-sitter-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin both handcuffed, arrested and booked, Haleigh`s father breaks his silence from behind bars. And tonight, we get our hands on the jailhouse tapes, how he exactly explains himself. What, if anything, do these felony arrests mean in the search for his 5-year-old little girl, Haleigh?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ms. Cummings, you`ve been charged with four counts of trafficking in hydrocodone out of Putnam County...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Arrest reports just released show that in just a month`s time, Haleigh`s former stepmom/baby-sitter, Misty Croslin, allegedly sold over 300 prescription pills to an undercover cop.

CROSLIN: Some black guy just jumped in my car and stole my whole (ph) purse and threw me out the car and had a gun and said he was going to shoot me!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: With these highly addictive substances, we`ve seen people commit crazy crimes against their own family members.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I thought all along that she had something to do with it.

CUMMINGS: I said, What are you doing up at this time? She said, The back door`s wide open and your daughter`s gone.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Who was with her -- the last person with her? She was.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Ronald, you don`t think she could have just wandered off?

CUMMINGS: No! There is no way! My daughter`s afraid of the dark!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She`s afraid of the dark.

GRACE: I think she`s high as a kite. Her mind is fried. That little girl, that baby didn`t have a chance.

CROSLIN: You know, I was really exhausted that day, you know, really exhausted. And when I lay down, I guess, you know, I just -- I was out.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Meanwhile, Haleigh`s grandmother, Teresa Neves, reportedly says her views of Croslin have changed, saying Croslin is definitely not who Neves thought she was.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We would love to have a break in this case, and we really would not care who it implicates as long as it brings Haleigh back to us.

CUMMINGS: How (EXPLETIVE DELETED) could you let my daughter get stole (EXPLETIVE DELETED)?

I don`t care if they get me with unjustifiable homicide. I don`t care. If I find out what happened to my young`un, it doesn`t matter to me. It`ll be -- it`ll be worth life without parole or the death penalty or whatever.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Have they asked you about Haleigh yet?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What -- what -- when was that?

CUMMINGS: Wednesday, right after they captured me, or apprehended me, or whatever they want to call it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. What did they -- what happened?

CUMMINGS: Nothing. They just told me that their main focus was not on putting me in jail but finding Haleigh. They didn`t really question me, man. They already know that I don`t know nothing about Haleigh`s disappearance...


CUMMINGS: ... or otherwise I would have already been in DOC.

I mean, the 911 call -- I haven`t changed my mind about the 911 call since the minute it was made.


CUMMINGS: That still remains that it don`t matter, 40, 50 years from now, if I find out whoever done it before they do, you know, whatever might be done, whether they took Haleigh because they lost a child or whatever the case might be, you know. Yes, if I find out who or however, there`s two people, three people, whatever did it, whatever took my daughter wherever, then when I find out, if I find out before the police, it`s going to be done for them, done dealing. I`ll have satisfaction knowing that I got the person who stole my daughter from me.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you have the money at this time to hire a lawyer?

CROSLIN: I have a lawyer.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Who`s your lawyer, please?

CROSLIN: Robert Fields (ph).

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Have you had a chance to contact Mr. Fields?

CROSLIN: I talked to him yesterday. Yes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`ll give you an opportunity to speak with him. I`ll show (ph) at this point (INAUDIBLE) retaining Mr. Fields. If you`re unable to hire a lawyer on these charges and you need the assistance of the public defender, you can tell Judge Berger (ph) that when you`re brought before her or the circuit court in -- or Putnam County, and a public defender will be appointed. Do you have any questions about that?

CROSLIN: No, sir.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right, you can have a seat.


GRACE: Jailhouse tapes. We`ve got them. Ronald Cummings, Haleigh`s father, along with the stepmother, former baby-sitter, 18-year-old Misty Cummings -- let me tell you, people, they`re some of the hardest working people in America because according to this police report that I`ve got right here in my hands, they`re out selling dope 4:30 in the morning until nearly midnight at every gas station, convenience store, truck stop right there on the street, you name it.

To you, Marlaina Schiavo. What do we learn in Ronald Cummings`s jailhouse tapes?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: We learn that Ronald, even behind bars, facing a lot of jail time possibly, that he will still only talk about Haleigh. He says that to this moment, he has not changed his mind. If he finds the person that killed Haleigh, he will kill that person. He doesn`t care what kind of jail time he will face. He doesn`t care if it even offers up the death penalty. It`s worth it to him, Nancy.

GRACE: OK, let me ask you this, Marlaina. And I appreciate all that feeling, all that emotion he`s got about revenge. But why is he selling dope instead of out looking for his daughter? Can somebody tell me that?

SCHIAVO: Well, Ronald`s not going to tell you that. The only thing he said about this is that it is a, quote, "setback" in his life. He`s not talking about the drug charges. All he knows is that he may be facing a lot of prison time. He doesn`t call Misty anything but a friend/ex-wife and he doesn`t say anything about selling drugs with her.

GRACE: Well, he can start calling her his co-defendant.

Take a listen to more of the jailhouse tapes we have obtained. Ronald Cummings, as you know, along with three others, busted on felony drugs. And listen, I`ve been with Ronald Cummings from the get-go. He would come on the show repeatedly, answering your questions live. He volunteered for a polygraph. He did everything right in the search for his little girl, 5- year-old Haleigh Cummings. As you`ll recall, Haleigh taken from the home, according to the baby-sitter, in the middle of the night from the same room she`s in as they lay sleeping. Does the story stink? To high heaven.

Take a listen to this.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And what would you do? I mean...

CUMMINGS: With what?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: With that person?

CUMMINGS: Kill them! Same thing I said on the 911 call.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. Well, I just want to make sure...

CUMMINGS: I`m telling you, I ain`t changed my mind. Not a bit.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, what did they ask you about her, or what did they say to you, just that they -- I mean, is that all they said?

CUMMINGS: Yes. That`s it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So they haven`t questioned you or asked you if you found out anything from Misty or found out anything from anybody else or...



CUMMINGS: They know I haven`t found out anything, Dana. They know I haven`t because they know that they`d be the first ones to know. I wouldn`t call them or nothing else, they would be notified probably by the news media or somebody, you know, reporting a homicide. So they already know that I haven`t found out anything. They don`t have to ask me a dumb question like that.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Because you`re saying that if you found out, you`d do what you think you need to do and they`d find out about that.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Have they asked you about Haleigh yet?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What -- what -- when was that?

CUMMINGS: Wednesday, right after they captured me, or apprehended me, or whatever they want to call it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. What did they -- what happened?

CUMMINGS: Nothing. They just told me that their main focus was not on putting me in jail but finding Haleigh. They didn`t really question me, man. They already know that I don`t know nothing about Haleigh`s disappearance...


CUMMINGS: ... or otherwise I would have already been in DOC.

I mean, the 911 call -- I haven`t changed my mind about the 911 call since the minute it was made.


CUMMINGS: That still remains that it don`t matter, 40, 50 years from now, if I find out whoever done it before they do, you know, whatever might be done, whether they took Haleigh because they lost a child or whatever the case might be, you know. Yes, if I find out who or however, there`s two people, three people, whatever did it, whatever took my daughter wherever, then when I find out, if I find out before the police, it`s going to be done for them, done dealing. I`ll have satisfaction knowing that I got the person who stole my daughter from me.




911 OPERATOR: 911. Do you have an emergency?

CROSLIN: I need someone to -- what is this place called?


CROSLIN: I just -- some -- some black...



CROSLIN: Some black guy just jumped in my car and stole my whole purse and threw me out the car and had a gun and said he was going to shoot me!

911 OPERATOR: OK. Where are you at right now?

CROSLIN: Go up to this road...


911 OPERATOR: Take a deep breath for me, OK?


911 OPERATOR: Where are you at now?


CROSLIN: Hold on.

911 OPERATOR: Where did he go?

CROSLIN: I don`t know! He took off with all our stuff!

911 OPERATOR: Did he take your vehicle?

CROSLIN: He took -- no, he jumped in the car and grabbed my purse and my phone and everything!

911 OPERATOR: OK. Were you stopped in the car or...

CROSLIN: My -- this girl was getting out -- out of the car, and he just jumped in and took everything I had! And he said he was going to shoot me!

911 OPERATOR: Were you in the vehicle?

CROSLIN: Yes. And he (INAUDIBLE) he pulled me out. My friend started to go, and he pulled me out and I fell out the car while the car was going!

911 OPERATOR: Ma`am, you stay on the phone with me, OK?

CROSLIN: Oh, my God! My leg and my arm hurt so bad!

911 OPERATOR: Do you need an ambulance?

CROSLIN: Yes, I think so. Oh, my God!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Unlock your door.



CROSLIN: My purse is ripped (INAUDIBLE) I can`t move it! I can`t move it! I can`t move it!

911 OPERATOR: OK, stay on the phone with me, OK?

CROSLIN: OK. Oh, my God!



CUMMINGS: It`s hard to believe that she don`t know more, but it`s also hard to believe that if she did no more, she ain`t already talked, you know, especially if they got her locked up like they got me, man, because this (EXPLETIVE DELETED) will drive you crazy. This place ain`t but the size of two sheets of plywood.

I want my family to know I love them, my girlfriend to know I love her, my kids to know I love them, Haleigh to know I`ll never give up on her, and that this is a setback in my life that`ll, when I come out, will remind me, you know, what I -- what I should be -- should be doing or not what I was doing or whatever -- whatever, you know, what I`m being accused of doing.


GRACE: OK. I can`t help it. I got a soft spot for Ronald Cummings because I remember him when Haleigh first went missing. He was out, I think, in his front yard, crying and screaming, with his face down in the grass because he didn`t know what to do about his daughter, gone missing.

And maybe it`s because -- let me go to you, Art Harris. I mean, you know, I`ve tried a lot of cases and I`ve pled out thousands of dopers, the worst of the worst. There`s something about Ronald Cummings and what he`s saying from behind bars -- he still breaks my heart. Yes, I think he was selling dope with that Misty Croslin-Cummings. But still to me, he is still talking about Haleigh.

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Well, you know, and when I had dinner with him one night down there, Nancy, he was very, very angry, saying the same things now that he said then, that if he ever found whoever did it, he would unleash the revenge of a father...

GRACE: He would marry them? He would marry them if he ever found them? He`d marry them then divorce them? I mean, look, Art, there`s an obvious problem. She`s the last one to see Haleigh alive. Her story stinks. I can punch holes in it with a big pin from a thousand miles away, but yet he doesn`t see that. It just seems to me at some point, he would have grilled her.

HARRIS: Well, you know, I think he doubted her, Nancy, all along. Here in this interview, he says he doesn`t understand, how could she hang onto this information if she knew it? She`s locked up in this place. I talked to her family. She`s afraid. She`s lonely. And how could she hang onto this information so long? He doesn`t -- he doesn`t...

GRACE: Well, she`s really going to be lonely in a couple of years. Let`s unleash the lawyers, Sue Moss, family law attorney, New York, Renee Rockwell, veteran defense attorney, Atlanta, Georgia -- she defends -- one of her specialties are dope cases -- Doug Burns, former fed, defense attorney out of the New York jurisdiction. Welcome to all of you.

Sue Moss, weigh in.

SUSAN MOSS, FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY: Misty gets her purse stolen, she sounds devastated. She gets a kid stolen, she sounds sedated. Come on! Look at these facts! You know what? I really think that this is a drug case gone wrong. Either the kid overdosed, or maybe she sold the kid for some sort of a drug debt. The drugs, I think, are going to play a major role in solving this case.

GRACE: Liz, please rewind that video of Ronald Cummings. I mean, maybe it`s going to come back to bite me in the neck, but I do not believe this man had anything to do with his daughter`s disappearance. I do not believe it. What about it, Rockwell?

RENEE ROCKWELL, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I think he just got sucked in, Nancy, to this drug deal. I think these police officers hitting this dead end have absolutely set these kids up. I`m not saying set up in that they made...

GRACE: Wait. Put her up. Put her up. Renee, how long have you been practicing law? Just please try to answer the question.

ROCKWELL: OK. Thirty years, Nancy. But here`s what`s going on...

GRACE: And you`re still trying to argue that the cops set up a drug deal?

ROCKWELL: No, no, no. No, no. I`m not saying that they set these people...

GRACE: Don`t you ever get tired of that? Second verse, same as the first?

ROCKWELL: I`m not saying they set up some innocent people. What I`m saying is they have used this mechanism, and somebody is looking at extensive time, and they`re going to use this to get one of them to flip against the other.

GRACE: OK, Doug Burns, so what if they do? What`s wrong with that?

DOUG BURNS, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: No, I mean, it creates perfect leverage to get information about the disappearance. But by the same token. this woman may still refuse to cooperate. It`s hard to say, Nancy.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What`s your relationship with Misty?

CUMMINGS: There really isn`t a relationship, you know, just, I guess, ex-wife-slash-friend.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. OK. And you have a girlfriend?



CUMMINGS: I`d rather not say. But yes, I do have a girlfriend.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What do you do for a living, ma`am?

CROSLIN: Nothing.


CROSLIN: Nothing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How do you support yourself?

CROSLIN: My mom and my dad.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How old are you?

CROSLIN: Just turned 18.


GRACE: The judge asked her, What do you do for a living, how do you support herself, she goes, "Nothing." Now we know.

Back to Art Harris, investigative journalist at We are taking your calls live. Art, how did this whole thing get started?

HARRIS: Well, Nancy, undercover officers with Putnam County sheriff`s department heard Misty was dealing, that they could get drugs from her, and they called and asked if she could deliver. The first deal went down, actually three days before Christmas. Undercover cop called her and asked for, you know, oxycodone. She said she could get 41 to 45 pills. And he had $1,000, only wound up spending $750, shows up. She takes him -- actually, she -- she and Tommy climb into his car, which is wired for audio and video. And they first go to a bar called the Oasis, and she makes calls. Nothing happens. They then go to a McDonald`s parking lot, where her...

GRACE: Art, Art, Art...

HARRIS: ... her source calls and she...

GRACE: Art, Art, Art. I take the twins to McDonald`s and we all go to the top of the play station where Mommy gets stuck, and they go up and down the slide while I try to get down. And you`re telling me they`re doing a dope deal at a McDonald`s...

HARRIS: Well, yes. Well, that`s...

GRACE: ... while I`m inside in the play station?

HARRIS: That`s right. And she had to actually go across the street, though, to meet her connection, who got out of a -- she got into a pick-up truck, got back into the undercover cop`s car and handed it over. He was very pleased and said he would like to buy more.

GRACE: Who`s the connection. Is Donna Broch the connection?

HARRIS: No. At this point, it`s just -- it`s Misty being called by police. And she is now striking up a relationship with an undercover officer. Police are telling me they were shocked he was able to get inside and get close to Misty and just nobody ever suspected him.

GRACE: I mean, just...

HARRIS: Not Ronald...

GRACE: Let me just throw this to you, Renee, Miss "They`re all set up." If somebody came up to me and said, Hey, can you hook me up with some oxycodone, what do you think, Renee, would be my response?

ROCKWELL: Well, of course not, Nancy. But you`ve got a legitimate job. This is how this girl is making a living.

GRACE: That`s your defense, that this is her job? Did you say that? Did I hear that?

ROCKWELL: But Nancy, what I`m telling you is this is not about a drug case. This is about...



UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Who told you that? I mean, was it somebody you.


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: It wasn`t any of the detectives you knew?


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: They haven`t -- but they haven`t come to you and said, OK, Ron, let`s sit down and talk about what you heard from Misty or what you heard from anybody else outside. Now that you`re in jail, we got you here, you know, you might as well tell us everything you know.


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: They haven`t done that.

CUMMINGS: No, because they already know that. They all know. If I found before them, they`ll know. I mean they won`t have to question me. They know that. Otherwise, I`m sure they would have already sat me down and questioned me hour upon hour upon hour, but they already know the answers does not lie with me and the answer to the question that you`re asking me is yes. It`ll be justifiable homicide.


CUMMINGS: Yes, I mean, I don`t care. I don`t care if they get me with unjustifiable homicide. I don`t care. If I find out what happened to my young, it doesn`t matter to me. It`ll be worth life without parole or the death penalty or whatever.

I mean the 911 call, I haven`t changed my mind about the 911 call since the minute it was made.


CUMMINGS: That still remains. That it don`t matter 40, 50 years from now, if I find whoever done it before they do, you know, whatever might be done whether they took Haleigh because they lost a child or whatever the case might be, you know -- yes. If I find out who or however, there`s two people, three people, whatever did it, whatever took my daughter wherever.

When I find out, if I found out before the police, it`s going be done for them. Done dealing. I`ll have satisfaction knowing that I got the person who stole my daughter from me.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: And what would you do? I mean.

CUMMINGS: With what?


CUMMINGS: Kill them. Same thing I said on the 911 call.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Well, I just want to make sure.

CUMMINGS: I`m telling you, I ain`t changed my mind, not a bit.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Well, what did they ask you about her? What did they say to you? I mean is that all they said?

CUMMINGS: Yes. That`s it.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: So they haven`t questioned you or asked you if you found out anything from Misty? Or found about anything from anybody else?

CUMMINGS: No. They know I haven`t found out anything. They know I haven`t because they know that they`d be the first one to know. I wouldn`t call them or nothing else, they would be notified probably by the news media or somebody, you know, reporting a homicide so they already know that I haven`t found out about anything.

So they don`t have to ask me a dumb question like that.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Because you`re saying if you found out, you`d do what you think you need to do and they would find out about that.


It`s hard to believe that she don`t know more but it`s also hard to believe that if she did know more she ain`t already talked, you know? Especially if they`ve got her locked up like they me, man, because this (EXPLETIVE DELETED) will drive you crazy. This place ain`t but the size of two sheets of plywood.


NANCY GRACE, HOST: OK. We`re taking your calls live but first to Marc Klaas, president and founder of KlaasKids Foundation. As you all must know by now, unless you`ve been living under a rock, Marc Klaas is a crime victim. His daughter, beautiful Polly, was taken from the home and she was murdered. And he has been a victims` right advocate since that time.

OK, Marc, this is an extreme turn of events where you`ve got one of the chief suspects -- in my mind -- Misty Croslin, and the father who`s clearly suffering over the loss of his daughter selling dope together. Thoughts?

MARC KLAAS, PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER, KLAASKIDS FOUNDATION: Well, I believe that the truth may lie somewhere in the recesses of Misty`s drug- addled brain and any hope of retrieving that information probably rests on her ability to be detoxed and to be rehabilitated from this horrible drug habit that she seems to be the victim of.

Ron, on the other hand, I think continues to make some terrible choices. He decided to go with Misty on these drug busts, announcing fatalistic about the fact that he may spend a considerable amount of time in prison for it.

And I also believe that this idea of his to extract vigilante justice is ill begotten. And I`ll tell you why. Whenever I`m faced with a difficult decision, I always ask myself, what would Polly want?

And I think he needs to do the same thing. Would Haleigh want justice for whoever victimized her? Of course she would. But would she want her father to spend the rest of his life in prison for extracting vigilante justice upon that individual? No, she would not want that at all.

Because if that happened that means that the bad guy would win twice. He would take her life and he would effectively take Ron`s life as well.

I think he needs to do some very deep thinking and he has to believe in the justice system and believe the American criminal justice system in this case will prevail.

GRACE: You know, Marc Klaas, you just said something that really strikes home with me because I do not think there is a single tangential murder victim, such as family of a murder victim, loved ones, that don`t feel that they should take vigilante justice and what you just said about what Polly would want, you`re right. You`re absolutely right.

I want to go to Brad Lamm, interventionist, author of "How to Change Someone You Love."

Brad, I`m going to go back to Art Harris in a second on this. But I recall Misty Croslin said she had a dream sequence where the night that Haleigh goes missing, she recalls, like, four men in the home.

OK. So what if she does what Klaas says and she dries out, she detoxes? How do we know she`ll ever be able to recover her memory of that night? Is that possible?

BRAD LAMM, INTERVENTIONIST, AUTHOR OF "HOW TO CHANGE SOMEONE YOU LOVE": Who knows, Nancy? There were still times in my life when I was getting high and I don`t know if it was real or imagined because of drugs.

But this is true that a child left in the home of an active alcoholic or addict is 70 times -- 70 times -- more likely to face a dangerous situation. And I think this tells the tale of so many children out there.

GRACE: OK, let me get that fact that you just said.

LAMM: Seventy times.

GRACE: Everybody, Brad Lamm, "How to Change Someone You Love." OK, if they`re in the home with an addict or an alcoholic?

LAMM: Yes. They`re 70 times more likely to be put in a risky situation. That involves sexual abuse, that involves kidnapping and abduction, and physical and emotional violence.

So when family and friends stand by and wonder, gosh, how bad does it need to be before we do something, you know, I think we can look at the kids and say the things we`re seeing there are probably lots of things happening that we have no idea about.

GRACE: Brad Lamm, does that -- that statistic is a wake-up call. Does that 70 percent include, like, household accidents? Like burning your hand on a curling iron or falling down the stairs?

LAMM: It does, Nancy. And I was working with a family today in Tampa, in Tampa -- who they had their home burned down because of the drug abuse and nonsense the mom was bringing into the home. They had all their childhood pictures burned up. And they were lucky just to get out with their lives.

So families are going through this crud all the time because of alcohol and drugs in the home.

GRACE: To you, Art Harris at You`ve been on the story from the very beginning.

Art, refresh my recollection on that dream Misty Croslin had about the night Haleigh went missing.

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, ARTHARRIS.COM, INTERVIEWED MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S NEW STEPMOM: She talked about a dream sequence, Nancy, during some of the testing that was done on her by Texas EquuSearch. The hypnosis, the -- you know, the voice analysis.

And this was -- this was really the first, quote, "new detail," she offered that bubbled up from somewhere in the recesses of her psyche. So, you know, it`s something that then you match up with Junior`s recollection of a man in black with squeaky shoes and Junior, however, at 4 years old, was interviewed by an expert child psychologist who, you know, got the information but he`s too young legally for it to mean anything in court.

GRACE: Now what exactly -- she said that in this dream that there were four men in the home?

HARRIS: That`s what I recall her saying. And that, you know, they were just in the trailer and, you know, was she having a party? Was she passed out?

GRACE: Was she selling dope? For all I can tell, Art.

HARRIS: There you go.

GRACE: . she`s out working at truck stops and 7-Elevens all over the state of Florida selling dope.

We`re taking your calls live. I promise you I`m going to get to you when we come back. As we go to break, happy birthday, the 23rd, to friend of the show, Lauren Winters. Beautiful. Biology major. Dreams of being a physician`s assistant. Loves jazz but her true love is Crosby, her mini Dachshund.

Happy birthday, Lauren.





UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: They have her behind bars again and they do intend on questioning her again about Haleigh`s disappearance.

911 DISPATCHER: When did you last see her?

CROSLIN: Um, we just like, you know, it was bout 10:00. We were -- she was sleeping.

MIKE BROOKS, HLN LAW ENFORCEMENT ANALYST; FMR. D.C. POLICE DET., FBI TERRORISM TASK FORCE: We know all along that Misty was the last one to see Haleigh -- allegedly the last one to see her alive. She knows more than what she`s been telling. So hopefully, hopefully, this will put a little more pressure on her to say, OK, what more do you know?

CROSLIN: I`m trying to do everything to find her, you know? I`m answering any questions I have to. I don`t know where she is.

BROOKS: What does Ronald know in this, too? He married her right -- just a number of months after this all happened and then they got divorced. There`s something else I think that he knows, too.

CUMMINGS: I don`t (EXPLETIVE DELETED) know. I was at work.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: It`s been a year since cute little Haleigh Cummings was reported missing. And now her grandmother says she suspects Misty Croslin is the key to finding her. Here`s why. Teresa Neves, the mother of Ron Cummings, told NBC`s "Today" show she suspects.


GRACE: We are taking your calls. Sheeba, Illinois, hi, Sheeba.

SHEEBA, CALLER FROM ILLINOIS: Hi, baby. I haven`t talked to you in so long.

GRACE: I know. Where have you been?

SHEEBA: Right here, baby.

GRACE: We`ve been trying to soldier on without you but it`s been hard. What`s your question?

SHEEBA: My question is, how did they get all these drugs? Did they steal them? Because there`s not a physician that will write more than.

GRACE: Sheeba, Sheeba, Sheeba, how does anybody get them, Art Harris? Are they getting them allegedly from some dentist in Virginia?

HARRIS: It`s a combination. I know that she did get them from her friend, Donna Broch, who got them from a dentist in Virginia. She told a friend I interviewed. And then had this prescription of 155 endocet, which is a form of hydrocodone that she wanted Misty to sell. Because, as Misty told the undercover officer, Donna needed the money. So.

GRACE: Why do you call all these people by first name like they`re your best friends? Just curious. Don`t care. But why?

HARRIS: Well, you know, it`s.

GRACE: You do that about Simpson. You call him O.J. Why?

HARRIS: Well, it`s just sort of the vernacular. A lot of people do. It`s.

GRACE: Don`t like it.

HARRIS: What you prefer.

GRACE: Don`t like it.


GRACE: I would prefer you say Croslin or Misty Croslin. Earlier you referred to Tommy, and I`m assuming that was Tommy Croslin, Misty Croslin`s brother.

OK. Listen, Sheeba`s question, no doctor would write -- I got two words to say. Michael Jackson. There were doctors and pharmacists facilitating his habit and now he`s dead. All right? I blame them.

HARRIS: Absolutely.

GRACE: Back to the calls. But first to Chris Saffran, former NYPD, CEO of Kindershield Agency.

Chris, what do you think? What do we do now? Can we crack the case?

CHRIS SAFFRAN, FMR. NYPD DETECTIVE, CEO OF KINDERSHIELD AGENCY: Yes. I think the key to this will be to interview all the defendants in the narcotics case separately.

And, you know, you can therefore create confusion between one another, you know, with what was said by the other -- by the other co-defendants. So you can place a lot of -- you have a lot of leverage that you can wield with a narcotics case which you have solid, you know.

As far as the missing child case, you know, there`s a lot of speculation involved. They don`t even know if they have a homicide or if it`s an abduction or what happened. But, you know, they can definitely put a lot of pressure on Misty if, for example, her brother is one of the co- conspirators for the narcotics case.

And depending on the level of the felony charge they can say, listen, he rolled over on you and now -- you know, we know where -- you know, now we know what you did to her. Just let us know where she is. If you take us to her then, you know, maybe we can work some kind of deal with you.

GRACE: Hold on a moment. To the lawyers. Sue Moss, Renee Rockwell, Doug Burns.

Doug, I think they`ve got to do more than say, tell us what happened and maybe we can cut a deal. They`ve got to have a deal ready. Packaged deal on the dope, on Haleigh.


GRACE: An attractive deal. I don`t mean give it away. But an attractive deal to make her tell the truth. That`s the only way anything is going to happen.

BURNS: I agree. I agree with what Chris was saying. I mean there`s a lot of avenues. However, in my opinion, this very well may be the case where she blacked out. You guys are getting very close to really what I think is the sad solution or reality of the case.

I think the woman blacked out that night and I`m not so sure that she has any recollection whatsoever of what took place. That`s the bad news.

The good news is, like Chris says, if they interview everybody separately they can use certain ruses obviously to get a confession, maybe something will happen.

GRACE: OK, Renee, I`ve had cases of my own where defendants have dream sequences, OK? Juries don`t believe that.

There were some men in that home that night. I don`t know what time. I don`t what, if anything, they had to do with this. But you don`t just say there were four men in the home, oops, I think that was a dream.

RENEE ROCKWELL, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: No, Nancy. But you know what, after everybody sobered up and woke up they started talking to each other. And I can tell you that she knows something. And if I`m representing her, looking at 10, 15, 25 years, we`re going in to cut a deal, a packaged deal.

GRACE: To Dr. Leslie Austin, psychotherapist. Leslie, is there any way that if she was doped up -- come on, she was doped the night Haleigh goes missing, is there any way to recover those memories?

DR. LESLIE AUSTIN, PSYCHOTHERAPIST: Probably not. If she was really out of it would be very hard to get accuracy. But she might be able to recall some more details about the circumstances before she blacked out or before she lost memory.

She`d certainly know what happened earlier in that evening and when she became more aware and alert later on. So they could get something from her but not everything.

GRACE: I`m just going back to that dream. It`s just -- there is no coincidence in criminal law. I`m just spitting it out there.

AUSTIN: Right.

GRACE: That`s my experience. So you just don`t say, oh, yes, I had a dream about that night and there were four strange men in my apartment. No.

AUSTIN: No, that information comes from somewhere and they`d have to work to get what really happened, try and back it up with evidence. And people don`t just make up things like that when they`re talking to the police.

GRACE: Now -- and she`s got to get dried out. And that could take, you know, how long? To Dr. Evelyn Minaya, how long for a prescription drug addict to get dried out?

DR. EVELYN MINAYA, M.D., WOMEN`S HEALTH EXPERT: Well, it depends on how long she`s been using. And remember, we`re always assuming that it`s just prescription drugs that she was doing. It also involves alcohol, it can involve also other drugs as well.

So it can take between -- and you have to put it in a facility and she has to be under a doctor`s care as well. So it could take one to two weeks, even a month.

GRACE: A doctor`s care?

MINAYA: Doctor`s care.

GRACE: Why can`t she just sit in her cell?

MINAYA: She cannot sit in her cell. She actually needs others -- especially for alcoholics, also to detox, you need to give them something to substantiate them because a barbiturate, believe it or not, detox is very dangerous and they can die. And then we get no information on Haleigh whatsoever.

GRACE: OK. You know what, Brad Lamm, I do not believe that if this girl sits in jail without special treatment that she`s going to die.

Minaya, I always agree with you but on this -- she`s not going to kill over.

LAMM: I think that she`s a young gal, I`d be really surprised if she had such a troubling alcohol dependency that would require a lengthy detox. You know, I also think that they probably did a tox screen when they put her in jail, too, and ascertained if she needed a real detox.


CUMMINGS: No TV. No radio. No nothing, man. I got a telephone through the doorway. That`s it. A toilet, a sink and a bed.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: You haven`t heard anything about Misty? They certainly aren`t going to let you talk to her.

CUMMINGS: Nope. I have heard that her and Tommy`s bond were both reduced.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: They told you her bond is reduced?

CUMMINGS: Yes, her bond was reduced to $150,000 and Tommy`s bond was reduced to $7,500.




UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Michelle Gonzalez`s playroom is disturbingly empty tonight. Her two little nieces who are usually scurrying about are missing and are now the subject of an Amber Alert.

Michelle said she was babysitting the 3 1/2-year-old Isabel and 2- year-old Kaydence like she does every day. Their mother, Meccinna Dufore, who does not have custody, stopped by to visit. Michelle left the room for just a minute.

MICHELLE GONZALEZ, BABYSITTER: When I came out, they were gone.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: No one has seen them since.


GRACE: OK, that story stinks. To Will Sterrett, assistant news director, Newsradio 740 KTRH, I understand the babysitter, who is also the aunt, has changed her story. Now she wasn`t in the bathroom, she went to a store?

WILL STERRETT, ASSISTANT NEWS DIR., NEWSRADIO 740 KTRH (via phone): That`s correct, Nancy. The initial story, of course, was that she went to use the restroom. When she came back, they were gone.

GRACE: Where, in Macy`s?

STERRETT: The aunt -- the story that we`ve gotten today is that she went to the store. She was gone for about 20 minutes. And when she came back, the kids were gone.

GRACE: To Sergeant Doug Thomas, a special guest joining us out of the Missing Persons Unit there in Houston, Harris County.

Sergeant, thank you for being with us. Sergeant, I don`t like it when witnesses start changing their story.

I think I got Sergeant Thomas with me. Are you there, sir?


GRACE: OK, Sergeant, has she changed her story? What store are we hearing she went to leaving the children at home?

THOMAS: We have not had that story. The story we have is that she arrived home from going home to the store and she had the children with her and found Meccinna in her yard waiting on her. They went inside to visit. She asked if she could come and visit her children. And she granted her that permission.

When they came in and she said could you watch them while I go to another room? And while she was gone from the room for just a few minutes, she came back and the kids -- her and the children were gone.

GRACE: Sergeant Thomas, did the mother have a vehicle?

THOMAS: As we went back and interviewed Michelle, she advised there was no vehicle in the driveway or different vehicle that she saw around the home at the time.

GRACE: OK, to Will Sterrett, KTRH, have there been any sightings of these two little girls, one is 2, one is 3? Tipline 713-755-7427. Any sightings?

STERRETT: To the best of our knowledge, there have not. There have been a couple of false positives so far where, you know, they thought they`d seen the mother in a van with a man. But at this point, no. There have not been any sightings.

GRACE: Everyone, again, the tipline on these beautiful little girls, 713-755-7427.

Let`s stop and remember Marine Lance Corporal Daniel Scherry, 20, Rocky River, Ohio, killed Iraq. Dreamed of being a Marine since she was a boy when he would dress in military fatigues.

Loved life, football, time with family, friends, a recent grad of the Fire Training Academy, dreamed of being a firefighter. Leaves behind parents, Bob and Miriam, sisters, Casey and Lauren.

Daniel Scherry, American hero.

Thanks to our guests but especially to you for being with us. I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern. Until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on January 29, 2010, 12:33:04 PM


More Ronald Cummings Jailhouse Tapes

Aired January 28, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. Last person to see her alive, new stepmother, 18-year-old Misty Croslin, who takes to the airwaves to claim she`s innocent. But even in one brief interview, Croslin can`t keep her story straight, including a 180 on a failed lie detector, claiming she passed, then admitting on TV she failed.

Bombshell tonight. After Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and baby- sitter-turned-stepmother both handcuffed, arrested, booked, Haleigh`s father breaks his silence behind bars. Tonight, we have the rest of the Ronald Cummings jailhouse tapes. Word leaks today police convinced Misty Croslin is involved in Haleigh`s disappearance. His first jailhouse visit with his mother, he insists Croslin will crack behind bars.


RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: It`ll be justifiable homicide.


CUMMINGS: Yes. I mean, I don`t care -- I don`t care if they get me with injustifiable homicide. I don`t care. If I find out what happened to my young`un, it doesn`t matter to me. It`ll be -- it`ll be worth life without parole or the death penalty or whatever.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What would you do? I mean...

CUMMINGS: With what?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: With that person?

CUMMINGS: Kill them!



CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before you all do, I`m killing him. I don`t care.


CUMMINGS: I`ll spend the rest of my life in prison. I`m telling you, you can put it on recording, I don`t care.



CUMMINGS: Same thing I said on the 911 call.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. Well, I just wanted to make sure...

CUMMINGS: I`m telling you, I ain`t changed my mind not a bit.



CUMMINGS: I know somebody took my little girl, some sorry piece of trash that will be wasted when it`s all over!



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you think she knows more?

CUMMINGS: Man, that`s a -- that`s a hard question to answer. It`s hard to believe that she don`t know more, but it`s also hard to believe that if she did no more, she ain`t already talked, you know, especially if they got her locked up like they got me, man, because this (EXPLETIVE DELETED) will drive you crazy. This place ain`t but the size of two sheets of plywood.


GRACE: And tonight, live, Virginia. I received this letter from a detective, Richmond, Virginia, begging our show to help find two little boys, 7 and 8 years old. Look at them. Are they not precious in those two little suits? Tonight, we will help. What happened these two little angels?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Jamal Abdul`Faruq was just 7 when he went missing from his Richmond, Virginia, apartment complex, along with his older brother, 8-year-old Basil. The boys were out of school for spring break and begged their mom to let them go outside to play. But their mom had just worked the night shift hours earlier and decided to take a quick half- hour nap. When she awoke and went outside to tell Jamal and Basil to come in to eat, no one knew where her sons had gone. Police, volunteers and tracking dogs searched frantically for the boys for days. On the third day of search, Basil`s body discovered by a garbage truck driver, who picked up local garbage and dumped the trash in a landfill. The boy`s body had been bound and stuffed in a plastic garbage bag. But Basil`s brother, Jamal, never seen again. Is Jamal still alive?


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Bombshell tonight. After Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and baby-sitter-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin handcuffed, arrested, booked, Haleigh`s father breaks his silence behind bars. Tonight, the rest of the Ronald Cummings jailhouse tapes. And tonight, word has leaked police convinced Misty Croslin is involved in Haleigh`s disappearance. In Cummings`s first jailhouse visit with his mother, he insists Croslin will crack.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So they haven`t questioned you or asked you if you`ve found out anything from Misty or found out anything from anybody else?



CUMMINGS: They know I haven`t found out anything, Dana. They know I haven`t because they know that they`d be the first ones to know. I wouldn`t call them or nothing else, they would be notified probably by the news media or somebody, you know, reporting a homicide. So they already know that I haven`t found out anything. They don`t have to ask me a dumb question like that.



CUMMINGS: How (EXPLETIVE DELETED) could you let my daughter get stole (EXPLETIVE DELETED)?



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you think Misty knows more than -- everybody says that, you know, you`re trying to find out stuff from her. I mean, is that accurate?

CUMMINGS: That I`m trying to find out stuff from her?


CUMMINGS: Well, of course I want to know if she knows anything, what she does know.



MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER: I just want anybody to know that I didn`t do anything with that little girl! I loved her like she was my own, and I`ll do anything to get her back!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: (INAUDIBLE) you know, they`re so certain that Misty knows something and that Misty is going to say something while she`s in there.

He just bawled when he talked about Haleigh. But he feels like that this may bring her home, you know? And if it does, then it`s absolutely worth whatever happens.


GRACE: That is grandmother Teresa Neves talking to WOFL Fox 35 after visiting Ronald Cummings, that`s Haleigh`s father, behind bars.

Straight out to Art Harris at, investigative journalist. Art, why are they so sure that Misty knows what happened?


GRACE: Misty Croslin knows what happened to Haleigh Cummings?

HARRIS: Well, her contradictions have been mounting all the while, Nancy. She has been their number one key to unlocking this investigation, police have said. And now Ronald is saying that`s what they told him when they arrested him on these new drug charges.

GRACE: OK, what about it, Marlaina?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, Nancy, he told his mom that they are certain that this is going to get them answers. He thinks that now this is it. If she is in a detention center the way he is -- and he`s locked up and he -- because he says he`s going stir crazy -- it`s going to finally get her to talk.

GRACE: Let`s take a listen to some of the rest of Ronald Cummings`s jailhouse tapes.


CUMMINGS: I mean, the 911 call -- I haven`t changed my mind about the 911 call since the minute it was made.


CUMMINGS: That still remains that it don`t matter, 40, 50 years from now, if I find out whoever done it before they do, you know, whatever might be done, whether they took Haleigh because they lost a child or whatever the case might be, you know. Yes, if I find out who or however, there`s two people, three people, whatever did it, whatever took my daughter wherever, then when I find out, if I find out before the police, it`s going to be done for them, done dealing. I`ll have satisfaction knowing that I got the person who stole my daughter from me.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Let me ask you one other thing. How is -- what`s your relationship with Misty?

CUMMINGS: There really isn`t a relationship, you know, just, I guess, ex-wife-slash-friend.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. OK. And you have a girlfriend?



CUMMINGS: I`d rather not say. But yes, I do have a girlfriend.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Let me ask you this on the record. What do you think is going to happen to you?

CUMMINGS: I`m going to prison.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. That`s what you think, now, and that`s -- and that`s -- can you say how long you think?

CUMMINGS: No, I don`t have a clue.

Let me ask you this. Can you send me a newspaper every day, man, so I can read it?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don`t know. Yes -- I don`t know. I`ll have to figure that out. But I`ll -- I`ll -- you know, I`ll do -- I`ll do what I can.

CUMMINGS: I mean, I`ll pay -- I`ll pay for the newspaper or whatever.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, I can -- you can have a newspaper?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But you just need somebody that can get it to you?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So how would you get it? Not by mail, but by -- would they -- do they bring people newspapers in the jail?

CUMMINGS: Well, what they do is, you get it -- it`ll be, like, by mail almost. I mean, all I know is that I can have reading materials. I haven`t asked, but I will ask if you want me to. But I can have reading materials. There`s just nothing left in the library. Everything`s already checked out except the Bible they brought me, so you know...


I mean, the cell can`t be no more than 8 -- it might be 10 by 12, maybe, on the side where the toilet ain`t on. So on the side where the toilet`s at, it can`t be more than 8 by 10. That`s what I`m saying. It`s not -- this is not very big at all.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It doesn`t sound big. But I`ll tell you what. It`ll get smaller and smaller.

CUMMINGS: Oh, yes. It does.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do they let you read anything or let you have, you know...

CUMMINGS: I got a Bible finally last night.



GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Patty in Texas. Hi, Patty.


GRACE: Hi, dear. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: First of all, I would like to say -- you know, give a heads-up and say that I want justice for Morgan. And then also, I wanted to find out -- do you know any information about this Donna Brock and her involvement in the arrest of Misty and Ronald?

GRACE: Oh, Patty in Texas, she`s in so deep. Go ahead, Art, and explain it.

HARRIS: Donna Brock -- Donna Brock is a confidante of Misty Croslin. She was on the scene as a volunteer for Texas Equusearch, went undercover, supposedly, to get close to Misty and try to find out by befriending her, taking her to nail and hair appointments, what she knew about the disappearance of Haleigh.

And I have talked to Donna numerous times over the last couple of months, and she believes that she does know more than she`s revealed.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What have they talked to you about? Have they talked to you about why they arrested you or have they -- have you talked to any detectives at all? Do they just -- or have you just been in jail?

CUMMINGS: I`ve just been in jail, man. They told me that I was being arrested for -- because they had warrants for me for trafficking in hydrocodone.




CUMMINGS: I mean, the 911 call -- I haven`t changed my mind about the 911 call since the minute it was made.


CUMMINGS: That still remains that it don`t matter, 40, 50 years from now, if I find out whoever done it before they do, you know, whatever might be done, whether they took Haleigh because they lost a child or whatever the case might be, you know. Yes, if I find out who or however, there`s two people, three people, whatever did it, whatever took my daughter wherever, then when I find out, if I find out before the police, it`s going to be done for them, done dealing. I`ll have satisfaction knowing that I got the person who stole my daughter from me.



911 OPERATOR: What`s her date of birth?

CUMMINGS: I`m going to (EXPLETIVE DELETED) kill somebody!

911 OPERATOR: OK. Tell him we understand. We need to get her date of birth.

CROSLIN: What`s her date of birth?

CUMMINGS: (EXPLETIVE DELETED) we need to find her! (EXPLETIVE DELETED) her date of birth!

911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, let me talk to your wife. Let me get some information from her.


911 OPERATOR: OK. Can I talk to her?



CUMMINGS: How (EXPLETIVE DELETED) could you let my daughter get stole (EXPLETIVE DELETED)?



CUMMINGS: I know somebody took my little girl, some sorry piece of trash that will be wasted when it`s all over!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What have they talked to you about? Have they talked to you about why they arrested you or have they -- have you talked to any detectives at all, or do they just -- are you just being in jail?

CUMMINGS: I`ve just been in jail, man. They told me that I was being arrested for -- because they had warrants for me for trafficking in hydrocodone.


GRACE: Back to you, Marlaina Schiavo. Did Ronald Cummings actually make any of the sales on drugs, or was it all Misty and he was along for the ride?

SCHIAVO: Well, misty was at all of the sales. But yes, Ronald was there. I mean, they`re calling Misty...

GRACE: That was not what I asked you.


GRACE: I asked you, did he make the sales himself?

SCHIAVO: He did. He did. She called him on one of the transactions. She called him, went up to his truck, and he made the phone call, got the pills and gave them to the agent. And you know what, Nancy? We haven`t seen it yet, but we`re waiting on this video evidence that they have. And when I spoke to Ronald`s lawyer, they`re saying they`ve got a pretty good case against him, and her for that matter.

GRACE: OK, Marlaina, break down the charges for me. What do we have?

SCHIAVO: We have trafficking, Nancy, of prescription drugs. Now, we`ve got oxycodone and hydrocodone, and they range from 4 grams all the way to over 28 grams, each holding a manda -- mini -- mini -- mandam -- excuse me! -- mandatory minimum of their own. The 4 to 14 grams will get them three years, and the over 28 grams will get them 25 years. Misty is looking at over 100 years in prison, and Ronald`s looking at a hefty sentence himself, if convicted.

GRACE: I want to go to a special guest joining us, Crystal Cummings. This is Haleigh`s aunt. It is Ronald Cummings`s sister. Your mom was at the jail. What did Ronald Cummings say behind bars?

CRYSTAL CUMMINGS, RONALD`S SISTER (via telephone): He is pretty much saying that he wants the focus to be on Haleigh. He`s really worried about something coming out for Haleigh on this and his son. I mean, mostly that was what was talked about, his children.

GRACE: Did he say behind bars that he and/or cops are convinced that Misty Croslin knows what happened to Haleigh?

CRYSTAL CUMMINGS: I`m not sure about that. I guess this is -- the arrest is supposed to bring something. If we can get anything out of Misty, my opinion, this should help. I mean, I`m not sure if that`s what`s going to go on, but I`m hoping that something -- we can get something out of Misty.

GRACE: Isn`t it true that he said behind bars that the reason he married Misty Croslin was to get the truth out of her about what happened to Haleigh?

CRYSTAL CUMMINGS: I`m sure it is.

GRACE: What?

CRYSTAL CUMMINGS: I`m sure it is.

GRACE: Why do you -- why are you sure?

CRYSTAL CUMMINGS: I can`t -- I can`t answer that question, Nancy.

GRACE: I want to go back to Art Harris. Art Harris, weigh in.

HARRIS: Nancy, I can tell you that that`s what Ronald Cummings told me one night. We were having dinner at a place in Satsuma. And he said that the reason he married her was, quote, "You keep your friends close and your enemies closer." That`s been stated before. But this is someone -- that night, he was very angry at her, Nancy, for her, quote, alleged partying ways. And he did not express that anger in public, but apparently, now he`s going public about his doubts about her.

GRACE: We are taking your calls. To Anne in Georgia. Hi, Anne.


GRACE: Hi, dear. What`s your question.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, first of all, I`ve got a two-part question.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: One is, have the authorities got any reason to believe this child is still alive? And secondly, why would someone want to take this child from someone who has nothing to give them for the child back?

GRACE: That is an excellent question, Marlaina. What are police telling you about the possibility Haleigh`s still alive?

SCHIAVO: They have said all along that they are looking for a live Haleigh Cummings because, Nancy, there`s no evidence that foul play has been involved whatsoever.

GRACE: Out to the lawyers, Eleanor Odom, Atlanta, felony prosecutor, Peter Odom, defense attorney, Atlanta, Jason Oshins, New York.

What about it, Eleanor?

ELEANOR ODOM, PROSECUTOR: Well, I think it`s very interesting that Ronald`s saying all these things from the jail. It`s clear what he believes, and he believes Misty is responsible for Haleigh`s disappearance. And having her in jail may make her talk, Nancy.

GRACE: What about it, Jason?

JASON OSHINS, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I agree. I agree with Eleanor. I think that you`re going to start at the bottom, squeeze until you get something out of the top. And hopefully, something good comes out of this for the Cummings family.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Let me ask you this on the record. What do you think is going to happen to you?

CUMMINGS: I`m going to prison.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. That`s what you think, man. That`s -- I mean, that`s -- can you say how long you think?

CUMMINGS: No, I don`t have a clue.

Somebody stole my child out of my bed. I come home from work and my child was not there.


GRACE: I`m going to go right back to Peter Odom. But first, back to you Art Harris. Apparently, these drug deals were caught not only on audio but on video. Now, how exactly did the undercover narcotics agent -- was he wearing, like, a pinhole videocamera?

HARRIS: No, his car was wired for the camera, kind of like "Taxicab Confessions." And he also had audio of all the cell phone calls between Misty and the undercover officer. Apparently, Nancy, there are hours of tape. And one of my sources close to the case says it`s really a, quote, "slam dunk." They`ve got six count, six incidents, and all five people on audio and videotape.

GRACE: OK, hold on just a moment. I`m hearing from the control room. Matt, are you telling me that he did have on a video -- on his person, and as Art Harris is saying, in the car? OK.

All right, to Bill Golodner, former NYPD, president of Kindershield Agency. Bill, how does that work? Where -- your body -- I mean, I worked with wires when I was prosecuting, undercover wires. I never rigged somebody with a wearable video.

BILL GOLODNER, FORMER NYPD DETECTIVE: Nancy, there are a variety of ways that covert videocameras can be secreted on the body. Some of them can be used as a buttonhole camera. A button in the shirt is replaced with a videocamera. It`s a pinhole camera, where the lens is actually the button. It`s worn on the body and it connects to a DVR, a digital videocam recorder that is about the size of a pack of cigarettes, that can record for a number of three or four hours at a clip.

Also, the camera can be hidden in a pair of sunglasses. It can be in a baseball cap. It could be in a book or a cup of coffee. There`s a variety of ways to secrete these cameras, and they`re very good digital cameras these days.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What`s your relationship with Misty?

CUMMINGS: There really isn`t a relationship, you know, just, I guess, ex-wife-slash-friend.






CUMMINGS: Can you spend me a newspaper every day, man, so I can read it?

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: I don`t know. Yes, yes, I don`t know. I`ll have to figure that out. But I -- you know, I`ll do what I can.

CUMMINGS: I mean, I`ll pay for the newspaper or whatever.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: No, I can -- you can have a newspaper?


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: You just need somebody to get it to you?


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: How would you get it? Not by mail. Do they bring people newspapers in the jail?

CUMMINGS: Well, what they do is you get it -- it`ll be like by mail almost. I mean, all I know is that I can have reading materials. I haven`t asked but I will ask if you want me to. But I can have reading materials. There`s just nothing left in the library. Everything is already checked out except the bible they brought me so, you know.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Was the bed made?

MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH CUMMINGS` BABYSITTER, LAST SEEN HALEIGH: No, I was sleeping in that bed. How was it be made if someone was sleeping in the bed? I wasn`t the only one sleeping in it, but how would it -- me and his son -- how would the bed be made if we were on the bed sleeping.

They`ve been on me for six months. They haven`t left me alone for six months. I`ve been the one, the main focus. They just need to move on and look for the right person.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: That`s what her mom told me. That she had that tattoo and you paid for it, paid for one for your cousin. You`re her boyfriend.

CUMMINGS: I did not pay for her tattoo and I didn`t pay for my cousin`s tattoo. My cousin paid for her own tattoo and Misty paid for her own tattoo.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: OK. Well, I`m glad to clear that up.

CUMMINGS: Yes. I appreciate it because I did not pay for them tattoos.


NANCY GRACE, HOST: OK. I know it`s off topic, but Art, what tattoo?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, ARTHARRIS.COM, INTERVIEWED MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S NEW STEPMOM: Misty has a tattoo on her lower back, Nancy. Got it in the last few weeks. And the name on the tattoo is Ronald. It`s of her ex-husband, which is a little strange, you know, coming in the middle of -- or after their divorce, and certainly, although it`s in the middle of their new, quote, "drug partnership."

I mean, they were together in a business deal, my sources are telling me. And, you know, he was getting drugs for the deal and passing them out. She was calling her contacts. This was a family affair.

GRACE: OK. Art, what can you tell me about Misty Croslin`s father. You just spoke to him. Look, forget about the drugs. All right? That`s just a tool to find out what happened to Haleigh.

HARRIS: Right.

GRACE: What did the father say about Misty Croslin?

HARRIS: He was shocked, Nancy, that she has been accused of being, quote, "the ring leader" behind this. The alleged mastermind. She said she`s not a leader of anything.

GRACE: Wait a minute, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Put Harris back up. That is a video of her, we were just showing you in court, where they asked her, how do you make a living? She says -- what do you do? She says, "Nothing."

How did the parents think she lived?

HARRIS: Well, he did say that if she was dealing drugs, she was only trying to, quote, "help out some friends," Nancy. And it was really a rationalization. As far as Tommy, her brother, goes -- I talked to his wife Lindsay, she says Tommy is not a criminal, he`s an addict.

She`s been trying to get him to rehab. The program that she tried is $8,700 a month. She doesn`t have the money. She could get him committed for 72 hours but he would get out and want more hydrocodone.

GRACE: Out to the lines, Suzi, Ohio. Hi, Suzi.


GRACE: Hi, dear. What`s your question?

SUZI: OK. Since the beginning I`ve wondered about this. Do you think something may be accidentally or on purpose happened to Haleigh before Ron went to work? But he went to work anyway to establish his alibi, because we already know hers is that she was sleeping.

Because it`s awfully strange, they`re divorced. They`ve never went after each other. It`s almost like they`re sharing a secret, now they`re drug buddies.

GRACE: You know, Suzi, as you started the question I was all set to say no, I really do not think Ronald Cummings had anything to do with it. I still don`t. My gut says no. But what you`re saying about their ongoing association is extremely puzzling. You know, you`ve got a good point.

What about it, Bethany Marshall? Dr. Bethany, joining us from L.A., author of "Dealbreakers."

BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST, AUTHOR OF "DEALBREAKERS": I think the problem here and what creates this dysfunction and this ongoing connection between the two of them is that Ronald Cummings lacks big picture thinking.

He left his children in the hands of someone who is dealing drugs and perhaps using them herself. That`s lack of big picture thinking. He thinks that if he commits vigilante justice, justice will be served. But then who`s going to parent little Junior? He won`t be available to his own child.

He went and dealt drugs, but he didn`t think that he would be caught. That`s lack of big picture thinking. And what I would really advise him at this point is that he find a trusted friend or adviser, perhaps even his attorney who can help him think through these various situations.

I think that is the only help to be had for this family system at this point and perhaps he can lead the charge towards greater sobriety and better judgment.

GRACE: Well, believe me, he`s going to get sobriety behind bars.

To you, Peter Odom, what do you think the prosecutor`s plan is? And what do you make of this video and audio cops say they`ve got of every one of these deals?

PETER ODOM, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Nancy, this evidence that`s been collected is very typical of drug task force type investigations. It sounds like it`s solid, solid evidence. Very hard to overcome.

The police know that they have a solid case against these two and they`re going to be trying very hard, as Jason Oshins said, to squeeze everybody, to not only give up higher drug dealers, but to get information about the disappearance of this little girl.

This is a power play. And unfortunately, Ronald and Misty played right into the police`s hands here.

GRACE: To Pat Brown, criminal profiler, author of "Killing for Sport." Do you think she even remembers what happened?

PAT BROWN, CRIMINAL PROFILER, AUTHOR OF "KILLING FOR SPORT": Absolutely. And I think Ronald is pulling her strings. I have to agree with the caller and disagree with Bethany Marshall.

I think Ronald is criminal, pathologically lying psychopath who is controlling his girlfriend. After all, this is a guy who said he would go out and kill people to get them back for doing something to his child but he won`t even beat up his girlfriend to find out why she`s lying about what happened to her.

He is controlling her and is probably very afraid of what she`s going to say in that jail cell. So I don`t think he`s thinking she`s going to crack. He`s going to get some information. I think he`s worried that she will crack.

GRACE: So you think that he was part of it?

BROWN: I do. I think -- I don`t believe that this kind of guy.

GRACE: OK, wait a minute.

BROWN: . would have backed her all this time.

GRACE: Wait. Wait. Wait. Liz, pull me that 911 sound of Ronald Cummings. To me, this sounds so genuine. I see, I see that you`re smiling. You`re not buying it.



BROWN: Because this man is -- I have seen psychopathic behavior all along with this man. He said -- he stood in front of the cameras. I remember it was Geraldo, I think. He said I have never dealt drugs in my life. I am not that kind of guy.

Hello? Of course he`s that kind of guy. He`s always been that kind of guy. He is a pathological liar who`s a good actor and a good manipulator. He knew exactly what he`s doing on that tape.

I don`t think any of that is true. I think he knew what happened. He`s covering it up. And I think he`s got his little girlfriend, ex-wife, whatever you want to call her now, drug dealing friend who he supposedly should be really angry at and furious at. Not want to have anything to do with her. He`s got her in his hands.

GRACE: OK. You take a listen to the 911 tape.


UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: OK, sir, let me talk to you wife. Let me get some information from her.



CUMMINGS: How the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) can you let my daughter get stoke, bitch? I just got home from work, my 5-year-old daughter is gone.


CUMMINGS: I need somebody to be here now. I`m telling you.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: Listen to me, listen to me. We got two officers.

CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before you all do I`m killing him. I don`t care. I`ll spend the rest of my life in prison.


CUMMINGS: I`m telling you. You can put it on recording. I don`t care.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: OK. It`s OK, sir. We`ve got them on the way. OK? Can you give me any -- what kind of description of her pajamas that she was wearing?

CUMMINGS: I don`t (EXPLETIVE DELETED) know. I was at work.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: The officers are going to come out there and do what they can. We can`t have him screaming and yelling at the officers whenever they get there, OK?


GRACE: Eleanor, I`ve got 10 seconds to break. Do you think he`s lying? You heard the 911.

ELEANOR ODOM, PROSECUTOR: It doesn`t sound like he`s lying but what`s interesting to me is when he said, how can you let me daughter get stole?

GRACE: Everybody, we are taking your calls live.

Very quickly, tonight`s "NG Family Album." Here are some photos of the twins. Now, this is us last summer at the beach. This is John David and Lucy with daddy. Hey, listen, on the Jersey shore, it is not warm, people. That`s why we have on sweaters and long pants. There they are swinging.

And now your photos. Here`s Texas friends, the Smiths. Mom of three, Angela watches every night with her little crime fighters, Casey, Jaden and Braden. I could just eat them up.

And Illinois friends of the show, Trevor, Fran, Robin, and Jay, they never miss the show. What a family.

And tonight, our thoughts and prayers with Army Specialist Trevor and his unit. Bravo Detachment 24th, (INAUDIBLE) Ft. Stuart, Georgia. Deploying to Afghanistan in just a few hours.

God bless you and come home.



UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Have they asked you about Haleigh yet?



CUMMINGS: Wednesday right after they captured me. Or after they handed me whoever they want to call it.


CUMMINGS: They just told me that their main focus is not on putting me in jail, but finding Haleigh. They didn`t really question me. They already know that I don`t know nothing about Haleigh`s disappearance.


CUMMINGS: Otherwise I already would have been in DOC.

JUDGE CHARLES TINLIN, ST. JOHNS COUNTY JAIL: What do you think do for a living, ma`am?

CROSLIN: Nothing.

TINLIN: I`m sorry?

CROSLIN: Nothing.

TINLIN: How do you support yourself?

CROSLIN: My mom and my dad.

TINLIN: How old are you?

CROSLIN: Just turned 18.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Have they asked you about Haleigh yet?



GRACE: We are taking your calls live tonight. We get the rest of the Ronald Cummings jailhouse tapes where he says, behind bars, that cops are convinced Misty Croslin knows where Haleigh is.

There`s no way she can know where Haleigh is and not be part of her death or disappearance. There`s no way.

I want to go to Dr. Marty Makary, physician and professor of public health at Johns Hopkins.

Give it to me straight, Marty. All right? How hard is it going to be to get her straight? I mean, to get her off the sauce?

DR. MARTY MAKARY, PHYSICIAN, PROF. OF PUBLIC HEALTH, JOHNS HOPKINS: Well, let`s face it. We`re talking about dealing some -- dealing with some pretty serious medications here. I mean, Oxycodone and hydrocodone.

These substances are sort of like the oral version of propofol, the same substance that killed Michael Jackson. So we`re talking about some drug dealing involved here. Over 300 pills? I mean you only need about 10 to overdose. So we`re talking about issues of psychological trauma, detachment, drug dealing, and the murder all in the background of it all.

GRACE: Ingrid in Arkansas, hi, Ingrid. What`s your question, dear?

INGRID, CALLER FROM ARKANSAS: I got only one of them.


INGRID: Since he was living in the trailer, didn`t he have a septic tank there? Did he ever drain the septic tank and check if there was some body in there?

GRACE: To Marlaina Schiavo, didn`t they check in the septic tank?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: They`ve checked everywhere. They even checked bodies of water, all in the surrounding area. They`ve even drained ponds, and no, no body.

GRACE: Well, I tell you this much. With all these drug deals now on video, I used to say what else could a jury want? A video? They`ve got the video. Somebody better crack.

I want to take you very quickly and ask for your help. I got this letter to our show from detectives asking our show to help find two little boys. Take a listen.


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Little 7-year-old Jamal Abdul Faruq and his brother 8-year-old brother Basil were on spring break, enjoying their time off. The two boys went outside of their Richmond, Virginia apartment in the afternoon to play while their mother took a nap.

Just 30 minutes later, mom wakes up. She goes outside to call the boys in to eat but they`re nowhere to be found. A massive search under way. Three days later, police call the boys` parents to tell them the body of their oldest son Basil has been found, murdered and dumped in a local landfill. His brother Jamal`s whereabouts unknown.

Police still on the hunt for the boy`s killer, holding out hope Jamal might still be alive.


GRACE: This letter is from Detective James P. Baines, city of Richmond.

Everyone, the tip line in this case, 804-780-6748. This went down in Richmond, Virginia. One little boy we know is dead. The other still missing.

Alexis Weed, what can you tell me?

ALEXIS WEED, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: There`s a very real possibility that the younger boy Jamal is still alive. There was never any evidence found that he was either with his brother, that he had been taken even at the same time. So there`s a real possibility that he`s out there and there`s actually been two tips that have come in recently from the Georgia area, Hinesville, Georgia, that maybe there was a sighting of Jamal. He now would be 27 years old.

GRACE: I want to go to Jason Oshins, defense attorney in New York. How much do you think rewards would help, Jason?

JASON OSHINS, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I think rewards and what you`re doing right now at the behest of the detectives in Richmond, that`s what it`s all about. It`s about making cases profile so it stirs something. Tips come in. Whether they`re accurate or they`re in the neighborhood, that`s what stirs law enforcement to keep digging and to keep going. So it`s very motivating, Nancy, absolutely.

GRACE: And to Pat Brown, criminal profiler, what do you make of the mode of the death of the one little boy? Basil had been gagged, he had been bound with duct tape, he even put in a garbage bag. Sounds very much like the murder of little Casey Anthony -- Caylee Anthony.

BROWN: Right. Well, it sound like to me a sexual predator. And he likely grabbed both of the boys. Maybe not necessarily wanting both of them but they were together. And the older one was the one that was killed.

And a lot of times brothers will protect their little brothers and they will fight and they will be the ones that are killed first because they become an annoyance, shall we say, to the predator. So then he goes - - takes care of the one and then he enjoys himself with the second.

I -- one thing we hope that, you know, with 20 years passing, is someone out there will turn on this guy. They`ll remember back, no longer have connections with them. And no longer, you know, be afraid of him and they will give up some information, and say, I remember that creepy guy.

And I think he was the one who was responsible and maybe that will help.

GRACE: Everyone, again, the tip line 804-780-6748. One brother murdered, found in the trash. The other, never found.

Eleanor, weigh in.

ODOM: Well, Nancy, I think it`s great with the cold case squads and prosecutors specializing this because sometimes a fresh pair of eyes looking at the evidence can uncover something. Especially in evidence now where we can test pieces for DNA, even a hair where that type of testing wasn`t available 20 years ago.

GRACE: Out to the lines. Shirley in Kansas, hi, Shirley.

SHIRLEY, CALLER FROM KANSAS: Hi, how are you, Nancy?

GRACE: I`m good, dear.

SHIRLEY: I have a little 103-year-old woman that enjoys your show. I can hear you.

GRACE: Well, I want to learn your secret to longevity. How did you make it to 103?

SHIRLEY: Well, it`s a little lady that I take care of.

GRACE: How did she make it to 103?

SHIRLEY: Well, just a lot of hard work but she never had any children.

GRACE: Well, you know, I hope my children are going to help me live longer. What`s your question, dear?

SHIRLEY: OK, the little boys that went missing. Did their parents live together at the time?

GRACE: Good question. Alexis Weed, what were the conditions?

WEED: Well, the parents were divorced at the time. They were living in separate residences. And the boys had been dropped off just shortly before they were playing outside by their stepmother to be with their mother and the mother actually, she took a cat nap. She took a 30-minute nap because she had just worked the night shift and she was exhausted.

GRACE: Everyone, quick break. As we go to break, happy 6th birthday to California friend, a tiny crime fighter, Xavier. You may remember him. He`s the brave boy who got a kidney transplant thanks to the help of friends of this show.

Today, he loves kindergarten, his new friends and he finally met the mother of the donor who saved his life.

Happy birthday, little Xavier.



UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Jamal Abdul Faruq was just 7 when he went missing, along with his older brother, 8-year-old Basil. The boy`s body had been bound and stuffed in a plastic garbage bag. But Basil`s brother, Jamal, never seen again.

Is Jamal still alive?


GRACE: How do you go about reconstructing a case like this, Bill Golodner?

BILL GOLODNER, FMR. NYPD DETECTIVE, PRESIDENT OF KINDERSHIELD AGENCY: The thing to do at this point is to try to see what is left in the case to look at. Was there evidence that can be gone over?

What`s really going to break this case, Nancy, is if this creep, this monster who killed this one child and may have killed a second, if he speaks to anybody about it, is there going to be a deathbed dying declaration maybe that this creep will want to make it right?

Beyond that, if he speaks to anyone else and they feel a pang of morality, maybe they`ll spill their guts and find him.

GRACE: OK, back to you, Alexis Weed, do police hold out any hope in solving this? Did they use every technique? Have they re-examined the dead body for DNA?

WEED: Well, Nancy, I don`t know if they`ve re-examined the body. However, certainly they hold out hope. They`re following up on these tips. One of the problems they`re having with these tips, though, is that they`re coming in anonymously. These two tips in the Georgia area.

And so they haven`t been able to track these calls to verify all of the information that was left in the call.

GRACE: Well, something that Eleanor said earlier, Peter Odom, that at the time they went missing we were not as advanced in DNA.

P. ODOM: Right.

GRACE: How difficult would it be to exhume the body of the dead child, I.D. the perp, and then find the perp, and find the other boy?

P. ODOM: Difficult but possible to exhume the body. Takes a court order but it can be very fruitful, Nancy. We`re solving lots of crimes with the advances in DNA technology. So it might be something law enforcement should be doing.

GRACE: And I assume, Alexis Weed, that the focus was originally on the parents, correct?

WEED: It was and the father was under quite a bit of scrutiny in the beginning. His home was searched pursuant to warrants and they did take a lot of evidence from the father`s home.

However, I should say that at this point neither of the parents are suspects and have never been considered suspects.

GRACE: Jason Oshins, weigh in.

OSHINS: We`re doing the best that we can do for the family in keeping it in the limelight, if you will, and hopefully, as Mr. Golodner said, something triggers this one way or the other and that we find some resolution to this matter.

GRACE: Two little boys, victimized. 804-7806-748.

Let`s stop and remember Army Colonel Brian Allgood, 46, (INAUDIBLE), Oklahoma, killed Iraq. A West Point grad, earned a doctor of medicine degree from University of Oklahoma. An orthopedic surgeon, the top medical officer for U.S. troops in Iraq.

Also served Korea as commanding officer of the medical facility. Highly decorated, awarded the Legion of Merit, Bronze Star, Purple Heart. Joint Service Achievement medal, Army Achievement medal.

Loved outdoors, fishing. Leaves behind grieving parents, Cleo and Jerry, an army vet, brother, Bradley, sister, Becky, widow Jane, son Wyatt.

Brian Allgood, American hero.

Thanks to our guests but our biggest thank you to you.

Everyone, I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on February 03, 2010, 07:08:44 AM


Misty Croslin Jailhouse Audio and Videotapes to Be Released

Aired February 2, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight. Satsuma, Florida, a 5- year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. Last person to see her alive, new stepmother, 18-year-old Misty Croslin, who takes to the airwaves to claim she`s innocent. But even in one brief interview, Croslin can`t keep her story straight, including a 180 on a lie detector she flunked.

Bombshell tonight: After Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and baby- sitter-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin, both handcuffed, arrested, booked, Cummings talks first, and tonight we learn stepmother Misty Croslin does the same. As we go to air, we discover jailhouse tapes, video and audio, hours and hours of Misty Croslin yak, yak, yakking away, including an hour- long visit with Mommy and Daddy, all caught on video. Croslin already cracking behind bars, ratting out her own brother on a felony. Police convinced Croslin the key in Haleigh`s disappearance. And after 12 days in isolation, little Haleigh`s dad moved to another facility. But why?

Tonight, as the pressure mounts, where is the 5-year-old girl with the big brown eyes? Where is Haleigh?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Jailhouse recordings set to be released at any moment, Misty Croslin and her relatives, up to five hours of tapes set to be released. What clues could they contain?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Let me ask you one thing. What`s your relationship with Misty?

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: There really isn`t a relationship. You know, just I guess ex-wife-slash-friend.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If convicted on all six drug charges, Misty could be looking at a 150-year prison sentence. Lawyers say if she knows anything about what happened to Haleigh, now might be a good time to talk.

MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER: I`ve been the one, the main focus. They just need to move on and look for the right person.

CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before y`all do, I`m killing him. I don`t care. I`ll spend the rest of my life in prison. I`m telling you, you can put it on recording. I don`t care.

Same thing I said on the 911 call.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. Well, I just want to make sure.

CUMMINGS: I`m telling you, I ain`t changed my mind, not a bit!

CROSLIN: That`s all I know, is when I woke up -- when I went to sleep, she was there. And when I woke up, she was gone!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Even though law enforcement says Misty Croslin won`t reveal what more she knows about Haleigh, Croslin squeals on her own brother, telling cops he stole items, including a 12-gauge shotgun, a bottle of Captain Morgan, five mini-bottles of Jim Beam, a bottle of Softsoap, two bottles of Dawn dish liquid and "Harry Potter" DVDs. Tommy Croslin could now be facing life in prison on new charges of burglary and grand theft.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Bombshell tonight. After Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and baby-sitter-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin both handcuffed, arrested, booked, Cummings talks first. And tonight, we learn stepmother Misty Croslin does the same. As we go to air, we discover jailhouse tapes, video and audio, hours of Misty Croslin yakking away, including an hour-long visit with Mommy and Daddy, all caught on video.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Law enforcement expected to release jailhouse recordings of Misty Croslin from behind bars, the tapes said to include extensive conversations between Misty Croslin and her parents. Did Misty know law enforcement was rolling? What details might she divulge?

CUMMINGS: Well, of course I want to know if she knows anything, what she does know.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s well over $2,000 in pills that police say Misty Cummings and her crew were selling. According to these police reports, Misty told the undercover officer that she was freaked out because it`s a lot of money, it`s a lot of pills, and she didn`t want to get into trouble. But she did.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... a total of five counts of trafficking hydrocodone...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She`s sitting in jail. Investigators have her on drug charges. Could they use this case as leverage with the hope of getting information about the disappearance of 6-year-old Haleigh?

911 OPERATOR: 911. What`s your emergency?

CROSLIN: I just woke up and our back door was all open, and we can`t find our daughter.

911 OPERATOR: Can`t find what?

CROSLIN: Our daughter.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Police say Misty was the last person to see the 6-year-old. They have always accused her of not telling them everything about what happened that night.

CROSLIN: If I had something to do with it, I knew where she was, we wouldn`t be sitting here today. We would have her.

CUMMINGS: When I find out, if I found out before the police, it`s going to be done for them, done dealing. I`ll have the satisfaction of knowing that I got the person who stole my daughter from me.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tommy Croslin now facing additional charges, including grand theft, that could put him behind bars for life. Why? Law enforcement says Misty Croslin squealed behind bars on her own brother. So why won`t she tell cops what she allegedly knows about the night Haleigh vanished?


GRACE: Straight out to Art Harris, investigative journalist at Art, you`ve just gotten off the phone with Croslin`s -- Misty Croslin`s father and sister-in-law, what can you tell me?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: I can tell you that Misty is behind bars, Nancy, and she is scared. Her father told me that she doesn`t know what to do. She has been getting squeezed by detectives in the case - - the Haleigh case, not the drug case -- and they want to know what she knows. They have been dangling names in front of her, wanting her to identify certain unnamed people. And she has not given up anything yet. But they will...

GRACE: OK, wait a minute! Whoa, whoa, whoa, wa-wait, wa-wait! Don`t lose me. Art Harris, police are dangling names in front of her? OK, her story all along has been she was there at the home alone...

HARRIS: Asleep.

GRACE: ... with the 5-year-old little girl, Haleigh, and the little boy even younger, Junior, Ronald Cummings, Jr., that they were asleep. Her story got twisted up as to which bed they were in, and so forth. And the next thing she knows, she wakes up to go to the bathroom, and ruh-roh! The baby girl is gone. She didn`t hear a thing. She didn`t see a thing. She doesn`t know a thing. So what other names are there to dangle in front of her?

HARRIS: Nancy, that is the $64,000 question in Satsuma. Who are these people police are dangling? Now, we don`t know. Are they the people who could have been in her dream that night she woke up and said that she remembered those four shadowy figures in the trailer? We don`t know that. We just know that she has heard some names, and she`s not talking.

GRACE: OK. To you, Marlaina Schiavo. What more can you tell me?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, I can tell you, Nancy, that, I mean, she`s not saying anything about the night that Haleigh went missing, but she has no problem telling the police that her brother stole DVDs from their neighbor. Now, we -- the question here is, was she really at home that night, something we asked before. But also, with these drug charges, this goes back to was she possibly passed out the night that Haleigh went missing and she might not even know what to tell police at this point?

GRACE: We are taking your calls live tonight. As we go to air, we discover secret jailhouse tap tapes, audio and video, of stepmother, former baby-sitter Misty Croslin, hours and hours of her yakking away.

Back to you, Art Harris. Everybody, we`re taking your calls live. Art, she is talking hours on end to who? Who`s visiting her, and who`s she talking to?

HARRIS: Well, the last visit, Nancy, several days ago was with her parents, an hour visit. They split it up into 30 minutes each. Lisa Croslin, her mother, had 30, then her father, Hank Croslin, Sr. And her brother, Tommy, got a visit from his wife, Lindsay (ph). So that`s the other angle...

GRACE: Don`t care about Tommy Croslin unless he can tell me something that Misty Croslin has blurted out during one of her drug-fueled nights on the town.


GRACE: Art, so all of these people are visiting. Is it one on one? Are they across the table? Is there plasti-glass (ph) between them? Is it via Skype, Internet? How does it work?

HARRIS: I believe it is through a telephone and in a different location than the actual inmate, Nancy. That`s how they have it set up there.

GRACE: OK, wait a minute. So what you`re telling me is the visitors are at, for instance, a visitor center in a different building?

HARRIS: That`s my understanding.

GRACE: And they can talk on a phone?


GRACE: Can they see each other?

HARRIS: I think they can. That`s -- that`s -- so there is video, or there is video of each person talking. But I`m told they can see each other because there was a very emotional connection (INAUDIBLE)

GRACE: That`s my understanding. Marlaina, have you seen the setup? How does it work there? What I`m getting at, Marlaina, is it`s more likely for somebody to get the truth out of her sitting there with her than somebody in a visitor center three miles away, talking on a phone via Skype.

SCHIAVO: Well, her attorney can sit with her and he`s the only person that can sit with her actually in the prison where she is, or the jail where she is. The visitation, though, Nancy, is a Webcam, so she can only speak through a phone and a Webcam.

GRACE: People, people, let the parents go in and visit! Let them hold hands! Let them hug! Let them cry. Maybe she`ll tell the truth.

Out to the lines. Jessie, Kentucky. Hi, Jessie. I think I`ve got Jessie in Kentucky. I certainly can hear you.

OK. Let`s try Melody in Ohio. Hi, Melody.


GRACE: Hi, dear. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My question is, for God`s sake, the money that they were using to spend on these drugs, why did not Ronald Cummings put that money towards the reward money, for God`s sakes?

GRACE: You know, interesting question. How much money are we talking about, Art Harris?

HARRIS: We`re talking about $4,000 worth of drugs that they sold. So this was cash in their hands, supposedly, Nancy.

GRACE: OK, Art, very quickly -- we`ve only got less than a minute left. All of these hours of Misty Croslin talking on video, how are we getting our hands on it? How is it that we are getting it?

HARRIS: The St. John`s County sheriff`s department has been taking these recordings, and they are now being reviewed by the case detectives in Putnam County. They`re redacting them. Tomorrow, we expect, Nancy, to get a DVD of the Misty tapes.


SCHIAVO: Yes, I do have a message for whoever has taken Haleigh. I would ask that you please, please bring my daughter home. She`s not yours. It`s not property. You know, it`s not something that you just take and say, It`s mine, or whatever. This is my daughter. This is blood, and I would like to have my daughter back, please. Please bring my daughter home.




CROSLIN: I wish that they would have took me instead of her, you know, because I could have fought. You know, she`s only 5. She can`t really do anything.

CUMMINGS: How (EXPLETIVE DELETED) could you let my daughter get stole, (EXPLETIVE DELETED)!

CROSLIN: I don`t know where she is!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She was a 16-year-old child whose job was to look after somebody else`s two young children. And I can only imagine that this girl would want to get out and have some fun of some kind.

CROSLIN: I loved her like she`s my own, and I`ll do anything to get her back!

CUMMINGS: Well, of course, I want to know if she knows anything, what she does know.

We need to find my daughter.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you think Misty holds some information that could help do that?

CUMMINGS: I don`t think that she holds any information that`s going to find Haleigh.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Misty`s brother was taken from his jail cell to be questioned by police. That`s when deputies say Croslin`s brother told them it looked like no one was home that night.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He tells police that he banged on the door and he got no answer. He looked inside through the windows, saw no lights, no television, did not hear a sound.

CROSLIN: I would have woke up if I heard any noise, and I didn`t hear anything at all.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That front door is all but 10 feet from the bedroom where Misty was sleeping with Haleigh and Junior that night. So if someone`s whaling on the door, there`s no way she couldn`t have heard that whatsoever.

CUMMINGS: It`s hard to believe that she don`t know more, but it`s also hard to believe that if she did know more, she ain`t already talked, you know?

GRACE: Do you believe she left the home and left the children alone, Ronald?

CUMMINGS: Absolutely not.

I want to get to the bottom of what happened.

One way or another, I want my daughter to come home.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Who told you that? I mean, was it somebody you...

CUMMINGS: I don`t know who it was.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It wasn`t any of the detectives that you knew?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But they haven`t come to you and said, OK, Ron, let`s sit down and talk about what you`ve heard from Misty or what you heard from anybody else outside, now that you`re in jail, we got you here, you might as well tell us everything you know?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They haven`t done that?

CUMMINGS: No, because they already know that. They all know. If I find out before them, they`ll know.


CUMMINGS: I mean, they won`t have to question me. They know that. Otherwise, I`m sure they would have already sat me down and questioned me hour upon hour upon hour. But they already know the answer does not lie with me. And the answer to the question that you`re asking me is, yes.


GRACE: And that`s the tip of the iceberg. Tonight, we learn that there are hours upon hours of jailhouse videotape secretly recorded of girlfriend-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin, the last person to see little Haleigh alive. She acts (ph) for hours with various visitors, including her mommy and daddy. And let`s remember there is no mommy/daddy privilege, like priest/petitioner or husband/wife, attorney/client privilege. Nothing they say will be kept out of court.

Let`s unleash the lawyers. We`re taking your calls live. Joining us tonight, family law attorney Sue Moss out of New York, defense attorney Raymond Giudice, Atlanta, defense attorney Peter Odom, also out of the Atlanta jurisdiction.

Weigh in, Sue Moss.

SUSAN MOSS, FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY: We`re going to get these tapes, but she`s not talking to Mom about her legal pursuits when the entire family is wearing orange jumpsuits. I mean, each one of these people would fall (INAUDIBLE) and quicker to get each -- the other in trouble in order to make a deal. So I don`t expect much.

GRACE: Giudice?

RAYMOND GIUDICE, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Here`s what she knows. She knows who has sold her 340-some-odd oxycodone pills. Now, we all agree that this didn`t start the day before. They`ve been using these medications, these prescription drugs, for a long time. The dealers know something about what happened to the child. That`s what she`s sitting on.

GRACE: Well, Peter Odom, even if she claims she can`t remember anything but going to sleep that night -- I guess so. After popping a lot of oxycodone, I`d go to sleep, too. But even if that`s best-case scenario, I`d want to know who she is with -- who she was with in the hours leading up to that. We know for three days before she came back to the home, she had been out on a binge...


GRACE: ... AWOL...

ODOM: Right.

GRACE: ... missing for three straight days. And you know she was drugged out to the max by the time she washed up back at the home.

ODOM: No question about it, Nancy. The position that she`s in, though, is that the police want her to implicate herself in a murder, when she`s only facing drug charges now. And frankly, she`d be foolish to do that, and she`s too savvy to do it.

GRACE: To Marc Klaas, president and founder of Klaas Kids Foundation. We are waiting on the release of these jailhouse videotapes. They`re about to be released at any moment. As soon as we get them, we`re playing them right here. We already have some of them, which we are playing. Now hours on end of girlfriend-baby-sitter-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin -- police say she`s the key to the case. What about it, Marc Klaas?

MARC KLAAS, KLAAS KIDS FOUNDATION: Well, I don`t think she`s too savvy to be sitting on anything or to be holding anything back, quite frankly. I think this is a poor, scared little girl who would willingly turn over any information she had if she thought it could bring little Haleigh home at this time.

But the problem with her is, is that drugs have ruled her life and ruined her life, and there`s probably not much left there to work with. If there is, it`s going to take a long stay in prison and some rehabilitation to bring it out.

GRACE: BS! And I`ve never said BS to you, Marc Klaas. But this girl knows who she was with in the hours leading up to that kidnap. She also had this dream of four men.

KLAAS: Oh, yes.

GRACE: It`s not a dream, it happened...

KLAAS: Sure, it happened.

GRACE: ... in the home the night Haleigh goes missing!

KLAAS: I agree completely. Absolutely, it happened.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And what would you do? I mean...

CUMMINGS: With what?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: With that person.

CUMMINGS: Kill them. Same thing I said on the 911 call.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK. Well, I just want to make sure...

CUMMINGS: I`m telling you I ain`t changed my mind, not a bit!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, what did they ask you about her, or what did they say to you, just that they -- I mean, is that all they said?

CUMMINGS: Yes, that`s it.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty`s mom says that Misty got a tattoo.

CUMMINGS: She did, but it ain`t got nothing to do with me, man.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She got your name.

CUMMINGS: Hey, I didn`t tell her to do that. You don`t see her name tattooed on me, do you?


CUMMINGS: Hey, man, with age comes wisdom. I`m not 18 years old no more. I might have done that when I was 18. The only two women that are tattooed on me is Haleigh and my mama, and that`s it.


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. To Marc Harrold, former cop with the Atlanta PD, joining us now from New York. Thank you for being with us, Marc. What`s all the chit-chat? Is that to loosen up the individual, so finally, they`ll say something worth listening to?


GRACE: I don`t care about tattoos.

HARRIS: I don`t care about tattoos, either. You know, this is one of those things -- you have to look at this thing in the prism of it`s still a missing person case. They`re not just collecting evidence for a completed crime that they want to get into court. And so they are doing whatever they can within the bounds of the law to dangle what they can, to give whatever leverage they can to find a way to find out what she knows.

Now, I don`t believe she`s savvy at all, but I do believe she knows something. And they`re having to do this. There`s a certain amount of exigency to this case because it`s not just a case that`s going to trial to package up, you`re still trying to find this girl and hope she`s alive.

GRACE: Out to the lines. Juanita, Oregon. Hi, Juanita.


GRACE: Hi, dear. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. I was kind of troubled about a statement that I`d heard from the jailhouse interview with Ronald. He mentioned something, when they were talking about kidnapping and the people or whatever, he said "those two." And then he went on to something else.

GRACE: You know, I didn`t catch that, Juanita.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That kind of bothered me.

GRACE: I did not catch that. Yes, "those two."

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He said, "those two."

GRACE: What about it, Marlaina Schiavo? Do you recall that? Did we possibly miss that?

SCHIAVO: You know, Nancy, I did not catch him saying "those two." The only thing that we heard him say was that he was willing to go to any lengths and even get the death penalty if he finds out who did it.

GRACE: You know what? To you, Juanita in Oregon. We will comb the transcripts tonight and find what you`re talking about.

To Doreen in Minnesota. Hi, dear.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. Hey, I have a question about that cinderblock that was placed in the back door. Do you know if they ever did some touch DNA on that to get some cells off that rough surface?

GRACE: What about it? Do we know, Marlaina Schiavo? Didn`t they test the cinderblock?

SCHIAVO: They did. They took it into evidence, and they never came back with anything after that. Even the door they took, and they never came back with anything.

GRACE: And very quickly, Marc Harrold, if you could explain touch DNA?

HARROLD: Well, anytime a human being touches certain surfaces, or most surfaces, there`s some transfer. And if they can get DNA off the skin cells, then it could be incriminating. But I don`t know if they found anything or not, but I knew they took the cinderblock.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And Ronald, even behind bars, facing a lot of jail time, possibly, that he will still only talk about Haleigh. He says, to this moment, he has not changed his mind. If he finds the person that killed Haleigh, he will kill that person. He doesn`t care what kind of jail time he will face. He doesn`t care if it even offers up the death penalty. It`s worth it to him.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The undercover officers with Putnam County Sheriff`s Department heard Misty was dealing, that they could get drugs from her, and they called and asked if she could deliver.



UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: They have her behind bars again and they do intend on questioning her again about Haleigh`s disappearance.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: When did you last see her?

CROSLIN: We just like, you know, it was 10:00. She was sleeping.

MIKE BROOKS, HLN LAW ENFORCEMENT ANALYST; FMR. D.C. POLICE DET., FBI TERRORISM TASK FORCE: We know all along that Misty was the last one to see Haleigh -- allegedly the last one to see her alive. She knows more than what she has been telling. So hopefully, hopefully, this will put a little bit more pressure on her to say, OK, what more do you know?

CROSLIN: I`m trying to do everything to find her, you know. Answer any questions I have to. I don`t know where she is.

BROOKS: What does Ronald know in this, too?

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: But they haven`t come to you and said, OK, Ron, let`s sit down and talk about what you heard from Misty or what you heard from anybody else outside now that you`re in jail we`ve got you here. You might as well tell us everything you know.



NANCY GRACE, HOST: And we learn that, as part of her hours on video and audiotape, baby sitter turned stepmother Misty Croslin ratted out her own brother on felony charges.

Out to you, Art Harris. As part of her talking to investigators, she ratted out her own brother?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, WWW.ARTHARRIS.COM, JUST SPOKE WITH MISTY`S FAMILY: Nancy, this just goes to show you that in Satsuma -- or at least in this family -- blood is thinner than water, and that Misty had no loyalty at all within a heartbeat of being incarcerated she told them about Tommy, that there were certain items in the home that she did not recognize and that Tommy had stolen.

Suddenly they match that up with a neighbor`s theft report. They search the house, they ask his wife, and voila, there are towels. There are also DVDs of "Harry Potter". There`s a Game Boy, things that Tommy had allegedly stolen from next door. So she is not loyal in the least.

GRACE: But what did she feel she could gain, Art Harris, by ratting out the brother for stealing, what, some Captain Morgan and some dish washing detergent? Who cares?

HARRIS: Nancy, as the officers tell me in this case, you cannot ascribe rational thought processes to the people in this case. If she thought perhaps that she might get a decade or two lopped off of her drug trafficking sentence that could be looming, if convicted, perhaps that was racing through her mind.

But she is a very, very frightened about the drug case. That`s what her family told me tonight.

GRACE: Well, I guess she should be. I know she`s frightened. You know I understand that. But I don`t care. All I want to find out is where this girl is and what became of little Haleigh.

And I want to go to Marlaina. Why is stealing a bottle of Captain Morgan and some "Harry Potter" DVDs -- how does that get you life behind bars?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: Well, he also was allegedly -- he allegedly stole a gun, Nancy, so if you steal a gun in the process of another crime, that`s a felony and that can get you life in prison.

GRACE: We are taking your calls live. To Pauline in Massachusetts. Hi, dear.

PAULINE, CALLER FROM MASSACHUSETTS: Hi, Nancy. Love your show and respect and admire you so much for keeping this alive.

GRACE: Thank you.

PAULINE: My question is, are these people perhaps in a drug deal and that they have given away Misty in lieu of the money that they owe and are now trying to recover that money?

GRACE: Excellent question. Unleash the lawyers, Sue Moss, Ray Giudice, Peter Odom.

You know, Ray, I hear this kidnap for ransom, sold for a drug debt, drug dealer stole the baby to get back at the father. That hardly ever happens. I don`t know that it`s ever happened.

RAY GIUDICE, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: It really only happens in the big narco industry in Mexico and in some places where killing isn`t.

GRACE: You mean in the movies?

GIUDICE: No. It happens in some places, Nancy.


GIUDICE: Arizona is the kidnapping capital of the United States because of the drug trade. So it does happen. Does it happen when people are dealing in small amounts of oxycodone in trailer parks. The answer is most likely not. I agree with you.

GRACE: What about it, Peter Odom?

PETER ODOM, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I agree with Ray. These aren`t -- I mean, these aren`t high-end drug dealers by any means. I think it`s far more likely that Misty just wasn`t there the night that this child was abducted.

GRACE: Well, you know what? Put them back up. Put both of these lawyers, these defense attorneys back up, Odom and Giudice.

Sue Moss, while the two defense attorneys are -- laughing it off as penny Annie drug dealing, you know, it might have been 2,000 here, 800 there, but somebody is supplying them. Somebody with a lot of drugs.

There`s a distributor in the mix somewhere. There`s a manufacturer in the mix somewhere. Somewhere there`s a doctor or a dentist writing scripts out the ying yang. All right? Somebody`s looking at a lot of hard jail time.

But the likelihood, Sue Moss, that they would come down to Satsuma, Florida, and steal the little girl out of the home, unlikely.

SUSAN MOSS, FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY & CHILD ADVOCATE: Well, that`s true. But mark my words, drugs has something to do with this crime. Unfortunately, it`s going to take a lot more prison jerky to get her to start talking turkey.

GRACE: To Dr. Lillian Glass, psychologist, body language expert, author of "Toxic People." Welcome, Dr. Lillian.

Lillian, let`s talk about the dream because that has intrigued me from the moment I heard it. She`s saying -- Misty Croslin saying, I don`t know anything. I pray to God she mentions this in these videotapes. We`re waiting on as we go to air tonight. I had this dream where four guys were in the home the night Haleigh goes missing.

Well, isn`t that a coincidence? Lillian, how much of a dream is that?


GRACE: Remember when O.J. Simpson had a "dream" about somebody killing his wife?

GLASS: Exactly.

GRACE: That somebody would be him?

GLASS: Exactly. She knows so much. And I could tell this early on. We saw her body language with so many tales of deception.

GRACE: Like what?

GLASS: From the lip licking to the shoulder shrugging to the monotone voice, to the defiance, the repetition of words. We saw so many tells. And we know she had something to do with this.

GRACE: Of course she did. But I don`t know what. Maybe it was a case of allowing these people in the home, maybe it had something to do with drugs. But she was the last one with the girl, and we still don`t know where 5-year-old Haleigh is.

Out to Dr. Marty Makary, physician and professor of public health, Johns Hopkins.

Dr. Marty, thank you for being with us. Dr. Marty, she`s been behind bars now about 12 days. How long is it going to take a full-fledged dope freak on Oxycodone, Oxycontin, to dry out?

DR. MARTY MAKARY, PHYSICIAN, PROF. OF PUBLIC HEALTH, JOHNS HOPKINS: Well, she could be in the middle of that process right now. Typically it takes two to three weeks with Oxycodone, Oxycontin. These heavy narcotics, these narcotics that people can forge a prescription for.

But we may not see the effects of this wear off until about six weeks. After which they get severe depression, they get fatigue, and they get generalized malaise. And that lingers on for months afterwards.

GRACE: Dr. Marty, what about the lip licking and the fidgeting and the monotone that Dr. Lillian Glass pointed out? Would that be an indicator of a narcotics user?

MAKARY: Those are all totally consistent with somebody who chronically is using any opiate or narcotic and they`re going through withdrawal. Those are withdrawal symptoms.

GRACE: Back to Art Harris, investigative journalist,, we now know there are hours and hours of secretly recorded videotape of Misty Croslin, the last who saw Haleigh. You talked to Misty`s father, Misty Croslin`s father, and her sister-in-law. What can you tell me, again, about those tapes? What do we expect to hear?

HARRIS: Well, if you get the tapes that were made today.

GRACE: Right.

HARRIS: . you will hear Misty talking about things like what happened that night. I had never known this from her sister-in-law before, but she says she was so tired from those parties in the last three days that when she came home she did not want to babysit. That she called Ron`s mother and she offered, quote, "to pay her to babysit." And Misty told her sister-in-law, well, I said, OK, if it`s OK with Ron.

Now, remember, he was furious at her. She had just gone off on this three-day revenge romance -- sex, drugs and rock `n` roll. And she didn`t know if he wanted her to babysit. She said it was with OK and so that`s the last we know, Nancy. That`s what you`ll hear on tonight`s tape.

GRACE: So you`re telling me that night she was there and Haleigh went missing she didn`t want to be there? She did not want to babysit?

HARRIS: That`s what she told her sister-in-law who I talked to tonight.

GRACE: You know that adds a lot to the mix, the fact that she did not want the responsibility of these children and now suddenly one of them disappears. That`s something new to us tonight.

We`re taking your calls live. As we go to break, happy birthday to one of our regulars. We know her. We love and respect her. Dr. Leslie Austin. She had a big birthday and I`m sure she celebrated not only with her human loved ones but all of her beloved pets. Listen, they get dressed up for every holiday, Halloween, Christmas, Easter. You name it.

Dr. Leslie, happy birthday.



UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: 911. What`s your emergency?

CROSLIN: I just woke up and our back door was open and I can`t find our daughter.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Misty`s brother was recently arrested on a gun charge and he reportedly broke down under police questioning. Tommy Croslin says he went to Ronald Cummings` trailer the night Haleigh vanished back in February.

The brother said he repeatedly pounded on the door but no one opened it. Misty Croslin has insisted she was home all night.

CROSLIN: I seen the kitchen light on, and I walked in the kitchen and the back door is wide open. I mean, I didn`t notice about Haleigh. Until I seen the back door open, then I go in the room and she`s gone.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Misty`s time line doesn`t make sense and her story changes. So the ring of truth is that somebody went there and she wasn`t home when they knocked.

CROSLIN: I`m trying to do everything I can to find her, you know, answer any questions I have to. Because I know I didn`t do anything to that little girl. I would never hurt her.

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, MOM OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I`ve thought all along that she had something to do with it, and now this kind of just proves it. I mean, she`s the last one to see our daughter and her stories just don`t add up.

CROSLIN: They go out and look for the right person, maybe they would have the answer. But they`re trying to get all the answers from me that I don`t have.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: So they haven`t questioned you or asked you if you found out anything from Misty or found out anything from anybody else?

CUMMINGS: No. They know I haven`t found out anything, Dana. They know I haven`t because they know that they`d be the first ones to know. I wouldn`t call them or nothing else. They would be notified probably by the news media or somebody you know reporting a homicide so they already know that I haven`t found out about anything. So they don`t have to ask me a dumb question like that.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Because you`re saying that if you found out you would do what you think you need to do and they`d find out about that.



GRACE: We learn tonight hours on hours of stepmother Misty Croslin on video and audio. What did she say to her mother and father and others that came to visit her behind bars?

Let`s take a look at where this bunch is shacked up. They`re in a couple of different locations, a couple of different jails. And we`re also learning about jailhouse amenities. Recreation time outside of jail, we are learning about libraries, TV, recreation yard, GED classes, programs.

We learn about a menu tonight, chicken, rice with gravy, peas, bread, pudding, and fruit juice. You know what? I had a couple of chicken nuggets I found in the car. They`re eating better than I did. I had three chicken nuggets.

Marlaina, what can you tell me about these jailhouses?

SCHIAVO: Well, the one that Misty is in -- she`s only in protective custody so she can play cards in her jail cell. She can watch TV. And she can pretty much have visitors through the week depending on the schedule.

Now, for Ronald, he`s in isolation in Putnam County so he can only have 20 minutes twice a week for visitation and supervised recreation.

GRACE: So long story short, while they`re having chicken with rice and gravy, peas, bread, pudding and fruit juice, a 5-year-old girl`s body is likely somewhere decomposing or else she`s been kidnapped during one of Misty Croslin`s drug hazes.

And God only knows where she is tonight. Also, we learn that Ronald Cummings has been moved. To where and why, Marlaina Schiavo?

SCHIAVO: He has been moved Putnam County because that`s where all his charges were with. He was originally separated from the other defendants while they were still investigating, but now he is back where he belongs.

GRACE: Out to the lines, Anne in Iowa, hi, Anne.

ANNE, CALLER FROM IOWA: Yes. I hope you haven`t touched on this yet, but I firmly believe that Misty sold Haleigh for drugs. Not the money owed. Nothing. But just sold her to get more drugs.

GRACE: Anne in Iowa, there was a time that I would have scoffed at that theory, but now, in light of the magnitude of their drug needs and her drug dependency, I think that may be entirely possible. The only thing is, she hasn`t popped up anywhere. There have been no legitimate sightings of her. Is that correct, Art Harris?

HARRIS: That`s correct, Nancy. I can tell you the Putnam County Sheriff`s Department has a whole file, books of, quote, "sightings" that they have followed up on, and no Haleigh.

I can tell you that that theory is a little more than a theory in the mind of Misty`s father who told me that Ron claimed he knew where he could get Misty back for $35,000. He tells me he`s told that to the police. That probably went right into one of those tip sheets and, you know, no one has been able to verify that at all.

GRACE: Back to Marc Klaas, president and founder of KlaasKids Foundation. The more we hear, the more tangled up it gets, the disappearance of this little girl. What is your suggestion now to police? You`ve been here.

MARC KLAAS, PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER, KLAASKIDS FOUNDATION: Well, I would say now what the police should probably do is focus upon that group of drug sharing individuals that congregate in and around Misty. Who are the people that she was with? Who could have been there that night?

Perhaps the little girl took a pill and died and somebody disposed of her and Misty may not even be aware of that. She may have been so zonked out. But I would suggest that probably it`s with that group of individuals with whom they socialize and do drugs. That`s probably where the answer is to this mystery.

GRACE: Even if that were the scenario, it`s still negligent homicide on a child. Unleash the lawyers. Sue Moss, Ray Giudice, Peter Odom. Another issue about Misty Croslin talking from behind bars, a lot of people think that what you say to your parents, Raymond Giudice, is somehow protected. That`s not true.

GIUDICE: Absolutely not. There`s no privilege, as you pointed out. The legal privileges are doctor/patient, attorney/client, priest/penitent, that`s about it. Maybe a marital privilege in some state, but not in Florida under these circumstances.

GRACE: And Peter Odom, if you`re meeting, think back to the O.J. Simpson trial. Do you remember when Rosie Greer visited him in the capacity as a minister and Simpson made some incriminating statement akin to a confession? Even though a sheriff apparently overheard it, it still was disallowed in court. Why?

ODOM: In that case, Nancy, because the sheriff accidentally overheard it. If the sheriff had been there, then there would not have been any legal privilege whatsoever.

GRACE: Sue Moss, weigh in.

MOSS: Well, I`m not sure about that because Rosie Greer apparently is a member of the clergy and I believe at that time he was claiming there was the clergy privilege.


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: What have they talked to you about? Have they talked to you about why they arrested you or have they -- have you talked to any detectives at all or are they just -- or you`ve just been in jail?

CUMMINGS: I`m just being in jail, dude. They told me that I was being arrested for -- because they had warrants for me for trafficking in hydrocodone.




CUMMINGS: I mean the cell can`t be no more than eight, it might be 10 by 12, maybe. On the side where the toilet ain`t at. So on the side where the toilet is at it can`t be more than eight by 10. That`s what I`m saying. It`s not good -- this is not very big at all.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: It doesn`t sound big. But I`ll tell you what, it`ll get smaller and smaller.


GRACE: That is Ronald Cummings talking to the "Florida Times-Union ". Out to the lines, Dawn, South Carolina. Hi, Dawn.

DAWN, CALLER FROM SOUTH CAROLINA: Hi, Nancy. I love your show. I think it`s great.

GRACE: Thank you.

DAWN: My question is, in all of this, where is Misty`s brother and has he been questioned about anything?

GRACE: What about it, Art Harris?

HARRIS: Misty`s brother has been questioned. He`ll be questioned again, says he knows nothing. In fact, I was told tonight by his parents, Nancy, he`s willing to take a lie detector test and pay for it themselves. They have their own private eye who would do it for $750.

GRACE: Art, remember him saying that a guy dressed in black with squeaky shoes was in the home the night his sister went missing.

HARRIS: That was Junior`s comments.

GRACE: What about it, Lillian Glass, how would you handle a child witness like that?

GLASS: Oh, Nancy, it`s so complicated. Because you can just see that they`re lying through their teeth. They change their stories, all of their tells, when they speak, it`s complete lies. And it`s very difficult to get a handle on this.

GRACE: Art, what more can you tell us?

HARRIS: I can tell you that as far as the child goes, they had experts question Junior from the University of Florida who were specialized in child psychology and this kind of traumatic kind of case. And that`s what they told the expert. However, the child is too young for it to hold up in court.

GRACE: Right. Art, what can you tell us -- you have alluded to mind games with cops. You know -- what do you think?

HARRIS: That is the term that the parents used with me tonight. That`s Misty`s phrasing of what has been going on over the last few days that they`ve been playing, quote, "mind games" with her.

GRACE: Please. Her mind is so fried. She doesn`t -- she wouldn`t know a mind game if it bit her in the neck, Art Harris.

Everybody, let`s stop and remember Navy Boatswain Mate 1st Class Brian Ouellette, 37, (INAUDIBLE), Massachusetts. A Navy SEAL, awarded the Bronze Star and Purple Heart. Lost his life before walking at graduation in Excelsior College. His mother accepted his bachelor`s science degree in his honor.

A black belt in karate, fluent in Spanish, loved sports, Red Sox. Leaves behind grieving parents, Jack and Peg, six brothers, one sister.

Brian Ouellette, American hero.

Thanks to our guests but our biggest thank you is to you for being with us tonight. And a special happy birthday to one of our stars, Andrea. She loves Sting and the Police. But her number one love is her beautiful little girl, Lily, who bakes cupcakes for our show.

Happy birthday, Andrea.

And remember, everyone, the tipline in the Haleigh case, 1-888-277- TIPS.

I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern. Until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on February 04, 2010, 06:57:44 AM


Misty Croslin`s Jailhouse Conversations Released

Aired February 3, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight. Satsuma, Florida, a 5- year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. Last person to see her alive, new stepmother, 18-year-old Misty Croslin, who takes to the airwaves to claim she`s innocent. But even in one brief interview, Croslin can`t keep her stories straight, including a 180 on a lie detector she flunked.

Bombshell tonight. After Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and baby- sitter-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin both handcuffed, arrested, booked, Cummings talks first, and we learn stepmother Misty Croslin does the same. As we go to air, we get the jailhouse tapes, video and audio, hours and hours of Misty Croslin yakking away, including an hour-long visit with Mommy and Daddy, all caught on video. Croslin already cracking behind bars, desperate, sobbing to get out of jail now and admitting to her father to at least eight drug sales, even ratting out her own brother on a felony and claiming from behind bars that her drug deals are to blame for Haleigh`s disappearance.

Police convinced Croslin the key to that disappearance, especially since evidence emerges Croslin did not want to be bothered baby-sitting the night Haleigh disappears. With Haleigh`s father still in isolation, tonight, the pressure mounting. Where is the 5-year-old girl with the big brown eyes? Where is Haleigh?



LISA CROSLIN, MISTY`S MOTHER: I know you want out, baby. I know it.

MISTY CROSLIN: I want out so bad!


HANK CROSLIN, MISTY`S FATHER: Oh, I know it`s hard. It`s hard for me to have you both locked up. Now, Misty, don`t -- don`t be -- don`t be lying about nothing because all it`s going to do is bury you deeper.

MISTY CROSLIN: Man, I miss you guys.

LISA CROSLIN: I miss you, too.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m stuck in this one little cell all the time.

LISA CROSLIN: I know, baby. It`s hard, ain`t it.

MISTY CROSLIN: It is. They won`t even let me do anything!

TOMMY CROSLIN, MISTY`S BROTHER: We`re out of this -- we`re out one at a time. And (EXPLETIVE DELETED) talking (EXPLETIVE DELETED) and the other cell blocks, Where`s Haleigh Cummings, talking all kinds of crazy stuff.


TOMMY CROSLIN: I was going to go in general population, but I ain`t going to do it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don`t think you should.

TOMMY CROSLIN: I`m going to stay right here. It`s all right. People in here are cool.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Misty said she`s going in general population. She`s crazy.

TOMMY CROSLIN: Yes, she`s -- Misty`s going to get her little butt kicked. If she goes in general population, them girls are going to have their way with her.


TOMMY CROSLIN: She`s little, and they`re going to have her way. I`ll put a request in to see her. I can -- we can do inmate-to-inmate visits.


TOMMY CROSLIN: Yes. This jail ain`t nothing like Putnam County jail. This is, like, maximum security (EXPLETIVE DELETED) .

MISTY CROSLIN: Oh, it sucks, man! I hope I don`t have to be here forever.


GRACE: Good evening, I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Bombshell tonight. After Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and baby-sitter-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin both handcuffed, arrested, booked, Cummings talks first, and we learn stepmother Misty Croslin does the same. As we go to air, we get those jailhouse tapes.


MISTY CROSLIN: I hope you guys can get me out.

LISA CROSLIN: I hope we can, too, baby. Do you get to watch TV?

MISTY CROSLIN: At 6:00 o`clock. Barely can see it. I have to lay my thing on the floor so I can see the TV because they have the TV facing the wrong way so we can`t see it.

HANK CROSLIN: They say you sold over 300 pills to the undercover.

MISTY CROSLIN: But I didn`t sell them the whole time. I mean, I was with the people, but I think some of my charges are going to get dropped.

HANK CROSLIN: How many times you do it yourself?

MISTY CROSLIN: Eight times.

HANK CROSLIN: How many times did you do it yourself?

MISTY CROSLIN: Eight to nine.

HANK CROSLIN: Told you to stay away from that stupid (EXPLETIVE DELETED). Told you.

MISTY CROSLIN: When I get out, I`m going to go back with you guys every day.

HANK CROSLIN: Our lives -- our lives are so screwed up here.

LISA CROSLIN: I saw Tina at Spinner`s, and she said she doesn`t not have your stuff.

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, she does! It was in her car!

LISA CROSLIN: She said she don`t have it, that you had everything with you.

MISTY CROSLIN: No! It was in her car. When I got arrested, my camera, my phone, my I.D., my wallet was all in her car.

LISA CROSLIN: The police didn`t take it from her?

MISTY CROSLIN: No! She pulled off!

LISA CROSLIN: She`s not going to let me have it, then.



MISTY CROSLIN: I`m going to. I`m sorry. I was cussing.

LISA CROSLIN: Don`t get in trouble, baby.



MISTY CROSLIN: I`m not going to. I didn`t mean that. I was just mad.



GRACE: Now, recently we showed you the Ronald Cummings jailhouse interviews. We`re going to show you those again tonight. And they are exclusive interviews with Dana Treen (ph), reporter for "The Florida Times- Union." Now, we got that through WJXT, who filed a FOIA request, and I regret that wasn`t clear earlier.

I`m going to show you those jailhouse tapes later. But right now, we`re going to show you more of Misty Cummings, Misty Croslin-Cummings, from behind bars. If you will recall, up until tonight, she was charged with numerous counts, I believe around six. But after this jailhouse admission to her own family that she conducted at least eight to nine illegal drug sales, now more counts have been added.

Art Harris, investigative journalist, joining us, What`s the latest?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: The latest, Nancy, is that unbeknownst to Misty Croslin, two more charges were filed against her for drug trafficking, adding $400,000 to her bond, bringing that to a total of $1.35 million that it will take to get her out. Same thing with Ronald. He has been charged with two more counts of drug trafficking, and he faces now another $400,000 in bond, raising his total bond to $900,000, Nancy.

GRACE: We are taking your calls live. And what I don`t get, Art Harris, is don`t these people realize they`re being taped, they`re being videoed? Don`t they get it? All their phone calls, their meetings, unless it`s with their lawyer or their preacher, it`s all fair game for law enforcement.

HARRIS: Nancy, it was painful to watch them talk to their parents. You`re waiting for them to say something else that incriminates themselves.

GRACE: Take a listen to this.


LISA CROSLIN: She said she would, and she`s going to send you some money.

MISTY CROSLIN: OK. Mom, I want out of here!

LISA CROSLIN: I know you want out, baby. I know it.

MISTY CROSLIN: I want out so bad!


MISTY CROSLIN: (INAUDIBLE) have you heard that my bond was -- got lowered or anything?

LISA CROSLIN: Yes, they took it from $100,000 to $50,000, or something like that.

MISTY CROSLIN: So it`s at $50,000 now?

LISA CROSLIN: Yes. And Art Harris called yesterday and said somebody in Nevada was trying to come up with the money to get you out.

MISTY CROSLIN: OK. Tell him...

LISA CROSLIN: (INAUDIBLE) willing to do it.

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. Yes. Do you know how long? Can you keep calling him and asking him?

LISA CROSLIN: Yes, he`s going to keep in contact with us.

MISTY CROSLIN: Man, I miss you guys.

LISA CROSLIN: I miss you, too.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m stuck in this one little cell all the time.

LISA CROSLIN: I know, baby. It`s hard, ain`t it.

MISTY CROSLIN: It is. They won`t even let me do anything!

LISA CROSLIN: They`re not going to let you out in the population?

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t know.

LISA CROSLIN: Have you asked them?

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. They said give it a couple days maybe.


GRACE: That is video from St. John`s sheriffs.

To Caryn Stark, psychologist. I`ve to bring a shrink in before I go to the phone calls or even let loose the lawyers. Caryn Stark, we hear in one comment from Misty Croslin behind bars, the last woman, the last person to see 5-year-old Haleigh alive, that she personally conducted eight to nine sales of illegal drugs. And within the next hour, she says, I didn`t do anything wrong. Why do they have me here? When can I get out? And starts crying. What`s the disconnect?

CARYN STARK, PSYCHOLOGIST: Well, she`s purposely doing that, Nancy. I mean, she really has holed herself up and kept it all inside, that part. So she`s trying desperately to talk around it and to make some kind of a deal here. It`s real clear that she doesn`t mention that at all. And if you notice, I don`t know too many criminals who ever said they did anything wrong.

GRACE: To Jean Casarez, legal correspondent, In Session. What more can you tell me in the developments we`re seeing tonight, hours and hours of baby-sitter-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin talking about her drug sales behind bars and more?

JEAN CASAREZ, IN SESSION: Well, you know, I listened to all of the tapes. Her entire state of mind is focused on herself, totally herself. Her father`s state of mind...

GRACE: Me, me, me, me, me!

CASAREZ: When her father comes to the jail, his state of mind seems to be, We can`t keep lying. If you know anything, you got to come forward. Even if you know it, it`s going to cause years for you in jail and prison. So his state of mind is that he believes his daughter knows something that she`s not coming forward with.

GRACE: Well, Marlaina Schiavo, our producer on the story, isn`t it true that from the get-go, the father has been very frank and said that he`s believed all along his daughter knows more than what she`s saying about the little girl`s disappearance?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: He did say that. And he flip-flopped a couple times on that, but that is what he used to say. And also, the mother said the same thing about her, Nancy. So this falls in line with that same thought, that she knows something, she needs to come clean. He, quote, "doesn`t understand why she didn`t already come forward."

GRACE: Everyone, we have just obtained, after waiting for about 72 hours, these jailhouse tapes of baby-sitter-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin, the last person in charge of taking care of Haleigh that night. We also learn through Art Harris that she was loath to baby-sit that night. She had come off a three-day drinking and drug binge. The last thing she wanted was to take care of two little children. Take a listen.


MISTY CROSLIN: I hope you guys can get me out.

LISA CROSLIN: I hope we can, too, baby. Do you get to watch TV?

MISTY CROSLIN: At 6:00 o`clock. Barely can see it. I have to lay my thing on the floor so I can see the TV because they have the TV facing the wrong way so we can`t see it.

LISA CROSLIN: You watch anything recently?

MISTY CROSLIN: No. What was on?

LISA CROSLIN: Ron was doing a thing on there last night stating that you was his ex-wife and his friend only, that he had a girlfriend.


LISA CROSLIN: That`s what he was saying.

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t care.




MISTY CROSLIN: It sucks, man. I hope I don`t have to be here forever. Do you know how long Art Harris said that when (INAUDIBLE) people are going to bond me out?

LISA CROSLIN: He didn`t say. He just wanted to know if we was willing for them to do it, and I told him yes.

MISTY CROSLIN: Did he say it was a for sure thing?

LISA CROSLIN: He didn`t say for sure. He just said that he knows people in Nevada that was trying to get your bond (INAUDIBLE)

MISTY CROSLIN: You need to keep on him, be, like, Get her out.

LISA CROSLIN: Don`t worry. Every time he calls, I`m going to get onto him. I just wish I could get you out!

MISTY CROSLIN: I know. It`s $50,000 now? So what`s 10 percent of $50,000?

LISA CROSLIN: I think $10,000.

MISTY CROSLIN: So I need $10,000 to get out?


You watch anything recently?

MISTY CROSLIN: No. What was on?

LISA CROSLIN: Ron was doing a thing on there last night stating that you was his ex-wife and his friend only, that he had a girlfriend.


LISA CROSLIN: That`s what he was saying.

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t care.



GRACE: He has a girlfriend? They`re not in high school anymore! They`re all behind bars on multiple felony drug charges. They`re looking at about 180 years behind bars. They`re suspected in the disappearance of a 5-year-old little girl, and they`re talking about he`s got a girlfriend? Well, I don`t understand it, Art Harris.

HARRIS: Well, Nancy, what, you know, you have to understand that this is not a normal relationship that you would think about, except if you were in high school. Police tell me that they have been secretly seeing each other, Misty and Ronald Cummings, for the last month. She has the tattoo of Ronald on her back. But he also dates other people. She dates other people. And for some reason, this is preoccupying part of the conversation between herself and her mother in jail.

GRACE: OK, Art, excuse my obvious ignorance on this, but a secret from whom? Who are they keeping it a secret from? Neither one of them are married. Who cares? What`s the secret.

HARRIS: No secret to me, but you know, maybe they don`t want -- or Ronald doesn`t want the public to know for some reason. Maybe he`s afraid that they might imply or infer that they are in cahoots on...

GRACE: Well, you know what, Art? I appreciate that explanation, but the fact that they are on video selling dope together in a cop`s car I think pretty much puts them in cahoots, as you just described.

We`re going out to the lines. Leota in New Hampshire. Hi, Leota.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. How are you?

GRACE: I`m good, dear. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My inquiry is to her bother, who admits to being at that home the night the child went missing. He said she wasn`t there. Wouldn`t he know that home as well as anyone? Could he have gone in and taken that little girl?

GRACE: What do we know about that, Jean Casarez? And I recall that he told police that when he was arrested on another charge.

CASAREZ: Leota`s right, though. He did say that that night in question, he went over there around 10:00 o`clock at night. It was dark. It was still. It was quiet. He knocked. There was silence.

What`s interesting, though, is he said on this tape today, as I kept listening, You know, I don`t have anything to do with Haleigh. I have nothing to do. They arrested me because they`re trying to get to Misty and Ron. And he seemed pretty real, and I felt credibility in his voice when he said, I had nothing to do with this.

GRACE: OK, just released and we finally have obtained jailhouse videos of the baby-sitter-turned-stepmother, Misty Croslin, behind bars where she admits to dealing drugs. She whines about being behind bars, first saying she dealt drugs, then saying she didn`t do anything wrong. Never once do you hear her wonder or utter one sympathetic word about the missing 5-year-old girl.


MISTY CROSLIN: Oh, it sucks, man! I hope I don`t have to be here forever. Do you know how long Art Harris said that when (INAUDIBLE) people are going to bond me out?

LISA CROSLIN: He didn`t say. He just wanted to know if we was willing for them to do it, and I told him yes.

MISTY CROSLIN: Did he say it was a for sure thing?

LISA CROSLIN: He didn`t say for sure. He just said that he knows people in Nevada that was trying to get your bond (INAUDIBLE)

MISTY CROSLIN: You need to keep on him, be, like, Get her out.

LISA CROSLIN: Don`t worry. Every time he calls, I`m going to get onto him. I just wish I could get you out!

MISTY CROSLIN: I know. It`s $50,000 now? So what`s 10 percent of $50,000?

LISA CROSLIN: I think $10,000.

MISTY CROSLIN: So I need $10,000 to get out?


MISTY CROSLIN: All right. I hope that people get me out of here.

LISA CROSLIN: I hope they do, too.

MISTY CROSLIN: You guys, Art Harris -- Art Harris can get ahold of Cobra, too, because Cobra said he`d bond me out, too. I got...

LISA CROSLIN: Well, I`ll tell your dad.

MISTY CROSLIN: I got 49 minutes.

LISA CROSLIN: I`ll try to get -- I`ll try to get Cobra`s number myself.


LISA CROSLIN: I have it in my wallet.

MISTY CROSLIN: We have 49 minutes.

LISA CROSLIN: I`ll let you go and let Daddy come in, OK?

MISTY CROSLIN: OK. I love you.

LISA CROSLIN: I love you, too!


LISA CROSLIN: She said she would. She`s going to send you the money.

MISTY CROSLIN: OK. Mom, I want out of here!

LISA CROSLIN: I know you want out, baby. I know it.

MISTY CROSLIN: I want out so bad!


MISTY CROSLIN: (INAUDIBLE) have you heard that my bond was -- got lowered or anything?

LISA CROSLIN: Yes, they took it from $100,000 to $50,000, or something like that.

MISTY CROSLIN: So it`s at $50,000 now?

LISA CROSLIN: Yes. And Art Harris called yesterday and said somebody in Nevada was trying to come up with the money to get you out.

MISTY CROSLIN: OK. Tell him...

LISA CROSLIN: (INAUDIBLE) willing to do it.

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. Yes. Do you know how long? Can you keep calling him and asking him?

LISA CROSLIN: Yes, he`s going to keep in contact with us.



LISA CROSLIN: Oh, God, baby, I miss you so much!

MISTY CROSLIN: You guys are going to come see me every -- did you guys -- what about Talent?

LISA CROSLIN: I called Talent and Talent said he don`t think he can come up here.


LISA CROSLIN: I don`t know. He didn`t tell me why. Lindsey talked to him.

MISTY CROSLIN: So he`s not going to come visit me?

LISA CROSLIN: I don`t think so.

MISTY CROSLIN: What about write me?

LISA CROSLIN: He said he`d try (INAUDIBLE)

MISTY CROSLIN: When are you guys sending mine out?

LISA CROSLIN: I sent yours out today.


LISA CROSLIN: Grandma sent -- Grandma sent you one yesterday.




GRACE: OK, Jean Casarez, legal correspondent, In Session. It was painful listening, between all of them, couldn`t figure out what was 10 percent of $50,000. And they got it wrong. But aside from that, the bail has not been lowered, Jean Casarez.

CASAREZ: No. Let us reiterate, the bail is now -- you ready -- $1.35 million for Misty Cummings. That`s the bail, not $50,000, $1.35 million because there are now eight counts of trafficking in prescription medications.

GRACE: You know, Art Harris, I think where she`s getting these figures from -- they must have talked to a bail bondsman because, typically, you have to put up 10 percent of your bond to get out. So 10 percent would be $100,000. I guess that`s where they`re getting the $50,000 from. I`m not sure.

HARRIS: In the past, Nancy, they have dealt with a local bail bondsman. They`re very familiar with bail bondsmen because they have been in and out of jail, Hank, his father, and Tommy. And so, you know, I know that I got curious because I heard a rumor that someone was trying to bail them out or was willing to put it up, and so I started making some calls. And the only person who I found was Leonard Padilla. He had been in touch with or left messages with her lawyer, who told me -- Robert Fields -- that he had been approached, he had messages left, but he had not called anybody back to -- you know, to talk about it.

GRACE: Let`s unleash the lawyers. Joining us tonight, high-profile lawyer out of Seattle Anne Bremner. Also joining us, expert in Florida law Mark Nejame. Also with us, Paul Batista, defense attorney out of New York, author of "Death`s Witness." Welcome to everyone.

Anne Bremner, they`ve got it all bass-ackwards. They`re not about to get out of jail, all right? They don`t need to be worrying about the bond being lowered, it`s been raised.

ANNE BREMNER, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, yes, and that`s kind of a problem there. I love your saying, Nancy. But you know, I was thinking to myself murder for hire cases don`t see that high of a bail. But the fact of the matter is, there`s that saying -- I know you love my quotes -- Oscar Wilde...

GRACE: Oh, no.

BREMNER: ... I`m always thinking about myself, and I expect everyone else to do the same. She`s thinking about herself. She`s in jail, and that`s to be expected.

GRACE: Finally, Anne Bremner hits a home run with those quotes. What about it, Mark Nejame?

MARK NEJAME, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: She needs $135,000 just at 10 percent. (INAUDIBLE) forgets that she still needs $1,350,000 for collateral. How`s that going to happen?




LISA CROSLIN: She said she would. She`s gonna send you the money.

MISTY CROSLIN: OK. Mom, I want out of here.

LISA CROSLIN: I know you want out baby. I know it.

MISTY CROSLIN: I want out so bad.


MISTY CROSLIN: Have you heard that my bond got lowered or anything?

LISA CROSLIN: Yes, they took it from $100,000 to $50,000 or something like that.

MISTY CROSLIN: So it`s at $50,000 now?

LISA CROSLIN: Yes, and Art Harris called yesterday and said somebody in Nevada was trying to come up with the money to get you out.

MISTY CROSLIN: OK. Tell him --

LISA CROSLIN: (INAUDIBLE) willing to do it.

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, yes, yes. Do you know how long? Can you keep calling him and asking him?

LISA CROSLIN: Yes, he`s gonna keep in contact with us.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`re out of this. We`re out one at a time. And (EXPLETIVE DELETED) are talking in the other cell blocks. Where`s Haleigh Cummings, talking all kinds of crazy stuff.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I was going to go into general population, but I ain`t going to do it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don`t think you should. I don`t think you should.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`ll stay right here. It`s alright. People here are cool.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Misty says she`s going in general population. She`s crazy.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty`s going to get her little butt kicked. If she goes into the general population, them girls are going to have their way with her.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She`s little, and they`re going to have their way. I put in a request to see her. You can do inmate to inmate visits.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. This jail ain`t nothing like Putnam Count Jail. This jail is like maximum security (EXPLETIVE DELETED).



MISTY CROSLIN: I see Austin and Lindsey.

LISA CROSLIN: You see Austin and Lindsey?


LISA CROSLIN: Do you see Tommy?

MISTY CROSLIN: You can`t see hi yet. Is she talking to Tommy?


MISTY CROSLIN: Mama, he needs to.

LISA CROSLIN: How do you see Tommy, Austin, and Lindsey?

MISTY CROSLIN: Oh, I thought I just seen them walk behind you.


NANCY GRACE, HLN HOST: And also, Jean Casarez, there is a very revealing interview between Misty Croslin, the last person to see Haleigh alive, and her father. What do we learn?

JEAN CASAREZ, HLN CORRESPONDENT: Well, we learned, what he said was number one, what you know about Haleigh, if you don`t come forward, it`s only going to bury you deeper. Don`t be lying about nothing. They say you sold over 300 pills. He asks her questions about the present charges. And then he says the Haleigh stuff has got to come to an end. The truth has to come out. And you don`t be talking without your lawyer.

GRACE: To you, Marc Klaas, president, founder of Klaas Kids Foundation. What do you make of the jailhouse tapes we`ve just gotten hold of?

MARC KLAAS, PRESIDENT and FOUNDER, KLAASKIDS FOUNDATION: Well, it clarifies a lot of things. First of all, these people don`t have a pot to spit it. They don`t have a nickel between them. And, in fact, they argue over nickel and dime types of things. But I think that there`s a potential revelation here in Art`s reporting.

Because what art is talking about, he mentions a pimp, a pimp name Jerome Williams who is the sugar daddy to one of Ron Cummings` ex`s, that he supported her. But here`s what I can tell you about pimps. They don`t support anybody. Women support the pimps.

These people are some of the most low-down, bottom-feeding creatures in our society. And if this guy is messing around with young girls, and pimping them out, then we`re talking about human trafficking here and this character is going to be Ron Cummings` new cell mate. That puts zero degrees of separation between the two of these guys.

And what we do know is that Ron has an interest in girls 15 to 16 years old. Apparently this character, Williams, is pimping girls in their teenage years. There`s a lot of problems here, and I think that that might introduce another potential suspect into this case.

GRACE: Art Harris, is that true?

ART HARRIS, HLN CORRESPONDENT: I can tell you, Nancy, that investigators have quizzed him. He offered to actually use his drug network to get information about Haleigh and could not come up with anything. So he`s been a disappointment. He is in the same jail Ron Cummings is, and there could be some interesting encounters if they do meet.

GRACE: Here`s the sound we were telling you about, the jailhouse, secretly recorded tapes of Croslin talking with her father.


HANK CROSLIN: They say you sold, sold over three hundred pills to the undercover.

MISTY CROSLIN: But I didn`t sell them the whole time, I mean, I was with the people, but I think some of my charges are gonna dropped.

HANK CROSLIN: How many times did you do it yourself?

MISTY CROSLIN: Eight times.

HANK CROSLIN: How many times did you do it yourself?

MISTY CROSLIN: Eight to nine.

HANK CROSLIN: I told you to stay away from that stupid (EXPLETIVE DELETED). I told you.

MISTY CROSLIN: When I get out, I`m gonna go back with you guys, every day.

HANK CROSLIN: Our lives, our lives are so screwed up here.



HANK CROSLIN: Terrible baby, God I hate this. I don`t wanna lose their one of you guys. If you guys had some do with.


HANK CROSLIN: Yes, but that right there doesn`t matter. The dude Haleigh case is a whole different ballgame. I don`t understand why you didn`t come forward before. Yes. Damn you, man. You had to go -- I know baby, I`m goin` crazy myself.



HANK CROSLIN: You shoulda left when I told you to. You shoulda went up there to Michigan. Ya know, the Haleigh stuff has got to come an end. It`s got to Misty. Whatever the truth is, it`s got to come out. And you don`t, you still don`t be talking without your lawyer. He gettin` pissed off? Ah, he`s the only thing -- hope that you got.


GRACE: We are taking your calls, live. To Shirley in L.A. Hi, Shirley.

SHIRLEY (via telephone): Hello, Nancy, how are you?

GRACE: I`m good, dear. What`s your question?

SHIRLEY: Oh, it`s more of a comment. When this all first started, Misty said when she got up to go to the bathroom that the backdoor was propped open with a cinderblock.


SHIRLEY: When your producer went in there, she went to -- and showed where the backdoor, the screen door was propped open with a cinderblock. When she turned lose the big door, it automatically shut. You know, like some trailers get of balance.


SHIRLEY: And if the backdoor was shut, how did she see the screen door open?

GRACE: Marlaina Schiavo, you were there. You toured the home including that backdoor. What do you recall?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: I recall that there was a ton of laundry on the floor, and there was a theory that possibly it was propping the inner door open and that`s how she saw the outside door propped open.

GRACE: Did Misty Croslin ever say that, or was that just a police theory?

SCHIAVO: That was a theory amongst police and some people also close to the investigation.

GRACE: Well, Shirley`s observation, about the door, is it accurate?

SCHIAVO: Yes. Both doors do close automatically. Yes.

GRACE: So there would be no way unless that door was propped open, the heavy metal door, unless that was propped open that she could have seen that the screen door was open as well?

SCHIAVO: Right. The screen door was propped open. That`s the one that shut hard and closed immediately, slammed shut. The one that we`re looking at now, the brown door, the inner door would have to be propped open with an object. And if it wasn`t, no, there`s no way she would have seen that, Nancy.

GRACE: Why would you have the door to the outside propped open with laundry?

SCHIAVO: Well --

GRACE: That doesn`t even make sense.

SCHIAVO: Well, the idea is that if someone came in and propped open the first door that goes through the outside, and then walks through the next door, you know, there`s all the stuff on the floor, then, you know, they`re trying to, like, quietly go through the door with a child possibly, that they would need something to prop open that inner door.

GRACE: OK. I understand.

Out to Lily in Alabama. Hi, Lily.

LILY (via telephone): Hello.

GRACE: Hi, dear. What`s your question?

LILY: I know that on the night that she came up missing, there was talk about that they were not there when her brother --


LILY: OK. And that maybe they were at a party and maybe she had given Haleigh some drugs.

GRACE: Right. oxycodone.

LILY: Did they by any chance drug test junior?

GRACE: That is an excellent question. What, if anything, do we know, Art Harris?

HARRIS: Nancy, I do not know if they did drug test junior. But I know that he spoke with a child psychologist and has been interviewed by child welfare after the incident, and said that he saw the man in black.

GRACE: With squeaky shoes.

Everybody, as we go to break, congratulations to Molly Roberson and the family on the birth of a beautiful baby girl, Piper Daisy Grace Roberson, born Monday, 1:55 and 7 pounds, 12 ounces. Piper`s father CIA security officer Michael Scott Roberson, gave his life serving our country. Afghanistan. His photo in the delivery room during the birth now over Piper`s crib in her nursery watching over his baby.

Welcome home, Piper. Your father, Scott Roberson, American hero.



LISA CROSLIN: I saw Tina at Spinner`s and she said she does not have your stuff.

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, she does. It was in her car.

LISA CROSLIN: She said she don`t have it, that you had everything with you.

MISTY CROSLIN: No! It was in her car. When I got arrested, my camera, my phone, my I.D., my wallet was all in her car.

LISA CROSLIN: The police didn`t take it from her?

MISTY CROSLIN: No. She pulled of.

LISA CROSLIN: Huh. She`s not going to let me have it then.



MISTY CROSLIN: I`m going to.


MISTY CROSLIN: I`m sorry. I was cussing.

LISA CROSLIN: Don`t get in trouble, baby.



MISTY CROSLIN: I`m not going to. I didn`t mean that. I was just mad.


MISTY CROSLIN: I got 52 minutes and 44 seconds.


MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. Do you see it on the bottom of the screen?


MISTY CROSLIN: Oh, OK. Well, I can see it.

LISA CROSLIN: Well, make sure when it`s 3:30, let me know.


LISA CROSLIN: So I can go get Dad.




TOMMY CROSLIN: Because I`m not drug trafficker or anything, you know that.

LISA CROSLIN: Oh, my God. I know it`s funny. I mean, it`s not funny, but you know.

TOMMY CROSLIN: Yes. They try to say that this stuff wasn`t.


TOMMY CROSLIN: Yes. They try to say that this Haleigh stuff had nothing to do with it. That`s all it had to do with.

LISA CROSLIN: Exactly. That is all it had to do with.



HANK CROSLIN: What are you dong baby? Oh, don`t start crying please. I know. I wish I could get you out. I don`t know. He said there were some people in Nevada that wanted to bond you out, but, you know, I don`t know. I believe you`re trying, baby, but. They reduced your bond, I guess. How you doing? I love you.


GRACE: To you, Ron Shindel, former NYPD deputy inspector, thank you for being with us.

Am I the only crazy one here? Nobody has commented. Nobody in this whole scenario is talking about, tell them where Haleigh is, tell them what happened that night. What happened that night? What do you remember?

No one is talking about the missing girl. That`s what this is about. It is not about some oxycodone pills.

RON SHINDEL, FMR. NYPD DEPUTY INSPECTOR: Nancy, you have, what, now we have arrested drug dealers. We have multiple drug deals. We have a missing child. I mean, everything is going wrong in these people`s lives at their own hands.

We can`t expect any normal activity out of them whatsoever. They`re going to keep looking in their own world, in their own little world of what they think is important when the big picture, of course, here, is a missing 5-year-old.

But time in jail, time away from drugs, time with lawyers and time with prosecutors is going to make them think about the big picture a lot more than time on the street.

GRACE: To Dr. Leigh Vinocur, doctor out of University of Maryland School of Medicine, thank you for being with us, doctor.


GRACE: Doctor, how long will it take for a complete dope head, somebody that`s taking oxycodone or OxyContin every day for a long time, how long will it take them to get totally dried out?

VINOCUR: Well, it`s not -- the drug doesn`t stay in your system forever and ever. So, within a couple days, you know, they go through the symptoms of withdrawal.

It`s not a dangerous withdrawal like alcohol or benzodiazepines, which can cause seizures. It`s mostly just uncomfortable and they`re feeling miserable, but usually it`s out of their system. I mean, unless there are these longer-acting ones, they can be a few day more, but.

GRACE: How would this affect her memory of the night Haleigh went missing?

VINOCUR: Well, you know, if she was really doped up, and the key is, you know, she supposedly drank alcohol, too. We know that there`s blackouts and memory lapses with alcohol. So if you combine that with a drug, and she`s practically comatose somewhere, she could have memory lapses.

GRACE: But back to you, Art Harris, recall, she was describing doing the laundry the evening, putting the children to bed, all sorts of things, taking a shower. If any of that, if any of that was true, then she was not comatose.

HARRIS: Nancy, she was moving around, if that`s true. Now, we don`t know that that is true. We really have no verification that anything happened except at a certain time Haleigh vanished and Misty says she had nothing to do with it.

GRACE: To you, Caryn Stark, a lot of what they`re talking about behind bars is so foreign to so many people. I mean, a lot of people, Misty Croslin`s age don`t know anything about oxycodone, transactions, OxyContin, sales, how you pick up a phone and get a dealer to give you several hundred pills. It`s so foreign to so many people especially at that young age.

CARYN STARK, MEDIA PSYCHOLOGIST: And we want it to be foreign to so many people, Nancy. But this is their milieu hood. This is what they`re comfortable with. He was talking about another jail and how this one compares to the other one and the father is talking about missing both of his children who are in jail.

So, this is another world that we`re discussing. And also, I was thinking about what you said with the oxycodone and, in fact, if she was used to taking it, she could take an awful lot of it and still be functioning very well.

GRACE: Let`s unleash the lawyers. Mark Nejame out of Florida; Anne Bremner, high profile lawyer, Seattle; Paul Batista, defense attorney and author "Out of New York.

First to you, Mark Nejame, these tapes will absolutely come in at trial. Yes, no?

MARK NEJAME, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Yes. Just simply yes. There`s no right of privacy. There`s no expectation of privacy while you`re in a jail.

And I think it`s not only telling as far as it being the last shovel of dirt that goes on the coffin, but it`s pretty obvious that she`s still holding on to hope. There`s going to be, you know, she`s going to get a bond, that the charges are going to be dropped.

It doesn`t make any difference. One count in Florida is a 25-year mandatory minimum. Not maximum, minimum. So, the range of the sentence is 25 to 30 years.

So I think when the reality hits her about whatever bond, if it gets lowered at all, is still going to be unattainable. And that even if all the charges are dropped, she`s still looking at a mandatory minimum of 25 years.

GRACE: What about the Youthful Offender Act in Florida?

NEJAME: There`s a Youthful Offender Act. It`s up to the judge judicial discretion. But it can allow, if the judge deems her to be a youthful offender, she could get a maximum of six years. So there`s a lot of room to play, either under substantial assistance, providing law enforcement information or allowing her to be eligible for Youthful Offender. If she wants to give the information that everybody is looking for.


JOY BEHAR, HLN HOST: Coming up next on "THE JOY BEHAR SHOW," a new report says that John Edwards allegedly hit his life, Elizabeth. Can this story get any worse? Andrew Young, author of the Edward`s tell-all "The Politician," joins me.

Then Mel Gibson says he`s done apologizing for his anti-Semitic remarks. Fine. So when is he going to apologize for "Lethal Weapon 4?"

And officials may be ready to charge Michael Jackson`s physician with involuntary manslaughter. But is this the end of the story or just the beginning?

All this right after Nancy.

GRACE: And Paul Batista agree or disagree with Nejame.

PAUL BATISTA, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, you know, Nancy, I`ve been struck by these people are almost beyond stupid. They have no understanding of where they are. The bail bondsman in Nevada is the Wizard of Oz. He doesn`t exist. Unfortunately, if the police think at this stage they`re going to get real information from any of these people, they have not sat in jail long enough. And I think it`s going to be very difficult for the police to extract information about Haleigh.

GRACE: What about it, Ann Bremner?

ANN BREMNER, ATTORNEY: I agree. But the fact of the matter is they are talking, and I think after seeing this, they`re probably watching your show right now, Nancy, like everybody does, and they shouldn`t speak anymore if they have any sinter of a brain in their heads.

GRACE: Marc Klaas, where do police go from here?

KLAAS: Well, Nancy, I think I have to agree with everything that`s been said here so far. And I also believe that these people don`t have sense enough or the ability to keep secrets. And I also believe that this is a very small world, a small population of individuals and maybe the police need a fresh set of eyes on all of the evidence that`s been presented because I wouldn`t be surprised if in that body of evidence, there`s going to be the kernel of information that leads them to where Haleigh is and what happened to Haleigh.

GRACE: Out to the lines. Debora, Oklahoma.

Hi, Debora.

DEBORA (via telephone): Hi, Nancy. I have two scenarios.


DEBORA: The first one is, I honestly believe the trailer incident, all that was staged.


DEBORA: I don`t believe it just happened. I don`t believe her story. And could her and Haleigh`s dad been in cahoots all this time and thrown this all off, and traded that baby for drugs and possibly that drug dealer trafficked her out?

GRACE: To Art Harris, what do you make of it? You have been working with these people for months on end. Do you really think Ronald Cummings would have anything to do with the sale of his baby?

HARRIS: I really -- I just don`t believe that. I don`t want to believe it, Nancy. You know, as disreputable as he`s proven to be, as much of a liar as he`s proven to be about drugs, he loved his children. I got to believe that. And he was associating, though, Nancy with some very dangerous people. As you know, look at all the drug dealers he helped Misty contact. And so in that world, anything is possible. I talked to the sheriff today. He said he`s keeping all the options open. He does not want tunnel vision.

GRACE: Everyone, let`s stop and remember Marine Lance Corporal Jonathan Thornsberry, 22, McDowell, Kentucky killed in Iraq. Lost his life weeks after arriving in Iraq. Award the Purple Heart. Iraqi campaign medal, global war on terrorism service medal, national defense service medal, a coal miner like his father, would give you the shirt off his back. Loved hunting with dad, four wheeling, fishing, dream of college and a career in the law. Leaves behind grieving parents, Jackie and Judy, brother, Jeffrey, widow, Toni, and 4-year-old little girl Haley, who has her father`s green eyes. Jonathan Thornsberry, American hero.

Thanks to our guest, but especially to you for being with us. I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on February 05, 2010, 08:09:36 AM


Bounty Hunter Offers Croslin Bond for Information

Aired February 4, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight. Satsuma, Florida, a 5- year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. Last person to see her alive, new stepmother 18-year-old Misty Croslin, who takes to the airwaves to claim she`s innocent. But even in that one brief interview, she can`t keep her story straight, including a 180 on a lie detector she flunked.

Bombshell tonight. After Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and baby- sitter-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin both handcuffed, arrested, booked, Cummings talks first. Stepmother Misty Croslin does the same. As we go to air, more jailhouse tapes, video and audio, hours -- hours -- of Misty Croslin yakking, hours of visits with Mommy, Daddy, grandmother, brother, all caught on video. At this hour, investigators combing the tapes for evidence that may help find Haleigh.

Croslin cracking behind bars, desperate, sobbing to get out of jail now, admitting to repeat drug sales, even ratting out her own brother on a felony. And claims tonight from behind bars her drug deals are to blame for little Haleigh`s disappearance. Why? Then she reveals she`s got information she will use to get out of jail.

This as we learn the same bounty hunter who bailed out tot mom Casey Anthony now considering the same thing for Croslin. Evidence emerging Croslin did not want to be bothered baby-sitting the night Haleigh disappears. With Haleigh`s father still in isolation tonight, pressure mounting. Where is 5-year-old Haleigh?


MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER: I`m going to prison. I`m telling you.


MISTY CROSLIN: I`ve got eight -- eight trafficking charges.


MISTY CROSLIN: I have eight trafficking charges.

TIM CROSLIN: How long do you think you`re going to do?

MISTY CROSLIN: About 21 years.

TIM CROSLIN: No! You`re not going to do 21 years.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m going to prison. Donna is going to prison. Ronald is going to prison. We`re all going to prison, Tim, unless I can come out and tell them something.


MISTY CROSLIN: Unless I come out and tell them something. That`s the only way I`m not going.

TIM CROSLIN: Well, what do you know, Sis?

MISTY CROSLIN: Tim, I don`t.

TIM CROSLIN: You don`t know nothing?


HANK CROSLIN, MISTY`S FATHER: Who was you (INAUDIBLE) getting all these (EXPLETIVE DELETED) pills from?

MISTY CROSLIN: I know, man. It sucks. It should have listened to you.

HANK CROSLIN: I told you, don`t be getting into that (EXPLETIVE DELETED) game, man. I told you it wasn`t no good.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know, Daddy.

HANK CROSLIN: And now your brother`s (EXPLETIVE DELETED) and you`re (EXPLETIVE DELETED), and I can`t handle it, man.

MISTY CROSLIN: It`s OK. I`m going to -- Dad, it`s going to be OK. I will get out. They`re not going to keep me forever.

LISA CROSLIN, MISTY`S MOTHER: I don`t want you in there at all!

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, but you know, what -- I got to learn the lesson. I`m OK, you guys. I`m really OK. I`m doing fine. I mean, I hate being in here. Of course I do. Robert Fields is trying to bond me out right now. He`s trying to get me out. But if he doesn`t, then, you know, I`ll be here. There`s nothing I can do about it.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. As we go to air, we obtain more jailhouse tapes, secretly recorded video and audio, hours of Misty Croslin yakking, including hours of visits with Mommy, Daddy, grandmother, brother, all caught on video. At this hour, investigators combing the tapes for evidence that may help find Haleigh.


MISTY CROSLIN: Dude, you guys have to send me some money. I`m so hungry!

CHELSEA CROSLIN: OK. I promise. As soon as we -- hopefully, we`ll get our taxes on our card tomorrow, and we`ll send you at least $100.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m so hungry! They don`t feed you anything, and I`m just so hungry!

CHELSEA CROSLIN: God, she`s (EXPLETIVE DELETED) hungry! They`re starving her. Hold on. Here`s Tim.


MISTY CROSLIN: Hey, bubba.

TIM CROSLIN: Hey, Sis. How`re you doing?

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m hungry! We get to ear at 4:00 in the morning. We get to eat at 11:30, and then we eat at 4:00 again in the afternoon, and that`s all we get to eat.


MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. I be eating it because I be hungry.

TIM CROSLIN: You got to do what you got to do to survive.

MISTY CROSLIN: I just want some (EXPLETIVE DELETED) good food.

TOMMY CROSLIN: I might not even be going to prison, Wendy (ph). I don`t have a felony record. They`re just trying to scare us, dude.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I`m not talking to nobody.

TOMMY CROSLIN: Don`t talk to nobody.


TOMMY CROSLIN: I`m telling you. People done told me in here and people -- I don`t have no felony record, I might have to sit here for four months, five months until I go to court, but I ain`t going to prison.

GRANDMOTHER: Well, your mother said to tell you that Pop said to tell you that be careful what you say because they got a snitch in there with you.



GRACE: Straight out to Art Harris, investigative journalist at What is the latest, Art? I understand there`s actually a possibility that Leonard Padilla may try to bail her out.

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: I`ve spoken to Leonard Padilla, Nancy, and he is very willing to do it, says he has the wherewithal, like he did in the Anthony case, but he needs some blessing from her lawyer. I know he`s in touch, or trying to be in touch with the family, but has not gotten the green light yet.

GRACE: Art Harris, what else is happening? More of these jailhouse audio and videotapes released, hours of her talking to mother, daddy, grandmother, brother. And in fact, I noticed in one of these tapes as we were all listening to them, she says, Well, I might go ahead and break down and talk to investigators and tell them something in order to get out.

HARRIS: She does say that, Nancy, and it`s unclear what that is. And you know, who needs detectives when you have, you know, a defendant accused, speaking freely, confessing to her parents, which, you know, can - - you know, they can use these tapes in court. And she is just saying one thing after another that is burying her in the drug case.

But what people want to know and investigators want to know is what can they find in here that will lead them to Haleigh? I`m told that they have redacted this so that there`s a lot, Nancy, that we have not heard. I mean, we`ve heard so much, but only the police know a chunk of information that she did say we don`t know.

GRACE: Everyone, tonight, we get -- we obtain more of those secretly recorded jailhouse tapes. Misty Croslin, the key to the answer, where is 5-year-old Haleigh. Take a listen.


MOTHER: Hello?


MOTHER: Hey, baby. What are you doing?

MISTY CROSLIN: Don`t cry because you`re going to make me cry, and I can`t handle it.

MOTHER: I`m so scared for you!

MISTY CROSLIN: I know. It`s OK. I need you to go over to Tina`s and get my cell phone and stuff and my camera and wallet and everything, and I want you both to come visit me.

MOTHER: It`s got to be approved because I don`t know, probation, they have to approve (INAUDIBLE) come and see you.

HANK CROSLIN: We got no gas money.

MOTHER: And we ain`t got no gas right now. But they did approve me and we`re going to get up there one day this week, hopefully.

HANK CROSLIN: I love you, baby.

MISTY CROSLIN: Because I really want to see you guys.


MISTY CROSLIN: I said I really want to see you guys.

MOTHER: I`m coming to see you, I promise, OK?

MISTY CROSLIN: OK. I mean, I can talk for 15 minutes, but...

MOTHER: OK. I love you! Your dad wants to say something.

MISTY CROSLIN: OK. I love you, too.


MISTY CROSLIN: Hey, bubba.


MISTY CROSLIN: Bubba, can you please try to get me out?

TIM CROSLIN: They`re working on it right now, baby sis.

MISTY CROSLIN: How? Who`s working on it?

TIM CROSLIN: I think your lawyer`s working on getting you out.

MISTY CROSLIN: Do you know how -- how long?


MISTY CROSLIN: Do you know how long?

TIM CROSLIN: No, Sis, I don`t.

MISTY CROSLIN: You got income tax?

TIM CROSLIN: Even with my income tax, Sis, I still couldn`t (INAUDIBLE) You`re at a million-dollar bond. Half that...

MISTY CROSLIN: Ten percent would be $9,500.



GRACE: We are taking your calls live. It seems as if they`re living in a parallel universe. They don`t get it. They`re in jail. They`re looking at 180 years behind bars.

Out to you, Dr. Bethany Marshall, psychologist (SIC), author of "Deal Breakers." We`re about to open up the lines. What do you make of this? We also heard her say -- I heard her say in some of these tapes that she`s on, I guess -- it seemed to be anti-depressants, Prozac and/or Zoloft they`re giving her at the jail. How is that going to help her dry out and remember what happened the night Haleigh went missing?

BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST: Well, she may be on psychotropic medication to stabilize her while she`s detoxing. But Nancy, I do not see her as vulnerable, frightened or scared. I think she`s jonesing for her next hit. And I listened to all these...

GRACE: What does that mean, jumping from her next hit?

MARSHALL: Jonesing -- jonesing for her next hit. If she`s an opiate abuser and she`s detoxed and she`s behind bars, she`s desperate for her next hit. Did you hear the desperation, the manipulation, the pleading? She calls her own grandmother and tries to get her grandmother to fork over $10,000 to bail her out. She doesn`t care about the grandmother. She cares about her next hit.

And if Leonard Padilla bails her out and she goes back on drugs, the detectives will have lost all the leverage they have with her. The only leverage to get this girl to tell the truth is that she can get out or do - - she`s not thinking plea bargain, she`s just thinking can she do her next -- I keep using the word hit, opiates, whatever. I think that`s what she`s on. That`s their leverage to get her to tell the truth.

GRACE: We are taking your calls live, and joining us tonight is Leonard Padilla, the bounty hunter who`s offering to bond Misty Croslin out of jail. Leonard, you managed to work a miracle and get tot mom out of jail until that fell apart. Do you think you`re going to try the same strategy in this case?

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: No, absolutely not. I learned my lesson there. This situation would only resolve in her being bailed out if she gave us information that led us to the child prior to her being released on bail. We would not put the bail down until she gave us the information and the child was found. And I`ve made that clear to everybody. Some people don`t want to understand that, but I`ve made it very clear.

Now, I`m not saying that the law enforcement method is not going to work. All I`m doing is coming up with an option and the fact that the attorney can pay me for, you know, $2 or a small stipend. He would feel comfortable as being covered by the attorney-client privilege. When you work for an attorney, you have his privilege also.


MISTY CROSLIN: (INAUDIBLE) Robert Fields at all?

TIM CROSLIN: Yes, he -- we talked to him a couple times.

MISTY CROSLIN: What is he saying?

TIM CROSLIN: I don`t want to say on the phone.

MISTY CROSLIN: Oh, am I getting a long time?


MISTY CROSLIN: Am I getting a long time?

TIM CROSLIN: No, it`s not -- nothing about that, it`s -- I can`t -- I can`t talk on the phone, Misty, about it because it`s recorded and he doesn`t want no one to know.





MISTY CROSLIN: Grandma, I love you! Can you please accept my phone call?


MISTY CROSLIN: Will you accept to talk to me, please?

GRANDMOTHER: I`m talking to you, honey.

MISTY CROSLIN: Grandma, I don`t want to be in here!

GRANDMOTHER: Misty, I know you don`t. I don`t want you in there, honey, but there`s -- we do -- we kept telling you, honey, to stay away from that stuff. You can`t do that.

MISTY CROSLIN: I need someone to try to bail me out!

GRANDMOTHER: I have no money. Your dad owes me money. Now I can`t even pay my -- my payment for my house insurance -- or not insurance but...

MISTY CROSLIN: Can you get ahold of Dad and tell him to put some minutes on my phone so they can talk to me and come down and visit me?

GRANDMOTHER: I can`t get ahold of him, either. He don`t have a phone. He calls me.

MISTY CROSLIN: When he -- when he calls you, will you please tell him to...


MISTY CROSLIN: Because I really can`t handle this, Grandma!

GRANDMOTHER: I know you couldn`t, and I -- I wish there was something could be done, but...

MISTY CROSLIN: I just need to get bailed out!

GRANDMOTHER: The money that they want to bail you out, there`s nobody got that kind of...

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m OK, like, you know, I don`t like being in St. John`s County because it sucks.

MOTHER: How long are you locked down a day?

MISTY CROSLIN: All day, but I get out two times a day for an hour.


MISTY CROSLIN: I just went to see the mental health today, so they`re going to be giving me some Zoloft or something, some Prozac or something for my nerves and (EXPLETIVE DELETED). And she`s going to get me out of lockdown, she said, maybe. I might be out of here tomorrow.

MOTHER: That`s cool.


Dude, you guys have to send me some money. I`m so hungry!

CHELSEA CROSLIN: Misty, OK, I promise. Soon as we have -- hopefully, we`ll get our taxes on our card tomorrow and we`ll send you at least $100.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m so hungry! They don`t feed you anything, and I`m just so hungry!

CHELSEA CROSLIN: God, she`s (EXPLETIVE DELETED) hungry! They`re starving her. Hold on. Here`s Tim.


GRACE: She`s not starving. Number one, lunch, exhibit A, hot dog with mustard and/or ketchup, baked beans, macaroni salad, bread, cookie, calcium-fortified beverage. I had half of a hamburger patty that I made for everybody else yesterday. That was lunch. Dinner -- chicken patty with gravy, mashed potatoes, cornbread, fruit cup, juice. I had some saltine crackers.

Eleanor Odom, what did you have?

ELEANOR ODOM, PROSECUTOR: Haven`t had dinner yet. Had a bag of chips on the run. You know, she`s getting fed in prison.

GRACE: All this whining! You know, Bethany Marshall -- Dr. Bethany Marshall was just talking about her manipulating her whole family. Her grandmother has now missed a house note. Can`t pay the house note. And she`s asking Grandma to give her money to get out of jail, this after she confesses to relatives on video to eight or nine illegal drug sales.

We`re taking your calls live. We`re going to unleash the lawyers. But first to Paula, New York. Hi, Paula.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hey, Nancy. We love you in New York.

GRACE: Bless you. And thank you for calling in. What`s your question, dear?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, I have a question and a comment. First of all, the night that Haleigh disappeared, and the police did come to the house that night, assume that they did search it -- it`s interesting to me that since the father and the girlfriend were both using and selling illegal prescription narcotics, why were there or were there any narcotics found in the home? And if there weren`t, wouldn`t this mean that the parents contaminated a crime scene by quickly getting rid of large amounts of oxycodone or hydrocodone from the premises?

GRACE: That is an excellent observation, Paula. Out to you, Jean Casarez, legal correspondent, In Session. I noticed that every time this undercover cop would approach Misty Croslin-Cummings for dope, she would pick up the phone or contact somebody else and make the connection. She didn`t have it herself, which may have explained what happened. But if they`re users, you`d expect to find it in the home, Jean.

JEAN CASAREZ, IN SESSION: That`s right. Now, at that time, remember, Ronald was at work the night, she was at home or somewhere. I don`t think we ever had confirmation about drug use, drug selling at that point of time, right then. At this point, the charges are filed. But at that point, I`m not sure we have confirmation of it. But it`s true, what Donna (SIC) is saying. Nothing was found in the house, and there was a search.

GRACE: Art Harris, even at the get-go, we were getting reports here that they were involved in drug sales. But they were unconfirmed reports, and they, in my mind, seemed to take focus off of finding Haleigh. But those reports were out there way back when.

HARRIS: That`s right, Nancy. And Ron had a lot of arrests. Now, I chronicled Misty`s party for three days before, where three witnesses told me she was taking copious amounts of drugs, roxycodone and other things, and was totally strung out when she came home. So anything could have happened after that, and she probably was jonesing then.


HANK CROSLIN: I only got a couple -- I only got a couple more weeks left over there and I have to be out. Lindsay`s moving out this week sometime. So I don`t know how that`s going to work out. I mean, when I get it straightened out, I`ll get some minutes put on the phone, but you ain`t going to get a call every day.




HANK CROSLIN: How`re you doing, baby?

MISTY CROSLIN: Hanging in there.


MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. I`m doing all right.

HANK CROSLIN: Your brother`s taking it pretty hard.


HANK CROSLIN: Tommy`s taking it pretty hard.


HANK CROSLIN: Because he`s away from his baby and he`s going to prison.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know. I am, too.

HANK CROSLIN: I know. Hope not.

MISTY CROSLIN: I hope not, too. We`ll see, though.

MOTHER: God, I hope and pray not!


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Out to Alice in Canada. Hi, Alice.


GRACE: How are you, dear? What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, it`s more like a comment or...


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It could be a question. Right from the beginning, Ronald Cummings said he came home from the night shift at 3:15 in the morning. What night shift stops at 3:15? Night shift starts at midnight and goes to at least 8:00. That always bothered me. Like, where -- how come he came home so early?

GRACE: You know, I think you`ve got a point, Alice in Canada. I recall my father worked the night shift. Called it the night trick, I believe he called it. Hold on just a moment.

To you, Marlaina Schiavo, our producer on the story. How did that work? I know that he is alibied for that time, but that is an unusual time to get off of the night shift.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: It is an unusual time, Nancy, but he didn`t get off at 3:15, he got home at 3:15. He lived, like, over a half an hour from his home (SIC). So he went to -- so he went to work in the early evening. It`s sort of like the mid-shift. There was the early, three was the mid, and then there`s...


SCHIAVO: ... the midnight.

GRACE: Joining me right now again, Leonard Padilla, bounty hunter. He`s offered to bond out Croslin. As you recall, he did the same thing with tot mom Casey Anthony in the hopes she would talk. I see an arm coming around your neck.


GRACE: That would be -- OK. Not going to go there. Leonard, what`s the deal on this. How did you get roped into this one?

PADILLA: I don`t get roped into these things. You know me. Everybody says I`m a publicity hound, all the media calls me, says, What are you going to do about it? So I figured, hey, this was an opportune time (INAUDIBLE) media and get back on the NANCY GRACE show.

GRACE: OK, now, be -- honestly. Why did you decide...

PADILLA: Now I can be serious.

GRACE: ... to get -- why did you decide to get involved? I know you`re just BSing right now.


GRACE: Why would you stick your neck out on Misty Croslin in the hope she`s going to tell you something?

PADILLA: Because I think that she`s in a situation, and I saw it last night in her eyes, where she just wants desperately to get out of there. And sometimes, people won`t talk to law enforcement about something, but they will talk to somebody else. We have answers to a lot of questions in the bail bond business, and people talk to us.

I`m not a bail agent. I`m a bounty hunter. I`ve brought back people from Texas and across the county and they`ve given me full confessions on the way back. So it`s a situation where I really honestly believe that with the blessings of her attorney, if it works out the way I`ve suggested, she will give us the information that we need that will lead us to the young lady. That`s all I`m saying. And the bond will be posted if she gives us that information. She`ll be out of jail on her drug case. People are confusing the fact that there`s two cases here. One...



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, your mother said to tell you that -- Pop said to tell you that be careful what you say because they got a snitch in there with you.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And we`re going to get to come and see you twice a week.

CUMMINGS: Good. Good.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But 30 minutes at a time.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But you`re only supposed to have one hour every two weeks. But we talked to Jeff Hardy today and they`re going to let us see you.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: One hour, 30 minutes at time, twice a week.

CUMMINGS: OK. Well, let me see, what do I need, what do I need, what do I need? Oh, they said I can have my chains so mother got it or she didn`t.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: No, you can`t have it either. They told us you can`t.

CUMMINGS: Well, the damn guard in here said I can, so.


CUMMINGS: (EXPLETIVE DELETED) I don`t think I washed the damn soap from one of my arms.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Jeff Hardy says you can`t, so.

CUMMINGS: OK. Well, that`s fine. Whatever.

MISTY CROSLIN, RONALD CUMMING`S EX-WIFE, LAST SEEN HALEIGH: They just put me on some medicine. Thera-tex or something for my nerves. And it`s (EXPLETIVE DELETED) made me cold all day. You can`t -- oh yes, another thing, you can`t use your blanket during the day.




NANCY GRACE, HOST: I bet she does have a nerve problem. This is after admitting to eight illegal drug sales.

Let`s unleash the lawyers. We`re taking your calls live. Mark Nejame, expert in Florida law, attorney for Texas EquuSearch founder, Tim Miller. Also with us, veteran prosecutor, Atlanta jurisdiction, Eleanor Odom, defense attorney Atlanta, Renee Rockwell, and criminal defense attorney, renowned in his jurisdiction and beyond, Mickey Sherman, author of "How Can You Defend Those People?"

First out to you, Mark Nejame, is anything a secret in Florida? Is every visit -- mommy, daddy, grand mommy, granddaddy, telephone calls, you name it, is everything recorded other than attorneys and preachers, pastor, priests?

MARK NEJAME, DEFENSE ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY FOR TEXAS EQUUSEARCH FOUNDER, TIM MILLER: That`s it. There`s no right to privacy, there`s no expectation to privacy. It`s all public and it only helps to seal the case against her.

And what need to be done is that noose is getting much tighter around her as far as a prosecution. If I could say, in light of your last guest, he needs to stay out of it. She`s desperate and she`s in denial. As long as she`s got hope that she`s going to get out, and there`s no way he`s going to be bonding her out.

As long as she`s got hope, she`s not going to be talking. Law enforcement do what law enforcement does, let the prosecution do what prosecution does, and let bounty hunters do what they do. And let`s not try to get confessions from people they -- are never going to get in the first place.

He`s only being counterproductive to finding out what`s really going on here.

GRACE: You know, Renee, she said something extremely interesting to me. She said, yes, I might go ahead and talk to investigators to get out of here. I might tell them something.

Now I don`t know how you took that, but it can be two things. It`s not about the drugs. She doesn`t need to talk about the drugs because they`ve got.


GRACE: Videotape.

ROCKWELL: They already have her.

GRACE: There`s got to be something about Haleigh. I mean to you and I, but we`re thinking rationally. But it says to me she`s going to talk but is she going to be telling the truth or just say anything to get out from behind bars, Renee.

ROCKWELL: Well, that`s interesting. It doesn`t tell like they -- that she`s going to tell the truth, but if she tells the wrong person her get-out-of-jail free card, it`s going to come back later to haunt her.

Because, Nancy, if she knows anything, to me, the only thing that`s going to save her these 180 years -- or what if it`s just 18 years that she has to do -- is to go in there with an attorney, with the truth, as long as she`s, of course, not implicated in a homicide, and try to trade off some freedom for some information.

GRACE: Well, out to you, Mickey Sherman. Is there any way under the sun she`s not implicated? Even if she were passed out on the sofa high on Oxycodone, that would still be found negligent homicide or party to a crime for negligence?

MICKEY SHERMAN, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY, AUTHOR OF "HOW CAN YOU DEFEND THOSE PEOPLE?": That`s assuming that she was under the influence of drugs when the child was taken away or something like that. But you know, one -- your caller just a few minutes ago has said that there was no evidence of using any kind of drugs in the place where she was found.

Then also there`s no evidence of sale. Usually when there`s a drug dealing going on, there`s scales, there`s plastic bags, there`s a record, there`s any number of.

GRACE: Wait a minute. Whoa, whoa, wait. Back it up, Sherman. We`re not talking about cocaine. We`re not talking about cooking up crack or methamphetamine over in the kitchen in the microwave.

We`re talking about Oxycodone. Why would you have scales? You`re not measuring anything out. You`re counting pills.

SHERMAN: They could be cutting it.

GRACE: You`re a pharmacist.

SHERMAN: They could be cutting it and also there still would be a lot of plastic bags and other containers if she`s selling. And she`s not going to get 180 years once she`s a dope addict. She`s a user. She may have been dealing, but she`s also a user. And that`s not.

GRACE: Put him up. Put him up. Lady Justice -- you can laugh -- is blind. Because if she`s out selling dope, she`s selling dope. She`s no different than the guy out on the street corner selling dope in housing projects.

SHERMAN: If she is addicted, there is a difference.

GRACE: Or the rich guy uptown in his fancy apartment selling dope.

SHERMAN: I disagree.

GRACE: Behind closed doors. They`re all selling dope.

SHERMAN: If she`s a user and an addict, the law takes that into consideration.

GRACE: Well, says you. What about it, Odom?

ELEANOR ODOM, PROSECUTOR: I don`t think so. Sometimes they might if she`s willing to get help. But let`s face it, this was trafficking and drugs. It`s not just selling one or two pills. She is in deep trouble, Nancy.

GRACE: Let`s take a listen, everybody. We`ve gotten our hands on more just-released jailhouse tapes, secretly recording. You know, I don`t know if you`ve ever gotten a call from the jailhouse. I`ve gotten plenty of them collect.

They would actually call the district attorney`s office, collect. Of course, I would take the call to see what they have to say. But you can`t help but hear on the other line, this call is being recorded. So these people have got to know they`re being recorded. They don`t care. Listen.


M. CROSLIN: I got to be strong about this, you know?

T. CROSLIN: Yes, I know.

M. CROSLIN: I`ll be alright, Bubba. I`ll get out. I`ll get out eventually and I`ll be alright. This is a lesson, you know what I mean?


M. CROSLIN: I`m learning a lesson. I shouldn`t have did what I did. But it`s not my fault because I shouldn`t be getting charged with all eight of them anyways.

T. CROSLIN: I mean, who met this dude?

M. CROSLIN: John called me and asked if I could get it for him and I said, sure, you know? And then me and Ronald started doing it, and then Tommy did a couple of ones. And then, yeah.

Call Cobra. Cobra said he`d bail me out.

T. CROSLIN: I know. Cobra`s trying to do it and your lawyer is trying to do it right now, sis.

M. CROSLIN: So how long? When is Cobra going to come and let me out?

T. CROSLIN: Don`t know. I don`t know. I`m just hearing it from (EXPLETIVE DELETED) your lawyer and who told you about Cobra?

M. CROSLIN: My lawyer said that -- he said that T.J., thing, T.J. Hart`s thing.


T. CROSLIN: What did you say?

M. CROSLIN: Robert says he has two thousand so far?

T. CROSLIN: He said that he -- Chelsea said that he said he`s 5,000 short from getting you out.

M. CROSLIN: So we need -- come on. Now I know you guys got families. Chelsea`s got family. Please look.


M. CROSLIN: I know Chelsea`s got family. You guys all I got. Please get me out of here.

T. CROSLIN: Misty, I`m trying, honey. I mean, I hate seeing you in there but there`s no one that`s going to give us (EXPLETIVE DELETED) $5,000 like that.

M. CROSLIN: I`ll pay it back.

T. CROSLIN: I know. Don`t worry. You got to keep your head up, Misty. You got to stay strong, Sis. They ain`t going to get you with nothing. You`re not going to be in there forever. I mean there`s a possible that you could end up doing a couple of years, though.


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. To Colleen, Massachusetts. Hi, dear.

COLLEEN, CALLER FROM MASSACHUSETTS: Hi, Nancy. When this first started, when Haleigh first went missing, they brought a cadaver dog in, as I recall, and it hit on the dumpster behind the apartment building several times over a course of a period of week, I believe.


COLLEEN: What did they follow up on that?

GRACE: What happened with that, Art Harris?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, WWW.ARTHARRIS.COM: That law enforcement searched every dumpster in the county and they even set up a central place where all the trash was taken and they went through it piece by piece and did not find anything.

GRACE: Everyone, a quick break. We are taking your calls live tonight. More of those secretly-recorded jailhouse videos and audios of Misty Croslin, the babysitter turned stepmother, the last person to see little Haleigh alive.

To tonight`s "NG Family Album." Here are photos of the twins -- there they are -- at grand mommy`s house. My mom is a pianist. They`re maestros. And here they are at Central Park in New York looking at the animals.

And now photos from you. Illinois friends, 5-year-old Emily, 4-month- old Haley. Their mommy Chris always watches the show with her two little miracles. Doctors told her she would never have children. Surprise.

And Vancouver mom, Vanessa, and her 4-year-old Solei, who loves to cuddle while watching our show. Vanessa says the show encourages her to cherish every day with her baby girl.

Amen, sister. Thank you, friends.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I wish you would have just listened to you dad.

M. CROSLIN: I know. I wish I would have, too. You don`t even know, I think about that all the time. But you know what? I got to learn my own mistakes.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, that`s right. And you know better than to do it again?

M. CROSLIN: I will never. When I got out of here, I will not do anything. I`m not smoking cigarettes, I`m not smoking weed. I`m not doing nothing anymore. I`m going to be good.

I`m -- if I go to prison, I`m going to get my GED, I`m going to do what I have to do and when I get out, I`m going to do the right thing and stay with my mom and my dad and not leave them ever again.


M. CROSLIN: I love you, too. You`re not hanging up until 15 minutes is over.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I`m not, baby, I promise.


M. CROSLIN: Grandma, I love you. Can you please accept my phone call?


M. CROSLIN: Will you accept to talk to me, please?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I`m talking to you, honey.

M. CROSLIN: Grandma, I don`t want to be in here.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Misty, I know you don`t. I don`t want you in there, honey, but there`s -- we kept telling you, honey, to stay away from that stuff. You can`t do that.

M. CROSLIN: I need someone to try to bail me out.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I have no money. Your dad owes me money. Now I can`t even pay my payment for my house insurance or not insurance.

M. CROSLIN: Can you get a hold of dad and tell him to put some minutes on my phones so they can talk to me and come down and visit me?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I can`t get a hold of him either. He don`t have a phone. He calls me.

M. CROSLIN: When he get -- when he calls you, will you please tell him?


M. CROSLIN: Because I really can`t handle this, grandma.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I know you couldn`t and I wish there was something could be done, but.

M. CROSLIN: I just need to get bailed out.

M. CROSLIN: The money that they want to bail you out, there`s nobody got that kind of money.


GRACE: That`s when she`s asking her grandmother for her house payment so she can get out of jail. Now I want to take a shot.

Brett, cue me into the New York control room. There you are. All of these people you`re seeing right now are coming in my ear talking about how they feel sorry for Misty Croslin.

All right. This is the woman that was either integral, key -- look at me, Liz, Brett, Rosie, I see you -- integral in the disappearance of a 5- year-old girl or was doped out of her skull.

The girl is likely dead, all right? So I don`t want to hear you whining about her behind bars trying to rip her grandmother off of her house payment.

Out to the lines, Cindy in Florida. Hi, Cindy.


GRACE: Hi, dear. What`s your question?

CINDY: Two questions. One, is it found out that Misty was gone out of the house the night Haleigh went missing, will she face child neglect charges on Junior? And.

GRACE: Excellent question. And what`s the rest of your question?

CINDY: The rest is, I don`t think Misty is ever going to have a caring bone because all she`s caring about is getting out, doing the right thing. No. If she wants to do the right thing, she needs to say where`s Haleigh is or her body is or something.

Let Crystal Sheffield have some peace, which is easier said than done.

GRACE: And the grandmother, Theresa Neves, heart broken over Haleigh disappearing. And you know what, when I leave this set tonight, all I can think about is getting home and seeing the twins. Hopefully they`re going to be asleep.

But I can go in and I can look at them. I can touch their chest to make sure they`re breathing. I can fix their blankets. Can you imagine coming home and that crib empty? And this woman holds the key to what happened to little Haleigh? And she`s talking about I may or may not talk to investigators so I can get out of here?

Everything she says Eleanor Odom is about her getting out. Other people getting her money. She`s never worked a day in her life except to sell dope. But now she wants her grandmother`s house payment so she can get out of jail?

ODOM: I know. And didn`t you hear her grandmother saying, we told you not to do that? So it`s not like she didn`t know what she was doing was wrong. And I`d like to see some child deprivation charges slapped on her as well for the depriving both children of proper supervision.

GRACE: That was the answer to Cindy in Florida. Thank you very much for getting me back on course.

To Paul Penzone, director of prevention programs, Weigh in, Paul.

PAUL PENZONE, DIRECT OF PREVENTION PROGRAMS, CHILDHELP.ORG, FMR. SERGEANT, PHOENIX PD: Well, you know, criminals never ever cry because of what they did. She`s not crying for the child and she`s not crying for her crimes. She`s crying because she feels sorry for herself, but the most telling thing for me was two of the things that Cummings said.

First, he said he`s not worried about doing the time because he only expects to do about four months, which means he settled for the crimes that he`s been arrested for. But what he tells her is don`t say anything because they both know where the child is or what happened to the child and he`s fearful for new charges he could face.

So they both have facts that are going to make the difference, but he`s telling her, don`t come forward with it. And my concern is, kind of a tipping point, how much time will she do before she becomes comfortable? Will law enforcement get the information while she`s still uneasy and having those drug issues?

GRACE: Good point, Paul Penzone, former sergeant, Phoenix PD.

To Dr. Evelyn Minaya, women`s health expert, how will giving her Zoloft or Prozac delay the drying out process?

DR. EVELYN MINAYA, M.D., WOMEN`S HEALTH EXPERT: It doesn`t really delay the drying out process because she`s still apparently drying out. If you can tell by even the way that she puts her fingers across her face constantly. She`s not drying up her tears or anything else like that, but it`s part of her anxiety and everything else like that.

What Zoloft -- officially Zoloft -- it usually takes about two weeks for it to kind of kick in. Prozac usually takes about four weeks to kick in.

GRACE: You know, to the lawyers, let me go to Mickey Sherman first. Everything she has said so far is about herself. Do you think she`s savvy enough not to give the information? What do you make of her comment that she`s got information she may tell investigators to get out?

SHERMAN: I think she`s desperate. And you`re also presuming she`s guilty. I think if anything she`s probably going to give her some B.S. story. There`s nothing to say what she`s going to say to get out is going to be the truth. And clearly she is under the influence of the narcotics still, but, you know, there`s nothing to suggest that she`s going to give the authorities or anybody else or us as we`re watching this voyeuristic tape, anything that`s going to lead the police to the actual killer of this young girl.

GRACE: Well, police tend to disagree with you as usual, Mickey Sherman. Because as go to air tonight, they are combing over these tapes hoping for any evidence that might help find Haleigh, dead or alive.

As we go to break, happy birthday to Pittsburgh friend, Betty Chekio (ph) at 80 years old. She`s a breast cancer survivor. She loves the Pittsburgh Steelers and the Penguins, active with AARP. She never misses our show.

Miss Chekio watches twice at nice but her true love, her six children, 17 grandchildren, six great grandchildren. Man! What a beautiful family you must have.

Happy birthday, Betty.


GRACE: With us tonight, David Schumer. He`s in a fight against pancreatic and liver cancer. In memory of his mother Ellen, the Ellen Schumer Pancreatic and Liver Cancer Funds golf tournament, May 10, Suburban Country Club, Baltimore.

David, first of all, I want you to tell us about your mother.

DAVID SCHUMER, DIRECTOR AND FOUNDER, ELLEN SCHUMER PANCREATIC AND LIVER CANCER FUND: Well, Nancy, my mother was a wonderful woman. She had a personality that lit up a room when she walked in. She had a fantastic sense of humor.

She was the last one always to leave the party. She was just a great, wonderful person and then, Nancy, three weeks after being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer, she was taken from us.

GRACE: I recall when that happened. Everything was so sudden. And it was like she never even got a chance to fight. She never got a chance to really fight.

Tell me about your project.

SCHUMER: Well, the Ellen Schumer Pancreatic and Liver Cancer Fund is something I started back in late 2006 after my mother passed away. In the effort to help the medical community find a method of early detection and one day a cure for pancreatic cancer.

You know, today, medicine is still using some of the very same treatments to treat pancreatic cancer that they were using when Joan Crawford passed away from the disease very quickly.

After my mom passed away and I did a lot of research into why there is no method of early detection and no cure, I wanted to do something. So I started the Ellen Schumer Pancreatic and Liver Cancer Fund to help the medical community.

GRACE: You know, David Schumer, so many people sit back and say, would have, could have, should have. You didn`t. You are never, ever forgetting your mother. You are fighting every day in her memory.

What can we do to help you?

SCHUMER: Well, we can talk about pancreatic cancer. We can raise the awareness of this terrible disease. Pancreatic cancer happens to be the ninth most common form of cancer but the fourth most leading cause of cancer deaths.

And because 95 percent of those people diagnosed with pancreatic cancer are gone five years later -- within five years, excuse me, it has the highest mortality rate. So people can help the Ellen Schumer Fund by calling 410-328-3637.

GRACE: 3637.

SCHUMER: That`s right.

GRACE: 410-328-3637. And we`re putting all of this information on our Web site. Please help the fight against pancreatic cancer.

And to you, David Schumer, God bless you.

Everyone, let`s stop and remember Army Sergeant William Brown, 25, Phil Campbell, Alabama, killed Iraq. On a second tour, gave his life saving a fellow soldier. Loved God, family, country.

Remembered for compassion. Never met a stranger. Leaves behind stepfather Eugene, sisters Barbara, Angela, Marla, brother Marty, widow Rachel, sons Ethan and Tyler.

William Brown, American hero.

Thanks to our guests but especially to you for being with us. See you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on February 06, 2010, 06:57:56 AM


Misty Swears to Reform When She Gets Out of Jail; Tiger Woods Leaves Sex Rehab; New Jail Tapes of Misty Croslin

Aired February 5, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET



NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight. Satsuma, Florida, a 5- year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. Last person to see her alive, new stepmother, 18-year-old Misty Croslin, who takes to the airwaves to claim she`s innocent. But even in that one brief interview can`t keep her story straight, including a 180 on a lie detector she flunked.

Bombshell tonight. After Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and baby- sitter-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin both handcuffed, arrested, booked, Cummings talks first. Stepmother Misty Croslin does the same. As we go to air, even more jailhouse tapes, video and audio, hours of Croslin yakking away, hours of visits with Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, brother, all on video. At this hour, investigators combing the tapes for evidence that may help find Haleigh.

Croslin cracking behind bars, sobbing and desperate to get out of jail yesterday, admitting to repeat drug sales, even ratting out her own brother on a felony. Now claims coming from behind bars her drug deals are to blame for Haleigh`s disappearance. But why? Then she reveals she`s got information. She`ll use it to get out of jail. This as we learn the same bounty hunter who bails out tot mom Casey Anthony now considering the same for Croslin.

Evidence emerging Croslin did not want to be bothered baby-sitting the night Haleigh goes missing. With Haleigh`s father still in isolation, tonight the pressure mounting. Where is 5-year-old Haleigh?



LISA CROSLIN, MOTHER: She said she would. She`s going to send you the money.

MISTY CROSLIN: OK. Mom, I want out of here!

LISA CROSLIN: I know you want out, baby! I know it.

MISTY CROSLIN: I want out so bad!

RONALD`S GRANDMOTHER: Well, your mother said to tell you that Pop said to tell you that be careful what you say because they got a snitch in there with you.


RONALD`S GRANDMOTHER: And you`re going to -- we`re going to get to come and see you twice a week.


RONALD`S GRANDMOTHER: But 30 minutes at a time.


RONALD`S GRANDMOTHER: But you`re only supposed to have one hour every two weeks. But we talked to Jeff Hardy today, and they`re going to let us see you...


RONALD`S GRANDMOTHER: ... one hour, 30 minutes at a time, twice a week.

RONALD CUMMINGS: OK. Well, let me see. What do I need? What do I need? What do I need? Oh, they said I could have my chains (ph), so if mother got it or if she didn`t...

RONALD`S GRANDMOTHER: No, you can`t have it, either. They told us you can`t.

RONALD CUMMINGS: Well, the damn guard in here said I can, so...


RONALD CUMMINGS: (EXPLETIVE DELETED) it. I don`t think I washed the damn soap from one of my arms.

RONALD`S GRANDMOTHER: Jeff Hardy said you can`t, so...

RONALD CUMMINGS: OK. Well, that`s fine. Whatever.


GRACE: And breaking news tonight. Golf superstar Tiger Woods drives out of his multi-million-dollar compound barefoot 2:00 AM, has a head-on collision with a tree and fire hydrant. As alleged mistresses hit double digits, including a swimsuit model, porn stars, waitresses, Woods gets a slap on the wrist, even though cops know he was drinking and prescribed painkillers and sleeping pills.

Breaking tonight, reports the divorce is off. Tiger Woods leaving sex rehab. This as another alleged mistress goes public with reported text messages from Tiger Woods describing a lifetime together. And is Woods set to make a comeback on the golf course in just two weeks? What happened to that, quote, "indefinite leave" from golf to become a better husband and father?


GLORIA ALLRED, VICTIMS` RIGHTS ATTORNEY: There`s, like, numerous texts. He had probably approximately 100.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Dating back how far?

ALLRED: Well, long.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: More than a year?

ALLRED: Yes. We have -- the relationship is more than a year. That`s all I`ll say.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Some of this divorce talk that we heard about over the past month or so has been a lot of saber rattling. She talked to a California attorney who has represented high-profile figures in past, but nothing really has come about with any sort of a divorce. I think that`s out of the question right now.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s really smart on sort of Elin`s part that she was so enraged about it...

ALLRED: I represent Veronica Siwik-Daniels, also known as Joslyn James, a former porn star who had a long-term intimate relationship with Tiger Woods.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The addict, so-called addict, first has to take an inventory of all of his sexual behaviors.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You know, she takes the phone and she texts Rachel. She sees his number -- she`s listed by name, Rachel Uchitel, in Tiger`s phone -- and says, I miss you, when am I going to see you again?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He has to promise abstinence, that he won`t pleasure himself, have sex with other people because, again, if he...


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. As we go to air, we obtain even more of those secretly recorded jailhouse tapes, audio and video, hours of Misty Croslin yakking away, including visits with Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, brother, all caught on video. At this hour, investigators combing the tapes for evidence that may help find Haleigh.


HANK CROSLIN, MISTY`S FATHER: Oh, I know it`s hard. It`s hard for me to have you both locked up. Now, Misty, don`t -- don`t be -- don`t be lying about nothing because all it`s going to do is bury you deeper.


HANK CROSLIN: What`d your ma say to you?


HANK CROSLIN: Somebody suggested they was trying to come up with some money somehow, but Art Harris is just looking for a story. Don`t worry. I mean, if somebody will bond you out, that`s fine. I mean, I`m all for it. But all I know, Misty, is guys need to get to the truth and get (EXPLETIVE DELETED) over with.

MISTY CROSLIN: I want to be strong about this, you know?


MISTY CROSLIN: I`ll be all right, Bubba. I`ll get out eventually, and I`ll be all right. This is a lesson, you know what I mean?


MISTY CROSLIN: I`m learning a lesson. I shouldn`t have done what I did. But it`s not my fault because I shouldn`t be getting charged with all eight of them anyways.

TIMMY CROSLIN: (INAUDIBLE) I mean (INAUDIBLE) did you -- who met this dude?

MISTY CROSLIN: John (INAUDIBLE) called me and asked if I could get it for him, and I sad, Sure, you know? And then me and Ronald started doing it and Tommy did a couple of ones, and then -- yes.


GRACE: Straight out to Art Harris at You have spent so much time with these people. This girl talks like she`s going to school detention, not like she`s looking at 180 years behind bars.

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Nancy, she is treating prison as if it`s the Ritz. She thinks that she should have three meals a day. She says she`s getting two. She complains about being cold. She wants money to be sent to the commissary. This is not a joke, but right now, she thinks and acts like she should be out on the street tomorrow. It`s not going to happen.

GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Out to April in Georgia. Hi, April.


GRACE: What`s your question, dear?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: First I want to say you are my hero, and your family was sent to you from God. You are an absolute angel!

GRACE: Well, I can agree with you about my family being sent to me from heaven because, you know -- and especially at my age. I gave birth at 48 to twins -- happy, healthy. And I got to tell you something. I said it last night, April. When I get off work tonight, the first thing I do is get in that door, Purel my hands, and go straight in to look at the twins. And can you imagine coming home from work and finding that crib empty?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It would be heartbreaking.

GRACE: I don`t even know where I would start. That`s what apparently happened to Ronald Cummings.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Right. And my question is, you know, Ronald supposedly being the good guy that he was -- and you treated him with the utmost respect -- and Misty was supposed to be the, quote, "baby-sitter," and she told that person, I`m not sure who it was, that she didn`t feel like baby-sitting. Why did not that person try to contact Ronald at work or maybe a relative? Because I`ve walked out on my job many a times for my child because I didn`t have a baby-sitter.

GRACE: You know, I want to go out to Marlaina Schiavo. Marlaina, what do we know about that evening? I know that mystery Croslin had come off of a three-day high, just blowing it out with drugs, alcohol, you name it. Three days she was AWOL. Then she washes up and doesn`t feel like baby-sitting. What happened?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, apparently, she was exhausted and she didn`t feel like doing it. She does it all the time because Ronald`s the one who`s working and she`s not. And she even wanted his mother, Teresa Neves, to baby-sit little Haleigh. But she lost that battle and had to baby-sit Haleigh that night.

GRACE: And what more can you tell me, Art Harris?

HARRIS: ... that she actually was so tired, she told Ron`s mother, I can`t do it. I`ve been partying. And you know, Could you do it? His mother said, I`ll pay you. And then she said, Well, OK, I`ll do it, but only if it`s OK with Ronald because she knew he was furious at her for going AWOL for this revenge (ph) romance, a three-day binge.

GRACE: Art Harris, do you have any idea -- have your sources -- and you`ve certainly worked them -- do you know who she was with those three days? Because to me, that would be key in this case to know who she was with, who had been hanging around her for the three previous days, who might have washed up along with her at Ronald Cummings`s home.

HARRIS: Ronald -- it began, Nancy, on a Wednesday night. Ronald was furious with her, rumors she might be pregnant by somebody else. He kicks her out. She calls a friend, Christina (INAUDIBLE) picks her up in her car and off they go. They stop at the home of a young man who she found attractive, and the three of them went off for a wild weekend. I`ve spoken to them and they chronicled to me a list of drugs and sex and alcohol that was used those three days. She comes home and is -- you know, is not greeted with a warm welcome.





MISTY CROSLIN: Bubba, can you please try to get me out?

TIMMY CROSLIN: They`re working on it right now, baby Sis.

MISTY CROSLIN: How? Who`s working on it?

TIMMY CROSLIN: I think your lawyer`s working on getting you out.

MISTY CROSLIN: Do you know how -- how long?


MISTY CROSLIN: Do you know how long?

TIMMY CROSLIN: No, Sis, I don`t.

MISTY CROSLIN: You got income tax?

TIMMY CROSLIN: Even with my income tax, Sis, I still couldn`t (INAUDIBLE) You`re at a million-dollar bond. Half that...

MISTY CROSLIN: Ten percent would be $9,500.





RONALD CUMMINGS: Anyway -- (EXPLETIVE DELETED) What was I going to say? I`m doing fine. And I get to shower every night, from what I understand. I don`t know. I showered this morning and tonight, so I`m feeling great. But don`t get me wrong, I had to put the same dirty drawers and shorts back on. But I mean, I only had them on since this morning, so at 9:00 o`clock or -- let me see. My band says at 8:17 is when I got out of the shower and they put the band on me. So anyways, I`ve been in, what -- 12 hours I`ve been in these boxers. But the laundry man only comes on Tuesdays and Fridays, so I can -- I have to wear these until Monday or until -- yes, until Monday night, and then put the clean ones on and then throw the dirty ones down to him. And then I can wear them -- I can wear the -- anyways, you know what I mean.


RONALD CUMMINGS: I got two pairs of boxers, so -- but right now, they ain`t really dirty so I just went ahead and put them back on instead of putting my clean ones on and then having two dirty pair.


LISA CROSLIN: I wish you would have just listened to your dad.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know. I wish I would have, too. You don`t even know. I think about that all the time. But you know what? Got to learn from my own mistake.

LISA CROSLIN: Yes, that`s right. And you know better than to do it again?

MISTY CROSLIN: I will never -- when I get out of here, I will not do anything. I`m not smoking cigarettes. I`m not smoking weed. I`m not doing nothing anymore. I`m going to be good. I`m going to -- if I go to prison, I`m going to get my GED. I`m going to do what I have to do. And when I get out, I`m going to do the right thing. I`m going to stay with my mom and my dad and not leave them ever again!

LISA CROSLIN: I love you.

MISTY CROSLIN: I love you, too. You`re not hanging up until 15 minutes is over!

LISA CROSLIN: I`m not, baby. I promise.


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Out to Wendy in Oklahoma. Hi, Wendy.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. How are you?

GRACE: I`m good, dear. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I have a couple of questions. One, it was stated that Ronald Cummings was in solitary confinement. I wanted to know why. Two, is -- could he be in there because of trying to work with the police to find Haleigh, to crack this case with her? And also, something that`s just really amazing, why do these people think they have all kinds of freedom in prison? They`re in prison! They`re not out in the world doing what they can -- you know, in civilization.

GRACE: Wendy, their behavior, particularly Misty Croslin`s, behind bars is extremely unusual. It`s like she`s living in a parallel universe. She talks about learning a lesson, like she`s got to go to detention after school. I don`t think she really gets she`s behind bars. But your question is, is she behind -- is Ronald Cummings behind bars to try to get information? Was that what you`re trying to say?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, the solitary confinement, why is he in solitary confinement? And could he be in solitary confinement trying to help the police crack this case?

GRACE: OK. Good question. What about it? Out to you, Jean Casarez, what do we know? What possible plan could there be for him to get information if he`s in solitary confinement? But is this whole incarceration part of a ruse? I don`t think so.

JEAN CASAREZ, IN SESSION: Right. Wendy`s right, in Oklahoma, that he is in solitary confinement, as is Misty. They`re at different jails in different counties. It`s because it`s a high-profile case. That is why that they are in solitary confinement at this point.

But you know, Nancy, I`ve listened to hour after hour after hour of these tapes. Never once did Misty or Ronald or a mother or a father, none of them have ever mentioned the word Haleigh, although it`s the 100-pound gorilla in every conversation.

GRACE: You know, let`s unleash the lawyers. Joining us tonight, Terry Shoemaker, attorney for Ronald Cummings, Renee Rockwell, defense attorney Atlanta, Eleanor Odom, felony prosecutor out of Atlanta. And also with us, Mickey Sherman, high-profile defense attorney out of New York, author of "How Can You Defend Those People?"

I want to go to you, Terry Shoemaker, attorney for Ronald Cummings.


GRACE: If he believes -- Ronald Cummings, your client -- that Misty Croslin may have information about his daughter`s disappearance, why is he fraternizing with her and selling dope with her?

SHOEMAKER: That`s a good question, Nancy. And I`ve spoken with him about that, and he really didn`t have any answers to why he started hanging out with Misty again. He said that she called him and they started talking, and you know, one thing led to another and now he`s in jail. But he didn`t give any specific reasons as to why they were together.

GRACE: To Art Harris. Weigh in, Art.

HARRIS: Nancy, I can tell you that Ronald`s cell is not totally solitary. He`s playing cards with a guy next door. But I can also tell you he is not undercover, according to my sources. He is in trouble.

GRACE: And we heard on one of these phone calls and/or visits to Ronald Cummings behind bars, one of his relatives telling him, They`ve got a snitch in there with you. Back to the lawyers. To you, Eleanor Odom. The value of a snitch, what about it?

ELEANOR ODOM, PROSECUTOR: Well, it`s sort of a double-edged sword, Nancy, because a snitch is somebody who`s in jail and charged with a crime, themselves. So sometimes you have to make a deal with the devil to get information to help in a case.

GRACE: What about it, Renee?

RENEE ROCKWELL, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Absolutely. And you have to warn your clients not to talk about their case because the guy next door will absolutely go to court and testify against you.

GRACE: And I believe the saying, Eleanor, is sometimes you`ve got to go to hell to get the witness to put the devil in jail.

ODOM: Exactly. And that`s what you tell a jury, so they`ll understand why you had to use that snitch.



TIMMY CROSLIN: Misty, where was you when they got you?


TIMMY CROSLIN: At Spinners? By yourself?

MISTY CROSLIN: No, Ronald. It was me and Ronald. I got eight counts, Timmy. I got eight of them. How come I`m (INAUDIBLE) being charged with all eight?

TIMMY CROSLIN: You guys were just taking -- just taking the guy to get him some pills, right?

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. It wasn`t like weed (ph), you know what I mean?

TIMMY CROSLIN: Whatever, man. They`re (EXPLETIVE DELETED) stupid. They just wanted to get you, and then you (EXPLETIVE DELETED) and they got you.


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. To Wendy in Oklahoma. Hi, Wendy. Oh, I`m sorry. Kathy in California. Hi, Kathy.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh, hi, Nancy. Thanks for taking my call. I have a comment and a theory.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My comment, first of all, is I actually think Misty is just this young girl with a weak mind who`s never had to think ever in her whole life. And now when all this is on her, she doesn`t know really how to even think. And that`s -- you know that expression of, like -- she has no idea what she`s thinking about? Anyway, so I don`t think she really knows what happened to Haleigh.

But this is my theory. Her brother -- has anyone really investigated the brother? I know he came to the house. I think he got in. I think he was messed up, she was passed out, he was stumbling around the house, there`s Haleigh. Who knows what he did with her. All of the sudden, her pink shirt is -- that was on her is now there by the door. Maybe she put up a fight. He had to, you know, stumble over to the other door, prop it open with a cement block and take her out. I mean, do we really know that he never got in her house? Do they really know that? That`s sort of my theory, that he got in, messed up himself.

GRACE: What about it, Art Harris?

HARRIS: Nancy, I can tell you that`s an excellent question. Don`t think he`s been ruled out. I know that -- I talked to the sheriff this week and he said it`s important not to have tunnel vision about just Misty. Wouldn`t mention any names, but a lot of people are being looked at. Ronald called Tommy that day, that night from his work house, said he had not been able to get in touch with Misty. So he knew that there might be an opportunity there. And Tommy is a thief. No evidence he took anything that night, though. But it`s a very, very good question.


CHELSEA CROSLIN, MISTY`S SISTER: But you`re a first-time offender and you can prove that you wouldn`t have been doing that if you weren`t just trying to help out a friend. You weren`t trafficking, you were helping a friend get pills he said he needed. So whatever, simple, OK?

MISTY CROSLIN: But that was -- that was an FBI, that wasn`t a cop.

CHELSEA CROSLIN: I know. I know, Misty. But it`s OK. Just focus on yourself, keep going to church, doing what you`re doing. Your lawyer`s working on it.


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight. Satsuma, Florida, a 5- year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. Last person to see her alive, new stepmother, 18-year-old Misty Croslin, who takes to the airwaves to claim she`s innocent. But even in that one brief interview can`t keep her story straight, including a 180 on a lie detector she flunked.

Bombshell tonight. After Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and baby- sitter-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin both handcuffed, arrested, booked, Cummings talks first. Stepmother Misty Croslin does the same. As we go to air, even more jailhouse tapes, video and audio, hours of Croslin yakking away, hours of visits with Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, brother, all on video. At this hour, investigators combing the tapes for evidence that may help find Haleigh.

Croslin cracking behind bars, sobbing and desperate to get out of jail yesterday, admitting to repeat drug sales, even ratting out her own brother on a felony. Now claims coming from behind bars her drug deals are to blame for Haleigh`s disappearance. But why? Then she reveals she`s got information. She`ll use it to get out of jail. This as we learn the same bounty hunter who bails out tot mom Casey Anthony now considering the same for Croslin.

Evidence emerging Croslin did not want to be bothered baby-sitting the night Haleigh goes missing. With Haleigh`s father still in isolation, tonight the pressure mounting. Where is 5-year-old Haleigh?



LISA CROSLIN, MOTHER: She said she would. She`s going to send you the money.

MISTY CROSLIN: OK. Mom, I want out of here!

LISA CROSLIN: I know you want out, baby! I know it.

MISTY CROSLIN: I want out so bad!

RONALD`S GRANDMOTHER: Well, your mother said to tell you that Pop said to tell you that be careful what you say because they got a snitch in there with you.


RONALD`S GRANDMOTHER: And you`re going to -- we`re going to get to come and see you twice a week.


RONALD`S GRANDMOTHER: But 30 minutes at a time.


RONALD`S GRANDMOTHER: But you`re only supposed to have one hour every two weeks. But we talked to Jeff Hardy today, and they`re going to let us see you...


RONALD`S GRANDMOTHER: ... one hour, 30 minutes at a time, twice a week.

RONALD CUMMINGS: OK. Well, let me see. What do I need? What do I need? What do I need? Oh, they said I could have my chains (ph), so if mother got it or if she didn`t...

RONALD`S GRANDMOTHER: No, you can`t have it, either. They told us you can`t.

RONALD CUMMINGS: Well, the damn guard in here said I can, so...


RONALD CUMMINGS: (EXPLETIVE DELETED) it. I don`t think I washed the damn soap from one of my arms.

RONALD`S GRANDMOTHER: Jeff Hardy said you can`t, so...

RONALD CUMMINGS: OK. Well, that`s fine. Whatever.


GRACE: And breaking news tonight. Golf superstar Tiger Woods drives out of his multi-million-dollar compound barefoot 2:00 AM, has a head-on collision with a tree and fire hydrant. As alleged mistresses hit double digits, including a swimsuit model, porn stars, waitresses, Woods gets a slap on the wrist, even though cops know he was drinking and prescribed painkillers and sleeping pills.

Breaking tonight, reports the divorce is off. Tiger Woods leaving sex rehab. This as another alleged mistress goes public with reported text messages from Tiger Woods describing a lifetime together. And is Woods set to make a comeback on the golf course in just two weeks? What happened to that, quote, "indefinite leave" from golf to become a better husband and father?


GLORIA ALLRED, VICTIMS` RIGHTS ATTORNEY: There`s, like, numerous texts. He had probably approximately 100.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Dating back how far?

ALLRED: Well, long.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: More than a year?

ALLRED: Yes. We have -- the relationship is more than a year. That`s all I`ll say.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Some of this divorce talk that we heard about over the past month or so has been a lot of saber rattling. She talked to a California attorney who has represented high-profile figures in past, but nothing really has come about with any sort of a divorce. I think that`s out of the question right now.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s really smart on sort of Elin`s part that she was so enraged about it...

ALLRED: I represent Veronica Siwik-Daniels, also known as Joslyn James, a former porn star who had a long-term intimate relationship with Tiger Woods.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The addict, so-called addict, first has to take an inventory of all of his sexual behaviors.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You know, she takes the phone and she texts Rachel. She sees his number -- she`s listed by name, Rachel Uchitel, in Tiger`s phone -- and says, I miss you, when am I going to see you again?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He has to promise abstinence, that he won`t pleasure himself, have sex with other people because, again, if he...


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. As we go to air, we obtain even more of those secretly recorded jailhouse tapes, audio and video, hours of Misty Croslin yakking away, including visits with Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, brother, all caught on video. At this hour, investigators combing the tapes for evidence that may help find Haleigh.


HANK CROSLIN, MISTY`S FATHER: Oh, I know it`s hard. It`s hard for me to have you both locked up. Now, Misty, don`t -- don`t be -- don`t be lying about nothing because all it`s going to do is bury you deeper.


HANK CROSLIN: What`d your ma say to you?


HANK CROSLIN: Somebody suggested they was trying to come up with some money somehow, but Art Harris is just looking for a story. Don`t worry. I mean, if somebody will bond you out, that`s fine. I mean, I`m all for it. But all I know, Misty, is guys need to get to the truth and get (EXPLETIVE DELETED) over with.

MISTY CROSLIN: I want to be strong about this, you know?


MISTY CROSLIN: I`ll be all right, Bubba. I`ll get out eventually, and I`ll be all right. This is a lesson, you know what I mean?


MISTY CROSLIN: I`m learning a lesson. I shouldn`t have done what I did. But it`s not my fault because I shouldn`t be getting charged with all eight of them anyways.

TIMMY CROSLIN: (INAUDIBLE) I mean (INAUDIBLE) did you -- who met this dude?

MISTY CROSLIN: John (INAUDIBLE) called me and asked if I could get it for him, and I sad, Sure, you know? And then me and Ronald started doing it and Tommy did a couple of ones, and then -- yes.


GRACE: Straight out to Art Harris at You have spent so much time with these people. This girl talks like she`s going to school detention, not like she`s looking at 180 years behind bars.

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Nancy, she is treating prison as if it`s the Ritz. She thinks that she should have three meals a day. She says she`s getting two. She complains about being cold. She wants money to be sent to the commissary. This is not a joke, but right now, she thinks and acts like she should be out on the street tomorrow. It`s not going to happen.

GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Out to April in Georgia. Hi, April.


GRACE: What`s your question, dear?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: First I want to say you are my hero, and your family was sent to you from God. You are an absolute angel!

GRACE: Well, I can agree with you about my family being sent to me from heaven because, you know -- and especially at my age. I gave birth at 48 to twins -- happy, healthy. And I got to tell you something. I said it last night, April. When I get off work tonight, the first thing I do is get in that door, Purel my hands, and go straight in to look at the twins. And can you imagine coming home from work and finding that crib empty?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It would be heartbreaking.

GRACE: I don`t even know where I would start. That`s what apparently happened to Ronald Cummings.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Right. And my question is, you know, Ronald supposedly being the good guy that he was -- and you treated him with the utmost respect -- and Misty was supposed to be the, quote, "baby-sitter," and she told that person, I`m not sure who it was, that she didn`t feel like baby-sitting. Why did not that person try to contact Ronald at work or maybe a relative? Because I`ve walked out on my job many a times for my child because I didn`t have a baby-sitter.

GRACE: You know, I want to go out to Marlaina Schiavo. Marlaina, what do we know about that evening? I know that mystery Croslin had come off of a three-day high, just blowing it out with drugs, alcohol, you name it. Three days she was AWOL. Then she washes up and doesn`t feel like baby-sitting. What happened?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, apparently, she was exhausted and she didn`t feel like doing it. She does it all the time because Ronald`s the one who`s working and she`s not. And she even wanted his mother, Teresa Neves, to baby-sit little Haleigh. But she lost that battle and had to baby-sit Haleigh that night.

GRACE: And what more can you tell me, Art Harris?

HARRIS: ... that she actually was so tired, she told Ron`s mother, I can`t do it. I`ve been partying. And you know, Could you do it? His mother said, I`ll pay you. And then she said, Well, OK, I`ll do it, but only if it`s OK with Ronald because she knew he was furious at her for going AWOL for this revenge (ph) romance, a three-day binge.

GRACE: Art Harris, do you have any idea -- have your sources -- and you`ve certainly worked them -- do you know who she was with those three days? Because to me, that would be key in this case to know who she was with, who had been hanging around her for the three previous days, who might have washed up along with her at Ronald Cummings`s home.

HARRIS: Ronald -- it began, Nancy, on a Wednesday night. Ronald was furious with her, rumors she might be pregnant by somebody else. He kicks her out. She calls a friend, Christina (INAUDIBLE) picks her up in her car and off they go. They stop at the home of a young man who she found attractive, and the three of them went off for a wild weekend. I`ve spoken to them and they chronicled to me a list of drugs and sex and alcohol that was used those three days. She comes home and is -- you know, is not greeted with a warm welcome.





MISTY CROSLIN: Bubba, can you please try to get me out?

TIMMY CROSLIN: They`re working on it right now, baby Sis.

MISTY CROSLIN: How? Who`s working on it?

TIMMY CROSLIN: I think your lawyer`s working on getting you out.

MISTY CROSLIN: Do you know how -- how long?


MISTY CROSLIN: Do you know how long?

TIMMY CROSLIN: No, Sis, I don`t.

MISTY CROSLIN: You got income tax?

TIMMY CROSLIN: Even with my income tax, Sis, I still couldn`t (INAUDIBLE) You`re at a million-dollar bond. Half that...

MISTY CROSLIN: Ten percent would be $9,500.





RONALD CUMMINGS: Anyway -- (EXPLETIVE DELETED) What was I going to say? I`m doing fine. And I get to shower every night, from what I understand. I don`t know. I showered this morning and tonight, so I`m feeling great. But don`t get me wrong, I had to put the same dirty drawers and shorts back on. But I mean, I only had them on since this morning, so at 9:00 o`clock or -- let me see. My band says at 8:17 is when I got out of the shower and they put the band on me. So anyways, I`ve been in, what -- 12 hours I`ve been in these boxers. But the laundry man only comes on Tuesdays and Fridays, so I can -- I have to wear these until Monday or until -- yes, until Monday night, and then put the clean ones on and then throw the dirty ones down to him. And then I can wear them -- I can wear the -- anyways, you know what I mean.


RONALD CUMMINGS: I got two pairs of boxers, so -- but right now, they ain`t really dirty so I just went ahead and put them back on instead of putting my clean ones on and then having two dirty pair.


LISA CROSLIN: I wish you would have just listened to your dad.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know. I wish I would have, too. You don`t even know. I think about that all the time. But you know what? Got to learn from my own mistake.

LISA CROSLIN: Yes, that`s right. And you know better than to do it again?

MISTY CROSLIN: I will never -- when I get out of here, I will not do anything. I`m not smoking cigarettes. I`m not smoking weed. I`m not doing nothing anymore. I`m going to be good. I`m going to -- if I go to prison, I`m going to get my GED. I`m going to do what I have to do. And when I get out, I`m going to do the right thing. I`m going to stay with my mom and my dad and not leave them ever again!

LISA CROSLIN: I love you.

MISTY CROSLIN: I love you, too. You`re not hanging up until 15 minutes is over!

LISA CROSLIN: I`m not, baby. I promise.


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Out to Wendy in Oklahoma. Hi, Wendy.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. How are you?

GRACE: I`m good, dear. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I have a couple of questions. One, it was stated that Ronald Cummings was in solitary confinement. I wanted to know why. Two, is -- could he be in there because of trying to work with the police to find Haleigh, to crack this case with her? And also, something that`s just really amazing, why do these people think they have all kinds of freedom in prison? They`re in prison! They`re not out in the world doing what they can -- you know, in civilization.

GRACE: Wendy, their behavior, particularly Misty Croslin`s, behind bars is extremely unusual. It`s like she`s living in a parallel universe. She talks about learning a lesson, like she`s got to go to detention after school. I don`t think she really gets she`s behind bars. But your question is, is she behind -- is Ronald Cummings behind bars to try to get information? Was that what you`re trying to say?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, the solitary confinement, why is he in solitary confinement? And could he be in solitary confinement trying to help the police crack this case?

GRACE: OK. Good question. What about it? Out to you, Jean Casarez, what do we know? What possible plan could there be for him to get information if he`s in solitary confinement? But is this whole incarceration part of a ruse? I don`t think so.

JEAN CASAREZ, IN SESSION: Right. Wendy`s right, in Oklahoma, that he is in solitary confinement, as is Misty. They`re at different jails in different counties. It`s because it`s a high-profile case. That is why that they are in solitary confinement at this point.

But you know, Nancy, I`ve listened to hour after hour after hour of these tapes. Never once did Misty or Ronald or a mother or a father, none of them have ever mentioned the word Haleigh, although it`s the 100-pound gorilla in every conversation.

GRACE: You know, let`s unleash the lawyers. Joining us tonight, Terry Shoemaker, attorney for Ronald Cummings, Renee Rockwell, defense attorney Atlanta, Eleanor Odom, felony prosecutor out of Atlanta. And also with us, Mickey Sherman, high-profile defense attorney out of New York, author of "How Can You Defend Those People?"

I want to go to you, Terry Shoemaker, attorney for Ronald Cummings.


GRACE: If he believes -- Ronald Cummings, your client -- that Misty Croslin may have information about his daughter`s disappearance, why is he fraternizing with her and selling dope with her?

SHOEMAKER: That`s a good question, Nancy. And I`ve spoken with him about that, and he really didn`t have any answers to why he started hanging out with Misty again. He said that she called him and they started talking, and you know, one thing led to another and now he`s in jail. But he didn`t give any specific reasons as to why they were together.

GRACE: To Art Harris. Weigh in, Art.

HARRIS: Nancy, I can tell you that Ronald`s cell is not totally solitary. He`s playing cards with a guy next door. But I can also tell you he is not undercover, according to my sources. He is in trouble.

GRACE: And we heard on one of these phone calls and/or visits to Ronald Cummings behind bars, one of his relatives telling him, They`ve got a snitch in there with you. Back to the lawyers. To you, Eleanor Odom. The value of a snitch, what about it?

ELEANOR ODOM, PROSECUTOR: Well, it`s sort of a double-edged sword, Nancy, because a snitch is somebody who`s in jail and charged with a crime, themselves. So sometimes you have to make a deal with the devil to get information to help in a case.

GRACE: What about it, Renee?

RENEE ROCKWELL, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Absolutely. And you have to warn your clients not to talk about their case because the guy next door will absolutely go to court and testify against you.

GRACE: And I believe the saying, Eleanor, is sometimes you`ve got to go to hell to get the witness to put the devil in jail.

ODOM: Exactly. And that`s what you tell a jury, so they`ll understand why you had to use that snitch.



TIMMY CROSLIN: Misty, where was you when they got you?


TIMMY CROSLIN: At Spinners? By yourself?

MISTY CROSLIN: No, Ronald. It was me and Ronald. I got eight counts, Timmy. I got eight of them. How come I`m (INAUDIBLE) being charged with all eight?

TIMMY CROSLIN: You guys were just taking -- just taking the guy to get him some pills, right?

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. It wasn`t like weed (ph), you know what I mean?

TIMMY CROSLIN: Whatever, man. They`re (EXPLETIVE DELETED) stupid. They just wanted to get you, and then you (EXPLETIVE DELETED) and they got you.


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. To Wendy in Oklahoma. Hi, Wendy. Oh, I`m sorry. Kathy in California. Hi, Kathy.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh, hi, Nancy. Thanks for taking my call. I have a comment and a theory.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My comment, first of all, is I actually think Misty is just this young girl with a weak mind who`s never had to think ever in her whole life. And now when all this is on her, she doesn`t know really how to even think. And that`s -- you know that expression of, like -- she has no idea what she`s thinking about? Anyway, so I don`t think she really knows what happened to Haleigh.

But this is my theory. Her brother -- has anyone really investigated the brother? I know he came to the house. I think he got in. I think he was messed up, she was passed out, he was stumbling around the house, there`s Haleigh. Who knows what he did with her. All of the sudden, her pink shirt is -- that was on her is now there by the door. Maybe she put up a fight. He had to, you know, stumble over to the other door, prop it open with a cement block and take her out. I mean, do we really know that he never got in her house? Do they really know that? That`s sort of my theory, that he got in, messed up himself.

GRACE: What about it, Art Harris?

HARRIS: Nancy, I can tell you that`s an excellent question. Don`t think he`s been ruled out. I know that -- I talked to the sheriff this week and he said it`s important not to have tunnel vision about just Misty. Wouldn`t mention any names, but a lot of people are being looked at. Ronald called Tommy that day, that night from his work house, said he had not been able to get in touch with Misty. So he knew that there might be an opportunity there. And Tommy is a thief. No evidence he took anything that night, though. But it`s a very, very good question.


CHELSEA CROSLIN, MISTY`S SISTER: But you`re a first-time offender and you can prove that you wouldn`t have been doing that if you weren`t just trying to help out a friend. You weren`t trafficking, you were helping a friend get pills he said he needed. So whatever, simple, OK?

MISTY CROSLIN: But that was -- that was an FBI, that wasn`t a cop.

CHELSEA CROSLIN: I know. I know, Misty. But it`s OK. Just focus on yourself, keep going to church, doing what you`re doing. Your lawyer`s working on it.




MISTY CROSLIN: Dude, you guys have to send me some money. I`m so hungry.

CHELSEA CROSLIN: OK, I promise, as soon as we have enough. Hopefully we`ll get our taxes on our card tomorrow and we`ll send you at least $100.

M. CROSLIN: I`m so hungry, they don`t feel you anything, I`m just so hungry.

C. CROSLIN: God, she`s (BLEEP) hungry. They`re starving her. Hold on, here`s Tim.


M. CROSLIN: Hey bubba.

T. CROSLIN: Hey sis, how you doin?

M. CROSLIN: I`m hungry. We get to eat at four in the morning. We get to eat at 11:30 and then we eat at 4 again in the afternoon and that`s all we get to eat.

T. CROSLIN: I know, (BLEEP) food, huh?

M. CROSLIN: Yeah, I be eatin` it because I be hungry.

T. CROSLIN: Yeah, you gotta do what you gotta do to survive.

M. CROSLIN: I just want some good (BLEEP) food.

M. CROSLIN: Call Cobra. Cobra said he`d bail me out.

T. CROSLIN: I know. Cobra`s trying to do it and your lawyer`s trying to do it right now.

M. CROSLIN: So how long? When is Cobra gonna come get me out?

T. CROSLIN: I don`t know. I don`t know. I`m just hearing this from (BLEEP) your lawyer and who told you about Cobra?

M. CROSLIN: My lawyer said that he said that TJ um thing TJ Hart`s thing. Robert says he has five thousand so far?

T. CROSLIN: Chelsea said that`s he said he`s five thousand short from getting you out.

M. CROSLIN: So we need. Come on now, I know you guys guy family, Chelsea`s got family, please look.


M. CROSLIN: I know Chelsea`s got family. You guys all got -- please get me out of here.

T. CROSLIN: Missy, I`m trying honey, I mean I hate seeing you in there, but there`s no one that`s going to give us (BLEEP) thousand dollars like that.

M. CROSLIN: I`ll pay it back.

T. CROSLIN: I know, don`t worry. You gotta keep your head up, Misty. You gotta stay strong, sis. They ain`t gonna get you with nothing. You ain`t gonna be in there forever. I mean, there`s a possible that you could end up doing a couple of years, though.


GRACE: Out to Art Harris. Art, what`s his business about Cobra getting her out and then she goes on to say she`s got information that she may give to Cobra? Information about the only thing it could be is about Haleigh`s disappearance.

HARRIS: That`s the $64,000 question, Nancy. I know that her lawyer warned her against these quote, opportunists who are coming out of the woodwork to claim they want to bail her out. And he is afraid that they will take her out, get some publicity and then slap her back in jail. No indication she has anything of value and could just be dangling something. Why don`t you make a deal with the police? Anyway, the lawyer is taking charge of this and people have to go through him.

GRACE: To Jean Casarez, legal correspondent "In Session." Have you noticed how she constructs her sentence?

CASAREZ: That`s right. In that particular sentence right there, she says if he gets me out I`ve got information I`ll give me. So in other words, give me my freedom, then I`ll talk. So it`s trickery in a sense.

Another thing, the way she words something, Nancy, she says, look, I`m going to prison, Donna`s going to prison, Ronald`s going to prison. We`re all going to prison unless I come out and tell them something, not unless Ronald tells them something or Donna tells them something, but unless I.

And one more thing, Nancy, there is audio and video we have not heard yet. And that is of the undercover operation. It has not been released. But in these recordings, she`s very concerned about something that Ronald said to her during the audio and video taping of the investigation. She thinks it`s the reason there are two more counts. But she`s very concerned about that. And that`s going to be the evidence, that operation, for prosecutors.

GRACE: And to you, Marlaina Schiavo, our producer on the story, her - - if you look all the way down all of her statements, if you read them and compare them, they`re full of contradictions.

SCHIAVO: They are, Nancy. I mean first she`s telling her brother, "I don`t know nothing," quote. And then she goes on to say, get Cobra, I got information for him if he can get me out of there. And then she`s crying on the phone, crying on the phone saying, I want to get out of here. I want to get out of here. Then later in a conversation with her mother she says I`m fine, don`t worry, I`m fine. She says it again to her brother, really, I`m fine.

And the another time she says once I get out of here, I`m going to stop weed, I`m not going to smoke cigarettes. I`m not doing any drugs, nothing. And then she tells her mother she goes to the mental health unit to get herself some drugs.

GRACE: I`m just wondering what effect those drugs are going to have on her memory of the night Haleigh goes missing. To Dr. Evelyn Minaya, women`s health expert joining us out of New York. Dr. Minaya, thank you, again, for being with us.

No problem, Nancy.

GRACE: Doctor, she keeps saying I`m hungry, I`m hungry, I`m hungry. And then she says we eat breakfast, we eat lunch, we eat dinner. Did you hear what she had for dinner last night?

MINAYA: She had more of a dinner than I did.

GRACE: She had chicken, mashed potatoes with gravy. She had vegetables, cornbread, some kind of vitamin "C" drink. I mean, that was dinner and lunch was much the same. Is the hunger, extreme hunger, the munchies, is that a symptom of coming off dope?

MINAYA: Absolutely. It`s the classic withdrawal. Like I said, the anxiety and the fixation she has about how many meals she has, what she is eating. Also the hunger, the hunger, the hunger. Everybody has experienced those munchies, I guess, people that do all that stuff. I`m certainly not one of them, thank god.

But nevertheless it`s very, very typical for her and that`s why usually an anti-anxiolytic, such as Zoloft, which not only is an antidepressant but it also believe it or not holds some qualities of anti- anxiety, it`s to make her calm. So hopefully she can give information and maybe recollect her memories.

GRACE: We are taking your calls live. To Kathy in California. Hi, Kathy. Oh, lost Kathy. Connie in Indiana. Hi, Connie.

CALLER: Hi, Nancy.

GRACE: How are you, dear? What`s your question.

CALLER: I have a comment first.


CALLER: I want to thank you for being mentally strong enough to keep us updated on this.

GRACE: I got to tell you something, you know, I get on the phone or sit in the office of my executive producer Dane or Liz, who you hear me talking to every night, and we all have children. And thinking about coming home and John David or Lucy not being in that crib, what would I do?

I would just envision running through the house trying to find them, calling 911 and I hear Ronald Cummings on that tape crying about his daughter. It`s very difficult, but I just keep thinking that there may be a way to help find that girl.

CALLER: If I was Misty, I don`t believe I`d go around him. Because when he finds out what she did, he will probably go to prison for life because he probably will kill her.

GRACE: So what`s your question, dear?

CALLER: I would like to know who`s got Junior all this time?

GRACE: Oh, I can tell you that right now. The mother got custody back, Crystal Sheffield. Remember she lost it originally but she has the baby, Ronald Cummings Jr., as we go to air tonight.

Everybody, as we go to break, I`m wearing red tonight to support the American Heart Association`s Go Red for Women`s National Wear Red Day. Heart disease, the number one cause of death for women. Take a look right here. Eleanor Odom , this beautiful, young vibrant woman just had open heart surgery and she`s wearing her red. Let`s check out Renee. Is she wearing her red? She better be. But Eleanor here as a testament. Heart disease claims nearly half a million women`s lives every year. One death a minute. Please, go to

And tonight, happy birthday to South Carolina tiny crime fighter, Abigail, 2-years-old today. Her family says she`s truly Irish with red hair and beautiful blue eyes. She is a beauty.


<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on February 11, 2010, 08:10:08 AM


More Misty Croslin Jailhouse Tape Released

Aired February 10, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight. Satsuma, Florida, a 5- year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. Last person to see her alive, new stepmother, 18-year-old Misty Croslin, who takes to the airwaves claiming she`s innocent. But even in one brief interview, she can`t keep her story straight, including a 180 on a lie detector she flunked.

Bombshell tonight. After Haleigh`s own father, Ronald Cummings, and baby-sitter-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin both handcuffed, arrested, booked, Cummings talks first. Stepmother Misty Croslin follows suit. As we go to air, we obtain even more jailhouse tapes, hours of Croslin with Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, brother, Croslin vowing not to talk about the night Haleigh vanishes while sleeping just feet away.

But now we see Croslin angry, cursing, swearing, even blaming it all on the 5-year-old little girl. Claims now surface from behind bars her drug deals are to blame for Haleigh`s disappearance.

And tonight, we discover more of the Ronald Cummings jailhouse tapes, whose only focus is finding Haleigh. This as Croslin`s brother says he`ll lie to get out of jail.

And tonight, at the one-year mark of Haleigh`s disappearance, what does Croslin do? Of course! She gets her hair done behind bars! Investigators combing the tapes for evidence that may help find Haleigh. Tonight, pressure mounting. Where is 5-year-old Haleigh?


MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER: You know, we didn`t deserve this!

HANK CROSLIN, MISTY`S FATHER: Well, I know it. We just need to find Haleigh.


HANK CROSLIN: That`s what we need to do.


HANK CROSLIN: If we could find Haleigh, we`d all -- it`d be better for everybody.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know. I`ve been -- I`ve been -- I sit and wonder every day, thinking, just trying to go back and just think if I missed anything. I do, every day! And it`s just -- it`s not, Dad. There`s nothing! I`m telling you, It`s hard.

It`s OK, though, because I will prove to the world that I didn`t have nothing to do with it.


MISTY CROSLIN: And when I get out of jail, everybody can kiss (EXPLETIVE DELETED). And I`m going to get on TV and I`m going to tell them all to (EXPLETIVE DELETED) off!

LISA CROSLIN: That`s right. I don`t blame you at all. I mean, they need to give you a nationwide apology.

MISTY CROSLIN: They`re not going to put me down no more. I`m tired of it.


MISTY CROSLIN: I`m going to start standing up for myself.

LISA CROSLIN: That`s what you need to do, right there. Let them know that.

MISTY CROSLIN: I am. Because I don`t care what people think about me. People can think what they want to think.



RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: They pick Misty up every day with a pack of cigarettes. I said, man, what the hell do you need to bring her cigarettes? He said, Whatever will make her talk, man. Whatever will make her talk.

TERESA NEVES, RONALD`S MOTHER: Is she in isolation?

RONALD CUMMINGS: So is Tommy. I don`t know about Donna or Hope.



TOMMY CROSLIN, MISTY`S BROTHER: I know in the paper, it says I`m facing 15 years in prison, but that`s a (EXPLETIVE DELETED) lie. The damn police said, You`re facing three years in prison unless you help us find Haleigh. I said, I can`t help you find nobody. I don`t know where she is. What the (EXPLETIVE DELETED)? I`m sick of them, man.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Bombshell tonight. As we go to air we obtain even more of those jailhouse tapes secretly recorded, hours of Croslin with Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, brother, Croslin now vowing not to talk about the night Haleigh vanishes while sleeping just feet away. But now we see a different Croslin -- angry, cursing, swearing, even blaming it all on the 5-year-old little girl.


MISTY CROSLIN: How come Timmy and Chelsea ain`t got no minutes yet?

LISA CROSLIN: They`re waiting on the money to get on their account. As soon as they do, they`ll put the time on the phone, and Mom and Dad`ll get a phone, too.

MISTY CROSLIN: All right. Well, I hope somebody can put some money in my account before Monday.

LISA CROSLIN: Well, we can`t do it. Dad don`t get his check until Friday.


LISA CROSLIN: So I know Friday -- Friday we will do it.

MISTY CROSLIN: I mean, yes, that`s fine because I have to have -- order by Monday for all the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) we have to order by Monday.


MISTY CROSLIN: I can`t (INAUDIBLE) or nothing until I get money in there.



NEVES: Think she`s going to talk?


NEVES: Do you think she`s going to talk?

RONALD CUMMINGS: Well, this is between me and you, and whoever is listening to our recording, but they shouldn`t -- the cops are not just going to run out and tell nobody. If they do, then they`re going to have the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) FDLE to deal with anyway, so -- after maybe they`ll do the recording and the reason why they done it is they went to the jail and was talking to her, and Jason said, Man, I`ve never seen her cry real tears. You know, she always, has to jerk a tear out. And Jason said, No, man, this (EXPLETIVE DELETED) was, like, pouring. And you know when it started? And I said, When? He said, When we started talking about you being locked up and losing Junior.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You weren`t really working for law enforcement and that they were getting ready to pinch these people to try to find out what`s happened to this girl.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And they asked you and specifically told you to get out of the way. So you`re going to hang out and give her pills?

BROCK: I know.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And you knew -- you know they were under surveillance. The detective told you they were coming to get them and to get out of there.

BROCK: OK, you know what? I made some bad choices. I was very stupid. I did. I didn`t think it was no big deal. I didn`t want them. You know what I`m saying? I didn`t need them. I didn`t want them.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But Misty -- when that girl could have possibly died from some of that (EXPLETIVE DELETED) Donna...

BROCK: But Ben, I knew she was selling them. I knew what she was doing with them. I didn`t want nothing. I just gave them. I just -- I didn`t care, you know what I`m saying? I didn`t care.



LISA CROSLIN: I know you had nothing to do with Haleigh. You loved her, just like you did Junior. And I`m sending you a picture of Junior.


LISA CROSLIN: OK? Don`t cry, Sis.

MISTY CROSLIN: You got one of Haleigh, too?

LISA CROSLIN: I don`t know, but I can find one, OK? And I`ll send them to you.


GRACE: We are taking your calls live, and tonight we see a whole new Misty Croslin, the baby-sitter-turned-stepmother, the last person to be there with Haleigh that we know of. Her story is that she goes to sleep that night, and sometime in the middle of the night, someone comes into the room with Misty Croslin, kidnaps the girl, walks the length of the home, out the back door, props it open with a cinderblock and leaves. And she knows nothing of what happened?

Again, we`re taking your calls live. Out to Art Harris, investigative journalist at Art, these tapes are very, very revealing, a whole new side of Misty Croslin.

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: She is a tough cookie, Nancy. And at the end, she says, There is nothing they can do to break me. She doesn`t know what happened to Haleigh, but she is tough, 20 years in jail, doesn`t matter. She doesn`t know anything. And one day, the world will know she`s innocent.

GRACE: Out to the lines. Jan in Tennessee. Hi, Jan.


GRACE: Hi, Jan. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I was wondering, do you think that maybe Haleigh`s dad and Donna Brock are working with the police on this drug bust just to set Misty up?

GRACE: That is a theory Art Harris has had for some time. What do you know, Art Harris?

HARRIS: I don`t think they were in cahoots. I know that later, recently, investigators have visited Ronald in jail, and in his conversations with his mother, he says that they are trying to turn him into their secret weapon to use against Misty to get her to talk. That`s now. By being very lovey-dovey, by pulling her heartstrings, saying that he misses Junior and Haleigh so badly -- that was the only time law enforcement tells him they saw her cry real tears, Nancy. So they think he knows how to push her button.

GRACE: What more can you tell you, Jean Casarez? Jean joining us from In Session as legal correspondent.

JEAN CASAREZ, IN SESSION: Well, when we look at Ron Cummings and the tape that came out, what we just heard was exactly right. He also goes on to say that it appears as though law enforcement is courting Misty, that every day, they take her out with a pack of cigarettes, and he wants to know why he can`t have some cigarettes. And so he acts as though that they`re courting her with those cigarettes to try to get her to talk, that they definitely feel that he, though, could be the secret weapon to get Misty to reveal more than what she`s said.

GRACE: Let`s take a listen to what baby-sitter-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin has to say, along with Ronald Cummings and the brother behind bars.


LISA CROSLIN: They`re recording everything y`all do.

MISTY CROSLIN: I mean, how -- how -- how can we not see each other? We are not co-defendants. I don`t get that.

LISA CROSLIN: And I think Miss Nancy Grace needs to keep her mouth shut until she knows her facts.

MISTY CROSLIN: What`s she saying?

LISA CROSLIN: All kind of crazy crap.


LISA CROSLIN: All about you and Haleigh and -- it`s (EXPLETIVE DELETED).




LISA CROSLIN: As soon as they find out what happened to Haleigh, everything`ll be different.


LISA CROSLIN: I can`t believe they still believe you know. It`s crazy.

MISTY CROSLIN: It`s ridiculous because they got my bond set so high just because of that. And that`s not fair. This has nothing to do with it.

LISA CROSLIN: I know. That`s exactly what it is.

MISTY CROSLIN: That`s what they think. I`m going to break? There`s nothing to break me on, so they need to leave me alone.



RONALD CUMMINGS: She just said she`s going to prosecute to the fullest extent of the law.

NEVES: Yes, but you`re helping them.

RONALD CUMMINGS: I`m not helping them do anything but look for Haleigh because I can`t work for them just because I`m on the news like that, man. I can`t go anywhere in the nation without someone knowing me, you know? Every time someone walks in, they go, Is that the guy from the news?

I got one buddy in here. Actually, two -- three. Two of them are cops and one of them is an inmate.

NEVES: That`s good. I`m glad.



TIMMY CROSLIN, MISTY`S AND TOMMY`S BROTHER: What was you guys supposed to be doing, selling pills to an undercover?

TOMMY CROSLIN, MISTY`S BROTHER: No, I was (EXPLETIVE DELETED) this is what happened. (EXPLETIVE DELETED) Misty brought this dude over to the house, all right, and wanted me to go get us some Roxys. So I (EXPLETIVE DELETED) went and got him some Roxys. I called someone I knew and got him some pills. Then a month later, the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) I was at Spinners, the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) jump my (EXPLETIVE DELETED), (EXPLETIVE DELETED) guns drawn, throw me up on the ground. And (EXPLETIVE DELETED), I didn`t know what the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) was going on.

TIMMY CROSLIN: Sucks, man.



GRACE: So Art Harris, they`re talking about how they get recognized everywhere they go. Didn`t that hit them when they were doing undercover dope deals? It`s all on video on one of those pinhole videocameras inside the cops` car. Hey, I`ve been working with the cops, trying to find Haleigh. I wonder if they notice I`m selling dope. They`re so worried about being recognized when they go to the 7-Eleven, how about when they`re doing dope deals?

HARRIS: Nancy, I guess they weren`t thinking then, but they sure are interested in their own celebrity and they are reveling in it. And now, police hope to use that against them. They certainly don`t understand, don`t appreciate that they are stars of a reality TV show that is happening in real time about a missing little girl.

GRACE: And the only one of the whole bunch that talks about finding Haleigh is Ronald Cummings, the father.


MISTY CROSLIN: I can`t see Tommy because we`re co-defendants.

LISA CROSLIN: Because you`re co-defendants?


LISA CROSLIN: That`s what they told you?


LISA CROSLIN: Well, he`s -- what he wanted to tell you is don`t go out in population.

MISTY CROSLIN: Oh, I`m not going to

LISA CROSLIN: You won`t last.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`ve got to stay right here.




LISA CROSLIN: As soon as they find out what happened to Haleigh, everything`ll be different.


LISA CROSLIN: I can`t believe they still believe you know. It`s crazy.

MISTY CROSLIN: It`s ridiculous because they got my bond set so high just because of that. And that`s not fair. This has nothing to do with it.

LISA CROSLIN: I know. That`s exactly what it is.

MISTY CROSLIN: That`s what they think. I`m going to break? There`s nothing to break me on, so they need to leave me alone.



TIMMY CROSLIN: I know that`s what Misty said last night. She started crying. She was, like, I`m so (EXPLETIVE DELETED) hungry, man. I guess they`re being mean to Misty over there, not even -- they`re supposed to let you guys out, like, an hour a day?

TOMMY CROSLIN: I was out for, like, three hours at a time.

TIMMY CROSLIN: Well, they`re not even letting Misty out an hour. The only time she gets to get out is Bible study or if her lawyer comes.



BROCK: I told the detectives it was more my thinking is, Well, if I just give these to her, maybe she`ll trust me a little bit more.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, I know that that`s the way it started out, Donna. But the impression people are having out here is that it started off with Tim and those guys getting you to try to befriend this girl to somehow get her to tell you something. And then that didn`t happen, and then somehow, you started getting a little bit of addicted to this stuff that you were trying to befriend her with. And that is not a crime, it`s an addiction problem. You should be in a detox center for a couple of weeks, you know?

BROCK: Don`t say that. You know what? I never lost focus. Everybody else -- you know, I just didn`t feel like they were doing anything to -- and I was the closest one to her.



LISA CROSLIN: How`re you doing in there?

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m doing all right.

LISA CROSLIN: Are they treating you OK?


LISA CROSLIN: OK. Ain`t nobody messing with you?


LISA CROSLIN: All right. You making -- you met anybody?

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. A girl upstairs, she`s real nice. She did my hair. Can you see it?

LISA CROSLIN: Yes, I see it. It looks good. I had mine done like that.

MISTY CROSLIN: She had to do it through the little bars, but she did it for me.

LISA CROSLIN: She done it?


LISA CROSLIN: Don`t cut it.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m not cutting it. I ain`t trusting none of these (EXPLETIVE DELETED) up in here to cut my hair.


GRACE: That`s right, it`s the one-year mark of Haleigh vanishing into thin air about three feet away from Misty Croslin, who claims she knows nothing. And what does she do? Get her hair done between the bars, there behind bars.

To Gail in Florida. Hi, Gail. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, hi, Nancy. I love your show.

GRACE: Thank you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My question is -- Misty has made no sense at all, and Ron is so cocky in his jailhouse picture, and could Haleigh have died maybe before he went to work and he could have dumped the body on the way to work? Is his alibi completely air-tight? Have they investigated that?

GRACE: To Marlaina Schiavo, our producer on the story. Marlaina, I know that he was at work the full time he said he was at work. Who picked Haleigh up from the bus stop that day?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: It was -- it was -- it was -- excuse me -- it was Misty who picked her up, and they came back to the house. And Ron`s story is air-tight, Nancy, because they did everything -- they investigated him thoroughly -- phone records. They combed through everything. He gave them everything -- DNA, the whole nine. He was at work. There was no body in his car.

GRACE: OK, let`s back it up. Let`s back it up. Art Harris, back -- this is what you do when you`re against a stone wall in an investigation. You go back to the beginning. Number one, what time did Haleigh get off that bus?

HARRIS: Nancy, I believe she got off about 2:30, 3:00 o`clock...

GRACE: OK. Did Misty pick her up, Misty Croslin?

HARRIS: There are two stories, Nancy. I spoke to two families who saw Misty pick her up, and then Ronald and his mother insist Ronald picked her up, rode her back to the house on his lap and played with her for a while and then went to work. Either way, he was back at the house, and she was alive before he left for work.

GRACE: Now, how do we know that? How do we know she was alive before he left for work?

HARRIS: Well, she was also later seen playing with her cousins, who were Tommy and Lindsey`s (ph) children, right outside.

GRACE: And that`s after Ronald Cummings goes to work.

HARRIS: That`s correct.

GRACE: OK. So he`s out of it, Gail in Florida. Marlaina Schiavo, earlier we saw them whining about what we have been reporting here on air, saying it`s all BS. But let`s take a look. You`re the one that went through the home. You`re the one that told me that bed was no more than four feet away from Misty Croslin. You described the whole home. Do you still stand by what you reported?

SCHIAVO: Absolutely. And they`re going on about, you know, that -- you know, that we don`t have our story straight. Of course we have our story straight. It`s Misty who can`t keep her story straight, Nancy. We learned that in the beginning and we`re learning it more and more throughout these jailhouse tapes. She says inconsistent things after inconsistent things.



LISA CROSLIN: As soon as they find out what happened to Haleigh, everything`ll be different.


LISA CROSLIN: I can`t believe they still believe you know. It`s crazy.

MISTY CROSLIN: It`s ridiculous because they got my bond set so high just because of that. And that`s not fair. This has nothing to do with it.

LISA CROSLIN: I know. That`s exactly what it is.

MISTY CROSLIN: That`s what they think. I`m going to break? There`s nothing to break me on, so they need to leave me alone.



NEVES: I love you.

RONALD CUMMINGS: I love you, too.

NEVES: You are a good son.

RONALD CUMMINGS: Don`t cry. Please.

NEVES: Sorry.

RONALD CUMMINGS: I know. I cried for the last hour because I didn`t know what I was going to say to you when I seen you.

NEVES: Why? I`m just your mom. You know I don`t judge you. You do what you have to, son.

RONALD CUMMINGS: Just because.

NEVES: Sometimes you make some tough decisions. You know, if it helps to bring Haleigh home, then it is what it is.


GRACE: New tapes, secretly recorded from behind bars, reveal a different side to baby-sitter-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin -- angry, cursing, swearing, even blaming her high bond not on her repeat drug sales but on this little girl, Haleigh, 5-year-old Haleigh, who went missing just a few feet away from Misty Croslin in the middle of the night as they allegedly slept.

We are taking your calls live. Out to Marc Klaas, president and founder of Klaas Kids Foundation. Marc, what do you make of it?

MARC KLAAS, KLAAS KIDS FOUNDATION: Well, Nancy, I think that you had it right when you said we need to go back to the beginning on this. And I think that what we have to understand is that Ron -- I don`t believe for a minute that Ron is directly responsible for the loss of his daughter. He is the only one who still brings it back to trying to find her. But you have to understand and we all have to understand that this was a living situation where a grown man was living with three children, two of whom were his own, and the third one was a drug-addled young girl who was having sex with him and was ill equipped to take care of the other two children. Yet he allowed it to happen.

And remember, he gravitates towards these very young girls. He makes incredibly bad decisions in his life. They`re all involved in drugs. And I think the police are absolutely correct when they say that whoever committed this crime is somebody who is close to these people, somebody who is known to their circle of friends and acquaintances.


TOMMY CROSLIN: This (EXPLETIVE DELETED) sucks, dude. (LAUGHS) I want out of here so bad. I`d do anything to get out of here.


TOMMY CROSLIN: I wouldn`t sell my soul, but I`d do anything else.



MISTY CROSLIN: They can all put this on TV and kiss my (EXPLETIVE DELETED)!

LISA CROSLIN: That`s right. That`s the way I feel, too. Your dad feels so bad. He thinks it`s his fault that you got two more charges.


LISA CROSLIN: Because y`all were talking about the drugs or whatever, and then...

MISTY CROSLIN: No, I was already getting them! It doesn`t matter. I`m pretty sure I`m not going to have all of them, they`re going to drop some of them because I did not give the guy -- I didn`t sell the whole time, OK?


MISTY CROSLIN: I`m being charged with everybody.

LISA CROSLIN: I know. That`s what I don`t understand. I mean, you told the truth. Why do they keep putting charges on you?


LISA CROSLIN: It`s not right.



MISTY CROSLIN: If they give me 20 years in prison, it`ll be OK because you guys can some see me. I`ll get out, and everything`ll be fine. I`m not scared. I`m not scared one bit. I`m not.

LISA CROSLIN: You`ll be old and gray like me!

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t care. They`re not going to put me away for something I didn`t do, and I didn`t have anything to do with Haleigh. And if I knew who did, I would tell them. I`ve told them everything that I can tell them, so they need to leave me alone about that. This -- why I`m in this jail is not -- has nothing to do with Haleigh.

LISA CROSLIN: That`s right.

MISTY CROSLIN: They need to kiss my (EXPLETIVE DELETED) and leave me alone!



TIMMY CROSLIN: Hey, what`s up, man? (EXPLETIVE DELETED) need to watch what we say on these phones because Nancy Grace is going to be playing all of our -- all of our phone calls.


TIMMY CROSLIN: I know. I`m just saying, you know, we need to watch what we say on here so they don`t try to put (EXPLETIVE DELETED), you know, words in our mouths.

TOMMY CROSLIN: You ain`t hear nothing from Lindsey (ph)?

TIMMY CROSLIN: Yes. I just got off the phone with them. I guess that Mom, Dad supposed to move into their house Saturday. They renewed (ph) it today, and Lindsey`s supposed to move into the Palm Coast on Saturday.



LISA CROSLIN: They`re recording everything y`all do.

MISTY CROSLIN: I mean, how -- how -- how can we not see each other? We are not co-defendants. I don`t...

LISA CROSLIN: And I think Miss Nancy Grace needs to keep her mouth shut until she knows the facts.

MISTY CROSLIN: What`s she saying?

LISA CROSLIN: All kind of crazy crap.


LISA CROSLIN: All about you and Haleigh and -- it`s (EXPLETIVE DELETED).



GRACE: Actually, we`re just playing your own words. And speaking of putting words in your mouth, you`re doing that well enough all on your own!

We are taking your calls live, but first, let`s unleash the lawyers. Joining us tonight, veteran defense attorney out of the Atlanta jurisdiction Renee Rockwell, out of Boston, Peter Elikann, well-known attorney and author of "Super Predators: The Demonization of Our Children by the Law."

To both of you, welcome. Renee Rockwell, can they dig their grave any deeper?

RENEE ROCKWELL, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Nancy, these are all admissions, anything they say, and that will come into court. They shouldn`t be worried about Nancy Grace putting this on television. They need to be worried about this being plugged in and played in front of a jury, if it ever gets that far.

GRACE: You know, Peter Elikann, they`re digging their grave with their teeth by yakking and yakking. They might as well be just digging up the dirt as they talked. And the other thing -- how do you like it, Peter Elikann, when your client -- say you`re the defense attorney here -- on the one-year mark of this little girl`s disappearance, goes and has her hair done, elaborate French braids? How long did that take her to sit there and get that done? Her hair was down to here. Instead of working with cops to find Haleigh.

PETER ELIKANN, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Hey, Nancy, who do you think we`re dealing with, a bunch of Ph.D.`s from the Sorbonne? I mean, I`ve often heard the phrase "criminal mastermind." I`ve never met one in my career.

GRACE: Put him back up!

ELIKANN: This is bad move after bad move...

GRACE: Put him up! Put him up! Elikann...

ELIKANN: And they -- and they are told...

GRACE: Elikann...

ELIKANN: ... again and again that they are -- they`re being recorded, that it can be -- and a tape is playing saying, You`re being recorded, you`re being monitored. There are signs on the wall.

GRACE: Second verse...

ELIKANN: The lawyers are warning them not to talk. And yet they continue...

GRACE: ... same as the first.

ELIKANN: ... to talk and talk and talk!

GRACE: Peter, not what I asked you, number one. And number two, don`t start with me about, They`re stupid. They`re not stupid, all right? They`ve taken cops on a wild goose chase now for one year. And also, what criminal isn`t stupid? If they weren`t stupid, they wouldn`t be committing crimes and getting caught, all right? So no -- I don`t care if they do have a Ph.D. or if they have a high school degree! Haleigh is missing! It doesn`t matter what you may think of their intellect! Look, everybody didn`t have the chance to go to law school, Peter, but Lady Justice is blind! That has nothing to do with this!

Out to the lines. Jean in New York. Hi, dear.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. I just want to tell you that your babies are absolutely precious! I think Lucy looks like you and John David looks like your husband. They`re adorable!

GRACE: That is a huge compliment to myself and my husband, and I will relay it because I`ve never seen anything more beautiful than those two. And when I think about this case -- Lucy and John David just turned 2 a couple months ago.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Precious they are!

GRACE: This little girl was 5. And she had Turner`s syndrome. Here I am talking about her in the past tense because I can`t think of anything but the worst in this case. And I`ve got this bunch of dope dealers...


GRACE: ... that`s what they are -- behind bars. The only one that continues to talk about finding Haleigh is Ronald Cummings. The others? They actually blame the little girl for their high bond! I guess they forgot they were caught on video selling dope!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Right. Right. Well, my question is, quickly, do you think it`s possible that Misty is afraid to say what she knows? Because from the very beginning, Ron was going on national television saying that he was going to kill the person after he found out who -- who took Haleigh. Do you think that she`s really afraid that Ronald, if he gets out, will go after her and kill her?

GRACE: Art Harris, I think that is a legitimate concern.

HARRIS: Great question. And I can tell you that the other two women before Misty were terribly frightened of Ronald and described to me episodes where he`s at home and he puts a revolver in his mouth and plays Russian roulette. And this is someone...

GRACE: Well, wait a minute. Art, that`s inconsistent. Why would they be afraid if he`s threatening to commit suicide?

HARRIS: Well, he`s ranting and raving, and he`s verbally abusing them, Nancy. And this is what they reported. And so it`s very consistent to the story that Misty has been telling her friends, especially that night, when she was picked up by one and Ronald had kicked her out. This is someone who has every reason to be afraid.

GRACE: Well, you know what? I would be afraid, too, if I were left responsible for a 5-year-old girl and she vanished into thin air and I don`t know anything, I fail a polygraph, my stories are inconsistent, I can`t keep a story straight. You know, she`s not worried. She married him!

HARRIS: She`s sticking to her story.

GRACE: She`s not worried.

HARRIS: Well, that`s right, but you know, she knows that he has threatened to blow away anybody who had anything to do with it, whether that`s bravado or true.

GRACE: I want to go out to Leonard Padilla, bounty hunter, who has offered to bail Misty Croslin out of jail. What`s the latest on that, Leonard Padilla? And have you spoken or do you plan to speak to Croslin`s attorney?

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: He hasn`t returned a call here in the last few days. He, I believe...

GRACE: Who is it?

PADILLA: ... doesn`t want to talk to us at all.

GRACE: Who is he? What`s his name?

PADILLA: Fields, Robert Fields.

GRACE: Well, you know what?

PADILLA: And I don`t think he -- I don`t think...

GRACE: He doesn`t want...

PADILLA: ... wants to talk to us.

GRACE: ... to get his client bonded out?

PADILLA: I -- I get the impression that he`s concerned about the situation and the fact that we won`t post the bond until she...

GRACE: She talks.

PADILLA: ... tell us enough information...


PADILLA: ... or gives us the information to find Haleigh.

GRACE: Do you think, as you look at the facts, that she knows the answer to where Haleigh is?

PADILLA: She might not know the answer where Haleigh is, but she knows enough to lead people to where Haleigh would be. She knows who took Haleigh, and she`s concerned about relaying certain information. That I`m convinced of. I was convinced of it a year ago when we were back there, and I`m even more convinced of it now.

GRACE: To Sergeant Scott Haines, sheriff`s officer, Santa Rosa County, Florida. Sergeant, thank you for being with us. Sergeant, just before Haleigh goes missing, there were three full days where Misty Croslin was AWOL. Nobody could find her. She was on a drug and drunk spree -- three straight days. I feel very strongly that this child did not disappear at the hands of Misty Croslin herself. There was someone that she dragged back to the home, that knew where she was, that knew about the child, someone in their inner circle that took Misty -- that took -- excuse me -- that took Haleigh.

SGT. SCOTT HAINES, SHERIFF`S OFFICER, SANTA ROSA CTY.: And that`s true. For those three days, I`m sure they`ve already tried to speak to her concerning who she was with during this drug binge that you stated. And that`s something that they need to find out, whether it`s talking through other people. That is something that she can come off of to try to help herself out in this situation. And obviously, if she`s close enough to be with people on a three-day drug binge, obviously, that could be somebody that was close enough to assist her in something like this.

GRACE: Peter Elikann, weigh in. I think I`ve got Peter with me. Weigh in, Peter Elikann. OK, he can`t hear me. I`m going to go to you, Renee. What about that theory?

ROCKWELL: Nancy, what theory are we talking about now?

GRACE: About the three-day drug binge she was on just before the child goes missing!

ROCKWELL: OK. And Nancy, if that is the case, there`s a very good chance that she was absolutely unconscious and somebody took the baby out. It`s not going to free her from any kind of criminal liability, but it will be enough to get her out of a homicide charge, if the child is dead.

GRACE: Everyone, quick break. We are taking your calls.

Happy birthday to California friend Betty Jean Hodges, a nurse, a mother of eight, including one of our HLN stars, Medea (ph). Happy birthday, beautiful Betty.



NEVES: You got Misty in that cell over there, which nobody else would do, so...

RONALD CUMMINGS: Nobody else could do.

NEVES: Yes. So you know, you`re just -- I`m very proud of you. Don`t you let anybody (INAUDIBLE) that I`m not.

RONALD CUMMINGS: Well, the way I see it is, I already told you...

NEVES: Yes, I know.

RONALD CUMMINGS: You know? If one of the two of them -- you know, the whole time, we figured it`s got to be one of the two of them. If it`s one of the two of them, they got them pinned in a corner now because Crystal can wait six, eight months, and just here she is, pops up over here or wherever, in Texas and moves to Montana, whatever, you know, and -- or the worst, so -- but either way, we`ll know.

NEVES: Well, you just hang in there, baby. What are you crying for, sweetheart?

RONALD CUMMINGS: Because I wished I knew where my daughter was!

NEVES: I know, honey. But we`ll find her, you know? One way or the other, like you said, one of them`s going to -- one of them`s going to mess up now, so we`re going to find her.



LISA CROSLIN: How`re you doing in there?

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m doing all right.

LISA CROSLIN: Are they treating you OK?


LISA CROSLIN: OK. Ain`t nobody messing with you?


LISA CROSLIN: All right. You making -- you met anybody?

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. A girl upstairs, she`s real nice. She did my hair. Can you see it?

LISA CROSLIN: Yes, I see it. It looks good. I had mine done like that.

MISTY CROSLIN: She had to do it through the little bars, but she did it for me.

LISA CROSLIN: She done it?


LISA CROSLIN: Don`t cut it.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m not cutting it. I ain`t trusting none of these (EXPLETIVE DELETED) up in here to cut my hair.



LISA CROSLIN: Try and be strong and not cry. It`s hard.

MISTY CROSLIN: It is. It is, but why cry, you know?

LISA CROSLIN: Yes, I know.

MISTY CROSLIN: Really, because it`s just going to make us hurt more.

LISA CROSLIN: I know. I miss you, though.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know. But at least you get to see me.

LISA CROSLIN: Yes, I can see you, but I can`t hug and touch you!

MISTY CROSLIN: Well, you will because I`m not going to be in this jail forever, Ma.

LISA CROSLIN: I know, baby.

MISTY CROSLIN: They`re not going to keep me locked me forever. I`m telling you, they`re not.



MISTY CROSLIN: It`s OK, though, because I will prove to the world that I didn`t have nothing to do with it.


MISTY CROSLIN: And when I get out of jail, everybody can kiss my (EXPLETIVE DELETED). And I`m going to get on TV and I`m going to tell them all to (EXPLETIVE DELETED) off!

LISA CROSLIN: That`s right. I don`t blame you at all. I mean, they need to give you a nationwide apology.

MISTY CROSLIN: They`re not going to put me down no more. I`m tired of it.


MISTY CROSLIN: I`m going to start standing up for myself.

LISA CROSLIN: That`s what you need to do, right there. Let them know that.

MISTY CROSLIN: I am. Because I don`t care what people think about me. People can think what they want to think.



MISTY CROSLIN: They can all put this on TV and kiss my (EXPLETIVE DELETED)!

LISA CROSLIN: That`s right. That`s the way I feel, too. Your dad feels so bad. He thinks it`s his fault that you got two more charges.


LISA CROSLIN: Because y`all were talking about the drugs or whatever, and then...

MISTY CROSLIN: No, I was already getting them! It doesn`t matter. I`m pretty sure I`m not going to have all of them, they`re going to drop some of them because I did not give the guy -- I didn`t sell the whole time, OK?


MISTY CROSLIN: I`m being charged with everybody.

LISA CROSLIN: I know. That`s what I don`t understand. I mean, you told the truth. Why do they keep putting charges on you?


LISA CROSLIN: It`s not right.


GRACE: To Dr. Leslie Austin, psychotherapist joining us out of New York. It`s like they`re in a parallel universe, an alternative universe, where...


GRACE: ... they -- they`re completely -- Misty Croslin`s completely ignoring the fact that she was selling drugs.


GRACE: That`s why she`s behind bars. It`s like everyone, she believes, is attacking her, bad-mouthing her. We`re all the reason she`s behind bars. She even blames little Haleigh for her high bond. How can they forget that they`re caught on video selling dope? And what the cops want...

AUSTIN: Right.

GRACE: ... are answers about Haleigh.

AUSTIN: Nancy, you know I`m usually pretty even-tempered, but I just find all of this so outrageous. Not one of these people is taking any responsibility for the fact that they committed criminal acts. And I`m sure Misty knows something more than she`s saying. I don`t know what. And I`m also pretty sure she was probably either blacked out or on drugs and not directly participating, but I`m sure she could give some information about her activities and who was around her to help. It`s outrageous that all these people are whining and complaining about, I shouldn`t have these charges and I need to get out, and Haleigh is missing. And they`re not taking responsibility.

GRACE: And I`m going to tell the world -- tell the world what, that you sell drugs and you were so out of it the night Haleigh went missing, you can`t tell cops what happened? That`s what you`re going to tell them?

To Dr. Titus Duncan, expert out of the Atlanta Medical Center. Dr. Duncan, this is the one-year mark of when the little girl went missing.


GRACE: If she were killed at that time, would her body even be recognizable now if it were out in the elements?

DUNCAN: No. She would only have skeletal remains at this particular point in time. And all they need to do to recognize her is to have some sort of DNA evidence. You can still get DNA from a skeletal body. You can get it from the teeth or from the bone itself. But that is the only thing that there would be left.

GRACE: Where in the bone? Where do you get DNA from the bone when the body is completely skeletonized?

DUNCAN: They process the bone. They can actually process the bone...

GRACE: What does that mean, they process the bone? What, bone marrow from inside the bone?

DUNCAN: You can actually get bone marrow and you can actually get tissue out of the bone itself. You can get scrapings off the bone, and you can process that bone and actually get some of the DNA architecture out of the bone.

GRACE: So a bone is actually tissue, hardened tissues?

DUNCAN: Right, it`s tissue, just like your teeth are and just like every other (INAUDIBLE)

GRACE: So within a bone?

DUNCAN: Right.

GRACE: You don`t have to have soft tissue, you can get DNA from the bone itself.

DUNCAN: Absolutely. You sure can.

GRACE: Everyone, we`re taking your calls. Quick break. But tonight, congratulations to one of our regular experts, Sergeant Scott Haines, and his wife, beautiful Becky (ph). After 15 years of marriage, they welcomed their first child. It`s a baby girl, Lily Grace, born Feb. 2, Pensacola, Florida, 8 pounds, 8 ounces. And she is a beauty! Congratulations, Scott and Becky. And welcome home, beautiful baby Lily Grace.



LISA CROSLIN: I heard that Ronald got two more charges, too.

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, he did. We`re in the paper.

LISA CROSLIN: Oh, in today`s paper?


LISA CROSLIN: All right. I`ll get it when I leave. Over there where me and Dad is at, they give us a newspaper every day, but it`s Putnam County, not St. Augustine.

MISTY CROSLIN: That doesn`t matter. It`s in Putnam County, too.


GRACE: Well, they`re certainly interested in themselves being in the paper. But this is what cops said in a recent press release. "It is very unlikely Haleigh`s disappearance is the work of a stranger. Evidence and information indicate a strong likelihood her disappearance is a result of foul play by someone known to Misty Croslin and/or Ronald Cummings. Furthermore, physical evidence at the scene contradicts Misty Croslin`s sketchy account of her evening activities." In other words, she lied to police.

Art Harris, what about it?

HARRIS: That`s right, Nancy. The police have not wavered from this theory that it`s the small circle. There is no -- there is no killer running loose in Satsuma, Florida. It is this small group. And they are going to keep the heat on, like they have this far.

GRACE: To the lines. Joy, South Carolina. Hi, Joy.


GRACE: What`s your question, dear?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We love you. We love your babies. And I`m a twin!

GRACE: God bless you. And I hope that Lucy and John David are each other`s best friends for the rest of their life -- after Mommy, of course.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh, my sister, Joyce (ph), and I are. We -- she lives in Arizona, but we talk often. We talk about you and your wonderful babies.

GRACE: Thank you. What is your question, love?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, my question was when you had Ronald on your show, he had made a statement that you have to keep your friends close but your enemies closer.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I believe that that is why he married her. How much closer can you get than to keep your enemy than to marry them?

GRACE: To you, Peter Elikann. Do you think that`s possible, that he kept her that close in his inner circle to get evidence?

ELIKANN: I don`t know. If he was really that zealous, and it seems like he is zealous about finding -- I truly believe he`s sincere and genuine, that he really wants to find out what happened to his daughter. And I guess he`d be willing to do anything. I mean, that sounds a little bit pushing the edge of the envelope, but it seems like, if he was willing -- truly willing to do anything to find out his daughter, he`d probably try to get as close as he could to anybody he suspected, try to get on their good side. It`s a theory that -- definite possibility.

GRACE: Everyone, tip line, 888-277-TIPS. There`s a $30,000 reward.

Let`s stop and remember Army corporal Eric Palmer, 21, Mayes (ph), Kansas, killed Iraq, awarded the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Army Commendation, National Defense Service Medal, loved sky-diving, forts, drawing, helping others, dedicated, never met a stranger, leaves behind parents John (ph) and Dina (ph), brother Travis (ph). Eric Palmer, American hero.

Thanks to our guests, but a special thank you to you. And thank you to Arizona friends Linda (ph) and Bud (ph) for the giant Raggedy Ann and Raggedy Andy. It`s for the twins. I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 o`clock sharp Eastern. (INAUDIBLE) good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on February 13, 2010, 11:19:05 AM


More Croslin and Cummings Jailhouse Tapes Released

Aired February 12, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight. Satsuma, Florida, a 5- year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. The last person to see her alive, new stepmother 18-year-old Misty Croslin, who takes to the airwaves claiming she`s innocent. But even in one brief interview, she can`t keep her stories straight, including a 180 on a lie detector she flunked.

Bombshell tonight. After Haleigh`s own father, Ronald Cummings, and baby-sitter-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin both handcuffed, arrested, booked, Cummings talks first. Stepmother Croslin follows suit. As we go to air, we obtain even more jailhouse tapes, hours of Misty Croslin with Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, brother, you name it, Croslin vowing not to talk about the night Haleigh vanishes while sleeping just feet away, saying, They think I`m going to break. But now we see Croslin, a new Croslin, angry, cursing, swearing, even blaming it all on the 5-year-old little girl, making excuses for dealing dope and popping pills in lockdown.

Claims now surface from behind bars her drug deals are to blame for Haleigh`s disappearance. And tonight, we discover more of the Ronald Cummings jailhouse tapes, whose only focus seems to be finding Haleigh. Cummings reveals investigators convinced he can get Croslin to talk. At first, Croslin`s brother says he`ll lie to get out of jail, then says he`s willing to take a poly.

Tonight, at the one-year mark of Haleigh`s disappearance, what does Croslin do? Besides making more excuses, she gets her hair done behind bars, opens letters from a secret admirer, talks about how she is portrayed in the newspaper and claims she`s bored and wants to sue police. That`s right, she wants to sue police. Investigators combing the tapes for evidence that may help find Haleigh. Tonight, where is 5-year-old Haleigh?


MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER: When Haleigh`s found, I will be let out of jail because that`s the only thing they`re keeping me in here, the only reason they set me up, because of all that stuff. And that`s why my bond is so high. And it`s not right.

They`re treating our family like crap. They`re trying to put us all down in the ground. And you know what? They`re not going to put me down no more. I`m standing up for myself. I`m tired of being put down, put down, put down, put down. They think I`m this horrible person that I`m not because I`m not a horrible person, you know? I`m just tired of it. And I`m done with it. I`m not going to let them keep doing this to me. I`m going to do something. I`m going to stand up for myself. And that`s what you guys have got to do, got to stand up for ourselves, got to fight for our family.

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: If they send me to prison and Crystal or Misty had anything to do with it, they`re going to find out because if Crystal had something to do with it, now that she had custody of Junior, Haleigh will be home. And if Misty had something to do with it, you know what she`s looking at -- 114 years.

And Josh -- what`s his name, Jason? This is the only thing. We`re not going in front of a Putnam County judge, we`re going over here. Judge Berger is a woman. Jason said she is going to give Misty the whole 114 years.

TIMMY CROSLIN, MISTY`S BROTHER: They`re just trying to put this is all because of Haleigh, and these (EXPLETIVE DELETED) need to quit playing around.


TIMMY CROSLIN: And me and Chelsea -- me and Chelsea was going to come up there, but (EXPLETIVE DELETED) Dad and everybody`s telling us, No, no, no, because they might try to get me on something.

LISA CROSLIN, MISTY`S MOTHER: I called the court, but they don`t have a court date for you.

MISTY CROSLIN: Not yet. Well, just -- I want you to keep calling. I want you to keep calling this jail, too, and ask -- tell them it`s not right that I`m in lockdown and stuff.

LISA CROSLIN: I will. I will. When did they get your phone...


LISA CROSLIN: I will. I promise.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. As we go to air, we obtain even more secretly recorded jailhouse tapes, hours of baby-sitter-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin yakking to Mommy, Daddy, grandmother, brother, all on video.


MISTY CROSLIN: They can all put this on TV and kiss my (EXPLETIVE DELETED)!

LISA CROSLIN: That`s right. That`s the way I feel, too. Your dad feels so bad. He think it`s his fault that you got two more charges.


LISA CROSLIN: Because you all were talking about the drugs or whatever, and then...

MISTY CROSLIN: No, no, no, no. I was already getting them. It doesn`t matter. I`m pretty sure I`m not going to have all of them, that they`re going to drop some of them because I did not give -- I didn`t sell the whole time, OK?


MISTY CROSLIN: I`m being -- I`m being charged with everybody.

LISA CROSLIN: I know. That`s what I don`t understand. I mean, you told the truth. Why do they keep putting charges on you?


LISA CROSLIN: It`s not right.

DONNA BROCK: A detective from Putnam County, and then some other guy, some investigator or something. What had happened was when I came through from Virginia, from my doctor`s appointment, I had all my meds or whatever. Misty was having problems. I gave her the meds. She sold them. Just as simple as that. I never sold them, but I gave them to her. I gave them away. And she sold them to that undercover guy, whoever was with her at the truck stop.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You`re not on these videotapes, they`re talking about selling these drugs to an undercover cop?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You got in the car while she was doing...

BROCK: Yes, I was in the car because it was cold outside. I got in the car with them both. Yes, I did. Yes, I did. I mean, I did. But I gave them to her. They were hers. But they were -- I still -- like I told the detectives, I did, I gave them to her. You know, I didn`t want them. I didn`t need them. She`s the one that was in pain, not me. Whatever. I mean, it wasn`t my business what she did afterwards. I admit, yes, I gave them to her.

TOMMY CROSLIN: Misty`s the one that told them about all that craziness anyway. You hear me?

About what?

About me supposedly doing some B and E`s. That`s exactly what they told me. They took me to the -- when they took me up to the -- when they first arrested me, they took me to Bunnell, to the state`s attorney`s building or the courthouse, whatever it is. They said, As soon as your sister got arrested, she started squealing, said you`ve been burglarizing houses in your neighborhood. I said, She`s out of her mind.


GRACE: Out to Art Harris at, investigative journalist. We are taking your calls. Art, I hear them say, Why do they keep putting charges on me? It`s like they forgot they`ve been dealing dope and forgotten -- Misty Croslin`s forgotten she has not come clean about the night Haleigh goes missing. In fact, police just released a press statement, where they say that her statement, sketchy as it is -- they say "sketchy" -- is completely contradicted by the physical evidence. And also -- They keep doing this to me. She`s the one on video selling dope.

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: That`s right, Nancy. This is someone -- this is a jailhouse full of deniers. They cannot -- they cannot accept the fact that they are caught red-handed on tape. They have been confessing to felonies on tape. The cops are just sitting back, listening. They don`t have to even go interview them. They are making their case against themselves for law enforcement as we watch.

GRACE: Rosie, let`s cue up more of the just obtained jailhouse recordings. Jean Casarez, what more can you tell me?

JEAN CASAREZ, IN SESSION: You know, Nancy, in a lot of these tapes, she keeps saying that the charges are going to be dismissed. She won`t have all of the charges. Let`s look at the law for a second. She was charged with eight felony counts of trafficking prescription drugs, and the law states any person who knowingly sells, purchases, manufactures, delivers or brings into the state or who is knowingly in actual or constructive possession. Nancy, on a tape, she says that she drove to Virginia. She got pills. She drove from Virginia to Georgia, back to Florida, and she sold them to an undercover officer.

GRACE: Of course, when you hear her on jailhouse tapes, she talks about how she just helped a friend out. Driving hundreds of miles to obtain illegal drugs and then selling them is a lot more than helping a friend out under the law.

Let`s take a listen to more secretly recorded jailhouse tapes.


MISTY CROSLIN: So what you guys been doing?

HANK CROSLIN, MISTY`S FATHER: Laying around, worrying about guys, watching that stupid Nancy Grace lady. I don`t even like watching her. I hate that lady because she`s...

MISTY CROSLIN: We don`t watch it in here, thank God.

HANK CROSLIN: She`s stupid. She don`t even know what she`s talking about half the time.

MISTY CROSLIN: She doesn`t.

HANK CROSLIN: Well, she says stuff and she don`t know what she`s talking about.

MISTY CROSLIN: She says we eat better than her.

HANK CROSLIN: Yes. She found three chicken McNuggets in her car (INAUDIBLE) found three chicken McNuggets in your car. You old lying lady! She`s supposed to be a Christian lady, too. She ain`t no Christian lady.

MISTY CROSLIN: Nancy Grace is silly. She don`t eat better than us.


MISTY CROSLIN: We don`t eat better than her.

HANK CROSLIN: She`s a stupid lady.



MISTY CROSLIN: See, this is going to be on TV, too.

HANK CROSLIN: Nancy Grace is +++++. Put that on there.



MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t care.

HANK CROSLIN: They`re already trying to make you all look like a bad person.

MISTY CROSLIN: She won`t play that. Because I said that, she will not play that.

HANK CROSLIN: Just don`t let her get to us. I know.

MISTY CROSLIN: I ain`t letting her get to me. I don`t care what she has to say. I don`t care what anybody else has to say about me because I...

HANK CROSLIN: I do. I don`t want them to think that my family had anything to do with that because I know my family. Ain`t none of us that cold-hearted.

MISTY CROSLIN: Of course we`re not, Daddy.

HANK CROSLIN: We love children too much.


GRACE: Straight back out to Art Harris, investigative journalist on the case. Art, aside from videotape of a pin videocamera inside an undercover police car, audiotape inside the undercover police car, and eyewitness testimony, along with crime lab evidence identifying the drugs, what other evidence is there against Misty Croslin?

HARRIS: Well, we`re listening to it right now, Nancy. We`re hearing evidence, admissions by her that she was along for the ride for at least eight of these transactions, and that she...

GRACE: Let`s don`t say "along for the ride" because that suggests she`s not steering the boat.

HARRIS: That`s her claim. She`s also claiming that the undercover officer solicited her and pressed her to sell to him. So we`re looking at someone who`s already constructing their defense. Too bad that these tapes are finger-pointing right back at her.


TIMMY CROSLIN: I know that`s what Misty said last night. She started crying. She was, like, I`m so (EXPLETIVE DELETED) hungry, man. I guess they are being mean to Misty over there. Not even -- they`re supposed to let you guys out, like, an hour a day?

TOMMY CROSLIN: I was out for, like, three hours at a time.

TIMMY CROSLIN: Well, they`re not even letting Misty out an hour. The only time she gets to get out is Bible study or if her lawyer comes.



RONALD CUMMINGS: They came and told me what to say. And I had to tell Misty that I really, really loved her and I`d stand behind her, no matter what, and (INAUDIBLE) you know, missing Haleigh and I lost Junior, speaking like this, you know?

I talked to the captain last night, and he said that he doesn`t see a problem with me going to general population. He has to talk to his boss, and I`ll to the lady who I talked to last Friday, who`s the one that got this started for me, the ball rolling. And he said that they have to call Putnam County and get permission to let me out of there. So Putnam County`s what`s keeping me (EXPLETIVE DELETED) up in that box.

TERESA NEVES, RONALD`S MOTHER: I know. I know. I talked to Terry Shoemaker, and he says they`re not going to let you out, either. He said they`re going to keep you in that box. He said they`re not going to let you in general population, period.



MISTY CROSLIN: Oh, DCF came over the other day.


MISTY CROSLIN: DCF come in here the other day to talk to me about Ronald.


MISTY CROSLIN: DCF. They asked me about Ronald`s drug habit and about my drug habit and a lot of stupid (EXPLETIVE DELETED).


MISTY CROSLIN: I said Ronald was a good father. He was a good father. I mean, just because he had a drug habit doesn`t mean he wasn`t a good father.

HANK CROSLIN: He did? You didn`t have -- you really didn`t have a drug problem.


HANK CROSLIN: You just did it every once in a while.

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, and barely, and I didn`t -- it wasn`t even like that. I didn`t even like pills barely, you know? When I got my prescription, he got my whole prescription of pills because I didn`t take them.


GRACE: OK. Refresh our recollection, Art Harris. On the three full days before Haleigh goes missing...

HARRIS: Well, she...

GRACE: ... where was Misty Croslin?

HARRIS: Well, she didn`t like drugs, but she was on a binge with a friend. Naina Christina Prevatt (ph) picked her up, and they went off. They picked up another young man, and they were off taking Roxys, cocaine, drinking for a three-day party. It was a revenge romance against Ronald, who`d just kicked her out.

Three days later, Nancy, she shows back up at the trailer where she was living with Ronald and Haleigh and Junior, and they got back together for a night. And then Haleigh is missing the next day. So she was indulging.

GRACE: To Dr. Bethany Marshall, psychoanalyst and author of "Deal Breakers." We`re about to go to the lines. But Bethany, to hate our show so much, they sure are watching a lot. I think they`re thinking a whole lot more about us than we are about them.

But what I`m concerned about is how this is going to be used to find Haleigh. And it`s really showing me a window into their mind. They`re more concerned that I ate a Chick-Fil-A nugget, OK, that John David dropped, than they are about their 114-years sentence behind bars. It`s like they`re not getting what`s going on.

BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST: Nancy, they`re angry at you because you`re holding them accountable for their actions. They don`t have cause- and-effect thinking. The whole family is in what I would call the paranoid position. Everything is happening to them, with no contribution of their own. They didn`t do anything wrong.

And let`s remember that Ron and Misty have probably detoxed. Now the drugs are out of their system, and they`re probably full of terrible cravings. And that`s why they`re becoming angrier -- angrier towards you, angry towards the system, manipulative, begging, pleading. Misty keeps hitting her parents up for money for the commissary. When you have cravings, there`s incredible sugar cravings. She probably wants sugar. And that accounts for some of this behavior.

GRACE: We are taking your calls. Out to Jennifer in California. Hi, Jennifer.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. I love you so much! You`re one of my heroes. You`re an amazing person!

GRACE: You know, I`m not, but I appreciate that you said that. Thank you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh, you so are. You`re really, truly (INAUDIBLE)

GRACE: I do have two little people that I need to convince of that. That would be John David and Lucy.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, they are gorgeous!

GRACE: So I may be calling you in about 14 years.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Like their mommy.

GRACE: What`s your question, love?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, my question is, if Ronald and Misty are both in solitary, and according to Ronald`s recorded conversations, he says that she gets, like, a pack of cigarettes a day, and as we`ve all seen, she`s getting her hair done and spending a lot of time on the phone -- how are the police planning on breaking her? Because it just doesn`t seem to me like they`re really putting the hurts on her to get information about this little girl.

GRACE: What do you make of it, Pat Brown? Pat Brown, criminal profiler, author of "Killing for Sport."

PAT BROWN, CRIMINAL PROFILER: Well, Nancy, I think, for one, that both Misty and Ronald know they`re on a reality show. They know they`re being videotaped. They know this is going to go out to the public, onto this show, and they`re going to also hear back what each one said.

Misty`s a big attention seeker. She just loves everybody paying mind to poor little Misty. And she`s going to run her little game. And Ronald knows she`s listening and he says, I`m not going to rat you out because the police tried to get me to do it. I`m not going to do it, Misty.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If I write you there, do I have to, like, not cuss?

RONALD CUMMINGS: No, no, no, no. You can write whatever the hell you want to.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh, your mom told me I couldn`t cuss in the ones to Flagler, like...

RONALD CUMMINGS: No, you can write whatever the hell you want to write, man.


RONALD CUMMINGS: Yes, she just -- she was trying to tell me I couldn`t cuss at my damn visit, too, but...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh, because, yes, because she -- I wrote you, like -- it was -- it was, like, really ironic or something, like I`m psychic, because I wrote those three letters. It was, like, two letters, and one full of pictures and stuff. And it arrived, like, the day you got locked up or the day after. And your mom has them, and she said she was going to through them, making out the cuss words so she could send them to you.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I know she said she couldn`t send them to you. I was, like, Well, if you -- if you can`t cuss, then you know, can you -- maybe you can mark them out. And she`s, like, yes, that`s a good idea. So she said she was going to mark them out and send them to you.





TIMMY CROSLIN: What was you supposedly doing, selling pills to an undercover?

TOMMY CROSLIN: No, I was (EXPLETIVE DELETED). This is what happened. (EXPLETIVE DELETED) Misty brought this dude over to the house, all right, and wanted me to go get her some Roxys. So I (EXPLETIVE DELETED) went and got him some Roxys. I called someone I knew and got him some pills. Then a month later, the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) I was at Spinners, the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) jump my (EXPLETIVE DELETED), (EXPLETIVE DELETED) guns drawn, throw me up on the ground. And (EXPLETIVE DELETED), I didn`t know what the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) was going on.

TIMMY CROSLIN: Sucks, man.



GRACE: We taking your calls. I want to go back to Jennifer in California`s question. Art Harris, she made a good point. It doesn`t really seem like they`re in isolation, between all the wooing they`re getting, the phone calls, the visits, the hair stylists, you name it.

HARRIS: My sources tell me, Nancy, that this is making law enforcement very happy, to watch them just twist in the wind, visit away, talk away, and just let them stew and think about those 114 years that Misty may be facing and who may be ratting her out among her family. Is it Tommy? Is it Donna Brock, her confidante, who`s talking about the pills she gave Misty? You know, this is really making her paranoid.

GRACE: Let`s unleash the lawyers. Joining us tonight, special guest Mark Nejame -- he is attorney for Texas Equusearch founder Tim Miller and he is an expert in Florida law -- Eleanor Odom, felony prosecutor, Peter Odom, defense attorney out of Atlanta, and Randy Kessler, defense attorney also out of the Atlanta jurisdiction.

Mark Nejame, these tapes are damning. And what`s interesting to me, and I think it will be pointed out to a jury, is that no one except for Ronald Cummings ever talks about finding Haleigh. The one-year anniversary, the one-year mark of her going missing came and went this week. Not one person noted it. In all of their yakking, the only one that mentioned finding Haleigh was Ronald Cummings.

MARK NEJAME, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Yes. Well, you may remember that it was Misty who took a polygraph in my office. And I remain convinced to this day, I think Art does as well, that Ronald had nothing to do with the missing -- his daughter missing. And despite whatever else he`s done and he`s been accused of, I have no doubt that he had nothing to do. And whatever his means were to try to find out what happened to his daughter, as unorthodox as they might be, I don`t think had anything to do with it.

GRACE: Mark Nejame, how badly did she flunk that polygraph?

NEJAME: Miserably would be a compliment.



LISA CROSLIN: I miss your pretty face.

MISTY CROSLIN: Don`t cry. What do you think they are going to give me?

LISA CROSLIN: I don`t know, baby. I don`t know.


LISA CROSLIN: I`m so scared.

MISTY CROSLIN: They can`t keep me forever, though. Really, mom, really, they can`t.

LISA CROSLIN: No they can`t baby.

MISTY CROSLIN: And when I get out, I`m like -- we`re moving up to Mass and you guys are coming. We`re leaving Florida.

LISA CROSLIN: Don`t worry, as soon as you get out we`re leaving, we`re going up there. You just keep your head up.

MISTY CROSLIN: I do. I just want them to hurry up and do whatever they are going to do so I can get it done and over with you know.



RONALD CUMMINGS: She -- he said she`s gonna prosecute to the fullest extent o the law.

TERESA NEVES: Yes, but you`re helping them.


NANCY GRACE, HLN HOST: We are taking your calls. Just obtained more secretly-recorded jailhouse tapes.

Stepmother, Misty Croslin, the last person to be with Haleigh alive seemingly just can`t stop talking.

Out to the lines. Lakisha, Indiana.

Hi, Lakisha.

LAKISHA, INDIANA RESIDENT (via telephone): Hi, Nancy. It`s nice to talk to you again.

GRACE: Likewise. What`s your question, dear?

LAKISHA: I have a question and I have a comment.


LAKISHA: OK. My question is, why do law enforcement think Misty Croslin will tell them now what happened to Haleigh when she is already facing 25 years in prison? That`s all of her young adult life.

GRACE: Well, I think that their reasoning is that in exchange for talking about the night Haleigh went missing, they could cut her a lesser deal. But it`s going to probably take her a while for it to sink in that she`s not going anywhere. She`s not moving to Massachusetts. She`s not leaving Florida. She`s staying in jail for a very long time.

Let`s go to the lawyers.

Peter Odom, Randy Kessler, Mark Nejame, Eleanor Odom.

What about it, Eleanor?

ELEANOR ODOM, ATTORNEY: Nancy, you`re right. And what people are forgetting to are the crimes that they are charged with. Now it`s trafficking. They face up to 114 years with minimum mandatory of 25 years. They`ve got them on tape as you said earlier. This is what we like to call a slam dunk case.

GRACE: You know, I never use that phrase if I can help it as a prosecutor, because I just thought it would snake bite you at the get-go to say you`ve got a slam dunk. They thought that in Simpson, too. Remember that little not guilty, the jury came to deal with.

ELEANOR ODOM: That`s true.

GRACE: What about it, Kessler?

RANDY KESSLER, ATTORNEY: Well, they just found their leverage. You know, she`s been tough, she stayed strong, but she just said she wants it over and done with. And she thinks it`s going to be over and done with. While sooner or later, she`s going to realize it ain`t going to be over and done with until she does something. And that`s what they`re waiting for. For her to say, what can I do to get this over and done with? They`re going to say, let us tell you. Talk. Tell us what you know.

GRACE: You know, you`re right, randy. It seems as if they believe they`re holding all the cards. But now, with them behind bars, looking at 125 years behind bars, they`re not holding the cards anymore.

Peter Odom, what do you think is going to be the state`s strategy? And do you think that the defense is going to file a demand for speedy trial?

PETER ODOM, ATTORNEY: The defense can file a motion for speedy trial all at once, Nancy. The prosecution is going to play a waiting game. Remember that Misty Croslin is not a long-term thinker. Ask Dr. Marshall about this. She is -- it might take her a while to crack. But once she realizes that she really is looking at spending her adulthood in prison, she will talk. And the police just have to be patient. And that`s what they`re doing.

GRACE: To Dr. Joshua Perper, chief medical examiner, joining us out of Broward County. In one of the jailhouse tapes, Croslin`s wife asks him if he is shaking. Does drug withdrawal lead to that type of shakes?

DR. JOSHUA PERPER, CHIEF MEDICAL EXAMINER: Yes. The drug withdrawal can lead to very serious convulsion and shaking. Sometimes in withdrawal, the convulsions are so strong that the entire bed in which the patient is lying is going to shake with them. So these are the very dramatic response to withdrawal. And it`s coming without calling a variety of other addictive drugs.

GRACE: And out to Leonard Padilla, bounty hunter, who has offered to bail Croslin out of jail if she will talk.

Leonard Padilla, any movement from the Misty Croslin camp regarding bail?

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: No. We have not heard from the attorney at all, and obviously, that`s a key conversation I`d have to have before we go forward. Bob Fields has not contacted us at all. None.

GRACE: In your mind, what does she have to tell you before you will bail her out?

PADILLA: Well, I think she`d have to convince me, and we`d have to find Haleigh. We would not make a move like we did in the Casey Anthony case without finding Haleigh. We`re not going to do that.

GRACE: You know, another issue regarding finding Haleigh, to Marlaina Schiavo, our producer on the story. In one of these jailhouse tapes I was reviewing later, she says -- and, Marlaina, see if you can pull this up for -- she says she goes over it in her mind every day about Haleigh.


GRACE: She certainly doesn`t talk about it. She certainly doesn`t talk about that night with her family. She doesn`t talk about finding Haleigh. They don`t even hypothesize or speculate or try to cobble together the facts of that night. They never talk about it.

SCHIAVO: They never talk about it, but in this tape, yes, she tells her father that she keeps going back over it and over it and nothing. She gets nothing. But, Nancy, that`s only after she realizes that everyone is saying how she`s not talking about Haleigh. So now she`s finding a way to bring it up in these jailhouse tapes because she knows it`s going to air. And this is -- this is going to be her excuse, there`s nothing there. I have nothing left to say.

GRACE: To Sheryl McCollum. Is it a cold case?

SHERYL MCCOLLUM, CRIME ANALYST, DIR. OF COLD CASE SQUAD AT PINE LAKE P.D.: Nancy, in calendar months, yes, it`s a cold case. The good news is this case is still very active. These tapes could lead to a deal, and the deal could lead to a conviction. I think that Tommy is the key here. And I`ve said that repeatedly. When Tommy was arrested before, he`s the first one that talked. He`s the first one that cracked. I would go back to Tommy.

GRACE: You`re referring to when he finally divulged that he had gone to the home that evening.

MCCOLLUM: Correct.

GRACE: During the time Misty Croslin said she was there asleep, that he banged, banged, banged on the door and nobody came to the door.

MCCOLLUM: Exactly right. He puts himself there the night that it occurred. He`s the best witness that she was not truthful.

GRACE: Speaking of that particular jailhouse secretly-recorded tape, take a listen.


MISTY CROSLIN: You know, we didn`t deserve this!

HANK CROSLIN, MISTY`S FATHER: Well, I know it. We just need to find Haleigh.


HANK CROSLIN: That`s what we need to do.


HANK CROSLIN: If we could find Haleigh, we`d all -- it`d be better for everybody.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know. I`ve been -- I`ve been -- I sit and wonder every day, thinking, just trying to go back and just think if I missed anything. I do, every day! And it`s just -- it`s not, Dad. There`s nothing! I`m telling you, it`s hard.



FEMALE FRIEND: Have you been getting any letters from anybody?

RONALD CUMMINGS: I haven`t got anything yet. I got two pieces of mail. One was a letter from some girl in Texas, and it was like four sentences long, said she`s sorry about Haleigh and she`s been following the case. And then I got something from an attorney today, an advertisement that he wanted me to come hire him to go to work for me or whatever.

FEMALE FRIEND: So that`s it.

RONALD CUMMINGS: And that`s all I`ve got since I`ve been here.




RONALD CUMMINGS: Maybe I`m a mistake you wish you had never made, huh?

TERESA NEVES: Hahaha. That`s the craziest thing I`ve ever heard. You`re one of my proudest moments, and your sister is the other. I love the two of you more than life.

RONALD CUMMINGS: I love you, too.

TERESA NEVES: And I`ll tell you right now, I never loved her more than I loved you from the day you were born. No matter what you thought or what anybody said, I`m proud of you. It`s not your proudest moment, but I`m still proud of you.

You`ve been a dam good daddy for five year. You took very good care of your kids. You got that dang witch in that cell over there, things nobody else would do.



TIMMY CROSLIN, MISTY`S AND TOMMY`S BROTHER: What was you guys supposed to be doing, selling pills to an undercover?

TOMMY CROSLIN, MISTY`S BROTHER: No, I was (EXPLETIVE DELETED) this is what happened. (EXPLETIVE DELETED) Misty brought this dude over to the house, all right, and wanted me to go get us some Roxys. So I (EXPLETIVE DELETED) went and got him some Roxys. I called someone I knew and got him some pills. Then a month later, the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) I was at Spinners, the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) jump my (EXPLETIVE DELETED), (EXPLETIVE DELETED) guns drawn, throw me up on the ground. And (EXPLETIVE DELETED), I didn`t know what the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) was going on.

TIMMY CROSLIN: Sucks, man.




RONALD CUMMINGS: Well, maybe these (EXPLETIVE DELETED) won`t lock me up for the rest of my life anyway.

TERESA NEVES: They ought to let you out for helping them (EXPLETIVE DELETED), I mean, shoot.

RONALD CUMMINGS: I`m innocent. I tell you, I`m innocent.

TERESA NEVES: You are? Yes. I believe you are. I know you wouldn`t do nothing like that.

RONALD CUMMINGS: Well, you never know what they can prove, though.

TERESA NEVES: Oh I know they don`t got it all out there. They got it on audio and video and pictures, and so I mean, they`re --


GRACE: To you, Eleanor Odom, do you foresee a scenario where the police would use Ronald Cummings, cut him a light deal, to roll over? They don`t really need him in the drug case because it`s all on video.

ELEANOR ODOM: They don`t need him, Nancy. And why would they do that? They might cut a deal if they could try in any hope of finding Haleigh at all. Then maybe there`s a deal to be cut. But, you know, when you deal with a devil, you`ve got to go to hell to get your witnesses, Nancy.

GRACE: Art Harris, in these tapes, the videotapes of them selling dope, do they have Ronald Cummings actually making sales, or is he tagging along with Misty Croslin?

ART HARRIS: He`s there three times, Nancy. One tape. Don`t know the specifics, but he has been charged with three very serious trafficking counts. And he is -- he`s a star in these undercover tapes, too.

GRACE: What do you mean by that?

HARRIS: He is visibly on camera in, you know, in operation as part of this drug, you know, these drug deals. And so, you know, he`s not going anywhere and they`re very confident they have a very good case against him as well. So they are now using him to try to go undercover against Misty by pulling her heartstrings to try to get her to reveal what she knows about Haleigh.

GRACE: Jean Casarez, what more do you know?

JEAN CASAREZ: I think one of the next things we`re going to see is attorneys go to court to try to have a bail reduction hearing. But, Nancy, you showed some tape a little bit ago where Misty says that when she gets out, they`re going to Massachusetts. Well, that`s going to be prime evidence for the prosecution in a bail reduction hearing because you`re talking about risk of flight. That`s one way to not have the bail reduced. And I think reality may hit when that bail reduction does not happen and they`re in there for the long term.

GRACE: Out to the lines. Carol in Ohio. Hi, carol.

CAROL, OHIO RESIDENT (via telephone): Hi, Nancy. I have a comment and a question.


CAROL: First of all, I don`t think Misty will ever tell the truth about that night unless she knows Ron is going to be in jail a long time, himself. Because I think she believes he will kill her. I also think Ron suspects she and the kids left. That`s why there was no sign of her and no response when Tommy knocked.

So here`s my question. Did Tommy report back to Ron that nobody appeared to be at home, and did anybody ask Junior where everybody was that night?

GRACE: Back to you, Jean Casarez. What do you know?

JEAN CASAREZ: As far as Junior, we`ve heard some things that he`s said. I`m sure authorities talked to him as much as they could. But it`s something that really hasn`t come forward and obviously it doesn`t look like it`s helped the case at all. In regard to what was the other part of the question?

GRACE: Well, she wanted to know, first about Junior, and about Misty Croslin talking about the likelihood that Ronald Cummings will be behind bars for a very long time.

JEAN CASAREZ: Well, she`s avoiding the reality. She`s talking everything that she can think of except the reality. And will he be behind? He`s got five felony counts now. They upgraded him two more counts. There is 25 mandatory minimum counts and they are felonies.

GRACE: To Pat Brown, you are the profiler. How would you profile Misty Croslin?

PAT BROWN, PROFILER: Well, I`m going to talk about whether she`s going to talk or not. To me, she`s got her story straight. She went to sleep, she woke up, child`s gone, door was open. That`s her story. She has to remember three things. There`s no reason for her to go any further than that if she were involved in someway unless she really wasn`t the major person involved because she`s going to get more time than she get for the drugs. So unless she can rat somebody else out, she`s not going to open her mouth. And so I think that`s the problem.

GRACE: Sheryl McCollum?

MCCOLLUM: She`s not going to talk. I`ve said that a thousand times. She`d rather go to prison as a drug dealer than a baby killer.

GRACE: Well, I don`t know about that -- I agree with that. But Mark Nejame, when reality finally sets in, such as when they are sentenced or that bond reduction is denied, and they sit there, it may not be this week or next week, this month or next month, it might be six months, eight months, a year from now. Two years from now when they realize they are behind bars and they`re not going anywhere that finally someone remembers something about that night.

MARK NEJAME, ATTORNEY: Yes. The news has to tighten. She`s got to realize that she`s not getting out on a bond. She`s got to realize that 25 years mandatory minimum means that. And she knows more than that`s been coming out. I`m not convinced, though. I`ve heard theories that she was in a drug-induced stupor or something that night and has these hazy dreams about four people and all that.

If we think about it, the first responders, the telephone calls, Ron`s statement, none of those statements suggested that she was under any type of haziness, any type of drug inducement. She was pretty clear. She was pretty calm and she was pretty focused. So I`m not as convinced as I`ve heard some theories come out that she was drug-induced that night. I think the answer is between her and Tommy. Somebody knows where Haleigh is.

GRACE: And very quickly, Marlaina Schiavo, was there evidence that she had been up doing laundry that night?

SCHIAVO: No, there was no evidence. She said she was, but then they had found laundry on the floor. The things that she said she washed were not washed, and there was no detergent in the home, Nancy.

GRACE: Everyone, quick break, but as we go to break, "CNN HEROES."


EVANS WADONGO, CNN HERO: I have problems with my eyesight due to prolonged exposure to smoke. And I had to use firewood to study during my childhood.

I grew up in a small village in the western part of Kenya. These families are so poor, they don`t have electricity. It`s only kerosene and firewood that they use for lighting, cooking.

It`s very, very frustrating. I couldn`t compete effectively with other kids who have access to lighting.

A lot of other kids just drop out of school. So they remain poor for the rest of their life.

My name is Evans Wadongo.

When I made the first lantern, I thought I must find a way of using solar light to light up the homes. I was so overwhelmed. I knew the impact that the lantern would have in the rural communities.

The amount of money that every household uses to buy kerosene every day, if they can just save that money, they can be able to buy food.

Good morning.

All along I`ve been skipping at least two meals a day so that I can construct the lamps, but I want to do more. It gives me satisfaction that I`m lifting people out of poverty. I just feel like it`s right.



JOY BEHAR, HOST, THE JOY BEHAR SHOW: Tonight on "The Joy Behar Show," is Rielle Hunter cheating on John Edwards? Well, there`s one sure way to tell. Let`s go to the videotape.

Also, she was born in England, grew up in Hollywood and lived on "The New York Times" best seller list. Joining me in the studio, the fabulous Jackie Collins.

And can love survive when you`re at home and your better half is doing 10 to 20? Maybe. We`ll hear what prison husbands and wives have to say. That and more coming up after Nancy.

GRACE: What a week in America`s courtrooms. Take a look at the stories and more important, the people who touched our lives.



UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Breaking news, the Michael Jackson homicide case. Has Dr. Conrad Murray arrived at court in Los Angeles.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Los Angeles district attorney, after six months of investigating this, has come up with the strategy of charging Dr. Murray with just this one count of involuntary manslaughter. And he just pleaded not guilty. If Dr. Murray is convicted of that charge, he`s facing a maximum sentence of four years in jail.

MISTY CROSLIN: As soon as they found out what happened to Haleigh, everything will be different.

It`s ridiculous. They got my bond set so high just because of that. And that`s unfair. This has nothing to do with it.

LISA CROSLIN: I know, but that`s exactly what it is.

MISTY CROSLIN: What do they think? That I`m going to break? There`s nothing to break me on. So they need to leave me alone.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Will the Holloway case be reopened? Now that Joran Van Der Sloot`s dad is dead?

DAVE HOLLOWAY: Paulus Van Der Sloot should have been a man. He should have stepped forward in the beginning. He should have talked to Joran that night. They should have admitted that something went wrong.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Could this be a major breakthrough? Finding out what happened to Natalee?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He said Dave, I can understand your position, but you got to understand mine. Joran is my son, and I`ll do everything I can to protect him. And I believe it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Today, we officially opened up a murder case.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I knew it was coming.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Why you`re searching the land fills as a missing person case.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She refuses to cooperate.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She doesn`t consider herself normal.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: The disappearance of 9-month-old baby Gabriel Scott Johnson is now being investigated as a kidnapping and a homicide.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: San Antonio police are searching a land fill in the city today.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: During the course of the investigation, we received several follow-ups on leads. One of those leads has led us to this land fill.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There`s two possibilities, either she killed Gabriel or that she did not.

GRACE: Telling the biological father that you smothered the baby, conceals his body in a diaper bag and threw him away in the trash is reason to suspect the child is dead.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Whether the child is in the home.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She did not want to be a mother.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Whether the child has been taken across the border in Mexico.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It didn`t seem like she really wanted him.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Whether the child is at the bottom of a land fill.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Everything that she says is so completely false.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have to try to find the information the best we can to try to recover Gabriel, whether he`s dead or alive.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m still not going to believe it until they prove me wrong. Gabriel was out there, and he`s out there somewhere and we`re hoping to find him.


GRACE: Let`s stop and remember Army Staff Sergeant Darren Hubbell, 38, Tifton, Georgia, killed in Iraq on a fourth tour. Awarded the bronze star and purple heart. Lost his life five months after getting married. A true army man, served 13 years, a history buff, loved U.S. gators, singing, playing tuba, drums, guitar, computer games. His passion -- his family. Leaves behind grieving parents Darlene and Gary, brothers Jared and Chad, both serving the navy. Widow, Dana. Three sons, one serving Iraq. Daughter, Marina. Darren Hubbell, American hero.

Thanks to our guests but our biggest thank you is to you for being with us. And tonight, a special good night from the New York control room. Good night, Brett, Eva (ph). There`s the man, Dean Suckelly (ph), Norm.

Everyone, I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on February 16, 2010, 08:30:42 AM


Misty Croslin Speaks to Family Members From Behind Bars

Aired February 15, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: A 5-year-old Florida girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. Last person to see her alive, new stepmother, 18-year-old Misty Croslin, who takes to the airwaves to claim she`s innocent. But even in one brief interview, she can`t keep her story straight, including a 180 on a lie detector she flunked. After Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and baby-sitter-turned-stepmom Misty Croslin both handcuffed, arrested, booked, Cummings talks first. Stepmother Misty Croslin does the same.

Tonight, we discover more jailhouse tapes, video and audio, hours of Croslin yakking, including visits with Mommy, Daddy, brother, grandparents, and it`s all on video.



LISA CROSLIN, MISTY`S MOTHER: She said she would, and she`s going to send you some money.

MISTY CROSLIN: OK. Mom, I want out of here!

LISA CROSLIN: I know you want out, baby. I know it.

MISTY CROSLIN: I want out so bad!


MISTY CROSLIN: Have you heard that my bond was -- got lowered or anything?

LISA CROSLIN: Yes, they took it from $100,000 to $50,000, or something like that.

MISTY CROSLIN: So it`s at $50,000 now?

LISA CROSLIN: Art Harris called yesterday and said somebody in Nevada was trying to come up with the money to get you out.

MISTY CROSLIN: OK. Tell him...

LISA CROSLIN: (INAUDIBLE) willing to do it.

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. Yes. Yes. Do you know how long? Can you keep calling him and asking him?

LISA CROSLIN: Yes, he`s going to keep in contact with us.

MISTY CROSLIN: Man, I miss you guys. I`m stuck in this one little cell all the time.

LISA CROSLIN: I know, baby. It`s hard, ain`t it.

MISTY CROSLIN: It is hard! Just they won`t even let me do anything!

LISA CROSLIN: They`re not going to let you out in population?

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t know.

LISA CROSLIN: Have you asked them?

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. They said give it a couple days maybe.

I hope you guys can get me out.

LISA CROSLIN: I hope we can, too, baby. Do you get to watch TV?

MISTY CROSLIN: At 6:00 o`clock. Barely can see it. I have to lay my thing on the floor so I can see the TV because they have the TV facing the wrong way so we can`t see it.

LISA CROSLIN: You watch anything recently?

MISTY CROSLIN: No. What was on?

LISA CROSLIN: Ron was doing a thing on there last night stating that you was his ex-wife and his friend only, that he had a girlfriend.


LISA CROSLIN: That`s what he was saying.

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t care.


MISTY CROSLIN: It sucks, man. I hope I don`t have to be here forever. Do you know how long Art Harris said that when (INAUDIBLE) people are going to bond me out?

LISA CROSLIN: He didn`t say. He just wanted to know if we was willing for them to do it, and I told him yes.

MISTY CROSLIN: Did he say it was a for sure thing?

LISA CROSLIN: He didn`t say for sure. He just said that he knows people in Nevada that was trying to get your bond (INAUDIBLE)

MISTY CROSLIN: You need to keep on him, be, like, Get her out.

LISA CROSLIN: Don`t worry. Every time he calls, I`m going to get onto him. I just wish I could get you out!

MISTY CROSLIN: I know. It`s $50,000 now? So what`s 10 percent of $50,000?

LISA CROSLIN: I think $10,000.

MISTY CROSLIN: So I need $10,000 to get out?


Oh, God, baby, I miss you so much!

MISTY CROSLIN: You guys are going to come see me every -- did you guys -- what about Talent?

LISA CROSLIN: I called Talent and Talent said he don`t think he can come up here.


LISA CROSLIN: I don`t know. He didn`t tell me why. Lindsey (ph) talked to him.

MISTY CROSLIN: So he`s not going to come visit me?

LISA CROSLIN: I don`t think so.

MISTY CROSLIN: What about write me?

LISA CROSLIN: He said he`d try (INAUDIBLE)

MISTY CROSLIN: When are you guys sending mine out?

LISA CROSLIN: I sent yours out today.


LISA CROSLIN: Grandma sent -- Grandma sent you one yesterday.



LISA CROSLIN: I saw Tina at Spinner`s, and she said she doesn`t not have your stuff.

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, she does! It was in her car!

LISA CROSLIN: She said she don`t have it, that you had everything with you.

MISTY CROSLIN: No! It was in her car. When I got arrested, my camera, my phone, my I.D., my wallet was all in her car.

LISA CROSLIN: The police didn`t take it from her?

MISTY CROSLIN: No! She pulled off!

LISA CROSLIN: She`s not going to let me have it, then.



MISTY CROSLIN: I`m going to. I`m sorry. I was cussing.

LISA CROSLIN: Don`t get in trouble, baby.



MISTY CROSLIN: I`m not going to. I didn`t mean that. I was just mad.


MISTY CROSLIN: All right. I hope that people get me out of here.

LISA CROSLIN: I hope they do, too.

MISTY CROSLIN: You guys, Art Harris -- Art Harris can get ahold of Cobra, too, because Cobra said he`d bond me out, too. I got...

LISA CROSLIN: Well, I`ll tell your dad.

MISTY CROSLIN: I got 49 minutes.

LISA CROSLIN: I`ll try to get -- I`ll try to get Cobra`s number myself.


LISA CROSLIN: I have it in my wallet.

MISTY CROSLIN: We have 49 minutes.

LISA CROSLIN: I`ll let you go and let Daddy come in, OK?

MISTY CROSLIN: OK. I love you.

LISA CROSLIN: I love you, too!

MISTY CROSLIN: I see Austin and Lindsey.

LISA CROSLIN: You see Austin and Lindsey?


LISA CROSLIN: Do you see Tommy?

MISTY CROSLIN: They`re -- oh, you can`t see them yet. Is she talking to Tommy?


MISTY CROSLIN: Mama, he needs to...

LISA CROSLIN: How do you see Tommy, Austin and Lindsey?

MISTY CROSLIN: Oh, I thought I just seen them walk behind you.

LISA CROSLIN: Oh, you probably did. That`s going into the monitor.

MISTY CROSLIN: Oh. I got 52 minutes and 44 seconds.


MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. Do you see it on the bottom of the screen?


MISTY CROSLIN: Oh, OK. Well, I can see it.

LISA CROSLIN: Well, make sure when it`s, like, 3:30, let me know...


LISA CROSLIN: ... so I can go get Dad.


LISA CROSLIN: So he can come in.

HANK CROSLIN, MISTY`S FATHER: What are you doing, baby? Oh, don`t start crying, please!

MISTY CROSLIN: I want out of here, Daddy!

HANK CROSLIN: I know. I wish I could get you out. I don`t know. He said there were some people in Nevada wanted to bond you out, but you know, I don`t know. I believe you`re trying, baby, but -- they reduced your bond, I guess. How`re you doing? I love you.


HANK CROSLIN: Not really good. Can you see me?

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. Can you see me?

HANK CROSLIN: Yes. You still in the cell by yourself?


HANK CROSLIN: To see each other -- I mean, you can talk to other people?


HANK CROSLIN: I can`t handle it. We`re -- me and your mom is in a predicament ourselves now. Lindsey`s moving. Lindsey`s moving, and you know, we don`t really got nowheres to go right now. Got no wheels to get around.


HANK CROSLIN: No, Talent won`t. I don`t want nothing to do with Talent. We`re going to rent us a place. I mean, just -- I just don`t know what`s going to happen, you know? I`m only on unemployment. I got to get some wheels to get some -- get some wheels to get -- or try to find me some work.


HANK CROSLIN: Oh, I know it`s hard. It`s hard for me to have you both locked up. Now, Misty, don`t -- don`t be -- don`t by lying about nothing because all it`s going to do is bury you deeper.


HANK CROSLIN: What`d your ma say to you?


HANK CROSLIN: Somebody suggested that they was trying to come up with some money or something, but Art Harris is just looking for a story. Don`t worry. I mean, if somebody`ll bond you out, that`s fine. I mean, I`m all for it, but...


HANK CROSLIN: All I know Misty is you guys need to get to the truth and get (EXPLETIVE DELETED) over with.

They say you sold -- sold over 300 pills to the undercover.

MISTY CROSLIN: But I didn`t sell them the whole time. I didn`t sell them -- you know, I mean, I was with the people, but I think some of my charges are going to get dropped.

HANK CROSLIN: How many times you do it yourself?

MISTY CROSLIN: Eight times.

HANK CROSLIN: How many times did you do it yourself?

MISTY CROSLIN: Eight to nine.

HANK CROSLIN: Told you to stay away from that stupid (EXPLETIVE DELETED). Told you.

MISTY CROSLIN: When I get out, I`m going to go back with you guys every day.

HANK CROSLIN: Our lives -- our lives are so screwed up here.

Oh, I know. We don`t get our (EXPLETIVE DELETED) took care of, me and your mom be sitting in there for however long. You mom`s going to have to -- she don`t get her -- all her probation done, she`ll be doing 18 months. I go to court on the...


HANK CROSLIN: I go home to court on the 18th.


HANK CROSLIN: Yes, February.


HANK CROSLIN: A hundred and fifty thousand. So take -- so it`s right around probably about $12,000, maybe $15,000 to get you out. I only got -- I only got a couple more weeks left over there, and I have to be out. Lindsey`s moving out this week sometime, so I don`t know how that`s going to work out. I mean, when I get it straightened out, I`ll get some minutes put on the phone, but you ain`t going to get a call every day. And Timmy told...


HANK CROSLIN: No, he said to keep on trying every day. As soon as he can, he`s going to get some minutes put on there.


HANK CROSLIN: Terrible, baby. God, I hate this. I don`t want to lose either one of you guys.


HANK CROSLIN: If you guys had something to do with...




HANK CROSLIN: Yes, but that right there doesn`t matter. The dude (ph) Haleigh case is a whole different ballgame.


HANK CROSLIN: I don`t understand why you didn`t come forward before.


HANK CROSLIN: Yes. Damn you, man. You had to go...


HANK CROSLIN: I know, baby. I`m going crazy myself.

yes, they`re messing with him, too. Some of the inmates was hollering (EXPLETIVE DELETED) to him. Where`s that little baby at?


HANK CROSLIN: Oh, you`re in there by yourself? Everybody got the cell by -- everybody in there?


HANK CROSLIN: The whole place is like that? You better watch, them other people will try to hurt you.


GRACE: Next, more of Croslin, Misty Croslin, jailhouse tapes.


GRACE: On secret jailhouse tapes, baby-sitter-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin begins to crack behind bars, desperate, sobbing to get out of jail now, admitting to repeat drug sales, even ratting out her own brother on a felony. This as claims come from behind bars her drug deals are to blame for 5-year-old Haleigh`s disappearance.


LISA CROSLIN: I miss your pretty face.

MISTY CROSLIN: Don`t cry. What do you think they`re going to give me?

LISA CROSLIN: I don`t know, baby. I don`t know.


LISA CROSLIN: I`m so scared!

MISTY CROSLIN: They can`t keep me forever, though, really, Mom. Really, they can`t.

LISA CROSLIN: No, they can`t, baby.

MISTY CROSLIN: And when I get out, I`m like -- I`m moving up to Mass and you guys are coming. We`re leaving Florida.

LISA CROSLIN: Oh, don`t worry. As soon as you get out, we`re leaving. We`re going up there. You just hang in and keep your head up.

MISTY CROSLIN: I do. I just want them to hurry up and do whatever they`re going to do so I can get it done and over with, you know?

LISA CROSLIN: I called the court, and they don`t have a court date for you.

MISTY CROSLIN: Not yet. Well, just -- I want you to keep calling. I want you to keep calling this jail, too, and ask -- tell them it`s not right that I`m in lockdown and stuff.

LISA CROSLIN: I will. I will. When did they get your phone...


LISA CROSLIN: I will. I promise.



HANK CROSLIN: What`re you doing, Sissy?


HANK CROSLIN: I thought you didn`t want to cry.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m not trying to cry. Mom got me crying. I`m OK.



HANK CROSLIN: Did they put you out in the population yet?

MISTY CROSLIN: No, they still got me locked down.

HANK CROSLIN: I don`t think it`s a good idea for you to go out there.

MISTY CROSLIN: Everybody`s nice to me, though, Dad. Nobody bothers me. Really, everybody`s real sweet to me and nice to me.

HANK CROSLIN: Until you get out there.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m tired of being by myself.

We didn`t deserve this!

HANK CROSLIN: Oh, I know it. We just need to find Haleigh.


HANK CROSLIN: That`s what we need to do.


HANK CROSLIN: If we can find Haleigh, we`d all -- it`d be better for everybody.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know. I`ve been -- I`ve been -- I sit and wonder every day, thinking, just trying to go back and just think if I missed anything. I do, every day! And it`s just -- it`s not, Dad. There`s nothing! I`m telling you, it`s hard.

Oh, DCF came over the other day.


MISTY CROSLIN: DCF come in here the other day to talk to me about Ronald.


MISTY CROSLIN: DCF. They asked me about Ronald`s drug habit and about my drug habit and a lot of stupid (EXPLETIVE DELETED).


MISTY CROSLIN: I said Ronald was a good father. He was a good father. I mean, just because he had a drug habit doesn`t mean he wasn`t a good father.

HANK CROSLIN: He did? You didn`t have -- you really didn`t have a drug problem.


HANK CROSLIN: You just did it every once in a while.

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, and barely, and I didn`t -- it wasn`t even like that. I didn`t even like pills barely, you know? When I got my prescription, he got my whole prescription of pills because I didn`t take them.

When Haleigh`s found, I will be let out of jail because that`s the only reason they`re keeping me in here, the only reason they set me up, because of all that stuff. And that`s why my bond is so high. And it`s not right.

Ronald`s family`s not as good as everybody thinks they are. They all take pills. They all use -- you know, it -- come on, now. We`re not the only bad people. We ain`t bad people.

HANK CROSLIN: No, we`re just stupid.


MISTY CROSLIN: But they think, Oh, Ronald Cummings`s family is so good. They all take pills. They all do (EXPLETIVE DELETED), every last one of them.

HANK CROSLIN: Yes, the whole world does them. They need to go after the doctors because pretty much, you just -- if you go to a doctor, you pretty much tell him what you want and he gives it to you.


So what have you guys been doing? How`s...

HANK CROSLIN: Just laying around, worrying about you guys, watching that stupid Nancy Grace lady. I don`t even like watching her. I hate that lady.

MISTY CROSLIN: We don`t watch it in here, thank God. (INAUDIBLE)

HANK CROSLIN: She`s stupid. She don`t even know what she`s talking about half the time.

MISTY CROSLIN: She doesn`t.

HANK CROSLIN: Well, she says stuff and she don`t know what she`s talking about.

MISTY CROSLIN: She says we eat better than her.

HANK CROSLIN: Yes. She found three chicken McNuggets in her car (INAUDIBLE) found three chicken McNuggets in your car. You old lying lady! She`s supposed to be a Christian lady, too. She ain`t no Christian lady.

MISTY CROSLIN: Nancy Grace is silly. She don`t eat better than us.


MISTY CROSLIN: We don`t eat better than her.

HANK CROSLIN: She`s a stupid lady.

MISTY CROSLIN: See, this is going to be on TV, too.

HANK CROSLIN: Nancy Grace is +++++. Put that on there.



MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t care.

HANK CROSLIN: They`re already trying to make you all look like a bad person.

MISTY CROSLIN: She won`t play that. Because I said that, she will not play that.

HANK CROSLIN: Just don`t let her get to us. I know.

MISTY CROSLIN: I ain`t letting her get to me. I don`t care what she has to say. I don`t care what anybody else has to say about me because I...

HANK CROSLIN: I do. I don`t want them to think that my family had anything to do with that because I know my family. Ain`t none of us that cold-hearted.

MISTY CROSLIN: Of course we`re not, Daddy.

HANK CROSLIN: We love children too much.



GRACE: On newly released jailhouse tapes, Misty Croslin cracks behind bars, sobbing, desperate to get out of jail now. It`s all about me, me, me, me, me, me, even admitting to repeat drug sales, ratting out her own brother on a felony.

Now claims come from behind bars it was her drug deals to blame for Haleigh`s disappearance. But why? Then Croslin reveals she`s got information she plans to use to get out of jail. Police convinced Misty Croslin the key to Haleigh`s disappearance, especially since evidence emerges Croslin did not want to be bothered baby-sitting the night Haleigh disappears.



MISTY CROSLIN: Grandma, I love you! Can you please accept my phone call?


MISTY CROSLIN: Will you accept to talk to me, please?

GRANDMOTHER: I`m talking to you, honey.

MISTY CROSLIN: Grandma, I don`t want to be in here!

GRANDMOTHER: Misty, I know you don`t. I don`t want you in there, honey, but there`s -- we do -- we kept telling you, honey, to stay away from that stuff. You can`t do that.

MISTY CROSLIN: I need someone to try to bail me out!

GRANDMOTHER: I have no money. Your dad owes me money. Now I can`t even pay my -- my payment for my house insurance -- or not insurance but...

MISTY CROSLIN: Can you get ahold of Dad and tell him to put some minutes on my phone so they can talk to me and come down and visit me?

GRANDMOTHER: I can`t get ahold of him, either. He don`t have a phone. He calls me.

MISTY CROSLIN: When he -- when he calls you, will you please tell him to...


MISTY CROSLIN: Because I really can`t handle this, Grandma!

GRANDMOTHER: I know you couldn`t, and I -- I wish there was something could be done, but...

MISTY CROSLIN: I just need to get bailed out!

GRANDMOTHER: The money that they want to bail you out, there`s nobody got that kind of...



MISTY CROSLIN: Get Cobra. You know he`ll get me out. I got some information that I`ll give to him if he gets me out.

CHELSEA CROSLIN, MISTY`S SISTER-IN-LAW: I know, but that`s why your lawyer`s scared. He doesn`t want -- he called me last night and he said, Chelsea, I don`t want Cobra to get ahold of Misty because I think all`s he`s going to do is -- is interrogate the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) out of her, like he did Nene and throw her back in jail, he says. So I`m working on it.

MISTY CROSLIN: So my lawyer`s trying to...


MISTY CROSLIN: My lawyer`s trying to get me out?

CHELSEA CROSLIN: Yes. He`s, like, I`m going to -- I want to get her out before Cobra can get her out. He`s, like, Because I don`t want Cobra to get her.



HANK CROSLIN: Who was you (INAUDIBLE) getting all these (EXPLETIVE DELETED) pills from?

MISTY CROSLIN: I know, man. It sucks. I should have listened to you.

HANK CROSLIN: Told you don`t be getting into that (EXPLETIVE DELETED) game, man. I told it wasn`t no good.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know, Daddy.

HANK CROSLIN: Now you`re brother`s (EXPLETIVE DELETED) and you`re (EXPLETIVE DELETED), and I can`t handle it, man.

MISTY CROSLIN: It`s OK. I`m going to -- Dad, it`s going to be OK. I will get out. They`re not going to keep me forever.

LISA CROSLIN: I don`t want you in there at all!

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, but you know, what -- I got to learn the lesson. I`m OK, you guys. I`m really OK. I`m doing fine. I mean, I hate being here. Of course I do. Robert Fields is trying to bond me out right now. He`s trying to get me out, but if he doesn`t, then I`ll -- you know, I`ll be here. There`s nothing I can do about it.


GRACE: When we come back, more of baby-sitter-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin`s secret jailhouse tapes.


GRACE: After Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and baby-sitter turned stepmother, Misty Croslin, are handcuffed, arrested, booked, Cummings talks first. Stepmother Misty Croslin follows suit.

Tonight, even more jailhouse tapes, video and audio, hours of Croslin talking away. Hours of visits with mommy, daddy, grandma, brother, all on video.

At this hour, investigators combing the tapes for evidence that may help find Haleigh.




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hey, baby. What are you doing?

MISTY CROSLIN: Don`t cry, because you`re going to make me cry and I can`t handle it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I`m scared for you.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know. It`s OK. I need you to go over to Tina`s and get my cell phone and stuff and my camera and wallet and everything. And I want you both to come visit me.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s got to be approved because I don`t know, probation they have to approve who can come and see you.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We got no gas money.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And we ain`t got no gas right now, but they did approve me, and we`re going to get up there one day this week hopefully.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I love you, baby.

MISTY CROSLIN: Because I really to see you, guys.


MISTY CROSLIN: I said I really want to see you guys.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I`m coming to see you, I promise. OK?

MISTY CROSLIN: OK. I mean I can talk for 15 minutes, but.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. I love you. You dad wants to say something.

MISTY CROSLIN: OK. I love you, too.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How you doing, baby?

MISTY CROSLIN: Hanging in there.


MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, I`m doing alright.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Your brother`s taking it pretty hard.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tommy`s taking it pretty hard.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Because he`s away from his baby and he`s going to prison.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know. I am too.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I know. Hope not.

MISTY CROSLIN: I hope not, too. We`ll see though.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: God, I hope and pray not. I wish you would have just listened to your dad.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know. I wish I would have to. You don`t even know. I think about that all the time. But you know what? I got to learn from my own mistakes.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, that`s right. And you know better than to do it again?

MISTY CROSLIN: I will never. When I get out of here, I will not do anything. I`m not smoking cigarettes. I`m not smoking weed. I`m not doing nothing anymore. I`m going to be good.

I`m going to -- if I go to prison. I`m going to get my GED, I`m going to do what I have to do and when I get out, I`m going to do the right thing and stay with my mom and my dad and not leave them ever again.


MISTY CROSLIN: I love you, too. You`re not hanging up until 15 minutes is over.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I`m not, baby, I promise.




MISTY CROSLIN: Bubba, can you please try to get me out?

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: We`re working on it right now, baby sis.

MISTY CROSLIN: How? Who`s working on it?

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: I think your lawyer`s working on getting you out.

MISTY CROSLIN: Do you know how long?


MISTY CROSLIN: Do you know how long?


MISTY CROSLIN: You got income tax?

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: Even with my income tax, Sis, I still couldn`t get you out. You`re at a million dollar bond. Half that.

MISTY CROSLIN: But 10 percent would be $9,500.


MISTY CROSLIN: I`m OK, like, you know, I don`t like being in St. Johns County because it sucks.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How long are you locked down a day?

MISTY CROSLIN: All, but I get out two times a days for an hour. I had (INAUDIBLE) my health today so they`re going to be giving me some Zoloft or something. Some Prozac or something for my nerves and (EXPLETIVE DELETED). And she`s going to get out of lockdown. She said maybe I might be out of here tomorrow.


MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. Leonard Padilla or somebody`s trying to get out of jail or something like that?



MISTY CROSLIN: But Robert doesn`t want him to because they`re just going to revoke my bond if I don`t give them what they want.


MISTY CROSLIN: But I was told that he was in the process of doing something, too. Do you know that before they can bond me out, I have to go in front of the judge and make sure it`s not (EXPLETIVE DELETED) drug money?


MISTY CROSLIN: Tommy, too. All of us. Dude, you guys have to send me some money. I`m so hungry.

CHELSEA MISTY CROSLIN: OK. I promise. As soon as we -- hopefully we`ll get our taxes on our card tomorrow. And we`ll send at least $100.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m so hungry. They don`t feed you anything. I`m just so hungry.

C. MISTY CROSLIN: God, she`s (EXPLETIVE DELETED) hungry. They`re starving her. Hold on. Here`s Tim.



TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: Hey, Sis. How you doing?

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m hungry. We get to eat at four in the morning. We get to eat 11:30 and then we eat at four again in the afternoon. And that`s all we get to eat.


MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. I be eating it because I be hungry.

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: You got to do what you got to do to survive.

MISTY CROSLIN: I just want some (EXPLETIVE DELETED) good food. I`m going to prison, I`m telling you.


MISTY CROSLIN: Eight trafficking charges.


MISTY CROSLIN: I have eight trafficking charges.

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: how long you think you`re going to do?

MISTY CROSLIN: About 21 years.

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: No. You`re not going to do 21 years.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m going to prison to. Donna is going to prison. Ronald is going to prison. We`re all going to prison, Tim. Unless I can come out and tell them something.


MISTY CROSLIN: Unless I come out and tell them something, that`s the only way I`m not going.

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: Well, what do you know, sis?

MISTY CROSLIN: Tim, I don`t.

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: You don`t know nothing?

MISTY CROSLIN: No, Bubba. Have you guys talk to Robert Fields at all?

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, we talked to him a couple of times.

MISTY CROSLIN: What is he saying?

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t want to say on the phone.

MISTY CROSLIN: Am I getting a long time?


MISTY CROSLIN: Am I getting a long time?

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: No. It`s not -- nothing about that. I can`t talk on the phone, Misty, about it because it`s recorded and he doesn`t want no one to know.

MISTY CROSLIN: I got to be strong about this, you know?


MISTY CROSLIN: I`ll be alright, Bubba. I`ll get out eventually. And I`ll be alright. This is a lesson, you know what I mean?


MISTY CROSLIN: I`m learning a lesson. I shouldn`t have did what I did. But it`s not my fault, because I shouldn`t be getting charged with all eight of them anyways.

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: I mean, who met this dude?

MISTY CROSLIN: John called me and asked if I could get it for him and I said, sure, you know? And then me and Ronald started doing it, and then Tommy did a couple of ones. And then, yes.

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: Misty, where was you when they got you?

MISTY CROSLIN: At Spinner`s.

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: At Spinner`s? By yourself.

MISTY CROSLIN: No, Ronald. It was me and Ronald. I got eight counts, Timmy. I got eight of them. How come I`m being charged with all eight?

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: You guys were just taking the guy to give some pills, right?

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. It wasn`t like weed, you know what I mean?

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: Whatever man. They`re (EXPLETIVE DELETED) just (EXPLETIVE DELETED) stupid. They wanted to get you. And then you (EXPLETIVE DELETED) up and they got you.

MISTY CROSLIN: Call Cobra. Cobra said he`s bail me out.

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: I know. And Cobra is trying to do it and your lawyer`s trying to do it right now, sis.

MISTY CROSLIN: So how long? When is Cobra going to come and get me out?

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t know. I don`t know. I`m just hearing this from (EXPLETIVE DELETED) your lawyer and who told you about Cobra?

MISTY CROSLIN: My lawyer said that he said that -- T.J. Hart`s thing.



MISTY CROSLIN: Robert says he has $5,000 so far?

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: He said that he -- Chelsea said that he said he`s $5,000 short from getting you out.

MISTY CROSLIN: So we need -- come on. I know you guys got families. Chelsea`s got family, please look.


MISTY CROSLIN: I know Chelsea`s got family, you guys all -- please get me out of here.

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: Misty, I`m trying, honey. I mean I hate seeing you in there, but there`s no one that`s going to give us (EXPLETIVE DELETED) $5,000 like that.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`ll pay it back.

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: I know. Don`t worry. You got to keep your head up, Misty. You got to stay strong, sis. They ain`t going to get you -- you`re not going to be in there forever. I mean there`s a possible that you could end up doing a couple of years, though.

MISTY CROSLIN: Did Chelsea got a hold of Cobra?

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: No. We haven`t got a hold of Cobra. But (EXPLETIVE DELETED) I forget who we heard from. Lindsay`s Lindsay, the girl that she used to go to school with in the white Grand Am, the white car with her? You knew her? Jennifer (EXPLETIVE DELETED). She`s the one who said that. Something, Cobra is trying to raise enough money to get you and Tommy both out of jail. Then I heard your lawyer was $5,000 short from getting you out of jail.

MISTY CROSLIN: I seen him yesterday.

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t know. Why in the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) would you guys be doing that, man?

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t know. I`m locked down 24/7. I get out not even an hour. They just put me on some medicine. Thera-tex or something. For my nerves. And it`s (EXPLETIVE DELETED) made me cold all day. You can`t -- o yes, another thing, you can`t use your blanket during the day.





GRACE: Tonight, jailhouse tapes just released. Video and audio. Hours of Misty Croslin breaking down during visits with mommy, daddy, grandma, brother. All secretly caught on tape.

At this hour, investigators combing the video and auto for evidence that may help find Haleigh.


CHELSEA MISTY CROSLIN: You`re not going to go away for that many years. They do have evidence on you. You know trafficking. But you`re a first-time offender and you -- you know, you can prove that you wouldn`t have been doing that if you weren`t just trying to help out a friend.

You weren`t trafficking. You were helping a friend get a -- you know, pills that he said he needed. So whatever, simple, OK?

MISTY CROSLIN: But that was an FBI, that was a cop.

CHELSEA MISTY CROSLIN: I know. I know, Misty. But it`s OK. Just focus on yourself. Keep going to church, doing what you`re doing, your lawyer`s working on it.



CUMMINGS: Sucks it`s like this.

NEVES: Yes, it does. I hate it.


NEVES: Promise?

CUMMINGS: Yes, I`ll be home soon.

NEVES: Promise?

CUMMINGS: I don`t want to make a promise I can`t keep but.

NEVES: Don`t you have something to tell me?


NEVES: Don`t you have something to tell me?

CUMMINGS: That I love you?

NEVES: No --



NEVES: I don`t know. You said you had something to tell us.

CUMMINGS: No. Not really. I really don`t --

NEVES: Think she`s going to talk? Do you think she`s going to talk?

CUMMINGS: Well, this is between me and you, and whoever is listening to our recording, but, you know, they shouldn`t -- the cops are not just going to run out and tell nobody. If they do then they`re going to have the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) FDLE to deal with.

Anyway, so after that maybe they`ll do that recording, and the reason why they done it is because they went to the jail and was talking to her, and Jason said, man, I`ve never seen her cry. Real tears, you know, she always -- you know, has to jerk a tear out.

Jason said no, man, this (EXPLETIVE DELETED) was like pouring, and you know when it started? And I said when? He said when we started talking about you. Being locked up. And losing Junior.

He said she didn`t give two (EXPLETIVE DELETED) about her brother, her mama, her daddy, nobody. When I talked about you, being locked up, she started pouring them. And they were real. So.

He said and she said -- she was so proud to show everybody her tattoo, see, it says Ronald Sr.

NEVES: They made a big deal about that on all the TVs and everything. I said you got Misty in that cell over there which nobody else would do.

CUMMINGS: Nobody else could do.

NEVES: Yes. So you know, you`re just -- I`m very proud of you. Don`t you let anybody tell you that I`m not.

CUMMINGS: Well, the way I see it, I already told you.

NEVES: Yes, I know.

CUMMINGS: If one of the two of them, the whole time we figured it`s got to be one of the two of them. If it`s one of the two of them, then they got it pinned in a corner now because Crystal could wait six or eight months, she just pops up over here or wherever in Texas and move to Montana, whatever. You know and -- or the worst, so, either way we`ll know.

NEVES: Well, you just hang in there, baby. What are crying for, sweetheart?

CUMMINGS: Because I wish I knew where my daughter was.

NEVES: I know, honey. But we`ll find her. You know? One way or the other, like you said, one of them is going to mess up, so we`re going to find her.



TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: Chelsea said that she wants to know if she -- if you want her with the taxes to pay back or to spend it on bills or to come up here. That`s what Chelsea said.

TOMMY MISTY CROSLIN: She needs to hold on to it for a minute and see if I get my bonds reduced, man, so I can get out of here.

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, because I heard someone`s supposed to be trying to get you out.

TOMMY MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, so she need to hold on to that (EXPLETIVE DELETED) money, because, you know, I got $700 of bond I can pay to get out and then I got to -- they go to drop the other bond down. I got two, three charges and two charges are (EXPLETIVE DELETED).


TOMMY MISTY CROSLIN: Burglary of a dwelling and (EXPLETIVE DELETED) grand theft from a dwelling. I didn`t (EXPLETIVE DELETED) burglarize (EXPLETIVE DELETED). Prove it.

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: And you know they might (EXPLETIVE DELETED) I don`t know if they did or not, but they might have (EXPLETIVE DELETED) questioned Lindsey about it. Does Lindsey know anything about it?

TOMMY MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t know. I don`t do (EXPLETIVE DELETED). Prove it. You got fingerprints?

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: even if Lindsey did, she can`t testify against you.

TOMMY MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t care if she does or not. They can`t prove (EXPLETIVE DELETED). Find some fingerprints, I didn`t do (EXPLETIVE DELETED).

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, I don`t see you breaking into (EXPLETIVE DELETED) houses. Come on. The (EXPLETIVE DELETED) cops are just out to get you guys for (EXPLETIVE DELETED) -- to get you guys for you guys -- try to make you guys squeeze.

You know (EXPLETIVE DELETED), you know who`s the one that set you guys all up?


TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: The one that we gave John and Linda. That`s who introduced Misty to the guy that (EXPLETIVE DELETED) --


TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: The undercover. So it isn`t Misty`s -- it is not Misty`s fault. I don`t think he -- I don`t know. You got that gun charge. You might end up serving (EXPLETIVE DELETED) a couple of years, bro.

TOMMY MISTY CROSLIN: I know. Three years probably. Maybe. I hope not. You ain`t heard from Misty?

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, she called us about 1:00.



TOMMY MISTY CROSLIN: I hope she don`t call the house.

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: No, I told her not to. She said she`s not going to. I said there was only one call left so Tommy needs to talk to Lindsey. She said she`s not. You know, but (EXPLETIVE DELETED) -- Misty wants to know are you on the third floor, second floor?

TOMMY MISTY CROSLIN: I`m on the same floor as her, I`m on the third floor.

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: She`s on the third floor, too.

TOMMY MISTY CROSLIN: All I know is if she keeps making up all these lies, I`m not going to have nothing to do with her. It`s (EXPLETIVE DELETED) she`s trying to (EXPLETIVE DELETED) to put me in the middle of something I don`t know nothing about.

They ain`t got nothing to get you on, you can come up, dude. (INAUDIBLE)

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: I know but it`s just bad timing, dude, because Chelsea`s cleared of suspect, I`m not.

TOMMY MISTY CROSLIN: Oh well, you didn`t do nothing wrong, they can`t nothing to you. They can`t. They got to have proof, dude, and you didn`t do nothing anyway because they ain`t never going to be any proof.

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: I know, but look, do you think any of this (EXPLETIVE DELETED) would have happened to you if this (EXPLETIVE DELETED) wasn`t going on in our lives about Haleigh?

TOMMY MISTY CROSLIN: No. Hell no. How long did I do stuff before that and nothing happened?

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: I know. That`s what I`m saying so. I just think they`re just out to get us. That`s what I mean. You know what I mean?

TOMMY MISTY CROSLIN: I know they are. But I think this time -- this time all this entrapment and stuff, they weren`t after me. They were after Misty and Ronald. I just got caught up in the middle of it because of my damn sister.




CUMMINGS: Because I wish I knew where my daughter was.

NEVES: I know, honey, but we`ll find her. You know? One way or the other, like you said, one of them is going to mess up, so we`re going to find her.

MISTY CROSLIN: I hope you guys can get me out.

HANK CROSLIN: They say you sold -- sold over 300 pills to the undercover.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`ve been the one -- the main focus. They just need to move on and look for the right person.

CUMMINGS: If I found whoever has my daughter before you all do, I`m killing him. I don`t care. I`ll spend the rest of my life in prison. I`m telling you. You can put it on recording. I don`t care.

Maybe I`m a mistake you wish you had never made, huh?


NEVES: That`s the craziest thing I`ve ever heard. You`re one of my proudest moments. And your sister is the other. I love the two of you more than life.

MISTY CROSLIN: Man, I miss you guys. I`m stuck in this one little cell all the time. They just won`t even let me do anything.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Misty said she`s going in general population. She`s crazy.

TOMMY CROSLIN: Yes, she -- Misty is going to get her little butt kicked. If she goes into general population, them girls are going to have their way with her.

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: I know, but look, do you think any of this (EXPLETIVE DELETED) would have happened to you if this (EXPLETIVE DELETED) wasn`t going on in our lives about Haleigh?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But Misty -- when that girl could have possibly died from some of that (EXPLETIVE DELETED), Donna?

HANK CROSLIN: What are you doing, baby? No, don`t start crying please. I know. I wish I could get you out.

MISTY CROSLIN: 3:00 in the morning, I got up and -- I got up because I had to use the bathroom. I see the kitchen light on. And I walked to the kitchen and the back door is wide open. Haleigh`s gone. And she`s gone.

Please try to get me out of here.

CHELSEA CROSLIN: I know. We`re going to work on it. I promise.

MISTY CROSLIN: Get Cobra. You know he`ll get me out.

CUMMINGS: Man, if Misty has something to do with it, you know what she`s looking at? 114 years.

MISTY CROSLIN: I swear to God, (INAUDIBLE) I woke up and she`s gone. And that door was wide open.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, SPENT TIME WITH MISSING HALEIGH`S FAMILY: Here`s the back screened door, the one that was propped open with the cinder block, OK? Now did you see when it close it slams, it makes a loud noise? But if you leave this door, this slowly closes as well.

MISTY CROSLIN: Call Cobra. Cobra said he`s bail me out.

TIMMY MISTY CROSLIN: I know. And Cobra is trying to do it and your lawyer`s trying to do it right now.


GRACE: Let`s stop and remember Army Sergeant Shin Woo Kim, 23, Fullerton, California, killed Iraq. On a second tour, awarded the Silver Star, Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Army Achievement Medal.

Remembered for contagious laugh and smile. Loved dancing, time with family, friends, poker, basketball, eating at In and Out Burger. Dreamed of attending USC, becoming a pharmacist and backpacking Europe. Leaves behind parents, one brother, one sister.

Shin Woo Kim, American hero.

Thanks to our guests but especially to you. I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern, and until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on February 20, 2010, 09:49:14 AM


Tiger Woods Makes Public Apology; Cops Release Croslin-Cummings Drug Sting Tapes

Aired February 19, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight. Satsuma, Florida, a 5- year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. Last person to see her alive, new stepmother 18-year-old Misty Croslin, who takes to the airwaves, claiming she`s innocent. But even in one brief interview, she can`t keep her stories straight, including a 180 on a lie detector she flunked. Little Haleigh`s own father, Ronald Cummings, and baby-sitter-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin both handcuffed, arrested, booked. Charges? Drug trafficking.

Bombshell tonight. Tonight, we obtain secret undercover surveillance video taken in the police car by pinpoint secret camera. It`s all caught on video -- the sting, repeat drug sales to undercover cops, the conversations, the sales, the takedown. And tonight, we obtain even more secretly recorded jailhouse tapes, hours of Misty Croslin yakking to Mommy, Daddy, Grandma, brother all on video.

But now we see a new and angry Croslin, self-absorbed, demanding to be bailed out, insisting she`ll only talk about Haleigh once she`s out, Croslin concerned only about herself, whining and complaining over and over about lock-up, the food, you name it, even insisting her family forget about the brother in lock-up to just focus on her. Croslin back in court on two more drug charges. Tonight, Misty Croslin`s house of cards caving in as her own mother also arrested. But what we and the cops want are answers. Where is 5-year-old Haleigh?

But first, breaking news tonight. Golf superstar Tiger Woods breaks his silence for the first time since his scandal erupts. After leaving rehab for alleged sex addiction, Woods makes a formal apology to a closed group of well wishers, woods insisting no questions be asked.


TIGER WOODS, PROFESSIONAL GOLFER: Good morning, and thank you for joining me. Many of you in this room are my friends. Many of you in this room know me. Many of you have cheered for me or you`ve worked with me or you`ve supported me.

Now every one of you has good reason to be critical of me. I want to say to each of you simply and directly, I am deeply sorry for my irresponsible and selfish behavior I engaged in.

I know people want to find out how I could be so selfish and so foolish. People want to know how I could have done these things to my wife, Elin, and to my children. And while I have always tried to be a private person, there are some things I want to say.

Elin and I have started the process of discussing the damage caused by my behavior. As Elin pointed out to me, my real apology to her will not come in the form of words, it will come from my behavior over time. We have a lot to discuss. However, what we say to each other will remain between the two of us.

I am also aware of the pain my behavior has caused to those of you in this room. I have let you down and I have let down my fans. For many of you, especially my friends, my behavior has been a personal disappointment. To those of you who work for me, I have let you down personally and professionally. My behavior has caused considerable worry to my business partners.

To everyone involved in my foundation, including my staff, board of directors, sponsors, and most importantly, the young students we reach, our work is more important than ever. Thirteen years ago, my dad and I envisioned helping young people achieve their dreams through education. This work remains unchanged and will continue to grow. From the Learning Center students in Southern California to the Earl Woods scholars in Washington, D.C., millions of kids have changed their lives, and I am dedicated to making sure that continues.

But still, I know I have bitterly disappointed all of you. I have made you question who I am and how I could have done the things I did. I am embarrassed that I have put you in this position.

For all that I have done, I am so sorry. I have a lot to atone for, but there is one issue I really want to discuss. Some people have speculated that Elin somehow hurt or attacked me on Thanksgiving night. It angers me that people would fabricate a story like that. Elin never hit me that night or any other night. There has never been an episode of domestic violence in our marriage, ever. Elin has shown enormous grace and poise throughout this ordeal. Elin deserves praise, not blame.

The issue involved here was my repeated irresponsible behavior. I was unfaithful. I had affairs. I cheated. What I did is not acceptable, and I am the only person to blame. I stopped living by the core values that I was taught to believe in. I knew my actions were wrong, but I convinced myself that normal rules didn`t apply. I never thought about who I was hurting. Instead, I thought only about myself.

I ran straight through the boundaries that a married couple should live by. I thought I could get away with whatever I wanted to. I felt that I had worked hard my entire life and deserved to enjoy all the temptations around me. I felt I was entitled. Thanks to money and fame, I didn`t have to go far to find them.

I was wrong. I was foolish. I don`t get to play by different rules. The same boundaries that apply to everyone apply to me. I brought this shame on myself. I hurt my wife, my kids, my mother, my wife`s family, my friends, my foundation and kids all around the world who admired me.

I`ve had a lot of time to think about what I`ve done. My failures have made me look at myself in a way I never wanted to before. It`s now up to me to make amends, and that starts by never repeating the mistakes I`ve made. It`s up to me to start living a life of integrity.

I once heard, and I believe it`s true, it`s not what you achieve in life that matters, it`s what you overcome. Achievements on the golf course are only part of setting an example. Character and decency are what really count. Parents used to point to me as a role model for their kids. I owe all those families a special apology. I want to say to them that I am truly sorry.

It`s hard to admit that I need help, but I do. For 45 days, from the end of December to early February, I was in in-patient therapy, receiving guidance for the issues I`m facing. I have a long way to go, but I`ve taken my first steps in the right direction.

As I proceed, I understand people have questions. I understand the press wants to ask me for the details of the times I was unfaithful. I understand people want to know whether Elin and I will remain together. Please know that as far as I`m concerned, every one of these questions and answers is a matter between Elin and me. These are issues between a husband and a wife.

Some people have made up things that never happened. They said I used performance-enhancing drugs. This is completely and utterly false. Some have written things about my family. Despite the damage I have done, I still believe it is right to shield my family from the public spotlight. They did not do these things, I did.

I have always tried to maintain a private space for my wife and children. They have been kept separate from my sponsors, my commercial endorsements. When my children were born, we only released photographs so that the paparazzi could not chase them. However, my behavior doesn`t make it right for the media to follow my 2-and-a-half-year-old daughter to school and report the school`s location. They staked out my wife and they pursued my mom. Whatever my wrongdoings, for the sake of my family, please leave my wife and kids alone.

I recognize I have brought this on myself, and I know above all, I am the one who needs to change. I owe it to my family to become a better person. I owe it to those closest to me to become a better man. That`s where my focus will be.

I have a lot of work to do and I intend to dedicate myself to doing it. Part of following this path for me is Buddhism, which my mother taught me at a young age. People probably don`t realize it, but I was raised a Buddhist and I actively practiced my faith from childhood until I drifted away from it in recent years. Buddhism teaches that a craving for things outside ourselves causes an unhappy and pointless search for security. It teaches me to stop following every impulse and to learn restraint. Obviously, I lost track of what I was taught.

As I move forward, I will continue to receive help because I`ve learned that`s how people really do change. Starting tomorrow, I will leave for more treatment and more therapy.

I would like to thank my friends at Accenture and the players in the field this week for understanding why I`m making these remarks today. In therapy, I`ve learned the importance of looking at my spiritual life and keeping in balance with my professional life. I need to regain my balance and be centered so I can save the things that are most important to me, my marriage and my children.

That also means relying on others for help. I`ve learned to seek support from my peers in therapy, and I hope someday to return that support to others who are seeking help. I do plan to return to golf one day. I just don`t know when that day will be. I don`t rule out that it will be this year. When I do return, I need to make my behavior more respectful of the game.

In recent weeks, I have received many thousands of e-mails, letters and phone calls from people expressing good wishes. To everyone who has reached out to me and my family, thank you. Your encouragement means the world to Elin and me. I want to thank the PGA Tour, Commissioner Finchem and the players for their patience and understanding while I work on my private life. I look forward to seeing my fellow players on the course.

Finally, there are many people in this room and there are many people at home who believed in me. Today, I want to ask for your help. I ask you to find room in your heart to one day believe in me again.

Thank you.




MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER: I`m scared. I don`t want to be set up or nothing. I`m, like, I cannot get into trouble for nothing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Not me, especially not with how many pills I have in here right now.

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. Hey, none of them have our names on them.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, man. (EXPLETIVE DELETED). He`s not answering the phone.

MISTY CROSLIN: (INAUDIBLE) are you sure he`s not trying to set you up? I`m, like, Hell, no. I`m, like, dude...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m trying not to go to jail.

MISTY CROSLIN: I said, If he was going to set up up, he`s going to set up up with (DELETED) Roxys, OK? (DELETED) (INAUDIBLE) or whatever, you know what I mean? I was, like, I trust the dude, OK? Not Ronald but, like, my family -- Are you sure he`s not going to set you up?



MISTY CROSLIN: What does Leonard think?

LISA CROSLIN, MISTY`S MOTHER: He`s not saying nothing. He just wants to try to help me and Dad get a house.

MISTY CROSLIN: OK, what did he...

LISA CROSLIN: He didn`t say anything at all. He wants to talk to you. That`s all he says, that he can`t -- he won`t do it -- the only way he`ll do it is if your lawyer`ll let him pay him. That way, everything`s confidential between your lawyer and him.

MISTY CROSLIN: But pay -- pay my lawyer to get me out of here.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Where`s this place at?

MISTY CROSLIN: Right here.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: On the left or right?

MISTY CROSLIN: On the left. Right there.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Oh, this store?

MISTY CROSLIN: And there`s a bathroom, and you go into the bathroom. I`ll be right by the door, so when you come out, I can get him. You got a bag (INAUDIBLE) with?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, they`re already...

MISTY CROSLIN: Oh, they`re already in the bag?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They`re already in the bag.

MISTY CROSLIN: All right. So you don`t have to do nothing like that, just go in there and come out.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (EXPLETIVE DELETED) it`s kind of like a big bag, though.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`ve got my purse.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right. You going to come back over here?



MISTY CROSLIN: Are you going to do it in the store?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, I`m -- I`m going to (INAUDIBLE) in your purse because I don`t want to carry this big-ass bag in there. I ain`t got nowhere to hide it.



GRACE: I want to go straight out to the lawyers. Let`s unleash them all. Eleanor Odom, felony prosecutor, Meg Strickler, defense attorney, and Peter Odom, defense attorney out of Atlanta.

You know, Eleanor, I know that under the law, they are all charged with this because they`re all a party to the crime. Whether they are making the actual drug sale or not, it`s all one kit and kaboodle together. But do you see, as a juror would be looking at it, any difference in the behavior of these secretly recorded videos between Misty Croslin and Ronald Cummings?

ELEANOR ODOM, PROSECUTOR: Well, what we`ve seen so far is Misty`s calling the shots. She`s the one doing the directing, saying, Here, we go in here, we go into the bathroom, you take this bag. So I certainly would say she`s the leader of this gang.

GRACE: What about it, Peter Odom?

PETER ODOM, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Nancy, where I take issue with you is this. No jury`s ever going to see these tapes because these cases can`t go to trial. Their exposure on sentencing is huge if they take it to trial. The police are going to work a deal with Misty. What they`re doing is just being patient with her. She will crack.

GRACE: OK, complete dancing around the question. I`m going to try Strickler. Do you see a difference in the behavior, the involvement, between Cummings and Misty Croslin?

MEG STRICKLER, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Absolutely. And what we can do is what Peter just said, though, is you can have different exposure here. But what Misty`s facing is she`s the ringleader. She will face -- in the plea agreement she will get more of a sentence than the other two because she is the ringleader.

GRACE: Well, I can tell you two this, to wake up and smell the coffee, people, because nobody`s getting a deal unless somebody talks about the night Haleigh goes missing.


GRACE: ... the same old line of B.S.

STRICKLER: You can`t go to trial in this case, though. So they`re going to end up with some sort of deal. They may not get a very good deal, but they`re going to certainly want to plead this out before it goes to trial.

GRACE: You know, Eleanor, that`s not true. You can`t say you can`t go to trial because they will go to trial.

ELEANOR ODOM: Yes, they will. They`ll have to go to trial. And as a prosecutor, I`d be happy to try this case against either of these defense attorneys.


PETER ODOM: Oh, I`m sure you would, Eleanor!


LISA CROSLIN: OK. I like your hair. It looks cool.

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, I`m going to take it out today.



GRACE: Breaking news tonight. Golf superstar Tiger Woods breaks his silence for the first time since his scandal erupts. After leaving rehab for alleged sex addiction, Woods makes a formal apology to a closed group of well wishers, Woods insisting no questions be asked.


TIGER WOODS, PROFESSIONAL GOLFER: Good morning, and thank you for joining me. Many of you in this room are my friends. Many of you in this room know me. Many of you have cheered for me or you`ve worked with me or you`ve supported me.

Now every one of you has good reason to be critical of me. I want to say to each of you simply and directly, I am deeply sorry for my irresponsible and selfish behavior I engaged in.

I know people want to find out how I could be so selfish and so foolish. People want to know how I could have done these things to my wife, Elin, and to my children. And while I have always tried to be a private person, there are some things I want to say.

Elin and I have started the process of discussing the damage caused by my behavior. As Elin pointed out to me, my real apology to her will not come in the form of words, it will come from my behavior over time. We have a lot to discuss. However, what we say to each other will remain between the two of us.

I am also aware of the pain my behavior has caused to those of you in this room. I have let you down and I have let down my fans. For many of you, especially my friends, my behavior has been a personal disappointment. To those of you who work for me, I have let you down personally and professionally. My behavior has caused considerable worry to my business partners.

To everyone involved in my foundation, including my staff, board of directors, sponsors, and most importantly, the young students we reach, our work is more important than ever. Thirteen years ago, my dad and I envisioned helping young people achieve their dreams through education. This work remains unchanged and will continue to grow. From the Learning Center students in Southern California to the Earl Woods scholars in Washington, D.C., millions of kids have changed their lives, and I am dedicated to making sure that continues.

But still, I know I have bitterly disappointed all of you. I have made you question who I am and how I could have done the things I did. I am embarrassed that I have put you in this position.

For all that I have done, I am so sorry. I have a lot to atone for, but there is one issue I really want to discuss. Some people have speculated that Elin somehow hurt or attacked me on Thanksgiving night. It angers me that people would fabricate a story like that. Elin never hit me that night or any other night. There has never been an episode of domestic violence in our marriage, ever. Elin has shown enormous grace and poise throughout this ordeal. Elin deserves praise, not blame.

The issue involved here was my repeated irresponsible behavior. I was unfaithful. I had affairs. I cheated. What I did is not acceptable, and I am the only person to blame. I stopped living by the core values that I was taught to believe in. I knew my actions were wrong, but I convinced myself that normal rules didn`t apply. I never thought about who I was hurting. Instead, I thought only about myself.

I ran straight through the boundaries that a married couple should live by. I thought I could get away with whatever I wanted to. I felt that I had worked hard my entire life and deserved to enjoy all the temptations around me. I felt I was entitled. Thanks to money and fame, I didn`t have to go far to find them.

I was wrong. I was foolish. I don`t get to play by different rules. The same boundaries that apply to everyone apply to me. I brought this shame on myself. I hurt my wife, my kids, my mother, my wife`s family, my friends, my foundation and kids all around the world who admired me.

I`ve had a lot of time to think about what I`ve done. My failures have made me look at myself in a way I never wanted to before. It`s now up to me to make amends, and that starts by never repeating the mistakes I`ve made. It`s up to me to start living a life of integrity.

I once heard, and I believe it`s true, it`s not what you achieve in life that matters, it`s what you overcome. Achievements on the golf course are only part of setting an example. Character and decency are what really count. Parents used to point to me as a role model for their kids. I owe all those families a special apology. I want to say to them that I am truly sorry.

It`s hard to admit that I need help, but I do. For 45 days, from the end of December to early February, I was in in-patient therapy, receiving guidance for the issues I`m facing. I have a long way to go, but I`ve taken my first steps in the right direction.

As I proceed, I understand people have questions. I understand the press wants to ask me for the details of the times I was unfaithful. I understand people want to know whether Elin and I will remain together. Please know that as far as I`m concerned, every one of these questions and answers is a matter between Elin and me. These are issues between a husband and a wife.

Some people have made up things that never happened. They said I used performance-enhancing drugs. This is completely and utterly false. Some have written things about my family. Despite the damage I have done, I still believe it is right to shield my family from the public spotlight. They did not do these things, I did.

I have always tried to maintain a private space for my wife and children. They have been kept separate from my sponsors, my commercial endorsements. When my children were born, we only released photographs so that the paparazzi could not chase them. However, my behavior doesn`t make it right for the media to follow my 2-and-a-half-year-old daughter to school and report the school`s location. They staked out my wife and they pursued my mom. Whatever my wrongdoings, for the sake of my family, please leave my wife and kids alone.

I recognize I have brought this on myself, and I know above all, I am the one who needs to change. I owe it to my family to become a better person. I owe it to those closest to me to become a better man. That`s where my focus will be.

I have a lot of work to do and I intend to dedicate myself to doing it. Part of following this path for me is Buddhism, which my mother taught me at a young age. People probably don`t realize it, but I was raised a Buddhist and I actively practiced my faith from childhood until I drifted away from it in recent years. Buddhism teaches that a craving for things outside ourselves causes an unhappy and pointless search for security. It teaches me to stop following every impulse and to learn restraint. Obviously, I lost track of what I was taught.

As I move forward, I will continue to receive help because I`ve learned that`s how people really do change. Starting tomorrow, I will leave for more treatment and more therapy.

I would like to thank my friends at Accenture and the players in the field this week for understanding why I`m making these remarks today. In therapy, I`ve learned the importance of looking at my spiritual life and keeping in balance with my professional life. I need to regain my balance and be centered so I can save the things that are most important to me, my marriage and my children.

That also means relying on others for help. I`ve learned to seek support from my peers in therapy, and I hope someday to return that support to others who are seeking help. I do plan to return to golf one day. I just don`t know when that day will be. I don`t rule out that it will be this year. When I do return, I need to make my behavior more respectful of the game.

In recent weeks, I have received many thousands of e-mails, letters and phone calls from people expressing good wishes. To everyone who has reached out to me and my family, thank you. Your encouragement means the world to Elin and me. I want to thank the PGA Tour, Commissioner Finchem and the players for their patience and understanding while I work on my private life. I look forward to seeing my fellow players on the course.

Finally, there are many people in this room and there are many people at home who believed in me. Today, I want to ask for your help. I ask you to find room in your heart to one day believe in me again.

Thank you.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty Cummings faced a judge Thursday morning less than one hour after her mother was taken away in handcuffs. With her hair in cornrows and her hands and feet in shackles, the 18-year-old entered a not guilty plea to eight counts of drug trafficking.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Haleigh`s father and Misty`s ex-husband, Ronald Cummings, was excused from Thursday`s arraignment. Wednesday, Cummings filed his not guilty plea in a letter from his attorney.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: While Misty Cummings and Hope Sykes were on the second floor being arraigned, Crystal Sheffield, Haleigh`s mother, was on the first floor meeting with the Department of Children and Families.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Sheffield and Haleigh`s grandmothers, Marie Griffis and Teresa Neves, met with DCF officials to discuss the custody of Haleigh`s brother, Ronald, Jr. Sheffield is still working to obtain full custody.



LISA CROSLIN: You know what else he`s going to do?


LISA CROSLIN: He`s going to relocate us to California.


LISA CROSLIN: All of us.

MISTY CROSLIN: Will you please tell him to please do something soon, like tomorrow?

LISA CROSLIN: Yes! Yes, I will. I promise to God.


LISA CROSLIN: Chelsea says that you didn`t want me talking to him, Misty, but he`s not out to hurt you. He`s out to get you out of there.

MISTY CROSLIN: Well, tell him to get me out, and I can -- you know...

LISA CROSLIN: OK. He says he just wants you to talk to him.

MISTY CROSLIN: That`s fine.

LISA CROSLIN: That`s it. That`s what I told him. I`m, like, I`m sure she will. He`s, like, All right.

MISTY CROSLIN: I will. It`s just get me out of here, like, ASAP.


GRACE: OK, Leonard Padilla, what about it?


GRACE: Well, is it going to happen? Is it in the hands of the lawyers? Are you...

PADILLA: No, no, no.

GRACE: If it were to go down, would you want to talk to her...

PADILLA: No, the attorney...

GRACE: ... from the jailhouse and then get her out?

PADILLA: Basically, the attorney sent out a letter today. And I haven`t seen it, but several of the people in the media contacted me and read it to me. And it instructs me to stay away from the family, do not talk to any of the family members, do not communicate with any family members.

But the deal still stands. I talk to her in the jail before she gets out, she gives me information that helps us locate Haleigh. That`s where we`re at. I have not heard from the attorney, and we`re not budging off of that.

GRACE: Well, wait a minute. Wait a minute. Let`s go to the lawyers. Eleanor Odom, Peter Odom, Meg Strickler. Meg Strickler, it doesn`t sound like her lawyer communicated that to her because she`s still talking about Leonard Padilla bonding her out -- Call him, call him, call him. And the lawyer`s giving this press statement saying, Don`t call my client.

STRICKLER: It doesn`t sound like everybody`s connected with each other here at all. It sounds like confusion central. And plus, if Padilla goes into the jail and speaks to her, we`re going to be seeing it on your show, just like this. It`s not privileged. The lawyer would have to be there also.

GRACE: So Peter Odom, isn`t that a huge breach of duty to be -- have your client thinking that Padilla could bond her out, and the lawyer`s writing him and giving public statements saying, Don`t call my client?

PETER ODOM: Well, it would be, Nancy. But remember, we`re getting all this second and third hand from very unreliable sources. And we haven`t talked to the lawyer yet.

GRACE: Well, you know, if you`re referring to Padilla, I would not consider him to be unreliable since what he`s saying...

PETER ODOM: Well, he`s getting it secondhand, too.

GRACE: ... is being corroborated by Croslin behind bars.

To Bill Majeski, former NYPD, now with Majeski Associates, joining us out of New York. Bill, thank you for being with us. Bill, where do cops go now?

BILL MAJESKI, FORMER NYPD DETECTIVE: I think that the police are working on a theory currently and they`re making approaches to her. They have the specific facts about what had happened to Haleigh, and they`re using those to try to corral her into making some kind of...


GRACE: What a week in America`s courtrooms. Take a look at the stories, and more important, the people who touched our lives.


WOODS: For all that I have done, I am so sorry. I was unfaithful. I had affairs. I cheated. What I did is not acceptable and I am the only person to blame.



911 OPERATOR: Hello?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is she still alive?



911 OPERATOR: Hello?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Alyssa, I love you! I love you! (INAUDIBLE)



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Alyssa Blanton married her husband, Brent, just six months ago, bought a new house and had a successful job working for AT&T in Orlando. It was here where the Cocoa woman was gunned down by a stalker she`d met two years earlier while working as a Hooter`s waitress.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We have a restraining order against this guy! Oh, my God!


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We are satisfied there is probable cause to believe that Jesse John Crow killed his wife, Ryann.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The investigation into the disappearance of newlywed Ryann Crow continues, even though Ryann`s husband, Jesse Crow, has been arrested on murder.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The arrest of Jesse John Crow does not end this investigation.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The woman that Jesse Crow was with, Ms. Summer Donovan, is a person of interest in this case.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty Cummings faced a judge Thursday morning less than one hour after her mother was taken away in handcuffs.

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: I`ll get it for you. No problem. (EXPLETIVE DELETED) two weeks, I can make the money to pay for them and eat them myself.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Get on the ground! Get on down! Get on down!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right, tell me your name, please.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Caylee was almost 3 when she died.

CINDY ANTHONY, CASEY`S MOTHER: There`s no evidence that Casey has ever done any harm to her child.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... with duct tape, over her nose and her mouth.

CINDY ANTHONY: We`re talking about a 3-year-old little girl!

MISTY CROSLIN: As the killer looked into her face, maybe her killer even saw her eyes as the tape was applied.

CASEY ANTHONY: I take complete and full responsibility for my actions.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: First one piece...

CINDY ANTHONY: I don`t know what your involvement is, sweet heart.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... then two, then three...

GEORGE ANTHONY, CASEY`S FATHER: There was an overpowering smell, I`ll admit that.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... so that no breath was possible.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The duct tape was placed there to, in fact, stop breathing.

CASEY ANTHONY: They`ve already said they`re going to pin this on me.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The face that Caylee Anthony saw in the final moments of her life was her mother`s face. Could Caylee have understood what was happening to her?

CASEY ANTHONY: As a parent, you know certain things about your child.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did she try to resist?

CASEY ANTHONY: Can someone let me -- come on!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Could her killer see the fear in her eyes as the tape was applied?

CASEY ANTHONY: I just want her to come home. I just want my baby back.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Anyone who contends that no juror could find that these conclusions call for a sentence of death is only fooling themself.


GRACE: Let`s stop and remember Army Sergeant Schuyler Patch, 25, Lasso (ph), Oklahoma, awarded the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Amy Commendation Medal, National Defense Service Medial, also served Afghanistan, loved Chicago Cubs, outdoors, time with family and friends, remembered for big hugs, beautiful eyes and a smile that lit up a room, leaves behind parents John (ph) and Colleen (ph), brothers Zeff (ph) and Garrett (ph), sister Amber (ph). Schuyler Patch, American hero.

Everyone, I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 o`clock sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on February 23, 2010, 08:36:10 AM


Misty Croslin Demands Written Contract From Bounty Hunter Padilla

Aired February 22, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight. Satsuma, Florida, a 5- year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. The last person to see her alive, new stepmother Misty Croslin, who takes to the airwaves, claiming she`s innocent. But even in one brief interview, she can`t keep her story straight, including a 180 on a lie detector she flunked. Little Haleigh`s own father, Ronald Cummings, and baby-sitter- turned-stepmother Misty Croslin both handcuffed, arrested, booked. Charges, drug trafficking.

Bombshell tonight. We obtain the secret undercover surveillance video taken inside the police car by pinpoint secret camera. All on video, the sting, the repeat drug sales to undercover cops, the conversations, the lies, the sales, the takedown. And tonight, we obtain even more of those secretly recorded jailhouse tapes, hours of Misty Croslin yak, yak, yakking to Mommy, to Granddaddy, to Grandma, to Daddy, to brother. It`s all caught on video.

But now we see an angry Croslin, self-absorbed to the max, demanding her relatives, broke as they are, bail her out, insisting she`ll only talk about Haleigh once she gets a deal to get out from behind bars, Croslin concerned only about herself, whining over and over about conditions in lockup, her food, her jail cell, even insisting her family forget about the brother, just focus on her.

Croslin back in court on two more drug charges. Tonight, Misty Croslin`s house of cards falling in as her own mother also arrested. What we and the cops both want are answers. Where is 5-year-old Haleigh?


HANK CROSLIN, MISTY`S FATHER: Promise, man, that you didn`t have -- you didn`t -- never mind. Never mind. Never mind.

MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER: Daddy, I just want out of here. And I`m telling you, he will be happy if he gets me out. I`m telling you, I`m telling you, I`m telling you. He`ll make the cops look stupid.

HANK CROSLIN: Well, the cops ain`t stupid. They`re only going on like nobody, no one knows. Only one that knows is the people that was there.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m going to call you guys tonight, and so when you guys leave here tonight, when you`re done talking to me, you`re going to call him, Leonard, and let Mom tell him exactly what I told her.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, you want to hop in?

MISTY CROSLIN: Baby, get in. Get in. Who is that?

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: Someone unlock the door.


MISTY CROSLIN: I know that`s somebody. I know her. I just want to know who she is.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I got them. I`ve got them 10 in little (INAUDIBLE) baggies. If you want to count them out real quick and make sure they`re all (EXPLETIVE DELETED) there.

CUMMINGS: I`m positive they are, man

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There`s a hundred there. Should be a hundred there.

MISTY CROSLIN: ... 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 in there.

CUMMINGS: There`s 100 in here. They`re all in 10-packs. There`s 100.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There should be -- should be 10 in each one. So just whenever...

CUMMINGS: It`s going to take a couple days for you to get rid of 200 of them, now.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, I mean -- I mean, I`ve -- I mean, I`ve got - - I`ve got two weeks to play with so, I mean, you know, (EXPLETIVE DELETED) two weeks, whatever.

CUMMINGS: OK. I`ll get it for you. No problem. (EXPLETIVE DELETED) two weeks, I can make the money to pay for them and eat it myself.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Get on the ground! Get on down! Get on down! Get on down!


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Bombshell tonight. We obtain the secret undercover surveillance video taken in the cop car by pinpoint secret camera. It`s all caught on video, the sting, the repeat drug sales to undercover cops, the conversations back and forth, the sales, the takedown. And tonight, we obtain even more of those secretly recorded jailhouse tapes.


LISA CROSLIN, MISTY`S MOTHER: Nancy Grace is probably going to record all this, but I don`t care.

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t care, either. There`s nothing -- I`m not hiding anything, so...

LISA CROSLIN: I know. If you knew anything, you would have done told them -- I mean, why would you set there if you knew something?

MISTY CROSLIN: Exactly. Tell Leonard to get me out.

LISA CROSLIN: I will. I`m going to. Don`t worry.


MISTY CROSLIN: I wish I was out for tomorrow so I could be there.

LISA CROSLIN: I know, baby. It probably won`t be tomorrow, but you`ll be out soon.

MISTY CROSLIN: But by next week at least?

LISA CROSLIN: Hopefully.



CUMMINGS: I still got one pending, that`s assault with a deadly weapon charge pending, and I never even -- my guns were at home locked up in the gun cabinet. Just because I`ve been on TV and because I`ve said, you know, That`s my daughter that`s missing. So just because I said I`ll kill them (EXPLETIVE DELETED) if I find them before you all do, ever since then, people been calling and saying I`ve been (EXPLETIVE DELETED) threatening them with guns and everything else. And all it is, is because they know I got guns, because I love my daughter, you know? Everybody that`s ever seen anything about it knows about it. And please don`t never tell nobody that I`ve done this before.


CUMMINGS: Dude, man, people will go to assuming. Their first thing was that I was a dope boy and I must have ripped somebody off or pissed somebody off, and that`s what happened. That ain`t what (EXPLETIVE DELETED) happened, man. Dope boys don`t come get your kid like that. If you owed a dope boy that much money, they`d come in right here. They`d come in and they`d kill right here. They`d kill your (EXPLETIVE DELETED) daughter and your girlfriend and your son, and then when your (EXPLETIVE DELETED) come home, you`d be the one -- when you come home, you`d be the one that would see it, you know what I mean?


GRACE: Well, he`s right. That`s Cummings in part of secretly recorded video and audio taken inside the cop car. Take a look at Misty Croslin. She just can`t stop talking.

Out to Jean Casarez, legal correspondent, In Session. I understand Croslin has now answered up to two more charges. What are they?

JEAN CASAREZ, IN SESSION: That`s right. In court, formal arraignment, the two charges are trafficking prescription drugs. That makes a total of eight counts. Her bail remains at $1.35 million.

GRACE: Why does she keep talking about getting out of jail? What planet is she from?

CASAREZ: It`s her whole focus, Nancy. It`s the whole focus among almost every conversation. It started with, the income tax refund check could help get her out. Now she`s on to Leonard Padilla, a lot of the tapes now saying, Call Leonard, get Leonard, have him get me out. But she`s got her deal that she wants met. She wants a contract. She wants him to get her out. Then she`ll talk to him. And she definitely doesn`t want him to revoke her bond, as she says was done in the Casey Anthony case by Leonard Padilla.

GRACE: Wait a minute. Jean Casarez, what do you mean she wants a contract?

CASAREZ: She wants a contract. She wants in writing that he will pay the money, he will get her out, and there`s confidentiality, that he`ll never say anything to anybody. And then she says she`ll talk to him.

GRACE: OK. Joining us right now via Skype, Leonard Padilla, the man of the hour again, bounty hunter out of California, offered to bail Misty Croslin out of jail. This is act II for Padilla. He bonded out tot mom Casey Anthony, and her behavior when he got her out of jail was stunning. It was like she didn`t have a care in the world. She was more worried about, Am I having chili for dinner, than anything else. He was there, or his employees were there in the home, watching her.

Padilla, how did you get into this? And what do you think about Miss Misty`s terms for you to get her out of jail?

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: Well, I think we got into this back on the 11th of February of last year, when we actually went to Satsuma and talked to a lot of these people when we were back there on the Casey Anthony situation. And we spent about four or five days there. So we met all the players at that time. I even sat on a chair next to Ron Cummings while he was talking to the public on your show. And we talked about this thing. Some of the people that were with me talked to some of the other players in the whole situation, and we knew them from back there.

And I think what developed was when Bill Stout (ph) started talking about bailing her out, one thing and another. And the next thing is, I got a phone call from somebody asking if I was involved in bailing her out. And what I said is that I would pay for the bond, given certain stipulations. And then I gave up the situations to her attorney, and I`ve not heard anything back from him.

GRACE: Well, I`m looking at her right now. Out to you, Art Harris. She looks stoned out of her gourd. Does she always look like that? I mean, I`m just seeing video. Maybe she looks different in person.

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: I have never seen -- we have never seen a Misty like this, just obsessed with one thing. Really orchestrating...

GRACE: Herself?

HARRIS: ... not only -- yes -- not only the drug deals, she drives shotgun in every sale, Nancy. But in the jail telling her parents, ordering them to call Leonard Padilla. Do this now. Now. She is insistent.

GRACE: Well, wa-wait. I`ll tell you what took the cake for me, the final straw for me. You can`t tell me she was at home that night and does not know what happened to that girl, all right? That`s what this is all about. But then trying to get her mother to put a second mortgage or -- she was wanting the mother to lose her house payment to get her out of jail after I can see her with my own two eyes doing drug sales, OK?

HARRIS: And she doesn`t care about her brother, either. She said, To heck with Tommy, get me out first.

GRACE: Everybody, we are taking your calls. To Cindy in California. Hi, Cindy.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. I love your show.

GRACE: Thank you for calling in, dear. What is your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You know, I wanted to know why they just don`t put her in general population. And I have a comment to that.

GRACE: Go ahead.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My comment is, because then maybe she could get out there and she`ll find out what jail`s really about.

GRACE: Yes. I mean...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You know, she might become...

GRACE: ... did you see the most recent videos? Look at this. Look at this, Cindy in California. Do you see these cornrows? You know how many hours those things take? When she could have been working with police about finding Haleigh, she`s propped up somewhere in the jail getting her hair done.

What about it, Eleanor Odom, felony prosecutor? What about GP, general population?

ELEANOR ODOM, PROSECUTOR: I think it would be a fine idea, Nancy. Usually, she`s in solitary or somebody`s placed in solitary because they`re a danger to themselves or others. But I think in this case, she would be in danger if she was out in the general population.

GRACE: I want to go to Marlaina Schiavo, our producer on the story. But Marlaina, hold on just a moment. I want to show you some video first. Here we are with secretly recorded undercover tapes. These are taken by pinpoint camera inside an undercover police car.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, I mean -- I mean, I`ve -- I mean, I`ve got - - I`ve got two weeks to play with so, I mean, you know, (EXPLETIVE DELETED) two weeks, whatever.

CUMMINGS: OK. I`ll get it for you. No problem. (EXPLETIVE DELETED) two weeks, I can make the money to pay for them and eat it myself.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Get on the ground! Get on down! Get on down! Get on down!



MISTY CROSLIN: Just tell him to get me out. Like, start it tomorrow.

LISA CROSLIN: I will. I promise you. Don`t worry, Sis. I`m going to let him know everything, and I`m sure he`ll get busy.

MISTY CROSLIN: Like, I want, like, out. Please.



LISA CROSLIN: Don`t cry, please. You`re going to make me cry.


LISA CROSLIN: You`re so pretty.

MISTY CROSLIN: I just sit in this one cell, man. That`s bullcrap.

LISA CROSLIN: I know. I don`t understand it.




CUMMINGS: 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 2, 4, 5 -- there ain`t but 25 there.



CUMMINGS: It`s 24. Damn, we got robbed.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (EXPLETIVE DELETED) him. (EXPLETIVE DELETED) him. We`ll go back if you want. (INAUDIBLE) You know we ain`t doing it, man, because...

MISTY CROSLIN: (INAUDIBLE) because he was dropping. You know, I was counting and I said, Dude, that`s only 24 right there.

CUMMINGS: Well, it`s a good thing you looked...


CUMMINGS: ... or otherwise, you`d only got 24. Damn good thing you looked.

MISTY CROSLIN: He was dropping them (INAUDIBLE) He`s so (EXPLETIVE DELETED) bad.

CUMMINGS: How many does he got left? That was it or what?

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t know.

CUMMINGS: Well we don`t want to (EXPLETIVE DELETED) with him no more anyway. He don`t do good business. That`s the end of that.



CUMMINGS: She`ll get them for you. I mean, so right now, you just got (EXPLETIVE DELETED) there for a minute. But she`ll get them.



HANK CROSLIN: What do you mean your lawyer ain`t -- what do you mean your lawyer ain`t...


HANK CROSLIN: He`s doing what he -- I mean, it takes time.



MISTY CROSLIN: Do what I -- do what I told Mom. Just tell her to tell him that, OK?

HANK CROSLIN: I will, baby. I want you out. I want both of you out.

MISTY CROSLIN: On the condition that I stay with you guys.

HANK CROSLIN: Right now, you couldn`t stay with us.

MISTY CROSLIN: Well, I would stay with you. I would stay there anyways.

HANK CROSLIN: They won`t let you.

MISTY CROSLIN: They won`t know.

HANK CROSLIN: It`s just a room. Yes, they would. But I don`t care. We`ll figure out something.

MISTY CROSLIN: Exactly. Leonard would figure out something for us.

HANK CROSLIN: I`ll tell him, baby.


GRACE: Well, she`s got it all worked out. The only problem is there`s the missing 5-year-old girl, likely dead, last known alive on her watch. And there are eight felony drug trafficking counts. Tonight, we get our mitts on secretly recorded video and audio taken inside the undercover car, the police car that catches them in conversations, dope sales, the takedown, the full sting by police, getting a taste of what a jury will see.

I want to go back out to Art Harris, investigative journalist at Art, I understand she was transported to another jail. Was that just to answer up in court?

HARRIS: That`s right. It was 6:00 AM Thursday. She was taken from St. Johns County jail to Putnam County jail, close to her ex-husband, but it was just for the hearing. Then it was back to her abode.

GRACE: Out to Dr. Bethany Marshall, psychoanalyst, author of "Deal Breakers." Look, I don`t make any bones about it. I see him with my own two eyes in the middle of a dope deal. From what I`m seeing, he looks like a fifth wheel. He looks like he`s along for the ride with Misty Croslin. But you know, Bethany, I still got a soft spot for Cummings because of the pain that was so evident at the time Haleigh went missing.

You know what? If an angel came down and told me that he had something to do with Haleigh`s disappearance, I`d believe we`d have a wrestling match. I just -- I just cannot believe it. Croslin -- on the other hand, her story has never made sense. When you look at these videos, these secretly recorded videos, this is them in their own natural habitat. What do you make of it, Dr. Bethany?

BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST: Well, of course you have a soft spot for Ron. He`s been very transparent with you, and he hurts over the loss of his little daughter. And you`re a crime victim, yourself. When I see Misty, she is so excited in these videos because she`s about to get drugs and money, and that is the center of excitement for her.


MISTY CROSLIN: Over where that guy`s walking. I`m going to have you stop a little bit back here, and I`m going to get out of the car and walk.


MISTY CROSLIN: Because he don`t like seeing new people.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don`t want to meet nobody new, either.

MISTY CROSLIN: Let us out right here, and we`ll walk up there. Come on, Hope.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right. You want us to just hang out right here?

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. Just go down and turn around.

CUMMINGS: We`ll go up here and turn around and come back, man. I`ll ride with you. Let me up front. (INAUDIBLE) We`ll walk up there. Slow down when you go past them. Let me just ask them where I`m going to meet them at.

Hey, hey, how far down you`ll got to go?


CUMMINGS: We`re going to pick you up right back right there.



MISTY CROSLIN: I mean, I want to get out of here.

LISA CROSLIN: I know. I`m going to let him know. He knows it. He says he knows you didn`t do something. He knows it. He says he can tell it through your eyes.



GRACE: Misty Croslin begging her family to get her out of jail, even complaining her lawyer`s not doing anything to help her. Croslin says she`s ready to be bailed out by bounty hunter Leonard Padilla and claims she`s not hiding anything. Padilla has said repeatedly he will bail Croslin out if and only if she reveals what she knows about Haleigh`s disappearance. But Misty Croslin is demanding it in writing that Padilla will not revoke her bond, no matter what.


MISTY CROSLIN: But please tell him try to get me out this week.

LISA CROSLIN: I am. Don`t worry.

MISTY CROSLIN: You have to start the process because they can`t bail me out until...

LISA CROSLIN: As soon as I get off the phone with you, with Dad, when we go out to the car, Dad will call and tell him that the only way that you`ll talk to him is if he bails you out and you write it in -- get it written down with your lawyer that nothing is to go on news.

MISTY CROSLIN: And that he cannot revoke my bond.

LISA CROSLIN: And he cannot revoke you.

MISTY CROSLIN: And I stay with you guys.

LISA CROSLIN: Yes. He already said you could stay with us if we got you out.

MISTY CROSLIN: And that he has to get it done soon, like, start the process because we have to go in front of the judge for me to even get bailed out.

LISA CROSLIN: I know. I know. He knows that. He said don`t worry about anything. He can do it.


LISA CROSLIN: He wants to get Tommy out, too.

MISTY CROSLIN: Well, tell him to please get me out.

LISA CROSLIN: I will, I promise. So just hang in there. Let me talk to him tonight, and I`ll tell him what you just told me. And we`ll get a contract written up. All right? You know what else he`s going to do?


LISA CROSLIN: He`s going to relocate us to California, all of us.

MISTY CROSLIN: Will you please tell him to please do something soon, like, tomorrow?

LISA CROSLIN: Yes, I will. I promise to God.


LISA CROSLIN: Chelsea said that you didn`t want me talking to him, Misty, but he`s not out to hurt you. He`s out to get you out of there.

MISTY CROSLIN: Well, tell him to get me out, and I can -- you know?

LISA CROSLIN: OK. He says he just wants you to talk to him.

MISTY CROSLIN: That`s fine.

LISA CROSLIN: That`s it. That`s what I told him. I`m like, I`m sure she will. He`s, like, All right.

MISTY CROSLIN: I will. It`s just get me out of here, like, ASAP.




HANK CROSLIN: What you doing, Sissy?

MISTY CROSLIN: Nothing. Mom just told me what Leonard said.

HANK CROSLIN: He wants you to call him.

MISTY CROSLIN: No, I can`t call him because your number is the last number I can call. You guys tell him I`ll talk to him, to get me out of here. And listen, I will talk to him, just to get me out. And if my lawyer doesn`t agree, to get me a new lawyer because my lawyer`s really not doing anything anyway. So get me a new lawyer. Just get me out of here and writing a thing saying that he`s going to get me out and not revoke my bond and let me stay with you guys.


GRACE: When we come back, more stunning undercover sting video and newly obtained secret video of Misty Croslin behind bars.


LISA CROSLIN: He said he can probably get rid of all these charges on you, too.

MISTY CROSLIN: OK. That`s fine.


MISTY CROSLIN: Do it. Just do it. Because Robert`s not doing anything for me anyways.

LISA CROSLIN: I know. That`s what I don`t understand. He won`t even call us.

MISTY CROSLIN: Because -- I know that. So tell him -- tell Leonard to get me out, get me a new lawyer. I can talk to him, and we`ll be good. Just get me out. Start it tomorrow.







L. CROSLIN: What`s wrong?

M. CROSLIN: I need to get out of here.

L. CROSLIN: I know, honey. I miss you so much. Who was that guard talking to you?

M. CROSLIN: It`s some girl that`s in here.

L. CROSLIN: Oh, have you talked to your lawyer?

M. CROSLIN: Yes. I talked to him a couple of days ago. I have a court date on March 8th at 1:30.

L. CROSLIN: March the 8th, in St. Johns?

M. CROSLIN: Yes, at 1:30.

M. CROSLIN: I`ll be here. I`ve got a car.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, you want to hop in?

M. CROSLIN: Baby, get in. Get in. Who is that?


M. CROSLIN: I know that somebody. I know her. I just don`t know who she is.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`ve got them. I`ve got them 10 in double baggies if you want to count them out to make sure they`re all (EXPLETIVE DELETED) there.

CUMMINGS: I`m positive they are, man.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There`s a hundred there, there should be hundred there.

M. CROSLIN: 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 in there.

CUMMINGS: Hundred in here. They`re all in 10 packs. There`s 100.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Should be 10 in each one.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So whenever. I mean --

CUMMINGS: It should be. It`s going to take a couple of days for you to get rid of 200 of them.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, I mean, I mean -- I mean, I`ve got two weeks to play with it, dude.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I mean, you know, (EXPLETIVE DELETED) two weeks whatever.

CUMMINGS: OK. I`ll get it for you, no problem. (EXPLETIVE DELETED). Two weeks I can make the money to pay for them and eat them myself.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Get on the ground. Get down.



NANCY GRACE, HOST: Liz, let me see the control room in New York. There you are.

There they are, Liz, Rosie, Brett. They chose to play video of Misty Croslin crying. That would be your decision, Liz.

Liz, your husband`s a cop. Why do you insist on showing her crying? I really think that you guys feel sorry for her because you picked that video over and over and over again.

And I want to go right now to Eleanor Odom.

Eleanor, I didn`t see her crying about Haleigh. A 5-year-old little girl with Turner syndrome who she was responsible for that night. No. She didn`t want to baby-sit. She tried to get out of it because she`d been on a three-day drunk and more. And then washed up at Ronald Cummings`.

She didn`t want to baby sit. And something happened in that home that night and that innocent child has never been found. So don`t show me her crying because she`s behind bars.

ELEANOR ODOM, PROSECUTOR: Oh, you`re right, Nancy. And we see her, I want to get out, I want to get out. In sharp contrast --

GRACE: Of course she wants to get out. That`s what jail is.

ODOM: And she`s laughing it up in the car, ha-ha, smoking her cigarette and counting all the pills and all the money. It`s all a big joke, it`s all a big game. Well, now she`s getting what she so richly deserves.

GRACE: Out to Sue in Wyoming. Hi, Sue. Oh, New York. Hi, Sue.

SUE, CALLER FROM NEW YORK: Hi, Nancy. How are you?

GRACE: I`m good, dear.

SUE: I want to say that I truly believe that the good Lord above was on your shoulder and the twins` shoulders and they -- he pulled you through for a reason. And I know that -- we know why he pulled you through because of the wonderful things you do for the people who don`t have a voice and we expect great things out of Lucy and John David.

GRACE: I do, too. I don`t want to put so much pressure on them, but when I look at them they just amaze me. And the thought that somebody could come into the house, which I have armed out the ying-yang, OK? Cameras, everything that I could possibly beg, borrow, or steal to protect them.

To think that somebody could come in and take them out of their crib the way this little girl was taken, and God only knows what has been done to her, and to see Croslin stonewalling about how she doesn`t know what happened? That`s a line of BS if I ever heard it.

SUE: Oh, she knows what happened because I`ll be the first one to tell you, I`m an ex-addict. And I heard Marc Klaas in one of the shows say that she was on, you know, when she comes out of her clouded stupor.

I have to tell you and I`ll admit it, I was up to 25 to 30 perks a day and I was walking around and working. This girl knows what happened.

GRACE: I was just going to ask you that, Sue. Taking that many Percocet, you could still function, right?

SUE: I drove, I worked, I held down a full-time job, too. You know - -

GRACE: Twenty-five Percocet in one day.

SUE: Yes.

GRACE: So what do you make of Misty Croslin`s claim she just went to sleep and didn`t hear a thing?

SUE: I don`t believe it.

GRACE: I don`t believe it either, Sue.

SUE: I don`t believe it for a minute because I held down a full-time job, nobody had a clue. Nobody had a clue that I went through rehab on my own and, you know, seven years later I`m still clean and, you know, I don`t believe it because this girl knows. This girl is aware --

GRACE: So, Sue, what is your question, dear?

SUE: My question is that -- first of all it`s twofold. Did -- where did they get these pills from? And I`m going to tell you why I`m asking. I`m asking because if these prescriptions were written for her, and I`ll be the first one to tell you, it`s very easy to doctor shop.

Go to one doctor, get them from one doctor, get them from another, get them from another, from another. Very easy. But if the -- I`m wondering if there`s a bigger drug dealer in this picture. Because I really wouldn`t -- these people are not the sharpest tools in the sheds.

They`re -- you know, they`re two clowns short of a circus really, the two of them. And I just could see this being a low-level drug deal gone wrong.

GRACE: OK. Let me go out to Art Harris. It`s my understanding they were getting it from either a doctor or a pharmacist in Virginia?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, ARTHARRIS.COM: Nancy, my sources are telling me one of the buys did come from doctors in Virginia from the confidant of Misty, Donna Brock.

Misty gave her her prescription. She filled that and her own. Turned the pills over to Misty to sell to the undercover cop at a truck stop at 4:30 a.m. one night.

The others came --

GRACE: This is the hardest working bunch I`ve seen. They`re out working at 4:30 a.m. at a truck stop?

HARRIS: They were on their way back to Satsuma. They also got the drugs from local doctors and they are looking into this doctor shopping.

GRACE: How do you get drugs when there`s nothing wrong with you?

HARRIS: Well, Ronald was actually in an accident. He had back pain. So he legitimately had access to a doctor for pain pills. Misty had something wrong with her. And she would give her pills allegedly to Ronald.

So now you have -- you know, an asset that down there, as she says in one of these tapes, you know, Ronald is working. He doesn`t have to worry about it, but this is helping me. And then she comments that hey -- Ronald comments to the undercover cop, hey, it`s our retirement plan.

GRACE: Out to Dr. Jennifer Shu, pediatrician and editor of "Baby and Child Health." I`ve got a lot of questions for you about little Haleigh. But I want to talk about Misty Croslin. She says to her father in some of these videotape jailhouse visits that she sleeps all day. What does that mean?

DR. JENNIFER SHU, PEDIATRICIAN, CO-AUTHOR OF "BABY AND CHILD HEALTH": So in jail I`m assuming that she`s been off any type of prescription meds for a while. So --

GRACE: She`s on antidepressants.

SHU: So she could be under the effect, it could be a side effect of her prescription antidepressants. She could be depressed. It could just be her way of reacting to stress or she may have some kind of chronic illness like a thyroid disorder, for example.

GRACE: To Marlaina Schiavo, our producer on the story.

Marlaina, throughout all of this we never hear them -- I`ve heard Cummings talk about little Haleigh. But never once do we hear about Misty Croslin except to say, I don`t know.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: Well, that`s true. It`s always somebody else bringing it up to her and she sort of deflects. Like we heard recently her father said to her, you know, they`re praying for Haleigh to come home. And she says she prays every night. And a reaction to that.

And he says, well, can she come home? And she just said, yes. I`m not 100 percent sure, but sure. I mean, God didn`t tell me, but I think so. And that`s about all we hear from Misty on Haleigh.


CUMMINGS: That guy in that blue truck is rolling a blunt and the guy that owns this place smoke crack. So you ain`t got to worry about nothing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right, all right.

CUMMINGS: That`s why I told her, I was like tell him don`t worry about nothing because the mother (EXPLETIVE DELETED) smokes crack.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I have just been stressed to no (EXPLETIVE DELETED) end all day long.

CUMMINGS: How many did you get?


CUMMINGS: Hell yes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And hopefully, hopefully should be able, if this works out, this works out good we should be able to do this, like, once a month. Once a month. (EXPLETIVE DELETED) retirement plan, you know what I`m saying?

CUMMINGS: Not a retirement plan but an extra kick right now.





M. CROSLIN: Doing all right.

H. CROSLIN: Why haven`t you been calling Annie?

M. CROSLIN: I slept today. I`m going to call her tomorrow morning.

H. CROSLIN: You slept all day?

M. CROSLIN: Yes. I`ve been sleeping all day. Tomorrow`s canteen so we get some good food tomorrow night.

H. CROSLIN: Yes, he put $100 on your account.

M. CROSLIN: All right.

H. CROSLIN: He said he Western Unioned it.

M. CROSLIN: Timmy was supposed to.


M. CROSLIN: Timmy was supposed to.

H. CROSLIN: Yes. Did you have money on it already?

M. CROSLIN: I had 60 bucks. I don`t know who put it there.


GRACE: Hours of brand new secret undercover video shot by law enforcement. Disturbing footage allegedly showing a group, including Misty Croslin and Ronald Cummings, selling drugs. This video, state`s exhibit number 1.


M. CROSLIN: Just going to ride right there by the school. Sorry. $190.


CUMMINGS: Yes. $7 a piece. It`s actually $189.

M. CROSLIN: Well, yes. $189.

CUMMINGS: For 27 of them.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: For 27 of them?



M. CROSLIN: You`re going have to probably give me your money right here. Hey, I`m turning by the school. All right. All right. Bye.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That`s $190 right there.

M. CROSLIN: All right.


M. CROSLIN: Yes. Go this way.


M. CROSLIN: Yes. Just go straight.

CUMMINGS: What you got? I hear you sniffling.


CUMMINGS: What you got? I hear you sniffling.


CUMMINGS: Roxies or something?


CUMMINGS: You got some good dope or something?

M. CROSLIN: (Laughs)


CUMMINGS: I like to get high, that`s why I was asking. If you had powder to let me know.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, I got to go talk to some people this afternoon. I`ve got to be straight.

CUMMINGS: Well, do whatever you got to do, man, because like I said them 50 percs, I told you it wasn`t a guarantee. It`s a guarantee he`s getting them. There`s no ifs, ands or buts. He gets them every month. He gets 100 of them but he won`t sell me but 50.


CUMMINGS: So I guarantee you there`s 50 Percocets right around the corner, I just don`t know.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, like I told her earlier, I`ll just give you a call when I`m done out there and start heading this way and we`ll see what`s up at that point.

M. CROSLIN: All right.

CUMMINGS: Yes. I can`t -- I mean, I don`t know if you do Roxies or whatever. I can get them, but they`re (EXPLETIVE DELETED) expensive.


M. CROSLIN: How you doing, bud?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What`s going on? What`s going on?

M. CROSLIN: You see my brother was just at the store? I said, please let him leave. No, he`s going to go in the store. I`m just going to do it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right. I want to ride down the road.

M. CROSLIN: You want to ride down?


M. CROSLIN: Hey, baby. Baby! Ronald, he don`t want to do it right here. You got to go Spinners?


M. CROSLIN: He don`t want to do it right here. Do you got to go to Spinners?


M. CROSLIN: All right. We`ll follow right behind you.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Where`s he going?

M. CROSLIN: The Spinner`s right down the road.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I was going to go where I just met a dude at because it`s off the road, ain`t nobody there, ain`t no houses, no nothing.

M. CROSLIN: See, I don`t think it`s set up, like --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I mean it`s like 10 minutes up the road.

M. CROSLIN: I don`t think we have time for 10 minutes up the road because we were going to stop here, go on and get his son and then he`s got to go shoot back to another job.


M. CROSLIN: Well, they`re already gone so you have to take me to them I guess. They`re already gone.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You want to -- let`s run up there real quick and then I`ll bring you back to them.

M. CROSLIN: I`m not going to be able to because he`s got to go pick his son up right now and got to go right back to that job. We told him we`d be gone 10 minutes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Where`s he got to pick his son up at?

M. CROSLIN: At Stay and Play right here. Yes, I would go down there with you but it`s just we have not enough time. We left one of the jobs to come meet you.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s just a lot of (EXPLETIVE DELETED) -- it`s a lot of pills.

M. CROSLIN: No, yes, I know. I know. But I wouldn`t, I don`t know, I don`t like going around people, you know what I mean, that I don`t know anyway. He`s scared. He doesn`t want to do it like right here. But I told him right here`s fine. I mean, there`s nobody here.

If you want to he said you can go into the store at Spinners. There`s a bathroom. And you go in there and do what you got to do and then come out and just, I`ll be by the door so you can just leave the pills right there and I`ll walk you to the bathroom.


M. CROSLIN: So it doesn`t look like anything, you know what I mean? You go into the bathroom, I`m waiting on you to use the bathroom. Because I`d rather not be riding around doing it anyway because I`m scared. I don`t want to get set up for nothing. Like, I cannot get in trouble for nothing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Not me. Especially not with as many pills as I have in here right now.



M. CROSLIN: Yes, but none of them have our names on them, huh?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, man. The (EXPLETIVE DELETED) not answering the phone.

M. CROSLIN: Are you sheer he`s not trying to set you up? I`m like, hell, no.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m trying not to go to jail.

M. CROSLIN: I said if he was going to set me up he`d set me up with 50 (EXPLETIVE DELETED) Roxies, OK? I said Roxies are more (EXPLETIVE DELETED) a charge than a (EXPLETIVE DELETED) Lortab or whatever, you know what I mean?

I was like, I trust the dude, OK? Not Ronald or anybody, but like my family is like are you sure they didn`t set you up?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Where`s this place at?

M. CROSLIN: Right here.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: On the left or right?

M. CROSLIN: On the left right here.


M. CROSLIN: Mm-hmm. And there`s a bathroom and you go in the bathroom. I`ll be right by the door. When you come out, I can get them. Do you have a bag?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, They`re already --

M. CROSLIN: They`re already in the bag?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They`re already in the bag.

M. CROSLIN: All right. So you don`t have to do nothing like that. You just got to go in there and come out.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (EXPLETIVE DELETED) It`s kind of like a big bag, though.

M. CROSLIN: It`s OK. I got my purse.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right. You`re going to come back over here?



M. CROSLIN: Are you going to do it in the store?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, I`m going to put it in your purse because I don`t want to carry this big ass bag in here. I`ve got no way to hide it.

M. CROSLIN: All right.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, you want to hop in?

M. CROSLIN: Baby, get in. Get in.

CUMMINGS: Who`s this?

M. CROSLIN: Who is that?

CUMMINGS: Unlock the door.

M. CROSLIN: I know that somebody. I know her. I just don`t know who she is.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I got them 10 in little double baggies if you want to count them out real quick and make sure they`re all there.

CUMMINGS: I`m positive they are, man.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There`s a hundred there. Should be hundred there.


M. CROSLIN: 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 in there.

CUMMINGS: 100 in here. They`re all in 10 packs. There`s 100.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Should be 10 in each one.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So just whenever. I mean --

CUMMINGS: It`s going to take a couple days for you to get rid of 200 of them now.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, I mean -- I mean, I`ve got two weeks to play with it, dude.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So I mean, (EXPLETIVE DELETED) two weeks whatever.

CUMMINGS: OK. I`ll get it for you, no problem. (EXPLETIVE DELETED) two weeks, I can make the money to pay for them and eat them myself.


M. CROSLIN: Uh-oh.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This mother (EXPLETIVE DELETED). Hey, do me a favor?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Get on the ground! Get on the ground! Get on down! Get on down!


GRACE: Next, more secret video in the Haleigh Cummings investigation. Will Misty Croslin, the baby-sitter turned stepmother, the last one with Haleigh before she disappeared, finally crack behind bars?


L. CROSLIN: I like your hair. It looks cool.



GRACE: Misty Croslin sobs behind bars, admitting to repeated drug sales, even ratting out her own brother on a felony. How will these tapes and will these tapes come into trial?


M. CROSLIN: What is Leonard saying?

L. CROSLIN: He`s not saying nothing. He just wants to help me and dad try to get up to the house. He didn`t say anything at all. He wants to talk to you. That`s all he says. But he can`t -- he won`t do it. The only way he`ll do it is if your lawyer will let him pay him. That way everything is confidential. It`s between your lawyer and him.

M. CROSLIN: But pay my lawyer to get me out of here.

L. CROSLIN: No, to pay to talk to you. That way it`s, like, confidentiality.

M. CROSLIN: OK. So if he wants to talk to me, so he`ll pay my lawyer enough money to bond me out.

L. CROSLIN: Well, listen. You`ve got $100 on your account today.


L. CROSLIN: And he got PayPal minutes, too, for you to call him.


L. CROSLIN: Leonard. So you can call him. What you do --


L. CROSLIN: I`ll tell him -- I don`t know what to tell him.

M. CROSLIN: The only way that I`ll talk to him is if he bonds me out on a condition that he does not revoke my bond.

L. CROSLIN: Listen, he told me that what everybody`s saying about Casey Anthony, him revoking his bond -- or her bond, that`s not what happened. She got out and got in trouble over stolen checks. And the courts revoked her bond.

M. CROSLIN: Well, the only way that we`ll do it if is, you know, he bonds me out.


M. CROSLIN: And --

L. CROSLIN: And he does not revoke you.

M. CROSLIN: Yes. And there`s something written out. He`s got to tell my lawyers, it`s got to be written out, that he does not revoke me, and that I`m coming to stay with you and dad. He`s got to make conditions where -- to my lawyer that he has to bail me out first. And it`s got to be written up in everything, and we will sit down and talk.



M. CROSLIN: You can`t go and put it on the news.

H. CROSLIN: I don`t want you saying nothing that will hurt you, Misty.

M. CROSLIN: I`m not, daddy. It`s nothing against me. I`m telling you.

H. CROSLIN: Your brother told me to tell you -- your brother told me to tell you he loves you.

M. CROSLIN: I love him, too.

H. CROSLIN: I wanted to get your brother out, too.

M. CROSLIN: Well, worry about me first, OK?

H. CROSLIN: I`m worried about both of you.

M. CROSLIN: I know that. But I`m saying, get me out first.


GRACE: Let`s stop and remember Army 1st Lieutenant Daniel Riordan, 24, St. Louis, Missouri, killed, Iraq. Awarded the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, a Southeast Missouri state grad. Loved the outdoors. Water sports. Country musk and horses.

Favorite accessories, his cowboy boots and his hat. Leaves behind grieving parents Rick and Janine. Sister Suzanne, twin brother, Rick. Fiancee and soul mate, Tiffany.

Daniel Riordan, American hero.

Thanks to our guests but especially you for being with us. I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: seahorse on February 23, 2010, 09:37:11 AM

raisincharlie #132 (interesting post)

The last post down on their thread mentions that the trampoline (that the neighbors saw HC jumping on) was on Tyler road.

Tommy said Haleigh was at his house or MH nearly everyday, (most likely) to jump on that trampoline.

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on March 06, 2010, 07:51:54 PM


Misty Croslin`s Lawyer Tells Bounty Hunter Padilla to Butt Out

Aired February 24, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old girl tucked into bed. Five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. Last person to see her alive, new stepmother Misty Croslin, who takes to the airwaves, claiming she`s innocent. But even in one brief interview, she can`t keep her story straight, including a 180 on a lie detector she flunked. Little Haleigh`s own father, Ronald Cummings, and baby-sitter- turned-stepmother Misty Croslin both handcuffed, arrested, booked. Charges, drug trafficking.

Bombshell tonight. We obtain even more secret undercover surveillance video taken inside that police car by pinpoint secret camera. New details emerging, haggling over drug prices, a dope deal near a school, the sting, the repeat drug sales to undercover cops, the conversations, the lies, the sales, the takedown all caught on video. And tonight Croslin drops the bomb, admitting on tape she has doubt little Haleigh will ever come home. But why?

And tonight, on those secretly recorded jailhouse tapes, we see hours of Croslin yakking to Mommy, Granddaddy, Grandma, Daddy, brother, but we see a very different Misty Croslin, angry, self-absorbed to the max, demanding her relatives bail her out, insisting she`ll only talk about Haleigh once she`s out from behind bars, Croslin concerned only about herself, whining about conditions in lockup, her food, her cell.

All this while Croslin`s lawyer tells the only bondsman willing to help her to butt out. But why? Is he afraid Croslin may divulge the truth about Haleigh in exchange for bail money? Tonight, Misty Croslin`s house of cards falling in as her own mother arrested on charges of stealing. But what we and the cops both want tonight are answers. Where is 5-year-old Haleigh?


MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER: Let us out right here and we`ll walk up there. Come on, Hope.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right. You want us just to hang out right here?

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. Just go down and turn around.

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: ... 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 22, 4, 5. There ain`t but 25 there.


CUMMINGS: Damn, we got robbed.


RONALD CUMMINGS: We`ll go back if you want.



RONALD CUMMINGS: You know we ain`t doing it, man, because...


MISTY CROSLIN: ... because he was dropping. He was dropping. You know, I was counting and I said, Dude, that`s only 24 right there.

RONALD CUMMINGS: Well, it`s a good thing you looked, or otherwise, you`d only got 24. Damn good thing you looked.



LISA CROSLIN, MISTY`S MOTHER: He`ll want to talk to you as soon as you walk out the door.

MISTY CROSLIN: That`s fine.

LISA CROSLIN: OK. You better be honest with him.

MISTY CROSLIN: Mama, I`m being honest, OK?

LISA CROSLIN: I know. I know. He said he can tell by your look in your eyes that you had nothing to do with that, but he`s afraid that you might have overheard something, or something.

MISTY CROSLIN: Well, if he gets me out, I can talk to him. That`s all I`m saying.

LISA CROSLIN: OK. All right. Sounds good to me.

MISTY CROSLIN: You think he`s going to do it?

LISA CROSLIN: Yes, I know he`s going to do it.


LISA CROSLIN: I`m not crazy, Ma. I know what the man told us. I mean, do you think he would have got me a car if he wasn`t being honest?

MISTY CROSLIN: Right. You`re right.


GRACE: And tonight, live to California, the mystery surrounding the sudden disappearance of an entire family.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Joseph and Summer McStay mysteriously disappeared two weeks ago with their children, 5-year-old Gianni and 3- year-old Joseph. The couple was last heard from on February 4th. On the 6th, both of their cell phones died. Then on the 8th, their Isuzu Trooper was found two blocks from the Mexican border.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Brother can`t find them. Police are called. They go into the house, find something that triggers them to call homicide investigators, who -- who investigate when there`s a suspicious missing case.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Police say the family did not pack to go on vacation, their two dogs left without food and water in the back yard.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When the patrol deputy was there, he seen certain things -- and I can`t be specific about what they were -- that were somewhat alarming to him. He gave us a call, and that`s how we got involved in the case.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Just doesn`t look like a vacation.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That`s correct.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Something else that alerted sheriff`s investigators is when they checked the home, shoes were on the front porch and the energy meter was still running. It does not appear that the family was planning to go anywhere.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Apparently, when the family`s car was found, the boy`s carseat still in the car. Some other things -- police say that they didn`t apparently take things that they would take with them on a planned family vacation.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You don`t leave ever the house without your diaper bag and all the other paraphernalia that we usually run around with.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: (INAUDIBLE) I want my family home safe! I want them to come home!


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Bombshell tonight. We obtain even more secret undercover surveillance video taken inside that police car by pinpoint secret camera. This as Misty Croslin drops the bomb, saying on those secretly recorded jailhouse videos that she doubts little Haleigh will ever come home.


MISTY CROSLIN: Just going to ride right here by the school.



MISTY CROSLIN: Sorry, $190.


RONALD CUMMINGS: Yes, $7 apiece. It`s actually $189.

MISTY CROSLIN: Well, yes, it`s $189.

RONALD CUMMINGS: For 27 of them.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: For 27 of them?



MISTY CROSLIN: You`re going to have to probably give me your money right here.




MISTY CROSLIN: Please God, let him get me out this week!

LISA CROSLIN: Just hang in there a few more days, Meme (ph).

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m going to. Keep minutes on the phone, too!

LISA CROSLIN: Oh, I am. I got $50 on it.

MISTY CROSLIN: Who`s putting $100 in my account?

LISA CROSLIN: Leonard. It`s already on there.

MISTY CROSLIN: And then Dad put $100 in today, too.

LISA CROSLIN: No, the $100 he was going to put in was from Leonard. He just went ahead and Western Unioned it into your account today.

MISTY CROSLIN: And Timmy was supposed to put $100 in there! And Western Union...

LISA CROSLIN: I know. That`s what I don`t understand. They didn`t tell me if they done it or not.

MISTY CROSLIN: No! They said that Dad was putting it in there tonight and they were Western Unioning the money back.

LISA CROSLIN: They were going to until they found out Leonard was doing it.



MISTY CROSLIN: Turning by the school. All right. All right. Bye.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That`s $190 right there.




HANK CROSLIN, MISTY`S FATHER: I pray for you every night. I pray for Haleigh, too.

MISTY CROSLIN: I pray for her every day, all day. I`m telling you, I do. I miss her so much.

HANK CROSLIN: Poor little girl. And I miss her, too.

MISTY CROSLIN: God`s going to bring her home.

HANK CROSLIN: God`s going to bring her home?

MISTY CROSLIN: God`s going to bring her home.


GRACE: Straight out to investigative journalist Art Harris. Art, what`s the latest?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Nancy, what`s shocking on these new undercover jailhouse tapes, Misty is telling her father that she thinks God will bring Haleigh home, but she`s really not sure. As you said, she has doubts that Haleigh is alive.

GRACE: But why, Art, after all of this time, is she suddenly saying, I don`t think she`s going to come home?

HARRIS: Nancy, that is the $64,000 question. And police are trying to put the squeeze on her, make her sweat in jail. And eventually, they believe that she`s going to tell someone something. On these tapes, she hints that she may know something, if you listen to them carefully.

GRACE: To you, Jean Casarez, legal correspondent with In Session, what can you tell me?

JEAN CASAREZ, IN SESSION: You know, Nancy, when she says that God is going to bring her home, there`s a lot of interpretations to that. And the state of mind of Misty could be that she`s not alive but that she will be brought home, the body will be brought home. She also says, though, God just hasn`t given her the sign yet.

GRACE: God hasn`t given her the sign. OK, joining us right now, the man of the hour once again, bounty hunter out of California Leonard Padilla. Leonard Padilla has offered to bond her out from behind bars in exchange for her telling him the truth about what happened to Haleigh that night, the night she was alone with Misty Croslin, the baby-sitter-turned- stepmother.

Leonard Padilla, I got a bombshell right here, a letter or a release from Misty Croslin`s lawyer saying, basically, Butt out. But what I want to know, Leonard, is what lawyer tells a bondsman, Look -- who says, Look, I`ll bond you out, but you got to tell me the truth. What lawyer would turn down that deal unless he didn`t want Croslin to talk to you?

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: Well, I`m not a bondsman. You have to understand that. I`m a bounty hunter.

GRACE: Bounty hunter, bondsman, bail bondsman. You say tomato, I say tomato!


GRACE: Please, answer the question, Leonard Padilla.

PADILLA: Thank you. OK. All right. It doesn`t make sense that her attorney would tell me to butt out if I`m willing to pay for a $1.35 bond in exchange for information. Now, the information has to come first to prove where Haleigh is or where she can be found. We`re not going to buy a pig in a poke. However, if the attorney feels that way, I don`t -- you know, that`s his situation. He`s running the defense on the pill case. I`m not interested or involved in the pill case. My only...

GRACE: Wa-wa-wa-wa-wait! Stop right there, Leonard. Leonard, Leonard Padilla, all due respect, all right, I`ve worked with plenty of bondsmen, or as you call yourself, bounty hunter, whatever. We both know that, yes, they were selling drugs. There`s no doubt about that. It`s on video. But what this is about is finding Haleigh, OK? You can`t separate the two cases.

PADILLA: It`s about Haleigh. It is about...

GRACE: OK, go ahead.

PADILLA: ... Haleigh. It`s about Haleigh. We all know that. But I`m not going to cast aspersions on the efforts of the law enforcement people back in Florida.

What I`m saying is, I`m not involved in the pill case. I`m involved in Haleigh and bringing Haleigh home. And she has the information. Now, one of the rumors that I heard over the weekend was that she has said -- and I don`t know who to, but that she has said that she that night saw her cousin, Joe, standing in the doorway. Whether that`s true or not, I don`t know.

GRACE: Wait, wait, wait, wait! She is now saying she saw her cousin there in the doorway of the home the night Haleigh goes missing? This is news to me. Where did this come from?

PADILLA: It came to me from one of the relatives of Tommy. It was his sister-in-law, Timmy`s wife.


MISTY CROSLIN: Who`s putting $100 in my account?

LISA CROSLIN: Leonard. It`s already on there.

MISTY CROSLIN: And Dad put in $100 today, too.

LISA CROSLIN: No, that $100 he was going to put in was from Leonard. He just went ahead and Western Unioned it into your account today.

MISTY CROSLIN: And Timmy was supposed to put $100 in there! And Western Union (INAUDIBLE)

LISA CROSLIN: I know. That`s what I don`t understand. They didn`t tell me if they done it or not.

MISTY CROSLIN: No! They said that Dad was putting it in there tonight, and they were Western Unioning the money back.

LISA CROSLIN: They were going to until they found out Leonard was doing it.




LISA CROSLIN: I see the smile. Go to bed and think positive tonight.


LISA CROSLIN: Don`t cry, Sissy.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m not. I just want to get out. I`m so happy that I`m going to get out.

LISA CROSLIN: Them happy tears?

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. Tell him to please...

LISA CROSLIN: I`m so glad to see that smile. Don`t worry, Meme. Just hang in.

MISTY CROSLIN: I love you.

LISA CROSLIN: I love you, too.



MISTY CROSLIN: That`s all we can do is pray to God because he`s the only one, you know? It`s got to be his time. In his time, he`ll do it.

HANK CROSLIN: You think she can come home?

MISTY CROSLIN: Of course, Dad.

HANK CROSLIN: I hope and pray to God she does.

MISTY CROSLIN: Me too. I mean, I can`t tell you by definitely because, you know, I can`t say, you know, 100 percent, but God hasn`t gave me that sign.


GRACE: Did you hear that? Did you hear that, Art Harris? I can`t say 100 percent she`s coming home. And see, that`s not the attitude she had at the very beginning, when the searches were ongoing and this was all fresh in everyone`s mind, the little 5-year-old girl with Turner syndrome was gone, vanished out of her own bed in the middle of the night.

Art Harris, I thought I knew all the updates. I thought I had the bombshell. You`re the one digging. You`re the investigative journalist. Did you know this new revelation from Misty Croslin? She says the cousin, the male cousin, was in the home the night Haleigh goes missing?

HARRIS: Nancy, this is a cousin the family has been telling me all along they suspect. The question is, is it a diversion, or is it true? I can tell you that law enforcement has interviewed this cousin in Tennessee twice.

GRACE: Who is he?

HARRIS: He`s a cousin. His name is Joe. And he was there staying with Misty`s sister-in-law and brother during this period. The sister-in- law tells me that she got up the next morning. The van that she had was moved, and the keys were in a different place in the kitchen. So they are trying to implicate Joe. He took off the next morning after Haleigh vanished.

GRACE: Art, I didn`t hear that part about the kitchen. Would you repeat?

HARRIS: Chelsea Croslin, who`s married to brother Timmy, tells me that cousin Joe used the van and that the keys to the van were in a different place than she left them the next morning when they got up and Haleigh was reported missing.

GRACE: Wait. That`s my big proof, that he used the van and he misplaced the car keys?

HARRIS: Exactly, Nancy. I mean...

GRACE: That doesn`t -- OK, that`s not really helping me much, Art. But thanks for that tidbit. I`m going to come back to you and let you redeem yourself in a moment.

Back to you, Leonard Padilla, bounty hunter, as he has corrected me. He`s offered to bond Croslin out of jail in exchange for the truth about what happened to this little girl you`re seeing on the bottom of your TV screen right now. She was alone with the little girl and baby brother, Ronald Cummings, Jr., the evening this child goes missing. Misty Croslin says she heard nothing, she saw nothing, she knows nothing.

Back to you, Padilla.

PADILLA: Yes, ma`am.

GRACE: The whole family, in my mind, has been trying to pin this on the cousin, Joe Croslin (SIC), from the get-go. And it is very unusual that immediately after Haleigh goes missing, he leaves town. He`s gone. What exactly did they say? What exactly did they say about his involvement?

PADILLA: Well, basically, she related -- and I think she related it to law enforcement and possibly her sister-in-law -- that she saw Joe Overstreet standing in the doorway, in the back, where it was propped open with the child. Now, subsequent to that, I know that Joe Overstreet was seen hanging "Haleigh missing" flyers in town, and that shortly thereafter, he called his then girlfriend, Jennifer (ph), and said, I have to go to Antioch, Tennessee, where he lives. That`s where his mother and the family lives.

Subsequently, I think law enforcement went down there and did several interviews with him. It`s not to say that they`ve cleared him, but according to -- speaking to Chelsea and other family members, it`s kind of an ongoing discussion with Joe as to what he might have done or maybe participated in.

GRACE: Well, bottom line, you know, if it walks like a duck and it quacks like a duck and it looks like a duck, it`s probably a duck. Padilla, this is what I know. I know when they made an arrest, they put her behind bars, not cousin Joe Croslin.

As we go to break, take a listen to some of the secretly recorded tape.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, like I told her earlier, I`ll just give y`all a call when I`m done out there and start heading this way, and we`ll see what`s up at that point.


RONALD CUMMINGS: Yes, if I can`t -- I mean, I don`t know if you do Roxys or whatever, I can get them, but they`re (EXPLETIVE DELETED) expensive.





MISTY CROSLIN: I want out of here!

LISA CROSLIN: I know you do. It`s been 21 days. It`s too long.

MISTY CROSLIN: It is. You know...

LISA CROSLIN: But you`re coming home. I know. As long as you say you`ll talk to him, he`s coming to get you.


LISA CROSLIN: So -- and I`m going to let him know what you said.


LISA CROSLIN: OK? All right, baby, I love you.

MISTY CROSLIN: I love you, too. And hold a candle for me tomorrow.

LISA CROSLIN: Oh, I will. I promise, OK? Don`t cry.

MISTY CROSLIN: I love you!

LISA CROSLIN: I love you too, baby.



MISTY CROSLIN: Just going to ride right here by the school.



MISTY CROSLIN: Sorry, $190.


RONALD CUMMINGS: Yes, $7 apiece. It`s actually $189.

MISTY CROSLIN: Well, yes, it`s $189.

RONALD CUMMINGS: For 27 of them.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: For 27 of them?



MISTY CROSLIN: You`re going to have to probably give me your money right here.



GRACE: Unleash the lawyers, Alex Sanchez out of New York and Randy Kessler of Atlanta. Welcome, gentlemen. I`ve never heard of a lawyer -- first to you, Sanchez -- telling a bondsman -- I`ve got it right here in black and white, OK? Telling a bondsman -- or excuse me, Padilla, a bounty hunter, that`s going to help the client get out from behind bars on bond to butt out, not to contact his client anymore, to stay far away from the family, no communications. Why is he so worried about Leonard Padilla talking to his client?

ALEX SANCHEZ, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: You know, Leonard Padilla is like a monkeywrench in the criminal system. Nobody really understands how to deal with him and they`re not sure what his objectives are. But the lawyer`s looking at it from a legal point of view. He doesn`t want his client to speak to Leonard Padilla because his client may say something very incriminating, and then Leonard Padilla is going to take that information and is going to have to go to the district attorney`s office with that information. So why on earth should she speak to Leonard Padilla?

GRACE: You know what? Put Sanchez back up, please. Sanchez, a truer word was never spoken. Finally, after coming on our show, much less Court TV, for what now, 10 years, I finally wring the truth out of you. I`m so proud!

What about it, Kessler? He actually -- a defense attorney, actually admits the reason her lawyer probably doesn`t want her to talk to Padilla is she may say something incriminating about the night little Haleigh goes missing. Don`t we want to find out the truth about that night?

RANDY KESSLER, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, the defense lawyer`s worried about exactly what he should be worried about, the image of his client coming out, saying, I`ll cut a deal, get me out of jail and I`ll tell you what I know. The presupposition is she knows something. If she cuts a deal, it`ll be on your show tomorrow night, saying she must know something because she cut a deal.


HANK CROSLIN: I want to get your brother out, too.

MISTY CROSLIN: Well, worry about me first, OK?

HANK CROSLIN: I`m worried about both of you.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know that. But I`m saying get me out first!




MISTY CROSLIN, RONALD CUMMING`S EX-WIFE, LAST SEEN HALEIGH: Yes, I know. Tell him to get the process started. Start the court thing so I can get -- go to court and get out.

LISA CROSLIN, MISTY CROSLIN`S MOTHER: OK. I promise you. Don`t worry, baby. You`re coming home. You`re going to be coming home.


L. CROSLIN: You watch and see.



L. CROSLIN: I see a smile.



M. CROSLIN: Yes. Just go straight.

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: What you got? I hear you sniffling.


CUMMINGS: What you got? I hear you sniffling.


CUMMINGS: Roxies or something?


CUMMINGS: You got some good dope or something?

M. CROSLIN: (Laughs)


CUMMINGS: I like to get high, that`s why I was asking. If you had any powder to let me know.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, I got to go talk to some people this afternoon. I`ve got to be straight.

CUMMINGS: Well, do whatever you got to do, man, because like I said them 50 percs, I told you it wasn`t a guarantee. It`s a guarantee he`s getting them. There`s no ifs, ands or buts. He gets them every month. He gets 100 of them but he won`t sell me but 50.


CUMMINGS: So I guarantee you there`s 50 Percocets right around the corner, I just don`t know.

M. CROSLIN: Hey, baby. Baby! Ronald! He don`t want to do it right here. You got to go Spinners?


M. CROSLIN: He don`t want to do it right here. Do you got to go to Spinners?


M. CROSLIN: All right. We`ll follow right behind you.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Where`s he going?

M. CROSLIN: The Spinner`s right down the road.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I was going to go where I just met a dude at because it`s off the road, ain`t nobody there, ain`t no houses, no nothing.

M. CROSLIN: See, I don`t think it`s set up, like --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I mean it`s like 10 minutes up the road.

M. CROSLIN: I don`t think we have time for 10 minutes up the road because we were going to stop here, go on and get his son and then he`s got to go shoot back to another job.


M. CROSLIN: Well, they`re already gone so you have to take me to them I guess. They`re already gone.


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Misty Croslin dropping the bomb behind bars. She`s not so sure Haleigh, little Haleigh, will ever come home again. This as detailed recordings out of that cop car emerge. Pinpoint recordings of them haggling over the price of drugs, even talking about a drug sale near a school.

I want to go to Paul Penzone, director of prevention programs at Former sergeant Phoenix PD and undercover drug cop for six years. You know that`s kind of a dangerous assignment. I`m surprised you lasted six years.

Either you get hurt or you get exposed as being a cop. One way or the other. But what do you make of these undercover surveillance videos? They`re awfully chatty and chummy with the undercover cop.

PAUL PENZONE, DIRECT OF PREVENTION PROGRAMS, CHILDHELP.ORG, FMR. SERGEANT, PHOENIX PD: It`s great police work. What it shows you there is if you take Misty Croslin, and look at her as a little girl, it`s easy sometimes for people to kind of feel sorry for her. But when you see her in her true element, it tells you the real picture.

So the detectives there did a phenomenal job. And it is extremely dangerous, it`s very risky work. But when you see what they do, what the payoff can be, it`s very high. But I want to make a point to something real quick, Nancy. We have a three-ring circus going on right now.

You have a bounty hunter, you have cousin it, you have the parents, all these things going on. In the middle of it all is Misty Croslin. Don`t buy into this story because it starts and ends with her. There`s a civil process called a free talk.

If she had something she and her attorney could sit down with a prosecutor, talk a little bit about what they believe they can bring to the table, and maybe get her in the position of strength.

But the truth is, if what you`re saying really is what you did then you`re in a bigger problem. So I think she`s where it all begins and it might be where it all ends.

GRACE: Joining me is a special guest right now out of Florida. This is Ronald Cummings` attorney, Terry Shoemaker. A very well respected in that region of the country.

Terry, thank you for being with us. Terry, you know, since the first time I met and spoke with Ronald Cummings, I`ve believed him. It was a gut instinct. No, I never believed he hasn`t done drugs. I never believed he had not sold drugs in his past, but his grief over his daughter missing, to me, was genuine.

And after trying all those cases for all those years, believe me, I have not hung around with nuns and priests and virgins. All right? So somebody that did drugs, that was not my first time at the rodeo with being with a drug user or seller.


GRACE: How is he responding to being behind bars? Not just because the drug sales but because Misty Croslin won`t talk about the night Haleigh went missing?

SHOEMAKER: Well, he`s very confused right now as to what`s going on with Haleigh`s case. You know, because he is behind bars, as you stated, you know, law enforcement isn`t keeping him up to date on anything that`s going on and he keeps wondering what`s going on? Do they have any new leads? Or has Misty said anything or anybody else?

So that`s the hardest part for him right now is trying to find out what`s going on with his daughter.

GRACE: Well, Terry, my question was more pointed. My question is -- I believe a lot of focus came down on your client, Ronald Cummings. Yes, he did the drug deals. I can see that on video.

But what they want is the truth about where Haleigh is. That`s what they want. Misty now is telling people -- Misty Croslin, she observed her cousin, who is not a suspect or person of interest, in the home the night the child goes missing. What about that?

SHOEMAKER: Well, that`s the first I`ve heard anything about her cousin being in the house that night. The only thing I`d heard previously and the only thing that I believe Ronald has ever heard is that possibly, you know, her brother went over based on some telephone call that supposedly happened when Ronald called the house. So --

GRACE: So you had not heard this, Terry?

SHOEMAKER: No, I have not.

GRACE: OK. Let`s take a look at the ammunition, just some of it -- this is the tip of the iceberg -- that the state has against Misty Croslin and Ronald Cummings.


CUMMINGS: Two, four, six, eight, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 2, 4, 5. There ain`t 25 there.

M. CROSLIN: Uh-huh.



CUMMINGS: Damn. We got robbed. (EXPLETIVE DELETED). We`ll go back if you want. (EXPLETIVE DELETED). You know when to do it, man.


M. CROSLIN: He was dropping. He was dropping, I was coming and I said dude, that`s only 24 right there.

CUMMINGS: Well, it`s a good thing you looked.


CUMMINGS: Otherwise you would have gotten only 24. Damn good thing you looked.

M. CROSLIN: But he was dropping them. He`s (EXPLETIVE DELETED) bad.

CUMMINGS: How many does he got left? That was it or what?

M. CROSLIN: I don`t know.

CUMMINGS: Well, we don`t want to (EXPLETIVE DELETED) with him no more anyway. He don`t do good business. That`s the end of that.


CUMMINGS: She`ll get them. She`ll get them for you. I mean, so right now you just got (EXPLETIVE DELETED) there for a minute, but she`ll get them.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Like I told her earlier I`ll just give you all a call when I`m done out there and start heading this way and we`ll see what`s up at that point.

M. CROSLIN: All right.

CUMMINGS: Yes. If I can`t -- I mean, I don`t know if you do Roxies or whatever, I can get them but they`re expensive.



GRACE: Back to Art Harris, investigative journalist. Art, what do you make of it?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, ARTHARRIS.COM: Nancy, what I make of it is that these undercover tapes correspond to the police reports that have them nailed (INAUDIBLE) rights on drugs. But Misty`s lawyer is hoping that she has something he can use to cut her a deal to lower those years that she`s facing. That`s why he doesn`t want her talk to Padilla. If she does the information loses its leverage.

GRACE: Out to Marc Klaas, president and founder of KlaasKids Foundation. A tireless crusader for victims and missing people.

Marc, what do you think?

MARC KLAAS, PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER, KLAASKIDS FOUNDATION: Well, I think that the one common theme in every one of these jailhouse conversations with Misty is that she`s whining and begging and doing anything she can to find a way to get out of jail.

And with Leonard`s very generous offer on the table, and it`s been on the table for some time, I believe that if she had anything, anything at all, she wouldn`t be listening to her lawyer. She wouldn`t be listening to her mother. She would be talking to Leonard and arranging to get out of jail.

She hasn`t done it. She has nothing. If the police are going to solve this case they`re going to have to go back to the binge prior to the night that Haleigh disappeared. And that`s probably where they`re going to find the truth.

GRACE: To Dr. Lillian Glass joining us from L.A. What do you think, Lillian?

LILLIAN GLASS, PSYCHOLOGIST, BODY LANGUAGE EXPERT, AUTHOR OF "TOXIC PEOPLE": I think she`s a pretty obnoxious entitled person in saying that God is going to give her an answer. She`s got a lot of information that she knows.



M. CROSLIN: That`s all I want to do, is get out of this place. I`ll never come back, like for real. I will never do anything to get in trouble ever again. I will try never to come back.

I know I`m not ever doing anything, like God is going to guide me and not let me do anything wrong ever again. And I`m going to start going to church, get my life straight because I don`t want to be in here no more.

This is, like -- this really opened my eyes. Really. It opened my eyes big and --

HANK CROSLIN, MISTY CROSLIN`S FATHER: You think Ronald is going to do a long time?

M. CROSLIN: Probably. I don`t know.

H. CROSLIN: Just for the -- never mind.

M. CROSLIN: I don`t know, though.


GRACE: I find that very interesting. The visitor says, just for the drugs -- wait, never mind. In other words, don`t answer that. Don`t start talking about the night Haleigh disappeared.

With me is renowned medical examiner, Dr. Joshua Perper. He`s a chief medical examiner out of Broward County. He is author of "When to Call the Doctor."

Dr. Perper, as always, thank you for being with us.


GRACE: Doctor, the time has passed. There have been theories that this child has been kidnapped, has been sold. The possibility of her death is the preeminent theory that cops are working with. If they were to find her now, is she even identifiable?

PERPER: Well, probably yes, because there would be still perhaps some tissue which can be used for DNA fingerprinting. And usually it`s difficult to identify children, but the age and the gender would fit. It depends also where the body was found.

If the body was buried then the preservation would be better than if it was in the water or in the air. So there are a number of factors, but I believe that it would be still something, some tissue to examine, and if not soft tissue then bone marrow.

So I think that it would be a possibility of definitely identifying her and taking blood from the parents and making sure that, indeed, this is the child.

GRACE: Dr. Perper, it has now been about a month since Misty Croslin was arrested for drug sales -- drug trafficking. She should be dried out by now, right? From prescription pain medication?

PERPER: Yes. That`s correct. If she was on some of the pills which apparently were involved like oxycodone, for example. It takes between one and three days for the symptoms to appear and after a week they would disappear. It would be very disagreeable but usually they wouldn`t endanger her life so should be dry by after a month. Yes.

GRACE: Marc Klaas, where do you think we go from here?

KLAAS: Well, I think that you have to go back to the beginning. And I think you have to go back to that night. You have to sort out her various stories. You have to look at the binge weekend that she did before. Who were the people involved in that? What are the repercussions of that? Are they involved in this?

We know that she didn`t want to be there. She didn`t want to be baby- sitting, and she was wasted from a weekend of drug, sex and rock `n` roll.

GRACE: And to you, Paul Penzone, weigh in.

PENZONE: He`s right on. You have to remove all the distractions and just stay focused on where the investigation started. Go back and look and see if there`s anything at all that you overlooked, and don`t underestimate the players who are involved and what they`re capable of.

It`s still out there. We can find this little girl and hopefully she`s still alive. It`s going to start with Misty.

GRACE: Everyone, I want to keep you advised about what`s happening with the most unusual case. An entire family disappears.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m shocked, you know? And I hope everything`s OK.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Joseph McStay, his wife, Summer, and their two young boys, ages 3 and 5, haven`t been seen or heard from.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They haven`t been seen since February 4th. We know that four days later before anybody realizes they were missing the car had just been towed as abandonment. Didn`t raise any red flags because nobody knew they were missing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It was in a parking lot down there and then it was towed from the parking lot as abandoned. We were told that he would -- absolutely wouldn`t go to Mexico with his family.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Other things don`t add up as well. A pair of Ugg boots and children sandals remain on the front porch, and their two dogs, seen here in a home video with Summer, were left in the backyard unattended.

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: The dogs left at home, highly unusual. The brothers says that they`re not answering their cell phones and now Joey McStay`s phone appears to be dead.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Tonight loved ones who cannot imagine what happened are just praying the McStays will come home safe.


GRACE: Straight out to Joseph Pena with the San Diego News Network.

Thank you for being with us, Joseph. What can you tell us? What`s the latest on the search for this family?

JOSEPH PENA, REPORTER, SAN DIEGO NEWS NETWORK (via phone): Thank you for having me, Nancy. Here is the latest. The San Diego County Sheriff`s Department has released a flyer today describing the family as endangered, missing. Also authorities are reporting that perishable or refrigerated food items were discovered left out in the family`s home.

And finally according to a local news report, Joseph McStay may have had business connections in Mexico or may have been making a purchase in Mexico for a home remodeling project the family was working on.

McStay`s father, Patrick McStay, told a local news outlet that Joseph may have been buying granite countertops there for the family home or Joseph`s business, an indoor fountain business, may have taken him across the border.

GRACE: So you`re telling me that there in the home when the cops arrived they found refrigerated items left out? Like milk?

PENA: Yes. Yes. Refrigeratable items were left out along with -- they did find the family`s dogs there unattended, uncared for.

GRACE: To you, Lt. Dennis Brugos, San Diego County Sheriff`s Office, a special guest joining us out of San Diego.

Lieutenant, thank you for being with us. That says to me even if there was a legitimate reason for them going to Mexico, such as these countertops that he was ordering, they left in such haste.

LT. DENNIS BRUGOS, SAN DIEGO COUNTY SHERIFF`S OFFICE (via phone): Yes, they did. Actually the countertops had been installed in the home. The house they recently purchased, and it was actually in a kind of state of renovation. There were other things. They were putting down new hardwood flooring and that type of thing.

So it`s very possible they were purchasing things in Mexico. We`re checking on that right now. We have two of our liaison detectives who work in Mexico on a daily basis and they`re following up on that.

GRACE: To Ellie Jostad, our chief editorial producer. Ellie, the kicker is even if they were purchasing things in Mexico, why would they have taken the children down there to do business? Number two, why would they have left the car, I believe it was left, abandoned at San Isidro?

JOSTAD (via phone): Yes, that`s right, Nancy. It doesn`t make any sense that they would take off without their vehicle. If they were going to transport these countertops and -- you know, like you said, why bring the kids along?

Another thing I wanted to bring up, though, Nancy, the house searched last Friday and the cars as well. Search warrants served. Cadaver dogs brought in. But they did not find anything.

GRACE: To Alex Sanchez and Randy Kessler -- Alex, it`s not a crime you just disappear.

ALEX SANCHEZ, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: No, it`s not a crime if you disappear as long as you`re not putting anybody in damage. If the kid needs medical treatment, needs to go to school, you can pick up your family and move across the world.

GRACE: But Randy Kessler, the carseats were left in the family vehicle.

RANDY KESSLER, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Right. If there`s a crime, wouldn`t the criminal have stolen the car and sold the car and gotten some money for that and taken their property? Nothing has turned up -- credit cards, personal items. It sounds very strange.

GRACE: Tipline, 888-580-8477. There is a reward.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We just don`t know what happened. We just want them to be back home. I know they didn`t skip home. I know they wouldn`t hurt one another. They`re beautiful, amazing people and they were very happy.


GRACE: To Lt. Dennis Brugos, San Diego County Sheriff`s Office, where exactly along the border was their vehicle discovered?

BRUGOS: It was actually about two blocks from the crossing itself, in a private parking lot of a small shopping mall. And it was towed just as abandoned and actually that was on the 8th and this matter didn`t come to our attention until the 15th.

GRACE: What do you think, Paul Penzone?

PENZONE: You can`t remove the possibility of randomness, which is always a scarier situation for investigators because it`s the hardest track and why if it occurred. But you have to start with those closest to the family and friends to just find out anything outside the ordinary going on their live, and hopefully that will lead you somewhere.

GRACE: You`re right, Paul. Marc Klaas, what do you think?

KLAAS: They`re going to have to track any potential credit card activity, any cell phone activity, look into the family`s computer, see if there might be something there that will give them a glimmer of hope as to where to take this investigation. But I agree with everything else and everybody else has said.

GRACE: To Dr. Joshua Perper, what should they be looking for inside that family car?

PERPER: Well, they should look there for any kind of disruption to -- or damage to the interior of the car indicating that there was some kind of struggle or unusual activity. Any blood, any body fluids, fingerprints, which possibly can be later on matched to the fingerprints of the abductor if there was such an abduction.

It depends. At that time apparently they didn`t find anything in the car and can give a report for everything.

GRACE: Tipline, everyone, there is a reward, is 888-580-8477. That`s CrimeStoppers. An entire family, including two tiny children, disappear, left behind the family dogs to fend for themselves, the home in disarray, even food lying out on the kitchen counters.

Everyone, let`s stop and remember Army Specialist Matthew Murchison, 21, Independence, Missouri, killed, Iraq. Awarded the Bronze Star and Purple Heart, Army Achievement Medal, Combat Action Badge.

Loved animals, making people love, Kansas City Chiefs and Royals. Kansas basketball. Dreamed of being a cop like his father. Leaves behind parents Michael and Debra, sister Melissa.

Matthew Murchison, American hero.

Thanks to our guests but especially to you for being us. And tonight, thank you to Vancouver friend Audrey for these winter Olympic mitts for the twins. I understand they`re very difficult to get at the Olympics. Between her hometown host of the winter games, she never misses a show. Thank you.

And tonight, our prayers to South Carolina friend Kathy Evans.

Kathy, please stay strong.

And tonight, a very special thank you to high profile lawyer out of Seattle, Ann Bremner, and her family, Jim and Lenea, for these beautiful flowers for my mom.

And, Ann, thank you for all your prayers and get-well wishes for mother.

Everyone, I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on March 06, 2010, 07:56:57 PM


New Jailhouse Video of Misty Croslin; Misty Croslin to Take New Lie Detector?

Aired March 1, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight. Satsuma, Florida, a 5- year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. The last person to see her alive, new stepmother Misty Croslin, who takes to the airwaves, claiming she`s innocent. But even in one brief interview, she can`t keep her story straight, including a 180 on a lie detector she flunked. Little Haleigh`s own father, Ronald Cummings, and baby-sitter- turned-stepmom Misty Croslin both handcuffed, arrested, booked. Charges, drug trafficking.

Bombshell tonight. We obtain even more of those secretly recorded jailhouse tapes, hours of Croslin yakking to Mommy, Daddy, Granddaddy, Grandma, to brother. It`s all caught on video.


HANK CROSLIN, MISTY`S FATHER: The world just wants to know.


HANK CROSLIN: Hell, I want to know.




911 OPERATOR: When did you last see her?

MISTY CROSLIN: We just, like -- you know, it was about 10:00 o`clock. We were -- she was sleeping.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We knew all along that Misty was the last one to see Haleigh, allegedly the last one to see her alive. She knows more than what she`s been telling. So hopefully, hopefully, this will put a little bit more pressure on her to say, OK.



HANK CROSLIN: They don`t believe you, what you`re telling them, huh?

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t know what they believe and what they don`t. They don`t tell me anything. When I get out of here, I`ll tell you what they think, OK?

HANK CROSLIN: What, your lawyer don`t want them to give you a lie detector test?

MISTY CROSLIN: No, we were going to do it, but I just didn`t have enough sleep, and the lady that was going to do it didn`t. I don`t know.



MISTY CROSLIN: I`m trying to do everything to find her, you know, answer any questions I have to. I don`t know where she is!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What does Ronald know in this, too? He married her, right, just a number of months after all this happened, and then they got divorced. There`s something else I think that he knows, too.






TOMMY CROSLIN, MISTY`S BROTHER: It sucks, man. They got me with this (EXPLETIVE DELETED) trafficking charge, and I ain`t no damn drug dealer.

HANK CROSLIN: You should have knew better not to get messed up in none of Misty`s deals like that anyway. You knew better.


HANK CROSLIN: Lately, it seems like Misty`s been getting you in trouble and trouble and trouble.


HANK CROSLIN: She don`t mean to. She just -- I don`t know what the hell to think about her anymore. I love her so much, but she`s got me worried.



LISA CROSLIN, MISTY`S MOTHER: And I don`t care if Nancy Grace and news and everybody else knows what we`re talking about because I know my kids are innocent.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How old are you?

MISTY CROSLIN: Just turned 18.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They have her behind bars again, and they do intend on questioning her again about Haleigh`s disappearance.

MISTY CROSLIN: I wish I could talk more (INAUDIBLE) tell you more.

HANK CROSLIN: I don`t want to know no more. It`s got to get over with, Misty.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know, Daddy. I know. Believe me, I want it to be over. I don`t want to live like this. I`m tired of living my life like this.

HANK CROSLIN: So when`s the last time you seen your lawyer?

MISTY CROSLIN: When he brought the detectives in here with him. I just want to get out of here and -- I can`t do anything in here. You know, I can`t do nothing in here. I can`t help anybody. I can`t -- I can`t do nothing in here. I`m, like -- you know? I`m, like, stuck. That`s what I`m saying, if I could get out, it`s a lot better. I can help people. I can do things. I can -- you know? Can`t wait, but I think -- I think I`m going to get out.

HANK CROSLIN: Sit up. I can`t see you.

MISTY CROSLIN: Oh, can you see me now?

HANK CROSLIN: I just don`t want you to lose your -- I don`t want to lose -- you to lose your lawyer.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m not going to lose him. If I do, he can get me a new one. You know?

HANK CROSLIN: I don`t want you taking a chance, but I want you home.

MISTY CROSLIN: Exactly. And he can get me a new one. It`s going to -- it has to be all written up in the paper.

HANK CROSLIN: Robert Fields is working for you. You can bet you that because it`s is big for him, too.

MISTY CROSLIN: We got to keep praying tonight and every day that I get out.

HANK CROSLIN: I just can`t believe that you`re in there.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know. It sucks. It really does suck, but I`ve been in here 21 days today.

HANK CROSLIN: Yes. Your brother just reminded me. It`s terrible.

MISTY CROSLIN: It don`t feel like it. It feels like I just got here. But I`m just so tired of being locked up in one cell.

HANK CROSLIN: Yes, I can imagine.

MISTY CROSLIN: I hope he does it for me.

HANK CROSLIN: He said he would. He seemed like a man of his word.

MISTY CROSLIN: That`s good.


MISTY CROSLIN: I hate this place. I mean, it`s not so bad if I could get out and, like, you know, get out more than one hour, two hours a day. That would be all right. But I`m tired of being cooped up.

HANK CROSLIN: Yes, that`s the whole point about being in jail.

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, but that`s not -- it`s not -- it`s just because I`m in protected custody, like, I can`t come out more. I`m in lockdown. It`s not right. That`s not fair to us.

HANK CROSLIN: Somebody`ll hurt you if they let you out.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know, and that`s why I`m trying to get out of here.

I hope none of us do a long time. I pray every night and day, when I get up, when I`m laying in my bed and right before I go to bed.

HANK CROSLIN: Yes, me, too. I`ll be glad when all this is over with. Maybe I could sleep again.

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. Can`t wait.

HANK CROSLIN: It`s bad when you got both of your kids in jail and worried to death about both of them.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know. It sucks. But we`re going to get out, Dad.

I`m frickin` hungry. I couldn`t eat their food today.

HANK CROSLIN: You got to watch your mouth. You`ll get in trouble.

MISTY CROSLIN: Their food was so nasty tonight.

HANK CROSLIN: Well, didn`t you order something, some cakes and stuff?

MISTY CROSLIN: Well, I can`t -- we get it tomorrow.



HANK CROSLIN: How much money did you order?

MISTY CROSLIN: I spent all of the $60 because I had to get, like, socks and T-shirts and stuff.

HANK CROSLIN: But you just got another $100 put on there today. Did you know there was $100 put on there?

MISTY CROSLIN: No, I didn`t know that.

HANK CROSLIN: He just put it on today. You look funny with them braids in your hair.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know. I`m taking them out tonight.

HANK CROSLIN: You`re still beautiful.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know. I try to be beautiful. It`s hard to be beautiful in here. You got to make yourself look beautiful in this place.

HANK CROSLIN: How you been doing?

MISTY CROSLIN: Doing all right.

HANK CROSLIN: Why haven`t you been calling Annie?

MISTY CROSLIN: I slept today. I slept all day. I`m going to call her tomorrow morning.

HANK CROSLIN: You slept all day?

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. I`ve been sleeping all day. Tomorrow`s canteen, so we get some good food tomorrow night.

HANK CROSLIN: Yes, he put $100 on your account.


HANK CROSLIN: He said he Western Unioned it.

MISTY CROSLIN: Timmy was supposed to.


MISTY CROSLIN: Timmy was supposed to.

HANK CROSLIN: Yes. How much -- Did you have money on it already?

MISTY CROSLIN: I had 60 bucks. I don`t know who put it there.

So how`s Lindsey doing?


MISTY CROSLIN: How`s the kids and Lindsey doing?

HANK CROSLIN: Oh, doing the best they can...

MISTY CROSLIN: That`s good.

HANK CROSLIN: ... without their daddy. Dustin just said just a minute ago, Papa, I tried to get Daddy out. It just ain`t working. They need their daddy.


HANK CROSLIN: Tommy -- Tommy was a good daddy. He just got (EXPLETIVE DELETED) for a minute.


HANK CROSLIN: I`m sorry. I got to watch my mouth. I`ll get in trouble. I already got writ up once.




HANK CROSLIN: I know. I can`t -- I better -- I got to watch it.

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, Dad, please. I don`t want you to get writ up so you can`t come see me.


MISTY CROSLIN: Hopefully, I`m going to be out, though, soon.



LISA CROSLIN: Did you order you some commissary?

TOMMY CROSLIN: You know it!


TOMMY CROSLIN: I got me a bunch of stuff coming.

LISA CROSLIN: Do you? Misty said she got her some stuff coming, too.

TOMMY CROSLIN: So they`ve been sending her money, huh? People have been sending her money left and right, I heard.

LISA CROSLIN: Yes. Some guy wrote a letter, and it had your address on Tyler but her inmate number. And it said, I know you`re totally innocent. You`re so beautiful. Hang in there. Keep your head up. I will do whatever I can. I`ll send money every week. So I sent her the letter. I don`t know if she called him or not.



TOMMY CROSLIN: I`ve been doing a lot of pushups, baby.


TOMMY CROSLIN: Yes. I got nothing to do. Shoot, at night, I sit there and I do, like, 10, then do 10 more, and then wait a little white, do 10 more, wait a little while, do 10 more. I`m getting my weight back, though.

LINDSEY CROSLIN: Are you getting your weight back on? You are?


LINDSEY CROSLIN: Good. Good. I want 200 pounds, or you`re not getting out.


TOMMY CROSLIN: I`m getting out. It`s just a matter of time, baby.

LINDSEY CROSLIN: Two hundred pounds, or I ain`t coming to pick you up. You`ll be walking.

TOMMY CROSLIN: Shoot, I`ll be happy to walk from here to you if I could go home today. I`ll walk in blistering cold.




TOMMY CROSLIN: I`d do whatever.

All I know is I got out the van at the store, and people come running at me with guns out.


TOMMY CROSLIN: Threw me down on the ground and handcuffed me, like, I got a warrant for your arrest. I says, For what? They wouldn`t tell me. I didn`t know at first.

LINDSEY CROSLIN: You figured it out?

TOMMY CROSLIN: Until the detectives rolled up. It took me a minute, but then I started thinking. I was like, Oh (EXPLETIVE DELETED). But I`m done putting myself in these kinds of situations, honey.

LINDSEY CROSLIN: Yes, but it sucks that it took this to do it.

TOMMY CROSLIN: I know. Sometimes, you know, it takes something like this to make you -- you`re right.

TOMMY CROSLIN: Yes, but you know, it just puts us -- me and the kids in a crazy situation, too.

TOMMY CROSLIN: I know. I know, baby.

LINDSEY CROSLIN: I love you no matter what.

TOMMY CROSLIN: That`s all I need to know. No matter what happens, as long as you do, I`ll be fine.

LINDSEY CROSLIN: I`ll be here waiting, and I`ll come visit you wherever you go.

TOMMY CROSLIN: Yes, but I`m still going to keep that out of my head because I don`t think it`s going to happen. But it could.


GRACE: Everyone, when we come back, newly obtained secretly recorded video, Misty Croslin behind bars, Croslin claiming she`s close to taking a brand-new lie detector test.


HANK CROSLIN: My blood pressure, I just checked it at Wal-Mart. It was, like, 156 over 102.

MISTY CROSLIN: We`re going to get out. It`s going to be all right. We will be -- we will get out of here and we will have our life back.



GRACE: Law enforcement says Misty Croslin flat-out refuses to reveal what she knows about the night little Haleigh goes missing, Croslin allegedly failing polygraph tests miserably. But in newly obtained video from behind bars, she claims she wants to take a new lie detector. I`ll believe it when I see it, of course. But her excuse? She hasn`t had enough sleep.


HANK CROSLIN: They don`t believe you, what you`re telling them, huh?

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t know what they believe and what they don`t. They don`t tell me anything. When I get out of here, I`ll tell you what they think, OK?

HANK CROSLIN: What, your lawyer don`t want them to give you a lie detector test?

MISTY CROSLIN: No, we were going to do it, but I just didn`t have enough sleep, and the lady that was going to do it didn`t. I don`t know. We were going to do it, but -- I don`t know.

HANK CROSLIN: I know because Stephen Brown was trying to get Tommy one, but he didn`t want them guys to do it. He wants somebody that he knows that can run one good.

MISTY CROSLIN: None of them can run them good.

HANK CROSLIN: They say -- I`ve heard a couple people say it just depends on who`s running them.


HANK CROSLIN: I don`t trust them. You know, I don`t trust them either way.

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t, either.

HANK CROSLIN: I know that -- you know, because we`re all nervous people.

MISTY CROSLIN: Of course you`re going to be nervous.


MISTY CROSLIN: Of course, like, when you`re -- especially when you`re getting hooked up to the machine like that, like, you`re, like, Oh! You know what I mean? We have 3 minutes and 57 seconds.

HANK CROSLIN: Yes, this one`s got it on it over here. I try not to look at it.

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, I know. But I don`t want it to shut off on me before I get to say I love you, you know?

HANK CROSLIN: I know you love me, and I love you.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m going to call you tonight. I`m going to call you all tonight. It`s only 15 minutes, but it`s better than nothing, you know?

I wish I could talk more to you, tell you more.

HANK CROSLIN: I know. I don`t want to know no more.

MISTY CROSLIN: No, nothing about that, just, like, talk longer, you know?

HANK CROSLIN: All I know is if anybody knows anything, they need to tell the right people.


HANK CROSLIN: Because it`s got to get over with, Misty.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know, Daddy. I know. Believe me, I want it to be over. I don`t want to live like this. I`m tired of living like this.



HANK CROSLIN: I`m worried about Misty.


HANK CROSLIN: She`s got herself in a mess.

TOMMY CROSLIN: Yes. Me, too.

HANK CROSLIN: Yes, but not as big a mess as her.


HANK CROSLIN: Yes, I know you got yourself in a mess. She told me not to worry about you, but that`s why I worried about you. I don`t want to see this (EXPLETIVE DELETED) happen.

TOMMY CROSLIN: I know. I never expected this to happen.

HANK CROSLIN: Play with fire, you get burnt.


HANK CROSLIN: So when did the cops come in to talk to you again?

TOMMY CROSLIN: They ain`t been over here to talk to me. I ain`t talking to them. I got nothing to say to them because they`re a bunch of damn liars.

HANK CROSLIN: I thought Lindsey said that they come in and said something to you to -- or Timmy said that -- what`s that noise?


HANK CROSLIN: Oh. Everybody?

TOMMY CROSLIN: Yes. I ain`t got to, though, because I got a visit.



LINDSEY CROSLIN: Are you worried about your sister? I mean, she`s going to get...

TOMMY CROSLIN: Yes, I am, Lindsey. I`m scared for her, but I don`t know. I don`t know what`s going to happen. She`ll be all right, I guess. That`s all.

LINDSEY CROSLIN: Yes. It`s just scary to think for her because, I mean, we know three years, that`s it for you, if the worst. But Misty, I mean, she`s got 25.


LINDSEY CROSLIN: You know? Can you imagine? She`s 18 years old.

TOMMY CROSLIN: Well, she ain`t got to start her life out.

LINDSEY CROSLIN: She will be 33 years old when she gets out of jail.


LINDSEY CROSLIN: Isn`t that crazy? No babies.

TOMMY CROSLIN: She`ll be older than that.

LINDSEY CROSLIN: Twenty -- what -- oh, yes. Yes. You`re right. Eight -- I can`t even count.


MISTY CROSLIN: You know, we didn`t deserve this.

HANK CROSLIN: I know it. We just need to find Haleigh.


HANK CROSLIN: That`s what we need to do.


HANK CROSLIN: If we could find Haleigh, we`d all -- it would be better for everybody.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know. I`ve been -- I`ve been -- I sit and wonder every day, thinking, just trying to go back and think if I missed anything. I do every day. And I just -- it`s not, Dad -- there`s nothing. I`m telling you. It just -- it`s -- it`s hard.



MISTY CROSLIN: If they give me 20 years in prison, it would be OK because you guys will come see me. I`ll get out and everything will be fine. I`m not scared. I`m not scared. I`m not.

LISA CROSLIN: You`ll be old and gray like me.

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t care because, you know, they`re not going to put me away for something I didn`t do, and I didn`t have anything to do with Haleigh. And if I knew who did, I would tell. I`ve told them everything that I can tell them, so they need to leave me alone about this. This -- why I`m in jail has nothing to do with Haleigh.

LISA CROSLIN: That`s right.

MISTY CROSLIN: They need to kiss my (EXPLETIVE DELETED) and leave me alone!


GRACE: Next, shocking video, stunning video in the Haleigh Cummings investigation. Will Misty Croslin finally crack behind bars?



HANK CROSLIN: What was you (INAUDIBLE) getting all these (EXPLETIVE DELETED) pills from?

MISTY CROSLIN: I know, man. It`s sucks. I should have listened to you.

HANK CROSLIN: I told you don`t get getting into that (EXPLETIVE DELETED) game, man. I told you it wasn`t no good.


HANK CROSLIN: And now your brother`s (EXPLETIVE DELETED) and you`re (EXPLETIVE DELETED), and I can`t handle it, man.

MISTY CROSLIN: It`s OK. I`m going to -- Dad, it`s going to be OK. I will get out. They`re not going to keep me forever.

LISA CROSLIN: I don`t want you in there at all!

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, but you know what? I got to learn the lesson. I`m OK, you guys. I`m really OK. I`m doing fine. I mean, I hate being in here. Of course, I do. Robert Fields is trying to bond me out right now. He`s trying to get me out. But if he doesn`t, then, you know, I`ll be here. There`s nothing I can do about it.


GRACE: Newly obtained videotape shows us Croslin plotting what she`s going to do when she gets out of jail, even contemplating giving up drugs. But what Croslin doesn`t get is she is facing almost 150 years behind bars.


MISTY CROSLIN: I`ve been thinking a lot, like, I just want to get my life back to normal, like, go to school, and you know, what I should have done a long time ago. I`ve been sitting, like, really using my head. And when I get out, I`m not smoking weed no more. I don`t want drugs. I don`t want nothing like that. I don`t want alcohol. I don`t want none of it.

HANK CROSLIN: I heard that. I don`t want nothing to do with none of that (EXPLETIVE DELETED), either, alcohol or anything.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`d like a cigarette.

HANK CROSLIN: All it does is destroy lives.

MISTY CROSLIN: I would like a cigarette, but...

HANK CROSLIN: I want to quit smoking cigarettes, too.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know, I might...

HANK CROSLIN: Can`t afford them, for one.

MISTY CROSLIN: I might come out not smoking interest cigarettes, too. I don`t know. Depends.



HANK CROSLIN: Hope when you get out, you learned your lesson, you`ll never do it again. Just be a good man like you`re supposed to be.

TOMMY CROSLIN: (EXPLETIVE DELETED), when I get out, I`m done with all that stuff.

HANK CROSLIN: I hope so. I can`t handing this (EXPLETIVE DELETED) anymore.

TOMMY CROSLIN: Them damn pills ruined my life.

HANK CROSLIN: Yes, that`s all drugs do to anybody. And you know that. I tried to warn you. But what`s -- ain`t no sense in crying over spilled milk because there ain`t nothing we can do about it. Learn from our mistakes.

TOMMY CROSLIN: Yes. Well, I know everything`s going to be all right. God won`t give me nothing I can`t bear.



LINDSEY CROSLIN: You know, you not being in bed with me every night and you missing things that the kids do and...

TOMMY CROSLIN: I know. It sucks.

LINDSEY CROSLIN: ... all to get high.

TOMMY CROSLIN: Yes. When I get out, you ain`t going to have to worry about that no more because I`m done with it. Don`t even feel the need for it.

LINDSEY CROSLIN: You`re not allowed to have no friends.

TOMMY CROSLIN: I don`t need no friends. I need you and my kids, my family. I`ve got to keep away from them jokers I was hanging out with before.






UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Let me ask you one other thing. What`s your relationship with Misty?

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: There really isn`t a relationship, you know, just -- I guess ex-wife/friend.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: If convict the on all drug charges Misty could be looking at a 150-year prison sentence. Lawyers say if she knows anything about what happened to Haleigh, now might be a good time to talk.

MISTY CROSLIN-CUMMINGS, RONALD CUMMING`S EX-WIFE, LAST SEEN HALEIGH: I`ve been the one, the main focus. They just need to move on and look for the right person.

CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before you all do I`m killing them. I don`t care if I have to spend the rest of my life in prison. I`m telling you. You can put it on recording. I don`t care. Same thing I put on the 911 call.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: OK. Well, I just wanted to make sure.

CUMMINGS: I`m telling you, I haven`t changed my mind, not a bit.

CROSLIN: That`s all I know -- is when I woke up -- when I went to sleep she was there. And then when I woke up she was gone.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Well, let me ask, I know we`ve talked about this maybe in the past. I mean, do you think that Misty knows more than everybody says that, you know, you`re trying to find out stuff from her, I mean, is that accurate?

CUMMINGS: That I`m trying to find out stuff from her?


CUMMINGS: Well, of course I want to know if she knows anything. What she does know.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Do you think she knows more?

CUMMINGS: Man, that`s a hard question to answer. It`s hard to believe that she don`t know more, but it`s also hard to believe if she did know more she ain`t already talked, you know?

CROSLIN: I wish that they would have took me instead of her. You know? Because I can -- I could have fought. You know? She`s only 5. She can`t really do anything.

CUMMINGS: How could you (EXPLETIVE DELETED) let my daughter get stolen, bitch?

CROSLIN: I don`t know where she is.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And Ronald, even behind bars, facing a lot of jail time, possibly that he will still only talk about Haleigh. He says to this moment he has not changed his mind. If he finds the person that killed Haleigh he will kill that person.

He doesn`t care what kind of jail time he`ll face. He doesn`t care if it even offers up the death penalty. It`s worth it to him.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Undercover police officers with Putnam County Sheriff`s Department heard Misty was dealing. That they could get drugs from her and they called and asked if she could deliver.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How old are you?

CROSLIN: Just turned 18.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: They have her behind bars again and they do intend on questioning her again about Haleigh`s disappearance.


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Hours of secretly recorded video just released. Misty Croslin behind bars. The girlfriend turned stepmother. New theories emerging from behind the jail cell.

Misty Croslin`s family now blaming police for fishing and even suggesting Mexican drug dealers took little Haleigh.



TOMMY CROSLIN, MISTY CROSLIN`S BROTHER: Hey, mama, what are you doing?

L. CROSLIN: Nothing. Just got done talking to Misty. And she wants me to talk to Leonard and tell him to get you all out. She`s real upset. You know what today is, don`t you?

T. CROSLIN: Yes, I know what today is.

L. CROSLIN: Yes. She`s real upset up in there.

T. CROSLIN: I wish they`d let me see her, man. I miss my sister. I love her.

L. CROSLIN: But I don`t care if Nancy Grace and the news and everybody else knows what we`re talking about because I know my kids are innocent.

T. CROSLIN: I had nothing to do with none of that crap.

L. CROSLIN: I know you didn`t.

T. CROSLIN: I`m put in the middle of it because of sorry ass detectives.

L. CROSLIN: Yep, that`s all it is. Fishing and fishing. If they`d get off of us, and get doing their job.

T. CROSLIN: They said it doesn`t matter if we have to plant something on your sister. She`s going to be locked up when she`s 18. They told me that out of their own mouth. They said it don`t matter, we`re going to get her for something.

L. CROSLIN: And that`s exactly what they`ve done.

T. CROSLIN: I forgot to tell you, I was talking to a dude who was in here for like a day. And he was Putnam County jail a while back. And remember what Ronald told us about the Mexicans?

L. CROSLIN: Uh-huh.

T. CROSLIN: I didn`t say nothing to him about it. He come out the blue and just said it. That he heard from somebody in the Putnam County jail that the Mexicans out of Crescent City had her.

L. CROSLIN: That`s why I think Misty`s telling, Tom, I swear to god.

T. CROSLIN: Well, I mean I ain`t know this dude from nothing. I ain`t never seen him in my life. He come out of the blue and said it. He was talking.

L. CROSLIN: Did you tell dad?

T. CROSLIN: Yes, I told dad. But I told the cops a long time ago but they don`t want to listen to me.

L. CROSLIN: We told the cops that, too, Tom. They won`t listen to us.

T. CROSLIN: I know.


L. CROSLIN: Yes. He was tore up just like he was that night when he was on the porch talking about that Larry guy.

T. CROSLIN: Yes, that`s when he said that stuff.

L. CROSLIN: Yes. Yes.

T. CROSLIN: Those Mexicans.

L. CROSLIN: If they get him straight, well, that`s like on NANCY GRACE the other night, Nancy -- granny was talking to him, saying somebody named Pop told Teresa to watch what he`s talking about because there`s a snitch in his cell.

T. CROSLIN: I`m sure there is. But I ain`t going to make up no story to get myself out of here.

LINDSEY CROSLIN, MISTY CROSLIN`S SISTER: No. There`s -- no, because that -- you know, you need to just --

T. CROSLIN: That`s what they want.

LINDSEY CROSLIN: Yes, but you know -- yes, well.

T. CROSLIN: I`m not going to do it.

LINDSEY CROSLIN: No. You just need to tell what you know and that`s it.

T. CROSLIN: I done did that.

LINDSEY CROSLIN: Because you`ll get out -- that`s what I`m saying. You`ll get out with a good -- you know, a good conscience. You make stories up and then you`re always going to be looking back wondering who`s going to find out -- you know, the real truth?

T. CROSLIN: Yes. I don`t know nothing. I`m not going to make up a lie to get myself out of here.

LINDSEY CROSLIN: I know I wouldn`t. You`re in enough trouble.


LINDSEY CROSLIN: Because isn`t making lies up, isn`t that some type of felony probably?

T. CROSLIN: Yes, I`m sure it is.

LINDSEY CROSLIN: I`m sure it`s major, too.

T. CROSLIN: I ain`t lying about nothing.

LINDSEY CROSLIN: I don`t blame you. I wouldn`t either.

CROSLIN: When Haleigh`s found I will be let out of jail because that`s the only reason they`re keeping me in here, the only reason they set me up. Because of all that stuff. And that`s why my bond is so high and it`s not right. It`s bull.

They`re treating our family like crap. They`re trying to put us all down in the ground. And you know what? I`m not letting them put me down no more. I`m going to start standing up for myself.

I`m tired of being put down, put down, put down, think I`m this horrible person that I`m not. Because I`m not a horrible person, you know? I`m just tired of it. And I`m done with it. I`m not going to let them keep doing this to me.

I`m going to do something. I am going to stand up for myself. And that`s what you guys got to do. Stand up for ourselves. Fight for our family.

L. CROSLIN: I know you had nothing to do with Haleigh. You loved her just like you do Junior. And I`m sending you a picture of Junior.


L. CROSLIN: OK? Don`t cry, sis.

CROSLIN: You got one of Haleigh, too?

L. CROSLIN: I don`t know, but I can find one. OK? I`ll send them to you. As soon as they find out what happened to Haleigh everything will be different.

CROSLIN: I know.

L. CROSLIN: I can`t believe they still believe you know. I know. It`s crazy.

CROSLIN: It`s ridiculous because they`ve got my bond set so high just because of that. And that`s not fair. This has nothing to do with it.

L. CROSLIN: I know. That`s exactly what it is.

CROSLIN: What do they think? I`m going to break? There`s nothing to break me on so they need to leave me alone.

I`m going to prison, I`m telling you.


CROSLIN: Eight trafficking charges. I have eight trafficking charges.

TIMMY CROSLIN: How long you think you`re going to do?

CROSLIN: About 21 years.

TIMMY CROSLIN: No. You`re not going to do 21 years.

CROSLIN: I`m going to prison, too. Donna is going to prison. Ronald is going to prison. We`re all going to prison, Tim. Unless I can come out and tell them something. Unless I come out and tell them something. That`s the only way I`m not going.

TIMMY CROSLIN: Well, what do you know, sis?

CROSLIN: Tim, I don`t.

TIMMY CROSLIN: You don`t know nothing?

CROSLIN: No, bubba. They can all put this on TV and kiss my (EXPLETIVE DELETED).

L. CROSLIN: That`s right. That`s the way I feel, too. Your dad feels so bad. He thinks it`s his fault that you got two more charges.


L. CROSLIN: Because you all were talking about the drugs and whatever and then --

CROSLIN: It doesn`t matter. No, I was already getting them. It doesn`t matter. I`m pretty sure I`m not going to have all of them. They`re going to drop some of them because I did not give the guy -- I didn`t sell the whole time. OK?

L. CROSLIN: I know.

CROSLIN: I`m being charged with everybody.

L. CROSLIN: I know. That`s what I don`t understand. I mean, you told the truth. Why do they keep putting charges on you?

CROSLIN: Exactly.

L. CROSLIN: It`s not right.

T. CROSLIN: This (EXPLETIVE DELETED) sucks, dude. I want out of here so bad. I would do anything to get out of here.


T. CROSLIN: I wouldn`t sell my soul, but I`d do anything else. I know in the paper it says I`m facing 15 years in prison, but that`s a (EXPLETIVE DELETED) lie.

The damn police said you`re facing three years in prison unless you help us find Haleigh. I said, I can`t help you find nobody. I don`t know where she is. What the (EXPLETIVE DELETED). I`m sick of them, man.


GRACE: Coming up, stunning evidence. It`s more of baby-sitter turned step mom, misty Croslin`s just released secretly recorded jailhouse tapes.


CROSLIN: I can`t wait to get out and just, like, give you a hug and stuff.

HANK CROSLIN, MISTY CROSLIN`S FATHER: I know. I didn`t get to hug you before you went because you just disappeared.

CROSLIN: I know.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you feel Misty has the key to this investigation?

CUMMINGS: No, I don`t. I think they`re barking up the wrong tree.

GRACE: I don`t believe you. I think you do suspect your ex-wife, soon to be ex-wife`s story. I think you don`t want to discuss it in the midst of a divorce.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: So are you saying you didn`t fail the polygraph like people and law enforcement are kind of claiming that you did?

CROSLIN: No, I did not.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: OK. So bottom line you don`t know where Haleigh is?

CROSLIN: Bottom line.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Misty is just kind of digging herself in a deeper hole.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If this girl keeps doing what she`s doing it`s only a question of time before she`s charged with something having to do with this kid`s disappearance. She just repeatedly, repeatedly contradicts herself.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Deputies say Croslin`s brother told them it looked like no one was home that night.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: He tells police that he banged on the door and he got no answer. He looked inside through the windows, saw no lights, no television, did not hear a sound.

CROSLIN: I would have woke up if I heard any noise. I mean I didn`t hear anything at all.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, SPENT TIME WITH MISSING HALEIGH`S FAMILY: That front door is all but 10 feet from the bedroom where Misty was sleeping with Haleigh and Junior that night. So if someone was wailing on the door there`s no way she couldn`t have heard that whatsoever.

MARC KLAAS, PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER, KLAASKIDS FOUNDATION: This family is willing to betray each other over something like getting a get-out-jail free card. What does that say about her and who she`s willing to betray? Is she betraying Ron? Is she betraying Haleigh?

GRACE: Do you believe she left the home and left the children alone, Ronald?

CUMMINGS: Absolutely not. I want to get to the bottom of what happened. One way or another I want my daughter to come home.


GRACE: What will it ever take for Croslin to finally reveal what she knows about Haleigh`s disappearance? Even her own family tells her the world wants to know. What happened to little Haleigh?


H. CROSLIN: I guess the world just wants to know.

CROSLIN: I know.

H. CROSLIN: Hell, I want to know.

CROSLIN: I know.

H. CROSLIN: You know, I want you and your brother out of this mess and --

CROSLIN: Me, too. I want out of here, dad.

H. CROSLIN: I know you do, Misty. I wish I could get you out. I`m working on it. I`m trying.

CROSLIN: I know.

T. CROSLIN: It sucks, man. They got me with this bull (EXPLETIVE DELETED) trafficking charge and I ain`t no damn drug dealer.

H. CROSLIN: Yes, you should have knew better not to get messed up in none of Misty`s deals like that anyway. You knew that, didn`t you?

T. CROSLIN: I know.

H. CROSLIN: Misty always -- you know lately it seems like Misty`s been getting you in trouble and trouble and trouble.

T. CROSLIN: I know.

H. CROSLIN: She don`t mean to. She`s just -- I don`t know what the hell to think about her anymore. I love her so much but she`s got me worried.

T. CROSLIN: You get a minimum mandatory sentence you have to do all of it.

H. CROSLIN: What`s that? Three years?

T. CROSLIN: That`s -- yes. But I ain`t worried about anything. That ain`t happening to me. I`m scared for Misty.

H. CROSLIN: Yes, me, too.

H. CROSLIN: I just hope -- I mean, I don`t know if she knows anything or not, but --

T. CROSLIN: If she does she needs to go ahead and tell the truth, man, and don`t be making up stories.

H. CROSLIN: I told her that. To don`t talk to nobody but her lawyer and just tell the truth and get it over with.

T. CROSLIN: And don`t be making up stories on people.

H. CROSLIN: I pray for you every night. I pray for Haleigh, too.

CROSLIN: Yes, I pray for her every day, all day. I`m telling you, I do. Miss her so much.

H. CROSLIN: Poor little girl. I miss her, too.

CROSLIN: God`s going to bring her home.

H. CROSLIN: God`s going to bring her home?

CROSLIN: God`s going to bring her home. That`s all we can do is pray to god because he`s the only one, you know? It`s got to be his time and his time he`ll do it.

H. CROSLIN: You think she can come home?

CROSLIN: Of course, dad.

H. CROSLIN: I hope and pray to god she does.

CROSLIN: Me, too. I mean, I can`t tell you by definitely, because you know, I can`t say, you know, 100 percent, but god hasn`t gave me that sign. That`s all I want to do is get out of this place. I`ll never come back, like for real.

I will never do anything to get in trouble ever again. I will try never to come back. I know I`m not ever doing anything, ever, like god is going to guide me and not let me do anything wrong ever again.

And I`m going to start going to church, get my life straight because I don`t want to be in here no more. This is, like, this really opened my eyes. Really, I really. It opened my eyes big and --

H. CROSLIN: You think Ronald`s going to do a long time?

CROSLIN: Probably. I don`t know.

H. CROSLIN: Just for the -- never mind.

CROSLIN: I don`t know though.

T. CROSLIN: You all ain`t heard from Misty?

TIMMY CROSLIN: Yes, she called us about 1:00.

T. CROSLIN: Did she? I hope she don`t call the house.

TIMMY CROSLIN: No, I told her not to. She said she`s not going to. I said there was only one call left so Tommy needs to talk to Lindsey. She said she`s not, you know, but (EXPLETIVE DELETED) Misty wants to know, are you on the third floor, second floor?

T. CROSLIN: I`m on the same floor as her. I`m on the third floor.

TIMMY CROSLIN: She`s on the third floor, too.

T. CROSLIN: All I know is she keeps making up these lies I`m not going to have nothing to do with her. It`s (EXPLETIVE DELETED) she`s trying to (EXPLETIVE DELETED) to put me in the middle of something I don`t know nothing about. Misty`s the one that told them about all that craziness anyway. You hear me?

TIMMY CROSLIN: About what?

T. CROSLIN: About me supposedly doing some "B" and E`s. Exactly what they told me. They kept me because -- when they took me up to the -- when they first arrested me they took me to Bunnell, to the state`s attorneys building or the courthouse, wherever it is.

They said, your sister got arrested she started squealing. Said you`ve been burglarizing houses in your neighborhood. She`s out of her mind.

H. CROSLIN: I know it`s hard. It`s hard for me to have you both locked up. But, Misty, don`t be lying about nothing. Because all it`s going to do is bury you deeper. What did your Ma say to you?

Somebody suggested they was trying to come up with some money or something. But Art Harris is just looking for a story. Don`t worry. I mean if somebody will bond you out, that`s fine. I`m all for it, but -- all I know, Misty is you guys need to get to the truth and get this (EXPLETIVE DELETED) over with.

CROSLIN: It`s OK, though, because I will prove to the world that I didn`t have nothing to do with it.

L. CROSLIN: Exactly.

CROSLIN: And when I get out of jail everybody can kiss my (EXPLETIVE DELETED) and I`m going to get on TV and I`m going to tell them all to (EXPLETIVE DELETED) off.

L. CROSLIN: That`s right. I don`t blame you at all. They need to give you a nationwide apology.

CROSLIN: They`re not going to put me down no more. I`m tired of it. I`m going to stand up for myself.

L. CROSLIN: That`s what you need to do. Right there. Let them know that.

CROSLIN: I am, because I don`t care what people think about me. They can think what I want to think.


GRACE: Coming up, newly released secretly recorded jailhouse video of baby-sitter turned stepmother Misty Croslin.



H. CROSLIN: I love you.

CROSLIN: I love you and -- muah. Muah.

H. CROSLIN: I caught it.

CROSLIN: Did you catch it?

H. CROSLIN: Yes, I caught it, baby.


GRACE: As Croslin and her family yak away behind bars, will investigators finally get the breakthrough they need to bring Haleigh home?


CROSLIN: Please try to get me out of here.

CHELSEA CROSLIN: I know. We`re going to work on it. I promise.

CROSLIN: Get Cobra. You know he`ll get me out. I got some information that I`ll give him if he gets me out.

CHELSEA CROSLIN: I know but that`s why your lawyer`s scared. He doesn`t want -- he called me last night. And he said, Chelsea, I don`t want Cobra to get ahold of Misty because all he`s going to do is interrogate the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) out of her like he did Nene and throw her back in jail. He`s like so I`m working on it.

CROSLIN: My lawyer is trying to get me out?

CHELSEA CROSLIN: Yes, he`s like, I`m going to -- I want to get her out before Cobra can get her out. He`s like, because I don`t want Cobra to get her.

H. CROSLIN: You should have left when I told you to. You should have went up there to Michigan. But I -- you know, the Haleigh stuff has got to come to an end. It`s got to, Misty.

Whatever the truth is, it`s got to come out. And you don`t -- you still -- I mean you don`t be talking without your lawyer. He gets pissed off. He`s the only hope that you got. Promise, man, that you didn`t have -- never mind. Never mind. Never mind.

CROSLIN: I just want out of here and I`m telling you he will be happy -- he will be happy if he gets me out, I`m telling you, I`m telling you, I`m telling you. He`ll make the cops look stupid.

H. CROSLIN: The cops ain`t stupid. They`re only going on like nobody. No one knows. Only one that knows is the people that were there.

TERESA NEVES, GRANDMOTHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD, HALEIGH CUMMINGS: Think she`s going to talk? Do you think she`s going to talk?

CUMMINGS: Well, this is between me and you and whoever is listening to our recording but they shouldn`t -- the cops are not just going run out and tell nobody they do, then they`re going to have (EXPLETIVE DELETED) have me to deal with.

Anyway, so, after that maybe they do that recording the reason why they done is because they went to the jail, was talking to her and Jason said, man, I never seen her cry real tears.

You know she always have to jerk a tear out, Jason said, no man, this (EXPLETIVE DELETED) was like pouring, and you know when it started? And I said when, he said when we started talking about you, being locked up and losing Junior.


GRACE: Let`s stop and remember Army Staff Sergeant Michael Bechert, 24, New Castle, Indiana. On a second tour, awarded two Purple Hearts, the Bronze Tar. Loved fishing, hunting, cars, traveling, time with his little boy. Leaves behind grieving father Michael, the grandparents who raised him, George and Doris, widow, Donela, and son Brandon.

Michael Bechert, American hero.

Thanks to our guests but our biggest thank you is to you for being with us. I`ll see you tomorrow night 8:00 sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on March 14, 2010, 05:18:58 PM


Misty Croslin Pleads Not Guilty to Drug Charges

Aired March 9, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight. Satsuma, Florida, a 5- year-old girl taken to bed, five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. Last person to see her alive, new stepmother Misty Croslin, who takes to the airwaves, claiming she`s innocent. But even in one brief interview, she can`t keep her story straight, including a 180 on a lie detector she flunked. Little Haleigh`s own father, Ronald Cummings, and baby-sitter-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin both handcuffed, arrested, booked. Charges, drug trafficking.

Bombshell tonight. Misty Croslin pleads not guilty, even after being caught on video admitting to repeated drug sales. Tonight, we obtain even more secretly recorded jailhouse tapes, Croslin complaining about everything from food to the TV and the movies piped into the jail to her mattress and all of her ailments. She spent nearly $400 -- $400 in one month alone on snack food. And all the time Haleigh`s been missing, knowing full well the cameras are rolling, Croslin finally asks for a photo of Haleigh, complaining the police "F`d up" everything, her relationship, her life. Croslin obsessed with news coverage of herself.

In a stunning twist, we hear Croslin admitting she, quote, "can`t bring Haleigh home." As police comb these jailhouse tapes for clues as to the girl`s whereabouts, tonight, where is 5-year-old Haleigh?


LISA CROSLIN, MISTY`S MOTHER: And when I leave here, I`m going to go by Lindsey`s and get them pictures for you.


LISA CROSLIN: Of Haleigh and Junior.

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, I want one of Haleigh and Junior and one of Ronald.

LISA CROSLIN: All right. I`ll get them all to you.

MISTY CROSLIN: I mean, I still love him, Mama.


MISTY CROSLIN: I still love him.

LISA CROSLIN: I know you do, baby.



MISTY CROSLIN: I mean, I prayed, and that`s all I can do. And you know, people are saying I`m not -- I don`t think about Haleigh. You can ask everybody in this cellblock right here, right now. Everybody in this block knows that I think about her all the time. I talk about her all the time.


MISTY CROSLIN: They may think they got us right now, but we`re going to do our time because we`re not scared to do our time. We`re going to do our time and we`re going to get out and we`re going to prove to them that we`re not these horrible people that they think we are. I`m not no drug dealer, you know? Nothing like that. They can kiss my (EXPLETIVE DELETED) about that (EXPLETIVE DELETED)



MISTY CROSLIN: Sorry, $190.


RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: Yes, $7 apiece. It`s actually $189.

MISTY CROSLIN: Well, yes, it`s $189.

RONALD CUMMINGS: For 27 of them.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: For 27 of them?



MISTY CROSLIN: You`re going to have to probably give me your money right here.




LISA CROSLIN: They had me and you talking...

MISTY CROSLIN: And I cry. I cry all the time about Haleigh, pray all the time about Haleigh.

LISA CROSLIN: Yes, I know.

MISTY CROSLIN: So they can all kiss my ass.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Bombshell tonight. Misty Croslin pleads not guilty even after being caught on video admitting to repeated drug sales. Tonight, we obtain even more of secretly recorded jailhouse tapes.


MISTY CROSLIN: You know, and it`s, like, you know, what really, like, hurts is, like, we were -- me and him were talking about it -- we were getting back together and stuff. And like, the cops (EXPLETIVE DELETED) everything up.

LISA CROSLIN: Yes. I know. That`s what they were trying to do.

MISTY CROSLIN: You know, I was staying with -- I stayed at his house. He picked me up every day.


MISTY CROSLIN: He told me that if I didn`t love him, the only way I could prove that I loved him was this tattoo, and I got this tattoo because I did really love him. And I don`t regret my tattoo at all. I love my tattoo.

LISA CROSLIN: I think it`s cool, too. I like it.

MISTY CROSLIN: And I will never cover it up because that`s my -- like, Rob was my first love, of course, but Ronald was, like, the one, you know?



MISTY CROSLIN: There`s a picture, Mama. I don`t know, I think it`s in my black bag. It`s me and Ronald in New York. And it`s us in our -- me in my pink jacket and him in his black jacket and his hat, and we`re, like, kissing or something.

LISA CROSLIN: No, I don`t know. I haven`t seen it.


LISA CROSLIN: I`ll look for it, though.

MISTY CROSLIN: Well, I really want to see what he looks like, so I got to get a good picture of him and that`s a really good picture.



MISTY CROSLIN: I got all my food! Oh, my God! It was like Christmas last night.

LISA CROSLIN: Was it? Did you get a lot of stuff?

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. I got some (EXPLETIVE DELETED) munchies, man.



MISTY CROSLIN: Nancy Grace, go eat your chicken nuggets and let us eat our jail food. But she think she eats better than -- we eat better than her. She just to come in here and want to eat our food and see if she -- if we eat better than her.

LISA CROSLIN: What all did you order?

MISTY CROSLIN: Chips and honeybuns.

LISA CROSLIN: I knew that was going to be the first thing come out your mouth.


MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, chips and honeybuns and all kinds of stuff.


GRACE: Are they still talking about food? Today Croslin enters a not guilty plea to drug trafficking, some of the most serious drug charges that one can face. This isn`t possession of drugs. This isn`t a single sale. This is drugs in the amount of drug trafficking.

Straight out to Art Harris, investigative journalist at What`s the latest, Art?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Nancy, as you said, her lawyer, Robert Fields, entered a plea of not guilty, a written plea. She did not appear yesterday in St. John`s County court. She is saying she had nothing to do with these drug trafficking charges that we have seen caught on tape, Nancy.

And now in jail, she is full of complaints. Her mother is talking to her -- actually, because her mother has served a little time for another charge -- on how to survive jail with the jail food. They`re talking about how to get salt off pretzels to season certain items.

GRACE: I want to go out to Marlaina Schiavo, our producer on the story. Marlaina, we hear Misty Croslin on these secretly recorded jailhouse tapes, the one we have just obtained today, complaining about everything from her bed mattress to the food behind bars.

I remember one night here on the show, I was talking about the twins had dropped chicken nuggets from Chick-Fil-A in the car and I ate some. They`re still talking about that. They`re still talking about that, versus what they eat behind bars.

Now, is it true that she has spent nearly $400 -- I don`t know who`s sending her this money -- in one month alone, in about 28 days, on junk food?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: She has spent $341 in one month, Nancy, on junk food, hand lotion, pencils, pads, stamps, anything. But also, Nancy, aside from talking about food, she`s also bragging...

GRACE: Not just what they`re eating, what I`m eating! What universe are they living in? They are looking at 130 years behind bars unless somebody talks about what happened to that 5-year-old little girl. That`s what this is about. This isn`t whether she orders plain or barbecue chips. This is about what happened to 5-year-old Haleigh.

She was there in the home. You took us to the home, Marlaina Schiavo. You walked us through the whole thing. Liz, pull me that footage of Marlaina in the home. Misty Croslin says she goes to sleep, wakes up just a couple of hours later, and the girl is gone. Gone. A 5-year-old girl vanishes out of her own bed, and she knows nothing about it? Then this freaky dream sequence she says she has about four men being there in the home that night. Who? What four men? And then trying to blame a cousin, a cousin that left town when Haleigh went missing?

What else do you know, Marlaina?

SCHIAVO: Nancy, she actually knows more than what we`re hearing. I mean, cops have said that she`s had inconsistent statements, but just recently in these newly released videos, we`re hearing, Nancy, that she knows more. She`s telling family members that what she has to say is going to hurt two people. She doesn`t specify who those two people are, but she`s indicating that she knows something and she has something to say.

GRACE: Oh, you know what? Back to -- let me go to Jean Casarez, legal correspondent, In Session. You know what? I don`t think I`ve heard a bigger line of BS. That`s a technical legal term, Jean. I don`t know if they taught you that in your law school. That she`s going to hurt two people? BS! Because she`s already ratted out her own brother on felony burglary for no reason whatsoever.

JEAN CASAREZ, IN SESSION: You know, Nancy, I see a totally different state of mind in these brand-new tapes that you have just gotten. The previous tapes, she never made one mention of Haleigh, not one mention. It wasn`t discussed. Now it`s a focal point of many of these tapes. She`s now saying all she does is think about and cry about...

GRACE: Oh, really, Jean?

CASAREZ: ... and talk about Haleigh to all of her cellmates.

GRACE: Because I`ve never seen her cry one time, including when Ronald Cummings was literally down on his knees, wailing, crying about Haleigh. She was just standing there.

CASAREZ: But now...

GRACE: Like nothing had happened.

CASAREZ: But she realizes that the camera is rolling, and I think now she believes, I`ve really got to talk about Haleigh because this shows I know nothing. And as far as cellmates, those can be jailhouse snitches. We all know that from trials. She may know that because she says all of her cellmates know about her thoughts of Haleigh.

GRACE: We`re taking your calls live. Straight out to the lines. Let`s go to Diane in Florida. Hi, Diane.


GRACE: Hi, dear. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why was Haleigh with the baby-sitter and not her biological mom the night she went missing?

GRACE: Well, I can answer that one. Diane in Florida, the bio mom, Crystal Sheffield, did not have custody, lost custody of Haleigh and Ronald Cummings, Jr., the smaller boy. She`ll tell you it`s because the judge says she didn`t have a job, but I`ve never seen a mother lose custody because she didn`t have a job, all right? Right now, Ronald Cummings, Jr., is back with the mother. And we`ll go and I`ll give you a report on how that`s going.

Back out to the lines. Caroline in Michigan. Hi, Caroline.


GRACE: Hi, dear. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You`re a godsend. And if I ever go missing, I tell my husband, call you.

GRACE: God forbid. Yes, you know what? I will come to Michigan and make a cameo appearance if you ever go missing, Caroline. And I`ll tell you another thing. If you go missing, you can tell your husband he better go hide under the bed because I`m coming!



GRACE: What`s your question, love.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I want to know, are you 100 percent convinced that Ronald knows nothing about this little girl of his? I just don`t understand him running with her and drug dealing.

GRACE: The only thing that I don`t really understand, Caroline, is them fraternizing, and more than fraternizing, after Haleigh goes missing because he told me himself that a lot of her story didn`t fit together.

Let`s go out to Leonard Padilla, bounty hunter, who has offered to bail Misty Croslin out of jail if she`ll shed light on where little Haleigh is. Of course, she hasn`t taken him up on that offer.

You have been behind the scenes in this case, as well as tot mom Casey Anthony`s case. What`s your take on Ronald Cummings? To me, his grief seemed genuine, and he absolutely has an alibi for the time she went missing.

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: I spoke to Ron several times when I was in Satsuma. In fact, there was one time I sat next to him while he was getting ready to go on your show. And he seemed genuine, but there was always something there that bothered me as to whether he had done something that had caused the little girl to be kidnapped because -- possibly actions that he had, you know, taken or a drug deal gone sour, something to that effect. So there`s always been something in the back of my mind, but I can`t -- I can`t really focus on it and say this is where Ron is wrong or lying about...


LISA CROSLIN: Is everybody in y`all`s block cool?



MISTY CROSLIN: If they ain`t cool, they get up out of our residence. This is our residence. If they ain`t cool, we be making them -- we get the guards to get them out of here.





HANK CROSLIN, MISTY`S FATHER: Has your lawyer called or seen you?

MISTY CROSLIN: Yesterday. I seen him yesterday.

HANK CROSLIN: Any good news?

MISTY CROSLIN: I mean, just, you know, whatever -- Doing the best we can. I take a shower right before...

HANK CROSLIN: Don`t think he`s not -- don`t think he`s not working for you. He`s working for you.

MISTY CROSLIN: Oh, he is. I know he is. And I was just upset the other day because the day it was -- it was the 9th, and I was upset and I just wanted out of here. But now I don`t want him to -- I don`t want nobody to bail me out unless -- I mean, if someone bails me out, that`s fine. I`ll get out, whatever, you know? But no strings attached.

If they`re going to want to talk to me, then no, don`t bail me out because I`m actually right now -- I`m serving time right now, you know? I`ve been here 23 days. I am serving time on my sentence. So I`m going to see if I can try to get, like, drug court or something. I don`t know if I can or not, but I`m going to try.

HANK CROSLIN: You got to have money to do that.




MISTY CROSLIN: I asked them not to play the news tonight because it was a hard enough day for me today. So what do they do? Play the news. And they talk (EXPLETIVE DELETED) about me.


MISTY CROSLIN: No. We watched the news, Action News.

TIMMY CROSLIN: What`d they say?

MISTY CROSLIN: That I`m still the key, and yes, they don`t have enough to arrest me on and all that (EXPLETIVE DELETED). So I`m just -- I went to a counselor today because I specifically asked them, Please do not play the news. Today is a very bad day for me. Tomorrow`s going to be a bad day for me, too, OK? So I asked them just please -- OK? I mean, how hard is it to -- you know?

TIMMY CROSLIN: Yes, that`s messed up.



LISA CROSLIN: They won`t let you under your blankets until 8:00 o`clock?

MISTY CROSLIN: I get under my blankets. I`ve been under them all day and yesterday. It`s only when you have the rude guards. Like, there`s some guards that I think have something against me here sometimes.

LISA CROSLIN: There probably is.

MISTY CROSLIN: And I told my lawyer about it yesterday when he come and seen me. I told him.

LISA CROSLIN: What did he say?

MISTY CROSLIN: He told me to write -- you know, get a thing and write them -- write to the jail, and he was going to stand behind me because it`s not right, you know?

LISA CROSLIN: No, it`s not.

MISTY CROSLIN: Like, they wouldn`t even give me a razor, Mom.

LISA CROSLIN: If one gets one, they all should.

MISTY CROSLIN: Ever since I`ve been here, they`ve been giving me razors, OK? And all of a sudden yesterday, I wasn`t allowed to have a razor? Now, come on. That`s ridiculous.

LISA CROSLIN: Yes. Well, when you get them, after you use them, you have to turn them back in to them, right?

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. Yes. And it`s not like I`m on suicide watch.

LISA CROSLIN: See, I don`t see what the problem is.

MISTY CROSLIN: You know, I`m not on no kind of watch or anything.


GRACE: Gee, I hate it that she`s not getting to watch what she wants to watch on TV.

We are taking your calls live. Let`s unleash the lawyers. Joining us tonight, Anna Sega Nikkolazzi (ph) joining us out of New York, Mark Nejame, renowned defense attorney out of Orlando, a specialist in Florida law, attorney for Texas Equusearch founder Tim Miller, and with us tonight, defense attorney in the Atlanta jurisdiction Raymond Giudice.

Mr. Nejame, did you hear her complaining that she didn`t get to watch what she wanted to watch on TV?

MARK NEJAME, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I heard it. And I don`t know why somebody who knows that they`re being recorded is talking. I just -- it baffles me how she talks and talks and then talks some more. Shut up.

GRACE: And the other thing, Ray Giudice, I wonder if the state`s going to find a way to use this at trial. I think if I thought on it long enough, I could.


GRACE: Now it`s been -- wait. It`s been over a year since little Haleigh went missing, and now, now that she`s figured out the camera`s rolling, or possibly rolling when she`s talking, she suddenly wants a photo of Haleigh after all this time, and tries to convince the relative, I cry, I pray.

GIUDICE: Listen, I think her lawyer is doing a good job. And you`ve seen even she`s understanding he is. But let me just say this much. The videotape where she is doing a drug pill count with the confidential informant is going to be what`s going to convict her, not her cookie count at the jail commissary. So while all this stuff is interesting and I think it makes people upset as to how she`s responding, if I`m in the district attorney`s office...

GRACE: You know what, Ray?

GIUDICE: ... it`s those videotapes that get me a conviction.

GRACE: It may mean nothing to you, but -- to you, Anna Sega -- her attitude behind bars says a lot to me.

ANNA SEGA NIKKOLAZZI, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Oh, it absolutely does. As a prosecutor, I`m going to love having those tapes, and I`m quite sure they`ll be able to use them in some way because it tells a lot about who she is. And it`s as much what she doesn`t say as what she does. She is manipulative. She is playing for the cameras. And I think it`s all going to work against her in the end.


TOMMY CROSLIN, MISTY`S BROTHER: I love her, but I don`t know why she`s doing all that stupid (EXPLETIVE DELETED) she`s doing.

LINDSEY CROSLIN, TOMMY`S WIFE: It doesn`t matter. The truth -- the truth will set everybody free.

TOMMY CROSLIN: I ain`t worried about it because I ain`t got nothing to do with it.




MISTY CROSLIN: Look at my picture. Did you see this picture?

LISA CROSLIN: Let me see. Yes, I got it. Was you in a black hoodie when they arrested you?


LISA CROSLIN: Because in the paper, it looks like you had a black hoodie on.

MISTY CROSLIN: Oh, that was in Putnam County. They just put the blue shirt over me. I look terrible in that picture.

LISA CROSLIN: I know. You look like a zombie there.


LISA CROSLIN: Because I was so upset. I was crying. I was pale, you know? And then when I got here, I was just, like, over it, you know?


MISTY CROSLIN: I already knew I was going jail, so I was over it.



MISTY CROSLIN: I ordered two -- like, two pairs of socks, and they only gave me one pair. They messed up my order. They got to put my money back on my account.

LISA CROSLIN: Well, make sure they put your money back.

MISTY CROSLIN: They`re going to, believe me.

LISA CROSLIN: Yes. Because that`s not right if they didn`t give you your stuff.


LISA CROSLIN: What all did you order?

MISTY CROSLIN: Chips and honeybuns.

LISA CROSLIN: I knew that was going to be the first thing to come out your mouth!


MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, chips and honeybuns and all kinds of stuff.


GRACE: Four hundred dollars, nearly four hundred dollars on junk food. Remember, breakfast, lunch, dinner paid for, courtesy you and me. Patricia Saunders, Dr. Saunders, clinical psychologist, is this an aftereffect of coming down off drugs or what?

PATRICIA SAUNDERS, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST: Well, it could be an aftereffect of coming down off sugar since she`s eating all this junk food. But you know, on the one hand, Nancy, she knows she`s being recorded. On the other hand, the real person does come through with this kind of inane babbling. The kind of callousness and selfishness that was revealed in comments about what she looked like in the black hoodie are really kind of chilling and say a lot about who she is.

GRACE: But what do you make of her suddenly asking for a photo of Haleigh and going on and on about how she prays and cries, but we`ve never seen her pray or cry or show any emotion about Haleigh`s disappearance.

SAUNDERS: I think her lawyer probably coached her.



HANK CROSLIN, MISTY CROSLIN`S FATHER: I told you, you`d like it there.

MISTY CROSLIN-CUMMINGS, RONALD CUMMING`S EX-WIFE, LAST SEEN HALEIGH: I don`t like it here. And I`ll never come back to jail. One place I`ll never come back to. This is not a joke.

They torture -- it`s like torture in this place. I mean, really, it`s not bad but when you`re locked down, like I`m locked down, it sucks. Like you can`t do anything. Like I try to walk around and walk. And back and forth, like, you can take four steps and you`re at the bench. Take four steps back and you`re at the wall.

Like I want to just run.


M. CROSLIN: Like get out and run. Do some cartwheels and -- that`s why when I`m going to go out to break if -- when we ever have break again, I`m going to go out. I know it`s cold but I`m still going to go out there just for some fresh air.

It`s hard being locked down and they won`t let me out.

LISA CROSLIN, MISTY CROSLIN`S MOTHER: We called Leonard last night and he`s going to call us back sometime day.

M. CROSLIN: So what is he saying?


M. CROSLIN: What is he saying?

L. CROSLIN: He said the only way he`s going to get you out is if you help him find out what happened to Haleigh?

M. CROSLIN: So how am I going to do that if he don`t help me get out?


M. CROSLIN: So how am I going to do that if he don`t help me get out?

L. CROSLIN: I know, baby. He knows that. He`s going to call us back sometime today, he said.

H. CROSLIN: Tried to call him?

L. CROSLIN: Have you tried to call him?


L. CROSLIN: Let me give you his phone number.

M. CROSLIN: I don`t have a pencil.

H. CROSLIN: Misty, I don`t know if it`s a good idea because I don`t want you to lose your lawyer.

M. CROSLIN: All right. What is he saying though?

H. CROSLIN: He just says that --


H. CROSLIN: The only way he`s going to get you out is if you tell him where Haleigh is and bring Haleigh home.

M. CROSLIN: I can`t just bring her home, you know?

My back hurts so bad. I`m going to take some ibuprofen.

TIMMY CROSLIN, MISTY CROSLIN`S BROTHER: What are you laying on? What kind of bed you got?

M. CROSLIN: Like a -- well, I`m in a room now that has bunk beds but nobody else can go in my room anyways, but because I`m in protective custody but it`s like a mat.



T. CROSLIN: So you got -- in your room you got bunk beds?


T. CROSLIN: But no one -- you sleep on the bottom?

M. CROSLIN: Yes. I sleep on the bottom.

T. CROSLIN: No one is in your room with you? Misty?


T. CROSLIN: No one is in your room with you?

M. CROSLIN: No. Nobody is allowed to. I`m in protective custody. Like I`m special. Like when I go down to the doctor, they call it special needs. I`m a special need person. Nobody can be around me.

H. CROSLIN: Nancy Grace is a bitch one time.


H. CROSLIN: Nancy Grace is a bitch one time.

M. CROSLIN: Nancy Grace is a bitch one time. Nancy Grace can kiss my ass one time.

L. CROSLIN: I know, right?

M. CROSLIN: Nancy Grace, go eat your chicken nuggets and let us eat our jail food but she thinks she eats better -- we eat better than her, she just come in her and let her eat out food and see what we eat is better than hers.


M. CROSLIN: I wish I could have three chicken nuggets.




M. CROSLIN: What did he say?

L. CROSLIN: He said her twins must have dropped them.

M. CROSLIN: Yes, her twins must have dropped them.

H. CROSLIN: Because she said she found them in the car. Found three chicken nuggets in the car. That`s all I had for lunch.


H. CROSLIN: Probably had steak and potatoes.

M. CROSLIN: That`s what I`m saying. I wish I could have some steak and potatoes.


NANCY GRACE, HOST: I wish you did, too, so you could quit talking about what you eat.

OK. Out to the lines, Kim in California. Hi, Kim.

KIM, CALLER FROM CALIFORNIA: Hi, Nancy. I`m thankful that I finally got through to you.

GRACE: And thank you for watching and for calling in. What`s your question, dear?

KIM: I think you`re awesome. Well, first of all, I have a question and a comment. My question is that I just wanted to ask you in the beginning of the case I know that they stumbled upon a scent by a lake or a pond, and I wanted to know if they ever followed up with that?

And my comment is that sometimes Misty acts like she`s in denial of where she`s at and that is in jail and that there are rules that she has to obey. It`s not her little world anymore. And I think she`s in denial when it comes to that.

GRACE: You know, that`s a good point. What about it, Dr. Saunders?

PATRICIA SAUNDERS, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST: I think she certainly sounds like she`s in denial. But it may have more to do with her character because she sure sounds like a nasty, spoiled little adolescent.

GRACE: OK, Dr. Saunders, does she looked stoned to you? I mean I know that she asked to go to sick bay to get Zoloft or Prozac or something, claiming that she was nervous. I mean I`d be nervous too if I was looking at drug trafficking charges of 130 years behind bars.

I heard she say she`s done 23 days on that 130 years. OK. But her demeanor, she looks stoned.

SAUNDERS: Yes, she looks like she`s got some kind of alteration in consciousness. It`s possible that she was taking a psycho-tropic (ph) med and that she`s coming off with it and getting withdrawal. But there`s something clearly wrong there, Nancy.

GRACE: OK, Art Harris, I did not realize that she has a private room and is treated as special need and goes around saying, I`m special. I just heard her say that. And out of two beds she can`t find one that`s comfortable? She`s got a bunk bed and neither one -- it`s like the "Princess and the Pea."

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, WWW.ARTHARRIS.COM: That`s right, Nancy. And the thing is, though, she is very delighted, though, with the upper bunk because that`s where she watches television from and she says it`s a great seat. Best seat in the house.

GRACE: OK. Good to know. Out to the lines, Denise in Canada. Hi, dear.

DENISE, CALLER FROM CANADA: Hi, Nancy. I just want to say I wish we had someone like you up here. It`d be great.

GRACE: Denise, I appreciate that. I`m going to save that. And when the twins turn 16 and they hate me, I`m going to play that for them.

DENISE: They`re not going to hate you.


GRACE: What`s your question, love?

DENISE: Well, I have a comment and then a question.


DENISE: My comment is that Misty Croslin -- she`s obviously been into drugs for a while and I really think that the night that that little girl went missing that she was doing drugs, and if she was doing the narcotics that she was doing, she could have been in a state of just completely out of it. Almost comatose.

And I really think it`s possible that somebody could have come into that home and taken that child and she didn`t even know or she`s very, very faint on the memories of it. And I really think that she really doesn`t know what`s happened.

And I`m wondering if she could possibly be regressed because these kind of drugs will do this to you.

GRACE: Out to Mark Nejame, defense attorney. He`s a specialist in Florida law.

Mark, that evening she had been on a three-day drunk and drug binge. But se had come back home to Ronald Cummings. They had had conversations. She said she did laundry that night.

Every -- I mean her explanation for that evening and when she was on the phone with 911 she sounded completely coherent.

MARK NEJAME, DEFENSE ATTORNEY, ATTORNEY FOR TEXAS EQUUSEARCH FOUNDER, TIM MILLER: Yes, I agree. Her statements have been riddled with inconsistencies and the last caller has a very popular theory which has been adopted by many. I just don``t buy it, though. The phone call she sounded sane and sober. When the police responded she appeared to be that way.

There`s nothing to indicate that she was in drug induced haze other than some theories but when you look at her, when you listen to her, there`s a disconnect there. I believe that she knows something and she was conscious and she is just holding back. I`m just not convinced.

GRACE: Well, that`s -- I`m with you. And to you, Art Harris, investigative journalist. The fact that she flunked, outright flunked her polygraph, if she had no memory, I don`t believe she would have flunked the polygraph.

It was deceptive. In other words she was actively lying in the polygraph about that night.

HARRIS: That`s right, Nancy. And I can tell you that my sources say she has told police something about that night but then they believe part of it. They don`t believe all of it. But they still believe she knows something very significant.

GRACE: Well, I find -- to me it`s very persuasive that she wasn`t just -- it wasn`t just inconsistent. Her lie detector, she flunked miserably.

Everyone, we`re taking your calls live. To tonight`s "Case Alert." Amber alert. To little boys missing. Kidnapped. Illinois. In the last hour. J-Marcus Upchurch, 4-year-old Terry Smith, snatched from their Decatur, Illinois home.

The infant boy, black hair, brown eye, last seen with the blue jeans one-piece jumper. Look at this precious child. The 4-year-old, black hair, brown eyes, last seen wearing a blue shirt and blue jeans.

Police on the lookout for two adult males. Dark clothing, silver car, Missouri tags. If you have information, please call Decatur, Illinois police. 217-424-2711.

And tonight we ask for your prayers for high schooler Trey Rude battling stage 4 melanoma. A high school senior be, a football star, says he will beat cancer. For info go to

Also the annual Jog for a Cause fighting childhood cancer benefiting Trey Rude Fund. Saturday, March 13th, Alpharetta, Georgia.

Trey, please stay strong.



L. CROSLIN: I wish we could get you out of there.

M. CROSLIN: It`s all right. I mean I`m doing time right now. It`s added time.

L. CROSLIN: I bet you got some friends in there.

M. CROSLIN: Yes, it`s like, you know, me being in here, if I could get out, yes, I`d love to get out, of course. But I`m not going to (EXPLETIVE DELETED) Leonard and I`m not doing that because, you know, all he wants is something. And I`m not -- there`s nothing to give him.

L. CROSLIN: That`s what Robert Fields told me, too.

M. CROSLIN: And if -- you know, I get out and someone bails me out, then that`s whatever. That`s fine. But I`m --

L. CROSLIN: As long as there`s no -- no attachments?


L. CROSLIN: On it, you know?

M. CROSLIN: And right now I`ve been in here 22 days or, what, 23 days?

L. CROSLIN: Twenty-three.

M. CROSLIN: Twenty-three days. And that`s time on my, you know, on my sentence already.

L. CROSLIN: Yes. So you`re not scared now, right?

M. CROSLIN: No. I`m not scared. It just -- it sucks being in here. And I get bored. I`m tired of just looking at the same thing. You know?

CHELSEA CROSLIN, MISTY CROSLIN`S SISTER-IN-LAW: Tomorrow they`re going to be doing that big thing for Haleigh.

M. CROSLIN: Yes, I know.

C. CROSLIN: I don`t know what it is.

M. CROSLIN: It`s at 6:00. I wonder if I can get out and call my mom and them when they`re there.

C. CROSLIN: I think tomorrow night around --



M. CROSLIN: Yes. I wonder if I could call my mom when they`re there when they`re praying.

C. CROSLIN: Yes, you know. I pray for her every day.

M. CROSLIN: I pray for her every day. Day and night. I pray all the time. Like just get this over with, you know?

When I first got here I was on medical watch because when I went to talk to the detectives and I smoked a couple of cigarettes, and I didn`t smoke a cigarette in a couple of days and I come back to room, I passed out, I fell off the toilet and passed out and fell onto ground. They had to put me --

L. CROSLIN: Oh, no.


L. CROSLIN: Oh, no. I didn`t know that.



M. CROSLIN: Well, I didn`t really pass out. I just, like, fainted for a minute. And I come right back when I hit the ground.

L. CROSLIN: That fall made you come back to.

M. CROSLIN: It did.


M. CROSLIN: You know, it`s like, you know, what really hurts is, like, we were -- me and him were talking about, we were getting back together and stuff, and like the cops --

L. CROSLIN: Yes, I know.


L. CROSLIN: Yes. That`s what they were trying to do.

M. CROSLIN: You know I was staying with -- I stayed at his house. He picked me up every day.


GRACE: So here you hear Misty Croslin talking about she and Ronald Cummings, little Haleigh`s father, making plans to get back together and the cops f`d it all up by arresting her.

To Bill Majeski, former NYPD detective, now private detective, Majeski Associates, Inc.

Bill, thank you for being with us. Bill, with a case like this, where can cops go now?

BILL MAJESKI, FMR. NYPD DETECTIVE, MAJESKI ASSOCIATES, INC.: OK, the case is a year old. Usually in cases that are extended to this period of time without a resolution, it`s best to go back to the beginning with a fresh set of eyes.

Go back. There is usually things that occurred, information that came to pass early on in the investigation that was insignificant at that point in time, but now looking back at it, it will probably be an important element in the whole investigative process.

So I think it would be a good thing for them to go back and review the case from day one. And usually in situations like that, they will come up with information that becomes very beneficial.

Now in terms of her talking to her parents or mother and other relatives in anticipation of her giving up some information -- listen, she spent her entire life talking to family members giving them a con job that they bought hook, line and sinker. She`s not going to stop doing that now.

She`s going to tell them whatever she wants and they kind of believe her. I don`t expect any kind of revelation coming out of conversations with family members over the telephone.

If at all, if the parents were willing to cooperate with the police, then clearly the police can create some kind of a dialogue for the mother to ask specific questions relating to a particular area.

GRACE: Good point. With me, Bill Majeski.

To Dr. Marty Makary, physician and professor of public health, Johns Hopkins. She says she passes out from smoking a cigarette? I don`t think so, Dr. Marty. And she looks stoned out of her gourd. All right?

DR. MARTY MAKARY, PHYSICIAN, PROF. OF PUBLIC HEALTH, JOHNS HOPKINS: It really sounds like alcohol abuse, maybe alcohol abuse and narcotic use. I mean it`s not --

GRACE: Behind bars?

MAKARY: Well, there`s no way you can get drugs in any jail in this country, I`m convinced. But there`s no way it`s just from cigarettes. It`s something beyond simple cigarettes. We know there`s a long standing narcotic history and we know these are highly addictive medications.

You know there is a reason why you can get up to 25 years in jail for falsifying a oxycodone or hydrocodone prescription. They kill people. People pass out when they have withdrawal symptoms and they`re very dangerous medications.

GRACE: Let`s unleash the lawyers. We are taking your calls.

To Anna-Sigga Nicolazzi, Mark Nejame, Raymond Giudice. Ray, we also hear her go on to say she`s getting all sorts of mail behind bars and that she may write some of the people back so they`ll send her money. I guess so she can get more junk food.

But my question is, since the state is going to have to pay for her defense attorney, why does she get to spend that money on honey buns and barbecue chips?

RAY GIUDICE, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: She`s being treated exactly as every prisoner in that jail in prison --

GRACE: No, then why does anybody get to spend that money from the public?

GIUDICE: You should ask -- you should ask the jailer and the sheriff that runs it. I don`t. She`s got a certain amount of --

GRACE: That`s your answer.

GIUDICE: Yes. I mean don`t run the jail. Ask the jailer. He`s elected. Or she`s elected.

GRACE: OK, what about it, Mark Nejame.

GIUDICE: That`s the rules.

NEJAME: He`s right. She`s being treated the same as everybody else in jail right now. And I think it`s important --


GRACE: I didn`t ask that.

NEJAME: And I think it`s important that she does be treated that way.

GRACE: To me it doesn`t seem right that she cons money out of people she writes. She gets money and spends it on $400 worth of snack food in one month, Anna-Sigga, when we`re having to pay her bill.

ANNA-SIGGA NICOLAZZI, PROSECUTOR: Exactly. And why if she has all of this extra money, do -- maybe giving it to a fund that can go look for Haleigh. Maybe do something productive with that money rather than getting honey buns and chips all day long.

GRACE: OK, tonight secretly recorded jailhouse video and we learn Misty Croslin pleads not guilty to charges.

As we go to break, happy birthday to one of our stars, newly wed, Eunah. Here she is on her recent wedding.

Happy birthday, Eunah.


GRACE: Straight out to Florida attorney, Mark Nejame.

Mark, did you hear her talking about tried to get into drug court? What does that mean?

NEJAME: She has no chance whatsoever of getting into drug court. Unless those roads are cut off and she starts to understand that, drug court is not an option, probation is not an option, and she`s looking at a mandatory minimum of 25 years in prison. She`s holding on to hope. And I don`t think there`s any chance of breaking her or cracking her or getting the truth until she realizes that 25 is where it starts, not where it ends.

GRACE: Art Harris, final thought?

HARRIS: Final thought is, Nancy, the hammer has yet to fall on her. And you`re going to see some big fireworks between the district attorney and the judge and then she will face the truth.

GRACE: What do you mean the hammer hasn`t fallen yet -- that she doesn`t get it? She thinks she`s going to go to drug court.

HARRIS: She doesn`t get it -- yes.

GRACE: Which is typically for addicts or users or one-time sale. You get probation, treatment and you`re out of there. That`s not going to happen.

HARRIS: Experts think that it`s not going to -- she`s not going to have a wakeup call until she gets the sentence that you`ve been discussing.

GRACE: To Jean Casarez with "In Session." Jean, we`ve all listened to the newly released jailhouse recordings. What strikes you the most, Jean?

JEAN CASAREZ, CORRESPONDENT, "IN SESSION": What strikes me is the difference in demeanor. I agree with what Art Harris just said. I think she is enjoying jail at the moment, primarily because of all the things she`s buying at the commissary.

She says she`s a star in the jail. She`s the star Misty Croslin. Art is right, I think the hammer will fall but she right now is enjoying her time.

GRACE: You know we have so much to play, Jean. We didn`t get to play that tonight, where she goes on about how she is a star.

CASAREZ: That is right. That is exactly right. She is loving this. But she also is saying that she has nothing to say about anything, but I think that she`s not facing the reality and the reality is -- she`s a star.

GRACE: And to California bounty hunter, Leonard Padilla, joining us out of Sacramento.

So you heard it yourself, Leonard, where she has a few choice words for you and says, absolutely, I`m not going to take bond from somebody who has strings attached, in other words, wants me to tell the truth about Haleigh. No way. That really struck a nerve with me.

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER, OFFERED TO BAIL MISTY CROSLIN OUT OF JAIL: Well, it`s a situation where her attorney has obviously told her, look, anything you give up could turn and bite you, you know, so don`t say anything to him. And if that`s what the deal is, don`t go for it. She`s only been --

GRACE: It`s not like people are beating her door down to bond her out, Leonard.

PADILLA: No, they`re not. No, they`re not. There`s nobody else can handle a big bond like that except our company. And --


GRACE: Leonard Padilla, joining me --

PADILLA: -- that right now she`s only been in there a year. It`s a new thing for her. She`s the star of the jail. But eventually it`s going to start getting to her and if she`s not guilty or culpable of anything, then she`s going to be able to --

GRACE: She`s been in 23 days.

PADILLA: -- come to her sense and OK, get me out of here. Here`s what you need.

GRACE: Leonard Padilla, joining us from Sacramento.

Let`s stop and remember, Army Sergeant Casey Nash, 22, Baltimore Maryland, killed Iraq. On a second tour, awarded the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Army commendation, National Defense Service Medal. Loved football, baseball, Baltimore Ravens, tinkering with high-tech gadgets, restoring cars. Leaves behind parents Sandy and Lou, sister Sara.

Casey Nash, American hero.

Thanks to our guests but especially to you for being with us. I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on March 14, 2010, 05:22:52 PM


Misty Hints at Unrevealed Evidence

Aired March 12, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight. Satsuma, Florida, a 5- year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. Last person to see her alive, new stepmother Misty Croslin, who takes to the airwaves, claiming she`s innocent. But even in one brief interview, she can`t keep her story straight, including a 180 on a lie detector she flunked. Little Haleigh`s own father, Ronald Cummings, and baby-sitter- turned-stepmother Misty Croslin both handcuffed, arrested, booked. Charges, drug trafficking.

Bombshell tonight. We obtain even more of those secretly recorded jailhouse tapes, hours of Croslin yakking and whining to Mommy and Daddy. And tonight, we have the video. As police comb the jailhouse tapes for clues as to little Haleigh`s whereabouts, tonight, where is 5-year-old Haleigh?


MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER: I`m so tired of this. Like, I`m just so tired of being locked in one cell. I`m just so tired of it. Like, it drives me crazy. I`m just trying to get (INAUDIBLE) sleeping all day long.

CHELSEA CROSLIN, MISTY`S SISTER-IN-LAW: So what, you have things you need to, like, talk to -- you wanted to talk to him about?

MISTY CROSLIN: Well, yes. I mean, it`s -- it`s -- you know, it`s so hard to talk.




MISTY CROSLIN: But it`s going to hurt two people.

CHELSEA CROSLIN: (INAUDIBLE) that I should know, like...

MISTY CROSLIN: It`s going to hurt two people.

CHELSEA CROSLIN: That we care about?

MISTY CROSLIN: Kind of. One yes, and the other kind of.

CHELSEA CROSLIN: That I care about?


CHELSEA CROSLIN: Because I know I don`t give a (EXPLETIVE DELETED) about Ronald, excuse my language.

MISTY CROSLIN: No. No. No. It`s somebody -- yes. No.



MISTY CROSLIN: I mean, I prayed and that`s all I can do. People saying I don`t think about Haleigh. You can ask everybody in this cellblock right here, right now. Everybody in this block knows that I think about her all the time and I talk about her all the time.



MISTY CROSLIN: Haleigh`s always on my mind 24/7. She`s always on my mind. Just because I`m not talking about her doesn`t mean she`s not, you know? And Nancy Grace can say whatever she wants, that we don`t care about her. Everybody in this jail knows that I talk about Haleigh a lot.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Bombshell tonight. We obtain even more secretly recorded jailhouse tapes. It`s hours of Croslin yakking, whining to Mommy and Daddy, to everybody. And tonight, we have the video.


MISTY CROSLIN: I hate this place. I`m never, ever, ever coming back to jail ever again when I get out. I`ll never do nothing ever again wrong. I don`t care.

LISA CROSLIN, MISTY`S MOTHER: I know you won`t because I`m going to beat the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) out of you if you do.

MISTY CROSLIN: You don`t have to beat the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) out of me because I`m telling you this right here. I`ve been in here 20-something days, 24 days, and I`ve learned my lesson for real. I don`t never want to be back here, man.

I`m not no drug dealer, you know? I`m nothing like that. They can kiss my (EXPLETIVE DELETED) about that (EXPLETIVE DELETED).

I wished they`d give me, like, counseling or probation or something. I`m just sitting here (EXPLETIVE DELETED) around, everybody just talking, telling everybody we want to get out, this jail is so packed, and let us, like -- man, they can come in here and let me out.

I wish I had powers. I`d make a door in my cell and just walk out.


TIMMY CROSLIN, MISTY`S BROTHER: Last night on Nancy Grace, they had me and Tommy on there.


TIMMY CROSLIN: I know. And she said last night -- or she said -- yes, last night, she`s, like, yes, they don`t ever talk about Haleigh when they talk on the phone. They don`t -- we talk about Haleigh, but they don`t play -- they play what they want everybody in the world to hear.

MISTY CROSLIN: Exactly. We talk about Haleigh all the time. They only take what they want and put it out there.


MISTY CROSLIN: They do. I think about Haleigh 24/7, all day long. So Nancy Grace can kiss my (EXPLETIVE DELETED).


GRACE: Straight out to Art Harris, investigative journalist at I`ve never known her in all this time when we have been watching her -- you have been spending time there in Satsuma. I`ve never once seen her break down in tears, squeeze out one tear. And just lately, now that she`s discovered that cameras are rolling, suddenly, she started praying a lot or at least talking about it.

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: She`s scared, Nancy. I`ve talked to her family, talked to her father. And he said that...

GRACE: She`s not scared!

HARRIS: Well...

GRACE: That is -- don`t even!

HARRIS: Nancy, I`m...

GRACE: Don`t even give me that BS!

HARRIS: Nancy, I`m just reporting...

GRACE: Because she has said...

HARRIS: ... what the family is telling me.

GRACE: She just...

HARRIS: They believe that...

GRACE: Art, please stop! S-T-O-P. Because she was just saying, I`ve done 23 days already, and I`m going to get into drug court. She doesn`t get it! She`s not scared!

HARRIS: Well, that`s what the family is telling me, that off-camera, Nancy, the investigators have had an effect on her. And right now, they are investigating a letter she has sent to a family member telling what she says she knows about that night with Haleigh.

GRACE: OK. Now, there`s some breaking news. Tell me some more about the letter.

HARRIS: Well, the letter has gone to a family member. The family member turned it over to investigators, and they are trying to see what details in the letter they can confirm, what they can`t. They believe, I`m told, some things Misty says. They don`t believe others. The problem with Misty, Nancy, is that if whoever she says or claims did whatever they did, she`s got to have corroboration on the witness stand. She is not a credible witness at this point.

GRACE: To Jean Casarez, legal correspondent In Session. Jean, I notice that in one of the jailhouse tapes, she says, Well, I`m going to tell what I know, and it`s going to hurt two people. Who?

JEAN CASAREZ, IN SESSION: Well, Nancy, that is very important. We don`t know, but we can read between the lines because she`s talking to her sister-in-law and she says she`s going to say what she knows. It`s going to hurt two people. Do we care about these people, the sister-in-law says. She says, one, yes. Do I care about? Yes. She says one yes, the other sort of.

Well, a family member, who are they going to really care about? They`re going to care about another family member, probably. But that`s important, Nancy, coupled with the fact she tells her mother that she`s told her attorney, that he knows. What is it? She won`t say. But she says he`s comfortable.

GRACE: OK. Let`s take a listen to what Jean Casarez is describing in just-obtained secretly recorded jailhouse tapes of baby-sitter-turned- stepmother, the last person to see this little girl alive.


MISTY CROSLIN: I`m so tired of this. Like, I`m just so tired of being locked in one cell. I`m just so tired of it. Like, it drives me crazy. I`m just trying to get (INAUDIBLE) sleeping all day long.

CHELSEA CROSLIN: So what, you have things you need to, like, talk to -- you wanted to talk to him about?

MISTY CROSLIN: Well, yes. I mean, it`s -- it`s -- you know, it`s so hard to talk.




MISTY CROSLIN: But it`s going to hurt two people.

CHELSEA CROSLIN: (INAUDIBLE) that I should know, like...

MISTY CROSLIN: It`s going to hurt two people.

CHELSEA CROSLIN: That we care about?

MISTY CROSLIN: Kind of. One yes, and the other kind of.

CHELSEA CROSLIN: That I care about?


CHELSEA CROSLIN: Because I know I don`t give a (EXPLETIVE DELETED) about Ronald, excuse my language.

MISTY CROSLIN: No. No. No. It`s somebody -- yes. No.

CHELSEA CROSLIN: It`s not him?

MISTY CROSLIN: No. Just -- you think, Chelsea. Use your head and you`ll know.


GRACE: Let`s unleash the lawyers. Joining us tonight, Eleanor Odom, felony prosecutor out of Atlanta, Renee Rockwell, Peter Odom, also out of Atlanta, both defense attorneys.

You know, Eleanor Odom, don`t you think by now, if she had somebody to pin it on, she would have told cops a long time ago?

ELEANOR ODOM, PROSECUTOR: Yes, especially since she`s in jail now and that could help her get out, maybe give her some credibility with the authorities.

GRACE: Renee, I don`t think she gets it. She was saying on one of these jailhouse -- now, there`s the real Misty Croslin, right there, in her element. There you go. And she is not praying and crying about Haleigh. She`s got a cigarette dangling off her lip, and she`s trying to score a drug deal. She`s not thinking about little Haleigh or helping the search at all.

But do you often deal with clients that just don`t get it? She was saying, Hey, I`ve done 23 days -- 23 days on time served?

RENEE ROCKWELL, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: And she`s going to go to drug court.

GRACE: And she`s looking at 130 years behind bars? Explain to us the advantage of so-called drug court.

ROCKWELL: Well, Nancy, drug courts -- while she might be a candidate for drug court because she`s obviously got a drug problem or she`s addicted, et cetera, those are for people...


ROCKWELL: Well, I`m just saying -- we`re talking about...

GRACE: She`s charged with trafficking.

ROCKWELL: That`s right. Drug court is reserved for people with drug addictions. They don`t want dealers in drug court. While she may have a drug problem, look at her. They don`t want a drug dealer in drug court to, what, sell to all the other patients that are trying to go through rehab.

GRACE: What`s the vantage to her, Peter Odom, of going to drug court? It`s specially for junkies, addicts, people with a drug problem, not dealers.

PETER ODOM, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Lesser sentence. That would be the advantage, a lesser sentence or some kind of probation, rather than prison. And it`s clear that she just doesn`t get it. She`s probably looking at some kind of prison time for these offenses. But you know...

GRACE: Some kind of prison time?

PETER ODOM: Some kind -- some kind of prison time.

GRACE: Now, that was smart, Peter. She`s looking at some kind of prison time. Yes. You went to law school, and that`s your analysis, she`s looking at some jail time?

PETER ODOM: And we just don`t know what yet, Nancy. That`s -- that`s...

GRACE: We don`t know.

PETER ODOM: That`s all we can say. That`s all we can say...

GRACE: I know.

PETER ODOM: ... at this point. No, you don`t.

GRACE: She`s looking at...

PETER ODOM: You do not know!

GRACE: She is looking at 130...

PETER ODOM: That`s her maximum.

GRACE: ... years behind bars.

PETER ODOM: That`s her maximum. She`s never going to do that. She`ll do...

GRACE: OK, pause.

PETER ODOM: She`ll do a few years.

GRACE: Eleanor Dixon, let`s -- Eleanor Odom, let`s give the defense attorneys a little reality check because the prosecutors, if all they ever get her on is this drug offense, you know it`s going to be a stiff penalty.

ELEANOR ODOM: Exactly. It`s not just a drug offense, Nancy. It is trafficking in drugs. We`re talking large quantities. That`s why there`s a large amount of years that she`s facing. And yes, I see her getting some serious prison time.

GRACE: Out to the lines. Michelle, New Hampshire. Hi, Michelle.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh, my God! What a privilege!

GRACE: You know what, Michelle? The privilege is mine and everybody on my staff. Thank you for calling. What`s your question, dear?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: First I`d like to thank you for everything you do for these victims and their family.

GRACE: Thank you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Second, I want to know how Misty has survived in jail. All she does is cry and whine. Why...

GRACE: I`ll tell you how she`s survived, Michelle. She has not been in general population. They have her special needs. In fact, she was saying -- and we`re going to go back to Jean when we get back, maybe we can find the video out of the hours of video where she says, I`m special, I`m a star here.



LISA CROSLIN: I`m watching you on TV right now.

MISTY CROSLIN: What am I doing?

LISA CROSLIN: You`re on Nancy Grace, me and you talking on the phone.




LISA CROSLIN: No, not yesterday, the last time I come see you.

MISTY CROSLIN: OK. It doesn`t say nothing about my lawyer or anything, right?

LISA CROSLIN: Not today, but they will have it on the air.

MISTY CROSLIN: Oh, my God! I`m going to tell him that I was just upset and -- yes.

LISA CROSLIN: Yes. You need to be honest with your lawyer, though, so you don`t lose him.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know. I was upset that day. I just wanted of here that day. It was hard. It was -- you know what day it was.

LISA CROSLIN: Yes, I know.

MISTY CROSLIN: And it was just hard and I wanted out. But now I realize that I need to just sit here and do what I got to do.

LISA CROSLIN: I just hope you`re all right.

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. I`m going to be all right, Mama. Even if they give me a prison sentence, I`ll still be OK as long as you guys come see me and send me money and stuff...

LISA CROSLIN: I`ll be there.

MISTY CROSLIN: ... and I can call you.

LISA CROSLIN: I will be there, and you know I will.

MISTY CROSLIN: I mean, I`ll be OK. I`m not scared. It`s not that I`m scared. I just -- I want to get out of here and I want to be with my family, you know?

LISA CROSLIN: I wish they`d just tell me what they`re going to do.



TOMMY CROSLIN, MISTY`S BROTHER: I don`t know nothing about it.

LINDSEY CROSLIN, TOMMY`S WIFE: I know. I know. I just want you home with me.

TOMMY CROSLIN: I can`t wait.

LINDSEY CROSLIN: Find Haleigh and let you come home.

TOMMY CROSLIN: I know. But it ain`t got nothing to do with me. I can`t help them out there.

LINDSEY CROSLIN: I know. But if they could find her, then it`s almost like this stuff would go away.

TOMMY CROSLIN: It ain`t going to go away. My charge ain`t going to go away.

LINDSEY CROSLIN: No, but just the -- just the...

TOMMY CROSLIN: All the publicity would go away.


GRACE: Let`s go out to Marlaina Schiavo, our producer on the story, joining us out of New York. Marlaina, in these secretly recorded jailhouse tapes, we now hear her talking about how much she talks about Haleigh. But she doesn`t talk about her at all in any of these tapes. What she says is, I talk about her all the time, but she never talks about her.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, Nancy, because she`s finding out that people are saying that she`s not talking about her and noticing it...

GRACE: Obviously!

SCHIAVO: Well, right. And she`s just sort of going in circles, saying she wants pictures. It`s like sort of surface conversations. And she says that everybody in jail knows that she talks about Haleigh. But you`re right, she`s not really talking about Haleigh. I think she`s just sort of trying to cover herself at this point.

GRACE: OK, let me rephrase myself. To you, Dr. Bethany Marshall, psychoanalyst, author of "Deal Breakers." She`s joining us from LA. Thank you, Dr. Bethany.


GRACE: Let me rephrase that. When we are catching her, hours of videotape, talking, she never talks about the little girl, never about, I remember when Haleigh did X, and I love her so much, and I feel awful that I was there that night and I can`t remember. Nothing. All she says is -- brags about how much she talks about her. And all this business about, I pray all the time. Don`t drag God into this, all right? Don`t let him be the doormat.

MARSHALL: Nancy, I`ve read all the transcripts and listened to the tapes. She does not talk about Haleigh. There`s no parenting stories. She doesn`t reminisce. She doesn`t say, Do you remember the time I pushed her on the swing? She just kind of says, I prayed, we`ll find her, to rehabilitate her image. But her attempts to rehabilitate her image are so transparent! Remember what she did before? She blamed things on her brother. And what is she doing again? She`s blaming things on her brother.

And you know what makes me even angrier? Her parents have every opportunity to help her and parent her while she`s in jail, to encourage her to take responsibility, to discourage her from whining, to tell her she`s there because of her actions, to encourage her toward sobriety. They don`t parent her. So it`s scary that she wasn`t parented, and then she was supposedly taking care of this little girl that she never talks about. What was going on in that household?


LISA CROSLIN: I still can`t see you.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m going to write you tonight, start writing to the lawyer tonight.

LISA CROSLIN: OK. All right. And when I leave here, I`m going to go by Lindsey`s and get some pictures for you of Haleigh and Junior.

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, I want one of Haleigh and one of Junior and one of Ronald.

LISA CROSLIN: All right. I`ll get them all to you.

MISTY CROSLIN: I mean, I still love him, Mama.


MISTY CROSLIN: I still love him.

LISA CROSLIN: I know you do, baby. I`m sure he still loves you

MISTY CROSLIN: I know he does.

LISA CROSLIN: I know. That`s what Teresa was talking about, that she don`t even get to see Junior. That was part of her letter.




MISTY CROSLIN: I`m going to go out to rec when we go -- I mean, when I can because I need some fresh air. It`s in this, like, little gated little, like, thing, like a cage, outside.

LISA CROSLIN: Oh, but it is outside?

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. I`m going to go out there. You don`t have to stay. It`s, like, you could be out there for an hour by yourself, but I`m (INAUDIBLE) get out of this cellblock.

LISA CROSLIN: How -- you`re out there for an hour?

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. You`re by yourself. You don`t have -- you know, there`s no -- they won`t give you a basketball or nothing. If I had a basketball, I`d be all right. But all I`m going to do is just walk around for a little bit because I need some fresh air, you know? And it gets me out there to walk.

LISA CROSLIN: Yes. It gives you a different scene.


GRACE: Did she just say, They won`t give me a ball to play with? Jean Casarez, did she just say that?

CASAREZ: She did, Nancy, she did, because she`s confined. She wants to go outside. She does get to go outside one hour a day by herself in the yard, but she can`t do anything...

GRACE: I don`t get to go outside an hour a day.

CASAREZ: ... when she gets out there. You know, Nancy, she is...

GRACE: I work.

CASAREZ: ... enjoying this...

GRACE: ... from the time I get up at 5:00 in the morning until I hit the sack. And she`s complaining she can`t go outside and they won`t give her a ball to play with?

CASAREZ: But you know, I think the complaining is actually enjoying it. I think she`s enjoying so many aspects of this. She says on these tapes that she wasn`t able to see television well enough, so they put her on another floor and took the television and pushed it in so she could watch it.

GRACE: Art Harris, is that true?

HARRIS: Nancy, yes. In fact, she is now reveling in the fact that she has the best seat in the house, the top bunk. She can see the TV perfectly. And the television, curiously, has become sort of a law enforcement tool. My sources say it`s keeping pressure on her to hear the reaction people are having on this show, actually.

GRACE: To Sheryl McCollum, crime analyst, director of the cold case squad, Pine Lake PD. Sheryl, at this point, little Haleigh`s been gone a year. I think if she had been alive, she would have been identified by now.

SHERYL MCCOLLUM, CRIME ANALYST: No question. No question. Nancy, here`s the bottom line. This woman has talked more about you than she has that baby. The conversation with the sister-in-law? She`s had a year to talk to the sister-in-law about these two people that it`s going to hurt! She`s not going to crack. She`s protecting herself. I`ve said it from the beginning, she`d rather go to jail as a drug dealer than a baby killer.

GRACE: But bottom line, Eleanor Odom, a lot of people have come up with a theory, because I think it`s more comfortable for them, that she passed out on drugs and has no idea what happened and somebody took the baby. Then why did she flunk a polygraph, I mean, miserably, an F-minus- minus, Eleanor?

ELEANOR ODOM: I know. Exactly. And if she`s passed out, then she has no knowledge. So I guess that`s convenient for her to believe or for others to believe, but not the truth.

GRACE: If she passed out, isn`t it true she would not have flunked the polygraph, if she`d been telling the truth?

ELEANOR ODOM: Exactly. If she told the truth, she wouldn`t have flunked. But she can`t -- every time her mouth moves, she`s telling a lie, Nancy.


MISTY CROSLIN: I`m going to tell the judge that I have a drug problem and try to get drug court because I have smoked pot and -- you know?

LISA CROSLIN: That`s what you need to do, Meme.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m going to try. I mean, tell my lawyer I don`t -- and you guys are going to be at the court, right?




MISTY CROSLIN: Man, we had some nasty mystery meat tonight. I didn`t eat it.


M. CROSLIN: It`s called mystery meat.

L. CROSLIN: Mystery meat. What did it look like?

M. CROSLIN: It`s got, like, little hamburger patty thing, but it`s, like, liver, like all nasty kind of -- in it. I don`t know.

L. CROSLIN: You didn`t eat it?


L. CROSLIN: You might have liked it if you tried it.

M. CROSLIN: I did try it.

L. CROSLIN: Oh. Is that al you had?

M. CROSLIN: I ate the pudding on the plate and drunk my drink and I had green beans. I ain`t eating no green beans without no garlic or no salt.

L. CROSLIN: No, they don`t give you salt there?


L. CROSLIN: Oh, shoot. Well, we`re going to have to get you some crackers or something to make salt out of.

M. CROSLIN: They don`t give you -- in here. I`m ready to get out of this place. Whatever they`re going to do, just do it (INAUDIBLE) time in jail.

L. CROSLIN: I know. I don`t blame you. I know. What are they feeding you all tonight?

M. CROSLIN: We had some meat ball thing and noodles. It wasn`t that bad. I ate it. I ate all my bread. Meals in the morning, I don`t eat their eggs.


M. CROSLIN: Because they`re nasty. I don`t eat their grits. I don`t eat their oatmeal. I eat their cereal and I eat bread and jelly.

L. CROSLIN: If you try their oatmeal and grits, they`re good.

M. CROSLIN: No, they`re not, mom. They don`t have sugar in them. They`re oatmeal. The grits don`t even have butter on them.

L. CROSLIN: You know what I used to do, I used to take my syrup from my pancakes, you`d get like a waffle with oatmeal and I`d put syrup in my oatmeal.

M. CROSLIN: If I had some syrup to put in my oatmeal, I would. Thinking of all kinds of ideas. For salt I`m going to order some pretzels so I can have salt for my food.


GRACE: And mommy certainly knows best because she just got out from behind bars. Why was mommy behind bars, Jean Casarez, and here she is talking about the jailhouse cuisine?

JEAN CASAREZ: That was a theft forgery charge, that was in Tennessee. She was extradited back to Florida. She got out on bail but she still has charges pending.

GRACE: Out to Dr. Bethany Marshall, psychoanalyst, author of "Deal Breakers," joining us out of LA. Bethany, menu, spaghetti casserole, glazed carrots, bread, calcium beverage, an iced cake. What`s wrong with that?

DR. BETHANY MARSHALL: Well, a whole lot is wrong with it --

GRACE: I`m not saying it for you to laugh. You know, what is Haleigh having tonight? Where is Haleigh? Is she now just bones with some hair on her skull maybe under water? Is she just squashed down in a trash dump compacted along with everybody`s debris? And she is behind bars whining about she doesn`t like their eggs and their oatmeal?

MARSHALL: Honestly, Misty should have had you for a mom because you would not have let her whine and complain about the food. You would have said to her, what about Haleigh? What you said just now and maybe she would have started to get some insight into her bad behavior. She talks about food because she`s empty, because she has nothing else going on in her life. She has no skills, she has no future. She`s coming down from drugs and because she`s very entitled. So all she thinks about is herself. This was one more teachable moment and her mother didn`t use it.

GRACE: To Art Harris, investigative journalist, Art, you have spent so much time down at Satsuma (ph) digging around in this case. Now, listen, I know that knowing you, you want to take the comfortable way out. You don`t want to think of Misty Croslin as a killer, but she didn`t just pass out and wake up and the baby`s gone or she would have passed her lie detector test, all right? It wasn`t inconsistent. She was deceptive, end of story. Her voice stress test, everything. Her story has changed. Does the whole family act like this, whining about they didn`t give me a ball to play with? You think Haleigh can bounce a ball? Do you think Haleigh is somewhere skipping rope right now, Art?

ART HARRIS: Nancy, the family feels totally targeted.

GRACE: Get me a ball to play with.

HARRIS: They`re feeling the heat, Nancy. I can tell you that. I talked to her father. He can`t find work. He`s now living in a mission. He does not know what to do. He`s told Misty, he tells me, to tell what you know. So he feels like he`s done everything he can.

GRACE: OK, Art, let`s cut the sob story and yes, I feel for anybody that doesn`t have a job that can`t make it. There are thousands of people like that in America right now. What I want to find out, Art, is not about her family`s work employment. I want to find out, who were the two people she`s alluding to, that the truth about what happened Haleigh is going to hurt two people?

HARRIS: Nancy, the law enforcement is trying to see if there is any credibility behind the two people she has written family members about. I`ll be reporting more on that on as I can confirm it. Right now they are very close to the family.

GRACE: To Dr. Evelyn Minaya, women`s health expert joining us out of New York. Doctor Evelyn, I just heard her say I sleep all day. You know what? That`s a tough life she`s got going on right there. Is that a signal that she is on some type of drug? I know that she has tried to go to sick bay and say she`s sick to get, I think it was Prozac.


GRACE: Or a Prozac derivative.

MINAYA: Right.

GRACE: Does that make you sleepy?

MINAYA: It can. It can make you sleepy, but it depends on when she`s taking it. If she`s only taking it during the morning, then it can make her sleepy at nighttime. Or if she`s taking it at nighttime then it will make her sleepy obviously at nighttime. I really, really think that the reason that she sleeps is to hide her guilt so that she cannot remember, so that she kind of sticks to her stories and so it would make sense only to her. That`s what I think.

GRACE: And right now she has a private cell with two beds in it and of course, complains about both.

Tonight, we ask for your thoughts and prayers for a high school boy, Trey Rude (ph) battling stage-four melanoma. He`s a high school senior football star. Says he will beat cancer. For info, go to Also info on the annual jog for a cause, fighting childhood cancer benefiting Trey Rude fund. Saturday March 13th, Alpharetta, Georgia. Trey, please stay strong.

As we go to break, happy birthday to a special friend of mine, lovely Greer, and to all her friends, hello. Little crime fighters, Cheska (ph), Alexa, Logan, Lily, Tess, Theodora and Rachael, all celebrating Greer`s birthday. It`s a big number 12. The big 1-2. Beautiful Greer is an animal lover. She volunteers at an animal shelter every week. Favorite animal, the walrus, of course. Happy birthday, beautiful Greer.



L. CROSLIN: I`m praying. I prayed hard last night. Leonard is praying too. He says he`s going to try to get Tommy out too.

M. CROSLIN: Well, so he`s going to bond him out and not me?


M. CROSLIN: Going to bond him out and not me?

L. CROSLIN: Tommy don`t even have a bond right now, Misty. That`s what Lindsey said. Lindsey don`t know. Lindsey hasn`t really dealt with this man. I know what he`s telling us. I`m going on what he`s told us.

M. CROSLIN: What is he, is he saying, yeah, he will?

L. CROSLIN: He says he will as long as you can help him find Haleigh.


L. CROSLIN: If you can help tell him something that will help bring Haleigh home.

M. CROSLIN: Hey, daddy.

HANK CROSLIN: Hey, sissy. How`s it going?

M. CROSLIN: Just got moved upstairs.

H. CROSLIN: Can you see TV now?

M. CROSLIN: I can see the TV now. I can see the TV now because they moved it because I was complaining so much. So they moved it right over here. I`ve been wanting to get moved upstairs anyway because this girl`s up there that`s really nice and we can play cards together. She`s going to help me. I`m going to get a GED book and she`s going to help me with the GED book and stuff. She`s been in here, like, a year.

H. CROSLIN: That`s cool. She`s been in lockdown by herself for a year?

M. CROSLIN: Yeah. Her -- she`s on here for armed -- like murder. She didn`t murder nobody. It was just someone murdered somebody and she picked them up and she didn`t know it, though. There`s some serious people in here, like, crazy people in here. I didn`t even know I was talking to a murderer over in the other block. She told me she was in here for trafficking and she`s really killed somebody. I`m serious. I was like, oh my God. Then they have me in a cell block, dad, somebody died in that one cell block that I was in. I didn`t know that. Last night they were telling me. I was freaking out. I was like, man, they got me in here with somebody that died. It was crazy.


GRACE: No grasp on reality at all. You`re seeing baby-sitter turned stepmother Misty Croslin go on and on and on about herself, her roommates, her mattresses. She couldn`t see the TV well enough so they moved her so she could get a bird`s-eye view. Art Harris, what`s your explanation of why they want her to be able to see TV? In another recording she complains about the movies they watch. They get to watch movies.

HARRIS: Well, Nancy, that`s jail for you. As far as television she`s watching the news that`s reported locally about her in this case and her parents relay what you say on this show. My sources say it`s keeping the pressure on and they want her to watch as much television about herself and what Bethany Marshall and Nancy Grace have to say about her psyche, as possible. They feel it`s working.

GRACE: To Leonard Padilla, special guest joining us via Skype out of Sacramento. The bounty hunter that has offered to bail her out of jail if she helps find Haleigh. She says, no way, she`s not going to talk to anybody about the night Haleigh goes missing. I find that highly unusual. To you, Leonard, thank you for being with us. Now it sounds like you`ve gotten a good alternative. You`re working on bonding Tommy Croslin out. What do you hope to gain, if anything?

LEONARD PADILLA: Well, we`re hoping is that Tommy will come forward and tell us what he knows about the situation. First of all, let me explain something. Her lie detector tests by Tim Miller, yes, she flunked, but the others that were given to her were inconclusive.

GRACE: Actually she flunked two polygraphs. She got an inconsistent on a voice stress test and they tried to do hypnosis. For whatever reason that didn`t work.

PADILLA: As far as Tommy and Joe Overstreet (ph), they`re the two people that she keeps talking about having been at the trailer that night. It seems as though what she`s trying to get them to do is to corroborate her story and yet my understanding is the baby wasn`t even there, assuming that they did return to the trailer. The baby never was there when they were there. She just trying to get them there. If there was any bit of truth to that I`m telling you Tommy and Joe Overstreet would have been charged by law enforcement by now had they had had any part --

GRACE: What`s the theory of their involvement?

PADILLA: She wants to involve them in the situation so that they will corroborate her story regarding the baby. And the baby wasn`t even there when they came over to the trailer that night.

GRACE: Out to the lines. Stephanie, Oklahoma. Hi, Stephanie.

CALLER: Hello, Nancy.

GRACE: Hi, dear, what`s your question?

CALLER: First of all I`d like to tell you I think you`re a great person with a great big heart.

GRACE: Thank you.

CALLER: My question is, has she owned up to any responsibility at all to anyone? If she only gets charged for these drug charges, can she be retried in the future for this case with Haleigh?

GRACE: OK. First of all, Stephanie, thank you for your kind words. I really appreciate that and for calling in. Here`s the bottom line. I`m going to throw it to Eleanor. Eleanor Odom, she could be tried for trafficking now. Get her behind bars on a stiff sentence and then continue to develop the murder case.

S. ODOM: Exactly. If they get enough on her or anyone else they can try that whenever they find the body if they find the body.

GRACE: Bottom line, to Peter Odom and Renee Rockwell, she can`t be retried on a murder if she is acquitted the first time. You can`t be retried even if you make a confession.

ROCKWELL: No, that`s double jeopardy. What`s interesting is she gets tried on the trafficking. She can get convicted. While sitting there thinking about it, she could buy her way out of jail even after conviction, Nancy, if she wants to come forward with some information that would put a killer behind bars.

GRACE: What about it, Peter?

P. ODOM: I think that the pressure is starting to work, frankly, Nancy.

GRACE: Really? She`s talking about what she had for dinner and you think she`s cracking?

P. ODOM: I think some of the pressure is starting to show.

GRACE: Really, how?

P. ODOM: I think by some of the -- she`s becoming more emotional. She`s starting to talk more about implicating people and maybe coming forward with something.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That`s true, Peter.

P. ODOM: I think the long-term strategy that the police came up with is going to work.

GRACE: Out to the lines. Sue in Georgia. Hi, Sue.

CALLER: Hey, Nancy.

GRACE: Hi, dear, what`s your question?

CALLER: Oh, is there any chance she could get a bond reduction?

GRACE: Good question. What about it, Eleanor?

E. ODOM: She might be able to get a bond reduction --


E. ODOM: It would probably be very high. Well, as of right now, and I`m not saying I`m agreeing with this, but as of right now she doesn`t really have a criminal history and there`s not necessarily a chance of flight. I wouldn`t give her one.

GRACE: Sheryl McCollum, what can police do now?

McCOLLUM: They`re going to wait. I mean, time is on their side. They`re going to wait. They`re going to listen to these tapes and they`re going to stay on to her. Again, I`m going to keep saying it. Tommy is a key player in this whole thing.

GRACE: Because?

McCOLLUM: He`s the one that interjected himself the first time they went to jail.

GRACE: Agree or disagree, Jean Casarez?

CASAREZ: Tommy, you know, Tommy has said repeatedly on the tapes, I don`t know anything and he speaks from the heart. I question whether he does know anything.

GRACE: Jean Casarez joining us from "In Session."

Everyone, right now, "CNN Heroes."


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Baghdad ended up being a hell of a ride. I sustained a very severe blast injury. My life just came to a complete halt.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How are you doing? How`s everything? You look sharp today.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`ve been building custom homes for 30 years. One of the most important things for a family is a home. I want you to read a sign for me.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Future home of Sergeant Alexander Reyes, United States Army.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Congratulations.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Giving these folks a new home means the world.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Just thank you. That`s all I can say.

DAN WALLRATH, COMMUNITY CRUSADER: My name is Dan Wallrath. Five years ago I had a friend of mine call me, a friend of his, his son had been injured in Iraq.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is the day after he graduated from boot camp.

WALLRATH: He showed me some pictures. His son was a big strapping Marine. Then he showed me pictures of Steven in the hospital. It just broke my heart.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Steven was wheelchair-bound. We were going to have to remodel. I had no idea how I was going to pay for it. Dan just said, we`re going to take care of it.

WALLRATH: We remodeled that home. I realized this is not an isolated case. So went back to my builder buddies and said, we have got to do something. We build homes for returning heroes from Iraq and the houses are mortgage free. It changes the whole family`s life. Welcome home. It gives them just a new start so that they can move forward. These young men and women are doing this for you and me. How can I not help them?



GRACE: What a week in America`s courtrooms. Take a look at the stories and more important, the people who touched our lives.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Human skeletal remains have been positively identified as being those of our missing 14-year-old Amber.


GRACE: I want to go back to Amber`s grandmother joining us tonight, Sheila Welsh (ph). Could you tell us about Amber in life?

SHEILA WELSH: She had a fantastic sense of humor. She was very loving. She -- it`s terrible to (INAUDIBLE) I don`t want anybody else to ever have to hear that description of their grandchild.

GRACE: Kathy, I`ve got all the motions right here. There`s over 200 pieces of evidence that they want banned from the jury`s eyesight. They don`t want the jury to hear any of this.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That`s right, they don`t. You saw those pictures, they don`t want the jury to see the pictures either before or after Caylee (ph) disappeared.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A 43-year old Long Island mother of four has been arrested for allegedly trying to hire a hit man to kill her husband. With striking long, dark black hair, 43-year old Susan Williams keeps her head bowed low as she leaves the (INAUDIBLE) County police headquarters. This Garden City mother of four has been charged with trying to hire a hit man to kill her soon-to-be ex-husband, Peter Williams.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Serial killer Rodney Alcala (ph) is facing the death penalty, the jury recommending Alcala receive the ultimate sentence for the kidnap and murder of a 12-year-old girl and raping and murdering four other women. Now law enforcement releasing over 100 photos of women and children they found in a storage locker that Alcala rented, hoping to determine if any of these people were victims of the mass murderer.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: 125 photographs, dozens of women and children photographed in strange positions. Half aware, police say, that they`re being photographed. Some of them half dressed, some of them in sexual acts with Rodney. Many of them prepubescent boys and girls, many of them women. And police are trying to identify some of these women and children to make sure that there aren`t more victims out there.


GRACE: Let`s stop and remember Army private first class Jacob Tracy, 20, Palestine, Illinois, killed Iraq, awarded the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, loved outdoors, riding Harleys with his father, basketball, playing with Iraqi children. Never met a stranger, dreamed of college, buying his own Harley. Leaves behind parents Don and Sheila, sisters Christina and Nicole. Jacob Tracy, American hero. Thanks for our guests but especially for being with us and a special good night to the New York control room. Good night, Bret, Liz, Squeaky, Eva, everyone, I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on March 29, 2010, 05:34:00 PM


Misty Croslin Reportedly Flunks Another Polygraph

Aired March 26, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. The last person to see her alive, new stepmother Misty Croslin, who takes to the airwaves, claiming she`s innocent. But even in one brief interview, she can`t keep her story straight, including a 180 on a lie detector she flunked. Little Haleigh`s own father, Ronald Cummings, and baby-sitter- turned-stepmother Misty Croslin both handcuffed, arrested, booked. Charges, drug trafficking.

Bombshell tonight. Reports from behind bars Croslin writes a letter detailing what she claims happened the night Haleigh disappears. But who has the letter? And will it solve what happened to Haleigh? This as Croslin`s brother and fellow inmate, Tommy Croslin, says he wants a polygraph. But he wants the test done privately, not by police. Why? And tonight, breaking news on sitter and stepmother Misty Croslin.


MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER: I`m telling you, man, everybody here is, like, Famous Misty Croslin (INAUDIBLE)

I woke up, and she was gone!

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: I come home from work and my child was not there!

How the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole, (EXPLETIVE DELETED)!

MISTY CROSLIN: Me being in the jail has nothing to do with Haleigh.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The investigators has had an effect on her.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And right now, they are investigating a letter she has sent to a family member telling what she says she knows about that night with Haleigh.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Bottom line, you don`t know where Haleigh is.

MISTY CROSLIN: Bottom line.

That`s what they think, I`m going to break? There`s nothing to break me on.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The letter has gone to a family member.

MISTY CROSLIN: Well, today Art said Misty holds the key.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The family member turned it over to investigators.

MISTY CROSLIN: I didn`t do anything to with little girl! I loved her like she`s my own!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They are trying to see what details in the letter they can confirm, what they can`t.

MISTY CROSLIN: I cry all the time about Haleigh.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Meanwhile, the attorney for Croslin`s brother, Tommy Croslin, is trying to set up a poly for his client.

TOMMY CROSLIN, MISTY`S BROTHER: I said, I can`t help you find nobody. I don`t know where she is.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tommy Croslin says he has nothing to do with Haleigh`s disappearance and wants to clear his name.

TOMMY CROSLIN: Told them everything I know.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She`s talking to her sister-in-law, and she says she`s going to say what she knows...

MISTY CROSLIN: It`s going to hurt two people.


MISTY CROSLIN: Kind of. One, yes.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She tells her mother that she`s told her attorney, that he knows.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We really would not care who it implicates.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What is it? She won`t say.

LISA CROSLIN: You write her, she`ll continue writing you.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know. I`m going to write her back.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Bombshell tonight. Reports from behind bars misty Croslin writes and sends a letter detailing what happened the night little Haleigh disappears.


HANK CROSLIN, MISTY`S FATHER: If we could find Haleigh, we`d all -- it`d be better for everybody.


MISTY CROSLIN: I know. I`ve been -- I`ve been -- I sit and wonder every day.

I just woke up and our back door was wide open, and we can`t find my daughter.

Thinking, just trying to go back.

I see the back door open, and I go in the room and she`s gone!

Just thinking if there`s anything.


MISTY CROSLIN: I do. Every day.

They`re going to now. They`re going to know. I`ve just got to wait until I can -- my lawyer is ready.

And I just -- it`s not, Dad. There`s nothing!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This as we learn Misty Croslin`s brother, Tommy Croslin, through his lawyer is trying to set up a polygraph test to clear his name.

TOMMY CROSLIN: I`ve got nothing to say to them because they`re a bunch of damn liars.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Tommy has said repeatedly on the tape, I don`t know anything.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She wants to involve them in the situation so that they will corroborate her story.

MISTY CROSLIN: It`s just that, you know, I`ve got to do what I`ve got to do.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She`s not going to crack.

LISA CROSLIN: Did you tell them what you know?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She`s protecting herself.

LISA CROSLIN: Well, what`s he saying?

MISTY CROSLIN: I can`t really say. He`s comfortable.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She`d rather go to jail as a drug dealer than a baby killer.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m not going to be in this jail forever, Ma.

LISA CROSLIN: I know, baby.

MISTY CROSLIN: They`re not going to keep me locked up forever, I`m telling you.


GRACE: And tonight, out of Satsuma, Florida, breaking news. Straight out to investigative journalist Art Harris. What about it, Art?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Nancy, I can tell you that on, we`re reporting exclusively Misty Croslin has flunked a secret police polygraph she`s taken behind bars. Police have asked her what happened that night. They have been trying to corroborate what she has written in several letters, one to her sister-in-law, Chelsea, another to her father, that describes what happened that night. They quizzed her on it under polygraph conditions with a veteran polygraph examiner, and she flunked miserably. Those are the words of the examiner.

GRACE: Art Harris, what do you believe, after all of your undercover work, is in the letter?

HARRIS: Well, Nancy, I can tell you that Chelsea Croslin, sister-in- law, described to me that Misty told her cousin -- a cousin from Tennessee and her brother, Tommy, came over that night to steal a gun Ronald had been bragging about he had in his closet. They show up. The gun wasn`t there. Misty said, you know, He must have taken it somewhere else. So Tommy said, I`m out of here. Cousin Joe got mad and took Haleigh. That is the story she`s claiming in these letters to family members, Nancy.

GRACE: OK, Art, she`s claiming that she was awake and cognizant and knows the cousin took the baby?

HARRIS: She says -- has said on several occasions, in addition to the letter, that she remembers waking up and seeing cousin Joe with Haleigh. Now, whether that can be corroborated is a big question. He`s not been charged. He says he had nothing to do with it. He`s not in jail, like she is and her brother, Tommy.

GRACE: To Jean Casarez, legal correspondent, In Session, who`s been on the case from the very beginning. Weigh in Jean. Is this even possible, this new story from Misty Croslin?

JEAN CASAREZ, IN SESSION: Well, let me weigh in in regard to Tommy. Tommy`s attorney has said that he wants to take a polygraph. So if he was involved in all of that, as she seems to say, but her polygraph doesn`t say that`s the truth, then I think Tommy does need to take a polygraph to see where he stands on that particular issue.

GRACE: Now, Jean, take me back. Wasn`t it Tommy Croslin, which is her brother, that says he went to the home that night, the night Haleigh goes missing, bams on the door between 10:00 and 10:30, waits and waits and waits, nobody ever comes to the door? Wasn`t that him?

CASAREZ: He`s said it repeatedly. He has said that story repeatedly. Now he is voluntarily wanting to take a polygraph. He`s never taken one before, Nancy, that we know of.

GRACE: Elizabeth, please cue up the video of Marlaina Schiavo taking us through the home.

Jean Casarez, I`d like to get Tommy Croslin under polygraph to ask him about that night that he says he went there and bammed and bammed and bammed and beat and beat and beat on the door and she never came to the door, Misty Croslin, nobody ever came. Many people say she wasn`t there.

I want to go to you, Marlaina Schiavo. You have been in the home. Isn`t it true that where she was sleeping, Misty Croslin was sleeping, there`s no way she would have been able to ignore her brother bamming on the front door?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: There`s no possible way that could happen because where she was sleeping to -- in relation to the front door was only about 10 feet away. So if someone was banging, they would have heard it.

But what is really strange about this whole thing with Tommy is that when he was arrested and he gave this information to investigators, they never issued a polygraph and they never cleared the story one way or another with him. So now his attorney says it`s time for him to tell the story about what happened that night, Nancy.

GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Out to Laurie in Michigan. Hi, Laurie.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. I just wanted to tell you, God bless you for -- as hard as this is for you, you are bringing such an awareness for all these children. I have a grandson that I have guardianship of, and I believe because of you and the awareness that you brought about these children, we were able to get the guardianship. He was traumatized, in a bad situation, and he is happily living with us and undergoing counseling. And it`s because of you. I think you saved his life.

GRACE: Oh, gosh!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: But the question I have for you is, can she be hypnotized? And if she can, can that be held up in court?

GRACE: First of all, Laurie, I don`t deserve those kind words.


GRACE: But thank you. You`re the one that`s saving your grandchild`s life.

I want to go on that issue of hypnosis -- isn`t it true, Art Harris, that Misty Croslin said at one juncture she would agree to being put under hypnosis, but yet either she walked out of the hypnotist or she refused to be, wouldn`t let herself be put under?

HARRIS: Nancy, that`s right. With Tim Miller of Texas Equusearch, she volunteered to do that, and it apparently did not work.

GRACE: OK, Liz, do you have the video and the sound of Marlaina taking us through the home? Here`s the video. Tell me what you`re seeing, Marlaina.

SCHIAVO: Well, Nancy, this is the master bathroom, OK? This is where -- this is the master bedroom where Misty was sleeping with little Haleigh. And when she claims she woke up at 3:00 AM and she went to the bathroom -- which the video is going towards the opposite end of the house, or the trailer- and to go to the bathroom, notices that the light is on. And this is when the scramble starts to -- you know, where is Haleigh? She noticed Haleigh isn`t there. And the question still remains as to why she didn`t go to the bathroom that was actually in the bedroom itself.

GRACE: So Marlaina, how far is her bed, Misty Croslin`s bed, from the front door?

SCHIAVO: From the front door, it`s about 10 feet. Now, the back door where she said the door was propped open with a cinderblock, that was about 16 feet, Nancy.

GRACE: Joining me right now exclusively, a very special guest, James Werter. He is the attorney for Tommy Croslin. And he says he will schedule an independent polygraph. James Werter, thank you for being with us.


GRACE: Mr. Werter, Tommy Croslin insists he came to the home the evening Haleigh goes missing. He places himself at the home where the child disappeared. But he says he bammed on the door repeatedly, nobody ever came, and he left.

WERTER: Nancy, you have to understand when that statement was given, he had been arrested for that grand theft charge and he was in for a week waiting bond, and he was interviewed every day until he finally gave that statement. That`s why we want a polygraph to clear the air on the timeline.

GRACE: Well, don`t you think that Misty Croslin would have told this story before now, that she woke up and saw cousin Joe and her brother standing over Haleigh?

WERTER: I can`t really speculate as to anything that Misty says.


MISTY CROSLIN: You know, people are saying I`m not -- I don`t think about Haleigh.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I thought all along that she had something to do with it.

MISTY CROSLIN: Everybody in this block knows I think about her all the time.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And now this kind of just proves it.

MISTY CROSLIN: I got all my food. Oh, my God!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She was the last one to see our daughter.

MISTY CROSLIN: It was like Christmas last night.




MISTY CROSLIN: Get me out now.

LISA CROSLIN: When I leave here, I`m going to go by Lindsey`s and get some pictures for you.


LISA CROSLIN: Of Haleigh and Junior.

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. I want one of Haleigh and Junior and one of Ronald.

LISA CROSLIN: All right. I`ll get them all to you.

MISTY CROSLIN: I mean, I still love him, Mama.


MISTY CROSLIN: I still love him.

LISA CROSLIN: I know you do, baby.

MISTY CROSLIN: I wish I had powers, man. I would be, like, Poof, out of this place.

You can ask everybody in the cellblock right here, right now. Everybody in this block knows that I think about her all the time, that I talk about her all the time.

In this letter that I`m writing you, I write -- like, it`s to you and Dad, but there`s parts in it that`s for you and parts of it`s in there for Dad.

I cry all the time about Haleigh, pray all the time about Haleigh.

LISA CROSLIN: Yes, I know.

MISTY CROSLIN: So they can all kiss my ass.

I want to start a letter tonight for you guys, start writing it tonight. Going to write Timmy, as soon as I get his address. Can send him a thing. I`m going to write Nanny and -- you and Mom and Nanny and Timmy.

I`m not no drug dealer. I don`t -- you know, I`m nothing like that. They can kiss my (EXPLETIVE DELETED) about that.


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Out to Andie in Arkansas. Hi, Andie.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. We love you here in Arkansas. Thank you for what you do.

GRACE: Well, thank you very much. And thank you for calling in. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, I just wanted to make a quick comment about Misty Croslin.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Has anyone ever considered that maybe she`s not talking because she herself did something to Haleigh? I mean, everybody knows that it`s very hard to blend families, and especially with a 17-year- old that`s very immature and knows nothing about mothering.

And I would bet that little Lucy probably has your husband just wrapped around her little finger because that`s what daddies do with daughters. And I think that she was so jealous of Ronald`s relationship with this child, and maybe even moreso because she had medical problems and needed a lot of attention. So I think that she herself, if she didn`t do it, she certainly had somebody to do it for her. And I think her motive was jealousy.

GRACE: Well, Andie in Arkansas, that to me is the obvious answer. I agree with you as to why she`s not talking. And there`s no way she has sat behind bars all this time and endured all these police interviews and questioning to cover for cousin Joe and her brother Tommy. The first thing she did when she got behind bars is rat out Tommy Croslin on an alleged burglary. So why would she cover for him if she were to wake up in the middle of the night and see him standing over Haleigh? I don`t see it.

But to Dr. Bethany Marshall, psychoanalyst, author of "Dealbreakers," what about Andie`s question?

BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST: I think she`s totally right because when you listen to Misty Croslin, she doesn`t reminisce about Haleigh. She doesn`t talk about feeding her, cooking for her, pushing her on a swing. She doesn`t say to her mom, Mom, do you remember when she was walking to school or when I read that little book to her? She has no empathy towards and no attachment to this little girl and no memories. It`s like someone pressed the erase button, which to me is an indicator of guilt.

GRACE: Let`s unleash the lawyers. Joining us tonight out of Orlando, a specialist in Florida law, Mark Nejame, Eleanor Odom, prosecutor, Atlanta, Renee Rockwell, defense attorney, Atlanta, Peter Odom, defense attorney, Atlanta.

And I want to go first to Mark Nejame. Weigh in, Mark.

MARK NEJAME, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Hi. Good evening, Nancy. You know, when it comes to Misty, just really, who knows? The reality of it is she hasn`t been truthful about anything...

GRACE: Wait, wait, wait. Mark Nejame, look, you`ve got a great reputation. You`ve got to give me more than "Who knows." And let me remind you that with us tonight is the attorney for Tommy Croslin, James Werter out of Jacksonville, and he`s willing to put his client strapped up to a poly. So do you really believe, Mark Nejame, that Misty Croslin has sat on this story all this time and not told police?

NEJAME: No. No. I mean, Misty`s out for Misty. Misty failed a polygraph in my office. She`s apparently failed another polygraph. Her story`s changed like the wind changes. I think that Tommy`s lawyer`s doing the right thing. I think he needs to get a polygraph out there. I think, though, that he needs to go ahead and make sure that the questions are the right questions and not just ones that are created that still leave ambiguity out there. He`s got to be real clear about what they`re asking.


MISTY CROSLIN: Did you read the papers today?

I wish that they would have took me instead of her.

The people that are involved, that the cops think that`s involved, is locked up.

They go out and look for that person, maybe they -- they would be -- have the answer.

Then it`s the father of Haleigh Cummings and the stepmother of...

They`re trying to get all the answers from me that I don`t have.




TIMMY CROSLIN, MISTY`S BROTHER: They didn`t try to question you anymore or anything at all?

TOMMY CROSLIN: No. I ain`t got nothing to say to them jokers. Let them cover over and talk -- talking to me. I`m going to tell them to (EXPLETIVE DELETED). Leave me alone. I ain`t got nothing to say to you lying people.


TOMMY CROSLIN: Crooked-ass cops.


TOMMY CROSLIN: If I knew something, you`d know a long time ago. Leave me alone. Talk to my lawyer.


GRACE: Right. It`s always the cops` fault when they catch you on video selling dope.

I want to go straight back out to our lawyers, but first to Art Harris, investigative journalist, who broke the story just a few moments ago regarding yet another failed polygraph. What are the circumstances surrounding the poly?

HARRIS: Nancy, I can tell you that investigators have been trying to get Misty to take a new poly for quite a while. She was too sick one night to take it. But finally, on February 26th, 5:30 PM, they sent for her from her cell, the St. John`s County jail, several investigators, and one of the top polygraph operators in Florida, a woman who works part-time for the -- a nearby sheriff`s department, set up for it, and they sent for her.

She left her cell, went to the administration building. And they were very careful to spend at least an hour going over questions and what they were going to cover so that they could have control -- you know, control of questions and they knew what they were talking about and it would be a valid polygraph. She then went over this story about Misty claiming Tommy and cousin Joe showed up and Joe took the baby. They went over it again and again. Investigators...

GRACE: Where -- go ahead, Art.

HARRIS: Yes, investigators were waiting in another room. They were so excited, Nancy. They thought this might be the turning point. They had a tidbit. They had Misty telling these morsels that they wanted to believe, and they were trying to parse them out to see what parts of these stories might be verifiable through the poly. That would allow them to take it to the next step and squeeze somebody else, maybe.

Suddenly, the polygraph operator at 8:30 PM goes into the other room where everyone is waiting and has to deliver the news. Miserably, she flunked.

GRACE: That she flunked. When you say miserably, how badly did she flunk?

HARRIS: Every -- every question, I`m told, there was deception and they could not verify anything. And it is so frustrating. These investigators have worked so hard for so long. One has even mused that -- wonders could this be someone who can`t pass a polygraph, but could she be telling the truth?


MISTY CROSLIN: I have a drug problem.

CHELSEA CROSLIN: The problem is you`re not even a drug addict.

MISTY CROSLIN: Some black guy just jumped in my car and stole my whole purse!

I am. I smoke marijuana.

He threw me out the car and had a gun and said he was going to shoot me!

CHELSEA CROSLIN: You got caught up in the mix.

LISA CROSLIN: I know I got caught up, but I just realized...




LISA CROSLIN, MISTY CROSLIN`S MOTHER: I talked to your lawyer today.

MISTY CROSLIN, RONALD CUMMING`S EX-WIFE, LAST SEEN HALEIGH: Yes. We don`t know what they`re going to do. And he says that you guys have to stop talking to Leonard, too. As long as you guys (INAUDIBLE) -- you know, we all need to stop talking to him, too.

L. CROSLIN: I know. I`m not calling him no more. I don`t want it to hurt you.

M. CROSLIN: Yes. Because everybody y`all talk to that`s just hurting me.


M. CROSLIN: No newspapers. Don`t talk to the newspaper articles. Don`t talk about anything. Nothing to nobody.

Well, today Art said Misty holds the key.

L. CROSLIN: I know. It`s what it says in this one, too.

FLORA HOLLERS, MISTY CROSLIN`S GRANDMOTHER: Just hold your head up high. You ain`t got a damn thing to hide.

M. CROSLIN: Exactly. I`m not -- it`s hard in here. Of course it`s hard. But there`s nothing I can do. I`ve just got to live by every day and make the best of it, I guess. I`m doing OK.

TIMMY CROSLIN, MISTY CROSLIN`S BROTHER: Nancy Grace, she`s like, I mean, no, I do not sit there and think, you know, talk about Haleigh 24/7, but every night before I go to bed I say my prayers and Haleigh`s in my prayers every night.

M. CROSLIN: Haleigh`s always on my mind 24/7. She`s always on my mind. Just because I`m not talking about her doesn`t mean she`s not. You know?

T. CROSLIN: Yes, yes. It`s always like in the back of your head. You know, but you don`t talk about it all the --

M. CROSLIN: No, you can`t talk about it all the time. It will be -- you know? You`ll go crazy. I talk about her a lot, though.

I talk about her a lot because I mean, it`s just It feels better when I talk about her. So -- and Nancy Grace can say whatever she wants but we don`t care about her. Everybody in this jail knows that I talk about Haleigh a lot. Every article that we get in the newspaper I keep it.


NANCY GRACE, HOST: We are taking your calls. Out to Charlene, Indiana. Hi, Charlene.

CHARLENE, CALLER FROM INDIANA: Hi. And it`s a pleasure for you to take my question.

GRACE: Thank you for calling.

CHARLENE: Thank you so much for truly, truly being a victims` advocate.

GRACE: Thank you, Charlene.

CHARLENE: Misty Croslin, she seems to be such a bragger and wants people to think she`s so tough and so smart. I wonder if anyone has questioned any of the other inmates to see if maybe she has confided or bragged about Haleigh, you know, since she has to keep up this appearance.

GRACE: That`s a good question, Charlene in Indiana. Before I would go to trial on a major case I would always go to the cell block -- sometimes more than one cell block --to find out if the defendant had been speaking. They normally do.

Jean Casarez, what do you know?

JEAN CASAREZ, CORRESPONDENT, "IN SESSION": Well, we know what she has said in her jailhouse tapes. She has said that she talks to everybody about how much she misses Haleigh and how much she thinks about Haleigh.

But you know, I think Charlene brings up a great point because in the Casey Anthony case we just found out through a prosecution`s motion that Casey had written 258 pages to another inmate, and no one would have believed that.

GRACE: To Bethany Marshall -- Dr. Bethany Marshall, psychoanalyst, author of "Dealbreakers," joining us tonight out of L.A.

Dr. Bethany, she does go on and on about how everybody knows I talk about Haleigh. But I and our staff have combed over hundreds -- it feels like hours of hours of her yakking and there`s not one time where she says, you know, that night everything was just fine. We went to bed. I did the laundry. That`s all I can tell them.

Or, you know, I took Haleigh to school that day or, you know, I was thinking about last Christmas and how happy she was.

Nothing. We have never once heard a recollection about Haleigh.

BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST, AUTHOR OF "DEALBREAKERS": You`re right. And if we knew nothing about Haleigh, we wouldn`t know anything from listening to her. There`s not one story or one recollection.

But what we do know about Misty is she is manipulative. That`s why she wrote this letter that then they had to give her a poly on to see if the letter was true. So this is yet one more example of her being manipulative, is that she gets on the phone talking to her brother and she starts to say oh, yes, I talk about Haleigh all the time.

She simply doesn`t.

GRACE: Unleash the lawyers. Mark Nejame, Florida expert, joining us out of Orlando. Eleanor Odom, Renee Rockwell, Peter Odom. And attorney for Tommy Croslin joining us tonight out of Jacksonville, Florida, James Werter.

First to you, Eleanor Odom, polygraphs, hypnosis. Can they come into court?

ELEANOR ODOM, PROSECUTOR: It depends. A polygraph can if there`s a stipulation by both the state and the defense --

GRACE: An agreement.

E. ODOM: An agreement. Exactly. And then it could come into evidence. But hypnotists and hypnosis, that has not been allowed in courts as of yet.

GRACE: And when she says stipulate, Renee Rockwell, typically the way it`s done is that before you take the polygraph you agree -- we`re going to do a poly, this is who`s going to give it -- and you don`t know the results when you agree up front.

We`re going to let it come into court. Right?

RENEE ROCKWELL, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: That`s right. But you don`t know the results, Nancy. I wouldn`t let one of my clients take a polygraph unless I had gotten a polygraph previously by a private polygrapher.

And I`ll remind you of the case, Nancy, that you and I had together when you were tracking to crack the red rapist case in Atlanta. You remember that.

GRACE: Very well.

ROCKWELL: We had a witness. It was my client. You weren`t letting him get on the stand until you polygraphed him.

GRACE: That`s right.

ROCKWELL: Because it`s an investigative tool. The polygraph didn`t come in. But you wanted to know if he was telling the truth. But basically, you never see that unless it`s agreed to ahead of time. And most lawyers won`t do it. Most defense attorneys.

GRACE: Well, of course they won`t, Renee. Because most defense attorneys` clients did it. No offense to you, defense attorneys, but come on, that`s the deal.

Look, the police can hardly keep up with all the crime out there. How many thousands of criminals get away every day?

So you know, spare me.

What about it, Peter Odom? Hypnosis, polygraphs come into evidence?

PETER ODOM, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Nancy, no court voluntarily allows polygraphs in without a stipulation. What that tells you is this. They`re scientifically unreliable.

However, people`s reactions to a polygraph are very important. When Tommy Croslin says hook me up, I`ll take a polygraph, that tells me something about what he has to say. Because it shows that there`s a perception out there that polygraphs are scientifically reliable.

If someone says I want to take that test, that adds a bit of credibility to what we think he might have said.

GRACE: It certainly does. And I`ve got a question for you, Peter Odom, defense attorney, Atlanta. It`s a simple yes-no.

In your practice as a lawyer in any of the jurisdictions in which you`ve practiced, have you ever directed for anyone to get a polygraph?

P. ODOM: Yes.

GRACE: OK. So much for you claiming it`s not scientific. Back to --

P. ODOM: But not because it was reliable. Because it was to satisfy, placate a prosecutor that believed so much in polygraph tests.

GRACE: And you went along with it.

P. ODOM: Sometimes you`ve got to do that, Nancy.

GRACE: Now I`m going to try to go back to James Werter if Peter Odom -- is that OK with you? I take it that it is.

James Werter, attorney for Tommy Croslin. He`s planning to hook Tommy Croslin up to an independent poly.

What about a police poly?

JAMES WERTER, ATTORNEY FOR TOMMY CROSLIN, PLANS TO SCHEDULE INDEPENDENT POLYGRAPH FOR TOMMY CROSLIN: Well, I was looking. It was actually my suggestion. And we were looking for a more objective, non-biased person.

This is being organized by the private investigator Steve Brown. And he is an 11-year FBI veteran. I trust him completely. I will be present.

And we both sat with Tommy, and what we call down here have a come to Jesus talk with him, and we expressed that he is not going to beat a polygraph. It is a good investigative tool. But I agree that it is not a precise instrument.

GRACE: Everyone, as we go to break, we are taking your calls live. With us tonight, not only Mark Nejame out of Florida, but James Werter, the attorney for Tommy Croslin. This is Misty Croslin`s brother. She`s already ratted him out on a burglary.

As we go to break, happy birthday to a Florida friend, Holly Helan McCormick. Devoted mother of two. Loves spending time with her family and friends. There are her kids, Grace and Cole. Husband Robert.

What a beautiful family.

And happy birthday to Georgia friend, Kim. Olympic silver medalist 400- meter hurdles. President of Body by Batton Sports Performance Company. Now, that`s a resume.

Happy birthday, Kim.



M. CROSLIN: I dipped my bread in the chicken soup. It was so disgusting the chicken noodle soup today was disgusting. It seemed like it was old, like six, five years ago.

We just ate like about 30 minutes ago.

L. CROSLIN: What did you eat?

M. CROSLIN: Taco salad.

L. CROSLIN: Taco salad?


L. CROSLIN: Was it good?

M. CROSLIN: It was alright. I ate it all.


L. CROSLIN: It was alright then.

M. CROSLIN: I mixed the beans with it. Man, we had some nasty mystery meat tonight. I didn`t eat it.


M. CROSLIN: It`s called mystery meat. And I ate the pudding on the plate and drank my drink and I had green beans, but I ain`t eating no green beans without no garlic or no salt.

L. CROSLIN: No. They don`t give you salt there?


L. CROSLIN: What are they feeding you all tonight?

M. CROSLIN: We have some like meatball thing and noodles. It wasn`t that bad. I ate it. I ate all of it.

L. CROSLIN: That`s funny because Misty said you got her a bunch of HoneyBuns.


L. CROSLIN: But your sister L. CROSLIN: got more chips though.

TOMMY CROSLIN: Yes. Me, too. I knew she was going to get a bunch of potato chips. Misty is a chip eater.

L. CROSLIN: I know. That`s what I told her.

TOMMY CROSLIN: She loaded up on them Doritos.

M. CROSLIN: Oh my god, they had nasty --


GRACE: What`s with the whining about the food? I had a half of a chicken sandwich. That`s it.

Eleanor, what did you have?

E. ODOM: Let`s see, I think I didn`t have dinner tonight, Nancy.

GRACE: And the whining and complaining behind bars, it`s incessant. Let`s see. Tonight Miss Croslin is having chicken and rice with gravy. Sounds good. Peas, bread, pudding, and fruit juice. Fortified with vitamin C.

Now, that`s better than anybody on this panel got tonight. But yet the whining. The complaining. About the food. Her mattress. She`s got a private room with two beds in it. Both of them are awful. It`s like "The Princess and the Pea."

She hates what they play on the television. They pipe in movies for them. She hates them, too.

I want to go out to Dr. Robert Cartwright, an expert in his field, joining us out of Atlanta.

Dr. Cartwright, these polygraphs, lie detectors, they`re based on a physical reaction. How does it work medically?

DR. ROBERT C. CARTWRIGHT, M.D., PEDIATRICIAN AND ALLERGIST: Well, certainly, when you have stress, which would indicate perhaps deception, it creates changes in your physical makeup.

Your heart rate can change, blood pressure can change. Your, you know, EKG in terms of your heart waves can change. So that`s really what they`re looking for.

GRACE: And Dr. Cartwright, there`s no real way that I know of that you can control those involuntary bodily reactions.

CARTWRIGHT: Not certainly for an average person, somebody in Misty Croslin`s position. I don`t think that would be possible. Now, apparently, there are people in, you know, CIA, FBI, those types of people, that have been trained to break those. But for routine people, no.

GRACE: Of course I guess you could dope yourself up on sedatives so you`d be so zonked out you`d just be flat. But I would be afraid I would screw up the answers if I had taken some kind of medication. Would that work?

CARTWRIGHT: Well, you know, certainly there is a history of drug use here. So she may be better on drugs. Who knows? But it really is an unknown there.

GRACE: Hey. Hey. Hey, Cartwright. Don`t give her any ideas. OK?

To Leonard Padilla, bounty hunter, who offered to bond Croslin out of jail, joining us out of Sacramento via Skype.

Hello, Leonard Padilla. Leonard, let me ask you a question.


GRACE: I`m fine. Tommy Croslin reportedly looking for somebody to pay for his polygraph. What do you make of his declaring he wants a polygraph as it relates to Misty Croslin`s handwritten letter that he was in the home standing over Haleigh the night she disappeared?

PADILLA: I had several discussions with Tommy as well as family members, and I said I`d be willing to help out. But it has to be somebody that I would refer him to. And that would be Jack Tramarko.

I`ve contacted Jack Tramarko. Jack Tramarko contacted his wife and also the investigator on the case. And the other stipulation was that it would be a public polygraph, it would not be a polygraph where the defense attorney administers it and then if he doesn`t like the results it doesn`t get released.

Now that`s where I stand with Tommy as far as a polygraph. And I believe that Tramarko`s on board with me as far as doing it.

GRACE: Yes, Tramarko`s got an excellent reputation as a polygrapher.

I want to go now to Bill Majeski, former NYPD, now with Majeski Associates, a licensed polygraph examiner.

Bill, what do you make of all this?

BILL MAJESKI, FMR. NYPD DETECTIVE, MAJESKI ASSOCIATES, INC.: OK. Just to clear up a couple of issues here. One, you know, a polygraph, it relies on psycho-physiological response.

What you do is you`re asking the person a question. No surprise questions. All the questions are prepared beforehand. They`re gone over beforehand. And the subject is instructed to answer those questions with a simple yes or simple no answer.

So now the process as you ask the question, that person thinks about the response to that question, then responds to it, and then physiologically reacts and those are then transmitted to a chart and those charts are read and evaluated.

In terms of why they want this person to take a polygraph test, contrary stories. What they`re trying to do is they`re trying to get him away from the scene. His initial statements were that he was at the scene when the child disappeared. So the lawyer wants to say OK, let him take a polygraph to prove that he was not there, nowhere near the area when it occurred.

But there are a lot of other things that can be done in terms of the -- you know, the interviewing process with all of these people. You can ask the same question over and over again. But unless you ask it a different way, you`re not going to get a different answer.

GRACE: To Art Harris. And Elizabeth, if you would take that video in full of Haleigh. This is on Christmas morning. I remember when Ronald Cummings -- could you take down the fonts and the banners and all that?

I want to see Haleigh. I remember Ronald Cummings sitting watching this with tears in his eyes.

Weigh in, Art Harris. Where do we go?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, ARTHARRIS.COM, INTERVIEWED MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S NEW STEPMOM: Well, Nancy, you know, he was -- he has been so distraught publicly that, you know, he has been also ruled out. So you have to come back, it always comes back to Misty.

Where they go from here, they`re frustrated.

GRACE: Everyone, it`s time now for "CNN Heroes."

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on April 02, 2010, 07:08:10 PM


Misty and Ronald Plead Not Guilty to Drug Charges

Aired March 31, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. Last person to see her alive, new stepmother Misty Croslin, who takes to the airwaves, claiming she`s innocent. But even in one brief interview, she can`t keep her story straight, including a 180 on a lie detector she flunked. Little Haleigh`s own father, Ronald Cummings, and baby-sitter- turned-stepmother Misty Croslin both handcuffed, arrested, booked. Charges, drug trafficking.

Tonight, we obtain more secretly recorded jailhouse tapes, hours of Croslin yakking to Mommy, Daddy, you name it, all caught on video. As police comb these jailhouse tapes for clues as to Haleigh`s whereabouts, where is the 5-year-old little girl?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Breaking news in the case of missing 5-year-old Florida girl Haleigh Cummings. Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and former stepmom-slash-baby-sitter Misty Croslin were in court today, both claiming they`re not guilty of trafficking thousands of dollars worth of prescription painkillers. Undercover video allegedly captures Cummings and Croslin selling drugs to an undercover police officer over five times during a one-month period. Cummings and Croslin remain in jail on high bonds, as reports emerge the investigation into Haleigh`s disappearance heats up, with sources telling investigative journalist Art Harris that Misty Croslin has failed another police poly.


GRACE: I want to go straight out to Marlaina Schiavo, our producer on the story from the very, very beginning.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Nancy, both Ronald and Misty were in court today. Both pled not guilty to the drug trafficking charges that they are facing. Now, we know because we`ve showed on this show that we have seen both Ronald and Misty in the drug sting operation that the police caught on tape. So we`re not really sure how this is all going to play out. Ronald has a new court date in May. Misty will be back in court in June.

And also, Ronald`s cousin, who was also seen on the surveillance tape handling the drugs, pled no contest. So that will be interesting. She`ll be sentenced at the end of April. And we`re going to see how this all plays out in about a month.

GRACE: Straight out to Art Harris, investigative journalist at You told me last week that there was going to be a polygraph of Tommy Croslin. It hasn`t happened. Why?


GRACE: Did he back out of it? Is he afraid?

HARRIS: Nancy, they want the right circumstances for this polygraph. They want the right polygrapher. And so they are in the process of trying to find someone they trust, someone -- not the police yet, but someone who Tommy will feel comfortable with. It will take them about two weeks, I`m told, and cost about...

GRACE: But why should it take two weeks? Because you`ve got Joe Trimarco, one of the most well-known polygraphers in the country, who says he`ll do it. Padilla is willing to set it up. What`s the problem? You`ve got Bill Majeski, licensed polygrapher, who`s on the show tonight. What`s the hold-up?

HARRIS: Problem is, you`ve got -- well, you`ve got to get Tommy out of jail first, and he`s got a big bond he`s got to put up. So that`s one problem.

GRACE: So you`ve got Jack Trimarco and Majeski standing by, and what did you say the problem was?

HARRIS: Well, Tommy`s in jail. If they wanted to fly down there, they would have to work that out with the authorities and give it to them in the administration building, where they gave it to Misty.

GRACE: "They"? "They" would be the defense team. And the defense team speaks for Tommy Croslin. Let`s go back to the significance, why we want a poly on Tommy Croslin. What can you tell me about the letter written by baby-sitter-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin, the last person to see Haleigh alive?

HARRIS: Nancy, I can tell you that I spoke to the people who got that letter, two family members, Chelsea Croslin and father Hank Croslin. It says -- it claims that Tommy was at the trailer that last night with a cousin named Joe from Tennessee and that they were there to steal a gun Ronald had been bragging about. It wasn`t there. Tommy said, I`m going home. Cousin Joe, according to Misty in her letter, took Haleigh and left. He was mad.

GRACE: So she`s saying after all this time that Tommy and Joe were there and that cousin Joe leaves with the baby. OK. What about her polygraph she just flunked? This would be, I think, her third or fourth poly. She`s flunked a stress test, a voice stress test. And she would not -- either walked out or would not submit to a hypnotist.

HARRIS: That`s right, Nancy. Well, this polygraph she flunked miserably, the first police polygraph since she`s put the story out, I broke on And this is a problem. She has flunked it. That means that her story about Tommy and cousin Joe and everything else is -- comes into question. So Tommy wants to clear his name. The family is concerned. They don`t know who to believe yet. And they are eager for Tommy to pass a polygraph so that they can believe at least in him.

GRACE: Weigh in, Jean Casarez, legal correspondent, In Session.

JEAN CASAREZ, IN SESSION: Here`s the reality, Nancy, all right? Tommy has said that he went to the trailer that night, he knocked on the door repeatedly, nobody answered. Now his attorney, James Werter, has said that he wants a polygraph taken so we`ll know the truth as to whether he was really there at the trailer that night. So it`s ironic, Nancy, to give your client a polygraph to show he actually lied to authorities, but at the same time, you`re clearing him from being at the scene the night Haleigh went missing.

GRACE: To Bill Majeski, former NYPD detective, now Majeski Associates, Inc., out of New York, licensed polygrapher. How hard is it to set up a polygraph under these circumstances?

BILL MAJESKI, LICENSED POLYGRAPHER: It`s not that difficult to set it up. It`s just a question of coordinating schedules. Like, Jack is in California, I`m in New York and New Jersey. Depending on where you would have to go, sometimes the client comes to you. In this particular case, the examiner would have to go to the client.

The other issue with polygraph is that the right questions have to be asked in any polygraph examination. You hear about people passing tests, failing tests, but then you want to take a look at the questions. What questions did they fail? What questions, you know, were they truthful about? So clearly, the questions are a very key ingredient in the overall process.

But in terms of setting it up, it shouldn`t take, you know, that long. It depends on the urgency of the situation.

GRACE: I want to go to Dr. Robert Cartwright, pediatrician, joining us out of Atlanta. Haleigh suffered from Turner syndrome. I know she was out of school a lot. I know that it stunts your growth somewhat. She was a tiny little girl. You have other related health problems with Turner syndrome. What do you know about it?

DR. ROBERT CARTWRIGHT, PEDIATRICIAN: Turner syndrome is a genetic syndrome that involves the loss of one of the X chromosomes. Normal females have two X chromosomes. With Turner`s, you have just one. It`s associated with a variety of defects, cardiac defects. They are typically short. They can have endocrinological problems with their hormones, so -- and oftentimes, they`re incapable of having children. But it`s a widely encompassing syndrome.

GRACE: You know, Dr. Bethany Marshall, based on what Dr. Cartwright is telling us -- Bethany psychoanalyst, author of "Dealbreakers," joining us out of LA. You know, a caller called in wondering if the father, Ronald Cummings, didn`t give Haleigh a lot of attention -- she`s his only daughter, and she was also ill with Turner syndrome -- how that would have affected the baby-sitter-turned-stepmom, Misty Croslin?

BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST: Well, certainly, what we could guess is this little girl had a lot of special needs, and if Misty was already jealous of the little girl or wanted Ronald all to herself, that would engender a lot of hostility towards this little girl.

But you just played some tape of Misty`s mother saying that she was going to bring some pictures of Junior and Haleigh to the jail. And Misty says, Oh, Ronald, Ronald, too. She dismisses the pictures of the little ones, and she wants the pictures of Ronald`s instead. So that really tells you where her loyalties lie. It`s with him, not with the children.

GRACE: Let`s unleash the lawyers. Joining us tonight, felony prosecutor Eleanor Odom -- she has handled many death penalty prosecutions -- Renee Rockwell, veteran defense attorney out of Atlanta, and also out of Atlanta, Peter Odom, defense attorney.

You know, Renee, I`m sure you`ll say this has nothing to do with anything, but I`ve got here a lot of her jailhouse orders. In one month last month, she spent $400 -- you know, that could be rent somewhere -- on junk food alone. She whines incessantly about her food, her bed, the TV, the movies they get to watch behind bars. Candy, lotion, chicken sticks, strawberry fruits -- I mean, it goes on and on -- $400 worth of this!

RENEE ROCKWELL, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Nancy, thank God that can`t be used against her in any kind of trial. But all this jailhouse stuff, all these tapes...

GRACE: She certainly hasn`t lost her appetite about little Haleigh gone missing!

ROCKWELL: No, but have you looked at her, Nancy? It`s almost painful. When you see her on these tapes talking, going on and on, first of all, as a defense attorney, that just makes you cringe. But look at how young and immature she is. She may never be...

GRACE: You know what?

ROCKWELL: ... implicated...

GRACE: You know what, Renee? You know what, Renee? Yes, go ahead and look at her, but then look down at the bottom of your monitor right now, Renee, at little Haleigh, the most innocent. She wasn`t out selling dope or high as a kite or drunk that night. This was an unprotected, defenseless child, and she by all accounts is most likely dead. And the reality is, either Misty Croslin had a hand in her death, knows about her death, or was so negligent in taking care of this child, the baby is dead. And we don`t even know where her body is.

Peter Odom, of course, Renee Rockwell says it doesn`t matter. But it matters to me...


GRACE: ... that Miss Thing has not lost her appetite whatsoever behind bars!

PETER ODOM: If I`m her defense attorney, I`m going to take that list that you just read and I`m going to show to the jury. I`m going to say, This is a girl that might be 19 or 20, but she acts like a 10-year-old and she has the mentality of a 10-year-old. To me, I think it`s pathetic.

GRACE: OK. Fine.

PETER ODOM: I think it`s pathetic.

GRACE: Fine. Say she`s got the mentality of a 10-year-old. Liz...

PETER ODOM: And you can hear that -- you can hear that when she talks.

GRACE: Really?

PETER ODOM: You can hear it in her phone calls.

GRACE: Because -- Liz, if you could cue up that pinhole video from inside a cop car, where she is selling hundreds of Oxycontin. You know, Eleanor Odom, I hardly think a 10-year-old could have pulled that off.

ELEANOR ODOM, PROSECUTOR: No, Nancy. And I just think of the lie after lie that comes out of her mouth. And you`re right, she is responsible. She`s criminally responsible. And I`m wondering why the cops maybe haven`t charged her with criminal neglect of a child for the night Haleigh went missing. I wonder what the cops maybe know that they`re holding back.

GRACE: What would your theory be, Eleanor?

ELEANOR ODOM: Well, the fact that the child went missing under her care. She should have been more aware of the child.

GRACE: So again, Peter Odom says that she has the mind of a 10-year- old. We`re about to play you her inside a police car organizing, orchestrating a major sale.

What about it, Dr. Bethany Marshall, the mind of a 10-year-old?

MARSHALL: No. I mean, I think what we`re seeing is anti-social personality disorder. I mean, when you think of that, you think of reckless disregard and lack of concern for the rights and the safety of others. And we`ve seen that in all this tape.

She tries to sell her own brother up the river by pinning it on him. That`s reckless disregard. She has no memories of this little girl. That`s reckless disregard. She says she doesn`t remember what`s going on that night. Let`s say she was on opiates. That`s reckless disregard.

And I`ll tell you what. With opiates, you don`t black out, you nod out, which means you nod out and then you come back and forth, in and out of consciousness, which would imply she would remember some of what went on that evening, if not all of it.

GRACE: Take a listen to Misty Croslin orchestrating a dope deal with an undercover cop.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, you want to -- you want to hop in?

MISTY CROSLIN: Baby, get in. Get in. Who is that?

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: Someone unlock the door.


MISTY CROSLIN: I know that`s somebody. I know her. I just want to know who she is.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`ve got them. I`ve got them 10 in little (INAUDIBLE) baggies. If you want to count them out real quick, we`ll make sure they`re all (EXPLETIVE DELETED) there.

CUMMINGS: I`m positive they are, man.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There`s a hundred there, there should be a hundred there.

MISTY CROSLIN: ... 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 in there.

CUMMINGS: There`s 100 in here. They`re all in 10-packs. There`s 100.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There should be -- should be 10 in each one. So just whenever...

CUMMINGS: It should be -- it`s going to take a couple days for you to get rid of 200 of them, now.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, I mean -- I mean, I`ve -- I mean, I`ve got - - I`ve got two weeks to play with so, I mean, you know, (EXPLETIVE DELETED) two weeks, whatever.

CUMMINGS: OK. I`ll get it for you. No problem. (EXPLETIVE DELETED) two weeks, I can make the money to pay for them and eat it myself.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Get on the ground! Get on down! Get on down! Get on down!




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: New details emerge in the case of missing 5-year- old Florida girl Haleigh Cummings. Haleigh`s former stepmom-slash-baby- sitter Misty Croslin, who police say is the key to finding Haleigh, in court today facing over 100 years in jail for allegedly trafficking hundreds of illegal narcotics. Croslin`s ex-husband, Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, also appeared before the judge today on similar charges. He has pled not guilty. But what does this mean for the Haleigh investigation? Police say they continue to follow all leads that come in and will not stop the investigation until Haleigh is found.


GRACE: First to Ellie Jostad, our chief editorial producer. What more, Ellie?

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Nancy, Art Harris is reporting that Misty Croslin has taken yet another polygraph test. Now, apparently, according to Art, what Misty was polygraphed about is this letter that she wrote. In this letter, she claims that the night that Haleigh went missing, her brother Tommy, as well as her cousin Joe Overstreet, were at the house.

Now, law enforcement very interested to know whether or not this latest account of what happened that night is accurate, and Art is reporting from his sources that that is why they took her out of her cell, into a private conference room. They had actually flown in a polygraph examiner, the top female polygraph examiner in Florida. They asked her to ask specific questions about this letter to try to suss out whether or not there is actually something that would implicate either her brother, Tommy, or cousin Joe.

Now, remember, Nancy, back at the very beginning, we heard that Tommy Croslin might have been over that night. He says he was there, he knocked on the door no, one answered. We`d also heard about this cousin, Joe Overstreet, who lives in Tennessee. Now, police told us way back at the beginning that both cousin Joe and brother Tommy had been questioned at length, that they weren`t considered suspects. But now this new letter sheds some light on what Misty is saying happened that night.

GRACE: On secretly recorded jailhouse tapes, we see Misty Croslin whining, complaining about everything from food to TV and movies that are piped in for her at the jail. She complains about her mattress, all of her ailments. And tonight, the video.


MISTY CROSLIN: I`m burning up.


MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. I just got out of the shower, like, because my hair was all messy and greasy and (EXPLETIVE DELETED). So I took a shower, and then I had to do all that running.

LISA CROSLIN: You had to run?

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, I had to run up and down the stairs carrying my stuff. I got all my food. Oh, my God! It was like Christmas last night.

LISA CROSLIN: Was it? Did you get a lot of stuff?

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, I got some (EXPLETIVE DELETED) munchies, man.





LISA CROSLIN: You get up and eat breakfast at 4:00?


LISA CROSLIN: What did you eat?

MISTY CROSLIN: Cereal and -- plain cereal and bread and jelly.

LISA CROSLIN: Do y`all get milk with every meal?

MISTY CROSLIN: Just with breakfast. I hate it here.


MISTY CROSLIN: I said I hate it here!

LISA CROSLIN: I know you do, baby. Don`t cry, please! Just stay strong. Have faith in your lawyers.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m trying!

LISA CROSLIN: Just hang in there, baby. I want you out just as bad as you want out of that nasty place.

MISTY CROSLIN: I get so bored!



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and former stepmom-slash-baby-sitter, Misty Croslin, were in court today, both claiming they are not guilty of trafficking thousands of dollars worth of prescription painkillers.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If convicted on all six drug charges, Misty could be looking at a 150-year prison sentence. Lawyers say if she knows anything about what happened to Haleigh, now might be a good time to talk.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`ve been the one, the main focus. They just need to move on and look for the right person.

All I know is when I woke up -- when I went to sleep she was there, and then when I woke up, she was gone!



GRACE: After her arrest on multiple drug trafficking charges, and all the time Haleigh Cummings has been missing, knowing full well cameras are rolling, Misty Croslin finally brings herself to ask for a photo of Haleigh. In a stunning twist, Croslin admits she, quote, "can`t bring Haleigh home."


LISA CROSLIN: I don`t know, sis.

MISTY CROSLIN: It`s crazy.

LISA CROSLIN: Yes, it`s crazy. About drove me up the wall and down the wall.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know I cried.

LISA CROSLIN: I do, too.

MISTY CROSLIN: I mean, I prayed, and that`s all I can do. And you know, people are saying I`m not -- I don`t think about Haleigh. You can ask everybody in this cellblock right here, right now. Everybody in this block knows that I think about her all the time, that I talk about her all the time.

LISA CROSLIN: I know, sis. They had me and you talking...

MISTY CROSLIN: And I cry. I cry all the time about Haleigh, pray all the time about Haleigh.

LISA CROSLIN: Yes, I know.

MISTY CROSLIN: So they can all kiss my ass, and I hope they put that on -- and yes, they`re going to put the visitation from the other day of me saying all that stuff. But you know, I was upset. It was the day -- and I just wanted out of here.


MISTY CROSLIN: But now, you know, I know my lawyer is doing his job and he`s doing the best that he can for me. And I appreciate that.

Can you send me a picture of Junior and Haleigh and one of Ronald and me at our wedding or something?

LISA CROSLIN: What I`ll do, I`ll take the collage you have and take the pictures off of it.

MISTY CROSLIN: Well, I only want one picture of Junior.


MISTY CROSLIN: And a picture of Haleigh. And one picture -- I don`t know if I really want one of Ronald.

LISA CROSLIN: I don`t know...

MISTY CROSLIN: Just send me one of Ronald and Junior together.

LISA CROSLIN: We called Leonard last night, and he`s going to call us back sometime today.

MISTY CROSLIN: So what is he saying?


MISTY CROSLIN: What is he saying?

LISA CROSLIN: He says the only way he`s going to get you out is if you help him find out what happened to Haleigh.

MISTY CROSLIN: So how am I going to do that if he don`t get me out?


MISTY CROSLIN: How am I going to do that if he don`t help me get out?

LISA CROSLIN: I know, baby. He knows that, and he`s going to call us back sometime today, said.


LISA CROSLIN: Have you tried to call him?


LISA CROSLIN: Let me give you his phone number.

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t have a pencil.

HANK CROSLIN, MISTY`S FATHER: Misty, I don`t know if it`s a good idea because I don`t want you to lose your lawyer.

MISTY CROSLIN: All right. What are they saying, though?

HARRIS: He says that the only way he`s going to get you out is if you tell him where Haleigh is, bring Haleigh home.

MISTY CROSLIN: I can`t just bring her home, you know?


GRACE: When we come back, it`s all about Misty Croslin as she whines to Mommy and Daddy, focusing only on herself, more of their jailhouse visits caught on tape.



UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Breaking news in the case of missing 5-year- old Florida girl Haleigh Cummings. Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and former stepmom/babysitter Misty Croslin were in court today, both claiming they are not guilty of trafficking thousands of dollars` worth of prescription painkillers.

Undercover video allegedly captures Cummings and Croslin selling drugs to an undercover police officer over five times during a one-month period.

Cummings and Croslin remain in jail on high bonds as reports emerge the investigation into Haleigh`s disappearance heats up with sources telling investigative journalist Art Harris that Misty Croslin has failed another police poly.

NANCY GRACE, HOST: I want to go straight out to Marlaina Schiavo, our producer on the story from the very, very beginning.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: It was breaking news today, Nancy. With Ronald and Misty, they were in court today. They pled not guilty to the drug trafficking charges.

Now we know that Ronald is facing five counts. Misty is facing eight. They are both facing very high bonds. They are not getting out anytime soon.

Now we know that Ronald will be back in court on May 13th and Misty will be back in court on June 3rd. And the defense -- Misty`s defense attorney is waiting on discovery. But we already have seen much of what they have, which is the surveillance video of the drug -- the drug deals going down.

So it will be interesting to see what that defense is going to be in the future. And also, now that Misty knows she`s not getting out of jail, Nancy, we are waiting to see if she will talk and tell us more about what happened the night Haleigh went missing.

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: And another thing, Nancy. We were recently hearing that Misty Croslin has been given yet another police polygraph. Art Harris is reporting this at

He says that law enforcement took Misty out of her cell, gave her another polygraph test, which he`s hearing from his sources she failed.

Now by my count this is about the fourth polygraph test that Misty Croslin has taken. She was given one by the FBI at the outset of the case. Also given one by Putnam County. Now neither of those agencies ever revealed what those results were.

Misty was also given a private polygraph, administered by someone on the behalf of Texas EquuSearch. Now according to Texas EquuSearch founder Tim Miller, Misty Croslin failed that polygraph miserably.

She was also given a private layered voice analysis test, which again showed deception, according to the administrator, and she was attempted to get -- or they attempted to give Misty Croslin some sort of hypnosis to see if that might help her recall the events the night Haleigh went missing.

However, that hypnosis was apparently unsuccessful. So this latest polygraph just adds to the mystery about what happened that night and what Misty Croslin may know.

MISTY CROSLIN-CUMMINGS, RONALD CUMMING`S WIFE, LAST SEEN HALEIGH: I`m turning by the school. All right. All right. Bye.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is 190 right there.



MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, go this way.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, like I told her earlier, I`ll just give y`all a call when I`m done out there and start heading this way and we`ll see what`s up at that point.


RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF MISSING 5-YR-OLD HALEIGH CUMMINGS: Yes, if I can`t. I mean, I don`t know if you do roxies or whatever, but --



GRACE: Straight out to Bethany Marshall, psychoanalyst. Bethany, these shots clearly show, this is undercover police video from a pinhole camera. It clearly shows she -- Misty Croslin understands what she`s doing. She is not, as defense attorney Peter Odom says, got the mind of a 10-year-old.

BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST, AUTHOR OF "DEALBREAKERS": No. And you notice the chain smoking, the lip licking, the scratching of her nose. That means she`s high on opiate. That`s -- opiates. That`s a classic sign of opiate abuse.

I think all of this behavior is really indicative of anti-social personality disorder, not being in a regressed 10-year-old state.

GRACE: Back out to Jean Casarez. Where are cops going now? And what do you think of her just popping up with this story she detailed in a letter, according to Art Harris, that Tommy, her own brother, Tommy Croslin, and cousin Joe are responsible for Haleigh`s disappearance that night.

JEAN CASAREZ, CORRESPONDENT, "IN SESSION": I think they need to go back to basics. You know, often going back to basics is a very good thing. And Nancy, if we do that for a second, remember, the 911 call, the call that started all of this, it wasn`t made by Misty. It wasn`t made until Ron got home. Ron requested her to do it.

GRACE: Take a listen to Misty Croslin behind bars. You decide for yourself.


MISTY CROSLIN: I`m going to start a letter tonight for you guys. I`ll start writing it tonight. I`m going to write Timmy. As soon as I get his address. And send him a thing. I`m going to write nanny and you and mom and nanny and Timmy. Tell Uncle Jerry to tell Nicole to write me. And Aunt Margo and him. Please?


MISTY CROSLIN: I`m going to write Grandma June tonight to because she wrote me again. I`m going to write her tonight.

LISA CROSLIN, MISTY CROSLIN`S MOTHER: Did you let her know that Chelsea`s letter got to you?


L. CROSLIN: Because she was worried about not getting to you. (INAUDIBLE)

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, I got it. I`m going to write her back.


MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, I got it. I`m going to write her back.

L. CROSLIN: Yes. You write her, she`ll continue writing you.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know. I`m going to write her back.

L. CROSLIN: I still can`t see you.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m going to write you tonight, start writing the lawyer tonight.

L. CROSLIN: OK. All right. You know, when I leave here I`m going to go by Lindsey`s and get them pictures for you.


L. CROSLIN: Of Haleigh and Junior.

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. I want one of Haleigh and Junior and one of Ronald.

L. CROSLIN: All right. I`ll get them all to you.

MISTY CROSLIN: I mean, I still love him, Ma. But --


MISTY CROSLIN: I still love him.

L. CROSLIN: I know you do, baby. I`m sure he still loves you.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know he does.

L. CROSLIN: I know. That`s what Teresa was talking about. That she don`t even get to see Junior. That was part of her letter.


GRACE: Speaking of Junior, that is Haleigh`s little brother, Ronald Cummings Jr. Where is he, Jean Casarez?

CASAREZ: Well, he`s with Crystal Sheffield, his birth mother. She has temporary custody right now. She got it after all of them were arrested and put into jail.

GRACE: Art Harris, what`s happening with the drug charges? What`s become of them?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, WWW.ARTHARRIS.COM: The drug charges -- you mean against the mother --

GRACE: Misty Croslin, yes.

HARRIS: OK. They are going forward. There`s going to be a hearing at the end of the month where she is going to plead not guilty and then she will have to face how she`s going to proceed.

If she is convicted, Nancy, you`re talking about 114 years behind bars. She now doesn`t have anything to bargain with, especially since she`s flunked this polygraph. No information that`s reliable to offer up right now.

GRACE: Back to the polygraph, what more can you tell me about her flunking it?

HARRIS: Well, I can tell you that she was given every advantage, Nancy. Law enforcement tried to make her comfortable. They brought her up, they gave her a cigarette, and she was in a very good mood before she took it.

It was given by a woman named Patty Knight, a veteran polygraph examiner in Florida, about 30 years in the business. And they went over, as the experts have said, the questions, so she knew what she was getting into, and as they proceeded through the story of Joe and Tommy she did not pass.

GRACE: Unleash the lawyers. Eleanor Odom, Renee Rockwell, Peter Odom. Typically, what happens next in a trial?

Eleanor, she`s going to plead not guilty. How fast will we see these drug charges, drug trafficking charges go to trial?

ELEANOR ODOM, PROSECUTOR: Well, in Florida you have automatic speedy trials. So it`s going to happen pretty quickly. But since she`s pled not guilty, the defense is entitled to receive basically a copy of the prosecutor`s whole file.

That`s called discovery. And then we`ll get ready for trial, or maybe there will be a plea bargain, but we`ll have to see. It sounds like a pretty good trial for the state.

GRACE: And to you, Renee, will they be tried together?

RENEE ROCKWELL, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Nancy, this is not a case that`s going to go to trial. I cannot imagine it. The one you have to feel sorry for, though, is Ronald. Because obviously he has nothing to bargain with. He`s just going to be sunk.

I don`t see a trial. I see a plea bargain. And I see Misty not spending a whole lot of time in jail just because of her age. I see Ronald just going down a lot harder.

GRACE: You know, I see it completely differently, Eleanor, because they want out of Misty what happened. And the prosecutors are going to take her to trial and give her the max if the judge will do it if she won`t talk.

E. ODOM: Well, that`s exactly right, Nancy, and besides, the prosecutor -- the defense attorney may want them to plea, but the prosecutor may say hey, I`m not offering anything but 125 years. Well, that`s going to force the defense to go to trial. This needs to go to trial.

GRACE: Peter?

PETER ODOM, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Nancy, what you have to keep in mind is that there`s really not -- there aren`t that many drugs. There`s not that much drugs involved. It`s only $4,000 worth of drugs.

Now I know it qualifies under Florida law for a 25-year minimum, or minimum mandatory penalty. But in perspective, these are not big players. She`s not going to do that much time.

GRACE: Liz, cue up for me them on video selling dope to an undercover agent.

Jean, how did this come about?

CASAREZ: Well, it was an undercover. And it was very, very specifically done so that they would have exhibit A, which is the videotape of all of the drug deals. They`re all on tape.

GRACE: How many charges? How many times did Misty Croslin sell dope?

CASAREZ: Well, her charges, she`s got eight counts right now of drug trafficking. Several are 25-year minimum maximums. And then Ronald has five counts right now. So he`s right up there.

GRACE: Tonight, as we are in the midst of holy week for many of us that still seek the Prince of Peace, Happy Easter from the twins.


GRACE: We obtained even more recorded jailhouse tapes. Hours of Croslin whining to her family, demanding, begging, angry. Behind bars on serious drug charges, Croslin convinced she can make it all just disappear by getting herself into drug court. Even after admitting to repeat drug sales on video. All the while complaining about everything in her private jail cell.


MISTY CROSLIN: I`m going to tell the judge that I have a drug problem and try to get drug court because I have smoked pot and -- you know?

L. CROSLIN: That`s what you need to do, Misty.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m going to try. I mean, I tell my lawyer I don`t -- and you guys are going to be at the court, right?

I have I drug problem.

CHELSEA CROSLIN, MISTY CROSLIN`S SISTER-IN-LAW: The problem is you`re not even a drug addict.

MISTY CROSLIN: I am. I smoke marijuana. OK?

C. CROSLIN: And you got caught up in the mix.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know I got caught up. But I do drugs.


MISTY CROSLIN: I just want probation, house arrest. Something, you know? I don`t want to go to prison. But -- I mean, it`s a mandatory. You know the -- you know what -- you know?

C. CROSLIN: Oh, yes. They`re saying -- I mean, it`s mandatory minimum 25 years in Florida. So.

MISTY CROSLIN: I can`t do that.

C. CROSLIN: You`ll be 40 years old, dude. I mean, you wouldn`t get the whole 25. You know you would get probably like with good time and (EXPLETIVE DELETED), I don`t know, what, like 19 years or something.

MISTY CROSLIN: No, they`re not going to do that for me. I`m telling you. No. They can`t give me that much time. Seriously, no, they can`t. They cannot do that.


MISTY CROSLIN: Caught up in the wrong thing.

C. CROSLIN: Helping out friends.

MISTY CROSLIN: Exactly. No, they`re not going to give me that long. God had given me any -- gave me a sign that they`re not going to put me away for that long. Maybe five years, but not that long.

H. CROSLIN: Has your lawyer called or seen you?

MISTY CROSLIN: Yesterday. I seen him yesterday.

H. CROSLIN: Any good news?

MISTY CROSLIN: I mean, just, you know, whatever. Doing the best we can. I take a shower right before I --

H. CROSLIN: Don`t think he`s not -- don`t think he`s not working for you. He`s working for you.

MISTY CROSLIN: Oh, he is. I know he is. And I was just upset the other day because the day it was, it was the 9th and I was upset and I just wanted out of here. But now I don`t want him -- I don`t want nobody to bail me out unless -- I mean, if someone bails me out that`s fine. I`ll get out or whatever.

But no strings attached. If they`re going to want to talk to me, then no. Don`t bail me out. Because I`m actually right now, I`m serving time right now. You know? I`m here 23 days. I am serving time on my sentence.

So I`m going to see if I can try to get like drug court or something. I don`t know if I can or not. But I`m going to try.

H. CROSLIN: You`ve got to have money to do that.



MISTY CROSLIN: Oh, man, I bet you it`s so pretty up there.

T. CROSLIN: Snow sucks.

MISTY CROSLIN: I love the snow. I want to go sledding and (EXPLETIVE DELETED).

T. CROSLIN: Yes, when you get up here and you see the snow you`re in the snow, you`ll be like (EXPLETIVE DELETED), get me out of here.

MISTY CROSLIN: It`s like cold -- I mean I hate the cold. So -- I`m like it`s cold.

T. CROSLIN: Yes, it`s (EXPLETIVE DELETED) freezing up here right now.

MISTY CROSLIN: I bet you it is. I don`t care. I`d rather be up in the cold than this (EXPLETIVE DELETED) hell hole.

T. CROSLIN: Oh, yes. I`d rather be anywhere besides that hell hole.

MISTY CROSLIN: They be telling me some crazy stories like there was this one lady. She wrapped herself in toilet paper, her whole body in toilet paper saying that she was arising from the dead. There`s crazy people in here.

H. CROSLIN: Yes, I know.

MISTY CROSLIN: But nobody bothers me. That`s a good thing. Nobody bothers me at all. But I`m upstairs now. So I can -- that`s where I wanted to be anyways. But like I`m all the way at the end. But I wanted to be in the next one. I want to be in 3 instead of 4.

So tonight I`m going to see when they move this girl out if they can move me in 3 instead of 4.

I asked them not to play the news because it was hard enough for me today. What do they do? Play the news. And they talk (EXPLETIVE DELETED) about me.

T. CROSLIN: Did you watch Nancy?

MISTY CROSLIN: No. We watched the news. Action News.

T. CROSLIN: What did they say?

MISTY CROSLIN: That I`m still the key, and yes, they don`t have enough -- they don`t have enough to arrest me on and all that (EXPLETIVE DELETED). But I`m just -- I went to a counselor today because I specifically asked them please do not play the news.

Today`s a very bad day for me. Tomorrow is going to be a bad day for me, too, OK? So I asked them, just please, OK? I mean, how hard is it to -- you know?

T. CROSLIN: Yes. That`s messed up.

MISTY CROSLIN: What`s on the newspaper?

FLORA HOLLERS, GRANDMOTHER: Well, according to your mama, day before yesterday it was that you had stated that Timmy and -- I mean Tommy and Joe had run away with Haleigh.

MISTY CROSLIN: That wasn`t on the newspaper.


MISTY CROSLIN: That wasn`t in no newspaper.

HOLLERS: She said the whole front page of the newspaper was covered with it.



MISTY CROSLIN: She`s silly. That wasn`t on the newspaper.

HOLLERS: That`s what she told us. We`ve got -- you know, we`ve got our private investigators up here that`s good at computers.

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. That wasn`t all on the paper.


MISTY CROSLIN: That wasn`t on the paper.

HOLLERS: Said that wasn`t in no damn paper?

MISTY CROSLIN: Huh-uh. Because I have, I keep every article that comes out.


VIVI, AUNT: Why the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) is your mama and daddy lying about it for?

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t know.

VIVI: It come from her daddy.

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t know.




UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Haleigh`s former stepmom/babysitter Misty Croslin who police say is the keep to finding Haleigh in court today facing over 100 years in jail for allegedly trafficking hundreds of illegal narcotics.

Croslin`s ex-husband, Haleigh`s father, Roland Cummings, also appeared before the judge today on similar charges.


GRACE: On hours of secretly recorded jailhouse tapes we see babysitter-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin yakking to mommy and daddy and who knows all else. All on video.

At the same time, police combing these very jailhouse tapes for clues as to Haleigh`s whereabouts. Still, to this day, no sign of the 5-year-old little girl.


MISTY CROSLIN: When the detectives come they give me a cigarette.

L. CROSLIN: Do they?


H. CROSLIN: What now?

L. CROSLIN: When the detectives come to see her, they give her a cigarette. Well, you know what, Mimi, you don`t need them. Tell them you don`t want them.

MISTY CROSLIN: Well, when I`m with them, I need them.


MISTY CROSLIN: When I`m with them I need them.

L. CROSLIN: Oh, I can imagine. Oh, god. When is the last time they`ve been there?

MISTY CROSLIN: Last week sometime.

L. CROSLIN: Last week. What all are they saying?

MISTY CROSLIN: Nothing much.

L. CROSLIN: Did you tell them what you know?


L. CROSLIN: You`ve only told your lawyer.

MISTY CROSLIN: My lawyer knows.

L. CROSLIN: And what`s he saying?

MISTY CROSLIN: I can`t really say. He`s comfortable. That`s all I can say.


MISTY CROSLIN: He`s comfortable.

L. CROSLIN: As long as he`s comfortable OK. He asked when you all coming up here now. I`m not going nowhere right now. As long as my daughter and my son`s locked up, I won`t be leaving here.

MISTY CROSLIN: No, you`re not.



MISTY CROSLIN: No, you`re not leaving.


MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, you`re staying here until I get out.

L. CROSLIN: Yes, I know I am. I`m not leaving.

MISTY CROSLIN: If they send me somewhere like -- you know, if they send me to prison, whatever county I`m in you need to move there.

T. CROSLIN: You need a (EXPLETIVE DELETED) try to get you a (EXPLETIVE DELETED) edumacation in there.

MISTY CROSLIN: Edumacation? I`m trying to. I`m trying to get a GED book right now.



MISTY CROSLIN: I`m going to get my edumacation. I am for real. I am for real. I`m going to get that while I`m locked up, I`m going to -- I`m coming out with a diploma.

T. CROSLIN: Yes, I mean, well, you might as well, I mean --

MISTY CROSLIN: I got nothing else to do. Nothing better to do.

T. CROSLIN: Nothing else. Nothing better to do besides learn, and that`s what you need, you need to learn some (EXPLETIVE DELETED).

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. Learning how to read and (EXPLETIVE DELETED). When you guys, when I write you your letter, you can tell you`ll be able to tell that I`m doing a lot better because I can spell a lot better. I wish they would give my house arrest probation or something.

L. CROSLIN: I know. I got you --

MISTY CROSLIN: Because you know when I go to court, they might let me out. If they -- they might let me out and then I have to come back and -- you know?

L. CROSLIN: I know. That`s what I`m saying. They might. You never know.

MISTY CROSLIN: I mean, they can give me probation for 10 years. I don`t care.

L. CROSLIN: I know. You got to get a place to live, too, Sis.



GRACE: Let`s stop and remember Army Private 1st Class Cody Grater, 20, Spring Hill, Florida, killed Iraq. Awarded the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, National Defense Service Medal, Iraq Campaign Medal.

Dreamed of a military career since he was a boy, collecting micromachines, loved military books, hip-hop, restoring his Honda Civic. Leaves behind grieving mom Anita, stepfather Larry, sister Cheyenne, girlfriend Iris.

Cody Grater, American hero.

Thanks to our guests but our biggest thank you is to you for being with us. See you tomorrow night 8:00 sharp Eastern, and until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on April 14, 2010, 07:45:57 AM


Divers, K-9 Teams Search River, Woods on Haleigh Cummings Tip; Haleigh Suspect in Custody

Aired April 13, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. Last person to see her alive, new stepmother Misty Croslin, who takes to the airwaves, claiming she`s innocent. But even in one brief interview, she can`t keep her stories straight, including a 180 on a lie detector she flunked. Little Haleigh`s own father, Ronald Cummings, and baby-sitter- turned-stepmother Misty Croslin both handcuffed, arrested, booked, charges drug trafficking.

Bombshell tonight. At this hour, reports a suspect is in custody, a suspect in Haleigh Cummings`s disappearance in custody. Something or somebody leads search teams, cadaver dogs, scuba divers, helicopters to comb the St. John`s River and a wooded area just two miles south of the home where Haleigh disappears. This is happening as we speak. It`s been going on for the last hours. The search, we are showing you an aerial view of it right now.

And in the last hours, after baby-sitter-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin insists over and over, I don`t know what happened, investigators go roust Croslin out of her private jail cell to question her yet again. And tonight, we learn Croslin flunks another -- another, this is the fourth one -- polygraph.

In the last hours, family members gathering at the Putnam County jail. Is there finally a break in the search for Haleigh Cummings? Has her body been found? Did Misty Croslin finally crack?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Putnam County sheriff`s deputies, acting on a tip, began searching this lake for clues that could lead them to Haleigh Cummings.

MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER: I woke up, and she was gone!

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: I just come home from work, and my child was not there!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Less than five miles away from the house where little Haleigh disappeared...

MISTY CROSLIN: ... the back door open, and I go in the room and she`s gone!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Dive teams are concentrating on this boat ramp.

RONALD CUMMINGS: How the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole (EXPLETIVE DELETED)!

MISTY CROSLIN: I didn`t do anything with that little girl! I love her like she`s my own!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Fishing boats from Clay County are also being utilized in this water search.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Bottom line, you don`t know where Haleigh is.

MISTY CROSLIN: Bottom line.

That`s what they think, I`m going to break? There`s nothing to break me on.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: As the massive search continues, Misty Croslin is being questioned by Putnam County authorities. But her current location is unknown.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Cadaver dogs are back there, and they are being used, as well.

MISTY CROSLIN: ... Misty holds the key.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If there is evidence at this boat dock or at the river`s bottom, it is likely covered with sediment or dirt, since Haleigh disappeared more than a year ago.

MISTY CROSLIN: Me being in jail has nothing to do with Haleigh.

TOMMY CROSLIN, MISTY`S BROTHER: And I said, I can`t help you find her body. I don`t know where she is.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Investigators have even drained ponds, acting on a tip that a clue might be at the bottom of that pond.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Breaking now, CNN affiliate WFTV reporting, citing sources, a suspect is in custody in the Haleigh Cummings investigation.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Bombshell tonight. At this hour, reports a suspect in Haleigh`s disappearance in custody. Something or somebody leads search teams, cadaver dogs, scuba divers, helicopters to comb the St. John`s River and a wooded area just two miles south of where Haleigh disappears.

We have learned in the last few moments a blue ice cooler, a large blue ice cooler, has been pulled up out of the St. John`s River. Is there a break in the search for the 5-year-old missing girl Haleigh Cummings?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Breaking news tonight in the search for 6-year- old Haleigh Cummings.

MISTY CROSLIN: I just hate this, man! They`re trying to ruin our whole lives!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... area where authorities are searching is between Satsuma and Welaka, five miles from the home where Haleigh was last seen.

HANK CROSLIN, MISTY`S FATHER: Regardless of what the outcome is, I want to know where Haleigh`s at. I want to know who did it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Putnam County sheriff says authorities are acting on a tip.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty Croslin`s grandmother confirms to Nancy Grace that she passed on information to detectives about the possible location of Haleigh`s body.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Divers and cadaver dogs spent all of the day searching the St. John`s River, looking for clues.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We probably saw probably anywhere, I like to say, between 12 and 15 divers.

HARRIS: If we could find Haleigh, we`d all -- it would be better for everybody.

LISA CROSLIN, MISTY`S MOTHER: (INAUDIBLE) You`ve got to stand up, though.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know. I been -- I sit and wonder every day, thinking, just trying to go back.

I seen the back door open. And I go in the room and she`s gone!

GRACE: She said at one juncture that she believes up to four people were in the home the night Haleigh went missing.

MISTY CROSLIN: ... and think if I missed anything.

GRACE: ... then chalked it up to a dream-like interlude that she had.

MISTY CROSLIN: They`re not going to keep me locked up forever.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Croslin taken away from her St. John`s County jail cell.

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t know where she is!

They won`t even let me do anything!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A suspect is in custody in the Haleigh Cummings investigation, according to CNN affiliate WFTV`s sources.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don`t care who had something to do with it. Those are the people who need to be put away.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`ll continue this investigation until we can bring it to a logical conclusion.


GRACE: Sources telling us tonight that this has officially, as of today, turned into a homicide investigation. As we go to air, at this moment, we are showing you live photos and live video. The St. John`s River and a densely wooded area about two miles south of where Haleigh disappeared, her home, is now being combed not only by cadaver dogs -- there you are seeing the photo of an ice cooler, a blue ice cooler being hauled up out of the St. John`s River -- being combed by cadaver dogs, scuba divers, helicopters, search teams, all of this happening in the last couple of hours, in the last 10 to 12 hours. We find out Misty Croslin rousted out of her private jail cell and grilled again, in fact, taken back to Putnam County to be questioned and then taken back to her jail cell. Then, suddenly, everyone converges at the St. John`s River.

Straight out to Art Harris, investigative journalist. Art, what do you know?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Nancy, I can tell you that the break in this case, as unlikely as it sounds, came from Misty`s brother, Tommy Croslin, and that in an interview that he had with a retired FBI agent, Steve Brown (ph), supposedly an investigator for his lawyer -- Brown would not comment -- but that he told him that is where they should look and that Tommy led detectives in the last couple of days to this spot on the river with Steve Brown and said that`s where they needed to go look, that this is where her body had been dumped.

He suddenly has confirmed, it looks like, the story that Misty Croslin, his sister, has been telling others in two letters from jail, claiming cousin Joe from Tennessee came into the trailer that night, tried to steal a gun from her then boyfriend, now husband -- or now ex-husband Ronald Cummings, couldn`t find, it, got mad, took Haleigh, that Tommy left and Joe left with Haleigh. Joe has denied any involvement. He has a lawyer. He`s talked to investigators a couple of times.

But back to the river bank. It was Tommy who flunked a polygraph in the last few days, my sources tell me, a private polygraph, and he decided finally to come clean. I talked to his grandmother in Tennessee today, Nancy, and she said to me that Tommy was on the phone with her and said -- she said he said, I`m just -- I can`t keep this to myself any longer. Her name is Flora Holler. She said to me, Well, I asked him, Did Joe do it? And Tommy said yes.

GRACE: So that leads me to my next question, Art Harris. That says to me that Misty Croslin was at the home, that cousin Joe was at the home, that Tommy Croslin -- they were all there and nobody stopped the perp from taking the girl. And all this time, they`ve known. Nobody called 911. Nobody called the father, Ronald Cummings, nothing. If this scenario is true, they should all go down for homicide!

HARRIS: Nancy, the story is that they were in the home and that Misty and Tommy were both threatened by cousin Joe, threatened to kill them, their family, and that for this long, they have sat on this story. Now, whether true or not, they are now teaming up independently to confirm at least one story that police are following to its conclusion and have high hopes this could at least lead to a break in the case...

GRACE: That is BS, Art Harris! Because they could have told police the truth! They could have called 911 when they took -- if this is true. If they took that child, that defenseless 5-year-old little girl with Turner syndrome, if they let somebody take that -- take her from that house and now she is dead, probably molested, in the St. John`s River, they all need to go down on the Florida death penalty!

Out to Marlaina Schiavo, our producer on the story. What more can you tell me, Marlaina?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: I can tell you, Nancy, that Misty was taken from the jail. She was questioned by investigators. They have confirmed this on the record. We know the family gathered today in Putnam County and they had private conversations. But we have spoken to the family, and it was a very tearful meeting, Nancy. And also, we know that this is the very first time that police have ever sent cadaver dogs since Haleigh first went missing, on location. So they have a lot of information, a lot of significant information in this case, Nancy.

GRACE: Jean Casarez, legal correspondent, In Session. Jean Casarez, if this is true, what it means is Misty Croslin, who was baby-sitting, let somebody come in that house and stood by, probably high as a kite on dope, and take the girl, the baby girl out of the house, if this scenario is, in fact, true, Jean Casarez.

JEAN CASAREZ, IN SESSION: Yes. And let me give you a little legal terminology that you know well. It`s called accessory after the fact. I looked up the Florida law, Nancy. It is a first degree felony punishable by life in the state of Florida if you have information that you know a crime has been committed and you help that individual by not divulging it.

GRACE: To Regina in Wisconsin. Hi, Regina.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. I just have a comment. I think if this family`s all involved in it, they all need to fry for it because that`s a beautiful little girl, should not have died.

GRACE: She never had a chance, Regina. And if this scenario is true -- and that`s a big if, but if this scenario is true, she has not come forward with the truth because she was part of it, part and parcel.

As we go to air tonight, we are showing you video of an ongoing search of the St. John`s River there in Florida. Scuba divers, helicopters, cadaver dogs, search teams converge on the St. John`s and a densely wooded area in the search for the body of 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There are detectives walking around the neighborhood, trying to find out any more information that might be available, anything connecting any of the officers to clues about what happened to Haleigh.




HANK CROSLIN: As soon as they get this Haleigh case wrapped up, they`ll let us alone.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... received a tip yesterday...

MISTY CROSLIN: ... answer any questions I have to.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... that there was possibly some physical evidence in the Haleigh Cummings investigation.

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t know where she is.

I`m not hiding anything.

They just need to move on.

Dad, there`s nothing!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`re just following up on that lead to verify it, or to, you know -- if it isn`t true or if it is...

HANK CROSLIN: Regardless what the outcome is, I want to know where Haleigh`s at.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`re out there to rule it in or out.

RONALD CUMMINGS: Well, of course I want to know if she knows anything.

MISTY CROSLIN: If I had something to do with it, I knew where she was, we wouldn`t be sitting here today.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We saw probably anywhere, I like to say, between 12 to 15 divers.

911 OPERATOR: When did you last see her?

MISTY CROSLIN: It was just -- like, you know, it was about 10:00 o`clock. We were -- she was sleeping.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There was probably six or eight of them that was actually in the water right in front of the dock, just searching in front of the dock area.

911 OPERATOR: Does the door look like it was pried open?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There was more divers being brought out by boat.

911 OPERATOR: Does it look like you had some sort of -- someone try to enter into your house?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Several K-9 units walking around.

HANK CROSLIN: They`re going to wrap it up in the next two weeks.

MISTY CROSLIN: I hope they do.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How old are you?

MISTY CROSLIN: Just turned 18.

HANK CROSLIN: Only one that knows is the people that was there.

MISTY CROSLIN: I sit and wonder every day, thinking, just trying to go back and just think if I missed anything!

HANK CROSLIN: I want them to find Haleigh, too, and find who did this to Haleigh. I don`t care who it is.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`ve been the one, the main focus.

I`m tired of staying in this one cell, man. It`s bullcrap!


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. But first to Ellie Jostad, our chief editorial producer. Ellie, what more can you tell us about the search that`s going down right now, as we go to air, for Haleigh`s body?

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, Nancy, it`s been in full swing since about 9:15 this morning, residents in the area even saying that there were investigators in the area last night poking around, going door to door, asking questions. Our affiliates are reporting that they`re seeing large lights brought in, like the kind you`d see at a ball diamond or a stadium. So it looks like they`re planning to search throughout the night for information or some kind of evidence, possibly even Haleigh`s remains.

GRACE: Out to the lines. Mary Ann in Georgia. Hi, Mary Ann.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hey, Nancy. I so much commend you for your work. Listen, I had a question. Remember when Junior said that he saw a dark figure and the couch jumping. Could that have been Misty`s cousin Joe raping her that night?

GRACE: Now, that is a scenario that no one has brought up. I want to go back to Art Harris, investigative journalist at Art, not only did Junior, Ronald Cummings`s son, Junior, say that he saw a male dressed in dark clothes there that evening, but then Misty Croslin in some bizarre, twisted story says she, in a dream-like state, recalls I think three males, three to four males in the home that night, which means there was somebody else in the home, as far as I`m concerned. These two stories do jibe with what we are hearing.

HARRIS: That`s right, Nancy. Now, I can`t speak about that alleged sexual encounter. However, Misty has had some questionable encounters with Joe in the past, her family members tell me. I can tell you also...

GRACE: Well, that`s all coming from her. And she`s already...

HARRIS: That`s right.

GRACE: ... flunked four polygraphs, Art. I mean, what more do you need?

HARRIS: Of course. Well, the thing is, that night in this dream-like state, Nancy, she`s now accounted for at least two of the males in the home, and that would be allegedly cousin Joe and Tommy. The interesting thing is, why did they wait so long to come forward? What was Tommy hiding? What was she hiding? But now...

GRACE: Well, obviously, they`re part and parcel of it, Art, because if it were a simple matter of going, I know who did it, it`s cousin Joe, that`s who you need to be looking at, this is what happened -- if it were that simple, they would have come forward. But obviously, if the scenario is true, Art, they didn`t want to incriminate themselves.

Where does Crystal Sheffield, the bio mom, stand on all this?

HARRIS: Well, the bio mom, I`m told, came out of the department today, sheriff`s department in Putnam County, distraught, weeping, and told a friend that, quote, "Joe killed my baby." Now, whether that`s true or not, that`s what she said.

GRACE: Art, repeat. I couldn`t hear you.

HARRIS: I said that she was told by sheriff`s department investigators enough information that she came out of the meeting and called a friend to say, quote, "Joe killed my baby," from my sources.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Is this going from a missing persons case to a homicide investigation?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That is a decision that will be made later.

MISTY CROSLIN: When Haleigh`s found, I will be let out of jail because that`s the only reason they`re keeping me in here.

If they go out and look for that person, maybe they -- they would be - - have the answer.




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... sheriff`s office and law enforcement boats just scouring that particular part of the river.

RONALD CUMMINGS: Somebody stole my child out of my bed!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... less than five miles away from the house where little Haleigh disappeared.

911 OPERATOR: 911. What`s your emergency?

MISTY CROSLIN: I just woke up, and our back door was wide open, and I can`t find my daughter.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They feel good about this tip.

TOMMY CROSLIN: I said, I can`t help you find her body. I don`t know where she is.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... cadaver dogs, dive teams, fishing boats...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She has been brought back for an interview.

MISTY CROSLIN: They say it`s not enough, it`s not enough, they want more. There is no more! I tell them and tell them and tell them and they just don`t listen!


GRACE: As we go to air tonight, scuba divers, cadaver dogs, search teams, helicopters now converging on the St. John`s River, as you can see what is going on there in Satsuma, Florida. Also, a densely wooded area being searched right now just two miles south of where Haleigh disappeared. Cadaver dogs brought in. This has not happened since Haleigh first went missing.

And with us tonight, Tracy Sargent from Homeland Security, K-9 handler, and Cinco to explain to us what the cadaver dogs are doing. Tracy, welcome. Cinco, welcome. Please explain.

TRACY SARGENT, K-9 HANDLER: Thank you, Nancy. We`re glad to be here. What the dogs will be working on or detecting is human remains. This being a cold case, it`s going to be a difficult one for the searchers and for the dogs because the scent itself is going to be very faint. And dogs are really the best resource for that. They are best used for situations that we can`t see the remains or smell the remains ourselves. And in this case, even in water, if they`ve got a good location, the dogs still can detect that smell.

And we`re going to give you a demo of that.

Cinco, here. Cinco, hunt.

And what the dog is doing, he`s searching these different areas and he`s telling us there`s nothing here. And then he`s going to get to remains, which in this case -- he`s indicating right now, and then he`s going to -- what we do, his trained alert. In this case, it is a sit. At that point in time, we will reward the dog. And then I`m going to hand him off right quick. And what happens is that the dogs will tell us what to do -- or tell us that there`s something there. And from that situation, the investigators will follow up with additional resources. In this case, it will be divers and boats and sonar.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She is the one that holds the key information to finding out what happened to this beautiful little girl. I mean, who was with her, the last person with her? She was!




UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: We have breaking news in the search for Haleigh Cummings.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We do have a search going on at this time.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: The neighborhood is pretty much on lockdown.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Right now we are conducting a search of the waterway.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Dive teams, police boats working very methodically to try to, you know, discern and find what is at the bottom of the St. John`s River.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We had -- we received a tip yesterday that there was possibly some physical evidence in the Haleigh Cummings investigation, and we`re just following up on that lead.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They haven`t done a search this extensive since she first went missing.

MISTY CROSLIN, BABYSITTER/LAST SAW HALEIGH CUMMINGS: When I went to sleep, she was there, and then when I woke up she was gone.

MIKE BROOKS, HLN LAW ENFORCEMENT ANALYST, FMR. DC POLICE DETECTIVE; FBI TERRORISM TASK FORCE: Number one, you`ve got Misty Croslin locked up in jail. Now has one of them finally cracked?

M. CROSLIN: I`m so tired of this, like I`m just so tired of being locked in one cell. I`m just so tired of it, like it drives me crazy.


M. CROSLIN: Yes. But it`s going to hurt two people.

C. CROSLIN: (INAUDIBLE) that I should know.

M. CROSLIN: It`s going to hurt two people.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Misty was taken out of the current jail, and she is being interviewed.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Have you found Haleigh?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, we have not found Haleigh.

M. CROSLIN: I`m going to try to do everything to find her. You know, I`m going to answer any questions I have to because I know I didn`t do anything to that little girl. I would never hurt her. They love me. They -- I mean, they look at me like their mom.


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Repeatedly referring to Haleigh as that little girl.

We are taking your calls live. You are seeing aerial photos and video of the search going on right now. They are planning to work into the evening for the body of 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings there at the St. John`s River.

Also in densely wood area two miles south of Haleigh`s home, search teams.

Somebody or something led them to launch this search. Helicopters, scuba divers, cadaver dogs, search teams, all converging on the St. John`s River.

We are taking your calls live. Out to the lawyers. Let`s unleash them. Sue Moss, family attorney, child advocate, New York. Renowned attorney Daniel Horowitz, joining us out of the San Francisco jurisdiction. And tonight out of Atlanta, defense attorney Raymond Giudice.

Weigh in, Sue Moss.

SUE MOSS, FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY & CHILD ADVOCATE: Conspiracy to commit a crime will get you the same jail time. I wonder if Misty is guilty of conspiracy, kidnap conspiracy, helping Joe kidnap this little girl.

If that kidnap resulted in her murder, then she is equally responsible for the murder via the felony murder rule. They`re grilling her now, asking her questions. If they find her guilty of conspiracy, she`ll fry.

GRACE: Daniel Horowitz?

DAN HOROWITZ, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: She`s a victim of the same family system that led to this whole debacle. She is pathetic. She did not wake up one day and say I want to see somebody kidnap, kill, and remain silent out of fear. She deserves pity, not this type of attack.

GRACE: Daniel Horowitz -- put Horowitz up. If this scenario is true, she stood by, aided and abetted someone taking an innocent 5-year-old girl out of the house in the middle of the night.

HOROWITZ: She stood by?

GRACE: She didn`t call 911. She let the people in. She let them take the little girl --

HOROWITZ: Right, Nancy, and --

GRACE: If the scenario is true.

HOROWITZ: And what was done to her to make her so fearful that she would let somebody she cared about be taken like that? She must have been abused and hurt --

GRACE: Don`t -- high as a kite?

HOROWITZ: Don`t judge her until you know.

GRACE: You don`t know anything about whether she`s been abused or molested. That is complete BS.

HOROWITZ: You can see it by the way she is.

GRACE: You can see it?

HOROWITZ: Yes. Have some compassion for her.

GRACE: She is high. She is on drugs. That`s what you see.

Ray Giudice, weigh in.

RAY GIUDICE, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, the issue becomes you get to the death penalty or a serious prosecution like that, the state is going to have to show sientor, meaning knowledge that she knew that the alleged third party in taking the child was going to cause harm to the child.

I think that`s where the problem`s going to be, especially --


GIUDICE: -- if the third party --

GRACE: Ray, please.

GIUDICE: -- turns out to be a family member who did not make an overt threat to harm the child.

GRACE: Ray. Ray.

GIUDICE: Yes, Nancy.

GRACE: Taking a 5-year-old girl out of the house in the middle of the night. Are you --

GIUDICE: That`s irresponsible.

GRACE: Well, I know for a fact that you are not crazy. Why are you even saying this?

GIUDICE: Because you know you can`t get the death penalty because you stand by and watch a third party commit homicide if you haven`t --


GIUDICE: -- conspired with them.

GRACE: No. No.

GIUDICE: I can stand by all day and watch somebody kill somebody and I don`t have a legal obligation to do anything about it. If she didn`t conspire and she didn`t assist -- Jean`s right, she`s got that charge, but not a capital case for death penalty, Nancy. You know that.

GRACE: Sue moss, we`ve heard them out.

MOSS: What?

GRACE: I don`t know. They both went to reputable law schools.

MOSS: I can`t believe it. This guy --

GIUDICE: And we both read the law, and there`s no sientor --


GRACE: No, let her finish, Giudice.

MOSS: -- went to take on --

GRACE: Cut Ray`s mike. Go ahead, Sue.

MOSS: This guy went to take a gun and then he took the little girl instead. What could he have been taking this girl for other than a nefarious reason?

GRACE: If the scenario is true, I wonder, Sue Moss, if it was a fight over a gun, which Ronald Cummings denies, or something to do with Haleigh as it relates to Misty Croslin`s dope dealing.

Back to you, Art Harris. Isn`t it true that from behind bars this whole crew has been saying that it has to do with the dope dealing?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, WWW.ARTHARRIS.COM: That`s right, Nancy. In fact, they have been denying they were dealing drugs when you see it in black and white. You see it in living color on the undercover video.

So obviously, they have a history of lying. In this case, I`m told that Misty`s story is that cousin Joe put a knife to her throat, Nancy, and that is why she was so frightened. Tommy says that he threatened to shoot him. So if this is true, then that is the fear factor.

GRACE: The fear factor. OK. You really think I believe anything these two say?

Art Harris, come on, you`re the investigative journalist --

HARRIS: Nancy, I`m just -- Nancy, I`m reporting what my sources are telling me. That`s all I can do. I`ll let you be the judge.

GRACE: OK. We`re taking your calls. To Mary in Georgia, hi, Mary.


GRACE: Hi, dear. What`s your question?

MARY: You know, in the very beginning, I think it was around the day that Misty came home from her three-day binge, she said that she had had company that afternoon, and I thought she said it was Joe and some cousins.

GRACE: You know what, you`re absolutely right, Mary in Georgia. What about it? To you, Jean Casarez.

JEAN CASAREZ, LEGAL CORRESPONDENT, "IN SESSION": She`s right. Mary in Georgia is exactly right. And here`s -- Nancy, we`re seeing a pattern. We`re seeing so many people, including Junior, saying there were people there that late afternoon and that evening on that day. That`s a lot of similarities.

GRACE: You know, you`re right. And Mary in Georgia is right.

To Paul Penzone, former sergeant, Phoenix Police, director of provincial programs at

Penzone, what do you make of it?

PAUL PENZONE, DIRECTOR OF PREVENTION PROGRAMS, CHILDHELP.ORG, FORMER SERGEANT, PHOENIX PD: Well, if this turns out to be true, the things that we are learning it`s probably going to turn to a free-for-all which we`re going to see is everybody pointing the finger, him saying they were afraid, him saying that he was directed by them, so there`s going to be a lot of working parts.

But I have to say, Nancy, give credit to your show for keeping pressure on this case all this time because it was influential in the breaking point now.

GRACE: Penzone. Penzone. Let`s just get real for a minute.

PENZONE: Yes, ma`am.

GRACE: How many times have at trial -- and I would love to try co- defendants together. Put them all in the same pot in front of a jury and let them stew. They all start doing this. Oh, yes, he held a gun at me. Oh, yes, he put a knife to my throat.

They let the girl get taken. The girl is dead. I don`t believe one thing they`re saying about how they were threatened. They`re so threatened. They weren`t threatened.

PENZONE: They were all responsible if this turns out to be true. And each one of them could have made a difference. Regardless of who was responsible to take that baby`s life, that`s what happened, each one of them put themselves first and they could have made a difference in this child`s life and maybe stopped it from occurring.

GRACE: To Dr. Lillian Glass, psychologist, body language expert, and author of "Toxic People."

Dr. Glass, you and I have seen it over and over and over. Blame somebody else. The blame game. The SOD defense, some other dude did it. That`s where this is headed.

LILLIAN GLASS, PSYCHOLOGIST, BODY LANGUAGE EXPERT, AUTHOR OF "TOXIC PEOPLE": Exactly. And you see she had every opportunity to speak up. And you didn`t need a lie detector test. You could see it in her body language. The ums, the silence. You just saw it. She was completely lying. And now she`s whining.

She`s whining away in her prison cell -- or her jail cell, I should say -- and she wants to talk to the governor because she doesn`t like her food and she`s not happy that she can`t be with other prisoners.

This is a horribly spoiled, obnoxious girl, and I doubt there was a fear factor involved.

GRACE: Well, and another thing. They`ve been behind bars all this time. They weren`t in fear behind bars.

GLASS: Exactly.

GRACE: To tell the truth.

GLASS: Exactly.

GRACE: What? He leaves with the girls unless they were with him at the time when he left. Why didn`t they call 911? He was gone. They weren`t afraid anymore. They did nothing to protect the girl. If the scenario is true.

To Dr. Joshua Perper, chief medical examiner out of Broward County, author of "When to Call the Doctor." If her body has been in the St. John`s all this time, what would you expect to find, Dr. Perper?

DR. PERPER, CHIEF MEDICAL EXAMINER, BROWARD COUNTY, AUTHOR OF "WHEN TO CALL THE DOCTOR": Well, I would expect the body to be skeletonized, basically, you`ll have just bones and very little tissue. However, if the body was found in some kind of box, then there would be much better preservations of the body.

GRACE: That`s a good point, Dr. Perper. And in fact, a blue ice chest has just been pulled out of the St. John`s River.


M. CROSLIN: It`s still focused -- everything`s still focused on Haleigh. This is what Haleigh wanted. She`s always talked about it.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 OPERATOR: When did you last see her?

M. CROSLIN: It was about 10:00. She was sleeping.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: What would you tell Misty to come back home and tell us the truth?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you feel that Misty is the key to this investigation?





UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Breaking news in the case of missing 5-year-old Florida girl Haleigh Cummings.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: A massive search in this neighborhood.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: The search is again focusing on areas near her father`s hometown in Satsuma.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Off of the boat ramp which is just a quarter of a mile down the road.

LISA CROSLIN, MOTHER OF MISTY CROSLIN: I`m watching you on TV right now.

M. CROSLIN: What am I doing?

L. CROSLIN: You`re on NANCY GRACE, me and you talking on the phone.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: The Putnam County Sheriff`s Office says authorities are acting on a tip but they didn`t elaborate it.

M. CROSLIN: What did they mean that our lives are going to be more than hell now than it was for this whole year?

HANK CROSLIN, FATHER OF MISTY CROSLIN: Because they`re going to wrap it up in the next few weeks.

M. CROSLIN: Well, I hope they do.

H. CROSLIN: I want to know where Haleigh`s at. I want to know who did it.

M. CROSLIN: Exactly.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Haleigh Cumming`s mother Crystal Sheffield has asked -- been asked to come down to the Putnam County Sheriff`s Office in regards to the search.

M. CROSLIN: I cry all the time about Haleigh, pray all the time about Haleigh.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Cadaver dogs, dive teams, fishing boats called in from all across areas of Florida to help hopefully find the clues that could lead them to this little girl.

H. CROSIN: I know for a fact Tommy -- Tommy ain`t got the heart -- Tommy ain`t had nothing to do with that (EXPLETIVE DELETED).

M. CROSLIN: Well, let`s not talk about that.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: There`s been so much talk and concern about this little girl hoping that, you know, she would be found alive, but the investigation is all focusing on a lake.

M. CROSLIN: I wish I had powers, man. I would be like poo-poof out this place.


GRACE: For those of you that are just joining us, as we go to air tonight at this moment, the St. John`s River is being combed by cadaver dogs, scuba divers, search teams, helicopters, as well as a densely wooded area about two miles south of where Haleigh was last seen alive. Her home.

We also know that Misty Croslin, the babysitter turned stepmother, was rousted out of her private jail cell today and questioned, taken to -- back to Putnam County, questioned for hours and then sent back to her jail cell.


We also are hearing reports that the suspect is in custody.

We are taking your calls live. To Heidi in Indiana, hi, Heidi.

HEIDI, CALLER FROM INDIANA: Hi, Nancy. Thank you so much for taking my call. And thank you for being the angel that you are. I am a victim of violence, and I really appreciate everything that you do for all of us.

GRACE: You know what, Heidi? I don`t deserve that. But I want to thank you anyway. And thank you for calling in.

HEIDI: Absolutely.

GRACE: What is your question, love?

HEIDI: I am wondering about Ronald Cummings. Has he been informed of all of this that`s been going on? And will this make any difference? I know that he`s still guilty of drug charges. But is this going to make any difference in the coming days with his trial for drugs?

GRACE: Out to Marlaina Schiavo, our producer that`s been on the story from the very beginning.

Marlaina, what do we know about Ronald Cummings being informed of what`s going on, Teresa Neves, his mother? What do we know?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: We know that Ronald was informed along with his mother and his family today. They took him in handcuffs to inform him of what`s going on. And also in terms of that drug question, no, these are completely separate cases. So whatever happens here is not going to affect his drug charges.

GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Out to Allison in Florida, hi, Allison.

ALLISON, CALLER FROM FLORIDA: Hi, Nancy. Thank you for taking my call. I love your show.

GRACE: Thank you. Allison, can you believe this turn of events this long after Haleigh goes missing? I mean, we never gave up. We never gave up. But if it`s true, it is not of course the outcome that we wanted.

ALLISON: Right. And you never gave up either. My question is we go boating on the St. John`s River all the time. What are the chances of finding her? There are lots of alligators in that water.

GRACE: You know, that`s a good point. I want to go back to Tracy Sargent. And she`s got Cinco with her.

Tracy, first of all, show the viewers what the dog alerted on when he alerted earlier.

TRACY SARGENT, K9 HANDLER, SEARCH, RESCUE & RECOVERY SPECIALIST: Yes. This is a human jawbone. And this is what I wanted to show the viewers, what the dog responded, in this case, alerted to.

As the doctor mentioned, the last phase of decomposition is skeletal remains. And as we`ve seen video of the search operations down in Florida, the investigators are certainly going to be looking for skeletal remains and any suspicious items.

And the dogs can help with that. And in this case because they have a really good, accurate area that the dogs can concentrate on, even after this length of time and even under water, the dogs can alert to human remains scents.

GRACE: And how old is that jawbone that Cinco hit on?

SARGENT: This is a jawbone that`s been dead for over approximately 40 years.

GRACE: If Cinco can hit on a 40-year-old jawbone, certainly dogs, cadaver dogs would be able to find a child`s remains one year later. And I want to remind you that cadaver dogs are accurate under water.

I want to go back to Art Harris.

Art Harris, all this business that -- well, you know, wait a minute. Hold on, Art. Let`s take a listen back to what Daniel Horowitz just said. Horowitz and Giudice. Put them up with Art.

Horowitz. Why is it that these are the only people that seem to know where the body allegedly is, and you`re saying they had nothing to do with it?

HOROWITZ: I`m saying that Misty is typically like a battered woman. You know how battered women will be with an abusive husband, the children will be abused, they will remain silent because they`re turned off.

I`m saying that Misty is like that. Abused from childhood, she has no feelings. It doesn`t mean she`s blameless morally. But she needs compassion, too. We have to look at the big picture and --

GRACE: You`re making my chest hurt. Because, Ray Giudice, there is no evidence that she is an abused woman. None.

GIUIDICE: I agree, but let me also say --

GRACE: She`s a junkie.

GIUIDICE: Why has she sat on this for a year? It doesn`t make sense to me.

GRACE: Because if incriminates her, Art Harris.

GIUIDICE: Not on a murder case.

HARRIS: Nancy, it incriminates her --


HARRIS: But also it incriminates her brother. That`s who she was trying to protect by saying he left and Joe went out by himself. Now we know --



UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Using underwater sonar devices and high visibility cameras, a team of divers searched the murky St. John`s River for clues in Haleigh Cumming`s disappearance.

Locals say the river bottom shifts and anything down below could be buried three to five feet deep in sediment. A river that may hold the clues to finding this 6-year-old girl.


GRACE: As we go to air into the night searchers are combing the St. John River. They have got out spotlights, they`ve got cadaver dogs, search teams. They had helicopters when it was still daylight.

Something or someone has led them to the St. John`s River, in a densely wooded areas, just two miles south of where Haleigh went missing out of her own home.

Think about it. I came to work tonight like Ronald Cummings did. Think about going home from work, all of you working mothers and fathers, and finding your child is gone. That is what happened to Ronald Cummings.

Is it culminating tonight there at the St. John`s River?

Out to the lines, Allison in Florida. Hi, Allison. Excuse me. Elisa, Tennessee. Hi Elisa.


GRACE: I`m good, dear. What`s your question?

ELISA: Nancy, my question is, could Misty be held liable if, in fact, she was so high on pills that she actually didn`t remember?

GRACE: Hold on. Elisa, stay with me. I have turned a back flip trying to figure out every scenario under which she didn`t know what happened.

Elisa, here`s the bottom line. Just this past week she took another polygraph and flunked. So if she were telling truth about I took pills, I passed out, I don`t remember, she would not have flunked four polygraphs.

She is lying. Not only that, a voice stress test and would not allow herself to go under hypnosis.

Everyone, right now you`re seeing a live search that`s ongoing for the body of Haleigh Cummings. Let`s keep her family in our prayers.

Let`s stop and remember Marine Lance Corporal Juan Garcia-Schill, Grants Pass, Oregon, killed Iraq. From a family of Marines, awarded the Purple Heart, a black belt in Tae Kwon Do, loved his Mexican heritage, the Japanese culture and soccer.

Dreamed of being a schoolteacher. Buried next to his great-grandparents. Leaves behind parents Manuel and Brenda, two sisters, one brother, grandparents Rick and Beverly.

Juan Garcia-Schill, American hero.

Thanks to our guests but especially to you for being with us. See you tomorrow night 8:00 sharp Eastern. And I pray that at that time we have news of little Haleigh.

Good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on April 15, 2010, 08:40:02 AM


Cops Bring Misty to Haleigh Search Site

Aired April 14, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old girl tucked into bed. Five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. Last person to see her alive, new stepmother Misty Croslin, who goes on to flunk four polygraphs and a voice stress test. Little Haleigh`s own father, Ronald Cummings, and baby-sitter-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin both handcuffed, arrested, booked. Charges, drug trafficking.

In the last 24, after something or somebody leads search teams, cadaver dogs, scuba divers, helicopters to comb the St. John`s River into the night last night, bombshell tonight. Misty Croslin rousted out of her private jail cell yet again, but this time taken in cuffs down to the dock of the St. John`s. We have the video. As she stands there in handcuffs, she motions out to the water, pointing out a specific spot to police.

As the search for 5-year-old Haleigh goes on, a human ID crime lab vehicle just arrives on the scene. Family members gathering at the Putnam County jail. Is there finally a break in the search for Haleigh Cummings? Has the 5-year-old girl`s body been found? Did Misty Croslin finally crack?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Breaking news. Misty Croslin now appears to be at the search site where law enforcement is searching for Haleigh, the woman now at the site now wearing a blue jumpsuit and handcuffs, reportedly motioning to investigators at the dock.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Dive teams went back into the water. They have resumed the search this morning.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`re going to follow this thing through, and we`re going to work tirelessly. That`s what we`re doing again today.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Does law enforcement think this is a credible tip?

GRACE: Sources telling us this has officially turned into a homicide investigation.

HANK CROSLIN, MISTY`S FATHER: Misty, don`t be lying about nothing because that`s -- all it`s going to do is bury you deeper.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Among the people police have interviewed is Croslin`s 20-year-old cousin, Joe Overstreet, who lives in Tennessee.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... allegedly in the area, possibly in the trailer where all this allegedly took place.

JOE OVERSTREET, MISTY`S COUSIN: I can`t imagine what they`re going through. I didn`t do it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You didn`t do it?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you know who did it?

OVERSTREET: If I knew who did, I would straight call the police and tell the cops who did it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Sean Cergo (ph), criminal defense lawyer in Nashville, believes at this point that he`s being framed by people whose stories keep changing.

MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER: We`re all going to prison, Tim, unless I can come out and tell them something.


MISTY CROSLIN: I said unless I come out and tell them something. That`s the only way I`m not going.

TOMMY CROSLIN, MISTY`S BROTHER: I hate this junk. I`m hoping this dude will still get me out. I can give him some publicity. I`ll do whatever he wants, (EXPLETIVE DELETED) make a story up. I don`t care.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What was the family told yesterday at the jail the very same time this search was going on just miles away?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They were seen in the vicinity coming out in tears.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Miss Teresa, can we get a comment from you, ma`am?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How long is this going to continue, you know, the search over there?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: As long as it takes.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Bombshell tonight. Misty Croslin rousted out yet again from her private jail cell and taken in handcuffs down to the dock of the St. John`s River. We have the video.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Breaking news. Misty Croslin appears to be at the site of the search for Haleigh, wearing handcuffs and flanked by investigators. Why?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We received a tip yesterday that there was possibly some physical evidence in the Haleigh Cummings investigation.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We do not know if that means they`re looking for Haleigh`s body or maybe something just related to this case. It could be a weapon. It really could be anything.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Where did that information come from?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Misty Croslin, her brother, Tommy, they`re both in jail on unrelated prescription drug charges, but Misty was the last person to see Haleigh.

MISTY CROSLIN: They`re not going to put me away for something I didn`t do, and I didn`t have anything to do with Haleigh. And if I knew who did, I would tell them. I`ve told them everything that I can tell them, so they need to leave me alone about that.

HANK CROSLIN: I don`t know if she knows anything or not, but...

TOMMY CROSLIN: If she does, she needs to go ahead and tell the truth, man, and don`t be making up these stories.

HANK CROSLIN: I told her that, don`t talk to nobody but her lawyer and just tell them the truth and get it over with. Don`t be making up...


GRACE: We are going straight to the scene. Standing by right now is Natisha Lance. Natisha, you are on the air. What`s happening?

NATISHA LANCE, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, Nancy, there has been a file of cars, police cars mixed with unidentified -- unmarked police cars that are now filing through. The FDLE command post, mobile command post, also left the area. And it looks as if they are wrapping up their search for today down at the dock for any evidence of Haleigh Cummings.

GRACE: OK. Natisha, why are all the police cars coming to the scene?

LANCE: No, they are leaving the scene at this point, Nancy. They`ve been...

GRACE: They`re leaving the scene?


GRACE: OK. Natisha, what can you tell me about what we thought was an ice chest being pulled out of the river last night?

LANCE: What I can tell you, Nancy, is that we were able to get a shot of this area across from where they are. We went to a neighbor. We were able to sit on their dock and see them putting down a tub into the water, then dragging the tub up and then sifting through whatever they were coming up with from that tub. What we were told last night from investigators is that there was no cooler that they found. However, it did appear from different photographs that there was a cooler that was pulled out of the water yesterday afternoon during their search.

GRACE: OK. To you, Marlaina Schiavo. Misty Croslin taken back out of her private jail cell today, rousted out in cuffs and prison blues, taken down to the dock. And I can see her. There she is, between police investigators in plain clothes. And at several junctures, she points out to the water with the cuffs, like she`s showing a specific spot. What happened?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Misty was taken out for a second day in a row, Nancy, and this means that she is telling police what she knows. Now, we know that all along, she`s saying she didn`t know anything. And now it looks like, from what she told investigators yesterday and what she was showing them today, she is pointing out what may have happened that night that Haleigh went missing.

GRACE: Back to Natisha Lance standing by there in Satsuma, Florida, at what we believe is going to be officially designated as a crime scene.

Everyone, Natisha is standing by at the St. John`s River. It`s about three to five miles south of where Haleigh was last seen alive, her own home. In the last 24 hours, there has been a massive search. Something or somebody tipped of police, scuba divers, cadaver dogs, helicopter search teams combing the murky waters of the St. John`s River into the night last night, resuming this morning when a human identification crime lab vehicle showed up on the scene.

Natisha, what if anything did they take away?

LANCE: Well, Nancy, what they are telling us today as of 4:00 o`clock this afternoon is that they have not found anything of evidentiary value. However, there are...

GRACE: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait! What do you mean, not anything of evidentiary value? They`re not saying today -- last night, they said -- police said, We did not find Haleigh Cummings. Today they`re saying, We didn`t find anything of evidentiary value. Why the change-up, Natisha?

LANCE: You`re absolutely right, Nancy. There does seem to be some terse (ph) in words there. Last night, they were saying they did not find Haleigh Cummings, and today they are saying they did not find anything of evidentiary value. So we don`t know exactly what is going on.

However, there were divers who were in the water all day today sifting through that area. And as Marlaina pointed out, Misty Croslin also appeared to be on the scene today in handcuffs, pointing out something for investigators. So there does continue to be fluid movement at this crime scene, just as you said earlier.

GRACE: Back to Jean Casarez, who has been joining us throughout this search. Everyone, the search went on through the night last night, resuming this morning. Jean Casarez, what more can you tell me? Misty Croslin down there on the docks, motioning to police where they should look out in the water. Police are dredging the bottom of that river.

Jean Casarez, what we were told and what appeared to be a blue ice bucket last night is actually a device that they use to dredge the bottom of a river in a particular spot, pull up the sand, and then you sift through it for human bones or evidence.

JEAN CASAREZ, IN SESSION: Something they believe is so credible, they have taken all these resources. But Nancy, let me take you from Florida to Tennessee. I confirmed with the attorney for Joe Overstreet, that is, cousin Joe -- his name is Sean Cergo. He confirmed to me that the Florida Department of Law Enforcement left Florida yesterday, they flew and arrived in Nashville late yesterday, and at midnight had an interview session with Joe Overstreet. It was short. They asked him questions. He answered them.

FDLE flew back to Florida, and Joe Overstreet is saying today publicly, I had nothing to do with the disappearance. Nothing. If so, I would have gone to the police.

GRACE: OK, I`ve got two theories. Back to Ellie Jostad, our chief editorial producer. She`s been on the case from the very beginning, knows it like the back of her hand. Ellie, think back. At the very beginning, cousin Joe was in town the night Haleigh went missing. He hightailed it out of town. He`s been in Tennessee ever since.

JOSTAD: Right.

GRACE: Now, police could either arrest him if they thought he was the perp -- but they haven`t -- or they could be waiting until they possibly, theoretically find Haleigh`s body and see if he runs. Because nothing looks more incriminating to a jury than somebody running, OK? So it could be either of those two things.

But it speaks volumes to me, Ellie, that they didn`t bring Joe down, they didn`t bring Tommy Croslin out of the jailhouse that we know of, they brought Misty Croslin down to the docks to show police a specific spot in the St. John`s River.

JOSTAD: Right. That`s right, Nancy. And remember, the whole cousin Joe was involved somehow -- that story originated with Misty Croslin. She was telling media and people that about nine days after Haleigh went missing. So this whole Joe Overstreet involvement started with Misty`s allegations.

GRACE: Everyone, the search is going on as we speak. We are live in Satsuma, there on the banks of the St. John`s River as the search for the body of this 5-year-old little girl goes on. What happened to 5-year-old Haleigh?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I do believe that she`s holding something. I`m not sure what it is or, you know, how it can help. But I think that she`s holding something back, that she knows something. And I don`t know -- I know they`ve spoken to her. I do not know if this new lead has anything to do with her.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We do have a search going on at this time.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... a search...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We are conducting a search.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... search for Haleigh.

MISTY CROSLIN: If I had something to do with it or knew where she was...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s called accessory after the fact...

MISTY CROSLIN: ... we wouldn`t be sitting here today.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... punishable by life.

HANK CROSLIN: Regardless of what the outcome is, I want to know where Haleigh`s at.

GRACE: The St. John`s River...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s the St. John`s River.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... St. John`s River...

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t want no one to stop looking for Haleigh.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: At least four, five sheriff`s office and law enforcement boats...

GRACE: Cadaver dogs, scuba divers, helicopters, search teams...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There was more divers being brought out by boat.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They`re just following up on leads.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... just scouring that particular part of the river.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They haven`t done a search this extensive since she first went missing.

GRACE: If the scenario is true, she has not come forward with the truth because she was part of it...

MISTY CROSLIN: They got me where they want me.

GRACE: ... part and parcel!

MISTY CROSLIN: I never thought -- ever thought this would ever be, like, something to even think about happening.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (INAUDIBLE) out there to rule it in or out.

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: Well, of course I want to know if she knows anything.

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t know where she is!

I`m not hiding anything.

I don`t...

There`s nothing to break me on.

There`s nothing!

That`s all I know.

HANK CROSLIN: Think she can come home?

MISTY CROSLIN: Of course, Dad.


GRACE: After all that, as we go to air, Misty Croslin rousted out of her private jail cell yet again and taken down to the docks. There she is -- we`re showing you the video -- the docks of the St. John`s River, less than five miles south of where she was last seen alive, where Haleigh was last seen alive. She`s pointing something out in some of the video with her handcuffs on, out to a spot in the water, motioning to police where they should look, apparently. This after months of declaring she knew nothing about the disappearance of this helpless, defenseless 5-year-old little girl.

We are taking your calls live. Out to Sheila, Illinois. Hi, dear.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, darling. How are you tonight?

GRACE: Well, I tell you what. It`s either that, as it looks right now, Sheila, that she had a hand in the murder of this child or that she stood there and let the child be taken away.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I agree -- I can`t agree with you more. It`s just -- I just -- there`s no words...

GRACE: I`m just disgusted. I`m disgusted. A 5-year-old little girl, can you imagine, looking up at Misty Croslin for help, for protection, for anything. Anything!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And isn`t it time that we bring this case to a close.

GRACE: It really is, dear. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, isn`t bringing Misty to the river -- isn`t that just giving Misty just a little bit too much attention at this point?

GRACE: That`s a good question. Unleash the lawyers. Joining us tonight, Paul Batista, defense attorney and author of "Death`s Witness" out of New York, and Penny Douglas Furr, defense attorney out of Atlanta. What about it, Paul?

PAUL BATISTA, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, the police are not devoting attention to her. The only reason we`re seeing her, Nancy, is that there are helicopters floating above her head. She`s not -- they`re not devoting the attention to her. She clearly has flipped. She clearly, Nancy, has significant information. The police have brought her to the river to show where she saw this child go into the river. That`s pretty simple.

GRACE: What about it, Penny?

PENNY DOUGLAS FURR, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Nancy, I would ask if her attorneys have cut some kind of deal for her, if they`ve worked out some arrangement that if she can help them locate the body that she will escape the Florida death penalty.

GRACE: That`s a very good insight, Penny.

I want to go back out to Marlaina Schiavo, our producer, who`s also been on the story from the very beginning. Marlaina, tell me what you can about what we know about police activities in the last 48 hours. Who have they been questioning? What have they been doing?

SCHIAVO: Nancy, they took Misty from her current jail and they questioned her. We also know that they met with family members, Haleigh`s family members...

GRACE: Marlaina! Marlaina! Marlaina!


GRACE: Rule number one. Who, what, when, why, where. Took her out of what jail when and took her where?

SCHIAVO: Yesterday. The current jail she`s in, St. John`s County. Putnam County officials took her out, took her to Putnam County, and questioned her. They also took Haleigh`s family members down to Putnam and gathered them and had a private meeting and won`t release those details.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... divers near the Shell Harbor boat ramp on the St. John`s River.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I saw probably anywhere, like, say, between 12 to 15 divers just searching in front of the dock area.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You can see three divers peering under the water`s surface.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There was more divers being brought out by boat.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It is day two for Florida investigators searching a very murky river.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Deputies say they`ve interviewed a cousin of Misty`s who was visiting from Tennessee before Haleigh`s disappearance.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They`re looking for any evidence that would tell them what happened to Haleigh Cummings.

HANK CROSLIN: I think they need to go get Joe and lock him up. If they think he had something to do with it, they need to go get him.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This investigation today may take a long time.

HANK CROSLIN: Got to come to an end.


HANK CROSLIN: The truth got to come out. We got to find out where she`s at and let her come home.


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Out to Heather in Kentucky. Hi, Heather.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. I`m just -- I hate to say it this way, but I`m starting to think maybe the rumors of the partying and maybe Haleigh getting a hold of Oxycontin might have really happened. But my question is, if they was to find her in that river after so long, will they still be able to find that in her system?

GRACE: Let`s go straight out to Dr. David M. Posey, medical examiner, forensic pathologist at the Glen Oaks Pathology Medical Group joining us out of LA. Dr. Posey, I know you heard the caller`s question, Heather in Kentucky. What`s the answer?

DR. DAVID M. POSEY, MEDICAL EXAMINER/FORENSIC PATHOLOGIST: Right. Yes. It depends on how much of the body is left. This length of time, I would think, we`re going to have most of the body gone. I think it`ll be down to bones. And I would say we`re not going to find anything...

GRACE: Dr. Posey. Dr. Posey, it`s been over a year. Wouldn`t she be completely skeletonized by this point?

POSEY: You know, there`s a lot of variables here. We don`t know how deep she is. We don`t know where the body is. I agree with you, Nancy, I think she would be completely skeletonized. I don`t think there`s going to be anything left. You need to have some kind of body fluid...

GRACE: Doctor, I can hardly stand to look at this little girl`s face -- there she was sleeping -- and say the words "completely skeletonized." Doctor, if she had been put in a container such as an ice chest, would there be a possibility of soft tissue, and from that soft tissue, could you derive Oxycontin traces?

POSEY: There`s a possibility. If she was in an ice chest and the ice chest was sealed such that no liquid could get in there, there would possibly be some fluids, especially if she was buried in the river or in a dirt grave. There may be some fluid left, and you`d be able...

GRACE: Got it.

POSEY: ... to extract from that and find if there`s something there. But it is -- I agree with you, Nancy, it`s heart-wrenching.

GRACE: But I don`t buy into that party theory or somebody at that party would have cracked by now.

To Heather Walsh-Haney, forensic anthropologist out of Albuquerque, New Mexico. Doctor, thank you for being with us. Doctor, what do you expect the condition of the remains to be in if they have been under water, and what can we learn from them?

HEATHER WALSH-HANEY, FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGIST (via telephone): Well, Nancy, having worked in Florida over 15 years, I would -- and in that area particularly with the St. John`s River, if the responders were lucky enough to find Haleigh`s remains, at this point I would expect them to be completely skeletonized.



UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Nearly two days of searching.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Breaking news. Misty Croslin appears to be at the site of the search for Haleigh, wearing handcuffs and flanked by investigators. Why?


JEAN CASAREZ, LEGAL CORRESPONDENT, "IN SESSION": Misty was the last person to see Haleigh.

M. CROSLIN: If I had something to do with it or knew where she was we wouldn`t be sitting here today. We would have her.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: The woman appearing to be Croslin surrounded by cops.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Among the people police interviewed is Croslin`s 20-year-old cousin Joe Overstreet.

CASAREZ: Overstreet is distraught over this, that he doesn`t know where to turn. They want to get out of jail --

HANK CROSLIN, FATHER OF MISTY CROSLIN: If I wasn`t in trouble I would put a pistol in Joe`s mouth and make him tell me something.




CASAREZ: But believe that those in jail right now at any cost will say anything and pin this on anyone to get themselves out of jail.

TOMMY CROSLIN, MISTY CROSLIN`S BROTHER: I don`t see Joe doing nothing like that but he is a little (EXPLETIVE DELETED) out there. (EXPLETIVE DELETED) crazy.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Did he have any type of contact with Haleigh? Did he see her? Did he talk to her during that time of vacation?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Only in passing.

H. CROSLIN: I don`t understand why he would -- why anybody could hurt a little baby.

OVERSTREET: If I knew who did I would straight call the police and tell the cops who did it.


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Straight back down to the St. John`s River, everyone. The search ongoing. Standing by, Natisha Lance.

Natisha, there is movement. What`s happening?

NATISHA LANCE, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, Nancy, there was a deputy who was right behind me. There were cones that were preventing the media from going any further past that point.

That deputy has now moved further back, and we can only assume that he is closer to the water`s edge where the searching was taking place earlier today. We don`t know exactly what is going on in that area, but we can only assume that there is continuous searching going on back there.

GRACE: So contrary to what we thought at the beginning of the show tonight, everybody`s not leaving, they`re still working through the night.

Listen, I`m just telling you, this is not a bogus tip.

Out to Lou Palumbo, former Nassau County police investigator, now private investigator.

Lou, this is not all happening on a bogus tip. They`d have already packed up and left yesterday instead of working through the night. They`ve got something.

LOU PALUMBO, FMR. NASSAU COUNTY POLICE INVESTIGATOR, PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR: I agree 100 percent with you. I think that this young lady, Misty Croslin, for whatever reason has decided to come forth with information regarding how this child was disposed of.

It`s part of the deal-making. I think the cousin has knowledge of what happened here. And I think we`re going to see this thing come to an end very shortly. I mean, just by virtue of the fact she`s standing there pretty much implies that she`s provided information to this law enforcement agency to direct them to where this child was disposed.

GRACE: Everyone --

PALUMBO: The next part of it`s going to come down to charging her and finding out who else was complicit in this crime.

GRACE: Everyone, right now the search is going on. Police have not left. There are scuba divers, cadaver dogs. Earlier helicopter search teams. Something or somebody has led police, who then brought out Misty Croslin down to the docks to find the body of 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings.

I want to go now to Michael Gast, a special guest joining me out of Miami, founder and trainer of the National Academy of Police Diving.

Mr. Gast, thank you for being with us. After a couple of hundred dives myself the little bit I know about lake and river diving is that especially unless there`s white water you`re going to have very murky water. What do you think?

MICHAEL GAST, FOUNDER, TRAINER, NATIONAL ACADEMY OF POLICE DIVING: Well, that`s correct. The deeper the water is the less murk you may have. It depends on how fast the water flows.

GRACE: How do you go about a search like this? They`re actually having to dredge the bottom of the river with a box to see what -- and then pull it up and sift through. See them taking out tons -- they`re just taking out a great deal of sand and sludge off the bottom.

GAST: Well, that`s because of the flow of the river. The sediment is being redistributed daily, and it builds up. If you have a lot of rain, it builds up more. If you have less rain it builds up less. But they would have to get down to about where the bottom would have been 10 months ago or 14 months ago.

GRACE: Mr. Gast, it`s a lazy river. It`s only traveling at 1/3 of a mile per hour. And it`s about 30 feet deep, as I recall.

GAST: So that would have a little bit of disposition but not a whole lot. Maybe, you know, a few inches. But it only takes a few inches to hide bones.

GRACE: That`s true. That`s true. How murky would the water be in 30 feet?

GAST: That would depend, again, you know, what part of the river you`re talking about, whether you`re out toward the middle or the sides where it runs a little faster. It varies. It depends on the sediments that`s in the river, what part of the St. John`s you`re in.

Some parts of the St. John`s you`ve got 10, 15-foot visibility. Other parts you have less than a foot.

GRACE: I`m hearing in my ear we are now being joined by bounty hunter out of Sacramento, Leonard Padilla.

Leonard, what do you make of these developments?

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER, OFFERED TO BAIL MISTY CROSLIN OUT OF JAIL: Well, basically, if we go back to when Misty wrote that letter and then her sister-in-law in Massachusetts forwarded it to me over the weekend, I looked at and I thought to myself --

GRACE: Which letter are you talking about? Which letter are you talking about?

PADILLA: It`s a letter that Misty wrote to her relatives, including her brother Timmy, up in Massachusetts. Where she claims that -- excuse me?

GRACE: I`ve got it right here in my hand. Go ahead.

PADILLA: OK. Where she claims that Joe and Tommy came to the house and that Tommy left and that Joe took the child.

I`ve got to tell you this. Joe didn`t harm that child. The child was dead by the time Tommy and Joe showed up. Speculatively speaking, she had called them to come help her dispose of the body.

Tommy himself had lied to his wife and all of his relatives throughout the whole ordeal until Monday morning when he decided to fess up.

Steve Brown, the investigator working for his attorney, basically sat with him and got a statement from him and subsequently his wife threatened him with divorce and basically confirmed that Tommy had been there.

Law enforcement also in Satsuma actually went to the house where Tommy and his wife had been living with their two -- with their three children and were looking for a yellow rope. The type of rope that you would tie something up with if you were to throw them in the water and weight it down with a brick.

So it all aims toward the fact that the child died somehow. But I don`t think that Joe was responsible for the death nor Tommy. They were responsible for helping her get rid of the body.

I also think Misty possibly might not have caused the child`s death other than through negligence of pills or something laying around. So I think in the next 48 hours we`re going to see a lot of revelations that are going to bring to the surface the truth behind this whole ordeal.

GRACE: What do you make, Leonard Padilla -- everybody, joining us by Skype from Sacramento the bounty hunter who offered to bond Croslin out in exchange for her coming clean about what happened to little Haleigh.

What do you think about the fact that it`s not cousin Joe, it`s not brother Timmy or brother Tommy out there on the docks showing the cops where to look? It is Misty Croslin.

To me that shoots your theory down that they disposed of the body. She had to be there too, Padilla. She`s showing cops where to look.

PADILLA: Not necessarily. I think when you get into a circle of youngsters like Misty and Tommy and Joe and several other relatives there`s going to be loose talk amongst themselves regarding the body being dumped.

And the situation is such that that particular van was being driven on that evening, it had been borrowed from Tommy`s wife. It was being driven by Tim and his wife, who were visiting their father.

However, if you look back in the past TV reports, it`s -- Timmy wife states that the van in the morning was at a different place than where she had parked it that night. So the van was definitely used and Joe had use of the van.

GRACE: I remember that.

Everyone, the search is ongoing right now. Who cracked? Who cracked? Is Haleigh Cummings at the bottom of the St. John`s river? Did she die at the hands of Misty Croslin? What scenario could possibly have happened?

I can see one thing. They don`t have Ronald Cummings out there.

Out to the lines. Anita, Pennsylvania, hi, Anita.

ANITA, CALLER FROM PENNSYLVANIA: Hi, Nancy. Thank you for taking my call.

GRACE: Yes, ma`am.

ANITA: My question is does Ronald know everything that`s going on?

GRACE: Good question. What about it, Ellie?

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Ronald Cummings is one of the family members that was brought to the Putnam County Sheriff`s Office yesterday. There was a little bit of video of him leaving. He was still in his jail outfit, still in the handcuffs.

But he was part of this confidential family meeting where investigators supposedly told the family what was going on and they won`t reveal what details they gave to the family at that secret meeting yesterday.

GRACE: As we go to break, everyone, on a happy note, happy birthday - - first birthday to Florida tiny crimefighter Alexis Cameron. Favorite toy, Elmo. Favorite word, daddy. But she loves mommy too.

Alexis, father Rob and mother Gina never miss a show. What a beautiful, beautiful child. And God bless you for taking such good care of her.

Happy birthday, beautiful Alexis.



UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Major developments in this case.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We are conducting a search of the waterway.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: We were able to speak with Putnam County Sheriff Jeff Hardy. We asked him if they`d found Haleigh Cummings.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Have you found Haleigh?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, we have not found Haleigh.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: He did not hesitate. He said no.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We received a tip yesterday that there was possibly some physical evidence in the Haleigh Cummings investigation.


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Sheriff`s office brought together the family, Ronald Cummings, who is here at Putnam County jail. The mother, Crystal Sheffield, Haleigh`s mother. The two grandmothers of Haleigh had a conversation with investigators.

Misty Croslin-Cummings was actually removed from a jail in the next county over. Detectives went and picked her up and brought her out and questioned her.

CASAREZ: Combine it with some of those jailhouse phone calls --

M. CROSLIN: This is -- you know, it`s so hard to talk.



C. CROSLIN: You know --

M. CROSLIN: But it`s going to hurt two people. It`s going to hurt two people.

CASAREZ: Another phone conversation she implicates that the person that is responsible is walking the streets free and we`re behind bars.

M. CROSLIN: You think, Chelsea, use your head. And you`ll know.

TERESA NEVES, GRANDMOTHER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: They called us in to tell us that they were going to be doing a search. That the search was from a lead that they had gotten. It`s just a couple --


GRACE: That is Haleigh`s paternal grandmother, Teresa Neves, who has been with us many, many times in the search for her granddaughter Haleigh. Just then she was on NBC`s "Today Show" talking about the search for Haleigh.

Liz, if you could roll back the video of them leaving the jail. Look. She`s crying. Teresa Neves and her son, Ronald Cummings, Haleigh`s father, have been with us on many, many occasions, begging for help in trying to find Haleigh.

And I have gone on the record many times, stating that neither of them could possibly be involved in her disappearance. And now most likely her death.

The search is ongoing there at the St. John`s River tonight.

Jean Casarez, what more do you know?

CASAREZ: I spoke with Joe Overstreet`s lawyer in Tennessee. One thing he told me that when he met with the FDLE last night -- Florida Department of Law Enforcement -- he said they were so professional.

He said they came in, they had their questions, they knew what they wanted to ask, they were done with it, and they left. It was just -- I`m summarizing -- as if there were puzzle pieces that they needed to get, information they needed to get to continue with the conclusion of this investigation.

GRACE: To Wendy Walsh, Dr. Wendy Walsh, psychologist and expert on Weigh in, Wendy.

DR. WENDY WALSH, PH.D., PSYCHOLOGIST; EXPERT ON MOMLOGIC.COM: Well, I`ve got to say, I have a big parenting tip for parents out there if you`re raising small children. Don`t choose the career of drug dealer. OK?

Maybe there were drugs lying around. Maybe there were disputes over deliveries of drugs. We hear about a potential dispute over a missing weapon.

All this -- nothing should be near the environment of children that`s going on. So I think clearly Haleigh is broken. The unconscious can only hold those secrets for so long. They come out in all kinds of ways.

I`m sorry, not Haleigh. Misty has broken. And I think she`s finally done a deal and we`re going to have some answers soon, Nancy.

GRACE: You know, to Ellie Jostad, I`m listening to Wendy Walsh. She`s got an excellent point. But I just can`t believe that they have done a deal, so to speak, with Misty Croslin.

I mean, this is a little defenseless girl who was killed in the night. I just don`t see them giving up on the death penalty, although -- how old was Croslin at the time of the incident?

JOSTAD: Well, she was 17 at the time of the incident, Nancy.

GRACE: Well, she can`t get the death penalty anyway.

JOSTAD: Right. Right. But Nancy, you`ll remember back on what would have been Haleigh`s sixth birthday, investigators put out a press release and they said that they still believe that the key to what happened to Haleigh lies with Misty, that she had failed to provide an accurate account of what happened that night, that physical evidence at the scene did not match her account, and they said she has failed to give them anything but a sketchy story about went on in that house.

GRACE: Jean Casarez, what is in this letter? I`ve got it here, but I want you to tell the viewers about this letter that she writes -- Misty Croslin writes, talking about how her life was threatened.

CASAREZ: Well, she talks about that cousin Joe put a knife to her throat and threatened her if she would say anything to anybody. And this is what Cousin Joe is worried about now. Not the truth of the matter but the fact that he believes those in Florida that want to benefit, to get out of jail, are going to lie and say anything to implicate him.

And Nancy, I want you to look at the posture of the detectives that are surrounding Misty Croslin out there. Look at their posture. One thought is that they are pressuring her, that they are really trying to get information from her by taking her out there.

GRACE: Look at the investigators, the detectives out there wading through the water. They have been working like dogs, trying to crack this case. Always knowing the answer was right under their noses.

To Leslie, Indiana, hi, Leslie.


GRACE: Hi, dear. What`s your question?

LESLIE: My question is, is if Tommy Croslin is not more involved than what he`s saying, how does he know anything about the St. John`s River?

GRACE: You know, Leslie, I think he is involved. I think that is why he is behind bars. What about it, Natisha?

LANCE: Well, Nancy, this also goes back to the letter that Jean was just talking about. In that letter Misty also indicates that she believes Tommy knows more about what happened that night.

GRACE: Out to the lines, Carla, Missouri. Hi, Carla.

CARLA, CALLER FROM MISSOURI: Thank you, Nancy, for taking my call. My question is even though the box has been out for a while, will they be able to lift prints.


BROOKS: The family was all called to the sheriff`s office and some of them were seen very, very sad after they met with the sheriff. What they were told it could not have been good news.




UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Florida investigators searching a murky river for signs of Haleigh Cummings and among the people police interviewed yesterday is Croslin`s 20-year-old cousin, Joe Overstreet.

OVERSTREET: I didn`t do it.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He might be just be the fall guy. Maybe he`s convenient. He`s out of the area. He`s not one of them. So let`s pin it on him.


GRACE: Back out to Leslie in Indiana`s question asking, could there be fingerprints on the box.

Excuse me, was it Carla`s question or -- Carla in Missouri`s question. There could be still be fingerprints on the box even though it`s been submerged if there even is a box. Yes, fingerprints can survive water.

Back out to the lines. Rachel, Pennsylvania, hi, Rachel.

RACHEL, CALLER FROM PENNSYLVANIA: Hi, Nancy. Thanks for taking my call.

GRACE: Yes, ma`am.

RACHEL: My question is, in the beginning of the week they said that the person of interest was in custody. Well, that would not mean Cousin Joe because he`s not in custody.

GRACE: Rachel, I`ve already thought about that. Today they came out -- police came out and issued a statement stating that rumors a suspect was in custody were false.

Now what do we believe? What they said at the beginning or what they said today? But I can tell you something. They have something in the water. I don`t care what they`re saying. They haven`t found anything of evidentiary value. BS. Because you don`t have cops working through the night with lights and scuba divers, search teams, cadaver dogs.

You come back the next day, you bring Misty Croslin out there in her handcuffs to points out a specific spot in the water. No, they`ve got something.

What do you think, Jean Casarez?

CASAREZ: You`re exactly right. And I think what is so interesting is that it is Misty and it is the one that we just heard Ellie say in the press release months ago. They said they believe Misty is not coming forward with information. And she is the one that they are standing right on right now waiting to hear what she has to say at the water`s edge.

GRACE: Natisha Lance, have they packed up and left yet?

LANCE: Nancy, there have been a few cars that have left, but there are still cars that are back there. So once we figure everything out, we are trying to find out at this point what is going on.

GRACE: So bottom line, they`re still there working into the night. All I can say tonight is, God bless little Haleigh. May she finally be put to rest. Our hearts go out to Teresa and Ronald Cummings tonight.

Let`s stop and remember Marine Corporal Matthew Zindars, 21, Watertown, Wisconsin, killed Iraq on a second tour. Awarded the Purple Heart, Unit Combat Action medal, Unit National Defense medal.

Lost his life weeks after promotion to corporal. With a smile that lit up a room. Loved outdoors, football, snowboarding, rock climbing. Dreamed the studying journalism at the University of Wisconsin.

Leaves behind grieving parents Ken and Lynn, sisters Tracy and Jennifer, brother Mark.

Matthew Zindars, America hero.

Thanks to our guests but especially to you for being with us. And tonight we are praying for little Haleigh. I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern, and until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on April 15, 2010, 11:02:10 PM


Sheriff Says Haleigh Investigation Now Homicide

Aired April 15, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. The last person to see her alive, new stepmother Misty Croslin, who goes on to flunk four -- one, two, three, four -- polygraphs and a voice stress test. Little Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and baby-sitter-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin both handcuffed, booked. Charges, drug trafficking.

Something or somebody leads search teams, cadaver dogs, scuba divers, helicopters to comb the St. John`s River into the night. Croslin roused rousted out of her private jail cell yet again, taken in cuffs down to the docks of the St. John`s. We have the video, Croslin standing there in handcuffs, motioning out to the water, pointing out a specific spot to police. As the search for 5-year-old Haleigh goes on, a human ID crime lab vehicle arrives on the scene, family gathers at the Putnam County jail.

Bombshell tonight. Police announce 5-year-old Haleigh likely dead, evidence pulled from the muddy waters of the St. John`s has been discovered and dredged, an arrest on homicide imminent as the search for little Haleigh`s entire body and a murder weapon goes on. Is there finally a break in the search for Haleigh? Have the 5-year-old girl`s remains been found. Did Misty Croslin finally crack?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Items have been recovered at the search site.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Searching a murky river...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We do have a search going on...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... for any sign of Haleigh Cummings.

JEFF HARDY, PUTNAM COUNTY SHERIFF: Information has been obtained by investigators that lead them to believe that Haleigh Cummings is most likely deceased.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Misty Croslin also appeared to be on the scene...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We really would not care who it implicates.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... in handcuffs, pointing out something for investigators.

HARDY: At this point, I`m comfortable to go ahead and say I`m going to call it a homicide.

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: If somebody has something to do with it, let them fry. So be it.

GRACE: They didn`t bring Joe down.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You didn`t do it.


GRACE: They didn`t bring Tommy Croslin out of the jailhouse, that we know of.

TOMMY CROSLIN, MISTY`S BROTHER: I said, I can`t help you find her body. I don`t know where she is.

GRACE: They brought Misty Croslin down to the docks to show police a specific spot in the St. John`s River.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: All along, she`s saying she didn`t know anything.

MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER: I don`t know where she is!

I`m not hiding anything.

I don`t.

There`s nothing to break me of.

There`s nothing!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And now she is pointing out what may have happened that night that Haleigh went missing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Just by virtue of the fact she`s standing there pretty much implies that she`s provided information to this law enforcement agency to where this child was disposed.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you think Misty has any involvement in this?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don`t think Misty did, but I`m not going to say that she didn`t.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Bombshell tonight. I`m just receiving in my hand information -- sources are now saying police know what the murder weapon is, OK? So that gets rid of all speculation that this was just an accidental death, sources now saying -- unnamed sources saying police know what the murder weapon is, the murder weapon that killed 5-year-old little Haleigh Cummings. Police announcing in the last hours the 5-year-old little girl, defenseless in her own home, is likely dead, an arrest on homicide imminent as the search for little Haleigh`s entire body and a murder weapon goes on. Did Misty Croslin finally crack?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Told people it`s going to be just a matter of time.

GRACE: Who cracked?

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m not hiding anything.

GRACE: Who cracked?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think she`s come to realize that, you know, she`s in trouble.

GRACE: Is Haleigh Cummings at the bottom of the St. John`s River?

HARDY: ... divers in this water every day. They have searched in zero-zero conditions using their bare hands.

GRACE: Did she die at the hands of Misty Croslin?

MISTY CROSLIN: I didn`t do anything with -- to that little girl. I would never hurt her.

GRACE: What scenario could have possibly have happened?

HANK CROSLIN, MISTY`S FATHER: I think they need to go get Joe and lock him up.

TOMMY CROSLIN: Put him in jail.

I don`t know why she`s making up (INAUDIBLE). She probably knows something.

MISTY CROSLIN: That`s all I know!

HARDY: The investigative team has identified persons of interest in this case.

MISTY CROSLIN: Everybody`s, like, Famous Misty Croslin!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The police have brought her to the river to show where she saw this child go into the river.

LISA CROSLIN, MISTY`S MOTHER: You better be honest with him.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There are helicopters floating above her head.

MISTY CROSLIN: They`re going to know. They`re going to know. I just got to wait until I can -- my lawyer is ready.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The key to what happened to Haleigh lies with Misty.

LISA CROSLIN: If you knew anything, you`d have done told him -- I mean, why would you set there if you knew something?

MISTY CROSLIN: It`s going to hurt two people.


MISTY CROSLIN: Kind of. Or one, yes.


GRACE: We are hearing information right now that police are now -- our sources are saying police do know the murder weapon for which they are looking. That should end all speculation that this was an accidental death, this little girl was -- took a pill by accident and died. That scenario has been floated many, many times. We are taking your calls live.

Joining us out of Satsuma, Florida, Natisha Lance. Natisha, you`re on the scene. What`s happening?

NATISHA LANCE, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, Nancy, big news coming out of Satsuma today. As you just said, police announce that Haleigh Cummings is likely deceased. They also went on to say that officially, this is a homicide investigation. They also said that there are persons of interest in this case. However, they are not naming those persons of interest. And they also said that although there have been reports out there that an arrest is imminent, they say that they are hopeful that an arrest will come sometime soon. Then they were also asked, is Misty Croslin still the key to this investigation, and to that, Nancy, they said, Absolutely.

GRACE: OK, let`s talk about what police have said in the last hours in their official presser, their press release. Back to you, Natisha Lance. I notice that they keep saying -- and I`ve gotten the release verbatim here in my hand, Natisha. They say that rumors have spread a suspect has been taken into custody as a result of this investigation. That is not true.

Now, clearly, Misty Croslin, Ronald Cummings and brother Tommy are all behind bars as a result of a drug investigation. Clearly, this does not address them. It says nobody`s in custody as a result of this investigation, the dredging of the river. So it could very well be one of them, although I still say it`s not Ronald Cummings. What about it, Natisha?

LANCE: You`re absolutely right, Nancy. And I don`t think it was any coincidence that it was written in the manner in which it was written. They also, Nancy, talked about the tip that led them to the St. John`s River. A question was posed to them, What did that tip come from inside the jail? They did not answer that question. However, there is still speculation that that tip came from either Misty Croslin or Tommy Croslin.

GRACE: Jean Casarez joining us, legal correspondent, In Session. Jean, what can you tell me?

JEAN CASAREZ, IN SESSION: Well, let me respond to what Natisha just said. What we did learn tonight is that they said that people are starting to cooperate, people are starting to talk. They`ve got a lot of time to sit and think. So that tells us right there it`s Misty or Tommy that gave this tip.

But I think one of the most amazing things that came out of this press conference today that we have never heard before is when posed with the question, Could Haleigh Cummings have been murdered right there at the water, the response was, That is a reasonable conclusion.

GRACE: Which would explain the lack of any blood or DNA evidence there in the home where she was last seen alive. We are taking your calls live.

But joining me right now is a very special guest joining us tonight in a primetime exclusive. With us tonight is Misty Croslin`s grandmother. It is also Joe Overstreet`s grandmother. It is Ms. Flora Hollars joining us out of West Nashville, Tennessee. Ms. Hollars, thank you for being with us.


GRACE: Number one, Ms. Hollars, let me tell you that not only myself but my staff have become very attached to little Haleigh and have been praying for her and thinking of her ever since we learned that she had disappeared, and our thoughts have been with you and the family.

HOLLARS: I pray for her every night.

GRACE: Ms. Hollars, tell me about Joe Overstreet. Repeatedly, Misty Croslin has referred to him as being responsible for Haleigh`s disappearance. You have been around him from this -- throughout this entire time. How has his behavior changed since he came back from Florida when Haleigh disappeared?

HOLLARS: His reactions are completely different than it was before he went down there. He`s not the same kid that he was when we went down there. He has a different attitude toward life and all. He just don`t care.

GRACE: Ms. Hollars, how does he react when you come into the room wearing a Haleigh T-shirt?

HOLLARS: Well, it`s my daughter that normally comes into the room wearing one, and he`ll normally turn around and walk out.

GRACE: Has he ever talked to you about the night Haleigh went missing?

HOLLARS: No, ma`am.

GRACE: Have you asked him?

HOLLARS: Not really.


HOLLARS: He just throws his hands up and says, "F" it, and then he`ll get up and walk away.

GRACE: Did Tommy Croslin call you from behind bars? And if so, what did he say?

HOLLARS: He told me he was crying. And he says, Nanny, I`ve got to break down. I`ve got to tell somebody. And I told him, I says, Tommy, I know in my heart exactly what you`re fixing to say. He says, Nanny, what do you mean? I said, Are you going to tell me that Joe did this? He says, Yes, Nanny, Joe did.


HARDY: We`re hoping to make an arrest in this case. Let`s be real about this, OK? Number one, you know, this case has been going on for 14 months. People are finally starting to talk. Where that`s going to lead us, I don`t know, but we`re going to follow it to the end. And we`re -- yes, we`re trying to make an arrest. We`re trying to bring somebody to justice for this little girl right here and her family. And that`s what this is all about here today.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you think Haleigh died in this area?

HARDY: It`s our belief that this -- that that`s a very real possibility. We are working on building a case. That`s what we`ve been doing for the last 14 months.

CUMMINGS: I know somebody took my little girl!

HARDY: I`m comfortable to go ahead and say that I`m going to call it a homicide.

CUMMINGS: Some sorry piece of trash that will be wasted when it`s all over!

HARDY: Haleigh Cummings is most likely deceased.

CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before you all do, I`m killing him.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just want whoever took her to let her go.

CUMMINGS: I don`t care. I`ll spend the rest of my life in prison. I`m telling you, you can put it on record and I don`t care.

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH`S MOTHER: I just want my baby home.

HARDY: The investigative team has identified persons of interest in this case.

MISTY CROSLIN: What do they mean, that our life is going to be more than hell now than it was for this whole year?

HANK CROSLIN: For the next few weeks, because they`re going to wrap it up in the next few weeks.

MISTY CROSLIN: Well, I hope they do.

TOMMY CROSLIN: Leave me alone. I got nothing to say to you lying people.

HANK CROSLIN: I know for a fact Tommy -- Tommy ain`t got the heart. Tommy, he -- I don`t give a (EXPLETIVE DELETED) what anybody says. Tommy had nothing to do with that (EXPLETIVE DELETED).

TOMMY CROSLIN: If I knew something, you`d know a long time ago. Leave me alone.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Joe Overstreet has been a person who Misty Croslin and it appears her brother have been pointing the finger at for possibly the death of Haleigh Cummings.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Overstreet absolutely steadfastly, categorically denies any responsibility for Haleigh`s disappearance.

HANK CROSLIN: If I find out somebody did hurt Haleigh, I`d be the first one to put a bullet in them, I don`t give a (EXPLETIVE DELETED) if it`s my son or who.


GRACE: Joining us tonight is a very special guest, a guest who has been through hell. With us is Flora Hollars. That`s Misty Croslin and Joe Overstreet`s grandmother.

Ms. Hollars, you have heard now three different versions of what happened the night Haleigh went missing. What is the most recent version you have been told?

HOLLARS: What I was told by Misty this morning was that Tommy and Joe took Haleigh and wrapped a yellow rope around her and carried her to the dock and tied a brick around the bottom -- the other end of the rope and throwed her into the river. Now, that come from Misty`s mouth into my ear.

GRACE: This morning?

HOLLARS: Yes, ma`am.

GRACE: Could I ask you why they would have done that? Joe Overstreet and Tommy Croslin, why they would have done that? Had they allegedly molested Haleigh?

HOLLARS: That I don`t know.

GRACE: Why would they just throw her in the water?

HOLLARS: I don`t know. (INAUDIBLE) continue to talk to Misty, she`s going to tell me.

GRACE: OK. What is the second version you were told about Haleigh`s death?

HOLLARS: I was told that Misty had knocked her in the head and killed her and that Joe and Tommy got rid of her.

GRACE: Knocked her in the head with what, a cinderblock?

HOLLARS: No, just a piece of wood or something, is the way that it was put to me. But I didn`t believe that when I heard it.

GRACE: Who told you that?

HOLLARS: It come from one of them in Florida, is all I can say.

GRACE: Did they say why Misty would have struck 5-year-old Haleigh?

HOLLARS: No, they didn`t.

GRACE: OK. Ms. Hollars...


GRACE: What was the first story you were told about Haleigh`s death?

HOLLARS: First thing that I was told was that Joe had killed her. That was the first words that I was told.

GRACE: Why was -- why did he kill her in the first version?

HOLLARS: That I don`t have any idea. I don`t even know whether she was dead when she hit the water or not.

GRACE: Who told you the first version?

HOLLARS: Oh, that may have came from Misty. I`m not sure.


HARDY: People have started to cooperate. That`s why I`ve told people it`s just going to be a matter of time. And we`re going to accept any cooperation that we can get. So again, it`s a good thing. People are starting to talk.




HARDY: Information has been obtained by investigators that lead them to believe that Haleigh Cummings is most likely deceased. I`m going to call it a homicide.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Investigators searching for a missing Florida girl are back at it at the St. John`s River in Satsuma, Florida, today, the third straight day that divers have gone looking for signs of Haleigh Cummings.

MISTY CROSLIN: We told them every...


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Before we go to the lines, I want to go back to Ms. Flora Hollars, joining us tonight in a primetime exclusive. This is Misty Croslin and Joe Overstreet`s grandmother. Ms. Hollars, again, thank you for being with us.

HOLLARS: You`re welcome.

GRACE: And my question regarding the three versions you`ve been told -- who knows if any of them are true -- that you were told in each of these scenarios, where was Croslin? In the first scenario, the one that Croslin told you this morning, where was Croslin when everything happened?

HOLLARS: She didn`t tell me that.

GRACE: She just said that Joe Overstreet killed Misty -- killed Haleigh?

HOLLARS: He and Tommy -- she said Joe Overstreet and Tommy wrapped the rope around Haleigh and carried her to the dock at the St. John`s River and put a block around the other end of the rope and throwed her in the river.

GRACE: But what, Ms. Hollars, could be their possible motivation for killing a 5-year-old girl?

HOLLARS: That`s something that I don`t know! There`s three grandkids of mine that`s involved in this, and I don`t know why! But I`d sure like to know why. They have no remorse or something. But nobody decided to say anything until I broke Tommy on the phone Sunday. And yes, I`m the one that called the detectives. And yes, I`m the one that sent them to the river!

GRACE: Well, God bless you. God bless you for finally bringing some peace to this case. I pray to God in heaven that it does. Ms. Hollars...

HOLLARS: I hope so.

GRACE: Ms. Hollars, when Joe -- excuse me -- when Tommy Croslin calls you from the jail crying, what did he say happened?

HOLLARS: He was crying. And I told him, I said, You failed your lie detector test, didn`t you, Tommy? He says, Yes, I did. And I told him, I says, Now it`s time for it to come to a head. I want to know right now. In my heart, I already know. I said, Did Joe do this? He says, Yes, Nanny, Joe did. But he never implicated himself at that time. Misty`s the one that implicated Joe and Tommy.

GRACE: Did Tommy Croslin...

HOLLARS: Misty is coming clean.

GRACE: Did Tommy Croslin tell you what happened, other than he just killed her?

HOLLARS: That`s all he said.

GRACE: I want to remind everyone that according to police, none of the three -- Croslin, Tommy Croslin or Joe Overstreet -- are persons of interest or suspects in Haleigh`s disappearance.



JEFF HARDY, PUTNAM COUNTY SHERIFF: Items have been recovered at the search site. Haleigh Cummings is most likely deceased. And I`m going to call it a homicide.

We`re hoping to make an arrest in this case.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: They have not named any suspects in the 5- year-old`s disappearance.

HARDY: However, the investigative team has identified --


NANCY GRACE, HOST: We are taking your calls, live out to Linda, Virginia.

Hi, Linda.

LINDA, CALLER FROM VIRGINIA: Hi, Nancy. I just got a couple of things I want to say. First of all, I honestly believe that God puts angels here on earth and I do believe you`re one of them.

You keep these cases alive, Nancy. And we thank you for it. You give a voice to those who can no longer speak. And thank you.

GRACE: Linda, I promise you, the angels in heaven are crying right now that you compared me to them. But thank you. I`m going to take it and just run with it because I`ve never gotten that kind of compliment before. Thank you.

What`s your question, dear?

LINDA: Well, my question is -- there`s another thing, too. By the way, the twins look just like you. I just thought I`d say that.


GRACE: Now that`s a big compliment. Because I think Lucy and John David are the most beautiful things I have ever seen in the world.

LINDA: And they really are. Here`s my question, Nancy. Maybe your years as a prosecutor, you know, and the psychologist, psychiatrist and all that you had on the show.

Nancy, it seems more and more to me that these beautiful little children, that these heinous acts are committed. Why is it these monsters have the children -- their remains left so close to their homes? It appears that way to me.

GRACE: To Dr. Bethany Marshall, psychoanalyst, author of "Dealbreakers." If you take a look at it, I mean, think about what she`s saying. You have Caylee Anthony, 15 houses from the Anthony home. You have Haleigh Cummings, apparently -- although her entire body has not yet been found -- a few miles south of the home there in the St. John`s River.

I mean, it even applies to adults. There you have Scott Peterson throwing his wife in the water where he always goes fishing in the San Francisco Bay. Why?

BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST, AUTHOR OF "DEALBREAKERS": And most children who are murdered are disposed of within a quarter mile of the family home. And most victims are victimized in or around their home.

And I think it`s because that these monsters, as Linda called them, these perpetrators, they have so much hatefulness and rage towards the child that that`s all they can think of. They don`t have big-picture thinking. They don`t think that what they`re doing is wrong or that they`ll be caught or anyone will ever discover them.

They`re just in the moment with the child. And I`ll tell you what. The person who has the most motivation towards murder is Misty Cummings. She is the noncustodial caretaker. And when a noncustodial caretaker murders a child, usually it is to get back at the other parent.

It is a revenge sort of thing. And I don`t think she wanted to take care of this child. I think she was envious towards this child. She did not want to take on the responsibilities of motherhood.

And remember when the drug bust went down. Who was the ringleader? It was Misty. Misty was the ringleader. So it would make sense that she might be the ringleader in this scenario, even if all three were involved.

GRACE: Let`s unleash the lawyers. Joining us tonight, Eleanor Odom, felony prosecutor. Her specialty is crimes on women and children. Renee Rockwell, defense owner, Atlanta. Peter Odom, defense attorney, Atlanta.

Weigh in, Eleanor.

ELEANOR ODOM, PROSECUTOR: Nancy, this is a perfect case for the death penalty because you`ve got at least two people if Ronald and Tommy Croslin are found --

GRACE: Not Ronald.

E. ODOM: I mean, Joe, sorry.

GRACE: Joe Overstreet and Tommy Croslin.

E. ODOM: If those two actually did what the grandmother said, then that is death penalty material, and I think if they find some good evidence, the state should go for it.

GRACE: And of course, Renee Rockwell, Misty Croslin -- would have been under 18 at the time of the incident. Under our U.S. Supreme Court rulings, she cannot face the death penalty.

RENEE ROCKWELL, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: That`s right. But I would be curious to know how old the other two are. And Nancy, what the grandmother just said and what it`s all going to boil down to was -- if this is what happened, was the child alive when she was thrown over with the brick and the rope?

It`s incredible. And I agree with Eleanor. Death penalty.

GRACE: OK. I don`t think it all hinges on whether she was alive when she hit the water. If that`s true.

To you, Peter Odom, if this child were molested and then murdered because I can`t think of any other reason that they would want to kill this little girl. All right? Other than Misty Croslin rage. And again the three have not been named official suspects or persons of interest.

Weigh in, Odom.

PETER ODOM, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Frankly, Nancy, what`s being described is unfathomable no matter who you are. What puts the rink in the mist is, as you noted, if Misty Croslin cannot be put to death because of the United States Supreme Court scriptures, it`s going to make it very difficult for a jury to put accomplices to death, even if they are otherwise eligible.

GRACE: Yes, I don`t think they`re going to have a problem.

Our to Marlaina Schiavo, what else can you tell me?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, Nancy, the cops all said that Misty knows that she is in trouble, so -- and Robert Fields, her attorney, is saying that he thinks that now that she`s cooperating, the focus has shifted, which doesn`t really make much sense now that we`ve heard what her grandmother had to say tonight.

GRACE: Elizabeth, please put that shot of Misty Croslin out on the docks and her handcuffs motioning to police where they should look out in the water.

I`ve only got one problem in the picture. Where`s her lawyer? What about it, Eleanor Odom?

E. ODOM: Well, she certainly has every right to have a lawyer there, especially if the cops are questioning her. So that is a concern for this. Whatever she says, you might want to use that in a potential trial down the road. So you want any statement to be taken by the letter of the law.

GRACE: But the way around that is if she went voluntarily, Eleanor.

E. ODOM: And let`s hope that she did go voluntarily and that they have it on tape, and that she signed any waiver of her rights.

GRACE: Back to you, Jean Casarez, legal correspondent, "In Session." The police are wording all their releases very, very carefully. For instance, saying there`s nobody in custody as it relates to this investigation. The homicide investigation. That doesn`t apply to anybody in jail, for instance, on drug trafficking which will be Misty Croslin and Tommy Croslin.

JEAN CASAREZ, LEGAL CORRESPONDENT, "IN SESSION": You`re exactly right. It`s a play on words. You know I`ve been analyzing and thinking about what grandmother is saying tonight.

And Nancy, do you realize that when Misty told grandma an account, it didn`t involve her at all. When Tommy told an account, it didn`t involve him at all. So no one is confessing their own behavior in all of this. They`re all attributing it to others in the group.

GRACE: We are taking your calls live with us tonight is Misty Croslin and Joe Overstreet`s grandmother, Miss Flora Hollars.

Straight out to the lines, Karen in Ohio. Hi, Karen.

KAREN, CALLER FROM OHIO: Hi, Nancy. I`m so happy to finally talk to you.

GRACE: Well, thank you for calling in. What is your question, dear?

KAREN: Well, first, I want to say I have to agree with Linda that you are truly an angel. I watch you every night and your babies are gorgeous.

GRACE: Thank you. When I leave this anchor chair, the first thing I do is go home and check on them. And to think that Ronald Cummings left his baby there -- two of them -- just like me, he comes home and one is gone.

And for all this time, Misty Croslin didn`t say a word, denied everything. While this child`s remains were soaking into the mud at the bottom of the St. John`s River according to reports.

What is your question, Karen in Ohio?

KAREN: My question is, if she was thrown into the water with all of the alligators -- if she were to be eaten, would there be any remains left after she was digested?

GRACE: Out to Heather Walsh-Haney, forensic anthropologist at Florida Gulf Coast University. The reality is that she would have drowned in just a few moments, but would there be fragments of bones? Could there be portions of bones in your estimation?

HEATHER WALSH-HANEY, PH.D., FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGIST (via phone): In my estimation, if we`re talking about her being submerged in the water, buried by the sediment of the river, yes, we can get some of those 300 odd bones that would be skeletonized. We could hopefully recover them.

But the St. John`s River does have alligators. And it`s been my experience that when alligators are involved, if you don`t know specifically what alligator took the human or the body part, you`re not going to recover anything.

GRACE: But even if they recover, for instance, a cinder block with yellow rope or Haleigh`s clothes she was wearing that evening -- hold on.

Marlaina Schiavo, speaking of the clothes she was wearing that evening, remember, Misty Croslin first says she was wearing X outfit, but then that outfit was found near the laundry?

SCHIAVO: Yes, she said she was wearing a pink shirt, but then later on, they saw this same pink shirt that she described in the laundry pile. But also about that cinder block, Nancy, if you recall, she said that the backdoor was propped open with a cinder block and then they -- the investigators were looking for that same cinder block at that time.

GRACE: It`s amazing how bits of the truth are woven into that story.

Everybody, we are taking your calls live. And as we go to break on a happy note, a very special birthday to the number one fan of our show, a Navy veteran. He served time in the World War, giving up a college basketball scholarship to serve our country, even lying about his age to join the Navy, ending up on the other side of the world at just 17.

A railroad man for over 40 years. He and his wife -- my mother -- put us all through college, put braces on our teeth, took us to Sunday school, and taught us how to dance.

Happy birthday.



HARDY: At this point, I`m comfortable to go ahead and say I`m going to call it a homicide.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Searchers are working around the clock at a Florida river just five miles from where she was last seen.

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: It`s hard to believe that she don`t know more, but it`s hard to believe that if she did know more she ain`t already talking.

MISTY CROSLIN, FORMER STEPMOM/BABYSITTER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I`m trying to do everything to find her, you know? I`m answering any questions I have to. I don`t know where she is.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: It`s going to be just a matter of time. People are starting to talk.

CROSLIN: I`ll do anything to get her back.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Misty Croslin was baby-sitting Haleigh the night she disappeared.

CROSLIN: I would have woke up if I heard any noise. And then I didn`t hear anything at all.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: She`s been in custody on unrelated drug charges.

CUMMINGS: I want to get to the bomb of what happened.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: And she was moved from one jail to Putnam County where this search takes place.

CUMMINGS: One way or another, I want my daughter to come home.

HARDY: The investigative team has identified persons of interest in this case.

CROSLIN: I didn`t do anything with that little girl.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Croslin was briefly married to Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings.

CUMMINGS: I had nothing to do with this.

CASAREZ: They interviewed Joe Overstreet.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: This is Misty`s cousin.






GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Out to Michael Sapraicone -- Michael Sapraicone, former NYPD detective, president of Squad Security Inc., joining us out of New York.

All these three stories have the same common denominator, the same three individuals. But of course, they`re all pointing the finger at each other. Weigh in.

MICHAEL SAPRAICONE, FMR. NYPD DETECTIVE, PRESIDENT OF SQUAD SECURITY INC.: Yes, without a doubt. But I think if you think about this, Nancy, about a year or so ago, 14 months ago, we talked about this. We always looked at Overstreet as a possible suspect in the case.

I mean, it was a conflict about they way the door was when Cummings came home. Cummings said the door was open with a cinder block. Misty had said no, the door was locked when she woke up and that was an interesting point.

So we`ve always had the same characters, a whole list of -- the same list of suspects. I think there was a problem with Overstreet and a problem with Cummings.

Listen, there were some issues about them having a fight prior to this. So you`re right, you have the same people. And of course, people are going to point the finger at everybody else here.

GRACE: To Dr. Michael Bell, chief medical examiner, Palm Beach County, joining us out of Miami.

Dr. Bell, thank you for being with us. How would you -- especially in light of the fact that you were joining us out of Florida which is full, covered in swampland, how would you answer Karen in Ohio`s question regarding alligators?

DR. MICHAEL BELL, M.D., PALM BEACH COUNTY CHIEF MEDICAL EXAMINER: Well, whether there are alligators or fish, crabs or the other creatures that reside in the river, if the body is exposed to that, the animals are likely to devour both the soft tissues and the bones, which makes the possibility of recovering an intact body, intact skeleton very remote.

GRACE: Are you telling me that over 300 bones, out of over 300 bones, and I`ve got to find a single one if alligators were involved?

Well, Dr. Bell, I`m not buying that.

BELL: You don`t have to buy it, but still it`s likely true. I think it`s going to be very difficult to recover any bones.

GRACE: So you think an alligator would eat the entire body? There wouldn`t be a toe? A finger? A jawbone? Anything left?

BELL: There might be, but you have to remember that with this time and decomposition, any bones that weren`t eaten by the alligator are likely scattered throughout the river bed.

GRACE: That`s a good point, Dr. Bell.

Also joining us to night, our chief editorial producer, Ellie Jostad.

Ellie, to you, weigh in.

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE CHIEF EDITORIAL PRODUCER: Well, Nancy, to go up to what Dr. Bell just said, here`s what they`re up against in that water. They`ve got a 20-foot drop right just a couple of feet from the shore. They`ve got murky, muddy -- they described it as a viscous mud on the bottom of this river.

The divers are trying to go through it by hand. They don`t know how - - how deep in the mud any piece of evidence could be. There`s zero visibility. They`re trying to use special goggles to see better in the water. But this is an uphill battle in that search.

GRACE: Ellie, all of these stories, these stories that we are hearing, not only from Miss Flora Hollars, but other sources.


GRACE: Other unnamed sources. She`s not the only one saying this. Other people are confirming what she is telling us tonight. They all boil down to the same three people and in every scenario, Misty Croslin is in the center of it.

JOSTAD: Right. And there`s this alleged letter obtained by Leonard Padilla. He said they got it from one of Misty Croslin`s relatives. In this letter, Misty Croslin wrote from jail that she was there that night, Tommy was there that night, Joe was there that night.

She says she doesn`t think that Tommy did anything, she`s not sure what Joe did, but she describes them as being very intoxicated. Those aren`t the words she used. But she says she doesn`t know exactly what happened but that all three of them were there.

GRACE: All three of them there. To me, Eleanor Odom, that makes them all party to the crime of whatever happened to that little girl. And you`ve got to think, Eleanor, come on, if you don`t know a horse, look at the track record.

Why would they kill this little girl with a cinder block and rope if those accounts are true?

E. ODOM: Exactly. What reason would they have, Nancy? They must have done something to the little girl, injured her in some way, for them to just toss her body aside like trash.

GRACE: To Jackie in Tennessee. Hi, Jackie. What`s your question, dear?


GRACE: Yes, dear.

JACKIE: OK. It`s Cathy in Texas.

Nancy, first off, the other girls are great. You`re an angel. And I read your -- from your first book (INAUDIBLE) and your TV show, you`re the greatest thing in the world.

As a former officer, I want to know, why would -- was Luminol ever sprayed in the house? Has it been sprayed out of the house?

GRACE: Good question. Marlaina Schiavo, you`ve been in the house. Did they use Luminol?

SCHIAVO: They didn`t give us that information if they did, Nancy.

GRACE: I guarantee you, they used Luminol. And what that tells me was the murder did not take place there unless it was a suffocation.

As we go to break, I was approached this past Sunday and asked for you and your thoughts and prayers for Mary Claire Blackshaw. A young mother in the fight of a lifetime battling bone cancer.

Mary Claire, we are all joining together tonight, and we are praying. Now you stay strong.



HARDY: As far as the cooperation goes from who`s cooperating and what plea bargains, I`m not here to talk about any of that. I don`t know of any plea bargain that`s been offered to anybody. Just so you know.


GRACE: Back to the scene there in Satsuma, Natisha Lance joining us.

Natisha, what`s the latest?

NATISHA LANCE, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: The latest, Nancy, one of the things that Marlaina mentioned is the search around the Cummings home initially.

If you recall, Nancy, they tracked Haleigh Cummings` scent all the way to the edge of the water, so one of the theories that has been played with down here at the scene is that possibly a boat was used in order to get Haleigh Cummings over to this area that has been searched recently.

GRACE: Then why, I`m wondering, the dock? The dock? Why would they bring Misty Croslin out to the edge of the dock as she`s pointing out if that were not the spot they used, allegedly -- according to reports, no suspect, no persons of interest -- to throw the child into the water.

Back to our special guest tonight, Flora Hollars. This is Misty Croslin`s and Joe Overstreet`s grandmother. Miss Hollars is joining us out of West Nashville, Tennessee.

Miss Hollars, have police spoken to you? Of course they have because you called them and told them.

FLORA HOLLARS, MISTY CROSLIN AND JOE OVERSTREET`S GRANDMOTHER: I`ve talked to the police in Florida. I`m the one that told the police in Florida where to look at.

GRACE: Miss Hollars, in any -- in any of these scenarios did anybody ever tell Ronald Cummings what happened to his daughter?

HOLLARS: Not that I know of. I don`t think they have. Well, maybe his mom and them the other day when they was at the jail because I`ve talked to them, too.

GRACE: What did they have to say about all of this? Did they believe it?

HOLLARS: Yes, ma`am, they did.

GRACE: Are you still in touch with Misty Croslin, or has the jail cut off her phone access?

HOLLARS: They had cut off my phone access, but they put it back on again this morning so she could call. That`s how I got the information this morning.

GRACE: I see the photo behind you of you and Misty Croslin. Do you think she could have had anything to do with this?

HOLLARS: No, ma`am, I really don`t think she could. Misty`s too good with kids. Misty loves kids. She`s had an opportunity to hurt them all and she`s kept every one of them. I don`t believe Misty had any involvement whatsoever.

GRACE: With us is Flora Hollars.

Let`s stop and remember Army Specialist Zachary Clouser, 19, Dover, Pennsylvania, killed Iraq. Awarded the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Army Commendation medal. Remembered as the glue that held his friends together. A member of several local car clubs.

Loved outdoors, hunting, dreamed of college and a career in computers. Leaves behind parents, Deborah and Kevin, four brothers, two sisters.

Zachary Clouser, American hero.

Thanks to our guests but especially to you, and a special good night from Georgia and Ohio friends, Anita, Virginia, Melissa and Teresa.

What a beautiful bunch.

Everyone, I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern. And tonight our prayers with little 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings and her mother and father.

Until tomorrow night, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on April 18, 2010, 09:33:51 AM


Two Cinder Blocks Pulled from River in Search for Haleigh

Aired April 16, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


JEAN CASAREZ, GUEST HOST: We begin tonight with breaking news in the homicide of 5-year-old Florida girl Haleigh Cummings. As police announce Haleigh is dead, investigators pull items for testing from the St. John`s River. Multiple persons of interest identified and major developments are emerging tonight.

After Misty Croslin`s grandmother appears on this show last night, insisting Misty Croslin, Tommy Croslin and their cousin Joe are all involved in Haleigh`s death, WFXT (SIC) reporting two cinderblocks have been pulled from the St. John`s River. Croslin`s grandmother laying out multiple versions she says the Croslins told her about the night Haleigh vanishes, all of them ending in the little girl`s brutal death, one of them that a rope attached with a brick was placed around Haleigh`s neck, then she`s thrown into the river.

After we see Misty Croslin on video in handcuffs standing on the dock of the St. John`s River with investigators, we now learn she wasn`t the only one at the river with cops, Tommy Croslin also bringing investigators to the very same location where dive teams have been searching for a murder weapon. Is there finally a break in the search for Haleigh? And have the 5-year-old little girl`s remains been found?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Items have been recovered at the search site.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Sources telling CNN affiliate WJXT that two cinderblocks have been taken out of the St. John`s River. Forensic testing now taking place.

JEFF HARDY, PUTNAM COUNTY SHERIFF: I`m not going to discuss the particular items that I`ve taken for analysis.

MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER: The cops said there was a whole bunch of bricks about 50 feet away, but I`d never seen any bricks at all.

HARDY: People are starting to talk.

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t know where she is!

HARDY: People are starting to cooperate.

MISTY CROSLIN: There`s nothing to break me on.

HARDY: I think she`s come to realize that, you know, she`s in trouble.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It hurts so many lives.

FLORA HOLLARS, MISTY`S AND JOE`S GRANDMOTHER: First thing that I was told was that Joe had killed her.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don`t know what to believe anymore.

GRACE: What is the second version?

HOLLARS: I was told that Misty had knocked her in the head and killed her.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I do not believe anything.

GRACE: Who knows if any of them are true? The three have not been named official suspects or persons of interest.

MISTY CROSLIN: (INAUDIBLE) I`ll take a polygraph.

(INAUDIBLE) a polygraph.

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: I don`t know anything about her flunking a polygraph.

GRACE: I mean, royally flunked it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He tried to make an arrest.

HOLLARS: I told her, Baby, don`t cry. This is something you should have said a long time ago.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`re trying to bring somebody to justice.

HOLLARS: She says that, Nanny, I was scared.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This little girl right here and her family...


CUMMINGS: Somebody took my little girl!

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH`S MOTHER: I just want our baby to come home.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m not going to be in this jail forever, Ma.

LISA CROSLIN: I know, baby.

MISTY CROSLIN: They`re not going to keep me locked up forever, I`m telling you.


CASAREZ: Good evening. I`m Jean Casarez of the legal network In Session on the truTV network, in for Nancy Grace. Thank you so much for joining us tonight. Major developments tonight in the homicide of 5-year- old Florida girl Haleigh Cummings.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: CNN affiliate WJXT reporting their sources claim cops have pulled two cinderblocks from the St. John`s River.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If you recall, she said that the back door was propped open with a cinderblock.

MISTY CROSLIN: There was a brick, like, a cinderblock, that was holding the screen door open.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The investigators were looking for that same cinderblock at that time.

HOLLARS: ... wrapped a yellow rope around her and carried her to the dock and tied a brick around the bottom of the -- the end of the rope.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The cinderblocks, along with other evidence, have been sent to be tested. Law enforcement refuses to comment.

GRACE: It`s amazing how bits of the truth are woven into that story.

HARDY: And that`s what this is all about here today.

Haleigh Cummings is most likely deceased.

HANK CROSLIN, MISTY`S FATHER: Only one that knows is the people that were there.

HARDY: I`m going to call it a homicide.

HANK CROSLIN: You think she can come home?

MISTY CROSLIN: Of course, Dad.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is a huge river, and we believe that she could potentially have been put in.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s hard to hear somebody tell you that your child or your grandchild is dead.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The investigative team has identified persons of interest in this case.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`ve always had the same characters, the same list of suspects.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m just going to say several.

HOLLARS: They have no remorse or something!

HARDY: I will not be mentioning any names at this time.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m not hiding anything.


TOMMY CROSLIN, MISTY`S BROTHER: I don`t know where she is.

GRACE: I want to remind everyone that according to police, none of the three are persons of interest or suspects.

HANK CROSLIN: I want them to find Haleigh, too, and find out who did this to Haleigh. I don`t care who it is.


CASAREZ: Let`s go straight out to Ellie Jostad, producer for NANCY GRACE. Ellie, there is some major news coming out of Florida tonight. What is it?

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Right. That`s right, Jean. Our affiliate, WJXT -- that`s our affiliate down in Jacksonville, Florida -- is reporting that two cinderblocks have been pulled during that massive search in the St. John`s River, that search going on for the better part of this week.

Now, the significance of cinderblocks would be, we heard last night from Flora Hollars. This is the grandmother of both Misty Croslin, her brother Tommy Croslin, as well as his cousin, Joe Overstreet. And the grandmother laid out a scenario that she says she`s heard from her relatives in Florida that Haleigh`s body was tied with a rope, the other end, a cinderblock attached, and that she was thrown in that river. So if cinderblocks have been found -- and authorities will not comment on anything found at this point -- that could be a major development.

CASAREZ: Now, Ellie, we do know that there was an anthropologist at the scene...

JOSTAD: That`s right.

CASAREZ: ... that was going through what was found in the river. Some was discarded, some was sent on for testing. Do we know if those cinderblocks were moved on for further testing?

JOSTAD: Well, we do not know that, as far as what authorities are telling us. However, WJXT is reporting that their sources say those items have been sent for testing, that those cinderblocks have been sent for testing. So -- and we`ve also heard, as you know, that there was a cinderblock propping open the door in that house that night. We`ve also heard there was a pile of cinderblocks nearby the home where Haleigh went missing. So if cinderblocks are found in that river, perhaps we can get a match to cinderblocks found back at the home.

CASAREZ: All right. To Natisha Lance, NANCY GRACE producer, standing by live in Satsuma, Florida. Natisha, I know that you have spoken personally with Flora Hollars. She was on this show last night. When you spoke with Flora Hollars, Grandma, about the cinderblock, what more did she tell you? How did she describe it?

NATISHA LANCE, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, Jean, just as she described it on the show, the same scenario that she gave. And she said there were three different scenarios. But specifically, the one with the cinderblock, she said that Haleigh was thrown into the river with a rope tied to a cinderblock. She did not even know if she was dead before she hit the water.

CASAREZ: To Marlaina Schiavo. You have been on this case from the very beginning. You have been in the home in Florida. You first talked to us about this case, talking about cinderblocks, Marlaina. It has been a recurring theme from the beginning of this case. Talk to us about that.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, Jean, as Ellie was saying earlier, that, you know, Misty, when she first told the story about the night Haleigh went missing, she said the back door was propped open with a cinderblock. But Jean, what`s interesting about that scenario is that Ronald Cummings has also said that they never used that back door. He said it was always locked.

So putting together the pieces of what we`re finding out now, between the cinderblock and the possible murder scenes, or crime scenes, rather, someone from the inside would have had to open the door from the inside, unlock it, and then prop the door open.

CASAREZ: Especially if a little girl had to be carried out. Marlaina, also, wasn`t there cinderblocks in the vicinity of the home we heard about early on?

SCHIAVO: Yes, there were. There were cinderblocks. There were a pile in one area. Plus, when we were down there, there were also just random cinderblocks sort of everywhere. So if someone wanted access to cinderblocks, they definitely could find them around Ronald Cummings`s home.

CASAREZ: All right. We`ve got a very special guest tonight. It is a member of the Croslin family. It is a primetime exclusive. We`ve heard about her a lot, but we`ve never heard from her. And we do tonight. I would like to welcome from Boston, Massachusetts, Chelsea Croslin tonight. She is the sister-in-law of Misty Croslin. Chelsea, thanks so much for joining us.


CASAREZ: You lived in Satsuma when this all happened. And I first want to ask you, since we`ve never heard from you, what was it like when Haleigh went missing over a year ago?

CHELSEA CROSLIN: It was the worst thing I`ve ever been through in my entire life.

CASAREZ: How did you find out?

CHELSEA CROSLIN: Misty called me that morning, about 4:00, and told me that Haleigh was missing. And from there, everything happened.

CASAREZ: You know, last night, Flora Hollars, Grandma, came on, and she said a lot of things. In a nutshell, she said that Misty, Tommy and Joe have committed terrible, terrible crimes. First I want to know your reaction to all of that.

CHELSEA CROSLIN: I`ve always from day one believed that Joe did have some sort of part in Haleigh`s disappearance, just from the different things, from the van being moved, the scratch. I don`t believe that Tommy and Misty could do anything to harm a child.

CASAREZ: You were sent a letter from Misty in jail. We received a copy of that letter. And that letter that Misty wrote says to you, "He put me up with a knife, and he said that if he would come back and he`d kill me. He told me at the house he would kill me, so I didn`t know what to do." Who`s Misty talking about right there?

CHELSEA CROSLIN: She`s talking about Joe.

CASAREZ: Describe for me what she wrote in this letter in detail. It`s a little hard to read. But tell us all.

CHELSEA CROSLIN: The letter basically states that she -- Joe came in to steal the gun. She didn`t know the gun was gone. When she looked for the gun, the gun wasn`t there. Joe freaked out and took Haleigh. She said that she had seen Tommy in the back door, and when she looked back again, he was gone. So she said that she didn`t know what, you know, Tommy -- part Tommy might -- I don`t believe Tommy had a part in it, just she was implicating that maybe Tommy had known that Joe was there.

CASAREZ: We`re going to talk to Joe`s attorney in just a minute. But Chelsea, what would be the motive to do that? Why?

CHELSEA CROSLIN: I don`t see why anybody in the world would have motive to hurt a child.

CASAREZ: But you must have talked to people. What do people believe the motive for anyone to do something like that?

CHELSEA CROSLIN: I don`t know Joe. And as far as I know, I`ve been told Joe is -- is crazy. So I don`t know what he could do.

CASAREZ: And we want to say that cousin Joe is not a suspect in this case.


HOLLARS: Those three grandkids of mine is involved in this, and I don`t know why, but I`d sure like to know why. They have no remorse or something. But nobody decided to say anything until I broke Tommy on the phone Sunday. And yes, I`m the one that called the detectives. And yes, I`m the one that sent them to the river.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: CNN affiliate WJXT reporting their sources claim cops have pulled two cinderblocks from the St. John`s River.

HARDY: Information has been obtained by investigators that lead them to believe that Haleigh Cummings is most likely deceased.

And I`m going to call it a homicide.

MISTY CROSLIN: We`ve told them everything that we know, but they don`t want to listen. They don`t want to listen, Daddy, I`m telling you!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Joe Overstreet is distraught over this, that he doesn`t know where to turn, and he knows he didn`t have anything to do with the disappearance of Haleigh Cummings, but believes at this point that he`s being framed by people whose stories keep changing.

MISTY CROSLIN: They say, It`s not enough, It`s not enough. They want more. There is no more! I tell them and tell them and tell them, and they just don`t listen!

HOLLARS: I was told that Misty had knocked her in the head and killed her and that Joe and Tommy got rid of her.

GRACE: According to police, none of the three are persons of interest or suspects in Haleigh`s disappearance.

TOMMY CROSLIN: If I knew something, you`d know a long time ago. Leave me alone.

MISTY CROSLIN: I just can`t stand it, man! It drives me crazy, man! I hate they`re calling me a liar. I`m not a liar. I`m telling you the truth, so leave me alone!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The sheriff has told us, though, that they`re going to do and work as long as it takes to find this physical evidence, which they believe is still there.

HARDY: This case has been going on for 14 months. People are finally starting to talk. Where that`s going to lead us, I don`t know. But we`re going to follow it to the end. And yes, we`re trying to make an arrest. We`re trying to bring somebody to justice for this little girl right here and her family. And that`s what this is all about here today.


CASAREZ: I`m Jean Casarez of the legal network In Session, in for Nancy Grace tonight. You know, law enforcement had said on the record that they were looking for physical evidence in the St. John`s River, and our affiliate WJXT is reporting tonight that two cinderblocks were pulled from the river. They have been sent now for testing.

I want to go back out to Chelsea Croslin, who is with us tonight, the sister-in-law of Misty. Chelsea, you had mentioned before we went to break about a van. And I remember you talking to law enforcement early on about a van. You were using a van at that time in Florida, and that night, it was borrowed by someone. Is that right?

CHELSEA CROSLIN: Yes, it is. It was my sister-in-law`s van.

CASAREZ: And who borrowed it that night?

CHELSEA CROSLIN: Well, I borrowed it from my sister-in-law. And when I woke up the next day, the van was parked in a different spot than I had parked it. So I assumed that the van had been taken from the home that night.

CASAREZ: Do you know who drove it?

CHELSEA CROSLIN: If anybody drove it, it had to have been Joe.


CHELSEA CROSLIN: Because my husband was sleeping next to me. He had just been in a car accident and he was on medication. He was asleep hours before I was.

CASAREZ: What about Tommy? Why couldn`t Tommy have taken the van?

CHELSEA CROSLIN: Because Tommy lived at least three miles from where my house was. And it was Tommy`s van, but he lent it to us that night. Joe would have had to have taken the van from my house to go back to that neighborhood. Tommy lived right next to where Misty and Haleigh did, about six houses apart.

CASAREZ: OK. All right, I want to bring in a special guest right now exclusively with us out of New Orleans, Louisiana, Mr. Shawn Sirgo. He is the attorney representing cousin Joe Overstreet, Misty Croslin and Tommy`s cousin.

Mr. Sirgo, thank you for joining us. You know, so much has been said in the last 24 hours directed solely at your client, Joe. First of all, I want your reaction on what Grandma said, Flora Hollars said, last night.

SHAWN SIRGO, ATTORNEY FOR JOE OVERSTREET: I really don`t have a reaction to what she said because it -- it`s hearsay. You have to understand, as attorneys, we`re trained to take evidence and look at its feasibility, its reliability. Can it stand the test? And law enforcement hasn`t tested this, to the best of my knowledge. So it`s just a statement being made by someone. And so until it`s substantiated, until it`s brought forward as evidence, then I really don`t have any reason to want to address it to any degree.

CASAREZ: All right. She said that your client committed murder. Those were her words.

SIRGO: Well, that would be surprising if she wasn`t in the area at the time an alleged murder happened. And it would also be surprising because no one else has said that -- has -- Joe has never admitted that he committed a murder.


HOLLARS: Misty`s too good with kids. Misty loves kids. She`s had an opportunity to hurt them all, and she`s kept every one of them. I don`t believe Misty had any involvement whatsoever!




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Law enforcement retrieved two cinderblocks from the St. John`s River, according to CNN affiliate WJXT, citing sources.

911 OPERATOR: 911. What`s your emergency?

MISTY CROSLIN: I just woke up and our back door was wide open, and we can`t find our daughter.

GRACE: What is her story about what happened that night?

CUMMINGS: She put Haleigh to bed, done some laundry, went to bed, and woke up to the door propped open.

GRACE: Has he ever talked to you about the night Haleigh went missing?

HOLLARS: No, ma`am.

GRACE: Have you asked him?

HOLLARS: Not really.


HOLLARS: He just throws his hands up and says "F" it, and then he`ll get up and walk away.


CASAREZ: I`m Jean Casarez of the legal network In Session, in for Nancy Grace tonight. We are also learning that it was actually Tommy that took investigators very early in the week, on Monday, initially to that river`s edge. And we also have with us tonight Terry Shoemaker. We`re going to talk to him in just a second. He`s the attorney for Ronald Cummings. He just returned from the jail talking to Ronald tonight.

SIRGO: I want to go to a caller. Linda in Maryland. Hi, Linda.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Thanks for taking my call.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I really admire your fair and unbiased reporting. I`ve got two quick questions.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Number one, did Joe ever take a polygraph? And number two, don`t you think they must have other credible sources beyond the grandmother? Because she just gets her information from Misty and Tommy.

CASAREZ: It`s a very good question. Let`s go to Shawn Sirgo. We`ve got the attorney right here. He is the attorney for cousin Joe Overstreet. Has Joe ever taken a polygraph, to your knowledge?

SIRGO: I have no knowledge that it`s viable (ph) to either acknowledge that he did or deny that he did. Our involvement in this case has been turned around a little bit. Initially, and even up until the last time we were interviewed by Florida enforcement, we were just being interviewed and being asked questions. The attack on Joseph by non-law enforcement, non-official entities has prompted us to respond to media`s requests to give some type of accounting for our position on this.

CASAREZ: Where was Joe that night? Where was Joe? I mean, was he driving around? Was he sleeping? Where was he? This happened very late at night.

SIRGO: He was sleeping, and he was woken up by the same phone call at approximately 4:00 AM. And from that point, he went to the hospital to see his relative who had been in an accident, and then after that went, you know, with the rest of the family to the sheriff`s department, if I`m not mistaken, to discuss what was going on. They all went out and put flyers out, you know, trying to help find the missing child.



UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Sources telling CNN affiliate WJXT that two cinder blocks have been taken out of the St. Johns River. Cops refuse to comment.

JEFF HARDY, PUTNAM COUNTY SHERIFF: Haleigh Cummings is most likely deceased.

FLORA HOLLARS, MISTY CROSLIN AND JOE OVERSTREET`S GRANDMOTHER: Those three grandkids of mine is involved in this, and I don`t know why.

HARDY: I`m going to call it a homicide.

HOLLARS: They have no remorse or something.

HARDY: We`re hoping to make an arrest in this case.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: They`ve not named any suspects in the 5-year-old`s disappearance.

HARDY: However, the investigative team has identified persons of interest.

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: Please, all we want is my child. That`s it.


CUMMINGS: I just want my daughter back.

OVERSTREET: I can`t imagine what they`re going through. I didn`t do it.

HANK CROSLIN, MISTY CROSLIN`S FATHER: If they think Joe had something to do with it, go get his (EXPLETIVE DELETED) punk (EXPLETIVE DELETED) and put him in jail.

JEAN CASAREZ, LEGAL CORRESPONDENT, "IN SESSION": But Misty was the last person to see Haleigh.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Do you think Misty has any I involvement in this?

HOLLARS: I don`t think Misty did.

MISTY CROSLIN, FORMER STEPMOM/BABYSITTER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I didn`t do anything to that little girl. I would never hurt her.

NANCY GRACE, HOST: Misty Croslin taken down to the dock of the St. Johns.

LISA CROSLIN, MISTY CROSLIN`S MOTHER: Don`t cry, baby. She knows you loved her.

GRACE: Pointing out a specific spot to police.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Florida authorities flew to Tennessee to question Croslin`s cousin, Joe Overstreet, for the third time.

H. CROSLIN: We told them that in the beginning. Tommy even told them that they thought -- he thought maybe Joe whatever.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He`s being attacked.

CASAREZ: We know what he`s talking about. He`s talking about Misty Croslin, her brother Tommy. They`re both in jail.

M. CROSLIN: You know, me and Tommy sitting in jail and (EXPLETIVE DELETED) he`s just out doing whatever he wants.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Overstreet was in the area when Haleigh was reported missing.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Did he see Haleigh on February 9th or 10th?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He saw her at some point. At some point he saw her.

OVERSTREET: Sorry. I didn`t do it.




CASAREZ: I`m Jean Casarez of the legal network "In Session," in for Nancy Grace tonight.

CNN affiliate WJXT in Florida is reporting that two cinder blocks were pulled out of the St. Johns River. They are now being tested. They are also reporting that -- they are wondering if this could be the murder weapon. And this just comes a day after the grandmother of Misty and Tommy said a cinder block was involved in throwing the body of little Haleigh Cummings into the St. Johns River.

I want to go right now to the attorney for Ronald Cummings. Terry Shoemaker is joining us out of St. Augustine, Florida.

Mr. Shoemaker, thank you for joining us. I know that you have just visited Ronald Cummings today, your client, the father of Haleigh. How is he doing?

TERRY SHOEMAKER, ATTORNEY FOR RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER, JUST MET WITH RON IN JAIL: Considering, he`s holding up quite well. You know, he`s shocked by all the latest news, and he`s anxious to finally have an end to this and find out exactly what happened. But overall, he`s doing pretty well.

CASAREZ: Can you tell us procedurally, earlier in the week we know they called the family to the jail. We know that Ronald was taken somewhere. Can you -- procedurally, what happened to Ronald early this week when authorities came there?

SHOEMAKER: Well, originally, it probably would have been around Wednesday I think he was taken out of his cell and he had been in his cell on his own ever since he was arrested. He was taken over to the sheriff`s office.

They talked to him about what had transpired and the fact that there were some new tips that they were searching. He was then put back -- he has to be put back into general population at that time. He has been in general population ever since then.

And then last night one of the homicide detectives again came over and talked to him, gave him an update on what was going on and what they had found and what they were hoping to find.

CASAREZ: So you`re saying that he was taken from protective custody being alone, which he has been from the beginning, into general population?

SHOEMAKER: Yes. And -- yes, ma`am. And actually, that was Ronald`s request. He didn`t feel as though he was in any danger, and he didn`t think that he actually needed to be in any protective custody. And he asked to be put -- or placed back -- or into general population.

CASAREZ: Was he united -- was he united with his family on Wednesday when he was told things by authorities, or was he told by himself?

SHOEMAKER: That I`m not sure. I didn`t ask him if he was in the same room with his mother, and everyone else that was involved with that. His sister was there as well. So I can`t answer that.

CASAREZ: All right. All right. I want to go out to a caller right now. Jan in Maryland, hi, Jan.

JAN, CALLER FROM MARYLAND: Hello. How are you?

CASAREZ: I`m fine. Good evening. What`s your question?

JAN: I have a quick question. When Haleigh first went missing, you said that Misty was -- the little girl was asleep and she was doing her wash, her bed clothes. Did they ever check that for DNA?

CASAREZ: OK. All right. You know let`s go first of all to Chelsea Croslin, since we have her with us, who lived in Satsuma, was right there when it all happened.

Chelsea, what was the first story that you heard from Misty about what happened that night?

CHELSEA CROSLIN, MISTY CROSLIN`S SISTER-IN-LAW: Well, in the very beginning Misty told us that she didn`t know what happened and that she woke up and Haleigh was gone. She never gave us a story until I heard the story about Joe.

CASAREZ: She never gave you a story for all of those months.

All right, I want to go to Pat Brown, criminal profiler and author from Washington, D.C. tonight.

You know, the caller is talking about DNA, DNA of the clothes. You can touch on that, but I want to talk about the cinder blocks also. Can they test them for DNA?

PAT BROWN, CRIMINAL PROFILER: Well, they`re not going to find anything. They`ve been sitting under that water forever. But the cinder blocks are an incredibly great piece of this puzzle and tells us a lot about where the crime scene went down.

Now we`re hearing about Joe. He`s in the house, and he supposedly doesn`t find a gun so, he steals Haleigh and runs away with her. And that`s ridiculous because he`s certainly -- if he did something to her -- is not going to come back to the house to get some cinder blocks then to take her down to the dock.

So those cinder blocks that are coming from the house prove that the crime actually went down in the house.

And the second thing I want to point out is we`re talking about the door being propped open so somebody can carry a body out. Well, that`s just ridiculous. It`s just a little teeny child and any parent can carry a child, open up a screen door and walk through it.

And if you have two people someone can hold the door up while the other one goes through. That cinder block was set up there to stage the crime to make it look like a stranger came in and kidnapped the child.

CASAREZ: You know, with all these people failing so many polygraphs, and we`ve heard that, why do you think authorities are taking this tip seriously?

BROWN: Well, they`ve learned -- they`ve gotten some good information. Obviously, the cinder blocks. So now they know who`s involved in the crime. They know Misty, since she was in the house, had to be involved in the crime. That`s the number one thing they want to know right there.

And then we`re going to look back at all the behaviors. We see one of the interesting things about Misty is that night when she said that the door was open -- can you imagine you wake up in the night and you see the door`s open and you`re not even scared?

You`re not running around freaking out, you`re not calling Ron right away, saying oh, my god, somebody is in the house. She is not even scared. Ron comes home, and he doesn`t even seem to -- he seems to know Haleigh is already dead. He doesn`t have any behaviors that show that he believes she`s alive.

I believe he knew already what was going on. So that`s I think why police are bringing him in to talk to him, to update him. They`re letting him know, we`ve got more information, people are starting to talk now, Ron. They`re starting to talk now, Ron.

CASAREZ: To Terry Shoemaker, Ronald Cummings` lawyer, you know, I remember Ronald being hysterical on that 911 phone call. And tell me if I`m wrong. But that phone call wasn`t made until he got home. And we heard Misty`s voice. But didn`t he force her to make that call?

SHOEMAKER: Yes. She didn`t make any calls until either she saw him pulling in the driveway or until he actually started coming in the house. And he confronted her and started asking her what was going on.

CASAREZ: Right. That`s what I thought.

Kalan in Canada. Hi, Kalan from Canada. Your question.



KALAN: Thanks for taking my call.

CASAREZ: Mm-hmm.

KALAN: I just want to say my boyfriend Richard and I have been following the story from the very beginning and our thoughts and prayers go out to Ronald Cummings and his family right now.

But with that being said, in light of all the recent events, has Ronald Cummings made any direct statements in regards to the Croslin family involvement?

And question two. Are they going to re-polygraph Misty and Tommy to get to the actual facts of who actually killed Haleigh?

CASAREZ: All right. A lot of that is probably attorney-client privilege. So I`m going to go to Natisha Lance out there in Satsuma, Florida.

What do we know about Ronald Cummings and what he has said about the involvement of Misty, Tommy or Joe?

NATISHA LANCE, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: What we know, Jean, is that he has said that he believed Misty`s story all this time. He hasn`t said much about Joe or Tommy at this point that we know of. And as far as the polygraphs are concerned, we know that Tommy Croslin, according to his attorney, took a polygraph back on April 8th.

We don`t know the results of that polygraph test. But as far as Joe Overstreet and taking the polygraph test, that has not been determined as of yet.

CASAREZ: All right. Chelsea Croslin, sister-in-law of Misty, you knew Haleigh. Tell us about Haleigh Cummings.

C. CROSLIN: Haleigh`s a very happy, spunky, outgoing little girl. She always had a smile on her face and could put one on anybody`s face that came near her.

CASAREZ: Do you remember the last time you saw her?

C. CROSLIN: Yes, I do.

CASAREZ: What did she say to you?

C. CROSLIN: I didn`t get to talk to her. She come running off the school bus with a big smile on her face, and Ronald had his windows rolled up on his car. My daughter was waving out the window. Yelling "Hi, Haleigh." and Haleigh looked back and blew us a kiss, and she leaned up against the car, and then she got in the car and they drove away. And I never seen her again.

CASAREZ: Chelsea, has the body been found of Haleigh Cummings?

C. CROSLIN: Not -- not that I know of. No one`s told me that.


H. CROSLIN: I guess the world just wants to know.

M. CROSLIN: I know.

H. CROSLIN: Hell, I want to know.

M. CROSLIN: I know.

H. CROSLIN: I want you and your brother out of this mess.

M. CROSLIN: Me too. I want out of here, dad.




UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Is this going from a missing person`s case to a homicide investigation?

HARDY: That is a decision that will be made later. At this point I`m comfortable to go ahead and say that I`m going to call it a homicide.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Miss Teresa, can we get a comment from you, ma`am?

CUMMINGS: I just want my daughter back. That`s it. That`s all I want.

M. CROSLIN: I don`t want no one take her. I don`t know where she is.

HARDY: I think she`s come to realize that, you know, she`s in trouble.

MIKE BROOKS, HLN LAW ENFORCEMENT ANALYST, FMR. DC POLICE DETECTIVE; FBI TERRORISM TASK FORCE: She is the one that holds the key information to finding out what happened to this beautiful little girl.

HARDY: People are starting to talk.

M. CROSLIN: It`s so hard to talk. It`s going to hurt two people. Use your head and you`ll know.

H. CROSLIN: They`re trying to destroy her right now. She`s just an 18- year-old girl. Give her a break.

CUMMINGS: All I want is my child. That`s it. I just want my daughter back. That`s all.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Have you found Haleigh?

HARDY: No, we have not found Haleigh.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Show me. You know. Just show me. Don`t tell me, show me. If you can`t show me, you know, why do I believe it?

GRACE: Miss Hollars, you have heard now three different versions of what happened the night Haleigh went missing. What is the most recent version you have been told?

HOLLARS: I was told by Misty was that Tommy and Joe took Haleigh and wrapped a yellow rope around her and carried her to the dock and put -- tied a brick around the bottom of the other end of the rope and throwed (sic) her into the river.

That come from Misty`s mouth into my ear.


CASAREZ: Jean Casarez of the legal network "In Session" in for Nancy Grace. Let`s go to the lawyers. Doug Burns, defense lawyer extraordinaire out of New York, and Tamara Holder, defense attorney extraordinaire that I met last week out of Chicago.

Thanks so much for joining us, both of you.

First of all, Doug Burns. Misty Croslin. If someone in fact put a knife to her neck and threatened her that they would kill her and her family if she ever told anything, how can that be used ultimately in a trial as a defense when Misty is the defendant?

DOUG BURNS, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Yes, that`s a very interesting point, actually. Because that would go at least to some measure in explaining why what has taken place here has taken place.

Jean, this has been a case from day one where law enforcement knows that basically every single word out of everybody`s mouth has not been truthful. And that`s why tonight the report that you`re making about the cinder blocks really is, as Pat Brown said, a very, very significant breakthrough in this case.

It`s like in the Scott Peterson case when forensic evidence started emerging. And this is going to be, in my opinion, the turning point. But back to your original question, that`s very interesting. She could raise that.

CASAREZ: To Tamara Holder, defense attorney out of Chicago. If Tommy is the one that took them to that pier, that boat dock, how will that help him in the end?

TAMARA HOLDER, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, you know, I don`t know if he took them or if the law enforcement actually took him or because he -- Misty also ended up there. So I don`t know where they`re going. But it looks like the investigators are doing this very methodically.

Over 14 months they`re -- you know, trying to figure out piecemeal, this is a puzzle to them, very, very slowly, take me every single step of the way where you were that night. And maybe that`s why they`re taking them there.

CASAREZ: To Heather Walsh-Haney, forensic anthropologist, Florida Gulf Coast University, how long does it take to forensically test cinder blocks and other evidence?

HEATHER WALSH-HANEY, PH.D., FORENSIC ANTHROPOLOGIST: Well, my specialty is studying bones, but it would depend on how busy the laboratory is and what -- how they`re going to tight cinder blocks to those that are in the home.

It can take anywhere from weeks to months to start to acquire all of those lines of data linking the perpetrators to the crime and the perpetrators to the victim.

CASAREZ: All right. To Patricia Saunders, clinical psychologist out of New York. We`ve heard so much about Cousin Joe. We haven`t seen one shred of evidence. But everybody`s pointing fingers. What can that do to somebody, if it`s false, for the rest of their life?

Well, it can certainly violate any sense of family, trust, and closeness that this guy ever had. And can even make somebody suspicious and paranoid for the rest of their lives.

CASAREZ: Thank you so much, Patricia Saunders. Thank you to all of our guests.

And tonight, "CNN Heroes."


WYNONA WARD, PROTECTING THE POWERLESS: When I was growing up on a rural back road, family violence was an accepted way of life.

This is my mother. And I`m the baby here. And my father and my brother Richard and my sister Pauline.

My father would commonly abuse all of us. He raped me and beat my mother and my other siblings. When the neighbors heard screaming coming from our home, they just turned their heads.

For domestic violence victims in rural areas it can be very devastating. They`re out there on these back roads with no access to in-town services. Many of them do not have telephones. Some of them do not have driver`s license or an automobile. So we go to them.

My name is Wynona Ward. The turning point for me was when a child in my family revealed that she had been abused by my father and my brother. I just said this has to stop. When I graduated from law school, I was 48 years old.

Good morning, my dear.

I go to people`s homes, give them in-home consultations, provide them with free legal services and transportation to and from court hearings.

I don`t want children to have to go through what I did as a child. I want to see my clients become empowered. I can understand them, and they know that I will be there to protect them.



CASAREZ: And now a look back at the stories making the headlines this week.


PAT LALAMA, GUEST HOST: A shocking story. A Hollywood couple, loved, apparently, adored, particularly the victim.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: He`s a former "Survivor" producer. Now he`s a huge suspect in his wife`s murder.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He says he last saw her when she went shopping on Monday. He reports her missing on Tuesday. On Thursday, her body is found about 70, 80 yards from a resort in a sewer.

LALAMA: The mother`s body found dumped.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They`re on vacation down there with their two kids.

LALAMA: We understand, strangulation?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He reports her missing.

LALAMA: We understand there was a big blow to her head.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He is now a suspect.

LALAMA: Talk of an affair.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Everybody, you know, is in shock.

HARDY: We do have a search going on at this time.


HARDY: We`re conducting a search --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A search for Haleigh.

M. CROSLIN: If I have something to do with it, I knew where she was.

CASAREZ: Called accessory after the fact.

M. CROSLIN: We wouldn`t be sitting here today.

CASAREZ: Punishable by life.

H. CROSLIN: I want to know where Haleigh`s at.

CASAREZ: The St. Johns River.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Putnam County Sheriff`s deputies acting on a tip began searching this lake for clues that could lead them to Haleigh Cummings. Misty Croslin is being questioned by Putnam County authorities.

GRACE: Cadaver gods, scuba divers, helicopter, search teams.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There was more divers being bought out by boat.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They`re following up on leads.

HARDY: Information has been obtained by investigators that lead them to believe that Haleigh Cummings is most likely deceased.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Misty Croslin also appeared to be on the scene.


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: In handcuffs, pointing out something for investigators.

HARDY: At this point, I`m comfortable to go ahead and say I`m going to call it a homicide.

CUMMINGS: If somebody had something to do with it, let them fry.

GRACE: Misty Croslin down to the docks to show police a specific spot in the St. Johns River.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She`s in trouble.

GRACE: With us is Flora Hollars. Miss Hollars is Misty Croslin and Joe Overstreet`s grandmother.

You have heard now three different versions of what happened the night Haleigh went missing.

HOLLARS: She said Joe Overstreet and Tommy wrapped the rope around Haleigh and carried her to the dock at the St. Johns River and put a block around the other end of the rope and throwed her in the river.

They have no remorse or something, but nobody said anything until I broke Tommy on the phone (INAUDIBLE). And yes, I`m the one that called detectives and yes, I`m the one that sent them to the river.

GRACE: According to police, none of the three, Croslin, Tommy Croslin, or Joe Overstreet are persons of interest or suspects.


CASAREZ: Tonight, let us to stop to remember, Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Jeffrey Chaney, 35 years old, from Omaha, Nebraska, killed Iraq.

He was awarded the Bronze Star and Purple Heart. He also served the Secret Service, climbed Mt. Rainier, and ran the Portland marathon. He loved boating and diving and snowboarding and motorcycle riding.

He leaves behind his parents, Connie and Larry, two brothers, one sister, and children Cameron and Brianna.

Jeffrey Chaney, an American hero.

Thank you so much to all of our guests and to you at home for being with us tonight. See you tomorrow, 8:00 sharp, Eastern. Until then, good night, everybody.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on April 20, 2010, 07:54:11 AM


Police Tell Haleigh`s Father to Plan Funeral

Aired April 19, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. The last person to see her alive, new stepmother Misty Croslin, who goes on to flunk four -- that`s four -- one, two, three, four -- polygraphs and a voice stress test.

Little Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and baby-sitter-turned- stepmother Misty Croslin both handcuffed and booked. Charges, drug trafficking. Something or somebody leads search teams, cadaver dogs, scuba divers, helicopters to comb the St. John`s River. Croslin rousted out of a private jail cell yet again, taken in cuffs down to the dock. We have the video, Croslin standing there in handcuffs, motioning out to the water, pointing out a specific spot to police.

As the search for 5-year-old Haleigh goes on, a human ID crime lab vehicle arrives on the scene. Family gathering at the Putnam County jail. Police announcing 5-year-old Haleigh likely dead, evidence pulled from the muddy waters of the St. John`s discovered and dredged, an arrest on homicide imminent.

As the search for little Haleigh`s entire body and the murder weapon goes on, bombshell tonight. Mystery evidence leads police to inform Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, to commence plans for a funeral for the 5-year-old little girl. After Croslin`s own grandmother appears live with us, describing chilling scenarios of the child`s brutal murder, reports police, in fact, pulled two cinderblocks from the St. John`s and seize yellow rope from Croslin`s home, both implicated in the alleged murder, corroborating Grandma`s story the child was ruthlessly tied to a brick, then thrown into the muddy waters dead or alive.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: At this point, I`m going to call it a homicide.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (INAUDIBLE) reports police telling Ronald Cummings and his family to start making funeral arrangements for Haleigh.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`re hoping to make an arrest in this case. People are finally starting to talk.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Has Haleigh officially been found?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: WJXT is reporting that two cinderblocks have been pulled during that massive search in the St. John`s River.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Without a body, the case against Haleigh`s killer may have to be built entirely on circumstantial evidence.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Misty, when she first told the story about the night Haleigh went missing, she said the back door was propped open with a cinderblock.

911 OPERATOR: You said your back door was wide open?

MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER: Yes, with a brick. They put the brick on the floor.

FLORA HOLLARS, MISTY`S AND JOE`S GRANDMOTHER: First thing that I was told was that Joe had killed her.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There`s so many people talking...

HOLLARS: I don`t even know whether she was dead when she hit the water or not.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... and so few who know what they`re talking about.

HOLLARS: What I was told by Misty was that Tommy and Joe took Haleigh and wrapped a yellow rope around her and carried her to the dock and put -- tied a brick around the bottom of -- or the other end of the rope and throwed her into the river.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: reporting investigators have found a piece of yellow rope from inside brother Tommy Croslin`s home.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`re trying to bring somebody to justice for this little girl right here and her family. That`s what this is all about.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They kind of told them the direction that the investigation was heading at that point.

GRACE: His attorney says they told Cummings and his family to plan to make funeral arrangements.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes, and you can understand why Ronald would be shocked at that. And he`s hoping that it ends but still hoping that, you know, maybe they`re wrong, maybe something else happened and (INAUDIBLE) is another (INAUDIBLE)


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Bombshell tonight. Mystery evidence leads police to inform Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, to commence plans for a funeral for the 5-year-old little girl. This as reports police pull two cinderblocks from the St. John`s and go on to seize yellow rope from Croslin`s home, both implicated in the alleged murder, corroborating Grandma`s story the little child was ruthlessly tied to the cinderblock, thrown into the muddy waters of the St. John`s River dead or alive.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Has evidence been found that may close the case on who killed Haleigh Cummings?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Divers removed two cinderblocks, which are being examined to see if they are connected to the disappearance and the murder of Haleigh Cummings.

HOLLARS: I was told that Misty had knocked her in the head and killed her and that Joe and Tommy got rid of her.

GRACE: Knocked her in the head with what, a cinderblock?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... probably family members who are playing both sides of the fence. They`re getting an attention that they otherwise would not have gotten but for this tragedy.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: reporting law enforcement has found a yellow rope inside brother Tommy Croslin`s home. Harris`s sources say it could be the possible murder weapon.

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: Please, all we want is my child. That`s it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He`s still hoping that if Misty did know something, that she was forced to do, threatened into doing.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That letter that Misty wrote says to you, "He put me up with a knife, and he said that if he would come back and he`d kill me." Who`s Misty talking about right there?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She`s talking about Joe.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Outside of law enforcement, no one has facts.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ronald Cummings`s attorney says Haleigh`s family has been told to start making funeral arrangements for the 5-year-old little girl.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We will follow this case to the end.


GRACE: Straight out to Art Harris, investigative journalist at Tell me about the two cinderblocks and the yellow rope.

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Nancy, I can tell you that there are reports of two cinderblocks retrieved from the river, have been sent off to be examined at the crime lab. And my sources telling me police have obtained yellow rope from Tommy Croslin`s home, where he lived with his parents, his wife and three children, his wife giving permission last week to go and get the rope, search the house. They have that, and they are now analyzing that, Nancy.

GRACE: And to you, Marlaina Schiavo. I understand that police have gone and they have informed Ronald Cummings behind bars that he and his family should commence plans for a funeral. Do they have a body? Do they have part of a body? What do they have other than the two cinderblocks and the yellow rope?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Nancy, they have evidence that they are analyzing right now as we speak. And we already know that this is now a homicide investigation. And they told the family it`s time, they have enough evidence that they can start making funeral arrangements for little Haleigh. And at this point, all it comes down to is, where will the funeral be?

GRACE: Marlaina, you were cut off in my ear. Explain to me, what do they have again besides the two cinderblocks and the yellow rope?

SCHIAVO: Nancy, police won`t confirm what they do or do not have. All we know is that they have evidence that has turned this into a homicide investigation, formerly a missing person investigation, and they have told the family that they can start making funeral arrangements. And that speaks volumes.

GRACE: Joining us tonight is a special guest. This is the attorney for Ronald Cummings, Haleigh`s father. He has met with Ron Cummings behind bars. With us Terry Shoemaker, attorney, joining us out of St. Augustine, Florida.

Terry, what can you -- welcome. And what can you tell us about police meeting with Ronald Cummings, Haleigh`s father, behind bars and telling them, advising them, informing them to start plans for a funeral? I mean, they can`t bury two cinderblocks and some yellow rope.

TERRY SHOEMAKER, ATTORNEY FOR RONALD CUMMINGS: Right. It was last Tuesday they brought the family members into the sheriff`s office, not only Ronald but Ronald`s mother. And also, Crystal Sheffield was brought into the same location. I don`t know if they all met together or not, but they all discussed what turns had taken place in the investigation. They told them that it was now a homicide investigation and no longer a missing persons, and that they would have enough to go forward if they wanted to make funeral arrangements.

GRACE: What do you mean, enough what to go forward with funeral arrangements? Enough what? They`re not going to put a cinderblock in a child -- a little girl`s white coffin. So what do they have, Mr. Shoemaker? Don`t beat around the bush with me!

SHOEMAKER: They are being very tight-lipped on any evidence that they have. They have not informed me of anything they have. They have not specifically informed Ronald of anything they have. They`ve just stated that it`s a homicide investigation and that they need to start looking towards the future in that manner.

GRACE: Now, wait a minute. Mr. Shoemaker, I`ve carefully studied your reputation as an attorney, and it is sterling. And I hear you parsing words with me, all right? I hear you say...

SHOEMAKER: Not at all.

GRACE: ... it`s a homicide investigation and they should start planning for a funeral. But earlier, you said police said it is now a homicide investigation and they`ve got enough to have a funeral. Enough what to have a funeral? Do you know whether they have found a portion or any part of this 5-year-old child`s body, Mr. Shoemaker?

SHOEMAKER: I do not know that. They have not relayed any information to me whether or not they`ve found any part of Haleigh or any part of any evidence that would lead them to believe that they have found Haleigh. They`ve just said that it`s now a homicide investigation and that they can move forward with any plans that they might want to make.

GRACE: Now, why did you tell me earlier police said they`ve got enough for a funeral?

SHOEMAKER: Because of the fact that it`s a homicide investigation. It`s been 14 months now since Haleigh went missing, and they believe that it`s probably time for the family to start moving forward and not keeping out hope that they`ll find Haleigh alive.

GRACE: Mr. Shoemaker, I know for a fact, having studied your record, that you well know the difference between a memorial, such as what was held in the case of little Caylee -- her body was never buried, that we know of. That was a memorial service. There`s a difference between a memorial and a funeral. You said funeral. That means the burial of remains. Did you not say funeral?

SHOEMAKER: No. I did say funeral...

GRACE: You did say funeral.

SHOEMAKER: ... yes, Nancy. But no one`s ever said anything about finding any body or any remnants from what they think might be Haleigh.

GRACE: OK. Mr. Shoemaker, what can you tell me about Ronald Cummings, who -- I`m going out on a limb here -- I`ve maintained from the very beginning had no part in his daughter`s disappearance?

SHOEMAKER: Absolutely. He had nothing to do whatsoever...

GRACE: How is he doing with this news? He`s behind bars.

SHOEMAKER: He`s shocked. You know, he`s been holding out hope, thinking that possibly some day -- you know, there`s been so many rumors and so many different leads that Haleigh`s been seen. And he`s hoping that maybe some day, she would come home. But I believe at this point, he`s obviously -- he`s got a hold of the truth and he understands that most likely, Haleigh is not coming home.


GRACE: Has he ever talked to you about the night Haleigh went missing?

HOLLARS: No, ma`am.

GRACE: Have you asked him?

HOLLARS: Not really.


HOLLARS: He just throws his hands up and says "F" it, and then he`ll get up and walk away.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Items have been recovered at the search site.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... the cinderblocks...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... cinderblocks...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... those cinderblocks...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m not going to discuss the particular items that I`ve taken for analysis.

MISTY CROSLIN: I didn`t do anything with that little girl!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I will not be mentioning any names at this time.

HOLLARS: I was told by Misty...



CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH MOTHER: She was the last one to see our daughter.

HOLLARS: She says, Nanny, I`m telling you everything I know.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is a huge river.

HOLLARS: ... tied Haleigh up with a yellow rope...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She could have potentially been put in.

HOLLARS: ... and tied a brick or block to the rope...

MISTY CROSLIN: (INAUDIBLE) a brick, like, there`s a brick on the floor.

HOLLARS: ... and dropped her into the St. John`s River.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`ve never seen any bricks at all.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Haleigh Cummings is most likely deceased.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The only one that knows is the people that were there.


CUMMINGS: How the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole (EXPLETIVE DELETED)?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There`s disappointment that she didn`t feel as though she could come forward and tell him, you know, what may have happened that night, if she, in fact, knew.

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t know where she is. I`m not hiding anything. I don`t...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Haleigh looked back and blew us a kiss and she leaned up against the car and then she got in the car and they drove away, and I never seen her again.


GRACE: Back to Art Harris with, investigative journalist. What can you tell me about Tommy Croslin`s van -- what, if anything, was found in the van -- because I remember way back when, when Haleigh went missing, the wife of Tommy Croslin said the van was in a different spot the following morning than it was the night Haleigh went missing.

HARRIS: That`s right, Nancy. The van was borrowed by Chelsea Croslin and Tommy`s brother, Timmy. That`s where Joe was spending the night. The next morning, Chelsea Croslin has told me that she got up, the keys were in a different spot and the van was in a different spot. Joe normally slept in boxer shorts. That night, he got up in the morning with clothes on. This is something that they have used to justify blaming cousin Joe as the culprit.

Taking the van further, Nancy, I can tell you what was not in the van. Tommy has told investigators, my sources tell me, that he had two types of rope in the van, yellow propylene rope and cotton rope. When it came back that night, it was gone.

GRACE: We are taking your calls. To Danielle in New York. Hi, Danielle.


GRACE: Hi, dear. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My question is, a while back, Leonard Padilla had offered to get Misty Croslin out of jail if she told him where Haleigh may be found or somehow gives him information of where they can get her. And she never came out with this story until now, and that doesn`t make any sense.

GRACE: It makes absolutely no sense. I`m going to go to that man that promised to bail her out if she would help find little Haleigh, who is now offering to bail out Ronald Cummings if he promises not to go on a vendetta regarding the death of his daughter. To Leonard Padilla, bounty hunter, joining us from Sacramento, California.

You know what, Leonard? I do not believe one thing that Misty Croslin says. Notice that she is blaming Joe and Tommy Croslin -- Tommy -- Joe Overstreet, Tommy Croslin. Tommy Croslin is blaming Joe Overstreet. Joe Overstreet`s saying, I wasn`t there. All three are pointing the finger at each other.

And listen, Padilla, no offense, but if this were the truth that Misty`s telling now, she would have told you this to get out of jail a while back. Something has changed.

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: No. The truth is still within Misty. She has not told the truth. I do believe that she contacted either Timmy or Tommy or Overstreet, the cousin. And I do believe that the van was driven to her house. I do believe that Tommy, who has told law enforcement that he was there and took them out to where they put the body in the river -- in other words, I have a lot of belief in that, but I believe the body was already -- the child was already deceased.

The only person at this stage of the game that knows what caused the demise of the child, obviously, is Misty. And Misty is being very coy about answering the questions, other than trying to blame Joe Overstreet. Joe Overstreet did not harm that child. He did not kill that child. He probably wasn`t even where the -- there when the body was dumped in the river.


HOLLARS: First thing that I was told was that Joe had killed her. That was the first words that I was told.

GRACE: Why was -- why did he kill her in the first version?

HOLLARS: That I don`t have any idea. I don`t even know whether she was dead when she hit the water or not.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s like looking for a needle in a haystack.

MISTY CROSLIN: Dad, there`s nothing!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We were willing to go ahead and take the effort and the time to go look for that needle.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Who was with her, the last person with her? She was.

MISTY CROSLIN: She was gone, and the back door was wide open.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She is the one that holds the key information to finding out what happened to this beautiful little girl.

MISTY CROSLIN: It was about 10:00 o`clock. We were -- she was sleeping.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She didn`t make any calls until either she saw him pulling in the driveway or until he actually started coming in the house and he confronted her.

CUMMINGS: I just (INAUDIBLE) my 5-year-old daughter is gone!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: (INAUDIBLE) Baby, don`t cry. This is something you should have said a long time ago.

HOLLARS: First thing that I was told was that Joe had killed her. That was the first words that I was told.

GRACE: Why was -- why did he kill her in the first version?

HOLLARS: That I don`t have any idea. I don`t even know whether she was dead when she hit the water or not.


GRACE: We are taking your calls. Joining us now, Shawn Sirgo. This is attorney for Joe Overstreet. This is Misty Croslin, the baby sitter- turned-stepmother`s, cousin, who is now living in Tennessee. He left town the night Haleigh goes missing. But oh, isn`t it convenient for both Misty Croslin and brother Tommy Croslin to point the finger at cousin Joe Overstreet?

Mr. Sirgo, thank you for being with us.


GRACE: Sir, what can you tell me about Joe Overstreet, your client, leaving town the night Haleigh goes missing?

SIRGO: Joseph went to Florida with a friend. They had a scheduled day they were going to arrive. They had a scheduled day they were going to leave. Joe was a passenger in someone else`s car. He only left because that was the day that they had originally planned to leave. It wasn`t that he was leaving for any other reason.

GRACE: Did they leave late in the night? Didn`t they leave late in the night?

SIRGO: They left late. Joe was out putting flyers out, trying to help the family locate Haleigh, so he was assisting in the initial search in the morning. But when his ride left, he left with it.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don`t know what to believe anymore.

MISTY CROSLIN: (INAUDIBLE) they told me I was taking a polygraph.

(INAUDIBLE) take a polygraph.

CUMMINGS: I don`t know anything about her flunking a polygraph.

GRACE: I mean royally flunked it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Just show me. Don`t tell me, show me.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty has been deceptive. Her stories don`t make sense. The key to this case lies with her.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The police have always said that, you know, first if you divorced Misty, you know, we`ll find something out. You know she`ll crack.

MISTY CROSLIN, FORMER STEPMOM/BABYSITTER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I don`t want a divorce, but hey, that`s what he wants. So whatever. Not going to fight him.

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: She didn`t give two (EXPLETIVE DELETED) about her brother, her mama, her daddy, nobody. When I talked about you, being locked up, she started pouring them. And they were real.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They told him, you know, if Misty got in trouble, if Misty was in jail, we could probably get her to crack.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Get on the ground


CUMMINGS: They went to the jail and was talking to her, and Jason said, man, I`ve never seen her cry real tears. You know, she always has to jerk a tear out. Jason said no, man, this (EXPLETIVE DELETED) was like pouring.

And you know when it started? And I said when? He said when we started talking about you being locked up and losing Junior.

TERESA NEVES, HALEIGH CUMMINGS` MATERNAL GRANDMOTHER: We would love to have a break in this case, and we really would not care who it implicates as long as it brings Haleigh back to us.

M. CROSLIN: When Haleigh`s found I will be let out of jail because that`s the only reason they`re keeping me in here, the only reason they set me up.

FLORA HOLLARS, MISTY CROSLIN AND JOE OVERSTREET`S GRANDMOTHER: First thing that I was told was that Joe had killed her. That was the first words that I was told.

NANCY GRACE, HOST: Why did he kill her in the first version?

HOLLARS: That I don`t have any idea.


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Out to Lynn in Kentucky. Hi, Lynn.

LYNN, CALLER FROM KENTUCKY: Hi, Nancy. I just want to let you know you`ve made your place in heaven. Also --

GRACE: You know I`m going to tell my twins that when they turn 16 and they`re hating on me.

What`s your question, love?

LYNN: My question is I have a theory.


LYNN: There`s always truth in lies. And they said that the child OD`ed. I believe that. I believe that she did it at home.

My question is did Ronald Cummings talk to Misty prior to when he couldn`t find her? Because I`m wondering if he is involved in this.

GRACE: Are you talking about Ronald Cummings?

LYNN: Yes.

GRACE: What do you mean did he talk to Misty -- remember, everyone was trying call the house, and nobody was picking up?

LYNN: Right.

GRACE: Straight back to Ellie Jostad, our chief editorial producer.

Ellie, what can you tell me about that? That evening she went missing, remember everybody, including Ronald Cummings, was trying to reach Misty Croslin, and she refused to answer the phone.

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Right. That`s right, Nancy. And also, Ronald has said in the past that after he dropped Haleigh off for school that day he dropped her back at the house, he said good-bye to her, he said good-bye to Misty.

So he at least talked to her then and then went to work. And it`s not clear if they actually spoke the rest of the night or he was just trying to call her and never was able to.

GRACE: What do you know about it, Art Harris?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, WWW.ARTHARRIS.COM: Nancy, I can tell you my sources say Ronald tried to call Misty nine times that night, she did not pick up the phone.

I can also tell you that at 6:00 p.m. Tommy has said he stopped by the trailer to smoke a joint with Misty. She prepared the kids dinner, then the grandmother dropped some clothes by, that`s their story, and that was it. We don`t know anything after that.

GRACE: We are taking your calls. Out to Jenna, Ohio. Hi, Jenna.

JENNA, CALLER FROM OHIO: Hi, Nancy. I just think you`re amazing.

GRACE: Bless you. What do you think about this case?

JENNA: My question is if the whole family had known the whole time what had happened -- I mean not only that she was dead but intricate details like bricks and yellow ropes -- why are they just coming forward now? Why wait so long to get justice for Haleigh?

GRACE: Let`s unleash the lawyers. Joining us tonight, famed attorney out of the San Francisco jurisdiction, John Burris. Also with us, Anne Bremner, high-profile lawyer out of Seattle.

Anne, it seems to me that they did not give the story, they were not forthcoming before now because it did not benefit them until now.

ANNE BREMNER, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Yes, that appears to be the case. And they should have come forward with the information. It`s so -- I keep thinking of that line from Benjamin Franklin --

GRACE: Oh, no. Not another quote.

BREMNER: No, I haven`t done it in a long time, Nancy. But you know, three people can keep a secret if two of them are dead. And I look at this time thinking why is this all coming out now? You know what is all this new information?

And frankly, if there`s circumstantial evidence out there, what we`re really hearing is just a lot of talking amongst all of these folks, all within the family.

GRACE: Also with us tonight, the attorney for Ronald Cummings, Haleigh`s father, Terry Shoemaker, from St. Augustine, Florida. Also with us, a very special guest, Shawn Sirgo, attorney for Joe Overstreet, now implicated, not a formal person of interest, not a suspect, only implicated by two jailhouse rats, Misty Croslin and her brother Tommy Croslin.

I want to go to you, Terry Shoemaker. It seems to me that one of the -- people don`t talk because they`re implicated. But now a story has been cooked up by Croslin where the finger`s pointed at everybody else.

TERRY SHOEMAKER, ATTORNEY FOR RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER, JUST MET WITH RON IN JAIL: Well, absolutely. I mean, you know that Misty hasn`t been forthright right from the beginning of this whole case and as soon as she gets in trouble and as soon as she`s looking at -- you know a lengthy period of prison she starts pointing the finger at everybody she can. Except for herself.

GRACE: Shawn Sirgo?


GRACE: Weigh in.

SIRGO: Thank you. I don`t speculate on what other people say. My sole responsibility --

GRACE: OK. So you`ve never argued to a jury why someone says a certain thing, why for instance a co-defendant may implicate your client? You`ve never discussed that in front of a jury based on the evidence, you can`t make a deduction?

SIRGO: We`re officers of the court. And I`m not going to weigh in on speculation or guess -- guessing when the police have an ongoing investigation.

I just know that my client, Joseph, is innocent. He had nothing to do with this. And he`s being thrown under the rug by people who may and possibly do have something to hide. I`m here for Joseph. I don`t care what they do.

GRACE: Mr. Sirgo, your client, Joe Overstreet, does he have a juvenile criminal record? And if so, what is it for?

SIRGO: Let me explain the parameters that we have to live within that the average person understand. We are officers of the court we --

GRACE: You already said that.

SIRGO: That`s right. And I`ll say it again. Anything that has to do with a juvenile is protected, whether it`s civil or criminal --

GRACE: So you`re denying he has a record?

SIRGO: I -- ma`am, I`m explaining to you that I cannot tell you one way or the other because by court order and rules we cannot discuss anything to do with a juvenile in a court case.

GRACE: Actually, that`s not the law. Actually, what the law is that the court or the district attorney or the prosecution or the cops, the police, they cannot divulge it. Your client or you could divulge it.

Nothing bars you or your client from divulging his juvenile record. So don`t try to pull that over on me, Mr. Sirgo.

SIRGO: Ma`am, you`re wrong. If I have things under seal, as you know, I would not be able to discuss them. So since you`re not in Tennessee and you don`t know the cases I`ve been involved in, you have no knowledge of why I`m taking the stand I`m taking. You`re speculating.

GRACE: You tried to tell me what the law was, and that`s not the law.

Burris? When a juvenile has a record --


GRACE: When a juvenile has a juvenile record, isn`t it true that the juvenile can allow his attorney to discuss the record?

BURRIS: Well, the record is sealed. And I don`t --


GRACE: I know the record is sealed.

BURRIS: I don`t think that a juvenile as a juvenile can unseal or talk about his record --

GRACE: I didn`t ask for it to be unsealed.

BURRIS: Well, OK. I don`t --

GRACE: A juvenile or a defendant can easily discuss --

BURRIS: Anyone can talk about their record. Anybody can talk about their record at any point in time. There`s no rule that says --

GRACE: Exactly. Anne Bremner?

BURRIS: -- you have a record, you can`t talk about it. You simply --

GRACE: Anne Bremner, what about it?

BREMNER: You`re right on, Nancy. You`re absolutely right.

GRACE: OK. Back to the calls. Sherry, Arizona, hi, Sherry.


GRACE: Hi, dear. What`s your question?

SHERRY: I was wondering, weren`t the calls to the jail or from the jail recorded?

GRACE: They very often are. And not only that, in Florida they often are video recording. That`s how we`ve gotten so much of this evidence. Video-recording the call.

But interesting you should ask that, Sherry in Arizona, because the particular phone calls -- remember grandma comes on with us last week, Miss Hollars, Flora Hollars, and describes these phone calls from various bars, Tommy Croslin, Misty Croslin, but those particular phone calls have not been released.

You`re very astute.

We`re taking your calls live. The family of Haleigh Cummings now advised it`s time to commence planning a funeral.

Very quickly, everyone, on a happy note. Happy 75th anniversary to Fincher`s Barbecue in Macon, Georgia. In business since 1935 by Doug Duventure. He turned down a college scholarship to support his family in the depression. Fincher`s mother teaching him how to barbecue and coming up with the secret recipe for their award-winning barbecue sauce.

Georgia loves Fincher`s so much even NASA astronaut Sonny Carter took it into space. Their specialty, the pig. Family owned, operated, Fincher`s Barbecue, now third generation. Their dream, to go mainstream and sell their secret sauce at grocery stores across the country.

Fincher`s, happy anniversary.



HANK CROSLIN, MISTY CROSLIN`S FATHER: They just want to know where she`s at and what happened.

M. CROSLIN: Well, I can`t tell them that. If I could, I would.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Jacksonville area affiliates reporting two cinder blocks were among the items pulled from the St. Johns River.

M. CROSLIN: I didn`t even do anything wrong, and they got me in here. I didn`t do nothing wrong.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What is the brick?

M. CROSLIN: It`s on the back door, on the stairs, we have like a walkway.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Uh-huh. And there was a brick laying there?

M. CROSLIN: Yes. It`s still there.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Hollars makes it clear Misty wasn`t involved, but she says she knows what happened.

HOLLARS: Tied Haleigh up with a yellow rope and tied a brick or block to the rope and dropped her into the St. Johns River.

SIRGO: It`s hearsay. Just a statement being made by someone.

HOLLARS: I know that statistics say, you know, that chances are that she`s dead.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Police announced that Haleigh Cummings is likely deceased.

HOLLARS: I`ll just have to continue to believe till they prove to me.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Officially, this is a homicide investigation.

CHELSEA CROSLIN, MISTY CROSLIN`S SISTER-IN-LAW: I don`t believe that Tommy and Misty could do anything to harm a child.

TOMMY CROSLIN, MISTY CROSLIN`S BROTHER: The truth will come out, and you know then they`ll know that they were (EXPLETIVE DELETED) with the wrong people. They weren`t doing their jobs right.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Is Misty Croslin still the key to this investigation? Absolutely.


T. CROSLIN: If she don`t know nothing, she can`t tell them nothing. She don`t know where the kid is, how can she tell them where she is?

HOLLARS: First thing that I was told was that Joe had killed her. That was the first words that I was told.

GRACE: Why did he kill her in the first version?

HOLLARS: That I don`t have any idea. I don`t even know if she was dead when she hit the water or not.


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. To Sergeant Scott Haines, sheriff`s officer, Santa Rosa County, Florida.

Sergeant, thank you for being with us.

Sergeant, at this juncture would the cops tell a family to start planning the funeral without a body? For a funeral you`ve got to have some semblance of a body. You`ve got to have some remains for a funeral. They didn`t say memorial. They said funeral.

SGT. SCOTT HAINES, SHERIFF`S OFFICER, SANTA ROSA COUNTY, FLORIDA: In any cases that we`ve ever worked we have never done that. That statement alone does lead me to believe that they do have at least some portion of a body or something that was found to believe that Haleigh was in that water.

That would be very odd for them to make a statement like that to a family and cruel to make a statement like that to a family if in fact they did not have proof that there was actually a homicide and they need to plan a funeral for a body.

GRACE: Dr. Joshua Perper is with us tonight, chief medical examiner, Broward County, author of "When to Call the Doctor."

Dr. Perper, what do you make of it? Telling the family to plan the baby`s funeral.

DR. PERPER, CHIEF MEDICAL EXAMINER, BROWARD COUNTY, AUTHOR OF "WHEN TO CALL THE DOCTOR": I never heard in my quite long career that the police would do such a thing or law enforcement would inform a family to prepare for a burial before a body or parts of the body of the deceased were found.

So if they did not misspoke, then definitely they have to have some -- recovered some part of the body or some bones which they should have verified that it belongs to the deceased. Otherwise, it`s totally improper.

GRACE: Dr. Perper, a van, a mobile unit, came to the banks of the St. Johns River in the past days that was a human identification crime lab vehicle. What does that say to you, Doctor?

PERPER: Well, it doesn`t say much unless they found inside the vehicle something which they can connect to the victim. In other words, there are ways in what`s called DNA amplification that extremely tiny amount of tissue can be checked for DNA from residue left.

But there`s no such information. So unless the vehicle can be linked in some fashion to evidence to the lost -- the missing child, then there`s no evidence there to prove anything.

GRACE: Well, in my mind they have a human ID crime lab mobile vehicle come to the scene. They tell Ronald Cummings commence planning a funeral, not a memorial. I don`t know what they found. But that says to me that they have found part of Haleigh`s remains.

To Dr. Janet Taylor, not only a psychiatrist but medical doctor as well.

Dr. Taylor, this would be playing so loose and fast with Ronald Cummings if they have not found Haleigh`s body or a portion thereof.

DR. JANET TAYLOR, PSYCHIATRIST: Well, it certainly sounds like they have something. They`re getting him ready for closure, getting the family ready for closure, but also putting pressure on anybody who knows something to say look, we have evidence, you`d better spill the beans.

GRACE: Back to Art Harris, investigative journalist.

Art, what do you think they`ve got at this point, and what are your sources telling you?

HARRIS: Nancy, I can tell you that they have been dredging that river through the silt, through the mud, with that giant tub we`ve seen, the white and blue tub, and they`ve been transporting that and having it analyzed.

They`ve been looking for a piece of a skeleton -- skeletal remains. They have been told that deer carcasses were dumped in the river by Joe and Tommy, and they have actually found deer bones in another location where they used to go. And they found deer bones here.

I have not confirmed that they have found any skeletal remains of Haleigh.

GRACE: To Terry Shoemaker, attorney for Ronald Cummings. Shoemaker joining us out of St. Augustine, Florida.

Mr. Shoemaker, let`s just take a look at this scenario. You have Misty Croslin down there on the docks pointing with her handcuffs out to a spot in the water. Now how would she know anything if she were not there when the body was dumped?

Not only that, conveniently after all this time she suddenly has an epiphany. You know, like on the road to Damascus, suddenly a light strikes her and she has a story to tell cops which doesn`t implicate her. Why?

SHOEMAKER: I wish I could answer that, Nancy. I obviously haven`t had any conversations with Misty or Mr. Fields regarding anything that she`s done. So, you know, I can only think that maybe she -- it`s time to come clean or she`s thinking of some other things.



HOLLARS: First thing that I was told was that Joe had killed her. That was the first words that I was told.

GRACE: Why did he kill her in the first version?

HOLLARS: That I don`t have any idea. I don`t even know whether she was dead when she hit the water or not.


GRACE: To Ellie Jostad, who lead the cops to the river once and for all?

JOSTAD: Well, Tommy Croslin`s lawyer is denying these reports that he made any sort of confession or spilled his guts to his grandmother. He did release the timeline of what he says happened. He say Tommy got those results from his polygraph. They discussed them. Then the next night Tommy`s wife --

GRACE: You mean the polygraph he flunked?

JOSTAD: Well, yes. He`s reportedly flunked, although the attorney didn`t address that in his press release. But he said that Tommy said then he wanted to meet. A couple of days later they met, they talked, they brought in law enforcement. After a two-hour interview, he led them all to the river.

GRACE: And then, of course, that`s followed by Misty Croslin down at the river, the only ones we haven`t seen there is Joe Overstreet. He`s in Tennessee, not under arrest, and Ronald Cummings.

We`re taking your calls. Katie in Florida, hi, Katie.

KATIE, CALLER FROM FLORIDA: Hi, Nancy. It is a pleasure to speak with you. I --

GRACE: Likewise.

KATIE: -- and I love your twins. They`re getting so big.

GRACE: 2 1/2.

KATIE: I know it. But --

GRACE: What`s your question, love?

KATIE: My question is, if Haleigh Cummings is pulled from the river - - my question is, if the examiners will be able to decide whether or not she actually sustained a blow to the head as the grandmother mentioned at the last show?

GRACE: Only if they have dredged up her skull and then only if it made such an impact that it cracked or dented the skull.

Final word, Art Harris?

HARRIS: Nancy, I can tell you that we are getting close to a resolution I`m told with all the bits and pieces coming together. Law enforcement says stay tuned.

GRACE: John Burris, very quickly. everyone is starting to rat on each other. When will it finally end? In an indictment?

BURRIS: Certainly there`s going to be an arrest real soon. I mean I`m very troubled by these two people going to the lake -- going to the river. Obviously they went to the river, there must have been something they know about it. So one or both of them are going to get charged I would think very soon.

GRACE: What about it, Anne Bremner?

BREMNER: Absolutely agree. Anyone that excuses himself accuses himself. Remember that you rap -- sorry, pointing one finger way you got three pointing back at yourself, as you always say, Nancy, so there`s going to be indictments.

GRACE: Thank you, attorneys.

Let`s stop and remember Army Sergeant James Collins, Jr., 35, Rochester Hills, Michigan, killed Iraq. A Lake Superior State grad, also served Marines. Awarded the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Army Combat Action badge, Humanitarian Service medal, Armed Forces Reserve medal.

A unit mechanic, took pride in his work. Loved the Red Wings, hunting, photography. Leaves behind grieving parents Jim and Marilyn, sister Jo Anna, window Amy, son Dolfin (ph).

James Collins, Jr., American hero.

Thanks to our guests but especially to you for being with us. Tonight, God bless little Haleigh.

Everyone, we`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on April 21, 2010, 07:30:27 AM


Misty Reportedly Shown Bones Believed to be Haleigh`s

Aired April 20, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. The last person to see her alive, new stepmother Misty Croslin, who goes on to flunk four -- one, two, three, four -- polygraphs and a voice stress test. Little Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and baby-sitter-turned-stepmother Misty Croslin both handcuffed and booked. Charges, drug trafficking.

Something or somebody leads search teams, cadaver dogs, scuba divers, helicopters to comb the St. John`s River. Croslin rousted out of a private jail cell, taken in handcuffs down to the docks. We have the video, Croslin standing there in handcuffs, motioning out to the water, pointing out a specific spot to police.

Police announcing 5-year-old Haleigh likely dead. Evidence, including two cinderblocks, pulled from the muddy waters of the St. John`s River, discovered and dredged. An arrest on homicide imminent.

As the search for little Haleigh`s entire body and the murder weapon goes on, bombshell tonight. In the last hours, father Ronald Cummings and bio mom Crystal Sheffield meet to determine whether to have little Haleigh officially declared dead. This although police refuse to announce human remains found. They go tell Haleigh`s father behind closed doors to commence plans for the funeral.

After Croslin`s own grandmother appears live with us, describing chilling scenarios of murder, in the last hour, she announces, Croslin`s own grandmother, that she believes all three -- Misty Croslin, brother Tommy Croslin, cousin Joe Overstreet -- are responsible, all responsible for the 5-year-old girl`s death.

And tonight, we learn two types of rope missing from Croslin`s van the morn after Haleigh vanishes, corroborating Grandma`s story the child was ruthlessly tied to a brick, then thrown into the muddy waters dead or alive.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Has evidence been found that may close the case on who killed Haleigh Cummings?

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: I would like to tell my daughter, Baby, I love you.

FLORA HOLLARS, MISTY`S AND JOE`S GRANDMOTHER: Those three grandkids of mine is involved in this, and I don`t know why!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s like looking for a needle in a haystack.

CUMMINGS: We will find you. I love you.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Investigators searched the St. John`s River for three days.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Divers removed two cinderblocks, which are being examined.

911 OPERATOR: You said your back door was wide open?

MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER: Yes, it was brick, like, a brick on the floor. Like, when I went to sleep, it was not like that.

911 OPERATOR: OK. The back door -- listen to me. Your back door was wide open. What are you talking about a brick?


911 OPERATOR: What -- what is the brick?

MISTY CROSLIN: It`s on the back door, on the stairs. Like, we have, like, a walkway.

911 OPERATOR: And there was a brick laying there?

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. It`s still there.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you think Misty has any involvement in this?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don`t think Misty did, but...

HOLLARS: I`m beginning to think that she`s involved, too, because she was pointing a spot out on the river on the TV.

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t know where she is!

CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before y`all do, I`m killing him!

HOLLARS: First thing that I was told was that Joe had killed her.

From what Tommy told me, Joe stated to him that if he opened his mouth and said anything, that he would bring a gun back down there and kill his whole family.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s hearsay, just a statement being made by someone.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When you have co-conspirators involved in a case, which apparently you have here, typically, one of them will come forward and tell the whole story in order to get a better deal from the government.

HOLLARS: Misty stated that he had put a knife to her throat that night, which I know Joe does have knives and I know Joe does have guns.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Outside of law enforcement, no one has facts.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ronald Cummings`s attorney says Haleigh`s family has been told to start making funeral arrangements for the 5-year-old little girl.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: People are starting to cooperate. That`s why I`ve told people it`s going to be just a matter of time.

GRACE: Do you know where the cinderblock came from that was propping the door open?

CUMMINGS: Don`t have a clue. I don`t mess with none of that, so I don`t know. I rarely, rarely am in the back yard at all, unless I`m washing my car. So it could have came from around my shed. I`m renting. I don`t know if the previous renters had it or what. But I`ve never seen it, I don`t believe.

GRACE: So to your knowledge, you`ve never seen it.

CUMMINGS: Not that I believe. I mean, I may be mistaken and have seen it before, but I know it wasn`t where it`s at now.


GRACE: And breaking news tonight, live, Ohio. A young church mom of a 1-year-old baby girl vanishes while shopping at a busy outdoor mall. Tonight, where is the young church mom, mother of one Tiffany Tehan?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Law enforcement searching for 31-year-old missing Ohio mom Tiffany Tehan. Friends and family fear she may be in danger.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police hope anyone can lead them to the man in these pictures, who they`re calling a person of interest in the Tiffany Tehan case. It`s from a convenience store in East Dayton.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tiffany went shopping Saturday morning around 9:00 o`clock to look for clothes for her 1-year-old daughter. But around 11:00 AM, Tiffany vanishes. Her husband tries to contact her multiple times without success. Then he calls police.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They`re in the same place, and it is on more than one occasion. It appears that this individual may have information that may be helpful to us.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Just hours later, Tiffany`s green Ford Explorer found abandoned in a local park, the doors locked and vehicle keys still inside -- Tiffany the daughter of a pastor and a loved member of her church, where she volunteers in the children`s ministry. Just how does a mother vanish?


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Bombshell tonight. In the last hours, father Ronald Cummings and bio mom Crystal Sheffield meet to determine whether to declare little Haleigh officially dead. This although police refuse to announce human remains found. They meet with father Ronald Cummings behind closed doors and advise him to commence plans for his 5-year-old little girl`s funeral.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If she had nothing to do with it, how would she be able to help detectives and say, Well, here`s where they did what?

HOLLARS: That`s why I`m wondering, was she in that van, too?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So you`re thinking that maybe Misty had something to do with it that night and was there when Haleigh`s body was thrown into the river?

HOLLARS: Yes, ma`am, I do.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. So now, in fact, your story is implicating potentially three people -- Joe, the cousin in Tennessee who says he had nothing to do with this, Tommy Croslin, who`s behind bars on drug charges, and your other granddaughter, Misty. You`re saying all three, all three of your grandkids were involved in this?

HOLLARS: Yes, ma`am, I think they were. I really do.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why do you think that?

HOLLARS: It`s just the way that they act. Joe, ever since he came back from Florida, he`s not been the same child. And every time I talk to Tommy and I talk to Misty, they`re not the same people that I`ve talked to.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: People are starting to talk.

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t know where she is.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: People are starting to cooperate.

MISTY CROSLIN: There`s nothing to break me on.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think she`s come to realize that, you know, she`s in trouble.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There are reports two of cinderblocks retrieved from the river.

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, it was brick, like, a brick on the floor.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And my sources are telling me police have obtained yellow rope from Tommy Croslin`s home.

TOMMY CROSLIN, MISTY`S BROTHER: I said, I can`t help you find her body. I don`t know where she is.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They told the family it`s time, they have enough evidence that they can start making funeral arrangements for little Haleigh.


CUMMINGS: I know somebody took my little girl!

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH`S MOTHER: I just want our baby to come home.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They brought the family members into the sheriff`s office.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He`s not as strong at home as he is on TV.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They told them that it was now a homicide investigation.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It was the worst thing I`ve ever been through in my entire life.


GRACE: I am hearing in my ear we have breaking news right now. Let`s go to Art Harris, investigative journalist at Art, what is it?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Nancy, sources are telling me that Misty Croslin has been shown bones at the crime scene on the river in Satsuma, Florida. She was taken to the crime scene, to the river, and detectives showed her what they had found. The bones have been sent to the crime lab to be analyzed, Nancy, and compared with DNA from Haleigh Cummings.

GRACE: OK, repeat. Misty Croslin was taken by police down to the St. John`s River, and...

HARRIS: That`s right.

GRACE: ... at that time was shown bones. Haleigh Cummings, 5-year- old Haleigh Cummings`s bones?

HARRIS: Well, what I`m saying is she was shown bones that my sources believe were Haleigh`s. And she told this to cousin Tommy on a ride back to the St. John`s County jail, where they`re both being held on drug charges. As amazing as it seems, they were allowed to ride together in the police car.

GRACE: Art, it`s not that amazing. Cops put people together in the back seat all the time, hoping they`ll start talking and the cops can hear them.

HARRIS: That`s what they did, Nancy. And apparently, this is what erupted, and Misty Croslin told her brother that she had been shown bones at the crime scene. I don`t know what his response was. But this is considered a major break in the case.

GRACE: OK. Art Harris, where did the bones come from? Do we know?

HARRIS: Nancy, I don`t know that. I know that bones have been found in the river. This is an area where Tommy has gone before to go hunting and thrown deer carcasses into that river. Divers have found deer bones in the river. I have not confirmed that the bones, the human bones, if any, were found in the river.

GRACE: But you know that they showed Haleigh`s bones to Misty Croslin after bringing her down. And what do they hope to gain by showing her that, to get a confession?

HARRIS: Nancy, I think in any situation like this, they hope to shock her into some sort of revelation, into some sort of evidence or some sort of piece of information they can compare to what she`s said before or use it to refute what others have told them in the case that will bring it one step closer to a conclusion and an arrest.

GRACE: Art Harris, investigative journalist, breaking the news tonight that Misty Croslin, the baby-sitter-turned-stepmother, the last one known to be with Haleigh, the 5-year-old little Satsuma girl, alive has been shown purported bones belonging to Haleigh.


HOLLARS: I don`t know what to believe anymore.

MISTY CROSLIN: (INAUDIBLE) They told me I was taking a polygraph.

(INAUDIBLE) take a polygraph.

CUMMINGS: I don`t know anything about her flunking a polygraph.

GRACE: I mean, royally flunked it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Just show me. Don`t tell me, show me.




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They have evidence that they are analyzing right now as we speak.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The cinderblocks...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... cinderblocks...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... those cinderblocks...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They`re being very tight-lipped on any evidence that they have.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m not going to discuss the particular items that I`ve taken for analysis.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They told them that they would have enough to go forward, if they wanted to make funeral arrangements.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Haleigh Cummings is most likely deceased.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s hard to hear somebody tell you that your child or your grandchild is dead.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m going to call it a homicide.

HOLLARS: They have no remorse or something!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The investigative team has identified persons of interest.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m not hiding anything.


TOMMY CROSLIN: And I had nothing to do with none of that crap.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I will not be mentioning any names at this time.

GRACE: She is blaming Joe and Tommy. Tommy Croslin is blaming Joe Overstreet. Joe Overstreet`s saying, I wasn`t there. All three are pointing the finger at each other.

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: The only person at this stage of the game that knows what caused the demise of the child, obviously, is Misty.

HANK CROSLIN, MISTY`S FATHER: I want them to find Haleigh, too, and find out who did this to Haleigh. I don`t care who it is.

CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before y`all do, I`m killing them.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We really would not care who it implicates.

CUMMINGS: Let them fry. So be it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you think Misty has any involvement in this?

HOLLARS: I don`t think Misty did, but I`m not going to say that she didn`t.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If she had nothing to do with it, how would she be able to help detectives and say, Well, here`s where they did what?

HOLLARS: That`s why I`m wondering was she in that van, too.


GRACE: Straight back out to Art Harris, breaking the story that Misty Croslin, baby-sitter-turned-stepmother, taken down to the docks of the St. John`s River and shown bones purported to be Haleigh`s, little 5-year-old Haleigh`s bones. She`s then put in the back of the police car with Tommy Croslin.

Art Harris, what can you tell me about DNA?

HARRIS: I can tell you, Nancy, that the bones that were taken from the river and shown to Misty Croslin will be compared to DNA from Haleigh. Now, the parents of Haleigh Cummings, Ron and Crystal, had parked (ph) that DNA, had saved it for just such a tragic eventuality. A lot of parents do have DNA of their children. And the crime lab now has Haleigh`s DNA. They`ll be comparing it to these bones.

GRACE: Do you know, Art, whether the two parents individually gave their own DNA?

HARRIS: I`m sure they would have volunteered it, if they...

GRACE: But they had Haleigh`s DNA that they gave. It could be anything, a toothbrush, a hair strand with a root, or they could even try mitochondrial DNA. Art Harris reporting that Haleigh`s DNA and the parents` DNA now at the crime lab in order to compare to bones found in the river.

Joining me right now is a special guest. This is Misty Croslin`s grandmother, Ms. Flora Hollars, who was kind enough to join us last week. Ms. Hollars, thank you for being with us.

Do I have Ms. Hollars with me? Ms. Hollars, can you hear me? Liz, see if you can get Ms. Hollars`s satellite connected back up.

I want to go straight out to Marlaina Schiavo. What more can you tell me, Marlaina? She`s joining us there in Florida.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, Nancy, with what Art is saying about Misty being down by the river and these bones -- you have to remember, there was a van from the University of Florida, from the human identification lab, that was down by that river during that search for an hour-and-a-half. Why was it there? Could have something to do with what Art is saying. But there is a lot of buzz down here about bones and remains. I asked lead detectives today. They`re still denying that they found any human remains, Nancy. But the question is still on the table.

GRACE: Jean Casarez, weigh in.

JEAN CASAREZ, "IN SESSION": The forensic lab that was on scene, I think it`s very relevant. Let`s look at the facts. Law enforcement has told us that forensic anthropologist and lab was on scene to look at what was being taken out of the water. Nancy, we know forensic anthropologists deal in bones, so they can determine on site if something is relevant or not relevant, human bone or animal bone. And they decided some things would go on for further testing. That tells a lot right there.

GRACE: We are taking your calls live. To Wanda in Florida. Hi, Wanda.


GRACE: Hi, dear. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I was wondering, the night that Haleigh was missing and Misty was supposed to be doing the laundry, washing sheets -- and I was wondering if she was washing away evidence.

GRACE: Good question. What do we know, Marlaina?

SCHIAVO: Well, Nancy, after she said that -- that was one of the inconsistencies in her stories because they went back and realized there was no detergent in the house, so she couldn`t even have been doing laundry in the first place.

GRACE: Let`s try Ms. Flora Hollars again, Misty Croslin`s grandmother, joining us from Nashville, Tennessee. Ms. Hollars, thank you for being with us. What do you make of this new breaking evidence that your granddaughter, Misty Croslin, was taken down to the riverbank and shown bones belonging to Haleigh?

HOLLARS: I was just told that a little while ago. I hadn`t heard anything about it until a few minutes ago.

GRACE: What do you make of it?

HOLLARS: That she knows something.

GRACE: Earlier, in just the last hour, you have advised that you believe all three, Misty Croslin, Tommy Croslin, and Joe Overstreet, are involved in some way in little Haleigh`s death. Why do you say that?

HOLLARS: Because of their actions and the way they talk. I`m sorry, but I hate to say it. They`re my grandkids. But that little girl`s got grandparents, too.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s our belief that this -- that that`s a very real possibility. We are working on building a case. That`s what we`ve been doing for the last 14 months.




GRACE: Do you know where the cinderblock came from that was propping the door open?

CUMMINGS: Don`t have a clue. I don`t mess with none of that, so I don`t know. I rarely, rarely am in the back yard at all, unless I`m washing...


GRACE: I want to go straight back out to Art Harris. Art, Misty Croslin taken down to the docks of the St. John, shown bones. Do we know what her reaction was?

HARRIS: I don`t know her reaction, Nancy. But I know that she was excited enough about it to talk to her brother, Tommy Croslin, on their trip together back to the St. John`s County jail, where they are both held and being charged with drug trafficking.

GRACE: Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Wait! Back it up! Back it up! "Excited" -- do you mean surprised, shocked, afraid, what? What do you mean "excited"?

HARRIS: An emotional discussion. I don`t have...

GRACE: Emotional -- "excited" would be the words to use when you see a child`s body -- bones from her body. What about it? Joining me crime analyst, the director of the cold case squad, Pine Lake PD, Sheryl McCollum.

SHERYL MCCOLLUM, CRIME ANALYST: Excellent police work, Nancy, is what you are seeing. They have taken their time for the last 14 months. They`re letting these folks talk. They`re letting them talk to each other. We`ve all heard the tapes. Of course, they`re going to put them in the car with each other.

GRACE: What do you make of them taking her down and showing her the bones?

MCCOLLUM: Outstanding! You show her those bones. If they...

GRACE: And let her know.


GRACE: It`s over!

MCCOLLUM: Absolutely. And let`s say she has the reaction. Put her in the car with Tommy. And of course, they`re going to have a discussion about it because they are busted.

GRACE: Unleash the lawyers. Alex Sanchez, defense attorney, New York, Raymond Giudice, defense attorney, Atlanta. Ray Giudice, what about it?

RAYMOND GIUDICE, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, I agree with Sheryl, this is some good police work. They were very patient for the last 14 months. They haven`t quite sewed this up together...

GRACE: All you can say is, I agree with Sheryl?

GIUDICE: Yes, but there`s one...

GRACE: I will give you a moment to recoup. What about it, Sanchez?

ALEX SANCHEZ, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I find it very peculiar that the police would show her the bones. And it raises a question in my mind whether or not they staged that event just for the purposes of trying to provoke her to make a statement.

GRACE: Well, according to you, Haleigh`s not really missing, she`s on a vacation in the Riviera!

SANCHEZ: No. No. I don`t know what happened to her exactly. But for the police to show them the bones -- she could contaminate the bones. That`s not proper police procedure, and you know it, Nancy!



JEFF HARDY, PUTNAM COUNTY SHERIFF: At this point I`m comfortable to go ahead and say that I`m going to call it a homicide.

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: If somebody had something to do with it, let them fry. So be it.

NANCY GRACE, HOST: What, Miss Hollars, could be their possible motivation for killing a 5-year-old girl?

FLORA HOLLARS, MISTY CROSLIN AND JOE OVERSTREET`S GRANDMOTHER: It`s something -- I don`t know. Those three grandkids of mine is involved in this and I don`t know why. But I sure would like to know why.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Sources telling CNN affiliate WJXT that two cinder blocks have been taken out of the St. Johns River. Forensic testing now taking place.

HARDY: I`m not going to discuss the particular items that I`ve taken for analysis.

MISTY CROSLIN, FORMER STEPMOM/BABYSITTER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: The cops said there was a whole bunch of bricks about 50 feet away. But I`ve never seen any bricks at all.

HARDY: I think she`s come to realize that, you know, she`s in trouble.


GRACE: For those of you just joining us -- straight out to Art Harris, investigative journalist, with breaking news.


ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, WWW.ARTHARRIS.COM: Nancy, sources are telling me that Misty Croslin has been taken to the crime scene, the St. Johns River, and shown bones by detectives, bones purportedly belonging to Haleigh Cummings.

GRACE: And what was Cummings -- well, when she saw the bones belonging to Haleigh Cummings, what was Misty Croslin`s response?

HARRIS: Nancy, I don`t have her reaction. I know, though, that she discussed the bones with her brother Tommy Croslin on their trip back to the St. Johns County jail together.

GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Now back to the lawyers, Alex Sanchez, defense attorney, New York. Raymond Giudice, defense attorney, Atlanta.

Ray, anything wrong with putting those two in the back of a squad car and driving them back to the jail?

RAY GIUDICE, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: You know, you can cry as a defense lawyer that it`s bad and it`s wrong. But it ain`t. And that testimony, if it`s tape-recorded, or the officer`s impression of the hearsay expression as an excited utterance is going to come into evidence.

What I`m getting at is, the defense teams better know right now the quality of the evidence against them. The only thing that`s keeping the prosecution from an indictment is they want that positive DNA before they present it to a grand jury, and I bet that`ll happen within 30 days.

GRACE: OK. Ray, back it up one more time.


GRACE: They show Croslin the bones.

GIUDICE: That`s right.

GRACE: They put her in the car with brother Tommy Croslin. First time they`ve probably been physically together since they were arrested.

GIUDICE: And her response --

GRACE: Right after she sees the bones, what happens?

GIUDICE: And her responses in those conversations are not forced by law enforcement. They don`t need to be Mirandized. Just as Casey Anthony`s reaction in the nursing area when they told her her child had been found.

That is going to be a problem for the defense. Don`t worry about contamination. When that DNA links those bones up -- if it does, to this child, case over.

GRACE: You mentioned excited utterance. For those of us that may not know what you`re talking about explain in a nutshell, Giudice.

GIUDICE: That`s an exception under the law to hearsay coming into court. An excited utterance means it was -- the statement was made in such a heat of passion, such an excited utterance, no thought to be given to giving a false statement. That comes into evidence.

GRACE: Weigh in, Alex Sanchez.

ALEX SANCHEZ, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, I think it`s very clear from what I`ve heard so far that both Misty Croslin and Tommy Croslin have thrown their lot with the police.

Their lawyers and the police are cooperating. So any statements they`re making at this point can be used for investigative purposes and can be used against them at a later date.

GRACE: But it seems to me that these two are stewing in the same pot, Alex Sanchez, and that they are colluding to blame Joe Overstreet. And I`m not saying he`s not involved.


GRACE: But it seems to me that they`re all part and parcel of what happened to 5-year-old Haleigh.

SANCHEZ: I don`t think the police trust -- even though Misty and Tommy are cooperating with the police, I don`t think the police trust everything she`s saying or what Tommy`s saying. So they`re keeping a careful eye on them, and that`s why they`re engaged in putting them in the police car and hoping that they make some type of more inculpatory type statements.

GRACE: With us tonight, Alex Sanchez, defense attorney, New York, Raymond Giudice, defense attorney, Atlanta.

Out to Ellie Jostad, our chief editorial producer. What more can you tell me, Ellie?

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, Nancy, we know that all three of these people -- Misty Croslin, her brother Tommy Croslin, their cousin Joe Overstreet -- we know that all three of them are telling different versions about what happened that night.

But the only person who doesn`t place himself at the scene is Joe Overstreet. He continues to insist that he was not in the trailer that night, that he was in fact asleep over at another relative`s house, and that he got a call in the middle of the night letting him know Haleigh was missing. He does not say he was there.

GRACE: Joining me right now, special guest, the president and founder of KlaasKids Foundation, Marc Klaas. Joining us from San Francisco.

Marc, what do you make of it?

MARC KLAAS, PRESIDENT & FOUNDER, KLAASKIDS FOUNDATION: Well, I think we have to wait until the DNA evidence comes back from the lab, and then we`ll know several things.

First of all, we`ll know whether or not -- well, if it does come back positive, we`ll know that the little girl Haleigh is dead. And they can start preparing for a funeral. And her parents with start dealing with that.

And they`ll be able to put together this murder investigation. And if I were any one of these three people -- Tommy, Misty, or Joe -- I would be in absolute fear for my life because Ron Cummings has made it very, very clear that he is going to kill whoever was responsible for the death of his little girl.

GRACE: And speaking of Ronald Cummings, Marc Klaas, joining me right now, Leonard Padilla, bounty hunter out of Sacramento, California who has offered to bond out Ronald Cummings.

Leonard, thank you for being with us. What do you make of Art`s breaking news?

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER, OFFERING TO BAIL RON CUMMINGS OUT OF JAIL: Well, I think it`s all -- he`s always right on top of everything and ahead of everybody else. But there`s one thing that we`re forgetting. Law enforcement has the phone calls that went back and forth, say, after 10:00 until 3:00 in the morning, and they have the phones that they went from and to.

We`re eliminating automatically Tim and Chelsea from the equation and putting it on Joe because of what Chelsea said as far as the keys on the counter and the van being parked somewhere else.

Now, Lindsay stood by her husband Tommy over 50 conversations. Chelsea has stood by Timmy over 50 conversations. Joe is saying I wasn`t there, I didn`t do anything.

But law enforcement knows what phone calls came from and what phones they went to. And nobody has bothered to say, well, wait a minute, the van was borrowed from Tommy -- actually, it`s Lindsay because it`s her van. And it was at Timmy and Chelsea`s house.

Joe was merely a guest there. And everybody`s dumping on Joe. I don`t believe Joe had anything to do with it. I tend to -- I`m going to err, if at all, on the side of Joe and say he didn`t have anything to do with it.

So who brought the van from Timmy`s house, picked up Tommy, or whatever, and then went to Misty?

Now Misty`s not telling anybody the truth as to what happened to the child. The child was already deceased when they came to that trailer. So what happened there?

GRACE: Joining right now, Dr. David M. Posey, medical examiner, forensic pathologist out of the Glen Oaks Pathology Medical Group, L.A.

Dr. Posey, Marc Klaas says we`re going to have to wait until we get the DNA on those bones. But the reality is in a rush how quickly can you get DNA?

DR. DAVID POSEY, M.D., MEDICAL EXAMINER, FORENSIC PATHOLOGIST; GLENN OAKS PATHOLOGY MED. GROUP: Well, I think they can probably have it within a week. It is a complicated procedure, and you`ve got to go through a number of steps.

But I think, you know, one week we should be able to have some good idea that the bones belong to whoever or they`re not Haleigh`s bones.

GRACE: To Sheryl McCollum, director of the Cold Case Squad, Pine Lake.


SHERYL MCCOLLUM, DIRECTOR, COLD CASE SQUAD, PINE LAKE: It could be faster than a week. Three days, Nancy.

GRACE: Three days. Seventy-two hours, and you can get r-felt DNA.

MCCOLLUM: Absolutely.

GRACE: With me Dr. Leslie Austin -- Dr. Leslie Austin, psychotherapist.

Dr. Leslie, wouldn`t you have liked to have been in the back of that squad car with Misty Croslin and Tommy Croslin after police show Misty Croslin -- the new stepmother -- little Haleigh`s bones?

LESLIE AUSTIN, PH.D., PSYCHOTHERAPIST: I sure would have. I would have given anything to hear that conversation. And if it was taped, hopefully maybe we will. I don`t trust anything either of them says except in a circumstance like that when they`re not smart enough to think that maybe they`re being monitored.

GRACE: Out to the lines. Becky, Ohio. Hi, Becky.

BECKY, CALLER FROM OHIO: Hi, Nancy. Hey, I have a question.


BECKY: I remember way back early in the investigation when a dog hit on a scent in Misty`s dumpster by her trailer.

GRACE: Right.

BECKY: And I was wondering would it be possible that after she had disposed of the body she got to thinking and called her brother and he decided since he had deposited deer carcasses there in the river that that would be a better place to hide her body?

GRACE: To Jean Casarez, legal correspondent "In Session," I recall when the cadaver dog made that hit. Do you?

JEAN CASAREZ, LEGAL CORRESPONDENT, "IN SESSION": That`s right. I remember the cameras that were there. There was live pictures of them searching that dumpster because of the hit.

They didn`t find anything. It wasn`t that close in time, though, to when Haleigh went missing. So definitely the dumpster could have been emptied or, as Becky is saying, the dumpster could have had the remains taken out and put someplace else by someone.

GRACE: Breaking news tonight. Misty Croslin, the new stepmother, taken down to the docks of the St. Johns River and shown bones purported to be those of little Haleigh.

As we go to break, everyone, we are taking your calls live. And happy birthday to one of the best lawyers in the state of Mississippi, Frank Hadden.

Frank, your success probably has a lot to do with your law school study partner.

And happy birthday to a beautiful lady, Milton, Florida. Ruth Brown. Happy birthday.

And happy birthday to one of our stars. "In Session," TruTV star, Jean Casarez. She`s finally 21.

Happy birthday, beautiful Jean.



HARDY: It`s like looking for a needle in a haystack.

M. CROSLIN: Dad, there`s nothing.

HARDY: We were willing to go ahead and take the effort and the time to go look for that needle.


M. CROSLIN: I woke up and she was gone. And the back door was wide open.

BROOKS: She is the one that holds the key information to finding out what happened to this beautiful little girl.

M. CROSLIN: It was about 10 o`clock.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She didn`t make any calls until either she saw him pulling in the driveway or until he actually started coming in the house, and he confronted her.

CUMMINGS: I just got home from work. My 5-year-old daughter is gone.

HOLLARS: Told us baby, don`t cry, this is something you should have said a long time ago.

PADILLA: Misty is being very coy about answering the questions.

HOLLARS: She says, "But nanny, I was scared."


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Stunning evidence tonight breaking in the last hour that stepmother Misty Croslin taken down to the docks of the St. Johns River and shown the bones of 5-year-old little Haleigh, then placed in a squad car along with her brother Tommy Croslin.

We are taking your calls, live to Lisa in Florida. Hi, Lisa.

LISA, CALLER FROM FLORIDA: Hi, Nancy. Good evening.

GRACE: Hi, dear.

LISA: Hi, honey. Listen, how long ago did the grandmother find out this information? And can she be like held responsible for withholding evidence?

GRACE: To Marlaina Schiavo, when did the calls start coming to grandma? That broke the case.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY PRODUCER: Well, as you recall, Tommy Croslin took a polygraph two weeks ago and -- or a week and a half ago, and at that time, right after that, that`s when he called his grandmother. So -- and it was right after that that the search began. So she wasn`t holding on to any information for Tommy.

GRACE: And remember, Lisa in Florida, in our jurisprudence system you do not -- you did not be prosecuted for not doing something, for failure to act. So if you know something and you don`t tell police, you`re likely not going to get prosecuted.

If you obstruct justice, however, you will. If you actively try to stop or hinder an investigation, that`s a different matter than simply withholding evidence.

But according to our sources, the grandma only found out in the last week.

To Rhonda in Florida. Hi, Rhonda. Rhonda, are you there?


GRACE: What`s your question, dear?

RHONDA: Thank you for taking my call.

GRACE: Yes, ma`am.

RHONDA: And I think that you -- it`s wonderful the way you balance both worlds, working worlds and being a mom. That`s a hard job.

GRACE: Man, it really is, Rhonda. And you sound like you`re a working mom yourself. So you know what it`s like.

RHONDA: And also I think they`re becoming personalities on their own, getting their own personality.

GRACE: Oh, yes.

RHONDA: I think they`re comical (ph).

GRACE: They are. And they had these two personalities when they -- when I gave birth.


GRACE: But they have really developed. They couldn`t be more different, even though they`re twins.

What`s your question, dear?

RHONDA: Yes, I have a comment and a question. First of all, if Misty Croslin was just looking on or just looking on or helping, would she still be accomplice -- an accomplice?

GRACE: If she`s helping, you`re darn right. One for all and all for one. The theory of conspiracy, aiding and abetting, accomplice to a crime.

To Renee in New Hampshire. Hi, Renee.

RENEE, CALLER FROM NEW HAMPSHIRE: Yes, ma`am. I`m just wondering, why all of a sudden are her grandchildren calling the grandmother after 14 months?

GRACE: Good question. Art Harris, I believe they`ve been calling on and off all along.

HARRIS: That`s right, Nancy.

GRACE: And finally, when Tommy Croslin flunked the polygraph, he cracked.

HARRIS: That`s right, Nancy. I`ve been speaking with Flora Hollars for months. They have been calling her collect from jail. She is their listening post and very, very sympathetic to both of them.

They called -- Tommy called her after he had been holding this in for many months, took the polygraph, flunked, felt badly, told her, and she said, as you know, it was Joe, wasn`t it? He said yes. And he got it off his chest.

GRACE: Art Harris breaking the story tonight, Croslin taken down to the river and shown little Haleigh`s bones.

We are quickly shifting gears in an effort to help find a missing church mom. We`re calling her that because she was so heavily involved in her local church. Goes shopping at a local outdoor mall, is never seen again.

To Katie Wright, reporter, "The Hillsboro Times-Gazette." What happened to Tiffany Tehan? Give it to me in a nutshell, Katie.

KATIE WRIGHT, REPORTER, THE HILLSBORO TIMES-GAZETTE: Well, I`ll tell you what we know, Nancy. We know that Tiffany Tehan has been missing since she left on a shopping trip early Saturday morning around 8:30.

Her family reported her missing to authorities at 9:00 that evening. And at 9:00 Sunday morning her vehicle was found parked around a nearby shopping center. And according to what we know, the keys were locked in the vehicle and there was a flat tire.

Today, however, a -- one of the leads that police have received led to a person of interest being -- you know, coming into the story where she was reportedly seen with this man on numerous occasions throughout the months of March and April, according to police --

GRACE: Hold on, Katie.

WRIGHT: -- at this nearby convenient store --

GRACE: Hold on, Katie. Katie Wright joining us from the "Hillsboro Times-Gazette." We`re showing you the photo.

Liz, please take me down. I want the viewers to see the photo of Tiffany Tehan along with the guy who is now named a person of interest. Tip line 937-376-7200.

To Chuck Tabor, this is Tiffany`s father, just now joining us.

Mr. Tabor, thank you for being with us. What are police telling you?

CHUCK TABOR, FATHER OF MISSING MOM, TIFFANY TEHAN, JUST MET WITH POLICE AT SEARCH HEADQUARTERS: Well, they`re following every lead they have. They`re checking on who this is. They`re trying to find this person of interest. They`re looking at everything they can find. And all we`re trying to do is help them find our daughter.

GRACE: With me is Chuck Tabor. This is Tiffany`s father.

We`re going to be right back with Mr. Tabor, taking your calls live. But as we go to break, we are asking for your thoughts and prayers for one of our dear stars, Denitra. She is just coming out of surgery, and we ask blessings on her tonight.

Denitra, please stay strong.


GRACE: In a search for 31-year-old church mom Tiffany Tehan, to her father joining us tonight, Chuck Tabor.

Mr. Tabor, she left around 8:30 a.m., but she reported missing until 9:30 p.m. There`s a perfectly good explanation. What is it?

TABOR: She had planned to spend her day shopping. And so that was in the schedule that she had given her husband and she called him to let him know where she was, and that was the last phone call in the morning that he got from her.

Not thinking anything about it because she was going to take the whole day shopping, and then he just -- he thought, well, OK, she`s going to call, she`s going to call, she`s going to call. And so he called -- he called us, and we said it`s time to do something. So that`s what happened.

GRACE: I`m hearing in my ear right now an update. We now have a name for the guy I`m showing you. His name is Tre B. Hutcherson.

Ellie, is it Hutcherson or Hutchinson? Hutcherson. With an R. And he also has been missing for several days.

I want to go back to Clark Goldband. When did these photos pop up?

CLARK GOLDBAND, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Now, Nancy, law enforcement has said these photos emerged between March and April, a few times at possibly, as reports are saying, a Circle K convenience store there in Ohio.

Law enforcement has said there are multiple shots of them entering the store at various times the past few months.

GRACE: Yes, because I notice they have on different clothes going in and out.

To Chuck Tabor, this is Tiffany Tehan`s father.

Chuck, do you know who Tre B. Hutcherson is? Is that something from her church? Who is he?

TABOR: I don`t know. That`s -- this is the first I`ve heard it. I did not recognize the picture, and that name is an unfamiliar name.

GRACE: Tre B. Hutcherson.

Everyone, tip line, 937-376-7200.

To Marc Klaas, what do you think, Marc?

KLAAS: Well, I think that -- he was identified solely through your program tonight. I don`t think there`s any question about that. There is -- this is a love triangle and this could go in a number of different ways.

Unless the husband has a very solid alibi, he could very well be involved in this disappearance, too. And I don`t think anybody should forget that until these people are found.

GRACE: And I`d like to find out exactly how that tire was flattened, Marc Klaas.

With us tonight is Chuck Tabor. This is Tiffany Tehan`s father.

Everyone, there is a reward in the search for Tiffany Tehan.

Tonight let`s stop and remember Army Private Michael Baloga, 21, Everett, Washington. Killed Iraq. Awarded the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Army Commendation medal, National Defense Service medal.

Never met a stranger. Loved hackie sack, rave, water sports. Dreamed of seeing his daughter graduate high school and walking her down the aisle. Leaves behind parents Robert and Linda, two sisters, two brothers, daughter Isis.

Michael Baloga, American hero.

Thank you to our guests but especially you for being with us. See you tomorrow night 8:00 sharp Eastern. Until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on April 22, 2010, 11:30:17 AM


Misty`s Grandmother Sheds Light on Haleigh`s Disappearance

Aired April 21, 2010 - 19:00:00   ET



JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HOST (voice-over): Tonight, fast-breaking developments in the desperate search for beautiful little Haleigh Cummings. Tonight, Misty Croslin`s grandmother is back to talk one-on-one with me. Grandma Flo claims Ron, Misty, Tommy and Cousin Joe are all involved in a conspiracy surrounding Haleigh`s death. What happened to little Haleigh on the banks of that river?

And shocking new claims in the Casey Anthony case. A new prison inmate has NOW come forward. She claims Casey described in graphic detail how she used chloroform to knock out little Caylee so she could go party. This jailhouse informant is a convicted murderer herself, so is any of this actually true?

Plus, a very special guest here on ISSUES. I`ll be sitting down with Mr. 007 himself, Pierce Brosnan. He`ll talk about the fight to save the whales. He is up in arms over a controversial move by the U.S. government that critics say could allow more whale hunting. Tonight, what you can do to stop it.

ISSUES starts now.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Jaw-dropping new developments tonight in the Haleigh Cummings murder mystery. The 5-year-old vanished more than a year ago. Tonight, are investigators on the brink of nailing Haleigh`s killer? Does Misty Croslin, the very last person to see this little girl alive, know who killed her and how they did it?


MISTY CROSLIN, RON CUMMINGS` EX-WIFE: They`re not going to put me away for something I didn`t do. And I didn`t have anything to do with Haleigh. And if I knew who did, I would tell. I`ve told them everything that I can tell them. So they need to leave me alone about that.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Really? Hmm. Misty`s own grandmother, Flora Hollars, is back with us tonight live. Flo says Misty knows what happened to Haleigh.

Last night, right here on ISSUES, Flora dropped a huge bombshell. She says she thinks all three of her grandkids -- Misty, her brother Tommy and their cousin, Joe Overstreet -- were involved in Haleigh`s murder.

Investigators did take Misty to the search site to question her. Flo says Misty, who`s behind bars on drug charges, told her Tommy and Cousin Joe tied Haleigh to a brick of cement and then tossed the child into the St. John`s River.

Last night, Flo told us even before Haleigh went missing Cousin Joe spoke to Tommy about dumping a body in that very river.


FLORA HOLLARS, MISTY`S GRANDMOTHER: Tied Haleigh up with a yellow rope and tied a brick or block to the rope and dropped her into the St. John`s River.

She was crying and I told her, I said, "Baby, don`t cry. This is something you should have said a long time ago."

She says, "But, nanny, I was scared."


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Plus, divers discover bones in the muddy water. It was reported that they could belong to little Haleigh. Investigators even told Haleigh`s dad, Ronald, to plan a funeral.

Well, tonight, breaking news on that front. Those bones have been analyzed and have been identified as animal remains. There is still no body in this case.

And we are taking your calls tonight with Grandma Flo: 1-877-JVM-SAYS, 1-877-586-7297.

Straight out to my fantastic expert panel, all experts in this case, but first, my very special guest and the prime expert in this case, Flora Hollars, Misty Croslin`s own grandmother.

Flora, let me say again for the record I applaud you for immediately reporting this tip to police, even though your own family is at stake in all of this.

HOLLARS: Thank you.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Great to have you here.

Last night you said you believe Misty, Tommy, Joe and Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, were all involved in a conspiracy to cover up Haleigh`s murder. Flo, we did some research. We found that cops have cleared Ronald Cummings, Haleigh`s dad. So why do you think he knows something more?

HOLLARS: Well, really what it boiled down to is the fact that him and her had been arguing all day where she`d been out on that drug spree. And then he made her keep those babies -- those two babies that night. And there`s -- it takes him 50 minutes to get from home and work, back and forth. And what did he do in that ten minutes?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: OK. So you`re saying that there`s a time discrepancy?


VELEZ-MITCHELL: But he went to work.

HOLLARS: Uh-huh.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: My understanding was he was -- he`s working the night shift, he`s informed at work that little Haleigh is missing by Misty. He rushes back, can`t find her and then called police. He calls police. Where is the time discrepancy there?

HOLLARS: The -- getting to work is 25 minutes, getting back from -- getting home from work is 25 minutes. That -- that makes 50 minutes. There`s ten minutes to spare there.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, I want to stress again that law enforcement has said that Ron Cummings is not a suspect. They have investigated. They`ve cleared him. They`ve said they`ve checked his phone records, they`ve checked everything, and they really believe he has absolutely nothing to do with this.

We`ve also reached out to attorneys for all -- Tommy, Joe, Misty and Ron -- and we have not heard back today.

But I want to ask you about this, Flo. After Ron leaves for work, somehow we have now Misty who`s in the trailer, she said she just went to sleep with the two kids and woke up -- initially she said this -- and they were missing. But it emerged that perhaps she had been visited by Tommy and Joe.

So set the stage for us. What was going on inside that trailer, do you believe? Do you believe all three were there, and were they partying?

HOLLARS: I know they were al three there, because Joe and Tommy was looking for the machine gun that Ronald had.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And what were they doing? Were they partying? Were they drugging, do you think?

HOLLARS: They didn`t say that, but I`m pretty such if they had any they were.


HOLLARS: Yes, ma`am.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Why do these three grandchildren have troubles? Why are they so troubled? Now, two of the three are behind bars. Joe is clear at this point. Investigators have not charged him with anything. But why do you think Misty and Tommy have such a troubled history and now they`re behind bars on drug conspiracy charges?

Did they have trouble as kids? Did any of these three of your grandchildren that we`re looking at now have violent streaks when they were kids growing up?

HOLLARS: Not that I know of. But they never really had parents that stayed straight enough to take care of them anyways.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: What do you mean?

HOLLARS: Tommy and Misty, their mom and dad were crackheads. And they stayed messed up on crack all the time. What time I didn`t have them, their grandmother in Michigan had them. Well, I had Misty. She had the other two.

I went to Colorado three summers in a row and only caught the kids home one time. They were in Michigan.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Only what one time?

HOLLARS: Only one time out of the three years that I went up there.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Only one time what? I didn`t get you.

HOLLARS: When I went to Colorado to visit, I went there three times. The first time that I went, they wasn`t there. The second -- the second time they were there. The third time they wasn`t there. They were in Michigan.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So you`re -- is this the parents of Misty?


VELEZ-MITCHELL: So what -- how old was Misty and who was taking care of her?

HOLLARS: Her grandmother in -- June Croslin in Michigan.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So you`re saying that Misty and Tommy, they`re brother and sister, their parents were drug addicts and did not take good care of Misty and Tommy, which may have led to their own addiction? As a recovering alcoholic myself, I know that that can be handed down. We`re not saying for sure they`re addicts, but this is your premise?

HOLLARS: Oh, yes, ma`am, they are addicts.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: How do you know that?

HOLLARS: They live like gypsies.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: How do you know that Misty and Tommy are addicts?

HOLLARS: Well, from the -- my daughter`s own words down there and the way that he was stealing his daddy`s pills, which his daddy is going on trial for doctor shopping. He was getting roxies. And he said they were stealing all of them. But Misty stated out of her own mouth that he was giving them to her.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Flo, you say there are a few different stories you`ve heard about how little Haleigh was murdered.

HOLLARS: Uh-huh.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I want you to listen to this.



HOLLARS: I`ve heard two different details. I heard that she got a hold of one of Ron`s pills and swallowed it and O.D.`d on it, and then I heard that Misty supposedly hit her in the back of the head, and Joe supposedly raped her and then got rid of the body.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Flo, those are three very different scenarios. Where did you hear each of those stories, and which one do you believe?

HOLLARS: I believe the one that Misty told me, that they tied her up in a rope and dropped her in the river. I just don`t know whether they raped her or not. But I sort of believe that they did. I just hope and pray that the child was already dead before she hit that water.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: But how do you know that, based on what Tommy told you on the phone? I mean, did Tommy tell you how the child -- if, in fact, this is what happened, got from the trailer to the river and what happened in between the time that the child left the trailer and got to the river, and who took the child from the trailer to the river?

HOLLARS: No, ma`am. All Tommy told me was that Joe did it.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And you didn`t ask any follow-up questions?

HOLLARS: Yes, I asked follow-up questions, but he didn`t answer any of the rest of them. He was crying too hard, so he started talking about his kids and his wife.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So how do you know that Misty, in your opinion, Misty, Tommy and Joe were all there at the river that night with little Haleigh? How do you make that leap, when all Tommy said was Joe did it, and then all Misty said was they tied a rope around her and, with cement, threw her in the water?

HOLLARS: Well, in my opinion, the way that I feel that -- knowing that is that she knew she was throwed in the St. John`s River.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So you`re saying how would she know that without having witnessed it?

HOLLARS: If she hadn`t have witnessed it or -- see, Joe left the next day after this happened. Now, maybe Tommy carried her over there and showed her where they had dropped her at. I don`t know.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Grandma Flo, you`re such a great interview. We really, really appreciate you being here. Stay right where you are. Don`t move.

And we`re going to get some calls in: 1-877-JVM-SAYS, 1-877-586-7297. Phone lines lighting up.

Plus, here we go again. A new prison inmate coming forward in the Casey Anthony case, this time claiming Casey talked about chloroform. You won`t believe this one. Are any of these roommates telling the truth.

But first, what happened to Haleigh Cummings? And did she end up in this river? We are hunting for answers with Misty`s grandmother.


HANK CROSLIN, MISTY`S FATHER: I don`t want to say nothing that will hurt you, Misty.

M. CROSLIN: I know, Daddy. It`s nothing against me. I`m telling you.

H. CROSLIN: (UNINTELLIGIBLE) Your brother told me to tell you he loves you.

M. CROSLIN: I love him, too.

H. CROSLIN: We want to get your brother out, too.

M. CROSLIN: Well, worry about me first. OK?




M. CROSLIN: So I got up and went to the kitchen. And that`s when I noticed the back door was wide open. The back door was open. The screen door was holding by a big cement block.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Misty told cops a cinderblock was propped open, holding the door of her trailer home open the night Haleigh went missing. That was her initial story. Investigators reportedly pulled two cinderblocks from the St. John`s River, and they are examining them.

We are talking to Misty`s grandmother, Flora Hollars, who says she thinks her granddaughter, Misty, was somehow involved in Haleigh Cummings` death.

We have a team of experts with us tonight. We begin with HLN law enforcement analyst Mike Brooks.

Mike, what would you like to ask Flora?

MIKE BROOKS, HLN LAW ENFORCEMENT ANALYST: Ms. Hollars, good to have you with us again.

HOLLARS: Thank you.

BROOKS: Misty has taken now, it looks like, four polygraphs. Initially the first two were by law enforcement, one by Texas EquuSearch, and then apparently, another one. Has she ever discussed what the questions were that were asked to her and why she failed so badly?

HOLLARS: No, sir, she hasn`t.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Jayne Weintraub, your question for Flo.

JAYNE WEINTRAUB, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Have you ever spoken with Misty prior to this about any details like the yellow rope? Did she ever mention anything?

HOLLARS: She didn`t say anything about that until the Monday after Tommy had told me on Sunday about the -- Joe being the one that did it. And that following Monday is when Misty told me that they tied her with a yellow rope and tied the blocks around it and dropped her into the St. John`s River.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Levi Page, host of "The Levi Page Show," your question for Flo.

LEVI PAGE, HOST, "THE LEVI PAGE SHOW": Yes. Ms. Hollars, I want to ask you. Misty was jailed along with Donna Brock, a former volunteer with EquuSearch, in that drug-trafficking scandal.


PAGE: Donna Brock went undercover in October to try to get information out of Misty. According to what`s been reported, Ronald Cumming, when he learned that Donna Brock was going undercover to try to get information out of Misty, Ronald called Misty to warn her not to say anything. If Ronald doesn`t have any involvement, why do you think he warned Misty not to talk to Donna?

HOLLARS: That`s something that I would really like to know, too.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. Because I think you`re saying that Ron may have at least some knowledge of what happened, even though I have to stress investigators have cleared him as a suspect.

Cheryl, North Carolina, your question for Flo?

CALLER: Yes. Why did she wait so long to come out with this? Obviously, they told her earlier on. And so she`s known this for a while, and she waited until they all got arrested on the drug charges to come out with this.


HOLLARS: Who waited?

CALLER: You did.

HOLLARS: I just heard this last week.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: OK. Well, let me ask a related question, then. Why do you think Misty waited so long? If, in fact, she was going to spill this, why wait until 15 minutes after Tommy calls?

Have you ever considered the possibility that somehow they managed to coordinate their stories and that none of this is true, that maybe there`s nothing down there at the river, that -- that basically this is just another story made up out of whole cloth, the way Misty initially said she woke up and Haleigh was simply gone?

HOLLARS: No, ma`am, because 15 minutes after Tommy called me, Misty called me. I told her what he said and she was crying and all she could say is, "Nanny, I`ve told them this all along." Misty didn`t tell me until the following Monday about the rope and the bricks in the St. John`s River.

BROOKS: And Jane, I really don`t think also that law enforcement would have gone to all this trouble and this whole dive operation, had they not thought that the information they got was very credible.


WEINTRAUB: Especially to stay all night on a river. I mean, it`s really -- it`s unheard of. Jane, can I ask you to ask a question?


WEINTRAUB: Can you ask Flo whether or not there were any discussions from Misty about the police about the time in prison she was going to spend before she came up with this confession? In other words, was she complaining to Flo that they`re going to put her in jail for 30 years if she doesn`t just tell them, so that`s why she`s telling her?

HOLLARS: No, ma`am. She told me that she didn`t think she would get over five years.

BROOKS: But, Jayne, we`ve seen -- we`ve seen how Misty has been since she went in. You know, the initial video we`ve seen of her until now. You saw her with her father, Hank. "Yes, Tommy is in here, too, but get me out first." It`s starting to get to her.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. Fantastic panel, stay right where you are. Are police finally closing in on little Haleigh`s killer? What happened that night?



RON CUMMINGS, FATHER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: If you have my daughter, bring her home, please. All I want is Haleigh. That`s all I want. I want nothing else but Haleigh. That`s it. Please, if you have her, bring her home.

Babe, if you`re watching, you know you`ll always be daddy`s little girl. I love you.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Investigators did an intense underwater search over several days using divers, cadaver dogs, underwater sonar devices, focusing in n this area, a dock along the river bank of the St. John`s River.

Flo, after you called in your tip to investigators, telling them what Tommy and Misty told you, have investigators been in contact with you? Have they updated you at all as to whether they believe the story, what they found down at the river, anything?

HOLLARS: No, ma`am. I keep leaving them messages.


HOLLARS: Different things that I hear, I leave them messages, but they`ve not bothered to call me back.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: How do you feel about that?

HOLLARS: I think it`s dirty. At least they should pick the phone up and call me back and answer my questions.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: How has your extended family reacted to your going forward and calling police, even though it could jeopardize your three grandchildren?

HOLLARS: None of them like it, but it`s like I said, if it was me, I would want somebody to be doing the same thing that I`m doing sitting here right now.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: What do you want more than anything else?

HOLLARS: I want that little girl to be put to rest.


Mike Brooks, a question?

BROOKS: Ms. Hollars, just a little while ago you said that they went over to Ronald`s house looking for his machine gun. It had been reported earlier that apparently he had a .38 revolver. Does he have a machine gun in that house?

HOLLARS: That -- Misty said that he had a machine gun there, but he had turned it and put it somewheres else.

BROOKS: Hmm. That`s something that we`d never heard either.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: I don`t understand why somebody would take a child in reaction to not finding a machine gun.

Now, let me ask you this question. Flora, what was the relationship between Misty and Haleigh? You said that Misty didn`t want to baby-sit that night. Did Misty resent the responsibility of having to take care of Haleigh, much as Casey Anthony is accused of resenting the responsibility of being a parent regarding Caylee?

HOLLARS: That one night, I`m sure she did.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: But in general, did she resent the child?

HOLLARS: No, ma`am, not in general she didn`t. I`ve talked to the child on the telephone.


HOLLARS: And she was a nice-talking little girl.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: But I`m saying do you think -- we`re trying to figure out a motive, a motive for any of this. Something just doesn`t add up here.

HOLLARS: I`m saying Misty was jealous of Ron and Haleigh.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Misty is jealous of Ron?

HOLLARS: Ron and his daughter. I`m saying she was jealous of them.


HOLLARS: The attention that he give his daughter.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Oh. And do you think that was a motive of some sort?

HOLLARS: Yes, ma`am, I do.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Motive for what?

HOLLARS: Getting rid of the little girl.


HOLLARS: She had what she wanted.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: That`s pretty serious stuff. Again, nobody has been charged as a suspect in this case -- Jayne Weintraub.

WEINTRAUB: I was just going to say, you know, what`s clear also that we`ve learned from the last few days is that, one, tragically, Haleigh is not alive anymore.

And, No. 2, we`ve learned that this case will eventually have closure, because there`s no statute of limitations on murder. The cops will have a chance to develop the case when the drug case comes. They`ll make the squeeze play. One will admit it until they turn evidence against the other. And they`ll come up with some corroboration. This case will be made eventually.

BROOKS: It`s just a matter of making that probable cause.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Stay tuned. We`ll have more on this case with Flo.



M. CROSLIN: If I have something, she wants it. So if we buy something for me, we buy the same thing for her. Our shoes, me and Haleigh have the same pair of shoes. She wanted me to have pink and white Jordans just like hers. So me and her are like -- we try to do everything together.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: We are here with Flo Hollars, the 67-year-old grandmother of Misty Croslin, trying to break this case, trying to really understand what happened that night. Did they go down to the river with Haleigh and throw her in the water with a weight? If so, who did it and why?

Flo, you said Misty and Ron fought because she didn`t want to baby sit Haleigh and junior the night that Haleigh went missing.

We talked about Misty`s relationship with Haleigh. You say Misty was jealous of the attention Ron gave little Haleigh. She was the apple of his eye. He said that.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: So take us further. Where are you going with that?

HOLLARS: Well, if it was your child or your step-child, would you be walking and laughing with her gone? Look how Misty is laughing. She didn`t care. She had Ron by herself.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Do you feel that Misty was, like, madly in love with Ron?

HOLLARS: Oh, yes, I know she is.



VELEZ-MITCHELL: Is that why she had Ron`s name tattooed on her?

HOLLARS: Uh-huh. That`s -- that`s why she`s tried to mail letters to get us to mail them back to Ron but we will not send them back to him.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tell us about that. I`m not sure I understand you. Can you spell that out?

HOLLARS: She has mailed letters to her mother mainly to be sent -- put in another envelope and be sent to Ron under her mother`s name. And I told her mother, I says, "You better not do it because you`re sticking your foot in too deep." And she didn`t do it.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Mike, thoughts?

MIKE BROOKS, HLN LAW ENFORCEMENT ANALYST: No, I think -- that`s good information you gave her. Good advice. Because, no, if the jail found out about that, it could definitely get -- get them in trouble.

HOLLARS: Yes, it could.


BROOKS: One other thing, Ms. Hollars, Tommy had initially said that he went over that night and he pounded on the door of that trailer. Has he talked to you about that and said that he fabricated that? Or has he said that that was exactly what happened and then went back with Joe?

HOLLARS: He`s never said to me that he went over there. When I found out that he had went over there, I asked him why did it take him eight months to come out and say that he had been over there. And he never answered.

BROOKS: Interesting.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Let me ask you this, Flo. What were in the letters that Misty was writing, trying to get her own mother to send them to Ron behind bars so that Ron could read something from her?

HOLLARS: How much she loved him and how much she wanted to be with him. And he tells her in the courtroom that he`s in love with her.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So this is some kind of twisted love story?

HOLLARS: Yes, ma`am, it is.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ok, here`s one thing I`ve never understood. How could you marry somebody who basically lost your daughter? I mean, for lack of a better phrase, the child disappeared on her watch. Everybody was shocked that he then proceeds to marry her. What do you make of that?

HOLLARS: They`d only known one another for four months. To me, that was staged marriage.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Why do you say that?

HOLLARS: To keep from testifying against each other. But they found out real quick that it don`t work in Florida.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes, but -- ok. Here`s what I don`t understand. You seem to agree that Ron said Haleigh was the apple of his eye.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yet why would he then be involved in any conspiracy? He`s the one who`d likely be outraged if anybody hurt Haleigh.

HOLLARS: Well, leaving him with her.


HOLLARS: Leaving them with her that one particular night when she was so messed up. Would you leave your child with somebody that was doped up?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: No. We`ve covered that. Ok. Jayne Weintraub, question? Question?

JAYNE WEINTRAUB, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: No, I -- no, other than I`m troubled that the police have not called Flo back. I wonder if that`s a message.

And also, I`m curious if Misty mentioned anything about being charged with a murder or Tommy, for that matter. Has anybody spoken to that they`re afraid of being charged with the murder?


HOLLARS: I`ve not got to talk to them. I don`t have the money to get pay-toll minutes put on my telephone right now. But as soon as I get the money, I`m having them added on there.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I just want to say, Flo, we really appreciate your courage in speaking and being part of this effort to get to the truth. It takes a lot of guts to say something that could have blow-back to your own family.

HOLLARS: Yes, I know.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: We applaud you. And we`re going to stay on top of it. We want you to come back real soon, ok, Flo?

HOLLARS: Ok. Thank you.


<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on April 22, 2010, 03:09:56 PM


Bones Found in St. John`s Animal Bones, Not Human

Aired April 21, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5-year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. The last person to see her alive, new stepmother Misty Croslin, who goes on to flunk four polygraphs. Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and stepmother Misty Croslin both booked. Charges, drug trafficking.

Suddenly, search teams, cadaver dogs, scuba divers, helicopters, comb the St. John`s River. Croslin rousted out of her jail cell, taken in handcuffs down to the dock, motioning out to the water, pointing out a specific spot to police. Police announcing 5-year-old Haleigh likely dead. Evidence, including two cinderblocks, pulled from the muddy waters of the St. John`s River.

As the search for little Haleigh`s entire body and the murder weapon goes on, bombshell tonight. In a stunning police move, we learn while Misty Croslin stands on the docks of the St. John`s, police show her bones recovered in the search, then place Croslin and brother Tommy together in the back of a squad car, leaving the two, sister and brother, to talk freely. Was there a squad car confession?

In the last hours, police announce they have not found Haleigh`s body, all they`ve dredged up are animal bones. Did Croslin only see animal bones at the dock, then break down? Police refusing to confirm human remains found, but go inform Haleigh`s father behind closed doors to plan a funeral. Father Ronald Cummings and bio mom Crystal Sheffield meet to determine whether to have Haleigh officially declared dead.

Croslin`s own grandmother describing scenarios, insisting she believes all three -- Misty Croslin, brother Tommy Croslin, cousin Joe Overstreet -- are all responsible for Haleigh`s death. Two types rope missing from Croslin`s van the morning after Haleigh vanishes, backing Grandma`s story Haleigh ruthlessly tied to a brick, then thrown into the muddy waters, dead or alive.


MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER: Today was a very bad day for me.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She was taken to the crime scene, to the river.

MISTY CROSLIN: Tomorrow`s going to be a bad day for me, too, OK?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The detectives showed her what they had found.

MISTY CROSLIN: I was freaking out! I was like, Man, they got me...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She was shown bones.

GRACE: ... shown bones...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... bones and remains...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I know that bones have been found in the river.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She knows something.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Human bones or animal bones?

FLORA HOLLARS, MISTY`S AND JOE`S GRANDMOTHER: She was pointing (ph) a site out on the river on the TV.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They`re still denying that they found any human remains.

MISTY CROSLIN: It was crazy.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... show her the bones...

GRACE: They put her in the car with brother Tommy Croslin.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And let`s say she has the reaction...

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m serious. I was like, Oh, my God.

HOLLARS: Those three grandkids of mine is involved in this, and I don`t know why!

MISTY CROSLIN: The cops said there was a whole bunch of bricks...

Yes, it was a brick. Like, a brick on the floor.

But I`ve never seen any bricks at ail.

HOLLARS: They have no remorse or something!

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m not hiding anything.


TOMMY CROSLIN, MISTY`S BROTHER: I don`t know where she is.

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: If I find whoever has my daughter before y`all do, I`m killing him. I don`t care. I`ll spend the rest of my life in prison. I`m telling you, you can put it on recording. I don`t care.


GRACE: And breaking news tonight, live, Ohio. A young church mom of a 1- year-old baby girl vanishes while shopping. But now grainy surveillance video emerges of Mommy with a mystery man. Cops ID a person of interest. As we go to air last night, they ID him. The mystery man, Tre B. Hutcherson.

Breaking tonight, in a surprise twist, we learn it`s not the first time Mommy spotted with the mystery married man, his wife revealing thousands now gone from the family bank account. Tonight, is the young church mom in danger, or is she a runaway mom? Where is young church mom Tiffany Tehan?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Honey, your dad and I, and your husband and your child, need you to come back home.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Breaking news. Law enforcement just moments ago saying they`ve located the 1999 red Volkswagen Beetle believed to be driven by Tre Hutcherson.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`re just going hour by hour, day by day, and trying to do what we can to locate her safely.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Cops say he`s 42-year-old Tre B. Hutcherson, who`s unemployed and has also been missing for several days. Law enforcement desperately trying to track the two down, as local media talks to a woman claiming to be Hutcherson`s wife. She alleges Hutcherson recently withdrew $2,000 cash and said she believes the two want to be together.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: A woman that claims to be Tre Hutcherson`s wife told us, quote, "He`s taken off with this girl, obviously, together. He`s caused no harm to her, and they`re together because they want to be."

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If you can make a phone call just to let us know that you`re there, that you`re safe or whatever, we will make the way for you to come back.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But would a respected mom involved in her church`s ministry just leave her 1-year-old daughter behind? Questions now swirling. What exactly happened to missing mom Tiffany Tehan?


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Bombshell tonight. We learn while Misty Croslin, baby-sitter-turned- stepmother, stands on the docks of the St. John`s River, police show her bones, bones recovered in the search for 5-year-old Haleigh, then place Misty Croslin and brother Tommy Croslin together in the back of a squad car, leaving brother and sister to talk freely. Was there a squad car confession?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: At this point, I`m going to call it a homicide.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Local reports police telling Ronald Cummings and his family to start making funeral arrangements for Haleigh.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`re hoping to make an arrest in this case. People are finally starting to talk.

HOLLARS: I know one thing. Misty had been out on a drug binge for three days. Her and Ron had fought that day, and she told him she didn`t want to baby-sit. And he told her, Yes, you are going to baby-sit.

CUMMINGS: Please. All we want is my child. That`s it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He`s still hoping that if Misty did know something that she was forced to do, threatened into doing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You leave your kids with somebody that`s all doped up?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: WJXT is reporting that two cinderblocks have been pulled during that massive search in the St. John`s River.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Without a body, the case against Haleigh`s killer may have to be built entirely on circumstantial evidence.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Misty, when she first told the story about the night Haleigh went missing, she said the back door was propped open with a cinderblock.

911 OPERATOR: You said your back door was wide open?

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. It was brick. Like a brick on the floor.

HOLLARS: First thing that I was told was that Joe had killed her.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There`s so many people talking.

HOLLARS: I don`t even know whether she was dead when she hit the water or not.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And so few who know what they`re talking about.

HOLLARS: What I was told by Misty was that Tommy and Joe took Haleigh and wrapped a yellow rope around her and carried her to the dock and tied a brick around the bottom of -- of the end of the rope and throwed her into the river.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: reporting investigators have found a piece of yellow rope from inside brother Tommy Croslin`s home.

CUMMINGS: I just want my daughter back!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`re trying to bring somebody to justice for this little girl right here and her family. And that`s what this is all about.


GRACE: Straight out to Art Harris, investigative reporter at You`ve been there in Satsuma, Art. You broke the story last night that Misty Croslin, the last person to see 5-year-old Haleigh alive, was shown bones there on the dock of the St. John`s. Are we now learning that those were not Haleigh`s bones?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Nancy, the bones we first reported on your show last night Misty was shown at the St. John`s River have been tested, and police have announced today they are animal bones. They also are saying that -- in a press release today that she saw the bones. But they tried to downplay this, Nancy, you know, by saying, my sources saying, that they have a strategy to keep the pressure on her, a calculated strategy by showing her bones in the hopes she will crack.

GRACE: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute, Art Harris. Hold on! To Dr. Marty Makary, physician and professor of public health, Johns Hopkins -- you can`t get any better than that. Dr. Makary, is there any mistaking a deer bone with a human child bone?

DR. MARTY MAKARY, JOHNS HOPKINS: Well, with weather damage and if we`re talking about bone fragments, sure. There`s no way a parent is going to be able to identify a bone fragment that`s been weathered...

GRACE: I`m talking about the police, Makary, the police.

MAKARY: No, the police can tell because of DNA. They can nail it with 100 percent certainty.

GRACE: No, I mean out there on the docks, Dr. Marty Makary. Do you think police knew that they were showing Misty Croslin deer bones, not little girl bones?

MAKARY: You know, based on the shape of a bone, oftentimes you can make a deduction. But you need a laboratory to know with 100 percent certainty. Otherwise, a bone can look like a bone.

GRACE: Unleash the lawyers. We are taking your calls live. Joining us out of the Philadelphia jurisdiction, attorney Anthony F. List. Also with us, defense attorney, New York, Alan Ripka. Along with him, defense attorney Jason Oshins joining us out of New York, practicing in multiple jurisdictions.

First to you, Oshins. There`s not a thing wrong with what police did.

JASON OSHINS, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: No, Nancy. You know, I`ve got to cite you on that. That`s excellent police work. They`re trying to, you know, pinch one against the other, hopefully, get an excited utterance, like we think that might have occurred between the two Croslins in the back of the police car. Really nothing to do from a defense point of view. It`s protected by the hearsay rule. And you know, if it occurred, it`s a tough one, Nancy.

GRACE: Ripka?

ALAN RIPKA, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, it`s incredibly traumatic if she`s not the one who did this. And showing somebody bones and claiming they`re human bones to entice them to sort of admit to what they did could be very emotional if they`re not the suspect here.

GRACE: Put Ripka up! Emotional? That doesn`t matter. Emotional doesn`t matter, according to the Constitution. Don`t come with me -- to me with a box of Kleenex telling me it`s emotional!

Anthony List, what about it? Is there any way that they can get whatever she said in that cop car thrown out because those were not Haleigh`s bones, they were deer bones?

ANTHONY F. LIST, FAMILY LAW ATTORNEY: I think the whole process was intentionally misleading. Dr. Makary...

GRACE: So? Is that against the Constitution, Mr. List?

LIST: Well, that`s correct. And I think Dr. Makary`s talking as an expert...

GRACE: That was a yes or no, Anthony. This is not unconstitutional.

LIST: You`re saying it`s not unconstitutional. I disagree with you.

GRACE: And what -- what amendment? What Bill of Right do you believe it`s violating? What was that, Mr. List?

LIST: I`m sorry. The Bill of Rights is that the whole investigation has to be conducted with fairness, and I don`t think this was.

GRACE: Oh, fairness! I don`t recall seeing that in the Bill of Rights.


GRACE: I see the photo behind you of you and Misty Croslin. Do you think she could have had anything to do with this?

HOLLARS: No, ma`am, I really don`t think she could. Misty`s too good with kids. Misty loves kids. She`s had an opportunity to hurt them all, and she`s kept every one of them. I don`t believe Misty had any involvement whatsoever.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: People are starting to talk.

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t know where she is.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: People are starting to cooperate.

MISTY CROSLIN: There`s nothing to break me on.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think she`s come to realize that, you know, she`s in trouble.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There are reports of two cinderblocks retrieved from the river.

MISTY CROSLIN: It was a brick, like, a brick on the floor.

HOLLARS: Misty had been out on a drug binge for three days. Her and Ron had fought that day.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And my source is telling me police have obtained yellow rope from Tommy Croslin`s home.

TOMMY CROSLIN: I said, I can`t help you find nobody. I don`t know where she is.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They told the family it`s time, they have enough evidence that they can start making funeral arrangements for little Haleigh.

HOLLARS: And she told him she didn`t want to baby-sit, and he told her, Yes, you are going to baby-sit.

MISTY CROSLIN: Bring her back.

CUMMINGS: I know somebody took my little girl!

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH`S MOTHER: We just want our baby to come home.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They brought the family members in to the sheriff`s office.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He`s not as strong at home as he is on TV.

HOLLARS: He left the kids there with her, and she was still strung out.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They told him that it was now a homicide investigation.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It was the worst thing I`ve ever been through in my entire life.

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: Misty is being very coy about answering the questions.

HOLLARS: Would you leave your kids with somebody that`s all doped up?


GRACE: Back to Art Harris, investigative journalist at We are taking your calls live. So Art, bottom line -- I want a yes or no out of you, and that`s very hard to get out of an investigative journalist. But Art, bottom line, was she shown deer bones? Are we sure those were not Haleigh`s bones?

HARRIS: They`re saying those were not Haleigh`s bones, they were either deer or alligator bones pulled from the river. The question is, did police know that when they showed them to her? And was the announcement today, Nancy, that they were animal bones curiously close to our report on your show that they showed her bones?

GRACE: Joining me right now is a special guest, the attorney for Ronald Cummings, Terry Shoemaker, joining us out of St. Augustine, Florida. Terry Shoemaker, do you believe police knew when they showed Misty Croslin those bones that they were not human bones?

TERRY SHOEMAKER, ATTORNEY FOR RONALD CUMMINGS (via telephone): I really don`t know the answer to that, Nancy. I do know that after reviewing them and having them, you know, looked at by the appropriate people, that they have come back and said that they were animal bones. But at the time, I have no idea.

GRACE: To Pat Brown, criminal profiler, author of "The Profiler: My Life Hunting Serial Killers and Psychopaths." Pat Brown, regardless of what the defense attorneys List, Ripka, Oshins and Shoemaker might tell us tonight, the reality is that police can use a trick in order to get a confession.

We just saw that in the Dalia Dippolito case, the woman who tried to get her husband killed six months into the marriage. She contracted with a crop who she thought was a hitman. They set the whole thing up. It was a trick, all right?

That`s totally constitutional. What they can`t do is beat a confession out of you, get a confession out of you without giving you Miranda rights, torture you, punish you. There is a host of things they cannot do, but trickery ain`t one of them, Pat Brown. Yes, no?

PAT BROWN, CRIMINAL PROFILER: Yes. Well, Anthony`s saying you have to be fair and not misleading. I don`t know what lawyers we`d have left in our defense system if that were true. But the police can do whatever they want as far as being tricky. And they could have just pulled those bones out and not even said one way or another. They could say, Look, here are the bones. That`s their purpose, is to see if they can get her to give up a confession. That`s perfectly fine. It`s legal as heck.

GRACE: With me right now, another special guest, the grandmother of both Misty and Tommy Croslin, Ms. Flora Hollars, joining us out of Nashville, Tennessee. Ms. Hollars, are you now suggesting that Ronald Cummings, Haleigh`s father, may somehow be to blame for her disappearance?

HOLLARS: Yes, ma`am. From leaving the kids there with her.

GRACE: I`m sorry. I couldn`t hear you. Repeat?

HOLLARS: Yes, ma`am. For leaving the kids there with her, with her all strung out.

GRACE: So are you convinced in your own mind that your granddaughter, Misty Croslin, and grandson Tommy Croslin and Joe Overstreet are all three responsible?

HOLLARS: Yes, ma`am, I am.

GRACE: What scenario do you believe unfolded? What do you think happened that night?

HOLLARS: Exactly what Misty told me, that -- the rope and the cinderblocks and dropping her in the St. John`s River.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: People are finally starting to talk. Where that`s going to lead us, I don`t know. But we`re going to follow it to the end. And we`re -- yes, we`re trying to make an arrest. We`re trying to bring somebody to justice for this little girl right here and her family.




GRACE: I see the photo behind you of you and Misty Croslin. Do you think she could have had anything to do with this?

HOLLARS: No, ma`am, I really don`t think she could. Misty`s too good with kids. Misty loves kids. She`s had an opportunity to hurt them all, and she`s kept every one of them. I don`t believe Misty had any involvement whatsoever.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So you`re thinking that maybe Misty had something to do with it that night and was there when Haleigh`s body was thrown into the river?

HOLLARS: Yes, ma`am, I do.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You`re saying all three, all three of your grandkids were involved in this?

HOLLARS: Yes, ma`am, I think they were. I really do.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why do you think that?

HOLLARS: It`s just the way that they...


GRACE: And joining us from Nashville, Flora Hollars, the grandmother of both Misty and Tommy Croslin. Ms. Hollars, again, thank you for being with us. What led you to change your mind? You first insisted to me several weeks ago, no way was Misty remotely involved. But then you changed your mind and you yourself called police.

HOLLARS: Yes, I did. I changed my mind when I put two and two together that she knowed where to go to at the river. She`s involved.

GRACE: What exactly did Misty Croslin tell you from behind bars when she called you?

HOLLARS: When she called me, she says, Nanny, Tommy and Joe took a rope, a yellow rope, and wrapped Haleigh up with a yellow rope, tied it around her. They tied brickle blocks to the other end of it and dropped her into the St. John`s River. And if they dropped her in the St. John`s River, where was she at? How did she know? How did she see it?

GRACE: What do you make of her and Tommy, Tommy Croslin, her brother, being placed into the same squad car after seeing these bones that were allegedly Haleigh`s bones? Do you believe they talked about it? Did they make a confession, Ms. Hollars?

HOLLARS: No, ma`am, I really don`t think they did. It`s going to take a little bit more than that to break her down, and him, too.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If Misty did know something -- and it`s appearing that, you know, based on what`s going on, that she did. But he`s hoping that it`s something that she was forced to do, threatened into doing, and that`s why she wouldn`t talk to him.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Items have been recovered at the search site.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The cinder blocks --


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Those cinder blocks.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m not going to discuss the particular items that I`ve taken for analysts.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I didn`t do anything with that little girl.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I will not be mentioning any names at this time.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I was told by Misty.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She was the last one to see our daughter.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She says nanny, I`m telling you everything I know.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is a huge river.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Tied Haleigh up with the yellow rope.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She could have potentially been put in.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And tied a brickle block to the rope.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (via telephone): It was brick, like a brick on the floor.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And dropped her into the St. Johns River.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I`ve never seen any bricks at all.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Haleigh Cummings is most likely deceased.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Only one that knows is the people that was there.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There`s not anger.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE (via telephone): How the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) could you let my daughter get stolen.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The disappointment that she didn`t feel as if she could come forward and tell him, you know, what may have happened that night if she in fact knew.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don`t know where she is.

I`m not hiding anything.

I don`t.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Haleigh looked back and blew us a kiss, and she leaned up against the car, and then she got in the car and they drove away, and I never seen her again.


GRACE: Straight out to the lines. Out to Laura in Kansas. Hi, Laura.

LAURA, KANSAS RESIDENT (via telephone): Hi, Nancy.

GRACE: Hi, dear, what`s your question?

LAURA: First of all, I want to tell you you have two of the sweetest children in the whole world.

GRACE: Thank you. We`ve been playing today like it`s 1999. Let me tell you. And the whole time I would look at them and thought about Ron Cummings coming home from work to find his daughter, his 5-year-old little girl just gone, no real explanation, nothing, just gone, vanished. And now this.

What`s your question, dear?

LAURA: Nancy, my question is, how can they trust Misty Croslin to tell the truth out there on that dock when this whole time she has lied and not told the truth?

GRACE: I don`t think they do trust her to tell the truth. Out to you, Art Harris.

What do you make of it?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Nancy, I can tell you that they are doing everything they can to push her hot buttons. That`s the reason that they took her out to the dock and took her by the bones. She told Tommy in the car, I`m told, Nancy, that she was upset by that and figured they were probably deer bones, and that it was a police trick. So she`s on to them.

GRACE: Oh, no. Art, how can you confirm that?

HARRIS: Nancy, I`ve -- I have sources who are aware of the conversation.

GRACE: Out to the lines. Melody, Ohio.

Hi, Melody.

MELODY, OHIO RESIDENT (via telephone): Yes, Nancy. With her being up for three days, she definitely wasn`t seeing straight. Do you think maybe by accident because that little girl was on medication, that she got the medications messed up and maybe actually gave her an overdose of a drug by a mistake, and then the brother and the cousin, that`s when they all showed up? Thank you.

GRACE: Melody, I don`t think so. Because she has flunked four polygraphs. If there had been some accident with medication, I think she would have come forward with that.

Unleash the lawyers. Anthony F. List, Alan Ripka, Jason Oshins. Also with us, from Florida, Terry Shoemaker, the attorney for Ronald Cummings.

What about it, Anthony list? What do you make of that scenario?

ANTHONY F. LIST, ATTORNEY: Nancy, the one bit of evidence that really impresses me is the statement the grandmother made, Flora Hollins, that -- or Hollars that in her prison conversation over the phone this young girl described in detail what had happened. And I would put a lot of weight and credibility to that statement from a grandmother, especially under the circumstances in which it was given.

We know it`s admissible into evidence, and I think it`s very strong evidence, stronger than anything else I`ve heard. And remind me to give you my impression about trickery used by police and whether or not there`s a limit on that. But as far as what we were hearing so far, I think the grandmother`s telling the truth.

GRACE: Mr. List, I`ve got a feeling I already know what you think about trickery by cops. But what concerns me is the letter of the law and the constitution. But it also carries great weight that you, a defense attorney, would believe the grandmother`s comment means so much because to me you`re dead on about that.

Because this grandmother, Flora Hollars, Mr. List, has taken up -- taken up for and defended Misty Croslin from the get-go. Dyed in the wool Croslin supporter. In fact, if you look at that sound where she`s defending her, there hanging behind her in the background is the picture of her hugging on Misty Croslin. And the fact that she has now reversed decisions really means a lot.

And Alan Ripka, List says that it would come into evidence.


ALAN RIPKA, ATTORNEY: What would come into evidence?

GRACE: What Misty Croslin and Tommy Croslin stated to their grandmother.

RIPKA: Well, I think it would come into evidence. I think there would be a big fight, but I think that if it has to do with the crime, I think the grandmother is a reliable source. And I think the court would see the hearsay exception there.

GRACE: What about it, Jason Oshins?

JASON OSHINS, ATTORNEY: Yes, I`m not going to disagree with either of my peers right there. Absolutely, it comes in. There`s really no issue as to why it wouldn`t.

GRACE: Back to Flora Hollars. This is Misty and Tommy Croslin`s grandmother.

Miss Hollars, you say that you believe all three are involved. But earlier you believed that Joe Overstreet had basically been the ring leader.

Why did you believe that?

FLORA HOLLERS, MISTY AND TOMMY CROSLIN`S GRANDMOTHER: I believe that, Nancy, because of the way that when he came home he was a completely different person. And now if my daughter had on a Haleigh shirt, he would throw his hands up and "F it" and walk out is what he would say. He met a girl, her name was Haleigh. He asked her if she was 5 years old. What kind of stupidity is that?

GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Out to Melody in Ohio.

Hi, Melody.

JOE, NEW YORK RESIDENT (via telephone): I`m not her.

GRACE: Oh, excuse me. Lost melody.

Joe, New York.

Hi, Joe.

JOE: Hi, Nancy. I have a question in reference to the drugs they were selling. Did the cops ever find out who their supplier was and --

GRACE: Good question.

What about it, Ellie Jostad?

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: We don`t know if there is somebody farther up that chain that was supplying drugs. We do know, however, that police say that Misty Croslin, Tommy Croslin, Ron Cummings were both selling and buying drugs to these undercover informants.

Out to Marlaina Schiavo, our producer, joining us there at the jailhouse.

Marlaina, what more can you tell me?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY PRODUCER: Well, I can tell you, Nancy, that even though they keep saying about these bones and they`re animal bones, they still have enough evidence to make this a homicide case, and we do know that there are items at a lab right now being tested that could be connected to this case.

We`re hearing a lot about cinder blocks being pulled out. We`re hearing a lot about just evidence that`s coming out that has caused them to -- you know, for this massive search, and to make this a homicide case, and to tell Ronald Cummings to start making funeral arrangements.

GRACE: You know, Marlaina, along with the theory that cops can use trickery, if they had gone into that room and told Ronald Cummings behind closed doors to start planning a funeral, do we know his response?

SCHIAVO: It was a somber response. We know that he was asking his attorney a lot of questions about what is involved with that because the bottom line is, Nancy, for him to tell a judge or go before a judge to get a death certificate, that`s a really hard thing to do for a father. So he was -- you know, he didn`t have a lot to say, but he was deeply saddened, obviously, by what they were telling him.

GRACE: To Art Harris.

Art, I was told from my sources that he broke down --

HARRIS: That`s right, Nancy.

GRACE: -- in uncontrollable tears.

HARRIS: Yes. My sources told me he broke down and so did Crystal Sheffield. And there was no doubt, at least in law enforcement`s mind, this was a genuine reaction from a very, very grieving father.

GRACE: We are taking your calls live. It has come to light that yesterday Misty Croslin, the last 24 hours, was brought down to the docks of the St. Johns River and shown bones dredged from the river. And led to believe they were Haleigh Cummings` bones, the 5-year-old little girl that went missing under her watch. They then placed her in a squad car with her brother, Tommy Croslin. Now we learned that bones may not have been the little girl`s, in fact animal bones.

To Lillian Glass, Dr. Lillian Glass, psychologist and author of "Toxic People," joining us out of L.A.

Lillian, what do you make of it? And I find it very difficult to believe that Misty Croslin and Tommy Croslin did not discuss the case in the back of that squad car.

DR. LILLIAN GLASS, PSYCHOLOGIST AND AUTHOR OF "TOXIC PEOPLE": Well, I agree with you. And what was interesting is that it was reported that emotion was noted in Misty. And this is something we`ve never seen. We`ve seen her arrogant. We`ve seen her emotionless. We`ve seen her strung out. We`ve seen her nasty. And now she may be softening up in terms of breaking and really telling us what really happened. So I think as you do, when she was in the squad car something must have been said to --

GRACE: To Bill Majeski, former NYPD, now president of Majeski Associates in New York.

Was there anything wrong with what cops did?

BILL MAJESKI, FORMER NYPD DETECTIVE; MAJESKI ASSOCIATES INC: No, absolutely not. I thought it was very clever on their part. As a matter of fact, I`m surprise it took them so long to do something like that. But sure, any effort that they could make in terms of trickery, trickery`s used all the time in law enforcement, and it`s used quite successfully. And why not? Especially in a case like this.

GRACE: Correct and succinct.

Everyone, as we go to break tonight, we are asking for thoughts and prayers for Mary Claire Blackshaw. She`s a young mom in the fight of her life, battling bone cancer. Mary Claire, we all join together tonight, and we are praying. Now, you, please stay strong.


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Breaking news. Law enforcement just moments ago saying they`ve located the 1999 red Volkswagen Beetle believed to be driven by Trey Hutcherson.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There`s no use of jumping to conclusions on a picture.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Cops say this man is 42-year-old Trey B. Hutcherson, who`s also been missing for several days and may be with Tiffany. Cops now say the FBI is involved.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Pictures don`t prove anything. And so what we`re just trying to do is wait.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: A woman that claims to be Trey Hutcherson`s wife claims he took a bunch of cash, maybe in the thousands, out of their bank accounts. Quote, "yeah, he took some money. I don`t know anything else. He`s left. I`m here by myself. I`m just trying to get moved to California, and I`m just trying to move on."

As police checking passenger airline manifests out of Dayton Airport, but haven`t spotted the two on any list. Still, no activity from either Hutcherson`s or Tiffany`s cell phones or ATM cards.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: As we know, it her day was operating as it was supposed to operate.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Tiffany`s husband, David Tehan, says he doesn`t care what`s going on, he just wants Tiffany to come back.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We love you. We care about you. And if you could see the expression of love here, you would understand how much we need for you to come back home now.


GRACE: Straight out to Katie Wright, reporter with the "Hillsborough Times-Gazette," joining us there at the search headquarters.

Katie, thank you for being with us.

What`s the update?

KATIE WRIGHT, REPORTER, "THE HILLSBORO TIMES-GAZETTE: Right now, Nancy, we do know that within 24 hours after Trey B. Hutcherson was listed as a person of interest in the case, or after he was identified, they did locate the red Volkswagen Beetle belonging, or believing to belong to him in North Dayton. However, police are still searching for Tiffany, as well as Trey Hutcherson, and they are I believe processing the car probably as we speak.

GRACE: To Clark Goldband, our producer on the story.

Clark, what happened? Between when we first heard about this story, a missing mom with a flat tire out shopping, in fact going to a consignment sale for mommies, for gently used clothes for her 1-year-old daughter, and suddenly all this video turns up of her with this guy, Hutcherson?

When was the video? What are they doing in the video?

CLARK GOLDBAND, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, that`s right, Nancy. In fact, several surveillance shots have emerged. They were taken in the past few months within weeks, two to three weeks, law enforcement has said this afternoon, at a local Circle K convenience store, Nancy, just a few feet from where this mom works at an insurance agency.

GRACE: OK. Circle K convenience store.

What were they doing in there?

GOLDBAND: Now, Nancy, we`ve learned this afternoon from press reports that the clerk in the Circle K says they`ve popped in multiple times, almost every day in the past few weeks, to buy coffee. It didn`t seem like they were romantically involved. They were just friends.

GRACE: OK. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. They come in every day together, they buy coffee, do they sit there in the Circle K and drink the coffee?

GOLDBAND: Not that we know of. The clerk just says they come in to purchase the coffee.

GRACE: They come in and buy the coffee. All right.

Did she have a job, Clark Goldband?

GOLDBAND: Yes, Nancy. She had a job at an insurance agency. And in fact she was the only female employee of that insurance -- I`m sorry.

GRACE: What about him? Did he have a job?

GOLDBAND: No. He`s unemployed, and he`s also married.

GRACE: Married?


GRACE: Children?

GOLDBAND: Not that we know of. But his wife, Nancy, in press reports said that he recently withdrew $2,000 in cash right before he took off.

GRACE: We are taking your calls live.

Joining us right now is Captain Scott Anger with the Xena Police Department.

Captain Anger, welcome. And please tell us what your department is doing to find 31-year-old Tiffany Tehan.

CAPT. SCOTT ANGER, XENA POLICE DEPARTMENT (via telephone): We`re doing everything within our power right now, within our capabilities, to try to find out the truth and bring Tiffany home safely. At this point, we`re trying to use all of our available sources. And as you`ve stated, we`ve used other agencies, to be very helpful in bringing this to hopefully a good resolution.

GRACE: Are you talking about the FBI?

ANGER: The FBI has been involved and has helped us in this case.

GRACE: What is the FBI doing?

ANGER: Right now we`ve just used the FBI for some of their specialties, and I can`t elaborate on that.

GRACE: Their specialties.

To Bill Majeski, former NYPD, what specialty would they be using the FBI for?

MAJESKI: Well, perhaps some analysis of computers. If she had access to a computer, they may be looking into that to see if there was some kind of a relationship that was budding as a result of computer communication. Other than that, you know, I can`t see anything that they would -- unless they have found some kind of evidence that they want analyzed in some way.

GRACE: Right. Right.

With us right now, special guest joining us from Search Headquarters in the search for 31-year-old Tiffany Tehan, a young church mom, and we call her that because she`s so heavily involved with her church. The mother of a 1-year-old little girl. Her father is with us, Chuck Tabor.

Mr. Tabor, thank you for being with us.

Look, I`m a new mom myself. And you know, between working and taking care of the twins all day, it`s -- it can be a crushing load sometimes. It really can. I could see marital discord, you get fed up. But I just don`t see her leaving the 1-year-old little girl behind. I just don`t see it.

CHUCK TABOR, FATHER OF TIFFANY TEHAN: Yes, I don`t either. I don`t -- I don`t understand that. That`s totally not anything in Tiffany`s character at all. It`s not something that she traditionally would be doing. And we don`t really understand why. We just want her back, and we want to find her and see help her to come back and -- or help -- we`re doing everything we can to try to find her, find Tiffany and there`s a Web site, There`s a $5,000 reward that`s being offered for any help and getting her safe return.



JOY BEHAR, HOST, "THE JOY BEHAR SHOW": Tonight on "The Joy Behar Show," they say Cameron Douglas will wind up in a prison that`s like a country club. Really? Country Clubs are filled with rich, white people. Is he moving in with the Cheneys.

Then the tears flow as Kate Gosselin is voted off of "Dancing With the stars." Is she getting acting lessons from Glenn Beck?

And actress Alyssa Milano joins me. I like her. Even than Milano cookies. And trust me, that`s saying a lot, because I love my cookies.

That and more in a bit.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Tiffany Tehan has been missing since she left on a shopping trip.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They had planned to spend her day shopping.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Her family reported her missing to authorities.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: OK, she`s going to call, she`s going to call, she`s going to call.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Her vehicle was found, the keys were locked in the vehicle and there was a flat tire.


GRACE: Straight out to the lines. Cory in Massachusetts.

Hi, Cory.

CORY, MASSACHUSETTS RESIDENT (via telephone): Hi, Nancy. How are you?

GRACE: I`m good. Dear, what`s your question?

CORY: My question is how long has the mom been missing, and is the baby with the father?

GRACE: Back to Pastor Chuck Tabor. This is Tiffany Tehan`s father.

The little girl is with the father, right?

TABOR: That`s correct. He`s taking care of her.

GRACE: What are they telling her?

TABOR: She`s 1-year-old. And so they`re just trying to make her day and her routine as regular as possible. She misses her mom. You can tell that.

GRACE: I`m sure.

Mr. Tabor, how do they believe the tire was flatted?

GRACE: As I understand it, this was an old tire that had repeatedly deflated and had -- they were regularly filling it with air. And, you know, they didn`t find the car until Sunday morning. It could have been that it just deflated on its own.

To Pat Brown, criminal profiler.

Pat, what do you make of it?

PAT BROWN, CRIMINAL PROFILER: Well, I think what`s most interesting is that she was meeting with him for something, maybe confidant, maybe she was advising her. I wonder if they did go out to the car to talk about something, and something went wrong there. Maybe his withdrawal of $2,000, he had something in his mind. He was leaving his wife. He wanted this lady to go with him. Maybe she didn`t want to go. Maybe that`s why the keys are locked in the car. Maybe he said, well, you`re not going to get back in your car. That`s one theory I have.


GRACE: Look, I know that the easy thing to believe is she took of with this guy.

BROWN: Right.

GRACE: And, look, married people can get really angry at each other when it`s stressful, but I just don`t see Tiffany Tehan leaving behind that 1-year-old little girl.

BROWN: I agree.

GRACE: And to Pastor Chuck Tabor, Mr. Tabor, no matter what has happened please know that the baby girl, her husband, you, and your family are in our prayers because no matter what happened --

TABOR: Thank you very much.

GRACE: No matter what happened, it`s a big thing for the little girl. So you are in our prayers.

TABOR: It sure is. Thank you very much.

GRACE: Yes, sir.

TABOR: I would encourage everybody to pray. Thank you.

GRACE: Everyone, let`s stop and remember Army Sergeant Harrison Dutton Brown, 31, Prichard, Alabama, killed in Iraq. On a third tour, awarded a bronze star, purple heart, lost his life Easter Sunday. Loved studies and football, scholarship to enlist, loves sports. Leaves behind grieving mother, Christy, and two brothers, widow and high school sweetheart, Felicia. Three children. Harrison Brown, American hero.

Thanks to our guests, but especially to you.

And a special good night from Georgia friends, Betty and Bucky. Now, there`s a beautiful couple.

Everyone, I`ll see you tomorrow night 8:00 sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on April 23, 2010, 08:29:55 AM


Aired April 22, 2010 - 19:00:00   ET

<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Dramatic new twists and turns in the desperate search for little Haleigh Cummings. Grandma Flo now says jealousy for Ron`s affection could be the motive for little Haleigh`s death.

And tonight: a new brouhaha over bones. What exactly did cops pull out of the St. Johns River?

Plus, the runaway mom: an Ohio wife and mother of a 1-year-old daughter vanishes over the weekend sparking a national manhunt. Well, it turns out she wasn`t abducted at all. In fact, she ran off to Florida with another man to, quote, "start a new life". So will she be arrested? We`ll hear what her betrayed husband is saying. You won`t believe that.

Mind-blowing new developments in the case of 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings. Investigators say the little girl is dead, but there is still no sign of her body. Was 18-year-old Misty Croslin, who was babysitting Haleigh on the night she vanished, somehow involved in her death?


MISTY CROSLIN, RONALD CUMMINGS` FORMER WIFE: If I have something, she wants it. So we -- if we buy something for me, we buy the same thing for her. Our shoes, me and Haleigh has the same pair of shoes. She wanted me have pink and white Jordans just like hers. So me and her, like -- we must do -- we try to do everything together.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tonight, more bombshells from Misty`s very own grandmother, who is here for two nights in a row on ISSUES and said some extraordinary things. We`re going to analyze that tonight.

Flo Hollars claims Misty was insanely jealous of Haleigh. She claims Misty resented the love her boyfriend, Ronald, had for his own daughter. Listen.


RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: Please if you have my daughter, bring her home, please. All I want is Haleigh. That`s all I want. I want nothing else but Haleigh. That`s it.

Please, if you have her, bring her home. Haleigh, if you`re watching, you know you`ll always be daddy`s little girl. I love you.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Flora Hollars told us right here on ISSUES that Misty is madly in love with Ron still and that jealousy might have been a motive for murder. Listen.


FLO HOLLARS, MISTY CROSLIN`S GRANDMOTHER: I`m saying Misty was jealous of Ron and Haleigh.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Misty`s jealous of Ron?

HOLLARS: Ron and his daughter. I`m saying she was --


HOLLARS: -- jealous of them.


HOLLARS: The attention that he gives his daughter.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Oh. And you think that was a motive of some sort?

HOLLARS: Yes, ma`am, I do.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Motive for what?

HOLLARS: Getting rid of the little girl.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Explosive stuff. Misty maintains she was not involved and woke up to find the little girl gone.

Plus, brand new insight into this investigation. Tommy Croslin`s attorney tells HLN it was Tommy, it was, in fact, Tommy who led investigators to this very specific dock on the St. Johns River that you`ve been seeing over the past few weeks.

What else did Tommy, who you`re looking at right there, tell them?

Straight out to my fantastic expert panel: all experts on the Haleigh Cummings case. But I want to begin with you, Jayne Weintraub. You were here on our ISSUES show last night. You heard everything Misty`s grandma, Flo, had to say.

What is your take on this jealousy as a motive theory?

WEINTRAUB: You know, I just don`t buy it. It very well might be true that she was jealous of the affection towards the daughter, but Jane, I don`t see that as a motive for murder by an 18-year-old girl who was already living with the child and in the relationship. I just don`t see it.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Misty`s grandma says Misty wrote secret letters to Haleigh`s dad, Ronald, from behind bars. This was another bombshell she laid on us last night. Misty allegedly sent these letters to her own family and then begged them to mail them back to Ron in jail. Listen to this.


HOLLARS: She has mailed letters to her mother mainly to be sent -- put in another envelope and be sent to Ron under her mother`s name. And I told her mother, I says that you better not do it because you`re sticking your foot in too deep. And she didn`t do it.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Investigator John Lucich, could Misty have used that same letter system to get in touch with Tommy who was also behind bars? I believe they were in separate institutions. I mean, could they have gotten together and somehow gotten in contact through this letter system and then fabricated this story that Haleigh`s body was dumped down by the river? Because, remember, it all started at the river after Tommy first calls grandma Flo and says Joe did it. And then Misty, 15 minutes later, calls grandma Flo and says Tommy and Joe went down to the river and threw Haleigh in the water.

JOHN LUCICH, FORMER POLICE INVESTIGATOR: former Sure, anything is possible, Jane. I have a quick question for you. Didn`t Flo last night say that it`s possible that this little girl got a hold of a pill and OD`d? Didn`t she say that last night?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ok. Here`s what I know. There are three possible versions that Grandma Flo offered, ok?

Here are the three. Haleigh OD`d on a pill, Misty hit Haleigh with a plank, and Joe took the child after an argument with Ron over a gun and was angry and then took Haleigh.

LUCICH: I read that last night on a transcript. My question for her, if she heard this from somebody, like she said she did on that transcript, which version did she hear? Or is this just supposition going down many different roads that she`s making up in her mind?


WEINTRAUB: No. She`s not making it up. She heard -- this was what she was told -- I`m sorry Jane.


WEINTRAUB: She was told three different stories. And that`s the problem. She`s been given inconsistent statements. She`s just reporting what she heard and what she was told by Misty and by Tommy. And they are not saying the same thing.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. Levi Page --

LUCICH: Well, if -- this is why the cops may not be returning her call because they`re all inconsistent. You leave information that`s not consistent and they`re not going to return calls.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. But guess what John? Everybody is saying there has to be some truth here. Otherwise, why would have cops gone down to the river and had dive teams at extraordinary expense for days on end searching the murky waters of the St. Johns River?

LUCICH: They`ve run out of leads. They`ve run out of leads.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: One at a time. One at a time.

WEINTRAUB: No. And there`s a polygraph that Tommy Croslin`s lawyer claims was passed. And that`s what led them to the river. If that`s true, and not only do the police have a polygraph and not only does Tommy`s lawyer have the polygraph, but there`s a private investigator, Steven Brown, and he`s said to have had this polygraph as well.

I`m interested in seeing when we can get a copy of that from someone.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: By the way, word to our viewers, we`ll have Tommy Croslin`s attorney here on ISSUES tomorrow. We`re going to ask him about this case and some statements that his client has made.

Now, Levi Page, you are the host of the Levi Page Show on blog talk radio. You know a lot bout this case. Here`s what I`d like to ask you.

Three theories: Haleigh OD`d on a pill. I don`t know that somebody would keep that quiet this long since it`s an accidental overdose and that`s not as severe as being accused of murder.

Joe took the child. Ok, in a fight over a gun. Ron, the child`s father, has said there never was an argument over a gun.

So guess what, that leaves the third option. Misty hit Haleigh with a plank. What do you think?

LEVI PAGE, BLOG TALK RADIO HOST: I don`t believe any of those. I think what happened was that Ron was involved; that maybe Ron lost his temper and Misty was covering up for Ron. Maybe -- we remember that Ronald called Tommy that night to go over to the house when he called Misty 90- plus times. Why was he calling her 90-plus times?

I think that he called Tommy to go over there. Tommy went over there. Tommy has seen something that he wasn`t supposed to see. And that`s whenever Ronald -- we remember during the summer when Ronald put a decapitated rat in the mailbox of the Croslin family. He was saying, "I`m trying to intimidate you. I don`t want you to talk. Don`t talk or I`ll decapitate you," is what Ronald Cummings was saying.

I think when you look at the joint interview that Misty and Ronald have done together, in one interview Ronald -- Ronald is going -- Misty is going over statements of what happened that night. She says that Haleigh was in bed with me, Haleigh and Junior were. Then she says, oh, they were four inches away. And Ronald immediately jumps in and says, no, no, they weren`t four inches away. They were four feet away. How would Ronald know that if he wasn`t at home?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: But it`s -- a couple of things.

PAGE: He was giving her a script to read, in my opinion. She messed up on the script. He was correcting her. I think Ronald is involved and Misty is covering up for him.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Let me say that police have exonerated Ron, the father.

PAGE: I don`t think that`s true. I don`t think they`ve exonerated him.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: When they did their initial examination, they said he is not a suspect. Ok? So I just want to make that very clear.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: And again, everybody`s lawyers are involved on this show to tell their side.

Jayne Weintraub, give us some -- you know what? Actually, Dr. Dale, very quickly, ten seconds -- give us some closure on this.

DR. DALE ARCHER, PSYCHOLOGIST: Well, I mean, this reminds me of my poker-playing days. There`s a saying. How do you know that a poker player is lying about his hand? When his lips are moving.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Fascinating stuff. We`re going to keep on it and tomorrow, Tommy Croslin`s lawyer right here on ISSUES.

All right. We`re going to get his side of the story.

<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on April 23, 2010, 08:33:20 AM


Missing Ohio Church Mom Found With Married Man in Miami; Croslin- Cummings Family Split on Haleigh Case

Aired April 22, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, live, Ohio. A young church mom of a 1-year-old baby girl vanishes while shopping. Then grainy surveillance video emerges of Mommy with a mystery man cops ID a person of interest. The mystery man, Tre B. Hutcherson. Then in a surprise twist, we learn it`s not the first time Mommy`s spotted with the mystery married man, his wife revealing thousands now gone from the family bank account.

Bombshell tonight. After a massive four-day search, her baby girl left without a mom, volunteers, family, friends, church members all on hold, the trail leads cops straight to Mommy and the married man 1,000 miles away at an oceanfront hotel, Miami South Beach, Mommy telling cops she wants to start a new life. With thousands in police resources, hundreds of man-hours wasted, will there be charges against runaway Mommy? And what about the baby she abandoned for a married man in Miami Beach?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tiffany has been found safely in Miami, Florida.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Now, after days of tension and frantic searching, missing church mom Tiffany Tehan has been found.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She may have made some mistakes, but everyone does.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tiffany and person of interest Tre Hutcherson stopped in a vehicle in Miami Beach, Florida, where Tiffany drops a bomb on cops, allegedly telling them she left Ohio voluntarily and intended to start a new life. But why?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A woman that claims to be Tre Hutcherson`s wife told us, quote, "He`s taken off with this girl, obviously together. He`s caused no harm to her, and they`re together because they want to be."

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How could a beloved member of the church ministry, a pastor`s daughter, simply leave her 1-year-old baby behind?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I can`t blame her for any of that.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Will Tiffany Tehan face criminal charges? Cops said if Tehan had picked up the phone just once, a lot of pain and wasted resources could have been avoided.

GRACE: I just don`t see her leaving the 1-year-old little girl behind.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don`t understand that. That`s totally not anything in Tiffany`s character at all. It`s not something she traditionally would be doing. And we don`t really understand why.


GRACE: And breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5-year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. The last person to see her alive, new stepmother Misty Croslin, goes on to flunk four polygraphs. Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and stepmother Croslin both booked, drug trafficking.

Suddenly, search teams, cadaver dogs, scuba divers, helicopters all combing the St. John`s River. Croslin rousted out of jail, taken in handcuffs down to the dock, motioning out to a specific spot for police. Cops announcing 5-year-old Haleigh likely dead. Evidence, including two cinderblocks, pulled from the muddy waters of the St. John`s.

As the search for little Haleigh`s entire body and the murder weapon goes on, breaking tonight. With pressure mounting, Haleigh`s family split down the middle on what happened the night Haleigh vanishes. Exclusive tonight, Haleigh`s great-grandmother and Misty Croslin`s grandmother take sides, and they join us live. This as reports possible murder weapons recovered, including cinderblocks and rope. But still no sign of Haleigh`s body, at least no sign that police will confirm.


MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER: I didn`t do anything with that little girl.


TOMMY CROSLIN, MISTY`S BROTHER: I had nothing to do with none of that crap.

FLORA HOLLARS, MISTY`S AND JOE`S GRANDMOTHER: Three grandkids of mine is involved in this, and I don`t know why!

MISTY CROSLIN: They`re treating our family like crap.

HOLLARS: She`s involved.

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH`S MOTHER: She was the last one to see our daughter.


HOLLARS: She says, Nanny, Tommy and Joe took a rope...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That`s something hard to hear.

HOLLARS: ... tied it around her.


HOLLARS: They tied brickle blocks to her...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I cannot believe anything.

HOLLARS: ... and dropped her into the St. John`s River.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They can`t show me, why do I believe it?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... just want to know where she`s at.

GRACE: Where is...




CUMMINGS: ... my little girl!

GRACE: (INAUDIBLE) from her body...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... a murder weapon...

MISTY CROSLIN: The cops said there was a whole bunch of bricks.

Like, a brick on the floor.

But I`ve never seen any bricks.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We`ve seen her arrogant...

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m serious. I was, like, Oh, my God!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We`ve seen her emotionless.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What do you do for a living, ma`am?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We`ve seen her strung out.

MISTY CROSLIN: (INAUDIBLE) I`m, like, Hell, no.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We`ve seen her nasty.

MISTY CROSLIN: Get me out first. Worry about me first.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And now she may be softening up in terms of breaking and really telling us what really happened.

HOLLARS: I said, Are you telling the police, too? She says, Yes, I am.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Bombshell tonight. After a massive four-day search that spanned the country, her baby girl left without a mother, a young church mom and a married mystery man apprehended by cops a thousand miles away. Will there be charges against the runaway mom? And will she get the baby back, the baby she abandoned for Miami Beach and a married man?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s been our hope and goal throughout this whole thing to make sure that we bring Tiffany back safely, and we have succeeded.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Breaking news. Missing church mom Tiffany Tehan has been found safe in Miami Beach, Florida. Cops say Tehan was pulled over with person of interest Tre Hutcherson, the two willingly together.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She`s a person, like everyone else.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Cops say Tiffany told them she left Ohio voluntarily with the intent of starting a new life, the couple reportedly staying together at a $39-a-night hotel in Miami.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... getting through life. And it`s not always easy.

But just how did the couple end up 1,000 miles away from friends and family?

A woman that claims to be Tre Hutcherson`s wife told us, quote, "I know that he would go to Circle-K and I`m sure that he was talking to her. And she`s with him because she wants to be. She`s not been hurt or they`ve run off together."

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Law enforcement says they`re not ruling out charges against Tiffany Tehan, saying they`ve spent over 200 hours of police overtime on the case.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you guys have any anger at all? A lot of people want to know that question.



GRACE: Straight out to Clark Goldband, our producer on the story. Mommy turns up over 1,000 miles away with the mystery married man, saying she wanted to start a new life?

CLARK GOLDBAND, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: In South Beach, Miami, no less, Nancy, over 1,000 miles away from Ohio, where she vanished. And law enforcement there in South Beach, Nancy, saying that they made statements indicating they were romantically involved together, and Mommy apparently saying she wanted to start a new life.

GRACE: Well, you know, what? Thank you, Clark, but I think we can all determine they were romantically involved together.

Straight out to Katie Wright, reporter with the "Hillsboro Times- Gazette," joining us at the Xenia Police Department. Katie, thank you for being with us. What more can you tell us?

KATIE WRIGHT, "HILLSBORO TIMES-GAZETTE": Well, right now, what we know, Nancy, is that Tiffany Tehan and Tre Hutcherson were located last night on the 79th Street causeway in Miami. We are told they were located by Miami police acting on a tip out of the Xenia Police Department here.

Police say that they interviewed both Tiffany and Tre separately, just to make sure that Tiffany was, indeed, acting voluntarily when she went to Florida with this man. They confirmed that she was not in any danger. And currently, they are not in custody and no charges have been filed.

GRACE: Back to you, Clark Goldband. Explain to me how they were apprehended. What vehicle were they in? Because Mommy`s vehicle was found with a flat tire, with the keys in the ignition, the doors locked, as if it had been abandoned, clearly, giving the appearance that there had been foul play.

GOLDBAND: Also, Nancy, the person of interest`s car, that `99 red Volkswagen, was also located by law enforcement. So the big question was, How`d they get down there? Here`s what we know, according to reports. A 2002 gray Chrysler Sebring was found there. Now, what`s interesting is that, apparently, this person of interest traded in that Volkswagen Friday, one day before they had vanished. And he told the car dealer, according to press reports, he needed to get away and needed a car that was more reliable.

GRACE: Well, he certainly wasn`t making that a secret.

To Captain Scott Anger (ph) with the Xenia Police Department, joining us out of Ohio. Captain, thank you for being with us. Right now, are any charges being considered against the runaway mom?

Hold on. I`m not hearing Captain Anger. I`ll get back with him when you can correct his satellite, Rosie. Thank you.

Back to you, Clark. I want to find out, do we know of any current charges pending?

GOLDBAND: No, Nancy, we do not. But law enforcement has said that they`ve spent over 200 hours of overtime investigating this case, not to mention the thousands of dollars paying that overtime. And the FBI also involved, this spanning coast to coast.

GRACE: Out to the lines. Judith in Michigan. Hi, Judith.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. It`s good to hear -- or good to talk to you.

GRACE: Likewise.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What I want to know is -- I have a comment and a question. My comment is I have three children, which I could never, ever leave because I love them dearly. And I also have a grandson that I have raised since he was three days old. And my daughter was a daughter that just -- just because you have a child come out of your body doesn`t make you a parent. That`s why there are so many adoptive parents that are so beautifully raising their children.

But my question is, why -- what I`m thinking is this woman probably could have gone through post-partum, whatever, the baby`s young. Maybe she just wanted to start a new life, get away. Men do it all the time, and it`s no big deal when a mom -- when a dad takes off. But when a mom takes off, they say, Oh, how could they leave their kid? And what I`m saying is, just because a baby comes out of your body doesn`t make you a parent. So why would charges be even filed against this woman? Men do it all the time.

GRACE: Judith, men do do it all the time. But believe me, here on this show, we don`t act like it`s nothing when men dump their families and disappear.

Let`s unleash the lawyers and answer the questions. Joining us tonight, felony prosecutor, Atlanta, Eleanor Odom. Also with us, defense attorney, New York, Richard Herman. With us also out of Atlanta, defense attorney Peter Odom.

First of all, Eleanor, it`s not against the law to just leave, to just say, Hey, I`m going to get the bread, `bye, and never come back. That is not a felony. It`s not even a misdemeanor. But think about this, Eleanor. Did she intentionally allow it to be set up to look like she had met with foul play, launching a massive nationwide search, thousands and thousands of dollars, thousands of manhours by the police, all wasted. Now, if she intentionally misled police, doesn`t that give it a different interpretation?

ELEANOR ODOM, PROSECUTOR: It certainly does, Nancy. Not only does that give it a different interpretation, but something else I`m concerned about is abandonment of that child. Perhaps there`s a charge there because she completely left her own child.

GRACE: Richard Herman, weigh in.

RICHARD HERMAN, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Nancy, it`s amazing that he was the person of interest. Why wasn`t she the person of interest? Maybe she abducted him. All your viewers put it on him!

GRACE: Yes, OK, you know what, Richard?

HERMAN: All of them, Nancy!

GRACE: I`m sorry I went to you. What about it, Odom?

PETER ODOM, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: There`s no charge to bring, Nancy. She might have done something morally wrong, but legally, there`s nothing that can be done.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police now say a missing Ohio wife and mother, Tiffany Tehan, wasn`t missing at all.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tiffany has been found safely in Miami, Florida.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Wife and mother Tiffany Tehan ran off with another man to Miami to start a new life.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Just how did Tiffany Tehan and Tre Hutcherson avoid cops?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Police say this convenience store video shows Tehan with Tre Hutcherson, and it was key to cracking the case.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: "The Dayton Daily News" reporters Hutcherson traded in his `99 red Volkswagen Beetle for a 2002 Chrysler Sebring just one day before Tiffany vanished.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Tehan told them she and Hutcherson were romantically involved.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Cops say they put an alert out on the 2002 Chrysler Sebring, which reportedly was tracked down in Miami Beach, Florida.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s been our hope and goal throughout this whole thing to make sure that we bring Tiffany back safely, and we have succeeded with that.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We did have one question, though. Are you going to work this out? Is she coming home? And you know, the family right now said...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She may have made some mistakes, but everyone does.


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. I want to go back to Clark Goldband. I want to get this straight. Exactly where was the missing mom?

GOLDBAND: Nancy, she was in Miami beach, Florida, which is in south Florida. That`s about 1,100 miles away from the hometown in Ohio where she went missing.

GRACE: No, no, no. I already know Miami Beach. I know that. Where in Miami Beach? The International Inn Underbay. Tell me.

GOLDBAND: Yes, Nancy. She was at that hotel. We did some research...

GRACE: What is that?

GOLDBAND: It`s $39 a night at that motel. And she was stopped about a few hundred feet away on the international causeway that was leading back to that hotel.

GRACE: To Dr. Bethany Marshall, psychoanalyst, author of "Dealbreakers." Listen, Bethany, the caller, Judith from Michigan, was right. It`s not a crime to just leave your family, just walk out and never come back. Morally, do I approve? No. But it`s not a crime. But when you intentionally leave a scenario set up as if you`ve been kidnapped, a flat tire...


GRACE: ... the keys in the ignition, you ignore voicemail, you don`t check your phone, you turn off your cell, you -- how can you miss the news coverage? It`s on every major network, every dot-com there is. Where`s the missing mom of one? We`ve devoted several nights to it, trying to find this woman. I mean, how can that not be intentional, Bethany? Give me your best shot. Go ahead. Throw post-partum at me! I`ve been there!

MARSHALL: Nancy, it`s not post-partum because someone who`s depressed would never have the energy to run away. What this is is profound pathological selfishness. And let`s not forget, the reason she gave for leaving, she wanted a new life.

This is why women kill their babies is they feel that the child is standing in the way of love. So this woman should never be allowed alone with this baby again. She seems to fit, like, a borderline narcissistic personality profile, where there`s initial clinging to new love or attachment figures, and that`s all they want to do is gravitate towards the people that they experience as admiring them. And she probably gave no thought to her church, her minister father, her husband, her 1-year-old baby. So she thought, in a pathological way, that they would just forget about her.

GRACE: Bethany, Bethany, Bethany, Bethany! Let`s boil it down. OK. I don`t care about all the grown-ups. They can deal with it.


GRACE: But the baby, the baby is a different thing. And don`t start up with me, like Judith in Michigan, did about post-partum. She`s tired. She wants a new life. Every new mother, especially that has to hold down a full-time job and raise children -- you know, daddies are great...

MARSHALL: Nancy...

GRACE: ... Bethany, but the reality is, in our society, it`s all Mommy. The kid`s sick, it`s on Mommy to take care of the child. If there`s a problem, it`s on Mommy. Mommy has to fix it. And that kind of goes with the package. Most of the women on the panel tonight are mommies. We get it. But walking out on the baby is not an option, Dr. Bethany!

MARSHALL: No. She`s not bonded to her child. And that`s why I said this is not post-partum depression because when you`re depressed, you couldn`t run away from anything, even if a train is bearing down on her.

GRACE: I mean, come on! Eleanor...


GRACE: She wants to start over...


GRACE: ... she could get a divorce!

ELEANOR ODOM: That would be the easiest way, Nancy, instead of abandoning your child. Now she probably won`t have custody.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She was supposed to go out and do some quick shopping for her 1-year-old baby girl. But 31-year-old mom Tiffany Tehan never returned.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police now say a missing Ohio wife and mother, Tiffany Tehan, wasn`t missing at all. They say she ran off with another man to Miami to start a new life.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We are going to explore all those things. Like I say, the main factor in this was where we got to today. Xenia Police Department`s main goal was finding Tiffany safely, and all of the other things that you`re requesting will be taken care of at a later date. And we do not -- we`re not going to divulge any information that`s of personal or family matters. We`ve succeeded in what we -- what we were to do as law enforcement.


GRACE: Straight out to the lines. Ann in Georgia. Hi, Ann. I think I`ve got Ann in Georgia. Are you there, dear?


GRACE: Hi. Thank you for calling. What`s your question, Ann?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. How are you and the children? I haven`t seen the children lately.

GRACE: Let me tell you something. I usually bathe them and get them all ready, give them their meds (ph) if they have to before, I come to work. Tonight, we played so hard. They were covered in dirt and something gooey on their face. I had to leave them for Daddy to bathe. They`re not going to like that. But otherwise they`re great.

What`s your question, dear?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. I was just wondering, how did anybody find out about this affair she was having with this man?

GRACE: Well, I`ll tell you, Ann, I really think it was because of the surveillance video at a Citgo. I mean, come on! Out to you, Andrew Scott, former chief of police, Boca Raton, VP Scott Robertson Associates there in Miami. When you see a woman come in with the same guy, getting coffee every day, weeks on end, caught on surveillance, and he`s suddenly 2,000, 3,000 bucks missing out of his account, gets rid of his car, she`s gone, they`re both gone. You know, it adds up. Two and two I think is still four, right?

ANDREW J. SCOTT, FORMER CHIEF OF POLICE, BOCA RATON: I think that`s a clue, Nancy, that, clearly, that there was some intent on both of their parts to leave. And frankly, you know, there`s no crime for being stupid, and she was pretty stupid to do what they`ve done and create the problems that they created for the police department.

GRACE: But Andrew Scott, setting it up to look as if she had been kidnapped? That`s just not walking out on your family.

SCOTT: No, I agree with you, Nancy.

GRACE: That`s (INAUDIBLE) major problem.

SCOTT: That`s correct. But they`re going to have to show intent, that that`s what she was trying to do to charge her.

GRACE: You`re right, Andrew.



MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER: There`s nothing to break me of.

I don`t know where she is.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Bottom line, you don`t know where Haleigh is.

MISTY CROSLIN: Bottom line.

FLORA HOLLARS, MISTY`S AND JOE`S GRANDMOTHER: ... pointing a spot out on the river on the TV.

MISTY CROSLIN: They set me up.

HOLLARS: This is something you should have said a long time ago.

MISTY CROSLIN: I was freaking out. I was, like, man (INAUDIBLE)

HOLLARS: She said, But Nanny, I was scared.

MISTY CROSLIN: Today`s a very bad day for me.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They brought the family members into the sheriff`s office.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s now officially a homicide case.

GRACE: ... the search for little Haleigh`s entire body and the murder weapon...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They can start making funeral arrangements.

MISTY CROSLIN: Tomorrow`s going to be a bad day for me, too, OK?

GRACE: What scenario do you believe unfolded?

HOLLARS: Exactly what Misty told me, about the rope and the cinderblocks and dropping her in the St. John`s River.

GRACE: What do you think happened that night?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Chances are that she`s dead. And that may be so, but statistics have also been proven wrong.

GRACE: Do you think she could have anything to do with this?

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t know where she is!

I`m not hiding anything.

Me being in a jail has nothing to do with Haleigh.

HOLLARS: Yes, ma`am.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They`re doing everything they can to push her hot buttons.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m serious. I was, like, Oh, my God.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They hope to shock her into some sort of revelation...

MISTY CROSLIN: It was crazy.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... or some sort of piece of information they can compare to what she said before...

MISTY CROSLIN: When I went to sleep, she was there, and then when I woke up, she was gone!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... that will bring it one step closer to a conclusion and an arrest.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She does not deserve this.


GRACE: The family split down the middle about what happened the night 5-year-old Haleigh went missing. They join us tonight. But first to Jean Casarez from "In Session." Jean what`s the latest?

JEAN CASAREZ, "IN SESSION": You know, the latest is, Nancy, law enforcement is now saying that any bones at the river`s edge were not human, they were animal. But in the same breath, Nancy, they`re not refuting the local claims that cinderblocks were taken out of that river and rope was taken from Tommy`s home.

GRACE: And the other thing is this, Marlaina Schiavo. Even if -- we don`t -- all these items are being tested. We don`t have the DNA results yet. But even if they do not have any of Haleigh`s bones, what if they`ve got pajamas? What if they`ve got her shoe? What if they`ve got her barrette she wore to bed at night? Lucy always tries to wear a barrette to be at night. What if they`ve got that? What about that? Are police denying that, too, Marlaina Schiavo?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Police will not tell us what they have, but we know what they do have is enough to call this a homicide investigation, Nancy. It`s enough to talk to Ronald and Crystal and tell them that they have to start making some sort of arrangements to get a death certificate or to maybe start planning a funeral and start thinking about that. So even though they`re not being specific, we know they have something significant that they are working on.

GRACE: Joining us right now, two very special guests. Out of Nashville, Tennessee, Flora Hollars. This is Misty and Tommy Croslin`s grandmother. They called her from behind bars and gave their accounts of what happened the night Haleigh apparently was murdered.

Also with us, Annette Sykes, joining us exclusively. This is Haleigh`s great-grandmother. She was there at the home just hours before Haleigh disappeared.

First to you, Ms. Sykes. What did you observe in the home that evening?

ANNETTE SYKES, HALEIGH`S GREAT-GRANDMOTHER: I stopped by about 7:30 to drop off some laundry that I had done. I always did the children`s laundry just because it`s something I`ve always done. And the children were on the front porch with Misty. They were eating supper. And when we drove up, Haleigh jumped out of her chair and come running up and gave me a hug. And Junior came out and gave me a hug, and I gave them a kiss. And Misty walked out. She helped carry some of the clothes into the house and got the children`s shirts on, and they got back up to eat supper. I gave them a kiss, told them good-bye, and I got back in the car and left.

GRACE: So all along, Ms. Sykes, Misty Croslin has told us that that evening she spent that evening doing laundry, doing the kids` laundry. So that`s not true. You did the laundry?

SYKES: She did hers and Ronald`s and the household laundry, but I did the children`s clothes because I didn`t like them -- I didn`t like them to have stains or anything on them. I`m real -- I just always did their laundry, the children`s laundry. They did their own...

GRACE: And at that time...

SYKES: ... the adults` and the household laundry.

GRACE: And at that time, Ms. Sykes, Ronald Cummings was already at work?

SYKES: Yes. Absolutely.

GRACE: OK. So he`s out of the picture. Ms. Sykes, I know that by now, you are aware that Ms. Hollars, who is Misty Croslin and Tommy Croslin`s grandmother -- she`s the one, one of ones, that called police, that ended up mounting this search of the St. John`s River -- really believes that Ronald Cummings, your grandson, is partially at fault. What`s your response?

SYKES: I heard what she said on your show about Ronald being responsible because he left the children with her and she was all strung out. But I was there, and she was not strung out. I mean, she was walking and talking just -- I mean, I talked to her. Like I said, she helped me carry the laundry in. She had fixed supper for the children. They were eating.

HOLLARS: I have a question for you. Why didn`t Teresa take those kids home with her when Misty offered to pay for her to take her home?

SYKES: I was not aware that she did.

HOLLARS: She most certainly did.

GRACE: OK, hold on just a moment. Ms. Hollars, where are you getting that information?

HOLLARS: I got that information from every one of them in Florida. All my kids down there knew that.

GRACE: So that came from Misty Croslin?

HOLLARS: It came from Misty. It also came from her mama. And it also...

GRACE: Whoa, whoa, wait, stop. Who was there when she asked Ms. Neves to take the children?

HOLLARS: That I don`t know.

GRACE: Well, what other people may tell you that weren`t there really doesn`t account for anything. But Ms. Hollars, I want to go back over your assertion about what Misty told you, what Tommy Croslin told you from behind bars. Ms. Hollars, now I understand that you believe there`s a scenario in which little Haleigh was molested before she was murdered.

HOLLARS: I feel like that.


HOLLARS: I just don`t know, but that`s what I think.

GRACE: Isn`t it true that there has been a scenario put out there, and it had to come from behind bars, that Misty Croslin heard the child in the next room screaming?


GRACE: Where did that come from.

HOLLARS: So did little Junior hear the couch bouncing.

GRACE: And my question is, where did that story come from?

HOLLARS: It came from Misty.

GRACE: What did she say?

HOLLARS: That she heard Haleigh in there crying.

GRACE: And who was in the room with Haleigh?

HOLLARS: I`m going to say Joe or Tommy, one.

GRACE: Or both?

HOLLARS: Or both.

GRACE: And what, if anything, did Misty Croslin do to take care of Haleigh?

HOLLARS: According to what she told me when all this was going on, she`d already had been threatened by Joe, and she grabbed Junior and got into bed, and they covered up their heads completely. And when she took the covers off of her head, Haleigh was gone.

GRACE: To Ms. Sykes, Annette Sykes.


GRACE: This is Haleigh Cummings`s great-grandmother. That`s the first time I have heard that scenario over the airwaves. What is your response? She would stay there with a sheet over her head while a child screamed in the next room.

SYKES: That`s the first time I`ve ever heard that. I`ve never heard that before. I was not aware of that. I`ve not ever heard that story before. I really don`t know. I -- it`s -- I mean, I don`t see how anybody could do that, if it`s true. But I don`t know. I`ve not ever heard that story before. I`ve heard so many stories. We all have. And you never know what to believe anymore. My thing is that they`re going to have to prove to me anything that they tell me. If they want me to believe it, they`re going to have to prove it.

GRACE: Ms. Sykes, what do you think of them searching -- the police searching the St. John`s River?

SYKES: Well, evidently, they had some tip. Somebody called them. And they were down there searching. And I went down there early that morning and didn`t -- you know, they wouldn`t tell me anything. And I wasn`t -- I knew what they were searching -- you know, I knew they were looking for something participating (SIC) to Haleigh, but I didn`t really know what.

HOLLARS: I was the one that called you and told you that.

SYKES: Yes, she did. Ms. Hollars called me and told me -- she certainly did -- that she had called down here and told them what Tommy had told her. And Teresa and I went and -- over to that area and walked around all afternoon and looked in the woods over there. But of course, we didn`t find anything.

GRACE: Everyone, we are going to break...

SYKES: And then the next morning...

GRACE: ... and we are taking your calls live. But a special thank you to our FaceBook crime fighters, Kansas friend Candace, pregnant with twins, Virginia friend Yvonne, a legal secretary, and Ohio friend Nora, who checks in every night on FaceBook. FaceBook friends, thank you.

Everybody, submit your photos at and then click on FaceBook.



GRACE: What scenario do you believe unfolded? What do you think happened that night?


HOLLARS: Exactly what Misty told me, that the rope and the cinderblocks and...


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. But right now, calling in from Cape Cod is Timmy Croslin`s wife, Chelsea Croslin, who was living near Satsuma the night little Haleigh went missing. Chelsea Croslin, thank you for calling.


GRACE: Yes...


GRACE: Hi, dear. Thank you for calling. Where were you that night, Chelsea?

CHELSEA CROSLIN: I was at my home the night that Haleigh went missing.

GRACE: Chelsea, what do you make of all the scenarios -- Chelsea, you need to cut your television off, if you can, or down.

CHELSEA CROSLIN: Yes, I went upstairs. I`m sorry.

GRACE: Thank you, dear. OK, back to Chelsea Croslin. This is Timmy Croslin`s wife calling us tonight from Cape Cod. She was living in the Satsuma area the night Haleigh went missing. Chelsea Croslin, what do you make of Tommy Croslin and Misty Croslin, really, their jailhouse confessions they gave to their grandmother?

CHELSEA CROSLIN: For one, I don`t believe that they gave their grandmother jailhouse confessions at all. I think if they did, it would be on tape. I believe that arrests would have already been made. Our family, everybody has been -- you know, not us, but Tommy, Misty, Joe has all been taken in for their interrogations. I don`t believe that -- anything that Flo Hollars is saying I think is a complete lie. I don`t -- I do not see Misty sitting there and listening to her baby cry. I mean, not biological baby, but we loved that child just as much as I love my own. and she would have never let that happen. She would have not sat there and done that. I mean, she could have just easily...

GRACE: But Chelsea Croslin, why would Ms. Hollars make up a lie about her own flesh and blood?

CHELSEA CROSLIN: Ms. Hollars has not been around our family for the last seven years that I have been with the Croslins.

HOLLARS: You lie.

CHELSEA CROSLIN: I have met Flo Hollars maybe two times. She is not involved in our family. So I don`t know why she would want to hurt and implicate three of her grandchildren. It`s just very sad that she would do that.

GRACE: Ms. Hollars, what`s your response to that?

HOLLARS: My response to that is why did she tell me the road to tell them to go at?

GRACE: Repeat?

CHELSEA CROSLIN: Well, Nanny, you -- Nanny, you were the one that said, Where do you want searched? And I said I wanted 309, not specifically a dock -- I said 309 because I got a letter from Misty stating that Joe might have had -- or Joe was the involving party. So from there, I called the detective, Kay Sangelica (ph), the head detective on the case. I told them about it.

HOLLARS: And so did I. And so did I.

CHELSEA CROSLIN: He did not follow up with it. So then from there, I asked Leonard Padilla. Leonard Padilla, will you help me fund a search? Because I don`t have money myself, and my goal in life is to find Haleigh. That`s all that matters to us.


GRACE: Wait, wait, wait, wait! Back to Chelsea Croslin. What did you tell police where they should search?

CHELSEA CROSLIN: I told them that Joe, when he was staying in Satsuma with us -- I lived in Crescent City, a little bit farther, but it`s all in the same area. He stayed at Tommy`s house for a few days until him and Ronald had had that falling out regarding the gun that he had stolen that was recovered. From there, he went and stayed at Lisa and Hank`s house. There was a car accident and Hank was airlifted off to Gainesville. I`m talking about Hank, senior.

GRACE: So are you saying that you believe Joe Overstreet is involved in Haleigh`s disappearance?

CHELSEA CROSLIN: I do believe Joe Overstreet is involved in the disappearance. I don`t know if Joe is the one that actually did do the harm and killed her, or whatever this horrible news that`s out there.

GRACE: But wait a minute. Chelsea, there`s only three choices, Overstreet, Misty Croslin or Tommy Croslin.

CHELSEA CROSLIN: There`s not just three stories, Nancy. I believe -- you know, there`s many more things, too. Like, what happens -- what happens if Haleigh overdosed because there was loose pills laying around in that house? And I don`t care what anybody says...

HOLLARS: No, there wasn`t.

CHELSEA CROSLIN: ... because I know for a fact there was.

GRACE: OK, hold on. Hold on. Just a moment. Hold on. Out to the lawyers, Richard Herman, you`ve got the whole family basically giving a scenario that implicates their own three family members.

RICHARD HERMAN, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: It`s incredible, Nancy. And the caller is right. I mean, these are jailhouse phone calls. They`ve been recorded. Law enforcement has listened to them.


HERMAN: I`d like to know...

GRACE: I already know that!

HERMAN: Right, but then they would have acted (ph) months ago. They wouldn`t just have acted now immediately off of Ms. Hollars`s phone call. I want to know, does she have any contracts with any newspapers or any tabloids?


HERMAN: That`s what I want to know.

GRACE: Good try, Richard. Good try, Richard.

HERMAN: Ask her.

GRACE: OK. Fine. Ms. Hollars, do you have a contract or a deal with a newspaper, radio or TV? Have you made any money off this story?

HOLLARS: I have not made a penny off this story. I have told exactly what those two kids has told me. And if none of them down there don`t like it, they can kiss where the sun don`t shine!


GRACE: OK, we`ll just cut out on that. And very quickly, Peter Odom?

PETER ODOM, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, Nancy, if all this is made up, why is it that the police appear to be finding things in the river?

GRACE: And Eleanor?

ELEANOR ODOM, PROSECUTOR: I hate to agree with a defense attorney, but yes, that`s true. There`s an air of truth to it, and it`s being corroborated.

GRACE: Very quickly, to Dr. Michael Bell, Palm Beach County chief medical examiner. Weigh in on whether you would expect to find Haleigh`s remains if they had been thrown in the river.

DR. MICHAEL BELL, PALM BEACH COUNTY CHIEF MEDICAL EXAMINER: Well, that`s a good question. Quite frankly, if they don`t find them, I wouldn`t be surprised. I think it depends on how far they want to search. But certainly, they may find bones.


HOLLARS: First thing that I was told was that Joe had killed her.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: WJXT is reporting that two cinderblocks have been pulled during that massive search in the St. John`s River.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Without a body, the case against Haleigh`s killer may have to be built entirely on circumstantial evidence.




GRACE: What led you to change your mind? You first insisted to me several weeks ago no way was Misty remotely involved. But then you changed your mind and you yourself called police.

HOLLARS: Yes, I did. I changed my mind when I put two and two together that she knowed where to go to at the river. She`s involved.


GRACE: To Richard Herman, defense attorney, New York. Richard, why do you say things like, Maybe Flora Hollars is getting paid? Now, I want to see Herman! That`s so irresponsible to just throw something out there like that!

HERMAN: It`s not irresponsible, Nancy.

GRACE: She could be a witness at trial.


GRACE: She`s not getting paid! Paid by who, me?

HERMAN: Ms. Sykes -- Ms. Sykes...

GRACE: She`s not.

HERMAN: Ms. Sykes completely obliterated her statement that Misty was wrecked that night that he left her there with the baby. Come on! There`s no credibility to what Ms. Hollars is saying. She`s just babbling, getting her two minutes of fame right now.

GRACE: No, that`s not true...

HERMAN: That`s what`s going on here.

GRACE: ... because Eleanor Odom, she is repeating -- you know what? Here`s the deal. Police have all these phone calls recorded so this is going to ultimately be settled when those tapes are played, bottom line.

ELEANOR ODOM: Exactly, Nancy. And maybe Ms. Sykes didn`t see her under the influence of anything while she was there, but that doesn`t mean that Misty didn`t go and get high later on that evening.

GRACE: I didn`t know you and Misty were on a first-name basis, Eleanor.


GRACE: I hear you, Herman. Odom, weigh in.

PETER ODOM: Nancy, I agree with Richard. You have to ask these questions because...

GRACE: Oh, so...

PETER ODOM: ... her testimony is going to be subject...

GRACE: ... second verse same as the first.

PETER ODOM: ... great scrutiny, and it would be irresponsible not to ask these questions.

GRACE: You know what?

PETER ODOM: What is her possible motivation?

GRACE: You two -- you, Peter Odom, you, Richard Herman, the two weak sisters of the legal panel tonight because you`re coming up -- you`re just making stories up, like Hollars got paid.

Bethany Marshall, weigh in.

BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST: I don`t think this is a story a grandmother would make up about her grandchildren.

GRACE: I don`t, either.

MARSHALL: I think the story -- the story about the boys in the other room and the baby screaming is Misty`s manipulative attempt to distract the attention...

GRACE: Blame somebody else.

MARSHALL: ... away from her. And these stories will come out. I think they haven`t so far because Misty has told so many lies that they would...


GRACE: What about it, Ellie Jostad?

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Nancy, we`re not going to find out right away what was said on the tapes. Police have said they`re not going to release them because it`s part of an active investigation. However, they will confirm that Flora and Tommy talked, although Tommy`s lawyer says he only told her to call his lawyer.

GRACE: I mean, Terry Shoemaker, attorney for Ron Cummings, they all know their calls are recorded, right?

TERRY SHOEMAKER, ATTORNEY FOR RONALD CUMMINGS (via telephone): Absolutely. I`ve been burned many times in the St. John`s County jail system, where my clients have talked on a telephone call and it came back to haunt them, so...

GRACE: And I`m sure...

SHOEMAKER: ... if there are phone calls, it`ll be there.

GRACE: ... you advise them -- I`m sure you advise them beforehand, Don`t yak on the phone. Just try to hold it in.

Everyone, let`s stop and remember Army Staff Sergeant Harrison "Duck" (ph) Brown, 31, Printer (ph), Alabama, killed, Iraq on a third tour, awarded the Bronze Star, Purple Heart, lost his life Easter Sunday. Left studies and a football scholarship at Tuskegee to enlist, loves sports. The gentle giant leaves behind grieving mom, Chris Ann (ph), two brothers, widow and high school sweetheart Delisha (ph), three children. Harrison Brown, American hero.

Thanks to our guests, but especially to you for being with us. See you tomorrow night, 8:00 o`clock sharp Eastern. Until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on April 25, 2010, 03:59:56 PM


How Did Haleigh Die?

Aired April 23, 2010 - 19:00:00   ET



JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HOST (voice-over): Tonight, shocking new claims in the Haleigh Cummings mystery. I`ll go one-on-one with the lawyer for Misty Croslin`s brother, Tommy. Did Tommy lead cops down to the river? Was he there the night of Haleigh`s disappearance? And what about Grandma Flo`s shocking new allegations? What`s fact? What`s fiction? I`ll talk to Tommy`s attorney next.

Plus head-spinning new evidence just released in the Casey Anthony trial, including bombshell claims that Lee Anthony`s girlfriend told a co- worker Casey killed her little daughter. Is any of this true? We`re sorting through the new evidence, hunting for justice.

And an ISSUES primetime exclusive. I will talk with Lindsay Lohan`s dad, Michael. His troubled movie star daughter is allegedly in a drug- fueled downward spiral. He says he`s doing everything he can to stop it. Can Michael get through to Lindsay before it`s too late?

ISSUES starts now.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tonight, breaking news, new vile, stomach-churning, I dare say, claims about what precious little 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings might have gone through the night she disappeared.

A horrifying new theory. Did Misty Croslin, who was baby-sitting Haleigh when she vanished, hear the little girl screaming while she was being sexually abused? Did Haleigh`s attacker threaten Misty and scare the teenager into staying silent?

Listen to this from last night`s "NANCY GRACE" show.


NANCY GRACE, HLN ANCHOR: Isn`t it true that there has been a scenario put out there, and it had to come from behind bars, that Misty Croslin heard the child in the next room screaming?


GRACE: Where did it come from?

HOLLARS: So did little Junior hear the couch bouncing.

GRACE: And my question is where did that story come from?

HOLLARS: It came from Misty.

GRACE: What did she say?

HOLLARS: That she heard Haleigh in there crying.

GRACE: And who was in the room with Haleigh?

HOLLARS: I`m going to say Joe or Tommy, one.

GRACE: Or both?

HOLLARS: Or both.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Pretty serious claims there. Remember, Misty Croslin gave cops a totally different story, and police are not confirming any of these claims. It`s just one of Misty`s grandmother`s many theories.

But there is one thing Grandma Flo Hollars says she is sure of. Flo says she spoke to both her grandkids, Misty and Tommy Croslin, and she insists Misty says Tommy and their cousin, Joe, tied Haleigh to a brick and tossed her into the St. John`s River.

Tonight, we are delighted to have a very special one-on-one interview with the attorney for Misty`s brother, Tommy Croslin, who sits behind bars on drug charges. Was Tommy the one who finally cracked and led investigators to the specific boat dock along the St. John`s River? Cops launched an intense search for Haleigh`s remains at that very dock. How did Tommy know about this spot? Was Tommy in that trailer home the night little Haleigh was murdered? What, if anything, does Tommy Croslin know?

Straight out to my phenomenal panel, all experts in this bizarre mystery, but I want to begin with attorney James Werter, who is representing Tommy Croslin.

Jim, thank you so much for joining us. We have just heard some extreme allegations against your client from his own grandmother. We want to clear the air. We want to get your side of the story. What is your reaction about what Grandma Flo is saying?

JAMES WERTER, ATTORNEY FOR TOMMY CROSLIN: Well, that`s why I put my release out last week. It just -- all the rumors and speculation that are going around just totally annoyed me. And I put a press release out last week outlining how law enforcement came to the river on Monday night. That would have been April 12.

If you remember on HLN on the 26th of March, I informed you, well, maybe not you, but HLN that he would take a polygraph, and he did take a polygraph on April 8. I spoke with him on April 10 -- that was a Saturday morning. And on April 11, Lindsay called me, his wife, Tommy`s wife. So Monday morning, April 12, Steve Brown, the investigator, and myself sat down with Tommy. We discussed the results of the polygraph. And that evening...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: What were the results? Did he fail or did he pass and what was he asked about?

WERTER: Well, I can`t really get into what he was asked about. I have a good working relationship with law enforcement, so that`s part of the investigation. So I have to refrain from that.

But because of the polygraph that night, Monday night, April 12, we were on the dock with Tommy and law enforcement. That would have been FDLE, Putnam County Sheriff`s Office, and those two agencies. We were there discussing the scene with Tommy.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: The investigators searched a dock along the St. John`s River, drudging up two cinder blocks and reportedly some yellow rope. Now, does this dovetail with Grandma Flo`s story that Misty told her Tommy and Joe tied Haleigh with a rope with cinder blocks and threw her in the river?

Cops brought Misty to the dock. They reportedly also brought Tommy Croslin to the dock.

Jim, again, we want to get your side of the story. Your client had originally said, according to published reports, that he went to the trailer the night Haleigh disappeared at 10 p.m., knocked on the door, nobody was there, Misty wasn`t there and he left. Now we`re hearing possibly many other different stories. My question to you is why did police bring Tommy to the dock?

WERTER: Again, we`re getting into the facts, and I talked to your producers about this. Getting into the facts of that evening, which are in the hands of law enforcement. And it`s really hard for me to discuss that because I don`t want to jeopardize the investigation.

I will tell you that I feel comfortable with Tommy and representing Tommy. But the fact of the matter is I don`t know if they pulled anything out of the river because I can`t get a straight story from anybody on that. So all the things about bones or cinder blocks, things of that nature, I think it`s pure speculation at this time until an arrest is made.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, let me just say this. I guess what we`re all wondering, and I understand you`re limited in what you can say, but I guess what we`re all wondering is, if he had nothing to do with it, how would he know what to point out down at the river? That`s what nobody seems to understand.

WERTER: It is a good point, and I`ll leave that to your speculation. You`re a brilliant woman.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I don`t know if I`m a brilliant woman. Thank you for that, but I think everybody is trying to solve this puzzle. It is a true mystery, and we can`t figure out what`s going on.

So we have these people who were talking, particularly Grandma Flo. Now let`s listen to this. Misty`s Grandmother Flo told Nancy Grace she thinks Haleigh was molested while Misty hid in the other room. But here on ISSUES, Flo said she thought Misty`s jealousy over Ron`s attention to his daughter could be the motive. So let`s break down all of Grandma Flo`s inconsistencies.

WERTER: You want to leave that to me? Well, the fact...


HOLLARS: First thing that I was told was that Joe had killed her. I was told that Misty had knocked her in the head and killed her and that Joe and Tommy got rid of her.

Misty had been out on a drug binge for three days. Her and Ron had fought that day. And she told him she didn`t want to baby-sit. And he told her, "Yes, you are going to baby-sit." And he left the kids there with her, and she was still strung out.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So you also think the conspiracy extends to Ron. You think it`s four people involved in the conspiracy?

HOLLARS: Yes, ma`am, I do.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: So, Jim, as Tommy Croslin`s attorney, what do you think of all her stories and the inconsistencies in those stories?

WERTER: I would have to call her a defense attorney`s field day for cross-examination. She told so many different stories.

But I can tell you this. I had a discussion with Tommy twice, and when he called to get in touch with myself and Steve Brown, he did not talk to Flo Hollars about what happened that night. He simply told her to get a hold of Lindsay, to get a hold of me, that he wanted to talk to Steve and myself. So if you put her on the stand...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So are you saying that Tommy -- are you saying that - - she`s saying Tommy called her, and Tommy said Joe did it. Can you at least tell us whether your client is denying that?

WERTER: Oh, yes. Flat out, he is denying that. He did not discuss the case with Flo Hollars, and that was on Sunday night. Flo, from my understanding, got a hold of Lindsay, Tommy`s wife. Lindsay got a hold of me, and then we discussed everything on Monday morning.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So you`re saying Grandma Flo is making up this entire story out of whole cloth, because you`re saying Tommy has said to you flat- out, "I did not tell Grandma Flo anything about who did what to Haleigh"?

WERTER: This is what Tommy told me.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, what about the fact that Grandma Flo says Misty called 15 minutes after Tommy? Everybody`s found that very odd that they should both be behind bars for such a long time and then, within 15 minutes of each other, get it into their heads to call Grandma Flo.

WERTER: That in itself tells you something about the quality of information that you`re getting. These people do not have communications between each other.

I think after the Anthony debacle with the letters going back and forth, I think the correctional facilities have tightened up on inter- prisoner communications. So you just have to look at content that this lady is putting out, and it`s just not consistent.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Let me just say this. The reason why people are taking her seriously is that cops did go down to the river, and they did search for several days and spent huge amounts on divers. Why?

WERTER: Based on -- based on Tommy`s discussions with him, with the FDLE and Putnam County, on Monday night, April 11.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: In other words, Tommy knows something. But you`re saying he`s not responsible, but he knows what happened?

WERTER: Again, I will say -- well, I will go with that, yes. I am quite comfortable in you saying that.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tommy knows what happened, but he`s not responsible.

WERTER: Correct.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Stay right there. That`s good information. We`re going to have so much more on this Haleigh Cummings mystery in just a moment. What was Tommy`s role in all of it? You just heard. His attorney says he knows something, but he is not responsible.

Plus, more bad news for Casey Anthony. First her prison inmates claim she killed her daughter. Now who else is saying the very same thing?

But first little Haleigh, still nowhere to be found, and neither is the truth. We are hunting for answers. What happened to this beautiful little child?


HOLLARS: I believe the one that Misty told me, that they tied her up in a rope and dropped her in the river. I just don`t know whether they raped her or not, but I sort of believe that they did. I just hope and pray that the child was already dead before she hit that water.




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Your face is getting fat again. Yes.

TOMMY CROSLIN, MISTY`S BROTHER: I`m not strung out on the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) pills no more.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Today we are talking one-on-one with Tommy Croslin`s attorney, Jim Werter, who just told us here on ISSUES that Tommy knows what happened to little Haleigh but was not involved. But we can extrapolate he knows enough to have led police down to the riverbanks.

Our team of experts and panelists standing by, just itching to get in on this conversation.

Mike Brooks, HLN law enforcement analyst, what are your thoughts or questions?

MIKE BROOKS, HLN LAW ENFORCEMENT ANALYST: Well, again, since we know that there was a phone call from Tommy to Flo Hollars, most likely it was tape recorded by the Putnam County sheriffs. Have you heard the content of that exact phone call yet?

WERTER: No, I haven`t. They`re kind of slow on releasing those kind of things.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Mark Eiglarsh, your thoughts or questions for Jim?

MARK EIGLARSH, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Oh, gosh, I have so many, Jane. First of all, phenomenal interview. You didn`t let him off. And finally, he admitted that his client knows something but just isn`t guilty. All right, so we got that out of the way.

But I`ve never seen a defense lawyer, including myself, bring up a polygraph unless the flying colors, passing with flying colors comes next. He didn`t say whether he passed or failed it. Is it fair, then, to suggest that he failed it, and what was the relevant question asked before he failed?

BROOKS: He`s not going to answer.

WERTER: Oh, is it back to me?

EIGLARSH: Oh, it is.

WERTER: OK. Yes, OK. It`s not going to answer. And if you remember my interview, if you`ve seen my interview on Nancy`s show, polygraphs, it`s not always a fail or flunk thing. It`s an investigative tool. And it led us to that dock, so I would say that it worked.

EIGLARSH: Well, there was a relevant question asked, and it should have been a yes or no. And it either showed deception or not. What was the specific, relevant question asked that he failed?

WERTER: That`s going to be in the hands of law enforcement, as I said earlier in the show. I`m not going to interfere with their investigation. Tommy has been cooperative with law enforcement.

EIGLARSH: Bring us the truth.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Hold on. Going to bring out the old gavel. All right. I`m trying to get a timeline on this crazy case.

We know at 7:30 Great-Grandma Annette Sykes drops by the trailer, drops off some laundry. She says everything seems fine. We know that Misty had originally claimed she woke up at in the morning and Haleigh was gone. She claims she put her to sleep at 10 p.m.

So I mean, there`s this whole area of time there in the evening where something crazy, something untoward occurred.

Let me ask you this, Jim.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Was your client, Tommy, there at any time during the evening?

WERTER: Right now again, as I told your producers, until -- until there`s an arrest made, I really cannot talk about the actual crime itself. What I`m talking about now is the timeline on how they came to the dock. So -- I can`t answer.

BROOKS: What about the night -- what about the evening of, where Flora Hollars says it was Tommy and cousin Joe Overstreet that went to the trailer? Is he friends? Was he in Florida at the same time and with Joe Overstreet?

WERTER: Well, that`s a matter of fact. That`s open knowledge that Joe Overstreet has been -- I`m sorry, my earpiece popped out -- but that they were in Florida. Joe -- Joe lives in Tennessee, but he was down visiting. Tommy lives in Florida. He lives in the Satsuma area. That`s open knowledge. That`s no problem there.

BROOKS: Were they together at the trailer of Misty Croslin that evening?

WERTER: Again, what are you doing? You`re getting into the facts.


EIGLARSH: Jane, I have another one.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes, but here`s the -- here`s the point. Grandma Flo, OK, says Misty pointed the finger at Tommy and Joe. You`re saying Tommy knows what happened, but he wasn`t involved. OK, but Grandma Flo also says that Tommy said Joe did it. Would you at least be willing to give us a yea or nay? In other words, did Tommy ever implicate Cousin Joe, or could there be somebody else involved?

WERTER: Well, I can`t answer the latter part of that question. What I did say was Tommy did not discuss this case with Flo Hollars.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I want to bring in Howard Samuels, founder and CEO of The Hills Treatment Center. There is so much drug aspect to this case. Misty was on a three-day drug binge, reportedly, leading up to this. Flo Hollars claims that her parents had drug problems.

Now we`re hearing claims that Flo is a liar and that she`s been on national television lying. What do you make of it as a person who deals with addicts?

HOWARD SAMUELS, FOUNDER/CEO, THE HILLS TREATMENT CENTER: Well, I`ve got to say, Jane, this crime makes me so sick to my stomach, so horrific. And once again, we find that drugs are in the middle of it. I mean, drugs push people to do such horrific things, and this is the tragedy here, OK? And, you know, this is why there is such a crisis in this country as far as murder, you know, abuse, rape. I mean, it`s just sick what drugs do.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And I think you`re right, because none of these scenarios would be believable, except for the fact that there`s been so much reporting about the drugs being all around the house, et cetera. So that makes you believe anything`s possible.

But everybody stay right where you are. We are putting this puzzle together. So many questions in the desperate search for little Haleigh. Everybody connected to this case seems to have a theory. Is anyone telling the truth?

Plus, an ISSUES exclusive. I`m going to go one-on-one with Lindsay Lohan`s dad. He claims his daughter is in deep trouble.



T. CROSLIN: I hate (EXPLETIVE DELETED) having to be here myself. I`d do anything to get up out of this situation, but besides make up a story. I ain`t making up no damn story.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Another stunning new theory: did Haleigh accidentally overdose on drugs? Here`s Grandma again.


HOLLARS: I know one thing. Misty had been out on a drug binge for three days. Her and Ron had fought that day, and she told him she didn`t want to baby-sit. And he told her, "Yes, you are going to baby-sit." And he left the kids there with her, and she was still strung out.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: And now Tommy`s wife, Chelsea, confirms there were always pills lying around Misty and Ron`s trailer home. It`s actually Timmy`s wife.


CHELSEA CROSLIN, MISTY`S SISTER-IN-LAW: I believe, you know, there`s many more things to it. What happened -- what happens if Haleigh overdosed? Because there were loose pills laying around in that house. and I don`t care what anybody says. I know for a fact there was.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right, Jim. Misty and Tommy are both behind bars on drug conspiracy charges. Tommy has acknowledged that he was taking a lot of pills before he was arrested. What do you know, if anything, about the drug use going on in the home? And do you think this might be a plausible theory?

WERTER: There are so many theories going on. And again, it addresses the issues of the investigation. And I have a good relationship. Should I jeopardize that relationship or the investigation itself, I cannot disclose that kind of information. I just can`t do it. I want to see a successful end to this investigation.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Of course, but let me just ask you this. You know what Tommy -- in other words, Tommy says he knows the story, but he`s not involved. You know the story that Tommy`s told you. So you know what Tommy`s theory is or what Tommy`s story is.

WERTER: I know that theory.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. Levi Page, host of "The Levi Page Show" on blog talk radio. Your question for Jim?

LEVI PAGE, HOST, "THE LEVI PAGE SHOW": Yes, I want to go back to the night that Haleigh vanished. I want to know, is it true that Tommy went to the trailer that night after Ronald couldn`t get a hold of Misty? He called her phone over 90 times, so then he called Tommy go over to the trailer. Is that true?

We also know that Tommy and Ron were going through a series of fights over the summer. We know that Ronald and Misty were seen by a neighbor putting a dead, decapitated rat in the mailbox of the Croslin family. Are those events related to the night Haleigh vanished?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Well, I think that, Jim, you`re probably going to say you can`t answer any of that, or can you?

WERTER: I can`t, and it`s a compound question.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: OK. Let me ask you this. Let me ask you this. How does Tommy feel about his grandmother throwing him under the bus?

WERTER: Well, you`ve got to think. I mean, this is your grandmother, and she`s coming out over the past week or so with so many types of bad theories, you know, how these terrible children did this, that. What kind of grandmother would do this?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: What`s your thought on why a grandmother would do this?

WERTER: Well, this is a strange group of people, I have to admit. I`m a New Yorker like yourself, so I`m not quite used to this motive, what I call emotional I.Q. You`re familiar with E.Q.


WERTER: And you can`t relate. You can`t -- you can speculate, but how accurate your speculation would be, that would be speculation. So this is -- this is a different group of people. You just can`t think that way.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: It is, indeed, a curious clan. Thank you so much, Jim. Please come back soon. I really appreciate you being a good sport about all those questions.

WERTER: Not a problem.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: From one blockbuster case into another, new documents just released in the Casey Anthony case. Who`s admitting now that Casey killed Caylee?


<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on April 25, 2010, 04:04:41 PM


Misty Croslin Looking for Plea Deal?

Aired April 23, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. The last person to see her alive, new stepmother Misty Croslin, who takes to the airwaves claiming she`s innocent. But even in one brief interview, she can`t keep her story straight, including a 180 on a lie detector she flunked. Little Haleigh`s own father, Ronald Cummings, and baby-sitter- turned-stepmother Misty Croslin both handcuffed, arrested, booked. Charges, drug trafficking.

Bombshell tonight. Is Croslin set to take a plea deal? Misty Croslin goes all the way to the Florida governor, whining about her treatment. This as we obtain more secretly recorded jailhouse tapes, hours of Croslin yakking to Mommy and Daddy, you name it, all caught on video. As usual, it`s all about Misty Croslin, whining about life behind bars, Croslin breaking down in tears, actually blaming the little girl`s kidnap for ruing her life, repeatedly referring to the kidnapper as "he." This while Croslin`s own brother blames their alleged drug operation for Haleigh`s disappearance. But why? As police comb those jailhouse tapes for clues, tonight, where is 5-year-old Haleigh?


MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER: Today`s a very bad day for me.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She was taken to the crime scene, to the river.

MISTY CROSLIN: Tomorrow`s going to be a bad day for me, too, OK?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Detectives showed her what they had found.

MISTY CROSLIN: I was freaking out. I was, like, Man, they got me!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She was shown bones.

GRACE: ... shown bones...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... bones and remains...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I know that bones have been found in the river.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Human bone or animal bone?

HOLLARS: She was pointing a spot out on the river on the TV.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They`re still denying that they found any human remains.

MISTY CROSLIN: It was crazy.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... show her the bones...

GRACE: They put her in the car with brother Tommy Croslin.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And let`s say she has the reaction...

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m serious. I was, like, Oh, my God.

HOLLARS: Those three grandkids of mine is involved in this, and I don`t know why!

MISTY CROSLIN: The cops said there was a whole bunch of bricks...

It was a brick. Like, there was a brick on the floor.

-- but I`ve never seen any bricks at all.

HOLLARS: They have no remorse or something!

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m not hiding anything.


TOMMY CROSLIN, MISTY`S BROTHER: I don`t know where she is.

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: If I find whoever has my daughter before y`all do, I`m killing him. I don`t care. I`ll spend the rest of my life in prison. I`m telling you, you can put it on recording, I don`t care.

MISTY CROSLIN: Well, youthful offender -- I would do it. I would take it. Three years in and four years out, I`ll take it. I`ll take it and run. It`s, like -- but I`d be in, like, a boot camp since I`m so young. If they put me in prison, I`ll be, like, in a boot camp.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Bombshell tonight. Is Misty Croslin, baby-sitter-turned- stepmother, the last person to see little Haleigh Cummings alive, set to take a plea deal? To what? Croslin goes all the way to the Florida governor complaining about her treatment. This as we obtain even more secretly recorded jailhouse tapes.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: People are starting to talk.

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t know where she is.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: People are starting to cooperate.

MISTY CROSLIN: There`s nothing to break me on.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think she`s come to realize that, you know, she`s in trouble.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There are reports of two cinderblocks retrieved from the river.

MISTY CROSLIN: It was a brick. Like, there was brick on the floor.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And my sources telling me police have obtained yellow rope from Tommy Croslin`s home.

TOMMY CROSLIN: I said, I can`t help you find her body. I don`t know where she is.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They told the family it`s time, they have enough evidence that they can start making funeral arrangements for little Haleigh.


CUMMINGS: I know somebody took my little girl!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We just want our baby to come home.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They brought the family members in to the sheriff`s office.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He`s not as strong at home as he is on TV.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They told him that it was now a homicide investigation.

CHELSEA CROSLIN, MISTY`S SISTER-IN-LAW: It was the worst thing I`ve ever been through in my entire life.

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: Misty is being very coy about answering the questions.

HOLLARS: She says, But Nanny, I was scared.

PADILLA: She has not told the truth.

HOLLARS: This is something you should have said a long time ago.

PADILLA: The truth is still within Misty.

MISTY CROSLIN: If people think that I had something to do with it -- if I had something to do with it, I knew where she was, we wouldn`t be sitting here today.

They ain`t never seen us, how we lived before. We always had nice stuff, nice things.

HANK CROSLIN: Been up and down all of our life, but we`ve always come out -- out of it. But this time -- I ain`t never -- this time`s terrible.

MISTY CROSLIN: I never thought, ever thought this would ever be, like, something to even think about happening.

HANK CROSLIN: Me neither. No way.

MISTY CROSLIN: Seen this (EXPLETIVE DELETED) on TV, and you know, I didn`t think it was -- you know, I didn`t think it ever could happen to us.

HANK CROSLIN: They`re out to get you, and they got you.

MISTY CROSLIN: They can`t charge me with stuff that I didn`t do.

HANK CROSLIN: Accessory, I guess.

MISTY CROSLIN: They can`t charge me with all these -- yes, but they can`t charge me for just trafficking.


GRACE: Is she crazy? Eleanor, Eleanor Odom, she is behind bars, suspected in the murder of a 5-year-old little girl, and she`s saying she can`t go to boot camp, which is a diversion program where you basically go to a youth boot camp for a couple months and then you get cut loose?

ELEANOR ODOM, PROSECUTOR: I know. It`s hard to believe. She doesn`t even have any offer of that that we know of right now, and that would certainly be a generous offer, considering all the drugs she was selling.

GRACE: And let me make it clear. She is not a formal suspect. The police have not named her a person of interest or a suspect. What we do know is she`s the last person to see 5-year-old Haleigh alive.

Now with breaking news, investigative journalist Art Harris. Art, what can you tell us?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: I can tell you, Nancy, that as I reported on last week, she has flunked a polygraph, a police polygraph, and now I know that her brother took one on Thursday. No results announced, but this is something that we`re all holding our breath about because if Tommy Croslin passes his test, then it`s back on Misty. If he doesn`t, then all bets are off.

GRACE: Well, it would seem to me, Art Harris, if she flunked yet another -- I think this would be the fourth polygraph, it`s not off Misty. It`s not on anybody else, it`s still on Misty Croslin.

HARRIS: That`s true. But there would be other possibilities beyond Misty, if Tommy Croslin knocked on the door of the trailer that night, says no one was home, we don`t know what the questions were that he was asked. But if there was any deception shown, Nancy, his story could be held up to the light of the truth.

GRACE: OK. Art -- with me, investigative journalist Art Harris. Art, what can you tell me about the conditions surrounding her most recent polygraph that we now learn, you`ve learned she flunked?

HARRIS: I can tell you, Nancy, that she was scheduled to take one a few days before. She was too sick to take it. They set it up again. It was given in the St. John`s County jail building, administrative building. Several detectives were there who`d been working on the case. An independent polygraph operator, who is a veteran...


HARRIS: ... a woman named Patty Knight (ph) from a nearby county, came over to do it. It was done between 5:30, 8:30 PM in the evening. And she showed deception on every question.

GRACE: On every question.

HARRIS: That`s right.

GRACE: Art, how did you find that out?

HARRIS: Nancy, I`ll just say that I spoke with people who are familiar with the test.

GRACE: Do you have any idea what the questions were?

HARRIS: Well, we know that the question that she had -- that was raised in letters she wrote to her relatives revolved around the scenario she named, was that her brother, Tommy, and her cousin, Joe, the mystery cousin from Tennessee, were at the trailer that night. And she claimed that she saw them with Haleigh, that they came over to steal a gun from her husband, Ron Cummings, and the gun wasn`t there -- or then boyfriend. And so Tommy left, and cousin Joe was mad and took Haleigh.

Of course, they are not suspects. Cousin Joe has denied all involvement. He has a lawyer. He`s been interviewed twice by law enforcement. And he is right now in the clear.

GRACE: And so she flunked the polygraph all about that scenario. So that is just a crock of lies, right?

HARRIS: Nancy, we don`t know what to believe at this point.

GRACE: To Jean Casarez, legal correspondent, "In Session." Jean, after taking a listen to all of these newly obtained jailhouse recordings, what is she talking about a plea deal? Who has offered her, if anybody, jail for three years, or is that just something she dreamed up behind bars?

JEAN CASAREZ, "IN SESSION": Or is this something her attorney has talked to her about? Well, what`s interesting, Nancy, she`s charged with eight felony counts, charged as an adult with prescription drug trafficking. She`s saying that she will enter a plea deal as a youthful offender. That`s a juvenile. And that means she would go to a juvenile institution until she is 21, and then she said she`d get out on probation. So that`s what she`s believing. But with these counts, does she really even know what the reality is?

GRACE: Unleash the lawyers -- Eleanor Odom, prosecutor, Atlanta, Renee Rockwell, veteran defense attorney out of Atlanta, Peter Odom, defense attorney also out of Atlanta.

To you, Peter Odom. There is no -- first of all, it sounds to me like her idea that she`s getting from a jailhouse lawyer -- in other words, somebody that`s been around the block several times and thinks they know the system, telling her what she can hope to get on these drug charges. What do you make of it?

PETER ODOM, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I think that what she`s talking about, a three-year sentence or a boot camp sentence, is probably what`s going to happen with her. Nancy, keep it in perspective. All the drugs that she sold in their entirety could fit in a Ziploc bag, in a quart-lock Zip-size -- Ziploc bag, at that.

GRACE: Well, hold it!

PETER ODOM: It`s $4,000 worth of drugs.

GRACE: Wait! Wa-wait! Wait! You are misleading the viewers! First of all, Elizabeth, please pull up the video of Ms. Croslin doing a drug deal. Yes, it would only fill up a Ziploc bag. But it`s because it`s tiny, tiny...


GRACE: ... Oxycodone and Oxycontin pills, Eleanor...


GRACE: ... so you can fill up a bag with, like, a thousand of those.

PETER ODOM: Right, and that...

ELEANOR ODOM: Exactly. And remember, it`s a trafficking amount. That`s a lot of drugs, Nancy.

GRACE: What about it, Renee?

RENEE ROCKWELL, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: And not only that, Nancy, but eight different counts. Now, at the end of the day, a three-year sentence in a boot camp is not unreasonable. But she`s going to have to come to the table with something, and it`s going to have to be something about the disappearance of the baby.

GRACE: You are seeing video right now of undercover police surveillance from a pinhole camera inside a police undercover car, Misty Croslin leading the drug sale. And there you go with the first Ziploc bag full of illegal drugs.


MISTY CROSLIN: Hey. I`m in the car with him. Where do you want me to meet you?

I haven`t seen him.

HANK CROSLIN: Well, he said he didn`t -- he wasn`t going to leave you, he`s going to stick with you to the end.


HANK CROSLIN: He just -- he just wishes that you would be straight with him because he`s your lawyer and he`s not going to do nothing to harm you.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know. I am, though.




HANK CROSLIN: If you could do something to help yourself, man, you would be home with us.

MISTY CROSLIN: Daddy, I -- there`s nothing I can do. I`ve told them everything, told them everything I know. If I knew anything else, they would know. Really. They would.

I don`t want to be here, man. I don`t want to be at this place. This place is not nowhere I want to be. It`s not scary or nothing, it`s just I don`t want to be here. I want to be able to do my -- have my own freedom and not treated like a dog. Of course I do.

I just want them to do whatever they`re going to do with me, and let`s get it done and over with because I`m tired of sitting in this (EXPLETIVE DELETED) jail. I mean, OK, what`s the point of me sitting in the jail? I could be at home sitting, doing the same thing, waiting for court, you know? I don`t understand. Now I have to wait another frickin` no telling how long for court.

HANK CROSLIN: You`re headed for a long haul, baby, hard road. I just wish you would have listened to me in the beginning.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know. I wish I would have, too. That first day when you were -- when you said that, I should have just listened and I wouldn`t be in this mess.

HANK CROSLIN: That`s why I cussed you out and everything.

MISTY CROSLIN: I have $1.3 million...

HANK CROSLIN: And you told me to mind my own business. Cussed me out and told me to mind my own business.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know I did.

HANK CROSLIN: You was my business.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know. I know. I wish -- you know, I wish my bond wasn`t this high because I could bond out.

HANK CROSLIN: Sure. Yes, it`s your first time ever getting in trouble, you know?

MISTY CROSLIN: My first time ever being in trouble, they`re going to put me at $1.3 million.

HANK CROSLIN: That`s because they think...


HANK CROSLIN: ... you know more than what you`re saying.



GRACE: Out to Marlaina Schiavo, our producer on the story. Marlaina, what is she -- why is she contacting the governor?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: She said that she`s going to write to the governor because she doesn`t like how she`s being treated in jail. She`s in protective custody, and she thinks that that`s a punishment. Meanwhile, we spoke to the jail, and it`s for her protection because if they put her in general population, she might get hurt. So -- and she also says that she doesn`t like the food, Nancy, and she wants him to look into it.

GRACE: Doesn`t like the food and she wants the governor to look into it. OK. Renee -- Renee Rockwell, everything she writes to the governor will be admissible in court.

ROCKWELL: Yes, but I`m pretty sure that she`s just going to be writing about the food conditions. And Nancy, everything that she`s writing to anybody is going to be admissible in court, unless she`s writing to her attorney. So all these letters that she`s sending to all these relatives about what`s going on, what happened, what didn`t happen, those are absolutely fair game for the prosecution.

GRACE: To Dr. Jeff Gardere, psychologist, author of "Love Prescription." Dr. Jeff, here`s the bottom line. When you see her talking to her father, saying, I`ve told them everything I know, and breaking down crying and talking about wanting to go home, you`ve got to put that against the backdrop of four failed polygraphs, a failed voice stress test, and either a refusal or inability to go under hypnosis. If she really didn`t know anything, she wouldn`t be failing four different polygraphs -- four polygraphs!

JEFF GARDERE, PSYCHOLOGIST: Absolutely. This is a woman who`s not only immature, young woman who`s not only immature, but also a sociopath. We can just look at the fact that she was involved with Haleigh Cummings, the way that she was, the way that she didn`t really take care of her. And then finally, with the eyes of the world looking at you, Nancy, knowing law enforcement is monitoring you, then you get involved in drug deals. This is insanity.

GRACE: Jean Casarez, the reality is, looking at her, you want to believe her. You want to believe anyone that`s talking and take them at face value and believe them. But you can`t because we know that she flunked four polygraphs. Private polygraphs, police polygraphs, voice stress test, you name it, she flunked it.

CASAREZ: Now, let`s add more facts to what you just said. She just said in these recently released jailhouse tapes, basically, without naming a name -- she said she knows who did whatever happened to Haleigh, that he, singular, is walking around free while she`s in there. You hear her father respond that from the very beginning, they`ve told that to law enforcement. They`ve done nothing. And we know Art Harris has clued us in to who "he" is. Well, if police have done nothing, that`s because they have no probable cause, they have no evidence at all of this lone male person.


HANK CROSLIN: Well, as soon as they get this Haleigh case wrapped up, they`ll let us alone. I understand. I understand them to an extent, you know? I understand they want to find Haleigh. And I want them to find Haleigh, too, and find out who did this to Haleigh. I don`t care who it is. Well...

MISTY CROSLIN: Well, of course, but they don`t have to do this, like, this ruining of our life!

HANK CROSLIN: ... I think we let them.




HANK CROSLIN: You just got to get your butt out of there. Do whatever you got to do to get out of there, Misty.

MISTY CROSLIN: I am, Daddy. I want out of here so bad. They can put me on an ankle bracelet, you know? That`s even -- that would even -- you know, being in jail, this isn`t even a lesson, OK? If I`m outside, out in the open and knowing I can`t leave the house, you know, that`s even tempting.

HANK CROSLIN: Well, they did that to somebody -- when your mom was in court last time, there was this girl and a guy got caught selling some pills to an undercover cop, and they gave them two years` house arrest and two years` probation.

MISTY CROSLIN: That`s -- I would love for that, man. Give me two years probation and two years house arrest, man? Give me six years, I don`t care!


GRACE: Straight out to Leonard Padilla, bounty hunter who offered to bail Croslin out of jail. Of course, her attorney would have nothing to do with it because his condition was she help tell him what happened the night Haleigh went missing. Leonard Padilla joining us out of Sacramento via Skype. What do you make of the now bombshell that she`s flunked a fourth polygraph? There`s no way around it, she is lying.

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: Well, Nancy, I don`t think she could tell the truth and pass. Her mind is so convoluted with what happens in her life, especially that particular evening, that there`s people that have many, many doubts as to whether she could pass a lie detector test even if she told the truth.

Now, Art Harris says that Tommy took a lie detector test Thursday, which obviously hasn`t been publicized. If he`d have passed it -- if he took it Thursday and he passed it, his attorney would be all over the media with it.

GRACE: Man, you`re not kidding.

PADILLA: So if he did take one Thursday -- if he took one Thursday and it ain`t been publicized for the past week...

GRACE: Yes, it can`t be good.

PADILLA: ... I can only wonder what happened.

GRACE: Paul Penzone, let`s talk about what Padilla just said -- Paul Penzone joining us out of Phoenix, director of prevention program, former sergeant with the Phoenix PD. Paul, I think even if you were stoned out of your brain that night, you still would be telling the truth this many months later on a polygraph test when you say, I don`t remember. I did the laundry. I went to sleep. She was lying four feet away from me. I don`t think that being high as a kite the night of the incident would prevent her from passing a polygraph this many months later.

PAUL PENZONE, CHILDHELP.ORG: You`re absolutely correct because it`s about telling the truth, not so much her ability to remember every detail. As you know, I was a narcotics detective for many years, and I`ve interviewed hundreds if not thousands of people. She lacks any remorse, any conflict whatsoever in what occurred because she`s hiding something for herself still.


MISTY CROSLIN: They got me where they want me because that`s what they did. I didn`t go out doing that, you know?

HANK CROSLIN: You just fell into their game, Ronald`s and their game.



JEFF HARDY, PUTNAM COUNTY SHERIFF: At this point, I`m comfortable to go ahead and say that I`m going to call it a homicide.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If somebody had something to do with it, let them fry. So be it.

NANCY GRACE, HLN HOST: What, Miss Hollars, could be their possible motivation for killing a 5-year-old girl?

FLORA HOLLARS, MISTY AND TOMMY CROSLIN`S GRANDMOTHER: I still don`t know. Those three grandkids of mine is involved in this, and I don`t know why. But I sure would like to know why.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Sources telling CNN affiliate WJXT that two cinder blocks have been taken out of the St. Johns River. Forensic testing now taking place.

HARDY: I`m not going to discuss the particular items that I`ve taken for analysis.

MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER: The cops said there was a whole bunch of bricks about 50 feet away. But I`ve never seen any bricks at all.

HARDY: I think she`s come to realize that, you know, she`s in trouble.

HOLLARS: She said Joe Overstreet and Tommy wrapped the rope around Haleigh and carried her to the dock at the St. Johns River, and put a block around the other end of the rope and throw her in the river.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Art reporting law enforcement has found a yellow rope inside brother Tommy Croslin`s home.

TOMMY CROSLIN, SUSPECT ON HALEIGH`S DISAPPEARANCE: I can`t help you find her body. I don`t know where she is.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Harris`s sources say it could be the possible murder weapon.

MISTY CROSLIN: We are like dogs in here in cages.

HANK CROSLIN: Yeah, I know.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m serious. They make us -- we`re like -- everybody else is allowed to do you know, come out. We are dogs in here.

HANK CROSLIN: Well, don`t. I might be in there myself here real soon. And your mom.

MISTY CROSLIN: They treating us like we`re dogs. I really am. I`m starting to go off. I`m serious. Is it trafficking when you go state to state or place to place? Come on.

HANK CROSLIN: No. Trafficking I guess is just selling. But you -- it wasn`t you selling, anyways.


HANK CROSLIN: I know that, and they know that. But they just -- they`ve got -- they got you. They picked --

MISTY CROSLIN: They got me, but they ain`t got me for all of them.

HANK CROSLIN: They targeted you and they got you.


HANK CROSLIN: That`s all it was about.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know. I`d be all right because when I get done and get out there are -- I`m going to do what I`ve got to do, but I`m not doing -- I`m not taking the ride for all these charges, dad. I`m not. I`m not taking it. Because I didn`t do all of it. That`s not right. It`s not at all. It makes me angry when I think about it.


GRACE: OK. That is B.S., Art Harris. She did do it. We`ve got it on video. My point is forget about the drugs, which we`re about to show you her doing the deal. You`ve got Ron Cummings in the back seat riding along.

Liz, do you have the sound that goes with that? Yes, no, maybe.

Liz, do you have the sound?

OK. Pump it up so we can hear it. She`s counting out the drugs.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m not an accountant.

MISTY CROSLIN: Oh, man. Five minutes.


GRACE: She looks like she`s high as a kite right there.


MISTY CROSLIN: Hi. I`m in the car with him. Where do you want me to meet you? You want me to just go to my house?

Yeah, I`ll go to --

Oh, Lord, please don`t let --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, don`t do that.

MISTY CROSLIN: So this other dude, you don`t want to get him --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And he`s got what?

MISTY CROSLIN: 20 of them.


MISTY CROSLIN: So five times -- or 20 times five would be --


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Let me -- I`ll call my brother-in-law, and see how much time before they`re planning on going. Going to do like last time, drop them at --




GRACE: So Art Harris, her denying this over and over to her father. She`s on video. We`re about to show you more. My point is if she`s so convincing, crying and anguished, that she didn`t sell dope, what about her denial she had anything to do with Misty`s disappearance? Excuse me, with Haleigh`s disappearance.

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Well, Nancy, she`s trying to rewrite the subtitles of what we`ve actually seen with our own eyes here. And, you know, 80 percent of the times, according to statistics, the last person or family members who have seen a child are somehow involved, according to the FBI. So she is denying and denying. But you know, deception may just be in her DNA, Nancy. And no one can tell if she`s telling the truth about anything. She grew up this way. Her grandmother blames her parents. I`ve talked to her, Flora Hollars, in Tennessee, for how she was raised. And this is just something that --

GRACE: OK, Art, Art, Art, please, do not start about how it`s her mommy and daddy`s fault and it`s her grandparents and they said this. No, they were not there in the home the night Haleigh went missing. So don`t throw any psychobabble on me. This is -- you are right. Statistically, the last person with the child is responsible for what befell them.

And I want to go to Paul Penzone on that out of Phoenix, Arizona. She`s the last one with her. Her story doesn`t make sense. She`s failed four polygraphs. Her story has changed. It has altered. The many times she tells it, it changes.

What does that say to you, Penzone?

PAUL PENZONE, CHILDHELP`S DIRECTOR OF PREVENTION PROGRAMS: Well, we have to be honest with ourselves and say there are people, as your earlier guest stated, that are sociopaths. They have no moral fiber. They don`t care about others other than themselves. So she`s willing to lie at all costs to save her own soul. If she`s not involved in this, I would be amazed. I would put every year of my experience in law enforcement on the fact that she is involved in the disappearance of this beautiful baby.

GRACE: To Dr. Michael Hunter, forensic pathologist, medical examiner, joining us out of New York tonight.

Dr. Hunter, could there be any evidence left on the body of Haleigh Cummings even if, worst case scenario, she were left out in the elements?

DR. MICHAEL HUNTER, FORENSIC PATHOLOGIST: Well, if she`s left out in the elements, then given the time frame, she`s going to be skeletal. And I think probably completely skeletal. I think what a medical examiner can do, an anthropologist can do, can define possibly what injuries maybe she sustained. Head trauma, penetrating and perforating wounds such as gunshot wounds and stab wounds. Other than that you`re really left to the circumstances behind her disappearance and her discovery. Now, as far as evidence, DNA, and so forth that may tie someone to it, I really doubt that that`s going to be possible.

GRACE: And to you, Eleanor Odom, what do you make of it?

ELEANOR ODOM, PROSECUTOR: Well, I completely agree, Nancy, you`re not going to find that. But that doesn`t mean a person can`t be prosecuted for murder even if there`s not as much evidence as we would like, DNA and that sort of thing. You can still hold them accountable.

GRACE: Plus finding the body out in the elements or perhaps partially buried would indicate, of course, it was not an accidental death.

Everybody, as we go to break, happy birthday to South Carolina friend Kathy Evans. She loves classic movies, reading, and the love of her life, great niece, Abby. Happy birthday, Kathy.


HANK CROSLIN: I loved Haleigh.


HANK CROSLIN: And they know I didn`t have nothing to do with it. I was in the damn hospital. Why you going to treat me like that?

MISTY CROSLIN: Because that`s just -- they`re just assholes, man.




MISTY CROSLIN: I`m not taking the ride for all these charges, dad. I didn`t do all this. I`m not taking all these charges. I didn`t do all that. I`m not doing it. The ones I`m not doing anything, it was -- in the video is the one I`m not doing it. I`m not. I`m not. I`m taking that (EXPLETIVE DELETED) to trial because I`m not going down for something that I didn`t do. I should not be --


GRACE: Renee Rockwell, have you noticed how she keeps referring to "he" as the kidnapper?

RENEE ROCKWELL: I noticed that. And I like the way she says, Nancy, that she`s not going to take it, she`s not going to take the rap for all that. Here`s the deal. You`ve got eight trafficking counts against you. The prosecutor, if she wants to go to trial, is going to get the strongest one. There`s not going to be a trial. Nancy, what these law enforcement people want and are begging for is just for one straight story. Right?

GRACE: Well, she`s --

ROCKWELL: And then she can bargain her way out of there. Maybe. But they just can`t get it from her.

GRACE: And I imagine the reason they`re not getting it from her, Peter Odom, is because it implicates her.

PETER ODOM: She`s scared of something more than she`s scared of the prosecutors and jail. And I can`t speculate as to what. But she clearly knows something that she`s not saying, and something very powerful is keeping her from saying it.

GRACE: I would think that something may be, Eleanor Odom, the Florida death penalty.

ELEANOR ODOM: Well, very well, because clearly she knows something about Haleigh. As we`ve all said she was the last one to see Haleigh alive.

GRACE: And statistically, Eleanor, what is the likelihood that somebody else came into that home and took the child with nobody waking up, nobody hearing anything, when the child was about three feet away from her?

ELEANOR ODOM: Highly unlikely. She knows something. And she can`t open her mouth without lying. It`s just disgusting, Nancy.

GRACE: Marlaina, what do you know?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY PRODUCER: Well, I do know that her attorney says he`s going to stick with her, but he is begging her to give her -- give him a straight story. And we also know that, Tommy, her brother, his lawyer dropped him as of yesterday because he doesn`t want to deal with this Haleigh thing anymore. He`s just going to represent him on the drug charges.

GRACE: Jean Casarez?

JEAN CASAREZ: Plea deal is right. Now, you know, Nancy, at the last hearing, I listened very closely, and I heard the judge say to Ronald`s attorney, now, you`re discussing something right now with the prosecutor, right? And he said, yes, we are. We`re not hearing that from Misty. That`s why they`re giving her the lie detector test. They want her to pass because they want information to be credible so they can help solve this case and give her probably a plea deal.

GRACE: What is your point about the prosecutor discussing what, a plea deal with Ronald Cummings?

CASAREZ: Yes. I think that -- I mean, we -- I think this is the time that something could happen if they could give -- if she could give them information, if Misty could. That`s the whole point that they`re trying to do.

GRACE: But Art Harris, Jean is correct. You do hear that. But Art Harris, if she keeps flunking polys, they can`t take anything she says to the bank, nothing.

HARRIS: That`s right, Nancy. They need someone to corroborate just an ounce, a shred of what she`s saying for her to be credible, for her information to be useful to anybody. No prosecutor can rely on anything she says right now.

GRACE: And to Dr. Michael Hunter out of New York, forensic pathologist, medical examiner. Dr. Hunter, just finding the body alone, depending on where it`s found and the condition in which it`s found, would likely be enough to support a murder charge.

HUNTER: Well, certainly you`d look at that, and given the circumstances, you would definitely classify a case like that as a homicide maybe by unspecified means if you`re not able to identify the particular cause. But I think anyone would be able to be comfortable with a homicide ruling.

GRACE: To Dr. Jeff Gardere, psychologist.

Jeff, we`ve talked about lie detector tests and the ability to lie. It would be very tough, in my opinion, for this girl, Misty Croslin, to beat a lie detector test. In fact, she`s flunked four of them. What does that say to you in when you take a look at her on these secretly recorded jailhouse tapes crying and crying about how she wasn`t involved.

DR. JEFF GARDERE, PSYCHOLOGIST: To me this is a very typical example. And Nancy, you said this early, you were right on it. If she can tell this boldfaced or bald-faced lie about what happened with this drug deal, then what does that tell you as to what she knows with Haleigh Cummings? She knows something, but she just does not have the ability to tell the truth.


HANK CROSLIN: It`s stupid. It`s just because who -- it`s just because of who we are. I mean, they`re messing with me about my grandkids. There`s no sense in that. I never hurt no kid, never would. I love my grandkids.

MISTY CROSLIN: That`s ridiculous.

HANK CROSLIN: If I found out somebody did hurt Haleigh, I`d be the first one to put a bullet in them. I don`t give a (EXPLETIVE DELETED) if it was my son or who.


HANK CROSLIN: But I know my son had nothing to do with it. I know for a fact.

HANK CROSLIN: They`re probably going to have us all in jail before it`s all over with.

MISTY CROSLIN: You`ve got to stop saying that. No, they`re not.

HANK CROSLIN: Well, that`s what they want.

MISTY CROSLIN: You did nothing wrong. Mom did not do nothing wrong. I didn`t even do anything wrong. And they got me in here. I didn`t do nothing wrong. What they`re trying to get me that`s like, you know look at all the murderers and killers out here. They`re getting seven years in jail and (EXPLETIVE DELETED) like that. They arrest people that -- they shouldn`t be arrested. They shouldn`t be worried about (EXPLETIVE DELETED) like this. They should be worried about (EXPLETIVE DELETED) other (EXPLETIVE DELETED).

HANK CROSLIN: Drugs are bad business.

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, it is. But I`m not what they say I am, man.

HANK CROSLIN: I know you`re not. And they know you`re not, too.


HANK CROSLIN: They`re just -- let a little young girl fall into some stupid game that they had.


HANK CROSLIN: That`s how they work.

MISTY CROSLIN: Can`t wait just to get out of jail and just be home with y`all.

HANK CROSLIN: They`re there to brake, Misty. That`s what they`re there to do. And they ain`t going to be easy on you.

MISTY CROSLIN: They can`t --

HANK CROSLIN: When it comes to -- when it comes to an innocent child, that`s how they are. They just want to know where she`s at and what happened.

MISTY CROSLIN: Well, I can`t tell them that. If I could, I would.

HANK CROSLIN: The only charge they got on me is the only charge they`re ever going to get on me.

MISTY CROSLIN: Exactly. These are the only charges they`re going to have on me, too, because when I`m done, get out of here, I ain`t never doing nothing wrong again.

HANK CROSLIN: I ain`t no damn thief. I ain`t never been no thief.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know. I can`t believe they won`t let mom come see me.

HANK CROSLIN: Because of this other charge.




HANK CROSLIN: But they`re going to find out. They got cameras there. They can find out what happened. Wal-Mart should have cameras.

MISTY CROSLIN: Oh, they do.

HANK CROSLIN: The lady, the lady said "oh, they`re Croslins." That`s the reason why she was saying that (EXPLETIVE DELETED). Your mom didn`t steal no (EXPLETIVE DELETED) purse. I`m sorry. I got to watch my mouth.


GRACE: And now CNN Heroes.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I entered the E.R. from a severe cold. I was 24 weeks pregnant. I had H1N1.

They put me in a coma to stabilize me. I was in a coma for roughly six weeks.

When I woke up, my husband said we had to take out the baby. And I immediately clenched my stomach, but he settled me down and was like, "No, no, he`s OK. He`s down in the NICU.

DR. SEAN DANESHMAND, CNN HERO: My daughter was born prematurely. And to see people hearing there`s something wrong with their baby, and then to have to worry about everything else around them, I mean, life doesn`t stop.

I`m Dr. Sean Daneshmand. I started an organization that provides assistance to families with babies in the NICU. I wanted to take some of the suffering that these women go through away from them so they can really focus on their baby.

It`s emotionally draining. And the way the economy now is, people are suffering.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I didn`t think this was going to be as hard. She`s going to do it. She`s going to be OK.

DANESHMAND: They need extra money for clothing, diapers, medical expenses, rent. These are families that, all of a sudden, in a time of crisis, now need extra help. And that`s what we`re about.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They helped us with our mortgage, with gas.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Something as simple as gas cards to be able to make it to the NICU every day just helped tremendously.

DANESHMAND: I can`t think of any other time in one`s life where you need someone to be there for you.

You`re good? You`ve got to stay strong right now.

I`ve got a very special rule in life. I never thought I`d be here. And, my God, I`m having a great time.



GRACE: What a week in America`s courtrooms. Take a look at the stories and, more important, the people who touched our lives.


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Items have been recovered at the search site.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The cinder blocks.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Those cinder blocks --

HARDY: I`m not going to discuss the particular items that I`ve taken for analysis.

MISTY CROSLIN: I didn`t do anything with that little girl.

HARDY: I will not be mentioning any names at this time.

HOLLARS: I was told by Misty --


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Misty, she was the last one to see our daughter.

HOLLARS: She said, Nanny, I`m telling you everything I know.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is a huge river.

HOLLARS: Tied Haleigh up with a yellow rope --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He could have potentially been put in.

HOLLARS: And tied a brick of block to the rope.

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, it was brick, like it was a brick on the floor.

HOLLARS: And dropped her into the St. John`s River.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`ve never seen any bricks at all.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Haleigh Cummings is most likely deceased.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Law enforcement searching for 31-year-old missing Ohio mom, Tiffany Tehan. Friends and family fear she may be in danger.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Police hope anyone can lead them to the man in these pictures, who they are calling, a person of interest in the Tiffany Tehan case. It`s from convenience store in East Dayton.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Tiffany went shopping Saturday morning around 9:00 to look for clothes for her 1-year-old daughter. At around 11:00 am, Tiffany vanishes.

HARDY: It`s like looking for a needle in a haystack.

MISTY CROSLIN: Dad, there`s nothing.

HARDY: We were willing to go ahead and take the effort and time to go look for that needle.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Who was with her, the last person with her? She was.

MISTY CROSLIN: I woke up, she was gone. The back door was wide open.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She is the one that holds the key information to finding out what happened.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tiffany has been found safely in Miami, Florida.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Now, after days of tension and frantic searching, missing church mom, Tiffany Tehan has been found.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She may have made some mistakes, but everyone does.

GRACE: Haleigh`s great grandmother, and Misty Croslin`s grandmother take side.

ANNETTE SYKES, HALEIGH`S GREAT GRANDMOTHER: Ronald being responsible because he left the children with her, and she was all strung out, but I was there and she was not strung out.

HOLLARS: I have a question for you. Why didn`t Theresa take those kids home with her when Misty offered to pay for her to take them home?

SYKES: I was not aware that she did.

HOLLARS: She most certainly did.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don`t know why she would want her to implicate three of her grandchildren? It`s just very sad to do that.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don`t know. Does she have any contracts with any newspaper or any tabloid?

HOLLARS: I have not made a penny off this story. I have told exactly what those two kids have told me, and if none of them down there don`t like it, they can kiss where the sun don`t shine.


GRACE: Let`s stop and remember Army Private First Class Omar Torres, 20, Chicago, Illinois, killed Iraq. Accepted as Ohio State scholar. Left studies to enlist, worked as hard on his sleeve, would give you the shirt off his back with a smile that lit up the room. Love sports, Chicago Bears, trained to being a politician.

Left behind grieving parents, Doris and Oscar. A veteran firefighter. Sister, Aurelia (ph), brother, Oscar.

Omar Torres, American hero.

Thanks to our guest, but especially to you for being with us tonight. And a special good night for the New York control room.

Good night Brett, Liz, Squeaky, Evil.

Everyone, I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern. Until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on April 28, 2010, 08:38:26 AM


Croslin`s Drug Co-Defendant Sentenced to 15 Years

Aired April 27, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. The last person to see her alive, new stepmother Misty Croslin, who goes on to flunk four polygraphs. Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and stepmother Croslin both booked on drug trafficking.

Suddenly, search teams, cadaver dogs, scuba divers, helicopters all combing the St. John`s River, Croslin rousted out of jail, taken down to the dock, motioning out in handcuffs to a specific spot for police. Cops announce 5-year-old Haleigh likely dead. Evidence, including two cinderblocks, pulled from the muddy waters of the St. John`s.

As the search for little Haleigh`s entire body and the murder weapon goes on, bombshell tonight. Message to Misty Croslin! You`re not getting youthful offender, probation or a light sentence at drug court. You will do hard time! In the last hours, the trial judge brings down the hammer on Croslin`s co-defendant in the drug case. Nineteen-year-old Hope Sykes, basically along for the ride, gets a whopping 15 years hard jail time plus a $100,000 fine, the family breaking down in court, then turning angry, going after the camera in open court. That`s 15 years hard jail time for just one -- repeat, one -- hand-to-hand drug sale. Croslin charged with eight sales. Eight times 15, people, 120 years behind bars, Croslin!

With Sykes facing years in the female penitentiary, is she now set to be the state`s secret weapon against Misty Croslin? What does she know? This as Tommy Croslin`s own lawyer says Tommy Croslin can ID Haleigh`s killer. Listen, under Florida law, party to a crime, they`re all set to stew in the same pot together for the little girl`s murder!


MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER: Ronald`s family`s not as good as everybody thinks they are.

HOPE SYKES, RONALD`S COUSIN: I want to be a physical therapist. I want to go to college. I wanted to graduate school.

MISTY CROSLIN: They all take pills. They all do (EXPLETIVE DELETED), every last one of them.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The cousin of Ronald Cummings was in court today...

SYKES: Guess what, Mom? Guess what?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... where she was sentenced to serve 15 years behind bars on drug charges.

SYKES: I`m not going to (EXPLETIVE DELETED) pimp 15 years on no (EXPLETIVE DELETED) pills I ain`t touched!

MISTY CROSLIN: Nineteen-year-old Hope Sykes elected to plead no contest...


SYKES: Did you want me to say not guilty, no contest, what?

Me and my mom get into arguments. I say things I don`t mean.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... and was still given over a decade behind bars.

SYKES: I`m telling you right now, they think I`m bad now, wait until I get out.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So what does this mean for Misty Croslin, who faces over 100 years in prison if she`s convicted?

MISTY CROSLIN: I didn`t even like pills barely, you know?

-- just jumped in and took everything I had!

SYKES: That back view only shows Misty having the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) pills!

MISTY CROSLIN: ... fifty, sixty...

HANK CROSLIN, MISTY`S FATHER: They say you sold -- sold over 300 pills to the undercover.

MISTY CROSLIN: ... seventy, eighty...

That weekend was a lie.

-- ninety...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Will this get her and her co-defendants to open up about what happened to Haleigh?

TOMMY CROSLIN, MISTY`S BROTHER: They try to say that this Haleigh stuff had nothing to do with it.

MISTY CROSLIN: Me being in jail has nothing to do with Haleigh.

TOMMY CROSLIN: That was all it had to do with.


GRACE: And breaking news tonight, live, Idaho. Human remains found, the skeletal remains of a female, an adult female, now discovered. Is it missing 28-year-old mom of two Susan Cox Powell? Cox Powell last seen by her husband and two little boys when Daddy suddenly announces around midnight he`s taking the boys, ages 4 and 2, camping in the snow at midnight, freezing temperatures, at an undisclosed location. He says when they all get home, Mommy`s gone.

But now we learn the remains could be those of two other young women who vanish into thin air. Who are they? The remains right now in autopsy. At this hour, we are on standby for a positive ID.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Questions swirling. Just who do the remains found in Idaho belong to? Which one of these three missing women could it be?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Could it be that of missing Utah mom Susan Powell?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We just miss her and we want her back.

GRACE: It`s about three hours from the Utah home where 28-year-old Susan Powell was last seen alive.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s just dirt, and a perfect place to dump a body. They`ll have to do some tests -- dental and DNA -- to find out if this really is Susan.

GRACE: Josh Powell says he`s taking his two boys camping, age 2 and 4, at midnight?

JOSH POWELL, HUSBAND: A lot of times, I just go camping with my boys. You know, not -- nothing big. I just go overnight.

GRACE: In the snow?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you have any idea what happened to her?

JOSH POWELL: No. Thank you. And any help to try to find her would - - would be appreciated.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Appreciated? This guy is so suspicious!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Cops also focusing on two other missing women, 21- year-old mother of three Stephanie Eldredge, who went missing suddenly, leaving her 4-month-old daughter, car and shoes behind, also looking at missing 20-year-old Amber Hoopes, who said good night to her family at 10:30. Just three hours later, she was gone, the TV and lights still on in her room.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If they`re indicating it`s badly decomposed...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If this person went missing December 7th and has now been discovered in a snow field in April, there`s a significant chance that that person would be quite well preserved.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police are holding things close to their vest.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If you`ve got soft tissue, you would be able to see evidence of a knife wound or a gunshot wound.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Somebody killed the woman there and dumped her. The only question is who she is.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Bombshell tonight. Message to Misty Croslin. You`re not getting youthful offender. You`re not getting probation. You`re not getting a light sentence at drug court. You will do hard jail time. In the last hours, the trial judge brings down the hammer on Croslin`s co-defendant in the drug case.


SYKES: If they`re going to try to lock me up over being in the car, then it`s whatever. I`m over it. I`m ready to go off and do my time and whatever.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ronald Cummings`s cousin, Hope Sykes, who was arrested as part of a drug sting involving Misty Croslin, pled no contest to drug charges and received 15 years in prison today.

SYKES: I`d rather go to (EXPLETIVE DELETED) prison. You got a lot (EXPLETIVE DELETED) up. I`m not going to boot camp.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Sykes is only charged with one count of trafficking prescription pills, while her co-defendant, Misty Croslin, has eight counts of trafficking.

SYKES: Well, I ain`t doing no damn six years mandatory nothing. They can kiss my ass. You might as well stick me with 15.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Which causes many to wonder if this new development will force Croslin to finally reveal what happened to Haleigh.

SYKES: The back view only shows Misty having the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) pills because Misty cupped two pills, decided to say the dope boy (EXPLETIVE DELETED) her, (EXPLETIVE DELETED) them over.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m scared. I don`t want to get set up for nothing. I`m, like, I cannot get in trouble for nothing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And what does this mean for the other co- defendants? Are they going to be more willing to talk now?

TOMMY CROSLIN: I know in the paper, it says I`m facing 15 years in prison, but that`s a (EXPLETIVE DELETED) lie. The damn police said, You`re facing three years in prison unless you help us find Haleigh. I said, I can`t help you find her body. I don`t know where she is.

SYKES: We`re already ten steps in front of the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) game if everybody knows how to pick up their damn steps!


GRACE: I guess she told him. She said, Don`t stick me with any F-ing six years, you might as well give me 15. Well, honey bun, you got the 15. Keep talking, you might get some more. I`m talking about co-defendant Sykes, the judge just bringing down the hammer and slamming her with 15 years behind bars. Apparently, this was not a plea deal because her family completely nutted up in court, crying, screaming, even one going for one of the cameras in the courtroom. Hope Sykes, big talker behind bars, talked herself right out of a sweet plea deal.

Out to Jean Casarez, legal correspondent, in session. What happened?

JEAN CASAREZ, "IN SESSION": Well, this was sentencing day, you`re right, for the cousin of Ronald Cummings, and she was charged with one felony count of prescription drug trafficking. And what that includes, Nancy...

GRACE: Wa-wait, wa-wait, wa-wait, wa-wait! Jean -- Rosie, New York control room, I want to see Sykes. I want to see the undercover video of her propped up -- no, no, no, not her in court. I want to see her propped up there in the back seat.

Let me tell you something, Jean Casarez. If I saw somebody smoking a joint, I would leave and call police. There is Ms. Sykes, propped up in the back seat, going right along with an undercover drug sale to -- with a drug sale to an undercover cop. And she says she didn`t have anything to do with it. Go ahead, Jean.

CASAREZ: Well, Nancy, let`s look at the law, because that`s on January 13th, by the way, that that undercover surveillance tape was rolling. And under the law, true, you can sell, you can purchase, you can manufacture. But guess what? You can also possess the prescription drugs, but you don`t have to actually hold them. You can actually just be in the car and have knowledge of what`s happening. And that led to today`s sentencing. She pleaded no contest, but the judge didn`t really have discretion because it`s 15 years mandatory minimum.

GRACE: And another thing that Jean Casarez is alluding to -- and I`ve got it right here on the felony warrant for Hope Sykes, who could be now the state`s secret weapon against Misty Croslin. She and Croslin, like this. They`re even selling dope together. You don`t think Misty Croslin has blabbed to her, her drug-dealing buddy? If she knows anything, looking at 15 years in the ladies` pen, don`t you think she`s going to sing?

Here, Jean Casarez, it says, as you`ve described, sell, manufacture, deliver, bring into Florida or an actual or constructive possession of 14 grams or more -- "actual or constructive possession."

Unleash the lawyers, Raymond Giudice, Hugo Rodriguez. Also with us, Jim Werter, attorney for Tommy Croslin. And of course, Jean Casarez, also an attorney and a reporter.

Ray Giudice, "active/constructive" -- what that means is, this is my writing pen, it`s mine, I have actual possession, it`s in my hand. If I left it in the makeup room or in the courtroom, it`s still mine. It`s constructive possession, correct?

RAYMOND GIUDICE, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Correct. And she`s -- they`ve got her on this trafficking charge. And I agree with you, when she hits prison and starts looking at real prison time -- keep in mind, she`s been in the county jail. That`s light duty. If she ever knows anything or wants to spit it out, now`s the time.


SYKES: I really didn`t want to speak about the case. And you know, my mom asked me what`s going on because I was waiting to call her the next day. I didn`t want to call her that day because I saw her in court.




BELCHER: You`re lucky. You got April. A lot of other people got June. So you got April, Ronald got May, and Misty`s got June.

SYKES: I don`t know.

BELCHER: Do you know Misty qualifies for the same thing you do, that Misty can get the same thing you do? I don`t see how, but her attorney, Kim, asked the judge if she can have it.

SYKES: Well...

BELCHER: But she ain`t going to give it to her because Judge Larue (ph) looks like he don`t like her. He acts like he ain`t got no use for her.

SYKES: Well, did you see how he acted towards me? I mean, God, he asked me if I had a job. I`m not going to stand up and say, Hey, yes, I was a stripper. (EXPLETIVE DELETED) no! Ain`t going to do it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, do you want to -- you want to hop in?

MISTY CROSLIN: Baby, get in. Get in. Who is that?



MISTY CROSLIN: I know that`s somebody. I know her. I just don`t know who she is.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`ve got them -- I`ve got them 10 in little -- little (INAUDIBLE) baggies, if you want to count them up real quick and make sure that (EXPLETIVE DELETED) there.

CUMMINGS: I`m positive they are, man.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There should be a hundred there.


MISTY CROSLIN: ... 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 -- 100 in there.

CUMMINGS: 100 in here. They`re all in 10-packs. There`s 100.

MISTY CROSLIN: There should be 10 in each one.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So just whenever. I mean...

CUMMINGS: It`s going to take a couple days for me to get rid of 200 of them, now.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, I mean -- I mean -- I mean, I got -- I`ve got two weeks to play with, dude. So I mean, you know, (EXPLETIVE DELETED) two weeks, whatever.

CUMMINGS: OK. I`ll get it for you no, problem. (EXPLETIVE DELETED) two weeks I can make the money to pay for them and eat it myself.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This mother (EXPLETIVE DELETED). Hang on. Hey, do me a favor...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Get on the ground! Get on the ground! Go, go, go, go!


GRACE: In the last hours, the trial judge brings down the hammer on Hope Sykes, one of Misty Croslin`s co-defendants in the drug case. Behind bars, she actually said -- and it`s caught on tape. Please cue it up for me, Rosie -- You think I`m bad now, wait until I get out of here. She was saying, I`m not going to do six years behind bars, I`m not doing boot camp, they might as well stick me with F-ing 15 years behind bars.

Well, they did, in the last hours, bedlam breaking out in the courtroom upon sentencing. Obviously, this was not a plea deal. They did not realize that this 19-year-old girl was getting 15 years behind bars. What does it mean?

Let`s go straight out to Ellie Jostad, our producer on the story. What does it mean, Ellie? What does it mean for Misty Croslin?

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, Nancy, it sounds like Hope Sykes is actually the low man on this alleged drug dealing totem pole. She was only facing one charge. It was a lesser amount than some of her co- defendants. Now, Misty Croslin is facing the most charges. She`s got eight felony drug possession charges against her and a mandatory minimum of 25 years behind bars. So she`s looking at a lot more jail time than Hope Sykes was.

GRACE: You`re not kidding. And today in court, isn`t it true, Marlaina Schiavo, that when they were doing the sentencing in front of the judge -- this is what we call a blind plea, it seems to me. There`s not a deal in place. The defendant goes up and takes a plea with the judge, and the judge sentences as he or she sees fit. There`s not a deal in the works. Didn`t they play back what she said behind bars?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: They did. They played back that angry conversation that she had with her mother, saying that, They think -- you know, They think I`m bad now, just see if they try to put me through boot camp, you know, I`ll be even worse when I get out. And it didn`t really play well in her favor.

And now, as you know, Nancy, as Ellie was saying, Misty Croslin is facing way many more charges than Hope was, and Hope really wasn`t implicated in anything with Haleigh Cummings. So now Misty was thinking she was going to get out, and I think the reality`s setting in.

GRACE: I think it is, too, Marlaina Schiavo. Let`s take a peek at what happened in court in the last few hours.


SYKES: I`d rather go to (EXPLETIVE DELETED) prison. You got a lot (EXPLETIVE DELETED) up. I`m not going to boot camp because I`ll be -- I`m telling you right now, they think I`m bad now, wait until I get out of that.

BELCHER: Let me explain something to you, Hope. You screw up on anything at this point in the game, you will get 15 years.

SYKES: Well, I ain`t doing no damn 6 years mandatory nothing. They can kiss my ass. You might as well stick me with 15.


GRACE: That`s a lady.

Now, listen, what you saw was her standing in court as this was getting played back to the judge. This is as her lawyer is asking for a lenient sentence.

Back to the lawyers -- everybody, we`re taking your calls live -- Raymond Giudice, Hugo Rodriguez. Also with us, Jim Werter, attorney for Tommy Croslin. Also with us, of course, Jean Casarez, not only legal correspondent but attorney, as well.

Weigh in, Rodriguez.

HUGO RODRIGUEZ, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: The only way Ms. Sykes has any hope of ever getting out of jail is to cooperate with the state. It was a min- man. It wasn`t so blind. She had to know -- she had to know she was going to get 15. It`s a min-man.


MISTY CROSLIN: I wish they would give me, like, house arrest, probation or something.


MISTY CROSLIN: Because you know, when I go to court, they might let me out if they -- they might let me out, and then I have to come back and - - when -- when -- you know?

LISA CROSLIN: I know. That`s what I`m saying. They might. You never know.

MISTY CROSLIN: I mean, I -- they could give me probation for 10 years. I don`t care.

LISA CROSLIN: I know. You got to get a place to live, too, sis.




BELCHER: I just wanted to make sure you understood what was going on, and that ain`t good because you pled no contest, and you don`t know what you`re pleading to. Now, from what I understood, I thought the one charge got dismissed if you took the trafficking charge.

SYKES: No, Mom. I have two charges still.

BELCHER: That`s not the way she explained it to me, but I`ll ask her again.

SYKES: What are you talking about? Like, I sat there and said no contest? I didn`t plead no contest. She pled no contest.


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Out to Nancy in Illinois. Hi, Nancy.


GRACE: What`s your question, dear?


GRACE: I`m good, dear.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, they said that they took Misty to the river and she pointed out that she knew where the body was thrown? Well, actually -- and then she told her grandmother that she took Junior and hid under the covers. I mean, she`s a pathetic liar.

GRACE: Well, under that scenario, I think what she was trying to say is that, according to Ms. Flora Hollars, the grandmother, that she heard an attack. Misty Croslin heard a physical sexual assault on little Misty -- excuse me, on little Haleigh, 5-year-old Haleigh, in the next room. Instead of interceding, she put the covers over her own head, and then, apparently, if she didn`t go along with them, knows where the body was dumped.

Is that your understanding, Jean Casarez?

CASAREZ: I think you`ve got it right. I think you do, Nancy.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Like I told her earlier, I`ll just give you a call when I`m done out there and start heading this way, and we`ll see what`s up at that point.

CUMMINGS: Yes. I can`t -- I mean, I don`t know if you do Roxies or whatever. I can get them. But they`re...




GRACE: I understand that you believe there`s a scenario in which little Haleigh was molested before she was murdered.



HOLLARS: I just don`t know. But that`s what I think.

GRACE: Isn`t it true that there has been a scenario put out there and it had to come from behind bars that Misty Croslin heard the child in the next room screaming?


GRACE: Where did that come from?

HOLLARS: So did little Junior hear the couch bouncing.

GRACE: And my question is, where did that story come from?

HOLLARS: It came from Misty.

GRACE: What did she say?

HOLLARS: That she heard Haleigh in there crying.

GRACE: And who was in the room with Haleigh?

HOLLARS: I`m going to say Joe or Tommy, one.

GRACE: Or both?

HOLLARS: Or both.

GRACE: And what, if anything, did Misty Croslin do to take care of Haleigh?

HOLLARS: According to what she told me, when all this was going on, she had already been threatened by Joe and she grabbed Junior and got in the bed and they covered up their heads completely, and when she took the covers off of her head Haleigh was gone.

HOPE SYKES, RONALD CUMMINGS` COUSIN: I`d rather go to (EXPLETIVE DELETED) prison. You know? You got a lot (EXPLETIVE DELETED) up. I`m not going to boot camp because I`ll be -- I`m telling you right now, they think I`m bad now, wait until I get out of that.

KATRINA BELCHER: Let me explain something to you, Hope. You screw up on anything at this point in the game, you will get 15 years.

SYKES: Well, I ain`t doing no damn six years mandatory nothing. They can kiss my ass. You might as well stick me with 15.


GRACE: That`s Hope Sykes in court just a couple of hours ago. Oop, did I say that? Yes, you said it, and now you`ve got 15 years behind bars. Bottom line, what does it mean in the search for Haleigh? What does it mean to Misty Croslin, who actually thought she was going to get probation?

Straight out to a special guest joining us, Jim Werter. This is the attorney for Tommy Croslin. This is Misty Croslin`s brother.

Mr. Werter, thank you for being with us. What, if anything, or any way do you believe that today`s sentence will affect Tommy Croslin, your client, and Misty Croslin behind bars?

JIM WERTER, ATTORNEY FOR TOMMY CROSLIN: Well, as far as Tommy goes, it really is kind of irrelevant. First of all, as far as the cousin goes, I don`t know, I haven`t seen her score sheet, I don`t know her background. I can say that sometimes your client is their own worst enemy.

That tape recording of what she was saying in jail, I`m sure Judge Larue sitting on the bench just kind of rolled his eyes back on that one.

But as far as Tommy goes, it`s a whole different case and it`s -- you know, he has probably a different background.

I believe my minimum mandatory that I`m looking at is three years. I have not gotten full disclosure yet from the state as far as the evidence. There`s still another count out there that I`m waiting for disclosure on.

GRACE: Mr. Werter -- with us, everyone, Jim Werter, a well-respected attorney out of the Jacksonville, Florida area.

Mr. Werter, is it true that you have stated that your client can ID the killer, the person that took Haleigh?

WERTER: OK. That`s incorrect. What I stated was that he`s, first of all, not culpable but he does know what happened that night. I had been repeatedly saying that I cannot discuss the facts of the case because it`s an ongoing investigation and I`d like to see it come to a successful conclusion.

You being former in a way law enforcement by being a prosecutor, me being former law enforcement and a prosecutor, I`d like to see a successful end to this. And I think Tommy will come out very well with this.

GRACE: OK. Wait. Now you`re saying that your client knows what happened that night?


GRACE: What happened?

WERTER: I told you. I just told you. I cannot discuss the facts of the case because of the ongoing investigation. When I am dying for an arrest to be made in this case and I could be more forthcoming. But right now I have a good working relationship with law enforcement. I`m going to keep it that way.

GRACE: Out to the lines, Debbie, Wisconsin. Hi, Debbie.


GRACE: I`m good, dear. What`s your question?

DEBBIE: Well, I just am curious, is it just going to be continual nutcases coming out on this thing?

GRACE: I`m sorry. I couldn`t hear you. Repeat.

DEBBIE: I said is it just going to be a continual line of nutcases coming on this thing? I mean, I`d never even heard of this Sykes girl until today.

GRACE: Straight out to Jean Casarez. What about it, Jean?

JEAN CASAREZ, CORRESPONDENT, "IN SESSION": She`s the cousin of Ronald Cummings, and she hasn`t probably been discussed a lot because she`s not central to Haleigh. But she is central to this case in that she was in the car, especially on January 13th, and charged with one count.

And the significance of that is she got 15 years and the others now will see the terms that they can get, especially Misty Croslin-Cummings, who law enforcement have honed in on, and that may be the answer in the end to what had happened to Haleigh.

GRACE: Joining us tonight out of San Francisco, Marc Klaas, the president and founder of KlaasKids Foundation.

Marc, where does this -- where does this all leave us? What happened in court in the last few hours in the search for Haleigh? What happened to Haleigh?

MARC KLAAS, PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER, KLAASKIDS FOUNDATION: Well, that`s the big -- that`s the money question, isn`t it? And everything that`s happening is about that question.

And I think, Nancy, that unless somebody turns rather quickly on this, this case may never be solved. And these people will spend years if not decades behind bars.

But based upon past histories and their failure to have any kind of family loyalty, I suspect that both Tommy and Misty are right now trying to figure what they can do to turn this to their advantage so that they can disclose what happened to Haleigh and get out of having to spend all of those years behind bars, if that`s possible.

GRACE: To Dr. Patricia Saunders, clinical psychologist, joining us out of New York, you saw Sykes`s demeanor in court. All right? And juxtapose that against what she was saying behind bars.

PATRICIA SAUNDERS, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST: Well, she presents as a defiant, aggressive sociopathic 12-year-old, and then is the innocent sobbing little girl. And this is somebody who is really a sociopath and who has a defiant bravado that we see in much older, hardened criminals.

GRACE: Well, what do you make of the fact that these two were running buddies? Sykes is a running buddy of Misty Croslin`s. Don`t you think at some point Croslin discussed Haleigh`s disappearance with her?

SAUNDERS: I would expect that she might have bragged to Sykes. I don`t know that she would have discussed anything as a confidant because she`s pretty closed-lipped.

GRACE: Back to the lines, Lisa in Tennessee. Hi, Lisa.


GRACE: Hi, dear. What`s your question?

LISA: Yes. Misty. Do you think it`s possible that she was so jealous of Haleigh that she wanted to be with Ronald Cummings and wanted Misty out of the picture?

GRACE: Excellent question. What about it, Dr. Saunders?

SAUNDERS: That makes an awful lot of sense. This is a person who`s impulsive when they`re not on drugs and you can only imagine how she behaves when she`s on drugs. She might have hated this little girl and just wanted her out of the way, so did something.

GRACE: To Ron Shindel, former NYPD deputy inspector.

Ron, do you believe that this harsh sentence handed down today -- and I`m not saying it was not deserved, I think the judge did the right thing. Do you think it`s part of strategy in order to get the others to break down?

Now that they see this woman, who`s basically a wing man. She`s riding along for the heck of it. She`s just there in the backseat during the drug sale. She got 15 years behind bars on one drug sale.

Misty Croslin`s looking at eight. This should make them come to their senses.

RON SHINDEL, FORMER NYPD DEPUTY INSPECTOR: I think it`s part of the strategy. But I also think it`s part of punishment for the contempt that she`s showing for the entire system.

She thinks this is a joke. They all think this is a joke. They`re all not thinking this thing through to where they should be and taking this serious. And I think that the court down there is finally getting serious with these folks and letting them know the full force that will come their way.

GRACE: To Dr. Joshua Perper, chief medical examiner, Broward County, author of "When to Call the Doctor."

Dr. Perper, as always, it`s a privilege to have you on the airwaves with us.


GRACE: Dr. Perper, if this scenario is true, the one that the grandmother swears she was told by Misty Croslin that the child was raped and that the body was thrown into this water, what if anything could we tell now?

Could we tell if a sex assault occurred on the 5-year-old?

PERPER: I don`t think that considering the period of time which elapsed since the attack and the fact that the body was not found and if it`s found probably it`s decomposed, it would be extremely unlikely that rape can be proven. It`s not impossible, but it`s extremely unlikely.


MISTY CROSLIN, FORMER STEPMOM/BABYSITTER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: Just going to ride right here by the school.


CROSLIN: Sorry. $190?


RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: Yes. $7 apiece. It`s actually $189.

CROSLIN: Well, yes, $189.

CUMMINGS: For 27 of them.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: For 27 of them?



CROSLIN: You`re going to have to probably give me your money right here.





CROSLIN: Yes. Just go straight.

CUMMINGS: What you got? I hear you sniffling.


CUMMINGS: What you got? I hear you sniffling.


CUMMINGS: Roxies or something?


CUMMINGS: You got some good dope or something?

CROSLIN: (Laughs).


CUMMINGS: I like to get high. That`s why I was asking. If you had any powder to let me know.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No, I got to go talk to some people this afternoon. I`ve got to be straight.

CUMMINGS: Well, do whatever you got to do man because like I said them 50 percs, I told you it wasn`t a guarantee and the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) ain`t called me yet. It`s a guarantee he`s getting them. There`s no ifs, ands and buts. He gets them every month. He gets 100 of them, but he won`t sell me but 50.


CUMMINGS: So I guarantee you there`s 50 Percocets right around the corner. I just don`t know.


GRACE: There you see Sykes propped up there in the backseat as drugs are being sold to an undercover cop. In the last hours in court the judge brings down the hammer on he her. Hope Sykes. Giving her 15 years in the female penitentiary. Not probation, not youthful offender. Fifteen years hard jail time.

To Jean Casarez, he had the power to sentence under the youthful offender. But he didn`t. What difference would that have made if he had?

CASAREZ: Could have been a big difference. OK. She`s 19 years old. He could have sentenced her under youthful offender, as a juvenile, basically. She would have spent two years in a juvenile facility until she`s 21. If there`s more sentence to go, she could go to an adult prison or even probation, could have been out.

GRACE: Well, she talked herself right out of that.

To Kathy in Alabama. Hi, Kathy.


GRACE: Hi, dear. What`s your question?

KATHY: Well, the first thing I`d like to say to you is I`ve watched your show several years and I want to thank you for all you do for these children. Because of you my son got sole custody of our grandbaby, and I really believe with all my heart you helped save her life, that she did not turn into poor little Haleigh.

But my question, and I do believe you answered it, do you believe they are sentencing these others first in hopes of getting Misty to come across with something? Even though I don`t think we`ll ever -- if we depend on her for the truth, I don`t think we`ll ever know what happened to Haleigh.

GRACE: Kathy in Alabama, thank you for the compliment. I in no way can take credit for the miracle in your life. What God has unfolded for you. Your wonderful blessings. And I`ve got a soft spot for Alabama. My father is from Heycody, Alabama.

But in answer to your question, I think that they are trying to squeeze them to talk. But I don`t think they can talk, Kathy in Alabama, because anything they say will incriminate themselves.

They`re already pointing the finger. All right? We see that. And ratting each other out. But what more can they do? They`re going to stew in the same pot under Florida law, under accomplice to a crime or party to a crime.

Everybody, we are switching gears. I want to tell you about a body that has just been found. Is it the body of Susan Cox Powell?

An adult female`s body has just been discovered in a densely wooded area --


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s an area where deer hunters, rabbit hunters, people like that go.

CASAREZ: Someone that was working in the area with those wind turbine units, and they were trying to get cell phone reception so they actually were just walking through this very rural area and came upon this body.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The road where she was found near is a dirt track.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: The body`s badly decomposed but police say skeletal remains are likely female.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: The skeletal remains undergoing autopsy. Police say the remains appear to be female. But the age and cause of death couldn`t immediately be determined because of the poor quality of the bones.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A perfect place to dump a body. Somebody killed the woman there and dumped her.

GRACE: Is it the remains of 28-year-old mom of two, Susan Powell?

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Law enforcement now looking at three possibilities -- 21-year-old mother of three Stephanie Eldredge --

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Missing Utah mom Susan Powell.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Missing 20-year-old Amber Hoopes.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The only question is who she is.


GRACE: Straight out to Jim Kirkwood joining us from Salt Lake City, Utah and KTKK News Radio.

Jim, right now the adult female`s remains are at autopsy, and we are waiting to determine whether they are Susan Cox Powell`s or possibly the remains of two other young women that went missing.

Who are they?

JIM KIRKWOOD, REPORTER, KTKK NEWS RADIO (via phone): Yes. Nancy, the -- probably the most likely is Stephanie Eldredge. And she went missing in 2007. The -- August the 20th. She was 21 at the time. And she is the most likely.

The other one is Amber Hoopes. She went missing in -- let`s see. That is September 14th in 2001. She was 20 years old at the time.

GRACE: Rosie, I had asked that we have the tip line numbers up under these ladies. Stephanie Eldredge, age 21 at the time of her disappearance. Tip line, 208-529-1200. Reward, $5,000.

Also, Amber Hoopes, age 20 at the time of her disappearance. Tip line, 208-529-1200.

And of course the possibility that this is the body of Susan Cox Powell.

Joining us tonight, Chuck Cox. This is the father of Susan Cox Powell.

Mr. Cox, thank you for being with us.

CHUCK COX, SUSAN COX POWELL`S FATHER: Thank you for having me on.

GRACE: Mr. Cox, first of all, so many of us have been praying for and thinking of your daughter and her two little boys and all of you.

Have police indicated that they believe this could be or probably is not Susan`s body?

COX: The police haven`t made any comment on that to me.

GRACE: Has her husband shown up at the scene, Josh Powell? Has he come to see if these are the remains of his wife?

COX: I have no idea.

GRACE: Mr. Cox, do you believe that Susan is, in fact, dead?

COX: I try to balance hope that she`s still alive while preparing myself for the possibility that as time goes on that she may no longer be with us.


RUPA MIKKILINENI, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Nancy, whose body this is. It could be Susan Powell`s and one of the two young women we talked about, Nancy. Two weeks` time.

GRACE: You know what? It only takes an hour to make a positive I.D. by dental records. We know that.

To the lawyers, Hugo Rodriguez, Ray Giudice. Why isn`t Josh Powell there on the scene, Ray Giudice?

RAY GIUDICE, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I would advise him to say nothing, do nothing, stay at home, let his lawyer do the talking.

GRACE: Rodriguez.

HUGO RODRIGUEZ, DEFENSE ATTORNEY, FMR. FBI AGENT: I`d have to agree with that. He needs to lawyer up and say nothing until --

GRACE: Aren`t the two of you married? I know you are, Giudice. What about it, Rodriguez, are you married?

RODRIGUEZ: No, I`m not, Nancy.

GRACE: Have you ever been?

RODRIGUEZ: Too often.

GRACE: Well-put. Well, for a happily married man I find it very difficult to believe that if he thought these were his wife`s remains he would not go to the scene to try to find out what`s happening. I want to - -

GIUDICE: The TMZ helicopter videotape of him standing out there is far negatively outweighed by him staying in the house and doing nothing. It`s no good.

GRACE: Thank you, Ray.

GIUDICE: He is not charged.

GRACE: I want to go to Mr. Cox. This is Susan`s father.

Mr. Cox, your final thoughts tonight?

COX: I don`t believe this is Susan. I hope it`s not her. I still wish that there could be some closure, some movement on this case, and I hold out hope that she`ll return. And I`d like to thank everybody for their prayers and support and remind them that there are a lot of people missing out there and a lot of people need your help.

Please don`t forget those who are out -- who are missing, and help to bring all the people home. And we`re thankful that you`re putting this segment on and helping us to keep Susan`s face out there.

There are many people out missing and we know she will be found. So thank you very much.

GRACE: Mr. Cox, I don`t feel right about you thanking me, but thank you for being on with us.

Everyone, again, the tip line in Susan`s case, 801-840-4000.

Let`s stop and remember Army Captain Erick Foster, 29, Wexford, Pennsylvania, killed Iraq. Second tour. Two Bronze Stars, Purple Heart, Ranger Tab, Armed Forces Service medal, a Duquesne University grad. Loved time with family, Pittsburgh Steelers and penguins, movies, playing cards.

Remember for bringing joy and laughter to his family. Leaves behind parents Barbara and Robert, sisters Abby and Elizabeth.

Erick Foster, American hero.

Thanks to our guests but especially to you for being with us. And thank you to New Jersey friend Susan, mother of one of our star cameramen Brett, for the sippy cups and the toys for the twins. I am so blessed.

Everyone, I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern, and until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on May 01, 2010, 08:18:09 AM


Tommy Croslin Recants

Aired April 30, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. Last person to see her alive, new stepmother Misty Croslin, who goes on to flunk four polygraphs. Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and stepmother Croslin both booked on drug trafficking.

Suddenly, search teams, cadaver dogs, scuba divers, helicopters all coming to St. John`s River, Croslin rousted out of jail, taken down to the docks, motioning out in handcuffs to a specific spot for police. Cops announce 5-year-old Haleigh likely dead. Evidence, including two cinderblocks, pulled from the muddy waters of the St. John`s.

As the search for little Haleigh`s entire body and the murder weapon goes on, bombshell tonight. After the trial judge brings down the hammer on Croslin`s co-defendant in the drug case -- 19-year-old Hope Sykes, basically along for the ride -- getting a whopping 15 years hard jail time -- that`s for one hand-to-hand sell (ph) -- Croslin charged with eight -- that`s 120 years for her -- tonight we learn exactly why police bring Croslin to the banks of the St. John`s. And tonight, a major player recants a key statement to police.


TOMMY CROSLIN, MISTY`S BROTHER: The truth will come out, and you know, then they`ll know that they were (EXPLETIVE DELETED) with the wrong people, not doing their jobs right.

GRACE: You`re saying that your client knows what happened that night?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. I am dying for an arrest to be made in this case.

FLORA HOLLARS, MISTY`S GRANDMOTHER: She says, Nanny, Tommy and Joe took a rope, a yellow rope, and wrapped Haleigh up with a yellow rope, tied it around her.

CHELSEA CROSLIN, MISTY`S SISTER-IN-LAW: I don`t believe that Tommy and Misty could do anything to harm a child.

HOLLARS: They tied brickle blocks to the other end of it and dropped her into the St. John`s River. If they dropped her in the St. John`s River, where was she at? How did she know? How did she see it?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is your grandmother, and she`s coming out over the past week or so with so many types of bad theories, you know, how these terrible children did this, that.

TOMMY CROSLIN: I ain`t got nothing to say to them jokers. I ain`t got nothing to say to you lying people.

HOLLARS: She grabbed Junior and got into bed, and they covered up their heads and -- completely.

CHELSEA CROSLIN: I don`t believe that -- anything that Flo Hollars is saying I think is a complete lie.

HOLLARS: And when she took the covers off of her head, Haleigh was gone.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I do not see Misty sitting there and listening to her baby cry.

TOMMY CROSLIN: If I knew something, you`d know a long time ago. Leave me alone.

HANK CROSLIN, MISTY`S FATHER: You tell them where Haleigh is. Bring Haleigh home.

MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER: I can`t just bring her home, you know?

HOLLARS: It`s going to take a little bit more than that to break her down. And him, too.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Bombshell tonight. We learn exactly why police bring Misty Croslin down to the banks of the St. John`s. And tonight, a major player recants a key statement to police.


TOMMY CROSLIN: The damn police said, You`re facing three years in prison unless you help us find Haleigh. I said, I can`t help you find nobody. I don`t know where she is.

GRACE: Is it true that you have stated that your client can ID the killer?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He`s first of all not culpable, but he does know what happened that night.

MISTY CROSLIN: Youthful offender. I would do it. I would take it. Three years in and four years out, I`ll take it. I`ll take it and run.

HANK CROSLIN: If they think Joe had something to do with it and...

TOMMY CROSLIN: Go get his (EXPLETIVE DELETED) punk ass and put him in jail!

HOPE SYKES, MISTY`S COUSIN: Not going to boot camp. I`m telling you right now, they think I`m bad now, wait until I get out of that.

GRACE: Are you convinced in your own mind that your granddaughter, Misty Croslin, and grandson Tommy Croslin and Joe Overstreet are all three responsible?

HOLLARS: Yes, ma`am, I am.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don`t know why she would want to hurt and implicate three of her grandchildren. It`s just very sad that she would do that.

HOLLARS: I want that little girl to be put to rest.

HANK CROSLIN: I know for a fact Tommy -- Tommy ain`t got the heart. He -- I don`t give a (EXPLETIVE DELETED) what anybody says. Tommy had nothing to do with that case.

GRACE: He did take a polygraph on April 8th. Because of the polygraph, we were on the dock with Tommy and law enforcement.

TOMMY CROSLIN: I want out of here so bad, I`d do anything to get out of here.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I do believe Joe Overstreet is involved in the disappearance.

HOLLARS: I changed my mind when I put two and two together that she knowed where to go to at the river. She`s involved.


GRACE: Straight out to Art Harris, investigative journalist at, with breaking news. Art, explain.

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Nancy, I can tell you why Misty Croslin was taken down to the river by police. She was there because she says she can identify the dock that Haleigh was thrown off. She`s told police her brother Tommy took her to that very dock shortly -- about four months ago and told her this is where he and Joe had dumped the body.

GRACE: OK. Now, Art, when does she tell cops this story?

HARRIS: This was a month before her arrest. About four months ago, Nancy.

GRACE: OK, wait a minute. She tells cops that she`s taken down to the river and shown where Haleigh`s body was disposed. She tells cops before the drug arrest?

HARRIS: Before -- a month before the drug arrest, my sources tell me. And they wanted to know if she could identify the dock. There`s several docks around that area...

GRACE: Wait a minute. Wait a minute. I still don`t have the timeline. Are you telling me Tommy Croslin took her there a month before the drug arrest or she told cops about it a month before the drug arrest?

HARRIS: Tommy took her there a month before the drug arrest, and she told cops about it. And they have taken her back to the river to see if she could identify the dock.

GRACE: OK. When does she tell cops about it, while she`s in jail and wants to get out?

HARRIS: That`s right, Nancy.


HARRIS: And Tommy denies it. His lawyer says, Didn`t happen.

GRACE: And not only that, we`ve got a major recantation. That`s when you tell police one story or you tell something on the stand under oath, then you think about it and you go, Ruh-roh, that didn`t happen. Explain, Art Harris.

HARRIS: Nancy, as strange as it seems, I`m reporting on that Tommy Croslin now says he lied when he told police he was at the trailer at 10:00 o`clock the night Haleigh vanished. He says it didn`t happen. He lied because he wanted to get out of jail. He was facing a $50,000 bond on a gun theft charge. And right after he told that, what he says is a lie now, it was reduced to $5,000 and out he went. He went home.

GRACE: To Marc Klaas, president and founder of Klaas Kids Foundation. This changes the whole scenario, Marc. Frankly, I don`t know if any of them are capable of telling the truth.

MARC KLAAS, KLAAS KIDS FOUNDATION: There are so many shifting scenarios, so many shifting alliances, so many shifting loyalties in this, so many things that have been said, so many lies, that I think the only way that this will ever be resolved is if one of these individuals ultimately shows the authorities proof of life or proof of death.

GRACE: Marc, how long have you been in this business? You`ve been in this business since Polly, your daughter, was taken.


GRACE: You`ve got it on your lapel. How long ago was that?

KLAAS: That was over 16 years ago, 16-and-a-half years, just about.

GRACE: Do you really believe that anybody involved in this is going to tell the cops the truth? They`re all lying to save their own skin!

KLAAS: Oh, I don`t think that they`re going to stop lying. But I think that it`s not going to get resolved in any way, shape or form until somebody receives proof of life or proof of death on this little girl. Otherwise, it`ll just be this revolving -- this revolving loyalties, these revolving scenarios, these revolving stories that we keep hearing again and again and again.

GRACE: So far, we`ve counted up 11 scenarios, 11 different scenarios -- can you hand me that cart? Thank you -- that this bunch has come up with. Let`s see them, Rosie. First of all, Misty Croslin asleep. When she woke up, Haleigh`s gone. That`s the first story.

Second, Croslin wasn`t home that night. Unknown kidnapper. Third, Overstreet and Tommy Croslin assault, rape the little girl, kill her, dump her body. That came straight from Misty Croslin to her grandmother. Fourth, Haleigh overdosed at a drug party.

Fifth, Croslin hit Haleigh on the back of the head. Croslin and Overstreet dispose body. Next, Overstreet takes Haleigh, tied rope and cinderblock around her, threw her in the St. John`s dead or alive. Next, man in black, unknown stranger. Next, four people in the trailer the night Haleigh vanished. They took Haleigh.

Next, Timmy and Chelsea helped hide Haleigh. She was spotted in Massachusetts. Tenth, someone holding Haleigh, demanding $35,000 to get her back. And last, Croslin out partying, having party time, drugs, et cetera, says Haleigh saw it and said, I`m telling Daddy, and gets killed -- eleven different scenarios.

Out to Ellie Jostad. Where did the different scenarios come from?

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, Nancy, there`s a bunch of different sources for these. Obviously, that first story -- I was asleep, when I woke up, Haleigh was gone -- that comes direct from Misty Croslin. Now, the other version, that Misty wasn`t home that night -- that story came out just a day or two after Haleigh went missing. We heard it from a variety of sources. It wasn`t pinned down to anybody.

Remember, though, shortly thereafter -- actually, a few months later - - Tommy Croslin, her brother, says he goes to the house that night, knocks on the door, nobody`s home. And now, as Art Harris is reporting, he`s apparently taking that story back. So we don`t know. Was he there that night or not?

GRACE: We are taking your calls. Out to Raeleen in Florida. Hi, Raeleen.


GRACE: Hi, dear. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi. First I have a comment on you. I love your twins. And you are my hero. I love you.

GRACE: I don`t deserve it, but thank you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes, you do deserve it. I live, like, 30 minutes from this bunch, and so I have two things. The first is if Misty took the cops to the river and they -- she showed them where the body was, and if they found anything, can she -- can they go ahead and arrest her, like, on this murder charge as of right now?

GRACE: OK. I know you`ve got a second question, so hold tight. Let`s go to that one.


GRACE: With us tonight, Renee Rockwell, Peter Odom, both defense attorneys out of Atlanta, and our correspondent and attorney, Jean Casarez, joining us from "In Session." What about it, Jean Casarez?

JEAN CASAREZ, "IN SESSION": Well, I think what she`s talking about is accessory after the fact. In other words, you can know about a crime. That`s not a crime to know about it. But if you helped conceal it, if you help so someone doesn`t find out about it and actively help that person escape authorities, then you can be an accessory after the fact.

GRACE: But Renee Rockwell, she would have to be part of it because she was at home with the girl when the girl was taken.

RENEE ROCKWELL, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Unless, Nancy, she was just so overdosed or so exhausted and...

GRACE: Well, she wasn`t.

ROCKWELL: ... and passed out -- wait a minute. If she was, the question, is she going to be arrested in the murder or is she going to be arrested in the cover-up?

GRACE: Renee, you can make up whatever you want to, but the grandmother, Sykes, was there that night and said she was perfectly normal. Isn`t that right, Jean Casarez?

CASAREZ: That`s right, but...


GRACE: ... make up a scenario!

CASAREZ: It was earlier, 7:00 o`clock at night, not 3:00 in the morning.


GRACE: Are you now suggesting that Ronald Cummings, Haleigh`s father, may somehow be to blame for her disappearance?

HOLLARS: Yes, ma`am. For leaving the kids there with her, with her all strung out.

GRACE: So are you convinced in your own mind that your granddaughter, Misty Croslin, and grandson Tommy Croslin and Joe Overstreet are all three responsible?

HOLLARS: Yes, ma`am, I am.




HOLLARS: Those three grandkids of mine is involved in this, and I don`t know why!

GRACE: She is blaming Joe and Tommy.

MISTY CROSLIN: They`re going to know. They`re going to know.

GRACE: Tommy Croslin is blaming Joe Overstreet.

TOMMY CROSLIN: I didn`t do (EXPLETIVE DELETED). That`s my story and I`m sticking to it.

GRACE: Joe Overstreet saying, I wasn`t there.


GRACE: All three are pointing the finger at each other.

HOLLARS: What Tommy told me...

TOMMY CROSLIN: They don`t want to listen to me.

HOLLARS: He says, Nanny, I`ve got to break down...

TOMMY CROSLIN: But I promise you, I`m done with all this stupid (EXPLETIVE DELETED).

HOLLARS: I`ve got to tell somebody.

TOMMY CROSLIN: And I ain`t had nothing to do with none of that crap.

HOLLARS: I said, Are you going to tell me Joe did this? He says, Yes, Nanny, Joe did.

HANK CROSLIN: Play with fire, you get burnt.


GRACE: She would have been awake when the brother came over there banging on the door.

TOMMY CROSLIN: She needs to go ahead and tell the truth, man...

MISTY CROSLIN: When I woke up, she was gone!

TOMMY CROSLIN: ... and don`t be making up stories.

MISTY CROSLIN: I was, like, Oh, my God!

GRACE: One of them are lying.

TOMMY CROSLIN: Misty`s going to get her little butt kicked.

HANK CROSLIN: I know for a fact Tommy -- Tommy ain`t got the heart.

TOMMY CROSLIN: I`m not no drug trafficker or anything. You know that.

They can`t do nothing. They can`t prove (EXPLETIVE DELETED). They cannot prove nothing. They`ve got no proof.

LINDSAY CROSLIN, TOMMY`S WIFE: Oh, my God. I know. It`s funny.


GRACE: You know, instead of going, I`m innocent, I didn`t have anything to do with this, I want to find Haleigh, they keep saying, They don`t have any proof, They don`t have any proof, They can`t prove it, they can`t prove it. I find that highly probative.

And as to attorney Renee Rockwell`s made-up scenario that Misty Croslin was strung out of her gourd the night Haleigh goes missing, take a listen to what an eyewitness had to say.


GRACE: I know that by now, you are aware that Ms. Hollars, who is Misty Croslin and Tommy Croslin`s grandmother -- she`s the one, one of the ones that called police and ended up mounting this search of the St. John`s River, really believes that Ronald Cummings, your grandson, is partially at fault. What`s your response?

ANNETTE SYKES, RONALD`S GRANDMOTHER: I heard what she said on your show about Ronald being responsible because he left the children with her and she was all strung out. But I was there and she was not strung out.


GRACE: Straight back to Art Harris at, who`s breaking the story tonight regarding not only the fact that Croslin had this knowledge for some time as to where the body was dumped, but that Tommy Croslin is now recanting on a major, major milestone in the timeline.

Art Harris, he`s now saying he never went to the home, banged on the door between 10:00 and 10:30, and that nobody answered.

HARRIS: That`s right, Nancy. And his private investigator, Steve Brown (ph), tells me that`s not possible because his wife got home about 10:15. He was baby-sitting. He doesn`t rule out he could have gone over there later. But the fact that Tommy is now saying he lied to police does not help the prosecution`s case, it seems.

GRACE: To Leonard Padilla, bounty hunter, who has offered to bail Croslin out from behind bars, now offering to bail out Ronald Cummings, what do you make of Tommy Croslin`s about-face?

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: Well, we`d -- I discussed this thing at length with Lindsay on several occasions, about the 10:00 o`clock thing. And I kept asking Lindsay, How could it be true one way or the other if he had never said anything about it for about eight months? It seemed to me that he would have said right off the bat, I went over there and there was nobody there at 10:00 o`clock, but he didn`t do that until October.

And then afterwards, something came to me from an individual in the investigation that Tommy -- and this was about a month ago -- had said, Well, maybe I didn`t go over there after all. And myself and Lindsay were more inclined to believe that he hadn`t gone over there because he was home until 10:15 with the kids, and she didn`t get home until about that time from school.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Has evidence been found that may close the case on who killed Haleigh Cummings?

HOLLARS: I was told that Misty had knocked her in the head and killed her and that Joe and Tommy god rid of her.

GRACE: Knocked her in the head with what, a cinderblock?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We will follow this case to the end.




UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Officers spent three days searching the St. John`s River, but they did not find 5-year-old Haleigh`s body.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She`s involved, too, because she was pointing a spot out on the river on the TV.

MISTY CROSLIN: It was crazy.

HOLLARS: They have no remorse or something!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Who was with her, the last person with her? She was.

MISTY CROSLIN: I woke up and she was gone, and the back door was wide open!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She is the one that holds the key information to finding out what happened to this beautiful little girl.

HOLLARS: I believe the one that Misty told me, that they tied her up in a rope and dropped her in the river.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He didn`t make any calls until either she saw him pulling in the driveway or until he actually started coming in the house.

HOLLARS: Just don`t know whether they raped her or not. I just hope and pray that the child was already dead before she hit that water.


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Raeleen in Florida, you had a two-pronged question. What`s the rest of your question, dear?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Yes. The other one is, OK, the sister-in-law -- I don`t remember -- she was on your show.

GRACE: Chelsea. Yes.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She said -- she was saying that Ms. Hollars hadn`t had nothing to do with her grandkids over seven years. But I`ve seen a picture on her wall of her and Misty...

GRACE: I saw that, too.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... and it hasn`t been seven years. Misty was not 10 years old in that picture, or younger.

GRACE: You`re absolutely correct. Hey, before you get to your question, Rosie, let`s pull up that interview we had with Ms. Hollars. And in fact, I pointed it out one night when I was speaking to her. You can see Misty and Ms. Hollars, Misty Croslin and Ms. Hollars together in the photo, just as Raeleen is pointing out. So what`s your question, dear?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK (INAUDIBLE) my question is, so she`s -- she is -- you know, she`s lying about it because she`s -- you know, that was my question, that...

GRACE: That`s an excellent point, the fact that...


GRACE: ... she is lying about it. To Marlaina Schiavo. What do we know about Ms. Hollars and her communications and her relationship with the grandchildren? Because she was very specific and detailed in what she said they told her from behind bars.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Not only was she very specific, Nancy, but we know from all the jailhouse conversations that they have had a lot of contact. And a lot of times, you hear them say, I need to call Nanny, Tell Nanny to write me. So there was a relationship here. But according to Chelsea Croslin, there was not much of a relationship. So again, lots of inconsistencies in what we`re being told.


GRACE: Why would Ms. Hollars make up a lie about her own flesh and blood?

CHELSEA CROSLIN: Ms. Hollars has not been around our family for the last seven years that I have been with the Croslins. I have met Flo Hollars maybe two times. She is not involved in our family, so I don`t know why she would want to hurt and implicate three of her grandchildren. It`s just very sad that she would do that.




UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Who killed Haleigh Cummings?

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Divers removed two cinder blocks which are being examined.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He misses his baby. I mean, good lord. His heart`s tore out.

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I come home from work, and my child was not there.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She`s a daddy`s girl. Everywhere she went, everywhere daddy went, Haleigh went.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Without a body the case against Haleigh`s killer may have to be built entirely on circumstantial evidence.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Police have obtained yellow rope from Tommy Croslin`s home.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Sources say it could be the possible murder weapon.

CUMMINGS: Please, all we want is my child. That`s it.

FLORA HOLLARS, MISTY CROSLIN AND JOE OVERSTREET`S GRANDMOTHER: I think he knows more than what he`s saying.

CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before y`all do I`m killing them.

HOLLARS: I know one thing. Misty had been out on a drug binge for three days. Her and Ron had fought that day, and she told him she didn`t want to babysit, and he told her yes, you are going to babysit.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: I want to know, does she have any contracts with any newspapers or any tabloids?


HOLLARS: I have not made a penny off of this story. I have told exactly what those two kids has told me. And if none of them down there don`t like it, they can kiss where the sun don`t shine.

KATRINA BELCHER, HOPE SYKES` MOTHER: Hope, she said the cops had you on the video in the back. When you got back in the car you had the pills in your hand.


BELCHER: Well, at one point in the game according to the video --

SYKES: No. Not at one point --

BELCHER: -- you had pills in your hand.

SYKES: Bull (EXPLETIVE DELETED). No, at no one point in the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) game I had no pills. I don`t know. She must got you (EXPLETIVE DELETED) or something because there is no pills.

BELCHER: Well, Terry Shoemaker`s saying the same thing, Hope. They`ve all reviewed the videos. You had the front scene video and then you have the rear view video, which is what she was talking about in court today.

SYKES: No, mom, she was talking about that they have me sitting in the back of the vehicle.


GRACE: Well, Hope Sykes can carry on all she wants to. But in the middle of her plea sentencing the state very wisely played back where she is basically taunting the judge, saying things like, if you think I`m bad now just wait until I get out.

If you`re going to give me six years, you might as well give me 15 years. I don`t want boot camp. I don`t want youthful offender.

Well, the judge listened. Be careful what you ask, my dear, for you will surely get it. She got the 15 years behind bars. That should be a lesson to Misty Croslin.

We are taking your calls live. For a recap, for you that are just joining us, right now we know in breaking news from Art Harris why cops bring Misty Croslin down to the docks of the St. Johns River.

And also tonight, in a stunning twist, a bizarre recantation by a key player in this case. It throws the timeline out the window. Cops now starting square one.

Out to Art Harris, investigative journalist at What did you learn?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, ARTHARRIS.COM: Nancy, I can tell you that Misty Croslin is telling police that Tommy took her to that dock on the river to identify the place that he threw -- he says he and Joe Overstreet threw Haleigh`s body.

Police took her there to see if she could identify that as the dock that they went to purportedly the night Tommy showed her where it happened.

GRACE: And what about the recant?

HARRIS: Tommy Croslin has now said he lied to police when he said he went to the trailer at 10:00 p.m. He says he never did -- he said it to get out of jail so they would reduce his bond on the gun theft charge. And now -- you`re right. It throws the case out the window.

Police still believe, they`re hanging on. They believe his first story. But his lawyer says it`s likely that it was not 10:00 because that`s when his -- that`s when he was baby-sitting.

GRACE: Well, wait a minute, Art. If he goes over there anytime that night -- I don`t care if it`s 10:00 or 1:00 a.m. -- he`s placing himself at the scene of the crime. Don`t they get that?

Out to the lines, Kathleen, New Jersey. Hi, Kathleen.

KATHLEEN, CALLER FROM NEW JERSEY: Hi, Nancy. It`s an honor to talk to you. And your twins --

GRACE: Likewise.

KATHLEEN: -- are just precious. I so enjoy the photos. OK. I have a quick comment and a question.


KATHLEEN: You know, the three of them are obviously -- they`re all lying to save themselves. And I was thinking, they aren`t the smartest bunch. So I really find it hard to believe that one of them didn`t blab to one of their friends by now.

And I just think if you find that person that they spoke to who has nothing to lose by talking, that`s the only way you`re going to get to the truth.

GRACE: Hold on. Just a moment, Kathleen. Don`t go anywhere because we may have that person.

Rosie, roll the sound.


SYKES: I`d rather go to (EXPLETIVE DELETED) prison. You got a lot (EXPLETIVE DELETED) up. I`m not going to boot camp. Because I`ll be -- I`m telling you right now, they think I`m bad now, wait until I get out of that.

BELCHER: Let me explain something to you, Hope. You screw up on anything at this point in the game, you will get 15 years.

SYKES: Well, I ain`t doing no damn six years mandatory nothing. They can kiss my ass. You might as well stick me with 15.


GRACE: Kathleen in New Jersey, this woman, Hope Sykes, got 15 years hard jail time for being there during one hand-to-hand sale to an undercover cop. There you go. Now -- right there she`s just brimming with attitude. Right there. Look at that.


GRACE: Don`t you know if Misty Croslin ever said one thing to her about what happened to Haleigh that this girl`s going to crack and talk to get out of jail?

KATHLEEN: Yes. I think there`s got to be others. There`s three of them. I really think there`s got to be someone else also. But my question is, what`s Ronald`s reaction to all these recent developments that implicate --

GRACE: That`s a good question, Kathleen and New Jersey. Out to Ellie Jostad. What was his reaction when he was told behind bars that Haleigh`s likely dead?

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: Well, we`ve told of course -- we`ve been told, of course, that he was very upset about that. However, both he and Crystal Sheffield say that they are not going forward with any sort of funeral plans. They are not planning to go forward and have her declared dead.

They`re still holding out hope that this could be a false tip and that she could still be alive.

GRACE: Let`s stop, everybody. As we go to break, happy birthday to our Cajun friend from Louisiana, Sims Regard. Loving husband of wife Robin, pictured here. Father of Jenna and Ryan. Grandfather to 3-year-old Brianna.

Loves saltwater fishing on the Mississippi. Birthday wish, to save the Gulf Coast from the oil spill.

Sims Regard, happy birthday, friend.




TOMMY CROSLIN, MISTY CROSLIN`S BROTHER: I had nothing to do with none of that crap.

HOLLARS: Those three grandkids of mine is involved in this, and I don`t know why.

M. CROSLIN: They`re treating our family like crap.

HOLLARS: She`s involved.

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, MOTHER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: She`s the last one to see our daughter.

CUMMINGS: You let my daughter get stole, bitch?

HOLLARS: She says, Nanny, Tommy and Joe took a rope --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Has something hard to hear.

HOLLARS: Tied it around her."




GRACE: What scenario do you believe unfolded? What do you think happened that night?

CUMMINGS: How the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole, bitch?

HOLLARS: Exactly what Misty told me, that the rope and the cinder blocks and dropping her in the St. Johns River.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There have been a few stories that have swirled around.

HOLLARS: I don`t even know whether she was dead when she hit the water or not.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Cops in Satsuma, Florida are trying to connect the dots.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I know statistics say, you know, that chances are that she`s dead.

OVERSTREET: Sorry. I can`t imagine what they`re going through.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Misty Croslin, the last person to see little Haleigh the night that she vanished, mentioned a cement block day one.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You said your back door was wide open?

M. CROSLIN: Yes. It was brick. Like a brick on the floor.

HOLLARS: She says, "Nanny, Tommy and Joe took a rope, a yellow rope, and wrapped Haleigh up with a yellow rope, tied it around her, and dropped her into the St. Johns River."

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Could this new lead, the yellow rope, be linked back to little Haleigh and those cinder blocks?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s probably not enough, though, just to have, well, yellow rope and yellow rope. But if you can match up that specific yellow rope found to yellow rope on the bricks, that`s significant.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Croslin and her brother Tommy have both implicated their cousin Joe Overstreet in Haleigh`s disappearance.

OVERSTREET: I didn`t do it.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If you can`t show me, you know, why do I believe it?


GRACE: We are taking your calls. Unleash the lawyers. Renee Rockwell, Peter Odom, our correspondent Jean Casarez from "In Session."

Peter Odom, there is no way that these three have not talked. But now anything that Tommy Croslin would want to tell police in exchange for a lesser plea sentence is not worth the paper it`s written on.


GRACE: Now that he has recanted something. Didn`t his lawyer tell him about that little problem, his credibility problem?

ODOM: Well, none of these three, Nancy, has any credibility whatsoever. I have to side with Marc Klaas on this. When he said that there`s never going to be a case made on their statements alone.

We`ve got a very important piece of circumstantial evidence. That is that this little -- poor little girl is missing. And then we have a whole lot of statements, all of which have been contradicted and re-contradicted by each other.

Without physical evidence there is no case.

GRACE: Tom Shamshak, former police chief, private investigator, instructor at Boston University, joining us out of Boston. Is there any way without physical corroboration that you can believe anything these three say?

TOM SHAMSHAK, FMR. POLICE CHIEF, PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR, INSTRUCTOR AT BOSTON UNIV.: Hi, Nancy. No, I don`t think that we can believe anything they say without some physical evidence. And who knows? The cinder blocks with this yellow rope that has been reported, I`m sure the analysis will be working, you know, to link that up.

GRACE: And to Dr. Michael Bell, chief medical examiner of Palm Beach, if they did find Haleigh`s body at this point, what could they tell from it?

DR. MICHAEL BELL, PALM BEACH CO. CHIEF MEDICAL EXAMINER: Well, if there`s any injuries or damage to the bones, such as a knife, they could certainly tell that. They`re not going to be able to tell whether or not she was strangled --

GRACE: Yes. Because there`s no soft tissue left.

BELL: -- suffocated. Exactly. So --

GRACE: Everybody --

BELL: -- it will be limited to what they can tell.

GRACE: Switching gears, in the United States every 10 seconds a child is abused. April, Child Abuse Prevention Month. Child Help, an international organization, raises awareness and fights for the abused and neglected children around the world.

<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on May 21, 2010, 10:31:41 AM


Tommy Croslin Says Cousin Joe Did It

Aired May 14, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. The last person to see her alive, new stepmother Misty Croslin, who goes on to flunk four polygraphs. Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings and stepmother Croslin both booked, drug trafficking. Search teams, cadaver dogs, scuba divers, helicopters all comb the St. John`s River, no sign of Haleigh`s remains.

As the search for Haleigh`s entire body and for the murder weapon, goes on, bombshell tonight. He cracks! Stepmother Misty Croslin`s cousin finally confesses 5-year-old Haleigh killed there in the trailer, in the home, the little girl allegedly murdered by cousin Overstreet as Misty Croslin stands by and lets it happen, or worse.

And tonight, is Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, set to plead guilty? This as a stunning call from behind jailhouse walls emerges pointing the finger directly at Haleigh`s killer.


TOMMY CROSLIN, MISTY`S BROTHER: I need her to get my lawyer down here. It`s important.

GRACE: Your client knows what happened that night?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. I am dying for an arrest to be made in this case.

TOMMY CROSLIN: I got to do something. It needed to be done -- it should have been done already.

FLORA HOLLARS, MISTY`S GRANDMOTHER: She grabbed Junior and got into bed, and they covered up their heads completely.

CHELSEA CROSLIN, MISTY`S SISTER-IN-LAW: I don`t believe that -- anything that Flo Hollars is saying I think is a complete lie.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Tommy Croslin`s attorney claims his client has admitted that Haleigh died inside the trailer in Satsuma.

HOLLARS: And when she took the covers off of her head, Haleigh was gone.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Newly released audiotape shows Tommy Croslin points the finger at cousin Joe Overstreet, claiming he`s involved in Haleigh`s murder.

TOMMY CROSLIN: He`s got to pay.

HOLLARS: Is it the story that Misty`s saying?

TOMMY CROSLIN: Yes, but it -- yes, that`s it.



HANK CROSLIN, MISTY`S FATHER: You need to tell them where Haleigh is. Bring Haleigh home.

MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER: I can`t just bring her home, you know?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Meanwhile, Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, is trying to arrange a plea deal on his drug charges.

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: I`ll get it for you. No problem. (EXPLETIVE DELETED) two weeks, I can make the money to pay for them and eat them myself.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Reports emerge Cummings is negotiating with prosecutors on a 15-year jail sentence for drug trafficking.

CUMMINGS: I don`t know if you do Roxies or whatever. I can get them. But they`re (EXPLETIVE DELETED) expensive.

HOLLARS: It`s Joe. I`ve been knowing this all along. I knew it was him.

TOMMY CROSLIN: It drives me crazy. He tried to kill all of us, so don`t be telling him until they get his ass because they`re going to get his ass.




GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Bombshell tonight. He cracks! Stepmother Misty Croslin`s cousin finally confesses 5-year-old Haleigh killed, murdered there in the home, the little girl allegedly murdered by cousin Overstreet as Misty Croslin lets it happen, or worse.


TOMMY CROSLIN: I`m just scared. I don`t want no one to hurt my kids.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: According to Tommy Croslin`s attorney, James Werter, Tommy Croslin says Haleigh died inside her own home.

GRACE: Your client can ID the killer.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He`s, first of all, not culpable, but he does know what happened that night.

TOMMY CROSLIN: It needed to put to an end and that little (EXPLETIVE DELETED) needs to pay.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This as we obtain brand-new audiotapes showing Tommy Croslin allegedly pointing the finger at cousin Joe Overstreet, claiming he`s responsible for Haleigh`s death.

TOMMY CROSLIN: It wasn`t me. No, it`s not me.



HANK CROSLIN: If they think Joe had something to do with it...

TOMMY CROSLIN: Go get his (EXPLETIVE DELETED) punk ass and put him in jail!

HOLLARS: I was told that Ron come home, and Haleigh had took one of - - found one of his pills and took it and was dead. And Ron called you to get you to come up there and help Misty...


HOLLARS: ... and clean the house up and -- while he disposed of Haleigh.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Also today, Haleigh`s father is reported negotiating a plea deal on drug charges.

CUMMINGS: I like to get high. That`s why I was asking if you had any powder to let me know.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ronald Cummings could be sentenced to 15 years in jail in exchange for testifying against his ex-wife, Misty Croslin, and former brother-in-law Tommy Croslin in the drug case.

CUMMINGS: It`s not a retirement plan, but an extra kick (INAUDIBLE)

TOMMY CROSLIN: Someone need to do something to him. Someone needs to get his ass.


GRACE: Straight out to Art Harris, investigative journalist at, with breaking news. Art, what`s the news?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Nancy, the news is shocking, this tape of Tommy Croslin, where he now fingers in his own voice cousin Joe Overstreet. We`ve heard rumors of this. Misty has recounted this story to her grandmother and others. But now Tommy comes forward, and in this tape we`ve been anticipating because people have been doubting he had this conversation with his grandmother -- he now says it was his cousin who killed Haleigh.

GRACE: And where? Where is he saying it happened?

HARRIS: According to your sources, Nancy, he`s saying it`s inside the trailer. Doesn`t say it on this tape, but that is consistent with possibly what people have been speculating about a blanket that was seized and other things in the trailer that was just too neat for a crime scene.

GRACE: To Jean Casarez, legal correspondent, "In Session." What more can you tell me, Jean?

JEAN CASAREZ, "IN SESSION": Well, we can say that Flora Hollers, when she was on your show and she talked about the call between she and Tommy, that that is what we hear in this phone conversation. We hear Tommy. He`s breathless. You hear the emotion in his voice. He talks about that he`s got to get his attorney. He`s got to tell his attorney something. He does say it is Joe, but he admits no responsibility whatsoever.

GRACE: Take a listen to the call.


HOLLARS: I was told that Ron come home and Haleigh had took -- found one of his pills and took it and was dead. And Ron called you to get you to come up there and help Misty...


HOLLARS: ... clean the house up and while he disposed of Haleigh.


HOLLARS: OK. Well, I`m glad you`re telling me the truth, baby, because I`ve been wanting to hear it for a long time. But I knowed it. I knowed it in my heart. All this time I`ve knowed it.

TOMMY CROSLIN: He`s got to pay.

GRACE: What scenario do you believe unfolded? What do you think happened that night?

HOLLARS: Exactly what Misty told me about the rope and the cinderblocks and dropping her in the St. John`s River.


GRACE: Straight out to James Werter, Tommy Croslin`s attorney. What more does your client say?

JAMES WERTER, ATTORNEY FOR TOMMY CROSLIN: On the tape or off the tape?


WERTER: Off the tape? I can`t really say that. I mean, on the tape, what I gave you was just a redacted version. We took phone numbers out of it. But that`s the entire tape that you have. And if you notice, he did not go through what happened that night with Flora Hollars. He told -- he pointed the fingers. He denied one version that Flora put to him.

Now, off, he told me that it did occur in the trailer and that he and Misty were not participants but were scared to death of Joe`s behavior. They grew up with this guy. They say even though he doesn`t have a criminal record, he did have a very violent past and they were afraid of him. And there was a weapon of intimidation there. And I don`t want to get into that because we`re still trying to make sure everybody is telling the truth this time, finally, and getting the story as it should be, OK, with the truth.

And if I give you too much, it`ll go over the air and then they can, you know, coordinate or collaborate their own stories together, even though they`re not in communications. So I am hesitant in giving you more.

GRACE: Well, Mr. Werter, basically, it sounds like you`re saying he told you more, but you can`t commit to it on air because his story might change.

WERTER: No. No. I did not say that. I want a pure interview of both of these. My understanding through Robert Fields is that their stories now, even though they haven`t been together to collaborate their stories, are pretty well matched up, you know, with a reasonable amount of tolerances that you would expect normal witnesses. They`re not mirror images and they`re not widely different. So that`s a normal -- that`s what you look for in trial.

And you know this. If you get two people who are mirror image, it causes suspicion. If they`re too widely apart, then their credibility is shot there, too. So what the thing is, is to see what the pure story is. And if they have communications, third party, whatever, you know, it may taint the purity of their testimony...

GRACE: Well, isn`t it true...

WERTER: ... such as it is right now.

GRACE: ... that Tom Croslin, your client, told you that Overstreet got very irate. Things happened from there -- I`m quoting. Overstreet went into the bedroom where Haleigh was, and Haleigh was no longer alive. Overstreet was in a rage.

WERTER: Yes. That`s correct. He went in there looking for this gun that they were going to go borrow. It was an automatic weapon. And out there, they do poach at night or shoot deer at night with the headlights and things of that nature. The gun was not there. Misty told him the gun was not there. That`s what set him off. And next thing I know...

GRACE: Hold on. Hold on. Ellie Jostad, you`ve heard another story, right?

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, Nancy, we`ve heard a bunch of different stories. We`ve heard a version from Flora Hollars where she heard that a rope was wrapped around Haleigh, she was thrown into the river. She wasn`t sure if she was dead or alive. Another version, Misty heard Haleigh being sexually assaulted and just hid under the covers.

But what`s on this tape is the version that she says came from Tommy, the version that he and Joe got rid of the body somehow, or even less than that, that Joe was responsible for what happened.

GRACE: We are taking your calls. Back to you, Ellie Jostad. When you are referring to the tape, be specific.

JOSTAD: Yes. Well, on the tape, what Tommy Croslin tells Flora is -- she says, you know, something to the effect of, I think I know what you`re going to tell me, and she says, Was it Joe? And he says, Yes. And he says repeatedly that he needs to speak to his lawyer and that he needs to pay.


TOMMY CROSLIN: Y`all don`t say nothing to him, all right?

HOLLARS: I didn`t. No, it`s Joe. I`ve been knowing this all along. I knew it was him.

TOMMY CROSLIN: Don`t saying nothing to nobody right now.

HOLLARS: Oh, I`m not. I`m not. I`m not.

TOMMY CROSLIN: Because I need to get my lawyer down here because you know what?


TOMMY CROSLIN: To help me anyway, you know, and -- it need to be put to an end, and that little (EXPLETIVE DELETED) needs to pay.

HOLLARS: That`s it. That`s it exactly. Exactly. Oh, me, me, me, me, me, me! You know, that don`t even hurt me to hear that that happened from him because I know it was him. I knew all along that it was him.




HOLLARS: There`s three grandkids of mine that`s involved in this, and I don`t know why!

GRACE: She is blaming Joe and Tommy.

MISTY CROSLIN: They`re going to know. They`re going to know.

GRACE: Tommy Croslin is blaming Joe Overstreet.

TOMMY CROSLIN: Someone`s got -- he`s got to be stopped, so...

GRACE: Joe Overstreet`s saying, I wasn`t there.


GRACE: All three are pointing the finger at each other.

HOLLARS: What Tommy told me...

-- or is it somebody else?

TOMMY CROSLIN: It ain`t me. No, it`s not me.

HOLLARS: He says, Nanny, I`ve got to break down...

TOMMY CROSLIN: It`s very important. I got to do something. It needed to be done and should have been done already.

HOLLARS: I`ve got to tell somebody.

TOMMY CROSLIN: I had nothing to do with none of that crap.

HOLLARS: I said, Are you going to tell me that Joe did this? He says, Yes, Nanny, Joe did.



HOLLARS: OK. That`s what I`ve been thinking all along.

GRACE: She would have been awake when the brother came over there banging on the door.

TOMMY CROSLIN: If she does, she needs to go ahead and tell the truth, man.

MISTY CROSLIN: When I woke up, she was gone!

TOMMY CROSLIN: And don`t be making up stories.

MISTY CROSLIN: I was, like, Oh, my God!

GRACE: One of them are lying.

TOMMY CROSLIN: Misty`s going to get her little butt kicked.

HANK CROSLIN: I know for a fact Tommy -- Tommy ain`t got the heart.

TOMMY CROSLIN: I`m not no drug trafficker or anything. You know that.

They can`t do nothing -- they can`t prove (EXPLETIVE DELETED). They cannot prove nothing. They got no proof.

MISTY CROSLIN: Oh, my God. I know. It`s funny.

HOLLARS: Well, I`m glad you`re telling me the truth, baby, because I`ve been wanting to hear it for a long time, but I knowed it.


GRACE: We are taking your calls. Out to Veda in Idaho. Hi, Veda.


GRACE: Hi, dear. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I have a comment and a question.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK, my comment is, I`m really proud of the way you stand up for the children.

GRACE: Thank you, Veda. Thank you very much.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I have four children that have passed, and my question is, how can this woman, Misty Carlton (ph), pretend she knew nothing about this, marry the father of this little girl and still hold it in herself all the time that she knew where that baby was?

GRACE: You know, I don`t know how she`s done it. But in my mind, in light of her failing four distinctly separate polygraphs, she has lied from the very beginning.

And to Bethany Marshall, Dr. Bethany, psychoanalyst, author of "Dealbreakers," if she had passed out or she was high on drugs or if she wasn`t there that night, she could have said that on the polygraph.

BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST: That`s right. But Veda brings an excellent point up, which is, How does someone hold a lie for this long? What is the mechanism by which the lie stays afloat? And I think it`s a couple of things. I think people like Misty tell a lie to cover their tracks, and then the lie becomes their truth. They begin to believe the lie and it becomes so much their truth that when they`re questioned about it, they actually become indignant.

And I actually think there`s an intergenerational pattern of lying in this family. That`s why all three of these players are lying. And part of it could even be genetic, a genetic predisposition towards sociopathy and anti-social behavior. And then you have all the drug use mixed in. Then you have an anti-authority attitude, and then them believing their own lies and turning on each other. And it is the perfect storm for holding onto a lie for ever and to the grave.

GRACE: You know, I think it`s a lot -- not that I`m disagreeing with you, Dr. Bethany, but I think there`s the simple element, Eleanor Odom, that the truth could result in the Florida death penalty. Now, that is an incentive to lie, Eleanor.

ELEANOR ODOM, PROSECUTOR: Exactly. And what Tommy may be saying is a complete lie as to what happened in the trailer because he`s trying to exonerate himself. He`s trying to get out of trouble. So I don`t know that I believe him 100 percent.

GRACE: And this is a huge bombshell tonight. If believed, that Tom Croslin says the murder, the death of 5-year-old Haleigh happened there in the family home, what about it, Renee Rockwell.

RENEE ROCKWELL, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, obviously, you can check that story out with any forensics, Nancy.

GRACE: Well, I don`t know about that, Peter Odom, because the child`s DNA would be in the home anyway. So to find her DNA might not be that unusual, depending on the location and the nature.

PETER ODOM, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Right. They`ve been through that house, Nancy, with a fine-toothed comb. I`m not sure that this really adds anything to the story. It`s just -- I mean, there`s so much vapor -- there`s such a huge vapor of lies out there, it`s so difficult to tell what`s true, that they`re not...

GRACE: I know. When you finally...

PETER ODOM: ... any closer to solving this.

GRACE: When you finally hear the truth, Peter, you may not know whether to accept it or not, there`s been so many lies amongst this bunch.

PETER ODOM: And nothing is going to happen in this case without physical corroboration.


TOMMY CROSLIN: Tell her I got to do something that I should have done a while ago.

HOLLARS: The first thing that I was told was that Joe had killed her.

TOMMY CROSLIN: Tell her I have to do something that I should have done a long time ago.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is a huge river.

HOLLARS: I don`t want to hear the answer to it because I already know it.

-- throwed her in the river.

TOMMY CROSLIN: I`m just scared.




TOMMY CROSLIN: His ass is crazy.

HANK CROSLIN: The only one that knows is the people that were there.

TOMMY CROSLIN: He tried to kill all of us.

HOLLARS: ... tied Haleigh up with a yellow rope...

TOMMY CROSLIN: Don`t be -- don`t be telling him until they get his ass.

HOLLARS: ... and tied a brickle block to the rope...

TOMMY CROSLIN: They`re going to get his ass.

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. It was brick. Like, there`s brick on the floor, like...

HOLLARS: ... and dropped her into the St. John`s River.

MISTY CROSLIN: I never seen any bricks at all.

TOMMY CROSLIN: Don`t let him know, guys, for real because his ass is out to run (ph).

HOLLARS: No, baby. He won`t know. He won`t know.


GRACE: Bombshell tonight. We now learn that the cousin of Misty Croslin is stating Haleigh Cummings dies in the home, there in the trailer.

To Sheryl McCollum, cold case analyst. What do you make of it? And why is this so important to the case?

SHERYL MCCOLLUM, CRIME ANALYST: This is crucial. And I don`t look at this as a lie, I look at all of them as half-truths. Tommy has told you from the beginning he interjected himself at the crime scene. Then later, he tells Grandma, I was there when she died. And now she`s telling -- you know, now he`s telling the police even more information about what occurred inside the house, including the weapon of intimidation. He`s telling you bits and pieces as he gets more comfortable, Nancy. And I`m going to stay on my mantra. Tommy Croslin is the key to breaking this case, period.

GRACE: You know, you`ve said that since the very beginning, Sheryl McCollum. Why?

MCCOLLUM: He`s the one! He`s the one that talked. He`s the one that wants the story to come out. Tommy feels bad! He`s got kids, Nancy. And I`m going to tell you, they watch your show. So I`m going to speak directly to Tommy. Tommy, tell them. Tell them where the weapon is. Tell them who killed her. Tell them where Haleigh is! Let`s get this done! And I bet he does it within eight weeks, Nancy, eight weeks.

GRACE: But the thing is, Sheryl McCollum, the truth may implicate him.

MCCOLLUM: And he knows that. But he also knows, Nancy, the first one to talk gets the deal. He said he`s scared for his kids. You know what he really cares about? What they think about him. Bloody (ph), tell them what happened. Man up right now!


HOLLARS: When Tommy called me, he was sort of whimpering, like, crying. I told him, I says, You failed your lie detector test, didn`t you. And he says, Yes, Nanny, I did. I said, OK, it`s time to come clean now.

TOMMY CROSLIN: He`s got to pay.


TOMMY CROSLIN: I said he`s got to pay for it.

HOLLARS: He`s got to pay for it, he says. He`s got to pay for it, he says.

TOMMY CROSLIN: He can`t hurt nobody.

HOLLARS: He can`t hurt nobody.

Do you know, Tommy?

TOMMY CROSLIN: What`s that?

HOLLARS: Do you know?

TOMMY CROSLIN: All I know is that he`s got to pay. you know, he can`t get to none of us, so it don`t matter.

HOLLARS: He`s got to pay, and he can`t get to none of y`all, so it don`t matter. But get his lawyer there.




TOMMY CROSLIN: Y`all don`t say nothing to him, all right?

FLORA HOLLARS, GRANDMOTHER OF TOMMY: I didn`t. I been knowing this all along. I knew it was him.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Tommy Croslin points the finger at cousin, Joe Overstreet, claiming he`s involved in Haleigh`s murder.

CROSLIN: All I know is he`s got to pay. He can`t get to none of us, so it don`t matter.

HOLLARS: I want that little girl to be put to rest.

HANK CROSLIN: I know for a fact Tommy, Tommy ain`t got the heart. I don`t give a (EXPLETIVE DELETED) what anybody says. Tommy had nothing to with that.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We were on the dock with Tommy and law enforcement --

CROSLIN: This (EXPLETIVE DELETED) sucks, dude. I want us out of here so bad. I would do anything to get out of here.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I do Joe Overstreet is involved in the disappearance.

HOLLAR: He says, Nanny, Tommy and Joe took a rope, a yellow rope, and wrapped Haleigh up with a yellow rope, tied it around here.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don`t believe that Tommy and Misty could do anything to harm a child.

HOLLAR: They tied rickle (ph) blocks to the end of it and dropped her into the St. John`s River. And if they dropped her into the St. John`s River, where was she at? How did she know? How did she see it?

CROSLIN: The damn police said you are facing three years in prison unless you help us find Haleigh. I said, I can`t help you find nobody. I don`t know where she is.

I don`t want no one to hurt my kids.

HOLLAR: I know it`s -- I know it`s -- oh, my god.


NANCY GRACE, CNN HOST: Drug defendant, Tom Croslin, now admits that 5-year-old Haleigh was killed there in the family home, in the trailer. That is a major, major break in the case if it is found to be true. This, as we learn that Haleigh`s father, Ron Cummings, set to plead guilty. All the while, Lindsay Croslin finally going through with her plan to divorce Tom Croslin. What, if anything, will it mean to the investigation?

But first, to Ron`s guilty plea. What about it Eleanor?

ELEANOR ODOM, FELONY PROSECUTOR: Well, he`s pleading guilty to the trafficking and allegedly getting 15 years to serve. However, his sentence won`t come down until he truthfully testifies in a trial against Misty and Tommy. So, you know, there`s a lot more to come.

GRACE: Why do you say that sentencing won`t come down until after he gives testimony?

ODOM: Because part of his plea bargain will depend on him testifying truthfully at the trial of Misty. So he`s got to do that first, Nancy. And if he plays by the rules and does what he`s supposed to do, then he`ll get his 14 years.

GRACE: And to the lines. Alma, California.

Hi, Alma.

CALLER: Hi, Nancy.

GRACE: Hi, dear.

CALLER: Great to talk to you.

GRACE: Likewise.

CALLER: I live in Northern California. We see these kids being killed in all this. And I say to myself that the cousin, or the other guy, the storm -- what was his name. Not Tommy, but the cousin.

GRACE: Joe Overstreet.

CALLER: Yes. I think he did it. I think either the baby got a hold of an Oxycontin and she took it and overdosed, and they threw her in the river instead of calling 911.


GRACE: That is a working theory that police have based on letters, based on drug use, based on the use of and the selling of Oxycontin-type pills.

Right, Ella Jostad?

ELLA JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Yes, Nancy, that`s one of the possibilities. We do know that many of the players in this case are now involved in the drug trafficking. So it would make sense that there may have been drugs in the home.

GRACE: To Dr. Jake Deutsch, doctor of emergency medicine, joining us out of our Manhattan studio. Doctor, thanks for being with us.


GRACE: Over and over, we hear the defense attorneys arguing about the lack of evidence or DNA. That`s what they`re referring to in the home. However, there are many modes of murder that would not leave DNA behind.

DEUTSCH: Absolutely. If this was a suffocation, you wouldn`t expect to find any DNA evidence. Poisoning, as we have just mentioned, that would fall into the category where there wouldn`t be much forensic evidence. This drug use is interesting to me because it suggests possible routes of contaminating or actually killing the child. But maybe that leads insight into why this guy is starting confessed. Maybe he`s been using drugs for a long time. He has some permanent brain injury and is starting to hallucinate and become paranoid and therefore having more admission of guilt. So I am curious as to what kind of drugs they were trafficking. And that may be a clue into the answer here.

GRACE: All right, Harris, what type of drugs?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Let`s see, Oxycontin. They were using -- Misty calls them roxies, which is another form of Oxycontin. They also used cocaine. Ronald, you heard him ask in the car for a little -- little -- a little bit of marching dust. And now we have, you know, the whole drug -- the drug dealing backdrop.

But, Nancy, I also want to look at -- the reason that Tommy may be coming forward now is he was involved in this gun deal, I`m told, along with Misty. And they were planning to steal the gun and split the profits. If that`s the case, they had to be afraid that, what would Ronald do if he found out. And now, if it comes out, what can happen?

GRACE: Back to the lines. Bobbie, Missouri.

Hi, Bobbie.

CALLER: Hi, Nancy, how are you?

GRACE: I`m good, dear. What`s your question?

CALLER: I`m so glad to speak with you.

GRACE: Likewise.

CALLER: You are a sharp lady.

GRACE: Thank you.

CALLER: I tell you what, I have tried to call many times. But there`s something that lies heavy on my mind.


CALLER: The day that the little girl went missing, they made comments there was an air conditioner man there, working on the air conditioner because it was out of use. It was not working. I know from experience that a lot of times they`ll prop open the backdoor and they`ll have to go in and out. And with that door being propped open, with that brick -- and no one ever mentioned, you know, questioning the air conditioner guy. Who was the air conditioner guy? It`s been totally left out of the picture. Besides, all of them are lying so much. And I can`t understand the father living there. I have a huge home, but I know what`s around my home. And he was not aware of any concrete blocks. He plays dumb to that question. And you just don`t know what to believe. But what about the air conditioner man?

GRACE: That`s a good point, Bobbie in Missouri.

Rosie, don`t we have the photos of the concrete blocks, the cement blocks around the home?

And to you, Jean Casarez, what about an air conditioning repairman being at the home that day?

JEAN CASAREZ, LEGAL CORRESPONDENT: You know, I think I remember something about that early on. But the sheriff`s department has an entire room that`s devoted to the case file of now this homicide case. They have left no stone unturned. They haven`t arrested anyone that they have investigated. And they obviously believe this man, if there is an air conditioning man, that he`s not a part of this.

GRACE: Everyone, quick break.

But tonight, best wishes and congratulations go out to Jolyn and Bruce. They`re getting married, finally. They were, back in 1968, very much in love, but Jolyn got cold feet, returned the engagement ring and sent a Dear John letter. Here they are in 1968. Well, Jolyn and Bruce found each other again 40 years later. Better late than never. You know, love finds a way. Here`s a true love story. Congratulations, Jolyn and Bruce.



MISTY CROSLIN: Ronald and Stanley are not as good as everybody thinks they are.

CUMMING: I`ve been slandered into a sorry father.

CROSLIN: They all take pills. They all do (EXPLETIVE DELETED).

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, is trying to arrange a plea deal on his drug charges.

CUMMINGS: I was a dope boy and must have ripped -- ripped somebody off.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The catch? Ronald Cummings could be sentenced to 15 years in jail.

CUMMINGS: This is between me and you and whoever`s listening to our recording.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: In exchange for testifying against his wife, Misty Croslin.

CUMMING: I`m not hiding anything from anybody.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And former brother-in-law, Tommy Croslin.

CUMMING: If somebody had something to do with it, so be it, whoever it might be.

MISTY CROSLIN, MOTHER OF HALIEGH: I would never hurt her.

CUMMING: That`s who it is.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What does Ronald know in this too?

LISA CROSLIN: Her and Ronald fought that day.

CUMMING: She admits she`s the last one to see her.

LISA CROSLIN: And she told him she didn`t want to babysit.

MISTY CROSLIN: They look at me like their mom.

LISA CROSLIN: And he told her, yes, you are going to babysit.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: My grandchildren love Misty, and that Misty loves my grandchildren.

LISA CROSLIN: I think he knows more than what he`s saying.

CUMMING: I don`t think she knows any information that`s going to find Haleigh.

LISA CROSLIN: The fact that him leaving those kids with her, and her still high on pills.

CUMMING: Nobody knows where there`s a (INAUDIBLE).

LISA CROSLIN: Would you leave your kids with somebody who`s all doped up?

CUMMING: There really isn`t a relationship.

MISTY CROSLIN: Baby, get in. Get in.

CUMMING: Ex-wife/friend.

MISTY CROSLIN: I still love him.

LISA CROSLIN: I know you do, baby.


GRACE: Ronald Cummings set to plead guilty. This has a divorce is brewing.

What can you tell me about the divorce, Jean Casarez?

CASAREZ: I believe they are divorced now. At least, they were going through a divorce. But the thing is, this is what I have been told, is that he is going to plead guilty, but he has to do a statement, give a statement to the Florida Department of Law Enforcement. That statement will be used as evidence against the other defendants. And I think that could be more pressure to Misty, even before there`s a trial and testimony, that even Ronald Cummings has turned against her.

GRACE: To James Werter, is it true that your client, Tom Croslin, is seen to be divorced from wife, Lindsay?

JAMES WERTER, ATTORNEY: No, that divorce action is on hold. Lindsay is giving it second thoughts, so that`s not happening at this time.

GRACE: Why did I know you would say that?

What about it, Ella Jostad?

JOSTAD: Well, actually Art Harris had been reporting that they were planning to file, that Lindsay has given up, I guess, and decided to file for divorce.

Is that true, Art Harris.

HARRIS: That`s right, papers were filed. She felt very betrayed. Believed in Tommy, stuck by him up to the end. Then she found out that he flunked the lie detector test, Nancy, and filed. And now, as we heard Mr. Werter saying, has second thoughts.

GRACE: So you believe, Art Harris, that she filed the divorce papers because her husband failed the polygraph?

HARRIS: And she learned that he had been lying to her over and over again. And she was so loyal to him. In many conversations I had with Lindsay, she was not going to believe this unless she had something concrete, Nancy.

GRACE: Out to the lines. Ryan in North Carolina.

Hi, Ryan.

CALLER: Hey, Nancy.

GRACE: Hi, dear. What`s your question?

CALLER: Is there any new evidence to test if the ropes and cinder block found in the water -- is there any evidence to watch the original location by chance?

GRACE: The fact that it`s all been under water would probably remove any fiber or blood evidence.

What do you make of that, Dr. Deutsch?

DEUTSCH: Yes, that doesn`t bode well. If this is a very active river that they`re describing, all of that evidence would be washed away. The things that I would be interested in finding, given the circumstances, was any evidence of trauma to the skeleton which may have -- lead to a cause of death at this late stage.

GRACE: Unleash the lawyers.

Eleanor Odom, felony prosecutor, with multiple death penalties under her belt; Renee Rockwell, defense attorney, Atlanta; Peter Odom, also a defense attorney in the Atlanta jurisdiction.

First to you, Eleanor. How would a plea, a guilty plea on the drug case from Ronald Cummings, and a divorce between Tom Croslin, who was there the night Haleigh goes missing, and his wife, Lindsay, how could those two events shape this case?

ODOM: I think somebody mentioned earlier, it`s going to put a great amount of pressure on both Tom Croslin and Misty Croslin to come forward and tell the truth, because those people are getting the best deals up front. They`re the first ones to plead, they`re going to get the best deals. So I`m hoping it will put some pressure on, so that Misty and Tom will finally tell the truth.

GRACE: Are you referring to the plea deal by Ron Cummings or the divorce between Croslin and Lindsay Croslin?

ODOM: Both, because you`ve got the plea deal by Ronald Cummings, which he could say something about Misty. And then if there`s a divorce, guess what, Nancy, there`s no marital privilege. You know, you`ve got to be careful about that. So that could put pressure on Tom Croslin.

GRACE: it`s my understanding Eleanor, that the way the marital privilege would work, even if they`re divorced, Tom Croslin could invoke husband/wife privilege, because it was protected at the time the comment was made.

ODOM: And I think that would be between communications between them, but not necessarily between certain actions.

GRACE: Good point.

ODOM: Things that she saw. So you`ve got to look at it that way.

What about it, Renee Rockwell. How will Ronald Cumming`s guilty plea and the divorce of Tom Croslin -- behind bars right now -- how would that affect the case?

RENEE ROCKWELL, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: First of all, I think he`s got on a great chance to make a move, because I have said all along, Nancy, that I felt the sorriest for him, because I didn`t think he had anything to come to the table with. But this is a fantastic move by law enforcement saying, hey, you come to us, you come to the table, we`ll give you a lesser sentence if you agree to testify. All he has to testify in is against these two in the drug case.

GRACE: Right.

What about it, Peter?

ROCKWELL: If he testifies in the drug case --

PETER ODOM, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Right. Of course, they have great cases against all these drug defendants without Ronald Cummings` testimony.


PETER ODOM: I don`t know that that`s going to have a huge impact. They`ve got it all on tape.

GRACE: They don`t need his testimony in the drug case. You`re right, Peter Odom.

He could get a light deal in the drug case in exchange for testimony in a possible Haleigh case.

What about that rope, Sheryl McCollum.

SHERYL MCCOLLUM: Nancy, they`re -- let`s say the rope was a 15-foot rope in the package that Tommy had in his house, and there`s five foot missing from it, and that`s the exact same link they found and pulled from the river, same color, same make, same width. That`s pretty good evidence to me. He described it to grandma. He led them to it.

GRACE: Quick break. We`re taking your calls, but now, "CNN Heroes."



GRACE: What a week in America`s courtrooms. Take a look at the stories and, more important, the people who touched our lives.


UNIDENTIFIED LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICE: At approximately 9:15, a woman walking her dog in a remote area of Napa County found a body.

GRACE: The body of 24-year-old nursing student, Phuong Le, this absolutely gorgeous young girl, her whole life in front of her.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What we have here is a homicide with no suspects in custody or in sight (ph). But definitely the body is that of Phuong Le. Unknown who did this to her and why.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Just released, nearly 50 pages of graphic text messages prosecutors say were exchanged between accused murder-for hire bride, Dalia Dippolito, and her alleged lover.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: LOL, nice. You`re great. Thanks for everything. So do you approve of my boobs?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police in Nevada investigating the death of a 25- year-old pro woman golfer.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Something happened. She was supposed to leave for a tournament. That morning, she didn`t leave.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police say they responded to a 911 call.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Erica`s body was found inside of her Henderson home.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Details of her death haven`t been released.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Just devastating. We`re going to have to bury a 25-year-old daughter. That`s sad.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Search warrants reveal apparent blood stains found in both cars belonging to Venus` husband, Douglas Stewart.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m sure he took her as I am of my name.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Breaking news. A friend of the 16-year-old girl, allegedly raped by NFL superstar and former "Dancing with the Stars" contestant, Lawrence Taylor, comes forward. According to an unnamed source who spoke to the "New York Post," she claims the girl said no intercourse happened at all.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Lawrence Taylor did not have consensual sex with anybody.

GRACE: Did you hear the defense attorney just say he did not have consensual sex with anyone? I guess that was one of those Freudian slips.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: For almost one minute, this teacher was caught on a cell-phone camera terrorizing a student.

GRACE: Look at the little boy cringing. This is a sixth grader the teacher is beating. And if reports are true, other teachers stood by and watched it. I can hardly stand to look at it. Kicking, beating. And the way she approached him, she looked like she was a professional wrestler.


GRACE: Let`s stop and remember Army specialist, Kareem Khan, 20, Mantoloking (ph), New Jersey, killed Iraq, awarded the Bronze Star, Purple Heart. Unofficially joining the Army with his dad`s permission before he was 18. Loved the ocean, video games, Dallas Cowboys and flee markets with dad. Leaves behind grieving parents, Heros (ph) and Elshiba (ph), step mom, Neesha (ph), and stepsister, Oleigha (ph). Kareem Khan, American hero.

Thanks to our guests, and especially to you.

Reminder, May 16th, CNN Espanol has a special program on handicapped children, included, a story of sensory thera-fun, a huge indoor play station for children with special needs, Atlanta. Founded by a father with a daughter with special needs.

And tonight, good night from the New York control room.

Good night, Brett, Rosie, Norm.

Everyone, I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp eastern. And until then, good night, friends.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on May 21, 2010, 10:34:37 AM


Haleigh`s Dad Set to Testify against Misty; Ron Cummings to Take Plea Deal on Drug Charges

Aired May 17, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. The last person to see her alive, new stepmother Misty Croslin, who goes on to flunk four polygraphs. Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and stepmother Croslin both booked, drug trafficking. Search teams, cadaver dogs, scuba divers, helicopters all comb the St. John`s River.

As the search for Haleigh`s entire body and for the murder weapon goes on, bombshell tonight. Is 5-year-old Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, set to enter a plea of guilty in exchange for testifying against his own ex, Haleigh`s stepmom Misty Croslin? Why are prosecutors reportedly willing to cut decades off Cummings`s jail sentence? What does he know? And tonight, a stunning call from behind jailhouse walls, a call that could crack the case wide open.


RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: I know somebody took my little girl! Some sorry piece of trash that will be wasted when it`s all over!

MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER: I don`t know where she is!

CUMMINGS: It`s hard to believe that she don`t know more, but it`s also hard to believe that if she did know more, she ain`t already talking.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Ronald Cummings may testify against his ex- wife, Misty Croslin.

CUMMINGS: Especially if they got her locked up like they got me, man.

FLORA HOLLARS, MISTY`S GRANDMOTHER: They`d only known one another for four months.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: According to affiliate WESH, Cummings accepted a plea deal in exchange for his testimony against Croslin and her brother.

CUMMINGS: I`ll get it for you. No problem. (EXPLETIVE DELETED) two weeks, I can make the money to pay for them and eat it myself.

HOLLARS: To me, that was a staged marriage to keep from testifying against each other, but they found out real quick that it don`t work in Florida.

CUMMINGS: I pulled into the yard. The front door was wide open. She was standing in it. I asked her what she was doing up. She said that the back doctor was wide open and Haleigh was gone.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Under the deal, Cummings will have to serve 15 years behind bars.

CUMMINGS: I don`t know if you do Roxies or whatever. I can get them, but they`re (EXPLETIVE DELETED) expensive.


CUMMINGS: I don`t care if they get me with injustifiable homicide. I don`t care. If I find out what happened to young`un, it doesn`t matter to me. It`d be worth life without parole or the death penalty or whatever.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us.

Tonight, is there a deal in the works? Is 5-year-old Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, set to enter a plea of guilty in exchange for testifying against his own ex, Haleigh`s stepmother, Misty Croslin?


CUMMINGS: Somebody stole my child out of my bed!

I want to know, if she knows anything, what she does know.

This is my heart. And somebody stole my heart from me.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Ronald Cummings may testify against his ex- wife, Misty Croslin, in a drug case.

CUMMINGS: How the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole, (EXPLETIVE DELETED)!

MISTY CROSLIN: I still love him.

LISA CROSLIN, MISTY`S MOTHER: I know you do, baby.

CUMMINGS: We need to find my daughter.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: According to WESH, Cummings accepted a plea deal in exchange for his testimony against Croslin and also her brother.

MISTY CROSLIN: I would have woke up if I heard any noise, and I didn`t hear anything at all.

CUMMINGS: I don`t think Misty holds any information that`s going to find Haleigh.

You got some good dope or something?


CUMMINGS: I like to get high. That`s why I was asking if you had any powder to let me know.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Under this deal, Cummings will serve 15 years in prison.

CUMMINGS: This is a setback in my life that when I come out, will remind me, you know, what I -- what I should be -- should be doing and not what I was doing or whatever.

The two of us have agreed to go separate ways. We can`t go anywhere without being questioned or people staring at us or anything like that.

GRACE: For the first time, I don`t believe you. I think you do suspect your ex-wife`s -- soon-to-be ex-wife`s story. Why? I don`t know that yet, but I`ll find out.


GRACE: Is Ronald Cummings, the man that has been on this show many, many times begging for help in finding his daughter, a man now behind bars on drug trafficking -- you`ve seen his involvement on undercover police pinpoint video taken from inside an undercover car. We`re going to show you that in just a few moments. But is he set to take a greatly reduced guilty plea in exchange for testifying against Misty Croslin?

There you see Ronald Cummings in the back seat. Rosie, can you open up the sound on that for me? We`re trying to get the sound for you on this video. This is secret police surveillance take within pinpoint camera. You hardly hear Ronald Cummings say a word. In nearly every one of these dope deals, Misty Croslin is running the show.

Out to Art Harris, investigative journalist at Art, what do you know?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Nancy, Ronald Cummings has taken a plea deal to serve 15 years in prison -- decades less than he would have had he gone to trial to face three charges of trafficking -- to testify against his ex-wife, Misty, and his former brother-in-law, Tommy Croslin, in the drug charges. This seriously gives prosecutors in the Haleigh Cummings case a tremendous bit of leverage, Nancy, to try to crack her under more pressure.

GRACE: Out to Marlaina Schiavo, our producer on the story. Marlaina, it`s my understanding the plea deal is not yet confirmed. Now, this has been in the works for some time now, many, many weeks. But as of right now, has he gone in front of a judge and taken the deal? Has he put his testimony in writing, that we know of?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Not just yet, but almost. His attorney, Ronald`s attorney, Terry Shoemaker, says that this deal is in the works. He is supposed to go to trial on July 19th, but Terry said he`s going to meet with prosecutors this week, hopefully, and get this deal done, Nancy.

GRACE: OK, what date is the trial date, Marlaina?

SCHIAVO: July 19.

GRACE: July 19th. Well, there`s nothing like a trial date to get a guilty plea in the works. I would go for months with something on the trial calendar, come Monday morning, the defense attorneys would be lined up on the courthouse steps, everybody trying to get a plea deal because sentencing much harsher after a trial.

Let`s unleash the lawyers. Joining us tonight, Eleanor Odom, felony prosecutor who has tried many death penalty cases. Also with us, John Burris, famed attorney out of San Francisco. Also with us, Alan Ripka, defense attorney, New York.

Before we go to the lawyers, Ellie Jostad, what more can you tell me about the possibility Ronald Cummings is entering a plea of guilty?

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, Nancy, Ron Cummings is facing five trafficking charges. Now, the mandatory minimums on those charges vary, depending on how much of the drug he`s accused of selling. What we`re hearing is that he is going to plead to the three lesser charges. One of them carries a three-year mandatory minimum, the other two charges 15 years. What gets dropped in exchange are two charges for more -- more drugs, a larger amount of drugs. Each of those carries a 25-year mandatory minimum. So he`s getting a lot shaved off his jail time if he testifies for the state.

GRACE: And when you say 15 years, Ellie, it sounds to me like pleading guilty on a couple of counts is all going to run concurrent. In other words...

JOSTAD: Right.

GRACE: ... at the same time, when a judge could stack it consecutively, 15 years and 15 years and 15 years, so total a large, like, 45, 50 years of jail time?

JOSTAD: Right. That`s right, Nancy. That`s what Terry Shoemaker, Ronald Cummings`s attorney, is hoping, that he could get out in about 15 years.

GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Take a listen to Ronald Cummings in the police undercover car in the middle of a drug deal.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You want to -- you want to hop in?

MISTY CROSLIN: Baby, get in. Get in. Who is that?

CUMMINGS: Unlock the door.


MISTY CROSLIN: I know that`s somebody. I know that (INAUDIBLE) somebody. I know her. I just don`t know who she is.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`ve got them -- I`ve got them -- 10 in little -- little (INAUDIBLE) baggies, if you want to count them up real quick and make sure they`re all (EXPLETIVE DELETED) there.

CUMMINGS: I`m positive they are, man. I`m sure you...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There`s 100 there, should be 100 there.


MISTY CROSLIN: ... 50, 60, 70, 80, 90, 100 in there. There`s 100 in there.

CUMMINGS: Got 100 in here. If they`re all in -- if they`re all in 10-packs, there`s 100.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Yes. There should be...



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So just whenever. I mean...

CUMMINGS: It should be -- it`s going to take a couple days for me to get rid of 200 of them now.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, I mean -- I mean, I -- I mean, I got -- I got two weeks to play with it, so I mean (EXPLETIVE DELETED) two weeks, whatever.

CUMMINGS: OK. I`ll get it for you. No problem. (EXPLETIVE DELETED) two weeks, I can make the money to pay for them and eat it myself.




CUMMINGS: Hang on.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, do me a favor...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Get on the ground! Get on the ground! Go, go, go, go, go!



MISTY CROSLIN: Just going to ride right here by the school.


MISTY CROSLIN: Sorry -- $190.


CUMMINGS: Yes, $7 apiece. It`s actually $189.

MISTY CROSLIN: Well, yes, $189.

CUMMINGS: For 27 of them.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: For 27 of them?



MISTY CROSLIN: You`re going to have to probably give me the money right here.



GRACE: You know, they act like they`re counting out jellybeans at the candy counter at Sears and Roebuck.

Eleanor Odom, John Burris, Alan Ripka, get ready. We`re taking calls. First to Stephanie in Missouri. Hi, Stephanie. I think I`ve got Stephanie with me. Rosie, can you hook me up with Stephanie in Missouri?


GRACE: Hi, dear. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, I just want to touch on two different things...


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... that`s really been bothering me.

GRACE: All right.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The first one is the visit, the timely visit of Joe. You know, was this a planned trip he had there, OK? And then the second one is, you know, maybe Joe and Misty have some sort of incestual (SIC) relationship and Haleigh might have woken up and caught them and said she was going to tell her daddy.

GRACE: OK. Stephanie, Missouri, I think your first question is very good. Second one about incest -- don`t have a scintilla, a shred of evidence to support that. But I want to go back to your question about, Was Joe Overstreet`s visit planned? What do we know, Art Harris?

HARRIS: I can tell you that investigators have looked into that because that was the big question. Did he leave right after Haleigh went missing? And they learned that he had plans to go there and then plans to leave that day. He went down with a friend who was a young woman named Jennifer...

GRACE: So it was pre-planned?

HARRIS: Pre-planned.

GRACE: OK. Lawyers, Eleanor Odom, John Burris, Alan Ripka. First to you, John Burris. He`s got all the reason in the world to testify against Misty Croslin. If the allegations are true, she and her relatives are responsible for the death, likely the murder of his little girl. Why shouldn`t he testify?

JOHN BURRIS, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, I think he should, and I think he will testify. And I think that`s part of the agreement. The question is, what does he really have to offer to testify about?

GRACE: What about it, Eleanor Odom?

BURRIS: I mean, he...

ELEANOR ODOM, PROSECUTOR: Well, I think it`s good. The person who comes and admits guilt first gets the better deal, and there he is putting pressure on Misty.

GRACE: What about it, Alan Ripka?

ALAN RIPKA, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: He`s saving 20 years, so he has to do it, no matter what?

GRACE: Is Ronald Cummings set to enter a plea of guilty in exchange for testimony on what he knows about the night his 5-year-old daughter went missing? She`s never been seen alive since.


CUMMINGS: I`m not hiding anything for anybody. And if somebody had something to do with it, let them fry.

HOLLARS: Joe. I`ve been knowing this all along. I knew it was him.

MISTY CROSLIN: Youthful offender? I would do it. I would take it. Three years in and four years out? I`ll take it. I`ll take it and run.

HOLLARS: I just hope and pray that the child was already dead before she hit that water.




CUMMINGS: I want to get to the bottom of what happened. One way or another, I want my daughter to come home.

MISTY CROSLIN: I woke up and she was gone!

CUMMINGS: I come home from work, and my child was not there.

How the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole, (EXPLETIVE DELETED)!

MISTY CROSLIN: Me being in jail has nothing to do with Haleigh.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The investigators have had an effect on her.

LISA CROSLIN: I see the smile.

MISTY CROSLIN: I need to just sit here and do what I got to do.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She`s not going to crack.


HOLLARS: And it`s the story that Misty`s saying?

TOMMY CROSLIN: Yes, but it -- yes, that`s it.



HANK CROSLIN, MISTY`S FATHER: You tell them where Haleigh is and bring Haleigh home.

MISTY CROSLIN: I can`t just bring her home, you know?

CUMMINGS: Not a retirement plan, but an extra kick right now.

HANK CROSLIN: Well, you just fell into their game, Ronald and their game. Should`ve never been with Ronald in the first place.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It`s going to put a great amount of pressure on both Tom Croslin and Misty Croslin to come forward and tell the truth.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What do you do for a living, ma`am?


I put her to bed and -- about 8:00 o`clock, and the back door was wide open.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Bottom line, you don`t know where Haleigh is.

MISTY CROSLIN: Bottom line.

That`s what they think, I`m going to break? There`s nothing to break me on!

CUMMINGS: This (EXPLETIVE DELETED) will drive you crazy. This place ain`t but the size of two sheets of plywood.

MISTY CROSLIN: Over where that guy`s walking, I`m going to have you stop a little bit back here, and I`m going to get out of the car and walk.


MISTY CROSLIN: Because he don`t like seeing new people.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don`t want to meet nobody new, either.

MISTY CROSLIN: Let us out right here and we`ll walk up there. Come on, Hope.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: All right. You want us just to hang out right here?

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. Just go and -- go down and turn around...

CUMMINGS: We`ll go up here and turn around and come back, man. I`ll ride with you. Let me up front. (INAUDIBLE) in the back (INAUDIBLE) Slow down when you go past them. Let me just ask them where I`m going to meet them at. Hey! Hey! Where -- how far down y`all got to go?


CUMMINGS: We`re going to -- we`re going to pick you up right back right there.


GRACE: Tonight, reports that Ron Cummings, the father of 5-year- old Haleigh, is set to plead guilty in exchange for his testimony against stepmother Misty Croslin, his own ex-wife. We are taking your calls. This as a letter that allegedly comes from behind jailhouse walls said to crack the case wide open. Tell me about the letter, Art Harris.

HARRIS: Nancy, I can tell that you Misty has written a letter to her sister-in-law, Chelsea Croslin, up in Massachusetts, and it goes over in much more detail than she has before, according to what Chelsea told me, the details of that night and discusses -- and discusses going down to the river, trying to identify the dock that police took her to as the one that Tommy supposedly took her to, to show her where they threw Haleigh off.

GRACE: OK. Who`s got the letter, Art?

HARRIS: Chelsea Croslin has the letter.

GRACE: Has anybody seen...

HARRIS: Law enforcement has a copy of the letter.

GRACE: OK, so cops have a copy of the letter?


GRACE: Why don`t they have the actual letter?

HARRIS: Well, they see, everything that goes in and out of that jail, and they can do with it what they want. They -- they have the letter, Nancy. So...

GRACE: OK, but you`re sure the cops have the letter?

HARRIS: That`s what I`ve been told.

GRACE: Now, Art, isn`t it true that they were trying to sell the letter?

HARRIS: Well, I`ve been told that they would like to trade the letter for a used car to go back and forth to school and to work, that they don`t have a car that works right now.

GRACE: So bottom line, they are trying to sell the letter?

HARRIS: Correct.

GRACE: OK. Eleanor Odom, John Burris, Alan Ripka. John Burris, doesn`t that devalue the letter? I mean, if we can prove it came from behind jailhouse walls, fine. If cops intercepted it and made a copy of it, fine. But if not, how I do know this isn`t just some letter that the family fabricated to try to sell?

BURRIS: I agree with that. I mean, any time you have something from the jailhouse, you have to be suspicious of it in the first place unless you can authenticate it. I`d have real questions about this, frankly.

GRACE: Eleanor?

ODOM: You can authenticate it by using handwriting analysis. An expert witness can tell who wrote that letter.

GRACE: And Alan Ripka, is every letter and every phone call coming out of a jail fair game for law enforcement?

RIPKA: Absolutely fair game. Law enforcement can use it to prosecute and do with it what they will.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What`s your relationship with Misty?

CUMMINGS: There really isn`t a relationship, you know? Just, I guess, ex-wife-slash friend.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hey, do me a favor...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Get on the ground! Get on the ground! Go, go, go, go!




911 OPERATOR: 911. What`s your emergency?

MISTY CROSLIN: I -- I just woke up and our back door was open, and I can`t find my daughter.

911 OPERATOR: You can`t find what?

MISTY CROSLIN: Our daughter.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Police say Misty was the last person to see the 6-year-old, and they have always accused her of not telling them everything about what happened that night.

MISTY CROSLIN: If I had something to do with it, if I knew where she was, we wouldn`t be sitting here today. We would have her.

CUMMINGS: Well, we don`t want to (EXPLETIVE DELETED) with him no more anyway if he don`t do good business. That`s the end of that.

When I find out, if I find out before the police, it`s going to be done for them. Done dealing. I`ll have satisfaction knowing that I got the person who stole my daughter from me.


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. Out to Jessie in Nevada. Hi, Jessie.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. Thank you for taking my call.

GRACE: Thank you for calling in, dear. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I have two short questions.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How did Ron and Misty meet? And why did they get married so soon?

GRACE: Good question. What do you know about it, Art Harris?

HARRIS: I can tell you that they met one day when Ron was at the bus stop to pick up his daughter, that Misty was walking with her family. He was standing next to a neighbor named Jerry Santos (ph). And all of a sudden, Ron remarked, Look at that girl. Isn`t she hot? And Ron (SIC) said, yes, Ron, if you like 15, it`ll get you 20. So she was very young, looked very young, and he was very surprised that this was someone Ron was attracted to. Next thing you know, they were -- they were together.

GRACE: Leonard Padilla, bounty hunter who offered to bail Ron Cummings out from behind bars -- Leonard, what do you think of the reports that have now surfaced Ronald Cummings now set to plead guilty in exchange for his testimony against Misty Croslin?

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: Well, Nancy, that situation started about three, maybe four weeks ago. And at that time, I had to cool my jets on bailing him out because there was a bail reduction schedule, and one thing would have led to another. And there was some thought in my mind that he might follow up with his threat to get out of jail. And there was also some thoughts that it might mess up his plea bargain that he had going. So at that time, I decided to back off. And it looks like the plea bargain is going to go through as far as Ron and his deal with the DA.



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty has been deceptive. Her stories don`t make sense. The key to this case lies with her.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Ronald Cummings may testify against his ex-wife, Misty Croslin.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The police have always that -- you know, first, you know, if you divorce Misty, you know, we`ll find something out. You know, she`ll crack.

MISTY CROSLIN, FORMER STEPMOM/BABYSITTER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: I don`t want a divorce. But heck, that`s what he wants. So whatever. I`m not going to fight him.

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: He said she didn`t give two (EXPLETIVE DELETED) about her brother, her mama, her daddy. Nobody,. When I talked about you being locked up, she started pouring them. And they were real.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They told him, you know, if Misty got in trouble, if Misty was in jail, we could probably get her to crack.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Get on the ground. Get on down. Get on down!

CUMMINGS: They went to the jail and was talking to her and Jason said man, I`ve never seen her cry. Real tears. You know she always has to jerk a tear out. Jason said no, man, this (EXPLETIVE DELETED) was like pouring. And you know what when it started? And I said when? He said when we started about you being locked up and losing Junior.

M. CROSLIN: When Haleigh`s found I will be let out of jail because that`s the only reason they`re keeping me in here. The only reason they set me up.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Well, like I told her earlier, I`ll just give you a call when I`m done out there and start hearing this way and we`ll see what`s up at that point.

M. CROSLIN: All right.

CUMMINGS: Yes, if I can`t -- I mean I don`t know if you do Roxies or whatever. I can get them. But they`re (EXPLETIVE DELETED) expensive.



NANCY GRACE, HOST: Out to the lines, Harriet in Florida. Hi, Harriet.

HARRIET, CALLER FROM FLORIDA: Hi, Miss Nancy. How are you?

GRACE: Hi, dear. I`m good. What`s your question, Harriet?

HARRIET: Well, I have a comment. One, one of the questions brought up was Haleigh has got a little purple fuzzy hat and that reminds me so much of that little girl that John Couey killed and buried or buried alive.

And the other, I think Joe Overstreet is the most important person in this case. I think he has done it. I think he has used these other people, but they are idiots. But anyway, I hear you`re from Macon and I was born there.


GRACE: So you`re a Macon girl. I miss it.


GRACE: Harriet, it`s really interesting what you`re saying about Overstreet, because out of the three, he`s the only one that`s not behind bars right now. And I wonder how much they are using him as a scapegoat or how much he`s actually involved.

To Ellie Jostad. Ellie, what do you make of it? Because here we`ve got Ronald Cummings set to testify against his ex -- stepmother Misty Croslin -- but we hear little out of Joe Overstreet.

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: Right, Nancy. And Joe Overstreet`s name actually came up just within a few days of Haleigh`s disappearance. And at the time, police told us they checked him out, they`d interviewed him a couple of times.

I think it was even the FDLE or the FBI that may have also talked to him and we have heard repeatedly, he is not a suspect, he is not a person of interest.

GRACE: But for all I know, Ellie, they`ve got a tap on every line he`s got.

And to Andrew J. Scott, former chief of police, Boca Raton, VP, Scott- Roberts and Associates, what about tapping a cell phone? Isn`t that possible, too?

ANDREW J. SCOTT, FMR. CHIEF OF POLICE, BOCA RATON, FL.; VP OF SCOTT- ROBERTS AND ASSOCIATES, LLC: Oh, very easily. It is quite capable and they should be doing it, and if they haven`t, I think it`s a good move, but they can very easily do that, Nancy. It`s not a problem.

GRACE: Because they keep saying Joe Overstreet is not a suspect. They are probably watching him, listening to every phone call he makes, seeing correspondence he sends back and forth if he is corresponding to anybody behind jailhouse walls.

What do you think, Andrew?

SCOTT: Oh, I think so. I think that anybody that was at least a person of interest probably is going to have some type of surveillance being done on them, either electronically or physical or both, and it would make sense to do all of that because somewhere along the line they`re going to get some good information.

GRACE: Now here is what Tommy Croslin has to say about with cousin Joe Overstreet.




T. CROSLIN: I said he`s got to pay for it.

HOLLARS: He`s got to pay for it. He`s got to pay for it, he says.

T. CROSLIN: He can`t hurt nobody.

HOLLARS: He can`t hurt nobody. Do you know, Tommy?

T. CROSLIN: What`s that?

HOLLARS: Do you know?

T. CROSLIN: All I know is that he`s got to pay and he can`t get to none of us so it don`t matter.

HOLLARS: He`s got to pay and he can`t get to none of you all so it don`t matter, but get his lawyer there.

She said is it you or is it somebody else?

T. CROSLIN: It ain`t me. No. It`s not me. She should know that.

HOLLARS: It`s not him. It`s not him.


GRACE: So, how is it -- is it just convenient, Eleanor Odom, that they are blaming Overstreet? He`s the only one not behind bars. Police seem to think the other two are more important.

ELEANOR ODOM, PROSECUTOR: Exactly. And remember, Misty is the key, as we have said so many times, and she was actually at the trail that night. She knows what happened to little Haleigh and she`s not talking.

The cops are probably letting Joe be out and about and doing his own thing so they can do a lot of surveillance on him.

GRACE: To Art Harris, investigative journalist. Art, I want to, A, go back to that letter but first, if this is correct, if Ronald Cummings is set to enter a plead of guilty in exchange for his testimony against Misty Croslin, the stepmother, what would he know? He wasn`t there that evening.

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, ARTHARRIS.COM: Exactly, Nancy. The question is what leverage could Ron possibly have other than trickling down and touching Misty`s heart? As the officer told him, he`s the only thing that makes her cry. And she`s got him tattooed right above her lower back.

GRACE: OK, thanks, Art, for that little tidbit. To Terry in Maryland, hi, Terry.


GRACE: Hi, dear. What is your question?

TERRY: Yes, Cousin Joe. He`s not listed as a suspect and the authorities questioned him. Why didn`t they give him a lie detector test to see if he passed or failed and they would learn more about the case because I think he would fail?

GRACE: Well, Terry in Maryland, I think he knows more than he is telling. I`m not convinced that Misty Croslin is telling the truth about his involvement. But regarding the lie detector, you cannot force a suspect or a defendant, a person of interest onto a lie detector. You absolutely can cannot under our Constitution. Isn`t that right, Ripka?

ALAN RIPKA, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Right. They are not required to take a lie detector test. One may think that he`d want to to show he`s innocent, but he doesn`t have to.

GRACE: What about it, Burris? How often do you hook up one of your clients to a lie detector test?

JOHN BURRIS, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: It depends on what I think they`re guilty or not.


GRACE: So give me a number.

BURRIS: Well, I don`t do that. I don`t do that --

GRACE: Give me a ballpark number.

BURRIS: I don`t do that.

GRACE: I bet you in all your years of practice which has got to be at least, at least 20, at least. I bet you haven`t hooked up to --

BURRIS: I have people. No, I have not hooked up 20 people, you`re absolutely right. And --

GRACE: No way.

BURRIS: And generally --

GRACE: Because, hey, you don`t want to know the answer, huh?

BURRIS: Well, three to four people, I certainly have. No, if I think a person can be cleared, I definitely will hook them up and try to give that to the district attorney`s confidence so I have done that in more than one --

GRACE: So you`re telling me you`ve had less than 20 people you thought were innocent that you represented?

BURRIS: No, I haven`t said that. But you know, sometimes it makes --


GRACE: I can add, all right? I do know a little math on this end. OK. Out to the lines. Angela, Ohio. Hi, Angela.

ANGELA, CALLER FROM OHIO: Hi there. I can`t believe I`m on here. I just love you and when I don`t get to see you, I`m recording you.

GRACE: Thank you for calling in, dear. What`s your question?

ANGELA: I have some question and actually some comments.


ANGELA: Misty knows the system. I mean you can just tell a bad person when you are around them, you know? And the way she manipulates her mother, she -- like her mother agrees with everything. Like I see that smile and yes, I know, honey, it will be all right. And she just agreed and that makes me sick to my stomach. You know and --

GRACE: Well, you remember she was trying to get her mother to give up her house payment to try to bond her out. Remember that phone call? Go ahead, Angela.

ANGELA: OK. And if Ronald Cummings is going to testify against her, then he had to have known something, right? I mean --

GRACE: Well, he may know things that happened afterwards. There may be things that she told him, inconsistent statements. It could be a number of things, right, Eleanor, without him being involved in the murder?

ODOM: Exactly. And he probably knows, as you said, about her actions and can testify as to that so I think this plea deal is just to put pressure on for a later case, perhaps a murder case.

GRACE: To Dr. Janet Taylor, psychiatrist and MD, now that Croslin is hearing behind bars that her true love, Ron Cummings, is going to testify against her, what direction -- in which direction will that push her?

DR. JANET TAYLOR, PSYCHIATRIST: Well, it`s got to push her to one of instability, because as we have heard, he was her rock and I`m sure she`s very shocked that he`s going to do that but hopefully, maybe it`ll put the pressure on her to finally tell the truth.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s like looking for a needle in a haystack.

M. CROSLIN: There was nothing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We were willing to take the effort to look for that needle.

MIKE BROOKS, HLN LAW ENFORCEMENT ANALYST; FMR. D.C. POLICE DET., FBI TERRORISM TASK FORCE: Who was with her, the last person with her? She was.

CUMMINGS: I still got one pending that`s assault with a deadly weapon, charge pending and I never -- I didn`t even -- my guns were at home are locked up in a gun cabinet, dude.




M. CROSLIN: Ronald`s family is not as good as everybody think they are.

CUMMINGS: I have been slandered into a sorry father.

M. CROSLIN: They all take pills. They all do (EXPLETIVE DELETED).

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Haleigh`s father Ronald Cummings is trying to arrange a plea deal on his drug charges.

CUMMINGS: I was a dope boy and I must have ripped somebody off.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: According to affiliate (INAUDIBLE), Cummings accepts a plea deal in exchange --

CUMMINGS: This is between me and you and whoever`s listening to our recording.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Croslin`s in jail waiting to be tried on drug charges. She is the last person --

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: In exchange for testifying against his ex-wife, Misty Croslin.

CUMMINGS: I`m not hiding anything for anybody.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: And former brother-in-law, Tommy Croslin.

CUMMINGS: If somebody has something to do with it, so be it. Who ever it might be.

M. CROSLIN: I would never hurt her.

CUMMINGS: That is who it is.

BROOKS: What does Ronald know in this, too?

HOLLARS: Her and Ron had fought that day.

CUMMINGS: I know she was the last one to see her.

HOLLARS: And she told him she didn`t want to babysit.

M. CROSLIN: They look at me like their mom.

HOLLARS: And he told her, yes, you are going to babysit.

TERESA NEVES, HALEIGH CUMMINGS` MATERNAL GRANDMOTHER: My grandchildren loved Misty and that Misty love my grandchildren.

HOLLARS: I think he knows more than what he is saying.

CUMMINGS: I don`t think that she holds any information that`s going to find Haleigh.

HOLLARS: The fact that leaving those kids there with her and her still having pills.

CUMMINGS: Nobody knows whether it`s a psycho or sicko.

HOLLARS: Would you leave your kids with somebody that`s all doped up?

CUMMINGS: I know somebody took my little girl. A sorry piece of trash that will be wasted with when it`s all over. Somebody stole my child out of my bed. I come home from work and my -- my child was not there.


GRACE: Ronald Cummings, is he set to plead guilty in exchange for his testimony about stepmother, Misty Croslin, his ex-wife, the last one to see little Haleigh alive?

We are taking your calls. Out to the lines, Blaire, North Carolina. Hi, Blaire.


GRACE: Hi, dear, I`m good. Thank you for calling in. What is your question?

BLAIRE: I`m just -- I have two questions and I have a serious comment. My first comment is, how in this -- excuse my French -- how the hell can you sit there and walk arm in arm with the -- the last person that just seen your child alive?

I`m sorry, I don`t agree with the man putting his hands on a woman but when it comes down to your child that`s a whole other story. I`m sorry there is no possible way I can see myself arm in arm, even with my husband, if I think that something even a little bit happened to my child in his care.

And also, I just don`t understand how he`s not a suspect in this case because of simply because of that and his demeanor. I mean you`re a father --

GRACE: OK. With your first comment, I agree. With your question, I`ll tell you how he is not a suspect that we know of.

BLAIRE: Mm-hmm.

GRACE: He was punched into work at the time she went missing. We know what time he went to work and while he was at work, a relative -- a believable relative -- came to the home. He was not there. He was at work.

Only there as an adult was Misty Croslin. His employer has been questioned. He did not leave his place of business to go home. So he was gone -- what was it, Ellie Jostad -- from that afternoon until 3:00 in the morning.

And she -- Haleigh was alive and well when the relative came to visit around 7:30 p.m. Ellie?

JOSTAD: Yes, that`s right, Nancy. It was, I believe, the grandmother who had been there earlier in the evening. She said she saw the kids. They -- she brought in some lawn drill, the kids had dinner, everything was fine at that point.

GRACE: I want to go to Dr. Glenn Kolansky, board certified physician. Dr. Kolansky joining us out of New York.

Dr. Kolansky, it was stated by one of the persons of interest that Haleigh`s murder occurred in the home. There is no DNA that we have learned about that points in that direction. Could both things be true that there is no DNA evidence and that she was murdered in the home?

DR. GLENN KOLANSKY, M.D., BOARD CERTIFIED PHYSICIAN: Well, certainly she could have been murdered in the home and basically I believe another family moved into that home. Certainly they could have lean cleaned up DNA evidence. Certainly, you know -- anything like the fingerprints or any kind of body fluids. It`s easy to remove those with simple cleaning fluids. Basically, we really have no idea.

GRACE: Well, I`m just thinking about a different kind of cause of death, Eleanor.

ODOM: Yes, something like strangulation, Nancy, wouldn`t necessarily leave body fluid that they could test for DNA. So yes, there are causes of death that you wouldn`t leave a trace there in the trailer.

GRACE: And another thing -- out to you, John Burris -- you know, a lot of people have tried to get rid of blood DNA with various household cleaners and you practically have to pull out something akin to muriatic acid. It`s a very strong chemical additive to get rid of DNA.

It`s very hard to get rid of. You can even put bleach on it. It can break it down, but it can`t get rid of it.

BURRIS: Well, I agree. I don`t know that you can easily get are rid of it. And I think that, you know, you can overlook it initially. And so it could be there and you don`t know. But there are certain kind of death that are caused where you don`t necessarily leave it in the first place. So I think that point is right.

GRACE: You know, Marlaina Schiavo, we`ve also been told that Tom Croslin wants a deal, wants a plea deal but prosecutors don`t have anything to do with him.

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: Yes. According to his attorney, Jim Werter, he wants a plea deal also but they will not negotiate with him, Nancy.

He wouldn`t say why he wouldn`t but it probably had something to do with the fact that all the information he`s provided --

GRACE: That they think he is guilty?


GRACE: Because take a look at it, Eleanor. Out of the three behind bars -- you`ve got Ron Cummings, the father, Misty Croslin, the stepmother and Tom Croslin, the relative -- he is the only one who`s getting a deal. That says to me cops don`t think he`s implicated in Haleigh`s murder.

ODOM: Exactly, Nancy. And if Tommy Croslin wanted to plea guilty so badly, he could do that. Nothing is to stop him from pleading guilty to the drug charges whatsoever. He`ll just take what the judge gives him at that point because there is no plea deal on the table.

GRACE: Tonight, breaking news, is Ronald Cummings set to plead guilty to exchange for testimony against his ex-wife, Misty Croslin, and the disappearance of their 5-year-old girl Haleigh?

As we go to break, thoughts and prayers to Georgia friend, Jo Horn, just coming out of surgery.

Jo, get well.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: People are starting to talk.

M. CROSLIN: It`s, you know, it`s so hard to talk. It`s going to hurt two people. Use your head and you`ll know.

HANK CROSLIN, MISTY CROSLIN`S FATHER: It`s hard to destroy her right now. She`s just an 18-year-old girl. Give her a break.

CUMMINGS: All we want is my child. That`s it. I just want my daughter back.

I would love for whatever sorry piece of trash took my child to hand her over to someone who will hand her to proper authorities and she can get back to me because this is my heart and somebody stole my heart from me.


GRACE: Out to bounty hunter Leonard Padilla, joining us out of Sacramento, California.

So, Leonard, you say this plea deal with Ronald Cummings has been in the work for sometime. About a month, right?



GRACE: What do you believe Ronald Cummings has to offer at trial -- at a murder trial?

PADILLA: Well, I don`t think it`s so much what he has to offer at a trial. It`s the thought that Misty has to have in her mind and Tommy has to have in his mind as to what does Ronald have that he might be able to say against us in the criminal trial on the narcotics, on the drugs. Somehow Misty has to get her mind to retaliating against him.

Now one of the things Joe keeps being brought up. His belongings that were dumped at a gas station before they got back to Tennessee or on the route to Tennessee, when the young lady gave him a ride back, they were searched by the authorities back there and they are in the custody of the authorities.

So in my way of thinking, if there was something incriminating in his belongings, he would not be free today. So there`s much left of speculation as to why Joe is being talked about by Tommy and Misty as being the culprit in this thing when they themselves have a lot to --

GRACE: Got it.

PADILLA: -- own up to. Tommy himself lied about being at the trailer and Misty has lied throughout the whole situation.

GRACE: Everyone, let`s stop and remember Army Staff Sergeant Jacob Thompson, 26, North Mankato, Minnesota. Killed Iraq. On a second tour, awarded two Purple Hearts, the Bronze Star, Army Commendation medal and Iraqi Freedom Ribbon.

An avid fisherman from the age of 7. Always helping others. His leg adorned with three tattoos, each with the name of a friend killed during the war. Leaves behind grieving parents, Barb and Scott, brothers, John and Jason, two nephews, six nieces.

Jacob Thompson, American hero.

Thanks to our guests but especially to you for being with us. Tonight, in our New York studio, Connecticut friends, Gregory, Cheryl and Kristy. Aren`t they a beautiful family?

Everyone, I`ll see you tomorrow night 8:00 sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on May 27, 2010, 08:09:24 PM


Misty`s Father Urges her to Come Clean

Aired May 26, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. The last person to see her alive, new stepmother Misty Croslin, who goes on to flunk four polygraphs. Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and stepmother Croslin both booked on drug trafficking. Search teams, cadaver dogs, scuba divers, helicopters all comb the St. John`s River.

As the search for Haleigh`s entire body and a murder weapon goes on, bombshell tonight. We obtain even more secretly recorded jailhouse tapes, hours of Croslin yakking and whining. And tonight, we catch Croslin`s father begging Croslin to come clean about Haleigh and talk to cops, making it clear her own father doesn`t believe her. And it`s all on video, Croslin, growing more desperate by the minute, convinced she`ll get a sweet plea deal. Think again! And tonight, another jailhouse letter from Croslin, cops combing it now. What does it reveal about what happened to 5-year-old Haleigh?


HANK CROSLIN, MISTY`S FATHER: Don`t be holding nothing back from nobody.


HANK CROSLIN: Just get it out there. Let it out, man. Tell the truth.

LISA CROSLIN: Misty has written a letter to her sister-in-law, Chelsea Croslin -- the details of that night.

MISTY CROSLIN: I swear on everything I`ve told the truth, Dad. There`s nothing else to -- I don`t know! And that`s the truth, you know?

LISA CROSLIN: It discusses going down to the river, trying to identify the dock that police took her to as the one that Tommy supposedly took her to show her where they threw Haleigh off.

GRACE: They brought Misty Croslin down to the docks to show police a specific spot in the St. John`s River!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: All along she`s saying she didn`t know anything.

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t know where she is.

I`m not hiding anything.

I don`t.

There`s nothing to break me on.

There`s nothing!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: And now she is pointing out what may have happened that night that Haleigh went missing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Just by virtue of the fact she`s standing there pretty much implies that she`s provided information to this law enforcement agency to where this child was disposed.

MISTY CROSLIN: If I knew, they would have knew all along.


GRACE: And tonight: She was drunk, drunk on alcohol, three times the illegal limit. But she is a 2-year-old baby girl. Did the baby girl`s own father booze the baby up on gin and iced tea? The baby girl rushed to the emergency room. It`s revealed in the last month, the 2-year-old suffers fractured limbs, bruising to the head, a broken leg. Bye-bye, Daddy! Hello, big house!


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: To me, that`s attempted murder.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A Kentucky man has been arrested for allegedly giving his 2-year-old stepdaughter enough alcohol that doctors say she could have been killed.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Neighbors are dumbfounded learning a 2-year-old was fed liquor.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: That`s no different than shooting a child or shooting somebody else.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The 2-year-old was transported to the hospital after being found by her mother unresponsive at home, her blood alcohol level .25 percent. Cops say the stepdad, 23-year-old Raymond Jackson (ph), admitted to encouraging the toddler to drink a mixture of gin and iced tea.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: (INAUDIBLE) tell you that this is a serious physical injury to this child. And certainly, this could actually cause death.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Jackson was soon after taken into custody, charged with first-degree criminal abuse.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That`s pretty bad when they`re feeding kids alcohol. No kid should be put in that situation.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He is being held on $10,000 bond. Jackson`s wife, who is also the child`s mother, was granted emergency custody. And a restraining order was issued against Jackson barring him from any contact with his wife or 2-year-old stepdaughter.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. We obtain even more secretly recorded jailhouse tapes, hours of Croslin yakking, whining. Bombshell tonight. We catch Croslin`s father begging Croslin to come clean, making it clear her own father does not believe her. And tonight, a new letter emerging from behind jailhouse walls. The tapes, all on video.


HANK CROSLIN: The idea is that you need to -- whatever you know, you need to tell them.

MISTY CROSLIN: Daddy, I know!


MISTY CROSLIN: And it`s not my fault they don`t listen.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`ve told people it`s going to be just a matter of time.

GRACE: Who cracked?

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m not hiding anything.

GRACE: Who cracked?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I think she`s come to realize that, you know, she`s in trouble.

GRACE: Is Haleigh Cummings at the bottom of the St. John`s River?

MISTY CROSLIN: I would never hurt her.

GRACE: What scenario could possibly have happened?

HANK CROSLIN: I think they need to go get Joe and lock him up.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Put him in jail.

TOMMY CROSLIN, MISTY`S BROTHER: I don`t know why she`s making up (EXPLETIVE DELETED). She probably knows something.

MISTY CROSLIN: That`s all I know!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The police have brought her to the river to show where she saw this child go into the river.

LISA CROSLIN, MISTY`S MOTHER: You better be honest with them.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There are helicopters floating above her head.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The key to what happened to Haleigh lies with Misty.

MISTY CROSLIN: They need to move on, get away from me, get off of me. They need to move on. I`ve been telling them that, just move on. I don`t have any answers. I`m not the key to (INAUDIBLE) Not me.


GRACE: Then why did you flunk four polygraphs? Why did you fail voice stress layering? Why did you refuse to be submitted to hypnosis? Answer that, Misty Croslin!

Straight out to Art Harris, investigative journalist at Art, what can you tell me, what do we learn in the jailhouse tapes, and what do you know about another letter from behind jailhouse walls?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: This letter, Nancy, comes from Misty Croslin to her sister-in-law, Chelsea. And in it, she says that the police have searched the wrong dock, that Tommy took her to another dock nearby, and that`s where he and Joe allegedly threw the body off of little Haleigh.

Now, her lawyer tells me, Robert Fields, that he thinks she`s confused, that they were walking down a road about a month before they were arrested when Tommy revealed where the body was dumped. He thinks that his client may be confused. But still, she says in this letter that the police, she believes, are searching on the wrong dock.

GRACE: To Jean Casarez, legal correspondent, "In Session." What can you tell me about the tapes? What do we learn?

JEAN CASAREZ, "IN SESSION": Well, I`ve combed through them, and we do learn some new things. First of all, she says -- this is brand-new. She says, you know, They keeping telling -- saying that he did it, he did it. So all of a sudden, you keep -- start believing it -- Joe. Before, she had said two people are going to be hurt in this. We know she was referring to Tom and Joe. Now she`s questioning whether cousin Joe -- and cousin Joe has always said, I`m being framed in this. She also talks about that she was used by Ronald, that she knows...

GRACE: Wait! Back me up, Jean. Explain that one more time. Her recent jailhouse tapes, the secretly recorded tapes, what do they indicate about Joe Overstreet, cousin Joe Overstreet`s involvement in Haleigh`s disappearance?

CASAREZ: That if she said Joe is responsible, that maybe he wasn`t responsible at all, that the name Joe kept popping out so suddenly, she believed it herself.

GRACE: Oh, good Lord! Well, about Croslin, Tom Croslin?

CASAREZ: Well, she talks about that she doesn`t understand why she can`t see him, that she wants to see her brother. And her father says, Well, maybe it`s because you implicated him in all of this. She doesn`t admit that.

GRACE: Take a listen to this conversation recorded behind jailhouse walls.


HANK CROSLIN: I just want all this stuff to get over with.

MISTY CROSLIN: Me, too. Me, too, Dad. And you know what? I was told by somebody that -- you know how them tests come back inconclusive?


MISTY CROSLIN: It doesn`t mean I failed anything. They said that...

HANK CROSLIN: I know. They`re not...

MISTY CROSLIN: ... what it means is I was too -- I was too nervous to answer the questions.

HANK CROSLIN: You can`t be pointing fingers at somebody that you don`t know done it. If you know somebody that done it, you need to tell the truth.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know. But I don`t. I really don`t.

HANK CROSLIN: But you`ve just made it worse on yourself just playing that game. Don`t play no games, little Misty, no games at all.

MISTY CROSLIN: Dad, just the whole (INAUDIBLE)

HANK CROSLIN: There`s no excuse. All it -- it`s just getting you in trouble. I know you don`t understand, Misty, but it`s just getting you in more trouble. The cops, all they want to know is the truth.

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t have it, though. And I keep telling them that and I keep telling them that. It seems like they just want me to say something, so that`s what they -- they want me to say something just so they`re happy, you know? I keep telling them, I don`t know, I don`t know, I don`t know. And they keep pressuring me, Yes, you do, Yes, you do, Yes, you do. (INAUDIBLE) want to make you (INAUDIBLE) I don`t know. They put kind of like -- I can`t even explain it!

HANK CROSLIN: It just tells that -- that -- they said that Ronald snuck out of there, out of that -- out of the work.

MISTY CROSLIN: OK, well, why wasn`t...

HANK CROSLIN: That night.

MISTY CROSLIN: Then when I called him that night, how come he didn`t answer the phone? I called and called and he didn`t answer the phone. And then as soon as I opened the door, he`s there. And he talks like -- he says that he was a drug dealer and all this stuff back in the day, talked about all this (EXPLETIVE DELETED) Why`d that black guy tell -- say that they -- them people had her and he was going to go back and get her, but if he told -- if Ronald told, then he was coming to kill him. There`s all this (EXPLETIVE DELETED). They don`t even look at nothing. They just want to look at me. And I`m tired of it. I`ve got to start thinking about (INAUDIBLE) myself. I`m not letting people (INAUDIBLE) running me down no more. I`m not. I know I didn`t have nothing to do with anything. And God knows. So they can all kiss my butt.



GRACE: So now, clearly, she`s going to try to point the finger back at Misty`s -- back at Misty`s ex-husband, Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, who we know to have been at work that night.

We are taking your calls. Out to Kimberly in Arizona. Hi, Kimberly.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi. We are truly, truly blessed to have you and your family with us, too. I just wanted to start that off with.

GRACE: Thank you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I do have a question in regards to -- after failing not one, not two but four tests, what was the baby`s father thinking when he decided to marry her in the first place?

GRACE: You know, Marlaina Schiavo, our producer on the story, I`ve never quite understood that. What`s your theory?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: I never quite understood it, either, but he said that you have to keep your enemies closer. And his lawyers said that that was part of his strategy, as well.

GRACE: What about it, Art Harris?

HARRIS: Right, Nancy. It`s very strange, but he wanted to keep her under his thumb because he felt if she took off, he would never find Haleigh.


HANK CROSLIN: Will you just find out what happened to Haleigh, man, everybody would be better off.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know. You don`t -- people don`t understand. If I knew, I would tell. I don`t know anything else. I told them everything I know. There`s nothing else I can tell them.




RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: I know somebody took my little girl!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m comfortable to go ahead and say that I`m going to call it a homicide.

CUMMINGS: Some sorry piece of trash that will be wasted when it`s all over!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Haleigh Cummings is most likely deceased.

MISTY CROSLIN: People keep saying this person, this person, so you know, in your mind, you`re like, Well, hey, it`s that person, so you actually start to believe it, like the Joe thing.

CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before y`all do, I`m killing him.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just want whoever took her to let her go.

CUMMINGS: I don`t care. I`ll spend the rest of my life in prison. I`m telling you, you can put it on recording. I don`t care.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just want my baby home.

TOMMY CROSLIN: If I knew something, you`d know a long time ago. Leave me alone.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Joe Overstreet has been a person who Misty Croslin, and it appears her brother, have been pointing the finger at for possibly the death of Haleigh Cummings.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I lost a lot of family.

MISTY CROSLIN: Everybody just pressure, pressure, pressure, pressure. Poor me.

I don`t know why they won`t let me see my brother in here. They should be -- I`m going to keep writing. Tell Tommy to keep writing, too.

HANK CROSLIN: Probably mad at you for bringing his name up. He said he doesn`t know nothing about it, he was never there and he doesn`t know why you`re saying that about him.

MISTY CROSLIN: They need -- because they put a lot of things in people`s mouth. The cops do a lot. They try to say more than what was even said. They do!


GRACE: Back to Jean Casarez, legal correspondent, "In Session." So many more of those recorded jailhouse tapes have now been obtained. What more have you observed? What more have you learned from the tapes?

CASAREZ: She talks about that she believes that she was used from the beginning by Ronald Cummings, that he just wanted a baby-sitter for the kids, and that`s why she came into his life. You know, if there are ever charges here in any capacity against Misty, that can be a motive for prosecutors.

GRACE: Dr. Patricia Saunders, clinical psychologist joining us out of New York. Dr. Saunders, it sounds like the dad believes she did it. Her own father believes she`s not telling the truth.

PATRICIA SAUNDERS, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST: It sure sounds that way, Nancy. At the very least, he knows that there`s more to it, and he doesn`t trust his own daughter, with good reason.

GRACE: Unleash the lawyers. David Cooke, chief special victims unit, Houston County DA`s office, Raymond Giudice, defense attorney, Atlanta, Paul Batista, defense attorney and author of "Death`s Witness" joining us in New York.

I want to go to you, Ray Giudice. The words of her father could very well come in at court. And if a jury believes her father thinks she`s lying, that would go a long way.

RAYMOND GIUDICE, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I don`t disagree with you at all. The man seems to be very honest, and he seems to be trying to do what he thinks is in the best interests for his daughter. But I do agree with Pat. I don`t think he`s saying that -- he doesn`t believe she killed the child, it`s that he doesn`t believe she`s telling everything she knows. And that`s a very, very important distinction.

GRACE: Wait a minute, Pat Saunders, is that what you said?

SAUNDERS: No, I said...

GRACE: Yes, I didn`t think so.

SAUNDERS: Yes. I think that he may think she`s lying, but that there`s more to it than she`s talking.

GRACE: OK, Ray, thanks for completely obscuring what Dr. Saunders actually said, but that was a good argument. What about it, Batista?

PAUL BATISTA, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, you know, I don`t think the father believes that she`s lying. I think the father is actually a very experienced lawyer. He`s telling her, Come clean. That is actually good advice.

GRACE: OK, the father`s not a lawyer. David Cooke, chief, special victims unit, will the father`s words -- can they come in at trial?

DAVID COOKE, SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT, HOUSTON CTY. DA`S OFFICE: They possibly could, but you`re probably going to have a hearsay objection. I think the main thing that would come in from the father is just that he...

GRACE: But what if you can cross-examine the father?

COOKE: Well, then you can...

GRACE: Bring the father in and cross-examine him. That gets rid of the hearsay problem.

COOKE: Yes, you could, if you bring him in. But the only thing he`s going to -- she can offer through the father is just the conversations from the jail and the different accounts that show her continued contradictions and her continued lies.

GRACE: Oh, it`s coming in, David Cooke!


MISTY CROSLIN: There`s nothing to break me on.

I don`t know where she is!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Bottom line, you don`t know where Haleigh is.

MISTY CROSLIN: Bottom line.

FLORA HOLLARS, MISTY`S GRANDMOTHER: ... pointing a site out on the river on the TV.

MISTY CROSLIN: They set me up.

HOLLARS: This is something you should have said a long time ago.

MISTY CROSLIN: When I woke up, she was gone!

HANK CROSLIN: You`ve got to pay for it. You can`t hurt nobody.

HOLLARS: I hope and pray that the child was already dead before she hit that water.




MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t know what they`re going to do. I hope they offer something.

HANK CROSLIN: I doubt they`re going to offer anything right now, not until they find out the truth.

MISTY CROSLIN: They`ve got to offer something about these charges.

HANK CROSLIN: They don`t want to give -- they don`t want to give these charges until the truth comes out because they`re not going to be lenient on you. So if you know something, sister, you need to tell them.

MISTY CROSLIN: I know, Daddy.

HANK CROSLIN: But you need to tell (ph) with your lawyer.



GRACE: Joining me now, a very special guest, Marc Klaas, the president and founder of Klaas Kids Foundation -- his daughter, Polly, taken many, many years ago from her home. She was murdered. Marc, I want to hear your thoughts now.

MARC KLAAS, KLAAS KIDS FOUNDATION: Well, I think that the one moment of clarity that Misty has had, particularly in recent months, is the realization that Ron, in fact, was using her. And he has a history of going after young girls. Now, he gets them pregnant. He uses them for housekeepers. He uses them for baby-sitters. He uses them for sex. And I think that that`s something that needs to be acknowledged. I also believe...

GRACE: Can I ask you what that has to do with Haleigh`s disappearance?

KLAAS: Oh, I just think it`s...

GRACE: Please focus...

KLAAS: I just think that...

GRACE: ... on the disappearance of the child.

KLAAS: No, I think it`s a moment of clarity. As far as the disappearance...

GRACE: What`s a moment of clarity? You don`t agree with Ronald Cummings`s lifestyle. OK. What about Haleigh`s disappearance?

KLAAS: No. No, no, no, no, Nancy. What I`m saying is that she`s finally realized this.


KLAAS: That`s all I`m saying is that she`s finally realized this, and perhaps more clarity will follow. I really don`t know. But I think it has become obvious that nobody in this game is telling the truth, that everybody`s story consistently shifts and consistently points in different directions. They imply that other people are involved, and it`s always somebody else and it`s always not me.

GRACE: Joining us, Marc Klaas, president and fonder of Klaas Kids Foundation.


CUMMINGS: I want to the get to the bottom of what happened. One way or another, I want my daughter to come home.

MISTY CROSLIN: I woke up, and she was gone!

CUMMINGS: I came home from work, and my child was not there.

How the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole (EXPLETIVE DELETED)!

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t know why they won`t let me see my brother in here. I`m going to keep writing. Tell Tommy to keep writing, too.

HANK CROSLIN: Probably mad at you for bringing his name up. He said he didn`t know nothing about it, he was never there and he don`t know why you keep saying that about him.

MISTY CROSLIN: They need -- because they -- they put a lot of things in people`s mouth. The cops do a lot. They try to say more than what was even said. They do!




HANK CROSLIN, MISTY CROSLIN`S FATHER: Well, as soon as they get this Haleigh case wrapped up, they`ll let us alone.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We received a tip yesterday.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That there was possibly some physical evidence in the Haleigh Cummings investigation.

M. CROSLIN: I don`t know where she is. I`m not hiding anything. They just need to move on. Dad, there`s nothing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`re just following up on that lead to verify it or to -- you know, if it is true or it isn`t.

H. CROSLIN: Regardless of what the outcome is, I want to know where Haleigh`s at.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Out there to rule the (INAUDIBLE) out.

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: Well, of course, I want to know if she knows anything.

M. CROSLIN: If I had something to do with it, if I knew where she was, we wouldn`t be sitting here today.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We saw probably no where like say between 12 to 15 divers.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: When did you last see her?

M. CROSLIN: Um, we just like, you know, it was about 10:00. We were -- she was sleeping.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There`s probably six or eight of them that was actually in the water right in front of the dock, just searching in front of the dock area.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Does the door look like it was pried open?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There was more divers being brought out by boat.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Does it look like you had some sort of someone try to enter into your house?

H. CROSLIN: They`re going to wrap it up in the next two weeks.

M. CROSLIN: I hope they do.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: How old are you?

M. CROSLIN: Just turned 18. I`ll be going 18-year-old girl, dad, and I`ve never had -- you know, I`m not a troublemaker. I didn`t do anything wrong, and they want to keep -- put me like on -- like I`m a horrible person and I`m not and I don`t deserve none of this.

I always had it hard, I always try to help people and everything. I always get screwed over, all the time. And Ronald just used me.

H. CROSLIN: I tried to tell you that.

M. CROSLIN: He did. He did use me. He used me for a babysitter, he used me for everything, he wanted me, and his family, too. That`s the only reason they wanted me around, is to be their babysitter because they were tired of baby-sitting the kids. That`s exactly why.

And when they didn`t need me no more -- when they started -- when Haleigh come up missing and they didn`t need me no more, that`s when they wanted me to leave, because they had everybody helping them hand and foot. That`s exactly why.

And they want to say since I come into their family, it`s been drama. No. Since Ronald came into my life, it`s been drama.


NANCY GRACE, HOST: To Art Harris, investigative journalist, Art, he didn`t have to marry her to have her around. She was shacked up all over town. He didn`t have to marry her to have her shacked up at his place.

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, ARTHARRIS.COM: She was there, Nancy, already taking care of his kids. I interviewed a neighbor -- it was fascinating -- who told me the very same thing, that Misty had told him, I`m tired of taking care of other people`s children.

And then she asked him, you know, please pray for me. It was a very chilling interview I had. And I share that with some investigators --

Art Harris, Art Harris. Don`t try to drag God into this, OK? All right? No.

HARRIS: I`m telling you what --

GRACE: I don`t want to hear that.

HARRIS: What he reported she told him, Nancy.


HARRIS: To me, was this a moment of -- as Marc Klaas said -- clarity?

GRACE: To Ellie Jostad, our chief editorial producer. Ellie, what more can you tell me?

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER, COVERING STORY: Well, Nancy, it looks like, like her brother, Misty Croslin is hoping that she`s going to get some kind of deal. She says, you know, if she was offered something, she suggests maybe she`ll take it.

Same thing Tommy -- Tommy Croslin also said. But her father says, you know, they`re not going to offer you anything until they get the truth. They`re not going to be lenient with you until you tell them what you know.

GRACE: And Jean Casarez, what`s interesting about Ellie`s point is there apparently is a plea deal in the works for Ronald Cummings, which says to me they don`t suspect him in Haleigh`s disappearance.

JEAN CASAREZ, CORRESPONDENT, "IN SESSION": That`s right. It`s not to fruition yet, but they definitely believe that they`re going to get those 25-year mandatory minimums knocked off. They have yet to give the statement to Florida Department of Law Enforcement. The DA`s office also wants a statement.

This is all in regard to the drug case, but the fact is, yes, a plea deal has been offered.

GRACE: Mm-hmm. Mm-hmm. Out to you, Leonard Padilla, bounty hunter, joining us from Sacramento via Skype, offering to bail out Croslin.

I believe you also offered to bail out Ronald Cummings. What do you make of this letter, Leonard Padilla? A letter apparently received by Chelsea Croslin from Misty Croslin.

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER, OFFERED TO BAIL MISTY CROSLIN OUT OF JAIL: Well, I believe that`s the same letter that she offered to sell to me for $2500.

GRACE: Yes. That would be the one.

PADILLA: Yes. And at the time, I told her that, you know, the situation was such that nobody really could verify anything that would be in that letter. It`s like --

GRACE: But, wait, wait.

PADILLA: -- if there`s any clarity --

GRACE: Leonard, you`ve been in the courthouse --

PADILLA: There will probably more clarity at the start of this case - -

GRACE: -- more than all of us.

PADILLA: -- than there is now.

GRACE: If you get a handwriting comparison, and we can prove this is from Misty Croslin, even the fact that her story may change to me is incriminating.

PADILLA: It`s strange to me, first of all, that she would write a letter knowing that law enforcement would read it. And then have Chelsea attempt to sell it. I mean they`ve got to know that law enforcement has the letter. They`ve read it, they know what`s in it. She has to know that they`re going to draw some conclusions.

GRACE: OK, hold on. David Cooke, joining us out of Atlanta, isn`t it true that when a defendant -- a suspect speaks, even if they don`t come out and say, I did it, and wave a red flag at the jury, the fact that they give one incriminating statement after the next or one changing story after the next says they`re hiding something. If you`re not hiding anything, you just tell the truth.

DAVID COOKE, CHIEF, SPECIAL VICTIMS UNIT, HOUSTON COUNTY DA`S OFFICE: Nancy, the only reason to lie is that it`s better than the truth. And in this case, the reason for her to keep lying time after time after time is strongly condemning and it`s very suspicious. I think you`re right.

GRACE: Art, what could convince me that Misty Croslin actually wrote this letter? And again, what do you know about the contents?

HARRIS: Well, her lawyer confirmed to me, Nancy, Robert Fields, that she did write it, that Chelsea got it. He`s aware of it. And -- and the reason is that Chelsea challenged her saying, I`m about to have a nervous breakdown, Misty, you`ve got to tell me what is true or not. And that`s why Chelsea tells me she wrote it.


H. CROSLIN: Somebody called me on the way here and told me that Art Harris is supposed to have some letter that you sent out and a family member was supposed to have gave it to him, but he`s lying, because I know for a fact that no family member gave it to him.


H. CROSLIN: Supposed to be a letter that came out.

M. CROSLIN: What letter?

H. CROSLIN: A letter that comes from you of the one of the family members.

M. CROSLIN: Somebody gave them a letter?

H. CROSLIN: That`s what they say, but --

M. CROSLIN: Who? Who`s they?

H. CROSLIN: That`s what they said on the news, Art Harris is supposed to have a letter.

M. CROSLIN: Art Harris ain`t got no letter -- well, if he`s got a letter --

H. CROSLIN: Well, they got it off --


H. CROSLIN: Yes. They got it from the cops.

M. CROSLIN: How`d they get it from the cops when -- well, yes. I don`t care. They can have the letter. I ain`t hiding nothing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s like looking for a needle in a haystack.

M. CROSLIN: Dad, there`s nothing.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But we were willing to go ahead and take the effort and the time to go look for that needle.

MIKE BROOKS, HLN LAW ENFORCEMENT ANALYST; FMR. D.C. POLICE DET., FBI TERRORISM TASK FORCE: Who was with her, the last person with her? She was.

CUMMINGS: I still got some pending, that`s assault with a deadly weapon, charge pending and I never even -- my guns were at home locked up in a gun cabinet, dude.




UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: The toddler was rushed to St. Elizabeth`s Hospital then to children`s unconscious.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Twenty-three-year-old Raymond Jackson was arrested after his 2-year-old stepdaughter was brought to the hospital with a blood alcohol of 0.25 percent.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Neighbors are dumbfounded learning a 2-year- old was fed liquor.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Jackson is charged with first-degree criminal abuse and faces up to 10 years behind bars after police say he gave the child enough alcohol that doctors say she could have died from it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I hope she survives. I hope she makes it. It`s probably going to damage her.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Police say Jackson admitted to encouraging the toddler to drink a mixture of gin and iced tea.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: No kid should be put in that situation.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Jackson`s 6-month-old was also home during the incident, but police say there`s no indication the baby was given any alcohol.

Jackson remains behind bars on $10,000 bond. His next hearing in the case is June 1st.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Noticed the child -- something was obviously wrong with the child and she immediately took that child to the hospital. And they tell you that this is a serious physical injury to this child, and certainly this could actually cause death.


GRACE: Three times the legal limit. She was drunk. She is a toddler girl.

Straight out to Jack Crumley, reporter, 700 WLW News Radio, joining us out of Cincinnati.

Jack, what happened?

JACK CRUMLEY, REPORTER, 700 WLW, NEWS RADIO: Hi, Nancy, yes, quite a shocking story out of -- out of Crescent Springs, Kentucky where this little girl was apparently encouraged to make a mixture of sweet tea and gin to the point --


CRUMLEY: -- where she was passed out. Her mom came home --

GRACE: But why would you feed a baby alcohol? I don`t understand it. The baby was encouraged to drink tea and gin? Why?

CRUMLEY: The why is still been the big question out here. Investigators say they have not been given any kind of reason by the stepfather of this little girl, Raymond Jackson.

GRACE: I guess not because that would be admitting he did it. OK. What more can you tell me, Jack Crumley?

CRUMLEY: Well, I do know that when he first went to the hospital, he told the doctors on the scene at the emergency room that the little girl had been sneaking drinks and it almost implied to me that he wasn`t aware it. Later on he did admit that he encouraged her to have drinks of the alcohol.

Mom came home later on that night, went to go kiss the little girl to sleep, went to go kiss her good night, and found that the little girl`s eyes were rolled into the back of her head and she was breathing very shallowly.

Took her to the emergency room in northern Kentucky. The doctors there were very concerned about her condition to the point where they had her transferred to children`s hospital just across the Ohio River in Cincinnati.

GRACE: To Dr. Jake Deutsch, doctor of emergency medicine, joining us out of Manhattan.

Dr. Deutsch, thank you for being with us. Doctor, what type of permanent damage could this cause the child and what about the possibility of alcohol poisoning? Three times the legal limit?

DR. JAKE DEUTSCH, M.D., DOCTOR OF EMERGENCY MEDICINE: I -- I`ve seen a lot of crazy things in the emergency department, but this really tops them off, Nancy. We`re talking about an ingestion that could have been fatal.

In terms of the immediate effects, you could have seen problems with the respiratory status, breathing, neurologic problems, going into a coma. Those are the immediate effects and hopefully the baby survived that and was able to be metabolized.

But when you talk about the long-term effects, you`re talking about brain injury, kidney injury. There was also reports of some broken bones. This clearly was an abusive situation and there`s going to be a lot of time to figure out the extent of this child`s underlying injuries.

GRACE: Tonight, a baby girl rushed to the hospital. Her eyes rolled back in her head, her breathing shallow. Now stepdaddy has been charged with getting the little girl drunk.

I want to go to Rupa Mikkilineni, our producer on this story. What more can you tell us, Rupa?

RUPA MIKKILINENI, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Nancy, he sits in jail tonight. He`s still in jail, he was given a $10,000 bond. We also know that the mother, Amanda Jackson, has filed for a temporary restraining order so he is not allowed to see these children or his wife if he does make bail.

GRACE: To Marc Klaas. Weigh in, Marc.

MARC KLAAS, PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER, KLAASKIDS FOUNDATION: This guy should be charged with a lot more than getting a little girl drunk. As adults, it`s our jobs to nurture, not torture our children.

This little girl didn`t have a chance with this guy. She could have easily died. If he ever gets his hands on her or any other child again, quite frankly, they could follow a similar fate. He needs to spend a lot of time behind bars.

GRACE: Unleash the lawyers. David Cooke, Raymond Giudice, Paul Batista.

OK, Batista, give me your best defense.

PAUL BATISTA, DEFENSE ATTORNEY, AUTHOR OF "DEATH`S WITNESS": Well, you know, you`re representing an idiot when you represent a guy like this, and Nancy, it seems to me you go in and you try to get the best resolution you can for this guy, which may well be a year or two in jail.

GRACE: In other words, plead guilty?

BATISTA: Yes. It seems to me that that`s the case.

GRACE: Ray Giudice, what about the defense he`s already put out there that the 2-year-old was sneaking booze?

RAY GIUDICE, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Look, his story stinks. You do what Paul says. You go to a good district attorney like Mr. Cooke. You try to surrender parental rights, you try to get the best deal you can, and you move on before the charges get elevated to a much more serious situation which could be pending.

GRACE: You know, that`s interesting. You said parental rights.

Jack Crumley, WLW 700 News Radio, did he even have any parental rights?

CRUMLEY: He -- not anymore. The mother of the child has been granted emergency custody and -- of both children. Both this little stepdaughter of Raymond Jackson`s and of the 6-month-old son that the two of them share.

GRACE: What`s this guy`s story? What do you know about 23-year-old Raymond Jackson?

CRUMLEY: Well, we do know that there was a history back in early 2009, this same little girl, when she was obviously much younger, at least 1 year old, was injured and he was cited for child abuse at that point.

GRACE: Well, he`s got a prior misdemeanor. Child abuse conviction on the same child. What was the abuse?

CRUMLEY: She did have broken bones.

GRACE: Oh! OK, back to you, Rupa. What injuries do we know this child has sustained so far?

MIKKILINENI: We know that a year and a half ago, in the misdemeanor cause of action or charge against him, the injury that the baby sustained was severe spanking and bruising on the bottom.

Currently, what we know is that the child has been released from the hospital, is back at home recuperating, and we are -- the hospital and the doctors and investigators are awaiting news about, you know, future injuries, long-term effects.

GRACE: OK. When we first introduced the story, Rupa, there is a string of injuries this child has sustained in the past. There have been numerous times that she has had to go to the hospital.

You know, Jack Crumley, are you familiar with this child`s medical history?

CRUMLEY: No, other than the fact that she is just recuperating as best she can from this series of trips to the hospital like you say.

GRACE: OK, take a listen to this, Jack Crumley and Rupa Mikkilineni. The 2-year-old little girl has suffered fractured ribs, bruising to the head, a broken leg, and she`s still allowing this guy to live in the house. He`s got a misdemeanor conviction for abusing the child.

Jack Crumley, why should mommy get to keep her?

CRUMLEY: Well, certainly that`s going to be a question for courts down the line because depending on her awareness of the situation, but regardless of that, I mean, clearly the child is still being injured.

GRACE: To Dr. Patricia Saunders, what is wrong with mommy?

PATRICIA SAUNDERS, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST: Mommy may be abused herself but like most --

GRACE: So what?

SAUNDERS: -- domestic violence cases, denial, it never happened, he loves me, he loves the kids.


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: A Kentucky man is behind bars, accused of giving a toddler a dangerous amount of alcohol. Police say 23-year-old Raymond Jackson allegedly encouraged his 2-year-old stepdaughter to drink a mixture of gin and iced tea.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s pretty bad, feeding kids alcohol. No kid should be put in that situation.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: When the girl`s mother came home from work around midnight, she said she went to kiss her daughter on the cheek and knew something was wrong.

The legal limit for adults driving a vehicle is 0.08. This little girl tested three times that. Medical staff say the 0.25 alcohol level could cause long-term damage in a developing toddler.




UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Neighbors are dumbfounded learning a 2-year- old was fed liquor.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Police say 22-year-old Raymond Jackson allegedly encouraged his 2-year-old stepdaughter to drink a mixture of gin and iced tea.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: To me that`s attempted murder.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Jackson remains behind bars on $10,000 bond. His next hearing in the case is June 1st.


GRACE: Straight out to Jerry Speziale, the state county sheriff, author of "Without a Badge."

First of all, police say the man gave his 2-year-old gin and tea over a period of time. How are they going to prove it?

JERRY SPEZIALE, PASSAIC COUNTY SHERIFF, AUTHOR OF "WITHOUT A BADGE: Well, I think there is probably statements that have already been made. The doctor`s report, the report that I looked at shows that there was some indication that he was allowing her to drink the iced tea and the gin. So I think that`s going to help the case itself.

GRACE: Well, also a statement to hospital personnel come in.

SPEZIALE: Correct. Absolutely, the statement to hospital personnel will come in.

GRACE: He wasn`t under custody at that time.

SPEZIALE: Yes, but that`s still going to be subpoenable (ph) and they would be able to obtain --

GRACE: But I`m saying he wasn`t under custody, so it`s not covered by Miranda. In order to get Miranda, you`ve got to be in custody to get under arrest, basically.

SPEZIALE: Not that -- if he goes in and he gives that statement voluntarily we can get that statement and utilize that in the prosecution, absolutely.

GRACE: What I`m so disturbed about, Marc Klaas, is that he`s already got a conviction for misdemeanor abuse on this same little girl. But mommy kept him in the house. I don`t understand that.

KLAAS: Well, I think that Dr. Pat hit it -- hit the nail on the head. It`s a clear case of denial. And we see in these domestic -- in these domestic abuse situations time after time that these things go on for years and years and years. And oftentimes even end up in the death of one of the players.

It`s a horrible situation. These children should probably be put some place where they will find a safe life and they`ll find the nurturing parents that they obviously deserve.

GRACE: Very quickly, Patricia Saunders, I want to talk about mommy for a moment. I don`t understand it.

SAUNDERS: It is hard to understand, Nancy, because it`s not rational. She may have been a victim of child abuse herself.

GRACE: You said that before. I don`t care. She is the adult. She is supposed to care for the child, regardless of what may have happened to her in the past.

SAUNDERS: You`re right. And she should not have custody of this child.

GRACE: I don`t know why you even said that. You said it before. I gave you a chance to redeem yourself, and you said it again.

OK, let`s stop. Let`s remember Marine Lance Corporal Joseph Nice, just 19, (INAUDIBLE), Oklahoma, killed Iraq. Awarded the Purple Heart, National Defense Service medal, Sea Service Deployment medal.

Lost his life just weeks before returning home. An honor student, loved saxophone, drums, baseball, basketball, football. Dreamed of college and becoming a lawyer. Leaves behind grieving parents Marilyn and Lloyd, Uncle Charles, six siblings.

Joseph Nice, American hero.

Thanks to our guests, but especially to you for being with us. See you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on July 27, 2010, 01:44:50 PM

Misty Croslin`s Parents Arrested on Drug Charges

Aired July 26, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


PAT LALAMA, GUEST HOST: Breaking news tonight in the Haleigh Cummings investigation. Little Haleigh is tucked into bed, and just five hours later, she disappears. The last person to see Haleigh alive, new stepmother Misty Croslin.

Well, tonight, Misty Croslin`s parents have been arrested. That`s right, Hank and Lisa Croslin now behind bars. Why? Will this pressure Misty Croslin to come clean? Will these arrests finally help find Haleigh? All this as a report claims Haleigh`s dad, Ronald Cummings, is making a plea deal to testify against Misty Croslin. What will he reveal?


HANK CROSLIN, MISTY`S FATHER: As soon as they get this Haleigh case wrapped up, they`ll let us alone.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... received a tip...

MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER: ... answer any questions I have to.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... that there was possible physical evidence in the Haleigh Cummings investigation.

HANK CROSLIN: Just want to just screw us up, the rest of our lives up.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hank and Lisa Croslin were arrested.

LISA CROSLIN, MISTY`S MOTHER: You better be honest with them.

MISTY CROSLIN: Mama, I`m being honest, OK?

HANK CROSLIN: If they want to put me in jail, they`re going to put me in jail. I don`t give a (EXPLETIVE DELETED). I ain`t do nothing wrong.

They say you sold over 300 pills to the undercover.

I told you to stay away from that stupid (EXPLETIVE DELETED).

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t know where she is!

I`m not hiding anything.

They just need to move on.

Dad, there`s nothing!

HANK CROSLIN: They just want to just mess with us and mess with us and mess with us. Regardless of what the outcome is. I want to know where Haleigh`s at.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`re not going to rule it in or out.

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: Well, of course, I want to know if she knows anything.

HANK CROSLIN: They`re probably going to have us all in jail before it`s all over with.

MISTY CROSLIN: Dad, stop saying that. No, they`re not.

HANK CROSLIN: Well, that`s what they want.


LALAMA: And tonight, live to Arizona. A little 2-year-old boy camping with his soon-to-be adoptive mom, last seen at midnight in his sleeping bag, and two hours later, he`s gone, little Syler only wearing a diaper. Tonight, let`s find this beautiful little baby.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A little boy...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... remains missing after vanishing in the middle of the night.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The last time anyone saw the toddler was just after midnight Sunday morning.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He`s 2 years of age.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: By 1:30, he was gone.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He was wearing only a diaper.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Two-year-old Syler Newton was last seen in his tent while on a camping trip...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: These are pictures of the campsite.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: About 15 miles south of Flagstaff, Arizona...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... experts believing the boy could have made it on his own up to a mile.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Syler was on the trip with a family that`s in the process of adopting him.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Really horrible! My baby`s gone!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Until we speak to the biological mother, we just don`t know the full story, and that`s what`s going to be an important factor in this case.


LALAMA: Good evening. I`m Pat Lalama, filling in tonight for Nancy Grace. Breaking news. Misty Croslin`s parents busted.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I really don`t care no more. Do my time. Get the hell out of here. They got us right where they want us.

MISTY CROSLIN: If I had something to do with it, I knew where she was, we wouldn`t be sitting here today!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We saw probably anywhere, like, say, between 12 to 15 divers.

911 OPERATOR: When did you last see her?

MISTY CROSLIN: We just -- like, you know, it was about 10:00 o`clock (INAUDIBLE)

I can`t wait. I want this to be over with.

HANK CROSLIN: It`s not going to be over with for a long time.

It`s bad when you got both of your kids in jail and worried to death about both of them.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: They`re searching in front of the dock area.

911 OPERATOR: Does the door look like it was pried open?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There was more divers being brought out by boat.

911 OPERATOR: Does it look like you had some sort of -- someone try to enter into your house?

MISTY CROSLIN: I just hate this, man! They`re trying to ruin our whole lives!

HANK CROSLIN: They`re going to wrap it up in the next few weeks.

MISTY CROSLIN: I hope they do.

I sit and wonder every day, thinking just trying to go back and just think if I missed anything.

HANK CROSLIN: Well, they`ll get to the bottom of it eventually. But when?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m tired of -- I`m tired of suffering for something I didn`t have nothing to do with.


LALAMA: And the plot thickens in this case. I want to go right to Art Harris, investigative journalist,, my friend and colleague. Two more in the family now behind bars. The family that deals together -- I mean, this is not a laughing matter, but this is absolutely ridiculous.

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Pat, there`s going to be a family reunion in the Putnam County jail, where not only Mom and Dad, Hank and Lisa are, but also Tommy Croslin and their once son-in-law, Ronald Cummings. So this is going to be very un-cozy for several people.

I can tell you, Hank and Lisa were driving in a nearby neighborhood Friday night when he got out of the car to go into a crack house and bought $20 worth of crack from an undercover officer. Now, this was just happenstance. They arrest him down the road. He tries to throw it out the window. And they now have him not only for cocaine possession, buying cocaine, they have him for evidence tampering and also for felony violation of previous probation, both of them. So they are not getting out. They have no bond right now, Pat.

LALAMA: And Marlaina Schiavo, NANCY GRACE producer, as Art mentioned, these people were on probation. Their whole family`s in trouble. You`d think they`d stay home and watch television!

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: You would think. And actually, Leonard Padilla, the bounty hunter who tried to bail out Misty Croslin, gave them a car so that they could -- he could enable them to get a job and see their kids and maybe make a better life for themselves.

But honestly, Pat, at this stage of the game, it really doesn`t matter. They were already out on probation for other charges, one for drugs, the other for fraud checks. This family is just deep in it.

LALAMA: Unbelievable. And there`s no bond, as we mentioned. And back to you, Art, to go to the second prong of this story, and that`s that we understand that Ronald Cummings, who is the father of little Haleigh, is just about to lock up a plea deal. Do you know anything about the details of that deal? And what does it mean to this case in the bigger picture?

HARRIS: Pat, I can tell you that they`re going back to court. He`s going back to Putnam County circuit court on August 20th to talk about this plea deal. But he`s not going to be able to get the finality or the number of years until after Misty`s sentence. That would be three days later, if she has a trial.

So right now, they have offered him 15 years on three counts, and they`re going to drop two counts of 25-year drug trafficking. So that`s what he faces if he cooperates, if he`s willing to testify against Misty. And the implication, Pat, is that he`s got to help them pressure her and anyone to get information on Haleigh. Even though law enforcement says the two cases are not related, they`re using everything they can to get information.

LALAMA: They`re probably looking for a quid pro quo -- You give me some stuff, we`ll give you some stuff back, correct?

HARRIS: Absolutely. But you know, they`re not bargaining with Ronald now because they want to see just what he`ll give them. In fact, his lawyer, Terry Shoemaker, telling me that this is going to guarantee his cooperation.

LALAMA: Unbelievable. Paul Penzone, VP of prevention programs,, former sergeant, Phoenix PD, you know how this wheeling and dealing goes. I`m sure you`ve been through this before. Can this provide us any glimmer of hope? Because all these family members are behind bars. Someone will finally crack and we can get to what we need to find out, and that`s, where is that child.

PAUL PENZONE, CHILDHELP.ORG: I think law enforcement out there is doing everything possible to make that happen, but we`re talking about a den of thieves here. And I`m not sure what Ronald will have that could actually contribute to this case or that he could force Misty to turn over. But they`re going to need substantial, some type of physical evidence because you can`t trust the words of anyone involved at this point.

LALAMA: All right, we have Leonard Padilla with us now, bounty hunter. Welcome to you, and thanks for being with us. Now, my understanding from Marlaina is that you provided the car for these parents of Misty. You were hoping they`d clean up their act?

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: Well, at the time, it wasn`t so much to clean up their act, but it was a situation where, by them being able to visit Misty and Tommy, perhaps something productive would come of their visits with these two kids. At the time, it seemed like they were talking.

And then after a while, it became kind of a thing where they didn`t really visit them anymore and there was other things going on in their life, I think, that became more important. And the ultimate situation I think developed when they got arrested. I think they got back into drugs pretty heavy and decided, Well, we don`t want to go visit the kids anymore. And that basically was the end of it here the other day when they got arrested.


PADILLA: But the purpose of the car was so they`d visit the kids.

LALAMA: Got you. Christopher Amolsch -- I hope I`m pronouncing that properly -- defense attorney, as a defense attorney and sitting back and watching all this play out -- we`ve got plea deals, we`ve got these people in jail and that person in jail. As a defense attorney, what would you be doing representing any of these family members? Because think about it. If somebody gives up information, it`s only going to help your client, correct?

CHRISTOPHER AMOLSCH, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Oh, truthful information. But the reality is that you wouldn`t trust anybody in this case to tell you what time it is, or set aside anything to do with Haleigh`s disappearance. If they`re waving 25 years in front of Ronald to get him to say what they want him to say, it`s a horrendous miscarriage of justice.

LALAMA: And Joey Jackson, defense attorney, welcome. Honestly, credibility is the issue here, no matter who you`re representing. Who the heck do you believe? We`ve got failing, you know, lie detector tests. This woman`s writing (ph) out that -- I mean, it`s unbelievable. It must be such a quandary for police and anyone who`s trying to investigate this case.

JOEY JACKSON, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: It really is, Pat. And you know, this is a dream for defense attorneys because as a defense attorney, when you`re representing a client, what do you want? You want someone on the witness stand who is state`s evidence. Why? Because you could say, Sir, you`re here to testify not because you`re giving truthful information but you`re helping yourself. And if you say anything that is helpful to the prosecution, it diminishes the time you spend here. And that`s why there are credibility issues and that`s why it`s going to be problematic to use this unreliable information, Pat.

LALAMA: Dr. Janet Taylor, psychiatrist, we`re talking about a whole clan of people with history of drug buying, drug using, drug trafficking, everything you can think of. Give us -- paint a picture of the family album for us.

DR. JANET TAYLOR, PSYCHIATRIST: Well, you know what? The family album looks pretty bleak right now. I mean, if you ever wanted to understand how a 17-year-old high school dropout could become a stepmother and get into the trouble that she has, just look at her parents. And it`s an opportunity for parents to say, You know what? It`s not do as I say, not as I do. You have to do the right thing. You can`t be a drug-dealing, drug-using parent and expect to raise a child who really follows the law. It`s a disaster.

LALAMA: And back to Art Harris. Let me get the lay of the land here at the jail -- who they`ll probably name after this family ultimately. Are they separating...


LALAMA: Yes. Exactly. Are they separating the son from the mom and the dad? How does that work?

HARRIS: Sure. Well, there`s...

LALAMA: They probably don`t want them...

HARRIS: Yes, there`s a women`s side...

LALAMA: They don`t want them to get together.

HARRIS: No, there`s a women`s side, Pat. But it`s not as if they`re charged with similar transactions. So they`re not so worried that they will compare stories. You know, for all we know, they could easily run into each other on the yard, especially Tommy and Daddy and Ronald Cummings. Now, that would be an interesting fly on the wall conversation to hear.


MISTY CROSLIN: Everybody in here is, like, Famous Misty Croslin (INAUDIBLE)

I woke up and she was gone!

CUMMINGS: I come home from work and my child was not there!

How the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole (EXPLETIVE DELETED)

MISTY CROSLIN: Me being in jail has nothing to do with Haleigh.

HANK CROSLIN: It`s just because of who we are. (INAUDIBLE) white trash.



HANK CROSLIN: They say you sold -- sold over 300 pills to the undercover.

MISTY CROSLIN: ... 70, 80, 90, 100.

HANK CROSLIN: Drugs are a bad business.

MISTY CROSLIN: I should have listened to you.

HANK CROSLIN: I told you it wasn`t no good.

LISA CROSLIN: I wish you would have just listened to your dad!

MISTY CROSLIN: I have a drug problem.

TOMMY CROSLIN, MISTY`S BROTHER: The damn pills ruined my life.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You know better than to do it again?

HANK CROSLIN: I tried to warn you.

MISTY CROSLIN: I`m not smoking cigarettes. I`m not smoking weed.

TOMMY CROSLIN: I want nothing to do with marijuana, no drugs around me.

HANK CROSLIN: I told you to stay away from that stupid (EXPLETIVE DELETED).

MISTY CROSLIN: Got to learn from my own mistakes.

HANK CROSLIN: They`re probably going to have us all in jail before it`s all over with. If they want to put me in jail, they`re going to put me in jail.

MISTY CROSLIN: We ain`t bad people.

HANK CROSLIN: No, we`re just stupid.

Now your brother`s (EXPLETIVE DELETED) and you`re (EXPLETIVE DELETED), and I can`t handle it, man!

MISTY CROSLIN: Stop cursing.

HANK CROSLIN: Should have listened to me.


HANK CROSLIN: They got us right where they want us.


LALAMA: I`m Pat Lalama, sitting in for Nancy Grace. I want to go to Marc Klaas, president and founder of the Klaas Kids Foundation. I want to be as optimistic as possible. But this story began in February of 2009. There isn`t a suspect. There isn`t an arrest. There isn`t a lead. What can we hang onto, Marc?

MARC KLAAS, KLAAS KIDS FOUNDATION: Well, I don`t think we`re going to get anything out of these particular characters. They`ve been Van Der Sloot-ing the authorities, the media, and anybody else who will listen for a year-and-a-half now.

But I firmly believe that the key to this case lies within the community that these people came from, their friends, their associates. For instance, Ronald Cummings likes young girls. It`s obvious. We all know that. He had a baby with a 14-year-old. Misty was hardly much older than that when he got involved with her. Perhaps he has other friends that like young girls or even very young girls.

They should be looking at their friends. They should be looking at their associates. If they do that, ultimately, they`re going to find out what happened to little Haleigh.

LALAMA: Dr. Titus Duncan, general surgery, Atlanta Medical Center, the longer the clock ticks, ticks, ticks, evidence is practically impossible but for a miracle, correct?

DR. TITUS DUNCAN, ATLANTA MEDICAL CENTER: Right. The longer a person goes without being found, if there are, indeed, not -- not a lot (ph), then you`re going to have less and less clues available for you. What you`re going to eventually find, if the person -- if she is, indeed, dead -- and I hope she`s not, if she`s, indeed, dead, you`re going to find the results will be just skeleton, hair and teeth left. And so all you`re going to have is some DNA evidence that you can get. There begins to be more difficult, but we still can get that evidence to be able to help us try to solve who the person is that we`re going to find.

LALAMA: This case has just touched so many people for so long. And it`s proof in the pudding is the many callers who have questions.

Thanks for waiting. I want to start with Lisa in Ohio. Good evening, Lisa. And your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Good evening. I have a couple comments and a question. My first comment is, do they really think they`re going to get Misty to talk? She`s been to jail. She`s been in there for quite a while. She seems to have the type of personality that she might even believe her own stories.

And my second -- my question is, when they were out selling dope to undercover cops, were they supposed to be out looking for this child that they miss so much and has been gone for 18 months? And I`ve been furious since the day it happened.

LALAMA: Well, Joey Jackson, I`ll ask you first about Misty ever talking. She hasn`t talked so far. Apparently, she`s going to plead no contest in her drug cases. it doesn`t sound like suddenly, she`s going to wake up one day and say, Gee, I see the light. I`m going to say everything I know. Right?

JACKSON: Absolutely not, Pat. I think -- it`s a tough scenario because, certainly -- look, what they`re trying to do is to try to pressure her to the extent that she can to say something, to break the case so that she would otherwise come to terms or come to grips and say, Look, this is what happened. It hasn`t worked. I don`t know that it`s ever going to work. But law enforcement has to continue the pressure, and they`re going to do it by doing exactly what they`re doing now, getting the family, getting them in any way they can with respect to these drug charges or any charges, to come forward.

And you know, look, at the end of the day, we can only hope and pray that there`s some success. But I share your -- you know, I share your pessimism, Pat. I don`t think it`s likely.

LALAMA: Art Harris, investigative journalist, here`s what gets me. You`re talking about a very tiny town. You`re talking about not sophisticated people who could transport this child to another country. You`re talking about people just ridden with drug abuse, not even thinking clearly. How is it this child has not been found? How can that be?

HARRIS: This is being held closer than a CIA cell, Pat, and it`s because of fierce clan loyalty. It`s because of drugs. Police tell me that, you know, interviewing the people is like interviewing a rock. They don`t remember. Maybe now some memories coming back. Misty says that she has been squeezed harder than a Florida orange, every drop of juice gone, only pulp left. Police would say pulp fiction.

LALAMA: It just confounds me. I would have thought better in this case that we could have come up with something by now.

Nancy Grace`s brand-new book, "Death on the D-List," comes out on August 10th. To preorder your copy, go to and click on Nancy`s new book. Hurry up! Order your copy of "Death on the D-List." This has got to be good. It should be another "New York Times" best- seller. Proceeds go to Wesley Glenn to give a loving home to the mentally handicapped (INAUDIBLE) Congratulations, Nancy.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Misty had been out on a drug binge for three days.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty Croslin is in jail on drug charges. Well, it turns out so are her parents.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`re trying to bring somebody to justice for this little girl right here and her family. And that`s what this is all about.

HANK CROSLIN: They`re probably going to have us all in jail before it`s all over with.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hank and Lisa Croslin were arrested Friday.

MISTY CROSLIN: I wish I had powers, man. I would be, like, poof, out this place.

HANK CROSLIN: People make mistakes in life, yes, but nothing like they`re trying to make us out to be.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Would you leave your kids with somebody that`s all doped up?


LALAMA: Marlaina Schiavo, NANCY GRACE producer, I`ve got a tough one for you. The cops believe this is a murder, am I right?

SCHIAVO: They do. They turned this into a homicide case in April.

LALAMA: All right. Here`s what I don`t get. They know it`s a murder, yet there`s no person of interest, there`s no suspect, there`s no leads. How do they come to that conclusion?

SCHIAVO: Well, Pat, there was a lot of talk back in April. There were a lot of confessions happening back then. And they obviously found out some information, information that they weren`t sharing with the public, that led them to believe that this was now a homicide case.

Now, we know that they scoured the river where they were told the body was dumped. They never found human remains. But that hasn`t changed anything in their opinion. As a matter of fact, they asked Ronald Cummings and the biological mother of Haleigh to actually go to the courts and get a death certificate for little Haleigh. That`s how much they believe it`s a homicide.

LALAMA: Right. Very good. Art Harris, back to you. You happen to know about some pressure being placed on family members behind bars.

HARRIS: Yes, Pat, I can...

LALAMA: Tell us about that.

HARRIS: Well, I can tell you that before Hank Croslin was arrested, he`s been calling me over the last two weeks. We`ve had long talks about - - about his long drug addiction, about the problems. He`s felt desperate. Anyway, he`d been visiting Tommy in jail and said that on one visit, law enforcement told him that he had better pressure him to give them more information because they did not find the body in the river where he said it had been dumped. And he was looking at possible -- possible lethal injection, that they were going to go for murder charges against him if he didn`t cough up some information. So Hank Croslin is now likely to get another visit from law enforcement, and you can expect Mom, too.

LALAMA: And Leonard Padilla, what is your role now that all of this has happened? Are you still involved? Have you talked to these people at all?

PADILLA: Well, I talked to Lindsey (ph) here a couple days ago, which is Tommy`s ex-wife, soon to be. I spoke to Timmy`s wife up in -- she was up in New York. I believe she was...

LALAMA: But are you still involved, Leonard? Are you still involved?

PADILLA: Not to a large extent, no. I follow the case. If I thought I could do some good, I`d definitely jump in with both feet. But right now, I think they`ve got the answer in Misty. And Misty`s the only one that`s got the answer, and she`s not talking.


<end of Haleigh coverage>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on August 19, 2010, 10:00:52 AM


Croslin`s Attorney Says She Hid While Haleigh Was Taken

Aired August 18, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight, Satsuma, Florida. A 5- year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. The last person to see her alive, new stepmother Misty Croslin, who goes on to flunk four polygraphs. Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and stepmother Croslin both booked on drug trafficking. Search times, cadaver dogs, scuba divers all combing the St. John`s River as the search for the entire body and the murder weapon goes on.

Bombshell tonight. Did Croslin finally crack? Her attorney, in the halls of the courthouse itself, just reveals explosive allegations, insisting the last night Haleigh is seen alive, the little girl is assaulted, screaming, then kidnapped, carried away in a black bag. A van door slides open, slams shut, drives away. But can Croslin and even her attorney be believed? Do we finally have our answers? What happened to 5- year-old Haleigh?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: At this point, I`m going to call it a homicide.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The attorney says Croslin was hiding under a blanket but could hear the 5-year-old girl screaming.

HANK CROSLIN, MISTY`S FATHER: What ever you know, you can tell.

MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER: Daddy, I have. It`s not my fault they don`t listen.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How can you be under the covers and also see her in the bag?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... and saw Overstreet put Haleigh in a black bag.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: None if it makes sense.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She heard Haleigh in there crying. She grabbed Junior and got into bed and they covered up their heads completely. And when she took the covers off of her head, Haleigh was gone.

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: I just want my daughter back!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`re hoping to make an arrest this case.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: When she first told the story about the night Haleigh went missing, she said the back door was propped open with a cinderblock.

911 OPERATOR: You said your back door was wide open?

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. It was brick -- like, a brick on the floor.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: First thing that I was told was that Joe had killed her.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There`s so many people talking.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don`t even know whether she was dead when she hit the water or not.

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH`S MOTHER: Nobody knows the pain that I go through. Nobody!


GRACE: And tonight, a little girl vanishes from a birthday party just two blocks from her own home. Tonight, where is 13-year-old Karina (ph)?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A 13-year-old girl, missing Karina Valencia, was at a friend`s birthday party around 6:30 PM Saturday night.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Very extensive investigation is going on.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Los Angeles police are desperately searching.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Her frequent points of contact would be at the library in Sylmar. She also frequents a park on Polk Street and Brandon Avenue.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Police stay it`s possible Karina may have left party to meet up with an unidentified male she met on the Internet via MySpace.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She was in contact with a person, apparently, on MySpace.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: That was the last time anyone saw her. Police are very concerned for her safety.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Now, she`s been missing since Saturday?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Karina has not had any contact with her family since Saturday night -- missing 13-year-old girl, who may have been headed to meet a man she met on MySpace. Police are searching the area for any sign of Karina and have asked the public`s help in locating her.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She weighs about 90 pounds and she`s about 5-foot, 3.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Last seen wearing a white Madonna (ph) shirt and black shorts.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to think you for being with us. bombshell tonight. Did Croslin, Misty Croslin, finally crack? Her attorney there in the halls of courthouse just reveals explosive allegations that the last night Haleigh alive, the little girl is assaulted, screaming, then carried away in a van in a black bag.


MISTY CROSLIN: They need to move on, get away from me, get off from me. They need to move on.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Misty Croslin`s lawyer says Croslin was hiding under a blanket but could hear the 5-year-old girl screaming...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I don`t believe anything that Misty says.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... and saw Overstreet put Haleigh in a black bag.

SHEFFIELD: Deep in my heart, I know she`s out there.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She`s told so many stories. Whatever it is, it needs to be proven.

TOMMY CROSLIN, MISTY`S BROTHER: I don`t know why she`s making up (EXPLETIVE DELETED). She probably knows something.

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t have the answer. I`m not the key in what (INAUDIBLE) It`s not me.

SHEFFIELD: Do I believe my daughter`s dead? No.

MISTY CROSLIN: People keep saying, this person, this person, so you know, in your mind, you`re, like, Well, hey, that`s that person. So you actually start to believe it.

CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before y`all do, I`m killing him.

SHEFFIELD: I just want whoever took her to let her go!

CUMMINGS: I know somebody took my little girl!


GRACE: Straight out to investigative journalist Art Harris. Art, the attorney there in the courthouse halls reveals a startling theory, allegation -- it`s more than a theory. It`s allegations about what happened that night, that Haleigh was assaulted, was screaming, then stuffed into a black bag and taken away in the night in a van. What happened?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Nancy, Robert Fields is saying for the first time publicly that Misty Croslin has told police from the beginning that cousin Joe -- cousin Joe came to the trailer looking for a machine gun, got mad, couldn`t find it, grabbed Haleigh...

GRACE: Oh! Oh! Oh! Oh! Wa-wait! Wait! A machine gun? A machine gun?

HARRIS: Yes, that`s...

GRACE: Before that, it was some other gun. Now it`s a machine gun?

HARRIS: No, no, no. Nancy, it`s always been...

GRACE: Because if I find a crack...

HARRIS: ... a machine gun.

GRACE: ... in this story, Croslin`s just lying again!

HARRIS: No, Nancy. Let me...

GRACE: But Art, if the attorney says it, he must believe it.

HARRIS: The attorney says he came there looking for a machine gun that Ronald had showed off a week or so before. It wasn`t there. He got mad and grabbed Haleigh. Misty is frightened after Joe gropes her, gropes her sexually, roughs her up. She grabs Junior, dives sunder the covers, is cringing as she hears Haleigh screaming, and finally lifts her blanket up a little bit to peek out and sees him toss her in a black bag. And then she pulls the covers back, hears the van door outside slam.

Tommy Croslin was there at the beginning. She said he looked stunned as Joe went crazy. Now, Joe has denied any involvement. But suddenly, Tommy picks up the story and has told his lawyer that he rode down to the river, where he sat in the van. He was high on Xanax. And he looked out and saw Joe take Haleigh to the edge of the dock. But he didn`t see him drop her in.

GRACE: OK, Jean Casarez, why is it at that crucial moment, suddenly, he can`t see anymore? You want to tell me that at the moment this child, most likely still alive, is thrown into the St. John River, he averts his gaze? I don`t believe that for one minute!

JEAN CASAREZ, "IN SESSION": I think that`s someone that doesn`t have legal knowledge that thinks that will make them not guilty of any crime. You know, Nancy...

GRACE: Well, actually, Jean, I`ve seen that many, many times. A co- defendant will verify a story as to what happened up until the very moment when the gun is fired or the car takes off or the bank is robbed. Then somehow, they didn`t see exactly what happened at the crucial moment. This is not the first time I have seen this scenario. Go ahead.

CASAREZ: Nancy, when I read this story, heard about it, I immediately went to Florida law. Do you know how many crimes that I believe that there is probable cause that they could be arrested on? May I start with child neglect? But here`s the reality. No one has been charged with anything.

GRACE: And that`s what I don`t understand. To you, Marlaina Schiavo. What more can you tell us?

MARLAINA SCHIAVO, NANCY GRACE PRODUCER: Well, it`s really bizarre that she said that she peeked out from underneath the cover at the last minute and saw this black bag, Nancy, because if she was underneath the covers -- we`ve seen the layout of the trailer -- where would Joe, the cousin, have to be standing while all of this was happening? So...

GRACE: OK. Great. Thank you, Dana. That`s just what I want to see. Marlaina, look at your screen. What are we seeing?

SCHIAVO: That`s the bedroom. And so she said she was in the larger bed with Junior. Now, you see the doorway is right there. Where would Joe have to be -- cousin Joe have to be doing all of these things she`s saying when it was happening, that she could just peek out? Did she see through the wall? And then she said she heard several doors slamming, but we know that she also said that that back door was propped open with a cinderblock. So again, a lot of inconsistencies.

GRACE: Well, another thing -- back to you, Art Harris. What is giving this credence is that the attorney is saying this. Look, even defense attorneys have some modicum of honor. They`re not going to put out some crazy story, also a story that they may be stuck with when they go back court. They`ll be stuck with that story. They can`t change their minds midstream. The attorney is saying this there in the courthouse halls!

HARRIS: Nancy, what he is saying is that Misty told police right after she was investigated -- arrested back in January and has not really wavered from this story for all these months.

GRACE: Another issue is, it`s my understanding that Croslin says that she saw Haleigh stuffed in a black bag, either a bag, a trash bag or a suitcase. Now, right there, Art, anybody -- my great grandma Clotilde (ph) can see the difference between a suitcase and a trash bag. How can you not know?

HARRIS: Nancy, it was very quick. I don`t know. I can`t explain it. I`m just telling you what Misty has told her attorney. And I reported on that she saw one of the above. It looked like a black bag and was not sure what kind. I can tell you, though, that the next day, Tommy -- I mean, Joe wanted to get that suitcase and was too nervous to go to the house, according to a person who drove him to a convenience store.

GRACE: Well, I think they should all be charged because she was there when it happened. She did nothing to help. And the -- Tommy Croslin in the car -- he did nothing to help. Do they think that`s going to save their skin at trial?

Out to the lines. Ann in Louisiana. Hi, Ann.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. It`s nice to talk with you again.

GRACE: Likewise.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I have a quick question, which really is about this case but could apply to so many you`re covering (INAUDIBLE) I know that they can triangulate a person`s phone and find out where they were at a particular time. But I`m wondering, does technology allow them to somehow use the tower and just check what other phones were at that place at that time so they could maybe find out who else was in the area? Is that technically possible, do you know?

GRACE: Now, that is a good question. Let us go to Marc Harrold, former officer, APD, attorney, author of "Observations of White Noise," joining us out of D.C. Marc Harrold, what about it, Marc? Is that possible?

MARC HARROLD, FMR. ATLANTA POLICE OFFICER AND ATTORNEY: Yes, it`s technically possible, but you`d really have to -- I mean, to make it even practical to do, you`d have to have the phones you were looking for to see if they had pinged off those towers. Technically, you could backtrack, like a reverse directory with phone numbers, and work up what phones had pinged off that tower. But we`re talking about, you know, even in a rural area, it`d be almost impractical to do. It`d be very expensive to do if you were just looking generally to see which phones had pinged off that tower. But if you had a collection of, say, 10, 20 phones, you may be able to do that and figure out which ones had pinged off that tower and triangulate to find out...

GRACE: So you`re saying...

HARROLD: ... which phones were in the area.

GRACE: ... you can reverse ping.

Let`s unleash the lawyers. Joining us tonight, renowned attorney out of LA, Gloria Allred, Raymond Giudice, defense attorney, Atlanta, Randy Kessler, defense attorney, Atlanta.

First to you, Gloria. What do you think of this? It`s not just Croslin. It`s now her attorney giving this story right there in the halls of the courthouse!

GLORIA ALLRED, VICTIMS` RIGHTS ATTORNEY: Interesting, Nancy. And the question is, why is he disclosing this to the press? Obviously, the sheriff is very, very upset that these kinds of details are being provided to the public by the attorney because the sheriff feels that it could in some way impede his investigation. So what`s the motive? What`s the agenda of the defense attorney? How does he think this is going to help his client?

GRACE: Ray Giudice?

RAYMOND GIUDICE, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I think he may be just be trying to force the sheriff`s office hand. If this story...

GRACE: Oh, please!

GIUDICE: ... has been in existence for a year-and-a-half...

GRACE: That`s not working.

GIUDICE: ... the problem is that the state`s attorney doesn`t want to go to trial with Misty Croslin as his star witness. They want to corroborate either by physical evidence or another witness. The problem is, in the last year-and-a-half, she`s become a worse witness for them.

GRACE: Kessler?

RANDY KESSLER, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: I think he`s saying, Enough is enough. My client`s been accused of being the murderer in the whole public eye. Everyone thinks she did it. She didn`t do it. She might have done something bad, but not what everybody thinks.

GRACE: Well, you know what? Even by her own words, if I were prosecuting this case, they would all stew in the same pot. I`d put all four of them, all three of them on trial together.

Everybody, quick break. We are taking your calls. But as we go to break, I want to thank you so much for supporting our new book "Death on the D-List." You made it a "New York Times`" best seller. We just found out before I went on the air tonight. My proceeds going to a Methodist home for the handicapped. I can`t thank you enough. Thank you.



MISTY CROSLIN: I didn`t do anything with that little girl!


TOMMY CROSLIN: And I had nothing to do with none of that crap.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: New information from the last known person to see Haleigh Cummings.

MISTY CROSLIN: I woke up, she was gone!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The woman baby-sitting Haleigh Cummings the night she disappeared changing her story.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Misty Croslin believes that Joe Overstreet, her cousin, was looking for a gun...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... a machine gun...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... that belonged to Haleigh`s father, but he couldn`t find it that night.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When Overstreet couldn`t find it, she claims he took Haleigh instead.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... according to Misty Croslin`s attorney...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Croslin says she heard Haleigh scream, cry and struggle. And then Croslin says she saw her cousin, Joe Overstreet, put Haleigh into a black bag.

SHEFFIELD: This is a 5-year-old baby!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why would you hide and let a little 5-year-old scream like that? You know, how can the neighbors hot hear her?

MISTY CROSLIN: They`re going to know.

I just got to wait until I can -- my lawyer is ready.


GRACE: We are taking your calls. Right now, out to Leonard Padilla, bounty hunter, who was working a deal to get Croslin out from behind bars, bail her out. Leonard, what do you make of this, the fact that the attorney has committed to this story, to these allegations, right there in the courthouse halls? That`s big deal.

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER: Well, he`s a defense attorney. You were always a prosecutor. And defense attorneys -- basically, he`s got -- he`s trying to get her down to a youthful offender situation. And there`s nothing wrong in him repeating what she states. He`s not lying about what she`s stating. He might be, you know, over-emphasizing certain issues and points. But what he`s trying to do is get her down to a youthful offender level and not 30 years in prison.

But the thing about Misty is that every time she`s told a story, it doesn`t make that much sense. The one thing that missing in this whole jigsaw puzzle is Timmy. That van came from Timmy`s house. Everybody has said, OK, the van was there. It came from Timmy`s house. But yet they throw Joe in the van. I don`t think Joe ever was at that trailer that night.

The thing about a gun begin stolen and all that -- that had taken place when Joe Overstreet first came to Satsuma. That was about a month before. And they recovered that gun. And that had nothing to do with this particular situation.

I don`t think he was looking for a gun. I don`t think he was there. He was asleep at Tim`s house. I`d be looking to Tim and saying, Wait a minute, you`re the guy that moved to Massachusetts right away. And also, I`ve talked extensively to Jennifer (ph), who drove with Joe to Tennessee.

That`s not to say that I believe everything that these folks say, but there was nothing awkward in anything that he said to her along the way. They stopped at a gas station, emptied some stuff out of the car. FBI got ahold of that shortly thereafter.

GRACE: Well, let me ask you this...

PADILLA: I have a lot of faith in law enforcement.

GRACE: Leonard, why is it that she goes missing and he hightails it out of town the very next day?

PADILLA: It was a scheduled trip. Jennifer was going back to Tennessee, and it was scheduled. He stuck around the next morning and hung fliers. He didn`t leave that night, or you know, early in the morning. He was out hanging fliers with Misty. When we got into town, there was no suspicion.

GRACE: Out to the lines. Leslie, South Carolina. Hi, Leslie.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. I just wanted to say I am not impressed with the law enforcement down there. And I`m not blaming them for this. Misty Croslin may be young, but I think she`s extremely street smart. Four polygraphs -- I believe she knows they`re not admissible in court. Also, if she has been charged with these drug charges, then -- and she committed this crime, what`s to make her confess?

GRACE: You know, you`re absolutely right. Gloria Allred, does she have law enforcement over the barrel?

ALLRED: Well, she certainly cannot be compelled to say anything more than she`s already said, and she has in some ways given inconsistent statements. So in a way, yes, law enforcement has to figure out how to extract from her any other evidence that they have not already extracted.

GRACE: What about it, Marc Klaas?

MARC KLAAS, KLAAS KIDS FOUNDATION: She`s got everybody over the barrel! She is -- she has Van der Slooted this story to the point where she has absolutely no credibility whatsoever and any story that she says will have to have verification and/or proof in order to be believed.


HANK CROSLIN: Don`t be holding nothing back from nobody. Just...

MISTY CROSLIN: Daddy, I`m not!

HANK CROSLIN: ... get it out there. Let it out, Man. Tell the truth.

GRACE: ... the St. Johns River...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: All along, she`s saying she didn`t know anything.

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t know where she is!

I`m not hiding anything.

I don`t!




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty Croslin`s lawyer told local media...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... Joe Overstreet...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... and another man came to the house...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And he was looking for a machine gun.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: When Overstreet couldn`t find it, she claims, he took Haleigh.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He took his frustrations out on Misty Croslin and then moved on to Haleigh.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Things just don`t ad up.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Croslin says she and Haleigh`s little brother hid under the covers.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why would you hide...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She heard Haleigh scream.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How could the neighbors not hear her?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Her cousin, Joe Overstreet, put Haleigh into a black bag.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... black bag...

OVERSTREET: I didn`t do it!


GRACE: Back to Art Harris, investigative journalist on the case from the very gang. Art, what prompted the lawyer to reveal this allegation there in the halls of the courthouse?

HARRIS: Nancy, I think it was a surprise, combination of being surprised by the reporters but also frustration that this was a story...

GRACE: Wait, wait, wait. Art, surprised by the reporters? Reporters are all over this story! How could he be surprised by reporters?

HARRIS: Well, Nancy...

GRACE: It`s not like they jumped out from behind the trees in a courthouse hall!

HARRIS: Well, let`s just say it happened. Beyond that, this was a story that he knew she had been telling to police from the beginning. So from his point of view, she has been consistent and has told me she`s been squeezed...

GRACE: Now, wait a minute! Wait a minute! Wait a minute! Dana, pull up the 911 call. Basically! This is not what she told the police at the beginning. Remember, it was only when the daddy, Ronald Cummings, gets home that he finds out the child`s not there. Then they call police. So at the beginning, she wasn`t telling police this story!

HARRIS: Nancy, I meant in the beginning of the arrest phase, after she was popped for drugs, this is the story she`s told since January.

GRACE: Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait!

HARRIS: Story number two -- I`m not advocating. I`m saying this is his consistent story. He`s saying (INAUDIBLE)

GRACE: Let`s take it back. Hold on, Art. Hold on. This is what she said at the very beginning. Take a listen.


911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, let me talk to your wife. Let me get some information from her.


911 OPERATOR: Can I talk to her?



CUMMINGS: How the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) can you let my daughter get stolen (EXPLETIVE DELETED)?



911 OPERATOR: 911. What`s your emergency?

MISTY CROSLIN: Hi. I just woke up and our back door was wide open, and we can`t find our daughter.

911 OPERATOR: You can`t find what?

MISTY CROSLIN: Our daughter.

911 OPERATOR: OK, when did you last see her?

MISTY CROSLIN: We was just, like -- you know, it was about 10:00 o`clock. She was sleeping.

911 OPERATOR: You said your back door was wide open?

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. It was brick -- like, a brick on the floor. Like, when I went to sleep, the door was not like that.

911 OPERATOR: OK, the back door -- listen to me. Your back door was wide open? What are you talking about a brick?


911 OPERATOR: What -- what is the brick?




FLORA HOLLARS, MISTY CROSLIN AND JOE OVERSTREET`S GRANDMOTHER: Those three grandkids of mine is involved in this. And I don`t know why.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: A horrifying new story emerges about Haleigh Cummings.


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Misty Croslin, the last one to see the little girl, now claims the child was violently attacked.

M. CROSLIN: When I woke up, she was gone.

JOE OVERSTREET, MISTY CROSLIN`S COUSIN: I didn`t do (EXPLETIVE DELETED). My story and I`m sticking to it.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: And saw Overstreet put Haleigh in a black bag.

OVERSTREET: I didn`t do it.

NANCY GRACE, HOST: All three are pointing the finger at each other.

HOLLARS: And what Tommy told me.

TOMMY CROSLIN, MISTY CROSLIN`S BROTHER: They don`t want to listen to me.

HOLLARS: Says, Nanny, I have got to break down.

T. CROSLIN: I promise you, I`m done with all this stupid (EXPLETIVE DELETED).

HOLLARS: I got to tell somebody.

T. CROSLIN: And don`t be making stories.

M. CROSLIN: I was like, oh my god.

T. CROSLIN: Misty is going to get her little butt kicked.

HANK CROSLIN, MISTY CROSLIN`S FATHER: You tell them where Haleigh is, bring Haleigh home.

M. CROSLIN: I`m not -- I can`t just bring her home, you know?


GRACE: We are taking your calls live. For those of you just joining us, explosive allegations, not from Croslin but actually from her attorney there in the halls of the courthouse.

As we go to air, we learned that he has stated little Haleigh taken out of the home that night, assaulted, then screaming -- taken out of the home in a black bag, thrown into a van. The doors slam, the van disappears.

To Dr. Patricia Saunders, clinical psychologist. You know what? Marc Klaas was right and Art Harris is right about Misty Croslin. Can we believe anything she says at this juncture? Because that`s where the lawyer is getting his information.

PATRICIA SAUNDERS, CLINICAL PSYCHOLOGIST: No, I -- we really can`t believe anything she says. She -- I think mixes little bits of reality in with fabrication. Let`s not forget, Nancy, this whole family are substance abusers so their sense of reality is fluid and so is their conscience. It`s easy for her to lie.

GRACE: Well, speaking of the family, take a listen to what some of the family has to say.


GRACE: I understand that you believe there is a scenario in which little Haleigh was molested before she was murdered?

HOLLARS: I feel like that.


HOLLARS: I just don`t know but that`s what I think.

GRACE: Isn`t it true that there has been a scenario put out there and it had to come from behind bars that Misty Croslin heard the child in the next room screaming?


GRACE: Where did that come from?

HOLLARS: So did little Junior hear the couch bouncing.

GRACE: And my question is, where did that story come from?

HOLLARS: They came from Misty.

GRACE: What did she say?

HOLLARS: That she heard Haleigh in there crying.

GRACE: And who was in the courtroom with Haleigh?

HOLLARS: I`m going to say Joe or Tommy, one.

GRACE: Or both.

HOLLARS: Or both.

GRACE: What, if anything, did Misty Croslin do to take care of Haleigh?

HOLLARS: According to what she told me, when all this was going on, she had already been threatened by Joe and she grabbed Junior and got in the bed and they covered up their heads completely and when she took the covers off of her head, Haleigh was gone.


GRACE: And back to the lawyers. Gloria Allred, L.A., Raymond Giudice, Atlanta, Randy Kessler, Atlanta.

Kessler, where does this leave Tommy Croslin if what the attorney says today at the courthouse is to be believed? He is basically saying I was just along for the ride. There is no along for the ride in a murder case. You are part and parcel of the whole thing.

RANDY KESSLER, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, he is going to be along for the ride. It`s going to be a long ride sitting in jail for a long time. It`s going to be felony murder plus all the other things.

You`re right. You can`t bury your head and say I didn`t see it. That doesn`t count.

GRACE: And of course, to you, Gloria, in our jurisprudence system there is no duty to act. It`s not his duty to go save the child, but the fact that he rode along, and basically the kidnap van, and was there when the child was murdered, to my mind, makes him part and parcel of it.

GLORIA ALLRED, VICTIM`S RIGHTS ATTORNEY, CHILD ADVOCATE: Well, yes, and that`s what the defense attorney was just arguing and I think he`s right that if in fact there is a charge, it maybe that he`s going to be involved at least as a -- part of the felony murder if in fact that`s what there is evidence to support.

GRACE: And you know, Ray Giudice, I don`t buy into this whole "I was afraid of Joe Overstreet so I hid under the sheets". What`s hiding under the sheets? If you`re afraid, you`d run out the door. If you really are afraid, why would you hide under a sheet? That doesn`t make any sense?

RAY GIUDICE, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, I don`t buy the story at all. And I think Putnam County Sheriff`s Department doesn`t either.

But let me just disagree with you. If her story is believed -- you just pointed out -- she has no obligation to stop a felony, meaning the kidnapping and the harm to that child. And in fact, she has an argument that she was protecting the other child in the bed by staying there with him.

GRACE: Really, Ray, is that so?

GIUDICE: She -- if her case --

GRACE: Then that -- does that theory extend to lying to police in the 911 call?

GIUDICE: Nancy, I`d roll her in and plead her to an obstruction tomorrow --

GRACE: Roll her in and --


GIUDICE: -- if we didn`t have to worry about a murder case. If we didn`t have to worry about a murder case.

GRACE: Yes, well --

GIUDICE: f her story is true, she will not be charged with murder.

GRACE: You`re making up in your mind.


GRACE: Because there is a murder case.

GIUDICE: I`m going --

GRACE: If we`re not dealing with murder -- we are dealing with murder of a 5-year-old girl.

GIUDICE: I`m going -- no. Nancy, I`m going with the story that the lawyers told in the courthouse. If that story is true --

GRACE: That`s murder.

GIUDICE: -- she will not be charged with murder. Write it down. She will not be charged with murder.

GRACE: OK. Yes, you know what, Ray? I am writing it down.

GIUDICE: OK, I`ll be back.

GRACE: To Dr. Leigh Vinocur, University of Maryland School of Medicine, joining us out of New York.

Dr. Vinocur, to prove a murder case it would help if we had the body.


GRACE: If we find the body this much later, she`s just -- would have just turned 7 years old. What could you expect to find?

VINOCUR: Well, you wouldn`t have a lot of DNA evidence. It was like what happened with the other little girl in Florida. Sometimes, depending on the condition the body was kept in, whether you had bones and such. So it would be very hard to prove abuse in those types of thing if it was this far out.

GRACE: But, Art Harris, back to you. Where the body is found, the manner in which it is found, would add to a murder charge. And based on the story that you are reporting, how would she have been found?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, ARTHARRIS.COM: That`s just it Nancy. The currents are swift. The gators are mean. And where are you going to find bones? And by then, of course, as you know -- and medical examiners have testified -- there is very little evidence that could be linked to even Joe`s knife that he was supposedly carrying.

GRACE: And to my mind, to my mind, Jean Casarez, if the decomposed body was found -- of course, by now it would just be skeletonized. Depending on how it was hidden if it were in fact in a black bag, that would go a long way to proving that the story is true.

Probably not her involvement or she would have told at the beginning if she were not involved in some way she would have picked up the phone and called 911.

JEAN CASAREZ, LEGAL CORRESPONDENT, "IN SESSION": Exactly. And that`s what I`ve been waiting to say. Because if we take the scenario as true, she did not call 911.

And, Nancy, am I missing something? She was the caregiver that night. That was her job. That`s why she was at the home that night. To take care of the children. And a caregiver does have a duty and does have responsibility. And by not calling 911 that aids to the neglect of the child.

GRACE: Well, you know, Jean, it`s not just not calling 911. She calls when the father comes home.

CASAREZ: She never called.

GRACE: And lie.

CASAREZ: The father called.

GRACE: Yes, you`re right.

CASAREZ: Ronald called.

GRACE: He dialed the number.


GRACE: Remember, the story she gives is a lie. It`s a lie.

CASAREZ: That`s right.

GRACE: So she, in effect, covered up for what happened. And Tommy Croslin saying he was high on Xanax that doesn`t impress me one bit as to his innocence.

Out to the lines, Diana, Washington. Hi, Diana.

DIANA, CALLER FROM WASHINGTON: Hi, it`s nice to talk to you again.

GRACE: Hi, dear.

DIANE: You guys have said pretty much everything I was going to ask except I have got another question. The first thing is if he was high on Xanax, he`d be asleep. You can`t get high on Xanax, it puts you to sleep.

But anyway, if he is in a black bag -- what I was going to say, why don`t they charge them all, but you`ve already touched on that a couple of times. So if she is in a black bag and she was in the river, OK, she`s probably gone. But if she`s in a black bag, have they even tried or thought about maybe digging up around the area?

GRACE: That`s good question.

DIANA: And I think she should be charged, too.

GRACE: I think she should, too. I think they are all part of it. They are all a party to the crime.

To Art Harris, didn`t they actually do some excavating there?

HARRIS: Yes, Nancy. Divers went down and they dug a bunch of things up including a bone. It turned out to be a Native American Indian bone and you find a lot of those in that area.

But to go back to the bag and the body, the story is that they dumped the body in, weigh it down with a cinder block, tied by a yellow rope, similar rope was found Tommy`s house the next day.


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Who killed Haleigh Cummings?

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Divers removed two cinder blocks which are being examined.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He misses his baby. Good lord, his heart`s tore out.

RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: Please, all I want is my child. That`s it.




CUMMINGS: I know somebody took my little girl.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I`m comfortable to go ahead and say that I`m going to call it a homicide.

CUMMINGS: Sorry piece of trash.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: He`s revealed to investigators that her cousin Joe Overstreet, he took Haleigh.

M. CROSLIN: People keep saying this person, this person, so you know in your mind, you`re, like, hey, it`s that person. So you actually start to believe it. Like the Joe thing.

CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before you all do I`m killing them.

TERESA NEVES, HALEIGH CUMMINGS` MATERNAL GRANDMOTHER: Just want whoever took her to let her go.

CUMMINGS: I don`t care. I will spend the rest of my life in prison. I`m telling you. You can put it on recording. I don`t care.


T. CROSLIN: If I knew something you`d know a long time ago. Leave me alone.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Joe Overstreet has been a person who Misty Croslin. And it appears he`ll --


GRACE: We are taking your calls. The attorney for Croslin gives the story as to what happened to little Haleigh the night she was last seen alive. The story that she was heard screaming in the next room, thrown in a black bag, then placed in a van and disappeared into the night.

Is it finally for real?

Out to the lines, Missy in Indiana. Hi, Missy.


GRACE: Hi, dear. What`s your question?

MISSY: Question is, I -- I don`t think it`s ever been asked that why in the world was Ronald even with Misty after he filed for divorce? I mean they got arrested together. But no one, I don`t think, has ever asked the question why were they together?

GRACE: To Leonard Padilla, bounty hunter who`s offered to bail Croslin out, intimately involved in this case. Why did they get back together? Do you believe the story he was trying to get information about Haleigh?

LEONARD PADILLA, BOUNTY HUNTER, OFFERED TO BAIL MISTY CROSLIN OUT OF JAIL: No, absolutely not. He likes young girls and she happened to be the young girl of the day. And even the divorce thing, the marriage, all of that stuff was all concocted by thinking that somehow they needed protection.

But in Florida, it doesn`t give you the wife/husband privilege. And why go out and look for another young girl when you have got one handy anyhow? And it`s all drug-related. And --

GRACE: You know, you`re right.

PADILLA: And the whole thing was a scam as far as what happened to that child.

GRACE: You`re right about Florida law. When it comes to the victimization of a child, the husband/wife privilege does not apply.

Back to Marc Klaas, president and founder of KlaasKids Foundation, what do you think?

MARC KLAAS, PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER, KLAASKIDS FOUNDATION: Well, I think that Leonard`s absolutely correct about Misty being the young girl of the moment and the young girl that was there.

I think that this is -- and I have said this before. This comes back to a small circle of individuals. This was not a stranger-generated attack on a little girl. This was about people that like young girls, people that like drugs, people that like guns, people that have no moral compass.

And basically, whatever happened that night -- and we`ll only know if it`s ever proven -- goes back to a very, very few people, many of whom we have been talking about this evening.

GRACE: Marc Klaas, this is your expertise. I think you are right.

Everybody, we`re taking your calls. But we`re switching gears. I want to her -- I want you to hear about a little who goes missing from a birthday party just two blocks from her own house. Take a listen.


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: A missing 13-year-old girl. Police say Karina Valencia was seen at a friend`s birthday party in the area around 6:30 p.m. Saturday night.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A little bit more to it than just the average kid that gets in a little tick with mom or dad and walks away for a few hours.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: MySpace. Cops say it`s possible Karina left the party to meet up with an unidentified make she met on MySpace.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Young girl is radical, I think, on the Web site MySpace and things like that.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: She has not been seen or had any contact with her family. Police are searching the area for any sign of Karina.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You should ask a simple question, would you leave with somebody that you don`t know?

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Karina stands five foot tall, 90 pounds, long brown hair and brown eyes, last seen wearing a white Madonna shirt and black shorts.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You don`t know him and leave with nobody that I don`t know.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: California authorities are concerned for the welfare of a missing 13-year-old girl. Police are searching the area and have asked the public`s help in locating her.


GRACE: Straight out to Sebastian Kunz, anchor with Green 960 AM joining out of San Francisco via Skype.

Sebastian, how do you disappear? How does a little girl disappear from a birthday party?

SEBASTIAN KUNZ, REPORTER, GREEN 960 AM, COVERING STORY: It`s unclear, Nancy. And we`re still awaiting information from the police regarding specifics. In fact, we understand in the next 13 minutes or so there is a news conference or police will be giving us some more information.

But you know, it all started Saturday night, a party, not far, just blocks away apparently from the family`s home. And family and friends were in fact in attendance at the party and young Karina also reportedly had no history of running away, which is why they are continuing to look a little more with concern. And obviously it`s been a few days since Saturday.

GRACE: You`re right, Sebastian Kunz. Sebastian, joining us from Green 960 AM.

To "L.A. Weekly" staff writer Dennis Romero, I don`t get it. At the birthday party there`s family, there`s friends, she`s a little girl. How could you lose a child at a birthday party a couple of blocks from your home?

DENNIS ROMERO, STAFF WRITER, LA WEEKLY, COVERING STORY: Well, it seems possible that she might have been in contact with some older boys or men that she had met on MySpace.

It`s also possible now that there was another party that she might have attended that night in which there was a shooting. Six people were injured at that party. And the LAPD is going to have a us in news conference to release some information about a possible connection between her case and the party.

GRACE: To Marc Klaas, president and founder of KlaasKids Foundation. Cops are telling us she`s at a birthday party -- this little girl. You`re seeing her picture right now. She is Karina Valencia, 5`3", 90 pounds, brown hair, brown eyes, wearing a white Madonna shirt, black shorts.

She is at a party with her family. How do you vanish from a birthday party? Something`s not right, Marc.

KLAAS: Well, if in fact she had met somebody on MySpace and there`s a pervert thought who had spent some time grooming her, he could very easily have convinced her to meet him at a neutral location, a location where there wouldn`t be people present so that he could quickly control and overwhelm her.

That certainly is not an impossibility at all. It happened. It`s happened before. And until governments in this country get it together and understand that these threats exist online, it will continue to happen.

GRACE: To Dr. Saunders, clinical psychologist joining us out of New York, a child this young can be so trusting to somebody that they meet online. They don`t know anything about the person. But they believe they know them. They`ve got a false sense of security because they`ve been conversing online.

SAUNDERS: That`s right, Nancy. There was a study that was just published this past June about risky Internet behavior and teenagers and tweens, and what was really scary was that 46 percent of the kids share personal information to strangers.

Only a tenth of those kids give things like their address, description and photographs of themselves. But parents really have to watch what kids are doing on places like MySpace. Kids are trusting. It`s exciting. It`s romantic and it`s rebellious. And they`re likely to act on it.

GRACE: Two hundred, thirty-three registered sex offenders there in that area, just surrounding -- just the five miles surrounding where Karina was last seen.

Back to Sebastian Kunz from 960 AM. Sebastian, what have police done to try to find the little girl?

KUNZ: Well, Nancy, you heard the one police officer say right there she`s known for being prolific on MySpace. They`ve been taking a close look at the social networking aspect of this and trying to figure out exactly who she was in contact with prior to the party.

And, you know, if there was perhaps a rendezvous that occurred following the party that maybe they aren`t aware of yet.


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Karina Valencia, a missing 13-year-old girl. She was at a friend`s birthday party around 6:30 p.m. Saturday night. That was the last time anyone saw her.

California authorities are concerned. She has not been or had any contact with her family. May have been headed to meet a man she met on MySpace.




UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Karina Valencia was at a friend`s birthday party around 6:30 p.m. Saturday night.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A very extensive investigation is going on.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Thirteen-year-old girl, she was last seen two blocks away from her Sylmar home.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Los Angeles Police are desperately searching.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Young girl is radical, I think, on the Web site MySpace and things like that.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Police say it`s possible Karina may have left the party to meet up with an unidentified male she met on the Internet via MySpace.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Through our investigation we`ve determined that she has in fact been in contact with several males much older than she is.


GRACE: Dennis Romero, did she have a cell phone?

ROMERO: Yes, she did. In fact I talked to her sister today. And she told me that she was in constant contact with her older sister until she went missing on Saturday. And that`s one of the reasons they were quite concerned. There weren`t very many times where she was out of touch like this.

GRACE: Well, to Marc Harrold, if she`s in constant contact with people via cell phone, that she`s texting, certainly there are messages that they can investigate.

MARC HARROLD, FMR. OFFICER, ATLANTA PD & DIGITAL EVIDENCE EXPERT, AUTHOR OF "OBSERVATIONS OF WHITE NOISE": Yes. Sort of the same thing we talked about earlier. You know, you can go to the third party, the -- Internet service provider and hopefully get a lot of those texts.

GRACE: Exactly.

HARROLD: Depending on how the settings are on the phone that she has and how advanced the phone is. And again, like we`ve said, you want to triangulate that phone and see if it`s on if you can find her so -- you know, there are a lot of --

GRACE: Good point, Marc Harrold.

To Rhonda in Missouri, hi, Rhonda, what`s your question?

RHONDA, CALLER FROM MISSOURI: Hi, Nancy. I watch your show all the time.

GRACE: Thank you.

RHONDA: My question is -- she`s such a young girl, only 13 years old. And my question is why did her family let her out at such a young age?

GRACE: That`s what I don`t get. Marc Klaas, did they know she was leaving the party -- quickly?

KLAAS: I have no idea what they knew. But we have to understand that kids can access the Internet through a variety of devices. It`s not only the home computer.

GRACE: Everybody, tip line, 818-838-9800.

Let`s stop and remember Army Captain Ralph Jay Harting III, 28, Union Lake, Michigan, killed Iraq. West Point grad. Awarded Bronze Star, Purple Heart, Army Commendation, Army Achievement, National Defense Service.

Lived by the West Point motto -- duty, horn, country. Loved soccer. Leaves behind parents June and Ralph, brothers Lawrence and William, serving the Navy, sister, Sara, widow, Jennifer. Children Warren, Ralph IV, and Adeline.

Ralph Jay Harting, American Hero.

Thanks to our guests for especially to you for being with us. And a special goodnight from Florida friends, winners of the Angel Ball Auction, Tom and June. And Georgia friend, Carol. Now that`s a classy bunch.

And good luck to one of our stars, Marlaina. Competing tomorrow night in the "Funniest Reporter Contest", Gotham Comedy Club.

Everybody, I`ll see you tomorrow night, 8:00 sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on August 21, 2010, 06:37:03 AM


Ron Cummings Agrees to Plea Deal; Couple Arrested for Keeping Toddlers in Filth; Millions of Eggs Recalled

Aired August 20, 2010 - 19:00:00   ET



JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HOST (voice-over): Tonight explosive developments in the case of missing Haleigh Cummings. Ron Cummings has just copped a plea deal on drug charges, agreeing to testify in any trial about his daughter`s disappearance. What does this mean for Misty, Tommy and the rest of the key players in this case? A panel of Haleigh experts will weigh in.

And one of the biggest egg recalls ever. The inside story you need to know. You`ll hear it only here on ISSUES.

Plus, the shocking, sickening story of two little girls cops say were living in a filthy, bug-infested home in Georgia. Morbidly obese children, one with rotting teeth, matted hair and head lice, the other found sitting in her own waste. How could their parents let them live in such stomach- churning conditions?

ISSUES starts now.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tonight breaking news in the Haleigh Cummings case. Haleigh`s own father, Ron Cummings, pleaded guilty today to three drug- trafficking charges. Prosecutors cut him a deal, agreeing to drop two other charges. But now Ron will have to testify for the state when there`s an arrest in little Haleigh`s disappearance. Does this mean the state is expecting to arrest someone and soon?

A smiling Ron Cummings changed his plea from "not guilty" to "guilty" today. He could still get 90 years behind bars when he is sentenced next month.

Haleigh`s biological mother, Crystal Sheffield, was in the courtroom. She is still hoping that Haleigh is somehow alive.


CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH`S MOTHER: All I think about is Haleigh and that`s all I`m going to say. And, Haleigh, I love you. And I won`t give up.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: That poor woman.

Last week, Ron`s ex-wife, Misty Croslin, pleaded no contest to her drug trafficking charges. Misty was baby-sitting little Haleigh the night the girl disappeared. Now Misty claims her cousin, Joe Overstreet, attacked Haleigh that night and stuffed her in a black bag and took off. But can we believe Misty? Cops are not calling Joe a suspect.

And that`s just Misty`s latest story. Is she trying to save her own hide perhaps?

The missing girl`s grandmother has absolutely no sympathy for Misty Croslin.


TERESA NEVES, GRANDMOTHER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: If it turns out to be the truth I think they should hang her, you know, like an old-fashioned hanging in the square kind of thing.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Is Ron`s guilty plea in exchange for testimony a sign that prosecutors are honing in on his ex, Misty Croslin, and believe Ron has information to incriminate her?

Straight out to my fantastic panel.

First to investigative journalist Art Harris.

Art, if they are saying Ron Cummings must testify for the state, is that basically saying they don`t believe Ron is involved in his daughter`s disappearance? Because how can he testify against himself?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: That`s right, Jane. He is one of -- he is their strongest suit right now and has made a deal to testify in the future at anybody`s trial and to keep providing information as needed. So he is not a suspect right now.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ron Cummings reportedly called Misty Croslin dozens of times the night little Haleigh disappeared, but he never got a hold of her. Listen to an exchange that occurred right here on ISSUES just last night.


LEVI PAGE, BLOGGER: Ron dialed the home, Misty`s number 90 times that night. What was he worried about? He knew what went down.



VELEZ-MITCHELL: Wow, he dialed it 90 times that night. Yes, I seem to remember that that is bizarre. Why would he do that before the child went missing?

PAGE: Because he knew what was going on.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right, Art Harris, why would Ron call Misty 90 times in one night, in particular on the night Haleigh disappeared, in particular before the child was reported missing while he was still at work?

HARRIS: Remember, Jane, she had just gotten back from this wild revenge weekend of drug, sex, rock `n` roll, and he wanted to check up on her. And didn`t know...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ninety times?

HARRIS: That`s what I reported in, more than -- 98 times to be precise.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I`m sorry. I`ve got to say something. I don`t buy it. First of all, let me go back to Art. Do you know he called 90 times? I mean, do you have information from cops or your sources?

HARRIS: Jane, I reported that from -- from sources very close to the investigation about a month or so ago, and it was 98 times I was told. Now...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ninety-eight times over how many hours?

HARRIS: Over a very few -- well, he was -- it was about an hour or two.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Before the child was reported missing...

HARRIS: Correct. She did...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: ... before that infamous 911 call?

HARRIS: She did not pick up. Later she said to a relative that her phone wasn`t working but...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes, but you know what, Art? I just want to get to this point. Flo Hollars, you are Misty Croslin`s grandmother.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: I`ve never called anybody 98 times for any reason. Maybe over the course of a month and a half but not over the course of an hour and a half. And that happening right before something as momentous as a child being abducted.

What do you, Flo, make of these 98 calls that Art Harris claims cops told him Ron made from his workplace to Misty the night the child went missing, before the child was reported missing?

HOLLARS: I think he had something to do with it. I think he knew what was going down.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, you`ve never said that before.

HOLLARS: I`ve never been asked that before.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, what do you think, then? Because the story you have told, Grandma Flo, is that you feel cousin Joe Overstreet, who is not considered a suspect and says he`s innocent, but cousin Joe Overstreet, you believe, came in there and attacked the girl and took her and dumped her in the river. This is what you claim Tommy and Misty told you. So now...


VELEZ-MITCHELL: ... all of a sudden you`re saying Ron is involved in this too. How so?

HOLLARS: Ninety phone calls? What`s the sense in it? Why not just go home?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, but, I mean, do you have anything but your gut? Is this just your gut telling you this?

HOLLARS: This is just -- this is just my gut feeling.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. I`ve got to bring in Kim Picazio.

You are the former attorney for Haleigh Cummings` mother.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: What do you make of these phone calls?

PICAZIO: Well, I know that Art Harris has wonderful sources, but I have not heard of that from law enforcement, and I don`t believe that there`s been any official count of phone calls or otherwise. And I wouldn`t expect there to be any release of information by law enforcement confirming or denying any phone calls were made.

But I find it hard to believe there were 98 phone calls in any period of time.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Art, do you want to respond to that?

HARRIS: I can just tell you that`s what my sources are telling me, and I feel comfortable that -- with their accuracy.

However, if you think about their relationship, Jane, and what led up to this -- remember four days before Ron had kicked her out. She took off with her friend NeNe Prevatt and then went off partying with Greg Page and came back that Sunday.

Now, my sources say they were up all night, talking and working through whatever issues they had. And then the next morning, that`s why Haleigh was late for school. They overslept, why he was speeding out of the neighborhood and parents -- one parent said he almost ran over some kids at a stop sign there.

So this is something that led up to that next night, Monday night, when Misty is home alone, does not want to be there. Remember she tried to get Theresa Nevis to baby-sit. And then...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Let me say this. Dr. Dale Archer, why would any father leave their child with a woman who has allegedly, purportedly been on a drug and cheating binge the last three days, and who doesn`t want to baby-sit the child?

DR. DALE ARCHER, PSYCHIATRIST: No. And first of all, any good father wouldn`t do that.

Second of all, 90 phone calls, if that is true, that`s an obsession. Then the question would be what would trigger that? That`s not because she was on a three-day party binge. That reeks to me of a guilty conscience.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, Pat, Michigan, your question or thought, ma`am.

CALLER: Hey, Jane. How are you doing?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Oh, hi, Pat. How you doing?

CALLER: I want to comment first. You`re doing a great job on this case, and I want you to keep up the great work.

I`ve got a two-parter. One, if he called 98 times in -- within that two hours, why didn`t he just take off work and go home?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: That`s a good question. What`s your second one?

CALLER: The second one is that if he was told while they were married that -- that his at that time wife knew about what happened, couldn`t he be held responsible for withholding evidence?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes. Excellent question, Jeff Brown. I mean, let`s say he`s not involved, but he`s going to testify now. They`re going to give him a break for testifying in whoever they arrest for little Haleigh`s abduction and/or murder. But shouldn`t he also face a charge of withholding evidence if he`s known something important all this time?

JEFF BROWN, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Yes. There`s charges such as aiding and abetting. There`s a federal charge called misprison (ph) of a felony in which you don`t report a crime that you know to have occurred.

But to say that he`s not a suspect, I have to disagree with Art. State attorneys and prosecutors are always cutting deals with people that are involved maybe to a lesser degree, but that`s the nature of the game. They cut deals with people, because they need certain gaps of evidence filled.

So just because he signed -- he did a plea agreement, and he`s willing to testify against others doesn`t mean that there isn`t some responsibility on his part criminally. They may have already cut a deal with him for that.


HARRIS: There`s one other possibility, Jane, that they want him to feel -- and this is what some theorize -- overconfident so that he thinks he`s in the clear and something trips him up. But I`m telling you, he is not considered a suspect according to my sources.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I`ve got to ask one quick question of Levi Page. Why would Ron`s testimony be key? If in fact he was at work and he didn`t know anything about the disappearance because he wasn`t there, what could he possibly be testifying about that would be so valuable that they`d cut him a plea deal?

PAGE: Because he has information about what happened before he went to work. Something could have went down before he went to work. He`s controlling of Misty. He likes to get them young. He likes to get them when they`re 17 years old, and he`s controlling her. He`s calling her. He`s telling her to dump the body here, do this, clean up evidence.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: You don`t know that.

PAGE: Get the house clean until the police -- when the police get there. It`s a theory. I`m not saying he...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: According to the blogs.

PAGE: Well, we -- on the other side of the break, we`re going to analyze that theory a little bit. Again, he is not considered a suspect in his child`s disappearance. Hold on, fabulous panel.

Ahead a shocking discovery. Two morbidly obese teenagers found in a filthy home covered in bug bites. What were their parents thinking? Were they thinking?

Plus, more on the Haleigh Cummings case and a look at all the bizarre characters involved. More theories next.


RON CUMMINGS, FATHER OF HALEIGH: They told me that their main focus is not one of putting me in jail but finding Haleigh. They already know I know nothing else about Haleigh`s disappearance. Nothing else, otherwise I`d already been in DOC.



VELEZ-MITCHELL: The Haleigh Cummings case straight from the mouths of those trapped in the vortex. What really went down the night little Haleigh vanished and what are the invisible mysterious forces motivating Misty Croslin, Ron Cummings and the other characters in this baffling case?

Tonight, more than a year and a half after little Haleigh Cummings disappears cops say they are still searching for the truth. Frustration over the conflicting stories has sparked national outrage and caused despair to Haleigh`s family. While cops say this is now a homicide case, the missing child`s mother refuses to believe it.


CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH CUMMINGS` MOTHER: Do I believe my daughter is dead? No. And until they show me something, I won`t. Deep in my heart, I know she`s out there. And nobody knows the pain that I go through, nobody. And they never will.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Given the latest in a slew of shifting stories that Haleigh was attacked, snatched and tossed in the river as 17-year-old Misty Croslin cowered under the sheets, the missing girl`s grandmother says Misty should pay.


TERESA NEVES, HALEIGH CUMMINGS` GRANDMOTHER: If it turns out to be the truth, I think they should hang her, you know, like an old-fashioned hanging in the square kind of thing.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Oh, boy. What really went down the night 5-year-old Haleigh vanished? Will we ever solve this baffling tragic mystery?

Straight out to my fantastic expert panel: we begin with Kim Picazio; Kim, of course, the former attorney for the mother of the missing child. Who do you predict, if anyone, will be charged ultimately in Haleigh`s disappearance?

KIM PICAZIO, FORMER ATTORNEY FOR CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD: If I were betting woman, I would have to say that Tommy would be charged for an accessory after the fact as well as Misty. And I believe that Joe Overstreet will probably be charged for the murder. I just look at what has happened with the different plea deals.

I also see that Ron Cummings, they`ve dropped two charges against him at this point. So that only tells me he`s already probably given a proffer to the state attorney. They already know what he`s going to say. So I think that this case is about to heat up and we`re on the final stretch here.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Well, first of all, I have to say that cops have interviewed cousin Joe Overstreet a number of times and he is not considered a suspect or a person of interest in this case. Cousin Joe says -- there he is -- "I didn`t do it. They`re pointing the finger at me trying to pin it on me but I`m not to blame."

Now, Tommy Croslin`s attorney James Werter is with us tonight. You just heard Kim Picazio say that your client -- Tommy, Misty`s brother -- will ultimately be in some way implicated in this. What`s your response to that?

JAMES WERTER, ATTORNEY FOR TOMMY CROSLIN: Well, there`s no telling with the state attorney`s office, Jane, because they`ve done so many different things that don`t make sense to me. Tommy has been cooperative.

The version that I`ve gotten from Tommy and what I hear through Robert Fields about Misty`s role is that they`re not accessories after the fact. They had no participation with this, not even in words. You have to have some sort of participation after the crime.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Can I ask you this? There`s a picture of Misty down by the river. We know your client, her brother Tommy, was also pointing cops down by the river.

Now, how would they know to tell cops to look down by the river if they weren`t in some way, shape or form involved at least to observe what was happening down by the river?

WERTER: Well, in speaking with Mr. Fields, Misty wasn`t -- didn`t take them to the river as you know from prior interviews. It was Tommy who brought them down to the river on April 13th.

Misty was brought down there by law enforcement unsolicitedly and actually it was against Mr. Fields` wishes from what I understand. She just happened to be there. Of course from the helicopter it looks like something totally different.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Let`s just say this. Your client Tommy took cops down to the river. So how would he know to take them down to the river if he had no knowledge or was not involved in what happened?

WERTER: Oh, no, we`ve talked about this plenty of times. He was there that evening. Misty was there that evening. They both give the stories. Contrary to the news stories that came out that Misty is saying now, it`s not a new story. She has told what happened since January and Tommy, while they`re both in custody and away from each other, started telling them in April when I came into the picture.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Why would Tommy help Joe dispose of Haleigh`s body? What is his motive to help him do that?

WERTER: No. Tommy did not help him dispose. Tommy was there, rode with Joe. Joe was a very threatening individual to this family, has been his whole life.

LEVI PAGE, CRIME BLOGGER AND INTERNET RADIO HOST: Why didn`t he tell that to police?


VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Somebody wants to say something. Come on, let`s -- who is talking? Let me see the panel -- Levi.

PAGE: I`m talking. Why did not Tommy Croslin not tell that to the police in February when Joe Overstreet went back to Tennessee? I`m sorry, Werter, nobody is buying that story.

WERTER: It`s actually Mr. Werter or Jim but there`s a fear factor. If you`re in their shoes you can`t predict. You didn`t grow up in that atmosphere. You didn`t grow up with this person.

PICAZIO: But I can tell you that the Croslins --


PAGE: He went home to a different state in Tennessee.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: One at a time. Let me see the panel. Go ahead, Kim.

PICAZIO: The Croslins did tell law enforcement that they believed that Joe was responsible and told them details. That was -- they told me that in March of `09.

PAGE: Misty has blamed it on a drug dealer. She`s blamed it on the mother`s side of the family. She`s blamed it on all these people in addition to Joe.

PICAZIO: Not Tommy.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, let me say this.

WERTER: First of all, you got to realize that all of these people are drug users, drug addicts and drug dealers. And when you`re dealing with that type of individual, I think that speculating on who was afraid of who is very, very wild because the bottom line is they`re all criminals. They all have been charged with various crimes.

And I think it would be shocking to think that one, two or three of them are not actively involved in what took place with Haleigh Cummings.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, let me -- to your point cops in perhaps a brilliant move managed to ensnare just about everybody remotely involved in the Haleigh Cummings mystery. Police set up a covert drug trafficking sting and caught all of them on videotape. Check this out.



RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH CUMMINGS` FATHER: 100 in here. They`re all in ten packs.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Get on the ground. Get on down.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: So Misty Croslin now staring down the barrel of 240 years in the slammer; Ron, who just made a plea deal, facing six 90 years. And Tommy has already gotten his sentence of 15 years.

So Art Harris, this has got to be the ultimate squeeze play to try to get Misty and Ron to finally spill the whole story.

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: That`s right, Jane. And Jim Werter told me something interesting the other day. And that is, he believes that the state attorney in coming down hard on Tommy threatening with him lethal injection, which some of the cops discussed with him while he was in jail before Werter drew the line in the sand, he thinks he may have shut off the oil well of information, that these people are bubbling up with tidbits here and there and more could be revealed if they weren`t facing the barrel of a gun as it were.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I understand -- speaking of guns, Art Harris -- you have some new information about Misty and a gun?

HARRIS: That`s right. Misty had slept with a gun under her pillow that Ron gave her to protect herself from just such intruders but it was not under the pillow that night. She told that to Flo Hollars. She told that to her attorney who I interviewed. And what happened to those guns? Ron took them out of the house. The guns are at the heart of their alibi. And that is that --

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ok. First of all -- ok, go ahead finish.

HARRIS: The machine gun that he kept in the closet that he showed to Tommy and Joe a week earlier they were drinking beer and he really loved his guns, had a gun fetish. A lot of his ex-wives said he would put a gun in his mouth and play Ronald Roulette. But here he wanted that gun. Joe wanted to steal that gun and it wasn`t there.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. I got it. Flo Hollars.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Did you know that Misty, your granddaughter, slept with a gun under her pillow?

HOLLARS: Yes, ma`am.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tell me about that. Why?

HOLLARS: I really can`t say why. All I know is she said she had to sleep with a gun under her head every night in case anybody came in to shoot them.

PAGE: Why would somebody come in --

HARRIS: As you said, Flo, I believe you told me she would have shot Joe that night if she had had the gun but she didn`t have it.

HOLLARS: Yes, she did.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: So Misty told you she would have shot Joe that night?

HOLLARS: Yes, ma`am.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Wow. Ok. Once again, cousin Joe Overstreet not named a suspect. Police have questioned him. They haven`t arrested him. And he says he is totally innocent of any wrongdoing.

So many explosive details to talk about in the disappearance of Haleigh Cummings; we are just getting started and we`re breaking this case wide open for you.


NEVES: I don`t believe anything that Misty says. She`s told so many stories. And to just pick and choose which one you want to believe, I don`t think that`s right. I believe that whatever it is, it needs to be proven.





911 OPERATOR: Ok, sir. Let me talk to your wife, let me get some information from her.

Ok. Can I talk to her? Ok?

CUMMINGS: How the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) do you let my daughter get stolen (EXPLETIVE DELETED)?


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ron Cummings livid, furious at his then girlfriend Misty screaming at her for losing his daughter. And that is one of the most perplexing aspects of this mystery. Why would anyone go on to marry a woman who lost his child? That`s exactly what happened.

This guy was distraught in the wake of little Haleigh`s disappearance on Misty`s watch. And he then went and married her. Married the teenage girl who was watching the child at the moment she vanished.

So why? It`s a big question. Who knows? Jackie, Indiana, your question or thought, ma`am.

JACKIE, INDIANA (via telephone): Hi, Jane. Thanks for taking my call.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Thanks for calling.

JACKIE: I don`t know if it`s relevant or not but what is with the bandage that was on Ron`s neck in the beginning of all this?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Interesting point. Art Harris? We have some video of him with that --

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: I can tell you that -- that other -- I don`t know about the neck but I know his knuckles were -- were bloody and bruised and that was from punching the wall at his trailer; he was so angry. That has been confirmed by law enforcement.

The neck I don`t know but he`s -- he`s got a lot of scrapes and some bruises.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I don`t -- I still don`t get what exactly he could tell prosecutors that`s going to convict anybody if he theoretically didn`t know what was going on and was so shocked that his daughter was kidnapped that he was pounding the wall and screaming. I don`t get that.

Kim Picazio, you want to shed some light on that?

PICAZIO: The only thing I could figure would be if he heard information from Misty or from Tommy, someone in the family after the fact.

Also, law enforcement has forensic evidence from the trailer or from the crime scene; witnesses in the community that people who are working on the case and who were inside in the case working for one of the parents.

We did come to know some of those things. Ron has to have known about those things and Ron was not telling the entire truth when he said that he was at work the whole time and things of that nature.

So there`s a lot of things that Ron will say --

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Wait, wait you`re saying he did leave work that night before he came home, that there`s some mystery story we don`t know about?

PICAZIO: Well, there are some reports that have been substantiated or not by law enforcement about the time that he did get to work and prior nights where he had left work. And we also had confirmation from a security guard at his employer`s that on two occasions Ron had the children, Haleigh and her little brother, Junior sleeping in the car, while he was at work and came to check out on them.

So that might go to the phone calls that he was trying to get in touch with Misty because that would happen when Misty leave the trailer. Misty had left the trailer before on many evenings. We had eyewitness accounts by the neighbors that we had personally spoken to.

So all of these things -- and you take what -- that Ron -- now, the fact is that the prosecutor has dropped two of those drug charges. They would not have done that unless he already had told them probably a sworn proffer with use immunity given to him prior to them dropping.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right, Jeff Brown --


PICAZIO: They`re not going to believe Ron that he`s going to keep his word.

JEFF BROWN, CRIMINAL DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, let me -- let me just say a couple of things. One Jane any time a defendant in a trial has said something, that statement if it`s against their interest can be used against them.

So they may use Ron because somebody that`s going to be eventually charged has told them things. But the fact that somebody has gotten up to a couple of charges dropped in a plea deal does not necessarily mean that.


BROWN: They do it all the time. He`s still looking I think at 2/20, 3/25 year mandatory so it`s a big -- a big burden over on top of him. But let me just ask this question to Jim, the lawyer, regarding his client Tommy. I`m a little confused as to what Tommy`s position is.

Is he saying that he actually went there with Joe? And if so, why is Tommy saying Joe would have snatched Haleigh? What`s the reason for doing that and what did Tommy do to prevent that?

JAMES WERTER, TOMMY CROSLIN`S ATTORNEY: No, Tommy was of a different state of mind, let`s say that night.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Does that mean high?

BROWN: What does that mean?

WERTER: Wait -- wait a minute. You asked me a question.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Does that mean high?

WERTER: I`ll leave it at that.


WERTER: But let me go through with this. Ok. Tommy`s representation is that Joe came and picked up Tommy from his house to go over to -- my understanding was to borrow this gun to go shoot deer at night which they do out there. That`s not an odd thing.

The gun wasn`t there. Tommy was sitting on the couch. Tommy, yes, was high, which could account to some of the variances in viewpoints between Misty and Tommy`s story because of the perception of things between witnesses of different state of minds.

Joe went off the deep end, went into that back room. Tommy didn`t see exactly what happened. Joe comes out with Haleigh, goes into the car, tells Tommy to get in the car. Joe has a very violent temper from what Tommy tells me and this is what he grew up with.

To the -- and rid -- he didn`t in any shape, way or form help Joe in any aspect of this -- this incident. That`s Tommy`s position that he gave to me.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: What about the bag? What about the black bag?


WERTER: That`s what he gave to FDLE in Putnam County.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes, but what about the black bag? There were reports that -- that according to this story Joe put Haleigh in a black bag.

WERTER: That came from Misty and we`re not sure -- we`re not sure where that came from if there was a black bag. Maybe there was a black blanket or something. I don`t know.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right, what happened to the child? Was the child dead or alive? One of the child -- what happened to the child?

HARRIS: Jane, I can -- Jane I can tell you what Tommy told his private investigator that works with Jim. He says that she was strangled inside the trailer by Joe and there -- he has reason to believe that that happened and there`s time that you can -- if you listened, compared Misty`s story from when she said she heard screams and then suddenly the screams stopped.

She heard the car -- the house door slam and then the car door slam. She recognized that van because she had ridden in it.

BROWN: But she -- ok so Joe doesn`t get the gun --



BROWN: -- that he wants and then turns around --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If I can drag something there.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Please, I`ve got to see the panel. I`ve got to see somebody. I don`t know who is talking. Who wants to talk?

BROWN: I am, I am, Jane.


BROWN: I am Jeff.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ok, Jeff go ahead.

BROWN: So my -- my understanding, then, is Tommy says Joe is upset that he doesn`t get this gun to hunt deer so he goes in and in snatches Haleigh and kills her?


WERTER: My understanding is that there was bad blood between the two of them to start. Not of course not against Haleigh but between Joe and Ronald Senior.

Ok, Joe has a history with this family of being a very violent person. If you looked at his MySpace page, it has him there with guns holding up aiming at the camera. I don`t know if that MySpace page is still there but I`ve seen it myself.

The guy prized himself on being a tough guy. This was covered before.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: He looked like a ninety-pound weakling.


WERTER: The thing is about --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: But what about the strangulation --

VELEZ-MITCHELL: He looks like a 90-pound weak ling. I don`t see him as being the intimidating person that you`re saying he is. But you`re saying --

WERTER: We look at him from the outside.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: You`re claiming that he strangled the little girl because he couldn`t get a machine gun to go deer hunting?

WERTER: He went into a rage, ok. Whatever the reason was, the gun, the hatred, whatever -- you go into a rage you`re not really focused on what you`re doing. You just do it. You can go to your psychiatrist with that. But the thing is the strangling part is a speculation because Tommy didn`t actually see what transpired in that bedroom.



HOLLARS: I believe the one that Misty told me, that they tied her up in a rope and dropped her in the river. I just don`t know whether they raped her or not, but I sort of believe that they did. I just hope and pray that the child was already dead before she hit that water.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: We are breaking through here on ISSUES with a panel of Haleigh experts. We are coming up with perhaps the most detailed scenario to date of what might have happened to little Haleigh from the attorney from Misty`s brother, Tommy, James Werter who is here with us tonight. The way I left it is when the little girl was taken out of the house according to this scenario, was she already dead.

WERTER: Well, Jane, what I can say is that Tommy said she wasn`t moving, she seemed to be lifeless. He didn`t have any firsthand knowledge as to whether she was actually dead or not. She was in the back seat. She was quiet, again unmoving. To give you a clinical answer, I can`t do that.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, what happened then?

HARRIS: Jane, I can tell you what happened.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Ok, Art, go ahead.

HARRIS: According to -- speaking to Jim, his investigators and others who have spoken to Tommy, they rode down to the St. John`s River. Tommy says he`s high. He`s high on Xanax. He doesn`t actually get out of the van. He claims he sits there with his head in his hands while Joe takes the body down to the dock. Claims he doesn`t see the body go in but Joe took the body and threw Haleigh in the river.

And we believe from what Grandma Flo says tied her down with a cinderblock and yellow rope. Yellow rope that I`ve reported on, similar rope was found at his house.

Investigators went over there, his soon-to-be ex-wife Misty Croslin (ph) let them in. And they found yellow rope that was similar to the rope that Flo described them using.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, I have to stress again that have cousin Joe Overstreet says he is not involved, that he is a scapegoat, that Misty and Tommy are pointing the finger at him to cover their own butts and he has not been named a suspect.

Levi Page, we have just heard a pretty compelling scenario from beginning to end of what Tommy and apparently Misty believe happened that night. Do you buy it?

PAGE: Well, I don`t think it`s compelling at all. If anything, I think it`s just more BS from the Croslin clan. And what`s interesting here is that Joe Overstreet had gotten into a fight with Ronald Cummings, Haleigh`s father, over a gun and yet he doesn`t get into a fight with Joe over his own daughter, Haleigh. That`s what`s telling to me.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, you know, and I`ve got to go back to the Ron and Misty relationship mystery. There`s been talk of a drug-fueled sex binge that Misty had with a mystery man named Greg. Greg has claimed that the Ron/Misty romance was no Romeo and Juliet story.

Here`s what I`m wondering, Grandma Flo, if you want to talk about people having something to be angry about, wouldn`t Ron be angry if in fact Misty had gone on a three-day drug binge and was having sex with somebody else? Flo.

HOLLARS: Yes. From what Misty told me, they had argued all night long that night because of it.

HARRIS: That`s right. And I had dinner actually with Ron, Jane, at a little restaurant called Mimo`s (ph) down there and asked him the same thing. Why would you -- how could you be with a woman in that circumstance?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Quick answer, five seconds.

WERTER: He said, you keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Wow. Well, that does it. You`re watching ISSUES on HLN.

<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on August 21, 2010, 06:40:55 AM


Tommy Croslin Attorney Says Haleigh Was Strangled

Aired August 20, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Breaking news tonight. Satsuma, Florida, a 5- year-old girl tucked into bed. Five hours later, she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. The last person to see her alive, new stepmother Misty Croslin, who flunked four polygraphs. Haleigh`s father, Ronald Cummings, and stepmother Croslin booked on drug trafficking. Search teams, cadaver dogs, scuba divers all comb the St. John`s River as the search for Haleigh`s body and a murder weapon goes on.

Tonight, did Croslin finally crack? Her attorney in the halls of the courthouse reveals explosive allegation the last night Haleigh seen alive, she`s assaulted, screaming, kidnapped, carried away in a black bag. A van door slides open, slams shut, and drives away in the night. But can Croslin and even her lawyer be believed? Do we finally have answers?

Bombshell tonight: A lawyer for Croslin`s brother now gives up the COD -- cause of death. He says Haleigh strangled. Haleigh`s own grandmother says she`s not buying the story. Tonight, what happened to 5-year-old Haleigh?


FLORA HOLLARS, MISTY`S GRANDMOTHER: She heard Haleigh in there crying.

GRACE: ... carried away in a black bag.

HOLLARS: She grabbed Junior and got in the bed, and they covered up their heads completely.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... brutal attack...

HOLLARS: And when she took the covers off of her head, Haleigh was gone.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How can you be under the covers and also see her in the bag?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: A horrifying new story emerges about Haleigh Cummings.

MISTY CROSLIN, HALEIGH`S BABY-SITTER: They`re going to know. They`re going to know.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: None of it makes sense.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty Croslin, the last one to see the missing girl, now claims the child was violently attacked.

MISTY CROSLIN: When I woke up, she was gone!

HOLLARS: Those three grandkids of mine is involved in this, and I don`t know why!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I didn`t do (EXPLETIVE DELETED). That`s my story, I`m sticking to it.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... and saw Overstreet put Haleigh in a black bag.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: All three are pointing the finger at each other.

HANK CROSLIN, MISTY`S FATHER: And don`t be making up no stories.

MISTY CROSLIN: I was, like, Oh, my God.

HANK CROSLIN: You tell them where Haleigh is. Bring Haleigh home.

MISTY CROSLIN: I can`t just bring her home, you know?


GRACE: And breaking tonight, live, rural Oregon. Stepmommy walks a 7-year-old boy down the hall of his elementary school. He`s never seen again. Police insist that stepmommy take a second poly. In a stunning twist, 7-year-old Kyron`s dad files for divorce in secret. The court slams stepmommy Terri Horman with an emergency order to stay away from her own children. Bio mom pleads for stepmommy Horman to please, please help police.

In another bizarre twist, we learn stepmommy tries to hire a hit man to murder Kyron`s father, her husband, and carries on a torrid sex affair after Kyron goes missing, even sending X-rated photos to the lover.

Breaking tonight. Police try their best to ID an accomplice spotted in stepmommy`s truck the day Kyron goes missing and now investigating a third accomplice. We learn stepmommy so concerned about police tapping her home, she goes out in the yard to talk, even has friends use disposable cell phones. If she`s so innocent, what`s there to hide?

Now her friends refuse lie detector tests. And also, somebody tell me where does stepmommy Terri Horman get nearly a half a million dollars cash? How -- how -- does a 7-year-old boy go missing from his own elementary school classroom?


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Kyron`s disappearance involves criminal behavior.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Investigators have focused intently on Kyron`s stepmother, Terri Horman.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... Dede Spicher...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Dede Spicher is a very close friend of Terri Horman.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She`s become a new focus of the Kyron investigation.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... Dede Spicher...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: (INAUDIBLE) developments, the woman the Hormans say refuses to cooperate with the search for their son, Kyron...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... that mother`s friend...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Dede Spicher, one of Kyron`s stepmom`s friends, was gardening the day Kyron vanished.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s obviously very suspicious.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... significant process...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: (INAUDIBLE) opinion, I hope Terri Horman is arrested. And her friends that are involved, they need to speak up.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We love you, Kyron.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Do you know if Terri is hiding something? Were you with her on June 4th?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The key date is June 4th.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Never give up hope! We are all coming to get you to bring you home.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Bombshell tonight. A lawyer for Misty Croslin`s brother reveals COD -- cause of death. He says little Haleigh was strangled.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: So many stories. Whatever it is, it needs to be proven.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She hears Haleigh screaming.

GRACE: ... screaming...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... the night the little girl vanished...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... a black bag...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... black bag...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... tossed her in a black bag...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She peeked out from underneath the cover at the last minute and saw this black bag.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Why would you hide and let a little 5-year-old scream like that? You know, how can the neighbors not hear her?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Everyone thinks she did it.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... could hear the 5-year-old girl screaming...

TOMMY CROSLIN: I wonder why she`s making up (EXPLETIVE DELETED). She probably knows something.

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t have the answer. I`m not (INAUDIBLE) It`s not me.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: She has absolutely no credibility.

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: If I find whoever has my daughter before y`all do, I`m killing them.

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH`S MOTHER: I just want whoever took her to let her go!

CUMMINGS: I know somebody took my little girl!

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don`t believe anything that Misty says.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: If it turns out to be the truth, I think they should hang her, you know, like an old-fashioned hanging in the square kind of thing.


GRACE: As the public now demanding a public hanging for Misty Croslin, do we finally know the true COD -- cause of death? Out to Art Harris, investigative journalist, We`re taking your calls. Art, what do we know tonight?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST: Nancy, for the first time, Tommy Croslin has revealed the cause of death, says that the night he was at the trailer, his cousin Joe strangled Haleigh. That`s what his lawyer says Tommy Croslin, his client, told police in April. Now, it`s just coming out officially by his lawyer, but that raises a whole new -- a whole new chapter...

GRACE: Hold on. Put Harris up! It raises a whole new what?

HARRIS: It raises -- it opens a whole new chapter, Nancy, in this...

GRACE: Well, I`ll tell you...

HARRIS: ... in this very sad tale.

GRACE: ... what it raises to me, a big red flag that he`s waited this long to tell it, if it`s the truth! That`s what I don`t get about this whole bunch. They`re all, in my mind, lying. And another thing. What can you tell me about the allegation that Misty Croslin slept every night with a gun under her pillow?

OK, you know what? I will analyze that with a shrink later.

HARRIS: I can tell you, Nancy, that...

GRACE: But assuming it`s true, why didn`t she shoot the hell out of the guy that was hurting the baby?

HARRIS: Well, Nancy, I`m going to report on, Misty slept with this pistol under her pillow. But that night, she didn`t have it. She told her grandmother, Flora Hollars, and her lawyer that had she had it, she would have shot Tommy, and that would have been...

GRACE: Oh, really. Why that night...

HARRIS: Well, if you believe that...

GRACE: ... Art? Why that night of all nights? What was different about that night?

HARRIS: Well, that night -- apparently, Ronald had gotten his guns out of the trailer. Once his pistol had been stolen by cousin Joe. That was the story the family told me. And then Joe got it...

GRACE: Now, I`m worried about you. I`m worried about you, Art, because I really think, after all the stories you`ve covered, the big reporter with "The Washington Post," blah, blah, I think you`re starting to believe these people! I really think you`re buying into their BS!

HARRIS: Nancy, you know, since you don`t have the criminal lawyers or defense lawyers here, I`ve got to tell you what they said on the record. Now, that`s -- that`s for your viewers. This is what they are saying, the key suspects are saying, Nancy. And it`s going to be a very important turn of events. Werter -- Jim Werter says he didn`t -- you know, he didn`t let Tommy speak any further to investigators because he didn`t get a proffer of immunity. He thinks that Tommy might have revealed more.

GRACE: Hey, so now, still with no proffer of immunity, he just blurts it out? That doesn`t make sense. That doesn`t make sense, especially for the lawyer. I could see an inmate behind bars blurting something out, not thinking. But the lawyer to blurt it out when he says he didn`t say it before because he didn`t have immunity for his client, but now he blabs it to a reporter? Uh-uh! No! Something smells.

And another thing, Art Harris. Let`s nail it down. If this is the COD -- cause of death -- when did the strangling happen?

HARRIS: It would have happened, according to Tommy, right at the trailer after he busts in. Misty reports that Joe manhandles her sexually, gropes her, then looks for the -- can`t find the machine gun he`s there to try to steal, grabs Haleigh. She hears her screaming, and then there`s silence, Nancy, and...

GRACE: So you`re saying right then, before she leaves the home. And so...

HARRIS: Before she leaves the home...

GRACE: ... Tommy Croslin says after he strangles the baby, he just rides shotgun? He just hops in the van and goes along?

HARRIS: And he holds the door.

GRACE: Who wants to be in a car with a dead body?

HARRIS: He holds the door, Nancy, and that`s...

GRACE: OK, right there -- you know what? I almost can`t take it anymore because it`s such BS. If I didn`t want to find out what happened to Haleigh, I wouldn`t even hear it. But everything they say, Art, leads us to another clue. So you`re right, we do have to report it. We do have to find out about it because in the end, we`re going to piece this thing together.

Let me ask you this, Jean Casarez. So the new story is Tommy Croslin goes for a ride with a dead body? I don`t think so, Casarez.

JEAN CASAREZ, "IN SESSION": Well, this is what Tommy`s attorney is trying to do. He`s trying to show someone that Tommy`s story and Misty`s story corroborate each other.

GRACE: I know that`s what he`s doing. You`re right, Jean. With me right now out of Nashville, Tennessee, both Croslins, Misty and Tommy Croslin`s grandmother, Flora Hollars. Ms. Hollars, thank you for being with us. What do you make of this story?

FLORA HOLLARS, MISTY`S GRANDMOTHER (via telephone): Well, Nancy (INAUDIBLE) remember back in April is when Tommy told me on the telephone that Joe had did it, on a Saturday. And on a Monday is when Misty called me and told me that -- at that time, she told me he had wrapped her up with yellow rope and had...

GRACE: What do you make of the story...

HOLLARS: (INAUDIBLE) and dropped her into the river. (INAUDIBLE) Tommy`s getting scared and he`s ready to come clean.


HANK CROSLIN: Don`t be holding nothing back from nobody.

MISTY CROSLIN: Daddy, I`m not.

HANK CROSLIN: Just get it out there. Let it out, man. Tell the truth.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is Croslin finally opening up about Haleigh Cummings`s disappearance?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: All along, she`s saying she didn`t know anything.

MISTY CROSLIN: I don`t know where she is.

I`m not hiding anything.

I don`t.

SHEFFIELD: They`re doing the best then can. But do I believe my daughter`s dead? No. And until they show me something, I won`t. Deep in my heart, I know she`s out there. And nobody knows the pain that I go through. Nobody!




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: At this point, I`m going to call it a homicide.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you know what happened to Haleigh? Her answer, No.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The attorney says Croslin was hiding under a blanket but could hear the 5-year-old girl screaming.

HANK CROSLIN: Whatever you know, you need to tell them.

MISTY CROSLIN: Daddy, I am. It`s not my fault they don`t listen.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: How can you be under the covers and also see her in the bag?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: ... and saw Overstreet put Haleigh in a black bag.

CUMMINGS: I just want my daughter back!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: We`re hoping to make an arrest in this case.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: When she first told the story about the night Haleigh went missing, she said the back door was propped open with a cinderblock.

911 OPERATOR: You said your back door was wide open?

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, it was a brick, like, with a brick on the floor.

HOLLARS: The first thing that I was told was that Joe had killed her.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There`s so many people talking.

HOLLARS: I don`t even know whether she was dead when she hit the water or not.


GRACE: Out to the lines. Do we finally know a cause of death? Now, according to someone inside the home the night Haleigh goes missing, that COD is strangulation. These stories are piling up, but can anybody make sense of them?

Out to the lines. Anne, Mississippi. Hi, Anne.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi. How`re you doing, Nancy?

GRACE: I`m good, dear. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Good to hear you, Nancy Grace. Oh! And your panel, God bless you all. First of all, did I just hear Misty Croslin say nobody knows the pain she`s going through?

GRACE: I think you...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What about the biological...

GRACE: ... might have heard that. I think you may have heard that.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What about the biological mother losing her daughter? I believe that Misty will never know the pain that the mother is going through. OK, now, let`s use common sense here. I don`t believe anything Misty Croslin has to say, ever. With that said, if the story about the cousin putting baby Haleigh in a black bag is true, why is it just coming out now?

GRACE: That`s what I don`t understand. Now, everybody keeps saying they tried, they tried to tell cops that night. But play back the original 911 call, Dana. I want to hear what she said originally. Nobody said anything about a strangulation, a black bag, a van, nothing, Anne in Mississippi, not a word. Dana, do you have it yet?

Jean Casarez, remember the first 911 call? And why did it take these people so long to tell the truth?

CASAREZ: Well, this is what we`re hearing, that she told investigators in January. Her sentencing is coming up, though, Nancy. Substantial assistance?

GRACE: Take a listen.


911 OPERATOR: 911, what`s your emergency?

MISTY CROSLIN: Hi. I just woke, up and our back door was wide open and I can`t find my daughter.

911 OPERATOR: You can`t find what?

MISTY CROSLIN: Our daughter.

911 OPERATOR: OK. When did you last see her?

MISTY CROSLIN: We just, like -- you know, it was (INAUDIBLE)

911 OPERATOR: You said your back door was wide open?

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. It was a brick, like, it was a brick on the floor. Like, when I went to sleep, it was not like that.

911 OPERATOR: OK. The back door -- listen to me. Your back door was wide open. What are you talking about a brick?


911 OPERATOR: What -- what is the brick?

MISTY CROSLIN: It`s on the back door, on the stairs. Like, we have a walkway.

911 OPERATOR: And there was a brick laying there?

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes, it`s still there.

911 OPERATOR: Was your back door locked, do you know?

MISTY CROSLIN: Yes. The back door always stays locked.

911 OPERATOR: Does the door look like it was pried open? Does it look like it -- does it look like you had some sort of someone try to enter into your house?


911 OPERATOR: And another thing, make sure you and your husband don`t touch the door anymore. Don`t mess with the door or anything.

MISTY CROSLIN: No, it doesn`t.

911 OPERATOR: It doesn`t look like it is?



GRACE: Out to the attorneys. Unleash the lawyers. Renee Rockwell, Atlanta, Alex Sanchez, New York. Renee, you know, I listened very carefully. I`ve read the transcripts. I don`t hear anything in her 911 call about a black bag or a strangulation. Did you?



ROCKWELL: ... she could say I did it and nobody would believe her.

GRACE: I`d believe her.

ROCKWELL: I suspect -- well...

GRACE: It`s one thing I`d believe.

ROCKWELL: But anyway, you`re not going to go to court with that. Nobody`s going to do anything until they find physical evidence because there`s been so many stories. One more polygraph? I say that`s a waste of time.

GRACE: Sanchez?

ALEX SANCHEZ, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: You know, the case is incredibly frustrating because of the reasons that you brought up. If she could not fend off this attacker, then how come she didn`t call the police and report immediately what happened? But I`ll tell you one thing. You brought this up, too. Tommy Croslin`s attorney revealing that Tommy Croslin was there and held the door open -- he may have helped build a case against his own client!

GRACE: He really did. But the problem is, you can`t ask a client if they take the stand -- you cannot ask the defendant about statements their lawyer made to the press.

SANCHEZ: No. No. But the lawyer could be called as a witness against his own client. Did your client tell you that he was there that night and helped escape with the body?

GRACE: Well, and another issue on that is, Sheryl McCollum, crime analyst, director of cold case squad, Pine Lake PD -- the problem with the lawyer blurting out the cause of death, according to his client, is that he`s now broken the attorney/client privilege.


GRACE: Now anybody can be -- it`s not protected anymore.

MCCOLLUM: That`s right.

GRACE: What do you make of these latest statements, Sheryl McCollum?

MCCOLLUM: Nancy, there`s so many problems here. She`s saying now and Tommy is saying now, Well, the van door was closed and Haleigh was never seen again. But that van was returned, which means whoever drove that child somewhere returned to that house. Then (INAUDIBLE) You know, there`s the brick. The brick. She wants to talk about the brick. She was very clear on that. That`s called staging. She`s a liar. She has lied to everybody.

GRACE: I think the reason the stories are so conflicting is that they all are involved. Quick break. We`re taking your calls.

But I want to take this chance to thank you. Thank you for supporting our new book, "Death on the D-List." You made it a "New York Times" best seller. My proceeds going to a Methodist home for the handicapped, and I cannot thank you enough.



MISTY CROSLIN: I didn`t do anything with that little girl!

OVERSTREET: I didn`t do it.

TOMMY CROSLIN: I had nothing to do with none of that crap.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: New information from the last known person to see Haleigh Cummings.

MISTY CROSLIN: I woke up, she was gone!

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The woman baby-sitting Haleigh Cummings the night she disappeared changing her story.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Misty Croslin believes that Joe Overstreet, her cousin, was looking for a gun, a machine gun that belonged to Haleigh`s father, but couldn`t find it that night.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When Overstreet couldn`t find it, she claims he took Haleigh instead.

MISTY CROSLIN: They`re going to know.

I just got to wait until I can -- my lawyer is ready.


GRACE: We are taking your calls. Out to Wanda in Georgia. Hi, Wanda.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, hey, Nancy. I`m from your hometown.

GRACE: Well, hello. Thank you for calling in.


GRACE: What`s your question, dear?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I just wanted to make a statement about...


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: ... Ronald Cummings, first of all. Remember the 911 call, where the only thing you hear him saying in the background is that, They took my little girl or who took my little girl? It`s never, Where is she? So that tells me, first of all, he knows that something`s not kosher. And I really believe that he knows a lot more than what he`s come out with and he`s not nearly as innocent as he wants people to think he is.

And he didn`t appear to be too distraught when he was in the car with Misty, the last person to see his daughter alive, while the two of them were dealing drugs. I really -- I really think -- he may not have had anything to do with the killing or whatever himself, but I guarantee you he knows who did it.

GRACE: What do you think, Dr. Bethany?

BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST: Well, Wanda`s right. He knew something was up. Otherwise, why would he have called the house close to something like 90 times that night? And Wanda`s also right in that in every story, there`s a little admission. Ron knows someone stole the child. Misty screams. Joe Overstreet steals something. Tom rides in the van. If you really listen to the stories, they`re all putting their foot deeper and deeper into the situation.

GRACE: Out to the lines. Susan in California. Hi, Susan.


GRACE: Hi, dear. What`s your question?


GRACE: Yes? What`s your question?


GRACE: Yes, it is. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh, God! I`ve been waiting a year-and-a-half to talk to you!

GRACE: Well, thank you for calling in, dear.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I love you and love your kids and everything.

GRACE: Thank you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh! My question is, is everybody looking at the eyes on everybody?

GRACE: OK, what do you mean by that?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Look at everybody`s eyes. You can tell who`s lying and who`s not.

GRACE: What do you think, Dr. Bethany? Is that possible?

MARSHALL: Well, when I look at their eyes, I see people who are opiate addicts, that`s what I see, the nose scratching, the lip licking. I see that they`re all high, so I wouldn`t place much stock in, you know, where they`re looking when they`re talking.



UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Terri, do you know where Kyron is?

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Terri Horman has been under intense scrutiny since Kyron disappeared.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Can you please tell the world something?

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: A new lead prompts a massive search.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Authorities handed out flyers here with Dede Spicher`s picture on it and Terri Horman`s picture on it.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Stepmom and her friend unaccounted for for several key hours that fateful day.

KAINE HORMAN, FATHER OF MISSING 7-YR-OLD BOY, KYRON HORMAN: We don`t know where he is. And we need to keep looking.

DESIREE YOUNG, MOTHER OF MISSING 7-YR-OLD BOY, KYRON HORMAN: I don`t know that I`m getting through it. I know that I just -- I`m trying to take it each day at a time.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: A witness claims Terri displayed some odd behavior during an encounter the day Kyron went missing.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Holes in Terri Horman`s timeline.

HORMAN: Come forward. Bring it forward. It may be uncomfortable.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: They believe that Terri Horman has these answers.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: The parents believe that perhaps Terri might be stashing the boy. The father thinks that perhaps she`s executing a plot.

HORMAN: Put yourself in his shoes for two minutes. Makes you really emotional, I mean. He`s afraid.


NANCY GRACE, HOST: You know I don`t understand it. Out to you, Ellie Jostad. The mom is so worried police are tapping her home, that she goes out into the yard to have conversations with stepmom?

If she`s innocent what does she care if police hear her talking about what she`s cooking for dinner or what time she has to go to work or whatever? Who cares?

ELLIE JOSTAD, NANCY GRACE CHIEF EDITORIAL PRODUCER: Well, this is coming from Dede Spicher. Now that`s the friend of the stepmom`s. She`s the woman who`s on that flyer with the stepmom Terri Horman that they were passing out to residents saying, did you see these two women that morning?

Now Spicher says that she stayed with Terri Horman, the stepmom, for 11 days and she says that whenever they wanted to talk about something they would go out into the yard because they assumed that they were being surveilled.

GRACE: To CW Jensen, retired Portland police captain. You know, CW, I don`t buy it. Who, if they don`t have anything to hide, gets their friends to all buy disposable cell phones like terrorists and drug dealers use?

And who goes out in the front yard to talk? I don`t buy it. And now we`ve got these text messages. I`ve got them right here in my hands where she`s writing her alleged lover, who becomes her lover right after the little boy goes missing -- you can see where her head was.

That she paid her lawyer 350 grand -- $350,000. Now where did she get nearly $500,000, CW Jensen?

CW JENSEN, RETIRED PORTLAND POLICE CAPTAIN: Well, what most people believe is that her parents, who were involved in the educational system in a town in southern Oregon, have some money.

Generally, I would assume that when people are in this kind of a situation, they go to friends. They go to relatives. And I believe that probably the parents are giving her some money.

Does she need all $350,000 right now? Probably not but she needs a lot to keep this thing going. And why do you go outside to talk to people? It`s because you`re guilty.

GRACE: You know, the other thing, now we learn that the best friend Dede Spicher refuses to take a polygraph.

Why, Jensen? Why? Even if I was afraid I`d flunk it because I was nervous and whatever -- although we know that everybody is nervous when you take a polygraph, everybody. Even if you`re telling the truth. That does not affect a polygraph just being nervous.

She refuses a polygraph. Why?

JENSEN: I`m sure that her attorney has told her don`t cooperate with the police in that kind of a thing. Don`t take a polygraph. It`s just going to make you look that much worse.

So she has an attorney. She knows that they`re looking at her. Everybody in the community knows.

GRACE: Why would a polygraph make her look that much worse, CW? I don`t agree. I mean, yes, you`re saying that`s what the lawyer said. But to me your willingness to take a polygraph would show you have nothing to hide.

JENSEN: Well, I think that if people have nothing to hide, in my experience as an investigator, they take polygraphs. There`s one reason why you don`t want to take it. It`s because you think you`re going to look bad.

GRACE: Out to the lines. Adrian in Illinois, hi, Adrian.

ADRIAN, CALLER FROM ILLINOIS: Hi, Nancy. How are you doing?

GRACE: I`m good, dear. What`s your question?

ADRIAN: Well, for one, I`m sorry to hear about your foot.

GRACE: Thank you.

ADRIAN: And I was wondering. You know, I think Terri, for one, is as guilty as hell. And second of all, I don`t understand why -- what makes someone -- for one -- put out a contract on her husband and then all of a sudden his child is missing and she`s the last one to see him?

If she`s that unhappy, why not just get out of it? I mean I`ve never seen that woman once show a bit of emotion about anything.

GRACE: Jean Casarez, legal correspondent, "In Session," how many times have you and I seen women and men, as opposed to getting a divorce, they commit murder?

JEAN CASAREZ, LEGAL CORRESPONDENT, "IN SESSION": That`s right. And when you talk about motive, you know, some e-mails have come out. She had a son, an older son that went to live with her parents a few months before.

E-mails have come out saying that he was doing so much better when he wasn`t in the presence of Kyron.

GRACE: Now I don`t understand that. What does that mean, Dr. Bethany?

BETHANY MARSHALL, PSYCHOANALYST, AUTHOR OF "DEALBREAKERS": I don`t quite understand that one, to be quite honest with you. But to go to the caller`s question I think that Terri may have had, like, a borderline personality disorder which causes extreme --

GRACE: There you go again.


GRACE: You say that every -- you know, do you think everybody out there has a personality disorder?

MARSHALL: Well, most --

GRACE: Do you think you have a personality disorder? I mean because every time I ask you something you say they`ve got a borderline personality disorder.

MARSHALL: Well, Nancy, something is really wrong with someone who puts a hit -- tries to get a hit-man to kill her husband and then does away with her child but -- because with borderline there is such extreme ragefulness and there`s lack of a conscience and at the slightest insult they really want to do away with people.

There is a callousness and a coldness. And that`s why I think about borderline.

GRACE: You know, very quickly, Marc Klaas, what do you make of it? This is your expertise?

MARC KLAAS, PRESIDENT AND FOUNDER, KLAASKIDS FOUNDATION: Well, I don`t believe that there`s a grand conspiracy afoot here at all. I don`t believe that Terri was working with other people to get rid of Kyron.

That would make sense if there was possibly some kind of a ransom demand. But I think that this was something much more nefarious and much more sinister than that and as such I believe that possibly she was working with one other person, certainly no more than that in whatever it is that she did after 8:45 that morning. On June 4th.

GRACE: Speaking of the timeline. Ellie Jostad, our chief editorial producer, I understand the timeline has been narrowed. Explain.

JOSTAD: That`s right. It`s actually been narrowed down to between 10:15 and 11:30. That`s the period of time that both Dede Spicher and Terri Horman cannot be accounted for.

Now we know a little bit later Terri Horman went in and checked in at her gym at 11:39. We also know Dede Spicher was apparently seen back on her job gardening at 1:00 but there`s this little window where they can`t figure out where either of them were.

GRACE: OK. We are taking your calls. Very quickly, Sheryl McCollum, what do you make of this?

SHERYL MCCOLLUM, CRIME ANALYST, DIR. OF COLD CASE SQUAD AT PINE LAKE P.D.: Nancy, the problem with this case is it`s revenge. She attempted to have the husband murdered. She was sexting his best friend from high school. She attempted to do something with Kyron, kidnapping at the very least.

And then she tried to get the other daughter from day care. She is going after this husband in every way that she can. It is revengeful. There`s never going to be a ransom note. It`s not about money. Ever.

GRACE: And still no sign of little Kyron.

Tonight, the latest developments in the search for 7-year-old Kyron. We learn step-mommy is so afraid police are listening she goes outside in the front yard to have conversations, asking her friends to use portable disposable cell phones.

Quick break. Happy birthday to Georgia friend, defense lawyer Peter Odom.

Happy birthday to Hardwick Butler, a local Boy Scout leader for years.

Happy birthday, Mr. Butler.

Tonight I want to tell you about a little 4-year-old Florida boy Ayden in the fight of a lifetime battling spinal cancer. Doctors able to remove out 30 percent of the tumor. Ayden has no feeling in the right leg. Requires physical therapy, proton therapy, chemotherapy.

Tonight his family needs help. Take a look at this precious boy. For info and to donate go to



YOUNG: My theory is that Kyron is alive.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Terri Horman has been the subject of a lot of speculation.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Holes in Terri Horman`s timeline.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Searchers return to wooded areas and open fields several miles south of Skyline School.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: The area is where Dede Spicher, one of Kyron`s stepmom`s friends, was gardening the day Kyron vanished.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s obviously very suspicious.

HORMAN: A minute away was awful enough. To be this far along and have him not home is terrible.

YOUNG: Someone`s holding him.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: No criminal charges have been filed. No suspects have been named.

YOUNG: I just have a feeling that somebody`s holding him.

HORMAN: I wish there were a lot of things that were different so that I could take on the burden that he`s going through right now.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Kyron`s disappearance involves criminal behavior.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Investigators have focused intently on the stepmother Terri Horman.


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Dede Spicher is a very close friend of Terri Horman.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: She`s become a new focus of the Kyron investigation.


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Significant developments.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: The woman the Hormans say refuses to cooperate with the search for their son Kyron.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Stepmother`s friend.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Dede Spicher, one of Kyron`s stepmom`s friends, was gardening the day Kyron vanished.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: It`s obviously very suspicious.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Significant progress.

YOUNG: In my opinion I hope Terri Horman is arrested and her friends that are involved, they need to speak up.

We love you, Kyron.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Do you know if Terri is hiding something? Were you with her on June 4th?

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: The key date is June 4th.

YOUNG: Never give up hope. We are all coming to get you to bring you home.


GRACE: We are taking your calls. Out to Holly in Georgia. Hi, Holly.

HOLLY, CALLER FROM GEORGIA: Hi, Nancy. I watch you every night and I love your book.

GRACE: Thank you. Thank you.

HOLLY: You`re welcome. I`m just wondering if they found Kyron`s body, what condition would it be in at this point?

GRACE: To Dr. Michael Arnall, board-certified forensic pathologist out of Denver? What about it, Doctor?

DR. MICHAEL ARNALL, BOARD CERTIFIED FORENSIC PATHOLOGIST: After this period of time if the body has been exposed to the air, there may be significant decomposition even animal predation. But if a body is buried you might be surprised at how well the body has been preserved.

GRACE: Hmm. If the body is buried. Why is that, Doctor?

ARNALL: When the body is buried, it`s in an environment where insects may not be able to get to it and animals may not be able to get to it. Now it will slowly be degraded by bacteria, but without animal predation and insects, the body may be preserved.

GRACE: It`s so hard to look at this little boy with his thick little glasses and imagine that he is buried somewhere.

What about if he`s in water, Dr. Arnall?

ARNALL: If he`s in water, in a summer environment, then there`s going to be insects in the water. There`s going to be predation by invertebrates and there could be extensive degradation of the tissue.

GRACE: To Jean Casarez, legal correspondent, "In Session," you said something earlier that to me just hat ran a chill down my spine. You said that the stepmother says that her husband Kaine Horman is so much worse when he is around little Kyron.

How can you be worse when you`re around your child? I don`t understand that.

CASAREZ: Well, I think what she was saying was that her older son was getting D`s in school but when he went to live with his grandparents that he started getting A`s because he wasn`t around Kyron, the little boy, Kyron. So they had problems.

GRACE: Oh, I see. I understand now. I got it.

Marc Klaas, try to put the pieces together.

KLAAS: Well, I believe that Terri is absolutely involved in this. Her timeline has never made any kind of sense.

I do not for a minute believe that there is a grand conspiracy, that maybe she was working with one other person. That`s a possibility.

I believe that the little boy is not alive, but I understand why the parents say that he is alive. They really have no alternative but to do that. They have to keep hope alive. And I think that this case may go unsolved unless Terri breaks.

GRACE: To CW Jensen. Now we understand cops have been digging in a garden for Kyron`s body. Where is the garden and why digging there?

JENSEN: This is significant. Dede Spicher was gardening at an estate on June 4th and then she disappeared for a period of time. So they went to that estate and they`ve done some significant searches there, I think, to look not only for the possibility of Kyron but the possibility that other evidence might have been buried by Dede Spicher.

And one thing that I think everybody needs to realize is we focus on Dede Spicher disappeared for a period of time. Terri Horman disappeared for a period of time. But remember so did Kyron Horman and only two of those people have ever shown up again.

GRACE: You know, they`ve also searched other locations that relate to the best friend Dede Spicher, CW Jensen. Where?

JENSEN: They didn`t search her home and seized evidence there. What they`ve done is they`ve tried to figure out where these women went and on the best kind of guess they can, go to those areas and search.

I think that we`ll probably see more searches in the future as they continue with this case. We may be in a period of time where we won`t hear a lot. But believe me, the investigators are working very, very hard to find this little boy and to solve this case.

GRACE: Ellie Jostad, didn`t they also search Dede Spicher`s mom`s condo or something like that?

JOSTAD: Yes, it was actually her aunt`s home, Nancy.


JOSTAD: Reportedly that was one of the other locations that they checked because Dede Spicher had lived there for some time.

GRACE: OK. What about the divorce? What are we learning from the divorce filings and statements related to the divorce?

JOSTAD: Well, Nancy, Kaine Horman wants this divorce to go forward but Terri Horman is asking for it to be stayed. She says because of all the negative attention, all the negative media reports that she can`t possibly -- that her lawyer can`t handle the divorce case right now.

GRACE: Why? What`s her reasoning?

JOSTAD: Well, I guess what they`re trying to say is that they think this should be stayed or put in abatement until after the criminal case is settled. But Kaine Horman`s lawyers are saying we don`t know when the criminal aspects of this case are ever going to be resolved so we need to go through with the divorce case now.

GRACE: Well, Renee Rockwell, Alex Sanchez, it`s not like she`s named a defendant or a suspect. She has no Fifth Amendment immunity so why can`t the divorce go forward, Rockwell?

RENEE ROCKWELL, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Well, because they`re going to want to depose her and start asking her questions. She has a lawyer to the tune of $350,000 so I`m sure he`s giving her some very good advice that they don`t need --

GRACE: Right.

ROCKWELL: -- to put her in any kind of witness position.

GRACE: OK. Sanchez?

ALEX SANCHEZ, DEFENSE ATTORNEY: Yes. She doesn`t want to get on the witness stand and stop making statements.


SANCHEZ: Which the police could use to implicate her in these offenses. It`s as simple as that.

GRACE: I don`t think they need a whole lot of help.

Out to the lines. Linda, Missouri, hi, dear.

LINDA, CALLER FROM MISSOURI: I was calling to see if they actually sent the dogs out to track if there was --

GRACE: Mm-hmm. What about it, Jean Casarez?

CASAREZ: Dogs everywhere. And in that garden area where the garden party was going to be the next day, they`ve gone neighborhood to neighborhood, resident to resident with pictures of Terri and Dede asking them if they saw them or the truck.

GRACE: Tonight, everyone, "CNN Heroes".


HARMON PARKER, CNN HERO: What strikes me about this place is the beauty and the feeling of being insignificant. Life for people here is very difficult. Very secluded. The beauty of this place also becomes dangerous because of these mountains when it rains.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE (Through Translator): My father came to the market in the morning. He was with my mother. On the way back in the evening, they found the river was flooded. They drowned.

PARKER: I`ve worked all over Kenya. Every community has the same story. Crocodiles and hippos. And loved ones lost.

When it floods, people really suffer not being able to get across to the clinic or the market or to their school.

Look at this. Here come some kids helping.

The very first bridge I built, I saw I could change lives and transform communities. So I carried on. And I love what I do.

My name is Harmon Parker. And I build bridges to transform people`s lives.

The community has to initiate the project. They have to participate and make some sort of financial contribution. I don`t know how many goats I have in this region, but they always give me a goat.

I`ve spent half my life in a tent. I`ve had malaria seven or eight times. It`s hard. It takes a lot of determination.

Get it, get it. (Speaking in foreign language).

A bridge is a beautiful metaphor for many things. I feel I`m privileged to do what I`m doing. I`m destined to help people and I`m driven by that.



GRACE: What a week in America`s courtrooms. Take a look at the stories and more important the people who touched our lives.


UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: The search for Nina Keown.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I want them to keep looking until we find her.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: A 26-year-old woman.


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She has two, a 3-year-old daughter and a 6-year- old son. They want to know why they haven`t seen mommy.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: "American Idol" winner Fantasia Barrino accused of being the other woman in a love triangle.

FANTASIA BARRINO, "AMERICAN IDOL" WINNER: I did meet him in the T- Mobile Store. They took it and ran with it. They said I was a home wrecker. They`re wrong.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: This is in North Carolina where you can sue the other women for alienation of affection.

GRACE: You don`t take a guy on an exotic vacation and hop on a jet ski with him if it`s not something more than friendship.

MISTY CROSLIN, FORMER STEPMOM/BABYSITTER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: They need to move on. Away from me, get off of me. They need to move on.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Misty Croslin`s lawyer says (INAUDIBLE) was hiding under a blanket but could hear the 5-year-old girl screaming.

TERESA NEVES, HALEIGH CUMMINGS` MATERNAL GRANDMOTHER: I don`t believe anything that Misty says.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: And saw Overstreet put Haleigh in a black bag.


NEVES: She`s told so many stories. Whatever it is, it needs to be proven.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Thirteen-year-old girl missing Karina Valencia was at a friend`s birthday party around 6:30 p.m. Saturday night.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Very extensive investigation is going on.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Los Angeles police are desperately searching - -

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Her frequent points of contact would be at the library in Sylmar. He also frequents a park on Polk Street and Brandon Avenues.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: Police say it`s possible Karina may have left the party to meet up with an unidentified male she met on the Internet via MySpace.

UNIDENTIFIED 911 DISPATCHER: This is dispatch. What is your emergency?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I need a paramedic, please. My friend -- I was giving my daughter -- or my friend`s daughter a bath. I walked out of the room to grab a towel and she fell. And I don`t know. I came back in there and she`s all limp.

UNIDENTIFIED REPORTER: A South Carolina mom who police say reportedly admitted to killing her two little boys.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Miss Duley, you`re being charged, ma`am, on an arrest warrant. Both charges with murder, ma`am. You understand that?



GRACE: Let`s stop and remember Army Corporal Steven McGowan, 26, North Delaware, killed Iraq. An Army medic. Awarded the Bronze Star, Purple Heart. Also served Korea.

Loved handing out beanie babies to Iraqi children, skydiving, surfing, rugby. Favorite team New Zealand`s All Black. Remembered for his smile and living life to the fullest. Leaves behind mother Bobbie Ann, sister Mikaela.

Steven McGowan, American hero.

Thanks to our guests but especially you for being with us. And a special good night from the New York control room.

Good night, Brett, Dana, Evil, Squeaky. Show your face, dear. There you are.

Everyone, see you tomorrow night. 8:00 sharp Eastern. And until then, good night, friend.


Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on September 27, 2010, 12:32:35 PM


Aired September 24, 2010 - 20:00:00   ET



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I want my daughter to come home.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Faced a maximum of 70 years behind bars for selling prescription drugs.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He got 15 years in prison.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Ronald`s family is not as good as everyone thinks they are.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: They all take pills, they all do --

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: She was led out in handcuffs and chains.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: His attorneys cut a deal.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Set a plea deal in exchange for his testimony against Croslin and her brothers.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I don`t know where she is. I keep hoping and praying my baby comes home.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Cummings pleaded guilty to three of the five drug cases --

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If I find out what happened to my young, it doesn`t matter to me --

(END VIDEOTAPE)COSBY: And I`m Rita Cosby in for Nancy Grace. The mystery goes on surrounding the suspicious disappearance of a 5-year-old Florida girl, Haleigh Cummings.

One key witness after the next heading off to prison in a major drug trafficking bust and now the latest, and it`s a big move. It`s Haleigh`s own father.

For the latest breaking news, let`s go to Art Harris, investigative journalist of Art, what happened? What`s the latest?

ART HARRIS, INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST, ARTHARRIS.COM: Rita, Ronald Cummings got 15 years behind bars today in a plea agreement that was expected. He pled guilty to three counts -- he could`ve gotten up to 70 years and he is the latest domino to fall in this case.

It`s a drug case, a drug trafficking case, but law enforcement has been using him to try to turn his ex-wife, Misty Croslin into producing the information they say she has about the disappearance of his daughter, Haleigh.

COSBY: You know, let`s go to Joey Jackson, defense attorney. When you hear this information from Art and these new developments, Art was just saying he could`ve gotten 70 years, Joey, he got a bit less.

Are they trying to curry a little bit of favor with him? Maybe we`ll give you the lighter side if you help us with this?

JACKSON: You better believe it. Look, law enforcement has to use every tool at their disposal, Rita, in order to seek justice.

And at the end of the day, what are they looking to do? They`re looking to get answers to this little girl`s, beautiful girl`s disappearance.

There`s a difference between concurrent time and consecutive time. The judge wanted to he could`ve what we call stacked.

And that is on one offense given 15 years, add another 15 consecutive and another 15 consecutive, but they said, look, tell us what we need to know as the investigation develops and we`ll take care of you, and that`s exactly what they did negotiating this deal.

COSBY: Lieutenant Steven Rogers with the Nutley New Jersey Police Department, do you think, you know, on the outside Ron Cummings through his attorney is saying look, he`s said all he knows. Do you think privately maybe he`s helping a little bit on the side?

ROGERS: Well, I`m sure. I`m sure -

COSBY: I think so too, I think it`s all a facade. I don`t know, I`m not sure I`ve given everything. Come on.

ROGERS: That`s why a deal was made. I`m convinced of that. Law enforcement is going to unlock something or at least some of the answers to the questions they have through him, absolutely right.

COSBY: Let`s go to Brenda from West Virginia who is on the line. Brenda, what`s your question tonight?

CALLER: Yes. I wanted to know how Ron and Misty got involved with the undercover cop to begin with.

COSBY: That`s a great question. How this all began? Art Harris, investigative journalist, how did they get sort of caught in this whole melee?

HARRIS: Rita, I can tell you, a friend of a friend learned that they were selling drugs and suddenly he told law enforcement. His friend was the undercover cop who wound up setting them up.

They were pigeons, and they just came willingly because he was the buyer and they were caught on hours of videotape in the car and they just gave it up. They didn`t even need any witnesses for this case, Rita.

COSBY: You know, one of the other things, Art, I`ve got to ask you about this. I thought this was interesting. The attorney for Ron Cummings` dad, you asked him, does Ron think Misty, his ex-wife is a killer, is tied to the disappearance of Haleigh? And what did he say to you?

HARRIS: All he said was that he thinks she was involved and that she holds the key to what happened to Haleigh. But he wouldn`t go that far.

COSBY: You know, when you hear that, Darrell Cohen, defense attorney, she holds the key and then he continues to say that. You`re a smart man, Darrell. What is that saying to you?

COHEN: It tells me she knows a lot more than what she wants to say and they`re going their little squeeze trick and do the little squeeze trick and at some point, they`re going to squeeze it out of her. Because if they don`t, they don`t win and we`re going to win, we`re going to find out what happened.

COSBY: Go ahead.

GARDERE: I can tell you that law enforcement has got her just where they want her. This was their strategy.

COSBY: Absolutely.

GARDERE: To isolate her, to put her on the rocks.

COSBY: This is the dream right now, exactly.

GARDERE: They`ve got her so desperate she started dealing drugs, now they`ve got her facing possibly 240 years. She`s going to be facing her sentencing next month.

But right now, they have this leverage. Her lawyer says she`s told all she knows, that she`s been squeezed harder than a Florida orange until only pulp is left, they say pulp fiction.

COSBY: Jeffrey Gardere -- I love those hard to squeeze more than a Florida orange, maybe a grapefruit of a tangerine. She`s got her sentencing coming up. Psychologically, when you know that time is coming, that`s going to have an effect on her too.

GARDERE: Absolutely, I think she`s going to slowly start to crack. We`ve already seen it in some of the clips we`ve played on this show before. I think at this point she knows that Ron is going to turn over on her and I agree with your other guests.

I really do believe that Ron knows that she`s involved, maybe she didn`t do the deed, but she holds the key. She has the information. He has a love/hate relationship with her and it`s going to turn into full hate.

COSBY: And everybody, to tonight`s CNN Heroes

<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: Sassycat on September 28, 2010, 04:42:53 PM


Misty`s Drugs, Sex and Lies

Aired September 27, 2010 - 19:00:00   ET



JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HOST (voice-over): Tonight, explosive new allegations from a Misty Croslin insider. Was Misty put on suicide watch after Ron was sentenced? Misty`s sister in law sits down with me tonight with a new, shattering version of what happened to little Haleigh Cummings. Is her dad, Ron, at the center of the crime?

Then, more twists and turns in the Casey Anthony case as the defense team demands DNA tests on a mysterious canvas bag and children`s shorts found near her remains. Is the defense hunting for a new suspect?

Plus, stunning new video captures the cops faking the arrest of a 15- year-old boy who the officer says had sex with his stepdaughter. Is this an abuse of authority or just an over-protective dad, teaching the team a lesson he`ll never forget?

And she`s in, then she`s out. Lindsay Lohan released from jail for the fourth time. And even the judge who wanted her locked up for a month couldn`t stop it. Now, the wild child has been spotted around town with her new SCRAM bracelet. Is she headed back to rehab?

ISSUES starts now.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tonight, stunning new developments. I mean stunning, people, as Misty Croslin`s family says the terrified teenager is now on suicide watch. Her ex-husband, Ronald, was just sentenced to 15 years in the slammer. Misty could be next. Is Misty losing it?

She`s going to be in court in just two weeks to face sentencing in her drug trafficking case. She could get up 240 years behind bars. Or, she could get just six years. Will it depend on whether she finally talks about what really happened to Haleigh that night? Time is fast running out for her to cut a deal.

Plus, jaw-dropping new theories. Only here on ISSUES. What happened on the night 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings disappeared? Was Haleigh`s own father in on the cover-up? Tonight, we`re going inside Misty and Ron`s twisted world: drugs, sex and lies. And yes, even video tape. I`m talking one on one with Misty`s sister in law in an ISSUES exclusive. She is pulling back the curtain on the secret life of these troubled lovebirds.

Is Haleigh`s dad a monster who intimidated his teenage bride, leaving her terrified to tell the truth?


RONALD CUMMINGS, FATHER OF HALEIGH: I want my child back so bad. All I wanted is my child. (UNINTELLIGIBLE)


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Does Ronald Cummings know where his daughter`s body is? You will not believe that Misty`s sister in law claims she knows about the night Haleigh vanished.

Plus, never-before-seen family photos of little Haleigh. Unbelievable photos. We`re going to show them to you throughout the next few minutes.

Where is this child? Does Misty Croslin knows everything? And will she ever tell?

And these brand-new stunning photos also include Ron and Misty smiling, laughing, getting married, all after Haleigh went missing. They`re really stunning photos.

I`m taking your calls on this: 1-877-JVM-SAYS, 1-877-586-7297.

Straight out to my fantastic expert panel. But, I begin with Chelsea Croslin.

Chelsea, thank you so much for joining us.

CHELSEA CROSLIN, MISTY`S SISTER-IN-LAW: Thank you for having me.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: I know it`s difficult for you, but we`re going to get through this.

You are married to Misty Croslin`s brother, Timmy, not Tommy, the one in jail. Timmy. You`re saying you know what happened the night little Haleigh vanished. Tell us your theory of what happened to Haleigh the night she vanished.

C. CROSLIN: My theory of what happened the night Haleigh vanished, as far I`m being told from Misty being brought into an interrogation a few days ago, they told her that if she didn`t tell the missing part, that she would get 50 years in prison.

My theory of what happened that night, is that Haleigh ODed in the home. I think that she got a hold of Ronald`s pills, and she died accidentally. I think that the argument phone calls between Ronald and Misty were over how to get rid of the body and Ronald threatening Misty to tell what the truth was.

I believe that the theory of Tommy and Joe being involved in this situation, have led me to believe at this point, that they would have just gone there to help basically cover up and set up the scene to make it look like a kidnapping. I don`t believe that Haleigh was taken out of that home besides deceased before she left.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: What proof do you have of this? In other words, where did you get this theory about the fact that we`d heard this before, that she took drugs. But you`re saying that she took drugs in the trailer, drugs that would belong to Ron and/or Misty. She ODed, and then who -- who -- what did Ron do?

C. CROSLIN: I believe -- well, Ronald knows that they were his pills. Ronald is the one who had possession of many pills. Ronald used to call himself the drug boy. He had a dresser in his bedroom that had his drugs in it that would be accessible to his daughter to get to.

As far as Misty not paying attention to her or, you know, leaving the home that night, I don`t believe that happened. I think Misty probably, with her three-day binge, was asleep. I think that she had -- she had fallen asleep and left the children awake, thinking that, you know, they were just going to be running around the home or playing, and had woken up to possibly Haleigh dead from taking -- from taking pills.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And who disposed of the body?

C. CROSLIN: I don`t know who disposed of the body. But, as far as the stories that are being told, that, you know, Joe and Tommy were the ones that were called the scene to get rid of him, get rid of Haleigh. And it would make sense, because there was a phone call from Ronald calling Tommy when Ronald claims that he says that he told Tommy to go check on Misty, because she wasn`t answering the phone. I think that was Ronald calling Tommy to tell him to go help his sister get rid of the child.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, you have something that Ron, you believe, was showing up at the house in a black outfit because the little boy said a man in black came and took Haleigh.

C. CROSLIN: Well, when Junior -- the story was released by Crystal in the very beginning. The first day that I seen Junior, I ran up and gave him a hug, and he told me his sister was missing. I told him, "Don`t worry, baby. We`re going to find her, and we`re going to bring her home. And he circled his hand around my face like this, and he said, "No, Aunt Chelsea. The man in all black came in and took my sister."

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And who do you think that is?

C. CROSLIN: The only theory I can think of is Ronald. Because that morning at the sheriff`s department, I was supposed to get clothes for Ronald and Misty to change into so they could take the clothing that they were wearing. And Ronald was wearing from the feet to the end of the arms a black jump suit and boots.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: OK. Well, let me say, first of all, that we called Ron`s attorney, and he had no comment. But he is invited on at any time to tell his side of the story. And again, nobody has ever been charged in little Haleigh`s disappearance, which makes it such a mystery.

The night Haleigh went missing, Ron made this frantic 911 call. So let`s listen to that again.


CUMMINGS: I just got home from work, my 5-year-old daughter is gone.


CUMMINGS: I need someone to be here now. I`m telling you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK. Listen to me. Listen to me. We`ve got two officers...

CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before you all do, I`m killing him. I don`t care. I`ll spend the rest of my life in prison.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now everybody said that Ron sounded very sincere when he made that 911 call. It would appear that Chelsea is saying Ron already knew what happened to his daughter, and he was acting.

But here`s the problem with that. Ron has an air-tight alibi for the night that little Haleigh went missing. He was at work. People at work say him there. His cell phone pings also show that he was there. Now, he reportedly returned at 3 in the morning and made that 911 call when he realized that his daughter was missing.

I don`t understand how this theory, which I appreciate hearing, could be true, Mike Brooks, if he has an alibi for the time that she went missing.

MIKE BROOKS, HLN LAW ENFORCEMENT ANALYST: You know, Jane, how many theories have we heard? This is one of the very first ones, though, we did hear in this case about -- about little Haleigh possibly overdosing on some drugs.

But I still say -- and you know, I`ve said this a number of times -- I don`t know if any of these people -- we know that Misty was on a bender -- if any of them really know what happened to little Haleigh. Because they were so screwed up.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Levi Page, what do you think of Chelsea, the sister in law of Misty, her explanation now, her theory that the child ODed and that everybody`s kind of involved in disposing of her body?

LEVI PAGE, CRIME BLOGGER: Well, I think that Chelsea Croslin should be a detective, because I think her theory makes perfect sense. I think it`s logical. And I think that Ronald is involved in this. And behavior points to a person that`s not a grieving father.

And guess what, Jane? I have sources close to this case and a woman who will not be named, but she told me that 20 days after Haleigh vanished, Ronald approached her and wanted her to engage in three-way sex with himself and Misty Croslin...


PAGE: ... after his daughter goes missing.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: OK. That`s -- that`s very, you know, scandalous. And anybody can say anything. Unfortunately, the behavior in this case has been so crazy with all the talk of drugs and sex. But, you know, it`s very hard to separate fact from fiction.

Again, we invite Ron`s attorney on any time -- any time -- to tell his side of the story.

Wendy Murphy, what do you make of what Chelsea has to say?

WENDY MURPHY, FORMER PROSECUTOR: Well, let`s talk a little turkey about the timing, shall we? Misty needs a little sympathy right about this time.



MURPHY: So, obviously, she needs a little sympathy now, since she`s coming up two weeks from now, facing an awful long time behind bars. It works for her as a PR matter to try to, you know, shift blame and make herself look like the innocent victim. I don`t buy any of it. It is, to me, nonsense.

I don`t disagree that there are drugs involved. Remember that Ron reportedly had a significant drug debt. I do think somebody took the child. I do think someone took the child. That is not uncommon when there`s a debt and you need to pay and you have no money, they could take your kid. But...

PAGE: Police ruled out an intruder. The police have ruled out an intruder.

MURPHY: Levi, stop, stop, stop.

PAGE: This is not an intruder.

MURPHY: Somebody took the child for a reason.

PAGE: It was in this -- it was in that family. In that family, Wendy. It was in that family.

MURPHY: My turn, Levi.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Hang on, guys. We`ll debate on the other side.


And we`re talking more of your calls: 1-877-JVM-SAYS.

Plus, is Casey Anthony`s dream team searching for a new suspect? I`ll tell you about their bizarre new request to dig up DNA.

But first, more on these jaw-dropping Haleigh claims by Misty`s very own sister in law. We`re talking to her exclusively on ISSUES.

And on the other side of the break, some extraordinary photos of Ron and Misty at their wedding.


MISTY CROSLIN, EX-WIFE OF RONALD CUMMINGS: I will prove to the world that I didn`t have nothing to do with it.


CROSLIN: Everybody can kiss my (EXPLETIVE DELETED) when I get on TV. And I`m going to tell them all to (EXPLETIVE DELETED) off.




CUMMINGS: If you have my daughter, bring her home, please. All I want is Haleigh. Nothing else. That`s it. Please if you have her, bring her home. Babe, if you`re watching, you know, you`ll always be daddy`s little daughter. I love you.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tonight, shocking new theories on what happened to 5- year-old Haleigh Cummings the night she vanished, that her own father buried the girl.

Misty`s sister in law feels that he, Ron, is involved. Plus, brand- new, never-before-seen photos of Haleigh`s father Ron and Misty that show the couple after Haleigh vanished. And in some of these, they`re smiling. They`re laughing. Look at that. Now, that`s supposedly a photo of Ron on a roller-coaster after little Haleigh vanished, looking like he was having a good time.

Chelsea, you gave us these photos. Do you think that they point to Ron being, what, too happy in the wake of his precious daughter`s disappearance?

C. CROSLIN: Well, I know that I have three children, and I would not be acting or have a smile on my face the way that he is 32 days afterwards.

Some of those pictures are in New York, when his daughter was missing.

And the one thing I do know about Ronald Cummings is that he is a controlling man. Never mind my sister, but the two other young women that he controlled and had children with. He is abusive. He had her mind warped. He distanced her from her entire family. And it hurts me to get on TV and say that I believe my sister had involvement, because I love Misty with all my heart. But I know that she is hiding something for Ronald Cummings. Not for anybody else but for the Cummings family.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Yes, but Ron is now behind bars for 15 years. He can`t hurt Misty. This is -- Misty only has a few days. The clock is ticking to tell the cops what really happened.

C. CROSLIN: Misty is not afraid of Ronald hurting her. Misty is so infatuated and in love with Ronald that she thinks that she has to keep the secret for him. Whatever it may be, he has her so -- in her mind thinking that she is implicated just as much as she is, because she was the one at home that night with her. You know, not him. So, it was technically her fault for Haleigh taking the pills or ODing or, you know, this is a theory.

I don`t have proof behind this, but I`ve lived with this case for 19 months in my life. And I have gone through many different theories and many different aspects of it. And there is certain things that I do know, and the way that Ronald acted before his daughter went missing and the actions he had afterwards. Actions speak a thousand words.


C. CROSLIN: And Ronald was a happy man. He would go mud bogging. He wouldn`t pay attention to his son, Junior. The -- Aunt Trina, Hope`s mother, is the one who took care of Junior after Haleigh went missing. He didn`t give his son the time of the day. When you don`t have your daughter, you would want your son by your side at all moments. I know I would. And he...



VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, finish it, Chelsea. He would what?

C. CROSLIN: He just -- he would go mud bogging. He`d go hunting. He would just go -- he went to Orlando to Universal Studios. You know, he went to New York. He took trips all the time. He got tattoos. You know, he just had a blast.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Your thoughts. She`s saying basically Ron was having a good time. She`s making the point, the Casey Anthony thing, where Casey was seen dancing after her child disappeared in sort of a similar kind of argument.

ROBI LUDWIG, PSYCHOTHERAPIST: Well, it definitely sounds like that Ronald did not provide a home that was safe for his children and probably not a competent parent.

If these pictures were, in fact, taken after his daughter went missing, it is disturbing to see that he seems to be embracing and enjoying life as if nothing happened. It makes you wonder, what was his connection to this child?

I don`t know the details as far as what he did in terms of covering things up. It does seem like they ran in racy circles, where it`s very possible Ronald has a theory as to what happened.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Chelsea, if you had one thing to say to Misty, if she`s watching from jail right now, she`s only got a couple of days to come clean to avoid going to jail, prison for 240 years, what would you tell Misty? Speak to her.

C. CROSLIN: I would say, Misty, please, we love you so much. And please just tell us what happened to Haleigh. It`s not going to matter. It`s not going to change anything. No matter what, you`re going to go to jail, and in the end, Ronald is not going to be there for you. He doesn`t love you, and you`ll never be together again.

Haleigh needs justice, and your family needs justice. We love you, Misty. And we`ll always be there for you, but please, I`m begging you to just tell the truth.


Wendy Murphy, ten seconds. Do you think Misty will listen to her dear relative?

MURPHY: She should. Chelsea`s absolutely right. She knows the truth. She should tell the truth. Because her choice is -- are you ready? Jail or a life of torture, threats and bullies? What does she want? Does she want to go to jail or tell the truth?

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Going to leave it right there.


<snipped to include Haleigh coverage only>

Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: MuffyBee on July 04, 2012, 10:22:45 AM
What Happened to Haleigh Cummings?
Aired July 3, 2012 - 19:00   ET

JANE VELEZ-MITCHELL, HOST: New developments tonight in a case that, well, it`s captivated all of us. What happened to little Haleigh Cummings? And are police any closer to some real answers?

(VOICE-OVER) Tonight a dramatic new twist in the search for Haleigh Cummings, The adorable 5-year-old who`s been missing for three years. Now, the little girl`s dad gets a weekend out of prison. Ron Cummings is less than a year into his 15-year sentence. So why was he temporarily let out? We`ll explain.

Plus, how has Misty changed during all this time behind bars? And are police any closer to finding little Haleigh?

Then, in tonight "JVM`s Most Wanted," who killed a beloved couple in their own home in a quiet California neighborhood? Their killer`s still walking free. We`re reigniting the investigation into this unsolved murder mystery.

And how to live better now: our fitness magician, Tom Holland, shows us how stability balls can change your life.

MISTY CROSLIN, EX-WIFE OF RON CUMMINGS: Everything`s focused on Haleigh. What Haleigh wanted.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There`s always been a shadow of a doubt over Misty Cummings`s accounts of what happened to little Haleigh.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The blonde-haired brown-eyed little girl whose community wants her home.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The missing 6-year-old now presumed dead by investigators.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Croslin says she heard Haleigh scream, cry and struggle.

CROSLIN: I didn`t do anything with that little girl. I loved her like she`s my own. And I`ll do anything to get her back.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty was in tears as she heard she`ll spend the next 25 years in jail.

FLORA HOLLARS, MISTY GRANDMOTHER: Tied Haleigh up with a yellow rope and tied a brick or block to the rope and dropped her into the St. Johns River.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hank Croslin Jr. says his conscience has been eating away at him.

RON CUMMINGS, FATHER OF HALEIGH: If I find whoever has my daughter before ya`ll do, I`m killing them. I don`t care. I`ll spend the rest of my life in prison.

CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, HALEIGH`S MOTHER: In my heart I know she`s out there.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tonight, astounding new developments in a story that has captivated the nation.

Good evening. I`m Jane Velez-Mitchell.

Little missing Haleigh Cummings vanished in the dead of the night from her father`s Florida trailer. And now, Haleigh`s father is making headlines for going to a new secret child custody hearing. Yes. Yanked out of jail to go to this hearing.

Tonight we`re re-examining everything about this confounding case. And also tonight, police are telling us this is not a cold case, that they investigate Haleigh`s disappearance constantly.


CUMMINGS: I just got home from work. My 5-year-old daughter is gone.


CUMMINGS: I need somebody to be here now. I`m telling you.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Listen to me, we`ve got two officers...

CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before ya`ll do, I`m killing him. I don`t care. I`ll spend the rest of my life in prison.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: That`s the frantic 911 call over three years ago that launched a massive search for 5-year-old Haleigh Cummings.

Her dad`s 17-year-old girlfriend, Misty Croslin, was supposed to be babysitting little Haleigh. She claimed initially that she woke up around 3 in the morning, the back door was wide open, and Haleigh had vanished.

Thousands of volunteers, countless hours of investigation later, cops still have not uncovered what happened to this child. Was she murdered? Misty`s own grandmother, Flo, thought so. Listen to this.


HOLLARS: Tied Haleigh up with a yellow rope and tied a brick or block to the rope and dropped her into the St. Johns River.

She was crying. And I told her, I said, "Baby, don`t cry. This is something you should have said a long time ago."

She says, "But, Nanny, I was scared."


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Tragically, Grandma Flo has now died.

Meantime, both Haleigh`s dad, Ron, and his now ex-wife, Misty, are serving very long prison sentences on drug charges. Are cops just waiting for them to crack and tell them what really happened that night?

Straight out to Kim Picazio, the former attorney for Haleigh`s biological mother, Crystal Sheffield.

Thank you for joining us tonight. Kim, we`ve been hearing this news that Ron Cummings left jail just the other day to attend a child custody hearing that was shrouded in secrecy. We do not know the name of the child, or children or the mother involved.

Now, we reached out to Ron`s last attorney on record, but we haven`t heard anything back. What do you know, Kim?

KIM PICAZIO, FORMER ATTORNEY FOR CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD: The only thing I could find out, I called the prison and they had stated that he had been transported to -- from the prison itself to a local jail and had been transported to Brevard County, Florida, which is around the Titusville area.

And apparently, there is a court proceeding that has been confirmed. It`s in relation to a child and the mother. And I guess Ronald would be the putative father. We do not know who the child is or the mother`s name. However, the court dockets do not reflect any case wherein you can see Ronald was a party.

We also called, and we found out that would mean, most likely, that this is a proceeding wherein Ronald is a parent with regard to a Department of Children and Families proceeding. And we all know that Ronald is very used to being in department involvement, as he had lost custody of Junior, his son with Crystal Sheffield.

So this could be a second case where the Department of Children and Families is seeking to take away this man`s parental rights.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: And again, if Ron Cummings still has an attorney, that attorney is invited any time anywhere for his side of it at all. We want to be fair here. And obviously, Ron Cummings is incarcerated, so he cannot talk to us directly tonight.

Let`s go out to Wendy Murphy, former prosecutor. If indeed Ron Cummings had another child with another woman before all of this drama that the world was engulfed in, does that change the equation? Does it open the door for other motives and other potential back stories?

WENDY MURPHY, FORMER PROSECUTOR: Well, of course. I mean, but it depends why he`s involved, why he`s being taken here, and what the issue is. If -- and it makes sense that if it`s not on the docket, it`s got to be confidential, which means there`s some question, potentially, about abuse or neglect.

If there`s any reason to connect those dots in terms of him having a pattern of behavior, then it could not only help us understand more about his potential role in all of this, but it could open new doors in the investigation. So that`s a good thing.

You know, I wouldn`t want the guy out of jail for any reason. Why couldn`t they do it by video conferencing? I just don`t like the fact that he was allowed to breathe fresh air, frankly. That`s how I feel.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, Haleigh`s father, Ron Cummings -- we all know this crazy story -- he married Misty Croslin, the person who basically was watching his child when the child disappeared just a month after little Haleigh went missing. Misty was just 17 years old at the time. And she was just positively beaming -- beaming -- and just overjoyed where she got engaged.


CROSLIN: Last night at Chili`s.


CROSLIN: He got down on his knees and said, "Would you marry me?"

Everybody`s starting to take this marriage thing the wrong way, but it`s -- it`s still focused on Haleigh. This is what Haleigh wanted.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Now, that fairy-tale romance, as we all know, didn`t last long. Here is their wedding video from NBC. Just seven months later they were divorced.

Misty has said they got married because Ron was worried about being in a relationship with a minor. Some other people said they got hitched so they could each get spousal privilege and not be forced to testify against each other in court about Haleigh`s disappearance.

Ron`s been quoted as saying he married Misty to try to get the truth out of her about what happened, reportedly saying, "You keep your friends close and your enemies closer."

I want to go out to Levi Page, crime blogger, Internet radio host out of Nashville, Tennessee. You`ve been all over this. What about this crazy relationship with these two? And what does it say about what happened to Haleigh that night?

LEVI BLOGGER, INTERNET RADIO HOST: Well, we know that these two have been involved in drugs, drug dealing, drug use for a very long time. And we know that both of them have not been cooperative with law enforcement. Ronald Cummings got an attorney in the very beginning of this case.

We also know that Misty has told inconsistent stories. Everything that she`s told has been a lie.

And you mentioned their marriage. Right after they got married, Haleigh had only been missing about a month, and they went to New York City and "The Today Show." And they also went on amusement park rides all the while this child is missing.

And now the police have said that she was dead. That means her body was rotting somewhere dead, and these two were out there partying. And they claim they love Haleigh, but their actions speak otherwise.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. Well, to your point, the night Haleigh vanished from her bed, it`s still a mystery to investigators. But we`ve talked to them. And they assured us it is not a cold case.

Let`s look at some of the key facts we know. Misty, Haleigh`s father, Ron`s girlfriend. So Misty was going out with Haleigh`s dad, Ron. Misty was babysitting little Haleigh and Haleigh`s little brother, Ron Jr. that night.

Now, Ron came home after 3 in the morning. He says he discovered little Haleigh had vanished from the trailer. During the 911 call Ron blamed Misty, it would seem, for what happened. Listen to this infamous 911 call.



UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: OK, sir, let me talk to your wife. Let me get some information from her.



CUMMINGS: How the (EXPLETIVE DELETED) do you let my daughter get stolen, (EXPLETIVE DELETED)?


VELEZ-MITCHELL: OK. T.J. Hart, co-host of "Des Moines Morning News," you covered this case. Misty initially said she woke up in the middle of the night. The trailer door was propped open with a brick, Misty was gone.

But there were reports that claimed she switched her story and then talked about some kind of fight over a gun with a bunch of members of the Klan. And little Haleigh being snatched. How many versions are out there of what happened that night?

T.J. HART, CO-HOST, "DES MOINES MORNING NEWS" (via phone): Ask her, and when you ask her, but I`m only aware of about seven or eight.

The first inconsistency was that -- which bed was the child in? Because they had a large bed and a smaller bed.

Also, going out to get a drink of water, or going to the bathroom, seeing a light on. And a bathroom is accessible from the room she was in. Why would she go out into a hallway? That`s the only way that she could ever see that light.

There are inconsistencies also pertaining to whether the bed was made or not made. According to Ron when he came home, the bed was made. So where did the children sleep, if they did sleep at all that night? Where were they?

There were rumors that Misty had been out of that trailer. She`s told me point-blank that she was not partying that night. But as inconsistent as everything else has been with her story, you`ve got to -- you`ve got to believe that there`s something else going on there.

There are also stories that the -- the young boy had mentioned that he saw a stranger come in with tennis shoes and made the couch bounce. That`s another story that went around.

And then there were other ones where she might have heard something, but she wasn`t sure. She might have seen something, but she wasn`t sure. This is when she was allegedly under hypnosis, as well.



CROSLIN: I didn`t notice about Haleigh until I seen the back door open. And I go, and she`s gone. And that`s all I know.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Misty Croslin has changed. Look at her appearance. During her time behind bars she has put on weight. Oh, my gosh. She`s barely recognizable. She`s doing 25 years on an unrelated drug charge.

We`re investigating tonight.

Let`s go out to the phone lines. Laura, Illinois, your question or thought, Laura -- Laura.

CALLER: Hi, Jane.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Hi, how are you?

CALLER: OK. How are you?


CALLER: It`s always been my feeling from the first time I saw Ronald Cummings give his first interview that he was in an altered mental state. I mean, there was no doubt in my mind -- I have personal experience with addiction -- that he was higher than a kite when he talked on the news.

And I really believe that somehow something happened before he went to work that resulted in the death of Haleigh. And I think both he and Misty were present. And I think that she`s more covering up for him than he is for her. I think...

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, I think you`re making some excellent points. The Cummings/Croslin families have certainly had their own share of drama, even before little Haleigh went missing.

Misty`s own grandmother made some shocking allegations on our show about what happened, for example, between Misty and her cousin, Joe Overstreet, which kind of gets back to Ron at the end of it. Listen to this.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Have they been friends in the past? Or was there friction?

HOLLARS: Oh, yes, they`ve always been friends. Now, Misty stated that Joe had molested her when she was up there in Nashville. But she never once said anything to me about it. And she always wanted to go to his house. So if he molested her, she must have liked it.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Misty`s grandmother, Flo, again has now passed away.

This is Joe Overstreet. He`s never been arrested on molestation charges. We can`t independently confirm those allegations. He`s always claimed he`s being used as a scapegoat by his family. We have a call into his attorney and haven`t heard back.

One theory, though, and I`ll take this out to T.J. Ward, private investigator who`s covered this case. One theory from the night Haleigh went missing is that Joe Overstreet and Misty`s brother, Hank Croslin, went to that trailer to get a gun. Some kind of memorabilia, some weapon. And when they couldn`t find the gun, they took Haleigh instead. What do you know about that theory?

T.J. WARD, PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR: Well, I administered the layered voice analysis on Haleigh [SIC]. And that was one of the things that came up. And she was not being truthful.

The whole test based around what she talked about and what events took place on the night that she went missing are totally false. She has just lied through the whole test.

And she wanted to take the layered voice analysis test after she had taken the polygraph and flunked and then shortly after that took the hypnosis test while I was there.

And ironically, she was talking about the hypnosis test just freely, that she basically knew she was going on. So I don`t think the hypnosis actually put her under.

But she talked about Overstreet. And she basically just said -- and used him as an escape goat. But I can tell you from the test results from me running the -- administering the voice analysis test that Haleigh Cummings [SIC] does know what happened -- I mean, Misty Croslin knows what happened to Haleigh Cummings on that night.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Misty Croslin does know, according to you.

WARD: Yes.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Why do you say that?

WARD: Because all these direct questions and what she told about her story were very false and untrue. Which leads me to believe some of the questions that I asked her and what she talked about, that she personally had knowledge to come up with false statements and inaccuracies.



CUMMINGS: Keep Haleigh`s face out there. And if you have any information leading to her disappearance to call it in. It don`t matter who it hurts. And I want to let everyone know that I`m not hiding anything from anybody. And if somebody has something to do with it, let them fry.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: So right now Ron`s doing 15 years. Misty, 25 years. What did they do to get thrown in prison?

Even as investigators were frantic to figure out what really happened to Haleigh, check out the dash cam video of Misty dealing drugs to an undercover detective. She was caught and sentenced, again, to a quarter of a century in prison.

At the time her grandma, Flo Hollars, said it was a good thing she was going to jail.


HOLLARS: Really, she knowed [SIC] better than to do that. And I feel like that after she gets in there and she starts doing all her stuff, she`ll come out early, and she`ll know what to do the next time around.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Misty did not have a prior record. She just turned 18 when she was sentenced to 25 years. Oh, my gosh. Twenty-five years for an 18-year-old. I mean, that is extraordinary. That`s like watching your life slip away.

Wendy Murphy, if in fact, she does know what really happened, as T.J. Ward, private investigator, just told us through voice analysis, and she`s been given a 25-year sentence, can she still use the truth as leverage to get a reduced sentence and help us get closure to find out what happened to Haleigh?

MURPHY: Yes. I mean, I think there`s no doubt that part of what we`re watching unfold is a strategy to separate and squeeze the two key suspects. One of them is clearly more responsible. I don`t think it`s Misty. I think she`s a dim-witted nitwit, frankly. I don`t think she knows the deal. She may know some stuff, but she doesn`t know the real deal.

I mean, that somebody owed somebody a lot of money and they took the kid as payment on some kind of drug debt makes sense to me. I don`t think that was Misty`s doing.

She probably does know a lot. But here`s the thing, Jane. I write about this in my book, "And Justice for Some," what`s called the cross finger pointing problem. So as long as these two, Ron and Misty, stay quiet about the truth, and they keep putting these nonsensical theories out into the court of public opinion, they each get to essentially point the finger at the other.

And that`s what makes it impossible for law enforcement to solve this crime. They need one of them to give that up, because you can`t let either of them go to trial. They`ll blame the other. They have built-in reasonable doubt. It`s a frustrating case.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: A lot of people think Misty`s covering up for Ron because she`s so in love with him. Remember, this woman tattooed Ron`s name on her body after all this went down. That`s pretty obsessed.

Now, Ron Cummings, of course, was thrown into the spotlight when little Haleigh went missing. He was in front of the cameras crying saying he wanted to find his child. Listen to this.


CUMMINGS: We got her off the school bus. She ran to me and jumped in my arms, drove the car home. Got out. Gave me a hug and a kiss. Loved on me.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Levi Page, what about Ron spilling the beans?

PAGE: Yes. Well, you know, Jane, that he got a plea deal in 2010 -- in the summer of 2010, and he got some of his charges dropped. And he`s serving 15 years. And we know as part of that plea deal that he gave a proffer to the state attorney.

And as part of that proffer, he gave new information in Haleigh`s case. We know that it was about Haleigh Cummings` case, Jane, because the proffer is sealed. If it was about the drug case, we would be able to know about it, because the drug cases are closed. He gave a proffer on an ongoing investigation.

So I think that Ronald does know information. I think that`s pretty evident by now. And I think that clip you played of him crying was a fake. I agree with the caller that called it earlier. He was high as a kite.



CROSLIN: Everything`s still focused on Haleigh. This is what Haleigh wanted.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There`s always been a shadow of doubt over Misty Cummings` account of what happened to little Haleigh.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: The blond-haired, brown-eyed little girl, whose community wants her home.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The missing 6-year-old now presumed dead by investigators.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Croslin says she heard Haleigh scream, cry and struggle.

CROSLIN: I didn`t do anything with that little girl. I love her like she`s my own. And I`ll do anything to get her back.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Misty Cummings was in tears as she heard she`ll spend the next 25 years in jail.

HOLLARS: Tied Haleigh up with a yellow rope and tied a brick or block to the rope and dropped her into the St. Johns River.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Hank Croslin Jr. says his conscience has been eating away at him.

CUMMINGS: If I find whoever has my daughter before ya`ll do, I`m killing them. I don`t care. I`ll spend the rest of my life in prison.

SHEFFIELD: Deep in my heart I know she`s out there.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: New developments tonight in the search for missing Haleigh Cummings. As cops say this is not a cold case. And they continue to search for her and investigate every day.

We are learning that her father, Ron Cummings, was yanked out of prison where he is doing hard time and long time for drug dealing, and taken to a court hearing that is shrouded in secrecy.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Straight out to Kim Picazio; you are the biological mother of little Haleigh`s former attorney, in other words Crystal Sheffield`s former attorney. What do you know about this secret family court hearing?

KIM PICAZIO, CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD`S FORMER ATTORNEY: We don`t know much because apparently the docket does not reflect any cases regarding children involved with DCF or Department of Children and Families. So at this point the verdict`s out. We don`t really know what type of proceeding this is. What we do know --

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, but there is a possibility of another child that Ron had -- listen, I hadn`t heard about it. Look at the files that I have from the case. This is just one of them. We have drawers full of it. And we were frantically looking to see if, well, maybe this had come up earlier. We couldn`t find any evidence. If he has another child, is that a secret that`s just been revealed essentially to the public?

PICAZIO: I don`t think so. I think there is another child that was reported on during the case when I was -- my legal team was in town. It was very evident. And Ron understood that he had another child. He had never been involved with that child. He in fact had done news reports where he claimed -- and his mother, that they only had two children which was Haleigh and Ronald Jr.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: That`s what I mean.

PICAZIO: However, we do know there is another child by another lady who he used to date after Crystal Sheffield. He has never been through a paternity proceeding or otherwise. So this could actually be a proceeding involving that woman.

Or, since we know Ron very well, that he would think nothing of having multiple children out of wedlock with other teenage-type mothers since that was his MO. This could be a third child out of wedlock that he`s decided to shun and throw away as he`s done all of his other children.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, listen, we want to be fair here. We`ve been trying to reach out to his last-known attorney. We have not been able to. That person or any representative for Ron Cummings is invited on our show any time.

But to that point, Haleigh`s biological mother Crystal Sheffield has always been an outspoken critic of her ex, Ron. Here`s what she has had to say.


CRYSTAL SHEFFIELD, MOTHER OF HALEIGH CUMMINGS: Deep in my heart I know she`s out there. And nobody knows the pain that I go through -- nobody. And they never will. I don`t care who they are.


VELEZ-MITCHELL: Well, Wendy Murphy, we had sort of seen Ron crying and screaming about little Haleigh. We thought, well, he may have problems, but he`s a good dad, but this other child now -- potential child, surfacing. What does it say about his parental sense of responsibility?

WENDY MURPHY, FORMER PROSECUTOR: Well, assume it`s a situation involving another child, you know, it doesn`t take a lot to get from point A to point B on what kind of dad he really is. Any guy who irresponsibly impregnates women of any age, particularly teenagers, is inherently a bad father and probably a terrible human being.

And this isn`t just about child support. It`s just irresponsible to create kids that you don`t give a damn about. You know, it`s too bad that there has to be a hearing for this guy to figure out what his rights are. I think if you`re in prison for the rest of your life and a suspect in the disappearance, likely murder of your own child, I don`t think you should be allowed to be a father no matter how biologically connected you might be.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: Let`s get back to the last major search for Haleigh Cummings. Two years ago -- there`s video of the search. You may remember this, cops scouring the St. Johns River which isn`t far from the trailer. They actually took Misty -- you see her there down by the river.

There were claims that Misty`s cousin, Joe used to feed al gaiters at that dock. Grandma Flo claimed that she thought Haleigh was thrown into the river.

T.J. Ward, briefly, you`re a private investigator, what do you know. Apparently they found nothing, right?

T.J. WARD, PRIVATE INVESTIGATOR: They didn`t find anything. They found bones and they found a rope that they thought may have been something, but they believed it was somebody from fishing. They found a couple of bricks with ropes on it, but I think they didn`t tie those up -- they didn`t tie it to her at all (inaudible) to her going missing.

VELEZ-MITCHELL: All right. What a tragic mystery. We`re all over it.



Title: Re: Show transcripts
Post by: MuffyBee on September 22, 2012, 10:43:04 PM

911 Calls Caught on Tape

Aired September 21, 2012 - 20:00   ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Tonight, shocking 911 calls caught on tape. They are made in the heat of the moment. A crime just takes place, a child discovered missing. But 911 calls serve another purpose other than just alerting authorities. The 911 calls themselves turn out to be critical investigative tools in solving crimes. Tonight, chilling 911 calls from all across the country.

We start in Satsuma, Florida. A 5-year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later she`s gone. Daddy comes home from the night shift to find not a trace of little Haleigh. Last person to see her alive, the baby- sitter/stepmother, Misty Croslin. But Croslin waits to call 911. Why?


911 OPERATOR: 911. What`s your emergency?

MISTY CROSLIN, BABY-SITTER/STEPMOTHER: I just woke up and our back door was all open, and I can`t find my daughter.

911 OPERATOR: Can`t find what?

CROSLIN: Our daughter.

911 OPERATOR: OK. What`s your address?


911 OPERATOR: What`s the numerical?

CROSLIN: The numerical? What`s that?

911 OPERATOR: The number?

(DELETED) Green Lane?


911 OPERATOR: OK. When did you last see her?

CROSLIN: We just, like -- you know, it was about 10:00 o`clock. We were -- she was sleeping. I did cleaning (ph).

911 OPERATOR: OK. How old is your daughter?

CROSLIN: She`s 5.

911 OPERATOR: OK, what was she last seen wearing?


911 OPERATOR: Ma`am?

CROSLIN: She was in her pajamas. We were sleeping.

911 OPERATOR: OK. All right. You said your back door was wide open?

CROSLIN: Yes. It was a brick -- like, there`s a brick on the floor. Like, when I went to sleep, the door was not like that.

911 OPERATOR: OK, the back door...


911 OPERATOR: Listen to me. Your back door was wide open. What are you talking about a brick?


911 OPERATOR: What? What is the brick?

CROSLIN: It`s on the back door, on the stairs. Like, we have a walkway.

911 OPERATOR: And there was a brick laying there?

CROSLIN: Yes. It`s still there.

CUMMINGS: Tell them they better come on! (INAUDIBLE)

CROSLIN: They are!

911 OPERATOR: We`ve got them coming. Tell him we`ve got them coming.

CROSLIN: They`re coming.

911 OPERATOR: OK, what`s the color of your house, ma`am?

CROSLIN: It`s blue.

911 OPERATOR: It`s blue? OK. What -- what does she look like? How tall is she? Give me some description of her.

CROSLIN: She has, like -- like, long hair, curly, like, curls...

911 OPERATOR: Long, curled -- what color?

CROSLIN: She`s white.

911 OPERATOR: OK, what color hair?

CROSLIN: She`s got brown hair.

911 OPERATOR: Brown hair?


911 OPERATOR: OK, how tall is she, about? Or how much does she weigh? Do you know that?


911 OPERATOR: About how tall or how much does she weigh?

CROSLIN: Like, 4-something, like, I don`t know, like -- she`s not that tall.


911 OPERATOR: OK, tell your husband we`ve got them coming, OK?


911 OPERATOR: How much does she weigh, do you know?


911 OPERATOR: How much does she weigh?

CROSLIN: Like, 40, 50 pounds, 60 pounds.

911 OPERATOR: Forty to sixty pounds?


911 OPERATOR: OK, what`s her date of birth?

CUMMINGS: You all are (DELETED) playing games! I`m going to (DELETED) kill somebody!

911 OPERATOR: OK. Tell him we understand. We need to get her date of birth.

CROSLIN: What`s her date of birth?

CUMMINGS: (DELETED) her birthday! We need to find her! (DELETED) her date of birth!

911 OPERATOR: OK, listen to me. I`m getting this information. I`m not the officer driving out there, OK?


911 OPERATOR: They`re coming out there to handle that situation. I need to gather all our information from you over the phone.


911 OPERATOR: It has nothing to do with me driving out there. The officers are taking care of that, OK? They`re coming out there, OK?


911 OPERATOR: OK. I`m going to stay on the phone with you, OK...


911 OPERATOR: ... until they get there. All right. Hang on. Tell him we`ve got them coming. He needs to try to calm down a little bit, OK? The officers are going to come out there and do what they can. We can`t have him screaming and yelling at the officers whenever they get there, OK?



911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, let me talk to your wife so I -- let me get some information from her.


911 OPERATOR: OK, can I talk to her?



CUMMINGS: How the (DELETED) can you let my daughter get stole, (DELETED)!


911 OPERATOR: OK, sir, let me talk to your wife so I -- let me get some information from her.


911 OPERATOR: OK, can I talk to her?



911 OPERATOR: OK, listen to me. I need you to answer some questions. Does the door look like it was pried open?


911 OPERATOR: Does it look like you had -- does it look like you had some sort of someone try to enter into your house?

CROSLIN: Hold on.

911 OPERATOR: And another thing. Make sure you and your husband don`t touch the door anymore. Don`t mess with the door or anything.


CROSLIN: No, it doesn`t.

911 OPERATOR: It doesn`t look like it is?


911 OPERATOR: OK, now, listen, tell your husband...


911 OPERATOR: ... do not touch anything. Make sure (INAUDIBLE) because we`re going to try to get a K-9 out there, OK?

CROSLIN: OK. She says don`t touch anything because they`re bringing a K-9 out here.



GRACE: Right now, the father of little Haleigh, Ronald Cummings, is with us. Mr. Cummings, you and your family are in so many prayers across the country right now. Please, tell us what happened when you got home from work that night. I believe it was around 3:00 AM.

CUMMINGS: Actually, it was about 3:25, 3:27.


CUMMINGS: And I pulled into the yard, and my girlfriend opened the front door. And I already knew something was wrong because she`s not up at this time. She told me -- I said, What are you doing up at this time? She says, Your back door`s wide open and your daughter`s gone.

GRACE: What is her description -- what scenario took place?

CUMMINGS: She got out of the bed and went to use the restroom and came back to find out that my daughter was not in bed with her.

GRACE: OK, what time...

CUMMINGS: And the back door was wide open and she was -- and she was gone.

GRACE: Ronald, what time did she put Haleigh to bed?

CUMMINGS: She puts them to bed every night at 8:00 o`clock.

GRACE: At 8:00 o`clock. When she put...


GRACE: When she put her to bed at 8:00 o`clock, did she also put to bed the little 4-year-old boy?

CUMMINGS: Yes, she did.

GRACE: OK. What time did she go to bed?

CUMMINGS: Approximately 10:30, 11:00.

GRACE: At 10:30, 11:00. At that time, was little Haleigh in the bed asleep with the brother?


GRACE: And they all slept together in the same bed, correct?


GRACE: So sometime between 11:00 PM and 3:30 AM, Haleigh goes missing. Now, did she call 911?

CUMMINGS: No, she did not, not until after I was there. She tried to call me, but I was pulling in the driveway. So I asked her how come she was trying to call me, she needed to call 911. So she immediately called them then.

GRACE: And where does the biological mother live, Ronald?

CUMMINGS: In Baker County, in Glen St. Mary.

GRACE: What is that, about 150 miles away?

CUMMINGS: I would say approximately 90 to 100.

GRACE: Now, have you and your girlfriend both taken a polygraph, right?

CUMMINGS: Yes, I have, passed it with flying colors. Yes, she has passed hers.

GRACE: And you volunteered to do that and you`ve been cooperating with police, right?

CUMMINGS: Yes. Why not? Why -- I don`t have anything to hide. I just want my daughter back. Anything that`s going to help them eliminate more people is the best thing.


GRACE: We`ve heard shocking 911 calls caught on tape. But as we have learned, those 911 calls serve another purpose, other than just alerting authorities. The calls themselves can be a critical investigative tool in solving the crime.