Scared Monkeys Discussion Forum

Current Events and Musings => Political Forum => Topic started by: WhiskeyGirl on October 16, 2009, 08:24:13 AM

Title: Immigration Bill Outline - Who will write this? Why don't Americans come first?
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on October 16, 2009, 08:24:13 AM
Cornerstones of immigration reform
Rep. Luis Gutierrez outlined the core principles his immigration reform bill Tuesday.

 – Pathway to legalization: Gutierrez wants to give unauthorized immigrants the chance to become citizens if they pass a background check, pay taxes and learn English. “It’s not an easy process, but it’s a fair process,” his statement reads.

Who would be making up the background check? have no record in Mexico, so you must be ok.  How did you support yourself while you were here?  What social security numbers did you use?  Did you pay taxes?  Did you abandon a mortgage?

Will anyone ask the tough questions?

– Border control: Federal agencies should work together with border communities to strengthen “our nation’s physical and economic security.”

I believe a recent poll suggested that Amnesty II will just encourage more to come.  Any funding for strengthening our nation's physical and economic security?  A better wall?

– Labor regulations: The electronic system currently used to verify workers’ legal status should be improved to prevent hiring of illegal workers. Workers’ rights should be expanded to avoid exploitation of illegal immigrants. Gutierrez also wants to create an “employment-based visa system” that would “align visa numbers with actual labor market demands and economic needs.”

Current recession/depression.  If we have high unemployment, will the folks here illegally be sent home?  I don't see that happening, and unemployment is rising.  Unemployment funds are empty. 

There doesn't seem to be any job or wealthy creation, just spending and debt in Washington.

Why does Washington continue to allow those here legally and citizens to be exploited by those here illegally?  What kind of exploitation?  Financial, economic, security...

– Family unity: Under current laws, families can be separated if children born here are citizens but other members came to the U.S. illegally. “We need… a system that keeps families strong” and together, Gutierrez said.

What does that mean?  Encouraging families to return to their countries of origin?  All member?  Perhaps emmigrating to a third country?

In this day of mobile people, the government has been encouraging Americans to go elsewhere for jobs.  Why aren't they encouraging people here illegall to return to their country of origin or perhaps another country, not the US?

– Students: The DREAM act, currently before Congress, aims to provide a legalization process for students who have grown up in the U.S. but lack to official documentation. Gutierrez’ bill would strengthen the DREAM act.

How are you going to pay for this?  Americans on Main Street are losing their retirement savings, lifetime savings, investments, and opportunities to prosper.

Where is the money going to come from to strengthen the DREAM act?

What about the American dreams of citizens and those here legally?  Who's looking out for them?

Why isn't immigration reform focused on making life better for citizens and those here legally?  Who's for Americans? (

Americans and those here legally have been relegated to the 'untouchable' class in America.

For some reason, politicians in Washington are for everyone else - Wall Street, Global Corporations, Foreign Businesses, Global Citizens, and Illegal Aliens.

Why isn't the focus on making America strong for Main Street?  The forgotton people?

Title: Re: Immigration Bill Outline - Who will write this? Why don't Americans come first?
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on October 16, 2009, 08:40:58 AM
As you probably know, the administration and members of Congress in both houses are making it abundantly clear that no matter how many times a great majority of the citizens of the United States have made it crystal clear that they want our nation's border secured and that they do not want illegal aliens to be given amnesty under the aegis of a program such as that which is called for under the terms of "Comprehensive Immigration Reform," that they will press on with this program.

I am also quite certain that you know how adamantly I have been opposed to any such massive amnesty program for a number of reasons, beginning with my concerns about national security- to put it succinctly, there is no way that the beleaguered agency that would have to administer this ill-conceived program, USCIS (United States Citizenship and Immigration Services) could handle the massive workload that would be created.

We have a government that promised transparency, no lobbyists...

Why can't they put a bill on the internet for everyone to see before they vote on it?

Why can't they allow our nation's people and CONGRESS time to read and digest it before they vote on it?

What happened to common sense?

We spend billions, and Congress can't get the bill on the internet?

As an INS special agent I often found that the illegal aliens I arrested had multiple identity documents in their pockets in a number of different names. I used to say that it was easy to distinguish a "good guy" from a "bad guy"- a good guy gets up in the morning and goes through his stuff to decide on what to wear that day, while a bad guy goes through his stuff to figure out who he wants to be that day!

What's wrong with filling out the paperwork, waiting patiently (like millions of other potential legal immigrants) for approval?  Why force your way into the US?

Now we have the Zogby Poll as reported on by Steve Camarota, the Director of Research at the Center for Immigration Studies, making it clear that citizens of Mexico would be encouraged to seek to violate our nation's borders to enter the United States to seek unlawful employment. As you may know, I have been affiliated with the Center for Immigration Studies for about 7 years. (

link to study -

"Public Opinion in Mexico on U.S. Immigration"

A new survey by Zogby International finds that people in Mexico think that granting legal status to illegal immigrants in the United States would encourage more illegal immigration to the United States. As the top immigrant-sending country for both legal and illegal immigrants, views on immigration in Mexico can provide insight into the likely impact of an amnesty, as well as other questions related to immigration.

Another important finding of the survey is that most people in Mexico think that the 32 million Mexican-Americans in this country, most of whom were born in the United States, should give their primary loyalty to Mexico. They also think the Mexican government should represent the interests of Mexican-Americans in the United States. If this view is widespread among Mexican Americans in the United States, such attitudes could make the assimilation and full integration of people of Mexican ancestry more difficult into American society.

And all these people should become citizens and vote?  What happened to loyaly to your adopted country?

What is wrong in this country when government want's to accept people who are for foreign countries?  Why isn't the government 'for' citizens and people here legally? (

"We live in a perilous world and in a perilous era. The survival of our nation and the lives of our citizens hang in the balance This is neither a Conservative issue, nor is it a Liberal issue- simply stated, this is most certainly an AMERICAN issue! You are either part of the solution or you are a part of the problem! Democracy is not a spectator sport! Lead, follow or get out of the way!"

Title: Re: Immigration Bill Outline - Who will write this? Why don't Americans come first?
Post by: WhiskeyGirl on October 16, 2009, 08:54:01 AM
October 12 at 11:10 AM
by Brittanicus

Now they want to push another BLANKET AMNESTY upon us. The Democrats have promised those already here a path to citizenship, that defies all logic. It means access to our health care reform instantly, totalization of social security with those from South of the border. It means sharing your retirement with the majority of foreign nationals who been sponging of Americans for decades. It means more welfare for the old, the indigent who will follow on, through chain migration. It means your living standards falling to that of third world existence. If Amnesty passes do you think for one minute that those without hope in other countries are—NOT—going to pour through our porous border? I’m getting old, but I fear for my son’s future, my family. I have my pensions, but where do you stand? Will you get a pension upon retirement? Our infrastructure has suffered, because we send our young people to fight foreign wars for special interests. For years those who supposedly embody us in Washington, have seriously neglected our road, rail, utilities and communications network. The special interests are the multi-national companies, who have no loyalty to America, the people or the US Constitution. Then there are the majority of our politicians, who have slowly succumbed to business handouts? The only thing they have any loyalty to, is filling their own bank accounts with campaign contributions and undisclosed lucrative gifts. DID AMERICA COME ALL THIS WAY TO SINK BELOW A LAYER OF GREED AND UNBELIEVABLE CORRUPTION IN WASHINGTON.

The fact is uncomplicated that E-Verify WORKS! And it is up, running and operational, so that illegal foreign workers other than a few using counterfeit documents will be discovered and eliminated from the workplace. Th Special interest lobbyists want it dropped, because it has grown in popularity and more sincere Pro-American companies are using it? Another simple fact is that its—SUCCEEDING! It is now hurting the elusive Council of Foreign Relations agenda to destabilize American workers and substitute even more cut-rate even a government agency, but a Quasi agency that is a kind of sinister think tank. For years they have been formatting their power to undo the poorly built border fence, wreck inspections at airports, so millions more can pour into American and steal jobs. Nor does matter to the illicit ACLU, a communist inspired group or business consortium’s, who owe no loyalty to US workers? It is a case of drowning America in low wage recruits, who are not just working in the fields, but janitors, fast food, factories, warehouses and higher paying jobs then citizens and legal employees realize?. AMERICAN WORKERS MUST MAKE A STAND. Anybody who legally displays the E-Verify sign should get the customers dollars, those who don’t comply should be absolutely BOYCOTTED. I go to El Pollo Loco, but not to McDonalds-because I haven’t seen the E-Verify sign yet? Same I only try to buy AMERICAN? But that is even becoming more indefinable, because many parts of products are imported in from cheap labor countries, killing our own manufacturing base. WE ARE SELF-INFLICTING OUR OWN WOUNDS?

The same with not training our own workers and instead imported significantly more labor from other lands by the millions each year. Thus we cheat our own industries. We can beat this, by electing politicians who sign a—CONTRACT— stating American workers come first? Not those just affirming an oath of office, since to many it’s meaningless. These contracts can be published and shown to the public and the national media. We are cutting our own throats in so many ways, because many bona-fide US Americans don’t bother to vote the political corruption—OUT OF OFFICE. Most of the lawmakers are out for gain, not truly there to protect the American poor, not protecting our vulnerable senior’s, not even really protecting our military, if they even come home? With the health care reform as a major issue, then research you’re local, state of federal lawmaker and locate their screened interests in pharmaceutical companies, hospitals, insurance, billing companies or anything that exudes money? They are just coveting their own interests? THE AMERICAN PEOPLE HAVE THE ULTIMATE POWER, TO STOP THIS TRAVESTY OF OUR IMMIGRATION LAWS. Even our police departments are under attack by pro illegal immigrant politicians and open border crazies, which includes an old timer like Sheriff Joe Ariapo. He was following federal law called 287 G, to apprehend criminal aliens. But their all Criminals. They entered a sovereign nation without permission. Joe will thankfully carry on under state law and nothing will deter him? IT SHOULD BE MADE A FIRST CLASS FELONY AS IT IS IN DEVELOPED NATIONS.

We should replace the pit of Vipers led by Sen. Harry Reid and joined by Liberal Democrat leaders last week—KILLED—by a vote of 61 to 38 shot down Senator Vitters amendment of that would have withdrawn federal funds to—SANCTUARY CITIES AND STATES. It is more taxpayer money being stolen to support illegal families, gang members and other heinous criminals who broached our laws. The IRS is actually extracting the money you earn, to take it in April, to support Anchor families included with the 20 million to thirty million people that should be ejected from our nation. Homeland security run by Napolitano is in deep collusion with sleaze that is catered to in Washington. Perhaps—just perhaps if we used public funding for election Campaigns for the politicians, it would assist in removing the corruption in DC, severing the lobbyists. Speaker of the House is another problem, who runs her vineyards with illegal foreign workers in CALIFORNIA. But that is just scratching the surface of both parties as they are perpetually involved in running the country for the globalists.

Only if we stand together and demand E-Verify program, our uniformed police right to question and detain people of unauthorized immigration status 287 G? Hopefully next year Americans will see through the greed, in the Senate and house and start by—REMOVING—Sen. Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi. Both have millions of illegal aliens living off taxpayers in California and Nevada. GO and investigate their immigration grading and every lawmaker at NUMBERSUSA website. Vote them out? WE MUST HAVE E-VERIFY AS A MANDATED LAW, SEN. HARRY REID SOLD US OUT TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER. CALL YOUR LEGISLATORS TODAY AT 202-224-3121 and give them an ULTIMATUM. Businesses that hire the millions of illegal aliens are bleeding us dry, because we pay for the health care and education and for hundreds of thousands in the prisons. Your tax dollars are paying for warm cells and California has the largest proportion of any state. MAKE ENTERING AMERICA A CLASS ONE FELONY, LIKE OTHER DEVELOPED COUNTRIES. EVEN MEXICO YOU ARE DRAGGED INTO ONE OF THOSE REPUGNANT PRISONS.

read more here - (

Why don't American's and people here legally come first?  Why isn't Washington concerned about their welfare?  Their security?  Their ability to prosper?