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Author Topic: Pet Food Argument from LCD Thread  (Read 10824 times)
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Monkey Junky
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« Reply #20 on: April 17, 2007, 09:18:44 PM »

Quote from: "Carnut"
Quote from: "klaasend"
CARNUT - Take it to the Monkey Lounge.  This is my last request.  I'm trying to work and can't babysit the forum at the moment.  If you don't like discussion about PET'S AND PET FOOD, or any other OFF TOPIC thing that happens to pop up, just please SCROLL PAST THE POST.

It does appear that you have the perogative to get me 'poofed' any time you want if my posts are offending the forum.

Carnut,  I have read your post about this topic, and my observation is that you are destined to be alone most of your life.  Which of course you are. I have never heard of anyone, nor have I met anyone in my life that had the argumentative malice in their heart as you do.

 If you can not, or will not identify with this or any other problem, and realize that you have "friends" that ARE IMPACTED by this tragedy of neglect, I feel extremely sorry for you.  But,  I for one vote that you are poofed. You are not the type of person I want to have involved in my life be it by internet blog or in person.

This is not the first negative argument that you have tried to involve everyone in.  I sense that you find joy in aggravating others.  No wonder the old girlfriend kept the car you bought her.  I assume she felt she deserved something after the relationship she had with you! You made her the guilty party in that scenario too.  You can't buy love carnut, you earn it.  You didn't earn it.  

 Sometimes mentally unhappy people, such as yourself, want to involve others and pull them down to your unhappiness.  Unfortunately, those of us that care about their animals are unhappy and very saddened by the losses others have experienced, and the concerns for our pets.  Perhaps if you thought an animal could tolerate you, and they are very tolerant, you might learn something about loving something, or someone.  You have a lot to learn, you must be in an early life.  Caring for yourself may have to come first.  It just may change your attitude. You will probably need professional help to accomplish that.

~~We cannot direct the wind but we can adjust the sails ~~
mrs. red
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« Reply #21 on: April 17, 2007, 09:45:48 PM »

I just learned along with Anna, another of my dear friends lost her dog Tracker to this mess.... and I thank GOD every morning (even when RC howls like a damn banshee Rolling Eyes ) that I asked y'all earlier what to do about my cat acting strangely and all.. and in the lounge most of you said Food... it went on like a light that I had just changed to the pouches and the Monkeys saved my "children's" lives...

and for that I am forever grateful.....

ANNA, I am so sorry for the loss of three... I stupidly thought you had only lost one (which is FAR too many!!) ... ((((HUGS)))))

To accomplish great things we must not only act but also dream, not only plan but also believe.
Author: Anatole
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« Reply #22 on: April 17, 2007, 10:05:38 PM »

Anna and others who have lost pets due to this, Im so sorry for you all.
  Crying or Very sad
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #23 on: April 17, 2007, 11:25:39 PM »

Where did Carnut go?  He never came over to discuss here but he surely wanted to post in the other forum.  Maybe I should just be quiet and leave well enough alone.
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« Reply #24 on: April 18, 2007, 12:10:29 AM »

I'm not even sure CARNUT knows I moved these posts here.  I've been very busy lately and I really don't have the time for this kind of crap.  Yes, CARNUT...I'm referring to your crap.  Evil or Very Mad
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« Reply #25 on: April 18, 2007, 12:41:19 AM »

Where did Carnut go, indeed!  If he couldn't disrupt the entire forum, he had no interest in bashing me.

You stated that I was lying about my dogs to get sympathy?  Note that I did not mention the loss of those pups until you asked me how many I had lost.  Two of them died yesterday, the day of the shooting and out of respect for people losing actual children, I chose not to inject the death of puppies for fear of it being taken that I was implying it was an equal loss when I know full well that it isn't.  

You couldn't be more wrong with that nasty crack about my saying this to get sympathy for I don't require, need not expect sympathy.  That is NOT THE POINT AT ALL!  I hope to alert others to the danger of this toxicity so that their pets may be spared.
No, I did not feed the pups before March as you full well know they were nursing but I did feed the mothers and as I explained and you admitted to understanding with your remark that they were out to get me, I chose foods very carefully that had NOT been recalled and whose manufacturers assure were safe.  Only then were they recalled, much later.  The latest was only recalled YESTERDAY and had previously been deemed safe so what are you talking about?
I am not a psychologist nor a psychiatrist but I did training as a psyche nurse, post grad through Southern College internship at HCA Valley Hospital and it is my considered opinion that you suffer from a tangible mental illness and would greatly benefit from seeking professional help.

It is not normal to be so totally devoid of empathy and to be so vicious to others who are obviously suffering and to be almost gleeful at the suffering of beloved pets.  Little pups having convulsions is not something to gloat over as you are doing.

The point is to alert others so they will prevent something happening to their own pets as Mrs Red and Louise to name just two have done from this information.  Sympathy for me is not even an issue. It never entered my mind until you made that lying accusation.   Doesn't do anything to prevent others from suffering which is the whole point of the information about the pet food recall.

I don't know what you mean about my vet, either, for he has thirty years experience and I don't really question him at every turn.  It doesn't matter if it is documented or not as Menu foods in their wild greed has already announced they will not repay one cent, not even vet bills.  This will likely put me out of the breeding business and has the potential to have me end up in bankruptcy should all my dogs become ill.  Why you find that so delightful is yet another unhinged symptom, wishing others such ill will.

So far it is contained to one litter and mother as some dogs are more sensitive to this than others. Two dogs eating the same diet will not react the same just as with humans.

I strongly resent your implication that I am lying about my pups to get sympathy.  I wish I had taken photos and yes, my vet will do a necropsy on one of them only but am not sure what to look for in a nursing pup and neither is he.  If they want the pup at Auburn, he will send it to them as well.  What more is it you think I should do???????

Guess you have no problem with the CFO at Menu selling his stock just before the recall, either.

But rest assured, it is NOT sympathy I want but others to be aware that recalls continue daily.  It was NOT a one time thing and the latest is believed to be in the RICE not wheat.  China uses both melamine and MSG as fertilizer and the effects on pets as well as humans is not really that well known as those are not used in this country.

Taking delight in the death of or ridiculing it of puppies is not normal and you need help.  I do hope you will seek professional counseling for your misanthropic personality disorder.  Wanting pups to suffer and die is just one step away for actually killing them as known serial killers start out doing.  You are just one step removed.

This is NOT personally about me at all nor even my pups but a very real and devastating widespread toxicity in possibly our entire commercial pet food supply.  

That is what this is about.  NOT ME!  And the fact that you can't see that is a further symptom in how you chose your resentment and target me with it.  
 A normal person would readily understand that I am trying to inform and educate about the recall, not wanting sympathy.  It takes a hate filled mind to miss something so obvious and warp all the posts I have made listing information and just reduce it to some ploy for sympathy.  I listed all that long before I lost a single pup, too.

I have always tried to help others with their doggie issues being a second generation dog breeder and so your accusations are not only twisted but very out of line.  Probably a dozen people have contacted me through email for dog advice on serious problems as well as we used to have a thread about that.  But with your sick mind you reduce it all to just wanting sympathy?  That is truly vicious and you really have no right to discount my efforts in this regard.  You are not even aware of many of them and yet assume some very negative motivation on my part.  Why do you think this way?  It is far from how a well adjusted person would see that.

Get help!  You're the one who needs sympathy, not me. I am far stronger than to let the death of these puppies, painful as it is, get me down or make me hate my fellow human being as you do.  I am trying to help others no matter how you chose to mischaracterize my efforts.

But I think that is something you are incapable of understanding, altruistic efforts.  You don't even seem to understand that the recall didn't happen at one time, either.  It is ongoing and continuing even today.  And I will continue to try to let people know what is newly recalled and why no matter how many of your lies and insults I have to fend off to do so.

Ask yourself why you are doing such a thing.  Do you really think it is anywhere close to a normal response?  IT ISN'T!  It's nuts!  You truly are a carNUT!


All posts reflect my opinion only and are not shared by all forum members nor intended as statement of facts.  I am doing the best I can with the information available.

Murder & Crime on Aruba Summary http://tinyurl.com/2nus7c
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #26 on: April 18, 2007, 12:52:42 AM »


Man is kind enough when he is not excited by religion.
- A Horse's Tale
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« Reply #27 on: April 18, 2007, 01:06:28 AM »

I have been keeping up with every thing we posted about the pet food recall.  I have been checking all my ingredients lists.  Had it not been for Anna, I would have fed mine some tainted food for sure.  My daughter lost a beloved cat to renal failure last year.  We had struggled for months to help him and he never got better.  I now realize I was feeding him some of these same foods that have been recalled back then.  The vet even gave them to me to see if it would help.  I killed my own child's pet by feeding him vet approved food.  How do you think I feel about that?  I was on here crying about it at the time.  Terry D was the one that even offered help to me should I need it.  I will never forget that.  It meant a lot to me.  I have just recently managed to get the vet bill paid.  If only we had known then my daughter might still have her precious cat.  So it's not just about money and animals...it's about caring for our pets.  You can tell a lot about a person by the way they treat their animals.
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #28 on: April 18, 2007, 08:07:40 AM »

Lala's please don't blame yourself about your childs pet. You fed a food as recommended by your vet. I am not putting blame on the vet either. I blame the pet food maufacturers for not being open & honest about what is going on. Like so many other businesses they are in it for the money!!!
Anna I know how hard it is to be a breeder. I did that for about 15 years. You put your heart & soul into each dog, but most assuredly each whelping mother with her new litter of pups. It hurts like hell when something happens to either. Been there done that.
I usually don't reply to carnut but here goes:
Carnut, I don't mind debate on anything but you give the appearance of intentionally trying to "stir the pot" about anything & everything. As my mother used to say you like to "argue for the sake of an argument".
It seems to me you lack the gene for empathy. You seem to get your thrills out of being antagonistic & facetious.


Monkey Mega Star
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« Reply #29 on: April 18, 2007, 01:23:18 PM »

And another thing, Carnut,

So what if I had been seeking sympathy, which I was not.  I am very independent and pretty take my knocks as they come along, but just what if I had been?

What exactly is it you find wrong with that?  This is what friends do.  It is not evil to seek support from others when one needs it.  You seem to think either that this is evil or that I am lying about the loss of my pups.  Sorry, but I am too superstitious to do that for fear it would happen and in spades, I'd lose all of them through Karma and deserve to do so.

This is yet another indication that you don't have both oars in the water and need help in regard to your misogynistic and misanthropic attitudes toward other people.  That in itself would not be so bad but you actually try to hurt others and this is where you go off the rails.

Should I feel the need for sympathy, I have every right to ask for it if I want to and expect to receive it as I have often extended it to others here in the past and felt it from my heart.  Any normal person has sympathy and empathy to spare for others and only those with a real problem are so stingy of heart that it is a big deal for them or something they resent seeing being extended to another person.

And it takes quite a piece of work to defend killing pets for profit as you seem determined to do.  Fortunately, you are not normal and normal people do not condone needless suffering of the pet owners and the pets themselves.  I truly wonder about your own relationship with Shadow and if you feel nothing for your own pet is why you think others do not.  You are void of normal feelings of empathy and compassion.  

There would be absolutely nothing wrong with my coming on this forum and ASKING for sympathy.  It's what people do when they feel they need it.  It's what we are supposed to do and is not something evil at all.

Thanks for your kind words.  They mean a lot from someone who has been there and done that.  You know exactly the feeling.  It is terrible to lose a pup because you think if not for you the pup would not have existed, etc. and take full blame no matter what effort you have put forth.  It is very hard to bear.

Years ago my father bred, trained and boarded hunting dogs and as a child to me it looked so much more simple than it has turned out to be but this was a lifelong dream of mine to do when my kids were old enough.  I am giving it my best shot, 24/7 and it does hurt so badly.  If I lose this mother I don't know what I will do.  But she is much better as I am now mostly raw feeding regular chicken from the grocery store.  That also stops diarrhea tremendously.

And probiotics given regularly help with all digestive problems.

Back to poop scooping!

 Very Happy


All posts reflect my opinion only and are not shared by all forum members nor intended as statement of facts.  I am doing the best I can with the information available.

Murder & Crime on Aruba Summary http://tinyurl.com/2nus7c
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #30 on: April 18, 2007, 04:47:44 PM »

Anna I am glad to hear the momma dog is doing better. I hope & pray the momma dog & all the puppies will be just fine.
I know from having to hand raise puppies how attached you become. If something happened to one the amount of blame I put on myself was unreal. I always questioned did I do something wrong? Thank goodness my vet always checked to see why a pup was lost & luckily it was a force of mother nature, not an error on my part.
I am not an overly superstitious person but did have one thing I always did as soon as mom whelped & cleaned up a pup. I always picked up the newborn & kissed it on the belly. It was my thing to do & I believed it helped the temperament of the pup.  LOL  Yes folks we breeders can be a superstitious lot.


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