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Northern Rose
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« Reply #20 on: February 20, 2010, 05:01:30 PM »

'Blij dat ik zingen heb ontdekt'

UITHOORN - Elke week wordt een Uithoornaar of Kwakelaar door het Witte Weekblad geïnterviewd. Hij of zij nodigt zelf een opvolger uit en bedenkt de eerste vraag. Vorige week nodigde Hennie van Houten Francis van der Sloot uit. Francis is geboren in Amsterdam. Ze heeft enige tijd in Amstelveen gewoond maar woont sinds 1989 in Uithoorn. Ze is 45 jaar en samenwonend. Francis heeft een zoon van 20 jaar. Francis zingt nogal fanatiek en Hennie wil haar daarom vragen hoe het is om in drie verschillende formaties te zingen en hoe het is om op te treden.

Op de eerste vraag antwoordt Francis: ,,Zingen is heerlijk. Het is een geweldige uitlaatklep. En het leuke is dat ik met mijn zingen andere mensen blij kan maken. Toen ik dat merkte, wilde ik er mee door gaan. Bovendien kom ik altijd met leuke dingen in aanraking. De mensen zijn altijd in een feeststemming. En dat merk ik in alle drie de settingen. Het is gewoon voor mij een kick als mensen uit hun dak gaan. Het is allemaal begonnen met het koor. Inmiddels ben ik al vier jaar voorzitter van dat koor, D'Fine. Het is een vrouwenkoor dat nu uit zo'n dertig vrouwen bestaat. Het is geen commercieel koor, we krijgen wel betaald maar we verdienen er niks mee. Koorzang is heel anders zingen dan solo. Tijdens mijn koorperiode kwam ik erachter dat mijn stem eigenlijk heel mooi is. Vervolgens heb ik samen met een ander koorlid auditie gedaan bij een band waar ze een zangeres voor zochten. Dat was ongeveer drie jaar geleden. Toen kwam ik terecht bij de band Jyhlane. In een band zingen is heel anders dan bij een koor. Om te beginnen heb je dan live muziek in plaats van een muziekband. Bovendien kun je geen steun zoeken bij andere zangeressen; we zijn maar met zijn tweetjes die zingen. Met de band zing ik vooral op feesten en partijen. Vorig jaar hebben we bij café de Herbergh 1883 gestaan tijdens de Goud van Oud avond. Dat was geweldig. Naast de band en het koor zing ik ook nog bij Divalisoues, een duo. En daarmee mikken we weer op een ander publiek. Het is een beetje jazzachtig en we zingen vooral bij diners en dergelijke. Maar ook wel bij uitvaarten. Het grote verschil tussen de drie formaties is dus het hebben van live muziek of een muziekband. Met het koor bedienen we een andere doelgroep dan met de band. Het optreden zelf is heerlijk. En het is voor mij een stukje bevestiging voor de repetitie. Het is prettig mensen te laten genieten van wat je je eigen hebt gemaakt. Daarnaast blijft het heerlijk om muziek te maken. Het laten zien wat je tijdens de repetities hebt geleerd hoort daar gewoon bij."

Hoe bent u met zingen begonnen?

,,Het is allemaal begonnen met een karaoke-wedstrijd die ik won. Dezelfde maand kreeg ik een flyer van het koor waar ik nu in zing. Ik heb toen auditie gedaan en werd aangenomen. Binnen korte tijd zat ik in het bestuur van het koor en al snel trad ik op als solist. Dat zingen had er altijd al in gezeten. Ik moet wel zeggen dat je er echt in moet groeien. De eerste keer optreden was vreselijk. Je moet echt over een drempel heen. Maar ik merkte dat mensen het leuk vonden als ik voor hen zong en danste en dan wordt het langzaam een tweede natuur. Het koor dat toen nog 'chapter one' heette was een gemengd koor toen ik erbij kwam. Na ongeveer een jaar werd de naam toen veranderd en werd het een vrouwenkoor. Het repertoire is anders dan bij de band maar ik moet zeggen dat het koor mijn eerste veilige stappen waren in de wereld van het zingen. Inmiddels heb ik voor veel publiek opgetreden en dan durf je vanzelf ook gekkere dingen. Door het koor heb ik zelfs in een film meegedaan. Dat is wel heel apart om zoiets mee te maken. Het is gewoon zalig om mensen met mijn zingen blij te maken. We hebben in bejaardenhuizen opgetreden maar ook voor personeelsverenigingen. Zingen is hard werken maar het geeft wel veel voldoening. Behalve het zingen moet er namelijk ook worden op- en af gebouwd en dat kost ook nog wel wat tijd. Op 5 juni staan we met het koor in The Mix voor een groot concert. We hebben een vaste choreograaf en natuurlijk een dirigent, Julia Scepanovic."

Wat doet u allemaal als voorzitter van het koor?

,,Ik regel onder andere de boekingen. Daarnaast zorg ik voor het reilen en zeilen binnen het koor en ben ik aanspreekpunt voor iedereen. Verder bespreek ik arrangementen en ga ik locaties bekijken. Eigenlijk doe ik vooral veel hand en spandiensten maar ik hoef me niet bezig te houden met de financiën; we hebben een bestuur van vijf mensen waaronder een penningmeester. Het is een druk bestaan naast mijn baan en gezin maar zingen is een vorm van ontspanning. Ik ben er bij toeval achter gekomen hoe leuk het is. Het is een creatieve uiting en ik weet zeker dat als ik niet was gaan zingen ik wel iets anders op creatief gebied had gedaan. Ik ben blij dat ik ontdekt heb hoe leuk mensen het vinden als ik zing. Je krijgt er tenslotte erg veel voor terug, namelijk applaus!"

Heeft u nog iets toe te voegen aan dit gesprek?

,,Bij het koor zijn vrouwen die kunnen zingen van harte welkom. Het gaat om zang met dans dus daar moet wel rekening mee gehouden worden. Verder hebben we een website, en ook de band heeft een eigen site,

Wie wilt u uitnodigen voor het volgende kettinggesprek en wat wilt u vragen?

,,Ik wil graag Henny Hartman uitnodigen. Zij heeft sinds een aantal jaren een salon in de Kwakel waar ze ook woont. Vroeger had ze een salon in Amsterdam en ik wil haar vragen wat het verschil is tussen het hebben van een salon in een dorp en in de stad."

Monkey Mega Star
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #21 on: February 20, 2010, 08:06:01 PM »

Maria Venbrux, 82, Lewiston

Friday, November 14, 2008

Maria (Marie) Venbrux died Monday, Nov. 10, 2008, at St. Joseph Regional Medical Center in Lewiston, from congestive heart failure and kidney failure.

She was born Maria Johanna van der Sloot on June 4, 1926, to Antoon van der Sloot and Henrica Valks in Boxtel, The Netherlands.

Her teen years were spent during World War II and she told many stories of spending time in their backyard bomb shelter and of her house being occupied by German soldiers. Maria, the oldest of nine children, worked in the family grocery store and went to business school at night, where she met her future husband, Jack Venbrux.

On May 17, 1951, she and Jack Venbrux were married. When they were still newlyweds, they immigrated to the United States, arriving at New York on June 5, 1951, on the SS Veendam. She was always grateful that Teen and Harry van der Voort were willing to sponsor their immigration to the United States. Marie proudly became a U.S. citizen on Dec. 13, 1956.

She and her husband settled in Billings, Mont., where she was a homemaker. She then followed him to Havre, Mont., and then in 1965, to Lewiston. She was active in Our Lady of Lourdes Church community and belonged to Women of Lourdes and Catholic Daughters. Her hobbies included shopping, needlework, knitting, crocheting, reading and more shopping (she loved to buy gifts for others). Her grandchildren and great-grandchildren were a true source of joy for her.

She emphasized the importance of education and persistence. She didn't look back at the past with regrets but always looked forward. She showed concern for others and did not hesitate to give her sage advice.

Survivors include her children, Henry Venbrux and wife Lisa of Elizabethtown, Pa., Anthony Venbrux and partner Michael Heinl of Washington, D.C., Marian Venbrux Peterson and husband Eric of Lewiston, and Jack Venbrux of Edmonds, Wash.; sisters Annie van der Sloot, Netty Weide van der Sloot and husband Albert, and brother-in-law Ben van der Ven, all of the Netherlands, Jeanne Melis van der Sloot and husband Tony, and sister-in-law Helen van der Sloot, all of Canada; brother Kees van der Sloot, a missionary to Haiti; 10 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren.

She was preceded in death by her husband, Jack Venbrux; brother Henk van der Sloot and wife Iet; two brothers, Father Wim van der Sloot and Bert van der Sloot; and a sister, Trees van der Ven van der Sloot.

The vigil service will be at 7 p.m. Friday at Vassar-Rawls Funeral Home in Lewiston. The funeral will be at noon Saturday at Our Lady of Lourdes Catholic Church in Lewiston.

Memorial contributions may be made to Our Lady of Lourdes Church or the American Heart Association.

I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
Northern Rose
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« Reply #22 on: February 24, 2010, 01:45:12 PM »

'Zonder schaar niet op vakantie'

DE KWAKEL - Elke week wordt een Uithoornaar of Kwakelaar door het Witte Weekblad geïnterviewd. Hij of zij nodigt zelf een opvolger uit en bedenkt de eerste vraag. Vorige week nodigde Francis van der Sloot Henny Hartman uit. Henny is geboren in de Jordaan in Amsterdam. Ze is 48 jaar oud. Inmiddels woont ze alweer dertien jaar in De Kwakel. Ze is getrouwd en heeft twee kinderen. Francis wil haar vragen wat het verschil is tussen het hebben van een kapsalon in Amsterdam en in De Kwakel.

Op de eerste vraag antwoordt Henny: ,,In het begin dacht ik dat er inderdaad een groot verschil zou zijn maar dat viel reuze mee. Alleen de locatie is eigenlijk anders. Ik heb nu een salon in Amstelhof. Het enige echte verschil is eigenlijk dat ik in de Jordaan veel stadsgeluiden hoorde en hier niet. Ik heb nog steeds veel klanten vanuit Amsterdam gehouden. 1 april zit ik er nu vier jaar en ik heb twintig jaar in de Jordaan gezeten. In het begin was het natuurlijk wel even wennen maar dat het nu echt heel anders was, nee, dat niet. De sfeer is hetzelfde als in de Jordaan en dat is heel belangrijk natuurlijk. Het kan ook hier druk zijn maar ook rustig."

Waarom bent u kapster geworden?

,,Ik wilde dat eigenlijk al van jongs af aan. Ik heb ook nooit iets anders willen doen. Als je een klas bekijkt die een keuze moet maken voor een vak en je spreekt hen na jaren dan is bijna niemand geworden wat hij of zij toen wilde maar bij mij is dat wel zo gegaan. Ik ga zelfs nooit zonder schaar op vakantie. Er is natuurlijk in de loop der jaren wel heel veel veranderd. Vooral de technieken zijn anders geworden en verbeterd. In de tijd dat ik begon was het watergolven heel erg in. Het knippen en föhnen kwam net in trek. Ik ben sinds ik in Amstelhof zat, mezelf gaan ontwikkelen. Zo doe ik er imagestyling bij. Ik geef kledingadvies op de persoon afgestemd. En daarnaast doe ik visagie. Het is nu een totaalpakket geworden. De opleiding heb ik twee jaar terug gedaan. Bij dit werk hoort ook de kledingkastcheck die ik uitvoer bij klanten. Vaak hebben mensen genoeg kleding maar weten ze niet de juiste combinaties te maken en ik help hen daarbij. Ook als iemand gaat trouwen kan ik advies geven. Het is wel heel leuk om te doen omdat met mode bezig zijn mij wel aantrekt. Het begint nu een beetje te lopen en dat is wel leuk omdat ik nu resultaat ervan zie. Ik ben er vaak mee bezig maar ik zie het niet echt als werk."

Hoe is de combinatie tussen werk en gezin?

,,Het komt erop neer dat je goed kunt plannen. De kinderen zijn inmiddels bijna elf en veertien. Ik werk zo goed als fulltime. Zondag en maandag zijn we gesloten en woensdagmiddag ben ik zelf altijd vrij. Daarentegen werk ik donderdag van 09.00 tot 21.00 uur. Ik weet niet beter dan dat ik mijn werk altijd heb gehad. In de Jordaan heb ik een korte periode maar drie en een halve dag gewerkt. Vroeger had ik natuurlijk altijd oppas voor de kinderen en dat was altijd een hoop geregel en gedoe. Nu zit ik dichtbij mijn werk en hebben de kinderen geen oppas meer maar kan ik makkelijk even heen en weer rijden als dat nodig is."

Hoe bent u bij Amstelhof terecht gekomen?

,,Ik sportte daar zelf en zo kwam het ter sprake. Ik wilde eigenlijk iets anders opzetten in de Jordaan maar een grotere locatie vinden bleek nog niet zo eenvoudig. Ik kwam dus toevallig bij Amstelhof. Dat was vier jaar geleden en vervolgens hebben we een klein halfjaar verbouwd om de zaak te maken zoals het nu is. Het is ideaal werken. We hebben alle ruimte. We hebben zes stoelen en werken er met drie mensen. Natuurlijk zorgen we dat we regelmatig bijscholen en cursussen volgen. Daar ben ik vrij fanatiek in. We gaan ook naar de beurs en dat duurt soms wel twee dagen."

Wat is de trend op kapselgebied?

,,Er is geen sprake meer van een echte trend zoals dat vroeger met kapsels het geval was. Tegenwoordig zijn er meer stromingen tegelijk. Als ik dan toch iets moet nomen, de jaren tachtig komen weer terug. Het is allemaal weer wat vrouwelijker geworden. Maar er zijn wel verschillende stijlen waarneembaar. Je ziet hetzelfde in de kleding. Ook daar zie je een knipoog naar de jaren tachtig."

Wat vind je het leukste aan het vak?

,,Om te beginnen vind ik het watergolven het meest vreselijke. Met kleur en door te knippen verander je iemand het meest. Het is heel leuk als iemand heel anders vertrekt dan dat hij of zij binnenkomt. Dat gebeurt best regelmatig dus dat is hartstikke leuk. Natuurlijk zetten we niet meteen de schaar erin maar gaat er eerst een gesprek aan vooraf. We vinden het heel belangrijk om er alle tijd voor te nemen. Inmiddels heb ik nog twintig procent klanten uit Amsterdam en de overige klanten komen hier uit de buurt die vaak ook gebruik maken van de sportschool."

Heeft u nog tijd voor hobby's?

,,Ja ik zing in een koor en daarnaast sport ik drie keer per week. Ik doe aan tennis, spinnen en hardlopen. Verder ben ik erg reislustig dus we gaan regelmatig op vakantie met of zonder kinderen. Ik heb dus een druk leven maar het is wel erg leuk!"

Wie wilt u uitnodigen voor het volgende kettinggesprek?

,,Ik wil graag Irma Rust uitnodigen. Ze werkt in het ziekenhuis en geeft yogales. Ze is altijd heel druk en ik wil van haar weten hoe het haar lukt de rust over te brengen naar haar leerlingen."

"Without scissors not on holiday '

THE KWAKEL - Each week, one or Uithoornaar Kwak Laar Weekly interviewed by the White. He or she calls himself a successor, and invents the first question. Last week invited Francis Hartman from Henny van der Sloot. Henny was born in the Jordaan in Amsterdam. She is 48 years old. Now she lives again in the thirteen years Kwakel. She is married and has two children. Francis would ask her what the difference is between having a hairdresser in Amsterdam and De Kwakel.

Henny on the first question: "In the beginning I thought that there is indeed a big difference would be huge but that was it. Only the location is really different. I have a salon in Amstelhof. The only real difference is that I am actually in the Jordan sounds great city and not heard. I've still kept many customers from Amsterdam. April 1 I am now four years and twenty years I have sat in the Jordan. Initially it was natural that some getting used to but it really was different, no, no. The atmosphere is the same as in Jordan and that is obviously very important. It can also now busy but quiet. "

Why did you become a hairdresser?

"I really wanted all of childhood. I never want to do anything else. If you choose a class that looks to make a box and you speak to them after years than almost anyone has become what he or she then wanted me but is that really how it went. I never even go on vacation without scissors. There is of course over the years very much has changed. Especially the techniques have changed and improved. In the time I started it was very much in the waves. The cut and blow dry was just popular. I have been in Amstelhof I sat myself to develop. So I do image styling on. I give advice on clothing personalized. And I also do make-up artists. It has now become a total package. The training I have done two years back. This work also includes the wardrobe that I check to export customers. Often people have enough clothes but they do not know the right combinations to make and I help them to do. Even if someone gets married, I can give advice. It is very fun to do with fashion because it attracts me busy. It is now starting to walk a bit and that is nice because I now see their results. I am often busy but I do not really see it as work. "

How is the combination between work and family?

"It means that you can plan well. The children are now almost eleven and fourteen. I work almost full time. We are closed Sunday and Monday and Wednesday, I myself always Fri However, I work Thursday from 09.00 to 21.00 hours. I know only that my work always had. In the West I have a short period, but three and a half working days. Previously I had always sitter for the kids and that was always a lot of arranging and stuff. Now I'm near my work and the children have no more babysitter but I can easily drive back and forth as needed. "

How did you Amstelhof ended?

,, I exercise it themselves and so it was discussed. I wanted something else up in the West but a bigger venue finding was not so easy. I came so happened to Amstelhof. That was four years ago and we have a small half converted to make the case as it is. It is ideal to work. We have all the space. We have six chairs and working with three people. Of course, we ensure that we regularly and retraining courses. I am fanatical in Fri. We go to the fair and that sometimes takes two days. "

What is the trend in hair field?

"There is no longer a real trend in hairstyles as they used to be. Today there are more currents simultaneously. If I need something done, the eighties are back. It is all back what became feminine. But there are different styles visible. You see the same clothes. Also you will see a nod to the eighties. "

What do you like best on the box?

,, First I think the most terrible waves. With color and cut someone change the most. It's very nice when someone else leaves than he or she arrives. This happens most frequently so that is great fun. Of course we do not immediately put the scissors in it but there is only one call in advance. We find it very important to make time for all to take. Meanwhile I have twenty percent Amsterdam clients and other customers from the neighborhood who come here often use the gym. "

Do you have time for hobbies?

,, Yes I sing in a choir and I also sport three times a week. I practice tennis, spinning and running. I also really liked to travel so we regularly go on holiday with or without children. So I have a busy life but it is very nice! "

Who would you invite to the next call chain?

'I would like to invite Irma Rust. She works in the hospital and give yoga lesson. She is always very busy and I want her to know how it manages the rest transferred to her students. "
Northern Rose
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« Reply #23 on: February 24, 2010, 01:49:49 PM »

Jo: “Raadslid ben je 24 uur per dag"
woensdag 24 februari 2010 00:00
EPE – Jo van der Sloot (CDA) vindt het na 8 jaar raadslidmaatschap en 8 jaar schaduwfractie welletjes. “Ik nader mijn 75e en dan is het goed om meer tijd te maken voor het gezin". De collega´s zullen hem missen, de man die als geen ander op komt voor de kleine luiden. Die geen blad voor de mond neemt en het politieke spel met hart en ziel beleeft. “Die vergaderingen waren voor mij zoiets als een uitje. “Het heeft mijn leven verrijkt. Wat me allen zorgen baart is dat de burger steeds verder af komt te staan van de politiek De enige oorzaak is dat bestuurders weliswaar luisteren naar de burger maar er vervolgens niets mee doen. Ik mis de menselijke maat".

door Dick van der Veen

Verrassend is zijn pleidooi voor een kleinere raad van professionals. Mensen die de tijd hebben om zich honderd procent te geven en die daarvoor ook een redelijk salaris ontvangen. Ik durf van mezelf te zeggen dat ik 24 uur per dag gemotiveerd was. Dat kon ook omdat ik geen dagtaak meer had. Opvallend ook is zijn opvatting over het dualisme. “Je moet afstand van het college durven nemen, ook als het een wethouder is van je eigen kleur. Helaas heb ik moeten ervaren dat sommige partijen, vooral Nieuwe Lijn, het eerste tegengas tegen hun man nog moeten geven. Onze fractie is in de afgelopen periode ook best een beetje oppositie geweest" Hij maakt er geen geheim van lokale partijen niet te zien zitten. “Je hebt een partij nodig die stekken uit heeft staan in het provinciaal en landelijk bestuur en over de grenzen van het land heen. Als raadslid leg je de eed af om voor de gehele gemeente op te komen. Dan bestaat het toch niet dat je je op één dorp richt?"
Hoewel hij het fenomeen wijkwethouder niet ziet zitten (dan gaat het eenzijdig om die wijk), staat hij wel een spreekuur van wethouders voor. “Het gemeentebestuur moet de deur wijd open zetten voor de burgers. In het gemeentehuis van Epe is alles dichtgespijkerd. Zogenaamd uit een oogpunt van veiligheid. Dat is geen goede zaak." Hij is geen voorstander van meer verantwoordelijkheid voor een burgemeester. “Hoe minder hoe beter. Dat maakt de weg vrij om beter naar de bevolking te luisteren." Als hij het plaatsen van ratelaars bij de verkeerslichten in Vaassen één van de leukste besluiten in zijn periode noemt is dat helemaal des Jo van der Sloots: aandacht voor het kleine en dus ook de kleine man. Als vanzelfsprekend was hij tegen de sluiting van de kleine scholen en noemt dat raadsbesluit, wat uiteindelijk niet werd uitgevoerd, een dieptepunt. Het ontslag van Frouke van Dam zit hem evenmin lekker. “Ik ben een man met een optimistische kijk. Zou het zo weer doen als ik andermaal mocht kiezen. Als je nagaat dat ik aan meer dan duizend besluiten heb mogen meewerken dan is dat iets waarvan ik vind dat je daar trots op mag zijn". En als uitsmijter: drie wethouder zou moeten, maar soms ben je tot vier veroordeeld.

Jo: "Councilor you 24 hours a day"
Wednesday, February 24, 2010 00:00
EPE - Jo van der Sloot (CDA) is 8 years after the council membership and 8 years schaduwfractie enough. "I approach my 75th and it's good to make more time for the family".'s Colleagues will miss him, the man who is like no other for the little people. They do not mince it and the political game with heart and soul. "Those meetings were to me like an outing." It has enriched my life. What worries me is that all citizens is to stand further away from politics, the only reason is that drivers While listening to the people but then do nothing. I miss the human dimension ".

by Dick van der Veen

Surprisingly, his plea for a smaller council of professionals. People who have time to themselves to give one hundred percent and who will also receive a reasonable salary. I dare myself to say I was motivated 24 hours a day. This was also because I no longer had a day job. Remarkable also is his concept of dualism. "You dare take away from the college, even if an alderman of your own color. Unfortunately I have experienced some parties, especially New Line, the first against their man still to counteract it. Our group is in the most recent period also had a little opposition "He makes no secret of local parties not to see him." You need a party that has standing in the cuttings from provincial and national government and beyond the country before. If council put the oath for the whole church to come. Then there is that you do not focus on one village? "
District Aldermen?
Although he does not like phenomenon district councilor (or is it unilaterally for that district), but he is one of Aldermen for hours. "The council is the door wide open to the public. In the town of Epe is all boarded up. Supposedly from a standpoint of safety. That is not right. "He is not in favor of greater responsibility for a mayor." The less the better. This opens the way for more people to listen. " When he rattles in place of the traffic in Vaassen one of the best decisions in his tenure is that all mentions des Jo van der Sloots: focus on small and therefore the common man. If he was obviously against the closure of small schools and mentions that decree, which ultimately was not executed, a low point. The resignation of Frouke Dam lies not nice. "I am a man with an optimistic view. Would do it again if I could choose again. Considering that more than a thousand decisions I have been involved then that is something which I think you should be proud of. "And as a bouncer: three alderman should, but sometimes you are condemned to four.
Northern Rose
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« Reply #24 on: February 24, 2010, 01:53:20 PM »

Peter niet onder de indruk van verklaring Joran
Laatst gewijzigd: dinsdag 23 februari 2010, 20:11

Misdaadverslaggever Peter R de Vries zal zondagavond niet met samengeknepen billen naar het RTL5 reportage over Joran van der Sloot kijken. Peter is niet onder de indruk van de nieuwe verklaring.

RTL 5 heeft de hand weten te leggen op exclusief materiaal waarin Joran van der Sloot een nieuwe verklaring aflegt over de verdwijning van Natalee Holloway in 2005. Joran verklaart deze keer dat het lichaam van Natalee in een moeras op Aruba is gedumpt. Joran vertelt dit in een interview met Terror Jaap die we kennen uit de Gouden Kooi.

Peter vertelt: “Pakweg een jaar geleden is dat interview her en der aangeboden, maar toen wilde niemand het hebben. Terror Jaap is geen journalist met een goede reputatie en hij wordt ook niet gehinderd door enige kennis. De bekentenis die Joran daar heeft gedaan komt niet overeen met de feiten die er liggen.”

De misdaadverslaggever die in 2008 heel Nederland aan de buis gekluisterd hield met de verborgen camera gesprekken tussen Patrick van der Eem en Joran van der Sloot is niet de enige die niets van Joran’s verhaal gelooft. Ook de officier van Justitie op Aruba heeft grote twijfels. Naar aanleiding van de bekentenissen die Joran in Peter’s programma deed, is Joran’s dossier heropend. Peter verwacht op korte termijn te horen of Joran van der Sloot verder vervolgd wordt of niet.

Peter is not impressed by Joran statement
Crime reporter Peter R de Vries Sunday will not be squeezed buttocks RTL5 report on the Joran van der Sloot look. Peter is not impressed by the new statement.

RTL 5 is able to capitalize on the exclusive material in which Joran van der Sloot a new statement on the disappearance of Natalee Holloway in 2005. Joran declares that this time the body of Natalee in Aruba is dumped in a swamp. Joran tells in an interview with Terror Jaap we know from the Golden Cage.

Peter says: "roughly one years ago that interview here and offered, but then nobody would have. Terror Jaap is a journalist with a good reputation and he is not hindered by any knowledge. The confession by Joran did it does not match the facts are there. "

The crime reporter in 2008 the Netherlands was glued to the tube with the hidden camera discussions between Patrick van der Eem and Joran van der Sloot is not the only one who believes nothing of Joran's story. The public prosecutor in Aruba has major doubts. Following the admissions made in Peter's program did Joran, Joran's case is reopened. Peter expects to hear the short term or Joran van der Sloot further prosecuted or not.
Northern Rose
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« Reply #25 on: February 24, 2010, 02:19:31 PM »

A Life for the ballet
Been Telgte - For the first time on stage he has the age of nine. At that time, he danced in "Humoresque" by Antonin Dvorak. Recalled Pieter van der Sloot and accurate. The ballet has not released the now 83-year-olds. This year he celebrates his 75th stage anniversary. "There are mainly in Russia nor ballet teachers who teach in this advanced age. But on stage is no more. Only I, "said the Dutchman confidently.

The enthusiasm for the ballet has not let go of him until today. So he heads together with Mischa Karlov, the ballet center Pieter van der Sloot - Mischa Karlov in Telgte. Currently, the self-designed piece of "Mary Poppins stories to rehearse." "We redid the plot somewhat and are guided, inter alia, at a Russian film version", who studied ballet master says.

Ein Leben für das Ballett
Telgte - Zum ersten Mal auf der Bühne gestanden hat er als Neunjähriger. Damals tanzte er in der „Humoresque“ nach Antonin Dvorak. Daran erinnert sich Pieter van der Sloot noch genau. Das Ballett hat den mittlerweile 83-Jährigen nicht losgelassen. In diesem Jahr feiert er sein 75-jähriges Bühnenjubiläum. „Es gibt vor allem in Russland noch Ballettlehrer, die in diesem hohen Alter unterrichten. Aber auf der Bühne steht niemand mehr. Nur ich“, sagt der Niederländer selbstbewusst.

Der Enthusiasmus für das Ballett hat ihn bis heute nicht losgelassen. So leitet er gemeinsam mit Mischa Karlov das „Ballettzentrum Pieter van der Sloot - Mischa Karlov“ in Telgte. Derzeit wird für das selbst konzipierte Stück „Geschichten um Mary Poppins“ geprobt. „Wir haben die Geschichte etwas umgestrickt und orientieren uns unter anderem an einer russischen Filmversion“, erzählt der studierte Ballettmeister.

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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #26 on: September 26, 2010, 02:36:54 PM »

Google translation:

"Southern Main road was a tactical miscalculation '

ON THE PHOTO: December 1987: another fatal accident involving a truck in the center of the town, no longer picks Boxtel and utters a final cry to the heavy traffic from the town center to be banished. The heart of Boxtel over crowded with trucks.

"An Echternach Procession '. So typical of former Mayor Paul Pesch Boxtel of the years of litigation, with more steps forward and back, a Southern highway through the area to build Forest Field. A plan that ultimately failed by the protests of residents of the Eindhovenseweg Liempdseweg and so far as that part of road had to be broken. Was eventually chosen for the current Keulsebaan, with a wider arc to the business Boxtel Ladonk the A2 motorway connecting.

End June 1986 Boxtelse contractor started the car with the locals then crossing Boseind the construction of the Southern Main road. The municipality of Boxtel believed to have enough paper to make an access road to and through Boseind a straight line connecting the Eindhovenseweg near the exit Liempdseweg.

The range of 741 meter for nearly two thirds could be achieved. The remainder of the required land was still owned by citizens, but the town did much to assist the court expropriation. The environmental concerns of the Green Heart Association were unfounded.

More than three months after Hans deputy mayor of Burlingame (PvdA) the street sign "Southern Main road 'under the sand away and had taken off action, a shock went through the Boxtelse community. The interest of the residents and Eindhovenseweg Liempdseweg - led by the brothers Peter and Paul van der Sloot - ordered cessation of work because the zoning has not been approved by the Crown. Petitions were hastily drawn up by entrepreneurs, school, traffic associations, unions and residents calling for the construction of the road but mainly to finish.

Of course, the province had given its approval for a road through the center of Forest Field Boxtel get rid of freight to and from Ladonk. But the objectors draw courage from a Royal Decree in 1976 that the Crown of the short route then a temporary access road referred to and rejected its expressed preference for a wider road with a curve - along the Tiny German - would run at Boxtel.

KB rattled

The Council of State agreed not to request the suspension of the bewonersgroep. The former mayor and his officials relieved Pesch came back from The Hague. A few days later, the first asphalt lying on the sand ready rotated. Hoped the town in June that the expropriation of land required would be completed before the year 1986 was ended, the pilot did not.

Although Minister Ed Nijpels sake, and the town with a so-called contrarian Royal Decree also paved the way for the first part of the Southern Main road to complete, the objectors challenged the decision of the minister. "Of course we were happy with Nijpels' consent, but fair to say that the KB contraire all around rattled. It surprised me that the expropriation of the objectors in the court equated ", looks back Pesch.

In 1992 it was decided to built half way back to break and yet but a journey to the north of the German line to choose. Pesch was already succeeded by Ton Rombouts. The Keulsebaan in 1995 was inaugurated by Minister Annemarie Jorritsma.


In the eighteen years (1971-1989) he was mayor of Boxtel, was the construction of a southern access road and running through Pesch 'career. 'The route through the Forest Field (Boseind-Liempdseweg - ed) was a legacy of my great predecessor, Martien van Helvoort. They wanted a temporary road construction, in anticipation of a new provincial road Tilburg, Oisterwijk, Boxtel, with a wide arc to the south side of Boxtel had come, "says Pesch.

Despite the Royal Decree of 1976 killed a damning indictment on this route, the policy nevertheless decided to continue. The former mayor can still remember why that choice is made.

,, This decision was motivated by the desire of the then Labor Kallen Alderman Louis to the south side of Boxtel (near Liempdseweg) to designate as future plans new. By a way to build from the Boseind Eindhovenseweg Liempdseweg and through to the A2 highway, would not only be a good opening for business Ladonk arise, but also some new residential area, "said Pesch. He stressed that a political choice was not rational. "I think the Forest Field area by the Royal Decree of 1976 much has been contaminated."


Was it not been for the better half to reverse than to get to wander? In retrospect Pesch answered that question with a resounding yes. "It was a tactical miscalculation." But he points out that this choice then privately by the college several times been considered, but there never publicly by B. W. and discussed. "There was of course very much in This means investing in time and money. The public and employers were constantly on the skin to quickly get away anyway. "

The ever-changing composition of successive colleges Pesch was as a lawyer with the file 'Southern Main road "saddled. It has drawn heavily on him. Especially during protests. "I still see how middle class within a coffin bore the hall after the freight traffic in the town center again a victim had demanded. At those times I felt alone. From the council and the community, I rarely if ever effective support. "

No resentment

Of resentment or grudge against the objectors is no Pesch. "I do have trouble with my eyes shot by legal citizens. But bewonersgroep Eindhovenseweg-Liempdseweg has a very good job and sometimes had better arguments than the town. Although our opinions have also clashed with meetings of Adriaan Abeelen, president of the environmental organization Green Heart, never led to unpleasantness. "

The 80-year-old mayor admits that the perils to Boxtel the southern access road to help him much pain and sorrow have worried. ,, But the memories of my time is not overshadowed. "

What happened in 1986:

Gemonde runs hot for restoration of the bells of Saint-Lambert.

Before the year ends, let the behemoths of 500 and 700 pounds is stirring again.

In Esch Black Sisters celebrate their fifty years working in local district nursing, nursery education and the elderly.

After eighteen years Mayor takes leave of Liempde Piet (PA) Smits.

Show Breugel of which shall temporarily, until shortly before the turn Daan Gerard Dels successor is appointed.

Construction of new homes in the neighborhood torn shirt, the parish Lennisheuvel greatly expanded.

In Boxtel plans are developed for new construction at Zandvliet.

The Guild Bond Harmony puts everything in order to participate in the national championship.

The orange flag should be returned later as professional musicians would have played.

ON THE PHOTO: For four months before Mayor Paul Pesch and his officials with a confidence building of the State Council in The Hague left, was deputy mayor of Hans Brummen Boseind to cope with the exhumation of the Southern Main road sign min or more already made the start with the construction of the route through the Forest Field. It was not yet complete all turn out different.


       Children of SIRBERT BAREÑO and PETER VAN DER SLOOT are:

    i.       FRANK6 VAN DER SLOOT.

    ii.       ROBBERT VAN DER SLOOT.


I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #27 on: December 12, 2010, 02:25:02 PM »


Article from 2009:


Brothel owner Willy van der Sloot, herself a former prostitute, said she had never seen the sex market so depressed.

"Some days there are just no people," she sighed.

The brothel in the 21st century in NOS Journaal op 3
On 28/04/2010, the brothel in the 21 century, Video, by Amsterdam Historical Museum
The NOS visited Tuesday, April 17 to the brothel of the 21st century with architect Erik-Jan Vermeulen and window operator Willy van der Sloot.

From Willy van der Sloot's Facebook page:


I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #28 on: January 03, 2011, 12:13:14 AM »

Google translation:

The offspring of a foundling

by Hettie van der Ven. Monday, October 20, 2008 | 02:47 |
Last updated: Monday, October 20, 2008 | 09:02

Descendants of the foundling "Van der Sloot" that 200 years ago was found in Best, pay just planted a tree on earth.

photo Gerard Damoiseaux

A foundling, abandoned in a ditch under a cover of leaves, 200 years later the world has many descendants.

This is the story of the family van der Sloot, who yesterday during a massive reunion of the 200th birth of their founder Peter van der Sloot quarter.

Reason for the day is the release of the English edition of the book "A certain geluit In one ditch," referring to the police report from 1808 where the discovery was made by Peter said.
Author Ton van den Hurk (married to Annie van der Sloot) puts in over 600 page document meticulously the family history, who 200 years ago in an unnamed ditch began.

More than 300 relatives, including 60 specially from America, Canada and even Haitian had come, occurred yesterday in the footsteps of Peter, visited the important sites from his life and planted a tree in his native land to the Best in Steenovenseweg.

"We plant the tree as a memorial and in gratitude for the good care that Peter abandoned his commandments," said Anthony van der Sloot in Liempde, co-organizer of the reunion.

"Without the loving care in this region, there was no global offspring."

On October 16, 1808 is Best in a baby born and abandoned in a ditch.

It is found, collected and given the name Petrus van der Sloot.

Once grown to attract Peter Gemonde, where he married and having children, including Anthony, the only further propagates.

Anthony gets five sons, the five branches of the family tree form.

Cornelis Antonius and settled in Boxtel, Peter draws to America, Hendrikus Onrooi comes to visit and John in St. Michielsgestel.

The grandchildren and great grandchildren of those five brothers met each other yesterday, including during a meal together in Room "The Slide" in Gemonde.

There was also the grave of Anthony van der Sloot visited, recently renovated by the American branch of the family.

The "locks" are often stuck in the region Boxtel, Gemonde and St Michielsgestel.

The family has many cattle dealers, grocery and cafe bosses.

An essential part of the genus migrated to America, to serve their commercial fortunes.

Representatives from Canada, America and the Netherlands yesterday placed a bower in the native soil.

Anthony van der Sloot: "We had a rather small tree with a trunk and had a broad crown, symbolic of the growth of the family, but the town did not. This beech is still modest but is undoubtedly very large."

Among the aisle yesterday was a tube containing buried include the baptismal certificate of the ancestor and a list of the names of all present.

(Date on the article page October 23, 2008)

Original text:

Hollandse kost voor overzeese 'Sloten'


Kippenragout, 'zondagse' soep, zuurkool- en wortelstamp, gehaktballen, hachee en bitterkoekjespudding. Het is een greep uit het uitgebreide menu dat Antoon en Betsie van der Sloot zaterdag 18 oktober in hun Liempdse woonkamer voorschotelden aan zeventig overzeese familieleden uit Canada, de Verenigde Staten en Haïti. Uiteraard gemaakt van streekproducten. Het was de inleiding van een geanimeerde reünie.

Zo'n driehonderd nazaten van de tweehonderd jaar geleden in Best te vondeling gelegde Petrus van der Sloot, togen zondag door de regio in het spoor van hun stamvader. Aan de Steenovenseweg in Best, op de plek die zes jaar geleden werd aangewezen als de locatie waar Petrus in 1808 in een sloot werd gevonden, werd zondag een haagbeuk geplant. Per auto en fiets volgde een route door Het Groene Woud die eindigde in zaal De Schuif in Gemonde waar de reünisten werden onthaald op een authentieke Brabantse koffietafel.

Het was een hartelijk weerzien van oude bekenden en niet zelden ook een kennismaking met familieleden die elkaar nooit eerder hadden ontmoet. Want naast de Nederlandse tak van de familie Van der Sloot, bestaat er een Amerikaanse en een Canadese. De Canadese 'Sloten' zijn in de tweede helft van de twintigste eeuw geëmigreerd, de Amerikaanse tak is voortgesproten uit Nederlandse emigranten die al in 1909 de Atlantische Oceaan overstaken.

Zeventig van hen zijn momenteel in Nederland om de tweehonderdste geboortedag van hun stamvader bij te wonen. ,,Het is bijzonder dat mensen het ervoor over hebben om een vliegticket te kopen voor zo'n familiebijeenkomst. Daar moet je iets voor terugdoen", vertelt Antoon van der Sloot, woonachtig aan de Oude Rijksweg. Samen met zijn echtgenote Betsie trakteerde hij de 'emigranten' zaterdagavond op een uitgebreide Hollandse maaltijd. ,,We zijn vrijdagochtend al begonnen met koken", glundert Betsie.


In de ruime woonkamer van de woonboerderij zijn het bankstel en de fauteuils aan de kant geschoven en met tafels en stoelen van de buurtvereniging Vrilkhoven is een knus familierestaurant ingericht. Terwijl hun vrienden Jan en Mieke Siemerink zich ontfermen over de laatste voorbereidingen, ontvangen Antoon en Betsie hun gasten. Natuurlijk is daar de 77-jarige missionaris Cees van der Sloot, die in Haïti werkzaam is als broeder Samuel: ,,Het is fijn om te horen dat de familie allemaal zo goed terecht is gekomen. Ik werk dagelijks met vluchtelingen en illegalen en ben iedere keer weer getroffen door de ellende die zij met zich meedragen."
De broeder, die twintig jaar geleden overstapte van de congregatie van de Witte Paters naar de mannelijke orde van Moeder Teresa, luistert onder meer aandachtig naar het verhaal van Arjen Melis. Zijn ouders, Tony en Jeanne Melis- van der Sloot, verkochten in 1981 hun twee drogisterijen op de Selissenwal en in winkelcentrum Oosterhof en vestigden zich in Calgary. ,,Mijn ouders waren de Nederlandse regelzucht beu en hoopten in Canada meer mogelijkheden te vinden. Met vier kinderen vertrokken ze, ik was 15 jaar destijds en vond het best spannend. Maar wát was het koud. Toen we daags na Kerstmis landden was het 27 graden onder nul!"

Arjen heeft geen spijt dat zijn ouders de stap hebben gemaakt. Hij heeft een belangrijke leidinggevende functie bij vijf grote ketens waarbij 750 restaurants zijn aangesloten. Hij is onder meer verantwoordelijk voor de inkopen en de logistiek. Maar Nederland blijft trekken. ,,Als het enigszins kan komen we elke twee jaar over. Mijn kinderen vinden het onbegrijpelijk dat je hier alles binnen vijf minuten binnen handbereik hebt." Broer Eric knikt. ,,En wat me elke keer weer opvalt is de prachtige natuur."


Maar het gesprek wordt beëindigd. Betsie en Antoon vragen iedereen om plaats te nemen, zodat het diner kan starten. Het duurt even voordat iedereen zijn plekje heeft ingenomen en twee pasteitjes worden afgeserveerd omdat ze al koud zijn geworden. ,,Maar gelukkig is er voldoende. Kom jongens, aanschuiven!", dirigeert Betsie haar gasten.
Als iedereen zit, zegt Antoon dat hij en zijn vrouw zich bijzonder vereerd voelen om dit kleurrijke gezelschap te mogen ontvangen. ,,Eet voldoende. Alles moet op. Want anders moet ik de restjes opmaken en dat is niet goed voor mijn gezondheid", lacht de gastheer.

Google translation:

(Date on the article page October 23, 2008)

Dutch food for overseas 'Locks'


Chicken ragout, 'Sunday' soup, sauerkraut and carrot mash, meatballs, stew and butterscotch pudding. It is a selection from the extensive menu that Anthony and Betsie van der Sloot Saturday, October 18th in their living room Liempde advance ordered seventy overseas relatives from Canada, the United States and Haiti. Course made from local produce. It was the opening of an animated reunion.

Around three hundred descendants of two hundred years ago in the abandoned Best Petrus van der Sloot, Sunday went through the region in the wake of their father. On the Steenovenseweg in Best, the place six years ago was designated as the location of Peter in 1808 in a ditch was found Sunday was planted a hornbeam. By car and bicycle followed a route through the Green Forest, which ended in the hall where the slide Gemonde alumni were treated to an authentic Brabant coffee table.

It was a warm reunion of old friends and often also an introduction to each family who had never met. Along with the Dutch branch of the family Van der Sloot, there is one American and one Canadian. The Canadian 'Locks' in the second half of the twentieth century emigrated, the American branch has sprung from Dutch immigrants already in 1909 the Atlantic crossing.

Seventy of them are currently in the Netherlands for the bicentennial birthday of their father to attend. "It's remarkable that people make about having to buy a ticket for a family gathering. There you something in return, "says Antoine van der Sloot, who lives on the old highway. Together with his wife Betsy he loved the 'emigrants' Saturday night at a large Dutch meal." We are on Friday already started cooking, "beams Betsie.


In the living room of the farmhouse are the sofa and the chairs pushed aside with tables and chairs from the neighborhood association Vrilkhoven is a cozy family restaurant decorated. While their friends Jan and Mieke Siemerink take care of final preparations, Anthony and Betsy received their guests. Of course there is the 77-year-old missionary Cees van der Sloot, who has worked in Haiti as a brother Samuel: "It's nice to hear that the family had virtually ended. I work daily with refugees and illegal immigrants and'm always struck by the misery they carry with them. "
The brother, who twenty years ago, switched from the congregation of the White Fathers order of the male Mother Teresa, among others listen attentively to the story of Arjen Melis. His parents, Tony and Jeanne Melis-van der Sloot, in 1981 sold their two drugstores on the shopping & Selissenwal and settled in Calgary. "My parents were tired of the Dutch regulatory zeal and hoped to find more opportunities in Canada. With four children they left, I was then 15 years and was a bit worried. But what was cold. When we landed the day after Christmas was 27 degrees below zero! "

Arjen has no regrets that his parents have made the move. He has a key management position with five large chains with 750 restaurants are connected. He is more responsible for the procurement and logistics. But the Netherlands still attracts. "If at all possible, we have every two years. My children find it incomprehensible that you are all within five minutes at your fingertips. "Brother Eric nodded." And what strikes me again and again is the beautiful nature. "


But the call is terminated. Betsie Anthony and ask everyone to sit, so that dinner can begin. It takes time everyone has taken place and two pasties are ostracized because they have become cold. "But luckily enough. Come on guys, sit down! "Betsie conducts its guests.
When everyone is seated, Antoon says he and his wife are extremely honored to receive this colorful companionship. ,, Eat enough. Everything must. Otherwise I format the leftovers and that's not good for my health, "laughs the host.

I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #29 on: July 25, 2011, 01:39:20 PM »

Mette van der Sloot

Lives in Palm Beach, Aruba


Mette van der Sloot - Ghent University
The use of intraluminal stents in dogs with tracheacollaps / Mette Van Der Sloot.
Van Der Sloot, Mette
Full text!   
Intraluminal stents to treat in dogs tracheacollaps

[XLS] Tuesday Night Ladies - Aruba Beach Tennis Format: Microsoft Excel
6, 3, Mette van der Sloot /Stephanie Begemann, 3, Barbara Franke/Mignon Aal. 7, 4, Erica de Groot-Helderman / Aalke Aardema, 4, Rebecca van Dis /Nicoline ...


I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #30 on: January 29, 2012, 05:26:54 PM »

Re: Natalee Case Discussion #843 7/14/10 - 7/31/10
« Reply #324 on: July 18, 2010, 02:16:20 PM »
Post by texasmom
Relative?  Coincidence?



17/06/2010 GGNet Doetinchem - Symposium 'No panic'

Thursday, June 17, 2010, 14.00 - 17.30, Church Centre De Wingerd De Bongerd 4, 7006 NJ Doetinchem

On Thursday June 17 organizes GGNet region Doetinchem Section Short-term care, the symposium

"Do not Panic, Prevention and early intervention for mental illness'

Speakers include: Prof. Dr. P. Cuijpers (Free University), Professor. Dr. T. van Balkom (VU-MC and GGzinGeest), Dr. P. Meulen Beek (GGNet) and Dr. CA van Boeijen (GGNet). The symposium is intended to include general practitioners, psychologists, psychiatrists, other professionals in primary care and staff GGNet.
Dr. AC (Bert) Molewijk), ethicist / program manager Moral Reflection GGNet / VUmc will be leading the discussion and Drs JJM (Hans) Hugen, medical director, will provide the introduction.

Date: June 17, 2010
Time: 14.00 - 17.30
Place: The Religious Centre Wingerd, The Bongerd 4, 7006 NJ Doetinchem
Free parking - also with good public transport (± 200 meters walking distance from Station Doetinchem de Huet)

The program you are downloading.
From 13.30 hours, the Walk, the program starts at 14.00 hours.

Sign up and more information
Registration for the symposium through the Office of Professional training GGNet, e-mail: @ bureau.bijennascholing There is a maximum of 250 places available. The cost of the symposium is € 50 - (free for GGNet staff).

Accreditation is requested with the following associations:
• VGCt
• FGzP neuropsychologists
• FGzP clinical psychologists
• Accreditation Board Cluster 1 (GPs)

Also visit the website for information about the course 'Do not panic'.


• Medical staff
Regional staff Zutphen / Warnsveld: Chairman Dorine Postma
Regional staff Achterhoek: President Hans Hugen
Regional staff Apeldoorn: President Nails and Sigrid Renate Hulshof
President Medical Staff GGNet: Nails and Sigrid Renate Hulshof
Secretary Medical Staff: Will Koster

• College of Medical Directors
Apeldoorn Region: Peter de Vries (wnd. Dell Otto Mann)
Doetinchem region: Hans Hugen (wnd. André van den Ende)
Region Brengwal: André van den Ende (wnd. Hans Hugen)
Zevenaar region, ad interim: André van den Ende (wnd. Hans Hugen)
Region Zutphen / Warnsveld: Dell Otto Mann (wnd. Peter de Vries)
CGD President: Kees Lemke
Secretariat CGD: Aline Korff

Doetinchem proximity to Arnhem...,+The+Netherlands&gl=us&ei=aSZDTO6GCcKB8gb49KzTDw&sa=X&oi=geocode_result&ct=title&resnum=1&ved=0CBkQ8gEwAA



Mental Health

Brief Introduction
The specialists
Create Event
Scientific research
[ All specialties ]

Brief Introduction

The Department of Psychiatry since 2002 falls under GGNet Network (mental health). GGNet arose from a merger between institutions in the Achterhoek, Apeldoorn and Zutphen, including psychiatric wards (psychiatric) hospitals from April.

GGNet helps and supports people with mental, psychological or psychiatric problems. The Department of Psychiatry at the Hospital Slingeland consists of an outpatient clinic, day clinic and a clinic. GGNet, doetinchem location, situated in the regional health center (RGC).

The specialists

In GGNet employs six psychiatrists of whom four (extremely) are members of the medical staff of the Hospital Slingeland.

Psychiatrists Berbee, Ghent, Hugen and Keegstra do next inpatient and outpatient consultations in the hospital also work in other departments.

Mrs. HCM Berbee, psychiatrist (associate member medical staff)
Areas: depressive disorders, personality disorders, psychotherapy.
Dr. EM van Gent, neuropsychiatrist (associate member medical staff)
Areas: research, neuropsychiatry and affective disorders.
JJM Hugen, psychiatrist, medical director (medical staff associate members).
Areas: research and diagnosis of new patients, consultative and liaison psychiatry, psychiatric care in primary care, anxiety.
HJ Keegstra, psychiatrist (associate member medical staff)
Areas: first psychoses and affective disorders (particularly medical staff member).
BMJ Hogenboom, psychiatrist.
Areas: general psychiatry.
Mrs. A. Withaar, psychiatrist.
Areas: gender specific care.

Create Event

If you want to make a first appointment to that referred to your GP
telephone (0314) 37 67 00.

You can also register at the desk of Psychiatry outpatient clinic between 08.30 and 12.30 and between 13.15 hours and 17.00 hours. After registration you will be invited for an initial interview in writing to the complaints mapping. Any additional research is agreed. Then it is agreed what treatment you can follow and who is your therapist.

For any further appointments you make an appointment at the desk or by phone: (0314) 37 1967 1900 on weekdays between 08.30 hours and 12.30 hours and between 13.15 and 17.00 calls.

If you are unable to attend an appointment, we ask you to contact Ggnet time to take so that someone else can come in your place.



At the first visit to the outpatient clinic of Psychiatry GGNet please bring your referral. To log in before you sits in the waiting, the first secretary. Specifies the referral from your doctor away. The specialist will pick you up from the waiting area.


If you see reason to specialist, will place further investigation.
These may include:

Laboratory examination of blood
Psychological research
X-ray examination
Details and explanations about these surveys you receive both orally and in writing. For many studies (in particular X-ray) must be a separate appointment. You can use the secretary's right, you this is helpful. X-ray examinations will be held at the Department of Radiology .

Exploring your blood is often done to determine proper dosage of medication and sometimes the side effects of medications to determine.

Psychological research is done by a psychologist .


There are doctors in training (HAIO's) of the Radboud University of Nijmegen attended the outpatient Psychiatry and the nursing department. These are qualified doctors under the supervision and responsibility of psychiatrists working in the hospital.

Scientific research

The Department of Psychiatry conducts scientific research into manic depressive disorder, light therapy and medication.




4.3.1. The appellant brought in medical information forms for the Council do not raise to the set of assurance by the (mental) capacity. The Council notes in this regard that in the expert report indicating that it is not possible is a clear psychiatric diagnosis, but that probably there is an appellant adjustment disorder without severe restrictions. For a clear diagnosis should have a thorough and extensive investigation by a hospitalization or intensive home monitoring to take place. Appellant is then required to include in the Slingeland hospital, but decided the same night back home. The time treating psychiatrist JJM Hugen has indicated that the appellant several times during the day treatment did not show up, so a good observation and diagnosis does not occur. The drafting of assurance at the FML the survey as a basis and restrictions on the personal and social functioning adopted.


I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #31 on: January 29, 2012, 05:32:55 PM »
Buckeye posted:
Re: Natalee Case Discussion #843 7/14/10 - 7/31/10
« Reply #337 on: July 18, 2010, 05:11:08 PM »
Quote from: texasmom on July 18, 2010, 02:41:40 PM
Joran has been setting up the defense for all his crimes for a very long time now.

His mental illness would prevent him from being (properly) punished for all his crimes, so why not extort money from the grieving mother of one of his victims?  Murdering another girl on the anniversary of that crime would just prove to everyone how sick he really is!

And his mother is playing along perfectly.  Maybe she should have been an actress, although her performances so far haven't been convincing in the least to those of us who KNOW better; she certainly isn't an artist.   

They make me sick and they'd better not get away with it!     


Taking the Money and Running

A few days after the February 2008 broadcast of the hidden-camera video of van der Sloot's latest version of Holloway's disappearance, van der Sloot reportedly checked into a mental health facility in Germany for a few days' evaluation. However, he did not remain long enough for any kind of treatment. His stay there was seen by some as a ruse to make it seem that he was mentally ill when in fact he was perfectly in control of his acts.

Have to wonder if he was the uncle (or one of them anyway) that was always there to help Joran out...

Google translation:

Readers Bike: Honda Bol d'Or
By the editors on April 9, 2008 - 20:01

Hans Hugen is a member of the Honda Bol d'Or Club Netherlands. This motorcycle enthusiast living in Wolfheze nearly thirty years and drive motor. Talk about motor experience ... From Hans eighteen years he had two Honda CX500's before he was born and his first Bol d'Or was busy.

June 21, 2010 Vol. 73 No. 24

Portrait of a Killer: Natalee Holloway Shocker

By Jill Smolowe


What van der Sloot has had, up until his capture in Chile, is an increasingly desperate time making a life for himself as he's shifted between continents, trying to get a fresh start. After his first arrest in June 2005 for the Holloway disappearance, van der Sloot, an honors graduate of the International School of Aruba, abandoned plans to study sports psychology in Florida and returned to Holland, where he enrolled at the Hogeschool Arnhem/Nijmegen to study international business management.[/b] "On the first day he explained to his class who he was and what he had gone through," says Gert de Groot, the college's director of international business and communication. Over the next two years, van der Sloot's class attendance dropped and his grades plummeted until he flunked out.

After his second Aruba arrest and release in late 2007, he took off for Thailand. In June 2008 he enrolled at Rangsit University International College, which has an exchange program with a Dutch university. The hostility from the Dutch community there was palpable. "He had a hard time studying here," says an American friend and fellow student. "A lot of people didn't want to be associated with him."

During this period his gambling continued. One Aruban acquaintance, Sjona Vrolijk, recalls him chatting up a woman in a casino. When they started to leave together, Vrolijk stopped the woman and said, "Do you know who he is?" Then she mentioned the Holloway disappearance. "He called me a dumb bitch and told me to get away from them," she says. "He was scary."

In Thailand he rode a motorcycle and moved into a $1,000-a-month, three-bedroom house that he eventually shared with his girlfriend from California. "They seemed pretty happy together," says a Thai acquaintance. On weekends he frequented beaches by day and a popular bar strip by night. After a year his landlady evicted him, tired, she says, of the noise and damage that resulted from his many parties. "He was smoking and drinking with girls," she says. "He pretended to be a nice guy, but he's not." She says that after she went to the Dutch embassy and complained about the damage to her floors and tiles, an uncle of van der Sloot's covered the $2,000 in damages. No longer with his girlfriend, he moved into a shabby $150 studio apartment.

In May 2009 he was expelled from Rangsit with a grade-point average of 1.31 out of a possible 4. By then, says attorney Tacopina, van der Sloot "was a gambling addict," and, as a result, "his parents stopped supporting him." A few months later, van der Sloot somehow found funds to open a coffee shop. He put in a lovely but impractical wood floor and glass panels that featured cascading water. Soon he was out of funds. Many students refused to patronize the shop. And he often failed to stock such basics as bread and cheese. With the shop open only intermittently, he eventually had to lay off his Thai staff.

That August, desperate for money, he offered an interview to Jaap Amesz, a Dutch reality-show star, for pay. "I gave him money to solve his debts and the rent for his apartment," says Amesz. In exchange van der Sloot offered a new version of events in the Holloway case: He said she took cocaine and fell off a balcony, after which he dumped her body in a swamp. "His moods can switch from one second to the other," says Amesz. "He has a huge gambling, smoking and drinking addiction." To that list, Tacopina adds marijuana.

By February van der Sloot was so broke that he was living in his restaurant. Following the Feb. 10 death of his father from a heart attack, he negotiated the sale of his restaurant for $12,000 to an American man and Thai woman. The woman says he was distraught over his father's death, sobbing and screaming and claiming he needed money for a plane ticket home. "We made the contract that if he came back, he could buy the cafe back," she says.

Van der Sloot won't be returning anytime soon. Murder in Peru carries a maximum sentence of 35 years in prison. He was also hit last week with extortion and wire fraud charges in the U.S. for allegedly trying to extort $250,000 from Natalee's mother, Beth Holloway, to reveal the circumstances of her daughter's death and the location of her remains. "The fact that he would try to extort money from my sister on the terrible deeds he's done is just despicable," says Beth's brother Paul Reynolds. Those charges could land him in a federal prison. The Holloway family hopes Flores' murder may jar loose new information in Aruba. But if not, says Natalee's dad, Dave, "in my mind, he'll be thinking about Natalee's case while he's sitting behind those prison bars."

I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
Monkey Mega Star
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #32 on: May 19, 2012, 11:50:44 AM »

Sebastian van der Sloot


Hanni Peters-den Boer



Monday, May 14, 2012

One Hundred and Thirty-Second Undergraduate Commencement, 11:00 am–1:00 pm
(Free, Ticket Required) Citi Performing Arts Center (The Wang Theatre)
270 Tremont Street, Boston General seating. Doors open at 10:30 am.

Undergraduate Commencement Reception 1:15–2:45 pm, weather permitting
(Free, Ticket Required) Tents on Boston Common
Celebrate the graduates at a reception in their honor. Tickets available at the Commencement Office.


I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #33 on: June 27, 2012, 09:47:49 PM »

Tony Ronald Contratacion
Manager at Julie den Boer - Tony Ronald managementLives in Barcelona, Spain

Monday, April 20, 2009

Tony Ronald Y Sus Kroners - Historia De La Musica Pop Espanola No. 21

Tony Ronald was born Anthony or Andre or Tony den Boer Kramer in Arnhem, NL, Oct 27 1944, he got a guitar at his age 16. And by 1960 he settled in Barcelona, ESP. From 1960 he began to perform under the several names, Kroner's Duo, Tony & Charley, + Los Kroner's and as a solo, and became a famous as not only a singer, but a composer and a producer, also present day is still working in the Spanish show biz world.


Tony Ronald Perdóname Amigo

Uploaded by hallofeblis on November 6, 2010

Google translation:

Tony Ronald, whose real name is Den Boer Anthonius Siegfried Kramer (Original translation:  Siegfried Anthonius Den Boer Kramer), born in Holland in 1945 and as many foreigners came to Spain and settled in it driven by its spirit of adventure and daring, and became one of the pioneers of rock, but in His blood was running musical blood, as his grandfather had been a music teacher and also ventured into it with a group that participated.

Tony sang in English and Spanish and her accent to Cruyff helped him pleased her voice. They settled in Barcelona and visits to Hondo Club, a place where young people gathered to listen to music, made José Luis Bolivar knew a young Basque, who also shared his musical interests and together they formed the duo Kroners. After separation, he met another young man who formed another duo, but finally achieves his dream to form a group and was renamed Tony Ronald And Kroners. Together they presented Festival in Atlantic City in Tenerife and there won two awards.

The repertoire included in all I find, The Beatles, Rolling Stones, The Monkees and even Les Surfs and luckily for him, everything he touched turned to gold as, for all versions were able to reach the top. This lasted from 1962 to 1970, although between 1965 and 1967 achieving some own songs that stood out with some importance as they were "Forgive Friend" and "The Russian Spy And I".

The year 1968 was more fortunate, scoring more popular with "Do You Remember", to which most other own songs and some custom. Foreign status made it ahead of the rest of Spanish musicians and quickly pass the psychedelic clothing, including goggles small, Byrds-style, plus the sound quality was very good, sounded as foreign.

Later alternating his singing career with a music producer and in the list are The Devils, Miguel Gallardo, Cloud Grey and others.

Tony Ronald, despite his long career and contribution to the music of the late prodigious never ceased to be a child within pop music in Spain, but his songs "Help, Help", 1971, which reached charts in Spain, and traveled the world in several languages ​​and "I will leave the key in my door" crossed the Atlantic giving popularity within the Hispanic audience and placing in the top of his career.

His fighting spirit and determination has made today is still active and still in their presentations, the audience demands their successes of the sixties, as mentioned above, but his version of "Melody Unleashed" is still what most identifies.

Day archive for September 26th, 2008
Barcelona’s greatest Dutch pop star

Posted: September 26th 2008 12:51. Last modified: September 25th 2008 09:55

Siegfried Anton den Boer/Siegfried Andre Den Boer Kramer/Anthony van den Boer/Tony Ronald/Tonny Ronald etc, born Arnhem 1941/1943/1944, permanently resident in Barcelona from 1959/1960, recording nevertheless in Holland in Dutch and German until 1963, either has the best or the worst memory in the world. Here's his 1971 summer hit, Help!, in Spanish: ... and in [...]

I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
Monkey Mega Star
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #34 on: June 27, 2012, 09:48:49 PM »

More pictures at the link...

Google translation:

Biography of Tony Ronald
Photo 1. My first steps

Tony Ronald , whose real name is Andre Siegfried Den Boer Kramer, was born in the Netherlands (Figure 1) within a humble family and very musical, and his maternal grandfather was a music teacher (photo 2) and had a band of cue rda.
Sign Scorpio has always been characterized by boldness, courage and determination that took him from very young to embark on all kinds of adventures. He became a sailor at age 16 (Figure 3) and bought his first guitar; not forget that very young child and made ​​his first steps singing in church choirs and his true passion for music was sparked following a movie where the Platters sang "Only You", key moment in his life because from that day his real goal was to get on stage and sing. Perhaps the ship was secured by his idea and the 60 came to Spain (Barcelona) with a suitcase and his trusty guitar as his only luggage.

Photo 2. My grandfather (right) with his orchestra.

He settled in Barcelona and he describes the music scene of that time as entirely suitable for music lovers. They gathered in the "Hondo Club" Muntaner street on Friday night to play, or just listening, Jazz, and right there began to pop music. He formed his first duet, duo Kroners, with a guy called Basque Jos é Lu í s Bolivar, triumphing alongside the Dynamic Duo. The most important of those meetings is that there was a great atmosphere to create original songs.

There were born of parents of current modern Spanish music.

Later, he teamed artistic and recorded several albums with Charley, Charley and Tony were called and the latter the separation created the popular "Yenka" with his brother Johnny.

After this stage of duets, he formed his first group, which was really his dream. Tony was renamed Ronald and kroner and began a brilliant career for him unstoppable.

In this period were local successes (Catalonia) as: The Russian spy, sorry friend, Summer, The rowing boat, Melodia triggered, Cadillac, etc..

Recorded major productions in London: "Do you remember", "Why", etc.., But none hit the charts.

Tony, the day of communion

Tony (right) with his brother Andre

Tony, pilot tugs photo 3.

Later, when recording the first version of "Jesus Christ Superstar", belonging to the famous rock opera, got sound in radio and grab many pages of the press, but Tony fate for him a major surprise and decisive in its career, was presented to the Atlantic festival in Tenerife with a song composed by his friend Daniel Vangarde (photo 4) and won there, took the first two awards, the critics and the award of the Festival, and most importantly, recorded the song with more possibilities that he had found his career, became available in English, Spanish, Italian, French, German. . . The success of Tony Ronald to "Help help me" reached a very important aspect. Twenty-five years later is still his business card and the most awaited song in its proceedings.

Since then, year after year and alternating his role as producer of such artists as Los Diablos, Miguel Gallardo, Los Amaya, Dyango, Grey Clouds, etc.., Was taking consecutive number one on the charts, songs like "I'll leave the key in my door, "I love you baby", "Lady Banana", "Angelina" and so on., that the public remembers with enthusiasm. But perhaps his version of the legendary "unchained melody" the song that excites people, as Tony sings with unusual sensitivity, making the song a true work of art and more of a tear rolling down her cheeks of the most sensitive.

We also noticed the great musicians who accompanied Tony, from allos Suñe Max, Jose Mas "Kitflus" Francis Rabassa, Jordi Colomer, Primitivo Sancho, Angel Riba, Frank Mercader, Santi Pico, etc., When Tony stopped singing a time to focus on record production, they formed the group Pegasus ICEBERG and then, but always continued to work with Tony.

It was about this time that morning festivals are organized in the Sports Palace, in Madrid and Barcelona, ​​they were memorable, shared scenario Los Bravos, The Canaries, The Pop Tops, The Brincos, Los Sirex, The Mustang, The Wild, Miguel Rios, Micky and The Tonys, etc. The competition was very exciting and healthy because the fellowship was complete and many of them struck up a friendship that still lasts. This is evidenced by the recent Tony lived experience, that after so many years singing solo, was part of one of the most extraordinary inventions and attractive never seen on stage. They met five artists who shone with own light: Lorenzo Santamaría, Jeanette, Micky, Karina, Mike Kennedy and Elsa Baeza with Tony Ronald, who also was the producer component, and created "Magic 60" through Spain with a success overwhelming and devastating in an unprecedented spectacle in the history of music in Spain. A few years ago had another wonderful experience in television, part of the program "D and Sunday at d omingo " with the " Supergroup "(Photo 5) , consisting of Micky , Encarnita Polo , Betty Mesiego , Jose Maria Guzman , and Andrea Bronston
For several years, Jeannette, Micky, Tony Lorenzo Santamaria and act together in a show called "The big shindig" with which they obtained a great success. In the summer of 2003 made a TV show called "Singing Live" (Figure 6) with Alma Maria of the three South American, Elsa Baeza, Karina, Helen Bianco, Micky, Braulio Juan Bau and other very nice and rewarding experience.
Tony Ronald with his colleagues in the military

The military period spent in France, there acting as its truck driver, reaching the rank of sergeant. Thus, the arms and discipline were imposed against his peaceful will.

Tony at age 20

Daniel Vangarde pic 4

Tony at the center in his time as a sailor

The Obscure Object of Desire

In 1972

Currently, tireless fighter, is engaged in new musical works, alternating creations with his role as producer and discoverer of new values. Surrounded by nature in a beautiful village near Barcelona, ​​and with the love and the love of his wife and children Mariló Natalia, and the twins Pat and Sergio great source of inspiration and joy.

The record company of all his great songs edited for the first time the 30 best songs in the original.

In recent years Tony has gotten into his studio with his former Los Kroners to re-record the songs that were more successful in the 60's. It was a fantastic experience, it is as if they had spent the years.

And of course, has recorded a new work based on songs by such greats as Nat King Cole, Bing Crosby, Frank Sinatra, Neil Diamond, Brian Wilson, Bob Dylan etc ... and a CD with songs from classic Rocks.

Yet another CD with the Devils, not only remembering our successes but also new songs (2004).
Today, Tony Ronald is in perfect artísca maturity to achieve national and international prestige it deserves.

Slideshow here:

I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
Monkey Mega Star
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #35 on: January 15, 2013, 07:07:50 PM »

Tony Ronald shared Textile Design and Designers Platform's photo.
December 29, 2012 at 11:49am ·

Tony Ronald Mi hermanita que vive en Aruba, en profesora de dibujo y pintura.Somos un orgullo de familia. He dicho !!!
My sister who lives in Aruba, Professor of drawing and painting.We are a family pride. I said!(Translated by Bing)
December 29, 2012 at 12:41pm · 1

Anita Hugen ohhhh, gracias hermano X
Ohhhh, thank you brother X(Translated by Bing)
December 29, 2012 at 1:52pm via mobile

December 29, 2012 at 5:21pm · 1

I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
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ARUBA: It's all about Natalee...we won't give up!

« Reply #36 on: July 20, 2014, 02:46:28 PM »

I haven't done any close comparisons of the pictures, but I think they could be of the same man.  I know it has been discussed in the past who he is, but I don't recall us ever definitively deciding who he is....

Trudie's husband and Anita's dad?

Google translation:

New start for Joran

Today, Tuesday, September 6, 2005, came from the island of Aruba KLM flight 734 in the Netherlands. A flight as there are so many coming from Aruba. This time, however, more noise, because this time Mr. Joran vd Sloot together with his father came along. After one, the family vd Sloot month nightmare, trying to get life. Joran back a little in harness

Members of the press from various Dutch media, including two television crews from SBS 6 and RTL 4, and also a number of photographers, including those from the Telegraph. Stood at Schiphol The Arubadag Website was present a the arrival of Joran committed by a few pictures.

Joran made ​​a somewhat tired but calm impression. His answers to the Dutch press were given quiet. For a moment he stood the Dutch press to talk his way and then continued. The Website Arubadag want Joran strength and hopes that he can find his rest. Here That the truth must ultimately prevail.

Robert Hugen changed his profile picture.
March 7

Robert Hugen
March 6

Trudie Hugen Wat leuk Robert., zal Opa mooi vinden !
How nice Robert., Grandpa will like it! (Translated by Bing)
March 6 at 5:33pm · 1

Hans Hugen Goud van oud, kan mij dat zeker nog herinneren, vakantie Spanje
Gold of old, can give me that certainly still remember, Holiday Spain (Translated by Bing)
March 7 at 9:27am · 1

Trudie Hugen Opa vind deze foto heel leuk! Xx
Grandpa find this picture very nice! Xx (Translated by Bing)
March 7 at 2:01pm

Trudie Hugen Klopt dit was in Spanje,
Is this correct was in Spain, (Translated by Bing)
March 7 at 2:02pm
(profile pic is Trudie)

Ben Hugen
Hallo Dani ,Bedankt voor de uitnodiging zou heel graag eens een optreden van je willen zien ,maar jammer het zit er niet in !
Heel veel liefs Van Tio Ben en Tia Trudie voor allemaal !
Google translation
Hi Dani, Thanks very much would like to see a performance by you for the invitation but unfortunately it is not in there!
Lots of love from Ben Tio and Tia Trudie for all!
April 6 at 5:09am

(They didn't translate but I think Tio=Uncle and Tia=Aunt)

I'm nearly 100% certain that Trudie is Anita's mom and Ben is the dad.


I stand with the girl, Natalee Holloway.

"I can look back over the past 10 years and there were no steps wasted, and there are no regrets,'' she said. "I did all I knew to do and I think that gives me greater peace now." "I've lived every parent's worst nightmare and I'm the parent that nobody wants to be," she said.

Beth Holloway, 2015 interview with Greta van Susteren
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