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Author Topic: Transcripts: November 08, - Mar 2009:No Discussion  (Read 17151 times)
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Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #20 on: December 09, 2008, 08:46:54 AM »

Dutch Official: Aruban Holloway Investigators 'Corrupt as Hell'

Tuesday, December 09, 2008

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," December 8, 2008. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, FOX NEWS HOST: A member of the Dutch parliament slams officials on the island of Aruba, allegations of a cover-up and corruption related to the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. Moments ago, we spoke to Hero Brinkman, a member of the Dutch parliament.


VAN SUSTEREN: Mr. Brinkman, thank you, sir for joining us.


VAN SUSTEREN: Sir, let me just start first with the big question. What do you think, as a Dutch member of parliament, about Aruba?

BRINKMAN: They are corrupt as hell.


BRINKMAN: That's what I say about Aruba.

VAN SUSTEREN: What will you do about it, or is there anything you can do about it?

BRINKMAN: I want a full investigation about what happened with Ms. Holloway over there. It is really a disgrace that the minister of justice, Mr. Croes, told everybody, Mr. van der Straaten and the police chief are very good friends, and the investigation over there with the first ten days of the investigation went wrong because of the friendship. So I am very disappointed about that.

VAN SUSTEREN: Sir, prior to becoming a member of the Dutch parliament you had a long history as being a police officer. When you say that Aruba is, quote, "corrupt as hell," those are your words, what is it that tells you that? Why do you say they're corrupt as hell?

BRINKMAN: Because there is a lot of corruption which is going on. It is also investigated over there. Politicians and police officers have been conflicted, but they still are doing their jobs. So that is very strange.

We all know that the Dutch countrymen, the Dutch know that there is a lot of corruption over there, and they don't want to do anything about it.

VAN SUSTEREN: Why doesn't the Dutch government want to do anything about the corruption in Aruba?

BRINKMAN: I think because it is a political matter. We are now in discussions about another way to look at those islands formally.

And all the political parties within the house of parliament has said for years that they want to do it like this. Not our party. We are the only party that does not want to go that way, but the other ones did. And that's why they don't want to talk about corruption.

Watch Greta's interview

All the politicians in the Dutch parliament know that there is a lot of corruption. But on Aruba, they don't want to talk about it. And that's why I say it is a political matter.

VAN SUSTEREN: What do you make of the fact that the prosecutor, though, is not from Aruba. The prosecutor is a Dutch person.

BRINKMAN: He is a Dutch person, but he is very long within the Aruban society. And what Aruban politicians do, they drag you within their corrupt society. That's what they do.

And even if there are Dutch politicians, competent guys, it does not matter. If they are there long to stay, they will be dragged into that corrupt system.

VAN SUSTEREN: What did the police have to gain by not investigating this case? We have brought information to them-actually, we haven't brought it to them. We have information and we can't seem to get them to look at it. But what is in for the police not to look at what we have?

BRINKMAN: I don't know. And that's what I want to investigate, and that is why I asked the minister here in Holland to investigate that from out of the Dutch government.

But I think that because the police chief of Aruba may have some involvement in this case. And if that is true, then of course the political persons who are responsible for this do not want to investigate that, because otherwise they get chopped off their head.

VAN SUSTEREN: So what can we do here in America to try to push the investigation? Because all we want is a full and complete investigation. And what can you do from Holland to push for a full and fair investigation?

BRINKMAN: First, I want to thank all of the Americans who e-mailed me and wrote to me all the things they knew and all the encouragement. I thank them very much. I've read everything. I did not answer everything. I will still try to do that, but I didn't.

But, please, if you know anything, e-mail to me, write me. I will try to encourage the Dutch parliament to fully investigate this matter, because the truth has to come out for all of us, for the Americans, for Aruba, and also for the Dutch parliament.

VAN SUSTEREN: You said that Aruba is corrupt as hell. Do you have any particular names of people that should have the bulls eye on their back, people we should look at to try to at least take a look at them?

BRINKMAN: There are a lot of people. I have made a full investigation this year and filed a full reporting in the parliament early this year from hundreds of different cases of corruption. Nobody in the parliament wanted to talk about that. It is a disgrace.

Just one example--Minister Croes says that he knows that the Van der Straaten, the police chief of Aruba, and Paul van der Sloot, the father of Joran, were very, very good friends. And those two investigated the matter in the early days of the case, and they did this in a very slow manner.

If Croes does say this, and this is true, then he already knew that for more than three years. This is truly a disgrace. Why didn't he tell that before? That's why I think it's fully corruption.

VAN SUSTEREN: Sir, thank you very much for joining us. And if we can work together on this at any point, we certainly would like to help you out. And if you could help us, that would be great. But thank you, sir.


Behind Every Lie is a Clue to the Truth
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #21 on: December 10, 2008, 03:27:31 PM »

The View by VMS

Greta went through (briefly) all the different versions Joran has told about what happened.

Greta was asked if she believed Joran. She answered that she did not believe or disbelieve him but that she certainly would not look the other way. She emphasized that the Prosecutor in Aruba refuses to even look at the information. Greta was asked if she thought Aruba was shying away from this case because of tourism. She answered that that was her suspicion. She then told them that she had a member of the Dutch Parliament on the show the other night and when asked what he thought of Aruba, he replied that Aruba is corrupt as hell.

They played a clip of the Thailand interview with Joran. Greta was asked how could she not be infuriated by his attitude. She said she was infuriated but that she also had not slept in 36 hours.

Greta did say that Joran was staying in Cambodia at the time of the interview. After it was over, he got on a bus to head back. Greta and the crew had about 10 hours to kill at the Bangkok airport. About 8 hours after the interview, Joran sent the email saying it was all a lie. Discussion continues about how he called and told her after the interview and told her he was lying. Greta lays out the choices for the reason he made that call. Option #1: After the interview, he thought that was a terrible thing to lie to Greta. He felt bad and suddenly became a good and honest person and decided to call and tell her the truth...that it was all a lie. Option #2: He got on the bus and thought, Whoa, I shouldn't have thrown my father under the bus. I've brought him into it and talked about corruption in the police force. Now, I'm in trouble, I need to stop it.

Whoppi asked, Why isn't he in jail? Why is he still walking around? Greta answered, it is because Aruba will not investigate this.

Discussion about Beth and how all she wants is an investigation and that how any parent of a missing child just wants information. Aruba simply won't. They won't bother to even look at it.

Barbara asked her, Where do we go from here? Greta tells her that the member of the Dutch Parliament is going to Aruba. She just found out this morning, he's going January 2nd. He's going to go and he's going to raise hell and hopefully get someone to do something. Greta said it really takes Holland to step in.

Greta did want to add more but there was no time left. Barbara said they would have her back and do it another day that the story was not going anywhere...

Behind Every Lie is a Clue to the Truth
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #22 on: December 10, 2008, 03:29:23 PM »

"Bijleveld counting on research into Van der Straten '
10 Dec, 2008, 13:45 (GMT -04:00)

ORANGE CITY - State Secretary of Kingdom Relations Ank Bijleveld want Justice Minister Rudy Croes an immediate investigation into the former police commissioner Jan van der Straten. That Bijleveld writes in a letter to the Lower Court in the Netherlands.

The State Chamber is responding, which were asked to rise following a newspaper article that Croes said that the investigation into the disappearance of Natalee Holloway has been seriously hampered by Van der Straten. The woman writes regime there in view of the seriousness of the allegation of taking 'that Croes late investigate the matter. They find it strange "that the accusation is only now done."

The former chief of the investigation would have hampered his friend Paul van der Sloot to help protect his son, chief suspect Joran van der Sloot. Joran was suspected of involvement in the disappearance in 2005 of the then 18-year-old Holloway. Bijleveld writes that the Commissioner at the time of the investigation on Aruba worked under the responsibility of the Aruban authorities. Croes would therefore only able to command the role of Van der Straten to investigate.

Croes said that it appears that the former police commissioner and two other suspects Joran aware only ten days after the disappearance to take up. The minister also claimed that Van der Straten said then: "I can not call my friend Paul." Van der Straten is on holiday in the Netherlands and not reachable for comment.
The Justice Minister had also criticized the Dutch government, which would not have provided moral support and Aruba diplomatic "in the lurch" would have left. Bijleveld not recognize itself in that criticism. "In all possible ways is supported by the Netherlands under the leadership of the Aruban public prosecutor carried out research as well as in the diplomatic field."

johan555 posted

Behind Every Lie is a Clue to the Truth
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #23 on: December 10, 2008, 08:43:07 PM »

VMS posted  Well, here's the whole interview.


Behind Every Lie is a Clue to the Truth
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #24 on: January 06, 2009, 07:22:16 PM »

Press Release from Mos - may have already been posted: Jan 6,2009

Press Anouncement

Ladies and gentlemen!

The Public Prosecutors Office Aruba and the Aruban Police Force would like to give you an updated summary about the investigation into the disappearance of Natalee Holloway.

Why? Three reasons

First of all there is the fact that a few months ago, based on the results of the investigation, the estimate was that the investigation could be ended by the end of 2008. More specifically I am referring to the re-opened investigation into the suspect in this case, Joran van der Sloot, against whom the criminal investigation was restarted after the broadcast of a Peter R. de Vries investigation last February. Because that program caused a new stream of information, this information first has to be examined which will take at least another few months.

Secondly, about six weeks ago an interview with Joran van der Sloot was broadcasted on an American cable news Channel. In this interview Joran tells a completely new version of the alleged facts that occurred concerning the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. Before showing the interview and in the days after the show the Aruban Prosecutors Office and the Aruban Police were alleged to be corrupt and unwilling to investigate possible leads in this case. We find it fit to address those allegations today.

The third reason is that my Office and the Police Department would like to urge all people that have information about things that have occurred on May 30th 2005 or about persons that are or might be involved in this case, whatever that information may be, to hand that information over to the Police or to the Public Prosecutors Office.

For a good understanding of the facts I would like to take you back to December 18th 2007. It was on that day that the three suspects in this case got official notice from my Office that the criminal investigation into their possible involvement in this case was ended. This did not mean that the investigation into the disappearance of Natalee Holloway also ended. On the contrary. That investigation never stopped. If new information or evidence would come up, the criminal investigation against any suspect in this case could be re-opened. This is possible as long as the statute of limitations does not prohibit this.

No one could imagine at that time that within a month from that decision this Office was confronted with the information that Dutch crime investigator Peter R de Vries had made secret camera shots of Joran van der Sloot talking about the case against a civilian under cover. After my Office got the tapes and before the actual broadcast of the Peter R. de Vries program, on our request the criminal investigation against Joran was re-opened by the investigating judge.

At the same time the investigation was fully operational again and had as a main goal to find as much corroborating evidence as possible of what Joran van der Sloot had told the under cover. The judge was asked to approve the third consecutive custody of Joran van der Sloot. The investigating judge against whose decision this Office lodged an appeal at the Common Court of Appeal in Curacao denied this approval. The Court of Appeal upheld the investigating judges’ decision, thus disabling Police to re-arrest Joran van der Sloot.

It is proper to take another look at the Court of Appeals’ decision. The Court of Appeal took into account the footage that was handed over by Peter de Vries as well as all the old investigative results of over nearly 3 years of investigation. Weighing whether there was enough new serious material, evidence (necessary to be able to put one into custody) the Court decided that the new elements that Joran had told the under cover were not corroborated by “objective facts”. On top of that the Court considered the fact that the suspect already had argued that there are objective facts that contradict the new elements that were told by him to the under cover. The fact that Joran has supplied the Police with a motive for his lying behavior and the fact that he has admitted that he often is not telling the truth, makes, according to the Court of Appeal, that the self incriminating new statements of Joran are devaluated.

In short: there is no corroborating evidence for the new self incriminating statements of Joran and the value of these statements is undermined by his own statement about his credibility.

What does the Court’s decision imply when we take a closer look?
1.    After an extensive and intensive investigation, the contents of the Police file combined with the new statements of Joran, does not hold enough evidence necessary to pass the threshold for a third consecutive term of pretrial custody.
2.    Logical conclusion from the above mentioned must be, that the evidence that we do have in the extensive files, is not enough to convict this suspect.

For that reason this Office has made the gathering of these “objective facts” that can serve as evidence against the main suspect it’s primary goal for the investigation from that point on.

What the Police and this Office have done:

•    Already on January 22nd 2008, the day after Peter de Vries had shown the tapes to the Public Prosecutor and the Police, the investigation into the person called “Daury” was started. Finally a person called Daury R. was identified and it turned out that he probably was involved in drug trafficking activities (as had been told by Joran). Because of that and following his own TV-appearance on 20-20, he was arrested in the USA on the suspicion of international drug trafficking. He is currently detained in the USA.
•    Investigation into the pay phone in the hotel garden was started as well as finding an answer to the question whether Joran had the possession of a credit card (necessary to use the phone).
•    On our request the National Prosecutor’s Office in Rotterdam as well as The National Crime Squad executed numerous requests, such as various house searches and finally the questioning of Joran van der Sloot.
•    Since then over 20 witnesses were interviewed, some of them for the second or third time. These interviews pertained mostly to Joran’s missing shoes and the person called “Daury”, Joran’s alleged accomplice.
•    Amongst the witnesses were the two brothers who previously were suspects in this case but who, by the new statements of Joran, received an alibi from Joran, when he told the under cover that the two brothers are “jerks” who don’t know anything about what had happened.
•    During his stay on Aruba the Police twice interviewed under cover “Patrick”.

Besides the Police investigation Peter de Vries’ program received an enormous amount of information. The serious tips were passed on to my Office in order to have them investigated.
Four of them could be investigated and led to thorough investigation.

Furthermore investigation was conducted into the statement of a fisherman, until that moment unknown by the Police or my Office. This witness, known by the Holloway family, claimed that in the night of the disappearance of Natalee Holloway a large knife was stolen from one of the Fisherman’s huts while at the same time a large crab cage was missing that at least was there until the month of April. This owner of the cage was also interviewed by the Police but told them that this allegedly missing cage had never been left at the huts but was always taken home.
He told the Police that Mrs. Holloway and the press approached him a long time ago and that he had told them his story. His identity was never officially revealed to the Police. It was because the Persistence ship at that time was searching for relevant material on the sea bed that the story about the cage and the fisherman came up in a conversation between this Office and Mr. Dave Holloway, which led this Office to the identity of the witness.

As you may know, the expedition of the Persistence led to only one finding that was supposed to be relevant to this case. Special Police divers brought certain material to the surface of which one might assume could be the clothes of Natalee Holloway. These samples were sent to the FBI laboratory. After examination by the FBI the result was that these samples did not match the clothes of Natalee.

In the month of March 2008 a witness who was urged by Dave Holloway to step forward confronted the Prosecutor’s Office. The man gave a statement on March 16th 2008 accompanied by his lawyer. This witness statement is already widely known: the witness claims he saw Joran van der Sloot in the middle of the night of May 30th walking in front of his house, soaked up to his chest, walking on one shoe and heavily breathing. He was walking into the direction of the hotels, coming from the direction of the Church at Noord. What the witness was actually aiming for was the Police to conduct an intensive search in the dam of Monserrat. Nevertheless the witness could not give us any reason why the Police should conduct a search in the dam. It was the conclusion of the witness that Joran had come from the dam since he came walking from that direction. There was no indication whatsoever that Joran had been at the dam. For that reason the Police were not ordered to conduct that search. Later, people from the Persistence asked if they were allowed to conduct a search. They were told that they could go ahead if the wanted to. No results were reported. Besides that, the Monserrat dam, which had completely fallen dry by that time, was not long before that request completely searched by dozens of people, for a completely different reason. No results were reported.

This witness has turned himself to Dave Holloway, as we have been told. He has given a new statement and has undergone a lie detector test. According to the summary of the lie detector test results (a full report, as promised to my Office by Tim Miller was never received) the witness was considered to be reliable. This Office never questioned the reliability of what the witness claimed to have seen. Yet, the value of his statement in the reconstruction of facts of that night is very limited. With his sole statement this case could never be solved.

Police and the Prosecutor’s Office are being accused of not following leads in this investigation. Those allegations are unjust and unfounded. Of course it is true that we weigh the information and the source on credibility and value before we start to investigate. But witnesses, who claim to have leads that find no ground in facts whatsoever and therefore are not being investigated by the Police, are free to investigate those themselves. This - of course – within the limitations imposed by law.

I will give you three examples of what we have experienced the last 10 months in terms of leads given by people who claim to have special powers and know where Natalee would be.

The first one claimed that Natalee was in the hands of foreign criminals but could not give us any actual lead to follow.
The second one recently claimed that the girl was buried on an Aruba beach. After consulting my Office and the Police a private search was conducted, only facilitated by the Police. No result was reported.
The third person was very persistent and claimed he had witnesses he could not disclose to my Office. He claimed Natalee was buried under a hotel that was under construction at the time of her disappearance. He requested that my Office would order a hole to be drilled in the hotel floor in order to conduct an endoscopic search underneath the hotel. When the prosecutor asked the man for the undisclosed witnesses and kept asking for his sources, he finally admitted that his theory was based on a dream.

As you can see, this is just a part of what we have experienced over the past months. There is much more of these “leads” which take us an awful lot of time and distract us from the actual investigation. We do not obstruct anyone, but when there is no concrete information or the information is unreliable we chose not to investigate that lead or that information. In that respect the Aruban Police is not different from any other Police force in the world.


This I can tell you: during the investigation of which you just received an overview, a series of investigative acts were conducted. I will not disclose the results of that investigation here and now because the investigation is not yet finished and my Office does not want to disclose these results to the suspect and thus make him wiser even before he has been confronted with these results. Only as soon as the investigation into the new statements of Joran van der Sloot has been completely finalized, the suspect will be notified about the decision by my Office whether he will be charged or not. At that time the public also will be informed. If possible investigative results may be disclosed to the public.

When will the investigation be completed?

At this moment the last leads and some minor details are under investigation. These minor questions first have to be answered before a decision can be made. The Public Prosecutor’s Office expects to have conducted the necessary investigations within a number of months. Exact data cannot be determined.

Furthermore I would like to say this.
Recently Fox broadcast an interview of Joran van der Sloot recorded by Greta van Susteren in the spring of 2008. In this interview Joran presents yet another new version of the facts. This time he claims he has sold Natalee Holloway on the beach for $ 10,000 to a person called `Adamovicī after a prearranged agreement. This man had taken the girl from the beach on a boat and sailed away.
Although Fox already had the possession of this information for nearly 6 months, it waited to disclose it to the public by the end of November 2008. A request by my Office to provide this information to us digitally was left unanswered.

Now suddenly Fox and a lawyer demand that my Office shall conduct an intensive investigation into a story of which the anchor of the program herself already considered the possibility that it could be “a wild goose chase”. Furthermore Joran van der Sloot after the interview was taped, denied that what he said was true. The Fox program also showed an interview with Joranīs American lawyer, in which the program’s anchor implicitly admitted that Joran was paid for the interview. Finally Fox broadcasts a so-called telephone conversation between Joran and his father. The contents of that phone call are supposed to corroborate Joranīs new story. The taped conversation between Joran and his father recently has been downloaded from the Internet by the Police and handed over to the Dutch Forensic Institute. This independent institute, the NFI, has been requested by the Police and my Office to conduct a voice-comparing investigation between the voice on that tape and earlier recordings of Paul van der Sloot. Within a few months we will know whether the material can be investigated and if so, what the results will be.

It is more than remarkable that no longer than 5 months after Joranīs so called confessions were taped on hidden cameras by Peter R. de Vries, statements both in the Netherlands and in the USA considered as “the solving of the case”, this Joran now comes forward with a completely different new story. Now this story is being considered as one that urgently has to be investigated. This while there are many indications that Joran simply pulled Fox’s leg and earned himself a lot of money as well. To prove that we are dealing with “a wild goose chase”, the Police on our request have checked some verifiable parts from Joranīs new statement, which show that it is a wild goose chase.

The Holloway family lawyer, who demanded the immediate arrest of suspects, was told that the Public Prosecutor, given the legal requirements, couldn’t find any ground in this interview to order an arrest.

Final remarks

Police and the Prosecutor’s Office on Aruba are still conducting an investigation into the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. Yet we are approaching the end of this lengthy investigation and are busy with the last two leads. Now we are still busy I would like to add this: if you have relevant information, no matter how small or uninteresting it may seem, please notify my Office or the Police here on Aruba.

The purpose of the criminal investigation is to establish beyond reasonable doubt what has happened to Natalee Holloway on the night of May 30th 2005. Have crimes been committed against her and, if so, which crimes and by whom? And if someone is responsible for crimes committed, that person, whoever he may be, should be held accountable for those crimes in a court of law. Yet that result still has not been met.

In short: it is the Police and the Prosecutor’s Office that have, and should have, the primary responsibility for a criminal investigation. That is the way it is legally laid down in our judicial system. If others want to help, we will applaud them doing so. Yet, when those activities start to get counter productive and under circumstances jeopardizes the investigation, we should address the public and make them aware of these effects.
In order to prevent that happening we thought it fit to inform you through this press conference


Behind Every Lie is a Clue to the Truth
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #25 on: January 07, 2009, 09:57:51 AM »

Aruba prosecutor: Evidence still being pursued in Holloway case but probe nearing end
By DAVID McFADDEN, Associated Press Writer
6:27 PM PST, January 6, 2009

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (AP) — Aruban prosecutors said Tuesday their investigation into the 2005 disappearance of U.S. teenager Natalee Holloway is nearing the end and appealed for anyone with information to come forward.

Chief Prosecutor Hans Mos said his office still needs "at least another few months" to investigate statements made by the only remaining suspect, Joran van der Sloot, during a hidden-camera interview which was broadcast on Dutch television last year.

But he then said prosecutors "are approaching the end of this lengthy investigation."

"If you have relevant information — no matter how small or uninteresting it may seem — please notify my office or the police," Mos said in a statement Tuesday.

Holloway, from Mountain Brook, Alabama, was last seen in May 2005 leaving a bar in the Aruban capital Oranjestad with Van der Sloot on the final night of a high school graduation trip to the island. She was 18 at the time.

No trace of Holloway has ever been found despite extensive searches involving hundreds of volunteers, Aruban soldiers, FBI agents and even Dutch F-16 jets with special equipment.

Aruban investigators reopened the case last year based on the hidden-camera recordings made by Dutch television crime reporter Peter R. de Vries.

But judges rejected an attempt to re-arrest Van der Sloot for statements he made on the Dutch TV show. The hidden-camera recordings showed Van der Sloot saying he was with Holloway when she died on the Dutch Caribbean island and that he had a friend dump her body at sea.

Mos, without disclosing specifics, said the TV program caused a "new stream of information" regardless of the appeals court decision blocking authorities from arresting Van der Sloot for a third time based on the statements.

"My office does not want to disclose these results to the suspect and thus make him wiser even before he has been confronted with these results," Mos said, referring to Van der Sloot, who was last known to be living in Thailand.

In November, Ann Angela, a spokeswoman for the Aruba Prosecutors' Office, said authorities hoped to decide by the end of 2008 whether to prosecute Van der Sloot or close the case for good.

Attorneys for Van der Sloot did not immediately respond to messages seeking comment and there was no answer at his parents' home in Aruba.

Natalee Holloway's mother, Beth Holloway, did not immediately return a telephone call seeking comment.


Behind Every Lie is a Clue to the Truth
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #26 on: January 07, 2009, 11:00:29 AM »

Natalee Holloway Investigation Could End Soon; Prosecutors Appeal for Information
Tuesday, January 06, 2009

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico  —  Aruban prosecutors said Tuesday their investigation into the 2005 disappearance of U.S. teenager Natalee Holloway is nearing the end and appealed for anyone with information to come forward.

Chief Prosecutor Hans Mos said his office still needs "at least another few months" to investigate statements made by the only remaining suspect, Joran van der Sloot, during a hidden-camera interview which was broadcast on Dutch television last year.

But he then said prosecutors "are approaching the end of this lengthy investigation."

"If you have relevant information — no matter how small or uninteresting it may seem — please notify my office or the police," Mos said in a statement Tuesday.

Click here for photos from the case.

Holloway, from Mountain Brook, Alabama, was last seen in May 2005 leaving a bar in the Aruban capital Oranjestad with Van der Sloot on the final night of a high school graduation trip to the island. She was 18 at the time.

No trace of Holloway has ever been found despite extensive searches involving hundreds of volunteers, Aruban soldiers, FBI agents and even Dutch F-16 jets with special equipment

Aruban investigators reopened the case last year based on the hidden-camera recordings made by Dutch television crime reporter Peter R. de Vries.

But judges rejected an attempt to re-arrest Van der Sloot for statements he made on the Dutch TV show. The hidden-camera recordings showed Van der Sloot saying he was with Holloway when she died on the Dutch Caribbean island and that he had a friend dump her body at sea.

Mos, without disclosing specifics, said the TV program caused a "new stream of information" regardless of the appeals court decision blocking authorities from arresting Van der Sloot for a third time based on the statements.

"My office does not want to disclose these results to the suspect and thus make him wiser even before he has been confronted with these results," Mos said, referring to Van der Sloot, who was last known to be living in Thailand.

In November, Ann Angela, a spokeswoman for the Aruba Prosecutors' Office, said authorities hoped to decide by the end of 2008 whether to prosecute Van der Sloot or close the case for good.

Attorneys for Van der Sloot did not immediately respond to messages seeking comment and there was no answer at his parents' home in Aruba.

Natalee Holloway's mother, Beth Holloway, did not immediately return a telephone call seeking comment.


Behind Every Lie is a Clue to the Truth
Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #27 on: January 07, 2009, 11:01:50 AM »


ABC pilot has 'Middle' man
Neil Flynn joins Patricia Heaton in comedy
By Nellie Andreeva

Jan 7, 2009, 12:00 AM ET

Neil Flynn has been tapped to star opposite Patricia Heaton in ABC's comedy pilot "The Middle," while up-and-comer Amy Gumenick has been cast in the title role of Lifetime Movie Network's telefilm "The Natalee Holloway Story."

The WBTV-produced "Middle" revolves around a middle-class couple (Heaton and Flynn) in middle America who cope with the financial and emotional strain of trying to raise three kids.

Flynn, who plays the janitor on ABC's "Scrubs," is repped by APA.

"Holloway," which will be directed by Mikael Salomon, is based on the book "Loving Natalee: A Mother's Testament of Hope and Faith" by Holloway's mother, Beth Twitty, and chronicles Twitty's (Tracy Pollan) efforts to discover the truth about what happened to her daughter (Gumenick), who disappeared in 2005 during a senior class vacation in Aruba.

Amy Gumenick - playing the part of Natalee Holloway

posted by klaasend

Behind Every Lie is a Clue to the Truth
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« Reply #28 on: January 07, 2009, 11:03:49 AM »

1/6/2009 Bondia


I hope someone will help us with the translation.

Could You please tell Us what this article says....Thank You in Advance!
Big  sigh... OK, there we go!

While there was a pressconference planned this afternoon at the Algemeen Ministerie about the latest developments in the N.H. case, some interesting visitors came by at that Ministerie. As BonDia Aruba already reported yesterday, the Ministerie expects this week to be very "interesting" with a lot of speculations and possibilities about this case. Yesterday the well known detective Mark Fuhrmann was seen, who is known by the case of O.J. Simpson. He has been accused? of presenting concrete evidence at the place of the murder that time.
Fuhrmann startled everyone involved in the NH-case because he is known to appear when camera's are around. He is accompanied by Beth Twitty's lawyer, John Q Kelly who had a meeting with the Head Public Prosecutor Hans Mos yesterday.
It is interesting that Kelly himself was gathering information about the case and more specific about the investigation. Suddenly he wanted to see the recording of the program of Rene Gielen which was on the local television in the past. He asked specifically to see the recording to compare it with the notes, written at the time of the investigation.
Also Kelly talked with the Algemeen Ministerie to see tapes of the night of the disappearance of N where he had the chance to identify "Donovich" as the person with whom JvdS sold N at the night of her disappearance. There is a scene where this person appears.
So yesterday there was an informative meeting between Hans Mos and JQK where both interchanged information.  As we know the lawyer of Beth Twitty (who wasn't actually seen on Aruba yesterday) informed Mos that besides the investigation they are analyzing of the Aruban authorities, they, the lawyer and the detective, are doing their own investigation.
At the moment of this writing it is unknown whether new facts were on the American television yesterday, in particular FOXNEWS.
As we heard from the lawyer himself information gathered by Greta van Susteren via JvdS (the recording of the conversation with his father) and other information will be investigated by the Algemeen Ministerie.

So this afternoon there will be a press conference but this plan can be changed on behalf of the case. This morning the AM will decide whether the press conference will be held or not.

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« Reply #29 on: January 07, 2009, 11:07:07 AM »

Suspicion and irritation

Why all is not well in the Kingdom of the Netherlands

by Gijs van den Heuvel of RNW's Caribbean Service*


Relations between the Netherlands and the two former colonies with which it forms a union, the Netherlands Antilles and fellow Caribbean island Aruba, are not good. After nearly failing to take place at all, the latest twice-yearly meeting of MPs from these three countries - which together form the Kingdom of the Netherlands - has just started on Aruba. An earlier meeting of the three actually broke down completely back in January 2008. All this demonstrates just how difficult relations are between them.

One member of the current Dutch parliamentary delegation is widely seen as being the reason behind the difficult start to the latest meeting. His name is Hero Brinkman - a member of Geert Wilders' far-right Freedom Party - and he has mounted a veritable crusade against the Antilles and Aruba. On more than one occasion Mr Brinkman has described the Caribbean parts of the Kingdom as "a corrupt nest of crooks", saying it would be better to auction them off on eBay.

"Slap his face"
Just before the latest tripartite meeting was due to open, four members of Aruba's government said they would not be able to attend. Certain sources have reported that the presence of Mr Brinkman was the true reason for their absence.

"He deserves a slap in the face,"

Aruban Justice Minister Rudy Croes was heard saying. The Aruban chief of protocol even threatened Mr Brinkman physically as he was trying to enter the building, although in the event nothing happened.

The delegation from the Netherlands refused to bow to this "political game" and threatened to withdraw, but they eventually compromised and gave Aruba's prime minister and one other minister extra speaking time to air their grievances during the official meeting. In January 2008, the Dutch delegation actually pulled out of the talks because Mr Brinkman was barred from entering the Antilles Parliament.

Natalee Holloway
Mr Brinkman also rubbed salt into the wounds with his recent statements on US TV channel Fox News. He said that the disappearance on Aruba of American teenager Natalee Holloway remains unsolved because of local corruption, which has helped the main suspect, Joran van der Sloot, evade prosecution.

Clashes between the Netherlands and its former colonies, the Netherlands Antilles and Aruba, are not uncommon. Two Christian Democrat members of the parliament in The Hague, Bas-Jan van Bochove and Jan Schinkelshoek, gave a warning before the talks about there being an atmosphere of suspicion, mistrust and irritation.

These talks, incidentally, are the last stage in the longer series of discussions about the new constitutional structure for the kingdom, under which  and St Martin will follow the example already set by Aruba and attain separate autonomous status, while the remaining islands of Bonaire, Saba and St Eustatius become 'special' municipalities under direct rule from The Hague. However, these new plans are also controversial, particularly so because The Hague wants to be able to have direct supervision of the islands' finances.

MP Jan Schinkelshoek sees all this as the final - and a painful - decolonisation process. The Netherlands already has a bad record anyway in this respect. The decolonisation of its other former colonies - Indonesia and the Dutch part of New Guinea - was accompanied by much violence, with the United Nations eventually forced to intervene.

In the later case of Surinam's independence - in 1975 - many people say the Netherlands' only colony in South America was basically forced to go it alone and that this was one of the reasons why the newly independent country was the scene of a military coup in 1980. Jan Schinkleshoek cites Surinam as an example of where the process went badly and has gone on to affect later generations.
Not serious
On Curaįao and Aruba in particular, many people believe the Netherlands still regards the Caribbean islands as colonies, with which it can do what it pleases. While Antillean and Aruban politicians think they are not being taken seriously, the Netherlands tends to point to the high level of debt built up by the Antilles and the cases of corruption which come to light. All these issues provide fuel for conflict.


Hero Brinkman has managed to throw all these sensitive issues into a very harsh light with his over-simplistic and generalised statements about corruption, incompetent politicians and the bottomless money pit which he claims the islands have become. The fact that he has been called to account for his comments by other MPs back at the Dutch parliament in The Hague has made no impression in the islands of Aruba and the Antilles. As a member of the Dutch delegation to these talks, his colleague MPs keep backing him up, thus providing yet more reason for irritation among the Antilleans and Arubans and for them to go on mistrusting their Dutch counterparts.


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« Reply #30 on: January 07, 2009, 01:32:57 PM »

Dutch Member of Parliament Vows to Root Out Corruption in Aruba

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

This is a rush transcript from "On the Record ," January 6, 2009. This copy may not be in its final form and may be updated.

GRETA VAN SUSTEREN, HOST: Beth and Dave Holloway have not given up. We at "On the Record" have not given up, and I know you have not given up. And now a member of the Dutch parliament is joining the push for answers. Hero Brinkman, a member of the Dutch parliament, who told us the Island of Aruba is corrupt as hell. He's now in Aruba. He is demanding answers in the Natalee Holloway investigation. Mr. Brinkman joins us by phone.

Mr. Brinkman, thank you for joining us. And what happened today?

HERO BRINKMAN, MEMBER OF DUTCH PARLIAMENT: Well, it happened yesterday, about the trip (ph), and we started the conference today with the delegations of the Antilles parliament and a delegation of the Aruban parliament to open a conference about our kingdom and the way we are dealing with the three different countries within the kingdom.

VAN SUSTEREN: I heard that you had been threatened.

BRINKMAN: Yes, well, that was yesterday. I had a meeting — our delegation had a meeting with the prime minister. I had a big discussion with the prime minister, and after that , we went away, and I walked away, and someone came up to me, and he threatened to push my — to hit me on the head or something like that. And that actually was the manager of protocol, the right hand from the prime minister who did that.

VAN SUSTEREN: What prompted that? Is it anyway related to Natalee Holloway?

BRINKMAN: Well, they are all very mad about, not only because of my statements that Aruba is corrupt as hell, and — and that, yes, I think, I'm sure it is. And I think in a democratic society, you are allowed, as a member of parliament to state that, and to prove it. So, the Aruban people are not very democratic at all. And they have to get used to these kind of talks I think.

VAN SUSTEREN: Now, do you back off your statement that Aruba is corrupt as hell? That is the first part of my question. And the second part is, was the investigation of Natalee Holloway corrupt as hell?

BRINKMAN: I must say that I'm 100 percent sure that both answers can be — answered with yes. The politicians here are very, very corrupt. Most of them they just joined politics to fill their own pockets. And actually, as it is already stated by the minister Crews, that he knows — he knew that the first 10 days of the investigation, they tried to slow down the investigation so that probably other things could go away, like they body of Natalee Holloway.

VAN SUSTEREN: Mr. Brinkman, can you make a promise to us, you won't give up in searching for answers and making sure there is a full investigation?

BRINKMAN: Well, I already stated a few weeks ago, with you. I am like a lion. If I had my grip on you, I will never let loose. I — I want the truth to come out. And I will do everything within the parliament and outside the parliament to obtain a good investigation of what happened. And I want to know happened three — almost four years ago with Natalee.

VAN SUSTEREN: Can you get a full and complete investigation and get someone other than the Aruban officials to do it? Get the Dutch officials in there, and basically clean house?

BRINKMAN: Yes. Actually, that is my political goal. I want a Dutch investigation of the first 10 days of the disappearance of Natalee. Why did the police — why didn't they do something, and why did they not do anything on the other kind of criminal parts. I want those answers. And I think there are a few people out there who know what has happened. Joran must have called someone, a few people what has happened. And I want those people. And I'm pretty sure about who I am referring to. I want those people to come out and just tell us what had happened.

VAN SUSTEREN: Well, Mr. Brinkman, your reputation is that you do not give up. So, you know, the Holloway's family is, I know, very grateful for what you have done. Thank you for joining us, Sir.

BRINKMAN: I'm at your service. Thank you.

VAN SUSTEREN: Thank you, Sir.


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« Reply #31 on: January 07, 2009, 04:35:21 PM »

Investigation of the Police Force is not necessary
by A.M. Digital

Posted: Jul 9, 2005 18:10 UTC

ORANJESTAD - The Natalee Holloway case certainly has Aruba upside down. There is a lot of pressure on the Government and on the investigating team.

According to Eric Zaandam, president of the Police union SPA, it is unfortunate that the case has not yet been solved, but more unfortunate are the negative expressions towards the police force by amongst others the Minister of Justice, Rudy Croes, and by Prime Minister Nelson Oduber.

“This is to regretted because, instead of receiving support our own Government dignitaries express themselves negatively about the police” said Zaandam. “Minister Rudy Croes even mentioned that he will bring in a police team from Curaįao to investigate their colleagues in Aruba.”

Eric Zaandam wishes for the Minister of Justice to understand once and for all that the investigating team is responsible and has to report to the Public Prosecutor, and this happens all the time. The investigating team has no obligation to report to anybody else, including the Minister of Justice. The Minister may well bring any team from abroad but the Aruba Police Force will not report to any team.

Those that wish to have information will have to knock on the door at the Public Prosecutor’s office and not interrogate any member of the investigating team, according to the union leader. Minister Croes should not try to play the police forces of other islands against the Aruba police force.

SPA learned of the intentions of the Aruba Minister of Justice when they were in Surinam to commemorate 100 years of existence of the Surinam police force. Here they advised their colleague from the Netherlands Antilles not to fall in the trap of the Aruba Minister. SPA also contacted the Netherlands Antillean Police Union on the matter.

If the Aruba Minister of Justice wants information, he will have to approach the Public Prosecutor, and not accuse any member of the investigating team of leaking information. The investigating team did not commit any crime and an investigation is not necessary.

“The Aruba Police have already cooperated with all the teams that wished to help with the investigation of the disappearance of Natalee Holloway, except Scotland Yard” said Zaandam.

In police circles it is already agreed that they will not collaborate with any team that comes in to investigate the investigating team of the Natalee Holloway case.



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« Reply #32 on: January 07, 2009, 07:27:49 PM »


Oduber Croes behavior would not explain
7 Jan, 2009, 14:41 (GMT -04:00)

ORANGE CITY - The Aruban Prime Minister Nelson Oduber wants the Parliamentary Discussion Kingdom (POK) not go on 'behavior' of his Justice Minister Rudy Croes. Croes has family visits because "very low turnout, as Monday the reason was that the POK before the opening was almost suspended.

Especially the Dutch parliamentarians wanted Croes questions about his position on the required seat of the Common Court of Justice and in particular its uitalting on the case of Natalee Holloway. Croes said that, during the early phase of the investigation into the missing girl has been tampered with. Dutch MPs suspected that the arrival of the Dutch-PVV MP Hero Brinkman led for the cancellation.

"I am not come to explanations about the actions of a minister," replied Prime Minister Oduber. "Immediately I hear fellow politicians of the MEP to ask for words that politicians from the Netherlands every day, to explain. Regarding the Holloway case, I have publicly stated that we are cooperating with the Netherlands, the Dutch Antilles and the U.S.. I hope for a final decision will be taken and that the Minister of Justice rather than a declaration. Until the investigation is completed, we must wait and see. "

What the Prime Minister or damage, as a Dutch parliamentarian as Brinkman Aruba on American television is black. "Everywhere you have bad people in the Netherlands, but you can not let people suffer from one's evil intentions. Article 36 of the Statute says that we help each other and offer assistance, not that we Aruba international black. I regret that. "

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« Reply #33 on: January 07, 2009, 07:29:23 PM »


Starting Holloway case re-examined
7 Jan, 2009, 14:39 (GMT -04:00)
ORANGE CITY - Attorney General Rob Pietersz has a "fact finding" into the words that Justice Minister Rudy Croes was on the initial phase of the investigation into the disappearance of Natalee Holloway. That spokeswoman Angela Ann of the Public Prosecutor (OM) confirmed.

In early December Minister Croes said in an interview that the Dutch investigator Jan van der Straten significantly impeded shortly after the disappearance of the American girl in May 2005. In an interview, the Minister Van der Straten time have heard it said: "I can not call my friend Paul." Croes finds it suspicious that there is much traffic between Paul van der Sloot - the father of suspect Joran - and study Van der Straten. Van der Straten would be a second police team deployed, just after Natalees disappearance. "That was the flexible team, a team that is used during carnival," said Croes. He said a new investigation to the role of Van der Straten and van der Sloot. The Dutch State Secretary Ank Bijleveld-Schouten (Kingdom) after the accused claimed that Minister Croes directly whether his statement was true.

Further announcements are not made during the investigation, spokeswoman Angela indicated. "Only when the investigation is completed, its results will be published in outline. It is still hard to predict when that will be. "

  See also 'Holloway investigation is still months'

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« Reply #34 on: January 10, 2009, 07:58:40 AM »

“Corrupt as hell”
by Greta Van Susteren

On Tuesday night, on  ON THE RECORD at 10pm, Hero Brinkman, a Member of the Dutch Parliament, said that both Aruba and the investigation of Natalee Holloway is “corrupt as hell.”  I received this letter in response (I guess Member of the Dutch Parliament Hero Brinkman hit a nerve):


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« Reply #35 on: March 24, 2009, 12:42:02 AM »

Nancy Grace Transcript 3/23/09

New Search in Natalee Holloway Disappearance

Aired March 23, 2009 - 20:00:00 ET


NANCY GRACE, HOST: Tonight, breaking news in the sudden disappearance of Alabama beauty Natalee Holloway, missing off her high school senior trip, Aruba. Aruban police can`t or won`t make a case against judge`s son Joran Van Der Sloot in the disappearance of Holloway, even after a Dutch crime reporter takes months of high-tech secret surveillance proving what happened the night the Alabama beauty vanished.

But tonight, the Holloway murder investigation back, back on the front burner, cadaver dogs and searchers at a pond just one mile from where Natalee last seen alive, a new witness coming forward to say he spots Joran Van Der Sloot just after Natalee`s disappearance leaving the very same area. With him, Paulus Van Der Sloot, his father. The witness even IDs the judge`s vehicle and then passes two independent polygraphs. Tonight, investigators combing the bottom of the pond for clues, including the bones of the 17-year-old Alabama beauty.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Joran Van Der Sloot waded out here in the water, and you know, went out chest deep and let her body go in this retention pond.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: I want to come through the TV and I want to kill him, I mean, and peel the skin off his face.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Fred Golba is a last resort for families desperate for answers.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is my purpose, my reason in life.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: He`s also the chief of field operations for the Natalee Holloway Foundation. He`s been helping in the search for the girl since 2005. Friday, he left for Aruba to follow a new lead. He says a witness has just come forward with new information about lead suspect Joran Van Der Sloot. He says the witness reports seeing Van Der Sloot muddy and missing a sneaker.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Finding his sneaker is almost as good as finding her body.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Fred Golba and his tracker dog will scour one particular retention pond.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And he told what he did with the body and he told how he came home, what he did with his shoes. It`s -- it`s the complete story.

BETH HOLLOWAY TWITTY, NATALEE`S MOTHER: He has just totally, totally dragged us all through hell with him, this Joran Van Der Sloot.


GRACE: Also tonight, breaking news in the desperate search for a 2- year-old Florida girl, Caylee. Six months of searching culminates when skeletal remains found in a heavily wooded area just 15 houses from the Anthonys` home confirmed to be Caylee, manner of death homicide. A utility meter reader stumbles on a tiny human skeleton, including a skull covered in light-colored hair, the killer placing a heart-shaped sticker directly over the mouth, then triple-bagging little Caylee like she`s trash.

Bombshell tonight. Has the biological father of little Caylee finally been outed? And what, if anything, will it mean at the murder one trial? Not one but two private eyes hired by the Anthony family on the hot seat, both men caught on camera searching the same wooded area where Caylee`s remains discovered.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This is Orange County utility emergency dispatch. We found a human skull.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: There`s a man with a videocamera. That man is Jim Hoover, and that is the man saying, I have that video from the crime scene, but there was no body, so close in time to when those remains were found.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: What I do know is that Hoover`s cell phone, some still photos and the tape, according to what he told one the media people in Orlando, have been confiscated by the FBI.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: This development about the videotape is huge in this case. How would somebody know to go out there?

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Do you know who the father of -- of Caylee...


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Objection. Certify.

LEE ANTHONY: ... with 100 percent...

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: You don`t have to answer that question.

GRACE: Who`s the father?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: What Casey told Jesse was that the father was a one-night stand who apparently, a year later, dies in some mysterious car accident. And so the answer to your question is nobody really knows except for Casey.

CASEY ANTHONY, CAYLEE`S MOTHER: I truly, truly love that little girl and miss her so much.

CINDY ANTHONY, CASEY`S MOTHER: Are you protecting Caylee or are you protecting me? Or are you protecting whom?

CASEY ANTHONY: I`m protecting our family, yes.


GRACE: And tonight, to Satsuma, Florida. A 5-year-old girl tucked into bed, five hours later, she`s gone, vanished into thin air, the back door propped wide open. Dad comes home from the night shift to find not a single trace of little Haleigh. As the search goes on for 5-year-old Haleigh, girlfriend/baby-sitter/teen bride warned to be careful when she speaks to police, her own family concerned Misty Croslin`s stories to police about the night Haleigh disappeared are, quote, "mixed up."

And the custody battle brewing over Haleigh`s 4-year-old little brother. Both sides lawyer up as photos emerge of the children with cuts, bruises on face, arms, legs. Tonight, we have the photos. But what does this mean in the search for Haleigh? Tonight, where is 5-year-old Florida girl, Haleigh?


MISTY CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S STEPMOTHER: I just want to let everybody know that I was home because I did pass my lie detector test saying that I was home.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The inconsistencies of Misty Croslin...

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: (INAUDIBLE) she said that the (INAUDIBLE) it was her, Junior (INAUDIBLE) Haleigh. They were all in the bed. What she meant was they were all in the bedroom together, but Haleigh was on the small, like, toddler-size mattress (INAUDIBLE) foot of the bed by the TV.

GRACE: Ronald, has the theory that Misty left the home sometime during the night been disproved?

RONALD CUMMINGS, HALEIGH`S FATHER: I`m not sure. I believe that it has.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: The police have not -- still have not been able to put together a timeline on exactly what happened that night because of her inconsistencies.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: We almost (ph) have to tell her to watch what she says not because she`s hiding anything but that it just gets so mixed up.

MISTY CUMMINGS: I put her to bed at 8:00 o`clock. That`s her bedtime because she has school. She didn`t go to sleep -- she was probably sleeping about 30 minutes. I was washing our blankets. I went and put her -- laid her blanket over top of her. She was sleeping. And then I made my bed and got into bed.

GRACE: What time did she go to bed?

RONALD CUMMINGS: Approximately 10:30, 11:00.

GRACE: At 10:30, 11:00. At that time, was little Haleigh in the bed asleep with the brother?


UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: I was told they was all three in the same bed.

MISTY CUMMINGS: I just want everybody to know they didn`t do anything with that little girl. I love her like she`s my own!

RONALD CUMMINGS: Bring my little girl home, please. Whoever`s got her, please bring her home. I`d give everything I got to bring my daughter home.


GRACE: Good evening. I`m Nancy Grace. I want to thank you for being with us. Tonight, the Holloway murder investigation back on the front burner, cadaver dogs and searchers at a pond just one mile from where Natalee last seen alive.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: If I miss it by hand, hopefully, he`ll pick it up by scent.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Golba`s assistant, Rhino (ph). He`s a human remains detection certified dog. Together, they will comb the bottom of the pond less than a mile from the hotel where Natalee was last seen.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: So if I can go in there and mark off small grids - - and what I want to do is stick my arms from my elbows to my shoulders and feel for bones and feel for Joran`s sneakers.

TWITTY: It make me sick. I want to come through the screen and kill him when he imitates her. He imitates her and she`s suffering.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: It will be a tricky feat in the black abyss that is 15 feet deep in part.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: When you go into a panic, which he said he did, the first thing you think of is call an ambulance. And with him choosing the alternative of getting rid of her, something else happened.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Patrick was asking him, How can you be so sure that Natalee was dead? And then he said, Well, I wasn`t. She was just not moving anymore. I thought she must be dead. And then he dumped her into the ocean.

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And I have more confidence in this pond than anything I`ve ever done in the eight trips that I`ve been on this island.

TWITTY: It`s just despicable what he has done.


GRACE: Straight out to Susan Candiotti, CNN correspondent. The Natalee Holloway investigation back on the front burner after all this time, a cadaver dog, searchers going through a pond by hand, looking for the bones of Natalee Holloway? What`s happening, Susan Candiotti?

SUSAN CANDIOTTI, CNN CORRESPONDENT: Hi, Nancy. It`s nice to talk with you again.

GRACE: Likewise.

CANDIOTTI: It`s just another curious -- thanks. It`s just another curious development, really, in this ongoing tragic case. What happened is, is that Dave Holloway became concerned that this pond, a pond there that had been searched before, had not been thoroughly searched. He was talking about a witness that came forward that had talked with the police before and had said that he saw someone the night that Natalee disappeared near a pond, breathlessly running away from there with only one sneaker on, that that person left there, came back later, this time in a car with another person.

And so the theory is, is that this pond, which is described to me as being very near Joran Van Der Sloot`s home, needs to be searched again. And that`s why Dave Holloway has hired this man to go search this pond that the authorities have already looked at.

GRACE: Well, what I don`t understand -- to Jossy Mansur joining us, he is the owner of "Diario" magazine -- why isn`t the Aruban government searching the pond? Why is Dave Holloway footing the bill to look for the bones of his daughter?

JOSSY MANSUR, OWNER, "DIARIO": Because the Aruban government has always based itself on the recommendations of the prosecution, and the only thing that the prosecution wants to do is close this case, Nancy.

GRACE: Why, Jossy? I don`t understand. Why is the Aruban government so hell-bent on closing this case without a resolution? This witness, to my understanding, has passed not one but two independent polygraphs. He even identifies the make and model of the vehicle, which goes back to Daddy, Paulus Van Der Sloot, a red Jeep. Why is the Aruban government ignoring this?

MANSUR: I don`t know why. But we will have to ask them to answer that question. But I know this man, the witness, very well. I`ve known him for a long time. And I believe in what he says, especially after whatever he said was confirmed by two polygraph tests which he passed brilliantly.

GRACE: To our staffer, Matt Zarrell, on the very case from the very beginning. Matt, explain to me, what does this guy claim he saw?

MATT ZARRELL, NANCY GRACE STAFFER: Well, the night that Natalee Holloway disappeared, he claims that at 4:00 AM, he was awoken by a neighbor`s dog. He goes out to the living room and he looks, he sees a young man, wet from the chest down, leaving the pond area to the right, headed towards the hotels. Now, a few minutes later, the man comes back.

Now, one thing to note is he said this man was missing a shoe. The next thing he knows, the man comes back, but he`s in a red Jeep with an older man in the driver`s seat. And that`s determined that it was Paul Van Der Sloot driving the car and Joran was the passenger.

GRACE: Paulus Van Der Sloot -- I`m sure you remember every shot we get of him is nothing but behind and elbows as he runs away from the camera when we ask questions.

Everyone, we are taking your calls live. We`ll be back in 30 seconds.


GRACE: Straight out to the lines. Adelaide in Washington. Hi, Adelaide.


GRACE: Oh, there`s Paulus Van Der Sloot. That`s a great shot of him. Go ahead, Adelaide. What`s your question?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Oh, I`m calling -- first of all, thank you for taking my call and for those beautiful children. I just love watching your children.

GRACE: Thank you. And thank you for calling in, dear.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: You`re welcome. My question is, do you think the government of Aruba is covering for this judge because he is a judge? Because, I mean, they have evidence that this -- this boy of his went and confessed on camera, and they`re not doing anything about it.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And I have more confidence in this pond than anything I`ve ever done in the eight trips that I`ve been on this island.

It`s not about how many searches you do, it`s about how many successes you have.




UNIDENTIFIED MALE: There`s a new search today for Natalee Holloway. Again, she disappeared during a high school class trip to Aruba. That was almost four years ago, believe it or not. But her dad not giving up. Dave Holloway sent a search dog to Aruba on Friday, and today a private investigator`s checking out a retention pond.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: This witness came forward and he has given his statement to the local authorities, as well as he flew to Texas and took a lie detector test, which he passed. The local authorities have checked his -- his statements, and they don`t really match what they know that Joran did that night. So although the focus is still very heavily on Joran, they don`t believe that Joran was in this particular pond.

His story is that he was awoken by dogs. He got up to see what the racket was about and he saw someone that looked very similar to Joran`s stature walking in the dark. And when he got underneath the lightpost, he could, you know, basically tell what he was wearing. He only had one shoe.


GRACE: Aruban authorities have apparently ignored a witness that has passed two polygraphs, a witness that claims he sees a young man the night Natalee Holloway goes missing, wet from the chest down, missing a shoe. The man re-emerges later but with an older white male driving the vehicle, obviously identified as Paulus Van Der Sloot, the judge, Joran Van Der Sloot`s father.

We are taking your calls. I want to go quickly to Tracy Sargent and her dog, Cinco. She`s a K-9 handler, a search, rescue and recovery specialist. Tracy, so much time has passed since Natalee`s body was hidden somewhere on or around the island of Aruba. Is it possible for the cadaver dog, the dog searching tonight, now, right now, a new search for the body of Natalee Holloway -- is it possible this much later to find the body with a cadaver dog?

TRACY SARGENT, K-9 HANDLER: Yes, ma`am, it is. Certainly, the water recovery aspect of that search is challenging. But as long as scent is there, it`s basically impossible to hide scent from a dog. So there is a possibility that the dogs will respond to scent at that retention pond, if there is something there.

GRACE: Even under water, correct, Tracy?

SARGENT: Yes, ma`am, that is correct. And fortunately, this pond is not that deep. So that`s certainly going to help the scent conditions.

GRACE: And before your demonstration, very quickly, Tracy, what about the fact that Aruba is somewhat isolated there in the water? It is surrounded obviously by water, but very strong winds. How would that affect this much later the possibility of a cadaver dog actually hitting on Natalee`s remains?

SARGENT: Well, one advantage the searchers have is the fact that it is a pond and it`s a relatively small pond, which interestingly, contains a scent source. The wind conditions -- what will happen, handlers will approach the search area based upon wind conditions and try to get the dog where the wind is coming into the dog`s face, so if there`s any scent there, the scent will come into the dog. And that way, the handlers can see how the dogs respond to that and work the area accordingly.

GRACE: Right now, specialists called back to the island of Aruba to search, search for Natalee`s body. They`re also searching for articles of clothing, specifically a shoe belonging to judge`s son Joran Van Der Sloot.

Tracy, I believe you have a demonstration for us?

SARGENT: Yes, ma`am. What we`re going to do is we`re going to show you how the dog responds to cadaver scent. Cinco, hunt! And what he`s telling us by his trained alert -- in this case, a sit -- he`s telling us there`s human remains scent here. And this is what`s going to happen down in Aruba. If there`s human remains, the dog will do a physical response and tell the handler, Hey, you need to check this area right here.

GRACE: Tracy, what are you using tonight in studio for the dog to search for?

SARGENT: Interestingly, when you mention articles -- this is a piece of article that has been removed from a body bag, from a decomposing body. So there is human remains scent in this container that the dog is responding to.

GRACE: So that`s a piece of the body bag?

SARGENT: No, it is a piece of sheet that the body was in, and that sheet was inside of a body bag.

GRACE: Pretty impressive, Tracy Sargent and Cinco.

We`re take your calls. To Joanne in Florida. Hi, Joanne.

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Hi, Nancy. I just want to say thank you. I think you`re a great champion of victims` rights. And without you, I don`t know where a lot of victims would be.

GRACE: Thank you. Thank you. What`s your question, dear?

UNIDENTIFIED FEMALE: Well, my question is the Holloway family, what they`ve gone through and what they`ve endured. Are they home waiting for, you know, some sort of closure, justice?

GRACE: Good question. Susan Candiotti, CNN correspondent on the case since the very beginning, where is the family, if we know?

CANDIOTTI: Well, I`m not certain. I know that Dave Holloway decided not to accompany this gentleman with the cadaver dog who`s gone down to the island again and is waiting to see what he comes up with before, evidently, he wants to speak more publicly about this.

I want to say that the prosecutor`s office told me today they are not disregarding what this man said, but they felt as though since they had already examined the pond before, that they have included this man`s...

GRACE: Really?

CANDIOTTI: ... information, they did interview him...

GRACE: Susan? Susan?

CANDIOTTI: ... and included it in their report...

GRACE: Susan, before we go to break...


GRACE: ... what type of examination did they do of the pond, the Aruban government?

CANDIOTTI: They told me that they went through -- a search of the pond, draining it and looking through it.

GRACE: It`s my understanding that they drained...

CANDIOTTI: I`m not sure, actually -- let me take that back. I`m not sure if they drained it.

GRACE: They drained...

CANDIOTTI: But they said that they searched the pond.

GRACE: ... a different pond. This pond has not been drained.

Everyone, right now, cadaver dogs there in Aruba searching for Natalee Holloway`s body.


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: He`s hurt us tremendously, other families tremendously, and some innocent people of Aruba. He has no remorse, no -- total disregard for anyone else except for himself.



GRACE: Breaking news tonight in Aruba. Cadaver dogs and searchers searching again for the body of Natalee Holloway. Just when so many people had given up on justice in the Natalee Holloway disappearance, now is there a break in the case?

Back to Jossy Mansur, owner of "Diario" magazine. Jossy, our very first caller tonight, Adelaide in Washington, wanted to know was there some type of cover-up? Because all the evidence clearly indicates Joran Van Der Sloot`s involvement in her disappearance, yet nothing has been done.

MANSUR: Well, I think that from the beginning, there was some kind of a hush on the case. There was some kind of an attempt to let this Joran Van Der Sloot off scot-free. And we`ve seen it grow as the investigation goes on. And I believe that there was a cover-up.

GRACE: Jossy, has this pond ever been drained?

MANSUR: No, this pond was never drained. The pond across the street from the Marriott Hotel was drained. This pond was searched superficially in the past.


TWITTY: They have really had just such a botched investigation from the beginning. And whether that was due to incompetence or corruption or cover-up, I mean, we don`t know.

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