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Author Topic: Rigged Elections 2010 & 2012? Universal Voter Registration?  (Read 4759 times)
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Monkey All Star Jr.
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« on: January 06, 2010, 05:32:50 AM »

Universal Voter Registration -

What the Dems know that we don't: Universal Voter Registration

Many are puzzled that Democrats persist in ramming unpopular and destructive legislation down our collective throats while seemingly unconcerned by their plummeting poll numbers. A widespread belief is that the Democrats are committing political suicide and will be swept from one or both houses of Congress with unprecedented electoral losses next November. But since Democrat politicians rarely do things that will not ultimately benefit themselves, this column asked two weeks ago: "what do they know that we don't?"

We may have found out. It's called universal voter registration...

Fund describes the proposal as follows:

In January, Chuck Schumer and Barney Frank will propose universal voter registration. What is universal voter registration? It means all of the state laws on elections will be overriden by a federal mandate. The feds will tell the states: 'take everyone on every list of welfare that you have, take everyone on every list of unemployed you have, take everyone on every list of property owners, take everyone on every list of driver's license holders and register them to vote regardless of whether they want to be...'

The problems with universal voter registration are numerous and obvious. Many state lists include vast numbers of illegals, including some states which allow illegals to obtain driver's licenses; because many homeowners have more than one home there will be duplicates; because so many people are on so many separate federal and state government agency lists, there will be duplicates, and because so many lists exist with little or no cross-checking capability these duplicates are likely to go uncorrected. Add to this the fact that Dems hope to extend voting rights to felons and the whole thing begins to look like a nationwide Democrat voter registration drive facilitated by taxpayers.

more here - http://www.examiner.com/x-25466-DC-Independent-Examiner~y2010m1d4-What-the-Dems-know-that-we-dont-Universal-Voter-Registration

All my posts are just my humble opinions.  Please take with a grain of salt.  Smile

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Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #1 on: January 06, 2010, 05:38:20 AM »

"Now, they will sell this very cleverly.  They will say, 'Well, OK, ACORN did have some problems with voter registration . . . we should not have these third-party rogue groups out there, so let's put ACORN out of business.  Let's register everybody!'

"Now, the problem is of course is there are a lot of duplicates. And there are a lot of people on those rolls who are illegal alients.

"There are a lot of people on those rolls . . . it's not a clean list.

"They (the Dems) don't care.

more here - http://www.examiner.com/x-27672-Portland-Political-Buzz-Examiner~y2010m1d4-Dems-positioning-to-rig-November-elections

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Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #2 on: January 06, 2010, 05:40:06 AM »

from the comments -

Tnman59 says:
Couple this with the new voting machines from Chavez used in NY23, and some 20-30 more states, that switched names when counting votes. And Obama appointing a former management person from the company that sold them, and the software to a fed election board,just a couple of weeks ago, we have a major problem with election integrity already upon us. How many additional states will get these easily rigged machines before 2010 elections? Remember the Honduras president ousted last year? They found these same machines or similar with programmed out come of vote to change presidential term limits, in a warehouse after he was ousted.

Don't for get the Soros backed drive to elect Dems to Sec of State positions in all key states. These people control elections!in every state!

I also know of articles where at least 4 states, Dems succeeded in getting the overseas Military votes not being counted in the 2008. Not allowing ballots to be sent out early, to be returned in time to be count
January 4, 5:12 PM

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Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #3 on: January 06, 2010, 05:52:51 AM »

ACORN's second line of defense has been that fraudulent registrations can't turn into fraudulent votes, as if the felony of polluting voter lists was somehow not all that serious. But that defense goes only a short distance. "How would you know if people using fake names had cast votes in states without strict ID laws?" says GOP Indiana Secretary of State Todd Rokita, who this year won a major Supreme Court case upholding his state's photo identification law. "It's almost impossible to detect and once the fraudulent voter leaves the precinct or casts an absentee ballot, that vote is thrown in with other secret ballots there's no way to trace it."

Anita MonCrief, an ACORN whistle-blower who worked for both it and its Project Vote registration affiliate from 2005 until early this year, agrees. "It's ludicrous to say that fake registrations can't become fraudulent votes," she told me. "I assure you that if you can get them on the rolls you can get them to vote, especially using absentee ballots." MonCrief, a 29-year old University of Alabama graduate who wanted to become part of the civil rights movement, worked as a strategic consultant for ACORN as well as a development associate with Project Vote and sat in on meetings with the national staffs of both groups. She has given me documents that back up many of her statements, including one that indicates that the goal of ACORN's New Mexico affiliate was that only 40 percent of its submitted registrations had to be valid.


I voted in Wisconsin's Democrat primary.  What I saw horrified me.

There were three women in front of me.  One was told by the clerk that she had already voted that day.  She stammered "I did?"

There were two others working with the clerk to register to vote for the first time.  The woman registering did not present a drivers license or any government issued ID.  She presented a utility bill (easily photoshopped) and her friend verbally 'vouched' for her identity.  She could have registered a hundred times that day with different photo shopped bills.

When you register, when you vote, they don't take your picture, fingerprints, or other important information.

There is no E-Verify type process to ensure your Social Security number or Drivers License is valid - heck you don't need one.

It's harder to return something to the dollar store than to register and to vote in this country.  (welfare too, unless you are a citizen or here legally)

We live in the electronic age.  It would be a simple thing to cross check drivers license number or Social Security numbers.  It would be a simple thing to collect data and ensure that every Social Security number votes just one time in the nation, and that the Social Security number is for a living person and not one who is underage.

With a little help, I'm sure you could weed out the senile old people too.

The Democrat wants a universal healthcare efile to prevent people from getting care, but doesn't want to identify workplace, identity, benefit, or vote fraud and abuse.

Go figure.

All my posts are just my humble opinions.  Please take with a grain of salt.  Smile

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Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #4 on: January 06, 2010, 06:20:30 AM »

Other states provide other examples. Marybeth Brehany of Sioux City, Iowa, filed a sworn affidavit stating that she has discovered that several individuals unknown to her had registered to vote at her address. One of them, a David Loepp, had already requested and received an absentee ballot at his new address in, of all places, Rome, Italy. A 2005 Tennessee state Senate race was voided after evidence of voting by felons, nonresidents and the deceased who had been registered illegally. A Washington State Superior Court judge found that the state's 2004 gubernatorial race, which Democrat Christine Gregoire won by 133 votes, had included at least 1,678 illegal votes.

more here - [url]http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1108/15189_Page2.html[/quote]

Ever get mail for people who have never lived at your address?  How would you know if someone registered and moved overseas?

All my posts are just my humble opinions.  Please take with a grain of salt.  Smile

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Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #5 on: January 06, 2010, 06:26:26 AM »

In Wisconsin, the premise that it should be easy to vote and as hard as possible to cheat isn’t universally embraced.  Our state is home to a vocal minority who paint efforts to reduce voter fraud as a partisan agenda designed to gain a political advantage.  They say showing a photo ID prior to voting is a burden so great that it amounts to voter suppression.  Governor Doyle has gone as far as vetoing a photo ID requirement three times.

'hard to cheat' sounds good to me.

If there is an advantage to be gained by eliminating fraud, then it stands to reason that there must also be an advantage to be gained by prolonging it.  The photo ID requirement most recently vetoed by Governor Doyle provided IDs at no cost to those who can’t afford them and exempts voters who can’t reasonably obtain them.  There is no legitimate reason for opposing this common sense reform.  But there is, of course, a very pragmatic reason for opposing it. 

I am amazed by how comfortable some in our state and especially our media, once the self-proclaimed "watchdogs of democracy," have become with voter fraud; how they are able to dismiss the assault on our constitution and our democratic process as a justifiable means to an end.  For years a swing state where every vote is coveted, a win at all costs mentality is now costing Wisconsin its integrity.


If you're a citizen or here legally, you need some kind of photo id to get a job, welfare, and many other things...including returning a one dollar item to the dollar store.

All my posts are just my humble opinions.  Please take with a grain of salt.  Smile

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Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #6 on: January 06, 2010, 06:29:58 AM »

In February 2008, the Milwaukee Police Department Special Investigation Unit released a report after an 18 month probe into the 2004 general election.  The report said that there had been “illegal organized attempt to influence the outcome of an election in the state of Wisconsin.”

According to the report, problems included ineligible voters casting ballots, felons voting and working at the polls, transient college students casting improper votes, and homeless voters possibly voting more than once.  The problems were compounded by abysmal record keeping and inadequately trained poll workers.

Investigators said that between 4,600 and 5,300 more ballots were cast than actual voters recorded as having shown up at the pools.  Election officials had declared that more than 1,300 registration cards filled out at the polls were “un-enterable” or invalid. 

In the wake of the report, Republicans again called for photo ID.  Democrats responded by saying Republicans just don’t want people to vote.  Governor Doyle, who has never acknowledged documented voter fraud, wondered aloud if the police department had overstepped its bounds with the investigation.


Gov. Doyle isn't running for re-election.

All my posts are just my humble opinions.  Please take with a grain of salt.  Smile

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Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #7 on: January 06, 2010, 06:32:00 AM »

I never heard about this report prior to today.  It must not have made a big impact in Wisconsin news.

link for report here - http://graphics2.jsonline.com/graphics/news/MPD_2004voterfraudprobe_22608.pdf

All my posts are just my humble opinions.  Please take with a grain of salt.  Smile

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Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #8 on: January 06, 2010, 06:56:26 AM »

I do remember after the elections in November 2008, the various Wisconsin officials came out and said there was 'no evidence' of vote fraud, etc.

My concern was...How would you identify vote fraud?  Registration fraud? 

I concluded someone could go from place to place and vote multiple times.

From reading this morning, you would just do absentee votes.  IIRC, there were record numbers of Americans voting absentee, and from overseas.  Fraud?

If the Milwaukee Police Department can investigate and find all this evidence, it makes me wonder.

Did those officials investigate like MPD?

What were they looking for to find fraud? 

All my posts are just my humble opinions.  Please take with a grain of salt.  Smile

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Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #9 on: January 06, 2010, 07:31:06 AM »

I also wonder about the paper trail.

The housing bubble and collapse has Americans moving often.  The foreclosed may be homeless.

I've seen the foreclosure used as an excuse not to clean up the voter rolls.  Bubble too.

How many people registered to vote at homes that were flipped every couple of months?

Make the paper trail complicated, ignore the call to clean up the rolls.  No evidence of fraud, unless you look like MPD did.

What about the mortgage fraud?  Why isn't anyone going to jail?  Cash for clunkers?  Cash for caulking?  $8000 credit?

The financial collapse last year...did it happen overnight?  No one noticed for years that these loans were going bad? 

Or, did someone loot the banks overnight, much like Citigroup and the 7-11 ATM money thefts involving Russians?

Billions sucked away by an electronic tsunami?

Will the elections in 2010 and 2012 be determined by a tsunami of vote fraud?  Voter registration fraud? 

Where are the honest politicians in Wisconsin?  Washington?

All my posts are just my humble opinions.  Please take with a grain of salt.  Smile

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Monkey Junky
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« Reply #10 on: January 06, 2010, 11:14:45 AM »

The U.S. is being taken over by corrupted people.

Electronic vote machines are HOW people around the world are getting elected.. Not by FAIR Votes..

Smartmatic vote booth software was created in Venezuela and that is HOW Hugo Chavez got elected.. Ex President and major Socialist as well as stupid man Jimmy Carter watched over the elections in Venezuela and gave his approval..
That should tell you everything in a nutshell.

Sequoia systems of California was created off of Smartmatic and that is HOW Bush won over Kerry.

What is going on ?
It is obvious.
Monkey Junky
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« Reply #11 on: January 06, 2010, 11:22:46 AM »

By the way.. Smartmatic software was written by a American software engineer and after it was created and after Hugo Chavez was elected they made sure he never talked.. They murdered him and made up a story that involved him in drugs..
It was all bullshift.. They Killed Him.

Monkey Junky
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« Reply #12 on: January 07, 2010, 01:56:17 AM »

Smartmatic corporation.

According to the Miami Herald and Ochoa?s research, aside from the
apparent connection to the Venezuelan government, Ochoa said, ?unknown
Venezuelan investors, operating via proxy European ventures, could
indeed be the controlling power behind Smartmatic.?

The legacy of Smartmatic is a tangled web indeed that has led
investigators to Switzerland, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, Italy, South
America and elsewhere in an effort to solve the riddle. Obviously I
have no knowledge about this personally and I am relying on The Miami
Herald and Orlando Ochoa?s published research on the matter as two of
my primary sources. Having said that, Ochoa?s research clearly
suggests that while many of the individual players in this soap opera
are largely concealed, it isn?t too far fetched to conclude that, due
to the obviously intimate connections, the Venezuelan government most
likely has a major controlling interest in Smartmatic Corporation.

I hope you find that my research exceeds your expectations. If you
have any questions about my research please post a clarification
request prior to rating the answer. Otherwise, I welcome your rating
and your final comments and I look forward to working with you again
in the near future. Thank you for bringing your question to us.

Best regards;
Tutuzdad ? Google Answers Researcher





Smartmatic: all things connected
By Aleksander Boyd

Smartmatic and Sequoia corporations.

Smartmatic Co Founder killed in plane crash..

Voting system creator dies in plane crash

A founding partner of the Smartmatic voting system, headquartered in Boca Raton, was killed this week in Venezuela when a private plane he was traveling in plummeted into a home near the Caracas airport.

Alfredy Jose Anzola Jaumotte, 34, one of the creators of the voting system program, died at an area hospital Tuesday.

Also killed in the accident were the pilot, Mario Jose Donadi, a convicted drug-trafficker in both the United States and Venezuela; Smartmatic employee Eduardo Ramirez and two residents of the home that was struck by the falling aircraft at about 10 a.m. Monday.

Two other residents of the home were also seriously injured.

Venezuelan authorities reported that the aircraft, a twin-engine Piper Navajo 310 bearing United States issued license N6463L, was en route to Curac¸ao; a 20-minute flight from Venezuela's northeast coast.

The pilot notified the control tower of Maiquetía International Airport that he was experiencing a problem with one of the engines shortly after take-off from the terminal at 9:30 a.m.

In 1999, Donadi, the 43-year-old pilot, was convicted in a Florida federal court to a three-year sentence on drug-trafficking charges, according to court documents.

After serving his sentence in Florida, Donadi was convicted on a separate matter involving drug-trafficking in Venezuela; he was granted probation in April of last year and resumed piloting.

According to Venezuelan aeronautics authorities, the aircraft was used to transport gamblers to Curac¸ao's casinos and was decorated with three aces on the fuselage.

According to local news reports, the plane was being operated by a local intermediary company.

According to the Federal Aviation Agency in the United States, the aircraft is owned by Aircraft Guaranty & Trust of Houston.

Anzola was one of the architects of the SBC consortium, a strategic alliance between Smartmatic, the Bizta Corporation and Venezuela's telephone provider, CANTV, for managing the technology platform of elections in Venezuela.

In 2004, The Miami Herald reported that the Bizta Corporation had to buy back the government's shares in the firm -- a move meant to deflect criticism that the government's investment was a tool to manipulate the election.

Monkey All Star Jr.
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« Reply #13 on: January 07, 2010, 01:05:47 PM »

The Smartmatic problem outlined -

One alarm signal is the fact that Smartmatic suddenly shifted the manufacture of the machines from Taiwan to China, which deviated from the contract it signed with Comelec. The alibi given by Smartmatic was that the manufacturing office of its Taiwanese partner was devastated by a typhoon, which necessitated the transfer to China.

The Comelec, however, did not try to verify the veracity of Smartmatic’s claims. Abs-cbnNEWS.com/Newsbreak sources say that the Taiwanese partner simply had no capability to produce 82,000 machines within months.

On the machine itself, the automation law mandates that the Comelec conducts systems verification prior to the elections. Yet, “to date, there is no evidence that Comelec or Smartmatic-TIM have subjected the physical components of the voting systems or the production models for independent review,” the PSA said.

The testing of the machines was also conducted in controlled and air-conditioned settings, which do not reflect the actual scenario in local elections. “There has been little, if any, testing carried out in atmospheres that more realistically reflect the tropical and (humid) environment found in the majority of provinces.”

Electronic tampering

What is probably the most explosive problem area in the automated elections is the possibility of the results being tampered with electronically. The PSA identified two vulnerable areas.

The first one is the fact that the software of the machine will be placed in a separate memory card, distinct from the unit itself. “Placing the software on an external memory disk or flash drive complicates the voting systems functionality and opens up opportunities for damage, tampering and alternation,” the PSA pointed out.

The second is that the fact that private and public keys to the machine, which are needed in the transmission of the results, are under the control of Smartmatic.

“The digital signatures (of the Board of Election Inspectors) would be generated and assigned by Smartmatic and or groups authorized by it; not an independent or trusted authority. By possessing the private keys, Smartmatic and its associated parties can make changes to the precinct election results without detection,” the PSA said


Vote fraud simplified!

All my posts are just my humble opinions.  Please take with a grain of salt.  Smile

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