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Author Topic: Pope Francis  (Read 4515502 times)
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« Reply #10060 on: October 01, 2021, 07:23:30 PM »

Video, with English text, at the link

Pope’s October prayer intention: ‘May all Christians be missionary disciples’
30 September 2021, 16:00

Pope Francis releases his prayer intention for the month of October, calling on everyone to pray that all Christians might be missionary disciples and open to the demands of the Church’s evangelizing mission.
By Devin Watkins

“Jesus asks us all, and you as well, to be missionary disciples. Are you ready?”

Pope Francis opened The Pope Video—containing his prayer intention for the month of October—with that invitation to all Christians.

The Pope said we are all invited to be open to Jesus’ call and to live united to Him in the mundane events of our daily lives.

“Work, meeting other people, our daily duties, and the chance events of each day”: These are the opportunities we have to allow ourselves to be “guided by the Holy Spirit,” said the Pope.

He said other people easily take notice when our every action is motivated by Christ.

“And your testimony of life will inspire admiration, and admiration inspires others to ask themselves, ‘How is it possible for this person to be this way?’ ‘What is the source of the love with which this person treats everyone —the kindness and good humor?’”
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« Reply #10061 on: October 01, 2021, 07:26:52 PM »


Pope encourages young people in effort to shape better future for food
01 October 2021, 15:30

The Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, reads a video message on behalf of Pope Francis, addressing young people participating in the World Food Forum (WFF).
By Vatican News staff reporter

Pope Francis on Friday urged a youth-led movement, which aims to tackle the world’s food crisis by transforming global food systems, not to tire in working together to ensure that everyone can afford a dignified life.

In a video message read on the Pope’s behalf by Vatican Secretary of State, Cardinal Pietro Parolin, the Holy Father encouraged young people gathered at the online World Food Forum (WFF), October 1 to 5, to “remain united and steadfast” in their purpose “for a better future”. 

The WFF is an innovative youth-led movement and network that aims to transform agri-food systems and achieve the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), in particular, “zero hunger”.   

It was initiated by the Youth Committee of the Food and Agriculture Organizations (FAO), a Rome-based United Nations specialized agency, which leads international efforts to sustainably defeat hunger and malnutrition.
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« Reply #10062 on: October 01, 2021, 07:34:17 PM »


Vatican to publish ‘tools’ to implement Global Compact on Education
01 October 2021, 13:02

The Congregation for Catholic Education is set to release three documents to assist Catholic schools and universities in putting into practice the Global Compact on Education, which aims to revitalize the Church’s commitment to young people.
By Devin Watkins

Catholic schools and universities across the globe are continuing to implement the Global Compact on Education, which Pope Francis relaunched in October 2020.

The initiative seeks to unite educators in the mission of helping Catholic education create fraternity, peace, and justice.

Surge in local initiatives

The Vatican’s Congregation for Catholic Education, which spearheads the Compact, released a press statement on Friday, expressing support for the many local initiatives which have begun despite the setback caused by the Covid-19 pandemic.

A global event was initially scheduled for 14 May 2020, but was cancelled as the coronavirus spread.

“Nevertheless, almost everywhere there has been an increase in the number of local initiatives, some of which have also taken on significant importance at various official levels,” read the communique.

Three tools

The Congregation announced that it will release three documents, or “tools”, on 5 October, which will help Catholics schools implement the Compact.
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« Reply #10063 on: October 02, 2021, 07:13:16 PM »


The Pope: diversity is a richness, never a reason for exclusion
02 October 2021, 12:42

Pope Francis receives members of the International Association of Faith and Light (Foi et Lumière) on the occasion of its 50th anniversary.
By Vatican News staff reporter

Faith and Light International was established following a pilgrimage to Lourdes, France, in 1971. It is a community movement whose essential purpose is to create bonds of trust and friendship between its members which are based on, and fulfilled in, Jesus.

According to the Association, “in a world where it is increasingly considered normal to eliminate disabled children before and after birth, the Faith and Light communities set out to enable mentally disabled people to recognise and to exercise their own gifts in the joy of friendship.”
Pope Francis thanks Christian disability group for witnessing to ‘the heart of the Gospel’
By Courtney Mares
Vatican City, Oct 2, 2021 / 07:35 am
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« Reply #10064 on: October 02, 2021, 07:15:50 PM »


Pope to judges: hunger and poverty are denial of human rights
02 October 2021, 13:05

Pope Francis has sent a video message to a meeting of a group of Argentinian judges who strive for social justice in line with his teachings.
By Robin Gomes

“In your mission as judges, never lose sight of the fact that there is no democracy with hunger, no development with poverty, and much less justice in inequality. Remember that the first commitment that the State must have is the welfare and happiness of the people, starting with the most fundamental needs.”  Pope Francis stressed this point in a video message to a meeting of the Argentinian Chapter of the Pan-American Committee of Judges for Social Rights and Franciscan Doctrine.  He said that any plan or theory lacks legitimacy if it leads to greater suffering and greater discarding of people.

The Pan-American Committee of Judges for the Social Rights and Franciscan Doctrine, which has its headquarters in the Argentinian capital, Buenos Aires, was established on June 4, 2019, in Vatican City, under the inspiration of Pope Francis.  It took place during the First Pan-American Summit of Judges for Social Rights and the Franciscan Doctrine, sponsored by the Pontifical Academy for Social Sciences in the Vatican, June 3 and 4, that year.  The Committee draws inspiration from the teaching of Pope Francis to promote the economic, social, cultural, and environmental rights of the world’s most vulnerable people.
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« Reply #10065 on: October 02, 2021, 07:21:19 PM »


Pope Francis encourages young people in efforts to promote a more just economy
02 October 2021, 15:03

In a message addressed to the second meeting of the “Economy of Francesco” held on Saturday in Assisi, Pope Francis commended young activists across the world for their “enthusiastic” commitment in promoting a new people-centred and sustainable economy in the aftermath of COVID-19.
By Lisa Zengarini

Over 200 young entrepreneurs, economists and activists gathered in Assisi on Saturday for the second meeting of the “Economy of Francesco”, the worldwide movement for economic justice initiated by Pope Francis in 2019. The initiative is aimed at involving young business people and Economics scholars in promoting change for a more human and sustainable economy that leaves no one behind, in the spirit of St. Francis. Participants in today’s meeting at the Domus Pacis in Santa Maria degli Angeli were joined (virtually) by other young activists gathered in over 40 Hubs across the world. They discussed projects, proposals and processes carried out during the past year to revive the economy in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Economic inequalities amplified by the COVID-19 pandemic

In a video message, Pope Francis thanked them for their “enthusiasm” in carrying out “the mission to give a new soul to the economy”. He highlighted the urgent need to change the present economic paradigm, as the world struggles with the COVID-19 pandemic, which, he noted, has dramatically “amplified the deep inequalities” caused by the present profit-centred economy:  “Over the past two years we have been confronted with all our failures in caring for our common home and family. We often forget the importance of human cooperation and global solidarity; we also often forget the existence of a responsible reciprocal relationship between us and nature”, he said.
The first meeting in November 2020

Initially scheduled for March 26-28, 2020 the first meeting was postponed to November 19 to 21 last year and held online. In the lead-up to that meeting 12 groups organized on-line discussions to prepare proposals. In today’s event participants shared further proposals and projects carried out over the past year. Discussions have involved prominent personalities with whom these young people have established a fruitful dialogue. These include, among many others, Indian environmental activist Vandana Shiva and US economist Jeffrey Sachs, Professor at Columbia University, USA.
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« Reply #10066 on: October 02, 2021, 07:26:51 PM »


Vatican to host meeting on faith and science with eye on COP26
02 October 2021, 16:29

The meeting, "Faith and Science: Towards COP26" will be held on October 4, feast of St. Francis of Assisi, a year after the publication of Fratelli tutti, the encyclical of Pope Francis on "on fraternity and social friendship".
By Robin Gomes

"Faith and Science: Towards COP26" is the theme of a day-long meeting that the Vatican is organizing on October 4th, in which religious leaders and scientists will take part.  The purpose is to send an appeal to participants in the crucial 26th United Nations Climate Change Conference, also known as COP26, scheduled from November 1 to 12 in Glasgow, Scotland.

The Vatican initiative was born of the proposal made by the embassies of Great Britain and Italy to the Holy See, which the Holy See accepted. 

Joint appeal

The Holy See Press office explained that the idea developed through the monthly virtual meetings that began earlier this year, in which religious leaders and scientists were able to share their concerns and wishes for greater responsibility for the planet and for necessary change.

Exchanges at these meetings have given rise to a joint appeal that will be signed by the religious leaders during Monday’s meeting in the Vatican.  Pope Francis will deliver the appeal to Alok Sharma of Britain, the president-designate of COP26, and Luigi Di Maio, Italy’s Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation. Italy is partnering with the United Kingdom in leading COP26, mostly in preparatory work such as hosting pre-COP26 meetings and events. 

Monday’s event will include an afternoon closed-door session at the Embassy of Italy to the Holy See.
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« Reply #10067 on: October 03, 2021, 04:24:25 PM »

Video, with English commentary, at the link

Pope at Angelus: The Lord holds us like a Father does his child
03 October 2021, 12:11

Pope Francis addresses the faithful gathered in St Peter’s Square and urges them to accept being small in order to grow big.
By Francesca Merlo

Reflecting on the day’s liturgy, as he addressed the faithful gathered in St Peter's Square for the Sunday Angelus, Pope Francis noted that Jesus is unusually indignant in the Gospel reading. What is most surprising about His indignation, continued the Pope, is that it “is not caused by the Pharisees who test Him with questions about the legality of divorce, but by His disciples who, in order to protect Him from the crowd of people, scold some children who are brought to Jesus”. The Pope asked, Why does the Lord gets angry with those who take the children away from Him rather than with those who argue with Him?
Pope prays for victims of a gang-related violence in Ecuador prison
03 October 2021, 12:29

Pope prays for peace in Myanmar
03 October 2021, 12:57

Pope Francis: Greatness is not found in self-sufficiency but in trust in the Lord
By Courtney Mares
Vatican City, Oct 3, 2021 / 06:30 am

Saint Peter's Square
Sunday, 3 October 2021
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« Reply #10068 on: October 04, 2021, 06:12:19 PM »


Pope on COP26: Sharing, love, respect should shape efforts for better future
04 October 2021, 11:29

Pope Francis gathers scientists, religious leaders and experts in the Vatican for a “Faith and Science: Towards COP26” meeting, during which participants signed a joint appeal ahead of the upcoming UN COP26 Climate Conference.
By Benedict Mayaki, SJ

Pope Francis met alongside other religious leaders and scientists from around the world in the Vatican on Monday, to take a common stand for the protection of the environment, ahead of the UN Climate Change Conference scheduled for 1 – 12 November in Glasgow, Scotland.

The day-long meeting themed: “Faith and Science: Towards COP26” is a Vatican initiative born of a proposal of the embassies of Great Britain and Italy to the Holy See. It developed through monthly virtual meetings that began earlier this year, in which religious leaders and scientists were able to share their concerns and wishes for greater responsibility for the planet and for necessary change.

The Pope and the participants also presented a joint declaration to Alok Sharma, the president-designate of the COP26 climate summit, and to Luigi di Maio, Italian minister for foreign affairs.
Pre-COP26 Appeal: Action needed heal our wounded humanity
04 October 2021, 14:40

Pope Francis, faith leaders issue carbon emissions appeal ahead of UN climate change conference
By CNA Staff
Vatican City, Oct 4, 2021 / 07:30 am

Joint Appeal
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« Reply #10069 on: October 04, 2021, 07:08:15 PM »


Pope sends aid to victims of South Sudan floods, Greek fires
04 October 2021, 12:34

Pope Francis has sent financial aid to South Sudanese affected by devastating floods and to residents in areas of Greece where fires destroyed vast swaths of territory.
By Devin Watkins

The Pope has continued his spiritual and humanitarian outreach to people whose lives have been touched by tragedy.

The Vatican’s Dicastery for the Promotion of Integral Human Development announced on Monday that Pope Francis has recently expressed his care and concern for people in Greece and South Sudan.
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« Reply #10070 on: October 04, 2021, 07:12:52 PM »


Pope appoints new Archbishop in Bhopal, India
04 October 2021, 16:17

Pope Francis on Monday appointed a new Archbishop to the Archdiocese of Bhopal in the central Indian state of Madhya Pradesh.
By Robin Gomes

The Pope has transferred Bishop Alangaram Arokia Sebastin Durairaj of Khandwa as Metropolitan Archbishop of Bhopal.  His October 4th appointment came after the Holy Father accepted the resignation of Archbishop Leo Cornelio, who in March last year reached the retirement age of 75.
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« Reply #10071 on: October 04, 2021, 07:16:08 PM »


Pope sends condolences upon death of Cardinal Medina Estévez
04 October 2021, 16:20

Pope Francis sends a telegram to express his condolences upon the death of Cardinal Estévez, who died on Sunday at the age of 94.
By Vatican News staff writer

Pope Francis has sent a message of condolence following the death of Cardinal Jorge Arturo Medina Estévez, Prefect Emeritus of the Congregation for Divine Worship and Discipline of the Sacraments and the Archbishop Emeritus of Valparaíso in Chile.

In a telegram addressed to Archbishop Alberto Ortega Martin, the Apostolic Nuncio in Chile, the Holy Father extended his condolences to the family of the deceased Cardinal and to the faithful in the Churches of Rancagua and Valparaíso where Cardinal Estévez served as Pastor.
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« Reply #10072 on: October 04, 2021, 07:25:18 PM »


Respect Life: Pope Francis’ 8 strongest statements against abortion
By Courtney Mares
Vatican City, Oct 4, 2021 / 00:00 am

While papal observers may sometimes adopt differing interpretations of Pope Francis’ statements on controversial topics, on the issue of abortion the pope has been unambiguously clear that the humanity of an unborn child must always be protected.

In recent years, Pope Francis’ public statements on abortion — often unscripted — have been more graphic and striking than even some of the pro-life statements of his predecessors, such as his comparison of the procedure to homicide and Nazi eugenics.

With multiple rosary crusades for the protection of the unborn underway in October, and a looming U.S. Supreme Court case, Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, which is widely seen as the most direct legal challenge to Roe v. Wade in the nearly five decades of legalized abortion in the United States, here is a look at some of the strongest papal statements on abortion.

Sept. 15, 2021: ‘Abortion is murder’

When a journalist from the Jesuit publication, America Magazine, asked the pope on Sept. 15 about “a woman’s right to choose” and giving Communion to politicians who have supported pro-abortion laws during an in-flight press conference, Pope Francis responded that “abortion is more than an issue. Abortion is murder.”

“Scientifically it’s a human life. The textbooks teach us that. But is it right to take it out to solve a problem? This is why the Church is so strict on this issue because accepting this is kind of like accepting daily murder,” Francis said.
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« Reply #10073 on: October 05, 2021, 04:48:32 PM »


Vatican meeting of religions on education to peace, fraternity
05 October 2021, 16:04

The Vatican on Tuesday organized a meeting of representatives of the world’s religions with Pope Francis, to discuss how, through the Global Compact on Education, religions can promote an open and inclusive education for the common good.
By Robin Gomes

“By means of education, religions contribute to promoting the human person, and they aim to cooperate actively with international organizations to educate young people to a culture of peace and fraternity.”  The Vatican Congregation for Catholic Education made the statement in a communique on Tuesday, at the end of the meeting of some 20 representatives of the world’s religions with Pope Francis in the Vatican, on the theme, “Religions and Education: Towards a Global Compact on Education”.

The Congregation organized the meeting for October 5, World Teachers’ Day of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO), “to actuate all necessary measures to put education and the human person at the centre of the international agenda”.

The event was part of the Global Compact on Education, an initiative that Pope Francis originally launched on 12 September 2019.  Due to the pandemic, he launched it again on 15 October 2020.
Pope: Religions reaffirm mission of integral education
05 October 2021, 11:26

Pope Francis discusses education with faith leaders on World Teachers’ Day
By Courtney Mares
Vatican City, Oct 5, 2021 / 12:00 pm

Address by Pope Francis--
Incontro del Santo Padre Francesco con i rappresenti delle religioni sul tema “Religions and Education: towards a Global Compact on Education”, 05.10.2021
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« Reply #10074 on: October 05, 2021, 04:56:09 PM »


Pope prays for victims following report on clerical sexual abuse in France
05 October 2021, 15:19

Following the release on Tuesday of an independent report commissioned by the French Bishops and religious on sexual abuse in the Church, the Director of the Holy See Press Office says that Pope Francis’s thoughts and prayers go “first to the victims” who have suffered and have had the courage to speak out.
By Lisa Zengarini

An independent commission established by French Catholic Bishops and religious has revealed that an estimated total of 330,000 people in France have been victims of sexual abuse within Church as children, and that between 2,900 and 3,200 priests and religious committed these crimes over a period of seventy years.

The Independent Commission on Sexual Abuse in the Church (CIASE) published its findings on Tuesday in a 2,500-page report after a two-and-a half-year investigation. 

Sorrow for the victims and gratitude for their courage

Pope Francis learned “with pain” and sorrow of the report's contents during the recent "ad limina" visit of the French bishops to Rome, the Director of the Holy See Press Office, Matteo Bruni, said following its release.
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« Reply #10075 on: October 05, 2021, 05:04:11 PM »


Dates for World Youth Day 2023 in Lisbon announced
By Courtney Mares
Rome Newsroom, Oct 5, 2021 / 07:00 am

The dates of the next World Youth Day (WYD) in Lisbon, Portugal, have been announced.

The world’s largest gathering of Catholic young people will take place on Aug. 1-6, 2023

Making the announcement on Oct. 3, Cardinal Manuel Clemente, the Patriarch of Lisbon, said: “We hope that the 22 months that will lead us to WYD might be a time of evangelization for all.”

World Youth Day was established by Pope John Paul II in 1985. The week-long gathering usually attracts hundreds of thousands of young people.

The international event is typically held on a different continent every three years with the presence of the pope.

Pope Francis announced that the Portuguese capital would host the global Catholic gathering of young people at the closing Mass of the last international World Youth Day in Panama City in January 2019.
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« Reply #10076 on: October 06, 2021, 05:55:32 PM »

Video, with English commentary, at the link

Pope at Audience: True freedom flows from the Cross of Christ
06 October 2021, 10:00

In his weekly General Audience, Pope Francis continues his reflection on St. Paul’s Letter to the Galatians, exploring the concept Christian freedom and how Christ, the Truth, achieved it in His supreme act of love on the Cross.
By Robin Gomes

Christian freedom is the gift of God based on the truth of Jesus, who revealed the depth of God’s love in His supreme sacrifice on the Cross. This freedom is the way to happiness, Pope Francis said in his General Audience of 6 October at the Vatican's Paul VI Hall.

Starting from the common concept of freedom, the Holy Father explains that we appreciate freedom only when we lose it. For many, freedom is an acquired right, preserved. 
Pope expresses shame for Church’s failure to confront abuse
06 October 2021, 10:45

Pope Francis: True freedom flows from the Cross of Christ
By Courtney Mares
Vatican City, Oct 6, 2021 / 05:10 am

Paul VI Audience Hall
Wednesday, 6 October 2021
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« Reply #10077 on: October 06, 2021, 07:28:57 PM »


Papal Chirograph establishes new Foundation for Catholic healthcare
06 October 2021, 15:41

Pope Francis establishes a new Foundation to offer financial support to Catholic healthcare institutions so they can preserve the charism of their founders while complying with Catholic social teachings. It will be headed by Archbishop Nunzio Galantino, President of APSA.
By Vatican News staff reporter

Pope Francis has created a new body to help Catholic healthcare institutions carry out their mission in compliance with Catholic social teaching. The "Foundation for Catholic Health" was established on Wednesday with a Chirograph, which is an Apostolic letter, handwritten and with the signature of the Pope.

According to the letter, the new body will be entrusted with the task of offering “economic support to Church healthcare institutions, so that the charism of their founders is preserved,” they are included “in the network of similar and meritorious Church institutions”, and therefore can “operate for charitable purposes in accordance with Church's social teaching.”

The Pope’s decision comes in the light of financial difficulties faced by a number of Catholic health facilities run by religious orders, who are sometimes forced to sell them.
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« Reply #10078 on: October 06, 2021, 07:33:34 PM »


3 Swiss Guards Resign, Commander Reportedly Threatened as Vatican Enforces Vaccine
The Register has learned that since the Spring, the Vatican has been holding seminars to “indoctrinate” the guardsmen to take the anti-Covid vaccine.
Edward Pentin  Vatican  October 4, 2021

VATICAN CITY — Three Swiss Guards have voluntarily left the Pope’s prestigious army corps and another three have been temporarily suspended after they refused to comply with compulsory anti-Covid vaccination being imposed by the Vatican.

Lieutenant Urs Breitenmoser, the spokesman for the Pontifical Swiss Guard, confirmed the resignations on Sunday to Swiss media, saying they had taken place “on a voluntary basis” and adding that three other unvaccinated guardsmen are now provisionally suspended from service until the vaccination cycle is complete.

The mandate, which Breitenmoser said is in line “with those adopted by other armed forces in the world,” follows announcements from other military leaders, including those of the United States, who have imposed mandatory vaccines on their armed forces.

The Register has learned that as many as 30 Swiss Guards had been resisting the mandatory jabs as recently as July, but most eventually complied, including the Guards’ commander, Colonel Christoph Graf. He reluctantly received the vaccine only a few days ago after being “threatened,” according to several sources within the corps. The Register has asked the Vatican whether it can confirm the allegation.
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« Reply #10079 on: October 06, 2021, 07:42:52 PM »


Vatican abuse trial: Court clears former altar boy and ex-youth seminary rector of crimes
By Hannah Brockhaus
Vatican City, Oct 6, 2021 / 08:00 am

The Vatican tribunal cleared a priest who formerly served as a papal altar boy and the ex-rector of a Vatican-based youth seminary of crimes on Wednesday.

Defendant Fr. Gabriele Martinelli, 29, was acquitted of charges of violent sexual assault alleged to have taken place at the Pius X pre-seminary. The school’s former rector, 72-year-old Fr. Enrico Radice, was cleared of charges of cover-up.

The ruling came at the end of a year-long trial for alleged abuse at the Pius X pre-seminary, a residence in Vatican City for about a dozen boys aged 12 to 18 who serve at papal Masses and other liturgies in St. Peter’s Basilica and are considering the priesthood.

The Vatican announced in May that Pope Francis had decided to move the pre-seminary outside of Vatican City State beginning in September.
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