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Author Topic: Pope Francis  (Read 4515480 times)
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« Reply #11260 on: November 26, 2022, 05:17:57 PM »


Pope: The world needs consecrated persons as artisans of peace!
26 November 2022, 11:35

Pope Francis addresses the Union of Superiors General at the conclusion of its Assembly with a reflection on what it means to be a peacemaker and on the importance of fostering synodality.
By Linda Bordoni

To be peacemakers is a particularly urgent call in a world fragmented by wars and division. “It is the responsibility of each and everyone” Pope Francis said to the religious men gathered in the Vatican on Saturday morning, pointing out that it especially concerns consecrated persons.

In prepared remarks he noted that the theme of the just ended Assembly of the Union of Superiors General (USG) was “Called to be artisans of peace” and that reflection was based on the encyclical Fratelli tutti, the Pope spoke about the peace that Jesus gives and how it differs from the peace that the world gives.

In these times, when we hear the word "peace", we mainly think of a no-war or end-of-war situation, a state of tranquillity and well-being.

This, he said,  “does not fully correspond to the meaning of the Hebrew word shalom, which, in the biblical context, has a richer meaning.”
Speeches 2022 November
To Participants in the Assembly of the Union of Superiors General (U.S.G.) (26 November 2022)

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« Reply #11261 on: November 26, 2022, 05:23:02 PM »


Pope: Violence against women must be addressed through a joint effort
26 November 2022, 12:32

Meeting the staff of the Italian Central Anti-Crime Directorate, Pope Francis recalls the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, observed on 25 November, emphasizing the crucial importance of a joint effort by public institutions and all social actors not only in law enforcement, but also in prevention to eradicate this scourge.
By Lisa Zengarini

To counter violence against women public institutions and social actors need to network together, Pope Francis told members of an Italian law enforcement agency dealing with organised crime on Saturday. “We need to unite, collaborate, network:, what we need is not just a defensive network, but above all a preventive network”, the Pope said as he received the staff of the Central Anti-Crime Directorate (Direzione Centrale Anticrimine – DIA).

Addressing some 170 participants at the audience in the Clementine Hall, Pope Francis thanked the agency both for the work it carries out “with professional and human commitment”, and for asking to meet him one day after the U.N. International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, which is observed annually on 25 November.
Speeches 2022 November
To the Members of the Central Anti-Crime Department (26 November 2022)

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« Reply #11262 on: November 26, 2022, 05:36:14 PM »


Holy See: regret for installation ceremony of Bishop in China
26 November 2022, 12:18

In a press statement the Vatican notes with "surprise and regret" the installation of the Auxiliary Bishop of Jiangxi, a diocese not currently recognized by the Holy See.
By Vatican News staff writer

The Holy See Press Office released a statement on Saturday noting the "surprise and regret" of the Holy See upon receiving news of the “installation ceremony” that took place on 24 November in Nanchang of Bishop Giovanni Peng Weizhao of Yujiang (Jiangxi Province) as Auxiliary Bishop of Jiangxi, a diocese not recognized by the Holy See.

The statement notes that this event "has not taken place in conformity with the spirit of dialogue that exists between the Vatican parties and the Chinese parties and what has been stipulated in the Provisional Agreement on the Appointment of Bishops of 22 September 2018."

The press statement also notes that according to reports received, "the civil recognition of Bishop Peng was preceded...by prolonged and intense pressure by the local Authorities."
In awaiting "appropriate communication about the matter from the Authorities," the statement concludes by expressing the Holy See's hopes that "similar episodes will not be repeated" and "reaffirms its complete willingness to continue the respectful dialogue concerning all of the matters of common interest."
Vatican says China violated terms of agreement with bishop installation
By Courtney Mares
Vatican City, Nov 26, 2022 / 05:40 am

In rare public protest, Vatican calls out China over bishop’s appointment
By Elise Ann Allen
Nov 26, 2022
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« Reply #11263 on: November 27, 2022, 10:40:41 AM »

Video, with English commentary, at the link...

Pope: May Advent awaken us to God’s presence in our daily lives
27 November 2022, 12:12

On the first Sunday of Advent, Pope Francis calls on us to “awaken from our slumber” and to always be aware of the presence of God and to welcome Him in our daily lives.
By Thaddeus Jones

Welcoming pilgrims in Saint Peter’s Square on the first Sunday of Advent, Pope Francis offered his customary reflections and catechesis before leading the recitation of the Angelus prayer. Today’s Gospel, he recalled, reminds us that the Lord is coming to be with us, marking the “foundation of our hope,” a fact that should give us consolation even in the most difficult times of our lives.
Pope Francis appeals for Israeli-Palestinian dialogue
27 November 2022, 13:27

Pope remembers Ischia flood victims, women suffering violence
27 November 2022, 13:31

Angelus - Regina Cæli 2022
Angelus, 27 November 2022

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« Reply #11264 on: November 28, 2022, 10:09:19 AM »

Pope Francis' interview with "America Magazine"

Pope: Polarization is not Catholic, dialogue is the only way
28 November 2022, 14:18

Pope Francis grants an exclusive interview to the Catholic ‘"America Magazine" in which he answers a vast range of questions, including topics regarding the US, Church issues, social issues, the war in Ukraine, the Vatican’s relations with China, and his pontificate.
By Vatican News staff reporter

On Monday the US Catholic 'America Magazine' published a wide-ranging interview with Pope Francis, marking the first time that the Pope has agreed to an interview with the editors of an American journal.

The interview was held on November 22 at his Vatican residence at Santa Marta and was conducted in Spanish by five representatives of the American Jesuit magazine including its outgoing editor in chief, Fr. Matt Malone, S.J., and Fr. Sam Sawyer, S.J., the incoming editor in chief. Questions ranged from polarization in the U.S. Church, racism, Church teaching on the ordination of women, the Pope's stance on social issues, the war in Ukraine, the Vatican’s relations with China and his pontificate.
Exclusive: Pope Francis denounces polarization, talks women’s ordination, the U.S. bishops and more
The Editors
November 28, 2022

Pope Francis: ‘Jesus did not create bishops’ conferences’
By Hannah Brockhaus
Rome Newsroom, Nov 28, 2022 / 08:01 am
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« Reply #11265 on: November 28, 2022, 04:18:49 PM »


Pope to Catholic Action: Listen attentively with an open heart
28 November 2022, 11:03

Pope Francis sends a message to the International Forum of Catholic Action, which met over the weekend for its 8th Assembly and elected new leaders. The synodal spirit needs to take root in the Church, he writes, so we need to move in the same direction as a people walking together.
By Sebastián Sanson Ferrari and Tiziana Campisi

Pope Francis addressed a message to the International Forum of Catholic Action (FIAC) that took place in Rome in recent days, offering first his greetings to the new leadership. He also greeted all members at the conclusion of Sunday's Angelus in St. Peter's Square, recalling their assembly meeting that brings together Catholic Action coordinators from around the world.

The Pope recalled that their journey started more than 30 years ago when Cardinal Eduardo Pironio saw the need to create the Forum so that Catholic Action could contribute to the challenges of the new evangelization, bringing together the richness of each place and culture. He writes, "many of you have decisively followed this intuition and contributed your own abilities and desire to proclaim the Gospel despite the difficulties of the times, since in previous years there were no means of communication and rapprochement between countries."
Pontifical Messages 2022
Message of the Holy Father to the International Forum of Catholic Action (27 November 2022)

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« Reply #11266 on: November 28, 2022, 04:26:33 PM »

Video at the link...

Pope to Italian schoolchildren: 'Dream big, like John XXIII and Martin Luther King'
28 November 2022, 13:17

Pope Francis meets with 6,000 schoolchildren, teachers, and school leaders, urging them to follow in the footsteps of “modern day prophets” Pope St John XXIII and Martin Luther King Jr.
By Joseph Tulloch

Pope Francis on Monday met with a group of 6,000 Italian schoolchildren, teachers, and school leaders in a meeting organised by the country's National Network of Schools for Peace.

During the session, which was entitled “For Peace. With Care” and held in the Vatican’s Paul VI Hall, the Pope spoke of the importance of constantly building peace, and held up Pope St John XXIII and Martin Luther King as "prophets of our times."
Speeches 2022 November
To the students participating in the Meeting for the education of peace and caring (28 November 2022)

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« Reply #11267 on: November 28, 2022, 04:32:41 PM »


Pope encourages pastoral outreach of priests from Latin America
28 November 2022, 13:47

Pope Francis meets with community members of Rome's Pontifical Latin American College, encouraging them in their pastoral work as Christ's "disciples and missionaries."
By Vatican News staff writer

Pope Francis met on Monday morning with students and staff of the Pontificio Colegio Pío Latinoamericano (Pontifical Latin American College) studying and living in Rome.

In his address he encouraged them to ask Our Lady of Guadalupe to help us in our journey of 'discipleship-apostolate' to which the Lord calls us, and to accompany us in the vital itinerary of 'going and returning' that starts from Jesus to the brethren, and then returns with the brethren to meet Jesus.
Speeches 2022 November
To the Community of the Pius Pontifical Latin American College in Rome (28 November 2022)

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« Reply #11268 on: November 28, 2022, 04:37:41 PM »


New Irish ambassador to the Holy See presents credentials to Pope
28 November 2022, 10:40

Pope Francis receives the credential letters of Frances Collins, the new Ambassador of the Republic of Ireland to the Holy See.
By Joseph Tulloch

The new Irish ambassador to the Holy See, Frances Collins, on Monday morning presented her credential letters to Pope Francis in the Vatican’s Apostolic Palace.

Ambassador Collins was previously Vice Director of the Disarmament and Non-Proliferation section at Ireland’s Department of Foreign Affairs.

Before that, she worked as Vice Head of Mission at the EU delegation to South Sudan, as Second Secretary at Ireland’s embassy in Uganda, and as a desk officer for the Department of Foreign Affairs in Dublin.
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« Reply #11269 on: November 28, 2022, 04:48:44 PM »

Update:  Synod for a Synodal Church

Video, with English commentary, at the link...

Synod for a Synodal Church: dialogue, listening and discernment continue
28 November 2022, 16:06

Leaders of the continental stage of the Synod for a Synodal Church meet in Rome on Monday and Tuesday, providing them the opportunity of meeting directly with the Secretariat of the Synod guiding the process.
By Sr Bernadette Reis, fsp

On Monday morning, in the offices of the Secretariat of the Synod, a Meeting of the Presidents of the International Reunions of Episcopal Conferences and their Continental Taskforce Coordinators took place.

A representative of each continent presented specific information regarding the continental stage introduced by the Synod Secretariat on 27 October. For each territory – Asia, Africa, Oceania, North America, the Middle East, Latin America and Europe – information was presented regarding the people directly involved with the synodal process, as well as the dates already planned, the participants, objective and methodology being used to carry out the Continental Assemblies.
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« Reply #11270 on: November 28, 2022, 07:04:09 PM »


Pope Francis: Benedict XVI was ‘leader’ in responding to sexual abuse
By Jonah McKeown
St. Louis, Mo., Nov 28, 2022 / 16:30 pm

In a recent interview Pope Francis said his predecessor Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI was a leader in “taking responsibility” and responding with transparency to clerical sexual abuse — the latest defense by the Holy Father of his predecessor, who is facing criticism in his native Germany for his handling of several abuse cases as an archbishop decades ago.

In the Nov. 22 interview published Monday by America Magazine, Pope Francis discussed a wide range of topics including the Church’s response to revelations of abuse by clergy. Francis said although “official statistics” show that clergy abuse makes up a very small percentage of all abuse cases in society, f there had been only one case, it would have been monstrous.”

Before the 2002 “Boston crisis,” abusers were simply moved from place to place as part of the institutional cover-up, he said.

“The practice, which is still maintained in some families and institutions today, was to cover it up. The Church made the decision to not cover up [anymore]. From there progress was made in judicial processes, the creation of the Pontifical Commission for the Protection of Minors,” the pope said, as reported by America.

“Here, a great [example] is Cardinal [Seán] O’Malley of Boston, who had the mindset to institutionalize [the protection of minors] within the Church. When honest people see how the Church is taking responsibility for this monstrosity, they understand that the Church is one thing while the abusers who are being punished by the Church are another. The leader in taking these decisions was Benedict XVI.”

During his almost eight-year pontificate, which began in 2005, Benedict XVI dismissed hundreds of abusers from the clerical state, regularly met abuse survivors, and addressed the abuse crisis in Ireland in a 2010 pastoral letter. He resigned from the papacy in 2013.

This is not the first time Pope Francis has spoken in defense of his predecessor’s record on responding to sexual abuse. Amid an ongoing reckoning over Benedict XVI’s handling of abuse cases in Munich, where he served as archbishop from 1977 to 1982, Pope Francis called to offer his support to Benedict XVI as the pope emeritus faced criticism.

==The English transcript of the Nov. 22 interview at the link below:

Exclusive: Pope Francis denounces polarization, talks women’s ordination, the U.S. bishops and more
The Editors
November 28, 2022
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« Reply #11271 on: November 29, 2022, 04:29:24 PM »

Update:  Synod for a Synodal Church

Cardinal Grech: Synodal path is to walk together
29 November 2022, 15:40

A two-day meeting with the Presidents and Coordinators of the Continental Assemblies of the Synod on preparations for the Continental Assemblies concluded today. The Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, Cardinal Mario Grech, said listening to everyone and excluding no one is part of the synodal journey.
By Vatican News Staff writer

The meeting of the Presidents and Coordinators of the Continental Assemblies to prepare the second stage of the synodal process 2021-2024, concluded Tuesday morning after two days of discussions.

The meeting was held in the offices of the Synod's General Secretariat. In a statement released by the Holy See Press Office, Cardinal Mario Grech, Secretary General of the Synod of Bishops, expressed his “gratitude and wonder” for the assembly: “I have heard the testimony of a living Church!"

“The sharing of these days shows that the journey is already well underway and that we have much to learn from each other,” the Cardinal continued. “I have great hope for our task, which is and remains first and foremost evangelisation: the proclamation of the good news of Jesus Christ. This is the synodal path.”

The Cardinal also noted the importance of including and listening to everyone, “because sometimes the Church is present where we did not think we would find it.”

Meeting with the Pope

On 28 November, Pope Francis welcomed the participants of the Continental Assemblies of the Synod for a private audience.

The meeting, described as having a “fraternal” atmosphere, lasted two hours.
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« Reply #11272 on: November 29, 2022, 04:41:30 PM »

Re:  Pope Francis' interview with "America Magazine"

Russian reaction to new interview illustrates logic for papal ‘silence’
By John L. Allen Jr.
Nov 29, 2022

ROME – In a new interview with the Jesuit-sponsored America magazine, Pope Francis defended himself against charges that’s been excessively silent on both Russia and China – Russia in the context of the war in Ukraine, and China vis-à-vis its record on human rights and especially religious freedom.

From time to time, critics have suggested that just as Pope Pius XII is sometimes reviled today for his alleged “silence” during the Holocaust, so Pope Francis may one day face a negative historical judgment for his discretion on both Moscow and Beijing.

As if right on cue, events yesterday proceeded to illustrate why Francis, or any pope, has to think carefully before issuing the sort of specific condemnations to which the pontiff referred.

In that same America interview, Francis briefly touched on the human cost of the conflict in Ukraine, saying he’s received “much information about the cruelty of the troops.” He included an observation about the source of the greatest abuses.

“As a rule, the most cruel, perhaps, are those who are from Russia, but do not adhere to the Russian tradition, such as Chechens, Buryats and so on,” the pope said, referring to two ethnic minorities who often supply front-line troops in Russia’s conflicts.

Chechens, from the south-west of Russia, are mostly Muslim. Buryats, meanwhile, are a Mongol ethnic group indigenous to eastern Siberia who traditionally follow Buddhist and shamanic beliefs.

Quite possibly, Francis intended the comment as an indirect overture to Moscow, a way of saying that the Russians themselves may not be quite as bloodthirsty as depicted. Based on the reactions from Moscow, that’s not quite how the pope’s words played out.

Yesterday a spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry, Maria Zakharova, lashed out in response to the papal interview.

“This is no longer Russophobia, it’s a perversion of the truth on a level I can’t even name,” Zakharova told the Russian news agency TASS.
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« Reply #11273 on: November 29, 2022, 04:45:17 PM »


Pope grieves for “wise and gentle pastor” Cardinal Baawobr
29 November 2022, 11:56

In a telegram of condolences Pope Francis prays for the soul of deceased Ghanean Cardinal Richard Kuuia Baawobr.
By Linda Bordoni

Pope Francis on Tuesday expressed sorrow for the death of Cardinal Richard Kuuia Baawobr, Archbishop of Wa, who died unexpectedly in Rome on Sunday evening.y

In a telegram in which he extends his heartfelt condolences to the Cardinal’s family, to the Missionaries of Africa of which he was part, to the clergy, religious and laity of the Diocese of Wa, the Pope said he is grateful for the Cardinal’s faithful witness to the Gospel, “marked by generous service to the Church in Ghana, especially to those in need.”

“I willingly join the faithful in praying that our merciful Father may grant to this wise and gentle pastor the reward of his labours and welcome him into the light and peace of heaven.”

The Pope’s telegram concluded with words of comfort for all those who are mourning the late Cardinal’s passing in the sure hope of the Resurrection and with his apostolic blessing “as a pledge of consolation and peace in Jesus, the firstborn from the dead.
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« Reply #11274 on: November 30, 2022, 04:46:55 PM »

  Uh, oh...

The Vatican says it’s been hacked — again
By Jonah McKeown
St. Louis, Mo., Nov 30, 2022 / 14:00 pm

A Vatican spokesman said Wednesday that the Holy See has taken down its main vatican.va website amid an apparent attempt to hack the site.

“Technical investigations are ongoing due to abnormal attempts to access the site,” Vatican spokesman Matteo Bruni told Reuters Nov. 30, without elaboration.

Numerous users online noted that the site was unavailable as of Tuesday morning. Among other things, vatican.va is the official online repository for papal encyclicals.

As of Wednesday afternoon in the United States, attempts by CNA to access the vatican.va website from several different web browsers produced “404” error messages. Ancillary websites, such as press.vatican.va, were still online as of Wednesday.
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« Reply #11275 on: November 30, 2022, 04:54:01 PM »

Video, with English commentary, at the link...

Pope: Genuine consolation confirms we are doing God’s will
30 November 2022, 08:48

In his catechesis at Wednesday’s General Audience, Pope Francis says genuine consolation in discernment is “a sort of confirmation that we are doing what God wants of us.
By Christopher Wells

“How can we recognize authentic consolation?” Pope Francis asked at the beginning of Wednesday’s General Audience.

In his continuing catechesis on discernment, the Holy Father turned to the Spiritual Exercises of Jesuit founder St Ignatius of Loyola, who says we must examine our thoughts to see if they are inclined to the good in their beginning, middle, and end. If all are directed towards what is good, “It is a sign of the good Angel,” the Pope said; while if our thoughts and intentions propose something bad, or weaken or distract our soul, it is a sign that such thoughts “proceed from the evil spirit, the enemy of our profit and eternal salvation.”
Pope Francis’ spiritual life tip: A daily examination of conscience helps to avoid repeating mistakes
By Courtney Mares
Rome Newsroom, Nov 30, 2022 / 04:11 am

General Audience, 30.11.2022
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« Reply #11276 on: November 30, 2022, 04:59:31 PM »


Pope to Bartholomew: Only dialogue and encounter can overcome conflicts
30 November 2022, 12:40

A Vatican Delegation led by Cardinal Sandri visits Istanbul for the occasion of the Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle and conveys Pope Francis’ “fraternal affection” to the Ecumenic Patriarch of Constantinople Bartholomew. In his message the Pope says that one of the most fruitful areas of cooperation between the Patriarchate and the Catholic Church is interreligious dialogue to promote peace.
By Lisa Zengarini

Following a long-standing tradition, on the occasion of today’s Feast of St. Andrew the Apostle, patron saint of Constantinople, Pope Francis has sent a delegation to Istanbul to convey his greetings and the assurance of his “fraternal affection” to the Ecumenic Patriarch Bartholomew.
Message of the Holy Father Francis to His Holiness Bartholomew I, Ecumenical Patriarch, for the Feast of Saint Andrew, 30.11.2022
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« Reply #11277 on: November 30, 2022, 05:17:24 PM »


Fr. Guerrero steps down, Mr. Maximino Caballero is the new Prefect of SpE
30 November 2022, 12:15

After three years as Prefect, the Spanish Jesuit resigns from his post for personal reasons related to his health, as he writes in a letter to the collaborators of the Secretariat for the Economy. Pope Francis has appointed the current Secretary in his place. He is another layman chosen to head an organism of the Holy See. Pope Francis has thanked Fr. Guerrero for his service.
By Vatican News

Pope Francis has accepted Father Juan Antonio Guerrero Alves’ resignation, “for personal reasons”, from the post of Prefect of the Secretariat for the Economy. The resignation takes effect on Thursday 1 December. Father Guerrero is succeeded by economist Maximino Caballero Ledo, the current Secretary of the Secretariat, who is connected to Guerrero by a long friendship. He received the appointment as Prefect by the Pope and will take office on the same day. Caballero thus becomes yet another layman to head an organism of the Holy See.

The Holy See Press Office released a statement that says the Pope thanked Father Guerrero warmly "for the dedication shown in his service to the Holy See". Father Guerrero, it added, "managed to put the economy in order, it was hard and demanding work that bore much fruit. The Holy Father assures him of His prayers".

To coincide with the announcement, Father Guerrero sent a letter to the employees and collaborators of the Secretariat for the Economy, in which he explains the reasons for his decision: “You are aware,” he writes, “that I have undergone surgery during the course of this year, and as a result of this I am undergoing medical treatment that has side effects that make it particularly difficult for me to carry out a task as demanding as the one I am entrusted with, and that requires a greater physical efficiency and mental concentration than what I have at this time”.
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« Reply #11278 on: December 01, 2022, 01:02:32 PM »


The Pope’s liturgical celebrations for the Christmas season
01 December 2022, 14:53

The calendar of Pontifical Liturgical Celebrations for Christmas season December 2022 – January 2023 has been released.
By Vatican News

The Holy See Press Office has released the Calendar of Pontifical Liturgical Celebrations for the Christmas Season.

The celebrations begin on Christmas Eve, 24 December, with the Holy Mass presided over by the Pope in St. Peter’s Basilica at 7:30 pm local time.

Urbi et Orbi

On Christmas day, 25 December, Pope Francis will give the Urbi et Orbi blessing from the Central Loggia of St. Peter’s Basilica at 12:00 noon.

On 31 December, the Holy Father is scheduled to preside at the First Vespers and Te Deum in thanksgiving for the past year in St. Peter’s Basilica at 5:00 pm.

January celebrations
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« Reply #11279 on: December 01, 2022, 01:06:16 PM »


Pope: Catholic educators on a common project at the service of humanity
01 December 2022, 17:25

Pope Francis sends a message to the Secretary General of the International Office of Catholic Education upholding the role of Catholic education to promote dialogue in the service of humanity.
By Linda Bordoni

Catholic education programmes and resources must give voice to a Word that surpasses and transcends us, Pope Francis writes in a message to a conference held by the International Office of Catholic Education (OIEC), and must form individuals in their integrity, creating bridges of dialogue between people of all faiths.

The message was addressed to Philippe Richard, Secretary General of the OIEC that is meeting in Marseille, France, to discuss the role of Catholic educators in restoring the fabric of relationships for the sake of a more fraternal humanity.

Describing education as an essential part of the life of the Church, the Pope said that education is a duty and a challenge, and for the
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